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Who_ | troy_s: you there? | 05:34 |
troy_s | yes | 05:36 |
troy_s | who_ what is up? | 05:36 |
Who_ | I'm doing Blubuntu stuff and Im tempted to add some largeglowing line arcs accross everything | 05:36 |
Who_ | thoughts | 05:36 |
troy_s | hrm... not really... depends on how it integrates with your icons/ rest of desky i would suppose. | 05:37 |
Who_ | troy_s: yea - exactly - I can make it integrate nicely with GDM, wallpaper, lsplash, usplash, but perhaps not the icons... | 05:38 |
troy_s | its a bit tricky... | 05:38 |
troy_s | if it is prominent, perhaps you can utilize another motif from the icons to make it cohesive? | 05:39 |
Who_ | well, with Inkscape it is easy to have a version with a layer for the circles that is hidden | 05:39 |
troy_s | or if it is subtle, you might be able to get away with it by customizing a few icons. | 05:39 |
troy_s | of the more highly visible sort. | 05:39 |
Who_ | yea - I'm afraid the icons have hit a bit of a time stump this realease - I haven't got custom ones yet | 05:39 |
troy_s | yep | 05:45 |
troy_s | so you are sort of forced to 'fit in' | 05:45 |
troy_s | unless you just throw all caution into the wind and go with your look. | 05:45 |
troy_s | which i suppose is possible too. | 05:45 |
Who_ | yea. | 05:48 |
Who_ | I am going to present a 'Blubuntu' and 'Blubuntu Circles' | 05:48 |
Who_ | grr - it is too late at night - i can't make anything good | 05:59 |
Who_ | so frustrating - cos I keep trying and it doesn't work so I stay up later!! | 05:59 |
Who_ | okay, call it a night | 06:09 |
Who_ | see ya troy_s | 06:09 |
troy_s | nighty who_ | 06:19 |
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lapo | hi | 11:53 |
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PingunZ | ping troy_s | 12:21 |
PingunZ | I had an idea for the new structure of ubuntu-art ... ( not the forum idea ) | 12:22 |
PingunZ | Seperate teams in ubuntu art ( wallpaper, icons, ... ) | 12:22 |
PingunZ | So that if people want to join the team, they select what they are good in . | 12:23 |
PingunZ | And dont get mails about usplash if they dont know anything about it.. | 12:23 |
PingunZ | And every ' team ' would have its team leader(s) who approve or dismiss the art they made. | 12:24 |
PingunZ | So mainly the GTK team asks a nice metacity for its team --> they send their request to the Ubuntu art ( core team ), they approve the request, mail it to the Metacity team. They make one, it gets approved by the Metacity-Leaders and get sent to the GTK team. | 12:27 |
PingunZ | Any comments ? :) | 12:27 |
Madpilot | PingunZ, splitting the GTK & Metacity teams seems awkward - rather just one Desktop Theme team, if we're going to split stuff up | 12:28 |
PingunZ | Madpilot: I'm sorry, what does awkward mean ? | 12:28 |
Madpilot | "too much work", in this case | 12:29 |
PingunZ | ah ok :) | 12:29 |
Madpilot | GTK & Metacity are so intertwined in the whole look of a theme that splitting them doesn't seem to make much sense | 12:29 |
PingunZ | Well, we could put those together | 12:30 |
PingunZ | The base is that Icon makers dont have to make Usplash. | 12:30 |
Madpilot | ya | 12:30 |
PingunZ | And if they can they just subcribe to that mailing list too .. | 12:30 |
PingunZ | But you certainly have a point for the metacity & GTK team . | 12:31 |
PingunZ | IMO this would be more structured .. | 12:32 |
PingunZ | And ( IMO again ;) ) artists would know better what they have to do. | 12:32 |
PingunZ | brb | 12:33 |
PingunZ | b | 12:35 |
PingunZ | Madpilot: Do you like the general idea ? Or | 12:35 |
PingunZ | *Or was it just the GTK/metacity thing ? | 12:36 |
Madpilot | not entirely, TBH. I think one mailing list & a combined team work right now; the art team isn't big enough to warrent splitting up... | 12:36 |
Madpilot | plus, with a combined team/mailing list/etc, you get crossover of ideas - people see a wallpaper idea and use the concept in a splash, or vice-versa | 12:37 |
