
imbrandonmoins / evening everyone12:10
=== imbrandon yawns
imbrandonugh who is John Dong12:14
zulhe was the backport guy12:14
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ajmitchmorning Hobbsee12:15
ajmitchyou're up insanely early today12:15
Hobbseemorning all12:15
Hobbseehi ajmitch12:15
zulimbrandon: what happened?12:15
Hobbseeajmitch: i'm at uni insanely early.  i have no working car.12:15
imbrandondid i miss something or is there s specific reason he rejected my backport request filed against package source , and refiled the EXACT some request agains a "ubuntu-backports" project12:15
ajmitchHobbsee: how unfortunate, what broke?12:15
Hobbseeajmitch: the automatic transmission12:16
zulcopy cat..12:16
ajmitchso you had to catch an early bus in?12:16
imbrandonzul : https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kbfx/+bug/56527 to see what i mean12:17
UbugtuMalone bug 56527 in dapper-backports "[backport]  request for kbfx from edgy -> dapper-backports" [Medium,In progress] 12:17
Hobbseeajmitch: you mean a bus, train, and another bus.12:17
Hobbseeajmitch: no, i got dad to give me a lift12:17
ajmitchimbrandon: I guess it's his way of tracking stuff12:17
zulthat must be a fun ride12:18
imbrandonafaik it should be filed against the package source, that make sense, so you get the other information, is this a documented change somewhere ?12:18
ajmitchHobbsee: I guess it gives you more time to work on that assignment :)12:18
Hobbseeajmitch: true that...12:18
Hobbseewhich assingment :P12:18
=== Hobbsee seems to have about ten of them.
Hobbseeokay...3....one with two parts, so that makes 4...12:18
ajmitchthe physics one you were worrying about12:19
Hobbseeoh.  that was due yesterday, and i did that in my broken car while waiting for the towtruck.12:19
zulimbrandon: no idea12:19
ajmitchyou got it done though?12:20
imbrandonhrm he put it "in progress to" wth is that? is it building now ? so theres soyuz support? i love chnges when no one says WTH they are doing12:20
ajmitchimbrandon: I'd say it means he's checking it out - nothing to do with soyuz12:20
Hobbseeajmitch: yeah12:20
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imbrandonajmitch: rember the convo last night about age of nicks on IRC, check this, i think he has everyone beat ( 136 years ) http://www.thedailywtf.com/images/200608/gaim-wtf.gif01:43
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bddebianHeya gang02:59
imbrandonhey bddebian02:59
bddebianHi ajmitch, imbrandon02:59
Laser_awayhi guys02:59
=== StevenK waves to *
bddebianHeya Laser_away, StevenK03:00
=== Laser_away goes to hunt down some food somewhere by campus
Laser_awayI hate how most of the on-campus food places shut down for the summer :(03:01
imbrandonwendys ;)03:01
bddebianTaco Bell!03:01
Laser_awaywell yeah, if I could walk there03:01
Laser_awaybut the wife has got the car03:01
=== StevenK ponders food, and decides against it.
Laser_awaymmmm, now you guys are making me even more hungry03:02
=== bddebian is eating ice cream
zul_im having a slurpee03:02
imbrandonlol yo quero taco bell ?03:02
StevenKLaser_away: One word can take away your apitite.03:02
=== ajmitch should consider having some breakfast as well
imbrandonmmmm slurpee , /me loves 7-11 slurpees03:02
StevenKLaser_away: "McDonalds"03:02
ajmitchStevenK: bad03:02
Laser_awayBig Mac!!03:03
imbrandonheh i like mcdonalds ;)03:03
=== ajmitch shudders
Laser_awayguess what I ate when I went to Paris?03:03
bddebianA Royale with Cheese ? ;-P03:03
ajmitchLaser_away: please don't03:03
Laser_awayno, highvoltage ate the Royale03:03
Laser_awayI had the bigmac03:03
jsgotangcohe ate le big mac03:03
bddebianMayonaise on your fries?03:04
=== imbrandon is reminded of pulp fiction
StevenKDamn, now look what I've done.03:04
Laser_awayand then latter I went to a nice Subway shop across the river from Notre Dame ;-)03:04
bddebianimbrandon: Exactly why I said that ;-P03:04
imbrandonbddebian: hehe yea i caught it ;)03:04
jsgotangcoLaser_away was sick of eating fish and non-american food03:04
imbrandoni love that movie03:04
jsgotangcoi think the raw beef was clincher03:04
Laser_awaywell, after that hotel food McDonald's was a God-send03:04
bddebianimbrandon: That whole sequence is one of the funniest things I have ever seen03:05
tsenghotel at ubuntu paris?03:05
Laser_awayI thought I was going to die of starvation03:05
Laser_awayor worse03:05
tsengaustralia was the same deal03:05
tsenga bunch of green stuff03:05
ajmitchand far too much fish03:05
jsgotangcothis was worse03:05
tsengi had to get all my calories in with the english breakfast03:05
ajmitchfish every single day at UDU03:05
Laser_awayI would have taken salad any day03:05
bddebianWhat, no vegemite?03:05
ajmitchbddebian: of course there was03:05
tsengLaser_away: this wasnt lettuce like we have in america03:05
ajmitchbddebian: I've got a jar of it here if you want some03:05
jsgotangcothey totally ignored vegans/vegetarians03:06
tsengwith real big pieces of lettuce03:06
tsengit was all kinds of funny little things03:06
Laser_awaywell, we had raw beef and pate (sp?)03:06
bddebianajmitch: Uhm, no thanks :-)03:06
tsengraw beef?03:06
imbrandonraw beef ?03:06
Laser_awayI thought maybe there was a natural gas outage or something03:06
ajmitchbddebian: uncultured...03:06
Laser_awaynothing was cooked03:06
jsgotangcoits france!03:06
Laser_awaysteak tartar03:06
Laser_awayor something03:06
Laser_awaya big plate of thin sliced raw beef03:07
bddebianajmitch: I don't deny that :-)03:07
=== DarkMageZ [n=DarkMage@ppp10-210.lns1.syd7.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
jsgotangcogreen avocado which is spicy03:07
=== ajmitch prefers his steak to be cooked
=== imbrandon thinks of all the deseases from raw meat
tsengi eat sushi03:07
jsgotangcosushi is good03:07
Laser_awayajmitch: oh man, what I would have given for a steak03:07
tsengor even a full sized sushi-grade tuna filet03:07
tsengcooked rare03:07
ajmitchsushi & raw beef are a bit different03:07
tsengraw beef03:07
tsengnot so much03:07
imbrandontseng: only with lots of umm hell whats that green hot stuff03:07
tsengimbrandon: wasabi03:07
ajmitchimbrandon: wasabi03:07
jsgotangcoLaser_away: at least we got to eat in a real brasserie03:08
imbrandoni love that stuff03:08
tsengits ok03:08
tsengit kills germs03:08
Laser_awayjsgotangco: yeah03:08
=== ajmitch doubts he'll be at the next developer summit
=== bddebian only eats meat, potatoes, bread, and ice cream ;-)
=== tseng doubts he'll be at any future summit
Laser_awayfortunately my view of France wasn't totally ruined03:08
imbrandonand SLURPIEES03:08
jsgotangcoimbrandon: have you tasted green peas deep fried in wasabi03:08
imbrandonjsgotangco: cant say i have03:08
imbrandonugh phone03:08
ajmitchjsgotangco: the ones we get tend to be fairly bland03:09
Laser_awayjsgotangco: are they good, I think I've seen them in the store here?03:09
jsgotangcoLaser_away: yeah just dont eat a lot of it03:09
Laser_awayah, ok03:09
jsgotangcoit goes through your nostrils03:09
jsgotangcothe feeling that is, not the pea03:09
Laser_awaymy uncle was in the Army for a while and was stationed in South Korea03:09
Laser_awayhe got a taste for that nasty cabbage stuff03:10
Laser_awaycan't think of the name03:10
jsgotangcoits callled kimchi03:10
tsengcole slaw?03:10
jsgotangcoits delicious!03:10
Laser_awaywhen he came back it was all he would eat03:10
Laser_awaybut my grandpa wouldn't let him come over to his house cause he smelled so bad ;-)03:10
jsgotangcoLaser_away: there's actually a kimchi museum in seoul, you can look it up at the web03:10
jsgotangcowell kimchi is a way to increase the storage life of vegetables back then in the long winter03:11
