
=== apacheLAGger [n=me@amarok/rokymotion/apachelogger] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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=== apacheLAGger is now known as apachelogger
RiddellKDE 4 released http://dot.kde.org/1155935483/01:09
imbrandonohhhhhhh /me go's to compile for edgy01:11
imbrandonheya Riddell01:11
=== toma [n=toma@toma.kovoks.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel
imbrandonRiddell: are you gonna make packages for kubuntu.org for edgy ? or are we gonna try to get it in edgy universe ? or neither and i can put them on imbrandon.com ;)01:12
yuriyRiddell: cool. how is this different from checking out svn trunk?01:13
Riddellyuriy: it's known to compile01:14
yuriyi guess that's a good thing :)01:15
Riddellimbrandon: I'll give it a shot, not sure the best way to do it, might just have them installed to /opt or something01:15
imbrandonyea or maybe hrm , yea 01:15
imbrandoncompiling you can do it in ~/.kde4 but a package 01:15
=== imbrandon go's to blog about it ......
imbrandonRiddell: btw cmake got synced the other day so it should not need to be compiled01:19
imbrandon( to the version kde4 requires )01:20
yuriycan qt4 and cmake be installed from repos?01:24
imbrandoncmake can, qt4 not sure01:24
imbrandonyuriy assuming you mean edgy01:24
yuriyimbrandon: yup, edgy01:24
imbrandonyea cmake can for sure i know i synced that yesterday01:24
imbrandonqt4 not sure ask Riddell heh01:25
Riddellyuriy: qt4-x11-kdecopy01:25
Riddellbut it's missing the dbus tools01:25
=== toma [n=toma@toma.kovoks.nl] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Ooh,]
Riddellcool, kde4libs compiling away01:27
Riddelloutput almost as nice as unsermake01:27
Riddellat 2%01:27
=== Riddell goes to bed
imbrandonhehe gnight Riddell01:27
yuriynight Riddell01:35
yuriysomeone else maybe: i don't see a qt4-x11-kdecopy package01:35
imbrandonits there ( sources ) 01:36
imbrandonbrandon@voyager:~$ apt-cache madison qt4-x11-kdecopy01:36
imbrandonqt4-x11-kdecopy | 4.2.0~svn20060706-0ubuntu2 | edgy/universe Sources01:36
imbrandonqt4-x11-kdecopy | 4.2.0~svn20060706-0ubuntu2 | http://archive.ubuntu.com edgy/universe Sources01:36
yuriyimbrandon: ah right source01:37
yuriyimbrandon: since qt installs itself in its source tree, should make install not be run with sudo?01:57
imbrandonyuriy tbh i dont know 01:57
imbrandoni havent messed with trying to complie 4 yet01:57
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Hawkwindimbrandon: I told a friend of mine last night about Dh and the stuff you mentioned who is with 1and1.  Come to find out his account expired in 4 days so he made the switch last night to DH and loves it02:12
HawkwindHey there bddebian02:12
bddebianHi Hawkwind02:12
Hawkwindimbrandon: He also got someone in #Dreamhost to give him a $96 coupon code so he got the level 1 package, for a year, for $2302:13
=== claydoh [n=clay@66-252-38-173.da.midmaine.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
raphinkyeah :D :D02:25
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Hobbseemorning all03:40
HawkwindHobbsee: Good morning03:59
Hobbseehey Hawkwind :)04:03
HawkwindHow's life in Aussie land04:03
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HobbseeHawkwind: kinda cold.  and i have to go to work again soon :(04:04
HawkwindI wish I could say it was kind of cold.  It's 99F here with 89% humidity.  To top it off, it's 9pm at night :(04:05
Hobbsee99F hey?  wonder what that is in C.04:05
Hawkwind<-(  flootbnj  )->   99 Fahrenheit is 37.2222 Celsius.04:06
Hobbseenice and warm!04:06
Hobbseea bit hot though :P04:06
HawkwindJust a bit04:06
Hobbseework time04:12
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lnxkdeI am creating a Kubuntu Live CD with my peronal apps and all my nice things07:43
lnxkdeso I ask, I can do a apt-get clean I will not need the .debs for installing with ubiquity later on right?07:43
lnxkdeubiquity just copy the files it does not use the debs07:44
freeflyinglnxkde: ubiquty just for install08:13
lnxkdeI made a 747mb iso :(08:18
lnxkdeI need a 750mb cd-r08:18
lnxkde^#%#^ I wonder were I can get one near by08:18
freeflyinglnxkde: use k3b with super burn08:19
lnxkdeyou know08:19
lnxkdeI make a nice livecd08:19
imbrandons/super burn/over burn/g08:20
lnxkdewith skype/allmost all media codecs enabled, java-sun, k9copy, amarok-xine and kaffeine-xine, libdvdcss08:20
imbrandonlnxkde: so howed it turn out? what guidde did you follow? i ended up making some live dvd's but could never get the install right08:20
lnxkdeit is avery nice media live Kubuntu disk :D08:20
