
=== hunger [n=tobias@p54A631CA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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Riddellktorrent 2.0 out http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=2635301:49
Riddellwho wants to package?01:50
omeowIf I want to make a diff between two files, what are the common options for it, so that it can be used by the patch command?01:53
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freeflyingRiddell: I will do it today01:55
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Riddellfreeflying: cool02:01
=== omeow [n=omega@co63471-a.olden1.ov.home.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel
DaSkreechWell the peasants are revolting :)02:09
DaSkreechWe should have a log of complaints raised in the IRC for monthly stats02:10
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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=== rob [i=Robert@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.rob] has joined #kubuntu-devel
HobbseeYour request for the file "edgy-desktop-i386.iso" has been actioned. The file is available as per the information listed below.02:51
HobbseeSummary: Kubuntu Edgy Eft Preview Knot 1 ISO02:51
HobbseeFilesize: 673,398,78402:52
HobbseeThis file is scheduled to expire from the Files Library at 11:50am 01-11-2006. Please ensure you have downloaded it before this date!02:52
=== Hobbsee_ [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
nixternalhiya Hobbsee!02:54
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
freeflyinganyone would work on ktorrent, I can not work on it today03:25
freeflyingHobbsee: ?03:26
freeflyingimbrandon: ?03:26
freeflyingnixternal: ?03:26
Hobbseefreeflying: what's wrong with tit?03:26
freeflyingHobbsee: I prepare packageing it, but now I found I;ve too much work on my TODO  :)03:28
Hobbseefreeflying: ahhh... new upstream version?03:28
freeflyingHobbsee: ya03:29
Hobbseefreeflying: you know that main freeze was almost a month ago?03:29
Hobbseepetrol time.03:30
freeflying[07:49]  <Riddell> ktorrent 2.0 out http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=2635303:30
freeflying[07:50]  <Riddell> who wants to package?03:30
imbrandonfreeflying: sure i'll get to it later tonight03:51
=== imbrandon is afk for the next ~45min
=== bddebian [n=bdefrees@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseefreeflying: ah okay.04:02
Hobbseefreeflying: i'll take a look at it04:05
Hobbseeprobably when i come home again04:05
Hobbseefreeflying: if you want, i'll either do it, or poke someone else to04:06
freeflyingHobbsee: up to you  :)04:06
Hobbseefreeflying: okay, cool :)04:06
freeflyingHobbsee: thanks04:07
Hobbseeso far so good04:08
Hobbseeyep, that's right.  excelllent.04:08
=== ryanakca [n=ryanakca@unaffiliated/ryanakca] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseehi ryanakca 04:09
ryanakcaHey Hobbsee 04:10
Hobbseek3b only behaves when you run it as root.  interesting.04:19
imbrandonHobbsee: yea k3b needs some love and FYI i have the ktorrent almost done ( building now to test )04:20
Hobbseeimbrandon: oh cool :)04:21
=== Hobbsee rarely uses it.
imbrandonheh i do all the time ;)04:21
=== Hobbsee doesnt burn cds much. seaLne was doing some work on k3b last night
imbrandonohh i thought you ment ktorrent, yea i dont use k3b much but my little brother does , i had to coerse it on dapper04:22
Hobbseeimbrandon: kdesu k3b and it stops complaining :P04:22
imbrandonyea 04:22
ryanakcacan I reject: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kdetoys/+bug/24831        nobody has commented since 2006-04-04...04:24
UbugtuMalone bug 24831 in kdetoys "Cannot configure KWeather for Sydney, Australia" [Medium,Confirmed]  04:24
Hobbseeryanakca: does it still exist?  actually, i think i tried that, and made it work04:25
ryanakcadon't know... I don't have the applet... so, reject, if it is fixed?04:26
=== Hobbsee tries it out
Hobbseeryanakca: looks fixed to me04:28
Hobbseetemperature is about right, too...04:28
ryanakcaFix Released or Rejected?04:29
imbrandonreject and note that it dosent happen with the latest version04:29
imbrandonunlesss you know what version they were using04:29
Hobbseewell, i'd hit released. it really doesnt matter04:29
Hobbseeimbrandon: iirc, we dont really care - the bugfixes go into whatever release that is the newest.04:30
ryanakcadone... and I'm off to bed... I'll look at some more of those packagebugs in the morning :)04:30
Hobbseenight ryanakca 04:34
Hobbseeryanakca: cool :)04:34
=== erov [n=j@c-69-247-101-157.hsd1.ms.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== freeflying|away [n=freeflyi@ubuntu/member/freeflying] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== nixternal_ [n=nixterna@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
imbrandonRiddell: ping05:29
imbrandoni have ktorrent 2.0 built/packaged and tested ( downloaded some dr who with it lol ) lemme know when your arround05:31
nixternalimbrandon: you busy right now?05:36
imbrandonnot especialy , workin on a few things but not that big of a deal05:37
imbrandonwasup ?05:37
nixternalmsg me05:37
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imbrandonmoins raphink07:31
raphinkhi im07:31
raphinkhi imbrandon07:31
