
=== bimberi [n=bimberi@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.bimberi] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== johnlittle [n=john@adsl-70-241-131-253.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
jendathat's great01:20
elkbuntujenda, how did matthewrevell do at the meeting?01:51
jendaNot enough CC members present :(01:51
elkbuntuso they didnt do memberships at all?01:51
jendaapproved by mako, but that's it.01:52
elkbuntui guess it was good i didnt wait up and try myself then ;)01:52
jendahehe :)01:52
johnlittleI still havent been to sleep02:08
lophytehey everyone02:48
poningrulophyte: yarr02:57
elkbuntuit's not pirate day yet, poningru03:01
poningruelkbuntu: its pirate day everyday if you are a pirate03:01
=== poningru is a pirate
=== poningru hugs elkbuntu
poningrugaah wtf03:03
=== poningru cant do unicode hex anymore
=== elkbuntu hugs poningru back
poningruno seriously I cant do hexcode...03:11
poningructrl+shift isnt working03:11
=== poningru goes bug hunting
poningrucan someone verify this03:27
poningru while holding down ctrl and shift, press b then press 503:27
poningruwhat do you get?03:27
lophytenothing o_o03:27
poningrusorry just trying to track down a bug03:27
poningruyou on edgy?03:28
poningruare you on edgy?03:28
lophyteno, dapper03:28
poningruor dapper?03:28
lophyte <-- that's what I get03:28
poningruyeah it seems like a bug in edgy03:29
poningrucant do unicode anymore through ctrl+shift03:29
lophytebummer :(03:29
=== dinda [n=dinda@cpe-72-181-91-32.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
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=== birula-na-aula is now known as birula
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=== carthik [n=carthik@pdpc/supporter/student/carthik] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
carthikHi folks, anyone know who pays for the Ubuntu billboards in the US?07:37
elkbuntui'd guess one of the LUGs07:48
Madpilotthere are LUGs with money? ;)07:55
elkbuntuthey might have got a grant from a rich person?07:56
nixternalCanonical, for upcoming Ubuncon and what not08:09
nixternalnotice they are all in the same area, preparing for the upcoming "Cons", Linuxcon and Ubucon...the new one is right by Google Headquarters08:10
nixternali just found out from and insider as a matter of fact ;)08:10
nixternalnot even 15 minutes ago08:10
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
nixternalhaha carthik, from imbrandon at that08:10
elkbuntugood $time_of_day corey :)08:11
carthiknixternal, imbrandon told you that? no kidding :)08:11
nixternalya, i just noticed you seen the same sign i did in the other channel08:12
Madpilothi Burgundavia - you just going to stay up until you've got to catch that plane?08:14
BurgundaviaMadpilot: yep08:16
Madpilotif the flight's at 0500, when do you have to be @ the terminal?08:17
carthik0400 if you don't use a face cream. 0200 if you do :)08:17
Madpilotdon't bother showing up if you want to take a bottle of water onto the plane :|08:18
Burgundavia0545, but the airport leaves downtown at 041008:18
Burgundaviaairporter, rather08:18
Madpilotgetting a cab downtown, I assume? No busses at that unholy hour08:18
=== carthik [n=carthik@pdpc/supporter/student/carthik] has left #ubuntu-marketing ["Leaving"]
MadpilotBurgundavia, you can take advantage of being up all night to dist-upgrade ubuntu.ca ;)09:01
BurgundaviaMadpilot: not going to happen09:01
BurgundaviaI need to get my laptop working09:01
Burgundaviatried aiglx and it failed last night09:01
Madpilotthat's what eyecandy gets you :)09:01
Burgundaviano, likely a broken version of mesa09:01
Madpilotyou running Edgy on the laptop too?09:03
Burgundaviaaiglx is not available in dapper09:03
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
BurgundaviaMadpilot: apparently I am no aiglx enabled09:15
Burgundaviahowever, I have no idea what to do now09:15
Madpilotenjoy the bling?09:15
Burgundaviathere is no bling09:15
nixternalhey Burgundavia, fwiw, i had aiglx running on dapper the other night...it was pretty cool, but i got sick of gnome really quick ;)09:17
Burgundavianixternal: I am using aiglx and metacity09:17
Burgundaviahow do I enable the bling?09:17
nixternali followed the forums and it worked right from the get go09:17
nixternalat term type09:17
nixternalthat should start the bling09:18
Burgundaviaright, using metacity, not compiz09:18
nixternali couldn't tell ya then ;)09:18
