
cbx33the normal user can't read it12:08
=== desrt wonders what the last [whatever] release is
desrtoh.  yesterday.  that's convenient.12:10
bluefoxicycan your computer take the knot?12:10
=== didymo [n=ashley@CPE-61-9-197-223.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
bluefoxicySo after Edgy, what are we going to have?  We've seen a pig, some kind of spiky bush, a badger, a duck, and now a lizard.12:12
psusiany kernel gurus around?  I'm trying to figure out if one driver ( pktcdvd ) can hook another device ( /dev/hda ) and filter requests to it, rather than create its own new device ( /dev/pktcdvd/0 )12:12
bluefoxicyI vote for a mink!  http://youtube.com/watch?v=Lc_xNywG2KI12:12
tsengbluefoxicy: please take it to -ot12:12
psusipossibly by replacing the lower layer device's device_operations?12:12
bluefoxicytseng:  I appear to still be pseudobanned12:13
tsengthis isnt the refugee channel for -ot, in any case12:13
_ionI'd vote for a giraffe, or perhaps a squirrel. :-)12:13
bluefoxicytseng:  I thought it was semi-ontopic but eh :P12:13
bluefoxicyonly by the longest stretch possible12:14
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bluefoxicySeveas:  I vote that you cannae inslut me in channels I'm incapable of responding in!12:14
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bluefoxicytseng:  btw pax-utils is in universe if you want it12:20
tsengi saw, nice work12:23
bluefoxicyhmm.  I don't see a TEXTREL/PIC patch for sdl 1.2.11 in Gentoo, did that stuff go upstream?12:27
bluefoxicy(we have 1.2.10)12:27
=== bluefoxicy grabs 1.2.11 from upstream and checks for a few of the changes in the gentoo patches
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bluefoxicywhoa, upstream just commented it out and said "FIXME"12:30
TMMquestion: does anyone know of an ide that doesn't get in your way, but does support cool features such as code-completion and code-folding? I currently use gnome-terminal with multiple tabs and vim, anything I've tried so far annoys the hell out of me :)12:31
bluefoxicywell, looks like they got their attention, I'll e-mail them and point them at portage CVS.  o.o12:31
tsengTMM: the problem with every ide is: not vim12:32
psusiTMM, emacs ;)12:32
TMMtseng: I sure hope that that is not the problem, then I'm pretty much stuck :)12:32
bddebianTMM: Apparently a new one just came in called geany or something like that that someone said was decent12:33
tsengTMM: beats me, I personally can't use anything else12:33
tsengvim has code folding12:33
TMMit does?12:33
tsengit does.12:33
tsenggoogle vim folding12:34
TMMdoes it have code-completion as well? I'd love that :) I saw a vb monkey use it in microsoft develop... stuff thingy, it looked pretty nifty12:34
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tsengit does, but i heard it is less the fantastic12:34
jdongI've not seen any good C/C++ code completion under linux12:35
jdongmonodevelop does a good job with C#12:35
jdongbut that's as close as I think we get12:35
Frederickfolks insnt openssl dev present in multiverse?12:35
psusiit looks nifty, but if you know what you are doing it isn't helpful12:35
psusiand can touch type decently12:35
jdongpsusi: that's the thing... I don't always know what I'm doing in a new language / library12:35
jdongpsusi: it's an appreciable feature12:36
TMMwell, I didn't do a lot of glib coding, and I am using it pretty heavily now, but I don't know the api very well, I think it might be faster than going to firefox and look at the api docs all the time12:36
jdongnot a must, but definitely a great bonus12:36
tsengFrederick: how about libssl-dev12:36
psusiI usually just rely on etags12:36
jdongagain, not a must, but a great bonus12:36
psusiif I forget a parameter or something, M-. and look it up12:36
Fredericktseng, thanks a lot12:36
jdongand I do respect visual studio's code completion abilities12:36
tsengTMM: 'gtkdoc' ?12:36
jdongquite dynamic/intelligent, and not cpu hogging12:36
psusithen i usually end up reading the implementation anyhow and learnign something not documented about it ;)12:37
TMMtseng: I've got it locally, but still... is gtkdoc something else?12:37
tsengTMM: sorry, devhelp12:37
=== Keybuk [n=scott@syndicate.netsplit.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
tsengTMM: (is the reader)12:37
_iontmm: Vim7 has omnicompletion.12:38
TMMow, shiney, I've got vim712:38
TMMI am pretty sure vim6 didn't have all that kind of stuff12:38
TMMperhaps I should invest some time looking into vim some more, probably the way of the least resistance in this case12:39
_iontmm: It's similar to "IntelliSense" in MSVC (the thing you mentioned you saw someone using).12:39
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TMM'intellisense' well, that sounds like something microsoft would call code completion :)12:39
jdong_ion: is it as good as intellisense?12:39
jdongintellisense is godly12:40
jdongmicrosoft has full rights to that name, IMO :)12:40
Keybukwasn't that the silly thing where if you pressed Enter twice, it'd think you wanted a title?12:40
jdongKeybuk: that's autoformat12:40
Keybukwhich was Intellidense?12:40
TMMKeybuk: I think the vb monkeys using it12:40
=== jdong glad visual studio has not adopted clippy
jdongTMM: have you tried monodevelop?12:41
_ionjdong: I have no experience with IntelliSense. Can you describe what you mean?12:41
jdongTMM: its code completion is a clone of intellisense12:41
TMMjdong: for C code?12:41
jdongTMM: no, not for C :-/12:41
jdong_ion: it's for C/C++, autocomplete12:41
