
ccookeDuski: however, as you said you get errors... it's hugely unlikely to work12:01
nuaimatbirdmun , longwave , guys , here is the output http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2040512:01
birdmunWibble-, im not sure but could you just make a symbolic link to the g++ ?12:01
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gnomefreaklongwave: the bot is being worked on atm12:01
Dreamgliderwhats the diffrence of a primary and a extended partion, anything i need to worie about ?12:01
Wibble-I could do birdmun - but I'm really warey about doing things in non-ubuntu ways :)12:01
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Dreamglideri have never used any extended partions, only primary, but i have never had more than four partions.12:02
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nuaimatabout the wine problem , here is the output ngdebugger...12:02
sproingieWibble-: use alternatives to point at the gcc version you want12:02
nails30403Hi, I've done the fix for sound in flash but sound is out of sync. Is there any workaround for this?12:02
sproingieWibble-: i recommend using galternatives, apt-get install galternatives12:02
saptechDreamglider: with primary, you can only have four but with extended, you can have more than four12:03
Wibble-sproingie: cool - thanks12:03
JohnnyGI have been trying for four hours to get madwifi installed so that my wifi works in Ubuntu. I'm a newbie and the documents seem to go in circles. Can one install madwifi via synapse?12:03
carpediemDuski: you might want to try dd_rescue, and if that doesn't work, dd_rhelp.  http://blogs.sun.com/roller/page/superpat?entry=hard_drive_recovery_ubuntu_style12:03
Duskiubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo dd if=/dev/hda of=/mnt/hd  bs=819212:03
Duskidd: reading `/dev/hda': Input/output error12:03
Duski0+0 records in12:03
Duski0+0 records out12:03
Duski0 bytes (0 B) copied, 1.82413 seconds, 0.0 kB/s12:03
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sproingieWibble-: personally i don't bother, i just create symlinks12:03
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void^JohnnyG: madwifi is in linux-restricted-modules12:03
Dreamglidersaptech, and that's all there is to it ?12:03
sproingieWibble-: but that is the "proper" way12:03
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Renan_s2Duski, I would dare to say that the hard drive is dead.12:03
JohnnyGvoid: how do i make synapse search on those modules?12:04
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longwavenuaimat: it looks like the program you are trying to run uses something that is not properly supported yet in wine12:04
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ccookeDuski: it's dead. Get a new one.12:04
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Renan_s2Send it to a professional recovery service if you need to recover data, but it will be expensive.12:04
longwavenuaimat: i think that is what it usually means when you see a "fixme" error in there12:04
saptechDreamg: basically yes12:04
DuskiI'm just trying to get the 3MB of work,,, (as these are 4 days of my work... :( )12:04
Dreamglidersaptech, ok thansk mate12:04
Gog123how do i upgrade from ubuntu 6.06 to 6.06-1?12:04
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saptechyou're welcome12:04
longwaveDuski: try running dd with the noerror option12:04
void^!info linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-26-k712:05
ubotuPackage linux-restricted-modules-2615-26-k7 does not exist in dapper12:05
Tamalei have no sound with the flashplugin when watching youtube, but xmms works fine.  sound in flash file doesn't work even if i don't have anything else open.. any ideas?12:05
Gog123how do i upgrade from ubuntu 6.06 to 6.06-1?12:05
longwaveDuski: be prepared for it to take a very long time though, skipping just one error sector takes a good few seconds12:05
nuaimatTamale: i think its a problem of FireFox , i've seen a fix for this problem once , i dunno where12:05
nuaimatgoogle for it12:05
sproingieGog123: i've heard of no such thing.  apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade12:06
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Tamalenuaimat: it doesn't work in opera either12:06
KrisWoodAfter upgrading to dapper my proftpd stopped working, can anyone help me figure out how to fix it? :-/12:06
longwaveGog123: if you have installed the updates that gnome notifies you about, then you are already up to date12:06
TheGateKeeperTamale: installed any codecs?12:06
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TamaleTheGateKeeper: nothing abnormal i don't think so12:06
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TheGateKeeperTamale: you don't have w32codecs installed?12:07
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TamaleTheGateKeeper: is that the package name?12:07
Wibble-sproingie: Thanks for the advice - I had a look at that, and update-alternatives which it referenced, but neither of them list gcc / g++ as programs which have available alternatives... Do I need to do something else first?12:07
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JohnnyGvoid: does that "does not exist" message mean I am out of luck?12:07
Dreamgliderhow do i access a FAT32 partion12:07
sproingieWibble-: galternatives lets you create alternatives in a really obvious way12:07
Dreamglidercant remember12:08
sproingieWibble-: like i said, i just create symlinks -- it's not like there's anything that's gcc compatible that isn't itself gcc12:08
bimbam!info dig12:08
ubotuPackage dig does not exist in dapper12:08
nuaimatDreamglider: mount it with ->   mount -t vfat -o rw /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda112:08
bimbam!info help12:08
ubotuPackage help does not exist in dapper12:08
TheGateKeeperTamale: what I am suggesting is that may be you have to have the correct codecs installed for whatever you are trying to listen to12:08
nuaimatchange hda1 as your device is12:08
Wibble-sproingie: ok - thanks for your help - I'll do symlinks.  I can only see ways to add options to an existing alternative in galternatives - not adding a completely new type of alternative.12:09
TamaleTheGateKeeper: Well, I didn't have w32codecs, just got 'em.  i'll try this youtube vid again12:09
longwavebimbam: what package are you looking for?12:09
sproingieWibble-: and gcc and g++ show up in galternatives, though it just points to itself.  otherwise, go the symlink route12:09
void^JohnnyG: no, it just means ubotu isn't as omniscient as we expected it to be. activate multiverse repos, search for linux-restricted-modules and install the package that fits your kernel.12:09
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birdmuni tried youtube a day or so back and got no sound12:09
Duskiccooke: it's running but till now there was no single record read, ;( will try the 2nd tool & let u know12:09
sproingieWibble-: ultimately that's all alternatives are, a centrally managed directory of symlinks12:09
Wibble-sproingie: then I'm sure I've done something wrong because neither show up there for me *grin*12:09
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TheGateKeeperTamale: give me a url12:09
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corevetteok who was helping me before?12:10
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TamaleTheGateKeeper: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKX0RN19zc012:10
quuxOn a thinkpad T21. e100: 0000.00.03.0: e100_eeprom_load: EEPROM corrupted12:10
Tamaleno audio still12:10
bimbamlongwave I was looking for dig (a ns query utility) and apparently !info can be used in stead of apt-cache search.. or so i thought :-)12:10
longwavebimbam: dig is in dnsutils12:10
bimbamlongwave, ah12:10
KurtKrauthello there12:10
corevettebimbam, where you helping me with my network problem?12:10
sproingieWibble-: one place i worked made gcc and g++ into shell wrappers that respected the CC and CXX variables12:11
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sproingieWibble-: and if it was set to just 'gcc', it would basically guess12:11
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carpediembirdmun: try this, it worked for me.  https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/flashplugin-nonfree/+bug/29760/comments/1212:11
TheGateKeeperTamale: no problem for me, I use xine engine, libxine-extracodecs & w32codecs12:11
KrafturinnI am running system tests in cedega .... 4 out of 5 fail12:11
bimbamcorevette, well I offered help, not that im sure i can help..12:12
Krafturinnhow can I fix this12:12
birdmuni have sound on this youtube file12:12
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Wibble-sproingie: I don't really plan to install many other versions (although I may have to upgrade to 4.x at some point) I'll put up with symlinks for now - thanks.12:12
ubotucedega is a project based on wine, aimed at running windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Cedega12:12
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Crazedhi ..12:12
corevettewho wanted what my ifconfig file said?12:12
KrisWoodanyone here using proftpd on dapper?12:12
mangobothey, i have a problem: i'm trying to use the dell truemobile 1150 minipci card in dapper. It identifies under cardctl identify, but won't give any network connections or anything12:12
tblhas anyone gotten a Dell 1450 Dual-Band Wireless USB adapter to work with ndiswrapper?12:12
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bimbamcorevette, wireless is not something i know much about, but as someone else said, start out by pasting an ifconfig output to paste.ubuntu-nl.org..12:12
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mangobotanyone know what's going on with that?12:13
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zovirlis there a way to boot from an ISO file of a live CD?  without burning it to a CDR?12:13
TamaleTheGateKeeper: $ sudo update-flashplugin12:13
Tamaleinstallation failed12:13
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taz7676HELP!! I just started using Ubuntu and I can't seem to play mp3's or video files on Totem.  Where can I get plugins please?12:14
blockycan someone give me a hand getting my sn9c102 webcam working with video4linux12:14
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blockydmesg says [5242494.708000]  usb 1-1: V4L2 device registered as /dev/video012:14
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taz7676I have searched the Ubuntu and Totem pages without success.12:14
Tamaletaz:  Read the restricted formats page on the ubuntu wiki12:14
blockybut when i run any cam apps it says couldnt connect to device12:14
Tamaletaz:  In short, xmms is a great program for playing mp3s12:15
saptechanybody know how to upgrade firefox
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Renan_s2I like amaroK for playing MP3.12:15
Tamalesaptech:  It should do it automically12:15
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JohnUK89saptech: doesn't it auto-update?12:15
TheGateKeeperTamale: called flashplugin-nonfree but why are you doing that?12:15
crimsunsaptech: is not needed on UNIX-based system.s12:15
birdmuni was reading on the forums about upgrading firefox and the patch seems to be geared towards windows12:15
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corevettebimbam heres the ifconfig file: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2040912:15
Subhumanzovirl, yeah use a virtual machine12:15
TamaleTheGateKeeper: I'm just tryin to get the audio to work12:15
saptechmine is
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:15
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository. Instructions to install VMWare Server can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingVMWare12:16
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zovirlsubhuman thanks12:16
saptechcrimsun: it's for windows only?12:16
TheGateKeeperTamale: if you have flash already installed you don't need to do anything more with that12:16
longwavesaptech: http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/releases/
longwaveit only fixes a bug in windows media, which does not apply to linux12:16
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saptechok, thnx12:17
TamaleTheGateKeeper: Well, what might be wrong with the audio?  it works on some sites12:17
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saptechi guess thats y i couldn't find it12:17
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Crazedhow can I find a IRCop here ?12:17
birdmunanyone have any good ideas on finding help with a PIC programmer?12:17
TheGateKeeperTamale: don't have the correct codecs installed is the most likely cause I would say, but might be wrong12:18
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TamaleTheGateKeeper: How can i tell what codecs I have installed, and what this flash file is trying to use?12:18
saptechfirefox website say it is a gtk version12:18
liran_hehey cesman12:19
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mangobotHELP, i have a problem: i'm trying to use the dell truemobile 1150 minipci card in dapper. It identifies under cardctl identify, but won't give any network connections or anything12:19
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longwaveCrazed: try asking in #freenode12:19
TheGateKeeperTamale: not sure with adept but with synaptic search codecs and it will show you which ones you have installed12:19
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TheGateKeeperTamale: I don't know what it is using, only that it works for me with the combination I gave you12:20
bimbamcorevette, it looks like at least the card gets detected as ath012:21
corevettebimbam both my eth0 and ath0 get detected12:21
saptechTamale: have you looked at the ubuntu unofficial guide12:21
bimbamcorevette, are you using ipv6 for the card?12:21
corevettebimbam it works on another computer12:22
corevettebimbam the same wireless card12:22
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bimbamcorevette, are you using ipv6?12:22
pyrethur gr jag fr att ppna ett gammalt dos spel?12:22
corevettebimbam what do you mean?12:22
corevettebimbam what is ipv612:22
pyretopps sry12:22
Tamalesaptech:  Ya.  Most flash videos work fine, just not this one12:23
Crazeddaar moet je registered zijn om te praten ..12:23
Crazedyou have to be registered to talk there12:23
Crazedsry for dutch ..12:23
Tamalehow do i search my INSTALLED packages only?12:23
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Crazedanyway ..12:23
bimbamcorevette, if you dont know what it is youre probably not using it12:23
Crazedcant  talk in #freenode-social12:23
corevettebimbam should i use it?12:23
bimbamcorevette, try pasting your /etc/network/interfaces file same place12:24
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bimbamcorevette, i dont think so12:24
saptechTamala: sudo apt-cache search filename12:24
askjfHow do i set up Gaim Beta3?12:24
Tamalesaptech:  That searches all packages12:24
longwavecrazed, do /who freenode/staff/* and try /msging one of those people?12:24
balsat gnome media is in not any software channel availeble12:24
saptechTamale: rite, sry12:24
balsatwhat means that12:24
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corevettebimbam i'm on windows right now...and i have to switch the computer to linux and burn a cd of whatever your talking about12:25
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Tamalehow do i search my INSTALLED packages only?12:25
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saptechdo an updatedb & and then whereis filename12:25
yuyomanhi im yuyoman12:25
looktji need help12:25
Tamalethat searches all files12:25
Tamalei just want to see packages12:25
bimbamcorevette, cant you connect it using eth0 and a regular ethernet cable?12:25
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saptechwhereis filename12:25
bimbamcorevette, that would make everything easier12:26
saptechor locate filename12:26
corevettebimbam thats the problem12:26
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longwaveTamale: "dpkg -l" shows you installed packages12:26
looktjmy laptop's fan isnt turning on12:26
Tamalelongwave:  Thanks!12:26
corevettebimbam they're connected........but i can't get internet from them12:26
saptechi misunderstood12:26
bimbamcorevette, so the normal connection arent working either?12:26
Tamalehehe no worries12:26
corevettebimbam nope12:26
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saptechtake care everybody gotta goto work12:26
askjfDo i need to install drivers for an WIFI card before i insert it into the computer?12:27
corevettebimbam any ideas?12:27
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blockyanybody here ever used the SN9C102/3 webcam driver?12:27
MunchkinguyI know that some Sempron processors support 64-bit. Should I install Ubuntu 64 for PCs using "Sempron 64"?12:27
longwaveaskjf: no, not on linux12:27
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longwaveaskjf: you may need extra drivers or configuration afterwards, but it wont do any harm putting it in now12:28
askjflongwave if i put it in it doesnt let linux boot though12:28
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quuxOn a thinkpad T21, booting from the Dapper ISO. "e100: 0000.00.03.0: e100_eeprom_load: EEPROM corrupted"12:28
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bimbamcorevette, i think you better ask someone who knows a bit more about ubuntu than i do.. i know regular stuff but obviously something has gone wrong configuring the netork12:28
quuxAnyt thoughts?12:28
longwaveaskjf: what happens when you boot?12:28
tblquux, yeah, that's weird :(12:28
tblquux: isn't EEPROM a chip inside of the laptop?12:28
askjfIt gets stuck on a screen with a blinking cursor in the top left corner12:28
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bimbamcorevette, did you set up your windows box yourself?12:29
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corevettebimbam windows box?12:29
quuxtbl: assumption is, something to do with the onboard nic12:29
bimbamcorevette, windows machine12:29
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bimbamcorevette, windows installation :-)12:29
CrazedRichiH, ?12:29
longwaveaskjf: are you sure the card works? does linux start loading and then stop, or does it do that as soon as you switch on?12:29
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tblquux: at what point do you get that message? before any of the ubuntu stuff initializes, or during the loading?12:29
corevettebimbam yes12:29
longwavequux: http://linux-diag.sourceforge.net/first_failure/e100_Action_Events.html12:30
looktjit says my laptop temp is 48 C12:30
looktjcome on none help?12:30
bimbamcorevette, ok, so do you know if you have something that configures your network using DHCP?12:30
tbllooktj: icebath12:30
longwavequux: that says "eeprom corrupted" means you have to replace the adapter :(12:30
corevettebimbam no12:30
askjfUbuntu loads then after all the stuff on the little ok list where it has the bar under the logo it goes to that screeen and that card does work it worked when the machine was windows...12:30
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quuxtbl, during loading12:30
corevettebimbam but it makes no sense...because i put the exact same wireless card on teh same version of ubuntu on a different computer..and it works12:31
askjfi never see my ubuntu desktop12:31
MunchkinguySo, to say it succinctly: Do PCs with Sempron-64 need Ubuntu 64-bit?12:31
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ivorybishophi all12:31
looktjmy laptop's fan isnt turning on12:31
quuxlongwave: while I hate the advice it gave, I love the resource itself - thanks!12:31
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JohnUK89Munchkinguy: no, they run both i386 and x86_6412:31
bluefox83hey, i have a nvidia video card..how do i install the nvidia driver?12:32
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto12:32
ivorybishopanyone ever have this issue, i downloaded the iso for dapper, booted from it on an old laptop, i ran the install on the desktop, at step 3 (keyboard layout) i hit enter and it just sits there forever...12:32
ivorybishopnever gets further12:32
MunchkinguyJohnUK89: Thank you.12:32
looktj!ati 900012:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ati 9000 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:32
askjflongwave, IT loads then goes to that screen12:32
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto12:32
bimbamcorevette, well on the machine that works did you change any settings to make it work?12:32
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corevettebimbam no it worked when i put it in12:33
longwaveaskjf: how long did you wait at that screen? sometimes it can take a few minutes for dhcp to timeout if there is a problem with that12:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fans - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:33
longwaveaskjf: otherwise, i am out of ideas, sorry :(12:33
bimbamcorevette, hmm dont you have to select an access point and so on?12:33
corevettebimbam no it picked up the first one12:34
askjfI switched back to my machine i am on now and left it on all night and it didnt work still12:34
corevettebimbam the only access point and connected12:34
corevettebimbam the computer i'm on now doesn't connect12:34
longwavecorevette: so in system > administration > networking the interface is active and the correct ESSID is shown in the properties window?12:34
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corevettelongwave yes12:34
corevettelongwave ESSID?12:34
bimbamcorevette, how about eth0?12:35
longwavecorevette: network name12:35
corevettebimbam same deal.....it won't connect to internet12:35
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Reatotally confused, need help: I installed Ubuntu from the Alternate CD because of older PC. But it installed only the basic system with minimal function. How do I install other packages like XWin, etc...  That computer is not connected to the internet.12:35
corevettelongwave it doesn't show the network name12:35
askjflongwave would it be easier to get a USB WIFI device and use it>?12:35
ivorybishopis there an install that could be run some other way from the cd?12:35
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:36
longwaveaskjf: try looking at those docs and see if your card is in there anywhere12:36
askjfi did and it isnt...12:36
askjflol i did last night12:36
ivorybishopis there anyone here who is not busy and could give me a moment of their time perhaps?12:36
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ivorybishopor is there a way to queue one's question?12:37
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:37
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farousivorybishop: just ask your question12:37
ivorybishopi already did12:37
ivorybishopon one answered12:37
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines12:37
longwavethen ;)12:37
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=== Dr_Willis misssed it.
ivorybishopam i being impatient? or just bewildered? this is not the most intuitive process, so longwaves implication that it may be !patience is a little daft12:38
farousivorybishop: wait for sometime and ask your question again12:38
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corevettelongwave so how do i get my wireless or ethernet to detect the internet12:38
corevettebimbam give up?12:38
bimbamivorybishop, i tried something similar... the disk was faulty, a new burn helped, maybe thats it?12:38
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ivorybishopthank you farous12:38
longwavecorevette: did you paste the ifconfig output in a pastebin? if so i missed it, link it again12:38
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ivorybishopi was merely asking the for a protocol of some sort12:38
farousivorybishop: bare in mind that perhaps no one who so your post know the ans12:38
corevettelongwave here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2040912:39
=== stinerman [n=stinerma@cpe-65-31-32-187.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
askjfWill Logmein work on Ubuntu>12:39
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askjfor am i stuck with VNC?12:39
Dr_Willisaskjf,  never heard of it.12:39
Dr_WillisI use vnc all the time.12:39
TheGateKeeperivorybishop: protocol is gentel persistence :-)12:39
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ivorybishopthanks mate12:40
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longwavecorevette: is it eth0 or ath0 you want working? where did that ip address come from on eth0?12:40
farousivorybishop: are you using the live or alternate cd12:40
ivorybishoplogmein will work in the broswer12:40
TheGateKeeperivorybishop: did you choose the self-test in the boot options on the CD12:40
ivorybishopbut i do not think they have a client side app for it12:40
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corevettelongwave i want either working12:40
Stormx2Upload a PHP12:40
ivorybishopto control a linux machine remotely12:40
Stormx2Damnit wrong channel...12:40
longwavecorevette: wired is easier to make work than wireless, so lets try that first12:40
ivorybishopi did not try that, i am something of a linux noob12:41
longwavecorevette: what is eth0 plugged into?12:41
corevettelongwave ok12:41
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ivorybishopi wil try that at once, thanks12:41
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corevettelongwave plugged via usb from computer to wall phone jack12:41
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azurealhi.   I've never used cdrecord before, but I want to... and I have a few questions-- what is the "speed" option?  i.e. what's the equivalent of speed=2  in the form of <blank>x12:41
ivorybishophoary hedgehog is already isntalled on the system btw12:41
EclypseI need some help with XGL12:41
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sizzamhow do i get thunderbird to play some sort of sound when i get new mail?12:41
nuaimathi guys , i need to run wine , do i have to get TLS back into glibc?12:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about VNC - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:41
=== gallag [n=gina@cpe-069-132-052-158.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuvnc is a way of doing remote desktop.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !freenx.12:41
=== bhagabhi [n=bhagabhi@h87n3c1o269.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu
EclypseCan anyone here help me with XGL/Compiz on Ubuntu Dapper with an ATI Mobility Radeon card?12:42
longwavecorevette: hrm usb networking i do not know much about12:42
farousivorybishop: can you restate your question again. be as detailed as you can12:42
corevettelongwave ok lets try wireless12:42
longwavecorevette: did you type that ip address in somewhere or has that been automatically configured?12:42
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems12:42
nuaimathi guys , i need to run wine , do i have to get TLS back into glibc?12:42
corevettelongwave it doesnt make sense because i put the same wireless card in a different ubuntu computer same version and it worked12:42
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bimbamcorevette, he im lost with usb networking and wireless, so im useless :-/12:42
EclypseJohnUK89 I want real help.12:42
corevettelongwave i gues it was automaticaly configured12:42
farousEclypse: #ubuntu-xgl room12:43
longwavecorevette: are you sure you didn't have to install any other software or drivers on the other computer?12:43
farousif you read ubotu post12:43
ivorybishopsizzam: its under Tools>Options>General tab12:43
corevettelongwave i am completely sure12:43
corevettelongwave unless i have to install it on windows12:43
sizzamivorybishop: thanx12:43
ivorybishopanyone ever have this issue, i downloaded the iso for dapper, booted from it on an old laptop, i ran the install on the desktop, at step 3 (keyboard layout) i hit enter and it just sits there forever...12:43
longwavecorevette: no, you shouldnt need to use windows12:43
ivorybishopis there an install that could be run some other way from the cd?12:44
gallagmy printer will not print. zilch. It queues, nothing happens. Yesterday, I did, nothing changed. What should I do?12:44
ivorybishopi am running the cd check now12:44
longwavecorevette: if you type "sudo iwlist ath0 scan" does it show your wireless network name?12:44
corevettelongwave ok....so i don't really see why it's not working12:44
=== blocky [n=blocky@d207-6-121-17.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
ivorybishopits an old laptop so it will be a few mins i am sure12:44
Reaconfused: I installed Ubuntu from the Alternate CD because of older PC. But it installed only the basic system with minimal function. How do I install other packages like XWin,mc, etc...but without installing one by one by hand. That computer is not connected to the internet.12:44
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stinermanhello everyone, i'm having trouble with X11 forwarding ...12:44
farousivorybishop: which cd you downloaded the live or alternate cd. you mentioned the old laptop have hoary if that is true there is an easier way12:44
corevettelongwave i can't do the command right now...because i dual booted the computer and i'm on that computer right now12:44
corevettelongwave i'm on windows right now same computer12:45
longwavecorevette: ah i see, this is going to be hard to diagnose that way i am afraid :(12:45
corevettelongwave but i don't think it has detected it12:45
bimbamivorybishop my experience with halting installs was not from ubuntu, but old cd-roms can act up sometimes, especially with slightly scratched disks12:45
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ivorybishopi just downloaded the ubuntu-6.06.1-desktop-i386.iso12:45
Crazedivorybishop, burn it on a disc ..12:45
longwavecorevette: i am not sure how we can do this if you can't chat and type at the ubuntu terminal at the same time :(12:45
Crazedand boot it12:45
ivorybishopmy issue with hoary is that the laptop only has a wireless nic, no hardwire nic connection12:45
Crazedits a live disk12:45
=== joubert [n=joubert@68-189-240-45.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Crazedthen install :P12:45
corevettelongwave it's really suspicious because neither connection works12:45
ivorybishopand hoary will not connect to my wpa wireless lan12:46
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omnidWhat program should I use to upload via FTP12:46
corevettelongwave and both connections worked on other connection12:46
ivorybishopi did burn the iso to disk12:46
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corevettelongwave *computer12:46
Crazeddit you configure the mac address acces in your router right ?12:46
farousivorybishop: connect the old laptop to the net and run sudo apt-get distupgrade after changing your repos in you sources.list file12:46
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omnidor would be recommended12:46
farous!upgrade > ivorybishop12:46
farousivorybishop: look at ubotu link12:46
bluefox83sudo: Timestamp too far in the future: Aug 13 08:14:08 2006   <--what is wrong there and how do i fix it?12:46
omnid!ftp > omnid12:46
longwavecorevette: does the computer and modem have an ethernet port? that is usually much easier to make work than usb networking or wifi..12:47
longwavecorevette: otherwise i am out of ideas for now :(12:47
bluefox83besides the fact that it's really 6:4712:47
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corevettelongwave yes my computer does......but the wall doesn't to my computer12:47
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ivorybishopfarous: what for? am i not being polite here?12:47
TheGateKeeperivorybishop: several possibilities, cdrom not too good, iso corrupted while being downloaded, iso corrupted when being burnt, bad cd media12:47
ivorybishopi am running cd check now12:47
ivorybishopfrom ubuntu boot menu12:47
farousivorybishop: what do looking to ubotu link have to do with politness12:47
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ivorybishopits just finished and says 0 checksums failed12:48
mangobotHELP, i have a problem: i'm trying to use the dell truemobile 1150 minipci card in dapper. It identifies under cardctl identify, but won't give any network connections or anything12:48
farousivorybishop: this is a link to a webpage with information12:48
ivorybishopumm the only ubotu link was to a page bout being patient and polite12:48
=== Crazed loves booze
ivorybishopunless i missed something?12:48
farousivorybishop: you did not get a pm from ubotu12:48
TheGateKeeperivorybishop: how much RAM have you got?12:48
farousivorybishop: okk here it is again12:48
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade  Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades  Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development version.12:48
longwaveivorybishop: how much ram does this laptop have?12:48
farous^  ^12:48
longwaveivorybishop: the installer may hang with less than 192mb..12:49
askjfHow do i get Terminal up?12:49
ivorybishopok, but i have no hardwire nic12:49
ivorybishopthis machine has 128mb ram12:49
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threeseasquestion: in ubuntu thru firefox I click on a "mailto:" link and get some dialog box for "compose message" but send does nothing but close the dialog box... what program is that "compose message" dialog box ?12:49
longwaveivorybishop: download the alternate install cd, i believe that will run in 128mb12:49
corevettelongwave giving up?12:49
ivorybishopcool, thanks12:49
farousivorybishop: when you burn the cd espec with faulty hardware do it on a really slow speed12:49
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via applications -> accessories -> terminal (gnome) or kmenu -> system -> konsole (kde). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands12:49
XodarapHELP: i'm trying to get a linksys wusb 802.11g to work, could anyone point me to a driver? (or something?)12:49
longwavecorevette: i am afraid so, i dont know much about usb and i am stumped as to why the wifi works on one machine but not the other, and without you being able to type commands i cant help further12:50
bluefox83how do i fix a bad timestamp ?12:50
TheGateKeeperivorybishop: I just tried the livecd on my test box and it crahsed, but the alternative cd using the text installer had no problem12:50
ivorybishopthe machine i burned on is a 3.oghz 2gb ram machine, i burn cd's all the time, i have burned two since that one that are working great12:50
ppdhello! I'm looking for epiphany builds against swiftfox. has anyone compiled such a package yet?12:50
bimbamlongwave, corevette when you cant get us simple troubleshooting output its a bit hard to help you im afraid :-(12:50
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ivorybishopi will try that gatekeeper, thanks12:50
TheGateKeeperivorybishop: it's only a P3 with 128Mb RAM so the livecd struggles :-)12:51
ivorybishopafk to download, burn, and test12:51
ivorybishopthat makes sense12:51
bluefox83sudo is b0rked! how do i fix it!!!12:51
ivorybishoprunning the mem check now to be sure i dont have a bad ram module or something too12:51
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ivorybishopthanks to all here for the assistance, volunteers rock12:51
TheGateKeeperivorybishop: download the alternative cd and use that, much more likely to be successfull12:52
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threeseaswhat is the "compose message" dialog box from? it has no about menu selection and nothing to tell what it is?12:52
Reaconfused: I installed Ubuntu from the Alternate CD because of older PC. But it installed only the basic system with minimal function. How do I install other packages like XWin,mc, etc...but without installing one by one by hand. That computer is not connected to the internet12:53
Greatnhow do i shutdown a server i have running (ss5 server)12:53
longwavebluefox83: try "sudo -k" then your sudo command again12:53
rubuntushow may i make my Alt Gr and Delete-buttons work properly in Fluxbox?12:53
farousGreatn: can you ssh to it12:53
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bluefox83longwave, same error12:53
ivorybishopwill the alternative installation allow the use of wireless nics and such?12:53
Greatnfarous - i'm not sure what you mean, its a socks server i have running12:53
farousGreatn: never mind i misundrstood your quest12:54
Greatnfarous - rather than going into the system monitor and ending the process is there a better way to end it?12:54
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M06wi need some help gaining access to my windows drives12:54
jordanauM06w, NTFS?12:54
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about NTFS - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:54
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ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse12:55
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longwavebluefox83: change the time and date on your computer so it is just after the date sudo complains about, then "sudo -k", then change it back to the correct date, then run sudo as normal12:55
looktjhow do i get my fan working?12:55
longwavein fact use "sudo -K" with a capital K12:55
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looktji'm on a dell 600m12:55
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fan - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:56
longwaveGreatn: if there is a script for it in /etc/init.d, you may be able to "sudo /etc/init.d/ss5 stop" or something similar12:56
=== Megaqwerty [n=megaqwer@ip72-197-253-49.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
M06wok, so what do i do with the driver thing12:57
jordanaulooktj, there might be a setting in your bios that throttles your fan, I disabled mine along time ago.12:57
looktj!ati fix12:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ati fix - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:57
farouslooktj: try /msg ubotu12:57
jordanaulooktj, qspeed or something on my asus12:57
mangobotumm... how do i get a wireless card working if it appears in cardctl identity but doesn't give any network properties?12:57
stinermanhello everyone, i'm having trouble with X11 forwarding from my debian box to my ubuntu box here12:57
Reaso no idea how to solve my problem... the pinguin is killin' me  :|12:57
PyroManiakWhat is the command line command to remove a folder?12:58
Megaqwertysudo rm -r filename12:58
looktjk how do i disable through the bios on my dell?12:58
PyroManiakMegaqwerty: thank you12:58
Megaqwertyyou're welcome12:58
bimbamRea, what problem?12:59
inc|freakydoes anyone know how to get cpu frequency scaling to work on an intel centrino with 2ghz whick keeps running at 800mhz because frequency scaling doesnt work?12:59
ReaI installed Ubuntu from the Alternate CD because of older PC. But it installed only the basic system with minimal function. How do I install other packages like XWin,mc, etc...but without installing one by one by hand. That computer is not connected to the internet12:59
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jordanauRea, packages.ubutnu.org ?12:59
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jordanauRea, packages.ubuntu.org ?12:59
Megaqwerty"No Internet"12:59
mangobotanyone know my problem?12:59
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looktjbrb going into bios12:59
Reajordanau: so thay are not on the CD?   why is the CD than 700 MB...12:59
bluefox83why the hell doesn't cut and paste work in gnome-terminal?12:59
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bimbamRea, a very unqualified guess: could it be that you have installed from the server version of the cd?01:00
Megaqwertywhat is your question mangobot?01:00
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jordanauRea, because there is a lot more than 700 MB worth of ubuntu debs01:00
longwavebluefox83: there is no "cut" but copy and paste works01:00
mangobotwell, i have a dell minipci truemobile 1150 card that's recognized in cardctl identity01:00
mangobotbut it won't give any network properties01:00
Reabimbam: no ALT CD Text mode.01:01
KrafturinnI managed to install cedega and then football manager 2006 game but when the game is playing its like 1-3 fps how can I make this faster ?01:01
bluefox83longwave, paste is always grayed out though :(01:01
jordanaumangobot, in terminal lspci01:01
bimbam!info desktop01:01
ubotuPackage desktop does not exist in dapper01:01
mangobotjordanau: i don't see it.01:01
Reabtw: its http://packages.ubuntu.com/  ;)01:01
jordanaupastebin what you see01:01
mangobotit's a minipci. does that make a difference?01:01
ubotuThe available desktop environments in Ubuntu are Gnome (ubuntu-desktop), KDE (kubuntu-desktop), XCFE (xubuntu-desktop), IceWM, Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM  and others.01:01
Megaqwertylike to access wifi?01:01
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petrbluefox83: the ctrl+c and ctrl+v do not work. you have to use the mouse01:02
jordanauRea, thank you for the correction, does it help you?01:02
mangobotmega: yeah. it doesn't show up in lspci, and it doesn't take a name for wifi01:02
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bluefox83petr, i was using the mouse..be right back01:02
Megaqwertyget NetworkManager Applet 0.6.201:02
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jordanaumangobot, what is your chipset for your wireless card?01:03
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nayahello everyone. my name is naya01:03
Megaqwertyit can connect to WPA, if that is your problem01:03
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mangobotit's a lucent chip, i think. it's supposed to be supported...01:03
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nayaI wanted to introduce myself01:03
mangobotno, my problem is that the card isn't even recognized as a network device01:03
Reajordanau: dont know will see. But still dont understand that on the CD are only main system core files, and that i have to install other default things by hand...01:03
mangobotit's just seen as residing in slot 201:03
petrnaya: hi01:03
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nayapetr: hello back01:04
MegaqwertyI don't know if it will help but...01:04
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:04
PyroManiakHow do I format another hard drive in the system for fat32? (I want a shared drive between Linux and WinXP)01:04
jordanauRea, that way you don't have to download 5 isos to install ubuntu01:04
MaxwellSMHi, I have a suggestion, who should I talk to?01:04
mangobotthanks...do you think my card's just messed up?01:04
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Reajordanau: maybe you're right.01:04
threeseaswhat program does firefox call when I hit a "mailto:" link? anyone know?01:04
jordanaumangobot, if you will pastebin the results of lspci i MAY be able to help01:05
jordanauthreeseas, evolution by default right?01:05
nayaPyroManiak: for me, the easy way is parted, which also comes as kparted for KDE and gparted for GNOME01:05
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ubotuDual boot instructions for x86/amd64 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsDualBootHowTo - for mac https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot01:05
tblI'm going crazy :(01:05
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PyroManiaknaya: Do I need to grab that package? or is it default?01:06
mangobothehe...sorry...bit of a noob to this01:06
jordanaumangobot, i'll give you a link01:06
cygnus_hi, waht is the command to graphically (from the shell) set the apt sources01:06
BlissexPyroManiak: you can use 'ext3' to share MS Windows/Linux, and it is a lot better than FAT32. http://FS-driver.org/01:06
nayamangobot: pastebin.com01:06
blockyanybody have any experience changing palettes on a video4linux usb cam01:06
tblI finally got ndisgtk running, and it says that my wifi card drive is installed and the hardware is present -- where do I go to see the available networks to connect to?01:06
jordanaumangobot,  http://rafb.net/paste/01:06
threeseasjondanau: I don't know.... but maybe evolution needs to yet evolve to know its own name01:06
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nayamangobot: pastebin allows you to post large text (like log file output) without flooding over here01:07
jordanauthreeseas, system > preferences > preferred applications01:07
Reajordanau: but they said on website that with Ubuntu I get Gnome... but i got only console with minimal stuff..  even no "mc"... thats why i got confused.01:07
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jordanauRea, that sounds like server version, you need to get the standard dapper 6.06 LTS version01:07
MaxwellSMHi, I have a suggestion regarding ubuntu, who should I talk to?01:07
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jordanauMaxwellSM, just ask01:07
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nayaBlissex: does that thing there support ext3 partitions?01:08
mangobotjordanau: http://rafb.net/paste/results/bVRzXR33.html01:08
notOnyxmadwifi can't be installed via anything but tar.gz and when I run the commands here http://madwifi.org/wiki/UserDocs/FirstTimeHowTo I fail when I run01:08
Blissexnaya: yes.01:08
Piolonsomebody that is working with vhcs01:08
Reajordanau: no no, no server, Its from the Alternate CD. "Install in text mode"01:08
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notOnyxcan someone walk me through installing madwifi? I've been at it 5 hours now with no results and I'm inches from windows...01:08
nayaBlissex: found answer http://fs-driver.org/faq.html#sup_feat01:08
lensI have been trying to install this package for about a week now... the latest error is when I    /.configure  it says it cant find libmysqlclient.a!    (but it's not in synaptic.01:08
MaxwellSMI'm looking for a LTSP solution for my school, and I was wondering if it was possible to balance the load between the diskless clients and the servers01:09
threeseasjordanau: thanks... that allowed me to set it to thunderbird...01:09
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BlissexMaxwellSM: you are asking a bit for too much, but have a look at OpenMOSIX based stuff.01:10
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petrMaxwellSM: there is a openmosix version of ltsp01:10
bluefox83ok..i hosed my X config..01:10
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longwaveMaxwellSM: i suspect you will get better answers to that on the forum or somewhere than in irc01:10
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bluefox83how do i fix it?01:10
Piolonsome administrator of hosting server ???01:10
MaxwellSMblissex: ok, thanks anyway01:10
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looktjhow do i fix my fan? it is not coming on, my laptop is 52 C01:11
MaxwellSMpetr: really? I'll look into it. Unforunatly my skills are very limited01:11
bluefox83help, i messed up my xorg.conf trying to install teh nvidia drivers!!! how do i fix it?01:11
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looktjwhich is over 130 F01:11
Down_IIis an ubuntu 6.06.1 dvd out yet01:11
longwavelens: you need one of the libmysqlclient-dev packages01:11
MaxwellSMgood idea longwave01:11
PyroManiakgparted supports FAT, but it doesn't specify fat12, fat16, fat32...01:11
PyroManiakwhich? all?01:11
ReaWhen installing, Does your system gets rebooted too after Base System Installation??  What happens next ??01:11
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farouslooktj: how do you know the fan is not working01:12
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lenslongwave... sorry I'm kinda new... do I need to go to a website and download it?  and then where would I put it?01:12
longwavePyroManiak: all variants of FAT are supported as far as i know01:12
looktjits hot on the lap for me01:12
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PyroManiaklongwave: will gparted also format?01:12
longwavelens: no, in synaptic you should be able to find libmysqlclient15-dev or something like that01:12
nayaPyroManiak: afaik it at least supports fat16 and fat3201:13
farouslooktj: the fan might be working though01:13
farouslooktj: and 52 on laptop is not hot01:13
looktjalso i dont feel air coming out of the air vent01:13
lensLongwave OHH I see, thanks!01:13
longwavePyroManiak: yes, i think so01:13
PyroManiaknaya: cool. I'll give it a shot01:13
jordanaulooktj, take it off of your lap to, that will cool it down some01:13
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PyroManiaklongwave: thanks01:13
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tblwhy is my wireless card eth2?  shouldn't it be wlan0?01:13
longwavelens: the -dev bit is important, those are needed when you are compiling things01:14
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jordanautbl, are you using the broadcom drivers?01:14
=== bluefox83 pounds his head on his desk
longwavetbl: it depends on the driver, some are wlan0, some are ath0 and some are ethX01:14
looktjeth0 is boardcom01:14
mangobotjordanau, you get the link?01:14
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farouslooktj: and it is normally set by the trip points and how you set your powernow daemon01:14
lenslongwave... great.01:14
bluefox83so no one here knows of a configuration script to run in terminal to fix X?01:14
jordanaumangobot, yeah i can't tell which is your card01:14
tbljordanau: I'm using "dellnic.inf" which is on the cd-rom it came with -- is that bad?01:14
mangobotit's the dell one01:14
farouslooktj: man powernowd to see different settings. the lower the cpu freq the lower your temp will be01:14
tblit doesn't appear to be working01:14
mangobotit shows up in cardctl01:14
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tblthis is so frustrating :-(01:14
nayaPyroManiak: see table here: http://www.gnu.org/software/parted/#TOCfeatures01:15
looktjwhat is daemon?01:15
longwavebluefox83: what is broken with X?01:15
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nemlahHello all..01:15
LinuturkI've got a strange problem. When my soundcard is installed, my video resolution jumps to the smallest possible. When the sound card wasn't installed, my video was working fine. Can anyone point me in the right direction?01:15
longwavebluefox83: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" may help01:15
jordanaumangobot, yeah i mean the chipset01:15
KrisWoodhow do I list all packages that are installed?01:15
ripperanyone have problems getting Azureus warnings to hide, or go away?01:15
nemlahWhich drivers do i need to install for a radeon 9550?01:15
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longwaveKrisWood: "dpkg -l"01:15
edjuAnyone use the "install from windows" method?  Should I use instluxNETUbuntu6_06english.exe?01:15
mangobotlol, i can't either...hold on.. i'll look it up01:15
Linuturkripper, there is an answer to that on the forum01:15
farouslooktj: one step at a time. lets first address your heat prob01:15
farouslooktj: is it an amd processor01:15
jordanaumangobot, i would ask your question again i cant help you maybe someone else can01:15
cowboy22bluefox83: sudo dpkg-reconfigure  xserver-xorg01:15
ripperLinuturk, got a link?01:16
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Linuturkripper,  just do a quick search01:16
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NewUbuntuUserhow can i disable the screen saver from the command line?01:16
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mangobotok, thanks01:17
jordanaumangobot, sorry man01:17
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mangobotnaah, thanks for helping!01:17
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sizzamanyone familiar with DenyHosts?   When i try to run "sudo daemon-control start", I get "sudo: daemon-control: command not found"01:17
derrickhdoes anyone know why OpenGL drivers revert back to Mesa when Xinerama is enabled?01:17
LinuturkI've got a strange problem. When my soundcard is installed, my video resolution jumps to the smallest possible. When the sound card wasn't installed, my video was working fine. Can anyone point me in the right direction?01:17
KrisWoodhow do I manually remove a package when dpkg -r doesn't work?01:17
bluefox83ok, now it says that my nvidia kernel modules and my nvidia modules are different versions o.o01:17
mangobotok........MAYDAY! my dell 1150 minpci card won't work with ubuntu...it shows up in cardctl,  but not in lspci...01:17
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mangobotwhat's going on???01:17
KrisWoodor how do I force a remove even when there are errors?01:17
NewUbuntuUserhow can i disable the screen saver from the command line?01:17
tblmangobot: my card doesn't show up in lspci either01:18
farousderrickh: for my ati because xinerama effect is handled internally by the ati card01:18
NewUbuntuUserhow can i disable the screen saver from the command line?01:18
eyequeueKrisWood, dpkg --force-help | less01:18
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NewUbuntuUserhow can i disable the screen saver from the command line?01:18
PyroManiakAny idea why I can't mount the drive? (its a 2nd drive that goes in a swap bay of my laptop)01:18
tblmangobot: I've been trying for 48 hours now to get wireless working in ubuntu and I'm pretty much ready to just throw in the towel :-)01:18
KrisWoodeyequeue, thanks I'll try that01:18
PyroManiakI've successfully formatted it now01:19
nemlahWhats the best way to install fglrx on a fresh kubuntu isntall?01:19
PyroManiakbut I can't open the drive to put stuff on01:19
eyequeue!repeating > NewUbuntuUser01:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about repeating - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:19
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about repeating - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:19
farousnemlah: instll from the repos01:19
Megaqwertymount it01:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about boom - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:19
farous!ati > nemlah01:19
nayaPyroManiak: ubuntu makes you do it manually. You have to edit fstab.01:19
NewUbuntuUser!magic > reality01:19
nemlahfarous: which one?01:19
PyroManiakMegaqwerty: if I go to "computer" and dbl click on the drive, it says it couldn't01:19
farousnemlah: you need to install 2 packages from the repos and you are done01:19
PyroManiaknaya: how?01:20
farousnemlah: read ubotu pm01:20
Megaqwertywhat is the exact error?01:20
nayaPyroManiak: otherwise, you can try going to System>Administration>discs01:20
jordanaumangobot, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=221268&highlight=TrueMobile+115001:20
nemlahfarous: ubotu?01:20
farous!ati \01:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ati \ - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:20
jordanaumangobot, that might help get you started01:20
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto01:20
PyroManiakMegaqwerty: This is my error :error: device /dev/hdc1 is not removable01:20
PyroManiakerror: could not execute pmount01:20
Down_IIdoes anyone know where to download the ubuntu 6.06.1 dvd01:20
farous^  601:20
Mistraalhow does one roll-back from Ati drivers 8.27.10 to the fglrx ones?01:20
petrLinuturk: seems like your sound card prevent your grapics card to be recognized. is it 640x480, i suppose01:20
tblif a wireless card doesn't show up in lspci, does that mean there's no hope of getting it running?01:20
Linuturkyeah petr01:20
ripperok, i can not find anything about doing away with these errors in *nix01:21
Linuturkpetr, maybe a conflicting IRQ ?01:21
mangobotk, thanks jordanau!01:21
Linuturkripper, one second01:21
farousnemlah: just a precaution the driver is buggy so expect problems01:21
petrLinuturk afaik it should be no problem in these days01:21
gary[ubuntu] !xgl01:21
Linuturkpetr, well, that seems to be the problem. . . it's really strong, imo01:21
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems01:21
petrLinuturk i mean irq should be shareable01:21
jordanautbl, paste your lspci in patebin01:21
bluefox83kernel module and X modules are different..how do i solve that?01:22
NewUbuntuUsersooo does anyone know how to disable the screen saver using terminal?01:22
KrisWoodI cannot remove a package because one of the files it's looking for isn't there and it errors out, forcing doesn't get rid of it either01:22
KrisWoodhow do I remove such a package?01:22
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bluefox83will upgrading to a newer kernel and drivers solve anything?01:22
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petrLinuturk try other pci slot. irq lines are ususllay different for different slots01:23
PyroManiaknaya: Status Innaccessible, Enabled does nothing..Access Path = NONE Filesystem windows Vfat01:23
farousKrisWood: reinstall it then remove it01:23
tbljordanau: http://pastebin.ca/12840801:23
Linuturkripper, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=219369&highlight=azureus01:23
jordanauNewUbuntuUser, killall xscreensaver maybe01:23
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petrLinuturk tried lspi? to confirm the interrupt thing01:23
KrisWoodfarous, it won't install either, I tried that first01:23
NewUbuntuUsermy system uses gnome-screensaver01:23
jordanauNewUbuntuUser, actually better xscreensaver-command -deactivate01:23
Linuturkpetr, the video is intergrated on the mobo, and all 3 pci slots are full01:23
NewUbuntuUserim running gnome-screensaver01:23
farousKrisWood: you tried sudo aptitude reinstall <foo>01:23
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MegaqwertyPyromaniak: try checking this out, it might help:01:24
jordanauNewUbuntuUser, did you try the command?01:24
jordanauNewUbuntuUser, the second one01:24
petrLinuturk to swapt the 3.01:24
farousKrisWood: there is a reinstall commmand did you use it01:24
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nemlahfarous: thanks01:24
NewUbuntuUserit says doesnt exist01:24
petrLinuturk if the soundcard was problem, it would by ctcled out01:24
KrisWoodfarous, no, didn't know there was one01:24
viksai need to configure my tv card in ubuntu but i don't know how. somebody to help me01:24
lensI got over one error... with the ./configure but I still have this reoccurring problem, I SO want this to work. --->  http://pastebin.ca/12840601:25
farousKrisWood: regluar install will work for new or upgrading packages01:25
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KrisWoodfarous, there are errors on the install01:25
eyequeueKrisWood, man apt-get01:25
farousKrisWood: more inform01:25
bluefox83hey...if i wanted to change my kernel from 386 to k7, would all i need be linux-k7?01:26
eyequeueKrisWood, see --reinstall01:26
petrwhat sound daemon sould be running on my box? totem complains "Culd not establish connection to sound server". before upgrade from 5.xx all went fine01:26
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jordanauNewUbuntuUser, gnome-screensaver-command --help01:26
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azurealready?  awesome error: "user insisted too much, dying badly"01:26
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xxzxhow to get the the tcp port number opened01:27
NewUbuntuUserif i deactivate it then will it start up again when i restart?01:27
NewUbuntuUsercause i dont want it to ever start up again01:27
petrxxzx which number or service?01:27
NewUbuntuUserit has a problem where it logs me out when it activates01:28
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KrisWoodfarous, more information? basicly I'm trying to install postfix but apt-get says it conflicts with gforge-mta-exim4. I tried to remove that package but got errors saying that some of the files were mising and it couldn't be removed. I tried installing it and got errors that it conflicted with my other packages... I'll try the --reinstall command just a sec01:28
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mwexxzx: huh?01:28
lenshttp://pastebin.ca/128406 <--- was wondering if someone could make any sense of this... when I type "make"01:28
tuvis there a known problem with recent kernels and sata root disks?01:28
viksasomebody to tell my how to configure my tv card ?01:29
jordanauwhy don't you deactivate in in gui?01:29
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xxzxi want to know witch tcp port are opened in my computer01:29
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xxzxhow to do01:29
petrNewUbuntuUser: add the config/dissabling command to user's startup script01:29
farousxxzx: man netstat01:29
NewUbuntuUserwhere is the user startup script?01:29
tuvmy machine has been up continuously for a while (2months+) and when i rebooted today it won't boot (up-to-date system)01:29
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NewUbuntuUserjordanau were you talking to me?01:30
farousxxzx: I normally use netstat -tup01:30
tuvan older kernel boots fine though01:30
KrisWoodok I got it to install but it still won't uninstall01:30
petrNewUbuntuUser: .bashrc and .bashprofile and .startx or xstart01:30
jordanauNewUbuntuUser, yeah01:30
NewUbuntuUserwhere is it located01:30
higen_hmm.. i manage to play some wmv files under Kaffeine (with xine).. but only with sound under totme-gstream.. how can i get everything to be working under gstream=01:31
NewUbuntuUserjordanau which gui? the screen saver gui?01:31
farousKrisWood: i think other packages depend on it so just look at the list and see if you need them01:31
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farousKrisWood: aptitude will give you alternatives01:31
jordanauNewUbuntuUser, yeah01:31
nuaimatguys, i am connecting to the internet throught a dial up modem , can i know how much is the connection speed ?01:31
petrNewUbuntuUser run locate bashrc01:31
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azurealhi, I have a strange error when copying from cdrom... "cp: reading `avseq01.dat': Input/output error"01:31
NewUbuntuUserjordanau because the entire gnome-screensaver crashes something and force logs me out01:31
NewUbuntuUserso i cant access the gui01:32
longwaveazureal: is the cd scratched?01:32
jordanauNewUbuntuUser, so deactivate it then disable it in the gui01:32
azureallongwave, scratched? it was just burned...01:32
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KrisWoodfarous, ok I've decided that 90% of the problem is that I have no clue what the hell I'm doing lol. I managed to get it installed, but can't removing it now (still misting some files so apt and dpkg won't remove it) I'm not sure what you mean by "alternatives"01:32
=== Dimitris [n=AbsolutD@acr-as4-21.cytanet.com.cy] has joined #Ubuntu
NewUbuntuUserthe gui crashes something and forces me to logout ><01:32
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KrisWoodand I don't need the package or anything that depends on it01:32
longwaveazureal: or is it a bad burn, then? if it can't read that file, there is probably something wrong with the media itself01:33
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azureallongwave, why would that happen? i can mount it, access /mnt/cdrom..01:33
jordanauNewUbuntuUser, what does >< mean?01:33
farousKrisWood: can you post the error message you got on the pastebin. does the error specify the file names that are missing01:33
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NewUbuntuUser>< = it's frustraiting01:33
KrisWoodfarous, yes it does01:33
farousKrisWood: that is what i ment by more inform01:33
NewUbuntuUserwhen i am listening to music and the system logs me out and closes all the programs because it cant run the screen saver01:33
KrisWoodfarous, ok sorry, I'll get that for you just a sec01:34
tuvok.. let me start again. the latest kernel that can boot my system is 2.6.15-23. recent kernels won't boot. they stop after "scsi subsystem initialized". my root filesystem is on sata disk. is there a known problem with recent kernels and sata?01:34
longwaveazureal: if there was dust in the cd drive when it was burning a particular spot where that file is maybe?01:34
jordanauNewUbuntuUser, i just dont understand why you cant disable it before the screensaver turns on01:34
Greatnhow do i make my login persistant, i use an nx server to log in to my computer remotely, in kubuntu there was an option to make a login persistant, can i do that in ubuntu?01:34
azureallongwave, rofl....  there just happens to be no dust when it burns in windows; is that what you're saying?01:34
NewUbuntuUserbecause when i open the gui the system crashes01:34
NewUbuntuUseri dont know how i can use the gui to deactivate it when im logged out01:34
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jordanauNewUbuntuUser, does the screensaver preview crash?01:35
longwaveazureal: so the exact same disk works in windows and not linux?01:35
longwaveazureal: you didn't say that bit01:35
NewUbuntuUseri guess01:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about alias - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:35
azureallongwave, i did not mean that01:35
simsalabim!network alias01:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about network alias - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:35
NewUbuntuUserthe window outline shows but nothing in the window01:35
NewUbuntuUserthen bam logged out01:35
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longwaveazureal: so sometimes, just randomly, a bad burn happens, burn the cd again and try again?01:35
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jordanauNewUbuntuUser, gotcha i understand the problem now01:35
simsalabimanyone know how to assign multiple ip addresses (for use with ip based virtual hosts) to an interface?01:35
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petrwhat sound daemon sould be I running? esd? Totem complains "Could not establish connection to sound server". Before upgrade from 5.xx all went fine.01:35
azureallongwave, I mean the media is good; i've burned on these cds again01:36
KrisWoodfarous, is that what you wanted?01:36
tuvisn't anyone using sata here?01:36
farousgive me a min to read it01:36
verbosewas limewire ever ported to linux? i thought there was a version but i can't find it on their site01:36
petrsimsalabim: man ifconfig01:36
azureallongwave, but why are you telling me this?  can you just tell me what the error means?01:36
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NewUbuntuUserverbose limewire works on linux01:36
NewUbuntuUserwith much changes to the runLime.sh01:36
simsalabimpetr, i mean in /etc/network/interfaces01:36
azureallongwave, i mean that i've burned on these cds before* lol01:36
NewUbuntuUsergo to limewire.com and get either the other one01:36
longwaveazureal: i/o error means there was an error reading the cd, thats all01:37
NewUbuntuUserand install the sun jre01:37
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NewUbuntuUserthen tinker with the runLime.sh untill it works01:37
NewUbuntuUserjust change alot of the 1's to 0's01:37
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longwavesimsalabim: read /usr/share/doc/ifupdown/examples/network-interfaces.gz - there are examples for interface aliases in there01:37
KrisWoodfarous, I just tried tricking it by touching that file but it didn't work01:37
verboseNewUbuntuUser: thanks01:37
farousKrisWood: when you search for the gforge-mta-exim4 package is it listed as installed01:37
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lmosherError: Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0". Video card: ATI9800 pro w/ fglrx driver.01:38
simsalabimlongwave, thanks, i just wasnt sure of the exact term to look for01:38
KrisWoodfarous, it is now01:38
lmosherDriver directions say to include DRI in the xorg.conf. Shoudl I remove it?01:38
nuaimatguys, i am connecting to the internet throught a dial up modem , can i know how much is the connection speed ?01:38
Blissexnuaimat: yes.01:38
farousKrisWood: sorry have no idea.01:38
verbosewhat's the best p2p program for linux?01:38
nuaimatBlissex: it's you again , thanks you always help me , how ?01:39
Blissexverbose: silly question.01:39
NewUbuntuUseri like limewire the most01:39
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lmosherverbose, sharaza has worked fo rme, personally01:39
verboseBlissex: it's a poll01:39
azureallongwave, I can copy other files on the disc, just not the .dat file01:39
NewUbuntuUserjordanau are you still there?01:39
Blissexnuaimat: ahhh, whatever program you use to connect via the modem logs the connection lines. If you ask it usually.01:39
farousKrisWood: i had similar prob uninstalling did not work so reinstalling and uninstalling worked. Yet i admin the original problem was my fault at the time01:39
longwaveazureal: so maybe there is an error on the disc just inside that .dat file and nowhere else?01:39
longwaveazureal: try burning it again and see if the same thing happens01:40
Blissexnuaimat: so investigate the manual for the connection program and check where it puts the connection log. The modem as a rule reports the connection speed when it connects.01:40
azureallongwave, it appears so...sigh01:40
nuaimatBlissex: i use the gnome "networking" applet01:40
Joshua__i have a stupid question, can u install ubuntu on a external hard drive?01:40
KrisWoodfarous, my problem is probably my fault too, here's a list of all the gforge packages I'm trying to remove, I don't know how to tell what depends on what http://rafb.net/paste/results/ufp9df83.html01:40
petrJoshua__ yes01:40
farousJoshua__: yes you can01:40
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NewUbuntuUserjoshua_ if you can boot from it you can install to it01:40
Joshua__k thank01:40
farousJoshua__: and much easier if you can boot from the external drive. see your bios sett01:40
nuaimatBlissex: thanks dude01:40
Blissexnuaimat: almost surely the applet has a setting to do a verbose report of connection conditions. But I have no idea about it. Ask in #GNOME or look at the docs/Wiki01:40
azureallongwave, another "user insisted too much, dying badly" error when I attempt to play it in vlc01:41
petrJoshua__ it is on wiki01:41
azureallongwave, have you used cdrecord?01:41
tuvok.. let me start again. the latest kernel that can boot my system is 2.6.15-23. recent kernels won't boot. they stop after "scsi subsystem initialized". my root filesystem is on sata disk. is there a known problem with recent kernels and sata?01:41
Joshua__you got a link for the wiki page?01:41
farousKrisWood: lol your mixing debian sarge with ubuntu?01:41
longwaveazureal: not for a while01:41
NewUbuntuUseri think the wiki is wiki.ubuntu.com01:41
ubotuwiki is http://wiki.ubuntu.com - Loads of user-contributed documentation01:42
ppd hi. is anybody using epiphany with swiftfox embedded?01:42
longwavetuv: did you have to install the restricted-modules packages for previous kernels?01:42
ubotuIf sound is not working, first try system -> prefrences -> multimedia system selector change it to alsa. If you still have problems then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems01:42
zovirlsubhuman: fwiw, you *can* load subversion using apt-get from the live CD.  useful.01:42
mwetuv: I've heard quite a few people having problems with the -26 kernel01:43
KrisWoodfarous, yes, there was no prebuilt ubuntu binary that worked with breezy or dapper01:43
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KrisWoodfarous, I ended up just compiling it myself instead01:43
simsalabimhmm is there a way to easily make less read .gz files without having to manually compress them?01:43
farousKrisWood: you can escape with low level packages01:43
longwavesimsalabim: use "zless"01:43
NewUbuntuUserjordanau are you still there?01:43
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farousKrisWood: not with exim or core packages01:43
lmosherXlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0"... Any ideas what this means? Happens when I run a 3D app (common example is xscreensaver)01:43
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simsalabimlongwave, again: thanks :-))01:43
bluefox83ok..i fixed X01:44
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farousKrisWood: that is way beyond me. hope you can solve it though01:44
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bluefox83but now my sound is all screwy, i have no mass and my foot is literally touching my 15 inch bass >.>01:44
mwelmosher: it means you don't have 3d accelration. what does glxinfo|grep direct say?01:44
jordanauNewUbuntuUser, i showed you the help pages on the screensaver, there is not much more i can do01:44
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NewUbuntuUserjordanau you said you knew what the problem was then stoped talking01:44
funkjaI have a makefile in a directoy and when I type "make" it says Command not found. Am I missing a package that reads Makefiles?01:45
lmoshermwe, hmm that's odd. It says 'no'.. I sware it said yes the other day.. hrm.01:45
longwavefunkja: install build-essential01:45
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lmoshermwe, it also gives that error :)01:45
mwelmosher: maybe you updated the kernel and something went wrong then01:45
jordanauNewUbuntuUser, yeah, i just don't have a solution, your best bet is gnome-screensaver-command --deactivate01:45
lmoshermwe, I'm thinking I need to remove "DRI" from my xorg.conf01:45
Renan_s2Is there any "wishlist" for the next version of Ubuntu?01:45
funkjalongwave: thanks01:45
mwelmosher: card?01:45
Blissexnuaimat: here is an example of the log emitted by the GNOME PPP app: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-188357.html01:45
lmoshermwe, It's a 9800pro on fglrx. All the guids say to put DRI in there..01:46
Bassettsyou people in here say doing LFS would help to learn all about linux?01:46
mwelmosher: that needs the xorg dri driver I think01:46
longwaveBassetts: if you want to understand how it all works "under the hood" then lfs or gentoo is good for that i guess01:46
looktjwhen is the next version out?01:46
longwaveBassetts: you can still learn a lot from ubuntu though01:46
verboseBassetts: that's one way, but i wouldn't recomaend it for a novice01:46
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mwelmosher: IIRC it should only be disabled for nvidia cards01:47
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alexander_hello all01:47
NewUbuntuUserok well that didnt work so back to the origenal question01:47
Kzar_frHi folks, I was wondering who is using Raki / Synce-KDE with success ...01:47
jordanauBassetts, yeah i would put slackware or gentoo on a spare computer...01:47
longwavelooktj: when it's ready ;)01:47
NewUbuntuUserhow to remove it from the startup process01:47
lmoshermwe, Hrm the xorg-dri ATI driver, or there is a seperate xorg DRI thing I need to install?01:47
alexander_how can i find out what route my modem has?01:47
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alexander_from ifconfig or what?01:47
MegaqwertyFlash Player 7 isn't displaying google.com/finance's charts correctly. What do I need to do to correct this?01:47
tuvlongwave, yes, and it is installed for the 26 kernel as well01:47
NewUbuntuUserjordanau do you know how to remove gnome-screensaver from the startup process?01:47
Renan_s2alexander_, 'route' will show all your routes01:48
mwelmosher: Load "dri" in xorg.conf as well as Option "DRI" "true"01:48
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looktjhmm trying to find out who to give these cds to01:48
alexander_Renan_s2: thanks01:48
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KrisWoodfarous, thanks for the help, sorry I had to go afk, I have no idea what you're talking about though lol01:48
jordanauNewUbuntuUser, no but i can help look01:48
mwelmosher: but I'm only 99% sure01:48
lmoshermwe, Ok I'll do some googling, thanks01:48
bluefox83what does ubuntu use to configure alsa?01:48
sizzamanyone have DenyHosts running on dapper?01:48
SurfnKidany good html wizard editors in ubuntu01:48
Renan_s2!info nvu01:49
ubotunvu: Complete Web Authoring System. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0-0ubuntu4 (dapper), package size 8343 kB, installed size 26440 kB01:49
looktjwhat video player supports wmp extensions?01:49
Kzar_frSubhuman, NVU01:49
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NewUbuntuUserjordanau thanks for your help but i just put the deactivate command in the startup01:49
NewUbuntuUsersystem > preferences > session > startup > gnome-screensaver-command --deactivate01:49
tuvfrom lspci: 0000:00:1f.2 IDE interface: Intel Corporation 82801FBM (ICH6M) SATA Controller (rev 03)01:49
Megaqwertylooktj: I'm pretty sure mplayer does01:49
SurfnKidRenan_s2, to create websites right01:49
jordanauNewUbuntuUser, lets hope it works, what is your screensaver timing?01:50
tuvit's a pretty standard sata controller that ought to be supported in any "newer" kernel, given it is working with an older kernel. I'm really surprised01:50
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NewUbuntuUseri dont know01:50
Joshua__i have a question01:50
NewUbuntuUserthe gui wont display so i dont know hwo to find the timing01:50
y0shiHi.. I need help, just installed xubuntu on my machine and no sound.01:50
lmoshermwe, I have the Load "DRI" and I have a section called "DRI" but I dont have an option dri "true"... where woudl that go?01:50
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longwavetuv: report it as a bug if you're sure it's a kernel problem01:51
Joshua__i want to install ubuntu on my external hard drive, when i boot from the ubuntu disc will it give me an option to install in on my external HD?01:51
jordanauNewUbuntuUser, do you have the correct nvidia/ati drivers installed?01:51
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tuvlongwave, well i'm here to make sure i'm not missing anything else01:51
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NewUbuntuUseri dont know why it all of the sudden decided to break it was working a couple days ago then BAM it died01:52
travissSo, in the bottom right, it tells me I have two updates. I click the notification icon, it says "Starting Administrative panel..." doesent even open, (its shows it in the task bar) then it disapears and nothing happens...01:52
longwavetuv: the kernel packages are self-contained except for restricted-modules, but if you have both installed there should be no difference (except bugs fixed!) in newer versions01:52
bluefox83hey, hwo the hell do i configure my sound system?01:52
mwelmosher: sorry. in section "Device"01:52
bluefox83am using alsa01:52
longwavetuv: and if it works when you select a different kernel in grub, it must be the kernel itself i guess01:52
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y0shican some one help me get my sound on?01:53
tuvlongwave, so what is the easiest way to submit a bug report? haven't done it before01:53
voodooi have a problem with gaim,,,,,it closed when i connectect,,,,,,,,,,who knows, what happend????????????01:53
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu, please report it at http://bugs.ubuntu.com01:53
travissSo, in the bottom right, it tells me I have two updates. I click the notification icon, it says "Starting Administrative panel..." doesent even open, (its shows it in the task bar) then it disappears and nothing happens...01:53
MegaqwertyFlash Player 7 isn't displaying finance.google.com 's charts correctly. What do I need to do to correct this?01:53
NewUbuntuUservoodoo what protocol were you connecting to?01:53
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mweMegaqwerty: many new flash movies don't work with the old linux player01:54
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NewUbuntuUsermegaqwerty complain to macromedia for not updating thier linux flash player01:54
mweor use mozplugger to install flashplayer 901:54
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mike-ehow can i view a .daa file?01:54
travissSo, in the bottom right, it tells me I have two updates. I click the notification icon, it says "Starting Administrative panel..." doesent even open, (its shows it in the task bar) then it disapears and nothing happens...01:55
longwavetuv: actually, it may already have been reported01:55
mwemike-e: what is it?01:55
longwavetuv: see if https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/47768 corresponds to what you're seeing01:55
looktjwhat is xubuntu?01:55
y0shiXfce ubuntu..01:55
Saviqlooktj: ubuntu with xfce01:55
y0shican someone please help me with my sound problem?01:55
travissAnyone know?01:56
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y0shijust installed xubuntu, but no sound.. seems like it identified my card correctly01:56
tuvlongwave, except that it doesn't say it works with older kernels01:56
mike-emwe: warez movie01:56
mwemike-e: appearantly it's a poweriso file http://filext.com/detaillist.php?extdetail=DAA01:56
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mike-eyeah how do i convert it to like a .iso01:56
Blissexy0shi: http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxSoundALSA.html the troubleshooting section01:56
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mike-elooktj: xfce rules btw01:57
longwavetuv: what sata chipset is it?01:57
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tuvfrom lspci: 0000:00:1f.2 IDE interface: Intel Corporation 82801FBM (ICH6M) SATA Controller (rev 03)01:57
petry0shi: say !sound01:57
tuvlongwave, from lspci: 0000:00:1f.2 IDE interface: Intel Corporation 82801FBM (ICH6M) SATA Controller (rev 03)01:57
carrus85question: what would it take to get Blender 2.42a into the official repo?01:57
mcphailmike-e: i don't think there is a linux way01:57
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mwemike-e: it seems it's some kind of propriatary format01:57
mcphailmike-e: blame the producer for using a lame format01:58
carrus85(or at the very least, into one of the universe/multiverse repos)01:58
Megaqwerty!sound > y0shi01:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about virtualhost - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about virtualhosts - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:58
ubotulamp is a shortcut for Linux-Apache-Mysql-{PHP,Perl,Python}. To setup a LAMP server on Ubuntu, install the packages libapache2-mod-php5, php5-mysql, and mysql-server-5.0. You can also choose 'install a LAMP server' from the server install cd boot menu. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP01:58
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops01:58
simsalabimduh, sorry01:59
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nbjaymehello anybody got their via p4m800 (IGP Unichrome Pro properly on ubuntu dapper?02:00
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tuvi enabled bootlog in /etc/default/bootlog, but can't find any /var/log/boot* after a reboot02:01
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KrisWoodhas anyone else had problems with proftpd after upgrading to dapepr?02:01
bluefox83i seem to be having soundcard issues..is there any way to run an update on alsa?02:01
mwetuv: /var/log/dmesg I think02:01
longwavetuv: maybe https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/47636 is your problem, though it seems laptop specific - what hardware is this on?02:01
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ivxhttp://rafb.net/paste/results/xFE5gd40.html hey can any tell me why my wireless card won't work02:02
Stormx2!tell bluefox83 about sound02:02
jadamswhere does the kernel log its activities?02:02
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tuvlongwave, sony vaio laptop (centrino)02:02
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carrus85jadams, /var/syslog?  /var/messages? /var/kern.log?02:03
tuvlongwave, it's been working fine since the previous ubuntu release02:03
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tuvmwe, i want to see only messages produced at boot time02:03
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longwavetuv: that last bug i pasted reports the same thing, maybe follow up there confirming it happens for you too02:03
longwavetuv: and until then stick with the old kernel i guess :/02:03
earthendoes anyone know if freecontrib.org is down or not02:04
=== tuv is reading the bug report
=== tuv has no choice but to use an older kernel :(
bluefox83i don't seem to have "multimedia Systems selector" anywhere o.o02:04
sizzamearthen: not working for me02:04
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mweearthen: not here either02:04
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CarlVIs it normal for your CPU usage to spike when moving a window around? I'm not running off compiz/xgl.02:04
longwavetuv: /var/log/kern.log has the kernel boot messages, that may help02:04
earthensizzam, mwe ok I was trying to download easy ubuntu02:05
tuvlongwave, thanks02:05
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looktjopenoffice isnt opening02:05
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longwaveCarlV: yes, your cpu has to work to redraw the graphics behind the window you are moving02:05
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travissHey, so i set my hostname to somehtingi ts not in /etc/hosts and now i cant log in as root. meaning, i cant even log in as root to fix the changes i made02:05
travissany ideas?02:06
bluefox83is there nothing like alsaconfig in ubuntu?02:06
mweearthen: http://users.on.net/~goetz/EasyUbuntu/current.tar.bz202:06
CarlVlongwave: Thanks.02:06
longwavetraviss: can you fix it with sudo?02:06
=== DimitrisC [n=AbsolutD@acr-as2-120.cytanet.com.cy] has joined #Ubuntu
travissno cant use sudo02:06
travissbecause the hostname in /etc/hosts is different02:06
DimitrisCHow do i set up a symbolic link of /dev/ttyHSF0 to /dev/modem?02:06
SurfnKidis screem good for creating websites02:06
longwavetraviss: can you boot in recovery mode from the grub menu and fix it there?02:07
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earthenmwe, thanks02:07
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travisshavent tried, I was gonna boot to live cd and mount this drive as a last resort02:07
longwavetraviss: that would work also02:07
travisswell, alright thanks02:07
mweDimitris: you need to write a udev rule02:07
mweDimitris: it's somewhat complicated02:08
mweDimitrisC: ^^02:08
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longwaveDimitrisC: you might be able to "sudo ln -s /dev/ttyHSF0 /dev/modem" or add that line without the sudo part to /etc/rc.local to make it happen on every boot02:09
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DimitrisCmwe: ok thnx02:09
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longwaveit's not the cleanest way but it's easier than playing with udev02:09
mwelongwave: that's a workaround02:09
bluefox83card 1: Live [SB Live [Unknown] ] , device 0: emu10k1 [ADC Capture/Standard PCM Playback]    <--does that look right?02:09
lufisIs there a command which lets me see the status of hardware like fans?02:09
=== sprink_ [n=sprink@242-41.125-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
sprink_I cant compile anything.. I always get this error: "Can't find kernel build files in /lib/modules/2.6.15-26-686/build;"02:10
Sedatedtry sensors... dunno if it's installed by default02:10
voodoothere is an alternative to gaim and kopete and mercury???????????????????02:10
lufisSedated: It isn't, I tried it already. Thanks for the suggestion though :(02:10
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Sedatedsee if lmsensors is in apt02:10
linuchsanlufis: lm-sensors02:11
Sedatedor synaptic02:11
longwavelufis: try the lm-sensors package, or sensors-applet for displaying them in a gnome panel02:11
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lufisLongwave, linuchsan: ok02:11
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_w^x_!info freevo02:11
ubotuPackage freevo does not exist in dapper02:11
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ivxhey can anyone help with mywireless card http://rafb.net/paste/results/3pRfXx26.html02:11
_w^x_!info gnunet02:11
ubotugnunet: Secure, trust-based peer-to-peer framework. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.0c-2ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 694 kB, installed size 2404 kB02:11
Sedated!info lm-sensors02:11
ubotulm-sensors: utilities to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors. In component main, is extra. Version 1:2.9.2-5ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 463 kB, installed size 1452 kB02:11
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simsalabimI want to set up a virtualhost for apache. It seems theres a conventional way of doing that on ubuntu (using sites-available and sites-enabled). Should I just plug in a file in sites-available with a virtual host definition, and then symlink in sites-enabled? Is that all that is to it?02:11
_w^x_!info bitches02:11
ubotuPackage bitches does not exist in dapper02:11
_w^x_!info i2p02:12
ubotuPackage i2p does not exist in dapper02:12
_w^x_!info ip202:12
ubotuPackage ip2 does not exist in dapper02:12
tredligcan you make a program run before a person even logs into the computer?02:12
longwavesimsalabim: yes, that's the debian/ubuntu way of doing it - but you can use "a2ensite" to create the symlink for you02:12
Saviqsimsalabim: yep02:12
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marinelli59hi, anybody knows how to fill the Class.forName("???") for access a mysql database ?02:12
Gog123is there a distribution which just works from the second i install with wmv, realplayer, mp3 and the like02:12
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SurfnKidcan someone tell me a good website creator? for linux02:12
sprink_Any ideas?02:12
leonidashi guys02:12
Gog123ubuntu doesnt work with wmv :(02:12
Gog123or realplayer from initial install02:13
SurfnKidGog123, did you install the w32 packages?02:13
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panphillawe have a wireless problem02:13
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panphillacan anyone help?02:13
SurfnKidGog123, the restricted formats?02:13
Gog123surfnkid:  How do i do that?02:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about RestrictedFormat - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:13
simsalabimlongwave, Saviq I see, you wouldnt have a link to some reading about that? I mean there is probably a good reason why its like that. Or is it just to keep apache2.conf simpler?02:13
sprink_I cant compile anything.. I always get this error: "Can't find kernel build files in /lib/modules/2.6.15-26-686/build;"02:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about RestrictedFormats - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:13
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:13
SurfnKidmwe, argh thanks :P02:13
longwavesimsalabim: yes, it's just to make management easier02:13
_w^x_vlc plays some .wmv02:13
marinelli59any java developer ?02:14
Saviqsimsalabim: I think it's the latter02:14
SurfnKidgxine plays some wmv i think02:14
Saviqit's just plain easy :)02:14
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longwavesimsalabim: i name the file the same as the vhost, then i can use "a2ensite" and "a2dissite" to easily turn vhosts on and off02:14
_w^x_!info java02:14
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ubotuPackage java does not exist in dapper02:14
mweall linux players play wmv files if the codes is available02:14
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simsalabimlongwave, ah, okay... just thought there would be further wizardry behind it02:14
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SurfnKidmwe, thats what i thought too02:14
Gog123thats the problem with ubuntu02:14
SurfnKidall progams use the codes avvailable right02:15
Gog123i just want to have it installed on default02:15
mweSurfnKid: no02:15
Gog123not to go through faqs02:15
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SurfnKidi meant all player programs02:15
longwavesimsalabim: the apache modules are handled in a similar way, that's done so you can have packages that install further apache modules that can be enabled/disabled just as easily02:15
panphilladoes anybody know how to connect to a linksys router using a built-in wireless card?02:15
nuaimatguys,  i want to install compiz ,but it depends on gset-compiz , i can't install "gset-compiz" , the apt-get says "E: Package gset-compiz has no installation candidate"02:15
mweSurfnKid: unfortunately the installation location is not standardized02:15
sizzamanyone running DenyHosts on Dapper to protect their SSH?02:15
mweSurfnKid: some programs need to be told where they are02:16
nuaimathelp me please02:16
Megaqwertyhow do I use mozplugger to install flashplayer 9?02:16
marinelli59hi, I want to get access to a mysql database, but I don't know the driver for mySql, in the java sentence Class.forName("???");02:16
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems02:16
panphillamarinelli59, do you go to cmu?02:16
simsalabimlongwave, ah, okay... that seems nice and clean02:16
SurfnKidmwe, mmm what i mean is that gxine can play wmv, or mplayer, vlc, you just have to have the restricted formats installed02:16
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marinelli59what is that panphilla ?02:16
nuaimathelp me please guys,  i want to install compiz ,but it depends on gset-compiz , i can't install "gset-compiz" , the apt-get says "E: Package gset-compiz has no installation candidate"02:17
panphillado you go to carnegie mellon?02:17
Saviqw32codecs package02:17
SurfnKidnuaimat, join #xgl, and ubuntu-xgl02:17
panphillaone of my friends' last name is marinelli02:17
marinelli59carnegie mellon is a university, I supose...02:17
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wickersevolution is giving me errors whenever I try to open an attachment.02:17
Megaqwertynuaimat: go here: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=148351&highlight=openGL02:17
nuaimatSurfnKid: it's an ubuntu problem ,i can't find the package in the repors , thats it02:17
simsalabimlongwave does debian/ubuntu have some util to manage and install several instances of for instance the same content management system?02:17
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marinelli59no, I'm living in Mexico02:17
mcphailsizzam: i'm running denyhosts02:18
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Stormx2nuaimat: Please, read the page. You need to add some more repos, f0002:18
longwavesimsalabim: that depends on the cms, i guess02:18
sizzammcphail: did you compile from source and all that jazz?02:18
marinelli59!mysql driver02:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mysql driver - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:18
longwavesimsalabim: most of them have some way of installing multiple sites on the same server, usually just through a different database name and/or storage directory02:18
SurfnKidnuaimat, join the xgl and ubunt-xgl channel,the ppl there are pretty smart02:18
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Megaqwertynuaimat: just follow the instructions on the link I gave you, and you will get it installed. That is how I did it!02:19
SurfnKidnuaimat, compiz stuff02:19
BoSJoHi all: So how do I Copy/Paste across different apps. in Ubuntu?02:19
mcphailsizzam: as i remember, it is a python program. You don'r compile it02:19
_w^x_BoSJo, just right click copy paste02:19
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BoSJo_w^x_: dossent work???02:19
sizzammcphail: i go through all of the steps in the read-me, but i run into problems when i try to run daemon-control02:19
simsalabimlongwave, ok, i just remember something on gentoo... webapp-config.. that did it for you.. not that i think i will miss it02:20
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marinelli59anybody knows java programming ?02:20
sizzammcphail: it says its not a program, like it doesn't exist02:20
fredmorcosmarinelli59: yes02:20
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SaviqBoSJo: ctrl+insert / shift+insert? ctrl+c / ctrl+v02:20
simsalabimmarinelli59, a bit02:20
fredmorcosi messed up my ubuntu system!02:20
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marinelli59frdmorcos, how do you access a mysql database in java,    Class.forName("??");02:20
fredmorcosi wanted to remove dash (that was installed by the faster dapper script) and get bash back...02:20
BoSJo_w^x_: ctrl+c & v dossent work, will try shift+insert02:20
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mcphailsizzam: it was sooo long ago when i set this up, but it just runs with ./denyhosts --daemon02:21
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fredmorcosmarinelli59: i don't know, never dealt with databases in java..02:21
sizzammcphail: i was actually trying to execute 'daemon-control'02:21
marinelli59oh, thanks anyway...02:21
sizzammcphail: thanks, i'll try your command02:21
marinelli59and you simsalabim02:21
RugHowdy all02:22
fredmorcosi removed dash (which didn't suceed) before directing sh to bash02:22
fredmorcosand now the system doesn't boot/shutdown... no scripts are running...02:22
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longwavesimsalabim: hrm, that webapp-config looks interesting, there's nothing like that in debian/ubuntu that i know of02:22
mcphailsizzam: the version i'm running is 1.1.3. Things may have changed since i installed02:22
sizzammcphail: thats about the last time I used it as well, maybe i'll go grab an older version from sourceforge02:23
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micahcowanfredmorcos, are you currently in an X session, or have you manually shut down the system since this?02:23
simsalabimlongwave, ok, im not experienced enough to know if its really useful or not.. i guess if you have to install loads of instances of the same site something like that could be useful02:23
BoSJo_w^x_ : very strange...... now suddently Copy/Paste works........ havent all day......strange, and thats with Ctrl+c/v02:23
linuchsansizzam:why don't you use keys?02:23
simsalabimmarinelli59, uhm, no.. havent worked with that02:23
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fredmorcosmicahcowan: i manually shut it down.. im on the live cd02:23
wickerswhere can I tell evolution to store attachments?02:23
sizzamlinuchsan: what do you mean, im new to the world of SSH02:24
fredmorcosmicahcowan: trying to chroot02:24
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longwavesimsalabim: yeah, and if you're doing that, you're probably going to want custom scripts anyway02:24
wickersit stores them in a temp file, but when I launch it, the URL to the temp file has an extra /home/ in it...02:24
wickerswhere can I change the folder?02:24
simsalabimmarinelli59, dont you have to import some kind of java database library and then call methods in that to set up a connection, send queries etc?02:24
micahcowanfredmorcos, that's what I was going to suggest: are you having trouble with the chroot? (you haven't installed bash yet, then, I take it?02:24
longwavesimsalabim: also, i imagine handling security updates could be a nightmare if you aren't careful02:24
fredmorcosmicahcowan: no it's working..02:24
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fredmorcosmicahcowan: scripts don't run..02:25
micahcowandoes apt-get require sh?02:25
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linuchsansizzam:man sshd02:25
azureallongwave, it's something else (the input/output error) ...02:25
fredmorcosmicahcowan: and dpkg-preconfigure doesn't run, so installing with apt-get is out of the question02:25
simsalabimlongwave, im not sure but i would guess that portage together netapp-config would handle that02:25
fredmorcosmicahcowan: i mean, apt-get won't install anything..02:25
ab0ooany hints on getting past "Invalid Tar Magic" with a net-install of dapper kubuntu.  I can't even tell which package is borked up.02:25
=== fiXXXerMet [n=Kyle@cmu-24-35-80-91.mivlmd.cablespeed.com] has joined #ubuntu
mcphaillinuchsan: there is nothing wrong with having an extra layer of security02:26
ab0oothe red screen of death clams "Base system Installation Error"02:26
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems02:26
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marinelli59yes simsalabin, thats the import java.sql.*; statement, but for connection purposes you need an url (I supose jdbc:mysql://localhost:3305/database) but i don;t know the driver02:26
longwaveazureal: is that cd a vcd/svcd by any chance? the filename looks familiar02:26
micahcowanfredmorcos... outside the chroot, you should make a symlink for sh inside your partition, I'm thinking: do you have any other shells that might qualify? ksh perhaps?02:26
fiXXXerMetDoes Ubuntu-Desktop have a GUI LVM Manager?02:26
marinelli59the driver is specific for each database vendor02:26
azureallongwave, yea, it is...02:26
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fredmorcosmicahcowan: here is dpkg -l bash >>  Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed02:27
petrI have no sound. Tried wiki DebuggingSoundProblems and "aplay --list-devices" gives result "aplay: device_list:221: no soundcards found...". Before upgrade it was fine.02:27
fredmorcosmicahcowan: no, i dont have any other shells02:27
longwaveazureal: maybe there is a problem there because the cd format is slightly nonstandard for vcd/svcd, i dont know why that shouldnt work really though02:27
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sizzammcphail: do you have an entry for denyhosts in init.d?02:27
marinelli59other question: how do you make a rlogin (I tried, but "connection refused" error message appears)02:27
micahcowanfredmorcos... you might try manually copying /bin/bash from the live-CD, and using that to bootstrap so you can use dpkg/apt-get...02:27
azureallongwave, it's not possible that some running prog is interfering w/ the reading of a file?02:27
longwavemarinelli59: you need to look in the documentation for the specific jdbc driver you are trying to use02:28
fredmorcosmicahcowan: yes02:28
mcphailsizzam: i run it @reboot from cron02:28
fredmorcosmicahcowan: give me a second02:28
sizzammcphail: k02:28
longwaveazureal: i dont think so, unless you have a media player running in the background that may be trying to view it?02:28
marinelli59ok, i'm searching in the documentation02:28
petriborghello all - would this be the right channel to ask about an ubuntu problem i'm having before my box goes down a tower of smoke? :-)02:28
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longwavepetriborg: yep just ask your question :)02:29
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funkjaHow do I run a .run file?02:29
fredmorcosmicahcowan: can we talk in pvt?02:29
azureallongwave, no, i'm also simply trying to copy the file over, not only view it02:29
azureallongwave, i can copy over most of the files, but not the impt one02:29
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mcphailfunkja: there is nothing specific about a .run file (it could be called anything). Just "chmod +x filename" then "./filename"02:30
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Stormx2or bash filename ;-)02:30
Stormx2or sh filename02:30
Stormx2im wrong02:30
sizzammcphail: in your denyhosts.cfg file, are you configured like this:   LOCK_FILE = /var/run/denyhosts.pid02:30
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nuaimathi guys , i am a noob , what to do when asked to "configure Xorg with..." ?02:30
funkjamxphail : thanks02:30
=== Chu [n=swebster@cpe-66-74-195-151.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
petriborgok the problem: ubuntu seems to have become confused and thinks my file system is full when it is *not* full. small files still seem to be able to be written but df has stopped working now and and menu>system>administration>disk seems to be complete confused reporting 100% use for all 4 of my drives02:31
=== BoSJo [n=bosjo@130.80-203-23.nextgentel.com] has joined #Ubuntu
nuaimati meant how to configure xorg with something like "DefaultDepth    24"02:31
petriborgwriting large files seems to have stopped working though02:31
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azureallongwave, thx anyway02:31
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gnomefreakis there an applet that lets you search filesystem?02:31
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mcphailsizzam: LOCK_FILE = /var/run/denyhosts.pid - yes02:31
longwaveazureal: i've been doing some googling and maybe you can't just copy svcds like that on linux..02:32
gnomefreakor an applet for nautilus02:32
longwaveazureal: you might have to use mencoder or something to read the stream properly02:32
simsalabimlongwave, thanks for all your help, nn to you all02:32
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nuaimatgnomefreak: there's a search applet inside Places02:32
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gnomefreaknaupanel applet02:32
petriborgdf is reporting the error02:32
petriborgbash: /bin/df: File too large02:32
linuchsannuaimat: xorg.conf02:33
fredmorcosmicahcowan: i messaged you02:33
gnomefreaknuaimat: im looking for a panel applet to home folder02:33
jinhohi, I have my system set as a dual boot between windows xp and ubuntu, and have been using grub 1.5 to allow me to switch between the two, however today the computer says, "ERROR LOADING OPERATING SYSTEM"- has anyone had this problem (with what I believe to be a grub issue) before, and if so could you please help me fix it? (I'm using knoppix right now btw- help much appreciated!)02:33
nuaimatlinuchsan: where is that file?02:33
micahcowanfredmorcos, I didn't get it...?02:33
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linuchsannuaimat: /etc/X1102:33
nuaimatgnomefreak: i think there's an applet , right click on the bar , and choose add applet , you will find it under "utilities"02:34
nuaimatlinuchsan: thanks02:34
fredmorcosmicahcowan: i did cp /bin/bash disk/bin/bash02:34
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fredmorcosmicahcowan: and now when i chroot back02:34
gnomefreaknuaimat: tried that02:34
fredmorcosmicahcowan: it says: bash: /usr/bin/groups: /bin/sh: bad interpreter: No such file or directory02:34
fredmorcosmicahcowan: should i symlink /bin/sh to /bin/bash ?02:34
petriborganyone have any ideas? (guesses, random thoughts, or uh, non-random thoughts welcome)02:35
micahcowanfredmorcos, that's just what I was going to suggest.02:35
jinhoanyone- please I really need help right now!02:35
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longwavepetriborg: do you have lots of small files on that drive? does "df -i" show anything?02:36
petriborgjinho shouldn't grub give you an error number?02:36
fredmorcosmicahcowan: what about the error i get? u mean, suggest linking?02:36
petriborglongwave: petri@linuxbox:~$ df -i02:36
petriborgbash: /bin/df: File too large02:36
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petriborgit says nothing02:36
petriborgit says that whenever i try it on *any* file02:36
jinhopetriborg: wish I was knowledgable enough to know- all it says though is "error loading operating system" right when GRUB should be loading02:36
micahcowanmicahcowan, yeah, I suggest symlinking /bin/sh to bash02:36
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azureallongwave, yea, i've also been googling.. what do you mean by 'read the stream properly' ?02:37
jinhopetriborg- although when I tried booting directly from the hard drive that had windows on it- it gave me Error #1702:37
linuchsanjinho: This isn't a knoppix channel02:37
micahcowanfredmorcos, ^^^^02:37
IllicitWhere is the default location of my Kernel Headers?02:37
micahcowan(I accidentally addressed it to myself)02:37
petriborgah well see that is useful info jinho02:37
longwaveazureal: svcds are written in a different mode with less error correction, and the drive has to be told to switch mode i think02:37
Illicitit's not in /usr/src02:37
jinholinuchsan- I know it isnt- but my problem has to do w/ a dual boot Ubuntu/Windows system- so I feel it is relevant to post here02:37
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petriborg Error 17 indicates GRUB can't id the partition type. Check http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting02:38
petriborgjinho thats for you02:38
micahcowanIllicit, I believe the headers are installed directly to /usr/include/linux.02:38
Illicitmicahcowan: im installing vmplayer and it says those r just C headers02:39
petriborgi'm not sure how to fix it by any means at the moment but its a start :-)02:39
petrHow te get my sound back? Tried wiki DebuggingSoundProblems and "aplay --list-devices" gives result "aplay: device_list:221: no soundcards found...". Before upgrade to 6.06 it was fine.02:39
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azureallongwave, i guess i picked a hard first-cd type to burn, eeh02:39
mcphailIllicit: install "linux-headers-`uname -r`" then vmware will find them02:39
petriborgpetr - did you check your sound out volumn in the panel?02:39
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mcphailIllicit: they will be installed in kernel-specific subdirectories of /usr/src02:40
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azureallongwave, i'll burn it windows then; i'll save the non-vcds for linux to test away...02:40
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Illicitmcphail: well the only reason i ask is cuz, im almost sure i used them the other day, just forgot where they were located...02:41
RugHow do I burn .vob files so that they will play on my DVD player?02:41
mcphailIllicit: if you have installed them, they will be in subdirs of /usr/src02:41
sizzammcphail: looks like im up and running, thanks for the help!02:41
mcphailIllicit: but vmware finds them automatically if installed02:41
micahcowanIllicit: do you have linux-kernel-headers installed?02:41
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Illicitmcphail: alright ill check that, thx02:41
mcphailsizzam: np02:41
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micahcowanmcphail, linux-kernel-headers, at least on edgy, doesn't go in /usr/src...02:42
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Illicitmicahcowan: yes02:42
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petrpetriborg yes. the wiki recomends this. in fact the panel say it could not find any gstreamer plugin02:42
mcphailmicahcowan: /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.12-10-k7/ on dapper here02:42
capplianceguyhow do I alter files with root permissions02:43
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mcphailmicahcowan: aah, i see. Looks as if those are old breezy headers...02:43
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petrcapplianceguy: you mena how to edit them?02:43
linuchsanjinho: Sorry, using knoppix to access your drive is the right thing. Can you post your menu.lst?02:44
petrcapplianceguy or to change their permisions so other user can edit them?02:44
mcphailmicahcowan: actually, no, the dapper headers are under /usr/src as well02:44
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capplianceguyyes i need to alter my xorg.conf file to install new drivers by nvidia02:44
petriborgpetr - i assume you then went into the package manager and made sure that the streamer stuff was fully installed? i believe the last update 6.06 included an update to gstreamer02:44
micahcowanfredmorcos, did you fix it?02:44
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funkmasterhi ppl :) i use ubunutu 6.06 and apache2, mysql5,php5.1.2, when i check phpinfo it does not show me the php5-mysql though it is installed when i check in synaptic any idea why? or how to fix it?02:44
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fredmorcosmicahcowan: it's done.. i removed dash and have bash installed now... thanks for your time i really appreciate this...02:45
hellokthuluhello * --02:45
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micahcowanmcphail, what package do you get for "dpkg -S /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.12-10-k7"?02:45
petriborgpetr - i just bring this up because i had a somewhat similar problem for a while after i updated too02:45
fredmorcosmicahcowan: ill boot back to the system, thanks really02:45
micahcowanso you got it installed?02:45
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hellokthuluAnyone know why Flash apps wouldn't have some fonts?  The nitrome.com games are kind of hard to play without the help :-)02:45
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mcphailmicahcowan: linux-headers-2.6.12-10-k7: /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.12-10-k702:45
petrpetriborg some streamer stuff you say... I'll try it02:45
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bimbericapplianceguy: gksudo "gedit /etc/X11/xorg/conf"   (in a terminal)02:46
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mcphailmicahcowan: but as i said, that's the breezy kernel isn't it...02:46
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micahcowanmcphail, okay, yeah: there's a confusion with me between linux-headers-blah and linux-kernel-headers (which just touches stuff in /usr/include).02:46
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petriborgyeah the update went from gstreamer 0.8 to 0.10 and that caused the problem for me :-)02:47
detecshrdo you guys really like ubuntu?02:47
petriborgubuntu rocks02:47
MrRioi do yeah02:47
Dr_Willisi give it a B+02:47
matti;] 02:47
adminxLove it02:47
petriborgi've been using it for a long time now02:47
adminxnot like02:47
adminxbut love it02:47
detecshris it better than gentoo?02:47
JohnnyGapt-get install madwifi-source  if I could get this to work, I could get my wireless working - can someone people provide instructions on how to look up a respository that has this?02:48
mattidetecshr: This is hard to compare.02:48
Dr_Willisdetecshr,  different design goals.02:48
mattidetecshr: Dr_Willis got the point.02:48
petriborggentoo was really interesting too, but for me, i got sick of it when windows wiped out my MBR and i didn't have the energy and time to reinstall02:48
detecshrcan you compile your own kernel?02:48
hellokthuludetecshr: It's great to set up and use.  ALMOST got everything going without having to use the terminal.02:48
mcphaildetecshr: if you must02:48
linuchsandetecshr: Why the question02:48
detecshri'm tired of fedora02:49
petriborgit's entirely possible to compile the kernel02:49
capplianceguybimberi: capplianceguy: gksudo "gedit /etc/X11/xorg/conf"   (in a terminal)  this does not work because the file is read only and I can't change permissions02:49
MrRioJohnnyG: use the pre-built modules, which distro are you using?02:49
jinhohas anyone had an "error loading operating system" error ever- and if so what did you do?02:49
detecshris it going to give you problems02:49
petriborgthough i always compile modules unless i have to02:49
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mcphaildetecshr: (and you can use something newer than gcc-3.4 to compile it as well)02:49
hellokthuludetecshr: Well, the price is right :-)02:49
linuchsandetecshr: You don't yum02:49
petrpetriborg do I need gstreamer0.8-artsd?02:49
tarzeauhow can i request a universe package in ubuntu is gotten updated?02:49
micahcowandetecshr, it can if you go the wrong way about it. You have to follow the instructions:02:49
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux'). You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild02:49
adminxgentoo I tought was a great way to really learn alot about linux system command, very well documented.02:49
tarzeauit's about which there's securityfixed versions in debian http://packages.ubuntulinux.org/edgy/sound/opencubicplayer02:49
petriborgpetri - no stick with .1002:50
bimbericapplianceguy: did you type "gksudo" at the start of the command?02:50
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mattiadminx: For learning the best will be linux from scratch or slackware.02:50
JohnnyGMrRio, I have been trying to get these drivers in for going on 6 hours now, each way I've tried failed because I'm new to Ubuntu - if you would walk me through installing madwiki I'd really appreciate it02:50
JohnnyGI'm only trying that way because others have failed02:50
petriborger, petr - sorry about that, stick with .10, i just had to install some of the other modules02:50
MrRioJohnnyG: madwifi is already included in linux-restricted-modules-xx02:50
petriborgpetr - some other gstreamer .10 modules02:50
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capplianceguyno let me try02:51
MrRioJohnnyG, where xx is the kernel version02:51
soheilhi room02:51
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detecshrwould i be able to use my linksys wireless card?02:51
JohnnyGMrRio: I've read about linux-restricted-modules but I don't understand what they are or how to use them to solve this problem02:51
petriborgpetr - in particular i had to install gstream0.10-alsa and some others02:51
linuchsanI think Gentoo has got the best documentation there is about linux02:51
soheilI faced a really big problem02:51
JohnnyGMrRio how do I determine my kernel version?02:51
petriborglinuchsan - it really is very good02:51
MrRioJohnnyG: uname -a02:51
capplianceguythanks that worked02:51
JohnnyGLinux johnny-laptop 2.6.15-26-686 #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Aug 3 03:13:28 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux02:52
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petriborgi just wish i could figure out why linux has become so freaked out about my drives :(02:52
soheilIt relates to Gaim...02:52
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JohnnyGok, so kernel version 2.6.15 and I've got a i686 - how do I use that to enable or disable (not sure which) my restricted-modules?02:52
petrgstreamer0.8-artsd: I already have gstreamer0.10-alsa installed02:52
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MrRioJohnnyG, sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r`02:52
tjb13hey guys how to i upgrade my ubuntu to the new release 6.06102:53
MrRioJohnnyG: that will automagically put the kernel version on the end02:53
soheilwhen I click  Tools-->rooom list, nothiing happens02:53
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soheilIt relates to Gaim...02:53
soheilwhen I click  Tools-->rooom list, nothiing happens02:53
petriborgi mean any program that seems to check the avail disk space is freaking out because it thinks that all of my disk is in use02:53
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mattiOh my.02:53
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JohnnyGMrRio: I'm sorry, but I don't understand what putting the kernel version on the end means, I'm not trying to be rude, I really don't get it and want to02:54
petriborglike dvdrip says that "this task needs 0MB, but only 0MB is available"....02:54
soheilwho helps me?02:54
one_stinky_bumsounds perfect02:54
JohnnyGMrRio: the sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r` command worked without error02:54
JohnUK89soheil: try typing /list as a command02:54
MrRioJohnnyG: yeah no probs, just that code i gave you, it will get the kernel version and put it on the end for you, you just need to paste and press enter02:54
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one_stinky_bumtry using k9copy02:54
petriborgOSB - yeah its great if what i want is a broken system :(02:54
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superjew9020when i try and mount my windows partition i keep gettin an error wats the flood channel i can put it in?02:54
soheilin the terminal, u mean?02:54
JohnUK89soheil: no, in Gaim02:55
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JohnUK89IRC command :)02:55
one_stinky_bumpetri - I'm using k9copy without issues02:55
JohnnyGMrRio: I've run that and it isn't saying error anywhere, whats next?02:55
MrRioJohnnyG: did it say it's been installed?02:55
JohnnyGMrRio: The following NEW packages will be installed:02:55
JohnnyG  linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-26-68602:55
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marinelli59anybody , how do yo rlogin or ssh other machine without the connection refuse message ?02:55
JohnnyGsorry for the paste but...02:55
JohnnyGUnpacking linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-26-686 (from .../linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-26-686_2.6.15.11-3_i386.deb) ...02:55
JohnnyGSetting up linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-26-686 ( ...02:55
JohnUK89soheil: type it where you would normally put messages, Gaim recognises it as a command and should bring up the list02:55
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JohnnyGMrRio: in conclusion, yes, it looks good - but what does it mean?02:56
KittiahHey guys, Does anyone know of a mirror (or could host a copy for me) of EasyUbuntu? Their official site has been down for 2 days and I really need to get this installation configured02:56
MrRioJohnnyG; ok, that's it, that package includes madwifi, so you have madwifi now02:56
JohnnyGthats it?02:56
JohnnyGMrRio: could i have done that using synapse?02:56
zcat[1] marinelli59: the other machine has to be running sshd to accept the connection, which it won't be by default.. 'sudo apt-get install ssh'02:56
MrRioJohnnyG: yeah, easily02:56
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MrRioJohnnyG, 'Search' then type 'madwifi'02:56
marinelli59thanks zcat102:56
JohnnyGMrRio: can you teach me how i could have done that, and more importantly what  each step means so I can do thing kind of stuff in the future without bugging02:57
soheilit says that command doesn't work on this protocol02:57
zcat[1] also if you set up a firewall you'll need to open port 2202:57
JohnnyGMrRio: I did that and it returned a bunch of packages02:57
soheilmy protocol:yahoo02:57
JohnnyGMrRio: but I wasn't sure if they related because none of them said madwifi02:57
JohnUK89Oh Yahoo...I don't know if Gaim can use Yahoo chats, best ask in #gaim02:57
MrRioJohnnyG, It is confusing, the description for one of those packages explains which modules it includes02:57
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petriborgOSB - i've been using dvdrip without problems for weeks now, its just this morning when i booted it that it had a problem, first grub was giving me error 15 (MBR not found)...  but that was easily fixed, and then X wouldnt' start but a simple reboot fixed that, and now dvdrip and a bunch of stuff stopped working and df and ubuntu's system stuff all says my disks are full but that isn't true and if i boot off the ubuntu live CD and mou02:58
MrRioJohnnyG, all the different packages are there for each version of the kernel02:58
soheilwqhat to do???02:58
JohnnyGMrRio: so I needed to figure out which kernel i had and match the numbers up to the kernel update that included the package i wanted?02:58
soheilwhat to do??02:58
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one_stinky_bumpetri: interesting02:58
JohnnyGMrRio: let me do it now, although it is installed, just to see to - 2 secs please02:59
=== zcat[1] suggests using 'linux-restricted-modules' metapackage rather than one for your current kernel specifically .. that will force apt to get the matching restricted-modules in future when you upgrade the kernel.