=== fritsch [i=kGKphF7B@nat-wh-1.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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nixternalLure: thanks for the edits on the edgy release page ;)09:29
imbrandonRiddell: are you arround yet this morning ?09:30
Lurenixternal: that was minor change - thank you for great release page!09:30
nixternalminor or not, it was a good one...for one you made it easier for someone to file a bug, and then you gave precise info on the laptop buttons, excellent ;)09:30
nixternali appreciate the kind comments as well ;)09:31
=== seaLne is now known as seaLne_
=== seaLne [n=seaLne@ubuntu/member/sealne] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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seaLnethe problem with k3b seems to be the permissions in /dev09:46
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=== fritsch [i=6c79YrC6@nat-wh-1.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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=== el [n=konversa@u40-30.dsl.vianetworks.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
seaLnewould anyone be willing to try building k3b 1.0pre1 in pbuilder for me?  i want to check after my problems building kopete yesterday whether its me or not: http://geeksoc.org/~kd/k3b/10:26
HobbseeseaLne: sure10:27
HobbseeseaLne: and why were you building kopete, out of curiousity?10:27
seaLnethe freenode irc server listed is irc.debian.org :)10:27
HobbseeseaLne: ah yes.10:28
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HobbseeseaLne: builds fine here.10:34
seaLneno complaints from configure about no qt?10:35
HobbseeseaLne: nope, none10:35
seaLnei wonder what is wrong with my machine10:35
Hobbseedelete the base tarball, and build it again.10:36
Hobbseehten try10:36
seaLneit wouldn't do anything in pbuilder for me10:36
seaLnei've lost the output then me try again then i'll show you10:37
seaLnewow that was impressably bad grammer, i should think before i type or not read what i've typed :)10:41
seaLneHobbsee: http://pastebin.ca/12344310:46
seaLnei think you commented on the problem when i was having it yesterday10:48
Hobbseeoh yeah, that10:49
Hobbseemagic-haskell_1.0.3-0.1ubuntu1.dsc: Version older than that in the archive. 1.0.3-0.1ubuntu1 <= 1.0.3ubuntu110:51
Hobbseehah.  oops10:51
=== abattoir [n=abattoir@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== toma [n=toma@toma.kovoks.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel
seaLneno daily live images?11:56
HobbseeseaLne: i would think there are11:56
seaLnehttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/ would sugest not11:56
seaLneyeah alternate notlive11:57
Hobbseehmmm..  seems that you're right11:58
HobbseeseaLne: i got my isp to host the knot 1 kubuntu desktop cd on their unmetered site :)11:58
=== Hobbsee downloaded it in about 30mins, with a download accelerator :)
RiddellseaLne: not until dapper point release is out11:58
Hobbseemorning Riddell 11:58
seaLnewhy don't you get them to do an ubuntu mirror?11:58
HobbseeseaLne: i wish.11:58
Riddellan ubuntu mirror sounds more generally useful than knot 111:58
HobbseeseaLne: mainly because it wouldnt be that much of a help to me.  there's no point building against old sources, packages, etc11:59
seaLnewhen is 6.06.1 out?11:59
HobbseeRiddell: true...11:59
seaLneHobbsee: mirrors are normally updated...11:59
HobbseeseaLne: true11:59
RiddellseaLne: hopefully very soon11:59
HobbseeseaLne: there is a .au mirror11:59
=== Hobbsee has been usign the uni bandwidth for updates :D
Hobbseea little slower, but from the UK, it makes no difference anyway11:59
Hobbseehi toma 12:00
HobbseeseaLne: true.  not quick enough though :P12:01
=== Hobbsee is impatient.
=== imbrandon_ [n=brandon@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.imbrandon] has joined #kubuntu-devel
seaLnecan someone try using irc with kopete ubuntu4 as i get knocked back about ident12:44
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seaLneweird the install wants my ISPs phone number and fails (wired network no modem)12:54
Riddellinstall of what?12:59
seaLneyesterdays alternate cd01:00
=== seaLne tries again
seaLneor was it the day befores, anyway the latest one01:01
seaLnewhere can i check for more detailed info than "instalation step failed"?01:01
Riddell /var/log/installer01:04
seaLnei looked for that but it dosen't exist01:04
RiddellSime: in DPMS monitor modes what's the difference between suspend, standby and off?01:06
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=== My8os [n=My8os@ppp137-233.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #Kubuntu-devel
imbrandon_moins Riddell , did you get my link ?01:11
imbrandon_i'm guessing it will need a uvf or something , i dident file one becouse i wasent sure what you had planed01:11
tomaRiddell: pingo?01:12
=== rouzic [n=rouzic@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddelltoma: toot01:13
Riddellimbrandon_: yes thanks01:13
Riddellimbrandon_: have you tried it, any problems?01:13
imbrandon_yip me and nixternal both tried it, seemd solid, 01:14
imbrandon_faster than 1.2 for sure01:14
=== hunger_work [n=tobias@pd95b0676.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== hunger_work wonders since when avahi is a print server...
