=== Starting logfile irclogs/ubuntu-x.log | ||
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rodarvus | Mithrandir, I'd like to prepare an email today (I've started doing this, already) | 07:32 |
rodarvus | and send to you, distro-team@ on the end of the day | 07:32 |
rodarvus | giving the current status of X on edgy, what needs to be fixed, and some ideas for edgy+1, X work is not so ad-hoc on next release cycle | 07:33 |
rodarvus | s/Xwr | 07:33 |
rodarvus | s/X work/so X work/ | 07:33 |
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Mithrandir | rodarvus: we'll have to have somebody who actually fixes X bugs until release. | 10:01 |
Mithrandir | I don't know the server or driver for shit, but I know a bit about the libs and xkb and the apps. | 10:01 |
rodarvus | I think we can split, then | 10:02 |
rodarvus | server and drivers are the part I know best | 10:02 |
Mithrandir | I'd be ok with that at least. We need to get it ack-ed by mdz, but I can't really see that being a problem. | 10:02 |
rodarvus | (and which I enjoy most working with, to be sincere) | 10:02 |
rodarvus | *nods* | 10:02 |
Mithrandir | the server and drivers scare me. :-) Apps and libs are almost cozy. | 10:02 |
=== rodarvus [n=rodarvus@ubuntu/member/rodarvus] has joined #ubuntu-x |
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