
=== Fujitsu [n=Fujitsu@c58-107-168-5.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-doc
nixternalhey Fujitsu, btw have you check out http://chi.ubuntu-us.org ?  that was done thanks to you and the theme btw!  i appreciate that big time12:15
=== Fujitsu checks it out.
FujitsuNo problem!12:16
FujitsuWow, it looks nice.12:16
nixternalthanks..i went through and hacked in some stuff similar to what is on the ubuntu.com front page12:17
nixternalmore drupal hacking to be done when i get a chance to do so12:17
nixternali want to remove the "post to front page" feature as well12:18
nixternalmy guys post to their blog and keep posting it on the front page12:18
FujitsuAha... I think you can remove that privilege, but I'm not sure.12:18
nixternalya, somewhere im sure..oh well..back to Release notes12:19
FujitsuYep :P12:19
nixternalBurgundavia: i am hitting up https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Kubuntu/Edgy/Knot2 right now12:19
nixternalfixing snapshots now and getting ready to get that completed and ready for a proofing12:20
Burgundavianixternal: I saw that. I will steal as needed12:31
Burgundavianixternal: lets regularize the urls of the ubuntu/kubuntu knot pages12:31
nixternalmost definitely..i went along with the /Testing/Kubuntu/Edgy way from mgalvin i believe12:33
nixternalwhat would you like them to be?12:33
nixternali will move and redirect as needed right now12:33
Burgundaviamy internet is giving me issues today, give me a sec12:34
nixternalno prob12:34
nixternalright now you have EdgyKnot2 for yours12:36
nixternalhow about...12:36
nixternal /Edgy/Knot2/Kubuntu  for my release12:36
nixternalor, I just get rid of the Testing on my current release and do /Kubuntu/Edgy/Knot212:37
Burgundaviawhat about EdgyEft/Knot2/Kubuntu12:37
Burgundaviathat puts it as a clear subpage of EdgyEft12:37
FujitsuThat's a good idea.12:37
Burgundavianixternal: feel free to move my page to EdgyEft/Knot212:39
nixternalwill do12:39
nixternalyours is /EdgyEft/Knot2/Ubuntu correct12:39
Burgundavianixternal: just remember to leave redirects behind. My internet is too unreliable today to deal with anything like moving wiki pages12:39
nixternalno problem12:39
BurgundaviaI would just leave it at /Knot212:39
FujitsuWhat package should bugs in the documentation be filed in?12:40
FujitsuI thought so. Thanks.12:41
nixternali love how fast the wiki is12:55
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BurgundaviaKamping_Kaiser: please do your documentation development on the help wiki, not the ubuntu one01:04
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nixternalBurgundavia: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyEft/Knot2  <- that is all you   and of course for Kubuntu -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyEft/Knot202:00
Burgundavianixternal: yep, but kill the knot1 stuff02:04
Burgundaviaknot1 has passed, no need to create anything for it02:05
nixternali did knot1 b4 the knot1 release02:05
nixternali just moved it to stay the same...02:05
Burgundaviaah, ok02:05
Burgundavianixternal: you also need to arrange the moving of the page to kubuntu.org02:06
Burgundaviait cannot stay on the wiki02:07
nixternali will get with imbrandon later on tonight about that i guess02:07
Burgundaviaok, we don't have to worry about it until nearer to knot202:07
nixternalroger that02:08
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nixternalhiya jsgotangco!02:41
LaserJockhi nixternal02:42
nixternalhiya LaserJock02:42
jsgotangconixternal: hey dude ho's it going how's the vacation02:42
Kamping_KaiserBurgundavia, sorry, i didnt want to clutter the wiki with half finished pages02:42
nixternalhmmm...was hoping Madpilot would be around to do a XChat run over for the Classroom tonight02:42
nixternaljsgotangco: vacation is over ;( it was good though, had a blast with my daughter...now im back to work with docs, release notes, and your stuff ;)02:43
nixternalNew User Network02:43
jsgotangcowow there is such a thing02:43
nixternalwe are doing an Introduction to IRC tonight, for the 2nd night actually02:43
