tseng | raphink: mobility | 12:16 |
tseng | something or other | 12:16 |
ryanakca | no clue | 12:16 |
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tseng | sorry its kind of too fucked to do much | 12:16 |
ryanakca | sorry... but my radeon is no end of trouble | 12:17 |
ryanakca | which is why I'm forevermore buying NVidia | 12:17 |
tseng | well | 12:17 |
tseng | its a laptop, no choice | 12:17 |
tseng | if i have a choice ill get all intel in the future | 12:17 |
ryanakca | don't like AMD? | 12:18 |
tseng | no. | 12:18 |
tseng | and i meant intel graphics | 12:18 |
ryanakca | hmmm... I was going to get one | 12:18 |
ryanakca | oh... graphics | 12:18 |
ryanakca | lol, ok | 12:18 |
tseng | but intel graphics dont come with amd cpus :) | 12:18 |
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ryanakca | yeah, you've got a point | 12:18 |
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tseng | claims to not support visual 0x4b | 12:22 |
tseng | is the only apperantly error | 12:22 |
tseng | dammit im dubm | 12:23 |
tseng | i removed this gdm.conf-custom I swear | 12:23 |
tseng | its still here | 12:23 |
tseng | was the entire problem | 12:23 |
tseng | (phew) | 12:24 |
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sistpoty | am I still online? if so, does anyone else having problems accessing revu? | 12:38 |
sistpoty | s/having/have/ | 12:38 |
welshbyte | yes, and yes | 12:39 |
sistpoty | that means: yay! and damn, seems like tiber is down :( | 12:40 |
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sistpoty | gn8 everyone | 12:50 |
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Adri2000 | hi | 01:29 |
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Adri2000 | i'm making a package. i must copy a header file available in the sources to /usr/include/qt3/ (this header file is not in any ubuntu package). how should i do ?edit the debian/rules ? the configure script or the makefile ? | 01:32 |
welshbyte | debian/rules, i'd say | 01:33 |
crimsun | but the header file is provided in the upstream Qt3 package? | 01:34 |
Adri2000 | i tried to put a cp in debian/rules, but it says it doesn't have the permission | 01:34 |
lifeless | you should use install | 01:34 |
lifeless | and it should be in the install target | 01:34 |
crimsun | hmm, I may have misinterpreted the context. | 01:35 |
=== welshbyte wonders if a gcl sync would fix maxima | ||
crimsun | (It's not immediately clear to me if the package requires said header file to build or if said header file is what's installed as part of a binary package) | 01:36 |
Adri2000 | #include <bitmapbutton.h> < this header file is not in any ubuntu package, but fortunately it is in the tarball of the software i'm packaging | 01:36 |
crimsun | is bitmapbutton.h part of upstream Qt3? | 01:37 |
crimsun | (If not, why does said package require it to be located system-wide? That sounds pretty gross.) | 01:38 |
Adri2000 | google has no result for "bitmapbutton.h site:http://doc.trolltech.com/" | 01:39 |
Adri2000 | crimsun: see the answer from the developer http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=14214526 | 01:41 |
Adri2000 | compile as root... maybe the makefile is supposed to copy this headerfile in /usr/include/qt3/ | 01:42 |
welshbyte | that's horrible | 01:43 |
crimsun | you need to punch upstream vigourously. | 01:44 |
crimsun | in this case, Adri2000, hack all references of '#include <bitmapbutton.h>' into '#include "sourcedir/bitmapbutton.h"' | 01:45 |
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crimsun | send the patch upstream, and after you do that, punch upstream vigourously. | 01:45 |
Adri2000 | ok, i'll try that | 01:46 |
Adri2000 | but i shouldn't edit directly the source files ? i have to make a patch and put it in debian/, right ? | 01:47 |
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crimsun | Adri2000: depends if there's already a patch system in place | 01:52 |
crimsun | is this a new Debian/Ubuntu package? | 01:52 |
Adri2000 | yes, new | 01:52 |
crimsun | then it's up to you. Frankly I'd use a patch system. | 01:52 |
Adri2000 | diff old.cpp new.cpp > patch | 01:53 |
Adri2000 | ? | 01:53 |
crimsun | I imagine you'll be touching more than just one source file | 01:53 |
crimsun | in which case it'll be easier to diff -uNr | 01:53 |
Adri2000 | yes, this include is in multiple files | 01:54 |
Adri2000 | ok, i'll look at the diff man page | 01:54 |
Adri2000 | and i just put the patch in debian/, nothing special to do ? | 01:54 |
crimsun | depends which patch system you use. | 01:55 |
crimsun | if you want a manual patch system, put it wherever you'd like | 01:55 |
crimsun | quilt, dpatch, and others have special directories like debian/patches/ | 01:55 |
Adri2000 | ok, thank you for your help crimsun | 01:57 |
crimsun | np | 01:57 |
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ryanakca | Adri2000: for patching? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/School/PatchingSources | 02:10 |
Adri2000 | is that ok http://adrishost.homeip.net/~adri2000/djplay.patch ? | 02:14 |
crimsun | make sure you hack the Makefile{,.in}(s), too | 02:15 |
Adri2000 | not so easy :s | 02:20 |
crimsun | grep for that header file | 02:21 |
Adri2000 | $ grep bitmapbutton.h djplay-0.3.0/Makefile.* | 02:22 |
Adri2000 | nothing | 02:22 |
Adri2000 | there are some bitmapbutton in the makefile but no .h | 02:23 |
crimsun | be careful with '.' and grep expressions. | 02:25 |
crimsun | you'll probably want to escape it or the entire filename | 02:26 |
Adri2000 | still nothing with bitmapbutton\.h and "bitmapbutton.h" | 02:27 |
welshbyte | i'd be paranoid and run grep -nr foo\.h * | 02:27 |
Adri2000 | no... and with -i neither... | 02:28 |
Adri2000 | maybe i can try without editing the makefile, why would it complain ? | 02:29 |
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Adri2000 | to apply the patch : patch -p1 djplay.patch is ok ? | 02:35 |
welshbyte | you might want to name your patch something more descriptive | 02:37 |
ryanakca | Adri2000: what kind of patch is it? dpatch? | 02:37 |
Adri2000 | no it's just a diff | 02:37 |
Adri2000 | welshbyte: something like bitmapbutton.patch ? :) | 02:38 |