lnxkdeI havent tried to install yet08:21
imbrandonnice yea thats what i did 08:21
imbrandononyl dvd cuz i installed alot more than the cd would hold, also removed openoffice and put koffice etc08:21
lnxkdeI followed that08:21
lnxkdeI also did that08:21
lnxkdeI removed openoffice08:22
lnxkdebut I just installed kpresentr kword, kspread and kchart08:22
freeflyingimbrandon: guy from ubuntu-tw has a perl scripts for generate livecd, do you need it?  :)08:22
imbrandonfreeflying: sure08:23
imbrandoni would love it08:23
lnxkdeI want it too 08:23
lnxkde%#$^ no cd-rs here...08:23
lnxkdeI will have to burn it to a DVD08:24
imbrandon[01:23]  [DCC]  DCC download of file "/home/brandon/dccrecv/build-livecd-current.tar.gz" failed. reason: Connection failure: timed operation timed out08:24
imbrandondcc hates me08:24
lnxkdemy fifo buffer is acting strange as hell...08:25
lnxkdeand writing at a slow 3.90x speed08:26
freeflyingimbrandon: lnxkde , just a moment, i'll put it on website08:26
imbrandoncool thanks08:26
lnxkdethankx freeflying 08:26
freeflyingimbrandon: lnxkde  http://www.ubuntu-zh.org/~freeflying/pud/08:28
=== lnxkde very impatient with his livecd !! and is going to reeboot to see it in action
lnxkdeI dont know if I must do a install....08:29
imbrandoncool grabing now, is there a useage file or readme ?08:29
imbrandonlnxkde: use qemu08:29
imbrandonto test08:29
lnxkdein qemu it loaded p nice08:29
lnxkdebut is too slow to test mp3s and things08:29
freeflyingimbrandon: ya08:29
imbrandonfreeflying: cool08:30
freeflyingimbrandon: sorry, they haven't ship with a Readme, but it seems very easy to use it08:31
imbrandoncool , does it need an iso to start with or....08:31
freeflyingimbrandon: no08:31
freeflyingimbrandon: it just from scratch :)08:32
freeflyingwith debootstrap08:32
imbrandonso i just run it in a dir i want and install the stuff i want 08:32
imbrandonetc etc etc08:32
imbrandonso i could build a sid cd or edgy 08:32
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imbrandoneven an alternate and stuff too ? nice08:33
freeflyingimbrandon: you just need write down what you wanna install in install.txt,and then pud will do all things for you 08:34
freeflyingimbrandon: and you can use grub to boot your livecd  :)08:35
imbrandonsweet, does it make it installable to the hdd too ?08:35
imbrandonwith ubiguity ?08:35
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freeflyingimbrandon: with ubiquty, sure can you  :)08:36
lnxkdeKDE 3.5.4/Amarok 1.4.1 /and all the nice things working nice as in my installation :D08:36
lnxkdeI am feeling this will to install it on my system.... but the thing is that my system is so perfectly installed :p08:42
imbrandonheh thats why i said test it in vmware to install ;)08:42
imbrandonso you dont mess it up08:42
lnxkdeIt will be nice if this works08:45
lnxkdeto publish it :D08:45
lnxkdeas lnxkde supermedia Non-OSs Kubuntu 6.06.1m08:45
crimsun...as what?08:47
lnxkdeimbrandon:  freeflying what do you think to have this on a server and let people use it? then I will get a nice sue from the libcss guys and from java, and some other things lol08:47
lnxkdena, I use vlos and they include all media codecs in a default install08:48
imbrandonyup probably , it cant be on a US server08:48
lnxkdevidalinux.com and they never had problems08:48
lnxkdeand vlos are from here in PR,USA08:48
freeflyinglnxkde: vlos -> gentoo?08:49
imbrandondident say you couldent so it , but it will be illeagl08:49
crimsunapparently you can't in some parts of EU, too.08:49
imbrandonexactly, thats why when i make mine its just for family ;)08:49
lnxkdefreeflying:  vidalinux.com :) 08:49
freeflyinglnxkde: I've tried it 3 years before :)08:50
imbrandonquote "By purchasing VLOS ...." they prob pay lic fee's08:50
imbrandonto stay legit08:50
lnxkdethey can pay for the w32codecs....?08:51
freeflyingimbrandon: no, they won't pay any lic08:51
lnxkdeI hope they never have a problem they are from my country and I try supporting them08:52
lnxkdebut the truth is that they are violationg even the GPL208:52
imbrandonno ppc ;(08:52
lnxkdethey provide binary nvidia and ati drivers out of the installation, w32codecs, mp3, libdvdcss08:53
imbrandonthat dosent look legit then to me not if its in the US 08:54
lnxkdeyep right from Puerto Rico08:54
imbrandonpr is covered by US law afaik08:54
lnxkdePuerto Rico is ruled by federal laws like any state08:55
lnxkdePR is almost a state 08:55
imbrandonright , including copyright ones ;)08:55
lnxkdei know ;)08:55
lnxkdebut they just dont care I think08:55
imbrandonexactly , this means they CAN be sued, dosent mean they /will/ be 08:56
