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orange_ladywhois orangelady12:14
hackman2007how do I install the build-essential package?12:14
wordtrappist: i get an error saying mythfrontend: cannot connect to X server :1 :-/ is there a way i can find out what the x server's name is?12:14
hackman2007anyone know how to install the build-essential package in Kubuntu?12:15
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Agiosapt-get install build-essencial12:16
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orange_ladyhackman2007: sudo apt-get install build-essential12:19
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pagan0necan someone help me with xorg.config i have an issue with my dual head setup where the desktop doesnt fit on my monitor, it scrolls from edge to edge12:20
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wordpagan0ne: all the time or have you restarted x since the problem started?12:22
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gravespithow do i get unrar?12:23
DaSkreechapt-get install unrar12:24
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DaSkreechWhatever :)12:24
gravespitahhh okey thanks!12:24
pagan0necan someone help me with xorg.config i have an issue with my dual head setup where the desktop doesnt fit on my monitor, it scrolls from edge to edge12:24
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wordpagan0ne: all the time or have you restarted x since the problem started?12:25
gravespitcouldnt find the package unrar-free12:25
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wordpagan0ne: before you start repeating yourself maybe you should watch for replies..12:25
jordanRgravespit: just sec12:25
pagan0neword: i had sevral client crashse, but the problem developed immedently after i switched to nvidia drivers and set up my dual display setup12:25
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pagan0neword: sorry about the repeats, but everythime i said sompthing, i got disconnected12:26
DaSkreechgravespit: You have universe?12:26
wordpagan0ne: are you using dapper?12:26
jordanRyeah is it apt-get unrar-free check the site. http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/utils/12:27
gravespitDaSkreech: think so12:27
jordanRapt-get install unrar-free12:27
pagan0neword: yep, fresh install, did an update using adept, then installed nvidia drivers and tried to get 2nd display up and running12:27
gravespitwell that dont work so maybe i dont have universe?12:27
worddid you follow the tutorial NvidiaTVOut on the wiki?12:28
DaSkreechgravespit: I would say yes :-) can you pastebin your sources?12:28
wordpagan0ne: ^12:28
gravespitDaSkreech: sure if you tell me where i can see it? was in it long time ago12:28
pagan0neword: im not using the tv output, im using the vga and dvi outputs (dvi using the supplied dvi2vga converter that comes with nvidia cards12:28
orange_ladygravespit: /etc/apt/sources.list12:28
DaSkreechgravespit: /etc/apt/sources.list12:29
wordpagan0ne: did you follow the tutorial NvidiaTVOut on the wiki?12:29
word(yes or no question) :P12:29
DaSkreechnikkiana: Where'd you get narried?12:29
pagan0neword: im looking at it now, i was just using the toold provided to me from the "system settings" menu, i dont know much about xorg config12:30
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darkyoshi372How can I watch streaming H.264, or whatever format Apple is using to stream WWDC? I want to watch it.12:30
orange_ladygravespit: do you have breezy?12:31
apallo19can someone help me mount a shared folder?12:31
wordpastebin your xorg config pagan0ne12:32
gravespitorange_lady: ive got unrar-free now12:32
orange_ladygravespit: how?12:32
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gravespitorange_lady: tokk away the # in front of the universe repositories, and updated and tried again and i t worked12:33
orange_ladygravespit: great, found it out yourself..., btw, do you still have breezy or do you just have an old sources.list?12:34
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apallo19i have a shared drive on my windows box that i want to mount as a drive on my kubuntu box, but it isn't working. Could someone help me?12:34
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gravespitorange_lady: still have breezy :)12:35
DaSkreechgravespit: I was jsut noting that12:35
gravespitorange_lady: but how can i make it work with Ark?12:35
orange_ladygravespit: why? just a question?12:35
DaSkreechgravespit: I think It should work now12:36
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gravespitorange_lady: Whyi have Breezy? well it works :)12:36
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orange_ladygravespit: i actually don't know, I'm a newbie myself and haven't used Ark...12:36
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gravespitDaSkreech: nah i doesnt work12:37
DaSkreechStrange worked for me :-(12:38
DaSkreechat least I think it did I don't recall doing anything etra12:38
DaSkreechyou can unrar from the command line?12:38
apallo19do i need voice to be seen here?12:38
apallo19ahh, just being ignored then12:39
gravespitDaSkreech: unrar <filename> <path>  ?12:39
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jordanRor no one can help you out :)12:39
DaSkreechapallo19: Don't know about mount12:40
DaSkreech have you tried smb:/ ?12:40
apallo19that's true12:40
orange_ladyapallo19: what have you done so far? I'm a newbie so i don't think i can help you much, but i'll try12:40
apallo19i've tried about 10 variations of mount12:40
DaSkreechAnd it's there?12:40
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apallo19i have tried doing it from the drive thingy in kde12:40
apallo19it keeps failing, and i'm at a loss as to why12:41
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terrilsjhello, i need some help with grub, is this the right channel12:41
apallo19i just wanna listen to my mp3's12:41
rukubuntu just installed - yippee12:41
DaSkreechWhat command are you using?12:41
terrilsjwhen i install grub from kubuntu - it recognizes my sata drive as hd2 and only installs that way12:42
rucan someone tell me is there a vnc server built into kubuntu? I can only find client software so far (linux nube)12:42
terrilsjhowever at boot time, i have to hit e and edit the line to hd012:42
terrilsjif i edit menu.lst , grub automatically changes it12:42
DaSkreechru:  check under internet in the KMeu12:42
terrilsjand i have to keep just editing it at boot time12:43
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DaSkreechapallo19: so you can see it in smb:/ ?12:43
apallo19but it wont mount12:44
DaSkreechbut you can't go into it?12:44
DaSkreechWhat does it say?12:44
apallo19when i run mount  -t smbfs -o username=foo,password=bar //servername/mp3 /mnt/mp312:44
apallo19it comes back telling me that the wrong fs is picked12:44
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apallo19when i change it to autofs or ntfs, it tells me it cant find the drive12:45
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ruDaSkreech: Its not there :( how can I install it?12:46
apallo19all the guides tell me to use smbmount, but it's not installed12:47
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DaSkreechapallo19: Then apt-get install smbount12:47
apallo19i tried that, says it can't find it12:47
DaSkreechru: Oh wait vnc12:47
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DaSkreechru: Know how to use adept?12:48
ruDaSkreech: yip12:48
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DaSkreechru then Go to it :)12:48
mrono_two questions12:48
DaSkreechSearch for VNC and see which one you like12:48
apallo19and apt-get doesn't know where it is, or what it is12:48
mrono_1, what's the required packages to configure, make, etc12:49
DaSkreechapallo19: Maybe smbclinet?12:49
mrono_2, how do I make the desktop change with the mouse12:49
DaSkreechapallo19: Smb4k I mean12:49
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DaSkreech!b-e > mrono_12:49
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apallo19that it found12:50
DaSkreechmrono_: Not sure what you mean12:50
actinicmrono_, answer to #1 i believe is 'build-essential'12:50
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mrono_I want the desktop to change to the right when the mouse goes to the right side, as well as te left12:52
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mrono_btw, it looks like someone deleted the configure page, it's still in the recent edits.12:52
actinichey everyone i've started a kubuntu linux folding@home team ...12:53
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actinicnow let's catch Ubuntu :)12:53
DaSkreechHow big are they?12:53
DaSkreechPhat Huge?12:54
apallo19thank you soooo much daskreech12:54
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apallo19it worked!@12:54
actiniceven phatter12:54
DaSkreechapallo19: Jammin now?12:54
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actinichere's Ubuntu:  http://fah-web.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/main.py?qtype=teampage&teamnum=4510412:55
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actinicand here's us: http://fah-web.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/main.py?qtype=teampage&teamnum=5123812:56
actinic:( see the difference?12:56
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto12:56
DaSkreechactinic: Not really. seems pretty close :)12:57
actiniclol, well they've got a bit of a head start :)12:57
ubotuFor help with Microsoft windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. Also see http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 - !equivalents - http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm12:58
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FiretechI have a strange problem with kdm/X.org/The Kernel in Dapper (I update often, yes.). Everytime I cold-boot the machine (which thankfully isn't often), all I get is a black screen after the boot process. I can't switch to tty, I can't do anything. I have to press the reset button, but the next boot works fine. It happens everytime I cold boot, and sometimes when I reboot after a long uptime too...12:58
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FiretechThe syslog shows nothing strange12:58
FiretechIt seems to be a kernel panic, since the machine isn't reachable via ssh...12:59
larson999so i went and done: i bought a computer with embedded ati.  i guess i'll see how the drivers are coming along.12:59
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LeeJunFanlarson999: laptop?01:03
LeeJunFanlarson999: I'm happy to report that the newest drivers FINALLY will allow me to suspend to RAM.01:03
hackman2007build essential still won't build, it says "Invalid operation :(01:03
gnomefreakhackman2007: what command?01:04
DaSkreechhackman2007: What does?01:04
hackman2007sudo apt-get build-essential01:04
gnomefreakbuild essential isnt a command you use its a meta package01:04
Jucatosudo apt-get install build-essential01:04
gnomefreakhackman2007: sudo apt-get install build-essential01:04
Jucatoor better yet, "sudo aptitude install build-essential" (without the quotes)01:04
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hackman2007oh ok01:05
hackman2007I just typed in what I typed lol01:05
DaSkreechhackman2007: sudo apt-get install build-essential01:05
larson999LeeJunFan: no, i display model from circuit city.  was pretty packed for only $350.  my 6 year old mobo finally died and after telling my wife i'd need a mobo, cpu, and ram, she let me get a new system because all of that would have added up to nearly as much or more than that01:05
mrono_I'm doing a configure and it's looking for the 'x includes'01:05
hackman2007I didn't type the install part ;)01:05
hackman2007it's working now :D01:05
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mrono_what do i need?01:07
DaSkreechmrono_: Just checking what are you installing?01:07
mrono_i'm configuring a modified version of lipstik01:08
mrono_I found what i'm looking for01:08
mrono_RMPL i guess01:08
hackman2007do I have to install a graphics driver for Kubuntu?01:08
DaSkreechhackman2007: Do you have graphics?01:09
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hackman2007I have integrated graphics01:09
DaSkreechUmm. Well If you can see then I think that you should be good01:10
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LeeJunFanmrono_: you probably want x-dev, xserver-xorg-dev, x11proto-core-dev, libx11-dev   --- one of those may depend on the others, I don't recall.01:11
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henkHi, I have a sd cardreader in my laptop and I'm trying to use it. If I insert an sd card (2G), dmesg tells me that a mmcblk0 was found and it even shows the 2G. But If i do a cfdisk on it to create some partition tables the do not become persistant. Dmesg shows me an error about block0 not being read and about hardware interupts timeout. Does this sound familiar? does anyone know how to get this working ?01:13
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Pagan0neok this is getting really annoying, i still cant get the xorg problem fixed, and it seems kubuntu is extreamly unstable on my system01:24
LeeJunFanPagan0ne: what xorg problem? and is the unstability known to be related or not to the xorg problem?01:25
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Dasnipa`hmm can someone help me get the s/pdif digital output working on my soundcard?01:27
apallo19is there a terminal command to list the process that are running?01:27
Dasnipa`apallo19, top01:27
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Pagan0neLeeJunFan: i just setup xorg to run nvidia drivers, with a dual head display, and when i changed the resolution, the desktop became larger than the monitor, causing a scrolling issue inside of each monitor. about the instability, im not sure, but it seems my system randomly hangs between 20-40 miniutes of uptime, i cannot telnet into it, and ctrl+alt+bk-space doesnt work, mouse still responds, but it stuck moving around on01:28
LeeJunFanapallo19: ps - I like ps xauw01:28
newbie_1000Anyone know about installing Gecko on Konqueror?01:28
Dasnipa`apallo19, also ps -aux01:28
newbie_1000who's here?01:29
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AgiosIf you want Gecko why not just use Firefox?01:32
Pagan0neLeeJunFan: im sorry did you get my last message, it seems i got disconnected....01:32
newbie_1000I like how Konqueror integrates with KDE. I know it can be done, but how?01:33
JucatoI don't think Gecko can be installed on Konqueror, as it uses its own engine (KHTML, on which Mac OS X's Safari is based)01:33
newbie_1000I know about KHTML, but I was googling and there is way to put Gecko into Konqueror as a KPart, KMozilla.01:33
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DaSkreechJucato: There is a thingy to switch the engien to gecko :)01:34
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Jucatonewbie_1000: that project was abandoned a few years ago01:34
JucatoDaSkreech: you're not talking about Browser Identification are you?01:34
DaSkreechJucato: Nope :-P01:34
JucatoDaSkreech: care to share?01:34
newbie_1000rendering engine01:35
LeeJunFanPagan0ne: yeah. Sry - I haven't had the opportunity to play with nvidia or dual monitors so I'm afraid I can't be much help there.01:35
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JucatoDaSkreech: open source your knowledge. :-D01:35
newbie_1000I like the integrated Gecko's. K-Meleon on windows, Galeon on GNOME, is there a QT Gecko?01:35
DaSkreechnewbie_1000: Another abandoned project01:36
taylorcan some tell me how to install azureus without the need to install mozilla, since i already have firefox01:36
newbie_1000so, XUL is the toolkit to use?01:36
Pagan0neLeeJunFan: yeah it got so annoying i had to boot back indo windows to chat, because every time i tried to get on irc to get help, i would get told to google it, or read the wiki, by the time i read and understood the wiki, and compaired it to my own settings, still to no avil, my system would freeze, and id need to reboot...01:36
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taylorwhen i do an 'apt-get install azureus' it wants to install mozilla as a dep01:37
JucatoI thought Mozilla doesn't ship Gecko without Firefox as of now? an Ubuntu devs said that it's one of the reasons why Firefox can't be uninstalled in Ubuntu. But how come Epiphany ang Galen can use Gecko? (presuming Epiphany is using Gecko)01:38
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DaSkreechPagan0ne: No problem using one system to debug another01:40
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tayloris there a no dependancy option for apt-get?01:41
Pagan0neDaSkreech: well i just cant figure out why a 2+ year old install of xp should be stanle but a brand new default install of kubunutu, with the only modification being im running nvidia drivers should be so unstable01:41
newbie_1000What do I have to do to configure WINE?01:41
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hackman2007how do I install firefox on Kubuntu?01:42
DaSkreechPagan0ne: is it unstable before the drivers?01:42
Jucatohackman2007: sudo apt-get install firefox01:42
DaSkreechhackman2007: sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox01:42
newbie_1000or use Add/Remove Programs.01:42
newbie_1000If you like GUIS01:42
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=== DaSkreech was wondering who GUS was :)
hackman2007nah I hate the Kubuntu GUI lol01:43
hackman2007sometimes it's just easier to do it with Konsole01:43
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tayloris there a no dependency option for apt-get?  I don't know why I need to have mozilla for azureus, b/c i have firefox installed01:43
paul_lol @ DaSkreech01:44
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hackman2007any good software I should look into?01:44
taylorand when i go to remove mozilla it unistalls azureus01:44
newbie_1000hope nothing breaks in this upgrade. It's got two minutes left of downloading.01:44
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hackman2007ok I did that sudo command01:45
hackman2007anything else I have to do to install it?01:45
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Pagan0neDaSkreech: arg this is so annoying, ive been wi it since like 3 today, and i cant get any help from anyone on irc, and although kubunutu works alot better on my system (asfar as having hardware support... i can accualy get dual heads up and running, and it now reconices my webcam and nic right off the bat) it is now more unstable than i can deal with and its just stressing me out01:45
newbie_1000hackman2007: I know you don't like the GUI, but it's great for browsing available software and stuff, even if you don't install with it01:45
soulrider!seen tk01:45
ubotuI last saw tk (i=tk@ 18m 13s ago, quiting: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)01:45
soulriderdamn, i allways miss him!01:46
DaSkreechPagan0ne: What's happening?01:46
Pagan0neDaSkreech: ive been waiting to change over to 100% linux now for like 5 years, and every time i look into it theres features on windows that linux doesnt have that i cant live without, not linux finally supports everything i need, its more unstable than windows01:46
soulrideranyways, does anoye have any idea of why i canm mount my usb drive manually but not using KDE?01:46
Jucatosoulrider: are you using KDE 3.5.4?01:47
maltaethironcan i get azureus on kubuntu??01:47
soulrideruntil yesterday i ahd no problem01:47
soulriderbut niw its screwed01:47
Jucatowhen did you upgrade to KDE 3.5.4?01:47
soulriderfunny thing is i had a problem that fixed itself:01:47
soulriderweek ago?01:47
soulrideror more01:47
JucatoI think there's a bug with KDE 3.5.4 and HAL in Kubuntu...01:48
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soulrideri upgraded hAL today01:49
newbie_1000hey, just curios, but which version of Debian does *Ubuntu correspond to?01:49
maltaethironguys, can anyone tell me if azureus is available for kde?01:49
soulriderits weird01:49
soulrideri could mount my pen drive well but in home i didnt see my ntfs drives01:49
Skrotmaltaethiron: It's java, so yes.01:49
JucatoAFAIK, Debian Sid01:49
soulridernow i see my ntfs drives but i cant mount01:49
DaSkreechPagan0ne: What's Happening01:49
ubotuazureus is a popular bittorent client written in Java, installation instructions can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AzureusHowTo01:49
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taylormaltaehiron you can get azureus with kubuntu01:50
LeeJunFanbah, just use ktorrent.01:50
taylorthe problem is it just wants to install a bunch of deps like Mozilla for some reason01:51
newbie_1000I'd just as soon use KTorrent. I don't use torrent much anyways.01:51
taylorLeeJunFan does ktorrent offer the end to end encryption?01:51
actinicopera's bittorrent is quite nice01:51
SkrotIt offers "protocol encryption"01:51
LeeJunFantaylor: the newest version 2.0 does if you compile from source.01:51
soulridertaylor it does01:52
Pagan0neDaSkreech: well my kds desktop doesnt fir on my monitor, ie when i mouse to the edge of the screen, ir scrolls more desktop onto the screen, and every 20-40 miniutes the system freezes completly, i cant telnet in, ctrl+alt+bk-space wont work, and the mouse is trapped on the monitor it was on, and everything is just locked, like kde went kaput and took everything but X with it. (ie i can move my mouse around on that monitor01:52
SkrotSo.. is there an "official" ecryption protocol for bittorrent?01:52
taylorits not in the repos yet?01:52
LeeJunFantaylor: only for edgy01:52
taylori moved away from gentoo b/c i got tired of compiling01:52
actinicPagan0ne, is this issue repeatable using the liveCD?01:52
taylorbut after all its only one program01:52
LeeJunFanSkrot: yeah, it's meant to confuse ISP's who limit or block filesharing.01:53
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Jucatoisn't there a KTorrent 2.0 .deb package for Dapper on their site?01:53
SkrotLeeJunFan: I see. My main concern was if there was a "standard" for it01:53
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taylori'll check it out, in the mean time does any1 know if there is option for no dependencies01:53
Pagan0neSkrot: well it doesnt seem there will ever be an official encryption method as Bram Cohen doesnt beleave that is the answer to bittorrents problems01:53
DaSkreechPagan0ne: have you tried #ubuntu-xgl or #nvidia ?01:53
LeeJunFantaylor: yeah, I agree with that. But like you said - it's only one program. I compile only a few things on my system, kopete, ktorrent and madwifi-ng, everything else is from repositories.01:53
taylorso i can say apt-get install <no deps=mozilla> azurues01:53
goemon4hey all, can anyone help me with openGL and sdl (on where to get them)01:54
SkrotPagan0ne: I get that. But if a lot of clients deceide on one, it'll be the defacto way of encryping bittorrent :)01:54
Pagan0neactinic: using the live-cd i cant get it to come up in dual display mode, as i needed to install the nvidia drivers to do that01:54
Pagan0neactinic: as far as locking up i havent had it in live-cd mode long enough to find out, but i dont think so01:54
taylori like to stick w/ ktorrent but for some reason some of the torrent files take forever to start in ktorrent, but then they load up right away on azureus01:55
actinicPagan0ne, in your research are there issues with dual display?01:55
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taylorazureus is a bit of a cpu hog01:55
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LeeJunFantaylor: I had that problem too with the older versions, but as soon as I updated to 2.0 those files that had all been waiting forever started downloading.01:55
Jucatoactually, it's more of a RAM hog, IIRC01:56
taylorwell then ill give it a shot01:56
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Pagan0neactinic: i havent ever been able to find any information that is of any use to me for dual display systems, but no i havent seen anyone else complain of this problem, or of any other simmilar issues with dual head systems01:56
taylori definitly like the ability to search within the client like ktorrent offers01:56
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taylornice ktorrent offers a deb on their site01:57
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taylorfor 2.001:57
willnapierHi is anyone out there? I'm new to irc01:58
hackman2007it won't let me get into add/remove programs anymore, it says "conversation with su failed"01:58
willnapieroo there is!01:58
DaSkreechSkrot: What' about encryption?01:58
willnapierhi hackman01:58
LeeJunFantaylor: I tried that the other day and didn't get any plugins with it, so I compiled from source and was okay.01:58
actinicPagan0ne, does this thread apply? http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=46899701:59
taylorok, ill will compile then01:59
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DaSkreechwillnapier: Hi02:00
willnapierHi DaSkreech02:00
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DaSkreechWelcome to IRC02:00
willnapierI'm looking for advice on getting KMobileTools up and running02:01
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DaSkreechWell I don't know what Kmobiletools are. Something to help you carry hammers?02:01
Pagan0neactinic: well that doesnt rea;;y hit either of my issues on the head02:02
DaSkreechPagan0ne: #nvidia ?02:02
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willnapierSomething to manage cellphone/mobilephone contacts02:02
willnapierfrom your pc02:02
Pagan0neactinic: my first issue is that my desktop is larger than my monitor, unless i reduce my resolution to sompthing like 800x600 on my 19"monitor02:02
Pagan0neDaSkreech: i think its more of a xorg.conf problem than a driver problem, only reason i mentioned i was using nvidia drivers is because i couldnt even get dual display running w/o them02:03
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LeeJunFanPagan0ne: can you put your /etc/X11/xorg.conf on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org ?02:03
DaSkreechPagan0ne: Is it unstable before the drivers?02:03
Pagan0neDaSkreech well when i went back to running standard nv drivers i beleave it was just as unstable02:04
actinicif it's unstable with a liveCD it could be overheating or some other hardware prob02:04
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Pagan0neactinic: i dont think its a heat issue, my system runs pretty cool, and its stable in my 2+ yr old install of xp, ive had uptimes of months in my xp install02:05
Pagan0neLeeJunFan: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20606 i posted it, it is the file generated by the install, and kubunutu's own setup utilities....02:07
DaSkreechPagan0ne: Do you have any logs of the crashes?02:07
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Pagan0neDaSkreech: where could i go to look for the logs, i have looked at log files before, however they never make much sence to me...02:09
DaSkreechErm.. the X logs?02:09
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DaSkreechI forget gimmie a second02:10
LeeJunFan /var/log/Xorg.0.log I think.02:11
DaSkreech /var/log/Xorg.0.log02:11
Pagan0neDaSkreech: i have 2 log files, i just coppied over to my windows partition02:12
DaSkreechMan there should be a way to ignore / commands02:13
Pagan0neDaSkreech: to me the logs fdont show any signs of a crash or a panic02:13
DaSkreechYour system freezes though?02:14
DaSkreech can you ssh in?02:14
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Pagan0neDaSkreech: i cant ssh in and ctrl+alt+backspace doesnt work either02:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about quota - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:14
JRH3K5!disk quota02:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about disk quota - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:14
LeeJunFanPagan0ne: I thought I would see something in your config that would explain why your resolution was low, but view area was high, but nothing really.02:14
DaSkreechssh in not working is a pretty bad sign02:15
Pagan0neLeeJunFan: well my resolution is high, but i can only see like 80% of the desktop on screen, if i move mouse to edge of screen, it scrolls over to show the rest of the desktop02:15
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LeeJunFanPagan0ne: try running xwininfo in a shell, then click on your background image [not a window]  and see what it says for geometry.02:17
LeeJunFanPagan0ne: ah, you're not running it now are you?02:17
Pagan0neDaSkreech: the only log that shows signs of trouble is evms-engine.log02:17
DaSkreechDoes the time seem about right?02:17
rocketman768anyone know how to use bluetooth with bitpim?02:18
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Pagan0neLeeJunFan: no i booted into xp so i could stay on irc longer as previously i kept being told to read the man, or the wiki, and by the time i was done, my system was locked02:18
rocketman768or can anyone tell me what "port" i should direct bitpim to?02:18
Pagan0neh/o let me see if i can setup another system so i can chat on that one while working on this one02:18
belatucadrosI can't seem to get wine to install it saays package is missing or obsolete02:18
DaSkreechPagan0ne: Wouldn't happen to have a live cd?02:20
DaSkreechbelatucadros: Where are you installing it from?02:21
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Pagan0neDaSkreech: yes thats what i installed off of, i just installed it today02:22
DaSkreechbelatucadros: I mean what repository02:22
belatucadroslol nvm I somehow managed to fix it lol02:22
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belatucadrosI just disabled the DVD use for packages and enabled all the repositories guess that must have done it for it02:22
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dekI don't know wtf happened but I now get KPersonalizer every time I boot Linux, the desktop runs extremely slow (even mouse pointer) and when it starts to work OK after some minutes, desktop becomes blank. When I reboot again I get KPersonalizer and this behaviour repeats. Any help?02:23
LeeJunFanPagan0ne: your desktop spans 2 monitors, when you move your mouse to the left edge does just one monitor scroll the image or does it scroll the whole image across both monitors?02:24
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=== LeeJunFan is tempted to go get his other monitor and try xinerama.
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DaSkreechdek:turn off Kpersonalizer maybe?02:27
Pagan0neLeeJunFan: ok well say both monitors are on the far left, i start moving my mouse to the right, monitor 2 does nothing, mouse on monitor 1 moves toward edge of screen, mouse gets to what looks like the edge, instead of moving to monitor 2, it pushes the monitor over to view the other 20% of the desktop, then it rolls onto monitor 2, it then moves accrost monitor 2, and again when it gets to what looks like the egde, it pus02:28
dekwill remove, lets see if it helps02:28
LeeJunFanPagan0ne: so both monitors scroll but individually?02:29
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declanHI! anyone wanna do a Dr. House and help diagnose a problem with apt?02:31
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LeeJunFanPagan0ne: there's an option called ViewPort for X that might help that, it looks like the default res when you boot is going to be 1280x1024 on the gateway, and 1024x768 on the other monitor. If you add ViewPort 1280 1024 line to the subsection display and 1024 768 to the other one it may fix the scrolling problem.02:31
LeeJunFandeclan: it's pigeon poop, you've been growing your weed on the roof and pigeons are pooping in it - mad you sick.02:32
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Pagan0neLeeJunFan: can you provide a breif example including the line above and below where this option should go?02:32
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DaSkreechdek: You have it in the system tray?02:33
dekI now removed KPersonalizer to see if it helped but i still get extremely slow desktop at startup, then background turns black and icons disappear. What's wrong?02:33
declandamn! I forgot the first 3 diagnoses are always wrong! And Linux always lies02:33
dekno, only Konversation in tray02:33
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DaSkreechdeclan: second opinon. You need some sysmptms to diagnose?02:34
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LeeJunFanPagan0ne: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2060802:35
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Viper550I made a nice new Grub splash, wanna see?02:35
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DaSkreechViper550: Why not?02:36
DaSkreechdek: Do you have a saved session?02:36
Viper550Goes nice with Kubuntu's new default colors02:36
declanI have internet connection as evidenced by me being here. Konqueror also works ok. However, apt-get cannot connect. I have tried many source lists including ones that are known to work fine. still, it just times out!02:36
DaSkreechdeclan: can you pastebin your sources?02:36
belatucadrosdamn mac users are azzhats02:36
DaSkreechbelatucadros: All Computer users are :-)02:37
LeeJunFanPagan0ne: if you change your resolution then you'll want to change those viewports to match, by default X will start with the first resolution listed in modes line in display subsection, so if you later want to change your resolution just put the one you want first in the list.02:37
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belatucadrosI guess your right there02:37
declansure, but im pretty sure its not that. I just reinstalled the system. Didn't help.02:37
DaSkreechdeclan: can You ping the servers?02:37
belatucadrosthis guy was telling me if I go out and buy the Mac OSX I can't legally install it on any hardware I want02:37
Pagan0neLeeJunFan: when it comes to manualy editing a config file, your talking to someone who could mess up editing a lilo.conf file with no problem02:38
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drbreenblatucadros: can't you compile darwin for your pc and put os  files on top of it ?02:38
LeeJunFandeclan: 2 things to verify. 1. you can DNS lookup the server (host [repository hostname] ), and that you're not using any kind of proxy.02:38
dekDaSkreech: manually you mean? How do I do that?02:39
declanpasted it. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2060902:39
belatucadrosI was talking about buying a legit Mac OS and doing a plain from scratch install on an AMD system02:39
LeeJunFanPagan0ne: cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf xorg.conf.working first.02:39
Pagan0neLeeJunFan: im loading up an old PII 266MHZ system so i can chat on irc while on my main box, h/o and i can get into some more indepth troubleshooting02:39
LeeJunFanPagan0ne: then you can restore from the working one later if needed.02:39
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belatucadrosnot compiling necessary since the one I would purchase is the x86 edition02:39
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Pagan0neLeeJunFan: ive already got 3 copys of it i know to backup before i start02:39
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declanLeeJunFan: You'll have to talk me through those. I'm more or less a newbie.02:40
belatucadrosand the only way for the ppl of mac to tell is if they were invading your privacy which is a huge no no02:40
Pagan0neLeeJunFan: it just seems whenever i take advice from strangers whatever they tell me never works, and what they tell me wont work, works02:40
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belatucadroswould be nice if I coudl get my copy of cedega to install on kubuntu but it doens't seem to want to02:41
Pagan0nelol, my room now looks like hacker heaven, i got like 6 monitors, only 2 of which are actualy on a desk, the rest are sitting ontop of coverless cases, running old hardware :^02:41
LeeJunFanPagan0ne: well, like I said I'm not an nvidia or xinerama user, but that scrolling you are talking about would be caused by the viewport stuff, so I figured maybe I can help you with at least that one issue.02:42
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glj12hi all!02:42
Pagan0neLeeJunFan: i would appreciate it, if you give me a second, and let this old dinasour boot, then i can log on from there, and if anything goes wrong maby ill have a better shot at fixing it02:42
glj12i absolutely kubuntu, just wanted to let you guys know, except for one problem...02:43
glj12konquerer is painfully slow for wifi, and my connection signal is very strong, and 3mbps dsl connection02:43
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glj12so i wanted to use firefox instead02:43
Commander-CroweI got Kubuntu today02:43
LeeJunFandeclan: first I guess, can you open konsole and 'ping gb.archive.ubuntu.com' ?02:43
DaSkreechdek: I never said manually02:43
glj12but do you know how to install firefox?02:44
Commander-CroweI want to install it right alongside with ubuntu and xubuntu02:44
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Commander-Crowewithout removing Xubuntu and UBuntu02:44
belatucadrossudo apt-get install firefox02:44
glj12multi boot with grub?02:44
Commander-Crowehow is this accomplised>02:44
glj12i did that02:44
glj12let me give you the error message belatucadros02:44
dekDaSkreech: where does KDE save it's configuration files? maybe if I completely delete them...02:44
glj12However the following packages replace it:02:45
glj12  libnss302:45
glj12E: Package firefox has no installation candidate02:45
Commander-Croweno anser?02:45
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glj12Commander-Crowe: I am a noob, sorry. :(02:45
belatucadrosdid you try sudo apt-get update02:45
belatucadrosand then the install02:45
glj12i am more of a knoppix guy02:45
Commander-CroweI have the Kubuntu disc02:45
glj12i did, yes, and update stated...02:45
Commander-Crowebut no internet on that computer02:45
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belatucadroswell thats odd Ive never had that problem02:46
glj12Reading package lists... Done02:46
glj12thats all it says02:46
glj12then it goes back to the glj12@lordofatlantis blah blah02:46
Pagan0nedamn it takes forever for a 266Mhz machine to load up the latest kubunutu live cd :^02:46
glj12lol Pagan0ne02:46
belatucadrosonce the update is done just try again and if it still doesn't work Im not to sure what the prob could be02:46
LeeJunFanPagan0ne: it doesn't help if the CD drive is 2x or something :p02:47
glj12belatucadros: yeah, already done all of that02:47
Pagan0neLeeJunFan: lol its 24x, not that it matters much, it only has 100Mb sd ram02:47
glj12belatucadros: so i mean... no other ideas? :(02:47
LeeJunFandeclan: you still there?02:47
declanLeeJunFan: Arghh. It won't stop; 64 bytes from gb.archive.ubuntu.com ( icmp_seq=108 ttl=52 time=29.0 ms02:47
belatucadroscould be maybe a repository but Im unsure on that one02:47
LeeJunFandeclan: hit ctrl-c02:48
