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nixternalim sittin' here lookin' at "About Kubuntu - Bon Echo Beta 1" window on Kubuntu Edgy Eft, and low and behold the default start page is all about Kubuntu Dapper ;)01:43
Burgundavianixternal: sofixit01:45
nixternaloh i will ;)01:46
nixternalLaserJock: ping?01:50
nixternalyou have 2 minutes to reply ;)01:50
nixternalgive me a killer "feature" or "application" for Edubuntu...this is for the UWN01:50
nixternalpick one rather01:51
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nixternalwhen you figure it out, just let me or Burgundavia know ;)01:52
LaserJocknixternal: as in an app installed in Edubuntu that everybody loves?01:52
nixternaland then, write up a blurb on the UWN for it ;)01:53
nixternaltricked ya01:53
LaserJockwell, LTSP is always good01:53
LaserJockand kalzium01:53
LaserJockand gcompris01:53
Burgundaviagcompris it is01:54
LaserJockhehe, why found the Swahili translation of community manager02:00
LaserJockBurgundavia: what issue are you working on? 9?02:01
BurgundaviaI almost done editing02:01
LaserJockBurgundavia: do you want me to do a little on the MOTU School when you are done?02:06
BurgundaviaI am done, go nuts LaserJock02:06
BurgundaviaLaserJock: ping me when you are done02:07
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LaserJockBurgundavia: ok, you might want to look over it02:22
Burgundaviawill do02:23
LaserJockBurgundavia: does it look ok? not too long?02:41
BurgundaviaLaserJock: looks good to me02:41
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Burgundaviacrimsun: you alive?04:20
Burgundaviacrimsun: can you proof https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue904:20
Burgundaviacrimsun: oh, hold off just a sec04:21
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odin_is_a_heroany tuto foe icecast for ubuntu?04:27
Burgundaviacrimsun: ok, please continue04:27
Burgundaviaodin_is_a_hero: sorry?04:27
odin_is_a_heroi need a tutorial for icecast for my server04:28
odin_is_a_herointernet is poor for this kind04:28
Burgundaviahmm, not that I have seen04:29
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Burgundaviacrimsun: ping me when you are done04:43
crimsunI had to start over because someone saved while I was editing04:44
crimsunabout 50% redone04:44
Burgundaviaoh, right04:45
Burgundaviacrimsun: cheers04:53
=== Madpilot [n=brian@ubuntu/member/madpilot] has joined #ubuntu-doc
MadpilotDamn, those blog posts that robitalle linked to on sounder make my head hurt...07:03
Madpilotbest comment: "He doesn't actually tell us what Canonical doesn't want us to know...he was probably too busy making himself sound like a raving lunatic. Could these things Canonical doesn't want us to know just be a figment of his noticably screwed up imagination?"07:04
LaserJockwho are they talking about?07:06
Madpilotwell, the original blog post was mostly incoherant Ubuntu bashing07:06
Madpilotthe "he" in that commenet refers to the author of the blog07:07
Kamping_Kaiserlol. whats that ? which threads that Madpilot ?07:07
=== Kamping_Kaiser hasnt seen taht
Madpilotit's on the sounder ML, "blog post: " Ubuntu vs. Debian: What Canonical Doesn't Want You To Know " "07:07
=== Kamping_Kaiser pops in email for later amusement
Madpilotoh, and Burgundavia, that cartoon on your planet.u.c post is excellent ;)07:08
crimsunheh, I've not ready any sounder posts07:09
MadpilotKamping_Kaiser, there's two blog posts, the comment I posted is from the comments on the 2nd one07:09
crimsunread, even07:09
MadpilotFirst one: http://techanchor.blogspot.com/2006/08/stfu-ubuntu-users.html07:09
Madpilot2nd one: http://techanchor.blogspot.com/2006/08/ubuntu-vs-debian-what-canonical-doesnt.html07:09
crimsunoh, I saw the former linked from linuxtoday07:09
Kamping_Kaiserlol. nice title on the first one. thats impartial07:10
crimsunwell you know it's fun to antagonise the leader07:10
Madpilotit's pathetic07:11
Madpilotand just for the record, I think the Ubuntu posts that make it to the top on Digg are mostly useless too ;)07:11
Kamping_Kaiserhm.(s)he hammered both of them out in one day??07:11
Madpilotlooks like07:12
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=== Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-doc
MadpilotBurgundavia, looking forward to your flight on Tuesday? You fly out of Seattle, right?08:19
Burgundaviano, Victoria08:19
