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LaserJockhi nixternal 06:14
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MadpilotBurgundavia, made it... not sure why it took XChat so long to connect, though...08:32
Burgundaviafreenode, likely08:32
jsgotangcoits freenode08:33
jsgotangcothe new debian chat server is lightning fast08:33
Madpilottrue, but the Debian server likely also has a lot fewer users than freenode08:34
Burgundaviadebian is oftc08:35
BurgundaviaI have not seen numbers08:35
BurgundaviaMadpilot: what was that other browser based game you referred to?08:43
MadpilotBurgundavia, shartak.com08:43
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Mithrandirhi, we're getting close to a new knot release, so I was wondering if any of you could whip up a "what's new and shiny in knot-2" page similar to what we had for the flights in dapper?10:42
jsgotangcohow soon are you looking?10:43
Mithrandirwell, I'd like to do the release tomorrow, so I know I'm a bit late this time. :-/10:44
Mithrandireven so, having the page on Friday would be a lot more useful than not at all10:44
jsgotangcohmmm i don't have my edgy handy here but ill look into the old wiki pages, i have a few days to spare till i move to my new work next monday10:46
Mithrandiroh, great thanks! :-)10:47
Mithrandircan you get the rest of the docteam to help you if you need that, too?10:47
jsgotangcoyes of course10:47
jsgotangcoi'll probably ask someone doing kubuntu too10:47
jsgotangcoi think they had a knot-1 preview before :/10:47
Mithrandirthanks a lot10:48
jsgotangcoouch the kubuntu guys are creaming us10:51
jsgotangcoMithrandir: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyEft/Knot2/10:51
jsgotangcosomeone already started it10:51
jsgotangcojust needs cleanup now nice10:51
Mithrandiroh, excellent. :-)10:53
MithrandirI'll leave it your and the rest of the docteam's capable hands, then.10:53
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glatzormdke: hi. andreas llyod visted me the last days and we talked a little bit about the documentation. So I would like to point to a nice feature of the German Ubuntu wiki. It provides knowledge dependencies: At the top of each site there is a list of wiki pages that should have read before. Currently the server seems to be down or quite slow. You could take a look at http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/04:40
glatzormdke: the German documentation wiki is quite large: it has more than 1300 pages.04:41
jjesseglatzor: that's awesome :)04:42
jjessejust make sure Riddell keeps them under an hour :)04:42
jjessedoh wrong channel04:42
glatzorjjesse: yeah it is. Especially since it is maintained mostly by three guys04:42
glatzorand they review 1200 pages for dapper 04:43
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mdkeglatzor: ok, I'll look09:01
mdkeI was vaguely aware that the german wiki was really good09:02
glatzoryou can talk to them on #ubuntuusers-wiki09:08
glatzormdke: 09:08
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