tomaRiddell: do you have any idea what Kevin Donnely means on kde-i18n-doc?01:15
Riddellhunger_work: never01:15
hunger_workThe new zeroconf enable warning is way to technical IMHO...01:15
Riddelltoma: layout?  he probably wants all the kde files listed together and all the gnome files together etc01:15
hunger_workRiddell: And when enableing avahi there is no print server that can get exploited if it has security problems:-)01:15
tomaRiddell: "greater segmentation"01:16
tomaRiddell: allright. no idea how that should happen01:16
Riddellhunger_work: it's margionally nicer than the gnome one, but suggestions for improvements welcome01:17
Riddellhunger_work: are you saying I've messed up the avahi warning to still have the printer warning?01:17
hunger_workRiddell: I just got that and I have just updated. I have not loged out, so I might still have seen the old one thoungh.01:18
hunger_workRiddell: Thinking about it: It probably is fixed and I am still seeing the old text.01:19
Riddell+         QString scaryMessage = i18n("Enabling local network browsing will open a network port (5353) on your computer.  If security problems01:19
Riddell are discovered in the print server, remote attackers could access your computer as the \"avahi\" user.");01:19
Riddellhmm, yes, my fault01:19
RiddellI wonder what to replace that with01:20
hunger_workDoes that easy-zeroconf thingy mean that services offered by my computer are announced automatically (if avahi is turned on)?01:20
Riddellit turns avahi on, thus announcing services offered by the computer01:20
ajmitcha default install probably has no services to offer 01:21
hunger_workRiddell: Yes, but does i.e. starting ssh announce fish, sftp, etc. connectability of this box?01:21
ajmitchhunger_work: no01:21
ajmitchunless the package has changed01:22
Riddellbut you can start kbattleships and offer battleship connectivity01:22
ajmitchyou can configure some services to be announced manually01:22
ajmitchbut most are by avahi-using apps01:22
hunger_workajmitch: Too bad... that would make things really easy!01:22
Riddellhunger_work: installing ssh isn't difficult, but it still doesn't get announced automatically01:23
Riddellajmitch: are you an emacs user?01:24
ajmitchI am01:24
seaLneavahi could just portscan all machines it can find to look for services ;-)01:24
hunger_workRiddell: I know that installing ssh is easy:-) But having it announce itself requires some fiddling with the init scripts...01:24
hunger_workRiddell: Would be really cool if ubuntu did all that fiddling for me;-)01:24
Riddellhunger_work: agreesd01:24
Riddellajmitch: how do you get emacs to let you edit .diff files?01:24
ajmitchRiddell: good question - it usually sets the readonly01:25
RiddellseaLne: that's the LISA way01:25
Riddellajmitch: which is the most annoying thing in the world01:25
ajmitchI usually go to vim in that case01:26
ajmitchI've been too lazy to figure it out01:26
=== goldenear [n=goldenea@vol75-4-82-225-33-186.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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seaLnehow do you bot in expert mode on kubuntu d-i?01:37
seaLneah f6?01:37
Riddellshould be an option at the CD boot screen01:37
seaLneit isn't01:38
=== Hobbsee is back to take over the world.
=== abattoir [n=abattoir@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== seaLne hopes it takes her awhile to get here
Hobbseehey cool, i own a team now.01:53
tomaHobbsee: but you are not the administrator02:01
Hobbseetoma: no, i'm the owner.02:01
=== Lure [n=lure@ubuntu/member/lure] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddellsebas: did you have any ideas about measing system idle time in a power management applet?02:05
sebasNope, actually I didn't get around to coding for four weeks.02:05
sebasVacation and other business02:06
Riddellsebas: I'm busy coding stuff02:06
sebasAye, what?02:06
Riddellsebas: a lot of your code doesn't use HAL02:06
Riddella power management applet02:06
Riddellbased on your work02:07
sebasRiddell: There's two parts, cpufreq (there is no HAL support yet) and brightness (need to port)02:07
Riddellcpufreq should take care of itself in ubuntu, although it would be nice to have it reported02:08
sebascpufreq support is being worked on by the powersave guys02:08
sebasHm, how so?02:08
sebas(take care of itself)02:08
Riddellthere should be a daemon that just quietly does the right thing02:08
sebasOk, that's cool.02:09
sebasDoes the rest of the code work well on your machine?02:10
sebasAh, that just scales down, and scales up when needed, it's not ideal though.02:10
Riddellbut I have no idea how to measure idle time02:10
Riddellgnome-power-manager seems to look at the CPU usage level02:10
RiddellI'd have expected it to check for mouse and keyboard usage too02:11