jdong_ion: very similar to monodevelop caliber12:41
TMMno, I haven't I don't know all that much C#, I prefer python :)12:41
sladenSeveas: madness!  but sweet12:42
jdongit autocompletes both from API's, included headers, your project files, anywhere12:42
jdongit's very dynamic... will only suggest things that are valid... I've seen kdevelop/anjuta give erroneous suggestions12:42
jdongand it's robust... a syntax error won't pollute/confuse intellisense12:42
jdongI'm not sure how it indexes code so dynamically... it runs smoothly even on old computers12:43
jdongbut it reacts instantly to changes in the code12:43
jdongbasically, it's magic12:43
TMMit is also closed source horse-shit :)12:43
TMMand, unuseable for my purposes ;)12:44
jdongI know. we need something as good as it but open source12:44
Keybukjdong: oh, QuickBasic had something like that12:44
Keybukand if you stopped the program, and selected a variable, its debugger could tell you what the value was12:44
Keybuknot to mention where in your program it was used, etc.12:44
jdongKeybuk: yep, intellisense does that too in debugging mode12:44
jdongand when you start writing a function call, it provides a tooltip with the prototype12:44
jdongbolding the current part you're working on12:45
jdongand for overloaded functions, it's smart enough to guess which overload you're trying to use12:45
Keybukam still surprised no open source editor does that kind of thing12:45
TMMtseng: devhelp isn't a whole lot more useful than firefox, in fact, a bit less useful as it doesn't have tabs :)12:45
jdongthe open source clones of it are pretty lame right now12:45
jdongespecially for C/C++12:45
Keybukanjuta annoys the hell out of me12:45
jdongmonodevelop does a good job for C#12:45
TMMso, basically, I am stuck? :)12:46
jdongTMM: sorry :(12:46
jdongTMM: it's on all of our wishlists12:46
tsengmost of us are perfectly content with vi/emacs, I think12:46
tsengthrilled, even12:46
tsengyou windows weenies should be so lucky12:47
jdongyes, but that's if you know what you're doing12:47
jdongit's definitely not "RAD-friendly"12:47
jdong(another MS term I am crazy over)12:47
jdongthat's about all I really envy from MS products12:47
tsengI am pretty rapid in vi12:47
jdongand for something you pay 10000 for, it better be damn good :)12:48
TMMtseng: I'm not a 'windows weeny' 12:48
Keybuktseng: nah, I'm definitely not content with emacs12:48
jdongtseng: you know what you're doing though12:48
tsengjdong: (we hope)12:48
jdongyou better!12:48
TMMthat geany doesn't even look half bad12:48
jdongI like to be able to open up a random OSS project and start changing it :)12:48
jdongand for that, I need an intellisense and a fancy GUI designer12:49
=== jdong hopes that explains to tseng why I was so excited over monodevelop last night
=== Fujitsu [n=Fujitsu@c58-107-62-26.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Keybukjdong: for GNOME stuff, I keep a fully-TAGS'd copy of the GNOME platform and desktop source around12:51
Keybukthen I can lookup the code of what I'm trying to do12:52
jdongI need to play around a bit more with this TAGS stuff12:52
jdonghaven't really found the time yet12:52
psusitags rules12:52
jdongI'm sure I can find these tools satifying my intellisense crave12:52
jdongbut it sure requires a bit more effort than having a free copy of VS.NET mailed to me :)12:53
jdongtseng: does mono/C# support generics?12:54
=== jdong is not too up to date on C# news
tsengjdong: yes of course12:54
tsengbut you need to use gmcs12:54
tsengand 2.0 assemblies12:54
tsengmcs + generics12:54
jdongand mono in edgy supports .net 2.0?12:54
Keybukjdong: MSDN?12:55
jdongKeybuk: nope, employer12:55
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jdongKeybuk: we have this stupid embedded toolchain that requires the fanciest edition of VS.NET 12:55
jdongtseng: did you hear me whining earlier about xsp being uninstallable in edgy?12:55
tsengyes, I did12:56
tsengI would rather never see that package again12:56
tsengpatches accepted, bugs at least12:56
jdongtseng: is edgy gonna support xsp/asp.net then?12:56
tsengthat sounds like a loaded question12:57
jdongloaded question?12:57
=== jdong just wants to see what asp.net is like with mono
_ionjdong: http://vissale.neang.free.fr/Vim/OmniCppComplete/ScreenShots/screenshots.htm12:57
jdongfrom what I understand, that's xsp's job?12:57
tseng  mono-xsp-base: Depends: mono-classlib-1.0 (< 1.1.14) but is to be installed12:58
tseng^ some jerk in debian adding a hard depend12:58
jdongtseng: if we take it out it'll be good? :)12:58
tsengI don't know12:58
tsengthe least you could do is file a bug12:58
jdong_ion: looks very nice... just have to learn how it works12:58
jdongtseng: sorry, I'll file a bug...12:58
tsenginstead of hoping I happen to see whining on irc12:58
TMMdoesn't wining on irc get code written then? :)12:59
tsengnot by me12:59
jdongtseng: bug 5543312:59
UbugtuMalone bug 55433 in xsp "Please port to Mono 1.1.16" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5543312:59
jdongalready filed a month back01:00
tsengI'll rename it to soemthing actually usefull01:00
jdongk, awesome01:00
jdongthanks, tseng01:01
Keybukthe thing I always miss from old editors is the Borland "block copy" function01:01
Keybukwhere you copied/pasted a square block rather than a number of lines01:01
Keybukso you can cut a block of code, and paste it at a different indention level01:02
_ionVim has it. :-)01:02
Keybukvim annoys me in myriad other ways01:02
Keybukmostly it just lacks the most basic developer features01:03