ryanakca | Adri2000: oh... dpatches are like scripts, so you can execute them :) | 02:39 |
Adri2000 | ryanakca: it's not a dpatch | 02:40 |
welshbyte | Adri2000: something like that... it's so we know what the patch is doing when someone looks at it in future or tries to cross-reference a changelog entry with the patch | 02:41 |
Adri2000 | and then, should i leave the diectory djplay-patch there ? | 02:42 |
Adri2000 | ok can i remove it ? | 02:42 |
Adri2000 | or* | 02:42 |
Adri2000 | directory* | 02:42 |
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welshbyte | Adri2000: did you create that directory or did upstream? | 02:43 |
welshbyte | hey LaserJock | 02:43 |
LaserJock | hi welshbyte | 02:43 |
Adri2000 | i created it to edit the source files | 02:44 |
Adri2000 | and then made the diff with the upstream sources | 02:44 |
welshbyte | oh well then remove it if you don't need it any more | 02:44 |
welshbyte | it won't be part of the package | 02:44 |
Adri2000 | ok | 02:45 |
Adri2000 | patch -p0 <bitmapbutton.patch that worked :) | 02:51 |
welshbyte | LaserJock: got anything for me to do that'll give me a break from trying to make sense of maxima? :) | 02:55 |
LaserJock | hmm | 02:56 |
LaserJock | well, you could go through the MOTU Science bug list if you want | 02:58 |
LaserJock | or work on merges | 02:58 |
welshbyte | so anything on http://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html ? | 03:01 |
LaserJock | pretty much | 03:01 |
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ryanakca | ok, I've got a .desktop file that points to icon file. I've got the .desktop installed, but where does the .png get put to? | 03:38 |
LaserJock | /usr/share/pixmaps/ | 03:39 |
ryanakca | kk, ty | 03:40 |
grexk | How can I be able to debug this error "binary-indep"? | 03:42 |
grexk | "make: *** [binary-indep] Error 1" | 03:43 |
welshbyte | grexk: that means that the error is somewhere in the binary-indep: section of your makefile or rules file | 03:46 |
grexk | thank, let me check | 03:46 |
welshbyte | grexk: i expect the output given before that message would have told you what the actual error is | 03:47 |
grexk | I get this error http://pastebin.com/781060, checking at the launchpad is not an issue in there daily build log? | 03:51 |
grexk | I got now thanks anyway | 03:58 |
Adri2000 | what's the difference between Makefile.in and Makefile.am ? | 04:00 |
welshbyte | Adri2000: http://www.gnu.org/software/automake/manual/html_node/Introduction.html#Introduction | 04:03 |
azeem | or read the autobook | 04:04 |
Adri2000 | so i should edit Makefile.am | 04:08 |
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jaldhar | Adri2000: If necessary, but most common changes can be made as parameters to configure (i.e. paths, CFLAGS) | 04:12 |
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grexk | Is it ok to remove "-i" options in binary-indep section? | 04:19 |
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ryanakca | anybody want to review http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=2999 please? (And I triple checked this time :P | 04:24 |
=== ryanakca watches the lordly MOTU scatter | ||
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welshbyte | hey Hobbsee | 04:33 |
LaserJock | ryanakca: we don't scatter, we just don't respond | 04:33 |
LaserJock | hi Hobbsee | 04:33 |
Hobbsee | morning lal | 04:33 |
Hobbsee | *all | 04:33 |
Hobbsee | hehe | 04:33 |
Hobbsee | heya LaserJock, welshbyte | 04:33 |
ryanakca | LaserJock: sorry... I forgot <joke> </joke> :D | 04:34 |
ryanakca | lol | 04:34 |
ryanakca | Hey Hobbsee | 04:34 |
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Hobbsee | hey ryanakca | 04:34 |
grexk | Can I also upload backport package in REVU? | 04:37 |
TheMuso | Hey Sarah. Hows uni life treating you? | 04:38 |
Hobbsee | hey TheMuso. didnt even go today :) | 04:38 |
TheMuso | Ah ok. | 04:38 |
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LaserJock | hmmm, what app does the nested login windows in KDE | 04:51 |
Hobbsee | xnest? | 04:54 |
LaserJock | Hobbsee: hmm, tried that. I was looking for a particular item in the menu | 04:57 |
Hobbsee | ah | 04:57 |
Burgundavia | Hobbsee: you, know, I am going to have to install KDE at work next week. Does it come with trauma counselling after I remove it? *grin* | 04:59 |
LaserJock | I wonder if it is just in edgy as I can't find it on either of my dapper boxes | 04:59 |
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Hobbsee | Burgundavia: hahaha | 05:01 |
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=== welshbyte finishes merging adonthell and decides it's time for bed | ||
welshbyte | g'night :) | 05:35 |
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somerville32 | I think the glade package is broken | 07:15 |
Hobbsee | fix it? | 07:18 |
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somerville32 | I dunno how. | 07:20 |
grexk | Anyone would like to review http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=3000? | 07:21 |
=== Hobbsee headdesks | ||
Hobbsee | grexk: xen? | 07:21 |
grexk | yes | 07:21 |
Hobbsee | you've uploaded it natively, for a start | 07:22 |
Hawkwind | Xen FTW!!! | 07:22 |
Hobbsee | oh, wait, it was in edgy to start with, adn a backport. that's not so bad | 07:23 |
Hobbsee | grexk: backports stuff dont get reviewed by us. | 07:23 |
grexk | What is the meaning of FTW? | 07:23 |
Hawkwind | For The Win | 07:23 |
Hawkwind | Heh | 07:23 |
Hawkwind | We so need full Xen support in Kubuntu | 07:23 |
Hobbsee | grexk: you have to file a bug requesting the backport (there's a button there for it), and present the requested things | 07:24 |
Hobbsee | !backports | 07:24 |
ubotu | If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports | 07:24 |
grexk | Oh, I see just uploaded it for crimsun to check. | 07:24 |
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trappist | vil: ping | 07:33 |
vil | trappist: good morning | 07:38 |
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trappist | vil: hi there. I'm going to bed in a few minutes, so if you want to run eclipse, we won't be competing for resources | 07:40 |