jsgotangcothey made is spicier to heat up the body as well03:11
Laser_awayok, I'm off on a hunt. I think it'll either be Jimmy John's or Jim Boy's03:11
Laser_awayjsgotangco: good to know if I'm ever deserted in the middle of Korea ;-)03:12
jsgotangcoasian food is generally way better compared to european imho03:12
tsengjsgotangco: yes03:13
tsengjsgotangco: god yes03:13
zul_im a steak and potatoes kind of guy03:13
tsengi almost nearly killed myself in Spain03:13
tsengI could not get a fucking steak to save my life03:13
tsengor a hamburger03:13
tsengeverything had mussels03:13
jsgotangcoyou get blood sausages or something as well03:13
tsengi asked a guy how to get to mcdonalds03:13
tsengno fucking se03:13
ajmitchhah, only time I had mussels recently was having dinner at mpt's place03:13
tsengajmitch: if i never see another mussel again..03:14
tsengthe only thing on menus we could recognize most places was paella03:14
tsengrice, mussels, shitty prawn03:14
tsengi am spoiled for life by australian prawn03:14
zul_heh every summer when we came back from kenya the first thing we do is head to a macdonalds03:14
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-motu
tsengzul_: mcd is inedible03:15
ajmitchhello Hobbsee03:15
zul_tseng: its ok03:15
=== bddebian covers his virgin ears from tseng's swearing
tsengzul_: i like burgers made of beef03:15
bddebianHeya Hobbsee03:15
zul_hey Hobbsee03:15
tsengbddebian: oh, you've seen nothing03:15
=== Hobbsee waves to all
ajmitchtseng: rather than playing pick-that-animal?03:15
Hobbseeyay for simple programming exercises as quizzes.03:15
bddebiantseng: ;-P03:15
zul_tseng: so do i, but when you need grease you need grease03:15
tsengajmitch: is it an animal?03:15
imbrandon[20:10]  <jsgotangco> its callled kimchi  <-- that stuff rocks03:15
ajmitchnot entirely sure03:15
tsengajmitch: vegitable oil in meltodextrin?03:16
tsengajmitch: who knows.03:16
tsengall of the above is my guess03:16
tsengbut very little came from a cow03:16
ajmitchI should get pizza tonight or something03:16
tsengyou should have seen it03:16
jsgotangcoLaser_away: i should send you a box of duck eggs soon :D03:16
tsengme, davyd, desrt trying to order a pizza in catalan03:16
=== bddebian eats no seafood whatsoever
tsengwhat a joke03:16
ajmitchyou didn't have jordi along to translate?03:16
tsengpeople spoke enough spanish to talk to them03:17
jsgotangcobddebian: landlubber!03:17
tsengwhich was the path i tried03:17
ajmitchjsgotangco: he's obviously not asian03:17
tsengnext time, I am not going more than 2 feet from Miguel03:17
bddebianjsgotangco: I don't eat anything that swims around it it's own shit all it's life ;-P03:17
jsgotangcoi guess you haven't tasted octopus or shark even03:17
tsengbddebian: pork?03:17
ajmitchjsgotangco: some of us have03:18
tsengman, spain did have great calamari03:18
imbrandontseng: i was thinking the same thing03:18
zul_zebra meat is pretty good03:18
ajmitchkangaroo meat is pretty interesting03:18
jsgotangcois it the same as horse?03:18
tsenglightly fried with some lemon03:18
imbrandonzebra is the same as horse meat isnt it03:18
bddebiantseng: pork is good03:18
tsengof course it is03:18
ajmitchHobbsee can tell you all about eating kangaroo..03:18
tsengbut they life in their own dirt03:18
bddebian"pigs are filthy animals"03:19
Hobbseeajmitch: so can you03:19
bddebiantseng: They don't breath it :-)03:19
tsengbddebian: no, they eat it03:19
imbrandonbddebian: nah they just eat it03:19
bddebianNo they don't03:19
imbrandonyea they do , right along with the slop03:19
tsenghave you seen the movie Snatch?03:19
tsenglike dags?03:20
bddebianUhm, my neighbors raised pigs03:20
imbrandoni'm sorry03:20
tsengthey eat disgusting things03:20
jsgotangcoyeah the key to raising pigs is to make sure their den is always clean03:21
jsgotangcoand always have clean water too03:21
bddebianSo do chickens if given the chance03:21
bddebianIn fact there are no nastier creatures than chickens03:21
tsengI like dags.03:21
jsgotangcoive seen chicks kill each other and peck entrails03:21
bddebianOh yeah, if Chickens taste blood, they go nuts03:22
tsengat least it isnt just me that things international food blows03:23
tsengAmerica wins again03:24
imbrandonsome international food is good, special after its been "american ized" hehe03:25
imbrandonkimchi , mexian food ( all the same ingrediants just presented diffrent )03:26
jsgotangcokimchi got americanized?03:26
imbrandonlots of other stuff i cant think of right now03:26
bddebianSome real mexican food is frightening03:26
ajmitchjsgotangco: how else could they eat it?03:26
jsgotangcopig brain taco03:27
imbrandonjsgotangco: most here prepare it a bit diffrent than the koreans i have seen prepare it03:27
bddebianI had some chicken thing in Mexico city that I swear they just threw the entire chicken in blender and stuck it on a tortilla03:27
imbrandonbddebian: hahaha probably03:27
jsgotangcowhen i was in seoul, the local Golden Arches had Bulgogi burger with kimchi siding03:27
bddebianI would definetly starve to death in an Asian country03:28
imbrandonkorean kimchi is alot spicier from what ive seen03:28
bddebianToo many vegetables and seafood03:28
ajmitchpoor bddebian03:28
jsgotangcothat's why we probably live longer03:28
jsgotangcobddebian: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balut03:29
bddebianjsgotangco: Aye :-)03:29
imbrandonnative american food is good to ( well the way myt wife makes it ) , alot like mexian food03:29
welshbytei used to pretty fussy about food.. these days i eat just about anything put in front of me except any kind of curry03:30
bddebianOK, I have like 4 or 5 packages now that are outdated in Debian too :'-(03:31
jsgotangcocurry is ok it just seeps in your pores if you have too much of it03:31
welshbytemakes me hurl :)03:32
LaserJockoh man guys, I'm trying to eat here ;-)03:32
=== ajmitch was thinking about getting curry for lunch
welshbyte"can i get some food in my additives please?"03:34
LaserJockI've got an italian sub and chips right now03:34
=== ajmitch still hasn't eaten today
imbrandonsounds good, with some oil and vinigar dressing to go on it03:34
Hobbseebad ajmitch03:35
LaserJockhad smoked salmon and havarti cheese pizza for lunch03:35
LaserJockmy wife thought it would be fun03:35
Hobbseeajmitch: you're supposed to eat, you know!03:35
ajmitchHobbsee: can't I just say it's your fault?03:35
Hobbseeajmitch: nope03:35
=== bddebian whips up a Prime Rib milkshake ;-P
imbrandonheh your makin me hungery now, mmmm pasta sounds good tonight03:35
StevenKajmitch: No, because it's yours03:35
ajmitchStevenK: that's beside the point03:35
LaserJockbddebian: dude, that reminds me03:35
welshbyteoh great, 2:35am and i'm hankering for steak03:36
LaserJockthe undergrad in my lab found a forum post of worst cooking ideas03:36
LaserJockthe worst I saw was a guy decided to make a burrito smoothie03:36
ajmitchuh oh03:36
LaserJockbut it came out kinda thick03:36
ajmitcha bit lumpy?03:36
bddebianLaserJock: D00d, that is nasty :)03:36
LaserJockso he looked around for something Mexican to thin it out03:36
LaserJockso he found some tequila03:37
imbrandonsour cream03:37
ajmitchthat'd be one tasty drink03:37
LaserJockso it became a burrito and tequila smoothie03:37
bddebianOh man03:37
bddebianI had beer on corn flakes in college once03:37
bddebianOnly things I had in the apartment03:38
ajmitchsick man03:38
bddebianIt was pretty nasty03:38
ajmitchI'm surprised you still had beer left03:38
LaserJockI knew a guy in college who was previously in the Army03:38
LaserJockand developed a Mt. Dew in cereal habit03:38
