
adamant1988LOL jenda I'm already starting on page 512:21
jendaheh ;)12:21
MenZajenda: is it working alright?12:22
MenZaThe page :)?12:22
jendaThis is a different one ;)12:22
jendait's adamants thing12:22
jendaMenZa, yep, yours works great so far.12:22
adamant1988WHEW I'm finished.01:03
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elkbuntuMitchM, ping?03:22
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johnlittlenixternal: ping04:37
nixternalyo yo04:37
johnlittlesee -fridge04:37
nixternalnot yet04:37
nixternalbeen busy hacking ;)04:37
johnlittletheres typos in the latest fridge post04:38
nixternalgo figure04:38
=== poningru [n=poningru@pool-71-251-119-125.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
adamant1988so nixternal04:50
adamant1988what's up man?04:51
=== poningru just heard about mathewgarrett
poningrudoes his 'resignation' include going away from ubuntu?04:55
=== poningru hopes not
=== poningru reads rest of the blog
nixternalwhats up adamant1988...where you been hiding?04:56
adamant1988Been doing more local work.04:58
=== poningru introduces himself to adamant1988
adamant1988hello poningru05:03
adamant1988anywho nixternal... I just wrote an 8 page "paper" on a method of both spreading  Ubuntu and it's commercial support.05:03
adamant1988no link05:04
adamant1988it's on my computer.. odt format...05:04
adamant1988I wanted to show it to Jenda before I sent it in .05:04
nixternalit seems i may be up for the presidency of a local lug05:04
adamant1988to canonical05:04
adamant1988but they're just going to ignore it, so it was 8 pages in wasted time.05:04
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nixternalmore than likely ;)05:05
adamant1988but if you want it I can dcc it to you05:05
nixternalyou can try to dcc it05:05
adamant1988screw it just give me your email05:06
adamant1988you got a new one with your Ubuntu Membership didn't you?05:06
nixternalhad for almost 2 months now ;)05:06
adamant1988check now ;)05:07
nixternalgot it05:08
adamant1988it's not the best... my grammar sucked... but it's 8 pages of complete speculation based on what I've seen locally05:09
poningrucan I get in on that?05:14
adamant1988we'll see what nixternal says :P05:15
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nixternalthis is retarded05:19
nixternalOOo is broken in Edgy05:19
nixternalmaybe its not05:19
nixternaljust takes 2 days to load05:19
adamant1988owned again05:21
adamant1988I thought you were talking about my 8 page waste of time when you said it was retarded05:21
nixternalnot yet..let me get OOo running first, then i will see if it is retarded ;)05:22
poningrujust go pdf on it05:23
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adamant1988nixteral did you read it?06:38
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adamant1988ech... stupid gaim06:39
adamant1988nixternal: did you read the paper thingy?06:39
nixternalim still trying to fix OOo06:40
nixternalthere is my problem06:40
nixternalstupid crap06:40
adamant1988dumb question06:41
adamant1988is the GCC lib or w/e installed?06:41
nixternalwell, since i do some dev stuff and packaging, i sure hope it is06:43
nixternalbuild-essentials is the first thing i install after a fresh install06:43
adamant1988open synaptic and reinstall?06:44
nixternalbeen there done that...adept though06:45
adamant1988same difference06:45
adamant1988maybe not the right version?06:46
nixternalno, a recent update broke it...everything is right version..one of the so files i borked06:47
adamant1988downgrade :P06:47
nixternali will...and put KOffice on instead06:48
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jendaGood morning10:22
=== jenda wonders if elkbuntu hasn't forgotten...
