
tsengraphink: mobility12:16
tsengsomething or other12:16
ryanakcano clue12:16
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tsengsorry its kind of too fucked to do much12:16
ryanakcasorry... but my radeon is no end of trouble12:17
ryanakcawhich is why I'm forevermore buying NVidia12:17
tsengits a laptop, no choice12:17
tsengif i have a choice ill get all intel in the future12:17
ryanakcadon't like AMD?12:18
tsengand i meant intel graphics12:18
ryanakcahmmm... I was going to get one12:18
ryanakcaoh... graphics12:18
ryanakcalol, ok12:18
tsengbut intel graphics dont come with amd cpus :)12:18
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ryanakcayeah, you've got a point12:18
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tsengclaims to not support visual 0x4b12:22
tsengis the only apperantly error12:22
tsengdammit im dubm12:23
tsengi removed this gdm.conf-custom I swear12:23
tsengits still here12:23
tsengwas the entire problem12:23
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sistpotyam I still online? if so, does anyone else having problems accessing revu?12:38
welshbyteyes, and yes12:39
sistpotythat means: yay! and damn, seems like tiber is down :(12:40
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=== sistpoty is off again
sistpotygn8 everyone12:50
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Adri2000i'm making a package. i must copy a header file available in the sources to /usr/include/qt3/ (this header file is not in any ubuntu package). how should i do ?edit the debian/rules ? the configure script or the makefile ?01:32
welshbytedebian/rules, i'd say01:33
crimsunbut the header file is provided in the upstream Qt3 package?01:34
Adri2000i tried to put a cp in debian/rules, but it says it doesn't have the permission01:34
lifelessyou should use install01:34
lifelessand it should be in the install target01:34
crimsunhmm, I may have misinterpreted the context.01:35
=== welshbyte wonders if a gcl sync would fix maxima
crimsun(It's not immediately clear to me if the package requires said header file to build or if said header file is what's installed as part of a binary package)01:36
Adri2000#include <bitmapbutton.h> < this header file is not in any ubuntu package, but fortunately it is in the tarball of the software i'm packaging01:36
crimsunis bitmapbutton.h part of upstream Qt3?01:37
crimsun(If not, why does said package require it to be located system-wide? That sounds pretty gross.)01:38
Adri2000google has no result for "bitmapbutton.h site:http://doc.trolltech.com/"01:39
Adri2000crimsun: see the answer from the developer http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=1421452601:41
Adri2000compile as root... maybe the makefile is supposed to copy this headerfile in /usr/include/qt3/01:42
welshbytethat's horrible01:43
crimsunyou need to punch upstream vigourously.01:44
crimsunin this case, Adri2000, hack all references of '#include <bitmapbutton.h>' into '#include "sourcedir/bitmapbutton.h"'01:45
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crimsunsend the patch upstream, and after you do that, punch upstream vigourously.01:45
Adri2000ok, i'll try that01:46
Adri2000but i shouldn't edit directly the source files ? i have to make a patch and put it in debian/, right ?01:47
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crimsunAdri2000: depends if there's already a patch system in place01:52
crimsunis this a new Debian/Ubuntu package?01:52
Adri2000yes, new01:52
crimsunthen it's up to you. Frankly I'd use a patch system.01:52
Adri2000diff old.cpp new.cpp > patch01:53
crimsunI imagine you'll be touching more than just one source file01:53
crimsunin which case it'll be easier to diff -uNr01:53
Adri2000yes, this include is in multiple files01:54
Adri2000ok, i'll look at the diff man page01:54
Adri2000and i just put the patch in debian/, nothing special to do ?01:54
crimsundepends which patch system you use.01:55
crimsunif you want a manual patch system, put it wherever you'd like01:55
crimsunquilt, dpatch, and others have special directories like debian/patches/01:55
Adri2000ok, thank you for your help crimsun01:57
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ryanakcaAdri2000: for patching? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/School/PatchingSources02:10
Adri2000is that ok http://adrishost.homeip.net/~adri2000/djplay.patch ?02:14
crimsunmake sure you hack the Makefile{,.in}(s), too02:15
Adri2000not so easy :s02:20
crimsungrep for that header file02:21
Adri2000$ grep bitmapbutton.h djplay-0.3.0/Makefile.*02:22
Adri2000there are some bitmapbutton in the makefile but no .h02:23
crimsunbe careful with '.' and grep expressions.02:25
crimsunyou'll probably want to escape it or the entire filename02:26
Adri2000still nothing with bitmapbutton\.h and "bitmapbutton.h"02:27
welshbytei'd be paranoid and run grep -nr foo\.h *02:27
Adri2000no... and with -i neither...02:28
Adri2000maybe i can try without editing the makefile, why would it complain ?02:29
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Adri2000to apply the patch : patch -p1 djplay.patch is ok ?02:35
welshbyteyou might want to name your patch something more descriptive02:37
ryanakcaAdri2000: what kind of patch is it? dpatch?02:37
Adri2000no it's just a diff02:37
Adri2000welshbyte: something like bitmapbutton.patch ? :)02:38
ryanakcaAdri2000: oh... dpatches are like scripts, so you can execute them :)02:39
Adri2000ryanakca: it's not a dpatch02:40
welshbyteAdri2000: something like that... it's so we know what the patch is doing when someone looks at it in future or tries to cross-reference a changelog entry with the patch02:41
Adri2000and then, should i leave the diectory djplay-patch there ?02:42