jsgotangcoi guess i can't ask there about kernel dumps?02:43
nixternalyesterday we had up to 90 people in the class02:43
nixternalhaha not yet..these are for the new guys ;)02:43
jsgotangcothat's cool though02:44
nixternalim doing Konversation again..i did a 1 hour lecture on the basics yesterday02:44
nixternalim shooting for 30 minutes tonight02:44
jsgotangcoit seems the new kernel update for dapper borked my setup02:44
BurgundaviaKamping_Kaiser: no worries, better to have a half finished page on the help wiki than not at all02:44
jsgotangcoi havent really looked into it is probably the restricted modules02:44
nixternalsame here jsgotangco02:45
nixternali had major issues last night02:45
crimsunwhat happened?02:45
Kamping_KaiserBurgundavia, ok, i'll move them over when i get home tonight02:45
nixternalor 2 nights ago02:45
jsgotangcoare you using nvidia-glx?02:45
LaserJocknixternal: it really takes that long to go over konversation?02:45
nixternalbut i think it borked up hardware stuff, as just by moving my memory sticks around, i got it to work fine02:45
BurgundaviaKamping_Kaiser: while you are doing it, could you move anything else that should be moved?02:45
nixternalit did last night LaserJock, i went into everything with it02:45
Kamping_KaiserBurgundavia, sure. (when i get home is in 12 hours though)02:45
jsgotangcocrimsun: in mine, gdm loads, but after logging it just hangs02:45
jsgotangcoill probably take a look again later02:46
BurgundaviaKamping_Kaiser: no worries on the timing02:46
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jsgotangconixternal: where do slackers sit? wth is the channel moderated02:48
Kamping_Kaiserbye all, off to tafe :0, back in 12 hours, ish02:48
=== jsgotangco shows nixternal the finger
nixternalit is moderated, then people are voiced for questions during the thing02:49
jsgotangconixternal: boooo02:50
=== LaserJock throws a wade of paper at jsgotangco
=== jsgotangco starts making funny faces in front of nixternal
jsgotangcoLaserJock: nixternal is holding a class heh02:52
nixternali need a soda b4 this all starts02:52
LaserJocknixternal: is UWN #8 out the door02:52
nixternalthanks to Riddell and Burgundavia!!!02:52
nixternaland of course crimsun for his mad professor skills and proofing02:53
jsgotangcoso you had it out nice02:53
=== jsgotangco will be out for a few weeks
nixternalummm... jsgotangco, what about that email?  will you still be open for me sending you emails and what not concerning it?02:54
nixternalsoda time, then i get to teach ;)02:55
jsgotangcoi just wont be online often, folks are coming over for a 2 week vacation02:55
nixternalanyone interested in doing a X-Chat Lecture?02:55
nixternalahh, i should have hopped on the plane with them02:55
nixternali just got into o'hare on friday02:55
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LaserJockanybody know if there is a place that would have an Ubuntu Impress template?03:12
jsgotangcoi just grab old ones from mako before03:12
LaserJockI'd like one that has Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, and Edubuntu 03:13
LaserJockI had something in mind, maybe I'll just make it myself and see if it doesn't turn out like crap03:13
jsgotangcoi made a simple one for edubunt that looks like the website03:14
LaserJockmmy artistic skills are pretty bad03:14
jsgotangcofortunately, OOo has the Ubuntu colors03:14
LaserJockohhh, cool03:14
jsgotangcoi was pleased to see it explicity indicated03:14
bimberiLaserJock: /usr/share/example-content has a couple of odp files03:16
LaserJockyeah, i see those03:16
LaserJockI'd like to make something that has all of *buntu03:17
jsgotangcomaka a frankenstein out of all the logos, then have the mouse in the middle03:20
mpt__One Buntubuntu to rule them all03:24
FujitsuOne buntubuntu to find them. One buntubuntu to rule them all, and in the darkness bind them. Yes, we get it.03:25
Fujitsu*bring them all03:25
mpt__Who were you saying "Yes we get it" at, yourself? :-)03:27
FujitsuYep :P03:27
=== mpt__ nags mdke to review his patch
=== Fujitsu nags the CC to announce a time for the meeting.