nixternali thought compiz was the bling..then again, i really haven't read up on it...only seen the screencasts09:18
Burgundaviaright, but metacity has some bling around as well09:18
=== ompaul [n=ompaul@ubuntu/member/ompaul] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== Burgundavia is sadly disappointed in the lack of bling
Burgundaviaat least I got AIGLX running09:24
BurgundaviaI will play with compiz later09:24
nixternalya Burgundavia, compiz is pretty cool...i like some of the bling it offers, as it is actually functional..however, there is some bling i could do without09:24
=== matthewrevell [i=synchron@outbound.silenceisdefeat.org] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
Burgundaviamatthewrevell: http://ubuntu-ca.org/gnome-is-people2.svg or ?09:36
mdkethe latter looks like it's on your home network09:41
mdke(as opposed to the internet)09:42
Burgundaviamdke: oh, sorry, replace the 192 addy with ubuntu-ca.org09:47
BurgundaviaI cannot access my server from the url at home09:47
elkbuntuBurgundavia, i prefer the second one you listed.. it's not as cliche a pic09:57
Burgundaviaelkbuntu: the 4 people?09:58
elkbuntuthe other one is just too 'msn-like'09:59
BurgundaviaI value all input09:59
=== jenda [n=jenda@ubuntu/member/jenda] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
jendadamn... what was that10:04
matthewrevellBurgundavia: ooh, what's that for?10:06
Burgundaviamatthewrevell: GNOME booth at LWE10:06
Burgundavia11x17 poster10:07
Burgundaviaignore the issue with the fonts and the cutoff, those are easy to deal with10:07
Burgundaviafocus on teh words and the overall layout10:07
matthewrevellmatthewrevell: Cool. As elkbuntu said, I think the four people version works best.10:07
Burgundaviaglad you are good at talking to yourself there. Maybe that is why you make a good lugradio host ;)10:07
matthewrevellI wish I had chance to look at the brochure, but I'm chock busy today :(10:07
matthewrevellSorry, just popped in to see what was going on.10:08
Burgundaviano worries10:08
Burgundaviamatthewrevell: can you give it 10 secs? does it stand out?10:08
matthewrevellBurgundavia: looking now10:08
matthewrevellBurgundavia: waiting for the pdf10:08
Burgundaviamy server might be slow10:09
matthewrevellBurgundavia: I know it's easy for me to look at this and point out the bits I think don't work...10:09
matthewrevellso, sorry10:09
matthewrevellbut it does feel a bit cluttered to me10:09
Burgundaviasomething I was concerned about too10:10
matthewrevellWhat's the LWE audience?10:10
Burgundaviaand users, business people mostly10:10
matthewrevellBurgundavia: I think, then, it focuses too much of features/technologies, rather than benefits. Again,e asy for me to say.10:11
matthewrevelljust a bit10:11
Burgundaviasomething a lot of marketing fails at10:11
matthewrevellI mean, I'd want to know why I should care that it's released every six months10:11
matthewrevellTo me, as a business user, that could be more of a liability10:11
matthewrevellI'd be happy to give more thorough comments by email.10:13
matthewrevellIf that'd be useful10:13
matthewrevellBTW - I don't understand the "More thanjust a Calculator" line10:14
=== mindspin [n=mindspin@pD95FCAC4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
matthewrevellIs there a brand of calculator called "Gnome" in the US and Canada?10:14
Burgundaviaok, will dig around further10:15
matthewrevellBurgundavia: Who did the copy?10:15
matthewrevellI mean, did you?10:15
Burgundaviathe text? some of me and some of davyd10:15
Burgundaviaadapted from an old brochure10:16
Burgundaviaok, thanks for the feedback10:17
BurgundaviaI don't realistically if I am going to have time to fix it10:17
Burgundaviawe need to have *something* to hand out10:18
matthewrevellI'd be interested in rewriting the copy.10:18
matthewrevellWhen do you need it for?10:18
matthewrevell(I'm not saying my version would be perfect, but it's another option).10:18
Burgundaviaby the end of the day, your time, would be smashing10:19
matthewrevellAh, today's pretty difficult, but I'd love to find time for it.10:20
matthewrevellI'll try to get something over later./10:20
Burgundaviasounds good10:20
=== rjian [n=bot@] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
jendarjian: ping?11:07
jendaI don't like your username. Please confirm not being a bot...11:07
Burgundaviajenda: he is indeed a non-bot11:08
jendaOK, sorry.11:08
Burgundaviano worries. He should still change it11:08
KenSentMe|afkWhat's wrong with that name?11:10