Adri2000ok can i remove it ?02:42
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welshbyteAdri2000: did you create that directory or did upstream?02:43
welshbytehey LaserJock02:43
LaserJockhi welshbyte02:43
Adri2000i created it to edit the source files02:44
Adri2000and then made the diff with the upstream sources02:44
welshbyteoh well then remove it if you don't need it any more02:44
welshbyteit won't be part of the package02:44
Adri2000patch -p0 <bitmapbutton.patch that worked :)02:51
welshbyteLaserJock: got anything for me to do that'll give me a break from trying to make sense of maxima? :)02:55
LaserJockwell, you could go through the MOTU Science bug list if you want02:58
LaserJockor work on merges02:58
welshbyteso anything on http://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html ?03:01
LaserJockpretty much03:01
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ryanakcaok, I've got a .desktop file that points to icon file. I've got the .desktop installed, but where does the .png get put to?03:38
LaserJock /usr/share/pixmaps/03:39
ryanakcakk, ty03:40
grexkHow can I be able to debug this error "binary-indep"?03:42
grexk"make: *** [binary-indep]  Error 1"03:43
welshbytegrexk: that means that the error is somewhere in the binary-indep: section of your makefile or rules file03:46
grexkthank, let me check03:46
welshbytegrexk: i expect the output given before that message would have told you what the actual error is03:47
grexkI get this error http://pastebin.com/781060, checking at the launchpad is not an issue in there daily build log?03:51
grexkI got now thanks anyway03:58
Adri2000what's the difference between Makefile.in and Makefile.am ?04:00
welshbyteAdri2000: http://www.gnu.org/software/automake/manual/html_node/Introduction.html#Introduction04:03
azeemor read the autobook04:04
Adri2000so i should edit Makefile.am04:08
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jaldharAdri2000: If necessary, but most common changes can be made as parameters to configure (i.e. paths, CFLAGS)04:12
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grexkIs it ok to remove "-i" options in binary-indep section?04:19
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ryanakcaanybody want to review http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=2999 please? (And I triple checked this time :P04:24
=== ryanakca watches the lordly MOTU scatter
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welshbytehey Hobbsee04:33
LaserJockryanakca: we don't scatter, we just don't  respond04:33
LaserJockhi Hobbsee04:33
Hobbseemorning lal04:33
Hobbseeheya LaserJock, welshbyte04:33
ryanakcaLaserJock: sorry... I forgot <joke> </joke> :D04:34
ryanakcaHey Hobbsee04:34
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Hobbseehey ryanakca04:34
grexkCan I also upload backport package in REVU?04:37
TheMusoHey Sarah. Hows uni life treating you?04:38
Hobbseehey TheMuso.  didnt even go today :)04:38
TheMusoAh ok.04:38
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LaserJockhmmm, what app does the nested login windows in KDE04:51
LaserJockHobbsee: hmm, tried that. I was looking for a particular item in the menu04:57
BurgundaviaHobbsee: you, know, I am going to have to install KDE at work next week. Does it come with trauma counselling after I remove it? *grin*04:59
LaserJockI wonder if it is just in edgy as I can't find it on either of my dapper boxes04:59
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HobbseeBurgundavia: hahaha05:01
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=== welshbyte finishes merging adonthell and decides it's time for bed
welshbyteg'night :)05:35
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somerville32I think the glade package is broken07:15
Hobbseefix it?07:18
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somerville32I dunno how.07:20
grexkAnyone would like to review http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=3000?07:21
=== Hobbsee headdesks
Hobbseegrexk: xen?07:21
Hobbseeyou've uploaded it natively, for a start07:22
HawkwindXen FTW!!!07:22
Hobbseeoh, wait, it was in edgy to start with, adn a backport.  that's not so bad07:23
Hobbseegrexk: backports stuff dont get reviewed by us.07:23
grexkWhat is the meaning of FTW?07:23
HawkwindFor The Win07:23
HawkwindWe so need full Xen support in Kubuntu07:23
Hobbseegrexk: you have to file a  bug requesting the backport (there's a button there for it), and present the requested things07:24
ubotuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports07:24
grexkOh, I see just uploaded it for crimsun to check.07:24
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trappistvil: ping07:33
viltrappist: good morning07:38
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trappistvil: hi there.  I'm going to bed in a few minutes, so if you want to run eclipse, we won't be competing for resources07:40
vilwell ok, then. I thought that there is just 512MB. at least free says that07:41
trappistyeah, that's all.  there's ~1GB of swap, so whatever you want to do should be possible, but of course the load will skyrocket if it starts swapping.07:42
trappistI don't know what kind of load you're talking about, though07:43
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vilyeah, I looked at the numbers and jc1 took over 600MB resident and was really unhappy about it, swapping all around07:44
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viltrappist: nevermind, g'night07:45
trappistok, sorry it didn't work out.  good night.07:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about Ubugtu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:49
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=== somerville32 huggles Ubuntu.
