
nixternali have a mad penguin on my desktop12:11
=== fritsch [i=qgetdIGr@nat-wh-1.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
crimsunthat's all on 8x6?12:16
=== xt [n=xt@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
xthello! My edgy eft installation is stopping with partman running in eternal loops12:18
Riddellxt: bug reports to launchpad.net, attach /var/log/installer/* if you can12:19
shiningnixternal: no wonder why he's mad 12:21
nixternalya, puting on win2k12:21
nixternalim not about to purchase cedega to do this stupid office 2003 junk for school12:21
shiningwine doesn't do that? why can't you use openoffice?12:22
shiningcedega is only for games12:22
nixternalwine won't run office 2003...and openoffice sucks for documentation..plus this course specifically requires .doc files12:22
nixternalcrossover office i meant12:22
shiningoo should support doc fine12:23
nixternalit supports it, but can't format it12:23
nixternali did my resume in OOo, and everyone is like, dude are you retarded12:23
nixternalit looks horrid when you open it in winderz12:23
nixternalor office rather12:23
=== xt [n=xt@] has left #kubuntu-devel []
=== Tm_T hates doc files
=== nando [n=nando@dslb-084-058-023-038.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
jdongRiddell: can't backport ubuntu2 until that soyuz bug is resolved12:30
=== rouzic [n=rouzic@18.Red-88-10-62.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
jdongmy god is utorrent aggressive01:03
jdongor it might just be ktorrent misbehaving01:03
jdongI'm currently seeding the kubuntu/ubuntu knot2 cd's01:03
jdongand I'm getting around 10 connect requests a second01:04
jdongmajority of whom are utorrent users01:04
jdongignoring the statistical fallacy, I conclude that utorrent is being a bitch to my router01:04
=== ryanakca wonders why he can't join kubuntu-devel llist
jdongbecause mailing lists suck^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H01:10
=== jdong ducks
Riddellryanakca: what's the problem?01:13
=== danimo [n=danimo@kde/danimo] has joined #kubuntu-devel
ryanakcaRiddell: I registered, and the first time I got an e-mail saying to click on such and such a link to activate my subscription, but then I realised I hadn't been paying attention and had typed in my old email, so I go  to change my e-mail to my new one... nothing happens... So I hit unsubscribe and I go to register with my new e-mail.. but I don't get a confirmation/activation e-mail like I did the first time01:24
Riddellryanakca: what email do you want subscribed?01:25
ryanakcaRiddell: ryanakca+ubuntu @ gmail . com , please and thank-you :)01:26
gnomefreakforgot about that trick01:27
gnomefreakryanakca: cheater01:27
ryanakcagnomefreak: lol01:30
Riddellryanakca: subscribed01:31
nixternalRiddell: did you createa custom spam filter at all for the kubuntu-devel mailing list?01:40
nixternalmy list got its first piece of spam come through today01:41
ryanakcaRiddell: thanks01:44
Riddellnixternal: no, it uses spamassassin01:45
ryanakcaRiddell: I figured out the problem... gmail's filters :)01:46
Riddellnixternal: it's also set to reject posts unless from a subscribed address01:46
ryanakcathat's why I wasn't getting it01:46
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nixternalheh...i was like wth, k-lined ;)01:59
nixternaltis why i grabbed your info and added you to jabber ;)02:00
nixternalRiddell: in KHelpCenter right..there is a KDE Online page right that lists all the contact stuff for KDE...I was thinking of doing the same for Kubuntu if you were interested...there isn't a single doc that lists everything online for Kubuntu02:02
nixternal"KDE on the Web" is what I was referring to02:03
=== apachelogger notes one of his knotes is about that thingy
nixternalmaybe add that info to the "About Kubuntu" docs02:03
apacheloggerout of date link02:03
=== apachelogger grabs source
nixternalif you find broken links in any of the Kubuntu docs or what not, bug it, and then poke me02:04
nixternalright now..all edgy docs are "dapper" docs..so thsoe don't count02:04
Riddellnixternal: sure02:04
nixternalkool. i will work something into it02:04
=== Riddell sleeps
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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jdonghas the magic of hal/dbus broke for anyone else?03:29
jdongI get all kinds of rejected messages from dbus03:29
jdongi.e. networkmanager, hotpluggable devices, etc03:29
jdongA security policy in place prevents this sender from sending this message to this recipient, see message bus configuration file (rejected message had interface "org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume" member "Mount" error name "(unset)" destination "org.freedesktop.Hal")03:29
jdong^^ that's from mounting a usb stick03:29
=== jdong [n=jdong@ubuntu/member/jdong] has joined #kubuntu-devel
jdongheh, looks like I'm suffering bug 5816503:43
UbugtuMalone bug 58165 in hal "security policy error with hald after latest updates" [Untriaged,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5816503:43
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LaserJockis /usr/share/applications/kde/ the prefered place to put .desktop files?06:58
crimsunseems reasonable.07:01
imbrandonyea afaik07:08
LaserJockinteresting, I wouldn't have thought there would be much conflict07:09
LaserJockalthough perhaps gksudo vs. kdesu07:09
Jucatoimbrandon: cute pic of your "little buddy". heheh! Have a great weekend, too!07:16
=== Jucato [n=jucato@] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Konversation]
=== Jucato [n=jucato@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Jucato [n=jucato@] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Konversation]
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=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseehey all07:35
Hobbsee...when's the meeting again?07:35
Hobbseeoh good, not during a medical appointment07:35
imbrandonheya Hobbsee07:43
Hobbseehey imbrandon 07:44
LaserJockhi Hobbsee07:45
Hobbseehey LaserJock 07:46
=== Hobbsee notes that her sound is clearly screwed.
Hobbseecrimsun: fixmysound, kthnksbye!07:46
imbrandondrive-by bugreport ?07:47
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
crimsunHobbsee: ?07:53
Hobbseecrimsun: my sound's still strangely pitched, sometimes scrambled.07:54
Hobbseecrimsun: what's the best way to figure out what the problem is?07:54
nixternalhiya Hobbsee ;)07:54
Hobbseehey nixternal 07:55
crimsunHobbsee: all sound?07:56
Hobbseecrimsun: yep07:56
crimsunwhich driver?07:56
Hobbseecrimsun: 07:56
Hobbseesarah@sarah:~$ cat /proc/asound/modules07:56
Hobbsee 0 snd_intel8x007:56
crimsunHobbsee: is it reproducible if you use the plughw:0 device (you'll lose dmix, or pcm multiplexing that allows you to play multiple sounds concurrently)07:57
Hobbseecrimsun: not sure, how do i do that?07:58
crimsunHobbsee: normally the alsa-aware apps have a configuration for the device. You can try with aplay: aplay -Dplughw:0 /usr/share/sounds/KDE*up.wav07:58
Hobbseewhee!  scrambled sound!  it fixes itself for a few seconds, and then scrambles or changes pitch again.07:58
crimsunalso, is this 6.06.1 or 6.10?07:59
Hobbseeaplay: main:547: audio open error: Device or resource busy07:59
Hobbseeit's edgy07:59
Hobbseei had the same problem in dapper though.  after one reinstall07:59
crimsunI'm not actively tracking edgy; nearly all my support time is spent on dapper, with the patches feeding into edgy secondary07:59
Hobbseecrimsun: ah okay08:00
crimsunkill `lsof -t /dev/dsp* /dev/snd/*`08:00
crimsunthen try the aplay command again08:01
Hobbseeit's working now, but i cant tell you if it will stay working08:01
crimsuntry changing it for all the alsa-aware apps as a test08:01
crimsune.g., in amarok's xine engine's config, see if there's a device entry08:02
Hobbseecrimsun: um, how do i change it for them?08:02
crimsunchange default to plughw:008:02
Hobbseewoo!  amarok crashed with that!08:02
Hobbseecrimsun: said xine couldnt initialise any drivers, and crashed.08:03
Hobbseewant the backtrace?08:03
crimsunI don't have Kubuntu 6.10 in front of me; what was changed in the xine config?08:03
Hobbseecrimsun: ah, a newer version08:04
=== Hobbsee pastebins
=== Arbiter [n=arbiter@unaffiliated/arbiter] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseecrimsun: http://rafb.net/paste/results/A9FE5l22.html08:05
Hobbseealsa device config....08:06
crimsunthat's all?08:07
Hobbseewell, ie, i can set what goes into those boxes08:07
crimsunoh, right.08:07
Hobbseei just need to know which box to put stuff in :P08:08
crimsunchange stereo from default to plughw:0,008:08
Hobbseecrimsun: thanks, will test08:08
Hobbseeimbrandon_: you're fiddling with your machine, right?08:09
Hobbseecrimsun: still scrambled.  slightly less scrambled, but it's still scrambled, and the pitch changes.08:11
Hobbseeso that's obviously not a fix08:11
crimsunno, I don't think that's alsa.08:11
crimsunis this a laptop?08:11
Hobbseecrimsun: yep, toshiba a10 satellite08:12
crimsunrunning the latest bios?08:12
Hobbseecrimsun: good question.  where do i find out about that?  toshiba site?08:12
crimsunyep, and compare with dmidecode output08:12
crimsunit's possibly tied to acpi. The symptom is that the sampling rate is shifting.08:13
imbrandon_Hobbsee: yea , messing with upstart ( e.g. some reboots etc )08:14
Hobbseeimbrandon_: gotcha08:14
=== kwwii_ [n=kwwii@p54957B7C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
crimsunI will be away for a couple days to get away from everything, so we may need to resume mid-week08:15
Hobbseecrimsun: http://rafb.net/paste/results/32mVhF90.html is dmidecode output08:15
Hobbseestill looking for bios stuff08:15
Hobbseecrimsun: fair enough, that's fine08:15
imbrandon_crimsun: takin some ( much deserved ) time off ? cool08:15
crimsunHobbsee: right, lines 11-1208:15
=== imbrandon [n=brandon@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.imbrandon] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseeassuming it's that....08:17
crimsunthat's unfortunate. I have no idea if that's the same version.08:20
Hobbseeit's different08:20
Hobbseethe date is later08:20
Hobbseehey cool, you can update this from within windows.08:20
=== Lure [n=lure@ubuntu/member/lure] has joined #kubuntu-devel
crimsunright, but I can't tell what it fixes or anything since there's no description08:20
crimsunand what's 1.30-TRAD vs. 1.30?08:20
Hobbseei'm not sure08:21
Hobbseecrimsun: how do i go about fixing my BIOS if i kill it?08:21
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crimsunI'm not convinced that page offers a newer bios revision, really.08:22
crimsundoes the processor speed-step?08:22
Hobbseeno idea...08:23
Hobbseei'm not good on hardware08:23
crimsunhmm, it might not even use acpi08:26
crimsunfrom these pages (google search) it seems to use apm08:26
crimsunthat's another beast in itself08:27
crimsunok, you can try buggy_semaphore=108:27
crimsunsudo modprobe -r snd-intel8x0 && sudo modprobe snd-intel8x0 buggy_semaphore=108:28
Hobbseesudo modprobe -r snd-intel8x0 && sudo modprobe snd-intel8x0 buggy_semaphore=108:28
crimsunlovely. Some reports say acpi, others say apm.08:30
Hobbseeaccording to dmidecode both are supported, right?08:30
Hobbsee(has no idea what sh'es talking about, sorry!)08:31
=== Hobbsee keeps fiddling
crimsunsame symptom?08:31
Hobbseeyeah, still buggered.  seems a bit less buggered though08:32
crimsunsorry, that really seems to be beyond alsa08:33
Hobbseecrimsun: right, okay.  thanks for your help though :)08:33
