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gregmon-pterandoI am committing one of my boxes to an ubuntu project.   Trying to decide between edubuntu and kubuntu.  Have a child...03:34
gregmon-pterando... whom we sometimes let browse the internet using a nanny software system to keep him to a set of 6-8 sites.03:35
gregmon-pterandoSo the Q is to what extent is edubuntu for kids themselves, per se, versus literal "educators" per se.03:36
Burgundaviait is for both03:36
gregmon-pterandoand then is there any log-in process (as I know Knoppix's KDE has) that could let me restrict other things he does03:36
Burgundaviait can function very well in both settings03:36
Burgundaviayou want a kiosk mode?03:36
cafuegogregmon-pterando: You cna easily enough add/remove appropriate software though. If you need website access control, you might need to run a proxy with a filter on top...03:37
gregmon-pterando(Not that computer literate) but perhaps.03:37
LaserJockgregmon-pterando: is it mostly you using the computer or your child?03:38
gregmon-pterandoI've got one box that is 95% me alone, 5% the kid + me;    plus I'm considering putting on the laptop he uses the other ratio around.03:39
LaserJockand are you partial to a particular desktop environment like gnome or kde?03:39
LaserJockI'd probably go Kubuntu + educational apps for yours03:40
gregmon-pterandoAlso, I have a question about sudo passwd.  Does this always work-- meaning that anyone can make up a new root password every hour?  03:40
LaserJockand Edubuntu for his03:40
LaserJockyou can create a user that doesn't have sudo access03:40
gregmon-pterandocool.  That's what I want.  I'm also thinking bout as the kid gets older and dodgy friends come over to the house.03:41
LaserJockyeah, KDE has a kiosk tool that would allow you to lock down you childs desktop03:42
gregmon-pterandoStill have 3:15:02 before my data backup is done, so just doing some last minute reading before committing.  03:42
gregmon-pterandoCan you say the name of it? (I'll look and see if it's on this other KDE knoppix box I'm running).03:42
LaserJockkiosktool or kiosk-tool I think03:43
Burgundaviagnome has pessulus and sabayon03:43
Burgundaviaboth are available in dapper03:43
Burgundaviawith sabayon you could create a profile with your child and then lock it down03:43
gregmon-pterandoIsn't sabayon an RR4 distro?  03:44
Burgundaviait is also that03:44
LaserJocksabayon seems really nice for Edubuntu03:45
gregmon-pterandok.   I'm anticipating that as Vista rolls around, I may have to have a word with the wifey about moving son to (*)ubuntu insteaad of upgrading, 'less she wants to pay. :)03:46
pc22is there anyone who's using microsft money on linux?03:46
LaserJockpc22: ?03:46
pc22finance software like gnucash03:47
LaserJockyeah, I was just trying to figure out the relation to Edubuntu ;-)03:47
gregmon-pterandoI'm impressed it has blender.  Know of anyone teaching kids with it, per se?03:48
pc22cos im using edubuntu03:50
pc22i dont know how?03:50
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EmxBAjuliux: can i get telnet access to your server?01:26
juliuxEmxBA, no01:26
EmxBAwhy? 01:26
EmxBAi need that for a wikibot01:26
juliuxEmxBA, because telnet is unsecur01:26
EmxBAthatis 01:27
EmxBAmaybe ssh?01:27
EmxBAnot telnet, ssh, juliux01:28
juliuxEmxBA, no01:28
juliuxEmxBA, no ssh no telnet01:28
juliuxEmxBA, nobody get an shell account on my server01:28
EmxBAwhy? i am asking you nicely01:29
juliuxEmxBA, securit01:29
juliuxEmxBA, the only ssh account is my account i know that i dont use any exploids01:30
EmxBAanyway, thanks :)01:31
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sbalneavmorning all04:07
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heu_mahni'm seeing several users here but no messages06:26
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cbx333hi all06:59
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juliuxhi cbx33 07:04
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cbx33ping Yagisan09:27
Yagisanpong cbx33 09:28
cbx33how did it go?09:28
Yagisancbx33, I think the exam went well. Won't know the results for 3 week09:28
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lecaroshi Yagisan09:41
YagisanG'day lecaros 09:41
lecaroshow's everything?09:41
Yagisanbusy. did an exam this morning, 2 assignments due by friday09:42
Yagisanneed to got out and spruck my business a bit more to this week09:43
Yagisanlecaros, yourself ?09:48
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lecaroshumm, i'm very busy too09:52
lecarosworking with mhz, my classes at Univ., my other job... 09:53
lecarosand your health? what about your red dots?09:53
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Yagisanlecaros, less red dots at the moment, but it is confirmed neurological (brain) problem10:02
Yagisanwoot. I'm defective ;)10:02
lecarosoops 10:02
crimsunYagisan: sorry, I've not had a chance to look at the attachment yet10:02
lecarosjaja, a lot of us are :)10:02
Yagisancrimsun, np. I've been stalling the user with busy stories10:03
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