BurgundaviaKenSentMe: he has bot as his name11:10
KenSentMeHi, btw11:10
MadpilotKenSentMe, not his nick, but the first part of his actual username11:11
KenSentMeAh, i see now11:11
KenSentMeNever look at that part when someone logs in11:11
KenSentMeHow do you set that username? Can i change it somewhere?11:13
MadpilotI generally check that sort of thing, but then being an op in #ubuntu causes certain kinds of paranoia ;)11:13
MadpilotKenSentMe, in XChat's setup, it's listed as "Username"11:14
KenSentMeI use irssi11:14
KenSentMeBut i know where to look11:14
Burgundaviamatthewrevell: email received and response sent11:37
Burgundaviamatthewrevell: UWN is a newspaper and journalism is hard(TM)11:38
matthewrevellBurgundavia: erm, okay, that's fine, I just wanted to know where you guys found the info.11:38
=== Klaidas [n=klaidas@unaffiliated/klaidas] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
Burgundaviamatthewrevell: brains, igor, ours brains!!!11:39
=== jenda [n=jenda@ubuntu/member/jenda] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
matthewrevellBurgundavia: I'm happy to do the legwork, but just wanted some pointers.11:42
Burgundaviabeing a reporter is also a great way to "get out into the community" so to speak11:47
=== MenZa [n=menza@0x503ea710.kd4nxx12.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
jendaHey MenZa12:16
=== digitalmouse [n=jimm@p5481D755.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
digitalmousegreetings programs!12:20
Burgundaviaoff to catch my flight, cya all12:22
=== bimberi [n=dave@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.bimberi] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
KenSentMeI have a question about the Fridge rss-feed. Why do some posts show up three times in my rss reader Liferea?01:14
KenSentMeIs the feed a buggy one and shouldn't we fix it?01:15
MadpilotI've seen bugs like that with other feeds in my RSS reader (Opera's onboard one), so it's not just your RSS reader, whatever the bug is01:16
KenSentMeWell, if it is buggy, then we should do something about it. It's a bit bad to have a buggy feed from an organisation that produces software01:18
mdkeyou might want to raise it with the fridge team01:24
mdkeeven better, offer to fix it, if you have some experience with drupal01:25
KenSentMemdke: sadly i don't. But maybe i can find the source of the problem01:26
mdkeyou can get hold of the fridge team at fridge-devel@lists.ubuntu.com01:26
mdkeI have to say I can't see the problem on my feed reader (netvibes)01:27
digitalmousewhich feed exactly?  I can try with my reader to see if I get the same behaviour01:31
KenSentMeI've installed a second feed reader, so now i only have to wait for a new double thread01:44
=== Klaidas [n=klaidas@unaffiliated/klaidas] has left #ubuntu-marketing []
KenSentMeI've found out that i get double posts when something is changed in the post, like spelling correction or something01:47
matthewrevellKenSentMe: Isn't it just normal behaviour for an updated post to re-appear in a feed? You can, usually, configure your reader to ignore updated posts.01:52
=== mindspin [n=mindspin@pD95FCAC4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
jendaMenZa: Great thing you're coming this way. You think school would let you drop off for a bit and have a beer or something ;)02:24
KenSentMematthewrevell: i don't know for sure, but i thought that in my feed reader updated posts become unread again and aren't double posted02:28
KenSentMematthewrevell: looking for examples now02:28
jendaMenZa: you could even save for shipping and simply bring the stickers.02:29
MenZajenda: I'm 15, I doubt I'll be allowed to get a beer ;)02:29
MenZajenda: Whereabouts do you live?02:29
MenZaThursday, Sept. 28 I'll be in Prague.02:30
jendaMenZa: Getting a beer in Prague is no problem from the age of 3 or 4, and I live in the center of Prague.02:30
MenZaWell, I doubt the school would allow me anyway ;)02:30
MenZaWell we could perhaps meet in Prague and I could give you the stickers at some point then... maybe.02:31
jenda(Of course, under the presumption that you want a beer - and in Prague, you are only expected to want a beer since about 10)02:31
MenZaI don't know what the teachers'll say02:31
MenZaYes, I like beer ;)02:31
jendaWell, if they give you any time off - be sure to drop a line 02:31
MenZaI will :)02:32
MenZaMy teacher said something about going to the opera at some point.02:32