imbrandonahhh now THAT sounds good ;)03:39
StevenKLaserJock: Ewwwwww03:39
LaserJockthat was for you imbrandon ;-)03:39
=== ajmitch revises what he should do for lunch
imbrandonmt dew in fruity pebbles ;)03:39
ajmitchjsgotangco: mt dew & mentos?03:39
bddebianOh yeah, you definetly need more sugar with your Mt. Dew :-)03:39
jsgotangcoajmitch: they explode03:39
ajmitchjsgotangco: it'd be fun though03:39
bddebianEven though Mt. Dew is the nectar of the Gods ;-P03:39
ajmitchnot like you haven't seen enough of them03:40
ajmitchimbrandon: very very wrong03:40
zul_heh...we get crippled mt dew03:40
jsgotangcowhat a waste of fridge space03:40
bddebianimbrandon: Nice :-)03:40
ajmitchdecaf mt dew?03:40
imbrandoncrippled mt dew ?03:40
YagisanG'day all03:40
imbrandonheya Yagisan03:40
ajmitchhello Yagisan03:40
LaserJockno  way!!!03:40
bddebianDecaf Mt. Dew?  WTF??03:41
LaserJocksorry, that was to zul_, not Yagisan03:41
ajmitchzul_: that just takes away the whole reason for the drink03:41
zul_ajmitch: yep...thats why i dont drink it03:41
imbrandon[20:40]  <jsgotangco> what a waste of fridge space  <-- yea i still have room at the bottom for more huh ?03:41
bddebianThat's like non-alcoholic beer, or decaf coffee03:41
StevenKAs a matter of fact, Australian Mountain Dew doesn't have caffeine.03:41
jsgotangcoimbrandon: put lots of cup noodles heh03:41
LaserJockI could sorta see diet mt dew cause you drink so much03:41
imbrandonStevenK: WOW03:41
StevenKSo they doubled the amount of sugar.03:41
ajmitchStevenK: that's worrying03:41
ajmitchI'm sure that it has caffeine in NZ03:42
Yagisancan anyone think of an opensource alternative to FMOD. I'm running a argument to get it dropped from some code that I'd like to see in Ubuntu03:42
jsgotangcothere was a local craze here a decade ago mixing raw egg with rootbeer03:42
StevenKajmitch: Does it have a slightly bitter aftertaste?03:42
LaserJockjsgotangco: oh yeah, mt dew + ramen!!!!03:42
ajmitchStevenK: I don't know, I don't drink it03:42
bddebianSo you don't stay up but your teeth rot faster?03:42
Yagisanaussie mt dew is nice :)03:42
StevenKYagisan: I prefered the Mountain Dew I drank in Finland.03:42
imbrandon+ cafeine is good03:43
YagisanStevenK, I eat suger from the pack - sweet is nice03:43
=== StevenK blinks.
bddebianI prefer Mt. Dew + vodka or so :-)03:43
jsgotangcounprocessed 7-11 slurpee03:43
jsgotangcopure sugar03:43
LaserJockwell, I'm down to pretty much just diet soda because of my teeth :(03:43
welshbyteYagisan: umm, you mean something like gstreamer?03:43
imbrandonbddebian: mt dew and everclear is GOOOOOOOD03:43
imbrandoneverclear and pineapple juice is better ;)03:44
Yagisanwelshbyte, something that supports all those useless formats no one uses, and is on *NIx, OSX and Win3203:44
=== Yagisan checks gstreamer
welshbyteif no one uses them, what's the point? :)03:45
jsgotangcowhat is everclear?03:45
imbrandonjsgotangco: 190 proof grain liquor03:45
ajmitchimbrandon: sounds dangerous03:45
jsgotangcoahh ethanol03:45
Yagisanwelshbyte, I tried that argument - it's not getting far - that's why I popped in to see my mates here03:45
LaserJockjsgotangco: dude, I don't even drink and I know what everclear is ;-)03:45
jsgotangco190 proof? isnt that like fuel quality?03:46
ajmitchjsgotangco: ethanol with a touch of flavouring & other additives03:46
LaserJockI've got some 200 proof in the lab ;-)03:46
imbrandonjsgotangco: pretty much, we drove a motocycle on it one time for a few miles, but the spark plugs needed replaced after that03:46
ajmitchLaserJock: that's just not as tasty03:46
welshbyteYagisan: fair enough, well i'm no expert so maybe someone with more experience can help after they've finished discussing beverages ;)03:46
LaserJockajmitch: I doubt it, and you can only get it in small quantities03:46
jsgotangcoyoull die drinking it straight right?03:47
imbrandonLaserJock: 200 proof == 100%  hehe03:47
LaserJockimbrandon: exactly03:47
LaserJockwe have to do special purchasing to get it03:47
bddebianOh Everclean, nice03:47
imbrandonjsgotangco: everclear ? nah you can drink it streight but it taste nasty by its self03:47
LaserJockbecause normal research ethanol they but nasty tasting additives so grad students won't drink it ;-)03:47
bddebianYeah, it burns like hell03:47
jsgotangcoahh so you make cocktails with it03:47
imbrandonjsgotangco: yea normaly 1oz to a drink 8oz drink ;)03:48
imbrandonafter 3 or 4 you forget your name or why you were drinking ;)03:48
ajmitchLaserJock: shocking, as if grad students would ever drink it ;)03:49
jsgotangcohmm they are good for mountain treks then03:49
jsgotangcoyou use some to cook, then use a part to mix with cocktails03:49
LaserJockajmitch: no, they do mt. dew and ramen instead03:49
imbrandonn the United States, Everclear is a brand of grain alcohol (ethanol), available at concentrations of 95% alcohol (190 proof) and 75.5% (151 proof) [1] . By contrast, hard liquors such as rum and vodka generally contain 40% alcohol (80 proof). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Everclear_(alcohol)03:50
imbrandoni dident know they made the 151 proof kind , hehe03:51
=== hub [n=hub@toronto-hs-216-138-231-194.s-ip.magma.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu
jsgotangcoits this like moonshine?03:51
bddebianjsgotangco: Pretty much yes03:51
imbrandonstronger normaly but same taste03:51
LaserJockwell, more than moonshine03:51
LaserJockeverclear is like research grade ethanol03:51
imbrandonmoonshine is normaly about 75-80%03:52
LaserJockwe use 95% for most research03:52
imbrandonits still good with mt dew ;) one shot per glass ;)03:53
LaserJockI think that destroys the purity of the mt. dew :-)03:54
LaserJockI don't mix my mt dew with anything ;-)03:55
imbrandonmt dew should be the offical ubuntu drink ;)03:55
StevenKLaserJock: What sort of research uses 95% alchol?03:55
Hobbseenooo!  coke!03:56
StevenK"I wonder how long it will take us to get pissed today" ?03:56
LaserJockI'm a chemist03:56
imbrandonHobbsee: more dev's and ppl in general drink mt dew ( everywhere but mexico ) heheh03:56
StevenKMy question still stands. ;-P03:56
bddebianStevenK: Research into getting drunk ;-P03:56
=== StevenK high fives bddebian.
=== Hobbsee will avoid getting drunk, thanks :P
LaserJockethanol is a really good solvent03:56
Hobbseecan you imagine a drunk hobbsee?03:56
LaserJockthat's why it's not good for your body03:57
imbrandonLaserJock: at UNR i wouldent be suprised ;)03:57
bddebianHobbsee: Not with any weapons nearby ;-)03:57
LaserJockyou kinda end up dissolving your body in a way03:57
imbrandonor pointy sticks03:57
StevenKMy father told me once that I was silly enough sober, and he never wanted to see me drunk.03:57
imbrandonLaserJock: dosent it work becouse its a poison ( all liquors )03:58
LaserJockanyway, we use ethanol in my lab as a general purpose solvent and for cleaning optics03:58
LaserJockkinda yeah03:58
LaserJockwe use a lot of methanol to (wood alchol)03:58
LaserJockit'll make you go blind03:58
LaserJockso don't drink that03:58
jsgotangcoim not going to doubt a chemist03:58
YagisanI see. after someone pukes after drinking it, you disolve the evidience with what's left over ;)03:59
LaserJockattacks your optical nerves or something03:59
StevenKYagisan: Bwahaha03:59
LaserJockI just never did understand the point of drinking alchol when such nice things a mt dew and pepsi existed04:00
imbrandons/pepsi/more\ mt\ dew/g04:00
StevenKLaserJock: But Pepsi is *vile*.04:00
jsgotangcowe have a local concoction here called royal rumble, its fanta orange with rhum nasty stuff04:00
LaserJockpepsi is one of God's greatest gifts to humanity04:00
=== StevenK kills LaserJock.
