
ompaulsladen, u finsihed?12:13
ompaultheCore, are you finished?12:14
theCoreompaul, yes12:14
ompaulso its just sladen left12:15
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theCorewell, that was fun12:16
ompaulit was12:17
theCoreI'm looking forward that libgobby12:17
ompaulwell it might be interesting12:17
theCorewhere's the screenshot?12:18
theCorefor gobby?12:18
ompaulsladen, ??12:18
ompaulI made one 12:19
ompaulhow do I upload it to that12:19
theCoreMore Actions -> Attachments12:20
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ompaulBurgundavia, my part looks all broken there was it reverted?12:23
Burgundaviaompaul: ya, I just noticed that. For some reason I lost the last half an hour12:23
Burgundaviado you have a newer saved version?12:23
ompaulI did not save it locally12:23
Burgundaviaoh crap12:23
sladenompaul: http://www.paul.sladen.org/ubuntu/fridge/uwn-gobby.png12:23
Burgundaviasladen: do you have a saved version?12:24
sladenwho was running the server?12:24
theCoreI did12:24
Burgundaviacan you edit the wiki page and replace my text with yours?12:24
sladenno, somebody closed the server so it all vanished12:24
BurgundaviatheCore: hold off12:25
sladenI've been on the phone for the last hour12:25
theCoremy last saved version is 10 min ago12:26
Burgundaviathat is new enough'12:26
Burgundaviacan you copy to the wiki page?12:26
sladenit really needs an auto-save12:26
Burgundaviasladen: bzr12:27
sladenor even a record of all the insertions/deletions wouldn't be that big12:27
sladenBurgundavia: yup, bzr weave format could store it12:27
BurgundaviatheCore and sladen, can you join #ubuntu-marketing ?12:27
sladenBurgundavia: do we /need/ to12:27
Burgundaviasladen: we talk about UWN there, it being a marketing project12:29
Burgundaviaompaul, jenda, ponigru, myself12:29
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PlugIs that finished?04:14
Plugwith a FIXME still in it? :)04:14
nixternalhey, how come only Ubuntu got a link and what not to the Edgy Release?  There was Kubuntu, Edubuntu and XUbuntu as well04:27
Kamping_Kaiserdetails, details :p04:27
LaserJockit's the edgy version ;-)04:29
LaserJockmistakes are allowed04:29
nixternali guess it is time to make a Kubuntu Weekly Newsletter04:29
PlugI don't think separation like that is good for the overall Ubuntu community, nixternal04:29
nixternalwell, as it stands the UWN is Ubuntu only04:29
nixternalexcept for the Kubuntu project part at the "bottom"04:29
nixternaland the Edubuntu and Xubuntu projects at the "bottom"04:30
LaserJockUWN started because there were individual newsletters already04:30
nixternali like the SoC project links though..now i have a central place to watch them develop04:30
LaserJockit mentions Kubuntu and Edubuntu stuff often04:30
LaserJockand probably Xubuntu in proportion to activity04:30
nixternalim just jokin', but still, they pimped only the Ubuntu Edgy Release..there were 3 other releases as well04:30
Kamping_Kaiserlater all. enjoy your discusion :)04:30
nixternallater ;)04:31
PlugUbuntu is the name for the base distro as well as "the GNOME version"04:31
nixternalhmmm...but there are other download pages04:31
nixternal^^ show joe blow how to download Edubuntu from that link04:33
LaserJockbut as you know, nixternal, the UWN is open to editing :-)04:33
nixternalya, but i was sleeping during the editing times, and afk at other times ;)04:33
Plugnixternal: Joe Blow doesn't want Edubuntu04:34
LaserJockexcuses, excuses04:34
nixternalwhy not?04:34
LaserJockPlug: of course he does :-)04:34
nixternalexactly, typical gnome users04:34
LaserJockfor his kids04:34
PlugTom Teacher does04:34
nixternaleveryone wants Edubuntu04:34
nixternalmy daughter is 10, far from a teacher04:34
LaserJockah, well that to04:34
Plugit's a bit more speciailist than the general Ubuntu04:34
LaserJockyeah, but it is applicable to a lot of people04:35
nixternalok, show joe blow with a pII how to download Xubuntu from that link then04:35
Plugthis could be solved by having links to the other distros on that releases page04:35
Plugmy point is04:35
nixternali used Edubuntu + KDE Edu here04:35
nixternali love it04:35
Plugis how does Joe Blow with a PII know he -wants- Xubuntu04:35
Plugyou have to know you want it, to get it04:35
nixternalyou tell him about it04:35
Plugand then because he knows the name, he goes to the Xubuntu download page04:35
Plugthat you told him to go to04:36