jdongoh btw, Keybuk, I'm quite surprised at how well upstart replaced sysvinit01:05
jdongand is the console supposed to be ready to log in 2 seconds into bootup?01:05
_ionkeybuk: Worksforme. :-)01:06
Keybukjdong: "surprised"? :p01:07
jdongKeybuk: I've had bad luck with init replacements in the past ;)01:07
jdongvery bad luck ;)01:07
jdongand don't give me this magic of ubuntu crap :)01:07
jdongif you do, I'll give you a hoary CD and the job of setting up a md RAID01:07
=== jdong ducks
TMMyeah, ubuntu sucks! it doesn't have emerge!01:08
TMMo wait, this isn't #gentoo-dev, now is it?01:08
jdongTMM: my hoary used to01:08
Keybukjdong: md RAID probably won't work on edgy either01:08
jdongheh, what's broken this time around?01:08
TMMjdong: emerge? for hoary? there's a ports ... ehh... port to debian?01:09
jdongTMM: I had some free time01:09
jdongTMM: transplanted portage from a stage3 tarball01:09
TMMjdong: you are a sick, sick man, someone ever told you that? :)01:09
jdonghoary is when I migrated back from gentoo01:09
jdongso it was hard to part from emerge....01:10
jdonguniverse was pretty stale back in hoary's days, too01:10
TMMjdong: otoh I'm writing a freely configurable lexer/parser, I've heard that that is considered quite insane as well :)01:10
jdongTMM: I haven't told you about the time I tried to stress reiser4 by placing an entire system under bzr version control, right?01:11
TMMjdong: you win, I'm a sane person, you need to be institutionalised01:11
TMMjdong: also, how did it go? :)01:12
jdongTMM: surprisingly well, actually01:12
jdongreiser4 rocked at it01:12
TMMas in 'no crash, all good'? 01:12
jdongbzr's ram usage was not impressive at the time01:12
jdongbut it's improved since then01:12
jdongI would've kept reiser4 around had I the time to maintain my own kernel01:12
TMMI though when I was upgrading to edgy 'might as well go to reiser4 as well' but, I didn't dare to01:13
jdongbut edgy's kernel is just too good for me to turn down01:13
TMMedgy's got reiser4, doesn't it?01:13
jdongreiser4 patches don't play well with other patches01:13
jdongyou gotta have a pretty vanilla kernel01:13
jdongelse you run into strange corruption issues01:13
TMMlazy kernel team01:13
jdongI don't blame anyone for not wanting to deal with reiser4 patches01:14
TMMI merged xen patches with the ubuntu breezy patchset in under 4 days01:14
jdongthat's xen01:14
jdongit was meant to be merged with a kernel :)01:14
TMMtrust me, not all the ubuntu patches enjoy the xen patchset :)01:14
jdongTMM: they'll enjoy it much more than reiser401:14
TMMI believe you :)01:15
jdongwhere nowadays it patches cleanly but just doesn't work well :)01:15
jdongthat hurts01:15
TMMreiser4? or xen?01:15
TMMis mister hans reiser doing anything about it?01:15
jdongnot really01:15
TMMso, we might not actually get any of the reiser4 goodness, ever?01:16
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jdongTMM: the whole reiser4 in mainline thing looks depressing to me01:16
jdongwhich is just too bad :-/01:16
jdongreiser4 is good technology01:16
TMMyeah, I've read some of the conversations between linus and hans01:16
jdongand, except when you patch it wrong, reiser4 is rock solid01:16
jdongit's currently the only atomic fs in linux01:17
TMMprobably two of the most talented programmers in the world, duking it out on the interweb, pretty interesting, also, both, pretty damn subborn01:17
TMMI wish linus would just get over himself and bloody well rip out the linux vfs subsystem and replace it with reiser4 :)01:18
tsengdoes switching vts cause rainbow patterns for anyone else?01:18
KeybukTMM: Please. God. No.01:18
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TMMKeybuk: I'm kind of fond of the idea of a vfs subsystem-with-plugins-in actually01:19
=== Fujitsu concurs with Keybuk on this issue, but not on the Vim one :P
tsengTMM: its actually alot more funny when bluefoxicy dukes it out with linus01:19
jdongtseng: yes, usplash has broken my consoles too01:19
Keybukone's filesystem should behave predictably01:19
Keybukotherwise a poor application author can't even guarantee that when they close() it's on the damned disk01:19
jdongtseng: take off splash, and it should be happier01:19
TMMKeybuk: you don't HAVE to use a reiser4 on-disk format with reiser4 as a vgs01:19
TMMKeybuk: vfs01:19
TMMtseng: what is his real name?01:20
KeybukJohn Richard Moser01:20
=== desrt gets the impression that edgy has a lot of good work that you only see if you do a fresh reinstall
tsengyou can tell the fun threads because they end with a post from me saying "John, Please put down your bong"01:21
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Keybuktseng: but he's soooo cuuuuute01:22
TMMtseng: reading :)01:22
TMMtseng: a weapon of mass distraction :)01:22
jdongdoes beagle use up a considerable amount of space indexing?01:23
Fujitsujdong, yes.01:23
jdongI got a ~src directory with like 3GB of random source code...01:23
FujitsuI hope you mean ~/src01:24
jdongI blame the keyboard01:24
FujitsuI was hoping I wasn't going to have to indict you for a breach of the FHS :P01:24
Keybukwhy is that a breach?01:25
TMM~/src is not a part of the FHS... now is it? :)01:25
Keybukthe FHS doesn't specify what you put in /etc/passwd01:25
TMMor are we all supposed to go and do a ~/.local/src or something? :)01:25
FujitsuNo, but aren't you meant to only have user home directories in /home?01:25
KeybukFujitsu: no01:25
TMMFujitsu: you can just have an 'src' user01:25
FujitsuTMM, you could, but not in that context.01:26
=== Fujitsu runs away.