lnxkdeI know08:56
lnxkdebut I only help making amd64 packages of KDE stuff...08:56
imbrandonyea pr guam and virgin islands are all "teritories" , almost states08:56
lnxkdeI kind of hate gentoo... but I love it in another way too08:57
lnxkde:p  but well I use kubuntu as default desktop08:57
imbrandongentoo == GENeraly TOO much trubble IMHO08:57
lnxkdeI use vlos just to test it and help with it08:57
lnxkdeand of cource to spend hours compiling KDE ;P08:58
imbrandoni feel ya this kde4 snapshot is takin FOREVER and something tells me it wont finish the first try08:58
imbrandonanyhow brb08:58
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lnxkdeimbrandon:  freeflying laterz09:00
lnxkdeI must go and get some sleep09:00
lnxkdeis 3:15 hr09:00
lnxkde3:15am is time to sleep :p09:00
lnxkdeGod bless you 209:00
lnxkdebye bye09:00
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Hobbseehi Tonio_ 11:20
imbrandonheya Tonio_11:20
Tonio_Hobbsee: I need help concerning a patch and I don't want to disturb aaron seigo with this (he his kicker maintainer)11:23
Tonio_Hobbsee: maybe you can help11:23
HobbseeTonio_: possibly.  i dobut i know much though :P11:23
Tonio_Hobbsee: let me explain you11:24
=== Hobbsee is unexplainable :P
Tonio_the goal is to patch kicker to get "normal" size to 48 instead of 4611:25
Tonio_here is my patch (failing one)11:25
Hobbseeright, yep11:25
Tonio_I'm probably miss something but what ???11:26
Tonio_I must say I don't know11:26
HobbseeTonio_: no idea - tried seeing where 46 occurs in other places?11:28
Tonio_Hobbsee: sure ;)11:28
Tonio_for 2 days at least11:28
Hobbseewas it enlightening?11:29
Tonio_but I don't find anything11:29
Tonio_Hobbsee: any idea11:36
HobbseeTonio_: none, sorry11:36
Tonio_Hobbsee:  no pb11:37
=== My8os [n=My8os@ppp200-107.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #Kubuntu-devel
fdovingTonio_: did you try to edit /usr/share/apps/kconf_update/kicker-3.1-properSizeSetting.pl on a running system? did that work? 12:04
Tonio_fdoving: my patch patches this file too12:05
Tonio_here is the point12:06
Tonio_there is certainly a third thing to patch bt where and what ?12:06
Tonio_that's the great question12:06
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Tonio_hum, kio-beagle ftbfs on edgy...12:31
Tonio_I will investogate this today12:32
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danimoimbrandon: you get excited easily, don't you? :)01:14
imbrandonheh why do you say that ?01:15
danimoimbrandon: dot article :)01:15
imbrandonahh ;)01:16
imbrandonplanet.u.c too ;)01:16
=== Hobbsee should get her blog added to planet.u.c
danimoHobbsee: you've got a blog? get it aggregated already :)01:17
Hobbseedanimo: i have a blog, i dont have anything in it01:18
=== Hobbsee wonders where it is.
imbrandonHobbsee: its simple, give me your gotchi.png and a feed url and i can add you in 5 seconds ( or you can do it following the wiki )01:18
danimoHobbsee: I haven't blogged in ages01:18
Hobbseeimbrandon: true that.  my gotchi.png?01:18
=== Hobbsee doesnt tend to like blogs
Hobbseebut i'm getting less shy, so maybe i can cope with them :P01:18
imbrandonbig face like all the others ;)01:18
danimoHobbsee: absolutely01:18
Hobbseehum.  but i try to keep photos of myself hidden :P01:19
imbrandonhttp://planet.ubuntu.com/heads/imbrandon.png  <-- like that01:19
danimoHobbsee: is that why you posted two on this channel? :)01:19
\shHobbsee: planet.kubuntu.de is waiting for you too :)01:19
imbrandonahh its just a head shot, look at jdubs wife ;)01:19
Hobbseedanimo: true that.01:19
Hobbseeimbrandon: what's the photo of pia like?01:19
imbrandonhold on i'll show ya01:20
=== Hobbsee got a phone call from pia last night actually :)
=== Hobbsee saw a really gorgeous picture of her too - they should post that one around a bit :P
Hobbsee\sh: heh01:20
Hobbseedanimo: most people dont check these logs01:20
imbrandonHobbsee: pia <-- http://waugh.id.au/img/greebo.png01:20
imbrandonerr http://waugh.id.au/img/greebo.png <-- pia ;)01:20
Hobbseepurty :)01:20
Hobbseeshe doesnt look like that any more though01:21
imbrandoni can take one of your choosing and photoshop it if you want, i realy think its a good idea ;)01:21
imbrandonHobbsee: i dunno i got it from http://waugh.id.au/ ;)01:21
Hobbseemost of the photos of me look terrible.01:21
=== Hobbsee looks evil in all of the last year's worth of photos.
imbrandonuse the car one with shades in the sun , like mako ;)01:22
Hobbseeimbrandon: true that.  that must have been from her wedding01:22
Hobbseeshe has short hair now :P01:22
=== Hobbsee had to figure out if it was really pia.