Burgundaviagood thing, given how long the lineup at security i going to be08:20
Madpilotwhen's the flight?08:20
Burgundavia5am-ish Tuesday08:22
Madpilotso you're going to have to be at the airport at around 5am Monday to clear security, right?08:23
Burgundaviapretty much08:24
Burgundaviawhat is the breaking point? business travellers like myself will keep travelling, but what about the other 3/4 of the travellers?08:24
Burgundaviawhen will it reach the point that security is too burdensome?08:24
Burgundaviaif I was a family, I wouldn't want to be travelling right now08:25
Madpilottravelling with small children + stupid security restrictions... smells like a non-starter to me08:26
poningruBurgundavia: anal probes08:38
poningruthe point08:38
poningruerr wrong channel08:38
Kamping_Kaiseranother one for the qdb we dont have.08:42
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luzianyone else having troubles reaching http://wiki.ubuntu.com ?10:19
Kamping_Kaiserluzi, all ubuntu stuffs offline10:19
luzijeez, what happened?10:20
Burgundaviathe march of the universe10:20
Madpilotthat's very deep, but also f'ing useless10:20
Burgundaviathat is about anybody knowws10:21
luziit's time to read a book then, i guess :o)10:24
MadpilotHHGttG :)10:25
luzii've read that one!10:26
dsasfor us the living? :)10:37
luziyay, it's back!10:39
=== mpt wonders if mdke_ is still asleep
mptluzi, yes, the Sunday sysadmin just turned up :-)10:44
Burgundaviampt: who would that be?10:44
Madpilotwith his pager going berzerk, I'm sure 10:44
mptDrat, Burgundavia, there was something I wanted to ask you about but I've forgotten what it was10:46
Burgundaviampt: I don't usually go anywhere. was with regards to GNOME or Ubuntu?10:47
Burgundaviadocumentation? the website? the help wiki?10:47
mptGnome, probably10:48
mptor Ubuntu10:49
mptgah, like that narrows it down at all10:49
mptThe marketing team, perhaps?10:49
Burgundaviawhich one?10:49
mptIt can't have been that important10:50
=== mpt stares out at the rain
crimsunyou'll remember when you stoop to adjust your shoelaces or something :)10:51
Burgundaviaor right when you are rushing somewhere else and cannot write it down10:51
mptiirc, you were talking about some team being dysfunctional, or something like that, and I was interested in more details but you'd gone 10:53
Madpilotaren't most teams dysfuntional to one degree or another? ;)10:54
Burgundaviathe ubuntu marketing team being dysfunctional?10:54
mpt"At least give me points for trying, the truth is I'm a Debian User, so I'm biased, and also I'm not too bright." -- ouch10:58
Madpilotwhere is that gem from?10:59
crimsuninitial guess is something related to one of those two zomgUbuntuConspiracyPONIES sounder dealies11:00
mptMadpilot, from the link you pasted in here 171 minutes ago11:00
Madpilotah, crimsun guesses right ;)11:01
mpt(I'm a slow reader. Also, I had breakfast.)11:01
mdke_mpt: hi11:15
mdke_nice weather we're having11:16
=== mdke_ goes for breakfast
mdke_did you get my third attempt?11:20
mptone moment...11:20
mdke_bad news, I'm afraid11:21
mdkempt: I have to work today :/11:22
mdkeare you going to be around for a while?11:23
mptmdke, we'll be here until Thursday morning11:24
mptso maybe we can meet one evening11:24
mdkeyeah, I'd like that11:24
mptDon't know what we're doing Monday to Wednesday, so maybe tonight?11:25
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mdkehmm, during the week would be likely better for me11:26
Burgundaviampt: are you in england, you poor bastard?11:26
mdkeplus other-Matthew will be pretty tired, right?11:26
mptHe's just turned up and he's surprisingly perky11:27
mptBurgundavia, yes, hence the rain11:28
Burgundaviampt: it does rain in NZ too11:28
Burgundaviabut I must admit, English rain is much more depressing than rain in any other country11:29
mdkeit's nasty here atm. mpt, I don't think I will make tonight. Let me know how you get on Mon-Wed?11:29
Madpilotwiki.u.c & help.u.c both still down, evidently...11:35
BurgundaviaMadpilot: not for me11:35
mdkeworks here too11:36
Madpilotnot here... this house's net connection has been acting stupid lately, though11:37
Burgundaviamdke: working for me is a little more relevant to Madpilot11:38
Burgundaviabeing in the same city and on the same ISP and all11:38
MadpilotBurgundavia, has Shaw been fine for you, the last few days?11:38
