
thomasat least it looks so12:09
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thomasalternatively, try alternate text-based kubuntu unstaller12:09
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thomascan someone how to restart Xserver from ssh client?12:10
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Linux_Galorethomas: sudo service sshd restart12:13
Linux_Galoreooh restart X12:14
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kutanDoes Ark extract RARs?12:17
CViruskutan: sudo apt-get install unrar12:18
Hawkwindkutan: Yes12:18
CViruskutan: and ark will be able to extrar .rar12:18
kutanK, thanks12:18
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kutanIs it quiet in here or is it just me?12:30
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pierrethi have a font problem in openoffice12:36
pierrethsome accented characters are at the wrong place12:37
pierreththis is only in oo and not in another application12:37
pierrethany idea?12:37
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charimsHi everyone, i finally got my install to finish...12:40
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wordOk..so i have a problem where when i leave my computer on for about 2 days...things start getting funky memory fills up etc. lots of seek errors (87% sure not an hd problem but the seek errors were pretty much present with X..if you'd like to help with those as well feel free ><) ) then when i restart Xgl doesn't start up..I got the output from dmesg after having it on for a couple days - http://pastebin.ca/156686 and after it fails to start up 12:41
wordalized on this occurance of the problem..that by doing /etc/init.d/kdm restart xgl starts up fine now i would think this is kdm's fault or something but this never happened with X...any ideas?12:41
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charimscrimsun: ping12:43
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rr72how do i uninstall openoffice.org?12:48
rr72its crap and giving me problems12:48
Sanneword: if you get no response here, you might also try in #ubuntu, as there are usually more people there. Maybe somebody there knows.12:49
wordSanne: thanks will do12:49
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Ash-Foxrr72, click [K] ->System->Adept and remove it from there12:49
Sanneword: good luck :)12:49
rr72Ash-Fox~ it wants to remove kubuntu-desktop12:49
rr72and i don't use adept, i do by hand12:49
Ash-Foxrr72, that's fine.12:49
rr72what is kubuntu-desktop?12:50
chxa meta package12:50
chxdoes not matter much12:50
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chxmakes easy to install the kubuntu dekstop if you have plain ubuntu12:50
Ash-FoxUnless you want to stay upto date with kubuntu's selection of default installed programs12:50
RawSewage_can someone help with Edgy.  Ubuntu+1 is abandoned12:50
RawSewage_no one is saying antyhing for 20 minutes12:50
HawkwindRawSewage_: Those are the guys who run it.  Gotta be patient12:50
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chxi am trying to solve an apt-get dist-upgrade problem which says for me `/usr/lib/libdns_sd.so.1', which is also in package bonjour     and i am trying to remove bonjour now12:51
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chxbut it comlains about the dependency problems instead of removing that one :(12:51
Polioincornholioif the directory of my ndiswrapper-utils file is /home/paul/documents, can someone tell me what i need to put to install it?12:52
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chxdoh dpkg -r bonjour was the solution12:53
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comrad[JL] anyone know why my resolution won't go above 1024x768 , i have a 17 inch dell flat panel with an nvidia fx5700 :\12:56
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comrad[JL] just installed ubuntu yesterday :\12:56
comrad[JL] it should be able to go more right?12:56
SpAwNcomrad[JL] , yea have a look at you /etc/X11/xorg.conf and make sure that u have the rosolution u wan t in there12:58
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SpAwNcomrad[JL] , like on mine have a look at this http://pastebin.ulteo.us/74   and now i can choose between all those diff resolutions12:59
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rgbetancohi everyone01:05
rgbetancohey gambix01:06
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kutanBe thou honest in thy tidings?01:06
gambixis someone can tell me if edgy is suffisely stable for use ?01:06
chxgambix: can you tell me what date is today?01:07
oslo4 me yes it is01:07
gambix02 september01:08
osloonly kopete(messenger) & amarok(music) crash sometimes01:08
chxgambix: true. compare that with http://everythingelse.wordpress.com/2006/07/02/ubuntu-edgy-eft-release-dates/  and decide for yourself01:09
chxgambix: i would not touch edgy for a good two weeks01:09
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chxgambix: and even then it'll be probably a big adventure01:09
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gambixhum yes :)01:10
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gambix2 weeks01:11
oslogambix: sorry i misunderstood with dapper .... sorry  i s*xed01:11
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gambixnot befor 14th01:11
gambixi need to make gambas up to date for this sytem01:11
gambixi hope to have debs on the repository :)01:12
gambixdoes edgy will support xgl ?01:13
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LeeJunFangambix: I know it was one of Mark Shuttleworth's goals when edgy devel started, but since I haven't heard any more on it.01:15
LeeJunFanor perhaps suggestion is a better word?01:15
skavengerumor is its not going to make it i heard01:17
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LeeJunFanskavenge: I figured as much since I hadn't heard anything about it since then. I would think that even though it's not going to be official - hopefully at least the official ubuntu packages will work this time so we don't need to go to outside sources.01:18
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h3sp4wnxgl is updated and in universe in edgy I think01:19
h3sp4wn!info xserver-xgl edgy01:19
ubotuxserver-xgl: GL-based X server. In component universe, is optional. Version 7.0.0.git.20060725-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 1548 kB, installed size 4124 kB01:19
LeeJunFanPersonally I'm not too interested in it until kde window decor works with it. :p01:19
h3sp4wnI am not really interested in it until nvidia binary drivers support aiglx and glucose is written01:19
gambixi'm agree with that01:19
chxwhat's glucose?01:20
CVirus!info glucose01:20
ubotuPackage glucose does not exist in any distro I know01:20
gambixit's sugar ;)01:20
chx(+1 for nvidia binary drivers)01:20
skavengewow so it did make it in the edgy repos, i was going to say they're getting frozen at the end of the month01:20
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jordi_how can i know if my usb is connected on sda1 or sda2 etc...?01:20
chxdmesg | tail01:20
h3sp4wnglucose is what will provide aiglx / xorg with everything xgl has01:21
LeeJunFanh3sp4wn: ah, so no need to run xgl on top of xorg?01:22
jordi_chx: thanks01:22
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h3sp4wnI don't know the specifics of how it will work but I think it will be properly integrated into xorg01:22
gambixso who will won...? xgl or aiglx ?01:25
h3sp4wnaiglx has already won imo (its integrated into xorg 7.1)01:25
skavengei would agree, i mean its already integrated vs being on top01:26
gambixso now it miss only glucose...01:26
LeeJunFanyeah, way better to have only 1 server.01:26
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LeeJunFanAero Glass is the best though01:27
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LeeJunFanI think that's what Vista's is called isn't it?01:27
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dismalCould someone help me out with installing ati drivers?  I've dpkg'd the rpm (alien'd it to a .deb) and it all worked, error free.  Now what?01:31
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ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues01:32
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danny500I just did something almost impossible on linux!01:33
danny500I just installed Direct X 8 on linux!01:34
danny500with wine!01:34
danny500My graphics just went through the roof01:34
danny500has anybody else done this?01:35
danny500or am I the first?01:35
Sannedismal: I don't use ATI, so I can't help you, but maybe this can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI01:35
h3sp4wndanny500: I have installed directx 9 under cedega and wine01:35
danny500o ok, geuss I'm not the only one01:36
chxdanny500: a year ago there was an SF project for this01:36
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danny500o ok01:36
dismalthanks Sanne.  Turns out i did manage to install it - cedega and everything says i have 3d accel :)01:36
Sannedismal: hah, congrats :)01:36
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ironfroggyhow can i specify a remote X server for something to run on?01:37
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h3sp4wnxterm -display & for example01:39
ironfroggyand do ALL support those arguments? what if they dont?01:39
h3sp4wnor just use ssh forwarding its easier than setting up xauth01:39
ironfroggyhow would i specify that?01:40
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h3sp4wnironfroggy: do you already have ssh working ?01:40
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h3sp4wnX11Forwarding yes (in /etc/ssh/sshd_config) ForwardX11 yes in /etc/ssh_config (easiest way - there is a more secure way of doing it but I forget what it is I don't use X forwarding much)01:42
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dismalDoes anyone here use an Alps touchpad (Inspiron 6000 is the lappy its in)01:43
ironfroggyh3sp4wn: and those go on the box running X, right?01:43
dismalI'm trying to get kubuntu to stop clicking when i drum on the touchpad (which i do a lot heh)01:43
skavengedismal: i do, ive got the same laptop, and ive been running dapper for about 6 months and never figured it out01:43
ironfroggydismal: thats just what it does. its like hitting the mouse button.01:44
h3sp4wnironfroggy: the ssh_config is for the one running X the sshd one is for the other box01:44
skavengeits easy as pie with a synaptics but alps .. yikes ;/01:44
dismalhmm, i noticalpsed that my x11 conf has synaptics as the touchpad type - anyway to make that alps (and as such run properly)01:44
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ironfroggyh3sp4wn: wait im confused then. sshd on the box im running the app then? but wouldnt that mean the box with the X server is connecting to me, not the other way around?01:45
skavengedismal: ive seen some bits on ubuntuforums, but nothing concrete01:45
dcmrI have a weired network problem where something overides my dhcp from the router and changes my ip from 192.168..... to 169.254....01:45
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ltersdismal: cover it with cardboard01:45
dcmranyone know what would do that?01:45
h3sp4wnironfroggy: What exactly are you trying to do ?01:46
dismaland on that note ironfroggy, do you have your media keys working (vol up/down)01:46
ironfroggydismal: no i havent been able to configure the volume keys yet.01:46
skavengei dont, they work in gnome but not in kubuntu for some reason01:46
ironfroggyh3sp4wn: i want to run something on my laptop with the window on my desktop.01:46
larson9999i think i made a mistake and turned my 5 year old on to playstation.  i was doing good keeping him on OSS games01:47
h3sp4wnironfroggy: so the laptop is running ssh and the desktop sshd ?01:47
dismalironfroggy: how do you find the battery life?  I just installed kubuntu and im considering keeping it on for the school year but i need to be sure the batter life isnt total crap01:47
ironfroggyh3sp4wn: the desktop could be, but isnt at this very moment.01:47
skavengeironfroggy: so the desktop is running it but your using it through the laptop? i'd use freenx, thats what i've got working01:48
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ironfroggydismal: well the icon in the system tray should be present.01:48
ironfroggybut acpi tools are available too01:48
skavengefreenx will give you a whole x session on the laptop from the desktop, via ssh01:48
dismalit is, but im wondering your personal experience01:48
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ironfroggyi dont want a session. i only want one window.01:49
ironfroggyim already running a session on the laptop and i dont want to run more.01:49
skavengeah, that'd be overkill then01:49
ironfroggyi just want to do editing on the other screen while i watch the debugger on the other.01:49
ironfroggybut i dont want to connect the monitor to the laptop, because i still want to use the desktop.01:50
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ironfroggydo i need to run xhost +mylaptophostname on the desktop?01:53
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h3sp4wnnot with ssh forwarding01:57
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lajenewhen i try to open af package, "the utility is not in your path, please install it or contact your system administrator" - what now?01:58
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chxi have a dvd where the menu is crap and there are tons of easter eggs02:02
chxaside from playing each vob by mplayer02:02
chxis there a better solution? xine does not seem to let me choose by track number02:02
larson9999chx what do you want to do?02:05
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chxlarson9999: play every chapter without navigating the DVD's own menu02:06
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vsi just got this baby running02:07
larson9999chx: i don't know much about video and dvd stuff but several tools will let you reauthor into one continuos deal02:07
chxlarson9999: uh huh i would rather just watch the disk then reauthor02:08
larson9999chx: i use one to make backups of my son's dvds and i take out that stuff.02:08
larson9999chx: yeah, i figured you'd say that :)02:08
vssound is great listening to the lostprofets02:08
vsi love this distro02:09
chxi have this list of vob files here02:09
larson9999chx: i don't know what your options for that are02:09
chxif i tried mplayer vtssomething.vob it says it's encrypted and mplayer dvd:// seems to play only the first one02:09
vsit took me forever to sudo -i02:10
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larson9999vs: how about the last poets?02:10
vssudo passwd root02:10
vslarson never heard them02:10
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vsbeing a mathematician, my poet friend to  me to start with pabloneruda, and my kid supply me with the mp3s of their X02:12
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TellerHi! I can't get my USB mouse to work on my touchpad equipped laptop.. When I move the mouse while I cat /dev/input/mouse0 I get output, so the kernel finds it alright.. More info on http://pastebin.ca/15817302:13
vsi just cant tell how good this distro looks on my monitor02:13
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chxi turns out we have no chapters but 'titles' and mplayer dvd://23 and like is the answer...02:14
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larson9999hmmm, i think firefox was the cause of my lockups.02:16
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crimsun S0#S0/win 2202:18
charimshi crimsun02:18
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charimscrimsun: having problems?02:19
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Jucatothis is new. charims asking if crimsun is having problems :-D02:20
charimshaha, well, i come in, and he says argh02:20
charimsso, jsut wanted him to know that there is a noob here that he can unload on if he has too02:20
TellerIs there some kind of collision between the synaptics driver and USB mice that I've missed ?02:21
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charimsRestarting my comp after superhuge automatix install!02:23
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larson9999the plus side is i kinda like opera :)02:25
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Lunar_RavenI know this isnt the room..but is anyone experienced with vbulletin?02:28
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charimsim back now :)02:32
charimsso, if i could get some help now with my sound system? My no-sound issue....02:33
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InuDuelistGr. I REALLY can't wait for Flash Player 9.02:38
InuDuelistIt's seriously distracting.02:39
Healotuse MacOSX or Windows today :)02:39
oslohi, i'd like to understand my guarddog logs... is there an application for that ?02:39
larson9999InuDuelist: i'm giving even money odds you'll be waiting for plash player 10 :)02:39
InuDuelistlarson9999: No.02:39
InuDuelistThey're doing constant update reports about it on adobe blogs.02:39
skavenge9 is slated for first quarter 07 last i read02:39
InuDuelistYeah, I gave you that link.02:40
InuDuelistI think.02:40
charimscrimsun: ping02:40
Jucatohi InuDuelist!02:40
larson9999InuDuelist: don't use sites that don't use tools that support linux.  and write to the sites so they know02:40
InuDuelistHi Jucato.02:40
InuDuelistlarson9999: Right.02:40
InuDuelistI'll just mail people and tell them "Hey, downgrade your product. I want to use it on Linux."02:40
skavengei got that from what's his names interview on slashdot afaik02:40
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larson9999InuDuelist: i know.  i just think something will come up and squash it.  i'm expecting the worst.  maybe the best will happen02:40
InuDuelistI post a couple links here about it.02:40
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InuDuelistI posted*02:41
skavengewhats the head of the team's name? matheson or something like that?02:41
InuDuelistAbout Flash Player 9's development.02:41
InuDuelistI don't know.02:41
InuDuelistI forget.02:41
skavengewhatever his name is there was a small interview on slashdot about it02:41
Jucatoaaaah.... the one that they won't show anything until beta?02:41
larson9999InuDuelist: or make 2 versions02:41
InuDuelistYou want me to mail them asking them to make two versions of their flash product.02:42
InuDuelistTell me, does that sound like a good idea to you?02:42
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InuDuelistNot you.02:42
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larson9999InuDuelist: 2 versions of their site.  one that uses the new features they want from flash and and one that doesn't?  if they're sympathetic enough to downgrade they might consider that as an option.02:44
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InuDuelistWhy does everyone think "flash site" when I say flash?02:44
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InuDuelistIt can also refer to Flash games and flash movies.02:44
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InuDuelistAnd flash-whatevers.02:45
comrad[JL] freestyle02:45
acdcwhat package/repository do I need to get wmv playback?02:45
skavengei think flash site to alot of people means videos honestly InuDuelist, im guessing02:45
larson9999InuDuelist: i think of 'site' mostly because that's the interface most people have to flash.02:45
h3sp4wnTo me flash means annoying (flashing stuff)02:46
InuDuelistAnnoying ads.02:46
InuDuelistGet Firefox.02:46
h3sp4wnyep I can't think of anything that I use that benefits from flash02:46
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:46
Jucatoheh.. I'm more annoyed by javascript ads than flash ads...02:47
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InuDuelistDo you ever play any flash games? Ever watch any movies on any site?02:47
InuDuelistSpeaking of movies, nothing in the Windows Media format ever works online, no matter which codec is used.02:47
InuDuelistWell, lots of other people do.02:47
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InuDuelistMan, I feel like that was the 10th time I said that this week.02:47
larson9999InuDuelist: i watch flash movies from sites.  never do via stand alone players.02:48
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InuDuelistWhat's that mean?02:48
InuDuelistYou watch them using flash?02:48
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h3sp4wnInuDuelist: That will be sorted soon (the windows media thing) realplayer will support it02:49
Jucatoand since realplayer is easily installable from the commercial channels...02:49
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InuDuelistToo bad realplayer is a memory fag.02:49
acdcthanks Healot02:50
Jucatoeven in Linux?02:50
larson9999i don't have too many issues with wmv  but i don't play lots of wmv files either02:50
InuDuelistNo, they both work.02:50
h3sp4wnJust use free formats then you have no problems02:50
InuDuelistYes, even in Linux.02:50
Jucatohm.. didn't notice that here.02:50
Jucatobut I use Kaffeine most of the time, to play .rmvb and .rm files :-D02:50
InuDuelisth3sp4wn, you're apparently missing out on the fact that millions of people use the computer to use Windows formats.02:50
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Jucatofor what reason... I don't understand...02:51
InuDuelistI'll tell you.02:51
InuDuelist1. It's windows.02:51
h3sp4wnInuDuelist: Then they should use windows02:51
InuDuelist2. It's windows.02:51
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Jucatoah yes....02:51
InuDuelisth3sp4wn, so you're rendering Linux useless, now?02:51
InuDuelistTo those millions of people?02:51
Jucatomy cousins in the U.S. send us WMV always... just because Movie Maker is installed on Windows...02:51
Healotit's always handy to keep a copy of running Windows XP -02:52
InuDuelistI don't see that just because Linux is free that us Linux users should lose out.02:52
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InuDuelistYears without a new flash player.02:52
InuDuelistYears without WMP support.02:52
Healotyou don't have to use it religiously, but serious, it is handy02:52
Dr_WillisI consider wmv a blight.02:53
skavengewell you've either got to make it non propietary or reverse engineer it, takes time02:53
Dr_Willisor just stop using wmv and flash and boycott sites taht use it. :P02:54
JucatoI consider it a PITA.... but I can't complain and tell my cousins "you better send your next baby videos in a different format, or else"02:54
Dr_Willissure you can.02:54
Jucatobeggars can't be choosers02:55
Jucatobesides they're not doing it for me, so I really can't complain02:55
larson9999i just show my family free versions whenever i can.  they are suprisingly willing to use OSS.02:56
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skavengeive found a way to adapt and not have to use it personally02:56
larson9999i've only convinced a few to switch to linux but many are now OSS hags in the windows world.02:56
Healotlarson9999: you are receiving a lot complaints lately?02:57
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larson9999Healot: from my family?  no.02:57
Healoti don't think Linux developers informed new users well... that's one problem02:57
larson9999Healot: why do you ask?02:57
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Healotusers just want things to work automagically02:57
Healotand Linux distroes, if not all, won't do that atm...02:57
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Jucatoit's because that's what they were used to... largely Microsoft's fault02:58
oslohi, i'd like to understand my guarddog logs... is there an application for that ?02:58
Jucatoremember the days when things didn't all automagically worked?02:58
skavengethats quite a generalization, i have no problem with working on something to make it run correctly .. maybe thats what the average windows user would like, sure02:58
Healotthey don;t  remember that, Jucato :)02:58
Jucatoyeah, because Microsoft (and party Apple) baby-fed them and turned them into mindless zombies02:59
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skavengethe day linux turns into a spitting image of windows i'll be moving on to something else02:59
larson9999Healot: no, but it's really not so bad.  what i do to non techie family who wants to switch is take a saturday and go over to their house with installation media in hand and let them install while i serve as superviser.  hasn't been as bad as folks seem to think02:59
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HealotJucato: you gotta really see whar average users see...02:59
h3sp4wnskavenge: Me 2 (and I think its getting closer) plan9 ftw02:59
JucatoHealot: I do. I have my sister as my test subject03:00
JucatoI'm just saying that a few years back, people didn't really expect things to work automagically03:00
skavengewhen 'everything works' and everything is done for you, you sacrifice in configurability imo03:00
Healotthey want things as easy for as possible... since, imho, i don't see any linux distroes that does that atm... if not all...03:00
HealotJucato: think now, history learned03:00
Xcaliburok, can somone link me to the site where they are making flash player 8 for linux, thats not developed by adobe?03:00
larson9999my aunt switched and it wasn't too long ago when she'd call me to tell me she lost a window in XP and can't get it back  :)03:00
ubotumplayer is a media player. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer/Compile to compile it from source or enable multiverse repo and type sudo apt-get install mplayer for more info please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer03:00
ubotuFor Codecs try !codecs Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MplayerInstallHowto for installation tips.03:00
CheeseBurgerManXcalibur: Gnash is attempting it, although from what I've heard it's got a ways to go.03:01
AgiosXcalibur: http://process-of-elimination.net/wiki/GNU_Gnash_Screenshots_and_Review03:01
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h3sp4wnskavenge: And you end up with bloat and your system working poorly03:01
JucatoHealot: history learned, history forgotten.03:01
acdcI want to create configuration for my keyboard model, however I don't understand the codes symbols/inet file uses. Is there a manual/tutorial on that somewhere?03:01
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Healotthat's the whole point, average computer users that want things to work, eof :)03:02
skavengeh3sp4wn: exactly, and an advanced user then spends all thier time trying to remove what was put there03:02
skavengeubuntu unstalls waay to many apps in my opinion03:02
larson9999skavenge: well, you can configure tons in windows if you want.  but you have a point.  many windows users have hw they can't install properly if they ever reformat and start over from a regular xp installation disk.03:02
crimsunskavenge: an advanced user is free to roll his/her own derivative03:02
skavengecrimsun: very true03:02
JucatoHealot: things work in Linux, but not as automagically or instantly like Windows. there's a difference... but you're right. EOF03:02
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crimsun(heck, it's not limited to advanced users)03:02
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skavengethats what kind of dissapoints me i love ubuntu but i dont think its 'ultimate vision' is really what im looking for in a linux distro03:03
Jucatoskavenge: if you're knowledgeable enough, you could do a minimial/net installl then just install x-window-system-core and kde-core and start from that.03:03
larson9999skavenge: you don't have to install all that if you don't want.03:04
Healotskavenge: you'll never find that. but you can work out proficieny with certain distro though03:04
skavengeJucato: you just described my last install ;)03:04
Dr_WillisIve had hardware thats supposed to work in windows.. that never seems to work right.. then ya are just stuck trying to figure out some way to make it work like it says it should. :(03:04
Healotyou make the distro perfect fo you03:04
crimsunskavenge: there isn't one that is, only approximations.03:04
crimsunHealot: +103:04
JucatoI described my previous install03:04
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skavengei mean there's valid points on both sides, in the end in comes down to each specific user really03:05
larson9999man, freespire made cnr free?  i'm gonna have to give it a try i guess03:05
Dr_WillisLinux is to handy to not know about and learn and use >:)03:05
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Dr_Willislarson9999,  Linspire free version is called Freespire. and just week CNR became free. :P03:05
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Jucatoskavenge: you have to understand, though, that the defaults are there to make sure it works on a lot of different hardware combinations. that's why there are a lot...03:05
Dr_Willislarson9999,  and from what little i  used it a week ago.. its..  got some issues. :)03:05
larson9999Dr_Willis: yeah, that's what i said.03:05
Jucatohehe... Free CNR...03:06
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CheeseBurgerManIsn't Adept practically CNR? ;)03:06
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skavengeJucato: from that standpoint its more of a driver issue and kernel support vs programs though03:06
Dr_Willisfreespire is nto the name of the company. :P "linspire' is.03:06
larson9999Dr_Willis: oh, i don't know that i'd use it myself.  but i will give it a try since it's supposed to be easy for newbies and the codecs are licensed.  at least that's what i read03:06
TurboMaxiI have one simple question (I'm a complete newbie). I started kubuntu from CD and tried to change resolution which required restarting xserver and afterwards I was asked for username and password. So my question is: what is the default pass?03:07
larson9999easy for newbies is the topic, right? :)03:07
Jucatoskavenge: well you have to count programs for Bluetooth, Remote servers, etc.03:07
Dr_Willislarson9999,  yea. it does SOME of the codecs . and it did set up the ati drivers for me.03:07
Dr_Willislarson9999,  but it does some other things very weirdly.03:07
skavengeJucato: yeah, nic/ wireless apps too .. i see your point03:07
larson9999Dr_Willis: it isn't the distro that supports running as root is it?03:08
larson9999Dr_Willis: no, i think that's was a slack derivative(sp) i read about that said that.03:08
Dr_Willislarson9999,  i think they fixed that oddity.03:09
Dr_Willisit was linspire at one time03:09
Dr_WillisThey use 'sudo' now - but ya dont even have to enter the root password or any other password. which is weird03:09
Dr_WillisNot sure how they handle multi users.03:09
skavengethats odd03:09
Dr_Willisi just noticed a few oddities about it as well.03:09
larson9999Dr_Willis: well, i read an interview of the 'main' guy for that distro and he said there was nothing wrong with that.03:09
charimshow to kill the sound system?03:10
CheeseBurgerManDr_Willis: Even the first time? That seems quite stupid.03:10
skavengeeveryone in the group is just assumed to be okay i guess03:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about poop - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:10
Dr_Willislike the kdm/gdm/whatever it uses...  that it just reads .xinitrc. so if you install a dozen window managers.. it never adds them to the menus for the Gdm login03:10
Dr_Willisand the grub configs - some how use a set of includes.. that i couldent figure out exactly03:10
Xcalibur!being staright03:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about being staright - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:10
Dr_Willisthen ya got the 'lets make directories called My Documents, and My Music, My Porn, and so on. :)03:10
JucatoDr_Willis: that's in linspire only?03:11
h3sp4wn.xinitrc is great03:11
Dr_WillisJucato,  freespire is the nonsupported version of Linspire.03:11
Dr_Willisi think the only diff is a few included apps.03:11
JucatoDr_Willis: I mean about GDM/KDM not adding newly installed window managers?03:11
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Dr_Willisthen theres the totally open-freespire 'option' which is a little odd as well. :P03:11
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Dr_WillisJucato,  ive only used freespire. Im not even sure what *dm its using.03:12
Xcalibur____________________________________________________________________________________<Dr_Willis>yo mama03:12
Dr_WillisJucato,  i dont see why they had to mess with the works very well kdm.03:12
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Jucatoehehe probably KDM, since it's using KDE03:12
Dr_WillisJucato,  they must of really screwed with it then. :P03:13
Dr_Willislets just say that freespire lasted all of a week on my pc.03:13
CheeseBurgerManLonger than Vector lasted on mine. :P03:13
charimshow to kill the sound system?03:13
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Agioscharims: unplug the speakers03:15
charimskillall -9 artsd won't work, im trying to remove my ac9c_codec from modproebe03:15
charimsoops ac97_codec03:15
charimsAgios: uh, not that kind of kill, they arn't making sound anyways03:16
crimsunthat's oss/free, not alsa03:16
crimsunis that intentional?03:16
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crimsunare oss/free03:17
charimsoh, really, ok03:17
crimsunsnd-ac97-codec and snd-intel8x0 are alsa03:17
charimsi meant snd03:17
crimsunmodprobe -r snd-intel8x0, then03:17
Agiosyou may have to logout to rmmod the modules03:18
crimsun(please use modprobe -r  and not rmmod directly)03:18
Jucatocharims and crimsun have already developed a beautiful friendship :-D03:18
charimscrimsun: i'm not efen sure that doing it will work03:19
charimscrimsun: i jsut want sound, i'm back to jsut gaim sounds again03:19
Kutan[lolmovie] Hey uhhh what plugins do I need to install for kaffiene to watch an avi?03:20
JucatoKutan[lolmovie] : libxine-extracodecs03:20
Kutan[lolmovie] Ah, thanks.03:20
Dr_Willisdepends on the avi codecs also03:20
h3sp4wnKutan[lolmovie] : w32codecs as well03:20
crimsuncharims: what backend is gaim using?03:20
charimscrimsun: umm, no idea, i don't even have gaim installed this time, i'm using a command, this one03:21
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charimscrimsun: cat /usr/share/sounds/* > /dev/dsp03:21
charimscrimsun: and it plays one of the only sounds i can hear from my speakers03:22
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crimsuncharims: which driver are you using?03:22
diuneimamahi everyone. i need how about installation of kubuntu03:22
charimscrimsun: snd-ac97-codec03:22
diuneimamahi everyone. i need help about installation of kubuntu03:23
charimsdont spam thecahn please03:23
crimsuncharims: um, no. Which _driver_?  cat /proc/asound/modules03:23
diuneimamai didnt spam dude03:23
crimsunthat's spam.03:23
diuneimamai just recorrect my sentense03:24
CheeseBurgerMandiuneimama: Uh, boot the Live CD and click on the install icon?03:24
diuneimamathats not03:24
charimscrimsun: 0 snd_intel8x003:24
diuneimamaCheeseBurgerMan, im in step 5of603:24
diuneimamawhich option do i choose?03:24
crimsuncharims: so you should be using multiple instances of aplay, not cat foo > /dev/dsp, which blocks.03:24
CheeseBurgerManWhat options are there?03:24
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charimscrimsun; what should i try03:25
diuneimamaresize the partition and used freed space to install03:25
diuneimamadelete partition03:25
CheeseBurgerMandiuneimama: OK, do you have a Windows installation that you want to keep?03:26
paul___if you don't need any of the data on your hard drive, you should erase entire disk03:26
crimsuncharims: aplay /usr/share/sounds/KDE*up.wav03:26
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CheeseBurgerMandiuneimama: If you haven't already made partitions (if you don't know, you haven't), then you should resize the partition.03:26
diuneimamai have made one with partition magic03:27
charimscrimsun; i heard something like a heartbeat, and then nothing else, though it said it was still playing03:27
ubuntuOi pessoal!03:27
diuneimamaso which option do i choose cheeseburgerman03:27
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crimsuncharims: and what output from ``dmesg|tail''?03:27
CheeseBurgerMandiuneimama: If you haven't already made partitions (if you don't know, you haven't), then you should resize the partition and use the frees pace to install.03:27
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ubuntuE a?03:27
diuneimamacheeseburgerman i have made one with partition magic.03:28
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CheeseBurgerManCheeseBurgerMan: Oh, sorry. I didn't see that. Use manual.03:28
charimscrimsun: only stuff about bluetooth and agppart03:28
CheeseBurgerManUh, diuneimama.03:28
charimscrimsun: oops, agpgart03:28
CheeseBurgerMankevyn: What messenger?03:29
crimsuncharims: I think if 1.0.13rc1 doesn't resolve the issue, then you have a hardware issue that Windows is able to workaround.03:29
skavengeuse kopete03:29
CheeseBurgerMankevyn: Kopete is preinstalled, and can use the MSN protocol.03:29
paul___you can use kopte to talk on the msn network03:29
kevynyes but it sucks03:29
CheeseBurgerMankevyn: You can also try Gaim.03:29
crimsuncharims: you need to install build-essential and linux-headers-$(uname -r)03:30
crimsuncharims: then grab ftp://ftp.alsa-project.org/pub/driver/alsa-driver-1.0.13rc1.tar.bz203:30
oslokevyn > aMSN works better 4 me ...03:30
CheeseBurgerMandiuneimama: Use the manual options.03:31