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AnAntwhat does "bashism" mean ?09:26
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azeempretending to require any POSIX shell, but using bash feature really09:27
azeemso, specifying #!/bin/sh at the top, but then doing stuff other shells choke on09:28
AnAnthow do I know that a certain syntax works only in bash ?09:31
Mithrandiryou test it with something else or know the differences because you read them somewhere or experienced them.09:34
AnAntok, how do I do `cmd` in dash ?09:34
anibaldash <cmd>09:35
Mithrandiranibal: eh, no?09:35
AnAntanibal: but I wanna test the output of it09:35
MithrandirAnAnt: `` works the same way in bash and dash, it's posix.09:35
AnAntMithrandir: hmm, ok09:35
Hobbseewhy would prozilla not be in the repositores, post hoary?09:36
anibalMithrandir, you're right, you run dash and at the dash prompt you run the <cmd>09:37
AnAntwell, how do I test a `cmd` in while using dash ?09:37
AnAntwhile [[ `cmd` ] ]  does not work09:37
Mithrandirwhile [ `cmd` ]  does, though09:38
AnAnttried it09:39
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Mithrandir\u@\h:\w$ while [ `echo foo` ] ; do echo hello; done09:40
Mithrandirseems to work quite well for me.09:40
AnAntis that dash ?09:40
dholbachgood morning09:40
Mithrandirhiya Daniel09:40
dholbachhey Tollef - how are you?09:41
AnAntthat's wierd it gives me this: [: 10: is: unexpected operator09:43
AnAntMithrandir: I tried `cmd` instead of echo foo09:43
AnAntMithrandir: I tried `cmd` instead of `echo foo`09:43
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MithrandirAnAnt: cmd, like literally?09:44
AnAntMithrandir: acon09:44
AnAntMithrandir: this command either gives this error:09:45
AnAntAcon is loaded09:45
AnAntError opening /dev/vcsa1009:45
AnAntor it works09:45
Mithrandirworks being?09:45
AnAntbeing that it does not return09:46
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Mithrandiryou seem to be confused about what `` is used for.09:46
Mithrandirit's used for capturing output.09:47
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AnAnt_Mithrandir: well, I just want to run a command, if it gives the error, then it should be run again09:56
AnAnt_Mithrandir: sorry, I was dc !09:56
AnAnt_ping Mithrandir09:57
Mithrandiryou just want to retry the command an infinite number of times until it succeeds?10:01
Mithrandirthen do something like while ! acon ; : ; done10:01
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AnAnt_what is : ?10:01
Mithrandira shorthand for "true"10:02
AnAnt_Mithrandir: thanks !10:03
AnAnt_it worked !10:04
=== AnAnt_ is now known as AnAnt
AnAntok, gotta go10:12
AnAntMithrandir: thanks again10:12
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HobbseeStevenK: :P10:41
Hobbseethis is pretty cool :P10:41
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=== Hobbsee notes that wireless connections are pretty good - i must be at least 15 m away from the access point
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welshbytegood morning10:53
=== somerville32 prepares to go to bed soon.
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Sp4rKy \o11:34
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dholbachhow 'bout a REVU DAY?11:54
dholbachnext week?11:54
dholbachwhat do y'all think?11:54
=== StevenK continues to ignore his lack of REVU account.
