
=== johnlittle [n=john@adsl-70-241-131-253.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== nixternal [n=nixterna@ubuntu/member/nixternal] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
johnlittleread that last night12:28
johnlittleTheres a lot of silly backlash out there12:29
poningruhehe yeah12:34
=== poningru especially likes the fact that he thinks our forums are official
poningruor the fact that this is exactly what linux needs to offer the 7 years mature mind of the 'consumer', a choclate covered spinach.12:36
=== RichJ [n=nixterna@ubuntu/member/nixternal] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
nixternalwhat did i miss you guys?12:56
johnlittlenothing..all the actions on the ML :)01:12
nixternalyou leave that man alone ;)01:28
johnlittleI'm being quiet01:31
johnlittleinstalled and did bios updates for smp..ive been busy01:32
johnlittlebios updates could be easier..01:32
Burgundavianixternal: ah, crap, we need to get UWN out today01:33
Burgundaviajust remembered01:33
nixternalgetting ready to work on it...it is all good ;)01:34
nixternalkontact tells me i have to work on it every saturday ;)01:34
nixternalwe have a 12+ hour window Burgundavia, and i plan on spending the next few hours after i eat on it01:34
nixternali am going to work local, so if you want to make edits, go for it01:35
Burgundaviaok, I am going to write a bit on dapper changes01:35
nixternali appreciate that01:35
nixternali will cover edgy changes then01:35
nixternalhey Burgundavia, what do you think of adding a screenshot or 2 for the UWN wiki page?  and then when we send it out to news-list we can just link to the images01:36
nixternalyou know what..somebody said something to me about the layout as well..that they didn't like it..and i can't remember who it was, and what they didn't like..i will scour my log and see01:36
Burgundaviaok, sounds good01:37
Burgundavianixternal: finished section on soc. Need a feature of the week01:44
nixternali did a Kubuntu one last week, maybe an Edubuntu feature or a Xubuntu feature so we don't leave them out01:46
Burgundaviahmm, got any smart ideas?01:49
nixternalnot for Xubuntu i don't...Edubuntu has so much stuff to choose from01:49
nixternalyou know what..is laser around?01:50
Burgundaviahttp://www.osnews.com/story.php?news_id=15476 <-- giant howling conspiracy theory01:50
nixternalomg i hate that guy01:52
nixternalfood time01:52
poningruBurgundavia: hehe too slow01:53
poningruposted that in marketing like half an hour ago01:53
poningruerr this is marketing...01:53
nixternalponingru: we weren't around01:54
nixternalok, food for real this time01:54
poningruhehe cya01:55
nixternal Anonymous said...02:05
nixternal    I like the shiny design, I like the community forums, but most of all I like the fact my grandmother can install it.02:05
Burgundaviaubuntu weekly news02:05
Burgundaviathat is great quote02:05
Burgundaviawe should lead with that this week02:05
nixternalhey Burgundavia, it would be great to link that in the "Press" section, and then with that quote below it ;)02:06
BurgundaviaI want to lead with it, dammit02:06
nixternalhowever, i am sure someone will complain because that "wasn't professional"02:06
nixternaldo it02:06
nixternalwe run the UWN, we can do what we want ;)02:06
=== poningru wants to help out, let me know if you need any
nixternalnow if we could get some of the people in #ubuntu-marketing to get off their lazyboys, and get back on the computer and start helpin' ;)02:07
nixternalheh, poningru, there you go ;)02:07
Burgundaviaponingru: currently laserjock is adding his section on the MOTU school, then I am going to be adding that quote02:07
nixternalim gonna go eat my dijorno02:07
Burgundaviaponingru: if you wouldn't mind proofing it, that would be great02:07
poningrujust let me know02:08
BurgundaviaI hoping to get people to have regular "beats"02:09
Burgundavianewspaper like02:09
poningruooh /me could cover mozilla02:09
poningruyeah mofo02:10
poningruthe foundation/corp02:10
Burgundavianot really ubuntu specific02:10
poningruwhat did you have in mind?02:11
Burgundaviasomething ubuntu specific02:11
poningrulike what kinda fields?02:11
Burgundaviaif it happened in the ubuntu community, we want to hear about it02:11
poningruah gotcha02:11
Burgundaviaponingru: can you proofread now poningru?02:24
=== poningru reads
poningruquick question shouldnt we have a wink or a sarcasm tag for the jokosher app comment02:26
Burgundaviafeel free to make any edits you want02:26
poningrubut which one? wink seems not so 'professional' but then again this is a community paper... guide me por favor02:28
Burgundaviawink works02:29
Burgundaviayou will not be the last person to proof it02:29
poningrueverything looks good02:37
Burgundaviaponingru: what is your real name?02:42
Burgundaviashould we officially make this a marketing team project and not a documentation team one?02:43
=== poningru would like it to be a marketing team project
=== mdke_ [n=matt@ubuntu/member/mdke] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
Burgundaviahey mdke02:44
=== poningru is also known as Eldo Varghese
Burgundaviamdke_: rather02:44
nixternalok, Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter == The Communities "Week in Review"...that way there everything the devs have done, the doc team has done, marketing team, or any other team has done since last saturday, goes into the UWN ;)02:50
Burgundavianixternal: I just need to add bug stats. Anything else?02:51
nixternali cheat bug stats...i just grab the list on the left hand side of /+bugs on lp02:51
nixternalcopy and paste, remove the "assigned to me" and wallah02:51
nixternalyou did the whole UWN already?02:52
BurgundaviaI think we are pretty much done02:52
nixternaldid you cover the Kubuntu Meeting?02:52
nixternal"This is the first of what is likely to be several security and updates rollups"02:53
nixternalthat is from the 6.06 point release section02:53
Burgundaviawe need add teh various upcoming meetings02:54
Burgundaviayou want to do that?02:54
nixternali can sure02:55
nixternalwe need to add this weeks meetings as well02:55
Burgundaviashould we mention the Ubuntu counter project?02:56
poningruwell there is uv or something02:58
poningruubuntu video03:00
poningruand there is also ubuntux03:00
Burgundaviarandom pages are nice, but why should I mention them?03:00
Burgundaviauv and the counter I guess we shoudl mention03:00
poningruwell the counter project...03:00
poningruI was just throwing couple of community sites around03:01
=== johnlittle [n=john@adsl-70-241-131-253.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
poningruerr attempting community sites03:01
Burgundaviaare you editing currently?03:03
Burgundaviawe need to do this via some collaborative method next time03:03
poningruoh no stopped editing a while ago03:05
Burgundaviaok, I will add the community websites03:05
=== rjian [n=rjian@] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
Burgundaviawho runs the counter again?03:09
nixternalBurgundavia: i think this current layout could be posted on the fridge and the fridge only almost...it is so precise and much smaller now03:12
nixternalyou know a good place to post the UWN to, is like a blog, and have it goto the different planet.*03:12
nixternalthen everyone would read the damn thing ;)03:13
Burgundaviait is key it goes to the mailng list03:13
Burgundaviait will not get picked up by lwn otherwsie03:13
nixternalof course03:13
Burgundaviahaving a weekly news seperate from teh fridge is a good thing03:13
Burgundaviaregardless, are we ready for a final proof?03:14
poningruBurgundavia: elkubuntu iirc03:14
poningruhold on let me ask03:14
Burgundaviaponingru: I got it03:15
poningruok cool03:15
rjianHello Burgundavia can u help me about Gp keys?03:15
Burgundaviarjian: sure, but right now I need to get uwn out03:16
rjianactually is just the validation ive already receive the email about the key confirmation what will i do next?03:17
poningruanyreason for not taking this to #ubuntu?03:18
poningrurjian: I can help you out03:18
rjianponingru: wat will i do next?03:18
Burgundavianixternal: ok, what next?03:18
nixternalim readin' ;)03:19
nixternalare you going to ToC the top?03:20
Burgundaviayep, once we finish03:20
nixternalhow about a "members" section where people who made some type of membership this week could be noticed, like MOTU's, Dev's, Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Edubuntu/Xubuntu memberships and what not?03:21
nixternalmaybe in future releases03:21
Burgundaviayep, add that to the "future ideas" page03:21
nixternalgood idea ;)03:21
Burgundaviacreate a 10 and note it there03:21
nixternalthere isn't a way really in moinmoin to make a quote stand out, like <blockquote">03:22
nixternalactually doesn't matter, since the UWN is designed for email anyways..never mind that one...belay my last03:22
