
TheHighChildmartamius: I just gave this link to jinho, it may help you http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4203012:08
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martamiusyeah, i did all that. the only solution that worked for that guy was a reinstall12:09
lmosherAnyone here make video DVDs and if so what program?12:09
Search4Lancerman, I loooove having zero charge on my battery, even though my laptop has been plugged in for weeks and weeks12:10
martamiusTheHighChild: that didn't work.12:11
martamiustheHighChild: i keep getting this: Could not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device.12:11
oemsit house12:12
oemsit house12:12
oemsit house12:12
oemsit house12:12
oemsit house12:12
oemsit house12:13
oemsit house12:13
oemsit house12:13
oemsit house12:13
oemsit house12:13
TheHighChildmartamius: Try using the partition location that grub was install into12:13
oemsit house12:13
TheHighChildstfu oem12:13
oemsit house12:13
oemsit house12:13
oemsit house12:13
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oemsit house12:13
oemsit house12:13
oemsit house12:13
oemsit house12:13
oemsit house12:13
oemsit house12:13
oemsit house12:13
oemsit house12:13
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oemsit house12:13
oemsit house12:13
martamiusTheHighChild: it was installed on the MBR12:13
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oemsit house12:13
oemsit house12:13
oemsit house12:13
oemsit house12:13
oemsit house12:13
oemsit house12:13
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oemsit house12:13
oemsit house12:13
oemsit house12:13
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Tm_Tsorry my slowness, I always forget how this works :p12:14
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hybridph33r Tm_T12:14
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Tm_Thi hybrid :)12:15
martamiusso, i guess my best bet is a kubuntu reinstall?12:15
TheHighChildmartamius: No, your best bet is to talk to someone that isn't as stupid as I am12:16
hybridhey Tm_T12:16
Tm_Tmartamius: what's the problem?12:16
TheHighChildmartamius: There is always a way. I am just not too familiar with grub, sorry. Tried to explain what I knew, which isn't much12:16
martamiusim trying to reinstall grub because my fresh windows install wiped it12:16
Tm_TI see12:17
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:17
martamiusand grub-install from live isn't working12:17
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Tm_Tok, how it doesn't work12:17
martamiusCould not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device.12:17
martamiuswhen i do sudp grub-install /dev/hda12:17
martamiusfrom dapper live12:18
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CylonSixAnyone here?12:18
TheHighChildCylonSix: yeah12:18
CylonSixDon't suppose you could help me with a problem?12:18
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TheHighChildCylonSix: I can try12:18
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:19
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Tm_Tmartamius: interesting :)12:19
CylonSixWell, I keep trying to access the root from Konsole, and it prompts for the password, now I never set a root password but I assume it's supposed to be the same as the password for the user I created...well, I try me user password and it says that it's incorrect.12:20
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CylonSixAny ideas?12:20
Tm_TCylonSix: sudo su -> your password12:20
CylonSixok, thanks.12:21
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CylonSixI'll boot to Kubuntu and try that.12:21
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TheHighChildCylonSix: I tried to say this earlier but you took off, to enter a root shell, you can type 'sudo -i' that will put you into a root session, to leave you can type 'exit' That's if you need a root shell, to perform a single command as root, you can use 'sudo' in front of the command12:22
SpAwNis there anyway to get  newer win versions other then building from source?12:22
TheHighChildlol, and again12:22
Tm_Tmartamius: did you check those urls ubotu gave?12:22
martamiusyeah, the first one didnt work, but im try update-grub now...12:23
Tm_TTheHighChild: and I thought I'm slow ;)12:23
TheHighChildTm_T: eh, watching a movie. I try to be snappy but it doesn't usually work that way12:24
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martamiusubdate-grub just seems to hang, though12:24
SpAwNu think its safe to use these ? http://www.winehq.com/site/download-deb12:24
TheHighChildnot to mention, people can't stay for more than 20 seconds if their question isn't answered12:24
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Tm_TTheHighChild: well, I'm too old to answer in 20 seconds12:25
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.12:25
TheHighChildTm_T: I usually don't know what people are talking about. I just google shiat for them. lol12:25
martamiusok, well my live install just crashed12:26
rictoo_how come all of my full screen games dont run in fullscreen?12:26
rictoo_they run with a window, and black all around them12:26
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TheHighChildrictoo_ try pressing alt+ enter and see if that helps. I run enemy territory and I have to do that to get fullscreen12:29
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CylonSixOk so I tried the sudo su, but still when I try and mount a drive Konsole returns with "Only root can do that" :P12:34
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CylonSixanyone here?12:36
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Festyurwhy does synaptic look this way? http://img75.imageshack.us/img75/6949/snapshot1vh2.png12:36
FestyurCylonSix: me12:36
SanneCylonSix: the command would be "sudo mount ...", not sudo su12:36
Tm_Twell, yeah12:37
CylonSixwell, I can't get it to even let me in root for some reason :P12:37
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CylonSixI tried going to file "Root Shell" and what not, typing password in, brings me back to Konsole, and then I type mount /dev/hda3/ /mnt/hda3/ and it says Only Root Can Do That12:38
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CylonSixAnyone have any ideas?12:40
SanneCylonSix: try it this way please: open a regular konsole as your normal user, and type :  sudo mount /dev/hda3 /mnt/hda312:40
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CylonSixalright, I'll brb then12:41
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lmosherWhat's th command do install my current kernel's source?12:42
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nutshell42lmosher: apt-get install linux-source-<something>12:43
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lmoshernutshell42, ok ty lol12:43
Sannelmosher: make very sure the <something> fits your running kernel exactly12:44
lmosherSanne, Yeah I checked my uname -r12:44
Sannelmosher: uname -r12:44
Festyurwhy does synaptic look this way? http://img75.imageshack.us/img75/6949/snapshot1vh2.png12:45
lmosherSanne, when it installs it, where will it be? /usr/src/linux/?12:45
Sannelmosher: dunno exactly, you can check this on packages.ubuntu.com on the package's page further down12:45
lmosherok ty12:45
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Sannelmosher: search for where it says "Download ..." and click on "list of files"12:46
nutshell42lmosher: dpkg -L linux-source-<something>12:47
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TintinIs GLX / Compiz stable for use?12:47
nutshell42but iirc it was in /usr/src/<something>12:47
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nutshell42Tintin: xgl or glx?12:48
AKA_foleyhow to use tv out i have s3 savage 4 card12:48
Tintinnutshell42: Don't know...12:48
AKA_foleycan sombody help me12:48
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Tintinnutshell42: I was just wondering if I should try it out... and looking for a tutorial.12:48
nutshell42Tintin: glx is an extension for x.org, whether it's stable and usable depends on your graphics card drivers12:48
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TintinOk, I use intel 81012:49
nutshell42compiz is semi-stable12:49
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nutshell42I wouldn't use it for my everyday system12:49
Cylon6Sanne, to no avail :(12:49
Tintinnutshell42: Ok, thanks. I'll wait till after I hand in my thesis then...12:49
nutshell42if you don't just want it for the eye-candy (or if you can live with a bit less eye-candy)12:49
SanneCylon6: that is *very* peculiar...12:50
nutshell42you could use the composite extension instead12:50
SanneCylon6: same error message?12:50
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nutshell42(if the intel driver supports it accelerated...no idea, check google)12:50
nutshell42it's more stable12:50
Tintinnutshell42: That will also give me transparency?12:50
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Cylon6no, not the same error message, just nothing in the /mnt/ folder :P12:50
nutshell42and if it crashes it generally crashes gracefully12:50
AKA_foleycan sombody help me12:50
nutshell42not quite as spectacular12:50
jinhonutshell: hey12:50
AKA_foleyhow to use tv out i have s3 savage 4 card12:50
nutshell42but also transparent12:51
Tintinnutshell42: Ok, I'll take a look at it. thanks.12:51
nutshell42jinho: and, does it work? =)12:51
Cylon6it asked me for my password, it put it in, after that command you gave me, and then, it just left me a blank line as if to put in another command.12:51
jinhonutshell42: hey- apparently menu.lst shows- but it doesnt load...12:51
SanneCylon6: aha! So you *could* mount it this time. Does the folder where you want to mount the device exist, then?12:51
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jinhonutshell42: the menu shows...but grub cant mount the linux partitions- and the windows drives just wont even load period12:51
SanneCylon6: how did you try to access the mounted folder?12:51
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Cylon6I have dialup, and can't access the internet from Kubuntu...the device is a fat32 partition so I might transfer files from the windows side which can use the net to the Linux side that cannot.12:52
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SanneCylon6: this is fine, but how did you try to look into the mounted folder?12:53
Cylon6and I clicked on the hard drive on my desktop, which brought me to the root folder, and I just went down to where it said /mnt/12:53
pappuaHello I am trying to build KDE in ubunti 6.  I am getting this error message.  Can some one please help.  I am trying to build according to instructions on this page http://developer.kde.org/build/trunk.html12:53
SanneCylon6: and /mnt is empty?12:53
Nukedpappua: on the bleeding edge huh12:53
pappuaerror message12:53
pappua- Looked for GIF libraries named gif;libgif;ungif;libungif;giflib.12:53
pappua-- Found no acceptable GIF library. This is fatal.12:53
pappuaCMake Error: Error in cmake code at12:53
pappuaMESSAGE Could NOT find GIF12:53
bgrimmA WEP question: if I use "iwconfig <iface> key s:<string>" the string value never computes to the proper key, is it default to 64 bit and I need to change it to 128 somehow? The original passphrase was setup to use 128 bit WEP.12:53
pappuahow can i get these libraries into  ubuntu12:54
SanneCylon6: (btw, please type my name so I get notified when you reply) Then there's no folder in /mnt where you can access your data. You have to create it manually before mounting.12:54
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Cylon6Sanne, so I should create a folder for this hard drive to be accessed in? so make an empty folder "Shared" or whatever, and make the command now sudo mount /dev/hda3/ /mnt/Shared/hda3 ?12:56
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SanneCylon6: close ;) You can , for example, make a folder /mnt/hda3 and do: sudo mount /dev/hda3/ /mnt/hda312:57
Cylon6ohhhh...I get it now :P12:57
SanneCylon6: you can name the created folder anythin you want, it doesn't need to be hda312:58
Cylon6Sanne, thank you! :) I'm a newbie to Linux shell commands really, and this helped me get a more visualized concept of the filesystem...Still learning, as always! :)12:58
SanneCylon6: you could make a folder /mnt/windows and mount it with: sudo mount /dev/hda3 /mnt/windows12:59
SanneCylon6: cool, glad I could help :)12:59
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Nukedcan I make Konsole transparent like I can with eterm ?01:02
NukedEterm -f white -n DeskTerm -O -x --buttonbar false --scrollbar false01:02
Nukedis there an equivalent for konsole01:03
Tm_TNuked: well, yes01:03
tsdgeossettings -> scheme -> transparent01:04
Tm_Tas fake transparency as in Eterm01:04
tsdgeosof course01:04
tsdgeossuccky transparency01:04
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Nukedthats not what im talking about Tm_T01:04
Nukedtry the command I gave you and see01:04
Tm_TNuked: I know I know, I have Eterm and Konsole with fake transparency in the desktop already :p01:05
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Nukedare you sure, because I tried tsdgeos method and thats not what im looking for01:06
NukedI want it to seem as if I am typing on the desktop01:06
Tm_TNuked: no, you can't get Konsole totally borderless01:06
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NukedTm_T: awww damn ...01:07
Nukedis there another terminal besides eterm this will work with?01:07
Tm_Tyeah, that's why I have Eterm there too01:07
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Tm_Thmm, aterm maybe01:07
Nukedbecause eterms fonts are killing me01:07
Tm_TI like my current01:08
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Nukedaterm is worse than eterm01:09
Tm_Told pic: http://www.tm-travolta.net/shots/current.png01:10
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sorush2hi guys how do I remove a module that is already in use?01:10
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NukedTm_T: finnish huh01:11
Nukedwhats that on the right hand side01:11
Tm_TNuked: no, you're mistaken, it's not finnish, it's siansaksaa01:11
Tm_TNakkel: conky? or kicker?01:11
Tm_Tor, err, desklist of kopere?01:11
tsdgeossorush2: rmmod01:12
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Nukedno I meant kubuntu-fi01:12
Nukedand I was talking about the thing that says yankees01:13
Tm_Tno, it's fi as FunnyIsh01:13
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Tm_TNuked: desklist01:13
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Tm_Tand that "yankees" group is joke :p01:15
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footBearcat: hello01:16
Bearcatfoot: there you are01:17
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Bearcatfoot: beep?01:18
Bearcatfoot: beep?01:19
Nukedwhats the path to kde01:19
footBearcat: beep01:19
Nukeddude whats the path to kde on kubuntu?01:21
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phreak__Nuked: the path is long and dangerous01:21
soulriderTm_T: do you still have that wallpaper?01:21
Nukedbut im going to compile that desklist plugin01:22
Tm_Tsoulrider: that? humm, yes, actually I should make another version of it01:22
rx_is it possible to upgrade ubuntu to kubuntu without reinstalling? i know i could just install kdm, uninstall gdm, etc...doing it all by hand but it would be lenghtly....01:22
soulridercan i get it pleae? :P01:22
Tm_Tsoulrider: hmm, not until I get kubuntu logo instead of ubuntu01:22
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Nukedi did which kopete and I got usr bin kopete01:22
Tm_TNuked: /usr/bin01:23
Tm_Tsoulrider: then you might find it in edgy repositories ;)01:23
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Tm_Tyou never know01:23
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Nukedwhat wallpaper?01:24
CylonSixOk, here's a question, how do I change the permissions of a folder? :P It's not letting me under properties, it's all grayed out...01:24
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Nukedconfigure: error: Could not find Kopete header files01:25
nutshell42CylonSix: kdesu konqueror01:25
nutshell42CylonSix: the problem's most likely that you don't have permission to change the permissions =)01:25
CylonSixnutshell42, uhm...but I'm the administrator...01:25
nutshell42Nuked: apt-get install kopete-dev01:26
nutshell42CylonSix: what exactly do you want to do?01:26
Nukednutshell42: figured as much01:26
CylonSixnutshell42, change the write permissions for the /mnt folder, since I can't create a folder there that I need...01:26
nutshell42Nuked: if it doesn't find them after that look for a ./configure option to specify the path to the header files01:26
ym4546hi i was wondering if someone could help me with a samba problem i'm having01:27
nutshell42CylonSix: you can't create it as root?01:27
waikeunghi. i just installed firefox in kubuntu.. how do i run it?01:27
crimsunit should be in your K menu.01:27
ym4546under internet01:27
nutshell42waikeung: look for it in kmenu->internet01:27
waikeungoh i see ty i;m a newbie.. after 2 days of mindwracking and pc restarts to make a usb modem works01:28
CylonSixnutshell42, i've tried the command sudo mkdir /mnt/hda3 and to no avail.01:28
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Bearcatfoot: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree01:29
ym4546i have a samba share, but when i go to it in windows explorer (on a winxp box), it says access denied01:30
ym4546if i go to entire network, and click on my ubuntu computer's name, it lists the shared printers, but it can't view the share....i'm on kubuntu 6.0601:30
waikeungbtw what good progs i can use to view lots of different codes video. I'm used to mpc on my windows partition01:30
Bearcatfoot: http://www.elijahlofgren.com/linux/ubuntu/multimedia/#java-plugin01:30
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ym4546waikeung: vlc01:31
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ym4546go to nightlies.vlc.org, it'll give you a repo to download vlc 0.8.5, cuz the ubuntu repository only has the 0.8.4 version01:31
CylonSixnutshell42, I can't send you anything because I'm unregistered...01:32
waikeungthx a lot01:32
CylonSixDoes this place use nickserv?01:32
TheHighChildHey guys, question. A lot of times when I am watching you tube or something, i don't get any sound. I have to quit firefox and type 'killall artsd' then retry and it works. Anyway to avoid this?01:32
tsdgeosCylonSix: yes01:32
nutshell42CylonSix: what do you want to send me?01:32
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Ubuntu-Newbieomg someone already owns this XD..01:32
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NukedTm_T: I dont see the plugin01:34
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Tm_TNuked: have you restarted kopete?01:35
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Kiongkuis 2.6.15-26 the latest kernel for the kubuntu distro?01:35
Tm_Thmm, interesting01:35
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Tm_TKiongku: to stable yes01:35
foothelp help, I am trying to install fash, enable mp3's and such while taking a break from doing the mythtv and ivtv install and I keep getting a mythtv error.01:36
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damian_anyone here use gnome?01:36
nutshell42Nuked: did you really restart kopete, i.e. did you make sure it was no longer in the systray? and where did you install the plugin? you might have to use ./configure --prefix=/usr to make sure it's in the default dirs on kubuntu01:36
nutshell42damian_: you're in kubuntu01:36
damian_nutshell: I know, but everyone in ubuntu is not responding to my question01:36
Tm_TNuked: whoops, my bad, I remembered wrong prefix ;(01:37
Nukedshit, usr/bin is where i put it01:37
nutshell42what's your question?01:37
damian_I want to know how to get gnome to stop displaying my drives on my desktop01:37
footBearcat: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2049201:37
Kiongkui just got hell to put kubuntu.. i not going to modify it too heavily for now XD01:37
Tm_Tgood night ->01:38
nutshell42damian_: well, there is an option in kde, but most likely not in gnome (they hate options), you probably have to use gconf01:38
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damian_nutshell42: ok01:38
ym4546i have a samba share, but when i go to it in windows explorer (on a winxp box), it says access denied01:38
ym4546if i go to entire network, and click on my ubuntu computer's name, it lists the shared printers, but it can't view the share....i'm on kubuntu 6.0601:38
ym4546any idea?01:38
Nukednutshell42:  its there now01:38
Kiongkucan someone send me the link to vlc again.01:39
ym4546i think01:39
Kiongkunightlies.vlc.org u gave me that and it returned me naught :P01:39
ym4546my bda01:39
nutshell42damian_: sry, tried a google search but found nothing useful01:40
Nukedym4546: is it worth installing the nightlies?01:40
ym4546its not a nightly01:40
ym4546Nuked: it gives a repository with the final release version of 0.8.501:40
NukedI thought I had 0.8.5 source already installed01:41
Kiongkui thought its not final01:41
Kiongkuit says experimental01:41
NukedVLC media player 0.8.5 Janus01:42
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nutshell42does anyone know how I can get an un-ubuntified cups without having to compile it myself?01:42
nutshell42my printer doesn't work like it should and I'm pretty sure ubuntu's part of the problem01:43
damian_nutshell42: that worked beautifully, thanks01:44
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nutshell42damian_: no problem, next time switch to kde instead =P01:46
damian_nutshell42: I was using KDE but wanted to try gnome01:46
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Kiongkuhow to add a key?01:46
otaku-sanhey does any know what and where this is? pyGTK 2.6+01:47
nutshell42otaku-san: apt-get install python-gtk201:48
Kiongku=\.. i tried to install vlc but it says break01:48
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otaku-sannutshell42: ok I was trying pygtk hehe01:48
Nukedhow do I block a person from imming me in kopete?01:49
Kiongkuanyone can help me?01:49
NukedKiongku: whats going on?01:51
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ubuntu_hi im running the latest version of kubuntu live dvd. does anyone know the root password for su in shell ?01:54
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ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.01:55
nutshell42ubuntu_: sudo -i01:55
gnomefreakubuntu_: might want to read that01:55
nutshell42doesn't work01:55
nutshell42because root isn't enabled by default01:55
otaku-sanok....I'm trying to run <http://pyradar.sourceforge.net/index-old.htm> a weather radar.  I installed in correctly and everytime I tried a odd error came up complaining about a line.  So I found out I was missing a pack...just installed..tried to run the program and this came up01:56
ubuntu_cool thanks01:56
otaku-sanwell I'll paste it on paste bin01:56
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otaku-sanhere http://pastebin.ca/13026501:58
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ym4546anybody got any samba idea02:01
ym4546on my previous question02:01
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nutshell42ym4546: look for a samba howto or tutorial02:04
nutshell42ym4546: security = user02:04
nutshell42should basically make samba use your unix users on that server for authentication02:04
nutshell42but it's not quite that easy02:04
nutshell42browseable = yes02:05
nutshell42valid users = <whoever you want>02:05
nutshell42will make it available from windows02:05
Bearcatfoot:  in a terminal window as not root, type "xhost +localhost"02:05
alteratoHi all. Does anyone know if any of the repos have packages for zsnes?02:06
alteratoI've enabled all repos listed in Adept, guess what I need to ask is if there is a 3rd party repo that might have it?02:07
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LeeJunFanMan windoze is lame - it won't accept a dhcp offer unless it can reach the internet, just keeps rejecting the offers.02:08
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ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php02:12
systestkubuntu 6.06, system sees new usb drive but will not allow me to mount it (yes, I'm in the plugdev group) any suggestions what to check/config?02:12
alteratothank you damian02:12
Bearcatfoot: apt-get install libxine-extracodecs02:13
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QMarioWhat is oneko?02:14
ubuntu_is chkdsk included on the live dvd ? i can run fdsk but chkdsk says command not found ?02:14
ym4546nutshell42: thanx02:16
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actinicKubuntu now has a distributed Folding team!02:22
actinicjoin up02:22
actinicand let's kick some ass02:22
nutshell42fsck the folding, tell me why me kde doesn't want to print =P02:24
actinici'll tell you once you join02:24
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nutshell42actinic: k, I d/led the client, I won't do anything with it until you've solved my problem =)02:29
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zipperactinic, i joined as well for the fun of it02:36
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actinicthanks guys02:37
edgarinHello to all I have a problem02:38
edgarinI want install ltsp in kubuntu02:38
edgarinthe ltsp is running02:38
edgarinbut the mouse serial in the terminal not workds02:38
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intelikeyif i was to install nvidia drivers    how do i know what driver i need???     (assume legacy)02:43
actinicnutshell42, describe the prob for me02:44
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto02:44
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intelikeyif i was to install nvidia drivers    how do i know what driver i need???     (assume legacy)02:44
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zipper__!nvidia intelikey02:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nvidia intelikey - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:45
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zipper__!nvidia > intelikey02:45
intelikeyif i was to install nvidia drivers    how do i know what driver i need???     (assume legacy)02:46
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto02:46
intelikeyyall don't seem to take a hint.02:46
zipper__read the guide. The answer to your question is in it02:46
MasterEvilAcewhat's the deal with the whole "Hard drive not checked" for 30 boots.. forced checking.. what is the point of that02:46
zipper__it's even in the beginning as far as i remember02:46
intelikeyit's much easier to say "i don't know."  than to just piss people off with a bot posting.02:46
zipper__stop trolling, and just read the guide, and ask if you encounter any problems02:47
intelikeyzipper i read the guide02:47
zipper__what trouble did you encounter then?02:47
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intelikeyso anyone know how to determine if i need the legacy driver or not ?02:49
charles1952Hi...newbie to Kubuntu here....any suggestions about which runtime package of Java I should install???02:49
zipper__intelikey, you didnt read the guide. I know, cus' i just skimmed through it, and found this link for you which exactly tells you which card uses which driver : http://download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/1.0-8762/README/appendix-a.html02:49
intelikeycharles1952 try   apt-cache search java02:49
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zipper__intelikey, next time, do the legwork yourself, you're probably going to do a lot of it at some point anyway02:50
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intelikeyyou can show more info on any listing there by using apt-cache show <package name>02:50
charles1952well...I have done an adept search and it comes up with 8 or 9 different Java runtime environments....is there one in particulaar that works best?02:50
waikeunghi anyone knows how to make vlc read .mkv video files?02:51
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intelikeycharles1952 that i couldn't answer.  i don't do java.02:51
charles1952okay...I'll give it a try...thanks02:51
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto02:51
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actiniczipper, what kinda rig do u own for folding?02:53
zipper__intelikey, at no point should you feel obligated to thank me for doing all the work for you. I just love being people's little helper when they feel lazy.02:53
zipper__actinic, overcloced d805 + celeron m 420 laptop02:53
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actinicwell better that than overlooked :)02:54
zipper__actinic, dont know how passionate i'll be about running the program though02:54
actinicjust keep you're eyes out on the temps02:54
Kiongkuanyone knows how to read .mkv video files in kubuntu?02:54
actinicand i understand02:54
zipper__temperature shouldn't be a problem. It's "only" overclocked from 2.66ghz to 3.33ghz, and i have a zalman 9500 cooler on it02:55
intelikeyKiongku not sure you can, but if so install the proper codec for them.02:55
actiniclol, 'only'02:55
zipper__it's on stock vcore (!)02:55
zipper__stable as well02:55
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:56
zipper__tomshardware managed to get one to 4.1ghz where it outperformed an Amd x2 4200 :)02:56
actinicof course mine's an opteron running 2.9 from 2 stock :)02:56
intelikeyhehhe oh forgot i was ignoring the bot.02:56
zipper__and the d805 is like, 100$ theese days02:56
actinicgood stuff02:56
zipper__opteron is a good cpu as well02:56
Kiongkuthx intelikey02:57
zipper__intelikey, dont mention it. It came out a little more harsh than intended02:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about VB - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:58
actinicyeah, temps aren't too bad either, about 48C full tilt boogy02:58
Bearcatfoot: libdvdcss202:58
zipper__still room for a lot of overclocking then :)02:58
actinicyep, can't wait for winter! :)02:58
Kr4t05zipper__: You talking about the Intel Pentium D OC beast?02:59
zipper__actually, my cpu is only running 3.00ghz as well... became a little unstable when the summer hit us02:59
zipper__Kr4t05, yeah02:59
zipper__well, mainly the d80502:59
actinicwell folding is certainly a good test02:59
zipper__since it's such a good overclocking cpu for such a low price02:59
Kr4t05zipper__: I'm thinking about getting one for my next machine, but I may opt for a Mac Mini. Not sure yet.03:00
actinicis the 805 a dual?03:00
zipper__actinic, yes03:00
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Kr4t05actinic: Yep03:00
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actinici know crap about intel03:00
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Jucatoenzo: draik?03:00
zipper__Kr4t05, well, if you can afford it, you should go for a conroe. But the performance you can get from a 100$ cpu with a 25$ cooling unit on it is indeed appealing03:01
zipper__actinic, me203:01
zipper__actinic, i've always, always been an amd-guy03:01
intelikeyso let me ask one more time, and keep the bot out of this.  is there a way to tell which nvidia driver to try when that wiki page doesn't mention it ????????03:01
zipper__intelikey, i gave you a direct link for that before03:02
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zipper__"intelikey, you didnt read the guide. I know, cus' i just skimmed through it, and found this link for you which exactly tells you which card uses which driver : http://download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/1.0-8762/README/appendix-a.html"03:02
actiniczipper__, same here03:02
intelikeyanyone have any idea ?03:02
zipper__intelikey, yes! And i've already told you my idea 2 times03:02
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zipper__actinic, but at the time i bought my setup, amd had nothing to offer that could compare to the price/performance of the d805. Only other option really, was the x2, but it was before the conroe was released, so it wasn't exactly cheap at the time03:04
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Jucatointelikey: have you tried reading from the Ubuntu Documentation Storage Facility (UDSF)? I think they have a guide there on which nvidia driver to try03:04
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intelikeyudsf   no.  all i have tried was that wiki that ubotu knows.   got a url on that ?03:05
Ashex!pastebin > Ashex03:05
zipper__intelikey, what card do you have?03:05
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zipper__intelikey, you can probably find it by typing 'lspci' or 'lspci | grep nvidia'03:06
zipper__if you dont know already03:06
niklazUm, yes.. I'm having a problem with qt3.  It says I have it but it's not working when I'm trying to install a screensaver.03:06
niklazI installed the -dev packages but still.03:06
Jucatointelikey: I'm not entirely sure. I'm on irssi now (pure console), so I couldn't really check...03:06
Jucatointelikey: sorry...03:07
footBearcat: xhost +localhost03:07
intelikeyJucato k  thanks for the pointer   i'll go see what i can find.03:07
AshexI seem to have run into a problem while trying to apt-get gtk+ dev files03:07
soulrider!seen tk03:07
ubotuI last saw tk (i=tk@ 21m 30s ago, quiting: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)03:07
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soulrideroh damn!03:07
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niklazSo can anybody help me? x_x03:07
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actiniczipper__, have you been generally pleased with the 805?03:08
actinicceleron, right?03:08
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Jucatoniklaz: I might be wrong, but I think the command should have been "lspci | grep nVidia". I'm not sure how to make grep ignore cases03:08
zipper__actinic, so far, yes. And no, it's called the "Pentium d805"03:09
Agioslspci | grep -i nvidia03:09
niklazJucato: I don't have nvidia.. o.O03:09
zipper__i'm very pleased with it, although i am considering getting a conroe... accoriding to reviews, they seem quite good03:09
JucatoAgios: cool! thanks03:09
intelikeyJucato -i == case insensitive03:10
Jucatoyeah, thanks :-D03:10
Jucatogotta go. gotta restart @_@03:10
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footBearcat: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2050103:10
AgiosI think I'm going for the Conroe E6700. But not until around March.03:10
workhurtsmehey guys, I am a new linux user, and I have been using kubuntu (dapper drake 64 bit) for about a week now on my amd 64 bit 3500. I cannot get my filesharing to enable though. it prompts me for my password in the system settings, then nothing. anyone else experience this?03:10
zipper__Agios, why not untill march?03:11
niklazI have a 3200+..03:11
niklazfile sharing with what/03:11
Agioszipper__: Won't have the $ until then LOL03:11
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zipper__niklaz, my guess is samba03:11
zipper__Agios, oh okay :)03:11
niklazWhat's samba?03:11
Agioszipper__: And hopefully prices will drop some by then.03:11
zipper__niklaz, windows filesharing? nfs?03:12