TurboMaxiIf I install kubuntu and want to keep curent windows installation, kubuntu places it's boot loader "in front" of windows one?03:31
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kevynand i cant use dual screen03:31
CheeseBurgerManTurboMaxi: That sounds like a valid description. :)03:32
kevynit seems that my driver dont work03:32
TurboMaxiso how to "uninstall" kubuntu afterwards, does it remove his bootloader or I have to use fxmbr in windows?03:32
kevynmy graphic card is a ati radeon 955003:33
CheeseBurgerManTurboMaxi: I've always used fixmbr + format Kubuntu partition.03:33
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TurboMaxiok, 10x CheeseBurgerMan03:34
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NDPowerBookHey All03:34
NDPowerBookHow do I get Flash working on Kubuntu?03:34
crimsuninstall flashplugin-nonfree.03:34
charimscrimsun: which version of linux-headers-$(uname -r) do i need, there are a bunch :(03:35
crimsuncharims: you need linux-headers-$(uname -r) verbatim.03:35
crimsun(that's why I used that syntax)03:35
NDPowerBookcrimsun: Its not showing up in Adept Manager03:35
crimsunNDPowerBook: it's in multiverse.03:35
kevyncan i install bearshare????03:35
skavengewhy bother installing linux if all your going to use are windows programs? sheesh03:36
crimsun(s)he has the freedom to do so if (s)he wishes03:36
NDPowerBookcrimsun: I'm still pretty new to Kubuntu. Is multiverse a program and if so where is it?03:37
kevynis there existing a linux prog for this03:37
skavengeit would be a wine issue regardless03:37
crimsun!restricted > NDPowerBook03:37
kevynis there existing a sharing prog for linux03:38
kevyni cant find 103:38
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CheeseBurgerMankevyn: http://www.gnutelliums.com/03:38
CheeseBurgerMankevyn: Look at the Linux ones.03:39
Jucatofrostwire? limewire? KTorent?03:39
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kevynlimewire is good03:39
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kevynwe gonna try03:39
paul___NDPowerBook: multiverse is a repositoriy. you need to go into adept package manager, then manage repositories and add it03:40
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charimscrimsun; how do i install the alsa driver link you sent me, i already downloaded it, unarchive it, then what?03:41
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kevynand how i install now03:42
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kevynit doesnt work03:42
ubotulimewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install !java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider !FrostWire as an alternative.03:42
ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire03:43
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crimsun./configure --with-oss=yes --with-sequencer=yes --with-kernel=/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build03:43
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pierrethhello, i have no more mac os x, i am on kubuntu03:44
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crimsunmake && make install03:44
crimsun^^ charims03:44
charimscrimsun: kk03:44
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crimsuncharims: you may want to add --with-cards=intel8x0 to the configure line03:44
crimsunI'm away for a couple hours.03:46
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Jucatowhy are some programs not shown in Add/Remove Programs, even if I checked the options to display universe and multiverse?03:46
arthompsjucato, depends on what sources you have in apt.03:47
CheeseBurgerManJucato: Maybe you havn't refreshed it?03:47
JucatoI can see KDissert in Adept, but not in Adept Installer03:47
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NDPowerBookAfter adding the multiverse to the repositories now my Adept is broken and I can't get it to load anymore03:50
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charimswhy can't i run the make command? sudo make .....03:56
charimsit says command not found03:56
Jucatocharims: you need to install "build-essential"03:57
paul___NDPowerBook: what happens when you type "sudo apt-get update" into the konsole?03:58
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ironfroggyso ive been looking more into the whole remote X over ssh thing and i think i got it backwards. can someone tell me if that is so?04:00
NDPowerBookpaul___: I get "E: Malformed line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (dist)04:00
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dismal_so guys04:01
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dismal_trying to compile yakuake04:01
dismal_but its giving me a hassle over the X path04:01
dismal_what should i point it to?04:01
dismal_checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!04:02
ironfroggyi thought i could connect from machine A to machine B with ssh to run an app on A with its window on B.04:02
ironfroggybut i have to have the ssh server on A and the X server on B, right? i cant have both ssh and X servers on B and neither on A?04:02
paul___NDPowerBook: in manage repositories in the adept package manager, you have a line that looks like: deb http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper universe multiverse, right?04:03
NDPowerBookpaul___: This much I entered I know: deb http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu04:03
NDPowerBookThats all I entered04:04
NDPowerBookAnd right now I can't check cause I can't get back into it04:04
paul___oh, ok04:04
paul___you have to edit it manually then04:04
paul___through a text editor04:04
NDPowerBookHow? I've tried getting to it with pico with no luck04:04
JucatoNDPowerBook: Alt+F204:06
paul___ok try pico /etc/apt/sources.list04:06
Jucatoerr.. sorry04:06
JucatoAlt+F2, "kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list"04:06
paul___yea use kate04:06
NDPowerBookWait I just got in with pico04:07
paul___if you know how to use pico thats ok04:07
Jucatopaul___: doesn't he need to launch pico with admin privileges?04:07
paul___yea jucato is probably right04:07
NDPowerBookso I'm guessing my main error was leaving out the words after the source URL?04:07
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JucatoNDPowerBook: yes04:07
paul___do sudo pico /etc/apt/sources.list04:07
paul___or kate04:07
NDPowerBookWhen I do sudo it takes me to a blank page04:08
Jucatoa full repository line goes something like: deb <URL> <distro/release> <component> translating as something like "deb http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper universe"04:08
paul___thats strange04:08
Jucatois pico a command line program?04:08
NDPowerBookIts a pretty old editor04:08
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Jucatosudo pico '/etc/apt/sources.list' doesn't work?04:09
NDPowerBookI'll try kate then04:09
h3sp4wnuse nano04:09
NDPowerBooknano gave me the same result as pico04:10
NDPowerBookKate gave me some errors then opened the file04:10
Jucatothe Kate errors are normal...04:10
paul___ok your in business04:10
h3sp4wnI never notice any if I use kdesu04:10
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paul___you need to add this line now, deb http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper universe multiverse04:10
Jucatoh3sp4wn: from the command line?04:11
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems04:11
NDPowerBookFrom the page someone else sent me to its dapper main restricted universe multiverse04:11
NDPowerBookSo is the restricted part needed or not?04:11
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JucatoNDPowerBook: you probably already have the main and restricted parts in a separate line04:11
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paul___i have that one too actually04:11
NDPTAL85This is where I got the sources from: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper04:12
h3sp4wnJucato: I use it from the e17 control escape so no (but I do use vim anyway 99.5% of the time)04:12
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Jucatoh3sp4wn: ah. the errors appear when you run kdesu from the command line. something to do with xorg.conf having entries for wacoms04:13
NDPowerBookSo do I save the file in kate and close kate?04:13
digivoreIs there a 'true' transparency for windows like Konsole?04:13
Jucatodigivore: if by "true" transparency you mean seeing the windows beneath, then no.04:14
HawkwindTrue transparency consists of xcompmgr and/or compiz and XGL04:14
h3sp4wnJucato: Oh I got rid of those anyway (when I was adding composite to my xorg.conf)04:14
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Jucatoh3sp4wn: then no wonder you don't have those errors :-D04:14
HawkwindJucato: Yes you can, with xcompmgr assuming you use transset04:14
JucatoHawkwind: or kompmgr?04:14
HawkwindJucato: Probably04:15
Jucatobut that makes the whole window transparent, not just the command line part, right?04:15
digivorecan i kompmgr?04:15
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h3sp4wnHawkwind: What is the best way to have transparancy in e17 ?04:15
NDPowerBookThat still didn't work either with or without the word "restricted"04:15
NDPowerBookSo I removed the two lines completely and I have Adept working again04:15
Jucatoargh! I wouldn't recommend it.. I just tried out kompmgr (KWin's built in composite manager) a few days ago...04:16
z22hi all04:16
Hawkwindh3sp4wn: Ummm, I'd assume compiz and XGL, but I don't do that type of transparency. I only do it for certain apps04:16
Hawkwindh3sp4wn: Or look into the bling module04:16
JucatoNDPowerBook: it's "multiverse" that you are looking for right?04:16
NDPowerBookJucato: Yes so I can install flashplugin-nonfree04:16
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h3sp4wnHawkwind: I don't do that either - I have used bling but I am not really too bothered for it - I use the drop shadows module04:18
JucatoNDPowerBook: then make sure that "multiverse" is on that line that paul___ mentioned04:18
digivoreis there a webpage list of all kinds of repository sources?04:18
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource04:18
Jucatodigivore: the official Ubuntu ones are all in sources.list by default04:18
Jucatoexcept for "multiverse", which you just have to add04:18
nickv111Hello. Does anyone here have linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-23-386?04:18
digivorewhere can i find more multiverse ones?04:19
nickv111Erm, linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-26-38604:19
nickv111I have 2.6.15-26, but it doesn't have the madwifi driver I need04:19
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Jucatothere aren't "more" multiverse ones. you just add the word "multiverse" to the repository (one line only, iirc) to get access to the multiverse components04:19
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diuneimamaneed help in preparing mount points04:20
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digivorejucato:  off  cooll i'll try that04:20
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource04:20
h3sp4wnnickv111: dapper-security main restricted04:20
NDPowerBookGot it working now04:21
NDPowerBookThe website tripped me up04:21
paul___good job04:21
digivoreis it true that automatix overwrites source.list?    does it remove any?04:21
diuneimamaanyone can help me step 5 of6 in prepariong mount point?04:21
NDPowerBookHad to take out the "restricted" word04:21
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h3sp4wnnickv111: (its only main by default)04:21
NDPowerBookThanks everyone.04:21
nickv111Okay, thanks04:21
paul___no worries04:21
diuneimamaanyone can help me step 5 of 6 in preparing mount point?04:22
nickv111h3sp4wn: That seems to have worked.04:22
nickv111h3sp4wn: Thank you.04:22
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diuneimamaanyone can help me step 5 of 6 in preparing mount point??04:23
nickv111diuneimama: It's best to explain the problem a little better.04:24
LeeJunFanhrm, anyone know why amarok visualizations might be greyed out on the menu?04:24
nickv111diuneimama: What problem are you having?04:24
diuneimamanickv111 i m having a problem in preparing mount point04:25
nickv111diuneimama: What problem?04:25
diuneimamathere are 3 bars and 3 box04:25
JucatoLeeJunFan: what version of Amarok are you using?04:25
diuneimamaits say no root system04:25
LeeJunFanJucato: 1.4.104:25
JucatoLeeJunFan: fixed in 1.4.2 AFAIK04:25
LeeJunFanJucato: thanks, I'll update.04:26
LeeJunFanJucato: thanks again.04:26
NDPowerBookGot it working. Flash that is.04:26
NDPowerBookI'm watching YouTube videos as we speak.04:26
Jucatogood for you NDPowerBook! :-D04:27
nickv111To get ATi acceleration working, you just need to install xorg-driver-fglrx?04:27
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:27
nickv111I tried that, but it wouldn't load04:27
nickv111Let me try again.04:27
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nickv111Time for a reboot04:29
Jucatohe didn't really reboot, did he?04:30
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LeeJunFanJucato: yep, 1.4.2 fixed visualizations, along with needing libvisual-0.4.004:32
Jucatoyay for you! :-D04:32
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Section32Someone already has my nick! (Section31)04:34
Section32Must be another Star Trek fan.04:34
Section32Anyways its me NDP on my Kubuntu Book. ;-)04:34
JucatoI wouldn't be surprised if 7-of-9 (or it's equivalent) would already be taken...04:35
Section32Probably so04:35
Section32I just picked this nick cause I figured it was a pretty obscure Trek reference04:36
Section32Not many people would get it04:36
osloin fact just the 2 of us maybe :p04:36
osloof yours sorry , i'm losing my english04:37
JucatoTheEmissary would be a nice nick too....04:37
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Section32Jucato: Good idea.04:37
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Section32So now I'm trying to get Quicktime to work04:40
Section32I've installed the quicktime stuff that showed up in Adept but I can't get any movies on a site to actually play04:40
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Jucatoyou need w32codecs04:40
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:40
JucatoIt's just a simple download, then right-click, Kubuntu Package Menu > Install Package04:41
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revroguemornin everyone :)04:43
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Section32Oh he left04:45
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richardAnyone running Edgy'Knot' 2?04:48
Hawkwindrichard: I have it installed in vmware04:49
richardI'm downloading it now. . . what you think? Many bugs?04:49
Hawkwindrichard: Seems to run pretty decent.  Though it's in vmware so I don't know how it would be on my real box.  The new color scheme is beautiful though :)04:50
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richardI like playing with the new beta/or alpha versions as they come out. I'm a Mepis fan but since Kubuntu has got alot of the interface fixed with my wireless card I really like it muxh more because it is cutting edge.04:51
revrogueexcuse me but may I ask if anyone has any experience with fixing a driver problem in Dapper?04:52
richardWhat kind of driver problem do you have?04:52
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richardA good driver should keep both hands on the wheel at all times.04:53
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KutanThat was really corny.04:53
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revrogueits a wifi prob, I have a 64b laptop and orginally the card showed up but wouldnt initilize ut know after messing with trying to install ndiswraper it doestn even show the device present04:53
richardI know. ...04:53
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richardWhat kind of wifi card is it?04:54
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revroguei checked list and it is supported04:54
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richardno, who is the manufacturer and what is the chipset?04:54
revroguelol sec leme check04:55
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actinicanyone here use Opera for newsfeeds?04:55
revrogueforgive my n00bness04:55
Silence_Question : How to open files in my 1st partition?04:55
richardbroadcom? hmmmmmmm......don't know if I'd be much help. Ndiswrapper never worked for me, maybe it was something I was doing wrong.04:56
revroguebroadcom BCM4318 airforce ONE 54g04:56
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richardIf your card is supported then it should work. . ...I'd think. ...nice thing about my card it is recognized without any initialization or setup by me.04:57
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revrogueI have searched every nook and cranny of the internet and ive come back to good ole reliable helpfull IRC04:57
Silence_Question : How to open files in my 1st partition? I cant access in my 1st partition?04:57
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revroguewell how about this, if I open up network settings under system settings the wireless card is no longer listed04:58
richardYou running 6.06.1 LTS ?04:59
revroguejust 6.0604:59
richardCan you download the update?05:00
revroguethat was another question, I have downloaded and burnt the 6.06.1 disc...but05:00
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revrogueI was curious if there was an auto update in linux like xp uses05:00
richardbut ......what? It doesn't work?05:01
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revrogueif not I havent any reservations about formatting and reinstalling05:01
richardYou should be able to run the 'live CD' version to see if everything will work.05:01
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revrogueI ran the live cd of the update and still no wireless05:02
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revrogueactually it was like when I originally installed linux,05:02
revroguethe card will be listed but it wont init.05:02
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sophie_revrogue: what card r u running05:03
richardHmmmmmmm.......Kubuntu has had it's bugs. . . . wifi was my pet peeve for the longest time. . . . Mepis is a better distro because it has never failed to work properly when installed. Even the Wifi network section. . . .05:03
revrogueBroadcom 431805:04
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revroguebefore I installed kubuntu I was playing with a version of knoppix and it ran beautifully wifi and all05:04
revroguejust no 64bit procc05:05
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sophie_revrogue: did you install linux-restricted-modules05:06
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revroguelinux restricted modules... forgive me , I am beyond newb for linux05:06
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richardThat's probably what you need to install is the linux restricted modules for the kernel. .. .05:07
revroguehow would I achieve this?05:07
revrogueor rather where would I find these05:07
sophie_revrogue: sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-xxx where xxx is the kernel version you are using05:07
richardGet into synaptic and look up the Kernel and you will find all of the Kernels etc for different processors etc.05:08
sophie_sorry just go that path I have to go in a hurry05:08
richardUse apt-get,or synaptic, or adept or aptitude (anyone of these programs will help you find the kernel and kernel restricted modules. . ..05:09
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revroguealright i understand i have to be in the konsole for that to work however, how is it that I use these commands to find the restricted modules?05:10
Silence_Question : How to open files in my 1st partition? I cant access in my 1st partition?05:11
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revroguehehe, sec i think i figured out  :)05:12
richardpersonally, I wouldn't use the konsole and apt-get to find the modules. . . .I prefer using synaptic or adept. These programs will give you a graphical screen showing you all of the files listed the the kubuntu repositories. . . .no need to guess on what to type in apt-get in konsole. . ..05:12
revroguegood news, i found the modules and adept says they are all installed05:13
richardwell back to the original problem. ...05:14
revrogueyep, back to the drawing board05:16
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ironfroggyis it unreasonable to spend 50+ a month on energy drinks for coding sessions?05:17
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revroguevery odd thing is after i had been messig around with niswrapper, i rebooted and in the main menu there is now a folder called settings and inside is program called windows wireless drivers05:17
richardso you say your laptop can't initialize the wifi card within it using kubuntu? And you can't get ndiswrapper to work. . . ? I've played with ndiswrapper and it never would work for me.05:18
revroguei clicked on it and no it doesnt work though05:18
revrogueyep that is the base of the entire problem05:18
richardMy understanding is that with ndiswarpper you are supposed to direct it to your *.exe file that your wifi card uses and it then is going to05:19
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revroguei promise if i could get that one little problem to be fixed I would wipe windows completely off the other partition and use linux only05:19
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richardmake a file or something that linux may or maynot be able to use to help it initialize your card in linux. . . .05:20
revroguesomething like that, I was led to blieve that it wrote a linux driver for u using the win driver as a model05:20
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richardyes that is correct. . . . .it wouldn't work for me. . . but on the other hand my cards are old and use the 'ath0' atheros chipset which has become one of the universal drivers commonly found.05:21
revrogueyes, i started there because of a suggestion in the kubuntu forums05:21
richardHave you tried Mepis?05:21
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richardIt might work better than you think. . . .Kubuntu has been problematic at times in the past. . ..as I stated earlier Mepis worked the first time I ever installed the OS.05:22
richardEven on my laptop. . ..05:23
revroguenever heard of it05:23
revrogueas I had said preiviously, I played with knoppix and it ran great, just wasnt 64bit05:23
richardMepis Linux you'll find it at http://www.distrowatch.com   (this is where all of the Linux OS's are listed. . . .every make, flavor , kind etc.05:23
richardYour laptop is 64bit?05:24
revroguek sec checking it out05:24
Xaero_Vincentthat new vilot Kubuntu theme looks like crap.. lol05:24
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revrogueyes 6405:26
richardYou went to distrowatch.com?05:26
revroguethats why I went with kubuntu 64, i hated vista05:26
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT05:27
richardI don't blame you. ...I hate Windows also though some software is slow to mature with linux. . ..05:27
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richardKubuntu 64 works pretty good though it has some bugs. .. .I've got it on my 64-bit machine along with Ubuntu on it's other hdrive.05:28
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revrogueonly bug I have encounterd so far is this wifi prob, othere then that I <3 kubuntu 6405:29
digivorei want to access my shared files on my windows box over my LAN.   how?05:29
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Hawkwinddigivore: Samba05:29
PyroMithrandirhey guys, I was trying to get my new wireless card (linksys wmp54G) to work, and it was going well... I was it the point where it said it was enabling it, and it started to hang, then I had to leave my comp and shut it down for a bit, so I forced kcontrol to quit so I could log out. anyway, now I can't fully boot... it'll hang when it gets to "starting named"05:29
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revroguelol, only reason i keep a win machine around is because i cant stop playing EverCrack205:29
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D4rklyhow do i add rar support ?05:29
HawkwindD4rkly: Install rar of course05:30
Hawkwind!info rar05:30
uboturar: Archiver for .rar files. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.30-2ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 236 kB, installed size 476 kB (Only available for i386)05:30
richardGood luck with you wifi problem . . ..go to go . . ...05:30
revroguelol same here05:30
digivoreHawkwind: do i need to setup anything on the windows end?05:30
soulriderhi everyone!05:30
Hawkwinddigivore: Probably.  I don't use and haven't used Windows in years so I have no idea how to help you.  Samba.org for details05:30
HawkwindHey there soulrider05:31
soulriderhey Hawkwind you feeling better?05:31
Hawkwindsoulrider: Yeah, thanks for asking.  Pretty much back to normal05:31
soulridergood :)05:32
Ash-FoxThat's good.05:32
larson9999Linux Rocks!05:33
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[-KaSatKa-] Does anyone know any good free video editing software?05:37
SpAwN[-KaSatKa-] ,yes there are a few05:38
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[-KaSatKa-] SpAwN: What do you recommend?05:38
SpAwN[-KaSatKa-] , cinelerra and kino are the ones ive had best luck with05:38
SpAwN[-KaSatKa-] , but there are several others05:39
[-KaSatKa-] SpAwN: I'll check those out, thanks05:39
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SpAwN[-KaSatKa-] , np....there is a repo set up for dapper with the newest cinelerra05:39
Linux_GaloreIm really starting to like the KDE IRC app called Konversation05:41
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Linux_Galoresimple clean and uses hardly any ram05:41
Linux_Galorealso ver 1.0 was just released05:42
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gnoshigreetings - how does one downgrade to amarok 1.4.1 from 1.4.2 in dapper?05:46
NamShubwhats wrong with 1.4.2?05:46
gnoshitwo things: 1. it doesn't work with the std version of xine05:47
gnoshi(though I grabbed the patched version and so it started working)05:47
gnoshi2. it will not index my collection - it skips out of the indexing after 2 errors (which is fixed, in a patch)05:47
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gnoshibut not only that, it produces errors of different files every time I run it, which with a collection of many files means that it will almost certainly hit 20 errors.05:48
NamShubok thats weird05:48
gnoshi(especially given that the files it is causing errors on do not have errors)05:48
gnoshiyeah - I thought it might be taglib, so I rebuilt taglib and it still showed the problem. I wonder if it is because my files are mounted by SMB05:49
gnoshibut the previous version of amarok had no problems at all with the collection.05:49
larson9999the fatter i get the hungrier i am05:49
NamShubim not sure whats the exact way of downgrading but I know using the exact package name with dpkg will work05:50
gnoshiunfortunately, I don't actually know the full package name of the previous pacage05:51
gnoshihmm - I should peep in my cache - though I expect it got flushed when it grabbed a later version05:51
gnoshiyup. not in my cache any more =(05:51
NamShubsudo apt-get install amarok=1:1.4.1-ubuntu005:51
NamShubor something05:51
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OisacXI want to know what is the best torrent client for ubuntu?05:53
NamShubscreen + btdownloadcurses :P05:53
NamShubgnoshi: that worked?05:54
=== gnoshi tries to track down the old amarok
gnoshithat exact package name doesn't appear to exist05:54
gnoshibut I'm looking05:54
PyroMithrandirOisacX, azureus05:55
NamShubgnoshi: http://kubuntu.org/packages/amarok-141/pool-dapper/amarok_1.4.1-0ubuntu1_i386.deb05:56
NamShub(if your on i386...)05:56
ketsugiHow do I install and apply a KDM theme?05:56
gnoshiI am on i386 =)05:57
ketsugithe Kcontrol applet for Login Manager doesn't seem to have anything to do with themes05:57
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gnoshithanks NamShub...05:57
NamShubwget that, and the sudo dpk -i that should work05:57
gnoshiout of interest, how did you find that? just so I can look in the right place next time05:57
=== gnoshi sheds a tear for downgrading the music player ;)
OisacXbut azureus is a bit buggy... I've installed sun java, but the bugs remained...05:58
=== KaiHanari [n=kaihanar@stjhnf01-22-142163031153.nf.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu
Linux_GaloreAzureus is the best right now but if you dont have lots of ram ktorrent is better05:59
Linux_Galorealso ktorrent supports DHT not05:59
NamShubgnoshi: I actually had the kubuntu repository bookmarked :P06:00
Linux_Galoretrackerless downloads06:00
Linux_Galoreonly other funky feature I like about ktorrent is it has a built in torrent search tool06:01
AZ_ASwhat good is trackerless download?06:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about usb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:02
ketsugiHow do I install and apply a KDM theme?06:02
Linux_GaloreAZ_AS: ok what happens when the tracker server with your torrent info on it disappears or they decide the torrent hasnt got enough interest and they flush it06:02
digivorePlugged in a USB wireless NIC...   how do i install/initialize it in kubuntu?06:03
AZ_ASso it lets you continue the download then?06:03
Linux_Galoreketsugi: open kcontrol theres a themes section and you can tell it to install a theme of use the package manager to install a theme06:03
excitatory__ketsugi: install the kcontrol-kdmtheme package (if not already installed) then open up kcontrol, and set it up in there.06:03
ketsugiah, it's not installed by default? okay thanks06:04
Linux_GaloreAZ_AS: yes06:04
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Linux_Galoredigivore: should auto detect the device if its supported06:06
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Linux_Galoredigivore: should auto detect the device if its supported06:06
dive-oCan someone help me with getting a digital camera to work (I just need to get images from it) in kubuntu?06:07
Linux_Galoredive-o: plug it in or use digikam to manage the transfer06:07
gnoshiNamshub - cool, thnx - just downgrading my amarok-xine and amarok-engines now too06:08
Linux_Galoredive-o: if the camera supports ptp or emulated a mass media device you just plug it in and kubuntu should ask if you want to view the images06:08
dive-oplugging it in gives me a notice from the "USB imaging interface," if I select "open in new window," I get a folder containing "USB PTP Class Camera", which contains a file called the same, and clicking on that gives me an error06:09
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Linux_Galoredive-o: use digicam06:09
Linux_Galoresorry digikam06:09
dive-oinstalling now, lets see if that works06:10
Linux_Galorehas a section for all the different camera's in the setup06:10
dive-oit's a Canon Powershot SD630 if that helps any06:10
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Linux_Galoredive-o: all the connon stuff Ive used "just works" for me06:10
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gnoshiwell - deleted my amarok mysql db, and recreated. downgraded amarok-xine amarok-engines amarok to 1.4.106:10
Linux_Galorecannon *06:10
dive-oAlso, where in kubuntu's KDE setup do I find the little wizard that finds KDE apps and automatically adds them to the menu?06:10
Linux_Galoresheesh cant type today06:11
dive-oI can't remember the name of it to run it directly06:11
Linux_Galoredive-o: you dont06:11
gnoshishiny new problem - 'some media could not be loaded (not playable)' (checking on a flac file)06:11
Linux_Galoredive-o: the package installer does all that06:11
dive-ook, guess it just doesn't add an entry for digikam06:12
Linux_Galoredive-o: its there, might not show up untill you log out/in again06:12
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Linux_Galoredive-o: just type digikam  in a terminal06:13
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dive-oLinux_Galore: it's running, but auto-detect came up with the same non-working entry that I had before, and the models it has listed only go up to SD50006:14
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dive-onevermind, it's working, I picked the wrong option. thanks :)06:15
Linux_Galoredive-o: pick one. cannon doesnt change there protocols much06:15
=== gnoshi realises it helps if an engine is selected.
Linux_Galoredive-o: now you have to spend the next hour setting up your image database heh heh06:16
larson9999dive-o: kappfinder06:16
gnoshiNamShub; Thanks - now that I'm back to 1.4.1 for everything, it seems to be working happily again.06:16
dive-oLinux_Galore: luckily I only have about 30 images on the 2G SD card :P06:16
VHockey86_serveranyone know how to install gaim-2.0 instead of gaim 1.5 using apt?06:16
dive-oI just wanted to grab a specific one without having to resort to rebooting to windows06:16
Linux_Galoredive-o: Ive only got 2x 512  mb ones and Ive never filled just one yet06:17
Linux_GaloreVHockey86_server: this for IRC ?06:17
dive-oLinux_Galore: I was celebrating getting engaged, and since I needed a camera, I decided what the hell and grabbed the 2G card when I bought it06:18
VHockey86_serverLinux_Galore: no, just gaim in general (aim mostly)06:18
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dive-oright now I think it still has room for about 700+ more images at superfine 6MP06:18
dive-oor 2300+ more at normal06:18
Linux_GaloreVHockey86_server: I have a feeling 1.5.1 wont work with aim properly anymore because of a protocol change06:18
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gnoshiVHockey86_server: There are (unverified) gaim beta .deb packages on http://jimmyjazz.homeip.net:808/debs/06:19
gnoshibut you have to use dpkg -i to install them.06:19
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Linux_Galoredive-o: and yo thing 16 and 24mb sd units are out now06:20
Linux_Galoredive-o: and to think 16 and 24mb sd units are out now06:20
VHockey86_serverSo apt doesn't have any way of installing newer/unverified versions like emerge?06:20
dive-oLinux_Galore: it came with a 16MB card... according to the camera, I can get seven images on it :-P06:21
Linux_GaloreVHockey86_server: the version of gaim I got of the universe server is the same as the latest source release on the gaim home page06:21
crimsunsure it does as long as "newer/unverified versions" are in repositories known to apt.06:21
Linux_Galoredive-o:  oops Gb lol06:22
VHockey86_serverwell, their current "release" version is still 1.506:22
dive-ooh, I was wondering if that was what you meant06:22
Linux_Galoredive-o: I do embeded stuff all week and we talk in mb and k06:22
VHockey86_serverbut 2.0beta's have been out for like 6 months or more now06:22
crimsunVHockey86_server: of..?06:22
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dive-oI think I'll stick with 2G until I get anywhere close to using even half of it hehe06:22
VHockey86_servercrimsun: gaim06:22
gnoshiVHockey86_server - true, but it is a beta06:22
crimsunVHockey86_server: for dapper?06:22
InuDuelistHello, all.06:23
InuDuelistI are return.06:23
Linux_GaloreVHockey86_server: gaim has been in beta for ages06:23
InuDuelistIt has.06:23
InuDuelistSo has Gmail.06:23
VHockey86_servercrimsun: ya, im trying to install gaim-2.0 without compiling the source myself06:23
crimsunVHockey86_server: that's correct. Barring a security update, no new versions can go into dapper-{security,updates}06:23
Linux_GaloreVHockey86_server: works fine though06:23
InuDuelistPeople seem to think that just because you keep updating something, that it's a beta.06:23
InuDuelistMost beta programs/websites never go out of beta.06:24
crimsunInuDuelist: just like people think that it must be better if it's newer06:24
Linux_Galoreyeah mplayer has been beta for what 3 years06:24
InuDuelistLinux is the Beta master.06:24
gnoshiInuDuelist - true, but there is a stable build of gaim06:24
InuDuelistHell, (K)Ubuntu is beta.06:24
InuDuelistThat's right.06:24
InuDuelistI said it.06:24
gnoshiVHokey86_server: look at http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24695806:24
InuDuelistIt's beta.06:24
crimsunInuDuelist: all software is arguably beta.06:24
gnoshicrimsun: maybe, but a lot of software doesn't admit it ;)06:25
InuDuelistcrimson, exactly.06:25
Linux_GaloreWindows Vista Beta Eternity+106:25
InuDuelistThat's why Invisionfree is aswesome.06:25
InuDuelistThe new forum software for IF2, yeah.06:25
InuDuelistIt's called ZETAboards.06:25
InuDuelistNot Beta.06:25
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gnoshiZETA - yay, so now people can confuse it with a post-beos OS :P06:26
Linux_Galoregames are the worst, most games are released in a beta stage06:26
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InuDuelistI really enjoy how Zetaboards has been in development for 2 years, and still no information on it.06:26
InuDuelistHell, I bet it's still in Beta. :P06:26
gnoshiyeah - if there is one good thing about consoles, it is that the releases *have* to be reasonably tested, cos patching is generally unacceptable.06:27
gnoshinot that it means they *are* well tested, admittedly.06:27
InuDuelistTake War Rock for example.06:27
larson9999it's true that more and more these days software stays in beta forever.  but it's not true that most things never leave beta.  except for the things that stop being developed.06:27
InuDuelistIt's in a perpetual beta. Until, of course, it gets released on market.06:27
=== gnoshi waits for amarok to index his collection.
