[12:16] mjg59: depends on where you are talking about [12:16] BenC: Random driver patches [12:16] Like the aforementioned quiesce-ipw2200 [12:16] mjg59: most everything got forward ported, except all of sound, and anything that didn't patch cleanly [12:16] BenC: Have you got a list of the ones that didn't apply? [12:17] I already took care of the ones I know about [12:17] Ok [12:17] ipw2200 probably just got clobbered because I updated it and again, forgot about cherry-picking the quiesce patch [12:17] Ok [12:20] cherry picked now [12:21] Ta [12:27] Hm. [12:27] Shouldn't the kernelteam wiki page suggest using git:// rather than rsync:// ? [12:40] BenC: Hm. There's a patch missing from the sdhci driver as well. [12:40] (I was actually going to ask you to drop it, but still :) ) === BenC [n=bcollins@debian/developer/bcollins] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === zul [n=chuck@ubuntu/member/zul] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === TheMuso [n=luke@ubuntu/member/themuso] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === zul [n=chuck@ubuntu/member/zul] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === BenC [n=bcollins@debian/developer/bcollins] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === johanbr [n=j@d154-20-189-105.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [04:48] BenC: ping [04:49] http://xenbits.xensource.com/ext/linux-2.6.tip-xen.hg merc tree based off of 2.6.18 lets see how crazy i can be [04:52] please don't do a 2.6.18 xen...then ppl will start complaining "if we can have a 2.6.18 xen, why can't we have a normal kernel that's 2.6.18" [04:52] :) [04:53] nah...im going to try to extract 2.6.17 [04:54] there should be a way to get all the xen patches that aren't in linux-2.6 HEAD, and cherry-pick them to 2.6.17.y branch [04:54] thats what im trying to find out [04:55] #git on OFTC might be helpful on how to do that [04:58] okie dokie [04:59] im going to go play some unreal while this downloads [05:09] BenC: hmm...interesting [05:09] VERSION = 2 [05:09] PATCHLEVEL = 6 [05:09] SUBLEVEL = 17 [05:09] EXTRAVERSION = [05:09] NAME=Crazed Snow-Weasel [05:23] ah ok...i see what redhat is doing..they are hardcoding mach-xen in their include files === scottevil [n=nothanks@c-24-15-218-88.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [05:30] hello, I have a question I'd like to ask that people in #ubuntu don't seem to know [05:31] I have hardware RAID, need to load a custom built module with the livecd to install ubuntu [05:31] have vmware set up, built kernel module, but it is built with [05:31] where livecd (even latest daily) is 2.6.15-26 [05:32] and says struct kernel_module does not agree, so it will not load [05:32] how do I get ahold of 2.6.15-26 kernel to build the proprietary module? [05:32] you need linux-headers-2.6.15-26-$arch [05:33] I am not completely new to ubuntu, but havent tried to do anything difficult yet [05:33] can I apt-get that somehow? [05:34] yes [05:34] sudo apt-get linux-headers-2.6.15-26-386? [05:34] apt-get install [05:35] sudo apt-get install .... [05:35] ? [05:35] linux-headers-2.6.15-26-386 if you want $arch to be 386 [05:35] really, this is a #ubuntu question. [05:35] I know I know, but I've been lurking there for a couple of days [05:36] probably more of an ubuntuforums.org question actually :) [05:37] one other question is, why linux-headers and not kernel-source? I do have to build a kernel to build the module... [05:38] because you compile external kernel modules against linux-headers, not linux-source [05:39] ahh, interesting. I wrote a kernel module as part of my job and didnt know that (very limited time to develop) [05:40] will try that, thanks. [05:40] np === dilinger [i=dilinger@mouth.voxel.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === Keybuk [n=scott@quest.netsplit.com] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === johanbr [n=j@d154-20-189-105.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === Lure [n=lure@ubuntu/member/lure] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === doko [n=doko@dslb-088-073-108-144.