PingunZ | That what I was worried about too. But then you'll have the Icon theme --> They know exactly what to do. | 12:37 |
PingunZ | That crossover thing might be right ... I'm thinking about a solution .. | 12:39 |
PingunZ | Well, Team leaders communicate with other team leaders, they see a nice wallpaper, tell the Splash team about it and tadam ! | 12:41 |
PingunZ | Bah I dont think this idea will come true anyway .. | 12:41 |
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-artwork:troy_s] : Welcome! =-=-= Most current news and items https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Specs/EdgyArtworkPlan/Produce/Incoming/ =-=-= Start at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork =-=-= Tasks at http://www.launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-art/+specs =-=-= | ||
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troy_s | PingunZ -- you called? | 02:04 |
PingunZ | troy_s: read up :) | 02:05 |
troy_s | ahh i did... | 02:16 |
troy_s | I think madpilot is on point with his estimation. | 02:16 |
PingunZ | troy_s: what is estimation ? | 02:18 |
PingunZ | Oh, I found out ;) | 02:18 |
PingunZ | Well I think Madpilot's point was true also but the idea can be modified ... | 02:19 |
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bersace | troy_s: did you saw my GDM themes ? | 02:39 |
bersace | not for edgy, | 02:39 |
bersace | but i can help you writing GDM theme | 02:39 |
bersace | troy_s: http://www.gnome-look.org/usermanager/search.php?username=bersace03 | 02:40 |
lapo | yo bersace, what about gnomescan? | 02:44 |
bersace | lapo: i'm currently working on Hal scanner support | 02:45 |
bersace | lapo: but that's quite hard. | 02:45 |
bersace | SANE is quite ugly | 02:45 |
lapo | bersace: hal scanner support? you mean for example to use is some ways the button you find on most scanners today? | 02:46 |
lapo | s/button/buttons/ | 02:46 |
bersace | yeah, | 02:46 |
bersace | and more | 02:46 |
lapo | ubercool | 02:47 |
bersace | the first goal is to get ride of the "probe" dialog at each launch | 02:47 |
lapo | very cool and needed stuff, bravo! | 02:47 |
lapo | I hope to see the result of your work integrated everywhere in gnome relly soon | 02:48 |
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Viper550 | I've seen those new proposed cursors | 05:18 |
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PingunZ | troy_s, I read your mail about the GDM. With icons ? | 08:03 |
PingunZ | You could accomplish it with .svg icons and a .png background .. | 08:03 |
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lgespee | hello | 08:09 |
lgespee | does anybody of you know about an Human style GDM theme with face browser? | 08:09 |
PingunZ | lgespee, look on gnome-look, face browsers wont be in ubuntu's default install cause of security reasons. | 08:14 |
lgespee | PingunZ: alright thanks, I can accept the choice, it is just that a "normal" user I installed Ubuntu for last week didn't want to retype his name everytime | 08:15 |
lgespee | PingunZ: but thanks | 08:15 |
PingunZ | lgespee, you can enable autologin | 08:15 |
lgespee | PingunZ: it's a two user system :( | 08:15 |
PingunZ | ah | 08:15 |
PingunZ | look around on gnome-look. they have lots of nice face-browsers. | 08:16 |
lgespee | PingunZ: but there are face browser themes in Ubuntu default install, there was a Gnome one in it | 08:16 |
lgespee | PingunZ: it just looks ugly a blueish login and then a Human style desktop | 08:16 |
PingunZ | I didn't know that. I like face browsers too but the idea got dismissed.. | 08:16 |
lgespee | PingunZ: I will do that, I couln't find any on art.gnome.org but didn't look any further | 08:17 |
PingunZ | lgespee, you could change the background image ? | 08:17 |
PingunZ | gnome-look.org ;) | 08:17 |
lgespee | PingunZ: I don't know, didn't look for that either | 08:17 |