bimberiFujitsu: a CC meeting is overdue, but is one iminent?03:30
Fujitsubimberi, they're meant to be every two weeks, on a Tuesday.03:30
FujitsuAnd they seem to only announce times just hours before.03:31
FujitsuAnd there hasn't been a meeting in 4 weeks.03:31
bimberiFujitsu: are they announced anywhere other than the CC Agenda WikiPage?03:35
Fujitsubimberi, not generally.03:35
bimberiFujitsu: kk, thanks, wasn't sure if i was missing something :)03:35
LaserJockthey should be on the fridge03:36
jsgotangcothings have been pretty busy because of the point release03:37
=== bimberi hopes the Community Manager will crack the whip ;)
crimsunwho's the CM? :-)03:41
LaserJockis that position filled?03:41
bimberiidk, the position is no longer on the employment page though03:41
crimsunI know a couple people who applied for it, but that's all I know.03:41
LaserJockjsgotangco: something sorta like this: http://chem.unr.edu/~mantha/ubuntu/impress.png03:43
LaserJockcrimsun: outside people?03:46
crimsunLaserJock: yes03:47
jsgotangcohoray for LaserJock artwork03:47
=== jsgotangco hides
LaserJockcrimsun: cool03:50
LaserJockjsgotangco: well, it's not much :/03:50
jsgotangcoi was kidding03:50
bimberiLaserJock: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Presentations03:56
LaserJockbimberi: ah cool, I didn't think of the right search phrase ;-)03:57
nixternalthank god that is over with04:06
nixternal[20:20]  <jsgotangco> maka a frankenstein out of all the logos, then have the mouse in the middle04:06
nixternali thought setting the logos up like the olympic rings with the world in the middle would be cool04:06
nixternaldon't know how the IOC would take that though04:07
jsgotangcothey are very feisty with their trademarks04:43
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nixternalcrimsun: you are my hero!06:40
LaserJocknixternal: he's many people's hero :-)06:40
nixternalheh, i just read over logs of his patience in #kubuntu earlier today with the rr guy that is annoying me in #ubuntu-chicago ;)06:41
nixternalhe is from Chicago, but recently has been bringing bad karma around06:41
jsgotangcostart the purge!06:47
=== jsgotangco hides
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Burgundaviajsgotangco: I would be careful with mangling our logos like that08:54
Burgundaviaregardless of the trademark policy, it is bad marketing08:54
mdkempt_: will try and look today08:54
Burgundaviahey mdke08:55
jsgotangcosure its just for fun though08:55
Burgundaviajsgotangco: but start bandying around stuff like that it starts becoming used really fast08:55
FujitsuVery very fast.08:55
mdkehi Burgundavia 08:55
nixternalhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyEft/Knot2/Kubuntu   <= that is where it is at now Burgundavia ;)08:57
Burgundavianixternal: sounds good08:58
nixternalit is pretty much complete..there are just a few finishing touches....and then we will be putting it up on k.o im assuming08:58
Laser_awayBurgundavia: are you going to give a talk at Ubucon?08:58
BurgundaviaLaser_away: likely I will dragooned into one08:59
jsgotangcoUbucon sounds very exciting!09:00
Laser_awayI'm up for "contributing to Ubuntu" and possibly "Intro to Launchpad, et al." (Yikes)09:01
BurgundaviaI will give "Back in the bad old days"09:01
crimsunloading that wiki page is slow death on this 33.609:02
Burgundavia"Sodomy, chocolate sprinkles, and Launchpad in Mataro"09:02
jsgotangcodont forget to mention the gastro sprint of death09:06
nixternal[02:02]  <crimsun> loading that wiki page is slow death on this 33.609:06
nixternali hope that was a joke ;)09:06
crimsunno, it really wasn't.09:07
johnlittleYeah, he's not talking about sprinkles09:07
nixternalheh, i will put a "Not for anything slower then 768k" warning on the top of the page ;)09:07
jsgotangcowhy is kubuntu in lavander?09:09
nixternalthat is the "New" look jsgotangco09:23
jsgotangcoit reminds me of downy09:23
MadpilotBurgundavia, you want to politely reject the latest WikiTeam hopeful, or should I do it tomorrow?09:47
BurgundaviaI will let you do it09:47
BurgundaviaI need to clear up my email backlog (currently at 600ish)09:47
