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zulBenC: hey how is it going03:48
BenCnot bad03:57
mjg59BenC: Hi - did you see my question about SMP on the -386 kernel?04:03
infinitymjg59: I beleive the problem is that we build some sketchy legacy ISA drivers into the 386 kernel (and only the 386 kernel) which refuse to compile and/or work on SMP-enabled kernels.04:07
infinitymjg59: This was proven true for the ltmodem driver in LRM as well, which is why it's only built for -386.04:07
mjg59Oh lordy.04:07
infinity(It compiles against SPM headers fine, but won't run on SMP kernels, even on a UP machine with smpalternatives)04:08
mjg59It's almost like it was some random binary obtained from Lucent via dubious means04:08
infinityAlmost, yes.  But there are drivers in the upstream kernel with similar issues, or so I've been told.04:08
infinityIf that's no longer the case, and ltmodem is the only holdout, I'm happy to just drop it completely again.04:09
mjg59Ok. The result seems to be that we're moving to the -686 kernel on the desktop CDs04:09
infinityYes, we moved to -686 when edgy opened.04:09
mjg59Which loses us a small amount of hardware support04:09
infinityWhich makes sense, since you don't want to run the desktop CD or ubiquity on slow machines anyway.04:09
mjg59I did some playing today04:09
infinityBut keeping -386 as the d-i kernel for the alternate CD still makes sense.04:10
mjg59We could easily run ubiquty on a 128MB machine04:10
mjg59Well, assuming parted isn't /too/ pathological04:10
mjg59Based on the hwdb data, about 0.5% of users are on 586 machines with 128MB or over04:14
infinityOf course, users already in hwdb are less likely to (re)install from scratch with the desktop CD than, say, someone with a new computer, or an enthusiast with fast hardware who nervously reinstalls every month.04:16
infinitySo, statstics of past hardware installed on aren't as useful as one might like.04:17
mjg59In a way it'd be nice to be able to provide an SMP kernel that still ran on 586 machines and default to that04:18
infinityI'd love to get the desktop CD requirements down, but I also want to see it support SMP and such, so we have to draw a line somewhere.04:18
mjg59But mdz's argument is that there's barely anyone that hits and they could use the alternate CD instead04:18
mjg59Which is pretty understandable04:18
infinityBen had discussed a unified -x86 kernel that would rewrite ops on the fly for the detected CPU.04:18
infinityNot sure where we went with that.04:18
mjg59That would be very cool04:18
infinityWe'd probably still need SMP and UP, because of the sketchy drivers previously-mentioned (unless they are, or will be, fixed), but we could scrap the distinction between -386,686,k704:20
mjg59Running the desktop CD without Gnome drops memory usage by about 50MB. Running an Intel graphics system without 3D and in 16 bit drops memory usage by about another 50MB04:21
infinityOkay, that last data point is somewhat surprising.04:21
infinityI didn't realise X was that inefficient at higher colour depths.04:22
ajmitchit's probably more the lack of 3D04:22
mjg59It's allocating system memory for video RAM04:22
mjg59When you enable 3D, it needs texture memory plus approximately four times the amount used for the framebuffer04:23
infinityOh, feh.  Right.  I don't have any systems without gobs of video RAM.04:23
infinityI'm spoiled.04:23
ajmitchsome of us still have the cheap onboard graphics04:23
mjg59The Intel stuff isn't especially cheap04:23
mjg59But still04:23
mjg59On some hardware, we can drop memory requirements for the install by 100MB04:24
mjg59I think that's probably worth doing and providing as an option04:24
infinityYeah, a lowmem boot option might be nice.  Not quite as "lowmem" as d-i's similarly-named option, mind you.04:24
ajmitchjust a light wm?04:25
infinityDon't really need a WM at all, if you're booting straight to X+ubiquity, though it's probably nice to be able to pop up an xterm to see why the world exploded, if it does.04:25
mjg59No WM at all?04:25
mjg59Ah, yes04:26
mjg59I guess so04:26
infinityThough there's a certain appeal to using ubiquity as a kiosk-type application.04:26
infinityWhich would avoid calling it a "lowmem" option and confusing people, and instead just be a "Boot directly to Installer" option.04:27
infinityWhich, for the clever, would intuitively imply "no extra crap running, so probably less hard on my hardware", and would also indicate "this is what you want if you're doing a bunch of installs in a row and don't need the desktop".04:27
mjg59And then have ubiquity check free memory and suggest it as an idea if resources are low04:28
mjg59It would need an option to the X config to allow it to skip writing the 3D section04:29
mjg59But that's about it04:29
mjg59Pretty straightforward04:29
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kernel_panichi everybody03:35
kernel_panicanybody there?03:35
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kernel_panicI've got a problem with debian sarge and kernel
thomkernel_panic: unfortunately for you this is #ubuntu-kernel, and not #debian, which would be a more suitable place for help with debian sarge03:57
