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BenCKamion: ping01:24
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Burgundaviadesrt: have you noticed dbus dying on resume from hiberate or suspend?03:59
desrtnot here03:59
Burgundaviahere are the symptoms: changes in power prefs not taking, networking via network manager not coming back and pressing the power button does nothing04:00
Burgundaviathat sound like dbus?04:00
Burgundaviawhat does it sound like?04:00
desrti'm not sure04:00
desrtbut if dbus was hoked you'd know for sure04:00
desrtsince stuff would be dying outright04:01
Burgundaviawhat should I file a bug on then?04:02
=== Chipzz wonders why we choose to depend on software that makes it dependencies not survive a restart anyway
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ChipzzI guess someone felt linux didn't feel enough like windows :P04:02
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BurgundaviaChipzz: dbus not dealing with a restart is a long and lingering issue04:04
Burgundaviathis is different04:04
ChipzzBurgundavia: I know ;)04:04
Chipzzjust venting some mild irritations about dbus design :P04:05
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jdub  * madwifi: Remove legacy and ng drivers. Replace with stock madwifi-ng 0.9.205:17
jdub    driver.05:17
tsengjdub: i would read that05:17
tsengjdub: but i cant start evo05:17
tsengI'll be borrowing your mutt fingers now05:17
jdubha ha05:19
=== jdub <3 nss
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Meznice to see backports got a mention recently in a UK linux magazine06:30
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Burgundaviamorning sivang09:46
sivangBurgundavia: Hey Corey, how are you ?09:47
Burgundavianot bad09:47
Burgundaviagot the UWN out09:47
sivangyeah, I just read some parts of it, learning the Jono is the new community manager09:47
=== Hobbsee waves to sivang and Burgundavia
Burgundaviahey Hobbsee09:47
=== sivang hugs Hobbsee
=== Hobbsee hugs sivang
sivangHobbsee: So you're a main uploader now ha?09:48
Hobbseesivang: that depends.  what makes you say that?09:48
crimsunspeaking of which, is the current wiki downtime expected?09:48
sivangHobbsee: hmm, I thought i saw you were approved for main or something, but then again the last days have been blurry so I may be wrong.09:48
sivanghey crimsun 09:48
crimsun'lo sivang 09:49
Hobbseesivang: i went for it.  didnt get approved though09:49
Burgundaviacrimsun: I have heard no such annoucement09:49
sivangHobbsee: ah, well, probably you'll get it next time around.09:49
ajmitchBurgundavia: so it's just plain broken, I guess09:49
Hobbseesivang: if i go for it next time round, maybe.09:50
Burgundaviaajmitch: given they would probably tell us, yes09:50
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Burgundaviaajmitch: the downtime is not all of london, however, only the wiki and the help wiki are down. The ubuntu website and the docteam svn are still up09:58
imbrandonLP looks to be up too, isnt that in the same DC09:58
ajmitchyes, it only seems to be the wiki09:58
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sabdflmjg59: is there a wiki page which describes the capabilities of the new usplash, which we can point the art folks t?02:24
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freeflyinghow do we encrypted the passwd of user in livecd? DSA? SHA? thanks02:32
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siretartwhats the last known to working alternate install cd?02:34
gnomefreaksiretart: 6.06.1 works02:42
siretartgnomefreak: I was asking for the last known working. I want to reinstall edgy02:43
TheMusosiretart: I used one on powerpc today that I synced on Thursday my time02:43
siretartTheMuso: hm. I tried the one from today, but it fails to load kernel modules02:44
TheMusoBut don't know about what the CDs are like between now and then02:44
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SurakBenC: ping02:59
HobbseeSurak: it's the weekend, he's likely not here.03:00
SurakHobbsee: That's why I tried to ping first :-)03:00
HobbseeSurak: true that.03:01
SurakDo you know if is there a way I can pass a parameter to modprobe in isolinux? I mean, I want to blacklist a module using the live cd - but I don't want to create a custom live cd only for that.03:02
=== Hobbsee knows nothing, nothing at all.
