
SanneXcalibur: of course I'm not able to find the page again, so I will have to write it up for you. Can you wait a bit longer?12:09
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eghjayteehey there12:12
eghjayteeI have installed ruby from apt but it has no irb, and there is no irp package. what am I missing?12:13
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misieqdo i have to run some rsync daemon in order to get files with rsync from some host or what?12:16
misieqand what ports does rsync use?12:16
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:18
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AZ_ASargh, can't find this theme I downloaded for KDE...and I can't seem to quite master the find function in it so don't know where to look for it12:22
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ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource12:23
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scabootsscaok i need help i cant get kubuntu to start like it loads and stuff like where it would usually go to the login screen it just goes to where it has the words kubuntu and the little loader bar and sits there12:23
ubotukcalc: calculator for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.2-0ubuntu8 (dapper), package size 184 kB, installed size 684 kB12:23
lotusleafkcalc crashes kicker12:23
=== darich_ [n=trickyki@host81-157-46-1.range81-157.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic12:24
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Xcaliburback now12:26
Xcaliburdid he give me a link12:26
Xcaliburyeah, I can wait12:27
Xcaliburyeah scabootssca, that happened to me with my really old PC12:29
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scabootsscahow did you fix it?12:29
Xcaliburget the alternate install CD12:29
Xcaliburit's console like12:30
Xcaliburnot graphical12:30
Xcaliburhey scaboot, you using a compaq presario12:30
=== reddwolf78 [n=reddwolf@c-68-54-189-73.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
scabootsscait's custom built12:31
Xcaliburi tried it on 2 different presarios, I had the same prob, whats your BIOS?12:31
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scabootsscaasus mobob and the bios is by phoenix lab12:31
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scabootsscait worked bbefore12:32
scabootsscait jsut stopped working12:32
scabootsscaand did that before12:32
scabootsscaon earlier installs12:32
shannoncould someone tell me where to find a how-to on copying linux partitions?12:32
inteliwasp_how do i dissable the standby function on my laptop?12:32
CVirusshannon: on google ?12:32
Xcaliburmine had an asus bios, it was like a green ball, then, my other one had the original compaq bios12:32
Xcalibur!seen sane12:33
ubotuI haven't seen sane recently12:33
shannonI looked on google, but I couldn't find anything good....12:33
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CVirusinteliwasp_: man dd12:33
Xcalibur!seen Sanne12:33
ubotuI last saw Sanne (n=Sanne@p548D813E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) 7m 42s ago, quiting: "Bye"12:33
mxffmpeg doesnt seem to like recording an sdl app =(12:33
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Xcaliburdoes anyone kn ow how to install grub12:34
mxi wish i did12:34
LeeJunFanXcalibur: you mean to tell grub to install your MBR? or do you mean to get grub on your computer?12:35
inteliwasp_CVirus:  er... wrong program, but i found what i was looking for anyway12:35
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pointwoodwhat firewall gui is recommended to use? I can see guarddog and kmyfirewall?12:35
LeeJunFanXcalibur: grub-install hd0 ?12:35
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LeeJunFanpointwood: firewalls are for sissies, real men walk around with their pants down! :p12:36
=== Martijn81 pull his pants down :)
LeeJunFanpointwood: personally I've never used a firewall utility, just iptables at the command line.12:36
stray77Xcaliber, try the super grub disk ->http://adrian15.raulete.net/grub/tiki-index.php12:37
charimshi everyone12:37
charimsCharims is back!12:37
stray77Super Grub Disk is a bootable floppy or cdrom oriented towards system rescue, and more specifically to boot and restore of boot.12:37
pointwoodI'm no network expert12:37
LeeJunFanpointwood: iptables -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT && iptables -A INPUT -m state NEW,INVALID -j DROP12:38
pointwoodand since this machine is currently directly connected to the net, I would gather it would be a good idea with some kind of FW :)12:38
LeeJunFanpointwood: that pretty much sums it up.12:38
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LeeJunFanpointwood: man iptables - learn iptables, if you learn iptables you will be able to do wonderful things.12:38
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pointwoodLeeJunFan: yeah, it is a bit complex imho - I have seen it compared to pf and the syntax is much nicer IMHO12:39
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ravenousfirestarter is probably the most popular iptables frontend12:39
LeeJunFanpointwood: those commands I listed above will give you the same security as if you were behind a firewall router.12:40
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LeeJunFanpointwood: of course if you want to open some ports you'll need more.12:40
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inteliwasp_is there anythig i can do to make the audio quality better?12:42
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Xcaliburon my computer i need grub!12:43
ravenousbuy a better soundcard?12:43
inteliwasp_er... i'm on a budget and useing a laptop...12:43
pointwoodLeeJunFan: yeah, I'm looking at guarddog ATM, looks pretty okay actaully :)12:44
LeeJunFanXcalibur: pay attention - scroll up about 10 mins.12:44
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inteliwasp_it just that a known good sound file play badly on this distro fror some reason12:44
LeeJunFaninteliwasp_: what kind of soundfile?12:45
LeeJunFaninteliwasp_: what are you using to play it?12:45
inteliwasp_havent tries the others yet12:45
inteliwasp_and amark12:45
LeeJunFaninteliwasp_: personally haven't used xmms in a long time, amarok yes.12:45
inteliwasp_oh yea, kaffine plays bad too12:46
pointwoodanyway, time to sleep for me - nite12:46
LeeJunFaninteliwasp_: what's it sound like? choppy?12:46
reddwolf78does anyone know how i can get the active x file that i need for the winamp player12:46
inteliwasp_er... stacticly like it was xmitted poorly or too much compression12:47
inteliwasp_but the same files on my ipod play perfect12:47
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CharlieZeroYeah maybe I'm an idiot, but should it be difficult to up my resolution above 1024 x 768 on Kubuntu 6?  I've never used Linux before today.12:49
LeeJunFaninteliwasp_: open a konsole and type cat /proc/interrupts and pastebin the results, and gimme the link. Maybe an IRQ conflict?12:49
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mxhow do i make kde stop loading all the windows i had open last time i logged in?12:50
LeeJunFaninteliwasp_: I've had times with IRC conflicts with sound and USB on the same channel and when I keep the mouse moving sound was smooth.12:50
Martijn81CharlieZero: should be easy with kcontrol as long as the xorg.conf config file has been configured nicely12:50
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mxhaving 10 windows pop up with quit confirmations every time i have to ctrl+alt+backspace and log back in is getting a bit old12:51
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dennisharrison_Ahello hello12:51
LeeJunFanmx: alt-f2 kcontrol KDE Components->Session Manager->On Login12:51
mxLeeJunFan: thanks12:52
CharlieZeroMartijn81: do i check using console?12:52
mxwill it remember that if i ctrl+alt+backspace again?12:52
dennisharrison_Ahow can I remove a package from apt-get list so I can install stuff again?12:52
LeeJunFanmx: yes.12:52
dennisharrison_AE: The package gpar2 needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it12:52
LeeJunFanmx: as long as you hit ok/apply12:52
LeeJunFanmx: so if you have it set for open empty session it will not start a bunch of crap automatically.12:53
mxLeeJunFan: already done :p12:53
CharlieZeroMartijn: Thanks - gotta go, though.12:53
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Martijn81CharlieZero: you could check /etc/X11/xorg.conf and look if your monitor is recognized nicely in "Section "Monitor", or you can just look in kcontrol and see if there's a higher resolution available12:55
now3dCould someone point me at how I can switch my default Kubuntu WWW browser from Konqueror to Firefox please?12:55
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dennisharrison_Axrandr -s whatever also Martijn8112:55
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inteliwasp_LeeJunFan:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org12:56
dennisharrison_AE: The package gpar2 needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it12:56
inteliwasp_LeeJunFan:  opps wrong one12:56
dennisharrison_AI get this everytime I try to do anything with apt-get12:56
LeeJunFannow3d: alt-f2 "kcontrol" kde components->default applications12:56
dennisharrison_Ahow should I address this?12:56
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inteliwasp_LeeJunFan:  http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/78019712:56
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mxhow do i kill kopete's urge to bother me about kwallet every time it's opened?12:57
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LeeJunFanmx: configure kwallet with no password.12:57
Martijn81mx: by configuring kopete to not save it12:58
dennisharrison_Aanyone here ever run into this problem?12:58
dennisharrison_Asorry I am new to linux12:58
Martijn81mx: and using kde-pwmanager instead12:58
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dennisharrison_Ajust trying to install python-setuptools12:58
dennisharrison_AI get12:58
dennisharrison_AE: The package gpar2 needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it12:58
mxi dont want a password manager lol12:58
dennisharrison_Awhen doing apt-get install python-setuptools12:58
LeeJunFaninteliwasp_: so much for that hunch :( Your sound is all alone on it's interrupt.12:58
LeeJunFaninteliwasp_: there are some arts config things you might try - like running it in realtime prioroty, but in order to do that you must first "sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/artswrapper" then restart arts.12:59
now3dLeeJunFan: Thanks for the tip. System Settings locked up.. going to log out and restart to see if that fixes it.01:00
inteliwasp_LeeJunFan:  arts? i'm using alsa...01:00
LeeJunFanarts talks to alsa.01:00
LeeJunFankde apps use arts, to talk to your driver, which is alsa.01:01
inteliwasp_ok i did the chmod, how do i restart it?01:02
LeeJunFandennisharrison_A: try dpkg -P gpar201:02
dennisharrison_Asays I should reinstall it because its in a very bad inconsistent state01:03
dennisharrison_Ayay ;p01:03
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Martijn81mx: AFAIK it's either pwmanager or kwallet if you want to save the passwd, safety first thing i guess01:04
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LeeJunFan!seen kkathman01:07
ubotuI last saw kkathman (i=kkathman@ 17h 41m 58s ago, quiting:01:07
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Martijn81dennisharrison_A: tried sudo dpkg --reconfigure -a ?01:12
dennisharrison_Alet me try01:14
mxwhat library has expat.h?01:16
slicslakcan someone recomend some cli audio manipulation tools?01:16
Martijn81dennisharrison_A: you can also check if the package is available by the repo with apt-cache policy packagename01:16
dennisharrison_Aits no available01:17
dennisharrison_AI want to remove it01:17
dennisharrison_Asomehow its in the package list01:17
dennisharrison_AI still have the deb file I used to install it01:17
Martijn81dennisharrison_A: then try removing and re-installing it i guess01:18
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dennisharrison_Ak brb01:18
=== Danish [n=chatzill@cpe-66-27-215-130.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
dennisharrison_Adennisharrison@dh-desk:~$ sudo dpkg --configure gpar201:20
dennisharrison_Adpkg: error processing gpar2 (--configure):01:20
dennisharrison_A package gpar2 is not ready for configuration01:20
dennisharrison_A cannot configure (current status `half-installed')01:20
dennisharrison_AErrors were encountered while processing:01:20
dennisharrison_A gpar201:20
Martijn81dennisharrison_A: sudo aptitude remove gpar2 then01:21
dennisharrison_Awow .. this is a consistent bugger01:22
dennisharrison_Adpkg: error processing gpar2 (--remove):01:22
dennisharrison_A Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should01:22
dennisharrison_A reinstall it before attempting a removal.01:22
dennisharrison_Aterminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::logic_error'01:22
dennisharrison_A  what():  basic_string::_S_construct NULL not valid01:22
Martijn81nasty, hmm, i would try and do aptitude reinstall gpar201:23
Danishis there a way to minimize firefox to system tray rather than exiting01:23
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Hawkwinddennisharrison_A: Please use pastebin.ca from now on when pasting things and not pasting to the channel01:24
Admiral_Chicagodennisharrison_A, sudo aptittude purge gpar2?01:24
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)01:24
dennisharrison_Ayeah I figured they were small enough01:25
dennisharrison_Alet me try Admiral_Chicago01:25
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fnTc^spNkcan i ask a question?01:25
charimsHi everyone, i have an ongoing sound problem, but it seems to be getting better, i still need help though. All of my info is here, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22022               Note: the only things i can get to make sound are Gaim, and Amarok (though it freezes right after trying)01:25
Admiral_ChicagofnTc^spNk, ask01:25
fnTc^spNki tried to install my nvidia drivers01:26
dennisharrison_AAdmiral_Chicago, it gives me the same error as a dpkg purge01:26
dennisharrison_AI get errors when trying to install from the .deb01:26
fnTc^spNkbut everytime i restart x, i get the error module nvidie not found01:26
dennisharrison_Atelling me I need gnome desktop data01:26
dennisharrison_Anow I can't install or uninstall anything01:26
Admiral_Chicagodennisharrison_A, try doing a man dpkg01:26
fnTc^spNkthen i need to edit the xorg.conf before i can start X again01:26
Admiral_Chicagoor rather a dpkg -f01:26
dennisharrison_AAdeman, oh boy :( hehe all I want is to code some python ;p01:26
Admiral_ChicagofnTc^spNk, try editing you /etc/xorg.conf to nv01:27
Admiral_Chicagothe driver01:27
Admiral_Chicagoinstead of nvidia.01:27
fnTc^spNkyeah i did01:27
fnTc^spNkbut i have to set nvidia to get my drivers working?01:27
Admiral_Chicagono, nv is the open source version01:27
Admiral_Chicagoit'll recongnize your card though01:27
fnTc^spNkwell it doesnt say 7800GT01:28
Admiral_Chicagoyou probably have nvidia somewhere in the file01:28
fnTc^spNkit says nvidia card01:28
fnTc^spNkand i still cant play a game :(01:28
fnTc^spNki get opengl error01:28
fnTc^spNkwich means problems with driver01:28
Admiral_ChicagofnTc^spNk, try "sudo dpkg-configure xserver-xorg"01:28
fnTc^spNksudo: dpkg-configure: command not found01:29
Admiral_Chicagospace the hypen01:29
Admiral_Chicagosorry i forget the command and spacking01:29
Admiral_Chicago-  <-- that thing01:30
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Admiral_ChicagofnTc^spNk, try "sudo dpkg -configure xserver-xorg"01:30
fnTc^spNkoh ok01:30
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fnTc^spNkunknown option "o" ? :\01:30
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Admiral_Chicagohold on i forget the commandh01:31
inteliwasphow can i move filefolders as a superuser in the gui?01:32
fnTc^spNkwell i wont run away :)01:32
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now3dyou are lucky to get that nick01:33
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Admiral_Chicago sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg01:34
now3dCould someone tell me if it is possible to get Thunderbird to launch firefox instead of Konqueror please?  Also if it is posible for Firefox email links to launch thunderbird compose window please?01:34
Admiral_Chicagonow3d, check the default browser01:34
charimsHi everyone, i have an ongoing sound problem, but it seems to be getting better, i still need help though. All of my info is here, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22022               Note: the only things i can get to make sound are Gaim, and Amarok (though it freezes right after trying) I have post on both the Kubuntu and Ubuntu forums, i have been dealing with this problem uopwards of a week.01:34
Admiral_Chicagosystem settings01:34
now3dAdmiral_Chicago: Yep, I have firefox as the default browser01:34
Admiral_Chicagonow3d, that's the only thing i can think of01:35
now3dAdmiral_Chicago: Also i set thunderbird as the default email app there i think01:36
now3dAdmiral_Chicago: its all crashing now.. hope my hd isnt knacked.. i just reinstalled after the last one failed..01:36
Admiral_Chicagocharims, i think you snd- is wrong01:36
MetaMorfoziShow can i set the DISPLAY parameter from terminal?01:36
AZ_ASargh....every time I try to open up a local theme for SuperKaramba, I get something about "the specified folder does not exist or was not readable"01:36
Admiral_Chicagonow3d, that doesn't seem like it's related to your email issue01:36
MetaMorfoziSif i want to start an application frtom tty but on 0:001:36
charimsAdmiral_chicago :really, for an Nvidia CK8, i'm using snd-Intel8x0 which i belive is correct...01:37
AZ_ASmaybe I'm not cut out for Kubuntu01:37
AZ_ASor linux in general01:37
Admiral_ChicagoAZ_AS, maybe you should roll back the SK version01:37
Admiral_Chicagoand try that01:37
dennisharrison_Adpkg --force-remove-reinstreq asks me to supply an action item01:37
AZ_ASI don't know how to do that01:37
now3dI get an X error when on TTY when i run applications from there, do you guys see that too? firefox, xchat.. evertything..01:38
AZ_ASrunning Kubuntu in a virtual machine if that makes any difference01:38
now3d"Failed to open device, X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 166"  etc etc01:38
fnTc^spNkImPS/2 of explorerPS/2 what is the difference?01:38
now3d Major opcode:  144, Minor opcode:  301:38
Admiral_Chicagonow3d, because you aren't supposed to launch them like that01:38
now3dAdmiral_Chicago: hmm, its never been a problem before... why is it any different from the Run command?01:39
Admiral_Chicagocharims, sorry i thought there was an nvidia snd01:39
Admiral_Chicagonow3d, there isn't01:39
Admiral_Chicagothats why there is one in the K menu01:39
pascalFRMetaMorfoziS: export DISPLAY=0:001:39
charimsAdmiral_chicago: Its fine, thankyou01:40
Admiral_Chicagobasically if you need to launch something, use the run command01:40
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Admiral_Chicagobut for terminal stuff, it can mess up the program iiirr01:40
AZ_AShow do I roll back the SK version?01:40
Admiral_Chicagouh hold on01:40
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archangel_good evening foks01:41
now3dAdmiral_Chicago: do you know why it started showing up in latest kubuntu?01:41
Admiral_Chicagotype man dpkg in the console01:41
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AZ_ASI used Adept to install SK01:41
dennisharrison_AI mean ok01:41
dennisharrison_Aman dpkg gives me some information01:42
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dennisharrison_Ait tells me to use dpkg --force-remove-reinstreq01:42
archangel_anybody really good here at fixing display res when everyting is "working correctly"?01:42
dennisharrison_Abut that tells me it needs an action01:42
archangel_nobody has been able to fix it01:42
archangel_thinking I might have to reinstall01:43
dennisharrison_Axrandr -s 1280x1024 or similar archangel_  ?01:43
geeckohi i'm having trouble editting my kmenu, when i save my changes, they don't stick01:43
Admiral_ChicagoAZ_AS, do an dpkg-configure superkaramba01:43
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now3dAdmiral_Chicago: ok, i found out why, for some reason they added a /dev/wacom InputDevice01:43
archangel_actually 1440x900 dennisharrison_A01:43
Admiral_Chicagothats odd01:43
dennisharrison_Aok and it doesn't work archangel_ ?01:43
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archangel_no man, and I'm stuck01:44
archangel_no clue why01:44
dennisharrison_Awhat x server and what driver?01:44
dennisharrison_Aand what monitor? ;p01:44
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archangel_kde, nvidia, ViewSonic VA1912wb    19"01:45
archangel_I'll tell you what happend01:45
geeckodoes anyone know where kmenu files are stored? i'm guessing it might be a file rights issue01:45
kutanCan someone help me with a precarious subject?01:46
AZ_ASack, too late...reverted to a snapshot in VMWare01:46
archangel_my mom pushed power thinking the pc was off01:46
MetaMorfoziSplease ehlp me! i have this:01:46
archangel_when the pc rebooted.........640x480 and no other option01:46
charimshaha, archangel_ you have been dealing with that problem for i while, huh, i remeber you from another day...01:47
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[matrix] hello01:47
[matrix] all01:47
[matrix] kubuntu people01:47
archangel_dude no one can fix it charims01:47
archangel_lol it sucks01:47
archangel_I have the biggest icons on the planet01:47
charimsyeah, same here with ym sound01:48
archangel_need a sound card?01:48
[matrix] hey guys01:48
MetaMorfoziSi have this, please help me01:48
[matrix] can i ask somthig01:48
geeckoarchangel_: you've tried doing dpkg --reconfigure xorg-server?01:48
charimsArchangel_ everyone overat the ubuntu channel got all hyped up becuase i asked my question a second time after about 10 minutes... haha then they said go here, where noone seems to be able to help me either.01:48
[matrix] can u tell me a good firewall01:48
Dr_Willisyou just did. :P01:48
Dr_Williscare to ask somthing else? :P01:48
archangel_yes geecko01:49
Dr_WillisLinux has its own firewalling features built in.01:49
[matrix] no another one01:49
geeckothat's all i got :\01:49
[matrix] i used guardog01:49
dennisharrison_Aor you can use .. uhmm01:49
Dr_Willisyou mean an alternative firewall to the one built in?01:49
archangel_thanks dude  geecko01:49
Dr_WillisGuarddog is JUST a front end to the iptables/linux firewall01:49
dennisharrison_Afirestarter right?01:49
[matrix] yup Dr_Willis01:49
AZ_ASanyone ever feel so frustrated when they were starting out with Kubuntu that they wanted to beat up their computer?01:49
Dr_Willisas is firestarter01:49
archangel_what do you think? dennisharrison_A01:49
mxis there a way to make progs like konversation and kopete automatically use the colors specified by kde?01:49
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fnTc^spNkAdmiral_Chicago: it still doesnt work01:50
[matrix] firestarter?01:50
[matrix] it's ok01:50
fnTc^spNknvidia kernel not found or something01:50
charimsFinally, someone in Ubuntu gave me something to do...01:50
charimseven if it probably won't work01:50
poseidonHow can I scan something using SANE?01:50
Dr_Willisfirestarter and guarddog are front ends that just make the proper iptables rules01:51
archangel_Gwenview used my scanner with NO setup, it just worked01:51
dennisharrison_Aarchangel_, all I can tell you is that its the xserver settings01:52
h3sp4wnipkungfu I would prefer to firestarted or guarddog01:52
dennisharrison_AI doubt its in the driver01:52
dennisharrison_Abut if you have had the problem for a few days I am going to guess you tried to configure xserver-xorg01:52
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archangel_how would it screwup by a hard reset?01:52
[matrix] sory can we talk here about p2p prog  so i can say why i need a firewall01:52
dennisharrison_Aand you have tried reverting to vesa drivers to see if you can get your resolution back01:53
archangel_hey, no I didnt do that01:53
[matrix] so? can i?01:53
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fnTc^spNkAdmiral_Chicago: u still there? :C01:54
MetaMorfoziSplease help me about this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2210101:55
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archangel_hey how do I select vesa driver over my nvidia driver?02:00
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archangel_it would let me do it in systen settings02:00
archangel_I mean wouldnt let me02:00
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satemplerhow do I enable Zeroconfig02:00
satempleri have avahi-daemon installed02:01
satemplerand most other things involving avahi02:01
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Phantom784hi.  i'm trying to transfer an entire folder in KFTP, but it won't move.  it says it transfered successfully instantlly, but nothing happens02:03
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now3dHi, is anyone using thunderbird and manged to get it to take mailto links from firefox?02:04
h3sp4wnnow3d: edit prefs.js02:04
archangel_it goes to konquror02:04
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now3dh3sp4wn: think you're going to have to give me more clues than that. I alredy edited my prefs.js ther isnt anyting about mailto there02:05
archangel_ hey how do I select vesa driver over my nvidia driver?02:06
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now3darchanglel_: change "nv" to "vesa" in xorg.conf02:07
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host-onehi guys02:07
=== Dr_Willis wonders what p2p has todo with firewalls
dennisharrison_Acan someone take a look at that02:07
dennisharrison_AI tried to go to #debian with it but they referred me here02:08
archangel_what is the command?02:08
h3sp4wnnow3d: user_pref("network.protocol-handler.app.http", "/opt/firefox/firefox"); (whilst thunderbird is closed or it will overwrite it)02:08
host-onedo you have a repository list for (k)ubuntu? please help me02:08
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h3sp4wnnow3d: user_pref("network.protocol-handler.app.https", "/opt/firefox/firefox"); (also if you need it)02:08
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h3sp4wnnow3d: adjust the paths to suit02:08
Dr_Willisdennisharrison_A,  perhaps summerize the problem?02:08
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic02:08
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dennisharrison_Awhenever I use apt-get to install or remove anything I get stopped at E: The package gpar2 needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it02:09
dennisharrison_Aand dpkg - P gpar2 gives me02:09
now3dh3sp4wn: echelente! thanks02:10
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dennisharrison_APackage is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should reinstall it before attempting a removal.02:10
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dennisharrison_Aand the pastebin link I just posted shows what happens when I run dpkg -f install02:11
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dennisharrison_Aand what happens when I try to reinstall gpar2 using the .deb02:11
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Dr_Willis!info gpar202:11
ubotuPackage gpar2 does not exist in any distro I know02:11
dennisharrison_Aits not in the repositories02:12
Dr_WillisHmm.. where did gpar2 even come from? :P02:12
dennisharrison_AI just want to nuke it02:12
Dr_Willisyou should be able to remove it. with --force perhaps02:12
ubotuapt is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto  -  Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)02:12
dennisharrison_Aits a utility to combine par files with missing chunks of archives02:12
Dr_Willisthat url has a link to the main apt-get book.02:12
Dr_Willisthat details some cases what todo when things break like that.  Ive rarely had to --force things02:13
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dennisharrison_Aoh and when I try dpkg --force-remove-reinstreq02:13
dennisharrison_AI get dpkg: need an action option02:13
Dr_Willisthe #ubuntu guys can proberly help ya better. my apt-get fuu is not that good.02:13
Dr_Willisthats saying your command line is wrong. :P02:13
dennisharrison_Ahaha I know02:13
dennisharrison_Abut its what man dpkg tells me02:14
Dr_Willisdpkg --force-remove remove or somthing.02:14
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dennisharrison_Alemme try02:14
h3sp4wndennisharrison_A: dpkg -force-remove-reinstreq02:14
fnTc^spNkso uhm, anyone knows anything else? (installing nvidia drivers :r)02:15
dennisharrison_Athanks h3sp4wn02:15
dennisharrison_Anow I get dpkg: unknown option -o02:15
dennisharrison_Ahehe, this is the best ever02:15
h3sp4wndennisharrison_A: dpkg dpkg -r remove-reinstreq02:16
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h3sp4wn(I have to work it out everytime I need to use it which is pretty infrequently)02:17
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dennisharrison_Adpkg - warning: ignoring request to remove remove-reinstreq which isn't installed02:17
dennisharrison_Ahehe I think you have me pretty darn close my man ;p02:17
h3sp4wndpkg -r --force-remove-reinstreq02:18
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dennisharrison_Aok ...02:19
dennisharrison_Amaybe that was it02:19
dennisharrison_Alets see02:19
h3sp4wn(I just actually tested it and that worked for me)02:19
dennisharrison_Agod ...02:20
dennisharrison_Agave me an error with gpar202:20
dennisharrison_Astill the same thing02:20
dennisharrison_Asubprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 12702:20
h3sp4wn/var/lib/dpkg/info/gpar2.postrm (have a look at that attempt to see what it is trying to do - if that doesn't work then just make sure it exit 0; s)02:21
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dennisharrison_Anothing there02:23
dennisharrison_Ablank file02:23
dennisharrison_Aforgot info02:23
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h3sp4wn(that may not be the exact name of it)02:23
dennisharrison_Athere is no ; at the end of exit 002:23
h3sp4wnBut does the file exist ?02:24
dennisharrison_Athis is the command the system freaks out over02:24
dennisharrison_Athats line 25 in the file02:24
h3sp4wnIt shouldn't have the ; I am getting confused02:24
dennisharrison_Awell thats cool because its not getting past line 2502:25
dennisharrison_A/var/lib/dpkg/tmp.ci/postrm: line 25: update-desktop-database: command not found02:25
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charimsAnyone here who is familiar with aadebug and can take a look at my outputs? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22104 at the bottom02:26
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now3dh3sp4wn: thanks for those thunderbird http/s handers, is tehre a way I can get firefox to pass on mailto links to thunderbird too?02:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about aaedebug - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:26
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h3sp4wndennisharrison_A: install desktop-file-utils (if you can)02:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about aadebug - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:27
dennisharrison_Ahehe I can't02:27
dennisharrison_AI get an error about gpar2 ;p02:27
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dennisharrison_Athis is what I get for trying to download from newsgroups02:28
dennisharrison_AI get owned by my own stupidity02:28
h3sp4wndennisharrison_A: totally fudge it then hash out everything in the file except exit 0 (then try again)02:28
dennisharrison_Asure thing man ;p02:28
dennisharrison_Asounds good!02:28
dennisharrison_Aone sec02:28
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dennisharrison_Ahey in vim isn't there a way to add a hash to every line?02:29
Raliugai cant install Kubuntu =/02:29
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Marikitawhen the installer completes it show 2 squares, something like this:02:30
h3sp4wnnow3d: I have never done that02:31
now3dMarikta: looks liek corpption02:31
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now3dh3sp4wn: ok, thanks02:31
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dennisharrison_Ah3sp4wn, you are the shi....02:32
h3sp4wndennisharrison_A: did the fudge work ?02:32
Marikitammm thanks....02:32
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dennisharrison_Anow I can just remove those files manually02:32
aliasfredis there a linux tool to uncompress bin format ?02:32
dennisharrison_Arock on man thanks02:32
now3dh3sp4wn: btw, firefox doesnt popup when i click the http:// links.. it just appears as a tab behind thunderbird02:33
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now3dh3sp4wn: is there a way to get it to bring the window to the fore?02:33
dennisharrison_Ah3sp4wn, you really fixed my whole night man02:34
charimsAnyone here who is familiar with aadebug and can take a look at my outputs? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22104 at the bottom02:34
h3sp4wndennisharrison_A: np (and with that I am going to sleep - been awake for too long)02:34
dennisharrison_Ahehe rest up then bro ;p02:34
dennisharrison_Astop by #plone sometime02:34
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h3sp4wnnow3d: Select new tabs opened by links (try setting that in firefox)02:35
h3sp4wndennisharrison_A: what is #plone ?02:35
dennisharrison_Abased on http://www.zope.org02:35
dennisharrison_Asimilar to drupal02:35
dennisharrison_Abut better in my opinion02:35
kbrooksplone is written in python02:35
fnTc^spNknvidia X driver not found02:36
