
=== lionelp [n=lionel@ip-128.net-82-216-65.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #ubuntu-server
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drew32hey all, anyone got time to help me with a problem?03:13
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stenhi.  Is IMAP4 + TLS, with plaintext passwords disabled (default, I think) and a 256bit SSL key (default, I think) authentication more, or less vulnerable than a kerberos5 authenticated one.  Essentially, I'm asking if it's worth the hassle to set up kerberos just for Dovecot.  I have very few users, and all have local accounts.  My server is also running SSH, so I'd like to secure IMAP logins.01:44
=== JulienH [i=kvirc@celine.netavenir.com] has joined #ubuntu-server
JulienHHi all01:54
JulienHi'm using dapper, and I'm surprised by the fact that apache2 package wasn't compiled with the LFS support01:54
JulienHI got this error in my log : "(75)Value too large for defined data type" when I try to access a file >2GB01:55
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rene_when running quotatool: "Error while detecting kernel quota version: No such process". How do I fix this?04:29
lionelprene_: /etc/init.d/quota start04:36
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