
Xenguygodfather_: you used alien, yes?12:00
godfather_so by alien i transformed it in a .deb12:00
lupine_85then it'll spit out any errors at you12:00
Digitaltried that. all I can get is basic progs. like notepad and wordpad12:01
Xenguygodfather_: you still have the deb?12:01
npsterDigital: write in Terminal sudo wine and the destination of your program12:01
godfather_i have the .deb file12:01
godfather_on my desktop12:01
godfather_i installed it12:01
lupine_85digital: what are you trying to run?12:01
godfather_but now12:01
Xenguygodfather_: or maybe it doesn't matter; just try dpkg -L and see12:01
DigitalI want to test it by installing sim city 2000 (just happened to find it) from the cd rom12:01
godfather_dpkg -L filename12:02
GollumIs there a public news server for ubuntu? like news.ubuntu.com something ?12:02
Digitalor I'd like to run KCeasy from my windows partition12:02
Xenguygodfather_: without the extention, yes12:02
lupine_85Digital: and when you run the programs in question, do you get any errors?12:02
npsterDigital: Installing in Linux isn't recommended!12:02
Xenguygodfather_: the packagename12:02
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DigitalI get module not found12:02
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Naik0Hey i tried to change somethings in alsa mixer but its wrong wrong wrong i only hear PIIIIIP all the time. Can i set this alsa mixer to standard values?12:02
lupine_85...which module...? ;)12:02
Naik0default values i want it like it was 10 minutes ago12:03
lupine_85(and is it wine or the program you're running that's giving the error?)12:03
npsterDigital: Of course. How do you expect a Windows program that is installable to work in LINUX !!!12:03
lupine_85npster: want to see my linux-running install of Baldurs Gate?12:03
Digitalwine: could not load L"c:\\windows\\system32\\kceasy.exe": Module not found12:03
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DigitalI've browsed to it and everything... I've got my other drives mounted also, I'm just a lil confussed now12:04
npsterlupine_85: I have no idea what Baldurs Gate is !12:04
lupine_85hmm. You might need to tell wine that your "drive c" is your windows partition (as opposed to it using ~/.wine/drive_c)12:04
Digitalnpster... have you been living under a rock for the last 10 years?12:04
lupine_85run winecfg and set it up there12:04
godfather_sudo dpkg -L realplayer_10.0.7.785-20060202_i38612:04
godfather_Package `realplayer_10.0.7.785-20060202_i386' is not installed.12:04
godfather_Use dpkg --info (= dpkg-deb --info) to examine archive files,12:04
godfather_and dpkg --contents (= dpkg-deb --contents) to list their contents.12:04
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lupine_85"Baldurs Gate"++; :D12:04
caseyomahBouldur's Gate: N. M$ RPG Program for Win3212:05
npsterDigital: -10 years and I'd be 512:05
erUSUL!paste > godfather_:12:05
lupine_85just the right size then :)12:05
Digitalok lupine_85... what do I have to do to change the location of the windows partition12:05
lupine_85run winecfg12:05
erUSUL!paste > godfather_12:05
Digitalnpster - HI LARIOUS12:05
lupine_85by default, wine uses "~/.wine/drive_c" as it's C drive12:05
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Digitallupine_85 - running12:06
lupine_85all your windows programs are installed there; DLLs etc. are expected to be there12:06
npsterDigital: I love linux and it doesn't matter how old you are. Just have the passion for it !12:06
Xenguygodfather_: you have the wrong package name it seems12:06
caseyomahlupine_85, is there a way to use the REAL "C:" from a M$ install for wine?12:06
NthDegreeDigital, you don't need windows to use wine12:06
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kevinGany idea why my sound wouldn't be working right now?12:06
Xenguygodfather_: maybe just 'realplayer' ?12:06
NthDegreeoops wrong person :)12:06
lupine_85 if you change it to your "real" drive C, it'll find the DLLs/etc that it needs12:06
DigitalNthDegree, all my programs are already installed in my xp partition, so I want to go right to them12:06
godfather_bu  i typed ls12:07
NthDegreeDigital, that isn't 100% recommended since the "fake" windows is much more stable on the linux system12:07
linuchsanclearzen: what is your laptop manufacture?12:07
godfather_that is the file with .deb extension12:07
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Digitallupine_85, so I want to change the drive mapping to my main xp drive12:07
lupine_85yes :). so you want to be in the "drives" tab12:07
longwavegodfather_: the .deb filename and installed package name do not have to be the same12:08
Xenguygodfather_: if the syntax doesn't work, then mess around and try something different12:08
DigitalNthDegree - Then how do I get all my old xp progs working on through linux wine?12:08
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caseyomahlupine_85, I thought the C: had to map to a linux path...12:08
linuchsanclearzen: cause i think it could be an acpi issue?12:08
NthDegreeDigital, you run their installers via wine12:08
CharonXAnyone know how to change the keyboard controls so the volume controls on the keyboard adjust the PCM instead of the master ?12:08
godfather_you'e right12:08
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lupine_85Spot the drive mapping for "C:" (../drive_c) and change it to (for instance) /media/xp_partition12:08
godfather_i tried to give realplayer12:08
NthDegreeDigital, and if they are going to work they will12:08
BigToeis there a program to make a gif out of the current screen, or selections of it?12:08
lupine_85and you're don12:08
godfather_and it seems to work12:08
Xenguygodfather_: try just 'realplayer'; if that doesn't work try the rpm instead e.g. rpm -ql realplayer etc.12:08
Digitalok NthDegree, I drop in my windows cd then right...12:08
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Digitaland then I type what into wine?12:09
godfather_i tried just realplayer12:09
godfather_and it works12:09
lupine_85 probably best to have a backup of anything important on your XP partition "just in case"... but you don't need it12:09
NthDegreeDigital, nope you don't have to WINE is 100% free and doesn't need windows CD-ROM at all12:09
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lupine_85(probably) :)12:09
godfather_and now12:09
lupine_85digital: once you've changed the drive mapping, just "wine programname" again12:09
Digitalok, so how do I add more windows apps to it?12:09
caseyomahDigital, you don't use the Windows CD, if you want to you want VMWare, not wine.12:09
BigToeis there a program to make a gif out of the current screen, or selections of it?12:10
NthDegreeDigital, you can open up a terminal and put wine <path to application>12:10
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Xenguygodfather_: run that query with '|less' at the end of the line...12:10
caseyomahBigToe is looking for a screen capture utility for linux12:10
BigToecaseyomah, mhm :D12:10
fuocoanyone with an ipod knows if it's possible to use the same ipod with both itunes on windows and some app in linux at the same time ?12:10
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lupine_85Digital: the point behind changing the drive mapping is so that already-installed programs under Windows can find their .dlls under Wine - that's all12:10
NthDegreeDigital, there is a way to run Windows inside Linux called VMWare, that may be more your cup of tea - much easier to use12:11
caseyomahBigToe, I'd like one too. :)12:11
Xenguygodfather_: then look for the 'binary' file (e.g. /usr/bin/realplayer or something like that)12:11
DigitalNthDegree, so if I have KCeasy on my xp install I have to tell wine d:\\windows\\programfiles\\KCeasy\\KCeasy.exe12:11
lupine_85now I must go to bed12:11
BigToeno digen12:11
BigToeyou give it the linux path12:11
NthDegreeDigital, uh you put the linux location of it WINE will emulate the C:\ etc for you12:11
niktaris_laphi, anyone know where the ubuntu kernel patches are located?12:11
NthDegreeso /home/blah/blah as an example12:11
Xenguygodfather_: that will be the command you need to enter at the command prompt (when you find the right one :-)12:12
NthDegreeor /media/cdrom0/quake3.exe (better example)12:12
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DigitalNth, I understand it's emulating windows in a way... but how do I have native access to my old files12:12
caseyomahniktaris_lap,  Repositories us.ubuntu.com12:12
NthDegreeDigital, you can map a drive letter to your old windows partition12:12
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godfather_i'm a newbie12:13
niktaris_lapcaseyomah, what package name?12:13
godfather_i need more time12:13
NthDegreeDigital, on winecfg you can add a drive X for instance12:13
godfather_thank you12:13
Xenguygodfather_: yw12:13
Digitalyeah, I've got a few drives in there already, but I don't know how to access them yet12:13
caseyomahniktaris_lap, you have to be in Advanced mode.12:13
mkquist_anyone have any luck with photoshop under wine?12:13
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Naik0Someone, PLEASE help me. My sound is just beeping. I need to set ALSAmixer and OSSmixer values to default again.!12:13
mkquist_i can get imageready to run, but not photoshop12:13
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niktaris_lapcaseyomah, can't I find it from packages.ubuntu.com ?12:14
Xenguymkquist_: I've heard there are versions of PS that run under wine.  Maybe try the Wine website for instructions12:14
godfather_g' night12:14
NthDegreeDigital, well you can already access your old files via linux or run something like office 97 and access them via emulated windows12:14
Digitalok... starting to get it12:14
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caseyomahniktaris_lap, It's easier from Synaptic.12:14
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fuocoanyone can recommend a good wireless AP (router) ?12:15
NthDegreeDigital, when you run a windows app your mapped drives e.g. C: D: etc. access the places on linux where you mapped the letter to12:15
mkquist_xenguy- 7 is supposed to work, i checked but it dont for me12:15
niktaris_lapcaseyomah, ok but apart from _how_ I will get it, in what package are they ?12:15
mkquist_NaikO - check here maybe? http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205449&highlight=comprehensive12:15
SenesenceI can't find my nvidia settings box, con someone tell me where I can find it?12:15
mkquist_Naid0 - or is this ur nick?12:15
caseyomahniktaris_lap, in advanced mode, Search "linux"12:16
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DigitalNthDegree, I have my windows drive mounted on my desktop... is there anyway that I can just browse to what I want to use and run it?12:16
mkquist_Naik0- rather12:16
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caseyomahniktaris_lap, Those are all kernels.12:16
Naik0mkquist_: rather what? dont understand12:16
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jacqueshow do you upgrade from 5.04 to 6.0612:16
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mkquist_Naik0-was trying to figure ur nick, try this maybe... http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205449&highlight=comprehensive12:16
NthDegreeDigital, if you map the drive C to your windows drive then run the app through wine it may work12:16
mkquist_Naik0 - for ur sound probs12:17
niktaris_lapcaseyomah, I don't want a kernel image but the patches that are applied to ubuntu12:17
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Naik0thanks mkquist_12:17
mkquist_Naik0 - np12:17
SenesenceHow do I enable vertical sync on ubuntu?12:17
Xenguyjacques: there must be instructions on the ubuntu web site12:17
DigitalNthDegree, so how do I map it over?12:17
croftyI am trying to get sony K608i to work with ubuntu?12:17
=== Digital is an idiot... sorry
niktaris_lapcaseyomah, so I can take a vanilla kernel and apply those patches to it12:17
NthDegreeopen up a terminal then run winecfg then alter the mapping12:17
nozorroSenesence: i think it's available from the System Tools menu, anyway: 'gksu nvidia-settings' from the terminal12:17
croftyI have it connected on the usb cable12:17
jacquesXenguy, it tells you that you can do it but not how12:17
As0kaHas anyone here got WPA wireless working with a dapper install?12:18
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jacquesthat i have seen12:18
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caseyomahniktaris_lap, Those wouldn't be in a package, I don't know if they are released.12:18
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As0kaBecause I am having problems12:18
NthDegreeDigital. winecfg allows you to change your C: D: etc and choose what version of windows you emulate12:18
As0kaand it's poopy12:18
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ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://help.ubuntu.com/community/BreezyUpgrade  Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DapperUpgrades  Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development version.12:18
Senesencenozorro: I can't find the "System Tools" menu.12:18
Digitalwhenever I got to browse it only goes to the home folder12:19
Digitalwell, the linux drive I should say12:19
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nozorroSenesence: using ubuntu or kubuntu over there?12:19
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Senesencenozorro: Ubuntu gnome desktop12:19
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caseyomahDigital, you don't want to set your "Windows Boot" drive mounting to "C:" in wine, because the registry will be calling for hardware that it can't see.12:19
nozorroSenesence: there should be a System Tools menu after the default install, really, under Applications12:20
Xenguyjacques: also this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions#head-1d23d3a3a8b3c464847785dd1f2ed05b0b24176a12:20
niktaris_lapcaseyomah, I tried linux-source but can't seem to find them?12:20
Xenguyjacques: from the wiki12:20
NthDegreecaseyomah, it deals with that now :)12:20
Digitalok... so I add a new drive in the winecfg... it comes up D:12:20
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caseyomahNthDegree, Really?12:20
Digitalthen I do what?12:20
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NthDegreecaseyomah, it makes it's own snapshots and things to deal with exceptions between the real and "fake" windows12:21
NthDegreeDigital, then you run the application in wine12:21
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Senesencenozorro: No, it's not under applications. I have a system menu with preferences and administration submenus, but nothing nvidia specific.12:21
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NthDegreeso go into your windows drive and fine an application you want to run12:21
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caseyomahDigital, if what NthDegree is telling me is true you set what Windows saw a C to C Windows D to D and so on (but you have to mount each "drive" into linux first.12:21
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Digitalcaseyomah, drives are mounted12:22
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larsemilhow do i get a folder to show the pictures in it as pictures and not icons in gnome? do you know what i mean?12:22
caseyomahDigital, Map them one for one (the same way M$ saw them)12:22
freesunplease, can anyone tell me how to enable kernel modules support?12:22
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nozorroSenesence: no Sys Tool submenu under the Applications menu? strange -- if not try at least 'gksudo nvidia-settings' from terminal -- we weill make e menu entry later on12:22
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NthDegreeDigital, once you have found the app you want right click it and select copy12:23
DigitalNthDegree, I feel like I missed something.... phase 1. install wine  phase 2. ?????   phase 3. Profit$$$12:23
NthDegreeDigital, then open up a terminal and type wine12:23
Digitalok, copied12:23
djm62can anyone help me work out why my DVD/CD writer is not writing CDs (or I presume DVDs if I could afford to waste one).  Doesn't seem to depend on frontend (I've tried nautilus, serpentine, and k3b) but I've got a log of it failing if that's any use.  I've already futzed about with DMA12:23
NthDegreeDigital, then press space right click and paste12:23
Digitalcopy the whole folder or just the app?12:23
NthDegreejust the EXE file12:24
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Digitalok, and paste it into the emu windows folder right12:24
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NthDegreeopen up a terminal12:24
=== mkquist [n=michael@h-69-3-115-103.lsanca54.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
NthDegreethen type wine12:24
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NthDegreeput a space12:24
=== Naik0 [n=Naik0@c80-216-219-44.cm-upc.chello.se] has joined #Ubuntu
NthDegreethen paste12:24
NthDegreeit will paste in the location of the application12:24
mkquisti could just shoot myself-nic problems... cable wasnt plugged in all the way..12:24
NthDegreethen hit return :)12:24
Naik0mkquist: didnt work :(12:24
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mkquistno, so whats happeneing w/ur sound then?12:25
nozorroSenesence: it's 'gksu nvidia-settings', sorry12:25
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Naik0its beeping12:25
Digitaldigital@Digital:~$ wine /media/hda1/Program Files/KCeasy/KCeasy.exe12:25
Digitalwine: cannot find '/media/hda1/Program'12:25
caseyomahfivre, or ntfs-3g fame?12:25
caseyomahfivre, of ntfs-3g fame?12:25
mkquistNaiko0 what do u mean 'beeping'?12:25
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NthDegreeDigital, no problem12:25
NthDegreeDigital, put quotes around the location of the program12:25
mkquistNaik0 - as in only beeping, no sound other that that?12:25
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NthDegreeso "/media/hda1/Program Files/KCeasy/KCeasy.exe"12:26
Naik0no sound other than that12:26
fivreI used ntfs-3g for a bit12:26
mkquist Naik0 - pc beep or system sound card beep?12:26
As0kaCan anyone help me with a WPA wireless problem?12:26
caseyomahOh, not the big man though. lol12:26
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fivrebut it was really slow, so I just converted everything to ext212:26
mkquist Naik0 - so pc speaker constant beeeeeeeep ?12:26
NthDegreeDigital, you do realise KCeasy is so unnecessary when there is gtk-gnutella for linux right?12:26
Senesencenozorro: I added system tools menu with the alacarte menu editor, but there are not many choices. The only relevant thing was the configuration editor.12:26
Naik0now i have muted12:26
larsemilhow do i get a folder to show the pictures in it as pictures and not icons in gnome? do you know what i mean?12:26
mkquist Naik0 - or beep/off/beep/off12:26
Naik0but if i unmute it says beep12:26
DigitalNthDegree, I know... I just was using it for tests12:26
Naik0no Beep all the time12:27
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nozorroSenesence: try the command line thing i menitoined first please: gksu nvidia-settings12:27
caseyomahBeep to the point of buzz.12:27
mkquist Naik0 - reseat ur cards/memory would be my guess12:27
tunawhere can I get automake 1.6 for ubuntu?12:27
Amaranth!info automake1.612:27
ubotuPackage automake1.6 does not exist in any distro I know12:27
Senesencenozorro: I would really like to get this working from the GUI, is there a way?12:27
Naik0nono this is alsamix or ossmix problem12:27
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mkquist Naik0 - usually thats ur motherboard telling u somethings wrong12:27
DigitalNthDegree, I got it to give me a bunch of crap then a little popup with an error for access something blah12:27
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Digitalso it's a start12:27
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Amaranthtuna: you can't12:27
Naik0it started when i was configure with oss and alsa mixer12:27
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mkquist Naik0 - but u have no sound card?12:27
Amaranthtuna: why do you need that exact version?12:27
Naik0ofc i have12:28
DigitalBEST LINE EVER12:28
NthDegreeDigital, if it looks like a windows error message then it works12:28
mkquist Naik0 - or onboard?12:28
caseyomahNaik0, Mute, volume down everything, unmute main, volume up one at a time.12:28
Digitaldestroy child objects12:28
nozorroSenesence: yes, but let's first check wether that app is really there pls, then we can make a menu entry12:28
tunaI got a big heap of source that doesnt compile without12:28
DigitalYAY, It sort of works then12:28
Naik0caseyomah: i did but its something in OSS mixer12:28
NizoHi is there anyone who can help me with setting wifi?12:28
Naik0that is wrong12:28
Amaranthtuna: ugh, tell someone to fix their crap to work with 1.9 :P12:28
=== gustavo [n=gustavo@201-1-158-24.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
NthDegreeDigital, if you want to run a REAL Windows inside Linux you can by installing VMWare12:28
Digitalso, I guess I should try some other programs then eh12:28
Naik0i cant mute ossmixer because some prog are using it12:28
caseyomahNaik0, so with all volumes down it still beep/buzzes?12:28
Naik0i think that12:28
=== michael [n=michael@bas2-hamilton14-1167920469.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Naik0caseyomah: no12:29
mkquist Naik0 - sry missread ur earlier post, got on wrong track, thought u had no soundcard12:29
DigitalNthDegree, that would be like having windowed Windows then right12:29
NthDegreeDigital, yes12:29
michaeli'm missing /usr/include/GL/glxproto.h12:29
DigitalI could boot my windows inside of linux12:29
michaelwhere can i get it?12:29
Senesencenozorro: It's there. Now how can I run it from the GUI.12:29
Naik0mkquist: np12:29
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caseyomahNaik0, then turn up main and listen, then one at a time, if the beep comes back mute that one again.12:29
nozorroSenesence: ok if you like i show you how to make a menu entry for that12:29
NthDegreeDigital, you can't boot the windows you already have on the other partition no, you have to install a fresh one inside VMWare12:29
wizzardHi how do I type in a corect location to a .txt file located on "sytem drive /home/fredrik/pass.txt"12:30
wizzardtried this among oter but it wil not work12:30
wizzardvncviewer -fullscreen -passwd /home/fredrik/pass.txt
Digitalsee, I'm really just trying to learn how to use linux because it's something I've never done... but it's so pretty I might make the switch12:30
Senesencenozorro: please12:30
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DigitalI could install, I have all the discs12:30
nozorroopen Applications > Acessories > Alacarte Menu Editor first ...12:30
maple1how do I remove the virus on my hard drive called "Microsoft Windows"?12:30
Naik0so i cant set ALSA mixer and OSS mixer to default values again?12:30
Naik0if i can do that it soulve my problem im sure12:30
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NthDegreeDigital, then have a look at installing VMWare it is free of charge now in the form of VMWare Server - it's not easy to install but once it's installed it is easy to use :)12:31
caseyomahNaik0, Unfortunately there is no "revert" button in Mixer.12:31
nozorroSenesence: then select the submenu where to add the entry ...12:31
Naik0gaaah i getting mad of this beeping and i need my sound12:31
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DigitalThanks a lot NthDegree... You've really helped even the learning curve12:31
Naik0can i remove OSS mixer?12:31
caseyomahNaik0, if you find it's PCM (Wave) that is beeping it could be a stopped process using it, a reboot would fix that.12:32
Senesencenozorro: Can't find nvidia settings in the alacarte editor.12:32
Naik0caseyomah: i have rebooted 4 times i think12:32
caseyomahNaik0, Not that then.12:32
=== technel [n=technel@64-83-238-160.dhcp.stcd.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
linuchsanwizzard: where is the :display12:33
nozorroSenesence: read me instructions above please: select submenu where you want to add the entry first, tell me when done12:33
NthDegreeDigital, if you have any questions there's always people in this channel who can help - if you want to socialize a little bit (not necessarily talking about ubuntu) there's #ubuntu-offtopic too12:33
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Senesencenozorro: done12:33
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nozorroSenesence: Now select File > New Entry from the menu of Alacarte12:33
Naik0caseyomah: Now im in Alsa mixer and its PCM that is beeping. If i mute it, then it stops.12:33
Digitalsweet. I'm always surprised by how many people will help people out with computer stuff on the internet, but how few will help out in real life with anything else12:34
Naik0caseyomah: Unmute then it starts again12:34
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NthDegreeDigital, that's because everyone picks on the people who do help - i believe people call them "geeks"12:34
Digitalhey, there's a new menu option on my programs. right click-open with wine!12:34
Digitalway easier!12:34
Senesencenozorro: done12:34
Digitallol, so true NthDegree12:34
varsendaggrhey what is the command to play a DVD with mplayer?12:35
nozorroSenesence: in the 'Name' field, type 'Nvidia Settings'12:35
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Digitalvars, I'm new... but I do believe it's "play"12:35
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Senesencenozorro: done12:35
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varsendaggrDigital, nice try12:35
varsendaggryou'lll get the hang of it12:35
elvirolohi all12:35
=== TheJaaazz [n=TheJaaaz@chello080109002146.13.14.vie.surfer.at] has left #ubuntu ["carrier]
Naik0caseyomah: can i use some command and see wich programs that are using OSSmixer atm?12:36
NthDegreeDigital, join #ubuntu-offtopic there's plenty of funny people talking about random stuff in there12:36
nozorroSenesence: in the 'Command' field, type 'gksu nvidia-settings'12:36
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WhtigerWhy does the CD installation say it requires 128MB of ram but the website says it needs at least 192MB?12:36
Digitalwill do12:36
=== sagarp [n=sagar@dsl253-012-218.sba1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
roh_Im having a bit of trouble witn an install.12:36
linuchsanvarsendaggr:mplayer dvd://12:36
caseyomahvarsendaggr, If you're talking about in the Multimedia tab of Drives and Media it's mplayer %d I think...12:36
Senesencenozorro: done12:36
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linuchsanvarsendaggr:man mplayer12:36
nozorroSenesence: you should now have the entry in the corresponding (sub)menu; try it12:36
redguyvarsendaggr: mplayer dvd:/ ? can't remember... the manpage certainly mentions it12:36
dyozi need to install all the plugins in firefox , i cant see videos or listening some webs music , anyone can help me please12:36
Naik0caseyomah: can i use some command and see wich programs that are using OSSmixer atm?12:36
varsendaggrlinuchsan, i just did and bam there it was     amazing hu?12:36
caseyomahNaik0, I don't know of any...12:37
Digitalone last question NthDegree...12:37
elviroloi'm using dapper, and i have an ATI radeon 7500 video card ... the thing is enemy territory is *very* slow, though it used to work under breezy12:37
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Naik0if i can close ossmixer i think it will soulve my problem12:37
dyozi need to install all the plugins in firefox , i cant see videos or listening some webs music , anyone can help me please12:37
Senesencenozorro: Thank you, works great.12:37
Digitalhow do I close the programs that have crashed and are sitting up next to my clock?12:37
roh_Im trying to install ut2004 cd version but when I try to start the.sh file from terminal it says I dont have permission. Any help?12:37
maple1roh_: sudo12:37
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roh_Thats it?12:38
varsendaggrmplayuer is awesome12:38
roh_I feel stupid...12:38
elvirolocan anyone help me ?12:38
nozorroSenesence: ok, this config-app stores a config. file in your home directory, but with admin permissions. a bit off-standard, but no problem12:38
freesunanyone can help me find out why no faq for sound works for me?12:38
NthDegreeok try using the System monitor Digital12:38
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redguyNaik0: you might try lsof | grep /dev/dsp12:38
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NthDegreeDigital, its on System > Administration > System Monitor I think12:38
nozorroSenesence: you can later drag the menu entry in the menu editor to another location12:38
NthDegreejust kill them :)12:38
varsendaggrhow do i get encrypted DVD support12:38
roh_sudo: unable to execute ./linux-installer.sh: Permission denied12:38
WhtigerThe download page says it needs 192MB of ram. The CD says it needs 128MB. And the releasenotes says it needs 256MB.12:39
Naik0redguy, as root?12:39
maple1did you type sudo before ./linux-installer.sh?12:39
maple1I think you have to copy it to the HD12:39
larryoneI just bought a sata drive, but gmome parted cant find it.....  any suggestions???12:39
varsendaggrroh_, do it again12:39
maple1the script12:39
dyozi need to install all the plugins in firefox , i cant see videos or listening some webs music , anyone can help me please12:39
dyozi need to install all the plugins in firefox , i cant see videos or listening some webs music , anyone can help me please12:39
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redguyNaik0: hmm, propably12:39
roh_Okay map ill try it12:39
Naik0ok i did that12:39
varsendaggrdyoz, yeah12:39
Naik0still beeping12:39
NthDegreevarsendaggr, try libdvdcss or libcss12:40
Naik0when i umnute PCM in alsa12:40
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dyozwhere can i find the plugins varsendaggr12:40
varsendaggrdyoz, just a sec12:40
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redguyNaik0: it should list all processes which use the /dev/dsp device file (which supposedly is the oss mixer device file)12:40
dyozok thanks varsendaggr12:40
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Naik0redguy, it doesnt say anything...12:41
=== jcapote [n=roofy@adsl-11-15-83.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
deitarionHow do you fix a messed up X11 keymap? It seems that's what's causing my friend's spacebar to have no effect.12:41
redguyNaik0: what does lsof | grep /dev/snd say?12:41
roh_Map: command not found12:41
sagarpthe synaptics touchpad on my laptop (ubuntu dapper) spontaenously stopped working...Xorg.conf says "Synaptics DeviceOff called"12:41
varsendaggrdyoz, !repos12:41
maple1roh: copy to your home folder12:42
varsendaggrdyoz, enable universe and multiverse12:42
jcapotei have an smp machine that i installed dapper on, i was wondering if im running an smp kernel or not12:42
maple1then cd to it and just type sudo ./whatever.sh12:42
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redguyNaik0: it should list processes that use alsa mixer12:42
Naik0gnome-vol 5540      naik0   14u      CHR      116,0               9530 /dev/snd/controlC012:42
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varsendaggrand then type in the command line apt-get install mozilla-mplayer12:42
dyozvarsendaggr, do u have any manual in internet?12:42
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ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource12:42
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varsendaggrdyoz, does that make sence?12:43
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redguyjcapote: uname -r ?12:43
maple1roh: first type export SETUP_CDROM=/path/cdrom where "/path/cdrom" is your actual path to the CD drive12:43
roh_Im checking the manual.12:43
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tr0nicwill ubuntu manage to recognise the wireless cared on a new laptop? (mine's an advent)12:43
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jcapoteredguy: i did that, and i get 2.6.15-26-38612:43
maple1I installed ut2004 in ubuntu a while ago12:43
maple1I just copied the install script to home folder and ran it from there12:43
maple1using sudo of course12:44
tr0nicare you talking to me maple1?12:44
roh_It just says command not found.12:44
redguyjcapote: well, you are running the generic non-smp kernel12:44
dyozversen thanks tehre is ok12:44
dyozvarsendaggr,  thanks12:44
maple1roh_ what folder are you in?12:44
jcapoteredguy: i figured as much, how can i go about upgrading an smp kernel12:44
varsendaggrdyoz, anytime12:44
tr0nicwill ubuntu manage to recognise the wireless cared on a new laptop? (mine's an advent)12:44
roh_I moved it to home the last time.12:44
Naik0redguy, it dont beep when i mute overall and unmute PCM12:44
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maple1it should be in /home/yourname12:45
=== Shuvelhasser [n=tehjoshe@adsl-214-105-236.gnv.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
lwizardlanyone use ispconfig ?12:45
redguyNaik0: maybe it's not PCM thats beeping?12:45
roh_Okay. Let me move it again12:45
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Shuvelhasserhello there!12:45
redguyjcapote: well, just install a smp kernel and reboot12:45
roh_actually turns out it was12:45
jcapoteredguy: in synaptic?12:45
jcapoteredguy:  i figured as much just didnt think it was that easy :)12:46
roh_Can I pm you maplel?12:46
maple1if you just open terminal and type sudo ./whatever.sh it should work12:46
roh_Want to cut and paste the problem12:46
Glenchanyone know what the theme is in this picture? http://getswiftfox.com/images/swiftfox.jpg12:46
Basic_pyDapper is latest release? What is ubuntu's equivalent, if any, to Debian sid (aka unstable) ?12:46
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varsendaggrBasic_py, edgy12:47
redguyjcapote: actually, the -686 kernel seems to be smp12:47
jcapoteredguy: i dont think im 686, im running p212:47
Shuvelhasseranyone wanna help a poor newb out?12:47
redguyjcapote: there used to be -smp kernel packages..12:47
maple1japote: P2 is 68612:47
wizzardHi when i try to connect to a VNC server with this command "  I get the erros : vncviewer -fullscreen -passwd /home/fredrik/pass.txt . Everything worrks if I type te password manualy12:47
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?12:47
varsendaggrShuvelhasser, yeah12:47
redguyjcapote: 686 is pentium pro and up12:47
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nozorroShuvelhasser: go ahead, ask12:47
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jcapotea bit of googling shows that the dapper 686 kernel has smp built in12:48
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ShuvelhasserIt's less one question, more I'd like someone to help me with through stuff12:48
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wizzardLets try again: Hi when i try to connect to a VNC server with this command "  I get the erros :VNC connection failed: Your connection has been rejected. . Everything worrks if I type te password12:48
nozorroShuvelhasser: go ahead, maybe we can help you maybe not :-)12:48
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redguyNaik0: hmm, seems that the only app using alsa is the gnome-volume-something12:49
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varsendaggrShuvelhasser, we will all help probably12:49
Glenchwizzard, then type the password12:49
varsendaggrif i have to go get some food then red guy can take over12:49
jcapotethere is a linux-686-smp package, im going to install it12:49
=== varsendaggr wishes works was like an irc chat room
wizzardops.. type the password manualy12:49
varsendaggrShuvelhasser, the suspense is killing me though12:49
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maple1I don't know why ubuntu doesn't come with the 686 kernel -_-12:49
Glenchvarsendaggr, confusing with a lot of newbs?12:49
varsendaggrno,   problems easlily passed on to someone else12:50
Glenchonly in #ubuntu12:50
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roh_Did I pm the wrong one?12:50
Glenchtry being on a tiny channel12:50
varsendaggrGlench, i've been in this room on and off for about a year and i do like the fast pace flow of it12:51
maple1there's only 839 people in here12:51
nozorroShuvelhasser: most of the in lurking mode :-)12:51
GlenchI'd rather a bunch of people I know rather than a constant wave of noobs like myself12:51
nozorroGlench is bein' overly self-critic (?)12:52
roh_maple turns out i cant pm you12:52
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First|Blehthat's why we have offtopic so we can ignore the constant wave of newbs :P12:52
Glenchnozorro, only being honest12:52
redguymaple1: compatibility12:52
GlenchFiretech, true ^_^12:53
GlenchI'm not used to a lot of nicks12:53
nozorroGlench: :-)12:53
=== roh_ sighs
larry_I just made a couple of posts in here as "larryone"   did they get thru??????12:53
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larry_my connection can be a bit weird sometimes12:53
Glenchbeing a noob means trying for at least a full 24 hours to get a fucking usb wireless card to work under ubuntu, but failing miserably12:53
First|Blehyou have exceeded your daily allotment of question marks. please cease and desist.12:54
ShuvelhasserSo, coming from a newb, how does one setup his HD to be accessable.12:54
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benderUhow do you scroll up in irssi again?12:54
Glenchheh, First|Bleh12:54
LuisMendeshow can I make amarok play MP3? rhythmbox is playing them just fine12:54
varsendaggrGlench, have you gotten it to work?12:54
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Glenchvarsendaggr, I just gave up12:54
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nozorroShuvelhasser: how is it connected?12:54
varsendaggrShuvelhasser, go to system --->   disk ---->   type in your sudo password12:54
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larry_I'm going to take lack of a response as a no, so I'll post my question again12:55
larry_<larryone> I cant install my SATA drive =0(12:55
larry_<larryone> gnome parted doesnt list it12:55
larry_<larryone> qtparted doesnt list it12:55
larry_<larryone> fdisk doesnt list it =0(12:55
larry_<larryone> what's next???12:55
larry_<larryone> could it be a driver issue??12:55
larry_<larryone> I shouldnt need to install drivers to use my SATA should I?12:55
Glenchwhoa flood12:55
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nozorroShuvelhasser: larry_ don't paste like this!12:55
benderUhes a witch!!!12:55
redguylarry_: pasting is not welcome here12:55
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nozorrosorry this was not for Shuvelhasser12:55
cafuegoWhy don't you try thata s one line, instead of 7.12:55
Glenchand didn't First tell you that you exceeded your daily allotment?12:55
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)12:55
First|Blehlarry_: Please stop using the enter key so much.12:56
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.12:56
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varsendaggrShuvelhasser, open up a terminal   that is under aplications accesories12:56
umarmungHi. Anyone in here using edgie+epiphany and having javascript problems too?12:56
Glenchhahaha First|Bleh12:56
varsendaggrare you with me so far12:56
larry_I apologise, my connection died while trying to ask the question last time, so I have no idea how much of it got thru12:56
redguylarry_: you could at least rewrite the question so that it would be one line12:56
First|Blehumarmung: join #ubuntu+1 for edgy12:56
Glenchor type term into deskbar ^______________________~12:56
umarmungFirst|Bleh: thanks, and apologies. :)12:56
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LuisMendeshow can I make amarok play MP3? rhythmbox is playing them just fine12:57
maple1LuisMendes, http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org12:57
larry_well now that the question is there, is there anything else I can try to get my SATA drive to work??12:57
defendguinhow do you change the default window manager in gnome?  id like to use something besides metacity12:57
First|Blehi'm feeling bitter and spiteful today. abusing the english language isn't likely to get my help.12:57
ShuvelhasserI'm sensing I'm failing at private messages12:58
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GlenchI thought you were going to say php int here somewhere, First|Bleh12:58
GlenchI'm not sure why12:58
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Shuvelhasservar, noz, have you gotten anything I've said?12:58
nozorroShuvelhasser: what is it about your disk. care to give any details?12:58
GlenchI should visit this chan more often12:58
redguylarry_: hmm check if you have linux-restricted-modules installed12:58
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redguylarry_: which chipset do you have?12:59
varsendaggrShuvelhasser, where do you want to talk?12:59
varsendaggrhere or12:59
larry_I'm on a dell dimension 830012:59
larry_linux-restricted-modules is installed12:59
jazzrockeranyone know how to get java apps to integrate w/my gtk theme?12:59
varsendaggrShuvelhasser, i got your pm12:59
jazzrockere.g. frostwire12:59
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First|Bleha 'dell dimenstion 8300' doesn't answer the question12:59
redguyShuvelhasser: for unregistered users PM's are disabled. also when you stay on the channel there is a possibility that someone jumps into your conversation01:00
larry_redguy, how do I find out?01:00
Roh81Im having trouble with the ut2004 linux installer. Getting a permission error from the cd and a command not found from user01:00
Glenchredguy, they should just make their own little channel01:00
Shuvelhasserwell thanks redguy, that explains a lot xD01:00
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mkquistShuvelhasser: which could be a help, cause you got more peeps seeing ur prob01:00
redguylarry_: your motherboard manual? running lspci perhaps?01:01
larry_Intel Corporation 82801EB (ICH5) SATA Controller01:01
larry_is that it?01:01
ShuvelhasserI'd just rather talk to one person at a time :x01:01
redguylarry_: ^^01:01
varsendaggrShuvelhasser, meet me in Varsendagger01:02
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varsendaggrdon't just go over to the pm that we have01:02
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SanneRoh81: can you pastebin what you did and the errors generated? I installed the ut2004 demo fine, maybe I can help. May be different for the fill game, though...01:02
redguylarry_: well, the modules should be installed with the kernel so it is not a driver issue...01:02
larry_redguy, that was what lspci told me;  Intel Corporation 82801EB (ICH5) SATA Controller01:02
Roh81Sanne Im a complete newbie to linux.01:03
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redguylarry_: ok, could you paste me the output of dmesg ?01:03
redguylarry_: to the pastebin of course, not on the channel ;-)01:03
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SanneRoh81: ok, tell me exactly what you did please, and paste any output or errors you want to show me to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.orgtput you want to show to01:04
StoneNote!paste > larry_01:04
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=== Roh81 points Sanne to PM
piratepenguinhow do I reconfigure exim again?01:04
redguyhah ubotu got nifty redirects?01:04
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SanneRoh81: I'd prefer to stay here, so others may benefit from our discussion.01:05
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SanneRoh81: and what's more important, could step in when I'm out of ideas ;)01:05
ShuvelhasserSo how would I access NTFS HD's without killing my computer?01:05
piratepenguinhow do I reconfigure packages?01:05
JohnsonEwould it be very practical to run utorrent through wine?01:06
pandamoniumanyone know how risky it is to resize partitions?01:06
brian98Hi All :)01:06
kleeshow can i install this splash screen???  http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=3288301:06
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Roh81roh@roh-desktop:~$ sudo ./linux-installer.sh01:06
Roh81sudo: ./linux-installer.sh: command not found01:06
nozorroShuvelhasser: Shuvelhasser well reading it is no problem actually, no destructiuon involved01:06
brian98Anyone familiar with running 2 montiors ?01:06
piratepenguinRoh81: sudo chmod +x linux-installer.sh01:06
brian98I have them up and running01:06
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JohnsonEi have 2 monitors right now and I can't figure out how to split between them :(01:06
brian98but firefox will only run on one01:06
ShuvelhasserNozorro: Could you help guide me through it?01:07
brian98It's easy :)01:07
JohnsonEwhat must i do? :o01:07
larry_could it be a setting in my bios???01:07
brian98what video card?01:07
Roh81Woooo it worked. thanks pirate01:07
nozorroShuvelhasser: i'm unfortunately not familiar with sata drives ....01:07
z\Roh81 pls try:sudo chmod +x linux-installer.sh; sh linux-installer.sh01:07
=== MatthewV [n=MatthewV@CPE-124-178-2-198.wa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
SanneRoh81: (please mention my name so I get alerted when you talk to me) That seems like an easy one. You gave a false path to your instalation file. For that command to work, the file has to be in the same directory as you are in currently.01:07
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nozorroShuvelhasser: but if you knew where in the system the disk is mounted, i'd have no problem i think01:07
Roh81Actually no I needed to do that chmod first01:08
ShuvelhasserNozorro: I'm not even sure what that means =\01:08
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brian98Johnsone: go to a shell01:08
nozorroShuvelhasser: is it a normal disk or connected through usb?01:08
Roh81Its started. Now i just need to figure out this installer, Sanne.01:08
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SanneRoh81: oh, I just saw it worked, yes, chmod would be my second try :)01:08
ShuvelhasserNozorro: normal disk01:08
JohnsonEbrian: ok01:08
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SanneRoh81: should be straight forward.01:08
brian98johnsone: type fglrxinfo01:09
nozorroShuvelhasser: fine, can you see it under System > Administration > Disks?01:09
brian98Tell me results01:09
Roh81Sanne what exactly is startup menu entries?01:09
varsendaggrShuvelhasser, i'll help you over in the PM01:09
JohnsonEbrian: done01:09
_ubuntu_hi, i'm trying to install ubuntu on an external maxtor hdd, but i keep getting an error when setting up the filesystem. is this because the drive doesn't support ext3?01:09
ShuvelhasserNozorro: Yes.01:09
=== FirstStrike [n=First@nv-76-3-148-220.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
brian98Anyone here running dual head monitor setup?01:09
|_SpY_|how i change my frequency of monitor? i need change 60 to 75hz :/01:09
ShuvelhasserVarsendaggr: We've established my IRC hates me and I can't PM01:09
sethk|_SpY_|, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg01:09
nozorroShuvelhasser: well, what details are given under Properties?01:10
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SanneRoh81: I believe those are entries in the menu so you can start from there. But first try to start UT2004 from a terminal so you catch any errors.01:10
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RMorris85can someone say my name in the chat i wanna make sure the sound for it works, thanks01:10
dyozhow can i view if i have flashplayer installed?01:10
ShuvelhasserNozorro: It's a hard disk, it's device is /dev/sda, and the speed is unavailable01:10
|_SpY_|sethk: in configurate not have any options tu set it :(01:10
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nozorroShuvelhasser: please open a terminal now ...01:10
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ShuvelhasserNozorro: ok, done.01:10
sethk|_SpY_|, then you are choosing the wrong option in the monitor section01:10
varsendaggrShuvelhasser, have you gone to disk?01:11
JohnsonEis there any way i can associate torrents with utorrent AND have it open with wine?01:11
sethk|_SpY_|, where it says hard, middle, and easy, select middle01:11
ShuvelhasserVarsendaggr: Yes01:11
nozorroShuvelhasser: is all the disk ntfs, or just one partition on it ?01:11
sethk|_SpY_|, then you will get resolution/vert freq list to choose from01:11
dyozis there any web that said to me , what plugins i need in my firefox?01:11
liquidten2JohnsonE:  type int he following:01:11
RMorris85can someone say my name in the chat i wanna make sure the sound for it works, thanks01:11
liquidten2JohnsonE: pico /usr/bin/TORRENT01:11
ShuvelhasserNozorro: Ubuntu and other info are in diff partitions01:11
longwaveRMorris85: testing01:11
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liquidten2JohnsonE: "sudo nano /usr/bin/TORRENT" to be specific01:11
RMorris85thanks longwave :) it work01:11
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Roh81thanks for the assist sanne01:12
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JohnsonEliquidten2: it yped pico /usr/bin/TORRENT, should I do the other?01:12
varsendaggrShuvelhasser, you have one ubuntu and one windows partition right?01:12
nozorroShuvelhasser: which partition is the ntfs partition -- can you see this under the Partitions tab?01:12
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stevHey can anyone tell me why i can't play my mp3's in ubuntu linux ??? please i need help01:12
liquidten2JohnsonE: You should use Sudo, and make sure you have at least some editor editing the file01:12
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:12
ShuvelhasserNoz/Var: The info from windows is in the NTFS partition, that's the stuff I want to read.01:12
benderUits an IP thing01:12
azathothgrev: check those links01:13
varsendaggrwhat we want to do is mount that windows partion somewhere in ubuntu   does that make sence?01:13
liquidten2JohnsonE: then type in "/usr/bin/wine /home/username/.wine/drive_c/Program\ files/WHERE/EVER/utorrent/IS.exe"01:13
nozorroShuvelhasser: which partition *number*???01:13
liquidten2JohnsonE: then press control+x and choose to save it01:13
brian98johnsone: what did you get?01:13
SanneRoh81: did it work?01:13
ShuvelhasserNozorro: 1 is NTFS, 2 is ubuntu01:13
Roh81Sanne : So far so good.01:13
nozorroShuvelhasser: ok, in the terminal, try the following command ...01:14
SanneRoh81: awesome! I still have only the demo, which I already love :)01:14
liquidten2JohnsonE: then type in "sudo chmod+x /usr/bin/TORRENT", and then right click on a torrent file, choose properties, find "open with", choose an "other" option, and type in manually the command "TORRENT".01:14
Roh81Sanne : Its five cds though so may take a while for sure.01:14
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nozorroShuvelhasser: sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sda /mnt01:14
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SanneRoh81: oh, that's lots. I would be interested to know how it runs, if you finish the install and I'm still here.01:15
Caraibesif you like John Coltrane, download my music for free :01:15
Roh81Unless your leaving in the next half hour Im sure you will be here01:15
ShuvelhasserNozorro: mount: /dev/sda already mounted or /mnt busy01:15
Roh81Ran pretty good in windows. I just got sick of windows finally.01:15
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nozorroShuvelhasser: is that an error that you always get, or for the 1st time?01:16
JohnsonEliquidten: i pasted in /usr/bin/wine/home/ssb/.wine/drive_c/Program\ files/utorrent.exe01:16
varsendaggrShuvelhasser, do this command sudo mkdir    /media/win01:16
redguyShuvelhasser: that would be sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /mnt01:16
redguynozorro: ^^01:16
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse01:16
varsendaggrthen  sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /media/win01:16
pandamoniumthis system has become very unstable01:16
Roh81Sanne I am curious to see if it will actually run better or worse under linux though.01:16
brian98there really should be a01:16
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:16
brian98there is!01:16
pandamoniumapplications keep on crashing01:16
nozorroredguy: so sorry01:16
liquidten2pandamonium: 99% of all errors occur between the keyboard and the chair.01:17
nozorroShuvelhasser: yes, redguy is right01:17
JohnsonEliquidten: the chmod command didn't work01:17
liquidten2pandamonium: We need more information about specific problems and error messages.01:17
liquidten2JohnsonE: "chmod +x /usr/bin/TORRENT"01:17
SanneRoh81: Most games I tested ran a bit faster on Linux. I didn't test UT2004Demo on Windows, though.01:17
Shuvelhasserheh, got a new error01:17
Jack_Sparrowpandamonium: what have you done to your system lately?01:17
Shuvelhassermount: according to mtab, /dev/sda1 is mounted on /tmp/disks-conf-sda101:17
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brian98johnsone: have I lost ya01:17
pandamoniumthat's the problem liquidten2 there's nothing showing up in syslog01:18
JohnsonEliquidten: ok i forgot to add in a space there01:18
pandamoniumand the applications just ... close01:18
nozorroShuvelhasser: then open Places > Computer menu pls01:18
Jack_Sparrowpandamonium: Most linux wounds are self inflicted, but most are repairable01:18
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pandamoniumJack_Sparrow, i upgraded from 5 to 601:18
Roh81Sanne with one windows and one linux workstation will you be able to run a lan game?01:18
Roh81through a router I mean01:18
nozorroShuvelhasser: maybe it's listed there?01:18
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liquidten2Shuvelhasser: what does, "ls /tmn/disks-conf-sda1" say?  Also, does /etc/mtab mention it?  It may actually be mounted01:18
liquidten2*"ls /tmp/disks-conf-sda1"  typo01:19
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SanneRoh81: should be possible, my sweety and I always do that (he's still on Windows mostly);)01:19
ShuvelhasserLiquid: ls: /tmp/disks-conf-sda1: Permission denied01:19
Shuvelhasserlol DENIED01:19
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Jack_Sparrowpandamonium: The problem as I see it is that the upgrade cannot account for all the changes that people can make in their systems.  I assume also You did not make a backup before you upgraded.01:19
redguyliquidten2, nozorro : though I might be wrong but the mountpoint name suggests that this is just a temporary mountpoind for disk manager01:19
liquidten2Shuvelhasser: how about "sudo ls /tmn/disks-conf-sda1"?01:19
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Roh81Sanne you realise because of the : against my name its not showing up in red. Right?01:20
Shuvelhasserno such file/dir01:20
linuchsanShuvelhasser: /tmp01:20
JohnsonEliquidten: I followed all instructions but when I choose to open it with "TORRENT" nothing happens.01:20
pandamoniumJack_Sparrow, i didn't make a backup, no. or at least i don't think i did. also i stupidly installed the system on just one partition rather than making a boot partition with my home directories on another01:20
=== effer [n=effer___@68-114-46-176.dhcp.stbr.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
liquidten2Shuvelhasser: *** how about "sudo ls /tmp/disks-conf-sda1"?  Same typo AGAIN01:20
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efferwhat's a quick image viewer i can invoke from console for KDE?01:20
SanneRoh81 no, I don't, sorry. It does highlight Sanne: for me, so I didn't know.01:20
Shuvelhasserthat actually worked01:21
larryoneredguy, thanks for your help, problem has been solved01:21
gnomefreakeffer: if you dont have a gui how do you plan to look at a photo?01:21
SanneRoh81 which chat client do you use?01:21
liquidten2JohnsonE: What does "cat `which TORRENT` say.01:21
Roh81Ohs! I was wrong sane. its just the crappy client Im using. x)x01:21
brian98johnsone: did you get the results?01:21
Roh81x_x even01:21
liquidten2JohnsonE: copy and paste the command.  It uses the ````` key next to the `, above the tab.01:21
sethkeffer, open it with konqueror, it will do it for you01:21
liquidten2Rather next to the 101:21
JohnsonE /usr/bin/wine/home/ssb/.wine/drive_c/Program\ files/utorrent.exe01:21
Roh81Sanne: had forgotten i switched back. Sorry01:21
Jack_Sparrowpandamonium:    Rock.... You....  Hard Place... I wish I had an answer01:22
=== lownoma925 [n=lownoma9@adsl-75-26-10-173.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
liquidten2You need a space after wine and before /home01:22
ShuvelhasserLiquid: Now, what do I do with that?01:22
JohnsonEahh ok01:22
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liquidten2JohnsonE: "/usr/bin/wine  /home/ssb/.wine/etcetcetc"01:22
effergnomefreak, i just want something i can use from console...like appname imagename.png01:22
pandamoniumJack_Sparrow, i was thinking, perhaps i should backup whatever files i can across the network and then start afresh01:22
SanneRoh81 ah ok, no worries. Now it's working again with the : ?01:22
effergnomefreak, something that will pop up quick01:22
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redguylarryone: huh? what was the problem then?01:22
larryonehousemate suggested it may have been a bios setting01:23
pandamoniumJack_Sparrow, is there a way to partition the disk without loss of data?01:23
larryonehe was right =0)01:23
liquidten2Shuvelhasser: I'm not sure, I wasn't here to see what your original question was >_>01:23
lownoma925Why does my mouse arrow sometimes get confined in the space of a window (I have to go down, to the bottom of the window) to get it out01:23
Roh81Im actually still on the crappy one. lol Its more convenient at the moment sanne01:23
redguylarryone:  ^_^01:23
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fooHere is my xorg.conf: http://x01.ath.cx:81/temp/xorg.conf ... I have an IBM G97 monitor (19", black). http://ostg.pricegrabber.com/search_techspecs_full.php/masterid=532914/ - here are the specs on the monitor. I have random flickers on my screen. I am in 1600x1200. Any ideas?01:23
gnomefreakeffer: kooka?01:23
Jack_Sparrowpandamonium: Yes... remember to get these as well  Downloaded Ubuntu packages are kept in   /var/cache/apt/archives01:23
SanneRoh81 ok, I try to delete the colon when talking to you then :)01:23
larryoneredguy, yea, I felt like a bit of an idiot over that one01:23
JohnsonEliquidten: it now reads as: /usr/bin/wine/ /home/ssb/.wine/drive_c/Program\ files/utorrent.exe01:23
gnomefreakeffer: krita01:23
ShuvelhasserLiquid: I just want to be able to like, access the files on the NTFS. If not access, then copy over to my usable ubuntu partition.01:23
effergnomefreak, k, will try those out...thx :)01:24
Jack_Sparrowpandamonium: The good thing is you will end up with a fresh clean install..01:24
Roh81Sanne: It doesnt really matter how you type. It does look clean that way and it doesnt show up in red at all.01:24
liquidten2JohnsonE: type the command, "TORRENT"01:24
ubotuSee http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html. Libdvdcss can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages01:24
Roh81Sanne: Like I said for irc this client is pretty crappy.01:24
JohnsonEsays /usr/bin/wine isn't a director01:24
lownoma925Anyone know why my mouse arrow is bouncing around within a window?01:24
varsendaggrJohnsonE, that is true01:25
liquidten2Shuvelhasser: type the command "sudo /usr/bin/nautilus /tmp/disks-conf-sda1"01:25
varsendaggr/usr/bin/anything is a launcher01:25
varsendaggrthere are no directories01:25
pandamoniumJack_Sparrow, i think one of the problems i have is my ISP insists on sending all http through a transparent proxy, only the one i'm sent through by default is broken and they won't acknowledge this01:25
JohnsonEwell that's what it said >_>01:25
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pandamoniumso when i install i end up getting errors01:25
liquidten2JohnsonE: make the text file read:  "/usr/bin/wine /home/ssb/.wine/drive_c/Program\ files/utorrent.exe"  Notice the lack of slash after wine.01:25
redguyfoo: you sure that it is not a video card problem?01:26
Shuvelhasserwell that opened it up01:26
pandamoniumalthough i've explicitly set a working proxy now, but there seems to be ... legacies of half installed packages01:26
nozorroShuvelhasser: again isn't it listed under 'computer' anyway?01:26
JohnsonEliquidten: ok, testing01:26
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wilstarhow can i add a bottom of home page in the upper panel of gnome?01:26
ShuvelhasserNoz: It is but it doesn't do anything when I click it01:26
SanneRoh81 btw, if you get an error when you start UT2004 about libstd++5, don't despair, you would just install a missing package. I got that with the demo.01:26
redguyfoo: that's my idea :-)01:27
effergnomefreak, you know anything a little more lite-weight?01:27
fooredguy: System works fine when I boot into Windows XP01:27
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sethkpandamonium, I don't see how using a transparent proxy is relevant, even if the proxy is buggy01:27
gnomefreakeffer: not for kde other than konq.01:27
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gnomefreakthats not light-weight by any means01:28
effergnomefreak, what about a non-kde app?01:28
nozorroShuvelhasser: coould you try this in a terminal: 'sudo /etc/fstab | grep ntfs'?01:28
pandamoniumsethk, some packages don't download properly for some reason01:28
JohnsonEliquidten: OK, I double click a torrent and it opens up utorrent, but it doesn't start downloading. Is it supposed to?01:28
sethkeffer, you can use any image app in kde01:28
nozorroShuvelhasser: stop, the command is like this:#01:28
sethkpandamonium, I'd expect the checksum to fail, then01:28
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gnomefreakeffer: gthumb01:28
nozorroShuvelhasser: 'sudo cat /etc/fstab | grep ntfs'01:28
redguyfoo: well I'd play with the video card drivers then. Did you try fglrx ?01:29
gnomefreakeffer: photo viewing apps are not all that light-weight scribus might be able to opne a photo never tried though01:29
Shuvelhasserk, what did that do?01:29
pandamoniumsethk, i think the only thing really is a clean install and this time pay attention to what i'm messing with ;)01:29