Gloubiboulgafriday is fine for me (I'll certainly be less available the other days)11:59
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phanatichi everybody12:00
Gloubiboulgaheya phanatic12:00
phanatichey Gloubiboulga12:00
phanaticGloubiboulga: do you have time for a review?12:01
phanaticnew upstream: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=299012:01
Gloubiboulgaphanatic, soory, not know, I leave in 5 minutes12:02
Gloubiboulgaphanatic, I'll do it later today12:02
phanaticGloubiboulga: okay, thanks12:02
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StevenKdholbach: Hobbsee says that she'll have to be mysteriously absent on friday then :P12:19
Sp4rKyplease, i've made a patch but it doesn't works12:19
dholbachStevenK: why is that?12:22
Sp4rKyi've this error during pbuilder12:22
StevenKdholbach: Note that Hobbsee has mostly taken control of my keyboard.12:22
Sp4rKydpatch  apply-all12:22
Sp4rKyapplying patch 01_patch_init to ./ ... failed.12:22
Sp4rKymake: *** [patch-stamp]  Error 112:22
dholbachStevenK: right :-)12:23
StevenKSp4rKy: Since the patch failed to apply. dpatch ought to log the failure somewhere, debian/patched or so12:23
StevenKdholbach: Hobbsee:  i dont particularly like reviewing stuff - i probably miss a lot12:24
=== xopher [n=xopher@a80-186-122-109.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Sp4rKyStevenK, i've no debian/patched12:24
=== StevenK looks for something evil to do while having stolen the keyboard
dholbachStevenK: that's why always two people review a package12:25
dholbachwe just have to get started again12:25
Sp4rKymaybe my patch wasn't done correctly12:25
Sp4rKyi've done a diff -u between the two files12:25
StevenKdholbach: Hobbsee:  true that.  as long as i'm neither of the two :P12:25
=== StevenK actually advocated a package last night
dholbachStevenK: hobbsee: slacker12:26
Sp4rKyand a dpatch patch-template12:27
Sp4rKydo you have an idea ?12:30
Sp4rKydholbach, do you have 5 min to help me ?12:38
dholbachdid you use  dpatch-edit-patch 01_patch_init  ?12:40
Sp4rKyi've done only one patch before, and i don't remember exactly how12:41
Sp4rKyso i may have done some mistakes ...12:42
dholbachdpatch-edit-patch <patchname>   is what you want12:42
dholbachit'll open a subshell, where you can apply your patch and play with it12:42
dholbachthen ctrl-d and it will generate the patch in debian/patches12:42
Sp4rKyok :)12:43
Sp4rKyi try12:43
dholbachyou just have to add it to debian/patches/00list afterwards12:45
dholbachbut you seem to have figured that out already :)12:45
Sp4rKyyes :)12:45
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Sp4rKydholbach, building12:49
dholbachrock on12:49
Sp4rKypbuilder just run make, so patch seems works :D12:52
Sp4rKyi've another error with symlink, but patch seems work !12:54
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hungerI must package a little app for a customer of ours. He wants the description to be in german... how do I need to encode the control file to have aptitude, etc. display this properly?01:58
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dholbachhunger: ask mvo about apt-ddtp02:02
Hobbseedholbach: i'm fixing two bugs.  i'm definetly lazy.02:02
zulHobbsee: you are always lazy02:03
dholbachHobbsee: rock on :-)02:03
Hobbseezul: indeed.02:03
Hobbseedholbach: unfortunately, one was a bug that was my fault, and the other i last touched that script.  i didnt create the bug though.02:03
=== Hobbsee didnt think that anyone would have a versioned dependancy on kopete, then screamed when it broke.
Hobbseeworks fine unless the source is split.  *shrugs*02:05
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Sp4rKyso ....02:20
Sp4rKypatch works good know, but i've again a strange issue with symlink02:21
Sp4rKyi've a library and lintian says i have to create the 2 symlinks because they have to exists in case of user do an apt-get remove02:22
Sp4rKybut when i try to create symlinks, pbuilder says tehy already exists02:22
zulheh there should be a screensaver of bouncing ubuntu hackergotchi heads02:25
Hobbseezul: good thing i dont have a hackergotchi02:25
zulyou are not even on planet :)02:26
Hobbseezul: that's because i dont blog.02:26
Hobbseeblogs are evil02:26
Hobbseewell, writing blogs are evil02:26
Hobbseereading them is interesting though02:26
Arbiteryawn, hi *02:26
Hobbseehey Arbiter02:27
Arbiterhi Hobbsee02:27
Hobbseeno, i'm not reviewing an;ything :P02:27
Arbiteri don't care :)02:28
Arbiteri'm busy with some other stuff :P02:29
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ArbiterHobbsee: are you going to participate to the next CC?02:30
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HobbseeArbiter: um.  what time is it?02:31
Hobbseewhen is it?02:31
Hobbseeany of hte above?02:31
ArbiterSep 6th, 8 o' clock02:32
Hobbsee@schedule sydney02:32
ubuntu-esHobbsee: Error: "schedule" is not a valid command.02:32
ArbiterHobbsee: Sydney, right?02:32
HobbseeArbiter: ye02:32
Arbiterthis time is bad for me (midnight, arrrr)02:33
HobbseeArbiter: ouch.  i'm probably driving to uni about that time, but i might make it02:33
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ryanakcaWe can't use upstreams debian/ , right?03:31
tsengif its good you can use it03:32