glj12hmm... can you refer me to anyone else?02:48
rocketman768how do i refer to a serial port on a bluetooth device?02:48
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declanLeeJunFan: ah. good. So, does that mean its working or not working?02:48
belatucadrospossibly DaSkreech02:48
LeeJunFandeclan: you got responses so that means you CAN reach the servers, now try this 'ping -s 1472 -M do gb.archive.ubuntu.com' and see if that works.02:48
Pagan0nelol its been 10 miniutes and its just now loading HAL02:49
glj12ok, thanks belatucadros02:49
belatucadrosno probs02:49
LeeJunFandeclan: that means you have a working route for traffic to pass between you and the repository, but now we need to figure out why it's not passing the traffic.02:49
glj12DaSkreech: Hi, are you around?02:49
declan6 packets transmitted, 6 received, 0% packet loss, time 5004ms02:49
declanrtt min/avg/max/mdev = 81.612/82.111/82.528/0.270 ms02:49
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glj12DaSkreech: I am having dificulty retrieving firefox via apt-get and Adept.02:49
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declanLeeJunFan: Seems to work there too.02:50
LeeJunFandeclan: okay, that means it's not an MTU problem (honestly that was a far shot but since I just had one of those I figured I'd try) :p02:50
Pagan0neoh yeah, i better burn another copy of the live cd to help troubleshoot this system :^who wants to bet it will be dont burning before the other system is done booting?02:50
glj12hmm... since no one at the moment can hel me with my firefox problem, can anyone help me with playing videos or hearing anything audio?02:50
=== larson9999 [n=jason@CPE-72-128-123-104.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
LeeJunFandeclan: can you go to gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu in a browser succesfully?02:51
rocketman768glj12: you tried aptitude?02:51
glj12what is that?02:51
glj12i might have02:52
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rocketman768go to a console, type "sudo aptitude"02:52
Pagan0nedone burning, and still no kdm yet02:52
glj12i went there02:52
glj12no installed packages02:52
declanLeeJunFan: yep. although before I reinstalled kubuntu, firefox didn't work, while konqueror did. Not sure why one could connect and one could not. Seems apt is on firefoxes side02:52
rocketman768glj12: ok, now type "/firefox"02:52
glj12in patitude?02:53
rocketman768when you press the "/" key, it should bring up a search box02:53
glj12it does a search02:53
glj12oh, ok02:53
glj12some things come up02:53
rocketman768so, now press "n" untill you come to mozilla-firefox02:54
rocketman768or firefox02:54
rocketman768i forget which02:54
rocketman768probably just firefox02:54
rocketman768then press the "+" key to tell it you want to get it02:54
rocketman768then press "g" (you may have to do it twice) to download and install02:55
Pagan0newhats the best console IRC client included on the live-cd?02:55
glj12wait, n?02:55
glj12it dings02:55
glj12or, does the bell thing02:55
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glj12wow, what02:55
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glj12let me list you what it says if thats alrght02:55
rocketman768glj12: the dinging means it didn't come up with a match02:56
larson9999new computer!  i'm stylin now.  finally got rid of the gremlins02:56
DaSkreechglj12: What's the issue?02:56
glj12apmd, ap, apt-utils, aptitude, at02:56
glj12sorry to bother you too02:56
glj12i just want firefox02:56
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larson9999i thought my old one was fast enough.  this one smokes it02:56
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LeeJunFandeclan: in your /etc/apt/apt.conf file does the AcquireProxy line say true or false?02:56
rocketman768why doesn't "sudo apt-get install firefox" work?02:57
nikkianahey... what's the best ftp program?02:57
glj12it states something else02:57
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glj12it reccomends something else02:57
glj12its weird02:57
glj12and now i cant get it to do it again. >.<02:58
declanLeeJunFan: says false02:58
glj12how do i kill aptitude02:58
LeeJunFandeclan: can you pastebin your results of running 'sudo apt-get update'02:58
glj12i did killall aptitude and tha worked02:59
glj12Package firefox is not available, but is referred to by another package.02:59
glj12This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or02:59
glj12is only available from another source02:59
glj12However the following packages replace it:02:59
glj12  libnss302:59
glj12E: Package firefox has no installation candidate02:59
declanLeeJunFan: Sure02:59
glj12thats what it said when i did that02:59
DaSkreechnikkiana: Hi again :)02:59
nikkianahi DaSkreech02:59
rocketman768glj12: hmm02:59
nikkianaDaSkreech, i'm looking for recommendations for an FTP program.02:59
glj12see that too DaSkreech?02:59
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LeeJunFannikkiana: lftp, ncftp, konqueror03:00
DaSkreechnikkiana: kBear03:01
DaSkreechglj12: try sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox03:01
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rocketman768glj12: i would suspect this is a problem in your /etc/apt/sources.list file03:02
DaSkreechnikkiana: If you like GUI :)03:02
rocketman768check it and see if you have lines that look like "deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper universe"03:02
Jucatoerr... Firefox is in main03:02
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Jucatonot in universe03:03
rocketman768jucato: just an example03:03
glj12can you guys see me?03:03
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glj12stupid wifi03:04
glj12sorry, i missed a lot03:04
glj12what were you guys saying?03:04
glj12before my wifi dies again03:04
rocketman768gjl12: looking at /etc/apt/sources.list?03:04
glj12want me to go there?03:04
LeeJunFanglj12: get rid of the 2.4GHz phone.03:05
rocketman768glj12: see if you have a line that says "deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-updates main restricted"03:05
glj12# Line commented out by installer because it failed to verify:03:05
glj12#deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security main03:05
glj12# Line commented out by installer because it failed to verify:03:05
glj12#deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security main03:05
glj12# deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security universe03:05
glj12# deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security universe03:05
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)03:05
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rocketman768glj12: ahhhh03:05
rocketman768there's yer problem03:05
rocketman768glj12: uncomment those lines (take out the pound sign)03:06
glj12LeeJunFan: No 2.4ghz phone.03:06
rocketman768the ones that start with "deb"03:06
glj12oh, alright03:06
declanLeeJunFan: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2061103:06
glj12wonder why it was commented03:06
LeeJunFanthose are all only security - there's no main, etc, in his list.03:06
rocketman768worth a shot03:07
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declanLeeJunFan: that guy, glj12 seems to have a similar problem.03:07
glj12chown is my friend?03:07
DaSkreechnikkiana: Where did you get married?03:07
declanLeeJunFan: mine failed to verify at installation too.03:08
rocketman768lol, might want to try "sudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list"03:08
Jucatoerr.. kdesu kate...03:08
ubotuIn KDE, use kdesu to run graphical applications with root priveleges when you have to. Do *not* do sudo {GUIAPP}; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo03:08
Pagan0nestill loading......03:09
rocketman768muck up eh?03:09
glj12i uncommented all of those deb things at the end03:09
glj12nope, same schpeal03:09
rocketman768oh well03:09
glj12update works though03:09
glj12well, thats a start03:09
rocketman768do you even have the line i pasted above?03:10
glj12what do you mean03:10
glj12what line, where>03:10
LeeJunFandeclan: see the after the repos hostname? that's the IP apt thinks the repository is at - which obviously is wrong.03:11
nikkianaDaSkreech, I got married at Pats Peak in Henniker, NH03:11
rocketman768glj12: "deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-updates main restricted"03:11
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declanLeeJunFan: Cool. so why does it think that?03:11
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declanLeeJunFan: Do I have an idiot APT?03:12
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DaSkreechnikkiana: :-) sounds like somewhere I used to live03:12
LeeJunFandeclan: I'm not sure - I've heard of this before but I don't know the proper solution.03:12
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nikkianaDaSkreech, i'm attempting to set up gallery at the moment so i can upload pictures of the wedding :)03:12
glj12oh, no03:12
glj12what the hell, worthless ctrl f03:12
glj12it couldnt find it before. :P03:12
glj12yeah, i see it now03:12
glj12but its commented, so it shouldnt work, right?03:12
rocketman768right, uncomment it03:13
glj12oh, ok03:13
LeeJunFandeclan: for now - edit /etc/hosts, add the following line ' gb.archive.ubuntu.com'03:13
declanLeeJunFan: Oh. Not good. Seemed to happen overnight. Could it be to do with my home network?03:13
LeeJunFandeclan: you could try restarting your router.03:13
larson9999ok, well i don't have opengl yet on this ati card03:13
glj12broken packages now03:13
declanLeeJunFan: tried that. But its worth trying again03:14
glj12 firefox: Depends: libatk1.0-0 (>= 1.9.0) but it is not installable03:14
glj12           Depends: libgtk2.0-0 (>= 2.8.0) but it is not installable03:14
glj12           Depends: libpango1.0-0 (>= 1.12.2) but it is not installable03:14
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Pagan0neheh, i just got done watching vanishing point :^03:15
rocketman768glj12: hm, did you try an upgrade from a previous version of kubuntu?03:15
LeeJunFandeclan: how about pastebin your /etc/resolv.conf file as well - so I can see what DNS servers your system is using.03:16
declanLeeJunFan: should it look like this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2061303:16
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DaSkreechnikkiana: cool send me a link :)03:17
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glj12i am with the latest version atm03:17
glj12only one i've used03:17
glj12my wifi is very crappy03:17
glj12rocketman768: ?03:17
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LeeJunFandeclan: yeah, come to think of it you'll need one for security.ubuntu.com - as well.03:17
declanLeeJunFan: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2061403:17
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glj12did i miss anything you said rocketman768?03:18
Scakmmm, anyone know a codecs package that contains mpeg layer 2/3 audio for kaffeine?03:18
nikkianaDaSkreech, i will.... as soon as i figure out how to upload photos to a Gallery2 gallery :P03:18
rocketman768glj12: you come in and go out and like 5 of your posts appear at once03:18
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:18
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LeeJunFandeclan: try running 'dig' in a console to see if you have it.03:19
glj12rocketman768: ew, i'm sorry, why s my wifi so shitty?03:19
glj12i have a negear 108mbps router03:19
LeeJunFandeclan: using dig we can see which of those 2 dns servers is giving bogus info.03:19
glj12the thing is that i am connected to utcht constantly, maybe its this server03:19
ppalgun espaol03:19
rocketman768pp: yo si03:19
declan; <<>> DiG 9.3.2 <<>>03:20
declan;; global options:  printcmd03:20
declan;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached03:20
ppde donde eres03:20
glj12rocketman768: anyway, ideas?03:20
rocketman768pp: estados unidos pero soy medio chileno03:20
LeeJunFandeclan: cool, try this 'dig @ gb.archive.ubuntu.com' then try with the other DNS server
ppyo de espaa03:21
rocketman768glj12: maybe you can do some sort of upgrade to fix the broken packages03:21
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glj12how can i do that, in what way do you mean03:21
pphablais del kubuntu03:22
LeeJunFandeclan: one of them will probably give you a line under ANSWER SECTION with A - that's the bad DNS server.03:22
rocketman768pp: tienes algun problema?03:22
ppno, me ha costado bastante configurarme la distro , pero para mi guto la tengo perfecta03:23
glj12rocketman768: i got adept to show things, and now they are always broken installs03:23
glj12broken files and what not03:23
rocketman768glj12: there is a "resolver" in aptitude if that helps03:24
DaSkreechnikkiana: Hmm I played with that once03:24
declanLeeJunFan: both in pastebin03:24
nikkianaDaSkreech, it's.... interesting.03:25
rocketman768pp: si...siempre es dificil configurar linux. Pues, para mi lo es. Ahora tengo un problema con el bluetooth, pero el Kubuntu es mas o menos weno03:25
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glj12ok rocketman76803:25
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glj12what about audio/video problems03:26
glj12any good with that?03:26
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rocketman768gjl12: such as?03:26
glj12erm, i get a black screen fr video03:27
glj12and i get no sound03:27
rocketman768glj12: using what program?03:27
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LeeJunFandeclan: well they both report the correct address, but the seems to leave out some stuff.03:28
ppsiento no poder ayudarte, ne tengo bluetooth, y no se configurarlo, si es que tu problema es de configuracion03:28
nikkianaDaSkreech, photo album applications and me just don't seem to mesh, it seems....03:28
DaSkreechnikkiana: It's apache based?03:28
declanLeeJunFan: Just tried apt again and got this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2061703:28
LeeJunFandeclan: that means it's working but because of the /etc/hosts entry which is a kludge, unfortunately it may be the only thing we have to make it work.03:29
LeeJunFandeclan: a working kludge is better than no kludge I guess. :p03:30
rocketman768glj12: still there?03:30
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declanLeeJunFan: does that mean we leave it as a mystery? Is it a common problem? Has it happened recently as a result of an update or a kernal change?03:31
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rocketman768pp: ah, entonces, como esta espana? que hay de contar?03:31
ppmucho calor03:32
LeeJunFandeclan: it's one of those dns servers not playing nice, but why? who knows...03:32
glj12it was that coffee bean looking program, kaffiene or something?03:32
declanLeeJunFan: thank-you very very much. I really appreciate your time. If you believe in God, may he bless you and if not, may fate treat you well.03:32
larson9999if i installed the fglrx drivers properly for this ati radeon express 200 embedded card, shoul opengl stuff work fast?  or does ati suck that much?03:32
scottyHello. I'm a brand new Kubuntu user (installing on my laptop as we speak, actually), as my Windows XP was corrupted and I decided instead of reinstalling and suffering through the pains of microsoft again, I'd just use Linux. I have a small question. Kubuntu will be running on a cheap dell, and it seems the wireless card isn't working. I'd assume this is because the drivers for it were Windows based. I still have the CD with the wireless card's dri03:32
scottyvers on it, but I think they are for Windows. How would I go about getting my wireless card to be recognized?03:32
rocketman768gjl12: i've never gotten kaffeine to work properly. You might check out mplayer and see if that works for you03:32
LeeJunFandeclan: just remember that if sometime in the future you can't reach the repositories it could be related to the /etc/hosts changes we made. If the IP address for the gb repos changes your machine will be looking in the wrong place for them.03:33
glj12oh, ok rocketman76803:33
rocketman768pp: lo mismo aca...como 33C normalmente03:33
farouslarson9999: fglrx is not for that card03:33
DaSkreechnikkiana: What have you done so far?03:33
glj12and what might you reccomend for sound?03:33
ppmas o menos como aqui03:33
declanLeeJunFan: so I'll need to go to etc/hosts and change the ip address that relates to the repo?03:33
larson9999farous: oops! what is?03:33
LeeJunFanlarson9999: should be fast, run fglrxinfo and see if it says the vendor is ATI.03:33
LeeJunFandeclan: yes, if it ever changes.03:34
archangel__which is the BEST p2p software for linux?03:34
nikkianaDaSkreech, i installed it..... and now i don't know what to do next....03:34
declanLeeJunFan: or if I want to add another repo like the PLF?03:34
rocketman768pp: en que parte vives?03:34
DaSkreechnikkiana: How did you install it?03:34
larson9999LeeJunFan: OpenGL vendor string: Mesa project: www.mesa3d.org03:34
nikkianaDaSkreech, I cheated and used Fantastico because the host I'm on doesn't have shell access (but I don't pay for it so beggers can't be choosey)03:34
pplo conoces03:35
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DaSkreechHa ha :)03:35
LeeJunFandeclan: depends on if it can resolve it w/o hacking up hosts, problem is that you may find other sites you can't get to w/o figuring out the root of the problem.03:35
DFMscotty, you need to check and see if it is listed as a supported card.03:35
steve___can anyone jog my memory a little...  I lost my hdd and installed kubuntu on my dell 700m and now fn+esc doesn't put it to stand by...  i know i had to wrestle with it 8 months ago to get it to work and currently my brain is drawing a blank03:35
DFMif not you may be able to get it to work with ndiswrapper03:35
scottyDFM, where do I go to check that, and what happens if it isn't a supported card03:35
LeeJunFanyou could manually remove one of the nameservers in /etc/resolv.conf and see if it fixes the problem w/o the lines in hosts.03:35
LeeJunFandeclan: ^^03:35
farouslarson9999: oh is it xpress 20003:36
nikkianaDaSkreech, the trouble is i'm kinda confused as to what i'm supposed to do if i want to upload using FTP.... i've always just used the Gallery Remote when I've used it in the past, I'm not a big fan of that method though.... you can upload to Gallery using F-Spot but F-Spot seems to be VERY prone to crashing.03:36
declanLeeJunFan:  thanks again. I'm off to download a million updates. Take care!03:36
LeeJunFandeclan: in either hosts or resolv.conf you can simply comment out lines by putting # in front of them.03:36
DFMI spent a week trying to get 3 different cards working and just gave up and bought one that was linux supported03:36
LeeJunFandeclan: no prob.03:36
declanLeeJunFan: I'll try that03:36
rocketman768pp: m, no...no creo. Es una region muy populada?03:36
DFMlet me see if i can find you a link03:36
larson9999farous: yeah.03:36
farouslarson9999: sorry i take it back i miss read it03:36
DFMor I can tell you what card i bought that worked out of the box03:36
ppesta en el este del pais03:37
farouslarson9999: do you have the kernel package installed03:37
ppa nivel de turismo es bastante conocida03:37
larson9999farous: so it should be fast.  for instance, chromium should play at normal speed.  i followed this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=371303:37
scottyDFM, I'd prefer not to have to spend money03:37
farouslarson9999: integrated cards are not that fast03:37
DaSkreechnikkiana: Well I'd just guess it would make a folder called Gallery that you can upload stuff to03:37
farouslarson9999: test if it is running properly03:37
scottySo I may take the ndiswrap route if it isn't supported.03:38
larson9999farous: i know that but i figure it should be fast enough for chromium.  my old nvidia 16mb card runs it pretty fast03:38
rocketman768pp: m, todavia no he viajado a europa03:38
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rocketman768pp: tu viajas mucho?03:38
farouslarson9999: do you know if it is config properly is 3-d accel supported03:38
DaSkreechrocketman768: Spanish?03:39
rocketman768DaSkreech: yeah03:39
DFMgive me a minute03:39
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ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.03:39
larson9999farous: i don't know.  i'm totally new to ati.  always used nvidia.  here is what flglxinfo says: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=371303:39
nikkianaDaSkreech, you'd think that.... but it doesn't seem to work that way.... it wants me to set up some sort of tmp folder to upload to and i'm confused because the directions are a little ambiguous.03:40
pppor lo poquito que entiendo el ingles, veo que la gente expone aqui sus problemas con la distro y no quiero molestar.03:40
DaSkreechnikkiana: Where are the directions?03:40
DFMyou can find the card I have for about $3703:40
declanLeeJunFan:Just for your notes, that didn't work. Looks like the workaround is the best I can do at the mo. Thanks though. Its still a big help!03:40
scottyokay, thanks DFM03:40
farouslarson9999: in a terminal type fglrxinfo. if it returned it is using ati or fglrx driver it is ok. also glxinfo |grep render. if it said direct rendering=yes you are in the clear03:40
rocketman768pp: no te tienes que ir03:41
DFMfor your info i have only been runinng kubuntu for 2 weeks03:41
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DFMand i was able to get wi-fi up so it isn't a real big deal03:41
larson9999farous: it doesn't say anything about a driver. renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect03:42
silentdawnmy kubuntu gives me sound in my messengers but not my media playersm or internet....wtf is up with that?03:42
farouslarson9999: you do not have 3-D accel yet03:42
LeeJunFandeclan: you commented (#) out the lines we put in /etc/hosts and one of the nameservers in /etc/resolv.conf? if so try the other nameserver and try again? One of them has got to be bad.03:42
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto03:42
farouslarson9999: did you install the fglrx driver from the repos03:42
rocketman768anybody know about bluetooth?03:42
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DFMrocketman, what do you want to know?03:43
nikkianaDaSkreech, i sent you a PM seeing as we've deviated greatly from Kubuntu ;)03:43
larson9999farous: yeah.  i followed instructions from a site.  i'm looking at the instructions recommended here now03:43
silentdawni need soiund in my media players!!!help!!!!!!!!!!!!03:43
DaSkreechnikkiana: Umm03:43
DaSkreechWhere? :-)03:43
DaSkreechnikkiana: You have some kinda instant messenger?03:43
farouslarson9999: ok there is another package you need. sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r)03:44
nikkianaDaSkreech, Like as in the PMs on IRC?03:44
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rocketman768silentdawn: what media player?03:44
DaSkreechnikkiana: Like i didn't see it :) are you registered?03:44
DaSkreechsilentdawn: WHat are you trying to play?03:44
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silentdawnshoutcast stream03:45
nikkianai forgot to put my password in. D'oh!03:45
silentdawni got sound in my messengers but a damn thing else03:45
JucatoI'm having problems creating the Application Index for KHelpCenter. it always fails. anyone else experiencing this?03:45
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declanLeeJunFan: I did that. I ran apt twice each time with a different nameserver commented out (and the hosts we added also commented out) each time the connection timed out trying to go to
LeeJunFandeclan: Do you have a dlink router?03:46
Agiossilentdawn: kmix, raise all the vars, click all the green buttons03:46
rocketman768silentdawn: it's most likely something easy to fix, but xmms always works for me so you might try "sudo apt-get install xmms"03:46
Agiosuh, not vars, bars03:46
larson9999farous: i installed that already03:46
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DaSkreechsilentdawn: Did you install MP3 support?03:47
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declanLeeJunFan: I think its a safecom. I have tried using direct connection to the modem-router but same result.03:47
silentdawni installed anything kubuntu told me to...and some extra but nothing in the driver sense03:47
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farouslarson9999: /var/log/Xorg.0.log03:48
farouswill tell you what is wrong03:48
DaSkreechsilentdawn: Ok more explicitly did you install libxine-extracodecs?03:48
LeeJunFandeclan: Everything I can google tells me that it's your router, although most complaints seem to be d-link, the solution is always to upgrade firmware.03:48
DaSkreechsilentdawn: Install that :)03:49
silentdawnwhaere woulod i come by"that"?03:49
AgiosJucato: I had a problem with khelpcenter after installation but the problem went away after a reboot.03:49
jontecHola. I just installed mySQL. ^_^ So how do I use it?03:49
Agiosjontec: you know SQL?03:50
jontecI'm just going to the mySQL site to get documentation03:50
Agiosperhaps a SQL tutorial would be a good place to start.03:50
DaSkreech!multiverse . silentdawn03:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about multiverse . silentdawn - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:50
DaSkreech!multiverse > silentdawn03:50
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declanLeeJunFan: I have a safecom modem/router connected to a safecom 4 port router. Since the problem seems to be there when I use only the modem/router, I'll try upgrading its firmware. Cheers!03:52
silentdawni just want sumthin quick to install to fix my chick man03:52
LeeJunFandeclan: good luck.03:52
DaSkreechsilentdawn: Open adept03:53
silentdawnif i had it......03:53
silentdawnoopos thinkin of wrong program lol03:53
larson9999farous: there is a repo i need to install.  security or something i think but i'm not sure.  i'm also new to unbunt but i had to do that a couple weeks ago with my nvidia card.03:54
scottyHas anyone here ever used ndiswrapper for a Dell 1350 wireless card?03:54
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thompatoo many web sites using flash 8 or something03:54
Agiosartsplay some.wav :)03:54
farous!info fglrx03:54
ubotuPackage fglrx does not exist in dapper03:54
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:55
jontecOkay, question. I'm at documentation for mySQL. the mysql-server-5.0 is version 5.0, correct?03:55
farous!info xorg-driver-fglrx03:55
ubotuxorg-driver-fglrx: Video driver for ATI graphics accelerators. In component restricted, is optional. Version 7.0.0-8.25.18+ (dapper), package size 10309 kB, installed size 29468 kB03:55
farouslarson9999: the driver is in restricted repos. do not know what security have to do with it03:56
thompaso flash 8 only works with windows, why are so many sites using it then03:57
CheeseBurgerManBecause most people are using WIndows.03:57
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CheeseBurgerManFlash 8 also works with a mac. Just not Linux. ;)03:57
Agioscause they don't care if the 3% liunx world can see their site or not03:57
DaSkreechAnd Amiga!03:58
thompabut so many of these sites seem independant or something, whats up with their IT03:58
thompawell myspace is total garbage anyway03:58
Agiosthompa: they have a "Contact Us", ask them :)03:58
rocketman768real html is considered obsolete which is a shame03:58
thompai will03:59
larson9999farous: i forgot where i found that but the deal for the nvidia driver was that the kernel was upgraded and in the regular repos but the nvidia driver upgrade wasn't in the regular repos but in security(or something like that).  or vice versa.03:59
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thompagood idea, esp. if its an indy media type site, they should support linux03:59
farouslarson9999: ok good luck never heared of it myself03:59
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DaSkreechsilentdawn: You ok?04:00
AtKaaZhi, does anyone know how to setup ssl for apache2 under kubuntu 6.06 ?04:00
larson9999farous: my kernel is 2.6.15-23-386.  i'm guessing that since fglxr is it's not loading and giving the error in the xorg log04:01
silentdawnwwwwwwwwwwwwwoooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhooooooooooo thats right thats techno commin from my linuk OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH04:01
farouslarson9999: yah that might cause a prob04:01
silentdawnthe xmms made a difference04:02
DaSkreechsilentdawn: Nice AOL keyboard04:02
thompaso what is the alternative to site development instead of flash, ive never used it.04:02
DaSkreechsilentdawn: ok as long as you are happy "_04:02
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larson9999farous: same exact prob with nivida card a while back.  somewhere i found a site that said what repo to add but now i have a new system and forgot:)   and i'm assuming it's the same thing here04:02
silentdawnwtf does that mean?04:02
CheeseBurgerManGnu Flash (or something like that)04:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gnash - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:03
DaSkreechsilentdawn: I was going to get mp3 working in Amarok for you but if xmms makes you happy Go ahead :)04:03
thompaok thanks04:03
DaSkreech!info gnash04:03
ubotuPackage gnash does not exist in dapper04:03
farouslarson9999: did you try installing it from the ati provided installer. the howto tell you how to generate deb files from that04:03
silentdawnlol w/e plays my techno makes me happy04:03
DaSkreechsilentdawn: Ok Now that it jamming want some help in getting the rest of your players to play it?04:04
DaSkreechOr not04:04
thompai found something called freescale04:05
thompanevermind thats flash ram04:05
archangel__has anyone here used 3d desktop?04:05
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archangel__it looks cool as crap04:06
thompais 3d desktop in repos?04:06
DaSkreecharchangel__: That depends on how much you like crap I take it04:06
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archangel__I enjoy letting it go04:06
thompaoh, is that the one where you see the little box,04:06
DaSkreechthompa: It's lilke the first thing in it :)04:06
archangel__thompa: not sure04:07
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thompai was running compiz for a while, but its a mess04:07
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thompaat least it did something strange to xubuntu04:07
ErikTheRedis security.ubuntu.com down right now?04:07
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larson9999farous no.  but i think i found the site i saw before.  i'll see of the same repos work for this.  if not i'll got that route.04:08
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posthumanhey does anyone know of a program that can convert FLV to AVI or MPG?04:09
silentdawnwhat is a good dvd player for kubuntu?04:09
ErikTheRedvlc plays dvds and just about any other media format well04:09
silentdawnanything i can just snag from adept?04:10
archangel__what does kubuntu have to download mp3's?04:10
ErikTheRedvlc is in adept04:10
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ErikTheRedarchangel: what do you mean by "download mp3's"04:11
CheeseBurgerManarchangel__: wget?04:11
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archangel__hmmm, dont rememeber seeing that04:12
ErtainDoes anyone know an alternative to the Mac OS X Fontbook?04:12
posthumanarchangel: use museek04:12
posthumanvery good program04:12
posthumanbut you have to compile it04:12
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groovisquestion: how the hell do I change the kubuntu animated icon in kde?04:15
ErikTheRedwhich icon?04:16
groovisthe one when Konq is already open - you click it and it gives you a new window04:16
groovisI can't seem to do it from the toolbar properites, but other icons will change easily04:17
groovisfrom the same location...04:17
=== groovis scritches his head
ErikTheRedi seem to recall seeing that there is a way to do it, just can't remember right now...04:17
ErtainHey, I never thought of changing that.  Interesting. :-S04:18
grooviswell, the kubuntu icon they picked is ugly...04:18
groovisbesides, it doesn't match the rest of my icons...04:19
ErikTheRedi think i found it04:19
ErikTheRedso within konqueror go to settings->configure toolbars04:19
groovisyeah...I've already changed it from there04:19
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ErikTheReddoes it not work when you do that04:20
groovisit shows in there that it's changed, but the icon hasn't changed.04:20
groovisand it's the only one that doesn't change04:20
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groovisI can change all the others that way...just not this one.04:20
silentdawnanything i can snag from adept that will allow me to download media?04:20
ErikTheRedgroovis: that is rather strange04:21
groovisain't it?04:21
ErikTheRedsilentdawn: what exactly do you mean04:21
silentdawnvideo,music,files shite like that04:21
groovissilentdawn: go to a music store. Pay.04:21
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ErikTheRedyeah really04:21
silentdawnnot all can afford04:22
ErikTheRedthat's a terrible excuse04:22
groovisapt-get install gtk-gnutella04:22
ErikTheRedthe loser left...04:22
ErikTheRedthe support channel is hardly the place to ask for P2P software04:22
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groovisno kidding04:22
groovisso..I'm stumped.04:22
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groovisI can't even figure out what the icon is called04:23
DaSkreechWoot!! I got songbird working04:23
DaSkreechHave to install gnome stuff though04:23
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pterandonsecurity.ubuntu.com is down?  Well, it's hanging up for me on first updates just after install.  :(04:24
ErikTheRedpterandon: yeah i'm running into the same problem04:25
pterandonI do apt-get update, and this one times out:
ErikTheRedit won't even return pings04:25
pterandonokay.  I am so glad you're having the problem, Erik.04:25
pterandon:) It means I'm neither insane nor an idiot!04:25
ErikTheRedthat's always good04:26
groovisPING ( 56(84) bytes of data.04:26
groovis64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=51 time=101 ms04:26
groovis64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=51 time=100 ms04:26
pterandonoh wait it went04:26
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groovisworks fine for me...04:26
pterandondoes this second now for me.04:26
ErikTheRedi'll try it again now04:26
groovisrouter fart.04:26
groovisor burp.04:26
pterandonIs there an update-menus command?04:26
ErikTheRedlooks like it's working04:26
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posthumanDoes anyone know of a program that can convert FLV files to AVI or MPG?04:27
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ErikTheRedwhat program makes an FLV file?04:28
groovisErikTheRed: can you actually change the icon ? or is it just me?04:28
ErikTheRedi can't change it either04:28
groovisah ha.04:28
groovisthen it isn't me.04:28
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Reddlerflash video04:28
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groovisfilext.com answers all those questions...04:29
DaSkreechThe: Hi04:29
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pterandonI'm having a problem installing flash player.04:29
pterandonit says command not found.04:29
ErikTheRedposthuman: sorry no idea what program to use04:29
TheDomi wanted thedom but it gave me the there for a sec lol04:30
posthumanah ok04:30
posthumanthanks though04:30
pterandonI found (but lost) on the web a suffix to put in front: /bin/sh??04:30
ErikTheRedwhat kind of file is the installer04:30
pterandonflash_player-installer from Adobe04:31
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pterandonokay I solved it-- it require /bin/sh flashplayer-installer04:32
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ErikTheRedyou know you don't have to type /bin/sh04:32
ErikTheRedyou can just go: sh flashplayer-installer04:33
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Theis it ppossible to start ur own chat channel?04:33
ErikTheRedor ./flashplayer-installer04:33
DaSkreechThe: Yes04:33
pterandonk cool thx.     Adobe's incorrect instructs say    flashplayer-installer   , per se04:33
otaku-sanThe: type /query04:33
otaku-santhen a space and the person you want to chat to04:33
The...i mean on a much lager scale04:34
Thesomething like this room04:34
otaku-sanDaSkreech probably knows...I forget04:34
=== DaSkreech knows nothing. nothing!!!!!!
otaku-san*shakes head sadly04:35
DaSkreechThe: join that04:35
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DaSkreechthe: are you in konversation?04:36
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DaSkreechJust click on it04:36
Thewoohoo done04:36
Kiongkuhi. I just did the tut for kernel upgrade. But now kubuntu boots with a black screen just before login. Can someone help me?04:37
DaSkreechThe: have fun04:37
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Thelol oh look myself have not chated with him in awhile04:37
pterandonHello, what is recommended package manager:  is adept best, or will I run into trouble w/ synaptic?04:38
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DaSkreechpterandon: Which ever floats your packages04:38
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Kiongkuhi. I just did the tut for kernel upgrade. But now kubuntu boots with a black screen just before login. Can someone help me?04:39
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otaku-sanKiongku: no need to post twice...we all saw it's just we don't know how to fix your problem...like I have no clue what could be the prob.  Tho' try to post later. Or go to #linux04:41
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nihilHello people.04:42
nihilHi from a friend04:42
nihilFrom Brazil04:42
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rocketman768nihil: as in nihilism?04:43
Kiongkuotaku-san sorry could have told me =) ty04:44
DaSkreechnihil: Hello04:44
Kiongkuits not really a prob.. just annoying.04:44
otaku-sanKiongku: ok, sorry we couldn't help...try later and you might catch someone who knows his stuff or google your prob04:45
rocketman768you a nihilist?04:46
Kiongkuok. well how to upgrade the kde? by package manager?04:46
nihilI try04:46
rocketman768nihil: haha, what do you mean 'you try'?04:46
nihilI try to be a nihilist04:47
otaku-sanKiongku: yes you can use apt-get probably to upgrade...DaSkreech back me up on this04:47
=== DaSkreech backs up otaku-san
rocketman768nihil: you like the movie "I heart hucklebees"?04:48
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nihilI never see it04:48
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nihilsorry for my bad English04:48
rocketman768you should watch it04:48
rocketman768it's a comedy about nihilism and other things04:49
Kiongkudid anyone try the kernel on kubuntu?04:49
rocketman768Kiongku: i got going04:50
=== otaku-san rolls eyes at DaSkreech...to everybody else ignore him!
