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defendguincrimsun: ping02:19
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maliceCan someone give me a url that will tell me if Ubuntu will support USB cards for my laptop. And tell me what ones to get? 01:48
maliceI googled and can not find anything01:48
maliceAre they supported?01:48
mjg59USB cards?01:50
maliceyes, USB 2.0 PCMCIA card01:51
maliceMy usb in the back broke01:51
malicethought this would be good01:51
mjg59Yes, they work fine01:51
maliceok thanks01:52
jsgotangcomjg59: what's the gameplan for laptop testing on edgy for canonical supplied? this is the last mandatory testing for those laptops and knot 2 is pretty much usable for most01:53
mjg59There's still a few regressions over suspend/resume that I'm going to look into01:55
jsgotangcooh yeah coming ito that, i tried hibernate, it said there's a HAL issue01:55
jsgotangcothe machine just went to screensaver01:56
mjg59That's a dbus permissions thing01:56
jsgotangcobut suspend to ram works01:56
mjg59I think01:56
mjg59But anyway01:56
jsgotangcoso far majority is ok, except the usual regressions of suspend/resume during dev cycle01:57
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defendguinsuspend or hibernate isnt working on my laptop anymore05:14
defendguinhibernate i expected because it didnt work in dapper but suspend did work and now it doesn't05:15
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jsgotangcoif its edgy, dot be surprised if its broken at the moment05:20
jsgotangcothere are some issues with suspend/resume05:20
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davy_boy98hey there, can any one help with setting up WPA wifi06:30
quail-laptopdavy_boy98: try here >>> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo06:32
davy_boy98ah cheers mate. i have followed that to the T and still no luck06:33
davy_boy98have u managed to get it working?06:34
quail-laptopi not tried06:36
quail-laptopi don't have a access point at home06:36
davy_boy98ok cool06:36
quail-laptopbut i will be getting a AP soon06:37
davy_boy98is anyone using WPA wifi on their laptops?06:40
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eod_punkhello all09:05
eod_punkanyone know of a way to disable the password prompt when opening a laptop LCD?09:05
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eod_punkanyone know of a way to disable the password prompt when opening a laptop LCD?09:18
simiraeod_punk: this is not a support channel, as topic says. And please don't repeat questions. But you can deactivate it in the screensaver settings, I think. Ask on #ubuntu.09:27
eod_punksimira, sorry and thanks 09:27
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