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PlugBurgundavia: a knot release note question12:51
Plug"Top Men have been working on Compiz"12:52
Plugwhy capitalised?12:52
crimsunTo which noun are you referring?12:53
PlugIt might not be a bug, if Top Men is a group name, or something.12:53
PlugI ask because I believe a lot of compiz work is done by a woman.12:54
crimsunI don't know what semantic importance is attributed to it; it could very well simply be a mis-capitalisation.12:54
crimsunI doubt it's meant to exclude work by anyone12:55
nixternalin KDE Help Center, there is a "KDE on the Web"...I will be creating a version "Kubuntu on the Web", however I was thinking of just adding it to the "About Kubuntu" documentation02:06
nixternalheh, another thing i just noticed... the About Kubuntu documentation is way different then the "About Kubuntu" information in the Desktop Guide as well...maybe these should ==02:08
nixternalrobotgeek: ping?02:08
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Madpilotso, are mdke & I still the only people with deletion/rename privs on huc/c?02:47
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BurgundaviaPlug: Top Men is a joke07:52
Burgundaviacrimsun: ^07:52
nixternalit was nice and quiet07:52
Burgundaviait was07:52
nixternalman..i just did 3 homework assignments07:52
nixternali can't believe i stuck with it07:52
crimsunBurgundavia: 10-4.07:52
Burgundaviafor the record, I didn't even now Quinn was a woman and it certainly was not an attempt to exclude her07:53
Burgundaviamdke: help.ubuntu.com is down08:02
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PlugBurgundavia: fair enough09:52
Plugwasn't sure from context, was all :)09:52
Burgundaviano worries09:53
ompaulanyone got a big stick that can restart services the box is up but the wiki is missing :(10:02
ompaulBurgundavia, and why is it always on a Sunday morning ? :-10:03
Burgundaviaompaul: no idea, but I can start a gobby session on this machine for people to edit10:03
ompaulshould we look for wiki2. and help2 for such instances?10:04
Burgundaviacanonical just needs to solve the issue10:04
BurgundaviaI understand they are looking to purchase some new equipment10:04
ompaulahh, new bigger faster servers with go faster stripes down the side10:05
Burgundaviado you have gobby installed10:07
Burgundaviaport 652210:07
ompaulI don't but I can have10:08
ompaulnearly there10:08
ompaulThats a cool program :)10:12
Burgundaviaompaul: what colour are you?10:15
ompaulsome kind of brown/orange10:15
ompaulI have added nothing yet10:15
Burgundaviaright, I see that10:15
ompaullooking at the UWN10:15
ompaulI have edgy accepted here 10:16
ompaulas a mailing list10:16
ompaulI am trying to figure the fastest way to get data out of it and over into the edgy section10:16
Burgundaviaok, sounds good10:17
Burgundaviatry and avoid straight lists10:17
ompaulwell I am looking at what you have there10:18
ompauland trying to work out how you got it :)10:18
Burgundaviagmail, copy and paste10:18
Burgundaviathen edit10:18
Burgundaviaplease save teh document every few minutes10:19
ompaul(A) don't do, (B) grep > foo (C)clean & paste :)10:20
Burgundaviathat works10:20
ompaulokay back in 20 minutes with a bucket of entries I hope10:20
Burgundaviasounds good10:20
Burgundaviaompaul: suggestion: take that list, choose the end user apps and then talk about those10:21
Burgundavia2 or 3 as paragraphs (or a logical group)10:21
Burgundaviathen the rest as lists10:21
Burgundaviasee what I have done with the previous UWNs10:22
Burgundaviatell me why I care about this new cool thing10:22
ompaulat a guess it is a neat way of being multiplayer irc in a notepad :)10:23
ompaulnow back to work10:23
Burgundaviayou can do the cleanup in another document if you want10:24
Burgundaviacreate another document within the session10:24
ompaulreviewing what you have done here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter is hard when its down :)10:25
ompaulback soon10:25
Burgundaviayep, tell me about it10:26
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ompaulBurgundavia, what is the last time that you committed anything from edgy to that doc?10:41
Burgundaviawhat do you mean? I have done nothing on the UWN on the wiki and nothing on edgy in gobby10:41
Burgundaviagobby is realtime, so you can see what I edit10:42
ompaulsorry, my question was badly phrased10:42
ompaulin last weeks UWN what was the last package comitted10:42
ompaulwas it around midday utc yesterday or was it later or Friday10:43