Madpilotthanks - I think... 09:47
MadpilotI need to review the WikiTeam page - I don't think it's clear that we expect people to *first* do some good basic editing, *then* apply for the (theoretically) expanded privs that WikiTeam membership brings09:55
nixternalthat could help i guess09:55
Burgundaviayep, sounds good09:57
mdkeMadpilot: I think he is interested in the new forumwiki team10:07
mdkeand has applied to that, the wiki team and the docteam all together10:07
Madpilotwe're going to have a bit of confusing between the two, aren't we?10:07
mdkewell, I don't know10:07
Burgundaviaforumwiki team?10:07
Madpilotthe WikiTeam applicant in question is 'panickedthumb'10:07
Burgundaviahe is a long term forum user10:08
mdkeyes, he applied to all 310:08
mdkeI'll deal with it if you like10:08
Burgundaviaright, anyway, I need to sleep10:08
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mdkempt: around? just looking at your patch11:07
mdkempt: ok, replied on list. Thanks11:15
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lloydinho_sorry, did somebody ask for me?12:58
mdkelloydinho: didn't see anything12:59
mdkewhoops: I was worried I might have crashed your irc client by highlighting you, remembering the other day01:00
lloydinhono, my computer starts up x-chat-gnome automatically, but this ordinary x-chat which doesn't have that problem..01:00
lloydinho.. which is odd, I guess.01:01
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Kamping_Kaiserhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/MovingWikiPages doesnt explain how to move from wiki.u.c to help.u.c03:19
mdkeKamping_Kaiser: there is no magic in it. Just copy the contents into the place you want the page to be. 03:20
Kamping_Kaiserso edit -> copy -> paste? i can do that :)03:20
=== Kamping_Kaiser thought there might be a way which saved revision info
mdkewell, you can copy the folder across if you have access to the server, I suppose03:21
mdkebut you don't :)03:21
Kamping_Kaiserfraid not :)03:22
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Kamping_Kaiserok, moved my 5 docs out of my wiki home into help.u.c, hopefully properly03:39
mdkenot bad03:39
mdkeKamping_Kaiser: however you haven't followed the number one rule of AvoidingASlapByMdke03:40
=== mdke slaps Kamping_Kaiser
=== Kamping_Kaiser winces
Kamping_Kaiserused howto in titles?03:40
=== Kamping_Kaiser slaps self
mdkesee https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WikiGuide/PageCreation03:40
mdkenice work on those tho03:41
Kamping_Kaiserthanks. suppose i should move them again now :)03:41
mdkeI'll rename em03:42
mdkewas there nothing on debmirror already?03:42
Kamping_Kaisermdke, not at the time i made it03:43
Kamping_Kaiser(back before the help was moved to the new site even)03:43
mdkeok, maybe have a quick check that there is nothing to integrate.03:45
mdkeKamping_Kaiser: quick feedback on those pages, they would benefit a lot with an introduction stating what the application does and why someone might want to use it03:45
Kamping_Kaisermdke, oh, i didnt think of that. I'll try and remember to fix tehm tomorrow/soon. i write them somehow asuming someones found the tools, knows what to use them for, but doesnt know how to use them.03:49
mdkeKamping_Kaiser: yeah I know what you mean, but I think it would add to them. 03:54
Kamping_Kaiserof course. i just didnt think. i'll add them when i have time03:55
mdkeKamping_Kaiser: awesome, nice job03:59
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nixternaltalk about a busy morning ;)06:02
jsgotangcogood thing im about to sleep06:02
jjessemorning nixternal06:02
nixternalya, i just woke up from that ;)06:02
nixternalmornin' jjesse06:02
nixternalor afternoon to you now, since it is 12pm in the rapids06:03
jjesseyeah just turned :)06:03
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jjessenixternal: in the weekly newsletter there needs to be a carriage return or something to seperate Willow-ng from Migration Assistant06:07
jjesseotherwise it looks like only one SoC project is listed06:07