imbrandonheh i'm not on planet.kubuntu.de01:23
imbrandonmight add that one someday01:23
danimo\sh: go add poor imbrandon :)01:23
imbrandonif you do just link to my "linux" rss so you dont get all my other junk ;)01:24
\shimbrandon: send me your gotchi and your feed to sh01:24
\sh@sourcecode.de ;)01:24
imbrandonk one sec01:24
\shimbrandon: i'm glad to read your other junk as well...I'm p*ssing off some US guys sometimes .... read the comments on my blog ;)01:24
imbrandonwhat about us guys trying to move to the UK ? heh01:26
Hobbseeimbrandon: the new pia ^01:26
imbrandon\sh: sent , and thanks btw ;)01:29
imbrandonHobbsee: cool01:29
Hobbseeimbrandon: and pics of me, of course.  they dont look *that* bad either01:29
Hobbseemight be hackergotchi material01:29
imbrandonwant me to photoshop one up real fast and see what you think ?01:31
Hobbseeif you want, talk to danimo who is also looking01:32
Hobbseesee if you can get rid of my rotten red eyes, and then i can add it to LP01:32
imbrandonheh ok , doing it now01:32
imbrandonyea i changed all my mr patatoe head ones last night01:34
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\shimbrandon: done :) planet.kubuntu.de and universe.kubuntu.de ;)01:37
imbrandonnice thanks01:38
=== imbrandon notes no one has noticed the kubuntu logo on his ballcap yet
insanekaneballcap ?01:45
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danimoinsanekane: see planet.kubuntu.de01:45
imbrandonor planet.u.c 01:46
imbrandonor my blog ;)01:46
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fdovingshould artsd for root be disabled by k-d-s? adept triggers artsd, if not disabled.02:06
=== Hagbarddenstore [n=hagbardd@81-235-254-217-no24.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbsee@time sydney02:07
UbugtuCurrent time in Australia/Sydney: August 19 2006, 22:07:4802:07
Hobbseehum.  it is saturday.02:07
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danimo@time berlin02:10
UbugtuCurrent time in Europe/Berlin: August 19 2006, 14:10:1102:10
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toma@time culemborg03:12
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Tonio_hey toma03:29
Tonio_argh missed....03:29
imbrandonmoins jpatrick03:29
Tonio_hey jpatrick03:32
Tonio_yo imbrandon03:32
imbrandonsup Tonio_ ;)03:32
jpatrickmoins imbrandon and Tonio_03:33
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Tonio_jpatrick: anything you have to work on currently ?03:39
Tonio_I'm looking for help regarding a kdebase patch that drives me nuts03:39
jpatrickTonio_: No03:39
Tonio_jpatrick: interested helping me on that point ?03:39
Tonio_I'm turning arround and will not find by myself03:40
jpatrickwhich kde version?03:40
Tonio_3.5.4 or 3.5.303:40
Tonio_same issue on both03:40
Tonio_here is the point03:40
jpatrickI have 3.5.203:40
Tonio_jpatrick: should be the same issue03:40
Tonio_I want to patch kicker for "normal" size to be 48 pix instead of 4603:41
Tonio_here is my patch but it looks somehow incomplete03:41
Tonio_I don't see where is the missing thing...03:41
Tonio_I'd be glad if you can help03:41
seaLnehas anyone used keep on dapper?03:42
jpatrickTonio_: can't the config be patched?03:42
Tonio_jpatrick: yes I can do that using personalised value and set it to 4803:42
Tonio_but I would like to patch the standard "normal" value instead03:43
Tonio_by far cleaner way to proceeds03:43
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Tonio_jpatrick: interested eventually ?03:56
jpatrickTonio_: I don't know03:57
Tonio_jpatrick: you see :)03:57
Tonio_I can ask for help to tomas too03:57
Tonio_I will not find now...03:57
jpatrickmail him03:58
Tonio_jpatrick: will do03:59
Tonio_jpatrick: I can also email aaron seigo, he maintains it03:59
Tonio_kubuntu package installer service menu fails too (unable to give package infos)04:09
Tonio_Riddell: I'm fixing this04:09
MezRiddell: ping04:12
Tonio_kio-beagle is fixed04:13
Tonio_hey Mez04:14
Mezhey Tonio_04:15
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Tonio_someone here using 3.5.4 ?04:53
Tonio_I would like to confirm a bug before reporting04:53
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Tonio_Riddell: ping ?05:01
tomaTonio_: i can test, but give me a second, i need to fix a spam-server first05:06
tomahmm, anti-spam server ;-)05:07
Tonio_toma: thanks a lot05:08
Tonio_toma: I also need your help concerning a little patch for kdebase when you have time05:08
Tonio_currently I'm trying to fix k3bsetup that fails to apply permissions correctly05:09
tomaTonio_: allright05:10
tomaTonio_: what do you want confirmed?05:10
Tonio_toma: when I insert a cd I don't see it on the desktop05:11
Tonio_kde apparently fails to mount it correctly05:11
tomai dont have a cd-player05:11
Tonio_no issues with usb keys or other kind of memory05:11
Tonio_okay so maybe you can look at the second issue :)05:11
Tonio_we want to fix kicker for "normal" size to use 48 pix instead of 4605:12
=== aplg is now known as apachelogger
Tonio_here is my patch (doesn't work)05:12
Tonio_I should miss something but what ??? ;)05:12
Tonio_there it is05:12
tomai looked at that earlier i believe05:12
tomai did not found the answer back then05:13
Tonio_hum yes05:13
tomawhat i can do, is ask aaron seigo to look at it / talk to you. 05:14
Tonio_I will probably ask aaron seigo directly05:14
Tonio_I know aaron pretty well now so he might not ignore me05:14
tomaif you need help bug me05:14
Tonio_well k3b causes issues to everyone actually05:15