LaserJocksorry StevenK, it's a know fact04:01
LaserJocksmart people drink pepsi04:01
=== TheMuso prefers ginger beer if it has to be any softdrink.
StevenKNot in this house, it isn't.04:01
imbrandonjsgotangco: we drink that here too, and another called "float your boat" something with root beer and captian morgan ( spice rum ) , its GOOOD too04:01
=== Hobbsee waves to TheMuso
TheMusoHey Hobbsee.04:01
HobbseeStevenK: i believe that killing is against the CoC :P04:01
TheMusoHow is your day?04:01
bddebianShit, I had prismstumbler building now it doesn't :-(04:01
LaserJockthey thing for me is that all the alchoholic drinks try to be something else04:02
StevenKHobbsee: Hrm.04:02
LaserJockmy friend was like "Kahlua + milk is like chocolate milk"04:02
LaserJockand I'm like, "04:02
LaserJock"why not just drink chocolate milk?"04:02
imbrandonno drunkie after a few ;)04:02
Yagisanspeaking of Gnger Beer, the Bundaberg stuff is good (real giner) buy the imitation stuff tastes like crap04:03
LaserJockhmm, not time for that, I"ve got Quantum Mechanics to study ;-)04:03
TheMusoYagisan: Saxby's is nice too.04:03
StevenKQuantum mechanics hurts my head.04:03
=== Yagisan will learn to type one day. Today is not that day however
LaserJockStevenK: yes, it hurt mine the first few times as well04:04
LaserJockyou just have to stick with it ;-)04:04
Hobbseepepsi is vile though.  diet pepsi, doubly so.04:04
imbrandonyea so is coke though too04:04
bddebianDiet anything is the work of Satan04:04
imbrandonmt dew > *04:04
TheMusoGo the soda water with cordial, or ginger beer I say!04:05
jsgotangcougghh i hate ginger beer04:05
imbrandonman you all are gonna make me put a poll up for ubuntu devs/users on my blog about soda hehehe04:05
TheMusoIT doesn't bloat you nearly as much as soft drink like coke/pepsi04:05
=== StevenK hasn't tried soda water with cordial.
Yagisanjsgotangco, you probally never had a real one then04:05
LaserJockpepsi > mt dew > dr pepper > everything else on the planet04:05
=== StevenK usually drinks water, actually.
TheMusoSoda water with lime/lemon cordial/lemon barley water is beautiful, especially in summer.04:06
jsgotangcoYagisan: i had the one by blue tongue, it doesn't really jive welll with me but that's the only one i got04:06
TheMusoStevenK: So do I.04:06
=== Hobbsee_ [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LaserJockyikes, now there's 204:06
imbrandontwo you04:06
Yagisanjsgotangco, if I see you in Aus, remind me, and I'll get you a real one04:06
Hobbsee_what'd i miss?04:06
LaserJocknow we are really in for a beating04:06
StevenKWe're partiarly surrounded!04:06
jsgotangcoi'll be in LCA04:07
=== Hobbsee_ gets out her long pointy stick
=== Yagisan usually drinks tea (english) or japanese tea
LaserJockI just haven't warmed up to tea :-)04:07
imbrandonindian ( native american ) tea is great, best tea i've ever had04:07
jsgotangcothe ones we have here now are gree tea ice filtered04:07
TheMusoRight. Lets try again to get a cat out of our yard that got stuck there two days ago. :)04:08
Hobbseeyay, a prac on how to write html.04:08
StevenKI got one of them two weeks ago.04:08
YagisanI did an exam over the internet a few days ago o_O04:09
=== LaserJock wonders what a computer science exame would look like
LaserJockseems odd to me04:09
bddebian<H1>Bigger Junk</H1>04:09
=== Hobbsee is hiding against one of the walls of one of the prac labs.
LaserJockI'd probably flunk04:09
Hobbseenext to....a powerpoint :D04:09
Hobbseecome on....04:09
jsgotangcoessay type lol04:09
YagisanI thought I had died and gone to heaven04:10
HobbseeLaserJock: if it's anything like the last quiz...very easy04:10
StevenKYagisan: There is no latency in heaven.04:10
imbrandonStevenK: i dunno the voyager1 is pretty close to what some would call heaven and an icmp ping takes 28+ hours to reply ;)04:11
YagisanStevenK, it was wonderful. It like one big open-book exam04:11
YagisanStevenK, I'm looking forward to the next 2 exams too :) (I shall try and do it faster next time)04:13
LaserJockhas anybody done a presentation via Impress on an Ubuntu laptop?04:20
LaserJockI've always used Powerpoint and Windows and I'd like to not have any suprises04:21
jsgotangcojust make sure your video can actually be used with a projector04:22
jsgotangcosome laptops can't do it04:22
LaserJockhmm, if it works with Windows should it?04:22
jsgotangcounless you reboot with the projector attached04:22
jsgotangcowell its a video card issue04:22
LaserJockI've done it before with Windows04:22
LaserJockbut I'd like to do it in Ubuntu04:23
jsgotangcowho hasn't heh04:23
LaserJocksince this will be at an Ubuntu conference04:23
jsgotangcoits best to try it with a projector before the event04:23
LaserJockI should be able to get there early04:23
jsgotangcobecause mine doesn't just work if i plug in the projector04:24
jsgotangcounless i reboot04:24
StevenKjsgotangco: What laptop?04:25
jsgotangcoTecra M2 with Nvidia04:25
StevenKFree or restricted drivers?04:26
jsgotangcoboth doesn't work04:26
jsgotangcoyep mjg59 said its upstream04:26
jsgotangcoi met on of the xandros people before with the same laptop and it frustrates him as well04:26
StevenKMy Sony Vaio only spoke to a projector if I plugged it before booting.04:27
LaserJockhehe, I just crashed bug buddy ;-)04:27
StevenKLaserJock: I wonder if it respawns itself to report that bug.04:27
jsgotangcoStevenK: you still get both displays?04:28
LaserJockit got a few things and then some force quits04:28
StevenKjsgotangco: From what I recall, yes.04:28
jsgotangcomine only displays on the projector and the lcd is blank04:28
StevenKjsgotangco: The Vaio in question died, and I bought an X40.04:28
jsgotangcoit just works in X40 right?04:28
=== StevenK nods.
StevenKI haven't checked in Ubuntu, but I made it work under Debian.04:29
jsgotangcoyeah its probably the most compatible unit you can find for linux generally04:29
StevenKMost of IBM laptops just work.04:29
=== ogra [n=ogra@ubuntu/member/ogra] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LaserJockjsgotangco: how many slides do you do roughly for a 1 hr  presentation?04:35
jsgotangco1 hour that;s a long time04:36
jsgotangcodepends on your discussion04:36
jsgotangcothe key is not to put everything on a slide04:36
imbrandonplease tell me this is a joke https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/5612504:36
UbugtuMalone bug 56125 in apt "doesnt look like a cow" [Unknown,Unconfirmed] 04:36
jsgotangcowe actually have a cow in apt04:36
ajmitchimbrandon: no, it's quite a serious bug04:36
bddebianapt has super cow powers04:36
jsgotangcobut gentoo whips our arse04:36
bddebianFsck Gentoo04:37
jsgotangcoin the cow department04:37
LaserJockyeah, larry is awesome ;-)04:37
jsgotangcoits worth confirming as a wishlist =)04:38
=== StevenK prefers what aptitude does.
imbrandonbrandon@voyager:~$ aptitude moo04:39
imbrandonThere are no Easter Eggs in this program.04:39
jsgotangcowonder if smartpm has one04:39
LaserJockjsgotangco: mind taking a look at http://chem.unr.edu/~mantha/ubuntu/ubucon.odp and seeing if it looks retarded or not?04:39
StevenKimbrandon: Add a -v04:40
jsgotangcoim honored to help a FOSS superstar like LaserJock04:40
imbrandonStevenK: hahaha04:40
imbrandonbrandon@voyager:~$ aptitude -v moo04:40
imbrandonThere really are no Easter Eggs in this program.04:40
Hobbseeimbrandon: keep adding more -v's04:41
StevenKimbrandon: Keep adding -v04:41
=== StevenK high fives Hobbsee.