KeybukTMM: I _really_ do not get ~/.local01:26
Keybuk~/. implies "user config" to me, already01:26
TMMFujitsu: err... create a user, become root, and type 'cd ~<my new username>'01:26
TMMKeybuk: well, I can see why that is useful, I'd like to see something to the effect of ~/.local/etc actually.... all those .config files/dirs in a homedir are pretty sucky imho01:27
Keybukwhy are they sucky?01:27
TMMKeybuk: I don't like having a ~/bin dir either, I use ~/.local/bin01:27
FujitsuTMM: Yes, but it would be silly to have a src user for that sort of thing.01:27
TMMKeybuk: because there are so many of them01:27
KeybukTMM: moving them into another directory won't change that?01:27
TMMFujitsu: perhaps some anal security thing? :)01:27
Keybukls -d .* | wc -l01:28
Keybukls ~/.local/etc | wc -l01:28
TMMKeybuk: no, because they won't be  right in ~/01:28
Keybukwhy aren't they right?01:28
Keybukthey've been there for 40 years01:28
TMMKeybuk: it would be a bit cleaner imho, also, ~/.local/etc they won't all have to start with a dot :)01:28
Keybukwhy does that matter?01:28
FujitsuNow, that's not an entirely good attitude, Keybuk.01:28
FujitsuJust because they are there, doesn't mean it's right.01:28
TMMKeybuk: which would make discovery of the settings for average users a bit easyer01:28
KeybukFujitsu: right, but nobody's managed to tell me why they're wrong either01:29
FujitsuAlthough in this case the 40-year-old standard is right.01:29
TMMKeybuk: I was working on that01:29
KeybukTMM: by hiding them even further inside the filesystem?01:29
Keybukhow is ~/.local/etc more discoverable than just ~/.* ?01:29
TMMKeybuk: there would be only one place to point your nautilus 01:29
Keybukthere's only one place now01:29
FujitsuThere is already, TMM.01:29
TMMthen they are mixed with 'ordinary' files01:29
=== Fujitsu hits the keyboard.
_ionI think there's a freedesktop.org spec about using ~/.config/programname/ (not ~/.local/etc).01:30
TMMI'd prefer a ~/.local structure01:30
Keybukwhy not just ~/etc ?01:30
TMMso, software installed in the homedir of a user gets to go in ~/.local/bin and the configs in ~/.local/etc 01:30
TMMKeybuk: that would be fine as well, but, I think ~/.local would be less pollution :)01:31
Keybukin fact, we could probably expand the names to be more obvious too01:31
Keybuk/Documents and Settings/Scott James Remnant/Application Data/...01:31
TMMthat isn't even that bad01:31
TMMbut, 'documents AND settings' are confusing01:31
TMM~/Documents and ~/Settings would be quite good01:32
Keybukso maybe I need a /home/scott and a /etc/scott ? :)01:32
Keybukmy stuff in one, config stuff in the other?01:32
TMMno, I fully agree with the /home stuff :)01:32
Keybukyou just disagreed with it :p01:32
TMMnote the '~' at the beginning of my suggestion01:32
Keybuk/home = /Documents and Settings01:32
Keybukit's used for both currently01:33
TMMno, /home/<username> is the 'root' of the user's system01:33
Keybukyou proposed splitting those01:33
desrt/home/.everything really is evil.01:33
bluefoxicytseng:  yes but when I duke it out with Linus it's on topics he admits he has no understanding of01:33
_ionLet's just migrate all software to elektra. ;-)01:33
Keybukdesrt: why is it evil?01:33
desrtapple's /home/you/Library/ setup is a lot nicer01:33
desrtKeybuk; i hate having a million .*'s in my ~01:33
TMMyes, but, ~/ should be the root of the users system :)01:33
bluefoxicywhen Taenbaum does it Linus swears he knows more about it01:33
desrtit's seriously a pain in the ass01:33
Keybukdesrt: why?01:33
desrtKeybuk; because i can't see then and they don't glob when i say *01:34
desrtthey're these files that aren't really files01:34
KeybukTMM: maybe a user's ~ shouldn't be writable by them?  but include common sub-directories like Desktop, Documents, Settings, etc?01:34
desrtlike just now, in preparation to install edgy i did01:34
Keybukdesrt: *shrug* that's a fault of your shell's globbing, no?01:34
desrt~$ mkdir old01:34
desrt~$ mv * old01:34
desrtwhich of course failed to work01:35
Keybukif you moved them to ~/.local they'd still be a hidden directory, so still be evil by your definition01:35
TMMKeybuk: no, I do not thing that a user should be forced into anything, but, I think a structure that makes more sense would be good01:35
desrtKeybuk; well, what about Library/?01:35
TMMKeybuk: I agreed on your ~/Settings idea!!01:35
Keybukdesrt: Library implies .so files to me01:35
desrtya.  it's a bad name01:35
desrtgood approximate idea, though01:35
TMMdesrt: I have to agree with Keybuk here01:35
Keybuk~/Settings would be nice01:35
desrtya.  Settings is just fine by me01:35
_ionEither small letters or a case-insensitive filesystem, please. :-)01:35
desrtjust a rose by another name, imo :p01:35
desrt_ion; how do you feel about ~/Desktop and ~/Documents?01:36
Keybuk~/etc ? :p01:36
TMMperhaps ~/Programs as well, but I think I'd prefer that to be hidden, to make it less likely that people will poke at it01:36
Keybukmy vague problem with /Useful Name/On/The Filesystem is that it's not translatable01:36
_iondesrt: "documents" is fine, but desktop should .desktop (i.e. hidden).01:36
desrtthe website needs a note on "alternate install CD" and says "use this if you are unsure"01:36