Kiongkuotaku-san should i keep the original kubuntu kernel?.. i just upgraded04:51
nihilSorry, but I have to go away04:51
DaSkreechnihil: Bye04:51
nihilBy my friends04:51
DaSkreechotaku-san: What? I backed you up04:51
nihilA friend from Brazil04:51
rocketman768nihil: bye brazilian friend04:52
nihilHasta la vista bay04:52
nihilAnd I'll be back04:52
otaku-sanDaSkreech: true...true...04:52
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otaku-sanKiongku: ok so you went to apt-get and upgraded?04:53
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Kiongkuotaku-san: for the kde yes but the kernel is a custom built i made myself. Not supported by kubuntu. so should i keep the original one as backup?04:54
DaSkreechKiongku: can't kill you :)04:55
otaku-sanKiongku: YES!!!!! Oh most defiantly!!!! RULE number one on hacking.  Never not back up04:55
otaku-sanKiongku: Backup=Good04:55
Kiongkuah lol xD thx for the energetic response04:55
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Kiongkubtw.. i started kubuntu just yesterday..04:56
DaSkreechKiongku: Welcome04:56
KiongkuI'm glad.. in reallity i started 1 week ago.. but crazy eagle-usb problem solution found at lastr yesterday04:57
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otaku-sanKiongku: me/ joins DaSkreech in welcoming you04:58
Kiongkuk. one question... u know the screen just before login that spews out all sort of devices loading etc?04:58
otaku-sanok that did not work but welcome!04:58
DaSkreechBroke the new toy?04:58
Kiongkuwhat can cause it to stop showing up?04:58
Kiongkua bit. Onyl that part for now :p04:59
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Kiongkui heard someone saying to remove splash in grub ._o04:59
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=== Kiongku goes google too
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lmosherhow do I tell what sound device I'm suing? is it /dev/dsp?05:01
otaku-sanDaSkreech: You wish man!05:01
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=== otaku-san shows off mad skillz
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Kiongku7 am..05:02
Kiongkubeen on the new kernel since 5 am XD05:02
Kiongkui found something on the forum about my problem but no solution ._.05:03
otaku-sanImosher: what kind of sound device?05:05
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lmosherotaku-san, my builtin sound card...05:07
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lmosherAny ideas?05:08
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Kiongkulmosher: why u want to fiddle with the sound device? no sound?05:09
otaku-sanImosher: hehe sound cards are my weakness....anything about them crashes me...ask here #linux05:09
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lmosherKiongku, I get sound in all apps except this one, which is asking me where my sound device is :)05:09
Kiongkulmosher: ah lol k. I not yet had this problem05:11
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reddwolfdoes any one now how to open a bin file05:14
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sergiusensreddwolf: ./mybinfile.bin05:14
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reddwolfwhen i tryed that i got this message05:16
reddwolfAn error occurred while loading http://./mybinfile.bin:05:16
reddwolfUnknown host .05:16
sergiusensreddwolf: what is your bin file? a vcd image or an executable?05:17
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DaSkreechactinic: Where do we sign up?05:17
reddwolfits for the realplayer05:17
mighty-dhi, can anyone tell me how can i find out what version of ntfs-3g i'm using?05:18
Hawkwindmighty-d: dpkg -l ntfs-3g05:18
mighty-dthank you Hawkwind05:18
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sergiusensright button on your file in the filemanager (konqueror) and select permissions -> and check 'is executable'05:19
reddwolfgot it\05:20
reddwolfit says the same thing05:20
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sergiusensreddwolf: did you click on it or write down what i told you to in the location bar?05:21
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actinicDaSkreech, just follow the thread: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=7868.005:22
reddwolfbut it the location bar05:22
actinicoh, and welcome aboard!  :)05:22
DaSkreechactinic: WHy don't we just combine the *buntus? ;-005:22
reddwolfnothing happens when i click on it05:22
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sergiusensopen konsole05:23
actinicDaSkreech, because I believe ubuntu isn't worthy and kubuntu is better05:23
Jucato @_@05:23
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JucatoKubuntu needs a lot of loving, but from the other end (the developers...)05:24
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository. Instructions to install VMWare Server can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingVMWare05:24
actinici think we'll turn some heads05:24
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sergiusensreddwolf: if the file is in your home directory then type in ./[followed the bin file name] 05:24
sergiusensreddwolf: eg. if the file is named realplay.bin type in ./realplay.bin05:25
actinicJucato, are u a mod over at the forums?05:25
Jucatoactinic: nope. :-D05:25
actinicah man05:26
actinici want to get the folding thread stickied05:26
sergiusensreddwolf: that's it for me, it's 00.26 and i had a busy day today05:26
actinicor in it's own forum05:26
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charles1952Newbie to linux here....I was in the middle of doing a system update using adept...it downloaded all the packages (about 124 of 'em)...but encountered an error during installation. Now when I try to run adept it says there is another instance of adept or apt-get running, and it won't let me run the program. I killed the auto-updater process running in the task-bar...what else do I need to do? Help please???!!!05:26
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Jucatotoo bad PMs are disabled in the forums right now05:27
reddwolfit said no such file excist05:27
actinicdidn't know that05:27
Jucatonon of the mods are online, anyway05:27
DaSkreechcharles1952: from the command line run sudo dpkg --configure -a05:27
DaSkreecha FOLDING forum?05:28
charles1952okay...Ill try it.05:28
Jucatono, just right now05:28
actinicDaSkreech, yes.  You gotta see some other team's forums.05:28
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Jucatoactinic: you can check who's online in the side panels05:28
Jucatoerr... I don't get this Folding @ Home thing....05:29
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actinicglobal supercomputing effort for medical research05:29
DaSkreechJucato: It;s like Orogami but @ home!!!05:29
actinicyou join teams and get points05:29
actinicor seti, without the aliens :)05:29
charles1952Thanks...it seemed to work just fine. What did I do?05:29
DaSkreechWhich You turn in For free Kool Aid :)05:29
DaSkreechcharles1952: continued the installation05:30
actinicor free beer!05:30
DaSkreechcharles1952: You should be good now :005:30
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about quotas - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:30
JRH3K5I hate you, ubotu05:30
charles1952Here's a cold one for the help...thanks a bunch!!!!!!!!!!!!05:30
JRH3K5You're useless.05:30
actiniccheck out the top teams: http://fahstats.com/05:30
JRH3K5Anyone here know where I can read about disk quotas?05:31
DaSkreechcharles1952: Thank You Please come again05:31
HawkwindJRH3K5: Google.com/linux and tldp.org05:31
actinicHawkwind, what's the link to your site?  I forgot.05:32
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DaSkreechactinic: So you don't really care if we get the most beer just as long as we can get more ineberaited than Ubnutu :)05:32
actinicDaSkreech, that's right & also because the heat generated from an app running 100% cpu load creates a warm environment, thus the great need for another cold one!05:33
Hawkwindactinic: To the forums ?  http://LinuxForDummies.org/  To the deb repo, http://SeerOfSouls.com/05:33
actinicok thanks, that's it05:34
actinicwe've got potential for a real kick ass team, or at least an inebriated one05:35
JucatoI'll go for the inebriated one :-D05:35
actinicwell i'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy05:35
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soulriderhey Hawkwind i gto something to ask you :P05:37
soulriderthis morning i upgraded HAL and since then in media:/ i can see my NTFS drives BUT i cant open or mount my pen drive unless i do it via CLI05:37
DaSkreechactinic: Wouldn't it make more sense just to havea  clustering forums?05:37
soulriderdo you have any ideas of what can be happening?05:38
jontecGah. The one thing that kills open source is merely the documentation and support.05:38
jontecThe mySQL documentation is much too broad and... just isn't easy to follow.05:38
Jucatosoulrider: a bug in KDE 3.5.4 and Kubuntu's HAL...05:38
Hawkwindsoulrider: Revert back to an older version of HAL.  I know other distros that have the same problems and there doesn't seem to be any work around other than reverting05:38
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soulriderok, how do i revert? :/05:39
actinicDaSkreech, there was a faq about clusters both pro & con.  Haven't researched it05:39
soulriderit fixed one thing and broke another thing! :D05:39
JucatoHawkwind: I'm listening, too :-D05:39
actinicbut it sounds interesting!05:39
Hawkwindsoulrider: You using KDE 3.5.4 ?05:39
Jucatome too, me too! :-D05:39
soulriderlol Jucato05:39
Jucatoactually, the problem doesn't exist if you don't have HAL installed/updated05:40
Hawkwindsoulrider: Jucato:  This how-to will revert you from KDE 3.5.4 to 3.5.3 which I did myself due to issues with konqueror outside of KDE since I do *not* use KDE:   http://www.linuxfordummies.org/index.php?topic=609.005:40
Jucatobut I don't know what I'm missing without HAL05:40
Hawkwindsoulrider: Jucato:  That is a how-to I wrote with some help of a couple of others here so I posted it on my forums05:40
soulrideri dont even know what hal is for :P05:40
soulridergrat Hawkwind, ill register too :)05:41
actinichardware abstraction layer, whatever that means05:41
HawkwindHAL handles the automounting of devices and such05:41
DaSkreechI'm sorry soulrider I can't allot you to know that05:41
JucatoHawkwind: err.. so you mean downgrade KDE 3.5.4? I thought you meant downgrading HAL to an earlier version05:41
HawkwindIt handles mounting, unmounting and various other things dealing with media sources05:41
soulriderlol DaSkreech05:42
HawkwindJucato: You probably could do that, but if it's a bug in KDE 3.5.4 then reverting HAL probably won't work05:42
soulriderwhen i saw there was an upgradable package adn that is was hal i thought of 2001 a space odysey :P05:42
JucatoHawkwind: when I installed "this" Kubuntu I'm using right now, it didn't have HAL installed (until a few hours ago). KDE 3.5.4 was working properly, and I could still mount/unmount drives.05:43
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Jucatothen when I realized I didn't have HAL installed, I installed it, and WHAM, bugged again05:43
HawkwindJucato: Then try removing HAL.  But chances are you had HAL installed and just didn't know it05:43
HawkwindJucato: Ahhh, so remove it and see what happens05:43
JucatoHawkwind: no. i really didn't have HAL installed05:43
Jucato2006-08-14 22:31:52 install hal <none> 0.5.7-1ubuntu18.105:45
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JucatoI'll try removing HAL, but I'm quite too lazy right now to have to log out/restart for it to take effect :-D05:47
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actinici'm hoping these 3.5.4 issues are resolved quickly05:48
actinicalmost seems it wasn't bug tested enough05:48
actinicit's also slower05:48
Jucatowell, you can bet the devs are working on it05:49
Jucatohm... I find it a bit faster, if just a bit05:49
soulriderHawkwind: i coultn downgrade :S05:49
soulrideri followed the steps but it didnt install packages05:49
actinicis it common for KDE to come out with small upgrades, like,, etc?05:50
Hawkwindsoulrider: You need to make sure you are using the right mirrors and also make sure your sources.list doesn't have any source that contains 3.5.4 currently05:50
Hawkwindactinic: No05:50
Jucatothe 3.5.4 itself is the small upgrade...05:51
soulrideri will re check05:51
actinicwhat was the wait time from 3.5.3 to 3.5.4?05:51
actinicor are they going directly to 4?05:51
Jucatoactinic: I think the next release will be KDE 405:52
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HawkwindJucato: No05:52
HawkwindThe next release will be 3.5.505:52
actinicsounds like we'lll be stuck with 3.5.4 for awhile05:52
Jucatothere will be a 3.5.5?05:52
HawkwindAnd probably a 3.5.6 and a 3.5.705:52
actinichey i've got a 357 in my closet!05:53
soulrideraparently i got 82 upgrades waiting :/05:53
soulriderguns kill people :P05:53
soulrideror is it the morons using htem? :/05:54
Jucatooh yeah I forgot, they're doing extended releases because KDE 4 aint that close yet...05:54
actinicmy linux links site is coming along.  check it out:  http://www.whatsinyourbox.org/index.php/topic,1714.0.html05:55
soulriderHawkwind: i think its downgrading :)05:55
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actinicok, don't forget:  join the kubuntu folding team & get inebriated :)06:04
actinicactinic out06:04
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cristianboa noite06:05
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larson9999yeah! my ait driver is working!  but i don't see yet why ati gets a bad rap.  is it only recently the drivers worked right?  or something else?06:07
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Hawkwindlarson9999: ATI has been the worse of the two for a couple of years now.  Their drivers are just very difficult to install and get working.06:13
Hawkwindlarson9999: That might change now that they aren't going to be ATI anymore.  AMD has decided since the buyout to drop the ATI name all together06:13
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soulriderHawkwind: i started the downgrade06:19
soulriderit downloaded everything06:20
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soulriderbut adept said it had a problem and could break packages06:20
soulriderso it stopped06:20
soulriderhang on06:20
soulriderim reading, i think i gotta use sudo apt-get install -f06:20
HawkwindUmmmm, hence why the how-to was written for doing it from the CLI06:20
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HawkwindI do *not* believe in GUI package managers.  They just never seem to work as well as doing things from the command line IMO06:20
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soulrideri gotta restart x server now right?06:22
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Hawkwindsoulrider: Did you finish the downgrade with the -f option ?06:22
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soulrideri did06:23
Hawkwindsoulrider: Then restarting X is the best thing to do06:23
soulriderkk, brb06:23
larson9999Hawkwind: i know they used to be way worse 199* - 2000 time frame so i never tried them.  but my mobo crapped out and i found a pretty decent machine for pretty cheap so it made more since to buy a new machine than buy a mobo, ram, and cpu.06:23
larson9999Hawkwind: but this runs fine and was pretty easy to install.06:24
Hawkwindlarson9999: Consider yourself lucky then :P06:24
larson9999Hawkwind: aha, i just have the one card that goes well?06:24
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HawkwindI won't support ATI since they won't make their drivers as easy to install as Nvidia.  I'm an Nvidia guy for a very long time to come06:25
Hawkwindsoulrider: Everything ok ?06:25
soulriderle em check :P06:25
soulrider3.5.3 ;)06:25
soulriderlets dot he pen drive test :P06:25
larson9999Hawkwind: well, i wouldn't have bought ati but it happened to be embedded.  it was so cheap that i just figured i'd use one of my nvidia cards with it.  but it installed ok so there you go.06:26
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soulriderWORKS!!! I LOVE YOU Hawkwind ;P06:27
Hawkwindsoulrider: See how easy that was :)06:27
=== Hawkwind Backs away slowly from soulrider :P
Hawkwindsoulrider: Glad I could help.  That how-to is very easy and works great IMO06:28
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soulrideryes, it does!06:28
soulrideri feel like listening music form the 90's :P06:29
soulriderdunno why06:29
HawkwindI'm listening to 80's stuff, of course, on my stream06:29
soulrideri like 80s music06:30
soulridereveryones gonna hate me for thsi, but i love Depeche Mode: P06:30
Hawkwindsoulrider: I do too.  Awesome group06:31
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larson9999i'm in hog heaven.  someone turned me on to this mainframe emulator and it rocks.  the thing i can't figure out is why i didn't see it before.  i google for emulators about every 2 months or so.06:31
soulriderHawkwind: ever heard of fischerspooner ?06:31
soulriderif you like DM youll probably like them06:31
Hawkwindsoulrider: Yep.  I have some of their stuff too06:32
soulriderim the biggest FS fan lol06:32
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erikdravnHello all.. a quick question.. has anyone else had trouble with the epositories being flakey lately (i.e. the last few days.. maybe a week or two)06:36
Hawkwinderikdravn: Which ones specifically ?06:37
erikdravnWll, a times, I've found all odf them tobe down or not reachable06:37
erikdravnsorry, my keyboard is being flakey as well lol06:37
HawkwindSounds like a DNS issue on your end then06:37
erikdravnI thought so too..but I have tried it at 4 different location/networks06:38
HawkwindI now archive.ubuntu.com was/is down so you have to use a mirror of it.  I switched to se.archive.ubuntu.com and the issues went away.  I have a *ton* of sources too and they all work06:39
erikdravn*nods*  Kool06:39
erikdravnWell, right now I'm updating my laptop and it couldn't connect to.. security.ubuntu.com dapper-security/main kdelibs-bin 4:3.5.206:41
Hawkwinderikdravn: http://www.linuxfordummies.org/index.php?topic=545.0   That's my sources list there if you want to take a look at it06:41
erikdravnawesome.. thanks06:41
HawkwindNo problem06:41
HawkwindFailed to fetch http://mirror3.ubuntulinux.nl/dists/dapper-seveas/all/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404 Not Found06:42
HawkwindHeh, that's the only one that failed for me just now06:42
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erikdravnwow, you have a tonof repositries listed lol06:43
HawkwindHah yeah06:44
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erikdravnI basically just have the ones listed at http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper06:45
erikdravnND I only added those because the oes I had would no connect at all.06:46
larson9999Hawkwind: speaking of package managers i've been running fc5 on my son's machine last week.  yum kinda sucks06:46
erikdravnI'm REALLY getting anoyed at this keyboard issue.. my key are sticking (ok, no jokes about sticky keys either lol)06:47
erikdravnif Iturn on key repeate.. i get all kina of lettersscrolling acros the screen so I switched it off.. but now it skipps keystrokes.. I can't win lol06:48
erikdravnI'm sure thats just a driver issue though06:49
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ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository. Instructions to install VMWare Server can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingVMWare06:49
erikdravnOk, what exactly does vmware do?06:50
erikdravnSorry for sounding so much ike a newb.. I'm not as new as I seem lol06:50
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erikdravnok, I seem to have oversayed my welcome ;) have a good one people06:52
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rOObWhat is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running kernel?06:54
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rOObthansk Hawkwind06:55
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shrewdhey guys, is there a program for linux which can scan websites for possible vulnerabilities or security flaws? (testing own website here not someone elses :)07:04
soulridernot that i know of, sorry07:04
shrewddamn :)07:04
shrewdi figured linux *should* have one, being integral to webserving & hacking :)07:05
shrewdi'm aware of many network scanners which can scan a network for vulnerabilities, but thats not really what i need ...07:05
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rOObhmm well i cant get vmware to install any one have any ideas...it keeps saying it cant find linux/version.h ive tried almost eveery dir in /usr/src07:10
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JucatorOOb:  have you tried installing the linux-headers package?07:10
Jucato!info linux-headers07:11
ubotuPackage linux-headers does not exist in dapper07:11
JucatoI forgot the exact name of the package07:11
rOObyea i have them07:11
Dimonhey does anybody knows, i have the following problem:07:13
DimonI have a local ubuntu repository here07:13
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Dimonbut if i want to upgrade to kde 3.5.4 amarok 1.4.1 etc, what repositories should be mirrored?07:14
Dimoni want to ask admins about creating them..07:14
JucatoI think the website lists the repositories for KDE 3.5.4, etc07:15
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JucatoFor KDE 3.5.4: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-354.php07:15
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JucatoFor Amarok 1.4.1: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/amarok-1.4.1.php07:16
JucatoTake note, though, that a special repository is created for every new release. There's a "kde-latest" repository, but I'm not sure how reliable it is. Some said that it also contains RC (release candidates) sometimes, not always the stable/final release07:17
DimonI mean: if there is a one repository which holds them all, maybe http://kubuntu.org/packages/ dapper main07:17
Dimonkde-latest is ubuntu repo or kde repo?07:17
Jucatokubuntu repo07:18
JucatoI'm not really  sure how reliable it is, though07:18
Dimonok thanks i will ask them to create a mirror for kde-latest then :) i need it for my home pc so it's ok even to install rcs:)07:18
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Jucatook, just be careful. Like I said, some told me that sometimes, kde-latest also contains RC/beta releases, not always the stable ones. I can't confirm it though07:19
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TonrenDoes anyone know how to install kubuntu-desktop without clobbering gnome-desktop?07:43
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farousclobbering ?07:44
unix_infideldoes anyone get that distortion when they up the pcm device to max?07:45
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unix_infidelwhere as if they max the master device, they dont get that distortion.07:45
unix_infidel(fyi: i'm running some senns here, its def not them)07:45
GrundeeI am trying to compile and play a game written in python (Frets on Fire), but I am not able to compile one of the dependencies for some reason, I copied the library that it required from the binary distro of the game. I placed it in the same directory as the rest of the source and attempted to run the game. For some reason it gives the EXACT path to the library, followed by "cannot open shared object file: No fire or directory." Th07:45
Grundeee file is RIGHT THERE, and it appears that it located it. I am running a 64 bit version of kubuntu, would it give this error if the library was compiled for 32 bit?07:45
farousunix_infidel: me07:45
unix_infidelfarous: know how i can fix that?07:46
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farousdo not know i just stopped putting it to max07:46
farousi thought it was my sound card07:46
crimsunGrundee: yes.07:46
Tonrenfarous: Every time I install kubuntu-desktop, the next time I log into GNOME, everything is fuxed07:47
GrundeeOk, thanks.07:47
farousTonren: can you give more details what you mean by that i have them both installed no prob here07:48
geneo93crimsun:  did you get a chance to see if btaudio was in new kernel07:48
farousjust cluttered menus07:48
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Tonrenfarous: When I log back into GNOME, all of my bootup programs (gnome-panel, glipper, gnome-clock-manager, etc.) give errors, and I get a pretty much blank screen07:48
Tonrenfarous: It may work better now that there have been a few update,s but I'm too terrified to try because I don't want to have to reinstall again07:49
glickhey does kubuntu have any network applications runnign by default?07:49
geneo93kdelibs/kdelibs4c2a_3.5.2-0ubuntu18.1_i386.deb  MD5Sum mismatch07:49
geneo93why is this borked07:49
glicknetwork services?07:49
farousTonren: i never had this prob here. by the way my preferred wm are fluxbox and ion07:49
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crimsungeneo93: looks like it to me:  filename:       /lib/modules/2.6.17-6-686/kernel/sound/oss/btaudio.ko07:50
geneo93so it might be something else then07:50
Tonrenfarous: fluxbox was too hardcore for me.  I like GNOME because it's pretty, and has a lot of neat plugins.  I've never heard of Ion.  What kind of changes do you make to fluxbox for it to fit your needs?  What's Ion like?07:50
geneo93crimsun:  what about alsa driver07:50
farousTonren: ion is hardcore. fluxbox is pretty simple copuled with gkrellm for system status was all i needed07:51
Tonrenfarous: Hmm.  What's gkrellm?07:51
Tonrenfarous: I'll try them both out again.  I was a FAN of fluxbox, it's just... well, it was FUGLY for one thing07:51
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crimsungeneo93: this one?  /lib/modules/2.6.17-6-686/kernel/sound/pci/snd-bt87x.ko07:52
unix_infidelif you think aeroglass is decent looking...ya i think you could call fluxbox fugly.07:52
unix_infidelbut you'd be wrong.07:52
unix_infidel*shrug* :P07:52
glickdoes anyone know what network services kubuntu starts by default07:52
geneo93wonder why it dont work07:52
farousTonren: found it more usable here just get some themes from the net and check grellm on the net07:52
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geneo93crimsun:  this is what i get from dmesg bt878: probe of 0000:03:0a.1 failed with error -2207:55
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crimsungeneo93: before or after snd-bt87x is loaded?08:00
glickyay futurama08:00
geneo93i dont think it ever finds it08:00
phx198Here's a stupid question:  Is there any way to make the Windows Start Key (on they keyboard) open the K Menu?08:00
Tonrenphx198: I'm sure... there HAS to be a way08:01
Tonrenphx198: Let's see... normally, Alt + F1 does it, right?08:01
phx198Tonren:  Apparently so... (didn't know that...I just keep finding myself pressing that winkey to open the menu and getting frustrated when nothing happens).08:02
Tonrenphx198: Well, do you think you can handle switching to Alt + F1, or is the winkey too useful?  I think that should totally be possible08:02
geneo93crimsun:  this is whole section http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2063908:03
Tonrenphx198: The problem is that you'd want the Key UP event to open it, and not Key Down, and I'm not sure how you can specify that, even with something like Xbindkeys08:03
phx198Tonren:  It's not really any sort of problem, just something that would really make sense.08:03
Tonrenphx198: Of course.  That's what linux is for.08:03
JucatoI remember seeing a sort of HOWTO in the ubuntuforums for that. I just can't seem to locate it now08:04
Jucatoyou could also try to just map the K Menu to Win+Space08:04
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JucatoSystem Settings > Regional & Accessibility > Keyboard Shortcuts options > Popup Launch Menu08:05
LynoureHas anyone here has luck with kpilot? Here it has recently started going unresponsive when any of the settings is accessed and the small kpilot applet icon shows a "no" sysbol of a circle with a slash through it. What could I do?08:06
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unix_infidelanyone used the tor pkg for dapper with breezy with any success?08:08
LynoureOften it's easier to build your own than try to use wrong version...08:11
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crimsunupstream also provides debs.08:11
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geneo93kdelibs/kdelibs4c2a_3.5.2-0ubuntu18.1_i386.deb can someone fix this08:14
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crimsunseems fine to me.08:16
geneo93what the deb or dmesg08:16
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geneo93Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/k/kdelibs/kdelibs4c2a_3.5.2-0ubuntu18.1_i386.deb  MD5Sum mismatch08:17
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jontec_does anyone know how to install the mySQL extensions for php5?08:20
jontec_other than recompiling it?08:20
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Philip5jontec_: use apt-get08:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about apci - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:27
Jucato!info apci08:28
ubotuPackage apci does not exist in dapper08:28
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about apic - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:28
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Philip5jontec_: suso apt-get install php5-mysql or php5-mysqli08:29
Philip5depending on if you want the improved module or not08:29
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obf213hey i plug usb speakers in my laptop how do iget them to work08:30
ubotuIf sound is not working, first try system -> prefrences -> multimedia system selector change it to alsa. If you still have problems then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems08:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about speakers - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:30
jontec_what are the start/stop commands for apache? does anyone know?08:30
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jontec_in Konsole I mean08:31
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Philip5jontec_: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start08:32
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Philip5or sudo apache2ctl start08:33
jontec_thanks again. I forgot the 2 at the end of the command. T_T08:33
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noiesmowhy does openoffice have to be a dependancy of kubuntu-desktop adds like 80mb to download is there a way to get around itwent to novell suse 10 lauch apparently a world first -- they were showing of there new server 10 and desktop 10 release and of course xgl08:36
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noiesmowhy does openoffice have to be a dependancy of kubuntu-desktop adds like 80mb to download is there a way around it08:36
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Jucatoask the devs... if it's not OpenOffice, maybe they would have put KOffice instead08:37
geneo93yes just use kde08:37
farousnoiesmo: you can just remove it08:37
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unix_infidelanyone here used the tor deb for breezy?08:37
unix_infideland had any problems?08:37
Philip5noiesmo: you can use xgl with kubuntu too...08:37
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farouskubuntu-desktop is a meta package08:38
Jucatokubuntu-desktop is just a metapackage (quite annoying actually) that makes installing/uninstalling the default Kubuntu stuff easier...08:38
noiesmoI have removed it farous i'm running ubuntu and want to add kubuntu as well I will just use kde08:38
geneo93apt-get insrtall kde08:38
thompais evolution supposed to work in kde?08:38
geneo93yes it will08:38
Jucatonoiesmo: if you have ubuntu already, wouldn't you also have openoffice as well?08:39
noiesmoPhilip5, thanks dude I know I just had to reinstall my system after edgy upgrade and i had a ubuntu disc here already check the link for tinyurl here08:39
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems08:39
farousnoiesmo: many are fans of openoffice i am one. it is the best office suite i used so far on linux and is necessity for any desktop08:39
thompai guess im being sarcastic, its locking up and i have to terminate, it only works again after reboot08:39
noiesmofarous, yes yes it was just a q have been using linux openoffice for years08:40
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JucatoI'm a fan of any office suite that uses ODF. Although I wish they're more compatible with each other...08:40
thompaevolution is totally unstable for me it seems, this is like the 3rd time ive tried it08:40
faroushm best i ment most mature08:41
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thompai guess i go back to kontact08:41
thompaevo is crashing whenever i try to send a reply08:41
Jucatothompa: maybe it's just Evolution on KDE. maybe Evolution on GNOME works better?08:42
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thompaon my earlier version of ubuntu it crashed horribly and i lost all my email08:42
thompai dont know why i keep trying it08:43
farousthompa: evol is my main mail server no probls what so ever here08:43
farousstrange eh08:43
thompaive tried it on 2 laptops and 2 computers nothing but trouble08:43
thompanow it wont even open so i can read email08:44
geneo93well unistall and reinstall08:44
farousthompa: did you try typing evolution in a terminal. will give you a hint of the error08:44
geneo93yes mine works just fine08:44
thompaCalDAV Eplugin starting up...08:45
thompathats all08:45
thompanothing else happens08:45
JucatoI've used Evolution lightly for about a month. seems to be working fine, although I used it in GNOME08:45
geneo93i use it in kde08:45
thompaso what is CalDAV, calendar i guess08:45
Jucatothompa: if/when it crashes, it would output the error messages in the terminal08:45
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thompaCalDAV Eplugin starting up... is all i get08:46
Jucatoand it won't open?08:46
thompaits stuck there08:46
thompawont open08:46
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thompamaybe its my pda08:46
thompai did try to syn my pda once08:46
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farousthompa: your best bet is to ask on  #evolution on irc.gimp.org08:47
thompabut that was some days ago08:47
thompai know08:47
thompawell kontact has never given me trouble so might as well just go back there08:47
geneo93ok then rename file in home dir and try it08:47
thompaits weird though08:47
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)08:48
thompageneo93: like what file should i rename?08:49
thompaand then start it with new name?08:49
geneo93you need to view hidden08:49
thompai can see it in command08:50
farousthompa: from my exp with evol. it is too integrated with gnome that it is best to reconfigure it using gconf-editor08:50
geneo93no use blank as if it was first time08:50
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thompaok ill try that08:50
thompai can always reboot,08:51
geneo93sudo killall evolution08:51
wolfmanzhow do i updatye kde to the latest version?08:52
thompaafter kill all its still stuck on CalDAV Eplugin starting up ...08:52
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thompai wonder if its kpilot or something08:53
thompaim trying to hack a tungsten t508:53
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TheHighChildhey guys08:53
Lynourethompa: I've had endless trouble with kpilot, and possibly visor module :/08:53
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thompaLynoure: are you syncing with anything then?08:54
Lynourethompa: jsut earlier asked if anyone has gotten them to work but no one said so08:54
TheHighChildQuestion: Any suggested mail servers for ubuntu? I'd like a webmail interface(ajax desired). It will only be supporting 1 user though08:54
Lynourethompa: at the moment it does not seem to be happening. Previously, about once per boot, then I'd get a nasty error about visor module.08:54
thompai had kpilot working up to 90%,08:55
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geneo93well your not the only one having trouble08:55
thompakpilot is synching, but it gets stuck at around 90%, so i just pull the plug08:56
thompaall the data is their i think08:56
geneo93http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-devel-list/2006-August/msg00054.html   another hint08:57
thompaill try that , thanks08:57
Lynourethompa: are you synching over the normal usb or some other means? And does it usually work fine for you?08:58
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geneo93you renamed the file before to old or something right08:58
thompaLynoure: usb, im going to try it just now, hang on08:59
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thompaits syncing09:00
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thompanow its backing up data09:00
thompaso far so good09:01
thompagenoa93: i have a couple of .cmeta files , not sure what to do09:02
thomparegarding evo that is09:03
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Lynourethompa: and you use dapper with the latest kubuntu kernel? If so, thank you for providing hope (if not, thank you anyway)09:03
geneo93just move them to temp like it says09:03
thompaLynoure: well its at 95%09:03
Lynourethompa: hmm...09:04
thompaLynoure: just install all the kpilot stuff and choose kde for sync i guess09:04
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thompaLynoure: its backing up wifisetup, and some astronamy stuff09:04
thompagenoa93: thanks will do09:05
Lynourethompa: That's what I have been trying to do. But often get stuck at around 30% or when the synch does not start at all. This morning I was about to give up and start backing up to a SD09:05
thompaLynoure: kpilot crash signal 1109:05
Lynourethompa: anything related in dmesg?09:06
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thompaLynoure: crashed whiel backing up PmNet Library09:06
thompaall my info is there, it crashes but works09:06
thompaLynoure: i think i should maybe not backup apps09:07
thompagoing to try again09:07
Lynourethompa: so there was nothing in dmesg about error in visor module?09:07
geneo93not enough space09:08
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thompaLynoure: im looking at dmesg09:08
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thompaim doing fast sync now, i did not see any errors09:10
Lynourethompa: ok, thank you.09:10
thompaUnable to read system information from Pilot error09:10
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thompastuck at 30%09:11
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thompageneo93: do you think not enough space for data09:13
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geneo93could be on pilot09:14
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thompawell fast sync does not seem to work but hot sync does somewhat09:15
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thompageneo93: sorry, i mean all my data is on pilot09:16
thompatheres nothing in kontact as a source09:16
TheHighChildany mail server gurus?09:17
geneo93ok i need to reboot for newer kernel09:17
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danlhow do you save your session in kde?09:22
geneo93should be in kcontrol09:22
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geneo93kde componets09:24
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danlanyway to force save a session, because everytime i reboot, kbfx and universal sidebar go away09:26
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m0ns00nHey! Anyone know how to turn off the F1 keyboard shortcut for KdeHelpcenter09:36
m0ns00nIt's really annoying when I change desktop with ctrl+f1 and accidentially load the helpcenter...09:36
m0ns00nTried to eradicate the shortcut but I'm left wondering if it's built in09:36
m0ns00nI see the helpcenter almost 20 times each day now! =) And I don't need it, I could just as well uninstall the whole thing09:37
geneo93well alt ctrl f1 works fine for me09:37
m0ns00nBut when I sometimes miss ctrl09:37
m0ns00nquickly change from ctrl f1 f2 f3 etc09:37
geneo93that your fault not kdes09:37
m0ns00ngeneo93: explain09:38
m0ns00nI know you want to09:38
m0ns00nYou're telling me I can't switch off the hotkey for kde helpcenter?09:38
shrewdylook it up in helpcenter? :P09:39
m0ns00nI did09:39
shrewdysorry i know thats not helpful i couldn't resist09:39
m0ns00nI know09:39
m0ns00nWe're all used to it, and I guess we all wanna be on the dark side from time to time ;-)09:39
shrewdyi don't know how to turn it off, tbh i didn't even realise it was a link key for HC until you said so09:39
shrewdyand i use ctrl f1 all the time09:40
m0ns00nWeird that I'm the only one having this problem09:40
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m0ns00nMany times when I quickly go to desktop 1, I just flip on ctrl-f1, and miss the ctrl :-)09:40
m0ns00nThen ... LOADING KDE HELP CENTER ARGHH! hehe09:40
m0ns00nLike I get punished for a typo09:40
mulder_hello there09:40
shrewdyit takes a split second to load ... is it really that anoying?09:41
m0ns00nimagine somebody slapping your wrist each time you wrote gwkki instead of hello09:41
geneo93you need hot keys package then09:41
m0ns00nshrewdy: yes, it takes 4+ seconds on a 700mhz09:41
mulder_I am new to Linux and have been enjoying it so far, but I have some problems solving a few things. Is this the right place to get help?09:41
JucatoSystem Settings > Regional & Accessibility > Keyboard Shortcuts options > Application Shortcuts tab > Help09:41
Jucatom0ns00n: did you get that?09:42
m0ns00nJucato: Yes.09:42
m0ns00nJucato: Guess what f1 does09:42
Ademan if i install the xserver-xorg-air-core package and i have an nvidia card, am i in trouble?09:42
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m0ns00nJucato: It seems it doesn't matter if it's switched off or not, f1 still prevails :-)09:43
mulder_I am trying to have Kubuntu recognizes my duo core cpu...don't know how to do it09:43
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geneo93686 kernel09:43
mulder_where do I start Geneo?09:44
mulder_really newbie09:44
Jucatom0ns00n: (Did you click on Apply?) also check your K Menu entry for KHelpCenter and make sure it doesn't have a shortcut for it, and don't forget to save it09:45
geneo93maybe you shoulld have dvd and use text to install09:45
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mulder_I have the disk yes, but how can I get into text mode?09:46
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ninHerhi all09:46
m0ns00nJucato: I did09:46
m0ns00nJucato: And I checked the kmenu09:47
geneo93mulder_:  have you installed it yet09:47
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mulder_Yes Kubuntu is installed, dual boot with xp09:47
m0ns00n"Current shortcut key" "none"09:47
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Jucatookay... running out of ideas...09:47
geneo93mulder_:  uname -a and paste the results09:47
mulder_in the terminal?09:48
m0ns00nJucato: That's why I came here :-) Can you turn it off? Verify for yourselv?09:48
m0ns00nJucato: If you can't it might be a long standing bug?09:48
mulder_Linux gman 2.6.15-23-386 #1 PREEMPT Tue May 23 13:49:40 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux09:49
geneo93yeah i see i38609:49
mulder_what does that mean Geneo?09:49
geneo93that means you have wrong kernel09:50
Jucatom0ns00n: couldn't turn it off after all... :-D09:50
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mulder_is there something I can do?09:50
geneo93Linux kubuntu 2.6.15-26-686 #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Aug 3 03:13:28 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux09:51
geneo93this is what you should have09:51
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mulder_I used an Ubuntu disc, and installed the kde desktop09:51
geneo93yeah sudo apt-get install linux-image-68609:51
mulder_can I do tha?09:51
mulder_Do I need anything, I mean do I have to do something special before typing in the terminal?09:52
mulder_I can't type my password :-(09:54
geneo93if you had networking during install it  already update repositories09:54
mulder_I don't understand sorry09:54
geneo93why cant you type your passwd09:55
Ademan if i install the xserver-xorg-air-core package and i have an nvidia card, am i in trouble?09:55
mulder_I don't know...I just can't type it09:56
m0ns00nJucato: Then it is a KDE bug09:56
geneo93use your user passwd09:56
m0ns00ngeneo93: so much for it being my fault :-P09:56
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geneo93m0ns00n:  yes your typos09:57
mulder_still the same very strange...09:57
geneo93you sure caps lock aint on or something09:58
mulder_yes I can type in here, but not my paswod in terminal09:59
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m0ns00nmulder_: Perhaps you already verified your password09:59
Jucatomulder_: the password you type in the terminal isn't really visible09:59
geneo93did you paste that line09:59
m0ns00nmulder_: Then it's already remembered09:59
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m0ns00nmulder_: you don't have to type in the password each time you "sudo"09:59
mulder_but when I type sudo apt-get install linux-image-686 it is fine09:59
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mulder_then it ask for the password10:00
m0ns00nThen write the password10:00
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m0ns00nthen hit <enter>10:00
geneo93oh it dont show just hit enter after10:00
m0ns00nno ***10:01
mulder_ok trying10:01
m0ns00nmulder_: Have you found the truth out there yet?10:01
Jucato @_@10:01
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mulder_it says sexyscully10:02
mulder_nope not that10:02
mulder_Couldn't find package linux-image-68610:02
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rx_hi. im using latest kubuntu and i cant get mp3 to work with amarok. i installed libxineengine-extra and libmad0... i dont know why it doesnt work... i guess i wont have the choice to install gstreamer right? :|10:03
mulder_I have no idea about packages...mOnsoon, Geneo.10:04
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mulder_do I have to download something before I try the sudo apt-get install linux-image-686 command?10:05
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geneo93sudo apt-get update try that10:05
geneo93m0ns00n:  i got mine to stop working10:06
mulder_0% [Connecting to gb.archive.ubuntu.com (]  [Connecting to archive.ubunt10:06
mulder_I don't know if it is connecting10:07
Jucatomulder_: try changing the gb. to uk. there seems to be a slight problem with the gb. servers10:07
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mulder_witing the terminal?10:08
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geneo93no you cant10:08
mulder_0% [Connecting to gb.archive.ubuntu.com (]  [Connecting to archive.ubunt10:08
geneo93you need to edit /etc/apt/sources.list10:08
m0ns00nmulder_: And you can do: "apt-cache search mykeyword | grep mysubkeyword"10:09
m0ns00nmulder_: the part "| grep..." is optional10:09
geneo93nano  /etc/apt/sources.list10:09
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mulder_it says: GNU nano 1.3.10                          File: /ect/apt/sources.list10:10
mulder_and a few bit of extra stuff down10:11
geneo93oh yeah need sudo before that10:11
mulder_so it is: sudo nano....10:11
geneo93while your there remove the # in front of universe10:13
mulder_it gave me the same thing as before10:13
mulder_and still password is a pain10:14
geneo93and edit the file10:14
geneo93it wont ever show10:14
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geneo93just hit enter10:14
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mulder_geneo...all there is in the window is: GNU nano 1.3.10            and File: /ect/apt/sources.list10:15
geneo93well look at the file10:16
mulder_and a few things like get help, exit, writeout,etc10:16
geneo93yes you need to use arrow keys to move up down10:17
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geneo93maybe you should read some then10:17
mulder_arrow keys don't work either10:18
geneo93they do if you click on terminal10:18
mulder_I am in terminal geneo10:19
mulder_and I typed the sudo nano...10:19
geneo93well then it should scroll down with down arrow10:21
mulder_scroll down to where geneo...?10:21
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage10:22
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geneo93deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper  multiverse10:22
geneo93you'll see line like this10:22
mulder_not at all10:23
geneo93man i cant hold your hand10:23
mulder_I am sorry I am following what you are saying, but nothing is showing up10:24
Darkkishor not10:24
geneo93you dont have souces list then10:24
Darkkishk i'm a linux n00b10:24
Darkkishand i need help installing nvidia drivers10:24
geneo93you must have used gui installer10:24
mulder_probably not...I am lost at sea here10:24
Darkkishi can wait in line no prob10:24
mulder_do I have to reinstall Kubuntu/ubuntu?10:25
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ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource10:25
geneo93mulder_: follow those instrutions10:25
Darkkishi don't suppose there is a repository for nvidia drivers?10:26
mulder_I am listening10:26
Darkkishi'm guessing that would be easier10:26
geneo93above i posted that thing10:26
geneo93Darkkish:  you too10:26
mulder_yes the link10:26
Darkkishi know a little bit about repositorys10:27
mulder_I know nothing10:27
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mulder_they can be found in the synptic package manager right?10:27
Darkkishor adept...10:27
Darkkishif you have it10:27
Darkkishi think its the default10:28
mulder_I have adept yes10:28
Darkkishgeneo93:  do i install nvidia-glx?10:29
Darkkishk thanks10:29
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Darkkishwhat about legacy and kernal10:29
geneo93then you need to enable it10:29
mulder_what should I do geneo?10:29
mulder_I am in adept10:29
geneo93follow those instructions10:30
geneo93you need repositories10:30
mulder_from synaptic?10:30
geneo93it wont work if you have nothing in list10:30
Darkkishdo i need to restart?10:30
mulder_ok I am in the Synaptic Package Manager10:31
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mulder_and clicked on settings to show repositeries10:32
geneo93sudo nvidia-glx-config enable  then hit ctrl alt backspace10:32
mulder_and Software Preferences opened up10:33
geneo93you have no repositories in list though10:34
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource10:35
geneo93mulder_:  read above10:35
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geneo93and go there10:35
geneo93you want main universe and multiverse and that should be all you need10:36
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Darkkishgetting an error message10:37
geneo93from what10:37
Darkkish"Your X configureation has been altered."10:37
Darkkishfrom that command10:37
mulder_is that ok if it didn't ask me for my password to log as super user?10:37
geneo93well it has10:37
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Darkkishyeah but it also says "This script cannot proceed automatically.10:37
geneo93mulder_:  yes it will stay for 10-15 minutes10:38
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geneo93Darkkish:  did you restartx10:39
Darkkishctrl alt backspace10:39
geneo93see nvidia logo10:39
geneo93maybe you dont have nvidia then10:39
DarkkishGeForce 6600GT10:39
geneo93should work then10:40
HawkwindYou won't always see the Nvidia logo10:40
geneo93try a reboot10:40
HawkwindDarkkish: Did you edit your xorg.conf file accordingly ?10:40
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geneo93well mine is a flash of black screen10:40
Darkkishk i'll be bacl10:40
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Darkkishno i havn't edited it10:41
geneo93he enabled it10:41
HawkwindYou need to make sure that Driver "nv" got changed to "nvidia" as it doesn't always get done via the installer as it says10:41
Darkkishk that fixed it10:41
geneo93Hawkwind:  this aint mandriva10:42
Darkkishno that was the problem dude10:42
Hawkwindgeneo93: Notice it worked when he edited it10:42
Hawkwindgeneo93: It's a known Nvidia problem10:42
geneo93well mine did it without any trouble10:43
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Hawkwindgeneo93: It works for some, but far from all10:43
Hawkwindgeneo93: It does it in every distro out there10:43
geneo93the only one i ever had trouble with was mandriva10:44
mulder_geneo I have added multiverse, clicked apply and closed...but it says waiting for headers and get stuck at 0%10:45
mulder_doesn't seem to download10:45
HawkwindChange mirrors from archive.ubuntu.com to something like se.archive.ubuntu.com10:46
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geneo93i know that works10:46
geneo93close adept10:47
geneo93glad they got rid of that ugly thing10:47
mulder_who windows users?10:47
geneo93sudo apt-get update10:47
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mulder_shall I close everything?10:51