BurgundaviaI  have been having issues with loss of connections11:38
Burgundaviafor 1 to 2 hours11:38
MadpilotI had no DNS two nights ago, IRC worked perfectly but no DNS access :|11:38
Madpilotnight before that, I lost all connection for about 2hrs11:39
BurgundaviaI was wondering if someone was dos-ing ubuntu.ca, but it seems to be more widespread tha] n that11:39
Madpilotwhen it runs, it's blazing fast, but it seems to fall over too much...11:39
Burgundaviajust recently11:40
Burgundaviagiven I am running a server on the connection, I don't think I have a leg to stand on to complain11:40
mdkenice work on the newsletter11:40
Burgundaviathanks. Too bad jdub didn't see it that way11:41
Burgundaviaoh, he bitched at me about the jono section11:41
Burgundaviasaid it linked his leaving with jonos arrival11:42
mdkewell, jono certainly isn't a replacement for him, it's a totally different role, that's right11:42
mdkestill, quite right to have a section about the post11:42
mdkemaybe you can remove the bit about Jeff11:42
Burgundaviahe is the only person to have mentioned it to me, so I will put it down to one of jeff's little foibles11:42
mdkeit's not the first time I've seen someone say that the CM is a replacement for jdub, so maybe he wants to stamp on that misunderstanding11:43
BurgundaviaI didn't write it as such11:43
BurgundaviaI was merely commenting on the arrival of one and the departure of another11:43
crimsunI almost edited that section out, actually, but I didn't know the original context, so I left it11:44
Burgundaviacrimsun: you should have edited it11:44
mdkeit does give that impression, but I see what you mean11:44
mdkealso s/banager/manager :)11:44
crimsunb/m ? that's probably my typo (dvorak and all)11:45
mdkeanyway, it's a small point, is a good newsletter11:45
Burgundaviaof course, the really key question is: was my joke funny11:45
Madpilot'cat herder'?11:46
mdkeMadpilot: your words, weren't they?11:46
mdkeor mpt's11:46
Madpilotnot directly, AFAIK11:47
Madpilotblame Burgundavia for the joke, anyway ;)11:47
mdkeremember when the job was advertised, we were talking about it in here. Must have been mpt11:47
Burgundaviamight have been11:47
BurgundaviaI have used the term cat herder in the past and I know it is old11:48
mdkeyeah, it's appropriate11:48
Burgundaviaright. Jokes are supposed to be funny, not "appropriate"11:48
MadpilotI remember the chat in here about the job announcement, but can't remember who made the cat herding comment - might have been me11:49
mdkefunny then11:49
=== Burgundavia gives up
=== mdke starts the laborious task of sewing his sides back together
BurgundaviaMadpilot: you busy tomorrow?11:50
MadpilotBurgundavia, working 4-8 @ VFC, other than that, no11:50
Burgundaviacan you upgrade ubuntucanada?11:50
MadpilotBurgundavia, to Dapper?11:51
mdkeis it on a serverpronto server?11:51
BurgundaviaI willb e around to fix anything locally11:51
Burgundaviamdke: no, it is in my basement11:51
mdkeah, fine11:51
mdkethey don't boot with dapper :/11:51
Burgundaviaoh, fun11:51
MadpilotBurgundavia, sure, I'll do it sometime in the morning/early afternoon. Hopefully won't take long & won't screw up ;)11:52
Burgundaviathe server is an old grey box that used to be my step mother's desktop11:52
Burgundaviahttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuSoundsFull <-- unintentionally funny page name11:52
Madpilotit's a much happier grey box now that Win98 is no longer inflicted on it11:53
Madpilotmdke, do those new doc translations need covers for Lulu>12:15
Burgundavianight all12:20
mdkeMadpilot: there are a couple, I think.12:41
Madpilotmdke, OK, I'll do them in the next couple of days, and send you the URLs to the images12:42
mdkeMadpilot: thanks a lot :)12:42
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mdkelloydinho: did you mean to mail your meeting email just to me?08:47
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atom_Where can I find documentation about preseed installation?08:55
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lloydinhomdke: No. Sorry09:15
lloydinhoI'll send it again to the list.09:15
lloydinhoI see that a "Reply to List" function will be available in Thunderbird soon, that will be helpful.09:17
dsashmm, upstream mozilla has had that patch (and an extension I think) and just sat on it...09:41
dsasoh, targeted to thunderbird 3.009:51
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