
nerophibiahi all12:32
OverandIs there a way to 'switch' eth0 and eth1 on a two-network-card system?03:26
Overandah, got it, /etc/iftab03:33
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netduroh! shouldn't be #ubuntu-server-devel for development and #ubuntu-server for help?08:22
netdurok, how come you install lamp without sendmail? mail function in php wouldn't work without sendmail!!!08:36
alienbrainnetdur: I say it's because not everyone on the planet preferes sendmail08:40
infinityI assume he means /usr/sbin/sendmail (as could be provided by postfix, exim, sendmail, etc), not the sendmail package.08:44
netduralienbrain, it really doesn't matter what MTA is in use, php's mail function doesn't work, also it doesn't generate any error, this is confusing, if you developers don't like sendmail, install postfix or something works08:45
infinityAnd I'd given it some thought, and decided against it, because most people don't really need an MTA, will misconfigure it, and it generally causes a hassle.  If you need one, it's one apt-get call away.08:45
infinityI'll admit that that decision on my part may not have been ideal, but I have to drap the line somewhere for "what extra stuff do we install, and what don't we", and I'm not sure that opening port 25 to the world is what most people would expect from a DB/Web server.08:46
netduryou know better I08:51
netdurI just shared my experience as user, thanks for ubuntu server08:51
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