=== raphink [n=raphink@ubuntu/member/raphink] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== hunger__ is now known as hunger
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hungergood morning10:01
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
danimohi Hobbsee10:08
imbrandonugh got to be up in 5 hours , sleep time, bbiab 10:10
imbrandondanimo: btw i had limited success with teh compile now BUT ....10:11
hungerimbrandon: Good night to you.10:11
imbrandonit segfaults heh sooo i'll dig a little more tomattow10:11
seaLneHobbsee: should the you don't have xine extra codecs message in amarok have worked for streams?10:11
imbrandongnight hunger10:11
danimoimbrandon: ok, cool :)10:11
imbrandonnight Hobbsee danimo10:11
danimoimbrandon: bye10:11
HobbseeseaLne: dont remember10:11
seaLneit didn't for me10:11
imbrandonseaLne: if not i think it should be "fixed" for mp3/m3u streams yes10:12
imbrandonand .pls ? but problem with .pls is it can be anything ( like ogg etc )10:12
imbrandonbut 90% or better are mp3 .pls's10:12
seaLnethe weird thing for a user being that they get the stream title and stuff appearing, just no sound10:13
imbrandonwonder if there is a way to "pre-parse" the playlist to get the media type10:13
Hobbseethat script needs better error checking anyway.10:14
imbrandonhrm , well i'm too tired to think about it honestly but i have a patch to apply to amarok tomarrow anyhow so if you shoot me off an email i'll rember to look at that too10:14
imbrandonseaLne: very true10:14
seaLneis it some how still parsing the idv3 tag even though it can't play the music?10:14
imbrandonit dosent handle cancel and such gracefully iirc10:14
imbrandonyea id3 tag info comes from taglib 10:15
imbrandonand thatas in main and installed with amarok10:15
imbrandonsame lib handles ogg mp3 and others iirc10:15
imbrandonanyhow BED for me , gnight seaLne10:15
imbrandonif you shoot me a mail or poke me in the morn i'll look at the script closer when i put the artwork patch in tomarrow10:16
=== Hobbsee wonders if imbrandon fixed whatever was wrong with kwwii's system
imbrandonHobbsee: he is/was using -0ubuntu2 becouse thats what is backported to dapper atm10:18
imbrandonits fixed in edgy but the dapper souyz has an issue atm with multi backports10:19
imbrandonkeybuck should fix it monday so all will be gravy10:19
imbrandonsame with konvo and kopete10:19
imbrandonHobbsee: just fyi ( to be fixed soonish e.g. monday "sometime" ) its malone bug 58144 thats put a damper on backports for the moment10:20
UbugtuMalone bug 58144 in soyuz "Backport is rejected if an older backport is already there" [Critical,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5814410:20
imbrandonanyhow , i'm off10:21
Hobbseeimbrandon: ah okay, cool10:21
imbrandon<screen detached>10:21
=== Hobbsee wonders if she's suddenly turned into an idiot.
=== pascalFR [i=3Rbcm9rW@cha92-7-82-230-174-61.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== rouzic [n=rouzic@18.Red-88-10-62.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== hunger [n=tobias@p54A61A0A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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Hobbseehi Tonio_ 11:13
Tonio_Hobbsee: yop :)11:13
Tonio_Hobbsee: do you see guidance power manager launching twice too ?11:13
=== _Sime does.
HobbseeTonio_: yes11:14
HobbseeTonio_: you mean that's a bug?  i thought that was something weird with my session saving.11:14
Tonio__Sime: I don't figure out why11:14
=== Hobbsee has an idea
Tonio_there is only one autostart entry11:14
=== Jucato experiences that, too...
Tm_T11:53 < _tsdgeos> Tm_T: well, i currently have four (4) guidance power manager icons in the systray11:14
Hobbseeer, indeed.11:14
Tonio_tonio@kubuntu:~/.kde/share/config/session$ ps -A | grep guidance11:14
Tonio_ 4717 ?        00:00:01 guidance-power-11:14
Tonio_ 4737 ?        00:00:01 guidance-power-11:14
=== Jucato waves hi to Hobbsee
Tonio_also the name of the process is........... strange at least :)11:14
Tm_T11:55 < tsdgeos> four guidance icons and the klaptop icon11:15
Tonio_Tm_T: hu ? isn't there a conflict between the packages ?11:15
HobbseeTonio_: point.  it is only there once11:15
Tm_TTonio_: I don't know, I don't have laptop with KDE11:15
Tm_TTonio_: and that's not kubuntu user even, KDE devel11:15
Tonio_okay, I can't work on this today, I still have to finish installing in my girlfriend's appartment...11:16
Tonio_I'll be okay tomorrow for this :)11:16
Tm_Tso there seems to be some problems in upstream too ;)11:16
Tonio_seya tomorrow then :)11:16
Tm_Thi Tonio_ 11:16
=== Hobbsee wonders how one installs in an appartment
Tm_Tand have fun ;)11:16
Hobbseehey Jucato 11:16
Tm_Thi kids11:17
Jucatokids... I feel so young again :-D11:17
=== Jucato_ [n=jucato@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Jucatoargh... errands...11:23
=== marseillai_ [n=mars_@AMarseille-256-1-64-108.w90-4.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== seaLne adds a "me too" for multiple guidance power manager
=== hunger sees it only once.
=== Hobbsee wonders...
hungerBut the mouse over display does not show anymore. Was that removed? I am sure I had one with the version with the old icon.11:36
seaLneit does for me11:38
=== J-a-r [n=netstar@c83-252-125-31.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== ZuZuu [n=ZuZubunt@AVelizy-154-1-38-254.w82-124.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Hobbsee [n=user@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseeinteresting....very interesting11:51
Hobbseehunger: ping?11:51
Hobbseeand anyone who was just in that g-p-m discussion11:52
HobbseeJucato: help me out?11:52
abattoirHobbsee: what's up?11:53
Hobbseeabattoir: i've been testing out various g-p-m stuff - why a whole lot of us get multiple icons11:54
abattoiryes... i was reading :)11:54
=== abattoir gets the icon too...
Hobbseethe bug is that g-p-m doesnt respect the session saving settings.  so unless you start with an empty session, you get multiples, it seems....11:55
abattoireven though i made sure i quit it before logging out11:55
Hobbseehowever, i havent figured out much more than that11:55
Hobbseeabattoir: it doesnt matter, it doesnt understand that killed is killed.11:55
Hobbseeabattoir: try killing it, and logging in again?11:55
=== danimo just read about xandros 4 in tux magazine
danimothey scored extremely well11:56
=== Hobbsee wonders how you can force something to start minimised, apart from session saving
=== abattoir [n=abattoir@cm120.omega23.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #kubuntu-devel
danimoHobbsee: kstart --iconify ./foo11:59
danimoHobbsee: would that help?12:00
abattoirHobbsee: yes, it always loads an instance... and kde's session mgmt. loads up previous instances12:00
Jucatoerr... sorry Hobbsee, I was away.12:01
=== Hobbsee looks
Hobbseeabattoir: what happens if you killall guidance-power-manager, check with ps aux | grep power, and then restart kde?  does the same thing happen?12:02
Jucatoyeah I had that same experience with g-p-m and thought it might have something to do with restoring the previous session. it disappeared when I set KDe to start with an empty session...12:02
abattoirHobbsee: that's what i generally do... and the next time I startup, there is an icon(when there shouldnt be)12:02
Hobbseeabattoir: darn, so you really have to start with an empty session to fix it12:05
=== Hobbsee plays with empty sessions
=== abattoir tries that out...
=== Jucato eagerly waits for abattoir's return...
=== abattoir [n=abattoir@cm120.omega23.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== shining [n=xav@AFontenayssB-152-1-45-124.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
abattoirit is loaded, even in a fresh session12:08
Jucatobut only once12:09
Jucatobecause g-p-m is in /usr/sharAutomatix: http://www.getautomatix.com/ || EasyUbuntu: http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/start12:09
Jucatolol sorry12:09
Jucatobecause g-p-m is in /usr/share/autostart12:09
abattoirJucato: yes, but none of the other entries there load if you quit them once...12:10
Jucatorawr... away again...12:12
=== Hobbsee is having fun playing with all of this
=== freeflying [n=freeflyi@ubuntu/member/freeflying] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseeyay for irssi :)12:22
gnomefreakis there a reason amarok isnt a depend of kubuntu-desktop. and would it make sence to add it since everyone is media hungry?12:24
gnomefreaknvm it is12:24
gnomefreakfor some reason i thought i had to install it12:25
Lurehunger: mouse over guidance is already fixed in svn12:30
=== Hobbsee [n=user@CPE-144-136-125-169.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseedanimo:  it half worked!12:32
Hobbseeeh.  sort of12:35
danimoHobbsee: what failed?12:35
Hobbseedanimo: er, actually, it did work.  it just didnt do quite what i wanted.  i'd like it to keep the windows maximised when i click on their icons in the tray12:36
=== Hobbsee checks man kstart again
Hobbseei guess i can set the individual windows like that...12:37
=== abattoir [n=abattoir@cm120.omega23.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddellhi abattoir 12:39
abattoirRiddell: hi, i finally got the hang of bzr :P12:39
Hobbseehey Riddell 12:39
abattoirRiddell: and... it works better than the GTK UI? :S12:39
Riddellabattoir: cool12:40
Riddellabattoir: so your archive is complete?12:40
abattoirRiddell: yes... only the password and confirm password thing left.. i couldnt figure that out :(12:40
Riddellpassword to what?12:41
abattoirRiddell: in the last step, when the Password and confirm password fields dont match, the GTK UI does nothing, while the KDE UI finishes...12:41
Riddellabattoir: I've never used a UI12:42
abattoirRiddell: I mean the GTK and KDE frontend :P12:43
RiddellI've never used either12:44
abattoirRiddell: what do you mean?12:45
RiddellI just use the command line12:45
abattoiraah, so how do you input?12:45
abattoirRiddell: ok,ok, there has been a misunderstanding... i didnt mean the bzr UI12:46
abattoirRiddell: i meant oem-config :)12:46
Riddellgot ye12:46
=== hunger_ [n=tobias@p54A61A0A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddellso the KDE oem-config is more fixed than the gnome one, sorted12:47
abattoirRiddell: 'more fixed'?12:47
Riddellwell it works while the gnome one seems to be broken12:47
abattoirRiddell: i dont face any errors w/ the gnome UI12:48
abattoirRiddell: at which step? what happens?12:48
Riddellabattoir: you say "the GTK UI does nothing"12:48
danimoRiddell: edgy finally has a kde oem mode?12:49
Riddelldanimo: it will when we merge in abattoir's work12:49
abattoirRiddell: well, if the password fields dont match, 'nothing' is better than finishing :P12:49
abattoirRiddell: password and confirm password, that is12:49
Riddellabattoir: I see12:50
Riddelldebconf will report a failure and I guess that bit isn't well tested12:50
abattoirRiddell: i'll see if i can fix it by tonight, else i'll come back to you or ask Kamion for help..12:51
abattoirRiddell: otherwise everything works fine :)12:51
abattoirdanimo: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuOEMInstaller12:52
danimoabattoir: how does oem mode work exactly? like can I create a setup and clone that to X PCs?12:52
=== danimo looks
Riddelldanimo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ubuntu_OEM_Installer_Overview12:53
Riddelldanimo: you do the install then dd the disk image to all your other laptops/desktops, then sell them to customers12:53
=== Hobbsee declares dr who scary.