LaserJockoh man, we are geeks04:41
imbrandontoo cool04:41
StevenKsteven@liquified:~% for i in "" -v -vv -vvv -vvvv -vvvvv -vvvvvv ; do aptitude $i moo ; done04:41
jsgotangcowth is that?04:41
ajmitchtoo often projectors are an issue - we had quite a few problems at LCA this year04:42
=== Hobbsee highfives StevenK :)
imbrandonbrandon@voyager:~$ aptitude -vvvvvv moo04:42
StevenKjsgotangco: Add another -v04:42
imbrandonWhat is it?  It's an elephant being eaten by a snake, of course.04:42
jsgotangcoan elephant eaten by a snake04:42
imbrandonsomeone had too much time on their hands04:43
Yagisannice :)04:43
=== StevenK wonders if he can compress his for loop.
Yagisanpeople are looking at me odd because i laughed at that04:43
HobbseeStevenK: dont remind me of the assignment i'm supposed to be writing04:43
jsgotangcoLaserJock: i guess the best presentation on inviting people to participate in Ubuntu is share your experiences as well04:43
jsgotangcoLaserJock: the slides are ok, but adding a personal touch makes wonders04:44
YagisanHobbsee, I've an assignment due tommorow. I should start it today04:44
=== StevenK remembers the first time he joined -motu
jsgotangcostuff that people don't normally read on the websites04:44
LaserJockjsgotangco: yeah, I kinda planned on a doing a little more with the MOTU part and a little about why I was talking in the first place04:44
HobbseeStevenK: what happened then?04:44
jsgotangcoadd pictures of yourself during paris04:44
ajmitchStevenK: scary place?04:45
jsgotangcoto make things interesting04:45
StevenKOh, I didn't think people were interested. :-)04:45
LaserJockhehe, yeah04:45
StevenKUm, ajmitch and I talked for a while, and I started doing universe merges.04:45
=== No1Viking [n=micke@h-83-140-104-74.ip.rixbredband.se] has joined #ubuntu-motu
jsgotangcothat we're not all about doing gdb but talkign about moonshine and ethanol as well04:45
StevenKAnd easter eggs.04:45
jsgotangcoa lot of slides in guadec focused on people having fun04:46
YagisanI think I first came here *after* i turned up unannounced at UDU04:46
=== ajmitch can't remember talking to StevenK
ajmitchbut that's no surprise04:46
ajmitchirc is one long blur04:46
jsgotangcoLaserJock: like eating raw beef04:46
StevenK"IRC is just one long line of text"04:46
LaserJockhehe, I think the first time I came to -motu bddebian and bmonty were hard at work getting Breezy out the door04:46
Hobbseenwo come on....it's thursday lunch time....where are the freaking tutes????????????????04:47
Hobbseeit's surely not *that* hard to put them up more than 4 days before they're due!04:47
StevenKThat's the challenge.04:47
StevenKYou need to find them and then do them.04:47
Hobbseemy uni is bloody incompetent.04:47
ajmitchHobbsee: that's the way of university life04:48
StevenKIt's a feature.04:48
LaserJockjsgotangco: you don't think the logos are weird? I kinda wanted to give it a community feel04:48
ajmitchjust like launchpad is one big collection of features04:48
jsgotangcoLaserJock: let's just say art isnt your biggest strength, but then again, clean slides are much easier on the eyes for the audience instead of thiking of adding palettes04:49
bddebianLaserJock: Pshaw, I'm never hard at work ;-P04:49
=== ajmitch refrains from commenting
jsgotangcobecause when you pipe your laptop to a projector, the palette will look different04:49
bddebianYeah, yeah, I know ajmitch04:50
LaserJockwell, I'm used to science presentations where you get a white background, black text, and equations04:50
LaserJockI saw a few presentations on the wiki but they seemed hard to read04:50
jsgotangcoalso make sure your final slides have all formats04:50
jsgotangcoodp, ppt, pdf04:50
jsgotangcojust in case you are forced to use another guy's laptop04:51
LaserJockmmm, good point04:51
LaserJockI was going to do dop and ppt04:51
jsgotangcodont forget ppt04:51
LaserJockbut pdf is good too04:51
LaserJockI"m not used to being able to make pdf's so easy ;-)04:51
jsgotangcoi know its strange to use it on a FOSS conference but things happen04:51
LaserJockyeah, I know that about conferences04:52
jsgotangcowhen i was in seoul, i couldn't use my laptop we had to use one running windows that didnt have office04:52
jsgotangcobut had acrobat reader04:52
jsgotangcogood thing i made a pdf04:52
ajmitchyes, never rely on being able to use your own laptop04:53
LaserJockwell, I'm used to having to print out transparencies04:54
LaserJockthere's nothing like a good wet-erase talk by a nobel prize winner ;-)04:54
jsgotangcowell thats the extreme option04:55
jsgotangcobut generally having the 3 formats on had on a keyfob will work04:55
ajmitchLaserJock: when are you getting your nobel prize?04:56
LaserJockyears from now04:56
LaserJockmost Nobel prizes get awarded like 20 years after the work has been done04:56
ajmitchat least we can say that we knew you when you were slacking off with ubuntu :)04:56
LaserJockso I've got a little while to wait ;-)04:56
LaserJockwell, nobel prizes are cool, but you sure don't get much money anymore04:57
LaserJockyou get USD$1 million04:57
LaserJockbut if more than one person gets the prize (which happens a lot) you have to split it04:57
jsgotangcoat least you get to be on the history books04:58
ajmitchthe money probably isn't meant to be the main benefit now04:58
LaserJockyes, that's the real fun04:58
=== TheMuso returns
LaserJockand you get to go around giving presentations with wet-erase markers04:58
=== bddebian turns his badge in to ajmitch
LaserJockand everybody loves it04:58
ajmitchbddebian: ?04:58
bddebianajmitch: I'm getting my arse kicked by a stupid little package05:00
bddebianShould configure be called before or after patch05:00
ajmitchso fix the package05:00
ajmitchdepends what you're patching - generally after05:00
ajmitchup to you, really05:00
HobbseeTheMuso: yay :)05:02
HobbseeTheMuso: di dyou succeed?05:02
=== Hobbsee pinches the easy merges.
bddebianYou mean you don't have them all done YET? ;-P05:03
ajmitchHobbsee: leave some for the rest of us poor people who struggle along with stuff05:03
bddebianYeah, I haven't done any yet.. :-)05:03
Hobbseeget going, bddebian05:05
bddebianNah, I'm useless05:05
LaserJockif I ever get to do MOTU work again I'll want some decent merges to do ;-)05:05
ajmitchbddebian: weren't you told that it's bad to lie?05:05
bddebianajmitch: What am I lying about? :-)05:06
Hobbseeyay.  something broke on LP05:06
LaserJockHobbsee: hmmm, how about doing a MOTU School session? or are you busy with uni stuff?05:06
ajmitchwow, there's a surprise05:06
ajmitchyes, teach us, Hobbsee05:06
HobbseeLaserJock: busy with uni stuff, and i wouldnt make a good teacher with that sort of stuff05:06
=== Hobbsee couldnt teach ajmitch anything.