nixternalthere is an Upcoming NUN Class this week, that we could mention03:23
Burgundaviasounds good03:23
nixternalshould i put it after the feature of the week?03:24
nixternalactually, let me find out what is up with that...they have been contemplating everything this week03:24
nixternalBurgundavia: i am in edit mode for 2 minutes03:27
Burgundaviaok, no worries03:27
nixternalshould i put the NUN class at the end, or is there some place better for it03:27
Burgundaviawith the other education stuff03:33
nixternalya, exactly where i put it03:33
nixternalone more second03:33
=== poningru proofs
nixternalnot yet03:33
nixternalit is saving03:37
nixternali added a ToC at the top03:37
nixternalok done03:37
nixternalhey Burgundavia, you want me to add the upcoming meetings?03:37
nixternalk, doing it now, so i have it open03:38
=== tonyyarusso [n=anthony@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
poningrulet me know when you are done couple of things need to be fixed, quotes etc.03:41
nixternalworking on bug day info right now03:46
nixternaltrying to see if it is every week, or every other week03:46
nixternalok poningru, i am done03:49
nixternalwork your magic03:49
poningruhow do I <br> in wiki?03:51
Burgundavia[[br] ] 03:53
Burgundaviaremember it is going out as text03:53
poningruoh nm then04:01
poningruguys I finished half way through04:04
poningrulook through mine and see if they sound ok from a can,uk,aus prespective04:04
nixternalnm that04:09
nixternali tried [[ BR ] ] 04:09
nixternalbut i have an alias04:09
nixternaluse capitals poningru, or it won't work04:09
nixternalfor the break04:09
poningruoh I didnt use it04:09
poningrubut read through the first half04:10
poningrusee if it sounds ok from nonUS perspective04:10
nixternali am from Chicago, so my language is totally different from eveyrone elses ;)04:14
Burgundavianixternal: poningru: are you both still editing?04:19
nixternalim done04:19
nixternalponingru had it last04:19
BurgundaviaI think I am going to have one last look thorugh it and then send to ubuntu-news04:19
nixternallet crimsun look it over...he is a good proofer04:19
nixternalonce it is ready, i will get it on the fridge04:20
Burgundaviaand I will get in on -news, cause I want the credit this week ;)04:20
=== BuffaloSoldier [n=firdaus@] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
poningruyeah /me is still editing04:21
poningruok done04:26
poningrubbl /me has to go eat04:27
=== Rjian [n=rjian@] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== troy_s [n=aphorism@d206-116-6-170.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
poningruBurgundavia: did you catch that?04:39
Burgundaviaponingru: that you are eating? yes04:43
=== poningru meant the /me is done
poningruBurgundavia: I thought this had to go out today04:44
Burgundaviaponingru: it does. crimsun is doing a quick check and then I am going to send it04:44
poningruBurgundavia: one quick thing make sure screenshot is changed to plural04:50
nixternalheh, someone sent me an email telling me i need to get an advogato account...so i check it out..and...well i am going to leave that alone04:54
Burgundavianixternal: did you use raw view and send the email of that?05:02
=== MagicFab [n=magicfab@modemcable113.78-83-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-marketing:Burgundavia] : http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarketingTeam | UWN #9 is out |
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-marketing:Burgundavia] : http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarketingTeam | UWN #9 is out | Channel logs at http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/
Burgundavia*grumble at x-g*05:12
johnlittle woo..thx for the mention05:13
BurgundaviaI like to mention the people behind the projects05:14
johnlittleI added a link to the counter..and the book publisher btw05:15
johnlittlestill working my way through the site looking for places to do things like that05:15
poningruwoah /me is in there too05:17
poningruthanks dude :)05:17
Burgundaviafunny how a mention in a newletter can really validate people05:18
Burgundaviahmm, reply to should have been set to the marketing list05:18
johnlittleI'm constantly self-validating but it's still appreciated :)05:19
nixternalBurgundavia: nobody ever replies to it anyways..so it is fine..good job!05:23
Burgundaviaright, I have already got two bounces and one thanks05:23
nixternaloh ya, you always get the "thanks" one05:24
johnlittleanyone speak french?05:24
nixternalthat would be useless however i think for the marketing list05:24
nixternalya johnlittle05:24
nixternalhttp://www.google.com/language_tools?hl=en speaks it just fine05:25
nixternalwell google won't fix that ;)05:26
=== adamant1988 [n=adam@doc-24-206-202-2.el.wv.cebridge.net] has left #ubuntu-marketing []
=== rjian [n=mypurple@] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
johnlittleSlab is pretty slick05:36
Burgundaviajohnlittle: bit is it useful?06:18
Burgundaviait is usable?06:19
johnlittleno bugs or instability noticed yet06:19
Burgundaviathat is not same as usable06:20
johnlittleit can be06:20
BurgundaviaI think what they are doing is interesting, I just don't know if it has anything over the current menu structure06:20
Burgundavianow gimmie, that is interesting06:20
johnlittleI'm not sure I'm a fan of that whole architecture but I think a lot of people will go for it06:21
johnlittleIt's very customizable which is a plus. I'm going to try it for a few days and see if it takes.06:22
poningruwait what are we talking about?06:41
johnlittleI think we were talking about Slab06:42
poningrusorry the bit threw me off06:42
=== darkmatter_ [n=darkmatt@206-163-248-232.yktn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== Madpilot [n=brian@ubuntu/member/madpilot] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
johnlittleThat video might sink the FOSS movement lol06:46
poningruthat actually isnt so bad06:46
johnlittleProduction quality is great..but I find the whole thing kind of odd06:46
johnlittlethen theres this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHY5EFvldJc06:47
johnlittleif there's a video about foss, linux, ubuntu online then i think ive seen it. I hope people start making more.06:56
=== ompaul hands johnlittle a copy of revolution o/s and wonders if there should be a revolution o/s part deux
johnlittleI think i have that slated to go out..its great07:01
johnlittlethe bbc codebreakers series is awesome too07:01
ompauljohnlittle,  http://www.newsforge.com/blob.pl?id=d68a3f301777be569a9f7dd1c202cc7e07:04
johnlittleno live demo..thats hilarious07:06
johnlittleOne of his videos is on the Get Ubuntu page: http://www.ubuntuvideo.com/get-ubuntu/07:07
MadpilotBurgundavia, so is the 'herder of felines' joke in the lastest UWN your fault?07:12
BurgundaviaMadpilot: no, absolutely not ;)07:12
BurgundaviaI was playing on the whole "ubuntu, pronounced balh, means blah in ancient african"07:12
Burgundaviaalthough I apparently made jeff annoyed07:13
Burgundaviahe seems to think my comment linked his leaving and jonos coming07:13
elkbuntui know im coming in late on this.. but.. oh. my. gawd.. that song stinks of techno-hippiness07:18
Burgundaviaelkbuntu: song?07:24
poningruelkbuntu: hey man I love that song07:24
elkbuntuthe free software song07:24
ormiretI think jono's version is the best I've heard: http://www.recreantview.org/blog/?page_id=1507:33
MadpilotOK, that was strange as hell - thank you, ormiret ;)07:40
johnlittleYep thats the best version07:45
=== rjian [n=rjian@] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
elkbuntucanonical needs to get some better redundancy in their servers... cant be a good look to have the wiki down at some point on an almost weekly basis07:53
poningruand for the loco team one of the server is down :(07:54
poningruwhich hosts software freedom day webpage07:54
johnlittlethese are the kinds of linux videos i want ppl to make more of: http://youtube.com/watch?v=yMjk31_AfT007:54
johnlittlewiki is down again?07:55
poningruit is07:57
=== zenrox [n=zenrox@pool-71-120-239-162.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
Kamping_Kaiserponingru, oh, is that wheres its gone07:57
poningruKamping_Kaiser: yeah :(07:57
poningrugreebo is not happy07:58
poningrunot that we can complain or anything.... but still07:58
=== Kamping_Kaiser is so over servers going awol
Kamping_Kaiserwe can complain, we just cant help07:58
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
poningruyou know what I do like? the ibm mini eminem linux commercials08:00
=== Kamping_Kaiser hasnt seen em
johnlittleThose are awesome08:01
johnlittleI'll probably run those but im saving them for a slow period08:02
poningruanother good series is the red hat once08:06
BurgundaviaI pass no judement08:07
=== poningru <3
=== Kamping_Kaiser thinks its good to have that sort of artwork coming back - its been 3 years now since we had any!