nixternalso just because joe blow doesn't know about Xubuntu, we should push Ubuntu down his throat?04:36
LaserJockit would be nice to have one page for the releases that then links to the various things04:36
LaserJockthere really isn't a reason not to04:36
LaserJockI wouldn't think04:36
nixternalIt would be nice to list "Ubuntu - desc", "Kubuntu - desc", "Edubuntu - desc", and "Xubuntu - desc"04:36
nixternaldesc + link04:36
Plugto be perfectly (and blatantly honest) I loved Ubuntu when it took away the confusion of "oh my god, which one do I want"04:36
Plugand now its all back again04:36
LaserJocknixternal: exactly04:37
Plugnow, if you're going to say "New users should start with:" which one do you recommend, nixternal, and why?04:37
nixternalDesc == Ubuntu is a fully functional operating system utilizing the Gnome Desktop - Link04:37
nixternalNew users should start with windows, because Linux isn't ready for them yet04:37
nixternalat times i hate being honest04:38
Plugs/New users/New Linux users/ if you like04:38
PlugMy answer to that is "whatever version your smart friend tells you to download"04:38
nixternali dont' recommend, i show them and let them decide04:38
nixternalthats like telling a chevy dealer to recommend a ford04:38
nixternali give them the pros and cons of each os..and then tell them how great Kubuntu is and hte rest sux0r:04:39
LaserJockthe problem is that Ubuntu and Kubuntu really don't have much to distinguish themselves to people who don't even know what Gnome or KDE are04:39
LaserJockwith Xubuntu and Edubuntu at least there is something there04:39
LaserJocklow spec, and educational04:39
nixternalexcept Amarok totally owns any music app in Ubuntu ;)04:39
nixternali was a Rythmbox fan, up until 2 months ago honestly04:40
LaserJockheh, I was quite fond of a CLI music player for a while04:40
nixternalcli becomes a pain when you are dealing with 200+ GB of music04:40
LaserJocknot really for me04:40
LaserJockthe only way I ever play music is "random shuffle"04:40
nixternaland don't say "shuffle" either04:41
nixternalyou said it04:41
LaserJockthat's me04:41
nixternalwell, i usually shuffle, but there is that time i get in the mood for a certain tune04:41
LaserJockwith CLI though I could log in and out of Gnome or KDE or whatever and still listen to my music04:41
PlugI almost always use beep-media-player (xmms-gtk2)04:41
nixternalfor instance..my new favorite song right now04:41
Plugbut thats all beside the point04:41
Plugnixternal would probably recommend his friends who wanted to try Linux, run Kubuntu04:41
=== nixternal is listening to "Sunshine And Summertime" by Faith Hill on Fireflies (Advance) [Amarok]
nixternalthis song rocks04:42
LaserJockI really wouldn't know what to recomend to people04:42
LaserJockI tell them a little about both and let them decide I suppose04:42
nixternalwell, if a person is switching from Window, I would definitely recommend Kubuntu w/ Royale KBFX theme04:42
PlugI recommend the one that I use, so if they have problems, I can help them through it04:42
nixternalthat way there their transition is smooth04:42
LaserJockPlug: good point04:42
Plugat the end of the day Ubuntu was founded around GNOME and its release cycle, and it's always the "first class citizen", so I don't think that every release notes should have to link to all four distros04:43
Pluglinks should exist to the three derivatives04:43
PlugI'll file a bug on the release page04:44
nixternalwell, the actual release page is good, the UWN page isn't...and the testing pages have been seperated04:44
nixternalCorey did Ubuntu and I did Kubuntu04:45
nixternaljust so everyone knows, I run all 4 versions here...I am Ubuntu through and through, but I have been with KDE since v104:45
Plugyes, but because of the distinction04:45
nixternaland truthfully..for the longest time, i thought KDE and GNOME both blew, and that afterstep was the only way to go ;)04:45
Plug(or rather lack thereof) when you say "ubuntu", what am I to think?04:45
Plugdoes ubuntu imply GNOME, and != kubuntu?04:46
nixternalOperating system wise yes04:46
nixternalCommunity wise, different story04:46
nixternalUbuntu is either "Humanity towards others" or it is the Operating system based on Debian Linux featuring the GNOME Desktop04:47
PlugThat is a job for the marketing team :)04:47
nixternalgood luck there Plug ;)04:47
PlugI read someone a while ago recommend renaming them Ubuntu GNOME, Ubuntu KDE, Ubuntu Education etc04:47