InuDuelistYou know what the longest running beta program must be?06:28
=== gnoshi loves zsnes.
InuDuelistI swear, that thing's been in beta for 3242342 years.06:28
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Linux_GaloreI found amarok very addictive, I have it manageing all my audio needs not, download all my podcasts and dumps them on my media player when it sees its been connected06:28
InuDuelistLinux_Galore: Me too.06:28
InuDuelistI also use it because it's the only linux media player that has global hotkeys.06:29
=== gnoshi loves amarok, but is having some problems since upgrading to 1.4.2 and then downgrading back to 1.4.1
InuDuelistWhich makes it Amarok > *06:29
Linux_Galorelatest version of Amarok Im reading now support itunes downloads06:29
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InuDuelistO RLY?06:29
Linux_Galoreyeah its in the release notes06:30
AZ_ASLinux_Galore, that'd be awesome06:30
InuDuelistI'm using 1.2.406:30
InuDuelistIs that the latest?06:30
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gnoshi1.2.4 or 1.4.206:30
JonTecIs there anyway to make (K,X)ubuntu require less memory, like installing a different window manager?06:30
InuDuelistRun it via terminal.06:30
InuDuelistLike, completely.06:31
JonTecI'm running xubuntu and kubuntu sometimes in vmware, and I don't have the memory to give to it... :(06:31
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=== gnoshi realises that 1.4.1 doesn't look like what he remembers...
gnoshidammit. it isn't indexing my frikken flac files.06:31
JonTecLinux_Galore, what package do you need for iTunes support? (I'm making a jab at my experience with amaroK and other Linux players)06:31
Linux_Galoreamarok now works fine with my Creative Vision:M portable media player thanks to the support of MTP in 1.4.206:32
Linux_GaloreJonTec: hmm06:32
Linux_GaloreJonTec: never tried it myself with itunes06:32
Linux_GaloreJonTec: from memory you need to install 1.4.3 untable to get itunes06:33
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InuDuelistI like Amarok for two reasons.06:36
InuDuelist1. Global Hotkeys06:36
InuDuelist2. It's the shit.06:37
InuDuelistNothing better.06:37
InuDuelistI, for one, am happy.06:37
gnoshiright - so amarok 1.4.1 isn't reading my flac file tags either.06:38
JonTec:D I like amaroK too.06:39
JonTecAnyone suggest a low memory desktop manager that I can install over (k,x)ubuntu?06:40
DFMfrom what I hear it uses very little memory06:41
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JonTec:D is there a package by chance?06:41
DFMnever looked06:41
Xaero_VincentKDE is nice and lightweight06:41
DFMprobably if you open up all of your repo's you could find it06:41
=== gnoshi weeps, realising he was on amarok 1.3.9 not 1.4.1
gnoshitime to downgrade some more.06:42
ironfroggyi need to automate an operation which requires ssh to a remote server, but how can i do that when i can only ssh after doing ssh-add on my private key?06:43
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Linux_Galoregnoshi: 1.3.9 is broken so is 1.4.1 you need to update to 1.4.2 if you want to keep your old playlist06:43
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JonTecthe problem I'm having is coping with the heavy 256MB memory tax on my system from in vmware.06:43
Linux_Galorehttp://amarok.kde.org/ has the info for adding a repository that has amarok 1.4.206:44
JonTecNot to mention both Kubuntu and Xubuntu run slowly... I allocate like 384, and more than half of that vmware has to swap06:44
Linux_GaloreJonTec: I use  96Mb with a browser open on my machine06:44
Linux_GaloreJonTec: no swap used06:45
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DFMI think his problem is that he is running it in a virtual machine06:45
gnoshiLinux_Galore: weird - kubuntu seemed to be running amarok 2:1.3.9-0ubuntu406:45
gnoshiLinux_Galore - I'm not using 1.4.2 because I had problems building a collection with it.06:45
Linux_Galoregnoshi: well on the kubuntu.org home page they have a notice saying amarok 1.4.2 has been added to the repo06:46
Buddha_Joehi everyone. Has anybody had any luck getting amarok to detect mtp devices with version 1.4.206:46
gnoshiLinux_Galore: yep, I got it from the repo but it wouldn't build my collections, so I'm rolling back for the time being.06:46
JonTecOh, I was going from the system requirements on the Dapper CD.06:48
Linux_Galoregnoshi: always just backup the amarok directory its under ~/.kde/share/apps/amarok/06:48
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Linux_Galoregnoshi: that way you dont lose anything06:48
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JonTecor is that just the fact that the installation uses the live cd?06:48
Linux_Galoregnoshi: then just manually copy the stuff over06:48
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gnoshiLinux_Galore - yep, will do that.06:49
Linux_Galoregnoshi: nothing lost that way06:49
Linux_Galoregnoshi: Im even more lazy I just rename it mv  ~/.kde/share/apps/amarok ~/.kde/share/apps/amarok-old06:50
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gnoshiargh! I'm going crazy! it is still not reading the tags of my files.06:54
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ironfroggyWhy does amarok suddenly want to pull in ruby?06:58
Linux_Galoregnoshi: if you updating amarok from 1.3.* to 1.4* the what amarok builds the database has totally been changed06:58
Linux_Galoreironfroggy: plugins06:59
ironfroggywhat if i dont want them07:00
Linux_Galoremany kde/gtk apps you will notice are adding the ability to do plugins, the latest and greatest scripting language is rails these days, used to be perl or python07:01
gnoshiLinux_Galore - I'll give you the overview - my apt-get upgrade moved me to amarok 1.4.2, which wouldn't play because of xine issues - I installed a patched xine, and music would play but my collection would not index (it produced errors inconsistently reading the tags from files). I downgraded amarok and amarok-xine to 1.4.1 and reinstalled the official xine from the repos, and tagging still didn't work. I grabbed the pre-1.4.2 official07:01
gnoshi from the ubuntu repos (which was 2:1.3.9-ubuntu4), and installed that, and it will still not read flac file tags correctly.07:01
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ironfroggyfirst of all, rails is not a language07:01
ironfroggysecondly, python is far superious to ruby07:01
gnoshiso I'm about ready to give up for the time being.07:02
Linux_Galoregnoshi: should have built from source like me07:02
Linux_Galoregnoshi: zero issues07:02
gnoshiyeah, you're probably right.07:02
gnoshidid you build from the source package?07:02
gnoshior from .tar.gz source file.07:03
Linux_Galoregnoshi: yeah no brainer, just read what its complaining about after you run ./configure  or if your really lazy install kompile and then all you need to do is download the tar.gz or tar.bz  file from the home page download section and run kompile and point it at the file you downloaded07:04
JonTecWhich one uses the least amount of memory? icewm, fluxbox, KDE, Gnome?07:04
ironfroggyamarok didnt actually gain some ruby-specificness did it? the plugins are just dcop or something that can be written in anything, right?07:05
gnoshigiving that a try now. All my music is in flac, and on SMB shares, so if it doesn't work it makes me sad =(07:05
HawkwindJonTec: IceWM or fluxbox by far07:05
gnoshiamarok still uses qt3?07:05
Hawkwindgnoshi: Yes07:05
HawkwindAd does all of KDE 3.5.x07:06
gnoshididn't have the libqt3-mt-dev installed07:06
JonTecwill all of my (k,x)ubuntu programs still work if I installed them over?07:06
Linux_Galoreinfo on kompile -> http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=3022307:06
HawkwindJonTec: Of course07:06
gnoshiah. of course, that would make sense. with the 3 and all.07:06
gnoshi(assuming there is a relationship between the KDE main version number and the qt lib version number)07:06
JonTecokay, good, thanks. :D07:06
Linux_Galoreyou can have multiple version of qt installed without a problem I have qt4 installed07:07
gnoshiyeah, I have qt3 and qt407:07
Hawkwindgnoshi: Basically yes.  When KDE4 comes out, it'll use all QT4.07:07
gnoshiinstalling kompile now, cos I'm lazy.07:08
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Linux_Galoreironfroggy: yeah I cant see why amorok would need rails if you had no plugins07:10
gnoshiwell, I'm just gonna bite the bullet, not have a built collection, and use amarok as a standard non-tag-supporting player for the time being.07:11
gnoshigotta get to work on some essays.07:11
Linux_Galoregnoshi: amarok supports tags07:12
gnoshiLinux_Galore - yeah, but it is not reading them from my flac files.07:12
ironfroggyLinux_Galore: stop calling it rails!07:13
gnoshioh, to me amarok is king of the players - it is just giving me a little bit of grief at the moment but no doubt I'll apt-get update in a day or two and it will all be fine again.07:13
Linux_Galoreincludes two major new features. One is Advanced Tag Features (ATF). Turn it on in Amarok's configuration and take advantage of some great features that make sure you can move your music without losing your music.07:13
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Linux_GaloreATF info -> http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/Advanced_Tag_Features_(ATF)07:14
Linux_Galoreironfroggy: choo choo07:14
jigerhi does anyone know if any particular service etc has to be running to enable hdparm.conf to be read on startup?07:14
gnoshiLinux_Galore - but it won't read *any* tags from my flac files at the moment.07:14
Linux_Galoregnoshi: hmm did you check for a plugin07:15
gnoshiit can play them, just not read the tags.07:15
jigerI can't get dma enabled automatically for my dvdrom07:16
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Linux_Galoregnoshi: use gstreamer engine is supports flac better07:18
gnoshicool - I'll give that a shot07:18
Linux_Galoregnoshi: you can select the engine in amarok07:19
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ironfroggyketsugi: wtf07:19
ketsugi<ironfroggy> Linux_Galore: stop calling it rails!07:19
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ironfroggyit peeves me. ruby isn't so great. only reason it has all this hype is because of rails and people think rails is ruby.07:21
Linux_Galoreironfroggy: duh just a pain saying  ruby on rails when rails is easier07:21
ironfroggybut we arent saying anything about ruby on rails! that has nothing to do with amarok or its plugins07:21
ironfroggythey do not use ruby on rails, which is a web framework.07:22
Linux_Galoreironfroggy: I called it rails because I was looking at a web plugin rails thing for amarok when I wrote that07:22
ironfroggyruby sucks07:23
ironfroggywhat kind of a crack pot language would give declarative meaning to casing?07:23
Linux_Galoreironfroggy: its japanese07:23
Linux_Galoreironfroggy: what stupid language only has 26 letters07:24
ironfroggypython supports more than that07:24
Linux_Galoreyeah but python has its own issues07:25
ironfroggygreatness is an issue!07:25
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Linux_Galoreno as in "falls short of the mark" issues07:25
ironfroggybah! compared to ruby? what mark doesnt it hit?07:25
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gnoshiLinux_Galore - it doesn't look like there is an amarok-engine-gstreamer for 1.4.207:26
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flaccidis kubuntu install an image-based install?07:29
ironfroggysomeone's been reading vista articles07:30
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Linux_Galoreflaccid: yes07:31
flaccidjust thought i'd check07:31
Linux_Galoregnoshi: dont need that package anymore its built in07:31
flaccidtrying to think of advantages and disadvantages of such a model07:31
gnoshiok - so it should be selectable from the 'engines' screen?07:32
flaccidany disadvantages with the current image-based install for dapper?07:32
Linux_Galoregnoshi: yep is for me07:32
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gnoshiLinux_Galore: it's not for me, but then again I'm still in the process of the source build so maybe it is just because of the package07:33
Linux_Galoregnoshi: I made sure all the gstreamer stuff was installed first ie plugins and src packages then compiled it07:33
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Linux_Galoregnoshi: I just put edgy eft node 2 on my old laptop, dont cry its all there lol07:33
gnoshiwell, gstreamer0.10-alsa is installed.07:34
JonTecOkay, I went over to mu kubuntu comp and looked up the icewm packages. If I installed the icewm-lite files, can I later use the full blown version of icewm? Or vice-versa?07:34
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JonTecAlso, how do I choose what window manager that I wanto use when booting?07:35
Linux_GaloreJonTec: in the login screen you can select the desktop07:35
JonTecoh yeah, :D I forgot about that.07:35
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JonTecdoes that apply for the lite versions as well?07:36
Linux_GaloreJonTec: or if your really clever you can run the desktop next to the kde one07:36
Linux_GaloreJonTec: press ctrl alt f1 login  then type  xinit  /usr/bin/starticewm  -- :107:37
Linux_GaloreJonTec: you can swap desktop with ctrl alt F5 or ctrl alt F607:37
Linux_Galoremost people dont know you can run multiple desktops on Linux07:39
JonTecI didn't :D I'm still wondering where I choose lite or the regular version... I don't want to install them and then havea problem... T_T07:39
Linux_GaloreJonTec: the installer will add it to the login conf file07:40
JonTecokay. I'm going to boot up windows and run vmware... and see what I get...07:41
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nenwlinuxbenHey, I'm looking for a little help with WINE.  First time using it, and I'm kind of new to Kubuntu07:42
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k_useri was here before,07:44
k_useri guess07:44
nenwlinuxbenHey I'm looking for a little help with WINE, can anyone help?07:44
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k_userdrink it till get drunk07:44
flaccidcan you get a free copy of counter strike source somewhere to run under WINE, or not exist?07:44
k_userthen talk to me07:44
k_usercounteer is not free07:45
nenwlinuxbenk_user, do you know much about it?07:45
k_userwine is a fuckinn windows07:45
k_useror something07:45
nenwlinuxbenwell I'm trying to run a program for a friend07:46
k_useri never tryied07:46
nenwlinuxbenaye thanks anyway07:46
k_useri just get drunk then i connect here07:46
k_usersometimes i help ppl07:46
k_useri dont know how07:46
k_useri heappens07:47
k_userwhat can i tell u about wine?07:47
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k_userwine is a "translator" of windows to linux07:47
Eeyore_Jrhi.  are you allowed  to use the word Kubuntu for a link to the kubuntu site under the trademark rules of ubuntu/kubuntu ?07:48
k_userits kindda good07:48
k_userbut not perfect07:48
Healotcompatibility layer is the term used07:48
nenwlinuxbenwell, I'm just really new to linux and I'm trying to figure out how to use it07:48
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wordEeyore_Jr: i'd assume so...free advertisement doubt they'll complain07:48
k_useri kindda new to linux too.. but not exactly07:48
nenwlinuxbenI've been using Kubuntu for about a week and I love it, but I just need to get some things running07:49
k_useri'm kindda that too07:49
Eeyore_Jrwell, ubuntu on a pron site might draw them complaints07:49
Eeyore_Jroutside of that, i can't think of a reason either07:50
k_useryou can xpect to run every windows program on linux07:50
nenwlinuxbenwell it would advocate safe porn surfinig07:50
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Eeyore_Jr*drum roll*07:50
nenwlinuxbenwithout worrying about any real damage or shitty dialers07:50
k_userwhat do u want to run on linux07:50
Eeyore_Jruse azerues07:50
nenwlinuxbenI've been using Amule07:51
nenwlinuxbenbut I didn't like Emule and I don't really like A either07:51
k_useramule..  me too.07:51
k_userbut a frriernd of mine told me today of something better07:51
nenwlinuxbenand I can just grab that through adapt? or do I need to compile it?07:52
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k_userthere  a p2p cient that connect to a lot of networks07:52
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k_usersometimes there r things u don find on adept07:52
k_userthen u just find a .deb package07:53
wordruns with java if you can't find it on a package..it's no compiling nescesary07:53
nenwlinuxbenI see07:53
reddwolf78can someone help me out i'm tryig to do a compile and i can get past the make part it keeps tell the is no command for it07:53
k_userjava too07:53
wordi put mine at ~/.azureus ...not sure if that's too good of a palce to put it though07:53
ubotuazureus is a popular bittorent client written in Java, installation instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AzureusHowTo07:53
reddwolf78i have the web page already for compileing07:54
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reddwolf78and i'm following word for word but still run into that problem07:54
nenwlinuxbensuper noob question07:54
wordsudo apt-get install build-essential07:55
nenwlinuxbencan i...07:55
wordreddwolf78: use that command07:55
reddwolf78ok i will give a shot07:55
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reddwolf78its uploading07:55
nenwlinuxbencan I use the ubuntu dapper drake package for azerues, or is there a dufference between the kubuntu dapper and the ubuntu?07:56
nenwlinuxbenfor these kinds of things atleast...07:56
wordreddwolf78: then retry the make thing07:56
reddwolf78this what it says when ii type in make (make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.)07:57
wordnenwlinuxben: you can run gnome things on kde and kde things on gnome just have to install some extra packages a lot of times07:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about audioplayer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:57
Diuneimama!audio player07:57
wordreddwolf78: what are you compiling?07:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about audio player - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mediaplayer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:57
ironfroggyif i wanted to use dual screens, with a desktop on each screen, would that work if the second screen was not always available?07:57
reddwolf78xmms player07:57
Diuneimama!xmms player07:57
ubotuxmms: Versatile X audio player. In component main, is optional. Version 1.2.10+cvs20050809-4ubuntu5 (dapper), package size 1029 kB, installed size 7256 kB07:57
ironfroggyfor example, if i wanted to sit my laptop at my desk and plug in a monitor.07:58
reddwolf78i have those already installed07:58
wordreddwolf78: why do you need to compile? looks like theres a package for it07:58
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k_usereverybods hurts sometimes07:59
Diuneimamaexcuse me people.. how do i install mp3 player and video player?07:59
reddwolf78let me double cheack to make i have them installed then07:59
k_useru have to installl the libxine-extracodecs08:00
wordDiuneimama: for mp3s you'll want to use a program called Amarok you can find it in the repositories (using Adept) and for videos..well not a -good- one but -good enough- is mplayer which can also be found with adept08:00
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wordDiuneimama: yah you'll have to follow the restricted formats tutorial as well08:00
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:00
wordthe first link up there ^08:00
ironfroggykaffeine is a good one for the video playing08:00
k_user u have to installl the libxine-extracodecs08:00
k_user u have to installl the libxine-extracodecs08:00
Diuneimamaok word08:01
k_user u have to installl the libxine-extracodecs08:01
reddwolf78i just cheack the adept manager and found out i don't have all the packages for xmms installed08:01
k_userand i have said08:01
Diuneimamawhere to instal libxine~~?08:01
wordyou need more than that k_user :P08:01
wordand the restrictedformats wiki explains it all step by step08:01
k_userupdate the kubuntu08:01
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k_userput the xine08:02
k_userand then put the extra-codecs08:02
flaccidis there any software available to test if a cpu is damaged?08:02
ironfroggyhasnt anyone made an install CD yet that includes restricted formats and all that?08:02
k_useri did that08:02
insanekaneflaccid: haha08:02
k_user19X mb of updatte08:02
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flaccidpretty funny i'm serious08:02
insanekaneironfroggy: the reason they arent on the CD is because they are restricted formats08:02
flaccidthe acpi bug which caused the cpu fan to stop may have fried it08:02
insanekanehrmm ..08:03
ironfroggyinsanekane: they arent restricted everywhere.08:03
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insanekaneironfroggy: but it is unethical to distribute them08:03
wordflaccid: ummmmmmmm.......i suppose the best way would to do some video editting :-/ that would really put your processor through it's paces08:03
k_useru have to put http://br.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ on multiverse and universe08:03
flaccidword: this is on a server,and at the moment it goes slow after uptime of a few hours or so and there appears to be no system issues08:04
insanekaneironfroggy: most of the extracodecs pack are hacked windows .dlls and plugins ... they are distributed by violating their copyright terms08:04
flaccidfor example ssh login now taking ages08:04
reddwolf78<word> i'm getting all the xmms packs intalling08:04
ironfroggyinsanekane: dont give me that crap08:04
flaccidcommands taking ages to go08:04
insanekaneironfroggy: its not crap ... it is legalese08:04
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k_usergettin drunk is cool08:05
ironfroggythen why is (k/X)ubuntu so much more limited out of the box in that respect than other distros?08:05
k_useru drink08:05
insanekanek_user: :)08:05
wordflaccid: any idea on what brand of processer?08:05
k_userand then u're drunk08:05
insanekaneironfroggy: hunh ?08:05
ironfroggygetting drunk on irc isnt a sign of coolness. drinks + human beings = cool08:05
wordflaccid: i'm not sure..but i think intels tend to die more nicely since they have an auto-underclock feature08:05
ironfroggydrinks - human beings = lame08:06
insanekaneironfroggy: some distros include the extracodecs by violating the copyright terms ... other distros pay for distributing those codecs08:06
flaccidtrue word, it is a p408:06
k_usernight is over08:06
k_userhere i am08:06
ironfroggyinsanekane: everyone knows ubuntu doesnt include them for the simple reason of trying to be pure. like nazis.08:06
wordflaccid: any way for you to check the cpu temp?08:07
insanekaneironfroggy: i wouldnt compare them to nazis really ... it isnt "trying to be pure" ... it is "trying to be legal"08:07
ironfroggyeh im not ranting any more.08:07
k_useri'm lost08:07
reddwolf78<word> how do i get xxmms working know that i have the packages installed08:07
flaccidword: is there a program to probe cpu temp?08:07
ironfroggyinsanekane: ill keep disagreeing.08:07
flaccidi've had to disable acpi because of the kernel bug08:08
insanekaneironfroggy: you can disagree all you want ... doesnt change the facts08:08
ironfroggyi know there are legal reasons against it, but that isnt why the restricted formats arent included.08:08
wordreddwolf78: should be in your menu under multimedia..if not do kbuilsycoca and look again08:08
wordflaccid: i have my cpu fan on a manual knob lol...so i wouldn't be effected either way..umm...theres lm-sensors..but that requires some doing to set up and success varies08:09
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insanekaneironfroggy: you are free to believe in whatever you want :) its a free world :)08:09
flaccidword: yeah i also hardwired the cpu fan so it can't be turned off by acpi08:09
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Martijn81word: yeah lm_sensors so not work on an asus a8n motherbord08:09
flaccidthis is a gigabyte in an ibm08:10
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flaccidpretty crap08:10
flaccidproblem with bios -> kernel08:10
wordit works on my asrock kt88008:10
Martijn81asrock is sort of asus afaik08:10
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flaccidi'm on an asus w1000Na notebook08:11
flaccidi wish it had linux support08:11
Martijn81but i never got them to work here, next time a better motherbord i guess...08:11
wordmines got all the features without the price heh..08:12
flaccidepox perhaps08:12
Martijn81flaccid: i was hoping a DFI lanparty , since it nice nice asynchroon ram support for overclocking :)08:12
reddwolf78<word> how do i fun kbuilsycoca ( i could not find anywere)08:13
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reddwolf78see i'm only been running linux for a few weeks now08:13
wordkbuildsycoca you run in command line08:13
wordit updates some things...meh all i know is it updates your menu..it does some other stuff too i think..08:14
Martijn81reddwolf78: hang in there, you're gona love it08:14
Martijn81at least i hope so ;)08:15
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues08:15
reddwolf78i see xmms and a new media player called mplayer movie player08:15
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wordreddwolf78: good deal you'll need mplayer even if you didn't want it for some other things like browser embedded video08:17
wordbut uh get in the habit of clicking on 'preview changes' before apply08:17
flaccidwhat is kacpid ?08:17
flaccidroot        10  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S<   18:38   0:00 [kacpid] 08:17
wordrun by root..so may be important?08:18
flaccidwhats with the 0s08:18
reddwolf78how do i get xmms to see that i have music08:18
wordi got it runnin too08:18
flaccidlike i uninstalled acpid as well08:18
wordreddwolf78: it really has no menu you shoulda gotten Amarok it's a MUCH easier to use interface08:18
flaccidthere is no kde on the box its server install08:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kacpid - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about anything - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:19
ubotulinux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux08:19
reddwolf78true but xmms is saposed to work shoutcast a program used for djing08:19
flaccidicecast is better08:20
flaccidand free08:20
reddwolf78so is shoutcast08:20
flaccidnot gnu/gpl08:20
wordshoutcast ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm think it works in amarok but if you want to use xmms then right clicking the player shows the options you'll have to 'add folder' or whatever the option is08:20
reddwolf78but how do iget ither one to work with linux08:20
flaccidcan't do ogg vorb i don't think08:20
reddwolf78i have tons of mp3s08:21
reddwolf78just need to get them from my xp system to this one08:21
cgahi all =) or mooo for that matter && i have some music going on as soon as i open my KDE but i didn't chose to play it... anybody know if i have ghosts in my PC or if is a new surprise of kubuntu? (i'm serious)08:21
flaccidreddwolf78: mount the windows partition ?08:21
wordreddwolf78: amarok will be best for listening...xmms i guess if you have a tut on how will be your best bet on shoutcast08:21
flaccidreddwolf78: are you talking about listening to a stream or pushing to a shoutcast server?08:22
reddwolf78 becouse on sat nights i dj08:22
reddwolf78 pushing to a shoutcast server08:22
flaccidok i host an online radio station08:22
flaccidwith shoutcast and ice08:22
flaccidi'll install xmms and see if i can get the plugin to work08:22
cgaok nevermind... i found the answer...08:22
flaccidpeople usually use winamp08:22
reddwolf78i play metal music08:23
flaccidi'm a trance guy08:23
reddwolf78i use that on xp but i would like to get ride of xp becouse i like linux better08:23
InuDuelistreddwolf, don't.08:23
reddwolf78the one person i dj for let me pick and i choce metal08:23
mkquistanyone help w/unmet dependencies?08:24
reddwolf78why Inuduelist08:24
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wordreddwolf78: what kinda metal?08:25
reddwolf78anything from robzombie to perl jam08:25
reddwolf78or old to new08:25
reddwolf78depends on the request08:25
Martijn81mkquist: ?08:25
reddwolf78i get08:25
InuDuelistreddwolf78: Because eventually, you'll feck something up.08:26
InuDuelistWhen that happens, you'll want Windows.08:26
InuDuelistBut you won't get windows.08:26
flaccidreddwolf78: did you do a sudo apt-get install xmms-liveice08:26
reddwolf78i will still have the restore disk for xp08:26
InuDuelistGood for you.08:26
reddwolf78not yet i didn't no i had to do that08:26
wordand when you want windows but don't get windows you'll wipe your system and only have windows heh...you'll want to keep it for awhile08:26
flaccidreddwolf78: that gives you the plugin08:27
mkquistkeep getting the same message on unmet dependencies re: fonttastic-glibc-2.1: Depends: xlib6g (>= 3.3.5-1) but it is not installable08:27
reddwolf78already have it it says08:27
wordyou can safely transfer personal files and mp3s and such to save space there's always ways to get files from linus - > windows08:27
mkquistand : wine-graphics9-glibc-2.1: Depends: xlib6g (>= 3.3.5-1)08:27
mkquistany thoughts08:27
flaccidreddwolf78: apparently its shoutcast compatible but i'm yet to confirm it08:27
wordeven i still have windows >< haven't been on it in 2 months..but that's besides the point08:27
reddwolf78is there a way to do that when doing a duel boot08:28
flaccidreddwolf78: enable the plugin in xmms and use it - goto configure08:28
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reddwolf78how do i enable that08:28
reddwolf78the plugins08:28
wordreddwolf78: you can mount your windows partition..you want to transfer files right?08:28
flaccidreddwolf78: ctrl + p08:28
cgahi again all && i can't manage to listen to a CD with KsCD. the sound card is working for all the other things and the "CD" level in the mixer is up. any suggestion? thanks08:28
flaccidi can't hop on a shoutcast server, so can you test for me ?08:28
reddwolf78for space reasons i would leave the music on xp but run them on linux if possable08:29
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flaccidreddwolf78: in konqueror, open this apt:/search?shoutcast08:30
wordcga: cd mounted08:30
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flaccidsome handy packages08:30
Martijn81mkquist: that's because that package is not in the repository, are you installing a debian package from debian distro maybe?08:31
cgaword, you don't mount audio cd.. that's why you have applications such as KsCD ;) anyway thanks for trying08:31
flaccidicecream is cool08:31
reddwolf78i was doing that early today and got everything i could get for shoutcasst and icecast08:31
mkquistmaybe, was trying to install wine last nite and thats when it started08:31
mkquistdo you know how i can eliminate them?08:31
wordcga: psh whats the error message? is your user in the cd group?08:32
flaccidreddwolf78: ok well test it now in xmms08:32
Martijn81cga: you probably need libcdio-cdda008:32
mkquistMartijn81 - tried to remove purge, and that didnt work08:32
flaccidthere is also this for JACK http://www.oddsock.org/tools/oddcastv3_jack/08:32
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mkquistMartijn81 - keep getting the message everytime i try to apt-get now...08:32
cgaMartijn81, thanks i give it a try08:33
mkquistMartijn81 - anyway to eliminate the files that are causing that?08:34
Martijn81mkquist: some way or another a package is linking to a package that is not anywhere in the repo, that implies either a "corrupt" package, or a package not meant for ubutu08:34
reddwolf78ok guys and girls i'm off to bed its almost 3 am here and i need sleep can we pick this up later today or another day08:34
wordmkquist: sudo apt-get -f install ?08:34
Martijn81mkquist: i think you might wanna try sudo dpkg --configure -a08:35
mkquistMartijn81 whats that do?08:35
mkquistMartijn81, well its removing the prob files... nice08:35
Martijn81mkquist: that tries to configure the packages installed, might give some clue too08:36
Martijn81ah, that's nice :)08:36
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mkquistMartijn81 that last command does nothing, but the first appears to have removed the problem packages..08:36
wordwere the problem packages important?08:37
cgaword, yes my user is in the cd-rom group and i don't get any errors && Martijn81 i have libcdio3 but not libcdio-cdda0 , i'm still on breezy BTW =)08:37
mkquistMartijn81 thankyou for that08:37
wordcga: no errors even if you run from command line?08:37
cgaword, gotta try that08:37
Martijn81mkquist: so your problem is solved now?08:38
cgaword, no errors08:38
mkquistMartijn81 - yes, thankyou08:38
wordcga: does it not see the cd at all? not play the songs?08:39
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mkquistMartijn81 - love the quick fixes08:39
cgaword, it works all fine but i can't hear a thing08:39
wordcga: can you hear other system sounds?08:39
cgaword, as stated in the first message of help : everything audio works fine but the CD and mixer and volumes are all up.08:40
wordi must've caught the 2nd message then08:40
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wordlook for a kscd website and look under troubleshooting i can almost garuntee "There's no sound!" is on a FAQ08:41
Martijn81cga: look in the description os that package libcdio3, if it says something like " This library is made to read and control digital audio CDs. It does not play such CDs, it only reads them digitally. As it uses libcdio as a backend, it supports the same kind of CDROM drives (and images) as libcdio. " it's the package08:41
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cgaMartijn81, phone sorry08:42
Martijn81no harm, coffee time for me08:42
flaccidi'm trying issue sudo shutdown -P -t 108:42
flaccidi guess thats wrong08:42
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wordflaccid: to restart? i use sudo shutdown -r now08:43
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flaccidto shutdown and turn off08:45
cgaMartijn81, it says something different want me to paste it? maybe in private?08:45
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cgaword, i'll do that thanks08:46
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Martijn81cga: yes that's cool08:48
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chxsensors-detect does not find any i2c devices. this is lspci output: http://pastecode.com/407108:50
wordchx: is your motherboard supported?08:53
chxword: well, after a modprobe i2c-dev by hand sensors-detect run and found a winbond chip08:55
chxword: temp1:       -48C  (high =   +66C, hyst =    +4C)   sensor = thermistor08:56
chxword: this however tells me that something is not correct :P08:56
wordyah.. ;p your motherboard might not be supported08:56
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chxword: might be. it's an Aopen vK8T800a-LF08:58
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wordchx: check on the lm-sensors website08:58
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chx:( i had an apt-get upgrade , now I can't apply my style any more to kopete and the chat window became white  background which is horrible :(09:07
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Jucatoterribly quiet... which is good :-D09:19
JucatoI'm going to test your IRC multi-tasking skills :-D09:21
Jucatonixternal: since you're on the topic of OO.o-KOffice...09:21
Martijn81that's because everybody is day-dreaming about edgy ;)09:21