lgespee | PingunZ: .org, yeah I got that ;) | 08:18 |
lgespee | PingunZ: thanks a lot, at gnome-look.org they have a bunch of them | 08:20 |
PingunZ | :) | 08:21 |
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PingunZ | hey all | 10:34 |
Viper550 | kwii? are you there? | 10:34 |
Viper550 | oh, hi PingunZ | 10:34 |
PingunZ | hmm dapper is behaving wierd, brb ( reboot ) | 10:35 |
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PingunZ | Back :) | 10:41 |
andreasn | PingunZ: hi! | 10:42 |
PingunZ | how are you andreasn | 10:43 |
andreasn | PingunZ: everything is fine. Got a new and working keyboard for my laptop | 10:43 |
andreasn | PingunZ: everything fine with you? | 10:43 |
PingunZ | Yeah, I installed SLED today :) | 10:44 |
PingunZ | I copied all their artwork and I'm now taking a look at it. | 10:44 |
andreasn | copied? | 10:45 |
PingunZ | Yes, just made a copy on my hard-drive and I'm now taking a look at it in ubuntu | 10:45 |
PingunZ | I really don't like SuSE | 10:45 |
andreasn | ah, I see | 10:45 |
Viper550 | All you need is Slab... | 10:45 |
PingunZ | I have slab up and working yet | 10:45 |
PingunZ | A much better version than the suse one. | 10:46 |
Viper550 | Ubuntu System Panel | 10:46 |
andreasn | yeah, jimmac did great work with gdm, splashes and stuff | 10:46 |
andreasn | that guy is great | 10:46 |
PingunZ | I prefer slab to USP. | 10:46 |
andreasn | Viper550: what is UPS exactly? | 10:47 |
andreasn | err...usp? | 10:47 |
Viper550 | Some sort of advanced main menu applet by chanders, written in Python, VERY COMPLEX | 10:47 |
andreasn | interesting | 10:47 |
andreasn | how does it work? | 10:47 |
Viper550 | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=222546' | 10:48 |
Viper550 | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=222546 (don't click the first one) | 10:48 |
andreasn | hm, so it's like slab, but slightly different and written i python? | 10:50 |
Viper550 | Yep! | 10:50 |
PingunZ | andreasn, and it takes half of your screen :) | 10:51 |
andreasn | wow, that is weird | 10:51 |
andreasn | well, I guess people are free to do whatever they like with their own time | 10:52 |
PingunZ | Haha that's a nice way of saying it :) | 10:56 |
PingunZ | I'm building and installing a new hack of slab. | 10:57 |
andreasn | well, I'm not trying to bash it in any way, I mean, the current system with categories is less than optimal | 10:58 |
Viper550 | Soon, Kickoff will be the big thing | 10:58 |
PingunZ | Kickoff ? | 10:58 |
PingunZ | never heard of that before | 10:58 |
andreasn | "After the release of the SLED menu and seeing that it was so popular with Ubuntu users, I took it upon myself to do something of our own." | 10:58 |
andreasn | of our own? | 10:58 |
PingunZ | Yes, stealing it from Suse | 10:59 |
PingunZ | -_- | 10:59 |
Viper550 | IT'S OPEN SOURCE! Come on, it's even on Gnome CVS! | 10:59 |
andreasn | stealing and stealing | 10:59 |
andreasn | I'm more afraid of the "Not Invented Here" attitude | 10:59 |
PingunZ | I'm not against it, but they stole it :) | 11:00 |
andreasn | PingunZ: how do you mean? stole what? | 11:00 |
Viper550 | http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/2283 (Kickoff) | 11:00 |
andreasn | yeah, Kickoff seems nice as well | 11:00 |
PingunZ | Yes, kickoff seems very nice. Too bad its kde-only. | 11:02 |
andreasn | well, slab seems to solve the same problems as kickoff (and vice versa) | 11:04 |
Viper550 | Oh yeah, this might be a bit hard to customize for other distros, since the eyes move on the lizard! | 11:04 |
andreasn | k | 11:05 |
andreasn | 11:05 | |
andreasn | sorry, my keyboard is weird | 11:05 |
andreasn | :) | 11:05 |
andreasn | PingunZ: did you get anywhere with the splash screen for gnome.org? I haven't followed the discussion of that too close | 11:06 |
PingunZ | andreasn, I made a mockup and other people created new splashes. | 11:07 |