TMMKeybuk: well, with a reiser4 based vfs, we could have a plugin that does the translation at the kernel level ;)01:36
desrt_ion; i definitely disagree with that01:36
KeybukTMM: even to the poor applications?01:37
desrtoh WTF01:37
Keybukhow would they know what directory name to use?01:37
desrtknot2 won't fit on a CD anymore?01:37
TMMKeybuk: well ~/Documents would work as well as ~/Documenten01:37
KeybukTMM: what if you wanted both?01:37
desrtPlease replace the disc in the drive with a supported disc with at least 670 MB free.  The following disc types are supported:01:37
desrtCD-R, CD-RW, DVD-RW, DVD+R, DVD+R DL, DVD+RW01:37
desrt^^ burning knot2 to a blank CD01:37
Keybukdesrt: ubuntu hasn't fitted on a 640MB CD for a long time!01:37
Fujitsudesrt, sure it's a 700MB CD?01:37
desrtthis is mad01:38
webbenWhy is Ubuntu's emacspeak package so ancient?01:38
_ionkeybuk: I've heard MacOSX translates them on-the-fly. The directory tree is always in English, but the user sees them based on the locale settings.01:38
=== desrt overburns and hopes to get lucky
TMMKeybuk: simple hashtable with the different names assosciated with a dir, and default the names to C, translate at the vfs level :) bluefoxicy it is your job to get that idea pas linus! :P01:38
webbenIt's stuck at version 17.0 from 2002. contrast: http://emacspeak.sourceforge.net/01:38
TMMprobably best to mark the dentries immutable though :)01:39
bluefoxicyTMM:  hah, he hates me :)01:40
bluefoxicyTMM:  you want to talk to me about something random, try file systems.  :P01:40
=== bluefoxicy heads off
TMMbluefoxicy: he does?01:40
TMMbluefoxicy: bye!01:40
TMMbluefoxicy: ow, I've had this idea about a scattered filesystem! :)01:40
TMMbluefoxicy: basically, dump writes to the nearest emty place on the platter where the head happens to be, organise later01:41
desrtit appears to have worked01:41
=== desrt wonders if it'll actually work
TMMdesrt: you say it 'appears' to be working :)01:43
desrtit burned without error01:43
desrtdoesn't mean it'll install properly :)01:43
TMMoverburned an ubuntu disk?01:43
TMMwell, if it burned correctly, and you are real careful with the disk, it'll probably work once or twice :)01:45
TMMdump it back to disk with dd to be sure :)01:45
desrti'll just install it :p01:45
TMMI hope you've got another box :)01:46
=== desrt has a few dozen
TMMgenerally, it should work, if the cdr wasn't dirt cheap01:46
desrtit's decent brandname.  i think it'll work.01:46
TMMgood luck01:47
TMMbtw, I've upgraded this install from dapper to edgy, and I don't think I'm missing any features01:47
=== desrt just likes that "clean install" feel :p
TMMdesrt: gets old fast, when I discover that package I apt-get installed half a year back, I actually use a bit more often than I thought :)01:49
desrteh.  this isn't gentoo01:50
=== welshbyte [n=welshbyt@cpc3-cwma2-0-0-cust276.swan.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
desrtinstalling a package takes 12 seconds01:50
desrtunless you're unfortunate enough to be on the go at the time you realise it's gone missing :)01:51
TMMdesrt: not without interweb it doesn't01:51
=== TMM wants a REALLY big disk, and mirror universe
TMMand main01:51
TMMhow large is universe and main combined these days anyway? :)01:51
=== desrt wonders how much of main is installed as per default
desrtlike 50%?01:51
desrt(ie: the union of ubuntu/kubuntu/xubuntu/edubuntu desktops)01:53
TMM'a config file can contain lines, and sections, a section can contain sections, lines and comments, a line can contain a comment and/or a key'01:55
TMM'a key can contain a value, a list of values or nothing'01:55
TMMdoes that sound about right, describing, well, all config files? :)01:55
TMMI'm missing something, I just can't quite put my finger on it01:56
tsengdesrt: there is alot more in main than -desktop02:01
tsengLAMP is a good one02:01
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TMManyone care to thing about my question please? :) pretty please? with sugar on top? :)02:04
TMMI'm kind of all thought out on the subject, and, I've looked at one or two too many config files I think :)02:04
sladenTMM: if you want an answer you a question, you have to actually ask it02:05
TMMit WAS a question, just not on one line02:05
TMMwell, I thought it was a question anyway02:05
sladenTMM: you may need to simply/repeat it.  Would was the quesition we missed?02:06
TMMok, I'll try again02:06
=== omnid [n=omnid@cpe-72-178-230-2.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
TMMDoes "a config file can contain lines of text and sections of lines of text." "A section of lines of text can contain : Sections of lines of text and lines of text", "A line of text can contain a comment and/or a key"  "a key can contain a value or a bunch of values" sum up how the vast majority of configuration files can be described, structure wise02:08
TMMnote the question mark :) 02:09
sladenTMM: I see no question mark in that sentence.02:09
TMMit was appended :P02:09
sladenTMM: :)02:09
omnidA configuration file that contains sections of text lines for setting up.02:09
TMMomnid: 'for setting up' ?02:10
omnidIs text of line setup key sections of lines.02:10
sladenTMM: it's a reasonable description02:10
TMMsladen: I'm not looking for 'reasonable' I'm looking for watertight :)02:10