tseng(and he can drop it)03:32
tsengupstreams shouldnt have debian/03:32
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ryanakcakk, ty... I just needed some MOTU influence in this conversation I'm having with upstream :)03:33
zulso uh...can we upload to universe again?03:45
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Hobbseezul: we could the whole time03:54
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ryanakcacould a motu please review http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=2999 when they get a chance? (And I triple checked it for the ones who reviewed it the other night :D )03:59
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rikaiErr, small question... And not sure if this is the correct place to ask... but could someone tell me the version of Ubiquity in edgy knot-2?04:13
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Riddellrikai: ubiquity will be the latest version, see launchpad04:38
rikaiRiddell: Alraedy gort my asnwer elsewher, but thanks. I was curious as knot-2 was released today, and so was a ubiquity update. ;)04:40
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Riddellryanakca: looks good, a few comments http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=299905:07
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ryanakcaRiddell: kk, thanks05:23
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phanatichey LaserJock05:35
LaserJockhi phanatic05:36
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Hobbseedholbach: excellent!  we've had the REVU day!05:43
HobbseeOn Friday, August 8th we're going to have a fully-fledged REVU DAY and05:44
Hobbseeare going to bring http://revu.tauware.de/ back on track.05:44
Hobbseethat means we cant have another one, right???05:44
dholbachFUCKING HELL05:44
ogradholbach, got hell day today ?05:44
StevenKdholbach: Sorry, I found it. :-P05:45
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phanaticGloubiboulga: thanks for the upload :)06:09
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kristoghello *06:43
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Gloubiboulgaphanatic, no problem ;)07:10
Gloubiboulgahey bddebian !07:10
kristogi would help ubuntu in some way, i've already setup an account on launchpad and signed the CoC.07:11
kristogdo you know what i can do?07:11
LaserJockkristog: well, it sort of depends on what you are interested in07:11
LaserJockdo you like coding?07:11
bluefoxicyAre you a programmer?07:11
kristogLaserJock: uhm i prefer package sw or maintain it07:12
bddebianHeya gang07:12
bddebianHi Gloubiboulga07:12
kristogi'm not a coder :)07:12
LaserJockkristog: ok, cool. do you have experience making debian packages?07:12
kristoguh, yes.07:12
phanaticLaserJock: what can i help if i'm a programmer? ;)07:12
LaserJockphanatic: write things for specs07:13
kristogyou could see my *packages* on launchpad.07:13
welshbyteello bddebian07:13
LaserJockkristog: ah, were?07:13
bluefoxicyI actually need to steal a programmer for a bit at some point07:13
LaserJockkristog: oh, very nice07:14
bluefoxicyok cool, mtrace is mit07:14
LaserJockkristog: well, we need people for bug fixing, and merging/syncing from Debian right now07:14
bddebianHeya welshbyte07:15
LaserJockkristog: the Universe repo will freeze on September 28th so we are trying to make sure we are as updated as possible before then07:15
kristogLaserJock: i guess all my packages are already handled by ubuntu-core people.07:15
kristogLaserJock: ok, so, is there a list of *not-updated* packages ?07:16
bluefoxicyya know what07:16
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bluefoxicyI am going to spec this, and see if I can get any bites this way07:16
LaserJockkristog: merges.ubuntu.com I believe07:16
bluefoxicyas COMPLETELY irrelevant as it is.07:16
kristogLaserJock: thank you. there is something i should read before merge/sync?07:18
bddebianYeah bluefoxicy, don't do anything useful or anything.. ;-P07:18
LaserJockkristog: hmm, just a sec07:19
bluefoxicybddebian:  currently I'm trying to figure out how much memory waste is happening07:19
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bluefoxicy# heap/mem waste at peak:       2.93 %07:19
bluefoxicy# average heap/mem waste:      19.68 %07:19
welshbytehehe "Man, she's been grumpy all week"  "Must be that time of the release cycle"07:20
bluefoxicy^^^ Thunderbird after running for about 5 seconds; the peak waste is how much waste there is when the program has requested the most memory, while the average waste is the waste on average07:20
LaserJockkristog:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/School/Merging-and-Syncing and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources (there is a sync and ongoing-merges section that is helpful)07:21
bluefoxicyAnd of course, I click a few messages and ........... # average heap/mem waste:      48.48 %07:21
LaserJockkristog: and just ask questions here too07:21
WhoopieHi, I saw that xchat 2.6.6 is backported to dapper. But it's not shown when trying to upgrade. And launchpad says that it was built fine. Any ideas?07:21
bluefoxicybddebian:  highly not useful, I'm just trying to figure out if I should replace glibc's implementation of malloc() with something with an approximate 3.125% upper bound on memory waste :)07:21