liquidten2What about "eog".01:29
fooredguy: Hmm, nope. Just switch radeon with fglrx in the xorg.conf and restart X, right?01:29
sethkpandamonium, not a bad strategy01:29
nozorroShuvelhasser: just searching for a text string01:29
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redguyfoo: not really01:29
nozorroShuvelhasser: any output from this?01:29
redguyfoo: you need a kernel module as well01:29
effergnomefreak, gthumb is pretty good....i'd still like something a little more lite-weight....something that's only intention is to show the pic real quick....if i can't find anything else, gthumb will work...thanks :)01:29
redguy!fglrx > foo01:29
Shuvelhasserit didn't output any tezt, it just went to the next line01:29
liquidten2effer:  What about "eog"01:30
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pandamoniumsethk, i've learnt quite a lot from my first go so maybe with this extra knowledge i'll have a better chance of everything being how it should01:30
hatchAre the forums down?01:30
redguy!ntfs > Shuvelhasser01:30
fooredguy: # modprobe fglrx01:30
fooFATAL: Error inserting fglrx (/lib/modules/2.6.15-26-386/volatile/fglrx.ko): Operation not permitted01:30
redguy!ntfs > nozorro01:30
fooredguy: hmm01:30
nozorroShuvelhasser: ok we could edit that file /etc/fstab but you have to be very careful there ...01:30
sethkpandamonium, ok, as I said, makes sense01:30
ShuvelhasserRedguy: lol, sadly that's true01:30
Roh81Sanne you still around?01:30
efferliquidten2, thanks!  that's perfect....fast, lite....perfect for what i need. :)01:30
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SanneRoh81: yep01:30
redguyShuvelhasser: read the page ubotu sent you01:31
ShuvelhasserNozorro: Of course, and I'd probly mess it up01:31
ShuvelhasserRedguy: when?01:31
Roh81Sanne: I did get one error01:31
Roh81WARNING: ALC_EXT_capture is subject to change!01:31
Roh81Xlib:  extension "XiG-SUNDRY-NONSTANDARD" missing on display ":0.0".01:31
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redguy!ntfs > redguy01:31
SanneRoh81 which one?01:31
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hatchAre the Ubuntu forums down?01:31
Roh81Its up there01:31
redguyShuvelhasser: well 1 minute ago01:31
Shuvelhasseroh, I see it now01:31
Shuvelhasser>< sorry01:32
Roh81Sanne: I still need to get updates and all though. I dont guess there is a nifty fast way to grab them is there?01:32
liquidten2hatch: They won't load for me.01:32
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fourathow to view MS Access *.mdb files in linux ?01:32
hatchOk, atleast its not me01:32
hatchAnd I was just about to post something! ><01:32
lownoma925How would I go about mounting an IMG file?01:32
SanneRoh81 the Warning I get also, should be harmless. I don't know about the Xlib error. Does it start?01:32
Glenchwhat theme is this? http://getswiftfox.com/images/swiftfox.jpg a vista clone?01:32
effliquidten2: me neither...01:32
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Roh81Sanne: Yea ran fine. Well a little tiny bit sluggish but I didnt adjust the settings well. Just turned the res up. hehe01:33
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SanneRoh81 since this is not an ubuntu package, you would need to download and install updates yourself.01:33
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Rafa_brzfourat: you can use the openoffice!01:33
Shuvelhasserthis leads me to my next problem01:33
Roh81Sanne: No biggy.01:33
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kelsonwhy does kdevelop not come up on my list of add/remove applications?01:33
bb|Gishnobgentoo 2006.1 has to have one of the worst installers ever01:33
Rafa_brzfourat: openoffice databse01:33
ShuvelhasserMp3's and linux 10101:33
redguyfourat: mdbtools-gmdb seems to be able to do it01:33
SanneRoh81 if it runs, I wouldn't worry about the errors. maybe try to search for the error message on Google on the forums, if you're curious ;)01:33
pandamoniumi need to sort out what to backup... thanks for the advice01:33
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fooredguy: Shouldn't the radeon drivers work? Hmm01:34
Roh81Sanne: Eh till I find something that doesnt work. Have you tried updating the demo?01:34
Rafa_brzfourat: there you can open .mdb files01:34
=== Nightemptation [n=arigogal@200-147-86-49.tlm.dialuol.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
SanneRoh81 no, can I do that? I thought the updates are only for the full version. I installed the latest demo, as far as I know.01:34
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Nightemptationis anybody there?01:35
redguyfoo: radeon drivers are not from ATI, they have been written by a bunch of hacers without any deocumentation from ATI whatsoever01:35
liquidten2Nightemptation: 817 people01:35
Roh81Sanne: Actually no. just checked. they didnt make demo patches01:35
fooredguy: eek, I didn't know that. Thanks. Hopefully this works.01:35
Nightemptation<liquidten2> Nightemptation: 817 people--> plenty of , indeed01:35
Rafa_brzNightemptation: I'm here :)01:35
Roh81Sanne: Its a classic game. You should just buy it. ;-}01:35
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zebedeeGood evening all :-)... I have a question re evolution mail. Dos anyone out there know how to multi delete or multi move msgs around? I have just spent ages individually moving 341 msgs, there must be an easier way?? Thanks in advance Z01:35
SanneRoh81 thought so. Btw, while we speak, I can hear my sweety playing some serious onslaught ;)01:35
kelsondoes anybody know why kdevelop doesnt show on my add/remove applications?01:36
Nightemptation<Rafa_brz> Nightemptation: I'm here :)---> brazilian?01:36
Jamminpotatohow can i choose wheter linux uses my onboard sound or my soundcard?01:36
Roh81Sanne: I dont like onslaught. Too few vehicles and too many people.01:36
sethkkelson, are you using kde?01:36
Rafa_brzNightemptation: yeah! how about you?01:36
redguyfoo: on the other side fglrx is from ATI but tends to break on kernel upgrade since it is closed source binary-only black box01:36
Roh81Sanne: I like the assault mode and the mods made for the game.01:36
SanneRoh81 we plan to buy it, as soon as we verified it runs fine on out computers. I just set up 3D and the demo on his new system today. Give us a few days ;)01:36
kelsonmmmm i think so...ubuntu 6.06 on a 64 bit system if that helps any :/01:36
redguyfoo: ATI video cards aren't the best choice for linux...01:36
fooredguy: I see.01:36
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Nightemptation<Rafa_brz> Nightemptation: yeah! how about you?--->tbm, cara tem restries delinguas aki? tipo...tem q ser in english?01:37
sethkkelson,  dumb question, but are you sure it is installed?01:37
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fooredguy: Hm, I did the first section with sudo's and it seemed to work. I don't think I need to do anything else.01:37
AzalynWe can hope that AMD will opensource the ATI drivers. ;P01:37
Roh81Sanne: It is pretty scalable as far as system specs.01:37
SanneRoh81 but I guess we are getting far too offtopic in this active channel...01:37
AzalynThen ATI will be *THE* videocard choice for Linux...01:37
redguyAzalyn: true true01:37
Roh81Sanne: Oops.01:37
kelsonkde? ill check now i suppose. as far as kdevelop it isnt installed because i cant get it to appear on any lists01:37
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fooredguy: hm, that broke X. heh.01:38
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SanneRoh81 no worries :)01:38
sethkkelson, kdevelop isn't installed with kde desktop01:38
redguyAzalyn: the more we will talk about how crappy ATI support for linux was the more the chance of opensourcing the drivers... ;-)01:38
Shuvelhasserhey redguy01:38
kelsoni have searched for the phrase "kdevelop" and nothing comes up01:38
ShuvelhasserI ran that program01:38
sethkkelson, none of the development packages are, so likely all you need to do is install it, and presto, it appears on the menus  :)01:38
sethkkelson, searched where?  how?01:38
fooredguy: Can you pull up that page for how to set up flgrx and tell me if all I needed to do was the first part with the sudo's ... it was kind of confusing. I don't have X ATM.01:38
Roh81Sanne: I dont guess you know if the official ut packs are universal huh?01:38
kelsonon package manager and on add/remove applications01:38
Shuvelhasserbut now it just says that I don't have permission to view it01:38
Nightemptation<redguy> Azalyn: the more we will talk about how crappy ATI support for linux was the more the chance of opensourcing the drivers... ;-)---> i have a huge pronlemwith a modemdriver01:38
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SanneRoh81 you mean also for linux?01:38
sethkkelson, run synaptic.01:39
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redguyfoo: sorry, give me a sec01:39
sethkkelson, as someone already said, it is kdevelop3, and also kdevelop3-doc01:39
Roh81Sanne: Yea but it doesnt look that way. Ill just find a third party one.01:39
Azalynredguy: Hell, ATI support is even bad on Windows... nevermind Linux.01:39
kelsonkk, looking now01:39
SanneRoh81 wait!01:39
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sethkkelson, if you search for kdevelop with the search function in synaptic, it comes up01:39
AzalynEven before switching to Linux I recall hearing about ATI's horrible drivers.01:39
fooredguy: it's cool, thanks.01:39
AzalynThey've never been good with drivers period.01:39
Roh81Sanne: Er okay01:40
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kelsonnah..nothing comes up for me. do i need to install a prereq for it?01:40
sethkkelson, no.  have you done:  sudo apt-get update    ?01:40
redguyfoo: hmm did you edit xorg.conf as well?01:40
kelsonyeah my system says it is up-to-date01:40
Nightemptationcan i have a lil help with sm56 speakerphone modem from motorola here?01:41
SanneRoh81  what about this one? It's from a linux gamer's site, so it should be compatible: http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/wfdownloads/singlefile.php?cid=29&lid=40401:41
fooredguy: No, I was under the impression that you only do that if the first part of sudo's didn't work. ... or do I need to do that?01:41
AzalynI think AMD needs a bit more time though, considering how much they paid for ATI, they will be in debt for years. So they're a bit too much on shaky ground right now to make demands.01:41
kelsonim a big linux noob lol :(01:41
sethkkelson, I just searched in synaptic (search pulldown set to name) and I get five hits on kdevelop01:41
redguyfoo: i.e. changing "radeon" to "fglrx"01:41
fooredguy: hmm, /me does that01:41
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sethkkelson, your repository list must be incomplete01:41
smaxhi hang01:41
Roh81Actually there is some pack im supposed to get first. lets see if this is it01:41
SanneRoh81 oh, the descriptopn says maybe for windows... I think I saw something lately, just a moment01:41
Rafa_brzNightemptation: Did you try the ubuntu forum?01:42
Nightemptationnobody can help?01:42
kelsonis that fixable?01:42
AzalynBut they've always been friendly with OpenSource, I imagine eventually they'll want to match Intel's move and release ATI's drivers. (Intel released the source for their own gpu drivers.. so yeah)01:42
Nightemptation<Rafa_brz> Nightemptation: Did you try the ubuntu forum?--> yeah01:42
clearzenI have a simple question. Does checkinstall actually build a deb package if you run it after ./configure?01:42
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linuchsankelson:it is in universe01:42
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cafuegoclearzen: yes01:42
smaxim having trouble getting a picture with xine or totem.  it just abruptly stopped.01:42
appletcan anyone help me with a grub 17 error pls ?01:42
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sethkNightemptation, not a common piece of hardware, be patient, maybe someone will show up who knows about it01:42
smaxi even rebooted.01:42
phiber_optichow do I install a tar.gz file?01:42
SanneRoh81 http://liflg.org/?catid=6&gameid=1701:42
clearzenthat's what I thought thanks01:42
redguyShuvelhasser: hmm, I seem to remeber thet the permissions issue was solved on that page as well01:42
redguyShuvelhasser: wait a sec01:42
fooredguy: Do I need to do anything else?01:42
benderUsmax: use vlc01:42
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liquidten2clearzen: You are supposed to run checkinstall instead of make install.  Your install procedure would be, "./configure && make && checkinstall"01:42
sethkapplet, what's the entire error message?01:42
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varsendaggrhow do i rip a DVD to divx?01:43
Nightemptation<sethk> thnx, pal01:43
gnomefreakliquidten2: nope01:43
smaxcan vlc play dvd's ?01:43
cafuegoliquidten2: sudo checkinstall01:43
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cafuegosmax: yes01:43
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redguyfoo: that sould do it01:43
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gnomefreak./configure && make && sudo make install or sudo checkinstall01:43
smaxi play .avi  .wmv  .mpg dvds01:43
linuchsanvarsendaggr:man mencoder01:43
appletdont know excatly cause can nay reboot at the mo01:43
Roh81Sanne: Shizamn.01:43
appletbut roughly01:43
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SanneRoh81 hehe01:43
appletstarting 1.501:43
=== Nightemptation goes away
appleterro 1701:43
phiber_optichow do I install a tar.gz file?01:43
varsendaggrcafuego, can mplayer or xine play DVD's?01:43
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=== Nightemptation away
cafuegovarsendaggr: yes01:43
redguyfoo: also 'If you receive a message Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":1.0, edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and add the line load "dri" in Section "Module"'01:43
nozorroclearzen: but be careful, in my experience it doesn't always work out as expected01:44
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clearzenI have had problems installing from source01:44
sethkapplet, I'll see if I can find anything useful on error 17.  the error message is always nice to have  :)01:44
appletthis is pure madness I have played for hours lot of people have the prob no real answer01:44
fooredguy: gotcha, rebooting now. /etc/init.d/gdm start didn't bring it up.01:44
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Roh81Sanne: Well thats all the irc spam I can take for a while. Thanks alot for the help.01:44
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appletwhoever said linux easy to install lied01:44
varsendaggrcafuego, wrong answer    mplaer and xine    cannot play DVD's01:44
Lard-O-LadHow does Ubuntu handle Intel's SpeedStep?  are there drivers/settings to edit?01:44
clearzenAnd I read several hotwto's on the net for building .deb packages but this seemed easier01:44
SanneRoh81 one more: http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php?license=commercial01:44
coreymon77does anyone know about bonjour aka rendez-vous01:44
linuchsanvarsendaggr: mplayer dvd://01:44
coreymon77its for printers01:45
liquidten2varsendaggr: mplayer and xine can BOTH play DVDs.  Xine even supports DVD menus.01:45
SanneRoh81 for all your linux gaming needs :) Good luck and take care.01:45
cafuegovarsendaggr: They do so just fine. Maybe they can't on your setup, but that's not _their_ problem.01:45
appletafter the scsi error after the gfx error i am now error 17 error01:45
liquidten2I think Gstreamer can also play dvds01:45
Lard-O-Ladvlc plays dvds01:45
linuchsanan vlc01:45
Roh81Sanne: Same to you. Maybe Ill check back sometime and see if you and yours have upgraded to the real deal and we can play.01:45
=== Roh81 waves
Naik0Can i get info about my website in my own desklet im building now?01:45
nozorroclearzen: i had problems as well back in the day, imho it's useful for small apps and for the occasional build only, not for your complete GNOME installation01:45
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efferhow do i do this : i want to make a new command in console that will run another app...basically, i just want to have a new command that runs an already existing command, but with an easier-to-remember name01:45
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liquidten2effer:  Make a symlink01:46
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SanneRoh81 oh that would be nice! Some serious fraggin! hehe... bye01:46
liquidten2effer:  "sudo ln -s /usr/bin/ORIGINALNAME /usr/bin/NEWNAME"01:46
Naosz!ubotu timeout values01:46
liquidten2As simple as that01:46
appletthere is tons of shit on error 17 but I am trying to get my first ever linux unstall running so most is not useful01:46
ubotutimeout: Run a command with a time limit.. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.11-6.2 (dapper), package size 6 kB, installed size 52 kB01:46
neutrinomass!language > applet01:46
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clearzenwhat would be the difference between a symlink and a alias?01:47
neutrinomassapplet: It's not a personal issue, but this a family channel and language should be kept clean :)01:47
efferliquidten2, thanks!01:47
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cafuegoclearzen: nothing01:47
fooredguy: EE: No devices detected, No screens found ... hmmmm. Want me to get my xorg.conf in a pastebin for you?01:47
appletoh okay noted01:47
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liquidten2clearzen: Symlinks are permanent, stay accros reboots and are applied to all users in all shells in all environments.  Aliases only apply to specific environments.01:47
ubotuSee http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html. Libdvdcss can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages01:47
redguyfoo: yup, and your /var/log/Xorg.0.log as well01:47
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:48
liquidten2clearzen: basically it's no difference unless you have multi-user machines each with their own customized ~/.bashrc and such.01:48
cafuegoliquidten2: I'm treating aliases as "MacOS X aliases" (ie: symlinks ;-)01:48
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phiber_optichow do I install a tar.gz file?01:48
Naik0phiber_optic, tar -xvf01:48
Naik0that extract it01:49
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phiber_opticNaik0, and then?01:49
Naik0and then it extract the files01:49
linuchsanphiber_optic: no -zxf01:49
nozorroclearzen: also, symlinks are on-disk like files, aliases are used in command shells01:49
Naik0-xvf works01:49
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nozorroclearzen: ... in more practical terms ...01:50
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liquidten2cafuego: A linux alias is probably the same.  For example.  Type in "alias lol='df -h'"  Every time you type in "lol" the command "df -h" is executed.  You couldn't easily do that with a symlink.01:50
Fleebailey33im having trouble with ipod on ubuntu. it was formated on os x. and i can't move files to it01:50
liquidten2cafuego: Actually you could simply just create a shell script and place it in /usr/bin instead01:50
fooredguy: http://x01.ath.cx:81/temp/xorg.conf and Xorg.0.log01:50
cafuegoliquidten2: No, an alias on OSX is a symlink (Although you _can_ alias stuff in the shell as well, like you describe)01:51
tenebrousphiber_optic: i suppose there's not a deb you can just use?01:51
fredlehmmpff.. airport extreme makes allot of dataloss with moments.. dapper ppc01:51
phiber_optictenebrous, nop01:51
Jamminpotatowhen i try and run amaroK on my xubuntu install it says that dcopserver is not running and it shows the systray icon as its own windwo.. how can i fix this01:51
sethkapplet, error 17 is cannot mount selected partition01:51
appletyip I got that much off google01:51
cafuegoliquidten2: MacOS has always called symlinks aliases (even in Classic days). They never had a stupid system with shortcut files like Microsoft.  I didn't realise you meant shell aliases (They are not the same as symlinks, I know :-)01:51
appletwhere do I go from there to fix01:52
Naik0is it possible to make my gdesklet to pick information from my mysql db?01:52
appletI have messed with so many configs its insane01:52
tenebrousphiber_optic: should be a readme or INSTALL file in the archive with details on dependencies and install01:52
sethkapplet, the most likely cause is that the configuration is wrong, either in menu.lst, or was wrong during grub-install01:52
sethkapplet, we can look at your configuration01:52
phiber_optictenebrous, ok01:52
sethkapplet, I have to go for a bit, I'll ping you when I get back01:52
appletno no no dont go01:53
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redguyfoo: HMM01:53
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=== foo wonders if that's a good HMM
appletI have been through 50 installs so far01:53
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appletwhy has this thing got no noob start setting01:54
redguyfoo: seems that fglrx doesn't support chipsets earlier than RV200 (which came with radeon 8500)01:54
redguyfoo: seems you are stuck with the radeon driver :-)01:54
clearzenDoes anyone know a good application set/OS for music production in linux?01:55
sethkapplet, sorry, but I'll be back soon.01:55
liquidten2applet: It is a problem with your /boot/grub/menu.lst, which I cannot solve without knowing what menu.lst actually contains01:55
appleti would just be happy to at least get up and running then I could rock and rule the worlds01:55
redguyfoo: seems that my diagnosis was not correct, sorry01:55
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appletwell as far as I can tell liquidten2 it is correct01:56
redguyfoo: do you have your old xorg.conf file somewhere?01:56
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Sanneclearzen: for ubuntu, you might want to have a look at ubuntustudio.com01:56
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fooredguy: Hm, no. Did those sudo command's I ran make a backup?01:56
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applethow do I show u my menu.lst liquidten201:57
clearzenok...is ubuntustudio a live cd?01:57
Sanneclearzen: no, just a wiki with info on how to set up things. There's also a section on the forums for discussion.01:57
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redguyfoo: not sure01:58
fooredguy: bah. I'm heading out. I'll fix this later. Thanks anyways.01:58
redguyfoo: sorry for the breakage01:58
Sanneclearzen: for more and probably better info, you might also want to check out #lad here on freenode (linux audio devs/users)01:58
Sanneclearzen: and also http://www.linux-sound.org/01:59
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Shuvelhasserso apparently I fail at packages02:01
Shuvelhasserwhat does this error mean "E: Type 'sudo' is not known on line 34 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list02:01
ShuvelhasserE: The list of sources could not be read.02:01
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gnomefreakShuvelhasser: on line 34 of the /etc/apt/sources.list you have the word sudo02:02
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liquidten2Shuvelhasser: that means that /etc/apt/sources.list contains a line that has the word "sudo" in it, which shouldn't be there.  Edit your /etc/apt/sources.list and delete Sudo out of line 34.02:02
gnomefreakShuvelhasser: sudo doesnt belong in /etc/apt/sources.list02:03
ShuvelhasserAll: ..how?02:03
liquidten2Shuvelhasser: "nano /etc/apt/sources.list"  then from there go to line 34, delete sudo, press control+x, choose yes to save, then run apt-get update.02:04
nozorroShuvelhasser: gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list02:04
liquidten2Shuvelhasser: or rather SUDO nano /etc/apt/sources.list  (i am not an ubuntu user <_<)02:04
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phiber_opticwhat is the equivalent of gdesklets in gnome?02:06
phiber_opticin KDE02:06
phiber_opticmyb ad02:06
liquidten2phiber_optic: gdesklets can be used in Gnome/kde/anything02:06
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Shuvelhasserno more errors when I open the package manager02:06
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ShuvelhasserI'm playing mp3's02:13
ShuvelhasserI'm proud of myself02:13
holly_I was upgrading to dapper and am getting exit status 10 from lvm2 preinst script.  Any ideas how to fix that?  I'm not sure what's causing it, and am not using lvm at all.02:13
fredleerrrr..   good for you.. :-)02:13
ShuvelhasserI don't know how to do anything02:13
jazzrockeranyone know if Ubuntu has pthreads?02:13
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Shuvelhasserthis is like omg god of computers for my level of linux knowledge02:13
jazzrockerand or where can I look to check that it has pthreads?02:14
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overriddenman -k threads02:14
nozorroShuvelhasser: nice to see one happy guy02:14
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ShuvelhasserNozorro: Now, I need to figure out how to access my HD without having to type "sudo /usr/bin/nautilus /tmp/disks-conf-sda1" everytime02:15
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Shuvelhasseranyone think they can help with that?02:16
nozorroShuvelhasser: i need to read up myself on how ubuntu handles this ... not in the old linux way anymore i think02:16
Shuvelhasserredguy you said something about it being on the guide but I didn't see it02:16
Roh81Sanne: Just tried to run ut2004 again... Got an error.02:16
fredleerr /etc/fstab02:16
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nozorroShuvelhasser: also you said you are wary on editing that file didn't you02:16
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ShuvelhasserNozorro: I'm wary in that, I'd rather not break my HD, but I wouldn't terribly mind losing the information. It would suck, but it's a learning thing.02:17
fredleI think /etc/fstab will still have more effect then the kde/gnome way02:17
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nozorroShuvelhasser: read it here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions02:18
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ShuvelhasserI was reading that02:18
Shuvelhasserand I did it02:18
Shuvelhasserbecause they're mounted now02:19
ShuvelhasserI just don't have permission o002:19
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nozorroShuvelhasser: can you *read* those files on ntfs?02:19
ShuvelhasserNozorro: I can if I put in "sudo /usr/bin/nautilus /tmp/disks-conf-sda1"02:19
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Shuvelhasserbut if I try and just click on the drive in the computer menu02:20
Shuvelhasserit says I don't have access02:20
Shuvelhasserso, I'm guessing it's trying to goto the wrong partition?02:20
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kallethi'm trying to install a program from its source download on a new install of ubuntu but i can't seem to - whenever i try and run a ./configure on it i get an error saying "C Compiler cannot create executables"02:20
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cafuegokalleth: Hint: Install a compiler.02:20
nozorroShuvelhasser: no, it's something in ubuntu's innards i'm not aware of right now ...02:20
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kallethcaf: i installed gcc as far as i know02:21
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kalleth(sudo apt-get install gcc'02:21
cafuegokalleth: Which program is it, btw?02:21
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kalletha different version of opendchub which doesn't mess up when you try and connect to it with the latest DC++02:21
ShuvelhasserCan't I make an icon or something that does "sudo /usr/bin/nautilus /tmp/disks-conf-sda1" for me for now?02:21
nozorroShuvelhasser: but it's probably not the system trying to get to the wrong partition, unless you messed with the config already ...02:21
kalleth(http://darkbot.ir.pl/ <- that one)02:22
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ShuvelhasserI didn't mess withanything02:22
cafuegokalleth: 'install 'build-essential'02:22
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ShuvelhasserI only did what you told me02:22
kalleththanks caf02:22
kallethlet's give that a go02:22
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EnsignRedshirtHello, world.02:23
nozorroShuvelhasser: could you do a 'cat /etc/fstab | grep sda1' in a terminal ?02:23
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viatorwhat music service has as much choice as itunes but offers plain mp3's02:23
shoeunitedI have a problem understanding something.  If the same problems exist between cedega and wine, why do people pay for cedega?02:23
EnsignRedshirtAny idea why a totem would pop up a message saying something like "The disc seems to be encrypted" when it has already played a movie for 20 minutes?02:24
nozorroShuvelhasser: we're just checking for a text string again ...02:24
=== redblades [n=demente@54.100-67-202.dart.iprimus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
redbladesHi all!02:24
ShuvelhasserNoz: So you're telling me to run it?02:24
viatorEnsignRedshirt have libdvdcss2?02:24
nozorroShuvelhasser: hmm well yes02:24
redbladesI have an XBOX (not 360) and I heard that it's possible to run it as a server.02:25
redbladesIs this true? And if so, how might I do it?02:25
Shuvelhasseroh, I thought it said "Did you"02:25
nozorroShuvelhasser: there's nothing to it, but you decide of course02:25
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appletread google gentoox02:25
|thunderEnsignRedshirt, it means that the disc uses multiple css keys. i was able to break one or some of them,, but not all.02:25
HesNikkeholy crap! 799 users!02:25
nozorroShuvelhasser: so you get no output?02:25
shoeunitedredblades: I that involves illegal means, but yes it can be done.02:26
HesNikkeum... i have just installed ubuntu02:26
redbladesHesNikke, is that unusual?02:26
HesNikkei'm not usualy on such a huge channel thats all02:26
appletu either need chop or softmod and I dont think it is illegal02:26
redbladesshoeunited, I'm not worried about laws that I may violate.02:26
viatorits not illegal02:26
EnsignRedshirtviator: Yes, I have libdvdcss2 (version 1.2.5-1).02:26
viatorto put linux on the xbox02:26
Jamminpotatowhat does everyone here use to manage their ipod's in linux?02:26
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shoeunitedThere's only one xbox model that i can think of that can do it legally grey aread.02:27
Shuvelhasserit goes to the next line02:27
redbladesBut, to run it as a server? And what about a keyboard?02:27
|thunderhey everyone, I just bought a wireless USb mouse and keyboard. It is super sensitive. When I change the settings in system/Mouse it does not seems to affect the mouse at all. Any ideas ?02:27
Shuvelhasserbut doesn't say anything02:27
HesNikkeso i'm trying to take the newbie route with ubuntu (plus i'm stoned so i can't think in linux) so.... how do i get file sharing to work02:27
viatori put the rockbox firmware on my ipod02:27
appletusb redblades or un it as a box from ur router02:27
HesNikkei would prefere appleshare, but i didn't see a netatalk package02:27
HesNikkeso... with samba02:27
viatorim looking for a music store that has a large choice02:27
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viatorof mp3's02:27
shoeunitedYou have to modify the xbox, which kinda violates terms of use.02:27
HesNikkemy clients are running OS X02:27
viatornone of that wiondows media crap02:27
redbladesapplet, my mouse and keyboard are USB -  where do I plug them in?02:27
EnsignRedshirt|thunder, viator: The wierd thing is, if I use the control to skip a little bit past the point where I get the error, I can often watch the rest of the movie.02:28
HesNikkei try to log in, and it doesn't work02:28
appletyes but it not illegal02:28
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appletif u must plug a keyboard into xbox u get a usb adapter02:28
|thunderEnsignRedshirt, that is strange.02:28
nozorroShuvelhasser: i could guide you through editing /etc/fstab, but you'd rather be careful ... or you read up on that page, i'll show you where exactly02:28
maomaoDoes anyone have problem with movieplayer?02:28
redbladesapplet - from where? ARe they hard to come by?02:28
HesNikkeso os x sees my ubuntu box02:29
appletlol in no way google02:29
Jamminpotatowhat does everyone here use to manage their ipod's in linux?02:29
EnsignRedshirtapplet: You could save even more key strokes if you wrote "in2" instead of "into" :)02:29
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HesNikkebut it tries to log in, and it fails02:29
ShuvelhasserNozorro: Sounds good to me.02:29
viatormaomao what problems02:29
tenebrousJamminpotato: gtkpod02:29
appletlol irc slang cathes02:29
redbladesmaomao - You do, clearly. SO tell us what's wrong.02:29
markrianviator: try allofmp3.com02:29
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nozorroShuvelhasser: it's all on that web page as i said, but if you want to do it now, first thing is to make a backup of /etc/fstab02:30
appletmod it and connect ot ur pc02:30
Jamminpotatotenebrous, thanks02:30
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ShuvelhasserNozorro: How? (That's not a good start, is it? xD)02:30
appletif you get a grub 17 and solve it tell me02:30
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HesNikkeso has anyone else had any issues getting OS X to connect to a smb share to ubuntu?02:31
Shuvelhasserspeaking of grub 1702:31
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HesNikkeOS X uses samba too02:31
Shuvelhassermy friends HD is dying02:31
appletyes yes yes02:31
HesNikkebut has it's own UI02:31
Shuvelhasserfrom the same error02:31
hiro_pheya peoples, I'm frustrated. I can't get my ipw2200 card to connect to a wep encrypted ap. the card is up and running, I can connect to a unencrypted ap. can anybody help me?02:31
HesNikkethe UI isn't giving me an error :\02:31
bogawhat player will play mms:// streams in Ubuntu?02:31
nozorroShuvel first open admin shell: 'gksu gnome-terminal'02:31
maomaoI need help on movie player02:31
Shuvelhasserthat and 22, which from what I read are just general errors02:31
appletI hope mine is not02:31
appletI just wanna dam linux02:31
sethkapplet, I'm back02:31
maomaoI couldn't play certain avis.02:31
appletnot dead hd02:31
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appletwoohoo sethk02:32
maomaodo I miss something?02:32
EnsignRedshirtviator, |thunder: Is there a newer version of libdvdcss out there somewhere that might do a better job?02:32
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|thunderEnsignRedshirt, libdvdcss202:32
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EnsignRedshirt|thunder: That's what I meant--a newer version of libdvdcss2.02:32
viatortheres somthing similar to lidvdcss2 in the repos i forget what its called does the same thing though02:32
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|thunderEnsignRedshirt, not that I know of.02:33
ShuvelhasserNoz: ok, it's open02:33
appletsethk, ?02:33
nozorroShuvelhasser: now this: 'cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.backup'02:34
medic30420hi all, i am another noob at linux and need help02:34
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markrianmaomao: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/codecs.html02:34
EnsignRedshirtVery frustrating... I might have to break down and by a regular DVD player instead of using the computer.02:34
viatoris what its called?02:34
ShuvelhasserNoz: Should it of just shot down to the next line?02:34
markrianEnsignRedshirt: what's happening with libdvdcss for you?02:34
nozorroShuvelhasser: yep, this just created the backup.02:35
medic30420i have ubuntu installed on my laptop with very little hassle, but my desktop is hanging at installation02:35
ShuvelhasserNoz: K, now what02:35
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kallethi'm trying to get this package installed - thanks for your help cafuego - but i'm getting another error after i configure now when i try make - "/usr/bin/ld : cannot find -lperl"02:35
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kallethany ideas?02:35
medic30420i have a 2.4GHz w/ 256RAM, i think the live CD is taking up too much memory02:35
EnsignRedshirtmarkrian: I often get messages from totem saying the the disc appears to be encrypted.  The message often pops up after I've been watching the DVD for a while.02:35
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sethkkalleth, you need to install the perl development packages02:36
cynicalmedic30420: the livecd will work fine as long as you have 192MB of memory02:36
nozorroShuvelhasser: from the admin terminal again: 'gedit /etc/fstab'. Just Look at that file a bit, how it is organized, spaces and tabs etc.02:36
cynicalmedic30420: where does it hang?02:36
kallethsethk: OK, cheers :) first time using linux properly i'm afraid02:36
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medic30420this is wierd, after the OS boots02:36
wubrgamerhey guys02:36
kallethdo they have a package name? perl-dev or something?02:36
medic30420if you click on anything it takes a very long time02:36
ShuvelhasserNoz: ok02:36
wubrgameris there any way that i can verbatim copy a dvd ?02:36
kalleth(is there anywhere i can find a list of the packages in the 'Universe' tree so i can search them myself?)02:36
wubrgamercan k3b do it ?02:37
medic30420over an hour to get to the timezone screen02:37
markrianEnsignRedshirt: are you using totem-xine? Which version of libdvdcss do you have? I have 1.2.9 and I've not had any problems.02:37
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exsHey, any of you guys know of a type helper?. I want to learn to type with all my fingers with the qwerty keyboard.02:37
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nozorroShuvelhasser: now pls look again that there's no reference alredy to that partition anything with sda1 and ntfs in it02:37
medic30420cynical - i have switched CD's, CD Drives, done a memtest, no changes02:37
exsI know there was a tutorial program on windows, but wondering if theres a typing tutor on ubuntu02:37
cynicalmedic30420: wow thats odd02:38
SAM_themanyou my dad is on ubuntu 5.10 and hes stuck on firefox 1.0.8 he wants the newer one02:38
EnsignRedshirtmarkrian: I'm using totem-xine, and libdvdcss2 version 1.2.5-1.  I'm using breezy.02:38
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medic30420very strange, i think it is a hardware problem02:38
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ShuvelhasserNoz: The diskmounter utility mounted them "#Added by diskmounter utility02:38
Shuvelhasser/dev/sda1 /media/sda1 ntfs ro,user,fmask=0111,dmask=0000 0 002:38
Shuvelhasser#Added by diskmounter utility02:38
Shuvelhasser/dev/sdb2 /media/sdb2 ntfs ro,user,fmask=0111,dmask=0000 0 0"02:38
SAM_themanand he can update to 1.5.0-6 because the update button on ubutnu 5.10's firefox is greyed out02:38
viatorgstreamer sucks02:38
Jamminpotatoviator, how swo02:38
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appletexs,  mavis beacon02:38
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markrianEnsignRedshirt:  You say that you get the error after watching the DVD for a while? Because that sounds like the drive is having trouble reading the disc02:38
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markrianAs in, it's damaged02:39
viatorcause it never works02:39
Jamminpotatoviator, it works fine for me02:39
viatoreven with all the ugly bad02:39
nozorroShuvelhasser: ok, but please don't paste like this, first let me have a look02:39
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Jamminpotatoviator, what else would you use02:39
medic30420cynical, is their an automatic installation that i can download? I think once i get linux inside my box everything will be ok02:39
ShuvelhasserNoz: Ok, sorry.02:39
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viatorwith the firefox plugin02:39
appletno there is  not medic3042002:39
cynicalmedic30420: have you tried the alternative cd?02:39
viatorthe gstreamer firefox plugin dont work either02:40
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|thunderwhy do I not havwe this file? "/etc/X11/XF86Config" Is this supposed to be a reference to xorg.conf?02:40
cynicalmedic30420: comes with a text-based installer so it shouldnt have the slowdown issues02:40
appletits a nightmare02:40
medic30420oooo, that is what i need02:40
EnsignRedshirtmarkrian: Yes, sometimes half-way through the movie, an error message pops up.  The strange thing is, if I use the controls to skip ahead of that point before the error occurs, I can sometimes watch the rest of the movie.02:40
SAM_themanubotu, firefox02:40
ubotufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins02:40
viatorwith that plugin and a hack i can play any video and even alot of the flash apps on ebaums02:40
viatorin firefox02:40
cynicalmedic30420: http://ubuntu.cs.utah.edu/releases/6.06/02:41
eyequeuelivemedic30420: i wasn't watching your situation, but alternative cd also has a lowmem option, if that helps02:41
viatoreven inbedded video works fine02:41
markrianEnsignRedshirt: given that I'd almost guarantee that the disc has a scratch  on it that your drive can't correct/see through properly02:41
Harksawok, question. I had no trouble playing one DVD (Enron: The Smartest Guys In The Room) on mplayer in ubuntu dapper 64, but can't play Traffic or JFK, it tells me "failed to open dvd://1" Any ideas?02:41
nozorroShuvelhasser: pls wait me out, still studying the output02:41
viatorim playing flash 9 apps02:41
medic30420thanks cynical and eyeQ02:41
viatorin linux02:41
kallethsethk: what are the perl development packages called so i can install them?02:41
ShuvelhasserNoz: I got all the time you need.02:41
viatorwith a little hack i found02:41
medic30420i will see if this works02:41
cynicalmedic30420, np02:41
markrianEnsignRedshirt: you should consider cleaning them/and or your drive's lens02:41
viatorno wine or any of that crap02:41
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viatorjust tricks them into thinking you have 9 basically02:42
viatori can show you hwo02:42
EnsignRedshirtmarkrian: Hmmm... that could be, I guess. Now that I think about it, it has occurred more frequently with rented DVDs.02:42
sethkkalleth, run synaptic, use the search function, select name in the pulldown, and search for   perl dev   (that's perl space dev)02:42
nozorroShuvelhasser: you're listening now?02:42
kallethcool - thanks02:43
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markrianEnsignRedshirt: there is a more up-to-date libdvdcss available which you could install anyway, but I don't think it'd fix your problems02:43
ShuvelhasserNoz: ya02:43
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EnsignRedshirtmarkrian: Any pointers to how to clean the drive's lens?02:43
Shuvelhassersteel wool02:43
Lard-O-Ladwhat is a good light weight torrent client for ubuntu? (i've been using utorrent+wine but it isnt working out)02:43
=== Rug [n=Bubba@dyn216-8-172-193.ADSL.mnsi.net] has joined #ubuntu
EnsignRedshirtShuvelhasser: I think I have a rasp in my tool box...02:44
viatorbittoreent isd built itn02:44
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RugHowdy all02:44
markrianEnsignRedshirt: yup, you can buy a special type of disc with a small brush on it. You'd also get some cleaning fluid to put on the brush. Stick that in your drive and that's it cleaned02:44
mordofdoes anyone know of a program that can tell me if ubuntu is using both my cores properly?02:44
ShuvelhasserBittorent is?02:44
viatoras far as i know it was02:44
markrianEnsignRedshirt: It's unlikely the lens is dirty though - almost certainly the disks are the problem02:44
viatorcause i didnt install it02:44
viatorand its there02:44
nozorroShuvelhasser: hmm well, the partition is there with a correct line ...02:44
Rugmordof: just use:  top     or cat /proc/cpuinfo02:45
viatoranyone else confirm?02:45
Lard-O-Ladyea i can02:45
viatorill have to look at the laptop02:45
mordofi don't know how to read top to see that info02:45
mordofwhat do i look for02:45
viatorto confirm02:45
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nozorroShuvelhasser: no idea atm why it doesn't work for you, lemme look adn search a bit ...02:45
phiber_optichow can I add an application to the kde destop?02:45
ShuvelhasserNoz: ok, thank you.02:45
Lard-O-Ladhow is th edefault bt client on ubuntu, i didnt use it cause it looks so small :)02:45
viatorright click02:45
EnsignRedshirtmarkrian: Well, I have one right here that I just tried to play, and it hung up at the menu...02:45
viatorcreate launcher02:45
viatoror whatever02:45
viatoror drag and drop it02:46
viatorf its on the list02:46
Rugcpuinfo is better, but under top:  third line down, you should see 2 sets of CPU %'s02:46
Lard-O-Ladno, i mean how is it performance wise?02:46
EnsignRedshirtmarkrian: Good call... this disk doesn't look too pretty.02:46
rofl0ris there sumthin like calc.exe on linux ?02:46
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Rugrofl0r: LOTS...    bc  at the command line02:46
viatordvds seem to work better if you have 3d video acceleration02:47
rofl0rk, thx02:47
viatormeans your using the proper ati or nvidia driver etc02:47
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Shuvelhasserso the bittorrent folder is empty02:47
fredleno dri for ati 9600 ppc? :(02:47
=== dmier [n=dmier@cpe-24-170-90-130.stx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Rugto test to see if you are using the full power of your video card type this in a term window:   glxinfo |grep direct02:48
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rofl0ri have 512 mb of ram, linux tells me i got 503... whats wrong ? (there is no shared raphics mem)02:49
viatoror see if glxgears runs corectly02:49
nozorroShuvelhasser: the only sensible change that we could make atm is to tell the system to mount (make accessible) the partition at boot time ... not sure whether that would fix your problem02:49
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Rugviator: glxgears is not dependable02:49
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ShuvelhasserNoz: Wanna try it?02:49
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DarkDread_how i write GRub in the MBR???02:50
nozorroShuvelhasser: well, i think we can't go wrong here. but first i've got another question ....02:50
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fredleI know how to see that, it's just..  pain that I won't get dri on that card02:50
viatorya dont want mesa or vesa02:50
ShuvelhasserNoz: I'll do my best to answer.02:50
linuxcrazyhey, I need help bad, I tried to install Ubuntu, and when I rebooted, and tried to boot gentoo, it said that hdc1 was corrupted or something like that, now I can't boot into my windows install. can someone please help?!02:50
nozorroShuvelhasser: you seem to have another ntfs partition there, sdb202:50
linuxcrazyI mean ubuntu****02:50
linuxcrazynot gentoo02:50
fredleif I could..  I wanted mesa..  ppc..02:51
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nozorroShuvelhasser: that's what the file says02:51
linuxcrazyhelp me please02:51
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DarkDread_Which the channel of Ubuntu Brazil02:51
dankmisereasy question, NTFS write in ubuntu (yes, ntfs write is not 100%)02:51
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Rugdankmiser: What is the question?02:51
nozorroShuvelhasser: so does that second work or not?02:52
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dankmiserhow do I enable ntfs write in ubuntu?02:52
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse02:52
ShuvelhasserNoz: The info I gave was just for the second hard drive, which should only have the 2 partitions on it. I've been accessing the one from windows side, so that might be the one I'm on now you're talking about.02:52
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fredlewhat does transparant ntfs support mean?02:53
BigToeguys, archive manager doesn't open rar's anymore, what?02:53
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EnsignRedshirtmarkrian: Yup, diry disc appears to be the problem.  I wiped the disk with a damp tissue, and was able to get past the menu on the movie that just gave me an error.  I guess I should have checked that first...02:53
RugBigToe: have you d'loaded rar support?02:53
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BigToeI thought it came with it Rug02:54
BigToehow do I download rar support?02:54
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Rugno, if you have all the repos enabled, apt-get install rar02:54
ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse02:54
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free02:54
BigToeah, thanks :D02:54
nozorroShuvelhasser: could we pls disable that second one. we just put something in front of of (a #). Deleting the # later on would make it possible to re-enable it. We want to make sure that there arent any non-existing partitions. You understand?02:54
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nozorroShuvelhasser: the # in front of the line corresponding to /dev/sdb2 i meant02:55
ShuvelhasserNoz: That wont mess up ubuntu though, will it?02:55
ShuvelhasserNoz: and # is like ; in html, I guess. Kinda like commenting it out?02:55
EnsignRedshirtmarkrian: Thanks for the tips.  I hope the rest of scratches and gunk on the disc don't cause more problems.  Lawrence of Arabia calls... ciao.02:56
nozorroShuvelhasser: it won't do any harm because it's a windows partition on which ubuntu doesn't rely, only you won't be able to access it after next reboot (but can re-enable it) -- anyway you appeared not to miss it right now02:56
nozorroShuvelhasser: yeah, commenting out02:57
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ShuvelhasserNoz: Isn't it what I'm running off of? Partition 1 is what the other info is on, not what I'm running on. Right?02:57
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BigToeRug, how do I open a passworded rar?02:58
BigToedo I have to use the CLI for that?02:58
Shuvelhasserwith a password02:58
RugBigToe: Do you know the pass?02:58
Dev05Hi! I was wanting to upgrade to Edgy to see what's coming up. Is it stable enough or crashes too often?02:58
BigToeit just gave an error, I expected a password box to popup :S02:58
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nozorroShuvelhasser: ubuntu won't run off an nfts partition02:59
mordofRug, i only see one set02:59
eyequeueliveDev05: it will change from hour to hour02:59
mordofbut i'm on a core duo...02:59
ShuvelhasserNoz: Ok, I'll comment it out and save the file?02:59
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nozorroShuvelhasser: the most important ones ware those with linux-specific file systems on them02:59
eyequeueliveDev05: it od not behaving well for me presently, black screen on boot02:59
mordofit's either got HT or dual core, afaik it's dual core02:59
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eyequeueliveDev05: s/od/is/02:59
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RugBigToe: goto a term window and work from there.   rar x -pPASSWORD file.rar03:00
Dev05eyequeuelive, What does that mean?03:00
nozorroShuvelhasser: pls comment out the line referring to the second ntfs part., but putting a hash in front of the line, don't save yet03:00
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eyequeueliveDev05: it goes black and locks up03:00
ShuvelhasserNoz: ok, done03:00
Rugmordof: goto a term window and type uname -r03:00
Dev05eyequeuelive, Well, I guess I better stay in Dapper :D ...03:00
mordofi just downloaded dapper a few days ago03:01
eyequeueliveDev05: i suspect it all depends what hardware you have, like for example the dapper x bug never bit me, but this one does, oh well03:01
RugI don't care.  I need to see what kernel you are using03:01
davidfI have a problem accessing the floppy drive - can someone help a newb?03:01
nozorroShuvelhasser: ok, just to make sure, which partition lists the '/' in the 'mount point' column? -- that is the one you're running ubuntu off03:01
dannylapthow do you mount a USB jumpdrive in ubuntu (using the cli)?03:01
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Dev05eyequeuelive, It did blow my system.03:02
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SuperSkunkdoes anyone know how to fix the dvd burning issues in dapper?03:02
SuperSkunkhaving growisofs i/o errors03:02
Rugmordof: You are not using an SMP kerenl.03:02
ShuvelhasserNoz: I think it's the one I just commented out, which makes no sense03:02
mordofwhat's an SMP kernel? and how do i update to one03:02
SuperSkunkcant find anything on ubuntuforums.org that resolves the issue03:02
eyequeueliveDev05: yeah, similar hardware-specific disasters are likely in the development version03:02
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Rugmordof: yuo should install this kernel:   2.6.15-26-68603:03
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DarkDread_how i write GRub in the MBR???03:03
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:03
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ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule03:04
nozorroShuvelhasser: yep it doesnt make sense, i'm totally puzzled --  maybe it was because of your pasting. use pastebin to paste the complete file please03:04
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux'). You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild03:04
Naik0Is it possible to make an desklet and make it gets information from mysql database?03:04
nozorro!pastebin > Shuvelhasser03:04
Dev05eyequeuelive, I see. Well, I'll stay here then. Thanks!03:04
eyequeueliveSuperSkunk: someone just said he fixed the dvd issues, so maybe wait 24h for it?  (i'm not sure if that was edgy though, come to think of it)03:04
ubotuIRSSI is a command line interface IRC application ( "sudo apt-get install irssi" without the quotes to try it out )03:04
eyequeueliveDev05: sure thing03:04
SuperSkunkeyequeuelive:: so edgy has the same issue?03:04
Dev05eyequeuelive, I was quite excited about the faster shut-down, hehe.03:04
Rugmordof: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.15-26-686 linux-image-2.6.15-26-68603:04
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RugDev05: fast shut-downs are easy.  It's the fast startups that are a bitch03:05
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Dev05Rug, lol03:05
HarksawTo answer my own question, three cheers for the Penguin Liberation Front03:05
RugHarksaw: yes03:06
eyequeueliveSuperSkunk: it would not suprise me if so, at least03:06
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Dev05Rug, I wonder when Pre-Fetch technologies will get implemented on Linux.03:06
eyequeueliveDev05: heh03:06
SuperSkunkim stuck in a hard spot because of this..03:06
nozorroShuvelhasser: ok, now lemme have a close look again03:06
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RugDev05: prefetch is only part of the answer.  More parallel CPU's is the key03:07
eyequeueliveSuperSkunk: anything new is based on the previous code, typically ... also, patches to new things tend to be backported if broken on the old (like kernels)03:07
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SuperSkunkeyequeuelive:: i know these things03:07
SuperSkunkjust dont get why the freakin dvd burner doesnt work for ISO images.. but i can burn divx/movies, or normal data dvds03:08
Dev05Rug, Well, I have a single-core non-HT CPU and Windows XP boots in 5 secs. Ubuntu takes like 40 secs.03:08
nozorroShuvelhasser: no prob i think, look again pls. i think you have confused sda2 and sdb2 ...03:08
SuperSkunkheck i can even burn nrg files03:08
RugDev05: do what I do:  Never shut it off03:08
SuperSkunkjust not .iso03:08
Crippy-Boy5 secs, does it even get to POST in 5 sec?03:08
Dev05Rug, Too much electricity waste.03:08
eyequeueliveDev05: mine takes much longer :/  but i also run a number of daemons that many do not03:08
ShuvelhasserNoz: Ah, you're right. This is still a bumble of letters for me. Sorry.03:08
RugBah, burn a tree03:09
nozorroShuvelhasser: or maybe *I* have confused them03:09
Dev05Crippy-Boy, I mean, after I choose the OS.03:09
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eyequeueliveDev05: turn the monitor off, that's what chews juice, heh03:09
Crippy-BoyIf you don't like it taking so much why dont you remove some of the crap from start up?03:09
RugI have no less then 5 servers going at one time here, plus as many as 4 PC's depending on how busy I am.  My Electricy bill each month:  approx. $15003:09
Dev05eyequeuelive, The problem is that my PC is next to my bed and makes too much noise.03:09
Dev05Rug, Talking about natural resources, not money ;) .03:10
sethkDev05, xp doesn't boot from a cold start that quickly, only from a power save state03:10
nozorroShuvelhasser: sda2 is sacrosanct, it musn't be changed at all03:10
Crippy-BoyTheres plenty you can do to speed up the ubuntu start up :-)03:10
Dev05sethk, Try it on a 7200RPM HD and you'll see (attention, I don't have too much crap on it).03:11
shoeunitedXP takes forever to cold start on my system.03:11
eyequeueliveDev05: been there done that, no solution for noisy fans/drives ... i did learn to accept it as white noise though, but that's just me, not wife :(03:11
ShuvelhasserNoz: ok03:11
sethkDev05, I have tried it, with 15000 rpm.  I know exactly how long it takes03:11
nozorroShuvelhasser: sdb2 can be commented out for now, maybe it doesn't even exist, thus causing problems03:11
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RugTry long cables and the PC in the closet03:11
sethkDev05, the drive rpm doesn't have anything like the impact you are implying.03:11
ShuvelhasserNoz: Well that'd be a damn shame. Now, what's the next step?03:11
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sethk7200 is more or less standard these days anyway03:11
nozorroShuvelhasser: maybe you have just deleted sdb2 from windows?03:12
Dev05sethk, I don't know, mine takes that time.03:12
sethkDev05, no, not from a cold start.  it takes longer than that just to go through the bios startup03:12
ShuvelhasserNoz: I don't remember deleting it.03:12
eyequeuelivesethk: i found the biggest "culprit" in terms of drive noise was brand (always old "discard" drives with my budget)03:12
Crippy-BoyI dont understand why you dont just sort out the ubuntu start up time03:12
ShuvelhasserNoz: Seeing as I havn't deleted anything from the 250 hd (one this is all on) yet03:12
Dev05sethk, Again, it takes five AFTER POST.03:12
sethkeyequeuelive, I think you missed on tab completion03:13
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nozorroShuvelhasser: ok; we're not deleting the sdb2 partition here, just a reference to it ...03:13
sethkDev05, no, it doesn't.  I've timed it in all sorts of hardware03:13
Dev05sethk, An entire cold boot up takes like 15 secs, yes.03:13
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RugDev are you talking about seeing the Windows logo, or 5 seconds to a usable Start-button?03:13
eyequeuelivesethk: re: your drive rpm comment, sorry03:13
sethkDev05, as has been noted, you can configure linux to skip starting things you don't use.03:13
nozorroShuvelhasser: the one thing i wanted you to change is in the line corresponding to sda1, the ntfs part. you're interested in03:13
sethkeyequeuelive, oh, yes, that's true too.  :)03:14
Dev05Rug, From the moment I press Enter in the boot loader OS Selector until a Logon screen, 5 secs.03:14
Crippy-Boysethk: my point exactly.03:14
Dev05sethk, How can I do that?03:14
Crippy-BoyEdit your rc files to not include so much on start up03:14
ShuvelhasserNoz: But if that line is gone, it shouldn't look for it when I click the icon?03:14
=== Rug doesn't care about startup times:
Rugigloo:~# uptime 21:26:41 up 67 days,  1:30,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.0003:14
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Crippy-Boyand/or compile a custom kernel with the stuff you dont need disabled03:14
sethkDev05, I do it by editing files in the /etc/rc* directories.  there may be gui tools for it; I'm not sure.03:15
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nozorroShuvelhasser: which one now?03:15
eyequeuelive update-rc.d (8)      - install and remove System-V style init script links03:15
DarkDread_how i write GRub in the MBR???03:15
ShuvelhasserNoz: The partition that's messing us up.03:15
Dev05sethk, I'm quite new to Linux. Ubuntu is running really smooth and I don't want to trash it ;) .03:15
sethkCrippy-Boy, I did say "as has been noted", not taking credit for the idea.03:15
sethkDev05, don't be afraid.  back up.03:15
RugDev05: trash it!  that is how you learn.03:15
nozorroShuvelhasser: we won't disable it, what we do is to add one option03:15
HomerTRASH IT03:16
sethkDev05, back up the entire /etc tree, then play.  if you screw it up, restore the backup and start again03:16
Crippy-Boysethk: i never said you was :-)03:16
DarkDread_how i write GRub in the MBR???03:16
Jack_SparrowDarkDread_: Did you read what was linked earlier?03:16
sethkCrippy-Boy, :)03:16
ShuvelhasserNoz: ok03:16
Dev05Rug, I've trashed it like three times already and SuSE around four ;)03:16
nozorroShuvelhasser: if that option doesn't help or causes further problems, after the next reboot you go back to your backup of fstab03:16
Renan_s2!info kermit03:16
ubotuPackage kermit does not exist in any distro I know03:16
Renan_s2!info ckermit03:16
ubotuckermit: a serial and network communications package. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 211-6 (dapper), package size 1558 kB, installed size 2952 kB03:16
RugDev05: Great job.  You must be getting smart now03:16
eyequeueliveDev05: /home on a separate partition is your friend, in that case ;-)03:17
DarkDread_Jack_Sparrow wait03:17
ShuvelhasserNoz: So save this, and if it doesn't work, come crawling to you for help?03:17
Renan_s2!info hptalx03:17
ubotuPackage hptalx does not exist in any distro I know03:17
Dev05eyequeuelive, That's how it's set up.03:17
Dev05Rug, Yeah... All that in four months.03:17
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nozorroShuvelhasser: that's how it is unfortunately -- the alternative would be to read and do it yourself -- i'm sorry03:17
=== Dev05 trahes his system to learn and help people on IRC.
