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tomahey Hobbsee12:43
ubotuping: connection timeout12:43
Hobbseehey toma 12:44
tomahow's life?12:44
Hobbseetraffic sucks.  so do assignments12:44
Hobbseeapart from that, it's good12:44
=== Hobbsee pokes Riddell
Riddellwhat's the crack Hobbsee?12:51
HobbseeRiddell: we were looking at kpersonalizerrc last night12:52
HobbseeRiddell: lots of evil crack.12:52
Riddellmy thoughts are just to remove it from startkde or whatever runs it on startup12:52
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HobbseeRiddell: http://buntudot.org/people/~hobbsee/kubuntu-default-settings.debdiff seems to work quite well.12:52
Hobbseethat would work, too.  more invasive change though12:52
Hobbseebased on the fact that when you install it the first time, of course you want to run it - that's why it's there.12:53
Riddellthat change always stops it from running?12:53
Hobbseeit makes it run the first time, then never again12:53
Hobbseewhich is still evil, but less evil12:53
Riddellk-d-s doesn't want it run, it's evil!12:53
Hobbseefix it in startkde then if you want12:54
Riddellbut since it's not installed I guess it probably can't run12:54
Hobbseewell yes12:54
gnomefreakHobbsee: you might not want to do todays edgy updates12:54
Hobbseeit's not installed by default - only by installign things like kdebase12:54
Hobbseegnomefreak: oh?  why?12:54
gnomefreakkdm/gdm/xdm died what looks like from a dbus update12:54
Hobbseegnomefreak: keybuk's been having fun with his crack, has he?12:54
Hobbseeooh lovely.  jdong mentioned that yesterday, i think12:55
gnomefreaknot sure how that is yet but no gui anymore12:55
Hobbseeat all?12:55
Hobbseewho's going to fix it?12:55
gnomefreaki dont know12:56
gnomefreakim tring to figure out why dbus messed up maybe it just screwed up the nvidia drivers?12:56
HobbseeRiddell: will.  he likes fixing crack.12:56
Hobbseegnomefreak: what errors?12:57
gnomefreaknope gdm kdm and xdm none work12:57
Hobbseestartx do anything useful?12:57
gnomefreakif started using /etc/..... it says starting kdm gives me a prompt12:57
gnomefreakstartx gives me nvidia error about modules12:58
Hobbseeoh darn, its' 9am already.12:58
=== Hobbsee notes that she has no nvidia card, and might be lucky.
gnomefreakbut nvidia was working up until dbus and ahivie(sp) server updates12:58
gnomefreakon nv atm and still no go12:59
gnomefreaklet me try vesa12:59
gnomefreakvesa looks to work01:00
gnomefreakvesa does work :(01:00
Hobbseeso it's a problem with the nvidia drivers, with the newer dbus then?  hmmm01:00
=== Hobbsee curses the existance of maths
=== Riddell beds
Hobbseenight Riddell 01:01
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gnomefreakvesa works :(01:04
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gnomefreakfixed it  it messes with the nvidia drivers from nvidia.com01:15
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jdongso, is anyone alive in here who is interested in getting to the bottom of laptop buttons and kmix master channels?03:12
jdongI'm looking through kdemultimedia and running into dead ends03:12
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nixternalok, what happened to katapult?03:22
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nixternalwasabi imbrandon_04:43
Jucatooooh... wasabi...04:43
nixternalyou are either up late, or up to early04:43
nixternalwasabi jucato04:43
nixternalim in a good argument in the doco chan04:44
nixternalthey pimped ubuntu in the UWN and left us out04:44
nixternalim actually mad04:44
=== imbrandon [n=brandon@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.imbrandon] has joined #kubuntu-devel
nixternalubuntu weekly newsletter04:47
Jucatoah... 04:47
Jucatosince when was Kubuntu actually included in it?04:47
nixternalwhen I was doing it ;)04:48
nixternalme and Riddell would pimp Kubuntu in it every chance we got ;)04:49
Jucatomaybe they should have an equal number of people from both sides... or 4 sides04:49
imbrandonJucato: since day one04:49
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseehey all05:13
Jucatogood morning/afternoon!05:13
nixternalhiya Hobbsee ;)05:18
Hobbseehey nixternal, how are you doing?05:19
nixternaldoin' good, and you?05:19
Hobbseenixternal: are you going to make it to thursday's meeting?05:19
nixternali should yes05:19
Hobbseenixternal: nice.  got anything to present?  :)05:20
nixternaljust me ;)05:20
Hobbseecool :)05:20
JucatoHobbsee: I'm still deciding whether I should add what I said last night to the agenda... I installed KNet again, and it doesn't seem that stable, at least when starting through Alt+F205:20
nixternalthat should get a bunch of bugs filed ;)05:20
Hobbsee!info knet05:21
ubotuknet: The Knet is a frontend to pppd.. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6beta1-1ubuntu9 (dapper), package size 1017 kB, installed size 1584 kB05:21
Hobbsee!info knet edgy05:21
ubotuknet: The Knet is a frontend to pppd.. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6beta1-1ubuntu9 (edgy), package size 1017 kB, installed size 1584 kB05:21
Jucatosame version... it seems to be unmaintained if kde-apps is any indication05:21
Hobbseethat's what i'm looking at, yeah05:22
Jucatomaybe xDSL PPPoE users are just a minority nowadays, so there aren't much GUI apps for it?05:23
Hobbseehmmm.  definetly seems out of date05:24
Jucatoyeah... 05:25
Jucatooh well, back to work :-D05:25
Hobbseeuh, yeah05:26
Hobbsee*that's* what i was supposed to be doign this hour.05:27
Hobbseebrain's rather dead05:27
Hobbsee4 hours straight of information thrown straight at it.05:27
Jucatotake a few hours off then.. just to reboot your brain...05:28
Jucatoit obviously ain't running Linux :-D05:28
Hobbseei cant05:28
Hobbseei have a test in an hour05:28
Jucatoooh... 05:28
Jucatohmm... first time to use Quanta+ in making the transcripts... another adventure... 05:30
Hobbseehmmm.  this maths looks entirely and utterly evil.05:40
imbrandonHobbsee: i got a dumb question for you05:41
Hobbseeimbrandon: shoot05:41
imbrandoneveryone from AU that i have seen type Math , plurlizes it ( e.g. maths ) , is that normal / taught there ?05:42
imbrandonnot that it matter, was just kinda curious05:42
Hobbseeimbrandon: it's called maths here.  you guys just have it wrong :P05:43
Hobbseeit's *always* maths here05:43
imbrandonhaha you guys as in the other 7/8ths of the world :)05:43
imbrandonheheh just teasin, i was just curious05:43
JucatoI wouldn't tease Hobbsee. she has a mean whip, kicks nicks, and has kangaroo who could probably punch you to /dev/null :-D05:44
imbrandonanyhow yes its evil most of the time ;)05:44
HobbseeJucato: and i have root access to his main machine.05:44
imbrandonlol Jucato me and Hobbsee work togather on the evilness most of the time and tag team ( well not as much lately but in the past ) heh05:45
=== Hobbsee pets her kangaroo
Hobbseehehe...true that..05:45
imbrandonyour 'roo ;)05:45
=== Hobbsee hasnt had the time to do much evil lately
=== Hobbsee curses being sick, and uni.