nixternalwe just might have a better chance of getting Bill Gates to switch to Ubuntu04:48
Plugxubuntu == Ubuntu Lite I guess04:48
nixternalbut now, there is Fluxbuntu which would also == Ubuntu Lite04:48
nixternaltruthfully, I like that whole Ubuntu GNOME, Ubuntu KDE, Ubuntu Edu, and Ubuntu Lite04:49
PlugBut whats a GNOME?  What's a KDE?04:49
PlugWhat do they tell people?04:50
nixternali was just thinking that as well...you are back in the same spot, just with different names again04:50
nixternalthis could truthfully be a roundtable/sprint all in its own04:50
nixternalthen again, you have to look...we may see it as kind of screwy and what not..however, it seems the popularity keeps increasing and we are gaining space slowly but surely in the desktop market04:51
PlugI liked the idea of getting rid of GNOME vs Gnome by changing the name to "Desktop" or "OpenDesktop" or something snazzy04:54
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Plugnixternal: https://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-website/+bug/5880005:20
UbugtuMalone bug 58800 in ubuntu-website "Release page should link to other derivatives" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  05:20
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UbugtuNew bug: #58807 in ubuntu-doc "Gia de el servidor: Seccion 5.2 en ingls" [Untriaged,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5880707:26
nixternalMadpilot: ^^ that has your name written all over it ;)07:26
Madpilot... I speak enough Spanish to politely order Coke or beer. I don't think this bug report qualifies...07:27
MadpilotAdding "Un cerveza, por favour" to a bug report would be amusing, but probably not helpful07:32
nixternalif you did that, then i could confirm the order ;)07:32
Madpilotthen we'd both catch hell for making fun of Spanish speaking Ubuntu users, or something ;)07:33
nixternalya, very true07:33
nixternalprobably would stop my ubuntu-qa membership from going through as well...especially after i told simon i would be curteous ;)07:34
nixternalhey, would it be ok if i asked that guy if he could translate that section in plain text and send it back to me?07:44
nixternalor does it have to go through rosetta?07:44
nixternalactually...it is fixed..just hasn't been updated tot he pdf07:46
nixternali got this ;)07:46
Madpilothave fun07:47
nixternali don't have svn access so i can't, but i can...07:47
Madpilotsend the patch to the list, someone will add it to svn. I've got svn access, but I'm not sure if I remember how to handle a patch...07:48
nixternalmdke: ping?   bug 58807 - the fix is in 'generic/serverguide/es' however, the PDF hasn't been updated to reflect it, i issued the "Fix Release"07:48
UbugtuMalone bug 58807 in ubuntu-doc "Gia de el servidor: Seccion 5.2 en ingls" [Untriaged,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5880707:48
Madpilotbesides, I'm not sober currently :)07:48
nixternaldon't need to send the patch07:48
nixternali fixed all of those a month ago07:48
nixternalthe PDF needs to be regenerated07:48
Madpilotah, that is mdke's province, the lucky man.07:49
nixternalhehe yup07:49
nixternalwhy can't all bugs be that easy?07:50
nixternalsteve irwin died today07:58
Madpilotyup. see the topic in #ubuntu-offtopic ;)07:58
nixternalheh, that is nuts07:59
Madpilotwell, after about the sixth person in ten minutes mentioned the crock bloke in -offtopic, I thought an addition to the topic was in order ;)08:02
nixternalman...i went like an idiot like it was new stuff and told everyone..they are like /topic moron08:03
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Madpilotnight nixternal 08:19
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mdkenixternal: sounds fine08:45
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Burgundaviahey jono10:04
jonohey Burgundavia 10:04
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nixternalgood morning05:48
osggood morning05:51
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Burgundaviamdke: we now have a really nice collision of issues. Our stuff is gfdl and ccbya, the book is ccbysa and the gnome stuff is gfdl and we want all of them08:52
=== nixternal seriously needs to read up on all of the licensing stuff
sladennone-GPL or BSD/Public domain stuff is a real PITA09:13
=== jenda has found a liking in dual license GFDL & CC
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