ShuvelhasserNoz: I'd rather have someone help, I'd fail at reading.03:18
UKMattHey everyone, I just put on a fresh install of Dapper, then used sudo apt-get dist-upgrade to try to get Edgy, and I don't think it worked, any ideas what to do?03:18
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:18
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nozorroShuvelhasser: but if you go to your backup-file afterwards, you'll have the status quo you have now03:18
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eyequeueliveUKMatt: what are your symptoms?03:19
ShuvelhasserNoz: But it wont be broken, right?03:19
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:19
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Jack_Sparrow!patience > DarkDread_03:19
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines03:19
UKMatteyequeuelive, what do you mean symptoms?  well i'm pretty sure I don't have edgy b/c it looks the same, and i know in edgy Ffx is Bon Echo and mine isn't03:19
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eyequeueliveUKMatt: (it gives me a black screen here, for example)03:20
Jack_SparrowDarkDread_: Please dont play with the bot03:20
nozorroShuvelhasser: there are no absolute guarantees. but lemme explain: the option we add tells the system to make that ntfs partion available at boot-time, that's all03:20
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UKMatteyequeuelive, oh no no, i tried off the CD and it wouldnt work, so I put dapper, i mean everythings running perfect i just think this is dapper not edgy03:20
nozorroShuvelhasser: it's what you have done already, only automatically03:20
ShuvelhasserNoz: ok03:20
UKMatteyequeuelive, i just mean i don't think the dist-upgrade worked03:20
eyequeueliveUKMatt: okay, let's try this:  "dpkg -l xserver-xorg"  paste the *single* line that looks similar to this:  ii  xserver-xorg   7.0.22ubuntu7  the X.Org X server03:21
nozorroShuvelhasser: now in the line corresponding to /dev/sda1 you can see a series of options, reading: 'ro,user,fmask=0111,dmask=0000' ...03:21
Crippy-Boy'twas quite strange earlier, I tried the edgy live cd, and it halted half way through start up and just gave a blinking cursor.03:21
eyequeueliveUKMatt: or just tell me the version number03:22
UKMatteyequeuelive, how do i check my vers number03:22
eyequeueliveCrippy-Boy: EXACTLY :(03:22
ShuvelhasserNoz: yeah03:22
eyequeueliveUKMatt: it's in the line i pasted03:22
Crippy-BoyAhh well, its beta, I wanted to see whats going on with it, but i can wait.03:22
UKMatteyequeuelive, oh 1 sec03:22
eyequeueliveCrippy-Boy: i can tell you my workaround, but i can't explain it, so you might not want to try it03:22
Crippy-BoyI dont really wanna try updating my install if the live cd halts half way through bootup.03:23
Crippy-Boyeyequeuelive: well roughly?03:23
nozorroShuvelhasser: we add the 'auto' option, so that it read: 'ro,auto,user ...' make sure there's no whitespace, don't forget a comma after the new option03:23
eyequeueliveCrippy-Boy: wait a minute while it's nlack, then press alt-f3 (not f1 or f2) and then press alt-f103:23
eyequeueliveCrippy-Boy: bizarre, but it worked03:24
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ShuvelhasserNoz: ok, so it now reads "...sdb2 ntfs ro,auto,user,fma..."?03:24
Crippy-Boyi shall try that soon.03:24
eyequeueliveCrippy-Boy: (i'm here using the live dvd with that method)03:24
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Crippy-Boyill try in about 5 mins, don't really wanna reboot yet.03:25
nozorroShuvelhasser: fine, now before saving the file, paste it to pastebin again, we don't want to have any errors there ... avoiding stray characters on anything03:25
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UKMatteyequeuelive, waiting for pastebin... its really slow but it came up "half installed"03:25
eyequeueliveUKMatt: ii  xserver-xorg   7.0.22ubuntu7  the X.Org X server  <--- in that, it's "7.0.22ubuntu7"03:25
hockyhairtotally off topic but im sure someone here knows, how do you force windows xp drivers to be used in vista?03:25
eyequeueliveUKMatt: i just need the one line, or the version out of it03:25
hockyhairlink me if need be, ive been searching for 30 min03:25
dannylapthow do you unzip a file using the CLI?03:26
UKMatt7.0.0-0ubuntu4 the X.Org X serv =, eyequeuelive03:26
eyequeuelivedannylapt: unzip foo.zip03:26
fishyAre there any "widget" applications like gDesklets? I've found that gDesklets has a limited selection of applets and the ones that exist don't look that great.03:26
DarkDread_Jack_Sparrow have 1 system with lilo need settings the grub in the that make??03:26
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nozorroShuvelhasser: wait ....03:26
dannylaptThank you03:26
eyequeuelive!info xserver-xorg dapper03:26
ubotuxserver-xorg: the X.Org X server. In component main, is optional. Version 7.0.0-0ubuntu45 (dapper), package size 98 kB, installed size 344 kB03:26
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eyequeuelive!info xserver-xorg edgy03:26
ubotuxserver-xorg: the X.Org X server. In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.0.22ubuntu7 (edgy), package size 164 kB, installed size 584 kB03:26
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Crippy-Boyok. alt f3, alt f1 you say, See ya in a min :-)03:27
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dannylapteyequeuelive: when i tried to unzip using "unzip filename.zip" i got an command not found error03:27
eyequeueliveUKMatt: looks like you're on dapper still, need/want help with the edgy change?03:27
UKMatteyequeuelive, i don't know where it went wrong, i dist-upgraded, told me i needed a restart so i did, and then it was like i never ran that03:27
Jack_SparrowDarkDread_: I do not understand your question.. but there is the super grub repair cd found here .. http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/SuperGrubDiskPage.html03:27
American-TechHi I running xgl and I was wondering is there a GUI interface to change settings?03:27
eyequeuelivedannylapt: sudo apt-get install unzip03:27
UKMatteyequeuelive, yeah that's what i'm shooting for, i wanna get up to edgy, i have everything backed up here, figured i'd be fun to poke around, nothing to lose03:28
Dev05American-Tech, Are you using CGWD?03:28
eyequeuelive!info unzip03:28
ubotuunzip: De-archiver for .zip files. In component main, is optional. Version 5.52-6ubuntu4 (dapper), package size 143 kB, installed size 332 kB03:28
American-TechNo what is CGWD03:28
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DarkDread_Jack_Sparrow I understand little english sorry03:28
nozorroShuvelhasser: sorry, you added the 'auto' option to sdb2 not sda1 which is what we're interested in. and sdb2 is commented out anyway!03:28
Dev05!tell American-Tech about CGWD03:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about CGWD - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:28
Dev05!tell American-Tech about cgwd03:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cgwd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:28
Naik0Is it an plugin that i can minimize xchat?03:28
eyequeueliveUKMatt: glad to hear you're prepared for disaster :)  first, /etc/apt/sources.list, did you change all "dapper" to "edgy"?03:29
Dev05American-Tech, Google cgwd03:29
fishyAre the alternative "widget" applications to gDesklets?03:29
Jack_SparrowDarkDread_: no problem download that cd and it should install grub for you.. What is your native language.?03:29
ShuvelhasserNoz: haha, I was wondering why I was putting that there03:29
nozorroShuvelhasser: watch out03:29
=== prxq [n=prxq@C5c66.c.strato-dslnet.de] has joined #ubuntu
DarkDread_Jack_Sparrow portuguese03:30
UKMatteyequeuelive, k just did03:30
UKMatteyequeuelive, backed up too in case03:30
ShuvelhasserNoz: So it's added to sda1 exactly as it was to adb2.03:30
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hockyhaireyequeuelive: sup03:30
eyequeueliveUKMatt: next, sudo apt-get update, to have it source those changes you just made03:30
eyequeuelivehockyhair: hey03:30
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.03:30
=== __mikem [n=michael@201-106.124-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
hockyhaireyequeuelive: do you remember how to force a driver to be used in mscrap03:31
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hiro_pheya peoples, I'm frustrated. I can't get my ipw2200 card to connect to a wep encrypted ap. the card is up and running, I can connect to a unencrypted ap. can anybody help me?03:31
UKMatteyequeuelive, k done that03:31
Jack_SparrowDoes anyone know the abbreviation for protugese for the bot03:31
hockyhairstupidest thing is ive done it before i just forget how03:31
dannylaptDoes anyone know where the ubuntu source code directory is in ubuntu server?03:31
nozorroShuvelhasser: ok delete the option from sdb2 to keep the file clean (i.e. you won't remember that detail weeks later), then send to pastebin again03:31
eyequeueliveUKMatt: next, sudo apt-get -d dist-upgrade, and let it run all night (-d is download-only)03:31
eyequeuelivehockyhair: never used ms, sorry03:31
baconbaconhiro_p: areyou using the graphical network management03:31
ShuvelhasserNoz: done03:31
UKMatteyequeuelive, wait real quick question, i was gonna run automatix to take care of all the little things, will that run in Edgy or do i have to execute that before i upgrade03:32
eyequeueliveUKMatt: then tomorrow, when you can watch it, leave out the -d :)03:32
American-TechCan cgwd work in ubuntu?03:32
nozorroShuvelhasser: pls. send to pastebin; i'll check it again03:32
ubotuAutomatix is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. For help with and discussion of automatix please join #automatix.03:32
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hiro_pbaconbacon: knetworkmanager, wirelessassistant and console with iwconfig03:32
eyequeueliveUKMatt: ask there, i guess, but i'd be careful about it03:32
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hiro_pnothing worked03:32
Jack_SparrowUKMatt: Please do not use #Automatix03:32
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nozorroShuvelhasser: wait ...03:33
UKMattjack_sparrow, why i have before, it worked fine for me03:33
eyequeueliveJack_Sparrow: the channel is bad?  or the tool?03:33
Jack_SparrowThe tool is depreciated here03:33
UKMatteyequeuelive, alright well i'll worry about that later, what do I have to get to finish this upgrade03:33
hiro_pbaconbacon: but i can connect to an unencrypted network, so the wlan card works03:33
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dannylaptDoes anyone know where the ubuntu source code directory is in ubuntu server?03:33
Jack_SparrowWe see broken systems here every day of the week03:33
baconbaconUKMatt: you will get less support (or none) here if you use automatix03:33
DarkDread_e tool is depreciated here03:33
DarkDread_<UKMatt> eyequeuelive, alright well i'll worry about that later, what do I have to get to finish this upgradeD:\mIRC\addon1.mrc03:33
keeloi used automatix and now my dvds play =/03:34
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ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.03:34
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eyequeueliveUKMatt: remember my recommendation for that -d?  that's because you'll be d/l a ton of packages ... the d/l can run unttended while you sleep :)03:34
Dev05Nice answer from the bot...03:34
nozorroShuvelhasser: looks ok to me ...03:35
eyequeueliveUKMatt: then when you have time, you omit the -d and supervise the dist-upgrade itself :)03:35
UKMatteyequeuelive, well i'm gonna watch a show in 25 so i was gonna run it now, what do you mean leave out the d03:35
baconbacondannylapt: source code for ubuntu packages : http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool03:35
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dannylaptthank you03:35
keeloeyequeuelive: how big of a download is that?03:35
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baconbaconyou d/l the .tar.gz and the diffs03:35
eyequeueliveUKMatt: sudo apt-get -d dist-upgrade (and walk away)03:35
eyequeueliveUKMatt: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade (and watch03:36
ShuvelhasserNoz: So I should try a restart and see what happens?03:36
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techII/etc/networking is not bringing up eth0 on one of my machines, but ifup eth0 does03:36
UKMatteyequeuelive, oh ok so I have to run "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" and watch it to get edgy, and then after restart i'm cool?03:36
eyequeuelivekeelo: depends how many packages you have installed, you know?  "most" of them though03:36
baconbacondannylapt: a shortcut is to use apt-get source yourpackage03:36
Orfeonubotu , nvidia > me03:36
nozorroShuvelhasser: now before you save and reboot, i'll talk a bit like a preacher to you if you dont mind :-) just to make sure we're on the safe side. just let me talk and listen before saving, then you can reconsider ....03:36
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eyequeueliveUKMatt: then you're on edgy, as for cool, no odea how broken it may be :)  btw, #ubuntu+1 afterward :)03:37
ShuvelhasserNoz: Ya I know break the world w/e there's worse that could happen.03:37
techIIalso running the networking initscript brings the interface down (if i brought it up with ifup)03:37
dannylaptI am trying to install drivers for my raid card and the instructions are asking me to go to 1. Go to the kernel source code's directory, (for example, "/usr/src/linux-03:37
dannylapt     2.4.20").03:37
nozorroShuvelhasser: this is just a simple text file, you could save it to another file name and ask another guy if there's anything wrong with it ... you don't have to rush ...03:37
UKMatteyequeuelive, haha yeah, i've heard some bugs but i'm excited about some of the upgrades, so we'll see... k i'm gonna run it, ty man03:37
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eyequeuelivetechII: okay, you want eth0 up automatically at boot?03:38
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baconbacondannylapt: there is a package specially for kernel source03:38
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dannylaptI went to /usr/src but I didn't find the kernal folders03:38
nozorroShuvelhasser: this change in the file highly unlike to break your whole ubuntu system ...03:38
Jack_Sparrowdannylapt: what instructions are you following?03:38
techIIeyequeruelive: yes03:38
ShuvelhasserNoz: ok, couldn't I just put up the pastethinger and ask if there's anything wrong with it?03:38
nozorroShuvelhasser: remember you can always go back to the backup ...03:38
Jack_Sparrow!raid > dannylapt03:38
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techIIthe interface comes up when its setup to use dhcp03:38
dannylaptjack_sparrow: it is a text file that was with my drivers03:38
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techIIbut not when its set to a static address03:39
nozorroShuvelhasser: and yes you could use pastebin to ask other people before commiting to it ...03:39
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eyequeuelivetechII: sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces, see the eth0 line?  add a line "auto eth0" just above it, save, and at your next reboot it should work03:39
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ShuvelhasserHey, does anyone see anything wrong with this coding? Nothing that's gonna cause ridiculous errors.03:39
baconbacondannylapt: wait, nevermind, the package is only the headers03:39
nozorroShuvelhasser: there could be error messages once when you shut down and even when you reboot ...03:39
techIIeyequeuelive: thanks03:40
=== badbad [n=kyle@ppp-69-214-15-217.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
nozorroShuvelhasser: but you don't have to worry about them ...03:40
eyequeuelivetechII: no prob03:40
ShuvelhasserNoz: If all else fails, I'll shut off the 250 and switch over to windows to try and fix it.03:40
Crippy-Boysudo apt-get install kernel-package for the kernel i think03:40
nozorroShuvelhasser: the worst that could happen is that your ntfs part. is as inaccessible as before ...03:40
ShuvelhasserNoz: oh noes03:40
nozorroShuvelhasser: but now comes one important thing:03:41
eyequeueliveer, no Crippy-Boy03:41
eyequeuelive!info kernel-package03:41
ubotukernel-package: A utility for building Linux kernel related Debian packages.. In component main, is optional. Version 9.001ubuntu15 (dapper), package size 353 kB, installed size 1316 kB03:41
Crippy-Boysorry no03:41
Crippy-BoyI just realised03:41
Crippy-Boysorry :-)03:41
nozorroShuvelhasser: the change that we've made is trivial ... but have you also installed lot's of non-standard software since your last reboot? fiddled with other system configs?03:42
eyequeuelivedannylapt: sudo apt-get install linux-source-2.6.15, if you want source ... puts a tarball under /usr/src you can unpack in $HOME03:42
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nozorroShuvelhasser: it *could* then happen that ...03:42
ShuvelhasserNoz: Not really, no.03:42
eyequeuelivedannylapt: sudo apt-get install kernel-package build-essential, if you want to build one after that :)03:42
bluefusionxlhi, how do I install mod_ssl onto apache2?  lol it says its for 1.3 :/03:42
nozorroShuvelhasser: you have boot problems because of *other* things. so don't be confused: our change is extremely unlike to break the sys ...03:43
eyequeueliveCrippy-Boy: i do recommend that package highly for a number of reasons though, heh03:43
Naik0how do i change owner of a file to root instead of me?03:43
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ShuvelhasserNoz: The only thing I've had constantly wrong is the computer not finding my 250, which is solved by just hitting f2, so that's not really aproblem03:44
B_166-ER-Xhow can i change my main password (admin) in ubuntu ?? i keep searching but i dont find where03:44
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eyequeueliveNaik0: sudo chown root filemnamehere03:44
nozorroShuvelhasser: ok, the rest is your decision, i.e. to save the file and reboot, and see how it behaves ... and actually from now on there's not much more i could do for you. -- OK?03:44
Crippy-Boyeyequeuelive: lol, yeah, I just got a bit confused when it was mentioned, I knew there was a source package (was using it the other day) but i forgot the name and ofcourse kernel-package sprung to mind ;-)03:44
ubotuForgot your password? Boot into recovery mode. What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords03:44
baconbaconbluefusionxl: apache2 includes ssl03:44
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baconbacon!package apache2-common03:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about package apache2-common - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:45
ShuvelhasserNoz: OK. =] 03:45
baconbaconhmm how does it work03:45
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eyequeueliveB_166-ER-X: "admin"?  you mean your user password?  "passwd"03:45
B_166-ER-Xeyequeuelive,  yes03:45
ShuvelhasserWISH ME LUCK. If I'm not back in 10 minutes, call the policeee03:45
nozorroShuvelhasser: i'll be back in 5 minutes or so, when you log back in, tell me how it went.03:45
Naik0eyequeuelive, filegroup then?03:45
baconbaconbluefusionxl: from apache2-common description : This package contains all the standard apache2 modules, including SSL support.03:45
eyequeueliveB_166-ER-X:  "passwd" in a terminal, and follow the prompts03:45
Naik0owner group i ment03:45
eyequeueliveNaik0: sudo chgrp root filemnamehere03:45
GrackleUbuntu gives certain status messages regarding laptop status, notably AC power connection/disconnection and battery charge completion... The notification bubbles/boxes look just like the ones that appear next to the update notification bar button, but these ones appear in the lower right corner, and sometimes go offscreen Is there any way to change where they appear?03:45
Naik0thanks again03:46
B_166-ER-Xi was sure it was simple...nut when you dont know..03:46
eyequeueliveNaik0: np03:46
B_166-ER-X he :) thx03:46
redbladesHow do I check what harddrives are being used, and how much space is on them.03:46
nozorroShuvelhasser: nope, police doesn't work. this is a community ... and all help is free, remember that03:46
eyequeueliveB_166-ER-X:  lol, true :)03:46
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eyequeueliveredblades: df03:46
Grackledf -h for human readable format, where 1kB = 1024B03:46
badbadhi. can any one help me with a resolution problem?03:47
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Crippy-Boybtw eyequeuelive, that worked for booting edgy :-)03:47
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eyequeueliveCrippy-Boy: now ... can you tell me WHY???  it annoys me that a blicd guess works, when nothing else will, but i don't understand it :)03:47
bluefusionxlhow do i add apache2 to boot03:48
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eyequeueliveCrippy-Boy: glad it did though, proves i'm not insane :)  btw, yours was a knor2 *CD*?  not a dvd?03:48
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Crippy-Boyeyequeuelive: i have no idea, I assumed it was something to do with compatibility with my hardware (im using a laptop) when it halted.03:48
Crippy-BoyYeup, it was the cd03:48
kethinovthe gnome volume control adjusts the wrong track. how do i make it use the correct track?03:49
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Crippy-BoyDownload a dvd? im too cheap :-)03:49
badbadcrippy: torrent it03:49
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eyequeueliveCrippy-Boy: laptop here too, edgy-dvd-i386.iso, and i use a dvd+rw, i'm cheap too, lol03:50
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Crippy-BoyWhat's torrents got to do with the fact that cd-rs are cheaper?03:50
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badbadi wont talk anymore sry03:50
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jbmigelcd-rw's are cheaper... they work like infinity times03:50
Crippy-Boy[i had no blanks and too cheap to buy dvd's03:50
=== Shuvelhasser [n=tehjoshe@adsl-214-105-236.gnv.bellsouth.net] has joined #Ubuntu
nozorroShuvelhasser: ???03:51
zorglu_testing konverstatoin setting, can somebody say 'zorglu_'03:51
Shuvelhasserit woooorked03:51
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Crippy-Boybadbad: i didnt mean to sound like an asshole there, Sorry if i did :-)03:51
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Shuvelhasserthe drives were placed on my desktop, and fully accessable03:51
badbadtno problem03:51
eyequeueliveCrippy-Boy: i wasn't sure if you meant media or bandwidth myself, badbad probably assumed the latter03:51
nozorroShuvelhasser: fine03:51
ShuvelhasserI love you nozorro03:51
nozorroShuvelhasser: ok, i can live with that :-)03:52
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nozorroShuvelhasser: one important thing:03:52
BastupungenHello! it seams i cannot format my raided (clones) sata disk. When i try to use parted or fdisk i get, roughly translated, Unknown Allocationformat. Anyone know why?03:52
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Crippy-Boyeyequeuelive: fair enough. My fault i tend to assume [wrongly]  that bandwidth is cheap everywhere as it is here03:52
eyequeueliveif it's a bandwidth issue, btw, once you d/l the iso the first time, the rsync protocol can be used to just d/l the changes ... very nice (badbad)03:52
Jack_Sparrow!raid > Bastupungen:03:53
eyequeueliveCrippy-Boy: unlimited here, heh03:53
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ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO03:53
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nozorroShuvelhasser: on linux, right now, the ntfs driver only provides read capacity, there's no way to write to such a partition whatever you do, however ...03:53
kethinovdoes anyone know how to make the GNOME volume up/down hotkeys control a different audio track?03:53
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atoponceanyone know how to install weechat 0.2.0?03:53
ShuvelhasserNoz: oh I know. It'll like kill everything.03:53
rancorushello, I am using ubuntu and installed kubuntu to see if I would like it but now i am stuck with all the KDE apps in Gnome and I want to remove them, is there any way i can do that ?03:54
nozorroShuvelhasser: they say this will change not to far into the future ...03:54
eyequeuelive!info weechat03:54
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ubotuweechat: Fast, light and extensible IRC client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.7-1 (dapper), package size 0 kB, installed size 20 kB03:54
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ShuvelhasserNoz: woo! awesome03:54
eyequeuelive!info weechat edgy03:54
atoponceyup. i want 0.2.003:54
ubotuweechat: Fast, light and extensible IRC client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.9-1 (edgy), package size 13 kB, installed size 64 kB03:54
jazzrockernozorro, if you compile your kernel by hand you can include NTFS write support03:54
clearzenI have a strange problem. When I restart my computer my DNS server fields are erased. How can I stop this from happening?03:54
jazzrockerit's still labeled as "EXPERIMENTAL" i think03:54
badbadif no one is too busy, i have a resolution issue. i am a noob with linux (just installed it and i love it), and my resolution is huge!! i tried 915resolution, but i cant get it to work. i cant even install it! :(03:54
nozorroShuvelhasser: so just look out what the release note of future ubuntu version have to say about this topic03:54
Crippy-Boy<3 bitcx03:54
atoponceit's stable03:54
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Shuvelhasserbut now that that it up03:54
Crippy-Boybitchx even03:55
Shuvelhasserhow do I configure wine?03:55
=== atoponce prefers irssi, but is willing to try weechat
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Shuvelhasserlike, use it basically03:55
=== jazzrocker votes for XChat
irawanrancorus: you can remove the kde03:55
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eyequeueliveatoponce: apt-get -b source weechat can only get you 0.1.9 (petition edgy devs to go to 2?)03:55
nozorroShuvelhasser: wine is not my thing ...03:55
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ShuvelhasserNoz: You can take a break, I wont make you work any more xD03:55
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rancorusirawan: how do i do it ?03:55
ShuvelhasserNoz: Thank you so much though :D03:55
atoponceeyequeuelive: well, i guess that is better than 0.1.7...03:55
atoponcebut still has bugs03:55
clearzen I have a strange problem. When I restart my computer my DNS server fields are erased. How can I stop this from happening?03:56
atoponceany idea how to get around:03:56
atoponceweechat-curses: error while loading shared libraries: libgnutls.so.13: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory03:56
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nozorroShuvelhasser: and you should as well, don't solve all your problems in one day :-)03:56
jazzrockerclearzen, that used to happen to me03:56
BastupungenJack_Sparrow: Thanks earlyer. It was /dev/sdc. Though i do not understand why LVM solve my problem, now.03:56
BigToe!info unrar03:56
eyequeueliveatoponce: apt-get -b source weechat, after adding edgy deb-src lines (NOT deb lines) to sources.list03:56
ubotuunrar: Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:3.5.4-0.1 (dapper), package size 84 kB, installed size 216 kB03:56
jazzrockerclearzen, try going into System -> Administration -> Networking and setting the DNS servers by hand03:56
jazzrockerclearzen, i just use static IP and don't even both with DHCP03:56
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ShuvelhasserNoz: I gota a whole night ahead of me and fixing that made me happy.03:56
eyequeueliveatoponce: then sudo dpkg -i weechat*.deb03:56
clearzenI do everytime I reboot. It is annoying03:56
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clearzenIt didn't used to happen either03:57
jazzrockerclearzen, so set a static IP and that way DHCP won't touch resolv.conf03:57
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clearzenIt is a static IP03:57
jazzrockerclearzen, oh... well my then that is retarded03:57
nozorroShuvelhasser: yeah go ahead -- but also enjoy what you have right now ...-03:57
atoponcebut i have the 0.2.0 deb, and it installs fine, just won't run...03:57
jazzrockerclearzen, submit a bug report03:57
Roh81Does anyone here happen to use azureus?03:57
eyequeueliveatoponce: apt-get -b source weechat will boiuld with the libes on your box, so no error there03:57
clearzenI know ><03:57
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jazzrockerRoh81, ktorrent > azureus03:57
wachuneiHelp i'm on a live cd now, when i boot i get "error 15" in grub, i made a partition changes before with gparted live cd, can you help me please???03:57
ShuvelhasserNoz: I know, first thing I did was listed to a song xD03:57
Roh81jazzrocker I dont agree.03:57
flaco2hi... how can I activate a modules in the kernel... in the config file is set =m03:58
Roh81Well not when it works properly...03:58
bond_what dvd player do you guys recommend?03:58
jazzrockerRoh81, given that azureus freezes my network and ktorrent doesn't... well i dunno... my vote goes for ktorrent03:58
eyequeueliveflaco2: add it to /etc/modules, and reboot03:58
jazzrockerbond_, kaffeine has been good for me03:58
ShuvelhasserI just don't really like that it's java based03:58
Roh81hasnt frozen my network yet... but the damn warning wont go away.03:58
Shuvelhasserand java scares me03:58
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Crippy-BoyMan the screen reader voice in orca is pitiful03:58
eyequeueliveflaco2: modprobe it, without the reboot03:58
jazzrockerbond_, i use the xine based ones03:58
clearzenis there a field in etc/network/interfaces I could edit by hand to make it stick?03:58
HeathenDanwine+utorrent for me03:58
benderUjazzrocker: i just use the bittorrent prog that comes with linux03:58
jazzrockerbond_, and VLC is good03:58
benderUit works just fine for me03:58
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eyequeueliveflaco2: your choice03:58
nozorroShuvelhasser: what is java based?03:58
bond_cool thanks03:59
wachuneiwho can help me whith an "Error 15" in grub???03:59
jazzrockerbenderU, yeah i used to but managing downloads with screen is not my cup of tea, nor is setting command line options for each file03:59
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ShuvelhasserNoz: Azureus03:59
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jazzrockerbenderU, btdownloadcurses works fine but it's not a manager03:59
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flaco2ok... but... is a DRI modules.. i have to restart the X to see if this work?03:59
nozorroShuvelhasser: don't know it03:59
Shadowlinewachunei: I know this won't help but did you check the man file for grub, it should list the error messages03:59
nozorroShuvelhasser: what is it?04:00
flaco2and how I un-load a module?04:00
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ShuvelhasserNoz: A torrent program like bittorrent or utorrent04:00
wachuneiShadowline: where is it?04:00
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Shadowlinewachunei: open a terminal, the one on your livecd will work.... type man grub04:01
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mordofi updated my kernel, now it finds my dual core, but now my wireless doesn't work04:01
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Roh81But then I dont guess anyone can help with my azureus problem then?04:01
nozorroShuvelhasser: just enjoy the music, relax; see you another day04:01
ShuvelhasserNoz: I think I will, thank you again =] 04:02
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nozorroShuvelhasser: welcome04:02
Crippy-BoyRoh81: whats the problem with azureus?04:02
Roh81Damn warning window wont go away04:02
Crippy-BoyYeah i had that04:02
Roh81fillin up like a tenth of my screan04:03
HeathenDanturn off azureus and restart it04:03
Crippy-BoyYou have to get the latest azureus.jar from the azureus site and replace yours.04:03
Roh81it stays04:03
Roh81How? I think i downloaded it. just dont know how to use it04:03
Crippy-BoyHold on.04:03
R0cK3Thi all04:03
Roh81Would have to find it too. x_x04:03
R0cK3Thaving some troubles installing q304:04
=== bannedbruenig [n=bruenig@adsl-69-155-90-145.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
HeathenDanare you killing azureus or just minimizing it to notification tray? if you didn't tweak your settings, clicking the [x]  icon will minimize it04:04
R0cK3TThis installation doesn't support glibc-2.0 on Linux / unknown04:04
R0cK3T(tried to run setup)04:04
Roh81May be minimizing. But updating seems like the best idea if crip can help me out.04:04
bannedbruenigthe latest azureus fixes the never closing warning screen. Just download the .jar, rename it to Azureus2.jar and replace the file of the same name in the azureus directory04:05
Roh81That so?04:05
R0cK3Twhen i run <<sh linuxq3apoint-1.32b-3.x86.run>>04:05
Roh81Let me see if i cant find that04:05
Crippy-Boy@ Roh8104:05
=== PiTT [n=PiTT@cpe-66-75-69-241.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
bannedbruenigRoh81, here is the link http://torrents.aelitis.com:88/files/Azureus2501-B5.jar04:06
bannedbruenigRoh81, just download that rename it Azureus2.jar and replace the file of the same name04:06
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fiveironany idea why root would be getting a permission denied error trying to execute ./configure ?04:06
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fiveironi'm getting this:04:06
fiveironbash: ./configure: /bin/sh: bad interpreter: Permission denied04:07
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tizwonderfiveiron: user-mounted system?04:07
badbadok i want to make this desktop a server at which i can access files remotely. any suggestions?04:08
jbroomessh, vnc04:08
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fiveirontizwonder, ah yes...04:08
tizwonderfiveiron: usually thatmeans  you are compiling your package in a partition which does not allow the execution ofcode04:08
fiveironwhat needs to be added to the fstab?04:08
badbadthanks ill try ssh04:08
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phiber_opticWHERE is the defaults in kde?04:08
Roh81feel stupid as hell but i cant find that jar04:08
tizwonderunmount it, and remount it with proper options, or move the package to another partition that has exec rights04:09
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bannedbruenigRoh81, how did you install azureus, via apt? or from their website?04:09
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bannedbruenigRoh81, I haven't done it that way but my guess is that it is in /usr/lib/azureus or something like that04:10
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Roh81thanks ill check04:10
tizwonderfiveiron: i had the problem awhile ago and changed my line in fstab to this, and all works now - /dev/hda2 /home ext3 defaults 1 204:10
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gusto5hi. ive got updated nvidia drivers, but now the command line wont show from ctrl-alt-f1. how do i fix this?04:11
Roh81hrm no dice04:11
Crippy-BoyRoh81: it should be in /usr/share/java/04:11
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phiber_opticWHERE is the defaults.list in kde?04:11
badbadim gettin ssh now,but after its done how do i set it up?04:12
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Roh81The origianl is there. I need to find where they put the download04:12
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bannedbruenigphiber-optic, try "locate defaults.list" in konsole04:12
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patientfoxhey quick question: whats the key combo to take a screenshot?04:13
tizwonderphiber-optic:  mm  /usr/share/applications/defaults.list?04:13
Crippy-BoyRoh81: which download?04:13
rugbythomaswhat do u use to open a binary file like java install04:13
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Roh81When i first installed it automaticly downloaded a new jar. I figured it was an update but I didnt know hot to use it.04:14
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Roh81I removed the torent without thinking about where they had placed the actual jaw.04:14
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bannedbruenigRoh81, what are you talking about the original, if there is a file in there called azureus2.jar, just replace it with the one in the link I gave you after you rename it of course, It doesn't matter where it put the old one or what not04:15
mkquist_printscreen does the screenshot for me04:15
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meal3837ubuntu comes with gcc, right?04:15
Roh81okay boss.04:16
tizwondermeal3837: you install it :P04:16
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Crippy-Boymeal3837: sudo apt-get install build-essential04:16
meal3837i thought i saw it in /usr/lib04:16
jcapoteanyone know of a good gui mysql client? besides the official one and phpmyadmin04:16
tizwondermeal3837: sudo apt-get install built-essential04:16
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tizwonderjcapote: nerocode?04:17
tizwonderbut, win :D lol04:17
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jcapoteoh well for ubuntu duh lol04:17
Elimtizwonder: I'm fairly certain it's build-essential, not built-essential.04:18
arthompswhat kernel would u use for an amd 64 x2 3800 on a 939 board?04:18
dannylaptWhere is the kernel source code directory in ubuntu?04:19
rugbythomasdpkg: requested operation requires superuser privilege04:19
rugbythomashow do i get superuser privitege04:19
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Roh81Well Im almost dont that But I dont seem to have permission to replace or rename the original.... x_x04:19
rugbythomasis sudo for me04:20
Crippy-BoyRoh81: use sudo04:20
HeathenDanyes rugbythomas04:20
Roh81I dont know terminal very well yet crip04:20
Roh81What would be the command to delete it?04:20
coreymon77hey guys04:20
meal3837build-essential wouldn't install because of unmet dependencies04:20
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coreymon77anyone knows about ntfs here04:21
Crippy-Boysudo cp /path/to/new/jar /usr/share/java/Azureus2.jar04:21
theBishophow can i disable the corner notifications in Azureus?04:21
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HeathenDanwe got another one04:21
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theBishopi don't need to "solve" the problem, i just want to disable them completely04:21
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HeathenDani think there's an option to disable popup notifications in azu04:22
HeathenDanbut i dunno, havent used it in awhile04:22
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BigToehow do I find out what application is hogging my sound card?04:23
BigToeI can't use alsa or oss in amarok or vlc - another app is using it but I don't know which04:24
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HeathenDansneaky audio apps04:24
rugbythomasi just did sudo "apt-get install java-package fakeroot make-jpkg jre-1_5_0_05-linux-i586.bin dpkg -i sun-j2re1.5_1.5.0+update05_i386.deb"  to try get a web site to work better.  Now the site will not work at all.  How do I undo a java install04:24
Roh81Crippy-Boy: Thanks man I think its done.04:24
Crippy-BoyRoh81: no worries dude, hope its worked :-)04:25
rugbythomas HeathenDan: purge for me04:25
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rugbythomasjust the word purge04:25
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HeathenDansudo apt-get purge <package>04:26
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gusto5anyone know about how installing the new nvidia drivers can make command line not show up?04:27
cmpalmerhas anybody in here used debootstrap to install ubuntu?04:27
cmpalmerif so, what do I use instead of base-config once that's done?04:27
cmpalmerbecause base-config doesn't appear to be available04:28
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dannylaptWhere is the kernel source code directory in ubuntu?04:28
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micromoogI've got an interesting network problem, if anyone wants to help: I can both ping and http into a remote machine on the wlan, but ftp gives "No route to host"04:28
Crippy-Boydannylapt: you have to download the package.04:28
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micromoogssh works too04:29
Crippy-BoyRoh81: whats up?04:29
rugbythomaswhat part of  "apt-get install java-package fakeroot make-jpkg jre-1_5_0_05-linux-i586.bin dpkg -i sun-j2re1.5_1.5.0+update05_i386.deb" is the package04:29
BigToehow do I find out what's using my soundcard?04:29
R0cK3Tcan anyone tell me how to extract a .run ???!!04:29
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Roh81Its trying to update its pluggins but is getting an access denied...04:29
morodockmicromoog - sounds like a firewall problem04:29
Crippy-Boyhmm, Kill it then in terminal use sudo azureus, let it update then you should be able to run normally.04:30
cmpalmerdannylapt: /usr/src04:30
Naik0haha no something weird happend with my gdesklets04:30
Crippy-Boybut thats strange, never happened to me04:30
micromoogwell, I can ftp to other computers without issue (?)04:30
HeathenDanbeats me, try the name of whatever it is you were trying to install04:30
Naik0its a panel that follows my mouse04:30
micromoogit's very strange04:30
Roh81Its running. But I want the update04:30
dannylaptcrippy-boy : I am folliwing instructions to install my raid card drivers and it is asking me to go to my kernel source code directory and run "make mrproper" then make menuconfig" but it need to find the right folder to run the make commands.04:30
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cmpalmerdannylapt: sudo apt-get install linux-source04:30
Naik0cant click on anything...04:30
Roh81Oh well. Its working more like im used to anyways04:31
R0cK3TThis installation doesn't support glibc-2.0 on Linux / unknown04:31
dannylaptcmpalmer: invalid operation error =/04:31
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Naik0i turned the gdesklets off in the terminal04:31
Naik0but when i start it again it opens04:31
cmpalmerdannylapt: ?? for "sudo apt-get..." ?04:31
dannylaptcmpalmer: "invalid operation linux-source" =/04:32
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cmpalmerdannylapt: did you leave out the word "install" ?04:32
Crippy-Boysudo apt-get install linux-source-2.6.1704:32
dannylaptyes =/04:32
dannylaptthank you, sorry im new to linux04:32
Crippy-Boyhehe, i do it all the time without thinking, dont worry :-)04:33
Homerdoes ubuntu 6.06 include xgl?04:33
cmpalmerdannylapt: you might try lying to it and just using the kernel headers04:33
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FliesLikeABrickcan anyone tell me where to find information about dapper-proposed?  I can't find the wiki page that is referred to in the community e-mail.  I found a bug upgrading to the OOo packages.04:33
cmpalmerdannylapt: sudo apt-get install linux-headers04:33
SanityInAnarchycan Ubuntu be set up in a chroot?  Not a 32-bit chroot, but a chroot under another Linux?04:33
cmpalmersee if it takes it04:33
dannylaptcrippy-boy: "couldn't find apckage linux-source-2.6.1704:33
cmpalmerSanityInAnarchy: debootstrap will do that04:34
dannylaptcmpalmer: I tried using the headers but it didn't work(granted it might be possible, but i dont know how)04:34
FliesLikeABrickdannylapt you're probably not going to find that source in the dapper repos.  try the edgy repos04:34
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R0cK3Tcan anyone help me out with quake 3 installation? amd 6404:35
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dannylaptflieslikeabrick: I do now know how to access the adgy repo's?04:35
dannylaptnot* know04:35
Bpaq111hello all, i'm having an issue installing java plugin for mozilla under dapper, i'm sure ic an't be the only one ;), but ic an't seem to find any resoruces on google that can help. The make-jpkg doesn't work, apt-get install java-package fails w/ invalid package, apt-get make-jpkg fails w/ a pointer to non-existant package error. i haev multiverse, universe and restricted in my sources.list. Any sugegstions on where to look for help?04:35
Crippy-Boytry just sudo apt-get install linux-source04:36
Naik0Gaah i got multitail on my gdesklets04:36
Naik0cant turn it off04:36
FliesLikeABrickR0cK3T http://www.google.com/search?hs=Xu3&hl=en&lr=&safe=off&client=firefox&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aunofficial&q=quake+3+linux+howto&btnG=Search04:36
Crippy-BoyDidnt realise it wasnt in the dapper repo's but linux-source is04:36
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BigToeugh, I'm dumb. Quick question, how do I install a .deb file again?04:36
meal3837what exactly does gdesklets do?04:37
FliesLikeABrickR0cK3T does amd64 complicate it at all?04:37
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dannylaptcripy-boy: Yes that worked, thank you.04:37
FliesLikeABrickBigToe sudo dpkg -i /path/to/file.deb04:37
Bpaq111bigtoe dpkg -i <debfilename>04:37
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Crippy-Boybrb. gotta reboot, edgy live cd is annoying :-)04:37
Storkhow do i terminate a process?04:37
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Storksudo kill -9 pid doesn't work04:37
Storkneither does -1104:37
Bpaq111stork, you sure you killing the parent process?04:38
FliesLikeABrickare you having hardware problems?04:38
Storkerm no Bpaq11104:38
Bpaq111ps -auxct04:38
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Bpaq111look to see where your process is in the ascii tree04:38