_ionWell, a configuration file can be even a script, as is the case with the ion window manager. :-)02:11
TMM_ion: in that case: no libnofconf loving for the ion window manager ;)02:12
TMM_ion: also, wtf is 'the ion window manager'? I have a hunch that you might now :P02:12
_ionapt-cache show ion302:13
sladenTMM: "A non-executable configuration file contains declarations that can be parsed by a computer program to perform setting of variables during initialisation.  Sections of the configuration file may exist that do not get processed, such as comments, header information, or declarations not relating to the particular program under scrutiny.  An example of a declaration could be 'x=10' by may be interpreted by a hypothetical as setting the value of a 02:15
TMM_ion: I just found your website :) I dont think it'll be very funny to use the gimp with ion :)02:15
=== doko_ [n=doko@dslb-088-073-080-174.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
xtsladen: not exactly right02:15
_ionsladen: Seems like your IRC client doesn't split long lines.02:16
xtamavisd-new's configuration file is perl code02:16
TMMsladen: where did you paste that from? ;)02:16
xtwhich means, it can be executed02:16
sladenTMM: my keyboard.02:16
TMMsladen: I was just teasing you ;)02:16
_iontmm: It's no problem at all. One just needs to create a "float" (as in not tiled) workspace for running gimp.02:16
sladenTMM: perhaps you can combine that, your own and the improvements that xt would like to make into something more suitable02:17
TMMsladen: I only got it up to "hypothetical as setting the value of a"02:17
sladenTMM: An example of a declaration could be 'x=10' which may be interpreted by a hypothetical program as setting the value of a variable named 'x' to be the value decimal ten.02:18
TMMsladen: thank you for that02:19
TMMsladen: although, I wasn't looking for a scientificially correct definition of 'config file' but, more a technical description that would fit a generic parser tree for most config files :)02:19
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TMM_ion: I must say, I really like your website's layout02:22
_ionI didn't know it has one. :-)02:26
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TMM_ion: it has the bare minimum :) and, still manages to pull off a 'designed' look, I love it02:29
TMM_ion: http://www.modeemi.fi/~tuomov/ion/intro.html <--- that page is just sheer brilliance imho, it could use one rounded corner for the rightmost block, but, other than that, brilliance! :)02:30
_ionThat's not my website.02:31
TMM_ion: it isn't? 02:31
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tsengTMM: ion is a window manager..02:31
tsengfor years02:32
TMMI thought _ion did it... 02:32
TMMbecause of the name, and all02:32
TMMwell, in that case, allow me to stfu and try and make myself look like less of a dumbass02:32
_ionWell, i chose my nick years before the ion wm existed. :-)02:32
tsengion is a series of three leters02:32
TMMtseng: _ion brought it up... so, well, I assumed...02:33
TMMthat is probably why 'assume' starts with 'ass'02:34
=== tseng shrugs, hunts for dinner
TMMsladen: do you have any suggestions if you look at my question in that light?02:34
madduck03 01:08 < Keybuk> jdong: md RAID probably won't work on edgy either02:37
madducki won't let this stand, Scott. :)02:37
madduckbut now is sleep time.02:37
bddebiandoko_: Are you actually around by any chance?02:38
madduckdude, it's almost 3am here...02:38
bddebianYeah, and you're here aren't you? ;-P02:39
TMM2:38 am actually :)02:39
madduckTMM: pedant. :)02:39
madduckbddebian: i am not.02:39
TMMmadduck: ha! you should see my CFLAGS ;)02:39
madduckmine beat that anytime, TMM :)02:39
TMMmadduck: well, if you put it like that, I am inclined to belive you :P02:40
madduckoh, come on!02:40
madducki just had a caipirinha too many, that's all. :)02:40
TMMI'm just tired and getting nowhere :)02:41
madducktry reducing your CFLAGS and work upwards from there? :)02:42
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TMMmadduck: the problem isn't the code, but the concept :)02:49
lexualhi, I need to file a bug report for edgy knot 2 installer, I just need to know what package to file it for.02:52
lexualThe bug is when the installer gets to gparted.02:52
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sladenTMM: not sure, sorry.  Perhaps yours is a better start if that's what you need03:10
sladenTMM: there's going to be parts of the file that need processing and parts which need ignoring (for whatever reasons)03:11
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desrtTMM; fwiw, all sorts of stuff that didn't use to work now works03:35
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o_ceeis it just me, or is libcurl3-openssl-dev broken? can't install it..03:59
crimsun(FWIW, installs fine in edgy)03:59
o_ceemine complains about libkrb5-dev..04:00
crimsunare you on dapper or edgy?04:01
o_ceelibkrb5-dev: Depends: libkrb53 (= 1.4.3-5) but 1.4.3-5ubuntu0.1 will be installed (translated from swedish..)04:04
crimsunapt-cache policy libkrb5304:07
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crimsuno_cee: remove the local package of libkrb53 you have.04:11
