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{malice}? I have a Dell Latitude C540 and I need to upgrade the bios but I do not have floppy does anyone know how I can run the exe file in ubuntu? I installed wine and it does not work12:20
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defendguinok im testing out knot 2 on my laptop how do i enable xgl?07:57
defendguinand why one earth is NetworkManager not installed by default07:57
Burgundaviadefendguin: what kind of video card do you have?07:58
Burgundaviaand NM is not installed by default because it breaks every other networking tool on the system, including dhclient, ifupdown and the network-admin tool from gnome-system-tools07:59
defendguinthe default gnome tools dont have a sane interface for connecting to wireless networks07:59
Burgundaviano, they don't08:00
defendguinI have an intel video card08:01
Burgundaviathen XGL will not work for you08:01
defendguinoh 08:01
Burgundaviayou need AIGLX08:01
defendguinwhy is that?08:01
Burgundaviawhich is already installed by default08:01
Burgundaviabut what you really want is compiz, which actually does the nifty stuff (compiz is a window manager)08:01
Burgundaviacompiz works on either08:01
Burgundaviait appears the help wiki is down, but try the forums08:02
defendguinwhy doesn't xgl work with my card?  i figured since my card has open drives all of these things should be able to work for me08:04
defendguini thought they might have some gui already set up to enable the eye candy08:05
Burgundaviaxgl doesn't work with the open source drivers and AIGLX doesn't work with closed sourced ones08:06
Burgundaviaand there is something, but you need to grab it yourself08:06
Burgundaviasee gnomefiles08:06
defendguini love the new firefox with the google suggestions08:08
Burgundaviahmm, not an FF users08:08
defendguinwhy not?08:09
BurgundaviaI find FF's lack of integration into the GNOME desktop to be very annoying08:10
BurgundaviaI very much like epiphany08:10
defendguinahh 08:10
defendguinbut your missing out on the fire fox google sync extension08:11
Burgundaviasounds lovely08:11
Burgundaviarather not have google have more than they already have08:12
defendguini guess i'm a trusting individual08:13
defendguinsomething is wrong with the gnome compiz manager download site :(08:15
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defendguinhmmm   wireless in nm-applet isnt working properly08:24
defendguinit doesn't even give me a wireless option even though I can see that the light on my wireless card is blinking and the correct module is loaded08:27
Burgundaviawelcome to why nm is not installed by default08:29
defendguinit works on dapper08:29
crimsunfor values of "works"08:30
defendguinso far most things seem to work besides that 08:31
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Fujitsudefendguin, did you attempt to configure your wireless interface using network-admin first?08:50
defendguinyesterday before i even had nm installed08:51
defendguinFujitsu: wireless network is not even an option 08:56
Fujitsudefendguin, yep.08:56
Fujitsudefendguin, open up /etc/network/interfaces, and remove the section about your wireless card.08:56
defendguinauto eth208:59
defendguiniface eth2 inet dhcp08:59
FujitsuIf you remove that, NetworkManager should pick up the wireless, although it may like to be restarted.09:01
defendguinyup that did it09:02
FujitsuNetworkManager won't play with interfaces that have manual configuration, for obvious reasons.09:02
Burgundaviayes, part of why NM is not installed by default09:04
BurgundaviaNM is the way forward, it just needs more integration work09:05
defendguinahh but if it was installed by default it would have worked properly09:05
defendguinsince i wouldn't have tried to config it manually09:05
Burgundaviayes, until you tried to set a static IP09:06
Burgundaviaand watched NM fail09:06
Burgundaviahave both of you voted; http://www.gnome.org/projects/gnome-games/survey.html09:06
defendguini really don't play the games much 09:08
defendguinto play dvds with totem i just need the extra bad and ugly gstreamer plugins from multiverse?09:11
Linuturkspeaking of network manager09:12
LinuturkI can't connect to a wireless network with a wep key09:12
Linuturkopen networks work fine09:12
Linuturkbut any with a wep key fail09:12
Linuturkspecifically, 64-bit hex key09:12
defendguinLinuturk: ill try that now09:14
BurgundaviaLinuturk: the place to fix that is upstream09:14
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defendguin_Linuturk: that seemed to work fine 09:16
Burgundaviathe NM devs themselves09:16
Linuturki'm thinking it's a problem with the drivers dapper installed by default09:16
Burgundaviapackages "flow downstream"09:17
FujitsuWhat driver, Linuturk?09:17
Burgundaviadevelopers --> pakcagers09:17
Linuturkfor the intel 2200BG09:17
FujitsuOr Developers -> Debian -> Ubuntu.09:17
FujitsuWorks fine for me.09:17
FujitsuI'm using a WEP passphrase, actually...09:17
Fujitsu(also an ipw2200)09:18
Linuturkis it lsmod to list what modules are loaded/09:18
Linuturkalso, there is an entry on ndiswrapper's site for it09:18
BurgundaviaFujitsu: for some stuff. nm used to be developers --> ubuntu but is now developers --> debian --> ubuntu09:18
Linuturki thought NM came from novell?09:19
BurgundaviaRH, actually09:21
Burgundaviabut there is an Novell and an RH dev working on it09:21
Burgundavianetapplet was RH09:22
BurgundaviaNovell, rather09:22
Linuturkanyway, I don't think it's a nm problem09:22
Linuturkhow can I check the drivers loaded/09:22
defendguin_crimsun   i think sound works much better in edgy than dapper for this laptop09:31
defendguin_in dapper when i put in a dvd the sound was so much lower than normal system sounds  now it seems to work properly09:32
defendguin_uggg let me retract that statement09:39
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defendguincompiz works better than i though07:21
LinuturkI've really noticed a slowdown in my system07:30
Linuturkwhat could be causing this?07:30
Linuturkis there anything I should be cleaning up?07:30
Linuturkanything to defrag?07:31
Linuturkmy system monitor use to never show page file usage or a load amount07:31
Linuturkby the way, knot 2 is out, so shouldn't the topic reflect that?07:33
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