Bpaq111kill top most process that spawned your bad one04:38
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Bpaq111or just reboot04:39
R0cK3Tflieslikeabrick: yes04:39
cmpalmerBpaq111: sun-java5-jre is probably the package you want04:39
R0cK3Tsry im kinda new to linux04:39
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FliesLikeABrickR0cK3T do you have 32 bit binary compatability installed?04:39
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BigToeokay, the .deb's corrupted04:39
Bpaq111cmpalmer will try04:39
R0cK3Ti don't think so04:40
BigToehow do I install a .package?04:40
Naik0Hey, someone knows how i can see wich desklets i have up and go right now?04:40
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nozorroBpaq111: why do you guys all reboot, init 1 works in most cases :-)04:40
TBNolanso i've got a problem: i want to run an iroffer bot from my ubuntu machine, but if i try to run it as a user, it won't let me access any of the dependent files, and if i run it as sudo it dies and says it shouldn't be run as root04:40
Naik0Hey, someone knows how i can see wich desklets i have up and go right now?04:40
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FliesLikeABrickTBNolan where are the depends located?04:40
BigToehow do I install a .package file?04:41
TBNolanin the same dir as the executable04:41
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Bpaq111nozorro i haven't been able to get init to behave like i want it to :)04:41
FliesLikeABrickTBNolan who are they owned by?04:41
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Kromelhello all04:41
TBNolanhow do i check?04:41
R0cK3Tits almost goin04:41
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FliesLikeABrickTBNolan in a terminal, ls -la04:41
Bpaq111cpalmer sun-java5-package doesn't exist accoding to my apt-get install :)04:41
`m0Everythign works fine for ubuntu except Auxillary SCreen support on LAPTOP (N + F4 )04:41
nozorroBpaq111: ?04:41
R0cK3Tlinuxq3apoint-1.32b-3.x86.run doesn't work04:41
R0cK3Ti get error04:41
Takumi`Hello everyone, how can i change gnome themes???04:41
FliesLikeABrickBpaq111 did you enabled universe and multiverse in your sources?04:41
meal3837so, the gcc listed in /usr/lib is . . . nothing?04:41
`m0I might goback to WIndows cause of the dual screen support04:41
TBNolanits a mixed bag, some by root, some by the user04:41
R0cK3TThis installation doesn't support glibc-2.0 on Linux / unknown04:41
FliesLikeABrickTakumi` it is on the system menu under Preferences04:41
bannedbruenigTakumi, find a theme and drag and drop it into the System>preferences>Themes dialog04:42
jazzrockerwould it be possible for me to install ubuntu on this extra HD in my system w/out rebooting?04:42
FliesLikeABrickTBNolan is there any reason you can't make them all owned by the user?04:42
Takumi`http://www.gnome-look.org/content/preview.php?preview=2&id=44576&file1=44576-1.png&file2=44576-2.jpg&file3=&name=Darker+Theme+%5Bcompiz+port%5D <- i can use this under System>preferences>themes dialog??04:42
TBNolanno, apart from i don't know the cmd04:42
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Bpaq111o.k.... no :)04:42
FliesLikeABrick`m0 there is dual screen support in linux/ubuntu, I'm using it rightn ow04:42
Bpaq111sheesh i SWEAR i enable multiverse04:42
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cmpalmerBpaq111: not sun-java5-package04:42
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cmpalmerBpaq111: sun-java5-jre04:43
FliesLikeABrickTBNolan do "chown -R <user name> <folder name>"04:43
Bpaq111but i only enable universe. .. will add multiverse and try again.04:43
FliesLikeABrickTBNolan and chgrp -R with the same arguments04:43
bannedbruenigTakumi`, give the link to the actual theme not a screenshot, So i can see the package04:43
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Takumi`http://www.gnome-look.org/content/download.php?content=44576&id=1&PHPSESSID=df47909c98545708d0d429de670992b6 <- here @ bannedbruenig04:44
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EroickUbuntu crashes randomly. It doesn't matter what Im doing , but every so often it just locks up. Logs show nothing, the mouse wont move, I cant CTRL-ALT-BKSPC or CTRL-ALT-DEL or CTRL-ALT-F*. Its truely locked up. Any idea why? Im thinking that ndiswrapper is causing problems.04:44
R0cK3TFliesLikeABrick: R0cK3T do you have 32 bit binary compatability installed?  I have no idea!!04:44
Bpaq111man see what spending too much time infront of the keybaord staring at teh smae problems does :). I put multiverse in typed jre instead of package and BAAAAM!! it works .. thansk all!!!04:44
bannedbruenigTakumi`, that is a compiz theme04:44
`m0FliesLikeABrick: But why doesn't myButton on my laptop FN + F4 key working .....04:44
FliesLikeABrickI heard you R0cK3T, and unfortunately I'm not familiar with 64 bit linux in a desktop environment04:44
R0cK3Tnp :)04:45
Takumi`bannedbruenig... how can i change the theme of the taskbar then??04:45
EroickAny ideas as to why?04:45
FliesLikeABrick`m0 you most likely need to configure it in /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:45
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mordofi've got an acer aspire 5610, was wondering if anyone knew how to get my media keys to work?04:45
bannedbruenigTakumi`, use this, it is the same theme but not for compiz http://www.gnome-look.org/content/download.php?content=32768&id=104:45
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Jamminpotatoanyone know if edgy will use the gaim 2.0 beta or stay with 1.504:45
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`m0FliesLikeABrick: Is there a way to restore my xorg.conf ?04:45
FliesLikeABrickEroick that sounds like it may be a hardware issue.  does pressing ctrl+alt+f2 take you to an alternate terminal when it locks up?04:45
`m0FliesLikeABrick: I messed it up last time04:45
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FliesLikeABrick`m0 make a copy of it before you make changes04:45
EroickFliesLikeABrick: nope04:46
FliesLikeABrickJamminpotato try asking in #ubuntu+104:46
cmpalmerEroick: there might be something helpful in /var/log/syslog after you reboot04:46
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FliesLikeABrickEroick it sounds like a hardware problem if syslog shows nothing04:46
`m0FliesLikeABrick: I didn't do that last time, so my mouse is not working04:46
FliesLikeABrick`m0 if you don't have a copy, try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:46
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FliesLikeABrickthat command will reconfigure xorg04:46
KromelSynaptic Package Manager reports two packages that are broken: libcairo2, and libcairo2-dev.  When marked for removal, it lists a LOT of things I don't want removed.  Any suggestions?04:46
Eroickcmpalmer: there isnt04:47
`m0FliesLikeABrick: Thank you, I will try that once my forced check is finished..04:47
EroickFliesLikeABrick: I have a WG111 using ndiswrapper, could that cause problems?04:47
FliesLikeABrickKromel try apt-get install -f04:47
Naik0HELP ME, its a desklet that are follow my mouse ! Dont know wich one, how can i see which desklets are running atm04:47
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FliesLikeABrickEroick try disabling it/removing it temporarily and see if it still crashes ;)04:47
holly2After upgrading to dapper, I got some gdm configuration errors, so I tried to purge and reinstall it, but I wasn't able to completely remove it.  Now I get a bunch of debconf/perl errors as dpkg tries to reconfigure it...any ideas how I might fix that?04:47
jazzrockerNaik0, ps ax04:47
FliesLikeABrickholly2 are they errors about locales?04:47
EroickFliesLikeABrick: but, How could I solve that problem?04:48
holly2FliesLikeABrick, no, perl module errors (e.g. debconf: Perl may be unconfigured (Unrecognized character \x10 at /usr/share/perl/5.8/fields.pm line 1)04:48
ShuvelhasserI couldn't sit back for long04:48
FliesLikeABrickEroick you need to find the problem before it is worth thinking about how to fix it04:48
Shuvelhasseranyone good with wine and willing to help?04:48
nozorroShuvelhasser: obviously :-)04:48
FliesLikeABrickShuvelhasser ask the question and I'll give it a shot04:48
`m0hmm interesting,.,,. the mouse works now ...04:48
dannylaptwhat is the command to install ncurses-devel?04:48
`m0Ubuntu fixes it self04:48
`m0kinda cool04:48
EroickFliesLikeABrick: but assuming it was, would it be fixable?04:48
bannedbruenigShuvelhasser, what is the problem04:48
FliesLikeABricksudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev04:48
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FliesLikeABrickEroick it depends if it is a driver problem or a low-level hardware conflict04:49
ShuvelhasserFLAB: I'm just wondering how to get it working, and knowing my knowledge of linux so far, if I downloaded it correctly04:49
BigToewhen trying to compile an app04:49
BigToeI get04:49
FliesLikeABricksudo apt-get install wine04:49
BigToechecking for C++ compiler default output file name... configure: error: C++ compiler cannot create executables04:49
EroickFliesLikeABrick: i think it may be a driver conflict04:49
FliesLikeABrickthen winecfg Shuvelhasser04:49
nozorro***Shuvelhasser wants to  resolve all problems in home night04:49
madkati need help.04:49
BigToebut I know I have my compiler installed correctly04:49
BigToecan anyone help?04:49
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nozorroin *one* hight, erm04:49
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bannedbruenigShuvelhasser, you should use the repository, like FliesLikeABrick suggested04:50
dannylaptwhat is the command to install ncurses-devel?04:50
madkatim having problems reading NTFS partitions04:50
`m0Dows this: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  bring up the gui ?04:50
Takumi`@bannedbruenig >> i am using compiz right now, and i want to use a theme so that the taskbar and windows looks different, how can i do this? ;)04:50
pianoboy3333How can I find what LAN IP adresses are in use on my local area network?04:50
FliesLikeABrickEroick once you find the problem, you may be better off trying to find the solution on a forum (linuxquestions.org or ubuntuforum.org) since IRC isn't great for really detailed problems04:50
bannedbruenigTakumi`, oh I thought you weren't not sure how to install themes specifically for compiz04:51
Shuvelhasserwell once it's downloaded, what do I do?04:51
BigToehow do I fix the error: checking for C++ compiler default output file name... configure: error: C++ compiler cannot create executables ?04:51
KromelI was told to do: sudo apt-get install -f    , and I get the following error:   http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2250004:51
FliesLikeABrickpianoboy3333 ping -b (whatever the lan IP addresses are with a 0 as the last octet)04:51
Eroickwell, im installing ubuntu on a different computer right now :)04:51
dockanehi... i am trying to use the smbclient command line prompt to move some files from the local system to a smb share. is there any reason why i do not get any messages from some commands like "recurse" like described on http://www.oreilly.de/german/freebooks/samba2ger/ch05.html04:51
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Takumi`how can i use themes bannedbruenig... im using xgl/compiz. :) thanks04:51
FliesLikeABrickdockane is there a reason you're not trying to mount it instead?04:52
FliesLikeABrickBigToe sudo apt-get install g++04:52
dannylaptDoes anyone know the command to install ncurses-devel?04:52
FliesLikeABrickdannylapt I already told you04:52
FliesLikeABrickdannylapt  sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev04:52
Crippy-Boydannylapt: sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev04:52
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viatorhow do enter a password for the bittotrent client?04:53
viatoranyone know?04:53
FliesLikeABrickdepends on the client viator04:53
dannylaptThank you04:53
nozorroShuvelhasser: you're best off using Applications > Add/Remove or Synaptic; anything else requires command-line knowledge, or non-standard tools04:53
dockaneFliesLikeABrick: yeppa... i hope to get some information why a few directories make copying abort (either when the share is mounted or i use nautilus->places->network / drag and drop)04:53
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Lathiatviator: password ? what do you need a password for?04:53
ShuvelhasserNoz: I's already downloaded, I'm just not sure how to configure it04:53
FliesLikeABrickdockane I have no idea why certain directories would fail without a message, even if it was mounted04:53
viatorBittorent 3.4.2-6ubuntu204:54
FliesLikeABrickShuvelhasser if you have it installed, do winecfg in a termianl04:54
nozorroShuvelhasser: downloaded and installed, or downloaded?04:54
viatorcause a torrent i was trying to download called for one04:54
ShuvelhasserI believe dl'd & installed04:54
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FliesLikeABrickShuvelhasser try the winecfg command, see if it works04:54
dockaneFliesLikeABrick: np... but you have to accept that this was _your_ question ;)04:55
FliesLikeABrickit should bring up a window with configuration options and info04:55
Crippy-Boydannylapt: you can search for packages using 'apt-cache search' or http://packages.ubuntu.com [just for future reference] 04:55
Shuvelhasseryeah it did04:55
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Takumi`how can i change the looks of the taskbar in compiz??04:55
viatorsays rejected by tracker04:55
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Shuvelhasserlet's see what I can do with this bugger04:55
FliesLikeABrickyeah dockane I know.  I'm not familiar with smbclient, and if you didn't have it mounted I was going to have you try that instead04:55
viatorunregistered torrent pass04:55
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nozorroShuvelhasser: well if it's part of ubuntu's community repos, it must be somewhere in the menus (if it's a desktop app)... but ...04:55
madkati need help04:55
FliesLikeABrickTakumi`  try #ubuntu-xgl04:56
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Byanhow do I get my ethernet to be 1gb...04:56
BigToenow I get the error *** The sdl-config script installed by SDL could not be found*** If SDL was installed in PREFIX, make sure PREFIX/bin is in*** your path, or set the SDL_CONFIG environment variable to the*** full path to sdl-config. --- how do I fix this one? libsdl-image1.2 (which I guess it's referring to) is already installed04:56
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nozorroShuvelhasser: if you just downloaded some deb file from some website or so, it's a command line thing04:56
FliesLikeABrickByan do you have a 1gbit ethernet card?04:56
Takumi`im already there flieslikeabrick.. thanks anyway ;)04:56
rugbythomasCannot move "/home/thomas/fdg" to the trash because you do not have permissions to change it or its parent folder.  I am the only using of my computer and I get this message when I try to delete fdg how do I get permission04:56
ShuvelhasserIt's installed04:56
Crippy-Boyi wanna try xgl, just to see what its like, i think itd kill my poor little laptop though :(04:56
nozorroShuvelhasser: which app?04:56
madkatwhere do you get XGL, people are raving about that04:56
Shuvelhassernow, how do I setup programs through it04:56
ByanFliesLikeABrick: I've never actually tested it, but it's suppost to be04:56
FliesLikeABrickrugbythomas use sudo to execute chown and chgrp commands to make sure you have the ownership necessary04:57
ShuvelhasserWine, I'm in the config now04:57
ByanI just got my gb switch04:57
madkatim trying to mount my NTFS hd, and i get a permissions error04:57
Shuvelhasserlol madkat04:57
ShuvelhasserI JUST went through that04:57
FliesLikeABrickByan do you have any reason to believe it isn't working already?04:57
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FliesLikeABrick!tell madkat about ntfs04:57
ByanFliesLikeABrick: the switch says so04:57
erichapkidoHi, I'm trying to install ubuntu and when I get to the partition editor it starts it and then just freezes and won't continue04:57
FliesLikeABrickgood answer Byan04:57
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nozorroShuvelhasser: ah well, as i said ... i'm not familiar with it ... trust me you should leave this for another night :-)04:57
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FliesLikeABrickByan what card is it?04:57
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FliesLikeABrickByan (lspci)04:57
ShuvelhasserNoz: NEVAR.04:58
Homerok I am sure you guys get this question alot04:58
rugbythomas FliesLikeABrick: rugbythomas use sudo to execute chown and chgrp commands to make sure you have the ownership necessary how do I do this04:58
cajunwhich is a preferral format for ubuntu?   ntfs or ext3?04:58
FliesLikeABrickcajun ext304:58
rugbythomasnot ntfs04:58
FliesLikeABrickyou can't use ntfs cajun04:58
nozorroShuvelhasser: NEVAR???04:58
cajunok  thx04:58
Homerwhere do I get the codec to play DVDs and MP3s04:58
viatorlol ubuntu cant use ntfs04:58
cajunwell that would explain haivng so many issues w/ trying to do it in ntfs04:58
Crippy-BoyHomer: look on the ubuntu wiki04:58
viatorcan read it and somewhat write04:58
Peumamanwhat does it mean when I am using a program and it suddenly becomes gray and pauses?04:58
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FliesLikeABrickviator it is a windows filesystem, linux can't use it for installations04:58
madkatWhere can i get xgl?04:58
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ByanFliesLikeABrick: it is a marvell intergrated port on my mobo..04:59
FliesLikeABrickByan use that command to tell you what card it is, even if it is integrated04:59
asdefweWould someone please tell me how do I register an IRC nickname?04:59
Byanlemme see if ASUS has more details04:59
viatoranyone use kqemu04:59
FliesLikeABrickByan that will tell you the chipset name04:59
cmpalmer!tell madkat about xgl04:59
Byanhow, thats the command?04:59
ShuvelhasserIn the Wine Config, how do I put programs into it?04:59
FliesLikeABrickByan yes, just do lspci in a terminal and look for it04:59
viatorfor some reason i cant install quicktime04:59
cmpalmerasdefwe: /msg Nickserv help04:59
viatoron my xp img04:59
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asdefwethank YOU04:59
erichapkidodoes ubuntu have a problem with sata2 drives?04:59
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FliesLikeABrickShuvelhasser you don't do that in winecfg, you do it by executing the program's installer with wine or by copying the needed files into ~/.drive_c05:00
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cmpalmerasdefwe: np05:00
FliesLikeABrickerichapkido it shouldn't05:00
R0cK3Tcan anyone tell me how to extract a .run file05:00
erichapkidocause it won't load the partitioner in the installer05:00
FliesLikeABrickR0cK3T you should just be able to run it05:00
gusto5hiya, im here again about nvidia drivers. after the drivers are installed everything works, but command line wont show05:00
ShuvelhasserFLAB: Thank you, I'll try that05:00
Byansays.. 88E8001 Gb ethernet controller (rev 13)05:00
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tomasz27hey all05:01
FliesLikeABrickByan http://linux.derkeiler.com/Mailing-Lists/Ubuntu/2006-01/msg01582.html05:01
R0cK3Ti read that i might be able to bypass the glib error if i extract the .run file05:01
BigToe I get the error *** The sdl-config script installed by SDL could not be found*** If SDL was installed in PREFIX, make sure PREFIX/bin is in*** your path, or set the SDL_CONFIG environment variable to the*** full path to sdl-config. --- how do I fix this one? libsdl-image1.2 (which I guess it's referring to) is already installed05:01
FliesLikeABricker sorry Byan didn't mean to paste that05:01
cajundoes ubuntu have any issues w/ mounting and reading an ntfs partition?05:01
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FliesLikeABrickno cajun you can mount and read it fine05:01
cajuni have XP on an ntfs partition05:01
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cajunok thx05:02
BigToeno cajun it's just writing that's buggy05:02
tomasz27does Ubuntu or any other distro recognize NTFS ot FAT?05:02
FliesLikeABricktomasz27  ubuntu can read and write fat32, and can read ntfds05:02
viatorhey i found a way to play flash 9 stuff05:02
infidelok i have an amd64 i currently have ubuntu 64 installed should i be using the 32 bit version?05:02
Peumamanis there a way to make shift-backspace not restart my computer?05:02
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BigToeshift-backspace restarts your PC?05:03
FliesLikeABrickinfidel do you have any problems with the 64 bit version?05:03
=== BigToe tries >:O
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nozorroPeumaman: shift-backspace?05:03
Peumamanyeah, it's really annoying when i'm trying to type05:03
=== meal3837 [n=jason@c-24-9-117-152.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
R0cK3Twhen I tried to run the quake3 linux installation binary I got a message similar to yours. I had to unpack and run the installation manually:05:03
R0cK3Tsh linuxq3apoint-1.32b-3.x86.run --target q305:03
R0cK3Tcd q3/05:03
R0cK3Tsudo ./setup.sh05:03
FliesLikeABrickR0cK3T please don't paste into the channel05:03
nozorroPeumaman: weird05:03
gusto5mine does that too actually.05:03
R0cK3Tsry ?05:03
gusto5probably your keyboard configurations05:03
gusto5i cant access my command line >_>05:04
meal3837does anyone know anything about libreadline4?05:04
rugbythomasthomas@thomas-desktop:~$ ls ; Desktop  Examples  fdg  homework  MyMusic  The Chris McCarty Band; thomas@thomas-desktop:~$ sudo chown -hR thomas /fdg; chown: cannot access `/fdg': No such file or directory;                            what am I doing wrong05:04
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PeumamanI couldn't find anything in system->preferences->keyboard shortcuts05:04
gusto5this is so fustrating....05:04
gusto5Peumaman, i know what you mean. i have it too.05:04
FliesLikeABrickByan I have no ideas about how to make it work properly.  if nobody else has any suggestions here, try www.ubuntuforums.org or www.linuxquestions.org05:04
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ChaosFanrugbythomas: without leading slash05:05
ByanFliesLikeABrick: ok...05:05
Peumamangusto5: yeah, i keep doing it accidentally05:05
rugbythomasall i want to do is delete fdg05:05
nozorromeal3837: man readline, if that helps05:05
ChaosFanjust chown -hR thomas fdg05:05
FliesLikeABrickByan IRC isn't always the most useful place for very detailed or specific question05:05
infidelFliesLikeABrick: yeah the codecs only work on 32 bit05:05
roostishawis there a Gaim 2.0 beta 3.1 deb for dapper, or one in the repos?05:05
meal3837i went to apt-get libreadline4 to chase down some dependencies, and it wanted to remove 279 packages!05:05
ChaosFanrugbythomas: and you use chown to delete? that's done by rm05:05
FliesLikeABrickroostishaw if there is, it would be in the backports repo05:05
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nozorromeal3837: so you don't want to remove that lib, it's too important then, with many packages depending on it i guess05:06
roostishawFliesLikeABrick, and do you know what it would be called?05:06
R0cK3Tim to newb to follow fancy 1337 linux instructions05:06
rugbythomas ChaosFan i dont have permission to delete for some missed up reason05:06
jbroomeR0cK3T: wow05:06
ChaosFanrugbythomas: then sudo rm -rf fdg, while in your home directory05:06
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meal3837i wasn't removing, i was installing it05:06
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gusto5anyone help me? my command line wont show after ctrl-alt-f105:07
R0cK3Tim freakin out man05:07
meal3837and apt-get said it needed to remove those packages05:07
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viatorclick applications>accesories>terminal05:07
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R0cK3Tmostly cause i can't tell which instructions are good or not05:07
viatoris it there?05:07
FliesLikeABrickubotu tell innavoig about ask05:07
R0cK3Tthere is to much05:07
innavoighow to instal samba with swat05:07
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R0cK3Tthe .run is almost working05:08
R0cK3Tbut it gets stuck05:08
whocaresI have Live running, but it's bare...my friend told me about automatix and said it would help.   I'm trying to decide if I want to switch, but i need more apps.  Will automatix fix the bare apps problem?05:08
sethkmeal3837, you have to convince it to allow both versions of libreadline to exist at the same time05:08
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R0cK3Tinstallation doesn't support glibc-2.0 on Linux / unknown05:08
FliesLikeABrickwhocares it depends what you need to do.  what kind of apps are you lookign for05:08
kewagicould someone help me with a problem with amavisd-new under dapper, please? I followed the community tutorial, but it just wont' start.05:08
FliesLikeABrickwhocares also look at the synaptic package manager, that is where most of the additional programs are05:08
meal3837sethk: any suggestions?05:08
sethkwhocares, I haven't used it myself; I've heard people say it is buggy05:09
viatorwhat do you mean by apps?05:09
nozorromeal3837: i don't know about your system, but libreadline5 should come with a standard install; installing version 4 would not trigger any dependency problems on my system05:09
sethkmeal3837, you said no when it wanted to remove packages, right?05:09
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ByanFliesLikeABrick: well, I didn't know if it really was specific...05:09
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nozorromeal3837: or rather, it would just install and be done with it05:09
innavoigi downloaded the samba-3.0.23c how to install it...05:09
whocaresI need thunderbird, music player, dvd player, etc...05:09
sethknozorro, that's correct, but it appears his database is corrupted somehow w.r.t. libreadline05:09
meal3837it wanted to remove packages, then i said no05:09
Byanfor all I knew, I had to type in one command..05:09
=== Byan tries googling a bit
nozorrosethk: that's pretty bad then05:09
sethkmeal3837, then you don't really have a problem, other than the nasty messages05:09
viatormusic player and dvdplayer already tthere05:09
sethknozorro, yes, I agree.05:10
FliesLikeABrickinnavoig you should use apt (or synaptic) to install samba, rather than a source or binary download from the samba site05:10
viatorthunderbirds in the repos05:10
arthompswhat kernel should i use for an amd x2 ?05:10
sethkmeal3837, try the repair functions you can do from synaptic to try to repair the package data05:10
FliesLikeABrickByan it sounds like the driver that is with ubuntu by default does not support gigabit speeds in that adapter yet, but that isn't to say that you can't install it yourself... I just don't know where to point you05:10
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nozorrosethk: but version 4 is not an officially supported package, so 'you had been warned'05:10
arthompswhy no k8?05:10
sharkycan someone explain this error to me: error while loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory05:10
viatordunno ask them05:10
sethknozorro, indeed, but as you said, it should not interfere with packages that use a different version05:11
sharkyi know i have libncurses.so.5 in /lib05:11
roostishawFliesLikeABrick, and do you know what the package is called?05:11
ChaosFansharky: it means what it says05:11
meal3837how do i tell if v 5 is installed?05:11
Avagow./msg Nickserv05:11
sethknozorro, and it isn't like other people don't install it05:11
R0cK3Tanyone here installed Q3A on ubuntu with amd 64 bit?05:11
FliesLikeABricksharky try sudo apt-get install libncurses505:11
nozorrosethk: true, different lib versions should be usable in parallel05:11
ChaosFanroostishaw: i did05:11
ChaosFanroostishaw: but u used ioquake305:11
ChaosFanroostishaw: sry05:11
ChaosFanR0cK3T: i meant you05:11
FliesLikeABrickno roostishaw I don't05:11
sethknozorro, right.  I have to study the low level data in the package manager more to figure out what goes on when the data gets out of wack like that05:12
sharkyFliesLikeABrick, i have the newest version05:12
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Takumi`is it possible to change the taskbar in gnome??05:12
FliesLikeABrickTakumi` like what, the theme of it?05:13
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cajunis it possible to install from a USB drive?05:13
sharkyChaosFan, is there a way to explicitly make the libnucurses.so.5 file be seen by the binary?05:13
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R0cK3TChaosFan: im tryin to install with windows cd05:13
R0cK3Twhat is ioquake3?05:13
R0cK3Twhat i did was make the folder structure05:14
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R0cK3Tand put the pak0.pk3 in the baseq3 folder05:14
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meal3837i'm trying to install mplayer05:14
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ChaosFanR0cK3T: try that one: http://www.icculus.org/quake3/05:14
meal3837and it needs libjack0.80.005:14
R0cK3Tthen run the linuxq3apoint-1.32b-3.x86.run05:14
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ChaosFanR0cK3T: the icculus version is just the open source part, though. You'll need that baseq3-file from the cd to actually play05:15
TBNolanFliesLikeABrick: can you help me install tcl on my box?05:15
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freelabshi :d05:16
Takumi`FliesLikeABrick: yes i want to use a theme for my taskbar, is it possible on gnome?05:16
meal3837which in turn needs jackd05:16
R0cK3TchaosFan: the pak0.pk3 is already in usr/local/games/Quake_III_Arena/baseq305:16
meal3837which needs libreadline405:16
sharky- /msg NickServ IDENTIFY gateway05:16
FliesLikeABrickTBNolan  I don't know anything about TCL, please ask the channel instead of individual people05:16
juergenkarlif:  $number = 5 does $number++++++ mean 8?05:16
TBNolaneh, you were just so helpful last time05:16
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FliesLikeABrickTakumi` I don't know much about themes, I was just trying to clarify what you were asking.  My guess is yes, you can theme the taskbar, though that is just a guess05:17
FliesLikeABrickjuergenkarl no, ++ is an operator, anything more than that is not05:17
ArafangionMany programs support a method of maximizing to the "full screen", right?05:17
ArafangionNow, how the heck do I make it so that they maximize to the SECOND screen?05:17
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Arafangion(Ie, so that qemu, or OOo, etc, use the overhead projector)05:18
Takumi`FliesLikeABrick: thanks for the info05:18
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Takumi`Anybody here knows how to theme gnomes taskbar? Please lend a hand. :)05:18
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arthompswhat's the difference between k7 and k8 kernel?05:19
ChaosFanTakumi`: as i don't use gnome, i don\t know. but there HAS to be some howto google can tell you about05:19
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Arafangionarthomps: One is for k7-model cpu's, and the other is for k8-model cpu's?05:20
ArafangionTakumi`: Right click -> properties.05:20
Takumi`kei CF!!05:20
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R0cK3TChaosFan: i downloaded the ioquake3-1.33_SVN797-0.1.x86_64.run05:20
ArafangionTakumi`: Though, recently, Gnome has taken a trend to reduce customizeability.05:20
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TBNolanis anyone familiar with TCL and how to install that coding language on my ubuntu machine?05:20
R0cK3Tso can i run it from anywhere?05:20
dockanestrange thing: when i enter a smb share with nautilus its uses up cpu perfomance (100%)... any ideas why05:20
ChaosFanR0cK3T: execute it, it will unpack some basic structure05:21
R0cK3Tor do i have to run it in /usr/local/games/quake3/baseq305:21
UKMattcan anyone tell me why Automatix or EZUbu are bad?05:21
ubotuAutomatix is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. For help with and discussion of automatix please join #automatix.05:21
ChaosFanand there will be a script calles ioquake3, which is used to start q305:21
=== sharky- [n=sharky@24-51-109-203.frdrmd.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
FliesLikeABrickthere ya go UKMatt  ;)05:21
R0cK3Ti'll try05:21
R0cK3Tsry but05:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about longpenis - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:22
R0cK3Ti don't know how to exectute a script :s05:22
FliesLikeABrickR0cK3T  ./scriptname05:22
UKMattDoes anyone know05:22
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome05:22
ArafangionTBNolan: One tends to install their favorite tcl interpreter.05:22
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ubotulinux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux05:22
ArafangionTBNolan: Normally, these days, most people install a binding so that they can use it in their favorite language, rather than use TCL directly.05:22
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kewagidid anyone here manage to install amavisd-new successfully? I could use a little help.05:22
=== glick [n=myob@69-169-117-51.lmdaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
glickhey does anyone here use ekiga?05:22
FliesLikeABrickTBNolan try sudo apt-get install tcllib tcl8.4 tcl8.4-dev05:23
TBNolanArafangion: well, i'd like to use my eggdrop bot on my ubuntu server. It needs tcl to compile05:23
ArafangionTBNolan: But take a look at: apt-cache search tcl | grep tcl | less05:23
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viatorid use ekiga if i could call pots for free05:23
ubotumplayer is a media player. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer/Compile to compile it from source or enable multiverse repo and type sudo apt-get install mplayer for more info please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer05:23
ubotuFor Codecs try !codecs Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MplayerInstallHowto for installation tips.05:23
FliesLikeABrickTBNolan I've helped someone install TCL before, I just don't remember the exact packagenames05:23
ArafangionTBNolan: Then try apt-get install tcl8.4 tcl8.4-dev05:23
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ArafangionTBNolan: But I have never used tcl.05:23
TBNolani will do so05:23
FliesLikeABrickbeat you to it Arafangion  ;)05:23
viatorso i  use skpye for now05:23
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:23
Jamminpotatois there any program like fruity loops studio for linux?05:23
UKMattdoes anyone know the name of that program/package that takes anything you install yourself and keeps it in synaptic?05:24
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ArafangionTBNolan: Mind you, eggdrop exists for ubuntu05:24
viatorfruity loops05:24
TBNolanArafangion: i have also tried to apt-get install eggdrop05:24
TBNolanbut was lost after that completed05:24
TBNolandidn't know where my config file was or anything like that05:24
glickany ekiga users?05:24
ArafangionTBNolan: YOu don't need to compile your own - however, if you really do need the latest version, you could try cheeting, and use: apt-get build-dep eggdrop05:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about amavis - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:24
=== Crippy-Boy [n=kieran@80-192-168-201.cable.ubr02.blac.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ArafangionTBNolan: Which should get all the dependencies needed to build that version of eggdrop - you can then assume/hope that the latest version hasn't changed their deps.05:25
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FliesLikeABrickgood call Arafangion I didn't even think of that05:25
TBNolanthanks for the advice, Arafangion05:25
ShuvelhasserI got wine working05:25
ArafangionShuvelhasser: Wine never ceases to amaze me.05:26
FliesLikeABrickany progress is good progress05:26
Shuvelhasserwine doesn't like xfire05:26
ShuvelhasserI just figured out05:26
viatortry lmms05:26
viatoror somthing05:26
ArafangionShuvelhasser: As a rule, any app that talks to hardware is not likely to work with wine.05:26
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ShuvelhasserThis is the most ghetto thing I've ever seen05:26
Jamminpotatois there any program like fruity loops studio for linux?05:26
=== absolut [n=absolut@ool-4575ac6f.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
FliesLikeABrickJamminpotato I'm guessing thats a sound editing/composing program?05:27
FliesLikeABricklike a music recording suite?05:27
Jamminpotatoyea kinda05:27
chris86wmwhen I shutdown my ubuntu laptop, I get "05:27
chris86wmunregister_netdevice: waiting for eth1 to become free. Usage count = 1" as an error and the laptop fails to complete the shutdown. this text keeps scrolling and i have to shutdown by pushing the power button. does anyone know how to fix this?05:27
ArafangionFliesLikeABrick: A sound _editing_ platform, afaik.05:27
FliesLikeABrickthanks Arafangion05:27
TBNolanArafangion, that worked perfectly. Thank you very much05:27
FliesLikeABrickI'm trying to remember the name of the one my brother uses05:27
Jamminpotatoyea its not editing as much05:27
chris86wmmore info here : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24334405:27
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Jamminpotatoits really liek a sequencer i guesss, used mostly for techno composing05:28
Homerwhat is Emacs exactly05:28
FliesLikeABricka text editor Homer05:28
Homeris it really?05:28
sharkyhow do i resolve this error: error while loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory05:28
sharkyi have libncurses.so.5 in /lib05:28
chris86wmanyone have any ideas?05:28
=== pianoboy3333_ [n=alex@ool-43567d61.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
sharkyand i've created symbolic links in /usr/lib and /usr/local/lib05:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about libjack - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about libjack0.80.0 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:29
cliffdcan someone give me an idea about how to get flash working? I tried using EasyUbuntu but I have no sound.05:29
FliesLikeABricksharky do you have the kernel modules package installed for the kernel you're using?05:29
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smaxhi gang05:29
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StoneNoteJamminpotato, lmms - Linux Multimedia Studio was written to be a fruity loops clone but since I haven't used either of them I cannot say how close they came05:30
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sharkyFliesLikeABrick, not sure can i search synaptic for kernel modules?05:30
meal3837it's times like these that I despair05:30
FliesLikeABrickhm sharky I wasn't thinking straight and I doubt that is your problem, I got two things confused in my head05:30
meal3837it's like I can't even make printed directions work05:31
=== ColdFyre [n=coldfyre@c-67-161-28-185.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
cajundoes anyone know where i could find the opensource Linux Cisco VPN?  i've tried a google search but couldn't find it05:31
JamminpotatoStoneNote, thanks05:31
HomerEmacs seems to do everything possible and more05:31
=== kurruption [i=imagine@node-10426.tor.pppoe.execulink.com] has joined #ubuntu
FliesLikeABrickthat seems to be the impression I get Homer, yes05:31
sharkyFliesLikeABrick, there's gotta be a way to tell the application where the shared object file is right?05:31
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FliesLikeABricksharky have you checked if the file exists on your system?05:32
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glickhey can i try out ekiga with someone?05:32
kurruptionhow do i edit the bootloader's list?05:32
FliesLikeABrickkurruption sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lsg05:32
rcmiv  /quit05:32
FliesLikeABrickkurruption sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst05:32
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sharkyFliesLikeABrick, yes its a bunch of symbolic links which all eventually point to /lib/libncurses.so.5.505:33
=== peterhu [n=peterhu@69-170-0-172.chvlva.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
kurruptionkk tahanks05:33
meal3837mplayer seems to be a defunct package05:34
meal3837it's like none of the dependencies are available05:34
=== regeya [n=shane@adsl-sp3-cdale176.micgi.com] has joined #ubuntu
pianoboy3333Anyone here know how to use the tivo functionality in mplayer?05:34
TBNolanso heres a linux n00b question: how do i delete a full directory? that is a directory that is not empty05:34
FliesLikeABrickTBNolan rm -rf /dirnam05:35
ArafangionHomer: Except it's nearly damned impossible to learn it quickly!05:35
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infidelso FliesLikeABrick what do you think, you think i should go to a 32 bit?05:35
ArafangionTBNolan: mv directory archive05:35
ArafangionTBNolan: Then archive it. :)05:35
Homeryeah I'm confused by the fact that Emacs can actually edit text05:35
glickis there anyway i can remotely edit a document with someone else?05:35
FliesLikeABrickinfidel if the 64 bit isn't doing what you need and you can't find any other solution, yes.  Though I don't know much about 64 bit05:35
ArafangionTBNolan: Then, finally, optionally, delete it using rm -r05:35
ArafangionTBNolan: But I stress archiving it - CD's are only 50c per 700 MB, anyway.05:35
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ubotuekiga: Free Your Speech. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.1-0ubuntu6 (dapper), package size 3572 kB, installed size 12188 kB05:36
Homerso Emacs edits text05:36
Homeras in, a text editor05:37
=== adam12 [n=johnny@cpe-65-27-166-226.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:37
=== eno-away is now known as eno
TBNolanArafangion i just installed eggdrop into my / directory on accident05:37
TBNolanand i gotta get rid of the /scripts and /modules dir's it put there :-P05:37
ArafangionHomer: It's not for no reason that people call it a decent OS.05:37
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=== dunno [n=dunno@S010600301badf7c7.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Homertext editor with a 6000 page manual05:39
ArafangionHomer: You found the manual?05:40
=== pianoboy3333_ [n=alex@ool-43567d61.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
Homerit's huge05:40
=== dunno [n=dunno@S010600301badf7c7.vc.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu []
Homerit might crash emacs when you open it so be careful05:40
ArafangionHomer: All OS's have large manuals.05:40
=== pianoboy3333_ is now known as pianoboy3333
Crippy-BoyI find emacs overkill, either that or im just too lazy to learn it.05:40
BigToeo/ internets, sleeping05:40
Crippy-Boynano with syntax highlighting enabled works just fine for me :-)05:41
=== kads [n=wer@CPE001310a1899c-CM0014f8cd2c68.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
ArafangionCrippy-Boy: I've wanted to learn it, but have been unable to find a quick, down-to-earth guide as to how to use it for C coding.05:41
ArafangionCrippy-Boy: vim, for me :)05:41
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FliesLikeABrickCrippy-Boy nano has syntax highlighting?05:41
=== tyler_d [n=tyler@S01060013107794c3.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
tyler_dwhere are the nautilus-scripts kept?05:41
Crippy-BoyFliesLikeABrick: Yes.05:41
=== jazzrocker [n=jahjah@unaffiliated/jazzrocker] has joined #ubuntu
FliesLikeABrickholy crap it has syntax highlighting *looks at /etc/nanorc*05:41
ArafangionIt seems that the biggest advantage of emacs is the elisp framework.05:41
FliesLikeABrickthis makes me happy05:41
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eyequeuenano is noce for what it intends to accomplish05:42
ArafangionFliesLikeABrick: Doesn't have folding, though ;)05:42
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HomerI found the best description of emacs so far05:42
Crippy-BoyArafangion: Too lazy to learn that too, just never bothered with it, Nano for quick dirty hacks and if its a big-ish project fire up code::blocks.05:42
eyequeuevim is my usual choice though05:42
Homeremacs is emacs05:42
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ArafangionCrippy-Boy: All you have to realise is that vim is a modal editor - with a command (default) mode and an insert mode. You enter insert mode - from that point on, it's exactly like any other editor.05:43
ArafangionCrippy-Boy: To enter commands again, press esc :)05:43
=== charchuck [n=charchuc@adsl-152-153-172.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Crippy-BoyArafangion: yeah, i guess i should fire it up, just never been to interested05:43
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fiveironhrmrmr... I added "exec" to my fstab line for this hdd, but i still can't execute code on it... is there something different i need to put there?05:43
BluR_Does anyone know where i can find this information: http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/email-services.html   => "TODO: This section should cover configuring SMTP AUTH with exim4."05:43
eyequeueCrippy-Boy, and you need to know :wq to write and quit, when done, heh05:43
ArafangionCrippy-Boy: :wq, is a command, btw, thus, use command mode for that. :)05:44
Crippy-BoyArafangion: aslong as i have syntax highlighting and i can enter/open/save text its all good, but ill fire vim up later and mess around05:44
fiveironor ZZ05:44
=== Arafangion does wish that vim would detect "large files" by default, and automatically turn of syntax highlighting and the like.