workhurtsmewell, samba is working to view the windows box, however my kubuntu box won't let me set up filesharing...so the other linux box we have can see this one03:12
footBearcat: http://hyams.webhop.net/mythtv/myth_ubuntu.html03:12
niklazeh, no, that was the other dudes problem.03:12
zipper__Agios, hopefully... i can't see myself paying for one of those at the prices they are at now03:12
niklazmine is installing screensavers.03:12
workhurtsmei have three computers, 1 windows, 2 kubuntus. i just want them to see eachother and be able to share.03:12
niklaznetwork.. foward ports..?03:12
niklazwhat zipper said, samba03:13
zipper__niklaz, i know, but you were asking "file sharing with what?"03:13
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zipper__workhurtsme, you should look into "samba" and/or "nfs"03:14
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT03:14
zipper__there you go03:14
Ashexhow do I check the locations of my sound card for alsa?03:14
intelikeyAshex lshw   lspci    cat /proc/asound/cards     just what are you wanting to know ?03:15
workhurtsmewell my samba works fine to see my windows box and all that03:15
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workhurtsmemy problem is that this kubuntu machine won;'t share its files. the other kubuntu machine can't see it either. this machine con only "view" the windows machine.03:15
nuaimathi , anyone from jordan ??03:15
Ashexintelikey, I'm trying to tweak cedega so i get sound in my games, i need the location of the ctl device and the pcm device03:16
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ivan`does restoring from sleep mode crash the kernel for anyone else?03:16
zipper__workhurtsme, hmm, not sure what the problem is, have you read the guides for clues?03:16
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intelikeyAshex ah  look in /dev/sound/    for that   iirc03:17
Ashexintelikey, you mean /dev/snd?03:17
intelikeyyeah maybe.03:17
intelikeyi don't have either.03:18
Ashexi've got a few things that look like it, controlC0  pcmC0D0c  pcmC0D0p  pcmC0D1c  timer03:18
AshexI'll just try a combination of them and see what happens03:18
intelikeydocumentation on alsa might clear it up03:18
workhurtsmewell, i have tried the forums, and read a bit, but i can't seem to figure anything out in regards to my problem. For some reason when I am in the settings, and try to enable network fielsharing and try to enter "administration mode" it does nothing. Once I enter my password it still has the grey screen and no changable information. So, I think everything would work, if kubuntu would just actually enable filesharing so the other comp03:18
workhurtsmeuters could see it.03:18
Ashex!alsa > Ashex03:19
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dreadyburnzanyone help me with getting easy unbuntu to work please?03:20
intelikeyworkhurtsme could launch kcontrol as root03:20
intelikeyassuming that's the app03:20
Bearcatfoot: ls /lib/modules/03:20
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footBearc2.6.15-23-386  2.6.15-26-386  ivtv-fw-dec.bin  ivtv-fw-enc.binat:03:21
Bearcatfoot: uname -r03:21
footBearcat : 2.6.15-26-386at:03:22
intelikeyworkhurtsme yeah isn't that the app that  menu > system settings    launches ?   you could pstree or top to find out03:22
Ashexworkhurtsme, you need to install samba-servecr03:23
Ashexor something with samba03:23
Ashexit's an odd fluke in kubuntu03:23
AshexI have the same problem03:23
zipper__dreadyburnz, what problems are you having?03:23
workhurtsmewhere can i get that package or whatever?>03:23
intelikeyoh you don't have samba installed ?    yeah to share to windows you need samba03:24
Ashexworkhurtsme, check adept03:24
zipper__workhurtsme, you can get new packages from "adept" which is in system -> adept03:24
intelikeysamba - a LanManager-like file and printer server for Unix03:24
intelikey!info samba03:25
ubotusamba: a LanManager-like file and printer server for Unix. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.22-1ubuntu3.1 (dapper), package size 2778 kB, installed size 7080 kB03:25
dreadyburnzjust really started playing around with ubuntu so a bit clueless to how it all works etc, just need someone to talk me through installing easy ubuntu so i can get the audio and vids working03:25
workhurtsmeokay thanks guys, i will be back shortly.03:26
Ashexdreadyburnz, have you downloaded it?03:26
ubotuEasyUbuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ ; for help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu.03:26
dreadyburnzi did but then i deleted it cos not sure of what version i need or anything03:26
Ashexgo to link mentioned above to download03:27
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dreadyburnzthat website aint working at moment03:27
zipper__dreadyburnz, well, there's a pretty good guide here : https://launchpad.net/products/easyubuntu03:27
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zipper__dreadyburnz, feel free to ask if you encounter any problems using that guide03:27
dreadyburnzil have a look now cheers ppl :)03:28
Ashexdreadyburnz, you can grab the one i use off my site, http://local.chipnick.com/~ahmed/easyubuntu-3.022.tar.gz03:28
killdashninei keep getting this message when i login03:28
intelikeyi wish mt nvidia card was in a list so i could know which driver might work...03:28
killdashninepam_winbind write to socket failed!03:28
killdashninein /var/log/auth.log03:28
killdashninehow would i be able to better debug the reason behind this?03:28
zipper__dreadyburnz,  well, either the one i pasted or http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/03:28
dreadyburnzalso just 1 more 4 ya, how do i enable thelike system tray?03:28
Gh0st75trying to run the install for java and konsole needs me to log in as root, the password for that, is it one i would have set during the install of kubuntu? i tried the password i use to log into kubuntu but that wasn't accepted03:28
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zipper__dreadyburnz, system tray? enable it? I'm not sure what you want to do, please explain03:29
zipper__Gh0st75, yes, it's the one you set in the install03:29
Gh0st75hmm, not accepting it for some reason03:29
zipper__Gh0st75, hmm, it should be identical to the pass you use to login with your regular user03:30
dreadyburnzwell when i installed ubuntu there was 2 menus 1 at top and 1 at the bottom, but deleted the top one so now just have a start menu at the bottom, like the system tray where gaim etc would usually minimise to?03:30
Gh0st75yep, tried it several times03:30
intelikeyGh0st75 test this command    sudo echo yes      and when it asks for a pass give yours.03:30
Gh0st75ok, did that03:31
zipper__dreadyburnz, i use kde, so i cant remember the names too well, but you can right click your one bar, and then add more stuff to it, or even add a whole other panel (system tray)03:31
intelikeydid it say "yes" ?03:31
Gh0st75yes it did03:31
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dreadyburnzyeah been on the add to panel but cant find a system tray one :(03:31
zipper__you sure you not mistyped the pass before Gh0st75? It seems like it's accepting the one you're using03:31
intelikeywell kill the install and run it with   sudo prepended03:32
Gh0st75positive, tried it multiple times03:32
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Gh0st75no even installing anythin yet, first step on the java site's instructions says to go to terminal and type su then my password, that's as far as i got, lol03:32
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zipper__dreadyburnz, ah, i can't recall it's name, but you can get to see a whole list (with icons for each one) of different actions/applications you want to launch. Near the bottom of that list, theres something i think is called "Application Manager" or something like that. Try adding that one to the panel03:33
intelikeyno   do sudo <scriptname>03:33
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Gh0st75i just have the bin file downloaded03:33
zipper__dreadyburnz, not the synaptic application though, but i can't remember its name too well, i'm using kde atm03:34
posthumani'm getting an error when trying to run frostwire on kubuntu (edgy I know) :P...it is runFrost.sh: 44: Syntax error: "(" unexpected (expecting "}")03:34
posthumanline 44 is   potential_java_dirs=(`ls -d1 "$JAVADIR" /j*`)03:34
zipper__Gh0st75, ah, thats why03:34
posthumanwould anyone know how to fix that?03:34
zipper__Gh0st75, (k)ubuntu doesnt have a root user (well it does, but well, simplified, it doesnt)03:34
intelikeyGh0st75 so  sudo java*.bin03:34
Gh0st75ok, will try that03:34
zipper__Gh0st75, so you have to do as intelikey says, use 'sudo' for each time you'd need root access03:35
intelikeyGh0st75 you know java is in the repos   and can be installed via the package manager don't you.03:35
bonggnuhi, i cannot connect a computer in my lan to my server , throw xdmcp, both are kubuntu box, where ir /var/log/ could i check for errors messages?03:35
darkyoshi372hi all, is there a way to get smooth scrolling in firefox, like in Kopete?03:35
Agiosposthuman: I might try taking the ( and ) out. But it's hard to tell from one line :)03:36
zipper__posthuman, have you read the java guide? frostwire needs java. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats#head-68565ae07a003332e82c9f23706638777396c24903:36
Gh0st75i tried that intelikey, but i still wasn't able to get java to work03:36
Agioswell, I assumed he had java installed LOL03:36
posthumanjava is installed and should work :)03:36
Gh0st75i'd much rather do the package route, as i'm slowly gettin used to adept manager03:36
intelikeyGh0st75 ok.  well good luck with that one.03:37
posthumanI tried taking off the ()'s as well, but got a 'bad substitution error03:37
darkyoshi372anyone? smooth scrolling in firefox?03:38
posthumanisn't there an option in the preferences dialog?03:38
darkyoshi372oh, maybe03:38
intelikeyposthuman `ls -d1 "$JAVADIR" /j*`  ???   you don't expect a  /j* dir do you ?03:39
posthumani believe so under 'advanced' @ dark03:39
posthumanthat's what it says inteli =\ heh..i can try taking the /j off?03:39
intelikeyrather try this first   echo  "$JAVADIR"03:40
intelikeydoes that show a path ?03:40
dreadyburnzgot the easy unbuntu folder unzipped and open, what do i need to do now, that help websites frying brain a bit lol03:40
Gh0st75just reinstalled the jre packages, trying to verify the installation on the java site now03:40
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posthumanintelikey: it shows nothing03:41
zipper__dreadyburnz, i think the guide tells you to run a python command in order to start easyubuntu03:41
posthumanjust blank03:41
posthumanbut java is installed03:42
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dreadyburnzhow i do that lol, sorry for being a pain lol03:42
zipper__dreadyburnz, or well, it's really just "python easyubuntu.in"03:42
Gh0st75posthuman, can you successfully Verify the java installation at java.com ?03:42
zipper__dreadyburnz, it's in the guide. The only reason for you to be a pain, is cus' you're not reading the guide :)03:42
intelikeyposthuman try   find /usr -type d -name java03:42
zipper__dreadyburnz, the readme is here : http://users.on.net/~goetz/EasyUbuntu/README03:43
zipper__dreadyburnz, tells you how to install and run it03:43
posthumanit says i have 1.4.203:43
posthumannot the latest03:43
posthumanshould I install 1.5?03:43
posthumanor whatever the next is03:43
willsHey, I just installed Kubuntu, but the highest resolution that it will allow me to set my desktop at 1280x102403:44
willsIs there way a way to up that?03:44
zipper__wills, yes. Try under system settings -> display03:44
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footBearcat: I will just go thru line by line exept for what I remember doing before.03:44
willsI went there03:44
dreadyburnzwill have a look now lol03:44
willszipper__: Max size under display was 1280x102403:44
posthumanintelikey: it found /usr/lib/java03:44
footBearcat: the battery died, TAPS is playing03:44
zipper__wills, ah okay. What would you want it to be?03:44
willszipper__: 1680x1050 is my monitor's native resolution03:45
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dreadyburnzsudo python Easy<tab>/easyubuntu.py i typed in that on terminal and says no such file or directory03:45
intelikeyyou could set that veriable      export JAVADIR=/usr/lib/java    then retry what ever gave you the error03:45
zipper__wills, you need to locate the "Section "Screen"" in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:45
zipper__wills, tell me when you've found it03:45
willszipper__: Already been there03:45
Gh0st75after installing the java packages, do i need to type anything to enable them?03:46
intelikey@ posthuman ^03:46
willszipper__: Added 1680x1050 there03:46
zipper__wills, but no luck?03:46
willszipper__: Rebooted X, but the max allowable resolution in display is still 1280x102403:46
willszipper__: Interestingly enough, xorg.conf specifies a 1600x1200 resolution by default, but that isn't showing up either03:46
zipper__try commenting out the old resolution line, and make a copy of it which you change it, so the only possible resolution is your screens native resolution03:47
willszipper__: Ctrl - Alt - Backspace is sufficient to reset X, right?03:47
darkyoshi372init 1 maybe?03:47
darkyoshi372it's probably better03:47
darkyoshi372I don't know how... :P03:47
zipper__wills, yes. Remember to close down all applications, and log out first though03:48
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intelikeyi wish there was a way without downloading both source packages to find out whether either nvidia package would work on my card.    i think legacy   it's probably old enough to qualify as legacy hardware.03:48
zipper__intelikey, your card is not listed on the list i gave you before?03:48
willszipper__: Be right back, if it doesn't work.  If it does, thank you.03:49
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Jucatointelikey: were you able to find it?03:53
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willszipper__: No luck03:53
willszipper__: Display options remain constant03:53
intelikeyJucato nothing helpful03:54
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zipper__wills, hmm? You changed your xorg.conf to only allow you to use your native resolution, but it still booted up using a different resolution?03:54
intelikeyJucato i guess i have the only unlisted nvidia card built....03:54
Jucatointelikey: what's your nvidia card, btw?03:54
willszipper__: Yeah03:54
willszipper__: Does KDE have a seperate config file it stores somewhere?03:55
Gh0st75well, another night gone and java still not working, will try again tomorrow i guess, gona afk03:55
willszipper__: I remember editing my xorg.conf fixed it easily back when I used GNOME03:55
zipper__intelikey, am i on ignore or something? You've could've told me that, perhaps i could've helped you then03:55
intelikeynvidia   thompson joint venture 12803:55
Jucato @_@03:55
zipper__wills, hmm, not that i'm aware of03:55
intelikeyyeah tell me.03:55
zipper__wills, can you paste your xorg.conf in a pastebin somewhere?03:56
willszipper__: Sure03:56
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intelikeyso all i get is  !nvidia  !nvidia  !nvidia  !nvidia  !nvidia  !nvidia  !nvidia  !nvidia  !nvidia  !nvidia  !nvidia  !nvidia  !nvidia  !nvidia  !nvidia  !nvidia  !nvidia  !nvidia  !nvidia  !nvidia  !nvidia  !nvidia        hehhe03:56
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intelikeylike i didn't have enough sense to look there firs.03:56
Jucatointelikey: maybe your card is covered by the legacy drivers?03:57
Jucatointelikey: I guess this is the specific page I was thinking of: http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Latest_Nvidia_Dapper03:57
intelikeyjucato maybe... that's what i'm leaning toword  but it's not listed in the legacy list.03:57
=== TooDamFast [n=andy@blacksburg-bsr1-69-174-71-167.chvlva.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu
zipper__intelikey, how were we supposed to know you actually read the guide, and found out your card was not listed on the supported chips list, when you never mentioned that before now?03:57
Jucatointelikey: what does the "lspci | grep -i nvidia" command output?03:58
zipper__oh well, i dont care. Don't want to force help upon a person who doesnt want it03:58
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TooDamFastgnome/kde question?  why do my keyboard hot keys work in gnome but not it kde on the same install?03:58
willszipper__: http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/jCtM8d77.html03:58
intelikeyjust told you   " NVidia Thomson Joint Venture 128  "03:59
willsTooDamFast: The hotkeys are stored desktop-specific, not system wide.03:59
zipper__thanks, after ignoring me for an hour03:59
JucatoTooDamFast: which hot keys? GNOME and KDE use different programs for hot keys, so they don't usually work across desktop environments03:59
TooDamFastdoes kde use the same fstab file that gnome uses?03:59
zipper__good luck with it though03:59
Jucatointelikey: Thomson or Thompson?04:00
TooDamFasti thought it was fstab related?04:00
intelikeythat was a cp and paste ^04:00
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willsTooDamFast: If you're talking about /etc/fstab, that's a system file04:00
intelikeyfirst i typed.04:00
willsTooDamFast: But hotkeys aren't stored there04:00
zipper__wills, hmm, what resolution / depth does it start up in when you have only the native resolution available?04:00
willsTooDamFast: fstab stores mounts04:00
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JucatoTooDamFast: fstab = FileSystem Table04:00
willszipper__: 1280x102404:00
TooDamFasti thought the keyboard was identified there.04:00
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intelikeyjucato  "0000:01:00.0 VGA compatible controller:  NVidia Thomson Joint Venture 128  "04:01
willszipper__: With options for 1024x768, 800x600, 640x480, etc04:01
TooDamFastive only been using linux for 5 weeks now. i started with gnome and swithed to kde a few days ago.04:01
zipper__wills, you know what depth it's in? You could try commenting out every other depths than the default one with the native resolution. Then we can be 100% sure it's no fault of the xorg.conf if it doesnt boot up. Or well, i might be, but at least not the resolution-selecting-part04:01
willszipper__: All my other depths -are- commented out, I think04:02
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Jucatointelikey: googling...04:02
willszipper__: Wait...my main monitor's not even a Dell04:02
willszipper__: I just realized that04:02
zipper__wills, ooh, they are, missed that... hmmm04:02
zipper__Identifier is only, well, and identifier, a name04:02
niklazoh, I forget konversation minimizes04:02
willszipper__: Yeah, I know, but could it have gotten confused somewhere?04:02
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willszipper__: I've got a second monitor that I don't use in Linux04:02
Jucatointelikey: I think your card falls under the nVidia Riva group04:03
willszipper__: Cause I've always been unable to get it to use dual monitors on my video card04:03
TooDamFasthow can i set up my hot keys on m$ keyboard in kde?04:03
zipper__wills, tried plugging in your monitor to the other output of your gfx card?04:03
willszipper__: But it's plugged in...could it be thinking those settings are for the 2nd one and using some defaults somewhere for my main monitor?04:03
Jucatointelikey: I think your card falls under the nVidia Riva group04:03
willszipper__: Err, I don't have another output04:03
willszipper__: I've got a laptop with a widescreen LCD on it, and a CRT plugged into the DVI out04:03
zipper__wills, ah, i see04:04
soulrideris there any way i can see in my kicker ONLY the apps that are on my curresnt desktop ?04:04
willszipper__: I'm thinking that maybe it's picked up the wrong monitor as my default?04:04
zipper__wills, it's probably the clone-setup that bugs it then. Your CRT probably has a hard time with using the 1680x1050 resolution04:04
willszipper__: My CRT's not even on04:05
zipper__is it connected?04:05
zipper__let me think04:05
willszipper__: Yeah...should I try disconnecting it entirely, running an X -configure, and then eidting the file that comes out?04:05
zipper__dont think it'll do you much good04:05
Jucatointelikey: were you able to get that? the last ones I typed in?04:06
willszipper__: I can always try re-installing without the CRT plugged in04:06
willszipper__: Installation only takes 10 minutes or so anyways04:06
zipper__dualview/tv-out/all that stuff is a pain in the a** and usually doesnt go too well with config-applications. You usually have to get a little dirty to make it work04:06
willszipper__: I know, I know04:06
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zipper__nah, dont think thats nessesary04:06
Jucatoerr.. logging out04:06
willszipper__: Only way I can ever get two monitors working in Linux is to have two seperate video cards04:06
intelikeyjucato yes i hear you04:06
Jucatointelikey: ok. Riva TNT seems to be covered by the legacy drivers, so I'm presuming Riva128 will be as well. anyway, good luck!04:07
zipper__wills, how come?04:07
Jucatologging out...04:07
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intelikeyJucato and that means legacy  might work.04:07
willszipper__: X doesn't seem to recognize my DVI output and my LCD output as two seperate devices04:07
intelikeyyes assuming04:07
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willsWow, a Riva 128?04:08
willsI think that card's almost as old as I am04:08
intelikeyyou about 6 years old ?04:08
zipper__wills, well, it's probably cus' you do not have two seperate devices04:09
zipper__wills, you probably have one device, with several outputs04:09
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willszipper__: How do you distinguish between outputs in xorg.conf?04:09
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zipper__wills, there are different ways of doing it. You can run 2 seperate x-sessions, you could persuade xorg to thinking you have 2 devices, and you can use the twin-view option if you're a nvidia user.04:10
zipper__They are all equally worthless04:11
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willszipper__: Ughh...well, can't use twin-view cause I04:11
zipper__or well, i'm kidding, it's possible to make it work, but it's not userfriendly at all04:11
willszipper__: I've got an ATI.  And still doesn't fix my resolution =/04:11
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matt__hey all04:12
zipper__i must admit, i have a hard time understanding why it runs a different resolution that available in the xorg.conf04:12
zipper__wills, however04:12
matt__has anyone had problems with cups after the latest dapper updates?04:12
zipper__wills, try pasting your /var/log/Xorg.0.log somewhere04:13
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matt__its was working fine up until the last set of updates.  Its an Epson CX4800 printer/scanner.04:14
willszipper__: http://www.its.caltech.edu/~willshao/Xorg.0.log04:14
byenhey guys  Here is my question.. none of my usb drives mount unless i type sudo modprobe -r ehci-hcd ... what can i do.. how should i proceed. ..Please suggest.. how can I have them mount automatically like they should...04:14
zipper__wills, a warning though, i don't know for how long i'll be able to help you debug the problem, it's 4am here and i'm getting really tired04:15
intelikeyhah this is so useless....  why would installing linux-386 & nvidia-glx-legacy     depend on linux-image-2.6.15-23-386    that's stupid.   running 26-386 now....04:15
willszipper__: Thanks for helping me, though.  4am.  Damn04:15
willszipper__: It's 7 pm here04:15
zipper__lol :)04:15
zipper__wills, hmm... according to DPMS, your monitor doesnt support its native resolution04:15
actinicwills, have u checked this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:16
zipper__wills, max is 1280x1024@75hz which was what you were able to select in system manager -> display right?04:16
willszipper__: I'm seeing that line04:17
zipper__wills, i think you need to dig out your manual for your screen, and manually define what hsync vrefresh values your screen has04:17
willszipper__: Ughhh...what's a manual?04:17
zipper__it's line 47104:17
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willszipper__: Actually, display only let's me use 86 Hz04:18
zipper__wills, heh, i know... but seriously though, try scanning the manufactures website, they usually have manuals for download04:18
willszipper__: Strange, considering it's an LCD04:18
zipper__strange indeed04:18
willszipper__: I really think that it picked up my CRT during install04:18
willszipper__: And based everything on that04:18
zipper__even more strange why it insists on running 1280x1024... i think that might be connected to the other output in the card04:18
willszipper__: I'm just going to reinstall04:19
zipper__you could try that04:19
zipper__without your crt plugged in ofcourse04:19
willszipper__: Kubuntu's got an amazingly fast install04:19
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zipper__but if it doesnt work, it is fix-able04:19
willszipper__: Alright, goodnight04:19
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zipper__thank you, and good luck04:19
intelikeyso i have to run *-23-386 for nvidia drivers to work ?    cause there is not restricted 26-386  ???04:20
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zipper__intelikey, i think it's in the multiverse repositories04:20
zipper__not sure04:20
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intelikeyi have all repos enabled  unless you go to strange urls04:21
ubotuProgramming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs; KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello; GNOME: gvim, gedit, eclipse, pida04:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about compiler - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:21
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)04:22
bigbill52awhy would kdm not start xwindows...it just loops back to the log in screen?04:22
intelikeyapt-cache search restricted | grep -e '-26-'04:22
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intelikeybigbill52a auth file not owned bt you   would be one reason     set to some other desktop environment that is no longer installed  could be anothere04:24
archangel_thanks, ubotu04:24
archangel_u r my h3r0!04:24
grizzlykonqueror and krusader both don't show any files in ftp://ftphost.ripway.com/ . gftp shows the files. Whats up ?04:24
zipper__intelikey, apparently i remembers wrong. I only have 23-386 as well04:25
bigbill52ait worked and then i rebooted the computer and it didnt...desktop environment was not changed04:25
zipper__remembers wrong? I should go to bed04:25
bigbill52ai eventually had to reinstall...04:25
intelikeyat least you didn't sic the bot on me that time...04:25
bigbill52awhat is the auth file?  where is it located?04:26
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ivan`what's the launchy-like application launcher called?04:26
ivan`where you do find-as-you-type to launch an app04:26
intelikeybigbill52a in your home dir    ~.*auth*     you can safely remove both    err all04:27
ubotuFTP clients: gftp, konqueror, kbear, nautilus. FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd04:27
intelikeybigbill52a assuming default home    /home/bill/.*auth*    or something like that04:28
=== d3vil [n=d3vil@c-69-138-110-249.hsd1.ms.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
zipper__intelikey, cmon, drop it already. I got the impression you had a problem selecting the driver cus' you never read the guide, thats why i acted the way i did. Again, how was i supposed to know differently? It took you quite some time to tell what was really the problem. Not worth getting all that excited about really04:28
d3vilCan someone tell me how to install Themes on Kubuntu?04:28
bigbill52ai see other hidden files but nothing with .auth04:28
d3vilCan anyone tell me how to install Themes on Kubuntu???~04:29
zipper__d3vil, we heard you the first time04:29
d3vilI am sorry.04:30
zipper__d3vil, if someone is able and willing to help you, that person will do so. No need to ask your question several times in a row04:30
intelikeyzipper__ i did drop it.  hehhe  another thing you didn't know.  i ignored your ip when you crossthreded me  and then could lift the ignore... that's why i finally loged out and back in here so i could see what you were doing,   knew you were still talking cause others were addressing you  :>04:30
maltaethironhey guys, im trying to install google earth, and the wiki instructions say that when im in konsole, to "cd" into the directory that i saved the google earth bin file...how would i do that?04:31
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zipper__intelikey, then it's entirely your own fault you missed out on a bounch of links for lists/forums. I kept on talking to you, trying to help you.04:31
Hawkwindmaltaethiron: cd /path/to/directory04:31
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Hawkwindmaltaethiron: cd = Change Directory04:32
maltaethironthanks hawkwind04:32
zipper__intelikey, you could've got your problem solved over an hour ago, but oh well, it all worked out anyway. No harm done04:32
JucatoHawkwind: are you the same guy from KubuntuForums.Net?04:32
HawkwindJucato: There had best only be one of me :)04:32
Jucatowas intelikey able to find the correct driver?04:32
JucatoHawkwind: lol! :-D04:32
HawkwindJucato: The world couldn't handle more than one of me :P04:32
d3vilzipper_: can u help me?04:32
intelikeyzipper__ not entirely   i tried several times to remove the ignore   something about  @port  that was triping up my irc client....04:33
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maltaethironHawkwind: you've truley made me smile since ive been cominig to this chat...so helpful04:33
maltaethironso heres to you.......*cheers*04:33
Hawkwindmaltaethiron: Thanks :)04:33
=== KaiHanari [n=Kai@stjhnf01-22-142163031152.nf.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu
zipper__intelikey, your fault you're not using a good irc client/don't know your irc client well enough04:33
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JucatoHawkwind: I think you replied to my post over at KFN about server install + kde-core?04:34
HawkwindJucato: Yeppers04:34
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JucatoHawkwind: I'm having fun right now installing stuff.04:35
darkyoshi372Hello, when I try to rip music using KAudioCreator and Lame, it tells me "malformed URL". What does that mean?04:35
intelikeyi've used this client for several years   that's the only time it has ever failed to lift a ban    and if it's not  @port  that it's bugging out on,  then something is wrong with this version.04:35
doppelganger_stupid question, but where do i change the desktop icon font color? i've looked through all of the options but can't seem to find it. I've somehow (without hitting anything) changed them to black with a form of "for transparency" on them04:35
Jucatoserver install + x-window-system-core + xterm + kde-core + irssi = only 483 packages installed04:36
Jucatoversus the 900+ installed by default with Kubuntu04:36
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zipper__intelikey, either way, if blame is to be put upon either of us, i dont think it's fair i am to take the blame for your irc clients malfunction04:36
crimsunI'm surprised you choose xterm.04:36
HawkwindJucato: Heh kewl kewl.04:37
Jucatocrimsun: well, I thought I needed it for Konsole. I might remove it later :-D04:37
intelikeynever said you should04:37
JucatoI don't have USplash installed yet, but so far, my system boot around 20 seconds? 10 seconds faster than the regular Kubuntu install04:38
zipper__intelikey, doesnt matter, lets drop it, i'm too tired for this04:38
JucatoKDE also loads less than 10 seconds, but then again, this is jut the barebones04:38
doppelganger_can someone help with desktop icon color changing real quick?04:38
zipper__doppelganger_, try asking your question instead of asking to ask a question04:39
doppelganger_i've already tried my man04:39
zipper__you did04:39
zipper__missed it04:39
Hawkwinddoppelganger_: kcontrol -> Appearance or Look & Feel04:40
doppelganger_it just somehow changed...  i was just messing around with multiple desktops, and now somehow it's changed from white to black, with some sort of "for transparency" look like the fonts are on my taskbar04:40
intelikeyjucato have you tried blackbox ?04:40
footBearcat: haelp haelp...04:40
Jucatohmm... I somehow like the default KDE 3.5 themes/appearance than what Kubuntu has installed by default04:41
Jucatointelikey: I'm trying not to change my desktop environment and window manager04:41
Jucatosomehow, the *box WM's didn't really appeal to me, when it comes to appearance...04:41
zipper__Jucato, you installed the 'server' kubuntu, and then added x+kde+whatever yourself?04:42
intelikeyjust going by the speed referances04:42
zipper__i was wondering how it was possible to only get the very basics installed04:42
Jucatozipper__: not Kubuntu Server, but the "server" install option using the Alternate Install CD04:42
Jucatothe Alternate install CD has several install options: normal, expert, server, server-expert04:42
doppelganger_hawkwind- i guess i'm not seeing it bro04:42
zipper__Jucato, isn't the server install option available on the live-cd?04:42
bigbill52akdeinit could not launch...why does that happen with konqueror...etc04:43
Jucatozipper__: I don't think so. The Live CD installer basically just copies everything from the Live CD to the hard drive04:43
darkyoshi372when I try to rip music using KAudioCreator and Lame, it tells me "malformed URL". What does that mean?04:43
dreadyburnzgot a lexmark z600 series printer isntalled on my network pc with xp installed etc, how do i install the drivers on this pc with unbuntu on it?04:43
zipper__yeah i know04:43
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zipper__oh well, cant be bothered to burn out another cd, but it's nice to know i have the option, Thank you04:43
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Jucatozipper__: sure. It's quite an experience. It tested my apt-getting/aptituding/nanoing skills04:44
Jucatoand I'm glad I took that Ubuntu Classroom session and learned irssi04:44
intelikeybigbill52a drop into a console { [alt] +[ctrl] +[f2]  }   login and type  kdesession -display :0   and read the error message04:45
intelikeyi think kdesession  maybe kde-session04:45
zipper__i used to install debian from a very old version cd i had... i'm somewhat comfortable with those things, but it takes a lot of time to setup your whole system the way you wanted it, which is mainly why i'm trying out kubuntu04:45
intelikeyi don't have kde can't check04:45
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zipper__Jucato, ubuntu classroom?04:45
Jucatozipper__: yeah. but I was quite bored with the Kubuntu defaults. I wanted to be able to tweak/customize/optimize things a bit w/o having to recompile everything, and w/o leaving the comfort of Kubuntu :-D04:46
Jucatozipper__: yeah, a bi-weekly IRC class for Ubuntu04:46
Jucatolet me get the URL for that04:46