geneo93like what do you have open10:52
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mulder_it is strange because my repositories were enabled by default10:53
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mulder_and I have many choices for the type10:54
geneo93well now you need synaptic10:54
geneo93sudo apt-get install synaptic10:55
geneo93ok mark updates10:55
geneo93then apply10:56
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mulder_I have Mark all upgrades10:56
intelikeygeneo93 not like adept ?10:56
geneo93no it sucks10:56
geneo93it removed it here and i'm glad10:57
intelikeysucks ?    low pressure ?10:57
geneo93blows high presure10:57
mulder_nothing happens geneo10:57
geneo93what did you install from10:58
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mulder_A dvd...magazine dvd10:58
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geneo93you have all repositories checked10:58
darkkishman my linux won't boot now10:58
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darkkishi'm on live CD10:59
darkkishi did ctrl alt backspace10:59
darkkishand my moniter went into standby and wouldn't come out10:59
darkkishso i restarted10:59
Hawkwinddarkkish: Change nvidia back to nv then10:59
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darkkishi can't mount11:00
darkkishon live CD O.O11:00
mulder_checked Installation media, internet updates, and there are two choices in authentification11:00
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martascznkdo kdo um esky.....-)11:00
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intelikeydarkkish why not?    what does  sudo fdisk -l      tell you the partition number/address is ?11:01
belatucadroswould anyone in here by chance know what could cause my BattleField 2 to tell me my CD key is invalid?11:01
darkkishif someone else gets it via keygen11:01
darkkishand trys it11:01
darkkishif you enter it wrong11:02
belatucadrosdoubtful mine is legit11:02
mulder_Geez I have lost a few hair trying to sort this out...11:02
belatucadrosand its the right key but I can't get into any online servers11:02
darkkishID is 83(?)11:02
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darkkishsudo fdisk -l11:02
darkkish/dev/hda5   *       20968       24661    29672023+  83  Linux11:02
intelikeyso sudo mount /dev/hda5 /mnt11:03
mulder_can't have duo core cpsus recognized, can't have my ati x1400 displaying in 1280x800...and cannot get updates11:03
Arkkisdarnit darkkish, your nick has mine inside it, I get hilights :D11:03
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darkkishk thanks11:04
darkkishlol wierd11:04
darkkishnever noticed that11:04
darkkishor expected that*11:04
martasczkdo poradi? mam problem se zvukem na Kubuntu .6,06  AC Via 97 integr.....11:04
belatucadrosIm trying to be the first person to go to the local lan and be running linux...I have 2 probs first it says my CD key is invalid and second it exits the game at random for no apparent reason11:04
darkkishtry the channel for yoru language11:04
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Hawkwindmartascz: English only here please11:04
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martasczno english speek......help mee....11:05
Hawkwindmartascz: What language do you speak ?11:05
mulder_guess I better give up Linux.Thanks for your help.11:05
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ubotuesk uivatele dme, aby mluvili v kanle #ubuntu anglicky. esky je mono se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Dkujeme.11:05
geneo93hey try a different source for install11:05
darkkishk now i'm getting a write protection error11:06
mulder_I have no idea of what I am doing...clicked all the boxes, nothing download11:07
belatucadrosthere's this friend of a friend who is an MS fan and my other reason for linux is so I can rub in the fact that BattleField 2 will run on linux as good as windows11:07
darkkishyou have to hit apply changes or w/e11:07
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geneo93did you click reload11:07
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darkkishbelatucadros: unlikely11:07
oliver_still trying to get RADEON - fglrx 3D support installed, can someone help ???11:07
belatucadrosactually up until I get the game exiting on me it runs as smooth so far11:08
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geneo93mulder_:  click reload11:08
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belatucadrosbut like I said the game exits at random and tells me for online play that the CD key is invalid :S11:08
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darkkishGene k so now that i changed nvidia back to nv11:09
darkkishgeneo93:  k so now that i changed nvidia back to nv will my drivers still not work?11:09
pexisomeone use kubuntu in ibook g3?11:09
darkkishi g2g real soon11:10
darkkishi'ma try restarting11:10
darkkishand i'll take care of it later if it doesn't work11:10
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intelikeyhmmm i found a good use for /usr/bin/yes    :)        yes >> /dev/fd0u1440      bug squasher !11:15
mulder_sorry geneo yes I did11:16
mulder_nothing happens...no connection11:16
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mulder_what can't I get the updates rolling when I am connected to the internet.Annoying11:17
mulder_Also need to install newest version of firefox, only running 1.5.0311:18
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noiesmomulder_, can you surf the web. even though updates not working11:19
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noiesmodo you have a d-link modem or router11:19
mulder_Konqueror and fireofx working11:19
mulder_router wireless11:19
noiesmoa mates got the same problem11:19
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noiesmoits to do with ipv611:20
mulder_I changed this into firefox from false to true11:20
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noiesmoyes thats why firefox works11:20
mulder_but can't download any packages and update anything...11:20
mulder_new kde or updates for kubuntu11:21
mulder_need to have ny duo core cpu recognized, as well as my ati x140011:21
noiesmofrom memory dns could also be your issue it wants to use say which is your router but this doesnt work for some reason11:21
noiesmoi havent sorted it he just comes over here every now and then and i update for him11:22
mulder_I am really new to all this, and I am lost11:22
noiesmothis doesnt help you I know but it might lead to a solution11:22
mulder_better than nothing :-)11:22
mulder_I mean I have no problem under windows...the router works fine11:23
mulder_on Kubuntu, wireless was recognized straight away.11:23
noiesmoyes same for me mate11:23
noiesmohe's dual boot system11:24
intelikeyone can edit [ /etc/modprobe.d/aliases ]     and change line    { alias net-pf-10 ipv6 }    to    { alias net-pf-10 off }     then restart.    to disable ipv611:24
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noiesmointelikey, i will try this you could be my hero :)11:24
mulder_what does that do Intel?11:24
intelikeyturns ipv6 off in the kernel   if i understand it correctly mulder_11:25
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mulder_I mean my main problems right now are: can't update anything/cannot have my 2 cpus recognized/cannot have a 1280x800 display res11:27
mulder_where do turn the ipvc6 off from Intel?11:27
intelikeymulder_ the file i mentioned ^11:28
mulder_not from the terminal?11:28
intelikeymulder_ as to the smp question  use the i686 kernel11:28
mulder_geneo kindly helped me but I can't get the file11:29
intelikey<mulder_> not from the terminal? <-- i would edit it from the terminal   but you don't have to11:29
intelikeywell actually console rather than terminal but that's superflutious.11:30
mulder_from console ok11:30
geneo93konsole in kde11:30
intelikeyyeah that would be a terminal11:30
mulder_so what do I have to type in there?11:31
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intelikeynano /etc/modprobe.d/aliases11:31
intelikeyerr sudo that11:32
xstAre there any significant changes in kde 3.5.4 (would you recommend an upgrade) or is it primary minor fixes?11:32
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Tm_Txst: wide minor fixes sums up to big difference11:32
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mulder_ok in there11:33
xstBut why doesn't it go into dapper automatically?11:33
intelikeychange  { alias net-pf-10 ipv6 }    to    { alias net-pf-10 off }   save and exit.11:33
Tm_Txst: because of version freeze11:33
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Tm_Txst: upstream versions get locked sometime before release so we can make sure relase stay stable11:34
Tm_Tall extra like newer KDE etc will go to next release and extra repositories11:35
mulder_save as defaut right?11:35
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Tm_Txst: that way user can choose upgrade or not :)11:35
mulder_ok done11:35
mulder_what next Intel?11:35
geneo93you can have larest kde in dapper11:36
intelikeyrestart is required to affect that change.... err at least it's the easy way11:36
mulder_restart kubuntu?11:36
Tm_Tyup, from extra repository, kubuntu.org <311:36
intelikeyrestart linux11:36
noiesmomulder_,  reboot11:37
mulder_ok will come back here after11:37
=== noiesmo cross fingers
=== intelikey runs to hide... ;/
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intelikeyback in a few.11:39
sfkhooperanyone seen thompa online?11:40
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mulderok back11:41
mulderwhat should I do from now?11:41
Tm_T!seen thompa11:41
ubotuI last saw thompa (n=thom@c-69-180-208-122.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) 2h 20m 39s ago, quiting: Remote closed the connection11:41
Tm_Tsfkhooper: there you go11:41
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sfkhooperTm_T: cool, thanks11:42
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noiesmomulder, try updateing or install a package11:43
noiesmomulder, he'll be back shortly11:43
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freeze_is there someone who could give me some advice? i am quite new to ubuntu though...11:44
noiesmo!ask > freeze_11:44
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mulderdoesn't seem to work :-(11:44
intelikeyok back.11:45
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noiesmointelikey, it doesnt seem to work for mulder11:45
noiesmomaybe its dns related11:45
intelikeymulder do   apt-get update   and watch for error messages.11:45
noiesmomulder, open a konsole and type sudo apt-get update11:46
mulderin terminal yes?11:46
noiesmowhats error11:46
intelikeysudo that ^11:46
freeze_ok, well: I recently installed Ubuntu 6.06 on an old box we use for administrative tasks. installation went fine, only resolution was stuck at 640x480. This was solved by editing xorg.conf (added HorizRefresh and VertSync in monitor section). Resolution is fine now but I can't lock my screen either by using the standard logoff dialog nor by using the lock screen button i added to the gimp bar11:46
noiesmofreeze_, just ask you question if someone knows they'll answer11:46
freeze_yep, just took some time to type in ;)11:47
noiesmonp :)11:47
mulderI can't type my password in11:47
mulderI had that prblem before...11:47
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geneo93it wont show11:48
ubotuForgot your password? Boot into recovery mode. What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StrongPasswords11:48
intelikeynot that one11:49
mulderok ubotu...you're a nice bot11:49
geneo93he thinks he should see it11:49
geneo93just type it in and hit enter11:49
muldersudo nano apt-get update? right11:49
freeze_oh, just saw i am in Kubuntu, using Ubuntu though11:50
intelikeysudo apt-get update11:50
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mulderok it is saying connecting to gb.archive.ubuntu.com (
mulderbut it stays at 0%11:51
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geneo93i thought you changed it to uk11:52
intelikeyah gb.   try another mirror   ihave seen several have trubble with gb.    try nl.11:52
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geneo93uk is best for uk11:52
intelikeymulder or even remove the gb.  and let it default to first hit.11:53
noiesmoits a dns problem mulder intelikey11:53
intelikeynoiesmo resolved by ?11:53
muldersays could not connect...timed out11:54
noiesmoI don't know as i said earlier i've got a mate with same issue11:54
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geneo93ok edit your sources then to uk instead of gb11:54
mulderrepositories again?11:54
intelikeynoiesmo i'm no network admin    more like network illiterate     but i have seen some with gb.  change it and then apt would work.11:55
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mulderI have many sources showing...11:56
geneo93so change them all to uk11:56
intelikeyso unless you have a better idea,  i'd say try that.   worst case user frustration.11:56
intelikey@ noiesmo ^11:56
noiesmointelikey, yes thats no probs i was just saying11:56
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noiesmowas hopeing someone else here might have known intelikey11:58
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intelikeywell i know when i'm stabbing in the dark, and am ready for any input...  so i replied like i did.   ;)11:58
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geneo93try pinging one of those12:01
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geneo93ping url12:01
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noiesmook maybe get you isp dns ip and add it to /etc/resolv.conf12:02
geneo93mulder:  pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list12:02
noiesmothis should be the dns your routers using12:02
mulderin konsole?12:02
=== noiesmo really doesnt think this is a sources.list error
geneo93well you can use konqueror12:03
noiesmomulder, can you ping www.google.com or does it say as ip12:03
noiesmoin terminal or konsole12:03
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mulderhold on...what should I type in konsole. getting confused now12:04
noiesmotry ping www.google.com12:04
muldercommand not found12:05
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noiesmoping www.google.com12:05
intelikeymulder ok,  let me digress here for a moment.     you are talking to us on the box you are working on ?     so then it's not a lack of contenuity per'se .   the apt update request times out, so the server or local config is at fault.   changing the mirror should eliminate the former.    that leaves the local configs.      process of elimination.    pastebin your sources.list12:05
geneo9387-80-19-112  mulder thats the ip your should have in resolve.conf12:05
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mulderok it is pinging google12:06
geneo93gimme your sources list12:07
mulder216.239.59.103 is that right?12:08
mulderor is it googlr12:08
geneo93you can get your ip from getmyip12:08
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geneo93thats what i got but it maybe different12:09
mulderthat's the one12:09
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mulderdone it geneo that
geneo93your dns will be a bit different though12:11
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mulderyou want my ip or dns?12:12
mulderip is the one above12:12
geneo93your dns should be in resolv.conf12:13
mulderin konsole?12:13
geneo93no in /etc/resolv.conf12:13
intelikeycat /etc/reslov.conf12:13
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intelikeyhehhe typo  s/lo/ol/12:14
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geneo93no thats not right12:15
intelikeysomething like12:15
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mulderpfewwww. where do I type cat /etc/resolv.conf?12:17
geneo93apt-get update12:17
geneo93in terminal12:18
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mulderE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13 Permission denied)12:21
mulderE: Unable to lock the list direc12:21
mulderfrom the terminal12:21
geneo93you have synaptic open12:21
intelikeyor adept12:21
mulderI had12:21
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[36C] m4sterm1ndeey12:22
[36C] m4sterm1ndhello12:22
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muldersame message12:23
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geneo93give it a minute12:23
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geneo93sudo remember12:23
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mulderok trying again12:25
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[36C] m4sterm1ndcan u help me ?12:26
intelikeyi find it odd that you can have executables /bin/this /usr/bin/this /usr/local/bin/this   and which ever one is first in your path, if you exec it.  then rm it.  bash can't find any of the others  it just errors command not found.12:27
muldersame message again guys12:27
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mulderready to throw the towel12:27
[36C] m4sterm1ndwhet program can i use to program c of c++?12:27
geneo93mulder:  reboot12:28
[36C] m4sterm1ndwhat?12:28
intelikeykdevelop ?12:28
intelikeyemacs ?12:28
intelikeyvim ?12:28
intelikeynano   but i wouldn't recomend it.12:29
intelikey[36C] m4sterm1nd install  build-essential   first.12:29
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intelikeyxemacs might like you    idk.12:30
[36C] m4sterm1ndok12:30
[36C] m4sterm1ndi installing build-essential:)12:31
[36C] m4sterm1nddone12:31
[36C] m4sterm1ndok12:31
[36C] m4sterm1nddone:P12:31
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intelikeygive kdevelop a chance.12:31
intelikeyinstall kdevelop12:32
[36C] m4sterm1ndwhat do i need now to program c or c++?12:32
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intelikeyyou need to know C    hehhe.12:32
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Healota text editor, or an IDE, a compiler toolchain for C/C++ and knowledge of12:32
HealotC/C++ :)12:33
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[36C] m4sterm1ndlol12:33
[36C] m4sterm1ndyea k12:33
[36C] m4sterm1ndbt what program12:33
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)12:33
[36C] m4sterm1ndhe can't fing kdevelop..12:34
[36C] m4sterm1ndfind..12:34
intelikey!info kdevelop12:34
ubotuPackage kdevelop does not exist in dapper12:34
intelikeyguess not.12:34
[36C] m4sterm1nd:)12:34
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[36C] m4sterm1ndso?12:34
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mulderok back on again12:35
[36C] m4sterm1ndlol12:35
intelikey!info kdevelop312:35
ubotukdevelop3: An IDE for Unix/X11 - development version. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.3.2-0ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 1218 kB, installed size 3896 kB12:35
geneo93mulder:  make sure your resolv.conf didn't change12:35
intelikeyforgot they incliude the number.12:36
mulderwhere do I check Geneo?12:36
[36C] m4sterm1ndadept manager don't find it..12:36
[36C] m4sterm1nd:(12:36
[36C] m4sterm1nd:P12:36
geneo93cat /etc/resolv.conf12:36
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intelikeyIn component universe, is optional. <^   repos dude12:37
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource12:37
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mulderstill from terminal right?12:37
muldername server says
geneo93ok your have to edit that12:38
mulderlead the way :-)12:38
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geneo93hey open it with konqueror and edit as root12:40
mulderhow can I edit that Geneo?12:40
geneo93it'll be under actions12:40
geneo93just right click it12:41
mulderhold on I am in konqueror now12:41
mulderwhere do I go12:42
geneo93ok then hit the up arrow12:42
geneo93on the browser12:42
geneo93the one next to the house12:42
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geneo93open etc12:43
mulderyes but not highlighted12:43
geneo93find it12:43
geneo93down in the bottom section12:44
intelikeywooooWWW   i installed from kubuntu live CD   tweeked my system.    i just typed in urpmi kde and it says "Need to get 219MB of archives. is this ok ? "   i think not!   dialup has an unsavory aroma when it comes to ld'ing more than 5m...12:44
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mulderwell many folders there, root too12:45
geneo93well kde installs all of kde12:45
geneo93you want etc12:45
Dimonthere is kubuntu-desktop packade..12:45
mulderin there now12:46
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geneo93scrool down to bottom12:46
=== RawSewage [n=RawSewag@71-34-243-121.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #Kubuntu
geneo93ok right click it12:46
geneo93edit as root12:47
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Jucato"kde" is a metapackage that installs all main kde packages. kde-base (w/c installs kdebase, arts, etc),kdeaddons, kdeutils, kdemultimedia,kdegraphics, kdenetwork12:47
intelikeyyeah i can get kde-core at the reasonable price of 1328kB  :)12:47
mulderis it that wvdial.conf?12:47
geneo93no resolv.conf12:47
mulderok yes12:47
Jucatokde-core only installed 79 packages on my system :-D12:48
mulderin there now12:48
geneo93hope you know your dns12:48
mulderit opened KWrite12:48
geneo93well dont open it12:48
geneo93 do what i said12:48
intelikeyJucato 34 here.12:48
mulderok following you12:49
geneo93right click12:49
Jucatowow. only 79? hmm... I must have had my universe repos enabled that time...12:49
geneo93on the file12:49
mulderdone that...12:50
mulderit opened Kwrite12:50
mulderand name server in it12:50
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intelikeyJucato it only installs what it depends on that is NOT already installed.12:50
Jucatointelikey: oh yeah :-D12:50
mulderhe is in peace Geneo..let him b12:51
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geneo93man this is impossible12:51
muldercome on don't give up on me now12:51
intelikeymulder you somphin else dude   ;)12:52
mulderthe truth is out there buddy12:52
geneo93well your going to have to learn nano then12:52
mulderI have been in nano mode the day I installed ubuntu12:52
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geneo93back to terminal12:52
mulderwhat do i do with the Kwrite thingy?12:52
mulderclose it?12:53
osh_If I open konqueror in a directory and right-click, I get the option to create a new (Write/Spreadsheet/Impression) document. Unfortunatly they seem to be connected to koffice, not oo.o that's been installed. How do I change that?12:53
intelikeyyeah close it.12:53
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mulderoky dokey12:53
intelikeythen sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf12:53
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geneo93sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf12:53
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geneo93mulder:  get that now12:54
geneo93should be two lines12:54
intelikeyisn't there a wiki on resolv.conf   i've seen several hammer this thing before....12:55
muldername server
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geneo93well he can follow me12:55
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geneo93you there12:55
mulderone of my best case here .Yes there12:55
geneo93ok click on line12:56
muldername server...?12:56
geneo93use arrow key to move curser12:56
geneo93get rid of numbers and put in correct one12:57
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geneo93backspace should remove them12:57
muldercorrect ones?12:57
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geneo93yes your dns12:57
mulderI need to get thr right dns dude12:58
geneo93your isp number12:58
J4t______geneo93: couldnt he just get them from the dhcp? or have i missed smth12:58
geneo93he has firewall built in router12:58
geneo93dhcp dont work12:59
J4t______in that case the router holds the dhcp?12:59
muldermy isp have two dns number12:59
mulderprmiary and secondary12:59
J4t______oh well :)12:59
geneo93enter those12:59
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geneo93two lines12:59
intelikeyseperate lines12:59
mulderafter name server12:59
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intelikeynameserver ******01:00
intelikeynameserver ******01:00
intelikeylike that ^01:00
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geneo93dont forget the periods01:00
mulderthe dots you mean01:00
intelikeynameserver #.#.#.#01:01
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mulderguys I am in konsole is that right?01:01
geneo93its a period01:01
intelikeyin numbers it decimal ?01:01
mulderok fellas konsole or terminal?01:02
mulderI am in konsole right now01:02
geneo93thats same thing01:02
geneo93xterminal really01:02
muldersave as default01:02
geneo93ok ctrl o01:03
mulderthen exit?01:03
geneo93then ctrl x01:03
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geneo93crtrl works just fine01:04
geneo93your done for now01:04
geneo93now try update01:04
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intelikeysudo apt-get update01:04
intelikey^c  if it doesn't work   :)01:05
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mulderok hold on01:05
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intelikeygeneo93 assuming this fixes him,  what will you sujest to make that permanant ?01:06
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geneo93oh we'll get there01:06
mulderunable to connect to http01:06
mulderstuck at 16%...01:07
geneo93he going to have to set up static ip01:07
intelikey16%   means it hit.01:07
geneo93i want your sources list damn it01:07
mulderand stop there01:07
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)01:08
muldershould all of them have multiverse and universe?01:08
geneo93go there and paste them in01:08
geneo93well you need main also01:08
mulderErrhttp: dapper-security Release.gpg01:09
mulder  Unable to connect to  http:01:09
mulderIgn http: dapper-security Release01:09
mulderIgn http: dapper-security/main Packages01:09
mulderIgn http: dapper-security/universe Packages01:09
mulderIgn http: dapper-security/universe Sources01:09
geneo93mulder:  go to site above and paste sources.list01:09
mulderErrhttp: dapper-security/main Packages01:09
mulder  Unable to connect to  http:01:09
mulderErrhttp: dapper-security/universe Packages01:09
mulder  Unable to connect to  http:01:09
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mulderErrhttp: dapper-security/universe Sources01:09
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mulder  Unable to connect to  http:01:10
mulderErrhttp://uk.archive.ubuntu.com dapper Release.gpg01:10
mulder  Could not connect to uk.archive.ubuntu.com:80 (, connection timed out01:10
mulderErrhttp://security.ubuntu.com dapper-security Release.gpg01:10
mulder  Could not connect to security.ubuntu.com:80 (, connection timed ou01:10
Jazon_init3hi folks.  has there been any recent developments with dapper and acpi issues?01:10
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intelikeythere's the answer we've all been looking for.   sources.list is hosed.01:11
geneo93thats why i want it01:11
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intelikeyyeah i asked him to pastebin that ah hour ago01:12
geneo93well i think i did two hours ago01:12
geneo93 but someone said it wasn't the problem!!01:12
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geneo93you get them all now01:14
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mulderWell guys don't rant about me, I have no clue what I am doing as I am starting :-)01:14
geneo93ok sudo apt-get dist-ugrade01:14
geneo93you have to remember these steps though01:15
geneo93or write them down01:15
mulderReading package lists... Done01:15
mulderBuilding dependency tree... Done01:15
mulderCalculating upgrade...Done01:15
mulder0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.01:15
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intelikeyor save bash_history into a script    :)01:16
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geneo93so you must have 6.06-101:16
geneo93hey mulder01:16
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intelikeylsb-release -a ?01:17
mulderI have installed ubuntu, and then added kde01:17
geneo93uname -a in terminal01:17
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intelikeythat doesn't give distro info01:17
geneo93paste the results here01:17
intelikeyonly kernel info01:17
mulderLinux gman 2.6.15-23-386 #1 PREEMPT Tue May 23 13:49:40 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux01:17
geneo93it tell me what i need to know01:17
geneo93nope he needs updates01:18
mulderand he needs sanity because he is losing it01:18
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intelikeymulder you are just starting in linux   no?01:19
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mulderyes absolute beginner01:19
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geneo93well let me paste my sources list and you copy and paste it in your home dir01:19
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intelikeymulder how many years did you play with M$   before you could admin and setup the system ?01:19
muldera few...I am no IT guru01:20
muldernot a mole either I learned01:20
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intelikeymulder it takes. time to learn linux.   and your knowledge of other os's work against you,   you think you should know; when in truth it's easier if you start with no computer knowledge...01:21
geneo93http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20654   go here and copy this01:21
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mulderwhere should I copy it geneo?01:22
geneo93just in home dir for now01:22
mulderok what is home dir?01:23
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mulderor where?01:23
geneo93the little thing next to menu button01:23
mulderhome folder?01:23
intelikeymulder be patient,  you'll learn it quickly enough.   and when you have began to think in linux terms rather than M$ terms,  you'll be hooked; just like the rest of us...  :)01:24
intelikeyok that was just a "hopefully" incuraging word,  not meant to distract.01:24
geneo93i've been using linux since 1999 and nothing but01:24
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mulderI know guys that is why I want to learn...you have been very helpful :-)01:25
geneo93get that copied01:25
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geneo93highlight it then copy01:26
mulderok done01:26
geneo93start at the top and drag mouse down the whole text01:27
muldercopied and pasted01:27
geneo93ok save it as sources.list01:27
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geneo93or name it that01:28
muldersave as text file though?01:29
geneo93ok ready for some tricks01:29
geneo93only copy text in main box right01:30
mulderyes father01:30
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Kiongkuhi. I need help. My usplash shows blank screen01:31
geneo93ok now in konsole type sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list01:31
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Kiongkugeneo93: u are not telling me right?01:32
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Kiongkuah. guessed so..01:32
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geneo93mulder:  get that01:32
mulderrm: cannot remove `/etc/apt/sources.list': No such file or directory01:32
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intelikeyKiongku he's been with mulder now for about 2 hours  and they are 2/3 finished. i'd guess.01:33
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intelikeyKiongku i'd offer to help with the usplash issue but i never use usplash.01:33
geneo93mulder:  you sure its not there01:33
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ultimate-`anyone up01:33
mulderthat is the message I get01:34
ultimate-`i`m tryin to install kubuntu on vmware , it booted as a live cd and now when its installing , one of the progress shows scanning for mirrors (but my internet connection is not shared01:34
ultimate-`the thing is not timing out what should i do01:34
Kiongkuintellikey: what boot splash u use? or u dunt put any01:34
intelikeyKiongku none01:34
geneo93ok the try sudo cp /home/username/sources.list01:35
muldercp: missing destination file operand after `/home/username/sources.list'01:35
mulderTry `cp --help' for more information.01:35
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geneo93username is your name01:35
Kiongkuintellikey: black screen boot?01:35
jujimufuhey, I tried enabling 3d acceleration for my 855G (i810 intel) card, according to this site: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/i915Driver and I restarted X, but in glxinfo, it still says "direct rendering: No"01:36
geneo93mulder:  what is the name of user01:36
intelikeyKiongku text    yes  gray on black.01:36
geneo93i knew you'd do that01:36
intelikeyKiongku also not running X    console user am i01:36
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Kiongkuintellikey: ehrm ok.. 1st question.. the line fb_vesa in config.. should it be m or y?01:36
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mulderok even with mulder it fails01:37
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geneo93yes you need destination01:37
intelikeyKiongku which is it ?     and you are talking about building the kernel there arent you ?01:37
mulderI am going banana...01:38
Kiongkuintellikey: i already built my kernel..my new kernel cant use usplash thats why01:38
geneo93ok sudo cp /home/mulder/sources.list /etc/apt/01:38
intelikeyyep that's why.    you can have fb with your vidio cards driver rather than using vesa   but yeah  just for a few seconds of a startup picture.... vesa is more than plenty.01:39
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intelikey@ Kiongku ^01:39
mulderwell I typed that one and it stays there01:39
Kiongkuintellikey: and vga16 and frambbuffer console.. also y?01:39
tobias___my amaroK visualiser dont work and i have installed all the libvisual stuff i found in adept and i restarted the machine three times, what to do? I want to see it in full screen and change between visualisers like i did in *sigh* winamp and windows media player *sigh*01:40
geneo93ok now check cat /etc/apt/sources.list01:40
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Kiongkuintellikey:sudo dpgk-reconfigure linux-image-(your kernel version)01:40
Kiongkunow that line does not work for me also01:40
mulderdoes the same nothing happens01:41
Kiongkuintellikey: konsole says cant find the image of my new kernel01:41
intelikeyKiongku can't reconfigure with dpkg something you compiled and installed with make       solution  compile then make a deb out of it and install with dpkg01:42
intelikeyor simply put.   yes.01:42
geneo93mulder:  i hate to tell you this but i think your wasting your time you've got a bad install or something01:42
Kiongkuintellikey: the image was in .deb format and i did dpkg to install my new kernel01:42
geneo93yuor sure its not there01:43
mulderthe file is the home folder yes01:43
intelikeyhmmm then it should reconfigure01:43
ultimate-`i`m tryin to install kubuntu on vmware , it booted as a live cd and now when its installing , one of the progress shows scanning for mirrors (but my internet connection is not shared01:43
geneo93mulder:  did you use live cd to install01:43
ultimate-`how can i skip that01:43
Kiongkuintellikey: in menu.lst for grub is this line any good "kernel /boot/vmlinuz- root=/dev/hdb1 vga=794"01:44
intelikeyupdate-rc.d   remove networking  maybe ultimate-`01:44
Kiongkuor should it be "kernel/boot/vmlinuz- root=/dev/hdb1 reo quiet splash"01:44
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geneo93mulder:  i have to sleep it almost 8 am here01:45
intelikeyKiongku hmmm 794    yeah  but you might try 788  if you are having trubble with 794    remember that is using vesa  so rez is not what your vidio card can handle, it's what vesa knows it can handle01:46
Kiongkugeneo93: lol 15 46 here01:46
Kiongkuintellikey: whats does ro quiet splash means then?01:46
geneo93well i'm on the other side01:46
geneo93quiet means its not going to bitch01:47
intelikeyyes as far as i can tell, Kiongku that should work ok.01:47
geneo93splash i use nosplash01:47
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Kiongkubtw dpkg really cant find my new kernel in its database -_- could it be the reason?01:48
mulderwell thanks for your help geneo, Intel...I am giving up on trying to make Linux works. I go back to windows. Thanks for your help.01:48
geneo93i have stupid things like M$ uses01:48
intelikeygeneo93 splash not working was Kiongku's issue to begin with.  :)01:48
geneo93mulder:  come back later and i'll help you more01:48
Kiongkuwhats was the prob for mulder?01:49
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geneo93Kiongku:  he has a mess01:49
Kiongkuclean install from live cd not good for him o001:49
muldermulder rimes with murder...i can kill any os right now01:49
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geneo93needs to do text install01:50
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roman_is hier imand nederlander01:50
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Kiongkugeneo93: that hurts..01:50
intelikeyKiongku if dpkg installed something and then can't find it in it's db  there is something dreadfully wrong there.    i question that you actually both compiled and used dpkg to install after compiling.....   what command did you issue to build the .deb file ?01:50
Kiongkuintellikey: i realised something in adept.. my image is considered as binary image01:51
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mulderok I am off now...thanks for your help guys.01:51
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intelikeymulder keep your chin up01:51
intelikeyit gets easier.01:52
Kiongkuintellikey: dpkg -i "filename"01:52
mulderCheers Intel...if only this could have worked.01:52
ultimate-`intelikey : thxn it worked i removed the NIC but it should time out after 1-2 mins auto :/01:52
ultimate-`or ask me for options01:52
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TimmmmMassive flaw in the (admittedly already pretty crap) linux sound system (i.e. alsa) - sometimes the order of my cards changes (seems to be random) so hw:2 and hw:1 swap. How the hell are you supposed to configure apps to *sometimes* access hw:1 but mostly hw:2 depending on ... something?01:52
ultimate-`the installer is messed up01:53
geneo93ok i'm off to sleep01:53
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mulderhow can I uninstall ubuntu from my dual boot with xp and try reinstalling a proper version of kubuntu?01:53
Kiongkugeneo93: good night or morning :p01:54
intelikeyultimate-` the installer on the live CD    'messed up' ???     you jest.     surely you jest.     </sarcasm>01:54
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intelikeymulder just install to the existing partition,  the installer will format it.01:55
ultimate-`intelikey : i meant to say that , i had a lan card w/ no connectivity it wasnt moving ahead01:55
ultimate-`i had to remove it01:55
ultimate-`as in , there is no timeout limit for the mirror scanning?01:55
mulderI guess I better install the latest version of kubuntu right?01:55
mulderis KDE 3.5.4 with it too?01:56
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intelikeyKiongku ultimate-` mulder any quick quesrtions before i leave ?     i'm about 3 minutes from gone.01:57
roman_i cant play movies from internet in konqeur01:57
Kiongkuintellikey: intellikey: i found the prob and tried to reconfigure.. on the line looking for splash image it says none found01:57
Kiongku*oops sorry01:57
mulderguess I am done...need fresh air01:57
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muldersee you later Intel. Thanks for help01:57
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intelikeygooday gents.01:58
Kiongkuok bye bye intelli01:58
ultimate-`1 more question , is there a way i can make my usb2 harddrive read in it ? (its ntfs format)?01:58
Kiongkuntfs format? dunno but i know for hdd linux can only read for now and not write01:59
Kiongkuthats all.. dunno about usb202:00
djclue917ultimate-`: http://zakame.spunge.org/blog/2006/08/11/ntfs-3g-love/02:00
Kiongkuok i trying to reboot to test usplash -_-02:00
roman_i have got w32codecs but cannot play movies form iternet sites02:00
ultimate-`mydrive already got data hehe02:01
djclue917roman_: which browser do you use?02:01
roman_i also intalled ati driver but i cant play games in fullscreen02:02
ultimate-`man if i can watch videos and xxs my drives i m moving to kubutun for good02:02
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djclue917roman_: oh i see. you shouldn't have a problem since kaffeine would readily embed into konqueror to be able to play media files.02:02
djclue917roman_: just make sure that kaffeine is configured properly.02:03
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roman_wat for konfiguration02:03
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djclue917roman_: have you run kaffeine for the first time already?02:04
roman_i cannot open wmv files02:04
djclue917after you've installed the w32codecs?02:05
roman_i think thats the problem02:05
djclue917roman_: what do you mean you can't open wmv files? kaffeine can't play them?02:05
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djclue917roman_: what's the error message of kaffeine?02:06
djclue917roman_: something like "can't handle stream"?02:06
roman_wait a sec02:06
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djclue917roman_: "There were no decoders found to handle the stream, you might need to install the corresponding plugins" is that the error?02:07
roman_wait iam downlaoding an wmv file02:08
roman_and then iam goint to open it02:08
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ultimate-`anyirc client u ppl know for linux?02:10
ultimate-`something like mirc ?02:10
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roman_in kaffeine its working fine02:10
djclue917roman_: so what's the problem then?02:10
roman_but not in konkuer02:11
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Kiongkuusplash still dunt want lol02:12
galdarianultimate-`: Try opera 902:12
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Kiongkuany usplash expert here :D?02:12
roman_if go to a site with a movie on it he sad gstreamer is not running02:13
roman_in konqueror02:13
ubotuusplash is the start-up splash (before GNOME/KDE appears) in Ubuntu. To customize it, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/USplashCustomizationHowto02:13
djclue917roman_: kaffeine should readily embed in konqueror when a multimedia file is embedded in a web page02:13
gnomefreakKiongku: ^^^ its a good hot to02:13
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gnomefreakhow to*02:13
_kalmhey does anyone here know where to find a file called "rc.local"? Please help i need this02:13
Kiongkui already followed it anyway i'm not trying to edit usplash.. i'm trying to bring it back o002:14
djclue917_kalm: /etc/rc.local02:14
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Xera`i'm having problems upgrading KDE i've been told to add the repos to sources.list, and open adept and click fetch updates, then click preview, but nothing shows up in preview, so i checked what repos it was checking, and it isnt even showing the one i added..02:16
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Xera`deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-354 dapper is the repos i tried02:17
djclue917Xera`: "cat /etc/apt/sources.list"02:18
roman_in konqueror he wont play wmv files02:18
djclue917Xera`: please put the output in the pastebin.02:18
Xera`k, sec02:18
roman_in kaffeine he wil02:18
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roman_maybe something is wrong with streaming02:19
djclue917Xera`: you're still using the repo for KDE 3.5.302:20
Xera`yes, because the one for 3.5.4 didnt work either02:20
Xera`so i tried that..02:20
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djclue917Xera`: should be "deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-354 dapper main" instead of "deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-354 dapper"02:20
Xera`ok :)02:21
djclue917roman_: does kaffeine show any error messages?02:21
roman_the movie not downloaded02:21
roman_but i want to stream it from the site02:22
roman_can send you a screenshot02:22
djclue917roman_: oh i see. may you give the link of the site?02:22
roman_about what i mean02:22
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ultimate-`how can i install wine?02:22
Xera`sudo aptitude install wine02:22
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Xera`then winecfg02:23
Xera`btw, it still doesnt work -.-02:23
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djclue917Xera`: what doesn't work?02:23
Xera`it doesnt even notice the repos02:23
roman_if i click on it the movie won't play02:24
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djclue917roman_: oh, the site needs a username and password.02:24
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djclue917roman_: is that your account? you better change the password later. ;-)02:25
=== Xera` resists the urge to be evil
roman_i don't care02:25
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djclue917roman_: haha. i forgot that I've installed the mplayer plugin. the movie loads fine in mplayer. Sorry but I can't confirm your problem.02:27
ultimate-`whats the default pass for root?02:28
roman_o so it will not work with xine02:28
ultimate-`it never asked me02:28
djclue917roman_: as far as I can remember, the last time I've played a movie in konqueror via kaffeine, everything went well.02:28
ultimate-`during the install02:28
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roman_then i think i know wat the problem is02:28
djclue917ultimate-`: there's no default password for root02:28
djclue917ultimate-`: you could change it by "sudo passwd root"02:28
ultimate-`worked :D02:29
ultimate-`how can i install wine :/02:29
Xera`sudo aptitude install wine02:29
Xera`then when that is finished02:29
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djclue917ultimate-`: you could install wine via "sudo apt-get install wine" if you don't want to use aptitude. ;-)02:29
ultimate-`winecfg is notworking02:29
ultimate-`i did this => sudo aptitude install wine02:30
ultimate-`it says02:31
ultimate-`package wine is not aviable02:31
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roman_if i copy the url in kaffeiene its working02:32
djclue917ultimate-`: I think you haven't enabled the universe repo02:32
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ultimate-`how can i do that02:32
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djclue917roman_: so that's might be a konqueror configuration issue.02:32
Xera`ultimate-`: do sudo kwrite /etc/apt/sources.list02:33
Xera`then remove the # from all the lines that start with deb or deb-src02:33
ulti-kbuntuhow can i enable the universe02:33
ultimate-`heh i coudlnt02:33
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ultimate-`get any msgs on the unbuntu cleint02:34
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ultimate-`its like only i m talking lo02:34
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roman_yes i think so02:34
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ultimate-`sudo kwrite /etc/apt/sources.list02:36
ultimate-2ok i removed the # from the deb lines what should i do next02:37
Xera`then do sudo aptitude update02:38
Xera`after saving the file :P02:38
parani am thinking about installing the kde 3.5.4 packages. is there some reason why they are in a separate repository? couldn't they be put in dapper-backports for example?02:39
roman_now the next problem02:39
roman_the new ati driver is not working fine02:39
ultimate-2its connecting to some sites and downloading random stuff02:39
roman_i cant play games in fullscreen02:39
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Xera`ultimate-2: yes02:41
Xera`it's not random stuff02:41
Xera`just let it run02:41
Xera`then after do sudo aptitude install wine; wine cfg02:41
ultimate-2hehe ok02:41
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ultimate-2its stucked on 99% on a site02:41
ultimate-2ok working again02:41
Xera`just leave it xD02:41
ultimate-2thnx :D02:42
ultimate-2i heard u can run .exe w/ wine so i wanted to check it out lol02:42
Xera`yes u can02:42
Xera`not all of them02:43
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Xera`but most programs can be run under wine02:43
ultimate-2thats cool02:43
Xera`mm hm :)02:43
paranRiddell: the 3.5.4 packages are signed by your key, so you probably have the answer to my previous question :)02:43
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Riddellparan: -backports is not functional02:44
hitomihi :)02:45
hitomii have a question :)02:45
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Chucksay it02:45
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hitomiI don't know if ubuntu is safety like people say but when I "port scan" in hacker watch I have all my port closed but reached02:46
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hitomiis this safety ?02:46
=== Hexidigital_ brb
Chuckits ok, when they are closed.02:46
hitomibut reachabled02:47
ChuckUbuntu and Linux itself have an internal firewall.02:47
hitomiclosed but reachable doesn't mean secured :(02:47
Chuckits safety, you can trust:)02:47
ultimate-2nice working :D02:47
ultimate-2Xera : is there a way i can read my ntfs files from my external harddrive which is usb202:47
Chuckoh that you mean.02:47
hitomiI wish it's safe :)02:47
Chuckyou can download a frontend for this firewall.02:47
hitomiwhat does that mean frontend ?02:48
hitomia tool to configure firewall ?02:48
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v3ctor   graphical tool used to manipulate firewall02:48
hitomito xera : you must define what is your usb device by typing "sudo fdisk -l"02:49
Jucatofrontend: something that you see in front of you, that hides what a back-end is doing O_o02:49
Chuckits an GUI, graphical user interface02:49
hitomioh ok02:49
hitomilike lokkit :)02:49
Chucknot a konsole based programm like apt02:49
Jucato(methinks not all frontends are graphical...)02:50
hitomito xera : after that you must change your /etc/fstab with gedit :)02:50
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hitomiwhich prog I must use ?02:50
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paranRiddell: ok. whats wrong with it? I don't find very much about -backports on the web/wiki/mailinglists :)02:51
djclue917Chuck: APT is a front-end for DPKG, just like Adept, Synaptic, and Aptitude are front-ends for APT.02:51
JucatoUbuntu backports are down/inactive/unavailable..02:52
Riddellparan: there's no support for backports in our archive tools02:52
hitomiI will try it after finishing my music download , thanks :)02:52
paranRiddell: i see02:53
ultimate-2is there a way i can read my  usb2 harddrive which is ntfs and has data on it?02:53
hitomijust read the "system documentation" it's really easy :)02:53
hitomi you must define what is your usb device by typing "sudo fdisk -l"02:53
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hitomi after that you must change your /etc/fstab with gedit :)02:54
JucatoRiddell: Hi! Just want to ask if there will be any updates for Kubuntu/KDE soon, regarding the KDE-HAL-media:/ bug?02:55
hitomiwish that God knows :D02:56
ChuckGod is dead, I thought.02:56
Jucatowell, according to Nietzsche (not sure about the spelling)02:57
hitomiscience can't explain that yet , gotta wait :D02:57
RiddellJucato: nothing planned, although I will look at that issue after feature freeze02:58
larson9999what kde hal media bug?  seems to work good here02:58
JucatoRiddell: ok. thanks! :-D02:58
hitomiI just want to notice you about a prob with gaim (all version) :02:58
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hitomisometimes gaim can't receive IM from your friend :(02:59
hitomiI lost my love because of it :((02:59
Jucatolarson9999: I'm not sure if I'm the only one experiencing it. Partitions that aren't mounted during startup don't appear in "media:/". If you try to mount them later (after you're logged in), they still won't appear in media:/ but can be accessed through ?media/<mount_point>.02:59
hitomiI have the same prob with mount03:00
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hitomiI have to do "sudo mount -a" at start up :(03:00
Jucatooh ok, so there's one confirmation that I'm not a lunatic (yet). :-D03:00
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hitomiI've searched in the forum a few day and a lot of people have this prob but ...... no solution yet :(03:02
Jucatowell, I'm afraid that there ain't any solution coming soon..03:02
larson9999Jucato: maybe something is wrong here too.  i'll check.  i've never really learned the ins and outs of the automounter thingie.  i'm just glad if my stuff mounts at all.  but i do know that to get my usb stuff to mount sometimes i have unplug the usb cable and plug it back in03:02
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Jucatoother than either 1)downgrade to KDE 3.5.3 or 2) remove HAL :-D03:02
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hitomitry to install usbmount03:03
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=== Jucato sighs...