=== soberon [n=soberon@] has joined #ubuntu
rxPrivate message me if: U know how to run Xprogram commands at the start of Xorg, or Fluxbox for that matter05:44
ArafangionCrippy-Boy: imho, there's little point in switching.05:45
eyequeueCrippy-Boy, i recomend running 'vimtutor' at least once, actually05:45
=== peterhu [n=peterhu@69-170-0-172.chvlva.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
Crippy-Boyviator: whats wrong with nano for little things.05:45
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rxi tired ~/.fluxbox/startup but didnt wrk05:45
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ArafangionCrippy-Boy: I highly recommend running screen, multiple xterms, and specialized programs for specialized purposes.05:45
viatornothing :D05:45
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fiveironhrmrmr... I added "exec" to my fstab line for this hdd, but i still can't execute code on it... is there something different i need to put there?05:45
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MKRI heard in the offtopic channel that someone was causing ruckus in here05:45
=== MKR gets the cane
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rxdoes ubuntu use xinitrc file?05:46
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Crippy-BoyArafangion: lol, i dont really do much 'serious' hacking, just stuff to make my life easier.05:47
=== eyequeue enjoys the cane sugar that MKR offers
viatorheard they were working on a new init05:47
ArafangionCrippy-Boy: I make languages in my spare time.05:47
eyequeueviator, "startup" i believe its called05:47
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Eroickcrap, how do I make a Netgear wg111 work with ndiswrapper? I have done the blacklist thing, but it shows up as eth2, not wlan0 and it does not work!05:47
viatorsounds interesting05:47
holypaxneed help05:47
viatorand they are also working on quicker shutdown05:47
Crippy-BoyArafangion: nice, must be pretty cool if your into that, writing compilers/interpreters never interested me much though05:48
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ArafangionCrippy-Boy: I'm more into framework design.05:48
Crippy-BoyArafangion: though i'd like to get into kernel hacking and the like05:48
eyequeueviator, "event-driven" being it's main feature, from what i read05:48
Crippy-BoyArafangion: thats cool :-)05:48
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Shuvelhasserwhat's the equivilent of like05:48
Shuvelhasserc:\program files05:48
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eyequeueShuvelhasser, what is it intended to do?05:49
ShuvelhasserI'm just lookin around =] 05:49
holypaxcan i use the XGL for my laptop ,ps:video card is ati 900005:49
Shuvelhasserfor like, where programs would be installed05:49
=== xopher [n=xopher@a80-186-122-109.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
R0cK3Tcan someone tell me how to delete a folder05:49
R0cK3Trmdir isn't working05:49
billytwowillywhat's the command to install the development environment? ie gcc?05:49
eyequeue!xgl > holypax05:49
Crippy-Boyrm -r05:49
viatorrm -fr05:49
FliesLikeABrickbillytwowilly sudo apt-get install gcc g++05:49
Arafangionbillytwowilly: Ubuntu *is* the development environment.05:49
wastrelR0cK3T:  the directory needs to be empty for rmdir to work05:49
naliothbillytwowilly: install "build-essential"05:49
eyequeuebillytwowilly, sudo apt-get install build-essential05:49
R0cK3Tso how do i empty it?05:49
DarkMageZR0cK3T, it's not rmdir :P it's rm -r foldername05:50
mainerbillytwowilly: you mean the build-essential pkg?05:50
billytwowillyeyequeue: that's tit! thanks!05:50
R0cK3Tit gets better by the minute05:50
eyequeuebillytwowilly, no prob05:50
naliothbillytwowilly: you're welcome05:50
ArafangionR0cK3T: Especially when people mention tits.05:50
=== Ogus [n=ubuntu@adsl-71-157-175-131.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
DarkMageZArafangion, that is not appropriate here05:50
holypaxeyequeue thx05:50
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viator( . ) ( , )05:51
ArafangionDarkMageZ: Sorry!05:51
eyequeueholypax, sure ,they know more about that than we do here, heh05:51
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wastrelrm has no undo, so be careful with it05:51
wastrelrm -rf is the source of many "oops" moments05:51
infidelanyone here running 32bit ubuntu on a 64 bit proccessor?05:51
glickanyone have an ekiga account?05:51
holypaxeyequeue yep05:52
Crippy-Boyinfidel: no, but it will be no different than a 32 bit processor.05:52
Arafangionglick: I've got one - never used it, though.05:52
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R0cK3Trm -r =descend into write-protected directory `Quake_III_Arena'?05:53
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about purge - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:53
R0cK3Ti don't see how that removes it?05:53
glickArafangion, can you call me?05:53
infidelCrippy-Boy: no advantage or dissadvantage either way huh?05:53
glicki wanna see how it works05:53
Arafangionglick: Sorry. :(05:53
OgusI fried my gui on my computer and I'm using the Livecd now.  How can I get into my hard disk from the LiveCD to copy the Xorg.conf file to my hard drive? anyone know?05:53
Arafangionglick: But, try using the echo bot.05:54
viatormeal trying to remove a .deb?05:54
Arafangionglick: I believe that he's in the faq.05:54
infidelCrippy-Boy: except for with 32bit i will have more apps to choose from05:54
viatorlike apt-get --purge remove packagename?05:54
rxso who is expert here??05:54
=== La_PaRCa [n=Sergio@bas12-montrealak-1167980865.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
R0cK3Tnot me ;)05:54
naliothrx: depends on your questions05:54
eyequeuemeal3837, you may want sudo dpkg --purge foo05:54
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Crippy-Boyinfidel: I know that, my point was that running a 32 bit os on a 64 bit cpu will be no different than running it on a 32 bit processor.05:54
Homeremacs is awesome05:54
Homeronce you learn the basics05:55
=== bannedbruenig [n=bruenig@adsl-69-155-90-145.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
ArafangionHomer: The basics amount to nothing that I can already do with vim. It's the "advanced" stuff that takes freaking forever to learn :(05:56
Homeryeah vim is awesome too05:56
Homerit's very different from windows tools05:56
=== buffalodavid is lurking
naliothHomer: and you and Arafangion take your vim and emacs to #ubuntu-offtopic please?05:56
ArafangionHomer: They all suck.05:56
Homernalioth, np05:56
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infidelCrippy-Boy: i'm sorry did i make that sound like a statement actually it was a question. so, running a 32 bit os on a 64 bit proccessor won't cause me to loose over a 64 bit os?05:57
rxwhat file start fluxbox under X???????05:57
=== bannedbruenig is uncertain what infidel's question even means
=== ISOLATEDViRuS [n=ISOLATED@pool-68-236-63-52.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ISOLATEDViRuSwhat do i need to play wmv's in totem?05:58
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:58
nalioth!tell ISOLATEDViRuS about w32codecs05:58
eyequeue!wmv > ISOLATEDViRuS05:58
buffalodavidone question from the newbie: If you could give one piece of advice to said nebie... what would it be?05:58
rxcuz i need to put commands in there to run at startup05:58
eyequeuelol, three different names for the same factoid, heh05:58
infidelbannedbruenig: lol, sorry just want to get the best performance from my 64 bit proccessor. the question is will it run a 32 bit os just as fast as it will a 64 bit os05:59
wastrelbuffalodavid:  learn the command line05:59
eyequeuebuffalodavid, don't be adraid to learn, read, etc05:59
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viatorISOLATEDViRuS i suggest you install totem-xine and the firefoxplugin over05:59
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viatorseems to work better05:59
bannedbrueniginfidel, I haven't seen much difference. There may be some drop but it is not immediately noticable at least not by me05:59
eyequeuebuffalodavid, yes, commandline will be your friend, as wastrel said06:00
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infidelbannedbruenig: your have an 64 bit proccessor running a 32 bit os?06:00
buffalodavidyears ago I was pretty good at unix comand lines hope it will come back06:00
bannedbrueniginfidel, yes06:00
ferosshey, can I set only directories to drwrr-xr-x then all the files to rw-r--r-- recursively? I tried chmod -R but it does all files and directories06:00
glitch-i am trying to configure a vpn server..poptop...i believe..06:00
OgusI think I found my hard drive but its locked - think its /dev sda - but its locked - I have Ubuntu installed on my HD but the graphics configuration is messed up and wont let me in -- is it possible for me to transfer files from this Live ubuntu I am runing now to my hard disk so that it will boot up ok? I don't know any command that will reset my X server - the configration is messed up06:01
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infidelbannedbruenig: ok if it's good enough for you it will be good enough for me06:01
eyequeuefeross, no such thing, it's either/or06:01
Homerhey what is a good tutorial for bash command line06:01
glitch-anyone familiar with it?06:01
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buffalodavidwindows made me lazy06:01
viatordpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:01
eyequeuefeross, but you could write a bash script to check -f or -d filetype, and act accordingly, i suppose06:01
glitch-i need to configure the poptop config file but i am not sure what localip and remoteip are for06:01
Crippy-BoyBah, whats with all the windows bashing.06:02
Homerall the cool people use linux06:02
bannedbruenigwindows made you ignorant, not lazy. There is a difference. Laziness implies it did everything for you where more correctly it hid everything you could do in order to promote "ease of use"06:02
Homerhwhat is a good tutorial for bash command line?06:02
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via applications -> accessories -> terminal (gnome) or kmenu -> system -> konsole (kde). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands06:02
_EriKyes, we do, homer06:02
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ArafangionHomer: The Advanced Bash Guide on tldp is the best, imho.06:03
R0cK3Trm -r foldername definitely doesn't delete a dir06:03
R0cK3Tcan anyone tell me how to remove a dir with other sub dirs06:03
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R0cK3Tthere has to be an easier way !!!106:03
Crippy-BoyThe 'i hate MS' bandwagon really annoys me. If you dont like something dont use it, simple as.06:03
bannedbruenigR0cK3T, yes it does, make sure you are in the right directory when you use it06:03
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eyequeueR0cK3T, man rm06:04
_EriKrock: rm -rf $target06:04
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juergenkarlsudo rm -rf /06:04
ferosseyequeue: yeah, I think I might be able to do something like  'find . -type d |xargs chmod 766' am not sure.. I guess I'll give it a shot06:04
ArafangionCrippy-Boy: I hate Visual Studio, but I *have* to use it.06:04
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R0cK3Trm: descend into write-protected directory `Quake_III_Arena'? n06:04
=== kyle_ [n=kyle@c-71-205-191-100.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
kyle_i am in need of assistance06:04
bannedbruenigR0cK3T, you need to use sudo06:04
glitch-are those both what the vpn server will act as, or is it what the remote client's ip will be it seems ambigious to me06:04
eyequeuejuergenkarl, please do NOT type that in here!  (no one do that!)06:04
R0cK3Tdescend into write protected dir?06:04
R0cK3Tim already root!06:04
vapermonkey00Is there a quake 3 download for ubuntu and if so where can i find it, i have the game and i cant get wine to installit06:04
R0cK3Tmaybe not :/06:05
Oguscan I access my HD (that has Ubuntu installed06:05
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eyequeuefeross, i was going to recommend find as well, but know that it's man page throws many off (quite powerful though, with xargs)06:05
bannedbruenigjuergenkarl, if you want to know where I got the prefix banned, it came from a replication of that there06:05
R0cK3Thahahahahaha awsome06:05
Crippy-BoyArafangion: In the same way im stuck using windows now and then (for college mainly) but fanboys of any kind do my head in, Theres nothing wrong with liking something but it doesnt mean you have to hate everything else.06:05
Oguscan I access my HD (that has Ubuntu installed) via my Unbuntu live that is running right now?06:05
lufisWhat's hangin peeps!06:05
R0cK3Tfinally got something to work :P06:05
lufisOgus: sure can06:05
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kyle_i have a dual head setup, using the onboard agp graphics and a pci nvidia card06:06
eyequeueOgus, mount /dev/hda5 or whatever, sure06:06
Crippy-BoyPersonally i like all os's as they create competition for each other and and we benifit from it.06:06
Ogusok thx man06:06
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glitch-i am trying to configure a vpn server ..poptop..i believe..i need to configure the poptop config file but i am not sure what localip and remoteip are for are those both what the vpn server will act as, or is it what the remote client's ip will be it seems ambigious to me06:06
=== buffalodavid will be back
D00B3Yhow to upgrade from 386 to i686? I reformatted recently, and last time it did it automatically..06:06
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R0cK3Tthanx you06:06
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lufisD00B3Y: The kernel?06:06
eyequeueD00B3Y, what do you want, a kernel?06:06
D00B3YI think.06:06
D00B3YI want it to be like before, i68606:07
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lufisD00B3Y: Install the 686 kernel package from synaptic06:07
kyle_my problem is that video and games only show up on one monitor, and when i move the window to the other monitor all that shows is a gray box06:07
eyequeueD00B3Y, there would not be an "automatic" kernel upgrade of that sort, so you may mean something else06:07
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vapermonkey00no quake 3 ancers06:07
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ArafangionCrippy-Boy: I personally feel that the fundamental issue is that the MS fanboys are so <censored> annoying.06:08
ArafangionCrippy-Boy: It's alright being a Linux fanboy, or a Mac fanboy, but the MS fanboys often don't even *acknowledge* that alternatives even exist.06:08
TBNolananyone familiar with eggdrop? how can i start my eggy on reboot/startup?06:08
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miciHi all !06:08
D00B3YTBNolan: set up crontab06:08
lufisHi mici!06:08
ArafangionD00B3Y: Wrong answer.06:09
Crippy-BoyArafangion: Just as alot of mac/linux fanboys refuse to believe that theres anyting wrong with their os's06:09
miciFolks I would like to ask if anybody has a netzero.deb somewhere -I need to install ubuntu on an old friends PC tomorrow and she uses netzero06:09
D00B3YArafangion: what do you suggest? services?06:09
ArafangionCrippy-Boy: Well, with Mac OS X, they'd be right ;)06:09
lalocuraalguien q hable espaol?06:09
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ArafangionD00B3Y: crontab is not a good solution to starting up something that should only start *once*06:09
Crippy-BoyArafangion: no they wouldn't.06:09
eyequeueTBNolan, actually, if you'll read the docs, it does recommend a cron job06:09
eyequeue!es > lalocura06:09
TBNolanis that the best option?06:09
miciapparently netzero cant be used with simple ppp only with this dialer which uses java...06:09
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D00B3YArafangion: read what he wrote " how can i start my eggy on reboot/startup?"06:09
OmegaNineI am trying to use csplit to split up files, but I need to split it up by "-***-" and it thinks that im trying to pass it another paramiter.  Any know a work around for that?06:10
eyequeueTBNolan, the docs recommend it, so i would say probably yes06:10
lalocuraspeak spanish??????06:10
viatortheres a dialup isp for like $506:10
viatorcalled stowe telecom06:10
bannedbruenigwindows is a more hated target because of their monopolistic practices, other OSes don't have that extra target06:10
ArafangionD00B3Y: Doesn't crontab only start something every X period of time?06:10
eyequeuelalocura, read what ubotu told you06:10
viatordont need any software06:10
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.06:10
viatorjust configure ppp06:10
D00B3YArafangion: it checks to see if it is open every X period of time, if it is not, it opens it.06:10
D00B3YTBNolan: http://support.sh3lls.net/index.php?_a=knowledgebase&_j=questiondetails&_i=47&nav=+%26gt%3B+%3Ca+href%3D%27index.php%3F_a%3Dknowledgebase%26_j%3Dsubcat%26_i%3D3%27%3EShell+Hosting%3C%2Fa%3E+%26gt%3B+%3Ca+href%3D%27index.php%3F_a%3Dknowledgebase%26_j%3Dsubcat%26_i%3D5%27%3EEggdrop%3C%2Fa%3E06:10
bannedbruenigCrontab does not work here because he is talking about an event, startup not a time frame06:11
Arafangionbannedbruenig: THe point I was making is that while the Mac fanboy might say their OS is the best, they do acknowledge that Windows (1) Exists (2) is in use, and (3) Often accomodate the windows file formats.06:11
Arafangionbannedbruenig: The windows fanboys would flat out deny the relevance of Mac.06:11
bannedbruenigArafangion, nevermind on the crontab thing, I get what you are saying, seems kind of unnecessary though06:11
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Crippy-BoyArafangion: There are plenty of problems with os x, people just refuse to admit it.06:11
Arafangionbannedbruenig: Heck, my web design tutor, a MS fanboy, didn't even know what apache is.06:11
Arafangionbannedbruenig: Afterall, everybody uses IIS06:12
Arafangion(Version 6.0, please)06:12
lufisIIs, ick. Myspace runs that... need i say more?06:12
D00B3Ybannedbruenig: well crontab starts with system, so It would work06:12
eyequeuelufis, you have a creative way of making a point, heh06:12
xhaanmyspace is craptacular :p06:12
=== Arafangion runs the OBSD version of Apache 1.3
gre1i don run any06:13
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Crippy-BoyMyspace would be ok if people had some idea about colour contrast and what makes you want to pull your eyes out with a rusty spoon.06:13
eyequeueapache2 (from dapper) runs here06:13
Crippy-BoyAnd it wasn't full of emo's06:14
simtowerany chance someone can help me restore grub to my MBR... i am getting an error when i try to do what is in the FAQ06:14
Crippy-Boyand the templates used valid css.06:14
Arafangioneyequeue: The OBSD version is secure, and chrooted by default for good measure :)06:14
bannedbruenigCrippy-Boy, I love backgrounds full of pictures that make text unreadablye, You don't? You are the weirdo06:14
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xhaanCrippy-Boy, i just meant that it doesnt work right half the time06:14
eyequeueArafangion, sounds like an obsd app, heh06:14
gre1simtower: whenever i break grubb i install anoother linux06:14
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miciviator, yeah but how do I get online once at her house?06:14
glickhey what sound daemon does ubuntu use?06:14
gre1im so lazy06:14
Arafangioneyequeue: Yes, it's a tad minimal, that's for damn sure.06:14
simtowerlol gre1 it is pretty easy to fix if you have a floppy drive but i don't have one06:15
gre1neither do i06:15
lufisglick: ESD06:15
Crippy-Boybannedbruenig: Yeah, i love them about as much as i love tooth ache.06:15
miciviator, But thanks for the tip - I might just call them though...06:15
eyequeueArafangion, for an admin, i guess the idea is they can figure the rest out, heh ... a bit different from ubuntu's mindset06:15
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glickhow can i choose esd in ekiga, it only allows me to select alsa06:15
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Ogusroot@ubuntu:/# ls06:16
Ogusbin  boot  cdrom  dev  etc  home  initrd  initrd.img  lib  media  mnt  opt  proc  rofs  root  sbin  srv  sys  tmp  usr  var  vmlinuz06:16
Ogusroot@ubuntu:/# sudo mount /dev/sda06:16
Ogusmount: can't find /dev/sda in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab06:16
Ogusroot@ubuntu:/# cd dev06:16
Ogusroot@ubuntu:/dev# dir s06:16
lufisglick: ESD and ALSA have separate functions06:16
Ogusdir: s: No such file or directory06:16
Arafangioneyequeue: Ubuntu's mindset is far better for desktop systems, imho.06:16
Ogusroot@ubuntu:/dev# mount sda06:16
Ogusmount: can't find /dev/sda in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab06:16
Arafangioneyequeue: Servers are inherently different.06:16
Ogusroot@ubuntu:/dev# sudo mount sda06:16
Ogusmount: can't find /dev/sda in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab06:16
eyequeue!paste > Ogus06:16
Oguswhat am I doing wrong?06:16
bannedbruenigfirst you are not using pastebin06:16
BluR_Does anyone know where i can find this information: http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/email-services.html   => "TODO: This section should cover configuring SMTP AUTH with exim4."06:16
Ogussaves some time06:16
gre1i now run linux inside windows cause its a loteasier for if i break somtin06:16
miciOngus: fstab -l /dev/sda06:16
eyequeueArafangion, bear in mind, each arch has a servercd, as one of the 3 cds :)06:17
ArafangionOgus: Second, you flooded the channel.06:17
cherubielOgus: specify the partition nos too, can't mount sda06:17
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miciOngus You want to mount the whole drive not only a partition?06:17
irawanOgus: use should try /dev/sda1 /mount/point/06:17
lufisglick: AFAIK, ESD mixes sound, ALSA interfaces with the soundcard06:17
=== marshall [n=jeff@CPE001310cdb611-CM001225dffbea.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
Ogussorry if I flooded the channel06:17
marshallhey guys06:17
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lufisHi marshall06:17
gre1Ogus: i dont accept ure appology06:18
miciOgus, fstab -l will give you all the partitions on the drive - except if theres evms or lvm2 on it - then you need to search in /dev/evms/lvm2/SOMEWHEREHERE06:18
=== filipf [n=filipf@c-71-201-189-185.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
OgusI'll just reinstall the whole thing again -06:18
=== bannedbruenig stands in unity with the non acceptance of apology
viatormici on the netzero site i tired to download the software but they wont allow me to unless i have an acct06:18
xhaanyou probably dont have to do that... unless you want to06:18
marshallin abiword-gnome, if you want the page to be in the middle of all the grey space behind it, what do you do?06:18
Ogussorry again didnt think cutting and pasting was bad - first time on this06:18
filipfhello everyone06:18
marshallOgus: dont worry about it man06:18
filipfdo you guys have any experience with setting up software raid in dapper?06:19
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Arafangioneyequeue: I'd better stop, otherwise this will become a rant against Ubuntu by me :)06:19
marshallhi filipf06:19
eyequeueOgus, now you know, and i appreciate your apology, polite is good :)06:19
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miciviator, Yeahh... I tried that too-but see I dont have her credentials either - how stupid is that - use netzero - but you can only download it once you have an acc with it - how do U sign up than?06:19
bannedbruenigit is just hard to see what your problem was because there were 3-4 posts in between your list of commands06:19
Arafangioneyequeue: My fav server distro is Debian, though Ubuntu is fantastic for desktops.06:19
eyequeueArafangion, the way i see it, each has its place/purpose :)  i've run both06:19
irawanOgus: what exactly you want to do?06:19
Arafangioneyequeue: Cool :)06:19
miciIf I am online I wouldnt care about netzero any more...06:19
eyequeueArafangion, both meaning obsd, but also debian :)06:19
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=== graeme [n=chatzill@bas10-toronto12-1177577110.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
filipfi have two 250GB drives, and i used mdadm to create an array. the problem is it takes forever to sync (like 3 days) due to slow transfer rate06:20
viatorya have to provide a CC06:20
Arafangioneyequeue: Admittably, I'd be running Debian instead of Ubuntu if it weren't for Debian's <censored> hardware support in Etch.06:20
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gre1i havnt found the right distro yet06:20
filipfdo you know what could be wrong?06:20
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viatorget a credit card # genrator lol06:20
viatorlike we did in the good ole days06:20
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eyequeueArafangion, actually, i triple booted debian/obsd/fbsd on one box, heh06:20
bannedbruenigdreamlinux when it gets a bit more stable and writes some good english documentation looks promising06:20
miciviator, :))06:20
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Arafangioneyequeue: Would you recommend obsd on any actual servers these days, though? :/ (RAID, etc)06:21
OgusI was trying to install my nvidia driver to 3d acceleration and it messed up my x server configuration so I can get past the terminal to the gnome desktop - I thought if I copy the configuration files to the hard drive via the LiveCD it would solve the problem for me06:21
eyequeueviator, just a hint before it goes far, talk of illegal activities are a no-no in this channel :)06:21
Arafangioneyequeue: I mean, real servers, not desktop/laptops recycled as a server.06:21
miciviator, Its easier If I just set up my box for dialin and ppp to my server - once online ask for her ceredentials and download the stuff - its just too complicated - I figured somebody whould have a netzer.deb and I would just have to toss it on ubuntu...06:21
eyequeueArafangion, i don't want to bash them here either but ... one word: "theo" (meaning no)06:22
Ogusthis is the third time using the forums to set up my nvidia 6800 that it has messed the deasktop interface up06:22
lufisOgus: is there a backup file in the conf directory?06:22
OgusI dont know man I jsut left windows for good last wek so im a noob06:22
Arafangioneyequeue: Enter privmsg?06:22
eyequeueArafangion, good idea06:22
lufisOgus: Ah, are you at the command line on the pc now?06:22
Crippy-BoyOne thing i don't understand with ubuntu is why the defualt install doesnt come with a compiler, even server install.06:23
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Ogusim using the liveCD06:23
mondoWhat's the shell command to list connected usb devices?06:23
gre1i cant switch to linux completlt untill wine works good06:23
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UKMatthas anyone ever installed swiftfox?06:23
Crippy-BoyNearly put me off a bit first time i used it, I tried to compile something and realised there was no compiler, my initial reaction was 'eh?'06:23
cruddpuppetcan someone help me with apache and ubuntu06:23
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bannedbruenigUKMatt, yeah using it right now06:24
irawanOgus: try to copy the config to a floppy or usbflash06:24
Sir_SidHi, Is it possible to play .wmv videos in linux?06:24
cruddpuppethas anyone used apache for ubuntu06:24
UKMattbannedbruenig, i downloaded and unpacked it, but can't figure out how to 'install' it, can you help me out06:24
bannedbruenigUKMatt, there is a .deb on the swiftfox website specifically for ubuntu now, before you had to use the source06:24
flowmacsome .wmv play in vlc06:24
gre1Sir_Sid: anything is possible in linux06:24
micimodno lsusb06:24
micimondo lsusb06:24
Crippy-BoySir_Sid: yes, you have to install the codecs, look on the wiki06:24
Sir_Sidok thank you06:24
bannedbruenigUKMatt, what processor?06:24
flowmacyeah and use the win32codecs06:24
graemeanybody have a sec to help a n00b?06:24
UKMattbannedbruenig, p406:24
mondothanks Mici!06:25
cruddpuppetapache help anyone06:25
flowmaci dont think encrypted wmv play though...06:25
cruddpuppetapache help anyone06:25
miciSo nobody has netzero.deb by any chance ???06:25
bannedbruenigUKMatt, http://getswiftfox.com/builds/ubuntu/, just open it with gdebi or if that isn't an option save it to disk then do sudo dpkg -i filename06:25
Crippy-BoyAnyone know why exactly ubuntu doesnt come with a compiler? (just a random question, not trying to critisize ubuntu)06:25
infideli'm going to install the 32 bit version, i should have to format my home directory right? it's on a totally seperate partition06:25
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irawangraeme: what's your problem?06:26
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gre1cruddpuppet: try #apache06:26
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carpenoctemhey everybody06:26
miciinfidel, You dont have to format it06:26
glickcan someone help me configure ekiga?06:26
UKMattbannedbruenig, ty that was much easier06:26
graemei'm installing on a 3rd hd, but the bootloader doesn't show, when i change that drive to boot in bios  i get an error06:27
graemewhich i wish i wrote down now06:27
infidelmici: ok thanks06:27
carpenoctemwhat's up in here?06:27
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bannedbruenigUKMatt, the other way wasn't too difficult all you had to do was cd into the swiftfox directory and do ./swiftfox but this way seems to be cleaner and because it is .deb is now tracked by apt so that is good06:27
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=== irawan brb
TBNolanquick question, is ubuntu set up to use a mySQL database?06:28
miciinfidel, You might have to play with UID and GID-s though - make sure the new syetem has the same ID-s or just chown -R user:group /home/someuser06:28
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TBNolanoh nevermind06:29
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ryedunnIm having some issues with apt-get, I read this might be a bug but the article was 6mths old. "PreDepends: libc6 (= 2.3.6-0ubuntu20) but 2.3.6.ds1-4 is installed" any ideas how to get around this?06:29
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miciBye all - Good night folks...06:29
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infidelmici ok06:30
glicki thought esd could play multiple sounds at once?06:30
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infidelok wish me luck got to go 32 bit06:31
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cliffdanyone running myth tv on ubuntu?06:31
glickcan someon try calling me through ekiga?06:31
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gre1cliffd: i couldnt get mysq to work06:32
ryedunncliffd working on that as we speak06:32
simtowerany chance someone can help me restore grub to my MBR... the various HOWTOs do not have working info06:32
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cliffdryedunn: hows it going?06:32
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cliffdgre1: did your mysql just keep dying?06:32
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ryedunnnot  even close yet06:32
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cliffdryedunn: haha. I know the feeling.06:33
gre1i couldnt connect06:33
ryedunnjust installed ubuntu two days ago and apt is really fighting me06:33
gre1#mythtv-users should hlp u06:33
cafuegosimtower: 'sudo grub'; 'root (hd0,0)'; 'setup (hd0)'06:33
zeronenorezcan any buddy tell me what can i do if i meet this warning: "make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop."06:34
cafuegosimtower: Replace (hd0,0) with the actual partition info from where your grub lives. (The example is hda1)06:34
cliffdah. Im just wondering if anyone got it working. I tried about 6 months ago and gave up06:34
Crippy-Boyzeronenorez: did you run ./configure first?06:34
cliffdzeronenorez: did you do ./configure ?06:34
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simtowercafuego: thanks worked perfectly... =)06:34
cliffdzeronenorez: and did it succeed?06:34
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ryedunnRH has some good documentation on mythtv, Ive been thinking about giving that a try.06:35
zeronenorezcliffd, maybe not , there are some no06:35
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cliffdzeronenorez: some no's are fine06:35
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cliffdzeronenorez: can you make a paste bin of the ./configure out put.. also what are you trying to build?06:36
ryedunnST LOU06:36
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cliffdzeronenorez: for instance if you have a no for something like jpeg support... library not found" that would be ok. you just wouldnt get jpeg support06:36
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zeronenorezcliffd, *try*06:37
TSP_XI just compile a new kernel reinstalled the nvidia drivers but the X wont start :(06:37
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gre1TSP_X: samething happened to me on debian06:37
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TSP_Xi don't kow what to do now...06:38
cafuegoof course, the other option is to just use the precompiled packages.06:38
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gre1install a different version of x06:38
=== the_hammer [n=HAMMERSW@S01060014858fa523.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
the_hammerhey guys06:38
viatortry just using the vanilla kernel and reconfiguring x06:39
the_hammerwhats the install command im trying to install xchat 2.6.6 in ubuntu using command installpkg blabla here06:39
the_hammerunknown command installpkg06:39
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the_hammerubuntu 6.0606:39
=== American-Tech [n=Keith@cpe-24-58-18-41.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
cynicalthe_hammer: sudo apt-get install xchat06:40
TSP_Xdpkg -i pack.deb06:40
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the_hammerits on desktop06:40
the_hammerjust dunno how to install06:40
cynicalthe_hammer: then yeah sudo dpkg -i packname.deb06:40
TSP_Xsudo dpkg -i xchat.deb06:40
American-TechI have a dell 2405 (24 inch widescreen) is there support for this in ubuntu?06:40
vapermonkey00how do i change a check sum06:40
kevinGhow do i use .run files?06:40
viatorthe_hammer whats the difference from 2.6.1 to 2.6.606:40
cafuegothe_hammer: You don't need to download files by hand, the package managers do it all for you.06:40
viatori dont want to look at changelog06:40
cafuegoAmerican-Tech: Yes.06:41
TSP_Xis there a way to compile the nvidia module?06:41
Ogusi'm still stumped - can't find out how to get to my hard drive from the liveCD that I am running now - nothin on the boards about it that I can find - its got to be simple, it won't mount.06:41
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the_hammerwell manager only has 0.11 or something i got it on desktop bbs06:41
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viatorthe hammer newest version in the repos is 2.6.106:41
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American-Techmmm I can't get the live cd to install06:41
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American-Techwith the widescreen06:42
viatormake sure you have all the repose06:42
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Ogusamerican does your bios boot up your CD ROM first?06:42
cafuegoAmerican-Tech: jdub (Gnome developer, uses Ubuntu) has one. It works fine with his machine.06:42
eugmanIs anyone free to edit the wiki?06:42
cafuegoeugman: yep06:42
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eugmanEven making new pages?06:43
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American-TechI don't doubt that it does, I am just having troubles installing on mine06:44
jman8888... (Please dont just say ubuntu.) But what is the best live cd for Booting Linux (From Cd) On a old Pc. (Win 98) Just to browse the net? (I go to the hospitial and i would like to have a Live cd to use)06:44
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marshallin abiword-gnome, if you want the page to be in the middle of all the grey space behind it, what do you do?06:44
zeronenorezcliffd, thanks buddy, i think i can solve problem like that by myself,  :D06:44
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eugmanActually I suppose there is no reason it wouldn't. Thanks06:44
Lathiatjman8888: ubuntu? ;) this is an ubuntu channel what do you expect ;p06:44
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Crippy-Boyjman8888: Damn Small Linux :-)06:44
Lathiatjman8888: the only other rael popular one is knoppix06:44
the_hammerthis is retarded i try to in stall xchat 2.6.6 says error about common so then tried installing the xchat (note have both the comman and the xchat 2.6.6)06:44
viatoror puppy linux06:44
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the_hammerget same error 1 missing the other06:45
jman8888Crippy-Boy, Does it support Dial-Up?06:45
jman8888viator, Were you talking to me?06:45
viatorwhy a whole live cd distro just to surf06:45
viatoruse portable apps06:45
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jman8888viator, Because i prefer my Linux tools06:45
Crippy-Boyjman8888: Never tried it but im sure it does.06:45
viatoron a usb stick or cd06:45
jman8888Crippy-Boy, Ok i'll Try it.06:45
viatorcause sometimes your not allowed to boot from cdrom06:46
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jman8888viator, Either.06:46
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Jack_Sparrowjman8888: It does support dialup ..but, winmodems are a problem.06:46
viatoryou can find firefox06:46
_lemsx1_anybody using vmware on Edgy ?06:46
Jack_Sparrowjman8888: I take it this is a lappy you are taking with you06:46
Ogusis there a IRC channel for Ubuntu noobs? or is this it?06:47
R0cK3Tanyone here have success installing quake 3 on ubuntu with amd 64 and ati card?06:47
Jack_SparrowOgus: You are there.06:47
Crippy-Boyviator: he already said he wanted to use linux06:47
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eyequeueOgus, this is the support channel there's also an offtopic channel06:47
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viatorcrippy i understand that i was just shwoing him there is a means to run alot of your favorite oss apps in any invironment06:48
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Crippy-Boyviator: alright.06:48
viatorbecause sometimes you CANT boot a live cd06:48
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Crippy-Boyviator: Yeah i get what you mean, I tried when i was in school, Man was that a mistake.06:48
jman8888Jack_Sparrow, I want to be able to use Linux anywhere but i want one that will support the Normal methods of Net connection. (Dial-Up & DSL) so dialup will work? Im thinking a Ubuntu 5.04 Live cd might work (It was FAST on 92mb Ram. and the cd said it needed 32...)06:48
OgusI know my hard drive is /dev/sda cause its in the system>administration>disks menu as such but it has that RED X in the right hand corner of the icon06:49
flakehey, someone has to know this - trying to install 6.06 onto a laptop as dual boot - I get past the partioning, and when it gets to setting up the packages and installing, the lcd screen goes black with two cursors on it - one in the upper left corner and one near the middle06:49
=== hammer_ [n=hammer@S01060014858fa523.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #UBUNTU
Jack_Sparrowjman8888: Yes knoppix supports both06:49
Ogusbut the terminal wont let me get to it06:49
Crippy-Boyviator: the tutor nearly had a fit 'Whats that, THATS NOT WINDOWS, Your trying to hack the network!!! get away from the computer now!"06:49
hammer_sweet i did it06:49
graemeis there any reason why bootloader wouldn't work on a secondary disk?06:49
Jack_Sparrowjman8888: You may pm me with Knoppix questions... Not on topic here in channel06:49
R0cK3Tanyone here have success installing quake 3 on ubuntu with amd 64 and ati card?06:49
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jman8888Jack_Sparrow, Is it fast even on old stuff? (Like a old windows98 pc)06:49
viatorfunny the word hack is considered a bad word06:49
viatorwhen the first rule of "hacking" is do no harm?06:50
Crippy-BoyYeup, because its taken out of context by media06:50
bushblowzJack_Sparrow, may i PM you with a knoppix ? or to as well06:50
flakehacking is not evil but is the root of all evil06:50
Jack_Sparrowjman8888: Please join #Jack_Sparrow to continue this conversation out of respect for the Ubuntu users here06:50
Crippy-BoyDepends how you define 'hacking'06:50
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Jack_SparrowSure bushblowz06:50
=== DigitalNinja [n=dhull@78-215-223-66.gci.net] has joined #ubuntu
flakeanyone have trouble installing on a laptop (gateway or other), getting a black screen with a cursor halfway thru the install?06:51
the_hammerlol ya ppl bark about hacking but people also bark about pirates to06:51
R0cK3Ti got the dual boot to work on laptop06:51
R0cK3Thp laptop06:51
Crippy-Boyflake: not on here but i had it on my laptop, I had to edit my xorg.conf file.06:51
flakeit doesn't see my router on the wireless network, dont kno if that has anything to do it06:51
Crippy-Boyon my mac*06:51
viatorhp laptops work well with ubuntu06:51
the_hammerppl have been a pirate far long before pc's were ever thought of much less made lol06:52
viatorcompaq as well since they are the same06:52
DigitalNinjaI've been trying to use banshee to access an iPod and it's not working. It did work when it was hfs+ formated though. Any ideas?06:52
cafuegoviator: Some do, yes.06:52
SiliconViperFilesystem question!06:52
flakecouldnt set up my network during the install06:52
Crippy-BoyI love IBM thinkpads.06:52
R0cK3Tdo you see the network monitor?06:52
Crippy-BoyI havent had one problem with mine running anything.06:52
flakeprepares all these software programs for installation then suddenly goes black06:52
flakewith a cursor06:52
viatorcafuego yeah everything ecvept broacom06:52
the_hammerwhere do i find my sources list is it in user or etc i forget the location?06:52
cafuegoviator: Ha. I have a broadcom card which works just fine.06:52
R0cK3Tso that happens when you try to do updates?06:52
viatorworks out of the box06:52
viatorso dont i06:53
SiliconViperI apoliogise in advance for any controversy this generates, but which is more suited to safely storing my data, and searching it? ReiserFS, XFS, or JFS?06:53
cafuegoviator: However, inserting an pcmcia card in this HP makes it hardlock.06:53
viatoryou helped me06:53
flakeR0cK3T:  i'm still trying to install it06:53
viatora while ago06:53
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R0cK3Tso you never got to installing the boot loader?06:53
flakei did the partitioning06:53
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Crippy-BoyI was quite amazed installing linux on here, Everything was detected perfectly, wireless was working within mins, Im gunna stick with thinkpads :-)06:53
flakeit didn't get me a boot loader option?06:53
viatori cant afford thinkpads :(06:54
jsedgwickSTEVE IRWIN IS DEAD06:54
viatorthis compaq  is my wifes it was like $500 bew06:54
R0cK3Tsting ray in the chest ;)06:54
simtowerwhat ever you do don't install windows after ubuntu, youll regret it =(06:54
_lemsx1_jsedgwick: bad place to post that06:54
protocol1think pads are good I hear06:54
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knapperI get the following error when I try to run amarok06:54
knapperknapp@knapp-desktop:~$ amarokapp amarokapp: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libGL.so.1: undefined symbol: _nv001214gl06:54
Crippy-Boyviator: me neither, This is a semi old one (P3-M 1.2, 1g ram) but its still perfect06:54
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knapperAny ideas?06:54
flakeoh there's a bootloader option (rescue disk)06:55
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R0cK3Tflake: just so i get a better idea of where you are..  where does the installation cut out on you?06:55
ShadowpillarSteve irwin died06:55
=== [F] [n=f@pool-72-66-116-72.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
[F] do any of you guys use the pan news reader?06:55
flakelast i saw it, it was preparing software to install06:55
Shadowpillaryanno, the croc hunter?06:55
flakethe progress bar going across06:55
Crippy-BoyHow he die?06:55
flakei turned my back for a couple of minutes and it was black06:55
[F] Crippy-Boy: stingray06:55
Shadowpillaryeah, stingray barb through the chest06:55
protocol1once I get a usb cd-rom  ...  Im going to convert my laptop to a full linux machine06:55
R0cK3Tif your mount points are wrong it won't install i think06:56
Crippy-BoyWell, mess with deadly shit all your life, you're gunna come unstuck some time.06:56
kevinGdude, that news is so 5 minutes ago06:56
R0cK3Tdid you make sure you had a mount point for /   and /home06:56
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flakei let ubuntu do that,there was free space, /ext3, and something else06:56
R0cK3Tyou have to be specific06:56
R0cK3Ti had the same prob i think06:57
Oguschmod changes permission right?06:57
R0cK3Tit needs 1 swap  1 /root partition and 1 /home06:57
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flakethere was a swap06:57
R0cK3Tthere should be two other partitions06:57
R0cK3Tone for root and one for home06:58
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R0cK3Tyou have to manually edit the partitions06:58
flakeon which partition will the space be for my stuff or applications06:58
flakethe free space?06:58
Ogushas anyone fixed problems on thier hard drive by rebooting with the liveCD? how did you access your hard drive? seems to think it diesnt exist even though its in /dev ?06:59
R0cK3Tthat should be /home06:59
flakeok, will reboot and try again06:59
R0cK3Tmake sure you put one partitiion as root06:59
R0cK3Tand one as home06:59
R0cK3Tinstead of /dev/hda9 or we07:00
R0cK3Tand format them07:00
flakeoh gawd, i hit the enter key and it i saw disk activity, grub came up and now ubuntu splash is up07:00
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flakethe cd popped out07:01
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flakeit lives07:01
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Ogushas anyone fixed problems on thier hard drive by rebooting with the liveCD? how did you access your hard drive? anyone want to try it now for me ?: )07:02
flakethanks for your help R0cK3T07:02
R0cK3Tif i helped at all ;)07:03
=== Awesome-o2000 [n=booyah@12-218-144-120.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
flakei do have more questions if you feel so inclined to hold my hand a little more - in a friendly manner  ;)07:03
R0cK3Tsure man07:03
R0cK3Tjust learnin myself07:03
thompaOgus: just mount them or look in file07:03
zeronenorezcan any buddy help me with this:http://ubuntuking.blogspot.com/2006/09/installing-gtk-engines-2.html#links  i only solved one support error and there are so many no's, whitch support need install?07:04
OgusI tried that it says it doenst exist07:04
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cliffdthe crocodile hunter died07:04
thompawhere are you looking?07:04
Ogusill try again07:04
_lemsx1_SiliconViper: XFS all the way07:04
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DigitalNinjaanyone using banshee07:05
flakei was afraid of this - i ended up with a 10 Gb partition for ubuntu and 60 Gb for windoze, how do i mount the windoze volume and can i change the sizes around without wiping out windoze07:05
OgusI'm probably not super user or sumthin07:05
StoneNoteDigitalNinja, I was married to one once07:05
R0cK3Tyes you can07:05
thompajust look using the menu places: /dev or /mnt maybe07:05
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Crippy-Boyflake: The easiest way would be using the gparted live cd.07:05
R0cK3Ti have partition majic 807:05
R0cK3Ti could send07:05
DigitalNinjaStoneNote: not that kind of banshee07:05
nailbags|workhi, i have a problem with evolution. if i select a message and go Message->Apply Filters the filters work, but it won't filter incoming messages automatically. any ideas?07:06
viatormake sure you defrag the windows partion before resizing it07:06
SiliconViper_lemsx1_, that's what I'm going with so far, based on this: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/38807:06
R0cK3Tworks good for resizeing partitions07:06
R0cK3Tand makeing partitions07:06
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viatoruse qtparted07:06
=== eletido [n=Jon@24-197-203-144.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
viatoror gparted07:06
Crippy-BoyThe gparted live cd works great and is easy :-)07:06
Crippy-Boyor just install gparted07:06
f_fenixzhi all.. im new in linux07:06
flakeok thanks, i'll look for gparted07:06
f_fenixzi have a problem here..07:06
zeronenorezcliffd, can u see this:http://ubuntuking.blogspot.com/2006/09/installing-gtk-engines-2.html#links07:07
viatorflake defrake windows first07:07
viatoritll get borked07:07
viatorif you dont..... happened to me07:07
f_fenixzi cant boot normally with the live cd07:07
=== coldfyre_ [n=coldfyre@c-67-161-28-185.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
f_fenixzi can only boot with safe graphics mode07:07
Ogusmount: can't find /dev/sda in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab ---  why is it looking in mtab and ftab?07:07
f_fenixzso what is the problem here??07:07
nailbags|workanyone use evolution? my filters work if i select a message and go Message->Apply Filters, but they won't filter messages in my inbox automatically07:07
SiliconViper_lemsx1_, http://linuxgazette.net/122/TWDT.html#piszcz also seems to support XFS as the best choice for what I'm doing, but I always like hearing what people have to say.07:07
_lemsx1_SiliconViper: yep. i've read a lot about this as well. but the test of time has shown me that XFS is the best of all. my data is safe in XFS07:07
f_fenixzcan anyone tell me>>07:07
Ogusroot@ubuntu:/dev# mount sda ---- this is what I entered07:08
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R0cK3Tanyone here install quake 3 on ubuntu with amd 64 and ati card?07:08
_lemsx1_SiliconViper: i use 4gb files at times... XFS is the best07:08
SiliconViper_lemsx1_, I use a hefty mixture of files between 2MB and 500MB+07:08
_lemsx1_for all of you worrying about Steve Irwin: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Irwin#Death07:08
R0cK3Tif i only woulda went intel and nvidia my life woulda been so much easier :/07:08
eXistenZBist du Deutsch?07:09
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Crippy-BoyWhats ubuntu like on the new intel macs?07:09
viatorthe live cd doesnt use any proprietary drivers or anything and may not have the newest for your chipset07:09
viatoryou can install in safe mode and install your diver afterwards07:10
flakeomg, i liked the irwin guy, that sucks07:10
R0cK3Tshitty way to go no doubt07:10
=== SpaceFrog [n=12312312@d220-237-217-60.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
R0cK3Tbut play with fire and...07:10
SpaceFroghey, i have a wine-related question.. I'm trying to install an important program (used in conjunction with a uni course)... It appears to be written in VB6, and manipulates a MSAccess database. It won't open the database, so i'm assuming it doesn't have the MS data access .dlls or something... Do i need to install MS access in Wine or is there another way i can do this?07:10
jvaihey all, my bad07:10
FlannelCrippy-Boy: just like it is on normal intel things07:11
f_fenixzi tried installing in safe graphics mode but to no avail07:11
f_fenixzit cannot boot from my hd07:11
glickekiga is pretty sweet07:11
Crippy-BoyFlannel: oh, i assumed it might be a pain what with the EFI instead of bios,07:11
thompaim checking mine07:11
thompais it ntfs?07:11
=== redi [n=renaldo@ppp-69-228-13-187.dsl.frsn01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Crippy-BoyThen again there are Bios compatibility EFI modules. but i dont own one so i wouldnt know :-)07:11
FlannelCrippy-Boy: If I remember corerctly, you might have to use yaboot, but... once its booted, its exactly the same ;)07:12
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R0cK3Tis there any way i can just copy my q3 dir from windows to ubuntu?07:12
redii have just downloaded firefox (the update) and i unzipped it to the desktop but don't know how to install it... can somebody give me a tip?07:12
Crippy-BoyFlannel: Yeah, i remember that well, i have a PPC mac07:12
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SpaceFrognobody knows?07:12
Crippy-BoySpaceFrog: sorry, i have no idea.07:13
thompaMozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64;07:13
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zeronenorezhelp me07:13
rediROcK3t use explorefs07:13
R0cK3Tdid it work for you?07:13
flakewhen i go to make my windows directory to mount it, should i make it udner my user name or as part of the root file system07:13
rediuse it from windows and it works07:13
redican someone help me install firefox?07:14
flakesudo mkdir windows07:14
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flakei'll fart around with it07:14
StoneNoteSpaceFrog, I can't think of a way to do that.  If I were in your situation I'd be stuck loading Windows onto a Virtual Appliance in VMWare and then load Office and my windoze app.  It's that or Cedega and I dont own a copy of that.07:14
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_lemsx1_SpaceFrog: install cross-office and then MS Office07:15
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thompaOgus: sry did you check /dev/disk07:15
SpaceFrogi've never heard of cross-office, but i'll look into it07:15
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thompaim in edgy though07:16
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StoneNoteSpaceFrog, he's talking about this and it's not free http://www.codeweavers.com/products/cxoffice/07:17
R0cK3Tredi: what is explorefs?07:17
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viatori run windows in kqemu07:17
R0cK3Ti can already copy files from windows to ubuntu07:17
rediits a utility available for windows that allows you to see files in your linux ext3 partition07:17
R0cK3Tbut if i copied q3 dir to ubuntu would i be able to play the game from ubuntu?07:17
rediyou can transfer files between the 2 platforms07:17
=== D00B3Y [n=guido@adsl-074-246-034-209.sip.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
StoneNoteviator, yeah. you can run it inder Xen too.07:18
R0cK3Tsimply copying the files isn't my prob07:18
SpaceFrogoh, i see.07:18
D00B3Ywhat do you guys think is the best linux irc client? I dont like xchat that much...07:18
rediwhat are you trying to achieve? im sorry i misunderstood07:18
R0cK3Tim tryin to play q3 on ubuntu07:18
Crippy-BoyR0cK3T: You're not asking if you can run windows binaries under linux natively are you?07:18
R0cK3Tor install it i mean07:18
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R0cK3Ti don't know what im asking07:19
R0cK3Tim a total nub07:19
StoneNoteD00B3Y, if you want to run mirc it works under wine07:19
StoneNoteI like xchat07:19
D00B3Yoh... k07:19
R0cK3Ti been goin at it all day07:19
R0cK3Tand accomplished nothing07:19
D00B3YIt gets confusing with queries and channels, also multiple networks07:19
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SpaceFrogHow can i run mp3s in Ubuntu?07:20
thompaOgus: in system or prefernces there is the disk utility07:20
StoneNoteD00B3Y, people like what they are used to. it's pretty common07:20
thompajust dont mount it in /home anywhere07:20
Crippy-BoyWell if you mean can you just copy a windows version of q3 over to ubuntu and play it then no, get the linux version of quake.07:20
D00B3YStoneNote: Is there any wine tut's I can read about setting up Wine for mIRC? never had to use wine before..07:20
_lemsx1_SpaceFrog: do !mp307:20
R0cK3Tis there a linux version of quake?07:20
bushblowzis there a command to recognize a USB optical mouse from terminal in knoppix07:20
nailbags|workanyone use evolution? my filters work if i select a message and go Message->Apply Filters, but they won't filter messages in my inbox automatically07:21
R0cK3Ti didn't see anything like taht07:21
R0cK3Ti have the install cd07:21
Crippy-BoyThere sure is07:21
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TaxmanR0cK3T: google linux quake07:21
StoneNoteD00B3Y, just install wine, download mirc, right click mirc.exe and open with wine. the rest will look familiar.  http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_Windows_Applications_in_Linux_.28Wine.2907:21
redii just downloaded firefox 1.5 update and unzipped it to my desktop07:21
redihow do i now install it07:21
D00B3YStoneNote: would apt-get install wine do fine?07:22
redii have 1.0.5 with this ubuntu distro07:22
Crippy-BoyMan, im so glad i dont game on a pc07:22
cafuegoredi: Do you have a good reason for not using the prepackaged firefox?07:22
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StoneNoteD00B3Y, you'll need to set up your apt repositories look at the link http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_Windows_Applications_in_Linux_.28Wine.2907:22
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thompawhat is this x-special/device-block07:22
cafuegoredi: Which ubuntu version are you on?07:22
redi1.0.5 is what i have with this version of linux... i can't use a bunch of extensions with this version07:22
ardchoilleredi: Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS has Firefox
redii don't think it have 6.0607:22
D00B3Yalso one more question: would it be stupid running kdm from ubuntu when you have kubuntu?07:23
R0cK3Tquake 3 arena source 1.32c???07:23
Madpilotredi, why are you still running an old version of Ubuntu?07:23
cafuegoYou may not want 6.06 depending on your hardware.07:23
R0cK3Ttaht is just a patch no?07:23
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redithis is the dec 2005 release07:23
infidelwell that seemed painless07:23
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R0cK3Ti need to install the game before i run a patch07:23
cafuegoMadpilot: Coz Say warty runs fine in 192Mb of ram. Dapper does not.07:23
Madpilotredi, October 2005, actually. There was a new release in June 200607:23
ardchoilleredi: open a term and type lsb_release -a07:23
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Taxmanstill haven't found a solution to my cs: unable to map card memory error. Anyone able to help?07:23
Madpilotcafuego, really? Gnome's been getting lighter & faster, though07:24
redii have the 5.10 release07:24
cafuegoMadpilot: Ever tried dapper on a box with 256Mb ram (and not a 2GHz cpu?)07:24
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cafuegoMadpilot: Even on my laptop (1.6Ghz, 512Mb) it's not snappy.07:24
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redican i go directly to the june 2006 release of ubuntu without having to reformat?07:25
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Madpilotredi, yes07:25
Crippy-Boyredi yes07:25
ardchoillecafuego: I use Dapper on a PII, 256Mb ram and it works fine07:25
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Madpilotubotu, tell redi about upgrade07:25
cafuegoredi: If that's what you want to do, sure.07:25
flakebeautiful, i got it mounted - it went to root which is how it should be07:25
cafuegoardchoille: And you use gnome? And think it runs ok?07:25
ardchoillecafuego: Yes07:25
cafuegoThen our definitions of "runs ok" differ.07:25
vikI've changed my root filesystem from ext3 to ext2, changed /etc/fstab, and removed the journal with tune2fs, but ubuntu still tries to mount it as ext3. any ideas?07:26
ardchoillecafuego: Well, ff is a bit slow compared to my P4, 1Gb ram box07:26
=== cafuego refuses to put up with over 30 seconds of bootup time etc.