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zipper__never heard of ubuntu classroom04:47
Jucatothe first topic was Introduction to IRC, and they taught about irssi, the CLI IRC client, and Konversation04:47
intelikeycan't imagen04:47
KutoJucato: bi-weekly class on this chan??04:47
Jucatonah, not on this channel.04:47
Jucatoon #ubuntu-classroom04:47
zipper__Jucato, well, if you're only installing the basics, with no kde/gnome, applications or nothing, there really isnt much difference between kubuntu, ubuntu and debian04:47
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Jucatoexcept that the packages are still customized for Kubuntu04:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about class - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:48
intelikeywith no kde or gnome  it's not ubuntu or kubuntu04:48
ubotuThe Ubuntu Classroom is a project which aims to tutor users about Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Xubuntu through biweekly sessions in #ubuntu-classroom - For more information visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom04:48
intelikeythat's why i run  ibunt04:48
Jucatothanks Hawkwind :-D04:48
doppelganger_hawkwind: when you get some time could find the exact place where the desktop icon font color settings are?04:49
Jucatowell, it still uses the Ubuntu base, so it's still basically ubuntu04:49
doppelganger_i've looked all through that mammy04:49
zipper__intelikey, well, technically speaking it still is the distro... everything that makes it different that the others are removed however04:49
soulriderJucato: you got ADSL right?04:49
Jucatosoulrider: yeah04:49
Hawkwinddoppelganger_: I don't use KDE, at all.  I use E17.  But it's in kcontrol04:49
soulriderdo you get disconnected by your ISP?04:49
soulriderfor an IP change04:49
intelikeyzipper__ not here it's not   :)04:49
doppelganger_yeah, i've been looking everywhere..  can't find it for shit04:49
zipper__intelikey, how come?04:49
doppelganger_and i didn't change it to begin with, which is the kicker of it all04:50
Jucatosoulrider: hm... I'm not sure if it's for an IP change, but I sometimes get disconnected for a few seconds04:50
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intelikeynothing recognizable about it.04:50
soulriderdies it reconnect ?04:50
soulrideri get disconnected every 12 hours but i dont know if it will reconnect04:50
intelikeyi've redone everything but dpkg04:50
Jucatointelikey: except that you're still using the Ubuntu repositories, the packages configured and customized for Ubuntu04:50
intelikeythat's what i said04:50
zipper__intelikey, true, but it's still the given distro. Doesnt have to be recognizable to be the distro04:50
Jucatofor example, I installed kde-core, not kubuntu-desktop, but KDM was still configured by default to use a Kubuntu KDM theme, which was not installed04:51
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Jucatoeven if you're not using the distro's default settings (ubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-desktop, etc), you are still using the distro's packages. they will always have <package version>-<debian version>ubuntu<ubuntu version> in their name04:52
bigbill52aintelikey  command not found04:52
intelikeyi don't think you can still call it *buntu   first of all perl and python are not installed  no lsb*   secondly i wrote my own init system    it would be impossable for a novice to duplicate this system.04:52
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intelikeybigbill52a use tab completion04:53
Jucatointelikey: it's still *buntu, if you consider that Ubuntu means both a GNOME-based distro and a "brand"/umbrella project04:53
bigbill52awhat is tab completion04:53
Jucatojust look at your packages, and you will see that they have "ubuntu" in their descriptions/names04:54
intelikeybigbill52a you type  kde   and hit the tab key   maybe two times.04:54
intelikeyit liste the commands that start with kde04:54
Jucatoanyway, need to log out, to check if KDE 3.5.4 won't be buggy :0D04:54
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actinicKubuntu now has a distributed Folding team!04:55
intelikeyif what i'm running is still *buntu   then *buntu is still debian.04:55
actinicjoin up04:55
actinicand let's kick some ass04:55
bigbill52athere is no kdesession04:56
=== Ertain [n=jason@c-24-0-216-68.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeythat maybe why it cant start.   you did look for kde-session  also didn't you.04:57
soulriderdoes anyone know of any connection managers i can use to manage my pppoe connection in an easy way04:57
soulriderwithout having to use pon adn poff04:57
bigbill52alet me try that04:57
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ErtainSay, has anyone here used dvdstyler? Since when I encode a DVD, one of the videos just runs as normal, then suddenly stops, and resumes the video.  Any ideas?04:57
ErtainBtw, I encoded the video to DVD compliant MPEG video.  The audio part uses AC3 encoding.04:57
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bigbill52awould i use synaptic to select kdesession?04:58
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intelikeyto install it ?04:58
intelikeyyes any package manager04:59
bigbill52ai will check for kde-core04:59
intelikeyin synaptic i presume04:59
zipper__why kde-core and not the kubuntu-desktop package?05:00
Jucatocool! KDE 3.5.4 didn't have the bug I had in Kubuntu!! whooppeee!05:00
Jucatokubuntu-desktop = contains the packages and settings customized for Kubuntu05:00
intelikeyzipper__ as far as i know kdm stoped loading kde for him05:00
Jucatokde-core: the base, and I mean barebones, KDE installation05:00
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bigbill52ai have kubuntu-desktop installed...i05:01
zipper__i see05:01
soulridercani run a gnome app in kde?05:01
Hawkwindsoulrider: Of course05:01
Hawkwindsoulrider: Apps are *not* wm/de dependant05:02
footquestion for all,  cp HcwMakoA.ROM /usr/lib/hotplug/firmware/v4l-cx25840.fw  is telling linux to create a file in /usr/lib/hotplug/firmware/v4l-cx25840.fx ,  or what?05:02
=== darkwolf [n=darkwolf@203-184-43-53.jetbuster.co.nz] has joined #kubuntu
soulriderok, thanks Hawkwind05:02
bigbill52ai switched over to nautilus in kde..since i couldnt get konqueror to load text files while in kdesu konqueror05:02
JucatoHawkwind: they are toolkit dependent, though :-D05:03
Hawkwindfoot: Yes, that is correct05:03
bigbill52ait worked fine in user mode but not in sudo mode05:03
Jucatohmm... what to do next... what to do next...05:03
intelikeybigbill52a yep  that's what i said the first time.   you don't own  an  auth file.05:03
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intelikey sudo rm .*auth*05:03
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bigbill52ahow do i get an auth file?05:04
intelikey   .ICEauthority     most likely05:04
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intelikey sudo rm .*auth*05:04
footHawkwind: ok, so if is says 'nosuch file or directory' it is talking about the first part. yes?05:04
intelikeyin the console and then try to login kde05:05
sfkhooperHow can I make contact with someone from this channel who is offline at the moment? Is there any way to look up a user and leave a message?05:05
intelikeymsg memoserv help05:05
intelikey/msg memoserv help05:05
=== maltaethiron raises hand "Hey, I'm havng a problem installing Google Earth"
intelikeymaltaethiron help us help you.05:06
maltaethironok intelikey05:06
bigbill52ai must be dense ...i looked in my /home/billy dir and could not find .auth file...is that where it should be or would it be in the root dir?05:06
maltaethironthe wiki says to cd to the directory which you saved the bin file to, which i did05:06
maltaethironthen it says to type the following line into command line:05:07
intelikeybigbill52a that's where    any file starting with  . is hiden.   just do like i said.05:07
maltaethiron# chmod +x  GoogleEarthLinux.bin05:07
sfkhooper /msg NickServ IDENTIFY croy56don05:08
maltaethironwhich i do, although it doesnt look as if anything actually happens, but i dont get an error or anything05:08
Hawkwindmaltaethiron: That's correct.  It won't show anything.  It does what it needs05:08
intelikeymaltaethiron you don't really use  #   do you ?05:08
zipper__sfkhooper, awww, you should probably change your pass :P05:08
bigbill52ai had my show hidden files turned on....05:08
=== maltaethiron is a big linux noob
maltaethironso you dont type that?05:09
zipper__maltaethiron, you just type 'chmod +x file.bin'05:09
maltaethironthanks...ill see if it works now05:09
Hawkwindmaltaethiron: # represents a users bash prompt.  A $ represents roots bash prompt05:09
intelikey# = this line is a comment ignore it.05:09
Hawkwindintelikey: Not in that case05:09
maltaethironman, i just might have killed myself if i didnt have you guys05:09
intelikeyon the cli  yes it does05:09
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intelikeyif you type # any thing it's simply ignored05:10
Hawkwindintelikey: The # is referring to it being done as user.  Read the wiki you'll understand05:10
Hawkwindintelikey: If he needed to be root, then it would have a $ instead05:10
maltaethirontheres a $ at the end of the line in konsole..should it be a #?05:10
intelikeyi could care less about symbolism in a wiki   no the command line  that's a comment mark.05:11
Hawkwindmaltaethiron: You need to be normal user05:11
Hawkwindintelikey: Wrong05:11
Kutohi there, i have a fresh installed of kubuntu in my box, how do i load the kde? should i apt-get the necessary tools? i need also mysql and apache installed.05:11
intelikeyend of argument.05:11
Hawkwindintelikey: Look at your bash prompt05:11
HawkwindBeen that way for years and years05:11
intelikeytty3 [greg$~] 05:11
intelikeythat one ^05:11
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intelikeytty24 [root#~] 05:11
intelikeythat one ^05:11
maltaethironHawkwind: i need to be a normal user?  am i in some wrong mode or something?05:11
Hawkwindintelikey: The context in this case means he needs to be root, not user05:11
tkactinic: joined it ;)05:11
Hawkwindmaltaethiron: You can be either, depending on how you want it installed05:12
Hawkwindmaltaethiron: I recommend installing it as normal user05:12
maltaethironand what am i?05:12
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intelikeythe fact that he typed   # blah   means it was a comment to bash  now drop it.05:12
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Hawkwindmaltaethiron: I had it backwards, # is root, $ is normal user05:12
maltaethironoh ok05:12
Dr_WillisHmm.. someone want to check    http://www.adultswim.com/adultswimfix/index.jsp and see if they can get some of the videos to play?05:12
Hawkwindintelikey: Right. But you're still wrong as to the context the wiki states # and $ and you are misleading him05:13
Dr_Willisbeen twiddling with the firefox plugins - but cant seem to get any to work. :(05:13
HawkwindDr_Willis: Requires flash 8 or better05:13
intelikeyHawkwind that's a damnd lie.05:13
intelikeyi never mentioned the wiki   you did.05:13
Hawkwindintelikey: Read the wiki d00d05:13
Dr_WillisIts got a indow media player button/logo however it looks like05:13
Hawkwindintelikey: I know you didn't, that's the problem05:13
maltaethironman, you guys will go at it for hours, wont you05:14
sfkhooperzipper__: yeah :( I was told this:  [Notice]  -MemoServ- Type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY <password>05:14
intelikeyprolly not.05:14
Hawkwindintelikey: On the wiki it has # command to-do-here  That # is signifying the command is performed as root user05:14
Hawkwindintelikey: I doubt your wrote your own init scripts if you don't know the difference in # $ when it comes to a bash prompt.  You crack me up05:15
zipper__sfkhooper, i always types in passwords and stuff like that in the status window. That way, i dont risk pasting my pass to a public channel05:15
Hawkwindmaltaethiron: You get it working now ?05:15
maltaethironHawkwind: kindof...it's installed and running...BUT the image is all way up high in the window..and like the first four fifths of it is cut off05:16
maltaethironi see the bottom fifth, but its all the way at the top of the window05:16
Hawkwindmaltaethiron: Huh ?  Can you take a screenshot05:16
maltaethironand theres black underneath it05:16
maltaethironok hold on05:16
intelikeyHawkwind it must really hurt being that smart.05:16
Hawkwindmaltaethiron: Ahhh, I've heard of others with that issue too05:17
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Hawkwindintelikey: I just know how to read and I know when something is referring to # as root prompt, or $ as user prompt.  It's not hard to figure out for the rest of us, just you05:17
Hawkwindintelikey: Sorry *you* can't help someone with proper information.  Instead you want to brag about writing your own init scripts and naming your distro ibunt.  What a joke05:18
intelikeyi always heard the fool was the twin of the wise,  sorry i mistook you for your brother.05:18
Hawkwindintelikey: Please remind me to *never* use anything you code, write, or build.  That's a damn scary thought05:18
zipper__intelikey, we all know your point about '#' being a comment mark, and we've accepted that. Now please accept the that in this case, the wiki symbolism actually was a big part of solving his problem05:18
Hawkwindintelikey: Welcome to ignore.  I won't let you give me wrong advice like you're doing to others here05:18
maltaethironHawkwind: how do i get the screen shot to you05:19
Hawkwindmaltaethiron: Upload it to a website, or there is free hosting out there.  You can even use pastebin for screenshots IIRC05:19
intelikeyzipper__ i never had any problem with that to start with.05:19
maltaethironok, hold on...(photobucket ftw!!)05:19
Hawkwindintelikey: Then why are you arguing and giving out false info ?05:19
zipper__intelikey, then i dont understand what you guys are arguing about. I'm going to sleep05:19
Hawkwindmaltaethiron: That's it, photobucket05:19
intelikeyzipper__ please notice whom is arguing.05:20
footis anyone out there using a remote with thier pvr?05:20
HawkwindUmmm, it takes 2 to argue.  No way around that05:20
Dr_WillisHawkwind,  unless you are my wife.. :P05:20
intelikeysee what i mean05:20
HawkwindDr_Willis: LOL.  You have one of those too :P05:21
Hawkwindintelikey: The point is man, you are giving users incorrect information.  That is going to hurt someone if you continue by giving out the wrong info.  You tell them to do something that isn't right and then you'll be responsible for the fact that it's broken05:21
Kutohi there, i have a fresh installed of kubuntu in my box, how do i load the kde? should i apt-get the necessary tools? i need also mysql and apache installed. anyone?05:22
intelikeyquote my bad information please.05:22
zipper__intelikey, you're keeping the fire at him, by being so stubborn about your remark was correct when in fact, Hawkwind was the one who was on the right track. Either case, both of your answers would've helped the guy, and now you're both just beeing too theoretical and geeky about it. Yes, # is a comment mark. Yes, the wiki uses $ and # to refer to different users, now lets drop it alright?05:22
maltaethironHawkwind: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v486/maltaethiron/googleearthwierd.png05:22
HawkwindBut anyways, I'm done.  I'll let you screw someone and then I'll let you explain to them how to fix it05:22
zipper__both of you, really05:22
Hawkwindmaltaethiron: Yeah, I think that has something to do with flash.  I'm not sure05:23
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maltaethironf*ckin' flash!05:23
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Hawkwindmaltaethiron: Or maybe it's java05:23
intelikeyzipper__ that's what i said way up there %05:23
=== Bearcat [n=bearcat@12-32-44-12.static.blackfoot.net] has joined #kubuntu
zipper__maltaethiron, you could use easyUbuntu to install flash05:23
HawkwindI think Google Earth needs java, not flash.  I can't remember which05:24
Bearcatfoot: you beeped me?05:24
maltaethironim pretty sure its java actually05:24
Hawkwindmaltaethiron: Yeah I think so too05:24
footBearcat: yup05:24
Bearcatfoot: what's up?05:24
=== D3V1L [n=d3vil@c-69-138-110-249.hsd1.ms.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
footBearcat: snaghttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2051805:25
maltaethironofftopic: if anyone wants to see my pretty biology disection rat (named John Love): http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v486/maltaethiron/pwnedsidefinal.jpg05:25
zipper__intelikey, haven't bothered to read your whole discussion, so i couldn't tell. I do however think Hawkwind makes a good point about spreading bad help (and no, i'm not taking a stand whether or not you did so). No help is better than bad help to be honest05:25
footBearcat: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2051805:25
D3V1Lcan someone tell me the simple steps to installing themes in kubuntu please????05:25
footintelikey: I agree05:25
intelikeyzipper__ i ask one more time  where is the bad help ?   please quote it for me.05:25
HawkwindD3V1L: They come with a README on the kde-look.org site05:25
maltaethironthats a sweet site btw05:26
zipper__intelikey, as i just said, i refuse to take a stand in this matter05:26
maltaethironi caught it on digg05:26
D3V1LHawkwind: Thanks Buddy.05:26
HawkwindD3V1L: Basically you download it, and then in kcontrol you go to Themes and you can install it with the Install New Theme button05:26
Bearcatfoot: one moment05:26
intelikeyfoot can you quote it for me ?05:26
Bearcatfolks, is hotplug used in ubuntu or has it moved up to coldplug?05:26
tkthere was no bad help given, just hawkwind acting as if intelikey was wrong when they were both talking about 2 different aspects of #05:27
Dr_Willis# - means its a comment. :P05:27
Hawkwindtk: I happened to be talking about the one that maltaethiron needed to know about, the one the wiki was referring to05:27
=== Dr_Willis ducks
zblachcan anyone help me install wammu?05:27
zipper__Dr_Willis, it could also refer to a root shell05:27
Hawkwindtk: Why intelikey went off on a different subject is beyond me.  But he was confusing the user in need of help, regardless05:27
zipper__Dr_Willis, as it does in the wiki05:27
maltaethironlol @ dr_willis05:28
tkHawkwind: misunderstandings happen, that doesnt mean you should attempt to make people believe that intelikey is gonna crash their computer or worse, destroy it05:28
ParkotronAh, Linux. Where else could such a prolonged argument be based on a single character?05:28
tkParkotron: javascript and the use of $ as a function ;)05:28
HawkwindLOL tk05:28
intelikeyDr_Willis then you think i would mislead by pointing that out after asking     "did you type   #   ?"05:28
Bearcatfoot: mkdir /usr/lib/hotplug/firmware/05:28
maltaethironso hawkwind: should i check my java plugins or what?05:28
footintelikey: I dont know enough to follow much. though I have learned a bit in the few moments that I perused the konversation. I have been spending the last week (the first week of my linux use) trying to install a pvr card, and have gone thru 3 sites with bad info, fixing and learning at the same time. I dont know if you gave bad advise, but I know that trying as a newbe to figure out what is and is not good advise sucks ass. sorry if you05:29
Hawkwindmaltaethiron: Probably so yes.05:29
intelikeyDr_Willis i really want to know,  cause Hawkwind made a mountain out of it.05:29
tkfor what its worth, intelikey has been quite helpful and correct in his assesments and fixes of everything he's helped me with over the past week, and I havent seen a complaint about him in that time either05:29
footBearcat: cannot, no such file or dir05:29
=== Hawkwind Shakes his head and walks away from the stubborness
maltaethironintelikey, you guys both helped me out..but youre the one that keeps carrying on05:29
maltaethironits behind us05:30
maltaethironits fine really, i dont think any less of you05:30
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tkits not you, its me... really! (famous last words of... so many)05:30
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Dr_Willisive seen many a wiki/site that i cut/paste commands from. that have extra # in the front that i have to then remove05:31
tksorry, I couldnt resist that one05:31
Hawkwindmaltaethiron: I have heard of users that had java installed properly and still had that black screen error.  Not sure what causes it and what the fix is to be honest05:31
zipper__tk, he does usually gives great help, i agree. I think the main problem here is his attitude, mainly his stubborness05:31
ParkotronHas anyone here ever turned a (K)Ubuntu box into a router?05:31
Hawkwindmaltaethiron: This problem has occured on other distros as well with no known fix AFAIK05:31
intelikeyDr_Willis msg me your answer if you like.    i really want your take on it.05:31
maltaethironHawkwind: It's really an odd problem, because obviously java is there, i can move that little sliver of earth05:32
maltaethironHawkwind: its just cut off...really odd05:32
tkzipper__: it was a misunderstanding on both their parts that, it happens... but dont go saying the other person is gonna ruin peopls computers because of the misunderstanding05:32
Kutocan the kde desktop be installed using Kubuntu 6.06.1 cd? or should it be installed by apt-get?05:32
maltaethironi love how other people are discussing it now05:32
zipper__Dr_Willis, yes? i think we've got settled on that a while ago. # can be a comment mark05:33
Dr_Willisintelikey,  heh from the gentoo and other sites ive seen. it would best if the # and prompts were some how outside the frame showing the actual commands to make cut/pasteing to the console easier. Is my take on it.05:33
Dr_WillisOther then that.. :P  i wasent paying attention05:33
tkkuto: kubuntu uses the K desktop environment if thats what you are asking....05:33
HawkwindKuto: If it's Kubuntu, then it has KDE unless I'm misunderstanding your question05:33
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intelikeyDr_Willis k05:33
intelikeythanks for replying.05:33
zipper__tk, i dont know intelikeys linux experience well enough to be the judge of that. But perhaps Hawkwind has been around him for a longer period of time than any of us05:34
intelikeypolatitions anyway.      hehhe05:34
Hawkwindintelikey: If it makes you feel better, I'll be a man and step up and apologize for jumping on you.  I do apologize.  Now can we move on05:34
=== shell75 [n=shell75@S01060014858fa523.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu
=== Dr_Willis is selling tickets! you cant stop!
=== tk laughs
shell75hey all how do i get xchat 2.6.6 for kubuntu?05:34
=== maltaethiron buys tix and popcorn
=== Hawkwind Steals the tickets and throws them in the trash with the popcorn
intelikeyHawkwind what do you mean move on ?05:35
Hawkwindshell75: I have it on http://SeerOfSouls.com/05:35
=== maltaethiron cries at the lost popcorn
excitatoryshell75: you don't like konversation?05:35
Hawkwindshell75: I have a Ubuntu repo where I package Xchat.  Plus SoS is also listed on the http://xchat.org/download page :)05:35
Hawkwindintelikey: In other words, I apologize so let's drop it and help the users in need of help and forget about the damn arguement05:36
intelikeyHawkwind what argument ?05:36
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=== maltaethiron does the w00t dance at the ended argument
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zipper__intelikey, stop being a prick and accept his apology so we can get on with it. You know what he's talking about.05:36
tkits a shame I have to go back to work now....05:37
tkenjoy everyone :)05:37
Hawkwindzipper__: No need.  He's on ignore now.  Won't do any good05:37
maltaethironbye tk05:37
=== tk is away, nose to the grindstone again... yay [l/ off] [p/off]
Hawkwindtk: We'll keep the logs for ya :P05:37
intelikeyzipper__ get on with it.05:37
tkcya maltaethiron, and I log everything Hawkwind ;)05:37
maltaethironhawkwind: hahaha05:37
tkeven though it says logging is off... :P05:38
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intelikeyzipper__ do you answer when you see your nick highlighted ?05:38
maltaethironhey, whos the operator of this channel?05:39
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intelikeythat's all i'm gona say about that :)05:39
zipper__intelikey, if there's something to answer, yes, mostly05:39
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shell75hawkwind says its rpm file?05:39
shell75do i click the ubuntu one thats the rpm05:39
Hawkwindshell75: No.  Click on the Dep Packages tab at the top of the site05:39
footBearcat: I have searched around and cannot find the file hotplug/firmware/v4l-cx25840.fw05:40
Hawkwindshell75: You can then add the site as a source to your sources.list and then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install xchat05:40
=== skylve_ [n=skylve@AToulouse-252-1-6-46.w82-125.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu
ParkotronI've got some FLAC files that Xine refuses to play, but flac123 handles without complaint? Xine is properly set up to play FLACs; it's just these few that it won't play. Anyone have any ideas?05:42
=== darkwolf [n=darkwolf@203-184-43-53.jetbuster.co.nz] has joined #kubuntu
shell75this site here? http://xchat.org/download05:43
=== maltaethiron cries at lack of fully functioning java/flash
darkwolfspeaking of xchat - i have just installed kubuntu and can05:43
footcan someone give me 20 minutes of their time? this involves setting up a wintv-pvr 150. i am doing fairly well but...05:43
darkwolf*can't seem to run the command ./configure make05:43
Bearcatwhat's going on foot?05:44
darkwolfit has an error: "error: /bin/sh ./config.sub make failed"05:44
=== root__ is now known as sfkhooper
footBearcat: did you not look at the pastebin?05:44
Bearcatgaze what libpreludedb05:44
Bearcatfoot: i did. Did the command not work?05:44
intelikeydarkwolf configure make ?     tried venella  ./configure05:44
footBearcat: no it did not. mkdir: cannot create directory `/usr/lib/hotplug/firmware/':No such file or directory05:45
Hawkwindshell75: http://SeerOfSouls.com/05:45
Hawkwindshell75: Go there, then click on the Deb Packages tab.  That is my site05:45
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darkwolfcould not run GLIBtest program05:45
Bearcatfoot: try mkdir /usr/lib/hotplug05:45
Hawkwindshell75: You can then add SoS as a source to your sources.list and then do: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install xchat05:46
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intelikeydarkwolf mmm and you do have build-essential installed correct ?05:46
footBearcat: ok05:46
darkwolfso how do i re-install my glib?05:46
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)05:46
jd_hey it's my first time on chat how does this work05:47
grizzlykonqueror and krusader both don't show any files when I log into ftp://ftphost.ripway.com/ . gftp shows the files. Whats up ?05:47
Bearcatjd_: just like that :)05:47
footnow the first command worked Bearcat05:47
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jd_is this just about kubuntu05:47
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Bearcatfoot: excellent. now try the original command again.05:47
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footBearcat: I just did ;}05:48
Bearcatfoot: (i forgot to add a switch to create parent directories)05:48
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grizzlykbear doesn't works either btw05:48
soulrider_does anyone know foa  goof gui program i can use to manage all my networkc onnections, including pppoe ?05:48
Bearcatfoot: so now you have a /usr/lib/hotplug/firmware/ directory?05:48
footBearcat: so mkdir creates the directory and cp copies. right?05:48
footBearcat: yup05:49
Parkotronsoulrider: What do you mean by manage?05:49
ubotunetworkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkManager05:49
footBearcat: YEEESSSS!05:49
intelikeygrizzly i don't know an app but i know how you can search for one.   apt-cache search network manager05:50
Bearcatfoot: O.O05:50
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=== Bearcat hides under the couch
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frank_my ktorrent seem like to be crash05:51
Dr_Willisfrank_,  oh? its beenrunning for over a week here.05:51
frank_what's the way can i solution that?05:51
Parkotronfrank_: Mine doesn't crash, but it's been using 99.9% CPU usage for over twelve hours.05:51
Dr_WillisParkotron,  heh - thats scary05:52
shell75how do i find super user?05:52
Dr_Willishow many downloads?05:52
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.05:52
Parkotronfrank_: What version are you using?05:52
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intelikeyoh grizzly sorry that was @ soulrider_   my bad.05:52
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frank_nothing i can do ! when i openning the Ktorrent the x windows told Ktorrent has been crash05:53
ParkotronDr_Willis: Only a couple downloads. I'm not sure what's going on. Everything is still very responsive, so it hasn't been an issue.05:53
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ParkotronThe only think it slows down is my OpenGL screensaver.05:53
intelikeyshell75 in cli mode use "sudo"    for gui apps try "kdesu"05:54
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footBearcat:  good things. I am progressing fabulisly. but I havent figured out how to register my username here so I cant do the private chat thing yet05:54
shell75whats cli05:54
intelikeyfoot /msg /nickserv help05:54
shell75im looking to edit packages and list05:54
shell75im use to using super user to do things05:55
footintelikey: from a terminal?05:55
shell75point/click thing05:55
Hawkwindfoot: No, here in IRC05:55
Parkotronshell75: Command Line Interface05:55
Hawkwindfoot: /msg nickserv help05:55
intelikeyshell75 cli == command line interface      gui == graphic user interface05:55
Hawkwind!register > foot05:55
intelikeyfoot in here05:55
frank_does someone konw about that problem05:56
ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration05:56
intelikeyand yeah i typod  the second / doesn't belong as Hawkwind pointed out.05:56
shell75trying to sudo in term but refuses to accept my pw05:56
foot /msg nickserv !register > foot05:56
Hawkwindfoot: /msg nickserv help05:57
Hawkwindfoot: Just like that05:57
intelikey/msg nickserv help05:57
footHawkwind: I did, but tried to jump ahead.05:57
intelikey/msg nickserv regester <passwd>05:58
shell75the instructions on that site sucks tells ya what to do BUT doesnt explain how05:59
intelikey/msg chanserv help05:59
shell75i cant find sli or what ever ither05:59
shell75term in on desktop05:59
shell75not sure what to type in there to do waht i wanna do05:59
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intelikeyshell75 what do you want to do,  maybe i can show you what ot type06:00
shell75edit packes list06:01
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shell75http://seerofsouls.com/ubuntu.html to this06:01
intelikeysources.list ?06:01
Hawkwindshell75: kdesu kwrite /etc/apt/sources.list06:01
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shell75in term?06:01
Hawkwindshell75: Type that, then add the line you want to the bottom of that file.  Then click save06:01
intelikeykdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list06:01
Hawkwindshell75: Yes, in a term06:01
intelikeyyes in term06:02
shell75X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16806:02
HawkwindI even put in the top box there that you need to edit the /etc/apt/sources.list as root/sudo06:02
Hawkwindshell75: Ignore it.  I've got a how-to on fixing that as well06:02
intelikeyand kwrite or kate or any text editor you like.  even open office if you like  or nano...06:02
Hawkwindshell75: Read this post on my forums when you get done dealing with Xchat:  http://www.linuxfordummies.org/index.php?topic=579.006:03
shell75not working06:04
=== Bearcat wonders what foot is doing
shell75driving me nuts06:04
darkwolfthis is just trying everything it can to get under my skin06:04
=== foot [n=lovely@64-17-77-17.co.warpdriveonline.com] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeywhat error now darkwolf ?06:05
shell75heck with it im gonna try a different os06:05
darkwolfi downloaded a .deb file and tried to let it do it's thing but kubuntu decided to hate me instead06:05
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=== foot is now known as fut
darkwolfdependancy problems preventconfig of xchat-common06:05
intelikeydarkwolf what .deb ?   is it a ubuntu package ?06:06
futBearcat: sorry06:06
=== fut is now known as foot
=== foot is now known as fut
valeNickserv juan06:06
intelikeyso now do a sudo apt-get install -f06:06
intelikeythat should finish the install/config by pulling in the deps06:07
valehi, somo body help me with wireless Ralink?06:07
=== fut is now known as foot
Bearcatwhat'cha doing foot?06:08
footBearcat: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20520 take a look there are some errors towerds the bottom06:09
valesome speak spanish?06:10
valealguien habla espaol?06:10
Bearcatfoot: loading06:11
Hawkwindvale: Try in #Kubuntu-ES06:11
footBearcat: checking permissions06:11
valethanks Hawkwind06:12
maltaethironattention anyone who wants a rediculously cheap harddrive: http://digg.com/tech_deals/Holy_200_GB_HDD_for_58_Cents06:12
Bearcatfoot: well, that's looking hopefull06:12
maltaethironi freaked out when i saw this06:12
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intelikeydarkwolf it working for ya ?06:13
darkwolfit is not going anywhere06:13
darkwolfit just keeps dropping connection06:13
footBearcat: It looks like the permissions are read only, do the need to be able to modify? I shouldnt think so but...06:13
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intelikeyoooh yuvh      wireless ?06:13
actinicDr_Willis, u there?06:14
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actinicDr_Willis, yesterday u mentioned 'hidden grub menu' default to be very very stupid06:14
intelikeyhmmm what nls are your repos ?   or generic ?06:14
actinichow do u remove06:14
Dr_Willisactinic,  uncomment/deltet it in the grub  menu.lst06:15
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intelikeynational mirror06:15
darkwolfall i'm getting is just 104 errors06:15
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actinicok, i'm searching for menu.lst06:15
Bearcatfoot: i know we can get idtv workig, but i do not' know a whole lot about it specificly06:15
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fatejudgerhow can I change the background in Konqueror for the file manager mode?06:16
darkwolfErr http://nz.archive.ubuntu.com dapper/main libglib1.2 1.2.10-10.1build106:16
darkwolf  Error reading from server - read (104 Connection reset by peer)06:16
darkwolfGet:2 http://nz.archive.ubuntu.com dapper-updates/main libcupsys2 1.2.2-0ubuntu0                                                                                                   .6.06 [121kB] 06:16
darkwolfErr http://nz.archive.ubuntu.com dapper-updates/main libcupsys2 1.2.2-0ubuntu0.6                                                                                                   .0606:16