nixternaloh lord...don't get me started...im about to toss every sun microsystems thing in my house out09:21
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nixternalim not day-dreaming about edgy..im currently cussing it out09:21
JucatoI made a document in OO.o with lots of numbering ang bullets, did it for almost an hour (long document). I opened them in KWord, and no numbers,no bullets. Is this normal?09:22
nixternalcuz OOo is garbage09:22
Jucatoglad I'm not the only one who thinks (something) like that... ehehehe09:22
flaccidwhat document format?09:22
nixternaldude..i wrote a freakin' article for the college...i used OOo, barely any formatting...and they emailed me like...are you nuts, im not reading through this09:22
nixternalthey sent pdf'd it so i can see...my lord it was gabled09:23
flaccidyeah i agree09:23
nixternali redid it here via copy and paste into KOffice, and wallah09:23
flaccidso does kword implement odf better?09:23
nixternaland I saved it in teh OASIS format as well09:23
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Jucatorawr! I had a bad taste of ODF "interoperability" because of that...09:24
nixternalthey are all supposed to implement it the same way..but obviously OOo implements it differently then MS Office and KOffic09:24
Jucato(and Abiword can't even open it my ODF document...)09:24
nixternalbut i will say this now..i hear one person complain about a doco or a spreadsheet i send...here I come MS OFfice09:24
flaccidis kword part of koffice?09:24
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flaccidme install09:24
Jucatowhoa!! nixternal send me one and I'll complain :-D09:25
mkquistanyone using photoshop 7 in wine09:25
Jucatowhat I dislike (bordering on hate) about OO.o is that it has a poor way of handling multiple documents...09:25
JucatoI just love KOffice's Workspace...09:25
=== nixternal debdiff jucatos_nose_now jucatos_nose_later > ouch.diff
nixternaldid you just hear that?09:26
nixternaloh..it was my bed calling me09:26
chxOK I give in09:26
chxwhere can i get commercial support?09:26
ubotulimewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install !java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider !FrostWire as an alternative.09:26
chxnixternal: that URL is useless.09:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gnutella - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:27
chxnixternal: I am in Hungary09:27
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ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire09:27
Martijn81flaccid: easy on the fishing09:27
nixternalubuntu commercial support == worldwide09:27
chxhmmm let's see09:27
JucatoHow about the Ubuntu Marketplace?09:27
Martijn81flaccid: you can /msg ubotu !question without getting the channel flooded09:28
Jack12even though my password is in the kwallet09:28
Jack12it keeps asking me09:28
chxJucato: and where have you seen Hungary in that list09:28
flaccidoh thanks, i didn't know that09:28
Jack12for that09:28
flaccidprivate bot heh09:28
Jack12can anyone explain=09:28
Jucatochx: Karl Deutsch, Austria. We offer linux training, consulting and installation support in Austria (Graz-Wien-Klagenfurt). Training and consulting is also available for Hungary (Languages: Deutsch/English).09:29
chxwow, that's news.09:29
Jucatochx: Ctrl+F is your friend09:29
chxJucato: i think i tried all of these :(09:29
Jucatoehehe! it just took me... um.. a few seconds after you asked? :-D09:30
chxJucato: i mean, i mailed a ton of those companies09:30
chxJucato: most of them is... so to say... sub-par :(09:31
Jucatoeven that Karl Deutsch?09:31
chxthat one does not answer my emails09:31
Jucatooh... well you can also try what nixternl said. I think Canonical provides global support?09:31
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chxseems a bit brutal to pay $250 to fix colors09:32
chxno matter what i do09:32
chxkopete chat window colors does not change :(09:32
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Jucatowhich ones?09:32
Jucatowhich colors?09:33
chxand the peach theme does not change the menu bar colors :(09:33
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JucatoJack12: it always asks for your password, or asks your permission when an application/web page is trying to access the wallet?09:34
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Jucatonixternal: lol!09:34
chxJucato: where the other party times his messages09:34
chxi have all formatting overrides ticked09:34
chxnot as it matters anyways09:35
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Jucatochx: have you tried asking in the forums? the are also mailing lists, local support groups, etc?09:35
chxyes and no answers09:35
chxi might try again this is a new kopete version09:35
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Jucatonixternal: one thing missing from KWord, though, is saving/exporting in MS .doc format, iirc09:35
chxit's also interesting that peach does not change the menu bar background color09:36
chxwhile media peach does09:36
nixternalsave to the OASIS format09:36
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mkquistno wine users huh?09:36
nixternalMS reads OASIS like a champ09:36
Jucatochx: do you have a screenshot?09:36
nixternaland the formating as well09:36
chxpeach solved09:37
chxi was tackling this for months09:37
chxit's button background09:37
Jucatochx ehehe09:37
chxvery logical, i tell ya09:37
chxthere are no buttons09:37
chxand yet this button background09:37
Jucatonixternal: I though they said the MS Plugin for ODF wasn't good09:37
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Jucatochx: I have no idea about that peach thingy... I haven't seen/used it. sorry...09:38
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Jucatonixternal: btw, just because I don't want to disturb the guys at *-devel, this morning, I had 4 guidance-power-manager in my system tray when I logged in (Edgy)09:39
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Jucatoand with that, I bid you good night! (thought you were going...)09:39
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Diuneimamahi everyone. i nid help in installing realplayer09:44
Ashexwhat trouble are you having?09:46
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:46
Jucatoor this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RealplayerInstallationMethods09:46
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chxksnapshot crashes my kwin09:46
Diuneimama- Ensure that the .bin file you downloaded is executable. You can make the .bin file executable by running the "chmod a+x RealPlayer10GOLD.bin" command from a terminal window.09:46
Jucatohold on, isn't Real Player also available in the commrecial channel/repository?09:46
Diuneimamawat does this means? i read it from the guide of installing09:47
Jucatochx: yikes! that's not supposed to happen...09:47
chxso i can't provide you  with a screenshot09:47
AshexDiuneimama, exactly what it says09:47
Jucatorun the command "chmod a+x RealPlayer10Gold.bin" in Konsole09:47
Diuneimamawhich site should i go?09:47
chxwhenever i create a 'region' shot after i release the sizing rectnagle -- kwin crash09:47
DiuneimamaJucato u mean type in chmod a+x RealPlayer10Gold.bin ?09:47
Jucatoyes. be sure to be in the directory where you downloaded it09:48
Diuneimamait dun works09:48
Ashexwhat's the error?09:48
Diuneimamano such file or directory09:48
JucatoDiuneimama: or "chmod a+x <whatever_the_name_of_the_installer_you_downloaded_is.bin>"09:48
Ashexhooboy, here we go09:49
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Diuneimamabut i type ls09:49
Diuneimamaits show realplayer10gold.bin inside of it09:49
Jucatochx: does it crash when you just choose "Window under cursor"?09:49
JucatoDiuneimama: then type "chmod a+x realplayer10gold.bin"09:49
JucatoLinux is case sensitive09:49
Diuneimamait change to a " >"09:50
Diuneimamawat does it means09:50
Jucatono. don't type the "<" or ">"....09:50
Jucato"chmod a+x realplayer10gold.bin"09:50
Jucatodon't type the quotes09:51
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Diuneimamachmod : cannot access 'realplayer10gold.bin' : no such file or directory09:52
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AshexDiuneimama, apparently the file you have is named differently09:54
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Ashextype it in EXACTLY as it appears09:54
Ashexso, chmod a+x yourfile.bin09:54
aliasfredcheck it is in the current directory too :)09:55
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Diuneimamai type ls its say real... is in there09:55
Diuneimamaor  where should i put the files before typing in the chmod stuff09:56
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romeoi m having probleems downloading with easyubuntu anybody know if the server iis down?09:56
romeoapt-get  -o=dir::etc=./conf -o=dir::etc::sourcelist=sources.list update09:57
romeoapt-get  -o=dir::etc=./conf -o=dir::etc::sourcelist=sources.list --yes --allow-unauthenticated  install gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad libxine-extracodecs libxine-main1 faad sox lame ffmpeg mjpegtools vorbis-tools libxvidcore4 gstreamer0.10-pitfdll w32codecs libdvdcss2 timidity timidity-interfaces-extra freepats flashplugin-nonfr09:57
romeoe-mozilla skype rar unace p7zip msttcorefonts gsfonts-x11 xfonts-intl-european nvidia-glx nvidia-kernel-common09:57
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romeodoes anybody know if the esayubuntu server is down?09:58
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Ashex!pastebin > romeo09:58
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thomasanyone knows how to stop a failed shutdown on a remote machine? it had a powercut before the shutdown counter had come to zero, now i can't easily login, i get the message that the machine will be shut down...yesterday ^^10:00
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word|sleepthomaz ctrl+esc i think it's a process called shutdown o.O10:01
thomasthis works throug ssh?10:02
word|sleepthomas: ^10:02
word|sleepthrough ssh no...10:02
romeocan someone link me to the easyubunto irc?10:02
thomashmm then i need to call my mother :P10:02
word|sleepread the remote machine part but when it came to thinking it didn't compute ><10:02
thomasthx, word|sleep10:02
word|sleepnp g'nite10:02
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romeocan someone link me to the easyubunto irc?10:04
Psychobudgiehas anyone had issues with mplayerplug-in locking firefox while playing qt media on some sites?10:04
Psychobudgievideo continues to play but firefox won't respond until the movie finishes playing and the plugin stops responding also10:05
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:06
Psychobudgieif the answer was there I wouldn't be asking here10:07
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redondo81Hi boys,Ihave a problem...at the startup linux gives me an error :"File system check failed.Please repair manually.I don't know what to do,I try to lunch fsck,but the error remain10:42
abattoirredondo81: what is the filesystem type?10:43
redondo81I have 3 partition, one ext3 with linux, one ntfs witnh windows xp and one fat32 for the dates10:43
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abattoirredondo81: and the error message is for..?10:44
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redondo81I dont know, it doesn't tell me10:44
abattoirredondo81: are you able to boot into your ext3-root system?10:44
redondo81I think for the ntfs...bt I'm not sure10:44
magical_trevskyhi, my kubuntu system just failed a file system check and won't boot, i'm on the live cd now.. is it possible to mount it from here to rescue any files?10:45
redondo81yes yes, if I press ctrl -d it jumps the fsck check and run linux normally10:45
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ninHerhi all10:46
magical_trevskyor is there anyway to skip the filesystem check on boot?10:47
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abattoirmagical_trevsky: yes, you can try mounting it10:47
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abattoirmagical_trevsky: waht filesystem is this?10:48
abattoir**which ;)10:48
|lostbyte|Any one know which company maked gefroce cards with sis chipset ?10:48
magical_trevskyabattoir: ext3.. i just found a tutorial to get it mounted in the live cd and it works, but do you know how i could save my system and boot it normally?10:49
vandenoeverwhere can i get cmake 2.4.2 for kubuntu?10:49
vandenoeveror even 2.4.3 :-)10:50
abattoirmagical_trevsky: does it fail always? now that it seems to have been mounted successfully, can you try restarting?10:50
abattoirvandenoever: dapper?10:50
magical_trevskyabattoir:  yeah, i just have one file i need to rescue first :p seeing as the volume seems to be ok, is there anyway to skip the check next time i boot?10:51
abattoirmagical_trevsky: well, i guess you can mod /etc/fstab, but not sure if it is recommended...10:51
vandenoeverabattoir: yes10:51
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abattoirvandenoever: there is a package for edgy... but i dont know if it depends on other packages found only in edgy10:52
abattoir!info cmake edgy10:52
ubotucmake: A cross-platform, open-source make system. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4.3-1 (edgy), package size 4980 kB, installed size 11840 kB10:52
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vandenoeverabattoir: i dont think it has dependencies10:52
vandenoeverhow can i tell dapper to use that?10:52
abattoirvandenoever: ok, then try getting it from packages.ubuntu.com10:53
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vandenoeverabattoir: just download the deb?10:53
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dariusbonjour a tout le monde10:53
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vandenoeverabattoir: well, it might depend on the gcc it was built with10:53
abattoirvandenoever: yes... if it doesnt have any dependencies... or isnt compiled against something edgy specific, installing it should go fine...10:53
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.10:53
dariusje cherche quelqu'un qui pourrai m'aider10:53
magical_trevskyabattoir: what would i do to change the fstab?10:53
dariusil y a des franais ii svp ou quelqu'un qui parle franais10:54
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abattoirmagical_trevsky: the last option in the line for your root fs(<dump>).... it should be 1, try changing it to 010:54
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abattoir!fr > darius10:54
magical_trevskyabattoir: it's a 0 at the moment10:55
abattoirvandenoever: or you could try getting one from packages.debian.org...10:55
magical_trevskyabattoir: /dev/hda1       /               ext3    defaults,errors=remount-ro 0       110:55
vandenoeverok, i'll try that if it fails10:55
abattoirmagical_trevsky: are you looking at the fstab of the livecd or the one in your root fs?10:55
magical_trevskyabattoir: of my root fs10:55
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abattoirmagical_trevsky: the last option is 1 :)10:56
abattoirchange it to 010:56
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magical_trevskymkay, and that'll prevent the check?10:56
abattoirmagical_trevsky: theoretically, yes10:56
magical_trevskyok :D10:57
magical_trevskybtw, to edit fstab, i use the sudo of the live cd, yeah.. or will that give permissions errors and stuff?10:57
vandenoeverabattoir: yep libc6 problem10:57
abattoirmagical_trevsky: dont think it'd give you permission errors if you used sudo10:58
abattoirvandenoever: aah, ok... you dont want to compile it yourself?10:58
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magical_trevskybut i mean editing it as a user called ubuntu-live or whatever it is won't cause any problems when my username on the root fs is simon, right?10:58
abattoirmagical_trevsky: no, it should work fine...10:59
vandenoeverabattoir: debian testing also doesnt work11:00
magical_trevskyabattoir: ok, guess it's time to reboot!  wish me luck :p11:00
vandenoevergiven that the new kde has cmake as a dependency, this is strange11:00
abattoirmagical_trevsky: it'll work, dont worry ;)11:00
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magical_trevskyabattoir, it worked, thank you so much :D11:06
abattoirmagical_trevsky: cool :)11:06
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tobstarrsomehow i can not use my keabord in kde any more?11:08
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tobstarri can use it at the kdm login and in failsafe mode11:09
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tobstarrwhen i rename my .kde folder everything is fine11:10
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afd_hi guys! I've got ubuntu on my laptop and I'm trying kde, but I can't get the sound to work at all (although it works on gnome, including volume control keys). Any pointers?11:10
abattoirtobstarr: did you change your keyboard layout or something?11:11
tobstarrabattoir: no, i didn't11:11
abattoirafd_: do you say this because amarok doesnt play mp3 files... by any chance?11:12
abattoirafd_: also, you could check the mixer(kmix), to see if everything is un-muted11:12
afd_btw, noatun and amarok seem to play stuff, so I think it's a matter of volume control. I've seen that kmilo is in charge of key controls on laptops, but I don't know where to start with it11:12
afd_abattoir: I've checked kmix and amarok can play mp3s in gnome11:12
afd_playing an alert sound from the control applet for system notifications doesn't work either11:13
abattoirtobstarr: you can try changing back to default options in Kcontrol->Regional and acc. -> Keyboard.. to see if that helps11:13
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tobstarri tried that11:13
tobstarri just changed something in the keyboard layout11:14
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abattoirafd_: could you try 'aplay k3b_error1.wav' in the cli...11:14
afd_abattoir: actually, I can get no sound, even from xmms11:15
afd_ok, I'll try11:15
afd_ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:819:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave11:15
afd_aplay: main:544: audio open error: Device or resource busy11:15
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afd_what can I do in this case?11:16
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abattoirafd_: did you log out of gnome and log into kde now?11:18
afd_abattoir: was like this: gnome, install kde, login to kde, no sound, login to gnome, the sound was on mute, put the sound to max, logout, login to kde, no sound11:19
afd_don't tell me I should reboot :)11:19
abattoirafd_: well, you could try  :P11:20
abattoirafd_: try 'sudo fuser -v /dev/dsp'11:20
abattoirafd_: that should tell you which process is using the sound device11:21
abattoir'sudo fuser -vki /dev/dsp' should give you an option to kill it if you want to11:22
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afd_abattoir: realplayer, I've killed it, let me see if I can make some progress. mpg123 can now play, no longer complains about device, but I still get no sound11:22
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afd_btw, is there a way to configure default aplications? like what to launch for web browsing?11:28
Martijn81afd_: yeah, via konqueror settings11:28
Martijn81sections file association11:29
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Martijn81hi Polioincornholio11:31
Polioincornholiois there a reason why my computer doesn't reccommend the command sudo gedit?11:31
PolioincornholioHey Martijn8111:32
Chousukeuse gksudo11:32
Martijn81launching gui always with gksudo or kdesu11:32
Martijn81depending of whether you use gnome or kde11:32
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abattoirPolioincornholio: or try kate instead of gedit, if you are running kubuntu :)11:32
Martijn81if you need sudo off course..11:33
Polioincornholioso i want to do sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist11:33
Polioincornholioinstead i do...?11:34
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Polioincornholioi'm running kde11:34
Martijn81gksudo gedit /etc/...11:34
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Martijn81then kdesu kate /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist11:34
Polioincornholioif the first doesn't work?11:35
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Polioincornholioi see11:35
Martijn81nope, kdesu for KDE and gksudo for gnome11:35
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afd_Martijn81: which mimetype I should change to associate http:// links to konqueror?11:36
ocjeunesseje recherche le serveur kubuntu .fr ou ubuntu.fr merci11:36
tonatiuhfer entra en ese foro11:38
tonatiuhahi dice como hacer para conectarte con el hamachi11:38
tonatiuhy con el sking ghamachi11:38
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ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.11:39
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.11:39
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tonatiuhok ya vamos a kubuntu.es11:39
Martijn81afd_: for a protocol, that's a different location, i though you wanted to do some setting on *.html files. For the protocol setting you have to go to system settings11:39
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Martijn81afd_: in KDE components11:40
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abattoirafd_: kcontrol->kde components->Default apps.->Web browser11:40
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afd_abattoir: Martijn81, found it, thanks11:41
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Martijn81yeah, these are tuff to explain when you run a Dutch version of KDE11:41
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afd_where can I configure default behaviour for middle click in konqueror?11:44
afd_(hope I'm not abusing the channel)11:44
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jigerhello can anyone tell me how to execute hdparam on boot?11:45
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thomasis it possible to restart X server from the command line?11:46
vandenoeverthomas: /etc/init.d/xdm restart11:46
vandenoeverthomas: why not use ctrl-alt-backspace?11:46
thomasthx vandenoever11:46
thomasbecause, it is from ssh login, my graphic desktop is frozen :S11:47
Polioincornholiodoes anyone know what the kubuntu dapper alternative to /etc/iftab/ is11:47
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thomasvandenoever: i dont have xdm...should it be kdm instead?11:48
flaccidne1 know what this is when i do ./configure? checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables11:48
GeneralZodflaccid:Try sudo apt-get install build-essential11:49
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flaccidthanks mate11:49
abattoirthomas: yes, please substitute it w/ kdm11:49
vandenoeverthomas: yes11:49
marcusneed help about openGL and screensavers11:49
thomasdoes not work:11:49
thomasnot responding to TERM signal (pid 4593).11:50
abattoirthomas: try prefixing 'sudo'11:50
thomasabbatoir: yes i did that :)11:50
flaccidthats going to help my dev lots11:50
thomasas in11:50
thomassudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart11:50
flaccidi think thats the last thing for my conversion of fedora to kubuntu on my notebook11:51
thomasso next alternative must be sudo reboot then?11:51
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GeneralZodthomas:Which process corresponds to 4593?11:53
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thomasGeneralZod: that _was_ the Xorg i think11:53
thomasit is dead now, cause i rebooted it11:54
GeneralZodthomas:Ah, OK11:54
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PolioincornholioHey all, I'm following instructions here, attempting to set up a wireless dongle. Anyhow, I need to open up a file called iftab, which in the instructions, is supposed to be in /etc/ which it's not. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks11:54
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emonkeyPolioincornholio, /etc/iftab11:55
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emonkeylocate iftab11:56
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Polioincornholiothanks emonkey11:59
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flaccidgui or cli to turn services on or off for startup?12:00
flaccidchkconfig or something?12:00
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about servicemanager - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:05
DatabaseDid the latest upgrades brak something in KDM?12:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about runlevel - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:05
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flaccidoh ill just use kcontrol12:05
fdovingDatabase: in dapper?12:07
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DatabaseYes, it's a fresh install of Dapper.12:08
DatabaseAdept said there was 100+ upgrades, so I just shrugged and installed the lot.12:08
DatabaseNow when I try and boot, it doesn't actually start KDE, just drops me into a (command-line) login screen12:09
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mkquistdatabase- when did u d/l the updates?12:10
mkquistdatabase - cause it sounds like u got the update the broke x12:10
aka_foleyhow to mount for all the next time my ext3 http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22311 it doesn't work12:11
mkquistdatabase - on the site, theres instructions on the fix12:11
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aka_foleyplease help me12:13
DatabaseCould you give me a link, please, mkquist?12:13
DatabaseWassup AKA?12:13
mkquistdatabase - gimme a sec12:14
DatabaseSure :D12:14
=== Jucato counts... more than a second passed by...
ketsugiHm, Konversation 1.0 isn't in the repos yet12:14
=== ketsugi goes to compile it himself
insanekaneDatabase: look in /etc/inittab12:14
aka_foleyhow to mount the ext3 for ever12:14
JohnFluxaka_foley: hey12:14
DatabaseInsanekane, you lost me.12:15
Jucatoketsugi: I think they're going to make it available in backports soon12:15
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JohnFluxaka_foley: which is the problem?12:15
JohnFluxaka_foley: /media/hdb3 ?12:15
JohnFluxaka_foley: /media/hdb1  rather12:15
insanekaneDatabase: cat /etc/inittab12:15
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DatabaseWhat will that do?12:15
mkquistdatabase - http://www.ubuntu.com/FixForUpgradeIssue12:15
insanekaneDatabase: then look at the very first non-commented line12:15
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flaccidanybody know why i a may get this with ./configure checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!12:16
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JohnFluxaka_foley: if you're going to mount it forever then I think it should be in /mnt/hdb112:16
JohnFluxaka_foley: it doesn't matter12:16
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insanekaneflaccid: you should get the dev packages12:16
DatabaseOK, I'm not having that problem...12:16
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flaccidinsanekane: which dev packages are those?12:17
JohnFluxaka_foley: so when you boot, it's not actually mounting it right?12:17
Jucatoxorg-dev I think12:17
DatabaseWhen I start my computer, I'm greeted with the second image, exactlly.12:17
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aka_foleyi cant mount it anything12:17
insanekaneflaccid: xserver-xorg-dev12:17
insanekaneDatabase: do you know how to use Konsole ?12:18
insanekaneDatabase: if you do, then open a Konsole, then type cat /etc/inittab ...12:18
insanekaneDatabase: look for the first non-commented line ... something like id:2: ....12:18
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fdovingDatabase: when you boot you're greeted with the commandline, right?12:18
JohnFluxaka_foley: what error do you get?12:19
DatabaseInsanekane: I can't get that far.12:19
aka_foleymount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdb1,12:19
DatabaseAnd yes, I can use Konsole.12:19
aka_foleymissing codepage or other error12:19
aka_foleyIn some cases useful info is found in syslog - try12:19
aka_foleydmesg | tail or so12:19
aka_foleyBitte vergewissern Sie sich, dass das Gert korrekt angeschlossen ist.12:19
insanekaneDatabase: oh you are in console ... right12:19
insanekaneDatabase: ok, then just login, and type cat /etc/inittab12:19
Database.http://www.ubuntu.com/FixForUpgradeIssue?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=passwordb.png - I get that.12:19
insanekaneDatabase: ok, then just login, and type cat /etc/inittab | less12:20
insanekaneand look at the first few lines12:20
JohnFluxaka_foley: what makes you think the hard disk is on /dev/hdb1   ?12:20
insanekaneyou should have a default runlevel of 212:20
=== Database did know the runlevels :P
TeePOGdoes anyone have an idea of the following: which groups should a user belong to if he wants to be able to login over the ltsp?12:20
insanekaneDatabase: you should have a default runlevel of 2 ... something like id:2:initdefault:12:20
aka_foleyi don't know i tjink media12:21
fdovinginsanekane: i doubt it's the runlevels.12:21
fdovingDatabase: ok, can you paste the output line of 'apt-cache madison xserver-xorg-core' into the channel please?12:21
insanekanefdoving: why so ?12:21
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)12:21
fdovinginsanekane: does any app automagically change the default runlevel?12:22
Databasefdoving: I can't, Linux isn't up at the moment.12:22
fdovingDatabase: ah.12:22
JohnFluxaka_foley: what is the partition? a hard disk you added?12:22
insanekanefdoving: well, this is a common issue ... so i belived it was the runlevels12:22
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JohnFluxaka_foley: are you sure it's ext3?12:23
rascal999I have deleted a directory, is there a way to undo this?12:23
fdovinginsanekane: common runlevel issue in dapper? i've never heard of it though.. the problem i've heard of with x in dapper is the security update breaking x.12:23
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aka_foleyi think12:23
k31thwill a du -ks /home/blah tell you home much is in there? INCLUDING the places it sym links to ?12:23
JohnFluxrascal999: not really.12:23
aka_foleyi used qtparted12:24
JohnFluxrascal999: depends how badly you need it12:24
rascal999Fairly badly12:24
fdovingDatabase: do you have internet access while in the linux console?12:24
mkquistaka-foley - why ntfs?12:24
JohnFluxrascal999: ext2/3  ?12:24
Databasefdoving: I do, yes.12:24
flaccidone more ./configure error. checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.2 and < 4.0) (headers and libraries) not found. Please check your installation! ... packages available?12:24
JohnFluxrascal999: that's probably a yes then12:25
JohnFluxrascal999: google for un deleting files in ext212:25
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JohnFluxrascal999: it's not easy12:25
JohnFluxrascal999: or reliable12:25
fdovingDatabase: then first, run 'sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-core=1:1.0.2-0ubuntu10;sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart'12:25
rascal999ok, what I did was used the adduser and set it to a home directory of the files the computer removed when I deleted the user from the users and groups menu12:26
JohnFluxaka_foley: go to media:/   in konqueror12:26
JohnFluxaka_foley: do you see the hard disk there12:26
DatabaseHm, OK.12:26
aka_foleyi can see the hdd12:26
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oogiecan any one tell me what Crypto AP is?12:27
JohnFluxaka_foley: when you hover over the one you want, what device does it say ?12:27
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=== Database will copy the log onto another (sucky windoze) computer for later reference.
JohnFluxoogie: google can12:27
oogiedid that12:27
JohnFluxoogie: :-)12:27
oogiegagle more like it12:27
aka_foleythere is nothing only 3,2G12:27
=== XVirus is now known as CVirus
oogiehow do i know if i have crypto installed?12:28
JohnFluxaka_foley: what happens if you click on it?12:28
fdovingDatabase: if this is the problem i think it is, you should now get your KDM back. now, after you've got your KDM back, login to KDE and open Adept Manager, go to Manage Repositories, make sure you've got the 'dapper-updates' repository enabled. from the commandline run: 'sudo apt-get update;apt-cache madison xserver-xorg-core' it's safe to update if the versionnumber listed is ending with 10.4, if it ends with 10.3 it's a broken version from security.12:28
heinkel_111does anyone know where the monitor/screen settings at boot is configured?12:28
oogieconfig_crypto <- if i type that in the terminal, and its not a known command, then that means that i dont have crypto installed right?12:28
DatabaseI installed/updated from a fresh reformat only this morning.12:28
DatabaseBut I'll try everything you give me ::P12:29
fdovingDatabase: if you enabled security repostories but not dapper-updates you might experience this problem.12:29
DatabaseI haven't been able to enable any repositories yet.12:30
DatabaseI literially only just installed Dapper.12:30
DatabaseBut anyway, I'm gonna try it all.12:31
fdovingDatabase: ok, sounds strange, but please atleast login to linux and check 'apt-cache madison xserver-xorg-core' version ending with 10.3 is broken.12:31
DatabaseI'll try all the advice :P12:31
fdovingDatabase: versions ending with 10 and 10.4 is good.12:31
=== Database waves to Hobbsee, he knows she's watching. ;)
=== Jucato thinks Hobbsee said she's afk... :-(
DatabaseShe's talking to me in another room.12:32
JohnFluxaka_foley: in fstab, change the ext3  to auto12:32
JohnFluxaka_foley: and try again12:32
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Hobbseehey Database12:33
HobbseeJucato: i *am*12:33
DatabaseSee, she's alive! :P12:33
=== Hobbsee only heard Database asking for help in another channel
=== Jucato is confused... oh well... back to work :-D
=== Hobbsee still doesnt know what the problem is.
dhqwhen i run startx i get somany errors one of them is screen found but no valid configuration please help me i cant login to the gui of kubuntu12:34
=== Jucato still thinks Hobbsee rocks, afk or not! :-D
dhqHawkwind: when i run startx i get somany errors one of them is screen found but no valid configuration please help me i cant login to the gui of kubuntu12:35
HobbseeJucato: :)12:35
DatabaseOh well, let's go to work. :P12:36
Jucatodhq: did you upgrade or install something before this happened?12:36
dhqJucato: yes12:36
Jucatodhq: what was it?12:36
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dhqwell it was something to do with opengl12:37
dhqJucato: it affected my xorg12:37
Jucatodhq: I mean upgrade or install?12:37
dhqwell i did i upgrade ie a repotisary of opengl12:38
dhqother than that nothin12:38
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dhqJucato: anyhelp12:38
JohnFluxaka_foley: any luck?12:38
Jucatodhq: so you added a repository to your sources.list?12:38
dhqyes and upgraded it12:39
fdovingdhq: you can look at /var/log/dpkg.log to see what you installed.12:39
Hobbseedhq: and it broke.  i'm not surprised.  you shouldnt add random repositories, as you get the problem you currently experience.12:39
Jucatohm... that's tricky...12:39
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Hobbseedhq: remove the repo, and try upgrading again12:39
fdovingmight need some pinning to actually downgrade.12:39
Jucato(or uninstall whatever was uninstalled...)12:40
dhqHobbsee: i removed it tried it again12:40
dhqi uninstall xserver also12:40
Hobbseedhq: ouch.12:40
Jucatodhq: yikes? did you reinstall xserver?12:40
dhqi get this msg problem with displaydevice12:40
=== Hobbsee notes that dhq hopefully wont try this again.