bddebianw00t, frickin' A05:07
LaserJockHobbsee: well you don't have to teach ajmitch, just people like me05:07
ajmitchHobbsee: you're funny05:07
LaserJockbut if your'e busy I'll let you go, this time05:07
Hobbseeyay.  LP really did break.05:08
LaserJockI need somebody to teach me CDBS05:08
bddebianDon't we all? ;-P05:08
HobbseeLaserJock: i am rather, at the moment.  what would it be on?05:08
ajmitchLaserJock: good luck finding someone to teach that05:08
welshbytei don't even know what CDBS stands for :/05:08
bddebianCommon Debian Build System05:08
bddebianI think05:08
HobbseeLaserJock: sure i cant teach yada?05:09
welshbytenow i do :)05:09
=== Hobbsee ducks
ajmitchLaserJock: hobbsee has patched cdbs in the past, get her to teach it05:09
=== Hobbsee runs away very quickly
Hobbseeajmitch: you merged it.05:09
LaserJockajmitch: that was my point ;-)05:09
Hobbseeajmitch: you should do it.05:09
ajmitchHobbsee: never05:09
=== Hobbsee has crappy timezones.
ajmitchdo you see any uploads by me?05:09
LaserJockactually, we need crappy timezones05:09
HobbseeLaserJock: nope.  i'll teach yada :P05:09
HobbseeLaserJock: that shall be an easy lesson05:09
Hobbseeajmitch: true, no05:09
Hobbseedidnt look05:10
ajmitchdo you see any packages of mine that actually use cdbs?05:10
Hobbseehavent looked at them either05:10
=== bddebian builds zope with CDBS ;-P
=== welshbyte makes a note to not use "will you teach me CDBS?" as a pickup line next time he's at a bar
ajmitchyou do that, bddebian05:10
bddebianwelshbyte: ;-)05:10
ajmitchwelshbyte: depends on what sort of bar it is05:11
LaserJockit might work at a Debian bar05:12
welshbyteunfortunately there aren't any bars in this city where that line would work :(05:12
ajmitchLaserJock: we have our LUG meetings in a bar05:12
LaserJockmine starts at an ISP and ends in a bar05:13
=== Hobbsee tries again, to imagine herself drunk
=== ajmitch doesn't want to imagine that
bddebianmine starts at home and ends at home :-)05:13
ajmitchHobbsee: you're bad enough sober :)05:14
Hobbseeajmitch: hah05:14
=== Hobbsee gets out her whip
Hobbseesay that again....05:14
ajmitchit would be funny though05:14
ajmitchthat's ok, you're not in NZ05:14
Hobbseemaybe i'll have to get drunk at StevenK's or something.05:14
=== Hobbsee has a very very long whip :P
LaserJockI'd love to see a video of a drunk Hobbsee05:14
ajmitchpoor StevenK05:14
LaserJockI bet she gets giggley05:15
Hobbseelike i dont anyway :P05:15
ajmitchLaserJock: she's giggly enough as it is05:15
Hobbseeajmitch: now be fair.  you have seen me non-giggly, too05:16
=== Hobbsee might have just been drunk all the time that ajmitch was here.
ajmitchthough you were driving05:16
ajmitchand that scares me, the thought of you driving through sydney while drunk05:16
Hobbseejust think...you were in the car with me a lot...05:16
=== Hobbsee contemplates driving while drunk.
ajmitchstop abusing the poor bot05:17
=== hub [n=hub@toronto-hs-216-138-231-194.s-ip.magma.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Hobbseeajmitch: haha05:17
=== Hobbsee has a dodgy uni connection today, it seems
ajmitchyou mean a connection via a dodgy uni?05:17
LaserJockhmm, is ubuntu-bugsquad LP team still used?05:19
LaserJockor is it just ubuntu-qa05:19
Hobbseei more meant that i'm at uni, and have a dodgy connection05:19
ajmitchbugsquad is still there, not sure what practical use it has05:19
HobbseeLaserJock: i think it is for meetings, and for a place to subscribe bugs05:20
=== Hobbsee steals a merge, and rebuilds a section of *gasp* nautilus.
imbrandonoh i wish i would win the lottery05:21
LaserJockhehe, make sure you don't get sucked into the dark side why you are doing it05:21
LaserJockimbrandon: hmmm, and you lived in Reno, right? ;-)05:22
imbrandonnooooo Hobbsee put the gtk program down ......05:22
imbrandonLaserJock: yup05:22
HobbseeLaserJock: yeah, no danger of that05:22
Hobbseei'd only need to get 175MB of archives, too...05:22
LaserJockheh, well I installed kubuntu today05:23
imbrandon;) welcome to the light LaserJock05:23
LaserJockand then edubuntu-desktop05:23
welshbytebah i didn't realise inheriting an open source project would be so much work.. and i haven't even started coding yet05:23
imbrandonheh i might put edubuntu on box here to ltsp into it from my lappy just too see how it works05:24
=== freeflying [n=freeflyi@ubuntu/member/freeflying] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LaserJockwelcome to our world, welshbyte ... mwhuauauaua05:24
LaserJockimbrandon: ogra brought a thin client to Paris with him, it was pretty cool05:24
TheMusoHobbsee: Unfortunately not.05:24
LaserJockwe set it up with highvoltage's laptop as the server05:25
welshbytejust setting up the web pages and trac/svn how i want them *sweat*05:25
imbrandonyou i just realized that the DD that agreed to review apt-mirror on mentors.d.n idles in here ;) hehe ( even though i've never seen him speak )05:25
bddebianAnyone here use prismstumbler?05:25
imbrandons/you/you\ know/05:25
imbrandonLaserJock: nice05:26
=== LaserJock pokes around -motu looking for DDs
=== bddebian points at ajmitch
imbrandonhe i dont know if he wants to be pingd or not , but its not hard to figure out i would imagine ( and no not ajmitch becouse like i said i've never seen this person talk in here )05:27
imbrandonjust idle05:27
=== ajmitch idles
=== Hobbsee points at StevenK, but he's afk
=== dudus [n=dudus@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Hobbseeajmitch: is a good target, looking for  DD>05:28
ajmitchHobbsee: who, StevenK ?05:28
bddebianStevenK is a DD?05:28
Hobbseei think so05:29
=== Hobbsee considers installing gnome.