dennisharrison_Ayou can write python apps for the web using argoUML02:36
fnTc^spNkliek wtf02:36
h3sp4wnyuck python02:36
dennisharrison_Ayeah plone is written in python02:36
kbrooksh3sp4wn, .....02:36
h3sp4wnperl is much less typing :D02:36
kbrooksh3sp4wn, no ad hominem attacks please02:36
dennisharrison_Aoh but perl hurts my face02:36
dennisharrison_Aman try out plone02:36
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dennisharrison_Ayou will like it I bet if you like perl being easier then python ;p02:37
crimsuncharims: I need amixer output, too.02:37
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kbrooksh3sp4wn, you're not being civil.02:37
dennisharrison_Akbrooks, wtf are you talking about?02:37
[matrix] this channel is not moderated?02:38
[matrix] no op here?02:38
Dr_Willis[matrix] ,  they are here.02:38
dennisharrison_Athey are like submarines02:38
[matrix] where02:38
crimsunthere --->02:38
dennisharrison_Arising to the surface when you least expect it ;p02:38
Dr_Willisdoes it matter?02:38
[matrix] lol02:38
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[matrix] no prob just asking02:39
[matrix] :)02:39
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dennisharrison_Apretty sure you can use chanserv here for stuff like that?02:39
dennisharrison_Asorry im used to efnet ;p02:39
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Dr_Willisefnet = botwar net.02:39
[matrix] dr-willis you are one of them?02:39
Dr_Willisdalnet = xxx spam bot net. :P02:39
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charimscrimsun: how do i get amixer output?02:39
=== Dr_Willis keeps his secret identity a secret
crimsuncharims: ``amixer''. Pastebin it.02:39
Marikitasomeone can help me?02:39
Felix_if i want an info text if i come in a channel and go out where can I kofigurate that ?02:40
flaccidi need to install cisco vpn client. just compile from source? or can i use apt-get with a source?02:40
Felix_I've got Konversation!02:40
=== nomad411 [n=nomad411@CPE000d88f1925d-CM000a73668bc0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu
nomad411hey all!   Is anyone using Kubuntu on a macbook?  I'm sucrious to know how much more performing it is that way..02:41
[matrix] i don't know why but when a try to connect to hotmail site my broswer tells me that is not autenticated this site whats that'02:41
saltroplease give me chat kubuntu.es02:41
[matrix] ''02:41
nomad411sucrious = curious   hehe02:41
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.02:41
[matrix] ?02:41
saltrothanks men02:41
[matrix] Dr_Willis:  do you know whats that?02:41
=== tanghus [n=tol@0x50a14df4.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu
Dr_Willistry the firefox or opera browser yet?02:42
[matrix] i don't know why but when a try to connect to hotmail site my broswer tells me that is not autenticated site whats that?02:42
[matrix] yupo02:42
[matrix] i use firefox02:42
now3dh3sp4wn:  this did the trick from firefox:   user_pref("network.protocol-handler.external.mailto", "true"); user_pref("network.protocol-handler.app.mailto", "/usr/bin/mozilla-thunderbird");02:42
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charimscrimsun: Amixer output posted here at the end. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2210502:43
Felix_if i want an info text if i come in a channel and go out where can I kofigurate that ?02:43
[matrix] so why hotmail  com02:43
Dr_Willis[matrix] ,  it works fine for me.  You could clarify the error and check google for others with similer problem.02:43
[matrix] is not autenticated02:43
[matrix] i had to entry in hotmail it02:44
[matrix] maybe any body wants to bring my IP in this hack sites to take any password from me'02:44
[matrix] or no?02:44
Dr_Willis[matrix] ,  you realize that -  you are making very little sence.02:45
[matrix] no is not no sence02:45
dennisharrison_Amatrix whats your language?02:45
Dr_Willisdennisharrison_A,  :P02:45
[matrix] language?02:45
dennisharrison_ADr_Willis, well its a good question02:46
[matrix] i'm albanian and living in italy02:46
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ubotu         02:46
ubotu/join #ubuntu-il02:46
Dr_Willisdennisharrison_A,  yes i agree.02:46
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!02:46
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu, please report it at http://bugs.ubuntu.com02:46
[matrix] ah thnx02:46
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[matrix] may be i have a bug02:47
Dr_Williswow -  i get junk mail with a subject of -->  R0LX-RPLICS02:47
[matrix] lol02:47
dennisharrison_Aman .. I wanna GET me some of them ;p02:47
Dr_Willisfancy use of the extended characters... to get by the spam filters02:47
[matrix] !al02:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about al - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:47
[matrix] lol02:47
[matrix] no albanian02:47
[matrix] :D02:47
now3dnite guys02:47
crimsuncharims: sec, busy atm, will look in a sec02:48
[matrix] gn02:48
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dennisharrison_ADr_Willis, what filter are you using?02:48
charimscrimsun: kk, ty02:48
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Dr_Willisdennisharrison_A,  the hot mail defaults. :P02:49
dennisharrison_Ahotmail huh?02:49
Dr_Willisdennisharrison_A,  i just check hotmail about once a month and see how many spams i get.. and how many get through02:49
dennisharrison_Ano gmail?02:49
Dr_Willisgot that also.02:49
dennisharrison_Ahehe ok02:49
Dr_Willisand Linuxmail.org02:49
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dennisharrison_AI don't remember my hotmail account info02:49
Dr_Willisand Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.com mail.02:49
dennisharrison_AI am sure its deleted by now though02:49
[matrix] i hate hotmail02:49
[matrix] really02:49
Dr_Willis[matrix] ,  then stop using it. thers plenty of other free alternatives out02:50
dennisharrison_AI used to own a-z 2 or 3 times then up to l again .com02:50
[matrix] no just couse i use my msn02:50
dennisharrison_Awhatever the max was02:50
[matrix] with all friends of mine02:50
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ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT02:51
[matrix] swat?02:52
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:52
[matrix] sicure web autentication technology'02:53
[matrix] or no?02:53
crimsuncharims: does it freeze with:  watch -n30 'aplay /usr/share/sounds/KDE*up.wav'  ?02:53
=== CheeseBurgerMan [n=chatzill@24-247-185-68.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
Dr_WillisThats the free web email service to use! :P02:54
charimssorry, crimsun, i'm bak, lemme see02:56
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charimscrimsun: the terminal didn't freeze, and it played a sound, sounded like a heartbeat, then stopped, had to use ctrl-c to exit02:57
crimsuncharims: you're supposed to let it run continually. It'll attempt to play the same file every 30s02:58
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fnTc^spNksudo: nvidia-glx-config: command not found03:05
fnTc^spNkanyone can tell me what i can do about that? :\03:05
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flaccidwhy is printer system using cupsys as username?03:08
Ash-Foxhttp://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/kde-hal-device-manager/ <- Fantastic :D03:09
aaron_Anyone know how to connect Ubuntu via ethernet to a Minolta Magicolor printer?03:09
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Ash-Foxaaron_, tried cups?03:10
charimssorry, crimsun, i'm bak, will run it...03:11
aaron_yea, no joy.  though not totally clear on how to specify the ip address03:11
aaron_what format are you supposed to use?03:11
aaron_I have no problem getting it to work in XP.  no idea what protocol it's using03:11
charimsCrimsun: played the first time but not again afte that, again, sounded like a heartbeat, not sure if that is what its supposed to sound like.03:12
charimsCrimsun: It is still running, but no sound03:12
crimsuncharims: I don't think it's supposed to sound like that, no03:12
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aaron_what is a "URI"?03:13
flaccidUniform Resource Identifier03:13
CheeseBurgerManOh, I thought it was Indicater, but ah well. :)03:13
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charimsCrimsun: Yeah, there is no more sound from it03:14
aaron_how do I enter a dotted quad in "URI" format?  just x.x.x.x or does it need to be preceeded by something?03:14
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Ash-Foxaaron_, so, no luck at all with kdeprint?03:15
crimsuncharims: please try: sudo modprobe -r snd-intel8x0 && sudo modprobe snd-intel8x0 buggy_semaphore=103:15
Ash-Fox(which is a slightly easier frontend to cups's webbased interface)03:15
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Ash-Fox( if you want to use cups's webbased interface)03:16
flaccidaaron_: which protocol?03:16
[matrix] how can i use an ed2k link with mozilla firefox03:16
charimsCrimsun: Error:    FATAL: Module snd_intel8x0 is in use.03:16
[matrix] it says is not a registered protocol03:16
[matrix] ??03:17
Ash-Fox[matrix] , I suppose you could get/write a extention for firefox that uses the ed2k protocol03:17
charimsCrimsun: may i establish a DCC with you?03:17
[matrix] ah ok03:17
crimsuncharims: then stop whatever processes are using the sound device:  kill $(lsof -t /dev/dsp* /dev/snd/*)03:17
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[matrix] at extentions03:17
[matrix] ?03:17
crimsuncharims: my client ignores them03:17
charimscrimsun: ok03:18
charimscrimsun: both commands completed, my speakers cliked03:18
[matrix] Ash-Fox:  no  there is nothing03:18
crimsuncharims: now repeat the watch -n30 ..  command03:18
Ash-Fox[matrix] , guess you'll have to write one.03:19
Ash-FoxOr get someone else to make one.03:19
charimscrimsun: Error on watch command, ver long, posting on paste.ubuntu03:19
[matrix] lol03:19
[matrix] ahahhaha03:19
[matrix] i can't03:19
[matrix] do it by myself03:19
[matrix] can you?03:19
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Ash-FoxNot for free for something I have no interests in. Which would probably take mat least a month to get such a thing usable.03:20
[matrix] i can pay u03:20
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charimscrimsun: error on watch posted here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2210703:21
[matrix] i really need this03:21
Ash-Fox[matrix] , you're better off using craig's list, with someone who actually has a interest in emule stuff :P03:22
crimsuncharims: lsmod |grep ^snd_intel8x003:22
[matrix] craig's=? list03:22
[matrix] whats that03:22
charimsCrimsun: Output of lsmod= snd_intel8x0           34076  003:22
charimsCrimsun: grabbing a cookie03:23
Ash-Fox[matrix] , http://www.google.com/search?q=craig%27s+list03:23
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[matrix] Ash-Fox:  u use emule?03:24
charimsCrimsun: got a cookie, want one?03:24
Ash-Fox[matrix] , no.03:24
[matrix] no p2p for u03:24
Ash-FoxI use bittorent, and have yet to use it for any illegal puposes.03:25
[matrix] i can download files with 1570 kbps03:25
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[matrix] i have a 10mb connection03:26
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crimsuncharims: unload it again, reinsert it with the parameter above, and pastebin /proc/asound/cards content and dmesg03:26
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Ash-Fox[matrix] , okay?03:26
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[matrix] u are you happy with bittorent?03:27
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charimscrimsun: what parameter above? did i miss someting03:27
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InuDuelist"Our current schedule for releasing the final version of Flash Player 9 for Linux is early 2007. Many readers have understandably requested a beta version before that time. It is coming..."03:28
charimscrimsun:sorry that I'm sucha noob03:28
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fnTc^spNkmodule nvidia_legacy not found, can anyone tell me what this means? :c03:28
crimsunsudo modprobe -r snd-intel8x0 && sudo modprobe snd-intel8x0 buggy_semaphore=103:28
fnTc^spNkor how to install them03:28
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=== NickGarvey bites benjaminjfiyfgif
charimscrimsun: ran it, test now?03:29
[matrix] ash how much time do you need to download a 700 MB file?03:29
benjaminjfiyfgifhello nick03:29
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NickGarveybenjaminjfiyfgif: "/nick benjamin_"03:30
NickGarveybenjaminjfiyfgif: type that without the "03:30
stray77matrix, as what speed?03:30
Ash-Fox[matrix] , on my main connection, 15 minutes, on my secondary, probably five hours.03:30
[matrix] with Ash-Fox  connection03:30
[matrix] main? what is it?03:30
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charimscrimsun: tried testing, another long error, pasting on paste.ubutnu-nl.org03:31
crimsuncharims: yes03:31
stray77at 450kbps 700mb takes around 30 min03:31
Ash-Fox[matrix] , I have two ways of accessing the internet. A main one,  and a backup incase the main one goes out which I call a secondary connecction (which I'm using right now, because I'm waiting for the ISP to upgrade the main line)03:31
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[matrix] with mine i can download in 5 minutes03:32
[matrix] what connection is it<'03:32
charimscrimsun: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2210803:32
Ash-FoxADSL, I'm upgrading to HDSL though.03:32
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[matrix] i have optical fiber03:33
KaiHanaristray77, lies, perhaps at 450kb/s but not 450kbps03:33
Ash-Fox[matrix] , uh, what?03:33
[matrix] optical fiber or fibre03:33
[matrix] is an connection of high speed03:34
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[matrix] is a light connection03:34
benjamin_Hello, I am new to linux and I have a question.  I am running kubuntu and I would like to know how to set the transparency on my taskbar03:34
[matrix] Very fine, optically-pure glass fibre through which light can be reflected to transmit images or data from one end to the other.03:34
crimsuncharims: dmesg?03:35
Dr_Willisbenjamin_,  right click on it    and look under 'configure'03:35
[matrix] never heard about it'03:35
[matrix] hello Dr_Willis03:35
Ash-Fox[matrix] , I know what optical fiber is, but that isn't really the only technology you're using to get online.03:35
[matrix] no it is only my conection03:36
benjamin_Thanks Willis03:36
charimscrimsun: ran dmesg, extremeley long, hopefully none is cut off of the top... not sure if the termainl would do that03:36
[matrix] to get online you need a computer  and to put the optical fiber into the computer03:37
[matrix] :D03:37
charimscrimsun: results of dmesg posted at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2210903:37
Ash-Fox[matrix] , I mean for one, are you using ATM for communiating over fiber? is there pppoa/pppoe involved? What devices are being used to convert light to electric impluses etc03:37
[matrix] it is a big lan03:37
[matrix] named03:37
[matrix] fastweb italia03:37
[matrix] i really don't know what they use for03:38
[matrix] i just have the internet connection just paying this company03:38
crimsunholy crap03:39
[matrix] not really paying03:39
Hobbsee[matrix] : nice...where do you live?03:39
[matrix] i use a wirreles connection03:39
[matrix] :D03:39
Hobbseehi Jucato03:39
[matrix] italy03:39
Ash-Foxwireless is not fiber.03:39
[matrix] yup03:39
[matrix] but if03:39
[matrix] you take it03:39
[matrix] from a fiber03:39
crimsun[17179830.636000]  Bad page state at free_hot_cold_page (in process 'amarokapp', page c1347620)03:39
[matrix] :D03:39
[matrix] it is03:39
crimsun[17179830.636000]  Trying to fix it up, but a reboot is needed03:39
crimsunthat doesn't look good at all, charims. That looks like memory corruption.03:40
charimscrimsun: back, yeah, thats not good, but what is memory corruption cuased by?03:40
charimscrimsun: don't think its hardware, no problems in windows03:41
crimsuncharims: difficult to say right off. I'd start by rebooting from a live cd and running the memory test.03:41
charimscrimsun: have the livecd on hand, how long will that take approx.?03:41
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crimsuncharims: depends how much RAM you have03:41
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charimscrimsun 512 mb03:42
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crimsun30 mins to an hour03:42
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charimscrimsun: going to my laptop, will stay in touch during test, over and out03:43
RaydenUnican anyone here help me setup imwheel for kubuntu?03:43
crimsuncharims: I'm away for ~90mins03:43
charimscrimsun: kk03:43
Dr_WillisRaydenUni,  why do you need imwheel?03:44
RaydenUniback button on my mouse does not work03:44
RaydenUniand i just updated to dapper drake and it wanted to overwrite the imwheel config file and i told it not to because i thought i needed those settings03:44
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RaydenUnibut it didn't work so now i'm trying to find the original settings03:44
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RaydenUnii guess i do'nt need imwheel03:45
RaydenUnii just want my back button to work03:45
RaydenUnii got the wheel to work03:45
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Ash-Fox[matrix] , So... You're telling me you're using 'wireless fiber'?03:46
[matrix] no03:46
[matrix] i'm using03:46
[matrix] wirreles03:46
[matrix] conected with a fiber03:46
Khalek2I think what hes saying is the mythical fiber is connected into a long range router which sends the signal into his house.03:46
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nagyv_if I click on an mp3 file in Firefox then Kaffeine opens instead of amarok. How can I change this behavior?03:47
Ash-FoxNo, I think he means the radio waves are hitting a fiber.03:47
[matrix] configure amarok03:47
RaydenUniso no one knows how to get extra buttons working in kubuntu?03:47
[matrix] to opne mp303:47
[matrix] just go to an mp3 file and open with it03:48
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[matrix] hmmm03:48
Ash-FoxRaydenUni, I believe there is some method todo it in the xserver configuration.03:48
Ash-FoxRaydenUni, although you might want to poke at the stuff in [K] ->System first.03:48
=== Ash-Fox has never had a mouse beyond three buttons. So never needed to find out.
Dr_WillisRaydenUni,  i know ive seen several wikis that cover this. :P not all of them are specificially for ubuntu however.03:49
ubotuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto03:49
nagyv_RaydenUni: I know, here is a short description: http://www.rajk.uni-corvinus.hu/~nagyv/tmp/thePerfectDesktop-howtoforge.html03:49
Hobbsee[matrix] : nice...i didnt know they had fibre in italy....03:50
=== Hobbsee is envious
[matrix] yup03:50
[matrix] we have03:50
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[matrix] just a sec03:51
Ash-FoxThe US has a lot of darkfiber.03:51
[matrix] can i link here03:51
[matrix] is it spam?03:51
[matrix] my fiber is dark03:51
RaydenUniAsh-Fox nothing in the mouse settings03:52
Ash-Fox!mouse > RaydenUni03:52
[matrix] ash03:52
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[matrix] if i link is it spam03:52
[matrix] ??03:52
ubotuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto03:52
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nagyv_if I click on an mp3 file in Firefox then Kaffeine opens instead of amarok. How can I change this behavior?03:56
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Ash-Foxnagyv_, edit -> preferences -> downloads -> view & edit actions. You're better off using konqueror though.. Also you can do some messy hack that lets you use kde file choosers and kde's dcop for executing files...03:58
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Hobbseenagyv_: yes, right click on the mp3 in konqueror, open with, amarok03:58
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=== Jucato whistles...
somekooli cannot mount my NTFS partitions under kubuntu, any quick solution?03:58
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse03:58
Hobbseesomekool: ^03:58
HobbseeAsh-Fox: eh.  that's kinda annoying.03:59
somekoolbut FAT32 are not a problem,....03:59
Ash-FoxHobbsee, what is?03:59
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NickGarveywhat is a "theme" file?03:59
nagyv_the problem with konqueror is that is doesn't has the same set of extensions as Firefox does03:59
somekoolHobbsee: so, basically NTFS support is built-in in kubuntu LiveDVD kernel?03:59
douglasnot I am consiguindo to hear musicas?04:00
Ash-FoxNickGarvey, open a console, cd to the path where the file is, and do a 'file <filename>'.04:00
Hobbseesomekool: read support, not write.04:00
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nagyv_Ash-Fox: could you point me to a howto to change to kde's dcop in firefox?04:00
NickGarveyAsh-Fox: I downloaded a theme off kde-look.org, it a tar.gz, but I don't know what I do with that, I uncompressed it, but now what?04:00
HobbseeAsh-Fox: actually, there are vague plans to make a firefox-kde package or something04:00
Ash-Foxwrite support can be achieved using captiveNTFS.04:00
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://kdelook.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy04:00
ubotuInstall gnome-themes (gnome) or go to menu, system settings, appearance (KDE)04:00
Ash-Foxnagyv_, sure one sec.04:01
douglasnot it speaks  Ingles04:01
HobbseeNickGarvey: there you go :)04:01
somekoolI'll give it another try. but I just thought it should have been automatic. like FAT32 partitions, I can mount them right from KDE. without having to deal with fstab or anything04:01
JucatoWhat are the different kinds of themes in KDE? http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1255036&postcount=304:01
douglasIam it speaks Portugues - Brasil04:01
NickGarveyHobbsee: yes, I'm there, but it is looking for "theme" files when I go to install themes04:01
NickGarveyHobbsee: I don't know what a "theme" file is04:01
JucatoWhat are the different kinds of themes in KDE? http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1255036&postcount=304:01
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Hobbseesomekool: that's true, i'm not sure why the permissions on them are wrong by default04:03
HobbseeNickGarvey: then point it at the .tar.gz that you downloaded04:03
NickGarveyHobbsee: not letting me04:03
NickGarveyHobbsee: thats where I got confused04:03
HobbseeNickGarvey: what type of theme is it?  icon, colour?04:04
Ash-Foxnagyv_, here is something you can use for a template, http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Integrate_Firefox_with_KDE note: this is for gentoo not for kubuntu so the paths will not be the same.04:04
NickGarveyHobbsee: theme/style04:04
NickGarveyHobbsee: thats what it says on kde-look04:04
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HobbseeNickGarvey: system settings, appearance, import theme04:04
InuDuelistLOL LYK I M BAK LOL04:05
InuDuelistHi, all.04:05
=== Jucato sigh...
JucatoWhat are the different kinds of themes in KDE? http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1255036&postcount=304:05
Jucatoam I invisible or something?04:05
JucatoHobbsee: it might be a widget style that needs to be compiled/installed...04:05
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NickGarveyHobbsee: where is system settings? I am in personal settings..04:05
HawkwindJucato: We can't see you!04:05
HobbseeNickGarvey: system settings / kcontrol04:05
Hobbseeimbrandon: http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Integrate_Firefox_with_KDE04:05
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Ash-FoxJucato, I can't see you :(04:05
HobbseeJucato: true that, and some other settings04:05
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somekoolHobbsee: I'd say it something that should be fixed04:06
HobbseeJucato: neat!04:06
NickGarveyHobbsee: there is no "import theme" option, there is a "theme manager" option04:06
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JucatoNickGarvey: could you post a link to the theme/style you downloaded?04:06
Hobbseesomekool: indeed.  i think it was fixed in edgy04:06
HobbseeNickGarvey: see http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1255036&postcount=304:06
HobbseeNickGarvey: and look under appearances, not in the main system settings window04:06
Hobbseeubotu: ping04:07
Jucatoeheheh.... ubotu's kinda out of it, it seems...04:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about changetheme - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:08
ubotuInstall gnome-themes (gnome) or go to menu, system settings, appearance (KDE)04:08
Ash-FoxMaybe someone is flooding it04:08
ubotuchangethemes has no aliases - added by Seveas on 2006-06-18 16:25:4104:08
InuDuelistSometimes, I just wish Firefox wouldn't suck so much on Linux.04:08
eds01How can you get kubuntu to boot up into a terminal with a command prompt and all (so you have to sign in and start xwindows)?04:08
Hobbsee!no changethemes is <reply> Install gnome-themes (gnome) or go to menu, system settings, appearance (KDE).  For a good KDE guide, see http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1255036&postcount=304:09
ubotuI'll remember that, Hobbsee04:09
ubotuInstall gnome-themes (gnome) or go to menu, system settings, appearance (KDE).  For a good KDE guide, see http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1255036&postcount=304:09
Hobbseeeds01: disable kdm?04:09
eds01how?  i'm a bit of a newb, so...04:09
JucatoHobbsee: lol! thanks. I'm not sure if it's a "good" one. (but seriously, KDE-Look needs a bit of organization and a guide...)04:10
HobbseeJucato: true that04:10
HobbseeJucato: it looked okay from my small eyeballing of it :P04:10
Jucatoehehe thanks!04:10
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AZ_ASthere a way to tell Konqueror where to download files? I'm trying to find it but I don't see it yet in the Konqueror Configure options04:11
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InuDuelistIs there any way to change the color of the text on the taskbar?04:12
HobbseeAZ_AS: i would *think* that they're there04:12
InuDuelistIt's really starting to strain my eyes.04:12
AZ_ASsame here, Hobbsee but no luck in finding it yet04:12
HobbseeInuDuelist: system settings, appearances, colours.04:12
HobbseeInuDuelist: you can change almost anything you like there04:12
JucatoInuDuelist: I think the task bar text uses the color from the Button Text in System Settings04:12
Ash-FoxBy the way, is it a mistake that kcontrol isn't linked from anywhere on the menu?04:12
HobbseeAsh-Fox: no, duplicated by system settings04:13
InuDuelist(K)Ubuntu comes with a more user-friendly type of control center.04:13
=== Jucato is not sure about "user-friendly"....
HobbseeJucato: you should see the edgy one :)04:14
JucatoHobbsee: yeah! I'm looking forward to i04:14
Ash-FoxHobbsee, hm, I'm pretty sure some settings in kcontrol aren't accessible in system settings.04:15
InuDuelistJucato, which one's for the active windows?04:15
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HobbseeAsh-Fox: yes, true that.04:15
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HobbseeAsh-Fox: hence "more user friendly"04:15
Jucatobut for now... I'm sticking to KControl for a bit... hoping that a System Settings bug is fixed in KDE...04:15
HobbseeAsh-Fox: edgy's much better :)04:15
HobbseeJucato: which one?04:16
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JucatoHobbsee: Regional and Accessibility > Keyboard Shortcuts > swithching from Shortcut Schemes tab to Command Shortcuts tab crashes it04:17
InuDuelistFeck it.04:17
HobbseeJucato: ahh yes, i remember that one.  the one i could never reproduce.04:17
romeohello can someone give me a good repo to add to adept i m mostly looking for multimedia codecs and mplayer i also want to play commercial dvds .i have kubuntu 6.06 llts04:17
HobbseeJucato: they've changed the names around04:18
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource04:18
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:18
Hobbseeromeo: ^04:18
InuDuelistI think I'm just going to use Konquerer from now on.04:18
InuDuelistToo bad it's inferior.04:18
eds01so how do i disable kdm?04:18
Hobbseeeds01: probably try googling that - i dont remember04:19
romeo!restricted hobsee?04:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about restricted hobsee? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:19
JucatoHobbsee: they have???04:19
HobbseeJucato: system settigns got a lot of changes to it04:20
HobbseeJucato: they're still changing bits04:20
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Hobbseewell, not in the next couple of days, but after that we can :)04:20
Jucatoyou know what would be even better? If it could get a sort of KControlEdit equivalent!04:20
HobbseeJucato: kcontroledit?04:20
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JucatoHobbsee: yep04:20
Jucatohaven't tried that one yet?04:21
JucatoKControlEdit is the KMenuEdit of KControl04:21
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moj0risinghello, everyone. I have a very ugly question to ask.. hopefully I don't get kicked...04:22
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moj0rising...my current workplace is using AD. Being a linux person. I do not know how to do some simple administration things...04:22
flaccidne1 here use vpnc ?04:22
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moj0rising...like creating login scripts such that people get drive letters pointing to various shared on a network...04:23
HobbseeJucato: point.  that entire module isnt in, for some reason04:23
moj0risingany one know where I can get this info in a quick easy to digest manner?04:23
moj0risingSorry. I know it is an unrelated topic.04:24
CheeseBurgerManmoj0rising: I'd love to help, but I'm not even sure what you mean by "AD". :\04:24
moj0risingbut this was the best place I could think of to ask around. I have checked ms web site.04:24
moj0risingAD = active directory04:25
JucatoHobbsee: no. it's not a KControl module. KControlEdit is a separate program for editing the contents/organization of KControl.04:25
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HobbseeJucato: true that.  system settings is missing the module in kcontrol about it though04:25
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JucatoI would find it extremely nice if you could hide some of the stuff you don't commonly use in System Settings... (I have lots of those)04:27
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HobbseeJucato: that's what's been done.04:28
Jucatowill those changes be available in Knot 2?04:29
Hobbseemost of them04:29
Hobbseei think there are colour changes that arent04:29
HobbseeJucato: it's still very much a WIP04:29
Jucatostill, something to look forward to. After seeing YaST and drakconf, System Settings has become one of the things I want to become better04:31
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revrogueanyone interested in giving a linux newb a hand :)04:33
JucatoI'd be happy to give you an arm as well if I could :-D04:34
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charimscrimsun: Are you back from AFK?04:36
Jucato *** aseigo_boink is now known as aseigo. ... boink.... :-D04:36
revroguehave a small prob with my wireless ad I am usng dapper 6.0604:37
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LeeJunFanjust spit it out.04:37
Jucatooooh... unfortunately that's one area I can't help...04:38
=== Jucato sobs
LeeJunFanno need for foreplay.04:38
charimsHey, jucato, u have time to look at my sound systme again? i have a lot more info now...04:38
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revroguehow about changing drivers or such04:39
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atkaazmhi, can someone tell me how to make the cursor skip words while writting a command on console? Ctrl+Left, Ctrl+Right doesn't work04:40
aseigoJucato: yeah ... it's my alternanick04:40
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charimscan someone look at my dmesg and help me with my sound system? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22109 I also have this info here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2210504:45
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charimsI was told to run a memory test by Crimsun, but it came up with no errors. It checked two times.04:46
Jucatorawr! sorry charims... when it comes to hardware stuff... I'm a noob...04:46
charimsok, haha, its good, anyone else, please ;)04:46
charimsman, with all this info i have, im going to post a bug report here soon, haha, there is a lot here....04:47
Ozelot_3noob too04:47
Jucatocharims: no luck with the forums?04:47
Ozelot_3or groups?04:48
charimsJucato: none at all, not a reply, neither kubuntu or ubuntu, not even, "I have no idea" replies...04:48
Hobbseeyou're looking for crimsun04:48
Hobbseewith sound04:48
charimsyeah, well, he was heloping me eralier, but he is AFK ATM04:48
Jucatocharims: what section did you post it in ubuntuforums?04:48
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charimsVideo and sound04:48
charimsunder Dapper04:48
charimsand Hardware, under Dapper in kubuntu04:49
charimsthats obsolete now, all of my info is on paste, but still the general problem04:49
Jucatocharims: try posting it some other section... lol04:49
charimswow, hehe, thats evil04:49
Hobbseecharims: what's the problem?  sound doesnt work?04:49
Jucatowith a high traffic site like ubuntuforums... it's only natural that few people would take notice...04:49
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charimswell, yes, no sound except from gaim04:50