MenZaLive close to where that's located?02:34
mdkematthewrevell: perhaps if we avoid "create new revision" it will solve the problem02:40
matthewrevellmdke: I've unticked that, but the update still appears in the feed.02:41
matthewrevellmdke: It also appears that a new forum topic is created each time a story re-appears in the feed02:42
mdkeyeah, saw that02:42
jendaMenZa: yes02:43
jendaquite close02:43
jendaHow long will the stay be?02:43
MenZaJust one day in Prague.02:43
jendaI see02:43
jendain that case, it ain't all that probable that they'll let you wander off. But we could just meet en passant somewhere.02:44
MenZaYes, probably :)02:44
KenSentMematthewrevell: which version of drupal do you use for the fridge?02:45
=== jenda runs off... need a nap :)
digitalmousedrupal eevviill!  either that or I have stupid clients...  most clients can't seem to get their head around Drupal's node terminology... yet Joomla or MODx seem to be fairly 'idiot-proof' for people new to CMSs...  but otherwise drupal is nicely done.02:48
digitalmouse*change 'yet' to 'but'02:48
KenSentMeI've only used joomla, never tried drupal actually02:49
=== Kamping_Kaiser must be /really really/ bad, as i didnt like joomla ;)
KenSentMeKamping_Kaiser: you're evil ;)02:51
digitalmouselatest drupal and joomla are quite nice, in my opinion...  just my clients seems to figure out joomla faster for some reason02:52
digitalmousemaybe the interface is easier to 'grok'02:53
matthewrevellKenSentMe: Sorry, not sure on the version02:53
johnlittledid my comments to the fridge list go through?03:06
elkbuntujohnlittle, someone on the -marketing list seems to have gotten confused about you using the ubuntu site template03:33
mdkejohnlittle: which comments?03:35
KenSentMemdke: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-marketing/2006-August/000978.html03:36
mdkeKenSentMe: that isn't written by johnlittle03:37
johnlittlemdke: sorry - the comments to the fridge developers list about clean urls03:38
johnlittleelkbuntu: saw that03:38
KenSentMemdke: sorry, was confused by elkbuntu's post, sorry03:38
mdkejohnlittle: only the first one, https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/private/fridge-devel/2006-August/000903.html03:39
mdkenothing since my reply to that03:39
johnlittlemdke: cant see that..login required03:39
mdkejohnlittle: you're subscribed, aren't you?03:40
johnlittlemdke: ahh nm gmail burried your reply03:40
mdkeit's your subscription login03:40
johnlittlemdke: got it..thanks03:43
mdkejohnlittle: any ideas about what is needed source-wise?03:51
johnlittlemdke: I just replied to you03:55
johnlittlemdke: It's minor..template urls may be hardcoded and need tweaking and there may be a minor .htaccess edit required03:56
johnlittlemdke: not really coding - just edits03:56
mdkejohnlittle: ok, let's move to #ubuntu-fridge03:57
johnlittleamazing how much european traffic im getting after the fridge plug..ubuntu must be doing well in europe04:21
mindspinit does04:21
matthewrevelljohnlittle: I'm about to write up a story on the free Ubuntu stick offer.04:21
matthewrevelljohnlittle: I checked with them first, though, and thet seem happy enough.04:22
matthewrevelljohnlittle: Concerned it might overwhelm them.04:22
johnlittlethe system76 guys?04:22
matthewrevelljohnlittle: yup04:22
johnlittleI'm getting contacted by some of the people behind the videos ive posted already.04:25
matthewrevelljohnlittle: positive?04:27
johnlittlevery..theyre offering to create more04:27
matthewrevelljohnlittle: superb!04:28
digitalmousejohnlitte:  (regarding your 'amazed at the european traffic) yes indeed! I'm in north-western Germany, and I do what I can to promote ubuntu- I also point people regularly to the Fridge04:54
matthewrevelldigitalmouse: Ah, that explains it :-D04:55
johnlittleDigitalmouse: Great! I'm seeing lots of traffic from Germany04:55
digitalmousealthough I'm a little annoyed that my recent requests for more CDs have been rejected - but that's not the topic at hand (*goes back to sleep*)04:56
digitalmouseI've probably dropped 30+ production CDs, and nearly as many self-burned copies to the unwashed MS masses... I'd say about 45% of them have left the 'dark side'04:57
digitalmouseworking on some kind of kubuntu/LTSP combo, and have dropped this idea to many locals, so it's possible that a large chunk of the Germany hits are people looking this stuff up to see what I was talking about :-p04:59
=== jenda just checked and found his order rejected too.
