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elkbuntuwb jenda!03:28
jendaHello elkbuntu, and thx :)03:28
=== jenda is near asleep now, so bids good night to all
elkbuntuninite jenda03:32
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johnlittleodd...but interesting04:15
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elkbuntujohnlittle, how r00d.. they take off the 'honors' after a while :(05:17
elkbuntumy vid doesnt have it's honors anymore :(05:17
johnlittleelkbuntu: so you'll make another one.. :)05:17
elkbunturun out of ideas, plus, the buggy xorg update made me ruin the laptop's setup.. no more xgl/compiz05:19
elkbuntuthe compiz is sort of needed for that dock05:20
elkbuntufor it to look right, anyway05:20
johnlittletheres a big demand for the more mundane tutorial stuff'05:21
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johnlittleUbuntu in antarctica05:23
johnlittleum no maybe not05:24
johnlittlethe location says that but the posts don't seem to indicate that at all05:25
johnlittleanyway im out of my mind on TheraFlu cold medicing..im off to bed :( g'nite05:25
johnlittleer midicine05:26
Madpilotsounds more like Location: 1st year university05:26
johnlittleer you know what i mean05:26
Madpilotheh. g'night05:26
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elkbuntuyay, so im not the only one half-dead from the flu?08:21
BurgundaviaI just got over something08:21
BurgundaviaUWN on LWN!08:21
elkbuntuthat's 3rd week in a row now, isnt it?08:22
somerville32I really like that UWN thinger :] 08:22
Burgundaviaelkbuntu: we are always mentioned as part of the weekly news, but this time we are part of their news feed08:23
Burgundaviasomerville32: always looking for people to help right08:23
somerville32Really? I'd love to help out.08:23
elkbuntuhmm.. lca 07 extended call for participation :|08:24
Burgundavianice, but not really Ubuntu08:24
Burgundaviaunless we want to add a "promoting Ubuntu section08:24
Burgundaviasomething I am not really that opposed to08:25
elkbuntuBurgundavia, that wasnt for the newsletter's sake.. just noting it under the uwn announce on lwn08:25
Burgundaviayep, but a "this week in promoting Ubuntu" section might be cool08:25
elkbuntudont try make me think just now, the results could be scary :|08:26
Burgundaviapretty tired myself08:27
somerville32So, how do I help write for the newsletter?08:30
BurgundaviaUWN is published every Saturday, usually at midnight PDT08:30
BurgundaviaUWN is published every Saturday, usually at midnight PDT"08:31
BurgundaviaI wear the hat of "sucker that releases it"08:31
elkbuntuwhich is great fun when the wiki dies ;)08:31
Burgundaviait is written on the wiki, at wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue12 (the current issue)08:31
Burgundavia12 is teh current issue being edited, that is08:32
Burgundaviait covers development and other news in teh Ubuntu community08:32
Burgundaviacore audience is mostly existing Ubuntu users, and mostly somewhat geeky people08:32
elkbuntui was glad for you that you didnt try wait up for it08:32
BurgundaviaI would recommend reading previous issues for back content and general sytle08:32
somerville32So... I can just edit it?08:33
=== elkbuntu goes off to do something else rather than just blabber nonsensical stuff
Burgundaviathe release annoucement goes out via email to ubuntu-news, which is moderated (I moderate things through)08:34
Burgundaviaso edit the wiki to your hearts content08:35
somerville32Is there anything specific that I should work on?08:36
Burgundaviaone thing that is good to get your hands dirty is the edgy new apps stuff08:36
somerville32Also, should I put my name in the credits if I contribute?08:36
Burgundaviasearch through the edgy-changes mailing list and bug devs looking for interesting new apps released this week08:36
Burgundaviaand yes, you should08:37
somerville32Do you moderate the ubuntu-marketing mailing list?08:37
Burgundavianot currently08:38
BurgundaviaI imagine I will add it to the list of lists I moderate at some point08:38
Burgundaviastick around in Ubuntu are you too will start collecting rights08:39
BurgundaviaI have been around for 2 years now and my pile is rather large08:39
somerville32When does UWN #11 come out?08:40
Madpilotend of this week08:40
Burgundavia12 comes out end of this week08:41
Burgundavia11 is already out08:41
somerville32The topic says #10 is out08:41
somerville32And I don't remember #11 in the fridge08:41
Madpilotnot all the UWN issues make it to the front page of the Fridge08:41
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-marketing:Burgundavia] : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarketingTeam | UWN #11 is out | Channel logs at http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/
Madpilotand yeah, 12 is the wip, not 1108:41
somerville32Could I just pick a piece of software and feature it or should I look for new stuff only?08:45
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Madpilotsomerville32, anything, just try not to pick something that's already been featured :)08:45
Burgundaviafor the feature of the week?08:46
Burgundaviawe would love a Kubuntu feature this week, as we try and alternate08:46
somerville32What about sshfs?08:46
KenSentMeGood morning everyone08:47
Burgundaviawe could do a non-desktop specific feature08:47
elkbuntuthat would have the non-gui users tickled08:48
somerville32This is exciting08:50
BurgundaviaI am glad to have more people writing08:52
somerville32Well, I'm going to goto bed - 4am here08:53
somerville32I'll start working on an article once I get up08:53
somerville32Maybe if I wake up in time, I'll be able to do an exclusive on the TB meeting <g> ;] 08:53
=== somerville32 waves
Burgundaviavote: http://www.gnome.org/projects/gnome-games/survey.html09:14
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johnlittleBig time press today: http://wired.com/03:18
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KenSentMejohnlittle: the review is not too positive, but true04:22
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BurgworkMitchM, ?07:47
MitchMgreetings; whats the url for the ubuntu stickers?07:49
MitchMi seem to ahve misplaced it07:49
Burgworkwhich stickers?07:52
BurgworkDIYMarketing on the wiki likely has it07:52
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MitchMnot the ones i was looking for...08:03
MitchMnixternal: have the url for the kubuntu stickers>08:03
Burgworkthe ones that say powered by ubuntu?08:03
MitchMI believe it was you that did them.08:03
MitchMJenda: I would like to order in another set of stickers also; let me know when your available. =)08:03
Burgworkjenda did some, but system76 also did some08:04
MitchMjenda made some; but there was a page with svg filse08:05
MitchMI wanted to look at08:05
MitchMI'll catch jenda on jabber later though...08:06
=== MitchM cheers
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matthewrevellgood to know10:37
nixternalwell well well, tell me trouble just didn't walk through the door ;)10:41
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matthewrevellevening all10:56
=== somerville32 is back.
=== Klaidas is shoulder
dotwafflesomerville32: Trust me, turn off you away/back announces. It's spawned many a flamewar.11:24
nixternalor causes people like to to k/b ya ;)11:27
nixternallike to to11:27
nixternallike me*11:27
=== somerville32 is away
somerville32I kid I kid! :P11:30
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jendaMitchM: ping11:44
jendaHello all11:44
jendaHey matthewrevell 11:44
jendaShipment all OK? ;)11:44
dotwafflejenda: You "dealing" with matthewrevell?:)11:47
jendayep ;)11:47
jenda$3 deal there.11:47
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