vil | well ok, then. I thought that there is just 512MB. at least free says that | 07:41 |
trappist | yeah, that's all. there's ~1GB of swap, so whatever you want to do should be possible, but of course the load will skyrocket if it starts swapping. | 07:42 |
trappist | I don't know what kind of load you're talking about, though | 07:43 |
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vil | yeah, I looked at the numbers and jc1 took over 600MB resident and was really unhappy about it, swapping all around | 07:44 |
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vil | trappist: nevermind, g'night | 07:45 |
trappist | ok, sorry it didn't work out. good night. | 07:45 |
grex1 | !Ubugtu | 07:49 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about Ubugtu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:49 |
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=== somerville32 huggles Ubuntu. | ||
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AnAnt | what does "bashism" mean ? | 09:26 |
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azeem | pretending to require any POSIX shell, but using bash feature really | 09:27 |
azeem | so, specifying #!/bin/sh at the top, but then doing stuff other shells choke on | 09:28 |
AnAnt | how do I know that a certain syntax works only in bash ? | 09:31 |
Mithrandir | you test it with something else or know the differences because you read them somewhere or experienced them. | 09:34 |
AnAnt | ic | 09:34 |
AnAnt | ok, how do I do `cmd` in dash ? | 09:34 |
anibal | dash <cmd> | 09:35 |
Mithrandir | anibal: eh, no? | 09:35 |
AnAnt | anibal: but I wanna test the output of it | 09:35 |
Mithrandir | AnAnt: `` works the same way in bash and dash, it's posix. | 09:35 |
AnAnt | Mithrandir: hmm, ok | 09:35 |
Hobbsee | why would prozilla not be in the repositores, post hoary? | 09:36 |
anibal | Mithrandir, you're right, you run dash and at the dash prompt you run the <cmd> | 09:37 |
AnAnt | well, how do I test a `cmd` in while using dash ? | 09:37 |
AnAnt | while [[ `cmd` ] ] does not work | 09:37 |
Mithrandir | while [ `cmd` ] does, though | 09:38 |
AnAnt | nope | 09:39 |
AnAnt | tried it | 09:39 |
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Mithrandir | \u@\h:\w$ while [ `echo foo` ] ; do echo hello; done | 09:40 |
Mithrandir | hello | 09:40 |
Mithrandir | hello | 09:40 |
Mithrandir | hello | 09:40 |
Mithrandir | hello | 09:40 |
Mithrandir | seems to work quite well for me. | 09:40 |
AnAnt | is that dash ? | 09:40 |
Mithrandir | yes | 09:40 |
dholbach | good morning | 09:40 |
Mithrandir | hiya Daniel | 09:40 |
dholbach | hey Tollef - how are you? | 09:41 |
AnAnt | that's wierd it gives me this: [: 10: is: unexpected operator | 09:43 |
AnAnt | Mithrandir: I tried `cmd` instead of echo foo | 09:43 |
AnAnt | Mithrandir: I tried `cmd` instead of `echo foo` | 09:43 |
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Mithrandir | AnAnt: cmd, like literally? | 09:44 |
AnAnt | Mithrandir: acon | 09:44 |
AnAnt | Mithrandir: this command either gives this error: | 09:45 |
AnAnt | Acon is loaded | 09:45 |
AnAnt | Error opening /dev/vcsa10 | 09:45 |
AnAnt | or it works | 09:45 |
Mithrandir | works being? | 09:45 |
AnAnt | being that it does not return | 09:46 |
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Mithrandir | you seem to be confused about what `` is used for. | 09:46 |
Mithrandir | it's used for capturing output. | 09:47 |
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AnAnt_ | Mithrandir: well, I just want to run a command, if it gives the error, then it should be run again | 09:56 |
AnAnt_ | Mithrandir: sorry, I was dc ! | 09:56 |
AnAnt_ | ping Mithrandir | 09:57 |
Mithrandir | you just want to retry the command an infinite number of times until it succeeds? | 10:01 |
Mithrandir | then do something like while ! acon ; : ; done | 10:01 |
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AnAnt_ | what is : ? | 10:01 |
Mithrandir | a shorthand for "true" | 10:02 |
AnAnt_ | Mithrandir: thanks ! | 10:03 |
AnAnt_ | it worked ! | 10:04 |
=== AnAnt_ is now known as AnAnt | ||
AnAnt | ok, gotta go | 10:12 |
AnAnt | Mithrandir: thanks again | 10:12 |
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Hobbsee | StevenK: :P | 10:41 |
Hobbsee | this is pretty cool :P | 10:41 |
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=== Hobbsee notes that wireless connections are pretty good - i must be at least 15 m away from the access point | ||
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=== welshbyte [n=welshbyt@cpc3-cwma2-0-0-cust276.swan.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
welshbyte | good morning | 10:53 |
somerville32 | Morning | 10:54 |
=== somerville32 prepares to go to bed soon. | ||
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Sp4rKy | \o | 11:34 |
=== Goshawk [n=vincenzo@d83-176-84-64.cust.tele2.it] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
=== cassidy [n=cassidy@36.66-244-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
dholbach | how 'bout a REVU DAY? | 11:54 |
dholbach | next week? | 11:54 |
dholbach | friday? | 11:54 |
dholbach | what do y'all think? | 11:54 |
=== StevenK continues to ignore his lack of REVU account. | ||
Gloubiboulga | friday is fine for me (I'll certainly be less available the other days) | 11:59 |
=== phanatic [n=phanatic@ubuntu/member/phanatic] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
phanatic | hi everybody | 12:00 |
Gloubiboulga | heya phanatic | 12:00 |
phanatic | hey Gloubiboulga | 12:00 |
phanatic | Gloubiboulga: do you have time for a review? | 12:01 |
phanatic | new upstream: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=2990 | 12:01 |
Gloubiboulga | phanatic, soory, not know, I leave in 5 minutes | 12:02 |
Gloubiboulga | phanatic, I'll do it later today | 12:02 |
phanatic | Gloubiboulga: okay, thanks | 12:02 |
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StevenK | dholbach: Hobbsee says that she'll have to be mysteriously absent on friday then :P | 12:19 |
Sp4rKy | please, i've made a patch but it doesn't works | 12:19 |
dholbach | StevenK: why is that? | 12:22 |
Sp4rKy | i've this error during pbuilder | 12:22 |
StevenK | dholbach: Note that Hobbsee has mostly taken control of my keyboard. | 12:22 |