Hobbseeand the catch up due to missing uni from being sick.05:45
Hobbseesomehow i dont think i'll make it to the edgy+1 developer conference.05:46
=== Hobbsee looks at her battery warning. will it last until i have to leave for class anyway?
Hobbseeit says it's got 12 mins05:46
Hobbseebut i know what happened last time i tested it :P05:46
imbrandonlol that means about 3.5 minutes05:46
imbrandon+ shutdown05:47
Hobbseeit sat on "2 mins remaning" for about 4, then on 1 min remaining for another couple, then on 0 min remaining for a few more mins05:47
Hobbseeno major problem with that, i'm not running much05:47
=== imbrandon was bright and removed sysinitv and dident replace it before reboot today
imbrandonthat was a fun recovery05:47
imbrandonheh my lappy usaly lasts about half of what it reports05:48
imbrandonbut thats still about 4 hours on a full battery05:48
Hobbseeimbrandon: hah.  smart05:48
imbrandonas long as i dont try to burn a cd/dvd05:48
=== Hobbsee glares at you for getting 4 hours to start with.
imbrandonapple laptop ( ppc ) batteries rock05:49
imbrandonheh i need a bigger hdd in it though, running short on room and i have no media stored directly on it05:50
Hobbseehey now, this is sucky.  integrating by changing variables at random, and then sayign "this equals that"05:50
imbrandonjust fedora , suse , ubuntu ,kubuntu, and osx partitions LOL05:50
Hobbseeno, if you chop bits off, then surely the equation is *not* equal to what it was before.05:50
imbrandonall on a 30gig hdd05:50
imbrandonno less05:50
Jucatowhoa... 5 OS on 30gb..05:51
Hobbseethat's impressive05:51
imbrandonwell the kubuntu / ubuntu share a /home and /boot 05:51
imbrandonbut yea basicly05:51
=== Hobbsee fits 3 on 40gb without a problem
Hobbseeunless i've borked my partitioning05:52
Jucatook... lunch time :-D05:52
Jucatogoing away....05:52
imbrandonits cramped , i like my desktop with 200gb and my file server with 4 x 400gb and the amd64's with 160gb each05:52
imbrandonand the 8 xboxes each have 8005:52
Hobbseeimbrandon: do you run pbuilders, etc, on that?05:52
=== Hobbsee guesses that she can say she has 5 system, including pbuilders.
imbrandonHobbsee: yea thats bacsicly all i use it for05:52
imbrandonis to build for ppc and test other os's05:53
imbrandonosx is the only partition i actualy USE on it05:53
imbrandonfor mail etc , the rest are "throw away" installs05:53
imbrandonand the build files are stored on the fileserver and maped via nfs05:54
imbrandonso i can wipe at will , really05:54
imbrandonand do quite often on it tbh ;)05:54
Hobbseewoot.  1 min again...05:55
=== imbrandon watches as Hobbsee gets cutoff by peer
Hobbseei havent been yet!05:59
Hobbseethis is very, very red though :P05:59
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Hobbseehey again all07:37
Jucatowb Hobbsee!07:38
Jucatohow was the quiz?07:38
Hobbseethat maths test was a joke.07:38
Hobbseethe tutor went around and gave people the answers!07:38
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Hobbseefirst it was too many g-p-m icons, now it's none.07:41
Jucatohow come? was there an update? (haven't booted into Edgy since sunday morning)07:41
Hobbseeinteresting.  because it's segfaulting.07:42
HobbseeRiddell: http://rafb.net/paste/results/GZQZhi92.html07:43
HawkwindMan, can't believe Steve Irwin, the crocodile hunter, died today.  That's sad :(07:46
Hobbseeso the radio was serious?  wow07:47
HawkwindHobbsee: Yep.  Happened at about 1pm New Zealand time they say07:47
Jucatohow did he die?07:48
HawkwindStingray barb to the chest07:48
HawkwindHe was filming a show underwater07:48
Jucatohow sad...07:52
imbrandonyup it sucks , leaste he was doing something he liked and not die in a car crash or some stupid thing07:53
imbrandonanyhow brb07:53
Hawkwindimbrandon: Yeah I totally agree.  He was definitely doing what he loved most07:54
Jucatoand got killed by an animal he was trying to "demistify"...07:54
Jucatohow ironic...07:55
nixternalno doubt...07:58
imbrandonsudo mksquashfs edit extract-cd/casper/filesystem.squashfs07:59
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Jucatowhere to make a request to increase the sound of kubuntu-login.ogg?08:01
HobbseeJucato: ask kwwii/ Riddell if they know anything about it when they're alive08:02
Jucatodarn.. they were alive this morning before I left. :-D08:02
Jucatolol! the /topic in #ubuntu-offtopic...08:05
=== rouzic esta ausente
nixternalg'nite too08:13
imbrandonHobbsee: woohoo i rock "336148 extents written (656 MB)"08:18
Jucatoimbrandon always r0ckz!08:19
imbrandonwell my custom cd was more of a dvd, but i got it to under 700mb this time ;)08:22
imbrandonfew more tidbits and it go's on bittorrent ;)08:22