Tonio_k3bsetup fails to chmod external programs for a reason I don'"t understand05:15
Tonio_manual chmod works perfectly05:15
tomathat's with a cd-player right ;-)05:15
Tonio_that pure code and doesn't require any cdplayer05:15
Tonio_if you launch k3bsetup you will see permissions on cdrdao, growisofs cannot be applied05:16
Tonio_that works manually, so we should be able to patch quite easilly05:16
Tonio_the point is there is no output on it that gives any info...05:16
tomai just hit 'apply' and it says it is not possible05:19
tomathat is the problem?05:19
Tonio_chmod 4711 /usr/bin/cdrdao fails05:20
Tonio_for example05:20
Tonio_but manual chmod works05:21
Tonio_so there is a trick in the code th change this probably...05:21
tomagive me a minute to read the source05:21
Tonio_if you set the permissions manually, there is no issue05:21
Tonio_in my opinion, those permissions should be set by kds directly05:21
Tonio_there is no reason evey user has to set them manually on each installation05:22
Tonio_they should be set out of the box05:22
Tonio_I can do that but it would be nice to fix k3b in the first place05:22
tomathen it should be done by the package which installs those files05:22
Tonio_and suggest the second option to riddell05:22
Tonio_having to set permissions goes against simplicity05:23
Tonio_toma: no, because I'm not sure gnome programs need the same permissions05:23
Tonio_that's the reason a postinst script in kds is probably better05:23
Tonio_I'm adding a note for the next meeting05:25
Tonio_concerning the preconfiguration05:25
Tonio_and now let's fix k3b ;)05:25
tomaneed to rebuild k3b with debug enabled05:25
Tonio_I'm looking if the bug exists in debian05:25
Tonio_yes probably05:26
Tonio_I'm doing it locally05:26
Tonio_toma: building with debug enabled05:31
tomame too05:31
tomathere hould be output for the process where permissions are changed05:31
tomacurious what it will tell us05:32
tomais burning a cd so complicated?05:37
tomatakes ages05:37
tomait works now ;-)05:39
Tonio_you mean ?05:39
tomano error05:39
Tonio_what did you change ?05:39
Tonio_simply rebuild ?05:39
Tonio_let's test and I'll reupload05:39
Tonio_that sounds logic since the same package works on dapper05:40
tomahave you had any feedback on the scrollwheel patch?05:41
Tonio_no feedback05:41
Tonio_but it isn't activated by default05:42
Tonio_that needs to be discussed too05:42
Tonio_the close button has been removed, because of lots of back feedback05:42
Tonio_I don't know if we want to have the scrolling activated by default05:42
tomamiddle click pastes and gives the wheel, that is what i dont like05:42
Tonio_the patch will stay for those whok wanna use it05:42
tomatoo bad for the close button05:43
Tonio_toma: what do you mean ?05:43
Tonio_what don't you like ?05:43
tomawhen i paste something in a form05:43
tomawith the middle mouse button05:43
tomathen it will paste and the scroll thingie appears05:44
Tonio_the point is I'm never using the mouse to paste :)05:44
Tonio_ctrl + v is my friend05:44
tomayes, but not if you copy from a konsole05:44
Tonio_I would like to unify the paste shortcut too05:44
Tonio_konsole uses maj + insert05:44
Tonio_some applications do05:45
Tonio_that's not convenient05:45
tomaif you solve all c&p problems, I will send you flowers05:45
Tonio_let's add that to the meeting purpose05:45
Tonio_toma: I'll try at least :)05:45
tomacan you send me the patch for the scroll thingie btw. i'll post it kde-core-devel for kde 3.5.505:46
Tonio_sure just wait05:46
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tomait's included in kde 3.5.4 packages, right?05:46
tomaalso in dapper?05:46
Tonio_yes it is05:47
Tonio_I don't know if dapper backports have been done, but I assume yes05:47
Tonio_I'm downloading the sources05:47
Tonio_4 bugs fixed today :)05:47
tomanice work05:48
Tonio_I assume k3b has been build with a transitionnal kdelibs package or something causing the issue05:48
tomayou see the same?05:48
Tonio_nope, I'm still building05:49
Tonio_3 builds in the same time, so it is quite long, especially with a laptop :)05:49
Tonio_toma: here is the patch for kdelibs reguarding scroll speed05:52
tomaok, got it. thanks.05:53
Tonio_toma: do you use edgy or dapper ?05:55
tomaedgy from a few weeks back05:55
Tonio_katapult fails here and I'd like other people to eventually confirm this05:55
Tonio_does it work for you ?05:56
tomalet me try05:56
Tonio_alt + space doesn't produce anything in my case05:56
Tonio_I tried to change the shortcut but it doesn't change anything05:56
tomaalt-space should bring it up?05:57
Tonio_if the process is launched, yes05:57
tomadoes not work here in that case05:57
Tonio_I'll post a bug and try to fix it05:57
Tonio_toma: can you confirm bug #56918 plz ? (katapult)06:01
UbugtuMalone bug 56918 in katapult "doesn't produce anything on edgy" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5691806:01
tomaTonio_: where is that setting in konq ?06:04
Tonio_toma: you need to stop katapult and modify katapultrc file to get the systray icon back06:06
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Tonio_then you can change the shortcut06:06
Tonio_k3b still doesn't wsork here........06:06
Tonio_what the hell is that......06:06
Tonio_I will restart kde eventually06:06
tomahow did you rebuild?06:06
tomaas a new package?06:06
Tonio_I simply pbuild the source package.....06:07
tomahmm, i did a regular build of k3b, not resulting in a package06:07
Tonio_okay I'll investigate06:11
