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lecaros@seen mhz01:51
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Amaranthwell, that was simple05:49
Amaranthi haven't actually tried running the code yet but i believe i've just switched willowng over to using two separate DBs in about 30 minutes05:50
Amaranthnow to unfsck the package :)06:03
Amaranthwow this is a PITA06:16
LaserJockdo you want to include the KDE port in this one?06:16
Amaranthif you have the patches, sure06:16
LaserJockdo you have an ok package right now or do you still have work to do on it?06:16
Amaranthi'm working out some problems with the way i setup the config.py file06:17
LaserJockAmaranth: do you keep the debian/ in your bzr repo?06:20
Amaranthyeah, want me to push my latest stuff so you can diff it?06:20
LaserJockyeah, that would be helpful06:21
Amaranthdunno if any of it works yet though :)06:25
LaserJockwell, we'll test it out ;-)06:29
Amaranthactually i know it doesn't work, setup.py needs more love06:31
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LaserJockAmaranth: doh, I was just leaving. I sent you an email with a URL for my bzr branch07:56
BurgundaviaAmaranth: do you have a couple of sentences for a final SoC report (or a blog post I can look at?)07:56
AmaranthLaserJock: alright, cool07:56
Amaranthi finally got suspend to work on edgy :)07:56
Amaranthhad to disable ahci in my bios, damn sata disks07:56
AmaranthBurgundavia: If you can wait 24 hours I'll have something positive to report. :)07:57
AmaranthRight now things are....broken. :P07:57
BurgundaviaAmaranth: well, I want to add something to UWN07:57
Amaranthwhat's your deadline?07:58
AmaranthAll I really have to report is that until this weekend I've been swamped with school stuff.07:59
Burgundaviano need for a link, so a quick statement of what you finished07:59
AmaranthSince last time you asked? Not a thing.07:59
Burgundaviaok, then no worries08:00
AmaranthHeh, that's why I said 24 hours. :)08:01
AmaranthI've got a couple of things going on in bzr and the next package upload will likely have a Qt frontend08:01
Burgundaviaok, I will get you next week08:02
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jpduyxquestion, where can i find information to upgrade from Ubuntu Dapper to a Dapper Edubuntu-server that acts as a ltsp server ?11:30
jpduyxi did apt-get install edubuntu-server, that worked fine, then i i changed the /etc/ltsp/dhcd.conf to my local settings. the thin client gets the network address, so  the dhcp server  works, but it seems there are no ltsp kernels or something like that, i get the error TFTP-Error - File not found11:34
jpduyxanybody with ideas ? i am now busy to use dpkg-reconfigure --all, just would like to know if that is the preferred way to do this "upgrade"11:42
jpduyxi couldn't find this information with google also, really nobody tried this, or knows what i am missing ?11:48
lucasvo!seen p1ps11:49
ubotuI haven't seen p1ps recently11:49
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pygiRichEd-1, poke? :)12:16
=== pygi is sorry for poking on Sunday
jpduyxanybody has any experience upgrading from ubuntu to edubuntu-server ?12:32
jpduyxokay, i'll try to find out myself, where can i post my information if i can figure it out ? maybe helping others ?12:38
jpduyxogra any technical idea's about my questions above? i saw at edubuntu wiki that you are specialised in the technical and general questions concerning edubuntu 12:48
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jjjjjjjanyone home?05:20
jjjjjjji have ubuntu 5.10 installed.  i think i can change it to edubuntu via apt-get no?05:20
jjjjjjjis there an "upgrade" path from ubuntu to edubuntu?05:21
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capt_kirkHi all.  I have a newbie question about GDM login under LTSP.  Is this the right place to ask?09:36
Burgundaviayes, but Edubuntu doesn09:38
Burgundavia't use GDM09:38
capt_kirkahh.  thanks.  here's the problem I'm having: the thin clients always boot correctly and bring up the Ubuntu splash, but..09:39
capt_kirkwhen they get to the login, sometimes they fail to go to the graphical login09:39
capt_kirkif i reboot the server, they will go to the graphical login again and all is good09:40
capt_kirkat the tty login, i obviously can't login since i'm not ssh'ing to the server at that point.09:40
capt_kirki've googled for a couple of hours, but couldn't find anyone asking about a similar problem09:40
capt_kirkhas anyone seen the thin clients and or server "forget" how to do thin client login after the server is running for an hour or two?09:41