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LureRiddell: do we plan to include http://developer.kde.org/development-versions/koffice-1.6-release-plan.html in Edgy?10:31
=== MrFaber [i=MrFaber@gateway/tor/x-0c5fb11cea5a79a4] has joined #kubuntu-devel
MrFaberhi all10:36
MrFaberAm I wrong or is there no red eye correction part in kubuntu standard installation? Why not ship kubuntu with digikam or something like that?10:38
MrFaberOr is new krita able to handle such little corrections?10:38
seaLneMrFaber: digikam is up for discussion at the meeting10:42
MrFaberseaLne, cool, thanks10:42
MrFaberWith kipi it seems very powerfull and easy to handle10:43
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serzholino[1.09.2006] [13:23:54] <serzholino> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2223311:00
serzholino[1.09.2006] [13:24:27]  <serzholino> How can it crash? m_dataAsBinary isn't a pointer...11:00
serzholinoater i've recompiled qt and app with gcc-3.4 the crash has gone11:00
serzholinowhat info is needed for bugreport about this?11:01
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RiddellLure: I have no idea, both koffice and KDE have releases days before edgy release11:53
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=== kwwii_ is now known as kwwii
alleekwwii: mahlzeit ;)12:11
kwwiiallee: ein guten ;-) 12:11
kwwiizu frh zu essen fr mich 12:12
=== allee can't answer with mouth full of food
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LureRiddell: it would be nice if we would sneek beta1 before FF and then just update with released version (similar as Firefox is currently beta in Edgy)12:28
_SimeCan someone with an updated edgy open the Media directory using that popup thing in the kicker12:38
_Simeand tell me where it goes to12:38
=== Jucato wishes he was in Edgy right now...
=== _Sime thinks that he might know why the media notifications are broken in edgy now.
=== Jucato shouts in the background "go _Sime!!"
_SimeDon't applaud, just throw money. ;-)12:41
_Simemy media menu thingy goes to /media, (but my install has been hacked a bit though...)12:43
Jucatoso sorry I couldn't help... still in Dapper...12:44
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_Simeyep, found the problem which the media notifications and confirmed the cause12:59
Jucatoheh. I was trying to hurry up and finish what I was doing so I could boot into Edgy...01:00
_SimeI tested it out with a CDROM, even though the machine is about 8kms away. (kind of tricky that, but do-able)01:01
_Simeeject -t01:03
Jucato8kms away...01:03
Lure_Sime: it goes to /media/cdrom0 here (CD icon on kicker -> Open in New Window)01:08
Lure_Sime: but no mount dialog anymore (which I like, but not sure for other users)01:09
_Simesome code in the medianotifier relies on system:/media going to media:/ and not to /media.01:10
_SimeI'll be fixing medianotifier.01:11
kwwiiRiddell: here are the main open issues in artwork: HWDB pics, finish About page, throbber?, finish Amarok01:18
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kwwiiRiddell: if you can think of anything I missed, let me know (other things still need polishinig, but that is different)01:19
Riddellthat sounds right kwwii 01:21
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Lurekwwii: and 1920x1200 wallpaper for splash ;-)02:32
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Hobbseehey all02:42
Jucatohi Hobbsee!02:43
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kwwiiLure: yepp, I am on that02:55
Lurekwwii: thanks02:56
HobbseeJucato: know if Hawkwind, abattoir, etc are around?03:06
Hobbseewe could have a meeting now, if you wnat03:06
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Viper550I still think QtCurve should be the default theme03:11
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abattoirHobbsee: hi03:35
abattoirHobbsee: i dont think they are around though03:35
Hobbseehey abattoir 03:35
Hobbseeah okay...03:35
=== Hobbsee fixed the requestsync script :D
Tm_T#kubuntu-devel goes farm03:42
HawkwindHobbsee: I'm here now though03:44
HobbseeHawkwind: nice :)03:44
=== Hobbsee waves
=== Hobbsee sponsors more syncs.
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HawkwindDang, it's early in the morning here03:45
Jucatoso sorry, I had dinner...03:49
Hobbseeit's okay03:50
Hobbseedinner is good03:50
=== Hobbsee glances at her cold dinner
Jucatomy sister came over, so my mom and I and her ate dinner together03:50
Hobbseeah, fun :)03:50
Jucatoso... are Hawkwind and abattoir available?03:51
=== abattoir is here :)
=== Jucato is here :0D
abattoirdont know if Hawkwind went back to sleep :P03:51
Jucatohm... it isn't his bedtime yet, is it?03:52
=== Hobbsee wonders why she hasnt merged this package yet...