Sp4rKy | dpatch apply-all | 12:22 |
Sp4rKy | applying patch 01_patch_init to ./ ... failed. | 12:22 |
Sp4rKy | make: *** [patch-stamp] Error 1 | 12:22 |
dholbach | StevenK: right :-) | 12:23 |
StevenK | Sp4rKy: Since the patch failed to apply. dpatch ought to log the failure somewhere, debian/patched or so | 12:23 |
StevenK | dholbach: Hobbsee: i dont particularly like reviewing stuff - i probably miss a lot | 12:24 |
=== xopher [n=xopher@a80-186-122-109.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
Sp4rKy | StevenK, i've no debian/patched | 12:24 |
=== StevenK looks for something evil to do while having stolen the keyboard | ||
dholbach | StevenK: that's why always two people review a package | 12:25 |
dholbach | we just have to get started again | 12:25 |
Sp4rKy | maybe my patch wasn't done correctly | 12:25 |
Sp4rKy | i've done a diff -u between the two files | 12:25 |
StevenK | dholbach: Hobbsee: true that. as long as i'm neither of the two :P | 12:25 |
=== StevenK actually advocated a package last night | ||
dholbach | StevenK: hobbsee: slacker | 12:26 |
Sp4rKy | and a dpatch patch-template | 12:27 |
Sp4rKy | do you have an idea ? | 12:30 |
Sp4rKy | dholbach, do you have 5 min to help me ? | 12:38 |
dholbach | did you use dpatch-edit-patch 01_patch_init ? | 12:40 |
Sp4rKy | no | 12:40 |
Sp4rKy | i've done only one patch before, and i don't remember exactly how | 12:41 |
Sp4rKy | so i may have done some mistakes ... | 12:42 |
dholbach | dpatch-edit-patch <patchname> is what you want | 12:42 |
Sp4rKy | maybe | 12:42 |
dholbach | it'll open a subshell, where you can apply your patch and play with it | 12:42 |
dholbach | then ctrl-d and it will generate the patch in debian/patches | 12:42 |
Sp4rKy | ok :) | 12:43 |
Sp4rKy | i try | 12:43 |
dholbach | you just have to add it to debian/patches/00list afterwards | 12:45 |
dholbach | but you seem to have figured that out already :) | 12:45 |
Sp4rKy | ok | 12:45 |
Sp4rKy | yes :) | 12:45 |
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Sp4rKy | dholbach, building | 12:49 |
dholbach | rock on | 12:49 |
Sp4rKy | :) | 12:52 |
Sp4rKy | pbuilder just run make, so patch seems works :D | 12:52 |
Sp4rKy | i've another error with symlink, but patch seems work ! | 12:54 |
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=== Bazzi [n=Bastian@p508027A7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
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=== hunger [n=tobias@pd95b0676.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
hunger | Hi... | 01:57 |
hunger | I must package a little app for a customer of ours. He wants the description to be in german... how do I need to encode the control file to have aptitude, etc. display this properly? | 01:58 |
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dholbach | hunger: ask mvo about apt-ddtp | 02:02 |
Hobbsee | dholbach: i'm fixing two bugs. i'm definetly lazy. | 02:02 |
zul | Hobbsee: you are always lazy | 02:03 |
dholbach | Hobbsee: rock on :-) | 02:03 |
Hobbsee | zul: indeed. | 02:03 |
Hobbsee | dholbach: unfortunately, one was a bug that was my fault, and the other i last touched that script. i didnt create the bug though. | 02:03 |
dholbach | :-) | 02:03 |
=== Hobbsee didnt think that anyone would have a versioned dependancy on kopete, then screamed when it broke. | ||
Hobbsee | works fine unless the source is split. *shrugs* | 02:05 |
=== tuxmaniac [n=aanjhan@unaffiliated/tuxmaniac] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
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Sp4rKy | so .... | 02:20 |
Sp4rKy | patch works good know, but i've again a strange issue with symlink | 02:21 |
Sp4rKy | i've a library and lintian says i have to create the 2 symlinks because they have to exists in case of user do an apt-get remove | 02:22 |
Sp4rKy | but when i try to create symlinks, pbuilder says tehy already exists | 02:22 |
zul | heh there should be a screensaver of bouncing ubuntu hackergotchi heads | 02:25 |
Hobbsee | zul: good thing i dont have a hackergotchi | 02:25 |
zul | you are not even on planet :) | 02:26 |
Hobbsee | zul: that's because i dont blog. | 02:26 |
Hobbsee | blogs are evil | 02:26 |
Hobbsee | well, writing blogs are evil | 02:26 |
Hobbsee | reading them is interesting though | 02:26 |
Arbiter | yawn, hi * | 02:26 |
Hobbsee | hey Arbiter | 02:27 |
Arbiter | hi Hobbsee | 02:27 |
Arbiter | :) | 02:27 |
Hobbsee | no, i'm not reviewing an;ything :P | 02:27 |
Arbiter | lol | 02:28 |
Arbiter | i don't care :) | 02:28 |
Arbiter | i'm busy with some other stuff :P | 02:29 |
Hobbsee | :P | 02:29 |
=== shawarma [n=sh@vega.linux2go.dk] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
Arbiter | Hobbsee: are you going to participate to the next CC? | 02:30 |
=== ogra [n=ogra@ubuntu/member/ogra] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
Hobbsee | Arbiter: um. what time is it? | 02:31 |
Hobbsee | when is it? | 02:31 |
Hobbsee | any of hte above? | 02:31 |
Arbiter | Sep 6th, 8 o' clock | 02:32 |
Hobbsee | @schedule sydney | 02:32 |
ubuntu-es | Hobbsee: Error: "schedule" is not a valid command. | 02:32 |
Arbiter | Hobbsee: Sydney, right? | 02:32 |
Hobbsee | Arbiter: ye | 02:32 |
Hobbsee | s | 02:32 |
Arbiter | this time is bad for me (midnight, arrrr) | 02:33 |
Arbiter | :P | 02:33 |
Hobbsee | Arbiter: ouch. i'm probably driving to uni about that time, but i might make it | 02:33 |
Arbiter | heh | 02:33 |
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ryanakca | We can't use upstreams debian/ , right? | 03:31 |
tseng | if its good you can use it | 03:32 |
tseng | (and he can drop it) | 03:32 |
tseng | upstreams shouldnt have debian/ | 03:32 |
=== kr4z [n=kr4z@stjhnf0111w-142163097183.pppoe-dynamic.nl.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
ryanakca | kk, ty... I just needed some MOTU influence in this conversation I'm having with upstream :) | 03:33 |
zul | so uh...can we upload to universe again? | 03:45 |
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Hobbsee | zul: we could the whole time | 03:54 |
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=== hub [n=hub@storm-gw.xandros.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
