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gebruiker | hello i'm trying to create a costum kernel however I wonder what option I need to keep the nice bootsplash(when *ubuntu) is booting | 03:55 |
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gebruiker | hello i'm trying to create a costum kernel however I wonder what option I need to keep the nice bootsplash(when *ubuntu) is booting? | 04:05 |
makx | you need to use initramfs + splash bootarg | 04:36 |
makx | gebruiker: but costum kernels are usually a *big* mistake | 04:37 |
makx | they never get updated and are a maintenance nightmare | 04:37 |
gebruiker | yes but i loose my hd performance i keep on using these costum kernel | 04:39 |
gebruiker | err | 04:39 |
gebruiker | I'm losing hd performance if I keep on using these kernel-images on drapper | 04:39 |
makx | did you report that to malone? | 04:40 |
gebruiker | not yet, need some further testing... | 04:43 |
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fabbione | * Change linux-kernel-headers name to linux-libc-dev. Provide | 05:27 |
fabbione | linux-kernel-headers for upgrade and compatibility. | 05:27 |
fabbione | BenC: this is going to be a funny change | 05:27 |
fabbione | who requested the rename of the package? | 05:27 |
fabbione | usually who B-D on linux-kernel-headers has a versioned Depends | 05:27 |
BenC | fabbione: bug report, agreed on by mdz/jbailey | 05:27 |
fabbione | ok | 05:27 |
BenC | fabbione: never seen a versioned depends | 05:27 |
fabbione | hmm i did | 05:28 |
BenC | didn't check build-deps | 05:28 |
fabbione | specially because you want certain headers in place | 05:28 |
fabbione | anyway | 05:28 |
fabbione | just curious :) | 05:28 |
fabbione | no big deal | 05:28 |
BenC | basically the idea was that too many ppl were installing "linux-kernel-headers" because they wanted to compile modules | 05:29 |
fabbione | yeah | 05:29 |
fabbione | i could guess that | 05:29 |
infinity | BenC: Err, providing linux-kernel-headers won't do anything for upgradability. | 05:30 |
infinity | BenC: Though I guess you'll catch 99% of upgrade cases when libc-dev's depends are changed. | 05:30 |
infinity | Must be rare to have lkh installed without libc-dev | 05:30 |
fabbione | hmm new FF FTBFS on sparc... | 05:31 |
fabbione | infinity: what't the URL in LP for the buildd? launchpad.net/buildd ? | 05:34 |
fabbione | i can never remember and for some odd reasons FF forgot about it again | 05:34 |
infinity | +builds | 05:34 |
fabbione | danke | 05:34 |
fabbione | wow.. all idle.. | 05:35 |
infinity | Not a susprise, given the soyuz breakage that I need to sort with Team Soyuz tomorrow. | 05:35 |
fabbione | oh | 05:35 |
fabbione | can i laugh? | 05:36 |
fabbione | :P | 05:36 |
infinity | I'd prefer if you didn't. | 05:36 |
=== fabbione doesn't | ||
zul_ | hey ppl | 05:36 |
fabbione | hi zul | 05:36 |
BenC | infinity: I left it there just to keep edgy installable | 05:50 |
doko | so uploads don't make sense at the moment? | 05:51 |
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infinity | doko: *shug* No harm in uploading, and some of them will even build. The ones that don't, I'll requeue later. | 06:06 |
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