nixternalI noticed in the KDE Help Center, the "Contact Information" is all about KDE, and there are no links to Kubuntu or Ubuntu contacts, for instance the various mailing lists like they have done with the KDE stuff, any reason?  should this be created maybe for Edgy?06:08
nixternalok jjesse, i can fix that quickly i guess ;)06:08
nixternalfixed...it is weird that the wiki has not been recognizing carriage returns...now there is a double space, which works06:10
jsgotangconixternal: can an ipod video be flashable to linux?06:11
nixternalwhat do you mean by flashable?06:11
nixternalturned into flash? that i hope not ;)06:12
nixternalcopied over to linux and played?06:12
jsgotangcochange the firmware06:13
nixternaloh..hehe not that i am aware of06:13
nixternalit has to be done in windows, unless you are using 3rd party os for it06:13
nixternalwhich rockbox doesn't do video06:13
jsgotangcomy wife will kill me if i attempt to mess at her ipod06:14
nixternaland the ipod linux isn't up to par as of yet either06:14
jsgotangcoi should probably just get an old one06:14
nixternalmaybe you could flash it via wine?06:14
jsgotangcoi have a ton of ogg files here06:14
nixternaloh, jsgotangco, actually yes you can "flash" it06:14
nixternalbut what you do, is back it up, it is a lot of work06:14
nixternali believe the rockbox website actually shows you how to do it06:15
jsgotangcoor maybe i'll just look for an i-river with ogg support06:15
nixternalwell, with i-river i would recommend the rockbox os for it06:15
nixternalit can play anything06:15
jsgotangcowhats the url of that rockbox thing?06:16
jsgotangcowait found it06:16
=== mdke points at google, and at #ubuntu-offtopic
jsgotangcomdke: you're no fun all the time06:17
mdkejsgotangco: yeah, I know, I'm grumpy06:18
mdkebut it's only because reading the channel logs looking to see what I have missed makes me grumpy06:18
jsgotangconixternal: this looks really painful06:19
nixternalhehe, it is and it isn't06:19
nixternaljjesse: with the Kubuntu Dapper release notes, I am fixing a couple of things in it, and there is a part for "Zeroconf". isn't that kind of false to have that. I mean it is in Kubuntu, it just doesn't work the way it was meant to be in Dapper i thought06:23
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nixternaljjesse: are you currently working on Kubuntu release notes for Edgy?  and if so, feel free to give me a page or 2 to work on to lend you a hand06:38
nixternali have been doing the current release pages for k.o so i kinda have an idea of what is in it and what isn't06:38
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jjessenixternal: ping08:33
nixternali have way to many winders open right now08:33
jjessegrin :)08:34
nixternali have stuff flashin' and beepin' at me08:34
nixternalgot lost there08:34
jjesseumm i haven't really started an upload for edgy release notes08:34
jjessebut was planning on copying what you have in testing/Knot1 or whatever08:34
nixternalyou are going to follow the previous i am sure..just update it with Edgy notes08:34
nixternalwell that has all changed08:34
nixternalhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyEft/Knot1/Kubuntu    and     https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyEft/Knot1/Kubuntu08:35
nixternalthose will eventually make it to the kubuntu.org site..im working with imbrandon on that right now08:35
jjesseok thats fine, just make sure they get uploaded to docbook as well :)08:36
nixternalyou want each release docbook?08:37
nixternalknot 1, knot 2, and so on?08:37
jjesseno just final :)08:37
nixternaloh...no problem08:37
jjesseumm check w/ Riddell to see if they are uploading kubuntu-docs into edgy yet?08:37
nixternalhowever, we don't need the images for the release notes that go into the KDE Help Center correct?08:37
nixternali know they are either getting ready to, or have done it...i have seen doc commits to edgy, just can't remember if they were DE specific08:38
nixternalRiddell: pingerz?08:38
jjessewell i don't know if they built any packages08:38
nixternali don't know why i just did that, because i am sure he will see your highlight ;)08:38