Jucatowhich one?03:52
Hobbseezhcon, it looks like03:53
HawkwindI'm still here.  Just reading some news03:53
Hobbseethe other one was looking for a libggi merge, which is waiting on a libgii merge, done by stevenk.03:53
Hobbseewhich is sitting patiently in NEW03:53
Jucatothere we're komplete03:53
Hobbseeeven spelt with a k03:54
Hobbseeoh, that's waiting on libggi stuff too.03:54
Jucatoehehe. I'm trying to use the unkonventional K spelling to see how many people I kan annoy.03:54
Jucatoof course, I could always gMake gSomething gLike gThis... but that's more diffikult03:55
abattoirwho killed ubotu? :(03:55
Jucatohe's still there03:55
abattoiryes, but dead :(03:56
Jucatoyay! I still hold the top spot! 03:57
Jucatoso... where do we meet?03:58
abattoirJucato: on the stats list... hehe, i dont see you losing your spot for a long time :)03:58
Jucatounless I don't login for um.. 2 weeks?03:58
abattoirJucato: yes, and another Jucato should prop up in the meanwhile...03:58
abattoirto overtake you03:59
=== kwwii_ is now known as kwwii
Jucatoor if abattoir produces more than 3000 lines in that time :D03:59
abattoirJucato: heh, i havent gone past 6000 in 2~3 wks, iirc :P04:00
Jucatoheh! nice04:00
abattoirpast the 6xxx figure that is04:00
abattoirok, so where do we go?04:00
abattoirwhich room?04:00
JucatoI dunno. 04:00
Hobbseeany will do04:01
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danimoimbrandon: ping?04:07
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ryanakcakwwii: ping?04:13
jdongmke2fs /dev/scd0......04:14
jdongwho says you can't debootstrap ubuntu onto a dvd+rw? :)04:20
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kwwiiryanakca: pong04:23
ryanakcakwwii: I've got an idea for a cool default icon set in edgy... if it's not too late to submit one... realistiK... realeased a couple of days ago, Jucato and I have been testing it out... Just a sec, I'll get you the link04:25
Hobbseeooh!  show!04:25
Jucatoyep very nice icon set04:25
=== abattoir seconds it
Jucatoit's my default now. just get rid of ferny and everything looks good04:25
ryanakcasame here04:26
abattoirbut dont we always stick to Crystal?04:26
Jucatoit's based on the Crystal set04:26
JucatoCrystal SVG/GT/Clear04:26
Jucatobut mostly GT, I think04:26
ryanakcaferny was kindof wierd but I've got the --klogo-cool set04:26
kwwiiboah, it opens it in kate04:27
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Jucatosomething with Konqueror or KGet trying to open a PHP file...04:27
Hobbseeabattoir: only because there's nothing bette04:28
kwwiimessed up04:28
abattoirHobbsee: why not Crystal Clear?04:28
kwwiicrystal clear does not have svg sources04:28
abattoirkwwii: oh...04:28
kwwiiand it is developed for and by linspire04:28
Hobbseeheh.  you're asking *me* about artwork :P04:28
ryanakcakwwii: I download threw firefox... since konqueror is ick04:28
=== Hobbsee is no artist
Jucatooh.. ryanakca I don't think we can use realistiK. it's not complete yet. still some basic icons misisng for Kontact04:29
=== Hobbsee can only do the "i can see a desktop looking like this" or the "ooh, that looks pretty, let's use that", rather than the technical, feasability stuff behind that
abattoirrealistiK looks really promising... even though its just a compilation... a bit too shiny :P04:29
ryanakcaHobbsee: nor am I... all I do is run colorise on stuff04:29
kwwiithat is what I heard as well, that there are quite a few missing04:29
Jucatoand since Kubuntu falls back to Crystal SVG by default, we would have a weird mixture of Crystal SVG and Crystal GT-like icons...04:29
Jucatothat's what I'm seeing in Kontact right now04:30
Hobbseehow pretty04:30
ryanakcameh, who needs kontact anyway :P04:30
ryanakcabtw, has anybody else had problems with kmail/kontact + PGP/GPG?04:31
=== claydoh [n=clay@216-220-247-142.midmaine.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
kwwiiwow, interesting icons04:32
kwwiinot too good at small sizes04:32
kwwiilike a mix of things04:32
=== ryanakca loves the FF and konqui ones :)
Hobbseekwwii: it's edgy, why not?  :P04:32
abattoirthe kmenu icon looks great too04:32
Hobbseekwwii: we're only waiting till kde 4 to change them04:32
JucatorealistiK is like a transition set from Crystal SVG to Oxygen....04:33
Hobbseedo we have it packaged yet?04:33
=== Hobbsee pokes ryanakca.
kwwiiyeah, we can changed things now, but we have to know that it will change for kde404:33
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Jucatoit just came out Aug 31 ehehe04:34
ryanakcawasn't that notice a while back saying something along the lines of "From the developpers for the developpers" or something? and that Dapper was going  to be the stable version for general use?04:34
HobbseeJucato: 5 days ago.  *shrugs*  :P04:34
Hobbseeryanakca: ish.04:34
ryanakcawith second release 2 days ago04:34
Hobbseeryanakca: it was going to have some interesting new stuff though.04:34
ryanakcaHobbsee: how do you package icons?04:34
Hobbseeryanakca: with cdbs, iirc.04:34
Hobbseeryanakca: take the source of another lot of icons, and change the relevant bits04:35
Hobbseeryanakca: use dh_make, pick cdbs, then copy the debian/ from another icon set, and change it04:35
ryanakcahelpful. how. where do they go? /usr/share/icons?04:35
=== kwwii moves outside, brb
ryanakcaoh, ok04:35
=== ryanakca runs off to do that
ryanakcaas soon as I figure out how to upload my artwork to the wiki04:36
Hobbseeryanakca: wiki formatting.  always fun :P04:36
=== kwwii_ [n=kwwii@p54957D67.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== kwwii_ is now known as kwwii
Hobbseekwwii: what's this "outside" thing that you speak of?04:39
kwwiiHobbsee: since I got my wlan running on ppc,  I can sit out on one of the balconies and enjoy the warm weather while working :-)04:39
Hobbseekwwii: nice :)04:40
kwwiioutside is what you close your blinds to keep out04:40
Hobbseekwwii: ahhh...04:40