mindspincould we do anything that merketing-tem members can get "more" cd's ?05:01
mindspinmarketing -team05:01
matthewrevellmindspin: I've never used ShipIt, but I imagine that they judge each case on the information they're given.05:03
matthewrevellmindspin: If we were in a position where we had a coordinated campaign that required ShipIt CDs and we gave them enough notice, I'm sure we could come to an arrangement with Canonical.05:04
mindspinyou can not give that much info over their website05:04
jendaYes, organised campaigns do get large amounts of CDs if needed.05:05
mdkematthewrevell: yes, absolutely you can get significant numbers of cds05:05
mdkeespecially through locoteam initiatives05:05
mindspinWhile we will consider all requests, due to extremely high demand we may choose to send a smaller number of CDs, or refuse your request altogether.05:05
mindspinRequesting a smaller number of CDs or a standard option will increase your chances of having the request approved. Remember, you can reuse the CDs!05:05
jendaGah, please don't paste.05:06
mindspinthat#s what is stated on shipit when you go for larger amounts of cd's05:06
matthewrevellShipIt is, AFAIK, unique. Freespire, for example, will be charging its community for similar CDs.05:06
=== jenda 's order was a standard request, but very shortly after another request I made, because I was ordering this package to a friend in a different country. They prolly didn't like the change of address.
matthewrevellAs jenda and mdke say, if we have a coordinated campaign and can justify the need for larger numbers of CDs, they'll help us.05:07
mdkeof course05:07
mindspinI have no problem with burning the cd#s by myself, its the  printed cardboard box which looks far ore professional ;-)05:07
digitalmousemindspin, my last 2 orders from shipit *were* standard orders (a default selection of i386, 64-bit, and PPC CDs) for ubuntu and Kubuntu.  and both rejected :-(05:08
mindspinhuh, so I was lucky, getting my "standard order" for kubuntu cd's05:09
matthewrevellmindspin: That depends on how many previous orders digitalmouse had made recently.05:09
digitalmouseprevious order for kubuntu CDs were sent ok.. just my recent requests were bumped off05:09
digitalmousetwo sets of Breezy, one set of Dapper <-- these came ok, no trouble.   2 new requests for ubuntu and kubuntu standard orders:  rejected05:10
digitalmouse(er.. last 2 sets were dapper)05:10
matthewrevelldigitalmouse: There's a balance to be found, here. Of course, Canonical benefit from the distribution of ShipIt CDs. However, the CDs are a limited resource. If you've had a lot recently, or Germany has had loads, they may look to send to other people/countries the next time.05:10
mindspinwe gave away about 1000 at linuxtag in may05:11
mdkeyep, free CDs are not a right, but a privilege05:11
digitalmousetrue, and good point... guess I'll need to invest in a couple of stacks of CDs, and use my new portable DVD burner (Philips model) - it has a grayscale printer built into the burner.  I'll use that to create professional labels for now until Canonical catches up05:12
matthewrevelldigitalmouse: Wow, that sounds like a cool device.05:12
mdkedigitalmouse: your local team may be able to help05:12
KenSentMematthewrevell: i can confirm now that my feed reader just makes posts unread if they are changed and not makes a new post (except for the fridge)05:12
matthewrevellKenSentMe: Arg :) Okay, thanks. It's been raised a few times now, but we need server access to fix it.05:13
digitalmousedon't have the model here, but I'll pass it on...   it burn on a specially covered Phillips CDs/DVDs... sort like the old dotmatrix printers that 'burned' or 'etched' images onto paper without needing ink... it gives a nice grayscale label output directly on the surface of the media...05:13
digitalmousegotta run.. catch oyu folks later05:13
KenSentMematthewrevell: do you already now how to fix it?05:13
matthewrevellKenSentMe: I don't, but we have a couple of offers of Drupal help.05:14
KenSentMematthewrevell: cool05:14
johnlittleelkbuntu: ping05:23
elkbuntujohnlittle, pong05:23
johnlittleHave you been swamped with emails since the counter went live?05:24
elkbuntunot really, ive had a few, mostly decent05:24
johnlittlethats good05:25
elkbuntuyours is a bit more controversial though05:26