sebasIt sucks for workloads where you have short peaks, powernowd has too much latency too increase freq fast enough, so you have your peak (when you need processing power), then powernowd scales up (when the system is actually idle), and has already scaled down when the next peak comes.02:11
sebasThere's an in-kernel cpufreq governor which does the same, but with less latency.02:11
sebasSo it makes sense to not use powernowd when the user wants full speed (though it's really hard to get right).02:12
Riddellfor the moment I'd rather just go with what ubuntu has, but if powersaved comes up with something better we can look at that02:13
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sebasYeah, I'd agree on that.02:13
sebasYou aren't working in kde svn?02:14
Riddellsebas: not yet, I should have something by the end of today to show you though02:16
sebasAh, cool :)02:17
Hobbseehey, meeting's tomorrow, right?02:21
Hobbseethurs night 2100UTC?02:21
tomaHobbsee: gonna fill the agenda now?02:24
HobbseeRiddell: right.  i just had a sudden memory of it02:24
Hobbseetoma: errr...what if i dont have anything specific to go on the agenda?02:24
Hobbseeoh, wait, i should notify people of the new group in the meeting02:24
RiddellHobbsee: are we Kubuntu Council or Kubuntu Community Council?02:24
HobbseeRiddell: not sure.  probably the Kubuntu Council02:25
Hobbseealthough we could take either name02:25
Riddell"Tamas Szerb (toma) was added as a member of Kubuntu Council." oops02:27
Riddelltoma: what's your launchpad account?02:27
tomaRiddell: tomalbers02:28
RiddellHobbsee: you're now incharge of finding an emblem https://launchpad.net/people/kubuntu-council02:29
Hobbseewoo!  i'm the admin too!02:30
Riddellyou can make everyone an admin02:30
jjesseits too bad the mtg can't be at 20:00 UTCF02:30
Hobbseejjesse: how much better would it make it for you?02:30
jjesse21:00 is when i'm on the road for home, so i can't make it 02:31
Hobbseejjesse: ahhh...02:31
=== Hobbsee wonders if she'd make it to a 6am meeting.
Hobbseeseeing as i know you're only changing the timezone so that i can be there...02:32
hunger_workAny chance of getting powersaved compatible with kubuntu-desktop (and ubuntu-desktop) again?02:33
HobbseeRiddell: there we go :)02:33
tomawhen is the best time to catch tonio?02:38
=== jsgotangco [n=jsg123@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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Riddellhunger_work: I'm in dapper and installing powersaved removes powernowd which is needed by kubuntu-desktop02:42
Riddelltoma: evenings02:43
Riddellwe're a fish02:43
hunger_workRiddell: I had it installed in dapper...02:44
seaLneon dapper when i installed it it removed k-d02:44
=== Hobbsee puts on her fish face @ Riddell
hunger_workseaLne: I am pretty sure it did not here.02:46
Hobbseei wonder how you do relationships between teams?02:47
RiddellI should make kubuntu-council a member of kubuntu-members02:47
jjessethat would make sense :)02:47
HobbseeRiddell: yes, and a member of kubuntu-team02:48
=== Hobbsee also wonders how you can assign a spec to yourself
RiddellHobbsee: only the spec creator can change the assignee02:53
HobbseeRiddell: gah.  and how do you actually *create* a spec?02:53
Hobbseeah, so you cant actually do it from specs from your /people/hobbsee/+specs which is what i tried...02:55
Riddellfile a bug02:55
=== Hobbsee doesnt file them. she fixes them.
Hobbseegood point thouhg02:56
=== kozz [i=kozz@h18n2fls31o834.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== toma should start a group as well
Hobbseetoma: hehe.  groups, groups, and more groups03:06
=== Hobbsee considers starting up a group of "people to take over the world"
tomaHobbsee: ow, make me administrator pleassseee.03:07
Hobbseetoma: hah.  sure, as long as i can be the owner :P03:07
tomais there an alternative? ;-)03:07
Hobbseetoma: well...03:08
Hobbseehmm.  i really should think of things to add to our agenda, shouldnt i...03:08
Hobbseewhile it's still over 24 hours out, so i wont get in trouble again.03:08
tomayes, and that means i can at least read them before the meeting starts...03:08
Hobbseetoma: hehe.  sorry...03:09
Hobbseetoma: you can write a UVF exception for when amarok 1.4.2 comes out if you want03:09
=== Hobbsee starts adding
jjesseso the meeting is still at 21:00?03:09
Hobbseejjesse: got stuff that you specifically want to say at it?03:10
tomaHobbsee: i'm not into the music, so i dont follow the amarok hype ;-)03:10
jjesseHobbsee: not really but i hate missing them :)03:10
Hobbseejjesse: hmmm....03:10
jjessebut maybe we change it for next meeting?03:11
Hobbseejjesse: no one else will have a problem with it, it'll only be me03:11
jjesseHobbsee: its a little late to reschedule but how bout for next meeting? that way people who have already scheduled for it aren't messed up03:12
Hobbseejjesse: right.  give me a few days before hand to think about it for next meeitng :P03:12
=== Hobbsee might have gotten used to early mornings by then.