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darkwolf  Error reading from server - read (104 Connection reset by peer)06:16
footok, anyone else here familiar with ivtv?06:16
=== Admiral_Chicago [n=kekeFTW@adsl-68-255-103-0.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeydarkwolf hmmm might try au or other locally close06:16
damian_i have a question06:16
Admiral_Chicagodamian_, ask06:16
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maltaethironhawkwind: was it you that mentioned easyUbuntu earlier?06:16
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intelikeyin the sources.list06:17
darkwolfmean to paste: http://nz.archive.ubuntu.com dapper/main06:17
damian_I added a binary I want to be started at statup in /etc/init.d ...how do I get it to startup at startup?06:17
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sethanyone have any idea regarding this situation: I installed Vista (which overwrote grub), then subsequently removed Vista, switched from bootmgr back to ntldr, and now I'm unable to reinstall grub (it corrupts the bootloader every time and nothing will boot until I run an XP fixmbr)06:17
Admiral_Chicagodamian_, /home/user/.kde/Autostart?06:17
damian_Admiral_Chicago: it's a service that runs in the background06:18
Dr_Willisdamian_,  depends on what it is.06:18
intelikeydarkwolf dapper/main ???    not dapper main ???06:18
Dr_Willisdamian_,  could put it in /etc/rc.local06:18
damian_Dr_Willis: I'll try that06:18
maltaethirondid hawkwind leave?06:18
darkwolfi literally copied and pasted from Konsole06:18
intelikeydeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper main restricted universe multiverse06:18
damian_Dr_Willis: do I have to do anything after putting it there?06:18
Bearcatfoot: i don't think so06:19
Dr_Willisdamian_,  its a script that gets ran on each reboot. be sure your commands  spawn to the background.06:19
footBearcat: so I changed the user and group.06:19
intelikeyif that will work with the / in it it's new to me.   i won't say it wont cause i'm kinda new to apt    but try it without it06:19
Bearcatfoot: can you print me out the "ls -l " of the hotplug directory?06:20
Search4Lancer^^$#&^&*^*&( Firefox closing itself out of nowhere......06:20
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footwhy does kubuntu have root root as the default user and grupe when in kubuntu there is not really a user called root?06:21
Jucato!seen draik06:21
ubotuI last saw draik (n=draik@cpe-67-49-7-244.socal.res.rr.com) 9h 16m 59s ago, quiting: Remote closed the connection06:21
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Bearcatfoot: there is06:21
footI know that there is root, yet it does cause som difficulty06:22
intelikeyfoot there is always a user called root in linux.06:22
Bearcatfoot: that is to say, there is a user called root, but you don't have direct access to it06:22
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maltaethironso why would there be a user that i didnt create that i dont have direct access to?06:23
Dr_Willisdirect logging in as root is disabled.06:23
intelikeyfoot kubuntu has root as the default user ???    where ?   please explain ?06:23
Search4Lancergoddamnit it did it again, right in the middle of something!06:23
Bearcatintelikey: nowhere06:23
Dr_Willisyou make a initial user - that user then has the 'sudo' powers.06:23
Bearcatif i used kubuntu it would drive me *nuts*06:23
intelikeyBearcat he's getting information some place...06:23
Bearcatintelikey: hmm?06:24
maltaethironbearcat: why is there a user that we dont have direct access to?06:24
Dr_Willismaltaethiron,  which user are you refering to?06:24
maltaethironrefering to root06:24
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Bearcatmaltaethiron: kubuntu is kinda a beginners distro. It's designed to keep you out of trouble06:24
Dr_Willisroot is "SPECIAL"  :P06:24
Bearcatmaltaethiron: root can do ANYTHNG06:24
maltaethironso root = god?06:25
maltaethironlol jk06:25
Dr_Willisyou cant direct login to him.. ie: no gdm/kdm login, or console direct login.06:25
footintelikey:  I am still trying to install ivtv for the wintv-pvr 150. making progress, but I have to go into the files and change permissions so that my main login can have access to be able to read the firmware. it is just another  thing to do. I am getting used to linux so these things are becomming less of a pain. but still a hassle06:25
Bearcatmaltaethiron: for instance if you log in as root and type "rm -r /*" you entire hardrive will be erased.06:25
Dr_WillisLinux FUNdamentals.06:25
Dr_Willisand perhaps all the hard drives. :P06:25
maltaethironoh...that would be very bad06:25
Bearcatfoot: i don't think that is the issue06:25
Dr_Willistime to read some Linux guides. :)06:25
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Bearcatfoot: leave them as root06:25
intelikeyfoot ah i stand under you now.06:25
maltaethironheh, my uncle gave me some huge linux bible when he introduced me to ubuntu06:25
Bearcatfoot: everything there is happenign in a runlevel that only root should have access to06:26
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footintelikey: dont look up06:26
shocktrooper1how to determine my isp?06:26
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Bearcatshocktrooper1: your service provider?06:26
footBearcat: ok I will switch them back. but the files that it says it cant read are right there where it says it is looking for them!06:26
shocktrooper1isp address06:26
maltaethiron!google earth06:27
ubotuGoogle Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html06:27
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Bearcatit says it can't open them06:28
shocktrooper1I'm adding php and mysql in apache to make a site.  I need to find my isp address for some functions06:28
Bearcatfoot: it says it can't open them, not that it cant find them..06:28
Bearcatcan you paste that ls -l for me?06:28
intelikeyyour question might be restated as "why does linux install new filew with owner root"   the answer is that is default behaviour for the simple reason, anything that is owned by root is secure on the system.  the permissions are then set to something like 755 for executables  and  644  for docs and libs   that way users can read/execute but not alter them.06:28
footBearcat: right. why cant it open them? I will get it a knife if it wants one ;P06:28
Bearcati donno. can you show me that ls -l ?06:29
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footBearcat: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2052206:29
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=== Bearcat looks at it
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footBearcat: so from what I  read it all stems from not being able to load the irmware v4l-cx2341x-enc.fw06:32
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intelikeyfoot the veriable that affects the exact permissions is the "umask" in /etc/profile or other configuration files    umask is read as   7-#  seven minus number  a umask of 022 will set a permission of 755 on executables   a umaks of 027 would set them 750     these numbers may seem strange to you  the first is owner perm   second is group perm  and then other perm (world)    7=wre  binary  1+1+1  6=wr-  or 1+1+0    and so fo06:33
intelikeythat's conclusion to the former post ^06:34
intelikeyerrr transpose rw ^06:35
intelikeyread write execute06:35
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footintelikey: ok the binary is over my head at the moment, but thank you. I think that will take a few more months for me to really get.06:35
rpugheh. i'm attempting to make kubuntu run on a usb external hd. any tips?06:36
intelikeythere 10 kinds of peopel in the world.  those that understand binarry and those that dont.06:36
rpugquoting thinkgeek shirts doesn't make you cool :p06:37
Bearcatfoot: ok.06:37
intelikeynever seen a thinking shirt rpug06:37
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footBearcat: ok what?06:38
Bearcatfoot: the grey box that says "The Hauppauge cards require firmware files, as the firmware is not stored in the ROMs on the card..."  Did you do all the commands in that box? One of them loads the file you need06:38
footintelikey: rpug lol06:38
intelikeybut that saying has been around over thirty years that i know of... probably much longer   doesn't surprise me that it made a tee shirt06:38
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footBearcat: yes06:39
Bearcatfoot: ahh. one moment06:39
Bearcatfoot: i see something here06:39
intelikeyfoot Bearcat is probably on to the answer there, the error you posted mentioned error trying to load firmware did it not ?06:41
footintelikey: yes06:41
Bearcatintelikey: yeah the instructions are talking about v4l-cx2341x-dec.fw and dmesg is looking for v4l-cx25840.fw06:42
footintelikey: unable to open firmware v4l-cx2341x-enc.fw06:42
Bearcatso we have a version problem here06:42
Bearcatlet me see if i can find the right file06:42
footBearcat: intelikey but wait theres more06:42
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intelikeyfoot any errors after the failed firmware could be caused by the failed firmware..... so unless it is another firmware error  it's prolly not relevent atm.06:44
Bearcatintelikey: he's missing files here06:44
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Bearcatfoot: there needs to be files in that dir that look like v4l-cx25840.fw06:45
footintelikey: yes. I got that already. thanks. it is looking at the same file that is in there. I am looking at it now.06:45
footBearcat: yes there is one06:45
Bearcatfoot: i don't see it in what you posted06:45
intelikey<foot> intelikey: unable to open firmware v4l-cx2341x-enc.fw <--- ?06:46
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footintelikey: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2052406:47
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intelikeyyeah i'd say that you need another file.   ivtv0: unable to open firmware v4l-cx2341x-enc.fw06:49
cyberedeni installed dapper recently, install w32codecs from adept, followed wiki, now cannot play wmv files, says it's encrypted or something or does not play normally. please help. tnx.06:49
Bearcatfoot: oh! no.06:49
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Bearcatfoot: i need "ls -l /usr/lib/hotplug/firmware"06:50
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Bearcatfoot: sorry, i didn't ven see that it was the wrong dir06:50
footBearcat: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20525  I just typed it in06:50
footBearcat:  I am still not to fast at the changing directories.06:51
Bearcatfoot: no problem06:51
intelikeyhmmmm  :S06:51
Bearcatfoot: was that an ls -l ? There shoud be permissions, ownerships and sizes listed06:52
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footBearcat: nope I typed it in from the visual interface hang on06:53
jorge___hi, i was wondering, is there a way i can share a /dev/ within my lan?06:53
cyberedenplease help on kaffeine06:54
Bearcatfoot: thank you06:54
footBearcat: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2052706:55
=== todd [n=todd@c-68-59-209-70.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeyjorge___ nmap ?06:55
Parkotroncybereden: w32codecs doesn't support the latest version of wmv.06:55
todd...damn, that was the easiest I've ever gotten into an irc room lol.06:55
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todd.. eh, hi everyone.06:55
toddif anyone is even alive...06:55
jorge___nmap ?06:56
jorge___i want to share /dev/video06:56
intelikeywelcome to the channel todd06:56
cyberedenParkotron: thanks. what should i do then?06:56
toddI just wanted to know something real quick...06:56
intelikeyjorge___ oh  hehhe i mis read you.  i read search  not share   my bad.06:56
toddIs a Windows install required in order to get WINE working?06:57
insanekanetodd: no06:57
toddDoes it have to read files from the windows partition, or does it have libraries built in..?06:57
darkwolfhow can i install my dev tools06:57
Parkotroncybereden: If you can't get the file is some other format, you'll have to use a Windows machine.06:57
insanekanetodd: it has libs built in06:57
Bearcatfoot: oh! i think i see it06:57
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darkwolfthey are screwed i think06:57
darkwolfi.e. glib06:57
toddOh ok. So, I installed WINE through Automatix (this is fresh install of Kubuntu).06:57
toddHaven't configured it yet.06:58
todd... gonna try that out now actually . Last time I did it on my other machine I think I made half the internet explode.Heh that would be great on video ...06:58
intelikeytodd built in but some dlls you may have to dl to get some things to work  and some thing just plain wont work piriod.06:58
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toddYea i understand its hit or moss.06:58
Parkotroncybereden: Or maybe you could mess around VMWare or wine or something else along those lines, but that seems excessive just to watch a video file.06:58
todd...err, miss even,06:58
DFMI just added repos and downloaded through apt06:59
Bearcatfoot: fair warning, i'm going to bed in an hour. I have a very early morning06:59
cyberedenParkotron: thanks. i'll look for a converter. good idea.06:59
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plugssince i started using my ipod with kubuntu, it can only see 256 songs.06:59
cyberedenParkotron: as much as possible, i do want to stick with my linux06:59
toddSo where would I get these DLLs if I needed them? Like, if I tried to run a Windows progra in WINE...and the it wouldn't work, would it tell me what DLL I need? Then I can just... google for that file and download it..? I assume that's how it would work, but I haven't messed with Linux in a while.07:00
footBearcat: fair nuff. youve givin me many hourse on this so far, and I am eminintly thankfull.07:00
toxicfumeHi all07:00
Parkotroncybereden: Can't blame you there.07:00
Bearcatfoot: no problem. What are fiends for?07:00
toddThis keyboard SUCKS. The n key is sticking, heh.07:00
cyberedenquestion: i cannot make my MA-620 IR to work. please help.07:00
intelikeytodd yeah07:00
footintelikey:  have you been following this very far?07:00
intelikeyfoot no.07:00
toxicfumeI have a perfectly working installation of Kubuntu, but now I want to move this installation from this partition to a different, bigger partition, how can i do that? And how can i make sure the bootmanager doesn't mess up? Please help, thanks!07:00
valei need help with rt240007:01
jorge___intelikey, do you know where can i find some information about this topic?07:01
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intelikeyfoot and like Bearcat i also will be leaving shortly.07:01
Bearcatintelikey: we're trying to install ivtv, which i understand is a challenge for anyone07:01
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footintelikey: ok thanks for what youve done07:01
toddWhat I really want to know, is if there is a backup program similar to System Restore in Windows XP... (cough) but the point is, I want a program that can back the system if I decide to mess with XGL...or...system stuff and break my install. Would have to have to reistall everytime.07:01
intelikeyjorge___ abut wine ?07:02
intelikeyabout wine ?07:02
Bearcatok foot, let me study this for a minute or two07:02
jorge___no, i need to share /dev/video0 within my lan, so i can use it from any pc07:02
intelikeyjorge___ or sharing on lan  what topic ?07:02
intelikeyah....   thinking.07:03
intelikeyactually no...07:03
jorge___ok, thanks intelikey, but you think it would be doable?07:04
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intelikeygoogle may help   http://google.com/linux and search    if no one in here or #ubuntu   can help ask in  ##linux07:04
jorge___ok thnks07:04
intelikeyjorge___ no doubt it is07:04
intelikeyjorge___ i have never yet asked linux to do anything that it couldn't do.07:05
jorge___u're right07:05
intelikeyi believe it's the most powerful os in the world bar none.07:05
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jorge___it just came to me07:05
jorge___i agree07:06
hansxi'm looking for an usenet client for kde07:06
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Bearcatfoot: i may have found something but the page is in Russian. Luckily Konqueror can translate it (look at the Tools...Traslate" item :)07:07
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footBearcat: SWWEEET07:08
plugsmy ipod can only see 256 of its songs, what should i do?07:08
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plugsthis has been happening since i've been using kubuntu07:08
ronnie_I have a perfectly working installation of Kubuntu, but now I want to move this installation from this partition to a different, bigger partition, how can i do that? And how can i make sure the bootmanager doesn't mess up? Please help, thanks!07:09
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toddRonnie, how big is your HDD?07:10
toddHow big is your current linux partition, what is it formatted in, and whats the size of the new partition, and what is IT formatted in?07:11
toddext3, reiserfs ...ect?07:11
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toddAnd why are you wanting to do that (wil help me figure out how to help) ...07:11
toddaaand pretty sure my connection just DIED.07:12
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=== maltaethiron yawns
charles1952HELP!!! I'm back in BillGate's Land becasue I can no longer log on to Kubuntu...I'm a newbie to linux....but already addicted...and now I'm locked out. <gasp> Is anyone available that is an advanced user that can lend a hand???07:25
footmaltaethiron: you bored and want to think for a bit?07:25
Bearcatfoot: i found a ivtv mailing list for help. I'm gonna search the archives07:25
maltaethironsure foot, why not07:25
hansxI'm looking for an usenet client, could anybody help me?07:26
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footmaltaethiron: ok I am in the end of installing the ivtv drivers and dmesg cant open the folder that is where it is looking.07:26
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footmaltaethiron:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2052707:27
abattoircharles1952: could you explain your situation a bit more? can you see the login screen? does it not log you in after you enter your password? is your password right?07:27
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Bearcatmaltaethiron: we are following this: http://hyams.webhop.net/mythtv/myth_ubuntu.html07:27
maltaethironok, lemme take a look07:27
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maltaethironill try to help you guys, but mind you i'm a noob07:28
Bearcatmaltaethiron: this is his dmesg http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2052007:28
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charles1952abattoir: Yes...I had installed some new programs from the universal repository...07:28
maltaethironbut i can try to think07:28
abattoircharles1952: xgl/compiz by any chance?07:28
charles1952and one of them was to configure user security and boot options...I forget the programs name because I grabbed about 10 different files....07:28
abattoircharles1952: and i asked a lot of questions... yes for which one? :P07:29
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charles1952well...I logged off to go out for awhile...didn't run any programs....when I restarted the machine it takes me to logon screen...then will only take me to a Bash window...when I close...07:30
charles1952Bash it returns me to the logon screen again.07:30
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charles1952and my password is right07:30
abattoircharles1952: ok, so you boot up, you see a root prompt, when you quit that prompt, everything boots up normally... right?07:31
maltaethironfoot: i love how it asks you if you put the firmware in the correct directory07:31
maltaethironfoot: but sorry bro, i got nothin07:31
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charles1952No...I boot...it takes me to the Kubuntu logon screen...I enter my password...and then it takes me to a Bash shell...but won't let me go to the regular GUI07:32
footmaltaethiron: thanks for looking.07:32
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charles1952When I close the Bash screen, it returns me to the login prompt.07:32
maltaethironnp foot07:32
charles1952(I'm in a closed loop)07:33
SpAwNcharles1952, so it doesnt boot to cli?07:33
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charles1952only to a Bash session07:33
SpAwNcharles1952, edit /etc/inittab07:33
charles1952ok...and what should I change in that shell file07:34
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SpAwNso it runs in init 5....07:34
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SpAwNi forget the exact line....07:35
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ubotuBoot options: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BootOptions To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a bootfloppy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SmartBootManagerHowto07:35
=== noiesmo [n=noiesmo@CPE-203-51-255-168.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu
Bearcatwell foot, i'm looking at this: http://www.ivtvdriver.org/index.php/Firmware07:36
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SpAwNcharles1952, or u can try when u get to the root prompt07:36
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Bearcatfoot: however, it just gives me more feelings of "huh"? becuse i don't know how to check to see what version of ivtv you have07:36
SpAwNcharles1952, type /etc/init.d/kdm star07:36
SpAwN* charles1952, type /etc/init.d/kdm start07:36
footbea just a ces07:37
footBearcat: just a sec07:37
charles1952okay...I'll try all these suggestions...you have all been helpful....Hope to come back and thank you personally from my new installation!!!07:37
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SpAwNcharles1952, that command will start the gui07:37
SpAwNand u will at least have a gui for the mean time...u can set up the puter to start in runlevel 5 which is the gui07:38
charles1952Thanks again to all of you..great support community!07:38
charles1952bye 4 now while I go fix things up07:38
footBearcat: well I have two versions on the comp. 0.4.4  0.4.6 but we just did the install for 0.4.407:39
noiesmoI'm doing an upgrade from dapper to edgy and openoffice is giving me hassles and I am unable to use apt-get -f install as it ends with a broken pipe error how can i force remove of openoffice to reinstall later07:39
Bearcatfoot: hmm07:39
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plugsis it possible to boot off an ipod?07:39
plugsusing usb07:39
footBearcat: this is what happens when you start over to make a triple install effort.07:40
Bearcatfoot: lol07:40
Bearcatno doubt07:40
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maltaethironfoot and bearcat: im still here rootin for you guys on the sidelines07:43
footthx maltaethiron07:43
Bearcatthis is fsking rediculous07:43
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Bearcatfoot: sorry, man. I'm fading out07:55
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footBearcat: me too07:55
Bearcatfoot: i need to call it a night07:55
footBearcat: love ya, sleep well07:55
Bearcatfoot: you too. I'll be around tomorrow night07:55
footBearcat: I gotta get up fairly early roo07:56
Bearcatlaters foot07:56
Bearcat*scampers off*07:56
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footBearcat: night07:56
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shell75hawkwind u still here?07:57
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shell75anyone know the site that tells ya about the updates options for kubuntu for dep packages?07:58
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lhds i have downloaded and made deb packs for ati ver 8.24.8 i have made a previous install of drivers vers 8.27 but i uninstalled with synaptic. but when i sudo module-assistant build,install fglrx it asks me to install the 8.27 vers ... how to remove them completely?07:59
lhds(08:59:25) greyballoon: farous: I think I must have lost the device07:59
volvogouyany amarok pros in here? they seem a bit quiet on their own channel. (i'm using kubuntu. hehe)08:00
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noiesmois there a file I can edit to remove a dpkg-divert08:03
cyberedenhow to get internet connection using bluetooth on my palm?08:03
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wolfmanzcan you get gimp shop from adept?08:06
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Jucatowolfmanz: last time I checked, no08:07
volvogouywolfmanz: i just checked - you can't.08:07
volvogouyi've been searching for a little while now and haven't found an answer, so i thought i'd ask here. can amarok save the album artwork it fetches in the id3 tags or only in it's own database?08:08
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maltaethironfoot, bearcat: any luck?08:21
footnope. he went to bed and I am about to follow08:22
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maltaethironsounds like a plan, its freakin two in the morning08:22
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tobias_how do i use an external monitor on my portable? I have to reboot to get it working, is there a way to not reboot to make it work?08:27
tobias_i need the "use external monitor now!" button08:27
pressbuttan2winhow can I get mkfs.jffs2 on the live CD?08:28
maltaethironwell, do you plug the moniter in when the computer's off?08:28
maltaethironor on08:28
tobias_maltaethiron: I plug it in before i reboot08:28
tobias_maltaethiron: and when it has finished rebooting, it works fine08:28
tobias_maltaethiron: and when it has finished rebooting, it works fine08:29
maltaethironheh np08:29
tobias_maltaethiron: its just a luxury problem really, just wondering if it has the same function as windows, that i can just activate it, cause it is installed and everything08:29
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tobias_maltaethiron: want to show my friends how cool and easy stuff is :)08:30
maltaethironheheh, who doesnt08:30
maltaethironok go red herring08:30
Red_Herringcs server, whats the better name? REAP (Really extremely awesome people) or JsBT(just some bored teens)08:30
maltaethironi kinda like REAP08:30
tobias_hmmm, thats a tough one lol08:30
tobias_id have to go with reap too08:31
maltaethirontobias_: i think youre stuck with rebooting your computer, i dont know of a "use moniter now" button er whatever...08:32
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maltaethironum..hold on08:32
Red_Herringon to #ubuntu08:32
maltaethironlemme ask someone else08:32
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Shan_how do I format a partition to fat?08:33
Shan_from linux/08:33
pressbuttan2winanyone know how i can get jffs2 for partitioning :)08:33
maltaethirontobias_: sorry bro, i'm stumped08:34
maltaethironi dont know of any programs or anything that would have anything to do with that08:34
maltaethironlike, activating moniters in linux08:34
user_ny1 ctc08:35
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pressbuttan2winanyone know anything about apt-get in ubuntu?08:36
leileilolok, finally installed kubuntu 6.06.108:36
leileiloldual boot works with xp64 and i was also able to resize my 140gb partition enough to have a 4.2gb parititon for kubuntu08:37
leileilolinstallation was pretty flawless08:37
leileilolthe only flaws were my cd media, i had to burn it three times08:37
tobias_maltaethiron: thanks anyway :)08:37
pressbuttan2windoes apt-get have a frontend in ubuntu?08:37
leileilolyou can use synaptic/kynaptic08:37
maltaethironah yeah08:38
tobias_at least in kubuntu adept is great08:38
pressbuttan2winI'm trying to find the package that gives me jffs2 filesystems08:38
maltaethironi use synaptic08:38
leileilolthe next big hurdle will be getting my radeon 9500pro to work on this08:38
pressbuttan2winand it's giving me a bunch of headaches08:38
pressbuttan2winI'll try that08:38
tobias_is synaptic better maybe?08:38
maltaethironidk, i like it a little more than adept08:39
maltaethironidk why exactly08:39
tobias_personal flavours are inexplainable :)08:39
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pressbuttan2winahhh, no jffs2 packages08:40
Kutohow do you install or open kde in a newly installed kubuntu, i only logged as user in command prompt, is it the same as startX?08:41
maltaethironwhat do you mean open kde?08:41
Kutodesktop console08:42
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farousKuto: did you make a server install08:42
Kutofarous: yes08:42
=== maltaethiron knows nothiing about server install
farousKuto: with server install you do not have gui08:42
farousi do not think kde is installed08:43
Kutobut its kubuntu?08:43
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farousits a server install. servers are controlled through the command line08:43
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tkkubuntu server is designed to run command line to provide more resources to the server applications08:43
tkany server software thats *nix based really08:43
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Kutofarous: so what do i do so that i can have a kde desktop?08:44
farousKuto: anyway you can still install kubuntu-desktop08:44
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farousa meta package that will install everything you need08:44
link_36pHow can i set PKG_CONFIG_PATH?08:45
Kutofarous: from the cd?08:45
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farousi think ya. better from the net to get all the new updates08:46
tobias_apt get something08:46
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link_36pHow to i set the environment varible for PKG_CONFIG_PATH?08:47
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leileiloloddly, firefox package refuses to download08:50
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maltaethironleileilol: which package?09:02
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maltaethironoh, the firefox package itself09:04
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maltaethironi thought you meant like a plugin09:04
maltaethironcause i was having some plugin trouble09:04
leileiloland installing it on adept just marks it red with a BREAK or so09:04
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maltaethironi installed it through konsole09:05
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maltaethironsudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox09:05
maltaethironthats all i did09:05
maltaethironand i got it...09:05
leileilolok i fixed it09:06
leileilolapparently i had to enable other repositories09:06
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leileilolnotei  haven't used kubuntu since breezy in 2005 :)09:09
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lhdswhen i sudo module-assistant prepare,update ||| sudo module-assistant build,install fglrx it loads the newer vers of the driver the one i removed the .debs from synaptic09:10
lhdshow to make it understand that i want to load the older version?09:10
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toddArrgh. Hey everyone...09:11
lhdshow? please how?09:11
toddI am getting so many errors, heh...09:11
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toddHow do I edit a text file as root in ther terminal?09:11
=== maltaethiron says "w00t for sleep"
toddI need to create a txt file and have the ability to save it.... so need root access.09:12
lhdssudo nano .... text.extention09:12
toddhmm. nano. lemme try that09:12
toddOk. I added the text I wanted to.... but can't figure out how to save it...09:13
todd^Writeout ...09:13
lhdscontol x09:14
lhdsthan y09:14
todderr, wtf is that about?09:14
lhdsthan enter09:14
toddOh, ^ means control key?09:14
wolfmanzyou could have also done sudo kate and had a gui editor09:14
toddI tried editing it Kate but it refused to save it.09:14
lhdshe wants it under terminal ;)09:14
toddwell, terminal seems to be the only way it will work09:14
lhdsyou sudo kate?09:14
toddsomething odd going on with my permissions.09:14
lhdsi hate kate09:14
todd... i think i tried that.09:14
insanekanewhy dont you just do "kdesu kate"09:14
lhdsi prefer gedit09:15
toddbut, kate is a bitch heh.09:15
todd... i didnt try kdesu.09:15
lhdsis what i feel for you09:15
toddgoing to try that out of curiousity now that u said that09:15
lhdsyour name kate09:15
lhdsfor the execution09:15
lhdsand i dont want you here and i want you dead09:15
lhdskill kate man09:15
lhdsits xkill09:15
toddAlright, I get this output ... its messed up.09:16
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ScakI'm currently AFK. Please leave a message.09:16
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toddtodd@ubuntu:~$ kdesu kate09:17
toddX Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16809:17
todd  Major opcode:  14509:17
todd  Minor opcode:  309:17
todd  Resource id:  0x009:17
toddFailed to open device09:17
toddX Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16809:17
todd  Major opcode:  14509:17
todd  Minor opcode:  309:17
todd  Resource id:  0x009:17
toddFailed to open device09:17
todderr sorry about the flood there09:17
lhdsgo get a bin and cleat that RIGHTNOW09:18
wolfmanzthat error maybe to do with not having a pen and tablet on your system09:18
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lhdsdont you have a pen and a paper on your table?09:19
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todd... nope.09:20
wolfmanzwhen i first put kubuntu on i was getting an error like that when i loaded kate up and it turns out it was to do with a pen and tablet missing you have to go into the xorg.conf file and comment some stuff out in there to make that error go away09:20
lhdsit makes me angry when they call it samba09:20
lhdsit gives me headaches09:20
toddwhat do i edit out?09:20
lhds./edit hell and make it heaven wah wah09:21
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lhdssorry mate09:21
wolfmanzwait just checking now and i get the same error your getting09:21
toddgood to hear i didnt mess up the install yet..09:21
toddSince I'm not the only one getting it.09:21
wolfmanzno no i think this is the same thing its looking for a device not there09:22
lhdsanyone who has an ati graphic card?09:22
toddYou know what to edit out of the xorg.config?09:22
todd... i have ati. on both my laptops.09:22
todd.. piss me off too, cuz they aren't as good with opensource .. drivers ect as nvidia.09:23
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lhdshave you heard of that?09:23
lhdssudo module-assistant prepare,update sudo module-assistant build,install fglrx09:23
lhdsdid you type it before?09:23
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toddfunny thing is..09:24
toddi have a wacom tablet09:24
lhdsi typed it09:24
toddbut its never touched this laptop.09:24
lhdsbut its running the earlier version09:24
lhdsi have removed the debs from synaptic09:24
toddmaybe it will actually not show that error if i have my waco tablet connected to my vaio.09:24
lhdsbut still it loads the newer vers09:24