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Crippy-BoyI have dapper on family desktop (p3 900, 512 ram) if that counts?07:27
Urchhow much space does dapper need? I have a laptop (thought with a bad battery) with a 4gb drive07:27
Crippy-BoyRuns great.07:27
ardchoillecafuego: boot up time? I never reboot unless I upgrade the kernel, I can see how the boot up time would be slow07:27
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cafuegoardchoille: That wouldn't apply to most laptops.07:27
ardchoillecafuego: oh, hehe, true07:27
JbirkHow do I patch my kernel?07:28
cafuegoUrch: 2GB minimum for a normal install.07:28
cafuegoJbirk: patch it with what?07:28
vikcafuego: depends if hibernate works07:28
cafuegovik: Hahaha. No.07:28
UrchI could squeeze it in then. Too bad a new batter costs so much07:28
cafuegovik: Going into hibernate on this thing takes as long as just rebooting.07:28
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windowsuserIF CENA WINS WE RIOT07:29
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cafuegomaple1: Your *what* is broken?07:29
maple1I use windoze07:30
cafuegoOh, everything.07:30
flakei'm rockin and rollin now07:30
Awesome-o2000is Sat nights main event on tonight?07:30
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_lemsx1_Awesome-o2000: very offtopic07:31
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MadpilotPeople, #ubuntu-offtopic is thataway ----->07:31
Awesome-o2000Im trying to decide between a p4 2.6 with HT and an overclocked Celeron (the 256L2 version) 3.4 - im wondering which would perform better for gaming and general desktop stuff07:32
Awesome-o2000in ubuntu of course07:32
HooveyProbably the Pentium 4.07:32
Crippy-BoyPersonally id go for the p407:32
flakeyes P4 with HT07:32
HooveyCelerons are old, and out of date.07:32
flakeceleron is like celery07:32
flakeit sucks07:32
Awesome-o2000well its a newer celeron07:32
Awesome-o2000but still07:32
HooveyYeah, the P4.07:32
Awesome-o2000the higher L2 and HT makes a lot of difference eh?07:32
flakeor amd64 ?07:32
jvaiaight uall past my bed tyne :)07:32
flakeisnt amd cheaper and faster07:33
Crippy-BoyIt really depends though, The ht is useless if the game doesnt make use of multi threading.07:33
Crippy-Boyflake: Theres not really much between them anymore07:33
cafuegoCrippy-Boy: It cna still offload (some) system tasks07:33
flakebigger fsb = bigger fps?07:33
Awesome-o2000yeah but the HT is also used by the system to multitask, isnt it?07:33
HooveyI think so.07:33
cafuegoCrippy-Boy: The problem with HT is that the "second core" is more or less lobotomised.07:34
Crippy-Boycafuego: Yeah, but since he was asking about gaming.07:34
HooveyI believe only some applications use HT.07:34
Awesome-o2000alright - p4 for ubuntu it is. gracias07:34
cafuegoCrippy-Boy: Can't run games without an OS.07:34
HooveyI'd like an Intel Core 2 Duo..07:34
Crippy-Boycafuego: When did i say you could :-/07:34
HooveyIn a MacBook 17"07:34
R0cK3Ti can copy files from windows to ubuntu in the gui07:35
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Crippy-BoyNice laptops07:35
R0cK3Tbut i can't get to em through cmd prompt?07:35
Crippy-BoyI dont see the point in a 17" laptop though, I dont fancy lugging that around.07:35
HooveyCrippy-Boy: Yep, I'm getting a 13" Macbook soon.07:35
flakewhat is a ESSID, is that the same as a SSID?  and I didn't specify a WEP key, do i need one?07:35
cafuegoflake: yes, no.07:35
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ardchoilleR0cK3T: Why can't you get to them via cli?07:35
ferosshey guys... I've moved an NTFS patition data to an EXT2 partition and made it my /home. Problem is that the data from the NTFS partition has wrong permissions. I'm trying to set all of the directories to drwxr-xr-x and the rest of the files to rw-r--r-- but with chmod -R I mess up the directories or the files. I figured out that 'find . -type d|xargs chmod 755' will work for directories but it doesn't catch directories with spaces in them. How07:35
Crippy-BoyI only have a PPC mac, Wouldn't mind an intel mac too much, but theres not much point me paying the premium as i dont use os x much07:36
Lathiatfeross: put the X in capitals07:36
Lathiatfeross: makes it apply to directories only07:36
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ardchoilleR0cK3T: cli = Command Line Interface07:36
Lathiatfeross: e.g. chmod u+rwX,g+rX,o+rX07:36
cafuegofeross: Check out u+rwX,g+rX,o-rwx07:36
Crippy-BoyIf i could afford it id have a brand new thinkpad with a core duo 2ghz and 3gb ram *drool*07:36
glickdamn ubuntu's brownness07:36
R0cK3Ti found it07:36
HooveyIs there a way to get Ubuntu into 1280x1024 in VMWARE?07:36
HooveyLike, force it into 1280x1024?07:36
_lemsx1_feross: find . -type d -exec chmod 0755 {} \;07:37
R0cK3Ti though it was supposed to be in /mnt07:37
Lathiatfeross: also the 'better' way to use find would be 'find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;'07:37
R0cK3Tbut its in /media/hda107:37
Lathiatfeross: but the +X chmods are what you really want07:37
eyequeueglick, i read that as brownies :)  i'm hungry07:37
ferossok seems it's a FAQ haha thanks all07:37
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dthcbhey guys07:39
Hooveyso, is there a way to force ubuntu into 1280x1024 in vmware?07:39
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glickhey how can i install new splash screen?07:39
cafuegoHoovey: configure the X server, like in non-vmware.07:39
HooveyI tried07:39
HooveyIt broke.07:39
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dthcbim on xchat and i was sent a few photos from a friend, only problem is i cant find them07:39
cafuegoHoovey: configure the X server _PROPERLY_, like in non-vmware.07:40
dthcbapparently they went to the 'downloads' folder07:40
Hooveyi changed07:40
dthcbhow do i find that ?07:40
Hoovey1024 768 to07:40
Hoovey1280 102407:40
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dthcbsorry im only new to linux07:40
Hooveyand it borked.07:40
bayzidercan some one help me to find out where my ipod i mounted07:40
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cafuegoHoovey: It would pobably also help to install the vmare utils, so you get the specific vmware X driver.07:40
Crippy-Boydthcb: i might be wrong here but i think the default is ~/.xchat/downloads07:40
brendonjthi all can a ubuntu CC member please  pm me who is going to be at the  meeting tomorrow??07:40
Hooveyhmm, ok07:40
ardchoilleglick: Put the new splash screen in /usr/share/pixmaps/splash and then open gconf-editor, go to apps/gnome-session/options and see the splash_image key07:40
=== Kira needs more time to choose ubuntu-ready laptops.
cafuegoHoovey: You don't change the numbers. You run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'07:40
Hooveyahh, ok07:41
brendonjthi all can a ubuntu CC member please  pm me who is going to be at the  meeting tomorrow??07:41
ubotuTo change the Gnome splash screen, open the gconf-editor and change the key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash-image.07:42
dthcbCrippy-Boy:  no luck, any other suggestions?07:42
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Crippy-BoySorry i have no idea then07:44
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Ogushey remember me? I fixed my Xorg file - thanks for the suggestions - I didnt know there was a backup so I pasted the Xorg backup into the nano editor - and saved it over the messed up file - thx again07:45
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freesunhello... anyone here to tell me how to enable kernel modules loading?07:47
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cafuegoit's enabled already.07:47
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neddiW_hi everyone07:48
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neddiW_i hace a problem, I cannot open synaptics07:48
HooveyWhat happens when you try to open it?07:48
neddiW_does anyone know how to fix it? :(07:48
freesuncafuego: and what about message from log : Sep  4 00:03:11 ubuntu kernel: No module symbols loaded - kernel modules not enabled.07:49
neddiW_Hoovey, is asks for the password but nothing after07:49
FlannelneddiW_: you running XGL?07:49
neddiW_nope, just Ubuntu/Kubuntu07:49
FlannelneddiW_: no error message? or anything?  Do you have add/remove, apt-get, adept,  update-manager, or other package sorts of things running?07:50
cafuegofreesun: What kernel is that?07:50
freesuncafuego: standard 6_06 updated via i-net07:51
canine_koujiis xfce with xubuntu light enough to start the installer?07:51
freesuncafuego: automatic ubuntu update07:51
canine_koujithis laptop only has 256 ram. the package on the cd case are liars, you can't install on a 256. it just swaps like crazy07:51
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cafuegofreesun: What does 'uname -r' say about it?07:51
neddiW_Flannel, nothing else runnig at the same time but, update manager says :An error occured, please run package manager...."07:52
canine_koujibeen waiting 4 hours for it to get to the next menu after clicking next to the english selection07:52
freesuncafuego: 2.6.15-26-38607:52
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cafuegofreesun: Ah hold on, I think these kernels handle module loading via udev and not kmod.07:52
cafuegofreesun: BUT they are modular kernels.07:53
freesuncafuego: so that's why modprobe doesn't seem to work for me and editing /etc/modules either?07:53
bayzidercan some one help me im instaling a os that needs its own drive, and i need to know how to whipe my hard drvie07:53
Lathiatcanine_kouji: Hrm sounds more like you've hit a bug or something07:54
Lathiatcanine_kouji: have you tried hitting next again?07:54
=== holymoo [n=rtaylor@S01060016b6b53675.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Lathiatcanine_kouji: move the mouse off and back onto the next button07:54
holymoookay who the hell is holycow07:54
holymoostole my nick07:54
canine_koujiLathiat: there is nothing to display in the winodw07:54
Lathiatcanine_kouji: try close and restart the installer07:55
canine_koujiLathiat: I've tried this on several laptops, its running out of ram07:55
bayzidercan some one help me im instaling a os that needs its own drive, and i need to know how to whipe my hard drvie07:55
cafuegofreesun: No... even if the kernel module loader isn't enabled, the kernel cna still load modules (eg: mine does).  Soemthing else is wrong with yours; it reckons it can't find its symbols... does /boot/System.map-2.6.15-26-386 exist?07:55
Madpilotholymoo, if you didn't have it registered, it wasn't really yours. If it is registered, ghost holycow and take it back07:55
Lathiatholymoo: is your nick registered?07:55
canine_koujiLathiat: I've done this several times with several laptops with only 256 ram, it breaks07:55
holymooi had it registered07:55
Lathiatcanine_kouji: hrm, interesting07:55
Madpilotholymoo, then use ghost07:55
canine_koujis/breaks/sits there trying to load07:55
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freesuncafuego: only this file:///boot/System.map-2.6.15-23-38607:55
canine_koujithe livecds for ubuntu and kubuntu both work just fine07:55
Lathiatcanine_kouji: Check launchpad for any open bugs07:55
canine_koujiits just when installing07:55
canine_koujiLathiat: happened on 5.0whatever as well07:56
Hooveyofftopic, sorry, but the crocodile hunter just died :(07:56
freesuncafuego: I guess that is no07:56
Lathiatcanine_kouji: is this the same laptop?07:56
canine_koujiLathiat: different laptops07:56
Lathiatim wandering if its some hardware specific bug07:56
holycowdamned straight07:56
holycow:) danke07:56
canine_koujitried on about 5 different laptops07:56
Lathiatcanine_kouji: you could giv ethe alternate cd a try07:56
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MadpilotHoovey, we know...07:56
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Lathiatcanine_kouji: but that seems very odd07:56
canine_koujiLathiat: whats odd, its running out of memory07:56
Lathiatcanine_kouji: ah hrm07:56
glickthank god! all traces of the poop theme gone!07:56
Lathiatit is07:56
bayzidercan some one help me im instaling a os that needs its own drive, and i need to know how to whipe my hard drvie07:56
_azraelbayzider: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hdax07:57
canine_koujiLathiat: I even tried killing gnome apps. WHen I add another stick of memory, everything works fine07:57
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Lathiatcanine_kouji: alternate cd is likely your best bet but yeh it should work in 25607:57
canine_koujithe installer is a memory hungry monster07:57
_azraelbayzider: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hdx (a correction)07:57
canine_koujiLathiat: oh, the alternate cds works fine07:57
freesunok, g2g07:57
cafuegofreesun: Ok, force the new kernel to reinstall.07:57
freesunsee you ppl07:57
canine_koujiLathiat: thanks for reminding me. I was going to leave work without burning one :)07:57
freesuncafuego: how?07:57
bayziderok how do i view my partiontions so i know wut im deleting07:57
cafuegofreesun: (and check that /boot is not full)07:58
cafuegofreesun: 'sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-2.6.15-26-386'07:58
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=== highvoltage has felt like that at the office too in the past
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_azraelbayzider: cfdisk /dev/hdx08:00
_lemsx1_bayzider: qtparted/gparted ?08:00
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freesuncafuego: and why it could be that I can load module via modprobe (for my via-ac97 soundcard) and soundcard doesn't apper in system->preferences->sound and I cannot therefore choose it and use it? loading module makes no errors08:00
glickhey whats tomboy for?08:00
holycowglick, just making notes08:01
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holycowglick, its like a sticky note without the annoying 'sticky' part that doesn't make sense on a computer desktop08:01
=== gene [n=gene@ppp-70-243-153-8.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
cafuegobut with the wiki bit, which is handy08:01
cafuegoand beagle indexes 'em by default.08:02
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glicki keep hearing good things about beagle08:02
glickmaybe i should try it08:02
cafuegowhen it works, it's VERY nice.08:02
holycowglick, beagle is a superb search thingy08:02
holycowits works VERY VERY well08:02
flakenow i'm having trouble enabling my eth1 wireless connection08:02
cafuegoglick: use my packaged version though, not the one in dapper.08:02
=== HellDragon [n=JD@about/copyleft/pdpc.active.HellDragon] has joined #ubuntu
flakewent to network/admin08:02
flakeset ESSID = SSID of router08:03
glickwhats wrong with the one id dapper?08:03
geneanyone able to help with an intel graphics card issue?08:03
flakeand activate08:03
flakepinging = Network is unreachable08:03
freesuncafuego: down for reboot to new apply new kernel08:03
holycowgene just ask q, if anyone knows they will answer08:03
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flakewhen i open back up the admin/network panel again, it says its deactivated08:03
bayziderok let me explain t08:04
glickcafuego, whats wrong with the one in dapper?08:04
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bayziderok let me explain this again, im tryng to i08:04
cafuegoglick: old & buggy08:04
bayziderahh srry08:04
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cafuegoglick: http://ubuntu.cafuego.net/dists/dapper-cafuego/beagle/08:04
glickhow is beagle different from the find command?08:04
cafuegoglick: beagle is like google.08:05
flakedo i need ndiswrapper08:05
geneok, i got a intel integrated graphics card. i'm trying to run a windows program through wine with an opengl switch, but it doesn't seem to work. anyone have any ideas?08:05
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cafuegoglick: find is slow, beagle uses its index, sinds stuff instantaneously. It also know about meta info in office files, emails etc... so it only finds relevant stuff.08:05
bayziderok let me exlpain this again im installing x86(im a tester) i need to install it on a blank hard drvie but i only have one how ever on one of my partitions i have a expirered windows(i need to register it)  so im haveing trouble geting it off ym hard drive so can some one help me08:06
flakecorrect me if i'm wrong, but intel integrated graphics card = little to no 3d, only software?08:06
cafuegoflake: You are corrected.08:06
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cafuegoflake: Intel have opened up their drivers, 3D should be fine.08:07
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holycowcafuego, didn't intel say they are open sourcing something about their latest chipsets?08:07
holycowi thought it included 3d acceleration?08:07
flakegene was asking08:07
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cafuegoholycow: indeed08:07
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freesuncafuego: well I have reinstalled kernel08:08
holycowcafuego, so it does include 3d accelration? well thats sweet08:08
The_Ballwhat do i need to install to get the make utility?08:08
holycowi wasn't sure either08:08
freesuncafuego: what do you suggest?08:08
cafuegoholycow: it should, yes.08:08
geneas it is, it runs it using d3d, but the rendering is buggy08:08
holycowthats going to be great for laptops08:08
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cafuegoholycow: indeed08:08
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cafuegomeans you don't have to either use closed ati or closed nvidia.08:08
holycowi'm going to haveto research this more, i'm about to buy a fairly expensive lappie08:09
Bonezhi, is there a net-install ISO for Ubuntu dapper 6.06? I don't want to download the whole 600mb if possible, just want to download what I need from the internet. Can this be done?08:09
holycowwould be nice to have the proper intel chipset08:09
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holycowcafuego, yeah interesting08:09
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geneintel 810?08:09
holycowcafuego, that also means i may switch us from amd cpus to intel ... this is gonna suck for the open video card project tho08:09
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bayziderok let me exlpain this again im installing x86(im a tester) i need to install it on a blank hard drvie but i only have one how ever on one of my partitions i have a expirered windows(i need to register it)  so im haveing trouble geting it off ym hard drive so can some one help me08:10
The_Balloh, is the package that provides make called make? and not included on the 700mb install?08:10
flakecan i change the grub loading timer easily08:10
flake3 seconds fly by too quickly08:10
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Bonezhi, is there a net-install ISO for Ubuntu dapper 6.06? I don't want to download the whole 600mb if possible, just want to download what I need from the internet. Can this be done?08:11
holycowbayzider, if you want to install another linux on that partition, just pick it during install08:11
The_Ballflake, yes, any grub tutorial covers that as one of the first steps08:11
genei have a intel 810 integrated, wondering if it supports opengl rendering08:11
Awesome-o2000that would rock, but no08:11
holycowbayzider, you don't haveto take it off ... just select the partition during install, format and tell it to install there08:11
holycowthats it08:11
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gautamBonez: no sorry08:11
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flakeugh -  more reading08:11
holycowgene, i have a number of those boards, it does but i don't know how much of ogl is supported08:11
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holycowgene, it DEFINATELY renders ogl fine accelerated for quite a bit of things08:12
bayziderno this os NEEDS its own drive not partition. i need to go into the live cd and install it from there its no linux its osx i just need to know how to completly whipe my hard drive08:12
holycowosx needs its own drive?08:12
gautambayzider: fdisk :)08:12
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holycowbayzider, yeah fdisk08:13
bayziderim not sure how to use that is it just one command and every things gone08:13
geneholycow, well i try to run this through wine. "wine <prog> -opengl" but it gives me a long error that i can really seem to interpret08:13
holycowbayzider, also look into dd, you can very easily write out every bit on the platers with dd to get all data zeroed out08:13
=== HellDragon [n=JD@modemcable251.249-82-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
holycowgene, that doesn't necessarily mean anything about your chipset08:14
gautamboot from ubuntu live CD and fdisk the hdd08:14
holycowmaybe wine doesn't support ogl properly08:14
holycowor the app you are trying to run is just crap08:14
Arafangiongene: Why are you specifying -opengl08:14
bayzidercan some one give me the command08:14
cherubielDBO: there?08:15
Arafangionbayzider: The command's name *is* "fdisk", without the quotations.08:15
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geneholycow, i'm new to ubuntu, and i'm going off a tutorial which is intended for NVIDIA / ATI, and I'm trying to patch it through to my Intel08:15
holycowgene, patch what?08:15
holycowwhy are you doing that?08:15
holycowi have no idea what you are doing, but i can tell you, it sounds wrong already :)08:15
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genenot patch, I'm just trying to follow a similar method08:15
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macnesshey everybody08:16
=== Awesome-o2000 gives eugene a pile driver and retires him
bayzideri typed in fdisk it didnt whipe my hard drive08:16
holycowgene, for what purpose?08:16
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holycowit makes no sense actually08:16
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macness<-ubuntu noob here wondering if anybody was up for giving some advice on getting my wireless card to work.08:16
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holycowmacness, if it doesn't work automatically its almost 99% certain its not supported08:17
holycowmacness, the simple answer is cough up $30 and get one that is supported08:17
Arafangionmacness: What did you run before on the computer?08:17
holycowsearch the wiki for supported cards and chipsets08:17
geneholycow, trying to get a windows program to run through wine. the method i was given seems to work fine for nvidia or ati, but nothing is said for intel...08:17
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:17
inkboyaw! that means my d-link card is not support :(08:17
holycowgene, ah08:17
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Arafangiongene: wine doesn't care for squat with respect to ati/nvidia08:18
macness<-well it seems like from the wiki's i've read that other's have gotten theirs to work08:18
holycowinkboy, not all of them are, hardware manufacturers don't always play nice with us08:18
holycowgene, what Arafangion said08:18
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freesunanyone can tell me where can I find which error number in kernel log means what?08:18
ubuntu_holycow: hi08:18
holycowgene, ogl is ogl08:18
macnesssame PCIID from the wiki's08:18
holycowubuntu_, oi08:19
ubuntu_freesun:  /var/log/messages?08:19
bayzideri typed in fdisk it didnt whipe my hard drive08:19
Arafangionbayzider: What did you want it to do?08:19
geneholycow, any ideas why when i try to run with -opengl it doesn't work?08:19
ubuntu_bayzider: hi08:19
Lynourebayzider: it takes a bit more than that.08:19
ubuntu_fdisk will erase all drive08:19
ubuntu_be carefull08:19
Arafangiongene: Again, why the heck are you specifying "-opengl"?08:19
holycowbayzider, it will if you use it properly.  what do you mean by 'it didn't wipe yoru drive'.... did you google how to use it properly?08:19
macnessndiswrapper recognizes that the driver is installed and hardware is detected08:20
bayzideri will08:20
ubuntu_bayzider:  it is more like fdisk /dev/hda08:20
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macnessshould i be looking for something esle08:20
ubuntu_whatever ur drive is08:20
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seinot sure08:20
genearafangion, when i run the program through wine without the -opengl switch, it renders it with direct3d, which is buggy at best08:20
ryancranyone know why xgl would reset the gtk theme to stock theme and icons?08:21
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ubuntu_bayzider: BACKUP ur data08:21
Arafangiongene: Interesting, if that is true (and is _still_ true, giving the speed at which wine changes), then you need to do: wine -opengl <app>08:22
freesunubuntu_: and how to find out which is -16 ?08:22
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flakethanks for the help gals and guys, will continue this tomorrow08:22
Arafangiongene: Because if you do: wine <app> -opengl, then wine doesn't get the flag, rather, it assumes that it's intended for <app> to parse.08:22
flakehappy labor day08:22
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macnesslooking for a little bit of sympathy here, i've been at this wireless problem for 4 days now, I thought i could research this myself but obviously i'm at my wits end here, if anyone could offer advice that would be most appreciated08:22
genearafangion, i see, i will give it a shot, thank you08:22
ubuntu_freesun:  -16? for?08:22
flakewireless problem?08:22
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macnessyes flake08:23
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ubuntu_macness: ndiswrapper detects?08:23
freesunubuntu: Sep  3 08:21:28 ubuntu kernel: [4294693.825000]  VIA 82xx Audio: probe of 0000:00:07.5 failed with error -1608:23
macnessit seems everyone's got it to work bu me08:23
flakeoh.. i'm trying ndiswrapper tomorrow08:23
macnessyes ubuntu it detects08:23
ubuntu_macness:  try  ifup wlan0 up08:23
ubuntu_macness:  try  ifup wlan008:23
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pradeeperHi All, I'm trying to customize Ubuntu LiveCD and I want some information on that. Is there any channel (or mailing list) specific to that?08:23
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ubuntu_freesun:  so u dont get any sound?08:24
freesunubuntu_: yes08:24
ubuntu_freesun:  aumix installed?08:24
freesunand there is no sound device in SYstem->Preferences->Sound08:24
macnessubuntu_: i get this wlan0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device08:24
freesunif it is in standard 6_06 installation then answer is yes08:25
ubuntu_macness: iwconfig?08:25
HomerIs ACPI Standby mode working yet in Ubuntu?08:25
macnessshould this be active in the network window first?08:25
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ubuntu_freesun: apt-get install aumix08:25
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genearafangion, tried what you said, "wine -opengl <app>" and this is what i get "wine: could not load L"c:\\windows\\system32\\-opengl.exe": Module not found"08:25
ubuntu_macness:  yep i guess command was network-admin08:26
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luckyoneon my laptop, is there anyway to make the screen go "lights out", instead of blank when the screensaver kicks on?08:26
pradeeperis there a IRC channel for Ubuntu Developers?08:26
Arafangiongene: Then, I was wrong.08:26
Arafangiongene: Still, I've been able to run opengl apps without any -opengl flag whatsoever.08:26
luckyonegene, the syntax is wine <app> -opengl08:26
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macnessubuntu_: iwconfig seems to detect the device08:26
Arafangionluckyone: Ok, I was definetly wrong then :)08:26
freesunubuntu_: I have aumix, now? modprobe?08:26
Madpilotpradeeper, #ubuntu-devel - but if you've got questions or think you've found a bug, here is the best place08:26
ubuntu_freesun:  run aumix08:27
luckyoneon my laptop, is there anyway to make the screen go "lights out", instead of blank when the screensaver kicks on?08:27
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macnessubuntu_:but it still doesnt work ;)08:27
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pradeeperThanks! no Madpilot, I need some help on Ubuntu remastring08:27
freesunubuntu_: aumix:  error opening mixer08:27
geneluckyone, there's a sizeable error message08:27
ubuntu_macness:  even from network-admin?08:27
gr33npho3nixhey whats the deal w\ pentium D, does that use the 64bit ubuntu (which says amd) or does it need the regular cd08:27
ArafangionHmm, fancy this.08:27
luckyonegene, don't know about that one sorry08:27
macnessubuntu_: you mean making it active?08:27
luckyonegene, check in #winehq08:28
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ArafangionJust found a CD, which apparently came with a USB drive, in it, in the Linux section, is a PDF file that has two lines, essentially saying "See www.redhat.com".08:28
holycowArafangion, lol08:28
macnessubuntu_: i can activate it, but it doesnt work08:28
ubuntu_well no idea then :(08:29
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freesunubuntu_: aumix:  error opening mixer08:29
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macnessubuntu_:could i have the wrong drivers perhaps, keep in mind, big ubuntu noob here08:29
holycowmacness, :) lol08:30
=== willzzz [n=will@cpe-71-79-126-241.twmi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
holycowi strongly suggest juts buying one that is supported08:30
canine_koujiLathiat: well xubuntu works just fine :)08:30
willzzz.join #ubuntu-xgl08:30
holycowyou plug it in and go08:30
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macnessholycow: im on a laptop, god knows im sure i'll have the same headaches with the card reader08:31
Arafangionmacness: Actually, my internal SDcard reader "just worked" in Ubuntu.08:32
holycowmacness, probably not08:32
Arafangionmacness: Want a piece of advise?08:32
macnessyes i would!08:32
Arafangionmacness: Upgrade to the latest kernel you can get at the time from the repos, then use aptitude, and *lock the kernel* so that it doesn't automatically get upgraded.08:32
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macnessarafangion, you lost me at about kernel08:33
holycowArafangion, your guessing it might have newer drivers i guess?08:33
canine_koujiI wish my internal SD reader would work08:34
macnessis aptitude a locking util?08:34
Arafangionmacness: Tell me what "uname -a" says.08:34
canine_kouji0000:02:0d.0 System peripheral: Toshiba America Info Systems SD TypA Controller (rev 05)08:34
holycowi would say tha tif that fails to produce results he will have risked borking his wholeinstall :)08:34
holycowi think its just cheaper and easier to buy a new card08:34
canine_kouji^ the reader above has been out for 2 years, still no driver for it ;)08:34
Arafangionmacness: It's like the ultimate version of synaptic.08:34
Arafangionholycow: It _will_ have newer drivers.08:34
macnessok gotcha08:34
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holycownot necessarily for his chipset tho08:34
canine_koujieww, people use graphical package managerS? :/08:34
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holycowcanine_kouji, to start out with :) everyone graduates to cli eventually08:35
canine_koujiholycow: i'd die without urxvt08:35
macnessarafangion, uname -a says: Linux edwin-laptop 2.6.15-26-386 #1 PREEMPT Thu Aug 3 02:52:00 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux08:35
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ardchoilleNow, now.. be respectful of people's choice of software.08:35
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chris12349what package is ./configure in?08:35
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Arafangionchris12349: Have a GUESS>08:36
Arafangionmacness: That's the same as mine.08:36
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chris12349Arafangion: autoconf?08:36
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macnessarafangion, where to go from here08:37
Homerso anyone know how to get standby to work (if possible)?08:37
canine_koujichris12349: hehehe.. well configure is generated by autohell tools08:37
ardchoillechris12349: the "./configure" you're thinking of is tellng the system to run the configure script which usually ships with source archives08:37
holycowHomer, it should work automatically.  if it doesn't chances are its not supported08:37
ardchoilleHence the "./"08:37
Arafangionchris12349: Consider the fact that that command starts with "./"08:37
Homerwould there be an option in GNOME?08:37
Homerthere is an option for hibernate08:38
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=== canine_kouji lives in Homer, Alaska :)
chris12349I under stand that.  For some reason I can't run configure, I though a --reinstall might fix the problem08:38
luckyonewhat handles laptop actions for ubuntu? is it acpi?08:38
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holycowHomer, hardware manufactures are a*holes, they don't like to play nice most of the time ... there is a big ongoing issue with that particular item and hw manufacturers not publishing specs08:38
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baysidercan some one help me mount my ipod when i cd to it the terminal just gives me ">"08:38
ardchoillechris12349: Have you installed build-essential ?08:38
R0cK3Tcan someone walk me through a quake 3 install on ubuntu (amd 64/ati xpress 200m)?08:38
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freesunI get error Sep  4 08:33:34 ubuntu kernel: [17179594.608000]  VIA 82xx Audio: probe of 0000:00:07.5 failed with error -16 and sound (of course with message like this) doesn't work, any help?08:38
Homerfunny how a standard is not standard08:38
macnessholycow, any advice on cards that should "just work" on the laptop?08:38
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canine_koujiholycow: oh yes, they're all about protecting their IP, then they turn out like a company comparing to sony which looses tons of money because of it ;)08:39
Homerif you support ACPI you should support all devices that implement ACPI08:39
holycowmacness, yes, there is a hug elist of stuff known to work and known not to ... its on the ubuntu forums somewhere.  start searching there08:39
Homeris in, you don't need a different method for each device08:39
Homerthat's the whole point of standards08:39
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:39
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holycowmaybe that has some linkage08:39
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chris12349ardchoille: yep... did that first... strange problem.... this is what I get for using apt-get ;)08:39
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Arafangionmacness: I like to lock the kernel, using aptitude, so that any hard work in customizing your setup, especially with respect to custom compiled modules and ndiswrapper stuff, etc, isn't blown away at the next automatic kernel upgrade.08:39
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holycowcanine_kouji, they all  belong to the proprietary cult08:40
baysidercan some one help me when i cd to my ipod  the terminal just gives me ">"08:40
holycowcanine_kouji, they have an inability to understand WHY publishing specs helps them, i agree08:40
chris12349where is configure supposed to be? /usr/sbin?08:40
ardchoillechris12349: Well, consider the fact that apt-get works great for lots of folks.. could it be that you're missing something?08:40
macnessarafangion, ubotu, and holycow:thanks for the info, i think i'll crack at it some more until after the holiday08:40
canine_koujiholycow: yes well, all I can wonder is what will happen is the GPLv3 is forced everywhere, especially IBM. Placing pressure on these corps to release their patents to public use.08:40
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holycowmacness, i seriuosly wouldn't waste my time making a wireless card work08:41
ardchoillechris12349: You're thinking about it wrong, ./configure isn't a package, it's telling the system to run the "configure" shell script that ships with source archives08:41
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holycowthey are so cheap it really will be a pleasure to pick one up, plug it in and go08:41
holycowyou won't even haveto install a driver or anything08:41
canine_koujimacness: if you need a wireless card to work, I recommend ndiswrapper ;)08:41
chris12349ardchoille: yeah but the command should be somewhere :)  I'm trying to track down the problem08:41
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baysidercan some one help me when i cd to my ipod  the terminal just gives me ">"08:41
Arafangionholycow: If it's built-in, I would bother.08:41
ardchoillechris12349: It's the same as when you tell the system to ./filename.sh08:41
ardchoillechris12349: it's not a command08:42
Arafangionholycow: If it were extenal, then yeah, I'd replace it without a second thought.08:42
chris12349ardchoille: oh oh ok....08:42
holycowArafangion, why? just get a pcmcia card and go08:42
chris12349ardchoille: ok i fee stupid I didn't run automake first  ....08:42
freesun I get error Sep  4 08:33:34 ubuntu kernel: [17179594.608000]  VIA 82xx Audio: probe of 0000:00:07.5 failed with error -16 and sound (of course with message like this) doesn't work, any help?08:42
ardchoillechris12349: lol08:42
macnesscanine_: ndiswrapper isn't working per se, sort of, kinda08:42
holycowhe spent 4 days on it already ... i think everyone here would think 4 days is wroth a lot more than $30 to them?08:42
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macness4 days for a noob is relatively translated into 3 hours or so08:43
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canine_koujimacness: I've had ndiswrapper not work well, try drivers for different OSes(win98, 2k, xp) then try different versions of the drivers for it. make sure a linux module isn't trying to load by blacklisting the module, as I've had that as a showstopper08:43
macnessi should mention that this is also my first linux install EVER08:43
holycowmacness, lol in that case ....08:43
baysidercan some one help me when i cd to my ipod  the terminal just gives me ">"08:43
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canine_koujibaysider: no08:44
baysiderwhy not?08:44
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canine_koujibaysider: You repeated the question, that is why08:44
baysidersorry im kind of impatint08:45
R0cK3Tcan someone walk me through a quake 3 install on ubuntu (amd 64/ati xpress 200m)?08:45
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macnessthanks canine_: i never thought to try other OSes08:45
holycowmacness, the neat thing about linux is that supported hardware just works08:46
canine_koujimacness: some cards have drivers for win98, 2k, nt, and xp. 2k drivers usually work if the xp drivers dont08:46
holycowits really very cool08:46
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holycowbut hardware companies don't like to publish specs to their hardware at minimum08:46
canine_koujiholycow: well yeah, linux has more drivers than windows by default. When it messes up though, it really messes up08:46
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macnessyeah, ive been meaning to get rid of Windows cold turkey. if i can get this to work. i'll be a changed man08:46
Digitalhello everyone08:46
holycowcanine_kouji, not really08:46
holycowcanine_kouji, it either works or it doesn't08:46
reZo_Is there anyway of disabling the middle mouth wheel button as paste?08:47
holycowif it doesn't you can't do anything about it unless you can code and fix drivers08:47
reZo_In Ubuntu LTS 6.06 that is.08:47
Arafangionmacness: If you can, use wired networks, if you can't, get a wireless adapter that _works_.08:47
canine_koujiholycow: ahuh, well I've had a module hard lock the machine for a wifi card because it felt it needed to do it ;)08:47
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reZo_*mouth == mouse08:47
holycowcanine_kouji, lol08:47
Digitalcan anyone tell me what I need to do to get dvd's playing back?08:47
ardchoillereZo_: I believe that's a *nix thing, not an Ubuntu thing08:47
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swubooDoes anyone know if it's possible to get lmsensors working on an nForce5** motherboard?08:48
reZo_Really does get on my nerves at times, oh well, have to get used to it I guess :/08:48
ardchoille!restricted > Digital08:48
canine_koujireZo_: you can disable it in your xorg.conf08:48
ardchoilleDigital: That page has a lot of info on DVD playback08:48
Digitalthank you08:48
Wicked_oh... woops08:48
canine_koujireZo_: also make sure mouse3 emulation is off, or right and left together will do it too ;)08:48
ardchoilleWicked_: I'll bet you get highlighted a lot with that nick08:49
macnessis anybody else using and acer aspire here?08:49
baanyone from canada in here?08:49
holycowmacness, its all we buy08:49
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canine_koujieww, canadians! :D08:49
Wicked_ardchoille, yes, quite a bit08:49
holycowmacness, but we ONLY buy the linux ones08:49
holycowmacness, not all aspires wireless cards work08:49
holycowba, westcoast in tha house08:49
canine_koujimacness: out of curiousity, which card do you have?08:49
Madpilotba, lots - even more in #ubuntu-ca08:49
canine_koujimacness: please say bcm42xx08:49
canine_koujimacness: oh no! ::/08:50
macnessyes canine08:50
canine_koujimacness: I know why its not working, you didn't take a look at dmesg08:50
macnessbcm4218 to be exact08:50
bevegeanyone have ubuntu running on an emac?08:50
canine_koujimacness: you must extract the firmware out of the drivers included for bcm43xx and place them in /lib/firmware08:50
holycowcanine_kouji, your kidding08:51
holycowwhy is that manual?08:51
canine_koujiI have 4 acer aspires here, had to use fwcutter to extract the fw files from the .sys files08:51
holycowcanine_kouji, wow08:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fdisk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:51
canine_koujiholycow: its with most cards, same situation with the intel wireless drivers, but ubuntu includes them by default, even though they're closed source08:51
R0cK3Tcan someone walk me through a quake 3 install on ubuntu (amd 64/ati xpress 200m)?  I am confused to the point where i don't even know where to start!08:52
canine_koujiwell sorry, I assumed that is what you were doing :) I'm from BSD land ;)08:52
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Arafangioncanine_kouji: I have an Acer V6V - Ubuntu works flawlessly, everything works (Modem, firewire, infra untested)08:52
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baholycow, im from saskatoon myself08:52
R0cK3Tcan you even play q3 online with linux?08:52
canine_koujiArafangion: right, and some acers don't use broadcom08:52
holycowba, cool08:52
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canine_koujiI personally perfer marvell, but they're closed source, and the opensource drivers dont't work very well.08:53
macnesscanine_kouji: dmesg?08:53
canine_koujimacness: dmesg|grep .fw08:53
swubooRocket: I don't see why you wouldn't be able to play online, but unfortunately I'm a UT guy, so I have no idea how to help you.08:53
npsterhi. how do you create a new folder in terminal ?08:54
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Timsenmkdir foldername08:54
swuboomkdir NAME08:54
macnesscanine_kouji:error's all the way08:54
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canine_koujimacness: pastebin please08:54
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macnesscanine_kouji:its really long08:55
canine_koujimacness: select with mouse, go to pastebin, then mouse3 it08:55
R0cK3Tswuboo: ut2k4 is also my game of choice08:55
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R0cK3Tbut q3 is next best08:55
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Homerubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo sleep 5 && echo -n "mem" > /sys/power/state08:55
Homerbash: /sys/power/state: Permission denied08:55
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R0cK3Tand i know ut2k4 doesn't work on linux08:56
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swubooHeh.  I didn't mean 2k4.  I meant GOTY.08:56
R0cK3To i wouldn't even attempt it08:56
Homerwhy is permission denied if I'm using sudo?08:56
fredl'ello. Anybody know why I get  phpwiki: Depends: php4-sqlite but it is not going to be installed08:56
FirstStrikeut2k4 runs fine on linux08:56
cherubielHomer: give sudo for the echo too08:56
myUserNamecan someone tell me how to get azureus to dock on the menuBar ages ago when i used 5.04 of ubuntu i never had a problem with this i guess the new version of gnome screwed it up How do i fix this?08:56
FirstStrikehell, there's a linux installer08:56
highvoltagefredl: is the user in the 'admin' group?08:56
fredlhighvoltage, yes, root.08:56
R0cK3Ti dunno if it would run so well tho08:56
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swubooRocket:  I'm pretty sure FirstStrike's right.   Might want to look into it.08:56
fredlhighvoltage, sudo apt-get install phpwiki08:56
FirstStrikeit runs FINE08:57
Homercherubiel,  sudo sleep 5 && sudo echo -n "mem" > /sys/power/state08:57
Homer ?08:57
R0cK3Twhats fps?08:57
FirstStrikethe linux installer is on the actual cd/dvd08:57
=== highvoltage doesn't need phpwiki
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highvoltageoic :)08:57
cherubielHomer: bang on :P08:57
FirstStrikeyou're pretty clueless aren't you?08:57
fredlhighvoltage, any other recommendation for a wiki engine?08:57
R0cK3Tyeah man08:57
swubooFirstStrike:  I suspect he's concerned about his hardware not being up to snuff, rather than an inherent flaw in the program.  Would explain why he's installing QIII instead of IV.08:57
nuxordhow can i get .rar files to work in ubuntu?08:57
Homersudo sleep 5 && sudo echo -n "mem" > /sys/power/state08:57
Homerbash: /sys/power/state: Permission denied08:57
macnesscanine_kouji: sorry im quite clueless at this second... pastebin?08:57
nuxordhow can i get .rar files to work in ubuntu?08:57
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free08:57
Madpilotnuxord, of course08:57
FirstStrikeI run it at 50 - 60 fps just fine08:57
R0cK3Thardware is to new i think actually08:58
FirstStrikeHell, I run half life 2 at 40 - 50 fps running in wine on linux08:58
txoof_I have a small hoby web/mail/whatever server that I occasionaly run X from.  What ubuntu distribution would probably be best for me?08:58
FirstStrikewhat do you mean.."to new"08:58
fredlnuxord - watching usenet pr0n?08:58
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R0cK3Tits a newer hp laptop08:58
FirstStrikei give up08:58
R0cK3Tamd 64 bit08:58
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.08:58
R0cK3Tseems like nothing works with it08:58
FirstStrikeif you run a 32 bit distro..it'll work fine08:59
holycownuxord, install rar and unrar, then archiver will be able to extract them08:59
swubooYeah, that's your problem.08:59
nuxordok thanks08:59
R0cK3Ti can't get xgl, quake 3 or nothing working08:59
nuxordand yeah its porn :D08:59
nuxordis it that obvious?08:59
fredlnuxord - use pan :)08:59
macnesscanine_kouji:still there???08:59
ubotupan: A Newsreader based on GTK2, which looks like Forte Agent. In component main, is optional. Version (dapper), package size 450 kB, installed size 3608 kB08:59
FirstStrikeI have an AMD 64 3700+ processor08:59
fredlnuxord, from what I know only usenet pr0n has lots of .rar files08:59
FirstStrikeI run the 32 bit distro of ubuntu08:59
holycownuxord, lol08:59
FirstStrikeAll the games and apps I run work out of the box09:00
FirstStrikeIncluding xgl and compiz09:00
holycownuxord, you know its funny you joke about that09:00
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swubooYou're not gonna get fancy games up and running real easily on a 64bit install; if you want QuakeIII you're going to have to use the 32 bit version of Ubuntu.09:00
nuxordahaha yeah its 3am and i am alone..porn is a solution09:00
txoof_What would be a sane way to add X to the server distribution of ubuntu?09:00
R0cK3Tmaybe that's my prob09:00
holycowit has occured to me that the biggest companiesx in the world PROVIDING porn these days are isps09:00
myUserNamecan someone tell me how to fix azureus docking on the gnome menu bar09:00
holycowits the ONLY reason anyone signs up for internet access frankly09:00
R0cK3Ti am runnin the x86_64 version of ubuntu09:00
nuxordahaha so true09:00
swubooThat or use wine; I actually haven't had a problem running 32 bit wine in the 64 bit kernel.09:00
fredltxoof_, I think maybe sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop09:00
FirstStrikeDownload and install the 32 bit version09:00
ardchoillefredl: I was thinking the same09:01
holycowisps are not internet service providers, they infact are porn copmpanies now09:01
txoof_fredl: is there some where on the ubuntu web page that lists what all comes in that package?09:01
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fredltxoof_, that should give you most the required packages I think.09:01
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nuxordbut sometimes i feel to guilty for watching porn, not that im religoius or anything..but. its so fake and its so obvious =\09:01
fredltxoof_, hmmm, dunno.09:02
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fredlnuxord, yeah uhuh, and you also cooperate in the exploitation of women :P09:02
txoof_fredl: hhmm.  Thanks.  I'm contemplating moving my debian box over to ubuntu.  I dunno if it's worth the effort tho.09:02
holycownuxord, there are some really good documentaries on the industry, its full of drug addicts and people with personality disfunctions09:02
holycowits really sad09:02
fredltxoof_, it was worth the effort for me.09:02
ardchoilletxoof_: ubuntu-desktop is a meta package, it pulls in all the required packages for the ubuntu desktop (gnome). the meta package itself is empty09:02
txoof_ardchoille: that's what I figured.09:03
nuxord:( curse you and your ability to make potent men become limp!09:03
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fredlholycow, when you watch pr0n, do you care if she has a personality disfunction?09:03
=== FirstStrike nods towards the people that are off topic for this channel
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=== BoggsBeer is now known as Deaigo
holycowfredl, depends on your concience i guess09:03
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nuxordi will care now!09:03
=== MeGaQuArK_ [n=gary@pool-71-111-178-14.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
txoof_fredl: I think I might throw in an old hard drive and install ubuntu on it and see how it flys.09:04
fredlholycow, you're providing him/her with a way to make money right?09:04
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ardchoilleFolks, can we please take the pr0n talk to #ubuntu-offtopic please?09:04
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fredlardchoille, n/p09:04
pequatrehello. my computer has no sound this morning ?!! yet it wirks fien under windows ? is there something like dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg for sound ?09:04
holycowfredl, i haven't spent a dime on anything, thus no09:04
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nuxordok ok, back onto ubuntu..whats with the name?09:04
fredlnuxord, ubuntu.com09:04
fredlexplains it right there.09:05
swubooPequatre's question reminds me.  I have three sound jacks on my mobo.  Every time I go to plug in speakers, a different one will be live.09:05
holycowafrican word for 'humanity'09:05
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nuxord:OO yeah, now i remmber09:05
swubooSometime's the center jack is live, sometimes the right-hand one.09:05
fredlas in "oh the humanity!"09:05
swubooNo apparent cause.09:05
nuxordHAHA fildo= dildo09:05
txoof_thanks for the advice.  good night09:05
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fredlso what engine runs on wiki.ubuntu.com I wonder09:07
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pequatreanyone to help me troubleshoot my sound ?09:07
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:08
Crippy-BoyThis is a pain in the arse09:08
ardchoillefredl: I always thought it was moinmoin09:08
Crippy-BoyAnyone want a mac?09:08
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holycownot me, i try to stay away from proprietary platforms09:08
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fredlardchoille, tnx09:08
holycowi can't wait until we start to see mobos with openbios09:08
swuboopequatre: Other than to suggest that you make sure no program is trying to use your soundcard, and make sure that you're using the correct output mixer, I have no real idea.09:09
ardchoillefredl: But, I could be way wrong09:09
fredlpython-moinmoin I guess09:09
Crippy-BoyWell, if anyone wants one im about to dropkick it through my window.09:09
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UIE|Macros42is the Linksys WMP54G supported out of the box on Ubuntu? I'm pretty much new to Linux but want to get started with it09:09
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holycowCrippy-Boy, i wish i could help ... i donno much about instlaling ubuntu on a mac09:09
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swubooCrippy-Boy: Be aware that that may void you warranty.09:09
nuxordi installed unara and i am trying to use the sudo ln -s command but it only tells me 'file exists' and dosent really do anything09:09
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Crippy-BoyTrying to set it up with wireless for my sister, Apple make it so hard to use a wireless card thats not their own09:10
holycowln -s?09:10
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fredlUIE|Macros42, I don't know for sure about Ubuntu 6.0 but on 5.0 it took a little bit of tweaking to do so09:10
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holycowjust right click and extracyt09:10
R0cK3Twhy doesn't anything work with 64 bit version of ubuntu?... you'd think it would be better than 32 bit... I just don't get it09:10
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about airport - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:10
pequatreWTF  ???!! The "PCM" slider (?) in the mixer was at the bottom ??!! i surely didn't move it myself. Anyway, that was the root of the "problem". Strange ??!!09:10
UIE|Macros42fredl: I couldn't get it working on 5 - and gave up :D Going to give it a better try now tho on 609:10
pequatrenow i can hear the sounds.09:10
Crippy-Boyholycow: No worries, i can already do that, but im leaving os x on since ive got more chance setting up wireless on it. (im using a none airport usb adaptor that has linux drivers but x86 binary only) *screams*09:11
holycowR0cK3T, 64 bit thing really doesn't result in a huge performance boost out of very specific workloads09:11
Crippy-BoyBig useless pile of white shite. </rant09:11
holycowyou only really gain in performance for things like VERY VERY large databases and specialty apps.  there isn't a lot that actually can use 64 bit fully.09:11
holycowyeah that too09:12
OmniDHighly detailed 3 dimensional scenes09:12
OmniDI mean09:12
fredlUIE|Macros42, you tried the ndiswrapper?09:13
R0cK3Ti could just imagion tryin to install maya or 3dsmax on this shit09:13
holycowthere is a 64 bit max?09:13
holycowi didn't know that09:13
OmniDBest 3D program for Linux is Blender right?09:13
holycowmaya 64 bit was just announced09:13
R0cK3Ti dunno09:13
nuxordim having trouble unraring things, i do the sudo ln -s command with the location, but it oly tells me 'creating symbolic link' and the 'file exists'what do i do09:13
holycowmaybe you mean 64 bit blender or xsi09:13
ISOLATEDViRuSmy friend is installing ubuntu onto his pc, and during the installation he gets an error message about the kernal sync, what might eb wrong?09:13
UIE|Macros42fredl: tried it but wasn't too sure what I was doing tbh :D09:13
fredlUIE|Macros42, one of the big problems with some wireless cards is that some use other chipsets than the other.09:13
holycownuxord, dude, c'mon man09:13
nuxordim new!09:14
Elive_user65open with archive manager09:14
UIE|Macros42so I see - just looking at the forums now09:14
swubooI'm using the 64bit k8 kernel, and I must say it does seem to be overkill, considering I mainly use Firefox, nethack, and LaTeX.09:14
holycownuxord, please stop using some nonsense commands, right click on rar and unzip09:14
holycowthats it bro09:14
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fredlUIE|Macros42, so you get for example two WMP54G's and they both have a completely different chipset.09:14
Elive_user65nuxord right click the first rar, open with archive manager09:14
nuxordor, it wont unzip, even tho iv installed unrar..wont regonize the file =\09:14
UIE|Macros42I'm downloading the live cd now - for installation on a different box - so I'll have this window open screaming for help a lot I'd say ;)09:14
swubooAlthough when I accidentally clicked the "Open All in New Window" button on the BBC RSS feed, CPU usage peaked at 60%.09:14
holycownuxord, i know your new, thats why i hate repeating my answers to your repeated questions09:14
holycowits annoying, please read suggestions :)09:14
nuxord'archive type not supported'09:14
fredlUIE|Macros42, what you basically do with ndiswrappers is to install your windows drivers that come with the card.09:14
Crippy-BoyHold on! i found an open source linux driver for it :D09:14
holycownuxord, install rar too09:15
Crippy-BoyHopefully i can install ubuntu and compile the driver09:15
UIE|Macros42fredl: really? windows drivers?09:15
holycownuxord, i told you to install rar AND unrar :)09:15
nuxordwtf is rar, i cant find anything called 'rar'09:15
fooHere is my xorg.conf: http://x01.ath.cx:81/temp/xorg.conf ... I have an IBM G97 monitor (19", black). http://ostg.pricegrabber.com/search_techspecs_full.php/masterid=532914/ - here are the specs on the monitor. I have random flickers on my screen. I am in 1600x1200. Any ideas?09:15
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fredlUIE|Macros42, yeah I think so.09:15
ardchoille!rar > nuxord09:15
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ISOLATEDViRuSmy friend is installing ubuntu onto his pc, and during the installation he gets an error message about the kernal sync, what might eb wrong?09:15
UIE|Macros42fredl: ok - I have windoze on that box atm so I'll see if I can get the chipset before wiping it09:15
fredlUIE|Macros42, *ponder* I got it to work in the past with something else though, not ndiswrapper...09:15
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free09:15
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R0cK3Tis there anyway i can use 32 bit ubuntu without uninstalling?09:15
holycownuxord, no rar, you may need to add universe repositories to get it09:16
nuxordoh i did, nothign exists wit the name 'rar'09:16
fredlUIE|Macros42, but that was something from a commercial vendor, maybe I'm confusing ndis with that one.09:16
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holycownuxord, it does, stop that09:16
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nuxordim serious!  i dont see it =\09:16
UIE|Macros42fredl: ok - I'll try ndiswrapper first then if it doesn't install at the start09:16
R0cK3Tlike ubuntu 64 bit has to be compatible with 32 bit in the first place no?09:17
nuxordthere is rarpd...09:17
=== Kragnerac [n=Kragnera@cpe-65-27-144-112.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
holycownuxord, i know you don't see it, it is there tho, only everyone uses it09:17
R0cK3Tso there has to be some kind of work around09:17
wetrihi ! i just migrate from suse to kubuntu !!  its nice !!!!!!!!!!09:17
fredlUIE|Macros42, enjoy :) I found wireless cards to be a pain in the past until I got my aironet card :P09:17
UIE|Macros42I can wire it to the router to get started anyway but I will need wireless on it09:17
Elive_user65sudo apt-get install rar unrar09:17
yoshiznit123hey everybody, is there a way to use my wireless card as an access point?09:17
yoshiznit123any pointers to docs rather :-)09:17
nuxorddont play magic tricks on me, i am too young to be frightened with your crazy descsions about the blue or red pills!09:18
fredlyoshiznit123, I think so, search for ad-hoc09:18
ardchoillenuxord: rar is in multiverse09:18
holycowoh thats where it is09:18
holycowright, thx ardchoille09:18
ISOLATEDViRuSis bitlord or utorrent available for linux?09:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ad-hoc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:18
Elive_user65how many freakin torrent clients do you need09:18
fooHere is my xorg.conf: http://x01.ath.cx:81/temp/xorg.conf ... I have an IBM G97 monitor (19", black). http://ostg.pricegrabber.com/search_techspecs_full.php/masterid=532914/ - here are the specs on the monitor. I have random flickers on my screen. I am in 1600x1200. Any ideas?09:18
R0cK3Tad-hoc doesn't allow access to the net tho09:18
ardchoillenuxord: unrar is also in multiverse09:18
ISOLATEDViRuSi need one...09:18
ardchoilleholycow: You're welcome :)09:19
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R0cK3Tad hoc is only for a lan network i think09:19
nuxordthen how can i see unrar and not rar?09:19
Elive_user65bittorrent should just fine then09:19
holycowISOLATEDViRuS, gnome comes with one, its all you need imho09:19
yoshiznit123fredl, do you mean to set up an ad-hoc network? does that work for sharing internet access?09:19
ardchoillenuxord: you need to enable the multiverse repo09:19
ISOLATEDViRuSthe normal torrent thing is horrible though09:19
nuxordhow do i do that?09:19
ardchoillenuxord: then do: apt-cache search rar09:19
ardchoille!repos > nuxord09:19
holycowISOLATEDViRuS, what more can you possibly need?09:19
ISOLATEDViRuSi wa over at my friend's house, and its much easier to manage the torrents and share them with utorrent or bitlord.09:19
Elive_user65i dont like this elive much, other than the eye candy09:19
yoshiznit123ardchoille, that gives way too many results btw :-)09:19
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource09:19
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fredlR0cK3T, well perhaps if you have an ethernet connection as well and use forwarding09:19
ardchoilleyoshiznit123: Ah, yeah, good point09:20
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R0cK3Tunknown i guess09:20
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ISOLATEDViRuSfor starters, i dont need a screenful of little windows of each torrent im sharing, that woiuld be pretty nice to start..09:20
holycowis torrenting that l33t of an activity that one needs specialized clients?09:20
holycowjust how much warez do you do on linux dude?09:20
holycowlol :)09:20
yoshiznit123holycow, not really, but something like utorrent would be nice for linux09:20
swubooholycow: If one does enough of it, specialized clients are indeed helpful.09:20
npsterhello someone ask a question09:20
UIE|Macros42one last q for the moment. will I be able to install Apache and PHP on the desktop version?09:20
ISOLATEDViRuSi dont want my screen full with torrent boxes09:20
holycow*shrug* i'll take your words for it :)09:21
Elive_user65distros come down nice and fast on wareztorrents09:21
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holycowISOLATEDViRuS, i just right clickand send them to another desktop09:21
ardchoilleUIE|Macros42: as long as you can access the correct repos, you can install them, yes09:21
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Elive_user65personally i prefer newsgroups, pan 111 beta rocks09:21
ISOLATEDViRuSid like to keep it organized, instead of a shitton of little boxes all over the screen.09:21
swubooBah, everyone knows the correct way to get a distro is to wander onto the campus of a major research university, and then download it from the CS department of another research university two time zones away.09:21
HesNikke1anyone know where i can find a deb for sun java?09:21
ISOLATEDViRuSand the point of torrents are to share, thats what keeps it alive.09:21
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holycowswuboo, lol, thats funny09:22
UIE|Macros42ardchoille: access them? you mean online? are there subscriptions required or just a connection?09:22
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fredlHmm, php5 is default on Dapper, correct?09:22
Elive_user65point of torrents is to get sued by riaa and mpaa09:22
HesNikke1the java that ubuntu gave me isn't working well with azureus09:22
ardchoilleUIE|Macros42: just an internet connection09:22
holycowISOLATEDViRuS, i guess i get what you mean now :)09:22
UIE|Macros42ardchoille: great - thanks09:22
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yoshiznit123fredl, i've found some docs but all say you need a prism card... is it possible with bcm43xx09:22
lostincHi, any idea why VLC will play AVI and MPEG files but Totem wont?09:22
fredlI'm trying to install mediawiki but that gives a dependancy on PHP4 :/09:23
ISOLATEDViRuShave torrents gone on trial yet? i know they were deemed legal in some other countries.09:23
Elive_user65totem will play avi and mpeg but u have to install win32codecs first09:23
ardchoillelostinc: sounds like you're missing some codecs09:23
Deaigo%u you09:23
holycowlostinc, because vlc uses w32codecs package but the default totem-gstreamer is installed which doesn't09:23
fredlyoshiznit123, sorry I don't know if it works on your specific card.09:23
mjrlostinc, gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg09:23
Deaigo you09:23
lostincWhy is it that VLC can play them native then?09:23
ardchoille!restricted > lostinc09:23
fredlyoshiznit123, try and you will see :)09:23
holycoweither install the right gstreamer plugins, or install totem-xine09:23
holycoweither should work09:23
nuxordi have ever single repository option enabled, and still dont see rar!! YAR!09:23
=== PWill [n=paul@cpe-24-208-191-36.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
lostincIll stick to VLC then I guess why install more for nothing.09:24
holycowoh weird09:24
lostincThanks for the info though09:24
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holycowsteve irwin is dead, killed by a stingray09:24
Elive_user65someone explained how that vlc thingy works to me once, but i forget, made my head hurt09:24
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holycowElive_user65, i just explained it, its pretty simple09:24
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myUserNameCan Somone Please tell me if its possible to do remote desktop with out being logged in. i want to setup my other computer as a Remote desktop server so it is in bash 24\7 but so i can login via remote desktop and do stuff is this possible?? and how?09:24
Elive_user65automatix is great for installing all that illegal stuff09:24
holycowElive_user65, oh no its not09:25
ubotuAutomatix is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. For help with and discussion of automatix please join #automatix.09:25
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R0cK3Tcan someone walk me through a quake 3 install on ubuntu (amd 64/ati xpress 200m)?  I am confused to the point where i don't even know where to start!09:25
holycowthis needs to be permanently in the channel topic09:25
ardchoilleElive_user65: Please don't recommend automatix in this channel09:25
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holycowand like in bold flasshing text on the wiki09:25
FirstStrikei ran automatix once and it didn't break anything.09:25
holycowdamnit, why do people insist on using that09:25
FirstStrikei guess i didn't select any packages of doom.09:25
Elive_user65okay, can i reccomend easy ubuntu in here?09:25
ardchoille!worksforem > FirstStrike09:25
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yoshiznit123holycow, why?09:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about worksforem - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:25
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ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.09:26
holycoweliphas_, easyubuntu doesn't break anything and dioesn't bypass the package manager09:26
nuxordi did apt-cahce search rar and it gave me a list, now how do i instal rar?09:26
=== degreseven [n=bryan@c-71-227-222-12.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
printkI'm a little confused, why do you need automatix when you have apt that automates installation of items /09:26
ardchoillenuxord: sudo apt-get install rar09:26
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holycowautomatix on the other hand is created by a retarded clueby that decided bypassing VERY WELL TESTEED TECHNOLOGY TTHAT WORKS is actually a good idea09:26
FirstStrikeardchoille: i'm glad you went through the effort just to waste my time with that09:26
mkquisthey guys any way to reinstall the terminal?09:26
holycowprintk, because people don't do their research and think it makes sense to use it09:26
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printkah :)09:27
ardchoilleFirstStrike: Don't mention it :)09:27
yoshiznit123mkquist, sudo apt-get --reinstall install gnome-terminal09:27
Elive_user65what about easyubuntu? is that ok?? huh09:27
holycoweasyubuntu is fine09:27
mkquistwell it the terminal isnt working, then how?09:27
nuxordPackage rar is not available, but is referred to by another package.09:27
nuxordThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or09:27
nuxordis only available from another source09:27
nuxordE: Package rar has no installation candidate09:27
Elive_user65cuz ive used automatix numerous times with no problems as i have easyubuntu09:27
nuxordwhat the bloody hell does that mean09:27
=== redhand [n=redhand@20158093233.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
fredlDapper *has* as default install PHP *5* right??09:27
yoshiznit123haha, you can drop back to the tty with Ctrl-Alt-F1, then use Alt-F2 to come back to the desktop09:27
yoshiznit123sorry, Alt-F7*09:27
fredlor am I hallucinating?09:28
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ardchoillefredl: I believe php5 is the default, but I installed php409:28
nuxordyou mean alt+f409:28
ISOLATEDViRuShow do i open something in wine?09:28
fredlardchoille, coz it seems some packages are still based on PHP409:28
ardchoillefredl: lots of them are, which is why I installed php409:28
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yoshiznit123nuxord, nah, alt-f7 is the X server i think09:29
nuxordok i did sudo apt-get install rar ..........but it didnt work! help09:29
ardchoillefredl: I installed apache2 and libapache2-mod-php4 and my php stuff works09:29
fredlardchoille, hmmm PHP5 is so much nicer though09:29
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ardchoillefredl: Tell that to all the php devs, lol09:29
fredlI wonder how backports work....09:29
Elive_user65nux: all i can tell u dude, is sthat rar and unrar are in there, enable multiverse in synaptic repository settings09:30
fredlsince I found a 'Mediawiki 1.7 backport for Dapper'09:30
fredlis it generally a wise thing to enable backports?09:30
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ardchoillefredl: Are you good with mySQL?09:31
fredlHmm I *have* backports commented out in my sources.list09:31
nuxordhelp me, sudo apt-get install rar dosent work09:31
fredlardchoille, yeah fairly good, why?09:31
fredlnuxord, what's the error message you're getting then?09:31
holycownuxord, dont forget to update apt after you add repost09:31
ardchoillenuxord: Can you paste your /etc/apt/sources.list to the pastebin please?09:31
holycowsudo apt-get update first09:31
holycowthen do the sudo install part09:31
ardchoillefredl: Just curious, I don't know much of mySQL and that's why I chose a wiki that doesn't need it09:31
=== reckless [n=reckless@CPE00134641e193-CM00159a07f98a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
ardchoilleholycow: Good catch, there09:32
nuxordReading package lists... Done09:32
nuxordBuilding dependency tree... Done09:32
nuxordPackage rar is not available, but is referred to by another package.09:32
nuxordThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or09:32
nuxordis only available from another source09:32
nuxordE: Package rar has no installation candidate09:32
fredlardchoille, ah I see. No, for me having Wiki stuff in mysql makes it even nicer since it's easier to search through it from other apps.09:32
ardchoillenuxord: Can you paste your /etc/apt/sources.list to the pastebin please?09:32
Madpilotnuxord, pastebin next time109:32
Madpilot!, even ;)09:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about even ;) - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:32
Madpilot... shut up, bot.09:32
ardchoillefredl: Hmm.. I may have to learn mySQL :)09:32
ardchoilleMadpilot: hahaha09:33
=== Arafangion is a postgresql dude.