=== Hobbsee has made it to uni on time *once* this week.
jjesseHobbsee: i'll remind you for next meeting :)03:13
=== Hobbsee is going to try to be on time once tomorrow
Hobbseejjesse: and then i'll groan and grumble at you again.03:13
jjesseusually, though i'm starting to travel for work so i'll probablly be in different timezones throughout the US :)03:13
Hobbseejjesse: ahhh...fun :)03:13
=== jjesse will have to remember which timezone he is and the UTC offset
Hobbseethat's one good thing about early morning meetings - i know i'm around for them, if i wake up.  work has me as NOT AVAILABLE during that time, and hasnt *dared* put me on that early before.03:14
tomaoh, my english spelling sucks badly...03:24
seaLneBug #54828 sounds suspiciously like the problem exibited trying to use cdrecord from within k3b on edgy03:28
UbugtuMalone bug 54828 in cdrtools "dapper: cdrecord fails to burn cd's" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5482803:28
tomaexchange->exchangeable but execute->executable, who cares about consistency....03:30
seaLneits to confuse you03:30
tomathat works03:30
seaLnebut having male and female objects is even worse03:31
=== neoncode [n=neoncode@unaffiliated/neoncode] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Parkotron [n=parker@dyn129-100-97-103.bc.uwo.ca] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Hobbsee starts fiddling with amarok
jjesseHobbsee: are you in charge of amarok bugs?03:51
Hobbseejjesse: not really.  i'm subscribed to all of them, and im making a list of stuff to fix with these amarok 1.4.2 packages that i'm about to do.03:52
Hobbseejjesse: what are you wondering about?03:52
Hobbseejjesse: apachelogger did a great job triaging, as he's one of the upstream guys.03:52
jjesseHobbsee: bug 39022 i'm going to reject if that's ok, no update from the orignial requestor and i'm unable to replicate it in dapper03:52
UbugtuMalone bug 39022 in amarok "ubuntu crashes after amarok exit and attempted reboot" [Medium,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3902203:52
Hobbseejjesse: can you reproduce https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/amarok/+bug/48724 ?03:52
UbugtuMalone bug 48724 in amarok "alarm.py error on start" [Medium,Unconfirmed]  03:52
Hobbseejjesse: or just pastebin me the script or something?03:52
Hobbseejjesse: sure, go for it :)03:52
jjesseso i just enable that script in amarok correct?03:56
Hobbseejjesse: yeah.  run it somehow, and see if it breaks03:57
=== Hobbsee cant seem to find the script on her or imbrandon's systems.
seaLne/usr/share/doc/python2.4-egenix-mxdatetime/examples/alarm.py ?03:57
jjessesomehow i have that script and it runs fine03:57
Hobbseejjesse: should be "/usr/share/apps/amarok/scripts/alarm/alarm.py"03:58
Hobbseejjesse: seeing as that script is used for another program mabye?03:59
=== erov [n=j@c-69-247-101-157.hsd1.ms.comcast.net] has left #kubuntu-devel ["."]
jjesseHobbsee: http://pastebin.ca/1236704:02
Hobbseejjesse: er?  whta's that for?04:02
Hobbseei think you got me the wrong link04:02
jjessedoh you are right04:02
Hobbseeah yeah04:03
Hobbseeno idea what causes that04:03
jjesseme either, but that's what happens when i call it directly from the konsole, but it runs in amarok if I configure it from the script center04:03
Hobbseeah, so it doesnt die.04:04
Hobbseejjesse: what happens if you apt-get remove --purge python-qt3 and then run it?04:04
jjesseHobbsee: "python-qt3 is not installed so not removed"04:16
Hobbseejjesse: right...04:16
jjesseHobbsee: have you looked at bug 21093 ? will your updates to amarok fix this ?04:21
UbugtuMalone bug 21093 in amarok "Amarok Crashes on Close" [Medium,Needs info]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/2109304:21
Hobbseejjesse: no idea, i cant read backtraces.  there are a lot of fixes, even with the beta 1 version.  so it might be fixed04:24
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ubotuusplash is the start-up splash (before GNOME/KDE appears) in Ubuntu. To customize it, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/USplashCustomizationHowto04:38
tomajjesse: thats a crash in libarts04:39
jjesseso the bug should be flagged against libarts instead of amarok?04:40
Hobbseewhy do we care?  amarok doesnt support arts anywya.04:40
tomathe bt is useless, so as long as there is no ither one, i'ld close it04:40
Hobbseethat too :P04:40
jjesseso reject the bug as it  references libarts and amarok no longer uses libarts?04:41
jjesseok i'll reject it04:41
tomaand no valid bt04:41
jjessetoma: thanks for the help04:42
tomalaunchpad could catch "(no debugging symbols found)"04:43
tomaHobbsee: reading bt is not that hard, the top tells you where the crash is.04:46
tomasee for example a faked crash:04:46
Hobbseetoma: right, so it goes from bottom to top?04:46
tomadepending how you look at it04:46
tomayou should follow it from bottom to top04:46
Hobbsee#6  0x08054714 in QString::length (this=0x81b63c8)04:47
Hobbsee    at /usr/share/qt3/include/qstring.h:87904:47
Hobbseeso it crashed there, at line 879?04:47
tomayes, but that is outside the scope of ktu in this case04:47