matthewrevelljohnlittle: I think, possibly, Hubert is missing the point in his blog post.05:27
matthewrevelljohnlittle: He's not your target audience.05:27
matthewrevelljohnlittle: The people you are targeting, I imagine, aren't already running Ubuntu. They do use Flash, they are happy to use YouTube.05:28
=== matthewrevell feels a blog post coming on
johnlittlematthewrevell: exactly. I'm not going to worry about the zealots. I'm confident in my mission :)05:28
matthewrevelljohnlittle: I believe in free software. I also believe in pragmatism and taking our message to people.05:29
matthewrevellWe can't be aloof and expect them to come to us.05:30
johnlittlesame here05:30
ompauljohnlittle,  zealots are people too  (cough cough cough)05:30
johnlittletheres a place for us all ;)05:30
ompauljohnlittle, here in lies the truth05:30
ompaulanyone think the old marketing list is gone a little quiet?05:31
=== ompaul giggles
ompaulI should stop05:31
=== ompaul stops
johnlittleopaul: need a drama fix?05:31
ompauljohnlittle, hahaha05:31
ompaula brilliant repost sire, I shall retire and laugh with the merryment05:32
johnlittlethe ML and this channel seem like two different groups entirely05:32
ompaulmethinks some of the mailing list should actually be invited into the channel05:32
johnlittlescary thought05:33
johnlittlewe tend to get some work done in here..not much debate about what is love? and the inclusiveness of marketing blabber05:33
ompauljohnlittle, no I think after they were told in a chorus two or three times "Nooo thanks" they might try to engage within the normal scope of irc05:34
elkbuntuompaul, you noticed the 27hour lack of something also?05:36
ompaulelkbuntu, yeap05:36
ompaulsorry about the length of the next one I have reworked it twice -- it needs more05:42
ompaulone of the assumptions that people make when they approach any FLOSS project (in particular for the first time) is that they assume that it would work better if X was in place, I think what I wanted to get across in my (this is the phrase I struggled to define for the last few weeks) "community map" is that there is no "leadership" in whatever their domain of expertise is, rather than seeing it as a disruptive technology and as such its in05:42
ompaulterfaces are none obvious, to present them in a simple binary questionaire might be the easiest - do you want to find out more a) yes (send me anywhere) b) yes I have a technical problem c) yes I think this rocks and I can't see a way to participate can you show me one, is that a reasonable way of phrasing the question05:42
=== ompaul goes to write 500 words
matthewrevellompaul: you need a blog :)05:45
ompaulmatthewrevell, maybe05:46
nixternalblogs are bad05:46
nixternalthey are evil05:46
ompaulnixternal, and why is this?05:46
=== matthewrevell bows out again.
nixternali don't know, but if and when i find out, i will make sure you are the first person i tell ;)05:47
nixternalok, i know05:47
nixternali spent all day messing with mine trying to get it to look different than others, thats why05:47
ompaulnixternal, no that is Tuesdays are evil05:48
nixternaland 2, i have been so cheap, that i run other peoples domains and what not, but have never gotten my own...what kind of geek am i?05:48
nixternalsounds like you got a case of the Mondays05:48
ompaulnixternal, no I have the fridays 6pm and why am I still in work syndrome05:49
ompaulnixternal, I don't let this stuff drop at all05:49
ompaulright to the wordsmiths foundry05:50
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johnlittleAdded an additional disclaimer since some people seemed fuzzy about the whole thing08:12
MitchMvery good work there johnlittle08:16
MitchMWhere do you have that hosted?08:17
MitchMhow much does that run?08:17
johnlittlegreat company. I've used the for about 4 years08:17
MitchMI'll have to look into that08:18
johnlittleUm $11 a month now but I'll probably have to up it to a higher bandwidth account within a week08:18
MitchMGetting good traffic?08:18
johnlittlefor a new site very good but I expect it to grow: http://www.sitemeter.com/?a=stats&s=s25ubuntuvideo&r=608:19
MitchMnot bad at all08:19
MitchMYou partake at all in SpreadUbuntu?08:20
johnlittleThe fridge article is getting it noticed but I haven't been around long enough to seed the search engines much08:20