Hobbseeooh, lovely04:50
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charimsbut Crimsun helped me get a startup sound to kinda work from terminal04:50
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charimsit sounds like a heartbeat though, jsut plays once, but it is supposed to reapeat every 30 seconds04:51
Hobbseecharims: no idea.  crimsun should though.  he's the expert on it04:51
charimsso, yeah, thats when he asked for dmesg and for me to do some modprobe thing, it was complex...04:51
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charimsok, well, thats good, at least i know someone realible is helping me at this, this problem has been going on for a week04:52
charimsi will remember to thank him04:52
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charimsI remember in Breezy Ubuntu i got it to work after much frustration, and on this computer too, then i got rid of ubuntu, i didn't like it much at the time, felt dumb when i started it, still do kinda...04:53
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ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule04:56
charimsyup, well, i'm sticking with kubuntu, even if i have to get a new sound card :(04:57
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charimsCrimsun: hey bud, u back yet?04:58
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charimsjsut checking...04:58
charimshey, whatd do you prefer, Kopete or Gaim?04:59
Jucatorawr Kopete05:00
drizhi i have a problem i have an old computer with 8GB should I move to Xubuntu05:00
charimswhy do you prefer these?05:00
Jucatodriz: what's the processor speed and how much RAM? hard disk size isn't the main consideration for choosing Xubuntu05:01
charimsmaybe i should jsut try kopete out and see if i like it05:01
drizhow do i check the ram :-P05:01
JucatoKopete because of it's integration with KDE and Kontact. because of the popup notifications in the system tray05:02
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AZ_ASJucato, where's your avatar from the Kubuntu forums from? it's cute05:02
JucatoAZ_AS: ehehe! thanks! I made it myself05:03
AZ_ASnice! :)05:03
charimsDriz: put in your live cd at startup and run the memory test05:03
charimsDON"T INSTALL :p05:04
drizoh come on do you know how long that would take05:04
Jucatodriz: or ou can type in "free" in Konsole05:04
Jucatoit will output Mem Total in bytes05:04
charimsoh, i thought you meant check if the ram is working properly, nevermind....05:04
madman__does any one know where the Screensaver images are stored ?05:05
drizhow can i make it so i can understand it05:06
drizon konsole05:06
Jucatodriz: "free -m" to display output in MB05:06
drizcool thanks05:06
flaccidi'm mounting a fat drive with uid=1000, but it is is doing this to each file drwxr-xr-x 42 500 root   32768 2006-07-17 17:32 personal05:06
flaccidie. 500.root05:07
Jucatothe number  under "total" on the Mem: line is the amount of RAM you have05:07
flaccidwhy is that05:07
charimshmm, i kinda like kopete better so far...05:07
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted  -  Formatting partitions: see the manual page for mkfs ("man mkfs")  -  Mounting partitions in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Disks05:07
drizoh man thats small05:08
Jucatodriz: how much?05:08
charimswhat a samrt bot05:08
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file lists all drives and partitions that are mounted on the system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !partitions05:08
drizJucato 12205:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about Screensaver - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:08
flaccidhmm can anyone help me with my problem05:08
Jucatodriz: err.. yeah.. better go with Xubuntu...05:08
drizlet me apt get it now05:09
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BreetaiHelp! My notification area, (where the iocns go in the tray) is missing. How do I get it back in 6.06????05:10
charimsok guys, im going to switch to irc though kopete, i want to see this05:10
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Jucatocharims: good luck...05:10
HobbseeBreetai: type "kicker"?05:10
HobbseeBreetai: er, alt+f2, kicker?05:10
danny500I got one question05:10
danny500will serious sam sp work on wine windows emulator?05:11
BreetaiNo, the kicker is there, but if  amarok is minimuzied it can not be seen, and klipper is running but not seen05:11
JucatoBreetai: right-click on the Panel, choose Add Applet to Panel, then look for System Tray and add it..05:11
flaccidmount returns /dev/hda2 on /mnt/flaccid type vfat (rw,uid=1000,gid=1000) yet, the mask on each file is 500.root (not flaccid.flaccid) why is this?05:11
danny500no will ever know05:11
BreetaiJucato: You rock!! Thanks alot05:12
drizjucato: sudo apt-get xubuntu-desktop is not working05:12
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Jucatodriz: would it be possible for you to get hold of a Xubuntu installer?05:12
Jucatoadding Xubuntu on top of Kubuntu/Ubuntu would hurt what hard disk space you have left...05:12
drizya i think i can download it at work and burn it05:13
charimshow do i change my nickname, mes forgot05:13
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drizbut i will loose all my files05:13
Jucatodriz: oh...05:13
drizha i am a year older than youcharims05:14
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CheeseBurgerMandriz: To remove k/ubuntu desktop, you can have a look here: http://robotgeek.org/wiki/ShellScripts/CleanPackage05:14
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drizCheeseBurgerMan: i dont like to do things i dont understand05:16
CheeseBurgerMandriz: OK, fair enough. :)05:17
Jucatodriz: is this a new installation of Kubuntu?05:17
drizno been having this for a while now.05:18
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drizsince it came out.05:18
charims89Crimsun: hey bud, u back yet, no rush, jsut checking...05:19
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drizJucato it runs ok, but i just want a new computer or the illusion of one.05:20
charimswow, this is cool....05:20
charimsim running to clients at the same time, exiting konversation... now05:20
charimsby charims 89, hehe05:20
Jucatocharims: ehehe! I would still prefer Konversation, for some reasons...05:21
charims :-)05:21
charimsidk, i like this thing, but its going to take getting used to... did the nickerv identify me?05:22
charimsi don't have a separate window to tell...05:22
JucatoI wouldn't know...05:22
drizi tried to regisster a nick but failed05:23
NickGarveyI don't hink you are05:23
crimsuncharims: hi.05:23
Jucatodriz: /msg NickServ register <password> <e-mail>05:23
NickGarveyyeah you arnet'05:23
charimshi crimsun05:23
charimscrimsun: test passed, it ran 2 tests...05:24
crimsuncharims: dpkg -l linux-image-$(uname -r)|grep ^ii|awk '{print $3}'05:24
charimscrimsun: returned :2.6.15-26.4605:25
drizok it why is my nick in a convo tab05:25
charimscrimsun: i understand that they had errors with this chip in .1405:25
drizi did that thing and it came up05:25
crimsuncharims: ok. You're getting strange memory corruption in the kernel itself05:25
crimsuncharims: "this chip"?05:26
Jucatodriz: /msg NickServ <-- sends a private message to NickServ, it responds to you, so a new tab is opened05:26
charimscrimsun: maybe becuase i compiled my own alsa driver?05:26
crimsunwhich version are you using?05:26
drizok and now it is mine for ever05:26
charimscrimsun: version of kernel?05:26
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=== Jucato just found out that crimsun is #kubuntu's resident sound expert
Jucatodriz: well, not forever. ehehehe!05:26
crimsuncharims: "becuase i compiled my own alsa driver"05:27
driz /msg driz_ register <j83n3r9y> <jbgy34@gmail.com>05:27
drizoh shit05:27
drizoh well05:27
charimscrimson: i followed the instructions in the "comprehensive sound problems solutions guide"05:27
InuDuelistdriz, avoid that.05:27
charimsits okay driz, i wont spam you05:28
InuDuelistAnd it's "/msg nickserv"05:28
drizlol thanks05:28
charimscrimsun: on the ubuntu forums, stickied under video and sound, ill get a url05:28
JucatoInuDuelist: NickServ and nickserv are the same05:28
crimsuncharims: but which version did you compile?05:28
InuDuelistJucato, look up.05:28
InuDuelistHe messaged "driz_"05:28
flaccidhow to install kernel headers?05:28
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InuDuelistYou said something above.05:29
charimscrimsun: idk, is there a way i can check?05:29
InuDuelistDidn't see it.05:29
crimsuncharims: unfortunately I can't help support anything but what K/Ubuntu ships by default, so if you compiled your own, you're on your own05:29
JucatoInuDuelist: oh... I specifically told him to /msg NickServ....05:29
crimsuncharims: cat /proc/asound/version05:29
Jucatodriz: I told you "/msg NickServ register <password> <e-mail>"05:29
InuDuelistJucato, got any advice as to speeding up Firefox?05:29
InuDuelistAt least, like, double the amount it is now?05:29
JucatoInuDuelist: SwiftFox?05:30
charimsi jsut followed the guide, hhaha, it didn't make any difference when i did it anyways05:30
Jucatosorry dude, I very rarely use Firefox05:30
InuDuelistWhat do you use?05:30
Jucatogood old Konqui05:30
charimscrimsun:Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version
charimsCompiled on Aug 25 2006 for kernel 2.6.15-26-386.05:30
InuDuelistHow do you live without a Bookmark Toolbaar?05:30
JucatoInuDuelist: http://www.getswiftfox.com/05:30
JucatoInuDuelist: what? I have a bookmark Toolbar05:31
crimsuncharims: 1.0.10...? Why didn't you just use 1.0.12? 1.0.10 is _older_ than what Dapper ships with!05:31
crimsuncharims: (Dapper ships with 1.0.10rc3+everything backported from 1.0.12)05:31
charimscrimsun: really, well i didnt know what i was doing, jsut following the instuctions, can i revert to before?05:31
crimsuncharims: sure. Do you use any binary-only drivers?05:32
charimscrimsun:umm, IDK05:32
crimsuncharims: nvidia or fglrx are the most well-known05:32
charimscrimsun: well, i installed nvidia graphics drivers05:33
charimscrimsun: if that counts05:33
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charimscrimsun: never heard of fglrx05:33
crimsunhow did you install them?05:33
charimscrimsun: automatix05:33
Zambouliemy windows computer is trying to print something on a printer thats connected to my linux computer05:34
Zamboulieand its not working05:34
crimsunno idea what automatix does.05:34
flaccidhow to install kernel-headers?05:34
charimscrimsun: it jsut got a package...05:34
Zambouliedoes it have to do with the fact that i'm on linux05:34
crimsunflaccid: apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)05:34
ubotuTo install the Linux (kernel) headers, open a terminal and: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) To install headers for libraries, you need the accompanying -dev packages05:34
CheeseBurgerManFine, crimsun is faster than me. :P05:34
charimscrimsun: its for noobs, who arn't sure what and where to download from...05:34
=== raziel [n=raziel@212-41-64-102.adsl.solnet.ch] has joined #kubuntu
Zamboulieoh automatix installs alot of programs and drivers you need05:35
leonrottanybody have a real xgl guide for kubuntu??05:35
Zambouliei do05:35
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems05:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about haxoring - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:35
kutanAnyone have a guide on that?05:35
charimscrimsun: if you arn't sure of an easy way to go back to regualr alsa drivers, then i can reinstall kubuntu.. not much to lose, i can move everything important to my ntfs05:36
crimsuncharims: I know of an easy way to reinstall the default kernel, yes, but it'd be nice not to munge your Nvidia config05:37
crimsuncharims: granted if you had followed the proper Ubuntu method, it'd be much more straightforward05:37
charimscrimsun: ok, sorry about all the touble...05:37
crimsuncharims: modinfo nvidia|grep ^filename05:37
drizjucato uhhhh its not working for me... I dont care anyways05:37
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charimscrimsun:filename:       /lib/modules/2.6.15-26-386/volatile/nvidia.ko05:38
crimsuncharims: good.05:38
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charimscrimsun: chad herby solemnly swears to never again compile a driver unless he knows what hes doing05:39
crimsuncharims: now you'll need to stop kdm and do the rest of this from a console (tty1)05:39
charimshaha, ok05:39
charimsso what do i do05:39
crimsunwhich irc client are you using now?05:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about Hacking - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:39
kutanHacking guide05:39
flaccidis this normal when doing an fdisk -l Partition table entries are not in disk order ?05:40
charimscrimsun: but i can use konversation too05:40
drizkutan go to google05:40
kutanI was using google05:40
kutanfor at least an hour05:40
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drizand just so you know you have to know how to program05:40
Jucatoyou probably won't find a good answer here. this is the #kubuntu support channel05:40
kutanlol yeah... I noticed...05:41
crimsuncharims: ok, when you quit kdm, that will exit, so you'll want to switch to tty1 (press ctrl+alt+F1), log in, then execute ``screen irssi''. Once irssi has loaded, type: /connect -ircnet freenode chat.freenode.net 800105:41
kutanBut I don't know where I would go05:41
crimsuncharims: then: /join #kubuntu05:41
Jucatowhat do you mean by "hacking"?05:41
charimscrimsun: ok i have to write thsi down, ill forget it05:41
drizwell then go learn python C C++ Perl or something you wont find anything here05:41
kutanWell I remember when I used Windows they had like05:41
kutantelnet hacking games05:41
Jucatohacking as in trying to bypass security or get into another system?05:42
kutanBypass security, like for example05:42
kutanthere's this one website where you would have to hack into the site and try to figure out how to get the password for the next round of the game05:43
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charimscrimsun: to quit KDM i jsut log off, and hit ctrl alt f1?05:43
JucatoI don't really think that's something that's encouraged/taught here...05:44
crimsuncharims: no, you'll have to do more05:44
crimsuncharims: go ahead and log in via tty1; pressing alt+F7 will take to you back to your KDE session05:44
rOObkutan, google legal haking.....notice the 1st result05:44
rOObthey have a few05:44
rOObhackthissite.com i think05:44
kutanYeah but doesn't that require telnet which only windows provides?05:45
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rOObare u realy asking that?05:45
kutanIf it's a stupid question then my excuse is05:46
Jucatothis might not be the proper channel for it...05:46
kutanI'm a newbie05:46
rOObgoto a console and type man telnet05:46
kutanthanks :D05:46
kutanThat's all I needed to know05:46
kutanno more hacking conversations05:46
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charims_crimsun: i logged in...05:47
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charims_crimsun: are you there?05:48
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crimsuncharims_: good. Now press: ^a^c (ctrl+a followed by ctrl+c), which will create a new screen buffer. In this new screen buffer, type: ``sudo invoke-rc.d kdm stop''. To get back to this screen buffer, press ^a^p (ctrl+a followed by ctrl+p).05:49
charims_crimsun: ok, gotchya05:49
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charims_crimsun: ok, i did05:51
charims_crimsun: it shoed the kubunto logo, then went back to the prompt05:51
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crimsungood. Now switch to your previous screen buffer (^a^p), and type: ``lsmod|grep ^nvidia''. Then switch back to this buffer and tell us if you get any output.05:52
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charims_crimsun: ok05:53
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charims_crimsun; i got two lines, nvidia followed by some numbers, and nvidia_agp followed by #'s i can get those #'s if u need them05:54
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crimsuncharims_: I just need the one for nvidia05:55
charims_crimsun: i am using the agp card though.., but ok05:55
chrazritthi all05:55
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charims_crimsun: it reads nvidia 4550772 005:56
charims_crimsun: btw this is awesome this is why i love linux, there is nothing you cannot do... :) very free...05:57
crimsuncharims_: excellent. Now switch back to the previous buffer and execute ``sudo modprobe -r nvidia && sudo umount /lib/modules/2.6.15-26-386/volatile/''05:57
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AZ_AShmm, how do I add a fortune data file for fortune? read the readme file for one of them but I don't see /usr/games/lib/fortunes...if I created the folder, it should be fine right?06:00
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crimsunAZ_AS: no, just install any other fortune* package(s)06:00
charims_crimsun: done06:01
charims_crimsun: hopefully this won't take too much longer, my dad is say, "It's time for bed..." school tomorrow06:02
crimsuncharims_: goot, now ``sudo apt-get -d --reinstall install linux-image-$(uname -r)''06:02
crimsungood, even.06:02
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charims_crimsun: ok06:02
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fyyrest0rmhi all :)06:04
charims_crimsun: its installing06:05
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charims_crimsun: it says "download complete in download only mode"06:05
AZ_AScrimsun, I tried that but I downloaded a fortune data file from freshmeat in a bz2 format, and I'm trying to figure out where to put the dat file...fortune is installed06:06
fyyrest0rmanyone have any experience with mp3 players (DAP's)? Just bought one, it uses mtp protocol (apparently).. the instructions says I have to use windows media player to get stuff to the player. Anyone know anything about it?06:06
crimsuncharims_: excellent. Now ``sudo rm -rf /lib/modules/$(uname -r) && sudo apt-get install linux-image-$(uname -r)''06:07
crimsuncharims_: sorry, hold a sec.06:07
=== CheeseBurgerMan [n=chatzill@24-247-185-68.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
crimsuncharims_: ``sudo rm -rf /lib/modules/$(uname -r) && sudo apt-get --reinstall install linux-image-$(uname -r)''06:07
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AZ_ASfound it :)06:07
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Xcaliburkubuntu is not recognizing my linksys wireless-g adapter?06:08
Xcaliburhow i fix?06:08
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XcaliburI'm using ethernet for now, but I want my wireless solution soon, pl???06:09
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Xcaliburanyone, plz, this isn't even my laptop!!!06:11
Xcaliburi gotta have this fixed by 2morrow!06:11
chrazrittyou have the driver file disk for the card?06:11
Xcaliburbut it's for windows I thought06:11
Xcaliburshould I try it?06:12
chrazrittlook at it in a explorer window06:12
charims_crimsun: we have an error "Couldn't find package linux-2.6.15.-26-38606:12
Xcaliburbrb, let me go get it06:12
chrazritttell me if it has any .cat files06:12
crimsuncharims_: did you type precisely what I gave you?06:13
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charims_crimsun: the last thing you gave me i messesd up the first time, and forgot the -$(uname -r) at the end, it gave me an error there, so i tried again06:14
crimsuncharims_: success?06:14
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romeohello i cant get radio streams with kaffeine06:14
charims_crimsun: no, the second time is when i got the error06:14
romeoxms i believe06:15
charims_crimsun: the first time it said can't find package linux-img06:15
crimsuncharims_: make sure you type it precisely06:15
charims_crimsun: okay, try again?06:15
crimsunyes, please06:15
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Xcaliburi found it!06:16
Xcaliburthe disc06:16
charims_crimsun: it still says it, i checked it too, cant find package linux-img-2.6.15.#####06:16
Xcaliburjust pop it in, then what next?06:17
charims_crimsun: do i have to redownload it?06:17
crimsuncharims_: linux-img? note your typo if so06:17
chrazrittlook at it and see if there is a .cat file06:17
Xcaliburyeah, there is06:18
chrazrittwhat files are there?06:18
=== kinema [n=adam@c-71-236-182-199.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
kinemaIs it possible ot accelerate multiple screens when running xinerama?06:18
charims_crimsun: the first time i wrote linux-img, the second time i got it right with linuc-image-$(uname -r), and it gives me that last error06:18
chrazrittok and an .inf?06:18
charims_crimsun: linux*06:18
XcaliburI looked in the /driver/NT/ folders on the disc06:18
Xcaliburand a .sys06:18
crimsuncharims_: ls /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image-$(uname -r)*deb06:19
fyyrest0rmanyone know of something like gnomad2 for kde?06:19
Xcaliburwat i do with the .inf, .sys, and .cat files?06:19
chrazrittopen a terminal window from the folder where you find the files06:19
CheeseBurgerManfyyrest0rm: As long as the GTK+ libraries are installed, Gnomad2 should run in KDE.06:19
fyyrest0rmCheeseBurgerMan: cool. thanks :)06:20
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chrazrittgot it?06:20
=== Lamington [n=jeremy@d58-106-231-112.sun4.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu
aytchAnybody know a simple script or method for automounting an NTFS drive at startup?06:20
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file lists all drives and partitions that are mounted on the system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !partitions06:20
chrazrittwhat are the file names of the .cat and the .inf files?06:20
Xcaliburhow i open up a terminal for that specific directory, I tried using the cd command, it keeps telling me invalid driectory06:21
charims_crimsun: it says no such file or directory06:21
chrazrittright click in the directory window and see if there is a choice like "xterm"06:22
Xcaliburno, I'm using kubuntu, it uses konsole06:23
crimsuncharims_: argh, sorry.06:23
charims_crimsun: what?06:23
crimsuncharims_: ls /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-$(uname -r)*deb06:23
charims_crimsun: ok, will run that06:24
Xcaliburwhat i do next06:24
LamingtonXcalibur: what directory are you looking for ?06:24
Xcaliburi'm in my CD directory, looking at my drivers that need to be installed06:25
Xcaliburbut i can't get a terminal to navigate to that directory06:25
chrazrittwhat are the names of the .cat and .inf files?06:25
LamingtonIs the directory just called CD ?06:26
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Xcaliburin the konqerer thing, it says system:/media/hdc/Driver/NT06:26
charims_crimsun: it jsut said the same loaction in red this time06:26
Xcaliburin the location adress06:26
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chrazrittin the terminal window type "source LSBCMNDS.cat" without the quotes06:27
charims_crimsun: it said the location name in red, nothing else...06:27
maninderaaaa i dont get this06:27
manindercant figure out how to use kubuntu06:27
Xcaliburi have navigated to that directory, what next06:27
Xcaliburit was in /media/cdrom/Driver/NT06:28
crimsuncharims_: good. now: ``sudo dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-$(uname -r)*deb''06:28
Xcaliburi typed in cd  /media/cdrom/Driver/NT06:28
Xcaliburit worked, what next?06:28
chrazritt in the terminal window type "source LSBCMNDS.cat" without the quotes06:28
Xcaliburit gave me bash: 0: command not found06:29
notechmaninder: whats the problem?06:29
charims_crimsun: its running06:30
maninderwell what is this hda 2 hda 206:30
Xcaliburwhat next?06:30
Xcaliburthere your Hard diskd06:30
chrazrittnext type "ndiswrapper -i LSBCMNDS.inf" without the quotes06:30
maninderi used to have 2 in windows now i see 306:30
maninderso im wondering what happened06:30
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charims_crimsun: its done06:31
Xcaliburgave me this "bash: ndiswrapper: command not found"06:31
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charims_crimsun: installed just fine :)06:31
notechmaninder: hda2 is the second partition on the primary master drive06:32
manindernotech do you have msn to help me out ?06:32
osirisdanish, dont paste in all caps06:32
osirisits rude06:32
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notechmaninder: no, i don't do messengers06:32
charims_crimsun: installed just fine :)06:33
Xcaliburwhat next?06:33
chrazritttry ndiswrapper -l (that's the lower case L)06:33
crimsuncharims_: good, now it'll probably be easiest to reboot: ``sudo shutdown -r now''06:33
danishosiris: srry wasn't intentional i didn't notice the caps06:34
Xcaliburjust another error06:34
charims_crimsun: is now part of the command?06:34
crimsuncharims_: yes06:34
chrazrittyou are on kubuntu?06:34
charims_crimsun: ok, exectuing command06:34
Xcaliburme, yes06:34
notechmaninder: i wasn't aware windows could even see linux partitions06:35
chrazritttry "modprobe ndiswrapper"06:35
Xcaliburi thought windows can see it if it is FAT, FAT32, or NTFS06:35
maninderwell i have both windows and linux installed06:36
maninderand then i run windows i cant no linux files06:36
maninderi only see windows06:36
maninderalong with my hard drive06:36
notechi don't consider fat/fat32/ntfs as linux partitions. they are windows filesystems06:36
manindercant linux read fat 32?06:36
AndrukTatumamen to notech06:36
XcaliburI got this "FATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/2.6.15-26-386/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko): Operation not permitted"06:36
AndrukTatummaninder: yes06:37
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notechmaninder: there are 3rd party apps that attempt it. don't know their names though06:37
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Xcaliburisn't there a place i can just drop the driver, and be done with it?06:37
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intelikeyhmm what's this krap  "pt_chown: needs to be installed setuid `root' "06:37
notechmaninder: but yes, linux can read/write to fat3206:38
AndrukTatummaninder: yes, fstab, nuff said.  but linux doesnt really use fat partitions, because ext2 and ext3 and reiserfs are much better06:38
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Xcaliburi got ext306:38
chrazritti forgot to have you use the "suto" part06:38
AndrukTatumext3 is the rockzorz06:38
Xcalibur"sudo" you mean?06:38
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notechmaninder: sorry, thought you meant windows reading linux partitions when i said 3rd party06:38
Xcaliburbut, what next for the drivers, I need this badly!!106:39
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maninderwell all i was wondering about was that when i run windows i cant see no linux files its like its not even there when i run linux i see 3 hard drives along with floppy drive06:40
chrazrittwith sudo you should be able to install the driver with what i gave you06:40
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Xcaliburit gave me this "FATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/2.6.15-26-386/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)"06:40
manindernotech can you private msg me please06:41
notechmaninder: windows can't read linux but linux can read windows06:41
NickGarveynotech: nope06:41
ubotuext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org06:41
notechNickGarvey: that 3rd party?06:41
NickGarveynotech: yup06:41
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Xcaliburwhat i do next man, is there any other solution06:42
NickGarveyXcalibur: do you have linux-source?06:42
notechok, then i should have added... by default. heh06:42
Xcaliburnot sure06:42
NickGarveyXcalibur: your kernel sources?06:42
Charimscrimson: this i charims on laptop, kubuntu fails on startup on preparing restricted drivers06:42
notechmaninder: get the message?06:42
NickGarveyXcalibur: install them through adept, also get your linux-headers06:43
chrazrittsorry then i can't help you without being able to see what happens if it is going wrong using that input06:43
crimsunCharims: sudo apt-get --reinstall install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r)06:43
Xcaliburpm me plz06:43
Charimscrimson: kk, how do i get into that, do i have to load in recovery mode?06:43
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crimsunCharims: nope, just run the command I just gave you.06:44
Charimsi can't no terminal...06:44
crimsunKDE probably doesn't start, but you should still be able to login06:44
crimsunvia the terminal06:44
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Charimscrimsun: nada, im stuck on a kubunto logao screen, like the one while booting up06:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kernel-headers - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:45
ubotuTo install the Linux (kernel) headers, open a terminal and: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) To install headers for libraries, you need the accompanying -dev packages06:45
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Charimscrimson: should i restart in recovery mode?06:46
crimsunCharims: you should still have gettys running on the virtual consoles (alt+F1 through F6)06:46
Charimscrimsun: tried it, nothing06:46
crimsunCharims: what screen are you at presently?06:47
Xcalibursomeone plz help06:47
XcaliburI'm dead06:47
CheeseBurgerManI'll call the funeral home.06:48
=== alex_ [n=alex@50-199-0-72-ppp.3menatwork.com] has joined #kubuntu
Charimscrimsun: right after loading kubuntu, i got this screen, with the kubuntu logo in blue, and the loading bar underneath, not the kde login, i can't get there06:48
Xcaliburhappened to me 206:48
Xcaliburanyway, I need help06:49
Xcaliburis there anyone who has some extreme linux knowledge to help me install these drivers!!!06:49
crimsunCharims: ok, yeah, boot in recovery mode06:49
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alex_hello everyone06:50
alex_does anyone know how to install the msttcorefonts?06:50
ubotumsttcorefonts: Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.2ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 22 kB, installed size 164 kB06:51
Hawkwindalex_: sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts  assuming you have multiverse enabled06:51
Charimscrimsun: when booting recovery mode under the failed restricted drivers it says cannot make directory, ..././volatile or something like that, then it says read-only directory06:51
alex_that must have been my problem06:52
crimsunCharims: no big deal, we can work around that.06:52
Xcaliburwhere else can I get some help06:52
HawkwindXcalibur: What drivers ?06:52
romeo hello i cant get radio streams with kaffeine06:52
Xcaliburfor my wireless-G adapter by linksys06:53
romeocan someone help06:53
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crimsunCharims: are you at a prompt yet?06:54
alex_Hawkwind: I still get E: Package msttcorefonts has no installation candidate06:54
Charimscrimsun: when it says: give root password for matainace or press control D, it freezes, won't let me go farther06:54
AndrukTatumfor all of you ubuntu developers: espresso kicks butt!  its awesome!06:54
Hawkwindalex_: sudo apt-get update  first06:54
alex_Hawkwind: even with multiverse enabled06:54
Hawkwindalex_: Then do it06:54
alex_Hawkwind: did that06:54
crimsunCharims: did you set a root password?06:54
Hawkwindalex_: Then you don't have multiverse enabled completely06:55
Charimscrimsun: i belive so, at the beginning, but it jsut freezes there, no matter what i do, no denail of password or anything06:55
crimsunCharims: ok, boot using the live cd, then.06:55
romeoNo plugin found to handle this resource (mms://ysj00ms01s0.aliant.net/CKCW)06:55
AndrukTatumXcalibur: try madwifi (for atheros chipsets only) or ndiswrapper06:55
Xcaliburwhat the heck is madwifi?06:56
Charimscrimsun: hey, its getting late here, will you be on tomorrow? Maybe at 5:00 US pacific Standard time, i think thats gmt -7 or 806:56
Charimsthats pm btw06:56
alex_Hawkwind: can you give my a link to read about multiverse, for some strange reason the search on Ubuntu's help page yields no results06:56
AndrukTatumXcalibur: you could go find out, but its specifically for wifi cards with atheros chipsets06:56
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource06:57
crimsunCharims: likely, ping me then06:57
Charimscrimsun ping u thrugh irc?06:57
crimsunlike this:06:57
crimsuncrimsun: ping06:57
crimsunif I'm here I'll respond06:58
Charimscrimsun: ok, thankyou, have a good night, sorry that i had to quit before we were done.06:58
AndrukTatumXcalibur: http://madwifi.org and http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net06:58
Charimscrimsun: night06:59
romeoanubody know what plugin i need for kafeeine (mms://ysj00ms01s0.aliant.net/CKCW)06:59
alex_Hawkwind: but how do I enable it?06:59
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Hawkwind!repos > alex_07:01
Hawkwindalex_: Read what the bot pm'd  you07:01
romeodoes anybody know what plugin i need in kaffeine  (mms://ysj00ms01s0.aliant.net/CKCW)07:01
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marshall_hey guys07:02
alex_Hawkwind: refering to the fact that I cannot get it because it's not free?07:02
danishfor su i enter my pass it say sorry07:02
=== driz going to sleep
marshall_is it easy to get xgl/aiglx/compiz working on kubuntu?07:03
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Hawkwindalex_: Huh ?  It's absolutely free07:03
Jucatoalex_:Need to enable "universe" and/or "multiverse"? See this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu07:04
=== Jucato wonders where Hobbsee disappered to...