wolfmanzNow i know why i'm getting that error i reset that xorg.conf file a few times so i will have to edit it again and that error will go away09:25
ubuntuhello @all can you send me the german channel09:25
toddWhat are you editing?09:25
toddin the file *09:25
lhdssudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:25
wolfmanzread the link i put up09:26
toddi read the first few posts09:26
toddand then got distracted by scary movie 4 on the tv09:26
toddand popcorn, hold on a sec here.09:26
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shocktrooper1where is the htdoc located for php5?09:26
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lhdsyou are not serius toodd09:27
wolfmanz3rd post down shows you what to comment out and that does fix the error09:27
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toddYea I noticed that...09:28
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toddwas reading the rest too... just cuz i was wondering what else tehre was09:28
todd.. or not .. there is one whole post on the second page.09:28
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ubuntucan evrybody send me the name of the german kubuntu channel?09:36
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toddtype "/list" without the quotation marks09:38
toddand maybe you will see it on this server09:38
ubuntuok thx09:38
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toddFigure it out?09:42
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ubuntui have it09:43
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ubuntucu bye bye09:44
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toddwhat is moin?09:50
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esbenGood morning09:51
esbenat this in Jytland, Denmakr ;)09:51
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toddHey.. anyone know how to send windows to another desktop in kde09:53
toddbut instead of it leaving the window name in the last desktops task bar list09:53
toddhave it sent to the desktop you sent it to09:53
todd..thats what it does in gnome.09:53
Jack1does somebody know a quick fix for firestarter not asking the password everytime at startup?09:53
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Jack1has anybody tried the sony k800i mobile with kontact/kde? thx09:54
Tm_TJack1: 1) it's sony ericsson  2) no, I'm intented to try with my k600i though09:55
shocktrooper1default locations for .php files in kubuntu?09:55
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Jack1Tm_T: WELLwhy so distinctly sony ericsson? u know what i meant?09:57
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Jack1Tm_T: well as they use the same technic (i guess) it should then work on the k800i too09:57
Tm_Tand as I said, I haven't tried it yet, but I will09:58
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Jack1i am looking forward09:58
Jack1tell here09:58
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Tm_TJack1: ugh, I'm just compiling kontact so this will take several minutes09:59
Jack1i got the problem that i moved the clear out button from left of the url address line to right09:59
Jack1how to get it back?09:59
fred__hi everybody09:59
root__fred__, hi10:00
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fred__hi root_10:01
Tm_TJack1: well, move it back? ;)10:01
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fred__hi sfkhooper10:01
Tm_Tsfkhooper: you should not irc as root user10:01
Tm_Tsfkhooper: or do anything you really don't have to10:01
Jack1Tm_T: which version do u use? preferences in kontact? its actuallcy the best PIM i have seen so far10:01
Tm_TJack1: well, I use latest svn 3.5 branch10:02
sfkhooperTm_T, can't put anything past you ;)10:02
Tm_TJack1: that means prolly next version you will use10:02
Jack1Tm_T: me too10:02
Jack1Tm_T: well to the ipod nano sync does work10:02
Jack1when will u try the mobile?10:03
Tm_TJack1: as soon as I get my kontact compiled, few minutes ;)10:03
Tm_TI didn't have thos sync things compiled before, never needed10:03
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Tm_TJack1: so, you're interested to sync contacts? or what?10:08
Jack1Tm_T: well yes10:11
Jack1contacts and calender10:11
Tm_Thmm, I'll look at it if it works via bt10:11
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Jack1suddenly i get the error cannot open display or x when i try to use any text editor10:17
Jack1xhost + localhost su is without success10:17
Tm_Tyou can't use your current X session as root10:18
Tm_Tthat means, use kdesu, sudo or gksu10:18
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Jack1xhost:  unable to open display ""10:19
Tm_Tyeah, if you try to run apps as su10:20
Jack1kdesu: cannot connect to X server10:20
zereddo you know a bug with kde 3.5.4 about thumbnails of new wallpapers in desktop configuration ?10:20
Tm_TJack1: run kdsesu as normal user10:20
Jack1X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16810:21
Tm_Thmm, sounds bad10:21
Tm_Twhat you're trying to do?10:21
Jack1edit a sudoers file10:22
Jack1just open a goddam editor10:22
Tm_Tyou should edit sudoers list using "visudo"10:22
Tm_Tthat's mentioned in manuals if I don't remember wrong10:23
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Jack1isudo -f /etc/sudoers10:24
Jack1visudo: /etc/sudoers: Permission denied10:24
Jack1visudo -f is this wrong here?10:24
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Tm_Terr, just "sudo visudo"10:26
Tm_Twhy -f10:26
Jack1it complains that no option afterwards however thx10:29
Jack1ill leave it10:29
Tm_Tweird, you should not need to specify sudoers file10:30
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Jack1Tm_T: works themobile with kontact?10:32
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Tm_Tstill compiling10:33
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Tm_TJack1: ok, now it's compiled, let's see if I get anything useful done with it10:48
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Tm_TJack1: hmh, sorry, can't understand how this works :p10:51
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto10:52
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Jack1Tm_T: sad10:59
Tm_Twell, you can't know new things rightaway10:59
Tm_Tso, forums and wikis ->10:59
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Jack1is 3.5.4. already in the reps?11:00
Tm_TJack1: yes, in separate repositories, see kubuntu.org11:02
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jackwhere is the config file for the K-menu11:04
jacki cant add the entry with menu editor11:04
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto11:17
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:20
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ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository11:27
ubotuIf sound is not working, first try system -> prefrences -> multimedia system selector change it to alsa. If you still have problems then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems11:28
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nalpha guys i have installing nmap after installed how to execute nmap?11:33
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ciusbethi guys!11:39
ciusbeti've a question ^^11:40
ciusbetsomeone has problems with fonts?11:40
ciusbetthe font size of many programs is too tiny11:40
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chavociusbet, which programs?11:41
ciusbetand, when i load XGL11:41
ciusbeti mus change font size to 1511:41
ciusbeti have to change11:42
chavociusbet, teamspeak I think is written in gtk111:42
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ciusbetits a font style?11:42
chavono it's a widget library, na old one11:42
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chavoyou can change the fonts with a ~/.gtkrc file, but I have forgotten the syntax11:43
chavoI could be wrong though11:43
ciusbetthx chavo11:43
ciusbetits a little problem11:43
ciusbeti dont like it XD11:44
ciusbeti cant use XGL because fonts are bad11:44
chavociusbet, Ihave the same fonts in XGL as normal xserver here11:45
chavobut I set my dpi with a ~/.Xresources file, might be why11:45
ciusbeti suppose, but me not11:45
chavotry this -> echo 'Xft.dpi: 96' >> ~/.Xresources11:46
chavothis will make your dpi 96x96 no matter what xserver or DE you are using11:47
ciusbetxresources doesnt exist11:47
chavoyou can change it to whatever dpi you prefer11:47
chavoit will create it with that command11:47
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ciusbetthx chavo11:48
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chakie_workwould there be any harm in dowgrading cups on a dapper system? apparently some recent "upgrade" has utterly broken printing for two systems we have at home12:18
chakie_workwe print to a third system (untouched) and both dappers now just print the same rubbish (three lines of random PCL stuff)12:19
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ubuntu__nick pierre12:23
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tsdgeoschakie_work: http://www.kdedevelopers.org/blog/418 has some blogs about cups on kubuntu, that may help you (or not)12:27
chakie_worktsdgeos: yes, that one helped us before when we set up the printing initially12:28
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chakie_worktsdgeos: the thing is that it worked just excellently until some very recent update (we just install what adept tells us to)12:29
tsdgeosyou using dapper already?12:29
chakie_workthis happens for others too, according to the bug db12:29
tsdgeosand it's a dapper -> dapper-patch that breaks it?12:29
chakie_workafter we upgraded breezy->dapper all worked fine12:29
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chakie_workthe bug db says that some update of cups to 1.2.2 broke it for them12:30
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chakie_workie some comment in the bug db, that is12:30
tsdgeosthen you can unupgrade12:30
tsdgeosand it should work again12:30
tsdgeosbut you will lose the security fix that the upgrade is supposed to do :_D12:31
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chakie_worktsdgeos: that doesn't worry us too much. we're firewalled off the net12:31
tsdgeosmarek_: hi12:32
jakeehi -- i'm having a lot of trouble; suddenly i can't log in at all.  whenever i type in my username and password i just get a black screen for a moment and then it comes back to kdm12:32
tsdgeoschakie_work: then it should be fine12:32
jakeethere's nothing i can see in /var/log/kdm.0.log -- any ideas?12:32
chakie_worktsdgeos: would you happen to know what i could rtfm in order to find previous versions?12:32
marek_x is broken?12:32
jakeekdm doesn't use x to display?12:32
chakie_workjakee: i had that too a while ago. but i don't remember what it was...12:33
marek_i had (with debian) after i logged in, it displayed an error, and i was at a console..12:33
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tsdgeoschakie_work: http://es.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/c/cupsys/12:33
tsdgeoscupsys_1.2.0-0ubuntu5_i386.deb <-- this is the original12:34
chakie_worktsdgeos: ah, thanks12:34
tsdgeosi don't know much about if apt will let you install an older version though12:34
tsdgeosi'm quite new to apt based systems12:34
chakie_worki think it can be done12:34
jakeemarek_ - yeah i wish there was an error!  but i don't get any feedback about what's going wrong; nothing in the log files either12:34
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tsdgeosjakee: something in ~/.xsession-errors ?12:36
marek_well... im new to kubuntu, been an Ubuntu user since 5.10...12:36
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marek_so i have tiny problems like, how i can edit my SU password... :S12:36
XVampireXAnyone here running equivalent of Geforce FX 5200?12:37
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tsdgeosmarek_: you can not12:37
tsdgeosthere is no su password in ubuntu12:37
jakeetsdgeos - that file is blank!12:37
tsdgeosjakee: ok, so that did not help either ;-/12:38
chakie_workdamn, i've seen that problem, it's something simple that has to be done12:38
marek_tsdgeos: well, in Ubuntu, you go to user accounts, choose "Show all" and you have like 30 accounts, 1 of them is root12:39
chakie_worklast time i saw it was a few weeks ago, my wife told me what to do. one command. something had to be started/stopped/nuked or similar12:39
jakeeok i just noticed another weird thing which is that df is reporting that i have 0K available and it doesn't change even when i delete stuff12:39
jakeedoes this sound familiar to anyone?12:40
chakie_workmaybe it was that i hadn't mounted up /home12:40
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tOnKyop yop12:41
chakie_workyeah, i did a "mount -a" as the boot for some reason didn't mount any NFS drives12:41
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ninHerhi all12:41
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chakie_workjakee: a full disk will probably make the login fail12:42
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jakeechakie_work - yeah i think that may have been it :|12:42
marek_ninHer: Hi12:42
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ninHerhi marek_12:43
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jakeeyeah that login problem was because of disk space -- thx yawl12:44
Hyperknuckhi, changed my name :p (my game nick)12:44
Hyperknuck(btw im marek... :P)12:44
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tsdgeosHyperknuck: you can use "/nick foo", no need to relogin12:44
Hyperknucktsdgeos: :p lol thanx12:45
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Hyperknucknot really a lot of chatting here :P12:53
[Scak-AFK] I'm baaaaaaaack!12:54
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XVampireXAnyone here running Geforce FX 5200 equivalents?12:56
Tm_T5700 here12:56
XVampireXThat's not an equivalent :P12:56
Tm_Twell, it depends12:56
Tm_Tboth are nvidia ;)12:57
XVampireXI need to see if it's just me... kinda getting a lower score on glxgears... even lower than ATI Radeon 9000 Pro12:57
Tm_Tglxgears is not benchmark12:57
Tm_Ttry some game instead, like ET12:57
XVampireXWell, I gotta fix the source of my PSX Emulation problem, too.12:57
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Tm_Tset equiv configs and look if framerate is different12:58
Tm_T13:57 < Tm_T> try some game instead, like ET12:58
Emessfucking winblows not working right...12:58
XVampireXAh, you're on same time zone :P12:59
Emessreally need to get my sister to let me put nix on her box12:59
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ScakI've been trying to switch my brother forever now, he refuses.12:59
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Emessmy littlke sister didnt refuse01:00
Emessshe uses Debian Woody tho01:00
=== Emess uses slackware, ubuntu, and mandrake
=== Scak uses FC5 and kubuntu
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Emesswell i use DesktopBSD at work :P01:02
Scakhow's that working out?01:03
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ScakI've been thinking about giving gentoo a try01:03
chakie_workhm, downgrading cupsys was an excellent lesson in frustration01:04
toddDoes Kubuntu have gnome installed too?01:04
EmessOpenBSD is nice on servers, but slackware is mroe fun01:04
Tm_Ttodd: not by default01:04
toddthought I saw XFCE .. err01:04
toddwhatever its called.01:04
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toddAh. Hmm. So if I installed Gnome... think that would make things unreliable?01:04
Scakemess, that's what I think, but a friend has been pushing me to give it a try01:05
toddYou use KDE, or Gnome more?01:05
Emessnah, if you want a hardcore distro use solaris or something01:05
EmessKDE for me, IceWM occasionally01:05
ScakKDE here, always01:05
Scaknever been a fan of gnome01:05
toddI liked gnome at first01:05
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Tm_TKDE, Windowmaker and PekWM01:06
toddbut got annoyed at the lack of ways to display files in the file manager01:06
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toddand window behaviour ... have more control in kde01:06
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Emesslol chatzilla01:06
xxenonhi. I upgraded to KDE 3.5.4, but now all my fonts are aliased. Known problem ?01:06
Tm_Txxenon: might be, doublecheck settings01:07
Tm_TI didn't notice any difference01:07
toddHow do I check in the terminal, what version of KDE I have?01:07
toddWhat's the command...?01:07
Scakmine's were fine after the upgrade.01:07
Emesssweet,  jsut got ##windows to talk about nix :P01:07
entropyhow hard would it be to move my desktop from dapper to edgy?01:07
Tm_Tentropy: not hard, not wise01:08
Emessentropy: just add teh edgy stuff to your apt-get sources and do apt-get upgrade01:08
Emessbut i wouldnt recommend it01:08
Tm_Ttodd: well, "konsole --version" for example01:08
entropyok, that's what i thought01:08
Tm_Tentropy: it's not stable, as you can imagine, it's devel anyway01:08
entropyi have problems with qt4 dev library in dapper, i can't work01:08
entropyi need edgy01:08
entropydappers libqt4-dev has not been updated since may and it's missing files01:09
entropyit's unusable01:09
toddoh, just kde --version01:09
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Emessok, i challenge someone to get iDJc working in Dapper01:09
toddok figured it out.01:09
toddI have KDE 3.5.3 ... hmm.01:10
Tm_Tentropy: well, qt4 afaik is borked in edgy too01:10
entropyTm_T: really?01:10
Tm_Tentropy: well, that's what it was week or two ago01:10
entropyoh ffs01:10
Tm_Tcompile it yourself01:10
Emessits a bitch to do01:11
chakie_workoh, i think the unsupported KDE 3.5.4 upgrade broke cups01:11
Tm_Tit's not01:11
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Tm_Tthat reminds me, time to build kde4 first time this week :)01:11
toddIf I've learned one thing by using linux the past couple weeks... its to not use beta software lol.01:11
Scaktodd, very smart assestment01:11
toddlol ive learned after 3 broken installs01:12
Tm_Ttodd: heh, well, beta is beta, it's not meant to everyday use01:12
toddyea that is true01:12
Tm_Tthat's why I use much beta, alpha, or even pre-alpha stuff01:12
todd... i am hoping that there is better ATI support in the future01:12
todddriver support01:12
Scakwe're all hoping that01:12
toddso xgl and all that work good.01:12
Scaksame goes for nvidia01:12
=== Emess offers a shell on an OC12 connection with 500mb space for ftp, web, and mail for whoever can get iDJc to work...
Tm_Tso end users could have usable apps some day ;)01:12
toddIt's annoying.. i have a crappy ati from ... the dawn of time lol.01:12
toddWow. This is sad, I have been up all night.01:13
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todd... 7am now lol01:13
toddBeen setting up friends Kubuntu install.01:13
chakie_workfsck, i can't seem to downgrade cups to 1.2.0. so, it's either have working printing and a broken system or broken printing and a working system01:13
chakie_workluckily our osx machines at home work fine for both01:14
ScakI've been trying to get xgl/compiz to work on a friend's pc, but it keeps crapping out01:14
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toddWell the XGL ... Kororaa live cd worked fine on this.01:14
toddAnd its a compaq ... so lol that says a lot.01:14
ninHerhi all01:14
Scakhello ninHer01:14
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toddThe stupid thing wont even boot on my sony vaio laptop though lol01:14
toddits the ati drivers.01:14
ninHerhi Scak01:15
Scakgotta love ati01:15
toddyea, always thought they were better.01:15
todd... until it came to open source drivers01:15
toddlack thereof.01:15
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JimmyJo22Hallo zusammen01:27
JimmyJo22habe mal eine Frage gibts in einer anderen repo vielleicht einen neueren kernel als den 2.6.15-26 K7?01:27
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de01:27
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de01:27
Tm_Tplease use english here01:27
Tm_Timbrandon: you don't have to repeat everything I say or do01:28
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Tm_Timbrandon: I know I'm natural leader, but still01:28
toddWhat would be the best way to install Gnome ... through Kubuntu (in kde)    .... apt-get in the terminal?01:29
toddOr adept...01:29
imbrandonapt-get install ubuntu-desktop01:29
toddDoesnt need su or sudo ?01:29
imbrandonsudo yes01:29
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toddand it takes care of all dependenies?01:29
toddalright going to do that.01:30
toddI need Fluxbox too while I am at it.01:30
toddsudo apt-get install fluxbox      right?01:30
toddlol already did it01:31
todddefeated the point in asking, but ... i dunno01:31
toddlack of sleep01:31
toddcant find the package.01:32
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toddI typed that in01:33
toddand got, Reading package lists... Done01:33
toddBuilding dependency tree... Done01:33
toddE: Couldn't find package gnome-desktop01:34
Emesspackage isnt called fluxbox, look in trhe ubuntu repo or adept for its proper name01:34
toddWhat's repo mean?01:34
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Jucatorepo = repository01:34
toddIs that a webpage? Like, a list of sources where you can apt-get stuff from? Servers ...?01:35
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Jucatotodd: it's a database (repository) of all available packages in Ubuntu01:35
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Jucato!info fluxbox01:35
ubotufluxbox: Highly configurable and low resource X11 Window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.14-2 (dapper), package size 720 kB, installed size 2288 kB01:35
todd!info pizza01:35
ubotuPackage pizza does not exist in dapper01:35
todd...lol woo a robo ... irc ..bot.01:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gnome-desktop - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:36
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Jucato!info gnome-desktop01:36
ubotuPackage gnome-desktop does not exist in dapper01:36
todd!info Gnome01:36
ubotuPackage Gnome does not exist in dapper01:36
todd!info Gnome-Desktop01:36
ubotuPackage Gnome-Desktop does not exist in dapper01:36
todd!info Gnome-desktop01:36
ubotuPackage Gnome-desktop does not exist in dapper01:36
todd!info Gnome-PIZZA01:36
ubotuPackage Gnome-PIZZA does not exist in dapper01:36
todd... i give up.01:37
Jucatoapt-cache search "gnome-desktop" is more accurate01:37
Jucatodoes anyone know which package installs the kcmgtk KControl module (GTK Styles and Fonts)?01:38
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DJucato, try apt-file search kcmgtk01:40
=== Emess installs ReactOS in vmware
=== Emess thinks he should get Xen...
toddcannt find flubox01:40
Jucatotry fluxbox...01:41
toddI ... need to go to sleep.01:41
toddCuz, I installed it like 3 nights ago onanother ubuntu machine01:41
toddbut kde ..and lack of sleep throwing me off, heh think ill look at it later.01:41
toddwell, peace out everyone.01:41
Emesstodd hangon a sec01:41
Emessgimme a minute il fidn it for you01:41
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Jucatofluxbox is in the universe repos01:42
toddah, thanks...01:42
toddYea, I just went into adept, and went to manage repositories01:42
toddand enabled everything I saw.01:42
toddBut, I must have missed something.01:42
Jucatodid you click "Apply" then "Fetch Updates" after you enabled everything?01:42
todd... just now did. I cant remember if I did or not lol prob didnt.01:43
toddbout to search for itagain01:43
toddOk, its waiting for the headers to download...01:43
Jucatotodd: check if this line is enabled "deb http://xx.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper universe" where xx stands for your local server01:43
toddlocal server?01:43
toddoh, like01:44
toddus.ubuntu.com ect?01:44
toddthis is enabled : http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/01:44
toddand its main restricted01:44
Jucatotodd, no. the one with universe at the end01:44
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Jucatothe line that looks like --> "deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper universe"01:45
toddah, well I think I enabled EVERYTHING in that list though.01:45
todd... redownloading the headers.01:45
toddits...updating more this time the second time i fetched the updates.01:45
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toddOk, it showed up this time.01:46
jan1024188how to open KDE main menu with keyboard01:46
toddI see fluxbox, nowlol.01:46
Jucatojan1024188: Alt+F101:46
toddGuess i was rushing it01:46
jan1024188thanks a lot01:46
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toddInstalling fluxbox now.01:46
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Jucatoehehe! good luck and have fun! :-D01:47
JucatoDustman: thanks for the tip! can't believe I missed that :-D01:47
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Jucatoerr....wrong person...01:47
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toddwaiting for headers STILL01:48
todddont think its budginglol01:48
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toddIdontneed deb-src repos do i/01:49
Jucatotodd: yep, you don't need them. best to leave them disabled until you do01:50
toddIs it for ... compiling stuff by source?01:50
Jucatotodd: it's for downloading the source code of the packages from the "deb" repositories01:51
toddoh ok. kind of what i figured .. wasnt sure how it worked.01:51
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Emesslol, you didnt have uni/multiverse?01:53
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toddIs there a system restore deal on here?01:56
toddI intend on messing with some "very alpha" software.01:56
toddWhich is very likely to break install. Or graphics ... display.01:56
todd... there someway I can create ... i dunno.01:56
todd... what does the repair system option do on the boot menu?01:57
Jucatonone that I know of01:57
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toddSeems like there is no way to protect my system.01:57
Emessits command line login with root powers01:57
Emesslets you edit X and stuff if it brekas and you cant boot gui01:58
toddI want to tinker with it but.... if it breaks I dont want to have to reinstall the OS again.01:58
toddyea, thats waht happened last time i couldnt boot into te Gui01:58
toddcuz i was messing with XGL. tried the automatic installer which didnt work cuz if bad graphic drivers01:58
toddSo I was thinking there has to be something I can do to backup system files and if GUI or something crashes... won't ... restore disc help ? Or. I have no idea how I'd go about doing something liek that.01:59
Emesstheres a backup program somewhere02:02
EmessKMenu --> System --> Keep (Backup Utility)02:02
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eamon_I'm experiencing a problem in Amarok where some tracks never increase their play counts no matter how many times I play them.02:18
eamon_I have version 1.4.102:18
eamon_And I'm using the SQLite db02:18
eamon_Does anybody know how to solve this problem?02:18
toddargh, anyone know what this means? ** (process:12031): CRITICAL **: egg_desktop_entries_add_group: assertion `egg_desktop_entries_lookup_group (entries, group_name) == NULL' failed02:18
toddIt keeps repeating the same error in the terminal02:19
toddwhile doing apt-get install of gnome-desktop.02:19
toddIts installing stuff, but keeps saying that every few seconds.02:19
Emesseamon: no idea, but try asking in #amarok02:20
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eamon_Emess: I did but noone replied :(02:20
Emesstry one of the other amarok chans, time zones make teh normal one kinda quiet02:20
Emessbut hang around for a bit and someone will answer02:21
oldwulfMorning everyone02:21
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oldwulfAnything new and exciting going on?02:22
toddKnow what this means?02:22
todd** (process:12031): CRITICAL **: egg_desktop_entries_add_group: assertion `egg_desktop_entries_lookup_group (entries, group_name) == NULL' failed02:22
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haiderny one know how to install yahoo here>02:23
Emessliek teh messenger?02:23
haideryahoo messenger02:23
EmessKMenu -- Internet --> Kopete02:24
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eamon_Emess: What other amarok chans?02:24
Emessthere are ones for different languages and tiems02:25
Emesstry /list to get a list of chans02:25
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oldwulfTodd:  When are you getting that?02:25
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toddoldwulf - I did apt-get install of gnome-desktop02:26
todd...should have done ubuntu-desktop02:26
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toddand it kept spitting out errors like that02:26
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oldwulftodd: Do you have mplayer installed?02:28
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Emesseww mplayer piece of shit motherfucker...02:30
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oldwulfyeah but it might be causing an issue with his gnome install.  all the deps that gnome requires and if he has a corrupt .desktop file it will flake out like that02:30
MilhousePunkRock!language > Emess02:31
toddI thikn so how do I find out?02:31
toddno i do.02:31
oldwulftodd:  do you know which file it was installing when it started spewing the errors.02:31
toddWas thinking it was ... something else.02:31
toddno but havent closed out the terminal yet02:31
oldwulfcopy that.  hm..02:31
oldwulfI don't mess much with gnome02:32
toddIt happened right after it said it was setting up stuff.02:32
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toddwell, someone else told me that apt/synaptic was pretty smart02:33
toddand just to install ubuntu-desktop02:33
RiddellEmess: language02:33
toddeven though I already did gnome-desktop02:33
toddsaid it should be smart enough to fix it.. but i dunno02:33
toddguess we will see02:33
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Emesssorry bout that milhouse02:34
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=== Emess sets ModCZ to replace 'mplayer' with 'VLC'
Emess /regex-rep mplayer; VLC02:35
oldwulfnice emess.  but I don't think that is his problem.02:35
Emessi know02:35
Emessbut everyimte someone mentions mplayer i forget to be nice02:35
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toddmplayer the cause for many probs i take ti02:36
oldwulftodd:  you are installing the ubuntu-desktop over top of kubuntu?02:36
oldwulfmplayer doesn't play nice. :)02:36
toddYea, wanted to have Kubuntu ... (KDE for frend ...who is used to Windows)02:36
toddand I am installing Gnome and Fluxbox and Enlightenment on here02:36
todd... just to see which ones i like better.02:37
waspiushello..i have just managed to enter the net with kubuntu can someone please tell me what reprosities i need to add for updates etc?02:37
toddI am stil getting those error message though..............02:37
waspiusplus i do not seem to get any packages in adept02:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kde3.5.4 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:38
Hobbseewaspius: see kubuntu.org02:38
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource02:38
oldwulfcan you send me your terminal output?  wulfpakconsulting@gmail.com02:38
serzholinodoes anyone has problems with gtk-qt-engine?02:39
toddSetting up serpentine (0.6.91-0ubuntu3) ...02:39
todd** (process:15607): CRITICAL **: egg_desktop_entries_add_group: assertion `egg_desktop_entries_lookup_group (entries, group_name) == NULL' failed02:39
toddhmm. it is done installing now but theres dozens of those type errors.02:39
waspiusdo you know why i cannot see any packages in adept??only the ones installed02:39
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serzholinofor me breezy's version was much more better in its job02:39
Emesswaspius: open adept and get the sources lsit,t ehn uncomment the universe and multiverse lines02:40
waspiusok thanx02:40
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toddI have terminal printout, saved it to txt file.02:42
toddGoingto check to see if my other WM work ..then ill be back02:43
toddwish me luck02:43
Jucatogood luck :-D02:43
oldwulfgood luck02:43
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toddlol gnome works02:49
toddhave KDE and Gnome running at once02:49
toddgoing to load up fluxbox too02:49
serzholinotodd: why not?02:49
toddsee how much crpa i can start before this thing starts smoking02:49
MilhousePunkRockHello everyone02:50
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MilhousePunkRockDoes someone know how to fix this X warning: Warning: Cannot convert string "-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-iso8859-*" to type FontStruct02:50
toddwow. fluxbox started fast. so. so... BASIC looking.02:51
Chousukefluxbox is cool.02:51
toddYea, I heard. That's why I got it.02:51
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Chousukeit has a lot of features too. it may look "basic" because it's just a window manager, and not a desktop environment like Gnome and KDE. :)02:51
waspiusEmess: they are uncommented02:52
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Jucatofluxbox can be run alone, or on top of KDE/GNOME, which is usually what happens in our case (installing fluxbox from the repos)02:52
toddlol I have a xvid movie playing in gnome ... in another session02:53
Chousukeon top of a DE? hmm.02:53
toddDE? whats that?02:53
ChousukeI usually just run fluxbox and then run gnome or KDE or Gnome apps on it.02:53
Chousukedesktop environment.02:53
toddAnd you can run fluxbox on TOP of kde/gnome?02:53
JucatoDE = Desktop Environment02:53
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Chousuketodd: well, I suppose you can replace the WM in either DE, but I don't know how well it'd work.02:54
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Chousuke(wm = window manager)02:54
brush01uknew user to day ,help please  Greetings All02:55
toddJust ... run command fluxbox while in KDE? for example?02:55
Jucatotodd: when you're about to login to KDE, you have a choice of which Session to log into. When you install fluxbox, a fluxbox session is added.02:56
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toddYea that is how I got KDE, Gnome, and Fluxbox working at the same time02:57
toddim switching between them by using control-F7 and control F8 ect02:57
todderr control-alt i meant lol02:57
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thoreauputictodd: if you want to do the funky fluxbox in KDE thing you need Xnest02:59
thoreauputicyou can run it in an Xnest window02:59
thoreauputicalthough why you'd want to is another question of course...03:00
toddI dont think I do.03:01
toddDon't think I even have a need for fluxbox.03:01
thoreauputicboo, hiss03:01
toddOther than.... if I needed more resources.03:01
=== thoreauputic drops a 50kg Unix manual on todd
toddBut eh,  ....lol whats that for.03:01
todddid i pass? LOL03:01
thoreauputicheh - a fluxbox heretic! Burn him!03:02
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toddutorrent is working pretty well03:02
toddunder wine03:02
thoreauputicdon't you like linux bt clients?03:03
=== Jucato loves KTorrent...