WhoopieI have all repos enabled in sources.list07:21
kristogLaserJock: ok! thank you.07:22
LaserJockWhoopie: 1) dapper-backports in sources.list (I assume so) 2) it might not have hit the archives yet07:23
WhoopieLaserJock: ok, I'll wait. thanks. I only found it strange that it takes 3 days.07:25
LaserJockI wouldn't think it would07:26
LaserJockare you getting any other backported packages?07:26
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LaserJockhmm, must be held up or something07:26
Whoopieseems so07:27
gnomefreakWhoopie: are you using au.archives.ubuntu.com?07:28
Whoopiegnomefreak: no, archive.ubuntu.com07:32
gnomefreakwhen was xchat backported?07:32
Whoopiesept 29th07:33
Whoopieaug 29th07:33
gnomefreakWhoopie: your in us?07:33
gnomefreakstill should default to uk and you should have it already07:33
gnomefreakok hold on a sec07:34
Whoopiechanged to de.archive.ubuntu.com, and no difference07:36
gnomefreakWhoopie: im assuming you have universe and multiverse enabled?07:37
gnomefreakLaserJock: you still here?07:38
=== gnomefreak not showing any packages as backported but i know there were atleast 2
welshbytebddebian: did you get my email about adonthell?07:39
LaserJockgnomefreak: yeah07:39
gnomefreakdo you know where there is a list of backported packages?07:39
imbrandontheres lots of packages backported07:39
LaserJockgnomefreak: you have dapper-backports enabled?07:39
gnomefreakpackages.ubuntu dont show them07:39
imbrandoni just backported one today infact ;)07:39
gnomefreakLaserJock: im on edgy but im looking for him07:39
BazziI thought backports was defunct?07:40
Whoopiewhat I saw is that all backported packages for main are there, but not for universe. But I really checked that I have enabled universe07:40
LaserJockBazzi: no07:40
gnomefreakwelshbyte: they took this out of the packages.ubuntu.com page07:40
imbrandonBazzi: nope07:40
Bazzihm, ok07:41
WhoopieI looked here for backported packages: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.linux.ubuntu.devel.changes.dapper07:41
gnomefreakxchat has not been backported07:41
welshbytegnomefreak: really? the page seems to exist07:41
Whoopiegnomefreak: http://article.gmane.org/gmane.linux.ubuntu.devel.changes.dapper/1200807:41
gnomefreakwelshbyte: it does but if you go to packages.ubuntu.com dapper backports isnt there07:41
LaserJockit was backported07:41
gnomefreakWhoopie: http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper-backports/allpackages.en.txt.gz07:41
=== gnomefreak like official sites
welshbyteoh ok, so it just isn't linked? or it's not kept up-to-date?07:42
gnomefreaki guess both07:42
imbrandonWhoopie: that dosent mean it built successfully or actualy got backpoorted it just means it was accepted07:42
gnomefreakwe dont have a -backports channel that i know of07:42
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LaserJockit was backported and it built successfully on *all* archs07:43
LaserJockguys, this is what Launchpad is for07:43
Whoopieimbrandon: https://launchpad.net/+builds/+build/24042707:43
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Whoopielaunchpad says it was built successfully07:43
imbrandonLaserJock: exactly07:43
imbrandonWhoopie: i know i was pointing out the list dosent matter07:44
imbrandonLaserJock: just said it better07:44
Whoopieimbrandon: ok, sorry. you're right.07:44
gnomefreakstill doesnt mean it was sent to server07:44
LaserJockit was built on the 29th07:44
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LaserJockso either it is held up somewhere or something happened07:44
imbrandonWhoopie: apt-cache madsion xchat07:44
welshbyteor madison :)07:45
Whoopie     xchat | 2.6.1-0ubuntu2 | http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper/universe Packages07:45
Whoopie     xchat | 2.6.1-0ubuntu2 | http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper/universe Sources07:45
Whoopie     xchat | 2.6.6-0ubuntu1~dapper1 | http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper-backports/universe Sources07:45
gnomefreakWhoopie: what does sudo apt-get install xchat give you?07:45
LaserJockit's not there07:46
imbrandonsee its souce only, not built ( or built but not in archive yet )07:46
gnomefreakthe source seems to be07:46
LaserJockthe thing to do is to look at Launchpad and archive.ubuntu.com07:46
imbrandonbut ummm07:46
Whoopiegnomefreak: that the current version of xchat is installed.07:46
imbrandonxchat | 2.6.6-0ubuntu1~dapper1 | http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper-backports/universe Sources07:46
LaserJockindicates that the source is in the archive but no binaries07:46
imbrandon^^ source ONLY07:47
gnomefreakthat telsl me something happened07:47
imbrandonits not built on the arcive yet07:47
LaserJockthere is often delay between getting build in Soyuz and hitting the archives07:47
=== gnomefreak has xchat 2.6.6 adn hates it
LaserJockit could be that backported binaries are hung up somewhere07:48
LaserJockor need approval or something07:48
WhoopieLaserJock: but the packages for main are there, not for universe07:48
LaserJockor it could be that something went wrong if newer backports are already in the archives07:48
LaserJockWhoopie: what packages for Main?07:48
gnomefreakWhoopie: use xchat-gnome07:48