RiddellHobbsee: hide behind the sofa12:54
HobbseeRiddell: heh.  or just come up here12:55
HobbseeRiddell: there's a wall behind the sofa.  i wont fit.12:55
danimoHobbsee: dr. who is awesome12:56
danimoHobbsee: I love the show12:56
danimoHobbsee: can't wait for christmas12:56
=== Hobbsee isnt a great fan of scary/tense things.
=== Hobbsee gets enough scary stuff in real life.
danimoHobbsee: what episode are you watching?12:57
Hobbseedanimo: i'm not sure, i wandered in late.  the tardis has been destroyed in an earthquake, and there's a guy with black writing all over him.12:58
danimoHobbsee: ah, "impossible planet/satans pit"12:58
Hobbseedanimo: probably12:58
danimoHobbsee: great stuff :)12:58
Hobbseedanimo: have fun watching it :P12:58
danimoHobbsee: I already know most episodes since 2005 inside out12:59
danimothat said, wikipedia has a really good episode guide :)12:59
Hobbseedanimo: true that.  scary :P01:00
=== toma [n=toma@toma.kovoks.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddellsebas: why did you make power manager not be a kuniqueapplication?01:04
LureRiddell: I think it was partialy due the missing dcop fix, but sebas has more info01:05
=== Hobbsee uses the workaround for only getting one icon in the tray for the g-p-m
RiddellHobbsee: what's that?01:05
HobbseeRiddell: delete the /usr/share/autostart/guidance-power-manager.desktop :P01:05
=== Hobbsee_ [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Hobbsee is now known as Hobbsee__
Riddellwell, that doesn't help for the first boot01:06
Hobbsee__Riddell: true that.01:06
Hobbsee__the session never seems to get killed.01:06
Hobbsee__Riddell: doesnt help for the very first boot of a new user, yes.01:06
Jucatoabattoir mentioned something a while ago?01:06
abattoirJucato: no, dont think so...01:07
Jucatoah.. must have misread something...01:07
=== Jucato scrolls up...
abattoirJucato: nothing after the message on g-p-m01:07
Jucatoah I must have misunderstood. I thought you meant that if I quit the extra g-p-m's once, they won't get reloaded in the next session. sorry about that01:08
HobbseeJucato: that's the problem - they do01:09
Jucatoyeah. I had 4 of them last night...01:09
JucatoI just set the Session Manager to start with an empty session... but that doesn't really help much, since the default is to restore from the previous session...01:10
Hobbseeah darn, i'm not in irssi anymore01:12
=== ZuZuu [n=ZuZubunt@AVelizy-154-1-80-137.w86-205.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Hobbsee [n=user@CPE-144-136-125-169.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseewell, if you delete the respective lines in ~/.kde/ksmserver* (whatever it is), then it works as intended.01:15
=== Hobbsee_ [n=user@CPE-144-136-125-169.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Hobbsee_ is now known as Hobbsee
LureRiddell: sent another pm fix (just in case if you are packaging new version)01:28
=== kwwii_ [n=kwwii@p54957B7C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
RiddellLure: you might want to ask for a KDE SVN account now :)01:31
LureRiddell: how do you do that?01:32
danimoLure: http://developer.kde.org/joining/applysvnaccount.php01:32
Riddellhmm, google has the ?edit pages in it's results01:32
=== Hobbsee_ [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Luredanimo, Riddell: thanks - was not aware how easy it is... Will do now...01:34
Lurewhat is preffered way? https or ssh? (I suspect ssh)01:35
RiddellLure: ssh is much nicer in my opinion01:40
LureRiddell: I thought so...01:40
=== jdong still crying about his dbus
Riddelljdong: what's up?01:48
jdongRiddell: bug 5816501:48
UbugtuMalone bug 58165 in hal "security policy error with hald after latest updates" [Untriaged,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5816501:48
jdongI get those types of error messages01:49
=== jdong|coreduo [n=jdong@d192-24-235-141.try.wideopenwest.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
jdong|coreduoam I really the only one here with a broken dbus02:10
Hobbseewhy do we have a separate "power menu" icon under kmenu --> lost and found?02:10
tomabecause you have thrown the desktop file away?02:16
Hobbseei thought i put that back....02:18
Hobbseeyeah, i did...02:18
Jucatowill there be a way to remove the Hibernate option from the Logout menu?02:19
Hobbseenot easily, i suspect02:20
Jucatook... gotta get used to not hitting that button :-/02:21
seaLneyou could change the default one, then press return?02:22
Jucatoyeah I do that too02:23
=== Goliath23 [n=david@dslb-084-058-032-122.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Goliath23kdebase maintainers around?02:24
Jucatobut my muscle memory was quite used to clicking on the last button to reboot :-D02:24
HobbseeGoliath23: er, what in particularly were you wanting to know?02:24
Goliath23a solution for https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kdebase/+bug/56206 (kpersonalizer starts every time kubuntu starts) ... a very anoying bug and low hanging fruit in terms of fixing it I guess02:25
UbugtuMalone bug 56206 in kdebase "kpersonalizer (the first time wizard) starts every time I start KDE" [Untriaged,Confirmed]  02:25
JucatoDapper right?02:26
Jucatolet me dig up the "hack" for that...02:26
Goliath23it's already tracked down to the generation on kpersonalizerrc missing the [General]  section02:26
Goliath23Jucato: it's not about the hack. I fixed that for my system. I just find this is a very annoying bug which should be fixed with a new kdebase version immediately, won't you agree?02:27
Goliath23would you ..02:27
Goliath23sry ;()02:27
HobbseeRiddell: how bad's that hack?02:28
Jucatowhich brings up another question... there are quite a few bugs in KDE 3.5.4 on Kubuntu. will they be looked into after Edgy is released?02:28
Hobbseethat's an update of k-d-s, it looks like02:29
JucatoHobbsee: could you check if my "solution" was safe? http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=8041.002:29
Goliath23Jucato: looks like a hack to me.02:30
JucatoI did say it was a hack...02:30
Goliath23I guess the problem is fixed if just the kpersonalizerrc was created correctly02:31
=== Hobbsee looks.
Hobbseedoes this happen on edgy?02:31
fdovingJucato: i wouldn't do it that way, if it wasn't my own system.02:31
JucatoHobbsee: no...02:31
fdovingHobbsee: no. not as far as i'm concerned.02:31
Jucatofdoving: I'd love to be able to give a proper way...02:31
Jucatoactually it also didn't come from me. but we have been trying to work out some of these bugs ourselves since KDE 3.5.4 came out...02:32
=== Hobbsee pokes this with a long, very pointy, stick.