Emessktorrent is grea tisnt it?03:04
Jucatoyeah! and it's getting better and better03:04
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toddI hate ktorrent.03:04
toddBecause everytime I used it03:04
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JucatoI would have liked Azureus if not for Java...03:04
toddIt kept stalling. Then Azureus, went nuts about something. Wouldnt read the files.03:04
thoreauputictodd: it stopped at 99 % ?03:04
toddyea, the java makes it unstable.03:04
thoreauputicno it doesn't03:05
toddthoreauputic:  well, some things downloaded all the way, others stoppd halfway, just depended.03:05
toddThey ALL had enough seeders/leechers.03:05
thoreauputictodd: configuration issue03:05
toddazureus said something about read input/output03:05
thoreauputictodd: read the azureus FAQ03:05
Jucatotodd: KTorrent usually stalls around 99.xx%. I'm not sure why. I'm presuming it has something to do with your upload ratio...03:06
toddyea. i just ... said heck with it03:06
toddand started using uTorrent03:06
toddwhat i am used to using anyways.03:06
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thoreauputictodd:  http://azureus.sourceforge.net/faq.php03:06
toddlooking now03:07
thoreauputicand even more informative: http://www.azureuswiki.com/index.php/Main_Page03:07
toddI'll  bookmark them in case i want to get it working03:08
todd... want to get xgl working lol03:08
thoreauputictodd: works well here - I get 700KB-1.2 MB/s in good torrents with Azureus03:09
thoreauputicI notice a lot of ktorrent users stuck on 99% - I suspect they have their client set up wrong03:10
Jucatothoreauputic: care to enlighten me please?03:10
dbgltany ubuntu packages for ktorrent2?03:10
dbgltahhh nm03:10
dbgltone on the website :)03:10
thoreauputicJucato: I read about it - hang on I'll have a look03:10
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Jucatothoreauputic: thanks. I thought that it was a sort of feature they put  in to make sure that you upload a certain amount03:11
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thoreauputicJucato: sounds like it's a NAT issue  - see http://forum2.youceff.com/showthread.php?t=5188 (scroll down a bit)03:13
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thoreauputicalso re: 99% issue - http://www.azureuswiki.com/index.php/Torrents_stop_at_99_percent03:15
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toddi am in two places at once .... aaaand i need sleep lol03:16
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Jucatothanks thoreauputic. I'll look into it03:17
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thoreauputicyw :)03:17
hermanafternoon all03:17
footcan someone tell me why some things are automatically red when pasted into pastebin?03:18
Jucatothoreauputic: Hmm.. I don't think I have that DMZ thing.. I don't even know what it is :-D03:18
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hermanlol @ Jucato...most routers have a DMZ setting. it sets your router open to anything so not very safe anyway03:19
thoreauputicJucato: it's when you have all ports forwarded to one box on the network ( ie that box is exposed to the internet unless it has a firewall)03:19
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Jucatoum... ok... networks.. internet... @_@03:19
thoreauputicherman: it's safe as long as you have the box firewalled except for the needed services etc03:20
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hermantrue true but why use DMZ anyway?03:20
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thoreauputicherman: for instance you might run an apache server in the DMZ03:20
geiseriRiddell: ping03:20
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thoreauputicherman: keeps the servers out of the "safe" internal network03:21
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Jucatothoreauputic: when KTorrent stalls at 99%, it usually continues 1) after some period of time or 2) after a restart or 3) discontinuing the download then importing the partially finished download...03:21
hermanah ok yuo that didn't cross my mind03:21
Markiif i mainly use firefox, amarok, amsn and the gimp should i change to kde from gnome?03:21
thoreauputicJucato: interesting - it might actually be a bug, I don't know - have you checked on lunchpad.net or upstream ( KDE)03:22
geiseriRiddell: i have a demo machine for LWE here with kubuntu, but I will have another machine at LWE that may or may not have a network connection03:22
Jucatothoreauputic: nope, not yet. I'm waiting for release 2.0. it might have been fixed03:22
thoreauputicMarki: not unless you want to try KDE :)03:22
geiseriRiddell: is there a way to dump a dvd of the packages that i want to install on the other machine?03:22
thoreauputicumm I meant launchpad.net of course03:22
thoreauputicalthough I kind of like the sound of "lunchpad" ;P03:23
Jucatohehehe... hungry? :-D03:23
thoreauputicJucato: midnight snack time :)03:23
thoreauputicMon Aug 14 23:23:34 EST 200603:23
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Jucatooh. it's around 9:30 PM here.. (philippines)03:24
x_Oarrrgh cant figure out how to install this gnome theme03:24
Markisorry guys i did shift-backspace03:24
pk0ninkhah its only 6:30 am here03:24
x_OCan't figure out what to do.. argh.03:24
tsdgeosx_O: that's kubuntu channel you know ;-)03:24
Markiso basically i'm afraid of changing the XGL settings to use KDE03:24
thoreauputicJucato: Australia ( East Coast)03:24
x_O... err yea let me hope in other room03:25
Jucatothoreauputic: oh! that explains it. EST could also stand for US Eastern Standard Time03:25
thoreauputicJucato: yeah, the Yanks think they own it ;)03:25
thoreauputicJucato: I've had them tell me my time zone was wrong ;)03:25
Pupenomy wife is doing some work in which she pastes lot's of text from mails and other places, most of the on UTF-8 and pastes it on lyx, but Lyx uses Latin-1, so she ends up with a lot of weird characters. Any ideas how to solve the problem ? something that is agile ?03:25
Markiso would it be faster for me to run amarok in KDE ?03:25
thoreauputicMarki: faster to start the first run, otherwise not much diff03:26
thoreauputicMarki: it loads some KDE libraries03:26
Markibut once i got one kde programme running there's no difference anymore=?03:26
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thoreauputicMarki: not much in general - KDE apps run fine in Gnome03:27
thoreauputicad vice versa of course03:27
Riddellgeiseri: it's not quite a dump but you can remaster CDs fairly easily03:28
Markiok so if my only personal reason to change is because amsn looks better in KDE would it be worth the work to get XGL workin' on it?03:28
Riddell(or DVDs)03:28
thoreauputicMarki: if you have disc space it's always fun to try out a different desktop though03:28
Riddellgeiseri: http://www.atworkonline.it/~bibe/ubuntu/custom-livecd.htm03:28
thoreauputicMarki: no idea about XGL, sorry03:29
Markiok, no problem03:29
geiseriRiddell: and this live CD would have the ability to install itself on a host machine?03:29
geiseriRiddell: thats the important point i guess03:30
mikkihow do play .avi files ??03:31
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Markiok again -_-03:32
Markii definetely need an xgl channel03:32
herman@mikki thaz a matter of installing the proper codecs and players/plugins03:32
Markicool that worked ^^03:32
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mikkiwhere can i find the codecs ?03:32
hermando you have the w32codecs installed?03:33
mikkidont know03:33
Riddellgeiseri: yes, our live CD == our install CD03:33
herman@mikki hang on will have a look03:34
geiseriRiddell: okay, ill give it a whirl03:34
geiseriRiddell: thx03:34
tsdgeosRiddell: btw the other day we tried the install CD on a new dell machine at work and was a complete failure, it could not even boot X :-/03:34
hermanor maybe Riddell knows it by heart since he knows everything lol03:34
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:34
Riddelltsdgeos: erk03:35
hermanthere ya go03:35
tsdgeosRiddell: well, basically the issue was the installer/booter something is not able to work with the new ati cards and instead of defaulting to vesa (htat works) simply gave us a black screen03:35
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mikkihow  do i logon root in the terminal ? :P03:39
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herman@miki use sudo and then the command03:40
hermani.e. sudo apt-get etc03:40
mikkii got this message: sudo: timestamp too far in the future: Aug 14 22:39:16 200603:40
mikkiwhat does that mean?03:41
tsdgeossomething fishy happens with your clock :_D03:41
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mikkihow can i fix that  ?03:42
geiseriRiddell: okay, this looks spot on03:42
geiseriRiddell: thx03:42
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mikkianybody? sudo: timestamp too far in the future: Aug 14 22:39:16 200603:44
djclue917mikki: have you adjusted you clock?03:44
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mikkiyes it dont show  Aug 14 22:39:16 2006 but Aug 14 15:4503:45
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JucatoI have a slight problem: whenever Kopete plays a sound notification, my system stalls for a second or two... any  possible solution, other than turning sound notifications off? :-D03:46
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mikkiis it possible to login as root, and not use the sudo command ?03:49
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Hagbard_UbHi all!03:49
Jucatomikki: not graphically03:49
Hagbard_UbWhat's the package name for Knotify ?03:49
oldwulfmikki: su -03:49
Jucatooldwulf: that won't work since there's no root user03:50
footwhy would my media manager not be running?03:50
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MuJsudo su03:50
oldwulfJucato: funny it works fine for me. :)03:50
Jucatooldwulf: then you must have set a password for root03:51
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oldwulfJucato: yep... sudo passwd root03:51
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zipper__well, you could also just do a sudo /bin/sh03:51
Jucato"sudo -i" is a bit easier, though03:51
zipper__should grant you a root shell03:51
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JucatoHagbard_Ub: I think KNotify is part of the kdelibs package03:52
mikkieverytime i use sudo i get that the timestamp is to far in the future!!! :(03:52
Hagbard_UbJucato, Ok03:52
JucatoI'm not 100% sure, though03:52
Hagbard_UbHey... One more thing... The text in Xchat is realy small.. and it's small on some other places too...03:52
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oldwulfmikki: so you can't run sudo passwd root? or sudo /bin/sh?03:53
Hagbard_UbIs there a way to set the DPI or something so I can see the text?03:53
Jucatook, I'm having a bit of a problem with ALL sound notifications... every time a sound notification is about to be played, my system stalls for a second or two. anyonne have any ideas?03:53
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waspiushi.i installed firefox and some games from adept...but i cannot see them in my menu bar..can anyone help03:56
Jucatowaspius: type this in Konsole:  "kbuildsycoca --incremental"03:57
Jucatothat will update your K Menu03:57
mikkinope, but im goin to try a reboot03:57
zipper__Hagbard_Ub, yes. In the start of your /etc/X11/xorg.conf you'll find a list of the fonts being loaded to be used with x.03:57
waspiusJucato: it says error no database available03:57
Jucatowaspius: that's ok. check your K Menu now03:57
Hagbard_Ubzipper__, Yeah.. What about it?03:57
oldwulfmikki: yes booting into recovery mode will allow you to set the root password and or set your date so sudo works.03:58
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oldwulfmikki: good luck. ;-)03:58
waspiusJucato: nothing03:58
djclue917mikki: that's just a temporary problem...03:58
Jucatowaspius: try just a plain "kbuildsycoca"03:58
djclue917sudo makes a timestamp the first time it is called that's why sudo can be used for some time until the time stamp "expires"03:59
waspiusJucato: ok that worked but only for firefox..the games are not there03:59
zipper__Hagbard_Ub, well, you could comment out the ones you dont want to use. Another option is to fiddle around with 'system settings' in kde03:59
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footanyone know the name of the media manager? mine is not started for some reason04:00
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waspiusJucato: do u know the windows manager called xpde?04:02
mikkia reboot fixed my problem:)04:02
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waspiusanyone here use xpde?04:07
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MarsRouterxpde or XPDF04:10
Jucatoxpde, the desktop environment that looks like XP04:10
Tm_Tsounds like a joke04:11
J4tOn August 21st 2004, the XPde Team released XPde 0.5.1;  Current Release: 0.5.1 (BETA)  04:11
J4tthat one? :)04:11
Jucatoit's not, actually04:11
Jucatonot a joke...04:11
Tm_Thmm, someone can go seriously to that?04:11
Jucato"A desktop environment(XPde) and a window manager(XPwm) for Linux. It tries to make easier for Windows XP users to use a Linux box."04:12
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux'). You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild04:12
Jucatothink "Linspire" taken to another level...04:12
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Tm_Twell, someone likes it04:12
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MarsRouterXP on Linuix seems a joke04:13
Jucatowell, people use VMWare to run XP on Linux...04:13
JucatoLinspire looks a lot like XP04:13
aliasfredxpe is coded in pascal04:13
Jucatoetc etc etc...04:13
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Tm_Taliasfred: =)04:13
Tm_Taliasfred: you're serious?04:14
aliasfredat least to me this is a lot more a  joke that trying to looks like xp04:14
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aliasfredhttp://www.xpde.com/shots/kylix.png <- Tm_T deduced from this screenshot entitled 'working on the project'04:14
Tm_Taliasfred: well, it must be somewhat humourrelated, halfserious atleast04:14
Tm_TI see.. :p04:14
Tm_TI used pascal in 90's04:14
Tm_Tjust to make nt4 workstations hangup04:15
Tm_Tfun of schooldays or so04:15
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ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://kdelook.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuEyeCandy04:15
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soulrider____how long does it take for a new kernel to be available in the repos ?04:20
Sakirethwhere to find good kde themes?04:20
Sakirethgood timing04:20
soulrider____jucato beat me :P04:20
Tm_Tsoulrider____: well, that depends, next release usually04:20
soulrider____and i gotta fix my nick! O.O04:20
Jucatojust by a few seconds :-D04:21
Tm_Tsoulrider____: current stable gets only fixes04:21
soulrider____:O really?04:21
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Tm_Tsoulrider: well, we like to keep stable as stable, right?04:21
Sakirethand other sites? can't find much on kde-look..04:21
Sakirethlooking at the theme manager section04:21
soulriderlook on htemes/styles04:22
soulrideri dont know why04:22
soulriderbut i never like other themes04:22
soulriderunless theya re REALLY good04:22
soulrideri allways sue the default one04:22
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fannagogannahave you tried comix, soulrider?04:23
fannagogannait's a pretty popular theme without being a plastik/keramik clone04:24
fannagogannapersonally, i use the comix theme with crystal window decoration -- i think it looks pretty nice.04:26
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romanhoe instaleer en kom je aan w32codecs04:27
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JucatoLately, I seem to like the Plastik styles/window decoration even more than the Lipstik/Crystal combo04:28
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:28
Tm_Troman: sorry I don't speak dutch(?) but if I understood right, you need to look https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats04:28
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Tm_Tintelikey: bah, you're too young and fast04:29
romani need to instal the w32codecs04:29
Tm_Troman: then check urls ubotu gave04:29
intelikeyyeah bet you say that to everyone under 5004:29
Tm_Tintelikey: I do ;)04:30
romanyeeeees it's working04:30
tapasi wonder about the live cd:04:30
tapashow is the live users home dir created?04:30
tapasi need to modify it slightly04:30
romanhe is downloading now04:30
tapasjust from /etc/skel/ ?04:30
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intelikeytapas /etc/passwd04:31
intelikeyor you mean for new accounts tapas ?04:32
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tapasintelikey: i mean: when you boot the live cd04:32
tapasa user is created called ubuntu04:32
tapasi wonder how his home dir is created as i need to add some contents to the live users homedir04:32
tapas[i'm baking my own modified kubuntu live cd] 04:33
soulriderfannagoganna: do you have a link fro comix?04:33
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intelikeyadding content should be /etc/skel  yes04:33
Jucatotapas: the Live CD is like an image of an already existing user/system. the user "ubuntu" isn't created when you boot the Live CD. It's already there, including the home directory04:33
tapasJucato: /mnt/new_system$ ls home/04:34
intelikeyi thought you were asking what controled where $HOME was, sorry for the misread.04:34
tapasJucato: it isn't04:34
tapasJucato: it is created on the boot..04:34
tapasJucato: the live cd even says explicitly "creatign live user"04:34
Jucatooh I didn't notice that. I stand correcte04:34
tapasso, /etc/skel will probably have his .bashrc, etc..04:34
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tapasbut: There's also icons on his desktop and there's no Desktop in /etc/skel04:35
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tapasso there must be a way to alter what shows on the live users desktop, too, in some way04:35
intelikeythey are default kde setup   look into kde for that.04:35
tapasintelikey: you mean kde has some place where it stores the default setup for the users desktpo?04:36
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tapasintelikey: 'cause it has an install button and an Examples folder [a hardlink] 04:36
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intelikeyyes tapas that's what i mean.04:37
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intelikeymaybe /etc/kde3/   maybe /usr/share/kde*  or even /usr/lib/kde   idk i never tried to find that info.04:38
tapasintelikey: ok, i'll have a look04:39
tapasi alsop suppose when the live cd is installed to the hd, the skeleton will look a little different04:39
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intelikeytapas also of note the init scripts will be what initiates the creation of the new user account and might also add the link to install   there are many ways to arrive at the same point.     "all roads lead to linux"  :)04:40
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tapasintelikey: true. will check the init script first. good point04:40
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intelikeytapas my skel is still default "one of the only things that is"04:43
intelikeytty24 [root#~]  ls -A /etc/skel/04:43
intelikey.bash_logout  .bash_profile  .bashrc04:43
tapas/mnt/new_system/etc$ ls skel/ -A04:43
tapas.bash_logout  .bash_profile  .bashrc  Examples04:43
intelikeyand that was installed from the live04:43
tapasthat;s how it is on the live cd04:43
tapaswhere Examples is a hard link04:43
intelikeyyeah treat hardlinks as copies in most cases.04:44
intelikeywhat ?04:44
romanw32codecs are working fine :)04:44
intelikeyoh hehhe ok.04:44
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intelikeyi think i'll build another kernel.   and see if 2.4 supports nvidia legacy04:47
intelikeyunless someone can tell me outrightly if so04:48
romanwhen supports the ati driver in kubuntu 3d acceleration04:48
romanor vesa driver04:48
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto04:49
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tapasbtw: is there any way to speed up the squasfs creation?04:50
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tapasor maybe skip it and use an ext2 fs on a dvd rom?04:50
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tapas[i'd have to buy a dvd burner first to make use of that anyways, but it might be worth it] 04:50
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aliasfredext2 is not designed for dvd04:51
aliasfredso it may work but as efficiently as an fs designed for dvd04:51
tapasaliasfred: makes sense..04:52
tapasaliasfred: so will squashfs with disabled copression be better suited?04:52
aliasfredi dunno :)04:52
tapasaliasfred: it's just that creating it takes ages on my poor 1.2ghz box04:52
intelikeyshould be faster created and read04:52
aliasfredbut im sure ext2 has been made for harddrive, so with a widely different seek time :)04:52
intelikeybut you didn't hear that from me.04:53
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waspiusi made a shortcut for my trash but for some reason it always shows it is full.any suggestions04:58
intelikeychange the icon ?04:58
tsdgeosempty the trash?04:58
waspiusif i change it to not full will it change when it is full?04:59
intelikeyremove the shortcut ?04:59
Kr4t05I need a favor from someone here who ISN'T using XGL.04:59
tsdgeosKr4t05: yes?04:59
Kr4t05tsdgeos: You're running KDE?04:59
intelikeythere is an active icon for that    i think.    waspius  maybe not in the main icons  switch to system  or something.05:00
Kr4t05tsdgeos: in a terminal windows, I want you do open /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc05:00
waspiusintelikey: ill check thanx05:00
Kr4t05tsdgeos: when that's open, I need you to CTRL+F for "ServerCmd"05:01
tsdgeosctrl+f does not work in vi ;-)05:01
tsdgeosServerCmd=/usr/bin/X -br05:01
Kr4t05tsdgeos: Thank you.05:01
intelikeyi actually did that the other day waspius but i don't have kde anymore, and i rm'd the the file so i can't just "look and see"  for you.05:01
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tsdgeosKr4t05: np05:01
Kr4t05tsdgeos: That was exactly what I needed.05:02
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mikkihow do i install vlc??05:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about clv - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:02
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ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs05:02
intelikey!info vlc05:02
ubotuvlc: multimedia player for all audio and video formats. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.4.debian-1ubuntu6 (dapper), package size 7620 kB, installed size 18808 kB05:02
tapasbtw: is there a cool kde based backup tool?05:02
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intelikeythere if your repo universe is enabled, just use your favorite package manager frontend05:02
aliasfredtapas: i have seen one.05:03
jfrohow do you install the build utils05:03
tapasaliasfred: remember the name?05:03
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jfrogcc, make etc. all in one swoop05:03
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intelikey!info build-essential05:03
ubotubuild-essential: informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.1 (dapper), package size 6 kB, installed size 48 kB05:03
TheGateKeeperjfro: build-essential05:03
intelikey@ jfro ^05:04
jfrohuh, that only had a couple it seemed but doing that now05:04
aliasfredtapas: nope, but i see 4 results in kde-apps.org 'backup'. none that good tho05:04
jfrounless bison and other stuff is laready installed05:04
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mikkican i find it with adept(VLC)05:04
aliasfredtapas: http://konserve.sourceforge.net/faq.html is the one i remembered05:04
tapasaliasfred: ok thanks, will have alook05:05
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jfrothanks guys05:05
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intelikeybison may or may not be considered part of the essentials  you might want to " dpkg -l | grep bison "   to make sure you have it.05:05
TheGateKeepermikki: with the right repos enabled probable05:05
tapasaliasfred: hrm, it doesn't seem to allow to deselct subdirs, etc..05:06
intelikeyday late and a dollar short i guess.05:06
tapasaliasfred: oh weill, i'll look around05:06
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ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource05:06
TheGateKeeperor http://za1012001.googlepages.com/modifyingubunturepositories05:07
intelikeypackage repositories,  where you find all the soft ware you will ever need05:07
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TheGateKeepermikki: are you using dapper or breezy?05:08
tapasarr damn, i might hack one up these days with a script language with kde bindings05:08
intelikeyonly two choices ?05:08
intelikeytapas    http://google.com/linux   search script for backing up         or other key phrases05:09
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intelikeythere are many05:10
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intelikeyor you can write your own.05:10
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tapasintelikey: yeah.. millions. i will sift through them before writing my own of course05:10
zipperHow do i change my locales in kubuntu? I've got the right locales, although they are the UTF8 versions, not the ISO8xxx i want05:10
TheGateKeepertapas: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=81311&highlight=HOWTO%3A+backup05:11
intelikeyzipper sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales05:11
tapasTheGateKeeper: thanks05:11
TheGateKeeperprobable not cool but does the job ^^^05:11
zipperintelikey, that just updates my locales, it doesnt let me configure which ones should be generated05:11
intelikeyyou can add -plow05:11
tapasTheGateKeeper: heh, i know how to backup my stuff manually :) i want a gui to make it easier for common tasks ;)05:12
TheGateKeepertapas: rsync is supposed to be good, and I believe krusader has some capabilities05:12
intelikeycan also reconfig   ubuntu-base05:12
tapasincremental/full backups, filling of removable media, selecting dirs and unselecting subdirs, etc..05:12
tapassaveable backup setups etc..05:12
intelikeywith -plow of course05:12
zipperintelikey, still talking to me?05:13
zipperi think i messed something up05:13
intelikeybeleave it or not  :)05:13
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TheGateKeepertapas: if you find a good one let me know :-)05:13
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intelikeyzipper /etc/env* is where the actual settings are stored one can edit that,  but that's not the *buntu way05:14
zipperintelikey, thats what i was trying to do, but it doesnt accept the way i used to do it in debian05:15
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zipperif i want da_DK keyboard layout, how should my /etc/enviroment look?05:16
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zipperor just... what does the default /etc/enviroment look like?05:19
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zipperofcourse i did not back up my original05:19
trappistzipper: depends on what you selected at install05:19
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zippertrappist, well, i want da_DK keyboard layout, but all my applications should still be in en_GB.05:20
aliasfredq. does canonical run its own bittorrent seeder for the ubuntu cd ?05:21
zippertrappist, but apparently, kubuntu doesnt accept the way i used to do it in debian05:21
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zipper_god damn language support is a bitch05:25
zipper_i would rather recompile an alpha kernel build05:25
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newbie_1000anyone know why my Adept installs keep breaking?05:26
CVirus-Costanewbie_1000: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure adept05:27
CVirus-Costanewbie_1000: does it install ?05:27
newbie_1000what's that do?05:27
CVirus-Costanewbie_1000: man dpkg-reconfigure05:28
newbie_1000it downloads, installs, and then says that it can't commit changes cuase of breakage or something.05:28
longbeannewbie_1000: the exact error message is important05:28
CVirus-Costanewbie_1000: exact error msg please05:28
newbie_1000um, I'm not using that machine right now.05:28
CVirus-Costacant help it then05:28
newbie_1000And it's currently offline.05:28
newbie_1000well, I'll try that command.05:29
aliasfrednewbie_1000: the first thing to learn for a newbie is to cut/paste :)05:29
longbeannewbie_1000: searching google with the error message as the search term can sometimes bring up useful info05:29
newbie_1000allright I can do that. first need to get it online.05:29
newbie_1000I've been moving equipment around the house to get it online.05:30
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newbie_1000it worked yesterday. Install system, download updates. Then install apps not work anymore.05:31
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soulriderseen !tk05:31
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yuriydoes anybody else find this amusing:05:31
yuriyPlease restart any running Firefoxes, or you will experience problems.05:31
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newbie_1000I've not installed firefox. Thats one that I;m trying to install.05:32
yuriytrying to install?05:32
soulriderdont use firefox05:32
soulrideruse Opera05:32
yuriyhow does it not work?05:32
soulriderOpera is the way to go ;)05:32
Kyral_LaptopI use both randomly05:32
yuriysoulrider: i second that05:32
newbie_1000I like Opera, but It doesn't work with Gmail Chat.05:32
CVirus-Costasoulrider: you cant force people to use certain software05:32
soulriderbut opera is better05:32
Kyral_Laptopwell, on my desktop I use Konq05:32
yuriybut nothing wrong with using firefox and he should certainly be able to install it05:33
Kyral_Laptopbut laptop I randomly use Opera or FF05:33
soulriderCVirus-Costa: i cant, but i can persuade themt o :P05:33
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CVirus-Costasoulrider: troll :-p05:33
newbie_1000Opera is nice, but they have no design mode. (grr)05:33
soulrideri like Opera a lot more than FF :P05:33
TheGateKeepersoulrider: so how many plugins has opera got?05:33
soulriderim looking forward to nintendo wii05:33
soulriderits ognna come with opera05:33
newbie_1000I can make Firefox do what I like, including act like Opera05:33
soulrideryou dont need plugins05:33
soulriderbut you can get them if you want05:33
soulriderand you can get widgets05:33
newbie_1000If you want full functionality without extensions, try Flock05:34
soulrideri gotta try the voice control in oper ain linux05:34
soulriderhavnt tried it yet05:34
newbie_1000Flock is Gecko, so full rendering capabilities.05:34
TheGateKeepersoulrider: got anything like InFormEnter or MediaPlayerConectivity?05:35
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delightI got that problem that my Thinkpad is not going into suspend (suspend2ram) on closing the lid after i updated to the latest KDE 3.5.4 ... did somebody else experience similiar after update ? maybe found some workarond ? gnome still does it ;)05:35
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TheGateKeepersoulrider: http://informenter.mozdev.org/05:36
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soulrideri think the magic wand can do that, but i never use that kinds of things05:37
soulrideri asy try opera for a few days05:37
soulriderworst that can happen si youll have to do dpkg -P opera :P05:38
TheGateKeepersoulrider: compete with this ---> http://www.extensionsmirror.nl/05:38
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soulrideroh my, thats a lot of extensions :P05:39
delightalright seems all u guys r into some browser talk right now .. maybe if somebody finds the time ... i really would like my laptop to be suspending again on lid close ... esp as i prefer kde05:39
soulridersorry delight i dont have a laptop, well i do but not with kubuntu :(05:39
TheGateKeepersoulrider: only got 5 myself ;-) but tell me opera is better when it can do all that!05:40
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delightsoulrider thnx ;) ... its working well on it ... u should give it a try ... but maybe not install the latest kde from kubuntu.org .. rather stick with the official release05:41
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soulriderwell the laptoo i have is actually my moms, and if i make her use linux, either shes gonna die or shes gonna kill me :P05:42
delightnaaaa, shes gona love it05:42
soulriderTheGateKeeper: i really never needed to even look fro any extensions for Opera05:42
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stefanhello, I want to install kubuntu 6.06 dapper on my old pc, but booting cd's doesn't work05:43
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soulriderthe only thing i dont like aobut opera is the enbedded bittorrent client05:43
soulriderbut i just dont use it05:43
stefanonly with knoppix and smart bootmanager on floppy it works05:43
stefanwith received original cdrom of kubuntu it doesn't for some reason05:44
TheGateKeepersoulrider: may be so, but I have 5 of them and I find them very usefull, and telling me I don't need them is the M$ way!!05:44
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stefani've tried to install as iso, but than i get an error, Error 13: Invalid or unsupported executable format05:46
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stefanand I've made an iso by using de command dd if=/dev/hdc of=/bootcd/kubuntu.iso05:47
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stefanso my question, is there another way to acces my cdromdrive an install kubuntu05:47
stefanor another way to install kubuntu, like netboot05:48
stefanor install it via my other pc05:48
stefanmy old pc isn't that old, but it has a little lack of hardware for linux05:48
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stefanP3, 733MHZ, 640MB ram, etc etc05:49
jon_on my firefox, how do i add a file extension to the download actions?05:49
longbeanstefan: that's doable.05:49
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stefanI've always used mandrake for linux on that pc before on it, and other versions of kubuntu05:50
mikki_how do i change the permission to a file ?05:50
longbeanstefan: i'm sure there's a way to do a kubuntu netinstall, but i don't know it off the top of my head05:50
stefan:-) yes that I can understand05:50
stefanis there a website?05:50
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TheGateKeeperstefan: I have managed to put various distro on my P3 128Mb RAM 20Gb HDD, CDROM + Floppy Disk, sounds like you CDRom is a bit nackered05:51
stefanbut why knoppix can boot?05:51
longbeanstefan: for kubuntu? don't know. i know there's ubuntuforums.org for ubuntu05:51
stefanafter booting with smart bootmanager on floppy05:51
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mikki_how do i change the permission to a file ?05:52
longbeanstefan: why can't your system boot from the CD?05:52
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stefandon't know05:53
stefanit's included at the bios05:53
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stefanit has never done05:53
TheGateKeepermikki_: chmod  - http://www.ss64.com/bash/05:54
stefanthere i found some answer for my netboot install05:54
stefanbut what is xpe?05:54
stefanpxe i mean05:54
drbreenpxe is a preboot execution environment05:54
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drbreenyou can use pxe stuff to ntboot a workstation05:55
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drbreenor you can use a floppy to "emulate" pxe as far as i know05:55
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drbreenstefan: go to -> #ltsp05:55
longbeanstefan: maybe this will be better for you:http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21430205:55
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stefanok, i'll see, thx05:57
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soulrideris anyone here using frostwire ?05:59
soulriderminer efuses to open05:59
soulriderand so does adept05:59
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soulriderdoes anyone know why frostwire tells me i dont have java installed?06:03
soulriderabd yes, i have it installed :P06:03
tsdgeoswhat's frostwire?06:03
soulriderits like limewire06:03
soulrider!seen tk06:03
ubotuI last saw tk (n=tk@217-68-166-90.dynamic.primacom.net) 38m 22s ago, quiting: Remote closed the connection06:03
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zizahey ppl, what's the best movie editor in your opinion?06:04
soulriderive been trying to find one too06:05