JohnUK89soheil: head into #gaim and ask them if it can work with Yahoo chats02:59
KittiahDoes any generous person have a copy of EasyUbuntu they could send to me? I'm desperate to get this installation finished ASAP and their website has been down for days, pretty please? ^.^02:59
one_stinky_bumpetri: tried to trace it02:59
MrRioJohnnyG, kk02:59
hellokthuluAnyone installed the 'msttcorefonts' package?  I can't seem to...02:59
petriborgOSB - how do i trace it?02:59
hellokthulu(It gives M$ fonts such as Verdana, Ariel, etc.)02:59
marinelli59zcat[1]  the error message says:  connect to x.x.x.x port 22 : Connection refused    (I've already installed the package you mentioned)02:59
MrRiohellokthulu: what seems to be the problem02:59
petriborgOSB - is there some system log i should be reading in /var/logs?02:59
hellokthuluPackage msttcorefonts is not available, but is referred to by another package.02:59
hellokthuluIs the error.03:00
JohnnyGMrRio: ok, I see it and understand03:00
JohnnyGMrRio: to get wireless working, is my next move to boot? once i've booted what should i click into in order to edit my wireless settings03:00
one_stinky_bumpetri: 1sec03:00
zcat[1] how about connecting to localhost from the machine itself?03:00
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MrRioJohnnyG, System -> Administration -> Networking03:00
marinelli59wait me a little03:00
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JohnnyGMrRio: should my system automatically detect it apon boot? if it doesn't, what is the next step?03:00
MrRioJohnnyG, Select 'Wireless Connection', then properties03:01
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soheilwhat is #Gaim?aand how to join it?03:01
JohnnyGMrRio: I only see Ethernet connection and Modem connection03:01
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JohnnyGMrRio: oh, I have to boot to see it...03:01
soheilwhat is #Gaim?aand how to join it?03:01
JohnUK89Soheil: #gaim is an IRC channel and you join it by typing /join #gaim03:01
one_stinky_bumpetri: launch from terminal, see what the out put is03:01
JohnnyGMrRio: will you be in here in like 3 minutes?03:01
MrRioJohnnyG, Yeah sure03:01
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JohnnyGthanks very much, brb03:02
soheilin the terminal?03:02
MrRiocya in a sec03:02
marinelli59zcat it works ok03:02
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petriborglaunch what from the terminal? dvdrip isn't putting out anything in the terminal03:02
one_stinky_bumdoes here03:02
tearanybody know how to install fluxbox03:02
JohnUK89soheil: no, into your IRC client, where you would normally type messages03:02
petriborgbash: /bin/df: File too large03:02
mopflitetear: sudo apt-get install fluxbox03:02
zcat[1] marinelli59: OK, you have firestarter on that machine? open port 22? can you ping it from the other machine?03:02
MrRiohellokthulu: have you enabled universe?03:03
MrRiohellokthulu: sorry, multiverse, i mean03:03
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one_stinky_bumpetri: where did you run df?03:03
marinelli59I understand that firestarter is a firewall, but i don/t installed it.03:03
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petriborgfrom home yeah03:03
hellokthuluMrRio: Let me check...03:03
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marinelli59i can ping the other machine and there is a physical connection03:03
zcat[1] hmm.. ok. Both machines on the same LAN, no firewalls or NAT between them?03:04
one_stinky_bumand there was no list... just said file too large03:04
petriborgwhere i run it from makes no difference though03:04
MrRiohellokthulu: Multiverse is for non-free packages, like the ms fonts03:04
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petriborgi c/p the whole output03:04
petriborgso yeah thats it03:04
tivoanyone in here have experience enabling SVIDEO out on a 6800 card? (running 6.06)03:04
one_stinky_bumI'm stumped03:04
petriborgdf says the same thing if i run it from anywere03:04
=== MrRio thinks its very busy in here these days
tearthat didn't work sudo apt-get install fluxbox03:04
visik7parallels on ubuntu with VT hardware is really great03:04
one_stinky_bumso how do you know you have room on the drive?03:05
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MrRiotear: fluxbox is in universe, enable it using synaptic03:05
zcat[1] well I'm stumped. By all accounts it should be working :)03:05
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petriborgOSB - i booted off my ubuntu live CD03:05
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MrRiotear, if you need more info, give me a shout03:05
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petriborgOSB - it works there03:05
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HeXiOnis there a way to make ati control panel work under XGL?03:05
JohnnyGMrRio: after booting and going to system -> administration -> networking I still see only ethernet connection and modem connection03:05
KittiahMrRio - Yeah, tell me about it, so easy to get drowned out! ^^03:06
one_stinky_bumso are you in ULive now? Can you get back on your box03:06
marinelli59zcat I've already ping the machine and there is connection03:06
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hellokthuluMrRio: Thanks for the help, gotta run, alas :-(03:06
MrRioJohnnyG: Ok, what is the name of your wireless network card03:06
petriborgOSB - i'm booted of my HD right now03:06
one_stinky_bumso dvdrip doesn't work on your hd, but it works on the live CD?03:06
tearpm MrRio03:06
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MrRiohellokthulu: ah ok, take care, im sure you'll get it sorted :)03:06
linavdoes anyone out there used k9copy03:06
JohnnyGMrRio: I ran a command earlier to tell me, but I've forgotten it - it is an intel centrino03:06
petriborgwell DVDRIP requires a lot of perl packages so no it doesn't run :-)03:06
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linuchsanmarinelli59: Hve you got local access to the machine03:07
one_stinky_bumI'm using canine copy right now03:07
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petriborgOSB - that requires QT right?03:07
droptothetopdoes anyone have any experience with dmraid and raid 10?03:07
petriborgi seem to remember reading that03:07
one_stinky_bumwait, so it doesn't run on your box, but it runs on the live cd?03:07
linuchsanwhat does netstat -ant say...is there a port 2203:07
one_stinky_bumdoesn't make sense03:07
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zcat[1] linuchsan: apparently ssh localhost works, and no firewall that they know off.. got me stumped :)03:07
JohnnyGfound it!03:07
one_stinky_bumyeah, k9 is a kde app03:07
JohnnyGjohnny@johnny-laptop:~$ lspci | grep Ethernet03:07
JohnnyG0000:02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5751M Gigabit Ethernet PCI Express (rev 11)03:07
JohnnyG0000:13:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications, Inc. AR5212 802.11abg NIC (rev 01)03:07
one_stinky_bumkde == QT03:07
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MrRiotear: Open up synaptic, under System -> Administration -> Synaptic Package Manager, click Setting - >Repositories, click 'Add' and select 'Universe' and 'Multiverse'03:08
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marinelli59well, I keep trying ...03:08
MrRiotear, Reload the package list, and fluxbox will be there, double-click to install it03:08
linavone_stinky_bum: did u had any issues using that k9copy03:08
petriborgOSB - no i don't think i explained clearly, DVDRIP runs on my HD because i've installed all the needed packages, but DVDRIP complains telling me that there isn't enough HD space and df doesn't work03:08
marinelli59i put   rlogin -l marcelaptop
droptothetopI am getting a message that is something along the lines of "device-mapper: device /dev/sda is too small for target"03:08
marinelli59i put   rlogin -l marcelaptop
one_stinky_bumnope - linav: canine works just fine03:08
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one_stinky_bumnot very intuitive03:08
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one_stinky_bumpetri: got it03:08
droptothetopany ideas?03:09
tearpm MrRio03:09
Jo-joCan anyone tell me nvidiafb is usable under 6.06? I'm having a devil of a time with it. :-S03:09
zcat[1] marinelli59: rlogin is depricated, use ssh...03:09
MrRiotear, I just sent you a message03:09
marinelli59and the machine replies:  ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused03:09
linavone_stinky_bum: canine is something to k9copy03:09
marinelli59ok zcat03:09
JohnnyGMrRio: my wifi card is a 0000:13:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications, Inc. AR5212 802.11abg NIC (rev 01)03:09
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petriborgOSB - but df works correctly from the live CD which is why i think i must have some sort of problem with my system files, corruption or something03:09
MrRiotear, Did you follow the stuff I said about synaptic03:09
one_stinky_bumpetri: but you are sure you have room, right?03:09
linuchsanmarinelli59: ssh user@host03:09
zcat[1] marinelli59: 'ssh localhost' works or not?03:09
petriborgOSB absolutely03:09
one_stinky_bumlinav: canine = k903:09
MrRioJohnnyG: hey snap!03:09
linavone_stinky_bum: ok03:10
JohnnyGMrRio: I don't understand?03:10
marinelli59yes it works03:10
bretzelHi there, I lost sound when I login with my user, before ( in GDM I can ear the sound )03:10
one_stinky_bumpetri: check your temp directory03:10
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petriborgyou mean /tmp03:10
HeXiOnhow to change bright, color, and so... of my screen? (gnome)03:10
droptothetopdevice-mapper: error adding target to table03:10
droptothetopis the message03:10
MrRioJohnnyG: Mine shows up as the same under lspci, ubuntu dapper detected and installed it out the box tho03:10
one_stinky_bumbut you have room anyways... try running from shell: dvdrip03:10
M06wim trying to install ntfs-3g and when i do the first thing it says to do in the directions i get "configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH", can anyone help03:10
MrRioJohnnyG, Are you using Dapper?03:10
RehevkorHey folks. Does icewm include a file manager? Also, how can I change my file manager?03:10
one_stinky_bumyeah, tmp03:10
petriborgOSB yeah thats how i'm running it every time03:10
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micahcowanM06w, what is ntfs-3g?03:11
zcat[1] but from the other machine 'ssh user@se.rv.er.ip doesn't work?03:11
one_stinky_bumpetri: and it doesn't output anything?03:11
JohnnyGMrRio: I downloaded Ububtu from the web this morning and I got the most recent stable version03:11
droptothetopanyone gotten the Sil 3114 to work with dmraid 10?03:11
petriborgntfs-3g is a NTFS read/write module for fuse03:11
M06wa thing that suposedly will let me access my ntfs drives03:11
petriborgno it doesn't OSB03:11
droptothetoprather raid 1003:11
petriborgit doesn't report any errors03:11
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droptothetopunder dmraid03:11
zcat[1] se.rv.er.ip == IP address of server :)03:11
marinelli59zcat[1]  yes it works03:11
one_stinky_bumpetri: stumped03:11
zcat[1] ahh good. Problem solved then03:11
micahcowanM06w, you should use the package instead of try to install by source, whenver possible.03:11
soheilI am in #gaim03:11
M06wwhat packages03:12
one_stinky_bumntfs-3g works best for drives where you can shutdown windows before you unplug03:12
petriborgyeah so am i OSB :(03:12
one_stinky_bumpetri: sorry mate03:12
petriborgOSB thanks for trying :)03:12
one_stinky_bumI can't get ntfs-3g to work with my pocket USB drive03:12
soheiland another question:03:12
petriborgntfs3g is great03:12
M06wwell whatever, if theres a better way to do this then tell me how03:12
Ironhandhello, it seems my Ubuntu for some reason thinks I'm in Australia (AU)... is there any way to change this and have everything that depends on this setting changed too?03:12
one_stinky_bumno prob petri03:12
teartear@tear-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get install fluxbox03:12
tearE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)03:12
tearE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?03:12
M06wwith out givinh me a link03:12
=== zcat[1] is off to cut down trees with chainsaw. Fun.
micahcowanpetriborg, is ntfs-3g the same as the "ntfsprogs" package?03:12
one_stinky_bumntfs-3g>> ntfsprogs03:13
petriborgmicahcowan - no it is not03:13
petriborgits not OSB03:13
soheilevery time I log on,I have to execute pon dsl-provider03:13
JohnnyGtear: when that happens to me I've got synapse open and I'm running the command line. You've gotta close synapse first and then apt-get stuff.03:13
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petriborgit makes use of it, its a driver for it (sort of)03:13
HeXiOntear: make sure you haven't synaptic or another apt-get instance running03:13
petriborgbut it makes lots of changes to it03:13
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one_stinky_bumthat's what I read off the site03:13
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petriborgwell it does use it but it uses a branch of it03:13
petriborgso in a way it doesn't03:14
micahcowanM06w, perhaps there is no package available. If you need building utils for source, install the "build-essential" package by doing "sudo apt-get install build-essential".03:14
bretzelI lost sound when I login with my user, before ( in GDM I can ear the sound )03:14
M06wisnt ubuntu suposed to be able to read ntfs03:14
petriborgand isn't compatible with whats installed in ubuntu by default03:14
teartear@tear-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get install fluxbox03:14
tearReading package lists... Done03:14
tearBuilding dependency tree... Done03:14
tearE: Couldn't find package fluxbox03:14
tearjust terminal running03:14
micahcowanM06w, yes, reading's no problem. Writing can be problematic.03:14
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MrRiotear: Did you enable universe?03:14
petriborgm06 - read yes, but ntfs3g is for writing03:14
M06wi dont need to write03:14
tearwhere is that03:14
M06wso how do i mount them03:14
one_stinky_bumwriting works... it is also fast03:14
petriborgyeah ntfs3g is really good03:14
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euuuuhi, will someone pls tell me the shutdown command so that I cand shut down my computer from putty03:15
petriborgespecially for being beta03:15
petriborgoh this is odd03:15
MrRiotear, In synaptic (i went thru this earlier, so ill just repaste, one sec)03:15
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linuchsanM06w: mount -t ntfs03:15
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse03:15
droptothetopno dmraid experts?03:15
petriborghey OSB maybe this is the cause for my problem03:15
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MrRio tear: Open up synaptic, under System -> Administration -> Synaptic Package Manager, click Setting - >Repositories, click 'Add' and select 'Universe' and 'Multiverse'03:15
HeXiOneuuuu: sudo halt03:15
MrRiotear, Reload the package list, and fluxbox will be there, double-click to install it03:15
one_stinky_bumman ntfs-3g03:15
M06wis there a way to mount them with out using the terminal03:15
one_stinky_bumwhat petri?03:15
euuuuty for help03:15
Ironhandhow do I change Ubuntu's idea of where I am?03:15
petriborgit seems that fuse is having some issues or something because my win-mount is having issues thinking that the windows dir is mounted when it isn't03:15
bla38euuuu: man shutdown ?03:15
micahcowanM06w, yes, run the script that's mentioned in the link ubotu just gave.03:15
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one_stinky_bumm06 there are nautilus scripts03:16
euuuuyes shutdown, not stand by or reboot03:16
one_stinky_bumsearch ubuntu forums03:16
JohnnyGMrRio: should I try shutting down instead of rebooting?03:16
droptothetopIronhand: set the timezone03:16
one_stinky_bumoh petri.03:16
RicesteamHi, i just updated wine to 0.9.19 and I'm getting these error when I try to configure Wine's audio: ALSA lib seq_hw.c:456:(snd_seq_hw_open) open /dev/snd/seq failed03:16
one_stinky_buminteresting.... I'm by no means an expert on fuse03:16
djk_euuuu: open a terminal and type man shutdown ...03:16
^Z3D^anyone here have any experience "dvdrip"?03:16
petriborgheh no i'm not either03:16
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HeXiOneuuuu: halt shuts down03:17
petriborgi wonder if the fuse guys are on this server03:17
djk_euuuu: or just ' shutdown -h now03:17
MrRioJohnnyG: its strange, you card should be auto detected, was it working under Windows?03:17
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one_stinky_bumno clue... I've got to find myself some fujitsu tablet pc users03:17
euuuuok ty for help ;)03:17
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Ironhanddroptothetop: the timezone is already set properly... in everything else however (default locale, apt sources, etc) it seems to think I'm in Australia03:17
one_stinky_bumneed to get my gateway M280 tablet working under 6.0603:17
petriborgit doesn't right now OSB?03:17
JohnnyGMrRio: I'm dual booting and the card is working under windows - I could switch to windows, unplug, and hop in here on mIRC no trouble03:17
linuchsaneuuuu: shutdown -h now03:18
M06wok, where did it put the script03:18
one_stinky_bumuses finepoint digitizer, not wacom03:18
one_stinky_bumeverybody talks about tablets and wacom, saying it's all great03:18
one_stinky_bumnothing working here for finepint03:18
Dr_Willisnever heard of them03:18
one_stinky_bumthere are drivers for xorg, but nothing coherent03:18
one_stinky_bumI can cat /dev/ttyS0 and see output03:19
JohnnyGMrRio: I will power all the way down. I'll be back in 5, hopefully with good news. :)03:19
MrRioJohnnyG: okay03:19
one_stinky_bumbut I don't know the schema of the data03:19
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one_stinky_bumcan't make use of pen data03:19
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MrRiotear, How you getting on installing fluxbox?03:19
tearnow that it is installed03:19
tearhow do you enable03:20
poningrurjian: hey03:20
rjianhello poningru03:20
rjianwhat will i dot next?03:20
MrRiotear: logout, and on the login screen, click 'sessions', you can switch between WM's03:20
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poningrurjian: so what are you trying to do exactly?03:20
poningrutrying to sign the ubuntu membership?03:20
MrRiotear, seeya in a sec03:20
rjiani already receive the OpenPGP Key Confirmation what will i do next?03:21
corevettecan anyone help me?03:21
one_stinky_bumproblem vette?03:21
ardchoilleI know there were issues with the 6.06 Desktop CD installer. Have those issues been resolved with the 6.06.1LTS Desktop CD installer?03:21
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corevetteone_stinky_bum yeah.....my wireless card is detected...and active.......but i can't get on the internet03:21
poningrurjian: oh hold on03:21
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M06wis there a simple way to install jave03:22
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JohnnyGMrRio: no luck.03:22
one_stinky_bumdo you have a signal strength meter in the taskbar?03:22
one_stinky_bumthe top panel?03:22
RicesteamWhat is OSS and ALSA? And how do I know which one is compatible with my sound card?03:22
linavone_stinky_bum:  i get this mutex error in k903:22
rjianah ok poningru03:22
corevetteone_stinky_bum no....but i put the exact same card onto a different ubuntu computer...and it works03:22
visik7Ricesteam: mostly both03:22
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linavone_stinky_bum:  can u tell me whatz that about, how can i rectify that03:22
one_stinky_bumcan you ping?03:23
=== tear [n=tear@daphmb01dc1-216-30.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu
visik7Ricesteam: oss is the old stack many crappy programs still relay on it03:23
corevetteone_stink_bum no03:23
one_stinky_bummutex error? never got that03:23
tearI logged out03:23
one_stinky_bumhow did you install k9?03:23
mangobotHELP!!! why do i get this error with 3ddesktop?: glXIsDirect failed, no Direct Rendering possible!03:23
mangobot3ddeskd: Please configure hardware acceleration.  Exiting.03:23
tearand in03:23
tearwhat now?03:23
visik7Ricesteam: but the default now is alsa or at an higher level gstreamer03:23
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one_stinky_bumvette: ping www.google.com03:23
WhyvasMERRY XMAS!03:23
one_stinky_bumin terminal03:23
MrRioJohnnyG: hmm03:23
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mangobotoh...my vid card is ati radeon mobility 2x rev 203:24
corevetteone_stinky_bum i'm now known as compusa....so take note of that03:24
linavone_stinky_bum: mutex destroy failure to be specific03:24
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RicesteamI can't seem to get both working for Wine 0.9.1903:24
tearMrRio what now03:24
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poningrurjian: huh sorry dude you have to wait for corey03:24
visik7Ricesteam: run winecfg and configure it03:24
compusaone_stinky_bum i did that before....but it couldn't ping....hold on...im going to switch to linux03:24
rjianponingru: y?03:25
droptothetopany ideas on why device-mapper isn't creating a device node for my raid 10 array?03:25
MrRioJohnnyG, I'm just searching the web, I'll coome up with something ;)03:25
MrRiotear, Are you in flux box now?03:25
droptothetopsaying /dev/sda is too small for target03:25
one_stinky_bumk comp03:25
compusaone_stinky_bum f.y.i. i'm corevette03:25
JohnnyGMrRio: is it possible I didn't follow directions properly?03:25
droptothetopNot sure what that means03:25
tearok looks the same03:25
Ricesteamvisik7: yea i ran winecfg, but i can't config much since it only let me choose what to use and what not to use.03:25
one_stinky_bumlinav: n ever had that k9 problem03:25
poningrurjian: sorry /me dont know how to...03:25
tearhow do you get in?03:25
MrRiotear, So you selected 'fluxbox' from the Sessions menu, and clikc ok?03:25
=== poningru thought you were just trying to setup gpg
one_stinky_bumlinav: sorry can't help03:26
visik7Ricesteam: yes this is the default and works (at least for me)03:26
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tearIll look03:26
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MrRioJohnnyG, It's possible, which instruction swere you following?03:26
rjianponingru: ah thats ok.. do u know anyone that could help me?03:26
tjb13how do i upgrade to 6.06.103:26
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MrRiotjb13: keep your system up-to-date as normal03:26
drbreentjb13: first you look at /etc/apt/sources.list03:26
tearwhere in sessions03:26
JohnnyGMrRio: when i go into synaps and search for madwifi i show this as ticked "linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-26-68603:26
poningrurjian: yeah just wait for corey03:26
compusaone_stinky_bum ping: unkown host http://www.google.com03:26
poningruhe will help out as soon as he is done with the uwn03:27
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MrRiotjb13, 6.06.1 was just a point release to make it easier for people to install without having loads of patches applied after03:27
drbreentjb13: if there is everywhere "dapper" than everything is ok03:27
MrRiotear: on the login screen, there is a button called 'Sessions'03:27
visik7parallels rocks03:27
MrRiotear, You select your window manager here03:27
JohnnyGMrRio: yours but I want to make sure I didn't check the wrong thing or something dumb. basically, i check that reboot and it should work from what i'm hearing...I thought it a good idea to check and make sure that was the right one03:27
compusaone_stinky_bum any other ideas?03:27
one_stinky_bumcompusa: go to system-> administration->networking03:27
rjianponingru: ah ok.. thnx03:27
linavone_stinky_bum: one last question, sorry to bother u03:27
PyroManiakHow can I change write permissions for drives? I've got two, one is NTFS(not sure if linux can do this yet), and one is Fat3203:28
compusaone_stinky_bum ok03:28
drbreenanyone her knows Sstuff 'bout GDM GREETER XML THEMES ?03:28
compusaone_stinky_bum now what03:28
linavone_stinky_bum: Mutex destroy failure: Device or resource busy03:28
linav*** libdvdread: CHECK_VALUE failed in nav_read.c:202 ***03:28
linav*** for dsi->dsi_gi.zero1 == 0 ***03:28
linavVOBU : 0 Read Error !!!!03:28
linavKCrash: Application 'k9copy' crashing...03:28
linavCould not find 'drkonqi' executable.03:28
linavKCrash cannot reach kdeinit, launching directly.03:28
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linavthis is the error i get03:28
one_stinky_bumcompusa: what do you see under eth1?03:28
linavcan u think anything wrong here which i am doing03:28
one_stinky_bumlinav: do you have drkonqi?03:29
compusaone_stinky_bum: under eth0 it's active03:29
petriborgwell i guess the problem is that you need drkonqi :-)03:29
compusaone_stinky_bum: under ath0 is active....the wireless03:29
linavi dont have that in syanptic03:29
Rehevkoris there a file manager in IceWM?03:29
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one_stinky_bumlinav: google it03:29
linavok so u reckon i need to install drkonqi03:29
linuchsandroptothetop:what is the module that loads the raid device?03:29
one_stinky_bumcompusa: it says it's active?03:29
linavThanks for your help one_sticky_bum03:29
compusaone_stinky_bum: yes....both03:30
one_stinky_bumlinav: I got mine from synaptic...03:30
MrRioJohnnyG: modprobe ath_pci03:30
compusaone_stinky_bum: which is why i'm having trouble03:30
MrRioJohnnyG, try typing that03:30
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Rehevkoranyone? having trouble finding info on file managers?03:30
linavoh ok03:30
Rehevkorer, scratch that last ?03:30
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one_stinky_bumcompusa: deactivate and activate agaain03:30
JohnnyGjohnny@johnny-laptop:~$ modprobe ath_pci03:30
MrRioJohnnyG, sudo modprobe ath_pci03:30
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one_stinky_bumcomp: both can be active. it's working for me here03:30
compusaone_stinky_bum: both? wireless and eth?03:30
droptothetoplinuchsan: it's an Sil 311403:30
one_stinky_bumcomp: just do wireless03:30
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JohnnyGjohnny@johnny-laptop:~$ sudo modprobe ath_pci03:31
MrRioJohnnyG, anything in networking now?03:31
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JohnnyGno results03:31
droptothetoplinuchsan: for the chip set03:31
one_stinky_bumcomp: do you have the program wifi-radar?03:31
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JohnnyGMrRio: only the 203:31
compusaone_stinky_bum: no......i can't download anything due to i can't access the internet03:31
JohnnyGMrRio: ethernet connection (eth0) and Modem Connection (not configured)03:31
droptothetopnot sure on the exact name03:32
one_stinky_bumcompusa: do you have the network icon that sits in the upper right part of the taskbar?03:32
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compusaone_stinky_bum: no but i can put it there03:32
one_stinky_bumplease do03:32
one_stinky_bumwhen you do, doubleclick on it03:32
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compusaone_stinky_bum: ok i reacivated and still doesn't work03:32
one_stinky_bumsee how many packets sent03:32
droptothetoplinuchsan: is that the name of a module?03:32
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compusaone_stinky_bum: network monitor correct?03:33
=== Sasuke [n=paul@lnk235.adl0.adsl.esc.net.au] has joined #Ubuntu
petriborgOH SHIT i know what has to be the problem, anyeone else had problems with the recent update to glibc that ubuntu put out?03:33
jinhohello- I seem to be missing my grub.conf file from /boot/grub/- how might I be able to replace this?03:33
MrRioJohnnyG, sudo wlanconfig ath0 create wlandev wifi0 wlanmode sta03:33
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GigaClonis there a way to enable that filesystems get put on the desktop like they did in Breezy?03:33
linuchsandroptothetop:no...run lcpci to know the chip03:33
MrRioJohnnyG: oops, that wont work03:33
JohnnyGMrRio: johnny@johnny-laptop:~$ sudo wlanconfig ath0 create wlandev wifi0 wlanmode sta03:33
JohnnyGsudo: wlanconfig: command not found03:33
compusaone_stinky_bum: should i test the ethernet or wireless03:33
mangobotummm... a bit of help here?03:33
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one_stinky_bumthe wireless03:33
J-_how can i get the configuration editor to appear in the panel menu?03:33
one_stinky_bumshould be eth0 or 103:34
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one_stinky_bumcan't remember03:34
compusastatus: idle03:34
MrRioJohnnyG, can you pastebin the output from iwconfig03:34
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varsendaggrhey how do i find out what kind of video capture cards  work with linux03:34
compusaone_stinky_bum: received: 79 packets03:34
JohnnyGMrRio: sure, 2 secs03:34
compusaone_stinky_bum: sent: 79 packets03:34
one_stinky_bumsent how many?03:34
RehevkorCan anyone please direct me to information on how to install/switch file managers? I'd like to get some kind of file manager running in icewm.03:34
trippenhowdy.. i installed Gparted and used it to remove an ntfs partition and creat a new part EXT3 but i cant mount it.. i want to use this new drive as a download drive .. what can i do to make it accessable03:34
one_stinky_bumthe wireless uses DHCP?03:34
J-_how can i get the configuration editor to appear in the panel menu?03:35
petriborgsee what happens when you can't recompile the world like gentoo? you get broken system utils BAH03:35
compusa one_stinky_bum: um...i guess....i'm not familiar with wireless cards03:35
one_stinky_bumor do you need specific settings?03:35
jinhohello- I seem to be missing my grub.conf file from /boot/grub/- how might I be able to replace this?03:35
compusaone_stinky_bum: i think it's configured to03:35
compusaone_stinky_bum: yeah dhcp03:35
CrazyDoodeRehevkor: if you want a file manager just install ubuntu and get over it.03:35
one_stinky_bumhow do you usually connect?03:35
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droptothetoplinuchsan: 0000:01:04.0 RAID bus controller: Silicon Image, Inc. SiI 3114 [SATALink/SATARaid]  Serial ATA Controller (rev 02)03:35
compusaone_stinky_bum: either works03:35
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one_stinky_bummake sure you pick dhcp03:35
compusaone_stinky_bum: um...usually it will just detect it03:35
Sasukedoes anyone know how to write an operating system? or where there is a super good tutorial saying how to write one?03:35
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soheilevery time I log on,I have to execute 'pon dsl-provider'03:35
petriborgjinho you should be able to build one via grub03:35
one_stinky_bumyeah, that's dhcp03:35
teargot to fluxbox but could do nothing03:35
petriborgwhat linuchasn said03:35
RehevkorCrazyDoode: nice attitude. I have ubuntu installed. I'm not a huge fan of nautilus though, so I was hoping someone here actually knew something about the subject.03:35
J-_how can i get the configuration editor to appear in the panel menu?03:35
RehevkorEvidently I was wrong.03:35
GigaClonis there a way to enable that filesystems get put on the desktop like they did in Breezy?03:35
jinhopetriborg- how might i do that?03:35
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tearbut edit toolbar03:36
one_stinky_bumhmmm.... not sure what to do next.03:36
soheilevery time I log on,I have to execute 'pon dsl-provider'03:36
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one_stinky_bumlemme think a bit comp03:36
soheilevery time I log on,I have to execute 'pon dsl-provider'03:36
CrazyDoodeRehevkor: nice response.. then why were you talkin about xbuntu?03:36
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flashi cant get my wireless to work using wpa03:36
MrRiotear: the menu in fluxbox comes up by rightclicking the desktop i think03:36
compusaone_stinky_bum: ok...it wasn't on dhcp......so i'm waiting to activate it03:36
tearall I got was fluxbox03:36
RehevkorCrazyDoode: I have ubuntu-desktop installed as well. I'm trying to find a combination of window manager and file manager that suits my needs.03:36
compusaone_stinky_bum: do you want my ifconfig file?  i posted it on the web03:36
J-_how can i get the configuration editor to appear in the panel menu?03:36
tearIll try it again03:36
petriborgbrb i have to take care of some stuff03:36
soheilevery time I log on,I have to execute 'pon dsl-provider'03:36
RehevkorXubuntu alone isn't enough because Thunar can't navigate network shares.03:37
JohnnyGMrRio: pastebin isn't loading, its just spinning like its under heavy load03:37
RicesteamOk new problem. When i try to confiure the Audio component via Winecfg I get this errror:03:37
Ricesteam*** glibc detected *** free(): invalid pointer: 0x7c02d788 ***03:37
Ricesteamwine: Assertion failed at address 0xffffe410 (thread 0009), starting debugger...03:37
soheilevery time I log on,I have to execute 'pon dsl-provider'03:37
CrazyDoodeRehevkor: try kubuntu03:37
scrappy_tear: thats all youll ever  need :-)03:37
JohnnyGMrRio: la, eth0, irda0 and sit0 all say no wireless extensions03:37
one_stinky_bummake sure it is on dhcp in the system->admin->network03:37
CarlVIs beagle normally really intensive?  It seems to be using a ton of CPU power every 10 minutes.03:37
RehevkorKDE is too heavy for my needs. I'm installing on a moderately old laptop, and I want a snappy interface.03:37
one_stinky_bumhow are ou going to post on the web if you can't connect?03:37
MrRioJohnnyG, hmm, for future reference theres a ubuntu one at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/03:37
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JohnnyGMrRio: bookmarked03:37
soheilevery time I log on,I have to execute 'pon dsl-provider'03:37
trippen i installed Gparted and used it to remove an ntfs partition and creat a new part EXT3 but i cant mount it.. i want to use this new drive as a download drive .. what can i do to make it accessable03:38
compusaone_stinky_bum: don't worry03:38
compusaone_stinky_bum: i did this a while ago03:38
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compusai'm going to logg off really fast03:38
droptothetoplinuchsan: I am seeing the device nodes as sda sdb sdc and sdd03:38
soheilevery time I log on,I have to execute 'pon dsl-provider'03:38
scrappy_trippen: its possible youll have to reboot after creating a partition to use it03:38
soheilbye room03:38
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MrRioJohnnyG: strange how ath0 isn't there03:39
trippenscrappy_:  i have several times.. it tells me pmount can not mount this drive.. i dont think there is a mount point.. its just an empty drive with an ext3 system on it03:39
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RehevkorSo, does anyone else have a clue? What alternative file managers are available, and how can I install them?03:40
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scrappy_trippen: 'sudo fdisk -l'   shows it?03:40
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compusaone_stinky_bum: i'm back03:40
WhyvasRehevkor, I don't think CrazyDoode has any idea about what he's talking about.03:40
compusaone_stinky_bum: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2040903:40
RehevkorI got that impression.03:40
trippenscrappy_:  will it know which drive to look at03:40
JohnnyGMrRio: could my earlier fumblings have disabled it? I tried to install those drivers via deb files and via package manager03:40
CrazyDoodeWhyvas: why would you say that?03:40
J-_how can i get the configuration editor to appear in the panel menu?03:40
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compusaone_stinky_bum: you got it?03:40
linuchsandroptothetop:I think you have to recompile the kernel to enable the module that loads the raid device?03:40
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scrappy_trippen: should show all of them03:40
WhyvasCrazyDoode, because Rehevkor asked for a file manager and you suggested a linux distro03:41
scrappy_trippen: is this a usb drive or..?03:41
one_stinky_bum1 sec03:41
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droptothetoplinuchsan: well, the thing is it sees the 4 drives connected to it03:41
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droptothetoplinuchsan: and I had it running raid 0 last week03:41
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trippenscrappy_:  no its not.. its a second harddrive03:41
MrRioJohnnyG, nah, it shouldnt do03:41
trippenits on the same ide cable03:41
trippenand yes its set to slave03:41
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trippenand the fdisk -l doesnt show mount points03:42
petriborgdid you do sudo?03:42
CrazyDoodewhaley: you missed the topic he's using xbuntu and i suggested ubuntu.. which are diametricly opposed, and the i suggested kubuntu which is different.. sorry bud, you missed the boat on topic. :)03:42
J-_trippen:  maybe fs driver will work? not sure about that one though, im just a newb03:42
petriborgfdisk -l says nothing unless you use sudo03:42
compusa one_stinky_bum: i don't really understand though......because i put the exact same wireless card in a different computer and it worked perfectly fine with the same version of ubuntu03:42
bsalti'm sorry, i've got a quick question03:42
trippenwhat is fs driver03:42
compusabsalt: ask away03:42
one_stinky_bumyeah, it's fishy03:42
scrappy_trippen: and sudo mkdir /media/hdb1 && sudo mount /dev/hdb1 /media/hdb1 doesnt work? im assuming second drive has just one big partition03:42
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one_stinky_bumI don't see anything wrong with the ifconfig03:43
compusaone_stinky_bum: what should i do?03:43
tearthat didn't work MrRio03:43
RehevkorI thought the topic was pretty straightforward myself... how can I change file managers, and what options are available? If I want nautilus, konqueror, or thunar, I wouldn't be here asking about it.03:43
tearI can log in03:43
one_stinky_bumnot sure... I guess I'm stumped03:43
compusaone_stinky_bum: i don't quite understand myself03:43
bsaltdoes anyone know if the developers are going to implement xgl or aiglx in future releases?03:43
tearin fliuxbox03:43
MrRioJohnnyG, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2042903:43
linuchsandroptothetop:What is your mainbord manufacturer?03:43
MrRiotear. try #fluxbox03:43
tearbut can't do anything03:43
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CrazyDoodeRehevkor: just install install it from the sources and all is good03:43
trippenscrappy_:  um.. i dont know if those commands didnt work.. i never seen them befor.. and yes its just one big 10 gig partition thats freashly formatted.. but not mounted03:43
MrRiotear, I've never really used it03:43
RehevkorCrazyDoode: install what? I'm looking for a different file manager.03:43
trippenand is it /media/hdb1 or /dev/hdb103:44
droptothetoplinuchsan: Shuttle, the card is an addon pci card03:44
compusaone_stinky_bum: thats it?03:44
aTypicalbsalt, it's pretty eye-candy.   ;-)03:44
RehevkorSomething lightweight with network support.03:44
MrRioJohnnyG: that stuff i've pasted to you, that in my /etc/network/interfaces file03:44
JohnnyGMrRio: ok03:44
MrRioJohnnyG, and I have the same card as you03:44
MrRioJohnnyG, so maybe try sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces03:44
one_stinky_bumyeah, dunno what to do03:44
Whyvasagain, I think talking to CrazyDoode is useless03:44
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one_stinky_bumconfig seems fine03:44
one_stinky_bumkinda stumped03:45
bsaltRehkevkor: i know what it is, lol, i'm using it now. it add's some good funcionality. i was just wondering if it'd ever be implemented03:45
droptothetopthis is strange03:45
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compusaok soo.........can anyone else try to help my network problem?03:45
droptothetopnow its working with 2 drives in a raid 003:45
JohnnyGMrRio: clear everything out and put that in or only put it in for one of them? a better question: do I append or must i delete as well03:45
Rehevkorbsalt: you know what what is? damnit all, this place is confusing.03:45
MrRioJohnnyG: append to the end, don't delete, otherwise you'll have no netowkring03:45
bsaltsry, i meant to type someone else's name03:45
WhyvasRehevkor, are you asking how to change the file manager too?03:45
scrappy_trippen: type 'sudo cfdisk /dev/hdb' and see if it is showing up as hdb103:45
CrazyDoodeWhyvas: hey thanks dr knowledge03:45
MrRioJohnnyG, , make a backup too03:45
droptothetopI am configuring this in the bios03:46
RehevkorWhyvas: yes03:46
bsaltatypical: i know what it is, lol, i'm using it now. it add's some good funcionality. i was just wondering if it'd ever be implemented03:46
Rehevkorand what file managers are available03:46
Rehevkoraside from the u/k/xubuntu defaults03:46
MrRioJohnnyG, cp /etc/network/interfaces /home/johnny/interfaces.backup03:46
JohnnyGMrRio: will do03:46
trippenit shows it03:46
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compusaanybody familiar with networK?03:46
trippenscrappy_:  it shows it as a primary linux ext303:46
Whyvasi don't know of alternatives, I think that you can change it in the system, preferences then session03:47
Whyvaswhat's wrong with nautilus? you think it's too bloated?03:47
CrazyDoodeWhyvas: that's cause you don't know nuthin.03:47
JohnnyGMrRio: the file is read only, whats the command to change perms?  chperm 777 or something...03:47
compusaanybody's help i beg!!! i've stumped many people03:47
scrappy_trippen: if it shows as hdb1 what i would do is add the line /dev/hdb1   /media/hdb1    ext3    default     0     0      add that line to fstab by typing 'gksudo gedit /etc/fstab'03:47
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MrRioJohnnyG, if you use sudo you can edit it, it's chmod 0777 filename03:47
RehevkorWhyvas: when I launch Nautilus in icewm, it it takes over my desktop03:47
WhyvasCrazyDoode, maybe i should just install ubuntu and it'll solve all my problems eh?03:48
JohnnyGah, I'll sudo then03:48
RehevkorWhyvas: the icewm right-click menu no longer works on the desktop, and it changes my background03:48
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CrazyDoodeWhyvas: aren't you running ubuntu?03:48
MrRioJohnnyG, I wouldn't recommend chmod'ing system files tho03:48
compusaneed help from guru ubuntu person !03:48
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bsaltso i'm guessing xgl or compiz won't be implemented in the future?03:48
MrRioJohnnyG, sudo'ing is much better03:48
WhyvasCrazyDoode, yes.03:48
farouscan i boot a desktop without a keyboard attaced to it? I only loginto it remotely and it won't boot without the keyboard is there a way to get around that ?03:48
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WhyvasRehevkor, have you looked at fvwm?03:49
JohnnyGMrRio: backed up, saved, sudo gedit'd03:49
CrazyDoodeWhyvas: or don't you know the difference between xbuntu and ubuntu?03:49
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JohnnyGMrRio: whats next?03:49
JohnnyGmodprobe again?03:49
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RehevkorWhyvas: what's that? window manager?03:49
ardchoillefarous: yes, I have one machine that doesn't have a keyboard, mouse or monitor03:49
Whyvasnot sure what the file manager is03:49
Rehevkornever heard of it. was just looking at the fluxbox website, actually.03:49
farousardchoille: is it a bios setting? how can i manage to do that03:49
bsaltfarous: have you ever tried it with another linux box machine using the remote desktop tool (i.e. in ubuntu)?03:49
Whyvasi just googled alternative file managers and it came up03:49
MrRioJohnnyG: yeah :) if this doesn't work and you still have the will to live, i have a plan b03:49
linuchsandroptothetop:You have do do some more work, by recompiling the kernel03:49
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compusacan anyyyboooddyy answer my question03:50
ardchoillefarous: I've never had to mess with anything related to this.. I just reboot and it works.. never had to touch a setting for it03:50
farousbsalt: i loginto it remotely perfectly. yet as i removed the keyboard the sys won't boot :(03:50
compusamy wireless card works in one computer but not the other03:50
trippen# /etc/fstab: static file system information.03:50
trippen# <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>03:50
trippenproc            /proc           proc    defaults        0       003:50
trippen/dev/hda1       /               ext3    defaults,errors=remount-ro 0       103:50
trippen/dev/hda5       none            swap    sw              0       003:50
trippen/dev/hdc        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       003:50
trippen/dev/hdb1       /media/hdb1     ext3     default        0         003:50
trippenis that what it should look like03:50
MrRiofarous: some bios menus have the option to ignore when a keyboard isn't pluged in, usually hit 'del' to get in, and look around03:50
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)03:50
scrappy_compusa: just state the question03:50
Gog123he is gone in the ubuntu days :)03:50
farousthanx ardchoille ok will try again thanx all for your help03:50
=== gregmon-pterando [n=greg@ool-457963bc.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
MrRiotrippen: please use pastebin http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/03:50
JohnnyGMrRio: johnny@johnny-laptop:/etc/network$ sudo modprobe ath_pci03:50
compusascrappy_: my wireless card works on one computer but not other03:51
trippenwhats that03:51
scrappy_Trenton: yes but there is a rule on most irc channels against pasting more than 3 lines03:51
farousbsalt: and MrRio thax both03:51
MrRioJohnnyG: is you network panel still empty?03:51
=== Toba [n=eastein@pool-151-203-37-140.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ardchoille!paste > trippen03:51
JohnnyGMrRio: it does not show. Shall i boot?03:51
trippeni put it in as one line03:51
MrRioJohnnyG, nah, you shouldn't have to reboot03:51
droptothetoplinuchsan: any reccomendations on where I should look?03:51
trippenim sorry im new to ubuntu and linux.. im used to mirc.. and that wouldnt have flooded out like03:51
scrappy_trippen: type 'ls /media' to make sure a hdb1 directory is showing03:51
JohnnyGMrRio: :(   no go then, whats plan B? Although its not working, I'm learning a lot.03:51
scrappy_trippen: if it is just type mount /media/hdb103:51
compusascrappy_: i stated my question...anything else?03:51
droptothetoplinuchsan: I have tried this with the normal ubuntu kernel03:52
trippenshould i save that file first..03:52
scrappy_compusa: what card? what other comp is it working on?03:52
MrRioJohnnyG, plan b is using ndiswrapper, u should remove those lines from the interfaces file03:52
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compusascrappy_: netgear wg311t03:52
JohnnyGMrRio: removing now03:52
trippenall it shows is cdrom and cdrom0 in 2 differnt colors03:52
compusascrappy_: both computers are same version of ubuntu...one when you put it in...it works right off the bat, the other when you put it in....it doesn't work but it says it's active03:53
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JohnnyGMrRio: restored backup03:53
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scrappy_compusa: try sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r`03:53
gregmon-pterandocompusa:  My ornery advice is to get knoppix or kanotix live CD and see if the card works with them (iwconfig).  That way you can see if it's insertion error, ubuntu error, etc.03:54
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scrappy_compusa: oh i didnt read your last post yet one sec03:54
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compusascrappy_: couldn't find package linux-restricted-modules-uname -r03:54
scrappy_compusa: one sec im not on ubuntu03:54
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=== Werdna gdays
compusagregmon-pterando: i'll try that last resort03:55
MrRioJohnnyG: sudo modprobe ndiswrapper03:55
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WerdnaI'm having trouble with connecting to a freenx from my windows box.03:55
JohnnyGjohnny@johnny-laptop:/etc/network$ sudo modprobe ndiswrapper03:55
MrRioJohnnyG, then if you find the card your using in this list http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/index.php/List03:55
compusascrappy_: ifconfig file: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2040903:55
trippenscrappy_:  all it shows is cdrom and cdrom003:55
Werdnadiff of config files: http://pastebin.ca/diff.php?id1=127683&id2=12854503:55
gregmon-pterandocompusa:  k.  (Methinks ubuntu will be better desktop experience but those are hardware detection PROs).03:55
Werdnaerror: http://pastebin.ca/12766503:55
scrappy_compusa: youll notice the `` those arent '' they are used to designate a command03:55
scrappy_trippen: sudo mkdir /media/hdb103:56
compusascrappy_: huh?03:56
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JohnnyGMrRio: that command returned no results, I should still try and find the card?03:56
compusascrappy_: what do you mean " those arent "03:56
MrRioJohnnyG, yep, modprobe only returns errors, no output means success, reassuring eh? ;)03:56
FourPointNineHow do I delete Ubuntu from my computer?03:57
JohnnyGMrRio: linux still has a ways to go before main stream :)03:57
trippenscrappy_:  okay it shows up under the ls media thing03:57
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JohnnyGMrRio: its scaring the children03:57
scrappy_trippen: try sudo mount -a and see if you get any errors03:57
grubedithelphi, I'm having some issues with ubuntu, was wondering if I could some advice-  I'm an XP user, just made the switch- I have to disable dma to boot ubuntu, and I'm trying to see if there's a way to get it going, possibly there's a different "mode" to use for it or a way I can setup dma manually.  I'm sure my drive has it.  Can someone give input?03:57
sethkMrRio, JohnnyG actually, modprobe has an exit code, which does tell you if it succeeded03:57
linuchsanFourPointNine:dual boot?03:57
MrRioJohnnyG: lol, this should be autodetected and installed automagically, if only they released opensource drivers for hardware...03:57
petriborg4.9, just install whatever over it?03:57
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=== Rictoo [n=rictoo@catv-50637e86.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #ubuntu
trippen wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdb1,03:58
trippen       missing codepage or other error03:58
Rictoois ti a good idea to get an antivirus program?03:58
compusascrappy_: so am i stuck?03:58
scrappy_compusa: just cut and paste this line:  sudo apt-get install linux-restriced-modules-`uname -r`03:58
grubedithelpalso need to know how to edit grubs boot options in the mean time so I dont have to manually type in linux ide=nodma03:58
FourPointNineI already dual boot, I just want to know how.03:58
JohnnyGMrRio: I'm searching on 0000:13:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications, Inc. AR5212 802.11abg NIC (rev 01)03:58
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JohnnyGerm, I'm searching on Atheros Communications, Inc. AR5212 802.11abg NIC (rev 01)03:58
petriborggrubedithelp - you can modify your /etc/fstab03:58
JohnnyGMrRio: and finding a ton of results, how do i tell which it is03:58
bluefox83hey, does ubuntu have java in it, or do i need to go download it from the java website?03:58
petriborgor so i would guess so03:59
compusascrappy_: into terminal correct?03:59
scrappy_compusa: yep03:59
grubedithelpjohnnyg is there an english translation of that :)?03:59
MrRioJohnnyG: theres lots of drivers for atheros chipsets, you'll need the make/model from windows, since we're going to use the windows drivers to install it03:59
scrappy_trippen: if you type sudo cfdisk /dev/hdb does the partition show as hdb1?03:59
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trippenyes it does scrappy_03:59
FourPointNinebluefox83: Check synamptic package manager for it.03:59
linuchsanFourPointNine:start in dos with a boot floppy and run fdisk /mbr03:59
grubedithelp<-- linux prompt newb03:59
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compusascrappy_:yes and it acame up with reading package lists...done03:59
MrRioJohnnyG, do you know if its a D-link, or intel or something?03:59
JohnnyGMrRio: so I need to boot into windows and get that from System?03:59
void^JohnnyG: madwifi drivers didn't work?03:59
compusascrappy_:building dpendecy tress.doon03:59
JohnnyGMrRio: I believe intel04:00
FourPointNineOh, ok, thanks.04:00
JohnnyGvoid: nope :(04:00
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=== FourPointNine [n=grant@cpe-24-174-8-106.houston.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
mineraleHi, what can I use to share files with a mac osx computer in the network ?04:00
compusascrappy_: e: couldn't find package linux-restricted-modules-uname-r04:00
JohnnyGVoid and MrRio: what kills me is that this guy has the same computer and his did http://www.figuiere.net/linux/tpz60t/04:00
scrappy_compusa: hightlight and copy my command and paste it in the terminal04:00
petriborgminerale, i've found it very easy to sahre files via SAMBA (SMB) and SFTP/SSH04:00
MrRiocompusa: sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-`uname-r`04:01
grubedithelpjohnnyg I'm on a dual boot- and the XP installation is on my MBR??04:01
scrappy_compusa: youre missing the `` in `uname -r`04:01
MrRiocompusa, those backticks are important04:01
grubedithelpmaster boot record?04:01
void^JohnnyG: well, i am using a pcmcia "Atheros Communications, Inc. AR5212 802.11abg NIC (rev 01)" right now04:01
grubedithelp<-- really friggin lost04:01
compusai know i do that04:01
=== tear [n=tear@daphmb01dc1-216-30.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu
compusascrappy_: single quotes correct?04:01
MrRiovoid^, So am I, and it was autodetected, but his just wont show up04:01
compusascrappy_: i do that and they disappear04:01
grubedithelpsorry the GRUB is on my master boot record04:01
MrRiocompusa, backticks04:01
compusascrappy_: oohhhh nvm04:01
MrRiocompusa, usually next to the 104:01
compusascrappy_: yeah04:02
JackONeillI'd like to link my ~/Desktop to /wip - so that on my ubuntu desktop I can see whats in /wip - the 'ln' command is kinda confusing - is it possible to do this?04:02
mineralepetriborg: how can I setup samba?04:02
compusascrappy_: e: couldn't find package linux-restricted-modules04:02
scrappy_trippen: if you type 'sudo umount /dev/hdb1'  and hit enter then type 'sudo mount /dev/hdb1 /media/hdb1' what does it say or do you get no errors?04:02
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JohnnyGMrRio: should i boot to windows and get the exact specs?04:03
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void^JohnnyG: did you look at dmesg?04:03
MrRioJohnnyG, yeah you should beable to04:03
JohnnyGvoid: i'm not sure what dmesg is...04:03
JohnnyGI'm a bit new around here04:03
trippenscrappy_:  after typing that in i did not get an error04:03
JohnnyGyou could say i was literally born today :)04:03
scrappy_compusa: type: uname -r in a terminal and hit enter then type apt-cache search madwifi find the package listed that matches your kernel when you typed uname -r and install that package04:04
scrappy_trippen: ok so it mounted to /media/hdb104:04
void^JohnnyG: run 'dmesg', see if anything suspicious comes up, or just pastebin it04:04
=== theLOCUST [n=johncage@d154-20-10-139.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
JohnnyGvoid: it is huge04:04
JohnnyGyou want the whole thing?04:04
=== Whyvas [n=poop@CPE0080c81b484e-CM0011e6ee04e6.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
scrappy_trippen: you just need to tweak the /etc/fstab file so that it does it automatically on bootup04:04
theLOCUSThello all, i was wondering if anyone is using the powerpc version of ubuntu?04:04
trippeni dont know what you mean by mounted to.. all i know is when i typed in your commands and hit enter i did not get an error it just went to the next console prompt04:04
=== Sasuke___ [n=paul@lnk235.adl0.adsl.esc.net.au] has joined #Ubuntu
MrRioJackONeill: ln -s /full/path/to/wip /home/username/Desktop/wip04:05
theLOCUSTi can't seem to get my keyboard working properly04:05
grubedithelphi, I'm having some issues with ubuntu, was wondering if I could some advice-  I'm an XP user, just made the switch- I have to disable dma to boot ubuntu, and I'm trying to see if there's a way to get it going, possibly there's a different "mode" to use for it or a way I can setup dma manually.  I'm sure my drive has it.  Can someone give input?  I just made the switch yesterday from XP with no prior linux exposure at all.04:05
scrappy_trippen: if you open your file manager now and go to /media/hdb1 directory the drive you created will be there04:05
JohnnyGit is so big that i can't paste it all, it runs off my terminal and  $>dmesg | /home/johnny/dmesg.txt  fails04:05
compusascrappy_: soo....what do i do from there?  download madwifi?04:06
scrappy_trippen: linux mounts the devices to directories in order for you to use them04:06
JohnnyGnot sure why04:06
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trippenwhen i look at the computer section using gnome.. it no longer shows the hdb1 icon.. all i have is cdrom and filesystem now04:06
scrappy_compusa: not for your card..04:06
JackONeillMrRio, not good enough i need /wip == ~/Desktop04:06
compusascrappy_: so what are you proposing i do04:06
void^JohnnyG: 'dmesg > dmesg.log'04:06
compusascrappy_: i did the commands04:06
MrRioJackONeill: so your desktop IS the wip folder?04:06
scrappy_compusa: type uname -r and tell me what it says04:06
compusascrappy_:first came up with 2.6.15-23-38604:06
compusascrappy_:thas what came up04:07
JohnnyGjohnny@johnny-laptop:/etc/network$ dmesf > dmesg.log04:07
JohnnyGbash: dmesg.log: Permission denied04:07
JohnnyGjohnny@johnny-laptop:/etc/network$ sudo dmesf > dmesg.log04:07
JohnnyGbash: dmesg.log: Permission denied04:07
=== grade- [n=johncage@d154-20-10-139.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
MrRioJohnnyG, cd ~/04:07
void^JohnnyG: 'cd ~', and dmesg, not dmesf04:07
trippeni can browse.. to /media/hdb1 and under there is something that says lost and found04:07
JackONeillMrRio, yeah - done it now anyway :P04:07
scrappy_compusa: ok type sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-23-38604:07
compusascrappy_: ok04:07
MrRioJackONeill, :) good stuff04:07
sethkJackONeill, you can transfer all the files in Desktop to wip, then remove the Desktop directory and create a symlink of Desktop .  that will do what you are asking04:07
trippenscrappy_:  is there a way i can make a link on my desktop so it opens right to that directory.. and how can i tell how much free space is left on that drive04:08
JohnnyGworked, pastebin coming right up04:08
scrappy_trippen: where did you want the link for your hd to be on your desktop?04:08
JackONeillsethk, i'm a few minutes ahead of you already - done it :P04:08
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=== Nathan1993 [n=root@oh-67-77-127-232.dyn.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
scrappy_trippen: ln -s /media/hdb1 ~/Desktop/hdb104:08
compusascrappy_: linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-23-386 is already the newest version.  0 upgraded, 0 installed, 0 removed, 0 upgraded04:08
trippenscrappy_:  im used to windows.. im used to click on a n icon that says my computer and when i click on it i can see all my drives04:08
JohnnyGMrRio and Void: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2043004:08
petriborggrubedithelp - did you get any kind of error?04:08
=== skarface [i=antix@ip70-177-80-4.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
linuchsangrubedithelp: have you got a kernel panic when you try to install ubuntu?04:09
grubedithelpgrubedit- no04:09
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scrappy_trippen: bear in mind if you reboot youll have to type sudo mount /dev/hdb1 /media/hdb1 in order to use the link04:09
grubedithelpkernel panic?04:09
scrappy_trippen: no worries we all had to start somewhere04:09
Nathan1993My ubuntu system (6.06) is constantly crashing for no reason. My system usually lasts < 1 minute before crashing. Any ideas on what could be the issue?04:09
=== DarkAudit [n=bpack@morgantownwv-c2-68-69-152-140.pittpa.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
grubedithelpI dont even know what that is.  it just hangs when mounting the root file system with dma enabled04:09
MrRiovoid^, ath_attach: unable to attach hardware: 'Hardware didn't respond as expected' (HAL status 3)04:09
MrRiovoid^, that looks like the cause of the problem04:10
compusanathan1993: laptop?04:10
linuchsangrubedithelp: yes...with dma enabled04:10
trippenscrappy_:  it put an icon on my desktop.. but it has a picture of a lock.. and how can i make the system auto mount that drive.. and if want to save stuff to the drive i would use the path /media/hdb1/04:10
compusascrappy_: no more ideas?04:10
Nathan1993compusa: No, desktop. I think it might have something to do with my TNT204:10
linuxuseris the easyubuntu page down?04:10
Nathan1993compusa: It worked fine before my old graphics card fried.04:10
sethktrippen, you can add the information to /etc/fstab and it will be mounted at boot time04:10
=== Nexea [n=Nexea@fl-71-51-181-212.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
compusanathan1993: make sure it's not overheating hten04:11
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grubedithelplinuchsan:  I was thinking there might be a way to manually configure dma to work with my hard drive.  I'm sure I'm not the first person to have this problem.  And my os is really slow without the dma enabled.04:11
Nexeacan anyone here give me some protocol development advice04:11
Nathan1993compusa: Slackware works fine. This is slackware that I'm running now.04:11
grubedithelpNexea:  yes.  "Efficiency is the key".04:11
sethkNexea, that's a rather broad question04:11
sethkNexea, make all your protocols work perfectly  :)04:12
petriborg ata_piix: the disk shows as /dev/sda and DMA is enabled ?04:12
linuxuseri like broads04:12
=== ooAzzAoo [n=chad@c-69-247-106-38.hsd1.ms.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Nexeaok, i will ask specifics.. i am trying to make my protocol search through a list of all possible users, find a specific user, and then message them04:12
Nexeai want to know if you guys knew what an ircd server did when someone does a /msg nickname command04:12
void^JohnnyG: hm, strange. is it an internal pci card?04:13
Nexeaif it just locks a very large linked list and does a linear search04:13
JohnnyGvoid: yes, this a thinkpad with a centrino processor04:13
linuchsangrubedithelp: you mean hdparm -d1 /dev/what_disk_you_have?04:13
sethkNexea, what happens on an IRC server is 100 times more complex than what you are describing needs04:13
sethkNexea, because there are bunches of servers comprising the logical IRC server04:14
grubedithelplinuchsan:  I have no idea what that means.04:14
mineraleI added samba, and I am sharing certain folders... albeit when I try to open them and I put my user/password it fails04:14
ExposureNexea: check the rfc?04:14
sethkNexea, for your question, a linear search is ok as long as you know that the list will never get large04:14
Nexeai am just asking is my logic behind finding a user correct.. just iterating through a linear search?04:14
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petriborgwhat system are you connecting to minerale?04:14
petriborgand whats the command you are using04:14
MrRioJohnnyG: you still alive?04:14
Nexeasethk: i would think that my linked list would be as big as there are users on the server04:15
JohnnyGMrRio: i am, I'm waiting for the next command04:15
sethkNexea, it's certainly one way to do it.  It's not answerable until you tell us the maximum number of users, and hopefullly the average as well04:15
linuchsangrubedithelp: that is to enable dma04:15
sethkNexea, logged in users, I assume you mean, not defined users.04:15
MrRioJohnnyG: ah yes sorry, didn't spot you talking to void04:15
Nexeayes, that is correct04:15
Nexeaconnected sockets04:15
sethkNexea, still, that could be 5 or 50 or 500; how would we know?04:15
JohnnyGMrRio: we show a problem, is there a way to "zoom in" on it or resolve it?04:15
sethkNexea, wait, now, there could be many more sockets than users04:15
ooAzzAooanyone having troubles getting "gset-compiz" through apt?04:15
MrRioJohnnyG, looks like this has been submitted as a bug to madwifi04:15
JohnnyGMrRio: can you please link?04:16
MrRioJohnnyG: http://madwifi.org/ticket/263 http://madwifi.org/ticket/35404:16
compusascrappy_: you still there?04:16
=== playtime3 [n=bob@c58-107-111-133.livrp1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
sethkNexea, for 10 users, a linear search is ok.  for 100 users, probably not, but of course "ok" depends on the requirements04:16
Nexeasethk: sorry, let me specify.. sockets will connect.. i will create a list of sockets to iterate through.. when someone wants to message a specific user.. it would iterate through it.. anywhere between 0 users and.. whatever the socket limit is.. i assume 250 ish04:16
void^JohnnyG: http://madwifi.org/ticket/26304:16
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sethkNexea, usually the socket limit is 102404:16
JohnnyGMrRio: the very bottom of that says they closed it out as solved04:17
sethkNexea, but it can be increased04:17
void^JohnnyG: nvm, i'm too slow =)04:17
Nexeaok, just around there04:17
Nexeaas the max04:17
=== gekko` [n=gekko@p213.54.136.108.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #ubuntu
MrRioJohnnyG, void^: I think maybe using ndiswrapper could be a good solution for now04:17
playtime3I've download ubuntu, if i wanted to make it into a server where do i go to install the server stuff?04:17
=== trippen [n=trippen@212-19.127-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
^Z3D^playtime3: they make a server edition04:17
Dr_Willisplaytime3,  use the package manager tools to install the services you need.04:17
sethkNexea, It sounds to me like you don't have all the information you might want to have.  So, I would probably use a hash table instead of the linear search.04:17
=== BiT|Oompa [i=Oompa@c-67-166-234-98.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ooAzzAooCan anyone help me with Compiz?04:17
trippenscrappy_:  i can now see the drive.. but i cant write or delet on it.. and the icon has a picture of a lock on it04:17
Nexeaalso, ubuntu for the win.. i love it.. i have a subversion server set up with a ssl cert.. kind of difficult at first.. but i love linux now04:17
=== Bassetts [n=Bassetts@cpc2-mapp1-0-0-cust56.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
JohnnyGMrRio: the person who said they got it going issued this command: wlanconfig ath0 create wlandev wifi0 wlanmode sta   but my system says wlanconfig not found, do I need to apt-get it?04:18
sethkNexea, if you use a hash table unnecessarily, you've added some unjustified complexity but things will work.  If it turns out the linear search is too slow, then the performance could be unacceptable.04:18
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=== Brokenstein [n=master@pool-71-246-83-13.bltmmd.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
sethkNexea, so in the absence of complete data, go with the hast table.  It's not difficult to do.04:18
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Nexeasethk: hmm i see04:18
sethkNexea, on the other hand, you can code the linear search, and replace it later if it proves to be too slow.04:19
=== Bassetts [n=Bassetts@cpc2-mapp1-0-0-cust56.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
Nexeasethk: i was just trying to get a feel for what a local, single ircd server or some other variant that has had this problem did04:19
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sethkNexea, in my experience, once you get lists longer than around 100, or perhaps 200 on a more powerful machine, you'll notice the time for a linear search04:19
=== ACU [n=ida01@71-215-164-66.roch.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
scrappy_trippen: ah just 'sudo chown yourusername /media/hdb1'04:20
sethkNexea, that's vague, but as I said it's hard to be more specific without more data.04:20
playtime3Dr_Willis: Where do i go to find packages manger?04:20
void^JohnnyG, MrRio: ndiswrapper is probably the best way currently, or you would have to recompile madwifi at least04:20
=== ferbombo [n=fernando@77-123-235-201.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu
Nexeasethk: hmmm04:20
trippenscrappy_:  so if my username is XYZ then i would type sudo chown XYZ /media/hdb104:21
JohnnyGvoid, MrRio: ok, I need to boot into windows and determine exactly what type of card I have then?04:21
Nexeasethk: i would have used ircd since it is much more scalable.. but it didnt offer what i needed04:21
=== dm_ [n=dm@cpe-71-74-65-85.insight.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_Willisplaytime3,  synaptic is the gui, read the apt-get information on how to use apt-get system.. if running a server - it is worth wile to read some of the ubuntu docs at the ubuntu web site04:21
ubotuapt is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AptGetHowto  -  Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)04:21
=== RSL [n=rsl@c-24-98-6-42.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
MrRioJohnnyG, That's the easiest way, because we'll need to install the same windows driver04:21
=== Ghost_Printer [n=geek4lif@S0106006067664bde.no.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
dm_Where does one find the programs wine has installed ?  IOW where is the C drive for WINE04:21
Nexeasethk: so i am going to have to reinvent the wheel as far as scaling my protocol04:21
JohnnyGMrRio, void: I will boot, determine and return, brb04:21
=== JohnnyG [n=johnny@cpe-24-27-64-79.houston.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu []
ACUhi guys. anyone knows an application which allows you to capture the realmedia or other streams video ?04:21
ardchoilletrippen: sudo chown xyz:xyz /media/hdb104:21
ubotuapt is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AptGetHowto  -  Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)04:21
scrappy_trippen: yep04:21
void^JohnnyG: usually most drivers for the same chipset work, but it's safest and easiest to get the correct drivers04:22
sethkNexea, if you know it needs to scale, go with a hash table (or some other fast solution) from the beginning04:22
dm_Where does one find the programs wine has installed ?  IOW where is the C drive for WINE04:22
Dr_Willisdm_,  a 'fake windows' directory is made in your home dir some where. try  'ls -al' and see if its there.04:22
void^hrm, i'm definitely too slow today04:22
linuchsandm_: dpkg -l |grep wine04:22
MrRiovoid^, lol04:22
sethkNexea, if you don't know, then you have a choice of possibly overspecifying initially, vs. possibly having to recode later.04:22
trippenscrappy i went to delete a file and says "/home/trip...lost+found" cannot be deleted because you do not have permissions to modify its parent folder.04:22
MrRiovoid^, It's getting really busy in here04:22
=== noidontwanna [n=ubuntu@adsl-68-90-159-183.dsl.okcyok.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
sethkNexea, by the way, that decision would not, generally, be part of a protocol.  Rather it's an implementation detail.04:22
=== Nathan1993 [n=root@oh-67-77-127-232.dyn.embarqhsd.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
Nexeasethk: yeah.. that is a concern.. but i was hoping i could model my protocol after IRC04:23
sethkNexea, protocols should be limited (as far as possible) to functionality, not implementation04:23
=== Ghost_Printer [n=geek4lif@S0106006067664bde.no.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu []
dm_Dr_willus thanks i found it04:23
scrappy_trippen: wont let you delete that file just try to make a directoy and then delete that if it works youre good04:23
=== Geoffrey2 [n=jeffrey@c-71-207-98-160.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
sethkNexea, because of the distributed nature of irc, I don't think it's a good model for what you want to do.04:23
=== erdrick [n=erdrick@adsl-70-233-176-45.dsl.okcyok.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
trippenyes but i dont want the file there.. it just says lost and found and its red it says its a directory04:23
scrappy_trippen: if you want to get rid of it sudo rm -fr /media/hdb1/directoryname will work04:23
sethkNexea, there certainly should be other implementations that are closer to your requirements.04:23
Nexeasethk: why wouldn't it be? i mean it seems to do a good job at being scalable.. that's what im in it for right?04:23
=== `Capo` [n=bricktop@d207-216-139-183.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
scrappy_trippen: be very careful with that command04:24
=== Rippon [n=dan@c-71-231-164-136.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
`Capo`how to convert .doc files to postcript?04:24
noidontwannaim very new to linux and even newer to ubuntu, so forgive me if this question is extremely n00bish. i want to install ubuntu to its own partition, around 10 gigs, but instead of using grub to dualboot that and windows, i want to burn a cd that will load that partition when i tell it to, but otherwise the computer always loads windows. how can i do this?04:24
erdrickso the latest ati radeon drivers are broken can someone tell me how to install the previous onces everytime i do it it screws up my sorg04:24
RSLIs there a way to regain information off a partition or is it all deleted?04:24
Dr_Willisprint them to a postscript printer :P is one way.04:24
sethkNexea, because the methods used in an IRC server would be I'd guess an order of magnitude more efficient that the requirements for doing something similar on a single server.04:24
=== Versed [n=Versed@c-69-253-173-154.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
`Capo`how to convert .doc files to postcript?04:24
=== playtime3 [n=homie@c58-107-111-133.livrp1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
`Capo`i need to use the file with efax04:24
sethkNexea, the servers have to keep track of the _route_ to a user, not just the users name04:25
sethkNexea, and the servers have to route messages from one server to another, not only from server to user04:25
=== ToHellWithGA [n=RyanS-F@d4-58.rb5.clm.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu
`Capo`i need to fax microsoft documents , but first i have to convert them to postscript04:25
Dr_Willisnoidontwanna,  you can set grub to default to windows.04:25
Nexeasethk: yeah.. thats what i was hoping my protocol could do.. eventually04:25
Dr_Willisnoidontwanna,  or ya can easially make a boot floppy that will boot the linux system04:25
trippenscrappy_:  thank you.. it removed it perfectly..04:25
=== grade- is now known as theLOCUST
Dr_Willisnoidontwanna,  a cd is a little  harder to do.04:25
playtime3Dr_Willis: can u please give me that link again04:25
Whyvasnoidontwanna, you could just use knoppix04:25
sethkNexea, if irc is really a good match, then sure, use it as a model, that's reasonable.04:25
Nexeasethk: i am still in the designing stage and already it has proved to be difficult04:25
noidontwannai dont have a floppy drive :|04:26
Geoffrey2has anyone had any problems with their keyboard acting strange under Ubuntu....I04:26
sethkNexea, I know that an IRC server is not using linear searches.04:26
MrRio`Capo`: open them in openoffice, that will convert to pdf, or you can use the print dialog to output as plain old postscript04:26
=== b_ [n=chatzill@68-70-143-29.lkwnny.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
scrappy_trippen: you might take a look at wiki.ubuntu.com and search for mount or something what we did isnt really kosher04:26
=== wickedly_cool [n=asfkjh@c-68-59-200-186.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_Willisplaytime3,  ya mean  ' !apt ' ? type it. and the bot will tell ya.04:26
wickedly_coolhas anyone heard of a waveplus wp1200 wireless pci card?04:26
scrappy_trippen: but will work fine04:26
=== tich_ [n=nappy@MTL-ppp-154356.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
sethkNexea, but I also know that an irc server is dealing with thousands, and perhaps 10's of thousands, of users.04:26
noidontwannai tried knoppix and i cant get used to kde04:26
playtime3Dr_Willis: can u please give me that link again04:26
Brokensteinnoidontwanna: im a linux noob too and i think the best thing to do is scrap windows and not look back04:26
Nexeasethk: hmm04:26
ubotuapt is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AptGetHowto  -  Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)04:26
trippenwhat do ya mean kosher.. it works.. thats good enough for me04:26
=== sixtsixfps [n=pearlbar@210-84-30-247.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
b_hi guys how do i make a program start up when i login, i want gaim to start when i login how do i do that04:26
=== Bobakitoo [n=bob@HSE-Montreal-ppp333676.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
noidontwannawindows is a hell of a lot easier for me right now then linux04:26
Geoffrey2I'll be typing along and all of a sudden the curser will jump back to the middle of the line I was typing....sometimes it'll fly halfway up the screen04:27
noidontwannaif i get fully used to linux then i will definately get rid of it04:27
`Capo`MrRio, i can convert them to pdf in openoffice, but i need them in .ps format04:27
noidontwannabut for now....04:27
=== Bobakitoo [n=bob@HSE-Montreal-ppp333676.sympatico.ca] has left #ubuntu []
wickedly_coolb_ try msconfig04:27
=== RSL [n=rsl@c-24-98-6-42.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
Dr_Willisnoidontwanna,  depends.. i find linux much easier now that i learned the fundamentals.04:27
linuchsannoidontwanna: oeps04:27
`Capo`MrRio, before i can fax them with efax04:27
wickedly_coolhas anyone heard of a waveplus wp1200 wireless pci card?04:27
Nexeayes.. sudo is my friend04:27
Dr_Willisnoidontwanna,  flexablity vs lockeddown.04:27
Brokensteinya i believe that but you wouldnt believe how much better it is than only 2 years ago!04:27
Whyvasb_, System, preferences, session04:27
MrRio`Capo`: as i said, the print dialog can 'print' to a file, thats just plain postscript04:27
noidontwannawhen i get the hang of linux ill use linux by itself04:27
ooAzzAooAnyone know if quinn's compiz repo's are broken?  i can't get gset-compiz... "broken packages"... show stopper04:27
b_msconfig, what a clown lol04:27
scrappy_trippen: have fun ubuntu is really great once you get used to a little linux stuff04:28
Nexeasethk: well thanks for your input04:28
Dr_Willisit was amazing how much linux has improved in the last 9+ years.04:28
Brokensteinyeah im still trying to find a good replacement for winamp04:28
Nexeasethk: i appreciate it04:28
Whyvasnoidontwanna, then use the ubuntu dapper liveCD04:28
Dr_WillisBrokenstein,  i just use xmms.04:28
`Capo`MrRio, oh i see, cool thanks04:28
wickedly_coolyeah ubuntu rocks04:28
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=== mnvl [n=mnvl@host86-129-186-96.range86-129.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
wickedly_coolbut i still crashed in it in the first week of the first installation04:28
Brokensteinno joke04:28
noidontwannathats what im running now....04:28
MrRio`Capo`, set 'Location' to 'File'04:28
linuchsannoidontwanna: why do you want to boot from a cd?04:28
noidontwannabecause i dont have a floppy drive04:28
wickedly_coolits easy04:28
wickedly_coolhas anyone heard of a waveplus wp1200 wireless pci card?04:29
noidontwannaand i hear a lot of people saying they get errors with your computer setting up grub04:29
Brokensteinnoidontwanna have you checked out automatix yet?04:29
ex-parrotif I'm using dd to copy an LVM volume, will it stop when it gets to the end of the volume or do I need to tell it how big the volume is?04:29
mineralehow does ubuntu work with samba? In System > Administration > SHared folders I have listed two folders that are shared with samba, I have samba working, and when I connect from another computer to the samba service, I only get the printed listed and not the folders04:29
=== Trenton is now known as Trent
ardchoilleBrokenstein: Please do not recommend automatix in this channel04:29
noidontwannanever heard of it04:29
noidontwannawhat is it04:29
Dr_Willisnoidontwanna,  grub is a very flexable and  developed system. It can have issues.. and it can also work like a champ.04:29
Brokensteinok sorry04:29
=== ween101 [n=ween104@pool-71-164-137-190.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_Willisautomatix dont have diddle to do with grub as far as i know. :P04:29
scrappy_noidontwanna: grub is really the best solution and what youll use even if you go cd route anyway you can have it boot windows automatically unless you hit esc during boot04:30
b_thank you04:30
wickedly_coolyeah grub helped me crash the first installation04:30
noidontwannawhat does it do04:30
wickedly_coolinto a kernel panic04:30
Brokensteinwell im not supposed to recommend it04:30
=== JohnnyG [n=johnny@cpe-24-27-64-79.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
MrRioDr_Willis: i sincerly hope they dont04:30
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wickedly_cooli was trying to recompile the kernel for my nvidia drivers04:30
Dr_Williswickedly_cool,   PEBKAC  'problem exists betweek keyboard and chair'04:30
scrappy_noidontwanna: or you could put smart disk boot manager maybe on the cd04:30
noidontwannawhats that?04:30
noidontwannajesus i feel like such a noob right now04:31
=== JohnnyG [n=johnny@cpe-24-27-64-79.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Brokensteingoogle is your friend04:31
=== dasos [n=dasos@ip24-255-129-216.ks.ks.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_Willisnoidontwanna,  automatix is a script that 'helps' set up some things.. it can also break some things.. so avoide it.04:31
scrappy_noidontwanna: i havent used it in a while its normally loaded on a floppy but i imagine there is a cd image youll have to google it04:31
`Capo`MrRio, that worked great, thanks, i did a test fax just to make sure04:31
ACUany sugestions for application for capturing realmedia stream ?04:31
JohnnyGvoid, MrRio: it didn't say much past "11a/b/g wireless LAN Mini PCI Express Adapter" by Atheros Communications04:31
Dr_Willisnoidontwanna,  GRUB is one of those things - thats well worth learning all about.04:31
noidontwannawell im more confused now then when i joined this channel04:31
noidontwannaso ill just google it04:31
dasosI installed ftpd and sshd, and i have the proper ports forwarded to my computer, but i get connection refused whenever i try to connect to my computer04:31
MrRio`Capo`, No problem :)04:31
ooAzzAooanyone have a good link for setting up xgl/compiz... there are so many i don't know what's too old to use04:32
dasosdoes ubuntu have a default firewall that i'm not seeing?04:32
Dr_Willisnoidontwanna,  'just google it' ---> you are learning allready! see :P04:32
MrRioJohnnyG: ah, ok, what's ur laptop make?04:32
JohnnyGLenovo Thinkpad Z60t04:32
Dr_Willisdasos,  linux has firewalling features built in.04:32
Geoffrey2noidontwanna, Automatix is, from what I've heard...an automated setup and configuration script for ubuntu...but I've heard lots of horror stories in here about it breaking things badly...as such, people in here generally reccomend it not be used....04:32
scrappy_noidontwanna: best thing is just to install ubuntu to the partition and let it set everything the way it wants you shouldnt have any errors and grub is very easy to fix04:32
Brokensteincan anybody suggest a media player that supports a winamp-style media library/organizer?04:32
Dr_Willisdasos,  but theres no fancy firewall gui installed by default.04:32
Whyvasdasos, get firestarter04:32
ooAzzAoodasos, are the services running?04:32
=== HeXiOn [n=HeXiOn@] has joined #ubuntu
dasosi don't want to get one, i just want to connect to the ftp server04:32
Dr_WillisBrokenstein,  xmms dont do that? try the beep-media-player also.04:32
dasosyeah, i can ssh localhost just fine04:32
dasosbut if i ssh my ip address it doesn't go through04:33
dasos(wan address)04:33
HeXiOnhow can I see the time from console?? (need for a shell script)04:33
Brokensteinwell it appears does playlists, but where is the organizer?04:33
=== eric__ [n=eric@c-67-173-62-98.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
dasosi set a static ip address in networking administration, and have the dmz to that address04:33
MrRioJohnnyG: Use the IBM atheros driver from that page then, one sec, i'll rsutle up the link04:33
=== angel [n=angel@81-232-154-152-no27.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
dasosonly think i can think of is that ubuntu is blocking it, and i can't find where04:34
Brokensteinlotta ppl recomment xmms im just not seeing the one specific feature im looking for (yet)04:34
scrappy_HeXiOn: date command04:34
Whyvasxmms is the shit.04:34
HeXiOnthank you scrappy_04:34
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angelhi all.. i have a problem.. the sound doesn't work.. can someone plz help me?04:35
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linuchsanangel: what does lcpci say04:36
compusascrappy_: oh well....thanks for the help...if you find anything my email is: corevette@gmail.com04:36
angelwhen i try to test the sound, i cant hear anything..04:36
MrRioJohnnyG, http://www-307.ibm.com/pc/support/site.wss/license.do?filename=mobiles/1qwc70ww.exe04:37
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JohnnyGMrRio: when I click I agree nothing happens04:38
JohnnyGits like its an IE only javasript..04:38
JohnnyGdo you show same?04:38
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=== KrisWood [n=KrisWood@c-67-168-218-68.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
MrRioJohnnyG, I get a popup, then redirects to the download04:38
scrappy_compusa: i wasnt really pleased with wireless on dapper if you drop ubuntu because of it check out edgy again in october maybe some of it will have been addressed04:38
one_stinky_bumanyone familiar with tablet pcs?04:38
linuchsanangel: system>>konsole Then run lspci04:39
KrisWoodok I know this is a stupid question, but how do I restart xinetd without rebooting?04:39
JohnnyGMrRio: I'll add IBM to the "you can popup" list04:39
MrRioJohnnyG, http://www-307.ibm.com/pc/support/site.wss/document.do?sitestyle=lenovo&lndocid=MIGR-5535904:39
MrRioJohnnyG, maybe it only works when clicking it from here04:39
one_stinky_bumtrying to get a non-wacom digitizer to work04:39
=== lastnode [n=lastnode@unaffiliated/mahangu] has joined #ubuntu
JohnnyGok, that has been downloaded04:39
compusascrappy_: i'm not really sure.......because ....i ran dapper on a  different computer with same network card and it worked....which made me fish04:40
JohnnyGMrRio: run it?04:40
scrappy_compusa: this is an internal card or pcmcia?04:40
lastnodeim trying to share a torrent between windows and ubuntu. im using utorrent, and gnome-btdownload to pick up from where it has left off. is there a way do to this?04:40
scrappy_compusa: are the lights working at all?04:40
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MrRioJohnnyG: sudo apt-get install extract04:43
=== Loq706 [n=Draicone@ppp109-170.lns2.bne4.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
RehevkorDoes anyone know of a lightweight file manager with network support, or a window manager that includes one?04:43
compusascrappy_: sorry i just got disconnected...but i was saying i'm not sure what to do when i get knoppix on04:43
linuchsanlastnode: With Azureus you can.04:43
lastnodeRehevkor, try the xfce window manager. i forget what it's called04:43
MrRioJohnnyG, nah, sorry forget that04:43
Rehevkorlastnode: it uses the Thunar file manager, which can't navigate network shares04:43
=== earthsound [n=chatzill@71-8-14-86.dhcp.leds.al.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Rehevkorno good for me04:43
=== orodriguez [n=orodrigu@80.Red-83-55-129.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
MrRioJohnnyG, I can't figure out which driver you'll need04:44
JohnnyGMrRio: that process has started, so I guess I'll get extract04:44
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MrRiovoid^, you still about?04:44
compusascrappy_: so you have any ideas before i do that?04:44
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JohnnyGMrRio: are you searching for z60t window drivers? thats a search I can help with04:44
earthsoundis VLC no longer available for Ubuntu? I tried following the instructions on http://www.videolan.org/vlc/download-ubuntu.html but it wasn't found04:44
MrRioJohnnyG: yeah i am04:44
MrRioJohnnyG, they could even be sitting on a driver disc04:45
JohnnyGMrRio: http://www-3.ibm.com/pc/support/site.wss/document.do?lndocid=MIGR-5252704:45
JohnnyGthat it/04:45
=== agwibowo [n=NeoCicak@203-214-120-231.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
scrappy_compusa: type 'lspci -v | less' and look at the output for your card04:45
=== shadeofgrey [n=shadeofg@69-163-245-93.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
erdrickwhat is the command to find out what version of x.org i have04:45
shadeofgreyhey everybiody04:45
linuchsanearthsound: yes it is04:45
agwibowohello.... i just set up a new partition in windows... but i dont know how to make it so that the partition automatically gets displayed on my ubuntu desktop.. (currently there are 2 windows partition there that automatically gets mounted on boot)04:45
MrRioJohnnyG, yeah, that looks like the fella04:46
tearanyway to generate a menu for fluxbox?04:46
JohnnyGok, downloading04:46
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MrRioJohnnyG, one day all this will 'Just Work(tm)'04:46
roostishawanyone, where can i find a set of reccommended specs for using xgl/compiz? anyone know off the top of their head?04:46
shadeofgreywhats the best program available for ubuntu that can rip an entire audio CD to 320kbps .mp3 files?  i make digital copies of all my CD's so that i dont need the CD's to listen to my music and that way i never have to worry about CD's being scratched04:46
JohnnyGMrRio: I've pulled those drivers down, whats next?04:47
linuchsanagwibowo:man fstab04:47
earthsoundlinuchsan: guess I need to recheck sources.list and make sure I uncommented the universe sources...04:47
HeXiOnhelp with shell scripts please.... if I do echo "BLABLABLA" > file  it overwrites it's content. How can I append the text to a new line in "file" ???04:47
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agwibowolinuchsan: thx04:47
compusascrappy_: what did |less do?04:47
Dr_WillisHeXiOn,  bash fundamentals man. :P  use  >>04:48
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Dr_WillisHeXiOn,  google for a few bash tutorials. and that advance bash scripting guide.04:48
HeXiOnDr_Willis, thanks, I'm starting ;)04:48
HeXiOnok, I'll do04:48
HeXiOnthank you04:48
linuchsanearthsound: yes...vlc - multimedia player for all audio and video formats04:48
matgatesIs there an editor which does syntax-hints for C & C++ (displays parameters of a function etc.)?04:48
scrappy_compusa: you dont need it it basically pipes the output of lspci -v through the less application less is just used in a terminal to scroll through files04:48
Dr_WillisHeXiOn,  theres also a 'noclobber' option that can pervent the overwriting I think04:48
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zovirlis nvidia's Cg SDK available through apt?  I can't find it using aptitude search04:48
sethkDr_Willis, that's correct04:49
MrRioJohnnyG, cabextract 77<tab>04:49
compusascrappy_:where would it be?04:49
sethkDr_Willis, not strictly ksh, I believe, but zsh and I think bash have it.04:49
sethkDr_Willis, originally a csh thing04:49
JohnnyGMrRio: when I tab my computer beeps and does nothing04:49
Dr_Willissethk,  heh - ive been testing out 'fish' for my shell lately04:49
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JohnnyGjohnny@johnny-laptop:~$ cabextract 77<tab>04:49
MrRioare you in the folder you downloaded the file to?04:49
roostishawanyone, where can i find a set of reccommended specs for using xgl/compiz? anyone know off the top of their head?04:49
JohnnyGdoh...no I'm not04:49
JohnnyG2 secs04:49
MrRioJohnnyG, cd Desktop04:49
sethkDr_Willis, don't know it.04:49
matgatesIs there an editor which does syntax-hints for C & C++ (displays parameters of a function etc.)?04:50
scrappy_compusa: do you have any lights on the card?04:50
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evan_w00is this the main ubuntu irc chat?04:50
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sethkmatgates, many, yes04:50
scrappy_compusa: they are lit up at least one?04:50
matgatessethk: Like what?04:50
Dr_Willissethk,  i just like how it color codes as i type.. so i see my stupid typos. :P04:50
sethkmatgates, emacs and vim both do it.  anjuta is an IDE that of course does it.04:50
compusascrappy_: yes04:50
JohnnyGjohnny@johnny-laptop:~/Desktop$ cabextract 77wc38ww.exe bash: cabextract: command not found04:50
Dr_WillisInstall it? :P04:51
matgatessethk: I don't think so.  emacs will complete to the end of tab with the context completion, but it won't show you the parameters of a function.  neighter will vim.04:51
Dr_Willis!info cabextract04:51
ubotucabextract: a program to extract Microsoft Cabinet files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1-1 (dapper), package size 43 kB, installed size 144 kB04:51
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sethkmatgates, ok, I was thinking about highlighting04:51
sethkmatgates, anjuta will do the arguments04:51
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matgatessethk: thanks!04:51
sethkmatgates, there is a c/c++ plug in for eclipse.  It may be usable (it wasn't when I tested it but that was quite some time ago)04:51
MrRioJohnnyG: you'll need unshield too04:52
JohnnyGMrRio: all done, no errors, whats next?04:52
M06wwhats rpm04:52
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JohnnyGMrRio: unshield installed04:52
compusascrappy_: i'm not sure where to find it on the page though04:52
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scrappy_compusa: if you type 'iwlist ath0 scan' does it display available access points?04:52
JohnnyGMrRio: also, this thing is scattered all over my desktop, where do you typically stash stuff like this in linux?04:53
MrRioi usually make temporary directories in my home dir04:53
sethkM06w, rpm is the redhat/fedora package manager04:53
MrRioof course you could use /tmp aswell04:53
M06wso i dont use rpm04:54
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compusascrappy_: ath0                 failed to read scan data : resource temporarily unavailable04:54
=== sulimo_ [n=recunius@c-68-83-112-216.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
`Capo`what's a nice replacement window manager for ubuntu04:55
MrRioJohnnyG: ive fully extracted all that, I can't see any inf files in there, bugger04:55
`Capo`man, i dont like gnome04:55
rippergnome r0x04:55
scrappy_compusa: have you rebooted since downloading restricted modules? you absolutely shouldnt have to but..04:55
compusascrappy_: it never downloaded04:55
JohnnyGMrRio: sometimes the inf shows up when you run the setup file, should i run that?04:55
=== Davegoodson [n=dareka@82-38-178-121.cable.ubr02.shef.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
compusascrappy_: it said i already had the newest version04:55
scrappy_compusa: what kind of processor do you have a pentium?04:56
ripperi love my $150 gnome theme04:56
scrappy_compusa: ah04:56
JohnnyGalso, I show a NET5211.inf file in the WINXP_2k folder04:56
scrappy_compusa: nm04:56
ripperi love my $150 black paint gnome theme **04:56
compusascrappy_: linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-23-386 is already the newest version. 0 upgraded, 0 installed, 0 removed, 0 upgraded04:56
JohnnyGMrRio: also, I show a NET5211.inf file in the WINXP_2k folder04:56
MrRioJohnnyG: ah, its ok found it, unshield x DATA1.CAB04:56
compusascrappy_: amd f.y.i.04:56
MrRioJohnnyG, yeah just spotted it :)04:56
tearhow do you create a menu to use in fluxbox????04:56
JohnnyGMrRio: that ran no errors, what did i just do?04:56
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MrRioJohnnyG, extracted that cab, although im not sure u needed to,04:57
compusascrappy_: what does it mean by pci bridge on 'lspci -v'04:58
MrRioJohnnyG, cd WINXP_2K04:58
rippernano /home/user/.fluxbox/menu04:58
JohnnyGjohnny@johnny-laptop:~/Desktop$ cd WINXP_2K04:58
JohnnyGjohnny@johnny-laptop:~/Desktop/WINXP_2K$ ls04:58
JohnnyGAR5211.SYS  NET5211.CAT  NET5211.INF04:58
MrRioJohnnyG, there should be AR5211.SYS  NET5211.CAT  NET5211.INF04:58
scrappy_compusa: well id do 'sudo apt-get install linux-image-2.6.15-26-k7 linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-26-k7' it wont help really but it is the best kernel04:58
M06wwhat is the difference between ubuntu and kubuntu?04:58
ripperi used to use fluxbox, fluxmod 0wnz04:58
ripperone uses gnome, the other kde04:58
M06wand that means04:59
MrRioJohnnyG, sudo ndiswrapper -i NET5211.INF04:59
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rippergnome and kde are window managers04:59
ripperkde is too bloated if you ask me04:59
EnsignRedshirtripper: Not exactly.04:59
rippergnome is nice D:04:59
JohnnyGjohnny@johnny-laptop:~/Desktop/WINXP_2K$ sudo ndiswrapper -i NET5211.INF04:59
JohnnyGsudo: ndiswrapper: command not found04:59
`Capo`i have this in my notebook:04:59
`Capo`0000:05:02.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g]  802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)04:59
ripperEnsignRedshirt: what ya mean?04:59
`Capo`how can i get it to work04:59
compusascrappy_: it couldn't find the image but whatever04:59
EnsignRedshirtGnome and KDE are not window managers.04:59
rippermetacity is gnomes window manager05:00
MrRioJohnnyG, sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils05:00
scrappy_compusa: might check ubuntuforums for your card05:00
ripperthey are desktop environments :D05:00
MrRioJohnnyG, I forget how little ubuntu comes with these days05:00
ripperim not sure what kde uses for a window manager05:00
=== EnsignRedshirt gets pedantic sometimes...