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o_ceecrimsun: hrm, that would remove a lot of other packages.. 04:15
crimsundpkg -P --force-depends libkrb5304:17
crimsunthen, apt-get install libcurl3-openssl-dev04:17
crimsunyour local libkrb53 is preventing libkrb5-dev from being installed04:18
o_ceethanks, give me a minute. no idea where a local version would be coming from though04:18
o_ceethanks again, worked :)  any way to check for more of those?04:21
crimsunlook at your sources.list04:21
o_ceeanyone who knows what's happening to vmware-player that was supposed to get new modules?04:22
o_ceecrimsun: looks like it should, only edgy repos04:23
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pradeepuptime[5h 53m 2s] 04:57
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pradeep^^ sorry04:57
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robertjMost people use passwords. Some people use passphrases. Bruce Schneier uses an epic passpoem, detailing the life and works of seven mythical Norse heroes.05:06
jonorobertj, :P05:07
mjg59robertj: You're so a fortnight ago05:09
robertjmjg59: your not gonna ruin my evening. No-sir-ree. I've just got done adding another exciting feature to my time-sink hobby project!05:11
robertjPeople have been writing graphical user interfaces to text-based programs, but I'm one of the few & proud to provide a text-based interface to a first-person shooter!05:12
mjg59robertj: Somebody did an IF Doom in 199805:12
robertjmjg59: this is line-level compatible with a shooter people still play though!05:13
robertjhda to cheat a bit there. It wraps the network protocol stuff w/ SWIG, but the rest is in python :}05:14
robertjbut after a month of python, I'm sold on it05:15
=== PenguinOfDoom [i=foobar@spleen.xzrq.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
PenguinOfDoomWill Edgy blow up in my face if I try to use it?05:24
robertjPenguinOfDoom: perhaps, might want to ask in #ubuntu+1 as well05:24
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hikenboothello all...I am remastering the ubuntu live cd...interesting enough when I boot the new live cd it gives me the choice to install it onto the hard drive or install a lamp server but not boot from the live cd...any ideas why this might be happening?05:53
welshbytehikenboot: sounds like you're using the alternate install CD instead of the live CD05:54
hikenbootyou got to be kidding ..what a moron I am all that work ...d*mn05:55
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hikenbootwelshbyte, are most of the packages the same in both versions of the disk?06:01
welshbytehikenboot: i'm afraid i'll have to defer that question to someone who knows more about it than i do :)06:03
Fujitsuhikenboot, the same versions.06:03
FujitsuSounds like you have the server CD, though, so it'll be missing most of the stuff the alternate and desktop CDs have.06:03
hikenbootnot good it took me about 6 hours to pull all the "unncessessary" packages off the cd 06:04
hikenbootso I could add my own06:04
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Burgundaviamorning sivang10:29
Burgundaviaajmitch: ping10:30
Burgundaviamorning mvo10:30
mvogood morning Burgundavia!10:30
FujitsuGood evening, mvo.10:30
Hobbseehey sivang, Fujitsu, mvo, Burgundavia 10:30
Burgundaviahey Hobbsee10:30
=== mvo waves to Fujitsu and Hobbsee
BurgundaviaHobbsee: tell me about new and funky Kubuntu stuff last week10:30
HobbseeBurgundavia: no :P10:31
BurgundaviaHobbsee: hmm, no UWN love for you then10:31
HobbseeBurgundavia: um.  i dont know of much myself, actually10:31
=== Hobbsee didnt commit much last week
Hobbseethat i remember about, anyway10:31
=== Fujitsu growls.
=== Fujitsu kicks the wiki.
FujitsuIt is down really really frequently these past 3 or 4 weeks.10:32
Burgundaviahmm, who did upstarts logo again?10:32
FujitsuIt has a logo?10:32
Burgundaviaevery Saturday night since LWE10:32
Burgundaviamost frustrating, as Sat. night is when we write and release UWN10:32
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BurgundaviaLinux World Expo10:35
FujitsuIt's not exactly acceptable... It is the ultimate resource, and any new people are going to get a bad impression when the primary help resource is down for several hours quite regularly.10:36
=== Fujitsu wonders who designed the new Software Sources dialog.
FujitsuThe checkboxes are around the wrong way.10:37
BurgundaviaI understand there have been some systematic issues in the DC10:37
BurgundaviaFujitsu: glatzor did most of the UI, but some bits are mvo10:37
FujitsuShouldn't it go main, restricted, universe, muiltiverse, not universe, main, multiverse, restricted?10:37
FujitsuOtherwise it's a really great piece of work :D10:38
HiddenWolfFujitsu: I guess you just found a bug. :)10:39
FujitsuIs archive.ubuntu.com down as well!?10:40
FujitsuJust being very very laggy.10:40
=== hunger [n=tobias@p54A61A0A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== hunger gave up on upstart: Having to uninstall ubuntu-minimal, 3 kernel panics on upgrades so far (incl. with the newest deb) and no ttys coming up are enough for now:-)
Burgundaviahunger: ouch10:55
FujitsuIt'd be nice if somebody added upstart as an alternative to sysvinit in ubuntu-minimal...10:56
=== hunger agrees.
