
mdkenixternal: hmm?12:22
nixternalwhat did i do now?12:22
mdkesomething about the mailing list12:23
mdkenixternal: you're subscribed, maybe take a look at your subscription options12:23
nixternali did, the only thing i saw was the "filters" for language based topics12:24
nixternalenglish or french12:24
nixternalso i removed them, and will wait and see 12:24
mdkeyou are tagged as "not metoo", no idea what that means, but others don't seem to have it on12:24
nixternalthat might be seeing my own posts maybe?12:25
mdkeah, that means no copies of your own posts12:25
nixternali did set metoo to requests12:25
mdkeok, all seems to be well apart from that12:25
nixternalty sir...hopefully it will start working here12:25
nixternalim willing to bet it was the english/french filter thing12:26
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Kamping_Kaiserompaul, h.u.c/community12:51
ompaulKamping_Kaiser, been there read that :-)12:51
Kamping_Kaiserthats where it should be ;)12:52
ompaulKamping_Kaiser, what was bugging me was there is no --nocleanup instruction on the mirror12:53
ompauli.e. it does cleanups :) this should be a matter of choice12:53
Kamping_Kaiserheh, i know. not my fault :)12:54
ompaulMadpilot sent me the actual url :-) 12:54
Kamping_Kaiserfame at last ;)12:55
Kamping_Kaiserhm. some stray comments12:57
=== Kamping_Kaiser notices #'s in the text
Kamping_Kaiserlater all. *goes to tafe*01:03
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nixternalmdke: when doing the UDSF to wiki stuff, should we add a small "blurb" about the original author, or where the information came from?01:33
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ompaulattibs are always good01:46
ompaulattribs, and - even better it gives you the chance to have the space searched and people to "object" if that is what they want to do - your trying to be fair use and best practice at the same time01:47
nixternalya, plus if someone has a question, they will reach them, and not me since my name is on the bottom for edits ;)01:47
nixternalim actually going to use this tutorial eventually that i just transferred..looks pretty cool01:48
=== ompaul downloads the edgy alt CD for testing
ompaulfun fun fun01:48
nixternali will say, moinmoin code snippets are garbage compare to mediawiki01:49
nixternalthe line wrap is fine, but can be very confusing to a new user, or simply look like trash01:49
ompaulmediawiki has no granularity for security 01:49
nixternalya..but it does have some nice "formatting" stuff01:50
nixternalshould we use # or $ to portray the command line?01:51
nixternal# == comment out to me01:51
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nixternalhiya jsgotangco!01:54
nixternalreview please ;)02:08
jsgotangcowow you have a Tascam interface02:09
nixternalno, but i will soon now after doing that02:09
jsgotangcoi used to have a tascam multitrack loved it to death02:10
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nixternalthats a cool pic02:38
jsgotangcoyep i saw it explode before its really nice02:40
nixternali seen it in hawaii once a few years ago..actually quite a few years ago..the lava fields there..it is neat to see02:41
bimberihm, something on that page crashes FF here :/02:42
nixternalthey have 3 ads that are flash on the page02:43
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bimberiyes, could be - elements of the page start loading (some text and pics) then boom02:44
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bimberiworks in epiphany though :)02:50
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Burgundaviahttp://digg.com/linux_unix/Ubuntu_Edgy_Eft_Knot_2 <-- bleedin joy, I knew this would happen08:56
crimsunwe totally need to plant "hidden" Edgy wiki pages with ponies and stuff08:57
Burgundaviasounds good08:58
mdkenixternal: add a link to the forum thread at the bottom, I think09:02
mdkemorning everyone09:02
Burgundaviamorning mdke09:03
nixternalmdke, did you take a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TASCAM_US-122 to see how I linked the info at the bottom?  It may be overkill, but i just covered my rear on it09:12
nixternaldo you think we need a digg article announcing that a release is just "around the corner" ? i dont....09:12
nixternalheh, that guy let him have it on that one ;)09:12
mdkethat looks fine (nice page). I'd remove the bit in italics09:13
Burgundaviaright, night all09:14
nixternalya, it is more like advertising i think...09:14
Kamping_Kaiserrofl @ knot 2 thing09:21
Madpilotonce again, my feeling that digg is nearly pointless is reinforced... ;)09:22
Kamping_Kaiserheh. i have to agree09:24
nixternalsame here09:25
Kamping_Kaiserhey nixternal 09:26
=== Kamping_Kaiser wonders if Madpilot 's comment is diggable - probably, knowingt that site
Madpilotmaybe I should start a blog, blog about how utterly pointless Digg is, and then wait for the article to be dugg :)09:27
Kamping_Kaiserlol. get addsence ready - i think your on a winner there ;)09:27
=== Kamping_Kaiser checks email to see if he gets a sparcstation 20. brb
Kamping_Kaiserno reply yet :(09:45
nixternalget me one too while you are at it09:56
Kamping_Kaiserheh. i want it to go with my sparstation 5s and 1009:57
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Kamping_Kaisercan someone poiunt me to a page that syas what the different install cds do? i cant work out what i need to do for a minimal install anymore :( these fancy new cds10:37
mdkeKamping_Kaiser: http://releases.ubuntu.com/dapper/10:38
Kamping_Kaiserso a default server is 'minimal', and you have to opt in to a lamp stack etc?10:40
=== Kamping_Kaiser goes to find out
mdkethat's right, I think10:41
mdkewell, the default server install includes some server packages10:41
Kamping_Kaiser:/ i'm after a minimal install for a gateway10:42
=== Kamping_Kaiser finds all this so confusing
mdkeyou can type "minimal" I think10:42
Kamping_Kaiseron all cds, or just alternate? *has all cds, just wants to keep this to as few installs as possable*10:43
=== Kamping_Kaiser should ask #ubuntu probably.