SurakThere is a module which makes several machines to reboot when loaded, and it is enabled by default on ubuntu. I got a new set of machines, and every single one suffers from this issue.03:04
gnomefreakhe was here yesterday 03:04
Surakgnomefreak: do you have an idea on how can I do that?03:05
gnomefreakSurak: no but ive seen it complained about 03:05
Surakthere's a serious bug in intel_agp driver, and I'm trying to figure out what intel chipsets have this issue. It seems that every current one has this issue.03:07
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SurakI had lockups using the i865, i910, i915 (several different 915 ones), i925, i945, i946, Q963 and P965 chipsets so far.03:09
Suraknone of those can boot dapper nor edgy if there's a not-integrated videocard plugged in - which seems quite serious to me03:10
HiddenWolfSurak: try disabling the onboard in the bios03:11
HiddenWolfLinux tends to get awefully confused with more than one gpu/soundcard plugged in.03:11
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SurakHiddenwolf: that's not the case: take a look at bug #55104 and bug  #5529803:13
UbugtuMalone bug 55104 in linux-source-2.6.15 "panic/lock/restart on dapper-amd64 if there's intel integrated video AND a nvidia card at the same time" [Untriaged,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/5510403:13
UbugtuMalone bug 55298 in syslog-summary "Please sync syslog-summary 1.12-0.1 from debian sid" [Untriaged,Rejected]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/5529803:13
Surakops, bug #5592803:14
UbugtuMalone bug 55928 in xorg "wrong primary display selected in multihead setup (PCI bus enumeration order)" [Untriaged,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/5592803:14
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SurakHiddenWolf: there are several broken bioses which doesn't disable the hardware device even if it is set to - they seem only to turn the signal to the monitor off and that's it - the onboard device even keeps stealing ram from the main system03:16
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SurakHiddenWolf: I spoke with MSI, and they recognize the bug - I'm still waiting the update for the three specific models I had access to. But intel desktop boards seems to suffer from the very same problem, and it's not easy to me to reach intel guys - as we don't make motherboards for them, we only sell their ones.03:20
siretartTheMuso: gnomefreak FYI: the daily from friday seems to work03:20
gnomefreaksiretart: thank you03:20
TheMusosiretart: Thanks, but I no longer need one. :p. I tend to keep up to date with the dailys every few days anyway.03:23
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siretartis partman-crypto supposed to work in ubuntu?03:46
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mike_zhanghello everyone!04:22
mike_zhangwho know howto setup a buildd daemon on ubuntu?04:22
mike_zhangthanks for help04:22
mike_zhangor someone can give me some information about it?04:25
mike_zhangmy email address is mikezhang@hotmail.com, if someone want to help me send email to me. thank you verymuch04:28
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BenCSurak: pong04:42
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SurakI noticed that, regarding bug #55104, the issue comes up not only using nvidia, and not only using i865 chipsets. I saw the same intel_agp module locking up machines with different motherboards and different video cards.04:44
UbugtuMalone bug 55104 in linux-source-2.6.15 "panic/lock/restart on dapper-amd64 if there's intel integrated video AND a nvidia card at the same time" [Untriaged,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/5510404:44
SurakToday I don't have access to a environment where I could modify the live CD to test the machine I have available now. (in this case, a Intel D945gcz board and a ati radeon x1300 - which restarts when loading intel_agp also)04:46
SurakIs there a way to pass an isolinux parameter which would make modprobe to blacklist intel_agp? 04:47
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bSONwill metacity be shipped with with --enable-compositor some time?04:48
Surakoh, the above is for BenC, in case you are not looking to this window right now :-)04:49
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bSONexcuse me, my pc crashed...04:56
BenCSurak: ok05:01
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=== hunger sighs.
hungerNew kernel won't boot:-(05:05
zul_which one?05:06
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BenChunger: did -5 boot?05:09
SurakBenC : this makes 1) the bug's description wrong (as is not nvidia-related), and 2) turns out this is critical, as it's not an isolated specific case.. Oh, and is not 2.6.15-related only, but also happens in 2.6.17. I can't change the bug's importance, as well as assign it to more than one product. Who are the one which could do this?05:09
hungerBenC: Yeap, that is the one I am using.05:09
BenCSurak: me, post this info to the bug, and I'll fix things up05:09
BenChunger: remove the "quiet splash" kernel options and see if there's any output05:10
hungerBenC: Nope, it stops when loading hardware drivers.05:10
hungerBenC: No additional output this time:-(05:10
BenChunger: that's why I said remove the "quiet splash" options :)05:10
hungerBenC: I do not have those enabled:-)05:11
BenChunger: also, let it sit for up to 5 minutes to see if it does anything05:11
BenChunger: ah, ok05:11
hungerBenC: That damn splash thing is too anoying and I want to see what goes wrong...05:11
hungerBenC: I'll write a bugreport and retest again.05:12
mjg59The splash thing is not started unless splash is specified05:13
hungermjg59: That is why I removed "splash" from the kernel options line:-)05:13
Surakhunger: what's you motherboard/chipset/video card?05:15
mjg59Oh, I see05:18
mjg59Mad misinterpretation05:19
hungerBenC: You were right: It just gets stuck and continues after about 5 min.05:22
hungerSurak: I am on a thinkpad T43p. HW list is on the wiki.05:22