JohnnyGMrRio: I will do that. I've got a question though, what happens to the person who doesn'tknow that off hand? how does he look it up?05:00
rippersince i despise kde05:00
linuxuserkde sucks anyways05:00
compusascrappy_: listen though.......this card works on other computers in my house on ubuntu05:00
Whyvas`Capo`, i think there's a broadcom driver for that chipset in the package manager05:00
ripperyeah it does @ linuxuser05:00
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linuxuserxfce isnt bad tho05:01
compusascrappy_: i don't think it's hardware because my ethernet is detected as well05:01
JohnnyGjohnny@johnny-laptop:~/Desktop/WINXP_2K$ sudo ndiswrapper -i NET5211.INF Installing net521105:01
MrRioJohnnyG, i either look in synaptic, or type apt-cache pkgnames | grep ndis05:01
JohnnyGthat completed successfully05:01
scrappy_compusa: assuming its dapper on all computers and you havent done any driver installs on the other ones.. just not sure05:01
`Capo`Whyvas, ifconfig -a : http://pastebin.ca/12860505:01
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JohnnyGwhats the diff bt apt-get and apt-cache05:01
compusascrappy_: if the other one was intel and this was amd...would it make  adifference?05:02
JohnnyGand also, I never seem to be able to locate the proper bloody repository05:02
MrRioJohnnyG, apt-cache pkgnames will list all packages, and | will pipe it into grep, grep is a tool for searching text05:02
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scrappy_compusa: id lean to hardware if it works with knoppix then youd know its a OS problem at least05:02
compusascrappy_: yeah05:02
sethkcompusa, a pci bridge is a piece of hardware on the motherboard, typically interfacing between the PCI connectors and the internal PCI bus05:02
MrRioJohnnyG, sudo modprobe ndiswrapper05:02
JohnnyGjohnny@johnny-laptop:~/Desktop/WINXP_2K$ sudo modprobe ndiswrapper05:03
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ppUbuntu has installed nicely on my apple powerbook g4, airport and touchpad work!!05:03
MrRioJohnnyG, with a bit of luck, this won't crash, and the device will now appear in the networking window05:03
JohnnyGNetwork settings still showing only 205:03
=== davey_ [n=david@c-67-182-110-57.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Whyvas`Capo`, iwconfig ?05:03
davey_how can I get democrasy player working correctly in amd6405:03
JohnnyGrun dmesg > dmesg.log?05:03
compusascrappy_: how about ndiswrapper?05:04
Whyvas`Capo`, do you have the bcm43xx-fwcutter package installed?05:04
MrRioJohnnyG: what does iwconfig output05:04
JohnnyGjohnny@johnny-laptop:~/Desktop/WINXP_2K$ iwconfig05:04
JohnnyGlo        no wireless extensions.05:04
JohnnyGeth0      no wireless extensions.05:04
JohnnyGirda0     no wireless extensions.05:04
JohnnyGsit0      no wireless extensions.05:04
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davey_I have it installed, but it doesn't boot05:04
JohnnyGMrRio: should I add those lines of your config back into my config?05:04
`Capo`Whyvas, how do i install that05:05
Whyvasin the package manager05:05
Whyvas`Capo`, what05:05
Whyvas's the output of iwconfig?05:05
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MrRioJohnnyG, sudo rmmod ndiswrapper05:06
MrRioJohnnyG, sudo rmmod ndiswrapper05:06
compusascrappy_:   http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=143513 check it out!   look at post 1305:06
MrRioJohnnyG, sudo modprobe ndiswrapper05:06
cafuego`Capo`: Go to http://wiki.ubuntu.com and search for bcm43xx. It contains precise instructions on how to set up the free driver with the firmware to make it work.05:07
JohnnyGjohnny@johnny-laptop:~/Desktop/WINXP_2K$ sudo rmmod ndiswrapper05:07
JohnnyGSegmentation fault05:07
PORDOi'm trying to fix two login problems right now.05:07
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compusascrappy_: brb05:08
PORDO1) how can i make it so that when i log into my account, and i already have a logon going, it just goes to it, instead of asking me whether i want to create a new logon?05:08
davey_ndiswrapper is not a kernel module i don't think05:08
davey_he needs to go to ndiswraper set up and take out the hardware dirver05:08
MrRiodavey_: I have no idea why his atheros card won't show up05:09
davey_is he on 32 bit linux?05:09
scrappy_compusa: never used ndiswrapper so youd need to seek advice elsewhere for that hope it works05:09
PORDO 2) how can i make it so that when i log on from the greeter, i'm not asked for my password again at the xscreensaver prompt?05:09
davey_first question because 64 sometimes seeming doesn't work for no reason05:09
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MrRioJohnnyG, ahh, as davey just pointed out, is it 32bit ubuntu?05:09
JohnnyGMrRio: how do I determine what i have?05:09
MrRioJohnnyG, uname -a05:10
scrappy_PORDO: open a terminal and type xscreensaver-demo and hit enter change the setting as you would like05:10
JohnnyGjohnny@johnny-laptop:~/Desktop/WINXP_2K$ uname -a05:10
JohnnyGLinux johnny-laptop 2.6.15-26-686 #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Aug 3 03:13:28 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux05:10
davey_johnnyg, ok you have a reg kernel05:10
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davey_johnnyg, what happens when you look for it in the network config thingey05:11
Davegoodson Hey, ive got a probelem, ive got compiz running on my laptop, the laptop has cpu scaling, with at the bottom is 800 mhz to 1.86 ghz, problem is that when it is at 800, and i spin the cube or move the cube etc, it is really laggy unless the cpu is fully scaled up. Can anyone help? (ive asked in #ubuntu-xgl but no-one knows)05:11
EnsignRedshirtPORDO: 2) or use System->Preferences->Screensave (at least in Breezy), and uncheck "Lock Screen After..."05:11
JohnnyGdavey: I show only two adapters in there: ethernet connection and modem connection05:11
davey_davvegoodson, the scaling is for your own good, I suppose you could disable it but a little lag is worth it... just an idea05:11
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davey_johnnyg, is the card you have supost to work with the kernel?05:11
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MrRiodavey_, it won't auto detect, wont appear in network settings, he's getting an error related to madwifi thats listed as a bug upstream, so I thought ndiswrapper would be a good solution, but I've exhuasted all my ndiswrapper knowledge now05:12
daishi_theres no mplayer in breezy?05:12
davey_if not, get ndiswrapper (you can also get the nifty gui if you want) and use the documentation to find the name of your drier05:12
JohnnyGdavey: I have a 11a/b/g Wireless LAN Mini PCI Express Adapter on my Z60t Thinkpad and an intel centrino processor05:12
scrappy_daishi_: there is05:12
davey_the mini pci adapter repos arn't maintained as well (don't tell anyone i told you) they will deny it but it's true05:13
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daishi_how do i get it? its not in any of the regular repos05:13
MrRiodavey_, can you point him to the right driver to install for ndiswrapper?05:13
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scrappy_daishi_: you need to enable multiverse in synaptic though05:13
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daishi_i uncommented those lines in /etc/apt/sources.list05:13
davey_mrrio, it's listed in the offical ndis wiki just use search in your browser and you should be good it will tell you where to go next05:13
scrappy_daishi_: multivers i believe you need to add manually.  but you type sudo apt-get update after uncommenting?05:14
MrRiodavey_: will any of the atheros drivers work well, we don't have a specific make/model05:14
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davey_cpu scaller person, if you really really don't want lag and want your laptop to get really hot stay here and keep asking till someone who knows exactly how to do it gets on05:14
scrappy_daishi_: youre on dapper?05:15
davey_mrrio, have him go to the device profile and check for nams05:15
=== fenrisulf [n=jftaylor@pdpc/supporter/active/FenrisUlf] has joined #ubuntu
DrkLrdafter update xmms or mp3blaster wont play any music any ideas????????????05:15
ratbert90Hey, I have a question,  how on earth do you make openoffice use gtk themes?05:15
davey_or, just get all of the drivers and look in the gui untill it says "hardware present, yes"05:15
void^JohnnyG: a simple reboot might be worth a try, madwifi drivers are likely still loaded and could be interfering, add 'blacklist ath_pci' to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist05:15
daishi_oo looks like i have universe and not multiverse05:15
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grubedithelpHi, I'm getting an unusual hang on bootup without the dma disabled.....can someone help?  I've got the error message...05:16
DrkLrdxmms wont accept file to playlist it wont play anyhing too05:16
scrappy_daishi_: yeah take a look at your sources.list again copy univer entry but change to multiverse05:16
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MrRiovoid^, ahh goos thinking05:16
davey_grubedithelp, post it05:16
daishi_thanks scrappy_05:16
scrappy_daishi_: np05:16
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`Capo`k peace05:16
grubedithelpit says:05:16
grubedithelp[number goes here]  Console Shuts Up...05:16
grubedithelp[number goes here]  <0> Kernel Panic - not syncing: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!05:16
grubedithelp[number goes here]  _ (blinking cursor and a hang)05:16
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JohnnyGMrRio: blacklist added, booting, brb05:17
Okita /part05:17
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M06wi have two questions05:18
daishi_woo it works!05:18
void^JohnnyG: and make sure the device id in 'lspci -n' matches the driver's id in /etc/ndiswrapper/blah/<id>.conf or so05:18
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M06w1. how do i install java05:18
grubedithelpdavey, any ideas?05:18
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository05:18
DrkLrdplease help05:18
compusaanyone help me with ndiswrapper?05:18
M06w1.5, whats the multiverse repository05:19
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource05:19
davey_grubedithelp, well a kernel panic ususaly happens with hardware problems, but it doesn't have to be that05:19
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grubedithelphm...well...I can enable dma within the os05:19
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grubedithelpbut it has to be disabled to boot up05:19
baskoSOS:I installed a debian-specific package. It failed and is preventing me from doing anything further package-management-wise. any helpful ideas?05:19
M06w2. how do i make x-chat act/look more like the x-chat for windows05:20
grubedithelpotherwise i get that error05:20
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Dr_WillisM06w,  dont use xchat-gnome install the normal xchat05:20
daishi_my speaker is so low on my laptop05:20
Dr_WillisM06w,  and they should be identical05:20
=== Bassetts [n=Bassetts@cpc2-mapp1-0-0-cust56.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
Bassettshow come when i try and uninstall evolution i have to uninstall ubuntu-desktop?05:20
daishi_and i have all the volume things moved up05:20
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daishi_main and pcm05:20
daishi_this sucks05:20
JohnnyGMrRio: no luck.  System -> Administration -> Network -> Network Settings shows only 205:20
scrappy_daishi_: try alsamixer in a terminal05:21
davey_be back later05:21
MrRioBassetts: ubuntu-desktop is just a meta-package, depending on packages that are part of a default ubuntu install05:21
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Dr_WillisBassetts,  its a meta-package used when updating stuff.. by removeing part of ubuntu-desktop you are breaking the meta-package05:21
daishi_yea master and pcm both at 10005:21
grubedithelpdavey:  hm...well...I can enable dma within the os, but I have to disable it to avoid that error.05:21
scrappy_daishi_: that sucks ;-)05:21
Bassettsso it wont break anything by uninstalling ubuntu-desktop?05:21
grubedithelp(during bootup)05:22
MrRioDr_Willis: Its not going to mess up any updates I didn't think?05:22
void^JohnnyG: check with lsmod if ndiswrapper is loaded, if it is, have a look at dmesg, if it doesn't say anything exciting your windows driver probably doesn't have the correct device id05:22
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daishi_i pushed something up and it went louder05:23
MrRiovoid^: try sudo modprobe ndiswrapper if it hasn't loaded05:23
baskoSOS:I installed a debian-specific package. It failed and is preventing me from doing anything further package-management-wise. any helpful ideas? PLEASE05:23
daishi_major distortion...these laptop speakers are worse than my 9 dollar comp speakers05:23
JohnnyGvoid: so lsmod | grep 'ndis'05:23
JohnnyGor something similar?05:23
MrRioJohnnyG, yeah that should work a treat05:23
Dr_WillisMrRio,  not sure. doubtfull.05:24
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MrRioJohnnyG, don't need the quotes tho05:24
justdavehow do I create a new world boot block when installing 6.06 on PPC?  The installer craps out because I haven't created one, but there doesn't seem to be an option for it in the partitioner05:24
JohnnyGjohnny@johnny-laptop:~$ lsmod | grep 'ndis'05:24
JohnnyGjohnny@johnny-laptop:~$ lsmod | grep ndis05:24
MrRioJohnnyG, ok, it hasn;t loaded05:24
MrRioJohnnyG, sudo modprobe ndiswrapper05:24
elkbuntuand next time, use a pastebin05:25
JohnnyGjohnny@johnny-laptop:~$ sudo modprobe ndiswrapper05:25
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Bassettsanyreason i have a repo hanging on 99%?05:25
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)05:25
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void^i think 'ndiswrapper -l' should say something like "hardware present, driver present" if the driver fits to the hardware05:25
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MrRioI think maybe IRC clients should shrink the posts when someone has 4-5 lines in a row, with a plus sign if you really want to see it05:26
raptros-v76so who needs help05:26
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raptros-v76MrRio: write one then05:26
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MrRioone day05:27
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JohnnyGMrRio: I'm just not going to get this going am i?05:28
MrRioJohnnyG: did modprobe ndiswrapper do anything?05:28
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Dr_WillisMrRio,  konversation does that I think.. or it has a similer feature.05:28
JohnnyGMrRio: it did not output anything, neither did it error05:28
MrRioJohnnyG, i mean has your device popped up?05:28
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JohnnyGHOLY CRAP05:29
JohnnyGthere it is05:29
JohnnyGThe interface wlan0 is active05:29
=== MrRio jumps up and down
samithhay good morning everyone05:29
void^JohnnyG: congratulations :P05:29
JohnnyGMrRio, void: thank you very much05:29
Jimbo_i'm impressed with this latest ubuntu. I didn't even have to install the fglrx driver to get 3d direct rendering working!! This is how all linux installs should be :D05:30
MrRioJohnnyG, well, that was easy enought, don't know what you were complaining about ;)05:30
JohnnyGI'm going to unplug the wire and see if it works05:30
MrRiogood luck05:30
JohnnyGif I leave, I'll be right back - I'd like to know how exactly that worked05:30
MrRioull need to select a network on properties05:30
gpfreitasHi all. X doesn't load from the Dapper live-cd. It does load in Breezy live though... I've tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, and couldn't make it work... It seems to be some problem with some /dev/wacom...05:30
grubedithelpwould putting "panic=60" in my "Kernel...."  in the boot prompt with my normal options fix apply to a kernel panic?05:31
Jimbo_i guess the open source ati drivers must support R350 now05:31
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EnsignRedshirtIs there a command that will split a pdf file into several files, one pdf file per page?  Something like the opposite of pdfjoin.05:32
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Maximinusok then, good bye, I guess05:32
EnsignRedshirtmust be something you said...05:32
MrRioMaximinus: what can we do for you?05:33
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RehevkorDoes anyone know of a lightweight file manager with network support, or a window manager that includes one?05:33
grubedithelplol ive been getting ignored, too...dont worry about it05:33
Jimbo_EnsignRedshirt: i think i used a prog called pdftohtml to convert it into individual html pages before. if that helps05:33
eegorethat was weird05:33
raptros-v76eegore: you realize of course that coming through tor may cause you problems05:33
eegorein and out and back in again05:33
EnsignRedshirtJimbo_: That might work. Thanks, I'll look for it.05:33
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sethksee topic.  don't ask to ask a question, just ask a question05:34
sethkyou can say hello if you like but don't expect an answer05:34
godtviskenAnything better than the default gnome cd juicer?05:34
eegoreI am at work and they are blocking 666705:34
Jimbo_EnsignRedshirt: welcome05:34
raptros-v76eegore: why?05:34
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scrappy_Rehevkor: they keep saying thunar will next release but that doesnt really help you now05:34
godtviskenAnyone know anything better than Sound Juicer?05:35
Rehevkorscrappy_: good to know though, since I do like xfce05:35
eegorethey have had chat room abuse during regular hours05:35
Rehevkorwas thinking about using icewm or fluxbox for now, if I can find a file manager I like05:35
raptros-v76godtvisken: does it have to be for gnome?05:35
sethkRehevkor, the file manager is not coupled to the window manager05:35
eegoreThey fail to realize that this is one of my main avenues of support'05:35
grubedithelpanother thing...how do i pull up my hd stats in ubuntu?05:35
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MrRioRehevkor: theres alot of userspace network filesystem tools, you could mount the network resources you need onto the normal filesystem, then anything can browse it05:36
Rehevkorsethk: I know, but some are included with a particular wm, like gnome and nautilus05:36
eegoreThey block ssh as well05:36
sethkRehevkor, that's just packaging.   e.g., many people use KDE apps in gnome05:36
KrisWoodhow do I restart a service that uses xinetd?05:36
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sethkRehevkor, I use gnome apps in KDE05:36
godtviskenraptros-v76: no05:36
MrRioRehevkor, which network resources do you need access to? samba? ssh? ftp?05:36
Rehevkorwindows shares05:36
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MrRioRehevkor: smbfs05:36
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scrappy_eegore: i ssh into a server that listen on port 443 at work and use irssi most places will allow that05:37
grubedithelpanother thing...how do i pull up my hd stats in ubuntu?05:37
grubedithelpwould putting "panic=60" in my "Kernel...."  in the boot prompt with my normal options fix or even apply to a kernel panic?05:37
eegoreI use to be able to print man pages by piping to lpr05:37
raptros-v76godtvisken: wait, sound juicers is a cd burner right?05:37
MrRioRehevkor: look for instructions to that, you can then just mount them to folders like /mnt/winshare05:37
eegoredapper wont do that05:37
RehevkorMrRio: do I have to mount each one manually with that? I have a lot of shares on several machines which change fairly often. Having to manage them manually would be time consuming.05:37
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Jimbo_grubedithelp: df05:37
Rehevkormy cd burner is going insane05:38
Rehevkorbrb, gotta reboot05:38
eegorewhere do I pipe the print command to in dapper05:38
godtviskenraptros-v76: cd ripper05:38
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davey_i'm back05:38
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letters_9i cant install nvidia drivers, it says I have to close my x windows session :(05:39
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eegoreman iptables |lprwill this work?05:39
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MrRioletters_9, ubuntu comes with nvidia drivers05:39
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void^!info nvidia-glx05:39
ubotunvidia-glx: NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org driver. In component restricted, is optional. Version 1.0.8762+ (dapper), package size 3963 kB, installed size 12240 kB05:40
=== JohnnyG [n=johnny@cpe-24-27-64-79.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
eegoreman iptables |lpr will this work?05:40
MrRioletters_9: automagically, the binary installed from their website is not much use05:40
gpfreitasHi all. X doesn't load from the Dapper live-cd. It does load in Breezy live though... I've tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, and couldn't make it work... It seems to be some problem with some /dev/wacom... Any ideas?05:40
raptros-v76godtvisken: i use kaudiocreator, but i dont know if thats what you want.05:40
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MrRioJohnnyG, any luck?05:40
stopherHey guys, i just bought a 4 processor P3 server... does ubuntu have a distro that will allow all processors?05:40
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crimsunstopher: install linux-686, and you'll be able to05:40
MrRioJohnnyG, network-manager will make it easier to choose which network to connect to, and set up security etc05:40
polpakstopher: just install the smp kernel05:41
JohnnyGI am back, weird thing, I couldn't connect to IRC with wireless although I can pull internet pages and the rest05:41
stopherNot sure how to change the kernel during install polpak05:41
stophercrimsun: that will auto-matically install it?05:41
JohnnyGalso, what should i use to detect networks in range?05:41
MrRioJohnnyG: thats odd, network-manager05:41
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crimsunstopher: you install linux-686 after the install finishes05:41
letters_9no, not much good at all05:41
dougskoJohnnyG: kismet05:41
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stopherooh okay05:41
polpakstopher: you don't need to . just do the normal install, then use synaptic to install the smp kernel (assuming it doesn't do it automatically)05:41
stopherwith sudo apt-get05:41
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letters_9isnt there a way to just login with a text terminal ?05:42
polpakstopher: yes05:42
robbiethey i need some help05:42
MrRioJohnnyG: you can just use the dropdown in the settings window, but netowkr-manager is much more user friendly05:42
grubedithelpHi, I'm a linux newb, and I just made the switch yesterday with no prior exposure to linux or ubuntu, and I'm getting an error when dma is enabled on boot, but i can enable it from within the os.  When dma is enabled I get "<0> Kernel panic -not syncing: Aiee, killing interrupt!".  Is there a way to fix this without having to manually turn on dma every time I boot up?05:42
robbieti screwed my superblock05:42
letters_9thanks ubotu but I already have the nvidia.8762.run05:42
letters_9i found binutils05:42
stopherpolpak I want a GUI but only have the ubuntu-text-server install..can i install a GUI after the install with a command?05:42
polpakgrubedithelp: edit your grub options05:42
MrRioJohnnyG: sudo apt-get install network-manager-gnome05:42
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letters_9installed those.. blah blah, but arg, wont install while x is running05:42
davey_stopher, you have to get the sls or something like that version05:42
davey_that has mulit prossesor support05:42
davey_smp ya05:42
davey_how come my apt-get doesn't work correctly in my 32 bit chroot?05:42
davey_stopher, yes05:42
scrappy_letters_9: you can sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop     and then type the same with start to restart but the nvidia installer takes several steps in dapper i hope youve printed them off or something05:42
grubedithelppolpak:  im aware of that, can you be more specific? :)05:43
JohnnyGI show it already installed05:43
polpakstopher: yes. sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop gdm will probably cover most things05:43
grubedithelpits by default "on" when you boot, but it hangs on the panic error if you boot with it on.  but then after it boots up I can turn it on in the prompt.05:43
dougskogrubedithelp: im pretty sure there is a boot option like, dma=off05:43
JohnnyGMrRio: how do I access it?05:43
etzerdI try to install a file and I have this error: W: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/m/mono/mono-classlib-1.0_1.1.13.6-0ubuntu3_all.deb05:43
etzerd  Connection failed05:43
letters_9hmm perhaps I missed something in the readme05:43
stopherpolpak: then reboot and itll boot to GUI?05:43
polpakstopher: yeah05:43
letters_9thanks scrappy05:43
grubedithelpdougsko, i said:05:43
robbietIm a moderate linux user that just erased my Windows XP and Madrake Paritions and for some reason right after I got superblock errors05:43
stopherthanks polpak :D05:43
robbietcan someone help05:43
scrappy_letters_9: dapper requires some extra work if you dont use the nvidia package05:43
letters_9in fact the dapper unoffical start guide seems slightly out of date05:44
grubedithelpHi, I'm a linux newb, and I just made the switch yesterday with no prior exposure to linux or ubuntu, and I'm getting an error when dma is enabled on boot, but i can enable it from within the os.  When dma is enabled ON BOOT I get "<0> Kernel panic -not syncing: Aiee, killing interrupt!".  Is there a way to fix this without having to manually turn on dma every time AFTER I boot up?05:44
letters_9would you have a link to extra steps ?05:44
raptros-v76grubedithelp: write an init script05:44
MrRioJohnnyG: logout and back in05:44
grubedithelpgood lord.05:44
polpakgrubedithelp: you just need to add the dma=off to your kernel options05:44
davey_grubedithelp, alright look for someone named "gnome-freak" or "mwe" they can help you05:44
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grubedithelpdavey_:  thank you05:45
sethkgrubedithelp, you would need to either rebuild the kernel with the chipset support compiled into the kernel (rather than as a module), or create (or modify) an initrd file system which would load the module and continue booting05:45
letters_9perhaps I have to read the SuSE notes05:45
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dougskogrubedithelp: yeah, dma is obviously not working right, why would you want to turn it on after it fails05:45
scrappy_letters_9: doc.gwos.org/index.php/latest_nvidia_dapper i think05:45
robbietIm a moderate linux user that just erased my Windows XP and Madrake Paritions and for some reason right after I got superblock errors. I am currently in maintinece mode and its saying use a alternate superblock. Can someone please help?05:45
=== themole [n=cmollien@adsl-065-007-218-002.sip.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
sethkgrubedithelp, frankly, though, it's much easier to just add the command to turn dma back on to a boot script05:45
etzerdI try to install a file and I have this error: W: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/m/mono/mono-classlib-1.0_1.1.13.6-0ubuntu3_all.deb05:46
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raptros-v76thats what i said05:46
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raptros-v76im such a bad person05:46
sethkraptros-v76, yes, but I used lot's more words to say the same thing  :)05:46
JohnnyGMrRio: I'm back05:46
void^hdparm comes with a boot script to be configured in /etc/default/ usually05:46
raptros-v76while i was typing, i thought, "Thats what she said"05:46
MrRioJohnnyG: should be in the panel at the top-right05:46
letters_9suppose once I get a modem that works I will like apt-get but for now it seems an evil assumption05:46
dougskorobbiet: have you run fsck?05:46
sethkvoid^, that is default behavior for hdparm, but it will not run hdparm05:47
polpakgrubedithelp: actually I think it's ide=nodma05:47
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JohnnyGMrRio: I show two set of computer icons on the top right, both will little red !'s05:47
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Jimbo_grubedithelp: you could use the hdparm init script to enable dma when you boot05:47
sethkvoid^, you still need to add an invocation of hdparm to an init script05:47
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JohnnyGone says "No Network Connection" the other says "Network Connection: eth0"05:47
grubedithelpsethk:  is there a non-manual way to compile the kernel like that?  I'm not sure what compiling a kernel is, but it sounds dangerous.05:47
polpakgrubedithelp:  if you add that to your defoptions line in /boot/grub/menu.lst you should be good05:47
MrRioJohnnyG: click one of them, one is the new network-manager05:47
MrRioJohnnyG, you should beable to select a network with a bit of luck05:47
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sethkgrubedithelp, it isn't dangerous at all.  Install the kernel source, run the kernel configuration, find the module, change it from m to built in, and do the build.05:48
robbieti havent05:48
robbietdougsko: how do i05:48
sethkgrubedithelp, it's easier to do than to say, and there are lots of good howto's out there05:48
tanlaanHey everyone, I am STILL trying to get my iMac G3 to get Dapper...I Can't get gdm to start after it is stopped, as in it "fails" as it trys to start, can anyone help?05:48
MrRioJohnnyG, left-clicking should give you a dropdown of nearby ssid's05:48
JohnnyGMrRio: there it goes05:48
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grubedithelpok.  I've been using XP since it came out, and have typed about 4 linux commands in my life.  Can you possibly water it down a llittle?  :)05:48
void^sethk: sorry, /etc/hdparm.conf05:48
dougskorobbiet: i forget what switched you need, just do a fsck --help, or man fsck05:48
dougskorobbiet: but that might be able to repair the disk05:48
polpakgrubedithelp: gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst05:48
sethktanlaan, that said, adding a call to hdparm to an init script is a perfectly acceptable way to solve your problem.05:48
robbietdougsko: it was having me do a alternate superblock05:49
bmac2just installed ubuntu on an old motherboard I am going to use in my truck as a pc05:49
bmac2trying to compile a program05:49
sethkgrubedithelp, you mean rebuilding the kernel?05:49
tanlaansthk: Huh?05:49
bmac2installed gcc and try to run the configure script05:49
tanlaansethk: Huh?05:49
MrRioJohnnyG: you can right-click 'remove from panel', if your bothered about still having the old one05:49
sethkgrubedithelp, start with a howto doc, and ask questions if you don't understand.05:49
grubedithelpsethk:  yes05:49
polpaksethk: he doesn't need to recompile he just wants to disable dma05:49
dougskorobbiet: fsck goes through your hard drive and checks for any errors, then it tries to fix them05:49
polpakgrubedithelp: you don't need to recompile05:49
grubedithelpfor now im going to use the script05:49
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sethktanlaan, sorry, did I say something to you?05:49
robbietdougsko: ok let me try real quick05:49
bmac2and get the error "C compiler cannot create executables"05:49
grubedithelppolpak:  I'm concerned about boot time05:50
bmac2and I ran it as sudo ./configure05:50
bmac2what am I missing?05:50
tanlaansethk: yea something about hdparm05:50
polpakgrubedithelp: I know05:50
sethkbmac2, have you installed build-essential?05:50
scaleshello guys, just wanted  a bit of input.  i want to dual boot, ubuntu and xp on my laptop.  i was wondering how much space would be good to give to ubuntu.  i would like to have a few basic applications, matlab, maybe mathematica, open office, maybe a few other applications.  currently i have a 60 gig drive, windows takes up just a little more than half.  input?05:50
Dr_Willisinstall build-essential as a start05:50
bmac2let me check05:50
polpakgrubedithelp: this will disable dma on all your ide controllers05:50
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grubedithelpDr_willlis:  me?05:50
polpakgrubedithelp: when it boots05:50
sethktanlaan, Possibly I mistyped the name or I did a tab completion and got your name by mistake.  sorry.05:50
sethkpolpak, he isn't trying to disable dma05:50
tanlaansethk: its all good :D05:50
gekko`scales: you wouldn't need more than 10gb for ubuntu05:50
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Dr_Willisscales,  2gb min..  id say about 5+gb for working with stuff.05:50
sethkpolpak, he is trying to _enable_ dma after the boot completes.05:50
polpakgrubedithelp: unless someone prefixes their statement with your name they probably aren't talking to you05:50
scrappy_scales: i keep my root partition on 5 gigs and another 5 or so for home05:50
JohnnyGMrRio: why is my wireless connection working? what did we actually do?05:51
bmac2it is installing now05:51
polpakgrubedithelp: are you trying to enable, or disable dma05:51
bmac2thanks sethk, I am very used to debian, just new to ubuntu05:51
sethkbmac2, that explains it.  :)05:51
ubotulimewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install !java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider !FrostWire as an alternative.05:51
ct8ballanyone savy in setting up dual monitors in ubuntu with radeon please let me know?05:51
davey_I am05:51
omnidI don't understand how to use Wine aparently05:51
MrRioJohnnyG: We installed the windows driver, then made sure that the old madwifi driver didn't try and boot up, because that didn't work05:51
omnidI tried loading the binary05:51
davey_ct8ball, get the binary drivers05:51
robbietdougsko: i tried but it said it can cause SEVERE! damage to a mounted filesystem. it said use e2fsck instead05:51
davey_ct8ball, then get ati's special program that the installer crashes your system, but it installs anyway so don't worry abot it05:51
MrRioJohnnyG, ndiswrapper was the wrapper for installing windows wireless drivers05:52
sethkbmac2, you'll have no problems once you learn a few things (like the package names and what is and isn't installed during the default installation)05:52
bmac2gee sethk , it is now compiling05:52
tanlaanby the way if anyone was thinking about helping me, I had dapper installed for a long time *ever since it came out* and I have just now reformatted my disc so i could dual boot mac OS 9.05:52
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JohnnyGMrRio: what is a wrapper? what is its input? how does it do what it does?05:52
bmac2who woulda thunk it05:52
omnid!wine > omnid05:52
bmac2I have run debian for years05:52
scaleshumm, now tougher question.  should i make multiple partitions, ?  probably a good idea.  right now i have only the windows partition,  but i was hoping to try a partition manager, and shrink it.  i know this isnt 100% guaranteed, somehing about the ntfs, but if i made a few more partitions by splitting mine up, could i then combine them if i changed my mind?05:52
bmac2just trying this since it supports a wierd wirelss card I am using for my truck05:52
bmac2thaks sethk05:52
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playtime3is the command make work in ubuntu?05:53
dougskorobbiet: well dude, i would get on google and read a little about it so yor're not just blindly entering commands. but i think thatll be your best bet05:53
playtime3i try making an eggdrop on my ubuntu box05:53
justdavehow do I create a new world boot block when installing 6.06 on PPC?  The installer craps out because I haven't created one, but there doesn't seem to be an option for it in the partitioner05:53
one_stinky_bumany tablet pc folks here05:54
dougskorobbiet: i dont know enough about it to be able to walk you through05:54
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playtime3but it say this05:54
playtime3root@linux:/home/tuan/eggdrop1.6.18# makez config05:54
playtime3-bash: makez: command not found05:54
MrRioJohnnyG: they reimplemented the windows NDIS api's involved in using network cars as a linux module05:54
robbietdougsko: thanks for your help05:54
wweaselrobbiet: I just started reading, but I think I can help you.  You want to fsck your root file system?05:54
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dougskorobbiet: no problem05:54
playtime3i mean ignore the z at the end of make05:54
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robbietwweasel: can u private chat?05:54
playtime3root@linux:/home/tuan/eggdrop1.6.18# make config05:54
JohnnyGMrRio: what is a linux module? what is a universe? what is a respository?05:55
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robbietwweasel: can u private chat?05:55
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wweaselrobbiet: I am pming you right now.05:55
philcif I have ubuntu already installed, can I make room at the end of my HD and throw XP on there? I don't want to reinstall/mess with the ubuntu deployment05:55
robbietwweasel: ok thx05:55
tanlaanDoes anyone know any reasons why gdm might not start up?05:56
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MrRioJohnnyG, a module is a section of code that performs one, or a number of similiar tasks, the kernel is broken up into modules to make it easier to develop, some modules are compiled into the main kernel, such as drivers for common netowrk cards, other modules are available as binary files to be loaded in later, thru modprobe05:56
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wweaselrobbiet: you aren't answering my pms.05:56
Jimbo_philc: ye, you can. provided you haven't hit 4 primary limit or don't have enough space.05:56
wweaselrobbiet: but we can chat here.05:56
robbietwweasel: it isnt working. its ok05:57
philcJimbo_: thanks!05:57
wweaselrobbiet: Alright. Are you trying to fsck your root filesystem?05:57
MrRioJohnnyG, A repository is best described as a catalogue of code, in ubuntu it's split into 405:57
grubedithelpif thats the case then why would it fix errors to recompile the kernel with the module as part of it?05:57
robbietwweasel: ok so basically i just erased windows xp and mandrake and then I restart and I am getting superblock errord05:57
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JohnnyGMrRio: when we modprobe something, what are we doing to it? Why is it that the default respositories never have what you need in them?05:57
tanlaanOr maybe is there any way to install Ubuntu Dapper from the live cd without gdm?05:57
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wweaselrobbiet: alright.05:58
tanlaanthis way I would be able to fix gdm later.05:58
wweaselrobbiet: but you are still able to boot up into Ubuntu?05:58
Jimbo_philc: just tell the xp setup to create the c: partition in the unallocated space05:58
MrRioJohnnyG, official, restricted, community (called 'universe') and non-free (multi-verse)05:58
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robbietwweasel: no i cant. i try to boot and it asks if i want to go to maintence mode. again its superblock errors05:58
philcJimbo_: XP will take over the MBR and I'll need to boot from a boot cd to restore it, right?05:58
MrRioJohnnyG, official are open-source packages that ubuntu can freely and safely distribute05:58
MrRioJohnnyG, restricted have some legal restrictions, but are so important they are distributed anyway05:59
Jimbo_philc: i'm assuming you have a unallocated space on this disk? if not you might need to resize the partition/file system05:59
philcJimbo_: about to run gparted05:59
MrRioJohnnyG, universe is community maintained, still opensource and free, but not supported as well05:59
Jimbo_philc: ye, you will need a live cd handy to restore grub05:59
playtime3is there a comand in ubuntu for make?05:59
davey_playtime, you need to have make installed05:59
Majeplaytime: install the make package06:00
philcJimbo_: cool, have it all ready. Thanks06:00
MrRioJohnnyG, multiverse is for packages like acrobat reader, or flashplayer, free as in money, but restrcitive licenses06:00
wweaselrobbiet: Alright. How did you try fsck then?06:00
omnidIs it strange that I am missing shut down and restart?06:00
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MrRioJohnnyG, ubuntu tries to only distribute well supported and legally sound software, which is why the stuff you need is never turned on :)06:00
EnsignRedshirtplaytime3: If you need make, you probably need more stuff. You can get most of what you might need with one package: build-essential06:00
playtime3there is alot of packages for make, which one do i choose?06:00
scrappy_playtime3: if youre wanting to compile stuff start by installing the build-essential package06:00
JohnnyGMrRio: is there an easy or pre-built way to say "I want to pull from all respositories all the time"?06:00
Majeomnid: Nope, I'm missing that from everything except the default Gnome session06:00
MrRioJohnnyG, yes, go into Settings -> Repositories, click 'Add', then tick all the boxes06:01
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omnidSo you don't know what causes it?06:01
MrRioJohnnyG, this will use all those repos forever06:01
MajeNot off my head, but it's not strange06:01
playtime3im in synaptic package manager and search for make, it comes up with lots of packages06:01
MrRioJohnnyG, well, until you change it06:01
JohnnyGMrRio: when I do that, it seems like I'm only adding all options to the very top option06:01
MajeYou can logout and shut down or reboot from the login screen06:01
levanderAnybody can point me to some documentation about DVD burners that work well with Linux?  I had a few problems with my Pioneer drive on Linux.06:01
wweaselGuys, I recently switched to Swiftfox and set my default browser to Swiftfox.  I use KMess for MSN, and it still opens all of its external links in Firefox.  Anyone know how I can fix that?06:01
playtime3found it06:01
EnsignRedshirtplaytime3: Install "build-essential"06:01
playtime3EnsignRedshirt: yeh i found it06:02
EnsignRedshirtplaytime3: It is a metapackage; it will get make and several other tools.06:02
JohnnyGMrRio: there is Ubunti 6.06 LTS, LTS Security Updates, Updates and Backports for channels06:02
omnidMaje: That's lame. I didn't disable shut down or restart though. This is pretty dumb.06:02
MrRioJohnnyG, you can select channel from the dropdown, and do it for each if you wish06:02
JohnnyGmrRio: also, I click them all and click Add, but when I click add again they don't populate as checked06:02
tanlaanDoes anyone know any way to install ubuntu dapper from the live cd without gdm?06:03
Majeomnid: I'm sure there's a fix, I just don't know it06:03
MajeOookay, bye then.06:03
MrRioJohnnyG, that is a bit confusing, but they are there when you look under the headings06:03
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MrRioJohnnyG, should report that as a bug really06:03
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dougskowweasel: i dont know for sure, but you might want to look in something like ~/.KMess or ~/.kde/whatever/kmess for a personal config file06:03
MrRioJohnnyG, that tick thing has always confused me06:03
dougskowweasel: just a thought06:03
RehevkorJesus CHRIST why does Ubuntu always MAX the frigging volume on the Live CD and fresh installs?06:03
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Rehevkorpeople are trying to sleep around here06:04
JohnnyGMrRio: will Ubuntu get sued if it had one button to enable all and had it as "On" by default? I mean, what a really annoy and fatal impediment06:04
MajeRehevkor: It's to let everybody know you just installed Ubuntu. It's good advertising.06:04
rast4Ok so last night I had some issues, and a few people were helping me out. I managed to solve the problem with the help from everyone, it was Automatix that was messing up my booting. Now, the problem is that I can't install the latest Nvidia drivers without the system hanging on boot. I followed the tutorials on the forums page and also a walkthrough06:04
MrRioJohnnyG: You have a good point, I'm not sure, but if they could do it, im sure they would06:04
robbietwweasel: sry im chatting on AIM :D anyway I tried fsck and it said that it could severly damage the mounted partition so it said use e2fsck06:04
rast4It's an Nvidia Go 440 on a Toshiba Satellite  laptop06:05
Jimbo_tanlaan: if you use the dapper desktop-arch.iso live cd, it should have an icon to install on the desktop in gnome. If thats what you mean06:05
rast4any ideas anyone?06:05
petriborgif i want to test and see if there is any corruption on an ext3 drive, what command is best to use? I assume i do some sort of fsck /dev/sda1 etc, do i need to do anything to make sure it knows its ext3?06:05
wweaselrobbiet: how did you try to fsck it? using a live CD?06:05
MrRioJohnnyG, to be fair, ndiswrapper and madwifi were both in restricted, and installed as default06:05
robbietwweasel: no i did it during bootup. it said superblock screwed up or something and asked if i wanted to start maintence mode06:05
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gekko`petriborg: e2fsck instead of fsck06:06
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wweaselrobbiet: did you do e2fsck instead of fsck?06:06
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robbietwweasel: i had to get some number of another superblock06:06
petriborgall it says is: /dev/sdc1: clean, 56018/24428544 files, 45721744/48839600 blocks06:06
petriborgis that the correct output?06:07
davey_mrrio, did you get him the gtkndis wraper06:07
davey_that one is really nice06:07
pierrethhi petriborg06:07
pierrethi would like to know if it is possible to write a script to type something for me?06:07
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MrRiodavey_: havt seen tyhat, whats the package called?06:08
robbietwweasel: the command was e2fsck -b (number)06:08
petriborgpierreth - if its command line it is06:08
robbietwweasel: http://www.die.net/doc/linux/man/man8/e2fsck.8.html06:08
davey_mrrio, I think it's gtkndis06:08
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tanlaanJimbo_: well I cant really get to the desktop...what I wanted to know is if there was a text install, because I cant get anything visual atm.06:08
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leeyeeHi, I have a question about gnuplot, maybe this is not a proper place to ask06:08
pierrethpetriborg: i don't understand06:09
MrRiodavey_, ahh, ndisgtk06:09
Geoffrey2I believe I one heard of a service along the lines of Itunes, but it's sound files weren't DRM encumbered...anyone know where I could find something like that?06:09
Majetanlaan: if you use the server install CD, that's a text-only installer, if that's what you meant06:09
MrRiodavey_, i should of, that looks alot nicer06:09
Jimbo_tanlaan: you could try the alternative-<arch>.iso, that is the text mode install i think06:09
petriborgdid you get that message pierreth?06:09
wweaselrobbiet: Alright. I have personally had a superblock error before, and I tried exactly what you did.  fsck, e2fsck.  when you ran fsck it probably gave you the list of the locations of the superblocks. try all of them using e2fsck06:09
wweaselrobbiet: When I did that, it still didn't work.06:09
pierrethpetriborg: what message, i am sorry?06:09
EnsignRedshirtleeyee: Try #ubuntu-offtopic06:10
petriborgi tried to send you a message, clearly it didn't work06:10
robbietwweasel: no i tried it and it gave me the option to use it. It said it could damage my hard drive severly06:10
leeyeeokay, Thank you EnsignRedshirt06:10
tanlaanJimbo_: Hmm Ok I will.06:10
pierrethpetriborg: i am new with gnome06:10
petriborgto avoid me spamming this channel lets go to a new one, /join #pierreth06:10
pierreth /join #pierreth06:10
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Jimbo_tanlaan: i'm assuming the alternative-<arch>.iso is textmode, and the desktop-<arch>.iso is the livecd. maybe someone else can confirm that06:11
wweaselrobbiet: ah. you need to do this from a live cd. because in order to fsck, you need to unmount the partition. therefore you can't fsck your root partition. I don't know if this will work with your problem, but normally in Ubuntu if you want to force an fsck of your root partition you do "shutdown -F -r now"06:11
wweaselrobbiet: that will reboot your computer and run fsck as it is starting up06:11
droptothetopgetting a device-mapper: device /dev/sda too small for target06:12
wweaselrobbiet: but with a superblock error, it might not get that far.06:12
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droptothetopon an Sil 3114 raid 1006:12
droptothetopany ideas?06:12
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robbietwweasel: ok so i pop in the cd then go to the console then do e2fsck or fsck?06:12
davey_drop the top, linux is not good with raid06:12
wweaselrobbiet: Yes.06:12
droptothetopdavey_: this is simple dmraid though06:13
robbietwweasel: can u get on AIM and IM me. i dont like IRC :D my name is robbiet48006:13
droptothetopI had it working with a raid 006:13
wweaselrobbiet: I don't use AIM.06:13
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droptothetopnow with raid 10 the same card isn't working06:13
DrkLrdi cant play mp3 files xmms wont accept files in playlist mp3blaster also wont play any ideas?06:13
robbietwweasel: do u use anything else06:13
droptothetopI don't understand the error message06:13
droptothetopthat's all06:13
ripperanyone know how i can fix this?06:13
ripper/usr/lib/python2.4/ihooks.py:172: RuntimeWarning: Python C API version mismatch for module gobject: This Python has API version 1012, module gobject has version 1011.06:13
ripper  return imp.load_dynamic(name, filename, file)06:13
ripperYou do not have PyGtk-2 properly installed.06:13
droptothetopdevice is too small for target"06:14
wweaselrobbiet: Try PMing me in IRC06:14
wweaselrobbiet: What IRC client are you using?06:14
MrRioripper: What application are you trying to run there?06:14
robbietwweasel: colloquy06:14
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pc22anyone used USB foot pedal before in ubuntu?06:15
DrkLrdsomeone help me please :(06:15
_daniel_Hi I was wondering if anyone here owns a sony vaio, and has been able to use the smartcard reader under linux06:15
robbietwweasel: ill try another client. hold on06:15
wweaselrobbiet: I have never used colloquy, but you can probably PM with it.06:15
robbietwweasel: oh no i can PM just its not getting through. hold while i try a different client06:16
ripperthis problem is plauging me06:16
scalesany one dual boot ubuntu and windows, and been able to switch distros via screen rotation like i have seen on a macbook?06:17
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robbietwweasel: one more minute06:20
ripperanyone know how i can fix this pygtk+ problem?06:21
rast4where can I download individual packages like messengers, chat clients, etc for dapper?06:22
ripperrast4 > synaptic06:23
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rast4is that a program or place?06:23
rast4I just got through a horrible experience with Automatix06:23
rast4it crashed my system like 3 timers06:23
rast4I did 4 reinstalls :(06:23
MaximinusSystem -> Administration -> Synaptic Package Manager06:23
davey_frast4, have you tried snaptic06:23
rast4thank you everyone06:24
rast4davey: I'm about to :D06:24
davey_lol alright man06:24
_daniel_man this smartcard reader thing sucks06:24
rast4has anyone had a problem with Nvidia Go drivers with dapper?06:24
rast4I can't get an updated driver to work06:24
scalesso on the fly os switching?  anyone?06:24
rast4it makes the system crash06:24
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ripperdoes anyone know anything about properly installing pygtk-2 ?06:24
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sahasrarais it possible to download ubuntu on a dialup connection? like with bittorrent?06:25
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sahasrarai have bittorrent is that good enough?06:26
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Dr_Willissahasrara,  what os?06:26
MaximinusAnyone managed to get a Ricoh SD/MMC/MS reader/writer to work? Ricoh Co Ltd RL5c476 II (rev ac), also known as ricoh_59306:27
davey_sahasrara, but you knoww hat you should verify it06:27
sahasraraDr_Willis: i'm on 98 right now06:27
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Dr_Willissahasrara,  utorrent is one of the best for windows that ive seen.06:27
JoelMaxhi i need help06:27
sahasraradavey_: with an MD5 checker?06:27
sahasraraDr_Willis: ok06:27
rast4I agree with uTorrent06:27
JoelMaxi want install ATI 1900xtx06:27
Dr_Willissahasrara,  also ubuntu may be included with some of the linux magazines at teh bookstores06:27
ppcguyhey all have a pickle here.. Did the last update and went to reboot w/ Dapper and everything hangs @ mount of root file sys.. I'm on the live cd right now06:27
Bassettsto upgrade my kernel to i686 what packages do i requier?06:27
ppcguyis there anyway to get to my hd, get some files off onto a smartcard and then reinstall?06:28
sahasraraDr_Willis: it is in i believe LinuxFormat right now, i just don't want to pay $10, and it's ubuntu not kubuntu which i want06:28
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sahasrarai wonder if it's the live cd06:28
davey_ppcguy, ya sure just mount the hardrive and drag and dtop06:28
Dr_Willissahasrara,  it  proberly the livecd/installer.06:28
Dr_Willissahasrara,  often they got a dvd that has several .isos on it.06:28
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ppcguythe one in the new linux format is live/install06:28
robbiet480wweasel: hey im trying to PM in a different client but its still not working06:28
sahasraraoh... well i don't have a dvd player06:29
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Rehevkordoes Fluxbox include a file manager?06:29
MrRiosahasrara: how much RAM do you have? the livecd installer needs 256mb to work well06:29
rast4Synaptic doesn't have add-ons that I want, are there any other suggestions?06:29
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sahasrarathere's a dvd with like 6 distros in a linux for dummies magazine from the library, but i can't get them off it06:29
MrRiosahasrara: otherwise get the tetx mode install cd06:29
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Dr_WillisRehevkor,  yes06:29
ppcguythanks davey_: More to the point though. Via the live cd, how can I found out what is wrong? /var/logs?06:29
sahasraraMrRio: 51206:29
MrRiosahasrara: you'll want the livecd :)06:29
RehevkorDr_Willis: do you know which?06:29
sahasrarappcguy: ok06:29
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Dr_WillisRehevkor,  i would guess the xfce file manager. :P06:30
Dr_WillisRehevkor,  or ya can install any of a dozen others.06:30
ppcguyI would much rather find out what is wrong w/ my current install then blow it out and reinstall06:30
sahasrarayeah i decided possibly the kubuntu cd i burnt off an image someone else dl'ed for me, is corrupt or incomplete06:30
sahasraraso i want to redo it06:30
Dr_Willisi think xffm is the default. thunar is popular however06:30
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RehevkorDr_Willis: do you know of any guides that explain how to change the default file manager?06:30
Dr_WillisRehevkor,   never seen such a 'thing' you normally just run the one you want to use.06:30
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RehevkorI havent been able to find one06:30
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sahasraraif i get impatient i'll just buy the linuxformat then06:30
rast4if Ubuntu installs as linux-386 and I'm on a P4, shouldn't this be linux-686?06:31
e\ectrowhere do I change my IP address settings for eth0 ?06:31
Rehevkorrast4: nope06:31
Dr_WillisRehevkor,  under gnome you can change the  defaults of nautilus to run one way or another.. but not noticed anything similer for other desktops06:31
Vexmasterrast4- Did you install in text mode?06:31
sahasraralinux is taking over my life06:31
davey_wait sorry, talking to a hot chick on aim and got distracted did someone ask me something?06:31
rast4I installed off the CD06:31
lxerast4 if you want to install the 686 kernel you can. look for it in the repository06:31
sahasrarai want to learn and get it right before i install it, but i've got other stuff to do, it's a sacrifice06:31
rast4I see it in Synaptic06:32
rast4is it beneficial?06:32
rast4I mean it should be better to use it on the proper system right?06:32
lxeif you are installing crucial software drivers06:32
Vexmasterrast4 - Yes06:32
rast4it's installed as 386 and I use a 68606:32
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JoelMaxi need help for install ATI 1900xtx06:32
davey_rast4, if you have all the "suported software" then all the stuff i good to go06:32
lxelike ati06:32
rast4well here goes nothing06:32
davey_joelmax, get the binary drivers06:32
rast4thanks, and forgive my ignorance06:32
rast4I'm used to Slackware06:32
rast4so I'm trying to adjust here06:32
Vexmasterrast 4 if you can you might want to look into dl'ing the dvd version and installing from text mode06:33
rast4I totally like this flavor though06:33
lxerast4: if your comp works fine, you shouldnt change. But i'm pretty sure it wont harm it06:33
JoelMaxdavey_ sudo apt-get install fglrx?06:33
rast4well the only ting I have a prob with is the Nvidia drivers06:33
rast4it makes my system hang06:33
rast4then I have to resintall :(06:33
davey_joelmax, try the totroial on the OFFICAL ubuntu wiki06:33
rast4but I'm not using upgraded drivers06:33
Geoffrey2I've seen people claim the 686 version of linux runs much faster, and I've seen people post that it makes absolutely no difference at all....06:33
rast4I kepy it the same06:33
Vexmasterrast4 - you dont have to if you dont want to06:33
JoelMaxdavey_ do you have the link?06:34
lxerast4: yeah installing kernel and restricted modules for 686 should help. Check the forums though, i'm not very sure06:34
rast4I didn't see the DVD version available where I downloade06:34
=== EnsignRedshir1 [n=wweckess@cpe-24-59-254-40.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
sahasrarawhat's a torrent search engine for anyhow06:34
davey_uhhh... no but if you find it privatmessage me and i can check it for you to make sure it's good suff06:34
rast4I read a ton of stuff on the Nvidia problem, and I followed it step by step and it didn't work06:34
petriborgto find torrents?06:34
Majesahasrara: they search the internet for .torrent files...look up BitTorrent for info06:34
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rast4kast question, what is the difference between linux-686 and linux-686 smp06:35
davey_one is for multiple prossesors06:35
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rast4ahh that's it. thanks06:35
rast4you guys are helpful, I appreciate it06:36
sahasraraoh, you mean b/c a software developer has to have the file specially prepared into torrents for you06:36
omnidThe VMWare site makes my head hurt just looking at it06:36
J8T5X7what's appreciate?06:36
omnidIt really makes itself look really important06:36
rast4it's what most people don't do and what should be done/shown when someone helps you06:36
rast4appreciation :)06:36
=== EriK [n=erik@66-191-6-169.dhcp.elbg.wa.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Geoffrey2I was going to install the 686 kernel for Ubuntu, but then I read a post that stated it tends to make notebooks overheat.....that kind of talked me out of it06:37
Majesahasrara: a torrent file just points to a file or several files spread on other people's computers across the world...using a client, you can download them yourself06:37
omnidTo give thanks basically06:37
davey_geoffrery2 thats fake06:37
davey_geoffrery2, the cpu scales the frequency06:38
davey_it doesn't run at full powera ll the time06:38
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davey_] heck i'm running at 800 mhz right now on my athlon6406:38
RehevkorDoes Synaptic work in other window managers, like fluxbox?06:38
rast4I'm installing the 686 now so I'll let you know :D06:38
davey_when I need it it changes over to 1.606:38
sahasrarathanks, Maje06:39
EriKRehevkor:  as long as you have the gtk runtimes, it should work fine06:39
rast4rebooting with fingers crossed06:39
Vexmasterrast 4 GOOD LUCK!!06:39
rast4it downloaded and installed....here we go06:39
Bassettsto get 6.06.1 do i have to download the cd??06:39
rast4it kept 386 in the grub menu06:39
sahasrarathanks everyone, back to reading manuals and downloading06:40
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lxerast4: have fun06:40
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IcemanV9i have 686 on my box - no problem (so far)06:41
rast4looks good so far06:41
rast4I won't be able to tell the difference I don't think06:41
davey_lol it's officaly supported06:41
rast4this Nvidia issue is really holding me back though06:41
MajeBassetts: No, 6.06.1 is just an updated install CD so new users don't have to update everything. You already should have 6.06.1 if you've been installing software updates06:41
Bassettsok Maje06:41
Bassettsyeh just finished updating my kernel to 68606:41
IcemanV9cannot help there since i have ati :/06:42
davey_i'm going to bed, night everyone06:42
rast4yeah I'm good to go, maybe a little difference in multitasking speed06:42
rast4night davey06:42
EriKnightey davey06:42
MajeDoes anyone know of good CD/DVD drive emulation software?06:42
rast4thanks for the help06:42
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tomlikestorockwhy doesn't my network manager icon show up in the panel?06:42
EriKmaje: the isofs? stuff with fuse generally suits my needs for mounting iso's, but my needs are simple06:43
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evan_w00hmmm, does ubunto have a system restore lol06:44
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eggauahI'm trying to use autoreconf here but it's complaining that AM_PATH_PYTHON cant be found. where can I get the definition for this macro?06:44
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Majeevan_w00: yes, it's in your system menu...backup/restore06:45
evan_w00oh ok, thanks06:45
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Double_Danyone: i'm working on setting a webpage and trying to use a php script.  when i load the page through firefox, rather than display it, it asks to open it with gedit or save it.  any idea what i need to change to get it just display the page?06:46
Double_Di'm using apache2.06:46
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sahasrarahi again06:46
sahasraraok isn't this torrent thing risky? getting files from strangers, how do i know my ubuntu is safe?06:47
tomlikestorockanyone? why doesn't my network manager icon show up in the panel?06:47
evan_w00everyone uses torrents :P06:47
rippercan someone please help with my pygtk-2 problem?06:47
rast4how do you take ownership of an ntfs drive that's mounted?06:47
rippergyach:2467): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_text_buffer_emit_insert: assertion `g_utf8_validate (text, len, NULL)' failed06:47
ripper/usr/lib/python2.4/ihooks.py:172: RuntimeWarning: Python C API version mismatch for module gobject: This Python has API version 1012, module gobject has version 1011.06:47
ripper  return imp.load_dynamic(name, filename, file)06:47
ripperYou do not have PyGtk-2 properly installed.06:47
rast4I can't write to it and I need that access06:47
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EriKsahasrara:  I believe torrent compares against known good md5 hashes, so you should be okay06:47
evan_w00best solution: virus scan :P06:48
letters_9it says I need universe and multiverse for the nvidia driver to install06:48
Dr_Willisgetting where many disrtos release their .iso's on bittorent now a days06:48
letters_9but they are 2 dvd's worth and I can only download through windows, on a dialup modem06:48
rast4sahasrara: if you're willing to leech it on a torrent, why not get it from the ubuntu site?06:48
sahasraraEriK: oh ok06:48
letters_9anyone know why packages I really need for to install Nvidia driver ?06:48
EriKas long as you trust where you are getting the original tracker from, methinks you are ok06:49
gdbletters_9: you can find that out yourself.  are you in unbuntu now?06:49
sahasrararast4: isn't it faster from torrents? and i don't have to get it all at once? i'm on dialup06:49
Dr_Willissahasrara,  dialup and 'faster'  should never be used together :P06:49
gdbletters_9: if you are, add those 2 repositories, do an apt-get update, and then "apt-cahce depends name-of-package" -- that will list everything you need to download06:49
rast4letters_9: torrents just break it inti multiple files, that are unusable until the whole download is finished06:49
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evan_w00well if your dial up, use torrent unless you have a download accelerator that can "resume"06:49
Dr_Willissahasrara,  at least ya could download it over several days.06:49
tomlikestorockhow do I make my network manager icon show up again?06:50
Geoffrey2every time I mention virus scanners and ubuntu in the same sentence, someone tries to wash my mouth out with soap... :)06:50
sahasraraDr_Willis: exactly06:50
rast4err that was to sahasrara not letters06:50
=== Maximinus shoves a bar of soap in Geoffrey2's mouth
IcemanV9Double_D: right-click on file to use a different app06:50
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evan_w00i think i deleted my terminal...06:50
sahasraraevan_w00: i thought the torrent resumes where an earlier download left off06:50
rast4can someone tell me how to take ownership of an ntfs folder to be able to write to it?06:50
Dr_WillisGeoffrey2,  all the linux 'virus scanner' programs are for scanning windows data files to protect windows systems. :P06:50
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letters_9no, i can only connect with windows till my external dialup modem arrives06:51
evan_w00yeah they do06:51
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Double_DIcemanV9: okay, let me give it a shot.06:51
letters_9i cant use apt-get06:51
evan_w00its good incase you disconnect06:51
letters_9apt-cdrom works I think06:51
Geoffrey2oh, how can I make a .mid file play in mplayer?06:52
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sahasrarai bet i have a download accelerator on here somewhere06:52
letters_9im not using bittorrent , i cant get this internal dialup modem to work with ubuntu ,but thats another story06:52
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evan_w00man, linux's learning curve is huge.06:52
tomlikestorocknobody else has ever had this problem?06:52
EriKGeoffrey2:  I use clamav to protect users from themselves.  I don't need the protection on our linux/bsd machines, but a lot of our users need plenty of protection from themselves.06:52
Double_DIcemanV9: still does the same thing.  splash screen shows 'you have chosen to open test.php which is a php file, what do you want firefox to do,' etc.06:52
sahasrarai have Download Accelerator Plus 7.5, and Net Vampire06:53
evan_w00network icon?06:53
Rehevkoranyone know how to get fluxbox working properly on ubuntu? apparently the package in the respository is broken (nothing in the fluxbox menu) and the latest .debs for fluxbox are for debian sarge and hoary.06:53
sahasraraevan_w00: it is...... all i do is read and read, just to prepare myself to install06:53
letters_9no 3d games ubuntu style it seems till i get new modem06:53
evan_w00hmm, wait, sahasrara what are you downloading?06:53
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evan_w00oh gosh...06:54
tomlikestorockevan_w00: yeah nm-applet runs, but I got no icon up there06:54
=== jn [n=jn@adsl-69-109-225-52.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
jnwhat is the best antivirus for ubuntu06:54
omnidIs VMWare free?06:54
Geoffrey2EriK, I tried install clamav....couldn't figure out how to even make it start up, and since everyone on here insisted it was totally pointless on a linux system, I just removed it06:54
evan_w00no need :)06:54
sahasrarai have a cd but it's corrupted i think... i checked and my edubuntu burn has an md5 log file, the kubuntu one doesn't and messes up on booting06:54
jnno need for antivirus?06:54
IcemanV9Double_D: odd. it should be display in FX w/o asking a question.06:55
sahasrarai don't know if the guy who downloaded the images for me still has them on his computer06:55
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polpakjn: not really06:55
Dr_Willisjn,  only if you want to scan your windows partitions. :P06:55
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sahasrarabut i burned the cd's from ubuntu (k3b?) and i don't know why one had md5 checking and the other not06:55
jnu guys use firestarted and nessus tho correct?06:55
castuh, oh. so the install cd and livecd are one in the same?06:55
Double_DIcemanV9: it works on other servers I work with, definitely.  I'm not sure what I could have misconfigured that it forces that.  I've tried from different locations and whenever I try to access the script from my server it does the same thing.06:56
sahasrarahow about AV for scanning my windows backup files?06:56
SurfnKidwhats a good website creator in linux?06:56
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polpakSurfnKid: there's SCREAM, or NVU, but a good ol' text editor works pretty well too (I like Jedit)06:56
omnidYour windows virii should not affect your linux installation though06:56
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=== Dr_Willis uses wine to install Malware.
sahasraraand if i have one ubuntu cd can't i just copy the thing from nero? the guy who let me burn from his pc said you can't just copy images06:57
omnidwell as far as I know06:57
evan_w00unless if it blows up your computer :)06:57
thanatoswhat is it called when you are not running any desktop managers? Text mode, console, etc  is there technical name that is commenly known06:57
Dr_Willisjust to see what it installs where.06:57
SurfnKidpolpak, ah ok i thought SCREEM was good, but ive got tables and theyre yucky to edit :)06:57
Dr_Willisthanatos,  the console.06:57
sahasrarai see, omnid... but i read linux can be affected by worms06:57
Dr_Willisthanatos,  ya got X , then ya got the console.06:57
polpakSurfnKid: generally easiest to do it by hand06:57
r0wd3How do i boot ubuntu in text mode?06:57
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sahasrarai was reading a little on emulators today06:57
omnidHow many virii were there ever for Linux again? Something like 40?06:57
Dr_Willisr0wd3,  just kill the gdm/xdm service is one way.06:57
thanatoshow do i change the resolution of the console06:58
IcemanV9Double_D: hmm. i don't know. my brain is fried. i should be in bed. sorry. :/06:58
thanatosmake the text smaller06:58
Dr_Willisomnid,  but if they took advantage of an exploit in a service.. were they really for linux. :P06:58
sahasraradidn't the first worm ever affect unix?06:58
evan_w00man im so lost in linux's console >.<06:58
Dr_Willisthanatos,  thats a grub option.06:58
Dr_Willisevan_w00,  its FUNdamental! :P06:58
r0wd3IS their advantages of booting in text mode?06:58
Double_DIcemanV9: that's okay, thanks for the help.06:58
SurfnKidpolpak, yeah ive got this page source i want to edit, but once i see a lot of code, my eyes start crossing 0_006:58
evan_w00noooo so many commands :P06:58
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evan_w00wouldnt text mode be much stable?06:59
Dr_Willisr0wd3,  when problems arive - often you are stuck in the console to fix it...06:59
sahasraralol evan06:59
polpakSurfnKid: well, if the source is properly spaced, and indented it's not too bad. But if it was created with a wysiwyg then you're pretty much SOL on that count06:59
pierrethare we having access to multiple clipboard in gnome?06:59
Dr_Willisevan_w00,  would ya rather there be no commands? :P06:59
r0wd3Thanks Dr.06:59
cast,,so ubuntu-6.06.1-desktop-i386.iso *is* the livecd correct?06:59
evan_w00yep :)06:59
sahasrarai have a 2 year degree in windows programming.... all for what now that i will change to linux06:59
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polpakcast: it is a live cd yes06:59
omnidYes it's a LiveCD and installation in one!06:59
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=== Dr_Willis pokes evan_w00 with a MS BOB logo.
polpaksahasrara: programming what language?07:00
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owen_alright, i just compiled from source a game called Sauerbraten, now what would be the command in the terminal, to run it?07:00
sahasraracommands are fun, actually ... if i know them, it's always fun to just let my finger rattle off a command07:00
SurfnKidpolpak, hehe yeah07:00
sahasrarapolpak: vb6.... also took a little c and sql07:00
SurfnKidpolpak, i think it was created in Geo.... somethin07:00
polpaksahasrara: well the C and sql are still applicable07:01
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sahasraraso i guess i can go further with c and sql or learn c++ and do alright07:01
polpaksahasrara: and vb is evil so it's good to be rid of it07:01
omnidC++ is for winners07:01
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=== God is now known as Maje
=== FloK [n=flo@dslb-084-056-036-004.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
polpaksahasrara: there's C# for linux, and there's also python (my fav)07:01
sahasrarai remember how good it felt learning c07:01
polpaksahasrara: plenty of good languages to use for development07:02
=== brlancer [n=brlancer@68-114-46-223.dhcp.stbr.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
rast4any comments on easyUbuntu? good, bad or ugly?07:02
omnidI wish there was a Reason equivelent07:02
Dr_Willisrast4,  best to learn to do the installs youreslf.07:02
omnidI want Reason for Linux so bad07:02
polpakrast4: not generally necessary is my comment07:02
rast4I just like the idea of all of the programs in one central place07:02
rast4like I want the msn app07:02
Dr_Willisrast4,  it dont have all of them...07:03
rast4I don't know where to get it and these programs have the locatin07:03
Dr_Willisand oftenit dont work very good. :P learn to use synaptic.07:03
rast4Automatix does, but that ruined my shit07:03
sahasrarai downloaded 3 tutorials on software installing in linux today lol07:03
polpakrast4: use the DesktopGuide07:03
evan_w00this workspace thing... is amazing... im so windowed lol07:03
rast4Synaptic doesn't have the things I want though07:03
Dr_WillisAUtomatix is 5x worse. :P07:03
polpakrast4: chances are it does07:03
Dr_Willisrast4,   Bah! Humbug!07:03
sahasrarai'd better be able to access all these saved pages from linux!07:03
polpakrast4: if you know where to look07:03
rast4yeah I HATE Automatix07:03
rast4I would think communications would be where to look in Synaptic07:03
=== gummygod [n=gummygod@rrcs-67-53-134-7.west.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
rast4for messengers07:04
Dr_Willisthats what the 'search feature' is for.07:04
polpakrast4: have you seen the desktop guide?07:04
=== Bassetts [n=Bassetts@cpc2-mapp1-0-0-cust56.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
rast4No I haven't. Link please?07:04
Dr_Williscommunications = old skool definition = serial communications.07:04
rast4I know I should be rtfm'n07:04
Bassettshow can i make a grub splash image?07:04
polpakrast4: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/index.html07:05
rast4thank you07:05
=== Flyoc_ is now known as Flyoc
gummygodim trying to install wine, anyone kno where i can get xorg-devel07:05
polpakrast4: you can also search the community docs, there's a lot of good info07:06
polpakgummygod: eh..07:06
polpakgummygod: you don't need to compile wine07:06
rast4I've been hanging there, trying to resolve my Nvidia issue07:06
rast4to no avail mind you, but yes, very helpful07:06
SurfnKidpolpak, hey quick question on the editing part of screem, ive got the code window, but i want a edit preview window to change and see what im doing, is there something i should enable07:07
polpakrast4: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/hardware.html07:07
slackerbloody windows!07:07
slackerahh, it finaly responds07:07
rast4ah nice, thanks!07:08
polpakSurfnKid: I don't think there's a way to do that07:08
gummygodpolpak, if it doesnt compile w/o errors/warnings wont it not work?07:08
SurfnKidmight have to look it up07:08
gummygodi thought i installed it but i cant get it to work07:08
polpakgummygod: theres a repo for wine07:09
polpakgummygod: you don't need to compile it07:09
polpakgummygod: http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb07:09
gummygodtried that twice07:09
polpakgummygod: which part gave you trouble?07:09
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rast4where is this repository?07:10
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gummygodi THINK i installed it correctly but when i do 'winecfg' it says x11 driver missing07:10
polpakrast4: repository for which?07:10
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rast4for anything, like how is it accessed07:10
polpakgummygod: eh. then you probably didn't ;p07:10
=== Bassetts [n=Bassetts@cpc2-mapp1-0-0-cust56.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
polpakrast4: through synaptic or apt-get07:10
rast4ah ok07:11
rast4I get it07:11
rast4this Ununtu f'n rocks07:11
polpakrast4: yes it does07:11
=== tj9991 [n=tslocum@c-67-183-68-252.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
gummygodpolpak: god dammit, i cant uninstall it either07:12
=== Ghost_Printer [n=geek4lif@S0106006067664bde.no.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
polpakgummygod: when compiling from source use checkinstall, or specify a prefix like /opt/pkgname so you can quickly/easily remove it07:12
polpakgummygod: but in general, don't compile from source07:13
slackercan I rant about windows and vendors which do not support unix for their applications?07:13
slackeri hate them07:13
polpakslacker: if it makes you feel better to do so07:13
polpakslacker: preferably in #ubuntu-offtopic07:14
gummygodpolpak: im relatively new to linux, so i dont kno what that means, but whats the 'hard' way to remove it?07:14
slackerpolpak: the past hour trying to get one ********* application running07:14
Ghost_PrinterSlacker: Please Rant07:14
slackerit tells me nothing07:14
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slackerthe logs are in csv format07:14
slackerthe KVM is slow07:14
Dr_WillisHmm.. all i did to get wine going was 'sudo apt-get install wine' then i ran 'wine winrarinstaller.exe'07:14
slackerand the bloody widows event logs do not show a thing07:14
polpakgummygod: the hard way is to rebuild it with a prefix, then look for the files it created, on the main location (probably /usr/local)07:15
polpakgummygod: and remove those07:15
slackerI HATE windows07:15
polpakgummygod: it probably only installed a couple of programs07:15
rs31337slacker, what were you trying to get running07:15
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slackerrs31337: stupid ap for work07:15
slackerOPS server (ECI application)07:15
polpakgummygod: ls -al /usr/local/bin07:15
polpakgummygod: it probably is the only thing in there07:16
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thanatosso does anyoneknow how to change the console resolution/ where to change it07:16
polpakthanatos: you specify it on boot07:16
slackerthink I'm going to kill the consultant and the windows admin for this07:16
polpakthanatos: it's a framebuffer option07:16
Dr_Willisthanatos,  to change the res. you normally set the vga= option in the grub menu.lst or use 'vga=ask'07:16
=== drake4 [i=drake2@167-5-174-206.gci.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_Willisthat sets the framebuffer res. Theres also some framebuffer related tools that set things on the fly07:17
=== Shinzetsu [n=Shinzets@ipd50a2372.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
ShinzetsuHi, I have a problem described here; http://www.pastecode.com/299807:18
cry0genThis sucks. Everytime I try to enable wireless on my system (with usb adapter) the damned system locks solid07:18
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Dr_WillisShinzetsu,  ya may want to give a littel summary. :P07:18
Shinzetsuits too big to explain =p07:19
Shinzetsuwell gnome doesnt work07:19
Dr_WillisShinzetsu,  well dont expext people to go there just to see if they MIGHT know somting bout it. lol...07:19
Shinzetsuk ill type it here then07:19
Dr_Willisok.. gnome is not  starting up as you login?07:19
Shinzetsunow you have to wait and let me type it =p07:20
=== Coffeegrinds [n=geek@host.229.196.mtl.cablemodem.vdn.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_Willisgnome used to work? but now dosent? :P  .... lol07:20
=== Dr_Willis gets out his ESP helm!
gummygodpolpak: there a way i can delete these files w/o command line?07:20
Dr_Willis'i see much typing in your future!'07:20
noiesmodoes anyone know why the softwarefreedomday.org page has changed or has it moved when i google it looks like its right but then when you go there its changed overnight the google cached is correct07:20
Coffeegrindsanyone else recently affected by every site upgrading to flash 9 only?07:20
ShinzetsuI only have kubuntu-desktop installed, but I can still choose KDE, GNOME and XFCE at sessiontype. KDE works great, XFCE works great (although its 'not installed') and GNOME gives me flashing taskbar and eventually my wallaper and nothing else (it's also 'not installed')07:20
polpakgummygod: eh, there is..07:21
ShinzetsuI tried reinstalling them but no good07:21
polpakgummygod: but you have to be careful07:21
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Dr_WillisShinzetsu,  make a new user, and see if it works for him/her.07:21
noiesmoCoffeegrinds, yes I ended up installing firefox for windows with wine and then use it and you can get flash 9 for windows to install and the sites are fine07:21
CoffeegrindsI want these tubes to truck me over some youtube, but my flash says no to sound07:21
ShinzetsuDr_Willis: okay will try07:21
Coffeegrindsi have me an idea then07:22
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gummygodpolpak: lets hear it, im just deleting files starting w/ wine07:22
polpakgummygod: gksudo nautilus will give you a root enabled file manager07:22
Dr_WillisShinzetsu,  if the new user works.. then its your gnome settings that are messed up. could remove the .gnome* dirs07:22
FlannelShinzetsu: 'not installed' being you installed, and then uninstalled _ubuntu-desktop?07:23
=== wormsign [n=wormsign@S010600409530e89f.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
stopherdoesn't wine make windows apps available on linux?07:23
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noiesmostopher, most some yes07:23
Dr_Willisstopher,  wine can run many windows programs.07:23
slacker"a reboot a day will keep the docter away"07:23
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stopherslacker: for windows yes07:23
=== slacker goes back to bed
slackerhad enough of that windows box07:23
=== Bassetts [n=Bassetts@cpc2-mapp1-0-0-cust56.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== noiesmo is running firefox for windows under wine for flash 9 sites
slackerpkill windows07:24
polpakstopher: wine works for many things, but not for many other things07:24
slackerjust like windows07:24
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slackerI think we found the missing link ;)07:24
Coffeegrindsnoiesmo: got no sound though ..07:25
Flannelstopher: depending on the complexity of the program (more like, how many other libraries the program uses)07:25
stopheri see07:25
godtviskenWhere are the keyboard layouts stored in the list System -> Preferences -> Keyboard -> Layouts07:25
stopherive heard of mIRC being used on wine07:25
stophercalled mIRC on Wine07:25
noiesmoCoffeegrinds, hmm not sure my sounds fine07:25
Dr_Willisstopher,  thats just SICK.07:25
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Dr_Willismirc is sick.. but using it with wine.. is beyond sick. :P07:26
polpakstopher: why ruin a perfectly good os, with such a terrible irc client ;p07:26
Flannelstopher: why not just use something native?  Linux has IRC apps too you know ;)07:26
=== birdmun [n=birdmun@ppp-70-255-21-110.dsl.spfdmo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_Willisand no you DONT need to run your mIRC bot.....07:26
Coffeegrindsnoiesmo: yeah it's weird, but ohh well I'll try another way i guess. .07:26
stopheryeah, xchat or whatever and Bitchx07:26
noiesmoCoffeegrinds, sound works everywere else i take it07:26
gummygodpolpak: alright thanks, i just hope i didnt fuck something up ;)07:27
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about reboot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:27
Coffeegrindsnoiesmo: no problems with anything else and it just happened a few days ago .. could just be an update i failed to notice07:27
slackeryou should respond with: "windows please"07:27
=== HellDragon [n=jd@about/copyleft/pdpc.active.HellDragon] has joined #ubuntu
polpakgummygod: just removing the wine programs should be fine07:27
HellDragoni REALLY need help07:27
HellDragonX is not working anymore07:27
HellDragoni just partitionnated with partition magic07:28
HellDragoni think it broke something07:28
polpakgummygod: if you use the wine repo and reinstall everything should work07:28
polpakgummygod: reinstall wine I mean07:28
HellDragonit corrupted everything07:28
gummygodlets hope so07:28
polpakgummygod: from the repo, not compiling07:28
stopher+ kirc07:28
gummygodwhat is 'the repo' anyways07:28
noiesmoCoffeegrinds, sounds like an app might have muted sound on pcm check with say alsmixer the volumes etc would be my suggestion07:28
gummygodresaprosity (sp)07:28
HellDragonim in poop07:29
polpakgummygod: repository07:29
gummygodok ill do that, later07:29
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birdmunanyone program PIC's in here?07:30
=== dasos [n=dasos@ip24-255-129-216.ks.ks.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
leiomkay, so, I have text that wants to be invisible in edgy, and shows itself sometimes when forcing an expose redraw. Fresh dist-upgrade from ubuntu07:30
leioAnd hello. Any hints?07:31
petriborgnot sure what you mean leio:-)07:32
birdmuni cant even get a program to install from source im sure not gonna be able to help with text issues ;)07:32
dasoswhen using a terminal with tab completion, the system case beeps a lot, is there a way to get this to come out of the regular speakers and not the case speaker?07:32
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leiopetriborg: when I switch workspace to the one where firefox is, half of the text in it is invisible07:32
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leiountil I select it, then it comes visible07:32
leiounderlines are always shown07:32
leioit's erratic, and happens not only on workspace switches only07:33
leiohappens in gnome-terminal as well07:33
birdmundasos, have you tried muting the pc speaker?07:33
petriborgdasos, no i don't know but if you figure it out i'd like to know too :-)07:33
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leioand in KDE apps it doesn't re-appear in some cases - there some certain text is and stays invisible. Such as anything inside a kate editor component07:34
birdmunall my sound comes thru my speakers07:34
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dasosbirdmun, muting my pc speakers?07:34
davidjohnstonI am very new to linux, but very noob to ubuntu07:34
birdmuneven when i boot the bios beep comes thru my speakers07:34
castdavidjohnston: aha.07:34
birdmundasos, double click the speaker and mute the pc speaker selection07:34
=== BeepAU [n=BeepAU@CPE-144-137-44-84.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
davidjohnstonI decided I was going to do my first install tonight and just use it as a subversion server with a basic apache install07:35
stopher<davidjohnston> I am very new to linux, but very noob to ubuntu<<would that mean you are new to both? LOL07:35
dasosbirdmun, pc speaker was already muted =(07:35
stopherdavidjohnston you have the install with the LAMP selection07:35
castdavidjohnston: oh. easy enough. but why apache? its nontrivial to config well07:35
BeepAUhey everyone, is there any way to minimize xmms to the system tray?07:35
=== thanatos [n=thanatos@d142-59-69-162.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
davidjohnstonstopher:  no I just mean I hadn't went through the different versions (for example: ubuntu, ubuntu server, kubuntu, etc)07:36
Flannelcast: Apache is fairly trivial.  It's already setup!07:36
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leiopetriborg: I was thinking the cairo bug that was recently resolved, but KDE having problems too makes me think different07:36
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birdmundavidjohnston, have you tried this --> http://www.howtoforge.com/lamp_installation_ubuntu6.0607:36
stopherohhh i see07:36
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davidjohnstonwell I decided to go with the server install but for some reason when I load my server install disks it just refuses to do anything with them and I have to do a typical ubuntu install07:36
davidjohnstonbirdmun:  no i'll check it out07:36
ShinzetsuDr_Willis: GNOME works on the other user, but the graphic drivers arent installed on his account yet, but it works yeah07:36
castFlannel: for dynamic apache is a pretty good bet. but for static content i don't like it :|07:36
stopheri have a text only version, it lets me do a LAMP isntall with apache, php5, etc07:37
petriborgleio yeah, i donno man, its an odd issue- i assume nothing on google :/07:37
=== Ratlump [n=royal@adsl-216-63-185-123.dsl.ltrkar.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Flannelyeah, that's the server ISO.  Anotehr means of a bare-bones system is the alternate ISO, and type 'server' at the boot prompt07:37
davidjohnstonbut anyway, I have finished my ubuntu install, do you all see any problems with now just using gnome to do some slight configurations then stripping all windowing systems and unneeded stuff and then just doing all my server installs07:37
leiogoogle-fu failing on this for me. Can't think of good keywords that wouldn't give me irrelevant stuff07:37
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davidjohnstonwould there be any main difference from the server install...I'm not for sure what all the server version included07:37
stopherwhat are you searching for leio?07:38
stopherthe text only lets you do server and LAMP server as far as i know. i like LAMP version, though i don't know why they called it LAMP07:38
davidjohnstoni can handle the LAMP install by myself and also the subversion07:38
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leioI'm searching for my text, which is fun to do if you need to pull some tricks to see the results :p07:38
davidjohnstonwhat do you mean you don't know why they call it LAMP07:38
snoopsdavidjohnston well you get no X(gui) with the server installation.. just terminal07:38
RatlumpUbuntu rules!  Does anyone know how to get OpenGL to work with Intel Corporation Mobile Integrated Graphics Controller?07:39
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tanlaanDoes anyone know how to change your exit text in "bitchx"?07:39
ShinzetsuI only have kubuntu-desktop installed, but I can choose KDE, GNOME or XFCE at sessiontype- KDE works great, XFCE works great (although its 'not installed'), GNOME works weird on my account (flashing taskbar, nothing else and its 'not installed') Ive tried another user and it works good there, anything that could help it make it work on my account?07:39
davidjohnstonsnoops:  right but if I get rid of all X after I do some initial system customizations there wouldn't be any difference after I remove all X components07:39
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tanlaanI don't want to get banned from here :D07:39
Flanneldavidjohnston: the "server ISO" installs some server optomized kernels, as to what is different for them, I'm not certain.  Theres also a LAMP pre-configure option.  However, stripping everything odwn takes a lot of work, youre better off with the alternate ISO with a 'server' install (which is just the ordinary base (non graphical) system, without special kernels)07:39
gdbShinzetsu: "apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" to make sure it's all installed, perhaps? ;-)07:39
FlannelShinzetsu: 'not installed' being you installed, and then uninstalled _ubuntu-desktop?07:39
NickGarveytanlaan: bitchx is a command line client right?  if it is, I expect its a config file somewhere07:40
davidjohnstoni have the server iso it just won't load properly on the system I'm using which is quite old07:40
Shinzetsuoh wait07:40
ShinzetsuI meant07:40
davidjohnstonis there any reason this should happen07:40
ShinzetsuI have kubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-desktop07:40
NickGarvey!opengl > Ratlump07:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about opengl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:40
NickGarveyoh thats pretty sweet07:40
petriborgdasos - http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?p=205355307:40
=== safrican [n=safrican@adsl-75-34-165-216.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
NickGarveytanlaan: second, lemme look it up07:40
rast4I've been trying to search through the docs and forums, but I can't find out how to get permissions for a mounted NTFS volume07:40
rast4I need write permissions07:41
Shinzetsugdb, Flannel: I got ubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-desktop, XFCE still works for some reason, and GNOME is weird only on my account07:41
=== safrican is now known as safrican_
leiostopher: http://ucw.dustbite.net/pics/varia/invisible_text.png07:41
davidjohnstoni'm find with command line and everything I just need to get the server install to work and I don't know of a way to do a network server install07:41
stopherohh i see what you're talking about now07:41
=== Colossal [n=jeremy@S0106000d612db1e7.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
gdbShinzetsu: Do you have any customizations that you're looking to preserve?07:41
FlannelShinzetsu: If you uninstall the meta packages (ubuntu-desktop, etc), it doesn't remove all the components07:41
davidjohnstonfor some reason a regular ubuntu cd boots properly as do Kubuntu and Xubuntu but not the server iso07:41
RatlumpThanks NickGarvey!07:42
BeepAUhey everyone, is there any way to minimize xmms to the system tray?07:42
ShinzetsuFlannel: how do I reinstall them 'fully' then?07:42
davidjohnstondoes anyone know if it's possible to do a server network install07:42
castBeepAU: google!07:42
davidjohnstonor is that just not possible07:42
Shinzetsugdb: I only need the standard Ubuntu GNOME07:42
Colossalnub question: entering in a command line in terminal (to launch a program w/ wine) the filepath has a space in it and terminal doesnt recognize it, anyway to get around that?07:42
leiobackslash before space or quote marks07:42
NickGarveyRatlump: having some issues.. Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at wiki.ubuntu.com.07:42
safrican_is there a separate channel for Ubuntu Edgy ?07:42
dasospetriborg, ah, i should've looked in the preferences, looks like i can turn off the system beep, though i'm wondering if is a good idea to have it competely off07:42
tanlaanDoes anyone know how to change the exit text for "bitchx"??07:42
FlannelShinzetsu: just reinstall their meta packages (install ubuntu-desktop, etc)07:42
ShinzetsuColossal: cd to the directory, then wine file.exe07:42
NickGarveyRatlump: give me a second ;)07:42
NickGarveytanlaan: did you see what I said?07:42
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davidjohnstonalso am I just confused or does 'su' not work in ubuntu07:43
Flannelsafrican_: #ubuntu+107:43
Colossalthanks that makes sense :D07:43
davidjohnstoni can use sudo but not su07:43
Flanneldavidjohnston: there is no root user, use sudo instead07:43
petriborgdasos, i donno, its the only way i know how to do it07:43
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ShinzetsuFlannel: I have reinstalled ubuntu-desktop, but it doesnt work on my account, it works fine on an other account07:43
NickGarvey!root > davidjohnston07:43
safrican_Flannel, ah thanks07:43
BeepAUcast -- well i installed what google told me was the plugin, but it isn't doing anything.07:43
petriborgit does seem to work at least07:43
davidjohnstonoh...wow, just curious, why no root07:43
rs31337davidjohnston, sudo -i07:43
ShinzetsuFlannel: (user account)07:43
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NickGarveydavidjohnston: security measure07:43
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petriborgxterm has a way to turn it off just for its program but gnome-terminal seems to have no such power07:43
FlannelShinzetsu: You might have something else going on then.07:44
davidjohnstonyea I see the security precautions but if you manager your system well then su shouldn't be a problem07:44
snoopsColossal yeah.. you could encapsulate the full path in double quotes "/path here" or you can escape it.. /path\ here07:44
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gdbShinzetsu: Ok, then you may want to head to http://psychocats.freecontrib.org/ and click on the link "Pure GNOME" and follow the directions there.  If there are no configurations you wish to preserve on your account, then you can delete all the .gnome*, .gtk*, .gconf*, .nautilus, .metacity, etc directories in your account (while not logged in to GNOME) and then log into GNOME with a "clean slate."07:44
NickGarveyRatlump: this might help a little bit maybe :)07:44
davidjohnstonand I'm sorry if I missed it but did anyone say if it's possible to do a network install of Ubuntu Server07:44
Shinzetsugdb: Where do I find these files?07:44
NickGarveyRatlump: or http://tinyurl.com/qej8x07:44
gdbShinzetsu: Sorry, that website is http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/index.php07:44
gdbShinzetsu: In your home directory.07:44
NickGarveydavidjohnston: oh I think you can..07:45
Shinzetsugdb: Thanks!07:45
NickGarveydavidjohnston: well from one computer to another07:45
gdbShinzetsu: Sure thing!07:45
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davidjohnstoni read you couldn't...I would love to know how07:45
davidjohnstonoh so load the cd from one cd07:45
davidjohnstonor from another machine07:45
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NickGarveydavidjohnston: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-75372.html07:46
NickGarveydavidjohnston: that might help07:46
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Shinzetsugdb: Well it tells you to remove Kubuntu and Xubuntu, ive done the Xubuntu remove anyway, but no 'ubuntu reinstall'07:46
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Shinzetsugdb: as in the -desktop's07:46
NickGarveydavidjohnston: altohugh it looks like the links don't work in that thread07:46
RatlumpNickGarvey: Are you saying that the ATI drivers work for Intel GMA ?07:46
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NickGarveyRatlump: no idea, the wiki is down right now, I'm not sure much about graphics drivers07:47
NickGarveyRatlump: when it comes back up things will get much easier07:47
Shinzetsugdb: oh crap I think I deleted everything now07:47
ubotuYou can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, apt-cache, the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com  -  Ubuntu has about 18000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!07:47
davidjohnstonok well I'll check it out and see if I can get anything anyway...I appreciate it07:47
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource07:47
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NickGarveydavidjohnston: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/WindowsServerNetboot that might help (when the wiki comes up)07:47
Shinzetsugdm: hang on for a sec07:47
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gdbShinzetsu: To what are you referring?  KDE and XFCE or the configurating settings for your GNOME desktop?07:48
davidjohnstonthe last link didn't load07:48
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DamianFinolGood evening, I have a question, I'm running a dual head setup and Gnome as Desktop Environment. I would like for the application taskbar to extend the second monitor. Any ideas? I can create a new panel and move it to the other monitor, but only to put quick launch applications in there.07:48
NickGarveydavidjohnston: wiki is down rigth now07:48
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davidjohnstonNickGarvey:  yea I figured07:48
birdmunBeepAU, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21789&highlight=xmms+tray07:48
Shinzetsugdm: I deleted xubuntu-desktop and now it removed my KDE aswell =[07:48
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Shinzetsugdb*: ^, brb07:49
aFlaghello, I'm trying to set up apache for a friend, but I can't figure out why it's not working. It's apache2 that I'm trying to run. I start it and it seems to listen to the port and all. netstat gives me tcp6       0      0 *:www                   *:*                     OUA and the ps command tells me apache is running. But if I try to connect to the localhost it simple doesn't answer. Any ideas?07:49
davidjohnstonanyway ubuntu has gotten so much hype for a while I decided to attempt a switch...these are just my personal machines for home and testing07:49
S0me1DamianFinol: config Xorg file07:49
DamianFinolIs not a xorg file thing.07:49
DamianFinolIt's a gnome thing.07:49
gdbShinzetsu: Well, if you want KDE back, then apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, and if you want XFCE installed "properly" then also apt-get install xubuntu-desktop.  All 3 desktops can co-exist on the same machine.07:49
davidjohnstonanyway, do you think ubuntu is worth the switch...i'm moving from a SuSe system07:49
davidjohnstoni still don't know much about apt07:50
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Shinzetsugdb: I know but I think I got all of them now half-coruped =p07:50
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holycowdavidjohnston, the only real way is to just try it ... other peoples opinion will usually not address your needs07:50
Shinzetsugdb: I think ill just uninstall everything then turn it into pure kde then install gnome07:50
Shinzetsugdb: brb07:50
davidjohnstonholycow:  very true and this is why I am trying it07:50
BeepAUbirdmun -- thanks. i'll check it out.07:50
tanlaanDoes anyone know how to change the exiting message for "bitchx"?07:50
aFlagI've tried telnet 80 and I don't get any answer07:50
S0me1DamianFinol: if you need ues dual monitor you must setup xorg to accept that07:50
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gdbdavidjohnston: I come from a Red Hat background going back to 1996 (having used Linux since 1994) and recently moved to Ubuntu.  I'm born again when it comes to Debian style package management.07:51
davidjohnstongdb:  so you prefer apt then07:51
Werdnahey guys, what ftpd would you recommend?07:51
holycowgdb, amen07:51
DamianFinolS0me1,  Did you read my question correctly?07:51
FlannelaFlag: you're using apache2 from the repositories?07:51
gdbdavidjohnston: By far!07:51
DamianFinolGood evening, I have a question, I'm running a dual head setup and Gnome as Desktop Environment. I would like for the application taskbar to extend the second monitor. Any ideas? I can create a new panel and move it to the other monitor, but only to put quick launch applications in there.07:51
holycowWerdna, proftpd is fine, vsftpd is amazing ... just amazingly fast07:51
noiesmoapt-get has super cow powers it rocks!07:51
davidjohnstongdb:  so honestly I have never used a debian based system...is apt just a software manager or more07:51
brlancerwhere is a list of US mirrors?07:51
davidjohnstonlike yast in SuSe07:51
NickGarveynoiesmo: heh, nice little easter egg eh?07:52
DamianFinolI already have dual head setup, in fact, Xchat is runnin in the second monitor. I just want to extend the gnome application bar to cover both monitors.07:52
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NickGarveydavidjohnston: apt-get is package management (sort of like smart if you have used that)07:52
S0me1ok i get your point07:52
DamianFinolOk ;)07:52
holycowdavidjohnston, pretty much, except it 'works' ... i switched to debian back in the suse 8.2 days actually and just hated yast07:52
davidjohnstonNickGarvey:  ok I understand07:52
NickGarveydavidjohnston: there is a GUI, synaptic07:52
S0me1this is normal07:52
aFlagFlannel, yes07:52
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davidjohnstoni don't like GUIs07:52
birdmuntanlaan, locate BitchX.quit07:53
Werdnaholy_cow, ok07:53
davidjohnstonso is there a command line system config tool07:53
holycowheh i used not understand how one can work without gui but now ... guis get in the way indeed07:53
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godtviskenWhere are the keyboard layouts stored in the list System -> Preferences -> Keyboard -> Layouts ?07:53
Shinzetsugdb: what dm do you use?07:53
davidjohnstonguis are definitely way too much trouble07:53
gdbdavidjohnston: Well, to be fair, the analogue to rpm is really dpkg, not apt.  But to clarify, while they are both "package managers" the dpkg system keeps track of far more information (with an exception I'll get to) in regards to package "state" information on disk.  For example, dpkg will keep track of what are called "selections" which refers to packages that are installed, partially installed, have been remove, have been purged (there is a difference fro07:53
Shinzetsugdb: im using KDE for a loong time but ive been attracted to gnome lately07:54
NickGarveydavidjohnston: apt-get is the command line, "man apt-get"07:54
gdbShinzetsu: GNOME07:54
tanlaanWell I guess noone knows, so I hope that I won't get banned for getting off :-/07:54
birdmuntanlaan, locate BitchX.quit07:54
NickGarveygodtvisken: you want the locate of the keymap files or how to change it?07:54
thanatoshow do i get the console to look like it does in knoppix?07:54
godtviskenNickGarvey: locate the files07:54
ripperanyone know how i can change the default applications used by firefox to handle irc links?07:54
pydTab-completion is not working with IRB (ruby).  I'm going to follow these instructions (http://modzer0.cs.uaf.edu/hank-typo/articles/2006/07/05/make-irb-do-tab-completion) but I can't find the /ext directory.  Any ideas?07:54
tanlaanbirdmun thank you :)07:54
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birdmungoogle should be your friend07:55
NickGarveygodtvisken: /usr/share/kbd/keymaps/i386/07:55
holycowgdb, you should put that on the wiki, that is a very good answer,  plus whatever else you are going to add to that07:55
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gdbdavidjohnston: Because of this "state information" you're able to take "snapshops" (sans version information) of your installed software, allowing you to move from one set of installed software to another with a few simple commands.  The only feature missing from dpkg/apt/etc that I found useful in rpm is the rpm -v command to verify the installed files against what's installed by the package itself.07:55
NickGarveygodtvisken: then probably qwerty/us.map.gz07:55
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gdber rpm -V07:55
NickGarveygodtvisken: if you use qwerty07:55
BeepAUwhen i try to enable the status docklet plugin in xmms, it closes itself, why would it do this07:55
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BeepAUwhen i try to enable the status docklet plugin in xmms, it closes itself, why would it do this?07:56
davidjohnstonNickGarvey:  yea i will check out apt-get in the morning.  I built the system and then came to bed...apparently sshd doesn't start automatically so I can't access it from bed right now07:56
NickGarveydavidjohnston: if you install sshd through apt-get it should start on its own..07:56
birdmunBeepAU, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=61744&highlight=xmms+system+tray07:56
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skwashdhi all07:57
skwashdis help down atm?07:57
gdbdavidjohnston: Packages that have been "removed" have the program files removed, but the configuration files are left in place.  This allows you to reinstall a package with your configuration already in place.  To purge a package also removes those configuration files.  A package that is "partially installed" has been unpacked into the filesystem but has not been set up either via a postinst script or via user intervention.  A package that has been partially 07:57
davidjohnstonoh so it isn't even installed then probably if it wasn't part of the base install which is all I did at the moment because i planned on stripping it07:57
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pydAnyone know how to enable tab-completion for IRB (ruby) on Dapper?  I found this link, but don't see an /ext directory anywhere in my ubuntu: http://modzer0.cs.uaf.edu/hank-typo/articles/2006/07/05/make-irb-do-tab-completion07:57
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NickGarveyskwashd: yes :(07:58
gdbdavidjohnston: One problem with removing packages that dpkg/apt does not handle (and neither does rpm, unless they're part of the package) is the removal of what are called 'dangling symlinks', symlinks which are in the filesystem but do not point to anything.  This is really the fault of package maintainers that do not remove these files in their postrm scripts.  You can install the package "symlinks" and run the command "sudo symlinks -dr /*" after removing07:58
birdmunpyd, stupid Q you have ruby-1.8.4 installed?07:58
BeepAUbirdmun -- thankyou, but none of this helps me.07:59
pydbirdmun: yes07:59
skwashdNickaNicka: anyone know when it is likely to be back?07:59
skwashdit is ping-able07:59
davidjohnstonI will have to try to get my server install disks to work tomorrow or find a way to do it from another machine07:59
stopherlinux would be easier with commands like DOS has07:59
NickGarveyskwashd: no idea, yeah I pinged it too07:59
NickGarveystopher: are you joking?07:59
gdbholycow: Thanks for the vote of confidence. ;-)07:59
holycowgdb, thanks for that symlinks tip, i didn't know that07:59
sethkstopher, you aren't serious, I hope07:59
holycowgdb, no serious, thats great info, please wiki that07:59
NickGarveystopher: the linux command line in my opinion is much much much more powerful than dos07:59
gdbThe symlinks package is is repository Universe, btw.07:59
davidjohnstonstopher: really, how the hell do you figure07:59
pydbirdmun: $whereis ruby... poked around but cannot find /ext.  Also have libncurses5 and libreadlin507:59
gdber is in07:59
NickGarveyskwashd: if you know _exactly_ what you are looking for then you might be able to find the cache on google.com07:59
skwashdstopher: like format /u c: ? ;)07:59
sethkstopher, I use the linux command line in windows, because the dos command line is so useless08:00
sethkstopher, perhaps you haven't found the terminal?08:00
skwashdNickGarvey: yeah thinking bout that now08:00
stopherDOS is easier to memorize..if you know the sub-prompts you can get full coverage08:00
NickGarveysethk: same :)08:00
davidjohnstonI just want to run a machine with command line only...i can't imagine living without a termainal08:00
tjb13whats the best gnome nzb capable newsgroup app08:00
stopherlike linux is mV to change dirs or something, DOS is CD=Change Directory08:00
thanatoshow do i get the console to look like it does in knoppix?08:00
Flanneldavidjohnston: get the alternate ISO, or the server ISO.08:00
NickGarveystopher: heh, cd is change dir too08:00
Flannelstopher: no, mv is MOVE as in, move a file08:00
NickGarveystopher: mv is to move files...08:01
davidjohnstonFlannel:  i have the server iso but it won't load for some reason on my machine08:01
NickGarveydavidjohnston: whats not working?08:01
davidjohnstonall other versions will08:01
stopherdavidjohnston: you use a ISO burner?08:01
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stopheryou can't just copy the ISO to a disk08:01
NickGarveydavidjohnston: like how far does it get08:01
Flanneldavidjohnston: perhaps you burned it too quckly, 4x is recommended speed08:01
davidjohnstonNickGarvey:  it just starts booting from the cd then goes no further08:01
davidjohnstonI did do it on 4x08:02
gdbdavidjohnston: If you're really serious about investigating or performing a migration from SuSE to Ubuntu (and thus a Debian system) then I'd highly recommend the Martin F. Krafft book "The Debian System: Concepts and Techniques" which covers not only some of the nity grity of what makes a Debian operating system uniquely "Debian" but also delves into the politics and behind the scenes work that goes into engineering a Debian based operating system (in this c08:02
davidjohnstonyea I also used an iso burner08:02
NickGarveydavidjohnston: do you get that inital prompt at the start before you boot it? which asks which kernel or something08:02
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ripperanyone know if there is a .deb for pygtk-2?08:02
davidjohnstonno I never even get that far08:02
NickGarveyripper: I expect.. you can apt-cache search pygtk or "apt-cache search python | grep gtk"08:02
crimsun!info python-gtk208:03
ubotupython-gtk2: Python bindings for the GTK+ widget set. In component main, is optional. Version 2.8.6-0ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 33 kB, installed size 80 kB08:03
NickGarveydavidjohnston: oh.. thats not good08:03
davidjohnstonNick:  trust me I know08:03
NickGarveycrimsun: that works too ;)08:03
sethkstopher, of course you can copy an iso to a disk.08:03
davidjohnstonbut the other distros of ubuntu go fine08:03
NickGarveydavidjohnston: is it the right arch?  (only thing I can think of)08:03
stopheryou can copy an ISO to a disk, but if you can browse the files, not all drives will pick it up..it has to be bootables08:03
davidjohnstonyea i thought that was possible too so I redownloaded08:04
sethkstopher, not true at all.  you are seriously confused.08:04
davidjohnstonstopher: tried that too08:04
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davidjohnstonI used a iso loader08:04
davidjohnstonan iso loader08:04
stophersethk: it depends what kinda drive you're using. im not seriously confuzed at all..my drives reject non-iso boot disks08:04
davidjohnstonand tried to do the install from a different machine with the iso mounted on one machine and do the install over the network but it didn't work either08:05
sethkstopher, now you are inverting what you said before.  In any event, the fact that an disk is, or isn't, bootable is entirely irrelevant08:05
NickGarveydavidjohnston: if the cd just dies rigth off the rip like that.. I don't think net booting will help..08:05
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davidjohnstonyea I don't either08:05
NickGarveydavidjohnston: have you tried a breezy disk or something? and then upgrading?08:05
stopherI said... you may need to use a ISO BURNER which makes it NON BROWSABLE and BOOTABLE i am not inverting08:06
davidjohnstonbreezy disk??/08:06
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davidjohnstonsorry you stumped me with that one08:06
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NickGarveydavidjohnston: breezy = ubuntu before dapper08:06
sethkstopher, that's simply false.  There is no such thing as an "iso burner"08:06
castgdb: so what does rpm -v do that apt/dpkg doesnt?08:06
davidjohnstonno I haven't actually08:06
NickGarveydavidjohnston: (I'm saying, try a past version and see if you can upgrade from there)08:06
sethkstopher, you are confused about what is done by hardware and what is done by software08:06
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stophergo to download.com and look up ISO BURNER...its software...DU08:06
ubuntugdb:  you there08:06
stopherno im not sethk08:06
ubuntugdb: I totally screwed it up, I tried removing xubuntu and it remove kubuntu aswell, I cant access my system now, im on a live cd08:07
davidjohnstonI will definitely give that shot tomorrow08:07
NickGarveydavidjohnston: good luck :)08:07
sethkstopher, seems like you are.  because everything you have said, so far, doesn't track.08:07
ubuntugdb: its me shinzetsu08:07
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stopherit does, cuz i can't get non-iso-burned disks to run, i have to go to BURN ISO and locate the .iso file and burn it08:07
godtviskenHow can I make my own keymap?08:07
davidjohnstonthanks man and thanks to you all...i'll give it another run tomorrow, i've only been at it about 1.5 hours tonight anyway just thought I would see if I could get any good ideas and you all have been very helpful08:08
sethkstopher, a cd neither runs nor doesn't run.08:08
Shinzetsugdb: also when I try and remove/install anything it gives me an error that it cant delete 'scim-gtk2-something'  and tells me to dpkg --configure -a, but it wont go away08:08
stophersethk i think you are the one confuzed08:08
stophergoogle and download.com search for ISO BURNER you will find with some drives (most) you need to BURN IT AS BOOTABLE ISO  not just copy it08:08
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davidjohnstonthanks again guys08:08
davidjohnstonnight all08:08
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gdbShinzetsu: Er, what, exactly, did you do?08:09
Shinzetsugdb: remove xubuntu-desktop, and it removed kubuntu with it aswell08:09
gdbShinzetsu: The commands on the "Pure GNOME" page simply remove the KDE packages in one step, and the XFCE packages in another.08:09
Shinzetsugdb: I know08:09
Shinzetsugdb: well anyway I cant install anything because of that ^ in recovery mode08:09
gdbShinzetsu: xubuntu-desktop is a package which depends on others, but on which nothing depends.08:10
gdbShinzetsu: What was the command you used?08:10
PntklI'll think about it08:10
Shinzetsugdb: sudo apt-get remove <heckload of all the xubuntu packages>08:10
sethkstopher, an ISO format cd may be bootable, or may not be bootable.  One burns an iso file system to a CD in either case.08:10
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acab_hi to all08:11
sethkstopher, the structure of the ISO impacts whether it is bootable, but not whether it can be burned.08:11
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SurfnKidpolpak, nvu has preview editing, SCREEM doesnt.. but nvu is memory hungry08:11
sethkstopher, if you mean that you use a program to burn an iso image to a cd, that's true, but so what?08:11
Shinzetsugdb: I should be able to access my harddrive if I add it in fstab08:11
acab_could i ask something about xinerama?08:11
gdbShinzetsu: And what package is it complaining about now?08:11
polpakSurfnKid: I hate wysiwygs anyway, but to each his/her own08:11
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polpakSurfnKid: I'll stick with jedit08:12
Shinzetsugdb: something scimm-gtk2-something08:12
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mdioushi everyone08:12
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rast4someone asked earlier if there was a backup/restore program in Ubuntu, what was the answer?08:13
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Shinzetsugdb: I really dont know what to do now08:13
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darth_gimphow do I locate my Kernel Source?08:13
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gdbShinzetsu: Odd, there's no package named anything like that in the command on the Pure Gnome page (which I've used myself).  When you boot your machine, do you get a login manager?08:13
DamianFinolI already have dual head setup, in fact, Xchat is runnin in the second monitor. I just want to extend the task barto cover both monitors.08:13
acab_have you never tried xinerama?08:13
cowmilkwhat command do i do to find out what 2 days and 9 hours from now is?08:13
PORDOhow can one make two monitors get treated like one wide monitor, so that maximizing a window, for instance, causes it to span both monitors?08:13
stopheri was SAYING THAT!! it will BURN but not BOOT... ENGLISH!!! ITS CALLED ENGLISH!!08:13
DamianFinolGood evening, I have a question, I'm running a dual head setup and Gnome as Desktop Environment. I would like for the application taskbar to extend the second monitor. Any ideas? I can create a new panel and move it to the other monitor, but only to put quick launch applications in there.08:13
Shinzetsugdb: Nope, I have none08:13
gdbTo be fair, there are a couple of scim-packages but not gtk08:13
PORDOstopher easy superman, don't fall out of your wheelchair.08:13
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Shinzetsugdb: And I cant install one because that gtk2 thing is stuck08:13
gdbShinzetsu: So what you're saying is that there is no display manager that comes up?08:13
NickGarveycowmilk: um, date says what time it is now08:14
gdbShinzetsu: Which desktops do you believe to be installed?08:14
godtviskenHow can I make my own keymap?08:14
Shinzetsugdb: I get a Kubuntu loading screen which froze08:14
cowmilkNickGarvey: that i know08:14
PORDOgodtvisken i wrote a lovely piece about that.  lemme dig it up.08:14
Shinzetsugdb: I want KDE and Gnome08:14
gdbShinzetsu: Do you have ubuntu-desktop installed?08:14
NickGarveygodtvisken: um.. well.. I know how you would..08:14
Shinzetsugdb: I have none I think08:14
cowmilkNickGarvey: but i need something that does time/date math, you know what i mean?08:14
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Shinzetsugdb: Cant check it in a terminal or can I08:14
stopherlol PORDO08:14
noiesmodarth_gimp, kernel source if installed is in /usr/src/08:14
NickGarveygodtvisken: but its beyond me explaining over IRC.. PORDO's article should do it tohugh08:14
godtviskenPORDO: cool, thanks08:14
darth_gimpnoiesmo, let me check..08:14
NickGarveycowmilk: yes.. let me see if there is something.. "cal" shows the calendar..08:15
zoidberghey guys i have a question08:15
cowmilkNickaNicka: ok. but... 8-)08:15
darth_gimpnoiesmo, ok it isn't... how do I fix that?08:15
sethkShinzetsu, I have scim-gtk2-immodule08:15
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PORDOgodtvisken http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9004008:15
PORDOi use an esperanto keymap i made myself.08:15
PORDOthat explains how i did it.08:15
NickGarveycowmilk: yeah no idea, can't find anything08:15
Shinzetsusethk: YES thats it08:15
sethkShinzetsu, that's a valid package for breezy08:15
zoidbergwhen i start my pc (Dell Optipolex PII 350 MHZ 128 RAM) and it is loading all the scripts when it gets to "starting PCMCIA services" it says FAILED....what does PCMCIA services have to do with my system...sound?08:15
cowmilkNickGarvey: ok. thanks anyway.08:16
Shinzetsusethk: thats the one08:16
gdbShinzetsu: Ok, do you know about single user mode?08:16
gdbShinzetsu: And how to boot into it?08:16
Shinzetsugdb: sort of08:16
godtviskenPORDO: thanks08:16
NickGarveyinit 1 :)08:16
sethkShinzetsu, I didn't here the whole conversation, what did you need about that package?08:16
Shinzetsugdb: do you mean recovery mode?08:16
DamianFinolGood evening, I have a question, I'm running a dual head setup and Gnome as Desktop Environment. I would like for the application taskbar to extend the second monitor. Any ideas? I can create a new panel and move it to the other monitor, but only to put quick launch applications in there.08:16
noiesmosudo apt-get install linux-source-2.6.15 if running a 2.6.15 kernel uname -r will display kernel08:16
Shinzetsusethk: I have no display manager, and I cannot install one because scim-gtk2-immodule  is stuck08:16
zoidbergcan anyone help me?08:16
sethkShinzetsu, recovery mode usually means booting from cd.  single user mode is for configuring the system but doing a normalish boot.08:16
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darth_gimpnoiesmo, I am running dapper08:16
sethkShinzetsu, stuck in that you can't install it for some reason?08:17
Shinzetsusethk: hm08:17
NickGarveyzoidberg: pcmcia is a special slot used in laptops, not an issue if you have a desktop08:17
Shinzetsusethk: error removing08:17
gdbShinzetsu: Then you may want to boot to single user mode and run "dpkg-reconfigure gdm" and tell the system you want to use gdm over kdm.  We know that kdm is broken, but perhaps gdm is working.  I don't know if dpkg will allow you to do that with a broken package system, but it's something to try to get your display working.  Once you're back in gnome, we can troubleshoot further.08:17
noiesmodarth_gimp, thats fine same kernel source code08:17
sethkShinzetsu, you'll have to use some of the force-xxxx flags with dpkg do get yourself going again.08:17
gdbUnless sethk has some ideas that are more helpful.08:17
darth_gimpnoiesmo, thanks...08:17
Shinzetsugdb: dont you mean dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?08:17
sethkShinzetsu, I have to walk the dog, but I'll be back.  meanwhile others can help I'm sure.08:17
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noiesmodarth_gimp, np once its instaled you ll have to unpack etc08:18
Awesome-o2000sethk, get a neapolitan mastiff08:18
gdbShinzetsu: No, I mean gdm.  We're assuming that your X server is working fine, we'd be looking to change the display manager.08:18
sethkShinzetsu, no, he meant what he said (about dpkg-reconfigure)08:18
Shinzetsusethk:okay, cheers mate08:18
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Shinzetsugdb: ah okay08:18
sethkAwesome-o2000, I've just got a mutt, from the bound, but we like him.  :)08:18
darth_gimpnoiesmo, ok I have no clue about this stuff.. I just want to get my tablet working...08:18
Shinzetsugdb: so how do I go about doing it? I cant access my harddrive08:18
=== Awesome-o2000 would get a mutt but doesn't like that pesky home check thing
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Shinzetsugdb: well only a terminal (recovery mode)08:18
Shinzetsugdb: or I have to add it in this live cd's fsta08:18
PORDOgodtvisken did that page answer your question?08:18
Shinzetsugdb: fstab*08:19
gdbShinzetsu: Yes, that's fine, using single user mode, recovery console, etc.08:19
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gdbShinzetsu: no, you'll be booting off your hard disk, not the live cD08:19
gdber not the live CD08:19
Shinzetsugdb: yes its a root console08:19
Shinzetsugdb: okay08:19
mdiousspeaking of tablets, does anyone know if the monitors will last...I mean you always seem to be twisting them around and folding them up...08:19
Shinzetsugdb: but I have no IRC there ;p08:19
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gdbShinzetsu: Sure you do, it's called "irssi" and it's installed by default.  Write down this command to use it08:19
Shinzetsugdb: Could we talk in DCC?08:19
lomdious: they should be ok.08:19
ubotuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first.08:20
dasosis there a way to change the cwd in a shortcut (the ones in the application menu)08:20
NickGarvey(I'm curious too ;))08:20
lothe ones I've seen stop working  , were flat plastic ribbon cable08:20
Shinzetsugdb: lemme get pen and paper08:20
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gdbShinzetsu: "irssi -c irc.freenode.net -n Shinzetsu" and once you're on, do "/join #ubuntu"08:20
=== HellDragon [n=JD@about/copyleft/pdpc.active.HellDragon] has joined #ubuntu