johnlittleI'm not directly involved in that..my understanding is that it's kind of in flux..maybe being folded into the fridge08:20
johnlittleI don't know for sure though08:20
MitchMvery cool08:21
MitchMTrying to get a grasp myself of everything thats going on in the puzzle of ubuntu08:21
johnlittleGood luck :)08:21
MitchMhard to jump in somewhere when your just starting08:21
=== MitchM chuckles
MitchMwell if you need any help with anything I do some web design stuff and I can host sites for free08:22
johnlittleRead up on the team wiki and talk to people but don't be afraid to take initiative either.08:22
MitchMread the wiki I have08:23
MitchMidle here is what I came up with08:23
johnlittleNot a bad plan08:23
johnlittleMost of the actul work seems to originate out of this channel as opposed to the mailing list08:23
MitchMwell thats good news for me I suppose08:23
MitchMLooking for a gap to put my foot in08:24
johnlittleGood idea to sign up at the launchpad and fill out your personal wiki as well so people can get to know you - you can post your ideas or service offerings there too08:24
MitchMI am on the launchpad team08:25
MitchMnot exactly familiar with the system yet08:25
MitchMbut I have a profile and a pgp key listed08:26
johnlittleSame here..it doesn't seem to play much of a role in day to day work for the team08:26
johnlittleIt's more of a roster08:27
MitchMah gotcha...08:27
MitchMWhere would I post service offerings?08:28
MitchMI.E. Free hosting for ubuntu related sties08:28
johnlittleLook at some of the team members wikis (listed in their launchpad pages) or on the marketing team project list to get an idea of what kind of content is out there08:29
johnlittlenixternals is good: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/nixternal08:29
johnlittleYou can essentially format it however you like..within reason08:29
johnlittleYou get to yours via your launchpad bio..click on wiki then edit.08:30
MitchMah very nice.08:32
MitchMyour help is greatly appreciated =)08:32
MitchMany areas you know of where I can "put my foot in the water"?08:32
MitchMI know there have been many items on the mailing lists etc. etc.08:32
MitchMbut I don't exactly know where to start08:33
johnlittlethe project section is best. You can also bring your own ideas to the table but they should be things that you can take the lead on and execute...getting community support will take some effort and coordination08:34
MitchMand where would one submit ideas?08:35
MitchMjust in the mailing list?08:35
MitchM*reads the projects page and finds answer*08:36
johnlittleYou can do that. I'm leaning towards a wiki-based proposal though. That's how I'd do it anyway.08:36
MitchMah very good =)08:36
johnlittleFYI theres plenty of brainstorming but fewer people working.08:36
johnlittleworking is good08:36
MitchMI like working,08:37
MitchMJust need to again find out where my skills can come in handy08:37
johnlittleYep. Don't be afraid to think small either. Everybody wants to think big in marketing but sometimes thinking small, and actually doing something, gets you further along08:38
MitchMhmm good advice08:40
MitchMit seems that wiki leads to wiki that leads to wiki08:41
johnlittleYep you can get lost in wikis08:41
johnlittleOh, and youre always welcome to make videos for Ubuntu Video :)08:42
johnlittlealways gotta add that08:42
johnlittleI don't even care if you post your companies url on your title screen or something..as long as the video is informative for the viewers08:43
MitchMhmm ... that could work08:44
MitchMany specific program you use for capturing video?08:45
johnlittleI don't mess with videos at all..theres some links on the share page though08:45
MitchMvery cool; I will delve into that08:45
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MitchMvery cool08:49
johnlittleIt doens't have to be a screencast though..you can put on a penguin suit and raid a mall or something08:52
johnlittleDisclaimer: john little didn't say that08:52
MenZanot a bad idea, johnlittle.08:52
johnlittlemenza: i want tons of practical tutorials and stuff but I wouldn't mind some activism and even entertaining stuff as long as its related08:53
MenZaif only I had a camera..08:53
johnlittleAh surely you can find one somehwere..they come with ahppy meals now08:54
johnlittlecameras are everywhere08:54
johnlittlehappy meals08:54
=== MitchM chuckles -- Ubuntu + Johnny Knxoville = Good UbuntuVideo ?