andreasn | did they turn out good? | 11:08 |
PingunZ | They are not bad .. | 11:09 |
andreasn | I'm really glad you picked that up | 11:09 |
PingunZ | Bah, I didn't do a lot actually | 11:10 |
PingunZ | But they seem to like the text ' Simply Powerful' | 11:10 |
andreasn | it's a smashing concept! | 11:11 |
PingunZ | Ok, I hacked the new slab code .. now building it :) | 11:12 |
PingunZ | Shite, errors .. | 11:13 |
andreasn | hope slab get into gnome upstream soon | 11:13 |
PingunZ | it is in the beerorkid repo yet | 11:13 |
andreasn | I bet it makes packaging and distro-neatrualness better | 11:13 |
PingunZ | brb | 11:17 |
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PingunZ | I'm taking a look at the Novell GDM's source. | 11:29 |
viper550 | kwwii_, do you happen to have the source code for the new version of Crystal on Edgy? | 11:29 |
PingunZ | they use a 10.24*768 .jpeg files as background O_o | 11:29 |
viper550 | With the new buttons and gradient? | 11:29 |
kwwii_ | viper550: you mean the window deco buttons and gradient? | 11:29 |
viper550 | Yeah.. | 11:29 |
andreasn | PingunZ: you can probably ask jimmac if he did any special voodoo, he's on vacation right now though | 11:30 |
viper550 | He didn't do any special voodoo, I think his wallpaper just scales well | 11:30 |
PingunZ | Well, I think Edgy's login window should Beat suse's one. | 11:31 |
PingunZ | and that is easy to accomplish :) | 11:31 |
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PingunZ | What makes suse look so good is that they have art everywhere, gfxboot, nice bootsplash, nice login window, nice splash screen, nice wall, ... | 11:32 |
PingunZ | They are all based on the wallpaper | 11:33 |
viper550 | Yeah, I dig how they've did it, ever since Novell took over, they've been looking good! | 11:33 |
PingunZ | The splashes of opeoffice etc are based on the wallpaper too .. | 11:33 |
viper550 | Yeah, CONSISTANCY IS THEIR BIG BUSINESS | 11:33 |
PingunZ | I think we should inspire the human theme on the wallpaper too | 11:34 |
PingunZ | and create a very nice wallpaper ;) | 11:34 |
PingunZ | Suse always looks different too, 9.* was fresh green, 10 | 11:34 |
PingunZ | *10.* is blue, ... | 11:34 |
PingunZ | They don't care about a default color, they just make a very polished distro. In whatever the color is. | 11:35 |
kwwii_ | well, I made everything from 5.3 to 10.0 | 11:35 |
viper550 | Yeah, 9.2 was a deep Cyan, 9.3 was Green, 10 was Blue, 10.1 was a cyanish again, and 10.2 is a very deep bright blue in places! | 11:35 |
PingunZ | *polished distro == art :) | 11:35 |
PingunZ | I think Suse's OS sucks but the art is incredible. | 11:36 |
PingunZ | For new users Suse is a keeper because it looks so good. | 11:36 |
PingunZ | I'd like to see very new and fresh art in ubuntu | 11:37 |
kwwii_ | hehe, I built a tradition, what luck | 11:37 |
viper550 | Yeah, make our distro cooler! | 11:37 |
viper550 | (how do you apply diff files?) | 11:37 |
kwwii_ | I have done better work in the last 6 months for kubuntu than I ever did in the last 7 years at suse | 11:37 |
PingunZ | Not always based on the yellow/brown color. | 11:37 |
PingunZ | kwwii_, you were in the suse art team ? :) | 11:38 |
PingunZ | is it better structured ? | 11:38 |
PingunZ | or do they have more artists ? | 11:38 |
kwwii_ | PingunZ: I am/was the suse art team | 11:38 |
kwwii_ | ie, there was nobody else | 11:39 |
PingunZ | meh ? | 11:39 |
PingunZ | You made ALL the suse art ? | 11:39 |
kwwii_ | and I started to work for canonical in March | 11:39 |
kwwii_ | yepp, all of it...I am co-author of the bootsplash as well | 11:39 |
PingunZ | And you're not kidding right ? | 11:40 |
andreasn | one really good guy working really hard is usually a good trick | 11:40 |
kwwii_ | I even made the mousepads and coffee cups | 11:40 |
kwwii_ | check bootsplash.org and see who owns it | 11:40 |
PingunZ | How long are you in the ubuntu-art team kwwii_ ? | 11:40 |