tomathat is the app which i used to create this crash04:48
tomaline 10 is the first ktu related source04:48
Hobbseeoh right, yep04:48
tomaso, poFile is called from ~KTUWidget04:49
tomaline 1104:49
tomaline 187 & 188 from ktuwuidget: http://rafb.net/paste/results/Y6WaO240.html04:51
tomayou see that 187 deletes the pointer, and line 188 uses it again04:51
tomathat causes a crash04:51
Hobbseeright, yep04:51
jjesseso if amarok is not using arts anymore does that mean kubuntu doesn't support arts anymore?  just curious as there are 9 bugs open according to https://launchpad.net/people/kubuntu-team/+packagebugs04:52
Hobbseejjesse: kubuntu still supports arts, but not amarok-arts or amarok-gstreamer04:52
Hobbseewe still use artsd for knotify :(04:52
=== Hobbsee notes that her sound hasnt screwed up in a while though :D
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seaLneRiddell: isn't ubuntu policy to not require suid programs?05:31
RiddellseaLne: any suid programmes in main should have a review and only be needed if essential05:49
seaLnethats what i thought, i'm not convinced gnomefreak should be telling people in the k3b bugs to make cdrecord suid05:54
Riddellit should work fine without suid, we just need to patch k3b to not complain05:55
seaLneRiddell: but currently cdrecord dosen't work05:55
seaLneso there are 2 issues05:55
Riddellit doesn't?05:56
seaLnewell 3 if you count k3bsetup2 not working05:56
seaLnenope the problems of k3b not writing are the same with cdrecord05:56
seaLneError: Cannot gain SYS_RAWIO capability.Is cdrecord installed SUID root?05:57
seaLne: Operation not permitted05:57
seaLnesomething changed in dapper latest kernel and some point in edgy kernel recently05:58
seaLneBug #5482805:59
UbugtuMalone bug 54828 in cdrtools "cdrecord fails to burn cd's" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5482805:59
nixternalRiddell: if you get a chance today, no rush what so ever, since we still have a little time, check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyEft/Knot2/Kubuntu and see how close it is to being ready to put up on kubuntu.org when the release occurs. we still need a link to the download, which i didn't add to stop the people who have already posted on "Digg" about it06:14
seaLnewhen is knot2 due out? it would be nice to fix k3b/cdrecord first06:22
seaLnenixternal: that looks good 06:24
nixternalthank you!  i have no idea when it is released, except for soon ;)06:25
seaLnehow soon is soon?06:25
RiddellseaLne: do you know what's changed since Knot 1 for this cdrecord problem?06:26
Riddellnixternal: put a link to the kde 3.5.4 announcement/changelog06:27
seaLneRiddell: it behaves like this on knot106:27
nixternalRiddell: on kde.org or kubuntu.org06:28
Riddellnixternal: kde.org06:28
nixternalroger that!06:28
Riddellnixternal: "System Settings Layout" should be more positive, start by saying it's got a new layout then say there's some bugs :)06:28
Riddellnixternal: maybe add an image for laptop button support.  otherwise it's all lovely06:29
nixternalhmmm..where to get a laptop button support image?  ideas...06:30
nixternalmy lappy is old, i don't have those buttons ;(06:30
seaLnephoto of laptop buttons?06:30
Riddellnaw, the volume slider thing06:30
nixternalthats what i was thinking seaLne ;)06:30
RiddellI don't have it set up, I'm still on dapper06:31
nixternaloh, like the OSD volume slider06:31
seaLneRiddell: do you have any problems with -26 kernel and cdrecord?06:31
RiddellseaLne: never tried, but it was all working in Knot 1 I'm sure06:31
nixternalRiddell: done deal06:31
seaLnei just did a fresh install of knot1 and it is broken in it06:32
Riddellhttp://kde.me.uk/index.php?page=kmilo has an image, but it's somewhat out of date06:32
Riddellask Lure when he's around06:34
nixternali got a newer one ;)06:34
nixternali just have to fix up the image and add it..i made the changes to system settings layout, linked kde.org06:35
nixternalit is getting close ;)06:35
tomanvidia-glx is not avilable in edgy?06:54
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seaLnetoma: the nvidia binary stuff dosen't work with new xorg06:56
tomaseaLne: allright, another thing to scratch off my todo-list.06:56
seaLnehonest propriatory binary stuff dosen't cause problems and is just as good as the source code :-/06:57
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tomahmm, too difficult for me ;-)06:59
DaSkreechIS the kubuntu-desktop update the .oh release?06:59
RiddellDaSkreech: hmm?07:01
DaSkreechI just checked for updates and ubuntu-minimal ubuntu-standard and kubuntu-desktop are all being updated07:01
Riddellshouldn't be any change07:04
Riddellcheck the changelog07:04
=== DaSkreech sighs and pokes mornfall
DaSkreechJust checking on that changelog for adept. I recall that you had gotten the changelog servers07:05
mornfalli did, i didn't implement it07:05
DaSkreechOk cool :-)07:06
mornfalltry asking again next year :\07:06
DaSkreechThat's my most dreamed about feature for adept :)07:06
=== DaSkreech pops up to do list
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Riddellwho has a laptop?07:19
seaLnefor what purpose? there is one with dapper on it accross the room from me07:23