fredlardchoille, it's real simple.09:33
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=== holycow high fives Arafangion
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nuxordi am not sure what you mean..what is /etc/apt/sources? list to pastebin mean09:33
=== Axe_ [n=gofuck@ool-44c0abd0.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
holycowi never understood how anyone can use that other piece of junk :)09:33
fredlwell I never really used postgres for a long time. I'm hearing it's much more complete than mysql though.09:33
brainiac_ghosthas anyone got a ur054g (inventel) wireless adaptor working (the one that comes with a livebox09:34
Arafangionfredl: One word: Referential Integrety09:34
gansinhohey guys I need a little help, a nice guy from ubuntu-xgl wants to ssh in here... how do I do that?09:34
=== Abst [n=Abst@194-247-224-54.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
holycowjust google mysql vs postgres09:34
ardchoillenuxord: You really need to learn how your package manager works, before you go doing much else.09:34
fredlArafangion, that's in mysql 5 too though, right?09:34
holycowbasically with any of the comparison matrices you will simply see that mysql isn't a real db09:34
holycowits basically a joke09:34
brainiac_ghostgansinho, 1, apt-get install screen09:34
=== Gumby [n=gumby@unaffiliated/gumby] has joined #ubuntu
nuxordi feel to silly =\09:34
Arafangionfredl: I personally dislike the way that mysql handles default values and the way it handles case sensitivity and the NULL value.09:34
nuxordbut i really wanna unrar my porn09:34
holycowits good enough for one off quickies, but i can't imagine actually using it for a real project09:34
Arafangionholycow: Personally, for a quickie, I'd use sqlite09:35
=== mkquist [n=michael@h-69-3-115-103.lsanca54.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
nuxordahaha i dont think i can imagine how that sounded to you09:35
gansinhobrainiac_ghost: ok!09:35
holycowArafangion, heh, *nod*09:35
Arafangionholycow: What I also don't get is how insanely complex ORM's are.09:35
fredldidn't postgres get a big developper influx when mysql made itself impopular with their licensing scheme?09:35
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mkquist_help reinstalling terminal?09:35
Arafangionholycow: I looked at three, tried two, and ended up writing my replacement - does everything I need, and in less than 300 lines!09:36
yoshiznit123has anybody here successfully set up their ubuntu computer as a wireless access point?09:36
brainiac_ghostgansinho, start screen by typing screen09:36
fooHere is my xorg.conf: http://x01.ath.cx:81/temp/xorg.conf ... I have an IBM G97 monitor (19", black). http://ostg.pricegrabber.com/search_techspecs_full.php/masterid=532914/ - here are the specs on the monitor. I have random flickers on my screen. I am in 1600x1200. Any ideas?09:36
CharonXI am trying to run wine but it cannot fine libncurses.so.5 but I have it installed in /lib/ I put /lib on my path but wine still cannot find it ? I am running a amd 6409:36
ardchoillemkquist_: Can you CTRL+ALT+F2 and run the necessary sudo apt-get commands?09:36
nuxordbloody hell, i am lost09:36
holycowlol, yeah mate, i do haveto say tho that mysql really was a lot faster than postgres when it started out09:36
fredlscreen? does that still exist? now there's a tool that rocked when X didn't work so well :)09:36
holycowand pg did have a deserved slowness rep back then09:37
=== mick_home [n=mick@adsl-153-148-122.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
holycowthats all changed for a long time now tho09:37
CharonXAnyone know how I can force wine to find that lib or how to fix it so it just finds it ?09:37
=== highvoltage uses screen every day
gansinhobrainiac_ghost: ok... I pressed space and nothing happened...09:37
ardchoillefredl: I still run irssi+elinks+mutt+bash in screen09:37
Elive_user65next time reach for the sky09:37
fredlholycow, well that's the period I tried postgres in I guess :) and tossed it in the corner :)09:37
Arafangionholycow: By sacrificing ACID and the like, which are fundamental for good, reliable database foundations, sure.09:37
mick_homehi everyone, i'm curious if anyone can tell me how likely a deb that runs on debian will work on ubuntu09:37
brainiac_ghostgansinho, right did it clear your screen?09:37
ardchoillefredl: There are days that I log in and never use X09:37
=== epinephrine [i=geek@82-37-152-150.cable.ubr01.wals.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
holycowArafangion, *nod*, pg is really a good performer these days even with the overhead you get with acid support09:38
gansinhobrainiac_ghost: yep...09:38
Elive_user65mick: who knows, try it and find out, the worse is youll get a error message09:38
fredlardchoille, I used to use screen often when I was still on a modem, I'd remotely start something from my modem connection and when I came to the uni I could simply attach the running session.09:38
brainiac_ghostgansinho, that is what is meant to happen09:38
brainiac_ghostgansinho, :)09:38
ardchoillemick_home: It is not a good idea to use debian .deb packages on Ubuntu. Search the repos for the app you need or find an Ubuntu .deb09:38
mkquist_ardchoille - e:invalid record in the preference file, no package header09:38
mick_homebasically, I'm working on a deb and a friend of mine uses ubuntu -- i wanted to know how easy it would be to work on both09:39
gansinhobrainiac_ghost: but I want to let a person who's trying to help me ssh in here...09:39
ardchoillefredl: Yeah, I can attach this chat session from any of the other 10 computers in my house09:39
Arafangionmick_home: If you absolutely must use a debian packge on Ubuntu, I highly recommend you use a source package, and compile it.09:39
fredlardchoille, that remark on Debian needs some refinement IMO :) it is really not a good idea that Ubuntu .deb's differ so much from Debian .deb's :)09:39
mick_homeardchoille, that is impossible in my situation ;)09:39
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=== ISOLATEDViRuS [n=ISOLATED@pool-68-236-63-52.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
mick_homefredl, that is what i was thinking09:39
Arafangionfredl: They don't really differ much at all - it's hte *dependencies* that differ.09:39
mick_homethe only requirements are: (c)make, libtiff and libpng atm09:39
ISOLATEDViRuSmy friend gets this error... Kernel Panic - not syncing! Fatal recognition in interrupt09:39
brainiac_ghostgansinho, this just lets you see what he's typing, can never be too secure :)09:39
fredlbut anyway, no Debian/Ubuntu fights :)09:39
ardchoillefredl: I think it's a path difference09:40
ISOLATEDViRuSwhat is wrong?09:40
brainiac_ghostgansinho, don't want him to rm -rf /* your hard drive09:40
holycowand the dependencies are different FOR DEBIAN REASONS09:40
nuxordif i try to do apt-get update it wont allow me, why?09:40
ArafangionISOLATEDViRuS: Turn off caps please.09:40
nuxord13 permissions denied it says09:40
Elive_user65how bout some ubuntu and feespire fights?09:40
holycowyou guys haveto remember that ubuntu FREEZES debian unstable EVERY 6 MONTHS09:40
brainiac_ghostholycow, what, old depreceated rubbish reasons09:40
holycowdebian unstable changes from day to day09:40
fredlnuxord, you typed 'sudo' in front of your apt-get update, right?09:40
gansinhonuxord: type sudo before it09:40
ardchoillenuxord: Do you have synaptic open?09:40
holycowtherefore if you wait two days after release, debian unstable and ubuntu will have diverged09:41
Arafangionholycow: Personally, I feel that they should have 12-month cycles, not 6-months.09:41
nuxordno i dont but no i didnt type sudo =\09:41
Arafangionholycow: 6-months is just insane.09:41
fredlholycow, true....09:41
ardchoillenuxord: need sudo for some apt-get commands09:41
holycowthus the dependencies are different, BUT NOT for any of the reasons a lot of dd's bitch about09:41
mick_homeholycow, i'm creating the package for testing (most likely)09:41
holycowArafangion, at first i was really excited by the 6 moht thing, i really  like testing out new stuff09:41
mick_homesid is too much of a headache ;)09:41
holycowArafangion, but in productions absolutely09:41
nuxordi really need to get reading on ubuntu a bit more, i have no clue what these commands mean09:41
ardchoilleholycow: Really? I never knew that09:41
holycowi am now of the same opinion Arafangion09:41
mkquist_anyone, cant use terminal, and now apt-get is buggered..09:41
gansinhobrainiac_ghost: I'm in pvt...09:42
=== TMM [n=hp@ip5650d1ab.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #ubuntu
holycowardchoille, yes its true.  in other words ubuntu holds VERY CLOSE to debian09:42
fredlwhy is 6 months insane?09:42
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brainiac_ghostgansinho, is multiverse enabled?09:42
holycowits not a fork at all, just a clever way to package debian unstable09:42
printkwith a fast pace changing enviroment 6 months seems reasonable to me09:42
mick_homeholycow, so i guess i should be fine then09:42
holycowprintk, not in production, let me tell you09:42
Elive_user65id just like to see ubuntu get their freaking xorg updates right myself09:42
holycowfor my servers i want no less than a release every two years09:42
Arafangionholycow: Do you have a website that documents this, btw?09:42
printkyah not in production definitely09:42
mick_homethe requirements aren't that big and they seem pretty standard09:43
printki'd run LTS for 5 years09:43
brainiac_ghostgansinho, if it is type apt-get install ssh09:43
printksince it's supported09:43
=== barata [n=barata@adsl-69-232-226-48.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
printki mean workstation09:43
holycoweven that is frickin retarded for servers, desktop, at most once a year for me in productions09:43
holycowArafangion, no, i should put it on the wiki09:43
gansinhobrainiac_ghost:  I'm newb enought to doesn't understand what multiverse is09:43
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ISOLATEDViRuSMy friend gets this error, what is wrong?  Kernel Panic - not syncing! Fatal recognition in interrupt09:43
=== gaz00 [n=gaz00@d198-53-178-2.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
holycowmick_home, for the most part yes you should be fine09:43
Arafangionholycow: I was hoping for at least a mailing list thread ;)09:43
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fredlanybody know how I can find out what's in the backports repository?09:43
brainiac_ghostgansinho, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_add_extra_repositories09:43
brainiac_ghostgansinho, :)09:43
ardchoilleholycow: If you do put it in the wiki, please give us the URL. I'd like to readi abot it.09:43
holycowmick_home, basically it will either work or you will be told about the dependency in which case recompile09:44
nuxordhow can i "paste your /etc/apt/sources.list to the pastebin please?"09:44
mick_homewhat do i do to get the package into ubuntu (don't tell me it is like becoming a dd)09:44
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)09:44
holycowArafangion, lol, why? i thought it was common knowledge09:44
pustota1question: where can I get some guidelines about how to configure kernel and compile it under ubuntu and still have working system afterwards ;-)09:44
Arafangionholycow: It is not common knowledge.09:44
holycowi think i'll create a wiki webpage on this and use marks neato diagram of how the tangential fork works09:44
pustota1or plain vanilla kernel howto would do ?09:44
holycowArafangion, really?09:44
holycowokay time for some edumacation!09:44
=== Zdra [n=zdra@96.236-243-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
ardchoillefredl: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/09:45
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Flannel!tell pustota1 about kernel09:45
holycowpeople treat ubuntu as a separate distro09:45
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux'). You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild09:45
holycowits not really09:45
holycowits just a special case of debian09:45
gansinhobrainiac_ghost: I've installed it09:45
holycowplus or minus some niceness 10 million a year of marks dollars buys you09:45
printkuhrm it is technically a diff distro09:45
printkwith strong ties to debian09:45
XorlevOkay, so I had to reinstall my system. I kept my home directory and restored upon reinstall, and for some reason none of my KDE settings are being shown?09:45
printkdiff repo, diff installation system.09:45
fredlardchoille, there's no clever apt-search command or something for that?09:45
mick_homeholycow, so becoming a dev is impossible w/o committing 5 yrs of your life to the project :)09:45
ardchoillefredl: There may be, but I don't know what it is09:46
brainiac_ghostgansinho, sudo /etc/init.d/(the one that sounds SSH like, probably sshd or openssh)09:46
holycowmick_home, with linux after 5 years your only a noob :)09:46
R0cK3Tcan someone tell me how to get all the 32 bit libraries so i can install q3?09:46
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brainiac_ghostgansinho, e.g. /etc/init.d/sshd start09:46
mick_homeholycow, you misunderstood09:46
nuxordhow can i install rar, nothing works, i type sudo apt-get install rar but it denies it..help09:46
=== redondo81 [n=redondo8@host154-231.pool80104.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
printknuxord: what does "it denies it" mean?09:46
mick_homeholycow, i was refering to the fact that it takes that long to become a dd (give or take)09:46
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about package - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:46
ubotuYou can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, apt-cache, the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com  -  Ubuntu has about 18000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!09:46
redondo81Hi boys,good morning09:46
Crippy-Boysudo apt-get install unrar i believe09:47
ardchoillenuxord: Now can you paste your /etc/apt/sources.list to pastebin?09:47
Elive_user65nuxord, last time im telling you this, listen up!09:47
holycownuxord, search that site for it, download deb, double click on it to install09:47
fredl!pastebin > nuxord09:47
R0cK3Tis there anyway i can use the apt-get-install cmd to install all the 32 bit libraries?09:47
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mick_home7zip also works (if unrar isn't)09:47
ardchoillefredl: Thank you :)09:47
holycowmick_home, oh haha!09:47
holycowmick_home, hehe missed that, yeah, funny :)09:47
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Elive_user65nuxord, open synaptic, select repositories, add, then check both empty boxes, then update synaptic then search for rar09:47
nuxordi type /etc/apt/sources.list and every combination with it and nothing works =\09:47
nuxordReading package lists... Done09:47
nuxordBuilding dependency tree... Done09:47
nuxordPackage rar is not available, but is referred to by another package.09:47
nuxordThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or09:47
nuxordis only available from another source09:47
nuxordE: Package rar has no installation candidate09:47
Arafangionnuxord: PASTEBIN09:47
nuxordall empty boxes are clicked on09:47
ardchoillenuxord: PASTEBIN!09:47
redondo81I have a problem, I have to reinstall windows xp on my pc after I installed linux kubuntu,but if I install windows xp now, it doen't see linux in the booting09:47
mick_homeholycow, still didn't get my question answered ;)09:47
XorlevIs there any reason why my KDE is not showing my previous settings when using my old /home/username directory after reinstall?09:48
=== mkquist [n=michael@h-69-3-115-103.lsanca54.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
Crippy-Boynuxord: the package is unrar not rar09:48
R0cK3Twhats the pastebin?09:48
fredlLOL nuxord won't use the pastebin, PERIOD LOLOL09:48
Arafangionardchoille: Thanks, I forgot the '!' :)09:48
redondo81what can I do?09:48
ardchoilleArafangion: :)09:48
nuxordbloody ell unrar is installed09:48
fredl!pastebin > R0cK3T09:48
=== RetLaw [n=RetLaw@082-146-105-079.dyn.adsl.xs4all.be] has joined #ubuntu
mick_homeredondo81, install windows first. it must be in the first part of the boot sector - then install linux09:48
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mick_homeanyone in here an ubuntu dev?09:49
Flannelredondo81: you'll need to restore grub, let me get you a link09:49
Flannelredondo81: help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows09:49
redondo81ok, thanks I'll read it09:49
ardchoillefredl: I actually found that link by mistake. I was curious about the URL's in sources.list so I visited them and lo and behold it listed all that stuff09:49
mick_homeFlannel, would that work if linux is on the first part of the drive?09:49
=== chavo [n=chavo@69-167-74-151.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
fredlardchoille, well it works alright....09:50
mick_homethat might be an old technical restriction09:50
fredlardchoille, but it's kind of a pain to search through the subdirectories, since I'm lazy09:50
Flannelmick_home: that'll work regardless.  Of course, WINDOWS needs to be hda1,09:50
R0cK3Tisn't pastebin a lil extreme for 5 lines of txt?09:50
ArafangionR0cK3T: No.09:50
nuxordardchoille i am not sure wtf the /ect/stuff/ is but is this what you wanted?09:51
holycownot for a chan with 800 members09:51
xhaanwindows can also be hdb1 if you trick it with grub :009:51
nuxordi need grub09:51
fredlR0cK3T, too many people on here sometimes, it's hard enough as it is to keep track of more than 1 conversation at the same timer09:51
nuxordim starving09:51
R0cK3Ttrue eh09:52
R0cK3Ti just had chilli's09:52
R0cK3Ttwo of em :P09:52
fredlnuxord, that's good, you now understand pastebin. Now go ahead and also cut and paste the contents of your /etc/apt/sources.list in there09:52
holycowcareful what you scratch09:52
nuxordthe blooddyyyyy fuck is /etc/apt/sources.list09:52
nuxordi get nothing for that command09:53
fredlI'm dying for a chili-cheese-onion-fries from fatburger.09:53
DBO!language > nuxord09:53
Crippy-Boygedit /etc/apt/sources.list09:53
holycownuxord, hehehe09:53
glicknuxord, its not a command09:53
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xhaantry cat /etc/apt/sources.list09:53
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printknuxord: cat /etc/apt/sources.list is the command.09:53
Healotnuxord: it's no f***ing command, it is a file09:53
holycownuxord, just allow me to warmly welcome you to linux09:53
ardchoillenuxord: No, that isn't what I wanted. Open /etc/apt/sources.list in a text editor, copy/paste the contents to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org, then give me the URL so I can see why you're having this problem.09:53
fredlnuxord, it's a file. Yoiu need to cut and paste the contents of that file to pastebin09:53
holycownuxord, you have a lot to learn and it seems  you have hit a bit of a wall09:53
fredlholycow, understatement of the year :) but hey, we've all been there!09:54
nuxordyou mean terminal or test editor?09:54
holycownuxord, might i kindly suggest that you sleep it off?  seriously, when you get back tommorrow, i guarantee your /etc/apt/sources.list will be there :)09:54
=== cbgb [n=beispiel@hilde.ruf.uni-freiburg.de] has joined #ubuntu
ardchoillenuxord: did I say terminal?09:54
=== jsedgwick [n=James@c-69-249-85-177.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
holycowi used to get that a lot when i started out too09:54
=== di0rz` [n=diorz@s119-37.resnet.ucla.edu] has joined #ubuntu
holycowfredl, oh man, and i haven't forgotten it either :)09:54
nuxordi actually have gotten about 5 hours sleep in the last 2 days09:54
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holycownuxord, :) lol i trullly ADMIRE your determination :)09:54
fredlholycow, I've forgotten a long long time ago.09:54
Madpilotnuxord, that might not be the best starting point for learning Linux :)09:54
holycownuxord, we really are trying to help.09:55
xhaannuxord, yes open terninal and type cat /etc/apt/sources.list09:55
cbgbhi there, anyone know hows to setup wlan with a RT61 chip?09:55
fredlholycow, and that for pr0n. I think pr0n is the best motivation for people to learn Linux :P09:55
=== mtholdenss [n=michaelt@d58-104-56-131.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
holycownuxord, appologies for the frustration.  do remember that everything you learned on windows is wrong.  if we could magically make you unlearn windows all this would seem a lot easier to be honest :)09:55
glicknumist, read this http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Teaching/Unix/ then you wont look like a foo09:55
=== di0rz` [n=diorz@s119-37.resnet.ucla.edu] has joined #ubuntu
holycowfredl, hehe :)09:55
=== carlos [n=carlos@203.Red-81-35-100.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
ISOLATEDViRuSKernel Panic - not syncing! Fatal recognition in interrupt <--any help?09:55
printkshit i learned Linux when I was 13 on SLS (the distro slackware is based off of)09:55
holycowhe does seem like anice chap :)09:55
printklearning from ubuntun is nothing :)09:56
printkdamn i can't believe tha'ts over 10 years ago now09:56
=== gerhard [n=gerhard@p508C2934.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
nuxordi fucking hate windows becuase i use illegal copies and keep getting those annoying messeges how i 'must' spend 300$ on a single copy for a single computer, fuck them, i am a pirate YAR09:56
=== xhaan thinks REALLY learning linux is even harder in ubuntu
Crippy-Boyfredl: yeah because nothings better than cheesy linux pr0n with chicks wearing thongs with 'got root' on the front :-/09:56
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printkxhaan: yah it is09:56
holycowwell ubuntu now is not only the biggest distro outside of maybe debian, it has THE BEST documentation wiki anywhere09:56
printkxhaan it hides alot09:56
=== xhaan nods
fredlnuxord, you know how to open your File browser?09:56
holycowthis distro really can help noobs just get in there and start hacking away at it to make stuff work for the  most part09:56
ardchoilleWell, I was trying to help him.. but he didn't seem to want to follow my instructions.. pity09:56
holycowardchoille, probably from frustratio09:57
holycowi've snapped a few times my self :)09:57
mopfliteholycow: ubuntu has taken over from suse in that respect09:57
ardchoilleholycow: Or lack of sleep09:57
fredlardchoille, hehe he's trying but it does seem intimidating when 4 people start yelling at you to USE THE PASTEBIN :-)09:57
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holycowardchoille, :)09:57
holycowmopflite, *nod* indeed09:57
mopflitesuse used to rock, but much and progressively less so since the novell acquisition09:57
Crippy-BoyI find linux gets easier once you realise 'everything's a fucking file!'09:57
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.09:57
holycowmopflite, just goes to show that novel would of been better off doing what mark has done09:57
printkCrippy-Boy: heh yes, that's for UNIX period :)09:58
yoshiznit123hey everyone, which /etc/init.d/* do i need to restart after i've changed my /etc/iftab?09:58
holycowand mark has done it for a fraction of what they spent on suse09:58
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ompaulCrippy-Boy language - don't do it again09:58
DBO!language Crippy-Boy09:58
=== xhaan learned linux by running a headless freebsd server... it isnt linux, but its pretty close
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about language Crippy-Boy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:58
ardchoillefredl: People told him to use the pastebin several times.. I don't think he was listening as well as he should have been09:58
holycowCrippy-Boy, yes, there is a stage after that ... its the part where you start to UNLEARN everything you learned on windows09:58
fredlIt just seems that anything that's cool opensource and gets taken for a ride by any commercial company loses it's cool very quickly doesn't it?09:58
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mopfliteholycow: novell are hopeless at marketing, full stop - from experience, they would struggle with any product, no matter how good it was09:58
Crippy-Boyxhaan: was that really needed, 2 people told me previously.09:58
Crippy-BoyAnd im sorry09:58
Crippy-BoyIt was just emphasisng my point :-)09:58
Crippy-BoyWont do it again09:58
holycowwindows is a system based on a single user DOS environment paradigm.  everything they do follows from that and everything is simply tacked onto that paradigm09:58
ardchoilleThe person who introduced me to Linux made me use it for two months without X. Today, I am very glad she did it that way :)09:59
fooI followed the ubuntu wiki on setting up flgrx and it broke my X. Here is my config and log ...  http://x01.ath.cx:81/temp/xorg.conf and Xorg.0.log ... any ideas?09:59
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holycowmopflite, i'm starting to think the same09:59
fredlsee, when Ubuntu gets bought by Microsoft...09:59
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holycowmopflite, they have such an amazing distribution system09:59
holycowwhat they need to do is just drop suse09:59
holycowand adopt ubuntu, right now09:59
Crippy-BoyLol fredl: that makes no sense09:59
fredlpretty soon very much less people will be using Microsoft-Ubuntu :-)09:59
holycowand use their support and distribution channels to push it forward09:59
holycowthey would save money and time09:59
mopfliteholycow: for example, novell groupwise is a great product - it should have higher market share than microsoft exchange - the only reason it isn't is due to novell's marketing and commercial shortcomings10:00
glickubuntu in baby blue is so nice, that should be the default10:00
holycowmopflite, indeed10:00
printkmost don't even know what novell groupwise is :)10:00
printkwhich should tell you something10:00
fredlholycow, corporate companies just don't work that way. They feel they need to have some control over what's going on.10:00
Crippy-Boywhat would MS do with aload of GPL'd code.10:00
holycowprintk, indeed10:00
holycowfredl, i totally agree with you.10:00
bushblowzin linux how to tell what the IP of the box you are on is10:00
Crippy-BoyNot to mention they dont need to BUY anything :-)10:00
xhaani just know it says novell on top of my compiz cube :p10:00
bushblowzin knoppix10:00
glickbushblowz, ifconfig10:01
fredlholycow, and once the control factor kicks in, developpers run away screaming.10:01
ardchoilleCrippy-Boy: What makes you think there isn't a ton of GPL'd code in Window's code base now?10:01
R0cK3Tdoes ubuntu have lynx?10:01
holycowfredl, i have been thinking about this and you totally hit it on the head.  it is really really hard tounlearn old ways of doing things ... i can see why they would shy away from community based stuff10:01
ardchoilleR0cK3T: It's in the repos10:01
mopflitebushblowz: running ifconfig should tell you10:01
glickR0cK3T, you can apt get it10:01
holycowfredl, i really think that canonical can make mint off of support for ubuntu10:01
ardchoille!info lynx10:01
ubotulynx: Text-mode WWW Browser. In component main, is optional. Version 2.8.5-2ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 1074 kB, installed size 4552 kB10:01
gerhardSince I use fglrx, my computer doesnt shut down correctly. i only have a black screen and i have to disconnect it from the power. how do i correct that?10:01
holycowour company is ready to start buying support for it10:01
bushblowzthanks glick10:01
Crippy-Boyardchoille: The fact that itd be illegal, and however stupid ms are i dont think theyd risk that kinda thing, And the win 2k code leak that turned up no gpl'd code10:01
fredlholycow, well, if commercial companies that offer 'test packages' would make Ubuntu packages, it'd rock.10:02
yoshiznit123if Microsoft GPL'ed all their code and opened development, would you help10:02
fredlholycow, like Oracle does.10:02
ardchoilleCrippy-Boy: It would surprise me.. seeing as how they steal from everyone else10:02
Crippy-BoyThough i think they lifted half the tcp/ip stack code from BSD in one of the windows versions, but thats just rumor, Which is permitted by the BSD license anyway10:02
holycowfredl, *nod* oracle is a bit of a dinosaur that way too10:02
=== Quackinator [n=jensel@nv-76-2-153-74.dyn.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
R0cK3Thow do you apt get it?10:02
holycowthey are far far too agressive in this new day and age10:02
fredlholycow, that's the *only* way IMO that commercial vendors can benefit from opensource, is by contributing to it instead of taking it andf making it theirs.10:03
glickfor a billion dollars there is no one in here that wouldnt sell linux down the river10:03
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FlannelGuys, can we take the linux/bsd/windows/whatever else to #ubuntu-offtopic?10:03
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holycowfredl, offering support for open source packages i think could be very much a good play for a lot of companies10:03
ardchoilleR0cK3T: Get lynx?10:03
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ardchoilleR0cK3T: sudo apt-get install lynx10:03
fredlglick, but it doesn't matter, as long as it's GPL, one can sell it through the nose but the next thing that'd happen is a GPL fork would continue and continue faster than the bought version10:03
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holycowof course sometimes its not ... the company that  makes btrieve tried to offer support for postgres but didn't realize the pg community was very well supported commercially already10:04
fredlholycow, I'd *buy* a license for Oracle if I knew it supported Ubuntu10:04
=== InfoxicatingLady drops in, musttering impolite things about her ISP
NewpZhi is there a way to launch X and 1 app (instead of a window manager and logging in)?10:04
fredlholycow, but still the large vendors support distros like Suse and RedCrap.10:04
glickdb2 is supported on ubuntu10:04
holycowi wouldn't, larry ellison is an ass and he would stab you in the back without thinking twice10:04
holycowthats someone i don't feel comfortable working with10:04
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NewpZlike laucha a X app without gdm/kdm10:04
holycowfred indeed10:05
FlannelNewpZ: you need an Xserver running.  So if you wanted you could launch X and then the app, sure.10:05
ardchoilleNewpZ: If you did that, how would you "manage" the "window" that the app launches in?10:05
SeveasNewpZ, man startx10:05
R0cK3Tardchoille: haha it worked?? thanx vm10:05
holycowfredl, i think marks companies can step up and start doing support for ubuntu10:05
ardchoilleR0cK3T: You're welcome :)10:05
fredlNewpZ, yes, disable gdm/kdm and do 'startx' after you login on the terminal10:05
=== panther [n=panther@dsl54009111.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu
holycowi know they are already working on it, i think he has the right mix of vision plus experience to pull it off10:05
NewpZits an mame arcade machine10:05
fredlholycow, but that's not *vendor* support.10:05
holycowfredl, not yet10:05
NewpZi just want to power it up and it automagicly lauch a mame frontend10:06
holycowfredl, you can only ignore the largest/second largest distro on the planet for so long10:06
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fredlholycow, maybe he could function as a 'conduit' though.10:06
=== degreseven [n=bryan@c-71-227-222-12.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
InfoxicatingLadyanyone have any ideas about why my puter won't pick up the dsl connection?10:06
holycowwhen mark starts really hammering support home vendors will come onboard10:06
holycowits just a matter of time10:06
Crippy-Boyholycow: with more binary only drivers that are flaky at best?10:06
printkNewpZ: it's best to have a login atleast... but after the person logins it can start x and run just that one app10:06
holycowCrippy-Boy, they can't really, the kernel api/abi's don't stay stable enough for tha tto happne10:07
printkNewpZ: other wise you're gona have to do alot of customizing for what you want, but it's possible10:07
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fredlholycow, well, market penetration of Linux here in the Netherlands is going steady still. I read an article where they expect 15% penetration in corporate business in 200910:07
NewpZi dont think u want to try logging in with a xarcade control pannel10:07
holycowCrippy-Boy, novel is trying to provide some sort of intermediary layer to allow for that, but they need to be shot for doing something so stupid10:07
NewpZthere is no keyboard10:07
Crippy-Boyholycow: There are plenty of binary only drivers already, and people just accept them10:07
holycowfredl, really?10:07
holycowi love nl :)10:07
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holycowfredl, i was in amsterdam last year, i gotta visit once again :)10:07
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holycowCrippy-Boy, yeah :/ its sad and very very bad10:08
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fredlholycow, I wouldn't be surprised if US market penetration is far ahead of that.10:08
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fredlholycow, I used to live in California and *certainly* in CA market penetration is higher than that.10:08
holycowfredl, i would, the us is full of microsoft shills10:08
Crippy-BoyThe sad part of it all is i dont understand why the vendors don't just release decent docs, Let other people write decent drivers, get more sales, everyones happy10:08
printkNewpZ: uhm you could setup your environment in single user mode like that and enter single user mode init scripts10:08
holycowfredl, really? bit surprising10:08
printkNewpZ: but that's gona be pretty unsecure that way and then again that'll have no networking so that won't work :)10:08
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holycowCrippy-Boy, i think its sadder that the vendors don't understand them selves10:09
fredlholycow, hah! .nl is FULL of microsoft shills at government levels.10:09
NewpZno networking.. its an arcade machine :)10:09
holycowCrippy-Boy, i kinda get that vendors are so super busy competing that paying attention to the gpl is hard but10:09
NewpZif someone roots it they can steal my roms!10:09
printkNewpZ: and people are going to be playing it localling, infront of the actual machine?10:09
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printkand not remotely?10:09
holycowi really think they don't understand why they should them selves, i don't think they spend any time thinking about it and understanding why its improtant and why its a competitive advantage10:09
NewpZits in my basement... my 5 year old and his friends are not a security risk yet10:09
fredlholycow, it's quite stifling actually, I don't agree much with you that .nl is so 'cool' about Linux.10:10
Riverwhen attempting to use xmms i get the error message that it is being used or blocked by another program ... how do i reset the soundcard?10:10
Crippy-Boyholycow: People should go back to making their own hardware, Homebrew computer club style *laugh*10:10
holycowfredl, really? eh, damnation10:10
holycowfredl, one would think a nice communist country like nl would be more open to collaboration :)10:10
InfoxicatingLadyfredl: isn't there a shortage or PERL coders in .nl, though?10:10
fredlholycow, many more pretenses and 'should do's' than 'are doing's'10:10
holycowCrippy-Boy, your not far off10:10
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holycowCrippy-Boy, i think the free software world is big enough to actually start making it possible to make 10 000 unit orders for stuff and be able to expect to sell it10:11
fredlholycow, socialist, mind you. Just as evil or maybe even more evil than communism because socialism makes people succesfully believe they're not communist.10:11
holycowits a very very large niche market right now10:11
holycowfredl, hehe10:11
holycowfredl, i'm canadian, i'm proud of our socialism10:11
Crippy-Boyholycow: Yeah, fair enough, but with the costs of manufacturing hardware these days, who can afford to do it and be profitable?10:11
holycowbut we are a lot closer to th eus model of capitalism than th eeu model of socialism10:11
=== mi-alasharia_la [n=VitaJanu@153.097.dsl.syd.iprimus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
=== fredl is an avid socialism hater.