elkbuntuback to the warty days?08:08
poningruyeah we need the porn distro title back08:08
Kamping_Kaiserhehe "boobuntu would be the most secure platform to surf for your pr0n"08:08
Kamping_Kaiserelkbuntu, yeh08:09
johnlittletheres a better one..hmm off to google08:09
johnlittleyep google images..ubuntu..yikes08:09
=== Kamping_Kaiser knows people who swear they only started using ubuntu for the cover on the warty cds
elkbuntusex sells08:09
johnlittlelinux could using some xtra sexy :)08:10
Kamping_Kaiserelkbuntu, not sure that fits in with the marketing team ;)08:10
poningruthat comes up thats so awesome08:10
poningrugoogle imags for ubuntu08:10
=== poningru goes to show to rob
elkbuntuKamping_Kaiser, my body wouldnt sell peanuts to an elephant08:11
Kamping_Kaiserelkbuntu, nm, we can use poningru .08:12
=== poningru is a guy
poningruerr different rob08:12
poningrunot our rob08:12
Kamping_Kaiserponingru, theres female elephants08:12
Kamping_Kaiserand when females do something, males follow ;)08:12
=== Kamping_Kaiser hatches master plan to ubuntu the world, starting with women
poningruhmm excellent08:13
johnlittleyou're not far off the mark actually. Linux needs a female face08:13
Kamping_Kaiseri just showed someone that link, and i got back:() Hiedi H: u perve08:13
johnlittleI think i need to make an old school ununtu wallpaper08:24
Madpilotold school, in this case, translating as, "Women not wearing much"?08:26
poningruwe need our own qdb08:26
Kamping_Kaiserponingru, the bzr team just have a wiki page where people can put quotes08:26
Kamping_Kaiser(they had 4 last i looked)08:27
poningruoh man...08:27
=== poningru is gonna put up his gentoo box as a qdb eventually
johnlittlei still need to make orange eyes for this one: http://www.ubuntuvideo.com/ubuntumktg7.png08:27
johnlittleanybody good at that sort of stuff?08:27
poningrushould be simple to do08:28
poningrugive me a sec08:28
MadpilotI can have a go. Glowing orange eyes would be fun.08:28
johnlittlego for it08:28
poningruoh wait you want the glassy orange right?08:28
=== poningru cant exactly do that
johnlittleideally yeah08:28
johnlittlebut whatever08:28
poningruhmm /me reads gimp docs08:28
poningruhopefully there is a replace function08:29
=== Kamping_Kaiser waits for a caching proxy that breaks images into chunks, and caches those - i could just reload about 100^ px of this image, rather then the whole lot
Kamping_Kaiser*lol* at MT reference08:31
Madpilotjohnlittle, it's a bit hackish, but: http://www.warbard.ca/temp/ubuntupolice-orangesample.png08:34
poningruhow did you do it so quick?08:34
johnlittlevery nice08:34
johnlittlebetter than I could have done08:34
=== poningru too
Madpilotponingru, I is a gimp guru ;)08:34
=== poningru bows
Madpilottutorial in a moment, if anyone wants an improptu gimp lesson08:35
Madpilotafter I get a drink :)08:35
poningruooh yeah08:35
Madpilotright, I have a nice cold gin & tonic.08:39
Burgundaviajohnlittle: is that an official valve image?08:39
Madpilothow to give anime-ish policemen glowing orange eyes08:39
Madpilot1. start the GIMP & open that image. Zoom in on one pair of eyes.08:40
johnlittleNot sure. Couldnt find it on their site. It was on third party wallpaper sites08:40
poningruooh wait08:40
johnlittleI'm assuming that it is though.08:40
Madpilothit "B" - that'll get you the Path tool08:41
MadpilotPaths are cool, they're an easily controlled way to do all sorts of things08:42
Madpilotclick on a series of points, and the Path tool will connect them. Close the shape & hit Enter, and you've got a selection - like the lasso, but way easier to control08:43
poningruselect the eyes?08:43
Madpilotyup, select the inside edge of the eyes - the inside of the socket, basically08:44
Madpilotwhere the strong blue ends08:44
Madpilothit Enter to make a selection, then B again to clear the path nodes - you don't need them again08:45
MadpilotNow go Select menu->Grow, set that to 5 pixels, hit OK08:45
Madpilotthen Select->Feather, set to 5px, hit OK08:46
Madpilotthat'll give our orange glow a soft edge, when we're done.08:46
Madpilotnext, create a new layer - Layer menu->New Layer08:47
Madpilotmake sure you're on the new layer - layer dialogue is on the righthand side of the screen08:47
poningruoh transparency new layer fill type?08:48
Madpilotleave it at default, just hit OK when you get the new layer dialogue08:48
poningruah ok08:48
MadpilotTransparency should be the default08:48
poningruyeah transparency is the default08:48
elkbuntuyou did it the hard way08:48
Madpilotelkbuntu, there's different ways to do all this stuff, I'm going with 'easiest to explain' ;)08:49
Madpilot'easiest to type', perhaps08:49
MadpilotOK - next, Shift+B to get you to the bucket fill tool08:49
elkbuntulasso the eyes, layer > colourise, get to the right colour, tweak lightness and saturation, dont let it go too pale. layer > brightness/contrast, get it looking bright enough08:49
Madpilotdouble click on the colour selector, pick a nice bright orange shade08:49
elkbuntuthat's all i need to type :D08:50
=== poningru sticks to Madpilot's way
poningrufor now08:50
poningruwill try elkbuntu later08:50
Kamping_Kaiserhehe. dissed08:50
johnlittlenot quite old school: http://www.ubuntuvideo.com/ss/ubuntubeach2.png08:50
Madpilotelkbuntu, my way introduces a bunch of new cool concepts, too. layer blends & such08:51
Madpilotnext, flood fill the selection with orange. It'll be opaque, but that we'll fix next08:52
johnlittlebeautiful work08:52
elkbuntujohnlittle, my link.. that what you were wanting?08:52
johnlittlei gotta kill the blue ubuntu now08:52
Madpilotabove the Layers dialogue there's a dropdown called Mode - set that to "Screen" - glowing orange eyes, with no blue bits around the edges to distract08:53
Madpilotponingru, in the Layers display, above the actual layers, there's a dropdown, titled "Mode"08:56
poningrudoh ic it08:56
Madpilotis cool, no?08:58
MadpilotLayers blending is awesome08:58
johnlittleI think i need to play with the color of the ubuntu but it more or less works: http://www.ubuntuvideo.com/ss/umkt.png09:04
Burgundaviacan you put the logo in their eyes?09:05
johnlittlethats easy enough. I thought about that09:05
johnlittleYou think like Dr. Evil...09:05
Burgundavianow we need to just get around the issue of the fact that we are using a copyrighted image...09:06
johnlittleI wasn't planning on releasing this anywhere.09:06
johnlittleCan you imagine rolling this out at a some linux event..that would freak people out09:08
johnlittlegiant posters in a convention hall09:08
Madpilothttp://www.warbard.ca/temp/ubuntupolice-orange.png <- my version, slightly brighter orange09:09
Madpilotthe righthand guy is a bit messy :|09:09
MadpilotI serioiusly think "We've come for your desktop" should replace "Linux for human beings" :)09:09