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elkbuntujenda, sorry.. been busy12:38
jendaNo problem, me too :)12:38
elkbuntujust took my father out to dinner since father's day is tomorrow12:39
jendawow ;)12:41
jendaI didn't even know.12:42
elkbuntuit might be different where you are12:42
elkbuntuiirc the americans do it on a different date to australians12:42
jendaI suppose ;) I know a few families that do it here, but it's not very common.12:42
elkbuntuyeah, anyway dad's impossible to buy for so i took him for dinner instead12:43
elkbuntuso are these files as menza gave them to you with your alterations?12:45
jendaI only made a few changes when I realised I'm going nowhere with it.12:48
jendaI can't even think of a way it should be organised :-D12:48
elkbuntuwhat information do you want displayed?12:49
elkbuntuactually, write down an explanation and email it to me, it might help12:49
jendaBut basically, it should 1) provide ... ook, email is best :)12:49
elkbuntueasier to find to refer back to ;)12:49
jendagrep /home/jenda/.xchat/xchatlogs/F...12:50
elkbuntuthats hit & miss with alot of noise though :P12:51
jendaI use it most often when one of my smaller channel's topic's gets wiped.12:52
elkbuntujenda, i've fixed up the <em> tags and got the rss machines working01:19
jendafor the counter?01:20
jendagreat :)01:20
jendaI'm working on getting the email to you - I've had people buggin' me ;)01:20
elkbuntuwaiting on instructions01:20
elkbuntuthat's fine01:23
elkbuntuin other news, i think i've developed carpal in both wrists :(01:23
jendaaw :(01:24
jendaYou should use the dvorak.01:24
jenda(Does that sound like 'I told ya'? ;) )01:24
elkbuntuthat means i'd have to buy one.. thats money i dont really have spare01:25
elkbuntui have ergo pads for both my keyboard and my mouse anyway01:25
jendaThey don't even sell them around here.01:32
jendaAll you need to do is SW-switch the keyboard, and use a training program (dvorak7min). You're not supposed to look at the keyboard anyway, right? :-D01:33
jendaSent, elkbuntu - we can discuss here01:33
elkbuntujenda, they dotn sell them around here either but there's this thing called ebay ;)01:39
elkbuntui've only got little hands anyway, so my hands float and move around rather than pivot for keys01:40
jendaGood point - I have no experience using it.01:40
=== jenda has a very custom keyboard anyway. Normal dvorak is nowhere near enough what I need... it has no Czech chars, and no French ones... (there is a French dvorak, but it's optimised for French, thus totally different).
elkbuntumy hands are only 17cm long with a 19cm span01:41
jendanever measured mine :-D01:44
elkbuntui have because online people once refused to believe i had teensy hands01:45
jendaBut I have one of the smallest hands around for sure - never met a _guy_ with smaller ;)01:45
=== jenda searches for a ruler :-D
MenZaYou know what they say about the proportions between hands and the size of various other bodyparts, jenda :)01:46
elkbuntuok, i've got in mind what you're needing jenda, and i can do it, but it will take some days with my current condition01:46
elkbuntuMenZa, thankfully for jenda, it's not really all that true ;)01:46
jendaMenZa: yep :) And I have also had the opportunity to judge the truthfulness :-D01:47
jendaelkbuntu: 18-21 here ;) Wow, yours gotta be really teensy to be smaller than mine :)01:47
elkbuntuthat may well have been overshare there jenda ;)01:48
elkbuntuyeah, i really have got tiny hands01:48
jenda</this topic>01:48
elkbuntuwe -were- talking about keyboards, would you believe it :P01:49
jendaelkbuntu: that's great. I'll try to be around if you have any questions/want me to participate in some way.01:49
=== MenZa measures his
elkbuntujenda, it'll be nice and dynamic, so you'll be able to fill in a html form and add new people etc :)01:50
MenZaAh cannae find me ruler01:50
MenZathere it is01:50
MenZa20 long from the wrist01:51
MenZaSpan is 2201:51
=== jenda coughs
=== MenZa glares
MenZaMy feet are bug :o01:56
MenZabig, even01:56
=== jenda reporst bug: MenZa's feet
jendaI'd strongly suggest we stop befoe it's too late ;)01:59
elkbuntua certain someone will go ballistic if he comes back and sees this talk :P01:59
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adamant1988jenda did you read that paper?03:33
jendaadamant1988: I've been reviewing a SpreadUbuntu design by mr ennermoser, sorry.03:34
jendaI will get to it as soon as I'm done with that.03:34
jendaI'll honestly try to look through it in a few hours.03:37
jendaI'll bbl03:37
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jendayo da Menzz04:04
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MitchM"yo da menzz" -- clever =P04:07
MitchMelkbuntu: in bed?04:20
MenZaVery, MitchM.04:21
MitchMnow now; dont pat yourself on the back too hard04:26
jendahello, MitchM, and Huzzah, MenZa ;)04:35
MitchMHello Jenda04:41
MitchMwe didnt get that bug report contained fast enough...04:42
MitchMits ... *tear* horrible.04:42
jendawhich one, bug #1?04:43
MenZaHi jenda :)04:43
MitchMthe bug titled " MenZa's Feet"04:44
=== MitchM pats MenZa on the back.
jendaaha :)04:44
MitchMits all in good fun...04:45
MitchMbecause im pretty sure my feet are the worse.04:45
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=== somerville32 is away: Be back on Sunday night
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Klaidashi menza09:48
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