Burgundaviaoh, anything committed as of midnight UTC on Saturday10:43
ompaulyou just cut down my 49 k file a lot :)10:43
ompaulthats lines of text10:43
ompaulmy computer is being hijacked for a few minutes10:49
ompaulback in as soon as I can be10:50
ompaulI'll close that session10:50
mdkeBurgundavia: I can't do anything about that, I don't have access to that server10:51
Burgundaviayou cannot get to my IP?10:51
Burgundaviacan you ping it?10:52
mdkehelp.ubuntu.com. Yes I can ping it10:52
Burgundaviamdke: oh, are we talking help.u.c or the gobby session?10:53
mdkeBurgundavia: help.u.c, I was just responding to your highlight10:53
Burgundaviaright. I was referring to my IP, for the gobby session10:54
mdkeI'll file a ticket10:55
Burgundaviasounds good10:55
mdkeI think there are 4 sysadmins now, so I bet someone is scheduled in for Sunday10:55
Burgundaviaompaul: I am crashing now, as it is 2am here11:00
Burgundaviaedit all you like, machine will be up11:00
Burgundaviaompaul: remember to save frequently11:07
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joachim-ndoes Ubuntu replace the default gnome 'Add to panel' dialog?02:11
dsasjoachim-n: I don't know what the stock gnome one looks like, but a new dialogue was implemented for a breezy SoC project, I don't know if it went upstream.02:12
joachim-nis it the flat alphabetical list?02:13
joachim-nI thought that was the old one, and the categories new, but I have it in a 2.15 build 02:13
dsasthe ubuntu one is the one segmented into categories.02:13
joachim-nand the categories on my regular Dapper02:13
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bartkornanyone from poland ?06:55
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Burgundaviaompaul: ping09:41
ompaulBurgundavia, yeap09:41
Burgundaviaompaul: the edgy stuff you were working on got deleted somehow. Can you repaste it?09:41
ompaulI know I did it09:41
ompaulI said I would redo it in the morning :)09:42
ompaulregex is sort of my friend :)09:42
Burgundaviabut I am kind of trying to release today09:42
ompaulohh fizzlesticks09:42
BurgundaviaI will happily take your stuff and massage it09:42
ompaulthat was from midnight 09:42
ompaullast night09:42
Burgundaviano worries09:42
Burgundaviadon't worry, you will still get credit09:43
=== ompaul smashes keyboard with head
ompaulits okay 09:43
ompaulwhat dates did you want in there?09:43
ompauland I can do something in the next hour or so 09:43
ompaulokay I am going to vist my local seller of fizzy diet drinks and then I will motor on this09:46
ompaulgive me exactly one example of what you want done and I will save every 10 or so09:46
ompaulsorry about that, total misunderstanding after you said this morning after midnight UTC I took it as start last night09:47
Burgundaviaright, no worries09:48
Burgundaviaompaul: do you know who did the upstart logo?09:51
Burgundaviawas it you?09:51
theCoreBurgundavia, yes me09:55
theCoreBurgundavia, I did the logo09:56
BurgundaviatheCore: thanks, name added09:56
BurgundaviaUWN 1209:57
theCoreoh, I read it this morning09:58
Burgundaviaumm, 12?09:58
Burgundaviayou cannot have09:58
Burgundaviait has not yet been released09:58
Burgundaviathat is different10:00
BurgundaviaUWN is ubuntu weekly news10:00
theCoreyeah, I just saw that10:00
theCorewhere is it?10:00
theCorethe mailing list?10:00
Burgundavianot yet released, but currently being gobby-ed10:00
theCoreno, the UWN10:01
Burgundaviaport 6522 on
BurgundaviaUWN #12 is being worked on10:01
Burgundaviaolder versions can be read on ubuntu-news, the mailing list10:01
theCorefirst time, I heard about UWN ... 10:02
theCorehow do I read it? with a news reader?10:03
theCorenevermind, I found the wiki page10:05
Burgundaviaread via email10:05
=== theCore feels lost
Burgundaviathey can also be read on the wiki10:07
Burgundaviaand the wiki pages have not had love for a while10:07
theCoreBurgundavia, the ip address is for gobby?10:08
theCoreI never heard about either, but it looks cool10:09
theCoreabout gobby*10:09
Burgundaviagobby is used for editing it, not the release10:09
theCoreBurgundavia, you mispelled my name10:13
ompaulBurgundavia, what is the keyword for new ..  * New upstream version ?10:18
ompaulBurgundavia, do you want to impose a pattern on the first block of text I have put in there so I can mimic it for the rest going forward10:25
Burgundaviaif you have no information on it, I would just create a list of apps that have had new versions10:26
Burgundaviafor ones you do, create a paragraph like previous UWNs10:26
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