johnlittleI like them both. I don't think I would have done as well as either of you09:10
johnlittletwo different styles..both cool.09:11
Madpilotor maybe we could just adopt it as Marketing Team's logo09:11
Madpilotslogan, rather09:11
Kamping_KaiserMadpilot, well there are a few bounties open on LP about changing it, so why not :009:11
johnlittleThis just in..theres been a slight change in Ubuntu's image...09:11
poningrumore evil09:12
johnlittleNow With More Evil09:12
MadpilotI thought MS had that market cornered?09:12
Burgundaviawe just need them to have puppy skin helmets, and we will truly have cornered the evil market09:13
johnlittleBallmer will be calling Bill..."I think these guys are serious..."09:13
=== poningru wants to see sabdafl throwing a chair
johnlittlePuppy Skin Shipit CD covers?09:14
johnlittleand small pring "Puppies were harmed in the production of this distro:09:14
johnlittleer small print09:14
Madpilotbut not ponies, because there is no pony for you!09:15
BurgundaviaI wonder why somebody would unsubscribe from a three message *a month* mailing list...09:18
=== Burgundavia watches the -news subs and unsubs come by
MadpilotSo, quick poll: Has John Baer had his sense of humour surgically removed, or was it absent from birth?09:23
Kamping_KaiserMadpilot, quicker poll. whotf is that?09:23
MadpilotKamping_Kaiser, you not on the marketing team mailing list?09:23
johnlittleThat cracked me up09:24
MadpilotKamping_Kaiser, if not, this post, and thread from there: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-marketing/2006-August/000944.html09:24
Madpilotgah, is gmail sending my email as HTML? Eww.09:25
Kamping_KaiserMadpilot, i'm on it, but not following any lists at the moment.09:26
=== Burgundavia wonders if his 600
Burgundavia600+ email backlog is due to jbaer...09:27
MadpilotBurgundavia, no, just the really, really long, strange emails to -marketing :)09:27
Burgundaviaat the marketing team is not trying to produce documentation09:28
Kamping_KaiserMadpilot, oh, i see.09:28
=== Kamping_Kaiser wonders at some people
MadpilotKamping_Kaiser, hence my 'quick poll' question ;) Which way would you vote?>09:29
MadpilotPerhaps hitting him with Webster's was a bit too much... nah.09:29
Kamping_Kaiserheh. absent from birth :) (ducks incase said person is here)09:29
Burgundaviahis nick is jbaer09:30
=== Kamping_Kaiser will read the thread in a bit
johnlittleHe seems to just hang around to drop bombs..unless someones seem him do something else.09:30
BurgundaviaMadpilot: remind me to forward you some of the stuff our marketing guy produces at work09:30
ormiretjohnlittle: I think he wrote the charter for the magazine09:31
Madpilotjohnlittle, he writes long wiki articles too09:31
Madpilotwell, not really articles, just long pages09:31
Kamping_Kaiserormiret, has it exploaded? :)09:31
johnlittlepages of what?09:31
johnlittleoh wait I think i read one of those...nevermind09:31
MadpilotBurgundavia, if it's in similar vein, I'm not sure you need to waste the bandwidth :)09:31
Burgundaviaoh, very much so09:31
Madpilotjohnlittle, long 'this is how real marketing is done' pages :|09:32
Burgundaviathe sad part is that our marketing guys get paid to do this09:32
johnlittleYeah read that...shudder09:32
MadpilotI'm sure he means well, but really...09:32
Kamping_KaiserMadpilot, you can mean whatever you like, but when you say 'do it my way, because', you loose... er... everytghing09:33
Madpilotwhat about when you take 500+ words to say that?09:33
johnlittleit least it wasnt in all caps09:34
Kamping_KaiserMadpilot, one reason i'm not follings lists atm: they seem to be in big email overdrive (esp marketing)09:34
Madpilotyeah, -marketing has picked up lately09:34
Burgundaviasadly at least half of it is noise09:35
elkbuntunice response to the loony, Madpilot :)09:35
MadpilotThank you. I try for brevity & clarity. Sometimes I make it. ;)09:36
johnlittleWait until you see my 5 page "What is a loony?" piece09:36
johnlittlej/k..no reply from me09:36
elkbuntui seriously felt like replying with 'stop wasting our <profanity> time', but i restrained myself09:37
johnlittleIt would be more entertaining to send out that wallpaper with a note about it being the official edgy theme09:37
elkbuntujohnlittle, find one of the well-established hoax sites that is techy.. see how quickly they get it viral ;)09:38
Burgundavialike digg?09:39
poningruor /.?09:39
johnlittleYeah it probably would09:40
elkbuntui mean like the sites that manage to pull of actual proper hoaxes09:40
Madpilotelkbuntu, so, like Digg or /. then09:41
poningruelkbuntu: hehe09:43
johnlittleI find myself going back to the default theme and wallpaper a lot these days...that's odd09:44
Burgundaviafunny how it grows on you?09:44
=== Kamping_Kaiser hasnt changed his default theme since ubuntu came out
BurgundaviaI started using the default as part of the doc team, because I need to have default for that09:45
MadpilotI use default theme, but I change wallpapers a couple times a week09:45
johnlittleWill there be new artwork for edgy?09:46
johnlittleGuess so...ive seen the wiki lol09:47
=== poningru either
Burgundaviawow, youtube is filled with lots of really old videos09:54
Kamping_KaiserGARRR!, just when i want to find help on checkinstall ubuntus disapeared *slaps randomly*09:55
BurgundaviaKamping_Kaiser: checkinstall is evil anyway, my son09:55
Kamping_KaiserBurgundavia, :/ well i can checkinstall it, or make install it09:56
=== Kamping_Kaiser make installs. and hopes he wont regret it
elkbuntui must be bored. http://meldra.no-ip.info:8080/apple.png10:02
Burgundaviathat is good10:03
johnlittlehaha me too: http://www.ubuntuvideo.com/ss/moonbuntu.png10:03
johnlittlemine isnt so good10:03
elkbuntuBurgundavia, pimpin' it to the apple usr ;)10:03
Burgundaviaelkbuntu: wash out the apple to grey and just have the ubuntu logo in colour10:03
johnlittlegood idea10:04
johnlittlewould be nice to have it next to a macbook with ubuntu...10:04
elkbuntuor in a screenshot of a mac ;)10:04
elkbuntuand not screenshot as in print screen10:05
Burgundaviano, don't go that far10:05
elkbuntua shot of the screen of a mac10:05
Madpilotelkbuntu, cool apple10:05
elkbuntulet me do the desaturated version10:05
Madpilotcool moon, too10:05
johnlittlethx..just playin10:06
Kamping_Kaiseryou people and your pictures :( your amazing :|10:07
Madpilotan Ubuntu.ca wallpaper I did last week: http://ubuntu-ca.org/wallpaper/UC_wallpaper1.png10:12
johnlittleI was thinking canadian before i read the logo :)10:14
Madpilotjohnlittle, distort the logo sideways on that cat's eye a bit, so it looks more like a reflection10:14
johnlittleyeah i know..im lazy :/10:15
johnlittleI'll retouch it in the morning10:15
johnlittlewould be better with the xubuntu mous elogo10:17
Madpilotelkbuntu, very cool10:18
=== Madpilot swears at the GIMP's awful rescaling tool...