gnomefreakxchat-gnome is just like xchat 2.6.607:49
WhoopieLaserJock: e.g. debootstrap07:49
Whoopiegnomefreak: no, thanks ;)07:49
gnomefreakWhoopie: backports dont backport main packages iirc07:49
gnomefreakWhoopie: its the same things looks and menus07:49
gnomefreakhence the reason i hate xchat 2.6.607:49
LaserJockbackports can be of anthing, I think07:50
Whoopie OK: debootstrap_0.3.3.0ubuntu3~dapper1.dsc07:50
Whoopie     -> Component: main Section: admin07:50
LaserJockanyway .....07:50
LaserJockthe thing to do is to ping jdong or the archive team to see if it is a problem or not07:50
LaserJockit could be it is on it's way07:50
LaserJockor it could have gotten stuck or something07:50
WhoopieLaserJock: can you do it? don't know how to do it, sorry.07:51
Whoopieah, jdong is on #ubuntu-devel07:52
gnomefreakyep he just got htere07:52
imbrandoni just did07:52
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UbugtuMalone bug 58493 in Ubuntu "Broken Package: totem-gstreamer-firefox-plugin" [Untriaged,Confirmed] 08:04
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bluefoxicyyay https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/profile-memory-management-efficiency08:23
bluefoxicyand hoard is not working >:|  it segfaults everything.08:23
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gesersomerville32: have you dapper-updates for universe enabled? There is a correctly versioned package of totem-gstreamer-firefox-plugin included09:13
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somerville32I believe so.09:14
somerville32I guss I should post my source list - just let me clean up dog puke first :(09:15
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lotusleafwell I can skip lunch now09:15
kristogLaserJock: i'm wrong if i say that the merge-o-matic queue is empty?09:20
LaserJockkristog:  the queue? there are merges still needing to be done for Universe I believe09:21
kristog0 outstanding merges09:21
LaserJockhmm, I'm not sure what outstanding merges means09:22
=== kristog too
LaserJockI'm pretty sure anything on http://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html can be done09:23
bddebianYeah, all the NEW and Updated merges can be done09:25
kristogbddebian: for example: gnomebaker should be updated?09:26
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bddebiankristog: Aye, or synced09:28
ryanakcaI'm having trouble with cdbs debian/rules + debuild -S -sa... http://pastebin.ca/15777709:31
ryanakcaand my guess is that it's something foolishly simple...09:31
bddebianryanakca: Make sure those are tabs and not spaces09:34
ryanakcabddebian: they're tabs... unless vim has some wierd tabbing convention/method09:35
ryanakcayep... stupid vim09:36
ryanakcaI changed them to emacs tabs, and it works09:36
kristogno, at last stupid vim user ;)09:37
ryanakcakristog: yes, stupid for using vim09:37
=== ryanakca switches back to emacs
zulryanakca: you dont have a space above that line?09:38
=== ryanakca signs the papers to convert to the religion of emacs
kristogthis was not my point...09:38
ryanakcazul: a space above what line?09:38
zulline 1409:38
ryanakcakristog: your point was?09:38
bddebianSee, I know something Once in a while :-)09:39
ryanakcabddebian: yes09:39
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bddebianOh no09:39
=== bddebian hides
kristogryanakca: forget it :)09:40
AnAntbddebian: hiding from me ?09:40
ryanakcakristog: O.o  ok :)09:40
bddebianAnAnt: Yep ;-)09:40
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ryanakcazul: no, no space above line 1409:41
AnAntbut 'acon' doesn't have a manpage supplied with it, and I dunno how to write manpages, so I dunno what to do09:41
AnAntI solved the other two issues & uploading it now09:42
bddebianAnAnt: Either write one, ask someone to write one, or ignore it :-)09:42
AnAntok, I will ignore it09:42
ryanakcaAnAnt: is it a kde app?09:42
AnAntsince the acon author isn't replying my email !09:42
AnAntignore what ? the manpage or the entire package ?09:43
ryanakcaAnAnt: in revu they didn't want to advocate until I had written a manpage... it's simple... I'll give you a template and you just have to fill it in :)09:43
AnAntryanakca: nope, virtual console app.09:43
AnAntryanakca: ok, thanks a lot !09:43
AnAntryanakca: please do09:43
ryanakcaAnAnt: http://rkavanagh.homelinux.org/~ryan/foo.109:44
AnAntbddebian: as for KDE, I removed the Replaces: field, kept the Conflicts: filed09:44
AnAntbddebian: now for archmage, I really need to discuss that09:44
AnAntbddebian: what do you by that you only want one changelog entry ?09:45
ryanakcaAnAnt: what you packaging with? cdbs?09:45
geserAnAnt: does the programm have a goog --help output? if yes, then you could try help2man to get a start09:45
AnAntbddebian: I simply cannot remove the entry made by the original author ! isn't that morally incorrect ?!09:45
AnAntryanakca: debhelper09:45
AnAntgeser: what is good ?09:45
bddebianAnAnt: Meaning that if this is the first time it's in Ubuntu/Debian, the debian/changelog should only say "Initial Release"09:46
ryanakcaAnAnt: oh09:46
bddebianAnAnt: Isn't there an upstream changelog in the source already?09:46
geserI had a typo in my sentence09:46
AnAntgeser: I understand, I mean what is a "good" help ?09:46