DamianFinolGood evening, I have a question, I'm running a dual head setup and Gnome as Desktop Environment. I would like for the application taskbar to extend the second monitor. Any ideas? I can create a new panel and move it to the other monitor, but only to put quick launch applications in there.08:20
scrappy_mdious: i used to support a few they held up to insurance adjusters in the field throwing them around all day08:20
mdiouslo>think I'll stick to normal laptops lol08:20
dasosi get an error when i run "wine /home/user/.wine/xxx/xxx/yyyy.exe", but if i cd into the directory and rund "wine yyyy.exe", it works fine08:21
gdbThat means "connect" to irc.freenode.net and use the "nick" Shinzetsu.  That will give you text mode IRC for talking here.08:21
lomdious: I just got a macbook myself :/08:21
mdiousyeah I saw one and the guy sure gave it some punishment...but they were all new I'd like to know how they will work 3 years down the track08:21
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mdiouslo>excellent...I'm hoping to get an iBook...but looks like i'll end up going with a macbook by the time I finally make a purchase08:21
loafter returning about 6 different winXP notebooks08:21
lomdi: macbooks ok... some people aare having problems tho08:21
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loso far, i'm loving it tho08:21
Shinzetsugdb: cool, console IRC =D ill try that now, brb!08:21
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NickGarveydasos: yeah.. I find cding into the dir of the program works better than anything else08:22
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gdbDoes anyone "in the know" know if MOTU plans to support Universe and/or Multiverse for all of 6.06's support cycle?08:22
mdiouslo>yeah I have heard a few stories...I just got a very lovely G3 iMac from my parents work so that has been nice to play with :)08:22
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gdbmdious: sweet!08:22
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lomdi: hope it was free08:22
mdiousit was08:22
mdiousat the moment anyway, if they decide they want money for it i'll give it back08:23
lohahaha 'F!#$^ YOU !!! I"M NOT PAYING FOR THAT!!!'08:23
nimeniDoes anyone know what is the "Error dependency is not satisfiable: xchat" error about when I'm trying to install exchat ?08:23
godtviskenPORDO: I think so. If I edit this, how do I use it?08:23
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mdiouslo>I'd rather save and grab a macbook or even a mac mini...ahh I was hoping to get a mac mini before it went intel..now it's $100 more expensive lol08:24
=== Shinzetsu [n=root@ipd50a2372.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Shinzetsugdb: hey08:24
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DamianFinolGood evening, I have a question, I'm running a dual head setup and Gnome as Desktop Environment. I would like for the application taskbar to extend the second monitor. Any ideas? I can create a new panel and move it to the other monitor, but only to put quick launch applications in there.08:25
Shinzetsugdb: lol irssi is brilliant08:25
lomdi: yeah, not many g4's left.. Bestbuy has some 12" iBooks on for $999 canadian.. they had 6 in stock at a store here in the toronto area...08:25
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ShinzetsuDamianFinol: 1 pc 2 screens?08:25
lomdi: I had to call all over town looking for my mac book...08:25
lomdi: then again looking for ram08:25
lo512meg that comes with them is too little these days08:26
nilesh892003hello any one tell me how to configure yahoo voice talk in ubuntu ?i have lots of problem with voice chat in ubuntu what about google talk voice chat plz help me08:26
DamianFinolShinzetsu,  Indeed08:26
=== Schalken [n=jesse@cor9-ppp1504.mel.dsl.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
cowmilkAssume it's 11:30PM  now. I've been doing sleep 7h10m && xfmedia nicemusic.mp3 to act as an alarm clock for me. But is there a way, via terminal, to get the same result by inputting the time instead?08:26
ShinzetsuDamianFinal: what graphics card are you using?08:26
nimeniDoes anyone know what is the "Error dependency is not satisfiable: xchat" error about when I'm trying to install exchat ?08:26
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DamianFinolEverything is setup correctly, I just set a new desktop background and it stretched both monitors08:26
ShinzetsuDamianFinal: Hmm, there might be an option, try running nvidia-settings08:26
mdiouscool, I'm in australia...if i get my act together I could grab a brand new 12" ibook (I want the 12") before they are all gone...and I'd like to buy it new...especially since it's a laptop.  I'm not super keen on second hand laptops...I'm pretty pedantic with taking care of my stuff :P08:26
DamianFinolI can move applications from one side to the other08:26
mdious512 to much?  I'm currently running on 224meg lol...08:27
Shinzetsugdb: you there?08:27
DamianFinolI can move that taskbar to the other monitor if I want, but I cannot resize it08:27
darth_gimpnoiesmo, its done.. can you help me finish it off?08:27
lomacbook pro is ok too.. but I like the black one I got better. the silver looks kind of gay if you ask me08:27
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mdiousnot to mention my partition size:  /dev/hda5             4.8G  3.2G  1.6G  68% /08:27
mdious lol08:27
loof course, macbook pro has much better video/etc.08:27
nilesh892003hello any one tell me how to configure yahoo voice talk in ubuntu ?i have lots of problem with voice chat in ubuntu what about google talk voice chat plz help m08:28
ShinzetsuDamianFinol: Hmm, I think you cant actually, like, have 1 big taskbar, you can make it 'look' extended though but I dont think you can have 1 'big' taskbar08:28
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DamianFinolHow do I achieve that look?08:28
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ShinzetsuDamianFinol: make 2 taskbars?08:28
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fooHm, I can't hit any server's port 25 and get a banner. I am doing this on my linux router. Could it be my linux router? Or my ISP? I know it could be my ISP. I am going to call... but first, can I do anything to see if it's the linux router? I don't think something like restarting the network will fix it.. hmm ... any ideas?08:28
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DamianFinolShinzetsu,  I can make a new panel, how do I tell that panel that it's also a taskbar?08:29
ShinzetsuDamianFinol: Actually I think you cant move from one taskbar to another08:29
darth_gimpnoiesmo, still there?08:29
DamianFinolBack when I was in Debian I had one big taskbar08:29
ShinzetsuDamianFinol: youre talking about the top taskbar right?08:29
DamianFinolNo, the bottom one08:29
corevettecan someone help me with installation/sessions with kubuntu?08:29
ShinzetsuDamianFinol: ah08:29
SurfnKidhow do i see the geometry of my hard drive?08:29
ShinzetsuDamianFinol: I have no idea :( Sorry08:29
DamianFinolThe one that has the trash can and the show desktop and the workspaces08:29
snoopsthe window list object is what he wants08:29
snoopsand I thought it was possible with twinview enabled08:30
snoopsto stretch across the entire thing08:30
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ShinzetsuDamianFinol: there might be software to do it though08:30
snoopsbut may not, if they're different resolutions08:30
Shinzetsugdb: hey are you still here?08:30
DamianFinolsnoops, Is that an option in the twinview?08:30
DamianFinolsame resolutions08:30
snoopsI've seen people with it stretched across08:30
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mdiousfoo>it could be your ISP.....sorry if someone already said that I'm too lazy to go through all the comments08:31
snoopsdon't have multiple monitors here so can't really test08:31
Shinzetsugdb: here I am...08:31
evan_w00hmm im a linux newb, what does the "-p" stand for in "mkdir -p $(PREFIX)/bin"08:31
foomdious: I only go who highlights my nick. Ok, so odds are it is not my linux router, right?08:31
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Shinzetsugdb: ...08:32
Jo-joeven_w00: Type08:32
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto08:32
Jo-jo""man mkdir"08:32
Shinzetsuanyone know how to check userlist in irssi?08:32
snoopsokay well what you could do DamianFinol08:32
snoopscreate a new panel on the second screen08:32
mdiousfoo>I have no idea how you have set it up or any of the details so I can't say, also it's sunday and I don't do routing on sundays sorry08:32
Shinzetsugdb:...are you afk?08:32
snoopsright click it, add a window list08:32
evan_w00oh ok thanks jo jo08:32
foomdious: haha. Thanks anyways.08:32
Jo-joOoooh... I'm too tired to type... that's a bad sign. :-S08:32
mdiousfoo>sure someone else will provide you with the answers though08:33
evan_w00sleep :)08:33
=== Touru [n=mango@S010600134688c31b.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jo-joThanks... I'll give that a try sometime/08:33
snoopsnow, I believe it's supposed to 'just work' as in, the windows on one screen will show up in that window list, while the other screen will have the window list for the other screen08:33
DamianFinolsnoops,  nah, just tried it, all the windows are in that one08:33
Shinzetsugdb: anyone there?08:33
SurfnKidguys whats the command to see all devices mounted with their spaces08:33
snoopsso two window lists?08:33
_lemsx1_ubuntu wiki HTTP 403 error?08:33
SurfnKidand capacities08:34
DamianFinolyes, the same window lists08:34
DamianFinolnot monitor specific =/08:34
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DamianFinolwait a second08:34
Jo-joSurfnKid: You mean "mount"?08:34
DamianFinolIt's working now08:34
nimenicome someone help me?08:34
DamianFinolI had to move it08:34
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DamianFinolBut it had the firefox and terminal (running in the left monitor) before I moved them08:34
Shinzetsugdb: please?08:34
darth_gimpok how do I open and set up this linux kernel source. noiesmo was helping but there is no response from them08:34
snoopsmove it to the othe rscreen?08:34
snoopsah well.. so all good now08:34
DamianFinolwhen I moved them then those windows left the bar and the ones in the right monitor stayed there08:34
DamianFinolYes definately ;)08:35
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DamianFinolThank you :)08:35
SurfnKidJo-jo, does it? i want to see whats on the hard drive, ntfs, ext2 etc.. geometric stuff08:35
SurfnKidJo-jo, mount lets ya do taht08:35
mdiousanyone else read BOFH...I use to read it all the time until I started this job 5 months ago and lost all spare time..just getting back into it now :)08:35
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Jo-joSurfnKid: Yep.08:36
Shinzetsugdb: Wake Up08:36
Shinzetsusomeone call gdb for me08:36
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Jo-joSurfnKid: You're talking about mounted filesystems... mount does that.08:36
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darth_gimpneeding help with this linux kernel source stuff08:36
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Jo-joSurfnKid: If you're trying to interrogate a device to establish it's contents, that's another story.08:37
Shinzetsugdb: come on man08:37
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Shinzetsugdb: where are you08:37
IRCMonkeyXgood morning, how to kill a process, what command ? kill amsn ?08:37
cartuferis it possible to resize a ntfs partition?08:37
IRCMonkeyXcartufer: yes it is08:38
SurfnKidJo-jo, interrogate exactly08:38
rast4how can you take ownership of an ntfs partition so you can write to it from ubunti?08:38
gdbShinzetsu: sorry, chatting with a buddy on google talk - are you in single user mode now?08:38
Shinzetsugdb: yes, for a long time08:38
SurfnKidJo-jo, i know there's a command i just forget which it is08:38
Shinzetsugdb: as root of course08:38
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jamiehello people08:38
SpaceomegaDon't mean to interrupt, but if anyone can help with a WUSB54GC detection problem, that'd be appreciated.08:38
cartuferkill is for process id i think08:38
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Flannelrast4: no, NTFS writing isn't safe.08:39
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gdbShinzetsu: Did you do the dpkg-reconfigure gdm command?08:39
Jo-joSurfnKid: You know, I'm not actually a Linux user... but I'd imagine that fdisk might be able to give you some hints.08:39
Shinzetsugdb: not yet, should I do now?08:39
IRCMonkeyXgood morning, how to kill a process, what command ? kill amsn ?08:39
FlannelIRCMonkeyX: you'll need its PID, then kill [pid] 08:39
Jo-joSurfnKid: Under BSD it's disklabel, but I don't know what Linux calls that.08:39
NickGarveyIRCMonkeyX: killall is the command08:39
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nimenino one wants to help me with some problem?08:40
gdbShinzetsu: Yes, you want the system to stop using the apparently broken kdm and use the hopefully working gdm.08:40
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cartuferi know gparted can set a disklabel08:40
CoffeegrindsI'm back and still have no sound w/ Firefox when watchin flash vids... anyone else have/fix this issue?08:40
IRCMonkeyXNickGarvey: killall amsn ?08:40
Shinzetsugdb: okay, how do I leave irssi?08:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pid - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:40
mdiousdisklabel...*shudders* :)08:40
gdbShinzetsu: Note that "dpkg-reconfigure gdm" is the command you'll use to switch between the two.08:40
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jamieive just installed ubuntu..a nd how do i loggin as root? i didnt get a password for it.. whats the default?08:40
Jo-joSurfnKid: That looks like a match... see man parted.08:40
DamianFinoljamie,  You don't, you use sudo08:40
Shinzetsugdb: yes08:41
cartuferi prefer sudo su08:41
IRCMonkeyXFlannel: how can i know its pid ?08:41
SurfnKidJo-jo, fdisk -l08:41
Flannelcartufer: No.08:41
NickGarveyIRCMonkeyX: yup..08:41
Shinzetsugdb: how do I leave Irssi?08:41
DamianFinoljamie, If you need to run something as root, you use sudo, then it asks you for your user password08:41
Jo-jocartufer: Thanks :-)08:41
FlannelShinzetsu: /quit08:41
jamieDamianFinol: and what is that? Im kinda new here.08:41
gdbShinzetsu: you can hit CTRL-Z to suspend irssi and then when you want to come back, type "fg" and hit enter (for 'foregound')08:41
NickGarveyIRCMonkeyX: but.. "ps ax | grep amsn" would show you the pid08:41
Jo-joSurfnKid: Groovy ;-)08:41
SurfnKidJo-jo, got it hehe thx08:41
Shinzetsugdb: cool, brb08:41
gdbShinzetsu: You can do that at any time.08:41
DamianFinoljamie,  It's sort of a wrapper, it let's you use a root command as a regular user08:41
gdbShinzetsu: :-)08:41
nimeniDoes anyone know what is the "Error dependency is not satisfiable: xchat" error about when I'm trying to install exchat ?08:41
Flannelnimeni: you probably need to enable universe08:42
Shinzetsugdm is broken or not fully installed08:42
jamieDamianFinol: and how do i use it?08:42
DamianFinoljamie Say you want to restart gdm, you would type 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart'08:42
jamieaho.. ok..08:42
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jamieDamianFinol: i need to be root to mount a new hd right?08:42
DamianFinoljamie,  It will ask you for a password, use the user password08:42
asimis there a way to install ubuntu without having to run the live cd (graphical)?08:42
stopherGIMP is a good proggie08:42
asimfor some reason my cd drive is REALLY slow on my old computer, and it takes forever for the live cd to load..08:43
DamianFinoljamie,  Yes, although I believe a user specified in the fstab can mount that particular partition08:43
Flannelasim: Alternate ISO08:43
NickGarveyjamesrk: in general you do, but you can make it so you don't need to be root08:43
gdbnimeni: That means that exchat can't be installed unless xchat is installed and apt can't find xchat to install.  Do you have the Universe repository enabled?08:43
NickGarveyjamie:  in general you do, but you can make it so you don't need to be root08:43
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asimFlannel: I can't do a text install with the ShipIt CD?08:43
jamieDamianFinol: and the command is mount hdb "a folder" right?08:43
IRCMonkeyXNickGarvey: thanx, it is done08:43
Flannelasim: nope08:43
asimok, thanks.08:43
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DamianFinoljamie, In a general way, yes08:43
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pacsguyjoin #centos08:44
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jamieDamianFinol: ok.. i will try it then.. tahnk you sir08:44
DamianFinoljamie, You might need to specify a type08:44
DamianFinollike ntfs, or fat, or ext3, etc08:44
nimeniFlannel how can I enable universe?08:44
Shinzetsugdb: gdm is broken or not fully installed08:44
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Flannel!tell nimeni about repositories08:44
pacsguysorry, typo08:45
DamianFinolnimeni System, administration, software properties08:45
nimenithx guys08:45
Spaceomega@Anyone:  Looking for hlep with Ubuntu's detection of a WUSB54GC wireless adapter.  Any help to get this working before I install ubuntu would be great.08:45
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DamianFinolSpaceomega, Use the live version before installing, see if it's detected08:45
evan_w00what is the "$(PREFIX)" in the commandline "mkdir -p $(PREFIX)/bin" mean?08:45
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evan_w00is it the file name?08:46
Shinzetsugdb: hey you there08:46
Jo-joevan_w00: It depends on the operating system... in most cases it's "/usr/local"08:46
gdbShinzetsu: ok, what happens when you do "apt-get install -f"?08:46
Jo-joevan_w00: And it'08:46
Shinzetsugdb: lets try08:46
NickGarveyevan_w00: prefix is the variable, sounds like its a makefile you are looking at or somethintg?08:46
Jo-joevan_w00: And it's probably ${PREFIX}08:46
evan_w00oh ok.08:46
=== DJAdmiral [n=aamir@ner-as2988.alshamil.net.ae] has joined #ubuntu
IRCMonkeyX!PID > ircmonkeyx08:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about PID - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:47
evan_w00im trying to install winrar, im a total newb a linux :)08:47
fooHm, I am having problems getting out on port 25 for some reason. I called my ISP and I should be able to, and a friend on the same network up the street is able to ... any ideas? I have a linux router I am trying from, no go. This has been working fine for quiet a while now ... any ideas?08:47
NickGarvey!rar > evan_w0008:47
NickGarveyevan_w00: should help08:47
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Shinzetsugdb: well it says scim-gtk2-immodule will be removed, when i press y, i get an error that it cannot be removed08:47
gdbShinzetsu: Ok, can you try "apt-get remove -f" ? ;-)08:47
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Spaceomega@Damnian:  I private messaged you.08:47
Shinzetsugdb: same08:47
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jamieDamianFinol: hum... it dosent wanna mount hdb to a folder.. it says i need to give it the "filesystem" or something08:48
DJAdmiralI am unable to write to CDRWs - does anybody know how can I format them in Nautilus so that I can?08:48
Shinzetsugdb: :-\08:48
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NickGarveyjamie: that usually means.. something isn't working.. because in general it auto detects08:48
jamieDamianFinol: ok.. hum.. what can be wrong?08:49
Shinzetsujamie: check /etc/fstab08:49
evan_w00ahhhh i get this now, thanks NickGarvey08:49
pcmanDJAdmiral: Maybe you'll want to try gnome baker or bonfire.08:49
gdbShinzetsu: Ok, can you try "apt-get install --reinstall scim-gtk2-immodule" ?08:49
jamieDamianFinol: check with what? man /etc/fstab?08:49
Shinzetsugdb: k hang on08:49
jamieDamianFinol: or just run it?08:49
DamianFinoljamie Ok, what kind of filesystem ?, is it a windows partition?08:49
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DJAdmiralpcman: thanks, i decided on using a usb stick instead :-P08:50
SpaceomegaDamianFinol: PvtMsg'd you.08:50
DJAdmiralthanks guys, cya08:50
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DamianFinolSpaceomega,  You shouldn't08:50
Shinzetsugdb: hey I think it worked08:50
Spaceomegaoh there, you responded08:50
Spaceomegaoh ok08:50
jamieDamianFinol: yes it is..08:50
gdbShinzetsu: Did that seem to repair the package?08:50
Shinzetsugdb: it installed all stuff associated to that gtk2 stuff08:50
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Shinzetsugdb: yes it repaired alot08:50
DamianFinoljamie,  ntfs?08:50
jamieDamianFinol: hum.. /etc/fstab says im not allowed08:50
jamieDamianFinol: yes.08:50
TaliskerHi, I'm on Ubuntu server and I'm trying to change the root password08:51
TaliskerI went to sudo -i08:51
Taliskerand issued passwd08:51
ShinzetsuTailsker: there is no root pass08:51
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DamianFinoltry sudo mount -f ntfs /dev/.... /folder08:51
gdbShinzetsu: Ok, good.  Now you will probably want to ensure that ubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-desktop are installed(since you want both).  Do you want xfce removed completely?08:51
NickGarvey!root > Talisker08:51
Taliskerbut after relogin the password reset itself to the old one08:51
stopheryou just have to unlock sudo08:51
Shinzetsugdb: yes08:51
NickGarveyTalisker: that should tell you08:51
jamieDamianFinol: ok will try.. tahnk you sir08:51
Shinzetsugdb: should I try installing kubuntu and ubuntu, then reconfiguring xserver to have gdm as default?08:51
pcmanHello everyone, I developed a new file manager for GNOME and need testers. Anyone can help?08:51
Taliskerok, so there's a different way to get a sudo password?08:51
gdbShinzetsu: Ok, you've already run the commands to remove all of xubuntu-desktop from the Pure Gnome page, right?08:51
Talisker[I tried adding myself to the sudoers] 08:51
NickGarveyShinzetsu: theres a file somewhere that says what the default login manager is08:51
Shinzetsugdb: well it stopped halfway because it also deleted my kde08:52
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NickGarveyShinzetsu: the name is like "default-login-manager" (or something like that)08:52
Shinzetsugdb: I was inside kde at the moment when it got blown08:52
gdbShinzetsu: It's been recommended by others in here to continue using gdm over kdm due to some bugs in kdm that I've not seen anyone explain.08:52
TaliskerNickGarvey, the server is unavailable08:52
stophersorry i meant root not sudo08:52
TaliskerI can't access the link you sent me08:52
gdbShinzetsu: Ah...08:52
Shinzetsugdb: yeah actualyl I want only gnome08:52
NickGarveyTalisker: oh.. the wiki is still down, very sorry08:52
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darth_gimphow do I locate my kernel source directory?08:52
gdbShinzetsu: So you were removing kubuntu-desktop from inside KDE?08:52
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NickGarveydarth_gimp: its /usr/src/linux08:52
TaliskerNickGarvey, can you plz tell me how to change a sudo password?08:52
Shinzetsugdb: i was removing xubuntu-desktop inside kde, and it somehow managed to delete both xfce and kde08:53
NickGarveydarth_gimp: (thats actually a symlink to it)08:53
FlannelTalisker: your sudo password is your user password08:53
Taliskeroh rly\?08:53
darth_gimpNickGarvey, its not there...08:53
ShinzetsuTailsker: ya rly08:53
NickGarveydarth_gimp: then apt-get install linux-source08:53
TaliskerHeh, I never noticed that since they are the same on my machine08:53
scaihi.. Im having a trouble with firefox.. ti crashes in some sites.. some one can help me?08:53
gdbShinzetsu: Hrm, odd, I can only surmise that you cut and pasted, perhaps, both commands rather then one at a time.08:53
Shinzetsugdb: try and apt-get install gdm ubuntu-desktop?08:53
TaliskerYou've been much help, thanks08:53
FlannelTalisker: why on earth do you have a root account then?08:53
gdbShinzetsu: At anyrate, right now you want to "apt-get install ubuntu-desktop"08:54
Shinzetsugdb: okay hang on08:54
gdbShinzetsu: kk08:54
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darth_gimpNickGarvey, ok I did that and got linux-source-2.6.15.tar.bz208:54
TaliskerFlannel, what do you mean, you can't not have a root account08:54
jamieDamianFinol: hum.. its says the folder im trying to mount to is occupied or that the disk is allraedy mounted08:54
NickGarveydarth_gimp: it should.. extract and do all that stuff for you..08:54
TaliskerAnyway, you've been much help, thanks08:54
DamianFinoldid you check the folder?08:54
FlannelTalisker: yes you can.  Ubuntu doesn't have a root account.  Or, it's disabled, and designed to stay that way.08:54
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TaliskerFlannel, the latter is acceptable08:54
stopherUbuntu protects itself that way08:54
TaliskerBut sometimes I need root access08:55
NickGarveyTalisker: sudo -i08:55
stopheruse the sudo command08:55
gdbTalisker: You can get a root shell with "sudo -i" for an "su -" login and "sudo -s" for an "su" style login.08:55
darth_gimpNickGarvey, one sec08:55
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TaliskerI know that, thanks08:55
stiv2kdoes anyone know what happened to the easyubuntu site?08:55
FlannelTalisker: so, what do you need a root account for?08:55
TaliskerI don't need an active root account, I don't have an active root account, I use the sudo shell for access08:55
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TaliskerI just thought that the sudo password is the root password08:56
Taliskerso I tried to tinker with that08:56
gdbTalisker: Ah, no, it's your personal password.08:56
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Double_Danyone: i'm trying to get apache2 to parse php scripts after being processed, but it only allows them to be saved.  if the code is embedded in an html file, it works.  any ideas?08:56
DamianFinolTalisker, use 'sudo passwd root' and set a root password08:56
FlannelTalisker: You set a root password, that means you have a root account ;)  unless you've since disabled it08:56
TaliskerI never realised it was because they are the same on my machine08:56
DamianFinolTalisker,  There, you got a root accoun tnow08:56
TaliskerWell, g2g, thanks08:56
gdbIt's sudo asking if you're really Talisker before letting you run things as root.08:56
NickGarveyTalisker: but its not a good idea to do sudo passwd root08:56
stophercan you add files to apache without being at the server? do it thru a network?08:56
NickGarveystopher: yeah.. ftp it up then use ssh to move it..08:56
DamianFinolstopher, ftp or ssh?08:57
gdbstopher: scp / ftp / etc them to /var/www or $HOME/public_html, yes.08:57
jamieDamianFinol: I made the foledr in my hoem dir.08:57
NickGarveystopher: or you could set up nfs to mount your apache dir (is what I do)08:57
gdbstopher: You can also use an SMB mount and use the Windows file manager to access your pages without logging into the server itself.08:57
DamianFinoljamie did you see the contents of the folder?08:57
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darth_gimpNickGarvey, this is rather frustrating...08:57
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto08:57
stopheri have SMB on.. but don't know how to map the drive correctly08:57
stiv2kdoes anyone know what happened to the easyubuntu site?08:57
stopherjust \\ubuntu\var\www?08:57
gdbstopher: Are you on your windows now?08:57
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stopheryes gdb08:58
darth_gimpNickGarvey, I used: bzip2 -dc linux-source-2.6.15.tar.bz2 | tar xvf -   to open the tar08:58
jamieDamianFinol: my folder? its empty.08:58
jamieDamianFinol: I wrote: sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/hdb /home/jamie/Arkivet08:58
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DamianFinoljamie, well, ntfs needs a userid to be read08:58
darth_gimpNickGarvey, then I did what you said... I have no clue what I am doing...08:58
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jamieDamianFinol: -f wasent a command.. only help came up.. so i read it..a nd it said to use -t08:58
stopherwhat is FTP passwd?08:59
NickGarveydarth_gimp: eek08:59
gdbstopher: Ah, well, doing that is going to be problematic.  You may want to make those files owned by your normal user account.  Then you'll want to use System -> Administration -> Shared Folders to share /var/www.  Then you will need to run "smbpasswd -a username" to add yourself to the smbpasswd file.  After you're done, you can mount the folder as a disk with Windows using \\server\name_used_in_the_control_panel08:59
NickGarveydarth_gimp: 2 things08:59
DamianFinoljamesrk, Edit your fstab like this:  /dev/sda1       /windows/       ntfs umask=1000 0       008:59
jamieDamianFinol: ok..a nd how do i do/get/see that? :P sorry for all my stupid question..^08:59
DamianFinolerr jamie08:59
NickGarveydarth_gimp: 1. If you did what I said, it should be in /usr/src/linux now08:59
gdbstopher: Like "net use w: \\my.server.com\web"08:59
darth_gimpNickGarvey, its not08:59
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stopherits text-only server gdb08:59
NickGarveydarth_gimp: 2. you can just do "tar xfvj file.tar.bz2" instead of all that mumbo jumbo ;)08:59
DamianFinolreplace /dev/xxx and /windows/ with your information, now you need to setup the umask correctly too08:59
jamiefstab is what?08:59
stopheri don't have GUI yet08:59
DamianFinoljamie,  /etc/fstab09:00
Shinzetsugdb: it worked!09:00
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DamianFinoltry , sudo gedit /etc/fstab09:00
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gdbstopher: then you'll need to manually edit your /etc/samba/smb.conf file.  There are a number of examples in there to use.09:00
gdbShinzetsu: Great!  Now before you reboot, make sure you're using gdm with "dpkg-reconfigure gdm" and selecting gdm over kdm.09:00
stophersays windows can't access the folder may not have permissions09:00
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Shinzetsugdb: it installed it flawlessly, and I chose gdm as default display manager when the xserver-xorg came up09:00
stopheri did edit that gdb09:00
Shinzetsugdb: yep09:00
corevettehow do you uninstall ubuntu from a windows/linux dualboot?09:00
darth_gimpNickGarvey, how can I clear these out and start the thing over? When I first went to /usr/src it was empty09:01
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stopheri can't access\web09:01
Shinzetsugdb: ill do it again, just to make sure, ill brb on gnome ;) cheers!!09:01
_lemsx1_corevette: ouch09:01
NickGarveydarth_gimp: "apt-get remove linux-source"09:01
gdbShinzetsu: Ah, great!  Now you can boot into the desktop but /quit in irssi to exit it, and "exit" at the root prompt.  Once you're bck in here, we can work on making sure that KDE and XFCE are completely gone.09:01
corevette_lemsx1_ what?09:01
gdbShinzetsu: sure thing!09:01
DamianFinolcorevette, Easily? boot windows recovery, and type: fixmbr then resize or delete the linux partitions09:01
_lemsx1_corevette: uninstalling ubuntu? instead of windows?09:01
corevette_lemsx1_ no.....i'm putting it on a different computer...no dual boot.... i like linux better09:02
darth_gimpNickGarvey, the directory is still there...09:02
corevetteDamianFinol last time i did that, grub didn't uninstall09:02
_lemsx1_corevette: perhaps you can delete the ubuntu parition using the live CD and then tell NTFS to grow to take over the space09:02
NickGarveydarth_gimp: is there anything in the directory?09:02
corevettedamianfinol and it messed up my whole computer09:02
darth_gimpNickGarvey, all the stuff that was in the tar09:02
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stopherokay so i can't ftp to the server09:03
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jamieDamianFinol: do i need to reboot after ive edited fstab?09:03
darth_gimpNickGarvey, I just want to get my tablet working.. and this is getting out of hand...09:03
NickGarveydarth_gimp: what directory are we talking about?09:03
DamianFinoljamie no09:03
mdiousI might head off and have a shower, cya later everyone09:03
stophergdb: is there a apache2 conf file i need to edit?09:03
NickGarveydarth_gimp: oh I'm not sure how ubuntu handles kernel sources09:03
darth_gimpNickGarvey, linux-source-2.6.1509:03
DamianFinolcorevette,  Then I wouldn't know, ask Microsoft.09:03
gdbstopher: Not with regards to this samba share, no.09:03
_lemsx1_corevette: you will need to do fixmbr again to remove grub09:03
NickGarveydarth_gimp: ok, thats your kernel source then09:03
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stophergdb: I mean to ftp into the server and add web files09:03
corevette_lemsx1_ okay09:03
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darth_gimpNickGarvey, ok but then I do what http://linuxwacom.sourceforge.net/index.php/howto/config says09:04
Shinzetsugdb: you there?09:04
Shinzetsugdb: failed to start X server09:04
gdbstopher: Ah, the default apache2 install uses /var/www so if you're using the default installation, then there is no further apache configuration to do.09:04
NickGarveydarth_gimp: eek, are you compiling a kernel?09:04
_lemsx1_anybody using fglrx on Edgy?09:04
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scaihi.. Im having a trouble with firefox.. ti crashes in some sites.. some one can help me?09:04
jamieDamianFinol: ok i succseded to mount it.. but nwo i cant acess it anyway.. it says i dont have the proper rights09:04
gdbShinzetsu: So the X server itself failed to start?09:04
darth_gimpNickGarvey, and I get "version.h is not in /include/linux"09:04
Shinzetsugdb: I was thinking of trying to see if kubuntu-desktop is still installed and doing dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:04
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NickGarveydarth_gimp: cd into the directory, and type "make menuconfig"09:04
stophergdb: yeah i did the default UBUNTU LAMP09:04
Shinzetsugdb: yeah. i do get the kubuntu loading screen09:05
_lemsx1_scai: what sites?09:05
NickGarveydarth_gimp: I'm not really sure whats going on heh09:05
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Shinzetsugdb: I think its the half corrupt KDM09:05
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jamieDamianFinol: do i need to chmod it.. its only root ahve acess now i guess?09:05
darth_gimpNickGarvey, what directory the linux-source one?09:05
gdbstopher: Then you should be good as far as apache is concerned.09:05
DamianFinoljamie,  You need to set the proper umask09:05
_lemsx1_scai: disable all the extensions you might have installed09:05
NickGarveydarth_gimp: yeah.. but I'm not sure what you are trying to do09:05
stiv2kdoes anyone know what happened to the easyubuntu site?09:05
_lemsx1_scai: and some plugins are just evil...09:05
=== AVR[gr] is now known as ARMfreaK
stopherwhy doesn't it allow the ftp:\\\web?09:05
gdbShinzetsu: You ran dpkg-reconfigure xserver-org?09:05
jamieDamianFinol: ok.. and ehm.. what is taht? sorry again, im a noob. ^09:05
scai_lexmxl_ w3schools for example.. random sites09:05
Shinzetsugdb: nope09:05
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DamianFinoljamie: 'sudo gedit /etc/passwd'09:05
darth_gimpNickGarvey, trying to set up my WACOM to use in Gimp or Inkscape09:05
Shinzetsugdb: lemme do it09:05
Double_Dokay, i'm out.09:05
_lemsx1_stopher: do not use back-slashes \ <----09:05
scai_lemsx1_, ok.. I will try09:06
DamianFinolFind your user, see what's the first number, in my case, it's 100009:06
scai_lemsx1_, ty09:06
darth_gimpNickGarvey, just trying to follow this website..09:06
NickGarveydarth_gimp: oh, you don't need to do any of that, if you have extracted your linux source, then you are good09:06
DamianFinolGo to fstab again, and replace umask=1000 with your user #09:06
stopherokay / doesn't work either09:06
=== darth_gimp pulls his hair out
DamianFinolIf your usermask is 500 then it should read umask=50009:06
jamieDamianFinol: ok.. i see.. and what shoudl i add? any tips?09:06
gdbstopher: ftp?  how are you trying to mount this on your windows machine?09:06
Bonez56_yeah that's what I thought09:06
BeepAUhey everyone, i'm trying to install easyh10, which is for my iriver, but when i go to install the package, it tells me 'Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libc6'. what do i have to do to fix it?09:07
Shinzetsugdb: okay did it, someone recommended me the vesa driver09:07
jamieDamianFinol: oh ok..09:07
stopheri am trying to use an ftp like you said gdb09:07
stopherim not mounting yet gdb09:07
Bonez56_BeepAU: try sudo apt-cache search libc609:07
NickGarveyjamie: sudo grep `whoami` /etc/passwd09:07
DamianFinolthen the ntfs partition is sort of assigned to that user so he/she can read09:07
darth_gimpNickGarvey, I am so close to giving up on linux its not funny09:07
Shinzetsugdb: ill try and reboot now09:07
Bonez56_BeepAU: and see if there are any packages, then install the one you think looks most obvious09:07
gdbstopher: that has nothing to do with samba.  So you're trying to access ftp://servername/web from WIndows?09:07
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gdbShinzetsu: Good luck!09:07
Shinzetsugdb: cheers09:07
gdbShinzetsu: You know how to single user and come back!09:07
Shinzetsugdb: yep =D09:07
NickGarveydarth_gimp: eek, it seems you are tackling some hard stuff pretty quickly09:07
Shinzetsugdb: and if it fails to start, it goes to single user so yeah09:07
Shinzetsugdb: brb09:07
stopheryes gdb09:07
fooHow can I delete everything in mailq?09:08
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stopherif I type i can see the files, but not edit them i want to add files09:08
darth_gimpNickGarvey, I just want my pressure sensitivity in GiMP like I did in Photoshop... I am losing clients like crazy09:08
gdbstopher: in that case samba is not the answer and you'll need to install an ftp server.  I don't know what the default one is in Ubuntu.  Let me see if I can find out.09:08
NickGarveydarth_gimp: pressure sensitivity.. from what input device?09:08
Bonez56_gdb: proftpd09:08
Flannelstopher: you need... ftp or ssh, or any of the numerous means of file transfer09:08
gdbAh, there you go09:08
darth_gimpNickGarvey, that would be the tablet I am trying to set up... my WACOM09:09
stopherftp not working Flannel09:09
gdbapt-get install proftpd - I've never used it, but perhaps another can give instructions on how to give ftp access to /var/www using it.09:09
NickGarveydarth_gimp: I think.. #ubuntu is not the best place to get help, because that is above the general type of questions in this channel (this is mainly a newbie channel.. that is very advanced stuff)09:09
stopherftp://\web  NO PERMISSION/NOT FOUND/ ETC09:09
Flannelstopher: then you have it setup wrong.  as, FTP does work.  Millions of people have used it for dozens of years09:09
DarkElf109Has anyone here ever had a problem where, after deleting a mailbox directory from a Courier server using a client, the folder can't be removed from the Trash?09:09
darth_gimpNickGarvey, how do I get rid of this directory then?09:09
gdbstopher: It would be
NickGarveydarth_gimp: perhaps a forum would help, but I doubt anyone in here right now will be able to help you out09:09
stopherthen i must not have it enabled somewhere09:09
Bonez56_stopher: you have to set up anonymous access if that's what you need, edit /etc/proftpd.conf09:09
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NickGarveydarth_gimp: you want to get rid of /usr/src/linux?09:10
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jamieDamianFinol: ok in fstab its correct i guess.. my umask is correct09:10
Flannelstopher: you need to log in via ftp, it'll log you in to your home directory, for that user.09:10
Shinzetsugdb: it works!!!!09:10
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gdbShinzetsu: WOOT! :-D  That's great!09:10
Shinzetsugdm: Thanks sooo much09:10
pacsguya wacom drawing pad ?09:10
darth_gimpNickGarvey, yes... before I started this mess the /usr/src was empty09:10
jamiedosent i need to reboot for the fstab to be loaded?09:10
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gdbShinzetsu: So you're on now using the GNOME desktop? :-)09:10
stopherthat doesn't work either gdb09:10
DamianFinoljamie,  No, umount the partition and mount it again09:10
Shinzetsugdb: now I need to remove kubuntu-desktop?09:10
NickGarveydarth_gimp: rm -r /usr/src/*09:10
Shinzetsugdb: yep09:10
NickGarveydarth_gimp: that will clean it out09:10
DamianFinoljamie Generally, the only thing that needs a reboot in linux, is installing a new kernel09:10
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FlannelDarkElf109: you might have to be someone else to move it from the trash.  Check the owner of that file, etc09:11
stopherso do I need to assign that DIR to a user first09:11
gdbstopher: well, an ftp server needs to be installed first, that would be proftpd -- as for configuring it to allow access to /var/www, I don't know how to do that.09:11
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Bonez56_Shinzetsu: there is no easy way to remove kubuntu-desktop as it's a virtual package. you need to open synaptic and search for "kde" and remove everything except the kde libs09:11
DarkElf109Flannel: That's the crazy thing: There is no file, and there's no mention of it anywhere in my Maildir. It's a phantom folder!09:11
gdbShinzetsu: sweet!  Now, do you want to make sure all of KDE and XFCE are removed or are you good to go for now?09:11
NickGarveystopher: I would just use nfs and mount it on your local system09:11
DarkElf109DamianFinol: Well, because we're still using a monolithic kernel, if a device driver goes crazy, it could require a reboot09:11
FlannelDarkElf109: wouldn't it be in .trash? sorry, Im not familiar with Courier, or, is it hidden? ls -a?09:11
Bonez56_BeepAU: how did you go?09:12
Shinzetsugdb: I did get the xubuntu login screen :P but XFCE is gone, I can still choose KDE but its gone aswell o_O09:12
stopherNickGarvey: \\ubuntu\var\www ?09:12
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Shinzetsugdb: im good to go though09:12
DamianFinolDarkElf109, Well, yea :P09:12
jamieDamianFinol: only write: sudo umount /dev/hdb1 /home/Jamie/Arkivet   ?09:12
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NickGarveystopher: I had it as /webdir09:12
gdbBonez56_: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome.php has a list of packages to remove.09:12
DarkElf109Flannel: It's gone, totally, and completely...but it shows up in every client09:12
BeepAUBonez56_ -- it tell's me i already have it, and it's the newest version etc.09:12
DamianFinolDarkElf109,  Then again, that's also a kernel thing :P09:12
gdbShinzetsu: heh ok, well, that's an issue to tackle another day then :-)09:12
DarkElf109DamianFinol: This is true =)09:12
Bonez56_Shinzetsu: I had that problem, 2 secs and i'll find you a thread on ubuntuforums, it's quite simple to fix09:12
DamianFinoljamie You can 'sudo umount /dev/hdb1'09:12
Bonez56_gdb: great, didn't know about that. taa09:12
darth_gimpNickGarvey, I just did that and then re-did the "apt-get install linux-source"09:12
Shinzetsuhey thanks mate09:12
gdbShinzetsu: And remember, if you feel like it, Ubuntu can go from boot to installed in about 30 minutes. ;-)09:12
gdbShinzetsu: If you choose to reinstall  your machine09:13
gdbBonez56_: :-D09:13
evan_w00how do you get rid of the "beeps" when you type?09:13
NickGarveyevan_w00: you mean when you hit tab?09:13
evan_w00kinda annoying09:13
darth_gimpNickGarvey, and still /usr/src/ is empty any idea why?09:13
Shinzetsugdb: yep, i know it =p, i screwed up once09:13
NickGarveyevan_w00: xset -b off09:13
evan_w00NickGarvey what i hit dead ends09:13
evan_w00oh ok09:13
Bonez56_Shinzetsu: run this command; sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so09:13
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evan_w00thanks :)09:13
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Bonez56_Shinzetsu: then choose which artwork you want, just the main ubuntu one09:13
gdbah, cool, the last part of the puzzle that I didn't know09:13
gdbthanks, Bonez56_ :-)09:13
NickGarveydarth_gimp: did it install without error?09:14
BeepAUBonez56_ -- however, i still get the same error message. how can i fix it?09:14
Bonez56_no probs, i searched for ages to find out how to fix that!09:14
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NickGarveyevan_w00: yeah that bothers me too (and wakes people up) ;)09:14
Bonez56_BeepAU: not too sure then sorry :(09:14
gdbhehe you know what's funny09:14
Shinzetsuman im gonna get myself a beer now phew09:14
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Bonez56_Shinzetsu: beer + ubuntu = win09:14
gdbI've been using Ubuntu (and thus a debian system) only since 2 weeks previous to Dapper release.09:14
evan_w00NickGarvey same situation here :P09:14
DarkElf109Flannel: Ack! Just found it: It was hiding in my courierimapsubscribed file -_-09:14
darth_gimpNickGarvey, it said "Setting up linux-source ( ..." and then came back to the prompt09:15
gdbI was pretty much flying by the seat of my pants helping Shinzetsu. ;-)09:15
BeepAUBonez56_ -- can i give you the list of files in pastebin, and you confirm which one i should download?09:15
Bonez56_gdb: what distro are you familiar with?09:15
stopherim not sure09:15
NickGarveydarth_gimp: and theres nothing in /usr/src?09:15
Bonez56_BeepAU: yep go for it09:15
BeepAUBonez56_ -- http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2043509:15
Shinzetsugdb: I did lose half of my KDE apps tho09:15
darth_gimpNickGarvey, empty09:15
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gdbBonez56_: Red Hat and Fedora.  I started with Slackware in 1994, then Red Hat in '96, had a 2 year stint of NetBSD and then back to Red Hat and continuing on to Fedora.09:15
Shinzetsugdb: doesnt matter, all I need is amaroK :-)09:15
DarkElf109So...now that that's all cleared up (been bugging me for a week -_-), anybody need help?09:15
gdbShinzetsu: they would be included with kubuntu-desktop09:15
NickGarveydarth_gimp: not sure, and its like 3:15 here so I need to finish my work and go to sleep, good luck09:16
gdbShinzetsu: If you want them back, then you can apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ;-)09:16
stopherIt's just not working for me09:16
Bonez56_gdb: sounds very similar to be, except instead of the netbsd I went to debian... stayed there since, but now i'm learning RHCE, it's a bit of a nightmare after doing debian for so long :)09:16
darth_gimpNickGarvey, yep thanks09:16
DarkElf109Shinzetsu: Or just apt-get install amark, and then you don't grab EVERYTHING09:16
Shinzetsuok heh im going out of irssi and install xchat brb09:16
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stopheri see the default ubuntu page that says the webmaster hasn't loaded any files09:16
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Bonez56_BeepAU: type uname -a and paste the output here09:16
DarkElf109Pfft. BitchX ftw!09:16
gdbBonez56_: I'm really looking forward to Debian 4.0 in December.09:16
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Bonez56_gdb: the long awaited debian 4 ;)09:16
darth_gimpNickGarvey, is there no command I can type to locate my kernel source?09:17
Raproid Is here anybody, who know russian language?09:17
Bonez56_i'm doing all self study for RHCE reading from books... fun fun09:17
NickGarveydarth_gimp: cd /; find -name linux-source*09:17
NickGarveydarth_gimp: might take a bit09:17
Bonez56_Raproid: /j #ubuntu-ru09:17
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master5o1I love Nintendo!!09:17
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Shinzetsugdb: wewt09:18
darth_gimpNickGarvey, thanks!09:18
gdbBonez56_: I think RHEL is a pretty slick system (by virtue of being Red Hat) but I have to say that I'm born again when it comes to Debian style package management now. I do miss rpm -V.  Is there a dpkg equivalent? I'm not sure that the relavent checksum information is stored anywhere.09:18
gdbShinzetsu: ;-)09:18
BeepAUBonez56_ -- did you get my pm?09:18
Shinzetsugdb: #ubuntu > Microsoft support telephone09:18
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DamianFinolgdb mhmh apt-cache show xxx should give you the package info09:19
Bonez56_gdb: i'm not sure to be honest, don't even know what rpm -V does lol09:19
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gdbI see it in package-name-verison/debian/files in a source package, but I'm not sure how to use that to check installed packages.09:19
odathi everyone09:19
Bonez56_BeepAU: yes but you have to have your nick registered for me to reply. try this: sudo apt-get install libc6-i68609:19
DamianFinolgdb,  Checksum, version, dependencies, comments, description, etc09:19
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bruenigdoes anyone have a fix that allows you to have a sound occupying app, rhythmbox or another running, and hear flash in firefox?09:19
DarkElf109gdb: http://distrocenter.linux.com/distrocenter/06/07/19/1510245.shtml?tid=106&tid=13&tid=9609:19
gdbDamianFinol: That's not the information I'm looking for, though.  It's the rpm -V information. It indicates which files have been modified, which files have a different checksum, newer modification time, etc, than when installed.09:19
Bonez56_gdb: i purchased RHEL4 AS from redhat (academic edition) for $60 USD, and loving it. no support but full updates for a year, purely for self-learning09:19
brlancerwhat does update-manager download that dist-upgrade wouldn't? dist-upgrade had completed downloads but update-manager wanted another dozen packages09:19
DarkElf109gdb: Neat article on all sorts of nifty apt utilities09:20
BeepAUBonez56_ -- it gave me the same message that it did the first time i tried.09:20
gdbDamianFinol: ah, thanks!09:20
gdbbookmarking it now09:20
Bonez56_BeepAU: paste me the msg in a pm09:20
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BeepAUBonez56_ -- ... and my nick is registered.09:20
Bonez56_BeepAU: great talk to you in pm09:20
Shinzetsugdb: where can i see my current display driver?09:20
Shinzetsugdb: xorg.conf?09:20
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DarkElf109brlancer: dist-upgrade should cover everything09:20
gdbShinzetsu: Ah, I think that would be the place to look, yes.09:20
DarkElf109brlancer: Did you try refreshing after finishing the dist-upgrade09:20
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Shinzetsugdb: :D09:20
brlancerDarkElf109: refreshing?09:21
gdbShinzetsu: Or in /var/log/Xorg.0.log09:21
DarkElf109brlancer: One of the buttons on the bottom...lemme check09:21
Flannelbrlancer: make sure you reinstall the meta packages!09:21
brlancerDarkElf109: I restarted update-manager09:21
Bonez56_BeepAU: your nick is still unregged apparently09:21
Shinzetsugdb: its nv09:21
NickGarvey* [BeepAU]  is identified to services09:21
Shinzetsugdb: on the nvidia site they tell you to change nv to nvidia09:21
gdbShinzetsu: So you're using the free nVidia 2d driver.09:22
brlancerDarkElf109: I stopped update-manager to futz with mirrors using dist-upgrade; once the downloads were done, I started update-manager again09:22
Shinzetsugdb: im using nvidia-glx09:22
DarkElf109brlancer: Hrm...Probably what Flannel said ;)09:22
darth_gimpI officially give up...09:22
BeepAUBonez56_ -- hmm, well i registered it and identified myself with a password. anyway, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2043609:22
Shinzetsugdb: but I think I have to reconfigure xorg to use nvidia instead of nv09:22
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NickGarveydarth_gimp: in situations such as yours, where finding the right driver is very unlikely, I suggest you stick to windows for what you need09:22
gdbShinzetsu: I have to admit that you're getting beyond me.  My Ubuntu system doesn't have video hardware for which there is a 3D driver.09:22
DarkElf109brlancer: Ah. That's probably why. update-manager was probably yusing old package lists. It's the "Check" button =)09:22
darth_gimpI've tried for months now to figure out how to get my tablet working in Linux with pressure sensitivity and nothing works09:22
NickGarveydarth_gimp: I VERY really suggest that09:22
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Shinzetsugdb: hehe ok np, well it works now anyway so who cares09:23
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NickGarveydarth_gimp: but this seems to be one of those situations where its not worth the hassle to try and get something to work, when its just not going to happen09:23
gdbShinzetsu: i don't think that's what you need to do.  I believe you can edit the xorg.conf file directly and restart X09:23
darth_gimpNickGarvey, I was following the website set for the driver by WACOM themselves09:23
Shinzetsuyep, and gedit works from recovery mode :)09:23
NickGarveydarth_gimp: oh?  hmm.. not sure then09:23
brlancerDarkElf109: what old package list?09:23
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NickGarveydarth_gimp: but.. if you are new to linux.. thats probably quite a project to try and take on09:23
darth_gimpNickGarvey, I agree and if I could afford to buy windows I would...09:23
gdbShinzetsu: I'm using the onboard Intel 945G video that came with my Optiplex GX64009:23
Shinzetsugdb :D I had one of those, I have a GeFroce 6200SE now09:24
Shinzetsugdb: brb09:24
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DarkElf109brlancer: The things that are downloaded when you do apt-get update. I'm not certain, but I think update-manager uses a different set than apt-get09:24
darth_gimpI have an ubuntu full install.. how would I now setup a dual boot with windoze?09:24
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ripperi keep getting an error with azureus when i try to open a torrent via firefox, it says its not a file09:24
brlancerDarkElf109: really? that's wonked :)09:24
gdbdarth_gimp: I've not been following the discussion but I see these 2 packages in the Main repository that are WACOM related.  Are they unhelpful?09:24
gdbwacom-tools - utilities for wacom tablets and other hid devices09:24
gdbxserver-xorg-input-wacom - X.Org X server -- Wacom input driver09:24
DarkElf109brlancer: Not sure, but yeah...just hit the check button in update-anager, and it should update the lists09:25
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stopherDoes anyone here know if GeoVision Survaillance is compatible with Linux?09:25
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DarkElf109gdb: I tried those out, along with the guide on the wiki...It worked, sort of...I got mouse control with the tablet, but at about once-per-second refresh =/09:25
ubotuHelp! lilo, Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak!09:25
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NickGarveythanks :09:26
gdbThank you!09:26
NickGarveythanks :)09:26
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ripperanyone know why azures would be telling me to clear my browswer cache, and that i dont have enough space in /tmp, also that a .torrent isnt a file09:26
darth_gimpgdb, yep I have both of those packages installed09:26
gdbI have to say that my *verbal* reaction, had I typed it in here, would have gotten me the boot, too. ;-)09:26
DarkElf109ripper: "Isn't a file"? What's the exact error message?09:27
ripperi wish it would stay up long enough to type it out :P09:27
gdbdarth_gimp: Ah, ok.  Well, I apologize for not being much help.  I saw you talking about WACOM and figured I'd chip that in there in case it'd be helpful. :-)09:27
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DarkElf109ripper: Well, for the /tmp thing, check your available disk space, and make sure that /tmp exists and has permissions that allow you to access it09:27
ripperyes they do09:28
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gdbThe permissions on /tmp should always be 1777.09:28
darth_gimpgdb, no worries09:28
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DarkElf109gdb: Operative word: should =)09:28
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ripperheh i can open them from azures , just not firefox09:28
ripperthats not right....09:28
rippergdb perms on /tmp are correct09:28
DarkElf109ripper: What happens when you click on a link to a .torrent?09:29
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Talisker[w] Hi again09:29
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Talisker[w] Where are my samba folders [from other computers]  located on my system?09:29
DarkElf109Talisker[w] : Are you in GNOME?09:30
Talisker[w] [I have to learn how to deal with so many tools I'm not used to] 09:30
Talisker[w] Nope09:30
Talisker[w] ion309:30
DarkElf109...I've never heard of that =)09:30
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stopherTalisker[w] : in network neighborhood09:30
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Talisker[w] stopher, is there an absolute path?09:30
Shinzetsugdb: okay this is funny09:30
stophergo to it and just save it09:30
Shinzetsugdb: i have the Kubuntu loading screen, the Xubuntu login screen and the Ubuntu shutdown screen09:30
gdbShinzetsu: wow09:31
gdbShinzetsu: lol09:31
Talisker[w] I'm not using any file browser other then my terminal at the moment09:31
DarkElf109Talisker[w] : Ok. I can help now =)09:31
Talisker[w] and I need access to the network files, O don't know where they are located09:31
Talisker[w] I guess the guy who installed the system kept them on the default path09:32
DarkElf109Talisker[w] : smbtree will show all the network paths on your network09:32
Shinzetsugdb: it made ma laugh :P09:32
gdbShinzetsu: have you run "dpkg-reconfigure usplash" ?09:32
Talisker[w] thanks :)09:32
Shinzetsugdb: nope, will do now09:32
stopherTalisker[w]  samba?09:32
gdbShinzetsu: worth a shot :-)09:32
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Talisker[w] ...09:32
Talisker[w] these aren't folders09:32
DarkElf109Talisker[w] : From there, once you find a path, the following will let you mount the path: sudo mount -t smbfs //<Host>/<service> <mount dir>09:33
Talisker[w] cool09:33
DarkElf109It's a process =)09:33
gdboh wow, the usplash control file is wrong09:33
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gdbSection: universe/misc09:33
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JamieDamianFinol: hum.. i dont have the right to acess it still.09:33
gdband it's not in universe... it's in main09:33
Shinzetsugdb: hm nothing09:33
gdbShinzetsu: Hrm, let me dig.09:34
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stopherwell i can't help ya my MSHOME went out09:34
Talisker[w] mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on \MICHAC,09:34
Talisker[w]        missing codepage or other error09:34
Talisker[w]        In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try09:34
Talisker[w]        dmesg | tail  or so09:34
Jamiehow do I mount /dev/hdb1 to /home/jamie/Arkivet/ so i ahve the rights to acess it..? i must use sudo to mount it.. but now only root ahve access rights.09:34
Talisker[w] oops, sorry for that paste09:34
Talisker[w] won't happen again09:35
DarkElf109Talisker[w] : Replace the backslashes with forward slashes09:35
Talisker[w] Tried that09:35
DarkElf109Talisker[w] : bash reads backslashes oddle09:35
gdbShinzetsu: Ah, it's what Bonez56 said earlier: update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so" -- did you run that?09:35
gdber sans "09:35
Talisker[w] oh09:35
Shinzetsuyeah, i chose the ubuntu one :/09:35
Talisker[w] so I need to double them for the escape char?09:35
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DarkElf109Talisker[w] : Nah. Just use forward slashes09:36
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Shinzetsugdb: wait lemme show you09:36
DarkElf109Talisker[w] : Ex: //Michac/blach09:36
DarkElf109Talisker[w] : Also, make sure the smbfs package is installed09:36
Jamieanyoen have a sec?09:36
Jamiehow do I mount /dev/hdb1 to /home/jamie/Arkivet/ so i ahve the rights to acess it..? i must use sudo to mount it.. but now only root ahve access rights.09:36
Talisker[w] OK, that might be the problem09:36
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Shinzetsugdb: http://www.pastecode.com/300109:36
Shinzetsugdb: see I got the default on09:36
DarkElf109Jamie: I have a time server. By the justification that it gives me time, I have all the time in my server =)09:36
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JamieDarkE: hehe funny ^09:37
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Shinzetsugdb: oh I forgot to copy the last line: "Press enter to keep the default[*] , or type selection number"09:37
k0shiSenao NL-2511CD PLUS EXT2 200mw PCMCIA WiFi 802.11b   ,  bad idea on ubuntu or not?09:37
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DarkElf109Jamie: mount -t <fs type> -o uid=<username/number> /dev/hdb1 /home/jamie/Arkivet09:37
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Shinzetsugdb: if * = default then I have the right one right :\09:38
DarkElf109k0shi: Gimme that card, I want to wardrive!09:38
PyroManiakhow do I set access so I can write into my folders?09:38
munzirHi, by default all my commands are on tty pts/0, how can i shift to another tty?09:38
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DarkElf109k0shi: Oh, yes, very good Linux card. Senaos are all outstanding as far as support goes09:38
k0shiDarkElf109: want a link for one for cheap?09:38
JamieDarkE aho.. i see.. let me try.. and whats the proper fstab command?09:38
Jamieto enter it09:38
=== UpMarc [n=marcavel@20158133057.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
DarkElf109munzir: Ctrl+Alt+F<key>09:38
gdbShinzetsu: Yes, * is the one it's using.09:38
Shinzetsugdb: well I get the Xubuntu one09:38
munzirDarkElf109: it's a sytem I am loggin in using ssh09:38
k0shiim running Xubuntu now09:38
DarkElf109k0shi: Thanks =)09:39
k0shiYoull need an antenna to buy with it as well09:39
DarkElf109Jamie: That, I'm not sure of...09:39
rast4can someone help me with su? I typed 'su' in terminal and it asks for the password, and I enter it and it says authentication failure Sory.09:39
Shinzetsugdb: lets try and reboot09:39
DarkElf109k0shi: Meh, I've always wanted to build myself a double biquad =)09:39
k0shisudo su09:39
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zoidberghey guys i have a problem09:39
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DarkElf109rast4: Err, no, not sudo su...09:39
zoidbergmy PCMCIA services fail to start at boot09:39
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.09:40
zoidbergdoes anyone know how i could fix that?09:40
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DarkElf109munzir: Not sure how to do that, then...sorry09:40
rast4what I"m confused about is I need to run as root to change permissions with my /home folders09:40
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k0shiDarkElf109: Will it be easy to install on Xubuntu?09:40
k0shithat card that is...09:40
florianhi, is it possible to synchronize the system clock on startup?09:40
DarkElf109k0shi: Should be. May even be autodetected09:40
DarkElf109Probably, that is09:40
k0shiI hope09:40
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k0shiShit man, if not thatd suck09:41
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.09:41
DarkElf109florian: Yes09:41
k0shiWill I be needing to download like masssss drivers?09:41
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PyroManiakAnyone have experience getting a D-Link 650+ working with WEP?09:41
Jamienow it works.. nice..09:41
DarkElf109Nope. Shouldn't. If anything at all, you might need the restricted drivers09:41
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:41
k0shi650+ isnt Prism209:41
k0shiI know that09:41
florianDarkElf109: do you know a howto or can you tell me how to do that?09:41
Jamieubuntu dosnet have support for playing mp3?09:41
munzirDarkElf109: np09:42
=== [Nige] [n=nige@203-206-21-194.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
[Nige] hi all09:42
[Nige] how do get a script to run at boot time?09:42
k0shiJamie: XMMS is what I use09:42
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k0shiJamie: sudo apt-get install xmms09:42
Jamiek0shi: where do i get it09:42
rast4DarkElf: if I'm using file manager, I don't have root permission to copy files over, how does one get these permissions?09:42
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Bogaurdhey guys... i just installed dapper server, and just installed exim4 as my MTA - but i dont have the 'mail' command =\09:43
Shinzetsugdb: well I got rid of the kubuntu startup screen but I still have the Xubuntu login09:43
Bogaurdany idea as to why?09:43
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Bonez56Jamie: you need codecs09:43
DarkElf109florian: Lookup ntpdate and initscripts09:43
Bonez56Jamie: you need codecs, not just a player09:43
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k0shiI figure xmms is nice and comes with a fair amount of codecs09:43
DarkElf109rast4: On your *own* home directory??09:43
PyroManiakAnyone D-Link 650+ working with WEP? works fine if I disable the wep key inside the router..09:43
jeeaarwould anybody mind helping a new linux user set up his ventrilo server?"09:44
PanserbjornAnyone have any idea why moving files from my linux partition to a FAT32 external would keep cutting out after a couple files?09:44
DarkElf109[Nige] : Copy/move/link a script to /etc/init.d/<scriptname>, give it executable permissions, and run "sudo update-rc.d add <scriptname> defaults"09:44
bbrazilPanserbjorn: you're run out of diskspace?09:44
rast4yes DE, I downloaded something to my desktop and I need to copy it over to my /usr/share/amsn/skins folder09:44
rast4but I have mo permissions09:44
DarkElf109sudo <command>09:44
[Nige] thanks DarkElf10909:44
Panserbjornbbrazil: Nope, 253GB free09:44
[Nige] i will give it a gao09:44
DarkElf109!sudo > rast409:44
bbrazilPanserbjorn: files under 2GB?09:44
Panserbjornaye, mp3s09:44
k0shiDarkElf109: What do you mean ill need restriced drivers?09:45
k0shilike wlan-linux?09:45
Panserbjornsometimes a whole folder will transfer09:45
Jamiehow do I make XMMS my standar player?09:45
rast4ty I will look09:45
Jamiefor mp3's09:45
bbrazilPanserbjorn: what error is it giving?09:45
k0shiright click an mp3, change it i think09:45
Bonez56Jamie: similar to windows, double click a .mp3 file and tell it to always open with xmms09:45
Panserbjornbbrazil: no error, moving window just disappears09:45
DarkElf109k0shi: Some drivers are proprietary...and therefore not included by default for legal reasons09:45
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=== Talisker[w] [n=shai@85-250-62-187.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
PyroManiakhmm... the ubuntu help site is down?09:45
bbrazilPanserbjorn: ah, try using cp from the terminal09:45
BogaurdI just installed dapper server, and just installed exim4 as my MTA - but i dont have the 'mail' command =\ - have i forgotten something?09:45
k0shiGot any links for such drivers?09:45
Talisker[w] Hi, do I have to somehow reload samba after adding remote shared folders?09:45
BogaurdPyroManiak: working fine here...09:46
rast4yeah I got a time out09:46
Bonez56Talisker[w] : sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart09:46
Talisker[w] Because smbtree won't see them09:46
rast4on the help page09:46
Talisker[w] thanks09:46
DarkElf109Talisker[w] : sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart09:46
Panserbjornbbrazil: thanks, will try09:46
PyroManiakBogaurd: Wonder why it isn't working for me :[09:46
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PyroManiakboguard I'm trying to open https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper09:46
Talisker[w] sudo: /etc/init.d/samba: command not found09:46
Bogaurdyah... I wonder why the 'mail' command isnt working for me :(09:46
DarkElf109Talisker[w] : Oh. Then you don't have samba installed09:47
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Talisker[w] ...09:47
DarkElf109Bogaurd: Did you try runningit through sudo?09:47
BogaurdPyroManiak: ah, you're right. that one's not working.09:47
DarkElf109Talisker[w] : sudo apt-get install samba09:47
PyroManiakI can't get to the wiki site, or the help site09:47
Talisker[w] I DO have samba09:47
rast4*sniff* I can't get to the help site either09:47
DarkElf109Talisker[w] : Wait...are you sharing folders?09:47
k0shiDarkElf109: I know what youre talking about , i think, got any links for thos restr. drivers?09:47
BogaurdDarkElf109, yeah, it just says unknown command?09:47
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PyroManiakBogaurd: try this one https://wiki.ubuntu.com/09:47
Talisker[w] Maybe, but I'm trying to access remote folders ATM09:48
DarkElf109k0shi: they're in the repository09:48
mineralewhoa I never realised how awfully slow ntfs-3g is... I'm copying over a .iso file and this thinks takes *FOREVER*09:48
DarkElf109!restricted > k0shi09:48
Panserbjornbbrazil: would I type something like "cp /home/mark/Desktop/CDs /media/WD/CDs"? I do that and get error09:48
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Panserbjornbbrazil: haven't used cp before09:48
ireneshusbandinserting my pcmcia wavelan silver into my dapper powerbook causes an instant and total lockup. If I rmmod pcmcia and then insert the card, modprobe pcmcia hangs. Is there anything I can do about this?09:48
Bonez56remote folders uses smbclient09:48
Bonez56not samba09:48
DarkElf109minerale: According to the tests they've done, it's faster than most of the others09:48
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BogaurdPyroManiak: nope :(09:48
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DarkElf109Talisker[w] : Oh, then, no, shouldn't need to restart anything09:48
DarkElf109Talisker[w] : Just cd to the folder where you mounted the share09:48
mineraledarkelf109: well, it's using 100 percent cpu on me and i'm du -sh'ing as it goes through, and it's slow09:49
k0shiDarkElf109: Run that as a command?09:49
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DarkElf109minerale: Well, you might want to tell the author, then =)09:49
Talisker[w] DarkElf109, I don't think you catch my drift09:49
Talisker[w] I have a remote folder I need to access09:49
Talisker[w] and I can't mount it09:49
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Talisker[w] because smbtree won't detect it09:49
Bonez56Talisker[w] : mount -t smbfs -o username=tridge,password=foobar //fjall/test /data/test09:49
k0shiDarkElf109 is chattin it up tonight damn dude, haha09:49
funkjaI have a computer that I tried to dual boot Vista on and it messed something up and now doesn't detect GRUB. I booted with the ubuntu Live cd and all the grub files are still there. How do I set it to use GRUB?09:49
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.09:49
PyroManiakSince help isn't working, can someone tell me how to use NDISwrapper with my D-Link 650+?09:49
DarkElf109Talisker[w] : Hrm...not sure, then. In /etc/samba/smb.conf, is the workgroup setting correct?09:50
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overflow-1On my machine, X is started up with the -nolisten argument; how do i disable that from happening - /usr/bin/X :0 -br -audit 0 -auth /var/lib/gdm/:0.Xauth -nolisten tcp vt709:50
Talisker[w] DarkElf109, you told me I need to do samba restart09:50
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:50
Talisker[w] But I don't know where samba is located on that system09:50
DarkElf109k0shi: Go to those sites09:50
Talisker[w] The settings are fine, BTW09:51
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DarkElf109Talisker[w] : Ignore that. That;'s just for the server09:51
Talisker[w] Oh09:51
DarkElf109Talisker[w] : smbtree *should* show everything...it's just wonkly because it's a windows protocol09:51
DarkElf109Wow...typing too fast09:51
k0shihelp.ubuntu.com isnt working haha09:51
ireneshusbanddoes pcmcia work in dapper?09:51
Ribsthe wiki is down as well09:52
DarkElf109ireneshusband: Yes09:52
gdbdamn, sorry for falling quiet09:52
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.09:52
wasauceanyone have an idea on how to get Wake on lan to work premanently... i.e. so I dont have to have to run the following code before each shutdown? ethtool -s eth0 wol g09:52
gdbneighbor banging on my door needed to use my phone09:52
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ireneshusbandright. so why does inserting my wavelan card in my powerbook cause a lockup?09:52
DarkElf109ireneshusband: Because it's overloaded with dark energy09:52
JamieWhats a good player for divx, xvid and such?09:53
gdbhis gf was having a severe athsma attack and couldn't breathe09:53
Talisker[w] DarkElf109, so what can I do about it?09:53
gdbambulance is over there now with her09:53
ripperhow can i remove a network place from places, it wont let me remove it via right click09:53
ragzhey, anyone know why i can see myself typing letters outside of the a-z alphabet, and i can see others typing it too, but my letters won't display the way they should in others irc-clients?09:53
ireneshusbandshouldda known :)09:53
Talisker[w] are you suggesting that I could mount the folder even though it's not in smbtree?09:53
=== Shinzetsu [n=Shinzets@ipd50a2372.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Shinzetsugdb: hey I fixed the login window via gnome (system > administration > loginscreen)09:53
gdbShinzetsu: oh cool! lol09:53
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gdbDidn't think it'd be that easy. lol09:53
DarkElf109ireneshusband: http://www.popsci.com/popsci/computerselec/b49dd4d03cb84010vgnvcm1000004eecbccdrcrd.html09:53
mineraledarkelf109: as of a last minute hasty calculation: I'm getting 52mb per minute write speed using ntfs 3g, is that anywhere close to what other ntfs drives give ?09:54
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DarkElf109Talisker[w] : I...don't know...not really sure09:54
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rippernvm i got it09:54
DarkElf109minerale: Also don't know...check up on the original ntfs-3g announcement. Stats were listed there09:54
jeeaarok, ive got a file: "ventrilo_srv", on my desktop, and id like to execute it, but I dont know what to put into my terminal, i r noob09:55
Talisker[w] ...09:55
Talisker[w] I'm stuck09:55
DarkElf109Jamie: Xine, VLC both work, but fot the former, you'll need codecs09:55
Shinzetsugdb: gonna have breakfast now, then remove all that kde stuff brb09:55
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Shinzetsu^AFKforgot /nick :-) bye09:55
DarkElf109jeeaar: cd to /home/<username>/Desktop, then type ./ventrilo_srv, and hit returm09:55
k0shiDarkElf109: sorry to bog you down with the same question, but is there anywhere else for such drivers?09:56
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ubotuAutomatix is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. For help with and discussion of automatix please join #automatix.09:56
jeeaarcd stands for?09:56
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DarkElf109There. A link that actually works =)09:56
DarkElf109jeeaar: Change Directory09:56
=== redblades [n=demente@72.069.dsl.mel.iprimus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
DarkElf109jeeaar: It's a command09:56
jeeaarok, so i have to set a directory before i can execute under it?09:56
redbladesHi, how do I install ubuntu with the X installer?09:56
redbladesAs in, just use it normally, not a live CD09:57
DarkElf109jeeaar: No, but it makes more sense. If it creates any extra files, it usually drops them in the working directory if the location isn't explicitly set09:57
redbladesThe box I'm planning to use it fairly slowish09:57
jeeaarok, cool09:57
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DarkElf109redblades: TRhere should be an icon on the desktop when you boot with the LiveCD installer that say "IOnstall Ubuntu". Double-click it09:57
DarkElf109Gah...can't type this fast...09:58
redbladesDarkElf109, I want to use the non-X installer.09:58
DarkElf109redblades: Ah. Then you'll need the alternate install CD09:58
Jamiehum.. anyoen running VLC media player on linux?09:58
ireneshusbandwould replacing the ubuntu kernel with a more vanilla one reduce the pcmcia-related dark energy, or would that just leave me with bigger problems?09:58
DarkElf109Jamie: I am =)09:58
JamieDarkElf: how do i get it and install apt cant find it09:58
DarkElf109ireneshusband: It may or may not remove the pcmcia problem...it also may or may not introduce new problems09:58
DarkElf109!automatix > Jamie09:59
redbladesDarkElf109, where might I find the link for that? I can't locate it on the Ubuntu site...09:59
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DarkElf109ireneshusband: What happens, exactly? You plug it in, and the computer shuts off?09:59
DarkElf109redblades: Any download mirror, just find the "alternate install cd" link10:00
k0shiDarkElf109: Know any good resources for WiFi card installation on linux?10:00
ireneshusbandlocks up completely and utterly. no ctrl-alt-F?. no nuthin.10:00
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munzirHi, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ doesn't work for me. Only me?10:00
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DarkElf109k0shi: The wiki that's down and making this oh so much harder =)10:00
k0shiwiki is down10:00
k0shiits beeeen down10:01
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JoshHendoyea, I just noticed that10:01
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JoshHendodo you know how long?10:01
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redbladesOh.... dear....10:01
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DarkElf109ireneshusband: Restart the computer in single user mode (recovery mode, I think GRUB calls it by default), and try inserting it. Might simply be an X problems10:01
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redbladesI forgot... if I download it... I'll exceed my limit.10:01
jeeaarhas anybody here worked with ventrilo in the past?10:02
mineraleHi, how can I issue a 'eject cd' command through the command line ?10:02
DarkElf109jeeaar: Server or client?10:02
DarkElf109Sorry, can't help ya10:02
dueI'm having issues with shutting my new install of Dapper down; it's a laptop, Dell, apparently it was an issue with the ipw2200 (found some posts about it from a few years ago), but even modprobe -r before shutdown still makes it hang on "Mounting the root filesystem read only".10:02
jeeaari think i have the server running, i just dont think ive defined a connection point.10:02
DarkElf109minerale: man eject10:02
DarkElf109jeeaar: ps -A | grep ventrilo10:03
DarkElf109jeeaar: That'll let you know if it's running or not10:03
ireneshusbandwhen  i try booting with the card inserted I get a raft of kernel error messages and a failed boot, way before x starts. I'll have to try crashing the puter again to get a summary unfortunately.10:03
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DarkElf109ireneshusband: Funny thing, XP actually has a key combo that can be set in the registry to crash the computer on command =P10:04
ireneshusbandand when i rmmod pcmcia and insert the card, modprobe pcmcia hangs (but the system doesn't)10:04
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NickGarveyDarkElf109: ctrl scroll scroll :)10:05
NickGarveyDarkElf109: instant BSOD10:05
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DarkElf109ireneshusband: What kind of card was it again? I'll do some research in the meantime10:05
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ireneshusbandthat xp key combo is like trying to remember how to fall over when you are drunk10:05
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nathanlhello, I'm having trouble with EasyUbuntu...I cant seem to connect to freecontrib10:06
ireneshusbandwavelan silver (orinoco)10:06
nathanlit keeps timing out when I try to connect10:06
DarkElf109NickGarvey: Well, there's one for Linux too, but it's 6 key combos in a string that all involve both ctrl and scroll lock...I never remembered the nemonic for the commands, though =/10:06
jeeaarDarkElf109 im getting "28650 pts/0    00:00:00 ventrilo_srv10:06
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rast4is aMSN crappy white texting that is super hard to read?10:06
NickGarveyDarkElf109: um.. alt sysrq b might do it10:06
rast4I tried to change it, but I can't...10:06
DarkElf109NickGarvey: Something about elephants was definitely in there...10:07
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DarkElf109NickGarvey: Raising Skinny Elephants Is Utterly Boring.10:07
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DarkElf109jeeaar: That means that it's running10:08
jay[Help?]  When i try to install RealPlayer10GOLD.bin on my ubuntu, it tells: ./RealPlayer10GOLD.bin: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory10:08
jay? ------Whatcan I do?10:08
srikanthssnhow do i change desktop frm GNOME to KDE.. i installed KDE frm ubuntu dvd.. any help plz10:08
_JECKEL_so how would I put kde on if I allready got the version with gnome?10:08
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NickGarvey_JECKEL_: I don't understand10:08
DarkElf109_JECKEL_: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop10:09
NickGarveyoh thats what he was asking10:09
jeeaarDarkElf109: Does being behind a router mean i need to set permissions in the router settings?10:09
NickGarveyjeeaar: that means you have a little box between your modem and your computer10:09
nathanlCould someone help me?10:09
NickGarveynathan_: what can we do for you?10:10
jeeaarNickGarvey: very clever10:10
DarkElf109jeeaar: No idea. Never ran a ventrilo server10:10
cry0genNickGarvey: :D PEBKAC10:10
=== goblyn [n=goblyn@c-24-129-221-232.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
NickGarveyah :)10:10
nathanlI cant connect to freecontrib.org, as I was trying to get easyubuntu, so I could download whatever I needed to listen to mp3's10:10
goblynhow do i restart x?10:10
_JECKEL_yeah..seems to be no problems with the router I just got10:10
DarkElf109goblyn: From a terminal: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart10:10
DarkElf109He was using XChat =)10:11
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nathanlso, does anyone have the easyubuntu.tar file or am i out of luck?10:11
NickGarveynathanl: hmm, I think you can apt-get install lame (I believe)10:11
_JECKEL_I plan on putting ubuntu on my coming laptop10:11
_JECKEL_how well is the wireless support?10:11
NickGarvey!mp3 > nathanl10:11
_JECKEL_about as well as I can make it?10:11
DarkElf109_JECKEL_: I'd send you to the wiki page about it, but the wiki is down =)10:11
NickGarveynathanl: but the server is down..10:12
DarkElf109Ubuntu has some of, if not the, best hardware support of any linux distro10:12
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_JECKEL_no problem..I'm not getting the laptop till x-mas10:12
nathanlfor some reason the ubuntu page doesnt like me10:12
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DarkElf109_JECKEL_: Even if your card's not natively supported, there's always ndiswrapper10:13
_JECKEL_how is 64 bit ubuntu?10:13
DarkElf109nathanl: Not just you. The server's down10:13
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shekharhello can someone help me with partitioning10:13
NickGarvey_JECKEL_: its.. very 64 bit.. not dual arch...10:13
DarkElf109_JECKEL_: Same as standard, except you'll need to get 32-bit firefox if you want flash, etc.10:13
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_JECKEL_plan on having at least a 64 bit OS installed even though i'll have 32 bit windows10:13
DarkElf109shekhar: Probably =)10:13
_JECKEL_does ubuntu support dual cores?10:14
NickGarveynathanl: try "apt-get install mpg321"10:14
shekharDarkElf109:  i want to create an extended partition on my HD but gparted won't allow me10:14
DarkElf109_JECKEL_: Honestly, you're much better off with 32 bit...codecs and other proprietary stuff requires it10:14
DarkElf109_JECKEL_: Yeah10:14
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DarkElf109_JECKEL_: Heck, it supoports multiple processors10:14
DarkElf109All Linuxes do =)10:14
_JECKEL_I could allways upgrade later I suppose10:14
DarkElf109shekhar: Won't let you?10:14
_JECKEL_not like the 64 bit processors can't run 32 bit stuff anyway.10:14
NickGarveyshekhar: how many partitions do you have now?10:14
DarkElf109_JECKEL_: Like I said, better off with 32 bit10:15
_JECKEL_but i'd rather be prepared...FOR THE FUTURE!10:15
DarkElf109128-bit processors!10:15
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_JECKEL_future uture ture ure re re e10:15
DarkElf109Well...AMD is working on the 4-core proc10:15
synd3Get your free powered by ubuntu stickers!10:15
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shekharNickGarvey DarkElf109 : i have three already and want a fourth, so i am deleting the third one and trying to create it as an extended partition10:15
rast4_how would I download BitchX with UbuntU10:15
nathanlNickGarvey: apt-get install lame doesnt work10:15
NickGarveyshekhar: and what is it not letting you do?10:16
rast4_xchat is yuck10:16
_JECKEL_sucks that nothing really ever gets supported till microsoft gets off it's ass10:16
NickGarveyrast4: probably apt-get install bitchx10:16
DarkElf109rast4_: sudo apt-get install bitchx10:16
synd3rast4_: Irssi10:16
NickGarveynathanl: do the second one, mpg32110:16
shekharNickGarvey DarkElf109 : it doesn't give me the option to format as extended partition in gparted format dialogue10:16
_JECKEL_i'm expecting vista to completley get rid of the keyboard and all to be nothing more than point and click10:16
_JECKEL_and no abillity to delete anything10:16
_JECKEL_yay..idiot proofing.10:16
rast4_Vista isn't the greatest thing10:16
NickGarveynathanl: here let me give you the page I am looking at10:16
rast4_I'm beta testing it and have been since the beginning10:17
nathanlNickGarvey: mpg321 is already the newest version.10:17
NickGarveynathanl: http://tinyurl.com/loavd10:17
rast4_It's just a rip off of a Mac and linux10:17
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rast4_and the cost of Vista is going to be crazy10:17
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NickGarveynathanl: don't click any of the links on that page though, they won't work10:17
synd3rast4_: What does Vista take from Linux?10:17
PyroManiakwhy is the wiki down??10:17
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@203-97-119-118.cable.telstraclear.net] by Madpilot
DarkElf109PyroManiak: Because it's not up10:17
rast4_they tried to base their security and their cmd off it10:17
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rast4_they are comparing it themselves with the security of a stable linux10:17
MadpilotDarkElf109, +1 ;)10:17
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PyroManiakDarkElf109: har har.... I meant, was it down for maintainence... or just down?10:18
DarkElf109PyroManiak: Well, nobody's announced anything, so AFAIK, it's just down10:18
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DarkElf109I'm guessing that the server was attacked by an elite squad of Microsoft's Nija Lawyers out for revenge10:18
DarkElf109See Bug #1 for reference10:18
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sethkDarkElf109, or perhaps too many people were hitting it at once?  Less interesting, I know, but ...10:19
Tonrenhey guys, what's a goood app for viewing FLV files, or converting them?10:19
DarkElf109sethk: I doubt it. Those servers can take a beating10:19
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TarandusTonren: AFAIK mplayer works for that10:19
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DevGetI'm trying to connect a ubuntu station to wlan, but when I run, I only get a lot of DHCPDISCOVER and no connection, what's worng?10:20
TonrenTarandus: I don't have sound, and it's choppy.  Do I need another plugin?10:20
DevGetwhen I scanned I found my wlan10:20
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TarandusTonren: How fast is your machine?10:20
NickGarveyDevGet: oh.. I had that problem.. which is why.. I use suse now..10:20
DarkElf109DevGet: Are your wireless settings configured properly?10:20
rast4_E: Couldn't find package BitchX10:20
TonrenDevGet: Have you run sudo iwconfig eth1 ap any ?10:20
TonrenTarandus: 1.8 GHz 758 megs of RAM10:20
NickGarveyrast4: try apt-cache search bitchx then10:20
TonrenTarandus: When I stream the same video from YouTube, it runs fine10:20
nathanlNickGarvey: I'm installing those, so hopefully they'll help, I'll let you know10:20
DevGetTonren: no?10:20
TarandusTonren: That should be fast enough.  Have you tried -vo xv ?10:21
DarkElf109!source-o-matic > rast4_10:21
DevGetDarkElf109: yes10:21
TonrenDevGet: Wireless in Ubuntu works just like in windows: You have to tell it which access point to use10:21
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DarkElf109Shinzetsu: Welcome back10:21
rast4_ty all around10:21
ShinzetsuDarkElf109: thanks :-)10:21
TarandusDevGet: I got my WLAN working by using gnome-network-manager10:21
TonrenDevGet: Run ' sudo iwconfig ethX ap any ' and HTEN sudo dhclient ethX, where X is the # of your wlan connection10:21
TonrenTarandus: What is -vo xv...?10:21
DevGetTonren: I have runed iwconfig ra0 essid <myessid>10:21
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TonrenDevGet: In iwconfig, does it confirm that it has connected to that AP?10:22
DarkElf109Hrm...I need to do a certain amount of community service per year of High School because of a program that I'm in...who would I get to sign the form to verify that I worked X number of hours in this room?10:22
TarandusDevGet: network-manager displays the networks in a menu, and it works out of the box if you have no static IP addresses10:22
TonrenTarandus: What's the command line for mplayer ? It doesn't appear to be mplayer10:22
PyroManiakWlan0: Duplicate Address Detected! <-- What does this mean, how can I fix?10:22
DarkElf109Not that that's why I'm here, but...would be nice if I could use it for that =)10:23
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DarkElf109PyroManiak: Means that somebody else on your network is already using your IP10:23
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TonrenTarandus: Is mplayer just totem?10:23
DarkElf109PyroManiak: sudo dhclient wlan0 SHOULD fix it if you're using DHCP10:23
DarkElf109PyroManiak: If you've got a static address, go beat up the person trying to steal your address10:23
DevGetTonren: yes, there is som numbers after access point10:23
TonrenDevGet: Hmm.. .not sure what your prob is10:24
TarandusTonren: mplayer is a separate package, not related to totem10:24
TonrenTarandus: ooo.10:24
TarandusTonren: and yes, the commandline is mplayer10:24
TonrenTarandus: Totem is sneaky10:24
DarkElf109Tarandus: There is a GTK mplayer client, however10:24
DevGetmay I should try NetworkManager?10:24
TonrenTarandus: Its "name" in Applications menu is just "Movie Player"10:24
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DarkElf109Tonren: The idea is that, for the average user, it's the Movie Player that they should use10:25
TarandusTonren: that's something I'm opposed to in Gnome10:25
=== Tonren usually uses VLC
DarkElf109You can always rename them10:25
DarkElf109And don't blame GNOME, blame the Ubuntu devs10:25
TonrenTarandus: I don't think I have the "xv" video output driver10:25
DarkElf109By default, it would appear as Totem10:26
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TonrenTarandus: How do I get it?10:26
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TonrenDarkElf109: That's too far in the direction of "user friendly" .  User friendly should never be "stupid friendly"10:26
Jamiehow do i get support for my tvout?10:26
DarkElf109Tonren: You still haven't learned that all users are stupid in the eyes of the developers =)10:26
nathanlNickGarvey: are you any good with amarok? it's still not working, it skips through the playlist and wont play them10:26
TarandusTonren: I don't know really.  I haven't played anything with mplayer in Ubuntu.  With gentoo, the xv output plugin comes automatically.10:26
NickGarveynathanl: I use mplayer from the command line heh10:26
DarkElf109Jamie: Pray really really hard =)10:27
NickGarveynathanl: (no I'm not :))10:27
DarkElf109Jamie: I'd give better advice, but the wiki's down =/10:27
TarandusTonren: So I'd guess that it is there too in Ubuntu10:27
rast4_I have no idea how to use the link I got from you DE10:27
TonrenTarandus: Oh, I didn't realize that you MUST supply a file argument to mplayer10:27
TonrenTarandus: I'm still not getting any sound10:27
PyroManiakDarkElf109: Ok, apparently the router didn't have enough IP's given for the DHCP server.. all better now10:27
DarkElf109nathanl: Choose a different output method10:27
TonrenTarandus: Oh.. running without -vo xv gives me sound.  Weird. Whatev!10:27
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DarkElf109rast4_: Just select all the official ones...then save that file as /etc/apt/sources.list10:28
TarandusTonren: That exceeds my tolerance for weirdness, and so I have no idea why it does that.  Maybe try to specify a sound output plugin too.10:28
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Shinzetsugdb: my school forces me to run winxp on my macbook =o10:28
nathanlNickGarvey: is there an arts plugin for amarok?10:28
Shinzetsusorry #offtopic10:28
TonrenTarandus: It runs fine with no other arguments, actually.  Weird10:28
rast4_ok I'll try10:29
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NickGarveynathanl: not even sure what arts stands for :) (I did.. 2 days ago though..)10:29
TarandusTonren: Then again, does the -vo xv help with the playback speed of flv files?10:29
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gdbShinzetsu: omg, that's evil10:29
TonrenTarandus: Nope.  Playback is fine without -vo xv.10:29
DarkElf109Pntkl: Heya10:29
JamieDarkElf109 heh.. so u dont realy know?10:29
Shinzetsugdb: I refuse :-)10:29
TarandusTonren: If not, then I'd assume it uses xv output by default.10:29
JamieDarkElf109 but it shoudl be possible right?10:29
DarkElf109Jamie: Depends on your card, etc.10:29
TonrenTarandus: Only in mplayer though.  Totem hosed it.10:29
TarandusTonren: Ok10:29
JamieDarkElf109: i ahve Gforce 410:29
DarkElf109Jamie: Yeah. The wiki just does a much better job than I ever could of trying to figure it out10:30
nathanllol, ok10:30
TonrenTarandus: Potentially, anyway.  Whatever.. it works, I'm happy. :)  sometimes delving just ain't worth it.  Now I'm gonna get some sleep10:30
Tonrenthanks all10:30
JamieDarkElf109: ok.. what is winki?10:30
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nathanlnow I'm at a loss10:30
nathanlwhat do I do now?10:30
DarkElf109Jamie: The wiki is the central repository for all ubuntu support material...it just happens to be down right now10:30
rast4_DE: does it save it automatically to that location or am I suppose to save it somehow? I got a new page with information on it, nothing to save on it.10:31
nathanlyeah I know, and I cant connect to freecontrib for some reason10:31
_JECKEL_there's also like two books on ubuntu out there10:31
DarkElf109nathanl: Ok. Go to Amarok settings, the engine page, and try all the different output plugins10:31
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_JECKEL_saw em at the book store10:31
nathanlDarkElf109: I've done that, same problem10:31
DarkElf109Oh. It might be a codec thing, then10:31
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yeyI have a problem with 'colorgcc', it doesn't color anything when it's called by vim's ":make"10:32
DarkElf109rast4_: You're supposed to save that page10:32
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource10:32
DarkElf109That's for you, rast10:32
yeyI have already in my .vimrc: set makeprg=colorgcc\ -Wall\ -O2\ -o\ %:r.bin\ %10:32
rast4_thank you for your info and tolerance :D10:32
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shekharDarkElf109:  i think i've figured out the extended partition problem10:32
_JECKEL_anyone know where I can find more pointer sets?10:32
DarkElf109shekhar: Really? What was it?10:33
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shekharDarkElf109:  now when i have mounted the partition it says i do not have permissions to copy files to it10:33
yeyI have a problem with 'colorgcc', it doesn't color anything when it's called by vim's ":make"10:33
shekharDarkElf109:  do i need to do something special in /etc/fstab?10:33
DarkElf109shekhar: What partition type?10:33
shekharDarkElf109:  ext310:33
DarkElf109Either access it as root, or change the permissions10:34
yeyI have a problem with 'colorgcc', it doesn't color anything when it's called by vim's ":make"10:34
shekharDarkElf109:  the whole reason i'm doing this is because the earlier fat3 partition didn't save unix permissions10:34
shekharerr, fat3210:34
DarkElf109Yeah, just chmod -r the directory that it's mounted at to your user as root10:34
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NickGarveyshekhar: if you are just backing things up, you can tar them and put them in the fat32 partition10:34
DarkElf109sudo chmod -r <username> <mountpoint>10:34
yeyI have a problem with 'colorgcc', it doesn't color anything when it's called by vim's ":make". Could you help me?10:34
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NickGarveyshekhar: but, windows can read write ext3 file systems, so you should little need for fat3210:35
DarkElf109yey: We hear your question, and if anybody knew the answer, they'd tell you =)10:35
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yeyDarkElf109: ;P10:35
rast4DE: can you do that with an NTFS partition to be able to write to it without damaging it with the dual boot?10:35
NickGarveyrast4: ntfs write is not generally a good think10:35
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shekharDarkElf109:  shekhar@nowhereman:~$ sudo chmod -r shekhar /mnt/data10:36
shekharchmod: cannot access `shekhar': No such file or directory10:36
shekharoops sorry10:36
NickGarveyrast4: it CAN be done.. but its all experimental and such10:36
DarkElf109rast4: There are ways. They're all unstable and dangerous at the moment, but there are ways10:36
_JECKEL_eh..ntfs damaged by dual boot?10:36
_JECKEL_oh shi-10:36
DarkElf109shekhar: Whoops! chown...not chmod10:36
rast4like i can't write to my ntfs mount points10:36
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DarkElf109_JECKEL_: Nonono10:36
rast4so I was wondering if I could change permissions so I could10:36
shekharNickGarvey:  so i can store windows apps on the ext3 partition?10:36
rast4but I hear about possible damaging10:36
rast4so I'm not in10:36
NickGarveyshekhar: yup10:36
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DarkElf109_JECKEL_: Writing to NTFS from Linux10:36
NickGarveyshekhar: but you need a special driver10:36
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DarkElf109_JECKEL_: Risky stuff, if you value your data10:37
ubotuext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org10:37
NickGarveyshekhar: use that ^10:37
yeyrast4: ntfs drivers have been already intensively tested and they work well, I think that you should give them a try.10:37
_JECKEL_why would I do that?10:37
shekharNickGarvey:  thanks!10:37
NickGarveyshekhar: :)10:37
_JECKEL_if anything i'd rather put as much windows stuff into linux than the other way around10:37
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rast4what about making it so I can just write to my ext2 partition so I don't have to go in terminal and sudo su10:37
shekharDarkElf109:  chown worked, thanks!10:37
DarkElf109_JECKEL_: You can play chick by copying large files over and over again with a friend...10:37
DarkElf109shekhar: =)10:38
nathanlthis is just ridiculous10:38
_JECKEL_only real reason I have windows still here is simply because Wine sorta sucks at running some windows apps. like games10:38
nathanlfor the life of me I cant get it to work10:38
_JECKEL_linux suxorz for games. :\10:38
rast4I run Vista and XP Pro's10:38
DarkElf109_JECKEL_: TuxRacer is great!10:38
rast4I'm migrating over though, but I need to get back into *nix10:38
ardchoilleI *do* value my data.. that's why I refuse to use anything that comes from Microsoft ;)10:38
DarkElf109_JECKEL_: So is UT2k4, Doom3, etc.10:39
Rookie-if any likes win apps so much ... why emigrate to linux ... ?10:39
DarkElf109Ugh...new school year starts in 30 hours10:39
_JECKEL_perhaps if I simply ran windows in an emulator...perhaps then I could get games to properly work..10:39
_JECKEL_not wine..but an actual emulator10:40
DarkElf109_JECKEL_: They'd work, at about a 20-30% or more speed loss10:40
NickGarveyDarkElf109: 20 days for me :)10:40
rast4I don't like the apps, I use it because it's what 99.8% of my clients use, so I need to use it in order to interact with them10:40
_JECKEL_well here's the things...I like linux because of the power it gives me as an individual user10:40
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_JECKEL_and that...10:40
DarkElf109_JECKEL_: It gives you no power as a user, unless you run as root =P10:40
steveO_Wonder if WINE would run Listen's Rhapsody client...10:41
_JECKEL_the fact that most of the world around me uses windows10:41
_JECKEL_face it..as a linux user..you're almost sorta like  a mac user....cept not as hated.10:41
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nathanlNickGarvey: I got it to work10:41
Rookie-Well, what about the kernel? the security on atleast 2 levels - local and network ... the option to make a system that the user like ....10:41
DarkElf109Nah. As a Linux user, I actually have an argument that's better than "It has a better user interface"10:41
yeySTiKi-: 10:37 < rast4> what about making it so I can just write to my ext2 partition so I don't have to go in terminal and sudo su10:41
NickGarveynathanl: :) good10:42
yeydamn it10:42
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.10:42
Jamieany good cdburner for ubuntu?10:42
NickGarveyJamie: k3b/gnomebaker10:42
nathanlfor dapper you have to install libxine-extracodecs10:42
rast4yey: you have an answer?10:42
JamieNickHravey: thank you sir.. will look into them10:42
yeyrast4: no10:42
DarkElf109Jamie: A bunch come with the system. Look in Applications> Sound & Video10:42
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Rookie-if you install everything on ubuntu and i mean everything including gnome ... how much would it be ... ? 4 - 5 GB .. ?10:43
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nathanlthanks NickGarvey, I'm out.10:43
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DarkElf109rast4: Oh, you shouldn't be using 'sudo su'. That's bad. Use 'sudo -s' instead10:43
DarkElf109Rookie-: Everything? Maybe a 1-200 gigs10:43
_JECKEL_I also decided to look into linux because I like (or rather liked) MUD games10:43
DarkElf109Rookie-: There are over 18.5 THOUSAND packages for Ubuntu10:43
Rookie-hmm ... i dont coulnt openoffice or such tings ...10:44
_JECKEL_and trying to run my own on an emulator (Cygwin) was fine...but..I wanted the real thing.10:44
DarkElf109_JECKEL_: Heh. I used to play MU*s fervently...good stuff10:44
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Rookie-i just thinking of the system ... libs and so on10:44
_JECKEL_I used to be imm on a few DBZ muds10:44
DarkElf109Rookie-: Oh...you mean a default install?10:44
_JECKEL_but they all went down10:44
_JECKEL_which sucks10:44
_JECKEL_I miss it. :\10:44
rast4ok DE10:44
DarkElf109I'm a fantasy RPG fan...what can I say?10:45
Rookie-well yes ... and no ... default isnt more then 1 or 2 cd's ... that is about 2 GB ... maybe 3 ...10:45
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rast4_I love RPG's10:45
DarkElf109I was in one for a while...an RP-heavy SciFi mining station sim. That was a good time10:45
rast4_I'm about to play Sacred10:45
Kzar_frHi ! Does anybody use RAKI and / or SynCE ?10:45
Rookie-why i asking is that i thinking to try ubuntu on desktop ... i running servers now10:45
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_JECKEL_and yeah...if I get a good enough computer and just run apps from an emulator then I can just do that without worry of speed loss10:46
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DarkElf109Rookie-: Ah. Well, then, yeah, shouldn't be more than 5 or 6 gigs... I'd say even a 10 gig HDD would cover you10:47
DarkElf109Not sure where you could find a new HDD under 40, though10:47
Rookie-ur right, i cant10:47
rast4I partitioned a 60 gb HD10:47
jeeaarare there any good win32 environemt emulators?10:47
ramviHi! My HP PhotoSmart-8200 only prints the first page... What do I do?10:47
rast410gb for ubuntu10:47
Rookie-40 is the smallest ...10:47
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rast42gb swap10:47
rast428gb for storage10:48
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rast4and like 18gb for windoze main10:48
DarkElf109jeeaar: Environment?10:48
DarkElf109ramvi: Print each page as a single print job ;)10:48
ramviDarkElf109, hehe, I was thinking more about having it work ;)10:48
Rookie-pretty big system ... since most other dists isnt more then 2-3 GB at default including a Xwin ...10:49
Kzar_frjeeaar, Wine.10:49
DarkElf109ramvi: Come on, man! Back in my day, we had to transcribe the pages by hand! And we didn't even have ink! Had to etch it right into the stone tablets!10:49
jeeaarhaha, sorry if my terminology is hazy, a more refined question would be "is there any way I can run an application in linux, that would normally only work in windows"10:49
Kzar_frjeeaar, Wine10:49
rast4_lol DE10:49
Rookie-crossfire too ...10:49
DarkElf109jeeaar: Wine, if you want to run it semi-natively10:49
NickGarveyjeeaar: wine is wha you are looking for10:49
rast4_is wine really all that great of a program?10:50
DarkElf109jeeaar: If you want to emulate a full Windows install, there's qemu, or, if you want to pay, VMWare10:50
ramvirast4, wine is amazing10:50
rast4_is it free?10:50
rast4_got a link?10:50
Kzar_frrast4, Free as in Free speech, yes.10:50
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DarkElf109Speech AND beer!10:50
Rookie-winex is not free ... bit better thou10:50
Kzar_frrast4, sudo apt-get install wine10:50
rast4_even speech isn't fre in USA anymore10:50
_JECKEL_I must say...Wine though..you gotta put a little work into getting some things to work sometimes10:50
jeeaarcorrect me if im wrong, but for games and such, wine still wont allow video drivers to be installed, will it?10:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about winetools - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:51
rast4_it's just to run windows apps correct?10:51
_JECKEL_it cost a buck fitty for speech10:51
florianhi, on startup "staring kernel event managaer" fails. I guess it has something to do with the use of insserv. what can I do to solve the problem?10:51
DarkElf109jeeaar: You *can* do it, but it's hard. Better off with Cedega10:51
DarkElf109rast4_: Yup10:51
rast4_right on10:51
DarkElf109rast4_: http://www.von-thadden.de/Joachim/WineTools/10:51
DarkElf109That should save you some trouble10:52
rast4_nice, thanks DE10:52
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jeeaarDarkElf1098: Cedega is the same concept?10:52
lillpelleIf you want to use vmware and not pay: Install vmware 1 month try-out. During your month, install Windows and do the setups you like. After that, install vmware-player (is in the repos). Then you have it working.10:52
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nearfarhow do I *completely* remove kubuntu (from ubuntu)? 'apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop' only removes the meta package.10:52
yo2luxWhat I need to do to add windows fonts to ubuntu firefox ?10:52
DarkElf109jeeaar: Cedega is a fork of Wine that's been modified for better game support10:52
DarkElf109nearfar: It's in the wiki...which is down10:52
nearfarDarkElf109: what would be the 'page title' like? I will get it from google cache.10:53
sethkyo2lux, copy them into a directory that is in the font path.  You can find the font path in the X log10:53
DarkElf109nearfar: Never mind....found something better =)10:53
DarkElf109nearfar: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome.php10:53
rast4_man I'm so impressed with Ubuntu10:53
DarkElf109!automatix > yo2lux10:53
rast4_I used Slackware10:53
rast4_and that was a PITA10:53
rast4_this seems to be amazingly simple10:53
rast4_yet powerful10:54
nearfarah! how different is aptitude from apt-get?10:54
florianis there a log file where the last shutdown has been logged?10:54
DarkElf109yo2lux: Or: sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts10:54
_JECKEL_I tried using Fedora...10:54
sethkrast4_, slackware is a good server distro.  ubuntu is a better desktop distro, IMHO10:54
DarkElf109nearfar: Aptitude saves lives. and puppies10:54
DarkElf109nearfar: I love aptitude. It tracks dependencies10:54
nearfarbut I didn't use aptitude to install anything10:55
rast4_I used it as a desktop, so I can't say10:55
nearfarDarkElf109: oh10:55
_JECKEL_but fedora pissed me off when it said "Due to some licensing issues and blah blah..playing that file extention is disabled" they freaking disabled MP310:55
yo2luxAutomatix has windows fonts ?10:55
rast4_I'm really curious about Ununti server10:55
DarkElf109nearfar: Meh. It'll just pick up whenever you start10:55
rast4_Automatix crashed my system :(10:55
_JECKEL_which was oh horribly not cool10:55
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DarkElf109yo2lux: Think so. Try running that command I just posted10:55
sethknearfar, it's a front end to apt-get, like synaptic, only synaptic is far superior10:55
rast4_I HATED Fedora core 410:55
rast4_I'd rather use BSD than Fedora10:55
Jamieis there anyway to make a harddrive i have (ntfs) writable.. right now its not.10:55
DarkElf109sethk: Using aptitude as a GUI is bad10:55
sethkyo2lux, I have two machines running ubuntu server.  no problems.10:55
jeeaarpfft. i hated bsd10:55
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse10:55
sethkDarkElf109, yes, I agree, but it does explain what it is w.r.t. apt-get10:56
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rast4_it's hardware unfriendly10:56
DarkElf109Hrm...that's not the one...10:56
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DarkElf109Jamie: http://ubuntuos.wordpress.com/2006/08/02/howto-write-to-windows-ntfs-drive-from-ubuntu-ntfs-3g/10:56
sethkjeeaar, I use bsd for some purposes.  Nothing to hate, at least rationally10:56
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nearfarDarkElf109: that long second command tells that it would remove apache, gstreamer, etc.. :|10:56
yo2luxSwiftfox Plugins (Java, Flash, Acrobat, Mplayer, MS fonts)10:56
nearfarDarkElf109: even python10:56
yo2luxMS fonts is all fonts that I need?10:56
rast4_it's hella secure if configured properly10:56
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jeeaarsethk: yes, i know my hatred is unfounded, but my first experience with open source was Open BSD, and i found it nearly impossible to use.10:57
jeeaartherefor i hate it10:57
DarkElf109nearfar: Well, best bet is to copy/paste all the stuff that it's removing that you want, and re-apt-get them later10:57
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sethkrast4, what's hardware unfriendly, bsd?  Certainly supports a much smaller set of hardware.10:57
DarkElf109yo2lux: Should be10:57
sethkjeeaar, openbsd I would not tolerate either.  But don't condemn bsd because of openbsd10:57
rast4_sethk: yes, it hated most of my hardware of my servers10:57
goblynwhats a better plugin for firefox, the official Macromedia Flash, or a 3rd party plugin?10:57
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nearfarDarkElf109: I am trying 'apt-get remove kdelibs-bin' .. which alone is removing many kde stuff10:58
rast4_I have 3 servers at my house10:58
sethkjeeaar, that's like condeming ubuntu because of gentoo  :)10:58
_JECKEL_BTW...any real substance to gnome vs KDE?10:58
DarkElf109nearfar: Might not get everything, though10:58
rast4_all 2k3 server software running on  them except one which has a Slack hardware firewall10:58
DarkElf109_JECKEL_: GNOME wins, because I like it better!10:58
sethk_JECKEL_, no, reallyl mostly a matter of taste10:58
jeeaarsethk: my remark was more off-hand and sarcastic than anything, sorry to offend you :P10:58
DarkElf109And there's no substance greater than that =)10:58
sethkjeeaar, that's ok, I just don't believe that to like ubuntu you have to hate other stuff.  :)10:59
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DarkElf109You don't? Well, that's changed MY worldview...10:59
Rookie-Unix *is* user friendly. It's just selective about who its friends are.10:59
sethkDarkElf109, that's why I'm here.  :)10:59
rast4_I stumbled upon Ubuntu last night on a google search10:59
rast4_decided to try it10:59
rast4_loving it so far10:59
_JECKEL_where can I place all this hate now?10:59
jattwith kde, when I insert a CD-ROM it gets automatically mounted (Dapper). I don't have the same behaviour with gnome -- I need to mount the CD manually. Which program in gnome can do that for me?10:59
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rast4_still only have one issue, which is the Nvidia drivers for my laptop card10:59
rast4_but otherwise it's great and I don't want to play games11:00
DarkElf109jatt: Should be automatic...setting is...hold on11:00
rast4_so meh11:00
jeeaaryes, i now have nothing to hate.. better choose society11:00
_JECKEL_I never had that problem in gnome11:00
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rast4_choose Republicans :)11:00
rast4_they are easy to hate11:00
sethk_JECKEL_, you can go troll on #debian11:00
DarkElf109jatt: System>Preferences>Removable Drives and Media11:00
goblynwhats a better plugin for firefox, the official Macromedia Flash, or a 3rd party plugin?11:00
jeeaari would assume official?11:01
rast4_i need that too11:01
jattDarkElf109: thanks. I see I don't have that menu entry, so probably I don't have the right package installed11:01
Kzar_frgoblyn, a plugin what for ?11:01
DarkElf109jatt: Hrm...should be installed with ubuntu-desktop, AFAIK11:01
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goblynKzar_fr: Flash11:02
DarkElf109Yeah, go with official11:02
jattDarkElf109: I see it must be the following package: gnome-volume-manager - GNOME daemon to auto-mount and manage media devices11:02
Kzar_frgoblyn, the Macromedia plugin is the right one for your needs.11:02
jattwill install it and test, thanks!11:02
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goblynKzar_fr: there aren't any alternatives that are better?11:02
jasosthello, who do you talk to to get support from?11:02
nearfarremoving kdelibs-data11:03
rast4_Package wine is not available, but is referred to by another package.11:03
rast4_This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or11:03
rast4_is only available from another source11:03
rast4_E: Package wine has no installation candidate11:03
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rast4_whast's that mean ? :(11:03
DarkElf109goblyn: There's an alternative that;s better for moral reasons, but not for use reasons...11:03
lukemhey guys, my Remote desktop does not work11:03
Kzar_fr!google Wine repository for Ubuntu11:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about google Wine repository for Ubuntu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:03
nearfarDarkElf109: removing kdelibs-data now :)11:03
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lukemanything I need to do?11:03
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.11:03
goblynKarkElf109: Explain11:03
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goblynDarkElf109: Explain11:03
sethklukem, yes, fix it.  :)11:03
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DarkElf109goblyn: http://process-of-elimination.net/wiki/GNU_Gnash_Screenshots_and_Review11:04
lukemsethk: heh, I know, I have no idea why it is not wokring11:04
jeeaargoblyn: he means that macromedia isnt open source, and other might be11:04
DarkElf109lukem: Is System>Preferences>Remote Desktop set up right?11:04
lukemI just always get connection refused11:04
florianwhat's worng with my graphical UI? When I log in only a console appears, nothing like ALT+TAB works, i can only start one app...11:04
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goblynDarkElf109: hmmmm, well... i've been having trouble with the proprietary Macromedia plugin... why not11:05
lukemDarkElf109: I have ticked Allow other user to view desktop and allow them to control and required a password11:05
DarkElf109lukem: Do you have firestarter or some other firewall set up?11:05
lukemI have not set up a firewall (dapper does come with one by default does it?)11:05
gorskidoes audio streaming occupy space on hard disk?11:05
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goblynhow do i find out if i have a firewall installed, and if i do, how do i turn it off?11:06
lukemI have also configured my router to let 5900 through11:06
_JECKEL_quick..any telnet like thing in ubuntu I can use to access MUDs?11:06
DarkElf109lukem: not sure...On a command line, run 'sudo iptables -L', and see if any rules are present11:06
Madpilot_JECKEL_, well, there's telnet...11:06
bbrazilgoblyn: iptables -xvnL11:06
lukemDarkElf109: no rules11:07
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lukem vncviewer localhost:0 doesn't even connect11:07
_JECKEL_thought that was windows only lol11:07
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goblynbbrazil: what does this tell me?11:07
DarkElf109gorski: Probably not. Unless you have an absolutely enormous buffer size set11:07
bbrazilgoblyn: your current firewall rules11:07
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goblynbbrazil: is there a way to just turn a firewall off completely?11:07
gorskiok, tnx11:07
DarkElf109lukem: try localhost:111:07
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DarkElf109gorski: iptables -F11:08
jeeaarbbrazil: did you ip scan him?11:08
DarkElf109That was to goblyn11:08
bbrazilgoblyn: yes, but you don't want to go there. If that command doesn't have any rules you don't have a firewall11:08
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lukemReadFromRFBServer: rdr::SystemException: read: Connection reset by peer (104)11:08
DarkElf109goblyn: iptables -F verifies it11:08
lukemdifferent error11:08
DarkElf109Try localhost:211:08
bbrazilDarkElf109: don't tell peopl to run iptables -F, it's dangerous11:08
Flannel_JECKEL_: you can also use the mother of all mud clients: tintin.  other popular (and more modern) ones include tinyfugue, and... um, well, a few others.  search for "mud" in synaptic11:09
goblynDarkelf109: what do you mean "verifies it"?11:09
DarkElf109bbrazil: He asked how toturn the firewall off11:09
rast4_ok I can't get wine downloaded11:09
lukemDarkElf109: ConnectToTcpAddr: connect: Connection refused same as :011:09
bbrazilDarkElf109: yes, not how to possibly block all network access11:09
DarkElf109goblyn: It flushes the firewall rules altogether11:09
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_JECKEL_well i'm just using it to check something out11:09
DarkElf109bbrazil: How? It doesn't flush the nat rules11:09
bbrazilDarkElf109: default policy11:10
DarkElf109lukem: Well, then, it's probably running on 111:10
jeeaaruh oh.. nerd legistics11:10
bbrazilDarkElf109: most firewall scripts set it to REJECT11:10
bbrazilor DROP11:10
DarkElf109bbrazil: Ah. Good point.11:10
lukemDarkElf109: yeah ok, thats my bad, but why would it be killing the connection straight away11:10
DarkElf109lukem: No idea! =)11:10
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lukemdamit :)11:10
goblynDarkElf109: ok... back to the question about Gnash... how do i install it?11:10
DarkElf109lukem: On the Remote Desktop Preferences, what command does it show in blue?11:11
DarkElf109goblyn: No clue. Never used it11:11
goblynDarkElf109: ... great advice11:11
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DarkElf109goblyn: Hey, at least I didn't give you advice on something I know absolutely nothing about =P11:12
mineraleI made the mistake of installing the kubuntu package over ubuntu, after much wrangling I was able to remvoe it, but the kubuntu logo shows up each time I start / shut my computer.... anyone know how I can remove it ?11:12
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goblynDarkElf109: lol, fair enough11:12
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_JECKEL_ok guys..thanks for the help11:12
goblynDarkElf109: well, let me get your opinion on something else, ever used Epiphany?11:12
DarkElf109minerale: sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so11:12
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DarkElf109goblyn: I've used all those amaroK wannabes for GNOME...amaroK still wins =)11:13
DarkElf109Wait...Epiphany's mail, isn't it...11:13
goblynDarkElf109: good browser?11:13
jeeaarwhat is amaroK?11:13
goblynno, it's browser11:13
DarkElf109Wow...First I was thinking of Banshee, then Evolution =P11:13
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gorskican thunderbird be in tray?11:14
MadpilotDarkElf109, Evolution is the mail app you're probably thinking of11:14
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jeeaarDarkElf109: sorry, i should stop using you as my personal google :S11:14
DarkElf109goblyn: Nope, never used it...I <3 Firefox11:14
goblynDarkElf109: lol, ooookay, i'll take your comment as a whopping "no"11:14
DarkElf109goblyn: I know there's an extension for it that puts it in the tray in Windows...not sure about in Linux11:14
goblynDarkElf109: i'm die hard Firefox myself... but i was just figured i'd try something else in Linux to see if it's any better11:14
DarkElf109Bah. That was to gorski =(11:14
ardchoilleminerale: Maybe this will be of some help: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome.php11:14
DarkElf109goblyn: Only time I'd recommend something other than Fx is, MAYBE, Konqueror...MAYBE11:15
DarkElf109If ofnly or the integration11:15
lukemDarkElf109: it shows vncviewer luke:011:16
goblynDarkElf109: i am not the biggest Konqueror fan, i've tried it and it's too... simplistic11:16
DarkElf109Or Opera...if you're into that all-in-one sort of thing11:16
lukemDarkElf109: so that doesn't help11:16
DarkElf109lukem: Hrm...should be running on port 5900 then...11:16
rast4_I'm a little confused as to how to "add a repository"11:16
Flannel!tell rast4_ about repositories11:17
rast4_like I'm having a prob getting Wine11:17
Flannelrast4_: second link ubotu sent you11:17
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lukemyeah I have configure that port on my router11:17
DarkElf109lukem: Could you run netstat -a, and look for 5900 or 5901?11:17
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goblynDarkElf109: omfg... i can't install Macromedia Flash Player because i'm using x866411:18
jeeaargoblyn: ouch11:18
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lukem5900 is not there thought this is: tcp        0      0 *:5901                  *:*                     LISTEN11:18
DarkElf109goblyn: Shoulda mentioned that earlier11:18
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DarkElf109Yeah...Can't run Flash, most codecs, some other things...11:19
goblynDarkElf109: didn't realize that would be a problem till i tried to install it :-11:19
goblynDarkElf109: ok... is there really any point in having the 64 bit version?11:19
jeeaargoblyn: you get to try ubuntu =D11:19
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DarkElf109goblyn: I can't honestly say, I don't know. I don't personally believe so. 32 bit is much easier, and you still get good performance11:19
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DarkElf109goblyn: I just found this on google, you could try it: http://marius.scurtescu.com/?p=13911:20
goblyncan anyone tell me if there is a good reason to use the 64 bit version of Ubuntu?11:20
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DarkElf109Anyone CAN tell you...they just might not be right11:21
Jay_has anyone seen any bug reports on the new kernel and WiFi?11:21
lukemany more ideas DarkElf109?11:21
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jeeaargoblyn: if you were good enough, you could help develop it11:21
DarkElf109Jay_: Check http://www.launchpad.net11:21
amarilliongoblyn: I don't know, but I'm using 32 bit on my amd6411:21
amarillionJust to avoid the headache11:21
goblynyeah... okay... great...11:21
DarkElf109lukem: Sorry, didn't see the response. So, it looks like you're running something on :1...may or may not be a VNC server, but something is listening there...11:22
goblynwell... i'll be back in about 20 minutes after i completely re-format my hard drive and install the 32 bit version and re-configure everything11:22
Jay_thanks Dark11:22
amarillionI don't think there is a real good reason for using the 64 bit version11:22
DarkElf109goblyn: http://marius.scurtescu.com/?p=13911:22
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DarkElf109Check that out11:22
jeeaargoblyn: sucks man, c ya in a while :P11:22
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DarkElf109lukem: Could you run 'ps -A | grep vnc'?11:23
lukemit should just work out of the box right?11:23
goblynDarkElf109: Bah, not gonna worry about it, this thing is a beast, it'll take me about 15 minutes to install the 32 bit version of Ubuntu11:23
DarkElf109lukem: And then 'ps -A | grep vino'11:23
DarkElf109goblyn: Well, then, have fun11:23
lukemDarkElf109: vnc is not there11:23
DarkElf109lukem: That's good. I'm just making sure a second VNC server isn't running11:23
lukemDarkElf109: vino is not there11:24
DarkElf109lukem: That's bad. Means vino isn't running11:24
lukemyeah and thats the dapper vnc server right?11:24
babis85guys, when i press backspace the xserver terminaes11:24
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amarillionYes, 64bit ubuntu might be slightly more optimized for your system, but that really doesn't matter if some of the hardware doesn't work11:24
jeeaarwho was asking about MUDS earlier?11:24
DarkElf109lukem: Hrm...Ok, this is gonna restart X, so close out of everything before you do this: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart11:24
bnDanyone used a firefox plugin to enable mms:// wmv streaming in linux?11:24
babis85what could i do?11:25
amarillionGiven the choice between some hardware very fast or all hardware reasonably fast...11:25
DarkElf109babis85: Don't hit the backspace key?11:25
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babis85DarkElf109: it's not so easy11:25
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babis85DarkElf109: i do it mechanically11:25
lukemDarkElf109: ok i'll be back :)11:25
babis85actually i found a solution but it is not permanentle11:26
DarkElf109babis85: Is this all the time, or just since the last restart?11:26
babis85i had installed compiz/xgl11:26
babis85occured an error11:26
babis85and then this problem emerged11:26
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems11:27
babis85now have completely uninstall compiz and xgl11:27
babis85so, i tried that command :xmodmap -e "keycode 22 = BackSpace BackSpace", which makes the things11:27
ardchoilleI downloaded the desktop ISO. Id like to mount it, copy all files to a tmp dir, and add a couple GTK themes. Can I just create a new ISO from that, burn it as an image and have it work?11:27
babis85and after that i run:  sudo xmodmap -e "keycode 22 = BackSpace BackSpace" /usr/share/xmodmap/xmodmap.gr11:28
babis85because i am from greece11:28
babis85and now i have no greek at all11:28
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KittiahAnyone know a working site that hosts EasyUbuntu, or another application that will add a large selection of repositories to my package manager?11:29
babis85the question finally is: at the next restart would be able to write in greek?11:29