MadpilotSeriously, I don't think it's possible to rescale something and automatically keep the same aspect ratio...10:19
johnlittlenice apple10:19
Burgundaviaelkbuntu: here is my last idea. What about a slightly coloured apple, with a less transparent logo (yes, I am very picky)10:20
elkbuntufull series, hehe10:27
Madpilotwonder how much it would cost to get that on the side of a bus for a month or two? :)10:27
poningrunot much actually10:27
poningruif you go a cheap rural route10:28
elkbuntustrangely, i dont even own an apple, but the idea popped into my bored brain anyway10:28
Burgundaviatoo bad it would just advertise apple10:29
Burgundaviabetter to do something else10:29
elkbuntuyeah, but the idea was to aim it at apple users10:30
Burgundaviaas long as it says "ubuntu" linux for human beings10:30
=== mindspin [n=mindspin@pD95FFADF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
Madpilotno, no, "We've come for your desktop", remember?10:36
Burgundaviathat can be another add10:37
Burgundaviaad, rather10:38
elkbuntuare we seriously considering ads now?10:39
MadpilotI'm not, just BSing10:40
mindspingood morning10:40
johnlittleomg wtf: http://primativeperspective.com/monkey_pictures.htm10:40
mindspin is the wiki down ?10:41
=== poningru goes to bed
Burgundaviaelkbuntu: I have given much thought to it locally10:41
poningrumindspin: yeah10:41
elkbuntuhad i more $s to my name, i probably would consider it also10:42
poningruBurgundavia: seriously?10:42
poningrudamn too tired to discuss...10:42
Burgundaviaponingru: yes, but ultimately rejected it10:42
poningrunight guys10:42
Burgundaviadue to lack of return for investment10:42
poningruok /me was going along the same lines10:42
poningrunight or morning now I guess10:43
mindspinads are boring and imho not a good way concerning price/effort10:43
elkbuntumagazine exposure is where it's at10:43
mindspinpress press press10:43
elkbuntulocation location location10:43
johnlittleok I know im tired now: http://www.ubuntuvideo.com/ss/chimp.png10:59
MadpilotI'd suggest using a pic of a certain world leader & the same end tag, but that would probably severely bend the CoC ;)11:00
elkbuntuyou mean, he's not actually a chimp? there i was thinking...11:04
Madpilotbe nice11:05
elkbuntuit was the facial contortions that confused me11:06
Burgundaviafridge it11:08
johnlittlewho me?11:09
johnlittleok this is odd: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0_qDqqyj1k11:30
Madpilot _____________________________11:41
Madpilot< We've come for your desktop >11:41
Madpilot -----------------------------11:41
Madpilot        \   ^__^11:41
Madpilot         \  (oo)\_______11:41
Madpilot            (__)\       )\/\11:41
Madpilot                ||----w |11:41
Madpilot                ||     ||11:41
=== matthewrevell [i=synchron@outbound.silenceisdefeat.org] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
elkbuntu      _                    _12:05
elkbuntu  ___| |_    _ _  ___  ___| |_ _ _ _  _12:05
elkbuntu / _ \ ' \  | ' \/ _ \/ -_)  _| '_| || |12:05
elkbuntu \___/_||_| |_||_\___/\___|\__|_|  \_, |12:05
elkbuntu                                   |__/12:05
Kamping_Kaiser /mode +b elkbuntu Madpilot "stop spamming :P"12:05
elkbuntuyou'll never defeat us12:06
elkbuntumy spam was less spammy12:06
Kamping_Kaiserhehe. but less meaningfull12:06
ormiretelkbuntu: perhaps not defeat but we can /ignore which is almost as good12:06
Madpilotmy spam was cowsay, so it doesn't count as spam12:06
elkbuntuis that so?12:07
elkbuntush: fig: command not found12:07
elkbuntu __12:07
elkbuntu<  >12:07
elkbuntu --12:07
elkbuntu        \   ^__^12:07
elkbuntu         \  (oo)\_______12:07
elkbuntu            (__)\       )\/\12:07
elkbuntu                ||----w |12:07
elkbuntu                ||     ||12:07
Kamping_Kaiserhehe. jOO m3ss3d up!12:07
elkbuntufiglet: oh.flf: Unable to open font file12:07
elkbuntu __12:07
elkbuntu<  >12:07
elkbuntu --12:07
elkbuntu        \   ^__^12:07
elkbuntu         \  (oo)\_______12:07
elkbuntu            (__)\       )\/\12:07
elkbuntu                ||----w |12:07
elkbuntu                ||     ||12:07
elkbuntu _________________________________________12:08
elkbuntu/      _                    _             \12:08
elkbuntu|  ___| |_    _ _  ___  ___| |_ _ _ _  _  |12:08
elkbuntu| / _ \ ' \  | ' \/ _ \/ -_)  _| '_| || | |12:08
elkbuntu| \___/_||_| |_||_\___/\___|\__|_|  \_, | |12:08
Burgundaviaelkbuntu: please stop, think of the puppies12:08
elkbuntu\                                   |__/  /12:08
elkbuntu -----------------------------------------12:08
elkbuntu        \   ^__^12:08
elkbuntu         \  (oo)\_______12:08
elkbuntu            (__)\       )\/\12:08
elkbuntu                ||----w |12:08
elkbuntu                ||     ||12:08
mdkeelkbuntu: please stop now12:08
Madpilotmy God, it's full of cows!12:08
elkbuntuMadpilot, is there a puppy cowsay? you started this remember12:08
mdkelet's not get overexcited12:08
elkbuntui wasnt, excited, i was just undertaking Madpilot's decree that cowsay wasnt spam :P12:09
elkbuntuand stuffing it up twice12:09
Kamping_Kaiserelkbuntu, you need to practice ;)12:09
Madpilotno, *my* cowsay isn't spam. Yours might be. ;)12:09
elkbuntuhow can cowsay + figlet be a bad thing?12:10
matthewrevellwow, the wonders of SUnday morning irc12:10
=== Kamping_Kaiser sees 5000000 lines of spam bad things :)
Burgundaviamorning matthewrevell12:11
matthewrevellmorning :)12:11
Burgundavianight all12:20
=== MenZa [n=menza@0x535e9fee.kd4nxx12.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== jenda [n=jenda@ubuntu/member/jenda] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== merriam [n=merriam@84-12-24-68.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
ompaul /exec cowsay did you know every time you use cowsay I loose a karama point02:34
ompauljenda, deps on eariler conversations02:37
jendaOf course :)02:37
ormiretompaul was kind enough to not actually do it02:37
jendaBut you lose a karma point all the same ;)02:37
jendaI see.02:37
=== jenda is tired... will be a hard job to catch up with everything that went on in the meantime.