Hobbseeoh, outside's the stuff that i BURN in, and turn bright red.  right. yes.04:40
kwwiihehe, we too (but luckily I live in germany so no worries)04:40
Hobbseemmm...i'm still envious04:40
kwwiigermany would be great, if it weren't for the germans :P04:41
=== rouzic [n=rouzic@18.Red-88-10-62.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseetrue that04:42
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=== ryanakca whishes he lived somewhere where its about 23-25'C year round
ryanakcaIt's not excessively hot or cold... just right :)04:47
=== kwwii wishes he had time to fly his kite
kwwiiit is perfect weather04:47
=== Hobbsee cries
Hobbseeit's dark outside.  no nice weather. and it sounds so inviting!04:48
=== J-a-r [n=netstar@c83-252-125-31.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #kubuntu-devel
kwwiiRiddell: any way to test this hwdb stuff?05:04
Hobbseekwwii: from the kmenu?05:05
ryanakcaHobbsee: I'll get around to packaging the icons in an hour or so, mom wants me to clean my room :)05:05
Hobbseeryanakca: hehe, fair enough.05:05
Jucatoryanakca: maybe you could get the author's permission to change the default go.png and kmenu.png icons from ferny to kde_cool05:06
Riddellkwwii: on edgy install hwbd-client-kde and replace the files05:06
HobbseeRiddell: PM?05:07
JucatoRiddell: would it be possible if kubuntu-login.ogg's volume be increased a bit? It's barely audible unless you crank up the volume05:07
RiddellHobbsee: ok05:07
RiddellJucato: I can hear it05:07
JucatoI can too, but it's very soft. 05:07
Jucatooh well, nvm :D 05:07
kwwiiRiddell: cool, thanks....what about the animation?05:08
HobbseeRiddell: yes, it's audible, but it's quite quiet, compared to the rest of the sounds.05:09
Riddellkwwii: the sound test animation?05:11
Riddellkwwii: that's an animated .gif, if you want to do something that fits better please do05:11
kwwiiRiddell: ok, I'll see what I can come up with05:12
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Riddell"Account for Luka Renko (lure) created"  yay!05:15
=== Hobbsee wonders what for
Hobbseebzr or something?05:16
RiddellHobbsee: for KDE SVN05:18
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Hobbseenight everyone05:40
Jucatonight Hobbsee!05:40
kwwiinight Hobbsee05:40
Riddellsleep tight05:40
Hobbseewill do05:40
kwwiiRiddell: installing that requires python-qt4 which is not available05:40
Hobbseefor a bit :P05:40
Hobbseebefore getting up again05:41
Riddellkwwii: are you on edgy?05:41
kwwiiRiddell: yepp05:41
Riddellkwwii: do you have universe enabled?05:41
kwwiiRiddell: probably not....since I just installed05:41
Riddellthat'll be it then05:41
kwwiithanks :-)05:41
Jucatomorning nixternal!05:48
kwwiiman that is one messed up interface05:51
kwwiiare we seriously going to use pbig pngs with padding to guess where the radio buttons are?05:51
Riddellkwwii: the radio buttons are a fixed width apart05:52
Riddellthere's a big which means the arrow doesn't always show that I need to look at05:53
kwwiiso I have to test the thing again and again to get the right size, and then if you increase your font size it looks horrible05:53
kwwiias it is now, only two arrows showed up, and they were both misplaced05:54
Riddellkwwii: for now you can just copy the existing PNGs and replace the arrow surely05:55
RiddellI've not tried it with a larger font and that could well break it, but I can look at that later05:55
kwwiiRiddell: yeah, I did that already...but eventually I need to test it :-)05:55
Riddellkwwii: just copy them into place of the existing files05:56
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danimoimbrandon: ping? :)07:11
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=== Lure [n=lure@ubuntu/member/lure] has joined #kubuntu-devel
jdongdanimo: how many times have you tried already this morning? ;)07:12
danimojdong: twice I think07:12
=== danimo looks for a designated ubuntu kernel hacker
=== jdong looks for someone to package ntfs-3g
=== toma_flep looks
=== Tonio__ [n=tonio@74.8.100-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Luredanimo: why do you want to hack ubuntu kernel?07:15
danimoLure: no, I want to debug a DVB-T related problem07:15
danimoLure: it's annoying to boot windows in order to watch TV :)07:15
danimowb Tonio__07:15
Luredanimo: that will be fun07:15
danimoLure: well, it used to work07:16
Lurehi Tonio_07:16
danimoLure: so it can't be too hard07:16
Tonio_hey Lure, danimo07:16
Tonio_Riddell: I'll ping mdz toonight again for katapult uvf exception07:16
Luredanimo: it worked in edgy or dapper? I know there is major edgy kernel update pending...07:16
danimoLure: edgy07:16
Tonio__Sime: ping ?07:17
jdongLure: that makes me very uneasy :)07:24
Lurejdong: why? lot's of acpi/laptop goodess pending...07:25
jdongthat's the good news... the bad news is that murphy's law for kernel updates typically applies to me :)07:25
=== jdong would love some acpi goodness
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_SimeTonio_: pong08:03
Tonio__Sime: I looked at the logs, and you seem to have find a solution to the media action selection box problem ?08:03
_SimeTonio_: which problem, you'll have to be more specific. ;)08:04
_SimeTonio_: the media notifier popup problem?08:04
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_Simeyeah I think so.08:08
_SimeI've found the cause and think that I know the fix.08:08
Tonio__Sime: fantastic ;)08:09
=== jdong [n=jdong@ubuntu/member/jdong] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio__Sime: want me to test the fix ? I can upload if needed too08:39
_SimeTonio_: I first need to fix it and test it here, and then roll out a patch.08:40
_SimeTonio_: But first I'm putting in a little feature for k-s-s for El before FF.08:40
Tonio__Sime: sure, when is FF ?08:41
_SimeTonio_: thursday???08:41
Tonio__Sime: argh, I have a pending uvf exception and mds is not there for days...08:42