Hobbseewhy is this being evil, and not doing what i want02:33
Jucatoso I'm curious if there will be some patches made available for Dapper after Edgy is released... after all Dapper is LTS, but then agian, KDE 3.5.4 isn't standard02:33
fdovingJucato: put [General]  \n FirstLogin=false in ~/.kde/share/config/kpersonalizerrc maybe? 02:33
Goliath23fdoving: that's the fix for one user, yes02:33
fdovingGoliath23: yes, it's kind of a voodoo magic problem.02:34
fdovingthe problem exists on dapper, but not on edgy.02:34
fdovingthe sources are the same.02:34
Jucatofdoving: and if kpersonalizerrc doesn't exist? create it and put that one line?02:34
Goliath23is there a public repository for the packaging where one could look into the latest commits between kde353 and 354? (I mean the kubuntu repo, not the kde repo)02:35
LureJucato: what is the problem with hibernate in logout?02:35
fdoving/usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde-profile/default/share/config/kpersonalizerrc is set correct, but it doesn't work somehow.02:35
fdovingit works correctly on edgy though.02:35
Hobbseewe dont even install kpersonalizer by default, last i looked02:35
HobbseeRiddell: ping02:35
JucatoLure: I don't have hibernate on my system?02:35
LureJucato: HAL thinks differently.. ;-)02:35
JucatoHobbsee: yes we don't. but the upgrade to KDE 3.5.4 does02:36
Goliath23maybe this patch has something to do with it? : 02:36
Goliath23+  * Make ksmserver Recommend kpersonalizer, since it is used when02:36
Goliath23+    running KDE for the first time. Also patch startkde so it doesn't02:36
Goliath23+    fail when kpersonalizer is not present. (Closes: #309803)02:36
LureJucato: did you try it?02:36
LureJucato: desktop or laptop?02:36
fdovingGoliath23: isn't that included in edgy too? 02:36
JucatoI tried. I had an error and had to reboot. I forgot to take note of the error . I was in a hurry :-D02:36
fdovinggah.. my server is named 'edge' and i run 'ssh edgy' all the time. 02:37
LureJucato: maybe we need to offer this only if machine is detected as laptop (to be on safe side)02:37
LureRiddell: ^^^ any opinion abut this?02:37
Goliath23fdoving: dunno. just read it in the changelog included in the kdebase54 diff02:37
Hobbseewhen kpersonalizer is run the first time, when the kpersonalizerrc is set to true, does it behave all the time - ie, not start on subsequent times?02:37
JucatoLure: probably. although the Power Management module in System Settings is also missing, so I presumed it detected that my system is a desktop. hence my surprise at seeing a Hibernate butotn02:38
HobbseeGoliath23: ^02:38
JucatoHobbsee: it runs every single time in KDE 3.5.4 on Dapper02:38
fdovingJucato: even after FirstLogin=False in ~/.kde/share/config/kpersonalizerrc is set? 02:38
HobbseeJucato: yes, but what happens if you set firstlogin="true" - does it still start each time?02:39
Jucatofdoving, Hobbsee: I meant that unless you edit some config files, it will keep on running everytime.02:39
Jucatois it safe to create the kpersonalizerrc file if it does not exist yet? and put only one line it?02:40
HobbseeJucato: yes, and how do you edit the config files so that it works as intended?  use firstlogin="true"?02:40
Goliath23who creates that file on kubuntu anyway?02:40
LureJucato: thanks for info - will look how we decide for powermanager starting and do the same for logout02:40
=== Hobbsee feels like she's talking in circles here. i think someone fried my brain
JucatoHobbsee: I just comment this line out in /usr/bin/startkde: "kpersonalizerrc General FirstLogin true"02:41
Jucatoso that it would affect all users, not only mine02:41
HobbseeJucato: that's a dodgy patch.02:42
HobbseeGoliath23: kubuntu-default-settings, unless i miss my guess.02:42
Jucatoyeah... I'm going to change it to fdoving's suggestion02:42
Jucatobut I'm thinking about how to make this change system-wide02:42
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fdovingi'm making a testenvironment now.02:43
fdovingpbuilder is powerful. :)02:44
HobbseeJucato: easy.  modify k-d-s02:44
Jucatostrange, /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde-profile/default/share/config/kpersonalizerrc has set FirstLogin=false. but IIRC, until I changed that in startkde, it didn't work...02:44
fdovingJucato: that's the strange part, and this works in edgy.02:44
Jucatocan the changes in startkde affect the ones in k-d-s?02:44
Jucatofdoving: yeah, I've noticed that too02:44
Jucatobut the stranger fact is that KPersonalizer gets installed when KDE is upgraded to 3.5.4 in Dapper02:45
fdovingaha.. that might be the problem.02:45
Goliath23nah, that's okay... it just shouldnt start02:46
fdovingi don't have kpersonalizer installed on edgy.02:46
JucatoGoliath23: no, actually, it shouldn't be installed at all02:46
Jucatoit's not part of kubuntu-desktop's dependencies02:46
fdovingthat could be the problem, because the settings in startkde probably overrides the settings in k-d-s.02:46
JucatoI always thought that KDE looked in $HOME first, then in k-d-s, then only in /usr...02:46
fdovingstartkde makes ~/.kde/share/config/startupconfigkeys02:47
Goliath23Hobbsee: just to understand the mechanism... k-d-s is not a program, it's a directory. so what happens to the files in that directory? a simple copy operation on user createn? triggered through what?02:47
HobbseeGoliath23: i think so, yes.02:47
Goliath23copy it is?02:47
fdovingand kde probably priortitize $HOME settings.02:47
Hobbseetriggered thru the lack of .kde folder02:47
Goliath23Hobbsee: triggered in startkde02:47
fdovingGoliath23: triggered through user changing settings. 02:48
Goliath23fdoving: pardon?02:49
=== tvo [n=tobi@5354EA9B.cable.casema.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel
fdovingGoliath23: when a user change a setting the files are saved in ~/.kde/ 02:49
Goliath23fdoving: yes. question was if the initial genration of .kde is just a copy operation form the k-d-s directory...02:49
Jucatofdoving: I see that my commenting out that line in startkde also commented it out in ~/.kde/share/config/startupconfigkeys02:49
fdovingGoliath23: no. it's not (afaik).02:49
fdovingGoliath23: only the needed files are made. if there are no changes the files should be read from /usr/share...02:50
fdovingi THINK. 02:50
JucatoGoliath23: AFAIK, k-d-s settings are not copied, but an entirely new set of config/xml files are generated for .kde ...02:50
Hobbsee!info kubuntu-default-settings02:50
ubotukubuntu-default-settings: Default settings and artwork for the Kubuntu desktop. In component main, is optional. Version 1:6.06-22 (dapper), package size 1970 kB, installed size 3080 kB02:50
=== Hobbsee kicks p.u.c
JucatoHobbsee: try apt:/ in Konqueror....02:50
HobbseeJucato: neat, thanks02:51
=== Hobbsee never remembers that
fdovingthat will be slow to, if p.u.c is slow . it basically contact p.u.c to do it's job.02:51
=== Jucato will try to create a new user to test kpersonalizer...
=== fdoving will try the same on edgy.
Jucatofdoving: part of apt:/ uses apt-cache, part of it uses p.u.c02:52
fdovingJucato: i know, i packaged it :)02:52
Jucatofdoving: yay!! so it's you who I have to thank!02:52
Jucatodid you also make it? it looks like a Kubuntu-only kio-slave02:53
fdovingno, i didn't make it.02:53
Jucatobut still, thanks for packaging :-D02:53
fdoving Sylvain Joyeux  did.02:53
Jucatothat's one KIO slave advantage we have over SUSE.02:53
=== Jucato doesevil grin
Jucatos/doesevil/does evil02:53
=== Hobbsee creates a patch, that will hopefully work
fdovingHobbsee: what do you patch? startkde? 02:54
Goliath23Hobbsee: did you see that commented out lines in startkde?02:55
Goliath23concerning kersonalizer?02:55
Goliath23looks strange to me!02:56
Hobbseefdoving: no, i'd try to avoid patching that, if possible02:56
fdovingbut i think that's the root of the problem.02:56
=== Hobbsee would prefer to try the k-d-s change first - as that should have been all that was kubuntu-specific
Jucatoif test "$kpersonalizerrc_general_firstlogin" = "true"; then <-- where does startkde get the $kpersonalizerrc_general_firstlogin?02:59
fdovingHobbsee: what do you want to change in k-d-s? 02:59
Hobbseefdoving: the config file for kpersonalizer03:00
Hobbseesomeone got an i386 machine that they havent tampered with?03:01
fdovingonly edgy ppc here.. 03:01
Goliath23Jucato: from line 76 : . $kdehome/share/config/startupconfig03:01
Hobbsee(or reverse all the other changes that they've made w.r.t this stuff)03:01
Jucato$KDEHOME, not $HOME?03:01
Jucatoand $KDEHOME on Kubuntu is /etc/kde3 right?03:02
Hobbseefdoving: sorry, i dont have access to building on that.  i can post the source and you can compile it, if you want03:02
fdovingHobbsee: this setup works in edgy. just checked. 03:02
Hobbseedebs for dapper are there03:02
fdovingwith kpersonaliser installed.03:02
Hobbseesee if that fixes the problem, with no other change03:02
fdovingJucato: could you test this? as i'm on edgy.03:03
Jucatowhat will I test? hold on logging into a new user to check if I have reversed my "hack"03:03
fdovingHobbsee: k-d-s is not arch spesific.. though.03:03
fdovingJucato: http://buntudot.org/people/~hobbsee/kubuntu-default-settings_6.06-23_all.deb03:03
Jucatook I was able to reverse my "hack", downloading the .deb, and also checking if a kpersonalizerrc was created in $HOME if you choose to skip the wizard03:04
Hobbseefdoving: true.  you're welcome to see if it installs :)03:04
fdovingHobbsee: as i don't have the problem, i doubt it will make any difference.03:05
Goliath23Hobbsee: what did you change?03:05
HobbseeGoliath23: the k-d-s config file for kthingorc03:06
Hobbseedebdiff is up there too03:06
Jucatoso kpersonalizerrc wasn't created in $HOME, and k-d-s still says FirstLogin=false. installing patch03:06
Jucatohold on :-D03:07
fdovingHobbsee: FirstLogin=true ? heh.. well :)03:07
Hobbseei would test it myself, but i dont have kde 3.5.4 on dapper, and i'm not booted to there anyway03:07
Goliath23Hobbsee: so "FirstLogin=true" means tat the firstlogin happened already?03:07
fdovingthat would set the same as startkde sets.03:07
Hobbseefdoving: well, it seems to me that you actually *want* it to start up the first time, after you install it.03:08
Hobbseefdoving: and if it shuts up after that, then isnt that the intended behaviour?03:08
JucatoHobbsee: so it starts Kpersonalizer again.03:08
Goliath23Hobbsee: actually, the kubuntu guys dont want it to start at all03:08
Hobbseeif you're going and installing it deliberately, then you certainly want it to start.03:08
HobbseeGoliath23: true that.  things randomly starting up are evil.  but some are needed.03:08
fdovingHobbsee: then what's the purpose of the kpersonalizerrc in k-d-s ? 03:09
Hobbseefdoving: now if i knew *that*....03:09
=== Hobbsee is experimenting a little...
=== jdong_ [n=jdong@d192-24-235-141.try.wideopenwest.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
fdovingHobbsee: check apt-cache rdepends kpersonalizer03:09
jdong_is there a way to mark every single package for reinstallation?03:10
fdovingit's certainly installed by default.03:10
jdong_I just found some really messed permissions/ownership on my filesystem03:10
JucatoHobbsee: congratulations!03:10
jdong_so I suspect that is part of the problem with my breakage03:10
Hobbseefdoving: can you pastebin it please?  03:10
Hobbseejdong_: yay.  breakage is fun!03:10
Hobbseeahhh...i see.03:11
jdong_I'm a few ideas aways from reinstalling :(03:11
Jucatoyour patched worked. after KPersonalizer starts once, it doesn't run again03:11
jdong_and this is a heavily customized setup, so I'd rather not03:11
fdovingHobbsee: http://rafb.net/paste/results/X2D51n27.html03:11
HobbseeJucato: yay....03:11
JucatoHobbsee: it has one side effect though...03:11
Hobbseefdoving: yep, right03:11
HobbseeJucato: which is?  it starts the first time?03:11
Jucatoother than that03:11
JucatoI have disabled KDM Themes. It re-enabled them.03:12
Hobbseewhat the....03:12
JucatoI'm not sure what it will do for someone using a different KDM Theme03:12
fdovingjdong_: dpkg --get-selections|cut -f1|apt-get install --reinstall03:12
fdovingmaybe? 03:12
jdong_fdoving: will give it a shot03:12
Jucatorawr! darn xterm... 03:12
Goliath23my guess is line 64 in startkde! ... 03:12
fdovingGoliath23: it's just strange that edgy respects k-d-s kpersonalizerrc.03:13
Hobbseeum.  we dont install kdebase by default?03:13
Jucatowe don't03:13
Goliath23I guess startupconfigkeys are those applied on every start of kstartupconfig... and there is a firstlogin true in it, which makes no sense I thinkg.03:13
fdovingHobbsee: my bad, ignore it all. 03:14
Jucatoeven with Hobbsee's patch, startupconfigkeys still says "kpersonalizerrc General FirstLogin true"03:14
HobbseeJucato: true that.03:14
Goliath23I know.03:14
Goliath23and does the patch work?03:14
Jucatoyes it does03:14
Jucatowith a side effect...03:14
Hobbseetheoretically, if the bug is in startupconfigkeys, then all distros should get it, not just us.03:15
=== Hobbsee wonders if that was the case with kde 3.5.2
JucatoHobbsee: I don't think so... this only came up in KDE 3.5.4...03:15
fdovingthe bug doesn't exist in edgy, that's what puzzles me.03:15
Jucatofdoving: maybe because KPErsonalizer isn't installed in Edgy?03:15
Jucatobut upgrading to kde 3.5.4 installs KPersonalizer03:16
fdovingi have it installed. and it doesn't start with a clean account.03:16
Hobbseeit would occur upgrading to 3.5.2, too, actually.03:16
=== tvo [n=tobi@5354EA9B.cable.casema.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel
fdovingbrb.. give the kid some food.03:16
JucatoHobbsee: ah, the side effect only happens if you have disabled KDM themes. if you're using a different theme, the theme remains the same03:19
HobbseeJucato: right.03:20
HobbseeGoliath23: you aroudn tomorrow?03:20
HobbseeGoliath23: it's a sunday, paid employees dont usually work on sundays03:20
Jucatonow, wasn't this all exciting? we made Hobbsee make a patch for k-d-s :-D03:20
Goliath23maybe in the evening. better you contact me by mail03:20
Goliath23Hobbsee: why?03:21
Jucatoone KDE 3.5.4-on-Dapper bug down, and a few more to go...03:21
=== Hobbsee adds to the bug report
Goliath23does the fix work?03:21
JucatoHobbsee's fix? it does03:22
Hobbseemy patch?  Jucato said it did03:22
Hobbseei'd like Riddell to eyeball it though03:22
Jucatoat least on my end03:22
Goliath23i'll try it too, later03:22
Jucatobesides, he's the one who03:22
Jucatowho's gonna put it on Kubuntu.org :-D03:22
Jucatooh Hobbsee... "Settings default mouse cursor theme to Kubuntu ..."03:23
Goliath23Hobbsee: can you explan why it works? because changing FirstLogin="false" to FirstLogin="true" seems paradox to me ;)03:24
jdong_0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 2202 reinstalled, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.03:24
JucatoGoliath23: it means that you really make KPersonalizer run first, so that it could be set to =false in $HOME later...03:24
HobbseeGoliath23: evil voodoo, that also happened with amarok.03:24
JucatoI'll edit my posts in kubuntuforums.net and KDE-Forum to reflect what fdoving said about leaving startkde alone...03:25
Hobbseeyeah.  that kind of stuff is a little scary, as it tends to break other things too03:25
Goliath23Hobbsee: yeah, looks like broken by design ;)03:25
Jucatobut it would still be good if a system-wide solution was available. so we have to wait for Riddel for the real thing :-D03:26
HobbseeGoliath23: true that.  fortunately, i didnt write it to start with03:26
=== Hobbsee could push that patch through. it'll have to wait till monday anyway.