ryanakca | could a motu please review http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=2999 when they get a chance? (And I triple checked it for the ones who reviewed it the other night :D ) | 03:59 |
=== rikai [i=rikai@unaffiliated/rikai] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
rikai | Err, small question... And not sure if this is the correct place to ask... but could someone tell me the version of Ubiquity in edgy knot-2? | 04:13 |
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Riddell | rikai: ubiquity will be the latest version, see launchpad | 04:38 |
rikai | Riddell: Alraedy gort my asnwer elsewher, but thanks. I was curious as knot-2 was released today, and so was a ubiquity update. ;) | 04:40 |
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Riddell | ryanakca: looks good, a few comments http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=2999 | 05:07 |
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ryanakca | Riddell: kk, thanks | 05:23 |
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phanatic | afternoon | 05:33 |
=== LaserJock [n=LaserJoc@ubuntu/member/laserjock] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
phanatic | hey LaserJock | 05:35 |
LaserJock | hi phanatic | 05:36 |
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Hobbsee | dholbach: excellent! we've had the REVU day! | 05:43 |
Hobbsee | On Friday, August 8th we're going to have a fully-fledged REVU DAY and | 05:44 |
Hobbsee | are going to bring http://revu.tauware.de/ back on track. | 05:44 |
Hobbsee | that means we cant have another one, right??? | 05:44 |
dholbach | FUCKING HELL | 05:44 |
ogra | dholbach, got hell day today ? | 05:44 |
StevenK | dholbach: Sorry, I found it. :-P | 05:45 |
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phanatic | Gloubiboulga: thanks for the upload :) | 06:09 |
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=== FliesLikeALap [n=Ryan@nock-set-12.dynamic2.rpi.edu] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
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=== _jaldhar is now known as jaldhar | ||
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kristog | hello * | 06:43 |
LaserJock | hi | 06:43 |
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=== bddebian [n=bdefrees@mail.ottens.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
Gloubiboulga | phanatic, no problem ;) | 07:10 |
Gloubiboulga | hey bddebian ! | 07:10 |
kristog | i would help ubuntu in some way, i've already setup an account on launchpad and signed the CoC. | 07:11 |
kristog | do you know what i can do? | 07:11 |
LaserJock | kristog: well, it sort of depends on what you are interested in | 07:11 |
LaserJock | do you like coding? | 07:11 |
bluefoxicy | Are you a programmer? | 07:11 |
kristog | LaserJock: uhm i prefer package sw or maintain it | 07:12 |
bddebian | Heya gang | 07:12 |
bddebian | Hi Gloubiboulga | 07:12 |
zul | documentation? | 07:12 |
kristog | i'm not a coder :) | 07:12 |
LaserJock | kristog: ok, cool. do you have experience making debian packages? | 07:12 |
kristog | uh, yes. | 07:12 |
phanatic | LaserJock: what can i help if i'm a programmer? ;) | 07:12 |
bluefoxicy | :D | 07:13 |
LaserJock | phanatic: write things for specs | 07:13 |
kristog | you could see my *packages* on launchpad. | 07:13 |
welshbyte | ello bddebian | 07:13 |
LaserJock | kristog: ah, were? | 07:13 |
kristog | https://launchpad.net/people/giskard/+packages | 07:13 |
bluefoxicy | I actually need to steal a programmer for a bit at some point | 07:13 |
LaserJock | kristog: oh, very nice | 07:14 |
bluefoxicy | ok cool, mtrace is mit | 07:14 |
LaserJock | kristog: well, we need people for bug fixing, and merging/syncing from Debian right now | 07:14 |
bddebian | Heya welshbyte | 07:15 |
LaserJock | kristog: the Universe repo will freeze on September 28th so we are trying to make sure we are as updated as possible before then | 07:15 |
kristog | LaserJock: i guess all my packages are already handled by ubuntu-core people. | 07:15 |
kristog | LaserJock: ok, so, is there a list of *not-updated* packages ? | 07:16 |
bluefoxicy | ya know what | 07:16 |
=== xopher [n=xopher@a80-186-122-109.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
bluefoxicy | I am going to spec this, and see if I can get any bites this way | 07:16 |
LaserJock | kristog: merges.ubuntu.com I believe | 07:16 |
bluefoxicy | as COMPLETELY irrelevant as it is. | 07:16 |
kristog | LaserJock: thank you. there is something i should read before merge/sync? | 07:18 |
bddebian | Yeah bluefoxicy, don't do anything useful or anything.. ;-P | 07:18 |
LaserJock | kristog: hmm, just a sec | 07:19 |
bluefoxicy | bddebian: currently I'm trying to figure out how much memory waste is happening | 07:19 |
=== Whoopie [n=Whoopie@unaffiliated/whoopie] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
bluefoxicy | # heap/mem waste at peak: 2.93 % | 07:19 |
bluefoxicy | # average heap/mem waste: 19.68 % | 07:19 |
welshbyte | hehe "Man, she's been grumpy all week" "Must be that time of the release cycle" | 07:20 |
bluefoxicy | ^^^ Thunderbird after running for about 5 seconds; the peak waste is how much waste there is when the program has requested the most memory, while the average waste is the waste on average | 07:20 |
LaserJock | kristog: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/School/Merging-and-Syncing and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources (there is a sync and ongoing-merges section that is helpful) | 07:21 |
bluefoxicy | And of course, I click a few messages and ........... # average heap/mem waste: 48.48 % | 07:21 |
LaserJock | kristog: and just ask questions here too | 07:21 |
Whoopie | Hi, I saw that xchat 2.6.6 is backported to dapper. But it's not shown when trying to upgrade. And launchpad says that it was built fine. Any ideas? | 07:21 |
bluefoxicy | bddebian: highly not useful, I'm just trying to figure out if I should replace glibc's implementation of malloc() with something with an approximate 3.125% upper bound on memory waste :) | 07:21 |
Whoopie | I have all repos enabled in sources.list | 07:21 |