Kamping_Kaiseryeh, naughty elkbuntu :P02:38
ormiretDid we ever figure out if there was a meeting today?02:38
jendanvm, I gotta run. I hope I'm here if it happens.02:42
ormiretThe next meeting date at the end of the last minuted is today02:42
ormiretsara mentioned at one point but noone else knew anything about it02:43
elkbuntusometime the past few hours, the counter hit the 10k machine milestone.. w00t!03:18
=== Kamping_Kaiser claps
=== MenZa applaudes
Kamping_Kaiserdoes ubuntu have offical forums? when did they become offical?04:03
elkbuntunooo idea04:04
elkbuntuits just the work of an uneducated troll04:05
Kamping_Kaiseri wanted to be sure04:06
elkbuntuoh ffs.. john baer is at it again04:06
=== Kamping_Kaiser hasnt looked at the list allday
=== Kamping_Kaiser thinks hes probably not missed much
elkbuntubaer is getting his knickers in a knot re: bug #104:08
Kamping_Kaiserwghat can i say? good04:09
elkbuntuso you agree bug #1 should be abolished?04:12
Kamping_Kaiserstuff that. print it on tshirts04:12
elkbuntuthat's what baer is calling for...04:12
elkbuntunot the tshirts.. the abolishment04:13
Kamping_Kaiserexactly. pin it to him.04:14
Kamping_Kaiserpeople with no sence of humour/uniqueness can bugger off. i have to put up with to many of them already04:15
=== Kamping_Kaiser has amusing thought
elkbuntuive run out of patience with him.. i'll leave it to one of the more articulate fellows to give him a verbal enema04:15
Kamping_Kaiser'any of you who are in advertising or marketing, kill yourselfs. there is no rationalisation for what you do, you are satans little helpers, kill yourself, killyourself,kill yourself now. now. back to the show" - bill hicks04:16
=== Kamping_Kaiser sees email topic 'bug 1 closed it', and goes to look
elkbuntuif he did, he'll be banished from ubuntu for life04:20
Kamping_Kaiserhe hasnt, he just ranted04:22
elkbuntudid you go check?04:23
elkbuntuheh... i was refraining from just incase...04:24
Kamping_Kaiserits been closed before, but it always gets reopneed04:24
=== mindspin [n=mindspin@pD95FFADF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== ompaul wonders if he should call john b a troll
ompauland decides not to05:07
mindspinI#m just reading him...05:08
ompaulmindspin, don't - you should have a nice Sunday05:08
mindspinI had til now05:09
=== Rinchen [n=Rinchen@unaffiliated/rescue] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
elkbuntuompaul, i did consider replying, but i could only think of non-CoC things to say05:15
ompaulelkbuntu, let it alone, the "it is a joke" is not getting though is an issue not for the list05:16
elkbuntuhe seems intent on just making a crapload of noise in the list though.. he sent another 'values' email too...05:18
elkbuntuif finances, or lack thereof, and conscience were not stopping me, i would be quite tempted to vent frustration at his ignorant persistance in performing bodily harm on his person05:19
ompaulelkbuntu, it is not worth investing your energy in such05:20
elkbuntubut it would be so empowering ;)05:21
ompaul /cs m elkbuntu05:21
ompaulwe can be diverted by people like him or not - frankly I still have that idea and I can't get it onto a wiki page .. but I will, after I get a blinding flash of brilliance on the staircase05:22
ompaulwords fail me in my "super map" :-(05:22
=== elkbuntu hands ompaul replacement words.
ompaulelkbuntu, it is not the words but capturing the picture I have in my mind - I find it very difficult to wrestle it into words, it is a specific picture but it can be viewed as macro and micro at the same time - almost a fractal like quality05:27
=== ompaul gives up
=== MenZa [n=menza@0x535e9fee.kd4nxx12.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== hybrid [n=x@dpc6745217221.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
mdkeoh christ, the mailing list bug strikes again06:23
elkbuntumdke, common reaction tonight.06:25
nixternali just sent an email to the list, i hope it isn't considered a bug ;)06:25
elkbuntunixternal, only if you're verging on trolling or repeating the same crud over again06:28
=== mdke winds up a reprimand to John Baer
nixternalooh mdke, i can't wait to see it06:30
nixternali love how Corey finally let off a little steam06:30
nixternalall of a sudden, since he doesn't get what he wants, he attacks..i don't like that, and if he was "intelligent" enough to understand he is talking about the CoC and at the same time disrespecting or disregarding it06:30
mdkehopefully that is not too harsh06:31
elkbuntuno, its just one up from dennis' earlier mail06:32
elkbuntuand i thought he was being too kind.. hence why i havent replied06:32
mdkeI'm encouraged by how this team is evolving06:35
mdkethere are a good number of sensible doing people stepping up now06:35
mdkehopefully things will start to move now06:36
elkbuntui can only hope i'm part of that06:38
nixternalmdke: very well said in that email06:38
mdkehey, you're the top one :)06:38
=== nixternal hands mdke an attaboy
elkbuntuyou serious?06:38
elkbuntui sort of thought with the fridge and all that the surveys would be sort of minor06:39
mdkewell, the fridge isn't really doing much marketing :)06:39
elkbuntunor are the surveys yet.. but i suppose the counter is06:40
=== poningru yawns
elkbuntuanyway, off to bed with me, since it's almost 3am06:46
=== matthewrevell [i=synchron@outbound.silenceisdefeat.org] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
matthewrevellHow does one scream on a mailing list?07:10
MenZa*screams in matthewrevell's face*07:15
MenZaLike that.07:15
johnlittleI can't believe the nasty emails I'm getting because of ubuntu video07:18
matthewrevellMenZa: Nice work07:20
matthewrevelljohnlittle: seriously?07:20
johnlittlemattewrevell: Yes...I'm an enemy of FOSS for leveraging flash07:21
johnlittleyoutube hosting..etc07:21
matthewrevelljohnlittle: Has it been openly hostile?07:21
johnlittleno big deal. I'm just surprised that people don't understand that they aren't all videos I produced07:22
matthewrevelljohnlittle: I can't remember if it's flagged up clearly on the site and am too lazy to open a Firefox tab ... but maybe you could make it more clear.07:23
johnlittlesome of them are. I think that those folks are in the minority though. I think we have to keep in mind that not all ubuntu users are concerned about FOSS. Some people just want a great operating system07:23
johnlittleYeah I'm thinking about another way of making that point07:23
matthewrevelljohnlittle: Thing is, and I've siad this many times before, zealotry isn't really helpful, most of the time07:24
matthewrevellSo, people attacking you are basically counterproductive. They should be trying to persuade you of what they believe, rather than attacking you for disagreeing07:24
johnlittleYep. It doesn't bother me. My other gig is politics so I can take it :)07:25
matthewrevelljohnlittle: Cool.07:25
matthewrevelljohnlittle: Not everyone can, though, and people shouldn't have to.07:26
johnlittleI'm just suprised that some people are that emotional about it07:26
nixternalhe will take it, and he will enjoy it ;)07:26
matthewrevellAnyway, love, teamwork, integrity, excellence, inclusion, teamwork.07:26
nixternala client of mine brings in a broken lappy, and says fix it..immediately after boot, i know it is a bad drive..replace the drive, and offer him Kubuntu or Ubuntu free of charge, and that I will service his laptop for FREE, for the next 6 months, and that i will instruct him on his new setup07:27
nixternalhe tells me07:27
nixternalNah, I don't like the way the name sounds07:28
matthewrevellnixternal: UncleSamOS suit him better? :)07:28
nixternalso, he insisted on windows...so i charged him full price and offer him no free support ;)07:28
nixternali have all his servers, and he runs Ubuntu on them ;)07:29
johnlittleShould I even have comments enabled on UV..I don't really want to wade through lots of battles about FOSS or other distros every day.07:32
nixternali just noticed you were here ;)07:32
nixternalwelcome back buddy!07:32
johnlittleI removed the comment feature on UV and beefed up the about page a little.08:01
=== hybrid_ [n=x@dpc6745217221.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
johnlittleHas anyone ever been booted from the marketing ML?08:26