XcaliburI guess I am supposed to go here - http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php?Installation07:05
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Xcaliburthis is SOSOO confusing07:06
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HawkwindIf you just read and follow the site you'd find it's quite easy07:06
marshall_is it easy to get xgl/aiglx/compiz working on kubuntu?07:06
alex_Hawkwind: ok, I did that, added multiverse as stated in the link07:07
alex_Hawkwind: still the same error07:07
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alex_I just typed in it and hit enter, it saved it there07:07
Hawkwindalex_: I'm heading to bed.  But paste your /etc/apt/sources.list in pastebin somewhere for someone like Jucato to see as he can help you07:08
Jucatoalex_: which "multiverse" repositories did you  enabled...07:08
HawkwindJucato: Thanks.....See ya when I wake up in the morning :P07:08
Jucatorawr!! trying to escape are we Hawkwind?07:08
alex_Hawkwind: nevermind07:08
alex_Hawkwind: stupid me07:08
alex_Hawkwind: I forgot to update07:08
Hawkwindalex_: Hah!  I even reminded you of that just a few ago :P07:08
alex_I did that every step07:09
alex_excluding the last one07:09
alex_and that's what got me :(07:09
HawkwindJucato: I *am* escaping!   Good night :P07:09
alex_*bows head in shame*07:09
alex_Night Hawkwind07:09
Hawkwindalex_: Heh, we all do it from time to time07:09
Hawkwindalex_: Night man07:09
Jucatonight Hawkwind07:09
Jucatosweet dreams!07:09
alex_Jucato: thanks for the help as well07:09
Jucatohope you dream of penguins. heheh!07:09
Jucatoalex_: no problem. glad I could help (if I did..)07:10
alex_Jucato: you did ;)07:10
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Xcaliburisn't there anyway for you guys to help me?07:10
JucatoXcalibur: I'm so want to help you, only if I knew about wireless and stuff...07:11
Jucatoit sucks not knowing things... :-(07:11
Jucatoerr.. s/I'm/I07:11
Xcaliburit sucks, that im done 2morrow man07:11
Xcaliburthis guy is gonna bust this laptop over my heaaad07:12
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notechXcalibur: looked here? Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:14
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)07:15
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marshall_is it easy to get xgl/aiglx/compiz working on kubuntu?07:17
Jucatomarshall_: I think there are mixed results on that one...07:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about knetstats - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:18
marshall_Jucato:  oh damn it07:18
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marshall_Jucato:  i love compiz and i love kde07:18
marshall_Jucato:  the only reason i stick with gnome is compiz07:18
Jucatomarshall_: don't get me wrong. it's not impossible. I'm just saying that some were successful, some were not..07:18
notechmarshall_: i'd consider it still beta, at best07:18
=== marshall_ starts to cry
marshall_but i love kubuntu07:19
marshall_konqueror is better than firefox and nautilus in like every way possible07:20
marshall_amarok is better than any gnome music player07:20
marshall_including listen07:20
Jucato(except in compatibility with some sites...)07:20
notechit'll probably be reasonably stable on the next release, as a guess07:20
leonrotti install xgl but the cube dont work07:20
leonrotti can change the number od desktops07:20
marshall_quanta is a very sexy web authoring app07:20
leonrotti cant change the number of desktop07:20
leonrotthello i cant change the number of desktop with xgl07:22
Jucatoleonrott: in XGL or in plain KDE?07:22
leonrottis xgl with kde07:22
leonrottbut always shows 1 desktop07:22
leonrottand i change to 4 and dont accept07:23
notechmarshall_ & leonrott, might be able to get better answers in #ubuntu-xgl07:23
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XcaliburI got it to recognize07:26
Jucato[ADVERTISEMENT]  Can't find the answer you are looking for here? Try the forums! http://www.kubuntuforums.net/ and http://www.ubuntuforums.org/07:26
Xcaliburbut, I goto enable the connection, and it disables etho0(wireless card), like 2 seconds after i enable it?07:27
=== jamie [n=jamie@24-182-116-214.dhcp.sprn.tx.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
notechtry ifup eth0 in a terminal07:28
notechmight give more info07:28
Xcaliburthis is what happened07:29
Xcaliburifup: failed to open statefile /var/run/network/ifstate: Permission denied07:29
Xcaliburjosh@josh-laptop:~$ sudo ifup etho007:29
XcaliburIgnoring unknown interface etho0=etho0.07:29
Xcaliburwhat I do?07:29
notechyou sure its etho0 and not just eth0?07:29
Jucatotry "eth0"07:30
Xcalibursays it's already configured?07:30
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Xcaliburwhat next?07:31
notechdoes ifconfig show eth0? and with a valid ip address?07:31
cyanicsi am looking for a good volume applet for a kde updated version of dapper (not kubuntu, but kde install)07:31
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cyanicsArts Control won't adjust the sound on my system07:31
cyanicsnot installed. let me apt it.07:32
Xcaliburnope, it displays eth0 and lo07:32
Xcaliburbut eth0 in the terminal says it's the ethernet port?07:33
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notechis it the wired ethernet port?07:33
Xcaliburthats how I'm talking to you07:34
flaccidwhat package provides the make command?07:34
notechi'll take a guess and say ifup wlan007:34
flaccidi guess its make07:34
cyanicsnotech, thanks. kmix does it.07:35
XcaliburInternet Systems Consortium DHCP Client V3.0.307:35
XcaliburCopyright 2004-2005 Internet Systems Consortium.07:35
notechcyanics: lucky guess heh07:35
XcaliburAll rights reserved.07:35
XcaliburFor info, please visit http://www.isc.org/products/DHCP07:35
XcaliburSIOCSIFADDR: No such device07:35
Xcaliburwlan0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device07:35
Xcaliburwlan0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device07:35
XcaliburBind socket to interface: No such device07:35
XcaliburFailed to bring up wlan007:35
JucatoXcalibur: please use pastebin07:35
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)07:36
Xcaliburo sorry07:36
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XcaliburI keep forgeting07:36
Xcaliburbut what i do netx, anyione?07:36
flaccidi get this with apt-get X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168 why/07:36
notechXcalibur: i dunno then. don't know what the interface is called. as a last guess see what ifconfig -a says about anything other than eth0 and lo07:36
Xcaliburi get eth1 eth0 lo and sit007:37
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lmosherI can't seem to win with totem. If I install totem-gstreamer I get no sound on .wmv files. If I install totem-xine I get sound on .wmv files, but nothing but black for most .mpgs. Any idea?07:38
notechi don't think your ndiswrapper driver is loaded07:38
Xcaliburhow i do that?07:38
Jucatolmosher: totem?07:38
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notechXcalibur: did you follow this?  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper?highlight=%28WifiDocs%2FDriver%2907:39
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abercr0mbieit seems as though my kubuntu install wont select start install07:40
notechi've never had a 'g' card or a need for ndiswrapper so i can't help much with those details Xcalibur07:41
abercr0mbiethe CD will do anything else, but wont start the install07:41
Jucatonixternal: pardon the interruption, but has some of the KDE 3.5.4 bugs (that seem to be only present in Kubuntu) been squashed in Edgy?07:41
Xcaliburhow I get the ndiswrapper-utils package?07:41
nixternaledgy and dapper don't share the same bugs with kde 3.5.4, so i guess, the answer would be yes07:42
Jucatonixternal: kool! thanks!07:42
notechXcalibur: i see a link on the page07:42
Jucatonixternal: and btw, are you and niKsternal the same? :-D07:43
Xcaliburneither do i?07:43
abercr0mbiekubuntu wont even install for me :-)07:43
darintenbyea, i'm having problems with that too07:43
nixternalniKsternal was me at school tonight07:43
Jucatonixternal: ooh... that explains it07:43
darintenbit starts to load off the cd, but then it stops at a black screen.. :(07:43
notechXcalibur: in section 2.2 on that page07:43
Jucatoabercr0mbie: nothing happens when you click on the Install icon?07:43
abercr0mbieJucato: its on the kubuntu splash, i hit enter to start or install kubuntu07:44
abercr0mbieit flashes my cd rom07:44
abercr0mbieand does nothing.07:44
darintenbhmm. i guess i get farther then you.07:44
darintenbi boot from the cd, select install, and it loads stuff for a while.. but then just stops :(07:44
Jucatoabercr0mbie: it could be due to many factors: a bad burn, a corrupted download, hardware compatibility(?)07:44
notechverified the md5sum of the iso before burning?07:45
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Jucatolike notech said, verify the md5sum of the ISO, then burn at the slowest speed supported by your CD writer, then try to verify after burning (most CD burning apps have that feature)07:45
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notechgotta go, later folks07:46
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JucatoYou could also choose the "Check media" or something like that when you run the Desktop CD, to check if the CD is good...07:46
Kreamhi al07:46
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kutanDo I have to download uhhh07:47
XcaliburI'm going to follow the instructions07:47
kutanstuff so I can watch an AVI?07:47
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kutancause when I load an avi in kaffeine, it plays but it's blank and it goes as if minutes are seconds07:48
Jucatokutan: yes07:48
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Kreamhi all. i'm using openoffice on ubuntu. openoffice starts with hindi localised menu entries. unfortunately, the hindi menus are garbled and unreadable. how do i switch openoffice localised interfaces ?07:51
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JucatoKream: on Ubuntu or Kubuntu?07:52
Kreamkubuntu, sorry07:53
Kreamam on konversation atm07:53
yomeroli need a chanel but in spanish, somebody can help me? how can i conect in one07:53
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.07:53
yomerolpefecto gracias07:53
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JucatoKream: I'm not sure, because I rarely use it. But I think you can go to the Tools menu > Options > Language Settings07:54
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darintenbah, i think i figured out what my problem was..07:56
Jucatowould anyone know how I could make a Ctrl+Alt+Left-Click/Right-Click on the title bar of a window move that window into the next/previous desktop?07:56
darintenbi'm trying to load off of the cd and then install..07:56
darintenbbut after a lot of loading, the screen always just goes black..07:57
XcaliburI installed the drivers07:57
darintenbit seems it's trying to load the desktop in a resolution not supported by my monitor07:57
Xcaliburnow, I shold just enable it?07:57
Xcaliburand it should work?07:57
unix80486Is there any thing i can download for better AMD 64 support?     any one know?07:57
darintenbi've tried loading from the safe mode, and setting the load options to a resolution supported by my monitor, but when it loads the gui, it always switches to a high res.. is there anyway i can change that?07:58
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romeohello again08:00
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romeohow can tell if my firewall is up and running?08:00
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darintenbis there any way i can set the resolution for the desktop gui before it loads? it's trying to load in a resolution that doesn't seem to be supported by my monitor08:01
Jucatodarintenb: you can try this: when you get to the part where it "hangs", press Ctrl+Alt+F1, "sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop", then "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and later choose your desired resolution, then "sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start"08:02
kutanHey what's the name of that one game... MotoX?08:03
darintenbgreat. i'll give it a shot now08:03
Jucatodarintenb: good luck!08:03
Jucatogoing away..08:03
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darintenbhm. no change.08:04
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darintenbshould i expect something to change on the screen when i press ctrl+alt+F1?08:05
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XcaliburI loaded the drivers08:06
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Xcaliburbut it still swtiches back to disabled right after i enable, should I reboot?08:06
autowho can help me??08:07
autoi try to connect in my home (kubuntu) with ssh but i cant08:08
XcaliburI'm not so good with SSH, you will need to wait for someone with more expirience to accomodate you08:09
=== idk [n=sacha@gam14-1-82-67-99-89.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu
CpuWhizyou need the openssh-server package and you need to forward port 22 on your router to the machine you want to ssh into08:10
autoi have install sshd and change port in 20002. I use no-ip08:10
CpuWhizok, so what exacly is going wrong then08:11
Xcaliburif your not home, and you have remote management on, you can type in your IP, and port 8000 i think08:11
autoin my home pc with ssh angelaki@angelaki.no-ip.org -p 20002 take the error connection 20002 refuse08:12
CpuWhizyou changed the sshd config to listen on that port?08:13
autofrom my work pc i cant take any message.08:13
kutanUgh... when I try to play an AVI on kaffeine, it's blank and plays as if the minutes are seconds.08:13
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CpuWhizand your sure your router (if you have one) is forwarding the port to the right machine?08:14
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autoyes i am sure08:15
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CpuWhizmaybe a firewall rule?08:16
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Xcaliburhow can I setup my wireless card, I have the drivers installed, and i need to know how, without the stupid wireless amanager08:17
Kreami'm using the hi_IN locale. when my openoffice starts up it looks like this: http://191a.net/garbled-oo.png . can someone tell me what the problem might be ?08:18
Jucatodarintenb: yes, you should see a command prompt...08:18
darintenbhmm. okay..08:18
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darintenbnothing comes up.. probably because the resolution isn't supported :) hehe08:18
darintenboh well, i'll keep messing around with it. thanks :)08:19
Jucatodarintenb: it should have nothing to do with the resolution that's being used by xorg, because it's a command prompt08:19
darintenbi c08:19
Jucatodarintenb: I'm not familiar with the boot options in the Live CD, but maybe there's one there that says something like choosing VESA?08:20
darintenbit tries to load the gui at 1280x1024 at 85hz08:20
Xcaliburwell, wireless card inserted -> drivers installed -> enabled network interface, then suddenly without permission, it gets disabled?08:20
Jucatodarintenb: try to change it to something supported by your monitor?08:21
darintenbwhich it seems my monitor can't do.. it was able to display the same resolution at 60hz though08:21
darintenbright. that's the problem. how do i do that..08:21
XcaliburI'm gonna reboot08:21
Jucatodarintenb: where did you see that it's trying to use that resolution?08:21
darintenbwhen i press the options button on the monitor it displays what resolution and stuff it is in08:22
JucatoKream: try going to the (T) menu (tools) then the last option in that menu, which would be the Options08:22
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Jucato[ADVERTISEMENT]  Can't find the answer you are looking for here? Try the forums! http://www.kubuntuforums.net/ and http://www.ubuntuforums.org/08:27
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atkaazmis there an editor that allows editing and writting to the same file at the same time without messing up the contents?08:29
Xcaliburcan someone plz tell me why my wireless card disables right as soon as I enable it?08:29
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JucatoKream: were you able to find it?08:30
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KreamJucato: one godlike user in the oo.o channel told me blind which menu to click, (third menu on the right, 4th widget on the left)08:31
insanekaneatkaazm: ??08:31
atkaazmXcalibur: Kream is a nickname :) and btw, did you check your logs? tail -f /var/log/messages  and enable it to see some msgs (maybe)08:31
JucatoKream: ok. that'gs good08:31
atkaazminsanekane: ie. like vim, but only one file can be edited at a time08:31
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insanekaneatkaazm: what do you mean "like vim" ?08:32
AndrukTatumXcalibur: it could be that linux senses a problem with the driver/card/etc, and automatically disables it to prevent a hardware malfunction.  although this is a complete guess08:32
atkaazminsanekane: an editor like 'vim' ie. the command 'vim' :)08:32
insanekaneatkaazm: most editors allow you to edit files and save them08:32
Xcaliburwell, the thing is, when I was running off of te liveCD, it was working fine08:32
atkaazminsanekane: yes, but i want an editor that can edit the same file at once from many instances(windows)08:33
Xcaliburand the card also worked with windows08:33
insanekaneatkaazm: you should be more clear about that ...08:33
Xcaliburi think the error says link is not ready?08:33
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insanekaneatkaazm: anyway, kate doesnt allow that ... so i dont know08:34
Jucato!seen Hobbsee08:34
ubotuI last saw Hobbsee (n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee) 2h 33m 47s ago, quiting: Remote closed the connection08:34
Xcaliburwhat should I do next?08:34
MetaMorfoziSatkaazm: aqll support, but if you change an opened file08:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wlan - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:35
atkaazminsanekane: ok, example: i've the file one.cpp, and i run vim one.cpp in one terminal, then vim one.cpp in another terminal; the latter says the file is already opened and allows me to open it readonly, but i want to write to it, so i open it for write but if i change something in one.cpp from first terminal and save it, it won't be reflected on the second terminal and a new change on second terminal will undo my change from first terminal :-"08:35
MetaMorfoziSit asks what you want08:35
MetaMorfoziSreload from disk, stay it eec...08:35
atkaazminsanekane: kate is buggy afaik :P08:35
insanekaneatkaazm: i got what you mean08:35
insanekaneatkaazm: buggy in what sense ? it works for *all* my development work08:35
AndrukTatumXcalibur: this is above me, sorry08:35
Xcaliburabove you, aren't you guys like the geniuses of linux?08:36
insanekaneatkaazm: you may want to try emacs ... dont know if it will support what you want though08:36
JucatoXcalibur: most people here are just users like you08:36
atkaazminsanekane: well ok, i guess it isn't anymore, but the way i used it, it used to sigseg or smth after some while, or some things wouldn't work like i couldn't see the cursor anymore so had to restart (kate)08:36
insanekaneatkaazm: wierd ... hasnt ever happened to me08:36
atkaazminsanekane: ok i'll try that, thanks08:36
Xcaliburwell, i posted on the forums, 5 views, but no replies08:37
insanekaneXcalibur: so ?08:37
JucatoXcalibur: that doesn't mean that they purposely ignore your problem or purposely don't want to help08:37
AndrukTatumXcalibur: i am definitely not a genius, i have my share of problems...08:37
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insanekaneXcalibur: Canonical offers paid support btw so you might want to try there ... they sure are geniuses of linux08:37
ubotuvnc is a way of doing remote desktop.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !freenx.08:37
Jucatoit only means they looked at the problem and saw that it's something that they couldn't help with08:37
atkaazminsanekane: do you also have F7(i think) which has a konsole opened for you at all time ? (and I also had changed my colours such my background was black on the editor part too)08:37
XcaliburI know08:37
Xcalibursrry for begging08:38
Xcaliburwell, I'm broke08:38
Xcaliburso, I'm f******08:38
atkaazmMetaMorfoziS: i've no apt-cache search aqll results :/08:38
flaccidthe vnc wiki says vncviewer is installed by default, but it doesn't appear to be08:38
insanekaneXcalibur: so sorry for you :P08:38
insanekaneatkaazm: f7 ? if you mean yakuake08:39
flaccidand on the wiki it doesn't say how to install vncviewer08:39
Jucatoyakuake uses F12 by default..08:39
LynoureXcalibur: build-in or external wireless card?08:39
Xcaliburwireless card08:40
Xcaliburwell, 2morrow, I got 2 face a guy(6'10) about 250 lbs, and tell him, that his laptop can't give him wireless internet08:40
LynoureXcalibur: build-in or not?08:40
atkaazminsanekane: f7 was afaik open a docked 'konsole' (in kate)08:40
XcaliburI better drink b4 I tell him08:40
flaccidwhat protocol does krfb use?08:40
ubotukrfb: Desktop Sharing for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.2-0ubuntu6.2 (dapper), package size 913 kB, installed size 1632 kB08:40
insanekaneatkaazm: ah in kate ... no i do not use konsole in kate08:41
JucatoXcalibur: have you tried to install other distros?08:41
XcaliburI like kubuntu08:41
Jucatothey might have better support for your wireless card...08:41
insanekaneXcalibur: if you dont have the money, how will you drink ? :)08:41
LynoureXcalibur: oh, if it had been yours I could have possibly donated you a card that works08:41
atkaazminsanekane: it could have been that was one of the whys it caused undefined behaviour to me then :)08:42
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insanekaneatkaazm: hmm wierd ... konsole in kate does work well08:42
flaccidhmm i guess nobody can help me today08:42
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:42
insanekane!tell Xcalibur about wireless08:42
JucatoXcalibur: you could try MEPIS 6. it's based on Ubuntu also08:42
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insanekaneXcalibur: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:43
XcaliburI know this card works, I'm gonna go see if I should look for the driver provided by ndiswrapper08:43
atkaazminsanekane: it worked for me too, but only after some time (keeping kate open and with many files open!) caused some weird stuff to me; anyway they might have been fixed by now; i had ubuntu breezy then08:43
insanekaneatkaazm: thats wierd too .. i have typically 20-30 files open08:44
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Xcaliburwell, what do ya know, it comes to find out, that you need a special program to use the specific card?08:45
XcaliburI just found this out08:46
atkaazmflaccid:   KRfb is a small server for the RFB protocol, better known as VNC.08:46
AndrukTatumXcalibur: enable/disable problem found.  good for you!08:46
XcaliburI was like sweating bullets08:47
AndrukTatumXcalibur: are you american?08:47
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atkaazmlabels like "do no eat" :)08:48
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atkaazminsanekane: ok, thanks for everything08:48
AndrukTatumXcalibur: i am too, and i could tell.  the purpose of all these IRC channels is to give people the tools they need to fix it themselves, not to fix it for them.  of course, sometimes, weird stuff happens, and these guys end up fixing problems outright08:48
AndrukTatumXcalibur: so, a tip about using these channels-do your homework first08:49
AndrukTatumbecause, after all, it is free help, use it wisely08:49
Jucato(emphasis on the free?)08:49
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AndrukTatumfree/open source, its all good stuff anyway08:50
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AndrukTatumwow...its really quiet08:52
Jucato... people got tired asking for questions when nobody seems to answer them...08:53
oslohow cabn i launch kwalletmanager ?08:53
Jucatooslo: Alt+F2, "kwalletmanager"08:53
AndrukTatumanybody else have a question?08:54
ketsugiOoh ooh me me08:54
ketsugiI have a question08:54
ketsugiWhy does KDE kick so much ass!08:55
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osloJucato> nothing append... with kwalletmanager08:55
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Jucatooslo: a window didn't open? it's not in your system tray?08:55
osloi saw is icon in the alt+F windows but when i execute it nothing happens08:55
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osloJucato> it s not in my tray & not in a windows ..08:56
kutanCan someone help me?08:56
JucatoAndrukTatum: there you go! someone needs help :-D08:56
osloJucato> its ok i've done a killall kwalletmanager & kwalletmanager again now its OK , fine !08:57
ketsugiNobody wants to answer my question :(08:57
kutanBecause it just does? >_>08:57
AndrukTatumkutan: i might be able to help you, whats up?08:57
Jucatooslo: so everything's fine now?08:57
AndrukTatumketsugi: kde kicks ass because knoppix kicks ass, you happy?  ;-)08:57
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ketsugiBut... but... I don't use Knoppix08:58
=== ketsugi points at channel name
kutanWell I know I have plugins installed for kaffeine to watch AVI but when I load an AVI it shows up blank and the minutes go by like seconds08:58
AndrukTatumketsugi: *sigh* i suppose kubuntu kicks ass too08:59
ketsugiI love the sound of that reluctance08:59
AndrukTatumkutan: have you tried the kaffeine website or channel?08:59
Jucatokutan: which plugins did you install?08:59
kutanWell they were already installed when I looked in adept08:59
AndrukTatumketsugi: i use both ubuntu and kubuntu, and both kde and gnome have their strengths and weaknesses08:59
ketsugiYeah they do09:00
ketsugiI just prefer KDE at the moment09:00
Jucatokutan: which ones? could you check if libxine-extracodecs is installed?09:00
ketsugiI was using Gnome for several months before switching09:00
ketsugiI really like how KDE apps have such customisable shortcuts09:00
kutanuh... that doesn't even show up09:00
ketsugiI just wish I could get all the multimedia buttons on my keyboard working; they worked nicely in Gnome09:00
Jucatokutan: so you don't have the codecs that you need.09:01
AndrukTatumketsugi: i like the kicker myself09:01
kutanI guess not o_O09:01
AndrukTatumketsugi: thats gnomes strength09:01
osloJucato> in fact no : kwallet is OK but i've lost my jabber password ...09:01
kutanWhat URL would I have to add to get that package?09:01
Jucatokutan: you need "libxine-extracodecs" from the multiverse repositories09:01
osloits not in kwallet09:01
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Jucatokutan:Need to enable "universe" and/or "multiverse"? See this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu09:01
ketsugiI don't like Konqueror though!09:01
=== Jucato loves Konqueror...
ketsugiNot that I like Epiphany much either09:01
Jucatooslo: jabberin Kopete? just try to make it again and it will be saved09:02
kutanoh.. thanks09:02
ketsugibut I don't particularly like how Konqueror is a file manager AND a web browser09:02
ketsugiit reeks of IE609:02
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ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT09:02
Jucatowell, Konqueror does things differently from IE6...09:02
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Jucatobtw, it's not Konqueror that's actually doing the web browsing...09:03
osloJucato> but i don't remember it !09:03
Jucatooslo: ok... that is a problem... I'm not familiar with Jabber, unfortunately...09:03
AndrukTatumyeah, like, (1) actually works, (2) doesnt open an infinite amount of security holes, (3) split screen functionality totally kicks ass, (4) tabbed browsing PWNs09:04
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AZ_ASsplit screen? so I could browse two different directories using the split screen in Konqueror?09:05
Jucatoyou could add (5) not deeply integrated in to the OS/kernel (6) isn't really doing all things by itself and (7) absolutely customizable09:05
JucatoAZ_AS: yes09:05
JucatoCtrl+Shift+L splits left and right, Ctrl+Shift+T splits top and bottom09:05
AZ_ASIE should be crying then ;)09:05
JucatoCtrl+Shift+R closes the active view09:05
AZ_ASsweet, that would've helped a lot earlier09:06
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AndrukTatumAZ_AS: heck yes it does09:06
JucatoI do wish that KHTML catches up with Gecko soon...09:06
Xcaliburwell, I tried both cards, all the drivers, i think it has something to do with my kubuntu09:07
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AZ_ASthat's awesome...little things like that make me like linux more and more ;)09:07
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XcaliburI g2 sleep09:07
Jucatobye! hope you have better luck when you wake up09:08
AndrukTatumJucato: bye09:08
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Jucatoer.. not me AndrukTatum09:08
AndrukTatumXcalibur: you can try ndiswrapper tomorrow09:08
AndrukTatumso, anybody else got a question?09:09
_lupinewhat! is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?!09:10
JucatoI have one... does anyone know how I can make something like Ctrl+Alt+Left-click or Right-click on a window title bar to move that window to the next/previous desktop?09:11
_lupineactually, I seem to have lost the File... Settings... Help... etc. menu from Konq. Any idea how to get it back?09:12
AndrukTatum_lupine: im a physics major, but im only a sophomore.  but i think im going to make that a project and try to figure it out.09:12
Jucato_lupine: Ctrl+M?09:12
_lupineMonty Python got there a long time before...09:12
_lupineaha! it works. Thanks Jucato09:12
_lupinenoe maybe I should get to bed09:12
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Jucatoheheh! I always have those menus hidden...09:12
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Jucatowaste of vertical space when I so rarely use them...09:13
AndrukTatumtru dat09:13
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josefhello i need  help09:14
yannuxhello :)09:15
Jucatoand now with Configure Konqueror and Configure Shortcuts mapped to shortcut keys, I have 2 less reasons to use the menus. lol09:15
Jucatoask away09:15
josefguys i need help to install firefox in kubuntu 6.0609:16
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Jucatojosef: you can use Adept or Adept Installer (the Add/Remove Programs in the K Menu) to install that09:17
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josefhow can i use adept i open already adept09:18
Jucatojosef: what do you mean?09:18
josefi open adept installer and clicked on internet what i got is the programs that is already installed09:20
Jucatojosef: in Adept Installer change "KDE" to "Any Suite" in the drop-down options near the top (beside09:21
Jucato(beside "Search")09:21
josefOK and then09:21
josefI got it09:21
Jucatosaw it?09:21
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josefyes but is not enabled i mean its still grey09:22
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Jucatoah... ok.. close Adept Installer first...09:22
Jucatothen go to K Menu > System and open Adept09:23
Jucatothen go to the Adept menu (first one at the top) then select Manage Repositories09:23
Jucatobtw, josef, is this a new installation of Kubuntu?09:24
Jucatoand where did you get the CD? downloaded it just very recently?09:24
josefyes on dvd  version 6.06 lts09:24
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Jucatojosef: oh, 6.06? not 6.06.1?09:24
josef i dont know i ask them to sended what i know is it a kubuntu dapper09:25
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Jucatook, you will see some grayed out lines09:26
JucatoI will give you some lines that you need to enable, by right-clicking and selecting enable09:26
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Jucato"deb http://xx.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper main restricted"09:26
Jucato(xx = uk. or us. or au.,etc.09:27
josefshould i add it in the new repository09:27
josefok to search09:27
Jucatojust look for the line and enable it if it's grayed out09:27
[Nige] hi all09:28
Jucato"deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper-security main restricted"09:28
Jucato"deb http://xx.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper-updates main restricted"09:28
Jucatothe line with "dapper-security" might be missing the word "restricted", you have to add it by clicking on the word "main" and adding "restricted" so that it would look like "main restricted"09:29
josefok wait09:30
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Jucatowb nixternal!09:30
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josefok the second line09:32
nixternalthanks ;)09:32
josefthe second line is the too right09:32
josef the second line is the same too right09:33
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josefhow about the second line09:36
josefshould i enable it09:37
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Jucatodon't enable the "deb-src" stuff09:37
josefok only the deb09:37
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AZ_ASwhat's the deb-src for?09:38
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JucatoAZ_AS: deb-src contains the source code for the packages in the repositories09:38
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AZ_ASso why disable?09:39
Jucatounless you need to download the source code09:39
josefjucato enable only with the deb09:39
josefright or should i change it again09:40
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Jucatoyep. did you check if the line with "dapper-security" has both "main" and "restricted" ?09:40
Jucatojosef: just leave them enabled (not graye out)09:40
josefyes i added restricted bihind main09:40
Jucatojosef: ok. now click on Apply at the bottom, then on Fetch Updates at the top09:41
josefok i enable it already09:41
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josefits in progress now09:42
Jucatoit's going to update now. and you'll be able to install firefox now09:42
josefok i will try it thanks alot jucato09:42
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steveohey people09:42
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steveocan someone please tell me whats the most recent server to use for my repositories09:45
steveoi wanna upgrade my software09:45
Jucatosteveo: right now, they all have the same contents09:45
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Jucatogoing away...09:48
osloyelling away ?09:49
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IsleVegani cannot figure out how to make dial up networking work through bluetooth, it seems that kubuntu sees my bluetooth hardware, though. in addition, kubuntu crashes when i try to activate my wifi hardware.09:52
IsleVeganso, no net options :-(09:52
IsleVegancan't update the os, get drivers, etc. stuck in windows09:52
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IsleVeganRealtek RTL8185 Wireless LAN (Mini-) PCI NIC09:56
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IsleVeganBroadcom 2045 Bluetooth 2.0 USB Device09:58
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IsleVeganWindows Driver / Provider listed as WIDCOMM10:00
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ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup10:04
josefjucato are u still there10:05
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:05
IsleVeganmadman, mahalo10:05
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Jucatojosef: just got back...10:10
steveohey people can someone tell me whats a good Dvd compressor10:12
steveoi wanna ccompress dvds like how Dvd shrink does10:12
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josefjucato yes i tried to istall firefox but it couldnt commit in adept installer10:12
steveoso i can fit a 8gig dvd onto a 4.3 gig dvd10:12
madman__steveo: looking now10:12
steveothanks buddy10:13
jott_!info k9copy10:13
ubotuk9copy: DVD backup tool for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.2-0ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 288 kB, installed size 1060 kB10:13
Jucatojosef: what does it say when you try to click on  Apply Changes?10:13
josefit couldnt commit and and it was sometihing with breaking the packages10:15
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josefJucato i got visitor i will come back later ok10:17
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JucatoHobbsee!!! (didn't see you come in...)10:19
Hobbseehey Jucato10:20
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madman__steveo: not sure about this10:22
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ubuntuhelo guys10:24
ubotuSee http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html. Libdvdcss can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages10:24
steveoyeh its cool10:24
ubuntui need some help10:24
steveoive got more problems though10:24
ubunturegarding ubuntu10:25
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:25
ubuntuwell i have kububuntu and suse 9.1 personal10:25
ubuntui want to learn linux10:25
ubuntuthe commands and stuff10:25
ubuntuwhich one should i go with?10:25
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madman__ubuntu: have you been reading the help files ?10:26
ubuntuwell i have a book on suse10:26
steveomy xine, kaffeine and amarok isnt working. It's saying that i need all these lib files10:26
ubuntuand an ebook on ubuntu10:26
steveoand wont play and music or videos10:26
Jucatowhich one should you go with? either will do, if you're trying to learn about the command line10:26
ubuntuis kde better or gnome?10:26
Jucatoit depends on personal choice. but since you asked in #kubuntu, a KDE-based distro...10:27
mkquistkde gots more eye candy10:27
ubuntuthen of course its better10:27
ubuntuis there any way10:27
Jucatoexcept that XGL/Compiz seems to be work better in GNOME...10:27
mkquistgnome better on my old machine10:28
AZ_ASonly way is through trial/error :)10:28
ubuntuin which i can make the kubuntu startup more interactive?10:28
ubuntui mean10:28
JucatoXfce works better on even older machines ehehe10:28
ubunturemove the text stuff and add some graphics?10:28
Jucatoubuntu: the one where you see the kubuntu logo and some scrolling text when you boot?10:28
ubuntuyeah yeah10:29
Jucatosorry, but that has nothing to do with KDE... :-D10:29
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mkquistjucato - is Xfce more basic than gnome?10:29
Jucatothat's something Kubuntu/Ubuntu has done...10:29
ubuntuwhat is this Xgl?10:29
Jucatomkquist: it's lighter, if that's what you mean. but they both use GTK10:29
ubuntui have a CD that says10:29
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ubuntuKororaa Xgl Live CD10:29
Jucatoerr... don't bother with it yet, if you're just beginning in Linux...10:30
ubuntuis it something good?10:30
ubuntui mean10:30
ubuntueye candy?10:30
Jucatodefinitely eye candy10:30
ubuntuso is it a linux distro only10:30
ubuntuor it runs on top of linux distros?10:30
Jucatoit's not a distro10:30
ubuntui m new to linux10:31
ubuntujust 3 days10:31
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ubuntuand i m begining to like it10:31
flaccidhow can i stop the acpd from ever running itself?10:31
Jucatowelcome to our world...10:32
mkquistnice world10:32
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mkquistonce u get into the learning curve10:32
ubuntuthanks :D10:32
ubuntubut isnt it difficult?10:32
ubuntui mean10:32
Jucatothe learning curve isn't that high. specially since you started with Kubuntu or SUSE10:33
ubuntui cant play my Mp3s10:33
ubuntuoh i see10:33
mkquistno, its really not that bad w/this distro10:33
Jucatooh.. this is a trademark of Kubuntu/Ubuntu... no out of the box support for what we consider proprietary or restricted formats/codecs/plugins...10:33
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:34
ubuntuoh thanks10:34
ubuntuso u support free software10:34
ubuntuthat is nice10:34
Jucatothat page about RestrictedFormats explains some stuff10:34
Jucatoof course. Ubuntu is committed to free software10:34
mkquistu can still play ur mp3s.... =)10:34
ubuntuwell software is meant to be free10:34
ubuntuthat is why i left windows xp10:34
flaccidw00t w00t10:35
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flaccidits all good cept nobody today can help with my problems lol10:35
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mkquistpicture software running across a grassy plain10:35
flaccidbut i fixed em myself10:35
Jucato... grassy plain, naked....10:35
mkquistin herds10:35
HobbseeJucato: not what we consider free.  what's under the GPL, so freely distributable.10:35
ubuntuso what do u geeks suggest?10:35
ubuntushould i instal kubuntu or SUse/10:36
=== Jucato is not a geek.. .yet...
JucatoHobbsee: point10:36
ubuntueye candy is important10:36
ubuntui have to impress my girlfriends10:36
ubuntui m just 1t10:36
Jucatoflaccid: ain't the feeling just wonderful? being able to fix your own problem after hours of trying to solve it?10:36
mkquistits kinda nice, in my opinion, kubuntu gots nice eyecandy, and bouncy icons...10:36
Hobbseeubuntu: either.  suse is very polished, but it does use rpm, and is hard to upgrade10:36
mkquisteyecandy that is10:36
Hobbseeubuntu: you wont impress your girlfriends like that, you know10:37
ubuntuwell they did get impressed10:37
Jucatodid he just say "girlfriends"? with an "s"?10:37
ubuntuseeing all the text scrolling10:37
mkquistwhat kinda girlfriends? impressed by ur desktop?10:37
ubuntuwith a 's'10:37
ubuntueveryone is used to seeing windows10:37
ubuntuthis looked geeky10:37
mkquistmy what a pretty desktop... will you goto bed with me...10:38
JucatoI'll be waiting for yor reaction when they start begging you to install it on their computers...10:38
ubuntuwel i really think this rocs10:38
ubuntuits soo stable10:38
mkquistur using kde or gnome?10:38
ubuntui m using Kubuntu10:38
ubuntuLive CD at present10:39
Jucatoubuntu, would it be possible if you could  stop typing one word/phrase per line?? :-D10:39
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.10:39
ubuntusorry. wont happen again. actually i m not used to IRC. my apologies.10:39
Jucatohm.. never knew that about ubotu10:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about uboto - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:39
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage10:39
ubuntuyeah. i m used to yahoo messenger. but this irc is good. technical stuff.10:40
JucatoIRC wasn't always about technical stuff...10:40
=== Jucato remembers a few years ago...
Jucatosome channels are....10:40
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Jucatowell at least Freenode channels are more sane....10:41
ubuntuwell. since i m in the rite channel.actually i feel that yahoo chat rooms are full of romance and stuff.10:41
mkquist~jucato...flashing back10:41
ubuntuwhich really sucks. i joined the computers channel in yahoo. and someone asked me my asl.10:41
Jucatoubuntu: you just haven't found the right channel for that stuff. ehehehe10:41
ubuntucant get any worse than this.10:41
mkquistlol, well that so important for tech matters... uno...hehe10:41
ubuntulol. really. i was surprised. i was asking something related to drivers. and this guy or girls asks me my asl10:42
ubuntucan anyone suggest a nice tutorial on how to install firefox and gaim on Kubuntu10:43
mkquistapt-get install?10:43
Jucatobtw, you could also try Kopete, which is also an IM client10:43
ubuntuaahann. actually the client supplied with Kubunut is not good. i m used to gaim10:43
JucatoKopete is the GAIM of KDE10:43
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ubuntuyeah. i tried that. dont feel at home while using it. lol10:44
mkquistive got gaim on kde10:45
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Jucatothe only reason I would use GAIM is because of a certain plugin...10:45
ubuntulol. anyways guys. thansk for ur help. i have to leave now. see you around later!10:45
ubuntuthank you so much. have a nice day.10:45
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mkquistlater ubuntu10:45
Jucatoyou might want to read the Kubuntu Desktop Guide10:46
Jucatoit's in K Menu > Help > Kubuntu Documents10:46
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Jucatook.. I think we've wandered quite far...10:46
=== Jucato is thankful aliasfred isn't here... yet...
