
hlabswell here is my problem. I just started working for a call centre here in Oshawa and the thing is that all the agents that work here are storing all sorts of garbage on their work stations. Some of it includes porn. What i am trying to do is forcing them to store all the crap that they download to a network folder that would reside on my bosses pc. That way we can eliminate some of the wrongs being done here       12:22
pygiBurgwork, I'll cry :'( SoC is a bad thing sometimes...12:23
sbalneavhlabs: that's a simple one.  Anyone found with porn on their home directory gets fired. :)12:24
sbalneavbut, apart from that...12:24
hlabsi know but its not that easy. The shifts rotate and the access codes are generic. 12:24
hlabsso is there any way that i can do this12:25
shaykidwill edubuntu-desktop install ltsp as well ?12:25
sbalneavWell, not easily.  Their home directories need to be writable, because their settings (backgrounds, menu items, icons, etc) need to be written there.12:26
sbalneavshaykid: should.12:26
pygisbalneav, it will, but it won't be good12:26
pygihe has to setup chroot by himself, yadda, yadda12:26
sbalneavah, well, that's easy enough12:26
=== LaserJock [n=mantha@ubuntu/member/laserjock] has joined #edubuntu
sbalneavhlabs: you might be able to do something like make their home directory owned by root, but make their .gnome2, etc directory owned by them12:28
hlabsok so how do i go about it 12:28
sbalneavOf course, the smart ones will figure out that they can just store their naughty pictures in their .gnome2 directories. :)12:28
sbalneavhlabs: Not sure, I'd have to experiment to see if it would even work.12:29
sbalneavYou might try google.  12:29
hlabswell see the thing is that in windows you can just use quota management to do this trick.12:29
pygihlabs, you have quota here as well :P12:29
hlabsbut the way our network is setup. Using windows means inviting a whole lot of problems 12:30
sbalneavwhat, to just set a low quota?  I already posted you the link for that12:30
sbalneavif thats all you want, give them only a 5 meg home dir, then that's easily done.12:30
hlabsis there something similar like a software or something that lets me do disk management.                        12:30
sbalneavI already posted you the tutorial for that.12:31
sbalneavMore to the point is: how are they GETTING the porn on?  the simpler solution might be to install a web proxy, and limit the sites they can visit.12:32
sbalneavIf it's a call centre, they probably only need access to a few limited web sites, right?12:32
sbalneavIt's always easier to stop the bad stuff from getting in, as opposed to dealing with it once it's there.12:33
hlabswell we used the ubuntu lamp server to setup a crm system12:34
hlabsi tried the tutorial on quotas and i don't think i am upto the challenge of doing that. Since i already tried it and messed up a dummy machine big time                                       12:35
sbalneavIs the crm system all they need access to?12:35
pygiBurgwork, save me, please save me :'(12:36
hlabsno the boss allows them to access the external net as well. 12:36
sbalneavwhat, any site at all?12:37
sbalneavBecause if the boss has given them blanket access to the web, then what you've got there is a management problem, not a technology problem :)  Does your site have an acceptable usage policy?12:38
hlabswe provide tech support for a shipping company and their new docs are always posted on the companys access portal . So with that being done. All the agents can pretty much go on the net. I managed to stop the p2p clients and bittorrent clients but its that they go over to search engines to get their junk                                                   12:39
hlabsyeah. But some people here are really smart geeks. 12:39
sbalneavAh, well, that's easy, then.  If the shipping company's the only legitimate site, then either use a proxy to limit to only that site, or even better, use the firewall to limit access to only that site.12:40
hlabsyou wouldn't believe this. But one of the guys who got canned actuallly was storing porn in the sbin folder                             12:41
hlabshey thats a good idea12:42
sbalneavWell, if that's the case, he's gotten root.  You need to keep up-to-date on your security patches :)12:42
hlabsi will surely try that. But isnt there any way to lock up the disks12:42
hlabsyeah we are working on setting up limited users. Using saybayon but so far i cannot find a way to lock up the local disk                          12:44
=== pygi cries once again
sbalneavI'll be blunt.  You're trying to solve a PEOPLE issue, with TECHNOLOGY.  It's doomed to failure.  What you need is: a clear, concise policy as to what's acceptible and what's not from management, with a clear statement of consequences if the rules are broken.  A quick bit of monitoring, with a few firing now and then will solve the problem.12:47
hlabsthats a good point12:48
sbalneavmost importantly: you need 1 userid per person.  haveing supportguy1 through supportguy20 accounts, and having multiple people use the same account means you'll never be able to tack bad behavior to a specific individual.12:49
hlabsyeah i was pondering that thought my self now. I will change the user accounts now.        12:49
sbalneavI've been a sysadmin for 18 years, and have caught 3 hackers, 2 of which had charges laid, and another that got deported.  So trust me on this one :)12:50
sbalneavAnywho, kids are screaming for dinner.  Teenagers and their hunger :)  I'm usually either in #edubuntu, or #ltsp.  Let me know how you make out.12:52
sbalneavI'll be on later.  You said you were in Oshawa.  If that's Oshawa, Ontario, always nice to see a fellow canuck on.  I'm in Winnipeg.12:53
sbalneavAnywho, off to cook.12:53
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sbalneavevening all02:05
bddebianHeya sbalneav02:08