soulriderbut i just need to join 2 files06:05
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zizai'm looking at google.com/linux for one06:06
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stefancan you install kubuntu without booting the cd?06:07
stefanin knoppix I can acces the cdrom06:07
stefanand in commandline on an old kubuntu i can have acces to the cdrom06:08
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BbettoHi, i have a problen sending files in kopete, i have the 0.12.1 version, when i send a file my contct don't see the name of file06:08
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Bbettowhat hapend?06:09
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stefanBbetto, i have that too06:09
stefanI use gaim for sending files06:10
stefani didn't yet found a solution for kopete06:10
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Bbettome too06:11
Bbettothe people says that the problem has resolved in the 0.12.1 version06:12
Bbettobut what hapend?06:12
oliHi! I can't install the nvidia driver instead of nv. Restricted modules are installed, I changed nv in xorg.cong to nvidia, but then the X server doesn't start.06:12
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epinephrinedid you install nvidia-glx?06:12
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oliepinephrine yes I did.06:13
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epinephrinehm, and does the restricted modules package match your kernel version?06:14
epinephrineif so, I'm out of ideas. :P06:14
oliall does match06:14
v3ctorwhat does the xorg log say?06:14
epinephrinewhat does X.org's log say?06:14
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epinephrineall I did was install nvidia-glx, the restricted modules, replaces nv with nvidia and restarted X06:16
epinephrinejust.. worked06:16
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v3ctorsame here06:16
olihum, I forgot to save xorg.log. Now it's overwritten :o(06:16
epinephrinewould have thought it'd change nv to nvidia for me, tbh06:16
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olithat is what I did @ epinephrine06:17
oliperhaps I try it with the k7-Kernel (I have an Athlon 1000)06:17
epinephrineit should match your running kernel06:18
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oliyes, shure, I will change the kernel AND the modules06:18
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epinephrinegood luck06:21
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r0xzsomething in kat is fighting with kded on kde 3.5.4 here :s06:29
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jontecHow can I run php scripts from my public_html folder?06:33
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jontecWhat is the link that I need to put in a browser?06:34
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trappistjontec: if it's enabled by default, http://localhost/~yourusername06:35
jueriyjoin #kubuntu-de06:35
jontecthanks ^_^06:35
zipper_Is there any way to restore your /etc/enviroment and/or locales? I think i've messed something up, and i'm unsure how to fix it06:36
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trappistzipper_: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales06:37
zipper_tried that, doesnt let me configure anything (in oppose to debian), it just updates my locales06:38
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zipper_why is kubuntu trying so hard to keep me away from changing my locales?06:42
zipper_any reason why dpkg-reconfigure locales shouldn't allow you to change anything?06:42
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Tm_Tzipper_: it's funny, yes06:43
stefanis there also a kubuntu-be?06:43
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Tm_Tstefan: if there's not, you can create one06:44
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zipper_Tm_T, funny? Not exactly the word i would've chosen06:44
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stefanbut i'm not going to answer questions whole the evening :p06:44
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Tm_Tzipper_: I rambled over it a week ago or so06:44
zipper_Tm_T, i'm more likely to call it something like... i dont know... causing suicides, nerve-wrecking, annoying06:44
zipper_found a solution?06:45
Gh0st75i love wikis :)06:45
Gh0st75finally got java working, woot06:45
Tm_Twell, easy, if locale you like to use, is generated, just change /etc/environment06:45
Gh0st75all i had forgotten to do was type sudo update-alternatives --config java06:45
zipper_Tm_T, i did change my /etc/enviroments, but i get an error... 2 secs06:46
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olirehi ephinephrine! I installed k7-Kernel with restricted-modules - now it works with my nvidia driver...06:48
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ParkotronHow do I make Kubuntu regenerate /boot/grub/menu.lst? grub-update updates it with the kernels on the local partition, but how do I make it detect operating sytems on other partitions like it does on first installation?06:48
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zipper_Tm_T, my environment : http://pastebin.dk/index.php?show=203206:49
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Gh0st75when you install frostwire using the instructions in the ubuntu wiki, where does it put the shortcut to it? i can't seem to find it06:50
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Tm_Tzipper_: how about en_GB@UTF-806:50
Gh0st75eep, late for work, bbl06:50
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zipper_Tm_T, what about it? I need da_DK for my keyboard layout, but i still want my applications to be in en/en_GB06:51
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djclue917Gh0st75: try refreshing the K Menu. "kbuildsycoca"06:51
djclue917Gh0st75: BTW, just ignore the error messages06:51
Tm_Tzipper_: keyboard layout is defined elsewhere iirc06:51
Tm_Tzipper_: I have all en_GB@UTF-8 in environment and still finnish keyb06:52
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jon_doesnt etc/apt/sources.list pull up the sources list06:55
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zipper_Tm_T, hmm... thats definitily not the way i'm used to from debian06:56
zipper_i'm feeling more and more lost06:57
Tm_Tzipper_: well, that's how I learned it in debian06:57
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zipper_then how did you get finnish keyboard layout?06:57
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Tm_Tzipper_: hum, I did choose during install06:58
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Tm_Tanyway, there was way to config it afterwards, just don't remember it rightaway06:58
zipper_Tm_T, apparently, noone does =/06:59
Tm_Thaven't needed it since sarge released06:59
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zipper_i hate setting up charsets so much... too much hate... something needs to be destroyed... soon...07:01
Tm_Tzipper_: does kbd-config help?07:03
zipper_seriously though, why must it be so hard? I mean, compared to compiling and running a leaked alpha test kernel, locales are hell07:03
gnomefreakRiddell: do you know if anyone looked into 3.5.4 kicker bug?07:03
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Riddellgnomefreak: which bug?07:05
gnomefreakRiddell: the kicker doesnt load in edgy i have a bug on it and talked to a few people with same issues if you give me a sec ill get the bug number07:05
zipper_Tm_T, havent tried that yet, let me just give it a go07:05
zipper_Tm_T, hmm, you know what package contains kdb-config?07:06
gnomefreakbug 5613707:06
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kdb-config - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kdb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:09
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zipper_!info kdb-config07:09
ubotuPackage kdb-config does not exist in dapper07:09
harmentalwhere do you your 2 cents go to: azureus or bittornado?07:10
ubotuIf sound is not working, first try system -> prefrences -> multimedia system selector change it to alsa. If you still have problems then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems07:11
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DaSkreechsoulrider_: 2.0?07:12
soulrider_it works fine07:12
soulrider_i posted on their forums about some change si believe they should make07:12
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zipper_In which package can i find 'kdb-config' ?07:13
soulrider_as soon as i learn enough programming im gonna try and make my own BT client07:13
harmentalsoulrider_: korrent does not work at all for me....i07:13
harmentaltried reinstalling but i wont even load!07:13
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newbie_1000how do I install GCC?07:14
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DaSkreechharmental: Did you look in the systray?07:15
trappistnewbie_1000: sudo apt-get install build-essential07:15
DaSkreech!b-e > newbie_100007:15
harmentalDaSkreech: systray?07:15
DaSkreechharmental: The rightmost section of the kicker beside the Clock07:15
harmentalDaSkreech: im a newbie by the way... ;o)07:16
newbie_1000I keep getting this error when try to install apps07:16
newbie_1000in Adept07:16
harmentalDaSkreech: ok...what about it?07:16
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DaSkreechharmental: Is ktorrent open there?07:16
DaSkreechThe Icon07:16
harmentalDaSkreech: ooooh..i lknow what your thinking..07:16
ThomasIWhere can i get initrd.gz / linux netinstaller files for Kubuntu, I'm litle confused all i can find seems for Ubuntu07:17
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zipper_Tm_T, are you still there mate?07:17
soulriderim back07:17
Tm_Tzipper_: mooh07:17
harmentalno no....it gives the "a bug" message that tolds that ktorrent was not loaded....07:17
newbie_1000My Adept installs keep breaking07:17
zipper_Tm_T, :)... you got my last messages?07:17
DaSkreechnewbie_1000: How so?07:17
soulridererr does anyone know why i cant access my pen drive?07:17
soulrideri connect ti but i cant "go isnide" it07:17
soulrideror mount it07:17
soulrideri get  "unknown error"07:17
zipper_Tm_T, you asked me to try kdb-config, but i dont have that application, and i have a hard time figuring out which package i should install to get it07:18
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gnomefreaknewbie_1000: segfaults?07:18
newbie_1000I get this error message every time07:18
Tm_Tzipper_: hmm, lemme see07:18
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newbie_1000Can I paste the error message here?07:19
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)07:20
newbie_1000It's only little07:20
Tm_Tzipper_: console-common07:20
Tm_Tnewbie_1000: one line? then here07:20
zipper_ah, thanks. Let me just give it a go07:20
newbie_1000Here's the error message. Get it in Adept and Adept Installer:07:20
DaSkreechnewbie_1000: It's easier with pastebin You can always refer to it late07:21
Tm_Tzipper_: kio-apt <307:21
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues07:21
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zipper_Tm_T, hmm, i already got console-common installed =|07:21
Tm_Tzipper_: :p07:21
DaSkreechThomasI: Install a server ubuntu and install kubuntu-desktop07:21
DaSkreechSame thing as a net install of kubuntu07:21
DaSkreechlater :-(07:22
Tm_Tzipper_: mooh, then "apt-cache search kbd" etc etc07:22
Tm_Tanyway, I'm off ->07:22
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zipper_Tm_T, tried that, installing different stuff, no luck. Thanks for trying though07:22
soulridererr, does anyone know why i cant access my pen drive?07:23
soulridersince i upgraded HAL i cant :/07:23
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ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.07:24
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ThomasIDaSkreech: I dont seem to have a chance choosing server to be instaled when using netboot images :(07:28
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KiDD420how do I make konversation automaticly join channel upon connect07:29
DaSkreechKiDD420: It's in the server settings07:30
DaSkreechKiDD420: Press F207:30
soulriderhey KiDD420what you told me about my pppoe conenction worked like charm!07:30
nikkianaif i were trying to install fonts, where would i put the font files?07:30
KiDD420did it?07:30
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KiDD420im glad07:30
DaSkreechnikkiana: Hello :)07:30
nikkianahi DaSkreech07:30
DaSkreechnikkiana: did you try fonts:/07:30
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DaSkreechOh in that case I won't ask what kept you so busy :-D07:31
nikkianaDaSkreech, well, that would be a logical place to put them but i can't seem to FIND the fonts folder (and yes, i turned on the ability to see hidden folders)07:31
KiDD420DaSkreech: How would i make it automatically log me into idlerpg by messaging newdlebot07:31
DaSkreechKiDD420: I'm confuzzled as to the question :)07:32
KiDD420i want some sort of script or something to send a message upon connect07:32
DaSkreechnikkiana: That's agood point I don't know where Fonts are either :) If you drag and drop the font into the result of fonts:/ it will install it for you07:32
DaSkreechKiDD420: You can send a command upon logging in07:32
zipper_Anyone knows which package contains 'kdb-config' ?07:33
DaSkreechnikkiana: Let me know in case for some reason I have cobwebs in the brain07:33
KiDD420I got it07:33
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DaSkreechKiDD420: press F2 select the server .. Doh!!!!07:33
soulridererr my pen drive isnt working07:34
soulriderit gives me "unknown error"07:34
soulriderany ideas? i cant mount or open it07:34
nikkianaDaSkreech, also right clickin on the font file and selecting "install" works too07:34
ThomasIDaSkreech: I'm using a grub/local install, what would be the correct line to install the server system07:34
ThomasIkernel (hd0,0)/boot/linux vga=normal ramdisk_size=17032 root=/dev/rd/0 rw --07:34
=== nikkiana was making this harder for herself than it actually was
newbie_1000I put that error in the Paste-Bin07:34
ThomasIkist addomg "server" there?07:34
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DaSkreechnikkiana: Duh. Of course :)07:34
DaSkreechsoulrider: You can't mount?07:34
ThomasIbah :)07:35
KiDD420is there a way to make it wait before sending because it sent too early07:35
soulriderit wont let me do anything07:35
DaSkreechKiDD420: Not sure. ask in #konversation07:35
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soulrideri connect it and "TUPPERWARE" apper son my desktop, i click on it adn i geta ne rror. I try to moun it and i get ane rror07:35
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DaSkreechThomasI: Hey have you tried asking in #ubuntu ? It just occured to me since they wrote it they would probably know :)07:36
KiDD420ok thanks07:36
newbie_1000Can anyone tell me what my Adept error is?07:36
DaSkreechnewbie_1000: You have to give us the pastbin URL07:36
soulriderlink tot he pastebin ?07:36
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newbie_1000pastebin http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2057207:37
newbie_1000seeing as it has a list of most recent posts, don't know why you need that.07:37
soulriderjust in case07:37
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DaSkreechnewbie_1000: Extreme laziness :)07:37
soulriderand because we are lazy :P07:37
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soulrideropen a command line07:38
soulrideradn type07:38
DaSkreechnewbie_1000: Can you try typing sudo dpkg --configure -a into a command line?07:38
soulriderdpkg --configure -a07:38
soulriderbeat me :P07:38
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newbie_1000ok, I ran that command, now what? test it?07:39
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soulridernow just open adept07:39
newbie_1000real adept, or can I just use Adept installer?07:40
DaSkreechReal adept :)07:40
DaSkreechDun dun duuuuunnnnnn!07:40
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newbie_1000just curious, is there a way to make it so that there is ONE admin password?07:44
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DaSkreechWhat do you mean?07:45
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newbie_1000Any user can gain root access with there password.07:46
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.07:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about HAL - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:46
newbie_1000by the way, that didn't work.07:46
DaSkreechnewbie_1000: No Only the first user07:46
trappistnewbie_1000: only a user who is a sudoer can do that07:46
newbie_1000oh, ok07:46
DaSkreechBy default07:46
aliasfredthe first user as the one given during the install ?07:46
newbie_1000um, that dpkg thing didn't work.07:47
nielsis there a faster way to go to the destkop than minimalising all,07:47
=== KarnaK [n=macke@c-9390e455.54-0015-74657210.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu
KiDD420how do I install a bz2.run file?07:47
jontecI'm doing a local phpBB installation. Does anyone know what I need to put in for the SQL database information? I'm not sure if Kubuntu has Postgre or mySqL or both. And then which version.07:47
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newbie_1000add the show desktop applet to the panel07:47
newbie_1000It's just a button.07:48
newbie_1000gtg cya07:48
KarnaKHey, where do i change the GRUB login order? and how do i alter it?07:48
MPRKiDD420: #run file.bz2.run07:48
aliasfredKarnaK: /boot/grub/menu.lst07:48
farousKarnaK: /boot/grub/menu.lst07:48
KarnaKaliasfred: Okey, Thanks07:48
trappistKiDD420: sh file.run07:48
aliasfredKarnaK: kdesu kate /boot/grub/menu.lst07:48
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KarnaKfarous: Thanks07:49
farousur w :)07:49
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KiDD420thanks trappist07:49
MilhousePunkRocksh that was, not run...07:49
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KiDD420i tried yours first07:50
KiDD420whats sh07:50
dhqis there anyway to check for errors in the whole kubuntu system07:50
aliasfreddhq: less /var/log/messages07:50
aliasfreddhq: or more generaly the log file in /var/log/07:50
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dhqaliasfred: auto check and correct errors by scaning the pc07:51
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dhqaliasfred: i guess not07:51
DaSkreechdhq: Do you mean the hard drive?07:51
aliasfreddhq: ???07:51
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dhqDaSkreech: i mean check the kernel and all the system07:52
KiDD420home/levi/.setup5706: error while loading shared libraries: libgdk-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory07:52
KarnaKwhere do i change so i can get read access to my NTFS drives?07:52
KiDD420i have gdk isntalled07:52
aliasfreddhq: dunno what you mean, but you dont make much sense :)07:52
aliasfreddhq: what do you wanna check ?07:52
dhqaliasfred: just repair all the files and remove files that are not used07:52
aliasfredoh to check the filesystem07:53
aliasfredthis is done automatically when you boot07:53
KiDD420isnt linux the best07:53
aliasfredas to remove the unused files, this doesnt exist as the system cant know which file is used or not07:53
dhqKiDD420: i love linux07:53
=== KiDD420 pets his Tux plushie
dhqaliasfred: do you know anything on skype07:54
soulrideri cant beliveve how rude some people are int he ubuntu-es channel07:54
aliasfreddhq: yes...07:54
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aliasfredi know the name and that is a phone system over the internet07:55
KiDD420what about skype07:55
=== aliasfred is proud of the extent of his knowledge :)
dhqwell i have problem in the sound cant play mp3 and use skype "problem with sound device"07:55
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Bbettohow can i make taht ubuntu reed my memory sandisk, becouse nothing hapend when i insert it07:55
KarnaKHow can i access my NTFS drives?07:55
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farousdhq: do not use skype if you have a progg that is using the sound device07:56
aliasfredand i know another thing about skype, it does use oss . so it is impossible to have simutaneous access the the audio card07:56
farousskype uses oss which need exclusive right to the sound dev07:56
jontecWhere is the database server that phpBB needs located. As in where are the mySQL/PostgreSQL database servers located?07:56
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Bbettohow can i make taht ubuntu reed my memory sandisk, becouse nothing hapend when i insert it07:56
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Lynourethere is a beta of skype that manages with alsa07:57
KarnaKit says i dont have the access to my drives07:57
aliasfredBbetto: what is a 'memory sandisk'07:57
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Bbettosandisk memory card07:57
aliasfredsandisk is like a trademark or something ?07:57
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KiDD420do you have driver installed for card reader or is it usb?07:58
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KiDD420sandisk is company name07:58
dhqaliasfred: when i used to use windows i could use both skype and play music07:58
Bbettois USB07:58
aliasfreddhq: good to know07:58
KiDD420windows hates you07:58
KiDD420it talks behind your back07:58
KarnaKhow can i change so i can read my NTFS drives?07:59
BbettoSanDisk memory07:59
dhqyes spyware mailware hangs etc dont remind me those days07:59
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DHGEKarnaK: /etc/fstab07:59
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Bbettoor i need a driver to efil reader-4?08:00
KarnaKDHGE: What do i change in that document?08:00
DHGEe.g. /dev/hda2       /media/winsystem     ntfs    defaults,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0       108:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about libgdk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:02
KarnaKDHGE: ahh okey, will try it. Thanks08:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gdk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:02
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse08:02
jontecIn need information on the setup of mySQL and PostgreSQL as in where they are located within Kubuntu.08:02
Bbettosomethisg abaut my memory card?08:02
DHGEjontec: man postgres                    locate postgres08:03
KarnaKDHGE: Now ive changed it, is it just to restart now?08:04
DHGEKarnaK: mount /dev/your_harddrive     as root08:04
DHGEor do it manually before writing /etc/fstab08:05
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KarnaKDHGE: Thanks again! sorry for all the questions, im new to Linux ;)08:05
DHGEok ...08:05
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nonex_ppl where look repositories?08:07
aliasfrednonex_: english speaking here :)08:08
nonex_deb http ......08:08
Hawkwindnonex_: /etc/apt/sources.list08:08
nonex_me i know08:08
aliasfredmaouaoua nonex_ you pay internet by the number of char you type ?08:08
Hawkwindaliasfred: Hah!  Good one :P08:08
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource08:09
nonex_adres LIST08:09
nonex_where download package08:09
jontecDHGE:Okay, so I found it. Do you have any idea what information that I need to put in phpBB installation? Does all of this have to be moved to public_html for me to use it?08:09
=== aliasfred thinks he is drunk or something
Martijn81!easysource > nonex08:09
Martijn81!easysource > nonex_08:09
aliasfrednonex_: is it because you dont speak english well enought ?08:10
nonex_thx ppl08:10
jontecphpBB asks fir Database server name, database name, database username, and database password?08:10
aliasfredthere are other channel in other languages, what is your native langague nonex_08:10
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Hawkwindjontec: That's all MySQL stuff08:10
DHGEjontec: ??? i dunno php    read the install readme   debian/kubuntu debs should come with sane defaults ...08:10
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DHGEask in phpBB channel if there is one08:11
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jontecthat was a start at least with the locate08:11
jontechawkwind:I'm trying to figure out whether mySQL is the one to use or not. I only know what is installed from looking at Adept decriptions.08:12
DHGEjontec: U need to set up a DB and run init-scripts   then make a connection   google for a howto08:12
Hawkwindjontec: phpBB requires MySQL08:12
jontecdhge:I don't know what you mean08:13
DHGEDB = database08:13
KarnaKIsn the Creative SB Audigy 4 supported in Kubuntu?08:14
jontechawkwind:is mySQL installed on Kubuntu? if so, do oyu know which version. I have an option in the installation for mySQL 3, mySQL 4/5 and PostgreSQL 7.x08:14
jontecdghe:I don't know how to do that, I'm completely new at this T_T08:15
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nielslo everybody, can sb help me with installing/playing cod in linux?08:16
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KarnaKinternet problems sorry. Is the creative SB audigy 4 supported in Kubuntu?08:20
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DaSkreechjontec: You want to install mysql?08:22
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jontecdaSkreech:only if it's not installed already08:22
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DaSkreechjontec: It isn't if you didn't install it08:23
jontecokay, then yes.08:23
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DaSkreechjontec: I'll assume you are on kubuntu08:24
DaSkreechcan You open adept08:24
jontecyes, is the package mysql-client-5.0?08:24
jontec(I have it open)08:24
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=== Martijn81 was just typing an awnser for KarnaK ;(
DaSkreechjontec: mysql-common08:26
DaSkreechMartijn81: Is it?08:26
Martijn81don't know, wiki says it's recommended though08:27
jontecDaSkreech:it says it's installed, I think the package I need is mysql-server-5.0?08:27
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DaSkreechjontec: ! Duh yeah of course :)08:28
DaSkreechYou may want one of the admin tools if you have never used mysql before08:28
jontecadmin tools?08:28
Kyral_LaptopIf you haven't used MySQL08:28
Kyral_Laptopbookmark www.mysql.com :P08:28
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Kyral_Laptopthe documentation is excellent08:29
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jontecDaSkreech:how do I get the admin tools?08:29
Kyral_Laptopand also get a copy of O'Reilly's MySQL In A Nutshell08:29
DaSkreechKyral_Laptop: he doesn't need that if he's just installing PHPbb :)08:29
Kyral_Laptopoh just set a root password on the MySQL08:30
Kyral_Laptopits blank on install08:30
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DaSkreechjontec: try kmysqladmin08:31
DaSkreechnever used it can't vouch for it08:31
DaSkreech It's got a k in it though :)08:31
Kyral_LaptopI just use the command line08:31
DaSkreechme too08:31
Kyral_LaptopIts also useful to know08:31
Kyral_Laptopfor maintanence08:31
Hawkwindphpmyadmin is very easy as well08:31
Kyral_Laptopeh I don't like MyAdmin08:32
Kyral_Laptopits another possible security hole08:32
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HawkwindAnything is a possible security hole, even the stuff you type from CLI08:32
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Kyral_LaptopHawkwind: I know, but to put a webbased frontend08:33
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Kyral_Laptopa well KNOWN frontend08:33
geiseriRiddell: i followed the howto, but it seems that im missing the installer part08:33
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HawkwindKyral_Laptop: So then you probably don't use Xchat, konversation or anything like that since they are 'well' known08:33
Kyral_LaptopDesktop security is a different beast than server security08:33
jonteckmysqladmin brings my total download to: 31M08:33
HawkwindKyral_Laptop: Probably best to not use the kernel or xorg since it's well known :P08:34
Kyral_LaptopDesktops should have no services listening08:34
jontecand one sec and I'll see how long that will take on dial-up.08:34
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Kyral_LaptopServers....you should crack down as much as possible08:34
jontec132.2666... minutes.08:35
Kyral_LaptopLike turning OFF Register Globals in the PHP config08:35
HawkwindWell you can use phpmyadmin locally without it being accessible from the net.08:35
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Riddellgeiseri: make sure ubiquity and ubiquity-frontend-kde are installed08:35
jontec2hr 20min. I'll do it while I'm at band practice.08:35
geiseriRiddell: ah okay08:35
Riddellgeiseri: it appears as an icon on the desktop08:35
=== geiseri gives it a try, im running it in qemu right now so its not so fast
Hawkwind2+ hours for 31M of download.  I'd just give up using the internet if I had to deal with that08:36
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unix_infidelgeiseri: try the kqemu accelerator.08:36
geiseriunix_infidel: i am08:36
Kyral_LaptopJust go to the library with a usbkey and download it there :P08:36
HawkwindKyral_Laptop: Hah yeah no doubt08:36
geiseriunix_infidel: im thinking there are bigger problems with my live image08:37
Kyral_LaptopUSBKeys, the new Floppy Disk08:37
unix_infidelgeiseri: a lot of people have reported really decent usability with kqemu.08:37
Kr4t05Could someone do me a favor?08:37
unix_infidelnot compared to vmware, but decent.08:37
HawkwindKr4t05: ??08:37
Kr4t05This is the second time I've had to do this, today.08:37
Kr4t05Hawkwind: Are you running XGL?08:37
HawkwindKr4t05: Ewwww no :P08:37
geiseriunix_infidel: yes, i know, i use it for some other projects.08:37
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geiseriunix_infidel: its better than vmware because its easier to script08:38
Kr4t05Hawkwind: Good, I need you to open /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc08:38
unix_infidelgeiseri: what do you mean script?08:38
Kr4t05Hawkwind: Paste me the "ServerCmd" line08:38
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HawkwindKr4t05: ServerCmd=/usr/bin/X -br08:38
geiseriunix_infidel: i wrote kjsembed bindings for their manager interface, so i can use javascripts to do things like swap cdrom images, and manipulate the vm for automated testing08:39
Kr4t05Hawkwind: Merci beau coup.08:39
HawkwindKr4t05: No problem :)08:39
unix_infidelgeiseri: i do testing of a lot of OS's at once.08:39
scastShit, Kubuntu is amazing o:08:39
unix_infideli tend to stick to one that works for the purpose.08:39
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geiseriunix_infidel: i really only run one at a time08:40
unix_infidelgeiseri: if i need to do automated testing i can do that WITHIN the vm08:40
geiseriunix_infidel: probibally08:41
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unix_infidelgeiseri: honestly, if you're are doing high end testing for some different OS's its best to either use vmware or install it.08:41
unix_infidelits seriously like comparing virtual pc 4 to the latest vmware.08:42
geiseriunix_infidel: why?08:42
geiseriunix_infidel: with my scripts i just set stuff up, let it run and get coffie :)08:42
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geiseriunix_infidel: im just installing, once the images are installed, i use chroot for builds08:42
unix_infidelgeiseri: well, i dont code javascript or do testing with kqemu intensively.  So that may just work for your purposes.08:43
=== MasterBrack [n=MasterBr@c-71-199-122-243.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
MasterBrackhi all... i was wondering if theres a way to control all the sliders through kmix08:43
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MasterBracki have a surround sound system and master only controls the front speakers08:44
geiseriunix_infidel: if i got into virtualised speed, id just use xen, but all i really need to do is run installers08:44
unix_infidelMasterBrack: you can setup some keybinds. easy enough.08:44
MasterBrackso you're thinking just shortcut the ones that i need to change?08:44
MasterBrackmakes sense... thats probably the best way to do it08:44
unix_infidelgeiseri: like i said i dont do virtualized speeds testing or do installer code.08:45
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pascal_How do I play DV files in Kaffeine? I need some sort of codec for xine, but I cant find one...08:46
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DaSkreechnikkiana: So how are you?08:48
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MasterBrackunix_infidel: in kmix the shortcuts only apply to one thing... they're not changing the other sliders08:49
MasterBracki have the keys assigned to the volume control, yet only the master channel is changing08:49
unix_infidelMasterBrack: I juse use keybinds with amix or something.08:49
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MasterBrackalrighty  i'll try amix08:50
unix_infidelMasterBrack: or aumix...either way.08:50
unix_infideli use them within fluxbox though.08:50
MasterBrackhow would i go about replacing kmix? just have it not launch at startup?08:50
unix_infideli dont use KDE, just some of the components.08:51
MasterBracki see08:51
MasterBrackright... a friend of mine uses fluxbox as well08:51
unix_infidelMasterBrack: i'm not telling you to use fluxbox to be able to change volume.  I'm just saying you can setup keybinds within KDE with a gui just the same to manage aumix08:52
MasterBrackno right right08:53
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MasterBracki was just playin with aumix now08:53
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unix_infidelanyone recommend some multi-dimensional FOSS DMBS?08:55
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soulriderdod ubntuforums crash o somehting? :/08:58
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oliver_pascal_, maybe mplayer or vlc does08:58
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zipper_ok, i messed up my /etc/environment... is there any way to restore the default settings or something?09:04
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zecarlosBoa tarde09:14
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otaku-sandoes anyone know the name of that SuperKaramba theme that you can put programs on for quick access?  It's the one that looks like something off of OS X09:19
uber_mortKXdocker will do that I believe09:20
zipper_ok, i messed up my /etc/environment... is there any way to restore the default settings or something?09:21
uber_mortwhat'd you do to it?09:22
Hawkwindzipper_: I can paste you mine if that would help09:22
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zipper_Hawkwind, couldn't hurt09:22
zipper_uber_mort, i tried fixing my keyboard layout09:22
otaku-sanuber_mort: KXdocker...hmmm I thought it had Tux in it...I look it up tho'09:22
Hawkwindzipper_: http://pastebin.ulteo.us/4809:22
zipper_and found out my method i used from debian sarge didnt work (anymore?) in kubuntu09:23
uber_mortAhh, I was gonna offer to paste mine too, looks like hawk beat me to it though.  Good luck.09:23
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DaSkreechzipper_: Kinda09:34
newbie_1000my debian/apt/adept isn't working. I can't install any packages with adept.09:34
windhey how come all my dvds are purple when i try to watch them09:34
zipper_DaSkreech, hmm?09:34
DaSkreechnewbie_1000: What did you do?09:34
newbie_1000I tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure adept and sudo dpkg --configure -a09:34
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DaSkreechzipper_: You can copy /etc/skel09:34
newbie_1000still isn't working09:34
DaSkreechwind: Upgrade from the blue movies to hidef?09:35
zipper_DaSkreech, how would that help me?09:35
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DaSkreechnewbie_1000: What did you do that broke it?09:35
DaSkreechzipper_: It would give you the default env09:35
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RogueXCan anyone help me with PPTP?09:35
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newbie_1000DaSkreech: Ran Complete Upgrade after install.09:35
DaSkreechnewbie_1000: And it crashed?09:36
windalso when i try to watch a video on firefox with mplayer, it opens a new window for some reason09:36
zipper_DaSkreech, doesnt tell me much about what my locales are, its just a copy of what every new user get in their ~09:36
newbie_1000Yes. Something crashed. I think it was my session, I ended up back at the log in.09:36
RogueXCan anyone help me with PPTP?09:36
DaSkreechzipper_: Ah thought you were asking for a new env09:36
DaSkreechnikkiana: Sleepy head09:36
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DaSkreechnewbie_1000: Ah can You apt-get update from the command line?09:37