ajmitchbddebian: what do you think?05:29
bddebianHobbsee: traitor05:29
Hobbseeguess there's not much point on this uni connection.05:29
bddebianajmitch: My opinion means nothing05:29
=== imbrandon notes its the only person with a DD cloak that he see's , definately the first on the list
ajmitchimbrandon: there are a number of DDs to lurk here05:29
bddebianazeem is a DD but don't know if he's around or not05:30
Hobbseeajmitch: *are* we still here?05:30
Hobbseedo we want to still be here?05:30
TheMusoWhere is here?05:30
ajmitchimbrandon: I count at least 8 DDs currently in the channel05:30
ajmitchthere are probably more05:30
imbrandonwith DD cloaks ?05:31
HobbseeTheMuso: a guy is asking in #ubuntu+1 if either of us are here05:31
ajmitchHobbsee: no05:31
TheMusoI see it.05:32
ajmitchLaserJock: yes?05:33
LaserJocksomebody wants to know if Hobbsee or ajmitch is there?05:33
imbrandonHobbsee , ajmitch : you all arround ? hehehe05:34
imbrandonugh , i'm getting tired of kmail , anyone got a sugestion for a GRAPHICAL email client they prefer ? i need to try something new05:36
imbrandonmaybe evolution05:36
TheMusoWhat about mutt?05:36
Hobbseehah.  i'm definetly not there then05:36
Hobbseeimbrandon: thunderbird's not too bad05:36
imbrandonHobbsee: thunderbird likes to eat my imap mail for some reason05:37
imbrandon'kmail just isnt stable05:37
TheMusoUse something like offlineimap then.05:37
Hobbseeimbrandon: ahh...05:37
Hobbseeimbrandon: yeah, exactly05:37
imbrandonmutt/pine is console and i'd prefer not to use a console email app05:37
=== Hobbsee has never found that thunderbird has eaten her imap mail
=== Hobbsee hugs imap
LaserJockimbrandon: really, evo always eats my imap05:38
LaserJockthunderbird usually handles it fine05:38
imbrandonTheMuso: well i have a semi complicated setup as is, all my mail forwards to a gmail account then i grab it on the file server via fetchmail and use procmail to filter it into folders and connect to my local fileserver via courior imap05:39
imbrandonbest way i've found for me to get my mail anywhere from all my accounts without using a webmail interface ;)05:40
welshbytei use thunderbird with a *lot* of config tweaks to get it close to how i want it05:40
LaserJockI just use whatever's handy05:41
imbrandonwelshbyte: then i would have to tweak the config on every system i use here at home , i like to do all the configs ( main ones ) server side so i can use virtualy any client05:41
imbrandonbut alas i havent found a client i like heh05:41
imbrandonalthough mail.app is nice but osx only heh05:41
LaserJockI still use thunderbird on OS X05:41
LaserJockmail.app is nice but it chokes on my imap at school05:42
imbrandoni use ff but not tb05:42
imbrandonyea mail.app chokes on large accounts05:42
=== Hobbsee_ [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-motu
imbrandonit seems05:42
LaserJockI even tried MS Entourage or however it is spelled05:42
welshbyteoh i usually just scp the prefs.js to any new setups i have05:42
imbrandonwelshbyte: thats a pita heh i used to do that, i even had a .thunderbird maped via nfs too and tried that way, simplest to do the tweaks via procmail05:43
imbrandonplus one good thing about that is i can ssh into my home box when i'm on the road and use mutt is i HAVE to05:44
Hobbseeis this still the email discussion?05:45
welshbyteimbrandon: yeah i use procmail serverside for the email filtering stuff too, but i tweak the thunderbird prefs to get it to use plain text everywhere, insert the right "on foo, bar said:" line and lots of other stuff05:45
imbrandonHobbsee: nope talking about quantom physics05:45
Hobbseeah right05:46
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LaserJockimbrandon: oh goodie05:46
LaserJockI was hoping for that05:46
Hobbseeyou should have known better to mention such thigns with LaserJock around.05:46
imbrandonif evolution was avail in osx it would be nice, i wonder if its in fink05:46
LaserJockdid you know that everything about an atom is described by an imaginary equation?05:46
imbrandonLaserJock: yup pretty much05:47
imbrandonLaserJock: have you ever read God Debris ?05:47
LaserJockeverything there is to know about a molecule is described by a non-real wave05:47
imbrandonits fiction but very well thought out story touching such things05:47
LaserJockhmm, no05:47
LaserJockI'll have to look it up05:47
imbrandonits a free book ( pdf ) from the author of dilbert, you can read it all in one evening05:48
imbrandonbut dosent have anything remotely to do with dilbert05:48
LaserJockand oddly many problems in Quatum Mechanics take pages and pages to write out and end up with = pi/205:48
=== imbrandon loves the fraction of a percent about what he knows about quantum stuff
LaserJockand much of the math is totally "hand waving" as we call it05:49
LaserJockbut in the end it works out and the universe is preserved, phew05:49
imbrandonyea there are 99.9999999% unknowns used in quantom stuff05:49
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imbrandonyou ever read the book "timeline" ? not the movie05:50
imbrandonit has some very cool "based on real" fiction too05:50
imbrandonabout quantom stuff05:50
welshbyte*hand wave* light does travel as discrete packets of energy... these aren't the droids you're looking for05:51
LaserJockand matter really is a wave, it just doesn't look like it ;-)05:51
imbrandonits by michael creighton ( sp ? )05:51
welshbytecrichton, i believe05:51
LaserJockanother weird thing in quantum physics, to me anyway, is time reversal symmetry05:52
imbrandonerr like ?05:53
Hobbseescreen -R05:53
LaserJockwell, in the math used for quantum mechanics you have to look carefully at the symmetry of the equations05:53
LaserJocklike if you replace x with -x do you get the same thing?05:53
LaserJockwell, time is a funny thing05:54
LaserJockit isn't symmetric05:54
bddebianAnyone have a suggestion for what .desktop categories prismstumbler would belong to?05:54
bddebian Network;Utility ?05:54
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imbrandonyea time is messy05:55
imbrandonhard to explain it with math ( leaste in terms i can semi comprehend )05:56
imbrandonbddebian: i would say so05:56
imbrandonbddebian: look what cate kismet is in , i would stick it in the same category05:56
ajmitchHobbsee: some people like to complain about lack of docs, don't they?05:56
bddebianthx imbrandon05:56
bddebianimbrandon: It doesn't have any :-)05:58
imbrandonLaserJock: http://www.andrewsmcmeel.com/godsdebris/  <-- theres the link , very light ~150 pages or so, like i said its short but will make you think more about some of einsteins theorys and quantom stuff, well really look at it diffrent05:58
imbrandonbddebian: ouch hrm well yea network:utils would be a good place05:59
Hobbseeajmitch: that they do05:59
imbrandondont worry the name is misleading its not about God or religon though ;)06:00
LaserJockimbrandon: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_reversal for some light reading ;-)06:02
imbrandoncool , kk06:02
LaserJockimbrandon: actually maybe http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arrow_of_time is an easier read06:05
=== Hobbsee tests to see if the suspend breaks again
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ajmitchimbrandon: correct06:13
Hobbsee(die hobbsee, die!)06:13
ajmitchHobbsee: you didn't know infinity was in .au?06:13
TheMusoHobbsee: You should have. :p06:14
bddebianWhat permissions should dpatch files have?06:14
Hobbseei vaguely knew06:15
HobbseeTheMuso: heh, never met him06:15
bddebianWell dx has 0755 but I just made two for prismstumbler and pbuilder is complaining about them having 075506:15
TheMusoIts nice to see that launchpad plays a doesn't chuck some weird error message with elinks any more.06:22
TheMusoUsed to get very annoying.06:22
bddebianOh crap, that's not my problem, I get this:06:22
bddebian./configure --prefix=/usr06:22
bddebianmake: execvp: ./configure: Permission denied06:22
bddebianmake: *** [configure]  Error 12706:22
bddebianI didn't get that until I added my dpatches :-(06:24
Laser_awayok, the wife is waiting with the car, good night MOTU land06:25
bddebianGnight Laser_away06:25
bddebianajmitch: Any suggestions? ^^06:25
hubbddebian: are you sure that configure is runing the right shell06:34
hubbddebian: or is +x06:34
bddebianIt was fine until I added two patches06:35
Hobbseebddebian: you're not supposed to break things...06:42
bddebianIt doesn't make any sense06:44
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tritiumhey bddebian06:48
bddebianHeya tritium06:48
tritiumbddebian: anything new on the mythtv front?06:49
bddebiantritium: I have requested a sync of 0.19 from Debian Multimedia06:49
tritiumbddebian: ooh, fantastic06:49
tritiumbddebian: debian-multimedia is the new marillat repo name?06:54
tritiumbddebian: hopefully that will happen, then.  Even backporting that to dapper would be a good thing06:59
welshbyteeep it's getting light06:59
welshbytebed time06:59
bddebianGah, I give up.  Gnight folks07:21
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imbrandongnight folks its time for bed07:26
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ajmitchsomeone broke soyuz well, it's spammed edgy-changes nicely08:39
StevenKdoko's upload for glib-java seems to be the first.08:43
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Seveasajmitch, StevenK: urgh indeed -- we now get source AND binary upload mails09:14
StevenKDo we have to?09:18
=== StevenK much prefered getting a source upload mail, and then checking build logs on LP.
=== StevenK buggers to have dinner with his wife.