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JucatoI wish intelikely was around...03:03
hitomihave anyone try autofs ?03:04
hitomikernel-based automounter for Linux03:04
hitomiAutofs controls the operation of the automount daemons. The03:04
hitomiautomount daemons automatically mount filesystems when they03:04
hitomiare used and unmount them after a period of inactivity. This03:04
hitomiis done based on a set of pre-configured maps.03:04
hitomiThe kernel automounter implements an almost complete SunOS03:04
hitomistyle automounter under Linux. Automounter version 403:04
hitomi(autofs4) has to be enabled when compiling the kernel.03:04
hitomiDebian packaged kernels have it enabled.03:04
larson9999things are great these days.  i just bought a new computer that was just a tiny bit out.  great features and only $350.  time was that's have been $2,500-$3,000.03:04
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hitomi350 $ :o03:05
JucatoI hope somebody can help me with my system notification problem: from time to time, my system stalls for 1-2 seconds everytime it tries to play a system notification (sound). But it doesn't happen always, but it does happen quite frequently...03:05
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larson9999Jucato: the intermittent problem.  we all love to solve those.03:06
Jucatointermittent problem? please elaborate... @_@03:06
hitomiI elaborate but i have no idea03:07
larson9999there should be a dilbert about tintermittent problems03:08
=== Jucato googles on the definition of "intermittent problems"...
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Jucatooh.. so that's what it means...03:09
Jucatoand here I was thinking it was some Linux bug .... @_@03:10
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glj12video and audio should work automatically, right?03:11
hitomiwe are not animaux so stop saying hey03:11
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hitomiit'll not work automatically03:11
Jucatonot if they're MP3s or AVIs03:11
hitomiyou have to install codecs03:11
glj12oh, alright03:11
Jucatoif they're OGGs or OGMs, then they're good to go (I think...)03:12
larson9999Jucato: you mean i spelled it correctly?03:12
hitomijust use automatix and it resolve the prob :)03:12
Jucatolarson9999: not the second one (tintermittent...)03:12
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larson9999Jucato: yeah, in IT one of the first steps to debugging and issue is duplicating the problem.  that's hard to do with intermittant problems.  kinda like how your car never makes the sounds while the mechanic is around03:13
Jucatough! a bug that couldn't be duplicated...03:13
glj12isnt kubuntu supposed to play sounds? I mean...03:13
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glj12i guess i need to do something to get audio working, period03:14
hitomiyes it's supposed to play sound :)03:14
Jucatoglj12: yep, system sounds mostly, (they're in OGG format)03:14
glj12ok, well, i guess my audio is messed03:14
hitomibut it depend on which type of sound :)03:14
hitomiwhat is your file type  ?03:14
glj12how do i go about fixing my audio then03:14
glj12erm.... kubuntu doesnt play any sounds03:14
glj12mp3 is my type03:15
glj12and wma03:15
hitomiuse automatix to install all sound codecs :)03:15
hitomiwait :)03:15
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glj12well, i dont have automatix03:15
JucatoI wonder if ubotu knows..03:15
ubotuAutomatix is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. For help with and discussion of automatix please join #automatix.03:15
JucatoAutomatix for Kubuntu: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20329403:16
glj12cant i just use adept?03:16
hitomiI will give you the command :_03:16
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glj12ok, thanks03:16
Jucatoautomatix is just the "easy way out"03:16
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JucatoAdept... commands... :-D03:17
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glj12well, i dont know what else i am supposed to do to get any sort of audio/video working03:17
hitomiinstall all of it :)03:17
glj12just in the console03:17
Jucatohitomi: why are you giving GNOME codecs?03:17
hitomiI don't use adept03:17
hitomiI'm gnome :D03:17
Jucato @_@03:17
glj12im kde.03:17
hitomiit's not ok ?03:17
hitomiI think it's the same man :D03:18
Jucatoof course it's ok03:18
Jucatobut Kubuntu uses only one codec03:18
glj12so i apply those lines in the console?03:18
hitomiapt-get install ...03:18
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Jucatoglj12: not yet03:18
glj12mmm... ok03:18
Jucatoglj12: you need to add multiverse to your repositories first03:18
hitomiIE: apt-get install gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg03:18
Jucatohitomi: ... multiverse...03:18
larson9999i've been a 'text' programming for years.  got my first gui project.  the question is qt or gtk?03:19
glj12apt-getinstall multiverse ?03:19
hitomiit's not add ? :O03:19
larson9999wow my mind is numb.  programming=programmer.  people will thing english is my 3rd or 4th language instead of only.03:19
Jucatoglj12: I'll try to walk you through the steps in Adept....03:19
hitomihe's yours :D03:20
glj12thanks dude03:20
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Jucatolarson9999: depends on which desktop you're trying to develop for, or which language you're most comfortable with, or if you're planning to release software commercially...03:20
Jucatoglj12: open up Adept03:20
glj12k, im there03:20
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djclue917larson9999: QT! :D03:21
Jucatoin the Adept menu (first menu to the left), click on Manage Repositories03:21
Jucatolol! just take note that to release a commercial software using Qt, you would need to buy the license03:21
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glj12im there03:21
Jucatoglj12: now look for a line that resembles this "deb http://xx.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper universe", where xx is for our local server (us, uk, gb, au, etc)03:22
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=== glj12 looks
glj12found it03:23
Jucatoright-click on it, then choose Enable03:23
Jucatothen (we're not done yet. :-D)03:23
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glj12already enabled03:23
Jucatoclick on the word "universe" so that it will become editable03:23
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glj12i uncommented those lines yesterday03:23
glj12oh, ok03:24
Jucatothen add (do not replace) the word "multiverse" to it03:24
glj12space afer it?03:24
glj12like, universe multiverse03:24
Jucatonext, repeat the same steps for the lines with "dapper-security" and "dapper-upgrades"03:24
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glj12there are two dapper-security universe03:25
glj12d it to both?03:25
Jucatoonly the one starting with "deb", not with "deb-src"03:25
glj12oh, ok03:25
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glj12dont have a dapper-upgrades03:26
glj12dapper-updates the same03:26
Jucatomy mistake03:26
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glj12its ok03:26
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glj12it says main restricted03:27
tkhowdy everyone03:27
glj12still ok?03:27
Jucatoglj12: then add universe and multiverse to that line, making it "deb ----- main restricted universe multiverse"03:27
JucatoIF there are no separate lines for dapper-updates universe03:28
glj12oh, ok03:28
glj12done with that03:29
Jucatoyou might want to disable those lines with "deb-src", unless you want/need to download source code for packages. Disabling them will make fetching updates faster.03:29
Jucatoyour choice03:29
glj12ah, its alright03:29
glj12i'll leave well enough alone03:29
Jucatonow click on Apply (at the bottom) then on Fetch Updates (at the top)03:29
hitomibye all ;)03:30
glj12so many pretty blue lines. :P03:30
hitomiGood bless u ;)03:30
Jucatohitomi: before you go03:30
glj12bye hitomi03:30
hitomiyes ?03:30
glj12ok, done updating03:30
Jucatowhy are we teaching glj12 how to download the codecs?03:30
glj12i have no audio03:31
glj12or video of any kind03:31
glj12not even sounds from kubuntu03:31
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Jucatohmm.... we need to make a test to really see if the codecs will solve it03:31
hitomibecause he ask us03:31
hitomiand God tell me to help him :D03:31
glj12i just wanted sounds from kbuntu at least. >.<03:31
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Jucatoglj12: try going to /usr/share/sounds and try playing any of the sounds there03:32
hitomisalut ;)03:32
glj12ok, h/o03:32
Jucatohitomi: here's to hoping it's not a deeper audio/video problem @_@03:32
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Jucatoglj12: I do hope that this is just a codec problem. coz if it's not... I'm practically clueless. :-(03:33
Jucatowb djclue91703:33
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glj12just says playlist finished03:33
Jucatoaww krap...03:33
glj12it detects my sound integrated03:33
djclue917hello Jucato03:33
Jucatois this a very fresh installation of Kubuntu?03:33
glj12just yesterday03:33
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glj12i love it b/c it atomatically recognized my wifi03:34
Jucatoand nothing out of the ordinary happened during installation?03:34
Jucatohm... strange indeed...03:34
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LeeJunFanand it's nothing simple like the PCM or master volume being muted or turned down all the way?03:34
glj12pcm was fairly low, just changed it now03:34
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=== Jucato taps fingers...
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Jucatocheck if Amarok is using the xine Engine. (Settings > Configure Amarok > Engine options)03:35
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newbie_1000just curios, is there a way to grep or something through the apt database to see what I can install?03:36
larson9999Jucato: i'm not planning on making it particular to any desktop.  i don't use software that way.  i know lots of people do but i use kde, gnome or whatever app independent of the desktop i'm using.  and prefer to make stuff that doesn't depend on the desktop.  so if i used qt it wouldn't be the 'kde qt'  likewise with gtk and gnome.  it'll be gpl most likely.  and i'm purposely using a language i'm not comfortable with.03:36
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glj12VIA 8237 is my audio integrated lappy sound03:36
VincentMXim booting from the kubuntu livecd but i have no sound, and my screen isnt set to the right resolution, and i cant change that either03:36
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Jucatoglj12: lol. mine is VIA 8235 :-D03:37
glj12then it should be easy, right? :P03:37
Jucatoglj12: no. it shouldn't even be an issue...03:37
glj12what about at least getting video working? :P03:38
glj12i mean, i just want something to work03:38
newbie_1000do I have to restart after an apt-get dist-upgrade?03:38
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glj12probably newbie_100003:38
Jucatonewbie_1000: not unless a new kernel was installed03:38
tknewbie_1000: you only ever have to restart after a kernel update03:38
glj12oh, well, yeah03:38
glj12i shouldnt make assumptions03:38
Jucatoglj12: I think there are sample videos in /usr/share/example-content ??03:38
tkglj12, probably isnt really an assumption its more like "maybe..." :P03:38
LeeJunFannewbie_1000: you may have to log out/in to get your desktop updates [kde]  to take effect though.03:39
glj12tk: :P03:39
glj12ok, im lookin Jucato03:39
newbie_1000examples are simlinked into the home directory.03:39
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Jucatonewbie_1000: oh yeah, thanks for reminding me :-D03:39
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JucatoI removed it so I didn't remember03:39
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glj12what is the extension03:40
glj12for a vdeo file there03:40
Jucatohmm.. ogg or ogm?03:40
Jucatoif you're viewing the files in Konqueror, pretty thumbnails should tell you which one03:40
newbie_1000the one called experience-ubuntu.ogg is a video, the sax one is audio.03:40
glj12yay! video works03:40
glj12but it shows an x through the audio03:41
Jucatoglj12: does the video have sound?03:41
newbie_1000ya sure?03:41
glj12there's an x through the audio thing03:41
Jucatook... some one with more hardware know-how please take over... I'm stumped... :-(03:41
glj12well, wait03:41
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glj12you can help me with my avi's03:42
Jucatoglj12: yep, install the package called "libxine-extracodecs"03:42
Jucatoit will also allow you to play MP3s03:42
newbie_1000just watching the experience ubuntu.ogg video. there is sound.03:42
glj12not for me. :(03:42
Jucatoglj12: anywhere, now that you have the right repositories :-D03:42
glj12but im on a lappy, but i mean... :/03:42
glj12yay! :)03:43
newbie_1000what else does the extre codecs libary install besides MP3?03:43
zvidid anybody experienced Firefox crash in Kubuntu, just sudden crash, for example, clicking on some link, and boom, FF dissapears?03:43
glj12it installs mp3 and avi?03:43
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glj12i thought it was only videos03:44
newbie_1000What about DVD? what's the library for that?03:44
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Jucatolarson9999: I'm not really sure about this, but if you're developing using Qt or GTK, you will still be using KDE or GNOME libraries. the good thing is that you won't be reinventing the wheel for some libraries (unless you want to)03:44
Jucatonewbie_1000: I think that's covered by libxine-extracodecs,too. Encrypted DVD's are a different matter, though03:44
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glj12what audio player should i use?03:45
Jucatowb djclue917 (again.. :-D )03:45
Jucatoglj12: Amarok :-D03:45
newbie_1000jacot: Oh, well I was just curiose. Got no DVD player on this machine.03:45
glj12hmmm... nothin still03:45
djclue917Jucato: seems like KDE 3.5.4 has really a problem with HAL.03:45
glj12arg, my taskbar wont unhide itself03:45
Jucatodjclue917: ah shucks...03:45
larson9999Jucato: hmmm, i thought you could use either and not use the gnome or kde libraries.  just would have more work :)03:46
newbie_1000do I add the kubuntu.org repo to get new KDE?03:46
djclue917newbie_1000: yup03:46
glj12but seriously03:46
glj12its not unhiding itself, what the heck?03:46
newbie_1000gli12: you have to go to the panel control panel, click hiding, and then there's a lot of hiding options.03:47
Jucatolarson9999: like I said, I'm not really sure. I'll cross the bridge when I get there. I'm studying, too03:47
glj12i mean,  cant get to it03:47
glj12im hovering my mouse over it03:47
newbie_1000how so?03:47
Jucatoglj12: press alt+F203:47
glj12and it wont appear like it normally does03:47
Jucatothen enter "systemsettings"03:47
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glj12let me try playing an avi03:48
glj12since we know that mp3's wont play still03:48
newbie_1000It's easier to right click the pane and click Configure Panel.03:48
glj12or anything audio03:48
Jucatonewbie_1000: not if the panel isn't visible03:48
newbie_1000good point.03:48
glj12yay! video works03:49
glj12but no sound yet03:49
tkwell mp3s wont play by default in kubuntu03:49
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glj12i installed the codec03:49
glj12and kubuntu doesnt play any sounds, system sounds)03:49
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JucatoI think this is really a deeper audio problem03:49
glj12ogg's dont play sound, etc03:50
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Jucatosomething to do with hardware and/or ALSA/aRts03:50
glj12wow, my laptop blows03:50
glj12it lags on video03:50
glj12ts a new lappy, but it was the cheapest one at best buy03:50
glj12$399. :P03:50
newbie_1000what's the difference between apt-get and aptitude?03:51
djclue917glj12: have you unmuted the sound?03:51
newbie_1000the act the same to me.03:51
glj12yes i have...03:51
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glj12and turned everything up03:51
glj12this is a laptop, if that makes any dif03:51
Jucatowell, I don't think it should...03:52
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glj12oh, maybe you can help me with a smaller problem in the mean time03:52
glj12how can i get the wireless assistant to automatically connect to a certain essid on startup?03:53
glj12no biggy if you dont know off hand03:53
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Jucatoerr... ok, something I can't help you with... hopefully someone else here knows :-D03:53
glj12ah, dont worry about it03:53
glj12just takes time to do it each time on startup. :)03:53
glj12but any ideas about the audio?03:53
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JucatoThings I know nothing about in Linux: hardware (including audio) setup, Wireless and printers03:54
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glj12and my lapy is laggy in kubuntu b/c of only 256mb of ram, right?03:54
Jucatoglj12: probably.03:54
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glj12aight, do you know how to tone down affects in kdm?03:54
glj12or kde, w/e03:55
Jucatohmm... let me see...03:55
Jucatoyou can either do them one by one or...03:55
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Jucatoyou can install a program called "kpersonalizer" which is like a wizard that sets up the effects you want03:56
glj12cool, ok03:56
glj12adept is my friend?03:56
Jucatoapt-get too, once you learn how to use it03:56
glj12oh, alright03:57
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glj12ooo... i just saw my first crash04:03
Jucato @_@04:03
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Jucatowhat crashed?04:03
glj12idk, gave me that timebomb thng04:03
xstI just upgraded to kde 3.5.4 but now it seems that my the font in gtk apps is no longer antialised. Or at least, is antialised poorly. What to do?04:03
Jucatowhat were you doing/running when it crashed?04:03
glj12what you had said04:03
glj12after i clicked finished, it gave that resonse04:04
Jucatoxst: try checking the settings in System Settings > Appearance > GTK Style and Fonts04:04
Jucatohmm... strange... very strange...04:04
glj12do you thnik it worked?04:04
larson9999i was crashing about once a day(well, locking up)  finally figured out my mobo was crapping out04:04
larson9999i thought i had gremlins04:05
Jucatoglj12: only one way to find out. test it04:05
glj12new latop bought less thana week ago?04:05
glj12so, no one can help me with audio? :(04:05
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xstJucato: That helped. Thanks04:06
Jucatoglj12: hmm... you can also try posting your questions over at http://www.ubuntuforums.org or http://www.kubuntuforums.net/forums04:06
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Jucatono problem04:07
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glj12alright, i guess  got no choice. :)04:07
Jucatoglj12: you could also wait until more people come in :-D04:07
glj12heh, i like that one! :)04:08
glj12can you forward my queston to anyone04:08
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glj12guess not. ^_^04:09
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Jucatocan anyone reproduce this crash? In System Settings > Regional & Accessibility > Keyboard Shortcuts options > click on Command Shortcuts tab. Mine crashes when  I click on that...04:11
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zvidid anybody experienc Firefox crash in Kubuntu  dapper? just sudden crash, for example, clicking on some link, and boom, FF dissapears?04:15
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newbie_1000zvi: occasionally I close a window, just some random window, and my session crashes and I'm back at the login.04:16
newbie_1000zvi: what version of FF are you running?04:18
ultimate-`where can i get the xvid plugin ?04:19
newbie_1000no idea. search for it in Adept maybe.04:19
zvinewbie_1000: I had
JucatoAFAIK, divx/xvid should be covered by libxine-extracodecs04:20
zvithen I upgraded to, still the same04:20
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zviI have upgraded my KDE to 3.5.4  did not happen yet04:20
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ultimate-`Jucato how to install libxine-extracodecs ? sudo aptitude install libxine-extracodecs not working04:21
djclue917ultimate-`: you need to enable the multiverse repo04:22
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ultimate-`its enabled thats how i installed wine04:22
glj12anyone here good with audio problems?04:22
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ultimate-`i cant find libxine-extracodecs04:25
ultimate-`in adept04:25
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ultimate-`what should i do :/04:29
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djclue917ultimate-`: enable the multiverse repositoru04:34
ultimate-`djclue917 i did04:34
ultimate-`i installed wine like that04:34
djclue917ultimate-`: then do an apt-get update04:34
ultimate-`um k04:34
ultimate-`it says04:35
ultimate-`file is locked :/04:35
ultimate-`how do i enable what ur sayin04:35
waspiushello..i have 2 questions..first i have installed guarddog but i have some problems so if someone can help...and second how can i update kopete?04:35
ultimate-`working now04:35
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tkultimate-` you get that error if you have adept or another application that updates packages/installs packages open04:38
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ultimate-`i m rebooting lol04:40
ultimate-`i m rebooting lol04:40
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tkultimate-`: did you update your kernel? if not, rebooting isnt needed04:40
Jucatoultimate-`: libxine-extracodecs is in multiverse. (wine is in the universe repositories)04:41
ultimate-`how to enable multiverse04:41
ultimate-`pls 2 tell04:41
Hawkwind!multiverse > ultimate-`04:41
Jucatoooh Hawkwind's here :-D04:41
tkdoes that mean we get another free show? :D04:42
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Hawkwindtk: If you don't........Heh, just kidding :P04:43
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Hawkwindtk: Actually.....I'd make everyone pay so I can get some royalties from ticket sales04:43
ultimate-`ok i read it04:46
ultimate-`so how do i enable multiverse?04:46
ultimate-`apt is some what a tool to get packages am i right?04:47
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ultimate-`and i need the multiverse package list first apt can recognize it?04:47
ultimate-`and for that i need to enable multiverse and update the list ?04:47
ultimate-`so how do you enable multiverse and update its list04:47
djclue917ultimate-`: are you comfortable with commands?04:48
ultimate-`yea sure04:48
djclue917ultimate-`: ok.04:48
ultimate-`but i dont know much lol04:48
Jucatoultimate-`: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu04:48
djclue917ultimate-`: it' just ok.04:48
Jucatothere's a guide there on how to add multiverse04:48
Jucatoit's Adept stuff (GUI).04:48
waspiuswhat is the package you need for config?04:48
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ultimate-`i tried to update adept's list .. but it wont show libxine-extracodecs because i dont have multiverse enabled i guess04:49
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djclue917ultimate-`: actually, you'll just have to append "multiverse" in "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper universe "04:50
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waspiusdoes anyone know the package for configuring????04:53
djclue917ultimate-`: sudo sed -i -e 's/archive.ubuntu.com\/ubuntu dapper universe/archive.ubuntu.com\/ubuntu dapper universe multiverse/' /etc/apt/sources.list04:53
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djclue917waspius: configuring what?04:53
pierrethhow can i get a full copy of Kontact?04:54
abattoirpierreth: full copy? :P04:54
djclue917pierreth: what do you mean? Kontact is already installed by default.04:54
abattoirpierreth: which modules are you looking for?04:54
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ultimate-`djclue917 u want me to paste that in konsole ?04:54
pierrethabattoir: HELLO04:54
abattoirpierreth: hi :)04:54
djclue917ultimate-`: yes. ;-) if you haven't added the multiverse repo yet.04:55
pierrethit is because i want to have it in xfce :-)04:55
djclue917ultimate-`: that should do the trick...04:55
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waspiusdjclue917: packages..source04:55
pierrethmine is like old04:55
abattoirpierreth: it should have most modules... which ones are you looking for?04:55
Gh0st75just home on lunch break, anyone have any ideas on how to re-enable sound in kubuntu if installing java disabled it?04:56
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pierrethmy notes seems old04:56
djclue917ultimate-`: if you're curious on what it does, it simply searches for "archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper universe" in /etc/apt/sources.list and replaces that line with "archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper universe multiverse"04:56
Gh0st75if no ideas i'll just try reinstalling after work04:56
pierrethi don't have the news04:56
ultimate-`djclue917 i did it and i fetch the updates and extracodes is now on the list04:56
ultimate-`and its downloading now04:56
abattoirpierreth: see if you have akregator installed04:56
ultimate-`its also downloading another package which it requires04:56
djclue917ultimate-`: sed is really a handy tool. ;-)04:57
djclue917ultimate-`: that's good.04:57
tksed and awk :P04:57
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pierrethi have the lib akregator04:57
djclue917tk: yeah. they are indeed very useful. :)04:57
ultimate-`djclue917 : i enabeld universe from sed04:57
ultimate-`xera helped me04:57
tki actually saw someone explain the s/blah/bleh as an Internet acronym that meant sorry/replacethis/withthat04:57
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Jucatothe metapackage "kdepim" will install everything related to Kontact04:58
djclue917tk: is that explanation true?? haha04:58
tkdjclue917: no, its a regex replace not an acronym :P04:58
djclue917tk: yeah i know. i just thought that the 's04:59
VincentMXim booting from the livecd, but i cant hear any sound04:59
v3ctors = search for04:59
djclue917tk: that the 's' was like 'sorry' or something.. hehe04:59
pierrethimpossible to find kdepim for me :-(04:59
tknah, this person said it was for sorry... but its for search like v3ctor said :P04:59
pierrethok, i found it now :-)05:00
Hawkwindabattoir: Good morning.  Been a couple of days since we seen ya :)05:00
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djclue917s = sorry. haha. i wonder if that person was joking or was really serious...05:00
tkdjclue917: they may have dumbed it down for the person that asked what it mean... but I didnt have the gaul to ask05:01
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abattoirHawkwind: good morning :). indeed, life finally caught up :P... have i lost my place in the 'charts' ? ;)05:01
pierrethi am installing!05:01
djclue917tk: well, maybe. sometimes we really have to do analogies or stuff like that to explain things more easily..05:02
Hawkwindabattoir: A bit.  You were so far ahead though that you have only fallen to 2nd in most of them05:02
pierrethsome packages are missing05:02
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maltaethironhey, can anyone help me make my soundcard work05:03
abattoirHawkwind: hehe... it doesnt matter at all, its just fun to look at, that's all... but...05:03
ultimate-`still get error on this xvid video file :/05:03
=== abattoir will be back w/ a vengeance :P
ultimate-`are there any other video plugins05:03
Gh0st75at least you're getting errors, my sound just doesn't work05:03
Hawkwindabattoir: Hah yeah true.  It's just kewl to see who is around a lot and helps others quite often05:03
pierrethi guess i can't have it on ppc05:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mixer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:03
tkand who puts on a good show, who draws the biggest crowds, and gets the most tips too right? oh wait... wrong job :P05:04
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pierrethok thank you anyway05:04
pierrethabattoir: bye05:04
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abattoirpierreth: worked?05:05
abattoiror rather work?05:05
pierrethno, missing packages05:05
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maltaethironhey, how do i go about getting synaptic?05:05
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pierrethi always miss something on ppc05:05
abattoirpierreth: which ones are missing? you have all the repos enabled right?05:05
abattoirmaltaethiron: 'sudo apt-get install synaptic'05:05
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maltaethironi did that05:06
maltaethironand it didnt work05:06
abattoirpierreth: repositories05:06
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abattoirmaltaethiron: you have main enabled?05:06
maltaethironhold on, ill show you the messege05:06
pierrethi have libcupsys2-dev_1.2.1-0ubuntu2_powerpc.deb05:06
maltaethironpaul@paul-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install synaptic05:06
maltaethironReading package lists... Done05:07
maltaethironBuilding dependency tree... Done05:07
maltaethironPackage synaptic is not available, but is referred to by another package.05:07
maltaethironThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or05:07
maltaethironis only available from another source05:07
maltaethironE: Package synaptic has no installation candidate05:07
abattoirmaltaethiron: please dont paste it here05:07
abattoirmaltaethiron: use pastebin05:07
ultimate-`i`m getting vlc for05:07
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)05:07
maltaethironoh sorry, forgot about pastebin05:07
abattoirmaltaethiron: make sure you have main enabled05:07
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maltaethironhow do i enable main?05:07
abattoirmaltaethiron: the repository main, in /etc/apt/sources.list(or through adept), that is05:08
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pierrethabattoir: can i do something?05:08
abattoirpierreth: could you pastebin your error?05:08
pierrethabattoir: sure05:08
abattoir!main > maltaethiron05:08
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abattoirmaltaethiron: look at the info, that should help you :)05:09
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic05:09
abattoirmaltaethiron: ^^^^ that might also be useful :)05:09
maltaethironoh cool05:09
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newbie_1000can anyone else connect to the us ubuntu repositories? the seem to be down.05:10
pierrethabattoir: ok, done05:10
Hawkwindpierreth: You need to give us the resulting pastebin URL05:11
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abattoirnewbie_1000: pinging it works for me... dont know how reliable that is though05:11
pierrethsorry http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2066705:11
newbie_1000ping works. when I try openning the url in a web browser, it says that it can connect but got nothing. It doesn't have an index.html page but it shows me the contents of the folder when it works.05:12
abattoirpierreth: 404, the file cant be found05:12
abattoirpierreth: try another mirror, see if that works05:12
HawkwindI'm still getting 404 errors on Seveas's mirror05:12
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HawkwindFailed to fetch http://mirror3.ubuntulinux.nl/dists/dapper-seveas/all/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404 Not Found05:12
pierrethabattoir: how can i change it?05:12
newbie_1000abattoir: just go to the homepage of the pasteboard. there's a list of recent posts.05:12
abattoirpierreth: did you modify the file manually?05:13
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pierrethi am using a graphical installer05:13
abattoirpierreth: i see a 'de' before the link... i wonder if that should read 'deb' instead05:13
newbie_1000Hawkwind: I can't connect to US repositories.05:13
Hawkwindnewbie_1000: So change the us. part to something else05:14
pierrethabattoir: what can i do?05:14
newbie_1000Hawwind: part?05:14
newbie_1000what if I get french programs from the canadian server?05:14
Hawkwindnewbie_1000: Open up your /etc/apt/sources.list file and you'll see us.archive.ubuntu.com and change the us. part to another mirror.  I personally use se.05:14
abattoirpierreth: could you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list file?05:14
pierrethabattoir: ok05:15
Hawkwindnewbie_1000: The mirrors all contain the same thing.  Doesn't matter where in the world they come from05:15
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maltaethironHawkwind: what mirror is se?05:15
abattoirmaltaethiron: sweden05:15
Hawkwindmaltaethiron: Sweden05:15
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newbie_1000its working now, anyway. just had to wait. :$05:15
liedhi guys, i have got a ati 9600, im installing xorg-driver-fglrx. do i need anything else?05:16
pierrethabattoir: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2066805:17
abattoirpierreth: what is 'de' in french? :P05:17
pierrethabattoir: yes, it means 'of'05:18
pierrethabattoir: or 'from'05:18
abattoirpierreth: so it roughly says error retrieving that file... right?05:18
Hawkwindpierreth: Looks like you need to uncomment some of those sources.  You only have 2 sources active05:19
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pierrethabattoir: i don't where the text is in french05:20
pierrethHawkwind: how can i do this?05:20
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abattoirpierreth: do a 'sudo apt-get update' and then try again05:21
abattoirpierreth: i think there are new packages05:21
abattoirpierreth: the error messages that you first pastebin'd are in french05:22
abattoirpierreth: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2066705:22
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pierrethabattoir: ok the first one, yes well it is both french and english05:24
viper550With all the people switching to Firefox as their web browser or using other GTK apps and noticing how ugly they look, think maybe we should use QtCurve as the default Kubuntu theme?05:24
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pierrethok i made the sudo apt-get update05:24
windhow do i mount a pcmcia05:24
pierrethbut it changes nothing05:24
pierrethit works but the application is still the same05:25
abattoirpierreth: also, reg. enabling universe and multiverse, add 'universe multiverse' after 'main restricted' in the first line05:25
windit's a sd card reader, someone helped me before with it but i can't figure it out once i take the card out and put it back in05:25
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pierrethabattoir: the first line of what?05:25
abattoirpierreth: try doing a 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' or if you want only the latest version of those packages, do 'sudo apt-get install <package>'05:25
abattoirpierreth: your /etc/apt/sources.list file :P05:25
waspiusi want to install valknut and i have downloaded the source and i want to compile it but i get that error05:25
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abattoirviper550: doesnt the gtk-qt engine give it a 'qt-ish' look?05:26
pierrethi should edit sources.list?05:26
viper550But still, QtCurve looks very nice, and fits with the Kubuntu style looks wise05:26
Hawkwindwaspius: What's wrong with doing: sudo apt-get install valknut ??05:27
abattoirpierreth: well, you asked Hawkwind how to enable extra repositories... :)05:27
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abattoirviper550: i guess you could send a message to the Mailing list, or discuss later in a meeting... not sure which is the right course though, would do the former first05:27
waspiusHawkwind: :)..yep that is a good idea...did not think of that:(05:28
abattoir*I would do....05:28
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pierrethabattoir: ok i am updatting05:29
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pierrethabattoir: it is updating everything i think05:30
waspiusdoes anyone use guarddog?05:30
HawkwindI have a guarddog that lays by the front door waiting on strangers to knock :P05:31
liedcan someone past me his xorg.conf?05:32
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pierrethabattoir: why does it updates all my apps?05:32
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Hawkwindpierreth: It only updates apps that are installed that have updates on the repos.  It doesn't update 'everything' unless 'everything' has a new version05:34
pierrethHawkwind: well, it is a lot anyway05:35
Hawkwindpierreth: It will be if you've never updated your install before05:35
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pierrethHawkwind: well, my system is new05:36
Hawkwindpierreth: Then that's why you have so many updates.  Tons of things have been updated since the release of the ISO images05:36
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pierrethHawkwind: well, i made the update from the graphical installer05:37
pierrethHawkwind: after the installl i think it is checking for updates automatically05:37
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pierrethabattoir: i succed with my Java install05:38
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SikonI installed the Russian language pack for KDE and it worked, but KDM is still in English05:38
Sikonis there a way to localize KDM?05:39
pierrethok, it is done!05:39
abattoirpierreth: cool :)05:39
waspiusdo you know how i can update kopete?05:39
pierrethabattoir: i have eclipse installed05:39
windwhat do i need to put in fstab to get my pcmcia sd card reader to... read05:39
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windor nount05:39
pierrethKontact is still the same :-(05:40
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Hawkwindwaspius: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade    If there is a newer version, it should update it assuming you have all the right repos05:40
longbeanSikon: there might be something in the KDE control panel. look for "login manager" or similar05:40
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waspiusHawkwind: if i do not have the right repso??cause i think i dont..i have not added any new ones except by adding multiverse05:40
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abattoirpierreth: kontact is part of KDE, hence you'd get the *latest* by upgrading to 3.5.405:41
pierrethabattoir: ok, i must move to kde to have it?05:41
Hawkwind!repos > waspius05:41
waspiusHawkwind: thank05:41
abattoirpierreth: aah, i forgot that you are on xfce05:41
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource05:41
Hawkwindwaspius: It sent you the info in pm already05:42
pierrethabattoir: i don't like kde, the Terminal is buggy05:42
Hawkwindwaspius: That was what I did when I did !repos > waspius05:42
Hawkwindpierreth: So use a different terminal within KDE05:42
abattoirpierreth: maybe adding the kde 3.5.4 repos and then installing it might help05:42
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Hawkwindpierreth: You don't have to use KDE apps only within KDE05:42
abattoirpierreth: heh, that's a nice reason for not using an entire DE :P05:43
pierrethHawkwind: yes but by default it starts kde apps05:43
HawkwindI don't use KDE at all.  Yet I use konqueror and konsole05:43
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yuriyi got a random email asking for help with kubuntu o_O05:43
yuriyin russian05:43
Hawkwindpierreth: So stop it from starting those apps and set it up the way *you* want it and what *you* want it to run or not run05:43
Hawkwindyuriy: Guess you better go help :P05:43
trappistyuriy: that's what you get for being named yuriy05:43
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abattoiryuriy: someone here must have noticed your name :P05:44
pierrethHawkwind: you think it is possible?05:44
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Hawkwindpierreth: This is linux, anything is possible :)05:44
yuriytook me a few minutes to read05:44