mkquistill say10:47
Jucatobut we need order sometimes...10:48
grizzlydoing a reinstall, sugesst a few files that could be backed up except: sources, grub settings, /etc/passwd , fstab, the ~ folder , startkde, apt archives10:48
grizzlytheses are already done10:48
DHGEgrizzly: look into your /var structure10:49
grizzlyok, but what to look for ?10:49
DHGEI look for my personal website e.g.10:49
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grizzlyk, thanks10:50
DHGEcompressed /etc is < 2 MB10:51
Jucatothat would work if he had a personal website...10:51
grizzlyDHGE: oh I didn't know that /etc thing. thx10:52
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grizzlybut will just overwriting old /etc in new installation be a good idea?10:52
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DHGEgrizzly: I backup as root (from cron jobs) with RIGHTS preserved (that eases restore later ;-) )10:53
grizzlyanyway to backup and restore custom kernel ( suspend2 thing installed from someones deb files)10:54
DHGEbackup the kernel-config file for a "make oldconfig" on rebuild10:55
grizzlyok I am reintslling now!! see ya10:55
grizzlydidn't get that , sry10:55
DHGEls /boot/config*10:56
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grizzlyok will try that, currently me is on win. c ya10:58
DHGEdpkg --get-selections | grep -w install$ > siemens-selection10:58
DHGEto get your sw back10:58
DHGEdpkg --set-selections < rechner-selection && apt-get dselect-upgrade10:58
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blshkv_hi, how to install  libxine-extracodecs?11:01
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Jucatoblshkv_: you need to enable multiverse:Need to enable "universe" and/or "multiverse"? See this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu11:02
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blshkv_Jucato: I enabled some of them. Let me double check. Thanks11:03
Jucatomake sure that "deb http://xx.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper universe multiverse" is the one with "multiverse", not just dapper-backports11:03
blshkv_ah, you are right. I don't have pure multiverse ..11:04
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blshkv_Jucato: thanks :)11:05
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ore05108is the sun-java5-bin pacakge broken?11:07
ore05108Or was, yesterday11:07
ubotuacpi: displays information on ACPI devices. In component main, is optional. Version 0.09-1 (dapper), package size 10 kB, installed size 72 kB (Only available for i386 ia64 amd64)11:08
ore05108I need the jdk and it fails at the bin configuration11:08
ubotuacpid: Utilities for using ACPI power management. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0.4-1ubuntu11 (dapper), package size 30 kB, installed size 200 kB (Only available for i386 ia64 amd64)11:08
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blshkv_Jucato this is really not easy for begginers..11:10
Jucatowhich one?11:11
blshkv_to add mpeg codecs for amarok..11:11
blshkv_my father 60 years old wondering why it's so complicated ..11:11
Jucatothere are scripts to make that easier, like Automatix or EasyUbuntu11:11
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blshkv_wow, I didn't know that..11:11
mkquisttry automatix11:11
ubotuAutomatix is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. For help with and discussion of automatix please join #automatix.11:11
ubotuEasyUbuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ ; for help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu.11:11
blshkv_cool :)11:12
JucatoAutomatix: http://www.getautomatix.com/ || EasyUbuntu: http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/11:12
Jucatoblshkv_: I guess you have to know why Ubuntu/Kubuntu doesn't have these things out of the box11:12
blshkv_Jucato: yeh.. but amarok should tell me that I don't have it!11:13
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_lupineamarok 1.4.2 does :)11:13
Jucatoblshkv_: I think they're fixing that11:13
Jucatoor have fixed it...11:13
mkquistdoesnt it say that it cannot play that type of file?11:13
blshkv_we'll see in the next version..11:13
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Jucatomkquist: but doesn't say what you need11:13
blshkv_mkquist: no :(11:13
mkquistoh, maybe in the next then11:14
blshkv_it's just skips mp3 file..11:14
_lupine1.4.2 says "you need blah to play this file. Press OK to d/l and install from the repos"... or something11:14
flaccidshow can i search my source list with a keyword to find available packages with apt-get?11:14
mkquistlupine - is that the most current one?11:15
Jucatoflaccid: apt-cache search <search_pattern>11:15
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Jucatoflaccid: you could also use Konqueror for that, type in "apt in Konqueror11:15
flaccidthanks Jucato11:15
_lupinemore current than what's in kubuntu by default, but there is a repo somewhere11:15
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ubotuamarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.2 and packages are available for Kubuntu at: http://www.imbrandon.com/2006/08/23/get-it-hot-amarok-142-released/11:16
Jucatopackaged and signed by imbrandon, a Kubuntu dev11:16
flaccidJucato: i get11:16
blshkv__lupine good..11:17
Jucatoflaccid: oh sorry..11:17
Jucatoflaccid: apt:/11:17
flaccidthats mad ty Jucato11:18
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flaccidJucato: i do a dpkg -l vnc and it only shows vnc package which i didn't think existed and doesnt show other vnc packages11:20
flaccidi definately have the xtightvncviewer installed11:21
Jucatodpkg -l | grep -i vnc11:21
blshkv_guys, how to change language of english interface?11:22
blshkv_i've isntall laguage-pack already11:22
jott_flaccid: for a vnc/rdp client you could also try krdc11:22
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cedricslt a tous11:24
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.11:24
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Jucatoanyone here has any experience about compiling a kernel and still be able to use NVIDIA drivers?11:26
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jott_Jucato: should work when you use the official nvidia installer...11:26
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aliasfredq. is there a way to search files by their hash output in google ? like by their sha1 or md5 ?11:26
Jucatojott_: oh, thanks!11:27
h3sp4wnJucato: Yep that is not a problem11:27
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Jucatohi h3sp4wn! haven't seen you in a while11:27
ubotuPozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke. Russian users please try #ubuntu-ru, there you may get more help11:27
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flaccidJucato: thats weird. i don't see uppercase in the package names..11:28
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flaccidworks but ty11:28
Jucatoflaccid: nah, I just put the -i just in case11:28
jottdpkg also supports wildcards btw ;) like dpkg -l "*vnc*"11:29
flaccidah thats cool11:29
h3sp4wnJucato: You can apt-get source nvidia-graphics-drivers (from sid) and get nvidia-kernel-source from sid (and then just unzip nvidia-kernel-source.tar.gz into /usr/src then when you do modules_image you get a deb for the kernel module11:29
flaccidi just don't understand why -i was required when the packages are lower case11:29
Jucatoflaccid: I always add -i... second nature, I guess...11:30
flaccidyeah i try not to when i know that its not case, but yeah ur right11:31
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yoramremove safetly usb stick11:33
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jingle - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:37
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buzis there a kopete dapper deb with jingle?11:37
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Jucatoready to work again?11:52
josefhi its work already the firefox11:52
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josefmy cousin fixed for me.11:53
Jucatohehe good11:53
ninHerhi @ll11:53
josefbut i forget something to ask him so i ask you11:53
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josefi tried to play mp3 I browsed thu the websites and still i got nothing how do i install it. even in adept installer the gstreamers are still grey...11:55
Jucatojosef: you need "libxine" extracodecs, from the multiverse repository this time11:55
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Jucatojosef:Need to enable "universe" and/or "multiverse"? See this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu11:55
Jucatojosef: err. "libxine-extracodecs"11:55
mcdoilis a english room only ?11:55
josefok i will click the link that you gave me11:56
Jucatomcdoil: well, yes. are you looking for a local kubuntu channel?11:56
mcdoiljoin #(k)ubuntu-fr11:57
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.11:57
mcdoilyes i want to join this #(k)ubuntu-fr11:57
mcdoilhow do i do ?11:58
AZ_AStype /join #kubuntu-fr11:58
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josefjucato i have to try it out the link that you gave me i will come back later..THANKS ALOT12:00
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Jucatohm.. how do you use gestures in KDE/Konqueror?12:03
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jottJucato: enable them/set them up in the control panel12:04
Jucatojott: I have a few Konqeror gestures enabled. how do I use them? sorry, I'm completely new to this mouse gestures thing...12:05
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jottJucato: i think the default button was middle ..but not sure..12:05
TehKewl1why is adept not updating?12:05
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Jucatohm.. I set the middle button for smooth scrolling...12:05
jottin control panel regional&accessiblity -> input action press "global settings"12:06
JucatoTehKewl1: what do you mean?.12:06
jottthere is "gesture settings"12:06
Jucatooh ok thanks12:06
TehKewl1I click fetch updates and it doesn't download anything12:06
Jucatojott: kool! thanks!!12:06
jott(this button for getting to global settings is rather confusing usability wise when i think about it)12:07
Jucatowell, at least it's there... @_@12:07
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jotthehe true ;)12:07
JucatoTehKewl1: are your repositories enabled?12:08
TehKewl1I'll go check12:08
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TehKewl1uhh, how do I do that12:09
JucatoTehKewl1: in the Adept menu, select Manage Repositories. you will see some gray lines12:10
Jucatoright-click and select Enable on the lines that start with "deb" (not "deb-src") EXCEPT the line that has "dapper-backports"12:10
TehKewl1oh oh I fixed it12:10
Jucatoclick on Apply at the bottom, then on Fetch Updates12:11
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mkquistanyone here running corel for linux?12:13
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grizzlyI can conenct to irc, do apt-get update, but cannot browse!! did a reinstall except the ~ folder , but the problem persists!! It was working fine earlier.12:39
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grizzlySo the problem must be in the ~ folder. What could be the problem ?12:40
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grizzlyTried multiple browsers12:40
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grizzlybtw is it even possible that the problem is in the ~ folder ?12:45
jorikgrizzly: not likely12:45
jorikmaybe your ISP needs a http proxy12:45
jorik(my old one did, windows auto detected it but linux --at the time, 5 yrs ago-- didnt)12:46
grizzlyok I'll ask12:46
joriki dunno how it's doin right now, i suggest readin your ISP's manual ... if you can't connect to any port 80 server (eg not thru telnet either), it's probably that12:46
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grizzlyjorik: Another thing is that sometimes suddenly it would open a page!!12:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kacpid - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:48
grizzlylike right ow it opened google, but then refused to budge :lol:12:48
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jorikthat probably means it's not the HTTP proxy12:48
jorikdid you try diffrent browsers ? (konqueror, opera, firefox ...)12:49
grizzlydamn, I haven't tried the livecd yet !!12:49
grizzlyyup, even lynx12:49
Healotgrizzly: where you trying to get the same site on all the browsers?12:49
flacciddid you port scan port 80 on isp gateway/proxy12:49
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IceKnightgrizzly, try using konqueror to view something local -- just to see what happens.12:50
grizzlyflaccid: how did you know that ??12:50
flaccidjust a suggestion...12:50
grizzlyflaccid: I was playing ( learnig nmap)12:50
flaccidah ok12:50
grizzlyHealot: NO no different12:51
grizzlyIceKnight: tried  , it works12:51
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grizzlyI'll try the live cd first. Thanks12:52
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KabalGuys I've made a mistake by trying to install gpar2.01:02
KabalNow I want to remove the app but it won't uninstall.. here the details: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2213601:02
KabalWhat can I do to remove this app?01:02
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=== __osh__ found the kororaa-livecd. It rocks. Too bad kubuntu can't do the same thing.. :-(
KabalI want to remove another app also.. but this is not gonna happen cuz this prob is here.. :(01:03
Healotsudo apt-get -f install >> fix your installation first01:04
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KabalHealot: tried it and I got same result01:05
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Healottried again?01:05
Kabalthree times now.. still same result01:06
Healotre-install and remove the package...01:06
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Kabaloke but this prog is for gnome.. don't have it.. that's why it won't install.. but it also won't uninstall01:07
KabalWHen I installed gpar2 it asked to install gnome desktop.. And I refused so I didn't continue the install..01:08
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Healotjust force remove it, man apt-get for forced removaL :_)01:09
Kabalthis is a horrible problem..01:09
_thumper_hi all01:10
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_thumper_anyone have any idea why sound won't work any more on my vaio?01:10
Healotyeah, may the force (force remove switch) be with youi01:10
_thumper_worked on install, but now nothing01:10
tobiasHi! For the second time now I tried to resolve all dependency-problems on my system, but it just is impossible. I cannot compile programs because of it. I always need some other 'xy-dev' file containing headers or similar. Whenever I try to resolve those dependencies, I get queried to install a bunch of other libs... But the install doesn't work because of some version differences bewteen 'now' and 'dapper' versions. When I try to 01:10
tobiasre needed to be uninstalled -> that I can't do! Any hint? (sorry for long post...)01:10
_thumper_going through the system settings, sound01:10
_thumper_and setting to autodetect and restart01:10
_thumper_restart didn't01:10
_thumper_went up to 95% and then started again at 501:11
_thumper_had to kill it01:11
_thumper_is there something specific I could look for in /var/log/messages?01:11
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Kabalwell man gives me alot of options.. but can't remove the app whatsoever :S01:15
Kabal-f --purge etc won't work01:17
Kabaland Adept won't remove the app also..01:17
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cox377does anyone here know about fstab?01:28
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Kabalwhatever I try.. I get this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2213601:37
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_thumper_regarding sound01:46
_thumper_it isn't that it isn't working01:46
_thumper_just not though the headphone jack01:46
_thumper_ideas anyone?01:46
_thumper_headphones do work - used with iriver01:46
_thumper_headphone jack works in windows01:46
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h3sp4wn_thumper_: try sudo alsamixer have a mess around in there01:57
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mkquistcox377-what about it?02:04
mkquistcox377 - fstab?02:05
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gnomefreakdidnt kscreensaver settings used to be in sys settings?02:06
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Jucatognomefreak: System Settings > Desktop > Screensaver ??02:07
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Jucatowhoa... Amarok 1.4.2 now available from Kubuntu,org whoopee02:11
Buddha_JoeIs that the version of Amarok with the MTP patch?02:12
JucatoBuddha_Joe: what MTP patch?02:12
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mkquistanyone familiar w/wine?02:14
Buddha_JoeI was rember reading soething about them adding a patch to allow use of MTP devices with Amarok... they were going to add it in the next beta release if I remember correctly02:14
JucatoI'm not sure Buddha_Joe02:14
JucatoBuddha_Joe: I think it does have what you're looking for02:15
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kutanWhat's goin on peeps02:17
Jucatonot much02:18
JucatoHobbsee!!! Amarok 1.4.2 is now on Kubuntu.org02:18
JucatoHobbsee: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/amarok-1.4.2.php02:18
kutanWhat's amarok again?02:18
ubotuamarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.2 and packages are available for Kubuntu at: http://www.imbrandon.com/2006/08/23/get-it-hot-amarok-142-released/02:18
HobbseeJucato: yay!02:19
JucatoHobbsee: signed by Riddel. But when I updated, no upgrades were available. meaning they're exactly the same?02:20
kutanIs mkquist still here?02:20
HobbseeJucato: yep02:20
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Jucatogoodie goodie02:20
kutanGuess not lol02:20
kutanI was just about to answer his question about wine =X02:21
JucatoHobbsee: KTorrent and K3b were mentioned in the Announcement page...02:21
Jucatohold on...02:21
HobbseeJucato: true that.  not kopete though02:21
kutanSo what are some fun games EXCLUSIVE to linux? :D02:22
kutanBesides xmoto02:22
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JucatoFrozen Bubble!!02:22
Hobbseekutan: look in adept :P02:22
=== Hobbsee keeps playing supertux
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kutanYeah I guess it's time to move on to new games02:23
kutanI've already worn out teatime02:23
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Jucatolol! Hobbsee I almost replied to what you said in -devel!02:25
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kutanIf the penguin isn't in tuxkart I'm deleting it ASAP02:25
kutanAh here's a good chance to ask about this problem02:26
=== Martijn81 likes maniadrive :)
kutanOccasionally I'll install something (ex. tuxkart) through adept properly02:27
kutanand it just won't show up on my menu02:27
kutanand then I'll manually add it02:27
Jucatoheheh I figured you'd be asking that..02:27
kutanthen the manually added AND original that should have been there before will be there.02:27
kutanWhat's up with that?02:28
Jucatokutan:  if it's meant to have a K Menu entry, you can try typing "kbuildsycoca --incremental" in the command line to update the K Menu02:28
Jucatoyou "usually" don't have to add it manually02:28
kutanAh okay thanks02:28
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JucatoHobbsee: Kopete 0.12.2 doesn't seem to be in dapper-backports or in kubuntu.org?02:29
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kutankio (KSycoca): ERROR: No database available!02:29
HobbseeJucato: kopete should have hit backports02:29
Jucatokutan: ignore that "error" message02:29
=== Hobbsee got an accepted mail about it
JucatoHobbsee: I'll manually check it...02:29
kutanHmmm I guess I have to add it manually, cause afterwards it's still not there02:29
HobbseeJucato: apt-cache policy kopete02:29
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JucatoHobbsee: I use apt-cache madison. hold on I'll try...02:30
Jucatomight be a server/mirror thingy02:30
Hobbseethat works too02:30
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HobbseeJucato: you're on kde 3.5.4?02:31
nonicknameugh.. has anyone successfully set up the latest fglrx in dapper?02:31
JucatoHobbsee: yes02:31
Jucatoit ain't in archive.ubuntu.com yet...02:31
HobbseeJucato: hmm...interesting02:31
Jucatoprobably that's why it wasn't included in the announcement...02:31
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Hobbsee * Trying to backport kopete...02:32
Hobbsee  - <kopete_3.5.4+kopete0.12.2-0ubuntu1.dsc: downloading from librarian>02:32
Hobbsee  - <kopete_3.5.4+kopete0.12.2-0ubuntu1.diff.gz: downloading from librarian>02:32
Hobbsee  - <kopete_3.5.4+kopete0.12.2.orig.tar.gz: downloading from librarian>02:32
HobbseeI: Extracting kopete_3.5.4+kopete0.12.2-0ubuntu1.dsc ...  done.02:32
HobbseeI: Building backport of kopete-3.5.4+kopete0.12.2 ...  done.02:32
Hobbsee** Changed in: dapper-backports (upstream)02:32
Hobbsee       Status: In Progress => Fix Released02:32
HobbseeJucato: according to that, it's done02:32
=== Hobbsee checks LP
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)02:33
Hobbseeyeah, didnt realise it was quite that long, sorry02:33
JucatoI was just kidding about the pastebin thingy...02:33
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Jucatobut seriously.. it's not there. unless kopete has been moved out of main?02:33
Jucatohold on.. unless they...02:34
HobbseeJucato: it hasnt.  and it's gone into backports, i think02:34
Hobbseewhich is why p.u.c wouldnt show it02:34
=== Hobbsee kicks launchpad
xunqxgl+compiz guide for kubuntu thats realy wor ?02:35
Hobbseedont crash!02:35
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JucatoHobbsee: I'm not looking at p.u.c02:35
HobbseeJucato: got backports enabled?02:35
JucatoI'm manually looking into archive.ubuntu.com02:35
Hobbseeit's built on everything except for sparc, it seems02:35
JucatoHobbsee: yeah. I've got backports. I got KTorrent 2.0.1 there02:36
HobbseeJucato: can you do apt-cache policy kopete please?   i want to see what it finds'02:36
Jucatopolicy or madison?02:36
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HobbseeJucato: either.  both02:37
Tm_TKopete <302:37
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=== GYK is now known as gykr7k
JucatoHobbsee: policy: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2214302:38
HobbseeTm_T: indeed :)02:38
Tm_TI still haven't done my newest chat style ready to test02:38
Tm_Tintended to put that buddy icon to background ;)02:39
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Tm_Tyeah I know, it'll be slow, but hey!02:39
JucatoHobbsee: I think I made a boo boo?02:39
JucatoKopete 0.12.2 isn't meant to be out for Dapper, is it?02:39
h3sp4wn!info moc edgy02:40
ubotumoc: ncurses based console audio player. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4.0-2 (edgy), package size 175 kB, installed size 548 kB02:40
HobbseeJucato: i'm not sure what imbrandon's repo will do to that, but i might poke jdong tomorrow.02:40
HobbseeJucato: it is - i requested a backport.02:40
HobbseeJucato: according to this, keybuk's added it, it's built on everything except sparc...02:40
JucatoHobbsee: oh... so 0.12.2 is the one you requested for...02:40
HobbseeJucato: indeed.  https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kopete/4:3.5.4+kopete0.12.2-0ubuntu1~dapper102:41
JucatoHobbsee: this is what apt-cache madison kopete spit out when I removed brandon's repos02:41
Jucatoer... pastebin-ing...02:41
Jucatoit's 3 lines only.. but..02:42
=== Hobbsee nods
nonicknamesudo aticonfig --overlay-type=Xv do  paste that into the console exactly as it appears?02:42
=== XVirus_ is now known as CVIrus
Hobbseenonickname: yes02:42
nonicknameah. thanks02:42
Jucatothis is soooo strange..02:42
nonicknamewell, goodbye world02:43
HobbseeJucato: it says it's there too.  https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/dapper-changes/2006-August/012013.html02:43
=== Hobbsee wonders which kde you use, Jucato
nonicknamei'm off to watch and put money down on the bet that my computer will not be booting into x windows next time i turn it on02:43
JucatoI'll try the uk.archive.ubuntu.com....02:43
=== Hawkwind Stumbles out of bed and looks around
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JucatoKDE 3.5.4 from Kubuntu.org02:43
=== Jucato wishes nonickname the best of luck
HobbseeJucato: mind pastebinning your sources list please?02:44
Hobbseehey Hawkwind02:44
HawkwindHobbsee: Good morning(my time) evening your time :)02:44
nonicknamei actually had an fglrx install go okay once.. otherwise i wouldn't have had the courage to try it this time02:44
JucatoHawkwind: hi!!02:44
=== nonickname shuts down -now
HawkwindJucato: Hey there!02:44
HobbseeHawkwind: :)02:44
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HobbseeJucato: meaning "something's weird, i dont know what yet"02:45
h3sp4wnnonickname: Maybe you want the highmem.h patch added to your kernel headers (from the fglrx kernel source - it makes the screen look clearer or did when I was using it)02:45
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=== Hobbsee has no backports on her dapper pbuilder.
Hobbseethat explains why i cant find it using pbuilder login02:46
Hobbseewhich also explains why doing apt-cache madison kopete failed inside it.02:47
HobbseeHawkwind: you around?02:47
JucatoHobbsee: ehehe02:47
JucatoHobbsee: as requested: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2214502:47
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Jucatononickname: how did it go?02:47
nonicknamewell holy fragging hell02:48
nonicknameit appears that god does exist02:48
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=== Hobbsee nods
nonicknamei got the latest fglrx working :p02:48
HobbseeJucato: i'd blame a slow mirror or something.02:48
Jucato"echo DEITY=Jucato"02:48
Jucatothank $DEITY for that!02:48
nonicknameecho INVALIDATE=102:48
JucatoHobbsee: which is the main archive site: uk.archive.ubuntu.com or archive.ubuntu.com?02:49
nonicknameecho screw_it=102:49
=== nonickname echos a bunch of other flags and runs away
JucatoHobbsee: what I did was go to this site: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper-backports/main/binary-i386/ and open Packages.gz, browse through the Packages list02:50
HobbseeJucato: okay.  soyuz likely broke or something02:51
JucatoHobbsee: I hope he didn't break a leg or something..02:51
Jucatooh krap!02:51
HobbseeJucato: not he.  it.02:51
Jucatoit smells like dog's krap... somewhere...02:52
HawkwindHobbsee: Yes I am02:52
HobbseeJucato: soyuz tends to be held together with bits of sticky tape, chewing gum, bits of string, and lots of love.02:52
HobbseeHawkwind: want to do an apt-cache policy kopete please?02:52
JucatoI thought soyuz was an IRC handle or something...02:52
HobbseeJucato: no, it's the name of all the archive stuff02:52
=== Jucato succeeds once again to demonstrate his ignorance..
HawkwindHobbsee: http://pastebin.ulteo.us/7102:52
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Jucatowee that was fast!02:53
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=== Hobbsee whines
nonicknameyou know what people should do?02:53
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Jucatononickname: no, but I bet you're gonna tell us02:53
Hobbseehey cool, it's screwed here too.02:54
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HobbseeJucato: i'll have to bug jdong over what happened to that02:54
Jucatorawr! he ain't in -devel02:54
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HobbseeJucato: he's not around at the moment02:55
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JucatoHawkwind: isn't ulteo the distro that the Mandriva founder is trying to make?02:55
ionelfhi, I'm pretty new, someone know if there is "Strong DC++" for Ubuntu? tks a lot!02:55
nonicknameJucato: turns out i don't know what people should do either02:55
nonicknamehehe ionelf02:55
nonicknamethat program was pretty cool02:55
HawkwindJucato: Yes.  The one that I'm deeply involved in.  /whois Hawkwind  to see :P02:55
Jucatononickname: aww... c'mon don't be shy! :-D02:55
h3sp4wnTo me it will always be Mandrake not Mandriva02:56
nonicknamei was gonna say something about binary diffs.. but i can't imagine why anyone would bother doing that02:56
JucatoHawkwind: oooh! are you the one responsible for making it Kubuntu-based?02:56
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nonicknameand not diffs you can run on files02:56
HawkwindJucato: Heh no.  That was Gael's decision actually02:56
h3sp4wnxdeltas work fine02:57
nonicknameah, here we go. i want the xorg sources pronto :p02:57
JucatoHawkwind: ehehe! never thought you 2 were close.02:57
Jucatooooh! Mandriva.. then Ulteo... darn why didn't I see the connection...02:58
Jucato @_@02:58
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phreakys_ i just upgraded to kde3.5.4, and now i cant place icons on my desktop anymore02:58
phreakys_is there a fix for this?02:59
Jucatophreakys_: make sure that "Show icons on desktop" is enabled?02:59
HawkwindJucato: Hah yeah.  I've known him for quite some time.  I got involved with Ulteo the day Gael was let go from Mandriva02:59
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phreakys_you're right03:00
phreakys_problem solved03:00
JucatoHawkwind: that was a sad day... didn't really do much good for Mandriva's image, IMHO... but I hope Mr. Duval won't push through with his lawsuit plans...03:00
Jucatophreakys_: eheheh! enjoy!03:00
HawkwindJucato: Yeah.  I don't think he will...atleast he's not told me anything about it03:01
nonicknameis anyone keeping up with sco trying to sue everyone or is that over?03:01
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Jucatononickname: www.groklaw.net03:01
phreakys_compiz runs like crazy <-)03:02
JucatoYou could also try checking up with Linux.org once in a while... But I lost interest in that site for a few reasons...03:02
nonicknameah, i'm alright03:03
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nonicknamesco case is uninteresting to me save for a few laughs here and there03:03
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nonicknameanyone recompiled xorg?03:03
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JucatoHobbsee, Hawkwind: is Kopete still dependent on XMMS in Edgy?03:05
HawkwindJucato: I have no idea.  I don't have a box for Edgy anywhere at the moment03:05
Jucatooh, my apologies Hawkwind03:05
HawkwindI think when knot 2 comes out I'm going to install it in vmware though03:06
HobbseeJucato: it never was03:06
Jucatodarn! aseigo's not here... I couldn't tease him about the comments from the Dot03:06
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JucatoHobbsee: it never was in Edgy?03:06
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HobbseeJucato: not in any of the sources that i uploaded, that i remember03:07
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nonicknameuhm.. wtf?03:07
Jucatodarn! aseigo's not here... I couldn't tease him about the comments from the Dot :-D03:07
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nonicknamehttp://us.archive.ubuntu.com dapper/main xorg 7.0.0-0ubuntu45 (tar) [543kB]  what is this?03:07
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JucatoHobbsee: ok thanks! I don't want to keep XMMS installed coz I rarely use it...03:07
Jucatononickname: what's wrong?03:08
nonicknamei'm trying to grab the xorg server source03:08
nonicknameat least, i think that's what i'm gonna want to recompile03:08
Hawkwindnonickname: Why are you wanting to rebuild xorg ?03:08
nonicknamebecause i get this 53 (X_CreatePixmap) error that i direly need to straighted out03:09
Hawkwindnonickname: How would recompiling xorg solve that issue ?03:10
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nonicknameHawkwind: well, to be honest, i was reading about a miscoded patch that broke it, that can simply be replaced, but.. now i'm just lost03:11
nonicknamei don't know, heh.. the thing i was reading is dated from 200503:12
Hawkwindnonickname: When do you get that error...and is it critical as in stopping X or anything else from working ?03:12
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nonicknameit's stopping a certain program being run under wine that i'd really like to have working03:13
Hobbseenonickname: likely very old, and wont fix the problem03:13
nonicknameah, Hawkwind: i get it as soon as i open the program03:14
nonicknamesame trying to run it under cedega03:14
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nonicknamei had someone from #cedega try it on their comp.. same thing03:15
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Hawkwindnonickname: Have you submitted a bug for this ?03:15
nonicknamein wine..?03:16
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nonicknameno bug submittals03:16
HawkwindWell, if it's an actual issue with wine, then yes.  Or if it's an actual problem with xorg, then file it against xorg03:16
Jucatokutan: told ya! ehehehe03:17
nonicknamei don't have the first cluwe03:17
nonicknameand i don't think anyone cares about the particular game i'm trying to get running03:17
Jucatohm... I might be overlooking some simple things, because I'm a sort of a power user. but I'm just a bit curious: How does a relatively new user add a "Trash" icon easily on the desktop, seeing as one cannot simply drag and drop the Kicker applet? (Problem solved in Edgy, I think?)03:17
Hawkwindnonickname: Maybe talk to the guys in #WineHQ about it and they could point you in the right direction of where to file the bug03:17
h3sp4wnnonickname: are you using the wine.budgetdedicated.com version of wine it is alot newer03:17
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Jucatononickname: don't you just hate that feeling? when you stumbled on something that may be a bug but feel that no one might bother about it?03:17
nonicknameh3sp4wn: yea03:18
h3sp4wnnonickname: what does #winehq say ?03:18
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Martijn81guys, if you alter the file associations in konqueror for an file extenstion, you modify the mimetype config, true?03:18
phreakys_would it be possible to get that new suse kde menu in kubuntu?03:18
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Jucatophreakys_: it's not even in stable SUSE yet03:19
Hawkwindphreakys_: Hah!  Not for a while I'm sure03:19
jon_my cd rom is randomly ejecting a cd im trying to listen to in the middle of the first song i play03:19
jon_any ideas as to why?03:19
nonicknamethey say, 'why are you running that old version? don't you know there's a linux port?' or they don't answer.. similiar.. i probably wasn't asking right03:19
Jucatophreakys_: don't worry, if it's successful, it might be the new K Menu in KDE 403:19
Hawkwindjon_: Duct tape it shut :P03:19
jon_if only it were that easy03:19
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Hawkwindjon_: Bad CD perhaps ?03:19
jon_no i just bought it03:19
nonicknameh3sp4wn: you get that last message?03:19
jon_its in mint condition03:19
JucatoBad CD-ROM drive?03:20
phreakys_no experimental versions available?03:20
Jucatophreakys_: nope.03:20
Hawkwindjon_: Just because it's new doesn't mean it's good03:20
Jucatophreakys_: or better talk to KDE/SUSE devs03:20
Hawkwindjon_: Have you tried another CD and see if it does the same03:20
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Jucatobut I'm sure theey won't recommend it for regular use right now03:20
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Jucatophreakys_: in the mean time, you could try out kbfx. the latest release is available in dapper-backports03:21
Jucatoyey! Fedora Core 5 Live-Spin CD finished! ehehee03:21
nonicknameoh, and also, they complain about me asking for help and not having the latest working version of my graphics card drivers.. not to begrudge, but.. i just updated my gfx card drivers earlier..03:22
Jucatoor did I just utter a heresy??03:22
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nonicknamegah, you've got me wanting to see what they say when i head in there now03:22
h3sp4wnnonickname: What is the program (and what is the linux port)03:23
nonicknamemame32k .64 is what i want working03:23
nonicknameno other version / port / anything will suffice03:23
h3sp4wnnonickname: For what reason ?03:23
jon_yea ive tried another cd03:24
nonicknameh3sp4wn: it's a battleground for mame players..03:24
nonicknamenetplay with servers to find people in03:24
h3sp4wnOk (I just use advancemame)03:24
nonicknameon kaillera?03:25
phreakys_tnx jucato03:25
nonicknamenever mind03:25
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h3sp4wnnonickname: I have never tried netplay but its a reasonably recent version of mame (the ones in dapper/edgy/sid are ancient)03:26
Jucatojon_: so which is? Bad CD or bad drive?03:26
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nonicknamesorry, but your point being, h3sp4wn?03:27
nonicknamewhy does everyone shy away from emulator netplay?03:27
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h3sp4wnNever really considered it03:29
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jon_well its still not working right03:29
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jon_does that mean its the cd drive and not something else that could be fixed...03:30
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nonicknamethere's actually a pretty big playerbase on 32k, but only for games like sfa3, ssf2t, mvsc, and the neogeo ones.. and the like03:30
h3sp4wnnonickname: I don't use wine though - if there was a native emulator which supported it then I would try it03:30
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h3sp4wnI like the jap streetfighter 2 turbo (been looking for a real arcade machine of it to buy for quite a while now)03:31
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kubuntu_testerhello folks03:35
kubuntu_testerI have installed vncserver03:35
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kubuntu_testerand have problem with keyboard configuration on client side03:35
kubuntu_testersomeone can help me?03:35
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kubuntu_testerthe keymap seems to be not correct03:36
kubuntu_testeronly A key works03:36
kubuntu_testerI tried to change map setting but this doesnt help03:36
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kubuntu_testernobody can give me an advice? :(03:40
earthiangot a quick question: i have ubuntu. i am going to remove gnome gui and install kde instead. will that make my ubuntu > kubuntu? :)03:40
earthiankubuntu_tester: what advice you need?03:41
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kubuntu_testerearthian: read above03:41
kubuntu_testerit's about vcn server03:41
earthiani have just joined03:41
kubuntu_testeroh okay03:41
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earthianvcn server? never heard of it :(03:41
Jucatoearthian: yes03:42
JucatoI just you install "kubuntu-desktop" to get the default Kubuntu programs and settings03:42
earthianthanks Jucato :)03:42
Jucatokubuntu_tester: sorry, I have no idea about vnc...03:42
earthianwell i am installing ubuntu not from live cd but manualyl03:42
earthianwith apt-get03:42
earthianon my raid disk03:43
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earthianthat makes it a little different.03:43
h3sp4wnearthian: just install kubuntu-desktop and you will get kde and all the apps03:43
Jucatoearthian: you might find this helpful: a guide on installing KDE on Ubuntu: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/kde.html03:43
earthiankubuntu wont install on raid03:43
earthianas ubuntu or any other good linux03:44
h3sp4wnearthian: It will on real raid03:44
h3sp4wnearthian: Have you tried the alternative cd ?03:44
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Jucatoearthian: I think you need to use the Alternate Install CD for RAID03:44
Jucatorawr! h3sp4wn beat me to it...03:44
earthianhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto <-- FTW :)03:44
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=== Jucato is away...
earthianthat url provides a way how to install ubuntu on a raid disk03:45
earthianotherwise it will see two different hdds on raid-0 array03:45
earthianand not array itself03:45
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earthianif you understand what i mean03:45
earthiani want my root to be faster than a normal hdd :D03:45
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earthianIMHO i hope ubuntu developers will find time to make ubuntu support RAID things in the next release03:46
h3sp4wnIts easy enough to install with debootstrap anyway03:47
earthianyea i am doing this right now03:47
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earthianat first there was problem with my internet connection... ubuntu does not give me internet connection with liveCD without pppoe client software which i needed to download <-- download and offline does not sound good tbh03:49
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earthianbut then i installed windows, downloaded the software, copied it to fdd and then again rebooted to ubuntu livecd03:49
earthiantook me one day to make things work :(03:50
TheFuzzballhow do I downgrade from KDE 3.5.4 to KDE 3.5.3?03:50
h3sp4wnTheFuzzball: set /etc/apt/preferences (give 3.5.3 a priority of 1001 3.5.4 50 or something)03:51
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nonicknameh3sp4wn: exactly what i was talking about.. conversation ended with 'Get real hardware and don't touch stuff that stinks'03:52
TheFuzzballh3sp4wn, /etc/apt/preferences: No such file or directory03:52
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XVampireXAnyone into helping me set up my printer?03:52
jujimufuI need help connecting my nokia 6230i via bluetooth to my PC03:53
h3sp4wnnonickname: If you don't / won't get real hardware you don't need raid in my opinion03:53
Martijn81edgy's daily kubuntu md5sum looks messy here :s03:54
h3sp4wnTheFuzzball: You need to create it - there are multiple examples on google03:54
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XVampireXAnyone into helping me set up my printer?03:55
SonicChaoXVampireX: What kind of printer?03:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about canon - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:55
SonicChaoSorry, I don't know anything about that model.03:56
SonicChaoOr anything about Canon printers.03:56
h3sp4wnTheFuzzball: http://www.linuxfordummies.org/index.php?PHPSESSID=f3f221c2e6c9d5bbe05e20a7b45e3120&topic=611;prev_next=next03:56
earthianwhat issues are there?03:57
jujimufuhas anyone connected a 6230i via bluetooth?03:58
earthianjujimufu: not me03:58
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jottXVampireX: http://www.linuxprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=Canon-S30003:59
XVampireXAlready found that and about to install gimp-print03:59
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TheFuzzballh3sp4wn, thanks a lot, its working :)04:00
TheFuzzballh3sp4wn, I appreciate it04:01
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sephiceHello, some germans here?04:03
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de04:03
jujimufuich ben greschen04:03
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flacciddanke even04:05
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flaccidwas idst ben greschen?04:05
flaccidis das eine name oder was underes?04:06
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kbrooksAnnouncing EasyUbuntu 3.1 release candidate 1 release! Grab it from http://kbrooks.ath.cx/easyubuntu/easyubuntu-3.1-rc1.tar.gz . Please report any bugs you find in this release to https://launchpad.net/products/easyubuntu04:06
flaccidmeine deutsch ia nicht gut04:06
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nonicknameh3sp4wn: raid?04:07
ChuckTry English.04:07
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earthianwtf paste?04:08
h3sp4wnnonickname: Doesn't matter04:08
=== earthian reviews the irssi settings :S
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XVampireXWhen I try to compile gimp-print I get this error04:09
XVampireXgrep: /usr/lib/libXrender.la: No such file or directory04:09
XVampireX/bin/sed: can't read /usr/lib/libXrender.la: No such file or directory04:09
XVampireXlibtool: link: `/usr/lib/libXrender.la' is not a valid libtool archive04:09
XVampireXmake[3] : *** [libgutenprintui2.la]  Error 104:09
earthianXVampireX: try apt-get install gimp-print04:09
JucatoXVampireX: use pastebin please04:09
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)04:09
Hobbsee.la file were removed, iirc.04:10
h3sp4wnXVampireX: have you installed xorg-dev ?04:10
gnomefreakHobbsee: correct04:12
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=== Hobbsee :P at gnomefreak for his comments at the end of the CC meeting.
gnomefreakoh no what did i say :)04:12
Hobbseegnomefreak: me complaining @ meeting times being too early04:13
Jucatowere you 2 talking privately?04:13
gnomefreakHobbsee: if i had to get up at 3am for a meeting than i would be the same way04:13
earthiangnomefreak: from you nickname i believe that you are uberuser of gnome gui?04:13
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gnomefreakearthian: no i use 5 differnet desktops04:14
Jucatoearthian: his an ubuntu/kubuntu developer04:14
Hobbseegnomefreak: heh.  i've never done that.  if they want me at the meeitng, they need relatively sane timezones.04:14
gnomefreakhe is?04:14
Hobbseegnomefreak: and i'm on the KCC for quorum, so...04:14
HobbseeJucato: no, i read teh logs04:14
earthianwell i am interested what desktop i could make the most beautiful with a lot of pretty stuff on my machine?04:14
h3sp4wn3am is not too bad (I would almost always still be awake)04:14
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gnomefreakHobbsee: has this thing where she thinks people talk about her when shes not around04:14
gnomefreakshes right :)04:15
earthiani have dual opteron with 1gig of ram, a raid and radeon x850xt04:15
Hobbseegnomefreak: fabbione reveals all :)04:15
Jucatoyeah!! she's right about that04:15
gnomefreakhe logs everything04:15
Hobbseeer, except i think the last few logs havent been working - i havent found the dev team logs04:15
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h3sp4wnearthian: and your ati card will perform about as well in linux as an nvidia at 1/4 of the price04:15
gnomefreakHobbsee: ubuntulog left #ubuntu-meeting yesterday during a meeting iirc04:16
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earthiani know h3sp4wn :(04:16
earthiani was used to windows04:16
earthiannow moved to linux04:16
Hobbseegnomefreak: ahhh...04:16
earthianand got bad news about my gfx being worse than nvidia04:16
Hobbseegnomefreak: they'd better fix that before the meeting04:16
h3sp4wnearthian: I managed to get rid of a radeon 9800pro (swapped it for a cheaper nvidia with a windows user - we both did well out of it)04:17
gnomefreakit might have already been seeing as the next meeting is in llike 45 mins04:17
earthianwell i have agp04:17
earthiannot pci-x04:17
h3sp4wnme 204:17
=== justice [n=justice@d198-53-233-79.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #kubuntu
JucatoHobbsee: still no sign of Kopete. jdong seems to have been online in the forums half an hour ago...04:17
earthianwell.. it is really interesting04:17
earthianwill have to consider04:18
HobbseeJucato: yeah, i spoke to him earlier in -devel04:18
Jucatooh he was there? ehehe didn't notice him. :-D04:18
h3sp4wnearthian: That is why I swapped it - there is no way that I would buy a new agp card now seen as it is obsolete04:18
JucatoI need to get my eyes checked..04:18
gnomefreaki thought i saw him in #k-devel lastnight/this morning04:18
JucatoHobbsee: I was looking for jdong_, didn't see that a jdong|* was there...04:18
HobbseeJucato: in #ubuntu-devel04:18
HobbseeJucato: heh04:19
Hobbseegnomefreak: yeah, he's there04:19
gnomefreakimbrandon is working on kopete wasnt he?04:19
Hobbseegnomefreak: hmm?  i'm in charge of kopete04:19
Jucatoyey Hobbsee!!! you go, girl!! :-D04:20
=== gnomefreak cant bring myself to yell at Hobbsee
=== Jucato didn't realize he was yelling...