Tonio_he didn't respond to my mails concerning this08:42
Tonio_Riddell: any idea what matt is doing currently ?08:42
ryanakcaTonio_: anyway I can help kubuntu-fr? You added me to the team/group... but I haven't heard anything since..08:43
Tonio_ryanakca: true, that team is..... silent :)08:43
Tonio_not official one, unfortunatelly08:43
ryanakcaWell, if ever you guys need anything, ping me ;)08:44
=== glatzor [n=sebi@ppp-82-135-3-178.dynamic.mnet-online.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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glatzorhi mornfall, Kuhrscher08:45
glatzormornfall: Could share a minute with us? We would like to know if adept will be shipped with a static build of ept in edgy too?08:46
mornfalli have no idea, sorry08:46
glatzormornfall: don't you remember me? the happy python coding guy from paris :)08:46
glatzormornfall: currently adept comes with a static build of ept in dapper, right?08:47
KuhrscherHi glatzor, hi mornfall08:47
glatzorThis could be the problem why the translations of the language pack  of libept are not used by adept.08:47
mornfallglatzor: vegan?08:47
mornfallah! :)08:48
glatzorthat's me :)08:48
mornfalli do remember :)08:48
glatzorI hope in a positive way :)08:48
mornfallsorry if i was ... too insisting, in paris08:48
=== mornfall is trying to become a better person
Tonio_ryanakca: sure08:48
Tonio_alleeEdgy32: just saw your comment on the meeting page and konsole... my stupidness on that point, I didn't though about that :)08:50
glatzormornfall: my head is of concrete too :)08:50
Tonio_alleeEdgy32: I'm just removing the point to discuss since it doesn't make sense considerring this...08:50
Tonio_mornfall: heya :)08:50
mornfallas for current state of adept in dapper, i'm not sure, but it may be08:50
glatzormornfall: but what is the status of adept/libept issue?08:50
mornfalli meant edgy08:51
mornfall<-- all confused08:51
mornfalli'm all personal woes these days :\08:51
mornfallso i totally lost track08:51
mornfalli think Riddell did last adept upload?08:51
glatzorI haven't found the time to follow the development of Kubutnu recently.08:52
=== mornfall summons Riddell
=== DaSkreech draws Circles on the floor and sprinkles salt
=== mornfall puts 5 candles on the Circle and draws lines
=== jdong saves IRC log
jdongthis is worth keeping08:56
seaLnedepends if it works or not :)08:56
=== jdong proceeds to change forum signature
=== Tonio_ is trying to investigate the klipper segfault
=== jdong goes on a reiserfs converting rampage
Tonio_Lure: I know you spend a few time on this, any infos that would be usefull ?09:08
LureTonio_: ?09:08
Tonio_Lure: the klipper segfault bug ;)09:09
Tonio_Lure: http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12415509:09
UbugtuKDE bug 124155 in general "klipperrc config read error as applet" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  09:09
Tonio_Lure: that ressembles to our bug, very much, since it works in konsole but not via the desktop lie09:09
Tonio_Lure: the only difference is that in that bug case there is no segfault, but the symptoms are exactly the same09:10
LureTonio_: segfault may be triggered by different compiler or compile options09:12
Tonio_Lure: yes, the problem is not due to klipper itself, since I downgraded it via a patch to test and the problem remains09:13
Tonio_that's a major bug, since every new installation is concerned directly09:13
Tonio_Lure: the problem appeared between 15 and 20th of august...09:15
Tonio_I'm looking at the changes in that period09:15
LureTonio_: I suspect some gcc/g++ change (+kde recompile) caused it09:15
LureTonio_: but bug is still in klipper09:16
Tonio_Lure: probably, yes09:16
Tonio_Lure: I think I've uploaded latest libqt in that period....09:16
Tonio_can be this too don't you think ?09:16
LureTonio_: maybe09:17
Tonio_Lure: nope it was later (08/26)09:18
LureTonio_: I will put a link in b.k.o bug to LP - I think these two bugs may be really related09:22
Tonio_Lure: b.k.o ?09:23
Tonio_ah yes :)09:24
Tonio_Lure: well appart from the consequences, the description and symptoms are exactly the same09:24
=== kwwii_ [n=kwwii@p54955F31.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== kwwii_ is now known as kwwii
kwwiihehe, edgy is a bit edgy09:29
kwwiiI have two computers on which amarok doesn't work09:29
Lurekwwii: it works on two omputers here ;-) 09:30
Lurekwwii: ppc?09:30
DaSkreechEvens out then09:30
kwwiiLure: yepp, both are ppc machines, one with dapper and one with edgy09:31
kwwiikinda makes it boring to theme something that does not even work :-)09:32
Lurekwwii: you should check with imbrandon - he did packaging and owns ppc...09:32
kwwiihehe, yeah, that is why he has been hiding from me09:32
kwwiiactually, I think that it is not a problem with amarok on this machine, but rather that the sound card is not configured correctly09:33
kwwiiman, this things really has some problems (but it looks nice) :-)09:34
ryanakcasince #ubuntu-motu is a ghost-town, why am I getting these errors http://pastebin.ca/160826 when running cdbs-edit-patch 01-no-ferny-klogo.patch  ?09:36
Tonio_kwwii: ouch, that's nor fair...09:40
Tonio_is the problem known and confirmed ?09:40
kwwiidude, this ppc machine will not even install without text mode09:40
kwwiiif I were to start counting problems with it, it would never end09:40
kwwiithat is why it is a test machine ;-)09:41
Tonio_kwwii: :-(09:41
kwwiiwhen amarok tries to start kmix it opens an endless number of windows which freezes my machine09:41
kwwiino matter how fast I call "killall kmix"09:41
DaSkreechOnly Amarok?09:43
kwwiiyeah...after I kill the machine and restart, it starts kmix without a problem09:44
kwwii(although kmix has no mixer)09:44
kwwiithe battery says it is full though, which is good, considering that I do not even have a battery09:45
kwwiiyakuake does not create a dir in .kde/share/apps in edgy, why not?09:46