DarkElf109babis85: First, you'll have to reinstall the greek keymap...I think you overwrote it11:29
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babis85and how could i restore the default settings for that file?11:29
rast4_NICE! I got the repository aspect nailed11:29
DarkElf109babis85: Secondly, really easy way to do this, modify ~/.Xmodmap11:29
rast4_thanks again fellas11:29
Flannelrast4_: good to hear11:29
DarkElf109rast4_: Np =)11:29
ubuntuhow do i get the w32 codecs?11:29
DarkElf109!automatix > ubuntu11:30
rast4_this is turning out to kick more and more boo-tay by the minute11:30
Jivemonkeyi installed ubuntu on parallels and when i boot now i get: kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!11:30
babis85there is no such file11:30
Flannel!tell ubuntu about w32codecs11:30
ubuntuDarkelf109: hiss!11:30
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FlannelDarkElf109: don't suggest automatix please11:30
nearfarback to GNOME! liberation from Komplexity! Yay!11:30
jeeaarubuntu: firstly, my operating system shouldnt want to be another one, and secondly.. PLF11:30
rast4_I concur, Automatix = the devil!11:30
rast4_made me do 4 reinstallations hehe11:30
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ubuntujeeaar: PLF?11:31
babis85and how could have the xmodmap -e "keycode 22 = BackSpace BackSpace" running automatically?11:31
FlannelPenguin Liberation Front, I believe.11:31
lukemDarkElf109: VINO-SERVER was running then it stops11:31
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jeeaardont they have w32 repo's?11:31
raddyHello Everybody11:31
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raddydoes anybody using gdesklets?11:31
ubuntujeeaar: well, sorry, all i really want is just to watch video's andlisten to mp3's, thats about it11:31
Flannelubuntu: see the link ubotu sent you.11:31
gerhardI have linux 606 x64 and i want to install wine11:31
Flannelubuntu: it covers all that ;)11:32
gerhardis that possible with linux32?11:32
lukemDarkElf109: did a vncviewer luke:0 to try and connect got this ReadFromRFBServer: rdr::EndOfStream and vino-server is no longer running11:32
ubuntuflannel using IRSSI11:32
jeeaarubuntu: yeah, ots not quite as simple as windows is. you'll need to get a repository for w32 codecs11:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about linux32 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:32
Flannelubuntu: alt-2 or whatever, then copy/paste the first link.11:32
raddydoes gdesklets work in ubuntu?11:32
Flannelrast4_: yes11:32
Flanneler, raddy yes.11:32
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ubuntujeeaar: well, i'll be back on in a second, send it back to me then11:33
babis85DarkElf109: should i run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xmodmap" to fix the problem?11:33
raddyFlannel : does lmsensor work in gwget?11:33
ivorybishopguys, i am in a real pickle, i installed dapper on my laptop, used the same username/pw i use on all my home workstations, and it now tells me the username and password are incorrect, is there anyway to boot from the live cd and fix this? or is there a way to login as sudo/root?11:33
raddyFlannel : sorry gdeskles11:33
Flannelubuntu: go to the help: help.ubuntu.com and search for 'RestrictedFormats'11:33
DarkElf109lukem: That is REALLY odd...I'm not sure why it could be doing that11:33
joshquick quetion, yesterday i was having a problems with video card driver (i have an ati in it right now but switched to a nvidia) a guy gave me a link for getting the nvidia driver. my question is, can i leave the ati card and drivers in the comp, download and set the nvidia drivers and then at my leisure change the card out with smooth transition? or is my gdm going to be messed up either way?11:33
Flannelraddy: Believe so.   Haven't done so myself though11:33
lukemDarkElf109: dam, thanks anyway so far11:33
DarkElf109!restricted > ubuntu11:33
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lukemi'll do some more searcging11:34
raddyplease somebody see this url http://gdesklets.org//?mod=forum/post&pid=1611:34
DarkElf109lukem: My suggestion, try the forum. Lots of smart people there11:34
gerhardI have linux 606 x64 and i want to install wine11:34
gerhardis that possible with linux32?11:34
raddyi am experiencing the same problem11:34
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raddydoes any know any solutions?11:34
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Flannelivorybishop: at the grub menu, boot into recovery mode, and you can clear/set a new password11:35
ivorybishopflannel: thanks man! afk to fix it11:35
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DarkElf109babis85: sudo apt-get reinstall xserver-xorg would probably reinstall the keymap11:35
lukemDarkElf109: thanks11:36
Flannelivorybishop: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword  Should be able to use the first method, as you haven't set a root password.  But, it walks you through setting the new one, etc11:36
jeeaargnight guys11:36
babis85DarkElf109: E: Invalid operation reinstall11:36
jeeaarthanks for the help Dark11:37
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Talisker[w] !MTA11:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about MTA - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:38
Talisker[w] !sendmail11:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sendmail - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:38
ubotupostfix is the default Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) for Ubuntu. Read more about setting it up here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Postfix or here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PostfixBasicSetupHowto11:38
DarkElf109babis85: Hrm...do you have aptitude installed?11:38
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DarkElf109The sudo aptitude reinstall xserver-xorg11:38
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DarkElf109I know that aptitude has reinstall...If it responds with an error, I'll be flabbergasted11:39
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ivorybishoplol, that grub menu goes by quick!11:39
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ivorybishopyou gotta be on the ball to catch it11:39
ardchoilleivorybishop: you can change the timeout on that11:40
ivorybishopsweet, yeah i just found the doc on that11:40
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Flannelthere's no reason to, unless you want to wait more seconds each bootup ;)  just have to be prepared to hit escape11:40
yeyI know why colorgcc doesn't work with vim's11:40
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Talisker[w] Where do I define my smtp and pop3 servers?11:40
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Flanneljust like POST screens11:40
Talisker[w] Is it possible to define them per user?11:40
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DarkElf109Talisker[w] : For which client?11:41
Talisker[w] mutt11:41
ivorybishopok, 1000 points to Flannel, thanks for the tip on that11:41
DarkElf109Gonna be in .muttrc then11:41
babis85DarkElf109: just seen the man page and it doesn't have reinstall11:41
Talisker[w] ~/.muttrc?11:41
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JamieBEHi everyone11:41
Flannelivorybishop: you got the link to the stepwise instructions, right? or, maybe you're already done by now ;)11:41
Talisker[w] no such file11:42
ivorybishopi am done...lol11:42
DarkElf109Talisker[w] : http://www.hserus.net/wiki/index.php/Muttrc11:42
ivorybishopthanks again man11:42
JamieBEIts been a while since I last screwed up big time and actually needed help11:42
yeyI know why colorgcc doesn't work with vim's ":make" command. It redirects it appending at the end "2>&1| tee". And it seems that it loses color with that. Could you help me? I want it to not lose the color. How should I change this redirection?11:42
JamieBEI tried to get this thing called GXL to work11:42
ivorybishopits great that you volunteers are here, keep up the good work and keep fighting the good fight11:42
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rixxonthere is a pretty annoying "bug" in rhythmbox11:42
FlannelJamieBE: you mean XGL?11:42
JamieBEIt involved modifying some xorg and xserver stuff11:42
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JamieBEYea Flannel, thats the one11:43
DarkElf109Talisker[w] : http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/guide-to-mutt.xml11:43
DarkElf109Talisker[w] : You have to get your mail from a pop server with fetchmail11:43
JamieBENot whenever I boot I get an Xserver error and have to go through the whole dpkg -reconfigure xserver blah blah blah11:43
FlannelJamieBE: #ubuntu-xgl is the correct spot for XGL related support.  They should (should, op word) be pretty adept at dealing with hosed XGL stuff ;)11:43
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JamieBEI'll give them a try flannel11:43
goblynDarkElf109: took less time than i thought it would :-D11:44
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yeyerror file.  See also |:make_makeprg|.  See |option-backslash| about11:44
DarkElf109goblyn: Dang. That was fast11:44
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goblynDarkElf109: lol, i told you, my PC is a beast11:44
DarkElf109Hrm...Anyone know if it's possible to read All Quiet on the Western Front in less than 8 hours?11:44
JamieBEFlannel: dead room.11:45
ag0nyanyone know of a deb for the latest RT2570 wlan-driver?11:45
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MadpilotDarkElf109, that sounds like an #ubuntu-offtopic question. It's thataway --->11:45
Snow_ShelterI know this isn't the right place to ask, but I'm about to shoot google's church bells because all it gives me is BS when I try to search for a free hosting service for .ico images... does anyone know of a free service for hosting .ico images?11:45
JamieBEIs there a way that I can just forget all the XGL stuff and revert back to a working X for my Nvidia card?11:45
MadpilotDarkElf109, and yes, I could probably read it in les than 8hrs, but I read stupidly fast ;)11:45
goblynDarkElf109: so, are you like a developer or have you just been using this for a really long time?11:45
DarkElf109Madpilot: I'll read it by the light of my monitor on my Ubuntu comp, ok?11:45
JamieBEI ahve it running at the moment but when I go into stuff the like penguin racer, it is IMPOSSIBLY slow and laggy11:45
Snow_ShelterJamie; apt-get uninstall xgl?11:46
MadpilotDarkElf109, sounds on-topic enough for me ;)11:46
DarkElf109goblyn: I'd develop if I were motivated enough to actually learn C++...I've been using various Linuxes for the past couple years11:46
Snow_ShelterJamieBE:  apt-get uninstall xgl?11:46
goblynDarkElf109: ah11:46
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Snow_ShelterJamieBE: what kind of NVidia card is it?11:47
DarkElf109goblyn: Linux User #385258, if you want to look me up =P11:47
goblynanybody know how i can contribute to Ubuntu (not money unfortunately, i'm fairly poor :-()11:47
JamieBETi4200 128MB I think11:47
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ubotuTo contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate11:47
Snow_Sheltergoblyn: write code11:47
DarkElf109Heh. I love this bot...I had *no idea* that that command existed...11:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bite - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:47
goblynSnow_Shelter: lol, any other idea's?11:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about favicon - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:48
ubotuTo contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate11:48
Madpilotgoblyn, help write documentation, or... there's lots of things you can help with, even if you don't code11:48
Snow_Sheltergoblyn: uhh, help other users? like me!11:48
rast4_is there any way to get tool tips off? Like when I go to use the system menu, it says "Browse and run installed programs"11:48
DarkElf109You could even just do support in here or on the forums11:48
rast4_I'd like to chuck that11:48
Snow_Sheltergoblyn: you can tell me a free place on the net where I can upload my @#%%ing favicon.11:48
DarkElf109Snow_Shelter: Your server?11:48
FlannelSnow_Shelter: Thats an #ubuntu-offtopic question11:48
goblynheh, well, i think i'll have to hang out for quite a while to get to the point of helping as much as you guys11:48
DarkElf109Flannel: He's uploading it from ubuntu =)11:49
Snow_ShelterDarkElf109: unfortunately I *don't* have one11:49
Snow_ShelterFlannel: dulely noted11:49
DarkElf109Snow_Shelter: Then, why do you need a favicon?11:49
Snow_ShelterDarkElf109: for teh blog!11:49
JamieBEI think my xserver is working OK, It's just very laggy for some reason, it used to be like this on the LiveCD, any ideas, anyone? Help would be greatly appreciated.11:49
Snow_ShelterJamieBE: I already told you my idea... apt-get uninstall xgl11:50
goblynJamieBE: do you know if it's recognizing your video card?11:50
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Snow_ShelterJamieBE: I'd be much happier to help if you listened to me the first time I told you11:50
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goblynSnow_Shelter: ... lighten up a little11:50
JamieBESnow_Shelter: apt-get uninstall xgl >> E: Invalid operation11:50
Snow_Sheltergoblyn: I can't, google isn't helping me11:51
t-thingA calendar application which doesn't suck like evolution? Other than sunbird?11:51
Snow_ShelterJamieBE: sudo synaptic, search, xgl, uninstall11:51
goblynJamieBE: add sudo to before it11:51
goblynJamieBE: type sudo apt-get uninstall xgl11:51
DarkElf109t-thing: Google Calendar, Yahoo! Calendar11:51
DarkElf109t-thing: Only decent ones I've found =/11:51
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goblynDarkElf109: wait... Google finally came out with their calendar?11:52
chezwhois chez11:52
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chez\whois chez11:52
JamieBEI'll remove XGL through Synaptic and see what that does.11:52
t-thingDarkElf109: Yeah, but another requirement is that its an application. It needs to be keyboard friendly.11:52
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goblynJamieBE: well do you know if it's recognizing your video card, or just loading a generic driver?11:52
DarkElf109rast4_: I'm still trying tom figure out how to disable tooltips for ya11:52
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JamieBE#ubuntu-xgl wasn't any help i'm 'fraid. it was dead room.11:52
rast4_ok ty11:52
DarkElf109goblyn: Yeah. It's been out for a while...not used it, but it's out11:52
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ag0nyanyone has WUSB54G V4 running with Ubuntu Dapper Drake and WPA encryption?11:52
JamieBEgoblyn, I went through the Xserver config and it picked up the name of the card and stuff just fune11:52
JamieBEI am actually using xserver now11:53
FlannelJamieBE: might have to check back during the day then.11:53
Snow_ShelterJamieBE: reinstall since what we're telling you isn't working. That's the breaks for trying out software that requires devotion and the hardware to support it.11:53
goblynJamieBE: hmmm, thats very odd, perhaps it's your refresh rate, though i doubt that would make it look choppy, just destroy your eyes11:53
JamieBEBut when i restart, x fails to load, and then the terminal gives me some lip about not being able to load. and then I have to redo the config x thing all over again11:53
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o imbrandon] by ChanServ
Madpilotchez, did you just ping the whole channel?11:53
=== chez was kicked off #ubuntu by imbrandon (you should know better)
nixternali think so Madpilot11:53
jungsonndoes anyone know where i can ask a question about upgradin to the new ubuntu?11:53
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o imbrandon] by imbrandon
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:54
nixternalmmm lag11:54
Madpilotimbrandon, well, that sorts it11:54
jungsonni have hoary but i can't figure out how i can upgrade to the new ubuntu.11:54
goblynDarkElf109: you know anything about this?11:54
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Madpilotjungsonn, from Hoary, you should upgrade to Breezy, then Dapper11:55
JamieBEgoblyn, it's weird, I can play videos and move windows around fine, it's just those games that used to run fine before, and dont now.11:55
DarkElf109What's the problem? I tend to filter out stuff that doesn't start with "Darkelf109:" or some variation =P11:55
JamieBEIs there a way of configuring refresh rate in x?11:55
florianhi, when I log in to Gnome I only get a terminal. Nothing else. I can only start one app. What's wrong?11:55
jungsonnwhat is the best way? do i need to download it again? or can i do it with sudo?11:55
Madpilotjungsonn, you can upgrade in place11:56
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DarkElf109JamieBE: In /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:56
jungsonnin place?11:56
Madpilotubotu, tell jungsonn about upgrade11:56
DarkElf109JamieBE: Well, first things first...BACK UP YOUR XORG.CONF!11:56
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Madpilotjungsonn, check the PM you just got from the bot11:56
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chezahhh, so are you not supposed to ping the whole channel11:56
jungsonnthank u11:56
Madpilotchez, no... the kick might have been a clue, huh?11:57
jungsonnok i go looking, thank you for your time.11:57
JamieBEDarkelf109: I had to modify xorg.conf as part of the XGL installation.11:57
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Shinzetsuis it possible to ping an irc channel? Oo11:57
chezI won't do it again11:57
DarkElf109JamieBE: Did you make a backup?11:57
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Snow_Shelterwhat's wrong with pinging the whole channel, obviously I haven't read the rules in their entirety...11:58
JamieBEDarkElf109: If I was that smart to make a backup in the first place, I wouldnt be here :p11:58
MadpilotSnow_Shelter, it's an irritant to 800 people, and not at all needed...11:58
FlannelSnow_Shelter: you bother a lot of people.  its essentially spamming11:58
=== PeterPowell [n=anon@user-5444a896.lns6-c10.dsl.pol.co.uk] has left #ubuntu ["Http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/blogs/peterpowell/"]
KrisWoodHello, I just upgraded to dapper yesterday and now my proftpd is broken. I've verified that it can run from the command line but it won't run with inetd. Has anyone got proftpd working with dapper? If so, what are your inetd settings for it?11:58
DarkElf109JamieBE: Heh. Alright. I doubt it's a framerate problem, but, lets see something11:58
Snow_ShelterJamieBE: if I was smart enough to back up all the files on my 5 month old iPod which just died, I wouldn't have lost over 12GB of data... life's the breaks11:58
DarkElf109JamieBE: Can you run glxgears, and give me a framerate?11:58
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chezanyhow I'm sorry I waqs just working my way through the command list11:59
Snow_ShelterDarkElf109: glxgears wont give you a frame rate unless you feed it an option to do so...11:59
Zdrahello, I administrate ~70 computers running ubuntu dapper here and I have a question for upgrades: If there is a new kernel version the old one isn't removed. For security reasons I don't want to allow users to boot an old kenrel. Is there a way to automatically remove old kernel when there is an upgrade of kernel-image ?11:59
DarkElf109Snow_Shelter: Echoes it to console ever 5 seconds11:59
Snow_ShelterJamieBE: what model NVidia card do you have? (2nd time I've asked)11:59
Snow_ShelterDarkElf109: doesn't on my AMD6411:59
JamieBEdarkelf109: Cool, i see some gears going very slowly, dont see a framerate on there though11:59
PyroManiakhow do I set the permission so I can see my windows partition? chmod -x /media/hda1?12:00
JamieBEI think it is a geforce ti4200 snow_shelter12:00
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DarkElf109JamieBE: Should echo to the console every 5 seconds...12:00
DarkElf109Always has for me12:00
Snow_ShelterJamieBE: grep nvidia /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:00
Snow_ShelterDarkElf109: doesn't anymore12:00
DarkElf109Snow_Shelter: Heh. I just ran it, and it did =)12:00
Snow_ShelterJamieBE: I have a 7900GTX and I get about 3200FPS12:00
Snow_ShelterDarkElf109: Kernel version, X version, and glxgears version please12:00
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JamieBEDarkElf109 : nope, just a picture of the gears moving VERY choppy12:01
SeveasZdra, unfortunately not -- but you can work around it by letting grub only display the latest kernel and forbiding editing of the grub menu during boot12:01
PyroManiakWhy doesn't my windows partition show up in ubuntu?12:01
neutrinomassZdra: None that I know of, but you may be able to remove them all in one go using clusterssh12:01
MadpilotPyroManiak, because Windows is evil12:01
KrisWooddoes anyone here use proftpd at all?12:02
neutrinomassPyroManiak: Because Microsoft pretends only Windows exist and will only "see" windows partitions12:02
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JamieBEHey hey hey12:02
DarkElf109Snow_Shelter: 2.6.15-26-686, Xorg 7.0.0-0ubuntu45, and I don't even know how to find the glxgears version...12:02
Seveasneutrinomass, read his question please...12:02
Seveas!tell PyroManiak about windowsdrives12:02
JamieBENah, it ran very smoothly for a second, and then choppy again12:02
Snow_ShelterJamieBE: the TI4200 isn't the newest card, so don't expect a fantastic FPS in tux racer anyway, I think it's an entirely different problem, you video card is wicked old12:02
neutrinomassSeveas: Wow, sorry, read that backwards12:02
KrisWoodanyone at all?12:03
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JamieBESnow_Shelter: Everything was running very smoothly before12:03
=== neutrinomass just woke up Pyromaniak, sorry
Seveasneutrinomass, 12:03
Snow_ShelterDarkElf109: well I can't tell you what I'm running, cause I'm in Hawaii and my PC is in Ottawa Canada... and the constant thunderstorms knocked out our gw so I can't tell you what I'm running... :P12:03
KrisWoodgoogle isn't being particularly forthcoming at the moment, so help would be greatly appreciated12:03
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ZdraSeveas: neutrinomass: ok thanks, I'll try to configure menu.lst to only display last kernel. grub is already protected by password.12:03
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JamieBESnow_Shelter: I know what my card is capable of, and I know it can do more than this.12:03
KrisWoodI don't like pleading, but I'll do it12:03
=== KrisWood grovels
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Snow_ShelterJamieBE: hmmm, ok... my prognosis, get a new video card12:03
DarkElf1091) Darn you for being in Hawaii while I'm stuck in 106-degree Arizona. 2) Sorry for your connection loss =P12:03
Snow_ShelterKrisWood: what's your problem?12:04
JamieBEI may as well scap the OS at that price Snow_Shelter.12:04
SeveasZdra, it's configured in one of the commented lines in menu.lst12:04
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KrisWoodI upgraded to dapper and now proftpd won't work with inetd12:04
Snow_ShelterDarkElf109: I'll switch with you! I hate being dragged to Hawaii for 5 weeks...12:04
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Zdraneutrinomass: didn't know clusterssh, I'll try it. I currently use a home-made script to run commands on all machines at once12:04
KrisWoodthe folks in #proftpd helped me verify that nothing is wrong with my proftpd, it's inetd that's having the problem12:04
SeveasZdra, clusterss is fugly, try keyboardcast 12:04
DarkElf109Snow_Shelter: So...Is it a vacation? Or work?12:04
Snow_ShelterJamieBE: If you feel that way, go to Windows12:04
Snow_ShelterDarkElf109: unwanted vacation12:04
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DarkElf109Snow_Shelter: I haven't left my town for over 4 years...12:05
KrisWoodso I need to find someone who has it working and find out what the right inetd configuration is for it now12:05
neutrinomassZdra: Ahh, it's a small little program that sort of broadcasts commands to several computers - I've never used it so I can't comment on it. Better try what Seveas suggests ...12:05
Snow_ShelterDarkElf109: I haven't had a summer for 4 years straight12:05
JamieBESnow_Shelter: I appreciated your effort here, but it's not very constructive now12:05
SeveasSnow_Shelter, offtopic talk elswhere please12:05
DarkElf109JamieBE: Your best bet would be to try the forums now12:05
Snow_ShelterSeveas: yeah, I'm on my way out of here12:05
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Snow_ShelterDarkElf109: YGPM12:06
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Snow_ShelterDarkElf109: eh, just reply when you have time, I'll get to it in the morning, too late, agitated... sleep required12:06
=== KrisWood sighs
JamieBEDARKELF109 I am in the process of retrieving framerates12:06
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KrisWoodI guess no one is using proftpd on dapper with inetd12:07
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SeveasKrisWood, stop repeating kthbye12:07
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cowbudisn't there a way to download older packages from a distro after ones have been upgraded? like a snapshot of a day how the archive was before?12:07
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JamieBEdarkelf 109: 1026 frames in 5.2 seconds = 195.775 FPS12:07
Seveascowbud, not easily -- why would you want that?12:08
DarkElf109JamieBE: Hrm...Could even be correct...12:08
cowbudSeveas: if you are running unstable and something broke ;)12:08
Seveascowbud, then you file a bug 12:08
cowbudI sware there was a way in debian hrmm...12:08
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cowbudI mean it has nothing to do with the distro just with how they setup their packages..12:08
cowbudSeveas: done...12:08
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cowbudbut two days without email is kinda a bitch ;)12:08
JamieBEDarkelf109: It SAYS that, but it is choppy as hell12:08
cowbudbut I suppose that is the price :)12:09
DarkElf109JamieBE: Like I said, post to the forum. Give as much detail as you can (xorg.conf, that framerate, full story, etc.), and hopefuly, someone that knowsmore than I will stumble upon it...12:09
Seveasyou could pin the package to the older version, but the deb of an older version is removed quite soon after the newer one is approved12:09
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DarkElf109And that's a whole lotta people, so you have a good chance =)12:09
JamieBEOK Darkelf109, thanks for your help12:09
babis85how could i have xmodmap -e "keycode 22 = BackSpace BackSpace" run at startup?12:09
Seveasbabis85, put it in your ~/.gnomerc12:09
DarkElf109babis85: Not sure, but you can put it in your .Xsession12:09
DarkElf109Or that,,,12:09
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babis85finally, in which one ?12:10
KrisWoodok let's try this a different way....12:10
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KrisWoodhow do I start a service with inetd12:10
ardchoilleSeveas: Thanks, I have been looking for a way to do that for a while. Would that require a "&" at the end of the command in ~/.gnomerc ?12:10
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babis85there is no such file? do i have to create it?12:11
Seveasardchoille, no12:11
Seveasbabis85, yes12:11
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taavii have a problem with avi files?12:11
babis85Seveas: and simple put that line in it?12:12
Seveasbabis85, indeed12:12
Seveas!avi > taavi12:12
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babis85Seveas: ok, i'm gonna restart X12:12
S0me1taavi: use xine12:12
babis85thank you both12:12
taavii've installed all those codecs12:12
taavii've tried all the media players, all i hear is sound12:13
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S0me1taavi: did you try Xine?12:13
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goblynokay, what is PLF?12:13
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alushow can I change the max file descriptors per process?12:14
S0me1taavi: it should works12:14
alusand is there a way to query it?12:14
foohm, I can't seem to mount my drive /dev/hdd or /dev/hdd1 for some reason. mount /dev/hdd1 /public says no filesystem found, specify. I try to mount /dev/hdd .. and it says it's busy. lsof | grep hdd shows nothing. Any ideas?12:14
jungsonni have a last question about upgrading to breezy: i have alot installed, does this upgrading method remove all my installed apps?12:14
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taavisome1: i know it should, but it aint :P12:14
S0me1taavi: try use VLC12:14
DarkElf109jungsonn: Nope12:14
r0wd3How do i install the Vesa Driver?12:14
DarkElf109Just upgrades whatever needs to be upgraded12:15
Shinzetsur0wd3: it comes with xorg12:15
DarkElf109r0wd3: Should be installed by default, AFAIK12:15
jungsonnok great, i go upgrading thank you :)12:15
S0me1taavi: http://www.videolan.org/vlc/12:15
r0wd3Oh well, Thats lame.12:15
taavisome1: have that one12:15
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r0wd3In that case, I have another Question12:15
S0me1taavi: it is working fine with me12:15
taavisome1: for most it is, but i've heard the same problem with others12:16
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r0wd3Ubuntu doesnt boot with my AGP 6600GT, doesnt get past the ubuntu boot screen (just freezes, i have to reboot and load ubuntu with my onboard graphics). If i boot in recovery mode, it doesnt finsh and I have to reboot.12:16
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S0me1taavi: did you try use VLC? if not that mean you have problem with some codes12:17
KrisWoodso I guess no one knows how to use inetd at the moment?12:17
fooIs there anyway I could show the filesystem types on different partitions?12:17
goblynwhat is PLF?12:17
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FlannelPenguin Liberation Front12:18
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taavisome1: i have vlc, doesnt play12:18
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S0me1taavi: try use another avi file12:18
babis85Seveas: actually it didn't work12:18
taavisome1: i have many avi files,theyre all okey12:19
taavisome1: but dont play12:19
S0me1goblyn: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penguin_Liberation_Front12:19
ardchoillebabis85: It worked great for me. What command are you putting in ~/.gomerc?12:20
xsquaredhi, im trying to complie a plugin and im getting heaps of errors. I think i am missing some dev packages but i can't figure out what im missing, could someone tell me what packages im missing?12:20
goblynwhat plugin do i use in place of quicktime for firefox?12:20
r0wd3Ubuntu doesnt boot with my AGP 6600GT, doesnt get past the ubuntu boot screen (just freezes, i have to reboot and load ubuntu with my onboard graphics). If i boot in recovery mode, it doesnt finsh and I have to reboot12:20
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Saviqmplayer, vlc, xine12:20
Saviqwhichever You like best12:21
r0wd3Can someone help or refer me to a forum?12:21
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HeXiOndoes anybody know where can I find the changelogs for compiz and cgwd?12:21
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idontknowcan someone help me please? my forum has all the sudden... started acting really strange12:21
S0me1taavi: http://avicodec.duby.info/12:21
xsquaredr0wd3, ubuntuforums.org12:21
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PyroManiakSeveas: Thank you, script worked beautifully :] 12:21
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idontknowsome topics come right up... but most of them... take around a minute to load12:21
r0wd3I have search there many times in the last 3 days12:22
r0wd3I didn't find anything.12:22
idontknownothing has been changed..12:22
Shinzetsuwhere is the house icon for the home folder stored?12:22
Swishboihey im thinking of running ubuntu. will i be able to run .exe files ?12:22
idontknowthe server is ubuntu...12:22
ShinzetsuSwishboi: uhm. linux is not windows12:22
xsquaredSwishboi, LOL!12:22
idontknowi get completely ignored?12:22
ubotuHelp! lilo, Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak!12:22
Swishboiyeh i know but i never run linux before so i take tht as a no12:22
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idontknowsomeone boot that dude for flooding...12:22
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xsquaredSwishboi, go back to windows 8-)12:23
goblynwhat plugin do i use in place of quicktime for firefox?12:23
ShinzetsuSwishboi: you can run some of your Windows apps under wine, but natively, no12:23
xsquaredgoblyn, ubuntuguide.org12:23
ardchoilleMadpilot: Thank you :)12:23
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Swishboican i run them in a sandbox?12:23
Flannelidontknow: you havent given us nearly enough information to diagnose anything12:23
S0me1idontknow: yes i feel that12:23
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Amaranthxsquared: Don't be rude.12:23
SaviqSwishboi: and more of them on VMware12:23
TheGateKeeperSwishboi: either dualbooting or running windows in vmware, or using wine, not in linux itself12:23
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.12:23
babis85i put in the ~/.gnomerc the line : xmodmap -e "keycode 22 = BackSpace BackSpace"12:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about inetd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:23
goblynxsquared: that helped... not at all12:23
Shinzetsuwhere is the house icon for the home folder stored?12:23
idontknowis there any way someone can help me or atleast acknowledge my existance?12:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xinetd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:24
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Saviqgoblyn: I've already said12:24
AmaranthShinzetsu: somewhere under /usr/share/icons12:24
=== KrisWood kicks ubotu
Swishboithanx guys12:24
xsquaredgoblyn, follow the tutorials, especially about the mplayer one, and the totem-firefox one12:24
AmaranthShinzetsu: Depends on your theme and such.12:24
Saviqxine, mplayer, vlc whichever U like best12:24
Flannel03:24 < Flannel> idontknow: you havent given us nearly enough information to diagnose anything12:24
xsquaredgoblyn, its not that hard to search12:24
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Amaranthgoblyn: What's the problem?12:24
xsquareduse the Control F power12:24
ardchoillebabis85: Did you try keysym 0xff08 instead of keycode 22 ?12:24
S0me1i agree with Saviq12:24
KittiahCan anyone suggest some useful repositories for me to add?12:24
marcin_anthi guys12:24
Amaranthxsquared: Please don't be rude, last warning.12:24
r0wd3join #ubuntu-au12:24
xsquaredim not being rude, mate12:25
babis85ardchoille: no, that command seems to fix my problem12:25
Amaranthidontknow: You play Continuum?12:25
TheGateKeeperSwishboi: Windows to Ubuntu Transition Guide:http://www.pcmech.com/show/os/917/12:25
marcin_antI'm looking for good software for backups in local network based on windows clients12:25
=== thundr [n=thundr@68-185-180-196.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Amaranthidontknow: Works great under WINE with the patch from the appdb. :)12:25
babis85ardchoille: but i want it to run on startup12:25
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Amaranthidontknow: I play Trench Wars, how about you?12:25
=== Ferramentapenna [n=ferramen@S01060020ed667df6.du.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
usamahi all12:26
marcin_antcould someone advise me some good software to do backups on ubuntu based machine?12:26
ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi12:26
idontknowim SSCI Admin, tryin to get some help on my damn forums12:26
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.12:26
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idontknowits messed up man, some topics load instantly but most12:26
Flannelidontknow: so... 'nothing has changed', lets see, obviously, something has changed.  So, now we try and figure out what.  I imagine the forum uses SQL, and... who knows, somethig else.  it won't load for me.  I imagine its a SQL issue.  Bad data in your queries or whatnot.12:26
idontknowtake forever12:26
=== Over_There [n=maverick@207-47-217-54.sktn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu
idontknowover a minute or so12:26
idontknowno nothing has changed...12:27
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Amaranthidontknow: Having some server issues?12:27
ardchoillebabis85: babis85 why do you have "Backspace" in there twice?12:27
Amaranthidontknow: Oh, wine.getcontinuum.com is the site you're talking about?12:27
idontknowhere is site im talkin bout http://eb.sszones.com/12:27
Amaranthidontknow: it never loaded for me12:27
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babis85ardchoille: i don't know.12:27
=== jhjp [n=jhjp@dslb-088-065-010-232.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
idontknowno i sent that cause someone was talkin bout wine12:27
loko555hello, i have 3 deb-files in a directory, how could i install them with dpkg, i mean -i dont work. cause the 3 files are depencies with each other but dpkg wont recognize12:27
babis85ardchoille: i found that command, which solves my problem12:28
=== mjn [n=chatzill@219-124-65-147.sakura-catv.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu
idontknowif u go and look at the forums you will see what im talkin bout in general there is one called Ants12:28
idontknow it loads fast12:28
ardchoillebabis85: ok12:28
idontknowthe rest......12:28
=== ^richiefrich [n=dethwish@unaffiliated/richiefrich] has joined #ubuntu
idontknownothing has changed on the server12:28
babis85ardchoille: when i press the backspace once and i am switched to greek the x server gets killed12:28
idontknowits default apt-get install mysql-server12:28
idontknow package12:28
Amaranthloko555: If you use `dpkg -i file1.deb file2.deb file3.deb` it should work.12:28
idontknowbeen there for a while12:28
idontknowhaven't done no work on site12:28
babis85ardchoille: by running that command it doesn't12:28
idontknow  come on the other day and then its all messed12:28
Flannelidontknow: no, the SOFTWARE hasnt changed.  something mustve changed.  whether it's data, or something else.12:29
babis85ardchoille: have you got any idea?12:29
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loko555Amaranth: thanks this works12:29
ardchoillebabis85: What is the exact line you put in ~/.gnomerc ?12:29
idontknowno software changed and the only thing that has been done is people using the forum as normal12:29
Amaranthloko555: No problem. :) dpkg is smart enough to realize that it's going to get the dependency resolved if you install them all in one go, something to remember for later.12:30
=== GigaByte_ [n=kranian@wing.paichai.ac.kr] has joined #ubuntu
goblynwhere do i download Automatix from?12:30
babis85aardchoille:  single line containing : xmodmap -e "keycode 22 = BackSpace BackSpace"12:30
ubotuAutomatix is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. For help with and discussion of automatix please join #automatix.12:30
ardchoillegoblyn: automatix is ot for this channel12:30
KrisWoodwonderful, the wiki's solution for me is to simply not use inetd...12:30
idontknowanyone know why some topics would load fast.. and then others would take so long?12:30
DarkElf109Night all12:30
AmaranthKrisWood: inetd is for programs that don't know how to run themselves as a daemon12:31
AmaranthKrisWood: What are you trying to do?12:31
goblynardchoille: oh?12:31
=== shinobi2 [n=superman@udp118203uds.hawaiiantel.net] has joined #ubuntu
jhjpI need some help: My network is so slow.... I have a Router with one XP notebook and one Ubuntu notebook connected. the ftp transfer from the ubuntu to the xp notebook runs at 30kb/s. it shoud run with 500kb/s12:31
idontknowbeen usin site since like 2005..12:31
KrisWoodAmaranth, trying to run proftpd without having to type it into the command line every time I boot up12:31
shinobi2is there a mario-ish game for linux? i think there was super-tux or something12:31
ardchoillegoblyn: Yes12:31
goblynardchoille: what do you mean>?12:31
AmaranthKrisWood: hrm, i think there is a better ftp daemon12:31
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ubotuFTP clients: gftp, konqueror, kbear, nautilus. FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd12:32
idontknowyour having troubles ith wine.getcontinuum.com amaranth?12:32
Shinzetsuwhat size are normal icons?12:32
Flannelidontknow: looks like the topics with those orange images are problematic.  And the more, the longer it takes12:32
Amaranthidontknow: yep12:32
KrisWoodAmaranth, When I upgraded to dapper it stopped working with inetd :-/12:32
Amaranthidontknow: still waiting for it to load12:32
seanWow why do Java programs run so SLOW???12:32
Flannelidontknow: and yes, wine.getyadda doesnt load12:32
ardchoillegoblyn: It's not recommended, talked about, supported, etc.12:32
Amaranth!find vsftpd12:32
ubotuFound: vsftpd12:32
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AmaranthKrisWood: Try using vsftpd12:32
goblynardchoille: so the best policy is to completely ignore it and hope it goes away?12:32
KrisWoodAmaranth, If proftpd isn't so good, what would you recommend instead and why?12:32
idontknowmeh thats not my server thats Wonderers server12:32
Flannelidontknow: right, but *that* appears to be causing your problem12:33
ardchoillebabis85: I have no idea, then. The syntax looks correct but I don't know what to tell you.12:33
idontknowi knew i should of hosted it12:33
AmaranthKrisWood: The official ubuntu server documentation says to use vsftpd12:33
ardchoillegoblyn: Please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic12:33
KrisWoodI was using vsftp before going to proftpd, I forget why I switched12:33
idontknowhere if anyone wants continuum-wine there is a mirror site here http://www.network3d.net/portal/content/view/12/1/12:33
goblynardchoille: well, i'm sorry for thinking so, but if it's a bad idea to try it, tell me why so i don't use it12:33
idontknowbut thats not why im here12:33
KrisWoodok that works I guess12:33
seanvsftp is not very secure12:33
=== delta [n=delta@ver73-2-88-160-44-179.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
idontknowproftpd is good12:34
ardchoillegoblyn: You are now on my ignore list. Please be respectful of channel policies in the future12:34
KrisWoodI've been happy with proftpd up until now12:34
idontknoweasy to use, i suggest usin webmin with it12:34
KrisWoodI'd like to keep using it12:34
goblynok, can someone tell me what ardchoille's problem is? i asked a simple question12:34
KrisWoodwebmin is a security risk12:34
idontknowlol everything is o.O12:34
KrisWoodand a pain to set up as well12:34
deltaI can see a connection I don't know from the internet on my local ip. What can I do?12:35
seanAnyone know anything that will put /. headlines in my menu bar thingy???12:35
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=== sean *Blinks*
idontknowanyone know where i might be able to go look12:36
idontknowto get some help12:36
KrisWoodanyway, would it be possible to have the standalone version of proftpd start automaticly in init.d like vsftpd does?12:36
idontknowon my issue12:36
idontknowwith my forums12:36
=== DB2 [n=hello@l85-130-147-50.broadband.actcom.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
Amaranthidontknow: I'd talk to the people who make the forum software.12:37
Flannelidontknow: Those images are the problem.  Look through your code, take a look at the other site.  And, clean up your html, you have a webpage in a webpage.12:37
Amaranthidontknow: If it worked before and the mysql and etc packages haven't changed since something is wrong with your database or your software12:37
idontknowflannel, some topics load fast12:37
idontknowthe sites been working as is for a long time12:37
Flannelidontknow: the ones without those orange banner images load fast12:37
=== Shinzetsu is now known as Shinzetsu^AFK
DB2Hi, i'm running ubuntu, and it seemed it crashed in a previous update, and now X-Windows is borked, and wont start... any ideas ? i see the nvidia logo, then the screen goes back to text mode....12:37
idontknoworange banner?12:38
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Flannelidontknow: yes, the little... 100 x 15px  orange image things12:38
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idontknowoh the new topic image12:38
seanDB2: You tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg???12:38
idontknowor new post12:38
AmaranthDB2: in the terminal run 'cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep EE' and look for anything that might be wrong12:38
=== Skaven [n=Henner@i577A625B.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu
PyroManiakWhy doesn't ubuntu use my 1600x1200 resolution when I change to the nvidia driver?12:38
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:39
Flannelidontknow: no.  the orange image.  http://eb.sszones.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=313 has one  http://eb.sszones.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=305 has one  http://eb.sszones.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=241 has none12:39
DB2i think the error was that it didnt find any /dev/watcom /dev/lots_of_stuff_it_needs12:39
AmaranthI wish they hadn't jammed those together12:39
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idontknoweverything on that site12:39
FlannelAmaranth: and they should've specified what ? means ;)12:39
idontknowwas working perfect12:39
seanIs there any new Desktop env's/Window managers out there?12:39
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idontknowfor like months12:39
ardchoillesean: http://xwinman.org12:40
Flannelidontknow: well, something changed.  Lamenting about it here isn't going to do anything.  It's not an ubuntu problem, suggest you take it up with the server people, or the forum people.  And as I already said, clean up your html.  complete pages don't go inside of table cells.12:40
idontknowwith everything exactly how it is, file wise also i did a buncha testing im not just some dude lookin to be spoon fed k? i installed new default php-nuke and tested12:40
idontknowon same database12:40
idontknowsame issue12:40
idontknowused new database12:40
idontknowsame issue12:40
taavihow do i move multiple files in terminal?12:40
KrisWoodwould anyone be willing to help me figure out what's wrong with my inetd / ftp? I don't want to change ftp servers just because dapper is being finicky12:40
idontknowi am server admin and i've even reinstall'd the mysql server12:40
KrisWoodAll I need is to find the right inetd configuration12:41
DB2i think the error was that it didnt find any /dev/watcom /dev/lots_of_stuff_it_needs what can be done?12:41
Flannelidontknow: then it's not the database, not your server.  must be that other site, the one with the orange images.12:41
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AmaranthDB2: those are fine12:41
S0me1taavi: mv file1 file2 /tmp12:41
AmaranthDB2: it just means you don't have a wacom tablet12:41
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idontknowim not lamenting.. im asking for help i been workin for hours on this issue with many people just seeing if anyones got any clue wtf12:41
AmaranthDB2: if you got to the nvidia splash screen your problem isn't /dev/something missing12:41
KrisWoodftp    stream  tcp     nowait  root    /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/sbin/proftpd12:41
DB2ok, i'll reboot later, and try to do those stuff12:41
KrisWoodanything look wrong with that?12:41
AmaranthKrisWood: No. I don't know what it does but it doesn't look wrong. ;)12:42
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thundridontknow, maybe you could try #ubuntu-offtopic ?12:42
idontknowthe orange images are located on same site12:42
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deltaIs there a way to close a port?12:43
idontknowsure thundr, ill leave obvious no one has a clue what to do.. just like me.12:43
S0me1delta: yes12:43
deltaS0me1, how? :)12:44
S0me1delta: netstat -nap | grep tcp12:44
kalleiI'm having problems with my iptables, it seems to be installed somehow, but still not.  i can do  ptables -V12:44
kalleiiptables v1.3.312:44
kallei    , But  sudo iptables -L12:44
kalleiFATAL: Module ip_tables not found.12:44
kalleiiptables v1.3.3: can't initialize iptables table `filter': iptables who? (do you need to insmod?)12:44
kallei .     I tried insmod ip_tables but that outputs:  insmod: can't read 'ip_tables': No such file or directory12:44
S0me1delta: then12:44
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)12:44
marcin_antAmaranth: thank you for all these suggestions about backup software unfortunately I haven't found anything suitable for my requirements :(12:44
Flannelkallei: don't paste here please.  use pastebin12:44
marcin_antAmaranth: any other proposals?12:44
KrisWoodthis is quite frustrating...12:44
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kalleiI know i compiled my kernel with iptables, but im not sure i compiled it into the kernel or as a module, so i want to include it in the kernel. that is done with insmod right?12:45
Amaranthkallei: sudo modprobe ip_tables12:45
ubotuFrom more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD12:45
KrisWoodI really wish there was more documentation about inetd12:45
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AmaranthKrisWood: inetd is dead12:45
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kalleiAmaranth: FATAL: Module ip_tables not found.12:45
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linux_user400354KrisWood: sure there is12:45
Amaranthkallei: Use the stock ubuntu kernel12:45
S0me1delta: look which port you want, it will show you which software use the port, then go to /etc/init.d/hp stop this is an example12:45
linux_user400354KrisWood: www.tldp.org12:45
kalleiAmaranth:  No i dont want to12:45
Amaranthmarcin_ant: No, sorry. Please tell me you're not looking for Time Machine.12:45
KrisWoodlinux_user400354, I mean for ubuntu, dapper seems to hate inetd12:46
marcin_antAmaranth: what is Time Machine?12:46
Amaranthkallei: We don't have any idea what you did or didn't do to your custom kernel, it's hard to help. If I had to guess I'd say you forgot iptables support.12:46
JamieHey, anyone know how to make tvout work? i ahve an Nvidia Geforce 4 card.12:46
Amaranthmarcin_ant: Oh, some OS X thing. Everyone has been saying 'Ubuntu needs this, please add it!' without even knowing how hard it would be.12:46
kalleiAmaranth:  when running insmod ip_tables, do i have to stand in like the kernel src dir or something?  can i search for some files in the src dir to see if i included it as a module?12:47
deltaS0me1, I see but this specific port doesn't show up with nestat; it does with firestarter though. And no application is listted ('unknown' instead)?!12:47
KrisWoodok I'll phrase it differently, does anyone know a way to get proftpd to start in dapper whenever I boot my machine without needing to type it into the command line?12:47
linux_user400354KrisWood: have you installed netkit-inetd ? there is not inetd by default.12:48
Amaranthkallei: I have no idea. I think you have to give it a full path to a ko file.12:48
marcin_antAmaranth: well sort of ;)12:48
linux_user400354KrisWood: yes, i do it on my machine.12:48
marcin_antAmaranth: but I need more advanced solution and I don't need so fancy interface (but to be honest I don't want cli only solution)12:48
tony_Anyone here able to answer a question about valknut? when searching for files second time around i get the same search performed all over again.12:48
AmaranthKrisWood: There is some file where you can drop in commands to be started but I can't find it.12:48
deltaS0me1, I do have the ip which established the connection but I've no idea what it is.12:48
KrisWoodlinux_user400354, I had it installed in breezy, and then I upgraded, are you saying the upgrade would have removed it?12:48
linux_user400354KrisWood: you are better off with vsftpd though12:48
Amaranthmarcin_ant: Use svn? :)12:48
marcin_antAmaranth: I need to backup data from LAN with about 100 machines12:49
Amaranthmarcin_ant: rsync?12:49
marcin_antAmaranth: with resources mounted to ubuntu box with samba12:49
KrisWoodbah, I really don't want to go back to vsftpd when my proftpd has been working satasfactorily for so long12:49
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linux_user400354KrisWood: not that I know of. type `sudo apt-get install netkit-inetd` and see what happens12:49
seanAnyone using Enlightenment???12:49
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Amaranthmarcin_ant: I have never done any sort of backup that wasn't tar'ing up $HOME and burning it to a DVD. I have no idea how any of those things works, sorry.12:49
marcin_antAmaranth: hmm rsync could be nice because I want to do initial backup and then backup only diff's12:50
deltaAny idea S0me1?12:50
JamieBEHi all, just a quick update on that xorg config problem12:50
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KrisWoodlinux_user400354, yup, already the newest version12:50
marcin_antAmaranth: ok no problem... thank you anyway12:50
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linux_user400354KrisWood: you dont need that to get proftpd to boot on startup. use update-rc.d12:50
KrisWoodlinux_user400354, so you say you are running dapper and proftpd?12:50
marcin_antAmaranth: but another thing is that I'm suprised that there is no such software already available12:51
JamieBEIt turns out that deleting the .conf files in gdm and X11 and just letting X build new ones fixed the corrupt xorg.conf headers. I still have the refresh problem and will look into that later, thans all for your help12:51
Amaranthmarcin_ant: oh, perhaps you want dirvish?12:51
marcin_antAmaranth: I found bacula which is overcomplicated and doesn't support long filenames on windows12:51
Amaranthmarcin_ant: it's a fancy wrapper around rsync, i guess12:51
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marcin_antAmaranth: so this is why it's not acceptable - but anyway I think that linux as12:51
dystopianrayubuntu has 64-bit openoffice builds now?12:51
KrisWoodlinux_user400354, can I use update-rc.d to restart it as well without starting the standalone proftpd in teh console?12:51
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marcin_antAmaranth: system for servers should have such software....12:52
marcin_antAmaranth: back to google ;) thank you12:52
stamenwhere I can find the last nvidia kernel and glx12:52
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Amaranthmarcin_ant: heh, backup stuff is a hard problem12:52
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stamenversion 1.0-876212:53
Amaranthmarcin_ant: No one solution can satisfy everyone.12:53
Amaranthmarcin_ant: Everyone wants $PET_FEATURE to work. :)12:53
jayDoes anyone know how the lovely ubuntu's screen-protection animations are produced? Using Java or OpenGL?12:53
=== Shinzetsu^AFK is now known as Shinzetsu
AmaranthKrisWood: put proftpd in /etc/rc.local12:53
Amaranthjay: The screensavers? Those are OpenGL.12:54
docta_vwow java based screen saver...that would really suck12:54
Amaranthjay: Java is a programming language. OpenGL is a graphics technology.12:54
Shinzetsudocta_v: amen12:54
linux_user400354KrisWood: `sudo apt-get install bum`12:54
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stamenso, can anybody help me12:54
Amaranthlinux_user400354: that's for tweaking already existing startup scripts12:54
Amaranthstamen: Ubuntu 6.06 has the latest nvidia drivers12:55
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stamenAmaranth: but the X says me that the versions are not the same, and X crash12:55
stamenAmaranth: the version for the Nvidia kernel is older than my driver12:55
schnepfihelloo, can anybody help me. i have got a problem with my usb soundcard12:55
PyroManiakOption "NvAGP" "3" <--- What does this do inside the xorg.conf12:56
stamenAmaranth: ant the X says to make them same12:56
Amaranthstamen: Oh, you're using edgy.12:56
Amaranthstamen: Switch to the nv driver and yell at nvidia to release new drivers.12:56
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ShinzetsuAmaranth: tell that to ati ;-)12:57
AmaranthShinzetsu: ati supports xorg 7.1 just fine12:57
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S0me1delta: try know which server use the port12:57
ag0nyis someone using a WUSB54G V4 with WPA enbaled?12:57
AmaranthShinzetsu: ATI is actually ahead of nVidia this time. :)12:57
stamenAmaranth: but I have the latest driver, and it was working till I had upgrade the linux kernel12:57
ShinzetsuAmaranth: I know but their drivers are baddd :\12:57
S0me1delta: you can use iptables12:58
ShinzetsuAmaranth: :O12:58
AmaranthShinzetsu: That's not true at all, ATI's laptop support is much better.12:58
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ShinzetsuAmaranth: okay :-)12:58
Oni-Draculaibm lappy's for the win!12:58
Oni-Draculanow known as inovo12:58
S0me1delta: server = service12:58
stamenAmaranth: but I have the latest driver, and it was working till I had upgrade the linux kernel12:58
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Amaranthstamen: You're using edgy, right?12:58
Oni-Draculainovo lappy's love linux12:59
Oni-Draculalinux loves inovo lappy'12:59
arimoAnyone who could help setting up SB Vibra16X for Xubuntu?12:59
Amaranthstamen: /join #ubuntu+112:59
Pntkltell me12:59
AmaranthOni-Dracula: Do lenovo laptops use intel graphics?12:59
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stamenAmaranth: what is edgy12:59
Oni-Draculadunno, lets check!12:59
Flannelstamen: edgy is the development (read: not stable) version of ubuntu, that will be released in October01:00
linux_user400354KrisWood: this is what helped me to get no-ip dynamic dns software to start on its own. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBootupHowto01:00
arimoPntkl - was that for me?01:00
ubuntuhello everyone. when using fdisk, if i want to resize a partition (i've already shrunk the file system), deleting and recreating it is the way to go?01:00
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Amaranthstamen: The development version of Ubuntu. If you don't know what it is you probably aren't using it. The problem you're having only occurs in edgy though, which is weird.01:00
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fooHaving some problems. fsck reports 150k files on my drive, but when I try to mount it... mount can't find the fs on the drive. Any ideas?01:00
Amaranthstamen: What, exactly, is the error message?01:00
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Amaranthfoo: What command are you using to mount it and what is the error message?01:01
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KrisWoodlinux_user400354, I actually ended up doing something very similar just now for my proftpd, that's why I'd stopped talking heh01:01
stamenAmaranth: I must reset the X now, to tell what is it01:01
Amaranthstamen: wait01:01
Oni-DraculaAmaranth, they have ATI gfx01:01
KrisWoodI'm just about to try out my little init.d script now :)01:01
DJAdmiralIs it possible to make a dual boot of Ubuntu and windoze with windoze being installed after ubuntu is installed?01:01
Amaranthstamen: X still works?01:01
FlannelDJAdmiral: yeah01:01
AmaranthOni-Dracula: I don't want them then. :P01:01
stamenAmaranth:  the probloem is very strnage, because I am erinstaling the driver01:01
DJAdmiralFlannel: how so?01:01
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AmaranthDJAdmiral: it's a PITA.01:01
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:02
Oni-DraculaAmaranth, nvm...that's only the expensive one...the others are intel01:02
DJAdmiralAmaranth: PITA?01:02
fooAmaranth: mount /dev/hdd1 /public .. error: VFS: Can't find ext3 filesystem on dev hdd101:02
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AmaranthDJAdmiral: Pain In The A**01:02
FlannelDJAdmiral: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows01:02
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Amaranthfoo: ouch01:02
FlannelDJAdmiral: you just need to reinstall grub, assuming everything is still good partition wise.01:02
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fooAmaranth: I just installed ubuntu... it said it never reformatted this drive. I have no idea why it would do this. fsck shows 150k files ... so how does it read those ?01:03
stamenan the X starts, but if I restart the PC, I must reinstall the the driver again and again01:03
stamenAmaranth: and I don't want to do this every time01:03
DJAdmiralFlannel: so I just install windoze as normal and re-install GRUB. correct?01:03
Gu1Right - let01:03
Amaranthstamen: Oh, you installed the driver manually? (didn't use the nvidia-glx package)01:03
KrisWoodomg rofl01:03
KrisWoodthere was already a proftpd script in intit.d01:03
FlannelDJAdmiral: in theory ;)01:03
schnepfii have got a problem with my external soundcard, i havnt got any sound, any ideas?01:04
Gu1Let's try again... anyone who could help with setting up SB Vibra16 for Xubuntu?01:04
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Amaranthstamen: How are you installing it?01:04
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stamenAmaranth: I have installed nvidia-glx and nvidia kernel, and after that the driver from the web site01:04
fooAmaranth: Any ideas?01:04
stamenof NVIDIA01:04
DJAdmiralFlannel: I don't think I'll risk it. Any chance of getting windoze to work on VMWare or Qemu?01:04
AmaranthGu1: Everything I can find says that card should work without doing anything.01:05
TheGateKeeperDJAdmiral: very wise decision :-)01:05
linux_user400354KrisWood: you better keep that website i gave you just incase what you are trying does not work01:05
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Amaranthstamen: Ack!01:05
greghi all01:05
DJAdmiralTheGateKeeper: Thank you! :)01:05
KrisWoodOMG! I have resolved my issue all on my own without any help from anyone here or even from google!01:05
stamenAmaranth: ???01:05
DJAdmiralhi greg01:05
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KrisWoodThe script didn't fix it01:05
DJAdmiralKrisWood: Congratulations!01:05
KrisWoodin fact, I chucked my script because there was already one01:06
Amaranthstamen: driver from website == bad idea01:06
fooAmaranth: hm, I'll take that as a no :) Thanks anyways.01:06
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Gu1Amaranth: I know... but it doesn't. ALSA website has installation instructions, but they fail since kernel source cannot be found...01:06
stamenbut it works01:06
schnepfianother try.......my external soundcard doesnt work01:06
Amaranthfoo: Nope, sounds like a broken partition01:06
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greghow to know which files were installed for a package form the command line ?01:06
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DJAdmiralTheGateKeeper: windoze me on VMWare or Qemu?01:06
stamenAmaranth: and all was working01:06
KrisWoodthe solution: When I upgraded to dapper it replaced my proftpd.conf with a version that used inetd instead of standalone01:06
fooAmaranth: how could fsck read the files? is there anyway to have fsck relabel it ext3?01:06
stamenAmaranth: till I have upgrade the linux kernel01:06
KrisWoodall I had to do was change that line, then run the init.d script01:06
squeljimYES it works, i play counterstrike with ubuntu wow :D I am so happy01:07
Amaranthfoo: I don't know, sorry.01:07
stamenAmaranth: to 16-68601:07
Gu1Amaranth: I know... but it doesn't. ALSA website has installation instructions, but they fail since kernel source cannot be found...01:07
Amaranthstamen: That's because the driver from the website doesn't update when you get a new kernel01:07
DJAdmiralsqueljim: you mean winme on qemu works?01:07
TheGateKeeperDJAdmiral: never run either yet, so can't really advise you01:07
squeljimubuntu + wine01:07
stamenAmaranth: so what to do01:07
DJAdmiralTheGateKeeper: Thanks anyway01:07
DJAdmiralsqueljim: ah01:07
stamenAmaranth: to make all working properly01:08
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squeljim+ thoma.tff font -_-01:08
DJAdmiralIn either case, I want to stay away from windoze as much as possible01:08
stamensqueljim: how did you play CS01:08
TheGateKeeperDJAdmiral: I use a caddy system with 2 different hard disc (now there's trust for you lol )01:08
Amaranthstamen: -16-686 doesn't exist01:08
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Amaranthstamen: do you mean 2.6.15-26-686?01:08
squeljimstamen: how?!01:08
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DJAdmiralthe only reason I want to get windoze on this is so I can play Unreal Tournament: GOTY edition01:09
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stamenAmaranth: my mistake, this is the kernel 2.6.15-26-68601:09
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DJAdmiralbut there is a linux version available as long as you have the GOTY cds, which I have so...01:09
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Amaranthstamen: sudo apt-get --reinstall install libgl1-mesa-dri nvidia-glx linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-26-68601:09
DJAdmiralthere's just one tiny bummer.01:09
Amaranthstamen: run that, hopefully it'll trash the website install with a proper setup01:09
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stamenAmaranth: ok 10x, I will try now01:10
DarkMageZdoes anyone know how i can increase the buffer size for radio streams in gstreamer/rhythmbox?01:10
stamenAmaranth: lets hope all will work01:10
stamenAmaranth: :)01:10
braintixhow do i run konqueror as su or somting so i can copy my backup to /var/www ?01:10
Gu1Amaranth: I know... but it doesn't. ALSA website has installation instructions, but they fail since kernel source cannot be found...01:10
Amaranthbraintix: you have to run it from a terminal01:10
TheGateKeeperDJAdmiral: if you use qema you want the faster (proprietry) version, not sure what it is called01:10
squeljimstamen: latest wine, cp tahoma.ttf /drive_c/windows/font/ and install steam with wine steam.exe01:10
braintixnoo :(01:10
AmaranthGu1: URL to these instructions?01:10
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Gu1Amaranth: a sec...01:11
squeljimit works :D01:11
AmaranthTheGateKeeper: qemu will not run games01:11
stamensqueljim: which version do you play, source?01:11
squeljimnope 1.601:11
Gu1Amaranth: http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-doc/doc-php/template.php?company=Creative+Labs&card=Sound+Blaster+Vibra16X.&chip=sb16&module=sb1601:11
AmaranthTheGateKeeper: It barely runs Windows.01:11
Goblynare there any programs available to list the physical conditions of the PC?01:11
squeljimtop ?!01:11
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DJAdmiralI have a 6 year old compaq presario. It has a synaptics touchpad, and my PS/2 mouse won't work when I connect it. So how do I make my PS/2 mouse work? I don't care if I don't have scrollmouse functionality. I don't even care if my touchpad won't work if I connect my PS/2 mouse, I just want it to work.01:11
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TheGateKeeperAmaranth: I bow to your greater knowledge never used it :-)01:11
Gu1Amaranth: dmsg shows that the card is recognized correctly... but not found01:12
braintixAmaranth: is there no other way to do it im not stong in terminals01:12
AmaranthGu1: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`01:12
AmaranthGu1: copy/paste that to a terminal, don't type it out manually01:12
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Goblynare there any programs available to list the physical conditions of the PC?01:13
squeljimubuntu rocks!01:13
Gu1Amaranth: a sec again01:13
Amaranthbraintix: I don't think so.01:13
squeljimGoblyn: top ?!01:13
Amaranthbraintix: But I don't use KDE, you might want to ask in #kubuntu01:13
DJAdmirallet me rephrase - me with laptop with touchpad. me no want touchpad, me want ps2 mouse, but ps2 mouse no work. help? :P01:13
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Goblynsqueljim: huh?01:13
AmaranthDJAdmiral: you have a laptop with ps/2 ports? wow01:13
squeljimGoblyn: type top in terminal ?!01:13
DJAdmiralAmaranth: yeah. 6 year old nostalgia.01:14
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AmaranthGoblyn: What do you mean by physical conditions? temperatures?01:14
PyroManiakAny reason why my LCD wont go higher then 1400x1050 in linux?01:14
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:14
GoblynAmaranth: yes, temperature, current speeds and the like01:14
Gu1Amaranth: "Couldn01:14
AmaranthPyroManiak: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:14
AmaranthGu1: ?01:14
Gu1Amaranth: "Couldn't find package linux-headers-uname -r01:14
AmaranthGu1: gah, i said copy/paste it :P01:15
lwizardlI have a pc running lts 6.06 lts and using kdm/kde for gui and now it's stuck in a login loop after amarok crashed, anyone know how to fix ?01:15
AmaranthGu1: the backticks went away (`)01:15
Gu1Amaranth: go figure...01:15
ardchoilleGu1: How did you copy&paste and lose the backticks01:15
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DJAdmirallwizardl: erm, use live cd to backup data and reinstall?01:15
AmaranthGu1: They don't when I copy/paste from xchat-gnome to gnome-terminal. :)01:15
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Amaranthlwizardl: login loop?01:16
lwizardlDJAdmiral, i've tried to mount the hd using a livecd and it won't mount just errors01:16
Gyuszkhi guys, can I mount .bin/cue images like ISO images? If not, what can i do with them? Can i convert them to ISO?01:16
Gu1Amaranth; I'm running Xubuntu - no gnome-terminal. At least yet :-)01:16
Amaranthlwizardl: Yikes, I think your hard drive died.01:16
Gu1Amaranth: typing rocks :-D01:16
lwizardlAmaranth, yes login screen i enter the info screen goes black and repeats01:17
Wermutlwizardl: Can you be more explicit, i.e. what error messages do you get.01:17
DJAdmirallwizardl: do you hear sounds from your hard drive? strange scratching sounds?01:17
Gyuszkcan I mount .bin/cue images like ISO images? If not, what can i do with them? Can i convert them to ISO?01:17
lwizardlAmaranth, I wouldn't be able to get to a login prompt if it did01:17
Gu1Amaranth: What woudl be the next step?01:17
lwizardlDJAdmiral, no01:17
DJAdmiralGyuszk: There is a tool for linux called BIN2ISO which converts bin files into iso.01:17
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Amaranth!info bin2iso01:17
ubotuPackage bin2iso does not exist in dapper01:17
Amaranth!info bchunk01:18
ubotubchunk: CD image format conversion from bin/cue to iso/cdr. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.0-1 (dapper), package size 12 kB, installed size 68 kB01:18
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DJAdmiralthere we go01:18
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AmaranthGu1: If you got that package installed start following the directions on that website, I guess.01:18
DJAdmiralGyuszk: you want bchunk then.01:18
void^DJAdmiral: there's cdemu to mount it directly01:18
DJAdmiral!info cdemu01:18
ubotuPackage cdemu does not exist in dapper01:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cdemu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:18
Amaranthlwizardl: perhaps run fsck on the partition from a livecd?01:18
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Gyuszkthanks guys for answers01:18
Gu1Amaranth: K. Let's see...01:18
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DJAdmiralvoid^: ah, thanks01:19
Amaranthlwizardl: otherwise ask in #kubuntu, I have no idea how KDM works01:19
gorskimy tvtime doesn't scan chanels that i had before.01:19
lwizardlif I want to force delete a full directory how would i do it01:19
DJAdmiralWho here has made their own distro?01:19
Amaranthrm -rf /path/to/dir01:19
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lwizardlI'm wondering if i'm out of space on the drive01:19
DJAdmirallwizardl: rm -rf /dirname01:19
AmaranthDJAdmiral: Why bother? :P01:19
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DJAdmiralAmaranth: you beat me to it lol01:19
ardchoilleAmaranth: wowsers, you type fast :)01:19
DJAdmiralAmaranth: for the learning experience.01:20
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Amaranthardchoille: 70wpm :)01:20
DJAdmiralarchoille: either that or he's an AI bot with canned responses :P01:20
ardchoilleAmaranth: o.O01:20
Amaranthunless i start making errors, takes my brain a minute to backtrack01:20
ardchoilleDJAdmiral: lol01:20
AmaranthDJAdmiral: I've been planning on turning ubotu in to something like that01:20
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Gu1Amaranth: so far so good :-)01:20
DJAdmiralAmaranth: an AI chatbot? lol01:21
AmaranthDJAdmiral: A combination bayesian classifier + ALICE bot on top of ubotu's factoids01:21
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DJAdmiralAmaranth: ah, good ol' ALICE.01:21
AmaranthDJAdmiral: Not for talking to, just asking questions.01:21
AmaranthDJAdmiral: I could probably drop the ALICE part, it's not needed.01:21
DJAdmiralbrb guys01:21
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AmaranthDJAdmiral: Basically the bayesian classifier figures out that 'Why does my LCD only go to 1024x768?' means 'fixres' and then the bot shows that factoid01:22
PyroManiakOk, still not giving me my 1600x1200 resolution... no matter what resolution I pick, It ALWAYS got to 1400x1050.. which screws up the display01:22
AmaranthPyroManiak: nvidia?01:22
PyroManiakAmaranth: Yes01:23
ardchoillePyroManiak: Is this an LCD panel ?01:23
AmaranthPyroManiak: Does it work if you use the nv driver instead of the nvidia one?01:23
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PyroManiakAmaranth: Works fine with "nv", but not with "nvidia"01:23
AmaranthPyroManiak: Congrats, you've found a bug in nvidia's driver. :/01:23
jungsonnback again with an upgrada erro :)01:23
PyroManiakAmaranth, is it known? lol01:23
AmaranthPyroManiak: I've found that if you try to set the resolution, log out, kill gdm (ctrl-alt-backspace), then login, it usually gives you the resolution you wanted.01:24
jungsonnanyone knows what this means?01:24
jungsonnE: /var/cache/apt/archives/libofx2_10x1,3a3600000005dp-8690.8.0-3ubuntu8_i386.deb:01:24
jungsonntrying to overwrite `/usr/share/libofx/dtd/opensp.dcl', which is also in package libofx0c1001:24
braintixhow do i copy a file or dir through terimal ?01:24
AmaranthPyroManiak: Known for ages and ever fixed.01:24
Amaranthjungsonn: Are you using non-ubuntu repositories?01:24
PyroManiakAmaranth: My screen works fine at that resolution, but my roomies laptop doesn't01:24
jungsonni guess not i checked all breezy packages01:25
TheGateKeeperbraintix: http://www.ss64.com/bash/01:25
Amaranthjungsonn: Uninstall libofx0c10?01:25
braintixthx TheGateKeeper01:25
DJAdmiralbraintix: you want to go to the linux survival course for the terminal01:25
TheGateKeeperbraintix: yw :-)01:25
DJAdmiralbraintix: www.LinuxSurvival.com01:25
Amaranth!info libofx0c1001:26
ubotuPackage libofx0c10 does not exist in dapper01:26
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jungsonnuhmm... my terminal is gone...01:26
PyroManiakAmaranth: How do you "pick" the resolution? its not even an option in gnome01:26
ardchoilleTheGateKeeper: That's a nice URL, thanks :)01:26
braintixjust been used to go trough su konqueror in other dist just swaped to ubuntu to see if i like it01:26
AmaranthPyroManiak: In that case you need the URL I pointed you to before.01:26
DJAdmiralPyroManiak: System>Preferences>ScreenResolution01:27
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Amaranthbraintix: sudo konqueror01:27
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PyroManiakAmaranth: I have the xorg.conf file set to ONLY use 1600x1200... but it still forces 1400x105001:27
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AmaranthPyroManiak: Did you do the other things that URL said?01:27
DJAdmiralPyroManiak: has your screen ever been able to do a 1600x1200 screen before?01:27
PyroManiakAmaranth: It is causing some nasty screen tearing on the right and bottom *almost looks like it tries to redraw top/left*01:28
PyroManiakDJAdmiral: Yes, it works in windows for years at that resolution01:28
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AmaranthPyroManiak: That's not the problem, that's a symptom of the problem. :)01:28
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AmaranthPyroManiak: You probably need to set refresh rates and such on xorg.conf01:28
lwizardlDJAdmiral, Amaranth, ok it was out of space I removed a folder that was over 20GB (copyied from another local pc, can redo) and now kde gui and ubuntu is back up and running01:28
jungsonni try to remove that libofx: E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?01:29
Amaranthlwizardl: cool01:29
braintixAmaranth: it dosent work i get erro messages01:29
DJAdmirallwizardl: good to know :)01:29
Amaranthjungsonn: Close synaptic first01:29
PyroManiakAmaranth: How do I find out the exacts for a laptop LCD? not like I got a user guide? lol01:29
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DJAdmiralPyroManiak: LCDs always refresh at 60 hertz if im not mistaken01:29
AmaranthPyroManiak: Well, that URL tells you about a tool that usually works, otherwise check out monitorworld.com01:29
DJAdmiralPyroManiak: I'll go check01:29
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fooI used to be able to mount /dev/hdd /folder... I know this is bad, but that is how I did it on debian. Now, on ubuntu, I get: mount /dev/hdd already mounted or /public/ busy ... any ideas?01:30
DJAdmiralPyroManiak: yep. LCD screen refresh default is 60 Hz.01:30
GastenHi! I want to download files with bittorrent to my slave hdd, but to acces to it the program needs root. is there a away I could change this restriction without giving bittorrent root?01:30
jungsonnok removed: gnucash: Depends: libofx2 but it is not going to be installed01:30
AmaranthGasten: Is it a windows drive?01:30
jungsonnso i try again to upgrade now01:31
GastenAmranth: There is a win2k partition in it, but the mayority is ext3.01:31
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GastenAmaranth: majority*01:31
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GastenAmaranth: and I wantto save on the ext3.01:31
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AmaranthGasten: You need to set permissions on the directory you want to save to, I guess.01:32
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PyroManiakAmaranth: Guide steps didn't work, but I'm checking the refresh rates for v and H in windows right now01:32
AmaranthPyroManiak: `sudo ddcprobe | grep monitorrange` doesn't work?01:33
Gu1When doing ./configure I get messages "pointer targets ... differ in signedness". Fatal?01:33
AmaranthGu1: Nope, that's a warning.01:33
AmaranthGu1: It could cause problems later but unless you're a kernel programmer you can't fix it. :)01:34
Gu1Amar: Ah. About:01:34
PyroManiakAmaranth: let me relog linux on that machine and see what happens01:34
Gu1Argh! About what?01:34
DJAdmiralGu1: sometimes warnings don't hurt01:34
DJAdmiralGu1: it's because C program standards change very often01:34
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PyroManiakAmaranth: I dont see that step in the guide you sent01:35
DJAdmiralGu1: so it kinda warns about correct but slightly less appropriate code.01:35
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DJAdmiralGu1: Like Main(){} is correct but maybe it wants that function on different lines.01:35
Gu1DJA: The warning comes with ALSA installation, and I took the latest packages without rc in the name. They differ slightly. That might do it, or?01:35
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AmaranthPyroManiak: It's in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:35
ubuntudapper2__i want to convert .vob files to avi01:35
Gu1The version nubmer differs - 1.0.9b vs 1.0.901:35
DJAdmiralGu1: depends really. personally I don't bother about warnings01:36
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Gu1Tnx DJA :-)01:36
DJAdmiralGu1: when it comes to compiling core packages you WILL get warnings - no chance you'll ever slip by a configure or make without a warning01:37
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Gu1DJA: Noticed before... I just like to know what I'm being warned about...01:37
DJAdmiralGu1: the only thing you should be worried about is it says error or something. anyway, your welcome :)01:37
ubuntudapper2__How can i convert from vob files to avi?01:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vob - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:37
Amaranthubuntudapper2__: looking01:38
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GastenAmaranth: Thanks. It's working now.01:38
PyroManiakAmaranth: That command for ddcprobe doesn't work?01:38
jungsonnare these errors normal by upgrading? i get plenty of them in the terminal.: Perl error: falling back to the standard locale "C"01:39
visik7the claim by intel to opensource its driver was not so true at least01:39
visik7at last01:39
AmaranthPyroManiak: Heh, that was just a first try. I almost never works for me either.01:39
AmaranthPyroManiak: Check in Windows (refresh rate != horiz/vert refresh) or monitorworld.com01:39
PyroManiakAmaranth: doesn't show it for the windows drivers01:40
DJAdmiralAmaranth: That's a handy link. does it only work on windoze?01:40
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AmaranthDJAdmiral: monitorworld.com?01:41
DJAdmiralAmaranth: That's the one.01:41
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AmaranthDJAdmiral: I've used it to setup old PCs with Ubuntu before, it's just a listing of monitor info.01:41
Amaranth(why would it be windows only?)01:41
PyroManiakAmaranth: How does that help with a laptop screen? lol01:41
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AmaranthPyroManiak: Maybe they have laptops listed?01:41
DJAdmiralAmaranth: Ah, cool. it reminds me of the famous www.cameramonitor.com joke01:41
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DJAdmiralAmaranth: or www.monitorcamera.com or something like that.01:42
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DJAdmiralwow that's a lot of entries and exits.01:45
DJAdmiralreminds me of Jacque's Seven Ages of Man.01:45
munsaHello, I was wondering if someone could help me, I am at a net cafe right now connected to a bunch of windowz computers. I was wondering how I would be able to connect to them via the network.01:45
Amaranthi'm out of practice, was hard keeping up with all that traffic01:45
Amaranthand this is the slow period :P01:46
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DJAdmiralmunsa: connect as in you want to transfer files or something?01:46
Amaranthmunsa: Trying to steal files off a stranger's laptop?01:46
DJAdmiralmunsa: or run a network game or something?01:46
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DJAdmiralAmaranth: good one01:46
munsayea, I want to take some files from here01:46
DJAdmiralmunsa: erm, email?01:47
AmaranthPlaces->Network Servers01:47
Amaranthbut you'll likely need passwords so you can't get anything you're not allowed01:47
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munsaim allowed haha they dont care if i take anyting from here01:48
jungsonnok i have a problem i think: jungsonn@dhcppc0:~$ sudo apt-get remove firefox01:48
jungsonnE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.01:48
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ardchoilleI'm currently at how do I send a message to note, message on the screen, anything.01:48
Amaranthjungsonn: Do what it says01:49
DJAdmiraljungsonn: 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' then? lol01:49
kingmanHello,eveyrone.Why I can't find "tun" device after use "sudo modprobe tun" load tun device.I am use ubuntu dapper,Who can tell me what wrong,Thanks.01:49
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jungsonni did01:49
jungsonndpkg: deze bewerking kan alleen uitgevoerd worden door de beheerder01:49
jungsonnthis can only be done by the administrator01:49
DJAdmiralAmaranth: www.freetranslation.com?01:49
Amaranthjungsonn: sudo dpkg --configure -a01:49
jungsonnroughly ;)01:49
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Amaranthkingman: it should be /dev/net/tun01:50
Amaranthardchoille: I don't think you can.01:50
jungsonnhmm ok01:50
SirKillalotis it normal that ubuntu wont work when I change my RAM configuration01:50
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AmaranthSirKillalot: Only if the RAM you put in is bad.01:51
jungsonnGhehe strange i typed it first, now it works :)01:51
kingmanAmaranth: yes, i can finded "/dev/net/tun",but can't use "ifconfig tun" or "ifconfig tun0" configure it,Thanks,01:51
SirKillalotAmaranth, its working fine normally, but now ubuntu wont boot with it01:51
Amaranthkingman: I don't think you use it like that.01:52
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Amaranthkingman: it's usually used for an application to emulate a network card01:52
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AmaranthSirKillalot: No errors?01:52
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munsaI am having a problem with Mplayer. I can play video from the command line but when I try and play with the GUI I get this error... "Error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device." Any ideas???01:53
kingmanAmaranth: I see,but I can't use the virtual device,Please tell me how do it.Thank you.01:53
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Amaranthkingman: What are you trying to do?01:53
Amaranthmunsa: use totem ;)01:53
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DJAdmirali gtg01:53
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PyroManiakAnyone know how I can rename a drive in "Places/Computer"?01:54
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DJAdmiralAmaranth: nice chatting, hope you get the alice thing working soon lol01:54
kingmanAmaranth: I tried it,the virutual device also can't use it.01:54
Amaranthkingman: What are you trying to do?01:54
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Jamiehum.. why cant i browse my cddrive? i can play stuff from it.. when autostarted01:54
AmaranthDJAdmiral: bye01:55
munsaAmaranth Totem sux01:55
AmaranthJamie: You have to use sound-juicer to rip a CD01:55
kingmanAmaranth: I want use qemu with tap/tun function,01:55
Amaranthkingman: if /dev/net/tun exists qemu should do all the setup work01:56
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neenaofflineI want to run a command everytime xscreensaver starts , how can I go about it01:56
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Amaranthneenaoffline: You can't.01:56
kingmanAmaranth: Thank you,I am trying now,thank you.01:57
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JamieI dont wanna rip a cd.. i wanna browse the content of a none audio cd01:57
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed with iptables (in the command line), firestarter (gui, can also setup connection sharing) or shorewall (web interface)01:58
AmaranthJamie: Does the disc show up on your desktop?01:58
Jamieit shows up in places/computer01:58
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Jamieand if i input an audio cd it autoruinns..01:58
Jamieso it does work01:58
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neenaofflineAmaranth: according someone else I can01:58
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Skippyhey all01:59
Micksahow many people make up canonical at the moment?01:59
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santa99he guys could you tell me a good guide about iptables01:59
Amaranthneenaoffline: Ask them how to do it. :) I have no idea.01:59
ardchoilleneenaoffline: then that someone else should tell you how. Is it an app you want to run?01:59
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neenaofflineardchoille: well yeah , a command line app02:00
Amaranthsanta99: You could spend a lifetime learning about iptables. :)02:00
Jamiewhat flags shoudl i sue when mounting my DVD-reader?02:00
AmaranthMicksa: Canonical does not release staff information.02:00
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santa99Amaranth, so i would only like a short introduce02:00
santa99Amaranth, do you maybe have a good link02:00
Jamiehow shoudl i mount my dvd anyway?02:01
Amaranthsanta99: http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Iptables_for_newbies02:01
Micksa*blink* okay02:01
AmaranthJamie: sudo mount -t udf /dev/dvd /media/cdrom002:01
santa99Amaranth, thx02:01
AmaranthJamie: That's if you're mounting a DVD02:01
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AmaranthJamie: sudo mount -t iso9660 /dev/dvd /media/cdrom002:01
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AmaranthJamie: That's for a CDROM02:02
neildarlowJamie: you should have a /media/cdrom? entry for it in /etc/fstab. just sudo mount /media/cdrom?02:02
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Skippydoes anyone know hot to check if the 3d accel is working02:03
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Skippyis there a command for that or somethnig02:04
AmaranthSkippy: glxinfo | grep direct02:04
ardchoilleSkippy: glxinfo | grep render02:04
jungsonn*big sigh* but i'm upgraded to breezy now :)  thank for your excellent support!!!02:04
Amaranthjungsonn: Cool, now you just need to upgrade to dapper. :)02:05
jungsonnexactly ;)02:05
Amaranthjungsonn: update-manager in breezy should be able to handle that without too much of a headache02:05
jungsonni guess i need a reboot now?02:06
Amaranthto get the new kernel and such, yes02:06
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ardchoilleAmaranth: How do yu upgrade from Breezy to Dapper? I tried replacing all instances of Breezy with Dapper in sources.list and it ended up breaking nearly everything.02:07
Shinzetsucan someone recommend me a good hex editor?02:07
Amaranthardchoille: gksudo "update-manager -d"02:07
ubotudapper is the 4th and latest release of Ubuntu. Version 6.06 LTS, codename "Dapper Drake"02:07
ardchoilleI ended up installing from a Dapper install cd02:07
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade  Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades  Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development version.02:08
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Amaranthoh, the command i told you might try to upgrade you to edgy, dunno02:08
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ardchoilleAmaranth: Ahh, that's why, I did it wrong02:08
jungsonni use Ghex02:08
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fooOk, I did mount /dev/hdd /folder on debian stable ..but on debian server 6.06 I do that, and it throws this error: mount: /dev/hdd already mounted or /public/ busy. I've spent hours on this problem with no luck. I think something debian did ubuntu doesn't do or something. Any ideas?02:09
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ardchoillefoo: is /dev/hdd already mounted?02:11
foo umount: /public/: not mounted.02:11
foomount | grep hdd .. no02:11
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Shinzetsuif I have a  user, and I change his name, does his /home/ dir stay the same?02:12
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foo /dev/hdd is a hard drive with no partition. Yes, I know this is bad. Definitely going to get fixed02:12
bimberiShinzetsu: yes, but there are commands that will change the home dir too02:12
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Shinzetsubimberi: thanks02:13
bimberiShinzetsu: it's "usermod" (just looked it up)02:13
ardchoillefoo: Well, if it has no partition, then it has no filesystem on it. mount mounts filesystems.. if there is no fs, then it can't be mounted, right?02:13
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Shinzetsuwill do, thanks :-)02:13
bimberiShinzetsu: np :)02:14
fooardchoille: the filesyste is on /dev/hdd02:14
fooI mounted with that on debian02:14
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ardchoillefoo: How can you have a file system on a hdd that doesn't have any partitions?02:14
ian1Question: Installing Ubuntu on a Dell Dimension 8100 (P4 1.4)... At boot I get some message about "MP tables".  Any thoughts?02:14
schnepfi__hello, can somebody help me, i have got a problem with my external soundcard, who can help me02:14
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?02:15
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fooardchoille: I don't know, but I do. I'm not going to argue. I mounted with this for months and years on debian.02:15
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ardchoillefoo: Not arguing, but I just don't see how you are able to mount it at all. Just curious.02:15
foonah, it's cool. It's 5am, I've been on this for 5 hours, and it's bugging me.02:16
foomy bad02:16
ardchoilleno problem :)02:16
ardchoillefoo: You might try posting the problem to ubuntuforums.org .. that forum is awesome.02:16
fooardchoille: nice, but I don't have time for that.02:17
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:17
santa99!ask > schnepfi__02:17
schnepfi__im using a laptop and ubuntu. but i would like to use my external soundcard. but if i select my external soundcard nothing changes and the music keep on playing on my internal soundcard, and i dont know the reason for this02:18
ardchoilleAmaranth: Is it possible to mount a hd that doesn't have any partitions?02:18
=== ardchoille is curious now :)
Amaranthardchoille: nope02:18
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ardchoilleI didn't think so02:18
Amaranthit has to have a filesystem on it02:18
ardchoilleThat's what I thought02:18
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HyperpenguinHi there!02:20
neenaofflinecan anyone tell me why this isn't working .........02:20
neenaofflineneenaoffline@Aiko:~/Stuff/hostedfiles$ thttpd -p 53446 -l /home/neenaoffline/Stuff/hostedfiles/nothosted/neenaoffline -d /home/neenaoffline/Stuff/hostedfiles/neenaoffline/02:20
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spinz8rwhat is the recommended method to uninstall ubuntu on osx? thanks.02:20
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schnepfi__the external soundcard i*m using is creative soundblaster 2 bit02:20
schnepfi__24 bit02:21
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bimberispinz8r: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/PowerPC02:22
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magus_xubuntu comes with svn command?] 02:22
sam_anyone know anything about compiz02:22
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HyperpenguinKind of.02:22
spinz8rtks sir02:22
ian1I'm having issues with installing Ubuntu on a Dell Dimension 8100 (P4 1.4)...Something to do SMP (which I have no clue about).  Is there a place to DL an iso specific to P4's?02:22
magus_xubuntu comes with svn command?] 02:23
bimberimagus_x: not by default, install the "subversion" package02:23
loko555somebody know if there will be a updated sun java in the repos?02:23
ian1Also saw some issue with something called MP tables in the error message.02:23
HyperpenguinAlso, sam_, there's a #ubuntu-xgl channel, I believe.02:23
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jribmagus_x: install the 'subversion' package02:23
jribbah, too slow02:23
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magus_xyeah, im seeing here02:24
sam_ok I will check there thanks02:24
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loko555cause 1.5.0-6 has some bugs02:24
foo-knoppixOk, I mounted this drive fine under knoppix. What gives?02:24
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about smp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:25
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HyperpenguinWhat's going wrong wit it?02:25
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Gu1Next prob... segmentation fault with modprobe02:25
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Hyperpenguinfoo-knoppix, what problem do you have when mounting?02:25
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foo-knoppixHyperpenguin: I can mount /dev/hdd /folder in knoppix, but not in ubuntu server 6.06. It has to be a bug.02:26
HyperpenguinNot too sure, really.02:26
SystemBomberHey Guys, Having a problem installing Guifications for Gaim 2 Beta 3. If I install through synaptic, When I try to load the plugin, all it says is: "ABI Version Mismatch 1.5.x (need 2.0.x)"02:26
ardchoilleHyperpenguin: He seems to have mounted a hdd that doesn't have any partitions02:26
neutrinomassGu1: That sounds serious. Can you get a backtrace of it by following http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash ?02:26
schnepfi__im using a laptop and ubuntu. but i would like to use my external soundcard. but if i select my external soundcard nothing changes and the music keep on playing on my internal soundcard, and i dont know the reason for this,info: my external soundcarrd is creative soundblaster 24 bit02:26
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jribSystemBomber: the guifications package in the repositories won't work with gaim 2 beta 3,  http://guifications.sourceforge.net/ has a new version of guifications that should work though.  I believe you will have to compile it yourself02:27
SystemBomberjrib, I have tried compiling it, I keep getting an error when I do: ./configure because it can't find gaim02:28
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SystemBomberBtw i install gaim 2 beta 3 using automatix02:29
HyperpenguinHey, can I ask something very noobish? Is there any way, with some Linux partitioning command, to resize a partition and make three more *without* losing all of my data?02:29
jribSystemBomber: have you installed the gaim-dev package?02:29
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HyperpenguinLinux partitions, that is02:29
SystemBomberone sec02:29
magus_Hyperpenguin, : Gparted02:29
HyperpenguinAh, thanks.02:29
magus_you can resize partitions02:29
niruanahi all, is there anyone who uses the MadWiFi drivers?02:29
schnepfi__im using a laptop and ubuntu. but i would like to use my external soundcard. but if i select my external soundcard nothing changes and the music keep on playing on my internal soundcard, and i dont know the reason for this,info: my external soundcarrd is creative soundblaster 24 bit02:30
SystemBomberjrib,  No i havnt, its installing now02:30
magus_Hyperpenguin, : i used it to resize my ntfs partition :)02:30
HyperpenguinYay. Well, thanks. After I repartition, Ubuntu tine! :D02:30
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HyperpenguinGentoo was getting a bit... annoying02:30
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SystemBomberthanks :)02:30
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jribSystemBomber: np02:31
schnepfi__ive got a problem with my external soundcard. it doenst play music. if i play a song it is played on my internal soundcard, whats the eason for this.....PLEASE HELP ME02:31
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:31
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SystemBomberAlso, can anyone help me with getting themes to install, and work with Xgl please02:33
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HyperpenguinOne more dumb question. I currently have the usual "swap, data, boot" partition layout, can I simply put in a new data partition in and have ubuntu be able to use the same swap and boot partitions without borking?02:34
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noonahello, can i restore a formatted drive (QUICK NTFS) using a linux OS?02:34
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HyperpenguinSystemBomber, #ubuntu-xgl02:34
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Shinzetsunoona: you can backup your ntfs files, yes02:34
noonano  i wanna restore them after a format02:34
noonai wanna restore a formatted drive02:35
Shinzetsunoona: format deletes everything02:35
Shinzetsunonoa: inreversible, sorry02:35
noonaare you sure?02:35
HyperpenguinGenerally, that's true.02:35
erUSULHyperpenguin: swap def. yes, with the boot partition i do not know maybe ubuntu trys to format it02:35
Shinzetsunoona: once you format, theres no way of getting your files back, unless you backed them up elsewhere02:35
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HyperpenguinOkay, I'll make a new boot partition and tell GRUB to use that when booting Ubuntu.02:36
noonawhat about these programme that claim capable of recovering files?02:36
noonaafter a format02:36
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Shinzetsunoona: fake02:36
Nameeaterthats not true02:36
Shinzetsunoona: you can get stuff back from recycle bin02:36
Nameeaterdepends what kind of format :)02:36
ShinzetsuNameater: ntfs <_<02:36
ardchoillenoona: Those are forensic data tools.. even those have no guarantee of recovering anything02:36
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Nameeaterprobably true :)02:37
noonait took it like 5 seconds using windows xp cd02:37
Shinzetsunooona: yep02:37
erUSULnoona: you can try a specialiced and expensive data recovery company if the data is worth it. google around for some specialiced app too02:37
Shinzetsunoona: cant guarantee anything, its basicly based on luck =p02:37
noonana, i want free software02:37
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adhomGuys how do I configure my ADSL modem router netgear on ubuntu? This is the only reason I didnt install it yet.02:37
Shinzetsunoona: sorry to say, but youre screwed then02:38
HyperpenguinDoes it have a web interface?02:38
Shinzetsunoona: why did you format anyway?02:38
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neenaofflineWhy does'nt this work ?02:39
noonabecause i wanted to install ubuntu02:39
inoHi from Italy02:39
neenaofflinethttpd -p 53446 -l /home/neenaoffline/Stuff/hostedfiles/nothosted/neenaoffline -d /home/neenaoffline/Stuff/hostedfiles/neenaoffline/02:39
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noonai had windows xp on the main drive02:39
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Shinzetsunoona: only windows uses ntfs02:39
noonai told the parition utility to use the free space on the other parition02:39
Shinzetsunoona: you should have used the live cd to back your stuff up, then format with ubuntu02:39
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ardchoillenoona: The Ubuntu installer would have taken care of the formatting for you02:39
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noonabut i told it to manipulate the other drive02:40
noonanot the one that has xp on it02:40
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foomonkeyI want to install the text mode version of emacs but I want to leave the X version installed also. When I select emacs-nox in synaptic, it tells me it has to uninstall the X version. Is this true? Are they mutually exclusive?02:41
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jribfoomonkey: I think the x version installs the cli version as well, does 'emacs' in a terminal not work?02:42
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inoSorry... I'm a newbye wirh Ubuntu.... I need an help for AVI codec. Where could I find them?02:43
ardchoillejrib: He'll probably get: bash: emacs: command not found  'tis what I got02:43
jrib!avi > ino02:43
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foomonkeywell, yes it does.... duh! I should have tried that first02:43
ardchoilleI'm guessing that Ubuntu ships without emacs02:44
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foo-knoppixardchoille: hey, there you are.02:44
ardchoilleOh well, emacs is a nice OS.. hopefully someone will code a nice editor for it someday, lol02:44
foo-knoppixardchoille: It mounted fine under knoppix. It's a ubuntu bug, it has to be02:44
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foomonkeywhat is funny is that if I am jus in a terminal on the local machine (with X), it starts up the X version of emacs02:45
santa99can anybody here explain me how to get surround sound out of my external usb card02:45
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foomonkeybut if I'm in an ssh session remotely, and type emacs, I get the terminal version02:45
ardchoillefoo-knoppix: in Ubuntu, you cannot mount a drive which has no partitions. I am guessing the eother debian based systems do something to allow you to mount a partitionless drive or there is at least one partition on that drive.02:45
britishseapowerany clues as to why my load averages don't seem to drop below 1.0 ?02:45
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britishseapower13:46:09 up 30 min,  2 users,  load average: 1.00, 1.00, 0.8602:46
foo-knoppixardchoille: It worked fine under knoppix. Don't see why it wouldn't in ubuntu.02:46
Goose1dHello all.  I've having some serious latency and packetloss issues on my Ubuntu server.  I think it may be the ethernet driver.  Under low/no load I am 0ms to my router on the same ethernet switch.  Once I fire up squid my latency jumps to 150ms and my packetloss to 7%02:46
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Goose1dHere is the output of dmesg:02:47
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Goose1deth0: Tigon3 [partno(BCM95721) rev 4101 PHY(5750)]  (PCI Express) 10/100/1000BaseT Ethernet 00:a0:d1:e4:5b:f202:47
Goose1d[   57.378204]  eth0: RXcsums[1]  LinkChgREG[0]  MIirq[0]  ASF[1]  Split[0]  WireSpeed[1]  TSOcap[1] 02:47
Goose1d[   57.378207]  eth0: dma_rwctrl[76180000] 02:47
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Goose1dany ideas on what is causing iT?02:47
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HyperpenguinGooseld, any problems with other machines on the network?02:47
ardchoillefoo-knoppix: talk to the ubuntu devs and ask them why Ubuntu won't mount a drive that has no partitions on it?02:47
foo-knoppixardchoille: Any in here?02:48
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Goose1dNo, other machines are fine02:48
Goose1dIn fact I have another squid running FC4, will retest it, one sec02:48
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dev - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:49
Whyvasardchoille, you mount a partition, not a drive02:49
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foo-knoppixWhyvas: You a dev?02:49
ardchoilleWhyvas: I know that. foo-knoppix says he has mounted a drive that has no paritions02:49
Goose1dHyperP: Other machine is fine02:50
Whyvasfoo-knoppix doesn't know anything02:50
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Rookie-might be /dev/unit /mountpoint02:50
foo-knoppixWhyvas: err, who are you to make that assumption? I did mount /dev/hdd /dir in knoppix and it worked02:50
Noosteri installed ubuntu for my dad02:50
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Noosterusing my monitor02:50
foo-knoppixWhyvas: In ubuntu, it does not.02:50
Goose1dChipset looks the same :02:50
Goose1d[root@webcache2 ~] # dmesg | grep eth002:50
Goose1deth0: Tigon3 [partno(BCM95721) rev 4001 PHY(5750)]  (PCIX:100MHz:32-bit) 10/100/1000BaseT Ethernet 00:11:09:bc:c3:e202:50
Goose1deth0: RXcsums[1]  LinkChgREG[0]  MIirq[0]  ASF[1]  Split[0]  WireSpeed[1]  TSOcap[1] 02:50
Goose1dtg3: eth0: Link is up at 100 Mbps, full duplex.02:50
Goose1dtg3: eth0: Flow control is off for TX and off for RX.02:50
Noosterhe went home and plugged his box into his monitor02:50
Noosternow the screen blanks whenever ubuntu tries to load02:50
Noosterwhat is the solution?02:50
ardchoillefoo-knoppix: Then there is at least one partition on that drive for that to work.02:51
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Whyvasfoo-knoppix, you don't mount drives... you mount partitions, you can see the drive but it's not mounted02:51
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munsaHello, does anyone know anything about XGL?02:51
xicemunsa, try #ubuntu-xgl02:51
Whyvasfoo-knoppix, then /dev/hdd must be an optical drive02:51
ardchoillemunsa: /join #ubuntu-xgl02:51
foo-knoppixWhyvas: I did what I said I did, and I see 150k files in the /dir I mounted /dev/hdd on. I don't know what you want me to tell you, other than I am saying what I saw.02:51
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faroushi are there any tools that will spin down an external usb hard drive when it is idle. something similar to laptop-tools02:52
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Whyvasfoo-knoppix, is /dev/hdd an optical drive?02:53
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foo-knoppixWhyvas: ide.02:54
elmatoIs there any rsync guru's in here? My Dad is heading off to antarctica for 18months shortly and Im trying to make a local copy of the dapper repositories for him to take along. Was hoping someone might have some nifty script or something that will exclude all the non i386 stuff etc.02:54
Whyvasfoo-knoppix, yes, an ide optical drive...02:54
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foo-knoppixWhyvas: uh, it's an ata drive.. don't know what you mean by optical.02:54
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ardchoillefoo-knoppix: CD/DVD drive?02:54
Whyvasa cdrom. dvdrom, burner any of those02:54
foo-knoppixohh, my bad. No, it's a hard drive.02:55
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munsaAnyone ever had a wierd problem with Evolution? It is poping up like a thousand different instances of itself I dont know what is up.02:55
ShinzetsuI installed qc-usb-source for my webcam (.deb) but...how do I compile it? I know how to compile but where is it?02:55
farousShinzetsu: the cam work out of the box02:56
Shinzetsumine doesnt..02:56
Skippydo you know what is gdm02:56
ardchoillefoo-knoppix: How many partitions are on that drive?02:56
ShinzetsuSkippy: GNOME Display Manager02:56
foo-knoppixardchoille: I didn't think there was any. fdisk -l shows hdd1 . but I mount with /dev/hdd02:56
neenaofflineSkippy: ^02:56
Skippyis it desktop we see or is it somewhere else02:56
farousShinzetsu: to test try lsmod |grep quickcam02:57
Hyperpenguinfoo-knoppix, does mounting /dev/hdd1 work?02:57
ShinzetsuSkippy: Its the GNOME desktop yes02:57
neenaofflineSkippy: it's the thing you see while logging on02:57
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neenaofflineShinzetsu: No !02:57
foo-knoppixHyperpenguin: I didn't try in knoppix.. but under ubuntu, no.02:57
Skippythanks a lot02:57
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neenaofflineoh sorry , yes02:57
ardchoillefoo-knoppix: That is a partition (hdd1) it's the first partition on that drive. You have to have at least one partition in order to mount a drive.02:57
HyperpenguinHmm. That's really strange,02:57
jnviloanybody did an update on xorg and broke xlg?02:57
=== neenaoffline was confused
=== foo-knoppix shrugs
foo-knoppixWhatever. I think it's a bug.02:57
Shinzetsufarous: "quickcam               78372  0" ?02:57
foo-knoppixmount /dev/hdd /dir works in knoppix, but not in ubuntu .. on the same box.02:58
foo-knoppixSimple as that.02:58
farousShinzetsu: see the module is already loaded02:58
NoosterHello, i'm having a problem with ubuntu. When X starts during bootup, the screen blanks02:58
crayzeeHW question: Is it OK to mix DDR266 with DDR400 memory?02:58
Noosterdoes anyone have any suggestions?02:58
Noosterthe screen then turns off02:58
ShinzetsuNooster: try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:58
farousShinzetsu: install camorama and you will se if your cam is working02:58
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ShinzetsuNooster: choose vesa when you get a list of drivers02:58
Noosterwhere do i type that02:58
Shinzetsufarous: okay will try hang on02:58
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ardchoillefoo-knoppix: try sudo mount /dev/hdd1 /mountpoint in Ubuntu .. I bet it works.02:59
ShinzetsuNooster; Terminal02:59
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Noosterhow do i get to that?02:59
Noosteri can't get to the desktop02:59
munsaNoone here knows anything about XGL?02:59
ShinzetsuNooster: boot into recovery mode02:59
BeepAUhey everyone, i'm new to linux, can anyone help me install the file needed to export mp3s on audacity?02:59
foo-knoppixardchoille: heh, I spent 3 hours trying to get it to work. If it was that simple I would have gotten it :P02:59
ShinzetsuNooster: press Esc when GRUB boots up02:59
crayzeeNooster: control-alt-F102:59
david__is there a partition editor that can do on the fly editing and not lose data?02:59
Noosteroh ok awesome02:59
jnvilomunsa: i got xgl working last night02:59
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Noosteri'll try it02:59
Hyperpenguindavid__, Gparted02:59
Shinzetsufarous: unable to capture image02:59
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david__is that like partition magic?02:59
munsajnvilo, I just installed it ( or thought I installed it)03:00
HyperpenguinKind of.03:00
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munsabut its not working03:00
jnvilomunsa: on dapper yes with nvidia03:00
crayzeedavid__, Gparted, assuming you arent using the partitions you are changing.03:00
farousShinzetsu: ls /dev/video003:00
ShinzetsuNooster: you still here?03:00
munsaand i got a wierd screen at the gnome login03:00
Noosterit's on another computer03:00
Noostermy dads03:00
ardchoillefoo-knoppix: If sudo mount /dev/hdd1 /mountpoint doesn't work in Ubuntu, then something is wrong with your install. You mount partitions (hdd1) not drives.03:00
ShinzetsuNooster: if it doesnt work, you can go on IRC in the console03:00
HyperpenguinActually, there's a Gparted livecd and liveUSB03:00
Noosteri will remain on irc03:00
Noosterthanks for the thought03:00
ShinzetsuNooster: use 'irssi -c irc.freenode.net -n Nooster'03:00
jnvilomunsa: then i did an update on the distro, nw it won't load nvidia.. i am wonderng if anyone has had this problem03:00
ShinzetsuNooster: ah okay03:00
munsajnvilo  and the last step I got was to reboot, when I rebooted I got this wierd text screen telling me that  GDM was wrong, and it could not located Xserver, then I got a Gnome login  screen and not the usual ubuntu screen and then it let me loging... dunno what happened03:00
Noosterthat's cool of you03:00
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BeepAUhey everyone, i'm new to linux, can anyone help me install the file needed to export mp3s on audacity?03:00
crayzeedavid__, Yes, Gparted is very similar to partition magic. I would recommend running it off of a live CD (such as the Ubuntu 6.06-desktop CD) rather than on a live system.03:00
ShinzetsuNooster: : - )03:00
ardchoillefoo-knoppix: open a term in that livecd and type mount. Is hdd mounted or is it hdd1 ?03:01
Shinzetsufarous: I see /dev/video0 with a black background and yellow letters03:01
david__alright thanx03:01
jnvilomunsa: after reboot you have to run a few things to get compiz to load otherwise you won't see any difference03:01
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david__I downloaded freespire last night, anyone have any thoughts on it? I was thinking of tryibng it out03:01
HyperpenguinWell, I'm off to Ubuntuify my machine. See ya!03:02
ian1Anyone ever heard of having trouble installing Ubuntu on a Pentiun 4 1.4?  It's a Dell Dimension 8100.  I keep getting errors about SMP and MP tables.  I haven't the slightest where to go from here..03:02
jnvilomunsa: something like: gnome-window-decorator &  compiz --replace gconf decoration wobbly fade minimize cube rotate zoom scale move resize place switcher &03:02
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neutrinomassdavid__: That really belongs to #ubuntu-offtopic, this is a support channel ...03:02
Shinzetsufarous: :\03:02
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munsajnvilo how do I run those? it says that I have to do this in the thing03:02
erUSULian1: try booting with acpi=off03:02
munsahow do I do those last commands?03:02
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ian1erUSUL, I have no idea how to accomplish that.03:03
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foo-knoppixardchoille: heh, look, I'm not going to argue with you. I am telling you what I have done, not what I think. Yes, I know you typically mount partitions, I mount the device. I made the device have no partitions and just a filesystem ... bad idea. But you can do it, I've done it. And it is mounted as hdd, as I've already told you.03:03
jnvilomunsa: login as you did and open a terminal and run it there03:03
ian1erUSUL, I'm using a live-cd03:03
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Shinzetsuian1: theres an option somewhere when you boot up, an F-key03:04
Ackeubu_Hey i try to run tremulus-server at port Sending heartbeat to master.tremulous.net03:04
Shinzetsuian1: you can type acpi=off or another command an dthen boot03:04
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ardchoillefoo-knoppix: Ok, I don't think you nderstand how drives/partitions/file systems work. Thanks for the info, though.03:04
munsajnvilo yea but i put gnome-window-decorator in the terminal and I get nothing.03:04
munsacommand not found03:04
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ian1Shinzetsu, Danke, rebooting (froze) and will try that.  Do you know what MP tables or SMP are?03:05
Ackeubu_im trying to run tremulous server i have set my router to forward to the correct port on the correct laptop. however I need to know if i need to open anny ports on my linux laptop to allow the server to run?03:05
foo-knoppixardchoille: I know how they work, I made the partition wrong... I see what you're saying, though, it's just the wrong way I made the partition.03:05
jnvilomunsa: then you must have missed some install steps03:05
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=== Baltazar^2 is looking for someone to help me setup a mail server; i'm too lazy if u follow me :)
munsajnvilo what install manual did you use?03:05
jnvilomunsa: i'll brb with the link03:06
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munsaok thanks03:06
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems03:06
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erUSULian1: when you boot with the live cd you can see for a moment a promt that is 'boot:' just type acpi=off and hit enter. 'boot: acpi=off <enter>'03:06
SnakehitHellow, Somebody here with experience to install Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 3945A... I have read a lot of things but non of them are me getting on the right way. lspci -v | less doesnt show my wireless device... Somebody have a Idea?03:06
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NightattackI've been trying to get my ati drivers working for a while now, i think it tried almost everything that is written on the forums but it still doesn't work( i keep getting mesa info on fglrxinfo ), can anyone help me with that please?03:07
jnvilomunsa: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=13126703:07
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mrDanielhow I can set firefox to use mplayer for streaming-media instead of using totem?03:07
SeveasmrDaniel, remove the totem web browser plugin03:07
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munsajnvilo - thanks,03:07
Ackeubu_is ubuntu running any firewalls?03:08
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Ackeubu_by default?03:08
jnvilomunsa: be warned though, after an hour of me playing with it, i did an apt-get update and it broke after the kernel upgrade, or dunno if it was the xorg update03:08
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neenaofflineAckeubu_: no03:08
Baltazar^2(Ackeubu_: apt-get install firestarter03:08
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ShinzetsuI cant seem to install my webcam03:09
jnviloI am wondering if anyone has experienced it on dapper, after ninstall i updated dapper just like i would on debian and X no longer finds the nvidia driver03:09
munsajnvilo - is it worth it?03:09
ian1Ackeubu_, That's "Sudo apt-get install firestarter"03:09
jnvilomunsa: worth it what? the xgl? or the update?03:09
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munsajnvilo xgl is it worth the time and effort to install and play with or is it just some eyecandy that is cool for an hour but then never again useful?03:10
WarboHow can I use xrandr to use my 1280x1024 settings on a 1024x768 monitor? I remember it was done automatically when I switched my HD between two similar graphics cards, but now I am switching between an ATI and an Nvidia03:10
Gros|wxhi all03:10
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LattywareHey all, anyone know of an alternative to SpeedFan?03:12
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)03:12
Lattyware(AKA: A fan speed controll app)03:12
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Ackeubu_neenaoffline: Baltazar^2: ian1: so then i should be fine if i set up a tremulous server on port 37020 and portforward that through my router to my laptop?03:12
jnvilomunsa - well it depends, it surely is more than just eyecandy, i found it much easier to declutter my desk and move around workspaces03:12
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orasis1Does anyone know of an audio editor for Linux that can do mix pasting (overlap audio files), like Sound forge, and Cool edit on windows can?03:13
WarboI don't like XGL/Compiz. I find that I miss too many features of E16 (like really thin borders, for instance)03:13
Warbo!info audacity03:13
ubotuaudacity: A fast, cross-platform audio editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.4b-2ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 1842 kB, installed size 5460 kB03:13
Shinzetsucamorama wont see it03:14
ian1Bloody he...er, heck.  Ok, when trying to boot from live cd (which also contains my installation) I get http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2044703:14
cappizhow can i disable all ICMP ?03:14
jnviloorsisl: there is ardour which is realy cool03:14
ian1Any help would be greatly appreciated.  I've been working on this all night and can't figure it out.03:14
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WarboAnyone know about xrandr?03:14
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bXiis it possible to use /dev/input/js0 on another machine?03:15
zool2005I keep asking here about gdmflexiserver in the hope that someone will be able to help me with my problem. I can't use the new login feature as I am automatically returned to a locked screen no matter which new user I select. Have I not set something up correctly?03:15
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orasis1Ubotu, yeah it does everything "except" allow overlap audio,, you can only paste normally, so doesnt help much if you want to make songs with it03:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about yeah it does everything "except" allow overlap audio,, you can only paste normally, so doesnt help much if you want to make songs with it - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:15
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage03:16
orasis1jnv, Ardour compiles on Ubuntu? :D03:16
orasis1I have been looking at Ardour, looks very nice.. can you mix paste overlap auidio?03:16
LattywareSo, anyone know of a Linux fan speed controlling app?03:16
pdamochello... is there a channel dedicated to helping people install Ubuntu?03:16
pdamocI'm having some troubles03:17
ian1Help with live cd install.  Error pasted at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2044703:17
jnviloorasisl: actually have not tried it, i have it on my FC503:17
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WarboLattyware: Er.... Variable resistor? :)03:17
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Lattywareheh. I'm looking for somthing like SpeedFan, but that's a windows app.03:17
ardchoilleWarbo: lol03:17
orasis1jnvillo, OK well I guess I will give it a shot... if not its back to windows :( - That is the only reason I never stay on Linux that long, I love it for everything else ... but it's audio software selection .. sucks :(03:17
jnviloorasisl: i just did an apt-cache search ardour and it seems there are packages for it03:17
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elmatohave you tried Gkrellm Lattyware ?03:20
Lattywarenope, link?03:20
orasis1jnvillo, you are right - it is also in Synaptic03:20
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ian1Help with live cd install.  Error pasted at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2044703:20
jnviloanybody know the difference between synaptic and apt?03:20
penguin42pdamoc: What's the problem you are having?03:20
Baltazar^2pdamoc: Problem ?03:20
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pdamocThe only resolution recognized is 640x48003:20
Baltazar^2pdamoc: U have to setup monitor03:20
ian1penguin42, As far as I know Sybaptic is just the GUI for apt.03:20
ardchoillejnvilo: Synaptic is a gui front end for apt03:20
orasis1Jnvilo, I think Synaptic is a GUI for apt03:20
penguin42ian1: Does it stop there or is it the lack of SMP that is the question?03:20
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Baltazar^2pdamoc: U follow ?03:21
pdamochow do I setup my monitor?03:21
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ian1penguin42, After a bit it seems to try to boot still but fails soon after.  No other error messages.03:21
orasis1Pda, what video card do you have?03:21
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Baltazar^2pdamoc: Better yet, what graphics card you use ?03:21
pdamocnforce2 cipset03:21
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f7alwhat's the best strategy game ?03:22
mypapittea, earl grey, hot03:22
pdamocGForce 4 MX03:22
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Lattywareelmato: Thanks, I'll check it out03:22
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jnvilopdamoc: have you tried choosing the nv driver?03:22
penguin42ian1: are there any BIOS options about the MPI table (something like that?) ?03:22
mwef7al: what's the best beer?03:22
pdamocjnvilo: how?03:22
orasis1Edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file03:23
penguin42ian1: Also if you can try booting with noapic perhaps it might be worth it if that is what it is getting confused by03:23
elmatoLattyware : np, Its pretty slick... has a lot of 3rd party plugins made for it too03:23
ian1penguin42, I don't remember seeing any, but I'm rechecking now to be certain.03:23
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orasis1In "device section" - pick another driver, I have no idea what it is for NV gforce however I am on radeon03:23
jnvilofor NV gforce, it is nv03:23
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ian1penguin42, Is it acip, apic, or acpi?  I just tried one of them...03:24
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Lattywareelmato: Cool, sounds good.03:24
pdamocthis is what I was afraid of :)03:24
elmargolisn't it a bit strange that postfix depends on emacs?03:24
penguin42ian1: I'd go with noapic03:24
pdamocok... I'll give it a try03:24
orasis1Alright so pda, nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf - scroll to "device" section - replace whatever it says with "nv" and ctrl-alt-backspace, to restart X03:24
mweelmargol: I dont think it does. are you sure?03:24
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elmargolmwe: if i do aptitude install postfix it does. if i do apt-get install don't03:25