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newbie_1000I think...09:37
DaSkreechlnxkde: Welcome09:37
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ubuntuhi when i start the kubuntu live dvd after booting into the GUI something crashes and give me a signal6 SIGBART09:39
DaSkreechnewbie_1000: Worked?09:40
DaSkreechubuntu: when does it crash?09:41
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newbie_1000DaSkreech: got this error when ran apt-get update http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2058109:42
TOXdoes anyone here know what desktopx is09:42
newbie_1000My session crashed yesterday when I was still running Adept Update09:42
humeI'm setting up samba, and trying to use kdenetwork-filesharing package. This seem to work ok, but I cannot add or change users with it. Anyone knows about this?09:42
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newbie_1000hume: Um, for some reason I think you need to add system users. Could be wrong though.09:43
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DaSkreechhume: Have you tried man samba09:43
humenewbie_1000, seems you run apt as user, try sudo apt-get update09:43
humeDaSkreech, yes, I've read it. You think of any specific information in it that I missed?09:44
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newbie_1000I did run apt as sudo. I got all of that gibberish. Then I run it again and it work,09:44
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DaSkreechhume: Well it does speak of samba users in there I think09:45
DaSkreechnewbie_1000: That's a lot of network not reached can you ping the server?09:45
humenewbie_1000, yes, I need to add system users, and when I try to do that in the window of Internet and networks > Samba, tab users, they are added but they are not therre when I re-run it09:45
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newbie_1000I've not tried sharing via samba yet, only accessing. SO, never mind me.09:46
ubuntuhow can i install kubuntu? after startup i get a signal6 SIGBART and the desktop wallpaper disappears and no desktop icons appear :( ?09:46
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RogueJediXHey. I just replaced my cdrom drive with a  DVDrw drive. Do I have to update fstab manually or is there a convenient script that'll do that for me?09:47
newbie_1000I had that. I ran an update with adept and it fixed KDesktop.09:47
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newbie_1000ubuntu: I had that. I ran an update with adept and it fixed KDesktop.09:47
ubuntucan you guide me through plz newbie_1000 im booting from the live dvd selecting the start install option09:48
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newbie_1000um, I don't know. anyone know the command for the install program?09:49
ubuntufound adept :)09:49
newbie_1000It only works if your installed.09:49
ubuntuhow do i install ?09:49
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newbie_1000If you Live, that aint gonna work.09:49
Gh0st75command for the install? i just put the dvd in and booted to that drive09:49
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newbie_1000then you double click the Install button, but he can't see it09:50
ubuntuthats what i did and i get a SIGBART once kubuntu starts09:50
Gh0st75that will boot you into the live CD, and on the desktop you just click Install icon to start installing the actual OS09:50
ubuntuno install button after SIGBART09:50
Gh0st75never heard of sigbart09:50
ubuntusignal6 SIGBART09:50
newbie_1000When I installed Kubuntu on this machine, KDesktop crashed.09:51
Gh0st75only installed Kubuntu twice tho, so i may have not seen all possible errors09:51
newbie_1000Is that what your getting, a crash window?09:51
ubuntuyep kdesktop crashed09:51
newbie_1000I seen that on one of my other computers.09:51
newbie_1000Didn't install on that machine though...09:51
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ubuntuthen the desktop image changes from bubble to a matte blue screen09:51
LeeJunFanthat's SIGABRT09:51
humehow can I get a "home" icon on the toolbar next to the K-menu-icon?09:52
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ubuntulol thats the one09:52
newbie_1000So, you just need to open Katapult, and type the command that runs teh installer, whatever that is.09:52
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ubuntucan someone plz boot from live dvd and them me no the command that the install icon executes ?09:53
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newbie_1000hume: Try the Quick Browser applet. I think it can be configured to just show you home directory.09:53
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newbie_1000ubuntu: I could, but you'll have to wait about 10 minutes.09:54
crazy_penguinHi all!09:54
newbie_1000brb, cya, ubuntu09:54
ubuntunice 1 mate :)09:54
ubuntuthat worked going to the desktop shortcut :)09:55
humenewbie_1000, you mean that there is no ready-made home icon just to place there? (i didn't find any but thought that was because I was so lost)09:55
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newbie_1000ubuntu: still there?10:06
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newbie_1000ubuntu: hello?10:06
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z00manyone know much about security ?10:07
z00mi think my box has been rooted10:07
newbie_1000use passwords, SSH instead of Telnet, that's all I know really.10:07
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newbie_1000ubuntu: the command to run the install program is kdesu ubiquity kde-ui10:08
z00mill post up some screen shots of my firewall logs10:09
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z00mif anyone can help please take a look10:09
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newbie_1000DaSkreech: I still can't use Adept.10:10
z00mhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20584 <----- screeny of firewall right now10:10
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newbie_1000ubuntu: are you still there? what are you doing. are you using Kubuntu LiveCD or Ubuntu?10:11
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z00mhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20585 <----- thats another one10:12
newbie_1000zOOm: I don't think anyone's listening.10:12
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z00mseems that way10:13
G-Doghas anyone setup privoxy or tor10:13
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djk_could someone paste his grub.conf ?10:19
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misieqwhere can i get floppy images for ubuntu to boot a cd?10:23
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kees_how can i share files on my computer (as a server)?10:24
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misieqkees_: nfs, smb, ftp or http...10:24
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felipe__hello everybody10:31
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Absolutfalae galera10:32
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Gh0st75hmm, wierd.....i have no sound. only changes i made were installing java and frostwire10:34
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otaku-sanokay I just configured, maked, and make installed KXdocker.  I started it up and the little icon bounced and then a kde icon bounced real quick and then nothing.  I tried to run it in Konsole but it said KXdocker was already running...ok then where is KXdocker?10:34
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Gh0st75rebooting to winxp to see if it's my speakers that are dead10:35
otaku-sanGh0st75: hey go to Examples in your home file10:35
otaku-sanand run one of the sound files10:36
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otaku-sanhe left10:36
DaSkreechSomeone plugged out my speakers10:36
otaku-sanDaSkreech: you mean unplugged them?10:37
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otaku-sanDaSkreech: can't you just plug em' back in? Lol10:38
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DaSkreechotaku-san: Yeah after I crawled behind the desk and computer10:39
Gh0st75hmm, sound works fine in winxp10:39
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otaku-sanGh0st75: I was about to suggest going into examples in you home dir and running a sound file...but you left!!! Hehe10:40
otaku-sanDaSkreech: yeah I can relate to that10:40
Gh0st75i tried playing movies and music files, but i don't even get startup noises when the desktop loads10:40
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Gh0st75under sound and multimedia panel now, testing sound settings but nada10:40
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Gh0st75the players weren't on mute, no10:41
Gh0st75and sound system is Enabled10:41
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otaku-sanGh0st75: ....man that's major...Java probably did it...10:41
ehastingis there any kde app for recieveing and transfareing with Irda? (from my cellphone)10:41
Gh0st75friggin java, spent 3 days tryin to get the darn thing installed too10:42
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DaSkreechotaku-san: Good Demonizing10:42
TOXis there a better mouse control program i can get10:43
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otaku-sanGh0st75: holy moley 3 days...sounds familiar tho'!10:43
otaku-sanDaSkreech: Demonizing?10:43
Gh0st75yeah, could have been installed in 2 minutes if i hadn't gotten too many different answers, lol....in the end i followed the steps on the ubuntu wiki, two lines into the konsole later i was done10:44
KarnaKHey! Is Creative SB Audigy 4 supported in Kubuntu? i cant seem to get it working10:44
otaku-sanGh0st75: hehe that sounds familiar too!10:45
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Gh0st75resetting the sound system now10:46
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otaku-sanKarnaK: should be...it would be known as a Generic Media Device...what are you using to look at it.  I used Amarok on my Creative Muvo and it recognized it in a snap10:46
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MetaMorfoziSis there any way to set mmy browsing ssl?10:47
trappistMetaMorfoziS: you have to browse to ssl sites.  then it will be ssl.10:47
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KarnaKIm lokking in the settings menu, in KDE and Pressing "Test Sound"  :)10:47
trappistMetaMorfoziS: the server and the client (your browser) have to cooperate on the encryption10:47
byenhey guys... which kernel should I use for a P4-Mobile processor?10:47
MetaMorfoziSbut if i want to encrypt all of my communication on port 80 isnt any way?10:48
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orangeladyHey there!10:48
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trappistMetaMorfoziS: not if the other end isn't encrypted.  you could browse through an encrypted proxy server, but even then it's not encrypted between the proxy and the server.10:48
orangeladyI have quite a strange network problem and can't find a solution anywhere...10:49
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MetaMorfoziSand is there any free proxy server?10:49
trappistMetaMorfoziS: yes.  ask google.10:49
MetaMorfoziSoh , sry10:49
Gh0st75gah, even when i try to reset sound settings to defaults, i still get no sound10:49
orangeladyI first had the well known DNS problems with my router, which I could solve with locking my resolv.conf10:50
orangeladyinternet still seemed somewhat slow and so i disabled ipv6 via a bad_list file10:50
Pagan0neim having an issue with xorg and kde can someone help me?10:50
otaku-sanKarnaK: is that what your doing to see if your Mp3 player is recognized?10:51
orangeladybut i still can't acces neither www.opera.com nor www.digg.com, haven't found any other sites non functioning yet10:51
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KarnaKotaku-san: ive started amarok now to try and do something, im pretty new to Linux10:52
Gh0st75should i remove java to see if that restores my sound or am i gonna have to reinstall Kubuntu?10:52
orangeladydns lookup is fine, as i can see in the terminal by typing host www.opera.com10:52
otaku-sanKarnak: do you want me to run you through with what I did or you think you got it?10:52
KarnaKotaku-san: please run me through it10:52
orangeladythis problem is the same with opera, firefox or konqueror and even links10:53
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otaku-sanGh0st75: now that you know how to install Java just nuke it and try your sound10:53
orangeladyreinstalled kubuntu, same problem10:53
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otaku-sanKarnak: ok I'll start a private chat with you so we don't bog the board10:53
orangeladyunder windows i have no problems accessing these sites whatsoever, any ideas?10:53
LeeJunFanorangelady: perhaps it pmtu discovery, messed up MTU's will cause that with some sites.10:54
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otaku-sanKarnaK: ok hold tight something came up...I'll be with you in a jiffy10:54
Pagan0ne__im having an issue with xorg and kde can someone help me?10:54
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KarnaKotaku-san ok, no worries10:54
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LeeJunFanorangelady: sysctl net.ipv4.ip_no_pmtu_disc   --- will show you the value of that setting, make sure it's 0.10:55
trappistPagan0ne__: try asking a specific question.  you might have better luck than repeating that you're having a problem.10:55
orangeladyleejunfan: could you explain that a little more or point me to some website i can read about it, i'm pretty new to linux but willing to learn10:55
Gh0st75removed the java packages, still no sound10:55
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orangeladyleejunfan: it's 010:56
LeeJunFanorangelady: if you traceroute or mtr www.opera.com does the test make it all the way?10:58
orangeladyleejunfan: btw, many thanx for trying to help10:58
LeeJunFanorangelady: btw what type of connetion are you using? do you have a router? what kind? and is it pppoe?10:59
orangeladyleejunfan: yes it does10:59
LeeJunFanorangelady: well, hrm - have you tried different browsers on the same linux machine? konqueror and firefox both?11:00
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orangeladyleejunfan: i have a router, totally noname: synergy21 s21617b, its identical to the aztech dsl600ew11:00
TheGateKeeperorangelady: Windows to Ubuntu Transition Guide:http://www.pcmech.com/show/os/917/11:00
orangeladyleejunfan: yes, tried even links11:01
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TOXi need a better thing for my mouse, 4 buttons are unuseable11:01
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orangeladyleejunfan: it uses pppoe11:02
pagan0neok maby konversation will work this time11:02
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pagan0necan someone please help me with a small issue with xorg, kde, and the nvidia drivers?11:03
crazy_penguinHi all!11:03
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orangeladythegatekeeper: thanx, but couldn't find anything related to my problem there11:03
Gh0st75i'm hesitant to reinstall kubuntu to fix my loss of sound, what if installing java does the same darn thing again?11:03
trappistpagan0ne: what I mean is.  tell the nice people what the problem is, so somebody doesn't have to volunteer to help you solve a problem without knowing anything about it.11:03
crazy_penguinhave someone recently try to run xorg with glx extension on riva tnt2 m64?11:04
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pagan0netrappist: ok, i was just having an issue there for a few min's with my client disconnecting after my first message11:04
Gh0st75go figure, "no sound in kubuntu" in googles finds zilch other than unsupported sound cards11:05
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DaSkreechotaku-san: Yeah Demonizing :)11:05
user___hi i now have ubuntu installed yay :)11:05
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orangeladyleejunfan: i googled, searched the forums but couldn't find anything like this, except for the ipv6 problem, which doesn't seem to be the problem here11:06
user___does anyone know how to get openGL working and also how to change the resolution ?11:06
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pagan0nemy problem is that i just installed the nvidia drivers using kubunutu's adept, and set up my system to run 2 monitors, and when i select the resolution, instead of the desktop fitting in the screen, the desktop "scrolls" on each monitor, asin i reach the edge of what should be one monitor to enter into the 2nd one, and instead of entering that one, the monitor scrolls over about an inch before i enter that screen.11:06
Gh0st75congrats user___, the headaches have only begun :)11:06
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DaSkreechorangelady: Maybe you are behind a proxy?11:07
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otaku-sanDaSkreech: is this a good thing?  Is this something a n00b such as me won't understand? hehe But anyways please explain Demonizing11:07
user___i want to try and get vmware running aswell if possible :) ?11:07
user___hi newbie_1000 i got it installed :)11:07
newbie_1000DaSkreech: I reinstalled. How should I go about running the upgrade so it doesn't break again?11:07
TOXtheres a guide to making it disply the right size right11:08
newbie_1000user__: was my command helpful?11:08
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LeeJunFanorangelady: well, this is s stumper. Have you tried resetting your router/modem?11:08
orangeladydaskreech: nope, i'm just behind my own router, which i set up, no proxy, firewall disabled11:08
user___does anyone know where the resolution setting is ?11:08
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newbie_1000system sttings => display11:09
crazy_penguini tried to run xorg on riva tnt2 vido card but i gat the following error: Failed to initialize the NVIDIA graphics device! Has anyone an ideea what is happening. i followed the wiki ad litteram. :(11:09
orangeladyleejunfan: well yeah, tried around with some settings too, nothing helped though11:09
newbie_1000crazy_penguin: I've the same card, haven't tried to configure for 3D, but X runs.11:09
Gh0st75switchin to windows which works, gotta have sound while i watch a movie11:09
scastHey I added a new path to my $PATH variable and added a new menu entry but when I try to open it with katapult it says KDEInit could not launch it. Also if I try to open it with the K Menu it doesnt open but does not say anything. It is weird because I can open it using Konsole11:10
otaku-sanGh0st75: sad thing your in man11:10
crazy_penguinnewbie_1000: what driver are you using nv or nvidia in xorg?11:10
scastAlso happens using Alt-F2... Any idea?11:10
otaku-sanGh0st75: having to change to Windoze to get sound to work11:10
newbie_1000crazy_penguin: I haven't done anything. Nothing 3D works. But I've got no games or anything so it should be okay for now. Just tell me what you do when you get it figured out :-)11:11
newbie_1000crazy_penguin: but teh default is nv driver.11:11
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LeeJunFanorangelady: well it does seem to have something to do with mtu maybe. If I ping -s 1472 [packet size 1500]  from here to digg.com it gets truncated, if I ping yahoo it does not.11:12
homeuserhi, i'm having a problem with not being able to see the boot screen or my ctrl+alt+F1, etc. consoles after switching monitors11:12
LeeJunFanorangelady: well then, opera.com does ping large, lemme set no fragment and try again.11:13
macconlinehi... where are in kde the splash???11:13
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crazy_penguinnewbie_1000: yes. but i want to make it wokr . for now i don't know why the binary driver from ubuntu doesn't work. but if i figure it out i will tell you. i think is something that could be resolved by rebulding the drivers. i will download the driver from nvidia and try to make it work11:13
newbie_1000DaSkreech: What should I do now that I've reinstalled. Adept is wanting me to update. Should I use apt-get, aptitude, or adept?11:13
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newbie_1000crazy_penguin: ok, good luck11:14
pagan0neTOX: could you point me in the direction of the guide as i cant even determin weather its a xorg, kde, or nvidia issue, i would think its xorg, but cant seem to find any useful info on google about it11:14
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user___does anyone know if the nvidia-glx driver works with a 6800gs pci-e11:14
TOXpagan, i dont know where the guide is, but i remember seening a thing about how to make the screen fit right11:14
newbie_1000crazy_penguin: I was under the impression you could download binary NVidia drivers, seeing as they write them.11:15
LeeJunFanorangelady: ping -s 1472 -M do digg.com [do prohibit fragmentation]  will truncate, to opera it just plain fails, to yahoo it works fine. Maybe you should try turning on pmtu?11:15
orangeladyleejunfan: what do you want me to do exactly? type lemme set no fragment in the terminal? sorry, newbie here11:15
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newbie_1000is the RIIVA tnt2 an nvidia card?11:16
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homeusercould anyone give me some pointers with this problem?11:16
LeeJunFanorangelady: sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_no_pmtu_disc=111:16
newbie_1000homeuser: you may have to wait, seeing as the people who11:16
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newbie_1000'd know aren't on.11:16
homeuserk, sure11:17
newbie_1000homeuser: if you can't find teh right people here, and don't mind wating a little bin longer, try the forums.11:18
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homeuseryeah, okay11:19
TOXare there viruses for *nix11:19
LeeJunFanorangelady: http://www.netheaven.com/pmtu.html  check the example at the bottom.  After running the sysctl command above try going to one of the pages.11:19
user___anyone know if this works   Linux Display Driver - AMD64/EM64T from the nvidia site ?11:19
Agioshomeuser: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:19
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newbie_1000TOX: some, but most need root privelidges. I think there's less than a dozen real linux viruses.11:20
Dasnipa`hmm can someone help me get the digital output working on my soundcard?11:20
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newbie_1000TOX: you should still scan emails for windows viruses so you friends don't get them.11:20
Dasnipa`s/pdif out11:20
TOXare there little mostly becuase its harder, or becuase programers dont hate *nix like they do windows11:21
homeuserAgios: does it matter if i choose nv or nvidia? (i have an nvidia card)11:21
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newbie_1000TOX: a lot of reasons. mostly comes down to harder to write and less people using it.11:21
LeeJunFanorangelady: brb11:22
TOXwould you happen to know a program that will let me use the other buttons on my mouse?11:22
TOXright now i just gor right, left and wheel11:22
DaSkreechnewbie_1000: Sorry just getting back to the computer11:23
DaSkreechnewbie_1000: What's up?11:23
newbie_1000TOX: I know you can manually map extra buttons to new things. The middle button (scroll wheel) usually has a function tied to it.11:23
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scastHello all... I am having a litle problem launching an Application. I added a new path to my $PATH variable and added a new menu entry but when I try to open it with katapult it says KDEInit could not launch it. Also if I try to open it with the K Menu it doesnt open but does not say anything. Samething happens with Alt+F2 It is weird because I can open it using Konsole... Please help!11:23
newbie_1000DaSkreech: I reinstalled the system, keeping my home partition. Now I want to know how I should upgrade so that doeesn't happen again. apt-get, aptitude, adept?11:23
TOXwell my mouse has 8 buttons, i can use 311:24
aliasfredscast, put it in /etc/profile and restart kde11:24
newbie_1000TOX: I don't know, but there are usually lots of ways. You may have to configure X to use the extra buttons.11:24
TOXconfigure X?11:25
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scastaliasfred: what, the export PATH="..." ?11:25
TheGateKeepernewbie_1000: are you trying to update from breezy to dapper?11:25
newbie_1000TOX: X is the program that controls the display and mouse.11:25
aliasfredscast: yes11:25
orangeladyleejunfan: this doesn't seem to be the problem...11:25
DaSkreechnewbie_1000: Apt-get seem ok11:25
scastaliasfred: do I have to do that everytime I change my PATH ?11:25
LeeJunFanorangelady: what is the default gw of your linux system
newbie_1000TheGateKeeper: no, just regular upgrade, dapper 6.06 to new did it yesterday and it ruined my apt db11:26
TOXdo i have to use terminal to configure it?11:26
TheGateKeepernewbie_1000: ok :-)11:26
aliasfredscast: when you want the whole kde to take it into account, yes11:26
orangeladyleejunfan: i can access gateway.com and nonags.com with either 0 or 1 set11:26
newbie_1000DaSkreech: apt-get update then apt-get upgrade?11:26
scast:o... First distro I have to do that :o11:26
orangeladyleejunfan: excite.com however i cannot access, neither digg.com11:27
orangeladyleejunfan: but strangely, just as i was doing this i could access opera.com, but only under opera, not in konqueror11:28
newbie_1000DaSkreech: apt-get update then apt-get upgrade?11:28
fritschorangelady: without knowing anything, try to change the mtu either of you dialing device or your network card, if you are behind a router11:28
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LeeJunFanorangelady: it was a remote possibility, that would only affect your outgoing packets. My guess is your MTU on your linux machine is set to 1500, the default for LANs, so your system tells remote servers to send packet sizes of 1500 to you, but when they get to your pppoe and it drops 8 bytes but won't fragment them they can't come to you.11:29
fritschLeeJunFan: same thought11:29
aliasfredjust to be sure it is the mtu, make him to telnet port 80 first11:29
orangeladyleejunfan: is my router and thus also my default gateway, yes11:29
aliasfredif the connection establish it may be the mtu11:29
aliasfredif it does, it is likly not the mtu11:30
LeeJunFanorangelady: sudo ip route change default via [your default gateway ip]  mtu 149211:30
fritschorangelady: what is your network interface? eth0?11:30
DaSkreechnewbie_1000: Si!11:30
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DaSkreechnewbie_1000: try apt-get dist-upgrade11:30
orangeladyfritsch: eth011:30
newbie_1000DaSkreech: ok11:30
fritschorangelady: sudo ifconfig eth0 mtu 145211:31
LeeJunFanaliasfred, orangelady: true, try 'telnet www.opera.com' after it connects type 'GET[enter] '11:31
aliasfredorangelady: please do 'telnet 80' and tell me if it connect11:31
fritschorangelady: if this does not change anything -> we have to search otherwhere11:31
fritschorangelady: but listen to the others ;-) too much info for you in one time11:31
aliasfredLeeJunFan: with 80 at the end of telnet :)11:31
orangeladyhey yall, not that fast, im a girl + im a newbie!11:31
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aliasfred orangelady: please do 'telnet 80' and tell me if it connect11:32
newbie_1000DaSkreech: but 6.06 to 6.06.1 shouldn't need a whole distro updrade. Is that right?11:32
mik51587anyone know how to make this chat client work with msn?11:32
DaSkreechnewbie_1000: Nope but it won't kill you11:32
aliasfredthe ip is digg.com11:32
DaSkreech You can dist-upgrade all the time11:32
aliasfredsomething you could not access11:32
LeeJunFanaliasfred: oops yeah, with the port 80. Although just connecting won't rule out MTU as the syn/ack packets will be small anyway.11:32
orangeladyaliasfred: connect11:32
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aliasfredLeeJunFan: ok so the mtu or ecn :)11:33
LeeJunFanorangelady: now type 'GET' and see if you get html.11:33
aliasfredhave fun :)11:33
newbie_1000DaSkreech: should I enable source repositories or is that overkill?11:33
DaSkreechnewbie_1000: Only if you are going to be playing around in the source code of programs11:33
newbie_1000DaSkreech: I may do that later, but not now. so, binary only!11:33
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orangeladyleejunfan: yeah, got html11:34
orangelady<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN">11:34
orangelady<title>302 Found</title>11:34
orangelady<p>The document has moved <a href="http://diggtheblog.blogspot.com/">here</a>.</p>11:34
orangelady<address>Apache Server at blog.digg.com Port 80</address>11:34
orangeladyConnection closed by foreign host.11:34
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)11:35
LeeJunFanorangelady: watch the channel flooding - it will get you kicked.11:35
orangeladyoh sorry, guess, that was spam11:35
DaSkreechPlease don't paste here11:35
orangeladysorry again, i'm new, will try to learn!11:35
LeeJunFanorangelady: was that everything?11:35
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newbie_1000DaSkreech: is that right, apt-get dist-upgrade?11:36
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orangeladyleejunfan: yes11:37
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LeeJunFanorangelady: just for the sake of being thorough try ip route change default via [your gateway ip]  mtu 149211:37
LeeJunFanorangelady: sudo ip route...11:37
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orangeladyleejunfan: did that, didn't help11:39
LeeJunFanorangelady: try the telnet thing with 'telnet www.opera.com 80' then GET.11:40
orangeladyleejunfan: i don't know if that is of any help, in my router setup i can set a mru value, it's at 1492, i can also choose to enforce mru, this is disabled11:40
orangeladyleejunfan: got the whole page11:41
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LeeJunFanorangelady: I think with ppp connections you should enforce mru.11:42
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LeeJunFanorangelady: I have a feeling it's an image on one of the servers causing the pages not to load, when you telnet and GET you are asking only for the HTML which may be below an MTU packetsize anyway, but there's probably an image that's larger than the MTU causing it to hang on loading the page.11:43
trappistan image size > the mtu shouldn't keep it from loading11:44
trappisttrying to load an image from an overloaded site might, for a while11:45
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LeeJunFantrappist: no, but it's a pppoe connection with 1492 max MTU. If the remote site doesn't do pmtu discovery correctly then it's sending packets larger than orangelady's connection will xmit, and if somewhere between orangelady and the remote site DF [Don't fragment]  is set then it won't break up the 1500byte packet size to fit down the 1492pppoe connection.11:47
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trappistLeeJunFan: the kernel should just reassemble the fragments in any case11:48
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LeeJunFantrappist: there won't be any, it's a router.11:48
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LeeJunFanthey won't get past the router to the kernel.11:48
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cerdathe best software similar to guitar pro ?!?!?11:49
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trappistcerda: what's it do, write tablature?11:49
dell500I just recently formated a 300GB SATA drive with a USB enclosure... the fs is in NTFS and I used the command 'sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sdc1 /media/usb-sata' but it says it's the wrong fs for some reason11:49
cerdatrappist, yes a program to write tabs for guitar, drums piano...11:50
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trappistcerda: might try lilypond.  or songwrite/kguitar/gnometab/etktab for guitar-specific software.11:51
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orange_ladyleejunfan: when setting enforce mru, i had to disconnect and now my nick's still registered somehow, well here i am again, thanx again for your help so far11:52
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LeeJunFanorange_lady: no prob. Any luck?11:53
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wordis there a way to assign a process to a certain x window?11:53
orange_ladyleejunfan: and sure enough, this seems to have solved the problem!11:53
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LeeJunFanorange_lady: cool! I was pretty sure we were barking up the right tree.11:53
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orange_ladyleejunfan: thanx a lot!11:53
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orange_ladyleejunfan: what's barking up a tree? i'm german... ;-)11:54
trappistword: can you elaborate11:54
LeeJunFanorange_lady: I have a feeling that when we tried the ip route change maybe we didn't set your MTU low enough to overcome it but if your router takes care of it - that's a better option anyway.11:54
user___when running sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-1.0-8762-pkg2.run it complains about not being able to find ld ?11:54
LeeJunFanorange_lady: that we were on the right track, had the right idea what the problem was, etc... Just searching for a solution.11:54
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wordtrappist: I want to use irexec to launch mythfrontend on my tv which uses a seperate 'sreen' or i think it's called a seperate x window.. anyway if I don't want it to launch in my monitor screen i want it to launch in my tv.11:55
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user___but binutils-static is installed ?11:55
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wordtrappist: when irexec is launched from that screen mythfrontend launches from that screen11:55
wordbut if i have it autostart it seems it doesn't start from the tv's window11:55
trappistuser___: I've seen that before when trying to build a package.  couldn't find it in the chroot environment or something, I guess.  don't remember how I solved that, but make sure you have ld and friends - sudo apt-get install build-essential.11:55
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orange_ladyleejunfan: i think i even understand a little of what the problem was, well still don't really understand why windows can do it, but must be a setting in windows which is able to find the right mtu11:56
trappistword: oh, presumably your tv is set up as like another monitor, in which case you should be able to say something like DISPLAY=:1 irexec11:57
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edards_teste 18:5711:57
LeeJunFanorange_lady: I'm wondering the same thing - windows may have a smaller default MTU or somehow detect and set it's mtu differently.11:57
wordtrappist: oh that makes sense :D I'll try that now11:57
user___ad ld is called ld-static in /bin11:57
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orange_ladyleejunfan: it's those silly little things that make it so hard for a windows power user to get into linux, you just have to learn all this stuff from scratch...11:58
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trappistuser___: you don't have a /usr/bin/ld?11:58
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trappistwell that's all I got - I'm out11:59
=== trappist &
orange_ladyleejunfan: but well, this is great, after about a week of trying on my own and reading many many forums, this is finally solved, thanx a lot again!11:59
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LeeJunFanorange_lady: your welcome, this is one of those things you only know about if you've learned the hard way personally. I set the MTU on a dialup server too low once and had similar problems to different sites.12:01
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LeeJunFanorange_lady: luckilly when the calls started coming in that hotmail.com wouldn't load I knew I had only changed 1 thing.. so it was easy to figure out.12:01
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user___ok solved the ld problem now i need objcopy, anyone know what package this is in ?12:03
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orange_ladyleejunfan: well, just installed kubuntu, after about 10 years of windows, 5 yeats of which also doing some sysadmin stuff for a small company... much more than one thing that changed!12:03
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cerdai cant get sound to work on flash :(12:04
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user___how can i exit x server or can i move to a different init to install nvidia drivers ?12:07
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DaSkreechuser___: Alt+Ctrl+F112:09
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