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BenC"but it works with Xen's 2.6.16 kernel"07:27
BenCzul: I hate you07:27
jwest-if there are bad blocks07:29
jwest-nothing can be done about it other than having to reinstall?07:29
jwest-del/create partition doesnt seem to help07:30
BenCthere's something that can be done, but I'm not sure what it is07:45
thomgar, this mptscsi is turning into a monster07:45
BenCjwest-: try the badblocks program07:46
mdzmjg59: "express installation"07:53
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KeybukBenC: damn, I wish people wouldn't hijack other people's bug reports08:00
Keybukthat "3 minute hang" one of yours has at least four people with four different problems08:00
Keybukwe should just have a single "something went wrong" bug that everyone can gripe in ... it'd make our BTS look so much cleaner08:00
mjg59mdz: Nice name08:01
BenCKeybuk: Yeah, I have like 4 bugs for this "3 minute hang" problem08:08
BenCKeybuk: Problem I closed 2 of them because the reporters claimed it was fixed with the last dapper upload08:09
Keybuka 3 minute hang is just udev's way of saying "uhhhhhhhh"08:09
mdzBenC: er, is there no bug contact set for linux-source-2.6.17?08:09
Keybukit does alarm(180) in the child before embarking on any rule processing08:09
Keybukso the fact it hangs for 3 minutes just means the child got deadlocked08:09
Keybukit can be caused by just about anything08:09
Keybukiftabbing two network cards to the same name08:10
Keybukhdparm locking up08:10
Keybukmodprobe hanging08:10
Keybukblock device errors (if cdrom_id gets run for a duff cd)08:10
Keybukif you get them, ask for /var/log/udev and toss it over to udev08:11
KeybukI can always debug it08:11
BenCmdz: Should be08:19
BenCKeybuk: ok08:20
mdzBenC: I filed bug #55695 and it didn't get copied anywhere except ubuntu-bugs08:24
mdzBenC: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.17/ says "No people or teams are subscribed to bugmail for this package."08:24
mdzBenC: each time we move to a different source package name for the kernel, you need to carry that over08:24
mdzvia the "bugmail settings" link on the +source page08:25
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alex_jonihello.. anyone around familiar with customizing a LiveCD for Dapper (mainly replacing the kernel)08:25
mdzBenC: no wonder you caught up with bug mail; you've probably been missing all of the new bugs ;-)08:26
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alex_joniBenC: happen to know who's doing the install/live CD for dapper or edgy?08:51
BenCnot spefically, but #ubuntu-devel might be a good place to start08:51
mdzalex_joni: there are how-tos on the web 09:03
alex_jonimdz: found some info in the wiki, but nothing about kernel changing09:06
alex_jonimdz: I did manage to change the one for Breezy, but for Dapper it's quite different09:06
mdzalex_joni: with the kernel, it's the same as with any other package, except that you copy the kernel and initrd out of the squashfs into the ISO filesystem09:07
mdzalex_joni: we would greatly appreciate it if you would update the wiki documentation :-)09:07
alex_jonimdz: for breezy I had to tinker with udebs.. this all gone now?09:08
alex_jonimdz: here's the info I wrote about breezy http://dsplabs.utt.ro/~juve/blog/index.cgi/0114755923209:09
mdzalex_joni: correct, no more messing with udebs09:13
mdzthere's no more debian-installer on the CD, just an initrd which is generated by casper09:13
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mdzor rather, by the usual initramfs-tools process with casper's participation09:15
alex_jonimdz: thank you09:19
BenCinfinity: ping09:28
BenCmdz: isn't 54035 a dupe of 55695 (or vice a versa)?10:31
mdzbug 54035, bug 5569510:38
mdzno ubugtu in this channel?10:38
BenCguess he left us again10:39
BenCmdz: they both appear to be bug in idecs10:39
mdzBenC: yes, you're right; I forgot I'd filed it already10:40
mdzmarked 54035 as a dupe since 55695 has a bit more info10:40
mdzI still had it on my todo list to file for some reason10:40
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=== BenC forewarns everyone of a pending edgy kernel upload tonight
crimsungreat, thanks :)11:14
crimsunBenC: would it be possible to apply the following Kconfig aoa patch for -4-, too?  http://hg-mirror.alsa-project.org/alsa-kernel?cmd=changeset;node=f72c2a462f761c14c6f8db314afbf1abb4b0a189;style=raw11:23
crimsun(no git id to cherry-pick else I'd have recommended it)11:24
BenCcrimsun: my sound/aoa/codecs/Kconfig doesn't even have the "select I2C_POWERMAC" line11:31
BenCerr, the "select I2C" line11:31
crimsunit shouldn't have either I2C or I2C_POWERMAC prior to the commit11:32
=== crimsun checks ubuntu-2.6
crimsununless I'm missing something utterly obvious, those are the two lines that need to be added, and that matches both current ubuntu-2.6 and alsa-current git11:36
crimsun(well, four lines)11:37
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derekSwhat gcc is 2.6.17-5-k7 compiled with?11:50
crimsuncat /proc/version11:50
derekScrimsun: ahh :)11:50
derekSso i guess thats not the problem with my vmware11:51
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