orasis1Or you could use "mousepad" to edit it also03:25
jnvilopdamoc you might want to update your resolution too while you're at it03:25
mweelmargol: it's unrelated. check apt-cache show postfix and you'll see03:25
Noosterhey shinzetsu: thanks for your help03:25
Noosterit worked03:25
orasis1Pda, have you tryed changing your res from inside X?03:25
Noostermy dad sends his thanks03:25
noobany atheros friends here who heard of the new wep decrypt method? it is called wesside and you can get the source here: http://www.cs.ucl.ac.uk/staff/a.bittau/frag-0.1.tgz . but it is for bsd and i can't compile it.03:25
ShinzetsuNooster: anytime mate03:25
SnakehitHow do you update youre kernel03:25
orasis1"Start" -> settings -> display settings03:26
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ShinzetsuNooster: what graphics card are you using?03:26
ian1penguin42, So "noapic" is the command?  I tried "acpi=off" with no success.03:26
mweelmargol: what happens if you type just sudo aptitude install?03:26
elmargolmwe: nothing03:26
penguin42ian1: noapic on the kernel boot line I believed - acpi!=apic03:26
pdamocI'm back.... the driver is already nv03:26
mweelmargol: well I dont know why it wants to get emacs. it's not a dependency of postfix03:27
ian1penguin42, So wait, it's "acpi!=apic"?03:27
orasis1mwe, You download the whole multiverse,universe and every Linux pack ever made - your hard drive frys and you cry for days without end. :D03:27
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mweorasis1: huh?03:27
penguin42ian1: No, sorry; use 'noapic'   I just meant apic is not the same as acpi03:27
pdamocand... the monitor is detected correctly03:27
=== Hyperpenguin [n=office@adsl-146-46-157.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
mweorasis1: I have no intention of doing that. what makes you say that?03:27
ian1penguin42, Tried "noapic" and it didn't work.03:27
Shinzetsucan anyone help me with my cam?03:27
orasis1Start -> settings -> display settings (try changing res from there )03:27
elmargolwell postfix recommends mail reader...03:27
HyperpenguinHi again!03:27
elmargoland emacs provides an mail reader :D03:28
penguin42ian1: Tell me about your hardware03:28
=== penguin42 hands Hyperpenguin more caffein
elmargolwho on hell do I need a mail reader on a mailserver?03:28
mweelmargol: ok you have aptitude set up to automatically install recommended packages03:28
ian1penguin42, Dell Dimension 8100 w/P4 1.4 and 384 of RIMM03:28
penguin42elmargol: To spy on the users03:28
elmargolmwe: i use the default install03:28
penguin42ian1: So this is a single CPU box?03:28
pdamocwhat should I try?03:28
ian1penguin42, I believe so.03:29
mweelmargol: yeah. you can turn it off if you like.03:29
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orasis1Pda, what did you have set in windows? - use the same03:29
noobanyone able to compile this?03:29
orasis1Try 1024x76803:29
elmargolmwe: oh nice. i think this should be disabled by default03:29
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SnakehitHow do you update youre kernel? Plz03:29
mweelmargol: probably, yes03:29
pdamocI only have 680x480 in screen resolution03:30
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mweelmargol: file a bug report03:30
gnomefreakSnakehit: what kernel do you have now?03:30
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orasis1Pda, no other options at all?03:30
Snakehiti want to install the drivers of my wnic03:30
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pdamoceven if in xorg.conf the monitor shows all the resolutions03:30
Snakehitand they say update your kernel03:30
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orasis1Pda, it could be because your card .. is "intergrated"... intergrated chipsets.. are lombotomized \03:31
SnakehitI have no idea what kernel i have now03:31
ardchoilleSnakehit: open a term and do uname -r03:31
elmargolmwe: Yes i fill one later03:31
jnvilopdamoc: did you install the proper driver now? i.e. using the nv?03:31
bXiis it possible to use /dev/input/js0 on another machine?03:31
penguin42ian1: Hmm this is from the dapper live CD?03:31
pdamocit says nv in the driver section03:31
Snakehitthe kernel i download is newer03:31
ian1penguin42, Sure is.03:31
orasis1Pda, I think it is because it is a onboard video card.. some of those do have probs with LInux..03:32
penguin42ian1: There is a 'safe' option isn't there? I assume that doesn't help?03:32
ian1penguin42, Safe option?03:32
mweSnakehit: uname -r03:32
HyperpenguinWill Ubuntu like it if I give it a ext2 boot partition, a shared 512 MB swap partition, and a 80GB or so ext3 partition?03:32
ian1penguin42, Is that an fkey option?03:32
pdamocora: it might be but what can I do?03:32
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penguin42ian1: On the menu that comes up during boot there is a normal boot, a safe boot and a memtest isn't there?03:32
Snakehiti did mwe03:32
orasis1If in start -> settings -> display settings, you have no more res then 640x480 - your really going to have to do some hacking with your config files, maybe find another driver ....03:32
Snakehiti need to update him03:32
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PanosHello Guys03:32
orasis1Pda, get a real video card.. :P03:33
jnviloorasisl: i have same card on my laptop here03:33
PanosWhat's up ?03:33
ardchoillemwe:  < Snakehit> 2.6.15-26-38603:33
ian1penguin42, One sec, this thing takes forever to reboot.03:33
phuzzif i link a dir to a users home dir the files in the link wont have the home dirs perms right?03:33
orasis1Onboard video.. are kind of like onboard modems you need the software to supply certain things it was built without, and this may be why Linux does not go well with it03:33
Snakehitthe one i downloaded is : patch-
mweSnakehit: well that's your running kernel. what makes you think you should be running a newer one?03:33
jnvilopdamoc: how about your devide section? have you updated it to the resolution that you want?03:33
penguin42ian1: Hehe ok03:34
Snakehitthe readme file says it :|03:34
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noobi would be so greatful if anybody could help me compiling this: http://www.cs.ucl.ac.uk/staff/a.bittau/frag-0.1.tgz03:34
PanosMay I ask sth ?03:34
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pdamoccan I install Ubuntu in text mode?03:34
ian1penguin42, Safe graphics mode03:34
ian1penguin42, ?03:34
u-sunhello, for dapper, how do you update the "dapper-extras' repository?03:35
penguin42ian1: Ah is it just graphic? Might be worth a go03:35
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PanosCan I install PES (Pro Evolution Soccer) on my Dapper Drake03:35
ian1penguin42, Trying now.03:35
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PanosUsing Wine or Using Cedega ?03:35
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jnvilou-sun i think you edit /etc/apt/sources.list and then do an apt-get update03:36
penguin42Panos: Well, Cedega is aimed at game stuff - look at their site to see fi it lists PES I'd say03:36
PanosOk penguin03:36
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HyperpenguinIs it safe to let Ubuntu share /boot with Gentoo? Or should I make a new boot partition?03:36
johnnyg how do I add a command to the code that runs during startup? Right now, if I don't "sudo modprobe ndiswrapper" every time my wlan0 won't come up03:36
PanosThanks for answering dude03:36
u-sunjnvile, what is the source list to insert?03:36
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penguin42johnnyg: You could add it to /etc/rc.local   but for networking you are probably best to add it to an interfaces file03:37
ian1penguin42, Well, I've got a black screen, but that means little.  I think it's a built-in patience test.  I let it sit like this for 5 minutes and something happens.  I hope.  That's what it's done all night.03:37
johnnygpenguin42: I installed Ubuntu yesterday and am not too familiar - what interfaces file should I add it to and why that one?03:38
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penguin42ian1: Weird - after you've let it get through that how far does ti get ?03:38
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ian1penguin42, Any idea why a 5.10 installation (non-live) was working marginally better?03:38
penguin42ian1: No03:38
u-sunhello, what is the latest source list for dapper?03:38
u-sun14:38 < u-sun> dapper-extras03:38
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penguin42johnnyg: Does your /etc/network/interfaces have an entry for the network card?03:38
ian1penguin42, Ok, black screen didn't quit being black.  Any other ideas?03:39
johnnygpenguin42: also, currently my /etc/re.local is currently blank, is that proper?03:39
penguin42johnnyg: Yeh, it's a local file for local changes03:39
noobwhat is the most easy way to simulate a freebsd in my ubuntu?03:40
johnnygpenguin42: Yes, it has this:03:40
johnnygauto wlan003:40
johnnygiface wlan0 inet dhcp03:40
johnnygwireless-essid linksys03:40
penguin42you wouldn't be pasting here would you?03:40
noobomg death sentence is for pasting03:40
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penguin42johnnyg: Try adding on the line after the iface line something like       pre-up modprobe ndis-wrapper        that should run that before it brings the interface up - but I've not used ndiswrapper so I don't know if ther eis a prettyier way03:41
XVampireXSo do people get ignored here alot?03:41
atoponcenoob: simulate freebsd with a theme or just overall?03:41
Panoswell Guys watch this http://transgaming.org/gamesdb/games/view.mhtml?game_id=407703:41
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PanosThe playability rating is just 1/603:41
penguin42XVampireX: Sometimes people just don't know the answers to peoples questions03:41
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PanosShould I give it try ?03:41
XVampireXAnd no one bothered answering you on #ubuntu?03:41
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XVampireX"nope" "that means i'm screwed?"03:42
noobatoponce: i want to run an application which uses the madwifi wireless driver but which only runs on bsd: http://www.cs.ucl.ac.uk/staff/a.bittau/frag-0.1.tgz ...03:42
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PanosWhat do you suggest me to do ?03:42
munsadoes anyone here know anything about XGL?"03:42
PanosI use XGL03:42
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atoponcenoob: ahh. ok. can't help ya there. sorry mate03:43
ian1penguin42, Ok what about "noapic nolapic" ?03:43
PanosI can help you with XGL03:43
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munsaPanos how are you?03:43
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Snakeihtcrappy wlan :(03:43
PanosI'm fine man03:43
T`chPanos, does it work well enough?03:43
gsuvegi have problem with cdwringtin. i cant write cd, and manymany dvdrw make bad under wrinting ubuntu. any idea maybe ?03:43
T`chPanos, like no crashes, suspend/resume, etc.?03:43
PanosIt rocks man03:43
digiworxanyone got wireless working with ubuntu?03:43
ian1penguin42, Does this require something like "vga=771" before it?03:43
munsaPanos- Fantastic! your a life saver03:43
Panosnot crashes at look03:43
Snakeihtdigiworx,  no :P03:43
T`chPanos, ok may be you can help me and munsa then ;)03:43
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Snakeihtcant fix it :(03:43
penguin42ian1: possibly; do you have any installation that does run on it?  the vga stuff is only screen res stuff03:43
Panosyes guys03:43
noobatoponce: ok so ill just help myself03:43
PanosI am able to help you03:43
digiworxSnakeiht, this should befun then ;D03:44
gsuvegdigiworx: why not ?03:44
T`chPanos, i am on dapper, but everything seemed too complicated to setup03:44
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Panosbut beware, I was trying 20 hours to setup it03:44
digiworxgsuveg: why not?03:44
PanosYes I am on Dapper too03:44
T`chPanos, which graphics card were you on?03:44
atoponcenoob: i have had absolutely *no* luck with wireless in ubuntu at *all*03:44
Panosjust a moment03:44
SnakeihtIm trying already 4 days :P03:44
T`chlol ic03:44
SnakeihtFirst time on ubuntu03:44
PanosI'm on GeForce Ti420003:44
munsaPanos-  I installed it I did everything I was told to do in the how-to, finally I rebooted and it told me there was some problem with GDM or smething and my screen just kept blinking back and forth03:44
NightattackIve been tying to get ati drivers to work, i tried almost everything on the forums but i still get mesa info when I do fglrxinfo, can anyone help me please?03:44
atoponcekinda sucks, actually03:44
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munsapanos - finally it said it killed xserver03:44
T`chPanos, aiglx?03:44
ag0nyis someone using a WUSB54G V4 with WPA enbaled?03:44
Panosnoob, GLX03:44
munsaPanos-  it told me to fix it then it let me login03:44
Panosaiglx is for Linux03:44
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Panoseeh sory03:44
PanosAIGLX is for Fedora03:45
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Panosjust a moment guys03:45
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T`chwe should talk in ubuntu-xgl03:45
PanosFirst of all tell me which is your VGA ?03:45
XVampireXHelp Nightattack03:45
PanosnVidia or ATI ?03:45
T`chPanos, munsa, join #ubuntu-xgl03:45
T`chsame here..03:45
Panosmunsa shall we join o ubuntu-xgl ?03:45
T`chPanos, he's already there03:46
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T`chPanos, waiting for thee ;)03:46
Snakeihtsomebody knows how you do in linux like in Windows, how do you make 2 partitions?03:46
T`chSnakehit, are you installing ubuntu?03:46
munsaPanos- yea Panos I am there03:46
Snakeihti already did03:46
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NightattackI've been tying to get ati drivers to work, i tried almost everything on the forums but i still get mesa info when I do fglrxinfo, can anyone help me please?03:46
T`chSnakehit, so you have free space on your disk to make another partition?03:46
Snakeihtits 200GB... and need more partitions03:47
T`chSnakehit, so this free space isn't occupied by current partitions?03:47
Goshawkhi, is there here somebody that uses "pbuilder"?03:47
bretzelWould someone help me ? - I have lost sound since I deleted the orig. user and switch to a new ( with of course, admin sudoer)03:47
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T`chSnakehit, so its one harddisk you have right? do you know the device name for it?03:47
Snakeihti think its used because i have 1 disk of 200 new...03:47
Snakeihti can see that in the device manager03:47
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XVampireX[16:46]  <Nightattack> I've been tying to get ati drivers to work, i tried almost everything on the forums but i still get mesa info when I do fglrxinfo, can anyone help me please?03:48
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elmatodont have an answer for you bretzel... but the same thing happened to me yesterday =\03:48
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we3zaplease someone help me03:48
cooopscan ubuntu play games? eg battlefied 2?03:48
T`chSnakeiht, can you do a fdisk -l /dev/<name> and pm me the info?03:48
XVampireX[16:46]  <Nightattack> I've been tying to get ati drivers to work, i tried almost everything on the forums but i still get mesa info when I do fglrxinfo, can anyone help me please?03:48
ganymedwhere is the firmware for wireless cards stored in dapper?03:49
niruanasure cooops03:49
cooopsi see03:49
XVampireXcooops: Can windows play ubuntu?03:49
we3zamy HP evectra cant connect to internet using ubuntu linux03:49
we3zai try to do ifconfig03:49
cooopsso can use all the programs windows can use? photoshop and other games03:49
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cooopsor is it limited03:49
we3zaand it showing that the NIC is detected03:49
nearfar_is iPod sync in rhythmbox working for any of you?03:49
bretzelelmato: And you're still stuck with no sound ? :-) , btw in GDM the sound works, as soon as I login, I lost the sound. I've verified that all emu10k1 related modules are loaded tho03:49
ganymedXVampireX: what is the problem?03:49
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cooopsnot sure XVampireX  :P03:50
XVampireX[16:46]  <Nightattack> I've been tying to get ati drivers to work, i tried almost everything on the forums but i still get mesa info when I do fglrxinfo, can anyone help me please?03:50
david__how does wine work?03:50
johnnygcooops: Linux's Photoshop is named "The Gimp", test drive it by visiting Applications -> Graphics -> Gimp03:50
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niruananot all cooops  but allot03:50
penguin42cooops: There is an emulator which can run some windows programs but it is touchy - some things work well, a lot of things don't03:50
gebruikerWhat options do I need configuring a costum kernel) enabeling the ubuntu splash boot screen?03:50
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hume_anyone knows how to automount with sshfs?03:50
cooopsahh i see03:50
cooopsthanks for the help03:50
gebruikerWhat options do I need configuring a costum kernel) enabeling the splash boot screen?03:50
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ganymedXVampireX: download the latest binaries from ati and exectute the script. restart X and everything should work03:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about amsn - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:51
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niruanaCan somebody help me with the MadWiFi DRIVERS?03:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mercury - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:51
penguin42gebruiker: I don't know, but the config for the kernel you are running is in /boot03:51
tuxtuxnon rompere03:51
ganymedif you wanna use fglrx, do not mess up things manually03:51
faroushume_: http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/890403:51
ganymedwhere is the wireless cards firmware stored in dapper???03:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about emu10k1 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:52
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about firmware - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ipw2200 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wlan - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sudoers - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:52
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elmatoyep I still have the problem bretzel. I couldnt figure it out. thought it might be something to do with the dist-upgrade I did earlier? dunno... I took the easy way out and 'fixed' the other user that I had previously broken ;)03:53
atoponceubotu doesn't seem to know anything... :)03:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about doesn't seem to know anything... :) - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:53
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HyperpenguinWhat a fun bot.03:53
hume_farous, thanks! it integrates well with gnome, you know how to set a similar startup program in KDE?03:54
atoponceubotu: ubuntu03:54
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome03:54
joltHeh im new to using ubuntu, not linux, having a heck of a time figuring out why a couple packages wont install, even though im pretty sure the dependancies are installed03:54
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penguin42jolt: What error do you get?03:54
atoponcejolt: what packages?03:54
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Nightattack ganymed: I tried to do that(install using ATI Driver Installer)  but it didn't work03:55
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tsudo apt-get install apache203:55
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bretzelelmato: Strange because in GDM the sound works ( ear the tam-tam) :-) ... btw When I logged in after having deleted the orig. user, my new user lost EVERY admin sudoer even in the system menu, I had to maually add the groups and priviledges in /etc/sudoers and /etc/passwd;group to regain admin stuff ...03:55
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joltXV is bitching about lib2png, and electricsheeps bitching about libc603:55
tIt asks me to put in the Ubuntu cd03:55
tanyone know how to apt-get without the cd?03:55
penguin42jolt: During compilation or installing the binary?03:55
ti lost my ubuntu cd :(03:55
joltinstalling the binary03:55
penguin42t: edit your /etc/apt/sources.list03:55
atoponcet: sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list and comment out the cdrom line03:56
penguin42jolt: Hmm exact error please03:56
XVampireX[16:55]  <Nightattack> ganymed: I tried to do that(install using ATI Driver Installer)  but it didn't work03:56
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tk thanks a lot!03:56
=== jan1024188 [n=jan@BSN-210-242-152.dial-up.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu
Snakeihti need to format ubuntu :P03:56
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Snakeihti think i fucked up complet;)03:56
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tarzeauSnakeiht: can you try a script before you format it?03:56
gnomefreakSnakeiht: watch your langauge please03:56
atoponcejolt: sudo aptitude install electricsheep03:56
Snakeihtexcuse me gnomefreak03:56
talright, it worked. Thanks guys!03:57
=== edulix_ [n=edulix@109.Red-83-55-180.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
tarzeauSnakeiht: http://www.linuks.mine.nu/ubuntu/uncurse03:57
atoponcet: np03:57
joltDependency is not satisfiable: libc6 ..... and for xv the other Dependancy is not satisfiable libpng203:57
bretzelelmato: I also did a distupgrade... but I doubt it is realted because as long as I had the old admin user, erveything worked find..until I deleted that user.03:57
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faroushume_: never tried03:57
gnomefreakSnakeiht: watch your langauge. this is a family channel03:57
penguin42Tarandus: Yeech03:57
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BusMasteri have a sony miniDV handycam and a usb cable to connect it to my computer. How do I pull in the videos from the tape?03:58
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Snakeihttarzeau,  and what does that do?03:58
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elmatobretzel : yeah the only reason I figured that broke is was because when I dist-upgraded from hoary to breezy 6 months ago it broke a lot of stuff... mainly sound.03:58
Alex22_how i can shared my Ubuntu disk to Mac OSX sistem, for save App's03:58
BusMasteri'm using dapper, by the way.  Itried using kino, but it apparently works on with ieee139403:58
penguin42jolt: libpng2 doesn't seem to exist - I suspect it is ancient03:58
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bretzelelmato: me is Dapper - distupgrade to to get Compiz/Xgl/cgwd + only... not the samething I think :-) thus it must be something with deleting a user created at the installation phase...04:00
bXiis it possible to use /dev/input/js0 on another machine?04:00
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joltwas wondering if symlinking libpng2 to the current png library might work?04:00
elmatoI agree... funny you mention compiz etc though... that is how I broke my original user :P04:01
ychis there a way to ping using a specific eth device, short of deactivating the other one?04:01
joltis there any *good* reason to run compiz.. i have heard nothing but problems04:01
ychlike some kind of ping -eth0 or something04:01
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tarzeauSnakeiht: try to make a debian sid of it04:01
tarzeauSnakeiht: i need it tested04:02
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TrokaA Hacker roots MySpace : http://tinyurl.com/ef35u LoLoL ^-^04:02
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bretzelelmato: In Dapper, I tell you that compiz didn't  brake anything ... Only after I've deleted the orig. user, I lost admin and sound with my new user which was working find < before > I deleted the installed user04:03
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bretzel!configure sound04:04
elmatoyeah I dunno... to be honest I wouldnt have a clue how to fix it. I was really just commenting that I had the same problem in the hopes that one of the gurus here would step in ;)04:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about configure sound - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:04
ychanyone know?04:04
bretzel( uboto ) is empty!04:05
kekko`Linuxsalve io uso ubuntu e nn riesco a spiegrmi prche' non mi apre piu' amule neppure disinstallandolo e poi rinstallandolo... nemmeno le versioni precedenti o successive...04:05
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.04:05
Snakeihtits busy tarzeau  almost complete04:05
=== der_daniel [n=daniel@pD9E10ABE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!04:05
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NthDegreeone of those languages anyway :p04:06
ccidralI need help04:06
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:06
=== BlueEagle [n=blueeagl@ti541210a340-0147.bb.online.no] has joined #Ubuntu
ccidralhehe, ok04:06
NthDegreeccidral, what can I help you with?04:06
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ccidralI have ubuntu 6.06 installed, and was a CRT monitor04:06
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ychanyone know how to ping using a specific ethernet controller, if i have multiple?04:07
ccidralI bought an LCD monitor recently04:07
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NthDegreeccidral, you can't get any display right?04:07
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jamiebarrowych: not sure.. have u checked the man pages04:07
ccidralyes. the refresh rate I was using for the previous monitor (85Hz) is not support by the new monitor04:07
bretzelccidral: did you try (sudo) dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ?04:08
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jamiebarrowAnybody know Kernel programming?04:08
NthDegreeccidral, two ways to fix it04:08
ccidralno. I'm gonna try04:08
=== Luke_ is now known as Luke
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems04:08
ccidralyes NthDegree04:08
jamiebarrow...or perhaps a channel specific to Linux 2.6 kernel programming04:08
ccidralNthDegree, let me know04:08
NthDegreeeither open up /etc/X11/xorg.conf and edit the refresh rate on there04:08
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jamiebarrowHeXiOn: hey04:09
penguin42Jamiebarrow: See http://www.kernelnewbies.org/  it has an irc channel04:09
ccidralwooooow... that was The File I was looking for ages! :-O04:09
=== Enselic [n=martin@lund-idb4-ux4-vl88-85-235-30-35.perspektivbredband.net] has joined #ubuntu
jamiebarrowpenguin42: ah.. thanx!04:09
NthDegreeor do as bretzel said before04:09
ccidralthank you!!!04:09
HeXiOnwhen I launch amaroK I have this error: "...couldn't communicate with kdelauncher" and it doesn't minimize to tray. I'm using ubuntu (gnome). What should I do?04:09
=== rednax [n=rednax@h125n2fls34o270.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
jamiebarrowpenguin42: do u have any experience with kernel programming urself?04:10
tarzeauSnakeiht: thanks04:10
=== Distro^Junkie getting tired of the compiling so thinking of switching from gentoo to ubuntu
penguin42Jamiebarrow: I've tinkered a bit but not done anything recently04:10
jamiebarrowDistro^Junkie: lol.04:10
NthDegreeHeXiOn, because amaroK is traditionally a KDE app it has issues integrating into GNOME04:10
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jamiebarrowpenguin42: do you know how the copy_to_user function works04:10
HeXiOnNthDegree, so I can't do anything?04:10
Distro^JunkieHeXiOn, just install the kde-desktop04:11
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jamiebarrowHeXiOn: if u like KDE, maybe try Kubuntu04:11
HeXiOnthe whole kde-desktop04:11
penguin42jamiebarrow: I know what it is supposed to do, but I'd have to look it up - go try #kernelnewbies or the docs on their site04:11
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HeXiOnjamiebarrow: no, I preffer gnome ;)04:11
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jamiebarrowpenguin42: ok. i will thanks.04:11
HeXiOnbut I like amarok04:11
uberspacedhey; does anybody have experience with multiple network cards in the same box?04:11
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Jell-O-Fishiuberspaced : please be more specific.04:12
Subhumanuberspaced, yeah04:12
uberspacedJell-O-Fishi, will do04:12
Distro^Junkiewell amarok needs kde dependencies04:12
jamiebarrowHeXiOn: lol. well i think there is some project to create a standard between most GUIs so one day that problem might not be there anymore :D until then *shrug* i dunno04:12
uberspacedwhen I boot up with eth1 configured and active, my nslookups are going over that interface, instead of eth004:12
HeXiOnok, thanks ;)04:12
uberspacedif i disable it, and re-enable it, and re-run my firewall script, everything works as normal.04:13
jamiebarrowk bye, thanks again penguin4204:13
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penguin42jamiebarrow: Np04:13
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uberspacedI would like my eth0 to always handle outbound requests, instead of them being bounced back inside; does this have something to do with the way my default routes are configured on bootup?04:13
Subhumanuberspaced, goto System/admin/networking, and set the default gateway device to eth004:14
uberspacedSubhuman, do you know the name of the /etc/networking? conf file?04:14
uberspacedi dont really use ubuntu that much04:14
NthDegreeHeXiOn. look for a package called kdelauncher04:14
uberspacedwell, i dont have much experience with doing these things on ubuntu04:14
HeXiOnNthDegree: I did, aptitude doen't have it04:14
Subhumanuberspaced, no ive never had any networking issues really so i dont know.04:15
Jell-O-Fishiuberspaced : /etc/network/interfaces ? i think04:15
uberspacedlike /etc/network/interfaces04:15
HeXiOnI FIXED IT!!!! I did a dpkg-reconfigure amarok04:15
uberspacedJell-O-Fishi, yeah; lookin into it now.  thanks :)04:15
HyperpenguinHey, does Gparted always take so long to do stuff? lol impatient me04:15
uberspacedhaha, and there it is, gateway is set to my internal network04:15
HeXiOnoops, the message returned :S04:15
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uberspaced(on redhat this crap is called /etc/networking)04:16
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uberspacedclose enough i guess.04:16
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NthDegreeHeXiOn, use rhythmbox if you use gnome04:17
HeXiOnI think I'll add kubuntu repositories to see if I can install kdelauncher04:17
uberspacedcan any of you who are using DCHP for an external interface give me the line in their /etc/network/interfaces file that specifies that eth0 is the external interface?04:17
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uberspacedcurrently it's an ip address for me in the file04:17
HeXiOnNthDegree, I preffer amarok for it's LIRC support04:17
NthDegreeHeXiOn, kubuntu repos are ubuntu repos04:17
uberspacedi wonder if I can use 'eth0' in its place04:17
dannymI wonder what to do when dpkg-buildpackage reports "dpkg-source: cannot represent change to desktop/qemu.png: binary file contents changed" ...04:17
NthDegreethey share repos04:17
=== Grok_ [n=halb@adsl-225-72-103.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
uberspacedor if i can delete the line entirely because eth0 is configured by DHCP04:18
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dannymI just want it to build a deb, is it somehow possible to disable all the other cruft?04:18
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NthDegreedannym, qemu is already in universe I think04:18
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Snakeihtits finished04:19
dannymNthDegree: I'm patching it to include the mandatory gui stuff (desktop file, icon, launcher)04:19
NthDegreedannym, bad idea04:19
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dannymNthDegree: why?04:19
NthDegreewhat's the point in making a deb file then?04:19
lmosherAnyone here an xgl expet? (no one is in #xgl)04:19
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NthDegreedannym, the reason ubuntu on many sites was criticised was because universe maintainers and other users were patching software with poor patches04:20
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uberspacedbah, i just deleted the gateway line.  if i really need it, shit should go terribly terribly wrong.04:21
uberspacedthanks for the help :)04:21
=== doublehp [n=dhp@lns-bzn-27-82-248-22-204.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
Grok_is there a way to modify the button mappings on a 3 button mouse so that the middle button when held will control scrolling? (alternative way of doing scroll wheel type of thing)04:21
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farousany known tools to spin down external usb hard disk when idle?04:22
ompaulGrok_, it should work to scroll anyway - if in a window that understands that action04:22
doublehpwhats the tool to auto detect and configure DSL internet connection for ethernet modems ?04:22
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erUSULdoublehp: pppoeconfig04:22
ian1Ok, booting from livecd, having error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20447 .  Tried many boot boot options... no dice.  Anyone able to help?04:22
lmosherfarous, Is it a USB enclosure witha  desktop-sized HDD inside?04:23
farouslmosher: yap04:23
ompaulGrok_, have a look at sudo dpgk-reconfigure xserver-xorg  (just try scrolling not actually pressing in the wheel also - they are seperate actions ;-))04:23
lmosherfarous, I don't have an answer, but I honestly suggest you -don't- use something like that04:23
dannymNthDegree: nag upstream then?04:23
erUSULian1: what processor does your machine have?04:23
Hyperpenguinian1, looks like a BIOS error.04:24
farouslmosher: do not use what the hard disk or spin down tool?04:24
ian1erUSUL, P4 1.404:24
lmosherfarous, hehe you can use the hard disk, but I wouldn't suggest trying to spin it down04:24
farouslmosher: it gets really hot after a while?04:24
farouslmosher: and i can still return it ;)04:24
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realistlmosher: interesting suggestion, why?04:25
lmosherfarous, If you read about a tool called "laptop-mode" (it spins down laptop drives) they STRONGLY suggest not using it for desktop drives04:25
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:25
lmosherfarous, realist anyway, the reason is beacuse desktop HDDS are not rated for as many spindowns/spinups as laptop drives04:25
erUSULian1: the msg seems harmless as you do not have an smp processor. does it prevent booting? try disabling hyperthreading04:25
ian1erUSUL, tried "live acpi=off noapic nolapic", "rescue acpi=off", live acpi=off".... None worked...04:25
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lmosherfarous, realist: I don't remember the exact numbers, but it was like 1,000 vs 10,000 or something. They made it clear that using this tool could actually take a year off yoru drive life..04:26
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ccidralthank you guys! now I have ubuntu up and running again  :-)04:26
farouslmosher: thanx for the warining :)04:26
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ian1erUSUL, Well, if I let the comp sit for a while (3 minutes+) it attempts to continue... But always fails.  I don't know if my comp actually uses hyperthreading.  If it did, how would I turn this off?04:26
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lmosherfarous, yeah np.. if it dosen't make a different to you read up on laptop-mode. You may be able to get it to work for you04:27
farouslmosher: the problem is that it heats up and never even shutdown after 5 hours04:27
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farousmaking it very hot04:27
chaz_Hey guys, anyone know how to format an SD card to FAT or FAT32 in Ubuntu please.04:27
sto6ma9chmkfs -t vfat04:27
farouslmosher: i hooked it up to a desktop so laptop-tools is not for it anyway04:27
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farouslmosher: i read about sdparm04:28
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b_can someone help me adding a script04:28
lmosherfarous, Well I think you coudl install laptop-tools on a desktop, but the thing is I don't think you can tell it -which- drive to control... i.e. it would spin down your main hdd too04:28
Jamiehum... im trying to fix my TV out.. but i have no idea what i am doing. coudl anyoen helpm me? ive installed so i have NVIDIA X Server Settings04:28
b_info is their i just donm't know how do add to init04:28
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Jamiebut in there i can only find my computer screen04:28
erUSULian1: maybe in the bios?? i've never owned a p4 with ht sorry... you can try to update your bios too04:28
farouslol laptop-mode-tools was installed by default on my desktop04:29
Jack_SparrowJamie: Hi, what type of P4 problem04:29
lmosherfarous, Since you say the drive goes hours inactive it's probably perfectly safe to spin it down... Just a matter of figuring out how to make it work04:29
=== bretzel [n=bretzel@bas2-montrealak-1128770482.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
JamieJack_Sparrow: no P4 problem.. tvout-problem here.04:30
Jack_SparrowJamie: Sorry, came in late..04:30
lmosherfarous, lol, yeah I think I have it too it's just not enabled :P It's kind of a neat utility for laptops b/c it uses a fairly large cache.. Waits 5 mins, spins up, writes, spins down.. etc.04:30
Jamieanyoen gotten theit tvout tow ork? i have a nvidia geforce 4 card..04:31
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bretzelIt getting me Very frustrated ... Even in KDE - no sound card - but logging out back to GDM I ear the tam-tam ... very frustrating.04:31
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bretzelcan;t search for that specific problem in ubuntu forums, google...04:32
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WhyvasJamie, you have to add a new monitor in your xorg.conf04:32
bretzelcan't find*04:32
erUSULb_: edit your ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile file and add the two lines04:32
joltgot another one, i cannot wake up from hibernate on a asus p5a OEM with ubuntu..04:32
farouslmosher: how can you tell if it is working or not04:32
JamieWhyvas: how? i dont understand how?04:32
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WhyvasJamie, OR you can just use nvtv04:32
b_yeah but im not sure how to do that04:32
JamieWhyvas: nvtv ok.. apt-get install nvtv?04:33
WhyvasJamie, get nvtv from synaptic then google it's use04:33
Whyvasi think so04:33
=== harmental [n=ricardo@AGrenoble-257-1-68-88.w86-211.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
lmosherfarous, Just type "sudo lapto_mode" and watch it say "disabled, not active" :)04:33
Whyvasit's something like nvtv -r 800, 600 -N NTSC -T -s Large04:33
Grok__ompaul: i timed out after your last response. after digging into this further i looked at me xorg.conf file in the mouse section. the zaxis mapping is set for "4 5" which i assume is that side bar area on the touch pad. if i change that to "2" should that solve my problem? and will that conf file reload with a "ctrl alt bkspc"?04:33
Whyvassomething like that but im sure that's not how it is04:34
b_i have no idea where ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile is located04:34
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erUSULb_: '~' means your home directory /home/user/04:34
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farouslmosher: cool thanx for you help have to continue googling :)04:35
lmosherfarous, good luck04:35
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chaz_Hey guys, anyone know how to format an SD card to FAT or FAT32 in Ubuntu please.04:35
ian1When using a live cd, is there a way to boot in CLI and still use the "install" function?  I would give my soul to know how to do this...04:35
erUSULchaz_: mkfs.vfat04:35
chaz_what does that do04:36
farousian1: use the alternate c04:36
lmosherchaz: 'man mkfs' give you a hint mk = make, fs = filesystem04:36
sto6ma9chchaz_: Open a Terminal and type "mkfs -t vfat /device/location"04:36
erUSULchaz_: MaKeFileSystem.vfat  (vfat is fat32)04:36
ian1farous, Different ISO image?04:37
b_bash is not located there04:37
b_is there a comand to edit it04:37
farousian1: yap04:37
farousian1: won't be able to boot from the cd though04:37
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jamesonhello. how can I start/activate universe ?04:38
farous!universe > jameson04:38
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erUSULjameson: with synaptic04:39
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ian1farous, I'm just looking to install it.  But having issues with SMP and MP tables.  Don't know if CLI version of livecd will help, but..04:39
LukeFor some reason i dont see "reboot" or "shutdown" when i go to System/Exit anymore04:39
=== jgpons [n=jguillau@162.Red-80-25-172.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
Lukehow do i get that?04:39
b_couldn't i just add cd $HOME/boinc04:39
b_     nice boinc_client >/dev/null & to the  sysytem prefs sessions startup tab04:39
ompaulGrok_, your numbers are right for such a mouse - suggest you do what I said "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" it works out of the box - DONT press the button scroll it04:39
sto6ma9chjameson: Edit the /etc/apt/sources.list file and delete the # in front of the lines that have the "universe"04:39
ompaulGrok_, so don't change the numbers04:40
=== RiP [n=RiP@237.124-136-217.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
farousian1: i think the livecd do not have the text based installer. the alternate cd is much better in that respect04:40
jamesonthx a lot guys04:40
ian1farous, Were you saying I won't be able to boot from the alt cd?04:40
farousian1: and the livecd have other issues too. for install the alternate cd is much better04:40
jgponsHello everyone. Anyone could tell me what to do with an unconfigured package I want to remove? I've tried remove --force-all with no luck. Thanks in advance.04:40
farousian1: no you can boot test your sys from it and use it to install the os but not through the text based mode04:41
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ian1farous, So use the alt iso image to install, remove cd, and I should be able to proceed as normal, yes?04:41
farousian1: yap04:41
david__I looked in the weforums and i can't seem to find how to network ubuntu with win98, can someone help?04:41
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sto6ma9chjgpons: Open a termianl and type "sudo apt-get -f install"04:41
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jgponssto6ma9ch trying it now04:42
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ian1farous Well, as everything else has failed and I can't seem to get anyone else who knows what's up with my error... Might as well. :D Thanks.04:42
b_crap alirght ill figure this out on my own thanks anyways04:42
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=== munsa crys XGL!!! AHHHHHH
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doublehpmy DSL ethernet modem is connected to both ethernet and DSL; pppoeconf did not detect the modem, but still the modem blinked; which other tool can help ?04:42
LukeFor some reason i dont see "reboot" or "shutdown" when i go to System/Exit anymore. Anyone know how to fix this?04:43
jgponsbut I don't thinks it will work. The package is vmware-player and I think I've screwed it up too much it will not configure. I want just to get rid of it and start from scratch again04:43
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Jack_SparrowLuke: I had that happen after I was playing around in sudo and also installed Kubuntu-desktop over gnome04:43
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LukeJack_Sparrow: nope I didnt install kubuntu over gnome =D04:43
jgponsIt didn't work. Dpkt returned an error code(1). Thanks anyway.04:43
jgponsI meant dkpg04:44
spinz8rhi, why are there root processes when i type top in terminal even though i have nver enabled root account. How do i disable the root processess.?Thanks.04:44
Jamieive installed nvtv.. but how do i use it anyay? there is nothing about it in my menus04:44
jgponsdpkg brrrrrr.... #@&& laptop keyboard :)04:44
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sto6ma9chjgpons: I'm almost positive that the VMWare Player comes with its own uninstaller script. Check the directory that was created when the tarball was extracted.04:44
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erUSULspinz8r: many processes of the system run with root priv. no matter if you have root account or not.04:45
scrappy_Jamie: open a terminal and type 'nvtv&' see if it works04:45
jgponssto6ma9ch Is that directory anywhere under /tmp?04:46
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sorush2hi guys how do get my   A8N-VM CSM to be fully supported04:46
Jamiescrappy_: something happens.. [1]  5860 ouput04:47
Jack_Sparrowsorush2: too cryptic for me.. something about an asus mb04:47
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jgponsI can't find it. hat I did to screw as much my config was to mix vmware-player (installed via deb package) and vmware-server (installed from the tarball). Now I'm stuck with vmware-player as a nonconfigured package. I'd just like to get rid of it, even manuallu04:48
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sto6ma9chjgpons: the VMWare Player uninstaller script is located @ vmware-player-distrib/bin/vmware-uninstall.pl04:49
sto6ma9chjgpons: Depends upon where you extracted the package04:49
jgponsI used the default... didn't specify any location04:50
scrappy_Jamie: id read the text files in /usr/share/doc/nvtv/ directory04:50
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sto6ma9chjgpons: Did you download VMWare Player from VMWare's site?04:50
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jgponsNo. I used synaptic. There is a specific ubuntu package. I tried to install it _after_ i installed _server from the tarball.04:51
jgpons(the ubuntu package is in multiverse)04:51
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sto6ma9chjgpons: What was the package name that you installed via deb?04:51
scrappy_Jamie: there is a USAGE.gz you might type sudo gunzip USAGE.gz then opent that usage file in gedit04:51
munsahow do I send somone a message on this thing?04:52
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jgponssto6ma9ch it is vmware-player_1.0.1-4_i386.deb04:52
scrappy_munsa: /msg nick texttosend04:53
sto6ma9chjgpons: What happens when you open Synaptic and try to mark "vmware-player" for removal?04:53
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jgponsI'm trying it now04:54
bretzelelmato ?04:54
elmatoany luck ? :P04:54
bretzelyes, but tell me if you lost sound card in user or into system-wide ?04:55
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elmatojust in the new user04:55
bretzelelmato: okay then, what I did is04:55
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HyperpenguinSheesh. Does Gparted always take 30min+ to do stuff? </impatience>04:56
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jgponssto6ma9ch It's kind of a catch-22 situation. It refuses to deinstall because it is not configure. and the config script fails :)04:56
drbreeni have a problem: abiword-gnome does not want to install b/c it depends n abiword-common and vice versa04:56
drbreencatch-22 ?04:57
bretzelelmato: 1: removed high-end module of my snd-card ( me is *emu10k1* )04:57
sto6ma9chjgpons: Let's try this from the command line. Open a terminal and type "sudo apt-get install autoclean". Then "sudo apt-get update". Let me know when that's done.04:57
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ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic04:57
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drbreenstrange. it works after i install libenchant04:57
Jayanyone having WiFi problems?04:58
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bretzelelmato: 2: edited /etc/passwd and manually readded my orig user ( #user:1000:1000:my name:/bin/bash ...etc...)04:58
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Jayon the new install04:58
Jayor upgrade04:58
JackONeillHey, I just booted up and my mouse was reeeeeeally slow - keyboard fine tho... any ideas why?04:58
gerhard_I just installed automatix-de in a chroot environment, but I cant launch it now04:58
gerhard_what to do?04:58
bretzel3: elmato: edited /etc/group and did same : re-added orig user04:58
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ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:59
gerhard_stormx2 is that meant as an answer to my question?04:59
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bretzel4: still in /etc/group: located audio group line and added current user as member ( let say bretzel for me )04:59
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tarzeaubretzel: then did newgrp ?04:59
=== DanielJackson is now known as TealC
ubotuSetting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ADSLPPPoE05:00
=== abo [n=tfh@88-109-42-197.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #Ubuntu
bretzelelmato: I really don't know which of those steps fixed thing a gave me back my user access to the sound card....05:00
Jamiehum.. ok im trying nvtv now.. but i get errors.. hum.. like this: sudo nvtv -t -r 800,600 -s Large ---> Defaulting to PAL TV system. Fatal: Cannot find 'Large' mode 800 x 60005:00
bretzeltarzeau: group and orig user was already there before I deleted it. just re-insterted manually the orig user05:00
elmatoheh... sweet. I didnt delete my original user. so Ill try steps 1 and 4 out in a sec05:01
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drbreeni have a question: is there a program that copies a package and all its dependencies on my usb stick so i can install it on a pc w/o internet ?05:01
elmatothanks for sharing that :P05:01
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bretzeltarzeau: -- in /etc/passwd and /etc/groups05:01
adri_hi everybody, i need your help to use mutella or GNutella. My connection workt perfectly but when i execute gnutella or mutella, it tells me that there is a problem whit my connection or with my firewall. but i have no firewall and i'm directly connected to my modem. Please help me!05:01
seatouchanyone know a good hosting controller for ubuntu ?05:01
bretzeltarzeau: are you aware that we talk05:01
bretzeloops sorry hit ret key before end05:02
=== farmer [n=farmer@cor9-ppp2946.bur.dsl.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
bretzeltarzeau: you are aware that we talk about loosing sound card in user after deleteing orig sudoer user ?05:02
scrappy_Jamie: you were just wanting tv out?05:02
RuarriSdoes anyone know how if there is something wrong with the antesis.freecontrib.org repos?05:02
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Jamiescrappy_: yes, or dualview05:02
sto6ma9chjgpons? Still there?05:03
bretzelelmot: I suspect that setting new user member of audio groups has fixed the problem... I dunno05:03
jgponssto6ma9ch doing05:03
bretzelaudio goup...* not groups :-)05:03
bretzelgroup** arrtrg!05:03
=== Jay [n=jason@ZH248075.ppp.dion.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu
morphoserver irc.gnome.org05:04
visik7anyone have tried compiling xen-3.0 on dapper (sources from edgy)05:04
scrappy_Jamie: seen this post yet? ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9845605:04
Jayok anyone else having problems with wifi since a kernel upgrade?05:04
farmer(hi all) Short question: Can you make an .lnk file in linux in a Fat partition?05:04
seatouchwheres the sources.list located ?05:04
jgponssto6ma9ch done05:04
bretzelI have to go cheers :-)05:04
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funkjaHi. I have onboard audio and a tv tuner. The video works fine on the tv tuner and the sound works fine if I use a cable to connect my audio out on my tv tuner to my audio in on my motherboard. Is there a way that I can set my TV Tuner to act like a sound card so I don't have to use the cable between the card on my board?05:05
sto6ma9chjgpons: Now type "sudo apt-get -f install"05:05
Jamiescrappy_: ehm.. yes.. and then when i rebooted i ended up in bash with 1000 errors ^^05:05
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scrappy_Jamie: sweet05:05
=== glen_ [n=glen@83-71-13-234.b-ras1.dbn.dublin.eircom.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jamiescrappy_: yupp.. hehe.. but im not sure i did it correct.. should i just copy anythinga nd ignore that stuff is named diffrently on my config?05:06
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soheilhi room05:07
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RuarriSwhenever i try to install packages in synaptic i get the error "Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)"05:07
soheilhelp me05:07
soheilI downloaded automake05:07
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soheilnow, how to install it?05:08
jgponssto6ma9ch: doing it now., It wants to install two additional packages.05:08
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soheilI downloaded automake05:08
rockzmanCan someone help me with my grub?05:08
soheilnow, how to install it?05:08
jgponsI'm allowing it to do so.05:08
sto6ma9chjgpons: Accept those other two. They may be what's keepingthis from configuring.05:08
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adri_hi everybody, i need your help to use mutella or GNutella. My connection workt perfectly but when i execute gnutella or mutella, it tells me that there is a problem whit my connection or with my firewall. but i have no firewall and i'm directly connected to my modem. Please help me!05:08
erUSULsoheil: sudo apt-get install build-essential05:08
jgponsNow it is trying to do the config again05:08
erUSUL!b-e > soheil05:08
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soheilwhat do u mean?05:09
sto6ma9chjgpons: If you still have this package sitting in an unconfigured state, then I would suggest running "sudo dpkg-reconfigure vmware-player". This will allow you to reconfigure the package and (hopefully) uninstall it after it's done being configured.05:09
farmerIs this the right place task for support?05:09
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jribfarmer: yes05:09
jgponssto6ma9ch didn't work. It does not reconfigure. It seems like the configure script is broken05:09
rockzmanjrib: can ya help with my grub?05:09
=== bruenig wonders how jrib understood that
sh4doxcan someone help me out with a tiny probleme? i've been looking through the wikipages but can't find a solution for my tv out probleme05:10
=== GigaClon [n=gigaclon@n159s030.ntc.blacksburg.shentel.net] has joined #ubuntu
scrappy_Jamie: you can always sudo cp xorg.conf xorg.conf-old and if you need to restore just sudo rm xorg.conf and sudo mv xorg.conf-old xorg.conf and use one of the config files pasted in the post but it looks like its going to be a little tweaking to get it right05:10
funkjaHi. I have onboard audio and a tv tuner. The video works fine on the tv tuner and the sound works fine if I use a cable to connect my audio out on my tv tuner to my audio in on my motherboard. Is there a way that I can set my TV Tuner to act like a sound card so I don't have to use the cable between the card on my board?05:10
bruenigrockzman, what is your grub issue05:10
jribrockzman: just ask your question to the channel and if someone knows how to help they will try05:10
=== EpP [n=evan@c-67-182-211-240.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
farmerjrib: Do you know at all how to make a .lnk(win shortcut) under linux in a mounted fat partition?05:11
Jamiescrappy_: hum ok.05:11
jgponsdpkg-reconfigure fails too (it reports the package as broken)05:11
rockzmanbruenig: when i choose my windows OS on the list my computer restarts what does that means?05:11
HyperpenguinI've got a question. Can I put the partitions for Ubuntu in an extended partition and have it work okay?05:11
=== Shinzetsu [n=Shinzets@ipd50a2372.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
erUSULfarmer: fat does not support links05:11
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sto6ma9chjgpons: What about reinstalling the package with "sudo apt-get install vmware-player --reinstall"?05:11
Shinzetsuhow do I delete all files in a folder, without deleting the folder itself?05:11
bruenigrockzman, paste your menu.lst in the pastebin05:11
scrappy_Jamie: in other words copy their xorg.conf and you can always sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg if it screws up05:12
bruenigand give a link05:12
=== AngryElf_ [n=AngryElf@ip68-100-101-98.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)05:12
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farmerierusul: it does under win05:12
rockzmanbruenig: sure05:12
rockzmanbruenig: it just stop entering05:12
rockzmanbruenig: where is my menu.lst?05:12
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Jamiescrappy_: but i need to reboot when i changed the config right?05:12
jgponsI'll try05:12
bruenigShinzetsu, do something like this rm -rf /path/to/whatever/*05:12
scrappy_Jamie: no just /etc/init.d/gdm restart05:12
bruenigrockzman, /boot/grub/menu.lst05:12
erUSULfarmer: well you have noticed that linux! = windows, haven't you ? ;)05:13
soheilhow to install a new fonnt under ubuntu?05:13
Shinzetsubruenig: thanks, worked05:13
Jamiescrappy_: aah.. tahnx that will make stuff easier05:13
soheilI'm new to ubuntu:)05:13
sh4dox:( my tv out won't work :(05:13
jribShinzetsu: you may need to use .* as well if there are any hidden files05:13
farmererusul: what i am trying to do is mount a fat partition and then link the .wine dir to that05:13
soheilI'm new to ubuntu:)05:13
soheilhow to install a new fonnt under ubuntu?05:14
jrib!font > soheil05:14
NetcadAnyone know how to do commandline s/mime ?05:14
erUSULfarmer: you can not do that as i've said fat does not support unixlike links05:14
farmererusul: cause i am having truble with wine looking for the wrong case05:14
farmer(as in case sensistive)05:14
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jgponssto6ma9ch... thanks for your supportt. I'm still stuck at the same point. I'll try to do something radical :)05:14
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sto6ma9chjgpons: Really sorry, but I have to get going (reunion, what fun!).05:14
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jriberUSUL: might he be able to make a symlink named .wine to the mounted fat partition?05:15
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rockzmanbruenig: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2045305:15
jgponssto6ma9ch: thanks anyway! Have a nice day05:15
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frogzooNetcad: apt-cache search mime05:15
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bruenigrockzman, what partition is windows on05:15
JackMacOKCI have an Athlon64 4400 X2, which is better - amd64 or k7 kernel?05:16
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farmerjrib: yes but wine expects c and other dirs to point to drive_c05:16
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Netcadfrogzoo ?05:16
farmerjrib: when I copy those files to the new part it wont copy the links05:16
rockzmanbruenig: hda205:17
frogzooJackMacOKC: for desktop, 32bit is better supported - go k705:17
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funkjaIs there a way to manually add a sound card?05:17
scrappy_JackMacOKC: youll have alot less trouble on the 32bit k7 kernel and not notice a decrease in speed05:17
JackMacOKCfrogzoo: and k7 automatically includes SMP support, right?05:17
rockzmanbruenig: u did read me ? hda205:17
sh4doxsomeone who can help me with my tv out probleme? my tv screen keeps black while i can see my movie on my notebook :s05:17
bruenigrockzman, it is on the second partition on your hard drive?05:17
rockzmanbruenig: sim05:17
farmerjrib: I was wondering whether wine will evalute .lnk files05:17
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rockzmanbruenig: sorry yeap05:18
farmerjrib: do you know at all?05:18
JackMacOKCscrappy_: what kind of troubles are typical, in a nutshell?05:18
bruenigwindows doesn't like being second05:18
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adri_help me please! when i do "open" in mutella it tells me this stange message: All initial GWebCaches appear to be invalid or unreacheable. Supply working Gnutella web cache URLs or verify your internet connection. Currectly it is impossible to initiate connection to the Gnutella network"05:18
rockzmanbruenig: well it have been working since i installed my ubuntu now it just restarts when i choose windows ^.-05:18
JackMacOKCwindow 105:18
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frogzoobruenig: depends which version of doze - xp doesn't mind05:19
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efferis there a p2p client that downloads from the same sources as limewire, but isn't JAVA?05:19
scrappy_JackMacOKC: most things will work but there will be problems with maybe win32 codecs flash etc05:19
rockzmanbruenig: could it simply bugs?05:19
bruenigrockzman, put up the pastebin again, maybe frogzoo can help, the entry looks fine05:20
scrappy_JackMacOKC: ive heard never tried it yet05:20
rockzmanfrogzoo: yo can ya ?05:20
brueniglooked like mine when I dual booted long ago05:20
jribfarmer: I understand your problem now.  I don't think wine will follow windows .lnk files like symlinks.  How come you need it to be on fat?  Can't you use ext3 instead?05:20
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bruenigexcept modified for hd(0,0)05:20
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JackMacOKCscrappy_: ahh, yeah thats important for me to have. well i installed and am currently running amd64, so i guess i need to apt-get the k7 kernel. i can do that and not reinstall right? or is it better to just start over?05:20
rockzmanfrogzoo: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2045305:21
frogzooJackMacOKC: not sure if k7 is smp enabled, but I'd say it was pretty likely05:21
Netcadfrogzoo : What's that got to do with anything?05:21
bruenigeffer, http://www.gnutelliums.com/linux_unix/05:21
frogzooNetcad: there's literaly dozens of mime cli tools05:21
efferbruenig, thank you :)05:21
=== viper [n=viper@99.Red-88-10-185.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
EpPI hear about some cool new browser besides forefox for ubuntu, anyone know what its called?05:22
rockzmanfrogzoo: do you mind? helping me?05:22
bruenigEpP, opera, epiphany, there are lots05:22
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elmatoopera > firefox ... although it seems to run rather slow in linux for me05:23
bruenigepiphany is a gnome-like browser in icons and feeling, perhaps that is cool?05:23
EpPbruenig, it does blogging easily... I saw it at an ubunutu meeting.05:23
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Netcadfrogzoo : Fine. Here's the problem.05:23
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EpPbruenig, starts with and f or an r?05:23
tarzeauelmato: links2 > opera05:23
FennyLaphey guys.. can someone help me mount my ntfs storage drives please?05:24
bruenigoh I know what you are talking about, I forgot what it was called05:24
jrib!ntfs > FennyLap05:24
Netcadfrogzoo : Typically email programs these days, in order to support gpg, detach things like signatures. So the body needs to be generated first, so that it can be signed, and then the attachment added.05:24
frogzoorockzman: that looks ok to me, was this working? if so, what changed?05:24
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tarzeauEpP: dillo?05:24
bruenigit was championed as a web 2.0 browser05:24
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Netcadfrogzoo : Its something thats normally built into mailclient, because its dependant data.05:24
FennyLapwell this was a windows box.. and I installed ubuntu last night05:24
efferbruenig, i already have gtk-gnutella....it downloads from the same sources as limewire?05:25
FennyLapand I have these ntfs drivers that are soley for storage05:25
EpPtarzeau, i dont think so...05:25
Netcadfrogzoo : So what I'm looking for is a way to encrypt mail on the command line in a way thats hospitatal to mail clients that decrypt via s/mime.05:25
bruenigeffer gnutella is the network all of those clients run on05:25
efferbruenig, ah, ok....i've never actually used gtk-gnutella, i just installed it when i first installed ubuntu...i'll give it a shot now, thanks for the help :)05:25
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interfearwhats a good wifi card for ubuntu that works flawless out of the box?05:25
Netcadfrogzoo : Its not something so simple as cat message | gpg --encrypt -r ID | mutt address -s "Title"05:26
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:26
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Netcadfrogzoo : And there should be something easier than cat message | gpg --encrypt -r ID > mktemp; mutt address -s "Title" -a whatevertempwascreated05:26
jribFennyLap: did you get the private message from ubotu?05:26
FennyLapya I did.. im checking it out now05:27
polpakinterfear: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported05:27
bruenigeffer, you can get limewire for linux if you want, it was on that link I sent you05:27
bruenigthe page is formatted poorly so you have to scroll to the right05:27
FennyLapbut I am running dapper05:27
FennyLapso it should automatically work right05:27
tuna!ntfs > tuna05:28
jribFennyLap: what should?05:28
Netcadfrogzoo : Its not a well described (or commonly used) process, so I'm asking in the off chance someone has already done it in hopes that I don't have to spend 4 days picking apart rfcs. You grok?05:28
FennyLapit should automatically mount05:28
rockzmancan someone help me with my brug?05:28
rockzmancan someone help me with my grub?05:28
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jribFennyLap: I believe you still need to set them up in fstab using the directions on the wiki, though I haven't used a fresh dapper install so I could be wrong05:29
frogzoorockzman: that looks ok to me, was this working? if so, what changed?05:29
FennyLapI think they are messed up :\05:29
rockzmanfrogzoo: that is why i am confused05:29
Taxman2ok, sory, dumb question, I couldn't quickly find in the docs. Where does add/remove apps store the package files it downloads?05:30
rockzmanfrogzoo: nothing has been changed, what possibly could had happened ?05:30
bruenigrockzman, you don't need windows anyway05:30
ag0nyhow do i turn PREEMPT off?05:30
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elmatoFennyLap : If you just installed dapper, and had the ntfs plugged in while you installed it they most likely got automatically added to fstab. They should be mounted in /media/hda1 etc...05:30
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soheilwhat is the word 'server' that mostly is used in ubuntu documentation?05:30
elmatoKeep in mind they will be mounted Read only...05:31
rockzmanbruenig: i have some windows applications that does not run properly on linux :)05:31
bruenigrockzman, like what05:31
soheilwhat is the word 'server' that mostly is used in ubuntu documentation?05:31
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome05:31
FennyLapelmato,  they didnt... I had troubles before if installing grub in the wrong mbr.. so I had everything discconected05:31
theverantdoes Ubuntu/KDE have some kind of level or EQ control outside of the audio players? Both XMMS and Amarok sound like crap unless I turn down the EQ.05:31
FennyLapthat way I could ensure there were no problems05:31
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elmatohehe fair enough05:31
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soheilwhat is the word 'server' that mostly is used in ubuntu documentation?05:32
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z3r0_dis there a howto for installing nvidia's nforce audio drivers in ubuntu?05:32
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto05:32
soheilcouldn't find anythibng on the net05:32
z3r0_d... or at least something that's more specific about the config files that need editing...?05:32
frogzooNetcad: yeh, see the problem, take a look around, should be something like this05:32
frogzooTaxman2: /var/cache/apt/archives/05:33
cacioushow can i get the full support for NTFS?05:33
erizzleis dapper the newest ubuntu avail? or is there a newer one yet?05:33
z3r0_derizzle, there's 6.06.1 ...05:33
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javbUsing XMMS, under ubuntu 6.06. Cant play remote files using SMB protocol. Any way i can do this?05:33
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse05:34
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:34
neutrinomassAhh, it doesn't mention ntfs-3g05:34
jriberizzle: dapper is the latest stable05:34
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Taxman2frogzoo: there's only two in there, but I have several installed, IIRC05:34
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elmatofull ntfs support is still kinda experimental... have a look at http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=23836054&forum_id=269705:34
neutrinomasscacious: ntfs-3g is probably your best chance to get write support for NTFS but it is DANGEROUS and NOT recommended05:34
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neutrinomass!ntfs-3g > cacious05:34
erizzledoes ubuntu work like debian where I can just change dapper to unstable to get the latest greatest stuff?05:34
polpakerizzle: dapper is the most current release of ubuntu.  the next version "Edgy" is in development05:35
carloshow can I install postfix with virtual domains ?05:35
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adri_my cache in mutella are currently not valid. Can someone give me valid caches please???05:35
polpakerizzle: dapper is pretty recent.05:35
erizzleanyone running Edgy? is it usable yet?05:35
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polpakerizzle: probably not05:35
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rockzmanfrogzoo: yo dude when i set debug mode on where can i read what is  happening?05:35
polpakerizzle: ubuntu is on a 6 month release cycle05:35
rockzmanfrogzoo: about Grab..05:35
erizzlepolpak: I can't get everything installed needed to compile fluxbox05:35
wikingare here any alternative like Blender?05:36
jriberizzle: fluxbox is in the repositories, do you want to compile it?05:36
erizzlepolpak: I get broken dependencies05:36
polpakerizzle: 1) you don't need to compile fluxbox, it's in the repos   2) you probably can compile it because it's in the repos05:36
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z3r0_dwiking, alternative what?05:36
polpak!info fluxbox05:36
ubotufluxbox: Highly configurable and low resource X11 Window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.14-2 (dapper), package size 720 kB, installed size 2288 kB05:36
rockzmanCan someone tell me where is the path of the logs of Grub when I set debug mode on05:36
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wikingz3r0_d, are any other 3d modeller05:37
EpPwiking, blender?05:37
z3r0_dwings3d is very good, but it doesn't have any features beyond modeling05:37
adri_my caches in mutella are currently not valid. Can someone give me valid caches please???05:37
frogzoorockzman: try the grub setup mentioned here: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/installation/36888-grub-wont-boot-windows-xp.html05:37
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erizzlea. the version of fluxbox in the repos are old 2. I have updated debs for my debian box and it's much faster and I'd like my gf's computer to run the same but I use debian and I installed dapper for her. I really don't feel like reformatting and loading debian just to get a more recent fluxbox05:38
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wikinghow to find wings3d?05:38
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erizzleI like ubuntu but it seems like it really wasn't made for advanced users05:39
z3r0_dwiking, it's in the repositories... it should show up in synaptic and the add/remove thing05:39
jriberizzle: apt-get build-dep fluxbox,  I've compiled latest fluxbox fine on dapper05:39
z3r0_dwiking, find tutorials from http://wings3d.com/05:39
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wikingz3r0_d, ok! Thanx!05:39
txx2hello, can someone tell me the kernel version of ubuntu 6.10 edgy eft?05:40
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velenohello. can I safely install 6.0.6 over a debian/unstable, so that my personal (home) stuff is left untouched ?05:40
polpakerizzle: you're ignorance is showing. There's nothing to prevent you from compiling the new version05:40
GeleGrodanNeed help with gnu grub, i remove my linux partion in windows (it was on a slave hdd) and now when i boot it try to load gnu grub and it  fails (run a live cd now) how to remove it ?05:40
EpPveleno, back it up on cd?05:40
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Masqywhen I install a newer version of an existing package, wjat should I do?05:40
polpakerizzle: especially if you are in fact an "advanced user"05:41
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Masqy( I compiled it myself (./configure and then make install )05:41
HyperpenguinI used Gparted to make an extended partition with two logical partitions (ext2, ext3) and now Gparted can't determine the filesystem type.05:41
adri_my cache in mutella are currently not valid. Can someone give me valid caches please???05:41
Masqyshoud I just ./install ?05:41
velenoEpP, it's /very/ big05:41
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eyequeueMasqy,no, apt-get install foo05:41
EpPveleno, im not sure. Maybe you could back it up on an external HD.05:41
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Masqyeyequeue: I want the newest version, which is yet not supported with the package manager.05:42
GeleGrodanhow to remove GNU GRUB?05:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about microphone - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:42
gorskihow to find specific files on other partitions?05:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mic - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:42
doublehpGeleGrodan: why would waht to do that  ?05:42
Masqywill it break the installation, that is, if later that version will be avilable, what should I do05:42
Masqyspecifically, how do I uninstall such a package in a "clean" way afterwards05:42
Dr_Willisnewest verison of what?05:42
GeleGrodandoublehp: it fails to load, becouse i remove my linux partion05:42
GeleGrodannow i cant load windows..05:43
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MasqyDr_Willis: lets' say emule, or wxwidgets, which is needed for it.05:43
gorskihow to find specific files on second partitions?05:43
Dr_WillisGeleGrodan,  boot the XP cd. and enter its rescue mode. use 'fixmbr' command.05:43
steveO_veleno: Highly doubt that'd work.  Back up your /home dir, wipe out, then put your home dir in place05:43
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munsaPLEASE HELP!!!05:43
doublehpGeleGrodan: so, if you dont have linux at all, you need to boot MS floppy or live CD, and run fdisk /MBR05:43
munsaWow Awsome I can finally type!05:43
Dr_WillisMasqy,  one way is to use that 'klik' installer page/method.. anotehr is to use the source but install it in your USERS directory. not the system wide ones.05:43
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MasqyI'm afraid that other programs that use my wxwidgets will not function properly05:43
GeleGrodanDr_Willis: it must be exact same? got windows xp media center, but only window xp cd..05:44
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GeleGrodanit works ?05:44
GeleGrodani try later.. food time05:44
munsaSomeone please help me, I tried to install XGL and now I am having wsome wack graphical problems.05:44
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Dr_WillisGeleGrodan,  any of them whould work. 'fixmbr' is the xp way of doing it now.05:44
polpak!xgl > munsa05:44
MasqyDr_Willis: that is in the /usr/... path?05:44
munsaIIs there a way to make it go back to normal?05:44
GeleGrodanhope not dad try to use the computer =)05:44
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems05:44
EpPshould I install ubuntu on my desktop or keep XP, because i have ubuntu on my ppc laptop05:44
Dr_WillisMasqy,  users home dir. ie: dont isntall stuff system wide.. is 'safest'05:44
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polpakuse #ubuntu-xgl for xgl support05:44
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Masqybut  the problem is I need some dependencies, that is I have to install 2 packages that will relay on one another, and then I probably have to run fdconfig05:45
Netcadfrogzoo :There's not something easy to find. That's why I'm asking if someone else has already done it before I bury my nose in the s/mime rfc, libgpgme and some "libsmtp" for a week.05:45
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Linuturkok, i got a problem05:46
Linuturkwhenever I run a program via wine05:46
Dr_WillisMasqy,  if using .deb packages then you have to isntall them system wide as far as i know.. if using source.. the user can install all that stuff in their own dir.05:46
munsaI am having some serious problems here with my Gnome05:46
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munsacan someone help me please05:46
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Linuturkmunsa, just ask05:47
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Dr_Willismunsa,  now ya know why i dont mess with XGL.    XGL support is in #ubuntu-xgl05:47
BackemanHi! Is it hard to setup squid?05:47
Dr_WillisBackeman,  rather trivial last i messed with it.05:47
MasqyDr_Willis: so how will the , say, newest amule, will know to refer to the newest wxwidgets, which are both installed in my /home/user dir ?05:47
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BlueEaglemunsa: not unless you describe the nature of the problem05:47
BackemanDr_Willis: okey, then I'll give it a try, thanks05:47
stianGreetings, anyone know of decent alternatives to gtkpod for adding music and managaing playlists on an ipod nano=05:47
Dr_WillisMasqy,  for a single app like that - i would check the 'klik' homepage and see if they have it..05:47
munsaLinuturk I messed up my gnome. I tried to install XGL and it was totally wacked out05:47
munsaLinuturk I removed it and now I am still having some wierd graphical problems05:48
lixBackeman: http://www.visolve.com/squid/sqguide.php05:48
eyequeuemunsa, /join #ubuntu-xgl05:48
munsaI cant figure out how to get my computer back to normal05:48
FennyLaphey can someone help me with this fstab syntax05:48
munsayea i know eye05:48
FennyLapima bit worried that ill screw it up05:48
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munsai dont need xgl help i need ubuntu help05:48
eyequeueFennyLap, man 5 fstab05:48
WarboAnyone know why 1280x1024 is not available to xrandr after I added it with dpkg-reconfigure, and checked xorg.conf and it is there? (My monitor goes up to 1024x768 by the way)05:48
Dr_Willismunsa,  yep. :P had similer issues.. xgl is a little messed up. in the 'how do i remove it dept.'05:48
erizzlewhoever just said they compiled fluxbox on dapper, did you use any special switches? like --prefix=/usr or anything else?05:48
FennyLapI wanna add /dev/hdb1 to the list05:48
LinuturkWhenever I run a full screen application via wine, it moves my desktop applets all around on the top panel. The bottom panel is unaffected. I've tried locking them to the panel, and they still move.05:49
BernardoI'm having problems with running samba as a PDC on a ubuntu machine. I have one other ubuntu machine that is working well with the domain, and another that can't join the domain anymore. All have the latest samba (3.0.22-1ubuntu)05:49
Dr_Willismunsa,  the xgl guys proberly know the correct way to remove it. I sure dont.05:49
Backemanlix: wow, thanks! ;)05:49
munsaDr_Willis - what do you suggest?05:49
lixBackeman: np05:49
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Bernardoanyone can help me with samba?05:49
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DoodluvBackeman: http://www.deckle.co.za/squid-users-guide/Main_Page05:49
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munsaI removed it as far as I know05:49
Dr_Willismunsa,  reread the docs for xgl.. reverse the steps.. if that dont work.. ask the xgl guys why their docs dont have a good  howto unstall feature. They may hafve a url that details the proper way to remove it.05:49
Dr_Willismunsa,  its posslble you missed a step.05:50
munsaDr_Willis yea thats what I did.05:50
MasqyDr_Willis, what is 'klik' ?05:50
Dr_WillisMasqy,   http://klik.atekon.de/05:50
munsaDr_Willis I am in my gui now, but it is wacked out05:50
munsareally sucks05:50
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Dr_Willismunsa,  now ya know why i tell everyone that xgl is a 'work in progress'05:50
adri_my caches in mutella are currently not valid. Can someone give me valid caches please???05:50
Bernardowas there any update to samba in ubuntu this last two weeks that might have broken the PDC?05:51
munsaDr_Willis yea, it actyally looked like it worked05:51
munsabut then it was bam i couldnt do anything05:51
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Dr_Willismunsa,  i never have gotten it to work right.05:51
munsaso i removed it and now I can move around, but like I cant close any of my windows, I cant move them eather with the mouse.05:51
Dr_Willismunsa,  then i tested out a live cd and saw all the nausa inducing special effects..05:51
munsaDr_Willis which live CD I just wanted to see the cool effects05:52
Dr_Willismunsa,  ive also seen several different install docs for it..  and some of them were vague. :P05:52
munsaya know05:52
FennyLapcan I not write to my nfts drives?05:52
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munsathere are a million of them05:52
Dr_Willismunsa,  koronna or somthing like that.05:52
munsaive no idea what to do now05:52
munsaahh yea05:52
Dr_Willismunsa,  make a new user. see if it affects them as well.05:52
ubotuntfs-3g is a linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Dapper installation instructions http://lunapark6.com/?p=171005:52
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soheilwhat does this mean:E: Package automake has no installation candidate05:53
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Stormx2soheil: It means automake isn't in your current repos05:53
soheilI ran apt-get install automake05:53
Stormx2soheil: OK.05:53
soheilhow to include it?05:53
Stormx2soheil: Add multiverse and universe05:53
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource05:54
soheilI'll go eat something05:54
ag0nywhy is dapperdrake coming with a preempt kernel and modules that dont run with preempt?05:54
soheilthen, I will05:54
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soheilgod willing05:54
eyequeueStormx2, no05:54
Stormx2eyequeue: oh?05:54
eyequeuesoheil, wrong package name, not a repo issue05:54
Stormx2Im sorry05:55
Stormx2its automake-1.905:55
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Stormx2isn't it?05:55
eyequeuesoheil, automake1.9 for example05:55
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Stormx2I just installed it too XD05:55
eyequeueStormx2, right :)05:55
Stormx2but i forgot.05:55
ssddssHi, i'm trying to load XGL+Compiz with an ATI Xpress 200M. Everything has been installed fine, but, setting the xgl display at 1, there is no graphic acceleration, and setting in in the display 0, there a a lot of odd effects. What am i doing wrong? Maybe i should use gdm instead of kdm?05:55
^osh^How much difference is there between debian and ubuntu? If I make a debian package, will it end up in ubuntu? And how long will that take? Next release or sometime sooner?05:55
munsathere is no like... sustem restore thing in gnome? that reverts defaults??05:55
Stormx2^osh^: Next release.05:55
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Stormx2munsa: What needs resetting to defaults?05:56
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^osh^Stormx2: So everything is picked from debian unstable and tested for ubuntu, right?05:56
ychanyone here use teamspeak?05:56
eyequeueStormx2, he installed xgl, now wants normal gnome05:57
munsaStormx2 well my whole gui is messed up. I tried installing05:57
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Sir_Brizzych, yea05:57
munsai tried installing xgl and now its messed up and I want to go back to normal05:57
ychhow do you unmute?05:57
Sir_Brizzdepends on why it's muted05:57
ychi'm muted, and clicking the "mute" icon again does nothing05:57
ychim not sure why05:57
ychinstalled it for the first time05:57
ychand i defaulted as muted05:57
ssddsshas anyone managed to install xgl+compiz with KDE and KDM?05:57
xchey all. I was wondering if I could install ubuntu on a powerbook g4 as a dual boot option while keeping my current osx installation. I currently have 3 partitions on my hd, so I could dedicate one of those to linux05:57
ychthe mic works05:58
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems05:58
munsaStormx2 do you think you can help me?05:58
ychi can hear myself over the speakers when i talk05:58
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ychbut teamspeak remainst muted05:58
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munsapolpak thanks AGAIN05:58
polpakmunsa: that is for ssddss ;p05:58
Stormx2munsa: Hmm, I don't know. I did the same thing yesterday and ended up reinstalling dapper.05:59
munsano way05:59
Stormx2But it depends.05:59
Sir_Brizzych, I had that same problem but I can't remember how I resolved it...05:59
Stormx2What is messed up with the GUI?05:59
munsaStormx2 XGL05:59
ssddssi've read the howto. thanks for the information. However, i'm still having that weird problem05:59
munsaStormx2 now I cant move any of my windows or anything06:00
Stormx2munsa: Wait, you still want XGL?06:00
Stormx2Oh bummer.06:00
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Stormx2Did you make an xorg.conf backup?06:00
Sir_Brizzych, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=24841806:00
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munsaI want it sure, if it would work right06:00
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munsai dunno06:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ekiga - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:00
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eyequeueask the #ubuntu-xgl people how to get rid of it06:00
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munsae #ubuntu-xgl Empty06:01
Stormx2Is there not a section of the guide for uninstalling?06:01
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Stormx2Its not.06:01
Stormx249 people in it.06:01
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HyperpenguinYay! Ubuntu is installung itself now! ^_^ thanks for all the help06:01
Carmenizer"Wrote partition table, but re-read failed."06:01
elmatomunsa... you're not alone... that is exactly what happened to me06:01
Carmenizerwhy is it happenin06:01
ssddsseywqueue, thanks06:01
Stormx2Carmenizer: It just happens06:01
Stormx2Carmenizer: It doesn't matter.06:01
Carmenizerwhat do i need to do?06:01
Stormx2Carmenizer: If in doubt, reboot.06:01
Carmenizerit wont work06:01
eyequeuessddss, :)06:02
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Carmenizeri cannot make bootable partition06:02
Carmenizerit just keeps saying that06:02
Carmenizer"Wrote partition table, but re-read failed."06:02
Stormx2Carmenizer: The installer says that?06:02
Carmenizeralways when i try make bootable partition06:02
Carmenizerdude im not talkin about installer06:02
Stormx2Dude the installer handles it.06:02
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evan_w00why does it say "you do not have permission to write to this folder" on my memory stick06:02
Stormx2all partitioning can be done from the installer >.<06:02
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Stormx2evan_w00: Its been mounted as root?06:02
Stormx2evan_w00: I wouldn't know why tho06:03
evan_w00Stormx2 oh, how do I do that >.<06:03
djk_how can i check which kernel modules are used for my eth0 and eth1?06:03
Stormx2evan_w00: Actually more likey it has a FS that ubuntu doesn't support06:03
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evan_w00Stormx2 ohhh ok06:03
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Carmenizerso ur saying06:04
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Carmenizeri have to delete all the partition and make completely new06:04
Stormx2evan_w00: Go to System > Administration > Disks, Does it show up in there06:04
silentjHey! I created a new user and it looks like everything is back to normal06:04
Stormx2Carmenizer: NO.06:04
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Stormx2Carmenizer: When on earth did I say that?06:04
Stormx2Carmenizer: Use the installer to partition >.<06:04
silentjStormx2 is there a way to fix my other user?06:04
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evan_w00Stormx2 yep06:04
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evan_w00Stormx2 it shows up as "hard disk" but its a pro duo memory stick06:04
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Stormx2evan_w00: Thats OK06:05
Stormx2evan_w00: Select it, and have a look under "partitions". What is the filesystem?06:05
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evan_w00Stormx2 oh geez, FAT06:05
magus_xis there anyway to run ajax on mozilla?06:05
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Stormx2silentj: Fix what, sorry?06:05
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slackerdoes anyone know how to display the version of ubuntu (cli)?06:06
FennyLaphey guys.. how can I change the access to this new mount point?06:06
FennyLaponly root can seem to access it06:06
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silentjStormx2 I am munsa I logged onto another user and everything is working fine... question is, is there a way that I can restore my other user? or just bite it?06:06
scrappy_slacker: i think it cat /etc/lsb_release06:06
magus_x"ajax isn't a known protocol"06:06
Stormx2silentj: Hmm.06:06
jadamsI have a nasty, nasty bug with my X now...the video output is terribly scrambled06:07
Stormx2silentj: You could delete the config of the other user I suppose.06:07
slackerthnx scrappy_06:07
silentjBecause everything is perfect here06:07
slackerjust what I needed06:07
scrappy_slacker: its /etc/lsb-release06:07
wikingwhen i am trying start wings3D - terminal say that i need install openGL drivers - how to do it?06:07
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buttercup|hi there06:07
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magus_xis there anyway to run ajax on mozilla? because im getting "ajax isn't a known protocol"06:07
silentjhow can i access the files of the other user?06:07
slackerscrappy_: yes :) I just cat'ed the file06:07
jadamsI was having problems viewing fullscreen video, so I turned off glx...X wouldn't boot, I switched to vesa, and my graphics got corrupted (even in console, they were extremely staticky all the time)06:07
Stormx2magus_x: Eek06:08
jadamsrebooted, reinstalled nvidia drivers, and now my display is corrupted06:08
Stormx2magus_x: Like, javascript, yeah?06:08
slackersilentj: depends on the permissions06:08
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Stormx2silentj: sudo06:08
slackersilentj: but with root you can06:08
magus_xStormx2, : i dont know what it is exaclty, but i need it06:08
jadamslike, gdm shows up in scrambled pieces - rendered correctly, but it looks liek a poorly assembled puzzle06:08
buttercup|just installed dapper using the alternate cd, everything fine so far, but when i want to boot the systems it somehow always hangs at "saving VESA state"06:08
Stormx2jadams: Turn on glx and switch back to X?06:08
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jadamsmagus_x: ajax isn't a protocol though, seriously06:08
Stormx2jadams: Mine does that sometimes when i reboot X06:08
wikingwhen i am trying start wings3D - terminal say that i need install openGL drivers - how to do it?06:08
jadamsmagus_x: what are you trying to access?06:08
jadamsStormx2: no luck06:08
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magus_xjadams, : a website who needs ajax06:09
magus_xit is like java, but better IMO06:09
eyequeuesilentj, ls -lad /home/munsa/.gnome*06:09
Stormx2magus_x: Um06:09
jadamsmagus_x: I'm a web developer, I know what ajax is06:09
jadamsit is not 'like java'06:09
Stormx2magus_x: Do you understand AJAX? yeah?06:09
buttercup|i tried the recovery mode to run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and startx worked afterwards, but still the system doesn't boot when not using "recovery mode"06:09
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magus_xbut i need :~06:09
jadamsit's a process for handing data back and forth dynamicaly  :)06:09
jadamsmagus_x: there's no 'installing' ajax06:09
tuxtheslackercan you guys do me a huge favor, and send me info on installing flash?06:09
Stormx2magus_x: Dude06:09
jadamsit uses XMLHTTPRequest from your browser06:09
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wikingwhen i am trying start wings3D - terminal say that i need install openGL drivers - how to do it?06:09
Stormx2magus_x: Please think before you speak.06:09
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eyequeuesilentj, most of your gnome settings should be in those dirs06:09
jadamsif you have firefox 1.0+ you have xmlhttprequest, definitely06:09
magus_xStormx2, : , im new on linux, what you wanted me to say, -_-06:10
Stormx2magus_x: AJAX is a part of Javascript. Some browsers support it, some don't. Mozilla supports it.06:10
jadamsor a kinda modern mozilla06:10
Stormx2magus_x: Its nothing to do with linux at all06:10
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jadamsmagus_x: ajax is not related to linux though  :)06:10
__mikemAJAX is not a technology it is more of a technique06:10
Stormx2magus_x: Please, ask in #javascript06:10
neildarlowtuxtheslacker: it's on the RestrictedFormats page of the wiki06:10
buttercup|just installed dapper using the alternate cd, everything fine so far, but when i want to boot the systems it somehow always hangs at "saving VESA state" - i tried the recovery mode to run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and startx worked afterwards, but still the system doesn't boot when not using "recovery mode"06:10
slackertuxtheslacker: http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu_flash_player06:10
wikingwhen i am trying start wings3D - terminal say that i need install openGL drivers - how to do it?] 06:10
slackertuxtheslacker: but its using wine06:10
eyequeuesilentj, you could try tweaking them to be like /home/silentj/.gnome*06:10
tuxtheslackerneildarlow, it just tells me to install a package.06:10
jadams__mikem: seems an odd distinction at heart - processors are a 'technique' for placing transistors really close together  :)06:10
tuxtheslackerslacker, yeah, my gf has never used wine.06:11
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__mikemlol interesting06:11
elmatoFennyLap : assuming you are still talking about your ntfs partition... try using the following mount options - users,owner,ro,umask=00006:11
neildarlowtuxtheslacker: that's all you need to do. it integrates into your browser06:11
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slackertuxtheslacker: http://smorgasbord.net/how_to_fix_flash_plugin_ubuntu_linux06:11
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slackerthis one is without wine06:11
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tuxtheslackerneildarlow, you need to have a repo added, if I'm not mistaken.06:11
ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.06:11
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qwerty2khey, does anyone know in anjuta how to see soruce code stats? (i,e number of total lines etc)06:12
buttercup|just installed dapper using the alternate cd, everything fine so far, but when i want to boot the systems it somehow always hangs at "saving VESA state" - i tried the recovery mode to run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and startx worked afterwards, but still the system doesn't boot when not using "recovery mode"06:12
neildarlowtuxtheslacker: probably multiverse06:12
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tuxtheslackerneildarlow, I've opened that for her.06:12
neildarlowtuxtheslacker: are you using firefox?06:12
scrappy_buttercup|: will it boot if you add in grub noapic colapic nodma acpi=off vga=0x31706:12
magus_xworked now06:12
magus_xi had to install mozilla-firefox06:13
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tuxtheslackerneildarlow, yes.06:13
FennyLapelmato, when I try to mount it with that option it says wrong fs type, bad optin,bad superblock06:13
wikingwhen i am trying start wings3D - terminal say that i need install openGL drivers - how to do it?] 06:13
scrappy_buttercup|: er the colapic should be nolapic06:13
buttercup|scrappy_ i already added noapic nolapic and acpi works fine (at least used to with dapper) but i'll try the rest06:13
scrappy_buttercup|: if it works try without the nodma because that would be a pain06:14
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wikingPlease help! When i am trying start wings3D - terminal say that i need install openGL drivers - how to do it?] 06:14
neildarlowtuxtheslacker: just install flashplugin-nonfee and about:plugins in firefox should show it06:14
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elmatoFennyLap ; that is how I have them in my fstab. I guess you need to take the commas out if your just using mount ?06:14
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RicesteamI left my pc on last night to copy some files from a dvd to my harddisk. Now, when I insert dvds into my drive, it does not automount anymore....what is wrong?06:15
buttercup|scrappy_ hmm now it somehow seems to work (bootsplash) - i used noapic nolapic nodma vga=0x31706:15
slackerRicesteam: fuser $dvd_mount_point06:15
slackeryou will see which process or user is using the dvd06:15
FennyLapthat should be my options column06:15
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RicesteamI rebooted my pc though06:16
buttercup|scrappy_ nope, the same thing, it hangs at "saving vesa state" - the difference is this time it has a splash screen...06:16
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elmatoFennyLap : $sudo mount -t ntfs -o users,owner,ro,umask=000 /dev/sdc1 /media/sdc106:16
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elmatothat is how I do it...06:16
zoidberghey guys i have a problem06:16
neildarlowRicesteam: my fstab didn't have noatime in options for my DVD line. copying files with nautilus nearly toasted the inserted DVD06:16
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zoidbergmy PCMCIA services fail to start at boot?06:16
FennyLapmust have been a typo06:16
zoidbergcan anyone help me06:16
FennyLapthat did it06:16
slackerRicesteam: what is your /etc/fstab entry for your dvd?06:17
Ricesteam/dev/scd0       /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       006:17
Ricesteamneildarlow: yes I used nautilus to copy the files as well06:18
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neildarlowRicesteam: i would add noatime to that if you read DVD-RWs06:18
zoidbergcan anyone help me...my PCMCIA services fail to start at boot????06:18
Ricesteamits a DVD-R06:18
FennyLapthx elmato .. but I guess I cant write to these drives06:18
scrappy_buttercup|: id start doing chmod -x scriptname in /etc/init.d/ there is alot of stuff in there you dont needlike the mdadm and such06:18
FennyLapI need to install that new ntfs driver?06:18
slackermmm, look the same as mine, and mine does auto moun ton insertion06:18
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blowiedoes ubuntu support most network cards? driver wise?06:18
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slackerRicesteam: what does /var/log/messages say?06:18
buttercup|scrappy_ will the system still work after doing that?06:19
neildarlowFennyLap: i came across references to it on Ubuntu Planet today. it's not trivial but the guy has built some debs06:19
Ricesteam*** /var/log: directory ***06:19
FennyLapthe luna park?06:19
stianWhat do I need to do to add mp3 support to Sound Juicer?06:20
Ricesteamneildarlow: so is this a bug with Nautilus?06:20
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about drivers - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:20
neildarlowRicesteam: it seems to want to update atimes on DVD-RWs and it makes the DVD-RW very hot. i got lots of errors during copy without noatime06:20
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Ricesteamneildarlow: how do I set noatime?06:21
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scrappy_buttercup|: some of those you need but alot you do not see ubntuforums.org/showthread?t=8949106:21
olliekHi my internet connection keeps crashing but if I use recovery mode it's ok. no plugins used - Frostwire also crashes06:21
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neildarlowRicesteam: just add ,noatime after noauto for your dvd line in fstab06:21
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buttercup|scrappy_ k, thx06:22
scrappy_buttercup|: the mdadm and mdadmn-rain i would remove the executable flag from and see if it boots06:22
Sasuk3drugs are good!06:22
Ricesteamneildarlow: do I need to reboot?06:22
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javbUsing XMMS, under ubuntu 6.06. Cant play remote files using SMB protocol. Any way i can do this?06:22
neildarlowSasuk3: only as prescribed :)06:22
neildarlowRicesteam: no06:22
rukuartichas anyone fixed the problem with software mixing in lts? I'm still having problems with it and I can't get it to work.06:22
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neildarlowRicesteam: just unmount if it's already mounted06:23
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Ricesteamneildarlow: thats the problem, it no longer mounts06:23
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wweaselI am having strange GRUB problems.  It was working fine up to a few days ago, when it started taking 45 seconds to load when I boot my computer.  If I reboot my computer without turning it off, it worked normally.  Booting Linux also took a few minutes on first boot, then reg. 40 secs on reboots. I got an Error 16 once. I tried again and it worked fine.  Now I am getting an Error 18 and can't boot. Help?06:23
elmatoFennyLap you can 'try' the ntfs-3g drivers... I have a mate who swears by them... I havent had time to test them out myself so I cant give any guarentees or anything.  Perhaps fire up windows and make another ntfs partition somewhere and put it through the paces.  I usually just have a nice big Fat32 partition sitting around incase I need to transfer anything between windows and linux06:23
Sasuk3someday we will see a distro of linux for hackers.. :O06:23
Ricesteamneildarlow: is my physical drive fried?06:23
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blowieis there any documentation on driver support?06:24
shriphaniguys can ya tell me if aoe2 works under wine :)06:24
Armopuhi all06:24
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neildarlowRicesteam: can you mount it manually? it might be the media, try another06:24
BazziSasuk3: there are several already :)06:24
Sasuk3wich ones?06:24
Ricesteamneildarlow: it was working lastnite :(06:24
Sasuk3like wich ones? :P06:24
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Sasuk3my english sux (L)06:24
Armopudoes anybody know a web where can I  find all the possibilities of glx  and how to do them ? thanks06:24
neildarlowRicesteam: most things work upto the point of breakage :)06:24
Bazziauditor, backtrack, ...06:24
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scrappy_Sasuk3: for pentesting alot use backtrack now ... different knoppix based stuff06:25
Ricesteamneildarlow: i dont want to reinstall Ubuntu ....06:25
shriphaniguys can ya tell me if aoe2 works under wine :)06:25
Sasuk3ah yes col06:25
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scrappy_Sasuk3: backtrack is based on slax i think though06:25
Bazzithey're all based on each other somehow :(06:25
neildarlowRicesteam: you shouldn't need to. try mounting the DVD manually and look at any error messages at the console or in /var/log/messages or dmesg06:25
eyequeue!es > Sasuk306:26
Sasuk3what can it have? nmap and other tools?06:26
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shriphanierm people wine hangs while installing aoe 2 :(06:26
NetcadA Wireless card question. If using lspci I see "02:09.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications, Inc. AR5212 Multiprotocol MAC/baseband processor (rev 01)" - Does it mean it was Installed or just Detected ??? (I dont see it in ifconfig)06:26
scrappy_Sasuk3: big thing is wep cracking and sniffing nothing you cant do on ubuntu its just preloaded and working on the cd06:26
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neildarlowNetcad: it's just seen on the bus06:27
Ricesteamneildarlow: cdroms work06:27
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user-246i heard somthing about free ubuntu cds :S06:27
neildarlowRicesteam: but no DVD media?06:27
Ricesteamneildarlow: no :(06:27
Paddy_EIREwhat do i sudo apt-get install inorder to get ms fonts and what do i do inorder for them to take effect06:28
baldy1324hi i am having a problem when i dist-upgraded from breezy to dapper some of my fonts aren't here06:28
ubotushipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Edubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org and http://shipit.edubuntu.org06:28
=== Coffeegrinds [n=geek@host.229.196.mtl.cablemodem.vdn.ca] has joined #ubuntu
borfastOfficial Ubuntu support channel | If the repos are slow: use a mirror! | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | FAQ: hi everyone06:28
neildarlowRicesteam: does lsmod show the udf module loaded?06:28
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doraemon81helo all, i found the my ubuntu has one veli strange program inside06:28
doraemon81let &termencoding=&encoding06:28
doraemon81set fileencodings=utf-8,gbk,ucs-bom,cp93606:28
HyperpenguinI can't log into Ubuntu after I installed it06:28
doraemon81yccheok@yccheok-desktop:/usr/bin$ ls -al [06:28
doraemon81-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 24968 2006-05-06 01:50 [06:28
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Coffeegrindsanyone know why all of a sudden I lost all audio from flash files in firefox, i tried reinstalling both firefox and flash.. same issue06:28
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Ricesteamneildarlow: lsmod? how do I display that?06:29
doraemon81do u guys has tat '[' program too???06:29
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baldy1324hi i am having a problem when i dist-upgraded from breezy to dapper some of my fonts aren't here06:29
neildarlowRicesteam: just execute it06:29
HyperpenguinCoffeegrinds, I have the same problem06:29
Jell-O-Fishidoraemon81 : it's supposed to be there.06:29
Paddy_EIREwhat do i sudo apt-get install inorder to get ms fonts and what do i do inorder for them to take effect06:29
HyperpenguinI know that Youtube broke its Linux support, not too sure of the others.06:29
doraemon81what is the purpose of '['?? even using backslash, i cannt execute it?06:29
Ricesteamneildarlow: yes i think its loaded06:29
CoffeegrindsI'm just curious if it's the fact that most places are REQUIREING flash 906:29
Jell-O-Fishidoraemon81 : it's for conditions.06:30
borfastI'm trying to get an HP Photosmart 3180 scanner (multifunction printer/scanner, actually) working. The printer is working but I can't get the scanner to work. I already did a sane-find-scanner and it finds my scanner but then a scanimage -L says it can't find any scanner. can anyone help me or point me to some documentation, please?06:30
Coffeegrindsvideo.gooogle is the same06:30
Jell-O-Fishidoraemon81 :  you'll see it in shell scripts.06:30
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=== Dr_Willis wonders how all these videos suddendly got converted to flash9
ct8balllooking to manually edit my package lists..... entered one in the wrong format using the synaptic package manager... any help?06:30
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ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic06:30
HyperpenguinMaybe some Firefox update broke it or something.06:30
wweaselI am having strange GRUB problems.  A few days ago it started taking 45 seconds to load when I boot my computer, but worked normally on reboots.  Booting Linux also took a few minutes on first boot, then reg. 40 secs on reboots. I got an Error 16 once. I tried again and it worked fine.  Now I am getting an Error 18 and can't boot. Help?06:30
eyequeuedoraemon81, man [06:31
Ricesteamslacker: this is the tail of my /var/log/messages: Aug 13 12:11:58 pete-ubuntu kernel: [17179677.756000]      Additional sense: No additional sense information06:31
RicesteamAug 13 12:11:58 pete-ubuntu kernel: [17179677.756000]  end_request: I/O error, dev sr0, sector 006:31
RicesteamAug 13 12:11:58 pete-ubuntu kernel: [17179677.764000]  sr 1:0:0:0: SCSI error: return code = 0x800000206:31
RicesteamAug 13 12:11:58 pete-ubuntu kernel: [17179677.764000]  sr0: Current: sense key: Blank Check06:31
RicesteamAug 13 12:11:58 pete-ubuntu kernel: [17179677.764000]      Additional sense: No additional sense information06:31
RicesteamAug 13 12:11:58 pete-ubuntu kernel: [17179677.764000]  end_request: I/O error, dev sr0, sector 006:31
RicesteamAug 13 12:11:58 pete-ubuntu kernel: [17179677.936000]  attempt to access beyond end of device06:31
Jell-O-Fishieyequeue : i don't think there is one.06:31
RicesteamAug 13 12:11:58 pete-ubuntu kernel: [17179677.936000]  sr0: rw=0, want=68, limit=406:31
RicesteamAug 13 12:11:58 pete-ubuntu kernel: [17179677.936000]  isofs_fill_super: bread failed, dev=sr0, iso_blknum=16, block=1606:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sane - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:31
RicesteamAug 13 12:30:34 pete-ubuntu -- MARK --06:31
Coffeegrindsthats what i thought but I've got portable firefox w32 ... and an i dea .. one minute and let me test this theory06:31
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HyperpenguinRicesteam, pastebin.06:31
eyequeueJell-O-Fishi, there is in dapper06:31
Jell-O-Fishieyequeue : oook.06:31
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)06:31
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)06:32
ct8balland where to I put that?06:32
wweaselyes. you flooded the channel06:32
Megaqwertyyou can paste your info there.06:32
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Ricesteamok sorry,06:32
jame99what is the difference between xchat-common_2.6.6-0ubuntu1_all.deb  and xchat_2.6.4-0ubuntu1_i386.deb     ?06:32
Megaqwertythen give us the url, and we will be able to see it06:32
_axiomWhen I run a make install with sudo, how can I still be getting 'Permisson Denied' when trying to create files?  Doesn't this mean I am running it as root?06:32
_axiom"/usr/bin/install: cannot create regular file `/usr/share/apps/kicker/applets/tastymenu.desktop': Permission denied"06:32
zoidbergguys i really need some help06:33
eyequeuejame99, 0.0.206:33
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zoidbergubuntu does not seem to recognize my genereic intel soudncard on the motherboard....i think it is because PCMCIA services fail to start at boot?06:33
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zoidbergany help please?06:33
NthDegreedifference between them is that the common one is common to both architectures and that it is there to provide the non-arch specific components06:33
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efferdoes anyone here have a BLITZZ brand router?06:33
ct8ballwhere is my source list directory???06:33
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:33
NthDegreeyou need both jame9906:33
nostalg1ci'm running a software raid5 array of 4x 250GB, but it's somewhat full -- can i add more disks to it ?06:33
Dr_WillisYoutube sound and videos are working for me.06:34
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Ricesteamneildarlow: how do I manually mount a dvd?06:34
CoffeegrindsDR_willis I take it you've changed nothing on your system?06:34
eyequeuect8ball, are you looking for /etc/apt/sources.list?06:34
Dr_WillisNow if YouTube.com just had something worth watching.06:34
Dr_WillisCoffeegrinds,  not that i am aware of.06:34
Dr_WillisCoffeegrinds,  just the normal apt-get updates06:34
zoidbergcan anyone help me out....PCMCIA services fail to start at boot?06:34
NthDegreeRicesteam, mount -t /dev/mydevice /where/i/want/it/mounted06:34
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wweaselI am having strange GRUB problems.  A few days ago it started taking 45 seconds to load when I boot my computer, but worked normally on reboots.  Booting Linux also took a few minutes on first boot, then reg. 40 secs on reboots. I got an Error 16 once. I tried again and it worked fine.  Now I am getting an Error 18 and can't boot. Help please?06:35
CoffeegrindsDR_willis : same here but mine broke.06:35
NthDegreeRicesteam, mount -t iso9660 /dev/mydevice /where/i/want/it/mounted   <----- Correction06:35
neildarlowRicesteam: sudo mount -t udf -o noatime /dev/yourdevice /media/cdrom06:35
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=== Xoria [n=chatzill@88-105-212-26.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
NthDegreeneildarlow, not all DVDs are udf06:35
fooIs "universe" reposity like plf or something? Like nonfree?06:35
jame99I'm trying to install xchat_2.6.4-0ubuntu1_i386.deb and I'm getting this error: dependency is not satisfiable: xchat-common ... why ?06:35
XoriaHi everyone06:35
slackerjame99: with apt-get or aptitude?06:35
NthDegreefoo, universe is free but contributed by people who aren't official developers06:35
Coffeegrindsthinking i might try a portableapp / Firefox  with wine..  see if that works if it doesn the...06:36
eigenlambdawweasel: your konpyuta sounds broken06:36
neildarlowRicesteam: assuming you used udf. if you used iso9660 substitute that instead06:36
NthDegreefoo, multiverse is non-free and contributed by people who aren't official developers06:36
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Ricesteamnope...mount: No medium found06:36
Ricesteamtried both06:36
zoidbergcan anyone help me with PCMCIA services failing to start?06:36
Ricesteamdid Nautilus kill my auotmouts of DVD?06:36
eyequeuejame99, 2.6.1 is in dapper, try #ubuntu+1 for edgy06:36
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neildarlowRicesteam: have you tried more than one dvd?06:36
jame99slacker I just downloaded it from the website and double clicked it06:36
Ricesteamneildarlow: yes....06:36
NthDegreeRicesteam, check your fstab06:36
wweaseleigenlambda: Thanks, I figured that one out myself.06:36
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ct8ballI don't have permission to save the sourses.list file?06:37
XoriaI was wondering if anyone could help me, I'm tempted to try Ubuntu BUT I've never tried Linux before. I have a modem that only has drivers of Windows. Is there a way to install it to Ubuntu?06:37
fooNthDegree: gotcha, thanks06:37
eigenlambdawweasel: glad to be of service ^_^06:37
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eyequeuect8ball, sudo06:37
Ricesteam/dev/scd0       /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto,noatime     0       006:37
NthDegreeXoria, what modem is it?06:37
airgis there any command line program that will allow me to join two images ?06:37
kekwhat do i do to be able to log into SWAT as root? can't remember how i did it last time06:37
wweaseleigenlambda: But it makes no sense to me how intermittent the problem is. If it did it all the time it would be different.06:37
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XoriaAn ADSL Conexant modem.06:37
ct8ballI'm using gedit06:37
HyperpenguinStrange... Ubuntu isn't wanting to let me log in after I installed it. I tried the username/password I made with the installer, as well as the nodename and some other stuff.06:37
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eyequeuect8ball, sudo $your_editor /etc/apt/sources.list06:37
keki've removed invalid_user = root from smb.conf and set a root password with smbpasswd06:37
NthDegreeXoria, a USB modem?06:38
neildarlowRicesteam: does /dev/scd0 exist?06:38
shinobi2how do i play .wmv files?06:38
Ricesteamyes its in the /dev folder06:38
NthDegreeXoria:  It may be possible but a major pain in the ass to get it working06:38
fooHow can I see link status? I forgot the command. hm06:38
foofor eth006:38
foo(not ifconfig)06:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about restricted_formats - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:38
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:38
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olliekinternet crashes with segmentation fault - any1 help?06:39
XoriaAs long as it works I'm prepared to try anything.06:39
slackerjame99: try installing it via aptitude: sudo aptitude install xchat06:39
HyperpenguinHmm. Is there any *clean* way to uninstall Ubuntu and try reinstalling it if you can't log in to it?06:39
eyequeuethe internet crashed? cool!06:39
=== pequatre [n=jojo@AOrleans-152-1-24-159.w86-192.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_Willisolliek,  so its YOU thats crashing the internet!06:39
neildarlowolliek: the whole internet, or just your bit? :)06:40
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Ackeubu_whats the default viewer for .txt files?06:40
slackerAckeubu_: depends :)06:40
wweaselAckeubu_: Gedit06:40
NthDegreeXoria:  What you'll probably want for an easy time is an ADSL router that plugs into your ethernet slot (preferably netgear or linksys) and that will get autodetected - not the free rubbish ISPs hand out06:40
olliekwell i don't think i affect every one -but not sure!06:40
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kekHyperpenguin: just install and tell it to format the drive? or how do you mean uninstall?06:40
eyequeueAckeubu_, i would use less06:40
BackemanWhat is the program that you should use today to run windows-programs, wine?06:40
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wweaselBackeman: yes06:40
slackerBackeman: correct06:40
jame99slacker thx a lot!06:40
slackerjame99: yw06:41
magus_xwine and cedega for games06:41
Backemanslacker: thx06:41
Hyperpenguinkek: What happened was I just installed it and I can't seem to log in - must have gotten something wrong06:41
RicesteamLooks like I have to reinstall Ubuntu just to fix my dvd problem :(06:41
XoriaAh ok. I'll try that then. I was planning to go wireless soon anyway. Might aswell do it now.06:41
magus_xRicesteam, : what is your problem?06:41
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slackerRicesteam: that's really drastic06:41
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pequatrehello. I can't sudo anymore. Could anyone copy/paste his /etc/sudoers so that i see what it should look like ? thx.06:41
kekHyperpenguin: if you don't have any important files you can just install it over again i think.06:41
g-hennahi folks06:41
NthDegreeXoria:  wireless can also be a pain in the ass06:41
Dr_Willisor learn how linux works.. and learn to fix it. :P06:41
neildarlowRicesteam: try powering-off before. your hardware might be confused.06:42
Hyperpenguinkek, Okay, I'll try that. Thanks.06:42
ct8balldual monitor setup.... have a radeon 9600 using gnome06:42
slackerpequatre: what did you do?06:42
RicesteamI used Nautilus lastnite to copy over some files from DVD...now when I insert dvds to my drive, it doesnt automount, nor does it recognize it06:42
magus_xRicesteam, : what is your problem???06:42
_axiomDo make scripts usually work on ubuntu, or am I encountering weird sudo != root problems?  I keep getting 'permisson denied' for creating certian files/folders, even though I started the script with sudo.06:42
pequatreslacker, dunno :/ i've runned "faster-dapper" and some other scripts, added grubfx, etc...06:42
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magus_xRicesteam, : strange, fstab problem?06:42
=== Jack_Sparrow [n=jack@ppp-69-233-82-193.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu
NthDegreeXoria:  best bet is a wired router that plugs into your ethernet slot, those will install easily and with no hassle (you don't have to do literally anything to get an internet going)06:42
slacker_axiom: check your permissions they must be executable as well :)06:42
magus_xah, and can be a hardware problem too, do you still have windows to test it?06:42
Ricesteammagus_x: its listed in my fstab though06:43
slackerpequatre: ahhh06:43
HyperpenguinI know. I'll tell the Ubuntu installer to reformat the Ubuntu partition.06:43
slackercheck wheter you are in the admin group06:43
g-hennayesterday i added 512 mb ram to my already existing 512 mb on my acer travelmate notebook running kubuntu dapper and, while everything runs fine in windows (dual-channel mode even works), kubuntu doesn't boot any more06:43
Ricesteammagus_x: /dev/scd0       /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto,noatime     0       006:43
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Ackeubu_nautilus uses prefered applications when a file is clicked. when i use rox i have to specify an action. Is that how it should be or can i set rox to use the same pref apps as nautilus?06:43
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g-hennait stops with "loading essential drivers" and simply does nothing06:43
olliekMy internet connection crashes! every couple of minutes. no plugins on firefox used06:43
pequatreslacker, why ? is any of these prone to messing an ubuntu system ?06:43
NthDegreeg-henna, try reinstalling ubuntu06:43
Ricesteamok let my try powering off06:43
sudomania4I got an error trying to back up home to a dvd+rw, "Please replace the disc in the drive with a supported disc with at least 4531 MiB free.  The following disc types are supported:06:43
sudomania4CD-R, CD-RW, DVD+R"06:43
_axiomslacker: would that be the permissons on the make file?06:43
magus_xmy dvd reader06:43
magus_x/dev/hdb        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       006:44
Dr_Willisolliek,  try a differnt web browser yet?06:44
ct8balldual monitor setup.... have a radeon 9600 using gnome06:44
sudomania4can someone please tell me a fix?06:44
magus_xRicesteam, : "/dev/hdb        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       0"06:44
slackerpequatre: because the default install sets you in the admin group, and in sudo this groups is used06:44
magus_xthats my dvd line, its a DVD-R drive06:44
XoriaOk thats out the window then.06:44
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g-hennaNthDegree: you think there is no other way?06:44
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NthDegreesudomania4, K3B should work don't use the nautilus rubbish06:44
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neildarlowsudomania4: were you using a CD-R or CD-RW. they're only 700MB at most06:44
magus_xRicesteam, : try replacing your line with mine06:44
slacker_axiom: no.. ahh, perhaps its you umask06:44
Dr_Willissudomania4,  are you trying to back up more then the drive can hanle?06:44
Ricesteammagus_x: i don't have /dev/hdb though06:44
magus_xRicesteam, : do it :)06:44
Coffeegrindsok/ for all of us flahs lovers I'm gonna try this out, I just downloaded portable Firefox, (win32) and FLash 9 isnatlled it and tested on windows .. lets just see the results with wine06:45
olliekDr_Willis: yes. they all crash.  If I log in in recovery mode I don't have a problem06:45
NthDegreeg-henna, well i'm not sure but a reinstall would be easiest06:45
slacker_axiom: could you check the file permissions on the files/scripts that you created?06:45
magus_xRicesteam, : hdb is only if you have another hdd in IDE206:45
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borfastI'm trying to get an HP Photosmart 3180 scanner (multifunction printer/scanner, actually) working. The printer is working but I can't get the scanner to work. I already did a sane-find-scanner and it finds my scanner but then a scanimage -L says it can't find any scanner. can anyone help me or point me to some documentation, please?06:45
sudomania4neildarlow, I am using (or trying to use) a dvd+rw06:45
magus_xso, try replacing the line and reboot06:45
hyperspacespeaking of umask... what file is appropriate to change a users umask for accessing/writing to smb shares?06:45
Dr_Willisolliek,  define 'crash'  the browser crashes? the X server? the whole system?06:45
sudomania4Dr_Willis, I don't think so06:45
sudomania4NthDegree, i'll try that, thanks06:45
Ricesteammagus_x: ok, trying.06:45
magus_xRicesteam, : :)06:45
neildarlowsudomania4: has it been dvd+rw-format 'ted?06:45
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pequatreslacker, now i recall i've added something with "adduser" or somethg as part of some script i ran. maybe that screw my system. Anyway, is there an easier way to restore it rather than visudo ?06:46
Dr_Willis at least 4531 MiB free.  --> isent that 4.53 GB? thats a little large for a dvd?06:46
Jack_Sparrowsudomania4:  Readint that you are trying to use a dvd-rw whan it says your dvie does not support it06:46
sudomania4neildarlow, how do I know?06:46
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g-hennaNthDegree: any idea what could cause this?06:46
Dr_Willisor am i confused. :P06:46
neildarlowsudomania4: did you do it?06:46
sudomania4do what?06:46
jav_Is there a way to force a readyinstalled ubuntu to re-detect hardware?06:46
NthDegreeg-henna, the fact the memory isn't being detected properly06:46
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pequatre(next time i'll back it up)06:46
Jack_Sparrowsudomania4: dvd-r and rw have different capacities06:46
slackerpequatre: I think you need to restore your sudoers file and have a look at the group your user is in06:46
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olliekDr_Willis: browser disappears. If I do it from a terminal I get "Segmentation fault" and nothing else.06:46
neildarlowsudomania4: then if your burning app didn't do it for you, it needs to be done for a new DVD-RW06:46
sudomania4Jack_Sparrow, the dvd says 4.7 gb on it06:46
slackerpequatre: i think this is the source of your problem06:47
stonarmusicis there a faq about how to add a second hdd to fstab?06:47
g-hennahow is that key combination for stopping + continuing console output during boot?06:47
sudomania4Jack_Sparrow, and i'm only trying to burn ~4.5 gb06:47
pequatreslacker, yes i agree :)06:47
NthDegreesudomania4, use K3B06:47
hyperspaceI have umasked all dirs in the share to the equiv. of 770, but when i write files to a dir it does not use the group i want it to use for those files. So I have to go back and chmod/chgrp the dir/contents thereof so other users can read..06:47