Hobbseegnomefreak: why would you yell at me?  besides, i can scream AND yell :D04:20
=== Jucato whispers "go girl..."
gnomefreakhe was hoping to have it done i thought like todayish04:21
gnomefreakif she says its done i quit04:21
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=== MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@dsl51B66A0E.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #kubuntu
Jucatoimbrandon hasn't added anything to his nightly build the past nights04:22
Jucatofor Kopete and Konversation I mean...04:22
alexichanhey is windows system volume information important??04:22
Hobbseegnomefreak: what was needing to be done?04:22
alexichanlike system critical? or just for backups04:22
Jucatoalexichan: for Windows it is04:22
alexichangarr stupid windows04:22
gnomefreakHobbsee: building it wasnt it? for the release of knot204:22
Hobbseegnomefreak: they're doing all that now - main is frozen04:23
Hobbseemuch to my annoyance, of course04:23
gnomefreakoh ok than i am just very late04:23
Hobbseewe're shipping an uninstallable kdnetwork-dev package :(04:23
Hobbseewe're shipping an uninstallable kdenetwork-dev package :(04:23
Jucatojust thaw the darn thing! ehehe04:23
gnomefreakthats not so good04:23
Hobbseeno, not really04:24
Hobbseegnomefreak: i only got the bug report in my email tonight, so....04:24
=== Hobbsee cant upload to there directly anyway
gnomefreakHobbsee: cant get an exception?04:24
Hobbseegnomefreak: it doesnt need a UVF - just that main is frozen for the building of the cds.04:25
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Dankerhow to know free hdd space from command line?04:31
Kabaldu -h04:31
Dankerwhich prog does do that?04:31
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Jucatodf -h would be betteer04:31
Jucato"df -h"04:31
Jucato"df" is the command04:31
Jucato-h is an option to make it "slightly" human-readable/understandable04:31
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ravenousnice didnt know about that flag, it is easier to read04:32
Martijn81Danker: filelight is nice too as a gui for du04:32
Dankerits ok and command line :)04:32
brk3which kernel should i be using for my dual core centrino?04:32
h3sp4wnbrk3: just the linux-686 kernel will be fine04:33
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brk3Danker: its just i tried to install an smp kernel but when its trying to boot its hangs after the line: ok, booting the kernel04:33
Dankertry non smp04:33
Dankertry non 68604:33
brk3h3sp4wn: but id like to make use of both my processors04:33
SonicChaoWhats up with KScreensaver? When I leave the comp for a while the whole screen goes dark.04:33
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Dankertry 386 smp04:33
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brk3whats the difference between 386 and 686?04:34
h3sp4wnbrk3: and you have installed linux-686 ?04:34
Dankerprocessor optimizations04:34
JucatoSonicChao: it's not KScreensaver04:34
Dankersorry for my bad english04:34
ravenouswhat about linux-686-smp?04:34
JucatoSonicChao: The power management bug is back04:34
brk3h3sp4wn: im not sure it might be 38604:34
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SonicChaoJucato: Power Management Bug?04:34
SonicChaoJucato: Any fix?04:34
angelakiwho can help me with wine-doors?04:34
JucatoSonicChao: what version of KDE are you using, btw?04:34
brk3h3sp4wn: heres the one i have: kernel-image-2.4.27-2-k7-smp04:35
brk3is the k7 something wrong?04:35
ravenousthats am amd kernel ;p04:35
SonicChaoJucato: Um, the version that comes with the pacakge kubuntu-desktop04:35
flaccidi have the acpi (power management) bug as well04:35
SonicChaoI'll go look it up04:35
angelakiwho can help me with wine-doors?04:35
h3sp4wnbrk3: Don't use that04:35
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Dankeruse 2.6.x kernel04:35
brk3that must be my prob :)04:35
h3sp4wnbrk3: use linux-68604:35
SonicChaoJucato: 3.5.204:35
JucatoSonicChao: in the Help menu of any KDE app, select About KDE04:36
brk3so this one? kernel-image-2.4.27-2-686-smp04:36
JucatoSonicChao: aah04:36
flaccidwell the acpi one04:36
h3sp4wnbrk3: don't use 2.404:36
h3sp4wnbrk3: sudo apt-get install linux-68604:36
JucatoSonicChao: System Settings > Display > Power Management tab04:36
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brk3h3sp4wn: its just im not seeing 2.6 smps in the respitores..04:36
=== MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@dsl51B66A0E.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #kubuntu
ravenousi thought it was linux-686-smp?04:36
h3sp4wnbrk3: any of the linux-image 's support smp04:36
Dankeryou should see04:36
h3sp4wnjust linux-68604:37
Dankeri use one of these04:37
JucatoSonicChao: Enable power savings is checked and set to 30 mins. even if you change this, it will return to this setting after restarting04:37
SonicChaoJucato: Oh, I see. It switches off my monitor after a while04:37
angelakiwho can help me with wine-doors?04:37
SonicChaoJucato: No fix?04:37
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brk3thanks alot for the help04:37
JucatoSonicChao: I thought it was fixed in KDE 3.5.3. But apparently it's back in KDE 3.5.404:37
Jucatoso for now, no fix that I know of.04:37
SonicChaoJucato: Ok, wait am I using an old KDE version?04:38
SonicChaoJucato: I just installed "kubuntu-desktop" pkg yesterday04:38
gnomefreak3.5.4 is latest SonicChao04:38
Jucatoyou're using a definitely more stable one...04:38
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JucatoIMHO, KDE 3.5.3 is the latest stable one. KDE 3.5.4 on Kubuntu is a bit... bugged..04:38
SonicChaognomefreak: Is there a way to update from repos? (or rather, should I update?)04:39
gnomefreakJucato: that is true04:39
gnomefreakSonicChao: in dapper i think you need riddells repo off of kubuntu.org04:39
JucatoSonicChao: Here's how to upgrade to KDE 3.5.3: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-353.php04:39
=== fit4lfe [n=fit4lfe@71-10-86-21.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
gnomefreakSonicChao: Jucato has a point 3.5.3 is a bit more stable04:39
fit4lfenot getting any sound with amarok04:39
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brk3h3sp4wn: sorry,just one more thing.. i just downloaded the linux-686 but its only 25kb! thats not right is it?04:40
ravenousi wonder why there's a linux-686 package and linux-686-smp package if all the linux-686 kernels have smp enabled?04:40
fit4lfebut all of my other media players I can04:40
gnomefreakJucato: 3.5.3 should be in dapper repos04:40
Hobbseethose 3.5.3 packages arent getting updated...04:40
fit4lfewhat could be the problem04:40
Jucatognomefreak: err.. not yet I think...04:40
Hobbseegnomefreak: not really.04:40
gnomefreak!info kdebase04:40
ubotukdebase: base components from the official KDE release. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.2-0ubuntu27 (dapper), package size 38 kB, installed size 76 kB04:40
Hobbseekde 3.5.3 wont be backported04:40
gnomefreakthats not good is it?04:40
SonicChaoNah, I think I'll keep my current version until they put it in the repos.04:40
=== Hobbsee only patches against 3.5.4 and 3.5.2
JucatoI asked Jonathan about it... KDE won't get  backported, probably ever. hehehe04:40
HobbseeJucato: we'll see.  if one's mega more stable, then why not?  *shrugs*04:41
JucatoSonicChao: then you'll be waiting for a long time04:41
HobbseeJucato: we just backported kopete, after all04:41
JucatoHobbsee: a single app is one thing, but a whole DE? ehehehe04:41
HobbseeJucato: but that was only a few bits.  kde is huge04:41
JucatoI said it first eheheeh04:41
ravenousso what in edgy? 3.5.3 or 3.5.4?04:41
gnomefreakand edgy is still expecting 3.5.5?04:41
Hobbsee3.5.4 at the moment04:41
Jucatoravenous: 3.5.404:41
Hobbseegnomefreak: when's the ETA on that?  depends how stable it is04:42
JucatoI don't think 3.5.5 will make it...04:42
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gnomefreakoct i think i was told04:42
SonicChaoJucato: It's not like I'm missing anything04:42
ravenousah okay04:42
JucatoSonicChao: probably. except that Power Saving bug.04:42
Hobbseegnomefreak: ouch.  oct when?04:42
jottwell some patches from svn would be nice for 3.5.4 ;)04:42
HobbseeJucato: depends on the stability, and changelog04:42
=== Hobbsee shrugs. edgy is frozen, guys.
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gnomefreakHobbsee: dont know riddell told me oct release04:42
Hobbseegnomefreak: fair enough.04:42
gnomefreakHobbsee: universe is frozen?04:42
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Hobbseegnomefreak: no, just main04:43
gnomefreakah ok04:43
Hobbseegnomefreak: main's properly frozen, due to the knot 2 freeze04:43
JucatoKDE 4 Tech preview is on Oct. will they be able to release that and 3.5.5 at the same time?04:43
Hobbseegnomefreak: then back to UVF exceptions04:43
ravenousuniverse doesnt get frozen till end of sept right?04:43
HobbseeJucato: ask upstream that.04:43
XVampireXWhere do I add a username in Cups?04:43
Hobbseeravenous: indeed.04:43
gnomefreakok how about kde 3.5.5 beta than after release updaing to stable?04:43
HobbseeJucato: i doubt we'll do packages for kde 4 tech preview04:43
Hobbseegnomefreak: depends on stability.  *shrugs*04:43
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Jucatoerr.. sorry... I was asking whether the KDE guys would be able to release both things in one month04:44
SonicChaoThere isn't going to be a KDE 4 in the repos?04:44
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XVampireXWhere do I add a username in Cups?04:44
SonicChaoWait, whats going on with Kubuntu?04:44
HobbseeSonicChao: no.04:44
gnomefreakJucato: yeah should be able to04:44
SonicChaoI'm confused.04:44
HobbseeJucato: no idea.  probably.04:44
JucatoSonicChao: definitely not04:44
SonicChaoHobbsee: Kubuntu will stay at KDE 304:44
gnomefreakSonicChao: you will not see kde4 until edgy+1 or later04:44
HobbseeSonicChao: not forever.04:44
SonicChaoEven when KDE 4 is done.04:44
h3sp4wn!info linux-image-68604:44
ubotulinux-image-686: Linux kernel image on PPro/Celeron/PII/PIII/PIV.. In component main, is optional. Version (dapper), package size 22 kB, installed size 52 kB04:44
JucatoSonicChao: KDE 4 won't be released until next year at the earliest04:44
fit4lfedoes anyone use amarok hrer04:44
SonicChaoAnd by that, I means table.04:44
Hobbseeedgy+1 should be an interesting release.04:44
Hobbseefit4lfe: sure04:44
fit4lfecan't get the sound to work04:44
SonicChaofit4lfe: I do04:44
fit4lfewhat could be the problem04:45
SonicChaofit4lfe: #amarok04:45
Hobbseenot enough info.04:45
Jucatofit4lfe: are you trying to play MP3's?04:45
h3sp4wnbrk3: get linux-image-68604:45
fit4lfeand streaming yeah04:45
gnomefreakfit4lfe: does sound work at all?04:45
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=== grothesk is listening to "True Faith" by New Order on True Faith [Amarok]
fit4lfeon other players04:45
SonicChaogrothesk: How did you do that? =)04:45
gnomefreakthan install the mp3 codecs for amarok04:45
Jucatofit4lfe: is "libxine-extracodecs" installed?04:45
h3sp4wnbrk3: and the matching restricted-modules if you need them (make sure you have restricted enabled for dapper-security)04:45
fit4lfelet me see04:45
=== Hobbsee waves to jdong
=== jdong waves to hobbsee
grotheskfit4lfe: Switch the output to xine in amarok , fit4lfe04:46
=== SonicChao waves to j00 all
=== Jucato waves to himself...
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=== SonicChao waves to Jucato
fit4lfeguess not04:46
fit4lfelet me try now04:46
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JucatoSonicChao: don't worry about KDE 4. it's going to be quite a while before they release something stable04:47
=== gnomefreak waves to ubotu because without him i wouldnt know what im doing :)
SonicChaoLol gnomefreak04:47
Jucato!ph > Jucato04:47
=== h3sp4wn still thinks ubotu doesn't know anything (compared to dpkg anyway) if I need to know something I just ask dpkg in #debian-bots he really does know almost everything
gnomefreaki think of him like my notepad i add things to him so i dont have to remember and than i !recall them04:48
fit4lfehmm do you have to have kmix on to hear anything04:48
fit4lfeor no04:48
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=== sevyls is now away: Away at the moment
=== sevyls is now known as [[sevyls||afk] ]
Jucatofit4lfe: no04:48
gnomefreakSeveas: lose the away message04:48
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
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Hobbseehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Search?go=Go&search=sevyls||afk: please remove that away message04:49
gnomefreak[[sevyls||afk] ] : lose the away message04:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about everything - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:49
SeveasHobbsee, ?04:49
=== mode/#kubuntu [-o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
Seveasyour script is evil04:49
gnomefreaksorry Seveas i didnt mean to ping you04:49
Seveas(btw: that person is away, the only way he'll notice is if you kick him)04:49
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=== mode/#kubuntu [-o gnomefreak] by gnomefreak
HobbseeSeveas: wrong nick, dotn worry.  it's not a script, it's an alias, although that's a konvi script.   can we get ubuntulog in #ubuntu-meeting to track the developer meeting please?04:49
fit4lfegot it now04:49
fit4lfethx guys04:50
SeveasHobbsee, ubuntulog isn't mine04:50
gnomefreakubuntulog is fabb's04:50
Jucatofit4lfe: got MP3's working?04:50
HobbseeSeveas: or stick in a replacement, or something?04:50
charlie5hulloo ,,, does ktorrent always crash when you try a search ?04:50
gnomefreakubugtu i thought logged04:50
SeveasHobbsee, there's a replacement04:50
HobbseeSeveas: cool.  the logs are accessible where?04:51
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Seveasnot publicly, but I'll put it online04:51
Martijn81charlie5: no, shouldn't happen...04:51
Seveas(EdgyEft is my logger)04:52
gnomefreakfound a typo in my book :(04:52
HobbseeSeveas: that'd be cool, thanks :)04:52
=== Hobbsee beds.
Hobbseenight all04:52
gnomefreaknight Hobbsee04:52
Jucatobye Hobbsee!!04:52
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charlie5Martijn81: it ahppens for me every time ... any idea's what might cause it ?04:52
Martijn81charlie5: not really, i would upgrade to latest version 2.0.2 and if the problem remains bump an bug on the forums04:53
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Jucatoor KTorrent 2.0.1 if you want something from Ubuntu's repos04:54
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charlie5Martijn81: mmm ... yep ... i only have version 1.2 ... i'll have to d/l & install manually for version 2.0.1 (ie there is no package for it ?)04:56
Martijn81charlie5: i think it's in dapper backports04:57
Jucatocharlie5: 2.0.1 is available in dapper-backports04:57
Jucatojust enable that repository04:57
Martijn81yep :)04:57
jason__so i have a strange issue.... my usb usrobotics usr5420g is detected and looks great.  it sees the router, has associated with it, but i cant connect to it.  i have tripl checked the wep key.  any thoughts?04:58
charlie5:) ... thanks, guys ... i didn't know about backports ... what are they for, in general ?04:58
jason__oh, btw - i am running xgl/compiz - and lovin it *wow*04:58
Jucatocharlie5: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-353.php04:58
Jucatoerr.. sorry04:58
Jucatowrong link04:58
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Jucatocharlie5: this one: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports04:59
jason__heyyy Jucato.  kumusta ka?04:59
charlie5Jucato: thank you :)04:59
Jucatojason__: heheh! ok lang ako. (I'm doing fine)04:59
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jason__Jucato: ever played with ndiswrapper?05:00
h3sp4wnJucato: Use the latest stable version (not the one from the repos) and the recommended driver for your chipset05:01
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Jucatoh3sp4wn: ah ok. thanks!05:02
jason__utils ver 1.7  driver version 1.8  <== ndiswrapper -v05:02
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ryanrI compiled a new kernel and installed it. Everything works fine but it does not recognize the modem. Is there a way to force it to find the modem?05:06
h3sp4wnndiswrapper is getting better and better (especially on 64bit)05:06
youssefhi every b05:08
jason__h3sp4wn: yes, it is.  but i cant understand why i am not able to connect to the router.... it is very strange!  any ideas?05:09
charlie5hmm, i added backports, but ktorrent hasn't shown up in adept with a newer version05:09
youssefi w help my ubuntu os could'nt reconise my web cam05:09
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jason__charlie5: did you try automatix?05:10
=== jason__ *loves* automatix
=== charlie5 is ignorant of automatix
charlie5another package manager ?05:10
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Jucatocharlie5: did you "sudo apt-get update" or Fetch Updates (in Adept)?05:11
jason__no - it just installs a *lot* of pretty essential stuff for ubuntu05:11
Jucatoafter you added dapper-backports05:11
jason__charlie5:  http://www.getautomatix.com/05:12
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Jucatojason__: he's trying to install KTorrent from dapper-backports. Automatix won't help05:12
charlie5Jucato: yes, i did fetch updates in adept ... it pauses for a sec on the backports entry05:12
Martijn81automatrix is no rule for succes;)05:12
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Jucatocharlie5:  could you paste that line, just that line, that you enabled?05:13
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jason__i thought that ktorrent got installed by automatix....sorry05:14
Jucatojason__: KTorrent is installed by default in Kubuntu05:15
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jason__Jucato: ahhhh, ok... sorry about that05:15
h3sp4wnJucato: Are you using wpa_supplicant05:15
judibetBonjour tout le monde !05:15
Jucatoh3sp4wn: no. I have no wireless stuff05:16
charlie5Jucato: deb      http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/         dapper-backports     main restricted universe multiverse05:16
charlie5Jucato: and the same for deb-src05:16
youssefj'ai besoin d'aide mon systeme UBUNTU ne voit pas ma camera05:16
h3sp4wnJucato: Sorry irssi is autocompleting wrong (I type a small j and it completes to you)05:17
=== Starting logfile irclogs/kubuntu.log
=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@ubuntu/bot/ubuntulog] has joined #kubuntu
=== Topic for #kubuntu: Kubuntu Support Channel | 3.5.4 available for dapper | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuDapperKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs! https://shipit.kubuntu.org/ | Large pastes go here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Your X broken, the fix is to update again. (make sure dapper-updates repo. is enabled)
=== Topic (#kubuntu): set by tobias__ at Sun Aug 27 00:40:33 2006
(Jucato/#kubuntu) charlie5: I'll check it out...05:19
(jason__/#kubuntu) h3sp4wn: i know! its bizarre05:19
(h3sp4wn/#kubuntu) jason__: /usr/share/doc/wpasupplicant/README.modes look at that (if you are using wpa)05:19
(judibet/#kubuntu) Je ne sait mme plus utiliser irc :s... lol05:19
(driz/#kubuntu) clicker sur le nom05:19
(Jucato/#kubuntu) what the?!?!?!05:19
(Jucato/#kubuntu) who's in charge of the au.archive.ubuntu.com?!???05:20
Jucatocharlie5: change the au.archive to just plain archive, for dapper-backports...05:20
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charlie5lol ... ok, i'll give it a shot05:21
Jucatoh3sp4wn: would you happen to know who's in charge of checking if the archive mirrors/server are updated?05:22
jason__h3sp4wn: am i using wpa?  no, i dont it at least... in kanotix i tell it no to wpa...05:22
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h3sp4wnJucato: No idea05:24
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h3sp4wnjason__: Anything other than wpa is completely insecure (even wpa is not that good security)05:24
charlie5Jucato: :) ... that's done the trick ... cheers05:24
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Jucatocharlie5: ehehe05:24
autowho can help me with wine-doors??05:25
_lupinewpa with a key less than ~8 characters (or longer if it's standard dictionar fare) is useless ;)05:25
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jason__but the point now is that i am unable to connect ....05:26
charlie5Jucato: should i feel less than confident about the other 'au' repositories ? maybe i should change them all ?05:26
jason__can i disable wpa?05:26
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Jucatocharlie5: nah. dapper-backports was activated only very recently. the people in charge of the au.archives might not be aware of it yet05:27
xunqcannot connect to X server how can i fix it05:27
xunqhelp me pleaz05:27
autowho can help me with wine-doors??05:27
charlie5Jucato: great! thanks for your help05:27
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autowho can help me with wine-doors??05:30
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drizhey does the bluetooth chat button work for intergrated Bluetooth05:32
judibetHi !05:32
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=== Martijn81 doesn't like the new amarok 1.4.2 thing where it doesn't start playing the track automaticly anymore when i load a file in playlist, bad bad ><
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judibetIs somebody know how to appair a bluetooth device ?05:34
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henkiesomebody alive05:35
Martijn81lots ;)05:35
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FedAgtCan someone help me get my wireless working on an acer laptop please?05:46
narosHey, anybody know how to mount digital camera, or mp3 player as normal user ? Because I can't, there is an uknow error.05:46
lotusleafnaros: are you using digikam?05:47
narosi tried05:47
lotusleafnaros: have you asked in #ubuntu? more eyes in there05:47
narosNo, I will ask... thanks.05:48
lotusleafnaros: yw :)05:48
lotusleafnaros: you might specify camera type and what you've tried accessing the devices with too05:48
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FedAgtcan anyone please help me get wireless working on my laptop?05:49
judibetI  use Kubuntu in a laptop and in a family computer :).05:50
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FedAgtjudibet: thanks ive installed ndiswrapper and the driver, but when i tried 'modprobe ndiswrapper' i got no wireless connection05:50
judibetWhat's your problem in your wireless connection ?05:50
JontyI was installing lots of packages using Synaptic, they had all downloaded and were installing, when I completely forgot and shut down, which stopped it. Is there a way of resuming?05:51
judibetAre your shure your access point is correctly configured ?05:51
FedAgthow would i do that?05:51
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CIMMAcmd 'Inreq_ifstate' is invalid05:52
CIMMAwhich deb is missing05:52
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judibetsudo apt-get uptdate05:53
FedAgtjudibet: how would i set up my access point?05:53
judibetAn RJ-45 cble.05:53
CIMMA^^ sry no internet05:53
judibetPut it in the access point and your computer.05:53
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FedAgtlol but im trying to do wireless05:54
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yuyuhi there05:54
Aikurnis the dapper-backports repository active?05:54
yuyuanyone knows ahy amarok refuses to launch after today's update ?05:54
judibetFirstly you ave to configure your Wireless whith a cble !05:54
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judibetYou can't configure Wireless by Wireless !05:55
FedAgti did on my pc05:55
CIMMAwlanctl-ng wlan0 lnxreq_ifstate ifstate=disable --> an inxreq cmd is invalid05:55
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FedAgtit wont do it on my laptop tho05:55
yuyuanyone expereiencing trouble with amarok today after the update ?05:55
judibetIt's the same.05:55
lotusleaftrouble meaning?05:55
judibetTo configure wireless, you have to connect your computer whit the RJ45 in the access point.05:56
FedAgtok ill try that thanks05:56
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judibetIf you have a problem, i'm here ;).05:56
FedAgtthanks =)05:56
judibetAnd for the WEP keys, it's in hexadecimal (abcdef ABCDEF 012345) ok ?05:57
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judibetAnd for the WEP keys, it's in hexadecimal (abcdef ABCDEF 012345789) ok ?05:57
yuyuany amarok users here ?05:58
judibetI use Amarok to.05:58
lotusleafyuyu: what problems have you experienced with the update?05:58
yuyulotusleaf, amarok does not want to launch anymore05:58
lotusleafyuyu: run it from the command line and see what messages it gives, if any05:59
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yuyuit says: amarok could not find sound -engine plusgins, please retry in a couple of minutes or recompile05:59
judibetAh !05:59
yuyuit actually displays a dialog05:59
judibetWait a minut, i search in the Wiki...06:00
yuyunothing is written in the konsole06:00
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XcaliburOMG ppl!!!!!!06:01
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Xcaliburafter staying up ALL night, I found thr problem with my card06:01
yuyujudibet, did you update amarok today ?06:02
lotusleafI stay up all night with my cards too, I even gave my sound card its own pillow to sleep on06:02
Xcaliburwhen you load kubuntu, it tries to load it's own driver06:02
Xcaliburfor your card06:02
XcaliburI had to ovverride it06:02
yuyujudibet, i'm trying to figure if i'me the only one with this issue...06:02
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judibetYes, I upgrade it, i will eard a sound to look that...06:03
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judibetFor me it's ok.06:03
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judibetWait, i'll look in the Wiki again... :s06:04
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XcaliburI had to edi "/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist"06:04
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judibetI looking here : http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/applications/formats_non-libres06:05
JontyHow do you install packages you've downloaded but not installed?06:05
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lotusleafsudo dpkg -i filename.deb06:05
Jontyany way of doing it to every one?06:06
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lotusleafsudo dpkg -i *.deb06:06
yuyusudo dpkg -i *deb06:06
Jonty"cannot access archive: No such file or directory"06:07
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JontyI'm guessing that means I can't06:07
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Jucatoimbrandon or gnomefreak: would you guys happen to know who's in charge of checking the archive.ubuntu.com mirrors/servers? au.archive.ubuntu.com still has an empty dapper-backports, so people might not be able to get the new packages06:07
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judibetyuyu ?06:11
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yuyujudibet, yes?06:11
judibetlotusleaf ?06:11
madman__Jucato: I was reading the ubuntu book excerpt and came across something about that. the book has a lot of info on the ubuntu pepole06:11
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judibetCan you open Amarok ?06:12
lotusleafjudibet: what06:12
yuyujudibet, no06:12
siddharthcan anyone tell me how to install sw on kubuntu plzzz06:12
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Jucatomadman__: heheh! I was asking 2 members of that ubuntu people group :-D06:12
yuyuJucato, i'll try to close the kde session and see if it fixes the pb06:12
Jucatoyuyu: what version of Amarok are you using, btw?06:13
yuyuJudibet, i'll try to close the kde session and see if it fixes the pb06:13
siddharthso how do u do it?06:13
yuyuJucato, 1.4.206:13
madman__Jucato: well then, you have it from the maine folks06:13
yuyuqt 3.3.6, kde 3.5.206:13
judibetBut i think you have to download a package.06:13
siddharthcan anyone tell me how to install sw on kubuntu plzzz06:14
gnomefreakJucato: i think the backports team or the server maintainer (suggestion take the au. out of the repos and you should be fine) i cant remember where au defaults to06:14
lotusleafsiddharth: sw = ?06:14
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Jucatognomefreak: thanks! I'm fine. I'm just particularly concerned about the au. users :-D06:14
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Jucatosomeone was trying to upgrade KTorrent a while ago but wasn't able to, because of that06:14
gnomefreaki would (if that important) ask them to remove the au.06:15
Jucatoyeah, I did. I wonder how many times I would have to tell people that :-D06:15
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mo_can someone tell me how to integrate usegroups to kontact? i can't find taht option06:15
Jucatobefore, I would recommend people to change gb. to uk.06:15
Jucatosiddharth: sw = software?06:16
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inteliwaspwhat do i need to do to display the other window managers on the login screen?06:19
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ubuntuhello people06:20
Jucatointeliwasp: they are automatically added to the "Session" menu when you install them06:20
inteliwaspJucato:  ...strange, they arn't...06:20
ubuntuare there other chat rooms on here?06:20
xwolf-type /list and wait till next year06:21
ubuntudoes it really take that long?06:21
inteliwaspsometimes :)06:21
lotusleafubuntu let me check06:21
xwolf-well, it will query for all the available chans in the network06:21
=== lotusleaf flips coin
mo_can someone tell me how to integrate usegroups to kontact? i can't find that option06:22
Jucatothere are many channelsin Freenode, but mostly open source stuff06:22
ubuntui mean i have a very fast internet conection06:22
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Jucatos/channelsin/channels in06:22
yuyuthe pb is not fixed after a reboot06:22
xwolf-ubuntu you want to type /list *some*thing* for a more refined search06:22
yuyuhowever, i got a new error message06:22
yuyu"kde media manager is not running"06:22
yuyuany hints?06:23
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Jucatoyuyu: go to System Settings > KDE Components > Service Manager06:23
Jucatosee if KDED Media Manager is checked06:24
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yuyuJucato, is that kdm?06:25
Jucatoyuyu: no06:25
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yuyui have nop kded listed then06:25
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JucatoSystem Settings > KDE Components > Service Manager06:25
bkudriakpersonalizer starts every time i start kde...how do i make it stop?06:25
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yuyuJucato, it is checked06:26
yuyuJucato, and running06:26
yuyushould i restart it ?06:26
Admiral_Chicagobkudria, did you check ~/.kde/Autostart06:27
Jucatobkudria: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=8041.006:27
JucatoAdmiral_Chicago: nah it's a Kubuntu "bug"06:27
Admiral_ChicagoJucato, oh06:27
yuyuJucato, i should go now. i'll be back later. thanks for the help06:27
Jucatoyuyu: hm... maybe you could try that06:27
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Jucatook... I'm baffled by your problem, though06:28
yuyuJucato, thanks a lot dude, i'll be back anyway ;)06:28
bkudriaJucato: thanks!06:28
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ubuntuhow do u edit this software06:29
Riddell** knot 2 candidate CDs are up for testing **06:29
Admiral_Chicagoubuntu, what do you mean "edit"06:29
Admiral_Chicagowhat are you trying to do06:29
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Jucatook I can loudly say "yay!" here06:29
ubuntulike what it saids on this disk06:29
JucatoThanks Riddell!!! you're the man!06:30
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ravenouswhere's the knot download site?06:30
Admiral_Chicagoubuntu, yes i know, but is there anything in particular you want to do06:31
Jucatoyou would not be wanting to "edit" EVERYTHING06:31
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ubuntunot sure what you can do on it can you give me some ideas06:31
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larson9999i have an ati x200 embedded graphics card and every once in a while the screen goes pure white or maybe vertical stripes and i have to turn off the machine.  i finally found a site that gives what looks like a simple workaround.  however, i don't know what i need to do to implement it.  here is the workaround.  what do i need to do to implement this?:   "Im currently running with the runlevel as for the default installation, but wi06:32
larson9999th S10powernowd.early and S20powernowd removed, and the crashes are gone."06:32
lotusleafWhat I'd like to know is, why the "resolution" area in KDE under the display options has been removed, where in previous versions in 3.5.x you could modify resolution without having to enable the feature by editing a text file... that's just... dumb06:32
Jucatolotusleaf: huh?06:32
lotusleafJucato: in KDE 3.5.3 and 3.5.4 the resolution configuration in display options is gone, unless you edit a text file to enable it06:32
Admiral_Chicagowell you can change the settings as much as you want06:32
Jucatoit's still here for me06:32
Admiral_Chicagoadd panels06:32
ubuntuthe settings such as backgrounds06:33
Jucatolotusleaf: it's still here for me. check if kde-guidance is installed06:33
ubuntui can do06:33
Admiral_Chicagouse multiple desktops, add a bunch of programs,,, etc06:33
lotusleafJucato: thx let me check06:33
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lotusleafJucato: that's not it06:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nun - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:33
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lotusleafJucato: this was an issue I discovered a fix for on the kubuntu forums06:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about NUN - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:33
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Admiral_Chicagodang, oh well06:34
lotusleafJucato: maybe it's only happening to certain people06:34
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ip - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:34
Jucatolotusleaf: I still have the resolution settings in System Settings > Display06:34
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ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome06:34
lotusleafJucato: ah so that's where it is, thanks.. right clicking on desktop and display doesn't show it but the way you suggested does! :)06:35
Jucatolotusleaf: err...06:35
ubotulinux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux06:35
=== lotusleaf bows and removes a flashy top hat while waving cane at Jucato
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about knoppix - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:36
lotusleafJucato: so it's missing from one menu but there in another! la la la!06:36
JucatoI don't know what led them to that decision. but it make Kubuntu less XP-like and more Ubuntu-like06:36
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lotusleafubuntu try /msg ubotu !whatever06:37
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lotusleafJucato: hey at least it's there somewhere! :)06:37
ubuntuhow about06:37
ubotuHvis du vil diskutere Ubuntu paa norsk, venligst gaa til #ubuntu-no. Takk!06:37
lotusleafJucato: I usually use kcontrol not the settings area06:37
Jucatonixternal: will there be Live CD's for Knot 2? The links Riddel gave are for Alternate Install CD's. I can knot find yet a Live CD link...06:37
lotusleafubuntu then I'll ignore ;)06:37
ubuntuu do that06:38
Jucatolotusleaf: KControl > Peripherals > Display06:38
nixternalas soon as the knot is released there will be links yes06:38
Jucatojdong: thanks!06:38
lotusleafJucato: wow it's there too.. :)06:38
drizhow do i install a tar.gz file>06:38
Jucatonixternal: <Riddell> ** knot 2 candidate CDs are up for testing ** (in here, too) :-D06:39
ravenouskcontrol is your friend ;)06:39
lotusleafJucato: for the resolution thing I never thought to look, I only used desktop right click display config ;) ha ha06:39
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ravenouswhere is the knot 2 link then?06:39
ravenousis that what jdong just posted?06:39
Jucatooh krap! Riddel did post a link to the live CD... I need my glasses. thanks jdong!!!06:39
Martijn81stupid attitude...06:39
jdongJucato: lol :)06:40