Burgundaviaget keybuk todo it10:57
HiddenWolfThat needs a main inclusion first, and a code review or two10:57
HiddenWolfso that might take a bit10:57
FujitsuOr can't it Replace sysvinit, without main inclusion?10:57
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madduckw3m: Can't load https://wiki.ubuntu.com/.11:11
madduckis this a known problem?11:11
madduckok. thanks.11:11
FujitsuThe wiki is down.11:11
FujitsuAs is normal for this time weekly, it would appear.11:11
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lifelessany europeans around ?11:18
madduckdoes .ch count? :)11:18
lifelesssomeone needs to rng a sysadmin11:18
lifelessand international is not as cheap as irc:)11:19
lifelessphone 11:19
giftnudelif you do anything bad, I won't tell you that i'm european11:19
madduckwell, gimme phone number...11:19
lifelessmmm, i dont know the privacy status of their numbers, sorry11:19
madduckwhom to call? elmo?11:19
madduckand is this really an exceptional state?11:19
lifelesshelp.ubuntu.com is down11:19
lifelessand wiki.ubuntu.com11:20
Hobbseeit's not usually a good idea to give out other people's numbers11:20
lifelessHobbsee: well duh ;)11:20
Hobbseeyou could call someone like Riddell, but i doubt he could help11:20
mdkeI've reported it11:20
lifelessmdke: IRC is not a report11:20
madducki have elmo's number11:20
Hobbseehis numbers/address/etc seem to be in his email signature :P11:20
mdkelifeless: why do you say IRC?11:21
mdkeI filed an RT report11:21
lifelessmdke: ok, cool. 11:21
lifelessmdke: but we still have an escalation procedure11:21
madduckthen they'll know. better not call...11:21
mdkeah good. I thought that someone would be scheduled to work on sunday11:21
=== lifeless seriously doubts any of them will be caring for non-urgent on sunday
mdkelast week when the same thing happened Spads dealt with it quickly11:22
=== Hobbsee wonders what RT means
madduckrequest tracker11:22
StevenKHobbsee: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Request_Tracker11:23
=== StevenK buggers off again
HobbseeStevenK: do my physics assignment, as you're clearly smart.  kthnksbye!11:23
Seveassladen, ? 11:34
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Riddellinfinity: need a european?12:31
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finalbetaDoes ubuntu have an alsa dev channel?02:57
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sivangcrimsun: ping03:06
sivangcrimsun: if you did the patch against the ubntu devel lp team branch, please know that I'm working on a next major version branch linked from the wiki specification page03:07
sivangcrimsun: thanks for the fix though :-)03:07
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mempf-edgywhy has there been little no no updates the past couple on days?03:13
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Hobbseemempf-edgy: because it's a weekend03:14
mempf-edgyim looking forward to next kernel update03:15
mempf-edgyas according to launchpad my card readers should start working again03:15
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kmon_Hobbsee: I've opened a bug report on the kernel on knot cd1. Ben collins said the fix was on the next kernel update, but after trying knot cd 2 the issue remains. Should I change the status of the bug (it's fixed released right now) or wait to see what ben says? I'm afraid that since the bug is marked as fixed maybe the new comments aren't noticed03:28
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phanatickmon_: you don't need to be afraid imho03:38
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Hobbseekmon_: they are noticed.  probably reply back that the fix didnt work, and set it back to confirmed, or whatever it was03:39
kmon_ok, Hobbsee thanks03:39
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BurgundaviaRiddell: ping09:24
Burgundaviaajmitch: ping09:24
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Burgundaviahey zul09:30
Burgundaviaany news on the Xen front this week?09:30
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zulim working on the nvidia stuff and adding drivers to the xen tree09:31
zulother than that no :)09:32
zulit doesnt help that my laptop also died09:32
Burgundaviathat sucks. So nothing released this week?09:35
zulbug fix was uploaded on friday09:37
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zygazul: what's happened to the laptop?09:43
zulhard drive died09:47
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zygazul: the mechanical stuff or the electrical?10:01
=== zyga wants those flash disks to dominate the laptop word....
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zulmechanical i think10:02
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Burgundaviadoko: ping11:42
dokowhat's up?11:43
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ne78I see that edgy has mesa cvs 20060817, does the edgy xserver-xorg includes the AIGLX compositing patches to make compiz works ?11:52
Burgundaviane78: yes11:53
Burgundaviaedgy includes upstream xorg 7.1, which includes aiglx11:53
ne78Burgundavia: those patch are taken from the rpm and not yet it the git xorg tree, am i right ?11:53
Burgundaviaafaik, not being an X developer, aiglx is fully merged11:54
mjg59compiz works fine with the code in edgy11:55
mjrI also have the impression that aiglx is merged in the main xorg tree11:55
ne78mjr: yes but it miss some redhat specific patches to add aiglx Composite fix11:56
mjg59Not really, no11:56
ne78mjg59: why doesn't xserver-xorg from debian (now 7.1) works with compiz11:57
mjg59Without knowing how it fails, I have no idea11:58
mjg59But there's no further code /needed/11:58
ne78mjg59: i'm refering to http://lists.debian.org/debian-x/2006/08/msg01558.html, it says lus some additional patches by Kristian Hgsberg (patches taken directly from the Fedora source RPM).12:00
ne78mjg59: i would be happy to learn that those are unnecessary12:01
ne78ok i found the in the http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/x/xorg-server/xorg-server_1.1.1-0ubuntu9/changelog12:03
ne78nice, was compiz a target of etch ?12:05
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mjg59We carry a couple of patches from Fedora, but they're not required12:06
mjg59They fix a crash on vt switching and add support for automatically disabling offscreen pixmaps when necessary12:07

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