=== fabbione [n=fabbione@p54A830BD.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-ports === tmarble [n=tmarble@user-0cdvpct.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu-ports [02:25] hey tmarble [02:25] tmarble: you got email with image [02:26] fabbione: hi... just sorting my e-mail now... [02:26] ok :) [02:28] thanks... now let me see if anyone has a machine for us..... [02:32] if you don't get it today, please mail the log to david [02:32] i am going in sport vacation the next week to practice diaper change ;) [02:33] lots of people responded to my request... seems like few people have these [02:33] so it seems [02:34] your baby is too young for the sport element -- wait until about 9 months -- then you will have to sit on baby to change the diaper! [02:34] just mention that rev 2 has the MPT SAS controller on board [02:34] they know that [02:34] ok just to make 100% sure [02:34] not everybody is an hw nerd as i am :P [02:35] just out of curiousity -- how did you find this Ubuntu behavior -- someone you know must have a box? [02:35] there was a bug report in launchpad about it [02:35] but i can't find it anymore [02:35] i saw it beginning of last week [02:35] did you try looking for it recently? [02:35] yes today [02:36] but i couldn't find it [02:36] it was not assigned to me [02:36] ok, since you are a better malone expert than me i won't bother [02:37] oh no.. i suck at malone [02:37] but the major thing is that i don't remember against what package was assigned [02:38] did you see this? [02:38] http://www.sun.com/servers/coolthreads/tnb/linux.jsp [02:38] nope [02:39] no rev2 hw e-mails... I'll ask someone to run this and send you, me and David the output [02:39] Please see Unbuntu commercial support or [02:39] ^^^ TYPO [02:40] ouch! get right on that! [02:40] nice page [02:40] don't forward to SABFDL yet then ;-) [02:41] he is on his way to US [02:41] cool... what's he doing?? [02:41] not sure... [02:41] probably the usually 2309230 meetings in 2 days [02:41] right [02:42] brb === fabbione_ [n=fabbione@p54A8448C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-ports [03:14] bah [03:14] damn net [03:15] your address suggests you are in germany? [03:16] FWIW I sent out a query for folks to run the netboot --- hopefully we'll get results soon [03:17] yes i am ingermany for an Ubuntu hackfestg [03:17] we will be flying back home tomorrow [03:17] thanks for the query [03:17] no worries (noticed doko had the same domain... and similar troubles) [03:18] eheh yeah [03:45] gotta run now... ttul [03:45] ttyl