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Hobbseedhq: "sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorgold.conf && sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart"12:41
Jucatodid he reinstall xserver? he said he removed it...12:41
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fdovingdhq: what mirror do you use?12:42
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dhqfdoving: de and all i guess12:42
dhqHobbsee: will just try it an be back ok12:43
JucatoI forgot to tell him to try irssi... so he won't have to go back and forth...12:44
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Jucatoalthough he won't be able to copy-paste stuff..12:44
kavit_Jucato: he could use gpm for console mouse operations12:45
Jucatowow, didn't know about that...12:45
flaccidhow can i do a ./configure and use the kde prefix option12:46
kavit_Jucato: dont know if (k)ubuntu supports it by default...i used it with slackware a lot back in the dayt12:46
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flaccidis it just --prefix12:46
fdovingkavit_: it works if you install it.12:47
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ketsugiYay, new Konversation12:47
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Jucatoketsugi: you compiled?12:47
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Jucatoheheh! 1.0 would have probably been in backports in a few days...12:47
Jucatooh well. :-D12:48
fdovingflaccid: --prefix=/usr should do, might need to specify qtdirs and such too.12:48
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ketsugiThis is easy to compile, so no biggie12:48
ketsugiFirefox, I'll wait for an official package12:48
flaccidfdoving: ty12:48
kavit_ketsugi: Firefox is a behemoth....12:48
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ketsugiYeah it's a pain to compile12:49
=== Database feels like such a fool at the moment.
fdovingDatabase: so, results?12:49
DatabaseI'm still trying to save the log to the other computer.12:50
DatabaseI'll be back when I'm done :D12:50
DatabaseBye all/12:50
fdovingDatabase: if you have internet access from the console, the only thing you have to remember is 'apt-get install irssi-text' that will install a console irc client.12:50
fdoving... .which will save alot of time and waste on rebooting and such.. :)12:51
Jucatofdoving: irssi is installed by default in Kubuntu.12:52
flaccidwhat is the kbuntu equiv of kdelibs-devel ?12:52
fdovingJucato: ok, even better :)12:52
fdovingflaccid: kdelibs4-dev12:52
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flaccidfdoving: is that what it is for dapper?12:53
Jucatofdoving: yeah. who would have thought... irssi is a helpful little critter :-D12:53
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Jucatoflaccid: yes12:53
ROBOdi have ubuntu and i like its theme, colors and icons. how can i configure kde to have the same colours and icons?12:54
flaccidhehe so many libs just to compile knetstats12:54
ROBOdplus a similar theme12:54
fdovingJucato: i use irssi all the time :)12:54
ROBOdi have manually configured the colours and now i got kde to look similar to gnome. but the icons are still the kde ones12:54
JucatoROBOd: you can try looking for similar icons,colors, themes in http://www.kde-look.org12:54
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ROBOdthanks Jucato12:55
JucatoROBOd: for reference, Ubuntu uses the Human theme12:55
ROBOdJucato: i know of that12:55
Jucatoso you could look for Human colors, Human icons, etc.12:55
stewrazhi guys, i am trying to play a video on a www (www.spikedhumor.com) i have installed the flash player correctly but i still cannot play12:55
stewrazare there any more packages i need12:55
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TeePOGJucato: that name has always struck me as absurd... I've never seen humans with icons12:56
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JucatoTeePOG: hm....12:56
JucatoI have no idea why they decided to call it that...12:56
garethsteraz, what version of flash is the site using?12:58
Jucatogareth: you can use Tab completion to help you get the names right  :-D12:59
garethi know, was being silly12:59
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JucatoGarethMB: you're the Gareth Brown who reported the Katapult - Amarok bug?01:00
GarethMBGareth Bowen yes01:00
oogieim having trpuble installing drivers lol01:00
stewrazgareth: how do i tel what version the site is using01:00
GarethMBwhen i remember how to log in01:00
Jucatorawr! sorry, bowen...01:00
HobbseeJucato: did you find out what databases problem was?01:00
GarethMBlink me to the video you are trying to watch01:00
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oogiedo i need to have crypto ap to install drivers/madwifi?01:01
oogiemadwifi more lol01:01
JucatoHobbsee: no. he left. dhq hasn't returned yet either01:01
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HobbseeJucato: heh, right.01:01
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Hobbseegoi: madwifi drivers should be instaleld by default, or in linux-restricted-modules01:04
goiit is...01:04
stewrazgarath: http://www.spikedhumor.com/articles/25497/What_Happens_When_Japanese_Babies_Are_Born.html01:04
stewrazgarath: thanks mate01:04
goibut i want newer drivers that include athctrl01:04
kavit_what is katapult?01:04
ubotukatapult is the new application launcher for KDE, to be used with applications, bookmarks, and Amarok playlists. Once you have installed, hit Alt+f2 -> katapult, then hit Alt+Space, and type what you want.01:05
flaccidah thats better01:05
flaccidknetstats installed01:05
fdovingJucato: if dhq returns i suggest he puts http://rafb.net/paste/results/qyNzkI25.nln.html in his /etc/apt/preferences, and run 'sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get -u dist-upgrade' then remove the /etc/apt/preferences file, and re-run 'apt-get -u dist-upgrade' (this is because the pin will also downgrade previous security updates too).01:05
fdovinghave to go. later.01:06
kavit_ah ok.... all these nifty new gui stuff, i feel left out :(01:06
Jucatofdoving: sure, I'll pass on the message01:06
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Jucatokavit_: it's been there for quite a while01:06
stewrazgarath: thanks01:06
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DatabaseNo dice01:06
DatabaseNothing qworked.01:06
goiwhere is the linux restricted modules located at?01:07
goii had it already installed, but i got rid of the old ones, just to get athctrl in madwifi source01:07
goiim setting up a long distance link01:08
goiwith a 2.4 ghz amplifier01:08
goino one is talking01:09
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goihelp :|01:10
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goii need to end my 6 day journey on installing drivers!01:10
phreakyslet me guess...you're messing with compiz/xgl?01:11
goii ono01:11
goiam n00b01:11
phreakysheh, me too01:11
goino on is talking in tha channel so lol01:11
phreakysno wireless support?01:11
goii had it installed already01:11
goiworked and everything01:12
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goii need new ones01:12
Hobbseegoi: it's in the repositories...01:12
phreakysnew what?01:12
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goithat include athctrl01:12
phreakysguess you need to install those manually then01:12
goii do01:12
phreakysthe repos aren't that new anyway01:12
goii know01:12
phreakysi just installed aircrack. wlan hacker01:13
phreakysyou might wanna add that too01:13
goii got that01:13
=== TeePOG is gone now, bye everyone
goihow do i change the ack time thing, with out athctrl?01:13
phreakysim not into that app sorry01:14
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phreakysjust installed java, busy with bluej stuff01:14
phreakysschool is starting again ;(01:14
phreakysbut...xgl works! :-)01:14
goiwell ill just have wait till im 50 :'(01:14
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goiisnt there an auto package or and auto installer for ubuntu-like distros?01:15
phreakystry to search for rpm/or deb maybe01:16
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phreakyssudo dpkg -i package.deb01:16
phreakyssudo alien package.rpm01:16
Jucato!gdb > Jucato01:16
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phreakyscountry day here01:17
ubotugdb: The GNU Debugger. In component main, is optional. Version 6.4-1ubuntu5 (dapper), package size 2636 kB, installed size 5384 kB01:17
Hobbsee!gdb edgy01:17
ubotugdb: The GNU Debugger. In component main, is optional. Version 6.4.90.dfsg-1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 2226 kB, installed size 4976 kB01:17
phreakysi just installed stellarium(stars and meteor stuff software)01:18
phreakysbut the fonts are screwed in xgl01:18
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phreakystried it under a normal x-session, but then its slow01:19
phreakyswith fonts normal01:19
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phreakysis there some kind of login app that makes the login go like on windoze?01:21
phreakyslike clicking the user, and enter the pw01:21
phreakysinstead of typing user01:21
Mehercleit is possible on ubuntu01:21
Meherclewith gdm01:21
phreakysnot on kde?01:21
Meherclei don't know....01:21
Jucatophreakys: I think that depends on the KDM Theme being used. but if you disable the KDM theme, you can used the default Login used by KDE01:21
Jucatothe default Login screen has what you are looking for01:22
Jucatophreakys: to disable the KDM theme, you can either edit a config file, or install "kdmtheme" to make it easier to disable/enable KDM themes or to add/remove themes01:22
phreakysaight thanks :D01:23
Meherclethx Jucato01:24
Jucatono problem01:24
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Jucatoyou can also associate a picture with each user if you use the default Login screen. The settings are in System Settings > Login Manager01:25
flaccidi get this when installing packages with apt-get DESTROY created new reference to dead object ' Qt::VBoxLayout', <> line 2 during global destruction. after its fetched01:25
flaccidany ideas?01:25
bobalamerHi everybody01:25
Meherclesame here01:25
Mehercleand Failed to open device01:26
goiIm just gonna Re-install kubuntu Just to get my drivers back01:26
Mehercleflaccid: annoying, not?01:26
goiLet Me ask, i have athctrl.c , how do i make it... work?01:26
goiinstall it i mean01:26
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flacciddoesn't appear to have an effect01:27
bobalameri'm trying to use teamspeak with an usb headphone mic from plantronic and i do manage to record sound but i'm not hearing it. any clue ?01:27
goibad drivers xD01:28
flaccidwhat is the common program to rip cds into ogg vorb?01:28
bobalamerflaccid:  grip is nice01:28
=== Database must remember that
goii can only talk to a bot in madwifi channel01:29
goino one talks right now01:29
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LynoureIs there a trigk for deleting photos when viewing them in konqueror or does one always need to go to the directory view?01:30
phreakysnice support ey?01:30
Lynoureflaccid: k3b is not bad either01:30
flaccidoh that rips cool01:31
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Jucatoflaccid: Konqueror rips, too. iirc01:31
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Lynoureflaccid: sorry, mistyped01:33
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tRSSmy usb drive should be detected automatically, when I plug it in, but that is not happening, is there a way to mount it manually?01:33
Lynoureflaccid: I meant kAudioCreator01:33
phreakyswhich style should i choose to have logos instead of user entry fields?01:33
bobalameri'm trying to use teamspeak with an usb headphone mic from plantronic and i do manage to record sound but i'm not hearing it. any clue ?01:33
Jucatophreakys: did you disable KDM themes already?01:34
Hobbseebobalamer: does it show you up as muted?01:34
Hobbseebobalamer: you need to disable kde sound, and restart teamspeak.  there is another way, but i've forgotten it01:34
bobalamerHobbsee:  in gamix i appear not mute01:34
=== Hobbsee wonders what gamix has to do with it
phreakysno, no idea how to do :/01:35
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phreakysonly thing i can do is select a theme or change some settings01:35
NotSureis there a faq for setting up a printer in kubuntu 6.06?01:35
phreakyshm, ill try some settings brb01:36
NotSurei can't seem to find the drivers for a lexmark z32 printer01:36
Jucatophreakys: where are you doing that? in KDM Theme Manager or in Login Manager?01:36
bobalamerHobbsee:  when i do  cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp1 i do hear sound in the headphone01:36
Hobbseebobalamer: iirc, teamspeak uses oss, where you can only have one input at a time.01:36
Martijn81grip is nice, but it needs an audio cable from the drive to the motherbord, it doesn't work without. Might be interesting to know for people who like to try it out01:37
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dhqHobbsee: hey01:38
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Hobbseedhq: heya01:38
dhqwith /etc/init.d/kdm restart01:38
dhqit worked01:38
Jucatothen, everything's fine now?01:38
dhqbut when i restart again i have to do the same command01:39
bobalamerHobbsee:  i wanted to use the other soundcard i have to play the sound from the game while using the usb "soundcard" for teamspeak01:39
dhqstartx dosntwork01:39
Hobbseedhq: weird.01:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about doesntwork - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:39
Hobbseebah.  they took it out01:39
Hobbseebobalamer: point.  there is a way, i just dont remember what it is, sorry01:39
Jucatodhq: message from fdoving: Jucato: if dhq returns i suggest he puts http://rafb.net/paste/results/qyNzkI25.nln.html in his /etc/apt/preferences, and run 'sudo apt-get update' 'sudo apt-get -u dist-upgrade' then remove the /etc/apt/preferences file, and re-run 'apt-get -u dist-upgrade' (this is because the pin will also downgrade previous security updates too).01:39
dhqHobbsee: i guess i have to put that service to restart when kubuntu starts01:40
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bobalamerHobbsee:  ok thanks that's too bad i'll post the question un ubuntu forum01:41
richard__Anyone running Edgy Knot 2?01:41
Hobbseebobalamer: google would get you a quicker answer, or searching the forum.01:41
Hobbseerichard__: yes01:41
richard__What you think?01:42
Jucatorichard__: me too, but I'm on Dapper now. eheheh01:42
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Jucatorichard__: too early to say anything final01:42
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Jucatobut it's coming along nicely01:42
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richard__I'm running it now, some small bugs but overall looks and runs good I feel. . .01:42
bobalamerHobbsee:  already tried that but it must be well hidden deep inside a thead about teamspeak01:43
Jucatorichard__: it's bound to have some bugs and unfinished stuff... it's still Knot 2 :-D01:43
Jucatoit's knot yet finished...01:43
Jucatodarn! this is jdong's fault....01:43
Hobbseebobalamer: quite likely.  dev team used it a bit a while ago,b ut i've forgotten01:43
HobbseeJucato: what is?01:43
Jucatothe knot puns...01:43
richard__I know. . . .but none-the-less its got all the latest stuff and I put synaptic on my system and got some software loaded that isn't typically in the standard repositories also. . .01:44
HobbseeDatabase: :P01:44
bobalamerok thank's01:44
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lukeheya, how can i play an xvid .avi in kaffeine?01:47
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lukeheya, how can i play an xvid .avi in kaffeine?01:49
Jucatoluke: install "libxine-extracodecs"01:49
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lukejucato: thanks01:49
Jucatoyou need to enable the "multiverse" repository to get that.Need to enable "universe" and/or "multiverse"? See this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu01:50
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lukealready have, but thanks for the help =)01:50
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lukeawesome it worked, thanks again jucato!01:52
phreakysgot javabeans01:52
Jucatoluke: no problem01:52
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phreakyswonder if its possible to read a fat partition from linux?01:52
JucatoFAT32? yes definitely01:53
Jucatoread and write01:53
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse01:53
JucatoNTFS is read only. you can write, but at your own risk :-D01:53
phreakysnp, its only fat32 external drive01:53
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Jucatoaah. then yes, it's going to be fine?01:54
Jucatoerr.. fine. no question mark01:54
phreakyshope so :)01:54
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phreakysits ntfs01:54
Jucatotoo bad... :-(01:55
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ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse01:57
aliasfredhmm i remember some stuff able to read/write on ntfs01:57
aliasfredusing window dll01:57
Martijn81native dll's are evil01:58
Jucatorawr! eheheh01:58
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ubuntuI just had a thought...01:58
ubuntu.nick Database01:59
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DatabaseI'd changed the display settings after I upgraded.01:59
aliasfredhttp://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_NTFS_write_with_Captive_approach and http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Mount_Windows_partitions_%28DOS%2C_FAT%2C_NTFS%29 was what i remembered01:59
aliasfredhttp://linux-ntfs.org/ is about this too02:00
aliasfredwould be nice to put those in the bot02:01
Jucatoand that ntfs-3g thing. but they're all still... not yet stable? but usable02:01
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aliasfredi dunno how stable it is, but i guess those info would be usefull to some users. as using their window partitions is important to them :)02:02
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EvilIdlerCaptive is sorta usable and stable..at 512 bytes per second02:05
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aliasfredso you say captive solution is slow, what about the libntfs stuff ?02:06
aliasfred(apparently ntfs-3g is like a fork or a mega patch of libntfs. from http://www.linux-ntfs.org/component/option,com_frontpage/Itemid,1/02:07
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EvilIdlerI've only tried Captive, but fuse is newer and supposedly working for read and write.02:08
EvilIdlerIf you onlu need to read, you can use built-in NTFS support.02:08
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EvilIdlerMy NIC is not connecting anywhere - gigabit network card with an RTL8169/8110s chipset that I've been trying to get working for days now.02:13
EvilIdlerIt works in two other computers here - my fileserver has the exact same card.02:13
EvilIdlerThe server is also running Ubuntu02:13
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Hobbsee!info amarok-arts dapper02:18
ubotuamarok-arts: aRts engine for the amaroK audio player. In component main, is optional. Version 2:1.3.9-0ubuntu4 (dapper), package size 59 kB, installed size 280 kB02:19
Jucatohm... forgot to check backports for Kopete again02:19
Jucatonope, still not there. Maybe they're going to release Kopete and Konvi at the same time?02:20
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EvilIdlerGah, starting to suspect a broken motherboard/PCI slots here :/02:21
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ubuntuhello every body02:22
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flaccidi change settings for kdm in kcontrol and they don't appear to all come through02:26
flaccidis there a file kubuntu is overwriting?02:26
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Jucatoflaccid: i was asking you whether the settings you changed were in "KDM THemen Manager" or in "Login Manager" in KControl or System Settings02:27
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JucatoWhat are the different kinds of themes in KDE? http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1255036&postcount=3What are the different kinds of themes in KDE? http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1255036&postcount=302:27
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Jucatoflaccid: sorry about that.02:28
Jucatos/ Themen/ Theme02:28
Jucatoflaccid: the settings in "Login Manager" won't take effect or be seen if KDM is still using a theme02:29
flaccidhow do i not use a theme for kdm?02:29
Jucatoand KDM themes can only be disabled or enabled by editing a config file or by installing "kdmtheme" so that a KDM Theme Manager option would be added in KControl02:29
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flaccidok i install it02:30
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gan|y|medaccess to my firewire harddisk (copying) gives me 25 mb/s on the fat32 partition, but only 1.5 mb/s on the reiserfs and the ext2 partition. why?02:30
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Fadegan|y|med: look at what's happening with iostat02:31
Fadeit is in the systat package.02:31
gan|y|medFade: how do i do that?02:31
Fadesysstat, sorry.02:32
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Fadewell, you install sysstat pacakge , kick off a file transfer to your firewire disk, and then in another terminal start iostat02:32
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Fadelike this: iostat 102:33
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Fadeand it will update every second. the stats will show you what the system knows about the iostate of the kernel.02:33
gan|y|medwhat shall i look at?02:34
Fadewell, it'll tell you what the processor is spending its time doing.02:34
Fadeit'll give the breakdown of the %user %nice %system %iowait %steal %idle02:35
FadeI suspect the relevant statistic is iowait.02:35
Fadeis the system heavily loaded?02:35
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FadeI've never seen ext2 underperform fat32 on any disk. :)02:36
gan|y|mediowait is 88,89 % for reiserfs and 34,00 % for fat3202:36
=== Fade nods
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Fadewhat is the relative throughput on reiser?02:37
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databaseOK, I found the problem.02:37
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gan|y|medwhich ine is it?02:37
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gan|y|medBlk_wrtn/s ?02:38
databaseMy problem was caused by trying to set up both screens properly.02:38
Fadewell, it'll measure blks/second read and right underneath the cpureport.02:38
Fadeare you writing or reading?02:38
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gan|y|medwrite to the reiserfs and the fat32 on the ieee device from a reiserfs (for both)02:39
databaseWhen dual-screening instead of cloning, KDM's GUI won't start, and switching sessions to the X server won't work.02:39
Fadeif you start it with the -m option it will show the throughput in megabytes/sec02:39
Fadefor each partition.02:39
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Fadehas anybody noticed that amarok is broken on a recent update in dapper?02:40
gan|y|medokay, it happens only in the direction hda to sda. sda to hda works with 25mb/s02:41
Fademy guess is that your ide controller isn't all it should be. :)02:41
Fadeor the driver for it.02:41
gan|y|medand now?02:42
Fadeis dma turned on for hda?02:43
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gan|y|medyes. and i don't have any problem copying things within the hda partitions02:43
gan|y|medgo to #paste to see my hdparm output02:44
SonicChaoI just joined, gan|y|med02:45
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gan|y|medso i can read from sda without problems, but i cannot write to it02:46
gan|y|medFade: any idea?02:48
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Fadeyou're going to have to google for your setup and see if anybody else has reported anything similar.02:50
gan|y|medI#ll do02:50
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gan|y|medany other idea what it could be02:50
Fadecheck the mount options02:50
gan|y|medwhat is noatime?02:50
Fadeby default reiser is quite conservative.02:51
gan|y|medbut the same for ext2?02:51
gan|y|medfor reiser and for ext2 the options in fstab are: defaults,noauto,rw,exec,sync,user02:51
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Fadetake the 'sync' option out02:52
gan|y|medbut then i could lose data02:52
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Fadewith a journaled filesystem the odds of that are long indeed, but this is just an experiment.02:52
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Fadeyou shouldn't be using ext2 anyhow.02:52
gan|y|medno option02:53
gan|y|mednow it works. but isn't this fake?02:53
FadeI don't understand your question. 'fake' how?02:53
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gan|y|medi thought sync means it does not buffer things, like linux shows things to have been copied, but they are finally copied when you umount. that's why it is so dangerous when you get a system crash02:55
FadeI don't know who you have been talking to, but that isn't how asynchronous filesystems work.02:55
Fadeyes, data is buffered (your disk probably has several megabytes of cache in hardware)02:56
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Fadebut it is written out when the disk bus is quiescent.02:56
Fadenot when the disk is unmounted.02:56
Fadein practice that works out to a few times a second.02:56
gan|y|medbut shouldn't it work with syncing, too.02:57
fdovingyou can read about sync if you got to man:/usr/share/man/man8/sync.8.gz in konq.02:57
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Fadethe sync option turns off caching, which means every operation goes straight down the bus to the platters.02:57
=== Fade touches his nose and points at fdoving
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gan|y|medwhich is the standard for windows as this is meant to avoid data loss02:58
Fadewell, not quite02:58
Fadefat32 is about as dumb as a filesystem gets.02:58
RawSewageVENICE (Reuters) - Queen Elizabeth was unable to comprehend the British public's grief at Princess Diana's death in 1997, but was finally convinced to cast aside stiff royal protocol by British Prime Minister Tony Blair, a new film suggests.02:59
RawSewagewrong channel02:59
Fadethere's just no notion in the driver of (a)syncronicity, so it uses the hardware caching no matter what.02:59
RawSewageI knew I'd do that eventually02:59
JucatoRawSewage: link please? :-D03:00
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Jucatoheheh thanks!03:00
Fadegan|y|med: capice?03:02
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gan|y|medsorry, had to change place03:06
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moustafaHello every body03:06
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moustafaI am from Egypt cairo , Pyramids st.03:07
moustafa18 male03:07
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gan|y|medFade: yes, it is not that difficult. but why is it then that the cache is shown as disabled in winxp no matter what the fs is?03:07
moustafaany strong girl here?03:08
Fadeyou'd have to ask in #windows. I have no idea.03:08
Fademoustafa: are you serious? lol03:08
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gan|y|medlol? why?03:08
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gan|y|medokay, i think i don't need to know it that urgent03:09
CVirusmoustafa: dont act like an arab teenager03:09
moustafaShall i enter your paradise Senioreta?03:09
gan|y|medwhat the hell is going on here?03:09
CVirusgan|y|med: a dirty arab wants to have cyber fun03:10
moustafais that the w.c?03:10
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moustafahey hey03:10
moustafai am a poss03:10
moustafai just fun with people here03:10
moustafai need help03:11
gan|y|medso you think that he comes to a channel of a system that barely 2 % of all pc users use for anything related to sex?03:11
CVirusmoustafa: this channel isnt meant for fun .. its meant for support03:11
moustafai installed java03:11
moustafabut i want to turn it on03:11
moustafato can build sites03:11
moustafain ubuntu03:11
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gan|y|medis java in the repos?03:11
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moustafain the shell03:12
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Fademoustafa is arabic for 'troll'03:12
loginovj norilsk03:12
moustafathanks for helping me03:12
fdovingmoustafa: could you please compose a one line question, with the description and some useful information about your problem?03:13
moustafai need to install java for my Linux ubuntu03:13
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository03:13
moustafathanks alot03:14
fdovingyou're welcome.03:14
Fadein irc everybody is autistic. ;)03:14
moustafathank you03:14
Fadeham? I thought you said grasshopper.03:15
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arkygeekanyone have dri for their i915 running?03:19
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Fadedidn't intel recently release a full spec on that chip?03:19
arkygeekFade: i think so03:19
FadeI'm stuck with a radeon in my powerbook.03:20
arkygeekbut i just cant seem to make it work for whatever reason03:20
FadeI hate sekret hardware.03:20
arkygeekati better than nvidia in that dept though03:20
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arkygeekand didnt intel just but ati?03:20
arkygeekor was that someone else?03:20
Fadeati's graphics driver suck donkey dick. I've never had a problem with nvidia.03:20
Fadeexcept on 'unusal' platforms like powerpc where nobody releases the damn drivers.03:21
Fadeamd bought ati03:21
gan|y|medFade: you use ubuntu on a powerpc?03:21
FadeOS X is a terrible unix, and I need a good toolchain to do my work.03:22
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fdovingi use kubuntu on powerpc too. :)'03:22
arkygeeki am trying to get aiglx on mine... not easy though03:22
arkygeekcant get direct rendering to work03:22
=== Raven [n=RavenTes@Kitchener-HSE-ppp3574595.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu
Fadeit's solid, but there are some integration issues, and there are a few quirks with ubuntu (as opposed to debian) that kind of bug me.03:22
Fadefor one, it isn't totally clear what the 'standard' proceedure is for generating a custom kernel is.03:23
Fadei've been doing it raw debian style.. but things like the splash screen break, even when reusing the ubuntu kernel configs.03:23
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Fadearkygeek: I don't have any advice for you, unfortunately.03:24
gan|y|medi do it the traditional kernel kind of way always03:24
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gan|y|medand i dont like splash screens. i wanna see what is going on03:25
doogersLet's go back!03:25
FadeI know what's going on for the most part, but the fact that it's there by default and breaks if you change to a custom kernel bothers me.03:26
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gan|y|medwhat bothers me more is the lack of speed compared to "other" systems03:28
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Fadegan|y|med: ellaborate03:28
Fadeare you an ex-gentoo user? :)03:28
Braberyhi guys03:29
Braberyhow can i get connect to a efnet server03:29
Fadewhat client?03:29
Fadetry /server irc.efnet.net03:30
gan|y|medbut i use initng now (gentoo origin)03:30
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Braberygr8... i could connect to efnet...03:32
Braberybut can i get a list of avail channels like in MIRC?03:32
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Fadewindow->channel list for <network>03:33
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Braberygr8... thanks for ur help03:34
gan|y|medand i learnt sth. :)03:35
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gan|y|medthe channel stuff03:36
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gan|y|medich lese gerade "gefhle lesen" von paul ekman03:37
gan|y|medsorry, wrong window03:37
Jack_SparrowHello all.  How do I not show part and join info in Konversation?03:37
=== Fade looks at the settings menu
Fade'configure notifications'03:38
Fade'configure konversation'>chat window>hide join/part/nick events03:40
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Jack_Sparrowthanks fade03:40
Jack_Sparrowwill look now03:40
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Jack_Sparrowfade I dont see that option there03:41
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Jack_SparrowI see it now..03:42
Jack_Sparrowtwo chat window sections in there.. didnt see that before..  Thanks..03:42
misieqhow do i enable my multimedia keys on keyboard? (like next, home page, vol up etc.)03:42
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Lynouremisieq: in my case it was a matter of choosing the right keyboard type from the settings03:43
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Fademisieq: system settings -> regional and accessibility -> keyboard shortcuts03:44
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misieqFade: the problem is it's not "reading" the keys03:44
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LetzeTeilsomeone inthere?03:44
atidemmisieq: use xmodmap03:44
Lynouremisieq: system settings -> regional and accessibility -> keyboard layout03:44
Lynouremisieq: can you find yours under Keyboard model?03:45
LetzeTeili have to install a software but my libc is not sufficiently update. It is safe to upgrade it from warty?03:45
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misieqi have trust 305 ks deskset, i'll try with trust direct access03:46
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misieqi think it works :) when i press next on kb it says "xf86audionext" :)03:47
databaseHey, juts out of interest...03:48
databaseIs there a command-line CD player, that you can get through apt-get?03:48
misieqcan't you search apt for cd player?03:48
databaseUhh... I could try. :p03:49
fdovingdatabase: abcde is nice.03:49
fdovingdatabase:'apt-cache search cd player' is also nice.03:49
databaseHeh, OK.03:50
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milian_is there an alternative to kompose ?03:51
Fadewhat is kompose?03:52
ubotukompose: full screen task manager for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.3-1.3 (dapper), package size 92 kB, installed size 432 kB03:52
Skrotmisieq: You get a kompose-like feature with xgl/aiglx and compiz03:52
Lynouremilian_: What should be different about it?03:52
misieqSkrot: i wasn't asking, milian_ was ;)03:53
Skrotoh, right03:53
milian_there is a bug in either kompose or xvkbd because when I try to show kompose via the shell it is run *very often* and my pc eventually crashes03:53
milian_this only happens whith kompose (like katapult and such do work perfectly)03:53
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milian_i want to map kompose on one of my mouse buttons...03:54
milian_or is there anyone who could try to do what i do and say, if this happens to him aswell ?03:54
milian_maybe it's just my stupid pc...03:54
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jmichaelxdoes anyone here use or know anything about 'gtkpod'?03:54
Lynouremilian_: you can use e.g. the applet to set the frequencies. I'm not sure what you meant by "show kompose via the shell"03:55
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misieqjmichaelx: i know something :) it's utility to connect to your ipod ;P03:55
Mehercleneed video editing software03:55
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ubotukino: Non-linear editor for Digital Video data. In component main, is extra. Version 0.80-1ubuntu7 (dapper), package size 1071 kB, installed size 3616 kB03:55
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jmichaelxmisieq: i am trying to add a video podcast to my ipod using gtkpod, and i cannot for the life of me figure out how to do that03:56
misieqjmichaelx: i don't have an ipood nor do i use the util, but i'll try to help..03:56
misieqoh, haven't seen03:56
misieqjmichaelx: you tried ipod: kioslave?03:56
milian_Lynoure: I set up kompose to show via the global shortcut "alt + shift + w" - via the shell I can now do the following: `xvkbd -text "\AW"` - which is the same as pressing those buttons03:57
jmichaelxmisieq: my impression is tthat gtkpod is not fully functional03:57
misieqjmichaelx: you might be right ;)03:57
jmichaelxi installed ipod kioslave, but have not used it (nor do i know how lol)03:57
misieqhave you tried ipod: kioslave?03:57
misieqin konqueror type "ipod:/"03:57
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ubotuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto03:58
jmichaelxty misi03:58
milian_Lynoure: what do you mean by "use the applet to set the frequencies" ?03:58
Lynouremilian_: sounds like a quite slow way, what do you use it for?03:58
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misieqjmichaelx: np.03:58
milian_Lynoure: To map the 10th button of my MX1000 button to kompose03:59