Tonio_that can be due to build options06:11
Tonio_did you ./configure && make & make install only ?06:12
Tonio_since the the difference can be in a crappy patch06:12
tomaapt-get source k3b before that06:13
Tonio_sure but did you apply the patches06:13
tomaso that would include the kubuntu patches06:13
Tonio_toma: yes but patches are not applyed if you did do it manually06:13
Tonio_there can be the difference maybe... I'm testing06:13
tomadebian 162 looks suspicious06:18
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tomaok, i see a potential problem with that patch, let me test that hunch06:20
tomaconfirmed: that patch is the problem06:23
tomai rebuild with only that patch applied and i see it again06:24
yuriyi think i've seen it discussed, but why no antialiasing in k-d-s?06:24
Tonio_yuriy: I need to check this, it is on my todo list06:29
Tonio_but I have others things to check in the meanwhile06:29
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Tonio_toma: k3b now fails detecting all external programs........06:36
Tonio_I just rebuilt.....;06:36
tomaTonio_: this fails: /usr/sbin/dpkg-statoverride --quiet --update --add #0 #0 4711 /usr/bin/X11/cdrdao06:36
tomaTonio_: any idea?06:39
tomachanging #0 to root for both arguments work06:40
Tonio_toma: nope, I don't understand06:42
tomaso, it looks like dpkg-statoverride does not accept a #0 06:42
tomaas a userid06:42
Tonio_when I launch k3b, I get a screen saying that cdrdao, cdrecord and growisofs06:42
Tonio_don't you get this one too ?06:43
Tonio_ + are missing :)06:43
tomadid you install it in another prefix06:43
Tonio_I'm sure there are nasty patches in the source package06:43
Tonio_I'm trying to remove the k3bsetup ones06:43
Tonio_toma: I simply repackaged the existing one06:43
Tonio_nothing more06:43
tomawell, i see the problem, now i need the soluition.06:43
Tonio_I must say that's a bit too deep in the code for me06:44
tomano it is not06:44
Tonio_I can work on the package structure, but not the code itself06:44
tomasimply look at man dpkg-statoverride06:44
Tonio_is the software using dpkg to update chmods ??????06:45
Tonio_I don't see the point06:45
tomastatoverride does not accept #0 as a userid anymore06:45
Tonio_that sucks06:45
tomaTonio_: this is executed, try it: /usr/sbin/dpkg-statoverride --quiet --update --add #0 #0 4711 /usr/bin/X11/cdrdao06:46
Tonio_I'm looking for the good command06:46
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Tonio_that works06:47
Tonio_ :)06:47
Tonio_replace #0 by "root"06:47
Tonio_you can use it both ways06:47
tomayes, but the groupid can be an id06:48
Tonio_is it a variable ?06:48
Tonio_user id is fixed and group id is variable....06:48
tomai think it is the checkbox at the top of k3bsetup 'use a special group'06:49
Tonio_toma: try this : /usr/sbin/dpkg-statoverride --quiet --update --add "#0" "#0" 4711 /usr/bin/X11/cdrdao06:49
Tonio_works :)06:49
tomao really?06:49
Tonio_the point is I don't understand the new error I get when I rebuild.......06:50
tomaok, but if we fix it you don't need it anymore ;-)06:50
Tonio_are you working on the patch actually ?06:52
Tonio_I have to leave for 15 minutes06:52
tomarebuilding now06:52
Tonio_okay, seya then, not more than a few minutes06:52
tomano go06:54
Tonio_I'm there toma07:01
Tonio_toma: finally all we have to do is patch debian_162_k3bsetup_overide.diff07:03
tomaTonio_: absolutly07:03
Tonio_I can do it myself and test07:03
Tonio_that easy to do07:03
freeflying_kchmviewer crashes on ppc still exist in edgy07:20
tomaTonio_: seems to be compilcated then what we thought07:25
Tonio_toma: hu ?07:27
Tonio_is there another error ?07:27
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tomaTonio_: seems so, did you manage to get it right ?07:27
Tonio_did you find another issue ?07:28
tomabot yet, increasing debugging now07:28
Tonio_the patch is done however, I will test once build is over07:28
Tonio_hum, time to eat for me, I will come back after this to make a point with you07:28
Tonio_I would have test to patch too07:28
nixternalwhat happened with adept_notifier?  or is it just not working/gone on my setup?07:30
RiddellTonio_: pong07:48
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yuriyRiddell: hi07:59
yuriyRiddell: trying to compile kde4. getting this: MESSAGE Qt4 dbusxml2cpp was not found. Make sure it has been built and installed by Qt08:00
yuriyRiddell: need to get qt from svn then? (instead of qt4-x11-kdecopy that i'm using now)08:00
Riddellyuriy: nope, just need to fix the existing qt4-x11-kdecopy08:03
yuriyRiddell: libdbus-qt4-1-dev isn't installed, would that help? or do you mean the source needs to be fixed?08:09
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Riddellyuriy: it's just a binary that needs to be included in libqt4-core-kdecopy but isn't08:12
Riddellwell, probably libqt4-dev-kdecopy08:12
RiddellI uploaded a fixed version but it's failed to build08:12
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Tonio_Riddell: hey08:47
Tonio_Riddell: I wanted to discuss about k3b permissions with you08:47
Tonio_Riddell: it sounds a bit stupid people have to launch k3bsetup at every installation since we can preconfigure this in kds in a postinst script08:48
Tonio_what is your opinion on that point ?08:48
Tonio_the trick is pretty easy, a simple chmod on 3 binaries08:48
Tonio_toma: k3b fails even with the patch08:52
Tonio_toma: and when I build it, it looks like the second problem is still there "unable to find cdrdao, growisofs, cdrecord"08:53