ormiretI don't think so08:29
=== hybrid [n=x@dpc6745217221.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== Madpilot [n=brian@ubuntu/member/madpilot] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== hybrid [n=x@dpc6745217221.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
MadpilotWow, Mr. Baer has trouble taking hints, doesn't he?09:26
johnlittleI have to fight the urge to send that wallpaper to the group09:40
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
jendajohnlittle: would you be the one behind ubuntuvideo?10:09
johnlittlejenda: I would be.10:10
jendaVery nice project - I was amazed.10:10
jendaI had a look even though I was on vacation.10:11
jendaCould use a little polishing and community integration.10:11
johnlittleYep I'm still polishing as we speak10:11
jendaCongrats on great work - and thanks :)10:11
johnlittleThank you.10:11
johnlittleIf you have suggestions just let me know10:13
jendaHow about using the ubuntu header instead of yours - for continuity, not that it doesn't look good.10:15
Burgundaviahey jenda, welcome back10:15
johnlittleThat was my original idea but I didn't know if that was possible10:16
jendaHello Burgundavia, thanks.10:16
jendaWhat'd I miss?10:16
Burgundaviawhiprush: ping10:17
johnlittleJenda: I have to run. Feel free to shoot me an email with any ideas you have.10:18
jendajohnlittle: okeydoke ;)10:20
jendaWho is whiprush? (Sorry to be rude...)10:21
Burgundaviajenda: guy I am manning the GNOME booth with at LWE10:21
=== mindspin [n=mindspin@pD95FFADF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
jendaI see.10:22
jendaHello mindspin10:22
Burgundaviahe also uses Ubuntu. Real name is Jorge Castro10:23
jendaSounds great.10:24
Burgundaviajenda: lots has changed since you went on vacation. I suggest you talk to the fridge guys, as SU is basically already done, by them10:26
=== ompaul [n=ompaul@ubuntu/member/ompaul] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
whiprushBurgundavia: pong10:28
jendaOne brief look shows that the most important part of SU - the DIY Marketing guides - is simply not there.10:29
jendaBurgundavia: what might happen, though, is that I'll stick to doing just that as the main focus of SU.10:29
jendaBut - I first need some time to catch up.10:30
Burgundaviathe DIY stuff can happen on the wiki10:30
Burgundaviajust like the rest of the marketing material10:30
Burgundaviathus make SU a virtual project, rather than an actual website10:30
jendaWill consider.10:34
jendaOr it should be a page on ubuntu.com10:34
jendain the how to contribute section10:35
Burgundaviawell the community/contribute page is mostly going to point to the wiki10:35
Burgundaviaand the marketing stuff is going to point to the marketing pages10:36
jendaOf course10:36
jendawhat marketing pages?10:36
Burgundaviacreating SU at this point is pure insanity10:36
Burgundaviaas spreadubuntu.com, that is10:37
jendaIYO, that is ;)10:37
mdkeI think spreadubuntu, if done well, will be a good project10:37
mdkeso does Matthew R10:37
Burgundaviamdke: as a seperate website?10:37
mdkeyes, potentially10:38
jendaBurgundavia, I think that many of the points on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarketingTeam/SpreadUbuntu are unfilled anywhere, and would be a big help to advocating Ubuntu worldwide.10:38
Burgundaviaunder goals and objectives: the first three need to be addressed via the main website and I admit it isn't the greatest at that10:39
Burgundaviaregardless of whether SU exists and duplicates that, they do need to be addressed by the ubuntu website10:39
Burgundavianumber 6 is the wiki10:39
Burgundaviaso is 510:40
Burgundavianumber 4 can simply be a wiki page: "How to tell your neighbours about Ubuntu" or something similar10:40
mdkeyes, numbers 5 and 6 are certainly not relevant. 1-4 are valid for an ubuntu marketing website10:40
BurgundaviaMS does not have a seperate "marketing website"10:41
jendawikipages do not have the appeal needed for most people to notice, unfortunately.10:41
Burgundaviawe need good marketing stuff on Ubuntu.com with links saying "come help us market Ubuntu", linking to the wiki10:41
Burgundaviavoila, SU10:41
mdkeBurgundavia: MS has totally different marketing considerations10:41
jendaSince when was MS the idol we consider...10:41
Burgundaviayes, but marketing is marketing10:41
BurgundaviaI was using MS as an example10:42
mdkeMS doesn't need to get into people's awareness, everyone knows who they are10:42
Burgundaviaat the level we are talking about, yes10:42
mdkeit's completely different marketing they look at10:42
jendaAlrighty, I gotta go. I still feel there is a point in SU - and will do all I can to get it up and running.10:42
Burgundaviaprecisely why we shouldn't be splitting the viewers10:42
BurgundaviaI like SU as a virtual project, to keep us focused on working on the existing resources10:42
mdkegrabbing awareness is something a spread/get* site does well10:43
Burgundaviaright, FF has two pages10:43
Burgundaviagetfirefox <-> ubuntu.com10:43
Burgundaviaand spreadfirefox <-> fridge/wiki10:43
jendaSU is not modelled after spreadfirefox10:44
Burgundaviamdke raised FF, via his get/spread site thingy10:45
Burgundaviajenda: all I am saying is that I cannot see a place for a read spreadubuntu.com that does not needlessly duplicate and fracture existing resources, including people10:45
Burgundaviawhere are people going to go when they produce new marketing material? SU or here10:46
mdkewhat do you mean by "new marketing material"?10:46
mdkespreadubuntu is a website for potential new Ubuntu users, not marketing people10:47
Burgundaviaspreadubuntu is going to attract people, people produce stuff10:47
mdkepeople produce stuff?10:47
jendaIf you mean new DIY material - they'll post it to the wiki, which will be checked and added to SU periodically, I'm imagining...10:47
mdkeyou mean, when they go to the toilet?10:47
Burgundaviaif SU is all about merely attracting new users, then what about ubuntu.com10:47
jendaIt is not.10:47
BurgundaviaI think this much is clear: there is no clear idea for SU that we all agree one10:48
Burgundaviawhich makes it hard to make a rational decision to create such a website10:48
jendaBurgundavia: that might be true.10:48
mdkewell, cutting out goals 5-6, it is about attracting new users10:48
mdkeand goals 5-6 are clearly not helpful10:48
Burgundaviain which case, we need to answer the question: What about ubuntu.com is not fufilling that role?10:49
jendaAnd for me - the highest priority are guides and material for potential local spreaders (though, of course, not the only goal).10:49
mdkebecause ubuntu.com is a much more complicated a rich site10:49
mdkejenda: ok, that's definitely a completely irrelevant role for any site other than the wiki10:49
Burgundaviaif your goal is to merely produce things like that, which are sorely needed, the wiki serves great for that10:49
jendaI strongly disagree, but don't have time now to discuss it.10:50
mdkein fact, not using the wiki would be seriously damaging10:50
jendaThe wiki will be used, of course.10:50
mdkeand completely unacceptable10:50
Burgundaviamdke: you say "We are different than MS". Our main website should reflect that. It should reflect out community. Currently it does that badly, but that is a fixable issue10:51
mdkesure sure. but I think there is a place for a much simpler site with a single page/a few pages which is used for attracting new users.10:52
mdkemaybe I'm wrong, and the website is appropriate10:52
Burgundaviawhy not a /newusers10:52
Burgundaviacreate a template of what you want on the wiki and we can argue about specifics of such a page10:52
mdkeugh /newusers?10:52
Burgundaviajust an idea10:52
ormiretdoes the url really matter?10:53
Burgundaviamanic creation of new resources is a common issue amongst new teams10:53
Burgundaviaand the idea that something technical will solve what is essentially a social issue is also10:53
mdkeyes, I'm aware of that10:53
Burgundaviamdke: observe froud and that apache lenya thing10:53
mdkethere are many clear examples of that tendency10:54
mdkehowever, I just have the feeling that a simple site might be useful10:54
BurgundaviaI have always wanted a more simple ubuntu.com10:56