Riddellwhat does lshal give you for the lid button?07:24
Riddellwhat uid?07:25
mornfalludi? udi = '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/acpi_LID'07:25
mornfallfor me07:25
mornfalldebian sid07:25
mornfallii  hal                                          0.5.7-2                                      Hardware Abstraction Layer07:25
mornfallif that helps any07:25
mornfall(i'd sure hope it's same on all distributions, really :-)07:26
seaLnewould kind of make sense07:26
seaLne... laptop booting ...07:26
Riddellmornfall: thanks, same as me, which is good07:27
seaLneRiddell: i don't have that07:29
seaLneRiddell: geeksoc.org/~kd/tmp/hpnx6110-lshal.txt07:32
RiddellseaLne: does the laptop have a lid button that's pressed when you close the lid?07:32
Riddellyes, it's udi = '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/acpi_C1E1'07:32
Riddellhmm, bummer07:32
mornfallhardware entanglement layer :p07:33
Riddellwell, it would be nice if it was a bit better documented :)07:34
mornfallit would also be nice to have same id for same things on different machines (i sort of though it was the whole purpose of the thing, in fact)07:34
mornfall(well, same id, same way to use and such... abstract over details :)07:35
tomaallee: thanks for the explanation, things are more clearer already07:35
alleetoma: puh, I was afraid it contributes to confusion07:38
tomamaybe, but not for me ;-)07:38
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Simejono bacon??08:20
Simehey Riddell, what is that OEM CD thingy program?08:22
Simeis that for making custon CDs?08:22
Riddellno, it's for pre-installed machines08:23
Riddellbut abattoir made a better page that I can't find just now08:25
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Simeoh. I've found a tutorial on how to make a custom CD.08:25
Riddellare you making a custom CD?08:25
SimeUCK looks interesting08:25
jjesseRiddell: where is the knot1 cd?08:25
Riddelljjesse: releases.ubuntu.com I'd expect08:25
RiddellSime: UCK?08:26
SimeRiddell: maybe, in the near future for KDE-NL08:26
jjesseah found it: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/edgy/knot-1/08:26
mornfallG.E.C.K. comes to mind :] 08:27
mornfall(everyone who played the game will know ;)08:27
mornfalli should get it again08:27
RiddellSime: interesting.  http://www.atworkonline.it/~bibe/ubuntu/custom-livecd.htm is the one I used once08:29
Riddellgnome's live-cd also has their own scripts08:29
mornfallare there kubuntu dvds to be got somewhere?08:30
Riddellmornfall: yes kubuntu.org/download.php08:31
mornfallThe requested URL /kubuntu/releases/dapper/release/dvd/ was not found on this server.08:31
mornfallalthough the few mirrors seem to work08:31
mornfallahw, no blender on the dvd :(08:33
Riddellmornfall: oh, it's moved with the .1 release08:33
mornfallmoved where?08:34
mornfallah, release.108:35
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nixternalok, Edgy users, I need a new update KMilo volume OSD screeny...i can't get it to work for me..works in dapper, however i think it is a vmware issue ;)09:40
RiddellLure: ^^09:44
Riddellbut needs the latest kubuntu-default-settings09:44
Lurenixternal: the only OSD I can give you is probably Volume up/down/mute09:44
LureRiddell: or is there any other available?09:45
RiddellLure: that's the one we want09:45
Lurewill try to do some on my desktop (still no Edgy on laptop) and will send you09:45
Lurenixternal: http://lure.homelinux.net/kubuntu/Volume.png09:52
Lurenixternal: http://lure.homelinux.net/kubuntu/Mute.png09:52
LureRiddell: ^^^09:53
LureRiddell: there are two problems I see with laptop keys:09:54
=== omeow [n=omega@co63471-a.olden1.ov.home.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Lure1. Web browser key does not work (it seems that keysym does not get through - even though that xev reports it properly09:54
Lure2. My computer key properly starts konqueror but also triggers Amarok's OSD for volume level - really strange09:55
Lureactually it always reports "Volume: 80%" with one sec after Konq is started09:56
LureRiddell: and you are right, we should "borrow" OSD from Amarok (it is much nicer than kmilo's)09:56
RiddellLure: maybe you have two keycodes assigned to the same keysym10:02
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LureRiddell: no, checked that first :-(10:04
Lureit has to be something else...10:04
RiddellLure: I actually had trouble testing the XF86WWW key, something must be strange with that one10:05
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LureRiddell: is dapper point DVD already available?10:15
Lure(I have synced one, but not sure if this is final one)10:15
RiddellLure: yes, it's currently being pushed out10:15
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nixternalthank you Lure for those!!!10:28
Lurenixternal: no pb, hope we can make them nicer for next knot 2+ ;-)10:29
nixternalim sure they will be ;)10:29
RiddellSime: fascinating blog10:35
Riddellwonder if we should use those patches in Edgy10:35
nixternal^^ laptop button images done10:40
nixternalall it needs is some linkage for completion, and then moved over to a release page on kubuntu.org ;)10:41