milian_(via xbindkeys)03:59
Fadewhat is the default activation key for katapult?03:59
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misieqFade: alt+space03:59
milian_alt + space ?03:59
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jmichaelxmisieq: ipod kioslave gave the error "we are not able to handle podcasts right now"04:00
Ryoga85why am I banned in #kubuntu-de ?04:00
misieqjmichaelx: then you have your answer04:00
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Lynouremilian_: the Global shortcuts go not work for that?04:00
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jmichaelxmy answer is 'do not use ipod with linux'04:00
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misieqjmichaelx: no, my answer is do not use ipood ;)04:01
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jmichaelxmisieq: if that is what you want :-P04:01
Roldyxi have ubuntu brezzy, and i want dapper04:01
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ubotudapper is the 4th and latest release of Ubuntu. Version 6.06 LTS, codename "Dapper Drake"04:01
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Roldyxhow to update?04:01
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://help.ubuntu.com/community/BreezyUpgrade  Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DapperUpgrades  Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development version.04:01
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milian_Lynoure: No - the command I showed you (`xvkbd -text "\AW"`) does work - but it looks like it sends the key event on and on - kompose doesnt stop showing up and my pc crashes eventually04:02
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milian_because other programs work I thought it was a kompose bug - but I am not sure...04:02
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misieqjmichaelx: is that what you want? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/iPodVideoTransferring04:03
Ryoga85I have a question. how to connect to a WPA protected WLAN with kubuntu?04:03
misieqjmichaelx: or this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/iPodVideo04:03
Lynouremilian_: that is not the default shortcut for kompose, win+tab is, so I cannot try yours now04:04
jmichaelxmisieq: may be..... thanks for going out of your way to help. i will read both of those04:04
milian_Lynoure: If you want to use my combo and test it: It's Alt + Shift + W (which is "\AW" for xvkbd)04:05
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mpeg4ip - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:05
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FadeRyoga85: it isn't possible except with some very specific wifi cards.04:05
Mehercle**ERROR: [yuvscaler]  Could'nt read YUV4MPEG header!04:05
Fademost of the wifi implementations in the 802.11g world are sekret.04:05
Ryoga85<Fade> I have an Intel chipset04:06
Fadeintel might work.04:06
Fadetry configuring it with the wireless assistant.04:06
Ryoga85it works great with unprotectednetworks and WEP encryption, but I found no way to configure the WPA encryption04:07
fdovingthere is no way to configure WPA with wireless assistant.04:07
fdovingwhat card do you have?04:07
Fadeyou'll have to google it. wpa has lagged the other types because of driver issues.04:07
Lynouremilian_: Sorry, not wanting to shuffle shortcuts now. hmm04:07
milian_no problem, thanks anyways04:07
Fadefor instance, the airport extreme card in my powerbook doesn't work even with wep.04:08
Meherclecan someone  help me with this :  **ERROR: [yuvscaler]  Could'nt read YUV4MPEG header!04:08
milian_I'll try skippy now - does seem to be something similar04:08
fdovingRyoga85: take a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo04:08
Fadebut works for open nets.04:08
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Ryoga85<fdoving> Intel PRO/Wireless 2200BG04:08
fdovingFade: i'm currently using airport extreme with WPA.04:08
Faedwhat kernel?04:08
fdovingcurrent edgy. but it has been working since dapper.04:08
fdovingall you need is wpa-supplicant.04:09
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fdovingthen follow the howto.04:09
=== Fade checks it out
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@cpc2-ipsw1-0-0-cust376.colc.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu
fildofade. what channel u running it on ?04:09
fildoi had issues with an ipw2100 on my toshiba wif kubuntu04:10
fildobut @ the end i need to install wifi-radar04:10
fildon change my linksys to chan 104:10
fildoand it worked04:10
FadeI've tried it on several, but so far haven't been able to get it working.04:10
fildou on dapper04:11
fildois it internal or external04:11
FadeI've actually been considering moving up to the dev release04:11
fildoexternal as in pcmcia04:11
Fadeit's an internal airport. broadcom 4603, iirc.04:11
fildois it configured04:12
Fadeboth internal and external cards connect to pcmcia bus, I think.04:12
fildocan u iwlist scanning ?04:12
Fadeyeah, the driver sees it. I can see networks.04:12
fildodrv. issue for sure04:12
fildoi had to flash mine, for fedora04:12
fildobut on kubuntu worked straight away04:13
Fadeit works on open nets.04:13
fildoexplain open nets?04:13
Fadealthough wireless assistant fails to connect every time.04:13
Fadenon-wep non-wpa04:13
jmichaelxmisieq: i got the video podcast to transfer finally, but it does not show up on the ipod the way it should. at least it is there, though04:13
FadeI can connect using networkmanager or manually.04:13
fildowhats ur /etc/network/interfaces04:13
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fildohave for the device04:13
jmichaelxmisieq: thanks for the links04:13
fdovingFade: networkmanager supports WPA.04:14
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Fadewell, I'll give it another crack when I get some time.04:14
fildoit dose04:14
J-a-rI'm running my Airport extreme(Atheros) in my mac mini with dapper and wpa_supplicant and it even performs better than with MacOSX for some reason.04:14
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fildostrange J-a-r04:15
Fadeis there a 'building custom kernels' howto for ubuntu?04:15
fildoi would run 0sx04:15
fildobut depends what mac04:15
J-a-rYea it's very strange but I don't complain. :)04:15
Fadebleh. os x is teh crap. :)04:15
fildo*nix so much better04:16
fildothen any os in the world04:16
fildon kde for desktop management04:16
Fadefdoving: do you have a decent flashplayer on your ubuntu/ppc setup?04:16
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Fadeplan9 > unix > osx > $everything_else04:17
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fdovingFade: no, and i don't want one either. (i don't like flash)04:19
ubuntucan any one tell me what program do you use and watch tv with, i have a hauppauge wintv card04:19
FadeI don't like it either, but more and more of the web is becoming unseeable without it.04:20
Fadeubuntu -- I like mythtv04:20
Ryoga85motv or something04:20
Ryoga85i'm not at mypc so I can't check04:20
Mnabil is there a 'building custom kernels' howto for ubuntu??04:21
Fadekdetv is pretty good if you just want to look at channels.04:21
FadeMnabil: excellent question! do you know the answer? :)04:21
ubuntucant seem to get the channels tuned in04:21
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fdovingMnabil: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/forum/software/CustomKernel04:21
Fadexawtv is the most basic player. some options for dealing with tuning issues.04:22
noyouHello, with an 80GB Hard Disk. How should I make my partitions? I want multiple ones. you know ,one for /usr, one for /home, one for /etc... etc..04:22
MnabilFade, no ,04:22
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FadeI only ask because I asked about ten minutes ago. fdoving: thx04:22
Jucatoone for / (root), one for swap, one for /home <--- the most basic04:22
Fadeamarok is totally busted.04:22
fdovingFade: you can checkout swf-player, and libflash-mozplugin - haven't tested either of them myself thouh.04:23
JucatoFade: what do you mean?04:23
Fadeyeah. they don't work.04:23
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Fadejucato -- it won't start. loops on an sqlite call at startup. I filed a bug earlier today.04:23
Fadeat least on powerpc.04:23
fdovingFade: what version of amarok?04:24
Fadeii  amarok               1.4.2-0ubuntu2~dappe versatile and easy to use audio player for KDE04:24
JucatoFade: from Kubuntu.org?04:24
fdoving amarok | 2:1.4.2-0ubuntu304:24
fdovingworks nicely on edgy.04:24
FadeI'm moving to edgy. what do the sourcelines look like?04:25
Jucatoworks also in Dapper04:25
Jucatoit's probably a PPC issue?04:25
Fadewell, I can prove conclusively that it doesn't work on this instance of dapper.04:25
Fadeit might be a ppc issue.04:25
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abattoirFade: could you paste the error messages? on pastebin?04:25
ubuntuwhats the best for you Ubuntu or Kubuntu04:26
Fadeit's in the bugreport.04:26
JucatoFade: bug report # please?04:26
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Jucatoif you would be so kind04:26
abattoirFade: the link for that please?04:26
fdovingfade, jucato, i run that on edgy powerpc.04:27
Jucatofdoving: I think he's running Dapper04:27
Fadewhat's the apt line to move to edgy from dapper?04:27
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JucatoFade: not recommended to use as your main OS04:28
abattoirFade: edgy to dapper or dapper to edgy?04:28
abattoiroops sorry, my mistake04:28
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ubuntuim using live cd and want to know which ones best Gnome Ubuntu & KDE Kubuntu04:28
Fadedapper -> edgy04:28
ubuntuso i can install it04:28
Jucatoubuntu: it's a matter of personal preference. but since you asked in the #kubuntu channel...04:28
abattoirubuntu: hi, you are in #kubuntu, so, we'd say Kubuntu :)04:28
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heinkel_111ubuntu: this is like stepping into the church, and ask if there are any believers :)04:30
Fadethere must be a howto that gives the apt sources to dist-upgrade to edgy.04:31
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://help.ubuntu.com/community/BreezyUpgrade  Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DapperUpgrades  Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development version.04:31
fdovingFade: as jucato says, moving to dapper is not recommended unless you're know your way around apt-get/dpkg.04:31
fdovingFade: and expect some problems.04:31
noyouI'm gonna create these partitions: /, /tmp, /var, /usr, /usr/local, /home. Whats the advisable size for an 80gb disk? Please, I'm on the livecd right now, waiting for answers :P04:31
FadeI've been a debian user for ten years.04:31
JucatoFade: and expect almost daily updates04:31
ubuntui have used so many this week, SUSE, Ubuntu, knoppix, drapper, etc04:31
Fadewell, nine.04:32
fdovingnoyou: is this going to be a desktop machine?04:32
noyoufdoving: yes.04:32
fdovingnoyou: multiple users or more or less one?04:32
noyoufdoving: more or less one :P04:32
Fadeis the tree tagged 'edgy'?04:32
=== aliasfred [n=fred@94.43.102-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu
aliasfrednfs over 100mbit ethernet is nice :)04:33
Fadeit's even nicer over 10G/E. ;)04:34
fdovingnoyou: then i would ask you to reconsider the number of partitions. I would recommend having / and /home basically.  then i suggest symlinking or mount --bind'ing /usr/local to /home/usrlocal or similar, that way you can reinstall keeping the data on /home unformatted, and format the / partition without loosing /usr/local and /home.04:35
fdovingnfs rocks over 11mbit wlan too :)04:35
noyouI see. Thanks.04:35
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ubuntui run a boys football team and have a website i keep up to date, do any one no of any good HTML editors which are each to use like MS Frontpage04:38
JucatoNvu or Quanta+ (Quanta Plus) or Bluefish04:39
gan|y|medtry quanta04:39
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gan|y|medbluefish is not frontpaghe liek04:39
Jucatoaah sorry04:39
gan|y|medbut very good04:39
ubuntueasy to use04:39
gan|y|medbut has some speed issues04:39
aliasfredq. is there a good tools to hide all the historical complexity of nfs configuration ?04:39
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Fadescreem is apparently pretty clicky.04:40
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aliasfredoh the fade answer wasnt for me :)04:41
aliasfreddont laught, im desapointed :)04:41
Jucatook.. sorry :)04:42
ubuntuthe other thing is i need to copy my site from my 1st harddrive on my second on but i cant mount it ?04:42
gan|y|medspecify "can't mountit"04:42
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ubuntui have 2 harddrives, one windows (crap) and the 2nd with Kubuntu04:43
ubuntubu Kubuntu will not let me view the windows drive04:44
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ubuntucomes up with "can not mount device"04:46
fdovingaliasfred: do you have 'kdenetwork-filesharing'  installed? it has a nice right-click on directory -> share thing.. supports nfs and samba.04:46
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ubuntudont have it installed04:47
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dariusbonsoir a tous04:49
shinryuBonsoir ^04:50
Admiral_Chicagodarius, bonjour. it n'a y pas soir ici04:50
Admiral_Chicagoblah, horrible french....04:50
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dariusricain pas terrible04:50
dariusalors tu peux parler04:51
aliasfredfdoving: oh this one is for me. thanks i will look04:51
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.04:51
sleeptyperany news about the ability to run 32b in 64b (k)ubuntu ?04:51
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fdovingaliasfred: you get a kcm module named 'fileshare' to configure the system. 'kcmshell filesharing' or use kcontrol, it doesn't appear in system settings.04:52
fdovingjust for the record.04:53
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JucatoI wonder if the time will come when you can edit/adjust System Settings modules, like you could KControl...04:54
fdovingyou can, it's open source :)04:54
fdovingi like 'kcmshell' :)04:54
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fdovingkcmshell --list, and kcmshell modulename04:55
Fadewell, maconlinux is the bomb shit.04:55
Jucatofdoving: yeah. but I mean, KControl has KControlEdit. Wonder when System Settings will have SystemSettingsEdit04:55
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Jucato(what a long name)04:55
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fdovinggood question, the default kcontrol is a mess when you first start to use it.04:57
goiam leaving linux, goodbye kubuntu/linux for ever :D04:57
Jucatoanyway, the new System Settings is great!04:57
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fdovinggoi: bye.04:57
goihello user friendly windows but no packet injection os -_-04:57
Jucatobye goi! have fun wherever your road takes you04:57
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sleeptyperonly userfriendly Windows is the one left uninstalled :P04:58
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JucatoI found Win98 to be a bit user friendly. eheheh!04:59
fdovingi find kubuntu userfriendly :)04:59
gan|y|medi find kubuntu userfriendly and slow04:59
PeakerThey all have their quirks, however people are much more tolerant to Windows quirks.. Probably cause they're used to them and know how to work around them05:00
Skroti find kubuntu userfriendly and fast enough ;)05:00
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gan|y|medand btw, you can make things userunfriendly by trying to improve them. happened with m$, happened with kubuntu05:00
gan|y|medlook at konqueror05:00
SkrotPeaker: That's my theory as well05:01
fdoving.. anyway #kubuntu-offtopic for non-support related social chatting.05:01
gan|y|medlook at the network module for kcontrol05:01
SkrotWhat about konqueror? And how did *kubuntu* make it unusable? :)05:01
=== Jucato is one of the few who thinks Konqi is great....
SkrotI love konqi :)05:01
emanueltkubuntu can replace win xp and the vista05:01
Jucatofdoving: don't you just wish we could move conversations like we move threads in the forums? eheheh05:01
PeakerKonqueror is awsome. Best browser out there05:01
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gan|y|medokay, i am not allowed to talk here. but just compare konq in etch and dapper... btw. i like kubuntu, that doesn't mean i am blind05:02
fdovingJucato: i can move users :)05:02
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Jucatofdoving: lol05:02
Skrotgan|y|med: I've tried both. Konqueror looks exactly the same here..05:02
fdovingbut i'm just too nice.05:02
rohanthe kubuntu.org site says that there are newer versions of k3b and ktorrent available in backports .. i dont find then in dist-upgrade05:02
gan|y|medno it doesnt05:02
rohanwhat figures ?05:02
gan|y|medi have both runnning05:02
Jucatogan|y|med: you can talk here, just not about that topic :-D05:02
Skrotgan|y|med: I dist-upgraded my dapper though, so my old settings are intact05:02
Jucatorohan: by any chance, are you using au.archive.ubuntu.com?05:03
rohanJucato: no. just archive.ubuntu.com05:03
gan|y|medthat's what i meant. sry for my verbal inaccuracy05:03
SkrotHow kubuntu is improving/getting worse is a valid discussion for #kubuntu imo05:03
Jucatorohan: make sure that "dapper-backports" is enabled05:03
Skrotgan|y|med: What have they done to konqueror in edgy to make it less userfriendly?05:03
rohanJucato: it is05:03
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fdovingSkrot: #kubuntu is for support, #kubuntu-devel for development, #kubuntu-offtopic for other stuff.05:04
rohandeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper-backports main restricted universe05:04
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Jucatodid you "sudo apt-get update" after you enabled it? and don't "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"05:04
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gan|y|medwell, then look at the profile management. standard in kubuntu breezy was to disable profile loading (changed in dapper, an improvement), but there still only two profiles05:04
rohanJucato: yes, i did both05:04
gan|y|medi don't use edgy. sry, i need a stable system here05:05
Skrotgan|y|med: okay, I've got to admit I don't use profiles :>05:05
JucatoI use profiles. they're great. I don't use the default ones, though. I immediately make my own05:05
Jucatobut that's just me..05:05
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SkrotI too configure konqueror, but I don't go switching between profiles05:06
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fdovinggan|y|med: you can make your own profiles. no restrictions on that part.05:06
Jucatogan|y|med: "sudo apt-get upgrade"?05:06
JucatoI think gan|y|med's issue is that there are only 2 profiles by default?05:06
gan|y|medit is not about who is right or wrong, it is just the way it is. some things shouldn't be touched unless you really have reason, not just pseudo user friendlyness. that is m$ behaviour. and i think most people here know this05:06
gan|y|medtake the network module. it is useless05:07
fdovinggan|y|med: http://kubuntu.org/faq.php#konqueror05:07
Jucatowhich network module?05:07
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rohanJucato: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.05:07
rohanand k3b is still 0.12.1405:07
rohananyone actually pulled in .17 from dapper-backports ?05:07
gan|y|medthe one in kcontrol05:07
Jucatorohan: how about KTorrent?05:07
rohanJucato: oh, i dont use ktorrent :)05:08
jdongrohan: there is no .17 in backports yet05:08
rohani dont have it installed either05:08
jdongsoyuz bug prevents it right now05:08
Jucatono k3b 0.17 in backports yet05:08
jdongworking on fixing it05:08
rohanjdong: oh, the kubuntu site says so .. ok, no hurry :)05:08
Jucatorawr! ehehe05:08
rohansoyuz ?05:08
jdongrohan: launchpad build system05:08
rohanjdong: oh, ok :)05:08
Jucatojdong: is Riddel going to edit the announcement?05:08
rohanjdong: thanks for your and others' excellent work on the backports05:08
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Jucatogan|y|med: Network Settings?05:09
jdongJucato: I don't know... it will be accurate in a few days, so why bother :)05:09
Jucatogan|y|med: isn't that a part of KDE? not Kubuntu?05:09
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JucatoAFAIK, "Network Settings" is from KDE. the only stuff that Kubuntu added are  the ones from kde-guidance05:10
gan|y|medi am just talking about userfriendlyness. i am not blaming kubuntu or kde. and i don't know who is responsible for not repairing it05:10
Jucatoah. but you were talking about one thing that Kubuntu touched, then talking about something Kubuntu didn't touch. so I was confused05:11
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gan|y|medthe issue is that one network connection blocks the other one (e.g. eth0 blocks eth1) and i cannot use the network module (not the manager for wlan!) to enable/disable connections05:11
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Jucatoah I see...05:12
JucatoI've never had much use for KDE's network stuff...05:12
lloydhow do I show the "computer" icon in Kubuntu?05:12
gan|y|medeven if i could, i don't get why one connections block the other. this is solved in winxp in a better way05:12
fdovinggan|y|med: did you report a bug about it?05:12
Jucatolloyd: the closest you could get would be a "system icon05:12
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lloydJucato: thanks...where is it?05:12
Jucatolloyd: right-click on the desktop, select Create New > Link to location (URL)05:13
gan|y|medno. did not have the time. maybe i should. but the problem has been present since breezy at least05:13
Jucatolloyd: then in the "Enter link to location" field, type in "system no quotes05:13
Jucatogan|y|med: I think you should file it with KDE itself05:13
fdovinggan|y|med: if noone reports the bug its less likely it will be fixed.05:13
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Jucatolloyd: name it whatever you like, the default would be "System" but you're free to call it "Computer"05:14
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gan|y|medthat's true05:14
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lloydJucato: tells me malformed url05:14
gan|y|medany idea about the blocking?05:14
Jucatolloyd: sorry I meant system:/05:14
Jucatodarn Auto replace...05:14
lloydokay, hold one Jucato05:14
=== Jucato changes Auto Replace...
lloydJucato: perfect!  Thank you very much05:15
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fdovinggan|y|med: i would need a better description on the blocking issue.05:15
Jucatolloyd: no problem! other "links" you can make are trash home and media05:16
fdovinggan|y|med: reporting a bug would help alot.05:16
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lloydJucato: again thx...really appreciate it...am a gnome fan myself, but am setting this up for a friend.  Windows is completely erased!!! another Linux convert (I didn't give him a choice)05:17
Jucatogood luck with that lloyd!05:17
rohanhow do i tell reiserfsck to stop checking my disk on every 29 mounts on bootup ? its damn irritating !05:17
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aliasfredtune2fs but the reseirfs version05:18
Dr_Willisyou must be doing a lot of rebooting05:18
Dr_Willis29 mounts is about once a month for me.05:18
rohanDr_Willis: hehe, yes :D05:18
gan|y|medifup eth0 block a running connection on eth1. only pc via eth0 are accessible, and vice versa. depends what is executed last05:18
rohanDr_Willis: its about every 3 days for me ;)05:18
secleinteerrohan: edit fstab and change the 1 at the end of one of your mounts to a 005:18
Dr_Willisrohan,  quit playing those windows games!05:18
JucatoDr_Willis: heheh! I do an average of 1 boot per day05:18
Jucatobut that's because I need to shutdown the PC every night05:19
Dr_WillisJucato,  yep. :P im always got the pc reencoding video - so this one runs for weeks on end.05:19
secleinteerhas any1 heard of a problem where you install all the video codecs, and all you get for the video is a blue screen (but the audio works)?05:19
rohanDr_Willis: lets just say i am forced to :P05:19
rohansecleinteer: no way to change it to like, check every 100 mounts or so ?05:20
JucatoBooting everyday is the reason why I sooo feel the slowness of Kubuntu's boot, with or without USplash...05:20
Dr_Willisrohan,  'everquest' is calling to you!05:20
secleinteerrohan: don't know, i just turn it off05:20
Dr_Willisthat tunefs command can set the # to whatever ya want.05:20
rohanDr_Willis: nah, my dad needs windows for his work..05:20
Dr_Willisrohan,  Bah! tell him to get his own pc!05:20
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rohanDr_Willis: hah, actually i am using _his_ pc ..  i dont have money to buy one for myself :D05:21
Dr_Willisstart chargeing him for windows tech support..05:21
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rohanDr_Willis: lol ..05:22
Dr_WillisHmm.. I just noticed an Icon in my Firefox Bookmarks - thats animated...05:23
Dr_WillisFancy Custome Icon Eye  candy!05:23
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orangeyhey all!05:26
orangeymy kde-guidance is broken as per this bug: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kde-guidance/+bug/37275 (I reopened the bug), but it has been re-closed05:26
orangeyI was wondering if maybe they meant that the fix lies in Edgy.05:26
orangeyAs such, where can I get a listing of the edgy packages so I can try to install just that one?05:27
Admiral_Chicagoorangey, packages.ubuntu.org05:27
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Jucatonot really a good idea to mix packages...05:28
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orangeythank you05:29
JucatoI mean from Edgy and Dapper05:29
orangeyJucato: it may not be, but I want to test the fix.05:29
Admiral_Chicagoi just used -f instal lfor the first time05:29
Admiral_Chicagofixed a problem apparently05:29
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CNotehello, I'm fairly new to KUbuntu, and am having issues with my ipw3945 wireless adapter...I've read quite a bit of info on the forums, but I am having an issue, with the driver loaded that it still can't find the card, almost as if it is not working properly, this is on a Lenovo T60P05:31
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orangeyhmmm. where are the edgy source .deb files?05:32
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aliasfredi think my network card is producing noise :)05:32
orangeyor are they not .deb files?05:32
aliasfredshould i worry ? :)05:32
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habeebIs there xgl+compiz for KDE?05:33
Admiral_Chicagohabeeb, yes05:33
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habeebAdmiral_Chicago: any chance for a howto url?05:33
Admiral_Chicagohabeeb, nope05:33
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems05:33
Admiral_Chicagoi dont have one that is05:34
habeebAdmiral_Chicago: ok :)05:34
habeebaliasfred: aw thanks.05:34
gan|y|medthx. ciao05:34
fdovingaliasfred: any luck with kdenetwork-filesharing ?05:34
RawSewagewhat cool things can you do with AIGLX05:35
aliasfredfdoving: nope :) in fact am running fc4 as dev environement :) so i set up a nfs manually05:35
aliasfredbut it is a pain05:35
fdovingaliasfred: ah..05:35
aliasfredi should pass all in ubuntu but am lazy for the config05:35
aliasfredto config computer is by far what i hate the most in computing :)05:36
Fadethe video board in my powerbook is okay by laptop standards, but there's no 3d acceleration for it. This is a source of ongoing irritation.05:36
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fdovingi agree. that's why i have made packages for almost everything.05:36
FadeI'd love to try out compiz/xgl05:36
habeebaliasfred: this one gave me a nvidia howto, I'm an ati usah <:05:37
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fdovingFade: isn't it a radeon that uses the opensource radeon driver? if so, it should support dri out of the box. mine does.05:37
aliasfredhmm do you speak french ? i got another but in french05:37
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habeebaliasfred: No sorry.05:37
Fadein your xorg.conf, what driver are you calling?05:37
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Fadeand what machine do you have?05:37
nivekzhello, i add "xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap" to "~/.xinitrc" but it is obviously not run at startup05:37
aliasfredhttp://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/applications/xgl <- habeeb maybe by playing with google translation05:38
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fdovingFade: ibook g4 1.2ghz 12"05:38
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habeebNo way. Google translation is _TOO_ unreliable :"P05:38
habeebI'll try to find a way.05:38
FadeI have the 1.33ghz 17"05:38
soulriderhi everyone05:38
Fadefdoving, can you paste your xconfig?05:38
fdovingFade: i call the 'ati' driver.05:39
fdovinghang on.05:39
soulrideris anyone here using azureus?05:39
aliasfredhabeeb: http://translate.google.com/translate?u=http%3A%2F%2Fdoc.ubuntu-fr.org%2Fapplications%2Fxgl&langpair=fr%7Cen&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&prev=%2Flanguage_tools05:39
aliasfredbla :)05:39
habeebAlso, even tho I have sound , I can hear the GAIM sounds, beeps etc. Amarok isnt playing songs.05:39
ccc_soulrider: nope, not since ktorrent 2 was released05:39
soulriderah k05:40
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soulriderbecause i got a problem, and i dont know if tis azureus thats causing it or something else05:40
Admiral_Chicagohabeeb, try chancing engunes05:40
aliasfredsoulrider: i do05:40
nivekzhello where am i suppose to put "xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap" command in order to let it run each time at startup?05:40
fdovingFade: http://rafb.net/paste/results/jqKJ0K51.html05:40
Dr_Willislast few times ive even tried Azureus - it was acting weird.05:40
habeebOk Admiral_Chicago05:40
Fadefdoving: thx :)05:41
Fadewhat output do you get from glxgears?05:41
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Fade(out of curiosity)05:41
aliasfredDr_Willis: it is by far the most 'serious' implementation around. aka the most complete etc... as a dev in p2p, it is a good tool :)05:41
aliasfredbut this is quite heavy on ram due to java05:41
soulriderwell my problem is that when i leabve my computr overnight with az on05:42
soulriderwhen i come back its all locked up05:42
aliasfredlocked up = ?05:42
soulrideror too clow to even be able to close it05:42
soulriderit just doesnt work05:42
soulriderlike if it were redmond :/05:42
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Dr_Willisaliasfred,  ive gotten where i use  wine utorrent.exe :P05:42
aliasfredwell 'does not work' is not a very usefull description of an issue :)05:42
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aliasfredDr_Willis: hehe :)05:43
soulriderwhen i come abck05:43
Dr_Willisaliasfred, last few times ive had issues with it poping up messages that never go away. :)05:43
soulriderall i see is the azureus window05:43
soulriderand ic ant click on anythign esle05:43
soulriderand even if i do, i cant use any toher programs or anything05:43
soulriderthe close button doesnt work05:43
soulriderright click doesnt do anything05:43
soulriderDr_Willis: that too05:43
soulriderbut you casn just close it05:43
aliasfredok you got you computer frozen05:43
aliasfredit may be the memory, the disk many things05:44
ccc_Dr_Willis: doesn't sound too good... :) did you try ktorrent? it's great these days. and native kde.05:44
aliasfredcheck the memory amount to see if it is big05:44
aliasfredcheck if the disk is full05:44
soulridermy HDs are fine05:44
soulriderand i gto 1 GB or RAM :/05:44
Fadesoulrider -- sounds like there's a memory leak in azureus.05:44
srdjantHow does one configure a modem in kubuntu, when lspci doesn't even mention the modem?05:44
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aliasfredktorrent send interested packet even if it is not!! how evil :)05:45
jordi_How can i Know the type of my hard Disk?  (Serial ATA, Ide...)05:45
Fadeso it slowly uses up all the available memory, and then you're stuck in an I/O storm as the machine thrashes in swap.05:45
Dr_Willisccc_,  odd thing about ktorrent - its still pegging the CPU at 99% even tho that bug supposubly got fixed.05:45
soulrideri used to run azureus with 256mb of RAM and no problems05:45
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Dr_Willisccc_,  the system is still useable. but the load monitors go crazy.05:45
aliasfredsoulrider: when you come back, is the disk in activity ?05:45
ccc_Dr_Willis: even in version 2.0.2?05:46
soulriderit is05:46
soulriderand working like crazy too :/05:46
Admiral_ChicagoDr_Willis, K torrent didnt use up my CPU05:46
Fadefile a bug against azureus.05:46
soulrideri even try ctrl+alt+backspace adn ti doesnt work05:46
Admiral_Chicagoi never really go over 15%05:46
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Admiral_Chicagomost i really go is like 3505:46
aliasfredsoulrider: ohhh so maybe it is axctually what fade said. aka big memory usage and then swap trashing05:46
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fdovingFade: it doesn't give any output.05:47
Admiral_Chicagoand thats doing dl, music. irc, gaim, web and apt-get updates05:47
Sannejordi_: type mount, it shows you the mounted partitions on your hd. If they are /dev/hd* you have IDE, /dev/sd* is for SCSI or SATA.05:47
soulriderand is there a way i can prevent that from happening ?05:47
aliasfredsoulrider: there is a way to minimize the amount of memory used by java vm05:47
Fadedont run the program, or change versions and see if the problem goes away.05:47
soulriderive tried witht he 2 latest05:47
soulriderthe thing is05:47
soulrideri would use ktorrent05:47
aliasfredsoulrider: it is in the azureus wiki or in #azureus for details05:48
soulriderbut theres a tracker i dont know why ti refuses toc onnect to05:48
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soulrideri find the way the interface is set up to be rather bad05:48
Fadejava is teh suck. :(05:48
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soulrideri like java :(05:48
soulrideri program in java... :( :P05:48
jordi_Sanne: thanks. And how can I know if the memory is DDr, DDR2 or DIMM?05:48
Fadewell, you should profile the memory usage of azureus and file a patch with their devs.05:48
KutanI wanna learn how to program in C++ D:05:49
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aliasfredsoulrider: their dev are nice and competent :)05:49
Fadethat's always a plus. ;)05:49
ironfroggyso i was actually surprised, after using remote X for the first time, that when i suspended my laptop running a client with a window on my desktop, when i brought the laptop back up it was still running on the desktop.05:50
ironfroggyhows that work?05:50
Sannejordi_: oh, I don't know if you can look it up under linux. For that I would go into the BIOS and see what it reports. Has anybody got better idea?05:50
aliasfredKutan: the hardest to learn, but very powerfull once you get it :)05:50
KutanAnyone know any C++ compiler/editors compatible with linux?05:50
soulrideri think :/05:50
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)05:50
soulriderand i believe Eclipse can do c++05:50
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aliasfredyep but eclipse c++ is much worst than java one :)05:51
Sannejordi_: you can also look around under Menu->System->KInfoCenter for hardware kubuntu detected, but I don't think you will find the RAM type there.05:51
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Fadeemacs -- you can run it anywhere, and once you know it, it's a power tool for your brain. :)05:51
Admiral_Chicagoemacs is like a power workout for your brain05:52
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Fadeat this point, I doubt I could do my job without emacs.05:53
RawSewagewhat job05:53
Fadeit saves me an unbelievable amount of time05:53
FadeI'm a code writer.05:53
Fadea programmer. a professional misfit. :)05:53
RawSewagewhat does emac have thats so great for codig05:53
Fadewell, it has a great editor, but it's actually a lisp machine underneath, so it's a completely extensible editor.05:54
Dr_Willisemacs has so many features and so extendable - its scary05:54
jordi_Sanne: you were right, I didn't find the RAM type there05:55
Fadethe c and c++ major modes integrate with gdb. the python mode is the best special mode I've ever used in any editor.05:55
nnn0emacs is a great OS :)05:55
=== Dr_Willis uses vi mode inside emacs
Fadeba-dum-dum-bump :)05:55
=== Dr_Willis uses viemacs
Sannejordi_: thought so. So, try your BIOS, maybe?05:55
=== nnn0 just use vim
Dr_WillisI sort of like FTE actally for an editor05:55
Dr_Willisi miss my old CygnusED for my amiga.05:56
Sannejordi_: or even your mb manual first, it should say what it supports.05:56
Fadeahhhh... amiga.05:56
=== Fade gets nostalgic.