Tonio_that really sucks....08:53
Tonio_I'm trying something : restart the package from the begining08:53
tomaTonio_: no, i have a patch ready for you08:53
Tonio_simple compilation works, so there is something crappy in the package, and probably to many patcjes08:53
Tonio_toma: plz send it to me ;)08:54
tomaTonio_: you can get it from http://kubuntu.omat.nl I'm recompiling with an entry in changelog and the version bumped.  I'll ping ypu when I've uploaded that. 08:55
Tonio_toma: okay I'll wait08:55
Tonio_the point I don't understand is that new error I get even when I pbuilding the old package08:56
Tonio_that doesn't make snes08:56
tomaTonio_: did you alter the patch?08:58
Tonio_toma: nope08:59
Tonio_is your patch online currently ?08:59
Tonio_I don't see it08:59
tomaTonio_: it's in the k3b package..08:59
tomathe debian one is out08:59
Tonio_okay I was waiting for a new version number ;)09:00
tomawould be nice to know if that package solves the problem though09:01
Tonio_toma: testing09:02
Tonio_toma: although I still don't understand why the same patch was working with previous versions09:02
Tonio_toma: currently building09:03
tomahm? there is a deb...09:03
Tonio_toma: hehe indeed ;)09:03
Tonio_let me test09:03
Tonio_toma: the point is that you don't split the package ?09:03
Tonio_which means I have to uninstall everything before blabla09:04
Tonio_building is fast so I merged your patch with current package09:04
tomai did not change anything in splitting/merging09:05
=== Tonio_ wish he could code like that, but that may never happen
Tonio_toma: then you didn't upload everything09:05
tomayou should be able to dpkg -i the k3b deb09:05
Tonio_k3b produces 4 packages09:05
Tonio_okay let's do it09:06
Tonio_toma: doesn't work here09:07
Tonio_and I still get the same error while detecting cdrdao etc......09:08
Tonio_even with your package09:08
tomawho, your local install is messed up ;-)09:08
Tonio_that's possible yes09:08
tomawhich k3b09:08
Tonio_that issue shouldn't happen09:08
Tonio_I installed your deb09:08
RiddellTonio_: any setuid programme needs to be reviewed by pitti, but in general we should look at how to avoid it, it worked fine before09:09
Tonio_toma: okay I just resolved the second issue :)09:09
tomaTonio_: seems k3b is picked up from your local install09:09
Tonio_Riddell: dapper and as far as I remember breezy had the issue09:10
Tonio_was it working without having to set permissions with hoary ?09:10
Tonio_I must say I don't remember k3b working out of the box on kubuntu... and I installed a bunch of times :)09:11
Tonio_Riddell: what I know is that k3b permissions requirement have changed a bit about "one/one and a half" years ago to improve burning stability09:14
Tonio_so we can remove the warning, it'll work, but the burning process can be unstable09:14
Tonio_Riddell: as long as the burning device is groupo cdrom and chmod 660, you can burn...09:15
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tomaTonio_: ok, i uploaded k3b ubuntu2 with signed changes. I chmod-ed crdao 755, ran k3b setup and changed permissions without problem.09:20
Tonio_toma: testing09:26
tomahope your problems are gone now 09:27
Tonio_the detection problem yes, it was local one09:28
Tonio_I'm restarting kde09:28
Tonio_I played to much, better restarting ;)09:28
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Tonio_toma: you rock !!!09:32
Tonio_I'm uploading09:32
tomaTonio_: hehe09:33
Riddellwhat's being uploaded?09:33
=== toma hides
Tonio_Riddell: toma just resolved the k3bsetup bug, failure while applying permissions09:34
Tonio_I have the patch here and a working package09:34
Tonio_Riddell: any objection concerning the upload09:35
RiddellTonio_: dunno, I've not seen the change09:35
Tonio_Riddell: want to have a look at the source package before ?09:35
Tonio_Riddell: here is the debdiff : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2112409:40
Tonio_toma: since the package is yours, I let you propose the patch upstream and debian maintainer no ?09:42
Tonio_Riddell: If you approve that, I'll upload. I can confirm k3bsetup works like a charm with that patch applied09:44
Riddellcan you explain to me what the patch is actually doing?09:45
Tonio_Riddell: the old patch is using dpkg-statoverride to apply permissions09:46
Tonio_it looks like it currently fails because the command syntax has changed a bit09:47
Tonio_so toma changed that to use standard kde methods to apply permissions09:47
tomano ;-)09:47
tomai did not change that much if you compare it to the debian package09:47
Tonio_this way the patch is working for all distros and not only debian, it can be merged upstream, and the most important thing : it works :)09:48
Tonio_toma: do I miss something ?09:48
Tonio_oups ?09:48
tomai think the one that made it work again is the setShell() addition09:48
tomaTonio_: yes, you missed something09:48
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Tonio_ho indeed, you still use debian-statoverride.... I didn't saws it at the end of the patch09:49
tomalook at patch kubuntu_07 now, it is almost similar as debian_162 was09:49
Tonio_indeed, sorry I missed that dpkg-statoverride by the end, so I missunderstood the patch09:50
Tonio_toma: better you explain Riddell what did you change09:50
tomai think the one that made it work again is the setShell() addition09:52
Riddellso what does the rest of the changes do?09:53
tomaRiddell: in comparisation to the previous patch?09:54