kristog | LaserJock: ok! thank you. | 07:22 |
LaserJock | Whoopie: 1) dapper-backports in sources.list (I assume so) 2) it might not have hit the archives yet | 07:23 |
Whoopie | LaserJock: ok, I'll wait. thanks. I only found it strange that it takes 3 days. | 07:25 |
LaserJock | :/ | 07:26 |
LaserJock | I wouldn't think it would | 07:26 |
LaserJock | are you getting any other backported packages? | 07:26 |
Whoopie | yes | 07:26 |
=== lukaswayne9 [n=lukas@c-68-84-69-12.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
LaserJock | hmm, must be held up or something | 07:26 |
Whoopie | seems so | 07:27 |
gnomefreak | Whoopie: are you using au.archives.ubuntu.com? | 07:28 |
Whoopie | gnomefreak: no, archive.ubuntu.com | 07:32 |
gnomefreak | when was xchat backported? | 07:32 |
Whoopie | sept 29th | 07:33 |
Whoopie | aug 29th | 07:33 |
gnomefreak | Whoopie: your in us? | 07:33 |
Whoopie | germany | 07:33 |
gnomefreak | still should default to uk and you should have it already | 07:33 |
gnomefreak | ok hold on a sec | 07:34 |
gnomefreak | hmmm | 07:36 |
Whoopie | changed to de.archive.ubuntu.com, and no difference | 07:36 |
gnomefreak | Whoopie: im assuming you have universe and multiverse enabled? | 07:37 |
Whoopie | yes | 07:37 |
gnomefreak | LaserJock: you still here? | 07:38 |
=== gnomefreak not showing any packages as backported but i know there were atleast 2 | ||
welshbyte | bddebian: did you get my email about adonthell? | 07:39 |
LaserJock | gnomefreak: yeah | 07:39 |
gnomefreak | do you know where there is a list of backported packages? | 07:39 |
imbrandon | theres lots of packages backported | 07:39 |
LaserJock | gnomefreak: you have dapper-backports enabled? | 07:39 |
gnomefreak | packages.ubuntu dont show them | 07:39 |
imbrandon | i just backported one today infact ;) | 07:39 |
gnomefreak | LaserJock: im on edgy but im looking for him | 07:39 |
Bazzi | I thought backports was defunct? | 07:40 |
welshbyte | http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper-backports/ | 07:40 |
Whoopie | what I saw is that all backported packages for main are there, but not for universe. But I really checked that I have enabled universe | 07:40 |
LaserJock | Bazzi: no | 07:40 |
gnomefreak | welshbyte: they took this out of the packages.ubuntu.com page | 07:40 |
imbrandon | Bazzi: nope | 07:40 |
Bazzi | hm, ok | 07:41 |
Whoopie | I looked here for backported packages: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.linux.ubuntu.devel.changes.dapper | 07:41 |
gnomefreak | xchat has not been backported | 07:41 |
welshbyte | gnomefreak: really? the page seems to exist | 07:41 |
Whoopie | gnomefreak: http://article.gmane.org/gmane.linux.ubuntu.devel.changes.dapper/12008 | 07:41 |
gnomefreak | welshbyte: it does but if you go to packages.ubuntu.com dapper backports isnt there | 07:41 |
LaserJock | it was backported | 07:41 |
gnomefreak | Whoopie: http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper-backports/allpackages.en.txt.gz | 07:41 |
=== gnomefreak like official sites | ||
welshbyte | oh ok, so it just isn't linked? or it's not kept up-to-date? | 07:42 |
gnomefreak | i guess both | 07:42 |
imbrandon | Whoopie: that dosent mean it built successfully or actualy got backpoorted it just means it was accepted | 07:42 |
gnomefreak | we dont have a -backports channel that i know of | 07:42 |
LaserJock | arggg | 07:42 |
=== tuxmaniac [n=aanjhan@unaffiliated/tuxmaniac] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
LaserJock | it was backported and it built successfully on *all* archs | 07:43 |
LaserJock | guys, this is what Launchpad is for | 07:43 |
Whoopie | imbrandon: https://launchpad.net/+builds/+build/240427 | 07:43 |
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Whoopie | launchpad says it was built successfully | 07:43 |
imbrandon | LaserJock: exactly | 07:43 |
imbrandon | Whoopie: i know i was pointing out the list dosent matter | 07:44 |
imbrandon | LaserJock: just said it better | 07:44 |
Whoopie | imbrandon: ok, sorry. you're right. | 07:44 |
gnomefreak | still doesnt mean it was sent to server | 07:44 |
LaserJock | it was built on the 29th | 07:44 |
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LaserJock | so either it is held up somewhere or something happened | 07:44 |
imbrandon | Whoopie: apt-cache madsion xchat | 07:44 |
welshbyte | or madison :) | 07:45 |
Whoopie | xchat | 2.6.1-0ubuntu2 | http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper/universe Packages | 07:45 |
Whoopie | xchat | 2.6.1-0ubuntu2 | http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper/universe Sources | 07:45 |
Whoopie | xchat | 2.6.6-0ubuntu1~dapper1 | http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper-backports/universe Sources | 07:45 |
gnomefreak | Whoopie: what does sudo apt-get install xchat give you? | 07:45 |
LaserJock | it's not there | 07:46 |
imbrandon | see its souce only, not built ( or built but not in archive yet ) | 07:46 |
gnomefreak | the source seems to be | 07:46 |
LaserJock | the thing to do is to look at Launchpad and archive.ubuntu.com | 07:46 |
LaserJock | http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/x/xchat/ | 07:46 |
imbrandon | but ummm | 07:46 |
Whoopie | gnomefreak: that the current version of xchat is installed. | 07:46 |
imbrandon | xchat | 2.6.6-0ubuntu1~dapper1 | http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper-backports/universe Sources | 07:46 |
LaserJock | indicates that the source is in the archive but no binaries | 07:46 |
imbrandon | ^^ source ONLY | 07:47 |
gnomefreak | that telsl me something happened | 07:47 |
gnomefreak | tells* | 07:47 |
imbrandon | its not built on the arcive yet | 07:47 |
LaserJock | arggg | 07:47 |
LaserJock | there is often delay between getting build in Soyuz and hitting the archives | 07:47 |
=== gnomefreak has xchat 2.6.6 adn hates it | ||
LaserJock | it could be that backported binaries are hung up somewhere | 07:48 |
LaserJock | or need approval or something | 07:48 |
Whoopie | LaserJock: but the packages for main are there, not for universe | 07:48 |
LaserJock | or it could be that something went wrong if newer backports are already in the archives | 07:48 |