=== malice [n=malice@pool-72-77-64-166.pitbpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
Dr_WillisFade,  heh - i got several of them05:57
FadeI have a whole collection. everything except an a400005:57
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KutanAw damn, what's that command to refresh my desktop? I keep forgetting.05:58
KutanK Menu05:58
Jucatokbuildsycoca --incremental05:58
KutanThat's it, thanks.05:58
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Jucatono problem06:00
KutanOh well, I guess I need to put G++ on there myself.06:00
=== Jucato really wishes this would be fixed... wonders if only Kubuntu is experiencing this...
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)06:00
JucatoKutan: iirc, g++ is a command line... command...06:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about essential - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:00
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auTONYmousis anyone else having problems with USB drives under 3.5.4?06:00
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JucatoKutan: AFAIK, it's something like gcc06:01
KutanWhen I asked if there were any good compilers/editors I thought g++ was both.06:01
JucatoKDevelop is a nice IDE, I think06:01
auTONYmousmy usb drives won't automount...06:01
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nnn0KDevelop is ok06:02
aliasfredi only got coredump from kdevelop06:02
JucatoI said "I think" because I haven't used it personally, and based it on others' recommendations...06:02
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Jucatobut I'm presuming it's good (partly because it's KDE...)06:02
Fadeg++ isn't something like gcc, it is gcc which is a modular compiler. ;)06:03
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JucatoFade: I mean the "gcc" command...06:03
aliasfredwell a lot of kde dev dont use kdevelop... i think this say a lot :)06:03
JucatoI wonder what they use?06:03
Fadeemacs emacs, everywhere you look. :)06:03
floevery time i open a kde aplication i get this error message06:03
floImpossibile trovare il tipo MIME06:03
JucatoBut besides that... emacs/vim is a given...06:04
flowhat's hapening?06:04
Fadeyour computer speaks italian and kde speaks english.06:04
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!06:04
JucatoFade: how cruel... ehehehe!06:04
FadeI was joking.06:04
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KutanOoooh KDevelop is nice. >_>06:05
Fadeonce upon a time I lived in milano, but I was trapped in a machine room, and they didn't let me speak to the natives.06:05
marco_can someone help with quickcam?06:05
Fadedon't mistake pretty for good.06:05
marco_I live in Milano!!! :D06:05
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borahow can we switch between kdm and gdm?06:06
Fadewell, I'm in paris now, but Milan was nice. :)06:06
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fdovingbora: in konsole 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow kdm' or gdm.06:06
marco_anyone knows how to solve my problem with webcam? :(06:06
Fadebora -- dpkg-reconfigure gdm06:06
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Fadeoooh. it's like a new game. ;)06:06
Fademarco_: you haven't stated your problem yet06:06
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marco_oh yes sorry :D stupid!06:07
marco_i was using ubuntu few days ago06:07
marco_and now trying kubuntu06:07
marco_camorama can see my cam06:07
marco_an gqcam too06:07
=== eamonn [n=esulliva@80-195-15-59.cable.ubr06.haye.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu
marco_and kopete too06:07
marco_but i cannot share cam with friends06:07
marco_that is06:07
marco_using kopete with MSN06:07
marco_i cannot send my webcam images :(06:07
marco_i think that is because i have NAT on my adsl modem06:08
Fadekopete doesn't know how to send the webcam pictures across msn.06:08
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KutanSo Fade I have a question, when you say "don't mistake pretty for good"... What makes one editor better than the other? o_O06:08
marco_but if i deactivate NAT06:08
marco_modem cannot connect :(06:08
leo^ok a dumb question coming. can i remove gnome desktop after i install kde in ubuntu dapper ?06:08
Fadekutan -- the editor that gets out of your way and lets you work without seeing it is my measure of a good editor.06:08
Fadethe upside of that is that you can then work on anything from a mobile fone with a bluetooth keyboard to a full workstation.06:08
Fadethis is of course, subjective.06:08
KutanUh... What the hell kind of phone do you have? o_o06:09
Fadein emacs, the entire editor is available without taking your hands off the home row. you don't need a mouse.06:09
marco_me? phone? :O06:09
Fadeyou don't even need a graphical environment.06:09
KutanBut it's nice :D06:09
Fadeyou could use the console if you wanted with emacs and it would work just as well.06:10
fdovingFade: unless this is support related, please take it to #kubuntu-offtopic as this is a support channel. thanks. and if this is support related i'm sorry for interrupting.06:10
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Jucatoagain... subjective. it's a matter of personal preference06:10
floFade: i get no answer on ubuntu-it i'm sure u know that that messege meens can't find the MIME tipe aplication/octet-stream06:10
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Fadeoh... I was answering a direct question. sorry.06:10
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KutanCouldn't you just use like... nano if you wanted to?06:10
Fadeflo -- when does that error happen?06:11
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marco_any idea for me? :( i need the cam for work... :(06:11
Kutancause nano is an editor in the console... and it definetly ain't pretty.06:12
floFade , when i'm launching kde aplications06:12
marco_ciao picci :)06:12
Fademarco -- I think that's an issue with MSN keeping their message protocol secret.06:12
fdovingFade: then i'm sorry for interrupting. keep up the good work :)06:12
marco_not sure... i mean...06:12
marco_i'ver read in many places about cams working with kopete or amsn06:12
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marco_even with my type of cam... :(06:12
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marco_i've tried FAQs and tutorials and so... nothing work :(06:13
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FadeI've never personally used a camera with any instant messenger, but I have read that it's a problem because most of the big networks keep their format sekret.06:13
marco_yes :(06:13
Fadeas an experiment set up a jabber account and see if it works with jabber.06:13
maninderany one know a site were i can download msn for linux?06:13
marco_uhm... with whom!? :D06:13
maninderlike the lates version06:13
marco_maninder: search for amsn or kopete06:13
Fadeboy, you want all the answers, eh? ;)06:13
maninderi have kotpete its cheap i want msn like windows version06:14
KutanDoes MSN itself work with WINE too?06:14
marco_maninder: try aMSN06:14
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marco_i should try msn with wine! nice idea!06:14
maninderoh wines that program that runs .exe06:14
maninderye i can run that i guess06:14
KutanThat sounded sarcastic >_>06:14
marco_if it is possible to download it wihout downloading all the damned windows system :)06:15
KutanCause I never get anything right.06:15
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Fademarco -- have you checked with the kopete developers?06:15
marco_not yet... why bothering for this stupid problem that it seems I'm the only to have? :(06:15
Section32Is there a GUI tool to manage the firewall in Kubuntu?06:15
jacques_O suis-je arriv? je dcouvre KUBUNTU ! et Linux par la mme occasion06:16
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ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.06:16
Viper550You've all seen the pictures of Kubuntu Edgy Knot 2?06:16
KutanWhat does GUI stand for again? XD06:16
KutanGraphical Somethin Interface?06:16
Viper550Graphical. User. Interface.06:16
marco_User :)06:17
KutanOh yeah06:17
soulriderViper550: i havnt, link ?06:17
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Fadeporkchops for everybody.06:17
soulriderid idnt know kubuntu had a firewall :/06:17
marco_Fade: no, porkchops for everybody is PFE, not GUI! :D:D:D06:17
Fadesoulrider: kubuntu doesn't have a firewall... linux has the firewall.06:18
keithHi, can someone help me delete files from a flash drive please?06:18
Fadekubuntu might have some programs used to configure the firewall in the kernel.06:18
Viper550Looks nice?06:18
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Section32Yeah I know Linux has the firewall, its called iptables right?06:18
marco_Viper550: yes, why not? :)06:18
jacques_je croyais tomber sur du franais !06:18
jacques_pas sur cette langue incomprhensible !06:18
jmichaelxdoes anyone in here have the democracy video player installed?06:19
marco_Viper550: too much violet and purple...06:19
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Viper550Yeah, get used to it. At least I'm contributing a glossy panel bg06:19
soulriderFade: i didnt know06:19
soulrideri dont like that purple ine dgy much :/06:20
Fadethe packet filter in linux is very good.06:20
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Section32I just want to open up my SSH port so I can log into this box from my other machines.06:20
soulriderthey should add some sort of better pppoe support in edgy06:21
soulridermore graphical :P06:22
Jucatosoulrider: amen to that!06:22
FadeSection32: you need to set up a port forward on your nat box for port 22.06:22
Jucatoit seems to be a  Debian-based disease...06:22
Fadewhatchew mean, disease?06:22
Fadeit's a feature.06:23
Viper550Best icons ever: http://www.kde-look.org/content/pre1/44439-1.png06:23
Section32Fade: I still need to open up the SSH port on this machine first. I can't even log into this box from within my network.06:23
ubuntu__kubuntu sukz06:23
ubuntu__slack ownz ^^06:23
FadeSection32: apt-get install openssh-server06:23
Viper550 /kick ubuntu__06:23
=== Jucato kickz ubuntu__'z azz
ubuntu__come on Viper55006:24
sleeptypersomeone wants a nodebleed ...06:24
=== sleeptyper hides
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Viper550"You need to be a channel operator to do that" D'oh!06:24
Fadereboot. bbiab06:24
ubuntu__cry Viper55006:25
sleeptyperubuntu__, why you are here then? ;)06:25
Viper550is he a bot.06:25
ubuntu__kubuntu sukz06:25
ubuntu__slack ownz ^^06:25
Viper550He's a bot, leave.06:25
sleeptyperhe's a brasilian on live cd06:25
Jucatonah he's not. he's just someone who has a lot of time and nothing to do...06:26
Viper550If you hate Ubuntu, ubuntu__, why are you USING IT RIGHT NOW?06:26
ubuntu__cry ^^06:26
sleeptypersome brassies are morons anyway...06:26
aliasfredubuntu__: please behave06:26
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Jucatook let's not get into racial wars here...06:26
Viper550Leave. I don't have the capacity to cry.06:26
ubuntu__cry aliasfred06:26
aliasfredhmmm ok06:26
Jucatohm.. should I cry for ops?06:27
aliasfredany channel operator around ?06:27
Section32Fade: Thanks it worked.06:27
ryan_hello everyone06:27
Viper550No...but there is ChanServ06:27
Jucatoaliasfred: should I or should you?06:27
Jucatocall for ops...06:27
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=== Jucato is a bit more lenient... waiting for another out of line remark...
fdovingaliasfred: yes.06:27
ubuntu__kubuntu sukz06:27
Jucatooh there...06:28
ubuntu__slack ownz ^^06:28
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o fdoving] by ChanServ
Jucatothat's 206:28
aliasfredfdoving: ubuntu__ is misbahaving strongly :)06:28
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Viper550ubuntu__ Ironic, I don't use Ubuntu!06:28
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KutanWhy should you be lenient? Obviously the person is an idiot, therefore: Instaban.06:28
=== mode/#kubuntu [+b *!*n=ubuntu@*.dsl.telesp.net.br] by fdoving
=== ubuntu__ was kicked off #kubuntu by fdoving (Please don't.)
=== mode/#kubuntu [-o fdoving] by fdoving
fdovingyou're welcome.06:28
Jucato<-- ubuntu__ has left this channel (requested by fdoving). <--- requested... our channel is too kind...06:28
fdovingi'm just too nice.06:28
Viper550Oh yeah, I really do not use Ubuntu. I used to though, so that's why I still contribute06:29
JucatoMay I ask your permission to kick you out of the room?06:29
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anon32KDE is bloated!06:29
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Viper550am using KDE right now06:29
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keithPlease help! I'm trying to delete a file from a flash drive using shift-del in konqueror. I get message: 'Could not delete file /media/sdb1/.Trash-1000.'06:29
NDPTAL85Viper550: What do you use now?06:30
Viper550Fedora Core 506:30
NDPTAL85Viper550: Because you like it or you need it for work?06:30
Jucatois it just me, or does Konqueror-KGet really have a problem with downloading from pages that use PHP?06:31
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Viper550Switched from Ubuntu Breezy, APT was having problems, and before Ubuntu I used to use Red Hat 9 so I decided to go back to my roots.06:31
epWant to update a couple of packages by building from source. Easy enough, "./configure && make && make install", but I don't understand how this fits in (if at all) with the APT packing system.  For instance, how do I uninstall a said package and what do I do if said package is replacing an older version which was installed via apt-get?06:31
JucatoViper550: it's kool that FC 5 has realesed Live-Spin. but it would be kooler if it were installable...06:31
ubotucheckinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall  -  Please: Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page.06:32
fdovingep: 06:32
fdovingep: ^^06:32
Viper550I did however before going up to FC5, try installing Gentoo 2006.006:32
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Jucatoep: if you're still available in 1.5 hours, you're welcome to join us at #ubuntu-classroom06:32
epthank you06:32
maliceDoes anyone else know of another good multi player game to get besides chess :)06:32
Jucatotoday's class will be about package basics and compiling06:32
NDPTAL85I used to compile a ton of stuff for no reason back when I first got Mac OS X by using Fink. http://fink.sourceforge.net06:33
maliceI don't wanna learn that :P06:33
NDPTAL85Fink basically is apt-get for OS X06:33
reddwolf78does anyone no how to get xmms to work with shoutcast or icecast06:33
KutanThat's kinda weird... I guess I know now how newbie friendly k/ubuntu is.06:33
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Viper550Jucato: There is a FC5 based installable Live CD distro though called Berry Linux... http://berry.sourceforge.jp/06:33
JucatoKutan: huh?06:33
fdovingmalice: netris and gtetrinet. :)06:33
NDPTAL85But after a while it got old, which is why I never gave Gentoo a try.06:33
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JucatoViper550: tried that. Actually had fun trying to log into the Japanese desktop :-D06:34
malicefdoving: is it multi player?06:34
KutanCause you have a "classroom" o_O, I doubt you see many operating systems with somethin like that.06:34
fdovingmalice: yes, multiplayer tetris :)06:34
Viper550You can select the English option from the menu06:34
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JucatoViper550: but FC 5 Live-Spin is more or less as close as you can get to the real FC right?06:34
fdovinghave to go, visiting inlaws. bye.06:34
Viper550And the new version even has XGL!06:34
JucatoViper550: I know, I was just playing around with it06:34
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JucatoViper550: last I checked, Berry Linux didn't have an English option for XGL. only the japanese login06:35
Viper550Yes it does06:35
=== Hawkwind Stumbles out of bed
Jucatohm... darn! just when I erased the CD....06:35
KutanLate sleeper.06:35
reddwolf78does anyone no how to get xmms to work with shoutcast or icecast or alest point me in the right direction06:35
soulriderhey Hawkwind06:35
JucatoHawkwind: good morning!06:35
Viper550Jucato: "Berry Linux (XGL/English)06:36
HawkwindBarely morning!  I did try to sleep til noon :P06:36
JucatoHawkwind: i think this the first time that it's both AM in our timezones06:36
soulriderJucato: are you a bot? youre allways here, and talking :) :P06:37
malicereddwolf78 just download the link and then drag it over to xmms06:37
JucatoI wouldn't be talking if I were a bot :-D06:38
Jucatoor I could be a bot with a very high language capability06:38
reddwolf78what link06:38
KutanWe could all be bots.06:38
Hawkwindreddwolf78: Right click in the playlist area and you can add URL's or any file type06:38
KutanIt's a government conspiracy.06:38
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reddwolf78but i would like to set it up were when i run xmms is broadcast music out06:39
Hawkwindreddwolf78: You mean displayed into IRC ?06:39
soulrideroh noes! Kutan06:39
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reddwolf78i'm a dj on the weakends and i have loads of music that people want to hear so i used winamp on xp to playmusic online06:40
reddwolf78and i would like to do that same thing but on linux06:41
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Hawkwindreddwolf78: So you want it to where people can tune into your stream ?06:41
KutanI know I might be a bit of a lazy bastard but.. Anyone know of a C++ compiler WITH a GUI? I'm not too good with the command line yet.06:41
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reddwolf78how do i get that set up for linux06:42
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Hawkwindreddwolf78: ices and icecast06:42
Hawkwindreddwolf78: That's what I use06:42
Hawkwindreddwolf78: http://DoomSickle.com:101/stream.ogg   <~~That's mine06:42
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ubuntuAnyone try the Knot 2 ?06:42
reddwolf78hmm. i have all the packages for ice caszt but to no aval have i gotten it to work were ppl can here me06:42
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reddwolf78but how would i do something like that for my self06:43
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Hawkwindreddwolf78: I told you, setup ices and icecast06:46
aliasfredHawkwind: http://DoomSickle.com:101/stream.ogg <- produced some firewall error from here.06:46
Gomezd3nAnyone install compiz on KDE that could give me a quick hand?06:46
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Hawkwindaliasfred: Did you put that into your audio player or try to open it in a webbrowser ?06:46
aliasfredHawkwind: in a web browser, firefox06:46
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Hawkwindaliasfred: That's why.  It's a live stream that you listen to with an audio player like xmms06:47
aliasfredHawkwind: hmm ok. true it works thru mplayer06:47
aliasfredHawkwind: the error provided by firefox is weird tho06:47
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aliasfredHawkwind: 'access to port number given has been disabled for security reason'06:48
aliasfredHawkwind: seems a lot like a icmp06:48
Hawkwindaliasfred: Right.  It's supposed to do that06:48
aliasfredHawkwind: usually when i put url of a stream in firefox, it works ok. what is the different here ?06:49
Hawkwindaliasfred: Not sure.  I've never known my icecast/ices server to play in a browser06:49
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kubuntu-newbiehi folsk07:00
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nickv111Hello. I'm using the "radeon" X11 driver with my graphics card, but I'm still getting an error when I do "glxgears" saying 'Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".'07:07
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nickv111However, I have "load dri" in my /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:08
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SonicChaoI installed deKorator -- but how do I use it?07:10
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Dr_Willischeck its homepage :)07:11
JucatoSonicChao: deKorator is a window decoration themable engine. so it's in System Settings > Appearance > Window Decorations07:11
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SonicChaoJucato: i see nothing new in there...07:12
Jucatochoose deKorator from the drop-down list.07:12
JucatoI think you need to install themes for deKorator07:12
DrenheadI have kubuntu installed, but I tried to install gnome to try it out, now I can't log into the system.  I said KDE should be the default, but now when I reboot, the gnome login screen comes up.  when I login there, the Kubuntu splash screen comes up, but nothing else happens.07:12
SonicChaoJucato: Oh, i see thanks07:13
Jucatotake note that the version of deKorator from the repositories is older than the current07:13
SonicChaoJucato: kde-look.org? =)07:13
nivekzHello. Is there any gui way to configure autostart in kde?07:13
JucatoSonicChao: exactly07:13
SonicChaoJucato: Ok07:13
JucatoSonicChao: take note though, the deKorator in the repos is version 0.2. the Latest is 0.3. Themes for 0.3 won't work with 0.207:14
adarananyone here use amarok on kubuntu PPC? if so, is it working for you?07:15
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Jucatoadaran: Amarok 1.4.2?07:16
adaranJucato: yes07:16
JucatoI think it's bugged07:16
Jucatothey're working on it (I think)07:16
adaranJucato: http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13345007:17
adarani've spelled it out there =)07:17
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adaranis that the same problem you're having?07:17
Jucatonot me. but I've seen the bug reports. there's also another one filed in Launchpad.net...07:17
adaranJucato: do you have an url for the launchpad bug07:18
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Jucatohm... hold on07:19
skavenge*shrug* ive got it running fine on two machoines here (1.4.2)07:19
Jucatoskavenge: PPC?07:19
skavengenon ppc sorry missed that07:19
Fri13Hello, im having very wierd problem, when i log in, my keyboard layout is right (fi) but after 5-7 seconds, it will change to english. I didnt do anything on KDE side on my account, just added new user and logged in with it, toke few screenshots and logged out and back to my. Xorg is right, Kcontrol is right....07:20
Jucatoadaran: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/amarok/+bug/5856607:21
adaranJucato: thanks, that's exactly the problem i'm havin07:22
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Jucatoadaran: take comfort in the fact that you are not alone. eheheh07:22
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nickv111When I do "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg", it doesn07:24
nickv111Erm, it doesn't give me an option for the "radeon" driver07:24
Trollinatornickv111: sudo aptitude install xserver-xorg-driver-ati07:25
Trollinatorthen it should give you the option07:25
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Fri13What can change keyboard layout on-the-fly on kubuntu after logged in?07:26
Trollinatorxmodmap, iirc07:26
Fri13Like im having right layout when im on KDM and when KDE has started. Then after few seconds, it changes it to english.07:27
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ubuntuanyone there?07:28
TrollinatorAlt+F2 --> kcontrol --> regional Settings and Accessibility --> Layout07:28
Trollinatorubuntu: no, we're not here07:28
Trollinatori'm just an illusion07:28
Trollinatoryou're hallucinating07:28
Trollinatorgo to the doctor07:28
ubuntuis that all07:29
Trollinatori'm too much for you already...07:29
Dr_WillisSonicChao, http://motyr.cheetux.org.il/deKorator/deKoratorFlashMovie/intallTheme/installTheme.html07:29
Fri13Nope, it dont work... all those layout settings are right.07:30
ubuntui am trying for live cd of kubuntu07:30
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TrollinatorFri13: try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:30
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Fri13Trollinator: it dont help either....07:30
ubuntuoye gatito hablas espanol07:30
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.07:31
Trollinatorwhat's wrong with it anyway?07:31
ubuntuwel i do not have problems with the language07:31
Trollinatordoes it work when you create another user?07:31
Fri13Trollinator: My layout is right when i use KDM or when i log in. Then just when i can i open ALT+F2 and i start pressing ? key, it gives right mark as it should on my layout (fi) but after klipper and kerry has started, layout is english.07:32
Fri13I have checked xorg settings, kcontrol keyboard and region settings... etc.07:32
Fri13Even keyboard order is only for Finnish and if i take that flag to show, it shows it is finnish.07:33
Trollinatordoes it work when you try with another ser?07:33
Fri13When i use other user, it is how it should be.07:33
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Trollinatori'd just create a new account and merge my settings...07:34
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Fri13But it's not so big deal for me to remove .kde and then just apply those my settings from backups... just liked to know is there somekind extra thing on kubuntu KDE version (because this has ever happend to me on SUSE on 4 years).07:34
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Trollinatorthat's because ubuntu sucks. Use debian07:35
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Trollinatori mean it, ubuntu sucks. there has been a fix for libxine for ages, but i still can't play FLACs :/07:36
Fri13Trollinator: My #1 OS is SUSE still.. but sometimes you just need to use others so you can write about them ;-)07:36
Gatitoor bi densein07:36
Trollinatori get your point :(07:36
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Kr4t05Trollinator: At least you're honest.07:37
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Gatitovagen strugen vagen07:37
Fri13Ok, but mayby i found someday reason for that wierd thing... Thx about time...07:37
TrollinatorKr4t05: about what?07:37
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Kr4t05Trollinator: eh, nothing.07:37
Gatitoyour engliish is very poor07:37
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Gatitowhos what?07:38
Trollinatorwho's english is very poor?07:39
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Jucatoleaving this room to go to #ubuntu-classroom classes (should) start in a few minutes...07:52
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randcoopjoin ubuntu-classroom08:00
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revroguemornin all :)08:02
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Trollinatorrevrogue: it's five past eight08:05
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Viper550Anyone wondering what my Fedora desktop looks like?08:12
Hawkwindabattoir: How do I set the clock in the bottom right corner to display 12 hour time instead of 24 hour time08:12
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HawkwindViper550: No, but they might in #Fedora08:12
Pointblank_hey all08:12
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abattoirHawkwind: Date and time format08:12
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Hawkwindabattoir: I see no setting for it in there.  This is on Edgy Knot2 in vmware08:13
abattoirHawkwind: rt. click ->Date and time format->Times and dates08:13
abattoirHawkwind: one sec, brb08:13
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abattoirHawkwind: ok, click on the combobox, you'd see 'pH:MM:SS..'08:14
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abattoirHawkwind: modify it to your needs08:14
Xcaliburyo, when I goto install anything, i get BREAK in red letters in adept?08:14
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Hawkwindabattoir: Ahhh, thanks08:15
abattoirHawkwind: cool :)08:15
HawkwindCan you tell I never use KDE :P08:15
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XcaliburHawkind, I need you supergenius-ness08:16
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abattoirXcalibur: try a 'sudo apt-get update' and a 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'08:16
abattoirXcalibur: or try installing a package throught the cli to find what exactly it is complaining about08:16
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Xcaliburit has something to do with libgtk08:17
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denielalgum brasileiro?08:21
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ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.08:25
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actinicanyone here running opera 9?08:30
Xcaliburstill having prob witht the install, it keeps telling me "E: broken packages"08:30
XcaliburI am08:30
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Xcaliburfor linux08:30
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actinicXcalibur, good.  Do you use RSS feeds with it?08:30
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PerkabaloOnly me who can't reach www.ubuntuforums.org ?08:31
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actinicXcalibur, i can't seem to edit/abbreivate the rss feed names08:31
actinicright-click > properties allows u to edit but it doesn't 'stick'08:32
actiniccould u try?08:32
Perkabalo:) ?08:32
sleeptyperPerkabalo, it works, but slowly08:32
Xcaliburit lets me08:35
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tuliouelDoes Kubuntu 6.06 come with badram or I'll need to install a patch???????????08:36
actinictuliouel, it comes with it08:37
actinictuliouel, correction it comes with memtest08:37
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tuliouelI've done the memtest. I have the data... What comes next?08:38
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Xcaliburthis blows tho, I want firefox, and the only way to use it is with wine08:38
actinicyou remaining 286 people can chip in anytime :)08:38
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Xcaliburidk anything about memtest, or badram08:39
FreethoughtHello :)08:39
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Xmovrussian were are you08:40
FreethoughtMay i shoot a question?:)08:40
actinictuliouel, new ram?08:40
tuliouelSo I guess I'll need to get a patch for badram... where can I learn?08:41
Xcaliburfirefox through wine blows08:41
tuliouelold BAD ram08:41
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Freethoughthuston i have a problem08:41
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about asj - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:43
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:43
willnapierHi there everyone08:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hack - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:43
ubotuvnc is a way of doing remote desktop.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !freenx.08:43
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elknof1hey. hi everyone08:43
willnapierJust bought a pc with an intel p965 chipset (core 2 duo). Can't install kubuntu. Anyone here know about this?08:44
elknof1does anyone knows how to upgrade mi kernel from 386 to 686??08:44
draikelknof1, type       sudo apt-get install linux-68608:44
Xmov  08:45
draikelknof1, then, after its done, remove the 386 by typing           sudo apt-get remove linux-image-386 linux-headers-386 linux-restricted-38608:46
elknof1draik, will it erase the current version??08:46
draikno, just overwrite08:46
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draikwell, not really overwrite, but makes it as an available boot option08:46
elknof1draik, thaks..   can i do it on the run??08:46
draikdo it in Konsole (terminal)08:46
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tuliouelCan anubody here tell me where and how to install badram in my machine? I have some defects detected by memtest.08:47
draikthen once it's done, restart and select the 686 boot option08:47
recon0When I try to play an MP3 file with amaroK, it skips the 3:45 song and refuses to play it.08:47
draikelknof1, you may also not have the linux-restricted-386 so just delete it from your command and continue with the other 2 removals08:48
elknof1draik, when the past versions are erased i wont see them anymore in the grub...  isn't it??08:48
draikthat's right08:48
draikif you want to keep them go right ahead08:48
elknof1draik, no i dont want to keep them...     hey tahnks a lot08:49
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draikelknof1, it could be a while during the 686 install, depending on your CPU and RAM08:50
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elknof1draik, about how many?08:50
draikI am running 3.2GHz P4 with 3GB RAM08:50
draiktook only about 2 minutes, tops08:51
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elknof1draik, well u have a super computer...   im running under a pentium m 1.44 1gb ram... it will take like 1508:53
draikwell, it will tell you the time in the bottom right-hand corner of your konsole08:54
draikper download, not so much for the install08:54
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draikelknof1, where are you now on the download/install?08:57
Mitsurugi(hello) quick question. does kubuntu auto read usb sticks?08:57
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elknof1draik, im downloading...  13%08:59
draikMitsurugi, have you tried to plug a USB stick in yet?08:59
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draikelknof1, ok. It will be a while, but well worth it. 686 works really well with Intel08:59
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wckdkl0wnanyone know of a good program for linux that will go to a site u say and download every image on that site?09:01
Mitsurugidraik: no but will dont wana keep switching between windows and linux because i have no internet connection working for linux09:01
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The_Stephansuse not good09:01
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draikummm, aren't you using linux right now, Mitsurugi?09:02
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Mitsurugicant get kppp to connect to the net09:02
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draikyou're using dial-up?09:02
Mitsurugiits not really dial up09:03
draikummm, you can always mount the USB, but be sure it's recognized first09:03
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draikKubuntu automatically loads it up for me once I plug in the USB stick09:03
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Zooliegsmi want to do a backup,i mounted a 20gb matrox winchester with fat32 fs,and i started to copy the thing i need.but after a few mp3 and other files the disk is marked as full,but i do nothing.i lost my 16,4gb.....whats the problem? what i need to do?if i mount it,ubuntu says immidietly that "not enough space on drive".09:04
Zooliegsmhello all09:04
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wilfredZooliegsm: fat32 can't handle individual files bigger than 2GB - did you have any of thos?09:05
ppalgun hispano09:05
Zooliegsmi know that...i just have mp3 files09:05
Zooliegsmand some other docs09:06
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sleeptyperwilfred, bigger than 4GB ...09:07
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Zooliegsmany idea?09:07
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maninderyo can some one help me09:09
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maninderim on the a msn site09:10
maninderim downloading this shit right now09:10
maninderdo i install it like a windows installer?09:10
marcusi need help to set openGL resolution09:10
marcusi can't start up sopengl screensavers09:10
draikmaninder, install what? Nothing really installs like windows09:10
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maninderwow my internet on linux is madd slow09:11
Zooliegsmsorry,my opera closed....so any idea?09:11
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draikmaninder, what are you trying to install? What are you downloading? What do you need help with???09:11
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maninderokay im on this a msn site09:12
maninderand im downloadint the msn linux version09:12
abattoirdraik: i think he is trying to install amsn09:12
maninderwhat do i do once its done?09:12
abattoir!info amsn09:12
ubotuamsn: An MSN messenger written in tcl. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.95-1 (dapper), package size 2233 kB, installed size 7852 kB09:12
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maninderhow do i install it09:12
abattoirmaninder: which file are you downloading? which format?09:12
maninderthat one09:12
draikright you are, abattoir, as always09:13
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maninderi just went gogle and typed in linux msn version09:13
abattoirmaninder: are you on a 64 bit pc?09:13
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abattoirmaninder: msn works w/ kopete too09:13
abattoirmaninder: which comes preinstalled w/ kubuntu09:13
manindernaw kopete is cheap09:13
maninderi want a nice lookin program09:13
abattoirok... whatever09:13
maninderalright its done downloading09:13
manindernow what?09:13
maninderdouble click iT?09:14
draikmaninder, kopete has skins. Get them and change the look09:14
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abattoiryes, especially now that it supports adium themes09:14
maninderokay listen09:15
abattoirmaninder: also one more thing... do you have the 64 bit version of kubuntu installed?09:15
maninderi also have flash its a folder i unziped09:15
maninderi have the 64 kubuntu09:15
maninderwhat do i do with these folders copy and past them?09:15
maninderin the media fodler?09:16
abattoirmaninder: i'd actually recommending setting up universe and multiverse repostitories09:16
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maninderwhat does that mean?09:16
abattoirmaninder: once you do that, things like install amsn, flash is a.... well flash09:16
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource09:16
abattoirmaninder: ^^^ please read that09:16
maninderokay but listen09:16
maninderwhen i try openin the msn foler its not opening09:17
maninderit says what program do you wana open with09:17
abattoirmaninder: its not a folder..09:17
abattoirmaninder: its a binary file...09:17
maninderye so what do i do with it?09:17
abattoirmaninder: try 'sh ./filename.bin' in the cli09:17
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via applications -> accessories -> terminal (gnome) or kmenu -> system -> konsole (kde). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands09:17
abattoirof course, replace filename.bin w/ the actual name of the file...09:17
draikand don't use the '09:18
abattoirmaninder: but as i said, you might find setting up universe/multiverse and getting packages from there easier09:18
abattoirdraik: aah, yes, thanks :)09:18
draikabattoir, cya09:18
abattoirdraik: bye :)09:18
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draikabattoir, not cya like "see ya"... cya like "Cover Your @$$"09:19
abattoirmaninder: once you have universe and multiverse setup...09:19
abattoirdraik: heh, lol09:19
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mepis - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:21
digivorewhat is mepis?09:21
Meherclea distro09:21
aliasfredisnt that another distribution09:21
abattoirdigivore: which is a kubuntu derivative09:21
aliasfredah ok this explain why people come here to ask about it :)09:22
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digivoreohh, ok..    if someone is explaing steps on how to install a USB NIC on mepis would that work also in kubuntu?09:22
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digivoreanyone have experience installing a linksys WUSB11 in kubuntu?09:25
SonicChaoHow to change login window?09:25
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wckdkl0wnanyone know of a good program for linux that will go to a site u say and download every image on that site?09:28
willnapieranyone here familiar with problems installing linux on a new intel core 2 duo p965?09:30
draikwckdkl0wn, do you use firefox (or mozilla)? They have an extension called DownThemAll which does that for you09:30
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deinwould anyone like to help me with an update problem?09:30
draikdein, what's your update problem?09:31
sonnybonsoir, y a des francais ici ?09:31
dein4 possible updates have appeared on adept updater for the past week and a half09:31
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.09:31
sonnymerci de l'info !09:31
draikdein, and? can't install them or what/09:31
sonnybonne soire !09:31
deinbut when i try to update them, i get 404 errors on all of the packages09:31
aliasfredsonny: #ubuntu-fr a plus de gens09:31
draikdein, have you tried through your CLI?09:32
draikdein,        sudo apt-get upgrade09:32
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draiktype that in your konsole09:32
deinim trying right now09:32
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deinErrhttp://au.archive.ubuntu.com dapper-backports/main libtag1c2a 1.4-4~dapper109:34
dein  404 Not Found09:34
deinoops sorry about the link lol09:34
deinbut that's the error i keep getting09:34
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Meherclehi proudfoot09:35
proudfoothow do I setup a wireless lan card for kubuntu?09:35
proudfootuhm, its reconized09:35
proudfootbut apparently wlassistant fails to detect the power levels of the access point09:36
proudfootreporting everything as -109:36
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:37
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deindidn't notice it was coming from backports09:38
deinmaybe i should try switching to the uk backports repository?09:38
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deinchanging to the uk server fixed it draik09:40
deinthanks for the help09:41
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draikummm... sure... didn't do anything really, but I guess you're welcome then09:41
KutanHey, what's the difference between ubuntu and kubuntu again?09:41
Jucatodein: sorry  just came in. the au.archive.ubuntu.com dapper-backports have been empty since I don't know when. I've noticed that the other day09:41
deinhmm weird09:42
sophtpawforgot password to my nick09:42
deinim switching all my repositories to the uk servers09:42
JucatoKutan: Kubuntu = KDE, Ubuntu = GNOME09:42
deinive had too many problems with au ones09:42
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sophtpawhi Guys, forgot my password. Anyone, know how that is recovered?09:43
draikpassword to what?09:44
deinone sec sophtpaw09:44
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draiksophtpaw, password to your kubuntu login? IRC login? to what?09:44
aliasfredq. i mount a directory on a remote computer thru nfs, and i would like to execute the programm from this nfs, apparently i got some right issue, any idea of where i could look ?09:44
Ashexokay, this is starting to get to me09:45
sophtpawdraik: says that my nick is already taken. I'm new to kubuntu. used to ubuntu09:45
AshexGrub takes 4 minutes to load09:45
AshexIt used to take less then 10 seconds09:45
draiksophtpaw, did you register the nick?09:45
AshexI have a sata drive that has kubuntu 64-bit and windows on it (seperate partitions), and an ide drive with kubuntu3209:46
sophtpawdraik: it is my nick, i believe i registered it a long time ago. I use it on teh ubuntu forums09:46
draikif you registered it, then you can retrieve it09:46
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Ashexthe 64-bit went crazy on me so I had to add the ide drive in and install 32-bit to it, after the install the 64-bit install dissapeared from grub09:46
sophtpawdraik: well, i don't know the password anymore09:46
draikdo you remember the email address you used to register the nick?09:46
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Ashexis it possible that since I have 2 active partitions, it slows down grub?09:46
Ashexor is grub just fubar?09:46
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sophtpawdraik: not 100% but i think so09:47
draiksophtpaw, you have to message an op and see if they can help you get it back... let me find one for you09:47
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sophtpawdraik: thx09:47
draiksophtpaw, type        /msg lilo I forgot my password09:48
draiklilo can help you out09:48
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draiksophtpaw, you're welcome09:49
sophtpawdraik: huh?09:49
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sophtpawmiyu, do you play Go?09:49
draik<sophtpaw> draik: thx09:49
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=== mode/#kubuntu [-b *!*n=buddy@*.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] by fdoving
sophtpawdraik: thx, for what?09:49
draikthat's what you said09:50
=== mode/#kubuntu [-bbbb *!*@adsl-75-22-20-242.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net *!*@CPE-124-181-202-218.vic.bigpond.net.au *!*@adsl-70-253-167-178.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net %*!*@dialup-] by fdoving
=== mode/#kubuntu [-b *!*n=ubuntu@*.dsl.telesp.net.br] by fdoving
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Pointblankis this a support channel?09:50
=== sophtpaw is confused
fdovingPointblank: yes.09:50
=== mode/#kubuntu [-bbb *!*@d86051.upc-d.chello.nl *!*@h-66-134-148-176.sfldmidn.covad.net *!*@ip68-4-214-163.oc.oc.cox.net] by fdoving
Pointblankexcellent, i have a question09:50
=== mode/#kubuntu [-o fdoving] by fdoving
sophtpawdraik: i still don't have my password. That command you gave me didn't help. I don't remember saying thx either09:51
draik!ask > Pointblank09:51
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draiksophtpaw, scroll up... and that command messages someone for you. lilo will get to you in time09:51
Jucatosophtpaw: scroll up and you'll see you said thank09:51
Pointblanki have a fat32 partition and i go into disks - partitions, create a folder and enable it so i can acess the files ont he parition which works fine09:51
Pointblankbut eveyrtime i restart i have to do this again09:52
Pointblankhow can i make it permenant09:52
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file lists all drives and partitions that are mounted on the system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !partitions09:52
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now3dHi, is there a way I can use dpkg to check the md5sums of all installed packages please?09:54
fdovingnow3d: install the 'debsums' package.09:54
=== Jucato takes notes.. didn't know about debsums
aliasfredgood fstab link, i found the option i was looking for :)09:55
aliasfredaka 'exec' in the fstab line09:55
Jucatowho knew ubotu could be helpful at times...09:55
aliasfredwell so i believed :)09:56
Pointblankhey i access the fstab file and my fate2 partition is not listed there, do i just add it?09:56
Pointblankfat32 even09:57
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fdovingPointblank: you should consider using /etc/pmount.allow instead of fstab.09:58
fdovingPointblank: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions for more information.09:59
=== Jucato takes notes again... didn't know about /etc/pmount.allow
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Pointblankive doen the pmount.allow and i do belive it is working now10:01
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fdovingyou're welcome.10:01
fdovingit's easier and (often) better than the fstab way :)10:01
=== Jucato wonders if all these will still apply in Edgy...