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pierrethHawkwind: can i install kde, remove the kicker and add the xfce panels?05:44
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abattoirpierreth: if i may ask... what's wrong w/ kicker?05:45
Hawkwindpierreth: Of course you can05:45
trappistabsolutely nothing.  except a few bugs.05:45
abattoirpierreth: you can do a 'killall kicker' to close kicker05:45
pierrethabattoir: i don't like the taskbar05:45
trappistbut some people like a pretty bare-bones desktop.  and those folks might prefer something like fluxbox.  which I would like a lot better if it came with or interacted well with kicker.05:46
pierrethabattoir: the buttons are talking all the place and i must read them to know where to go05:46
yuriytrappist: like what?   ==> bugs.kde.org :)05:46
HawkwindSo remove the taskbar from kicker or run the Xfce panel05:46
trappistyuriy: don't worry, I've reported my bugs :)05:46
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abattoirpierreth: you have a vertical kicker?05:47
trappistbut using launchpad is much more pleasant than using bugs.kde.org05:47
Hawkwindtrappist: What problems did you have with kicker in fluxbox ?  I used to run kicker a while back in flux but it's been quite some time05:47
abattoiror had?05:47
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pierrethabattoir: no the vertical is even wrost, it is very slow05:47
trappistHawkwind: it runs, but it doesn't seem to communicate properly with all my open windows.05:47
yuriytrappist: i agree, but reporting the bugs upstream makes them more likely to be fixed05:47
pierrethcan i install kde on top of my xfce?05:47
Hawkwindtrappist: Strange.  I never had that problem.  But it's been well over a year since I really used fluxbox.  I'm now an E17 person for life.05:48
longbeanpierreth: you can run kde apps from xfce, no problem05:48
gnomefreakpierreth: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop   it will let you choose than to boot whatever one you want to at the time05:48
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david__where would I find the sources of the network settings module of kubuntu? also in the kde svn?05:48
Hawkwindpierreth: You can install KDE along side of Xfce05:48
trappistyuriy: depends - often it's a packaging problem.  but yeah most of my kicker problems probably do need to be fixed upstream.  I do submit my important bugs there.05:48
abattoirpierreth: i dont understand what you mean, the icons are only 20somethingx20something.. you can remove them if you dont want05:48
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trappistyuriy: all my kicker bugs involve running two kickers on multiple displays05:49
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pierrethabattoir: the icons are ok, you cannot remove the text05:49
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waspiusHawkwind: i did what u said and added one repo deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu dapper-commercial main..that is all i found..i had already added the multiverse...but still no update for kopete..and it needs one i think05:49
Hawkwindpierreth: Yes you can05:49
pierrethHawkwind: how?05:49
longbeanpierreth: you mean the stuff that pops up when you mouse-over?05:49
Hawkwindwaspius: You need to add stuff like universe as well05:50
abattoirlongbean: no, i think he means the actual text(title of the window) on the tasbar entries05:50
pierrethno, i mean the text of the buttons on the taskbar05:50
Hawkwindpierreth: Right click on the icon, then in that screen remove any of the text you want05:50
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waspiusHawkwind: ok..thanx allot05:50
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pierrethHawkwind: the news apps are going to appear with text05:51
=== DaSkreech yawns
HawkwindDaSkreech: Good morning05:51
DaSkreechHawkwind: What happened to ebuntu?05:51
abattoirhello DaSkreech :)05:51
Hawkwindpierreth: I haven't run KDE in a while, but I had it set up for my dad and he had no text on any icons as I had removed it all as he didn't like it either05:51
DaSkreechabattoir: Morning :)05:51
HawkwindDaSkreech: What do you mean ?05:51
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DaSkreechHi nixternal05:52
pierrethHawkwind: ok, i will install and you will help me. ok? :-)05:52
DaSkreechThere was a ebuntu project (tentative)05:52
Hawkwindpierreth: Hah!  I don't run KDE man.  I just know a bit of how it works05:52
HawkwindDaSkreech: Yeppers.  Still is AFAIK05:52
DaSkreechThere are so many people who hang around here who use E why isn't there more activity?05:52
HawkwindDaSkreech: Because not many can build good E17 deb packages unfortunately05:53
willemits ihmett ?05:53
DaSkreechHawkwind: Really? Elive doesn't seem to have much issue05:53
pierrethHawkwind: No?05:53
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HawkwindDaSkreech: I have setup my own E17 Ubuntu repo on my http://SeerOfSouls.com/ site though.  We are working with a new script to get even cleaner builds05:53
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DaSkreechwille: Hello What Language?05:53
ubotuSuomenkielinen keskustelu (K)Ubuntusta kanavilla #ubuntu-fi ja #kubuntu-fi05:54
abattoirwille: ^^^05:54
Hawkwindpierreth: Most anyone here can help you configure KDE though.05:54
nixternalhiya DaSkreech05:54
nixternalmy computer just straight locked up windows style05:54
DaSkreechHawkwind: I know :) But shouldn't there be reports from the ebuntu team?05:54
DaSkreechnixternal: Yeah that happens to me all the time05:54
HawkwindDaSkreech: But they don't build 100% proper packages unfortunately.  Atleast not good enough to be accepted into a distro like Ubuntu05:54
abattoirnixternal: hi :)... edgy?05:54
nixternalnot me it doesn't ;)05:54
pierrethHawkwind: :-)05:54
nixternaledgy runs like a charm ;)05:54
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abattoirnixternal: i have problems w/ kwin in edgy :(05:55
HawkwindDaSkreech: There probably should be.  I really don't know what's what when it comes to Ebuntu.  I should try and get involved since I have an E17 repo05:55
DaSkreechHawkwind: #ebuntu05:55
DaSkreechContact the guy who owns this room05:56
HawkwindHeh.  I knew that was coming05:56
Hawkwindtrappist: Some things never change :)05:56
trappistsome things never will :)05:56
DaSkreechtrappist: Thanks05:56
pierrethok, i'll take some sleep, see you later...05:56
DaSkreechpierreth: Later05:57
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pierreththank you05:57
HawkwindDaSkreech: Hah!  Noone is even in #Ebuntu except for ChanServ05:58
DaSkreechHawkwind: I know that :-P05:58
DaSkreechThe onl;y person who hangs out there is me05:58
HawkwindThat's really sad to be honest.  Seems it would be more popular05:58
DaSkreech#ubuntu-libre hhas more people05:58
DaSkreechHawkwind: That's what I'm saying. The chan has a owner though right?05:58
HawkwindDaSkreech: Yeah.  One that hasn't been seen in almost 9 weeks now05:59
larson9999i've been banging around on a few different distros.  lots to like.  yum is a little dubious though05:59
DaSkreechHawkwind: Right but that would be the person to contact. He's the official link between Canonical and Ebuntu so that would be the place to start05:59
DaSkreechlarson9999: Try grml :)06:00
HawkwindDaSkreech: Yeah I'm going to email him right now and see what the latest status is.  The wiki page hasn't been updated with any new info since July 13th and even then there was nothing really added06:00
DaSkreechYup yup I knwo I've been following06:01
DaSkreech nbuntu is more active than this and I don't even think that's a real Distro :-D06:01
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larson9999ok, going to do my first real gui programming.  hope i don't drown06:02
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MasterEvil`Laptothere anyway to set a shortcut on desktop to turn off my monitor, *screen blank, etc) ?06:02
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MasterEvil`Laptoif i set it to 30 minutes automatically in my xorg, it doesn't work.. if i set it to 15 it does owrk..06:03
TheFuzzballis there a channel to help people with Adept?06:03
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windwhat do i need to put in fstab to get my pcmcia sd card reader to... moun06:04
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)06:05
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TheFuzzballis there a channel to help people with Adept?06:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about Adept - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:05
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larson9999things are working well with this new pc.  now the questions are do i just leave windows media center installed or mess with installing xp pro?  i don't use windows for much at atll.  and do i mess the athestics up by putting my beige 3 1/5" - 5 14" combo floppy drive in this nice black case?06:06
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abattoirTheFuzzball: i dont think one exists... what's up?06:06
HawkwindDaSkreech: I've just emailed the guy and asked a few questions.  I'll keep you informed as to what he replies with, if he replies06:06
TheFuzzballabattoir: I can't install anything without it saying Unmet Dependencies and then giving me a list of the apps I can't install06:07
Hawkwindlarson9999: Not like you're going to be showing it off at a show or something.  Put the hardware in it if you need it06:07
abattoirTheFuzzball: you might need to enable additional repositories06:07
abattoirTheFuzzball: have you tried apt-get?06:07
larson9999Hawkwind: oh, i forgot.  my wife will likely give me an earful :)  but i do play some old games.  the eternal question: games or girls?06:08
TheFuzzballabattoir: I have, you want me to give you a pastebin of what I typed?06:08
abattoirTheFuzzball: sure :)06:08
GoatBoyanyone able to help with geting a 3com witeless pcmcia card to work06:08
Hawkwindlarson9999: I bought my dad a new computer that has Windows MC on it and it's quite nice compared to XP.  Not saying I'd use it, as I don't. But it has a nicer feel/look than any XP does IMO06:08
Hawkwindlarson9999: Well colors of hardware have no bearing on how the system works.  If it works, it works.  I'd make that perfectly clear to her :)06:09
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waspiusas kubuntu does not have a root user do i need to create one or not?06:09
Hawkwindwaspius: Use sudo06:09
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Sikonhow to add directories to the "System" places menu?06:09
Hawkwindwaspius: You *can* create one if you so desire by doing: sudo passwd06:09
larson9999Hawkwind: yeah, i think i'll leave it at least until i think there's a reason.06:09
rkdwaspius: technically it does have a root user, you merely don't know the password06:09
Sikonthe one that's on the taskbar by default and has a computer as its icon06:10
windhey hawkwind, what do i need to put in fstab to get my pcmcia sd card reader to... mount06:10
windor am i going about it the wrong way06:10
TheFuzzballabattoir: pastebin is running slowly06:10
abattoirSikon: not sure about that, but you can create your own menu...06:11
Hawkwindwind: I honestly don't know.  I've never messed with an sd card reader and surely wouldn't want it mounted on boot06:11
Sikonabbatoir> how?06:11
larson9999shouldn't it just mount to media?  this automounting stuff is confusing to me06:11
abattoirSikon: so you could try recreating the system menu thing w/ the things you need06:11
windi just want it to mount, so if i need to take it out and put it back in i don't have to constantly mount it06:11
abattoirTheFuzzball: if ubuntu-nl is slow, you can try pastebin.ca06:11
windwell its reading as a external hd06:11
Hawkwindwind: What /dev does it say it is in dmesg ?06:12
larson9999my usb stuff doesn't have ftab entries and they mount.  in mandriva there were fstab entries for them.06:12
larson9999but they mount to media instead of mnt06:12
abattoirSikon: its not very straightforward... you should run kmenuedit, add your own menu, then rt.click on the panel->add appl. to panel->add your menu, and then remove that menu from kmenuedit(if you dont need it)06:12
LynoureI mapped backspace to my capslock key but the new backspace does not repeat? How can I make it repeat without affecting other keys? (I used xkb not xmodmap)06:13
DaSkreechHawkwind: Thanks. :-)06:13
DaSkreechHawkwind: New beta of elive is out. They have a pretty detailed changelog06:14
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:14
roman_for that sites06:14
HawkwindDaSkreech: Yeah.  I know Thanta very well and see most of what's going on with Elive since I know all the devs for it and most of the ones for E itself.  They are doing a great job on Elive06:15
Sikonwait, I can place the bookmarks/favorites thing06:15
DaSkreechI know06:15
Sikonthat's what I need06:15
trappistHawkwind: make em fix Eterm for amd6406:15
trappistactually that's a libast2 fix not an Eterm fix06:15
waspiusHawkwind: but is it safe that way?or is the other better?06:15
Hawkwindtrappist: Talk to KainX he's the Eterm maintainer.06:15
GoatBoycan anyone help with geting a 3com pcmcia card to work06:16
Hawkwindtrappist: Ah yeah, the good ole libast2 issue06:16
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roman_where can i find the w32codecs06:16
trappistHawkwind: I got the fix into dapper, so I'm happy.  but it oughtta go upstream.06:16
Hawkwindwaspius: I've done it.  It's no different than having a traditional root account06:16
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Hawkwindtrappist: Who maintains libast2 ?06:17
Sikonroman_> on the mplayer site, I believe06:17
Hawkwindroman_: From PLF06:17
trappistHawkwind: my first guess is: nobody06:17
ubotuplf is the Penguin Liberation Front, see http://wiki.ubuntu-fr.org/doc/plf - mainly for i386 users with some packages for ppc06:17
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uboturms is Richard Matthew Stallman, founder of the GNU project. See !gnu and also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Stallman06:17
roman_can give me a link06:17
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Hawkwindroman_: The bot just did, look up about 5 lines where ubotu spoke06:17
Sikonhow can I change the columns displayed in the Detailed List view in Konqueror?06:18
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roman_i cant find it06:19
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Hawkwindroman_: Can't find what ?06:19
fdovingSikon: view -> view details.06:19
Hawkwindroman_: Did you add a PLF source ?06:20
roman_to play avi06:20
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about w32codec - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:20
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:20
dr_willisi alwyas get the latest .debs for them from the mplayer homepage.06:20
roman_thanx that was what i need06:20
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windwhen i try to mount the card reader it gives me the error06:21
windcan't find /dev/hdc1 in /etc/fstab06:21
dr_willistry a sudo fdisk -l    and see what partitions are being detected by the os.06:21
Sikonthis isn't very convenient, though -  have to open the menu four times to hide four columns06:21
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waspiusdoes anyone know how to install a bootsplash?06:22
SikonI do06:22
Sikonfor GRUB?06:22
dr_willisI recall a wiki page on the topic waspius.06:22
TheGateKeeperwget -c http://www.debian-multimedia.org/pool/main/w/w32codecs/w32codecs_20060611-0.0_i386.deb06:22
TheGateKeepersudo dpkg -i w32codecs_20060611-0.0_i386.deb06:22
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dr_williskde dosent use a 'bootsplash'  theres different 'splash' things.06:22
roman_i have got already now the codecs06:23
roman_he is installing now06:23
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h3sp4wnwaspius: splashy is pretty good06:23
Remo_Ahi all06:23
dr_willisya got the grub background/consold background. ya got the fancy animated booting scene. then ya got when kde loads a little animated splash sequence06:23
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waspiush3sp4wn: ok i will check it out thanx06:23
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Remo_AI can't use kile(latex frontend) because it shows error while compiling, when I type something in a .tex file and save it, the message is, that "Selected encoding cannot encode every unicode character in this document.06:24
waspiush3sp4wn: does it use allot of memory?06:24
granbarWhy is it so that I can't install libxine-extracodecs?06:24
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Remo_Awhat is messed up with the locals?06:24
DaSkreechgranbar: You can't see a libxine-extracodecs?06:25
h3sp4wnwaspius: No06:25
Remo_Akile is set up to ISO 8859-1 <- german encoding06:25
TheGateKeeperRemo_A: the one in the repos no good???06:25
Sikonso KDM can't be configured to be fullscreen, like GDM?06:26
Remo_ATheGateKeeper: exactly that one, yes06:26
granbarDaSkreech: I've enabled universe and multiverse, and neither apt-get nor apt-cache finds it.06:26
waspiush3sp4wn: and can i use bootsplash icons on it?06:26
granbarDaSkreech: It is refered to though06:26
TheGateKeeperRemo_A: enable universe apt-get install kile06:26
DaSkreechgranbar: Are you sure?06:26
dr_willisSikon,  Huh? the KDM login manager  is full screen as far as i know.. theres dozens of themes for it also to twiddle with.06:26
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granbarDaSkreech: I'll check over sources.list once again, but I'm pretty sure06:27
dr_willisSikon,  your definition of 'full' screen may be different from mine. :P06:27
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Remo_ATheGateKeeper: universe and multiverse repos enabled06:27
granbarDaSkreech: Yes. I have uncommented all the additional lines in sources.list06:27
carlosanyone here, have worked with QT libraries?06:27
carlosspecifically qFTP ?06:27
DaSkreechgranbar: And added the words Multiverse?06:28
darkkishyesterday i screwed up my linux trying to install nvidia drivers, it just wont boot anymore06:28
Hawkwindgranbar: Why don't you paste your sources.list to http://pastebin.ca06:28
longbeangranbar: and you've run apt-get update?06:28
TheGateKeeperRemo_A: having problems try this for size: http://za1012001.googlepages.com/modifyingubunturepositories06:28
carlosdarkkish: wich card do u have?06:28
Hawkwinddarkkish: Won't boot, or won't start a graphical interface ?06:28
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granbarDaSkreech, Hawkwind and longbean: I'll paste the sources.list into the pastebin. Gimme a sec.06:28
DaSkreechgranbar: Ok06:29
Remo_ATheGateKeeper: what the hell! This is not a repository thing! my input encoding is just different than the one used in kile06:29
Kr4t05Remo_A: Take a breather.06:30
Kr4t05How can I resize my swap partition?06:30
TheGateKeeperRemo_A: you said you had problems compiling, which suggested you where trying to compile from source and install06:30
Remo_Ano, lol06:30
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darkkishcan someone help me in PM with my nvidia graphics driver problem?06:30
Remo_Akile compiles tex into dvi and then to pdf or whatever06:31
Remo_Awell not kile exactly obviously06:31
Kr4t05Is there any way I can get qparted to resize my swap partition?06:31
Remo_Athat's just the frontend06:31
granbarDaSkreech, Hawkwind and longbean: http://pastebin.ca/13303806:31
Remo_Athis is an encoding thing, I just need to know where I can change the input encoding06:31
TheGateKeeperRemo_A: ok, don't use the package so not familiar with what it get up too sorry :-(06:32
Remo_Ai hate this ISO-xxx vs. UTF war06:32
Remo_ATheGateKeeper: easy06:32
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DaSkreechgranbar: You have multiverse on backports06:32
DaSkreechgranbar: Might want to add it to the lines above that have universe06:33
Kr4t05Does anyone know why I can't resize ext2/3 partitions?06:33
Remo_Athis is pretty simple question: where can I change the input encoding to ISO 8859-106:33
dragghoKr4t05: maybe they are mounted?06:33
dragghoKr4t05: try to use gparted from LiveCD06:33
Kr4t05draggho: In the live-cd?06:33
dr_willisKr4t05,  using parted/gparted/qtparted?06:33
darkkishhow do i mount my drive in live cd?06:33
granbarDaSkreech: Okay. Thanks. I'll try that :)06:33
darkkishi forgot06:33
Hawkwinddarkkish: What's the device number ?06:34
dr_willismount /dev/whatever /mountit/whever06:34
Hawkwinddarkkish: mount /dev/something /mnt/whatever06:34
dragghoKr4t05: sometime, when you have complicated partition scheme, parted doesn't work :(06:34
Hawkwinddarkkish: As sudo of course06:34
dragghoHawkwind: not in the LiveCD :P06:34
darkkishmount: you must specify the filesystem type06:34
darkkishin the live cd06:35
granbarDaSkreech: Thanks, it works! :)06:35
dragghoHawkwind: need to give -t option06:35
DaSkreechgranbar: Excellent06:35
darkkishyesterday i swear all i typed06:35
granbarDaSkreech: And I'm really impressed by both Kubuntu and it's community :)06:35
=== draggho away
darkkishwas sudo mount /dev/hda5 /mnt06:36
Kr4t05draggho: /dev/hda1 - ext3 Mounted at / | /dev/hda2 - swap | /dev/hdb1 - FAT32  /dev/hdb2 - NTFS06:36
DaSkreechgranbar: Cool Score one point for us :)06:36
DaSkreechdarkkish: Then you need an auto somewhere06:36
beleHi, anyone here using compiz with KDE? Is it really usable for a non-developer?06:36
DaSkreechdarkkish: I'm not sure have you looked under /media I remember some drives automounting under there06:36
Kr4t05I need to resize a partition on my primary drive, because, if I don't, the Windows installer has a spazz.06:37
darkkishnone of my drives are mounted and when i rightclick > mount, i get an  error06:37
DaSkreechbele: Pretty much yes. Ask in #ubuntu-xgl06:37
beleDaSkreech: thanks06:37
Hawkwinddarkkish: mount -t auto /dev/hda5 /mnt/some-directory-you-created06:37
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darkkishok now to fix my GeForce drivers -_-06:38
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Leafwwhere is the dns config file? Which file under /etc ?06:39
LeafwI mean the file that has the dns servers06:39
darkkishhow can i uninstall my graphix card drivers in live cd?06:39
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dragghoLeafw: resolve.conf06:40
Leafwthat's it!06:40
Leafw(coudln't recall the name)06:40
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dragghoKr4t05: I think LiveCD mounts swap06:41
dragghocheck it out06:41
Kr4t05draggho: It says its mounted.06:41
dragghoKr4t05: so you have to unmount it, or swapoff it06:42
darkkishcan someone help me uninstall my graphix drivers WHILE i'm on live CD?06:42
Kr4t05draggho: do you have an exact command for swapoff?06:42
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DShepherdDaSkreech: link06:43
dr_willisswapoff /dev/hda206:43
darkkishi tried changing nvidia back to nv, but that didn't help06:43
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dr_willisthen ya got some issues06:44
dragghoKr4t05: swapon -s06:44
dragghogives you the partition06:44
darkkishthe odd thign is in this file it says "ATI Technologies, inc. Radeon RV100 QY"06:44
dragghothen sudo swapoff /dev/something06:44
draggholeaves swap06:44
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dragghothen umount /partition06:44
DShepherdDaSkreech: link for the meeting06:45
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darkkishi think i figured out how to fix the problem06:50
darkkishbbiab if it doesn't work06:50
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Orasis1Anyone know how I can remove the I386 kernel and replace it with the I686 kernel?06:50
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dr_willisinstall the 686 first06:51
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waspiusis there a package that will have some basic games to download?06:52
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trappistwaspius: kdegames06:55
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waspiustrappist: it says it is an empty directory06:55
tRSShi everyone. i need help with amarok and my usb headset. i can't get my usb headset to work with amarok
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dr_willisit works otherwise?06:56
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tRSSdr_willis: is that a question for me?06:57
trappistwaspius: what says what?06:57
waspiustrappist: in adept06:57
Orasis1dr_willus, dapper does not give me a kernel option at install.06:58
Orasis1So now my system is already installed with I guess the default 386 kernel, - so I cannot update it to the 686?06:58
dr_willisyes you can Orasis106:59
windwhen i try to mount the card reader it gives me the error can't find /dev/hdc1 in /etc/fstab... what do i do06:59
tRSSgot it working. lol, choose alsa, and then in devices, enter hw:1,006:59
Orasis1dr_willis: How?, I saw no option for it in the install - it went straight to a graphical GUI and I clicked installed - it never asked me for a kernel07:00
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waspiustrappist: did u check?07:00
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DaSkreechwaspius: Waht games do you like?07:03
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php07:03
trappistwaspius: you just say `sudo apt-get install kdegames`07:03
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waspiusDaSkreech: thanx07:03
waspiustrappist: ok07:03
dr_willisOrasis1,  fire up the package manager, search , install.07:05
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Orasis1dr_willis: :)) That is what I was doing, I was asking if it would work - or send my machine into a kernel panic on reboot.07:06
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DaSkreechOrasis1: It will work07:08
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wardriving - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:09
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TheHighChildmaltaethiron: http://www.wi-fiplanet.com/tutorials/article.php/359553107:13
maltaethironoo, thank you TheHighChild07:14
TheHighChildmaltaethiron: np, how many wireless cards are you going to use?07:14
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maltaethironso kismet is a package sniffer?07:15
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osh_Someone here who could help me confirm a bug? Have a look here on how to reproduce it. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2068007:18
TheHighChildsorry, maltaethiron yes it's a sniffer07:18
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maltaethironthehighchild: when enabling multiverse repositories, do i change ALL sections to universe multiverse, or just the ones that already say universe?07:21
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TheHighChildmaltaethiron: Not all of the repos have multiverses, you're better off using !source-o-matic07:22
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic07:22
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TheHighChildAlways make sure to make a backup of your current07:23
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TheHighChildmaltaethiron: So what are you trying to do with wardriving? Just mapping or are you trying to crack WEP networks?07:25
maltaethironwardriving with googleearth07:25
maltaethironand like mapping07:25
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waspiusdoes anyone know why i cannot send files in kopete?i have no option for it07:26
TheHighChildmaltaethiron: http://www.perrygeo.net/wordpress/?p=5507:26
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maltaethironwell what im getting at with the repositories is which ones do i have to change to be able to get kismet through synaptic07:26
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ntsf - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:29
TheGateKeeper_maltaethiron: you need to enable universe: http://za1012001.googlepages.com/modifyingubunturepositories07:29
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse07:29
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TheHighChildmaltaethiron: It's in the Universe07:29
waspiusi have installed some kde games but i cannot see them in the menu bar why?07:29
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windhow do i install a .tar.gz07:32
windthrough the shell07:32
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TheGateKeeper_wind: depends if it's source code or binaries07:36
psb154wind: tar xvfc file07:37
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psb154xvfz sorry07:37
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darkkishk so07:41
darkkishthat didn't work ether07:41
darkkishi tried going into... safe mode and doing "nvidia-glx-config disable"07:42
darkkishi kept getting these wierd keybind errors07:42
osh_Someone here who could help me confirm a bug? Have a look here on how to reproduce it. It's quite simple. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2068007:42
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darkkishright click where?07:44
soulriderhi everyone07:44
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osh_darkkish: in that konqueror dir.07:44
darkkishi don't even have that choice :p07:45
chavoosh_, I get the same thing here with 3.5.407:45
darkkishcan you help me with a grpahics driver problem?07:45
osh_chavo: I've got it in 3.5.4 too but I'd like to know if that's a 3.5.4 issue or if it was present earlier too.07:46
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chavomight be a problem with kubuntu-default-settings also07:47
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osh_darkkish: no "Create new" entry in that menu that comes up? You should be able to create Text document, directories and other things.07:47
darkkishmaybe not07:47
maltaethironhow do i save a file in nano?07:47
darkkishright now i'm on live CD?07:47
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osh_chavo: might be.07:47
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darkkisham having a driver problem07:48
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darkkishwith my nvidia drivers07:48
darkkishand now i can't boot into linux07:48
darkkishidk how to uninstall them07:48
darkkishi tried changing nvida back to nv but it didn't fix the problem07:48
osh_darkkish: sorry, never done anything with gfx-drivers other than the open ones.07:49
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larson9999i thought everything was going fine.  now this has happened twice.  my screen just turns white and i don't see a cursor and no key combination does anything.  in xorg i get a bunch of these error messages.  radeon xpress 200. kde http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2068207:49
macpheecdarkkish - Can you boot into console?07:50
darkkishi have no idea what to do from there07:50
osh_darkkish: what you could do is to move xorg.conf to xorg.conf.OLD and do a dpkg-reconfigure xorg (or whatever that package name is). From console, that is.07:50
darkkishso just rename it?07:50
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darkkishto .OLD ?07:51
osh_darkkish: yeah, to keep a copy of it for future reference (should you need it).07:51
darkkishand then how do i configure the package?07:51
chavosudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:52
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darkkishthere is no way to do it from the console in live CD?07:53
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osh_darkkish: there is, but it involves mounting the right disks and doing changeroots and stuff. Probably easier to just reboot and do it right from the start.07:55
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darkkishi know what disks to mount07:55
darkkishi don't know how to do changeroots07:55
darkkishi guess i'll just write down the package and try it07:56
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darkkishwish me luck] 07:56
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larson9999this machine is amd64 but i'm just using 32.  is the 64bit distro ready for a loser like me or is it still kinda troublesome?08:02
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boldiican I somehow get the audio which is heard atm into a local file? I want to save audio heard with flash as an ogg-file.08:10
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto08:10
nicolas__how do i move kde panel applets ?08:10
rkdboldii: iirc, audacity can record from "wave out"08:11
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heinkel_111does any of the dapper drake installers support reiserfs filesystems?08:13
darkkishthat did NOT work >_>08:13
darkkishi need someones help doing it in the console08:13
darkkishmaybe remote desktop or something but it either way it would work better in PM08:13
heinkel_111i need a live cd or text based installer that can create reiserfs filesystems08:13
darkkishthis is such a clean version of kubuntu i might just reinstall it08:13
DaSkreechheinkel_111: THey all can08:14
nicolas__isnt there a Move button on the kde applets ?08:14
DaSkreechIf that's all you need it for try gprated08:14
DaSkreechnicolas__: Should be08:14
heinkel_111DaSkreech: i didn't get reiserfs option?08:14
nicolas__DaSkreech: seems its invisible08:14
heinkel_111gparted isn't on the livecd08:14
heinkel_111qtparted is08:14
DaSkreechnicolas__: On Right click? The one at the top?08:14
larson9999gparted is a live cd08:15
larson9999and is better imo that qtparted08:15
darkkishooh nicolas. cool, that how i spell my name :-O not that anyone cares :p08:15
=== maltaethiron is away. Away at the moment
osh_darkkish: Ok, mount the disks. Let's have a go at it.08:15
heinkel_111ah..yes, now i understand, there is a live cd distro version of gparted?08:15
DaSkreech!away > maltaethiron08:15
larson9999heinkel_111: yeah and it's a small download08:15
darkkishosh_:  can we talk in pm?08:16
larson9999heinkel_111: well, relatively08:16
heinkel_111because i know it as a program i installed with adept on my other machine (this one=08:16
pmin pm? interesting :P08:16
osh_darkkish: dunno, did you get my messages? I'm not a registered user.08:16
darkkishprobably not08:16
darkkishits easy to register though O.o08:16
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darkkish/ns register <password>08:16
osh_darkkish: yeah, but I can't be bothered... ;-)08:16
darkkishlol >_>08:17
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DaSkreechThere isa kMobiletools08:17
heinkel_111larson9999: yes gparted looks smoother than qtparted, but i guess it is the same under the lid08:17
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adaranhow do i put my laptop into suspend-to-ram or suspend-to-disk mode?08:18
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larson9999heinkel_111: maybe.  but i had issues with ntfs with qtparted that i didn't have in gparted.  but then again maybe under the hood there were different versions of things08:18
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heinkel_111i think they branched at some point and gparted is more recently updated08:20
heinkel_111but basically much the same, we don't deal with ntfs, do we?   ;-)08:20
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larson9999heinkel_111: when people pay use to, we do. don't we?08:22
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heinkel_111oh well, we do date, but we are not cheap dates then :P08:23
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beleadaran: from systray icon you can choose suspend or hibernate08:24
=== heinkel_111 back to other computer to look over filesystems again
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adaranbele: ah, well, that only suspends without telling me what it really does. i'd like to see S3 working.08:25
zipperHmm... apparently my soundcard works fine in firefox, however, i get no sound from any other application. I have 2 soundcards, perhaps i should disable one of them? If so, how is that done?08:25
sansi don't know if anyone can help me with this, knights, the kde chess client, hangs indefinitately and uses an insane amount of cpu on its third move, I can't use it, anyone got an idea?08:25
adaranbele: it seems to just power off the monitor, fans are still running and all08:25
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marcioqual o canal do ubuntu brasil?08:33
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NickGarveywhat command would I run to check what version of KDE I have?08:35
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gnomefreakNickGarvey: apt-cache policy kdebase08:36
gnomefreakmarcio: join #uubntu-br08:36
gnomefreakmarcio: /j #ubuntu-br08:36
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.08:36
NickGarveygnomefreak: the kde I have isn't from the repos08:37
gnomefreakdont matter08:37
DaSkreechNickGarvey: I just open up some random application and go help -> about KDE08:37
gnomefreakNickGarvey: it will still tell you it will say installed ....08:37
NickGarveythank you08:37
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NickGarvey3.5.4a :)08:37
beleadaran: for my HP laptop there's actually three levels of suspend to choose from, first (suspend) suspends to memory, fans and all are swithed off08:37
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Hawkwindkde-config --version | grep KDE08:37
DaSkreechI'm not sure why you need a CLI check for a blatantly graphic application08:38
heinkel_111Hawkwind: if you use Konversation, /sysinfo will provide this output amongst other things08:39
heinkel_111as example:08:39
Hawkwindheinkel_111: I don't need the info, and I don't use KDE, at all :)08:39
heinkel_111oh, carry on then :P08:39
HawkwindDaSkreech: Heh true.  I was just giving another way to check incase he didn't have X working or something :P08:40
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DaSkreechSysinfo for 'Released': Linux 2.6.15-26-386 running KDE 3.5.4, CPU: AMDAthlonXP2800+ at 2083 MHz (4171 bogomips), , RAM: 495/503MB, 127 proc's, 1.1d up08:41
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DaSkreechWoah :-)08:41
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DaSkreechwaspius: yo08:46
waspiusDaSkreech: hey08:46
sansdoes anyone know what the kde base directory is in kubuntu?08:47
sansi mean in ubuntu + kubuntu-desktop08:48
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zipperI have two soundcards in my pc, and i only want to use one of them, since the other one messes things up. How do i disble one of them?08:53
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zipperi still want to use the second soundcard in windows, so thats not an option08:54
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ironfroggymy laptop has both a touchpad and one of those nubs on the keyboard. when i adjust the pointer acceleration in KDE, however, it only seems to affect the speed of the nub, not the touchpad.08:54
mpc1000ditch windows 100%08:54
zipperthe thing is, my audigy4 is well supported, while my onboard Realtek ALC882 isn't08:55
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zipperi would, if game developers used openGL instead of directx08:55
NukedI have  a problem, when I try to remove an account from kopete it crashes.08:55
mpc1000get a console08:55
zippermpc1000, stop being stupid. If you dont know the answer, the just leave it please08:55
larson9999only play/buy games that support linux08:55
zippermpc1000, i am actually quite relaxed08:56
Nukedso anyone know why kopete is crashing?08:56
larson9999not that hard.  if you've played all the linux games, you need a job :)08:56
mpc1000why don't08:56
mpc1000you goto google.com08:56
mpc1000and get your answer08:56
mpc1000i see it right there08:56
Nukedmpc1000: you know thats the response the asshats at deban give you08:56
zippermpc1000, you don't think i've been to google already? Interesting08:57
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trappistzipper: disable it in your BIOS08:57
mpc1000worst part about ubuntu is it turned a ton of "linux users" dependant on copy and pasting08:57
zipperNuked, it's not a debian thing. Every distro has its elitists assholes08:57
mpc1000there solutions08:57
mpc1000no one goes out and fishes for answers08:57
zippertrappist, not an option unfortunately, need the soundcard for windows08:57
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Nukedahhh zipper, thanks for the clarification08:57