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imbrandonhrm whats up with edgy-changes showing all the diffrent arches for uploads now09:54
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Toadstool'morning everybody10:24
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StevenKimbrandon: Yes, I wish it would stop.10:49
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asimonI wonder if revu.tauware.de is operational. I uploaded two packages yesterday but they didn't appear in the list. When I try to recover my password I get a python backtrace (global name 'REVUBASE' is not defined). I suppose something went wrong.12:09
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ajmitchasimon: before uploading, were you in the ubuntu-universe-contributors team on launchpad, and after joining, did you ask for the keyring to be resynced on revu?12:10
asimonajmitch: Yes I am in the contributers group. I added a gpg key to my launchpad accound. What do I need to do to get the keyring on revu synced?12:11
ajmitchyou need to ask a revu admin to do it, before you upload12:11
=== ajmitch is doing it now
asimonajmitch: Okay, thank you very much.12:12
ajmitchasimon: what were the packages you uploaded?12:14
asimonIt looks like the part of asking for the keyring to be synced is missing on wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU  ;-)12:14
asimonajmitch: gtk2-engines-qtcurve_0.41.1-0ubuntu1  and  kde-style-qtcurve_0.41.1-0ubuntu112:15
ajmitchok, packages should be listed now12:16
asimonajmitch: Great, thank you.12:16
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siretartasimon: where did you get the error about 'REVUBASE'?12:27
asimonsiretart: When I click 'recover' to recover the password, i.e.  http://revu.tauware.de/lostpw.py?email=andreas.w.simon@gmail.com12:28
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asimonsiretart: See also here for the backtrace: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2086212:29
siretartasimon: ok. lostpw.py is seriously fucked up. need to investigate that12:35
asimonsiretart: Yes, such things happen ;-)12:37
siretartasimon: thanks for reporting anyway12:37
asimonsiretart: you're welcome12:38
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tepsipakkipreview-latex should be deleted from edgy, auctex replaces it now (and conflicts with it)01:14
tepsipakkidoes motu-powers suffice to do that?-)01:16
tepsipakkiok, filed a bug about it01:22
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geseris here someone familiar with gcj?01:30
geserI tried to rebuild pdftk against libgcj7-0 and it failed at the linking stage01:31
gesera log is attached to bug 5658001:31
UbugtuMalone bug 56580 in pdftk "[Edgy]  Please rebuild against libgcj7-0" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/5658001:31
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TheMusoHey Hobbsee.03:07
Hobbseehi TheMuso03:07
ajmitchhello TheMuso, Hobbsee03:14
TheMusoHey ajmitch.03:15
Hobbseehi ajmitch03:15
Hobbseeajmitch: debsign -r looks cool :)03:15
TheMusoNight folks.03:15
Hobbseenight TheMuso03:15
=== TheMuso retires a little early.
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=== asimon is away: I'm busy
Hobbseeasimon: please turn off the away messages04:23
zulbut how do we know if he is truely away :)04:24
Hobbseezul: hah04:24
StevenKHobbsee: Aren't you supposed to tell him that in a kick reason? :-P04:25
HobbseeStevenK: i did think of that.  in both channels.04:25
Hobbseemake that in all three04:26
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bddebianHeya gang04:37
Gloubiboulgaheya bddebian :)04:37
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bddebianHi Gloubiboulga04:39
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Gloubiboulgasiretart, hello, are you around?05:29
siretartGloubiboulga: yes, but busy05:30
Gloubiboulgasiretart, ok, I have a Permission issue on tiber, but it's not urgent05:31
siretartGloubiboulga: please /query me the issue05:31
siretarthuhu bddebian05:31
bddebiansiretart: Hey, can I hack up the MOTUGames page a little?  For example the GL/GLU translations link should be dropped.05:32
siretartbddebian: just go on! i didn't have time lately to do anything on MOTUGames (besides fixing scorched3d)05:32
bddebianI've been trying but failing as usual :-(05:32
siretartscorched3d should be in quite reasonable state now. It still segfaults on amd64 on exit and with bird sound enabled05:34
bddebianOK, this error is still killing me.. :-(05:35
bddebian./configure --prefix=/usr05:35
bddebianmake: execvp: ./configure: Permission denied05:35
bddebianmake: *** [configure]  Error 12705:35
siretartbddebian: chmod +x configure05:35
bddebianIt is 0755 already05:35
Kyral_Laptophmm I should start coding again05:35
siretartro filesystem perhaps?05:35
bddebianIn pbuilder05:36
zuli just thought of something when you enter a username in the installer what if you choose root what would happen?05:48
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josesanchi have uploaded a new version of gnomecatalog http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=1560 a couple of times.08:26
josesanchBut the new versions is not in motu08:27
bddebianjosesanch: Have you fixed the issues raphink commented on?08:28
josesanchthe problem is that i did a dput. Everything seens ok. But the new version is not there08:29
josesanchbbdebian: do you know why?08:35
bddebianjosesanch: Oh, sorry.  No, you need to ping a REVU admin.08:35
josesanchby e-mail?08:36
josesanchok.. i'm going to search in wiki08:37
bddebianjosesanch: No, usually there are some around08:37
josesanchahh.. ok.. I'll wait08:38
josesanchbddebian: thanks a lot08:38
bddebiansiretart: Still around?08:39
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welshbytegood evening09:40
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bddebianHeya welshbyte09:45
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lfittlLathiat: ping09:54
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AnAnt_I was wondering why didn't u guys try mutt-ng since it is on debian09:55
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lfittlsiretart: ping09:59
welshbyteAnAnt_: looks like mutt-ng is in debian experimental... ubuntu gets its debian packages from debian unstable10:00
AnAnt_welshbyte: ic10:00
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micahcowanThere is a user having trouble with a particular program (tuxpaint) on a particular printer (Brother HL 2700CN). I have a few ideas as to how this might be fixed, but as I don't have that printer, I'd need the bug reporter to check them out. What is the approved way to do this? Should I give them a debdiff, and tell them how to build a .deb from it, or is it permissible to give them a .deb in their architecture, and ask them to install it (possibl10:11
micahcowany trusting me not to do something nasty while my .deb's install gets root...)?10:11
AnAnt_bddebian: you there ?10:12
AnAnt_bddebian: I just checked your comment on kchmviewer10:13
AnAnt_bddebian: I don't understand  what should I do regarding that ?10:14
bddebianAnAnt_: the version?10:14
AnAnt_bddebian: yes10:15
AnAnt_bddebian: it is version 2.610:15
AnAnt_bddebian: and that raises another question too10:16
AnAnt_bddebian: I added a package (that doesn't exist on debian) called acon, which is to enable reading/writing arabic in virtual console. So does its NON-existance in debian make a problem ?10:17
bddebianAnAnt_: I think I commented on that too :-)10:18
AnAnt_oh you want me to just change the version names, I didn't realize that10:19
AnAnt_ok, that's it ?10:19
bddebianAnAnt_: No it's not a problem.  But if the version is newer in Ubuntu or it doesn't existing in Debian, the release number should be -0ubuntu110:20
AnAnt_other than that, the acon & kchmviewer are fine ?10:20
bddebianThat way if it does get to debian and they make foo 1.0.1-1 we can sync it :-)10:20
AnAnt_other than that, the acon & kchmviewer are fine ?10:21
bddebiankchmviewer yes.  Acon, you don't need the entire GPL text in debian/copyright. Other than that and the version, it looks OK to me.10:29
AnAnt_well, so what do I put in debian/copyright ?10:29
Laser_awaymicahcowan: did you get your question answered?10:29
micahcowanNot yet... :(10:30
Laser_awaymicahcowan: sure, send them a .deb10:30
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Toadstoolheya folks10:32
AnAnt_ok, I found an example10:33
welshbytehm i might need a reminder here10:34
welshbytei have a package that isn't in debian and i'm packaging it. it's currently version 0.4.2 ... does it go to 0.4.2-0ubuntu1 ?10:35
bddebianAnAnt_: Oh.. If you want more info, you can also read this page in the licensing section: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/Reviewing10:35
bddebianwelshbyte: Yes10:35
welshbytewoo i got it right :)10:35
AnAnt_bddebian: ok, I just uploaded them now10:37
bddebianAnAnt_: I'm at work now but I'll try to check tonight.  Of course we still need a second reviewer too :-)10:37
AnAnt_is there something wrong with the password recovery on REVU ?10:37
bddebianThat I don't know10:38
LaserJockAnAnt_: at times10:39
LaserJockit's always worked for me10:39
LaserJockbut other people have reported it just coming up empty10:39
AnAnt_yup, that's what happened10:39
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AnAntis there a way to build several .dsc files in the same pbuilder command (to avoid delay of unpacking pbuilder environment for every package) ?10:48
LaserJockwell, you unpack the pbuilder to keep it clean10:50
AnAntLaserJock: btw, what browser are you using ?10:51
AnAntI tried lynx & elinks, both failed in password recovery10:51
LaserJockright now?10:51
AnAntsometimes it gives my a python error !10:53
AnAntwell, anyways, thanks for the help10:54
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=== Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/amaranth] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== DarkMageZ [n=DarkMage@ppp235-226.lns3.syd7.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== ubuntu_demon [n=depjayds@84-104-162-95.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #ubuntu-motu

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