kwwii_ | shit, google for my name | 11:40 |
kwwii_ | since early this year | 11:41 |
viper550 | !language | 11:41 |
PingunZ | I believe you kwwii_ :) | 11:41 |
kwwii_ | I believe you too :P | 11:41 |
PingunZ | meh ? | 11:41 |
kwwii_ | just kidding ;-) | 11:41 |
PingunZ | Well, It's an honour to meet an artist like that. | 11:42 |
viper550 | How would you apply the diff patch that adds in the new Edgy buttons? | 11:42 |
cbx33 | kwwii_ rawks :p | 11:42 |
kwwii_ | Hehe, just send your 5$ donation to my account :P | 11:42 |
cbx33 | kwwii_, there's an update of some of the sounds | 11:42 |
andreasn | kwwii_: did you want to discuss the naming-spec at some point? you mentioned it some time ago, but I've been too buzy to contact you about it | 11:42 |
cbx33 | i'll give you a link if you're interested? | 11:42 |
kwwii_ | cool, I would love to hear them | 11:43 |
cbx33 | progbox.co.uk/finals | 11:43 |
cbx33 | then there is a folder in there | 11:43 |
cbx33 | with a date as it's name | 11:43 |
cbx33 | they are all in there | 11:43 |
kwwii_ | andreasn: yes! we have a list started already (as always, kubuntu is ahead of the pack) | 11:43 |
cbx33 | Frank and I have a meeting scheduled for tomorrow to discuss them | 11:43 |
andreasn | kwwii_: sounds great! | 11:44 |
kwwii_ | andreasn: the new naming stuff will take place in kde4 so we are on top of all the others | 11:44 |
PingunZ | kwwii_, You are also the artist of the SLED 10 ? The only artist ? | 11:44 |
kwwii_ | :-) | 11:44 |
viper550 | SLED 10 uses most of the same artwork as 10.1 | 11:44 |
kwwii_ | PingunZ: no, I worked with Jimmac and TigerT for that, but the artwork is almost the same | 11:44 |
kwwii_ | the KDE is mine, in any case | 11:45 |
PingunZ | ok :) | 11:45 |
andreasn | kwwii_: lots of stuff that needs to be added? anything needs to be changed? | 11:47 |
PingunZ | Is there any chance that custom gimp/inkscape/OOo/ ... could sneak into edgy ? | 11:47 |
kwwii_ | andreasn: until now, it looks like, lots of stuff that needs to be added | 11:48 |
kwwii_ | andreasn: the few but important cases of where things over-lap are still to come | 11:48 |
kwwii_ | :-) | 11:49 |
andreasn | kwwii_: ok | 11:49 |
viper550 | Still, what about the buttons for Crystal? | 11:53 |
viper550 | (oh yeah, someone ported Tangerine to KDE: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=44533&PHPSESSID=d09cf8d82075fc6e1da0c757ed3a8e9c) | 11:55 |
viper550 | (remove everything after &) | 11:55 |
andreasn | hm, interesting | 11:59 |
andreasn | and quite nice | 11:59 |
viper550 | It is missing icons in some places though, but it is nice to see that someone is porting Tangerine to KDE! | 12:00 |
viper550 | But for now, I'll keep my Crystal XVG | 12:01 |
andreasn | well, with the naming-spec and stuff porting wont be needed | 12:01 |
viper550 | *SVG | 12:01 |
andreasn | and kde4 will render the svg's much better | 12:02 |
andreasn | so the imagemagick-stuff won't be needed | 12:02 |
viper550 | Just wondering Andreas, do you know how to intergrate .diff files into source code? | 12:03 |
PingunZ | Hey, can I have your opinions/suggests on this, I'm a beginning artist, new to linux and willing to learn ( a lot ) of making linux-art. Atm I use gnome So i'd prefer to make gnome-related art. Where do I start ? I've been hanging around in the ubuntu-art section fow a few weeks now but I'm not experienced enough to create really nice art. So, where do I start ? I'd like to contribute a lot in edgy+1. | 12:03 |
andreasn | viper550: I'm totally lost when it comes to stuff like that | 12:03 |
viper550 | oh | 12:04 |
andreasn | viper550: I just draw stuff :) | 12:04 |
viper550 | oh | 12:04 |
PingunZ | bah, apperently not :) | 12:05 |
andreasn | PingunZ: any particular area you feel interested in? | 12:07 |
PingunZ | andreasn, no actually not. I don't really like to make icons :) | 12:08 |
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