sbalneavHey there bddebian02:08
LaserJockhi scotty02:09
sbalneavhey LaserJock02:17
bddebianGah, I hate C++02:19
LaserJockI've never had the pleasure02:21
bddebianLaserJock: Well like everything else, I hate it because I don't know it :-)02:23
LaserJockoh, I just don't bother02:28
=== th1a_ [n=th1a@pool-64-222-48-116.prov.east.verizon.net] has joined #edubuntu
sbalneavIt's quiet in here.....03:09
sbalneavtooooo quiet03:09
LaserJocksbalneav: you gonna start something?03:10
sbalneavlets get this party started. unh huh, unh huh!03:10
=== sbalneav beatboxes
sbalneavthe thought of which is even MORE hilarious, if you've seen me.03:11
=== LaserJock does his "Edubuntu rocks" dance
LaserJockhehe, true03:11
LaserJocksbalneav: but I thought you were a male model? ;-)03:12
sbalneavWere you on the train with us in France the night the 16 year old kid got on and was doing the pelvic thrusts to music?03:12
sbalneavWe need that kid.03:12
LaserJockhaha, no I wasn't03:12
sbalneavShoulda given him an ubuntu cd03:12
sbalneavyeah, he rolled onto the train with a dolly with a boombox + car battery, cranked up the Euro-synth-rap-tunes, and started dancin' like a maniac for coins.03:13
sbalneavIt was awesome.03:13
sbalneavIn Canada, they just ask for money.  I'm totally spoiled for European panhandlers now.03:14
LaserJockI only saw the girl with the flute03:14
sbalneavFor a buck, I should get some entertainment, darnit!03:14
sbalneavIf it's the one I saw, she was pretty good.03:14
LaserJockyeah, it was good03:15
LaserJockbut France got my wallet in the end so ...03:15
sbalneavheh, yeah, but now you have a great story!  Any fallout from that?03:15
LaserJocknot really03:16
sbalneavDid they try to rack up anything on the card?03:16
LaserJockI don't think so03:16
LaserJockI think they just wanted the money03:16
sbalneavPhhht, where's the fun in that?  You want to phone up Visa and find out you've purchased a small greek island, or maybe a leer jet.03:17
LaserJockit's funny how many "I got pickpocketed in Paris" I've heard since getting back03:17
sbalneavHeh, I think it's CALLED the "City of pickpockets".03:17
sbalneavhold on, Google will know!03:18
LaserJockhehe, it was soo funny03:18
LaserJockat Ubucon03:18
LaserJockwe had quite a few google people03:18
LaserJockand somebody was wondering something03:18
LaserJockand Jim says "Google it"03:18
LaserJockit was kinda funny03:18
sbalneavNope, appaerntly, thats either rome or Prague03:18
sbalneavWhat he SHOULD have said was: Look it up on MSN :)03:19
sbalneavor (better) "Lets Ask Jeeves!"03:20
=== bddebian used to love altavista
sbalneavheh, I remember when there only WAS altavista :)03:20
sbalneavI remember when there was only Gopher03:21
bddebianOh man03:21
LaserJockwell, I'm not *that* old03:21
sbalneavI remember when there was only Telnet, FTP, and SMTP03:21
sbalneavand we LIKED it, darnit.  Couple of days reading of RFC's and you knew it all :)03:21
=== jinty [n=jinty@221.Red-83-58-174.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #edubuntu
bddebianHehe, except for idiots like me03:22
=== sbalneav talks in his cranky old internet curmudgeon voice
bddebiansbalneav: How old are you?03:22
bddebianWhoa someone older than me...03:22
sbalneavGot my first Arpanet account back in 198403:22
bddebian<-- 3603:23
LaserJockyeah, I bet you didn't have people filing HUG bugs ;-)03:23
LaserJockmore like "It actually works!!!"03:23
LaserJockit takes me days to do anything, but it works03:23
sbalneavI remember the first time I ftp'd a file down... from a server in japan.03:24
sbalneavAhhhh, memories.03:24
sbalneavMy very first account, I used a vt100.03:25
sbalneavNot an emulator.03:25
sbalneava real one 03:25
sbalneavI also had an asr33 teletype machine at home.03:26
LaserJockoh wow, that's cool03:26
LaserJockmy first computer item was a 38603:26
LaserJockapparently I was spoiled03:26
sbalneavDurned kids03:27
sbalneavthe asr33 I had didn't have the tapereader like that one did.03:27
sbalneavI also worked on a decwriter II, which was awesome03:28
sbalneavMy first home computer was a zx8103:29
sbalneavSorry, I know I'm being a bore. 03:29
bddebianHum, what? ;-P03:30
bddebianWas the zx81 a Zenith?03:34
sbalneavNo, Sinclair03:52
=== Yagisan first had a c64. twas busted and thown away, so I had to fix it first
bddebianOh, wow03:54
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gotamaI have just installed edubuntu06:50
gotamaHow can I start the dhcp server manually and not at boot time?06:51
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Yagisanogra, ping07:47
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cbx333mornin all08:08
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pygihey ho ogra 12:19
pygihow is you?12:20
ograpacking for the sprint12:23
pygiah,oki :)12:24
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kwakhi, im new to edubuntu. how do i configure ltsp? ltspcfg?03:08
kwakwhat is the root password?03:08
kwakwell no help. better do something else.03:15
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cbx33Hiya bddebian 03:55
bddebianHi cbx3303:55
cbx33howz it all going?03:56
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ubotuPozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke. Russian users please try #ubuntu-ru, there you may get more help03:56
bddebiancbx33: Fine thanks, you?03:57
cbx33bddebian, yeh going good03:58
cbx33working on scp at the mo03:58
controlanybody speak on rus?03:59
cbx33bddebian, yeh it's going really well, learned so much04:00
cbx33about dbus mostly04:00
cbx33bddebian, is there a small app that will take a command line inut and turn it into a gtk dialog box04:03
bddebianDunno, sorry04:04
cbx33ok I'll write one04:04
bddebianYou're an animal :)04:05
juliuxcontrol, i learned at school but there isnt much knowledge left ;)04:07
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