capt_kirkit seems like there is a timer that is expiring, but I can't imagine what it is.09:42
Burgundaviahmm, I have never installed a thin client lab, so I cannot hel you there09:42
capt_kirkeven when the logins fail, the thin client is getting an IP from dhcpd and they go through the boot process up to the actual login where it dies.09:42
capt_kirknp, Burgundavia.  09:43
capt_kirkanyone else monitoring the conversation?09:43
Burgundaviafwiw, I have never heard of this specific bug09:43
capt_kirkI've read a lot of Oli's post while googling.  Is he on here usually?09:44
Burgundaviayep, as ogra09:44
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capt_kirkI'll watch for him.  It's not urgent.  Just doing a proof-of-concept test lab now.  But need to have it working well within a couple of weeks to influence our next big buy.  Working to convince the Dean that LTSP is the way to go for the computer labs to give more capability for less cost09:46
capt_kirkfwiw, if there are any edubuntu developers here, I got the disks in the mail on Thursday night and have had a great weekend playing with them.  It's a great distro.  Very impressed.  Still a few automation issues that would make it easier for the average school to deploy, but it's a long way toward that goal.  great job!09:48
capt_kirkWell, gotta get to bed.  It's almost 2300 here in Tanzania.  Night.09:50
mhzanyone here working on E.H.B ?10:17
=== hlabs [n=hlabs@CPE00121788bf68-CM00109558344a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #edubuntu
hlabshelp. I need help in setting up a file server10:27
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hlabs i try to connect my windows pc the the shared folder of the ubuntu pc. But the window pops up and says enter uid and pass. I cannot access the folder even if the credentials are rite               11:00
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mhzhlabs: and have you asked in #ubuntu?11:02
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LaserJockhi Amaranth11:05
=== cbx33 [n=prochat1@84-45-238-195.no-dns-yet.enta.net] has joined #edubuntu
Amaranth403 on your branch11:06
cbx33hi all11:06
LaserJockI wondered11:06
LaserJockhi cbx3311:06
Amaranththanks to a tip on the forums my sound is now actually louder than it is in windows :D11:06
cbx33hi Laserjock11:06
Amaranthbefore it was 3x louder in windows than linux11:07
Amaranthat least11:07
mhzcbx33: are you working on EHB?11:07
mhzhi all11:07
AmaranthI wonder if crimsun would be able to figure out why the hack works like it does.11:07
mhzEdubuntu Handbook?11:07
cbx33not at the moment11:08
cbx33probably will write some on SCP11:08
LaserJockAmaranth: can you try it now?11:08
cbx33when i finish my pessulus patch11:09
Amaranthloading up email11:09
Amaranthi think nvidia is robbing me of working hibernate :(11:09
Amaranthit works if i stop gdm before hibernating (echo disk > /sys/power/state)11:10
Amaranthbut at that point i've already closed out everything that would make not doing a fresh boot worthwhile (except for the sound hack)11:10
AmaranthLaserJock: "All changes applied successfully."11:12
Amaranthwhich is really cool, because some of the patches it made still worked after i reordered things in setup.py :)11:13
LaserJockyeah, bzr is grand11:13
Amaranthhe didn't define any names for the buttons and dialog11:15
Amaranthso it's PushButton_4_2_clicked and junk11:15
cbx33i gotta add more to the pessulus app now11:15
LaserJockAmaranth: is that real bad?11:16
cbx33custom paths was cool, but, left me with a large problem.  Editing users keys, saved them as root 70011:16
cbx33so normal users couldn't even read them11:17
AmaranthLaserJock: it's pretty bad11:17
AmaranthLaserJock: i'll accept it for now but i'd like to see it cleaned up11:17
cbx33It makes it a lot harder to figure out what does what11:17
Amaranthi'm going to make willowng-config a metapackage that depends on willowng-config-gnome | willowng-config-kde11:20
Amaranthactually, i dunno if i should bother11:20
LaserJockideally it would be better to do it that way11:22
LaserJockas then people see that there is a difference11:22
LaserJockbut I don't know if it's a big deal11:22
LaserJockI just wanted to create as little delta as possible11:23
Amaranthi might make willowng-config into willowng-config-gnome but i think think i'll make the metapackage11:24
Amaranthhmm, although perhaps i should for upgrades11:25
=== Yagisan [n=Yagisan@doomsday/developer/Yagisan] has joined #edubuntu
LaserJockAmaranth: were you able to split it?12:00
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