DaSkreechDoes it do it on dapper?09:47
kwwiiyepp, on a mac you have to change the default key-binding09:47
kwwiiso it is very necessary for anyone who has to edit the rc file09:47
DaSkreechdoesn't seem to have on one my machine09:48
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danimowb Lure09:51
=== Lure is playing with some xorg.conf settings ;)
=== DaSkreech checks his summoning Book
DaSkreechmornfall: I think I'm out of mana :(09:53
=== kwwii_ [n=kwwii@p54955F31.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
mornfallDaSkreech: damn09:54
=== kwwii_ is now known as kwwii
kwwiiahaa! so I take it back that amarok is causing the problem09:55
kwwiiit is pbbuttons09:55
DaSkreechRiddell is too powerful a beast for us :(09:55
kwwiipress the volume key = kill your computer09:55
DaSkreechkwwii: http://websvn.kde.org/*checkout*/trunk/playground/artwork/Oxygen/theme/svg/actions/ok.svg?rev=57755309:55
DaSkreechMe no like :)09:55
kwwiiand this time I got two power manager icons :-)09:56
DaSkreechSweet :)09:56
DaSkreechMore power to you?09:56
kwwiino doubt09:56
kwwiiyou mean the check mark right?09:56
kwwiidon't worry, it will not stay like that09:57
DaSkreechaight :) 09:57
DaSkreechOh Nice work on the powermanager icons09:58
kwwiioh man, they still need some work09:59
kwwiiI started on a 3d version but decided to do the other artwork that is non-existent first10:00
kwwiiso...yakuake does not have a config file anywhere10:00
kwwiihehe, guess it does10:00
DaSkreechI think it must have but it10:01
DaSkreechs probably not in ~10:01
kwwiiit is in kubuntu-default-settings10:01
kwwiilast place I looked10:01
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Daskreech2Any ideas for a Rekonstrucktor?10:10
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Tonio_hurg ! 10:25
Tonio_The following packages have unmet dependencies:10:25
Tonio_  kdelibs4-dev: Depends: kdelibs4c2a (= 4:3.5.4-0ubuntu10) but it is not going to be installed10:25
Tonio_impossible to pbuild kdebase....10:26
Tonio_unless my pbuilder cache is crappy10:27
ryanakcaanyone have free kubuntu stickers? I saw the add for the free ubuntu ones on the fridge... 10:28
Tonio_ryanakca: url please ?10:30
=== ryanakca doesn't think they have them in france... might have to order them from the netherlands
ryanakcahmmm they had some kubuntu ones at LinuxTag... wonder if anyone has some extras...10:33
Tonio_ryanakca: I came with those at linuxtag ;)10:34
Tonio_but they are not free10:34
Tonio_it is not that much expensive though10:35
ryanakca8 bucks... hmmm... and I don't have a credit card :(10:36
ryanakcaI guess I'm stuck with ubuntu stickers that I color clue :)10:36
Tonio_ryanakca: note those stickers aren't metal ones10:37
ryanakcaoh, yeah, good point10:37
Riddellhi mornfall 10:42
RiddellTonio_: he's in the middle of a desert10:42
Tonio_Riddell: arf.... *10:43
Tonio_Riddell: isn't FF a problem for katapult ?10:43
Tonio_hum, it looks like some edgy mirrors are dead, I can't even recreate an edgy chroot10:44
Tonio_Riddell: I've done a patch to sync klipper with svn, maybe that will resolve the segfault patch... I will let you know when pbuilder works again10:45
Tonio_s/segfault patch/segfault bug10:45
Riddellcurious post to kubuntu-devel there from Trolltech10:49
Tonio_Riddell: yes I noticed that :)10:49
Riddellmornfall: you summoned me?10:49
=== ryanakca has no clue what it's about
danimoyay, kickoff works :)10:49
Tonio_Riddell: I find this pretty cool, it shows they consider kubuntu, which is not that bad :)10:49
mornfallRiddell: due to glatzor 10:49
Tonio_danimo: ah ? !!!!10:49
Tonio_danimo: any way to get the sources or aren't they public ?10:50
mornfallRiddell: he was asking about the bundled libept and adept in edgy10:50
=== mornfall has no clue TBH
glatzorhi Riddell. In dapper adept was shipped with a statically build ept. So the language package translations of ept are not used by adept10:51
Riddellglatzor: because it doesn't change the gettext domain?10:51
ryanakcaRiddell: do you need to be a "Kubuntu Member" do join https://launchpad.net/people/kubuntu-team ?10:52
Riddellryanakca: no10:52
=== ryanakca goes to his the pretty join button
Riddellryanakca: that team was there before we had kubuntu-members, it's less important now but you can still join10:53
LureTonio_: http://websvn.kde.org/branches/work/suse_kickoff/kicker/10:53
Tonio_Lure: hehe, I didn't knew it went to public :)10:54
Tonio_Lure: I'm packaging to test this10:54
ryanakcaRiddell: kk, "it's less important now"... What team has taken it's place?10:54
glatzorRiddell: I feel sorry, but I am not able to do an "in deep" research on this issue.10:54
glatzorRiddell: I can only comment from a translators point of view.10:54
Tonio_Lure: only the kicker branch is required ?10:55
LureTonio_: do not know - danimo tried it...10:55
danimoTonio_: well, imbrandon tried, but without success so far10:55
kwwii erm, did the key combo for katapult change or does it not work on my machine?10:55
Tonio_danimo: which part is required ?10:55
glatzorRiddell: the translators invested a lot of time to do the translation.10:55
Tonio_danimo: because packaging everything is like packaging kdebase in fact :)10:56
danimoTonio_: I compiled the parts of the branch required to launch kickoff: kicker, libkonq and kdmlibs10:56
glatzorRiddell: so it would be nice to see that adept actually makes use of them :)10:56
mornfallglatzor: the workaround is to merge libept.po into all the app po's10:56
danimoTonio_: but I didn't make a package, I just installed it into /opt/kickoff10:56
Tonio_danimo: okay thanks, I'm trying this10:57
glatzorRiddell: mornfall: it would be nice if this could also be done for dapper, since there a lot of translation waiting in Rosetta10:57
Riddellglatzor: it won't be done for dapper but I agree it's important to fix for edgy10:57
danimoTonio_: you will need beagle-dev10:58