Hobbseekamion/mdz will have to eyeball it.03:26
JucatoI really hope that once Edgy is out, Dapper could get a bit of loving again :-D03:26
Goliath23Hobbsee: maybe we could grab the guy who did it and make him fix it, or helping him with it ;)03:26
JucatoHobbsee: monday is just a few hours away for us... too bad they aren't on our timezone...03:27
Goliath23EVEN IF IT IS RIDDEL HIMSELF *ducks and runs*03:27
HobbseeGoliath23: hehe03:27
Jucatotrying to be brave, but intentionally dropping not spelling it :-D03:27
JucatoI'm keeping Hobbsee's patch. so if something goes wrong, I have something/someone to blame.. :-D03:28
=== Jucato does evil laugh
fdovingany idea why this problem only appear in 3.5.4 on dapper? why does the old way work on edgy? 03:28
HobbseeJucato: hehe.03:28
Hobbseefdoving: edgy's a clean install?03:28
fdovingnot my edgy.03:28
Hobbseefdoving: technically, it should have trouble on either.  but the dapper kde 3.5.4 packages came back with other problems that edgy's never did03:28
fdovingit was installed as hoary,dist-upgraded all the way..03:28
fdovingeven though the source was the same.. i know.03:29
Jucatohm.. was 3.5.4 built for Dapper in the first place? or mainly for and tested on Edgy?03:29
Hobbseebuilt for edgy first03:30
=== Hobbsee never tested the dapper lot
=== danimo_ [n=danimo@p50887C17.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
fdovingpackaged for kubuntu,and buildt for both dapper and edgy i guess. since dapper was released the primary focus would be edgy :)03:30
Hobbseefdoving: well, exactly.03:30
Jucatoheh.. I thought so...03:30
fdovingi recall riddell thinking this problem was strange back when it first appeared.03:31
JucatoI also recall him saying that KDE 3.5.4 on Dapper really does have some bugs...03:31
Hobbseeit does.03:31
JucatoI know of 3-4 reproducible ones.03:32
=== Hobbsee suspects that people have been too busy to look at them.
=== Jucato thinks so too...
HobbseeJucato: got fixes for them?03:32
Jucatonah. this time, they're not so easy to fix as editing config files...03:33
Jucatoone of them is with HAL03:33
Hobbseeoh dear.  i had to patch kde 3.5.4's kdenetwork too.  i didnt.03:33
Hobbseenew version of hal in edgy, too03:33
Jucatoanother with System Settings (not in KControl)03:33
Jucatoand another with "Get New Wallpapers"03:33
=== Hobbsee wonders what the "get new wallpapers" one is
fdovingget wallpapers from kde-look.org isn't it? 03:34
JucatoMost Downloads and Latest tabs actually03:34
Jucatoyou can click on the names, but it won't show in the preview03:35
Jucatoso only the Highest Rated tab works properly03:35
Hobbseeoh.  lovely.  does that happen in edgy's too?03:36
JucatoIIRC, no03:36
JucatoI checked these 4 bugs and weren't able to reproduce them in Edgy03:36
HobbseeJucato: you get that the highest rated one shows in the preview tab, no matter what you hit with the most downloaded, and lastest tabs?03:38
JucatoHobbsee: yes03:39
Jucatoin Edgy too?03:39
Jucatomissed that...03:39
Hobbseei didnt think that would be dapper specific03:39
HobbseeJucato: file a bug upstream for that :)03:39
Jucatoyey! bugs.kde.org!03:39
=== Hobbsee replies NOTAKUBUNTUBUG! YAY!
Jucatohm.. but...03:39
JucatoI have to check first if it has been reported...03:40
fdovingthere are some nice wallpapers though :)03:40
Jucatoand that's a bit harder :-D03:40
HobbseeJucato: true that.  it kind of does that as you report the bug.03:40
HobbseeJucato: you're using help --> file bug?03:41
Jucatoon any KDE app?03:41
Jucatook I have to first think what app/component Get New Wallpapers is associated with...03:42
Hobbseeshould do03:42
Hobbseei dont think that's edgy specific03:42
abattoirJucato: KHotNewStuff ?03:42
HobbseeJucato: file it from within kcontrol03:42
Jucatosomeone already filed KDE bug 133188 but under kcontrol03:43
UbugtuKDE bug 133188 in kcmbackground ""Most Downloads" and "Latest" tabs of "Get New Wallpapers" window do not work." [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13318803:43
Jucatoso it's also in Debian...03:43
HobbseeJucato: systemsettings/kcontrol use the same thing.  well, use alot of the same modules03:44
HobbseeJucato: is there a bug in malone for that?03:44
Jucatohaven't checked. checking now... (I've only been interested in bugs recently...)03:44
Jucatobug reporting and searching wasn't really the easiest thing for me... until now that I've got the proper motivation :-D03:45
Jucatobut... how do you search for bugs in LP?03:45
HobbseeJucato: see https://launchpad.net/people/kubuntu-team/+packagebugs and the search bar03:46
Jucatohmm.. no search bar. But I did click on "Bugs"03:47
Hobbseeer, yeah, that, sorry03:48
Hobbseehmm..  it's not in there03:48
Jucatonope. no bug report in Kubuntu Team for that03:48
HobbseeJucato: doesnt seem to be in all of ubuntu for that either, there are only 17 of them.03:49
HobbseeJucato: i wouldnt bother filing it in ours - upstream should fix it03:49
Jucatoyeah. it also seems to be a general KDE bug. also affects Debian03:49
Jucatoif the bug report was filed right...03:49
Jucatonice... now I know what to say when people ask :-D03:50
HobbseeJucato: well, if it's an upstream bug, it's not our problem, they may as well fix it there, where they know the codebase.  that's my general opinion03:51
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Hobbseeanything that's in our bugtracker of that nature will just get ignored, by that reasoning03:51
Jucatoah. but a System Settings bug should be filed in LP right?03:51
Hobbseeit uses the same modules as in kcontrol03:52
Hobbseeand i think system settings bugtracker is in bko.  _Sime?03:52
Jucatoexcept that it only happens in System Settings, not in KControl..03:52
Jucatobut Dapper only03:52
=== Hobbsee got it happening in kcontrol
Jucatono, different bug...03:53
Jucatofrom #kubuntu: "<kegie> hey all! I've just upgraded to 3.5.4, worked fine except now I get the personalizer wizard every time I log in. Is there any way of getting rid of it?"03:54
abattoirthere's your guinea pig :D03:54
Jucatohope it works for him like it did for me03:55
JucatoI was about to say that "and Hobbsee is a QOTU",  but restrained myself :-D03:58
Hobbseeyou coul dhave just said that i was a kubuntu developer03:58
JucatoI knew that :-D03:59
Jucatonow you'll get requests and questions ... part of the job03:59
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abattoirQueen by any chance?04:00
=== fdoving thinks so.