nixternalof course when knot 2 gets released ;)10:41
nixternalgotta go get some work done, leave me a message if im needed, and i will get on it as soon as i get back ;)10:42
LureSime: really nice idea and work and I have to agree with Riddell that it would be nice to have in Edgy10:45
Lure(how much pain did this system:/ cause until now...)10:46
OdyXLure: ask Tonio ...10:49
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SimeRiddell: the patches need some more work and testing first.10:58
SimeRiddell: but it shouldn't be too much work.10:58
SimeRiddell: unless I'm missing some fundamental problem that will torpedo the whole idea.10:59
RiddellSime: have you spoken to ervin about this?10:59
SimeRiddell: no, I just presented what I had done on the blog. I'm certainly interested in hearing what he has to say.11:00
RiddellSime: your blog entry misses the <!--break--> at the end needed to get it all showing on planet11:00
SimeRiddell: I put the break around the start. :-)11:00
SimeI didn't want to spam planetkde with the whole thing...11:01
=== Sime is now known as Sime|Zzz
=== toma dances around
tomathis is great Sime|Zzz!!!11:12
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tomaallee: read that blog, you will love it11:17
imbrandonwhoa Sime|Zzz +100 , i ( along with many others have thought exactly the same thing ) its lookin great 11:18
tomayou could argue something about /tmp but that is a detail11:19
=== DaSkreech looks up puzzled
alleetoma: about media?11:19
imbrandonDaSkreech: simes blog ok kdedevelopers11:19
imbrandonRiddell: btw i ment to ask you last night , do i need to file a UVF for ktorrent or {are,did} you take care of all that ?11:23
Riddellimbrandon: someone needs to, if you want to do so and CC me so I can confirm that would be good11:26
imbrandonok , cool, i'll do it here in a sec11:27
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tomaallee: can you verify somethign for me on edgy?11:28
=== allee boots test maschine
tomao or someone else?11:29
imbrandontoma: i have my edgy all booted and can test as long as i dont have to reboot11:29
alleetoma: booting ;)11:29
tomasudo apt-get install digikamimageplugins11:29
tomatell me what that does?11:29
imbrandonk one sec11:29
imbrandonThe following packages have unmet dependencies:11:30
imbrandon  digikamimageplugins: Depends: digikam (< 0.9) but 1:0.8.2-2 is to be installed11:30
imbrandonE: Broken packages11:30
imbrandonbrandon@voyager:~$                    11:30
tomahoped it was just me11:30
alleetoma: this happened in debian too.  Looks like we need to ask for a sync again11:30
imbrandonhrm while i'm writing this UVF are any of you all DD's ?11:31
=== imbrandon looks arround , hehe
tomaallee: everything is synced afaik11:31
Riddellallee's half way there11:32
imbrandonheh darn, i need a sponsor 11:32
Riddellwhat for?11:34
imbrandonapt-mirror to unstable , i have it uploaded to mentors.debian.net11:34
imbrandonugh Riddell should i diff the tarballs from 1.2 to 2.0 ? there is likely to be a TON of changes 11:36
Riddellimbrandon: no, find the changelog11:36
tomaallee: ok, you are right; i'll write the sync request11:36
imbrandonok just the changelog11:36
imbrandonRiddell: just wondering i was going by what the wiki said 11:37
tomaRiddell: please ack: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/digikamimageplugins/+bug/5582211:39
UbugtuMalone bug 55822 in digikamimageplugins "Sync request, current version uninstallable." [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  11:39
=== Riddell blindly confirms
alleetoma: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1738.txt search 'Unsafe:'  so afaiu it's thunderbirds fault11:42
alleetoma: of course escaping addional chars is not against 1738 ;)11:43
Luretoma: afaik, you need to subscribe archive team to sync request bugs11:44
tomaLure: yes, i first let Riddell take a look, in case i'm wrong, they dont get spammed11:45
imbrandonRiddell: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/ktorrent/+bug/55824  , i dident assign anyone ( if there is anyone else to assign to it ) want to look it over?11:46
UbugtuMalone bug 55824 in ktorrent "UVF Exception for ktorrent 2.0" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  11:46
alleeRiddell: no.  I never felt motivated enough to start nm process11:46
tomaallee: here is the kurl version: encode_string = "/@<>#\"&%?={}|^~[] \'`\\:+";11:48
alleetoma: one reason to drop thunderbird support :(11:49
imbrandonRiddell: do you ack it now then someone ( you ?, me ?) ask mdz if its ok to upload ? sorry i dident deal with uvf's directly last cycle11:49
tomaallee: yes, for kde4, i only want to invoke the standard mailer according to kde's api and drop all support for all separate mailers.11:49
tomaallee: it really does not belong on the application level.11:50
Riddellimbrandon: e-mail mdz and kamion, CC me, I'll ack it11:51
alleetoma: agreed.11:51
alleeoh, (still) no digikam*-doc pkgs in edgy11:52
imbrandonjr@u.c ?11:52
tomanope, it's having fun in the NEW queue11:53
alleetoma: ah12:03
imbrandonRiddell: mail sent12:03

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