Kamping_Kaiserbbl. thanks mdke .10:44
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mdkeKamping_Kaiser: just alternate10:58
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=== Kamping_Kaiser takes a punt on alternates 'server' install, thanks mdke
nixternalmdke, is it really as simple as for instance,    xml2po -e -o output.pot releasenotes.xml     and then uploading it into rosetta?11:24
nixternalsay i did that for all of the kubuntu docs, that is all that needs to be done?11:24
nixternalok, i was going to say that seemed to easy a task11:25
mdkesteps 1 and 2 were done a long time ago. What we need to do is step 3. It involves a fair amount of correcting invalid xml11:25
nixternalthe importing back into the repo?11:25
mdkethat's right11:25
Kamping_Kaisershould i ask here about gnome/ubuntu related questions, or is there a 'proper' channel?11:26
mdkeKamping_Kaiser: #ubuntu?11:26
Kamping_Kaiser*gnome/uibuntu doc11:26
mdkewhat's the question?11:26
Kamping_Kaiserthe sharing app for ubuntu (in system -> ) has no help, and the bugs been open quite a while. should i try and write some and get it oked at the ubuntu level, or try and go direct to gnome?11:27
Madpilotsharing app?11:27
Kamping_Kaisersystem -> admin -> shared folders11:28
Kamping_Kaiser(it has no help last i looked, looking again)11:28
mdkedirectly to gnome11:28
Kamping_Kaiserstill none11:28
Kamping_Kaiserok, thanks11:28
mdkefind the upstream bug, and see if someone is working on it already, maybe there is material in the user guide but no help button11:29
Kamping_Kaiserthanks, i posted on the bug - now i'll have to see if theres any action11:47
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mdkeglatzor: got a moment?01:13
mdkemanicka: hi01:13
glatzormdke: sure01:14
mdkeglatzor: about the german translation of the ubuntu desktop guide, i downloaded them yesterday and they still had *loads* of problems. Can you get someone on the team to clear it up?01:14
glatzormdke: The team is quite inactive at the moment.01:18
glatzorI think that I have to finish the work myself and I am going to this tomorrow01:19
glatzorwill this be ok?01:19
mdkesure thing, thanks01:19
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nixternalhello there ;)06:03
=== nixternal is reporting for work!
nixternalmdke, i am going to play with the translation stuff to see if i will be of some assistance ;)06:03
mdkenixternal: that would be great06:04
mdkenixternal: i'm around for about 45 minutes if you need a hand06:04
nixternalcool..i think i should have a good grab of it right now for step 3..i know to run the translate script, find errors, fix them...once they are fixed, i submit a patch?06:05
nixternaloh, these translations, for trunk or dapper?, or both?06:06
mdkenixternal: yes, that's right. any completely new translations should be added to the relevant Makefile and packaging too, and svn added, if you can do that06:07
nixternalsure, i will check that out as well06:07
mdkeI will help you along06:08
nixternalwhen downloading translations, do you download them individually after they are at 100%?   don't grab them if they aren't complete correct? 06:22
mdkenixternal: no, you grab them all06:23
mdkewhat doc are you doing?06:23
mdke(highlight me with questions about this btw)06:23
nixternal"Download Translations" -> "Everything | PO format" -> "Request Download"     <- mdke ;)06:24
mdkewhat doc?06:25
mdkeI did that one yesterday06:25
mdke(hence it wasn't in the list of ones to do)06:25
mdketry about kubuntu06:25
nixternalthere is "aboutkubuntu" and "desktopguide"06:26
mdkeaboutkubuntu is likely to be a bit easier06:27
nixternalrequested both of them06:27
nixternalya, i will start with the aboutkubuntu first06:27
nixternali know the guide is huge, and aboutkubuntu is smaller and probably easier to pick up on06:27
mdkeBurgwork: btw, saw your exchange with jono about the participate page yesterday, check out the ContributingToUbuntu doc that andreas and jordan are working on for our docs, might be appropriate for the website06:28
Burgworkmdke, yep06:28
mdkenixternal: how's it going? I ought to disappear soon06:51
nixternalit is good so far, i got the dl links06:51
nixternalif i have questions in a bit, i will ping you, and when you get around...i will be here all day, so no worries if you have to go06:52
nixternalyou will be back ;)06:52
nixternalplus im working on a post for your blog ;)06:52
nixternaltrying to give it a title that is appropriate and to the point06:52
nixternalHelp Benefit the Documentation Project   that is the first idea06:52
mdkeit needs to have "forum" in it :)06:53
mdkeok, ping me with questions, and I'll check later/tomorrow06:54
nixternalthats cool, thanks!06:54
jjesseafternoon nixternal06:57
mdkecyall later06:57
nixternalhiya jjesse ;)06:57
nixternall8r mdke, thanks again06:57
mdkethank *you*06:57
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jjessequick wiki formating question, how do i link to a subpage/08:09
jjessefor example KubuntuDocs/Edgy08:10
jjesseon my wiki page only links to Kubuntu08:10
nixternal[:KubuntuDocs/Edgy:Your Link] 08:16
nixternalno problem boss08:18
mdkeor ["/Subpage"] 08:35
nixternalim getting used to just doing it like KubuntuDocs/Edgy instead of [:KubuntuDocs/Edgy:Kubuntu Edgy Documentation] 08:39
nixternalthat way there people can see the subpage layout in case they get confused my simplicity08:40
nixternalthat commercial != non-free software topic on sounder is getting beat to death08:40
jjesseevery topic on sounder gets beaten to death08:44
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