tomaRiddell: it changes kprocess to a pointer, to get feedback from the execution of the command. I thought it would be good to keep that in so people can debug it easier in the future. 09:55
tomai can remove it if that's not ok, probably makes the diff smaller compared to the previous debian patch. 09:57
Riddellnah, that's fine, upload it09:57
Tonio_okay Riddell thanks09:58
Tonio_toma: uploading09:58
Tonio_toma: will you submit patch to debian maintainer ?09:58
tomaRiddell: thanks for the review09:58
Tonio_I can do it if you lack of time09:58
tomaTonio_: feel free09:58
Tonio_toma: okay thanks09:59
Riddell"jr.falleri@gmail.com has been removed from kubuntu-devel"  :(09:59
Tonio_will do toonight after I the uvf exception request for kio-locate09:59
Tonio_Riddell: :-(09:59
Tonio_Riddell: in a certain way that will not change anything since we didn't saw him for month10:00
Tonio_Riddell: I just hope that his leaving doesn't mean he has problems10:00
Riddellanyone want to package soc project kmformat? http://www.micoulou.info/kformat/KMFormat0.1beta.tar.gz10:02
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yuriyRiddell: got past the dbus error10:02
Riddellyuriy: recompiled qt4?10:03
Tonio_Riddell: I'm doing it10:03
yuriyRiddell: yup (well i had compiled it before)10:03
yuriyConfiguring done :)10:04
Riddellalas the build error from last night seems to be something completely random and never seen before10:05
yuriywell this is a nice thing to see while compiling something: warning: #warning FIXME This will never work10:10
RiddellI like how kdepimlibs compiles up to 102%10:11
danimoRiddell: how does it show percentages?10:21
Riddelldanimo: how not?  I don't understand your question10:23
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kwwii_hi 10:23
danimoRiddell: how do you get cmake to show the state of compilation?10:24
Riddelldanimo: it just does10:24
Riddelldanimo: maybe latest versions only10:24
danimomakes sense10:24
danimoRiddell: does edgy come with it?10:24
danimo(latest version)10:24
Riddelldanimo: yes10:24
danimook, cool10:24
Riddellkwwii_: your .desktop file says "Author=Jim Bustos (jimbustos@gmail.com)" is that right or should I change it to you?10:25
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kwwii_Riddell: hehe, I just put the one in from the old theme :-)10:31
kwwii_please do :-)10:31
Riddellkwwii_: ok, I'll upload10:31
kwwii_Riddell: cool, thanks for checking10:32
Riddellkwwii_: are you able to make a screenshot of that theme?10:33
kwwii_Riddell: no, but I can make a fake (without the text entry widgets)10:34
Riddellkwwii_: good enough :)10:34
Riddellactually we need to put borders on those widgets10:34
kwwii_Riddell: not sure what you mean by borders?10:37
Riddellkwwii_: KDM in KDE 3.5.4 changed so the text widgets don't have the normal widget frame on them, you need to explicity add a border10:38
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yuriyah there's the 102%10:39
Riddellyuriy: KDE 4, going that little percentage extra :)10:39
kwwii_Riddell: cool...so I should add a box in the xml10:39
kwwii_I will be leaving for germany tomorrow10:39
Riddellkwwii_: yep10:39
Riddellkwwii_: me too :)10:40
kwwii_but am afraid that I will not make the next plane in chicago due to the security problems10:40
Riddellkwwii_: I see you're sleeping with the ubuntu artist 10:40
kwwii_hehe, yepp10:40
Riddellkwwii_: how badly are the security restrictions going to mess up your travel?10:40
kwwii_Riddell: could you send me your cell phone number, so that I can call you if I can't make the plane tomorrow night in chicago?10:40
Riddellkwwii_: jriddell.org/contact.html10:41
yuriyRiddell: trying to compile kdebase, tells me that X11_XTest_LIB (ADVANCED) needs to be set10:41
Riddellyuriy: you need to export LD_thing as said in kdelibs/COMPILING10:41
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kwwii_Riddell: does that include your country code?10:43
Riddellkwwii_: remove the 0 add +4410:43
kwwii_Riddell: cool, thanks...if anything comes up I'll let you know10:44
=== kwwii_ picks his wife up from the shopping
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yuriyRiddell: nope that's not it10:51
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Riddellyuriy: not sure I'm afraid, I've not seen your problem10:53
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\shRiddell: is something wrong with libarts1?`  libarts1-dev: Depends: libqt3-mt-dev (>= 3:3.3.5) but it is not going to be installed11:20
Riddell\sh: not that I know of11:20
danimo!info xlibmesa-gl-dev11:20
ubotuPackage xlibmesa-gl-dev does not exist in dapper11:20
danimo\sh: the odd thing is: I have the package here11:21
Riddell\sh: but looks like you have a problem with libqt3-mt-dev11:21
\shRiddell: fresh pbuilder chroot11:21
\shlemme check11:22
superstonedkwwii: do you know how's the artwork going, any idea if surprises are coming? i wonder if we will see a new style... polyester is approaching 1.0 ;-)11:24
Riddellsuperstoned: new KDM theme just uploaded11:24
Tonio_Riddell: I just finished uvf excetption for kio-locate, I'm packaging your KMthing11:26
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Tonio_hey \sh11:29
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\shhey Tonio_11:31
\shhmmm.strange in pbuilder it won't work..but in a chroot ... 11:37
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yuriyRiddell: installing libxtst-dev solved that error11:44
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