zippertrappist, and when it gets supported in linux, i need it there as well08:57
mpc1000zipper, since your still using windows08:58
mpc1000why don't you make a 20 second trip into the bios08:58
mpc1000on each reboot?08:58
mpc1000that would stop any conflict 100%08:58
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mpc1000when your in nix08:58
zippercus' that would be a very stupid solution dont you think?08:58
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ironfroggyyea seriously, stop being stupid and giving jackass answers mpc100008:58
zipperi refuse to believe it's impossible for linux to disable a device08:58
mpc1000hyperactive bitches08:58
ubotuHelp! Riddell, uniq, Mez, jpatric, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, or gnomefreak08:58
Hawkwindmpc1000: Seriously, chill with the name calling and all please08:59
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zippermpc1000, i'm glad you tried, thank you. Now, can someone with some real answers give me a hint please?08:59
ironfroggyit shouldnt be trouble to configure arts to use the specific card you want and not the other one.08:59
trappistzipper: I had to do this once.  your answer involves invoking asoundconf, but I forget the details.08:59
DaSkreechlarson9999: Possibly in making linux games :)08:59
mulderhello all08:59
zippertrappist, thanks, i'll look into that08:59
Kiongkuhi. i need to recompile my kernel if i want to add vesafb.ko module?08:59
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trappistzipper: or, you could look into what driver is being loaded for your soundcard, and blacklist it08:59
HawkwindKiongku: Are you sure it's not already compiled into the kernel ?  Have you tried to modprobe it ?09:00
=== mpc1000 hugs zipper
KiongkuHawkwind: modprobe vesafb ?09:00
slicslaki tried installing kword but when i run it it says: WARNING: Libray files for ".la" not found in paths.09:00
zippertrappist, i think it's being loaded as an intel card (even though it isnt). Is there an article on the wiki about how to blacklist modules?09:00
HawkwindKiongku: You can try.  Not sure exactly what you are trying to do09:00
Kiongkuno its not in09:00
mulderwas here this morning, geneo and Intel helped me. Was trying to have my two cpus recognized, a decent 1280x800 reso set up and and being able to download update.09:00
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mulderAnybody can help?09:01
KiongkuHawkwind: i recompiled my kernel and now usplash does not work09:01
Hawkwindmulder: Have you installed the linux-686 kernel package ?09:01
KiongkuKiongku: i think i miss fb modules09:01
mpc1000Disabling Onboard Sound without BIOS - Ubuntu Forums09:01
mulderah hawkind09:01
Kiongkuoops sorry HAwkwind09:01
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mulderbasically i have resintalles the latest kubuntu version09:01
Nukeddude why is kopete crashing over removing an account?09:01
mulderso trying to set things up again09:01
dell500I'm having some major problems formatting my 300gb USB Sata drive for some reason... i've used fdisk and tried formatting with mkdosfs.09:01
Hawkwindmulder: linux-686 is what you need for HT/SMP processors09:02
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zippermpc1000, see, you are able to not give jackass answers if you want to. Unfurtunately, that thread didnt do me much good, already read it09:02
mulderok...how can I do that Hawkind?09:02
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KiongkuHawkwind: Do i need fb modules for usplash to work?09:02
Hawkwindmulder: sudo apt-get install linux-68609:02
HawkwindKiongku: No idea.  I don't know anything about usplash09:02
HawkwindKiongku: Though it's highly possible just taking a random guess09:02
larson9999mpc1000 the problem is that people give answers instead of helping people find the answers.  i know because i've been the answer guy at work for years.  years back i started making everyone send me their questions in an email.  i think documentd them and forced people to read the doc before asking me anything.  if they still didn't find the answer and it was in there, i told them it was and to look again.  if they still can't find09:03
larson9999it, i look myself and amend the doc if it's hard to see or really isn't there :) and then show there where it is.  if it's not there i find the answer and add it.  amazing how that cuts down on my wasted time and makes people more independent.  i think that wouldn't be such a bad idea for help channels.  create they're own docs either with solutions or links to the 'officail' solution the channel endorces and only answer questions09:03
larson9999that are in the doc and also modify the doc as needed.  just my 2 cents09:03
Nukedlarson9999 then what do you think of the kopete crash issue?09:04
mulderok it says E: Couldn't find package linux-68609:04
larson9999Nuked: i don't konw haven't used it lately.  it doesn't work?09:04
Hawkwindmulder: Have you enabled all of the sources like multiverse and universe ?09:04
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mulderhuh not sure09:04
Nukeddude it crashes when I try to remove an aol account09:04
DaSkreechNuked: Which version?09:05
Hawkwind!repos > mulder09:05
zipperlarson9999, i get where you are going. Unfortunately, the channels that are run that way end up being populated by a very small handfull of elitists who never gives any help, and just talk smack to people whenever they ask for help. I've seen it happend before, and i doubt it would be no different here09:05
larson9999Nuked: i should mention i'm the answer gut at work on the mainframe not *nix :)09:05
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NukedDaSkreech: the latest one provided with kde09:05
larson9999zipper: perhaps i forget to mention i do it with class and style and not with an asshat on09:05
zipperlarson9999, ofcourse you do, i have no doubt of that. But in time, following thoose guidelines, people will forget about style and class all together09:06
zipperlarson9999, at least, thats my experience09:06
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zipperlarson9999, ofcourse people need to read the guides, yes, but i don't think being strict about it is the way to go09:06
larson9999zipper: well at work i'm the only one so it's easy for me to keep that in check.09:07
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NukedDaSkreech: need the backtrace?09:07
mulderok added multiverse...but still not downloading09:07
osh_larson9999: ekerim, is that you?09:07
k3Bhej all im looking network sources , which net sources we use??09:07
DaSkreechNuked: I'm using 0.11 so I'm a bit at a loss for reproducing it09:07
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ironfroggyWhat do i need to get flash applets to play sound through arts?09:07
mulderdo I have to add multiverse for all of them?09:07
waspiusi have installed crystal window decoration but it is not transparent any help?09:07
Hawkwindmulder: Yes09:08
Hawkwindmulder: As well as universe09:08
ironfroggyzipper: are you still looking for a solution?09:08
mulderI feel like a carpet whore in a baghdad market09:08
mulderok Hawk09:08
mpc1000zipper, did you check the link i posted?09:08
zipperironfroggy, sure... just reading different forums at the moment09:08
Nukedshit i figured it out09:08
zippermpc1000, if you read what i said to you, you would know the answer to that question.09:08
jujimufuso, I tried enabling 3d acceleration on my i810 (855G) intel card, and I followed the instructions on this site: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/i915Driver09:08
larson9999zipper: i'm not talking about guides.  that's too hard.  i'm talking about directing their searches by pointing them to the specific section of a specific document i think provides the best answer.  like "read the 3rd paragraph on page 7.  if that doesn't work come see me."  not like rftm09:08
DaSkreechNuked: I guess you canpastebin the backtrace though Someone will probably jump ono it and help09:09
TheGateKeepermulder: http://za1012001.googlepages.com/modifyingubunturepositories09:09
larson9999osh_: no it isn't09:09
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NukedDaSkreech: i figured it out using backtrace09:09
DaSkreechNuked: Cool what is it?09:09
DaSkreechIt's fixable?09:09
jujimufuand in the end, it says to make a new file, called /etc/init.d/915resolution and write some stuff on it, but a file like that alreayd exists. Any ideas?09:09
ironfroggyzipper: have you tried the 'Override device location' option in arts?09:09
NukedDaSkreech: the desklist plugin when enabled will not allow you to delete accounts. disable it and do whatever you want09:09
mulderThanks Gate K...how do I make a back up of the file?09:10
mpc1000ease up selectah09:10
zipperlarson9999, yeah i know... and i agree, it's a good solution. However, i've experienced a tendency where people over time go away from the "Read/search for X" to "rtfm noob!" very quickly. I think it need some good management of the ops in the channels to make it work, which i haven't seen done yet. Not saying it's not doable, i just never seen it done in practice.09:10
zipperironfroggy, uhm, no09:10
osh_Could someone not running kde3.5.4 check this? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2068809:10
zipperironfroggy, i dont even have 'arts'09:11
larson9999zipper: and i provide step by step screenshots.  so the first time a question is asked by anyone i don't say rtfm.  i give an answer and log it.  but then it becomes an question i answered.  anyway, it works very well for me at work.09:11
Nukedshit DaSkreech, now I cant do anything!09:11
trappistzipper: if you have kde you have arts09:11
zipperlarson9999, i have no doubt of that, but irc is quite different from work :)09:11
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zipper"arts: command not found"09:12
zipper? =/09:12
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trappistzipper: it doesn't work like that.  artsd (the arts daemon) runs in the background to handle your sound mixing.09:12
Nukedhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20691 someone take a look at this and see what they can make of it09:12
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:12
larson9999zipper:  yeah, i haven't seen it work too well.  but i think this channel could use ubotu that way and be pretty effective09:13
zippertrappist, ahh, so i just have to use kmix/alsamixer or whatever in order to "override device location"09:13
mulderstarting to hae headaches again09:13
zipperironfroggy, where do i find that "override device location" thing?09:13
mulderis it gb.archive or uk.archive?09:13
trappistzipper: I don't know :)  I don't use arts and I disabled my onboard card in the bios09:13
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Nukedit seems that kopete is choking on the desklist plugin09:13
zipperlarson9999, well, doesnt it already do that?09:13
larson9999zipper: if it's the climate, people come around.  i here people use that method when i'm gone.09:14
pedroGood night everyone09:14
zippertrappist, oh okay, thanks anyway09:14
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pedroI recently installed ntfs-3g09:14
beleosh_: 3.5.2 and kspread doc is created09:14
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trappistzipper: there used to be a quick and easy solution to this - alsaconf - but it's been disabled in the alsa-utils package.  there's a bug open where you can add your gripe to the list of reasons to bring it back until it can be properly replaced.09:14
pedroeverything was all right except that I cannot see well accents and ""09:14
larson9999zipper to a degree but the thing that's missing is people answer not using ubotu.  i only give answers via the doc i use to record questions and answers.09:15
pedroMy system is in spanish and maybe it is a problem of configuration of fstab09:15
trappistzipper: the *reason* I don't use arts is that I have an audigy, which does hardware mixing and makes arts unnecessary... once you get your other card out of the way09:15
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tdmgI am trying to install Kubuntu 6.06 on my laptop.  I want to resize my Windows NTFS partition, make a shared FAT32, then my root and swap.  However, it only seems to allow me to make 3 partitions.  Why is this?  What can I do to get all four partitions?09:15
osh_bele: and you don't have koffice installed either?09:15
mulderstrange I look in the packages installed and it shows linux-386...is it the 686 one that I need?09:16
Nukedtdmg: please defragment first09:16
beleosh_: no koffice installed here09:16
trappistzipper: also, why do you need that card in windows?  doesn't your audigy work in windows?09:16
tdmgNuked.  I did09:16
osh_bele: Thanks a bunch.09:16
beleosh_: no prob09:16
zippertrappist, both work in windows. I would like to use both of them in linux as well, but according to different places on the web, my onboard soundcard isnt (yet) supported in linux09:16
tdmgI made sure by defraging a second time09:17
Nukeddamn dude maybe you specified one of the partitions to be too big09:17
DaSkreechtdmg: And don't use primamry partitions09:17
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trappistzipper: I'm terribly curious - how do you benefit from using two sound cards?09:17
zippertrappist, and thereby it is causing me some problems.... like, firefox can playback sound fine, no problems. Kaffeine and/or vlc is another case though, i get no sound from those09:17
jujimufuI do update-rc.d 915resolution start 99 defaults but it says " update-rc.d: error: expected runlevel [0-9S]  (did you forget "." ?) "09:17
jujimufuwhat am I supposed to do?09:17
pedrois there any help?09:17
tdmgDaSkreech:  How do I go about that?  Which ones are primary or not?  I thought I couldn't specify the file type if it was extended.09:18
mulderguys how can I do a back up of the file sudo cp -p /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list_backup before I edit?09:18
DaSkreechtdmg: That's false. You can09:18
zippertrappist, well, i can easily have my amplifier/stereo connected while still having my headphones plugged in. That, and my onboard soundcard doesnt support openAL, which my audigy does (the main reason i got it)09:18
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DaSkreechMake it extended and continue doing what ever you need09:18
tdmgthanks guys/girls! :D09:19
trappistzipper: can't you do all that with just your audigy?09:19
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zippertrappist, well, i could. But then i would loose the ability to having both my stereo and headphones plugged in at once. I could ofcourse buy a splitter cable, but i don't feel like doing that. Besides, the question is never "why?" it's always "how?" :)09:20
mulderAnybody who can tell me how to back a file?09:20
waspiusanyone know why i cannot send files in kopete?09:20
DaSkreechmulder: make a copy of it09:21
trappistzipper: don't worry, I'm not the "buy different hardware" guy.  I'm curious is all.09:21
trappistmulder: I'm confused.  your answer was built into the question the first time you asked it - cp file newfile09:21
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DaSkreechtrappist: Mee too but maybe he just needed some back up support :)09:22
zippertrappist, ok... well, the main reason is the openAL support, and then i just kept using the onboard soundcard for my stereo (since creative cards suck bigtime for music anyway), and my audigy for games/headphones09:22
muldertrappist...I am trying to have my duo cpus recognized for a start...and I can't do it09:23
zipperwaspius, is your router setup to forward the nessesary ports?09:23
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trappistzipper: yeah I need openAL support too for ut2004 - one of the many reasons I keep buying creative cards - but I have a slew of output jacks, each with its own volume control, so I figure I could use headphones and an amp at the same time, though I've never tried09:23
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trappistmulder: what does backing up files have to do with smp support?09:24
waspiuszipper: i am using a network just two pcs..and the problem is i dont even have the option to send a file09:24
zippertrappist, i think i could do that as well, seeing i have a few outputs as well. But i forgot to mention that my tv is also plugged into my onboard soundcard, which makes things a little tricky09:24
zipperwaspius, that sounds wierd... not sure what could be causing that09:25
mulderwell I need to be able to download linux-686 I guess...and repositories are not allowing me to download anything I suppose09:25
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mulderso to activate the repositories I need to edit a few things09:25
waspiuszipper: long ago with a previous version of kubuntu i had to update kopete..now i cannot find and update...probably no reps or something else is wrong09:25
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mulderas shown here http://za1012001.googlepages.com/modifyingubunturepositories09:25
zipperwaspius, if you're running 6.06, my guess is that you're somewhat up-to-date09:26
heinkel_111i have installed kubuntu on a machine witout available network09:27
heinkel_111and now i am about to network it09:27
waspiuszipper: kopete is 3.5.209:27
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waspiuszipper: sorry 0.11.109:27
heinkel_111is there a wizard i can use to get right network config?09:27
heinkel_111like running the installer again or something?09:27
heinkel_111i am using the amd-64  alternate (text based) install cd09:28
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zipperwaspius, i was talking about the version of (k)ubuntu09:29
mulderI am going banana again09:29
waspiuszipper: a ok yes it is09:29
zipperheinkel_111, depends... if you just need to setup ip addresses and such, yes. If you need to install a specific driver for it, probably not.09:30
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zipperwaspius, i haven't used kopete enough to debug problems people experience with it, sorry09:30
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maltaethironits cyrus the virus!09:30
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waspiuszipper: dont worry i found an update09:30
heinkel_111zipper: do i need a specific driver for an ordinary asus/nvidia motherboard ethernet config?09:31
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mulderoh man I am giving up for good09:32
zipperheinkel_111, depends on which onboard ethernet device you've got. Try clicking the big "k" icon -> "System Settings" -> "Connections"09:32
zipperheinkel_111, from there, you should be able to configure any already installed networking devices09:32
zippermulder, i get that feeling all the time =/09:32
heinkel_111ok, thanks for help09:32
zipperheinkel_111, np09:32
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heinkel_111i am not completely plugged in yet..09:33
heinkel_111but i think i will get a long enough cable in some minutes :P09:33
muldergeez I am not trying to build a rocket to jupier...just getting some updates and have a decent os so i can get rid of that bindows!09:33
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mulderhelp folks. I will even give you Scully's mobile number if you ask!09:36
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zipper_scully's phone number09:36
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mulderKubuntu looks so nice when it is optimised09:37
Kr4t05I can't seem to get GRUB back after installing Windows.09:38
mulderI want to have the basic things running, then after I learn alone09:38
Kr4t05The howto isn't helping.09:38
zipper_mulder, i would love to help you, but i'm a bit tied up. Apparently, the soundcards in my stationary AND laptop is hardly supported in linux, and i still need to figure out how to make twinview work properly09:38
Tm_Tmulder: http://www.tm-travolta.net/shots/current.png09:38
Tm_Tmulder: like? ;)09:38
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Tm_Thmm, should fix this broken iconset09:38
zipper_Tm_T, it's nice, but there's too much stuff going on for my taste... i like it clean09:39
zipper_and cmon... there's no reason to use a console irc client anymore09:39
Tm_Tzipper_: well, I have 8 desktops and everyone has something ;)09:39
Tm_Tzipper_: oh there is09:39
DaSkreechmulder: Don't learn alone :) what do you want to do?09:39
Tm_Tzipper_: and I have 3 irssi running in tabs there09:39
mulderbe rich and get rid of windows!09:40
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zipper_Tm_T, what can irssi do, that no other gui client can do?09:40
DaSkreechmulder: I can help with the first part09:40
DaSkreech Buy stock in Microsoft >_<09:40
mulderhave the two cpus recognized, my ati x1400 too09:40
zipper_DaSkreech, heh, but then he isn't exactly rid of windows :)09:41
mulderdamn everything is so slow suddenly09:41
Tm_Tzipper_: well, it can't run in shell server09:41
DaSkreechzipper_: That's why I helped him with first one:)09:41
gnomefreakzipper_: irssi is extreamly powerful. i know people that have run it for 3-4 years and still havent found out everything about it09:41
DaSkreechmulder: What's up?09:41
Tm_Tzipper_: sit in screen, nor can be as clean looking easy to use09:41
=== gnomefreak still learning the /exec and other / commands
Tm_Tzipper_: I don't need some shiny buttons to irc :)09:42
muldergenview made my lappy really really slow, mouse cursor was like walking on the moon09:42
zipper_gnomefreak, oh i agree. Irssi is a very good client. I just dont see the point of sticking to a console client, when good quality gui clients are available09:42
gnomefreakgui clients need the mouse :(09:42
zipper_Tm_T, me neither. I do like good looking, high res, antialiased text09:42
Kr4t05I'm having problems getting my grub back.09:42
mulderlooks like gnenview is responsible09:42
Tm_Tzipper_: have you ever tried to irc with Konvi in over 50 channels?09:42
fritschzipper_: you can run irssi in a screen and resume from everywhere (university, etc.)09:42
zipper_gnomefreak, depends which one you're using. LostIRC doesnt require a mouse at all afaik09:42
Kr4t05I'm in the grub prompt, and when I type root (hd0,0) it tells me the device doesn't exhist.09:43
zipper_Tm_T, 50 channels? Why would you want to join that many anyway?09:43
Kr4t05hd0,0 is /dev/hda1/, right?09:43
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zipper_fritsch, sure, but you could just as easily setup a bnc to do that, and still have the ability to resume it anywhere09:43
Tm_Tzipper_: err, I just happen to be sometimes...09:43
gnomefreaktrue it doesnt last time i used it but i have everything in terminal my 20 irc channels my bash term(s)09:43
fritschzipper_: a bit slow, or?09:44
deinbut he talks like a gentleman, like you imagined him, when you were youuung09:44
gnomefreakoh and some really nice themes out there for irssi09:44
zipper_fritsch, slow? Why?09:44
mulderok I give up. I go back to windows when I can manage things. thanks for the help guys09:44
=== MasterEvilAce [n=MasterEv@cpe-071-075-009-204.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
fritschzipper_: you mean vnc connection?09:44
DaSkreechmulder: What do you need help with?09:44
fritschzipper_: more slow than just a shell09:44
MasterEvilAceanyway to set a script to run w/ a certain keypress?09:44
Tm_Tzipper_: anyway, gui-client doesn't offer anything to me I should switch over09:44
zipper_fritsch, no, i mean an irc bouncer09:44
deinwhats the problem mulder?09:44
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fritschzipper_: what`s that?09:44
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gnomefreakTm_T: bulky and annoying = gui-clients09:45
zipper_Tm_T, well, luckily there's something for all of us :)... i guess it's just a matter of personal preferences09:45
Tm_Tgnomefreak: cloumsy mostly :)09:45
Tm_Tzipper_: yup09:45
gan|y|medanybody here who could help me with initng?09:45
gnomefreakthat too09:45
mulderI need to have my duo core aspire running fine with Kubuntu. Only one cpu is recognized, res is crap and slow and I can't get updates and packages09:45
DaSkreechmulder: You need a new kernel09:45
fritschmulder: which kernel is installed?09:45
mulderI know,09:45
nonexPeople how to make what the desktop was as in windows 2 times pressing windows and so on opened?09:46
Tm_Tbehave well, I'm going to sleep ->09:46
zipper_fritsch, something that makes you able to be online at all times, and resume the connection at any point from any irc client. Thats roughly what an irc bouncer is09:46
mulderI think it is 38609:46
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DaSkreechmulder: Lets fix the no packages first09:46
DaSkreech Can You pastebin your sources?09:46
fritschmulder: try the linux-image-686?09:46
bigbi need help, my screen seems to freeze for a milisecond once per second, so i can't play games09:46
DaSkreechfritsch: he can't get packages09:46
nonex~~~~~~~~~People how to make what the desktop was as in windows 2 times pressing windows and so on opened?~~~~~~~~~09:46
DaSkreechThat's the bigger issue09:46
fritschDaSkreech: why not? he has internet?09:46
mulderI do yes09:46
DaSkreechfritsch: He's talking to us. He has internet09:46
mulderotherwise I wouldn't be here09:46
waspiuscan someone help me with this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20697  ?09:47
mulderkonqueror works fine09:47
mulderI browse and all that09:47
fritschmulder: why can`t he get packages?09:47
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DaSkreechmulder: What happens when you try to get packages?09:47
fritschmulder: did you setup a proxy?09:47
zipper_fritsch, my guess is his sources.list is messed up09:47
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mulderhaven't changed anything09:47
fritschmulder: do sudo apt-get update09:47
zipper_guess not then09:47
fritschmulder: what is reported09:48
muldersame xp pro no problemconnection running under09:48
DaSkreechwaspius: join #kubuntu-devel09:48
DaSkreechwaspius: I think they have a deb for that09:48
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waspiusDaSkreech: ok thnx09:48
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fritschmulder: what does sudo apt-get update say?09:48
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bigbi need help, my screen seems to freeze for a milisecond once per second, so i can't play games09:50
mulder)% [connecting to gb.archive.ubuntu.com (]  [Connecting to security.ubunty.com (] 09:50
fritschmulder: cool ;-)09:50
mulderand stays there09:50
fritschmulder: what did you configure as proxy in konqueror?09:50
fritschmulder: CTRL C it09:50
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CVirushow can I start amarok from command line without all that output it spits ?09:50
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gnomefreakCVirus: cant really09:51
fritschmulder: try export http_proxy="YOURPROXY:PORT"09:51
fritschmulder: after that sudo apt-get update09:51
mulderhold on09:51
mulderctrl c where?09:51
fritschmulder: stop the apt-get update process09:51
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gnomefreakCVirus: you can make a icon for it so you click the icona nd it launches09:51
fritschmulder: first of all, did you configure a proxy in kde?09:51
mulderdid nothing09:52
fritschmulder: lol09:52
fritschmulder: he cannot resolv archive.ubuntu.com09:52
mulderhonest hey09:52
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fritschmulder: what does the command: export |grep -i proxy say?09:52
paul_hi, glxgears isnt printing out any frame rate, just wondering why?09:53
bigbis there a kubuntu spanish channel?09:53
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Darkkish#kubuntu_es ?09:53
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Darkkishis that spanish?09:53
gnomefreakbigb: /j #kubuntu-es09:53
mulderin the konsole?09:53
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fritschpaul_: zless /usr/share/doc/mesa-utils/*Debian*gz ...09:53
brk3fritsch: ?09:53
CVirusgnomefreak: well .. I'm writting a python program ... cant do that09:54
fritschbrk3: this writes about the changes in glxgears an the additional parametres09:54
fritschmulder: yes in the console09:54
gnomefreakCVirus: try #python :)09:54
brk3fritsch: should it not show it in the konsole though?09:54
charles1952Hello all...slight problem here and need some help. I did an install of Firefox (latest version 1.5.6), then install Java runtime for Firefox, EN help files. Firefox loads okay, but I get a "can not connect to server" error msg. each time I try to connect to webpages. I have no proxies. Could anyone suggest a remedy?09:54
mulderit gives me my name again09:54
CVirusgnomefreak: Thanks09:54
gnomefreakCVirus: you have to find an element that will kill the verbose output09:54
fritschbrk3: just read the changelog (with the command above)09:54
mulderis it command....or just the rest?09:54
fritschbrk3: it was "patched" out by Daniel Stone09:55
CVirusgnomefreak: thats what I need09:55
fritschmulder: try ping archive.ubuntu.com09:55
fritschmulder: what is happening?09:55
brk3fritsch: cheers its working09:55
mulderI get a ping yes09:55
fritschmulder: cool09:55
fritschmulder: now try ping gb.archive.ubuntu.com09:55
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)09:56
brk3one other problem, the sound volume is very low and the master is definatly full, anything i can tr?09:56
muldera lot of pingy pings09:56
fritschmulder: please paste your /etc/apt/sources.list in the pastebin09:56
fritschmulder: i`look into it09:56
mulderhow can I do thatp please?09:56
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fritsch!pastebin > mulder09:57
fritschmulder: look above09:57
fritschmulder: what is in /etc/apt/apt.conf ?09:57
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mulderwhat do i have to type Fritsch ?09:59
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fritschmulder: go to this url and paste:09:59
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fritschmulder: /etc/apt/sources.list09:59
fritschmulder: and /etc/apt/apt.conf09:59
bigbi need help, my screen seems to freeze during a milisecond once per second(even in desktop), so i can't play games09:59
fritschbigb: does "top" say sth. with 100 % CPU10:00
DaSkreechfritsch: He can't resolve the server? Can he ping it?10:00
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fritschbigb: just go to a terminal and start top10:00
fritschDaSkreech: yes he can10:00
TheHighChildAny folks here use Kontact?10:00
fritschDaSkreech: an he has no proxy10:00
mulderbash: /etc/apt/apt.conf: Permission denied I get this10:00
mulderis the right command?10:00
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gnomefreakmulder: use sudo10:00
gnomefreaksudo /etc/apt/apt.conf10:01
fritschmulder: sudo cat /etc/apt/apt.conf10:01
mulderremember I am an absolute beginner10:01
fritschmulder: i do, okay10:01
fritschmulder: do: sudo cat /etc/apt/apt.conf is there sth. written about Acquiere:http::Proxy10:01
mulderI have this Acquire::http::Proxy "false";10:01
fritschmulder: okay10:02
bigbfritsch: cpu 17%10:02
fritschmulder: run: sudo apt-get update10:02
Darkkishhey is anyone in here using nvidia graphics drivers with a 6600GT?10:02
fritschbigb: mmmh no "idea" then ... just let it run in the background and look from time to time10:02
mulderI get the same 0% thingey that I had before10:02
fritschDarkkish: it`s me (hiding)10:03
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ganymed_anybody here who could help me with initng?10:03
fritschmulder: please pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list in the pastebin, as written above10:03
farousmulder: is your pc have live internet connection10:03
fritschfarous: he talks to us :-)10:03
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farousfritsch: so. another pc :)10:04
faroushave to check10:04
charles1952Hellp! slight problem here and need some help. I did an install of Firefox (latest version 1.5.6), then installed Java runtime for Firefox, & the EN help files. Firefox loads okay, but I get a "can not connect to server" error msg. each time I try to connect to webpages. I have no proxies. Could anyone suggest a fix? :-{10:04
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fritschfarous: ah! good point10:04
mulderI am on a wireless10:04
Kr4t05How do I add a Windows entry to my grub menu?10:04
fritschmulder: you are talking with us from the PC which cannot do sudo apt-get update?10:04
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mulderyes sir10:04
fritschmulder: ah :-) not so formal - perhaps i am even younger than you10:05
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)10:05
fritschmulder: do kate /etc/apt/sources.list10:05
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fritschmulder: copy everything and paste it in http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org10:05
fritschmulder: click on send and give us the url10:05
mulderkate does the same as gnenview...slow everything!!!10:06
muldergeez can't move the mouse10:06
fritschmulder: does not matter, copy the text and paste10:06
farousmulder: in a term cat /etc/apt/sources.list10:06
fritschmulder: :-) I think you are on vesa10:06
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fritschfarous: if he cats it he cannot paste it online :-)10:07
fritschfarous: so i thought of kate10:07
farousfritsch: he can copy and paste from the screen :)10:07
mulderkate won't open10:07
farousand from the konsle10:07
mulderno pun intended10:07
fritschmulder: do what farous said10:07
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fritschmulder: sudo cat /etc/apt/sources.list10:07
mulderthe fast and the farous!10:07
mulderok will do10:08
fritschmulder: mark everything with the mouse and paste it to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org10:08
fritschmulder: in linux you can just mark and then paste (without CTRL C and CTRL V)10:08
farousfritsch: if something is hogging his sys did you try top to see what is it10:08
intelikeycould i trubble someone to post the output of ls -l /dev/psaux  please10:08
fritschfarous: he just cant do sudo apt-get update10:09
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fritschfarous: lets fix this problem first10:09
mulderi pasted what I had10:09
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fritschokay, give me the url10:09
fritschmulder: mom10:09
farousintelikey: am afraid running debian here now. if it is the same i can send it to you10:09
muldershe is ok don't worry10:09
intelikeyfarous yes it's the same  i just need the major and minors10:10
mulderme on the other hand....10:10
Kr4t05How do I add an entry for Windows XP to my GRUB menu?10:10
fritschmulder: please paste the output of: "sudo cat /etc/apt/sources.list"10:10
mulderhello intel10:10
farouscrw-rw---- 1 root root 10, 1 2006-08-15 08:03 /dev/psaux10:10
ganymed_so linux has damaged my battery (lasted only 10 month). is this possible?10:10
intelikey10 1 thank you farous10:10
farousur welcome10:10
fritschmulder: got it?10:11
farousganymed_: how come linux did that. have it here never had a prob like that10:11
bigbi have problems with my nvidia, wich channel should i check?10:11
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fritschbigb: in which way problems, i run your card ...10:12
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mulderwhy gnenview and kate are making the system sluggish?10:12
ganymed_well, i have a decent reason to believe it "can". any ideas about how to prevent it?10:12
Kr4t05I suppose you people don't really want me adding a GRUB entry for Windows, do you? :P10:12
farousKr4t05: lol :)10:13
gnomefreakfritsch: take a look at bug #56503 might give you a little help with mulder10:13
fritschgnomefreak: cool, thx - i`ll have a look10:13
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fritschmulder: so far everything perfectly fine :-)10:14
bigbfritsch: i'm using the last drivers correctly, my card is XFX 5200, but the screen is not flowing smoothly10:14
fritschmulder: do the floowing10:14
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fritschbigb: sorry, don`t know sth. about this problem10:15
fritschmulder: sudo vim /etc/apt/proxy.conf10:15
ganymed_how can i make ksensors show me any voltage params?10:15
bigbfritsch: ok, don't worry10:15
fritschmulder: move with your cursor to the Acquire HTTP line10:15
fritschmulder: press "dd"10:15
fritschmulder: the line sould be deleted10:15
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fritschmulder: after that press ":wq"10:16
fritschmulder: dont forget the ":"10:16
waspiusis there a program that can be put on kashbar or someplace which tells u how much memory is being used and how much disk space u have left??10:16
bigbfritsch: where can i get some help with that?10:16
fritschbigb: try #nvidia (if exists)10:16
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fritschmulder: you are fine?10:17
mulderI get this Fritsch when I type the sudo vim...http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2070110:17
fritschmulder: somebody already accessing /etc/apt/apt.conf10:18
fritschmulder: please kill the "kate"10:18
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mulderkate was killed10:19
ganymed_has nobody tried initng?10:19
fritschmulder: retry10:19
fritschmulder: /etc/apt/apt.conf is opened, thats the problem10:19
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fritschmulder: or try: ' echo "APT::Authentication::TrustCDROM "true";" > /etc/apt/apt.conf '10:20
mulderman I am giving up...i have been trying all day sorting this thing. I have to leave it. Sorry Fritsch10:20
fritschmulder: no, the time shall not be wasted10:21
charles1952Well....I'll return later to see if someone can assist with Firefox...in the meantime, all of you please have a beer on me...BARTENDER!!!10:21
fritschmulder: please try my last command, everything between ' '10:21
mulderI am off for now...need  a breal from all the falied commands10:21
farouscharles1952: what is yoru quest regarding firefox10:21
fritschmulder: we get this go :-)10:21
fritschmulder: just 5 minutes10:21
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mulderwhat do you need?10:21
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fritschmulder: ' echo "APT::Authentication::TrustCDROM "true";" > /etc/apt/apt.conf '10:21
bigbfritsch: i'm using the last drivers correctly, my card is XFX 5200, but the screen is not flowing smoothlycartera10:21
charles1952Oh! I installed it...everything in the installation went fine. I can open it...10:22
fritschmulder: everything between ' '10:22
charles1952but when I try to connect to webpages I get a "can not connect to server" msg. I have no proxies...and other browser can connect.???10:22
bigbfritsch: i didn't mean to sent you that10:22
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farouscharles1952: you installed from the repos right. that is a strange err10:23
mulderOk I am off...will try later on maybe. Thanks big time Fritsch10:23
charles1952Yup...standard repos.10:23
muldergeez I thought it would be a bit easier..10:24
fritschevery start is hard, such a bug is f*ck10:24
charles1952farous: and i set the "connections setting in FF to "Cannect directly to Internet"10:24
farouscharles1952: did you put anything in the bookmarks. I mean is it safe to reset it. remove the folder .mozilla10:24
charles1952farous: Yes...its safe to remove.10:25
heinkel_111can someone help me a little bit? i have a router with 2 pcs running kubuntu connected; this one, and another one10:25
farouscharles1952: rm -rf .mozilla10:25
fritschbigb: what does cat /proc/driver/nvidia/agp/status say?10:25
farouskill all firefox first10:25
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heinkel_111but it seems like the other computer won't recognize the router?10:25
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heinkel_111i set the routes to same value as for this computer10:26
charles1952farous: DOne10:26
heinkel_111also dns server is connected similarly10:26
farouscharles1952: in a terminal try firefox gmail.com10:26
heinkel_111but the other comp just son't seem to connect to router?10:26
faroussee if there are any error messages10:26
farousheinkel_111: did you check the security on the router. like mac sec10:27
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charles1952farous: "foxfire not found"10:27
heinkel_111no, what would that do?10:27