LaserJock | Whoopie: what packages for Main? | 07:48 |
gnomefreak | Whoopie: use xchat-gnome | 07:48 |
gnomefreak | xchat-gnome is just like xchat 2.6.6 | 07:49 |
Whoopie | LaserJock: e.g. debootstrap | 07:49 |
Whoopie | gnomefreak: no, thanks ;) | 07:49 |
gnomefreak | Whoopie: backports dont backport main packages iirc | 07:49 |
gnomefreak | Whoopie: its the same things looks and menus | 07:49 |
gnomefreak | hence the reason i hate xchat 2.6.6 | 07:49 |
LaserJock | backports can be of anthing, I think | 07:50 |
Whoopie | OK: debootstrap_0.3.3.0ubuntu3~dapper1.dsc | 07:50 |
Whoopie | -> Component: main Section: admin | 07:50 |
LaserJock | anyway ..... | 07:50 |
LaserJock | the thing to do is to ping jdong or the archive team to see if it is a problem or not | 07:50 |
LaserJock | it could be it is on it's way | 07:50 |
LaserJock | or it could have gotten stuck or something | 07:50 |
Whoopie | LaserJock: can you do it? don't know how to do it, sorry. | 07:51 |
Whoopie | ah, jdong is on #ubuntu-devel | 07:52 |
gnomefreak | yep he just got htere | 07:52 |
imbrandon | i just did | 07:52 |
LaserJock | done | 07:53 |
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somerville32 | https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/58493 | 08:04 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 58493 in Ubuntu "Broken Package: totem-gstreamer-firefox-plugin" [Untriaged,Confirmed] | 08:04 |
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bluefoxicy | yay https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/profile-memory-management-efficiency | 08:23 |
bluefoxicy | and hoard is not working >:| it segfaults everything. | 08:23 |
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geser | somerville32: have you dapper-updates for universe enabled? There is a correctly versioned package of totem-gstreamer-firefox-plugin included | 09:13 |
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somerville32 | I believe so. | 09:14 |
somerville32 | I guss I should post my source list - just let me clean up dog puke first :( | 09:15 |
somerville32 | *guess | 09:15 |
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lotusleaf | O_o | 09:15 |
lotusleaf | well I can skip lunch now | 09:15 |
kristog | LaserJock: i'm wrong if i say that the merge-o-matic queue is empty? | 09:20 |
LaserJock | kristog: the queue? there are merges still needing to be done for Universe I believe | 09:21 |
kristog | 0 outstanding merges | 09:21 |
LaserJock | hmm, I'm not sure what outstanding merges means | 09:22 |
=== kristog too | ||
LaserJock | I'm pretty sure anything on http://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html can be done | 09:23 |
kristog | :) | 09:25 |
bddebian | Yeah, all the NEW and Updated merges can be done | 09:25 |
kristog | bddebian: for example: gnomebaker should be updated? | 09:26 |
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bddebian | kristog: Aye, or synced | 09:28 |
ryanakca | I'm having trouble with cdbs debian/rules + debuild -S -sa... http://pastebin.ca/157777 | 09:31 |
ryanakca | and my guess is that it's something foolishly simple... | 09:31 |
bddebian | ryanakca: Make sure those are tabs and not spaces | 09:34 |
ryanakca | bddebian: they're tabs... unless vim has some wierd tabbing convention/method | 09:35 |
ryanakca | yep... stupid vim | 09:36 |
ryanakca | I changed them to emacs tabs, and it works | 09:36 |
bddebian | heh | 09:37 |
kristog | no, at last stupid vim user ;) | 09:37 |
ryanakca | kristog: yes, stupid for using vim | 09:37 |
=== ryanakca switches back to emacs | ||
zul | ryanakca: you dont have a space above that line? | 09:38 |
=== ryanakca signs the papers to convert to the religion of emacs | ||
kristog | this was not my point... | 09:38 |
kristog | ahahah | 09:38 |
kristog | :) | 09:38 |
ryanakca | zul: a space above what line? | 09:38 |
zul | line 14 | 09:38 |
ryanakca | kristog: your point was? | 09:38 |
bddebian | See, I know something Once in a while :-) | 09:39 |
ryanakca | bddebian: yes | 09:39 |
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bddebian | Oh no | 09:39 |
=== bddebian hides | ||
kristog | ryanakca: forget it :) | 09:40 |
AnAnt | bddebian: hiding from me ? | 09:40 |
ryanakca | kristog: O.o ok :) | 09:40 |
bddebian | AnAnt: Yep ;-) | 09:40 |
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AnAnt | ok | 09:41 |
ryanakca | zul: no, no space above line 14 | 09:41 |
AnAnt | but 'acon' doesn't have a manpage supplied with it, and I dunno how to write manpages, so I dunno what to do | 09:41 |
AnAnt | I solved the other two issues & uploading it now | 09:42 |
bddebian | AnAnt: Either write one, ask someone to write one, or ignore it :-) | 09:42 |
AnAnt | ok, I will ignore it | 09:42 |
ryanakca | AnAnt: is it a kde app? | 09:42 |
AnAnt | since the acon author isn't replying my email ! | 09:42 |
AnAnt | ignore what ? the manpage or the entire package ? | 09:43 |
ryanakca | AnAnt: in revu they didn't want to advocate until I had written a manpage... it's simple... I'll give you a template and you just have to fill it in :) | 09:43 |
AnAnt | ryanakca: nope, virtual console app. | 09:43 |
AnAnt | ryanakca: ok, thanks a lot ! | 09:43 |
AnAnt | ryanakca: please do | 09:43 |
ryanakca | AnAnt: http://rkavanagh.homelinux.org/~ryan/foo.1 | 09:44 |
AnAnt | bddebian: as for KDE, I removed the Replaces: field, kept the Conflicts: filed | 09:44 |
AnAnt | bddebian: now for archmage, I really need to discuss that | 09:44 |
AnAnt | bddebian: what do you by that you only want one changelog entry ? | 09:45 |
ryanakca | AnAnt: what you packaging with? cdbs? | 09:45 |
geser | AnAnt: does the programm have a goog --help output? if yes, then you could try help2man to get a start | 09:45 |
AnAnt | bddebian: I simply cannot remove the entry made by the original author ! isn't that morally incorrect ?! | 09:45 |
geser | s/goog/good/ | 09:45 |
AnAnt | ryanakca: debhelper | 09:45 |
AnAnt | geser: what is good ? | 09:45 |
bddebian | AnAnt: Meaning that if this is the first time it's in Ubuntu/Debian, the debian/changelog should only say "Initial Release" | 09:46 |
ryanakca | AnAnt: oh | 09:46 |
bddebian | AnAnt: Isn't there an upstream changelog in the source already? | 09:46 |