BurgundaviaI understand that matthew n is going to be working on just such a thing later this month/next month10:56
mdkecertainly it would be nice to see people contributing marketing ideas for the main website10:57
Burgundaviayes. I think people see the main website as this cathedral that they cannot touch10:58
nixternali miss all of the good stuff, but consider this question, "What are the goals for Ubuntu Marketing?"10:59
Burgundaviato spread ubuntu to the unwashed masses10:59
Burgundaviaif you want marketing speak: To raise the profile of Ubuntu amongst target groups and increase adoption11:00
nixternalsee, there is not 1 defined goal anywhere for "Marketing Ubuntu", and I don't mean the goal of the Marketing Team, because right now, the team's goal and idea is totally different from various marketing aspects11:00
=== ormiret prefers the first one
Burgundaviapart of that is to create materials for the unwashed to marketing ubuntu to the other unwashed11:01
Burgundaviathe other part is to argue of the first part11:01
nixternali don't see how we can propose projects and what not when there isn't a goal, let alone a "Marketing Plan" to even follow. I think there needs to be a definite "Plan" put in place, before any real marketing can take place11:02
Burgundavia"welcome to the revolution comrade. Our first meeting is to define what the revolution is"11:02
mdkenixternal: you were reading the list this week? there were some emails with exactly that11:02
Burgundavianixternal: now you are starting to sound like jbaer11:02
nixternalno no11:02
Burgundaviawhat we need are discrete goals11:02
Burgundaviacreate a pamphlet11:02
nixternalthat is good11:02
Burgundaviaimprove the main website11:02
nixternalthere you go11:02
nixternalkeep going11:03
Burgundaviarather than A GIANT PLAN TO END ALL PLANS11:03
=== astopy [n=adam@taurus.moosoft.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
nixternalright now the "team" has expressed interest or goals in SU and a Magazine..i haven't see much else, except for the Fridge and what lloydhino?? is doing11:03
Burgundaviaumm, active projects are: Fridge, UWN and Knot release announcements11:04
Burgundaviathe magazine and SU are mostly in the talking phase11:04
Burgundavialikely never to leave them, tbh11:04
nixternalok, the UWN if considered marketing is marketing the "community" aspect if anything11:04
mdkenixternal: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-marketing/2006-August/000902.html11:04
nixternalbut yes, all a part of marketing11:04
mdkeread, rinse and read again11:04
ormirettake a look at the MarketingTeam page Andreas Lloyd has updates the project list11:04
Burgundaviaormiret: I see that, perfect11:05
Burgundaviamdke: funny how basically the entire doc team is now helping hte marketing people11:06
nixternalmdke: that is great, a nice to do list of projects..and that is great...im just trying to figure out if Ubuntu Marketing is defined anywhere, and if there are plans on defining it..that is all11:06
Burgundavianixternal: definitions are constraining11:06
Burgundaviamarketing is very very vague11:06
nixternalit is11:06
mdkenixternal: dude, get away from this "what is marketing" nonsense, or we will stick a jbaer label on you11:06
mdkethat list of projects is an excellent start11:07
=== jenda scrolls up, and agrees with mdke - a simple, new user site is a very important thing, and SU will fill up that gap.
nixternalbut yet everyone/every company who is involved with marketing will tell you, there is an initial plan that will change every day as the "project" evolves11:07
mdkenixternal: right, so if you are employed by Canonical, you can start with that plan. UNtil then, this team is not even near an appropriate place to do that11:08
nixternali know marketing open source != marketing as well, as it is totally a different "monster" itself11:08
mdkethis team has some tasks, and can help loco teams, and should start getting on with them11:08
mdkeloads of people have ideas, it's just time to focus them in the right place11:08
Burgundaviamdke: by simple, you mean one page, no?11:08
nixternalmdke: thank you!  that is what i needed to know, and i think others may need to know..that could explain some of the confusion and ramblings as well on the ML11:08
mdkeone page, maybe 2 or 311:09
mdkeyeah, I guess one page11:09
mdkethe sort of things I had in mind were things that tell people that Ubuntu doesn't get viruses, and comes free with loads of software, and all that jazz11:10
nixternalalso, i wanted to reply so bad to the email about "bug #1", believe me, i worked for the "evil giant" and they have a "bug #1" that is similar to ours, only difference is we are open, they aren't11:10
mdkethe sort of thing that the website might not do on the front page11:10
ormiretmdke: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop ?11:10
mdkeormiret: more of a list of a few compelling reasons why people would try Ubuntu. a bit simpler than that11:11
=== darkmatter_ [n=darkmatt@206-163-248-232.yktn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
mdkea bit like Manu's http://www.whylinuxisbetter.net/, except maybe better looking and simpler11:12
Burgundaviathat is quite a few pages11:13
mdkeyeah, simpler than that11:13
ormiretmdke: I think that should be doable on the main site then, we just need someone to make such a page :)11:13
Burgundaviaormiret: both mdke and myself can do tht11:14
Burgundaviawe just need a page to move there11:14
mdkeormiret: maybe more biased than would be appropriate for the main site ;)11:14
Burgundaviaif you create one on the wiki11:14
ormiretyeah, it was the writing the content that I meant11:14
mdkebit of propaganda11:14
Burgundaviaeverybody else screams how great they are from the main site11:14
Burgundaviacrap, look at apple11:15
=== mdke bed
ompaulBurgundavia, ehhn what informs the knowledge of what has changed?11:23
ompaulBurgundavia, worry wrt your mail11:23
=== ompaul stops typing
ompaulsorry - if you know what I am saying fine if not I will try again in a minute11:24
Burgundaviaompaul: simply using edgy11:25
Burgundaviaedgy-changes mailing list11:25
Burgundaviasecret and inside knowledge11:25
ompaulBurgundavia, doh! I knew there was a list missing from my list of lists11:25
ompauldapper-changes was great :)11:25
ompaulit should actually be the "ubuntu+1" list and then it would never change and it could be release name after a release11:27
Burgundaviausually jdub copies the names over11:27
Burgundaviathere is no end of real projects that need real help, right now11:28
jendaYo people...11:29
ompaulwe got one new user yesterday at a computer fair :-) showed off a ubuntu desktop and gave away a clatter of CDs and DVDs11:29
jendaSince the fridge is now very open-minded... do you guys think that it might be viable to fuse it with SU somehow?11:29
Burgundaviawhat do you think is still missing from the fridge?11:30
jenda(I'm thinking - there are news stuck on the fridge... but what's inside? Something fresh and new for the new user - and also some deep freeze material for anyone to DL)11:30
jendaBut I seriously need some sleep now :)11:30
=== jenda just read the sentence "he Fridge is in the community's hands." in a ML post by matthew revell
jendaand that sparked the thought...11:31
ompauljenda, be careful - see that mail I put on the list we have raised expectations we really need to address them :)11:33
jendaompaul: I currently have over 200 unread mails on _that_ list.11:33
jendaSo it will take me a bit.11:33
jendaAh - wow! Buntudot is merging with the fridge? That is great news to me :)11:35
jendanixternal: confirm?11:35
nixternalno comments11:35
nixternali believe it has, sort of11:35
jendadamn - just sent several duplicated emails ML&directly... I lost the hang of it during these three weeks :(11:39
=== hybrid [n=x@dpc6745217221.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
ompauljenda, most of the stuff has been sorted I suggest that you sort by thread and see if the thread has value (some of them don't and it is obvious early on ;-))11:42
jendaSorted by thread by default ;)11:42
jenda(In the marketing ML directory)11:42
jendaHmm... is there any chance of moving the ubuntu counter to count.ubunt.com?12:03
Burgundaviainteresting idea12:03

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