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === allee [n=ach@allee.exgal.mpe.mpg.de] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === lloydinho [n=andreas@rosinante.egmont-kol.dk] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === Keybuk [n=scott@quest.netsplit.com] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === tuxmaniac [n=aanjhan@unaffiliated/tuxmaniac] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === zul [n=chuck@ubuntu/member/zul] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === rodarvus [n=rodarvus@ubuntu/member/rodarvus] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [03:34] blah [04:02] zul: hmm? [04:03] i dont wanna work today [04:06] hey jeff btw [04:06] hello jeff [04:09] zul: Nor do I, but largely because on Thursday I'm not working for a short period of time [04:09] And it's always hard to keep from going into vacation mode early. =) [04:09] Hi andrew [04:11] jbailey: yeah but im not suppose to be at work today and the wifey is freaking out again [04:11] About you working? [04:11] Offer to stop. ;) [04:12] yeah well i have tomorrow off and taking thursday off [04:22] Hm. [04:22] We don't seem to have many acpi patches. [04:23] Should probably be rectified... [04:26] mjg59: What, your Ph.D leaving you too much spare time again? ;) [04:26] Haha [04:27] Actually, today, yes === kbyrd [n=Miranda@mailout1.vmware.com] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === BenC [n=bcollins@debian/developer/bcollins] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === rodarvus_ [n=rodarvus@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === ajmitch [n=ajmitch@ubuntu/member/ajmitch] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === Keybuk [n=scott@quest.netsplit.com] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [07:11] so, if one steals the console from X, it gets upset === Keybuk didn't realise X held /dev/console [07:35] Keybuk: More usplash playing? =) [07:35] Keybuk: I noticed that until yesterday, I had to hit alt-f1 to get X to start. [07:35] whatever did you guys do to the fonts, btw? =) [07:35] And NM seems to work better now. =) [07:35] jbailey: I fixed that [07:36] Which fonts? [07:36] In the little usplash box. [07:36] usplash-with-svgalib uses a different font to usplash-with-bogl [07:36] They now remind me of a hercules graphics card. [07:36] Ah, I hadn't noticed that it'd changed from bogl. [07:36] That's how it can run in different resolutions now [07:36] Handy! [07:37] Is svgalib actually cross platofrm, or is this just a hack for the most popular arches? [07:38] mjg59: interestingly, the svgalib version gets the palette badly wrong forme [07:40] Keybuk: Interesting. How? [07:40] jbailey: Should actually work on anything with a PC BIOS [07:40] But pragmatically speaking, we have working framebuffers on everything other than x86 and amd64, so. [07:41] mjg59: 0 thru 8 are all black [07:41] Keybuk: Oh. I get that as well. I assumed that the testcard was supposed to be broken like that. [07:41] mjg59: no [07:41] Gosh, you're right [07:41] Heh [07:42] Ok, either the palette setting code or the de-RLEing code is wrong [07:42] the test card is a standard vga palette with 0 and 7 reversed [07:42] (ie, grey and black) [07:42] Should be easy enough to fix [07:46] The RLE stuff looks good, so I suspect it's the palette setting === jwest- [n=jwest@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [07:54] Keybuk: Ok, the colours are getting to vga_setpalette without any problems [07:54] Ah. Then they're supposed to vanish into vesa. [07:56] Hm. Could just set up a non-palettised screenmode, that would probably fix it :) === johanbr [n=j@jupiter.physics.ubc.ca] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [08:23] interesting: http://kernel.macosforge.org/ [08:24] No drivers included [08:24] ah that sucks === Keybuk [n=scott@quest.netsplit.com] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === zul [n=chuck@ubuntu/member/zul] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [09:46] BenC: I think we want newer acpi [09:47] (and a newer alsa) [09:48] I grabbed aoa from latest alsa [09:48] latest also is filled with IRQF_* changes, so I need to take some time to grab the whole thing [09:48] BenC: ah, ok, thanks. [09:48] mjg59: is there an easy way to get the latest acpi stuff? [09:48] BenC: Nope [09:48] I'm poking it now [09:49] git diff [09:49] -CONFIG_ACPI=y [09:50] +# CONFIG_ACPI is not set [09:50] whops.. [09:50] hehe === Maya [i=Maya@gateway/tor/x-67af90523356896c] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === Maya [i=Maya@gateway/tor/x-67af90523356896c] has left #ubuntu-kernel ["cya] [10:57] BenC: What's the issue with making 0386 SMP? [10:57] -386 [10:57] Damned fingers [11:05] BenC: RE: bug 40737: current ubuntu-2.6 git has the patch, which I submitted on 24 July, but the patch wasn't merged into ubuntu-2.6 until 01 Aug, so unless the reporter is using one of your daily kernels, the report for edgy (and dapper) is not current === klhrevolutionist [n=klhrevol@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === BenC [n=bcollins@debian/developer/bcollins] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === klhrevolutionist [n=klhrevol@] has left #ubuntu-kernel []