lotusleafdriz tar zxvf whatever.tar.gz -> cd whateverthenameofthefilewaswithoutthetargzthough -> ./configure -> make -> sudo make install06:40
lotusleafdriz: also read the readme and install files before issuing the ./configure for information06:40
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Jucatojdong: what's the preferred download method? (to help the server) direct or torrent?06:40
jdongJucato: I'm not sure if there's any seeds yet06:40
Jucatook, I'm going direct then.06:41
jdongJucato: this is knot a real knot 2 cd.... just a candidate06:41
Jucatopardon the extreme bandwidth usage06:41
jdongI'm downloading direct for now06:41
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Jucatojdong: yeah. I just can't wait for the real one. lol06:41
jdongI'll seed the real one06:41
Jucatosorry, I meant can knot wait06:41
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drizlotusleaf: can you a bit more clear?06:41
=== Admiral_Chicago falls out his chair
ravenousis the real one coming out today still or no? obviously not if this is just a RC?06:42
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jdongravenous: the real one is coming out today06:42
lotusleafdriz: have you been to Ubuntu's help area? isn't it something like help.ubuntu.com ?06:42
Admiral_ChicagoRCs are pretty good06:42
Jucatoprobably a few hours from now06:42
lotusleafdriz: there are a lot of helpful walkthroughs on using TAR on the web06:42
ravenousokay well ill wait for the real deal then ;)06:42
drizoh ok06:42
Jucatobut it would knot matter, I'll just dist-upgrde...06:42
drizthanks i'll look them up06:42
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lotusleafdriz: they can help you much faster and in more detail than I can ;)06:43
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drizyup... thanks06:43
Jucatodriz: in K Menu > Help > Kubuntu Desktop Guide, there's a section there about how to install things, I think06:43
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lotusleafdriz yw06:43
drizoh ok06:44
drizgo it06:44
Jucatodriz: but it will link you to this site after all: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilingSoftware06:44
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Jucatowhoa! fast download speeds06:44
Admiral_Chicagoman /nick people06:44
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Admiral_Chicago* ubuntu (n=ubuntu@F9094.f.strato-dslnet.de) has joined #kubuntu06:45
KaiHanariAdmiral_Chicago, no need. they just need to learn to use that connection box that pops up when they open xchat06:45
Jucatoif they're using XChat..06:45
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Admiral_Chicagooh i know06:45
ninohi all06:46
Admiral_Chicagobut still i figured it ou06:46
Admiral_Chicagoand i never used IRC before using ubuntu06:46
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JontyRight, my sound isn't working. Any pointers on where to start in finding out why?06:51
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lotusleafJonty: tell us more about your sound card06:52
Jucatoor about what "sound isn't working" means?06:52
Jontyit can't find a mixer06:53
Jonty0000:00:1f.5 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 02)06:53
justushello everybody06:53
JucatoJonty: you have absolutely no sound?06:53
JontyAnd xine can't load any audio drivers. I have ALSA installed06:53
JontyIt cannot find a mixer06:53
lotusleafah, I hate onboard sound06:53
JucatoKMix doesn't work?06:53
Jonty"Mixer cannot be found"06:54
lotusleafJonty: have you checked kmix to make sure ac97 is unmuted06:54
Jonty"Mixer cannot be found"06:54
JontyThere's nothing there06:54
lotusleafis kmix installed?06:54
JontyI'm running it now06:54
lotusleafodd, you could try asking in #ubuntu if you don't receive a definite answer here, and/or try posting on the forums06:55
Jucatoor try asking crimsun if he's around... I heard he's the resident audio expert06:55
lotusleafit should be something easy to fix06:55
justusanybody wanna chat with me?06:55
JontyI was just wondering if there's any config file or application?06:55
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Jucatojustus: err...??06:55
h3sp4wnsudo alsamixer (move all the volume sliders up)06:55
lotusleafJonty: run a search on ubuntuforums.org about ac9706:56
lotusleafyeah sometimes configuring alsamixer works too06:56
lotusleafalso alsamixergui is nice06:56
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JontyIt's worked on FC4 and SUSE 10.0 and 1 out of the box, it's really odd06:56
lotusleafJonty: different distros have different experiences06:57
lotusleafJonty: I've had issues with fedora and suse distros which I haven't on ubuntu06:57
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JontyI have too06:57
JontyI've used linux for over a year, I'm aware of such intricacies06:58
lotusleafJonty: but onboard sound issue should be easy enough to resolve, I'm sure #ubuntu or the forums has an answer06:58
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Jucato[ADVERTISEMENT]  Can't find the answer you are looking for here? Try the forums! http://www.kubuntuforums.net/ and http://www.ubuntuforums.org/06:58
Jontyand I though ac97 was fairly standard?06:58
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Jonty/nick, mon ami06:58
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lotusleafJonty: even on Windows, onboard sound is crap compared to a sound card06:58
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JontyI'll investigate06:59
JucatoI'm also using ac97..06:59
Jucatobut mine is VIA06:59
Jucato0000:00:11.5 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8233/A/8235/8237 AC97 Audio Controller (rev 50)06:59
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JontyWhat's odd, though, is that it's not I can't hear anything, but that there's no /dev/mixer or /dev/dsp07:02
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Jucatohm.. I have those 2...07:03
vikkehello, im having some problems mounting iso files, I get something like "wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0" if someone see the prob07:03
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ubotuTo mount an .iso image: sudo mount -o loop my.iso /some/mountpoint - bin/cue can be converted to iso with bchunk  .iso images of Ubuntu CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com Always verify the .iso before burning, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows07:04
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Hawkwindvikke: mount -o loop -t iso9660 /full/path/to/foo.iso /mnt/some/mount/point/you/created07:05
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Jucatoyay! Hawkwind to the rescue!!07:06
vikkehawkwind: thats the exact command ive trid over and over but it doesent seem to work07:06
Hawkwindvikke: Where is the .iso file located that you are trying to mount ?  Is it on your harddrive ?07:07
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Frederickfolks anyone here uses mingw for crosscompilation?07:07
justuscan somebody help me?07:07
Hawkwindjustus: Ummm, with ?07:07
vikkehawkwind: the .iso is located in the home folder, im trying to mount it to a folder i created called "/mnt/iso07:08
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Hawkwindvikke: Have you tried using sudo ?07:08
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Jucatosudo mount?07:08
Jucatorawr! you beat me to it...07:08
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Hawkwindvikke: sudo mount -o loop -t iso9660 /home/user/file /mnt/iso07:09
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vikkehawkwind: yes ofcourse, otherwise it tells me, i can paste the error msg if you want (its not too long)07:09
HawkwindJucato: That's what happens since I type over 100 words per minute :P07:09
josh__hey, what do I use to edit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist I tried using Kate, but it woln't let me save?07:09
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Jucatovikke: use pastebin07:09
HawkwindJucato: kdesu kate07:09
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)07:09
Xcaliburwhat prog I use07:10
HawkwindXcalibur: kdesu kate /file07:10
JucatoHawkwind: that's what you get for typing 100 words per minute07:10
justusHawkwind, i said, i am looking 4 a gurlfriend, i don't have any07:10
Jucatojustus: this isn't the place for that07:10
HawkwindJucato: He changed his nick :P07:10
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Jucato<Hawkwind> Jucato: kdesu kate <--- no, this one07:10
Jucatoah ok.. I get it07:11
vikkeHawkwind: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2216407:11
justuswhy do u think so, jucato?07:11
Xcaliburi can't get kate to let me save it07:11
HawkwindJucato: Yeah. I typed J(hit the tab key) but he had changed his nick.  My nick completion goes by last spoke in the channel not in any kind of alphabetical order07:11
Xcaliburwhat i do?07:11
Jucatothe topic says: *** The channel topic is "Kubuntu Support Channel07:11
HawkwindXcalibur: I told you07:11
HawkwindXcalibur: kdesu kate /file07:11
Xcaliburin konsole?07:11
HawkwindXcalibur: kdesu allows you to edit the file as root/super user07:12
Jucatoin Konsole or in Alt+F207:12
HawkwindXcalibur: Well of course07:12
Jucatoor, you can right-click n the file and choose Actions > Edit as Root07:12
Jucatospeaking of service menus...07:12
xwolf-which will open kwrite.07:12
Hawkwindvikke: Where is it getting /dev/loop0 from ?07:12
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JucatoHawkwind: would you have any idea why the Kubuntu Package Menu uses xchat instead of konsole? making kubuntu-desktop dependent on xchat?07:13
Jucatoxwolf-: you can set it to launch Kate instead07:13
Hawkwindvikke: Are you 100% sure it's an .iso file and not labeled as one07:13
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xwolf-Jucato ...in default :)07:13
HawkwindJucato: Heh no idea on that one.  Gotta remember, I don't use KDE at all07:13
Jucatowhat do you use again?07:14
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HawkwindJucato: E1707:14
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Jucatoah yeah...07:14
Jucatosorry about that...07:14
springmanhow do i install ati drivers for this os07:14
Jucatowhat's E17's file manager, btw?07:14
drizconfigure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH07:14
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:14
Jucatodriz: is "build-essential" installed?07:14
HawkwindJucato: No problem.  I do know quite a bit about KDE though.  I do make rpms of it for Mandriva and use it in other tty's to get somewhat familiar with it07:14
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drizjucato: what is that?07:15
HawkwindJucato: E17 doesn't really have one.  It's got entropy and efm but they are still very beta07:15
Jucatoit's what you need to compile things07:15
Hawkwinddriz: sudo apt-get install build-essential07:15
JucatoHawkwind: which is why I didn't try to install E17 yet. but E17 on Elive made me drool07:15
ravenousi use konq under e17 myself07:15
vikkeHawkwind: well yes, i have used it in another os, and it has a .iso file ending07:15
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HawkwindJucato: I use konqueror though as my file manager since you can use any app in any wm and it works all the same07:16
Hawkwindvikke: Have you tried with the -o loop part of the command ?  I'm sure that will fail too though07:16
JucatoHawkwind: which leads me back to my question... Kubuntu Package Menu service menu :-D07:16
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jdongJucato: that sounds really wrong :)07:17
Jucatowhich one jdong?07:17
jdong"package service menu" :D07:17
vikkeHawkwind: i type the following, sudo mount -o loop -t iso9660 /home/full_iso_path/file.iso /mnt/iso07:18
JucatoKubuntu Package Menu servicemenu....07:18
Hawkwindvikke: Leave out the -o loop   part of that command07:18
Jucatostill sounds wrong...07:18
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vikkeHawkwind: it just tells me its not a block device, and that i should try -o loop07:19
Jucatojdong: but would you know the answer to my original question? :)07:19
jdongJucato: what's the question07:19
Hawkwindvikke: Strange.  I really don't know then.  Sounds to me like it might not be an actual valid ISO image07:20
Jucatowould you have any idea why the Kubuntu Package Menu uses xterm instead of konsole? making kubuntu-desktop dependent on xterm?07:20
HawkwindJucato: Ohhh, you said xchat above07:20
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Jucatooh yeah.. sorry about that Hawkwind07:21
Jucatoit's almost 1:30 am here...07:21
gamxxhow to add fvwm to kdm?07:21
vikkeHawkwind, yes indeed, its getting quite irritating cus a few ppl have faild to help too, ill try with another .iso file, thanks for help07:21
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Hawkwindvikke: IIRC you can type this:  file file.iso  and it will tell you what actual file type it is07:22
Jucato"sudo aptitude update" then "sudo aptitude install fvwm" or do it all in Adept07:22
dan_can someone help me with k3b07:22
Jucatohmm... I wonder what "file Hawkwind" will spit out...07:22
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gamxxJucato: thx...07:22
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dan_i'm trying to make an audio cd using mp3's but it says its an unsupported fiel format07:22
jdongJucato: I don't know :-/07:22
jason_Anybody know of a work around for the iRiver H10?07:22
HawkwindJucato: LOL you don't want to know.  Probably give you a 'syntax error' :P07:23
driz error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!07:23
drizi dont know whats going on07:23
Hawkwinddriz: sudo apt-get install libxorg-dev or xorg-dev07:23
Jucatodan_: try installing " libk3b2-mp3"07:23
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ravenousdan_; need to add the mp3 lib, 'sudo apt-get install libk3b2-mp3'07:23
dan_ok cool thanx07:23
Jucatojdong: oh ok, thanks anyway. It's just one of those "unnecessary" dependencies. In Dapper, Kopete is dependent on XMMS. thanks again07:24
dan_awesome i'll try it now07:24
dan_thank you07:24
=== Jucato can knot wait for download to finish... 4 hours to go...
jdongJucato: kopete is not dependent on xmms :-/07:25
Jucatojdong: er...07:25
Jucatohold on...07:25
jdongI've got kopete on all my kubuntu boxes and no xmms07:25
drizanother question how do i connect to this computer from work using a windows computer07:25
jdongdriz: what do you want to do? remote desktop? get files off it? etc07:25
Hawkwinddriz: Putty for Windows07:26
Jucatojdong: I'm doing an apt-cache for a while...07:26
drizI have putty installed on it already tried to get it to work bu nothing07:26
jason_iRiver H10 USB I can not make my system see it07:26
jdongJucato: you might be right07:27
jdongthough I think that was introduced in kubuntu.org repos07:27
JucatoI know someone asked Riddel about it and he said that Kopete was...07:27
JucatoHopefully it's not the case in Edgy...07:27
Hawkwinddriz: sudo apt-get install ssh  on your Kubuntu box07:27
Jucatowhich is another reason forme to test it. yay!07:28
Hawkwinddriz: Then you can use Putty to connect to your Kubuntu box from work07:28
phreakys_i just installed wings3d from repos, but the version seems pretty messed up07:28
drizoh ok no wonder thanks07:28
jdongJucato: it's not in edgy :-/ just kubuntu.org I guess07:28
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xwolf-how different is edgy from dapper right now? (speaking of eye-candy features and alike)07:28
Jucatosilly silly kubuntu.org *snickers*07:28
drizall i have to do is install it Hawkwind or I have to configure something on this computer also07:29
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Hawkwinddriz: Just install it and it should start it by default.  To verify, sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start07:33
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adz21canyone know how to change what /dev/dsp is? I have a webcam (with mic) and sblive. It appears /dev/dsp is my webcams mic or something because anytime something is set to that for sound it doesn't work. However soon as i change it to /dev/dsp2 it work (e.g. TeamSpeak .... also my OSS test in cedega fails unless i call "aoss cedega"). How ould I change my sblive to be /dev/dsp (i.e. the default some apps seem to use)?07:34
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Bud_Spencer_make a symlink?07:35
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adz21c /dev/dsp is taken by my webcam07:36
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adz21cthat would mean overwriting would i would think would not be good?07:36
trappistadz21c: dsp is your soundcard07:36
Bud_Spencer_your right.07:36
adz21cdsp appears to be my webcams mic07:36
trappistas in digital sound processor07:37
adz21cdsp seems to me my sound card07:37
Bud_Spencer_In which configuration does it work, how you want it to.07:37
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Bud_Spencer_which soundsystem are you using?07:38
h3sp4wndsp = digital signal processor (doesn't habe to be for sound)07:38
adz21cwell basically my OSS test on cedega fails and teamspeak doesn't work. I found deleting asound.state and rebooting solves it ... till i reboot again ... don't know why. Then also i went into teamspeak and set /dev/dsp to /dev/dsp2 and all was well ... but i don't wanna do that for everything07:38
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Bud_Spencer_i dont know.07:39
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adz21cso i want to just switch dsp and dsp2 (which i am guessing is what probably happens when I reboot after deleteing asound.state)07:40
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drizhuuuu Hawkwind: when i try that sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start it says [failed] 07:42
Hawkwinddriz: Did you install ssh ?07:43
Hawkwinddriz: Ahh, because it's already running then07:44
Hawkwinddriz: sudo /etc/init.d/ssh stop07:44
Hawkwinddriz: Then do: sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start07:44
drizoh ya cool Thanks a WHOLE lot man the xorg is working now ssh installed... gotta love linux community07:45
drizthanks and later07:45
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xwolf-Hawkwind, what port does the ssh server listen?07:45
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adz21cdoes anyong know if asound.state is generated at each boot? as I have found its content is as follows http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22168. appears dsp is state.U0x46d0x8b2, dsp1 stat.UART (which is empty ... which I guess is why I don't have a dsp1 in /dev) and state.Live is dsp2 ... so I was thinking switching state.live and state.U0x46d0x8b2 see if that does it ... sound reasonable? Of course if its generated on boot it would over07:46
Hawkwindxwolf-: 2207:46
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Hawkwind!port ssh07:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about port ssh - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:46
HawkwindAhhh, guess this bot doesn't have the ports module07:47
trappistit's 22 by default07:47
trappistgrep ssh /etc/services07:47
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Hawkwindtrappist: Yeah I mentioned that.  I was hoping the bot would have the ports module to find ports easier :)07:48
trappistHawkwind: poke Seveas :)07:48
HawkwindMy bots have it and it makes those not so common ports easier to figure out07:48
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ubotuEnlightenment (or "E") is a window manager for X, providing a useful, and good looking graphical shell in which to work. E17 is the current development version.07:51
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Xcaliburhow do i make it so I can edit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist again?07:52
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HawkwindXcalibur: We told you, kdesu kate /file07:53
Xcaliburi know, but i forgot :-P07:53
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HawkwindXcalibur: Start taking notes :)07:53
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HawkwindXcalibur: Or log the channel and grep them07:53
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HawkwindWhat was funny about that ?07:54
Xcaliburnuthing, except that i have so many probs with linux :-$07:54
ravenousit all comes with time07:54
Xcalibursomone show me how to use patebin07:55
XcaliburI got something to tell ya07:55
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)07:55
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Xcaliburgo here - -http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2216907:57
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h3sp4wnHawkwind: Is your e17 repo going to be updated to provide source soon i.e deb-src currently it seems its a binary only repo07:57
xwolf-this enlightenment thing is kinda preety, actually..07:57
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lotusleaf"Our current schedule for releasing the final version of Flash Player 9 for Linux is early 2007." gotta love closed source time lines07:58
Xcalibursomone going to read my pastebin?07:58
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Hawkwindh3sp4wn: Hopefully soon enough yes.07:59
adz21cwell that didn't work07:59
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phreakys_i just dled filezilla and unpacked everything in my userdir. where am i supposed to copy the files normally speaking?07:59
abattoirHawkwind: hi :)07:59
abattoirHawkwind: could you pls. give Xcalibur the link for the X error messages?07:59
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Xcalibursorry, if my newb ness is stinking up this channel08:00
lotusleafphreakys_: filezilla.. doesn't that just have a binary you can run/08:00
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lotusleafphreakys_: then it's up to you where you want to copy it, if it all08:01
HawkwindXcalibur: http://www.linuxfordummies.org/index.php?topic=579.008:01
phreakys_but all programs seem to be in a specific directory in linux08:01
phreakys_isnt there a standard way of doing those things?08:01
HawkwindAnyone know the command to to open konsole with more than one tab ?  I thought it was konsole --tab but it seems it's not08:01
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cobrashi,i tried to do an update and i get "08:02
cobrasErrhttp://security.ubuntu.com dapper-security Release.gpg08:02
cobras  Could not connect to security.ubuntu.com:80 (, connection timed out08:02
cobrasErrhttp://www.beerorkid.com dapper Release.gpg08:02
cobras  Could not connect to www.beerorkid.com:80 (, connection timed out08:02
cobrasErrhttp://gr.archive.ubuntu.com dapper Release.gpg08:02
cobras  Cannot initiate the connection to gr.archive.ubuntu.com:80 (2001:648:2000:de::211).08:02
cobrassorry for the flood08:02
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ninHerHawkwind: are you using Kde or Gnome ?08:02
fdovingcobras: please don't paste into the channel use http://kubuntu.pastebin.com08:02
fdovingcobras: disable ipv6.08:03
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fdovingif you don't want to use it...08:03
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HawkwindninHer: Heh I got it worked out actually08:05
ninHercheers !!08:06
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intelikeystartx error    http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/d22170    thoughts ?08:09
intelikeyalso notable; trying to run X nosuid     that does pertain.08:10
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intelikeynobody good at trubble shooting x  ehh...08:16
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=== intelikey will ask later when it's not so busy in there
jdongintelikey: I'll probably lose interest pretty fast, but what's your x problem?08:19
jdongnvm, saw your pastebin08:20
jdongthat's really whacked out08:20
SeanTaterintelikey: there was recently a break in that package, have you done sudo apt-get upgrade08:20
jdongSeanTater: it does not look like that's the issue08:21
jdongthe breakage looks different than that08:21
milian_is something logged when my system creates a hard freeze and theres nothing to do except pushing the reset button? If so - in which file should I look?08:21
jdongintelikey: did your X ever work?08:21
intelikeySeanTater it runs fine for root.08:21
SeanTatermilian_: I think so08:21
SeanTatermilian_: it;s in /var/log08:21
intelikeyjdong it still works fine for root.08:21
SeanTatermilian_: try dmesg08:22
jdongls -alh /usr/bin/X08:22
jdong-rwsr-sr-x 1 root root 18K 2006-07-27 20:55 /usr/bin/X08:22
jdongintelikey: check your ls -alh /usr/bin/X output08:22
milian_and it's somewhat suspicous that my /var/log/faillog looks like it's binary... a cat gives me `tty1 ` and in nano i see a lot of @ in a line...08:22
milian_ok, i'll do that - thanks SeanTater08:22
SeanTatermilian_: try zless08:22
intelikeyjdong it's not suid.  the whole system is nosuid08:22
SeanTatermilian_: it could be gzipped08:22
jdongintelikey: that's why then08:22
jdongintelikey: X needs to be suid root08:22
intelikeyit can't be on this system.08:23
jdongintelikey: why not? what are you trying to do?08:23
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intelikeythe whole system is mounted nosuid08:23
SeanTaterintelikey: not even sudo or su ?08:23
jdongX needs root access to interface with the graphics system, end of story...08:23
ravenousno root, no x08:23
intelikeySeanTater correct.08:23
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jdongintelikey: why is the whole system mounted with nosuid??08:23
milian_nope, zless gives me a lot of @^ ...08:23
SeanTaterintelikey: If you want security, I imagine that's not the way08:23
milian_(thats the same as nano)08:24
SeanTatermilian_: then your system could have been in trouble even before it crashed08:24
jdongmilian_: most likely one of your freezes/resets corrupted faillog08:24
SeanTatermilian_: buffer overflow might do something similar to that08:24
fdovingmilian_: /var/log/faillog should be binary. use 'faillog' to read it.08:24
milian_yeah, it's not the first time I get those freeze crashes. think it's my system that doesnt like amarok (but I like it and cant do without it) :/08:24
milian_har, thanks fdoving :)08:25
intelikeywell no body has told me how to get this to work.   i already knew that the assumed answer is "it can't"    but it will.    thanks for the thoughts guys.08:25
ravenousnot assumed, you dont run x without root08:25
jdongintelikey: the only solution is to have root (i.e. gdm/xdm/kdm) launch your X sessions for your users08:25
SeanTaterintelikey: try something less drastic08:25
jdongintelikey: root is required for X to start, either in the form of root or suid root08:25
intelikeyno that's not the only solution....08:26
milian_hmm, but the last error shown in faillog doesnt fit to the time my pc crashed the last time08:26
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intelikeyit's the easy one08:26
jdongintelikey: oh?08:26
jdongthat is the only solution08:26
SeanTaterintelikey: you might want to remove setuid from processes one by one, and then fix problesm when they arise08:26
ravenouswell thats news to the whole channel then08:26
SeanTaterintelikey: not processes, executables, sorry08:26
jdongwell sure, I guess you can hack the kernel to give regular users more access to the PCI subsystem08:26
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jdongthat's the not easy solution :P08:27
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fyyrest0rmHi guys. Another question/problem/whatver. Last night vid card fan crapped out on me. Bought a new card today (same model but co-branded).. installed it, now can't do my screen res higher than 1024x768? Card is capable of more than than. What am I missing?08:27
milian_is there a way to convert the timestamps in dmesg (those are timestamps - or?) to something human readable?08:27
intelikeyjdong ok, now that's a thought.  :)08:27
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jdongintelikey: umm, that's less secure than letting startx be setuid root :)08:27
jdongmilian_: those are seconds since bootup08:27
jdongmilian_: not timestamps08:27
jdongmilian_: they added them in dapper's kernel to make bootup hangs easier to spot08:28
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SeanTaterfyyrest0rm: I think this will help, but it's not especially easy: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:28
soulriderhi everyone08:28
SeanTaterfyyrest0rm: it fix the same problem in mine08:28
SeanTatersoulrider: hello08:28
milian_so could you tell me how I should interpret something like that: `17179660.172000`08:28
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fyyrest0rmSeanTater: Why not easy? I've not done that before..what does it do?08:28
SeanTaterfyyrest0rm: it asks you a bunch of questions about your video card, some of which I know very little about08:29
fyyrest0rmSeanTater: ahh..I'll give it a shot then. Thanks08:29
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ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource08:30
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SeanTaterI want to change the web page konqueror opens up to, how might I do that?08:31
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SeanTaterIt's doesn't actually open up the "home url", whcih makes little sense08:31
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fdovingSeanTater: go to the URL you want, and use settings -> save view profile08:32
XcaliburI think i'm just gonna give up, I followed the tut that hawkind gave me, but still no luck08:32
jdongSeanTater: using -phigh will have dpkg-reconfigure ask fewer questions :)08:32
SeanTaterfdoving: ah, okay!08:32
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fdovingXcalibur: one last shot. what is your problem?08:33
SeanTaterjdong: that guy already left08:33
SeanTaterjdong: but I will file that for future referense08:33
SeanTaterjdong: /reference/08:33
Xcaliburmy wirelessg adapter for my laptop keeps disbabling when I enable it08:33
Xcaliburi have the drivers installed with ndiswrapper08:33
fdovingXcalibur: what's its name and number?08:33
fdovingXcalibur: ndiswrapper sucks. just as a sidenote.08:34
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Xcaliburwell, whats an alternative to ndiswrapper08:34
fdovingdepends on your card.08:34
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:34
Xcaliburits the linksis wireless-g08:34
ravenousndiswrapper works fine for me, dont know where the 'sucks' comes from08:34
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fdovingndiswrapper isn't that bad, i've just never got it to work reliably.08:35
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Xcaliburthats the model08:35
ravenousits harder for me to get the kernel support working for me than ndiswrapper heh08:35
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Xcaliburthen what can I use08:36
Xcaliburbesides ndiswrapper?08:36
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ravenousif its not supported in the kernel i dont know what choice you really have other than ndiswrapper08:37
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fdovingXcalibur: hang on.. i'm googling for you.08:38
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Ash-FoxIs there some way I can tell apt-build some build flags for a appliation (in my case it's firefox, and I want to build the QT version, in this case it's passing --enable-default-toolkit=QT to the configure script)08:38
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fdovingXcalibur: did you follow this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper ?08:38
fdovingXcalibur: i can see that others with the same card have it working.08:39
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XcaliburI followed it, but i guess not all the way08:40
fdovingXcalibur: try to follow it all the way.08:40
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Xcaliburill be back with the results08:40
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ravenousive heard rumors 3.5.4 is unstable, anyone running it?08:41
HawkwindNope.  I reverted back to 3.5.3 due to too many problems with K apps running outside of KDE that work fine in 3.5.308:42
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jdongssh -C jdong-laptop "cat /home/jdong/junk/edgy*.iso" | cdrecord dev=/dev/hdc driveropts=burnfree -08:43
jdongsomehow I don't think that was wise :)08:43
fdovingAsh-Fox: get the source with 'apt-get source packagename' edit debian/rules for the package. 'dch -i' to increment the version number of the package. then from within the unpacked-source-directory run: 'debuild -us -uc'  to build the package.08:43
jdongbut it sure saves me 700MB of space08:43
fdovingravenous: 3.5.4 on dapper makes some problems. don't know if it is fixed yet. but i don't recommend upgrading unless backing up ~/.kde08:44
fdoving3.5.4 is stable in edgy though.08:44
jdongmy experiences match fdoving08:45
jdong3.5.4 in dapper won't break anything, but has some glitches08:45
ravenousexcellent, just what i needed to know, ill hold off for now08:45
jdongi.e. kwallet being permanently hidden, some antialiasing strangeness08:45
Xcaliburg2g reboot, hope this works08:46
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ravenousthats what ubuntu needs is better touchpad support .. theres a couple QT apps that work well if you have a synaptics touchpad, (ksynaptics, qsynaptics), but if its an alps afaik there is no gui program to change any of that, its diving into xorg.conf08:47
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ravenousi beat my head on the wall with my alps ;/08:47
fdovingravenous: did you try 'tpconfig' i haven't tried it, but it exists.08:48
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ravenousfdoving: ill take a look08:49
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fdovingjust found it using 'apt-cache search alps' don't know if it is usable to you.08:50
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ravenousworth a try i hadnt ever seen the app mentioned on the forums for some reason08:50
ubuntuWanna talk08:50
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Xcaliburwell, I have good news, and bad news08:54
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Xcaliburbad news is, my card still aint workin'08:54
fdovingand the good news?08:55
Xcaliburgood news is, i just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to geico08:55
fdovingheh :)08:55
Xcaliburbut, you heard that other ppl had the same card as me, and they have it working?08:55
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fdovingXcalibur: second comment: http://techrepublic.com.com/5254-6257-0.html?forumID=99&threadID=173893&messageID=1972703&id=138382608:57
Xcaliburdid ya?08:57
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Xcaliburhe does have it09:00
Xcaliburbut I followed the tut, I have the lates ndiswrapper09:00
Xcaliburcorrect drivers too09:00
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atomicalguem fala portuges09:01
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.09:01
abattoiratomic: ^^^09:02
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fdovingXcalibur: could you post the output of 'lspci -v' to http://kubuntu.pastebin.com ?09:02
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Xcaliburwait a sec09:08
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Xcaliburthers the response09:11
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.09:12
jdongumm, again, is "Por favor _use_" really portugese?09:12
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stewartsorry but i have a nood question please09:14
stewarthahaha noob09:14
abattoirstewart: sure, ask...09:14
stewartwith adept update i always get the break (install)09:14
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stewarti have looked around and edited the sources.list09:15
stewartbut  no love09:15
RedroseI installed ubuntu, but i want to get rid of gnome and install KDE how do i do that?09:15
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LoneWolf071I installed ubuntu, but i want to get rid of gnome and install KDE how do i do that?09:15
abattoirstewart: could you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list file?09:15
stewartsure 1 sec09:15
abattoirLoneWolf071: 'sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop' would get you kubuntu09:15
abattoirand i'm guessing 'sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop' would remove the gnome desktop09:16
ravenousgetting rid of gnome once kde is there is another thing altogether ;/09:16
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)09:16
stewartcan i pm u abattoir09:16
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abattoirsure, but if you ask here, more people might be able to help(if i cant)09:17