JucatoQueen of the Universe04:01
abattoiraah, so she's not just a mistress?04:01
Jucatomistress could be interpreted in defferent ways...04:01
=== abattoir quits being offtopic, and gets on with his work :)
=== Jucato snickers
Hobbseeabattoir: i didtn like the thought of being called the mistress.  hence the queen.04:01
HobbseeJucato: especially with my whip :P04:01
Jucatowell, Hobbsee does kick people out when she feels like it. lol04:02
=== abattoir searches for Hawkwind's log stats.
abattoirHawkwind: thanks04:05
abattoirHawkwind: hi, btw :)04:05
Jucatonice job Hobbsee!04:05
Hawkwindabattoir: Morning, and no problem :)04:05
HobbseeJucato: :)  woo04:05
abattoirwow, 5 kicks04:05
abattoirshould i say... 'That's all'? ?04:06
Hobbsee5 kicks?04:06
abattoir"Hobbsee  likes to /kick  5"04:06
Hobbseetwo of them are friends of mine on another server too :)04:06
Hobbseecant say i remember what the other 3 are for though04:06
Jucatothe one who kept on saying "rm -rf /"?04:07
Hobbseehim too04:07
Jucatoanyone still running Dapper here? and using KDE 3.5.4?04:08
JucatoI just want to confirm a bug...04:08
HawkwindYes and no04:08
Jucatotime to switch to that newly created user...04:09
=== hunger_ is now known as hunger
fdovingHawkwind: cool statistics, could you please alias uniq to fdoving? is that possible with irssistats ? 04:09
abattoiraah, fdoving is uniq... i didnt know that :P04:10
Jucatoneither did I. until I caught him changing from uniq to fdoving :-D04:10
Hawkwindfdoving: It's possible yes.  Just something I've not done with the stats, but I'll look into it for ya later today04:10
Hobbseegah.  no wonder i have trouble remembering everyone when they change their nicks04:10
fdovingwell, needed to make things easier on everyone.. uniq at irc, and fdoving at forums,and frode m. doeving in mailinglists..04:10
Hobbseeheh.  i dotn think that's easier04:11
Hobbseefdoving: did you write on the kubuntu devel mailign list then?04:11
Hobbseeor was that someone else?04:11
fdovingHobbsee: about what? 04:11
Hobbseefdoving: updated kde packages for dapper is coming to mind04:12
HawkwindJucato: Since you never sleep...I see you've taken over the top spot for the one who speaks the most :)04:12
Hobbseehmmm.  that reminds me, i should be asleep04:13
JucatoI do sleep!04:13
Hobbseeor doing my assignment04:13
=== jdong_ [n=jdong@d192-24-235-141.try.wideopenwest.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
JucatoHobbsee: is your site up now?04:13
HobbseeJucato: define "my site"04:13
fdovingHobbsee: i haven't written much to that list, last mail was a reply to the 'KDE 3.5.4 problems' thread.04:14
=== Hobbsee has one, which she hasnt touched in a while, and her random place to chuck stuff, on buntudot
Jucatoerr.. I mean, the site that was down? the one you asked me to check if I could connect to it04:14
Hobbseefdoving: ah okay04:14
HobbseeJucato: ohhh...my uni site.  still buggered, it seems04:14
=== Hobbsee simply wont be able to do the tute for tomorrow :P
JucatoHawkwind: omg! I'm on top! I don't know if that's a good thing...04:14
Jucatolol! I even topped ubotu!04:15
HawkwindJucato: It's interesting to check those stats every few days and see who is active and who is not04:15
=== Jucato is bookmarking
=== Hobbsee isnt activ
HawkwindJucato: Good source to look at for someone who might apply to be an op of the channel to prove how active he/she is04:16
Jucatoehehe yeah... 04:16
Jucatothough I have no plans for that. eheheh04:16
JucatoI think having Hobbsee is enough to scare the living daylights out of people :-D04:16
Jucatoph34r the wh!p!04:17
abattoirHawkwind: reminds me... we wanted to discuss something... with Hobbsee?04:17
abattoiror am i behind times?04:17
Hawkwindabattoir: We need to discuss quite a bit before Thursday, yes04:17
abattoir*behind the times04:17
abattoiraah ok04:17
Hobbseeabattoir: not at this time of night you dont, but there's a meeting on thursday, where i'd like you guys to present a summary of what you're planning on doing.04:18
Hobbseefeel free to send me any logs of what you have, if you want, or just tell me04:18
Hobbseelogs are good.  *shrugs*04:18
Jucatohm... 04:18
Jucatowe haven't even "met" after that initial one...04:18
Hobbseei have a feeling i'll be pretty busy until your wednesday04:18
Hobbsee2 assignments to do, at least04:19
HawkwindYeah we need to get things together or else we will have to wait til the next meeting after this Thursdays04:19
Jucatoso when do we meet? Hobbsee and I are from almost the same timezones04:20
Jucato(how convenient..)04:20
Hobbseeuh...your tuesday, i suspect04:20
Hobbseeif i'm around, i'm fine to meet, i think04:20
abattoirUTC times please... :)04:20
abattoir*your* *ours* is confusing me04:21
JucatoI'm +8 UTC, Hobbsee is +1004:21
Hobbseeyeah, we need to keep to UTC04:21
HawkwindI'm in CST USA time, it's currently 9:21am Sunday morning :)04:21
Hobbseeabattoir: i was actually quoting your UTC time there, as it's generic UK time04:21
HawkwindI have no idea what that is UTC04:21
Hobbseeabattoir: ie, your tuesday, which is my wednesday04:21
HobbseeHawkwind: timeanddate.com04:21
abattoirHobbsee: *my* tuesday? i dont live in the UK04:22
JucatoHawkwind: what place exactly in CST? I'll add it to the clock applet04:22
JucatoI have NY and CA already...04:22
HawkwindCurrent time zone offset:UTC/GMT -5 hours04:22
Hobbseeabattoir: where are you?  US/UK/somewhere near-ish to there?04:22
HawkwindJucato: NY is EST and CA is PST and I'm in CST, which is Houston, Texas04:22
Jucatoah ok. (I'm only missing MST lol)04:23
Jucatowhat the? no texas or houston in show timezones?!!??04:24
abattoirHobbsee: nvm, i'll figure it out...04:25
Hobbseeactually, it's usually04:26
HawkwindJucato: You have to use Chicago04:26
Hobbseemy $day+1 = everyone else's $day04:26
Jucatoyeah... 04:26
Jucatoexcept in my case...04:27
Hobbseetrue that04:27
HobbseeJucato: what time is the meeting for you?04:27
Jucato5am lol04:27
Hobbseesomething horrifying?  like...5am?04:27
Hobbseewe should swap that to a night again, sometime04:27
Jucatohey, I was up until 4am for the #ubuntu-classroom this morning...04:27
JucatoI think getting up at 5am will be easy :-D04:27
Jucatowhich reminds me... I have to make the transcript for the class. lol04:28
Hobbseewhat was that on?04:28
Jucatocompiling basics04:29
Jucatowhich is weird... that it came first before installing packages... which is the class 2 weeks from now...04:29
Hobbseeokay then....04:29
JucatoAh seems like someone already reported the System Settings bug I mentioned04:30
Hobbseebug #?04:32
Hobbseemainly because i'm curious.  _Sime likes fixing such things.04:32
Jucatobug 5547004:32
UbugtuMalone bug 55470 in kde-systemsettings "systemsettings crashes when requesting "Command Shortcut"" [Untriaged,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5547004:32
JucatoKDE bug 12978704:32
UbugtuKDE bug 129787 in general "warn about shortcuts collisions with system settings" [Wishlist,Unconfirmed]  http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12978704:32
Jucatorawr wrong KDE bug04:32
JucatoKDE bug 13225504:33
UbugtuKDE bug 132255 in general "systemsettings crashes choosing "Regional & Accessibility" -> "Keyboard Shortcuts" -> "Command Shortcuts"" [Crash,Unconfirmed]  http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13225504:33
Hobbseeah yes04:33
=== Hobbsee notes that she isnt subscribed to all those bugs
Hobbseei dont think i want to be, either04:33
Jucatoit's also in the kubuntu-devel maling list04:34
Hobbseebleh.  i do read that.04:34
=== Hobbsee doesnt like mailing lists.
Jucatoneither do I lol04:34
Jucatostill, it seems to still be the preferred mode of communication between... you know...04:35
sebasRiddell: DCop won't work with a KUniqueApplication, don't know why  but it's reported to the PyKDE list. 04:36
sebasThe patch I sent earlier is another problem.04:36
HobbseeJucato: i prefer IRC.  and an email notification, even a log, of what's happened in irc, if i request it, and need to something about it in future04:38
Hobbseeditto bug reports via email.04:38
HobbseeIRC i can immediately tell the person "your idea is wrong", or "you should do it this way" rather than having to think of a nice way to do it :P04:39
Hobbseeand it being archived, etc04:39
Hobbseepeople dont tend to look thru the irc logs04:39
Hobbsee@schedule sydney04:39
Hobbseeoh yeah, CC on wednesday.04:40
Hobbseei got it to output :)04:40
Jucatoyikes! 108 unread feeds... I've been ignoring them all afternoon/evening04:41
Hobbseesend them to /dev/null :P04:42
=== Hobbsee does that with some of her email
Jucatobtw, is there any plan to provide a GUI for handling ADSL PPPoE connections?04:42
_Simesebas: what you can do is look at the list of other apps via DCOP and exit if you see another g-p-m.04:42
Jucatokppp works only with dial-up, right?04:42
HobbseeJucato: it's there, it just doesnt work, iirc04:42
Hobbseeer, maybe04:43
Hobbseei dont know04:43
=== Hobbsee only has cable :P
Hobbseeas do most devs04:43
Jucatocable uses DHCP?04:43
Hobbseewhy do you need a GUI for handling adsl connections?  isnt it done automatically?04:43
Hobbseeyou can use a static ip, too04:43
JucatoI think ADLS PPPoE is currently the only type of connection that doesn't have a GUI...04:43
Jucatoyou have to dig through the docs to find the command...04:44
Jucatomakes me jealous of drakconf... :-D04:44
HawkwindI use all static within my network and I have cable.  DHCP is nothing but a major pain04:44
JucatoI did see a KNet app in KDE that seems to configure all types of internet connections.04:45
Hobbseefind out what it was :)04:45
Hobbseebring it up at the meeting04:45
JucatoI'm not sure how stable/useful it is though. but it would be good to have GUI alternatives for different types of internet connections... (although my LoCo team leader doesn't think so...)04:46
=== Hawkwind [n=SoS@ulteo/community/leader/forum/admin/Hawkwind] has joined #Kubuntu-Devel
sebas_Sime: Aye, good point.04:49
_Simesebas: that is basically what kuniqueapplication does04:50
=== hunger_ [n=tobias@p54A61A0A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
HobbseeJucato: stick it on the agenda, discuss at the meeting04:51
Hobbseewe have 2 hours, and we shoudl get thru everything if everyone stays on topic04:52
=== Hobbsee pats her whip
Jucatocould I stick it there, without being a Kubuntu Team member yet?04:52
HobbseeJucato: of course04:52
Jucatook... me goes to the wiki page :-D04:53
HobbseeJucato: you dont get to be part of quorum of course, as you're not on the kubuntu community council - but dont worry, only 6 people are anyway04:53
Hobbseeand you dont want to be, as you have to vote :P04:56
Hobbseeand voting for memberships can be painful - when you have to say "no"04:56
Jucatovoting for membership on the kubuntu community council?04:56
Jucatobwhahah! I don't think I want to be a member anyway... :-D04:57
Hobbseekubuntu membership == ubuntu membership == edubuntu membership anyway04:57
Jucatohmm.. Kubuntu Team = Kubuntu COmmunity Council?04:57
Hobbseekubuntu team = place to assign bug reports04:58
Hobbseekubuntu members = list of members that are to do with kubuntu04:58
HobbseeKCC = group of 6 people who make the high decisions, like the CC04:58
Hobbseeand a few other postions, of course04:58
Jucatoyou really are the QOTU :-D04:59
Hobbseeofficial title is kubuntu community manager.  i would have prefered kubuntu manager or something.  *shrugs*04:59
Hobbseeit's just a title, but it has it's uses.04:59
Jucatobut "Queen of the Universe" kicks azz05:00
=== Hawkwind [n=SoS@ulteo/community/leader/forum/admin/Hawkwind] has joined #Kubuntu-Devel
=== Hobbsee beds.