sudomania4NthDegree, i'll try that06:47
sudomania4NthDegree, thanks06:47
Dr_Willisolliek,  sounds almost like a memory issue if all the browsers are doing it..  they doing it on every site?06:47
eyequeuestonarmusic, man 5 fstab06:47
neildarlowsudomania4: that's an overestimate, you only get about 4.5GB of data on a dvd-RW06:47
Coffeegrindsand still no sound in FF with latest flash under wine. though works great on my win box..06:47
Jack_Sparrowsudomania4: have you tried it with an -r06:47
stonarmusiceyequeue - ok06:47
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Coffeegrindsand with that I'm outta here06:47
sudomania4Jack_Sparrow, it works with -r06:47
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pequatrei just wanted to know if 1) anyone could c/p his so i can restore mine 2) there's a faster way of restoring it (an obscure command)06:48
slackerpequatre: this line should be in /etc/sudoers: %admin ALL=(ALL) ALL06:48
sudomania4so is there a good data burning app for gnome?06:48
Jack_Sparrowsudomania4: K3B is good tool..06:48
sudomania4k3b is for kde, right?06:48
_axiomslacker: I changed them all to 777, but I get the same problem06:48
hyperspacesudomania4 : i use gnomebaker06:48
Jack_Sparrowsudomania4: I run it under knome06:48
NthDegreesudomania4: but it works on gnome just fine06:48
neildarlowJack_Sparrow: K3B is a KDE app06:48
mcallisterHelppp!! I am using breezy and need to get it to where I can sign onto pppoe with no problems, what do I need to download?06:48
slacker_axiom: mkay..06:48
hyperspacek3b is nice too06:48
sudomania4thank you06:48
slacker_axiom: can't help now, dinner is waiting06:48
Jack_Sparrowsudomania4: I run K3B under Gnome06:48
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slackerpequatre: and grep for your user in /etc/group06:48
sudomania4so what I need to try is a better burning app?06:49
slackerpequatre: and check if you are in the group admin06:49
olliekDr_Willis: It does it every couple of minutes or so. Windows and Freespire not affected. If I log in in recovery mode its ok06:49
pequatreslacker, ok. the pb is i must reboot to gain root access :( .btw what's the command to add oneself in admin ? groupadd or addgroup ?06:49
neildarlowJack_Sparrow: you can but you might not want to install kdelibs etc. into your GNOME environment06:49
Jack_Sparrowsudomania4: Will it write ANY dvd-rw?06:49
sudomania4not sure06:49
omnidSo here06:49
=== TokenBad [i=tokenbad@c-71-193-211-174.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Backeman"Application tries to create a window, but no driver could be loaded. Make sure that your X server is running and that $DISPLAY is set correctly." What does this mean, doesn't the X-server run cause Im using gnome? What is and where do I set $DISPLAY?06:49
omnid's the deal06:49
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slackerpequatre: just open /etc/group with your favorite editor and add yourself to that line06:49
sudomania4Jack_Sparrow, I only tried 106:49
sudomania4Jack_Sparrow, and then panicked06:49
Jack_Sparrowneildarlow: Yes there is an overhead price06:49
TokenBadanyone know what happened to the little screen capture tool that was in the last version of ubuntu that could put in panel...seems to be missing now06:50
pequatreslacker, k06:50
omnidI need VMWare to run Windows whatever that has VBScript due to my school using it aparently for the basic classes06:50
efuzzyonehi, is there any way I can put a throttle on update manager?06:50
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omnidIs VMWare free for use?06:50
Backemanomnid: You using VMWare and can run VBScript?06:50
omnidNay, I want to though06:50
omnidSo that I CAN use VBScript06:50
omnidIt's Windows only correct?06:50
Backemanomnid: as far as I know06:51
hyperspaceShouldn't setting the umask of the root of my smb shared dir fix the permissions for files i create? When I write to the dir permissions are still being set as my default user:user rather than user:othergroup that I am assigned to.06:51
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pequatreCU bye06:51
DamianFinolCan someone recommend a good P2P app?06:51
hyperspaceDo I need to set the suid bit on the root dir?06:51
_axiomanybody who knows how to compile things: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2046006:51
_axiomDamianFinol: aMule06:51
sudomania4thanks and i'll try that06:51
=== Ricesteam [n=pete@HSE-Montreal-ppp123603.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
sudomania4I tried other dvd+rws now06:52
sudomania4none seem to work06:52
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neildarlowhyperspace: if you don't want to create files with your primary group, set the directory sgid to the group you want files tot be owned by06:52
hyperspaceOr are my default umask settings for this user overriding what I have umasked the dir as?06:52
sudomania4if gnomebaker and k3b don't work, then i'll try to burn less06:52
rukuartic_axiom: you need to do "sudo make install"06:52
hyperspaceneildarlow : sweet thanks!06:52
Jack_Sparrowsudomania4: Like I said, the first post you gave the error.. it does not say you can write to dvd-rw06:52
fooHow can I spit out the link status on eth0/1/2 with ethtool?06:52
rukuartic_axiom: also, use checkinstall instead of make install because it lets you uninstall it with dpkg06:53
hyperspaceneildarlow : I set that when I umask the dir? Or do I set it on my specific umask per user?06:53
RicesteamAlright, I fixed the problem by powering-off my system! Thankyou neildarlow, magux_x, slacker06:53
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TokenBadanyone know what happened to the little screen capture tool that was in the last version of ubuntu that could put in panel...seems to be missing now06:53
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Ricesteamneildarlow: so is this a Nautilus bug, or something bigger?06:53
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neildarlowhyperspace: what do you want to achieve? owndership or permissions?06:53
Backeman"Application tries to create a window, but no driver could be loaded. Make sure that your X server is running and that $DISPLAY is set correctly." What does this mean, doesn't the X-server run cause Im using gnome? What is and where do I set $DISPLAY?06:53
=== Coffeegrinds [n=geek@host.229.196.mtl.cablemodem.vdn.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Pirate-Kinghow do you get micro media flash player to work?06:54
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Coffeegrindsand as a heads up EVERY FLASH VIDEO SITE is switching to 906:54
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Coffeegrindsso looks lik ewe may be screwqed if we dont come up with a workaround here06:54
hyperspaceneildarlow : good question, It is a smb share, I want all users belonging to the "work" group to be able to rwx, which is why I chmod/chgrp/umask the equiv of 77006:54
rukuarticI'm having problems with Software Sound mixing, even though I think I have everything configured properly, sometimes I run a sound program and it says that /dev/dsp is busy06:55
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TokenBadok here is what I want to do...is get a screen capture of my background or whatever...I know there was a program that could put in panel to do it with just a click...this was in the last version of ubuntu...but now I can't find it06:55
neildarlowCoffeegrinds: yeah, and Macromedia (Adobe) haven't given us a level 9 plugin. nice06:55
rukuarticDoes anyone know how this can be fixed? Thanks. (Sorry, up one)06:55
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CoffeegrindsTEH GHEY has gotten adobe!06:55
RicesteamIs there a percentage/completion bar option for the command "cp" ?06:55
hyperspaceneildarlow : I set sgid on it w/ a 4 bit permission rather than 3? x007?06:56
eyequeueneildarlow, Coffeegrinds, write to them if you want support06:56
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neildarlowhyperspace: chmod g+s directory06:56
Fensterhey guys.. can someone link me to that htfs driver please06:56
Coffeegrindseyequeue already on it!06:56
olliekDr_Willis: If I log in recovery mode how can I work out what is affecting my connection?06:56
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)06:57
jav_Ricesteam: man cp, there is a switch for it, can't remmember what is was though "progress bar"06:57
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gekko`Ricesteam: not really, but you could use -v option. it explains what it's doing06:57
SakirethI have an idea for Ubuntu. why not make an Ubuntu for the Nintendo Wii? with a mouse like that it would rule.06:57
SakirethI'm banned at #ubuntu-offtopic >_<06:57
rukuarticSakireth: well don't get knocked off of here o-o06:57
hyperspaceneildarlow : chmod g+s dir/ .. where do I set what the default group is though? Or does it pull from the current group assigned?06:57
Sakirethrukuartic: i won't.06:57
Sakirethopers: can you unban me on #ubuntu-offtopic so i can discuss this?06:58
neildarlowhyperspace: files will be group-owned by the group of that directory06:58
RicesteamI don't feel safe using Nautilus copy anymore :(06:58
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clearzenCould someone please help me. I've been having problems with my pcmcia slot and I have determained that it is sharing a IRQ with my ethernet controller. I cannot change assignment of the IRQ in the bios. How could I change it in the config files?06:58
hyperspaceneildarlow : recursively?06:58
neildarlowhyperspace: try mkdir -p directory/foo/bar and see :)06:59
edjuJust installed ubuntu, and am trying to get "Add/Remove" onto the menu.  It's checked in the menu editor, but still doesn't show up in the menu.  Any hints?06:59
hyperspaceneildarlow : so I can set the g+s on the root of the share and it will affect all underlying files/dirs?06:59
hyperspaceneildarlow : ok thanks ;)06:59
neildarlowhyperspace: it's easiest to do all this stuff via Samba. it has controls for this sort of thing07:00
teicahhow do i enable 'fetchmail --daemon' when my dialup is up and 'fetchmail --quit' when it is down?  I tried putting those lines in /etc/ppp/ip-up.local and ip-down.local respectevily..it's a no-go.  It used to cut it with fc507:00
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hyperspaceneildarlow : ok thanks ill check out the samba docs I suppose.07:00
ct8ballif I installed wine.... where would it show up???07:00
_axiomrukuartic: it worked!  thanks07:00
phacei need to install vmware workstation on 64bit kernel... how can i do that ?07:00
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scrappy_ct8ball: /home/username/.wine/drive_c07:01
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olliekbrowser/frostwire crashes with "segmentation fault".  works ok in XP/Freespire. works ok in ubuntu recovery mode. any ideas?07:01
neildarlowis fetchmail socially acceptable? i thought getmail was preferred?07:01
ct8ballscrappy_: how would I add that to one of my menu's07:01
Fensterhey guys.. can someone link me to that ntfs driver please07:01
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pequatreslacker|food, in case you're still slacking ariund, sudo is back :)07:02
neildarlowFenster: check recent posts on Ubuntu Planet07:02
Ricesteamis there an alternative to "cp" ?07:02
scrappy_ct8ball: im not too familiar with gnome to add a link on desktop you would ln -s ~/.wine/drive_c / ~/Desktop/wine07:02
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loko555i have the problem that if i use my bluetooth mouse, the window-focus hangs and i only can use the window that is activated, i cannot select another window anymore nor i can click links in firefox and so on, only scolling is working in the window that is in focus. somebody know this problem?07:02
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scrappy_ct8ball: er the / should be on drive_c/ not a space over07:03
pequatrewhich 3-number code is sudoers supposed to be set at ? (e.g. 777 ?)07:03
ravaloxhey, anyone here ever install ivtv on a 64-bit dapper drake ubuntu box?07:03
hyperspaceneildarlow : sweet found the file/dir creation mask settings thanks for thee hint ;)07:03
edjuLet's try another way - what's the easiest way to add/remove programs in ubuntu?07:03
Fensterthe link was pasted in here07:03
Fensterit is that lunarpark6 or something07:03
eyequeuepequatre, 44007:03
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pequatreeyequeue, thx07:04
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eyequeuepequatre, r--r-----07:04
verboseedju: that's a matter of opinion...i find it easiest to use apt-get in a terminal07:04
neildarlowhyperspace: i set-up a Samba PDC recently so it's still fresh in my mind :)07:04
pequatreeyequeue, yeah that's 440 right ? :)07:04
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eyequeueedju, one more vote fot apt-get07:04
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eyequeuepequatre, yes07:04
edjuverbose, Thanks - I'll read the man page, then, since I'm new to all this.07:05
eyequeueedju, dpkg --purge foo to remove07:05
verboseedju: cool, if you have any questions after reading it, feel free to ask07:05
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hyperspaceneildarlow : cool, i see that i have create set to 664 default and dir to 775, do you happen to know what the word is for setting sgid?07:05
johnsandmancan I install ubuntu by using VPC and how must I manage that ? please asnwer me07:05
eyequeueedju, system > admin > synaptic if you like guis07:05
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scrappy_johnsandman: you mean install under virtualpc in windows?07:06
clearzenCan you set IRQ's in linux?07:06
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edjueyequeue, It's a new install, and I don't have menu items that the help references.07:06
johnsandmanscrappy yep07:06
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pequatreanother question for the ubuntu folks: if i launch K3B during my session it won't start (no gui) but if i reboot then it will be amongst the 1st apps that show up with gnome...any idea ?07:06
eyequeueedju, system > admin > synaptic should even be present in a new install07:06
scrappy_johnsandman: the only problem i had was i had to add the line idle=poll at bootup i think because of some hyperthread problem07:07
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edjueyequeue, Nope.07:07
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eyequeueedju, weird07:07
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johnsandmanok it is not for me so i must boot the pc after add the line and then install ubuntu ?07:08
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pequatremaybe edju's not in the admin group, if no, those entries won't show07:08
mausiwolfseit ihr noch da die mir beim VMWARE geholfen habt07:08
scrappy_johnsandman: yea i thing you highlight the install to hard drive and hit f6 and add that line at the end youll have to do it whenever you boot so it should be added to /boot/grub/menu.lst as well07:09
pequatremausiwolf, english please or #ubuntu-de07:09
mausiwolfwrong room :D07:09
edjupequatre, admin froup - will check.07:09
edju*froup* *group*07:10
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:10
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johnsandman<scrappy_>actually I am not there so I am copy the answer I hope she can handle it :|07:10
=== emx [n=emx@SE400.PPPoE-1027.sa.bih.net.ba] has joined #ubuntu
clearzenCan I set IRQ's for my pcmcia slot in ubuntu?07:11
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scrappy_johnsandman: it will be a problem after install because shell see a grub screen and have to hit e to edit and add the line again07:11
SANCan anyone help me installing Ubuntu? I'm a real linux newbe, I cant find out what to do, at the part where i have to deal with some partitions...07:12
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bruenigSAN, are you trying to dual boot?07:12
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omnidIs VBScript in Windows 2003?07:12
bruenigSAN, are you in the live cd now?07:12
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bruenigSAN, ok go to manually edit the partition table07:12
omnidAllright guess I will use that in VMWare07:13
johnsandmanok I copy it to her :P07:13
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ct8ballstill cannot find wine???07:13
bruenigSAN, once there tell me how many partitions you have07:13
zmpdoes anyone know if its possible to run ".NET framework" in ubuntu?07:13
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SANokay I have 2 partitions, one is used forwindows07:13
bruenighow big is the non windows one07:13
teicahhow do i enable 'fetchmail --daemon' when my dialup is up and 'fetchmail --quit' when it is down?  I tried putting those lines in /etc/ppp/ip-up.local and ip-down.local respectevily..it's a no-go.  It used to cut it with fc507:14
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clearzen@zmp there is a C# engine called mono.......it's a emu that was supposed to let you run some of the .net stuff07:14
eyequeueteicah, sudo dpkg-reconfigure fetchmail?07:14
OsirisX11hello can someone please help me with xgl/compiz? when i start up my window borders are gone and i have to do metacity --replace to get them back07:14
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eyequeueOsirisX11, /join #ubuntu-xgl07:15
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bruenigSAN, did you get that last statement/.07:15
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OsirisX11clearzen: its not an emu btw, its a fill open source .net interpreter brought to you by the same person who brought you gnome and evolution: miguel de icaza07:15
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OsirisX11thank you eyequeue07:15
clearzensorry, my bad07:15
eyequeueOsirisX11, np07:15
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fortri want to make a livecd with the newest version of ubuntu for i386... i'm not sure which image to get07:16
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SANyes I have 2 partitions07:16
bruenigfortr, the desktop cd07:16
fortrthere's 6.06 and 6.06-107:16
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bruenigSAN, how big is the non windows partition07:16
SAN25 gb07:16
eyequeuefortr, 6.06.107:16
polpakfortr get 6.06.107:16
eyequeuefortr, has fixes etc07:16
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bruenigSAN, ok that's plenty, right click on it and delete it07:17
fortrall right, thanks a lot guys07:17
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bruenigSAN, right click on it and hit new or create or whatever it is07:17
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HyperpenguinUbuntu successfully installed! :D07:18
buttercup|is there anything wrong with "ftp://ftp.free.fr/pub/Distributions_Linux/plf/ubuntu/plf/dists/dapper/free/binary-i386/Packages.gz" in the repositories?07:18
bruenigformat this partition as linux-swap and make it twice the size of your RAM,07:18
polpakHyperpenguin: congratulations07:18
bruenigprimary too07:18
=== Hyperpenguin runs off to play with it happily
HyperpenguinSee ya!07:18
bruenigthere will be room left over obviously07:18
SANhow big a partition do I make then, and what file system?07:19
bruenighow much RAM do you have07:19
bruenigoh with the remaining?07:19
bruenigwith the remaining stuff, make it ext3, primary and the remainder of the space07:19
seatouchhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20462 ==> how to fix this07:19
SANi have 1024 MB ram so 2048 mb partition07:20
=== scrappy_away is now known as scrappy_
bruenigSAN, they always say twice the size of the RAM, you could probably make it less. It is more of a preference thing. If you want to space, you could go as low as 512 and be reasonable07:21
bruenigthe space*07:21
sychoanyone tell me how I can get the the cd burner in nautulis to auto convert mp3 to wav files before burning an audio cd?07:21
seatouchwell ?07:22
scrappy_sycho: id install k3b not sure if naut is quite that smart07:22
bruenigSAN, did you get the swap partition made yet?07:22
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SANdoing it now07:22
fooIf I want to set up a catchmail e-mail address that forwards the mail.. I can set up an alias by doing * : forward.here@somewhereelse.com .. in sendmail. hm07:23
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buttercup|is there anything wrong with "ftp://ftp.free.fr/pub/Distributions_Linux/plf/ubuntu/plf/dists/dapper/free/binary-i386/Packages.gz" in the repositories?07:23
bruenigSAN, ok and the rest of the space?07:23
SANthats in a ext3 partition now07:23
bruenigSAN, ext3, primary yes07:24
SANwhat do you mean by primary?07:24
bruenigseatouch, you could try the deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/w/wu-ftpd/wu-ftpd_2.6.2-20_i386.deb07:24
bruenigSAN, there is an option that asks if you want to make it primary extended or logical, it defaults to primary so it probably doesn't matter07:25
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sychoscrappy: an good cd creation software for gnome?07:26
SANok but whan I look at it now the 2 latest partitions I've made says filesystem unknown :S07:26
bigbill52a What is this error..I just got it while installing ubuntu-desktop....** (process:24730): CRITICAL **: egg_desktop_entries_add_group: assertion `egg_desktop_entries_lookup_group (entries, group_name) == NULL' failed07:26
bruenigSAN, ok once you have that made, do it again, the graphical install is sometimes a bit buggy07:26
seatouchbruenig ok thanks07:26
bigbill52ait only occurred when i apt-get install ubuntu-desktop07:26
=== miles [n=miles@c-67-190-95-106.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
clearzenwhat exactly is the differance between apt-get and aptitude?07:27
mileshey, does anyone know how to get CrossOver installed?07:27
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tarzeauclearzen: they've got different cow powers07:28
tarzeauclearzen: try moo as parameter07:28
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eyequeueclearzen, aptitude is a gui app07:28
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto07:28
tarzeaueyequeue: no it's not07:28
mookidhas anyone managed to get the netgear WPN111 to work with nubuntu?07:28
eyequeuetarzeau, looks it to me07:28
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tarzeaueyequeue: it's interactive maybe, but not gui07:28
bruenigSAN, when you have partitioned everything the partition table should look like this 1 - Windows - ntfs or fat32, primary............ 2 - Swap - linux-swap, primary.......... 3 - Ubuntu - ext3, primary07:28
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seatouchbruenig http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20463 .. same error still :(07:29
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bruenigseatouch, yeah figured as much, looks like a dependency issue07:29
bigbill52ait started when gnome menus were installed07:29
eyequeueclearzen, anyway, apt-get has that nice cli goodness07:29
milesso yeah, when I goto install crossover i use : sh ./install*.sh07:29
seatouchbruenig how to fix itthen ?07:29
milesit tells me it failed, so I sudo sh ./install*.sh and it says that /home/miles is not my home direcotry07:30
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nilesh892003hello i am using ubuntu from last 1 months now i realise that its performance is slower than 1st run how to increase its speed .in windows we delete temporory files what to do in ubuntu07:30
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SANThe installer keeps showing unknown filesystem :-S07:30
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bruenigseatouch, not certain, personally from looking at the error, I might try to remove /usr/share/man/man8/ftpshut.8.gz as that seems to be when it erroring07:30
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seatouchbruenig tried to do that .. but still its having the same problem07:31
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bruenigwhat is this package for?07:31
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mileshow do I make a user like root?07:31
Jell-O-Fishinilesh892003 : check the system monitor if something is running in the background hogging cpu.07:31
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.07:31
seatouchbruenig wu-ftpd? well its for running a ftp server07:32
milesbruenig: I've tried that.07:32
milesCrossOVer still doesn't work07:32
mookidhas anyone managed to get the netgear WPN111 to work with nubuntu?07:32
seatouchbruenig i tried install proftpd but no idea why it doesnt work .. no errors cant connect07:32
milesmookid: I tried, it didn't work.07:32
=== tlibasci [n=tlibasci@ip70-177-98-6.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
TokenBadok here is what I want to do...is get a screen capture of my background or whatever...I know there was a program that could put in panel to do it with just a click...this was in the last version of ubuntu...but now I can't find it07:32
mookidshit :/07:32
bruenigseatouch, hmmm, I was hopping it was just an ftp client so I could look like a genius and refer you to gftp but alas no go07:32
mookidBT Voyager 1010 ?07:32
bigbill52a What is this error..I just got it while installing ubuntu-desktop....** (process:24730): CRITICAL **: egg_desktop_entries_add_group: assertion `egg_desktop_entries_lookup_group (entries, group_name) == NULL' failed07:32
clearzenWhat exactly are the GPG keys for?07:32
bigbill52adoes anyone know?07:32
milesclearzen: they are like a fingerprint.07:32
seatouchbruenig :P07:33
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milesclearzen: each program/file/person should have a unique one.07:33
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Fensterhey guys.. I just did the new ntfs driver07:33
bruenigmiles, what do you need a user to be like root for?07:33
Fensterand this is there error I get when accessing that drive07:33
Fensterthe device /dev/hdb1, is mounted.07:33
Fensteruse the force option to work a mounted filesystem.07:33
Fenstermount failed.07:33
NetcadNow that I have both ath0 and wifi0 in my ifconfig output, everything should just 'work' when I'm in the reach of a Wifi router ?07:33
milesbruenig: CrossOver won't install as sudo07:33
cr4sh3ris there a way to remove xserver-xorg-driver-ati without removing xserver-xorg-driver-all?07:33
clearzenWhen running sudo apt-get update I get GPG errors....how can I reload a key?07:33
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bruenigmiles, that CrossOver is not pirated is it?07:33
milesbruenig: it says "/home/miles direcotry does not belong to you.07:33
Fensterany idea what the force option is?07:34
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milesbruenig: nope.07:34
jackintheboxanybody know of a good N64 Emulator?07:34
milesbruenig: Demo, straight from their site.07:34
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nilesh892003hello friends i installed frostwire and limewire in ubuntu dapper drake but both are not starting after clicking on its icon what to do no wi am new in linux07:34
=== RootMyBox [i=Charlie@82-32-190-53.cable.ubr02.hawk.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigmiles, i got the same error when I tried to install the pirated version, I just gave up07:34
bruenigwhat do you mean crossover for07:34
milesdamn it!07:34
scrappy_nilesh892003: you need java07:34
pequatrenilesh892003, do you have sun-java ?07:34
TokenBadI guess there is none07:34
RootMyBoxAnyone know a way of getting my password for root and user in Ubuntu? do i9 have to run a livecd and what not??07:34
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bruenig!info nvu07:35
ubotunvu: Complete Web Authoring System. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0-0ubuntu4 (dapper), package size 8343 kB, installed size 26440 kB07:35
milesrootmybox: ubuntu has no root.07:35
cschneiddoes anybody know where the user's wine cfg file lives by chance?07:35
milesrootmybox: well, wait.07:35
RootMyBoxIt does..07:35
milesrootmybox: not EXACTLY true....07:35
=== naga44 [n=naga@cpe-72-227-91-211.maine.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
nilesh892003how to cheak whether i have java or not07:35
clearzenubuntu does have a root sudo -s -H07:35
scrappy_RootMyBox: you can boot in recovery and change the password with the command 'passwd username'07:35
mookidmiles, did you use nsdiswrapper?07:35
shediRootMyBox, sudo passwd root07:35
bruenigmiles, or if you want you could do chown -R root:root /home/username, install it and then chown it back to you afterwords07:35
RootMyBoxscrappy_: Doesnt it ask for any passwords? or what not?07:35
milesrootmybox: nah, I just bought a new card!07:35
jackintheboxAnybody know of a good Nintendo 64 Emulator that works on ubuntu?07:35
eyequeueRootMyBox, see this:07:36
milesI'll try that07:36
mookidmiles, what card?07:36
scrappy_RootMyBox: drops you in a root shell i thing07:36
eyequeue!rootsudo > RootMyBox07:36
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about proftpd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:36
SANOk so now i quit the installer and made the partitions vith the program in Ubuntu, and it seems to work07:36
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mileslinksys somethin or other.07:36
ubotuFTP clients: gftp, konqueror, kbear, nautilus. FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd07:36
eyequeueRootMyBox, that url has the explanation07:36
mookidWhat wireless cards work easily with nubuntu?07:36
nilesh892003how to install java in ubuntu dapper07:36
Jamiehwo can i see what acivities are running?07:36
bruenigSAN, ok, well once you get past the partition part and it asks you for mount point, say so07:36
scrappy_RootMyBox: on any linux system you can add the line init=/bin/sh and boot and then do mount -o remount,rw / and then change a password07:36
pequatrenilesh892003, go in synaptic and look for "sun java"07:37
milesbruenig: chown didn't work...07:37
Juz_Visitingis there a Ubuntu-ppc channel? what's it's #name ?07:37
RootMyBoxshall i use the sudo passwd root command07:37
ubotuppc is PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers, and now a fully supported Ubuntu architecture.07:37
bruenigmiles, it didn't work? as in you got an error?07:37
milesit was all denied07:37
eyequeueRootMyBox, see the url the bot gave you, it's not advisable07:37
mookidWhat wireless cards work easily with nubuntu?07:37
miles"Operation not permitted"07:37
godtviskenHow could I make my own keymap that is listed in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard -> Layouts ?07:37
scrappy_RootMyBox: just passwd username07:37
milesdamn it07:38
milesI got it07:38
pequatrenilesh892003, use the search function of course07:38
milesI forgot to sudo it.07:38
bruenigmiles, you could sudo chown07:38
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milesbruenig: yep, that worked.07:38
bruenigmiles, make sure you change it back before you reboot because if you don't it wont allow you to login07:38
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milesGot that one covered07:38
=== sharperguy [n=sharperg@88-110-139-211.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
SANok now I'm at the mont piont page...07:38
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bruenigSAN, the windows just leave it as it is probably says /media/sda1, for swap, make it swap, for the ubuntu partition make sure it is / those are probably defaulted there but just in case07:39
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milesI think I'll ask the guys in #crossover07:39
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eyequeueis #crossover a cabling channel?07:40
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bruenigit is for crossover office07:40
mileseyequeue: nope, it's for the Crossover Office07:40
godtviskenHow could I make my own keymap that is listed in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard -> Layouts ?07:40
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bruenigfor those who absolutely must have winblows apps07:40
Stormx2checking build system type... Invalid configuration `i686-pc-linux-oldld': machine `i686-pc-linux' not recognized <---- meh?07:40
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eyequeuenever heard of that app, makes sense07:40
ubotudapper is the 4th and latest release of Ubuntu. Version 6.06 LTS, codename "Dapper Drake"07:41
bruenigalthough I am using wine to run windows apps right now, so I am no better than he07:41
mookidWhat wireless cards work easily with nubuntu?07:41
godtviskenOr, where are keymaps stored that are listed in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard -> Layouts ?07:41
sychoso how can I get k3b to auto convert mp3 to wav? it says right now mp3 is not a supported file format?07:41
TokenBadok here is what I want to do...is get a screen capture of my background or whatever...I know there was a program that could put in panel to do it with just a click...this was in the last version of ubuntu...but now I can't find it07:41
bruenigsycho, you need w32codecs07:41
Stormx2sycho: Install k3b-mp307:41
scrappy_mookid:  im partial to cards with atheros chipset07:41
bruenigif you don't already07:41
Stormx2sycho: or something similar I forget the name07:42
mookidthx scrappy_07:42
mookidwait isnt the WPN111 atheros?07:42
bruenigI can't believe you installed k3b, you have to install like half of kDE to run that, not worth it07:42
Stormx2Someone help out with this: I had this problem before and I can't remember how it was fixed: checking build system type... Invalid configuration `i686-pc-linux-oldld': machine `i686-pc-linux' not recognized <---- meh?07:42
MiekTokenBad: Applications -> Accessories -> Take screenshot or "Prnt Scrn" on your keyboard07:42
scrappy_mookid: dunno07:42
Stormx2ld is reporting the wrong system type07:42
Stormx2any help much appreciated07:42
Jamieis Crossover Office free?07:42
sychobruenig: I asked if there was something better for gnome and no one answered... any suggestions?07:42
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bruenigJamie no07:42
milesJamie: nope07:43
=== Frankenstein is away: Away
Jamiethats sucks ^- ^07:43
milesJamie: but they have a 30 day trial07:43
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sychowhat cd creation app would you guys recommend for gnome?07:43
JamieCrossover Office is liek wine right?07:43
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TokenBadMiek, there used to be a way to have that in a panel...07:43
brueniggnomebaker is ok07:43
TokenBaddo you know if still avail?07:43
bruenigJamie, yeah it took wine's source made some improvements and starting selling it07:44
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Jamiebruenig: i c07:44
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MiekTokenBad: you can just drag it from the Applications menu to the panel07:44
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SANWARNING: This will destroy all data on any partitions you have removed as07:44
SAN  well as on the partitions that are going to be formatted.07:44
SANthis will not affect my windows disc right?07:44
Jamiedoes Wine work any good?07:44
Fensterguh.. this ntfs driver doesnt wanna work for me07:45
bigbill52aWhat is this error..I just got it while installing ubuntu-desktop....** (process:24730): CRITICAL **: egg_desktop_entries_add_group: assertion `egg_desktop_entries_lookup_group (entries, group_name) == NULL' failed07:45
bruenigSAN, the windows box was not checked under format?07:45
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sychofenster: ihad no problems with the ntfs driver07:45
MiekJamie: depends what programs you're running07:45
bruenigSAN, then it will not be touched07:45
RandomDude15hey has anyone in here got a media center remote working in kubuntu or ubuntu?07:45
JamieMiek: on lkets say dreamweaver mx 2004?07:45
SANok :)07:45
Fensterhey sycho can I pm you and ask a few questions please?07:45
sychoyeah no problem07:45
signature16how easy is it to get wireless internet setup? I'm trying to find a good desktop distro...is ubuntu a good choice? Ive been using gentoo in the past07:45
=== eno is now known as eno-away
Miekubuntu was easy to setup with wireless on my laptop07:46
scrappy_signature16: wireless is very good on most distros these days07:46
BFGodhi everyone, could someone please help me with font aliasing?07:46
SANUhh installing system now :D07:46
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bigbill52ai need help with my eggs07:46
MiekJamie: no idea, i never use dreamweaver :p07:46
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Jamieis it hard to install windows xp as a second bootable os when u have linux installed?07:47
JamieMiek: Photoshop CS2 then?07:47
milesjamie: not really, but it's also easy to mess it up!07:47
eyequeueJamie, i have heard that ms is "rude" and takes over the whole box, so you have to install it first07:47
Jamiemiles: mess it up how?07:47
milesthe boot record07:47
Miekyou just have to boot a live-cd and re-install grub afterwards07:47
Jamieeyequeue: I see.07:47
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milesjamie: when you install linux it installs grub, Windows will overwrite that07:48
eyequeueJamie, as oin, make a small partition for ms, install it, then install every other os you ant afterward07:48
eyequeueinsomnik, want07:48
wheels3572Anyone help me with CUPS please07:48
=== eyequeue sighs
Jamieeyequeue: okok.. sounds faid.. then i will only try afind my winxp cd and key before i do any more progress here ^- ^07:48
signature16scrappy_: hmm.. for some reason i couldn't get it working on gentoo.. do you haev a specific pcmia card you would recommend getttng to replace my current one?07:48
eyequeueJamie, it's annoying, but it's the way that works, heh07:49
=== GreenPenguin is now known as greenpenguin2
eyequeueJamie, i use the ubuntu installer to make that "first partition" on the small side, lol07:49
Jamiehehe ok :P07:49
wheels3572!cups > wheels357207:49
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erdrickhow do i find out what version of xorg i have running?07:50
scrappy_signature16: ive got a proxim orinoco its the only one ive ever used but it works pretty much everywhere these days even in freebsd off the bat07:50
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eyequeueerdrick, dpkg -l xserver-xorg07:50
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scrappy_signature16: plus has external antenna port :)07:50
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mianoshi all07:51
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signature16scrappy_: just any of these? http://www.proxim.com/products/wifi/client/07:51
BlueEagleclearzen: about the sharing of IRQs between PCMCIA and NICs I don't think that's very unusual. Unless you're using ISA cards IRQs will probably not be the problem.07:52
Tearanybody know how to change display settings07:52
logiceverytime i boot my clock is set 2 hours back. any ideas what to do?07:52
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wheels3572Anyone can help I am confused on what to do here with CUPS "If you are asked for a username and password, enter your login username and password or the "root" username and password. On MacOS X, the login username (or "short name") is typically your first name in lowercase."07:52
scrappy_signature16: mine is the bg card yeah that or the abg07:52
scrappy_signature16: also heard good things about cisco cards07:53
blue-frogwheels3572: if you want to access cups thru the web page you need to add cupsys to shadow in /etc/group07:53
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blue-frogwheels3572: and restart cupsys07:53
signature16scrappy_: hmm thanks a bunch .... i appreciate it. im gunna go check those cards out07:53
mianosi have a problem with my fresh ubuntu installation -  i have a laptop with a synaptics touchpad and a line in my xorg.conf. as device i set         Option          "Device"                "/dev/input/event2". it works, but sometime i boot my laptop and the touchpad is not on event2 - it is event1. why does this sometimes change?07:53
wheels3572blue-frog, how do I go about doing this.  I am using xubuntu07:53
bigbill52ai have an egg problem..i used apt-get to install ubuntu-desktop...and ever since then whenever i use apt-get install i get ** (process:24730): CRITICAL **: egg_desktop_entries_add_group: assertion `egg_desktop_entries_lookup_group (entries, group_name) == NULL' failed07:53
blue-frogwheels3572: sudo vi /etc/group  and mind what you are doing07:54
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visik7bigbill52a: same here dunno how to solve07:54
mumbleshas ayone got the drivers for a sound blaster !live moduel no CT4170 ?07:54
wheels3572blue-frog, I am trying to add my printer so I can print from Linux so I dont have to keep going into Windows07:54
bigbill52ai wonder if it hurts anything?07:54
blue-frogwheels3572: understood but sorry I don't use xfce07:55
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blue-frogwheels3572: so I don't know if there are any specific gui for printers07:55
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blue-frogwheels3572: now if you access cups thru localhost:631 you will be bale to do what you want07:56
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mianosany idea?07:56
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M06wi need help uninstalling samba07:56
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wheels3572blue-frog, that's what Im doing through localhost :63107:57
DamianFinolHey guys, how do I avoid ubuntu login me off when I'm away?07:57
milesanyone got a really cool, transparent theme?07:57
erdrickhow do i revert my xorg from x700 to x680 so i can install some working radeon drivers?07:57
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edjuBack again.  How do I add a user to the admin group?07:57
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wheels3572blue-frog, I am asked for a username and password and what username and password I use is beyond me lol07:57
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eyequeueedju, sudo adduser foo admin07:57
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DamianFinoledju,  To use sudo?07:57
blue-frogedju: useradd user admin07:58
blue-frogwheels3572: you need cupsys added to shadow in /etc/group07:58
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blue-frogwheels3572: shadow:x:42:cupsys07:59
blue-frogwheels3572: restart cupsys07:59
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blue-frogwheels3572: log with your user login and passd07:59
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ShinzetsuHi, when I try and run one of my games I get this error on my monitor, and I have to restart my X server, http://img71.imageshack.us/img71/423/img0019wl1.jpg08:00
Jamiehow annoying.. i installed dw3 with wine.. and all goe ssmooth.. now i run it and it freez at start :P08:00
edjueyequeue, That doesn't seem to work.  e.g., sudo visudo returns nothing.08:00
SANInstallation complete, thanks for all the help bruenig, will restart now and see if everything works...08:00
ShinzetsuIt says: "Out of Range. H: 67 KHz, V: 268 Hz, Max: 1280x1024"08:01
eyequeueedju, "sudo adduser foo admin"  no visudo08:01
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veriquexlower the game resolution maybe?08:01
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omnidIs there a way to uncompress RAR files?08:01
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omnidI mean is there a program available for it I am unaware of?08:01
Shinzetsuveriquex: someone said it was something with the refresh rates08:01
omnidcommand not found08:02
Shinzetsuveriquex: like the game is using refresh rates that are not supported by my monitor or xorg.congf08:02
Shinzetsuveriquex: conf*08:02
edjuoops - wrong keyboard.08:02
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wheels3572blue-frog, I am typing my username and password that i use to log into xubuntu and it wont take it08:02
rx_hmm...cannot find kynaptic in universe,multiverse...is it normal?08:02
blue-frogwheels3572: in fact once you have added cupsys to shadow and restarted cupsys it won't ask you for anything08:02
stiv2kdoes anyone know what happened to the easyubuntu site?08:02
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T`chhow do i get a log of all the stuff apt installed?08:02
wheels3572blue-frog, it has lol08:02
wheels3572still asking lol08:03
atom_ubuntu remastering problem: preseed undocumented option "d-i base-installer/kernel/override-image string linux-server"; Where is that kernel image on cd?08:03
omnidlooks like edju needs to invest in a KMV switch08:03
veriquexShinzetsu: I don't see 67KHz being an unusual setting.08:03
Dr_Willisstiv2k,  seem to bee down for the last few days08:03
bsdfoxedju, setup synergy :)08:03
stiv2kDr_Willis: any place i can download easyubuntu elsewhere?08:03
blue-frogwheels3572: in /etc/group you have shadow:x:42:cupsys ?08:03
stiv2kDr_Willis: like a mirror08:03
sewsopsHow do I tell Ubuntu not to upgrade a certain package? Also, my sudoers is messed up I think because I never ran Ubuntu's configuration utility; I installed this through debootstrap and base-config doesn't work anymore. It's fine because I can su but it's kind of annoying because gksu, etc. don't work08:03
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veriquexShinzetsu: I'm not really experienced about running games in linux, since my linux machine is 300MHz :)08:03
Dr_Willisstiv2k,  no idea. I perfer to manually install the stuff. :P check the  wiki/forums perhaps for mirrors?08:03
edjueyequeue, sudo adduser --- admin doesn't work08:04
veriquexShinzetsu: just wanted to help08:04
Shinzetsuveriquex: np, but maybe it was in the xorg.conf or something08:04
eyequeueedju, are you running this from your primary user account?08:04
veriquexShinzetsu: out of curiosity, which game is it?08:04
blue-frogedju: do you have the right to sudo with your actual user?08:04
Shinzetsuveriquex: Neverwinter Nights, released in 2002, and it runs on Linux nativeley :- )08:04
edjueyequeue, It's the only user account.08:05
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Dr_WillisShinzetsu,  i NEVER did finish that game08:05
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ShinzetsuDr_Willis: Hehe, me neither, I just play it online08:05
eyequeueedju, can that user sudo for other things?08:05
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Dr_WillisShinzetsu,  i saw/played so many BAD servers online.. it got scary.08:05
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letters_9can you offer XP users xp style shares at all ?08:05
eyequeueedju, sudo gedit /root/deleteme08:05
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Dr_WillisShinzetsu,  i need to get that game again some time..  they got like a Uber-collectors set. :P08:05
letters_9or do they have to install samba ?08:06
sharperguywho plays nordock of neverwinter?08:06
Sat[NL] hello?  I seem to have a problem with ubuntu (desktop) install (from DVD) .... it does not give any other option than a 640x480 screen resolution, so when I click on install, I cannot see the whole window.  I'm using a philips 180p2 connected (DVI) to a radeon X700 pro08:06
letters_9ive played it08:06
wedTMyou guys should move that convo to #ubuntu-offtopic08:06
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letters_9yeah yeah08:06
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ShinzetsuwedTM: was just about to say that lol08:06
ardchoilleFolks please take the game convo to #games or something08:06
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edjueyequeue, Nothing.08:06
letters_9can you offer XP users xp style shares at all ?08:06
wheels3572blue-frog, yeah I do lol08:06
scrappy_Sat[NL] : add the line vga=0x317 by hitting the f6 key to edit  it wont work but it should resize the window so you can see08:07
eyequeueedju, then type gibberish, then try to save08:07
Sat[NL] scrappy_: ta, will try that08:07
edjueyequeue, That command returns nothing - nothing happens08:07
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edjueyequeue, Doesn't call gedit.08:08
eyequeueedju, it's possible your sudo is broken08:08
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Sat[NL] erm, scrappy_ pm08:08
TheGateKeeperletters_9: yes using samba08:08
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Dr_Willisletters_9,  be sure to enable samba passwords with 'sudo smbpasswd -a username'  - and you may want to majke the home share writeable.08:09
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edjuHow can I get a real root shell?08:09
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Dr_Willissudo -s08:10
atom_Preseed file option "d-i base-installer/kernel/override-image string linux-server". Where is that "linux-server" kernel?08:10
eyequeueedju, boot to recovery mode08:10
TheGateKeeperedju: sudu su08:10
TheGateKeeperedju: sudo su ooops08:10
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eyequeueTheGateKeeper, Dr_Willis i think his sudo may be broken08:10
Dr_Willistheres no need to sudo su :)      - sudo -s works fine. :P08:10
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Dr_Willisheh.. glue it!08:10
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CountDownWhat's the best application for manipulating Palm Pilot backup files so as to retrieve otherwise lost data?08:11
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GnonthgolIn Blender, I have this problem with selecting objects in object mode. Anyone have an idea?08:11
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atom_Can you guys point me to some Ubuntu remastering channel?08:12
phargleCountDown: hexdump08:12
Dr_Willisatom_,  not sure thgat one exists.08:12
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omnidwhat can uncompress .rar files?08:13
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ardchoilleatom_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization/6%2e0608:13
omnidIs such a thing not available under Linux?08:13
jamesonhello. what should I use to play mp3?08:13
=== RetLaw [n=RetLaw@082-146-104-046.dyn.adsl.xs4all.be] has joined #ubuntu
logicmy time is -2 hours everytime i reboot. any ideas?08:13
Baltazar^2omnid: apt-get install rar08:13
pharglelogic: set it +2 in your shutdown scripts08:13
rockzmanomnid: sudo apt-get install rar08:13
ardchoille!inf0 unrar08:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about inf0 unrar - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:13
eyequeue!mp3 > jameson08:13
omnidoh as an install! I see08:13
rockzmanomnid: rar x file name08:13
ardchoille!inf0 unrar-nonfree08:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about inf0 unrar-nonfree - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:13
usrhelp, i've installed Ubuntu 6.06.1 server, I can't login w/ my specified username/password08:14
geokokHi.I am having a problem with firefox. I can watch trailers from apple's site but I cant see other quicktime files such as these in "firefox flicks" site.08:14
=== sorush2 [n=sorush2@82-43-184-143.cable.ubr07.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
omnidrockzman thanks, also very nice name08:14
bluefoxicyhttp://www.system76.com/index.php/cPath/53_64  Free Ubuntu stickers o_o08:14
Baltazar^2omnid: apt-get install rar!rar08:14
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free08:14
ardchoille!inf0 unrar-free08:14
sorush2what do I have to have installed to use the "run" command?08:14
rockzmanomnid: u r welcome : )08:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about inf0 unrar-free - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:14
jamesonthx eyequeue08:14
=== beyond [n=beyond@201-1-179-189.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
TheGateKeeperjameson: I am using KDE desktop, and use amarok, xine engine, libxine-extracodecs08:14
omnidyou too baltazar lots of responses08:14
letters_9what about if I run wine, can I offer HD shares from that using MS Client ?08:14
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GnonthgolIn Blender, I have this problem with selecting objects in object mode. Anyone have an idea?08:14
atom_ardchoille: Thanks, but I'm messing around with install cd, not live cd.08:14
M06wcould someone explain how i uninstall samba if it screwed up when it installed08:14
=== JDahl [n=joachim@3e6b7449.rev.stofanet.dk] has joined #ubuntu
sorush2what do I have to have installed to use the "run" command?08:15
=== Tomosaur [n=foad@82-42-180-13.cable.ubr06.live.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ardchoilleatom_: aren't the livecd's also the install cd's?08:15
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rockzmansorush2: what app u want to use?08:15
geokokanyone knows how to fix my firefox issue?08:15
eobanbsay what, sorush2 ?08:15
rockzmanardchoille: can you explain what is wrong with my grub?08:15
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jamesoncan I use Rhythmbox to play music from a ntfs mounted partition ?08:15
atom_M06w: apt-get --purge remove samba08:15
Dr_WillisM06w,  what screwed up?08:15
jamesonor just the totem ?08:15
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto08:15
Tomosaurlo guys08:15
TheGateKeeperM06w: use the same apt-get command substituting install for remove08:15
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JDahlI can't find the official guide to install extra codecs etc from restricted. Any has the link handy?08:15
derrickhDoes anyone know why I cant bind a key shortcut for terminal after an XGL install?08:15
eobanbwelcome, Tomosaur08:16
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:16
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eobanbthere you go, JD08:16
rockzmanIs there anyone expert on Grub?08:16
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geokokthanks i ll check there08:16
derrickhrockzman, what doyou need?08:16
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Tomosaurwhat's the problem, rockzman?08:16
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rockzmanderrickh: Tomosaur my menu.lst is fine, I would like to know why when I choose Windows XP to start it reboots my computer08:17
M06wi didnt use an apt-get commnd to install it08:17
logicphargle: is ubuntu so confused about the time that i have to write scripts to correct it?08:17
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M06wi asked it to share a folder and it sayd i needed samba, then asked if i wanted to install08:18
omnid!rar > omnid08:18
Tomosaurdo you get any kind of error, rockzman?08:18
M06wsamba screwed up somehow when it installed and now i cant install java08:18
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derrickhrockzman: check /boot/grub/menu.lst08:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hwclock - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:19
rockzmanTomosaur: nothing Grub just loads and my boot list appears if I choose windows it reboots what does it means?08:19
derrickhsee if the Windows XP entry points to the right partition08:19
lmosherAnyone here use a DVD authoring (to make dvd vids) and if so which one?08:19
rockzmanyea it does derrickh08:19
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Tomosaursounds to me like Grub thinks windows is installed in the wrong place08:19
TheGateKeeperM06w: use either adept (or synaptic) to remove it open a terminal and type: apt-get remove --purge samba08:19
davidjohnstonok so I have officially become an idiot but I have reset my ip on my local lan using ifconfig eth0 for example08:19
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letters_9yay samba can do windows shares now without have samba installed on windows!08:19
TheGateKeeperor open a terminal,  ooops08:20
=== DevGet [n=gustav@h54n5fls32o1096.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
davidjohnstonthis works but when I reboot it goes back and grabs a ip from the DHCP08:20
M06wgatekeeper, i did that already08:20
davidjohnstonhow can I get it to always use the static08:20
rockzmanTomosaur: mmm look , i am sure it is an anomaly, look...i didnt change any config files08:20
M06wE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)08:20
M06wE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?08:20
rockzmanTomosaur: and it always used to be like this08:20
Tomosauri know, sometimes grub installs wron08:20
britishseapowerwhy wont my load average go below 1.0, it used to?08:20
=== AstralJava [n=jaska@cm-062-241-239-3.lohjanpuhelin.fi] has joined #ubuntu
derrickhrockzman, do you have two linux partitions or just one?08:20
rockzmanderrickh: 108:20
rockzmanTomosaur: i have been using it since i installed ubuntu(months ago)08:21
GnonthgolM06w: Close windows that installs/uninstalls08:21
TheGateKeeperM06w: you can't use apt-get in the cli and have adept or synaptic open at the same time08:21
=== Killeroid [n=Killeroi@pool-151-203-213-119.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Tomosaurand it only just started acting strangely?08:21
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AstralJavaHi all, a question for the developers; which way is the best way for installing edgy inside a virtual machine on a dapper laptop?08:21
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steve1234Does anyone know how to get a list of packages which are currently installed in ubuntu?08:21
rockzmanTomosaur: yea08:21
M06wi only have x-chat open08:21
rockzmansteve1234: Synaptic08:21
Sakirethwho are opers here?08:21
Tomosaurrockzman, did it start acting strangley after a kernel update, do you know?08:21
hawkaloogieM06w, you're using "sudo apt-get" right?08:21
hawkaloogieSakireth, why?08:21
steve1234rockzman: sorry, from the cli08:22
sethkM06w, did you use sudo?08:22
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Sakirethi need to get unbanned in #ubuntu-offtopic >_>08:22
sethkM06w, delete the lock file08:22
davidjohnstoni'm sorry I said everythign really fast a minute ago...can anyone tell me how to set a static ip from the command line in server mode and not have it revert back to using DHCP on a reboot08:22
Jivershi, i downloaded ubuntu iso, turns out its the freakin live cd08:22
Sakirethsomething happened about 4 months ago, and so i don't see a reason to be banned that long08:22
M06wthe what08:22
Jiverscan i install from the live cd at all?08:22
KilleroidJivers: yes08:22
SakirethJivers: There's a button on the desktop08:22
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rockzmanTomosaur: mmm but i didnt update my kernel and i checked my menu.lst is right about pointing to my windows partitions08:22
Jiversoh ok i see it08:22
rockzmanTomosaur: that is really weirdo08:22
sethkM06w, it gives you an error message about a lock file.  remove it.08:22
SakirethJivers: Run the livecd, and open the installer08:22
lmosherAnyone here use a DVD authoring (to make dvd vids) and if so which one?08:22
=== alan53 [n=alan@d198-53-226-193.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== Jivers throws up the ubuntu gang sign
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=== phargle shoot Jivers
Jiversanyone run parallels>?08:23
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Sat[NL] scrappy_: where do I actually type that in??08:23
davidjohnstonok I'm sorry again but does anyone in here use ubuntu server08:23
atom_davidjohnston: Edit file in /etc/networking08:23
CountDownphargle: In that case, Python would be my preferred app.  Any other suggestions for analyzing/recovering Palm Pilot data from backup files?08:23
rockzmanTomosaur: btw if u want i can use pastebin to send ya my menu.lst08:23
M06wit wont let me08:24
Tomosaurrockzman, ok sure08:24
davidjohnstonatom_ thank you I couldn't remember the config file08:24
stiv2kthe easyubuntu site is down, but i found a mirror, but the SVN checkout is still on their main site which is down08:24
sethkM06w, sudo rm -f08:24
BackemanI have to go for dualboot, ubuntu/Windows. What I wonder is how Im going to split up my harddrive without reinstalling ubuntu.. I have 50 GB, need about 10 for windows. Is there an easy way to "extract" those 10 GB?08:24
bigbill52ai may have a solution to my egg problem...08:24
=== jjross [n=jim@ani-pdsl1-static-180.actionnet.com] has joined #ubuntu
Gnonthgolrockzman: To be honust i use my bios's boot selector instead, just press ESC after the bios08:24
logicwhat is UTC set to in your /etc/default/rcS ?08:24
M06wdo i have to put a file address in that?08:24
atom_davidjohnston: /etc/network/interfaces08:24
rockzmanGnonthgol: u have 2 hds or 1 hd with 2 partition?08:24
Jiversanyone know how to fast switch between os's in parallels08:24
sethkM06w, a file name?  yes, of course08:24
=== harmental [n=ricardo@AGrenoble-257-1-68-88.w86-211.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
M06wjust so its clear, i'v only been using ubuntu for two days08:25
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sethkM06w, the sudo makes it run as root, and the -f says erase it even if it is marked read only08:25
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Gnonthgolrockzman: 2 partisions on one hd but grub on another hd08:25
usrhelp, i cant logon to my ubuntu server LTS even i setup my usr/passwd correctly during installation08:25
atom_davidjohnston: # This file describes the network interfaces available on your system08:25
atom_# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).08:25
atom_# The loopback network interface08:25
atom_auto lo08:25
atom_iface lo inet loopback08:25
atom_# The primary network interface08:25
atom_auto eth208:25
atom_iface eth2 inet static08:25
atom_        address
atom_        netmask
hchi, can you help me with my charset?08:25
atom_        network
Dr_Willisusr,  what user name did ya use?  ( i HOPE you dident use 'root' )08:25
atom_        broadcast
atom_        gateway
atom_        # dns-* options are implemented by the resolvconf package, if installed08:26
atom_        dns-nameservers
Sakirethso who are the opers here?08:26
erdrickcan someone tell me how to turn my x.org from 7.0.0 to 6.8.008:26
usri've used "staff" as username08:26
davidjohnstonatom_:  thanks a lot and I know the interfaces I just couldn't remember which config file it was it's been a while08:26
jonas-irci've an nforce 2 network card, and my network speed is really slow, howcome??08:26
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Gnonthgolatom_: Pastes to Pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/08:26
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M06wok, its gone08:26
M06wnow run the first thing again?08:26
rockzmanGnonthgol Tomosaur   that is the problem i still dunno if the problem is on my windows partition btw i'll paste it wait08:26
sethkM06w, right08:27
sethkM06w, see what happens now08:27
Jiversi'm scared08:27
derrickhDoes anyone know why I cant bind a key shortcut for terminal after an XGL install?08:27
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sethkJivers, me too08:27
=== dm_ [n=dm@cpe-71-74-65-85.insight.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
codecainewhen I open a link firefox opens up http://www.arizona.edu/08:27
stiv2kthe easyubuntu site is down, but i found a mirror, but the SVN checkout is still on their main site which is down, any way to get around this???08:27
dm_Anyone know how to make ipod work with amarok ?08:27
codecainehow can I fix that?08:27
M06wsame error message08:27
Sakirethi need someone to unban me in #ubuntu-offtopic >_<08:27
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erdrickis it possible to go from x.org 7.0.0 to 6.8.008:28
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TheGateKeepercodecaine: Edit -> Preferences08:28
hci need help with my charset. i think the charset is wrong in ubuntu itself, not in irssi. how can i change it to iso-8859-1 ?08:28
dm_Anyone know how to make ipod work with amarok ?08:28
rockzmanTomosaur Gnonthgol / http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2045308:28
=== Grok_ [n=halb@adsl-156-219-39.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
ardchoillestiv2k: /join #easyubuntu ?08:28
codecainemy default link is google08:28
atom_stiv2k: where is that easyubuntu mirror?08:28
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codecainebut if you click on a hyper link in irc it should go to that link08:28
hci need help with my charset. i think the charset is wrong in ubuntu itself, not in irssi. how can i change it to iso-8859-1 ?08:29
usrDr_Willis, i've used "staff" then my gf's name "hydee", still cant login08:29
jonas-irci've an nforce 2 network card, and my network speed is really slow, howcome??08:29
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steve1234Does anyone know how to get a list of packages which are currently installed in ubuntu from the command line?08:29
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Jiversinstalling from the live cd was a great idea08:29
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dm_Anyone know how to get .rar so i can unzip them ?08:29
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free08:29
TheGateKeepercodecaine: if you where using KDE I could help you, not sure where you go with gnome08:29
Tomosaurfirst of all, rockzman, get rid of those old kernel entries lol08:29
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pequatresteve1234, aptitude can tell you that08:30
rockzmanTomosaur: sure, how?08:30
Dr_Willisusr,  not sure what the deal is.. could boot to the rescue mode/failsafe mode and add new users.08:30
dm_Dr_willis thanks, what about ipod to work with amarok ?  : ) ehe08:30
Tomosaurin your menu.lst file08:30
codecaineI fixed it ty08:30
sethkM06w, paste it again, plesae08:30
stiv2katom_: here http://users.on.net/~goetz/EasyUbuntu/08:30
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stiv2kardchoille: thanks08:30
M06wteh error?08:30
steve1234pequatre: can i export it to a file?  i want to diff two machines08:30
TheGateKeepercodecaine: :-)08:30
Tomosaursee where it says '# howmany=all'?08:30
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Tomosaurchange that to '# howmany=1'08:30
pequatresteve1234, i don't know08:30
Tomosaurthen run 'sudo update-grub' from a terminal08:31
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BackemanI have to go for dualboot, ubuntu/Windows. What I wonder is how Im going to split up my harddrive without reinstalling ubuntu.. I have 50 GB, need about 10 for windows. Is there an easy way to "extract" those 10 GB?08:31
Dr_Willisdm_,  my answer to an ipod.. normally  uses a large hammer.08:31
Gnonthgolrockzman: looks all right for me. Try to boot windows another way08:31
Comrade-Sergeihow do you add more video modes from xorg.conf?08:31
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ardchoilleDr_Willis: lol08:31
rockzmanGnonthgol: sure : ) thanks i'll just try around08:31
rockzmanGnonthgol: it does not boot anyway =\08:32
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GnonthgolBackeman: System > administration > Discs08:32
ZAISMITi want to learn english? help me in it08:32
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ardchoilleZAISMIT: That is quite ot for this channel08:32
atom_staeve1234: dpkg --get-selections08:32
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=== utab [n=utab@kulnet-nat-2.kuleuven.net] has joined #Ubuntu
Comrade-Sergeihow do you add more video modes from xorg.conf?08:33
utabhello there08:33
dm_DR_Willis mine too but after 3 other HDD based MP3 players, its time to just give in ... Toshiba and Philips both crapped out on me08:33
Dr_Willisdm_,  or buy a radio? :P08:33
utabhow to exclude a directory in a tar operation08:33
ZAISMIT<ardchoille> where i am may to learn english?08:33
facugaichsteve1234: dpkg -l > file08:34
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rockzmanTomosaur: you there mate?08:34
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steve1234atom_:  sweet-jesus08:34
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ardchoilleutab: --exclude=/path/to/dir08:34
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Tomosaurrockzman, yup :P08:34
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rockzmanTomosaur: right08:34
ardchoilleZAISMIT: Please take that to #ubuntu-offtopic08:34
davidjohnstonatom_:  thanks that took care of everything08:34
BackemanGnonthgol: But how do I "extract" 10 GB from that, don't I have to unmount it, wont tjat crash the system?08:34
utabmsg ardchoille I am using that one but it is still including it08:34
BackemanGnonthgol: I only have one drive08:35
TheGateKeeperutab: example: --exclude=/proc08:35
stiv2ksteve@desktop:~/easyubuntu$ gksudo easyubuntu/easyubuntu.py08:35
stiv2ksudo: easyubuntu/easyubuntu.py: command not found08:35
=== BazziR [n=Bastian@p508004A8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
stiv2kwhy is it saying that ?08:35
Tomosaurrockzman, are you not receiving my replies in PM?08:35
unfunHow do I quit a program if it stuck, In xp you do ctrl+alt+delete, how do you do it in ubuntu?08:35
utabmsg ardchoille yes it is but it is including08:35
rockzmanTomosaur:  mabe u r not replying08:35
atom_steve1234: There was another command I can't remember...08:35
rockzmanTomosaur: lol08:35
Tomosaurrockzman, i am lol08:35
davidjohnstonalso I'm new to ubuntu in general....is there a way to switch your repositories or does it automatically search an online repository too when it does installs from apt-get08:35
Tomosaurwait there08:35
=== Akein [n=d@64-126-43-159-dhcp-kc.everestkc.net] has joined #ubuntu
Akeinis there a way to return every file with X number of a certain character or less, and not to return files with more than that number?08:35
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TheGateKeeperutab: example: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=81311&highlight=HOWTO%3A+backup08:35
IRCMonkeyXhi, people, do u know babylon dictionary ? i am looking for a dictionary  that is similar to babylon, to use in  ubuntu08:35
rockzmantry now Tomosaur08:36
facugaichsteve1234: add " > file " to what atom_ said08:36
priyankhey, im trying to compile a gtk2 app, and it returns an error as "gtk not installed08:36
priyankam i missing any development libs?08:36
utabmsg TheGateKeeper yes I need that for backup08:36
=== andrea [n=andrea@ppp-62-11-48-32.dialup.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu
GnonthgolBackeman: I would give it a try, not use to meany programs, and you could just use the CD08:36
rockzmanTomosaur:  are u saying anything?08:36
utabmsg TheGateKeeper I used that link08:36
TheGateKeeperutab: need to ensure parameters come before the place you are tar to/from08:36
ardchoilleutab: ok, I don't know what to tell you.. it works for me and it's what the man page says08:37
cschneiddoes anybody know of a command line tool that just pops up a window in gnome/xwindows with a message that I pass it?08:37
Tomosaurrockzman, yeah i just did right this second08:37
usrDr_Willis, its working now, i think the problem lies in my password, i tried adding numbers08:37
priyankwhats the package name for Gtk development libs ?08:37
IRCMonkeyXhi, people, do u know babylon dictionary ? i am looking for a dictionary  that is similar to babylon, to use in  ubuntu08:37
davidjohnstonanyway thanks guys08:37
rockzmanTomosaur: oh my08:37
rockzmanreconnect Tomosaur08:37
TheGateKeeperutab: not working?08:37
rockzmanTomosaur:  i'll also08:37
Tomosaurrockzman, hold on a second08:37
IRCMonkeyXor a multi dictionary and not text based ? could you suggest pls ?08:37
M06wsethk you want the error message right08:37
utabmsg TheGateKeeper to exclude a directory called "xp" under home08:37
sethkM06w, yes08:38
=== eliphas_ [n=eliphas_@host-84-9-255-148.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
M06wE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)08:38
M06wE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?08:38
usrDr_Willis, tnx for the help08:38
utabmsg TheGateKeeper how do I have to use that08:38
ardchoilleutab: You're not putting "msg" at the beginning of the command are you? lol08:38
IRCMonkeyX!dictionary > ircmonkeyx08:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dictionary - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:38
Akeinis there a way to return every file with X number of a certain character or less, and not to return files with more than that number?08:38
=== rockzman [n=rockzman@20132234010.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
utabmsg ardchoille yes I am08:38
TheGateKeeperutab: show me what you are already using08:38
Tomosaurrockzman, wb08:38
IRCMonkeyX!translator > ircmonkeyx08:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about translator - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:39
=== atom_ [n=atom@eet241.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
rockzmanTomosaur: =)08:39
lixM06w: Do you have administrator rights?08:39
unfunWhats wrong if I get disconnected from the net after some hours?08:39
Jiversanyone know how to fast switch between guest and host os in parallels08:39
M06wim the only user on this computer08:39
Jiversfull screen08:39
ardchoilleutab: Please do *NOT* put "msg" at the beginning of your IRC posts.. it's quite annoying08:39
M06wi should08:39
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Tomosaurrockzman, im reading you but you're not reading me08:39
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lixM06w: Put "sudo" infront of the command08:39
utabmsg TheGateKeeper  tar cvpzf backup.tgz / --exclude=/proc --exclude=/lost+found --exclude=/backup.tgz --exclude=/mnt --exclude=/sys -r --exclude=~/xp/*08:39
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rockzmanTomosaur: sup with u?08:39
=== Mugginns [n=froglok@c-68-62-60-85.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
utabmsg TheGateKeeper  tar cvpzf backup.tgz / --exclude=/proc --exclude=/lost+found --exclude=/backup.tgz --exclude=/mnt --exclude=/sys --exclude=~/xp/*08:39
Tomosaurrockzman, its not me lol I can pm with everyone else except you :P08:39
utabmsg TheGateKeeper  -r is not there08:40
IRCMonkeyX no one uses a multi-translator ?08:40
ardchoilleutab: your command is wrong08:40
rockzmanTomosaur: me also08:40
M06wdpkg: error processing samba (--purge):08:40
M06w subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 10208:40
M06wErrors were encountered while processing:08:40
M06w samba08:40
M06wE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)08:40
Tomosaurrockzman, weird08:40
rockzmanTomosaur: we are not supposed to pm each other haha08:40
Unguide1hello all08:40
=== MasterC [n=chans@dslb-084-062-230-030.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
lixM06w: did you update the repositories first?08:41
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Tomosaurrockzman, i don't have msn lol08:41
lixM06w: try apt-get update first08:41
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rockzmanTomosaur: holey shit08:41
Tomosaurrockzman, gimme a second ill try something08:41
utabmsg ardchoille what is wrong08:41
Unguide1anyone have time for a ques?08:41
ardchoilleutab: Please do *NOT* put "msg" at the beginning of your IRC posts.. it's quite annoying08:41
sethkM06w, first isn't part of the command.  he meant before the other apt-get command08:41
rockzmanTomosaur: oki08:41
Tomosaurrockzman, ill just email you instructions lol08:42
lixM06w: yes. "sudo apt-get update"08:42
utabmsg ardchoille sorry what do I have to use08:42
M06wwhat other08:42
Tomosaurrockzman, gimme a few minutes08:42
rockzmanTomosaur: nice08:42
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ardchoille/ignore utab08:42
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harmentalhow can i restart samba?08:42
M06wlix, i dont know what your talking about08:42
=== Mandeep [n=mdeioh3@adsl-072-148-023-212.sip.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
lixM06w: :) k. what are you trying to do?08:43
Unguide1I am currently running the live cd version of ubuntu and would like to install from here. I would like to use ubuntu as a server with a GUI. I am new to linux. what is the best way to do this08:43
M06wuninstall samba08:43
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lixM06w: in the command line? or woth synaptic?08:43
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lixM06w: s/woth/with08:44
M06wfirst synaptic, then the other08:44
erdrickis it possible to go from x.org 7.0.0 to 6.8.008:44
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lixM06w: what "other"?08:44
M06wthe command line08:44
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=== Lelaki`Sejuta`Pe [n=blue@c9119222.static.bhz.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
lixM06w: can you update the package list in synaptic first?08:45
slacker|foodpequatre: kewl08:45
=== eegore [i=eegore@gateway/tor/x-e60548dfd459936f] has joined #ubuntu
lixM06w: (getting the latest pakacge list. update button)08:45
slacker|foodpequatre: re sudo working again :)08:45
utabcan someone help me about tar and excluding some directories08:45
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pequatreslacker, yep08:45
=== bigbill52a [n=billy@foothills-cuda1-68-171-145-99.losaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
utabI am trying to exclude a directory under home08:45
eegoreHow does command line printing work in dapper08:45
slackerutab: man tar08:45
pequatredunno why but i had been ejected out of all the groups :/08:45
M06wthere isnt an update button08:45
utabI checked the tar man but there is still sth wrong08:46
lixM06w: sorry. its called "reload"08:46
utabI try to use --exclude08:46
=== Magicdead [n=ubuntu@cable-dynamic-87-245-81-95.shinternet.ch] has joined #ubuntu
lixM06w: in the command line its called "update"+08:46
M06wthere isnt one of those ether08:46
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lixM06w: what default language do you use?08:46
TheGateKeeperutab: the problem lies in where you put / which must be at the end, your xp dir also needs correcting /home/<user>/xp or where ever it is use what I have put in pastebin but correct the xp path: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2046608:46
M06wamerican english08:47
slackerutab: --exclude-from=$FILE08:47
slackerand $file had the files which you don't want to ave08:47
lixM06w: it's a button with a blue round arrow (should be the first button)08:47
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pequatresteve1234, still here ?08:47
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slackerpequatre: it also could have been a change in the hostname i realized while I was eating08:48
M06wonly buttons i got are help, advanced, apply, cancel, and ok08:48
Magicdeaduhm has ubuntu got something like syste recovery that installs basic system stuff again ?08:48
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Tomosaurrockzman, email sent08:48
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eegoreMagicdead: Usually you back up your /etc directory08:49
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rockzmanTomosaur: try accepting dcc chat conversation08:49
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romulohi, there are any new how-to for setting up XGL with fglrx(ATI)?08:49
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Tomosaurrockzman, tried it, said connection refused08:49
lixM06w: and in the menu bar: Edit > reload package information08:49
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rockzmanlol ?08:49
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rockzmansend one Tomosaur08:49
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Tomosaurrockzman, k08:49
GnonthgolMagicdead: If you uninstalled stuff, you probably uninstalled the Ubuntu packages too, reinstall them08:49
eegoreThen restore if the original gets corrupted08:49
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Tomosaurrockzman, says 'waiting for acknowledgement'08:49
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M06wthere isnt a menubar08:49
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rockzmannothing has appeared08:50
pequatresteve1234, "aptitude search ~i > ~/Desktop/installed.txt" :)08:50
Tomosaurrockzman, I sent the email anyway, check your inbox08:50
eegoretar is a good utility for this08:50
rockzmanTomosaur: I am08:50
rockzman: )08:50
=== salah [n=salah@216-30-75.0505.adsl.tele2.no] has joined #ubuntu
Tomosaurrockzman, k :)08:50
lixM06w: are you sure, you're talking about synaptic?08:50
eegoreLots of nice options08:50
M06wi think so08:50
Magicdead<eegore> Magicdead: Usually you back up your /etc directory<-- well my problem is, i ran fsck but accidentally forgot to unmount the drive -_- now all my /var subfolders got deleted... i can boot the system and log in as root in the commandline, but i can't start up eth0, can't start an xserver and so on... and i don't wanna set the whole system up from scratch ....08:50
=== Brownster [n=wayne@client-82-26-219-26.glfd.adsl.virgin.net] has joined #ubuntu
M06wthe window that opens when you click applications>ad/remove08:51
ubotuTo disable ipv6 read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv408:51
lixM06w:  :) and you're using ubuntu dapper-drake?08:51
M06was far as i know08:51
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lixM06w: do you want to try it in the command line?08:51
slackerpequatre: looks like you had something simialir to this.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=234912&highlight=locked+sudo08:51
lixM06w: i'll try to assist you08:51
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Ziggamonhi! does anyone know where to get inkscape 0.44 for ubuntu?08:52
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M06wdoes that mean you wernt before?08:52
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pequatreslacker, a script did it. I didn't ! :)08:52
lixM06w: I don't understand your question08:52
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slackerpequatre: you told me, but the problem looks to be similair08:52
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lixM06w: yes the thing i wanted to help you first08:53
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lixM06w: you know, what a command line (terminal) is?08:54
lixM06w: perfect08:54
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lixM06w: open a terminal window. then do "sudo apt-get update"08:54
lixM06w: you get an error there?08:54
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neil__Boa tarde08:54
utabTheGateKeeper , thank you. I misunderstood sth very easy08:54
pequatreslacker, yes that's right. registering into one group deleted from the rest :/ unfortunately i don't recall what i've done08:54
lixM06w: fine. so the list is updated now.08:54
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mytrueheroWhen I try to access a webpage that uses .cgi, Firefox tries to download the file instead of rendering it. How can I fix this?08:55
slackerpequatre: usermod -G new_group without the -a08:55
unfunfor some reason, my internet completely disconnects after 10-15 minutes of being logged in and the only way to come back is typing sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart. firefox, etc. shows that its not connected but the connection properties window always shows the signal strength with at least 95% (im on a wireless connection). I've never had this problem with windows on this computer so the router and signal is fine so it m08:55
Magicdeadanyone got an idea how i could get my /var back without reinstalling the whole system?08:55
lixM06w: then do "sudo apt-get remove --purge samba"08:55
soundraymytruehero: that needs to be fixed on the server side08:55
TheGateKeeperutab: got there in the end then :-) don't worry I had the same problem, drove me nuts for quite a while before the penny dropped08:55
eegoreGoogling does now help either08:55
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rockzmanTomosaur: omg man su - means ?08:56
BrownsterMagicdead, just a thought, if it's a ext2 partition think there's some undelete software out there08:56
mytrueherosoundray: I'm looking at the same site in OS X, and it's working fine.08:56
M06wsame as last08:56
eegoresuper user08:56
mumblesany sound card wizzards out here ?08:56
Tomosaurrockzman, su = super user08:56
Magicdeadbrownster it's ext308:56
slackerand sudo means?08:56
eegorerockzman: ^08:56
Tomosaurrockzman, super user do08:56
=== slacker is in for a popquiz ;)
rockzmanTomosaur: yea but the "-"08:57
rockzmanwhat for is that08:57
Tomosaurrockzman, why do you need to do that?08:57
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lixM06w: the lock error? or an other one?08:57
slackerthe - is that you inherit the enviroment as the user08:57
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slackerrockzman: su - is login as root, with the root enviroment, otherwise you will use your envoriment08:57
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lixM06w: the synaptic package manager application has to be closed, when you want to do this in the command line08:58
sgcplayerI want to see an icon for my vfat partition on my Dapper desktop; I've tried searching forums, but MUCH threads about much more complex stuff appear08:58
lixM06w: make sure synaptic is closed08:58
slackerrockzman: check man su08:58
M06wunless its hiding its closed08:58
hyperpenguinMan... Ubuntu rocks. EVERYTHING works out of the box. Thanks guys! :D08:59
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Tomosaurnot being one to let credit go to waste, you're welcome hyperpenguin08:59
soundrayslacker: do not recommend su here, please08:59
lixM06w: please do "ps aux | grep synaptic"08:59
utabTheGateKeeper, I remembered IRC, thank GOD08:59
slackersoundray: i'm not recommending su08:59
utabTheGateKeeper, thx08:59
slackeri'm explaining the su - what it means08:59
lixM06w: it shows you if the application is still running08:59
Tomosaursoundray, he's just explaining it08:59
soundrayslacker: that's fine then08:59
slackersudo su - will do the same08:59
TheGateKeeperutab: yw :-)09:00
lixM06w: you can kill is by doing "sudo killall synaptic"09:00
utabTheGateKeeper, yw ?09:00
slackerand you cannot su on a default ubuntu install09:00
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M06wmaster    9077  0.0  0.1   2880   804 pts/0    S+   15:00   0:00 grep synaptic09:00
TheGateKeeperutab: you're welcome :-)09:00
M06wdoes that mean its still running09:00
lixM06w: so it's not running09:00
utabTheGateKeeper, thx09:00
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soundraylix: you may need to instruct him to close the Add-Remove Apps thing09:01
sirjohnhello all. i am having problems with a sound blaster card - module no CT4170 anyone got any pointers ?09:01
lixsoundray: be my guest :)09:01
=== tenzin [n=tenzin@gw.ptr-80-238-207-190.customer.ch.netstream.com] has joined #ubuntu
M06wall thats open is xchat and the terminal window09:01
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sirjohnive googled for it and cant find anything that works09:01
LattywareCan anyone tell me how to make a shortcut to somthing that requires root? For example, how to make an application launcher that launches synaptic without doing sudo synaptic and then putting it into terminal.09:01
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blabithow do I view windows media files using firefox?09:02
Tomosaurblabit, download 'mplayer'09:02
blabitis that a plugin?09:02
Magicdeadmplayer-mozilla ;)09:02
Tomosaurblabit, and the essential codecs pack09:02
slackerblabit: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=23204309:02
Magicdeadwould be the plugin iirc09:02
BrownsterMagicdead, just found some interesting bits on ext3, says u cant undelete unlike ext209:02
blabittomosoar wehre do i get those?09:02
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BrownsterMagicdead, http://batleth.sapienti-sat.org/projects/FAQs/ext3-faq.html09:03
Tomosaurblabit, you can get it from synaptic or from the mplayer website09:03
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kr4zLattyware: you can use gksu instead of sudo if you don't want to use a terminal09:03
pequatreLattyware, "gksudo synaptic" would be the command09:03
Magicdeadbrownster i just copied the /var from the live cd to my deleted /var... maybe this works09:03
soundrayLattyware: launch it with gksudo synaptic09:03
eegoreIs foomatic required for command line printing09:03
lixM06w: i have to check on your error again09:03
slackerblabit: its in the reps09:03
Lattywareah, thanks09:03
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Tomosaurblabit, http://www.mplayerhq.hu/design7/news.html is the website09:03
soundrayeegore: not necessarily09:03
BrownsterMagicdead, ill cross my fingers for you!09:03
M06wyyou want me to paste it again?09:03
Magicdeadthx ^^09:04
=== MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@3e70ca7c.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #ubuntu
slackerblabit: add this to your /etc/apt/sources.list: deb http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf/ dapper free non-free09:04
eegoresoundray: well, I can't seem top command line print using the lpr pipe09:04
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BrownsterMagicdead, so system is 'mostly' working? just x window and eth0 not?09:04
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mytrueheroI'm having trouble figuring out which plugin will let me view apple.com/trailers movies in Firefox. Does anyone happen to know?09:04
slackermytruehero: mplayer/gxine09:04
soundrayeegore: but you can print through gnome?09:04
lixM06w: maybe try with "sudo apt-get upgrade"09:04
eegoreTakes me too long09:05
eegoreI am a command line junkie09:05
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utabI have read the kubuntu site09:05
soundrayeegore: but if it works, what you need is probably just the cupsys-bsd package09:05
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MagicdeadBrownster well  many things ain't working, like lynx didnt work either and so on, and there0s many "fail" messages at boot progess, but i get to a commandline, am able to use commands, and run several programs09:05
blabitanyone know the command for the 32 essential codecs?09:05
utaband there are ways to upgrade to 6.06 which is the easiest09:05
neutrinomassI've got this problem with glade: I try to open a .glade file created with an older version of glade. It opens, but there is nothing in the windows of my program ... any ideas ?09:05
neutrinomass!upgrade > utab09:05
slackerblabit: check the link I gave you09:06
M06wThe following packages have unmet dependencies:09:06
M06w  samba: Depends: samba-common (= 3.0.22-1ubuntu3.1) but it is not installed09:06
M06wE: Unmet dependencies. Try using -f.09:06
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neutrinomassM06w: Bug. File it ... (check if it's already known first please )09:06
BrownsterMagicdead, that's harsh, wish I could help more09:06
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tapasis 6.06's libpam rtlimits aware?09:06
eegorennot even availavble09:06
utabhow to open the web links provided in the messages09:07
lixM06w: so you want samba to be removed? or installed? there is a dependency that apt doesnt want to install09:07
M06whow do i do that09:07
soundray!info cupsys-bsd09:07
ubotucupsys-bsd: Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - BSD commands. In component main, is extra. Version 1.2.2-0ubuntu0.6.06 (dapper), package size 33 kB, installed size 160 kB09:07
soundrayeegore: ^^09:07
neutrinomassM06w: Actually, sorry, that's not it. Try sudo apt-get install -f09:07
M06wi want to remove it so that i can reinstall it09:07
Magicdeadbrownster i hope it's only /var that got deleted and that the  var from livecd helps, but i think most other files are there :) i really hope it works... dont wanna set up webserver/ftpserver/mailserver and so on again... anyways, going to rstart and try, wish me luck ^^09:07
slackerM06w: try installing it with aptitude, its better with dependencies09:07
M06wright now it keeps screwing up when i install java09:07
neutrinomassM06w: Then do "sudo aptitude reinstall samba-common"09:07
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lixM06w: try "sudo apt-get install samba-common"09:08
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slackersynta is similair to apt-get, only replace apt-get with aptitude09:08
eegoreit is already installed09:08
blabitok......installed mplayer for mozilla...still saying i have no media plugin installed...any clue why?09:08
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slackerblabit: restarted firefox?09:08
soundrayslacker, neutrinomass: this guy is at the edge of his capacity - please let lix deal with him and don't confuse09:08
M06wthat didnt have any errors09:08
blabityeah, just did......still nothing09:09
neutrinomasssoundray: Ok, sorry...09:09
slackerblabit: also installed mplayer?09:09
lixM06w: fine. now try "sudo apt-get upgrade" again09:09
utabubotu: is there a way to open the web links provided in the text messages09:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about is there a way to open the web links provided in the text messages - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:09
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blabityeah......how can i verify the install?09:09
eegoreubotu: command line printing09:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about command line printing - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:09
lixsoundray :)09:09
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utabubotu: thx09:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:09
bruenigblabit, ls /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins and make sure it is there09:09
M06w0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.09:09
soundrayeegore: have you set the printer you want to print on as default in System-Administration-Printers?09:09
lixM06w: fine :)09:09
unfun for some reason, my internet completely disconnects after 10-15 minutes of being logged in and the only way to come back is typing sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart. firefox, etc. shows that its not connected but the connection properties window always shows the signal strength with at least 95% (im on a wireless connection). I've never had this problem with windows on this computer so the router and signal is fine so it 09:09
lixM06w: done ;)09:09
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lixM06w: i'm glad, I could help!09:10
M06wme to09:10
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blabitflashplayer.xpt  libflashplayer.so  libunixprintplugin.so09:10
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mytrueheroslacker: I installed some xine packages, and now when I access the movie pages, it opens the video in a separate app. Is there any way to get it to play right in the browser?09:10
blabitis that what i am looking for?09:10
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Jiverswhat happened to virtue desktops09:10
slackermytruehero: sorry? letme read some backlog before I answer09:10
soundrayJivers: they turned into vice desktops09:11
bruenigblabit, should be a bunch of t hings that say mplayerplug-in-*09:11
balcomeshi, I have a widescreen laptop and all of my video players play in the wrong aspect ratio, changing the settings in the options/properties menu does nothing09:11
blabitBruenig, they are not there.........why would the command not work?09:11
bruenigblabit, you did sudo apt-get install mozilla-mplayer?09:11
soundrayJivers: please rephrase your question, I'll try to be serious this time.09:11
slackermytruehero: could you post the question again?09:11
slackermytruehero: and tell me what you did09:11
Jiversthere was a program that you could use with parallels that let you switch between os's very fast09:12
blabitBruenig, what is the command to copy into terminal?09:12
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bruenigsudo apt-get install mozilla-mplayer09:12
sirjohnhello all. i am having problems with a sound blaster card - module no CT4170 anyone got any pointers ?09:12
Jiversthere were videos: google parallels + virtue desktops09:12
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sirjohnive googled for it and cant find anything that works09:12
lixblabit: ctrl+shift>v09:12
jattwith gnome (dapper) I want to remove the "Trash" icon on my desktop (I only want to have a trash icon on one of my panels). How can I remove it (DEL doesn't do it)?09:12
lixblabit: ctrl+shift+v09:12
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Jiversi cant find virtue desktops09:12
bw__hello, i am having troubles to get ubuntu installed. Somehow only the normal install did work (desktop version) but it hangs after 70% of the installation. (i am connection right now via the ubuntu install cd)09:12
blabittrying now...09:12
bruenigjatt, I didn't know you could get a trash icon on the desktop09:12
bw__(dapper btw)09:12
soundrayJivers: is it virtu*al* desktops?09:12
Jiversthe name was Virtue Desktops09:13
bruenigjatt, open up a terminal and do cd Desktop09:13
Jiversi assume it was a play on virtual09:13
soundrayJivers: never heard, sorry09:13
blabitok.....so it ran that command now it should work?09:13
jattbruenig: well I do have one and want get rid of it :).09:13
bruenigjatt, then do rm -rf Trash, if Trash is what it is called09:13
bruenigblabit, did it say it installed?09:13
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blabityeah, bruenig, its working.09:14
blabitthanks a million09:14
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bruenighooray for me09:14
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fragoulasHELLO GUYS09:14
bruenigjatt did that work?09:14
mytrueheroslacker: I'm trying to figure out how to get apple.com/trailers movies to play in my browser. I installed a bunch of mplayer/xine packages, not really knowing what I was doing, and now the vids launch in a separate app, when I'd rather they played right in the browser.09:14
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fragoulasCAN SOMEONE TELL ME IF AUDACIOUS supports UTF8??09:14
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jattbruenig: I did now something less intrusive. I did mv .Trash /tmp but the Trash icon doesn't go away (I guess is because the gnome virtual filesystem didn't got the deletion).09:14
slackerahhh, mytruehero with that I can't help you09:14
erUSUL!caps > Fred09:14
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slackermytruehero: i have the same "problem"09:15
erUSUL!caps > fragoulas09:15
michaeljb2005how can I get ubuntu to see windows shared folders?09:15
erUSULFred: sorry09:15
mrbigstuff28does anyone know how to get wine to work right09:15
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=== sirjohn gets fedup with the sound card
jattI was thinking about a gconf key which could be used to activate/deactivate the Trash icon09:15
bruenigmrbigstuff28, what is the problem09:15
mrbigstuff28SilkRoad Online wont connect to the server09:15
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bruenigjatt, open up a terminal and do rm -rf Desktop/Trash09:16
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mrbigstuff28sim tryin to fix it for my Stepbro09:16
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bw__anyone cal hellp get ubuntu installed?09:16
stiv2kis there a way to mount my windows partition and have it accessible to all users?09:16
bw__it seems to hang without any notice09:16
erUSUL!ntfs > stiv2k09:16
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stiv2kerUSUL: thanks09:16
mrbigstuff28bruenig u know what im missing?09:16
mrbigstuff28it says09:17
jattbruenig: I don't have such directory. In my case the Trash directory is called ".Trash" with the leading . and without quotes: ls: Desktop/Trash: No such file or directory09:17
stefgbw__: first advice: get the alternate install CD if you value your partition table :-)09:17
bruenigmrbigstuff28, generally it works pretty simply, you install it via synaptic or what not, then after installation run winecfg, after running winecfg all you have to do is 'wine /path/to'whatever.exe09:17
Stormx2checking build system type... Invalid configuration `i686-pc-linux-oldld': machine `i686-pc-linux' not recognized <-- HELPPLZ09:17
soundraymichaeljb2005: have you tried via Places-Network Servers?09:17
michaeljb2005how can I get ubuntu to see windows shared folders in samba?09:17
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Stormx2bruenig: Bad way of launching wine.09:17
michaeljb2005yeah it sees nothing09:17
bruenigJatt, well what is the icon called on desktop09:17
mrbigstuff28The server is in examination or out of working time connect to http://www.silkroadonline.co.kr to see more09:18
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mrbigstuff28Silkroad online runs on my PC09:18
slackermichaeljb2005: man smbclient09:18
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mrbigstuff28were on the same network09:18
bruenigStormx2, bad? how so?09:18
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jattbruenig: I found it. The key is called /apps/nautilus/desktop/trash_icon_visible. I deactivated the key with gconf_editor and the Trash icon is not shown anymore as I wanted, thanks.09:18
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mrbigstuff28any ideas bruenig09:18
slackermichaeljb2005: don't know how to get this in a GUI09:18
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NickGarveywhat command would I use to rename ._somethingFILE1 to FILE1 and ._somethingFILE2 to FILE2, in one command09:18
Stormx2bruenig: First get to the correct working directory (cd whatever), then wine "C:/Program Files/Whatever.exe"09:18
bw__stefg, how do you mean alternate? if I try anything out of the 'normal' way it doesn't even get to an install09:19
NickGarveyI have a lot of files to rename :)09:19
michaeljb2005I tried smbclient //computername/directory and it said it couldn't connect09:19
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Sobieskiwhere can i find driver so i can use my 7800GT and Soundblaster X-Fi?09:19
bruenigStormx2, why is that better?09:19
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slackermichaeljb2005: try adding the 0U $user to that line09:19
Stormx2bruenig: Gets the working directory correct, wine environmentals work under any condition09:19
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michaeljb2005slacker:  What?09:20
slackermichaeljb2005: try smbclient -U $user //computername/directory09:20
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stefgbw__: there's the 'Desktop' i.e. Live-CDs and there's the 'Alternate' i.e. textmode install -CD's. The Desktop ones have a nasty habit of breaking your partition table at times, which can be annoying09:20
michaeljb2005slacker: $user = windows user?09:20
bruenigso it is a good practice to do that? Why does it not fail when I launch it when the .exe is in /opt or /home/username?09:20
slackermichaeljb2005: or change computername to the IP address09:20
slackermichaeljb2005: yes09:20
mrbigstuff28brenig is there something missing?09:21
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soundrayslacker: why not use $LOGNAME instead of $user? That way it will work if he copies it literally.09:21
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xenocideHey. Where is the "keyboard" shortcuts file stored? My Home/pgup/pgdown things arn't working since I wanted [ctrl] [alt] [home]  to play/pause music :(09:21
bruenigmrbigstuff28, I don't know09:21
darkowlI have a question...09:21
michaeljb2005slacker: How can I make it see it from here on out without having to do that09:21
Gingillohi, i have a problem:  When i try to install (or simply run by the cd) kubuntu, it stops sto "mounting root file system"09:21
slackersoundray: because I don't know if the windows user has the same name09:21
soundrayslacker: that's a thought...09:21
darkowlCan I remove gnome,kde and all x and still have fb ?09:21
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Sobieskiplease, i am a complete beginner to ubuntu and linux as a whole, where can i find drivers so i can use my 7800GT Video Card and Soundblaster X-Fi Sound Card?09:22
stiv2know i have one more problem09:22
stiv2kmy sound isn't working09:22
michaeljb2005slacker: Will adding that line to sessions make it do it automatically from here on out?09:22
slackermichaeljb2005: there is someting called like smbfs, but I couldn't get that working with BSD and haven't tried it with Ubuntu09:22
Stormx2!sound > Sobieski09:22
slackermichaeljb2005: then you can add the windows share to your fstab, but don't know the syntax09:23
Stormx2!video > Sobieski09:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about video - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:23
darkowlCan I remove gnome,kde and all x and still have fb ?09:23
xenocide!keyboard > Xenocide09:23
Stormx2darkowl: What is fb?09:23
soundraymichaeljb2005: try the instructions in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently09:23
darkowlframe buffer09:23
soundray(slacker ^^)09:23
stefg!ATI > Sobieski:09:23
stefg!ATI > Sobieski09:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ATI - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:23
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sirjohnhello all. i am having problems with a sound blaster card - module no CT4170 anyone got any pointers ?09:24
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto09:24
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sirjohn!sound blaster 1609:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sound blaster 16 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:24
soundraydarkowl: yes, you can, but there isn't much that you can do with just a frame buffer console09:24
darkowlsoundray> i just need it to run links in graphic mode...09:24
soundray!sound >sirjohn09:24
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=== RiP [n=RiP@112.42-200-80.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
darkowl<soundray> how do i remove gnome,kde and all x ?09:25
bruenigStormx, so if the exe is in drive_c/Program Files, I would do cd drive_c, then wine Program Files/whatever.exe, obviously spaces don't work but you get the idea?09:25
darkowljust remove it or i need to do something ?09:25
soundraydarkowl: that should be okay -- but I don't think there's a fglrx frame buffer (could be wrong, though)09:25
slackersoundray: thnx, excelent link for sambashares :)09:25
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stiv2khow do i get sound working with audigy2 cards?09:25
hc^eggdrop@square:~/eggdrop1.6.18$ ./configure09:25
hc^This is Eggdrop's GNU configure script.09:25
hc^It's going to run a bunch of tests to hopefully make your compile09:25
soundraydarkowl: try running links on the console first (Ctrl-Alt-F1)09:25
hc^work without much twiddling.09:25
hc^checking for gcc... no09:26
hc^checking for cc... no09:26
hc^checking for cc... no09:26
hc^checking for cl... no09:26
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)09:26
hc^configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH09:26
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hc^See `config.log' for more details.09:26
hc^how can i solve that?09:26
brueniginstall gcc then install cc then install cl09:26
Sacraficeif anyone can help me with ubuntu live cd please pm me09:26
bruenighc^, seriously though, sudo apt-get install build-essential09:26
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soundrayhc^: first of all, do *not* paste errors in here09:26
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faroushc^: do you have build-essential installed09:27
hc^farous: no, i don't think so. i'm installing it now09:27
faroushc^: this will solve your prob09:27
farous!pastebin hc^09:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pastebin hc^ - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:27
slackersoundray: do you have prv messages enabled?09:28
farous!pastebin >  hc^09:28
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soundrayslacker: yes09:28
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balcomesanyone know how to fix my video resolution problem when playing movies?09:28
xenocideHey. Where is the "keyboard" shortcuts file stored? My Home/pgup/pgdown things arn't working since I wanted [ctrl] [alt] [home]  to play/pause music :(09:28
stiv2khow do i get sound working with audigy2 cards?09:28
jatttaking a look with gconf-editor I see I have keys for programs I don't have installed anymore. E.g. /apps/evolution/version. Is there a way to clean up this mess (automatically)?09:28
Sacraficecan anyone help me with ubuntu live cd???????////////////09:29
shayaanyone have an easy fix for the libnss problem w/ new firefox in edy?09:29
shayaedgy that is09:29
hc^thanks :)09:29
balcomesi have a widescreeen laptop and it messes with the video ratio of movies, even when they are not widescreen09:29
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farousbalcomes: you cn set that in totem09:29
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munsaHello can someone PLEASE help me I really jacked myself up.09:29
CoffeegrindsHA! got the Firefox Flash Fix worked out!09:29
munsaPlease help, I was playing with trying to install xgl today and it crashed X. When I reboot I get this error message saying..09:29
munsaX window system version 7.0.0 ect...09:29
munsathen it says :09:29
munsa==log file /var/log/Xorg.o.log09:29
munsa== useing file /etc/x11/xorg.conf09:29
munsaX server disabled Restart GDM when fixed or something.09:29
munsaAnyhow, I installed xgl with the irections in the forums and it made my graphics all wack so i un-installed it and backtracked changing all the things back to the way they were before but now I cant do anything I dont get gnome at all just that message and the CLI. Is there any way to re-install Gnome or X or whatever so I dont have to completely re-install Ubuntu (Daper) I have so much stuff on there it would kill me to have to re-install.09:29
munsaplease help!09:29
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)09:30
soundrayslacker: did you pm me? Because I don't see anything09:30
farousbalcomes: open totme view>aspect ratio09:30
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munsathat wasnt supposed to come in one blast09:30
mrbigstuff28whats the other Windows Emulator?09:30
bruenigmunsa, /join #ubuntu-xgl09:30
bruenigI think that is right09:30
slackersoundray: yes, will pm you again09:30
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems09:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about audigy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:30
bXiinstalling fglrx is fucking up my xorg.conf09:30
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.09:30
bruenig!info audigy09:30
ubotuPackage audigy does not exist in dapper09:30
Sacrafice1live cd09:30
slackersoundray: did you see it?09:30
munsaI dont need XGL help I need to know If I can re-install Gnome09:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about liver - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:30
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darkowl<soundray> it works09:30
Sacrafice!live cd09:31
ubotuUbuntu Dapper 'Desktop' CD contains a Live CD (Ubuntu that runs straight off the CD and RAM) with an install option. Breezy's Live CD contained no install.09:31
farousmunsa: you can reinstall the xserver. yet there might be better way ask in #ubuntu-xgl09:31
Sacrafice1live cd help09:31
Sacrafice!live cd help09:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about live cd help - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:31
bruenigSacrafice, what do you need09:31
bXidoes one of you know what i can try to fix my xorg.conf?09:31
balcomesthat doesnt fix anything, its as if it does everything relative to my physical widescreen ratio09:31
bXiin the logs it says that there are no suitable screens09:31
Sacraficei am trying to boot from ubuntu live cd and its not booting, i have burned it several times09:32
nicooobalcomes -> yes09:32
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bruenigSacrafice, did you burn it as an image?09:32
Brownstermunsa, there is a way, you could try :http://www.cyberciti.biz/faqs/2006/06/ubuntu-linux-how-to-reconfigure-x.php09:32
soundraydarkowl: okay, if you're sure you only need links, you can uninstall X and the desktop environments09:32
DamianFinolHey guys, ubuntu logs me off Gnome after a while of inactivity. Is this normal? and if so, how do I turn it off?09:32
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soundrayslacker, are you registered?09:32
bruenigSacrafice, there is your problem09:32
Sacraficei burned the image to the cd09:32
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Brownstermunsa, ymmv09:32
slackersoundray: no, just joined yesterday09:32
bruenigSacrafice, if you burned it to the cd as data, that wont do anything, it needs to be burned as an image09:33
soundray!register >slacker09:33
thenerdsanglewhat is the trick for installing mysql 4.1 on dapper? i get an error whenever i try to install mysql-server-4.109:33
CoffeegrindsIf anyone is interested Fixed the Flash/Firefox sound problem alot of people were having earlier and it's easy as hell09:33
sirjohnsoundray, cant get that to work09:33
balcomesthe encoded video is 3:4 and my screen is widescreen, and no matter what i configure in totem, it squishes the video to widescreen09:33
Sacraficeyeah ok i miss understood you, yes i burned it to a cd not as data09:33
balcomeseven when windowed09:33
DamianFinolHey guys, ubuntu logs me off Gnome after a while of inactivity. Is this normal? and if so, how do I turn it off?09:33
bruenigSacrafice, did you check the md5sum before you burned?09:33
stiv2kok, so i have alsa (i think), gnome shows the little speaker icon w/ volume controls, and its set to use my audigy device for playback...yet i hear no sounds from my speakers when playing music...what gives?09:33
Sacraficeno i didn't09:33
slackersoundray: I've read the doc yesterday, it said something about if a user accepts unfiltered msg's it possible09:33
Sacraficei didn't see any md509:34
drbreendamianfinol: no it isnt ok and WHAT HAVE YOU DONE before ?09:34
slackersoundray: guess you don't allow unfiltered09:34
bruenigSacrafice https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto09:34
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Sacraficeok thanx09:34
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DamianFinoldrbreen,  What do you mean what I've done before?09:34
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bXiits nice how everybody ignores me :/09:34
bruenigwhat is your question09:35
darkowl<soundray> and fb will stay ?09:35
soundrayslacker: no, and I don't have an option to set unfiltered09:35
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chrnACTION is away: Auto-Away aps 20 minutos idle (since: 02:26:08) HH 4.309:35
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bXimy xorg.conf is broken somehow after trying to reinstall the fglxr module09:35
Unguide1anyone have time for a few newbie ques.09:35
darkowl<bXi> what is wrong ?09:35
=== slacker is now known as slacker_nl
munsabXi I think mine is broken too09:35
soundraydarkowl: well, the console as you see it now after Ctrl-Alt-F1 will be unaffected. Beyond that, I won't make promises...09:35
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bruenigbXi, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:35
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munsaI cant get back into gnome09:36
CoffeegrindsUnguidel just ask09:36
Bassettshow can i connect to xfire?09:36
unrisentruthfinally got here.. hey guys.. i am tryin to write to ntfs using ubuntu (installed on hd).. i can mount and read but cannot write... i get a read only file system error when tryin to change perms in chmod.. can any1 help me get ntfs write capabilities in ubuntu??09:36
darkowl<soundray> ok ill try...how do I remove gnome,kde... ?09:36
stiv2kok, so i have alsa (i think), gnome shows the little speaker icon w/ volume controls, and its set to use my audigy device for playback...yet i hear no sounds from my speakers when playing music...what gives?09:36
bXibruenig: that works but now i dont have hardware acceleration09:36
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bXi(which was working on an older kernel)09:36
munsabruenig will it delete my files? All the things i install my desktop items ect??09:36
soundraydarkowl: Remove a central library that X depends on...09:36
darkowl<stiv2k> do you have the codecs ?09:36
bXimunsa: no it wont09:36
unfunHow do I disable PV6 ??? A guide for the ultimate noob please.09:36
bruenigmunsa, all it does is configure xorg.conf09:37
gdbdarkowl: What are you wanting to accomplish?09:37
darkowl<soundray> and that will be... ?09:37
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stiv2kdarkowl: i dont know, this is a fresh install of 6.06 and easyubuntu09:37
freddie42when I mount a remote server using Places|Connect to Server, what folder do they get mounted in?09:37
Jivenixyay look at me09:37
munsai was playing with xgl today09:37
gdbdarkowl: (Don't do what soundray suggested, btw)09:37
drbreendamianfinol: i meant have you MODIFIED YOUR SYSTEM ?09:37
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gdbmunsa: howdy!09:37
munsait destoryed my install09:37
herbalunrisentruth: i dont think you can write to the NTFS, but in windows u can install a driver to read your EXT209:37
bruenigbXi, your choice then, acceleration or a properly working xorg.conf09:37
darkowl<gdb> i want to remove all x (gnome,kde...) but have fb09:37
soundraygdb: are you going to elaborate?09:37
munsagdb now i dont have any gui09:37
thenerdsanglei have a fresh install of dapper and i get an error when i try to apt-get install mysql-server-4.1 (error is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20468)09:37
bXibruenig: thing is09:37
bXiit was working before i tried to boot a k7 kernel09:37
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Coffeegrindsherbal: I have a 120 GB usb drive formatted in NTFS / no issues09:37
drbreenunrisentruth: there are several possibilities to write on ntfs - i'd reccomend a shared fat partition, though09:37
bruenigbXi, go back to that kernel09:38
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CoffeegrindsI had to destroy all data to do ith though :P09:38
bruenig!info xfireworks09:38
ubotuxfireworks: Fireworks in your root window. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3-4 (dapper), package size 42 kB, installed size 212 kB09:38
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herbalreally? i cant write to my NTFS partition09:38
gdbsoundray: Yes, willy nilly removing a library in the hopes that it will clean up X properly is bad Joojoo(tm).  I'd like some more information on what he's trying to accomplish because regardless of what he's trying to do, "just remove a core library" is never the right option.09:38
unrisentruthdrbreen: can u help me write to ntfs from linux? ubuntu?09:38
bXiit probably wont do any good but i'll try09:38
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meekoHow do I set it up so I start my computer in the console instead of gnome?09:38
darkowl<gdb> i want to remove all x (gnome,kde...) but have fb...how do i do that ?09:38
munsai chjanged my NTFS to FAT and now they work fine with ubuntu09:38
DamianFinolHey guys, I'm running an nvidia card, the nvidia module is loaded, but when anything uses GLX (or 3D) is run, the xserver crashes and takes me back to ubuntu login. Any ideas?09:38
gdbmunsa: Gah!09:38
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about NTFS - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:38
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gdbdarkowl: kk, one sec, let me do some research09:38
Coffeegrindsherbal, i had to MAke the partion in linux which allowed write access, the formatted the drive uin windows to ntfs,09:38
darkowl<gdb> OK09:38
Jivenixok so i'm in linux, now what09:39
farous!ntfs > drbreen09:39
drbreenunrisentruth: maybe, wait a sec. ah, and why would you want that ?09:39
Coffeegrindsherbal, i think the reson it worked is because of the original partitioning was done giving user access to the partition, the formatting didn't matter09:39
Sobieskihow do i know if i have "linux-image-amd64-k8" or any else09:39
unrisentruthto be able to write to files in ntfs partitions.. whether to fix to the computer change something from linux.. etc..09:39
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yoshiznit123unrisentruth: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21700909:39
herbalah i just grab the files from the ext2 when in windows, only keep it for games that cedega wont play09:39
slacker_nlSobieski: dpkg --list | grep "linux-image-amd64-k8"09:39
darkowl<Jivenix> ?09:39
drbreen!fuse > unrisentruth09:39
stiv2kdarkowl: i do have the codecs09:40
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meekoHow do I set it up so I start my computer in the console instead of gnome?09:40
jattfreddie42: I think they are not mounted as with the mount utility, but internally using the gnome virtual filesystem. You don't see the mounted volumes with df09:40
rockzmandoes anyone know how can i just stop my ubuntu X session so i can edit my system?09:40
bruenigmeeko, you could uninstall gdm09:40
Coffeegrindsyeah it was a weird fix but at the time i only had about 200mb of data written to the drive09:40
farousSobieski: if you want which kernel currently running type uname -a09:40
freddie42jatt: thx09:40
gdbdarkowl: so basically you want to end up with a system where ubuntu-standard is installed, but nothing beyond that?  Do a "dpkg -s ubuntu-standard" and see if that describes the end state you're trying to get to.09:40
jattfreddie42: if there is a way to access those mounted volumes through the console I would also be interested in a knowing it.09:40
bruenigbut that will only start you with a terminal login, which would then start you into gnome09:40
slacker_nlrockzman: ctrl alt F1 will give you a console09:40
soundraymeeko: disable gdm (sudo update-rc gdm remove)09:41
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darkowl<gdb> what is ubuntu standard ?09:41
rockzmanslacker_nl: but it will still be running aswell gdm is running right?09:41
stiv2kok, so i have alsa (i think), gnome shows the little speaker icon w/ volume controls, and its set to use my audigy device for playback...yet i hear no sounds from my speakers when playing music...what gives?09:41
slacker_nlrockzman: yes, but that you can kill09:41
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slacker_nlrockzman: pkill gdm09:41
rockzmanslacker_nl: thank09:41
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gdbdarkowl: like I said, do "dpkg -s ubuntu-standard" -- it's a meta-package that provides a text-only system.  Installing ubuntu-desktop on top of it then gives you the GUI.09:41
slacker_nlshut down your session first if you want to be sure that you don't break everything09:41
sirjohnsoundray, any othe rpointers ?09:41
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unrisentruthyoshiznit123: thanks man im going to give that a try09:42
herbalCoffeegrinds: is there a way to make my USB keyboard work when booting with grub?09:42
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gdbdarkowl: the dpkg -s means "show me information about" -- you'll see a blurb there.  Does he describe what you're trying to get to?09:42
Sobieskislacker_nl: im a newbie, what do I do with dpkg --list | grep "linux-image-amd64-k8"09:42
darkowlgdb OK...ill try it,tnx09:42
soundraysirjohn: please describe the problem09:42
Coffeegrindsherbal, I've never had a problem with that.09:42
gdbdarkowl: That command won't actually do anything other than display information.09:42
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freddie42jatt: if I find one (verily unlikely!) I'll let you know09:42
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Coffeegrindsherbal, then again my PC's Bios has an option for usb keyboard09:42
slacker_nlSobieski: that's the command line command to see if you got something installed09:42
sirjohnok i have a sound blaster ct4170 and have been tring to get it to work under dapper drake for about 3 hours now. have used up most google knolage on the problem09:42
yoshiznit123unrisentruth: make sure you back everything up though09:43
darkowl<gdb> yes thats it...i hoe it has fb...09:43
Sobieskiso what do i input to see it09:43
Allenhey my installation only works inrecovory mode09:43
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herbalCoffeegrinds: mine doesent, i have to use a normal keyboard port one to select which to boot, and my windows is 2k so when it boots only the old one not the usb will work lol09:43
sirjohnthat link that you send me dosent seam to want to work for me either09:43
darkowl<gdb> yes thats it...i hope it has fb...09:43
Phoulanyone use xterm here09:43
gdbdarkowl: Ok, hang on a sec.09:43
sirjohni get  a modifno command not found09:43
jattPhoul: just ask09:43
slacker_nlSobieski: the command I gave you: dpkg --list | grep "linux-image-amd64-k8"09:43
yoshiznit123phoul, yup, why?09:43
slacker_nlSobieski: open a terminal09:43
Phouldoes anyone know the which switch is the one to set the background colour09:43
Dr_Willis!info hot-babe09:43
ubotuPackage hot-babe does not exist in dapper09:43
slacker_nlSobieski: and enter that dpkg line09:43
Sobieskislacker_nl: i have it open here09:44
sirjohnand  aplay --list-devices gets aplay: device_list:221: no soundcard found09:44
yoshiznit123phoul: -bg09:44
Dr_WillisEgads! the Humanity!09:44
gdbdarkowl: Have you installed any other software along the lines of kubuntu-desktop or xubuntu-desktop?  Or are you running just the default GNOME UI currently?09:44
soundraysirjohn: what are you entering that gives you that error message09:44
croak77stiv2k: open a terminal and run alsamixer, make sure everything is un-muted, also make your sure your speakers are plugged in right09:44
slacker_nlSobieski: and now copy paste that line09:44
Coffeegrindsherbal, shazbutty! then again you could probalbly hack apart some old ps2 keyboard and jimmy-rig up some DDR style swich that would just make boot time that much more fun09:44
darkowlgdb running gnome09:44
Phoulyoshiznit123, what kinda charecters does it use to specify it?09:44
PhoulLike uhh09:44
eegoreYes i do and it seems to be giving the error at the printer, must have just run out of ink09:44
stiv2kcroak77: ok09:44
Sobieskislacker_nl:it just skips to a new line09:44
slacker_nlSobieski: if you haven't installed it, its not visible09:44
unrisentruthyoshiznit123: ok i will thanks again09:44
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gdbsoundray: I'd like to apologize, I'm not trying to call you out.  Perhaps I'm more conservative and I'm fearful that that advice would lead to Bad Things(tm).  Again, I don't mean to personally offend you.09:44
herbalCoffeegrinds: yea that would be cool lol09:44
slacker_nlSobieski: that tells me you don't have it installed09:44
sirjohnsoundray,  modinfo and aplay09:44
yoshiznit123phoul, -bg black, -bg white, or standard X colors09:44
jattPhoul: you can also take a look at the xtermset command. It allows you to test different color configurations very easily (xtermset package).09:44
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neutrinomassIs there any way to know whether a hard disk is failing when it doesn't support S.M.A.R.T. ?09:45
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stiv2kcroak77: i unmuted all this stuff, but some of the things are at 0 volume, but i don't know what they are09:45
soundraygdb: okay, no offence taken. In my experience, Ubuntu takes that kind of abuse (Joojoo to use your term) very well.09:45
=== Coffeegrinds has been a good googler and has got flash vids with sound working again ..