stewartk 1 sec09:17
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abattoirbut you can definitely pm me if you want09:17
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stewartis this it http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2217709:18
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stewartyeah ?09:19
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stewartsorry if im been a pain09:21
abattoirstewart: sorry...09:21
ravenousapril when?09:21
abattoirno, you arent being a pain...09:21
abattoirthis channel is intended for helping people like you09:21
abattoirstewart: ok, looks good, try 'sudo apt-get update' in a terminal09:22
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abattoirstewart: 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'09:23
abattoirstewart: this makes sure you have all the latest packages installed09:23
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stewartabbatoir - k doing the install now.........09:24
stewartabattoir- where are you from (while i wait) i am australian but in holland at the moment09:25
abattoirstewart: i'm in singapore atm09:25
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stewartabattoir: just been there, is it still hot09:26
abattoirstewart: yes, kinda :)09:26
fdovingXcalibur: you can use the bcm43xx driver.09:27
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fdovingXcalibur: check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Dapper09:28
ravenousgood luck with that lol09:28
ravenousthats the same one i was complaining about earlier09:28
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fdovingI use that driver now. works perfectly.09:29
fdovingwith wpa and all.09:29
fdovingworks with network-manager too.09:29
ravenouscould never get it working, switched to ndiswrapper, works with network-manager fine as well09:30
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stewartall: i have to mention this, i was just using SUSE and my athereos 5005G drivers had heaps of issues, now i switched it all works great in kubuntu09:31
stewarti didnt have to do any setups09:31
abattoirstewart: cool :)09:31
ravenouswell thats good to hear09:31
jdongstewart: we try to make things work great out of the box :)09:31
ravenousatheros should have good support in any linux heh, too bad for suse09:31
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nlindbladstewart: SuSE lacks some driver capabilities in 10.109:31
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jdongany linux driver that we can legally include, we include09:31
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nlindbladstewart: they chose not to include certain drivers for WLAN-cards09:31
stewartyep its awsome thanks guys09:32
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ravenousi dont think i can even buy absinthe hear09:32
stewartyepo kubuntu kicks suse09:32
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ravenousim having a heck of a time getting used to this irc client and which channel im in, sorry ;p09:33
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stewarthi am i still connected09:37
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abattoirstewart: yes, you are09:38
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stewartim having a heck of a time with my wireless09:39
stewartits very week here09:39
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stewartabattoir:  i am having issues now09:41
abattoirstewart: what's the problem?09:41
stewarti have just re-run the apt-get update09:41
now3dHello, I just upgraded using J. Riddel's KDE 3.54 repository on dapper, unfortunately now my fonts are no longer anti-aliased in the whole of KDE... any ideas?09:42
stewartand it says09:42
stewartE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)09:42
stewartE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?09:42
stewartnot having a good time of it lol09:42
abattoirnow3d: tried changing it in kcontrol?09:42
abattoirstewart: do 'sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock'09:43
ravenousstewart: you've got adept or something else running using dpkg09:43
gnomefreakstewart: sounds like you have synaptic open while tryignt o run apt in terminal09:43
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gnomefreakor adept :(09:43
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abattoirstewart: its probably because your previous apt-get instance wasnt closed...(or you opened adept_09:43
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now3dabattoir: Hmm, i didnt change anything when i ran the apt-get  dist-upgrade..  where hsould I look in kcontrol pls?09:43
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stewartyep all worked ill let u know when i have finished the download09:44
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abattoirnow3d: was just an idea... its under Appearance->Fonts09:44
TenebrysHi.  Mind if I ask for help on some soundcard issues I'm having?09:44
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Tenebrys...oh wait... got it fixed.09:45
now3dabattoir: OK.. thanks. I'ts turned on there.. all my fonts are now set to DejaVu Sans... is that a sensible default?09:46
abattoirnow3d: yes, afaik that's the font which ships default w/ dapper too09:46
ErtainHello everyone.  I'm trying to find the configurator that, well, configures the sleep and power-down capabilities of my computer.  I see something in System Settings -> Display -> Power Saving, but that's it.09:46
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now3dabattoir: it only broke after i rebooted... i figured i should do that after the dist-upgrade09:47
abattoirnow3d: have you tried fiddling around w/ the settings there?09:47
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abattoirErtain: isnt there a 'Power Management' option...09:48
now3dabbattoir: Not much.. i'll turn things on and off and see if there is a difference./. are you all using 3.54 too?09:48
stewartabattoir: yep all done09:48
abattoirnow3d: yes, i am09:48
abattoirstewart: ok, now open up adept, and see if you still get those messages09:48
now3dabattoir: did your anti-aliasing stop working when you upgraded?09:48
now3dabattoir: or do you know if anyone elses broke?09:49
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ravenouslots of ppl's antialiasing broke09:49
ravenousmany ppl here have had to downgrade to 3.5.309:49
Ertainabattoir: I don't see a "Power management" option.  For some strange reason, I have a "Laptop & Power" option.09:49
abattoirnow3d: i think i have heard some cases about that...09:49
abattoirErtain: could you try that?09:49
ErtainI have; it isn't what I need.09:50
now3dabattoir: ah.. is there an FAQ or something? I couldnt spot anything on google..?09:50
stewartabattoir: adept looked like ikt was opening but i see nothing on the screen09:50
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stewartabattoir: i have had this a few times09:50
now3dabattoir: http://websvn.kde.org/branches/KDE/3.5/kdebase/kcontrol/?rev=551202&view=rev this is the only change i could spot09:50
abattoirnow3d: on problems about upgrading to 3.5.4? I'm not sure an official one exists, apart from the README.. maybe something at the forums?09:51
ravenousif your upgrade/update is still running you cant run adept09:51
stewartnope i dont think anything is running09:52
stewartthe icon will bounce for 20sec then nothing09:52
ravenousrun it from terminal and see if you get an error09:52
ravenouskdesu adept09:52
abattoirstewart: could you try restarting(or restarting X atleast) ?09:52
now3dabattoir: seems it is bust on FC5 too.... http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13189909:53
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_lupineadept dies remarkably easily when you have dodgy repos in yours sources.list09:53
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_lupineI managed to kill mine repeatedly while trying to set up a repository ;)09:53
abattoirnow3d: aah, you meant 'non-KDE(qt)' apps?09:53
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=== abattoir rarely uses any of those, and hence might not have noticed
now3dabattoir: well.. for me it is every app, even Konversation09:54
stewartok it opened from the console09:54
ravenousthats  wierd09:54
now3dabbatoir: Ok, back in a sec, going to restart X and cross my fingers09:54
SonicChaoProbably n00bish question: but what can I use to make Audio CDs?09:55
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abattoirSonicChao: K3B09:55
_lupinesnap ;)09:55
SonicChaoabattoir: K ty =)09:55
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h3sp4wnSonicChao: cdrecord or k3b - k3b is just a frontend to cdrecord09:56
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abattoirSonicChao: if you plan on converting mp3s, then you might need libk3b2mp309:56
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now3dabattoir: Ok, changing "General" to somethign else, and then back again fixed it for all KDE applications too09:56
SonicChaoabattoir: I need to burn MP309:56
abattoirlibkd32-mp3, rather09:56
abattoir!info libk3b2-mp309:56
ubotulibk3b2-mp3: The KDE cd burning application library - MP3 decoder. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.12.14-0ubuntu7 (dapper), package size 34 kB, installed size 96 kB09:56
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abattoiraargh...^^ thats the right one09:57
stewartabattoir: i just wanna test it now what things do i need to make this play mp309:57
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SonicChaoabattoir: Does that come with K3b?09:57
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abattoirstewart: you'd need to add universe to your /etc/apt/sources.list first09:57
stewarti thknk its something like libk3b2-mp309:57
abattoirSonicChao: it is not installed by default, you'd need to enable universe09:57
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource09:57
SonicChaoabattoir: I have all that enabled -- I've been using it for a while, i just never had the need for Audio CDs09:58
abattoirhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu has kubuntu specifics09:58
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abattoirSonicChao: then 'sudo apt-get install libk3b2-mp3' or getting it through adept would do09:58
SonicChaoabattoir: Ok. =)09:58
Tokeiitolaba vakara (good evening)09:59
stewartabattoir: which one do i add for universe09:59
abattoirstewart: did i say universe? i meant multiverse, sorry10:00
stewartoh k10:00
abattoirits really late here... and am very sleepy :(10:00
stewartno problem im getting the same10:01
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now3dabattoir: thanks for your help10:02
abattoirnow3d: :)10:02
now3dabattoir: if anyone else gets the same problem, there is a bug i commented on bugs.kde.org about it10:02
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abattoirnow3d: aah, ok, the fix was to restart X ?10:03
stewartabattoir: yep that is done10:04
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stewartwhat was it i have to install...sorry10:04
abattoirstewart: ok, now a 'sudo apt-get update'10:04
SonicChaoabattoir: What about .wma? How do I get those on a CD?10:04
stewartabattoir: so i will have to do this everytime i change the reps10:04
SonicChaoabattoir: Or do I need to convert them? (how would I go about doing that?)10:05
abattoirstewart: libxine-extracodecs should get mp3 to work w/ amarok(and kaffeine)10:05
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:05
abattoirstewart: ^^ that page has more comprehensive info10:05
abattoirSonicChao: i'm not sure about wma handling in k3b10:05
now3dabattoir: well, restarting caused it, I changed the "General" font from what DejaVu Sans... Apply, then back agian, then Restart X,...  bizarre, dont know what it actually changed to fix it10:05
SonicChaoabattoir: Ok, so is there a way to convert it to mp3?10:05
abattoirfor converting, i think you'd need lame and a wma decoder... wait a sec10:05
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SonicChaoabattoir: Ok.10:06
now3dcya every110:06
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h3sp4wnI thought wma was handled by some part of ffmpeg or w32codecs10:07
abattoirSonicChao: http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=29024 might help10:07
stewartabattoir: i installed that but amaro still loads it but dosnt play it10:07
stewartsays playlist finished always10:07
JontyI can't play CDs. I don't have permission apparently, even though I ticked it in Users and Groups, and I'm definately in the cdrom group10:07
abattoirstewart: could you try restarting amarok(if you had it open when you installed the package)10:07
JontyI created this user with useradd so don't assume any defaults10:07
KDEfanboyso is the xorg update safe now?10:07
SonicChaoabattoir: Is that in the repos?10:07
h3sp4wnJonty: Are you in the audio group10:07
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abattoir!info soundkonverter10:08
ubotusoundkonverter: KDE frontend to various audio converters. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.1.99+0.2beta2-0ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 744 kB, installed size 1584 kB10:08
abattoirSonicChao: ^^^ yes10:08
stewartabattoir:  ahhh i forgot it runs from the taskbar10:08
stewartall good now10:08
stewartthanks mate10:08
stewartabattoir:  you ar a star10:08
abattoirstewart: no problem :)10:08
stewartabattoir:  have a good sleep10:08
Jontyh3sp4wn: I am in the audio group10:08
abattoirheh, thanks :)10:09
SonicChaoabattoir: Ty again. =D10:09
abattoirSonicChao: np, again :)10:09
h3sp4wnJonty: can you play cd's if you launch amarok with kdesu amarok ?10:09
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Tokeiitois there any soft to clear libs which isn't in use (hasn't dependencies in my OS)?10:09
Tokeiitothank you Chousuke10:10
Jontyh3sp4wn: I'm ripping it with KAudioCreator, and yes, it does work with sudo10:11
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JontyBut like every good Linux user I'm suspicious of GUI apps running in root10:11
Jontyand I want it working :D10:12
h3sp4wnSo am I but that guarantees its some type of permissions problem10:12
Jontynothing funny about restarting or anything?10:12
JontyI checked fstab, and there's no mention of groups accessing it there, so I'm guessing it's done by another app?10:13
Jonty(it has the user and noauto options)10:13
h3sp4wnwhat is the permissions of /dev/hdc (presuming that is the cdrom)10:13
_lupinemaybe your normal user needs to be added to the 'disk' group?10:13
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h3sp4wnroot:cdrom with 660 is the standard permissions on the device afaik10:14
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Jontybrw-rw---- 1 root cdrom 22, 64 2006-08-31 20:24 /dev/hdd10:14
_lupineah, the cdrom group then :)10:14
angelakiwho can help me with wine-doors?10:15
_lupine(I was looking at the wrong hd??)10:15
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h3sp4wn21:06 < Jonty> I can't play CDs. I don't have permission apparently, even though I ticked it in Users and Groups, and I'm definately in the cdrom group10:15
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h3sp4wnMaybe it cannot be that but I can't see how10:16
ErtainHello once again, everyone.  So... Does anyone have an idea on why I can't change my power-saving settings?10:16
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misieqwhere kde stores icons for apps, like adept?10:21
_lupine /usr/share/icons IIRC10:21
_lupinedefinitely /usr/share10:21
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ErtainMight anyone know about changing power settings?10:22
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angelakiwho can help me with wine-doors?10:26
Oellinascan someone help me find ipw2200 in deb package10:26
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crimsunOellinas: it's already included in linux-image-$(uname -r), why?10:27
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Oellinasmy driver version is too old and in several places i cannot connect to many wireless networks10:29
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:29
Oellinasthanks you10:30
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black_ I need help to configure my grug menu list10:35
black_ I use kubuntu, but now I have installed slackware 10.210:35
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soulriderheye veryone10:43
soulrideris anyone having trouble when they connect a microphone ?10:43
soulridereverything sounds like crap when i connect mine10:43
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Larynxwai cant i mount my hd?10:44
soulriderwhat error do you get ?10:44
Larynxlet me boot up and check ^^10:44
soulriderand what type of fs does it use ?10:44
soulridermind you, im not pro10:44
NossCireIs there any good programs for kubuntu/ubuntu for file splitting?10:44
_lupineNossCire: tar option -M might be what you're looking for10:46
soulrideris there a way to make a deb file with the file sinside a tarball ?10:46
soulriderso i can uninstall more easily10:47
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slougisoulrider: you might want checkinstall10:47
Larynxmount: cant find /dev/hda1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab10:47
soulridereven if i didnt compile ?10:47
slougisoulrider: what exactly do you mean?10:48
soulriderwell, i downlaoded teamspeak10:48
soulriderits already compiled10:48
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soulriderso instead of umpakcing toa  folder10:48
_lupineLarynx: what it says on the tin, really. Hardware failure?10:48
soulrideri wanna amke a deb file10:48
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soulriderso i can unintsall it with dpkg10:48
slougiah, not sure10:48
Larynx_lupine: say what?10:49
_lupinesoulrider: just have a tarball in the data.tar.gz file10:49
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intelikeywhere are the manuals for kdm ?10:49
soulrideri got a tar.gz file10:49
_lupineLarynx: ubuntu can't find your hard drive. So it could be a hardware failure. Or it could be data corruption10:49
soulridermind you, i never really used these files10:49
soulriderso im not sure fo how they work10:49
_lupinesoulrider: have you ever created a .deb before?10:50
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slougisoulrider: use alien, if I grok the man page properly you can just do "sudo alien -d foo.tar.gz"10:50
SeanTaterubuntu: considered a more unique nick ?10:50
Larynx_lupine: o rly? its just that its a 40gb hd that somehow got split into two pieces and the other half is working fine10:51
_lupineya rly ;)10:51
soulrider_lupine: i have created debs from source, yes10:51
_lupinemost likely data corruption of some form then10:51
Larynxshould i reinstall?10:51
_lupinecan you get in to check your FS at all? Live CD is good for this10:51
_lupinesoulrider: forget me. alien is the way to go for this one10:52
LarynxLurkan__: doesnt say what sf it has. what should i do with the livecd10:52
_lupine(I thought you were wanting a .deb which installed a .tar.gz file somewhere)10:52
soulriderk, ill look for alien10:52
soulriderbut id ont think googliong "alien" might work :P10:53
uboturpm is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu does not use RPM, but !APT, and RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous).10:53
_lupineis it just me, or does ubotu have a nervous twitch? ;)10:53
Larynx_lupine: doesnt say what sf it has. what should i do with the livecd10:53
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intelikeyLarynx might i sujest 'testdisk'10:54
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Larynxintelikey: whats that?10:54
_lupineLarynx: if you boot up into the live CD, you can try mounting your hard disc partition, etc10:54
h3sp4wnsoulrider: Have a look at the motu package building guide - make your own debian/rules that just does nothing for the compiling part and just copies for the install part (look at a binary driver for an example with apt-get source)10:54
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intelikey!testdisk > Larynx10:55
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intelikeysomeone that knows kdm/xdm/gdm please speek up and tell me where to put  "xlogin.Login.allowNullPasswd:   True"   and if that's the correct syntax ???10:59
fnTc^spNksomeone who knows how to fix my driver problem? :\11:00
intelikeyif i can't get that to work i'm back to hacking X to run without root rermissions.11:00
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soulriderohh by thw way11:01
Larynx_lupine: i cant mount none of my partitions with the livecd11:01
soulriderin 2 weeks in my college you will be able to take your comp11:01
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soulriderand have linux installe don it by a pro11:02
soulrideri wodner if theyw ill be installing ubuntu11:02
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intelikeysoulrider paying someone to install linux.... ?11:03
soulriderfor free11:03
soulriderduringt hat day we wont have classes11:03
intelikeyprofessional == gets paid for it...11:03
soulriderand one of the teahcer said that there will eb this palce where if you take your comp11:03
soulriderthey will install linux11:03
soulriderpro as in a dude that knows a lot :P11:03
soulriderlets hope theya hve ubuntu :)11:04
intelikeyexpert != professional11:04
soulriderexpert, whatever :P11:04
intelikeysounds like a kewwl deal soulrider :)11:05
Kronossoulrider: take in a CD or two. :)11:05
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soulriderthis is my first year at college so i dont really know how it is11:05
soulriderbut lets hope lots of people take their comps :)11:05
soulriderim gonna trya nd eprsuade my friends to do it11:06
soulridersince they suck and use windoze11:06
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intelikeycollage people type funny....11:06
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soulriderim the king of typ0s11:06
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intelikeyi abdoacate11:07
intelikeyab(doa)cate  hehhe dead on arival11:07
soulriderdidnt know that11:07
intelikeya-knee-way    anybody know *dm setup ?11:08
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Larynxhow do you make a dial-up connection?11:09
intelikeyor is that a_knee_weigh11:09
sauravhiiiiiiiiii everyone11:09
intelikeyLarynx wvdial from cli  kppp from kde11:09
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h3sp4wnintelikey: You want to stop X being suid root11:10
Larynxintelikey: uhu..11:10
Azzcohi I'm trying to change picture in /system settings/users but it says that I'm not allowed by administrator...11:10
intelikeyh3sp4wn nothing is suid  it's all mounted nosuid11:10
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intelikeyh3sp4wn got any pointers ?11:10
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fnTc^spNkhow do i change my X module version or NV version?11:10
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fnTc^spNkcoz X says they are different :(|11:11
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intelikeyfnTc^spNk the drive for X is described in /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:11
fnTc^spNkbut i dont get what to change11:12
fnTc^spNkit says API mismatch11:12
intelikey        Driver          "nv"11:12
br1hello there .. I just installed newest Kubuntu from install CD, and I now have problems enabling mp3 playback. Multiverse is in sources.list, but "apt-get install libxine-extracodecs" says "E: Package libxine-extracodecs has no installation candidate" .. anyone know of this ?11:12
h3sp4wnintelikey: I have no idea whether it can even be done with xorg - xwrapper used to do what you need but I don't think it even exists anymore11:12
fnTc^spNkNvidia driver version 1.0.8762 and X module version 1.0717411:12
fnTc^spNkand they have to be the same11:12
Kr4t05br1: pastebin your sources.list11:13
intelikeyfnTc^spNk you have to use the kernel that it's compiled for.  i think it's 2.6.23 something11:13
fnTc^spNki already have that one installed11:13
exobuzzis it me, or does kopete not support any kind of logging/history ?11:14
h3sp4wnfnTc^spNk: Do you have restricted enabled for dapper-security ?11:14
intelikeyh3sp4wn but xwrapper was suid  no ?11:14
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br1Kr4t05: http://pastebin.com/780928 .. sorry for all the "failed to verify" lines, but I installed without a network11:15
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br1Kr4t05: by my reckoning line 30 would give me the required reposotories ?11:16
intelikeyupdated sense that changed ?11:16
intelikeysudo apt-get update    maybe.11:17
br1apt-get update ? .. yeah, I think so, wasnt paying too much attention .. other "ugly" codecs are available and installed ..11:17
h3sp4wnintelikey: I think it was but it dropped priv s11:17
fnTc^spNkbrb gonna try something11:17
h3sp4wnintelikey: Have you tried using the framebuffer video driver ?11:18
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intelikeyh3sp4wn k.   well do you know anything about enabling passwordless login via *dm ?11:18
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br1intelikey: libarts1-xine is installed, at least .. but I was under the impression that I needed libxine-extracodecs to enable Amarok to play mp3s ..11:18
Kr4t05br1: at the end of the "universe" line, be sure to add "multiverse"11:19
Kr4t05br1: make this:11:19
Kr4t05deb http://no.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper universe11:19
intelikeyh3sp4wn sure i even built fb into my kernel so i can watch vidios in the konsole   @ h3sp4wn11:19
Kr4t05br1" this: deb http://no.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper universe11:19
Kr4t05br1: I botched that... ><11:20
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intelikeyhe's saying add multiverse to that line11:20
br1Kr4t05: okay, so using all those keywords on line (like line 30 in my sources.list) is not effective in giving me access to all of them ?11:20
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intelikeythey can be on one line   yes.11:21
Kr4t05br1: add "multiverse" to the end of line 20.11:21
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br1Kr4t05: okay, will add to line 20 ..11:21
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chovyhow do i install the latest package of something?11:22
intelikey"deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper main restricted universe multiverse "    and one like that for security is all you need really.  on for updates if you like.11:22
intelikeys/on/one/ ^11:22
intelikeychovy anything you install will be the latest in the repos you have enabled.11:23
intelikeyunless you specify a version.11:23
br1intelikey and Kr4t05; that nailed it, thank you guys .. I don't quite understand why this didn't work with line 30 as on pastebin, but the line 20 edit made me go fuzzy all over .. now I can get back to my CockRockDisco songs :-)11:24
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intelikeychovy  you can do   sudo apt-get dist-upgrade      to make sure all your installed packages are the latest, if you like.11:25
br1this is my first desktop adventure with *ubuntu, and I must say it lives up to (most of) the hype .. everything kinda works (wpa was a bit fuzzy), but all over goodness in abundance ..11:25
NossCireI've tried splitting files using tar, but I don't get how i'm supposed to do it... I know how to add files to a tar, but how do I set how many/how large the different tar's are supposed to be?11:27
intelikeybr1 it will let you down.  give it time.   the hype is way out of purportion...11:27
br1by the way, on this brand new Thinkpad P60 the e1000 network interface is not recognised by driver or lspci, anyone know where I can submit PCI ID for inclusion ?11:28
chovyintelikey: what if a package i want isn't in kubuntu?11:28
intelikeychovy name ?11:28
chovyintelikey: i don't know, a beta release of something.11:28
h3sp4wnintelikey: Have you tried using driver "fbdev" if the framebuffer is already working11:29
br1intelikey: well, I've been around for a while, and altough I love GNU/Linux with all of my heart and use it for all servers and development, I haven't been able to shake the windows desktop habit yet .. "everything just works" (at least a bit better) .. both alsa and X have given me enough grief for a lifetime11:29
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intelikeychovy is this a hypocritacle   errr hypothetical situation ?11:29
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Languidhow can i revert from Amarok 1.4.2 to Amarok 1.4.1?11:30
intelikeyh3sp4wn in xorg you mean ?11:30
_lupineLanguid, apt-get install (package)=(version) works11:30
_lupinebut wasn't the previous version 1.3.9 ?11:31
intelikey!info amarok11:31
ubotuamarok: versatile and easy to use audio player for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 2:1.3.9-0ubuntu4 (dapper), package size 7630 kB, installed size 18672 kB11:31
h3sp4wnintelikey: just use that instead of what normal video driver you use (in xorg.conf) - if you can access the framebuffer from the console maybe you can start X in that way11:31
intelikeyh3sp4wn looking into that now.11:32
chovyintelikey: yes11:32
intelikey!tarball > chovy11:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tarball - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:33
intelikey!source > chovy11:33
Languid_lupine: automatix had a 1.4.1 version11:33
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intelikeythat's not it. chovy i thought that would explain source packages  it doesn't11:34
Languidall i know is that cover art (folder.jpg) is broken in 1.4.211:34
intelikeychovy you build and install by hand.  that's the hypo answer11:34
intelikeyohhh apt-get done apt-got and error for me.11:35
intelikeydpkg: error processing gksu (--configure):11:35
intelikey subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 12711:35
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ravenousi think she's just dressed up like a devil and some perv through it on a bsd box, if chicks regularly wore hot penguin uniforms for halloween we'd have some pictures to rock too ;)11:36
arthompsso... amarok with most recent update doesn't play flac's?  this problem was in http://kubuntu.org/packages/amarok-142 dapper main.  but didn't expect it to go into dapper trunk.11:38
Azzcocheck www.ubuntu.com and on wiki , restricted formats11:38
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Azzcoomg sorry lol was reading something posted long long ago XD wont happen again11:38
arthompsnp :)11:38
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arthompsproblem is libxine i think.11:40
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fnTc^spNkhow do i see my kernel version?11:40
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arthompsuname `r11:41
arthompserr uname -r11:41
fnTc^spNk2.6.15-26-k7 :\11:42
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=== otaku-san regrets downloading language packs.....
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liviuxHi all. I'm an kubuntu user from little time, so I would to ask you why in Its there isn't the "normal" system for the root administration?11:52
otaku-sanliviux: "normal"?  Do you mean why does kubuntu have sudo?11:53
liviuxand not su11:54
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.11:54
otaku-sanread that11:54
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liviuxyes but the password it's the same of user admin11:54
liviuxThat's correct?11:55
fnTc^spNkUnable to find the kernel source tree for the currently running kernel. <-- anyone knows how to solve that problem?11:55
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liviuxhowever thanks11:55
SannefnTc^spNk: install it :)11:55
fnTc^spNkthere is none for my kernel11:55
fnTc^spNki cant find it11:55
SannefnTc^spNk: chances are, you only need the headers11:55
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fnTc^spNkbut what headers11:56
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SannefnTc^spNk: what's the out put of uname -a ?11:56
otaku-sanliviux: yes that pass is the same as user admin11:56
fnTc^spNkLinux ramon-desktop 2.6.15-26-k7 #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Aug 3 03:40:32 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux11:56
liviuxok  thank you11:56
SannefnTc^spNk: where did you look for the source or headers?11:56
SannefnTc^spNk: let's look together on packages.ubuntu.com11:57
fnTc^spNkwait im not in X11:57
fnTc^spNkcoz im trying to install nvidia drivers11:57
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redanyone know if there is a wireless config option to automatically connect to wireless networks.  like the feature in windows xp11:57
otaku-sanliviux: real quick do you mean if the password is the same as what the user admin has...I know that whatever pass you set when you install kubuntu will be for everyone unless you set-up more accounts11:58
=== atomic [n=atomic@54-94.dial.nortenet.pt] has joined #kubuntu
SannefnTc^spNk: I'm finding the packages linux-headers-2.6.15-26-k7 and linux-image-2.6.15-26-k7, should be in adept/apt/synaptic.11:58
=== poningru [n=poningru@ip70-171-62-28.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu
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SannefnTc^spNk: hmm, wondering about this PREEMPT thingy...?11:59
=== brett_ [n=brett@c211-28-53-65.brasd1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu
fnTc^spNkthougt i already installed them12:00
fnTc^spNkwhat do u mean Sanne ?12:00
SannefnTc^spNk:  Linux ramon-desktop 2.6.15-26-k7 #1 SMP PREEMPT12:00
atomiccanais pt12:00
fnTc^spNki dunno12:00
SannefnTc^spNk: that preempt12:00
fnTc^spNkwich means?12:00
SannefnTc^spNk: where did you get your kernel from?12:00
fnTc^spNkadept i guess12:01
liviuxI understand12:01
SannefnTc^spNk: I think it means one of the preemption methods, has to do with low latency, if I'm correct.12:01
fnTc^spNklow latency from what?12:01
SannefnTc^spNk: do you have any unofficial repositories enabled, by any chance?12:01
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fnTc^spNkSanne: yes12:02
SannefnTc^spNk: low latency with regard to audio, for example. Musicians need that.12:02
SannefnTc^spNk: could it be that your kernel is from one of those unofficial sources?12:02
fnTc^spNkwell i dont think so... but it could be12:02
otaku-sanliviux: Cool.  Good luck!12:02
=== merhojt [n=Jimmy@194-16-251-44.customer.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto12:03
ubotuNo fonts in flash? Install msttcorefonts, gsfonts, and gsfonts-x11 , No fonts in mplayer? see !mplayer12:03
liviuxoh you're verry kind12:03
SannefnTc^spNk: *if* it is, you may need to hunt for the source/header package there. I'm just a bit confused about PREEMPT in uname -a, maybe it means nothing and you can use the padder headers.12:03
Sannes/padder/dapper   lol12:03
fnTc^spNkhmm the nv installer works now12:03
SannefnTc^spNk: you have a reason to not use the nvidia packages from ubuntu?12:04
lunahoodi have installed kutuntu just now; now i receive an error during kdesu adept: http://rafb.net/paste/results/yUZ3Gk25.html12:04
fnTc^spNkYour driver installation has been altered since it was initially installed12:04
fnTc^spNkSanne: i cant play games with those12:04
fnTc^spNkat least, i didnt got it working yet12:05
=== fildo [n=fildo@c220-239-236-78.livrp1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu
SannefnTc^spNk: ok, that's a reason. What happens if you try to play games with them?12:05
fnTc^spNkopengl error12:05
SannefnTc^spNk: is your card recent?12:05
fnTc^spNk7800GT, so yes12:06
fnTc^spNki guess12:06
Sanneoh yes, it is12:06
atomiccanais portuges quais sao12:06
fnTc^spNkSanne:  i got it working12:06
SannefnTc^spNk: the packages should work, if they don't, it's either user error or a bug.12:06
fnTc^spNknow i can hardly see anything12:06
fnTc^spNkprobably user error12:06
=== poningru [n=poningru@ip70-171-62-28.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu
redi deleted konquerer from my main menu, how do i get it back12:07
fnTc^spNkwell i used old driver from nvidia12:07
fnTc^spNkcoz the newer ones werent working :s12:07
fnTc^spNkand this one didnt support my card12:07
fnTc^spNkbut i thougt i could try12:07
SannefnTc^spNk: what a pity, with your 7800GT, I would think you would benefit from the newer drivers.12:07
fnTc^spNkbut im not playing any recent games :p12:08
atomicas to install realplayer in kunbuntu12:08
fnTc^spNkhave to get the newer ones working u guess12:08
SannefnTc^spNk: did you use any guides or howtos for correctly installing the ubuntu packages? Can be a bit tricky at times.12:08

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