Hobbseenight all05:06
Jucatonight Hobbsee!05:06
HawkwindHobbsee: Sleep well05:06
=== viper550 [n=main@d57-121-167.home.cgocable.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== hunger_ is now known as hunger
Tm_TI'm slowly getting pretty irritated05:26
Tm_Tafter reinstall now my konqueror etc has modified things05:27
Tm_Twell, I mean kubuntu vs kde05:27
Tm_Tbut I can't remember how I can revert/remove this kubuntifying05:29
Jucatofor Konqueror?05:29
imbrandonTm_T:  you want to use kubuntu without kubuntu ?05:29
imbrandonremove kubuntu-default-settings ( and purge it )05:29
Tm_Timbrandon: I don't like to take it all off, just some particular things05:30
imbrandonshort answer, long awnser, patch kde{base,libs}05:30
JucatoHow do I change Konqueror back to the default KDE profiles? http://kubuntu.org/faq.php#konqueror05:30
imbrandonwell remove /change what you donr like, i dont see how this is a "development" issue though as thats done "by design"05:30
Jucatohi imbrandon!05:31
Tm_Timbrandon: sorry, I'm bit tired ;(05:31
imbrandonlo Jucato05:31
imbrandonfood time bbiab05:31
Jucatocute pic btw. of the birthday boy05:31
=== Jucato wants to get some ice cream too
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Jucatoum.. question: will Krita be permanently removed from the default applications in Edgy?05:45
LureJucato: I suspect yes, but default apps will be discussed on next Kubuntu meeting05:46
Jucato(which I will attend ehehe!)05:46
JucatoI guess that's in light of the suggestion to include digiKam instead? oh well, wait till thursday :-D05:47
LureJucato: I would preffer digiKam before krita - it is for sure more needed by "general user" than krita05:50
JucatoMe, too. I thought that Krita put there because Ubuntu installs the GIMP :-D05:51
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kwwiirebooting, brb06:03
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=== kwwii_ [n=kwwii@p54957B7C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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=== kwwii_ is now known as kwwii
kwwiiI assume that the "alternate" installation CDs are in text mode?06:10
Riddellkwwii: yes06:11
=== hunger_ [n=tobias@p54A61A0A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
kwwiiRiddell: cool, maybe that will work better on my mac :-)06:11
Riddellkwwii: what's wrong with the desktop CD?06:11
kwwiiRiddell: it does not boot on my 2nd mac, and I don't wanna mess up my laptop06:12
kwwiii had the same problem with dapper06:12
kwwiifunnily enough I get the same error messages on both macs, only my laptop somehow makes it through whereas the eMac doesn't06:13
kwwiiwow, a 12 hour download06:15
=== Tonio_ [n=tonio@230.8.100-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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=== hunger_ is now known as hunger
=== apacheLAGger is now known as apachelogger
Tonio_I'm sick of kdeprint06:25
Tonio_gnome-cups-manager works and not kdeprint, once again06:26
Tonio_it would be nice if canonical was testing kdeprint from time to time06:26
Tonio_I have the feeling only gnome is tested...06:26
insanekanehmm ..06:26
insanekaneTonio_: what kind of problem ?06:26
insanekaneTonio_: hehe, funny feeling :)06:26
Tonio_insanekane: kdeprint doesn't connect to cups06:26
Tonio_I'm trying to fix this06:27
insanekaneTonio_: hmm wierd ... is this in edgy ?06:27
Tonio_insanekane: yup06:27
insanekaneTonio_: scary06:28
=== Jucato thinks he should get a printer soon so that he could experience the agony of setting up printers...
Tonio_I'm unsable to click the "usb printer" button to set my printer06:28
Tonio_of course it works with gnome-cups-manager06:28
insanekanethat sucks ...06:29
Tonio_I sometime have the feeling that if the 3 or 4 personns here were not testing everything, nobody from the ubuntu crew would care.........06:34
Tonio_I'm sick of this06:34
insanekaneTonio_: hmm06:34
insanekaneTonio_: I too :/06:35
insanekaneTonio_: but i guess they are doing their best06:35
Tonio_the question is now, is canonical supporting kde or not ?06:35
Tonio_officially yes, but in the real world, I don't think so06:35
=== Jucato thinks it's up to us to really push for proper KDE support from Canonical...
insanekaneJucato: is it ?06:37
Jucatoehehe just thinking...06:38
insanekaneTonio_: actually, do you use tools to coordinate/automate testing the software ?06:38
Tonio_insanekane: nope06:38
Tonio_we should but we don't06:38
insanekaneTonio_: like writing unit tests ? or using that FrogLogic software for GUIs ?06:39
Tonio_insanekane: just a second........06:40
insanekaneTonio_: np ... i dont want to bother you when you are working :)06:40
=== Jucato should really get a printer...
Tonio_insanekane: no pb :) jsut that I'm trying to fix this06:41
danimoheya Tonio_06:41
danimoTonio_: knetworkmanager stopped working with wifi :(06:41
Tonio_danimo: ah ?06:42
Tonio_works here06:42
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insanekanedanimo: sorry ... dont want to insult you or anything ... but that was funny :)06:42
Tonio_we didn't touch the package for long now06:42
danimoinsanekane: hmmm?06:42
insanekanefirst kdeprint, then knetworkmanager ... i felt it was a strange situation06:42
Jucatowonder what's next?06:43
danimoTonio_: here it only works with nm-applet06:43
danimoTonio_: knm does not see any wireless networks06:43
Tonio_danimo: did you try to delete your knetworkmanagerrc eventually ?06:44
danimoTonio_: nope06:44
Tonio_danimo: you may try this06:44
=== abattoir [n=abattoir@cm120.omega23.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #kubuntu-devel
danimoTonio_: odd, works now06:46
Tonio_danimo: ;)06:47
=== fritsch [i=EOQqyEbO@nat-wh-1.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== fritsch thanks everyone - edgy upgrade went fine without big showstoppers ... but the colors ;-)
=== superstoned [n=supersto@165-234.surfsnel.dsl.internl.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
fritschJucato: the mixture between blue icons and "lila?" colors was not so friendly to me06:55
Jucatoyeah... you can't change the fact that the icons are still dominantly blue... 06:55
Jucatoand although purple is close to blue, they don't seem to mix well in this case...06:56
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Tonio__Sime: ping ?06:58
Tonio__Sime: didn't you modify the usb:/ ioslave ? That can cause the issue for kdeprint I think06:59
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Tonio__Sime: I'm unable to click the "ltp or usb" button since kdeprint doesn't see the usb printer, while it works with gnome-cups-manager07:07
Tonio_looks like an ioslave07:08
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Tonio_Riddell: I was looking at the multiple guidance power manager problem...07:35
Tonio_Riddell: I know it is a known issue (KUniqueApplication), but I can temporary provide a workarround with kds (do not restore guidance-power-manager).07:36
LureRiddell (or any other Qt guru): I am looking into taking Amarok's OSD into kmilo for hotkey support; it is implemented with QPainter (icon+text), but we would need to add QProgressBar for volume/brightness - is it possible to compine QPainter and QProgressBar? how?07:36
Tonio_Riddell: want me to do this or are we waiting for power-manager to be fixed ?07:36
Tonio_Lure: hey :)07:36
LureTonio_: hi07:36
Tonio_Lure: is it you or _Sime that patched the media:/ and usb:/ kios ?07:36
LureTonio_: _Sime (and imbrandon prepared packages)07:37
Tonio_Lure: I have the feeling that causes an issue with kdeprint07:37
Tonio_Lure: okay I'll see this with _Sime then07:38
LureTonio_: I doubt that usb:/ was changed07:38
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Tonio_Lure: we'll see :)07:39
LureTonio_: can you fix bug 30809 in k-d-s?07:39
UbugtuMalone bug 30809 in kdemultimedia "KsCD does not work out of box" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3080907:39
Tonio_Lure: hum........ probably07:40
Tonio_Lure: yes it is possible07:40
LureTonio_: does KsCD works for you out of box? It does not work on most laptops...07:40
Tonio_no problem07:40
Tonio_Lure: my cdrom drive simply fails in kde (sata drive) that's another issue........07:41
zorgluuuq. after releasing edgy, will the release strategy of kubuntu change for a more stable os ? aka releasing only if very well tested ? or the release strategy wont change ?07:41
Tonio_Lure: I must say I'm not a fan of that media:/ patch07:41
LureTonio_: why not? I like it a lot07:41
Tonio_it gives me a folder with a shortcut "cdrom" and "cdrom0"07:41
Tonio_that's not easier for the user to my view07:42
LureTonio_: this will probably go away with .hidden07:42
Tonio_not that much understandable07:42
LureTonio_: I think we still do not ship proper .hidden files for / and /media07:42
Tonio_Lure: probably07:42
zorgluuuany other place more suitable to have an answer to my question ?07:43
Tonio_Lure: the point is that when you insert a cd, the desktop entry that appears still goes to media:/hdc for example07:44
tomazorgluuu: your question is a bit vague07:44
Tonio_users will get lost in my opinion07:44
tomazorgluuu: we always try to release a stable os07:45
Tonio_Lure: don't you think ?07:45
zorgluuutoma: ok so the current dapper you got when you do 'apt-get upgrade' is the stable one ? 07:46
LureTonio_: this will also go away (redirected to /media) - I think we should just drom media:/ kioslave alltogether07:46
tomazorgluuu: what do you mean? dapper as it is released is pretty stable.07:47
zorgluuutoma: i see a lot of breaking by only upgrading package, i just suffered from one, so i may not be too calm now :) 07:47
Tonio_Lure: I don't understand, how do you want to drop media:/ completly ?07:47
zorgluuutoma: but im not there to bitch. so i get that the policy wont change once edgy is released07:47
tomazorgluuu: why dont you tell us what you did and what went wrong instead07:47
LureTonio_: why would someone need media:/ if everything is provided through /media?07:48
zorgluuutoma: i did an upgrade yesterday, and it broke my 3d with a 915gm intel07:48
Tonio_Lure: sure but how to make kde creating desktop entries using /media ?07:48
zorgluuutoma: now it is still accelerated according to glxinfo, but it is twice slower in practice07:48
LureTonio_: we can leave it for users that would type it in konq., but it is not good...07:48
Tonio_Lure: will the shortcut be removed or do you "beleive" it might ;)07:49
tomazorgluuu: it is impossible to test every setup, you are welcome to join the test team. 07:49
Tonio_just to be sure I don't prompt if not necessary07:49
zorgluuutoma: i tried 'system setting' -> display -> admin mode -> autodetect -> it produce the good parameters -> unable to save (all button greyed)07:49
zorgluuutoma: i do understand what are you saying :)07:49
LureTonio_: it is _Sime's call - but idea is that proper redirects to /media will solve non-KDE apps07:49