jjessei don't think anyone's built a kubuntu-docs package yet, i think that happens at the end of things?08:40
nixternalya im sure it does..since there are a lot of changes ahead08:40
LaserJockI thought there was 1 upload for Edgy already08:41
jjessethere may have been, which is why i would like to have some release notes uploaded into docbook :)08:41
nixternalthere was LaserJock, but i think it was pretty much Ubuntu specific and generic maybe...ok, im going to read commits b4 i go retarded here08:42
nixternalOK: ubuntu-docs_6.08.1.dsc08:43
nixternal  -> Component: main Section: text08:43
nixternalOK: ubuntu-docs_6.08.1.tar.gz08:43
LaserJockthere was an ubuntu-docs08:43
LaserJockbut I thought also a kubuntu-docs08:43
nixternalim lookin' now08:44
LaserJockI thought it was earlier than the ubuntu-docs but I could be wrong08:44
nixternalnope, no kubuntu docs08:44
LaserJockyou can always check LP08:44
nixternali have a nice breakdown of commits in kmail ;)08:45
LaserJocklooks like it's just dapper's08:45
nixternalno edgy ones yet08:49
LaserJockmaybe it was just -updates that I saw08:50
nixternali did see recent update commits on the doc-commit list08:50
nixternaljjesse: i submitted a patch for kubuntu release notes on the ML a little while ago08:50
nixternalit is pretty legit, as it fixes a couple minor spelling issues08:50
nixternaldon't know if there is a .1 freeze yet08:51
jjesseyeah i still don't have my key figured out due to computer issues08:51
jjessei don't think there is, but let Riddell know so he can recreate the package08:51
nixternalya, plus i want to ask if he is interested in a "Contact Information" page for Kubuntu, like KDE has done and listed in the Help Center08:53
jjessethat sounds cool08:53
nixternali could whip something up quick and show it to him to see what he thinks08:53
jjesseis there an "edgy" version of debian?08:53
LaserJocka what?08:54
jjessewhat is the cutting edge/unstable verrsion of debian called?08:54
jjessejust unstable?08:54
LaserJockunstable or sid08:55
nixternali almost said edgy eft ;)08:55
nixternalheh, or Dapper in some cases ;)08:55
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trappistwell there's unstable, but then there's testing.  and then there's experimental.09:36
jjessedoes anyone remember if I changed all references to amaroK and made them Amarok in kubuntu gnotes?09:36
jjessenixternal: were you ever officially approved by mako ?09:56
mdkegooood evening10:07
mdkeso what do people think about getting rid of the licences for those individual docs that still have them?10:10
jjessethe dual license?  sorry haven't been following the discussion much on the list10:11
jjesseso i don't have much of an opinion10:11
mdkenot that10:11
jjesseoh did i miss another email?10:11
mdkeI was thinking that having the whole licenses in an appendix to each doc is pretty cumbersome and ugly10:11
jjesseyeah it is10:11
mdkemaybe we could just link to them in the articleinfo/bookinfo10:11
mdkewe already do that for some of the articles, but the books have them in their entirety, the reader doesn't really care, let's be honest ;)10:12
jjessei bet the reader doesn't even open them :)10:12
mdkeright, they get in the way10:12
jjessenext week i'm traveling, so when i'm in the hotel and bored at night i'l l be able to really work on documents :)10:13
mdkeI've added those two licenses questions to the agenda for the next meeting, whenever it is. The more comments on the mailing list the better10:18
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LaserJockmdke: can GFDL be done that way?10:47
LaserJockdoh, I'm a little late10:48
nixternalheh, jjesse disappears right b4 i can give him an answer10:52
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mdkeLaserJock: I'm undecided, see what you think and mail the list?11:53
mdkeit's done like that for About Ubuntu, About Kubuntu and so on tho, whether it is possible or not ;)11:54
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nixternalhiya Madpilot12:06
LaserJockare  either of you guys ops in #ubuntu?12:11
MadpilotI am, yeah12:11

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