geser | I had a typo in my sentence | 09:46 |
AnAnt | geser: I understand, I mean what is a "good" help ? | 09:46 |
dholbach | good night guys | 09:47 |
AnAnt | bddebian: huh ? | 09:47 |
bddebian | Gnight dholbach | 09:47 |
geser | is it enough to generate a manpage from it? | 09:47 |
ryanakca | G'night dholbach | 09:47 |
dholbach | night fellas | 09:47 |
kristog | night dholbach | 09:47 |
bddebian | AnAnt: The changelog file in the debian/ dir is specifically about the Distribution changes, not the source changes | 09:47 |
AnAnt | geser: I'd say so | 09:48 |
bddebian | AnAnt: The author should have their own changelog file in foo-1.0/ | 09:48 |
AnAnt | bddebian: yes, but the author is the one who originally made the debian/ package too | 09:48 |
AnAnt | bddebian: and I added NOTHING to that packaging he did | 09:49 |
bddebian | Well that is bad unless they are a.. Nevermind, it's fine then | 09:49 |
AnAnt | bddebian: so I can't remove his entry in changelog, all what I did is changed the version naming to -0ubuntu1 | 09:49 |
AnAnt | bddebian: so you will advocate it ? | 09:49 |
AnAnt | geser: ok, I am getting help2man, thanks | 09:50 |
bddebian | AnAnt: Sure | 09:51 |
AnAnt | bddebian: thanks ! | 09:51 |
AnAnt | bddebian: ok, you'll need to hide, because I just re-uploaded acon & kchmviewer | 09:52 |
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bddebian | AnAnt: OK, I'm getting ready to head home so I will try to hit them tonight | 09:53 |
AnAnt | ok | 09:54 |
welshbyte | ping -f bddebian | 09:56 |
welshbyte | bddebian: did you get my email? | 09:57 |
AnAnt | anyone knows of a manpage of several commands ? | 09:57 |
bddebian | welshbyte: Aye, but I haven't gotten to do it yet.. :-( | 09:58 |
welshbyte | bddebian: ok, no rush :) | 09:58 |
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=== bddebian wishes he was independently wealthy so he could just quit this stupid job and play with Ubuntu stuff :) | ||
bddebian | Anyway, time to head home. Later gang | 10:01 |
LaserJock | hehe, cya | 10:01 |
AnAnt | ok, how do I make a <BR> in manpages ? | 10:02 |
AnAnt | line break | 10:03 |
welshbyte | .br | 10:04 |
kristog | .BR | 10:04 |
welshbyte | lowercase i think | 10:04 |
kristog | wait.. | 10:04 |
kristog | yes, lowercase :) | 10:04 |
welshbyte | :) | 10:05 |
AnAnt | thanks | 10:08 |
AnAnt | geser: ok, thanks for the info on help2man | 10:23 |
AnAnt | isn't there a readme2man ? | 10:23 |
somerville32 | Do we have a help2woman? | 10:25 |
AnAnt | hehe | 10:26 |
welshbyte | AnAnt: i don't think the content of the generic readme file would be suitable for a man page, so probably not | 10:27 |
welshbyte | i know there's help2man though | 10:27 |
welshbyte | ah, you already mentioned it :) | 10:27 |
AnAnt | welshbyte: well, the readme that comes with the software is better than the --help output | 10:28 |
AnAnt | well, nevermind | 10:30 |
AnAnt | thanks for the help | 10:30 |
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redguy | has anyone been playing with firefox2.0 yet? | 10:44 |
redguy | I'm trying to make firefox 2.0 use a directory other than ~/.mozilla on my Ubuntu box. I'm running the configure script with the --with-user-appdir=.fox2. Firefox is creating the ~/.fox2 directory but it is still using .mozilla. Is there anything more I should do in order to make it use the .fox2 directory? | 10:45 |
redguy | I just don't want the new firefox to mess up my profile... | 10:45 |
ryanakca | redguy: don't bother with it | 10:47 |
ryanakca | redguy: FireFox 2.0 crashes every 10-15 minutes on my system | 10:48 |
ryanakca | redguy: and most of the themes/extensions aren't supported yet | 10:48 |
redguy | heh | 10:48 |
redguy | ryanakca: that's why I'm afraid it might mess up my profile ;-) | 10:49 |
ryanakca | are you going to be using FF | 10:49 |
ryanakca | if you aren't... just move ~/.mozilla to ~/.mozilla.old | 10:50 |
LaserJock | I used FF2.0b2 on my mac, if that's any help (I doubt it) | 10:50 |
redguy | LaserJock: your own build? | 10:51 |
LaserJock | no | 10:51 |
ryanakca | can someone please look at http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=3004 ... only thing left is figure out if the image is GPL or not (from what I see)... | 10:51 |
LaserJock | downloaded from mozilla | 10:51 |
gnomefreak | firefox 2.0 beta 2 fixes the crashing on every start up among other things | 10:54 |
gnomefreak | ive been waiting for iwj to get back from holiday | 10:55 |
=== ajmitch has had very few problems with beta 1 | ||
gnomefreak | beta 1 gave me and loooking at LP alot of others alot of issues so i compiled beta 2 and i no longer have any of the issues | 10:56 |
gnomefreak | that and the nvidia drivers from nvidia | 10:56 |
ajmitch | it's currently been open for 10 days, with several windows full of tabs | 10:57 |
ajmitch | probably just as stable as 1.5 for me | 10:57 |
gnomefreak | it always gave me the firefox is already running error when tried to open it (no ff process was running ) | 10:57 |
gnomefreak | thunderbird did that to me too for a while | 10:58 |
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ajmitch | it's amazing how many users on the forums were so eager to get knot 2 | 11:00 |
LaserJock | why? | 11:00 |
LaserJock | they always love the latest crack | 11:01 |
ajmitch | yes | 11:01 |
ajmitch | but seeing how many of them who were up waiting for the release, getting so anxious about it | 11:01 |
crimsun | we really ought to have a knot that just doesn't do anything but present a blinking cursor post-grub/lilo | 11:05 |
LaserJock | crimsun: or at least a CLI only knot | 11:05 |
ajmitch | "Now *this* is edgy!" | 11:06 |
ajmitch | hm | 11:06 |
=== ajmitch spots upgrade breakage | ||
ajmitch | oops | 11:08 |
LaserJock | what package? | 11:08 |
ajmitch | oh, just looked like bashisms in nis maintainer scripts | 11:08 |
ajmitch | probably just a warning | 11:08 |
=== ajmitch should avoid running his python code as root when uninstalled | ||
LaserJock | this whole bash->dash thing has been interesting | 11:09 |
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bddebian | Heya gang | 12:08 |
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