danimoTonio_: because it should be optional, but that doesn't work yet10:58
danimoTonio_: build will just bail out without10:58
Tonio_danimo: okay10:59
RiddellLure: congrats on your KDE account, did you commit your "Another small fix"?11:00
LureRiddell: yes, and one new one.11:00
LureRiddell: I did not know it is so easy to get account...11:01
RiddellLure: KDE isn't /that/ elitest :)11:01
ryanakcasorry to but in... but KDE account?11:01
=== Lure never though he will work on GUI project
Riddellryanakca: to KDE's SVN11:02
glatzorRiddell: It is #4718111:03
LureRiddell: I cut out amarok's OSD to try to integrate it in kmilo, but I do not find a way to combine QPainter with QProgressBar11:03
LureRiddell: OSD is done with QPainter (text + pixmaps), but we need to put QProgressBar for volume/brightness11:04
LureRiddell: any idea if this is at all possible?11:04
RiddellLure: just create a progressbar in the constuctor and move it to the central position11:04
Riddellit will be drawn separately11:04
LureRiddell: ok, so no need to link widgets together?11:05
Tonio_danimo: hum, it looks like kickoff requires to patch the full kdebase.......11:05
=== ryanakca hopes that qcomicbook guy replies before that universe freeze
RiddellLure: not sure what you mean by link11:07
RiddellLure: you just make a progressbar that is a child of the OSD widget and position it correctly11:07
Riddellryanakca: when is that?11:07
ryanakcaSept 28th, but they want everything on REVU done by Friday (REVU Day)11:08
Tonio_danimo: it is not really possible to package it since that will conflict kdebase packages11:08
Tonio_too many files are the same11:08
danimoTonio_: yes it does11:08
danimoTonio_: or you can make kickoff a patch against kdebase11:09
danimoTonio_: as in  diff11:09
Tonio_danimo: yes, that possible11:09
Tonio_but providing external packages isn't really possible11:09
LureRiddell: amarok's OSDWidget is based on QWidget, so I though if I would add another QProgressBar I would need to somehow attach/connect/link to it  11:09
danimoTonio_: well, unless of course you create an alternative package11:10
LureRiddell: but never mind, will try just adding QProgressBar in constructor11:10
danimoTonio_: but it's not too bad, since it's still very experimential11:10
Tonio_danimo: sure11:10
RiddellLure: sure just make a new QProgressBar with the OSD as parent11:10
Tonio_danimo: I'll give a try when kdebase finish to build11:10
ryanakca#ubuntu-motu is dormant, so:  why am I getting these errors http://pastebin.ca/160826 when running cdbs-edit-patch 01-no-ferny-klogo.patch  ?11:27
toma_flepdsik full?11:29
=== Seveas_ [n=seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel
ryanakcatoma_flep: nope11:31
=== Seveaz [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Luretoma_flep: when is digikam 0.9 supposed to be released?11:39
toma_flepLure: no idea, it is in beta currently11:39
Luretoma_flep: ok, I though you are one of developers deciding the roadmap...11:40
toma_flepi was11:40
toma_flepnot anymore11:40
=== ryanakca rolls his eyes at some idiots in #ubuntu. You ask for output in pastebin, they paste in the channel, you ask them a question for more info, they ignore you, etc
=== poningru [n=poningru@ip70-171-62-28.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== toma_flep [n=toma@toma.kovoks.nl] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Ooh,]
=== imbrandon yawns *
imbrandonheya everyone12:00
kwwiiimbrandon: when is my amarok going to work again?12:00
imbrandonkwwii: when they fix backports, i can compile one for you untill ten12:00
imbrandonhold on lemme checfk on the bug status12:00
kwwiiI have edgy running on my second ppc, but sound doesn't work12:01
Riddellkwwii: congrats :)12:01
imbrandonheya Riddell12:01
kwwiiRiddell: well, katapult doesn't work either12:01
imbrandondanimo: ping 12:01
Riddellhi imbrandon 12:02
Riddellkwwii: something is up with katapult, not sure what12:02
kwwiiperhaps taht is a problem with the keyboard mapping12:02
imbrandonyea its working some of the time and not others12:02
kwwiihow does one configure sound on kubuntu?12:03
imbrandonwow bip + bitlbee + screen+ irssi + konversation rocks12:03
kwwiiie. a sound card12:03
imbrandonman its always "just worked" for me , no idea , but there is some settings in "system settings"12:03
kwwiiit worked out of the text-mode box on dapper12:03
ryanakca#ubuntu-motu is dormant, so:  why am I getting these errors http://pastebin.ca/160826 when running cdbs-edit-patch 01-no-ferny-klogo.patch  ? No, /tmp is not full12:03
kwwiiryanakca: maybe they are ignoring you for asking such hard questions :p12:04
kwwiiI get that feeling sometimes12:04
imbrandonman something is screwy, everything is showing up with a + inforont of it12:05
ryanakcacdbs-edit-patch worked on apps... but with iconsets it seems to being a pain in the rear12:05
imbrandonheh look http://federation.imbrandon.com/ss19.png12:06
imbrandonall +'s12:06
imbrandonryanakca: i dunon i've never used editpatch12:06
Riddellme neither12:06
ryanakcaimbrandon: thats wierd12:06
=== ryanakca wonders if other patch systems work with cdbs
Riddellryanakca: simplepatch12:07
Riddelljust make the diff -u by hand12:07
Riddelland put in debian/patches12:07
=== ryanakca wonders how imbrandon bypassed freenode's <stupid> 20 channel limit </stupid> :D
imbrandoni have a +u on my nick12:08
kwwiithe sound of silence.......sucks12:09
kwwiiRiddell: I have everything except for the animation done for the hwdb-kde interface12:10
imbrandonanyone know if danimo got kickoff compiling ? i have had zero luch12:10
Riddellkwwii: rocking12:10
kwwiiI will do that tomorrow12:10
kwwiiand then go on to other things12:10
Riddellimbrandon: he seemed to suggest he did12:10
kwwiiguess I might as well add two versions of the usplash, one for the new 256 color idea and one for the old 16 color version12:11

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