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Sobieskislacker_nl: ok, which one should i install, generic, k8 or-23 or -2509:45
gdbsoundray: :-D09:45
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Hexidigital_stiv2k::  did you run alsamixer in terminal?09:45
Dr_WillisCoffeegrinds,  heh - mine is still working09:46
slacker_nlSobieski: that I don't know09:46
stiv2kHexidigital_: yes09:46
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gdbsoundray: It could very well be that "apt-get --purge remove xserver-common" will remove everything necessary.09:46
Sobieskislacker_nl: is there a way to find out?09:46
croak77stiv2k: mess around with them a bit, increase each one to see which is the master volume09:46
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gdber x11-common09:46
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hc^hei, help me quick!09:46
slacker_nlSobieski: i'm sure there is a way, but I don't know09:46
Sobieskislacker_nl: i have the box for the CPU if it helps?09:46
soundraygdb: yes, I was going to suggest something like that to darkowl09:47
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darkowlgdb: why ?09:47
hc^i created a user. but it has access to all the other folders on the machine09:47
slacker_nlSobieski: lets give it a shot, google will help us :)09:47
CoffeegrindsDr_willis: yeah, the problem is that when FF upgraded it broke all sound associations, easy but wierd fix though09:47
hc^it can't delete, but it has access09:47
herbalCoffeegrinds: for some reason ubuntu hates my monitor too i cant run in the native resolution everything is like streched and off09:47
neutrinomassIt's either my hard disk failing, or a very rare bug in the kernel :(09:47
hc^how can i stop/prevent that?09:47
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soundraysirjohn: first, install the package modutils and see if that fixes the modinfo problem09:47
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gdbdarkowl: Why what?09:47
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yoshiznit123hc^, change the groups he's in09:47
hc^k, thanks yoshiznit12309:48
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gdbsoundray: In looking at what removing x11-common depends on, I fear that removing it may remove too much.09:48
darkowl<gdb> how do i start ubuntu-standard ?09:48
Sobieskislacker_nl: i tried googling, but damn im having trouble decoding linux users talk09:48
Coffeegrindsherbal, you can check refresh rates i had an old IBM monitor taht would get all squiggly when running at a normal 60hz,09:48
gdbIs anyone here running a server installation (without GUI) currently?  Can you verify if x11-common is installed on your machine?09:48
slacker_nlSobieski: i'm used to it :)09:48
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slacker_nlgimme some info on your cpu and let me search the web09:49
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hc^wtf? i can't start Users and groups in gnome09:49
Flannelgdb: that have to be the special server iso? or can alternate work?09:49
Moosebuntuwhere can I get online help with Apache2 ?09:49
gdbdarkowl: It's already installed.  It's a meta package.  I'm trying to determine which base package is installed beyond a plain server installation so we can roll you back to that point, and not before it.  We don't want to remove too much software, just the GUI.09:49
sirjohnsoundray,  now says moduel not found09:49
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=== sirjohn dose lspci
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herbalCoffeegrinds: i set it to 1440x900 60hz (which is the what its supposed to be) and its all streched i edited my xorg to go to that rez but it doesent work right09:49
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sgcplayerhow do I get icons for partitions on my desktop?09:49
TheOgrEIs there a graphical grub manager available in Dapper?  I found one link which seemed to imply that there wasn't, but wanted to make sure...09:49
FlannelMoosebuntu: #apache is a good place for help, and here, about the ubuntu specific stuff09:49
gdbFlannel: Ah, if you don't install the GUI on the alternative CD, I think that's good enough for gov't work. ;-)09:49
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MoosebuntuFlannel> is it on this server?09:49
Sobieskislacker_nl: AMD 64 3700+ w/ Hyper Transport technology09:50
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hc^'The configuration could not be loaded. there was an error running the backend script'09:50
MoosebuntuFlannel> --- Apache :That channel doesn't exist09:50
darkowl<gdb> OK...when will you know it ?09:50
soundraysirjohn: what's the module name that you are entering?09:50
gdbdarkowl: Hopefully in a few minutes. ;-)09:50
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darkowl<gdb> OK09:50
bthorntonThe system clock on my Ubuntu box is running fast and I can't quite figure out why--I can sync it with NTP but it will advance like 10 minutes in just a matter of days.  Sound like a hardware issue?09:50
FlannelMoosebuntu: irc channels need pounds infront of them: /join #apache09:50
MoosebuntuFlannel> Whoops.. I forgot the #09:50
herbalsgcplayer: if its mounted i belive it puts on icon on your desktop09:50
Moosebuntusorry!  Thans!09:50
Dr_Willisor ##linux09:50
Coffeegrindsherbal, well to be honest I'm not that keen at widescreen resolutions.09:50
hc^'The configuration could not be loaded. there was an error running the backend script' <-- when i tried to run Users and Groups. how can i solve that?09:50
=== utab [n=utab@kulnet-nat-2.kuleuven.net] has joined #Ubuntu
darkowl<gdb> can i run it and then download packages needed for fb ?09:51
gdbit looks like x11-common should not be removed.09:51
herbalCoffeegrinds: yea i got it for gaming and its nice, but doesent seem compatible09:51
bobbycheetahI have a new install of Ubuntu 6.06 LTS.  When I try to use Rhythmbox Music Player, it trys to start, but then disappears.  Is this a know problem?  I'm trying to simply play my CD.  XMMS says it's playing my CD, and I know the cd player itself is working.   I can play mp3's ok, so I know my sound is working.09:51
DanHowellhelp: although I can browse perfectly well, irssi isn't looking irc.foo.bar addresses up09:51
soundraygdb: looking at the reverse-depends list of x11-common, I can't see anything essential for a non-X system.09:51
yoshiznit123sgcplayer, try gconf-editor, going to apps/nautilus/desktop and changing which icons you want on your desktop09:51
DanHowellhelp: This is after a new install of 6.06 LTS09:51
MetaMorfoziSis there anway to get to know how many mb-s using the system?09:51
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MetaMorfoziSfrom the memory09:51
MetaMorfoziSthe real value, not the lying ps aux or top09:52
sgcplayerherbal, I mount it automatically at boot, but don't see it on desktop09:52
Sobieskii feel so out of place, most words here are jibberish to me :P09:52
Dr_Willis!info woman09:52
ubotuPackage woman does not exist in dapper09:52
soundrayMetaMorfoziS: try 'free'09:52
hc^'The configuration could not be loaded. there was an error running the backend script' <-- when i tried to run Users and Groups. how can i solve that?09:52
gdbsoundray: You know, you're right.  I was looking at depends.  However, running apt-get --purge remove -s x11-common also removes acpi-support  - I'm not sure how critical that is.09:52
sharkitohi i'm trying to install ubuntu in some celeron 500 MHZ machines but i cant09:52
sharkitoit stops and dont continue09:52
sgcplayeryoshiznit123, I'll try that09:52
gdbsoundray: I suppose it's worth a shot, though.  What do you think?09:52
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sharkitoi have tried some cd drivers and cd's09:52
herbalsgcplayer: Does it show up in Places?09:52
MetaMorfoziS6752?! i have 6mbs of free memory?09:52
MetaMorfoziSi'm said about the "liers" ^^09:52
DanHowellJust installed Ubuntu 6.06. Although I can browse perfectly well, irssi isn't looking irc.foo.bar addresses up09:53
MetaMorfoziSso the real memory usaging09:53
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sgcplayerherbal, no09:53
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dillbertdabombhow do you get easy ubuntu to work with out internet09:53
hc^dillbertdabomb: wireless?09:53
sgcplayerI followed one of the FAQ's about editing the fstab file, but no icon09:54
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slacker_nlSobieski: try the generic one09:54
croak77DanHowell: you mean internet works but not irssi?09:54
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slon`I'll soon find out09:54
gdbdarkowl: Ok, there are a couple of things you need to do.  First is cross yourself, then say a Hail Mary prayer, then run "apt-get --purge remove x11-common".  This may or may not break your machine, but I'm of the opinion that it will not.09:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about VNC - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:54
ubotuvnc is a way of doing remote desktop.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !freenx.09:54
ubotuvnc is a way of doing remote desktop.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !freenx.09:54
gdbIt should remove somewhere above 388 packages.09:54
roostishawanyone, why, when i try to log into an xgl session, do i get "Your session has lasted less than 10 seconds... Fatal server error: No screens found..."09:54
fortrwhen i try to boot from the newest livecd, i get: "Buffer I/O error on device dm-0, logical block 6314624" ... can someone help?09:54
Sobieskislacker_nl: what can happen if its the wrong one09:54
soundraygdb: I can't see how acpi-support depends on it. I wouldn't remove that. I think the library approach is better09:54
DanHowellcroak: irssi is working ok, but it's not translating the addresses from irc.foo.bar to
`hi i just installed ubunto on one of my computer but im stuf in cmd how do i get to the desktop system?09:54
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darkowl<gdb> OK...ill tell you later what happened...09:54
gdbdarkowl: hold on09:54
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bruenigroostishaw, that is all it said, was no screens found?09:55
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gdbsoundray: Well, it's support for closing the lid on a laptop.  and apparently depends on x11-common09:55
sqqlhi i just installed ubunto on one of my computer but im stuf in cmd how do i get to the desktop system?09:55
darkowl<gdb> not run it yet ?09:55
DanHowellI had to ping freenode to get the address09:55
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gdbdarkowl: don't run it yet09:55
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darkowl<gdb> ok...09:55
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dillbertdabombhc^ no09:55
stefg!xgl > roostishaw:09:55
dillbertdabombjust no internet09:55
omong_kosong!seen sri09:55
ubotusri is on IRC right now!09:55
slacker_nlSobieski: its generic and should work with every 64bit proc from what I understand09:55
philipsmithhow do I find out what the IP address is for my machine?09:56
roostishawbruenig, well, it was in a little diolouge box that appeared, i clicked ok, then it logged me out... so i can remember the rest of the error...09:56
sqqlgo to09:56
slacker_nlsomeone present which has more 64 bit experience?09:56
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roostishaw!xgl > roostishaw09:56
Sobieskislacker_nl: roger that09:56
slacker_nlI want to verify something09:56
fortrwhen i try to boot from the newest livecd, i get: "Buffer I/O error on device dm-0, logical block 6314624" ... can someone help?09:56
darkowl<sqql> startx or if that doesnt work youll have to configure something... run sudo dpkg-reconfigre xserver-xorg09:56
bruenigroostishaw, well it would be nice to have the rest of the error09:56
croak77DanHowell: so /connect irc.freenode.net didn't work?09:56
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slacker_nlSobieski: hold on, lets double check first. I'm sure it won't affect your PC, but better safe then sorry09:56
sqqlhi i just installed ubunuo on one of my computers but im stuck in cmd how do i get to the desktop system?09:56
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Stormx2Folks, what SSL libraries do I need to compile GAIM? I've installed most of them I can find...09:57
DanHowellcroak: no, it didn't. It tried to connect to
Sobieskislacker_nl: ok09:57
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orasis1When I want to un-install software do i => sudo apt "proggie name" uninstall ?09:57
dganyone know if old builds of .debs are archived anywhere? I want to try an older version to see if it has a bug09:57
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sirjohnsoundray,  sb1609:57
bruenigorasis1, sudo apt-get remove package09:57
darkowl<Stormx2> why not run sudo apt-get install gaim09:57
sqqlhelp please09:57
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bruenigdarkowl, probably wants beta09:57
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soundraysirjohn: have you done a 'sudo modprobe sb16'?09:57
orasis1And in Ubuntu is there any sort of "add/remove" programs list I can see similar to windows?, heh I have installed so much stuff.. I forget everything I installed09:57
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Flannelorasis1: Synaptic09:58
bruenigorasis, Applications>Add/Remove Programs,09:58
orasis1brue. Alright thanks09:58
philipsmithHi. How do I find the IP address of my machine?09:58
sirjohnjohn@tank:~$ sudo modprobe sb1609:58
sirjohnFATAL: Module sb16 not found.09:58
stefgsqql: so you got a 'blue screen' and an error-message like no screens found?09:58
orasis1Flannel, yeah so besides Synaptic no right?09:58
sqqlno it like in stuck in shell09:58
herbalphilipsmith: www.whatismyip.com09:58
soundraysirjohn: is this an ISA card?09:58
Stormx2darkowl: Because I want beta 3.09:58
sqqlim stuck in shell09:58
garryFHi folks. I note that a week ago the next version 6.06.1 of dapper was released. After a week it seems to be apparrent that the only way to get it is to format and resinstall dapper from the ISO. No updates have become available. So what do you folks think. Is it time to reformat and reinstall or rebel and say no?09:58
gdbsoundray: What do you think of this, remove x11-core and then reinstall acpi-support?  "apt-get --purge remove x11-common && apt-get install acpi-support"?09:58
jeff_philipsmith: type 'ifconfig' in a terminal09:58
stefgsqql: tell about yout hardware09:58
bruenigorasis1, Add/Remove Programs is stupid though, its best to go with the terminal09:59
orasis1SirJohn, are you sure your Irq's ports etc, are at default settings?09:59
sirjohnsoundray,  yeh09:59
Flannelorasis1: there are other frontends, aptitude, Adept if youre on KDE, etc09:59
slacker_nlSobieski: what kind of AMD is it?09:59
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slacker_nlSobieski: k8 supports: Supports AMD Athlon/Athlon64/AthlonFX/Opteron processors.09:59
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sqqli dont know i stole i mean barrowed the server from my dads company09:59
orasis1Brue, Yeah but since one does not exist - I think it would be a good project for me to work on :) - I just did not want to encroach on someone elses space heh.09:59
philipsmithJeff: ipconfig didn't work (it works for dos and window systems). thanks.09:59
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LattywareI'm having a problem, when I do 'sudo gedit <path>' it will not run, as where 'gedit <path>' does. I had been doing this as usual, but one boot ago I had this problem, and a reboot did nothing.09:59
Sobieskislacker_nl: AMD Athlon 64 Processor09:59
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herbalphilipsmith: ifconfig no ip :P09:59
sirjohnsoundray,  its not showing up on lspci either :(09:59
orasis1Flannel, I am on Xubuntu.. don't like KDE anymore :(10:00
Sobieskislacker_nl: ill try k8 then10:00
slacker_nlSobieski: ok, install both generic and k810:00
slacker_nlfirst generic and then k810:00
brueniglattyware, try gkusdo, not that that should matter but just try it10:00
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soundraysirjohn: it won't if it's ISA. The module you need is called snd-sb-common10:00
Sobieskislacker_nl: both?10:00
gdbsoundray: I'm thinking that would be the way to go.10:00
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Flannelorasis1: alright, then whatever package manager Xubuntu uses, although I think it's synaptic.10:00
majorMatarresedo you have to use SMB to connect to a mac?10:00
Sobieskislacker_nl:  how come10:00
gdbsoundray: remove x11-common and then reinstall acpi-support10:00
jeff_philipsmith: on linux it's 'ifconfig' as in interface configuration10:00
ubotuntfs-3g is a linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Dapper installation instructions http://lunapark6.com/?p=171010:00
sgcplayeryoshiznit123, the only thing in that "folder" that looks close is "volumes_visible" and it has a box that's already checked10:00
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orasis1Flannel, yes it is10:00
Flannelorasis1: or, you can use aptitude, which is installed everywhere10:00
sqql ubuntu starts fine but there is no gui system i can login but kde or that kind off stuff wont start im stuck in shell10:00
soundraygdb: it's not what I would do if it was my system. Give me two ticks...10:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about unionfs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:00
Flannelsqql: which ISO did you install?10:01
bruenigsqql, when you get to the command line do 'startx'10:01
khermanswhat is the file in /etc that shows the Ubuntu release info?10:01
Sobieskislacker_nl: and if i mark them both, wont they install at the same time10:01
Lattywarebruenig: (gedit:11160): GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager:10:01
slacker_nlSobieski: thats what I've read on google10:01
LattywareAuthentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed. Is all I got.10:01
philipsmithjeff: my applogies. You are correct!10:01
bruenigLattyware, but did it work?10:01
sqqllet me try startx10:01
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slacker_nlSobieski: and it makes sense, the generic supports every 64 bit proc, and the k8 is for specific cards10:01
bruenigwhat about just sudo gedit10:01
bruenigno path10:01
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Flannelbruenig: gksudo gedit10:01
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bruenigsudo doesn't hurt it10:01
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Lattywarebruenig: nothing.10:02
slacker_nlSobieski: if in doubt confirm it on the forum10:02
garryFHi folks. I note that a week ago the next version 6.06.1 of dapper was released. After a week it seems to be apparrent that the only way to get it is to format and resinstall dapper from the ISO. No updates have become available. So what do you folks think. Is it time to reformat and reinstall? I'm inclined to ignore it thinking that if it isn't worth putting on the repositories, it must not be worth the trouble.10:02
Flannelbruenig: gksudo gedit10:02
Sobieskislacker_nl: should I just mark both, then press that install/whatever button10:02
bruenigsudo doesn't hurt it10:02
FlannelgarryF: if you already hvae dapper installed, normal updates are all you need.10:02
gdbgarryF: 6.06.1 is simply 6.06 with all the current updates already applied.10:02
soundraygdb: I think I would remove libx11-610:02
slacker_nlSobieski: yes, that should do it10:02
orasis1alright sudo apt-get remove package <-- correct?, ooo I think I know how I broke my Xfwm now hehe10:02
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LattywareWell, it's obviously a problem with sudo, as without it works, with it fails.10:02
Flannelbruenig: don't tell people to use sudo for graphical packages.  Yes, it does hurt it.10:02
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gdbsoundray: Yes, it does.  Does that present a problem?10:02
brueniggarryF, yeah I think it is there so that when you did fresh install if you want to you don't have 190+ MB of updates to DL10:02
garryFThanks Flannel , gdb, bruenig . I figured that was a possiblity10:03
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Sobieskislacker_nl: allright, thx alot, ill do that. though the generic box is green for some reason10:03
orasis1Flannel: bruenig: don't tell people to use sudo for graphical packages.  Yes, it does hurt it. <--- Why??10:03
bruenigFlannel, not gedit, some graphical packages and as a practice gksudo for graphical practices but gedit is not affected10:03
soundraygdb: sorry?10:03
link_The EasyUbuntu server appears to be down. Anyone know where else I can find easyubuntu-3.022.tar.gz?10:03
slacker_nlSobieski: green?10:03
gdbsoundray: It does remove libx11-6, does that cause a problem for a system that does not have X installed?10:03
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gdbsoundray: Ah, it will end up removing python.10:03
orasis1Why should you not start graphical apps with console sudo?10:04
garryFWhat about boa?10:04
Sobieskislacker_nl: yes, it seems its already installed, but there is another generic thats not10:04
Flannelbruenig: right, but it's best practice to just get people in the practice of ALWAYS using gksudo for graphical packages.  It's best practices.10:04
Flannelorasis1: because it can screw up permissions sometimes10:04
slacker_nlSobieski: which one is not installed?10:04
bruenigFlannel, true, although sometimes with gedit they get freaked by the phantom error message10:04
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woodwizzleIs it possible to do an inverse find. Like say I want to find everything that ISN'T an mp3 in my music folder?10:04
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Sobieskislacker_nl:  2.6.15-2510:05
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sirjohnsoundray, apt-get cannot find snd-sb-common10:05
slacker_nlwoodwizzle: find $PATH ! -name \*.mp310:05
orasis1I see... I see, cause I had like a complete system break down yesterday, slowly I am starting to understand why - one of the reasons may be that, I was always starting X programs with sudo console10:05
GTXHow do I install mtr? when I use apt-get it wants to uninstall ubuntu-base10:05
slacker_nlwoodwizzle: where $PATH is the path you want to search in10:05
woodwizzleslacker_nl, thanks10:05
gdbsoundray: So which X lib do you suggest removing? ;-)10:05
Flannelbruenig: if you voulenteer to assist everyone with bad homedirs from sudo, then go ahead and continue to tell them that10:05
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darkowl<gdb> cant i do that what you think and then apt-get install python ?10:05
soundraywoodwizzle: 'ls -R | grep -v .[Mm] [Pp] 3$'10:05
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garryFI've always thought there ought to be a find with exceptions, where I might want to find X unless it is followed by YZ10:06
gdbdarkowl: It's most of the python subsystem that gets removed, but not all of it.10:06
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bruenigI did actually tell him gksudo if you scroll up but then when I was trying to see if gedit path wasn't working or if gedit itself wasn't working i said sudo but yeah, I generally do say gksudo10:06
slacker_nlSobieski: thats is the 32 bit kernel image10:06
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soundraygdb: That's trouble. I don't know...10:06
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tjb13guys where is the mkdev.sh for lmsensors10:06
darkowl<gdb> cant i get them back somehow ?10:06
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tjb13it says in the src dir10:06
tjb13but i duno where that is10:07
Sobieskislacker_nl: so.. what does that mean? :P10:07
soundraydarkowl: whichever of the paths so far suggested is *very* unlikely to make your system unusable.10:07
gdbsoundray: And just removing xserver-xorg doesn't remove enough software. hrm10:07
slacker_nlSobieski: that is not the image you need10:07
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Sobieskislacker_nl: i mean, what actions should i take10:07
slacker_nlSobieski: you have 64 bit and its for 32 bit10:07
stiv2khow come i don't have a multimedia systems selector in my system > preferences ?10:07
soundraydarkowl: is it mainly that you want to regain the hard disk space?10:07
slacker_nlSobieski: don't install that one10:07
slacker_nlSobieski: install the generic and the k810:07
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Sobieskislacker_nl: the -25 one?10:07
mrbigstuff28i need some help her10:08
soundraysirjohn: 'sudo modprobe snd-sb-common'10:08
gdbDoes someone here have a default SERVER installation?10:08
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travisshow the hell do i disable the shift + del quickkey10:08
gdbAnd if so, can you pastebin the output of dpkg --get-selections on that system?10:08
slacker_nlSobieski: no, the 64 bit : linux-image-amd64 -generic and -k810:08
darkowl<soundray> yes i dont want to use x so its just using space...10:08
sirjohnsoundray,  nothing happens10:08
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mrbigstuff28i got a new Vcard a Nvidia Geforce MX 4400 PCI card can i just put it in and start useing it?10:08
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soundraysirjohn: that's a good sign. Do a 'lsmod | grep snd-sb-common'10:09
mrbigstuff28well not new just got it from some110:09
ShinzetsuI have to switch cd's during an install, but I cant open my cd drive?10:09
fortrwhen i try to boot from the newest livecd, i get: "Buffer I/O error on device dm-0, logical block 6314624"10:09
rockzmanCan anyone tell me how can I activate my direct rendering: No10:09
moparfan90hello. i have a 6 channel sound card with the speakers set up right. when i play a mp3 i dont hear anything from center, sub, and both rear. how can i fix this10:09
Sobieskislacker_nl: there are generic -23 and -25 and k8 -23 and -2510:09
soundraysirjohn: or try the earlier aplay command that didn't work10:09
rockzmanI use nVidia gforce fx 520010:09
FlannelShinzetsu: switch CDs during install?  why?10:09
sirjohnsoundray,  nothing shows up again10:10
Sobieskislacker_nl: no mention of 32 there10:10
mrbigstuff28but i can i put this card in and it will work?>10:10
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soundraysirjohn: what do you get from the aplay command?10:10
travisshow the hell do i disable the shift + del quickkey10:10
ShinzetsuFlannel: game install in Cedega, normally GNOME auto umounts when I press the physical eject button10:10
slacker_nlSobieski: ahh - try apt-cache search linux-image-amd10:10
slacker_nlSobieski: and check the description10:10
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TheBaronanyone have any idea why evdev would be failing on a relatively normal Xorg config?10:10
sirjohnsoundray,  aplay: device_list:221: no soundcards found...10:10
Sobieskislacker_nl:  not really following you ther?10:10
Flannelgdb: x11-common is on the server ISO.  so, it is a possibility: http://ubuntu-releases.cs.umn.edu//6.06/ubuntu-6.06.1-server-i386.list10:11
mrbigstuff28rockman can i just this card in and use it other then the onbored video port10:11
travisshow the hell do i disable the shift + del quickkey10:11
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stiv2khow come i don't have a multimedia systems selector in my system > preferences ?10:11
slacker_nlSobieski: ok.. apt-cache search package will describe which packages you can install and will give you a shot description10:11
ShinzetsuFlannel: what can I do?10:11
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto10:12
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gdbFlannel: So it's probably installed and thus should not be removed.10:12
FlannelShinzetsu: you'll have to unmount it manually10:12
slacker_nlSobieski: lets say you want to know if there is a package named linux-image-amd10:12
mrbigstuff28well i wanna install the card10:12
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travisshow the hell do i disable the shift + del quickkey10:12
mrbigstuff28the cards not in yet10:12
ShinzetsuFlannel: sudo umount /mount/point?10:12
soundraysirjohn: do you see any error messages when you type 'dmesg | tail'?10:12
slacker_nlSobieski: then you enter the command: apt-cache search linux-image-amd10:12
mwobHi, newbie question coming up: Why do some X apps look really crappy on ubuntu - naff font and ugly grey windows.... example: "pptp client".... do I need to set something up?10:12
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slacker_nlShinzetsu: jep10:13
tjb13what does this mean?10:13
tjb13root@tjb13-desktop:/# sensors-detect10:13
tjb13No i2c device files found. Use prog/mkdev/mkdev.sh to create them.10:13
ShinzetsuFlannel, slacker_nl: Says Device is busy10:13
Sobieskislacker_nl: cant i just install linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-23-amd64-k810:13
tjb13and how do i create them10:13
slacker_nlShinzetsu: fuser /mount/point10:13
mrbigstuff28rockz,am can i just put in the card and it will work?10:13
slacker_nlShinzetsu: (ff in NL) dat laat zien welke proc of user die resource bezet houd10:14
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soundraytraviss: try a more matter-of-fact style of asking10:14
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sirjohnsoundray,  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2047410:14
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travissi thought my way was pretty straightforward?10:14
sgcplayerwhat are the options for making icons visible on the desktop?10:15
slacker_nlSobieski: that's only the modules10:15
Shinzetsuslacker_nl: nothing shows up10:15
slacker_nlSobieski: ok... puzzled..10:15
slacker_nlSobieski: try it on the forums10:15
Sobieskislacker_nl: well, the ow to says to install those10:15
soundraysirjohn: could you do just dmesg and pastebin the last 60 or so lines pls10:15
Sobieskislacker_nl: *how to10:15
slacker_nlSobieski: then do it :)10:16
sewsopsHow do I tell Ubuntu not to upgrade a certain package? Also, my sudoers is messed up I think because I never ran Ubuntu's configuration utility; I installed this through debootstrap and base-config doesn't work anymore. It's fine because I can su but it's kind of annoying because gksu, etc. don't work10:16
Flannelgdb: In theory ;)  unfortunately, the server doesn't seem to have meta package.10:16
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vicscandl!jedit > vicscandl10:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jedit - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:16
robert_anybody have any experience with getting flash fonts and audio to work under 6.06?10:16
Sobieskislacker_nl: ill just install all the things, k8 .23 and -25 and generic -25 since generic-23 is alreday installed10:16
mwobok, maybe my question was far too dull :) Never mind10:17
gdbFlannel: So I guess there isn't a meta-package that moves one from "Server" to "Desktop" installation.  The ubuntu-desktop installs *clients* not X infrastructure.   So I'm guessing that the end state of a default server install is everything through the ubuntu-standard pakage.  But I'm not sure what's installed after that to get to "desktop"10:17
sirjohnsoundray,  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2047510:17
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slacker_nlShinzetsu: ok.. lemme think, I had a similair issue, I was on the CD drive at the time I became root10:17
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Flannelgdb: er, ubuntu-desktop should install X infastructure...10:17
TheBaronanyone know how to get evdev on my mouse to work and not give me a PreInit error?10:17
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Flannelgdb: you can install a minimal system and apt-get ubuntu-desktop to get a full system10:18
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soundraysirjohn: argh! Sorry, that's useless. Let me think of  another way...10:18
slacker_nlSobieski: good call :)10:18
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gdbFlannel: That's true, but removing everything that ubuntu-desktop depends on does not remove X.  X is assumed to be installed when ubuntu-desktop is installed.10:18
sirjohnsoundray,  thats ok anything that lets me get my bros comtpuer out of my room so i can fix something else  :p10:18
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mrbigstuff28soundray i wanna put in this MX 4400 card but im not sure if it will work is there anything i need to know b4 doing so?10:19
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slacker_nlShinzetsu: ik gok dat je een shell ergens open hebt die in het pad van je cd staat10:19
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Shinzetsuslacker_nl: im in the middle of an install :-)10:19
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Flannelgdb: no, X depends on things that ubuntu-desktop depends on ;)  you have to go another layer deep.  if I remember correctly.10:20
gdbFlannel: I also believe, from looking at the depends list of ubuntu-desktop, that ubuntu-desktop is not used to install everything listed.  A lot of this stuff would need to be installed on a system on which there was no desktop.10:20
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slacker_nlShinzetsu: my brain say blub now ;)10:20
Shinzetsugdb: hey10:20
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Shinzetsuslacker_nl: np, thanks anyway10:20
gdbFlannel: yes, there is ubuntu-minimal (machine boots), ubuntu-standard (can get non-X work done) and ubuntu-desktp (yay for GNOME)10:20
soundraysirjohn: have a look at http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1805 and links therein10:20
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mrbigstuff28soundray i wanna put in this MX 4400 card but im not sure if it will work is there anything i need to know b4 doing so?10:20
Jamiehi.. do i run .sh by doing: ./filename.sh ?10:21
sirjohnpizz should be here soon10:21
slacker_nlJamie: yes10:21
gdbFlannel: It would seem that ubuntu-standard is the end state of a "server" installation.10:21
slacker_nlJamie: or sh ./filename.sh10:21
sirjohnpizza ^10:21
soundraymrbigstuff28: sorry to mislead you with my nick -- I have rudimentary knowledge of sound cards, but I can give you an ultrasound scan of your abdomen.10:21
gdbFlannel: Or there may be some more software installed past that.  That's what difficult to determine.10:21
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bgrimmPlease Help, at wits end with WPA connection! it says i'm associated with the AP, and I configured an IP/Netmask/Gateway, and can't ping the AP. I must be close but...10:21
Flannelgdb: that's whats standard for the alternate ISO, with server option.  but, I haven't dabbled in the new server ISO any10:21
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slacker_nlbgrimm: check your default route10:22
Flannelgdb: er, ubuntu-desktop depends on x-window-system, which is what installs everything.10:22
Jamieslacker_nl: and if the file im trying to install/run tells me i shoudl be root or su instead of sudo.. what do I do?10:22
gdbTo be honest, the best thing to do would be to get a selections list from a server install and then set every selection on the target to purge, read in the server selections, and do an apt-get dselect-upgrade to "snapshot" it to a server installations.10:22
gdbShinzetsu: hey there!10:22
mrbigstuff28oh ok10:22
darkowlgdb: so ? an suggestions yet ?10:22
slacker_nlJamie: sudo sh ./filename.sh10:22
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bgrimmI made sure and added, route add default gw
bgrimmit does show up correctly with a route command.10:22
travissDoes anyone know how to disable the Shift + Del hotkey?10:22
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slacker_nlJamie: I stand corrected10:22
gdbdarkowl: How much custom software do you have installed beyond the base system?10:22
Jamieslacker_nl: hum.. i think i tried that.. thank you sir.. will try again10:22
slacker_nlJamie: sudo su10:22
darkowl<gdb> not many...10:23
slacker_nlJamie: and then do: sh ./filename.sh10:23
bgrimmhmmw wait, default route shows for eth0 instead of ath0.10:23
sirjohneating pizza10:23
FlannelJamie: you should be able to use sudo10:23
slacker_nland after its done, hit exit10:23
bgrimmeth0 is wired, ath0 is wifi10:23
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slacker_nlbgrimm: can I see you route output?10:23
robert_anybody have any experience with getting flash fonts and audio to work under 6.06(desktop)?10:23
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kaffeewollerhi. with which command can i exit gnome?10:24
darkowl<gdb> links2, irssi,centericq, mocp, nano,vi, mc,wget,vsftpd, bastet, zgv,fbi,bashburn-cd, biew, htop,bc,rtorrent10:24
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jvaihey every1..10:24
darkowl<gdb> i know it because i am also doing lfs so this are my packages...10:24
gdbdarkowl: To be honest, I think the best thing for you to do is get the selections list from a default server install (from someone running it) and then doing these commands: dpkg --get-selections > my-selections.txt ; cat my-selections.txt | sed 's/install/purge/g' > reset-selections.txt ; dpkg --set-selections < reset-selections.txt ; dpkg --get-selections < server-selections.txt ; apt-get dselect-upgrade (you'd get the server-selections.txt from someone els10:24
Flanneldarkowl: those... well, the first few, are all in ubuntu-standard10:24
kaffeewollerand with which key can i open the menu from panel?10:24
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bgrimmIface is wrong for the default.10:25
gdbthen you'd immediately reinstall linux-image-686 (as necessary)10:25
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darkowl<Flannel> i know...i just c/p my package list from LFS10:25
slacker_nlbgrimm: that can be solved :)10:25
kaffeewollermy panel is stuck, i need to exit gnome10:25
kaffeewollerby command.10:26
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gdbdarkowl: But perhaps soundray's suggestion is best.  There is no clean way, that I can tell, to do what you're asking.  You can remove "most of X" by removing some core library and everything that depends on it.  You can remove "all of X and probably things you should not remove" with x11-common, or you can download the server CD and reinstall your machine.10:26
slacker_nlkaffeewoller: alt ctrl backspace, this will restart your X10:26
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bgrimmI'd post it but taht computer is offline since no wifi connect. (yes) anyhow I corrected the gateway and it still is no go... I'll copy the route output...10:26
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utabcan someone help me for upgrade from 5.10 to 6.0610:26
soundrayslacker_nl: it seems to have worked ;)10:27
rekrutacjahi i have a very frustrating problem with wifi pcmcia card 3crshpw196 - it was working in hoary, but now i have fresh dapper install and its not working any more. this is atmel card. any ideas how to get it running?10:27
darkowl<gdb> but then server install still has appache,php,mysql and bunch of stuff i dont need10:27
soundray!upgrade >utab10:27
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slacker_nlsoundray: sure looks like it10:27
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utabubotu: I have tried that but got some error messages10:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about I have tried that but got some error messages - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:27
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darkowllol utab10:27
soundrayCheers friends, gotta go10:27
Flannelubotu: what errors?10:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about what errors? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:28
Flanneler, utab what errors10:28
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darkowllol flannel10:28
gdbdarkowl: That stuff isn't installed unless you select to do the LAMP installation during the OS install.10:28
utabI have tried upgrading by changing sources.list10:28
gdbAt least I don't believe it is.10:28
tomasz27if i install ubuntu, does the default setup offer enough security or do i have to make any adjustments to secure the PC?10:28
Flannelgdb: no, it shouldnt be10:28
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utabbut the problem is that I can not upgrade first of all10:28
darkowlgdb...OK...ill downolad it now...so we will see...10:28
gdbFlannel has implied that the alternatives CD allows you to install a non-X based system.  Perhaps that's a route to explore10:28
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gdbbut I really think the server ISO is what you're looking for10:29
darkowl<gdb> i have alternative cd...10:29
Flanneldarkowl: yeah, if you want a basic, no frills system, get the alternate ISO and type 'server' at the prompt.  but, server *should* do the same thing10:29
gdbah, there you go10:29
gdbYou already have the CD you need then, and it supports the Server install you're looking for.10:29
gdbWithout selecting the LAMP stack during installation, you'll end up with a stock Ubuntu system that does not include X.10:29
darkowl<gdb> i hope well speak tonight with me in command line :)10:30
Flannelgdb: there is no LAMP option in the alternate ISO ;)10:30
gdbWell, that's even better. :-)10:30
gdbdarkowl: woot! :-D10:30
gdbdarkowl: good luck!10:30
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utabI used "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"10:30
Flannelutab: and what errors did you get.  You mind pastebinning your sources.list?10:30
utabbut the first command fails10:30
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gdbFlannel: You realize, of course, that I've been using Ubuntu (and indeed a Debian-style system) for all of 8 weeks, no? ;-)10:31
utabFlannel : how to pastebin10:31
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corevettei edited a file in /etc .....how do i save it while i'm under root?10:31
gdbcorevette: What editor are you using?10:31
bgrimmslacker_nl: view route info here: http://rafb.net/paste/results/vPpsVD77.html10:31
corevettegdb: just the text editor10:31
utabFlannel : I new to irc usage10:31
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gdbcorevette: nano, vi, emacs, gedit, etc?10:32
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gdbcorevette: the command to save will be dependant on the editor you're using10:32
lensI always get this error when trying to compile... does anyone know what's wrong... fixme:int:DOSVM_Int16Handler10:32
corevettegdb: gedit10:32
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gdbcorevette: Did you run "gksudo gedit /etc/file" or just open it with gedit from your desktop?10:32
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corevettegdb: just from desktop10:32
Ricesteam_Hi, is anyone experienced with Wireshark?10:32
utabwhat is pastebinning10:33
wedTManybody know the dreamweaver equivilent for Linux?10:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pastbin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:33
Flannel!tell utab about psatebin10:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about psatebin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:33
gdbcorevette: Are you logged into the desktop as root or a normal user?10:33
Flannel!tell utab about paste10:33
corevettewedTM: try Nvu10:33
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stefgsyntax error in lines 1- 100.00010:33
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corevettegdb: normal user10:33
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SannewedTM: not an equivalent, but you might want to also look at quanta10:33
utabwedTM : dreamweaver = nvu10:33
robert_anybody have any experience with getting flash fonts and audio to work under 6.06(desktop)?10:34
Jiversubuntu freezes while starting up nautalis10:34
kaffeewollerhow to change the width of metacity borders?10:34
Jiversduring that splash screen10:34
slacker_nlbgrim, that should work10:34
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WermutWhich application do you recommend for editing audio tags on mp3, ogg etc. ?10:34
Jiversmaybe not freezes, but just sits there doing nothing10:34
corevettegdb: give up or what?10:34
crimsunWermut: ex false, cowbell, easytag10:34
gdbcorevette: Then you're not going to be able to save the file.  You'll want to open a terminal "Applications > Accessories > Terminal" and run "gksudo gedit /etc/file" -- that will prompt you for your normal user password but will run gedit with root privileges.  You can edit the file normally and then just save it using the editor's File menu (or closing the editor and selecting "Save" when prompted).10:34
crimsunex falso, rather10:34
Jiversafter login10:34
ardchoilleWermut: I always liked easytag for that.. it's in the repos10:35
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gdbcorevette: I can only type so fast. ;-)10:35
Jiversoh sure, now it works10:35
slacker_nlbgrimm: hold on, work is calling10:35
kyja=] 10:35
Sannerobert_: better describe your specific problem, what did you do, what didn't work, what were the error messages etc10:35
tapaswhen i alter the fs of a live cd. how much of that will make it into the installation?10:35
kyjaI must say I love this os10:35
tapas[i added some packages and a self compiled program] 10:35
Wermutcrimsun: I've seen there are more than one and I am too lazy to try them out; which one is best (features, desktop integration) ?10:35
Jiversno it doesnt10:35
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ardchoilleJivers: Isn't that one of Murphy's laws? lol10:35
Jiversits hung loading nautilus10:35
tapasdoes the installer basically copy the whole squashfs to the target?10:36
Jiversthe little ubuntu splash bar is up and the nautilus icon is the last icon to appear, but then nothing10:36
Jiverssits here10:36
corevettegdb: thanks10:36
Wermutcrimsun: Gnome integratoin would be nice10:36
Jiverscant click on anything10:36
utabFlannel : I have posted my log file as Update Error Log10:36
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ardchoilleJivers: Did you change your window manager?10:37
gdbcorevette: sure thing :-)10:37
Jiversthis is after a fresh install10:37
Jiversthen i did the update10:37
Jiversthen reboot10:37
corevetteis the amarok irc just #amarok on freenode?10:37
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ardchoillecorevette: type this:  /msg chanserv info #amarok  This should give you some info about that channel10:38
corevetteyeah it is.....nvm10:38
corevetteardchoille: tahnks10:38
ardchoilleYou're welcome :)10:38
lensI want to COMPLETELY remove wine on my system, what should I type?10:38
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Flannelutab: you need to paste the url ;)10:38
Jiversany ideas10:39
tjb13guys i got my sensors showing up in lmsensors10:39
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tjb13but i don't know how to control them now10:39
Jiversi cant click on anything10:39
utabFlannel: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2047610:39
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ardchoilleJivers: I can only say that I know that nautilus also manages the desktop (icons, right-click menu) so that info might help in troubleshooting.. I hope10:39
Flannelutab: and your source.list?10:39
robert_Sanne: I just installed 6.06, so I'm not really used to using a debian-based system.. But, I just tried it after  installing it last night, and I don't get any sound or any fonts10:39
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Jiversi dont know anything about linux10:40
bgrimmUpdate: I believe it was a configuration problem on the router side (MAC address filter set to deny instead of allow). that is why iwconfig reported being associated, wpa_supplicant showed a negotiation and connect, but could not ping anything on the network.10:40
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Sannerobert_: you said flash fonts. What do you mean? Can you see any fonts at all?10:40
utabFlannel: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2047810:40
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robert_not using flash10:41
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slacker_nlbgrimm: solved?10:41
robert_Sanne: want me to take a screenshot?10:41
slacker_nlbgrimm: otherwise start wpa_supplicant in debug mode (-d) instead of -B10:41
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slacker_nlbgrimm: add more d's if you want more debug info10:42
Sannerobert_: might help, yes10:42
bgrimmYes, it was a router side issue. (yes I was running wpa_sup in debug, that is how I knew I had a negotiated connect. :)10:42
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slacker_nlbgrimm: ok10:42
utabFlannel: I used the sources file that is provided on the wiki10:42
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bgrimmodd that wrt54g (openwrt) allowed a connect with deny'd MAC filter set.10:42
=== slacker_nl is getting a drink, anyone else want something?
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Flannelutab: aye.  Well, the repositories are the things giving you problems, (they do that sometime) either, wait around for them to work themselves out, or use a different mirror10:44
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utabFlannel: I am in Belgium and this is happening all the time I have started to use Ubuntu can you suggest a different mirror10:45
Jiversmy ubuntu is dead10:45
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utabFlannel: maybe in France, Holland, Germany10:45
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utabFlannel: where can I search for different mirrors10:46
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rekrutacjais there anyone to help me woth atmel  pcmcia wifi card? i cannot get it running...10:46
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Flannel!tell utab about easysource10:47
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Flannelutab: you can use that to get the url of current repositories near you10:47
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SobieskiI tried the How To on installing NVIDIA graphic drivers, but the last step where you type in a command gives me an error10:49
slacker_nlgoodnight all10:49
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Sobieskigoodnight and thx10:49
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moparfan90hello. is there a way to get mplayer or xmms to play mp3's in surround sound mode?10:49
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ragzmp3's don't have surround sound support:|10:50
Sobieskiwhat do do10:50
moparfan90ragz, well when i had windows installed, i could play mp3's in media player and they came out in full surround sound mode.. it wasnt true but it sounds alot better10:50
FlannelSobieski: which command is it? and what error does it give?10:51
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Sobieskisudo nvidia-glx-config enable10:51
SobieskiError: your X configuration has been altered.10:51
SobieskiThis script cannot proceed automatically. If you believe that this10:51
Sobieskinot correct, you can update the md5sum entry executing the following10:51
Sobieskimd5sum /etc/X11/xorg.conf | sudo tee /var/lib/x11/xorg.conf.md5sum10:51
Sobieskiotherwise edit manually /etc/X11/xorg.conf to change the Driver section10:52
Sobieskifrom nv to nvidia.10:52
moparfan90is there a way i can fake 6 channel surround?10:52
FlannelSobieski: er, don't paste in here.10:52
Sobieskii had a problem pasting, but u get it10:52
utabFlannel: I get a "no ultimately trusted keys found"10:52
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FlannelSobieski: right, so edit it manually, and change 'nv' to 'nvidia'10:52
LinuturkI got a question10:52
sirjohnsoundray - ping ?10:53
Flannelutab: go back to that page, and theres a yellow box on top, that's the solution ot that problem10:53
Linuturkyou know the desktop switcher on the bottom right?10:53
sirjohndamm hes gone offline10:53
Linuturkit seems to lose it's details at random10:53
SobieskiFlannel: well, im a complete newbie, should i edit it in comand?10:53
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Linuturkfor example, if I have Xchat opened, it shows a X in the desktop that it's in10:53
LinuturkEvolution shows an envelope10:53
FlannelSobieski: gksudo gedit /[that path] 10:53
moparfan90<Sobieski>, sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:54
Linuturkbut, that goes away at random10:54
Linuturkshowing the vanilla windows10:54
Linuturkhow do I stop that from happening?10:54
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SobieskiI think its working, thx im gonna try a reboot10:54
utabFlannel: I can not see the box you have mentioned10:54
corevettehow do you stop rhythmbox from opening when i plug in my ipod?10:55
moparfan90is there a way to install wine in my ubuntu amd64 install?10:55
Flannelutab: http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic  top bit, before any of the form selections10:55
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utabFlannel: give me some text tom mark10:56
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ingvildrcorevette: system > preferences > removable drives and media10:56
Jiversubuntu fails to boot past nautilus, what is the procedure to correct this, thanks10:56
Posty_Is there a way to disable my AC97 in Ubuntu without disabling it in the BIOS?10:56
moparfan90flannel, right click the link, copy link location10:56
moparfan90then paste in here for him10:56
ubotuIf sound is not working, first try system -> prefrences -> multimedia system selector change it to alsa. If you still have problems then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems10:56
utabFlannel: will I generate sources .list for the version I use or try to upgrade10:57
sirjohncrap done all of that10:57
corevetteingvildr: thanks10:57
Flannelutab: no, no.  the stuff above that.  gpg stuff10:57
utabFlannel: means "dapper" in the selections menu10:57
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utabFlannel: you mean the commands10:58
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utabFlannel: they are not yellow on my screen sorry10:58
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g-nomehello, does the 64bit ubuntu version only contain a different kernel or more?10:58
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utabFlannel: what now?10:59
Flannelg-nome: well, packages are all compiled for 64bit, so all the packages are different, yeah10:59
g-nomecan i run 64 and 32 bit on the SAME machine, if possible even the same ubuntu installation!?10:59
Flannelutab: did you do that gpg stuff?  you should not get that no trusted keys error then10:59
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utabFlannel: I tried and after that I got that11:00
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LinuturkI have a workspace switcher on my panel. On a fresh boot, the panel will show the type of program is on that workspace (ie evolution shows an letter, xchat shows a red x), if I run a full size program, or if I move the panel, these details disappear. Any help?11:00
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utabFlannel: I used key ID:437D05B511:00
darkowlFlannel: no luck...my internet connection is not working on server version...11:01
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g-nomecan i run 64 and 32 bit on the same Ubuntu installation!?11:01
Flannelutab: right, and if you do  the gpg commands, then you should not get that No Trusted Keys error anymore11:01
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darkowlFlannel: and is it possible that ubuntu server has different available packages for apt-get ?11:01
Flanneldarkowl: did it work on your previous install without tweaks?11:01
Flanneldarkowl: no, they all use the same repositories11:01
darkowl<Flannel> yes11:01
utabFlannel: I am going to try again11:02
Andrijcan someone help w/ a Breezy Badger install?11:02
mumbleseatin pizargh11:02
Ricesteam_how do I use Ethereal non-root11:02
mumblesargh - i hate soundblaster cards11:02
Flanneldarkowl: if it worked then, it *should* work now, as it's all the same wireless stuff.11:02
mumblesmy brothers going to have to do without sound for a while11:02
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Flanneldarkowl: of course, should is the operative word in that statement ;)11:02
TheGateKeeperg-nome: yes https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava11:02
mumblesuntill i can work out how to do it proppaly11:02
Sanneg-nome: you can run 32 bit programs on a 64 bit System, with a bit of tweaking. This should give you an idea: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19120511:02
FlannelAndrij: what do you need help with?11:02
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utabFlannel: now OK, I did not understand11:03
darkowl<Flannel> i runed the pppoeconf command as in desktop version and configured all but my connection fail...11:03
g-nomethanks TheGateKeeper & Sanne, these are helpful links ;-)11:03
AndrijFlannel: I don't recall being asked for a root password during the install.  Should I have been?11:03
FlannelAndrij: nope.  ubuntu doesn't use the root account11:03
Flannel!tell Andrij about root11:03
utabFlannel: I tried again :sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade11:03
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TheGateKeeperg-nome: :-)11:03
Sanneg-nome: you're welcome :)11:03
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utabFlannel: again ended up with errors11:04
dmglouisdoes anyone know why DVDs won't play on Totem?11:04
AndrijFlannel: O...K....11:04
Flannelutab: paste those errors in pastebin11:04
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FlannelAndrij: read the link ubotu sent you for details11:04
mumblesthanks for the help eveyone btw11:04
Linuturk!tell dmglouis about restricted11:04
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TheGateKeeperdmglouis: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_DVD_playback_capability11:05
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utabFlannel: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2048011:05
evan_w00how do I "setup" files in linux? makefiles?11:05
AndrijFLannel: sorry, what link?11:05
darkowl<Flannel> what can i do now ?11:05
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FlannelAndrij: ubotu sent you a link in a query11:05
Dr_Willisevan_w00,  setup what files?11:05
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evan_w00Dr_Willis im trying to setup winrar, so i downloaded the .tar.gz11:06
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Andrijoh, sorry. Been ages since I used IRC, still coming to grips with this.11:06
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evan_w00Dr_Willis im kinda of lost in how I set them up :P11:06
Flannelutab: you haven't changed your repositories to the local ones11:06
Dr_Willisevan_w00,  ya could just 'sudo apt-get install TheRightPAckageName' for some rar tools..11:06
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evan_w00Dr_Willis oh ok, ill try that, thanks11:06
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utabFlannel: I just did the gpg stuff and tried sudo update11:07
Dr_Willisevan_w00,  if using wine to run winrar. you just uncompress the winrar.exe, and use 'wine winrarinstaller.exe' or whatever its called.11:07
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free11:07
Zkillz|AdminI wish to start 4 game servers automatically when ubuntu boots. Any ideas?11:07
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Dr_Willis!info unrar-free11:07
ubotuunrar-free: Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1-2 (dapper), package size 15 kB, installed size 84 kB11:07
Flannelutab: right, you need to change your sources.list though11:07
evan_w00oh winrar comes in tar.gz11:07
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bXii just did a fresh install of kubuntu11:07
bXiinstalled a k7 kernel11:07
utabFlannel: how to do taht11:07
Zkillz|AdminAnyone? :-)11:07
Dr_Willisevan_w00,  last i downloaded it for windows - it dident.11:07
bXiinstalled the ati module according to a certain site (getting the addy)11:07
evan_w00 ah.11:08
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Flannelutab: use that webpage to generate the listings for you, then copy that as your sources.list11:08
Dr_Willisevan_w00,  or theres the linux packages taht do the same job :)11:08
evan_w00Dr_Willis yep, there is11:08
bXii installed according to http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Dapper_Installation_Guide11:08
nixconverterdoes ubuntu have any system administration tools for server installs like yast for SuSe11:08
utabFlannel: how stupid I am, Now got that11:08
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bXiand after i reboot i dont get anything11:08
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto11:09
Dr_Willisis what i followed.11:09
Zkillz|AdminI wish to start 4 game servers automatically when ubuntu boots. Any ideas?11:09
utabFlannel: I will use my current distro to generate the file or the distro that I would like to upgrade11:09
Flannelutab: use dapper11:09
TheGateKeepernixconverter: apt-get11:09
Dr_WillisZkillz|Admin,  learn the sysv system and make rc scripts for them.. or use the rc.local script11:10
xBeetleIf someone is able and willing to help me with my first steps on ubuntu (freshly installed) please query me. German language preferred, but i understand some english, too.11:10
darkowl<Flannel> will you help me ?11:10
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Zkillz|Adminhmm Dr_Willis, didnt really tell me that much :P11:10
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nixconverterTheGateKeeper: yea but isn't that just a software install/upgrade/remove tool isn't it11:10
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corevetteis there a way to get the resolution over 1024x768??11:10
Flanneldarkowl: sorry, I've no experience when it comes to networking11:10
Dr_WillisZkillz|Admin,  /etc/rc,local    look at it11:11
Flannel!tell corevette about fixres11:11
bXii'll check that out11:11
darkowl<Flannel> but is there another way to have ubuntu-desktop without x so i dont have to use server version ?11:11
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TheGateKeepernixconverter: yes did I misinterpret what you where after11:11
orasis1How do I make XMMS, the default player for playlist files (m3u's,pls's)?11:11
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Flanneldarkowl: besides installing ubuntu-desktop and just removing everything?  no11:12
utabFlannel: I got some error messages again and this is it http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2048111:12
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DamianFinolGood evening, I'm trying to run my desktop as 1280x960, I was able to when I was under Debian and Windows, however I get a No valid modes for "1280x960" and it falls back to 1024. Any ideas? as to why?11:12
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bXiDamianFinol: try to find your monitor in system administration panel11:12
TheGateKeepercorevette: modify your xorg.conf file assuming your monitor will support it11:12
erUSULorasis1: right click in the m3u file go to properties>tab open with11:12
u221eWell, I just installed xgl/compiz... all I can say is :O11:12
utabFlannel : I could not understand why this became a pain for me11:12
DamianFinolbXi,  Devices?11:13
RopechoborraI got an Intel Celeron 2.0 GHZ wich kernel fits best?11:13
darkowl<Flannel> but i dont know what to remove ?? I want to still have fb...11:13
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will_u22ie I'm having a fair amount getting the compiz end running11:13
Zkillz|AdminDr_Willis, I dont have that /etc/rc.local file? :(11:13
Flanneldarkowl: fb?11:13
utabFlannel: It would be easier for me to install from scracth11:13
will_I just logged into XGL session, which is fine11:13
orasis1Eru, alright - and if I want them to stream from the browser, I guess i set it up in the browser correct?11:13
darkowl<Flannel> frame buffer11:13
will_but no compiz goodness ;_;11:13
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems11:13
Dr_WillisZkillz|Admin,  odd.. i got one.. what version of ubuntu you using?11:13
Zkillz|Admin5.10 breezy Dr_Willis11:13
Zkillz|Adminrc0.d/ rc1.d/ rc2.d/ rc3.d/ rc4.d/ rc5.d/ rc6.d/ rcS.d/11:13
Zkillz|Adminall I found11:14
DamianFinolbXi,  Where exactly?11:14
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u221eThe rearrange windows effect is great...11:14
Dr_WillisZkillz|Admin,  you are on your own then. I use dapper. check the ubuntu wiki/forums.. or upgrade.11:14
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u221eNo more hunting for the correct window in the task bar11:14
Flanneldarkowl: well, right now, you're on an ubuntu-desktop with all the desktop stuff removed, so... you can easil creep up to what you want installed.  Once you get networking working11:14
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Zkillz|AdminDr_Willis, sorry. im not gonna use dapper, it doesnt work well for gameservers (trust me, I spent 20hours on formating, installing, fomrating, installing etc)11:14
u221ewill_ what video card do you have?11:15
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utabFlannel: have you noticed my last post11:15
darkowl<Flannel> but i cant get my connection to work...11:15
SirKillalotcan I save a list of the installed .deb packages on my system to easily recover all installed packages when I reinstall my system?11:15
tapashmm, weird somehow my altered kubunto squashfs system [where i only installed some additional packages]  complains about kio slave on startup11:15
Flanneldarkowl: right, you'll have to ask someone here about it11:15
Zkillz|Adminwell Dr_Willis, then you can help me with this: (one second=11:15
tapasand doesn't show the desktop icons11:15
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junkphreakhey whats good program to check if the ati card is working for 3d11:15
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)11:15
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darkowlIs here someone who has the connection working in ubuntu server ?11:16
Zkillz|AdminI found this guide about it Dr_Willis, I dunno where to put those lines then in that file, any ideas? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2048211:16
Flannelutab: It might very well be.  Especially if youve got a separate home partition11:16
Flanneldarkowl: it should be the exact same as anyone else (well, sans the GUI tools).  Its all the same ubuntu11:16
xBeetle If someone is able and willing to help me with my first steps on ubuntu (freshly installed) please query me. German language preferred, but i understand some english, too.11:16
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will_u221e - some ati radeon card11:16
will_XGL session is running fine11:16
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de11:16
will_now that I fixed the display parameters in it11:17
utabFlannel: I used this sources list http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2048411:17
darkowl<Flannel> well why isnt it working then...i used pppoeconf command in desktop versio too...so there shouldnt be any diference11:17
will_it's just I'm essentially running Gnome a la XGL since Compiz isn't working :p11:17
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utabFlannel: What so11:17
nixconverterTheGateKeeper: I'm talking more like setting  up services or changing user details and such...yast can configure hardware or any other general setting11:17
Flannelutab: oh, you didn't put in your countrycode?11:17
will_cgwd doesn't even changed anything :/11:17
Dr_WillisZkillz|Admin,    /etc/rc.local file is the file i just refered to - thats in dapper.11:18
Flannelutab: you're still using the same repository ;)  so, same problem11:18
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SirKillalotneed a bash pro: how do I filter out the second word of a line in bash?11:18
SirKillalotusing pipes maybe..11:18
edjuTrying to get a new install of ubuntu set up.  Followed the wireless directions on the forum and ndiswrapper -l says driver & hardware present, but no wifi yet.  WG511 pcmcia card.  Any pointers or hints?11:18
Zkillz|AdminDr_Willis, perhaps somewhere in /etc/init.d/ ?11:18
askjf Will a keyboard Video Monitor switch work on Ubuntu?11:18
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utabFlannel: where to add the country code11:18
utabFlannel: are there other things to change11:18
Dr_WillisZkillz|Admin,  see if thers some sort of rc.local named service in there.. or learn how to make your own server scripts from the examples in init.d11:19
ardchoilleaskjf: I have seen lots of folks using them11:19
TheGateKeepernixconverter: sorry haven't heard of such a tool :-(11:19
askjfok ty i just have one monitor and need 1 badly11:19
Nsf-i've installed opera and enabled smooth scrolling and still doesnt work :(11:19
Nsf-thx for any help11:19
nixconverterTheGateKeeper: I was just asking if there was one11:19
mumbleshow do i get rid of stuff under the aplication menu ?11:19
evan_w00how do I solve the problem of "E: Couldn't find package rarlinux-3.6.b6.tar.gz" (sudo apt-get install)11:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about applications - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:19
Flannelutab: country code in the source-list generator.  you'll end up with something like: us.archive.ubuntu.com instead of archive.ubuntu.com (thats forthe us mirror)  stuff like that, since archive.ubuntu.com is apparently having problems with you at the moment11:20
ardchoillemumbles: right click the applications menu, choose Edit Menus, then uncheck the items you dont' want to see11:20
evan_w00mumbles dont you uncheck the stuff in add application?11:20
nixconverterTheGateKeeper: I've never used Ubuntu just looking at some features11:20
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TheGateKeepernixconverter: to the best of my knowledge you have to do that manually, someone else may know differently11:20
evan_w00What does this mean? "E: Couldn't find package rarlinux-3.6.b6.tar.gz" specificly the "E:"11:21
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utabFlannel: where can I find the country codes11:21
Dr_Williserror:  :)11:21
evan_w00oh lol11:21
nixconverterTheGateKeeper: manual is fine with me...don't worry about it...thanks11:21
Dr_Willisevan_w00,  could mean the server is slow/down11:21
evan_w00where should i place my tarball files?11:21
utabFlannel:I would like to try nearby countries as well11:21
Flannelutab: On that webpage, theres a box for your country code11:21
EnsignRedshirtZkillz|Admin: Take a look at this page, especially the section called "Installing custom init-scripts"11:21
evan_w00Dr_Willis hmm it happened when i tried to install a tar file11:21
utabFlannel: Oh yes11:21
void^evan_w00: apt doesn't touch .tar.gz files.11:22
EnsignRedshirtZkillz|Admin: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBootupHowto11:22
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Dr_Willisevan_w00,  how are you 'installing' a tar file?11:22
evan_w00void^ Ohhh!!!11:22
ravenoustar.gz needs to be compiled from source11:22
evan_w00oh i see.11:22
TheGateKeepernixconverter: ok :-) tried sourcemage myself today, sadly kde would not build :-(11:22
Dr_Willisheh -- yea.. big 'oops' :P11:22
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evan_w00hehe, still brand new to linux11:22
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ardchoilleevan_w00: Which apps are you compiling?11:22
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onicromhi guys is there an edgy eft help channel?11:22
Dr_Willisand why havent you used the package manager to install the rar/unrar commands like weve said a dozen times?11:22
evan_w00ardchoille now im not sure lol, im so confused right now, Right now i want to try and install WinRAR11:22
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ravenousonicrom: #ubuntu+111:23
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ardchoille!rar > evan_w0011:23
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red|rainhey everyone :) i'm looking for an image viewer I forgot the name but i'm sure it was mono based, anyone know which one im talking about?11:23
Dr_WillisYou dont need 'winrar' :P the native rar tools for linux can do the jobs11:23
will_winRAR isn't really needed evan :p11:23
will_sarnath'd to the extreme11:23
utab# Automatically generated sources.list11:23
utab# http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic11:23
utab# If you get errors about missing keys, lookup the key in this file11:23
utab# and run these commands (replace KEY with the key number)11:23
evan_w00some of my files on my CD recieves an error.11:23
utab# gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv KEY11:23
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utab# gpg --export --armor KEY | sudo apt-key add -11:23
utab# Ubuntu supported packages (packages, GPG key: 437D05B5)11:23
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utabdeb http://tr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper main restricted11:23
utabdeb http://tr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-updates main restricted11:24
utabdeb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security main restricted11:24
lhdsi just want to ask if i wanted to install compiz on ubuntu with x 7.0 and a custom kernel i download the same ubuntu packages? or i need special packages?11:24
red|rainevan_w00, if you need to unrar rar file download unrar in sypaptic or "sudo apt-get install unrar"11:24
utab# Ubuntu supported packages (sources, GPG key: 437D05B5)11:24
utabdeb-src http://tr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper main restricted11:24
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)11:24
ardchoille!paste > utab11:24
utabdeb-src http://tr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-updates main restricted11:24
utabdeb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security main restricted11:24
utab# Ubuntu community supported packages (packages, GPG key: 437D05B5)11:24
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utabdeb http://tr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper universe multiverse11:24
evan_w00oh ok11:24
utabdeb http://tr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-updates universe multiverse11:24
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utabdeb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security universe multiverse11:24
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utab# Ubuntu community supported packages (sources, GPG key: 437D05B5)11:24
ardchoilleutab: STOP11:24
utabdeb-src http://tr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper universe multiverse11:24
Linuturkutab, stop11:24
utabdeb-src http://tr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-updates universe multiverse11:24
Flannelhe cant stop.  he's in the middle of a paste.11:24
utabsoory for that11:24
Flannelyou people know that ;)11:24
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)11:24
=== capgadget [n=elifino@adsl-69-149-32-161.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== EnsignRedshirt waits for the utab backlash...
utabardchoille : sorry11:24
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LinuturkFlannel, it's still annoying ;p11:24
evan_w00thanks guys.11:24
ardchoilleFlannel: if he were int the middle, wouldn't it have pasted all at once without being interrupted by other peoples' posts?11:25
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sirjohnutab,  you uisng mirc?11:25
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sirjohncouse theres a way of quitting the past11:25
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tapasardchoille: nope11:25
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LinuturkAND, you can use Control + C to stop a paste11:25
ardchoilleahh, I see11:25
Flannelardchoille: it's flood protectin, thats how it works.  Clients set it up in a queue11:25
ardchoilleFlannel: Thanks, didn't know that11:25
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LinuturkFlannel, ^^ ardchoille : you can use Control + C to stop the paste11:26
constantine-xviis there a good news ticker for the gnome panel?11:26
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FlannelLinuturk: only on certain clients11:26
ardchoilleLinuturk: Thank you, didn't know that either.11:26
will_Gnome seriously needs to port Super Karamba11:26
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red|rainwill_, whats wrong with gdesklets?11:26
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Nsf-i've installed opera and enabled smooth scrolling and still doesnt work  thx for any help11:27
JmodHi noob here<--  I im installing  Macromedia Flash Player and it requires two font packages11:28
Jmod      to be installed, gsfonts and gsfonts-x11. how do I do this or is it saying to me that it is going to install it?11:28
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FlannelNsf-: sounds like an opera problem.  you might be better off asking them about it.11:28
constantine-xviJmod: it's doing it on its own11:28
constantine-xvijust a warning11:28
Nsf-okt tnx11:28
utabFlannel: I still get errors11:28
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Flannelutab: which errors11:29
FlannelJmod, constantine-xvi answered you11:29
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bXiokay thats it11:29
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bXiremoving ubuntu again and installing windows11:29
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Jmodok so it just a warning and I don't have to find the fonts to install then?11:29
b14ck73425hey everybody11:30
constantine-xviJmod: right11:30
utabFlannel: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2048611:30
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Jmodcool thanks11:30
=== julien [n=julien@d54C5390D.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
b14ck73425i need help with network printers11:30
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b14ck73425can anybody help11:30
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EnsignRedshirtb14ck73425: Just ask11:30
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?11:30
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TheGateKeeperb14ck73425: ask your specific question/problem11:31
will_red|rain - half the gDesklets apps are not only ugly but don't even _work_ on my system11:31
will_Super Karamba is more user-friendly and has a far better gui11:31
b14ck73425well i have a computer in my sisters room which is a windows pc and i have my linux pc in the basement, ive done it before but since i wiped and reinstalled the whole thing doesnt work11:31
b14ck73425the printing i mean11:32
chalcedonyhow do i move a file downloaded to 'desktop' to 'home' ? The file has spaces in the file name: This is File234.doc11:32
TheGateKeeperb14ck73425: just done this hang on...11:32
red|rainwill_, ahh ic, I have only used gdesklets a couple of times. can you just use superkaramba in gnome? or is it kde only?11:32
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constantine-xvichalcedony: open home, drag file from desktop to home11:32
will_even if you've the kubuntu-desktop metapackage installed, Super Karamba stuff will only half work in gnome11:32
TheGateKeeperb14ck73425:   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingFromWinXP11:32
eyequeuechalcedony, mv This\ is* ~11:33
chalcedonyconnyosis: is there a non-gui way?11:33
will_and what does work is usually massively butchered11:33
utabFlannel: is there another way to upgrade11:33
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will_which is a true shame11:33
EnsignRedshirtI don't know if I can help you, but I think it would be good to know which computer the printer is attacehd to, windows or ubuntu?11:33
chalcedonyahh ty ty ty ty11:33
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Flannelchalcedony: you need to escape the spaces (\ ) tab complete will also do it for you11:33
b14ck73425ok thanks11:33
red|rainwill_, ahh ok I gotcha now :)11:33
will_but using Gnome/XGL means more to me than widgets :p11:33
will_so, heh11:33
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b14ck73425the printer is on a windows computer11:33
utabFlannel : were you able to check the errors11:33
ardchoilleFlannel: got time for a quick pm?11:33
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eyequeuechalcedony, yes, tab completion is your friend11:33
Flannelardchoille: sure11:33
profoX`I upgraded a few packages to edgy, but I want to have them dapper again. This is possible, right?11:34
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profoX`can dist-upgrade automatically downgrade packages11:34
TheGateKeeperb14ck73425: I am going to look at a little program to see if the winxp machine can resolve the linux pc's ip address in the next couple of days11:34
eyequeueprofoX`, no11:34
utabFlannel: which country are you in11:34
b14ck73425ok cool let me know11:34
Gradius9I am going to install linux on a portable 120 mhz pentium, with 12 mb ram, is DSL the best alternative?11:34
profoX`eyequeue: thats lame..11:34
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GnonthgolAnyone know how to get exstra long error messenges?11:34
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profoX`any advice then11:34
will_you ought to be able to 'sudo apt-get install package=version' and force it, IIRC profox11:34
constantine-xviGradius9: yeah11:34
utabFlannel: I will try yours11:34
b14ck73425blacktears_z@yahoo.com if you im11:34
=== micah41 [n=micah41@adsl-221-205-158.mgm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
eyequeueprofoX`, will_11:35
SEJeffGradius9: with 12mb of ram, don't expect any sort of gui other than the terminal11:35
Gradius9constantine-xvi, ok, thanks, have som problems installing it, any good way of formatting the disk11:35
TheGateKeeperb14ck73425: if the printer is on a winxp machine I would guess you need samba11:35
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constantine-xviGradius9: run cfdisk from dsl11:35
GnonthgolAnyone know how to get hold of exstra long error messenges?11:35
Gradius9SEJeff, ok, but the dsl reqs. talks about 48611:36
chalcedony~$ cd home11:36
chalcedonybash: cd: home: No such file or directory11:36
will_cd /home11:36
EnsignRedshirtb14ck73425: I don't know if this page will be helpful, but take a look: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPPrinter11:36
eyequeuechalcedony, cd ~11:36
Gradius9constantine-xvi, i have done it and it gives me fatal error11:36
TheGateKeeperb14ck73425: that is a slightly different problem, does the Printer wizzard not resolve it?11:36
SEJeffGradius9: I am talking about a usable graphical interface. I dont 12mb will even allow x to work well11:36
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chalcedonycd desktop ?11:36
chalcedonyi mistyped11:36
eyequeuechalcedony, no, cd ~11:36
TheGateKeeper!samba > b14ck7342511:37
gnomefreakchalcedony: if you type cd it will send you to home11:37
Gnonthgolcd Desktop11:37
will_cd ~/Desktop or ./Desktop11:37
chalcedonycap D?11:37
Gradius9a terminal where I can use the mouse is the only thing I may need11:37
gnomefreakcd Desktop works fine11:37
profoX`will_: I know that.. but it's not what I need unfortunately :(11:37
EnsignRedshirtb14ck73425: There are a few other pages on the wiki about network printing... try searching for the title Printing11:37
b14ck73425im downloading samba right now11:37
eyequeuechalcedony, /home is not your $HOME11:37
will_ah sorry then profoX`11:37
Zkillz|Adminwhat was the comamnd to copy a folder to another location cp -R dir to/dir ?11:37
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b14ck73425thanks ill try it and let you know11:37
EnsignRedshirtb14ck73425: Samba might work, but in theory at least, I don't think you should need it.11:37
profoX`$HOME is /home/$USER :)11:37
GnonthgolZkillz|Admin: just make new folder and copy contens11:38
Gradius9SEJeff, a terminal where I can use the mouse is the only thing I may need11:38
TheGateKeeperb14ck73425: not 100% sure that is the answer, like EnsignRedshirt said check the wiki site and ubuntu forums before blasting into it11:38
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utabFlannel: Are you with me11:38
Stormx2hey folks, I saw on gnome-look someone demonstrating a theme and they had a start menu style app running on their gnome-panel. I've since forgotten what the actual item is, can anyone give me an idea?11:38
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ardchoilleZkillz|Admin: cp -r /dir /desired/path11:39
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SEJeffGradius9: Ok that might work. What do you need the mouse for? emacs11:39
b14ck73425yeah im going to try what ubuntu said and then ill get back to you guys, thanks for the help11:39
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Zkillz|Adminalso, how to make a symbolic link, ex /home/cs/hi/ is /var/www/cstrike ?11:39
TheGateKeeperb14ck73425: I would have thought you just use the printing wizzard and tell it that you are using a network printer11:39
utabSomeone from Belgium?11:39
FlannelZkillz|Admin: ln11:39
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GnonthgolZkillz|Admin: use the ls command in some way11:39
Stormx2utab: I'm pretty sure a lot of people are from Belgium11:39
Zkillz|Adminln /blabla/ /bla/www ?11:40
SEJeffStormx2: http://digg.com/linux_unix/Ubuntu_System_Panel11:40
Zkillz|Adminbig thank you.11:40
ardchoilleZkillz|Admin: ln -s /source /target11:40
b14ck73425yeah im going to use the wizard11:40
SEJeffStormx2: You can apt-get install it from QuinnStorm's compiz repository11:40
will_gonna restart X11:40
will_try and get this compiz shiznat working right11:40
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ardchoilleYou're welcome :)11:40
utabStormx2: I am in Belgium and havinf some problems with my sources.list11:40
GnonthgolI got this realy long output on stderr and needs the first lines11:40
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Gnonthgolutab: what kind of problem11:41
utabFlannel: do you have further suggestions11:41
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Stormx2utab: what is the problem?11:42
utabGnonthgol : please see http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2048611:42
CzubekHi all.11:42
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utabStormx2 :please see http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2048611:42
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tapasok, i booted into the ubunto live cd.. running qt programs gives me: konqueror: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/libqt-mt.so.3: unexpected PLT reloc type 0x0011:43
Gradius9SEJeff, I am pretty used to work with a mouse...11:43
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CzubekCan someone tell me why dhcp-server can't restart on my laptop?11:43
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evan_w00Can ubuntu open .RAR files?11:44
evan_w00or is it only zip?11:44
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free11:44
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evan_w00ohhh neat :P11:45
utabStormx2 : could you figure sth out11:45
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about identd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about identd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ident - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:46
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will_that's pretty gay11:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xinetd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:46
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops11:46
will_I enabled xgl or composite or w.e in xorg11:46
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will_and now compiz causes gnome and xgl sessions to restart x as soon as it finishes loading11:46
will_I had to load kde session11:46
seatouchanyone know a good ident server ?11:46
utabGnonthgol : any suggestions for my problem11:47
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red|rainhey BHSPitMonkey :)11:48
BHSPitMonkeyin livecd mode, can you install packages with apt? (in RAM)11:48
sethkutab, that looks like a bad download11:48
=== Maje [n=maje@ppp-69-223-182-58.dsl.wotnoh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
sethkutab, did you try to repeat it?11:48
|thunderSeantater, just get x-chat11:48
utabsethk : many times11:48
|thunderSeantater, its built in11:48
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sethkutab, sorry, just got here.11:48
seatouchwell can anyon tell me a good ident server ?11:48
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Seantater|thunder: me?11:49
|thunderany thgught on why wine is auto minimizing the first window in a multi-window app, and you cant un-minimize it at all?11:49
utabsethk : I am at the university and the connection is quite fast11:49
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sethkutab, you may need to delete the corrupt file11:49
Seantater|thunder: do I need x-chat?11:49
red|rainBHSPitMonkey, I don't think you can but you could try.11:49
sethkutab, possibly apt-get is saying "I don't need to download that, I already have it"11:49
red|rainmdjake, hey :)11:49
mdjakeI need help with slab11:49
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|thunderSeantater, no, but if you use it you dont need an ident server.11:49
Seantater|thunder: I perfer konversation, and it's what's built-in for Kubuntu11:49
mdjakeif somebody uses it here...11:49
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Seantater|thunder: i'm being sarcastic11:49
Seantater|thunder: I doubt I;m the one you are intending to talkt ot11:49
sethkutab, I'm looking more closely, this may be something else entirely11:50
=== Warbo [n=chris@host81-156-41-88.range81-156.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
|thundersarcasim is hard to convey in text11:50
mdjakeslab = Suse 10 Menu11:50
Seantater|thunder: yes it is11:50
y0rgosTamale, how can i help you?11:50
=== malachi [n=malachi@user-5445b1d0.lns2-c13.telh.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
GnonthgolI got this realy long error in scons and can not get the first lines of the error. Does anyone have an idea?11:50
RopechoborraMy pc is a little slow... and its a celeron 2.0 390 MB of ram ... any ideas why could be that ?? (im not runing any heavy programs..) just Gaim, amarok and xChat..11:50
mdjakedoes anybody use it here?11:50
__mikemI have a bunch of drm protected m4v files I want to convert to a format which I can burn to dvd, but I have no idea how to use mencoder, does anyone know how11:50
|thunderSeantater, you were the one that wanted an ident server , yes ?11:50
utabsethk : I am having these update problems from the first day I started to use ubuntu11:50
Seantater|thunder: nope, not me11:50
red|rainRopechoborra, what are you use Gnome or KDE??11:50
|thunderSeantater, my bad11:50
|thunderby bad. that was seatouch11:51
Seantater|thunder: :)11:51
Warbo__mikem: I can use Mencoder, but would it work with encrypted stuff?11:51
utabsethk I am trying to upgrade eventually11:51
red|rainRopechoborra, ahh try XFCE gnome is a memory hog search synaptic for xubuntu-desktop11:51
seatouch|thunder never mind found it nyways11:51
GnonthgolRopechoborra: Ithink your PC is slow because it is a Celeron11:51
mdjakemy problem is that only 6 favourite applications shows up no matter how much I add to the gnome-main-menu11:51
RopechoborraGnonthgol but... it wasnt so slow in windows =/ =S11:52
utabhow to change the color of messages that are written for me11:52
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red|rainGnonthgol, Celerons rock!!11:52
=== red|rain hides for cover
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__mikemwarbo, mplayer can read the files11:52
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Ropechoborrared|rain how would the command be?11:52
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utabsethk: are you in Belgium11:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about soundblaster - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:52
Tearbest mp3 player?11:52
red|rainRopechoborra, sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop11:53
sethkutab, no, in usa11:53
RopechoborraTear Try amarok11:53
utabTear: amarok11:53
mdjakedoes anybody use Dapper here with some eyecandy like xgl/compiz and SLED menu?11:53
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ubotuIf sound is not working, first try system -> prefrences -> multimedia system selector change it to alsa. If you still have problems then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems11:53
GnonthgolAmoroK rocks11:53
pequatre_mikem, maybe with vlc, "open file (advanced)" and check "output stream" or somethg11:53
sethkutab, can you try to dowload, manually, one of the "failed to fetch" files listed at the end?11:53
Warbo__mikem: Oh, OK. Do you want to convert them directly to an MPEG2 format for DVD, or just get them into a non-DRM format? (Basically, I always use Xvid, so I don't know the exact syntax for MPEG2)11:53
sethkutab, have you already tried that?11:53
tamaleWhich instructions should I use for installing the latest nvidia drivers?11:53
scrappy_Tear: if you want something like winamp then xmms amarok is nice but bloated11:53
utabsethk: no11:53
__mikemWarbo, I want them to go dirrectly to MPEG211:53
Arcane_NHjust d/led both the x86 and AMD 64 versions.  Each time it dies when attempting to mount the root file system.  Something about the hdc ide, expected NULL result.11:53
|thundertamale, just use automatix11:53
sethkutab, try it, I'd like to see if the resulting file will uncompress11:54
|thunderthat way you dont have to mess with xorg11:54
tamale|thunder:   You sure?11:54
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Warbo__mikem: Ah, well I know the general syntax, but the manual page is too HUGE to find the option names11:54
utabsethk can you help me how to do that11:54
sethkutab, I pop in and out depending on what's going on here, but I'll try to pop back shortly11:54
GnonthgolI got this realy long error in scons and can not get the first lines of the error. Does anyone have an idea?11:54
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|thundertamale, its what i always use. works great11:54
sethkutab, sure, paste the url into  your browser11:54
__mikemWarbo, I can settle for just stripping the drm11:54
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tamale|thunder:  I'm not scared of editing xorg.conf by hand11:54
sethkutab, line 072 of your post is the first url to try11:54
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tamale|thunder:  Doesn't automatix install a lot of other things too11:55
killdashninehi all11:55
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sethkutab, there is an extra space in the URL, so remove it (on that line between restric and ted/binary)11:55
red|rainkilldashnine, hi :)11:55
Ropechoborrared|rain what did u say it does??11:55
|thunderif you install with just apt-get install nvidia-kernel-common nvidia-glx you have to switch to the nvidia from mesa manully and there is no config applet. if you use automatix you get the config app11:55
Warbo"mencoder -oac <audio format> -ovc <video format> -<video format>opts <option>=<value>,<option>=<value>,etc -<audio format>opts <option>=<value>,etc -o <output file> <input file>"11:55
TheGateKeepertamale: editing by hand is far safer, automatrix is more likely to break things11:55
|thundertamale, installs what you select.11:55
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red|rainRobNyc_C, it will install the XFCE desktop which is good on systems with low cpu and/or ram www.xfce.org11:56
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tamale|thunder:  Well, we already did the apt-get for nvidia-glx and it didn't work11:56
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tamale|thunder:  Will using automatix now work?11:56
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto11:56
utabsethk I pasted and removed the space11:56
TheGateKeepertamale: ^^^^11:56
GnonthgolCan someone pleese ask me what my problem is?11:56
|thundertamale, you need nvidia-kernel-common too11:56
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y0rgosGuys im having a hell of a time trying to get my auto syncronize time working.. it never grabs the real time11:56
Ropechoborrared|rain is it something like gnome or kde?11:56
ravenousanyone know if k3n supports .img offhand?11:56
sethkutab, ok, did you get the file?11:56
ardchoilletamale: automatix is quite ot for this channel. it isn't supported or recommended11:56
ravenousk3b even11:56
utabsethk nothing happens11:56
red|rainRopechoborra, yep11:56
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gnomefreakGnonthgol: just tell us your problem if someone knows they will help you11:57
|thundertamale, 'sudo apt-get install nvidia-kernel-common nvidia-glx'11:57
WarboFor example I usually use something like: "mencoder -oac mp3lame -ovc xvid -xvidencopts bitrate=256 -lameopts br=64 -o output.avi input.mpeg"11:57
GnonthgolI got this realy long error in scons and can not get the first lines of the error. Does anyone have an idea?11:57
tamaleardchoille Can you help then?11:57
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ardchoilletamale: No with automatix11:57
__mikemWarbo, thanks11:57
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__mikemhold that thought I need to go to dinner11:57
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sobieskiI have ubuntu in swedish, how can i find "Multimedia Systems Selector"?11:57
Warbo__mikem: "br=64" may be "b=64"11:57
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|thundertamale, if your get these two packages and modify xorg, it will work with openGL11:58
utabsethk: I can not download that11:58
TheGateKeepersobieski: for firefox?11:58
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sethkutab, do the url without Packages.gz.  I just tried that here and I get a list of files.  se if you get the list11:58
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tamale|thunder:  I'm pretty sure that's exactly what i did, but upon restarting X nothign came up11:58
tamalethe monitor was in standby11:58
existanceThe mic on my headset isn't working with 'Sound Recorder' could someone direct me to some resources to fix it?11:58
sethkutab, it's interesting that there is no Packages.gz file in that directory.11:58
bluefox83where can i find video codecs like debian's w32codecs?11:58
|thundertamale, how old is the card ?11:58
tamaleit's a 7900 GT11:59
sethkutab, that suggests an error in your dpkg database somewhere.11:59
sobieskiTheGateKeeper:  the how to says System > Preferences > Multimedia Systems Selector11:59
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:59
|thunderbluefox83, try #automatix11:59
ardchoilletamale: The first thing I recommend you do is open a term and type:  sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.bak   <-- that will make a backup of it just in case.11:59
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tamaleardchoille:  Done11:59
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utabsethk what next11:59
TheGateKeepersobieski: misinterpreted sorry, probable need to ask someone who use gnome11:59
killdashninei am trying to get samba to work with standard ubuntu repositories but both binary and hand compiled source packages segfault. i even tried a subversion source compile which resulted in the same behavior. any reason why this should happen? i have never seen samba do this before and it worked perfectly fine with 5.1012:00
sethkutab, let me look around a bit.  I'll be back in a few minutes.12:00
utabsethk thx for the interest12:00
evan_w00im so lost in linux... so users can only manipulate folders in their home?12:00
existanceThe mic on my headset isn't working with 'Sound Recorder' could someone direct me to some resources to fix it?12:00
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|thunderevan_w00, yep.12:00
sobieskiTheGateKeeper: could you tell me what the icon for "Multimedia Systems Selector" is12:00
sethkutab, ok.  Let me make sure I'm interpreting this correctly.12:00
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Arcane_NHHey guys I can't get ubuntu to fully start from the CD-rom12:00
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