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KeybukBenC: so, I've been thinking about the whole PATA thing01:07
Keybukit's going into 2.6.19 right?01:07
BenCfrom what I hear01:07
Keybukand I thought we were going to the Hurd for edgy+101:12
Keybukzul: did nobody mention that?01:19
zulmeh...im not paying attention right now...01:20
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zulhmm...must go watch big brother02:04
infinityThat reads like "hmm...must go clamp testicles in vice"02:08
zulyeah i have to go loose brain cells02:08
kylemif you have some to spare, why don't you share? :)02:09
infinitykylem: You want my spare testicles?02:09
kylemi could always use more.02:10
kylemnever know when you might need them.02:10
infinityI suppose not.02:11
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BenCmjg59: Your patches are integrated04:52
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infinityzul_: *poke*07:48
infinityzul_: Why are xen-headers-* and xen-image-* in "Section: base"?07:49
infinityzul_: I'd expect "devel" for the headers, and I dunno, maybe "admin" or "utils" or something for the images (though, I guess if they're meant to run on both the host sytem and the client, they'd be about as "base" as the normal linux-image-* ones)07:52
infinityzul_: The headers are definitely misplaced, though.07:52
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zul_infinity: ok ill fix thanks12:48
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zulBenC_: ping...mind if i keep the xen stuff in a hg repo03:10
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BenC_zul: how you maintain it is up to you03:54
zuli should have something for you this weekend03:55
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zulmeh...2.6.18 fails..05:25
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zulfixed that one06:00
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zulBenC: 2.6.18 builds with xen07:01
BenCzul: no07:01
jwest-hasnt dell been offering amd with their copmputers for awhile now07:01
zulBenC: hmm?07:01
BenCzul: hmm, I typed no, but I meant to type "cool"...no idea how that happened :)07:03
zulsure sure..i heard that one before ;)07:05
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