johnlittlecould be..that would be awesome08:55
johnlittleit's all about getting attention for Ubuntu so mixing in some flashy stuff wouldnt hurt08:56
johnlittlepeople wont be seduced by open source panel discussions08:56
johnlittlewell most won't anyway08:57
MitchMthe ones that are.. well; we all know.08:57
johnlittleyeah they're already here08:57
johnlittleThe dual monitor ut2004 video was perfect...people don't associate linux with gaming like that08:58
MitchMyeah -- agreed.08:58
johnlittlethat guy is making more too..which is good08:58
MitchMgaming is still a little behind on linux though08:58
MitchMin my opinion08:58
johnlittleyeah a little but its easier with wine than people think08:59
johnlittleWoW runs great on my machine, better than on my windows 2k box..and thats what 5 million gamers?08:59
MitchMoh really?08:59
MitchMI gave up wine back in the day08:59
MitchMwhen Starcraft gave me problems08:59
johnlittlerean i run at 1600x1200, cranked up, flawlessly09:00
johnlittlesame with quake4, ut200, enemy territory, medal of honer09:00
johnlittleit is behind but again not the dealbreaker for most people that they assume it is09:01
johnlittlemy wow screenshots: http://www.blogsofwar.com/gallery/category/screenshots/09:02
KenSentMejohnlittle: does medal of honor run well on your system09:03
KenSentMejohnlittle: with me it's much slower then on windows09:03
johnlittleyou running the native linux version?09:03
KenSentMejohnlittle: i tried, but it didn't run as smooth as the windows one.09:04
KenSentMejohnlittle: and the main bummer is that the dmw anti cheat doesn't work on linux09:04
johnlittleHm i havent played any games in a while but I havent run into performance issues09:05
KenSentMeSo i can't use it, because all servers are cheat protected09:05
KenSentMejohnlittle: well, quake4 and Enemy Territory run fine09:05
johnlittleyeah ET is old..but fun :)09:06
KenSentMeyeah, i play it every day. Instead of working :p09:06
johnlittleI don't know much about the anti-cheat thing...I assume you googled it09:07
KenSentMejohnlittle: they don't support linux, it just doesn't work and i think it won't work in the near future09:07
KenSentMeThey've got enough work to do to make a descent anti cheat client on windows09:07
johnlittleYou'd think that would be easy enough to port over..sadly it probably is09:09
KenSentMeWell, gaming is still one of the main reasons that i don't throw away windows completely09:11
MitchMthe only really09:14
johnlittleIt's going to be like that for a lot of people for a while.09:14
KenSentMejohnlittle: i'm afraid so09:14
johnlittleits a catch 22 - the gaming companies will only come around when theres a big enough market and there will only big a big enough makret when people can play their games09:15
MitchMwell my attempt at installing xvidcap has ended in failure ^.^09:17
johnlittleI've never installed it. what happened?09:19
MitchMXlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server09:20
MitchMXlib: No protocol specified09:20
MitchMError: Can't open display: :009:20
KenSentMeMitchM: it worked here too09:20
MitchMit worked?09:20
johnlittlemight want to check a couple of posts in that thread about using it with dapper09:21
KenSentMeMitchM: still does09:22
MitchMthere was a libpng.so.2 error I googled on and I sym linked it to the libpng.so.309:22
MitchMi.e. the missing libpng.so.2 symlinked to libpng.so.309:23
MitchMhmm good thread john. Looks like that will get it done when i have a minute here...09:25
johnlittleIt's ironic but I've never done video related stuff on linux09:26
johnlittleI hope it gets a lot easier..it's an area that definitely need improving09:27
johnlittleer needs09:27
johnlittleinteresting http://www.eefoof.com/09:34
johnlittlethat company pays video submitters based on hits09:35
johnlittleso ubuntu video contributers could actually profit09:35
MitchMhmm interesting09:35
matthewrevellanyone else around earlier, when Burgundavia posted a link to his Gnome handout?09:36
poningrumatthewrevell: the pdfs?09:37
poningruyeah I think I have the links hold on09:37
matthewrevellponingru: Yehah09:37
johnlittleoh i think i see a typo on that09:39
johnlittlethe pdf..recomilation..should that be recompilation09:39
johnlittlein the stable section at the bottom09:40
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matthewrevellOkay, the mailing list is a scary place.11:01
matthewrevellIt must be an intimidating place to new people.11:02
matthewrevellAny suggestions for fixing the windbag-overload>11:02
mdkecontinue asking people to give it a rest, and point newcomers towards the wiki?11:03
matthewrevellI'm worried that people will think we're getting repetetive11:04
mdkethis team seems to attract craziness :/11:04
johnlittleyeah I would have bailed if I hadn't finished my project before joining :)11:18
johnlittleThose who haven't found their way here must be really confused..quite possible scared11:19
matthewrevelljohnlittle: I think the only way to fix that will be to get on and do stuff.11:19
johnlittlematthewrevell: do stuff?11:23
matthewrevelljohnlittle: Basically, I've no intention of replying to the madder than a badger stuff, any more. The only way to get over it is to ignore it and actually do things, as you have.11:23
matthewrevellHopefully, if we starve the mad stuff, it'll die off.11:24
=== astopy [n=adam@taurus.moosoft.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
matthewrevellWe can then get on with doing the marketing work11:24
johnlittleagreed. I'd just ignore it..they'll either roll up their sleeves and do something or waddle off11:24
matthewrevellright, must go11:24
matthewrevellnight all11:25

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