fdovingyes, they do.10:02
Pointblankyea as you just have to add the partition name instead of all the details10:02
fdovingPointblank: as a side note, this will not auto-mount the fat partition at boot.10:02
fdovingPointblank: you have to go to media:/ or disks to mount it.10:02
Pointblankok i see10:03
now3dfdoving: Ok, thanks I am testing 2ith "debsums" now. Many packages dont have an md5sums though, do you know why?10:03
Pointblankbrb 5 mins10:03
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fdovingnow3d: do you have a example package that doesn't have a md5sum?10:04
now3dfdoving: ltrace, mawk, mime-support, mount10:05
aliasfredhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions#head-9c1ead18dc7cd4bd83300c275fa72b3e5da182c8 <- reading the motivation of "Why doesn't Ubuntu 6.06 allow me to access my Windows partition straight away?" and i fail to understand. a lot of people complain about this. why not mount it automatically if all the parameters can be guessed ?10:05
now3dfdoving:  Hmm,i just got this error from debsums:  Reading from filehandle failed at /usr/bin/debsums line 266, <SUMS> line 17.10:05
fdovingnow3d: you can list them with 'debsums -l' actually :)'10:06
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Pointblankok back10:07
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fdovingnow3d: you can use 'debsums --generate=missing' if you know you've got the correct files, and that they haven't been changed.10:09
sf_how do i change me kwallet password?10:09
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fdovingsf_: open the kwalletmanager, right-click on the wallet -> change password10:10
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chopini just killed all group execute perms recursively under a directory ... is there a way to chmod -R g+x all directories, avoiding files?10:13
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:13
ubotuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DialupModemHowto10:14
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fdovingchopin: something like: find topdir/ -type d|xargs chmod g+x10:14
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=== chopin tries
phreakyshi there10:14
phreakysdoes anyone know if there is an overclocking utility for ati gfx cards on ubuntu?10:15
chopinfdoving: vielen dank ... that works10:15
fdovingphreakys: only for nvidia as far as i know.10:16
fdovingchopin: great :)10:16
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phreakysah ok10:16
azazelBonsoir !10:16
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azazelj'ai une question?Je veux telecharger un truc,bien,mais je prend quois Debian?je suis sous Kubuntu !10:17
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.10:17
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ubotuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk10:22
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now3dfdoving: ok, thanks, could we get them to ship with md5sums files?10:24
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phreakysati overclocking :-)10:25
fdovingnow3d: you could post bugreports.10:25
now3dfdoving: could you tell me the bug reporting server pls?10:25
=== ocjeunesse [n=ocjeunes@lns-bzn-22-82-249-98-180.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu
Pointblanki got another quick question, i installed fluxbox and it comes up at start where you choose kde or gnome but how do i uninstall it now10:25
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fdovingPointblank: kmenu -> system -> adept manager search for fluxbox  click it, and click 'request removal'10:28
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Pointblankah nice one, thanks again10:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about chinese - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:32
proudfootblah, how do I install a chinese langauge pack on kubuntu?10:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about langauge - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:32
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phreakysanyone experience with rovclock?10:32
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D4rklyhas anyone installed the second life linux client ?10:33
fdovingproudfoot: install the package language-pack-kde-zh10:33
fdovingproudfoot: that is in kmenu -> system -> adept manager10:34
cvasilakhello, can someone suggest a video4linux capture client?10:34
dmoynehello : ; again has anybody made ldap server work with SSL ?10:34
SonicChaohow do I change the bzckground in konqueror?10:35
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fdovingSonicChao: in filemanager:  view -> setup background.. (at the bottom)10:36
SonicChaofdoving: Ok, thanks =)10:37
=== proudfoot [n=proudfoo@64-142-95-24.dsl.dynamic.sonic.net] has joined #kubuntu
Pointblankis it possible to get weather applets to add to panels on the desktop?10:38
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage10:38
Pointblankwithout using gdesklets10:38
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Flosoftwhat app does kubuntu use for the bootsplash?10:39
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niroxxhello, can someone of you download the libary "libglu1-mesa" ?10:41
fdovingPointblank: you can use superkaramba, but there is also a weather applet you can access though right clicking on the panel -> add program to the panel... find the weather applet.10:41
fdovingFlosoft: usplash10:42
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Flosoftthx fdoving10:42
Pointblankfdoving, i right click on panel and go to 'add applet' and there are no weather ones listed, is it under somrthing else?10:42
fdovingPointblank: hmm.. hang on.10:43
Pointblankthat is what i was lookjing for though, instead of through another program like gdesklets or something10:43
=== dein [n=dein@pool-71-244-52-76.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
fdovingPointblank: try to install the package 'kweather' (kmenu -> system -> adept manager)10:43
Pointblankok one sec10:44
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Pointblankah yes this seems to be it, once again thanks :P10:44
fdovingyou're welcome :)10:44
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skavengekweather never seems to work for me, says the station needs to be updated10:46
lotusleafskavenge: use the weather applets from gnome instead10:47
Pointblankyes i just noticed that10:47
skavengethey wont add to the panel will they?10:47
lotusleafskavenge: in gDesklets, they work for me ;)10:47
lotusleafskavenge: I've never tried that10:47
Pointblanknah it says that the weather stattion does not exist10:47
skavengelol well im not gonna run gdesklets just for weather heh10:47
Pointblankyea thats why i was looking at this10:48
lotusleafskavenge: there should be some weather app aside from kweather which drops into panel10:48
Pointblanknone of the stations seem to work for me10:48
lotusleafskavenge: kweather's always crashed for me at random times anyway10:48
lotusleafskavenge: like kbear10:48
lotusleafskavenge: both kbear and kweather I avoid like the plague ;)10:48
=== titch [n=titch@82-36-180-148.cable.ubr02.soli.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu
skavengemaybe ill look for one in superkaramba10:49
lotusleafskavenge: good idea ;)10:49
Pointblankwhats superkaramba?10:49
ubotusuperkaramba is an application that gives you interactive eye-candy on your desktop. To get themes for it, head over to http://kde-look.org10:49
skavengePointblank: pretty cool little tool that lets you pick and download all these apps to display -alot- of different things on your desktop10:49
Pointblankkinda like gdesklets or better?10:49
lotusleafPointblank: yup10:50
Pointblankdoes it use a lot of memory while running in backround or is it smooth?10:50
skavengesmooth for me and i have barely any ram (512)10:51
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Pointblankok cool il give it a go :P10:51
skavengeand i use a big info deal called specstatus that uses fake transparency etc and it doesnt hog at all10:51
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Pointblanksweet sounds good i am downloading it now10:52
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Pointblankis liquid weather any good?10:54
Pointblankor is there a better weather app avaiable with superkaramba10:54
lotusleafmythtv also has a weather app, doesn't it? :)10:55
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skavengePointblank: looks like the only one i see really10:56
Pointblankdo i have to download from their website? i thought it would auto install through superkaramba but it doesnt seem so10:56
skavengenope it just points you to it10:56
skavengesave it somewhere then do 'install local theme' from the superkaramba window10:57
Pointblankah i see10:57
Pointblankits opening it in kate10:58
Pointblankis that correct?10:58
Pointblankand then i save it?10:58
=== whiskers [n=rob@c-67-165-115-6.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
whiskersi need help with mpeg video files, i can play them, but i dont get any sound10:59
lotusleafhas anyone tried the game: http://dark-oberon.sourceforge.net/  ??10:59
whiskersi get sound in other applications though10:59
skavengePointblank: well i'd right click and 'save link as' personally10:59
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Pointblankah k11:00
Pointblankthe current version requires two other things11:00
Pointblankand pyqt11:00
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Pointblankdo i need to install those aswell or are they allready installed?11:01
skavengeim checking now11:01
lotusleafPointblank: if it needs them, install them :)11:01
=== lotusleaf grins
Pointblanki was just wondering if they were allready on :P11:01
skavengemine works11:02
skavengemust be installed11:02
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skavengewow thats fancy ;) a little large though11:02
Pointblankhmmi was hoping for something compact, maybe it can be made smaller with a little settings editing11:02
skavengelooks like that may be it for size11:03
Pointblanksomething like the size of kweather, but something that works unlike kweather11:03
lotusleafthere's always gdesklets which has several weather applets to choose from :)11:03
Pointblanki have gdesklets but i found it slowed my computer down a bit11:03
Pointblankor might have been my imagination, does it use a lot of memory/cpu while runningin background11:04
Pointblanki found it wasnt as fast as without them11:04
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Pointblanki havent used them in a while though11:05
lotusleafPointblank: perhaps it would depend on the applet(s) loaded?11:05
skavengeomg you can add a webcam to liquidweather, thats slick, theres one near me on the harbor11:05
lotusleafPointblank: not in my experience but YMMV11:05
Pointblanki did have about5 applets running11:05
Pointblankwhere abouts are you? UK?11:05
Pointblankwoo its finished downloading11:05
skavengeu.s. .. its a big app size wise though, maybe ill just run it on my second desktop or something11:06
=== lesergd [n=lesergd@dvc2.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu
Pointblankhow do i change the location, i cant see any where to do it11:07
=== imotep [n=imotep@ip-179.net-82-216-115.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #kubuntu
skavengeat the bottom put your city in the weather.com search then add it to the 'locations'11:08
skavengeits insanely close for me and i live in the sticks in the midwest, its getting its info from a spot about 20 minutes away from me heh11:08
Pointblankat the bottom where? theres no textbox or anything11:09
skavengeyou did right click and go to configure theme right?11:09
Pointblankah no, i thought configure theme would just be colours and stuff, my bad11:09
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skavengeah, yeah, what i said earlier is under the 'location' tab11:10
Pointblanki got it now :p thanks11:10
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Pointblanknow where can i find a webcam11:10
skavengesays its got a plugin for 'kxdocker' .. hmm11:11
skavenge!info kxdocker11:11
ubotukxdocker: innovative docker for KDE that is like Mac OSX Docker. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.39-0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 253 kB, installed size 832 kB11:11
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@dl-lns2-tic-C8B112C9.dynamic.dialterra.com.br] has joined #kubuntu
whiskersi read the wiki and i still cant get sound for my mpeg files, and one of the files the wiki says its in the repositories11:11
whiskerslibxine-extracodecs isnt in there11:12
skavengehave you enabled universe and multiverse repositories?11:12
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skavenge!info libxine-extracodecs11:12
ubotulibxine-extracodecs: the xine video/media player library, binary files. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.1+ubuntu1-2 (dapper), package size 1148 kB, installed size 2976 kB11:12
skavengewell its in multiverse, thats where i got mine from ;)11:12
=== dmitri [n=dmitri@CPE0050181cfd37-CM00137186b42e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu
Pointblankwoah this is annoying, i keep changing the place in the settings but it sticks on wellington11:13
Pointblankdamnit it wont get off wellington11:14
skavengeclick on 'update' in the right click window11:14
whiskersits not there11:14
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Pointblankand then it does the update, refreshes, and its back on wellington11:14
skavengewhiskers: you did sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs?11:14
whiskersi have adept open11:15
skavengePointblank: maybe try the reload theme option11:15
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skavengewhiskers: try it from cli11:15
whiskersand i pasted the name in11:15
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skavengeyou may get an error which might tell us whats going on11:15
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TheGateKeeperwhiskers: don't forget to close adept first11:15
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skavengeTheGateKeeper: yeah right good call ;)11:16
whiskerslibxine-extracodecs is not available, but is referred to by another package.11:16
whiskersThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or11:16
whiskers :(11:16
Pointblankhey skavenge, the reload theme worked11:16
skavengewhiskers: your running dapper right? my apt is seeing it11:17
whiskerskubuntu 6 LTS11:17
fdovingwhiskers: you need to have the multiverse repository enabled to get that package.11:17
whiskersis that thw cd says11:17
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource11:17
whiskersi have them all turned on11:17
fdovingdid you run 'apt-get update' or 'fetch updates' in adept?11:18
fdovingafter enabling the repositories.11:18
whiskersi clicked fetch updates11:18
skavengeeither that or something may be wrong with the sources.list then because the package is in the repos ;/11:18
TheGateKeeperwhiskers: put this into konqueor --> apt:/show?libxine-extracodecs11:18
whiskersit says no package found11:19
whiskersand im on a ubuntu site that syas it has the file but so far all the dowload locations are missing the file11:19
whiskersok i found one that works11:20
TheGateKeeperwhiskers: me thinks it's time for this: ---> http://za1012001.googlepages.com/modifyingubunturepositories11:20
fdovingwhiskers: please go though this guide one more time: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu#head-775cf32093c1bb05fef1e24465c9be753d76027511:20
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Pointblankim off everyone, thanks for all the help11:20
fdovingbye pointblank.11:21
skavengeyeah something tells me mutliverse isnt actually enabled right now11:21
skavengecya Pointblank11:21
whiskersi have to type stuff in? i just clicked and chose enable on them11:21
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icheyneis there a good network monitor that lets me see bandwith down and uploaded on a graph?11:22
lotusleaficheyne: gkrellm11:22
ubotugkrellm: multiple stacked system monitors: 1 process [client] . In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.7-5ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 388 kB, installed size 948 kB11:22
icheynethanks lotusleaf11:23
icheyneI'll check that out11:23
lotusleaficheyne: there are many other options as well, yw11:23
fdovingicheyne: ntop is nice too, might be overkill. nload could work.. console only though.11:23
lotusleaficheyne: gkrellm has a lot of cool plugins11:24
skavengetons heh11:24
icheynesomething simple and with a gui and graph is ideal11:24
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lotusleaficheyne: ksysguard may have that option11:25
icheynelotusleaf, I tried kysguard but I couldn't get it to work11:25
icheyneI'm just trying gkrellm11:26
=== proudfoot_ [n=proudfoo@64-142-95-24.dsl.dynamic.sonic.net] has joined #kubuntu
icheynelooks interesting11:26
lotusleaficheyne: did you drag the network selection so it would work?11:26
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icheynelotusleaf, I selected ra0 - the name of my network interface - is that what you mean?11:27
grizzlydpkg -i /var.../archives/bum.deb gives dependency problems, now I can apt-get and download each dependency seperately,11:28
grizzlybut isn't there something better? Like drab all dependencies?11:28
=== magical_trevsky [n=magical@80-45-41-53.static.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #kubuntu
lotusleaficheyne: that's odd, it works for me ;/11:29
lotusleaficheyne: but gkrellm looks better IMO :)11:29
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icheynelotusleaf, thanks11:29
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lotusleaficheyne: yw11:29
fdovingicheyne: ksysguard works nicely. you just have to make a new 'work sheet' (don't know if that's the correct name, translated on the fly from norwegian). then drop the send and recieve data sensors into the work sheet. and you've got a nice GUI graph.11:29
grizzlyOr plz tell me the  a way to install old version of apps from archive folder.11:30
lotusleaffdoving: beautiful detail ;)11:30
lotusleaffdoving: which probably explains why it didn't work for him because the default screen for plots is full ;)11:30
icheynefdoving, I tried that - took me a while to work it out - but no graph data came up11:30
lotusleaficheyne: is it working in gkrellm?11:31
icheyneI can't see a graph11:31
icheynebut I can see there is an activity in gkrellm11:31
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icheynethere's an internet option11:31
icheynefiddling with it now11:32
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icheynefdoving, which sensor is best just for getting an idea of the bandwidth?11:35
icheynethe tcp packets one seems to log every single packet11:35
fdovingicheyne: data transmit and recieve11:35
icheyneand slowly11:36
icheyneah I see them11:36
icheynehang on11:36
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proudfoot_hi people11:37
fdovinghi proudfoot_.11:37
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fdovingicheyne: this is my setup: http://ubuntu.lnix.net/misc/ksysguard-network.png11:40
fdovingicheyne: as you can see i have transmit/data and recieve/data in the first graph.. and transmit/packets and recieve/packets in the second graph.11:41
=== soulrider [n=mauro@r200-40-216-187-dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #kubuntu
icheynejust trying to bring it up now11:41
icheynefor some reason xchat is not associated with firefox11:41
icheynehang on11:41
soulriderhey there11:41
fdovingicheyne: to make more room on the 'sheet' use the properties in the edit menu.11:41
soulrideris anyone here int he kubvuntu fold@home tea ,?11:41
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shadowr3dim not banned anymore11:42
icheynefdoving, thanks so much11:42
icheynethat's very cool11:42
icheyneI can't work out how to make the Y-axis easier to understand11:43
icheyneit does not demarcate itself at all11:43
icheynebut it's a good start11:43
fdovingshadowr3d: welcome back, and now behave nice, and enjoy :)11:43
shadowr3dwho r you11:43
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shadowr3dhello yango11:43
shadowr3dplease dont ban me anymore11:44
fdovingshadowr3d: saying hello 3 times in a row within the same minute isn't considert nice behaviour. it's noisy and annoying.11:44
=== Naosz [n=nail@cpc4-cani1-0-0-cust491.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu
shadowr3ddoes anyone have winxp?11:44
fdovingshadowr3d: if you're looking for general chat, you should visit #kubuntu-offtopic - since this is strictly a support channel.11:44
icheynefdoving, thanks again - I'll head off11:45
shadowr3dI do need help11:45
fdovingicheyne: you're welcome, bye. :)11:45
ubuntuhi ppl11:45
shadowr3di need support11:46
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fdovingshadowr3d: if you need help, please compose a question with details on the problem, what you've done to try to solve it, and so on. and ask. don't write random stuff to the channel hoping for someone to ask you questions about your problem.11:46
=== ubuntu is now known as Alvin
alexandroshello all :)11:47
Alvinneed help how to install skype please11:47
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ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto11:48
shadowr3do ok then how do make a sound card work on xp because i've tried using the device manager ive also tried looking up the manufactures website but it wont work11:48
Alvinthank you11:48
fdovingshadowr3d: this channel is for Kubuntu (http://kubuntu.org) support, not Windows XP.11:48
=== Ademan [n=dan@h-67-101-146-58.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #kubuntu
shadowr3dwhat is the channel support for xp then?11:49
shadowr3ddo they have one11:49
lotusleafshadowr3d: WinXP? You mean you haven't upgraded to Ubuntu yet?11:49
fdovingshadowr3d: i don't know, you could try #windows or #winxp or something like that.11:49
shadowr3dyes i have kubuntu11:49
shadowr3do ok11:49
shadowr3di dual boot11:49
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shadowr3dim using kubuntu right now11:49
drizHey guys i need help to install easyubuntu11:49
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lotusleafshadowr3d: do a /list and look for windows related channels11:50
ubotuEasyUbuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ ; for help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu.11:50
fdovingdriz: ^^11:50
fdovingshadowr3d: you're welcome. in the future try to write more than one word on each line, as one word per line is considered noisy.11:51
shadowr3dits because i always get connected to this channel and i dont know anymore channels so thank you for the /list11:52
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||Dragon||Oi alguem pode me ajuda?11:53
||Dragon||No consigo instala o amsn11:53
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.11:53
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.11:54
=== shadowr3d [n=shadowr3@ip68-4-214-163.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu
wordah yes didn't quite look like spanish11:54
||Dragon||Thanks , i go to ubuntu-pt11:54
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||Dragon||But, i need install packges of tcltls, and my ubuntu not install11:55
||Dragon||the packges11:55
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shadowr3dhow can i get more games on kubuntu11:56
shadowr3doops sorry11:56
fdovingshadowr3d: use adept manager (kmenu -> system -> adept manager) to install games and applications.11:56
soulriderthere are better clients than aMSN in my opinion11:56
shadowr3dhow can i get more games on kubuntu ive tried the adept package manager and i got some game but i want more is there a website i can go to?11:57
fdoving||Dragon||: you should enable the universe repository.11:57
||Dragon||o soulrider, better clients?11:57
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource11:57
||Dragon||hmm fdoving thanks11:57
soulriderKopete is better than aMSN and so is GAIM11:57
=== shadowr3d [n=shadowr3@ip68-4-214-163.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu
soulriderlinuxgamers.org ?11:58
soulrideror somehting like that11:58
shadowr3dfdovin could you help me11:58
fdovingshadowr3d: probably not, if it is game related i don't know anything.11:58
soulrideras i said11:58
soulriderthere sa site called linux gamers11:58
soulridercheck it out11:58
||Dragon||I  use Gaim in my pc11:58
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fdovingi only do tetris11:59
shadowr3dwhats the site?11:59
soulriderGAIM is cool :)11:59
soulridergoogle it, i cant remember11:59
shadowr3dok ill try11:59
skavengeanyone here real good with ipods? ive managed to hose mine pretty good, i need to like totally wipe it competely and start from scratch, anyone know a good program/way to do this?11:59
AZ_ASfreshmeat.net or happypenguin.org might have some more but the games included in the repos are good enough for me for now :)11:59
soulriderno idea11:59
||Dragon||i not have install Kopete11:59
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shadowr3ditunes ipod restore12:00
=== xav_ [n=xav@AFontenayssB-152-1-64-105.w82-121.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu
soulriderKopete comes with kubuntu12:00
fdovingshadowr3d: http://linuxgamers.net/ maybe?12:00
shadowr3dill try it thanks12:00
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||Dragon||but i not use Kubuntu, I use Ubuntu, but in my ubuntu have programs of kde12:01
||Dragon||because i have downloaling this12:01
=== titch [n=titch@82-36-180-148.cable.ubr02.soli.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu
shadowr3dwhat is kopete12:01
dthackerDoes adept really have a user handbook?  When I hit F1, nothing happens?12:02
fdovingshadowr3d: there is also http://www.linuxgames.com/ and http://www.happypenguin.org/ - kopete is a Instant Messenger client. supports multiple protocols..12:02
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shadowr3dok thank you12:02
fdovingdthacker: doesn't KDE helpe center start?12:03
dthackerfdoving: shiny new install, adept was the first app I started up.12:04
fdovingdthacker: i don't think there is a adept manual yet, no. but KDE Help Center should start, and tell you that it can't find the docs.12:04
dthackerI will exit adept and try help center12:04
shadowr3dwhich ubuntu is better12:04
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fdovingshadowr3d: depends on who you ask, as you ask in #kubuntu we will tell you that Kubuntu is the best. If you ask in #ubuntu they will tell you Ubuntu is the best, and similar for #edubuntu and #xubuntu..12:05
shadowr3do ok12:05
shadowr3dwait is kubuntu already out12:05
Tm_TKubuntu <312:05
Tm_Tfdoving: ;)12:05
shadowr3di mean xubuntu12:05
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fdovingit's like asking at the Mercedes store, what car to buy.12:06
dthackerfdoving: at the risk of being a heretic :), the first thing I've been asked to install on my fresh Kubuntu 6.06 LTS is .....gaim.   I've clicked off installed packages and tried a search, no dice.12:06
xav__ubuntu is real funny. it transformed gnome vs kde flamewar in ubuntu vs kubuntu ones ...12:06
xav__really doesn't make any sense to have one new distrib name for each desktop you use12:06
kieselsteinixav__: hehe....12:06
=== Tokeiito [n=tokeiito@] has joined #kubuntu
lotusleafxav__: fluxbox vs. openbox!12:07
xav__yes lets do fluxbuntu12:07
xav__and openbuntu12:07
lotusleafxav__: nubuntu has fluxbox doesn't it?12:07
kieselsteinibtw. which desktop environment is more used at the moment: gnome or kde...12:07
kieselsteiniicebuntu :)12:07
xav__kieselsteini: no clue, both are not bad, so both are widely used12:07
fdovingdthacker: did you run 'fetch updates' first? first button from left. in adept.12:07
kieselsteinior Ubuntu TWM Edition12:08
dthackerfdoving:  I will do that after reboot.  I need to check network connectivity and eliminate other human errors. tnx12:08
xav__kieselsteini: oh, I want that one12:08
=== xav__ goes make a live cd
shadowr3dhow do i get shipit free xubuntu12:09
Tm_Tyou don't (?)12:09
lotusleafshadowr3d: download it, burn it, and ship it to yourself12:09
xav__lotusleaf: hey, good idea12:09
shadowr3dwhere do i download it12:09

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