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farouscharles1952: in a terminal try firefox gmail.com10:27
farousfirefox not foxfire10:27
heinkel_111faarous, the router is recognized when i boot that comp using winxp3210:27
farousheinkel_111: ok10:28
farouscan you ping the router ip10:28
farousheinkel_111: ok what type of connect wireless wired10:28
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heinkel_111farous: it is wired10:28
TheHighChildanyone know how to fix frequent kontact/kmail crashes?10:28
charles1952farous: Okay...I got tons of error msgs...but it opened an instance of firefox - blank page.10:29
heinkel_111farous: ping gives me network is unreachable reply10:29
farousheinkel_111: did you set the name server to the router ip in /etc/resolv.conf10:29
heinkel_111farous: no....why should i?10:30
charles1952(sorry 'bout the foxfire...brain is scrambled :-}10:30
farouscharles1952: past the error messages on the pastebin10:30
heinkel_111farous: on this computer name server is remote adresses10:30
farousheinkel_111: do you use dhcp10:30
milosI need help with the sound. Weird thing, when I poweron the machine and boot the Dapper, the sound works for first several minutes (for example). After that it suddenly stops working completly. I cannot play any audio file, not with arts (amarok,mplayer) or with alsa (mplayer, for example). Applications keep playing, but nothing comes out. Perhaps I should note that I've installed the smartlink drivers for modem. Can anyone help me?10:30
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heinkel_111farous: in theory yes, but i think there might be a problem with it so that it does not start?10:31
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heinkel_111run kubuntu installer from disk again?10:31
farousheinkel_111: i use static ip here. that is why10:31
charles1952farous:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2070210:32
heinkel_111machine was orginally installed with kubuntu in offline mode10:32
farousdid not use dhcp for quite long time10:32
heinkel_111so there was no network config in setup10:32
fritschheinkel_111: can you paste bin your /etc/network/interfaces ?10:32
heinkel_111because that computer can't access the web10:33
fritschheinkel_111: okay, yes10:33
fritschheinkel_111: *g*10:33
farouscharles1952: can not know i would recommend reinstalling firefox. sudo aptitude reinstall firefox10:34
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fritschheinkel_111: just look if there are 2 lines:10:34
fritschheinkel_111: auto eth010:34
fritschheinkel_111: iface eth0 inet dhcp10:34
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charles1952farous: Okay thanks for all the help...I'll try that next and return if there continues to be problems...Here is the beer I promised :-}10:35
fritschheinkel_111: this sould get up your eth0 device with dhcp10:35
heinkel_111fritsch: it says auto eth1 in the first of those10:35
heinkel_111that may be the explanation maybe?10:35
fritschheinkel_111: is eth1 the correct one? with the cable in?10:35
fritschheinkel_111: mmmh no10:35
farousthanx: i accept though i do not drink beer :)10:35
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heinkel_111fritsch: no should be eth010:35
fritschheinkel_111: good, so change it10:35
heinkel_111i will, and reboot, reporting back in 5 ins10:35
farousheinkel_111: no reboot10:36
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farousheinkel_111: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart10:36
fritschheinkel_111: change all eth1 to eth010:36
fritschheinkel_111: not only the "auto" one10:36
Darkkishsudo aptitude update not working10:36
farousheinkel_111: that will restart the net after fixing it10:36
fritschheinkel_111: only reboot a linux after kernel upgrade :-)10:36
cryptomHi all, what is the most powerful and configurable tool for linux laptop users, that often use different networks (pcmcia, builtin, wlan, dhcp but also static, proxy, noproxy, ipsec but on some places not, ...)? laptop-net, divine, whereami, network-manager? Something else?10:37
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fritschcryptom: use networkmanager and knetworkmanager10:37
fritschcryptom: network-manager knetworkmanager and vpnc10:37
fritschcryptom: not perfect, but sometimes working10:37
zippercryptom, i use wireless assistant, but i only have a build-in wireless card, couldn't tell if it's good for you, but you might want to check it out10:38
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cryptomfritsch, what does vpnc?10:38
farouscryptom: network-manager last time i checked had probs with static ip10:38
fritschcryptom: it establishes ipsec connections10:38
heinkel_111fritsch: i may have been too quick...there are auto eth1 and auto eth0 lines10:38
fritschheinkel_111: please look for iface eth0 inet dhcp and iface eth1 inet dhcp10:39
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fritschheinkel_111: no the auto was the problem ...10:39
cryptomfritsch, I use strongswan, but I just want to call it, when really necessary10:39
milosI need help with the sound. Weird thing, when I poweron the machine and boot the Dapper, the sound works for first several minutes (for example). After that it suddenly stops working completly. I cannot play any audio file, not with arts (amarok,mplayer) or with alsa (mplayer, for example). Applications keep playing, but nothing comes out. Perhaps I should note that I've installed the smartlink drivers for modem. Can anyone help me?10:39
DarkkishI <3 adept10:39
Darkkishwindows needs something like adept10:39
heinkel_111fritsch: found, both of them, and auto is one both10:39
waspiusgoodnight thanx for th help10:39
fritschthe dhcp, too?10:39
DaSkreechDarkkish: Bittorrent?10:39
Darkkishi guess10:40
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cryptomI hate to change proxy settings on all browsers twice a day...10:40
Darkkishbut its not the same10:40
fritschcryptom: yes, me too :-(10:40
Darkkishadept has a nice finite list10:40
DaSkreechmilos: I take it that it worked before installing the drivers?10:40
cryptomis network manager able to change that as well?10:40
heinkel_111fritsch: auto eth0 and auto eth1 yes10:40
fritschheinkel_111: grrr *G*10:40
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fritschheinkel_111: look for the lines iface eth0 inet dhcp10:40
fritsch"iface eth0 inet dhcp" and "iface eth1 inet dhcp"10:40
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heinkel_111both present10:41
milosDaSkreech: It worked, but I'm not quite sure10:41
fritschheinkel_111: cool10:41
obf213yo is frostwire not in respositories10:41
fritschheinkel_111: what does route -n say?10:41
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cryptomfritsch, I dont find a recent documentation or project website about laptop-net, is it still in development?10:41
fritschheinkel_111: what does cat /etc/resolv.conf say?10:41
milosDaSkreech: That's beacuse the mp3 didn't work before I downloaded the needed packages, so I didn't pay much attention to it.10:41
fritschcrabstic: mmmh don`t know of laptop-net, sorry10:41
heinkel_111fritsch: route -n: looks like an empty table10:42
DaSkreechmilos: :-)10:42
ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire10:42
fritschheinkel_111: okay, please run dhlient eth010:42
DaSkreechYou still have sound devices just no sound?10:42
Darkkishyeah the next thing i need to do is install mp3 support10:42
fritschheinkel_111: sudo dhclient eth0 what is happening?10:42
milosI get the sound only tens of seconds after the login10:43
milosThen, it simply disappears10:43
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fritschmilos: perhaps kmix mutes it for you10:43
milosNo, it doesn't10:44
fritschmilos: check if the volume is zero10:44
fritschmilos: check also in a terminal with "alsamixer"10:44
milosChecked that one too10:44
fritschmilos: which soundcard?10:44
fritschmilos: intel8x0?10:44
heinkel_111fritsch: dhclient reports: Listening, sending, seinding,DHCPDISCOVER on port 67 intervals 6,19,14,21,11 ----no DHCPOFFERS received10:44
milosIt's some AC97 shit10:44
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zipperI want to remove some bluetooth tools which i'm never going to use. That requires me to remove kubuntu-desktop, should this cause any problems?10:45
fritschheinkel_111: now please do: sudo dhclient eth110:45
farousmilos: lsof /dev/dsp10:45
Kr4t05Does anyone here dual-boot?10:45
milosfarous: nothing10:45
farousmilos: grest nothing is using the oss device10:46
heinkel_111fritsch: which adress should the DHCPDISCOVER call go to?10:46
Kr4t05I need help adding a Windows option to my GRUB menu, can anyone help me out?10:46
heinkel_111it goes to
fritschheinkel_111: its okay10:47
fritschdoes eth1 get an ip?10:47
heinkel_111fritsch: same reply as on eth0, basically, no DHCPOFFERS10:47
farousmilos:  aplay /usr/share/sounds/gaim/leave.wav10:47
fritschheinkel_111: okay pleas look if you network cable is plugged in!10:47
fritschheinkel_111: seems like it is not plugged in10:47
DaSkreechfarous: Ahhh Gaim@!10:47
fritschheinkel_111: or your router does not give you an adress10:47
farousDaSkreech: any sound file is all i need :)10:47
DaSkreechI know. Just seemed strange to pick Gaim for all random sounds10:48
milosJust a moment, I'm going to restart the machine, I played with modprobe, and probably messed something up.10:48
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farousforgot i am in kubuntu room but i really prefer gaim10:49
farousrunning both kde and gnome here. picking up the applications i like from both :)10:49
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DaSkreechfarous: Me too but using non standard applications esp directly after install isn't going to help the person10:49
Darkkishlol i installed gnome10:50
obf213hey i just installed frostwire but i can seem to open it10:50
DaSkreechobf213: You have Java?10:50
obf213its in my menu under internte tbut when i double click i see nothing10:50
DaSkreechobf213: open it from the Command line. You'll get an error10:50
obf213i have sun java webstart?10:50
Darkkishwhy is linux using ALL of my ram?10:50
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obf213DaSkreech I get nothing10:51
fritschDarkkish: why not?10:51
obf213it just closes the command line10:51
fritschDarkkish: "free" its useless10:51
DaSkreechWhat? it closes the command line?10:51
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farousDaSkreech: most if it is cach to speed up your appl10:51
Darkkishfritsch:  what?10:51
DaSkreechDarkkish: Using all of your RAM is good10:51
milosOk, a friend of mine needs to use the phone, I'll be back in a minute. Please wait:)10:51
DaSkreechWhy did you put it in if not to use10:51
DaSkreechmilos: Ok :)10:52
Darkkishbut i don't ahve any programs open10:52
Darkkishat all10:52
Darkkishshouldn't some of it be free10:52
obf213DaSkreech your right, i need to upgrade to JRE 1.410:52
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fritschDarkkish: look with top, if really sth. is eating it up10:52
DaSkreechobf213: What java did you install?10:52
fritschDarkkish: press "M" in top, to get it sort by memory usage10:52
DaSkreechDarkkish: When you open a application it will open up the RAM for it10:53
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fritschheinkel_111: still there?10:53
fritschheinkel_111: found your cable not connected10:53
zipperoh my god... amarok actually is quite nice10:53
Darkkishis using 200M10:53
fritschheinkel_111: not good, this is not good10:53
fritschheinkel_111: what graphics driver?10:53
heinkel_111fritsch: yes i am still here10:53
heinkel_111hang on10:53
DaSkreechzipper:  :-D10:53
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DaSkreechwaspius: Welcome back10:54
fritschDarkkish: sorry, not good - what graphics driver10:54
zipperDaSkreech, i've always been using xmms, but i'll give amarok a real try now10:54
fritschheinkel_112: lol?10:54
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fritschheinkel_112: it was the cable?10:54
heinkel_112fritsch: this is me in opera after rebooting to windows10:54
obf213DaSkreech: I saw the error in the command line but i do have sun java installed at a more recent version than needed10:54
fritschheinkel_112: ah okay10:54
obf213for some reason it cant fidn it or something10:54
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fritschheinkel_112: please look at you IP Configuration10:54
DaSkreechobf213: can You run sudo update-alternatives java ?10:54
heinkel_112fritsch: network cable proven? :P10:54
fritschheinkel_112: if you set it up "non auto"10:54
DaSkreechand change to the right java10:55
fritschheinkel_112: so - 2 chances_10:55
Darkkishi only have 32MB freespace and i have almost no programs open10:55
fritschheinkel_112: first: your router does not dhcp10:55
heinkel_111fritsch: where to look?10:55
fritschheinkel_112: Righ Click on Network Connection10:55
obf213DaSkreech im about to10:55
fritschDarkkish: which graphics driver?10:55
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto10:55
Darkkishfritsch: the defaults10:56
fritschDarkkish: argh :-( this depends on the system10:56
Darkkishlogging to kde10:56
obf213DaSkreech: got it thanks10:56
heinkel_111fritsch: use heinkel_111 ...then i get an audio when you msg here10:56
fritschcat /etc/X11/xorg.conf |grep Driver10:56
DaSkreechobf213: Works now?10:56
fritschheinkel_111: okay10:56
DaSkreechobf213: Try Alt+Space10:56
fritschheinkel_111: you looked into your network settings?10:57
obf213DaSkreech: it works10:57
DaSkreechobf213: Sweet :-)10:57
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heinkel_111fritsch: i am trying to do that yes, but i am in windows right now, i am not so fast10:57
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Darkkishclean logon10:58
fritschheinkel_111: no problem, i think you have configured your things statically here10:58
Darkkishonly thing open us konversation10:58
fritschDarkkish:  you are running dapper?10:58
DarkkishMemory: 865,012 KB used, 171,084 KB free10:58
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fritschDarkkish: okay cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf |grep Driver10:59
farousDarkkish: type free to see how much in cach10:59
fritschDarkkish: perhaps you use vesa here or we can finetune anything10:59
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Darkkishi don't understand fritsch11:00
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fritschDarkkish: do the following command "cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf |grep Driver"11:00
fritschDarkkish: what does it say?11:00
zipperI'm trying to install nvidia drivers, and as usual i'm using the wiki guide for doing so. However, i keep on getting an error i've never seen before : http://pastebin.dk/index.php?show=2050. Anyone knows whats wrong?11:00
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fritschzipper: this is normal (TM)11:01
fritschzipper: because of the synaptics touchpad settings in xorg.conf11:01
fritschzipper: because of the "painting" thing i mean11:01
fritschzipper: there is a device section for graphics tablette, if you restart kdm, then you should use nivia i think11:02
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zipperfritsch, but i'm not, tried that already. By the way, when i try running glxgears, i get informed that "Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0"." even though the GLX module should be loaded according to xorg.conf11:03
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fritschzipper: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx11:03
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zipperfritsch, as i said earlier, i was following the wiki guide, so i already got nvidia-glx installed11:04
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fritschzipper: please try: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r`11:05
fritschzipper: just for be sure11:05
zipperalready got that one as well11:05
zipperbut i'll try it just to be sure11:05
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zippersomething interresting here11:06
zipperE: Couldn't find package linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-26-68611:06
zipperhmm, so if you want to use SMP, you cant get the restricted modules?11:06
fritschtry sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-26-68611:06
zipperi just told you, that package doesnt exist11:07
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fritschzipper: sudo apt-get update11:07
fritschzipper: apt-cache search linux-restricted |grep 68611:08
farouszipper i think you need to update your repos11:08
farous!repos > zipper11:08
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StrudelNinja__whenever I play an mp3 in amaroK it says it's done immediately and nothing plays11:10
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about RestrictedFormat - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:10
fritsch!RestrictedFormat > StrudelNinja11:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about RestrictedFormat - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:11
DaSkreech!mp3 > StrudelNinja11:11
fritsch!RestrictedFormats > StrudelNinja11:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about RestrictedFormats - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:11
DaSkreechfritsch: I win :)11:11
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StrudelNinjaah I see11:11
DaSkreech:-) If you have more questions We'll be happy to make a bot talk to you again ;-)11:12
willnapierHi everyone I'm trying to compile a .sh -  how do I do that in kubuntu?11:12
zipperfarous, i appriciate your help, but i already know this. The problem is, the restricted modules package i need, apparently doesnt exist. I installed a kernel from the repositories in order to enable dual-core (SMP)11:12
DaSkreechwillnapier: You don't .. Ever11:12
fritschzipper: what does uname -r say?11:12
fritschzipper: ah okay, know it from above :-)11:13
willnapierhi DaSkreech11:13
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farouszipper: ah ok :)11:13
DaSkreechwillnapier: You want to run a .sh11:13
heinkel_111fritsch: i am going to try to configure the network using dhcp after disconnecting this machine...back in 5 minutes11:13
willnapierok I'm trying to get a latest version of kmobiletools11:13
willnapierit tells me to run compile-kmobiletools.sh11:14
DaSkreechwillnapier: and you have that file?11:14
willnapierand I wondered how to do this (or is it inadvisable?11:14
willnapierI have that file11:14
DaSkreechwillnapier: If it says to do it ... :)11:14
DaSkreechAre you in the folder with it?11:14
willnapierso how do I do it?11:14
farouszipper: is it nividia or ati11:14
DaSkreechEither in konqueror or in the command line?11:14
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willnapierI'm in a terminal11:14
fritschzipper: you have this deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper main restricted11:14
fritschzipper: restricted is important11:15
DaSkreechwillnapier:type ./compile-kmobiletools.sh11:15
zipperfarous, it's nvidia... usually i dont have any trouble installing it, but i guess the new kernel i installed is causing trouble. Perhaps i should be using 2.6.15-23 instead of 2.6.15-25? Seems like there's restricted modules for 15-2311:15
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zipperfritsch, i have all of them, including multiverse and universe11:15
farouszipper: you can install nividia-kernel-source11:15
farousthen use module-assistant11:15
farousall you need is the kernel driver for it to work11:16
=== fritsch is listening to "Snap ('97 Demo)" by Slipknot on Freddy Vs Jason [amaroK]
fritschhups ;-)11:16
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willnapierDaSkreech: it says that a command is not found in line 33 - ./admin/cvs.sh11:16
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willnapierit also says 'AUTOCONF NOT FOUND11:16
darkyoshi372If I set my password to blank, will I get auto-login?11:17
DaSkreechwillnapier:type gcc and tell me what it says11:17
zipperfritsch, is there a guide for doing it that way?11:17
DaSkreechdarkyoshi372: That's irrelevant11:18
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fritschzipper: i prefer giving you the online link for your kernel11:18
willnapierDaSkreech: command not found11:18
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DaSkreechdarkyoshi372: What matters is wether you set autologin11:18
fritschzipper: what says uname -r11:18
zipperfritsch, since i've tried to install the drivers directly from nvidia.com, but i cannot do that without the kernel headers/restricted modules11:18
fritschzipper: you can11:18
DaSkreechwillnapier: sudo apt-get install build-essential11:18
zipperfritsch, 2.6.15-26-68611:18
fritschzipper: mom11:18
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farouszipper: by the way the linux restricte modules package is in the repos section restricted11:19
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darkyoshi372Thanks, DaSkreech!11:20
link_36pDoes anyone know how to configure kxdocker?11:20
DaSkreechdarkyoshi372: You probably want a password11:20
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farous!info linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-26-68611:20
ubotuPackage linux-restricted-modules-2615-26-686 does not exist in dapper11:20
obf213can you find itune libaries iwth amarok11:20
ubotuitunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee11:20
obf213lol well nevermind11:20
obf213!banshee >timi11:21
farous!info linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-26-68611:21
ubotuPackage linux-restricted-modules-2615-26-686 does not exist in dapper11:21
willnapierDaSkreech: ok all done, but I tried ./compile-kmobiletools.sh again and got the same error messages11:21
DaSkreechobf213: the Amarok on the trunk has it11:21
link_36pDoes anyone know how to configure kxdocker?11:21
farouslol that is stupid11:21
obf213DaSkreech: the trunk?11:21
DaSkreechwillnapier: and gcc gives you ?11:21
DaSkreechobf213: teh code they are working on now11:21
fritschzipper: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/restricted/l/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-26-686_2.6.15.11-3_i386.deb11:21
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fritschzipper: they really do exist11:21
willnapierDaSkreech: gcc gives 'no input files'11:21
farousok take care bye for now11:21
obf213!banshee >timi11:21
fritschzipper: just download it and dpkg -i this one11:21
obf213!banshee >obf21311:21
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DaSkreechwillnapier: ok. Good what does the ./compile-kmobiletools.sh give you?11:22
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fritschheinkel_111: ?11:22
zipperfritsch, hmm, how come i cant get it directly from apt-get then?11:22
willnapierDaSkreech: it is several lines long - how do I show you (it says not to post here)11:23
fritschzipper: which apt mirror do you use?11:23
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)11:23
fritschzipper: just download it and install it ...11:23
TheHighChildDoes anyone use Knode?11:23
DaSkreechUse that website11:23
heinkel_111fritsch: i tried 1) to run installer again 2) switch plugs at router, so that it should run with same settings as here11:23
zipperfritsch, i use nl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu11:23
heinkel_111fritsch: no dhcp11:23
DaSkreechobf213: I take it you don't want to compile code :-)11:24
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zipperfritsch, i know, and thank you very much for finding that package, but i really want to have it in my repositories11:24
fritschheinkel_111: windows uses dhcp? what LAN Card do you use?11:24
obf213DaSkreech: waht do i have to do11:24
fritschzipper: plese remove every "nl" from your apt sources.list11:24
obf213can i jut download the source code or whatever11:24
DaSkreechobf213: Yeah but if you are not comfortable just use banshee for now :)11:25
heinkel_111it is onboard my Asus M2N-SLI mainboard which has Nvidia 570 chipset11:25
fritschzipper: after that: sudo apt-get update and retry11:25
zipperfritsch, so just archive.ubuntu.com ? Will it automaticly detect which mirror is closest to me or?11:25
fritschheinkel_111: could be the problem11:25
fritschzipper: yes11:25
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willnapierDaSkreech: it says ./admin/cvs.sh: line 33: --version: command not found11:25
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willnapierDaSkreech: also autoconf not found11:25
zipperfritsch, sweet, didnt know that11:25
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willnapierDasSkreech: also KDE requires autoconf 2.53 or higher11:25
ubuntu__hi im new to this11:26
heinkel_112fritsch: it still seems to work in windows, though11:26
obf213DaSkreech: its a kernel no?11:26
DaSkreechwell type autoconf --version11:26
heinkel_112rebooted to windows :P11:26
DaSkreechubuntu__: Welcome11:26
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fritschheinkel_111: do lsmod |grep force11:26
obf213i had to get an smp kernel for my dual core11:26
ubuntu__kubuntu rules11:26
DaSkreechobf213: Is whata kernel?11:26
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willnapierDaSkreech: also ./configure: no such file or directory11:26
fritschheinkel_111: or try sudo modprobe forcedeth11:26
fritschheinkel_111: sudo modprobe forcedeth11:27
heinkel_112hmm fritsch: i will do that tomorrow..i am giving up for today11:27
milosI'm back11:27
fritschheinkel_111: after that: sudo dhclient eth011:27
willnapierDaSkreech: and for make it says 'no targets specified11:27
fritschheinkel_112: wargh everybody is giving up today :-(11:27
heinkel_112thanks for very much assistance11:27
DaSkreechwillnapier: what does autoconf --version say ?11:27
obf213DaSkreech nvm11:27
fritschzipper: working?11:27
willnapierDaSkreech: it says command not found11:27
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fritschwillnapier: sudo apt-get install autoconf11:28
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Darkkishi finished the problem11:28
willnapierDaSkreech: ok done11:28
fritschDarkkish: already upgraded11:28
fritschwillnapier: now what does autoconf --version say?11:29
milosI tried to play a bit with the sound. First of all, it worked just until a moment ago (and for some longer time), and now it's again off. I don't think it's the modem, since the music worked together with the pppd for some time.11:29
willnapierDaSkreech: it says 2.5911:29
zipperfritsch, sorry, being semi-afk here, i'll try it very soon and let you know11:29
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willnapierDaSkreech: but I still get the same error messages, ie KDE requires 2.53 or higher11:31
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willnapierDaSkreech: that is, when I try ./compile-kmobiletools.sh11:31
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DaSkreechSudo apt-get install autoconf11:31
milosDaSkreech, are you there?11:32
DaSkreechmilos: I think so11:32
DaSkreechThe Net just died11:32
willnapierDaSkreech: did that and it says that autoconf is the newest version11:32
milosI tried to play a bit with the sound. First of all, it worked just until a moment ago (and for some longer time), and now it's again off. I don't think it's the modem, since the music worked together with the pppd for some time.11:33
DaSkreechwillnapier: and autoconf --version doesn't give you anything ?11:33
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willnapierDaSkreech: yes, it gives the 2.59 version11:33
DaSkreechmilos: Ah Ok who was helping you before? They would have more info than me currently11:33
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DaSkreechwillnapier: Ah ok Where did you get this script?11:34
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willnapierfrom the kmobiletools svn11:34
milosOh, hell, I can't remeber:)11:34
willnapierfrom the nightly11:34
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DaSkreechfritsch: Were you helping milos? :-)11:35
fritschDaSkreech: no?11:35
DaSkreechwillnapier: ooer :)11:35
willnapierhehehe I11:35
DaSkreechDoh farous?11:35
willnapierI've never been that brave before11:35
fritschDaSkreech: he went for sleep11:35
DaSkreechWell I'm about to leave so I want to help willnapier not sure I can take on two :-(11:36
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milosHere I go again: I have a weird sound problem with the Kubuntu 6.06. When I log on the machine, it works for some time. Then it suddenly stops working. With modem or without modem, it just stops working. Any ideas?11:36
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milosDaSkreech: No problem11:36
willnapierDaSkreech: :-)11:37
zecarlosGente, instalei o KDE aqui no ubuntu. Agora o gerenciador padro ficou sendo do KDE. Queria voltar ao normal com o gerenciador de inicializao do GNOME11:37
DaSkreechmilos: cool attitude :)11:37
fritschmilos: do you use an intel8x0?11:37
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milosAh, it's some via chipset.11:37
milosHow do I check that?11:37
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fritschmilos: lsmod |grep snd11:37
milossnd_via82xx and ac9711:38
fritschmilos: i still think sth. is muting you card11:38
milosNo, because it works for some time.11:38
fritschmilos: because it just "walks" without sound :-)11:38
fritschmilos: strange11:39
willnapierDaSkreech: the other part of the error message was that no makefile was found11:39
milosMaster, Master M, Headphones, PCM, etc. are all unmuted.11:39
fritschmilos: could you check with alsamixer before and after?11:39
milosIn alsamixer11:39
willnapierDaSkreech: and no targets specified11:39
fritschmilos: perhaps it enables "Line Jack" or Digital out11:40
milosIn alsamixer or ...?11:40
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TheHighChildAny knode users?11:41
fritschmilos: yes11:41
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milosI don't see any of such entries.11:42
fritschmilos: in kmix everything normal?11:43
fritschmilos: what does dmesg say? some error?11:43
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milosAs far as i can tel, there are no errors.11:44
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milosWould the output of dmesg help?11:44
fritschin kmix nothing muted11:44
fritschmilos, if your soundblaster "gives up" perhaps11:44
willnapierDaSkreech: there is a note on the website saying that the svn requires qt4 and so you have to 'downgrade'11:45
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fritschmilos: sorry, i really do not have an idea11:45
TheHighChildmilos: have you tried typing 'killall artsd' in the konsole and then retrying your sound apps?11:45
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milosYes, been there11:45
willnapierDaSkreech: that is, downgrade the admin directory11:45
willnapier(whatever that means|)11:45
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DaSkreechwillnapier: Ha You may want to jump into #kubuntu-devel and get some help with installing a edgy build :-)11:45
milosIt's really, really weird.11:45
Darkkishit worked11:46
Darkkishthanks a ton11:46
DarkkishKDE 3.5.411:46
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fritschDarkkish: cool *G* also look at the "new" amarok11:46
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willnapierDaSkreech: yes ok thanks11:46
Darkkishwill do11:47
milosI might try to reinstall the whole Kubuntu later.11:47
Darkkishthe "whole kubnutu"?11:47
charlie_hey all11:47
DaSkreechwillnapier: try /join #kubuntu-devel11:47
fritschmilos: mmmh now11:47
TheHighChildmilos: Does the sound work after restarting your X session or only after a reboot?11:47
fritschmilos: no, i dont think so11:47
willnapierDaSkreech: thanks!11:47
milosI think it only works after a poweroff!!11:47
fritschmilos: which apps do not make sound?11:47
fritschjust kde apps?11:47
milosI tried the mplayer with the  -ao alsa too11:48
fritschmilos: try11:48
zipperfritsch, hmm, changing my repositories to archive.ubuntu instead of nl.archive.ubuntu didnt change much. I still cannot find restricted-modules-2.6.15-26, only 2.6.15-2311:48
fritschzipper: you did apt-get update?11:48
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fritschzipper: changed the right lines?11:48
zipperfritsch, ofcourse11:48
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milosOk, I'm gonna try the reboot option first, to check if the bloody thing works only after the poweroff.11:49
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fritschzipper: aah i sea11:49
TheHighChildzipper: I have the same modules you do, also11:49
fritschzipper: please just install the -23 version11:49
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fritschthese are running on my -686 but did not see it11:49
fritschzipper: please just install:11:50
zipperfritsch, and they're working? You're using .6.15-26 as well?11:50
fritschzipper: sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-68611:50
fritschzipper: it does all you need11:51
zippergreat, thanks11:51
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fritschzipper: after that sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-kernel-common11:52
fritschzipper: modprobe nvidia11:52
charlie_hey guys I was wondering if I could get some help enabling the nvidia-glx drivers for my onboard Nvidia Video.11:52
fritschzipper: nvidia-glx-config enable11:52
zipperfritsch, i know what to do once i have the restricted modules, thanks11:52
fritschzipper: after that sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart11:52
zipperi know, i know. I've been installing nvidia drivers countless of times, but thanks anyway11:53
charlie_oh someone else is having issues too I see heh11:53
fritschcharlie_: there?11:53
fritschcharlie_: what does uname -r say?11:53
fritschcharlie_: "uname -r"11:53
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charlie_well my problem is I know the command to enable it, but every time I do, I get this error message in the console "11:54
charlie_Error: your X configuration has been altered.11:54
charlie_This script cannot proceed automatically. If you believe that this11:54
charlie_not correct, you can update the md5sum entry executing the following11:54
fritschcharlie_: don`t paste11:54
milosOk, it seems that only the poweroff "enables" the sound11:54
zippercharlie_, so, tried using the command it suggests you?11:54
charlie_yes I have11:54
zippercharlie_, you might want to take a backup of /etc/X11/xorg.conf first11:54
zippercharlie_, and?11:54
milosMight be some freaky hardware stuff, but the cursed XP doesn't have the same problem.11:54
charlie_and I always get that message11:54
milosThe sound works every time in it.11:55
fritschmilos: look in dmesg what happens11:55
fritschmilos: after it does not work anymore11:55
zippercharlie_, are you following the guide on the wiki?11:55
Darkkishhey fritsch my computer has almost twice as much free ram now :-D11:55
milosOk, I'll be back (tm by the whoever has the rights on Terminator 2:)11:55
charlie_no I haven't checked the wiki yet on that issue11:56
zipperDarkkish, what did you do?11:56
west-enwhat's the real reason to get K Desktop Enviroment?11:56
zippercharlie_, theres a good guide there for installing nvidia drivers11:56
Darkkishupdated kde11:56
Darkkish@ zipper11:56
zipper!nvidia > charlie_11:56
zipperDarkkish, ah, to what version?11:56
charlie_I'm running Kubuntu on an eMachine11:56
Darkkishzipper:  the current one11:56
west-enwhat's the real reason to get K Desktop Enviroment?11:57
zipperwest-en, linus likes it more than gnome =] 11:57
Darkkishits user friendly in my opinion11:57
Darkkishalso what zipper said11:57
west-enok, here i got one reason! some more?11:57
Darkkishi honestly don't know why11:58
west-eni want to now the reasons why KDE is "better" than gnome and XFCE11:58
Darkkishi just likeit more11:58
zipperwest-en, some like the look of kde more than gnome11:58
Darkkishoh oh11:58
charlie_ok I lspci and I'm definitely using Nvidia.. I believe it's Nvidia 6100 OnBoard11:58
zipperwest-en, it's not really "better". It's mostly a matter of taste and personal preference11:58
west-enyes i have heard that switchers from Windows to Linux likes KDE because it is similar to Windows, what do you think about this?11:58
Darkkishread that west-en11:59
Darkkishit will answer all of yoru questions11:59
west-enok i am reading11:59
fritschwest-en: have fun11:59
TheHighChildwest-en: Most people, including myself like KDE because of the budnled packages. A lot of them just rock like kontact11:59
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west-enyes, thaok12:00
zipperfritsch, didnt work. I still get the same wierd error. I also get it sometimes when i run easyUbuntu, and i have no idea whats causing it. http://pastebin.dk/index.php?show=205012:00
fritschzipper: you have nvidia-glx installed?12:01
fritschzipper: you have! loaded the nvidia modul?12:01
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fritschzipper: lsmod |grep nvidia12:01
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Darkkishhow do i get stuff off of my programs menu?12:01
fritschzipper: just to be sure12:01
Darkkishfigured it out12:01
ubuntu__hi has anyone managed to get vmware working ?12:01
fritschzipper: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx && sudo modprobe nvidia12:01
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fritschubuntu__: yes, me12:02
zipperfritsch, as i said, no, it didnt work. the nvidia module is not loaded12:02
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ubuntu__fritsch was it an easy setup12:02
fritschzipper: what is the error message?12:02
fritschubuntu__: http://www.achsedesbloeden.com/fritsch/index.php?action=blogpart&&getartikel=34912:02
fritschzipper: you "just" have to do modprobe nvidia12:02
ubuntu__nice nice :)12:03
fritschzipper: sudo modprobe nvidia12:03
zipperfritsch, sigh12:03
zipperfritsch, even if i get the nvidia module installed, i still need to fix that error12:03
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fritschzipper: you won`t understand me, or?12:03
fritschzipper: you only need to have 2 things12:03
fritschzipper: first nvidia modul has to be load in order to start x12:04
zipperfritsch, i cannot modprobe the nvidia module.12:04
wordwhy do certain programs not startup with the session but others do?12:04
fritschzipper: nvidia-glx has to be installed, too12:04
zipperit doesnt exist12:04
fritschzipper: ah!!!12:04
fritschzipper: cd /lib/modules12:04
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fritschzipper: find . -iname *nvidia*12:04
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ubuntu__fritsch is there enough support with vmware to install xp and run battlefield2 and WOW12:04
fritschzipper: find /lib/modules *nvidia*12:04
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milosdmesg didn't report anything after the sound stopped working.12:05
fritschubuntu__: yes, no, no12:05
zipperfritsch, i can find the nvidia driver for my current kernel there. What to do with it?12:05
fritschzipper: please tell me the error message of "modprobe nvidia"12:05
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milosShould I provide it with some -n option?12:05
fritschmilos: no, sorry :-(12:06
zipperfritsch, told you already, "FATAL: Module nvidia not found."12:06
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fritschzipper: do a "sudo depmod -a"12:06
fritschzipper: and modprobe again12:06
rafael_hi people12:06
zipperfritsch, still doesnt find it12:06
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rafael_i just installed ubuntu linux, and im trying to install ut2004.12:06
ICEdoes anyone user freenx here?12:06
rafael_i see a .sh file on the dvd, how do i run it?12:07
ICEthe server is telling me I have to log in to nxserver but can't seem to log in12:07
fritschzipper: you have this one: 2.6.15-23-686/volatile/nvidia.ko12:07
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fritschzipper /lib/modules/2.6.15-23-686/volatile/nvidia.ko12:07
milosrafael: What's the name of the .sh file?12:08
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zipperfritsch, nope, dont have that one.12:08
fritschzipper: puh, mom12:08
ubuntu__fritsch how come you cant run battlefield or wow in vmware ?12:08
zipperfritsch, the easy way is just to install 2.6.15-23 instead... probably not worth the trouble of getting 2.6.15-2612:08

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