BenChunger: that's a dupe of another bug...not sure why it started for you with -6 though05:22
hungerBenC: -5 works great... does break suspend once again, but that never worked reliably since breezy anyway:-(05:23
BenChunger: add debug to the kernel command line to get initramfs-tools to output more stuff during boot05:23
hungerBenC: Last output before the stop is about IBM trackpoint. But I think that one is brought up properly and it stops only afterwards.05:24
BenChunger: I just want to see what udev and friends arfe waiting for at the point of pause05:24
BenChunger: email dmesg to bcollins@ubuntu.com too, so I can see where the pause is in there05:25
bSONis nobody able to answer my question? should i ask it somewhere else?05:25
hungerBenC: I am updating #56249 and will then reboot with debug afterwards.05:25
BenCbSON: what was your question?05:25
bSONif there are any attempts to package the metacity package built with --enable-compositor05:26
BenCbSON: doubt you'll get an answer for that one05:27
bSONwho could i ask? the package maintainer?05:28
SurakbSon: probably05:33
bSONok, thanks05:34
hungerBenC: debug did not really give any more output...05:34
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hungerBenC: dmesg output is attached to #56249.05:36
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BenC[17179762.700000]  EXT3-fs warning: maximal mount count reached, running e2fsck is recommended06:10
BenChunger: you sure the delay wasn't caused by fsck or something?06:11
BenChunger: the delay happens between the trackpad message and that message06:11
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zul_hey jono 07:00
jonohey zul_07:01
dsasjono: Congrats07:09
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jonodsas: thanks :)07:26
zulargh...hate lag07:27
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zul_hey pitti 08:39
pittimdz: ping08:39
pittihi zul08:39
pittimdz: can you please promote apport to main? with the new kernel, it 'just works', thus I'd like to get it into main and then ubuntu-desktop08:40
pittimdz: after that, I'll write an announcement08:40
mdzpitti: ok08:42
mdzpitti: should be in the next publisher run, feel free to seed and update ubuntu-meta08:44
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pittimdz: great, thanks08:49
pittimdz: yes, I'll do the seed changes tomorrow, when I'll have proper internet connection again (lousy modem ATM :( )08:50
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pittimdz: are you fine with bzr 0.9 in edgy? some people cried for it and the speed improvements are indeed quite impressive08:57
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mdzpitti: yes, in fact I was talking with mark about it last week and I had assumed it was already there09:00
mdzpitti: we should definitely get it in09:00
pittimdz: Debian has 0.9rc1, so it shouldn't be hard to update to 0.909:00
pittimdz: if I have the UVF blessing, I can do that tomorrow09:00
pittimdz: BTW, seed changed for apport-gtk, but modem speed sucks for updating u-meta, I'll do that tomorrow09:01
mdzpitti: I'll do it if I'm around when the publisher run finishes09:02
pittiok then, good night!09:02
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shayahmm, bug in nss w/ firefox prevents me from submitting bugs to launchpad!09:29
gnomefreaknss or css?09:36
mdzshaya: works fine here09:37
shayano https works for me09:37
shayaand evo dies on startup w/ an nss error since bon echo upgrade09:37
shayareproted that bug before I restarted firefox :(09:38
shayamdz: are you running bon echo?09:38
gnomefreaki am just not ubuntus version09:38
shayagnomefreak: and most likely not installed in /usr09:39
gnomefreaknope ;)09:40
mdzshaya: of course (current edgy)09:41
mdzevolution dying is known and there is a workaround09:42
mdzbug 5611809:42
UbugtuMalone bug 56118 in evolution "Crashes on startup" [Unknown,Unknown]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/5611809:42
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shayadid a dpkg-reconfigure firefox09:44
shayaand now it works09:44
shayaI see the workaround, works for me, just annoying09:48
shayawonder if its related to the constant "bonobo-activation" dying errors I was getting09:48
shayahad to switch to kubuntu temporarily as it made it impossible to work09:48
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daschldoes anyone know what techonolgy ubuntu uses to show the "smart-battery"? it works out of the box since dapper.. ? HAL?10:53
Burgundaviadaschl: very likely, but what is the issue10:54
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daschlwell i want to get it up and running on my gentoo box, so i have to tweak a bit more :) .. and the kernel itself does not support the smart battery afair10:56
daschlit would be glad to see a kernel patch or something like this.. messing around with HAL is not funny i suppose10:56
Burgundaviaright, this might be the wrong channel for that10:56
daschlwell i just want to know which technology and i thought the devs will know it10:57
daschli dont want support how to get it up and running10:57
daschlbecause i didnt find any informations about the change in dapper10:57
shayadaschl: look at gnome-power-manager11:00
shayasee what it does11:00
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daschlthanks, i will take a close look at it11:01
shayaspecifically in 2.5.0 this was added11:02
shaya - Enable all the experimental code, such as the info window and the graphs. The graphs have had some serious Cairo lovin' and look pretty slick now, and should display more accurate data that we were displaying before.11:02
shayathe "info" window is where I see the smart battery stuff11:02
daschli see... gnome-power-manager uses HAL .. well but maybe it works out of the box on gentoo too11:05
daschlthanks for the support :)11:05
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shayamdz: the https bug I mentioned occurs when one instantiates firefox (bon echo) from thunderbird probably due to incompat libraries and environments11:28
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