Tonio_Lure: I agree on that point07:50
zorgluuutoma: it is why i didnt want to explain the issue itself but just wanted to know if the policy will change07:50
tomazorgluuu: no, it is not to end the discussion, it is just to difficult to test all setups07:50
zorgluuutoma: as i said i do understand what are you saying :)07:50
tomazorgluuu: ;-) i'm not sure, Mark wrote something after the breakage of X07:51
zorgluuui dont beleive you try to shut me up, simply i am fully aware that your test team is based on volonteers07:51
tomazorgluuu: maybe something like a staging area would be good07:51
tomazorgluuu: not sure what the idea is 07:51
tomamaybe anyone else might be better informed07:52
zorgluuui think it would be good to have like a middle ground07:52
zorgluuudev - something - stable07:52
zorgluuudev for people really on the edge07:52
tomahas some similarities with debian ;-)07:52
_SimeLure: Hi07:52
_SimeTonio_: Hi07:52
zorgluuusomething for people willing to test but would still be able to use their box :)07:53
Tonio__Sime: hey ;)07:53
Lure_Sime: hi07:53
zorgluuustable for 'i want it to work !!!' :)07:53
Tonio__Sime: I was wondering if you also touched usb:/ protocol ?07:53
_SimeTonio_: nope07:53
_Simethat issue with media icon on the desktop is known.07:53
_SimeI've been working on it this weekend.07:53
Tonio__Sime: kdeprint is not working at the moment, impossible to click on "local lpt/usb printer"07:53
Tonio__Sime: great ;)07:54
Tonio__Sime: and what about the "cdrom" simlink ? is there a solution ?07:54
Tonio_2 cdrom entries for me in /media07:54
_SimeTonio_: it would be nice if you we could just delete the cdrom dir and symlink. CDROMs still work with out those two things.07:55
_SimeTonio_: but I suspect that they must stay07:55
Tonio_appart from that I agree with lure that resolving the non-kde apps issue is a significant progress07:55
_SimeTonio_: for apt or something.07:55
Lure_Sime: we could also just list them in .hidden07:55
_SimeLure: the symlink can go in .hidden.07:55
Tonio__Sime: why deleting the dir ?07:55
zorgluuutoma: ok lobby for middle stable :)07:55
zorgluuusee ya07:55
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Tonio_is your patch mounting them here automatically ?07:56
Tonio_so that I only see the cdrom dir when a cd is inserted ?07:56
_SimeTonio_: the dir can be made automatically when you insert a CDROM.07:56
_SimeTonio_: just like with usb pens etc.07:56
Tonio__Sime: great07:56
Tonio__Sime: I'll look at the folders, if there is a way to get them removed07:56
Tonio_or renamed to .hidden files07:57
_SimeTonio_: Yes, things get automounted more or less, even if you ask it to do nothing.07:57
_SimeTonio_: standard media:/ is also "fast and loose" about mounting.07:57
_SimeTonio_: it automounts on demand though.07:57
Tonio__Sime: I just noticed that the "select action" feature doesn't work for me when I insert a cd07:57
Tonio_maybe that's just me07:57
Tonio_can someone confirm this or not ?07:57
Tonio_maybe it is a profile issue but I'd like to be sure :)07:58
_Simemy edgy should be quite clean now. So I can test that in a moment.07:58
Tonio__Sime: thanks ;)07:58
Tonio__Sime: my problem is that I'm playing with settings a lot (kds) so I never can be sure my profile isn't destroyed :)07:59
_SimeI've been trying to hack on and compile a copy of KDE here.08:00
_Simeand make it match the already hacked version that edgy uses.08:00
_Simeit has been kind of tricky testing stuff out.08:00
_Simeoooooh purple splash screen...08:01
_SimeI've been thinking about removing the whole "mounted/unmounted" concept from the GUI for removable media.08:02
Tonio__Sime: yep that makes it quite complicated08:04
Tonio_I don't find the "select action" configuration thing in kcontrol.......;08:04
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_SimeTonio_: the popup is not appearing when I insert a disk or usb pen. :-/08:10
_SimeTonio_: I don't know why.08:10
Tonio__Sime: there is a config dialog in kcontrol as far as I remember08:10
Tonio_I am not able to find it08:10
Tonio__Sime: this feature is configurable08:10
Tonio__Sime: do you know where ? because it is deactivable, so maybe kde default as just changed08:11
_Simeit is under "Notfications"08:11
Tonio_in systemsettings or kcontrol ?08:11
_SimeI didn't turn mine off though.08:11
Tonio__Sime: hum, I'm testing something08:12
Tonio_It looks like the antialiasing fonts problem08:12
Tonio__Sime: hum, nope, it is different... I cannot make it to work08:13
Tonio__Sime: okay we have this problem to fix too :) I'll look at that after I managed to fix (if I do) the klipper problem08:15
Tonio__Sime: can that problem be a consequence of your patch or not ?08:16
_SimeTonio_: could be, although I did test things here first. :)08:16
Tonio__Sime: hum, well, it would interesting to know if it is or not a consequence of that patch :)08:17
Tonio__Sime: since you did it, probably better you test it before me08:17
Tonio__Sime: can be an issue with kde 3.5.4 too.... I'l investigate08:18
_SimeTonio_: I'm seeing the same kinds of weirdness that you are. I'll be investigating.08:19
Tonio_danimo: inserting a cd now gives me the icon on the desktop, looks like the issue was external to kde, probably hal08:19
Tonio__Sime: thanks08:19
Tonio_Lure: I'll fix bug 30809 toonight08:20
UbugtuMalone bug 30809 in kdemultimedia "KsCD does not work out of box" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3080908:20
Tonio__Sime: we probably need to define a complete testing procedure to widelly test kubuntu before any release, cause we're finding to many issues to me :)08:21
_SimeTonio_: what else has been falling over?08:21
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Tonio__Sime: klipper crashes when you have set your parameters and relaunch it08:23
Tonio_but only when you launch it via the desktop file or alt + f208:24
Tonio_not in konsole :)08:24
Tonio__Sime: that's probably the funniest thing08:24
Tonio__Sime: see bug 5637708:24
UbugtuMalone bug 56377 in kdebase "klipper crashes on login " [Untriaged,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5637708:24
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kwwii_Riddell: same question, different channel08:46
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Tonio_kwwii_: ping ?08:56
Tonio_kwwii_: isn't there a way to make the background stretched with the kdm theme ? the standard moodinkde theme does it, so I assume it is possible08:57
Tonio_kwwii_: that doesn't work with yours08:57
kwwii_Tonio_: yeah, I have to add pics that are large enough...it does scale it, but the pic is only 1600x120008:57
kwwii_we need to add the scaling to the ksplash as well08:58
kwwii_unless Riddell has been busy and took care of it already :-)08:58
kwwii_my text mode download is going to take another 5 hours, so I cannot really check myself yet08:59
Tonio_kwwii_: sorry but I don't understand :)09:00
Tonio_my screen is 1280 800 and the image isn't scalled, I only see the topleft part of it09:00
Tonio_kwwii_: it does it with the moodinkde theme so I assume that's due to riddell's patch  ?09:01
kwwii_Tonio_: how big is your screen? (and/or maybe I changed it in the xml)09:03
Tonio_1280x800 (laptop)09:03
kwwii_for now, it is better that it crops it, since ksplash does the same09:03
kwwii_I will look into that, thanks for mentioning it09:03
Tonio_kwwii_: no problem ;)09:04
Tonio_kwwii_: I'll change kds too to avoid that little blue screen just before the theme launches09:04
Tonio_it is easy to fix09:04
kwwii_hrm, at least my newest version should scale it09:05
kwwii_is the menu button wide or does it just fit the text in?09:05
Tonio_kwwii_: okay I'll let you know09:05
kwwii_strange question, but it'll tell me which version of the file you have09:05
Tonio_hum, I don't understand your last question09:05
kwwii_in KDM, there is a button which, in english says "menu"09:06
Tonio_yes, let me check09:06
kwwii_the newer version has a wider button09:06
Tonio_kwwii_: the button is a bit too big ;)09:07
Tonio_okay so I have the latest09:07
kwwii_that is the newest then09:07
kwwii_I guess it is a bug 09:07
Tonio_kwwii_: I mean it is wider, not "too much"09:07
Tonio_kwwii_: maybe yes09:07
Tonio_kwwii_: I'll look at the xml file eventually09:07
kwwii_I had problems setting the center of the pic to 50%x50%09:07
Tonio_it works with the moodinkde theme so I may find out what happens09:08
Tonio_kwwii_: and did you noticed that blue background that just appears one second ?09:08
kwwii_the file to look at is /usr/share/kdm/themes/kubuntu/kubuntu.xml09:08
kwwii_the bg is defined in the very first item09:08
Tonio_in fact we have to set the kdm background since we can see it just a second before ksplash launches09:09
kwwii_the blue background does not appear at all for me09:09
Tonio_kwwii_: hum, should depend on the speed of the computer$09:09
kwwii_and the platform, as well09:09
Tonio_kwwii_: anyway, that has to be set so I'll do it :)09:09
Tonio_it doesn't impact ksplash at all, so don't worry09:09
kwwii_you could try to set the x and y coordinate of the first pixmap item to 50%x50% and see if it works for you09:10
Tonio_kwwii_: hum, I don't have anyt problem with the background of the kdmtheme :)09:10
Tonio_kwwii_: you missunderstood me, it is with the background of the ksplash theme09:10
kwwii_my screen is 1440x900 and it tiled it really funky, for no good reason09:10
Tonio_moodin background09:10
Tonio_no issues at all with kdm theme09:11
kwwii_yeah, as I said a while ago, we still need to do that09:11
Tonio_kwwii_: but isn't the functionnality already in moodin ? it works with other moodin themes09:11
Tonio_kwwii_: Riddell's patch then ?09:11
kwwii_yepp, jonathan said it would not be hard09:11
kwwii_but I do not know if he did it yet09:11
Tonio_okay so his current patch causes this little issue :)09:12
kwwii_you have the newest stuff, it appears, so I guess not09:12
Tonio_yep, probably09:12
kwwii_his current patch is probably my stuff09:12
kwwii_which caused it :p09:12
Tonio_ah ;)09:12
Tonio_kwwii_: nope I was talking about a previous Riddell's patch :)09:13
Tonio_okay thanks very much kwwii_ ;) I have to go09:13
kwwii_have fun09:18
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stebbinsDoes Anjuta run on kubuntu?10:10
jdong_stebbins: I don't see why it wouldn't10:17
gnomefreakstebbins: yes10:19
gnomefreakstebbins: kdevelop is "anjuta for kde"10:19
gnomefreakanjuta uses gtk libs because it was made for gnome10:19
gnomefreakso if you dont want the gtk libs and bases you should use kdevelop10:20
gnomefreakstebbins: these type of questions belong in #ubuntu or #kubuntu10:20
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danimoimbrandon_: ping?10:25
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Tonio_some day I wish a world without fucking humans wouldn't exist....11:37
tomayou mean a world without humans would exist?11:46
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