dholbachgood night guys09:47
AnAntbddebian: huh ?09:47
bddebianGnight dholbach09:47
geseris it enough to generate a manpage from it?09:47
ryanakcaG'night dholbach09:47
dholbachnight fellas09:47
kristognight dholbach09:47
bddebianAnAnt: The changelog file in the debian/ dir is specifically about the Distribution changes, not the source changes09:47
AnAntgeser: I'd say so09:48
bddebianAnAnt: The author should have their own changelog file in foo-1.0/09:48
AnAntbddebian: yes, but the author is the one who originally made the debian/ package too09:48
AnAntbddebian: and I added NOTHING to that packaging he did09:49
bddebianWell that is bad unless they are a.. Nevermind, it's fine then09:49
AnAntbddebian: so I can't remove his entry in changelog, all what I did is changed the version naming to -0ubuntu109:49
AnAntbddebian: so you will advocate it ?09:49
AnAntgeser: ok, I am getting help2man, thanks09:50
bddebianAnAnt: Sure09:51
AnAntbddebian: thanks !09:51
AnAntbddebian: ok, you'll need to hide, because I just re-uploaded acon & kchmviewer09:52
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bddebianAnAnt: OK, I'm getting ready to head home so I will try to hit them tonight09:53
welshbyteping -f bddebian09:56
welshbytebddebian: did you get my email?09:57
AnAntanyone knows of a manpage of several commands ?09:57
bddebianwelshbyte: Aye, but I haven't gotten to do it yet.. :-(09:58
welshbytebddebian: ok, no rush :)09:58
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=== theCore [n=alex@modemcable069.137-83-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== bddebian wishes he was independently wealthy so he could just quit this stupid job and play with Ubuntu stuff :)
bddebianAnyway, time to head home.  Later gang10:01
LaserJockhehe, cya10:01
AnAntok, how do I make a <BR> in manpages ?10:02
AnAntline break10:03
welshbytelowercase i think10:04
kristogyes, lowercase :)10:04
AnAntgeser: ok, thanks for the info on help2man10:23
AnAntisn't there a readme2man ?10:23
somerville32Do we have a help2woman?10:25
welshbyteAnAnt: i don't think the content of the generic readme file would be suitable for a man page, so probably not10:27
welshbytei know there's help2man though10:27
welshbyteah, you already mentioned it :)10:27
AnAntwelshbyte: well, the readme that comes with the software is better than the --help output10:28
AnAntwell, nevermind10:30
AnAntthanks for the help10:30
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redguyhas anyone been playing with firefox2.0 yet?10:44
redguyI'm trying to make firefox 2.0 use a directory other than ~/.mozilla on my Ubuntu box. I'm running the configure script with the --with-user-appdir=.fox2. Firefox is creating the ~/.fox2 directory but it is still using .mozilla. Is there anything more I should do in order to make it use the .fox2 directory?10:45
redguyI just don't want the new firefox to mess up my profile...10:45
ryanakcaredguy: don't bother with it10:47
ryanakcaredguy: FireFox 2.0 crashes every 10-15 minutes on my system10:48
ryanakcaredguy: and most of the themes/extensions aren't supported yet10:48
redguyryanakca: that's why I'm afraid it might mess up my profile ;-)10:49
ryanakcaare you going to be using FF
ryanakcaif you aren't... just move ~/.mozilla to ~/.mozilla.old10:50
LaserJockI used FF2.0b2 on my mac, if that's any help (I doubt it)10:50
redguyLaserJock: your own build?10:51
ryanakcacan someone please look at http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=3004 ... only thing left is figure out if the image is GPL or not (from what I see)...10:51
LaserJockdownloaded from mozilla10:51
gnomefreakfirefox 2.0 beta 2 fixes the crashing on every start up among other things10:54
gnomefreakive been waiting for iwj to get back from holiday10:55
=== ajmitch has had very few problems with beta 1
gnomefreakbeta 1 gave me and loooking at LP alot of others alot of issues so i compiled beta 2 and i no longer have any of the issues10:56
gnomefreakthat and the nvidia drivers from nvidia10:56
ajmitchit's currently been open for 10 days, with several windows full of tabs10:57
ajmitchprobably just as stable as 1.5 for me10:57
gnomefreakit always gave me the firefox is already running error when tried to open it (no ff process was running )10:57
gnomefreakthunderbird did that to me too for a while10:58
=== Zdra [n=zdra@127.222-242-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ajmitchit's amazing how many users on the forums were so eager to get knot 211:00
LaserJockthey always love the latest crack11:01
ajmitchbut seeing how many of them who were up waiting for the release, getting so anxious about it11:01
crimsunwe really ought to have a knot that just doesn't do anything but present a blinking cursor post-grub/lilo11:05
LaserJockcrimsun: or at least a CLI only knot11:05
ajmitch"Now *this* is edgy!"11:06
=== ajmitch spots upgrade breakage
LaserJockwhat package?11:08
ajmitchoh, just looked like bashisms in nis maintainer scripts11:08
ajmitchprobably just a warning11:08
=== ajmitch should avoid running his python code as root when uninstalled
LaserJockthis whole bash->dash thing has been interesting11:09
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bddebianHeya gang12:08

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