holycowCrippy-Boy, i have a sneaky feeling one can ... i just don't  have 1/2 mil to gamble righ tnow10:12
=== holycow checks his pockets
=== lepirlouit [n=lepirlou@dD576BC56.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
=== holycow sees some moths fly off
fredlsocialism makes people LAZY10:12
holycowfredl, i disagree actually10:12
holycowi used to think that10:12
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holycowbut without socialism those lazy people end up on the streets10:12
holycowlike in the us10:12
fredlsurvival of the fittest.10:13
holycowi'd rather pay them to stay housed and fed than end up pushing carts around10:13
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:13
holycownaw, i don't feel its that simple10:13
Crippy-Boyholycow: fair enough, Its ok when your talking lan cards, plenty of chinese companies producing them for pennies, but when you start talking about vid cards, mobo chipsets etc it all gets a bit complicated. i just dont think many besides big vendors have the resources10:13
fredlyeah ur right flannel, sorry.10:13
=== mi-alasharia_la goes looking for someone who can help her with her DSL connection, using dapper
holycowbut yes what Flannel said, probably better to keep it there :)10:13
Crippy-BoyOfcourse i could just be talking crap, as usual.10:13
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fredlCrippy-Boy = Crappy-Boy then? :-)10:13
holycowCrippy-Boy, there is a n open source video card project in the works actually10:13
Crippy-Boyfredl: Aye, most of the time.10:14
holycowCrippy-Boy, and they think they have enough market crossover to make it profiteable10:14
Crippy-Boyholycow: where do i sign up?10:14
holycowCrippy-Boy, motherboards are another thing we should be able to get with say openbios, and turn those around for a profit10:14
Crippy-BoyAnyways, im in offtopic before i get told off again :P10:14
holycowCrippy-Boy, i'd haveto look up the linkage, perhaps google it ... *hmm*10:14
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=== mi-alasharia_la gives up trying to get help in the obvious place
R0cK3Tis it possible to apt-get install xvid?10:17
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holycowFlannel, congratulations on killing the conversation10:18
Flannel!tell R0cK3T about xvid10:18
holycowlike magic10:18
holycowhehe :)10:18
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R0cK3Tyeah ;)10:18
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NewpZi just installed the nvidia drivers.. how can i chack to make sure x is using them?10:18
R0cK3Ti gave up on q310:18
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Flannelholycow: shrug, its what usually happens when you ask people to go to -offtopic, not that anyone who suggests it is trying to kill it.10:19
R0cK3Talthough if i knew how to properly install all the 32 bit lib's, then i might give q3 another shot10:19
azathothNewpZ: glxinfo | grep direct10:19
holycowFlannel, i'm kidden, indeed10:19
infidelwhere do i get the kernel source?10:19
azathothuse glxinfo to find out all info on your drivers10:20
Flannelinfidel: you can get it from the repositories,10:20
glickinfidel, apt-get kernel-source10:20
Flannel!tell infidel about kernel10:20
R0cK3Tor just install the lib's i need10:20
NewpZazathoth, hehe... just says "no"... hrm i followed the ubuntuguide to a T10:20
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glickdamn women cops are hot10:20
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux'). You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild10:20
glickwrong channel10:20
azathothhave you setup your drivers in xorg.conf as nvidia, not nv?10:20
NewpZDriver: "nvidia"10:21
Healotwhich country's women police, glick?10:21
infidelglick: i didn't get anything from apt-get kernel-source10:21
glickinfidel, im sorry, you need to do sudo apt-get install kernel-source10:22
Crippy-BoyWell, im happy, i got wireless working on the pile of white crap (mac), got mono working properly, and sorted out the rc scripts :-) days work done10:22
glickor use synaptic10:22
R0cK3Tglxinfo didn't work for me10:22
Healotono works perfectly in Windows :10:22
holycowCrippy-Boy, congrats dude :)10:22
infidelglick: ok thanks10:22
R0cK3TError: couldn't find RGB GLX visual10:22
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brainiac_ghostcan someone PLEASE help me10:22
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Healotask  brainiac_ghost10:23
brainiac_ghostfind a windows driver with a usbid in it10:23
glickjust ask yur Quackinator brainiac_ghost10:23
Healotlsusb -v  brainiac_ghost10:23
Crippy-Boyholycow: thanks, the only real plain was the mac. And i found the usb wireless adaptor i have has open source linux drivers :-)10:23
Healotit will tell you details10:23
brainiac_ghostHealot, done that, trying to find the driver that supports it10:23
R0cK3TError: couldn't find RGB GLX visual10:24
Healotbrainiac_ghost: what type of device is it?10:24
py_hello, I just tried to install the nvidia driver on an up-ti-date dapper, and X is not starting anymore: kernel module version is 1.0-7174 while the nvidia-glx version is 1.0-8762. How do I solve this?10:24
=== quadruple [n=quadrupl@59.Red-88-17-32.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
brainiac_ghostHealot, wireless10:24
infidelglick oh oh i'm getting the wrong kernel source10:24
brainiac_ghostHealot, why can't they all just use rt2500 :(10:24
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NewpZwow looks like i came to right place with my nvidia driver issue :)10:24
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glickinfidel, then go to kernel.org if you want the latest vanilla kernel10:25
Healotrt drivers are available at rt driver project page10:25
Healot24xx and 2xx should work though10:25
glickbut it wont be the kernel used in ubuntu10:25
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bioticproanyone here use or know about js2mouse?10:25
brainiac_ghostHealot, i've used rt2500, nice'n easy, this is conexiant10:25
glickcause the ubuntu kernel is modified with ubuntu specific patches10:25
fooI followed the ubuntu wiki on setting up flgrx and it broke my X. Here is my config and log ...  http://x01.ath.cx:81/temp/xorg.conf and Xorg.0.log ... any ideas? I've tried the fglrx, radeon, and ati drivers... all the same problem. This system works fine with Windows, so it's not the monitor or the card. Lame. Anyone reported this problem before? I've been troubleshooting this all day and I don't think there's a fix. blah10:25
infidelglick: i'm using 2.6.15 and it's downloading 2.4.2710:25
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R0cK3Tit happened to me10:26
jasonx If I wanted to install the new Thunar from this page: http://thunar.xfce.org/download.html#0.4.0. Would I have to delete my existing Thunar that came with Xubuntu?10:26
fooR0cK3T: Really?10:26
R0cK3Ti had a buddy helpin me to get xgl goin10:26
fooR0cK3T: Did you fix it, ever? Or what?10:26
glickinfidel, use synaptic and sownload the 2.6 source10:27
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R0cK3Tbut he backed up the xorg.conf10:27
NewpZi just installed it all through that wiki X is fine, but direct rendering is off10:27
R0cK3Tso i dunno :P10:27
R0cK3Tim just a nub10:27
infidelglick: ok10:27
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jazzrockerfoo, ATI sux on linux10:28
foojazzrocker: so I'm learning10:28
jazzrockeri've heard ATI support is better these days but i'd never buy one for linux... nVidia all the way10:28
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Crippy-BoyAye, im going to replace mine with an nvidia soon10:28
jazzrockerfor windows only? sure10:28
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Crippy-BoyStick my ati card in something else10:29
jazzrockerhardware performance wise, just like AMD and Intel, nVidia and ATI are neck and neck... not really a huge diff between their top of the line cards10:29
FirstStrikei have a geforce 6800 GS. It's been treating me well but as soon as prices drop on the 7900 i'll probably end up getting that.10:29
jazzrockerlinux driver wise, nVidia stil wins these days10:29
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jazzrockermy nVidia GeForce 2 MX/400 still kicks pretty damn well10:30
jazzrockerplays CS original at 1280x1024 at over 60fps10:30
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jazzrockerQuake 4? now that's a different story :(10:31
jazzrockermy FX5700 *barely* does Q4 at 640x48010:31
Awesome-o2000is there an ubuntu netinstall image available anywhere? like the debian netinstall cd's? I appear to have misplaced my dapper cd10:31
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infidelglick: i'm trying to instal a cisco vpn client and it's asking me where the source is and it's saying default directory is here /lib/modules/2.6.15-26-386/build but i'm used to the source code being in /usr/src/linux is the software right?10:31
Awesome-o2000only one i have is xubuntu10:31
jazzrockerAwesome-o2000, the wiki has info for install methods10:32
Awesome-o2000jazzrocker - URL plz?10:32
jazzrockerSTFW, it's there10:32
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues10:32
glickinfidel, well thats where the modules are10:32
glickfor the curent kernel10:32
glickinfidel, but yeah the linux source is usually in /usr/src/linux10:33
jazzrockerAwesome-o2000, generally speaking you should probably search the wiki before you ask in here because a LOT of stuff is covered on the wiki10:33
jazzrockerAwesome-o2000, Search The Fantastic Web10:33
Awesome-o2000lol fantastic eh10:33
glickinfidel, once you download the source you have to set the /usr/src/linux link up your self10:33
jazzrockerAwesome-o2000, in your case... yes... very :P10:33
glickits really a link to the source dir10:33
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R0cK3Tcan anyone help me get the right 32 bit libraries, so i can install q3?10:34
NewpZfor svideo using nvidia drivers.. i have 2 screens (i can drag a window from my lcd over to the right and it appears on my tv screen) how do i make the tv display the same as what is on the desktop? i think.... Option "TwinView" has somethign to do with it10:34
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infidelglick:  is the linux kernel image the same thing as source?10:34
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jazzrockerinfidel, no10:35
jazzrockerinfidel, it's the opposite10:35
R0cK3Tamd 64, using ubuntu x86_6410:35
Crippy-BoyKernel image is compiled10:35
Crippy-BoySource is source.10:35
infideljazzrocker: i don't see the source in synaptics then10:35
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jazzrockerinfidel, look for 'linux-tree'10:35
Przemcio1978hi, where can I find good drivers for my logitech quickcam chat webcam?10:35
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infidelok guys i found it thanks10:36
jazzrockerPrzemcio1978, all the good ones were eaten by the fat guy in the corner :(10:36
Crippy-BoyI didnt eat them...10:36
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foohmm, what is the equivalent of chkconfig on ubuntu?10:36
jazzrockerfoo, ubuntu doesn't have chkconfig?10:36
foojazzrocker: nope10:36
jazzrockerfoo, there are numerous apps for managing services10:36
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jazzrockerfoo, sys-v-update i think it's called, there's also BUM, and i'm pretty sure you can install chkconfig10:37
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jazzrockerBUM kinda sucks though... sysv-rc-update or whatever it's called is way better10:37
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foojazzrocker: ahhh, doh. thanks.10:37
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cute_bettongdoes any have experiance with mythtv? i want to run my tv card which is an ati radeon10:38
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rambo3cute_bettong,  j #mythtv-users10:38
mkquist_anyone know how to reinstall gnome?10:38
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Crippy-BoyIs there actually any linux support for the all-in-wonder cards?10:39
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jazzrockerheheh, that name always kept me from buying those cards lol... i took one look at the name and said "nope, not what i want"10:40
|pSiCo|for working purposes I need to install a keylogger into a ubuntu desktop 6.06.1 (is for debug the work of a user in a continuosly-coredumped program), anyone can help me? LKL is reporting a segfault when I exec it :(10:40
Crippy-BoyMy unc has one, Fantastic card.10:40
glickheh netbsd is in trouble10:40
Crippy-Boyglick: really?10:41
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jazzrockerglick, what'd you do to it?10:41
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Arafangionjazzrocker: I always wondered how they got past the grammar nazis, because I can't make any sense of those names!10:41
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glickyeah its basically i belly up fish10:41
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Crippy-BoyJust a shame theres probably no decent linux support, Would be ideal for a myth-tv or general desktop box10:41
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jazzrockerhahaha, it's about time one of those BSD projects went under10:41
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Crippy-Boyjazzrocker: Why's that?10:42
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Arafangion|pSiCo|: Just put in logging information into the damn program! :)10:42
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Crippy-Boy*BSD has its uses :-)10:42
jazzrockerCrippy-Boy, well part of the whole BSD philosophy is that the system is all sort of integrated, and 4 (or more) different flavors of BSD kind of works against that10:42
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ArafangionCrippy-Boy: I like my OBSD server, indeed.10:42
First|Blehso does ubuntu and every other distro out there10:42
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|pSiCo|Arafangion, I can't, is a compiled program without that option... is a VERY OLD program from own client10:43
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Crippy-BoyArafangion: Exactly, id have more faith in OBSD out of the box on a server than linux or infact anything else.10:43
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|pSiCo|sorry for my english10:43
Arafangion|pSiCo|: Hmm, what kind of interface?10:43
py_when installing nvidia-glx, how to ensure I get the same version than the one of the kernel module?10:43
|pSiCo|I need to deploy a keylogger on a development machine running ubuntu 6.06.1 because we need to debug a program that is crashing all the time...10:43
jazzrockeri think that the BSD's should get back together and just package themselves slightly differently like Ubuntu vs Kubuntu vs Xubuntu etc etc10:43
dpgravesneed help getting sound working where is best to start have ibm 300gl 686210:43
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jazzrockerFreeBSD-Desktop, FreeBSD-Server, FreeBSD-Secure etc etc10:44
ArafangionCrippy-Boy: The only issue with OBSD is that it doesn't seem to be suitable for _real_ server hardware.10:44
|pSiCo|I'm sure the program crashes when the user types a special key combination10:44
Crippy-Boyjazzrocker: Why? they all have different goals, politics would get in the way (as it has before hence why OBSD exists)10:44
DarkMageZhow do i scroll up and down in the console?10:44
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ArafangionCrippy-Boy: You know, those with high redundancy, RAID, and all other coolness.10:44
jazzrockerCrippy-Boy, right, they've got different goals, just as ubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-server are designed to fit radically different goals but are based on the same underlying system10:45
ArafangionDarkMageZ: PgUp/PgDn (Perhaps in conjunction with SHIFT)10:45
jazzrockeranyway, whatever it's a moot point10:45
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Crippy-BoyArafangion: Yeah, ive never worked in a real server envornment so dont know about the hardware support, But id be pretty confident in the security.10:45
DarkMageZArafangion, nope :(10:45
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ArafangionDarkMageZ: Use a better terminal emulator, then.10:46
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ArafangionCrippy-Boy: Actually, nor have I, so it's a moot point :)10:46
ki have an installation problem.My system locks up when the installer scanning devices in the manually edit partittion table mode. But partition editor working fine if I run it from the admin menu. What could be the proeblem (6.06)?10:46
ArafangionCrippy-Boy: Still, I really like Debian for servers.10:46
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ArafangionCrippy-Boy: This OBSD is really an experiment, of sorts.10:46
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Crippy-BoyDarkMageZ: or you could use | less after your command, pgup, pgdn and q to quit.10:47
Arafangion|pSiCo|: So, what is the primary interface for this program?10:47
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Crippy-BoyArafangion: Ah, i know if i ever had to run a server [my limited knowledge]  id probably go for debian, FreeBSD or OpenBSD. but i know nothing about server <apart from maybe how to configure basic stuff>10:48
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Arafangion|pSiCo|: Curses-like, or line-buffered?10:48
DarkMageZ:( the problem is that the output has come from an app that was running for 3 hours. i'm using the console from pressing ctrl+alt+f1.10:48
Arafangion|pSiCo|: So, what is the primary interface for this program?10:48
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Awesome-o2000I found my cd!!! woohoo!!!10:49
ArafangionCrippy-Boy: The distingiushing philosophy behind a server, imho, is that it does NOT go down.10:49
DarkMageZi didn't want gnome running while it was working... guess i should have used a real terminal emulator10:49
py_DarkMageZ, as you "left" this console, all that is not on screen is lost10:49
ArafangionAwesome-o2000: Heh, I tidied my room today - found 3 harddrives10:49
Chanduhi , how to remove orphan packages10:49
wizzard1How do I store a password i a text file on the correct way so VNCviewer can read it? when I type xvnc4viewer -passwordfile ~/.vnc/passwd/1 I get the error : bad obfuscated password length10:49
ChanduI tried to install mozilla-firefox from the repository , but bcz of internal dependencies if is partially installed ..10:49
Chanduand now if I want to install r remove other pacakges it is showing "You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these:10:49
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DarkMageZpy_, oh, it's still sitting there, i just have to scroll up10:49
Chanduand showing list of orphaned packages10:49
ChanduI dont want to isntall those .. How to correct this10:49
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Crippy-BoyArafangion: Yup, Mine proabably would. Either down a stair way or out of a window :-)10:50
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Crippy-BoyI havent got much patience at times, Especially when its a silly error10:50
py_DarkMageZ: I mean if you went on another term (-f2) or in X or the console turned off it's gone10:50
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|pSiCo|Arafangion, is a Xwin session, with many programs, and I need a keylogger, i can't do a script for each program, the keylogger is the best solution in this cases and in other linux boxes it works great, but in ubuntu LKL crashes with coredump10:50
ArafangionCrippy-Boy: Three good, working hdd's.10:50
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Arafangion|pSiCo|: Oh! That's all?10:50
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kI have an installation problem.My system locks up when the installer scanning devices in the manually edit partittion table mode. But partition editor working fine if I run it from the admin menu. What could be the proeblem (6.06)? Can someone help?10:51
Arafangion|pSiCo|: Just record the X11 sessino in a way to play it back :)10:51
glickso i guess the LTS release will be in '08?10:51
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DarkMageZpy_, it's on another machine. the console is still there. i can see the end out the output. i just have to scroll up afew lines to get the useful output10:51
Crippy-BoyEspecially when programming, Some of GCC's errors are the most useless ever.10:51
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glicki tried kubuntu for a while10:52
|pSiCo|can i record a user-session in X ? i'm the root of the machine10:52
|pSiCo|a video session? :?10:52
First|BlehI am root. Hear me roar.10:52
glickkubuntu gets supper annoying frustrating to use after about 45 minutes10:52
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glicksupper = super10:52
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py_DarkMageZ: yeah I understood, but when you came back to the machine, the console was "off" because of the "screen saver" mode of linux, eg you had to press shift or something like that to get something on the screen right?10:53
wizzard1fhat is the differens betwe k and regular?10:53
Crippy-BoyThe most annoying thing about kubuntu is the bloody big tooltips for everything, I had to turn those off after about 10 seconds10:53
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Arafangion|pSiCo|: I can't recommend particular solutions, as I've never used it, but I do know that you can record X11 traffic.10:53
Crippy-Boykubuntu uses KDE10:53
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jimi_hello! i have some problems addind a local printer. i cannot see any printers in the listbox. all drivers are installed.10:53
Arafangion|pSiCo|: vnc2swf I believe allows you to do it.10:53
Crippy-Boyubuntu uses gnome, and xubuntu uses Xfce10:53
infidelwhen you were saying i have to setup the source by hand you weren't joking were you?10:53
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Arafangion|pSiCo|: But that particular one probably disregards keyboard entry.10:53
First|Blehkde is for people that like eye candy GUI's :P10:53
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jimi_i am using dapper and gnome10:54
|pSiCo|Arafangion, maybe it works, thanks10:54
glickactually i think the gnome gui is much easier and nicer on the eyes10:54
Crippy-BoyTheyre all ok and have their place.10:54
DarkMageZpy_, i had to tap a key to wake it yes. the console isn't frozen. all i need to do it scroll up :(10:54
=== k wizard1 nothing :)
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Crippy-BoyUbuntu for accesibility and ease of use, KDE for....well people that like it i suppose, XFCE and flux....for MEEEEEEEE10:54
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First|Blehkde reminds me of a fisher price toyset :P10:54
infidelanyone off the top of there heard know how to unzip a tar.bz2 file?10:54
Healottar xvfj10:55
Crippy-BoyI love flux, i sometimes wish it wasnt AS ugly or pain to configure though10:55
Healotor bunzip210:55
First|Blehgnome is nice and simple and has some nice skins that make it a little more eye candy-ish without being bloated (as i feel kde is)10:56
jimi_infidel: in aterminal run bunzip2 -c file.tar.bz2 | tar xvf -10:56
infidelok i will10:56
Crippy-BoyYeah, its nice its a little laggy on old ish hardware though.10:56
Crippy-BoyI propose a fluxbuntu :D10:56
Crippy-Boy[i know there is one, seems dead though, not released] 10:56
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mkquistcrippy-boy, u use xfce, hows it diff from gnome?10:57
NewpZumm....cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.pyrecade.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/pyrecade login"    results in cvs [login aborted] : connect to cvs.pyrecade.sourceforge.net( failed: No route to host10:57
py_DarkMageZ: if you had to wake it up, everything that is not on the screen itself is _gone_. It's not in any buffer anymore. See what I mean? That's what I was trying to explain, with my poor english.10:57
dpgravesnew to ubuntu cannot get sound working ibm 300gl model 686210:57
DarkMageZpy_, oh. i get it now. that's a shame...10:57
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Crippy-Boymkquist: seems a little more responsive, but i use flux mainly10:57
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DarkMageZpy_, i'll spend the 3 hours running it again to get the output, but this time with a proper terminal emulator. thanks10:58
mkquistcrippy-boy - flux another desktop?10:58
benkong2good day all10:58
mkquistdpgraves - http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205449&highlight=comprehensive10:58
warfyhi, is anyone free that can help me out?10:58
Crippy-Boywindow manager.10:59
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warfyi need to get Wine installed but i dont have internet on ubuntu for the package manager10:59
Arafangionwarfy: Wine is one of the few packages for which a source install is best.10:59
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benkong2where can one learn how to change icons for things like trash empty/remove and items on the panel?10:59
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Arafangionwarfy: mkdir ~/winehq11:00
Arafangionwarfy: And Use ./configure --prefix=/home/warfy/winehq11:00
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R0cK3Twhats the proper syntax to copy a dir and its contents to another dir?11:00
Arafangionwarfy: Then, export PATH=$PATH:/home/warfy/winehq/bin11:00
Arafangionwarfy: (You fill in the blanks)11:00
R0cK3Tcp /dir/dir/filename /dir/dir/dir/filename?11:01
warfyahh ok11:01
warfylet me give it a go11:01
ArafangionR0cK3T: Don't use the '?', otherwise, you're set. :)11:01
R0cK3Tbut that works just for single files11:01
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jimi_looking for some cups help11:01
R0cK3Ti need to move a whole folder and its contents11:01
ArafangionR0cK3T: You may want to turn on recursive mode, -r11:01
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R0cK3Tit doesn't work the same11:02
azathothR0cK3T: cp /path/to/* /path/three11:02
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Abstslacker_nl, hey11:03
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benkong2R0cK3T, mv -R  /your_folder /your/new/destination11:03
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azathoththat's move11:03
azathothnot copy11:03
benkong2R0cK3T, -R makes it recursive11:04
benkong2that what he said move11:04
azathoth<R0cK3T> whats the proper syntax to copy a dir and its contents to another dir?11:04
eetfunkhi guys!  im trying to install apache 2.2.3 on my Ubuntu box (from source, not in apt-get yet).  However, it install crap all over the place in not-so-debian-friendly folders.  Where can I find instructions to make a clean install?  (ie: config in ./etc/apache2/ and so on)11:04
azathoththen he said move... :)11:04
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R0cK3Tmv -R  /your_folder /your/new/destination11:04
azathothso he was tryign to confuse us11:04
R0cK3Ti bet that one will work11:04
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Crippy-BoyR0cK3T: Yeah it'll MOVE it.11:05
benkong2R0cK3T, that command will move the entire folder11:05
benkong2R0cK3T, is that what you want to do?11:05
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warfyArafangion: I got this error message at ./configure --prefix=/home/warfy/winehq11:06
warfy1 sec11:06
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warfyerror: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH11:07
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R0cK3Ti did this11:07
Digitalhello everyone11:07
R0cK3Tthe -R messed it up11:07
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Digitalcan anyone tell me why my wacom changes input events sometimes after a restart?11:08
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R0cK3Tso i did mv /home/me/Desktop/folder /dir/dir/destination11:08
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Crippy-BoyR0cK3T: www.linuxcommand.org Just have a read through and mess around11:09
R0cK3Ttook a while11:09
R0cK3Tbut it worked11:09
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Przemcio1978hi, i'd like to split my home partition into 2 partitions, how to do this?11:10
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Przemcio1978i have to install windows cuz my webcam doesn't work :(11:10
Digitalno one eh. well it was worth a shot11:11
Crippy-BoyPrzemcio1978: what webcam is it?11:11
piernikhi I did dist-upgrade and now my eth0 has gone. How to fix it?11:11
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Arafangionpiernik: What is eth0?11:11
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Przemcio1978i mean i have got a lot of free space on that partition and i'd like to make some free space for windows11:11
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Crippy-Boyresize the partition.11:12
Przemcio1978this is logitech quickcam chat (skype version)11:12
pierniknet interface  the only one (except loopback)11:12
Crippy-Boygparted should work.11:12
jimi_use qtparted to resize partitio11:12
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DigitalPrzemcio1978, can't you just put in the distro disc and use any app on there, I thought it came with a partition manager11:12
jimi_ifup eth011:12
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jimi_to activate eth011:12
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piernikdoesn't work11:13
Przemcio1978ok, thanks i'll resize it11:13
Naik0hey folks, my sound is working but not great. It feels like the sound quality is very very bad. I think maybe i missing some drivers11:13
piernikno such device11:13
ArafangionPrzemcio1978: I'm wondering if qemu would allow you to use that in windows, running the entire show within a "window".11:13
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neilgi'm having a problem with sata drives - i install ubuntu fine but i can't boot without using the live cd - just hangs with a blank screen otherwise11:13
Zmanui want to know, if it's difficult to update ubuntu11:13
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Crippy-BoyPrzemcio1978: http://qce-ga.sourceforge.net11:13
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piernikI get message SIOCSIFADDR ;no such device11:14
ArafangionPrzemcio1978: Alas, it seems that it doesn't.11:14
piernikand later eth0 no such device11:14
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ArafangionPrzemcio1978: Though, it'd be interesting if VMware allows you to access the usb device...11:14
rambo3piernik, lshw -C network11:14
Przemcio1978Crippy-Boy i found that http://www.qbik.ch/usb/devices/showdev.php?id=3801, it apperas there aren't any drivers, the advice given in the comments doesn't work11:15
Digitalcould anyone tell me where to get themes from?11:15
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piernikmoment I'll turn on the broken pc11:15
Crippy-BoyPrzemcio1978: ahh, i appologise11:15
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R0cK3Thow to make sure i have all the 32bit libraries before i install q3?11:15
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warfyok wine wouldnt install because I dont have a acceptable c compiler11:15
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warfywhats a valid c compiler11:16
Przemcio1978i didn't know that quickcam chat and quickcam chat skype ver. might require different drivers under linux11:16
warfythat i can use11:16
Arafangionwarfy: build-essential11:16
ardchoillewarfy: sudo apt-get install build-essential ?11:16
Arafangionwarfy: Also, might need some other dependencies as well.11:16
Arafangionwarfy: Perhaps try sudo apt-get build-dep wine first11:16
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Arafangionardchoille: An issue is that he doesn't have an internet connection.11:17
Przemcio1978is using gparted safe?11:17
ardchoilleArafangion: Ah, that would pose a problem11:17
warfyok il give it a go, yeah thats true - no net looks like a big problem11:17
=== Mocka [n=xcv@219-89-7-205.dialup.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
Crippy-Boyback soon11:18
MockaI ubuntu good?11:19
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MockaIs Suse better?11:19
Arafangionardchoille: Do you have a friend with a working version of wine?11:20
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ArafangionMocka: Define "good" and "better"11:20
MadpilotMocka, you're in #ubuntu. We're biased. ;)11:20
ardchoilleArafangion: No, all my friends refuse to use Windows apps11:20
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Arafangionardchoille: The best advise would probably be to ask/beg your friends to compile wine, completely (ie, with sound and opengl)11:21
pierniklshw has showed I have  network disabled11:21
warfyim not sure i did it right... i went to extracted wine directory then typed 'sudo apt-get build-dep wine'11:21
ardchoilleArafangion: Why? We have no use for wine11:21
Arafangionardchoille: Then ask them to copy their apt archives from /var/cache/apt/archives and put it onto a CD.11:21
neilgi'm having a problem with sata drives - i install ubuntu fine but i can't boot without using the live cd - just hangs with a blank screen otherwise11:21
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Przemcio1978how to resize a partition with gparted?11:22
Arafangionardchoille: Oh, oops, wrong user ;)11:22
ardchoilleArafangion: :)11:22
Arafangionwarfy: Refer to what I said to ardchoille  :)11:22
finalbetaNo flash player till 2007 http://www.neowin.net/index.php?act=view&id=3488011:22
MockaI cant decide what distro to use11:22
Mockasomeone told me ubuntu renders your system useless11:23
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Mockaother people have said its good11:23
rambo3piernik, is it ethernet card ? what module does it use,11:23
SlinkinHas anyone had any luck with write-to-ntfs partitions?11:23
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crashdSlinkin: fuse-ntfs works fine for me11:23
jerbspin some live CDs11:23
ArafangionMocka: Be aware that Ubuntu has alot of Debian biases.11:23
Macros42I'm trying to load from the live cd and when I get to th "Mounting root file system" part it's just hanging there. Been there 1 hour now - any ideas?11:23
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klosnvidia settings or nvidia glx ? which one should i install ?11:23
ArafangionMocka: And Ubuntu just isn't as good at upgrading as Debian is - then again, Debian is right up there for being reliable adn stable.11:24
neilgMacros42: do you have a sata drive?11:24
Slinkinok.. thanks11:24
crashdSlinkin: find out about it on the ubuntu wiki or ubuntuguide11:24
Macros42nope - it's an old box - pre-sata11:24
ArafangionMocka: Personally, Ubuntu isn't quite as good at upgrading as Debian, but probably better than most others.11:24
neilgoh :/11:24
warfymay i ask - how do you get a c compiler on? i thought every linux distro out there had c and c++ compilers11:24
ArafangionMocka: It is damn easy to install, that's for sure.11:24
Arafangionwarfy: They do, but not neccessary by default.11:24
Arafangionwarfy: It's about 300MB or so extra.11:24
warfyah ok11:24
crashdwarfy: check the wiki, you need to apt-get install build-essential11:24
SlinkinYeah I read it, I just thought it sounded like a dangrous game.. hehe11:24
piernikstupid intel 82801 Why dist-upgrade  messuped my net hardware config?11:25
rambo3piernik, is it e100 module11:25
ardchoilleI'm really liking this GTK2 theme: http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/483/screenshot8km3.jpg11:25
piernikI had similar problem on my laptop11:25
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ardchoilleOops, sorry about that, wrong channel :(11:25
MockaI like mandriva but they are very restrictive as they want to make money11:25
rambo3piernik, same here11:25
Arafangionwarfy: Ask your friends to package up their apt archives onto a CD that you can use as an archive.11:25
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rambo3piernik,  dmesg |grep e10011:26
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warfyproblem - none of my friends even know what linux is11:26
looktjim sad11:26
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neilglol warfy11:26
neilgwhy looktj11:26
MockaMandrake is a legend...why does mandriva suck now?11:26
mkquistman flux is ugly...lol11:27
FirstStrikei talk to some of my friends about linux11:27
piernikrambo3: grep found 3 matches11:27
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FirstStrikeand they're just like "I don't use it because it's too hard"11:27
rambo3any errors ?11:27
Arafangionwarfy: You are going to have to get the .deb's somehow.11:27
warfyyeah true11:27
looktjsteve irwin died11:27
Arafangionlooktj: That's the 5th time I've been told, and I don't even know who the heck he is!11:27
SlinkinHe was so cool11:27
FirstStrikeCongratulations looktj! You're the 20th person today to announce that!11:27
warfyyeah - i can re-install cos its a fresh install anyway, i just need photophop on there11:28
glicki totally saw him dying this way years ago11:28
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Arafangionlooktj: It's almost like everybody is celebrating.11:28
Przemcio1978i can't choose resize from gparted menu11:28
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worHello all. Could someone assist me in a cron.daily problem I'm having?11:29
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FirstStrikewor: i'm sure some one could if you actually state what the problem is11:29
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worI added a script which backs up my mysql database and placed it in /etc/cron.daily11:29
rambo3blacklisting e100 (i wnat to use eepro100 )won't actually stop it from loading , how do i fix this ?11:30
warfyso i should just download a new iso image a try agian? one with 6 or 7 cd's11:30
warfyis there a ubuntu distro that big?11:30
Arafangionwarfy: All you need is a local mirror of some sort.11:30
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worThe problem is that it is not executed. Other files like logrotate get executed and are also placed in /etc/corn.daily11:30
ardchoillewarfy: AFAIK, all the Ubuntu ISO's are i cd11:30
rambo3warfy, i hope you know what an ARCH is11:31
neilgdammit has noone else had sata problems with ubuntu?11:31
Arafangionwarfy: If you had a friend who was also an ubuntu user, you could just get tehir archive, and use dpkg-scanpackages to essentially turn that into an archive.11:31
warfyrambo3: sorry no idea11:31
cherubielguys, this is awesome http://code.google.com/soc/ubuntu/appinfo.html?csaid=620C62A612446B1211:31
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worI added the script to /etc/crontab by hand and than it executes at the given time.11:32
ardchoillewor: I never tried that. I usually put daily scripts in a certain path and then do "crontab -e" and make a crontab that calls the script.11:32
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worIs there something with cron.daily which I could have forgotten to do?11:32
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Naik0where can i see what prog that using most Memory atm11:34
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FirstStrikeNaik0: run "top" in a terminal11:34
ArafangionNaik0: Be aware that shared memory and the like can result in misleading memory consumption.11:34
xNinjais the runlevel 3 in ubuntu the normal boot without x window ?11:34
ArafangionNaik0: Then, run top, and hit M (or m, can't remember which), to sort by memory.11:34
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Naik0ok thanks Arafangion FirstStrike and neilg hehe11:35
worardchoille: That is of course possible and it works ok. But I would like to know what goes wrong.11:35
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finalbetaCan I use vmware server to have multiple people working on the same virtual desktop (but not one and the same desktop). So one image for several users, but they have their own  session.11:36
Macros42neilg: the problem was with the cd drive it seems - just tried a new one and it's working fine11:37
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Arafangionfinalbeta: I wouldn't bother.11:38
Arafangionfinalbeta: I would, however, provide a standard image, which is read-only.11:39
Arafangionfinalbeta: And let anyone use it in snapshot mode.11:39
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vincenzWhat program should I use to burn a dvd?11:39
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Bonezvincenz: is it a movie dvd or data?11:39
lupine_85or k3b :)11:40
vincenzBonez: data11:40
Bonezvincenz: gnomebaker11:40
vincenzthank you :)11:40
Healotnerolinux if you prefer :011:40
BonezHealot: I installed that but it's uber crap compared to the windows version IMO11:40
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lupine_85Bonez: considering how bad the Windows version is, that must mean it's really, really, really bad then!11:41
Bonezlupine_85: yup!11:41
worBonez: You are right but it does the job11:41
BonezI prefer gnomebaker :)11:41
=== mkquist [n=michael@h-69-3-115-103.lsanca54.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
jerbyeah, nero is a coaster making machine11:41
Bonezanti-nero fan club11:41
bXiwhen will the new ubuntu arive?11:41
BonezbXi: october11:41
neenaofflineHow do I remove OO.o ? I'm on xubuntu .... doing " sudo apt-get remove openoffice.org-core" asks me to download some packages ...11:42
Healoti just give option, damn you talked too much :11:42
bXiBonez: any site on which i can follow progress?11:42
BonezbXi: you can start with #ubuntu+111:42
BonezbXi: i'm sure they have some links etc to keep you updated11:42
bXithey will ship free cd's for this right?11:43
xNinjawich is the runlevel in ubuntu 6.06 to run in dos only no x ??11:43
xNinjai tried 3 and still not working!11:43
warfyalright maybe i could get something else to work instead: my wireless PCMCIA card, its some generic brand and drivers seem to work in ubuntu but everytime I activate it, nothing happens11:43
bXixNinja: dos?11:43
xNinjai mean command only without x window11:43
xNinjai dont want to auto start x11:43
bXixNinja: thats normally called a terminal or a shell11:43
xNinjai know11:43
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BonezxNinja: sudo gedit /etc/iniitab and find out11:44
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xNinja#ubuntu Runlevels 2-5 are multi-user.11:45
tristanIs there anyway to check in a GUI application what are the options of the kernel? I've seen a screenshot of something like qconf but there is no packet of this name...11:45
bXitristan: if you have the kernel sources you can try cd /usr/src/linux && make xconfig11:46
xNinjain most linux distro`s runlevel 3 is the normal boot without x...but here wich level number is it!11:46
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ardchoillexNinja: it's runlevel 311:46
xNinjai did put it in 3 but also i see the kdm11:47
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ardchoillexNinja: How? Which command are you using?11:47
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xNinja# The default runlevel.11:47
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EstersHello, there i'm having a problem : yesterday i did fdisk /dev/sda mkfs -t vfat /dev/sda1 and it erased my entire fstab , that means my all partitions virtually doesn't exist but they are, so how can i restore my /etc/fstab ?11:48
tristanbXi, it says cd /usr/src/linux no such directory...11:48
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bXitristan: what does ls /usr/src/ tell you?11:49
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neilgdammit keep ctrl+f4ing the wrong window11:50
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tristanbXi, rpm is the only directory and there is no file11:50
neilgmultiple monitors ftl11:50
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looktjlawl neilg11:54
xNinjaEsters try cat /etc/mtab11:54
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R0cK3Tis there a linux32 cmd for ubuntu?11:55
R0cK3Twhy might it not be working for me?11:55
ardchoilleR0cK3T: command to do what?11:55
EstersxNinja: i'm from ubuntu Live-cd11:55
vincenzanother stupid question, is one allowed to hot-swap cdrom/dvdrom bays?  I have a dell and I used my friend's dvdwriter, my dvd-driver is only ROM, I would like to return it to him, does this mean I have to reboot?11:56
mkquist_hey anyone know of a way to make a toolbar in gnome always stay on top of other apps?11:56
xNinjaEsters did you tried what i said ?11:56
vincenzin windows there's a "eject hardware" thingy..11:56
R0cK3Tardchoille: linux32 ./linuxq3apoint-1.32b-3.x86.run11:56
EstersxNinja: tried11:56
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xNinjaEsters cat /etc/fstab11:56
ardchoilleR0cK3T: try: sh linuxq3apoint-1.32b-3.x86.run11:56
EstersxNinja: ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ cat /etc/fstab11:57
Estersunionfs / unionfs rw 0 011:57
Esterstmpfs /tmp tmpfs nosuid,nodev 0 011:57
R0cK3Tthat doesn't work11:57
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xNinjafdisk -l11:57
R0cK3Tcause i get a glib-2.0 error11:57
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R0cK3Tor somethign like that11:57
R0cK3Tcause im using the 64 bit version of ubuntu11:57
EstersxNinja: ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ fdisk -l11:57
ardchoilleR0cK3T: Oh, may be a dependency that you have to satisfy before you can run that file11:58
R0cK3Ti need to trick it into thinking its a 32 bit version11:58
ardchoilleR0cK3T: oh, 64 bit? I don't know, then11:58
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EstersxNinja:  ?11:58
R0cK3Ti have all the 32 bit lib's11:58
R0cK3Tbut the 64 is backwards compatible with the x8611:58
R0cK3Tlike wtf11:58
xNinjathereis a command to auto check the partitions u have...not in my mind11:59
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ArafangionR0cK3T: No, it's not backwards compatible like that.12:11
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brendonjthi there all,  can someone on the Ubuntu counity council  whoose going to be at the meeting please  Private meeage me12:13
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ubotuclamav: antivirus scanner for Unix. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.88.2-1ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 64 kB, installed size 200 kB12:14
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brendonjthi there all,  can someone on the Ubuntu counity council  whoose going to be at the meeting please  Private meeage me12:14
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meal3837anyone know how to get clam av to scan my hard disk?12:14
py_how do I get the nvidi-glx version matching the one from the kernel modules?12:14
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meal3837anyone? anyone at all?12:15
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hockyhairim in trouble12:16
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pustota1question: I have toshiba laptop and by what I can judge acpi is not implemented (enabled) in the default kernel delivered with 6.06. Is it possible to enable acpi for toshiba nad if yes how?12:16
azathothwhere are mysal databases kept by default?12:16
meal3837how so? (not that I can help <== major noob)12:16
hockyhairi installed new ati drivers and now my grub/bios is centered and small and once ubuntu starts to load the screen goes white, if i make it to gdm im fine once xorg kicks in it goes to a normal size and the white disspears12:16
R0cK3Tso anyone know whats up with that linux32 cmd?12:17
hockyhairproblem is im not making it to gdm and i can't see the term because the display is off, there is no setting in bios.12:17
meal3837wow, that's not good12:17
Arafangionmeal3837: Most linux users don't worry about av.12:18
meal3837btw, if anyone is wondering, automatix destroys easyubuntu12:18
rugbythomaswhy cant i use ctype with gcc12:18
Arafangionmeal3837: We do not recommend automatix here.12:18
meal3837just because viruses aren't common in the linux community doesn't mean they don't exist12:18
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Arafangionmeal3837: Generally, people install av products on linux so that the other windows machines on the network, and recipients of emails, etc, don't get infected.12:19
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Arafangionmeal3837: Practically all viruses on linux are proof of concept only, anyway.12:19
meal3837yeah, i know, but i'm paranoid12:19
meal3837i know there have only been, wht, 40 wild linux viruses?12:19
Arafangionmeal3837: Then go run OpenBSD12:20
hockyhairi'm tripping, i need some help getting the resolution right so i can see the term.. this sucks12:20
ardchoillemeal3837: The way Linux is set up makes life for a virus quite difficult12:20
ardchoillemeal3837: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2003/10/06/linux_vs_windows_viruses/12:20
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meal3837compared to thousands of new windows viruses a month12:20
brendonjtwho here is on the CC12:20
neilgdammit >< i can't get ubuntu to boot on my dev box12:20
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OmegaNineAnyone here know how to use csplit?  Reading the man/info left me say "WTF"12:21
hockyhairbrb wish me luck12:21
Arafangionmeal3837: The important issue if if the linux viruses actually achieves critical mass to even spread.12:21
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brendonjtany ubuntu members here12:22
Macros42got a wmp54g card but ubuntu is reporting a BCM4306 in the Device Manager - can that be changed?12:22
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Fleebailey33anyone know how to format an hdd to hfs+ without journaling. more specificaly an ipod.12:24
Fleebailey33i got this12:24
Fleebailey33mkfs.hfsplus -v "iPod" /dev/sdXn12:24
Fleebailey33but it doesn't work12:24
Fleebailey33neither does mkfs hfsplus -v "iPod" /dev/sdXn12:25
brendonjtany ubuntu members here12:25
Fleebailey33i see 81012:25
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ArafangionFleebailey33: I think the general solution is to plug it into a mac or win system respetivly - may have more luck that way.12:25
LuckI can't import(open) DV file to Kino. I'm trying to open a dv-avi when I do this I get a dialog saying: "This is not a DV file. Do you want to import it?" I AM able to import it, but I end.12:26
Fleebailey33the problem is then it get's journaled12:26
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Fleebailey33and i had trouble disabling journaling12:26
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=== Fleebailey33 sighs
Fleebailey33thanks though Arafangion12:26
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ArafangionFleebailey33: I do know that whatever format it is depends on the first system it's plugged in, afaik12:27
ArafangionFleebailey33: But I've never owned one.12:27
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z421hello, i've a little problem with a "big" command, can anyone explain why it doesn't work? "apt-cache policy `apt-get install -s `cat apt-removed | cut -f 2 -d " "` | grep edgy | cut -d " " -f 2` >> test.log"12:27
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Fleebailey33but the mac enables the journaling12:27
redihello... how do i check what my ubuntu version is12:28
Fleebailey33linux doesn't like that12:28
Fleebailey33let me go try and format it now12:28
ArafangionFleebailey33: Try just using fat3212:28
ArafangionFleebailey33: If you don't have any file larger than a few gig, you should be fine12:28
neenaofflinez421: try #bash12:28
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andyyy87ubuntu doesn't have NTFS support? i can't mound my partitions12:28
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z421neenaoffline: how? ah, you mean the channel?12:29
Arafangionandyyy87: It does have ntfs (read only) support.12:29
Fleebailey33what do you mean on the last statement?12:29
neenaofflinez421: yes :)12:29
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ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted  -  Formatting partitions: see the manual page for mkfs ("man mkfs")  -  Mounting partitions in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Disks12:29
crashdandyyy87: you can also test fuse-ntfs12:30
z421neenaoffline: thanks, i'll try12:30
crashdcheck it out on the wiki12:30
andyyy87I can't mount them | ERROR: device dev/hda1 is not removable and ERROR: could not execute pmount12:30
crashdhave you read the wiki bit about mounting?12:30
brendonjtcrashd:  are you a ubuntu member???12:30
andyyy87no.. sorry12:30
crashdbrendonjt: member?12:31
brendonjtcrashd:  on the ubuntu comunity council12:31
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brendonjtcrashd:  do you know anyone on this channell that is12:32
crashdwhat's your point here? :)12:32
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qwertzuRaid Question: Can somebody tell me where to configure the raids. /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf has no effect the raids are started by the kernel or someting else and it depends on partition12:32
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brendonjtcrashd:  as i need to talk to someone that is12:32
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crashdbrendonjt: oh :) i see, sorry dude, no idea12:33
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qwertzunumbering. and i do some partition reanraging right now and therefore the raids "change" all the time md1 becomes md3 md6 gets a md2555 with dm-11 dm-13 as devises some raids are there twice with differen md numbers12:33
midgetg0atanyone care to enlighten me as to how i can add desktop panels to my 2nd monitor?12:33
brendonjtwho here is on the CC12:33
qwertzui just want to tell the system that the raid on hda5 and hdb5 should be /dev/md0 all the time12:33
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Terminusqwertzu: i think the kernel autodetects the info in the raid partition. maybe you can change that with mdadm? i never tried configuring that manually though. i just used the installer.12:34
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qwertzuTerminus:when i do configure with mdadm i get a Raid start faild during the boot screen but all is working fine during the boot12:35
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qwertzuand during work but then i giot renamed raids again after the next harddisk partition change12:35
qwertzuit would be so niche if it would use mdadm12:35
=== Terminus checks his config
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midgetg0atno one knows how to add panels to a second display?12:36
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midgetg0athow about "fast switching" between clone/span/extended desktop modes?12:36
hockyhairi fixed it :) thanks to all that wished me luck :)))12:36
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hockyhairhey, i was just looking up ways to speed up ubuntu, cause after using vista rc1 ubuntu feels kinda slow.. anyway can anyone verfiy "fasterdapper"12:37
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Terminusqwertzu: the details are bit hazy to me but i think there's a magic number on the partition which tells the kernel if it's part of a raid set.12:37
qwertzuyes the UUID numbers12:37
Thunderpantshockyhair, fasterdapper worked fine for me after i tweaked the code, check the script urself first12:38
qwertzuroot@base:/etc# cat /proc/mdstat12:38
qwertzuPersonalities : [raid1] 12:38
qwertzumd255 : active raid1 dm-8[0] 12:38
qwertzu      12803648 blocks [2/1]  [U_] 12:38
qwertzumd9 : active raid1 dm-9[1] 12:38
qwertzu      12803648 blocks [2/1]  [_U] 12:38
qwertzumd4 : active raid1 hdb9[1] 12:38
qwertzu      12803648 blocks [2/1]  [_U] 12:38
qwertzumd3 : active raid1 hdb7[0] 12:38
qwertzu      97667072 blocks [2/1]  [U_] 12:38
qwertzumd2 : active raid1 hdb6[1] 12:38
qwertzu      20579136 blocks [2/1]  [_U] 12:38
qwertzumd1 : active raid1 hdb5[0] 12:38
qwertzu      12803648 blocks [2/1]  [U_] 12:38
qwertzumd0 : active raid1 hdb3[0] 12:38
qwertzu      192640 blocks [2/1]  [U_] 12:38
qwertzumdadm --detail /dev/md25512:39
qwertzuresults in a12:39
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)12:39
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qwertzuTerminus !paste ?12:39
realistqwertzu: Could you not flood the channel please.12:39
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midgetg0atanyone know why when i max windows, the bottom goes below my desktop panel?12:39
brendonjt!comunity council12:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about comunity council - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:40
midgetg0atnow that i set the height to 30, it's fine.12:40
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qwertzuTerminus: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2252112:41
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Terminusqwertzu: are all the uuids the same?12:42
qwertzuTerminus: there you can see that i have two md devices which use the same harddisk partitions12:42
Terminusthat's just one big array right?12:42
qwertzunot all12:42
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qwertzuTerminus: at the moment the raid setup is in transition anyway (defect harddisk and now i'm doing some reoganizing with the new disk)12:43
qwertzuTerminus: i have 4 arrays (all mirror type) and the sizes are 200MB , 12GB, 12GB and 100GB12:44
Madpilotbrendonjt, the CC's page is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda12:44
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brendonjtmadpilot: yip i know that  are you on the community council12:45
Madpilotbrendonjt, no12:46
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brendonjtmadpilot: oh ok12:46
Terminusqwertzu: AFAIK, you have to use mdadm and restore the proper values so that the kernel can detect it properly but that's beyond what i know. sorry.12:47
Madpilotbrendonjt, do you have a question about the CC, or?12:47
Terminusqwertzu: you could try to query them all and see where they differ and stuff.12:47
spiekeyhow can i disable that update tray icon next to the clock?12:47
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simplaHi everyone12:48
brendonjtmadpilot: nope just needed to talk to a member whoose going to the meeting that all12:48
Terminusqwertzu: mdadm --query --detail /dev/md0 should give you lots of details. there's also mdadm --query --examine /dev/hdb112:48
simplaAm I allowed to ask a question here?12:48
qwertzuTerminus: i get the feeling that we have a misunderstanding. my arras are working fine but i hate it that i don't know why. because they are even working fine with mdadm autostart turned of12:48
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Madpilotbrendonjt, the CC is only 4 people. There are a number of Ubuntu Members, though - different thing from the CC itself12:49
Luck I can't import(open) DV file to Kino. I'm trying to open a dv-avi when I do this I get a dialog saying: "This is not a DV file. Do you want to import it?" I AM able to import it, but I end.12:49
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qwertzuTerminus: i updated t12:49
qwertzuTerminus: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2252212:49
brendonjtmadpilot: oh ok  true12:50
longwavesimpla: yes, just ask your question :)12:50
Madpilotbrendonjt, please join #ubuntu-offtopic, this isn't really a tech support question, and -offtopic is quiet right now12:50
qwertzuTerminus: but as you said i fear that what i seek is bejond what you know. we seem to have the same kind of "enduser" knowledge about raid12:50
simplacool thanks.  I read through the wiki on changing the usplash.  I have changed the splash to one I downloaded, but it still has the brown background.  Is there a text file to edit to change the colour value?  Or do I have to redo the splash I downloaded following the steps outlined on the wiki?12:51
Terminusqwertzu: yeah... i didn't experiment with my raid once i got it working.12:51
qwertzuTerminus: thanx for trying!12:52
brendonjtmadpilot: yip i have it sorted now thank you12:52
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ubotuphpgroupware: web based groupware system written in PHP. In component universe, is optional. Version (dapper), package size 157 kB, installed size 1284 kB12:52
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Terminusqwertzu: well, you just want to be able to specify which devices go to md0, md1, etc. right? there should be something in mdadm that lets you do that, maybe reassemble the array or something.12:53
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Terminusqwertzu: coz the md, devices, etc are listed in mdadm.conf and there's an option for assemble that takes that config file. maybe that's what you want. i'm really scared about touching that kind of stuff because of possible loss of data though.12:55
Over_Theredoes anyone know how to rename entire directorys of files?12:56
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TerminusOver_There: mv foo/ bar/ ?12:56
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Over_Therebut to keep the existing file names just change the extiations12:57
Over_Thereon about 200 files12:57
OmegaNineUmmm mv *.plop *.mer ?12:57
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Terminussounds like it needs some bash foo. or maybe awk.12:58
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=== Terminus doesn't know anything about awk
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neilgawk rawks12:58
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simplacould someone point me in the right direction then to change just the bg colour of brown in the splash?12:59
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longwaveOver_There: rename 's/\.foo$/.bar/' *.foo will rename *.foo to *.bar01:00
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Terminuswhoa! there's a rename command? cool!01:00
longwaveyep, rename, takes a regular expression to do the renaming and a set of filenames to rename :)01:00
Terminusbut it requires perl right? is perl installed by default?01:01
longwaveoh yeah it is perl i forgot about that01:01
longwavestill, most systems have or need perl at some point ;)01:01
Terminusyeah... perl rocks! :)01:01
Nameeaterlongwave: are you mising the 2nd \ before the . of bar?01:02
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longwaveno, you don't need the \ in the replacement expression, i believe01:02
ketsugiI don't think any Linux distros come without Perl these days01:02
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Nameeaterwhats the first one for then? o.O01:02
longwave"." in the matching part means "any character" so you need the \ to escape it01:03
longwavein the replacement part "." just means "."01:03
Nameeateroh, I see what you mean, my bad :(01:03
ccherrettanyone know where to get open office help? I am trying to start my page numbering at 22 instead of 1. I have a large document that I need to split into sections01:03
ccherrettbut maintain the numbering as a whole01:03
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neilgccherrett: use 'split' :P01:03
ccherrettneilg: ?01:04
neilg split - split a file into pieces01:04
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longwavethat's not really helpful for OO.o docments, neilg01:04
_masonGday, just a quicky, What is the remote desktop port i will need to open/forward to allow people to view my pc?01:05
Nameeateryou could wack ctrl + enter for a new page01:05
ccherrettNameeater: me01:05
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Nameeateror even better, insert/manual break/page break/style default, page 2201:06
Nameeateroh and tick the change page number box01:06
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ccherrettNameeater: are you saying to insert page breaks till the doc is up to page 22?01:07
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Nameeateryou could do that, or the second method makes it page 1 then jumps straight to page 2201:07
Hyakutarois it possible to have a transparent background in X-Chat?01:07
NameeaterI'm not 100% sure what your trying to achieve but randomly guessing might do what you want :)01:08
ccherrettNameeater: do you know how to trick the page number box?01:08
kingdongi don't think x-chat will do transparency01:08
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longwaveccherrett: is there nothing in the document options for "start page numbering at ..." or something?01:08
kingdongoh wait, yes it ill01:08
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ozzloyi installed apache and apache2 at the same time.  now i've removed apache, but it still shows up in the shutdown sequence.  how do i remove it?01:08
Hyakutaro<kingdong>: how?01:09
ccherrettI have a document that is too large to handle as one doc. I need to split it up to make it possible to deal with01:09
Hyakutaroah wait01:09
Hyakutarofound it01:09
Hyakutarodone :)01:09
realistozzloy: apt-get purge <package>01:09
ccherrettlongwave: not that I could find01:09
kingdonghaha, well, the setting is there but it doesn't seem to be working for me01:09
ozzloyrealist: "E: Invalid operation purge"01:10
longwaveozzloy: did you remove "apache-common" as well as just "apache"?01:10
ozzloylongwave: doing so now.01:10
ozzloyrealist: thanx anyway though01:10
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ozzloyis there a way i can test whether it will show in the shutdown sequence without rebooting?01:11
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ozzloylongwave: that may have done it01:11
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realistozzloy: sorry, apt-get --purge01:12
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longwaveozzloy: look in /etc/rc6.d and make sure there is no "KXXapache" file where XX is any number01:12
Nameeaterccherrett: http://www.taming-openoffice-org.com/writer/wpagegt1.htm01:12
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hwthi. is it possible to use the "computer menu" from SLED10 on ubuntu?01:12
R0cK3Ti just installed teamspeak on ubuntu01:13
R0cK3Ti don't have a mic hooked up01:13
fiveironhrmrmr... I added "exec" to my fstab line for this hdd, but i still can't execute code on it... is there something different i need to put there?01:13
R0cK3Tbut i should be able to hear someone else right?01:14
R0cK3Twell i can see em01:14
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R0cK3Ti can see the green light when they talk01:14
ozzloyrealist: sudo apt-get --purge give the help for the command01:14
R0cK3Tbut no sound01:14
TerminusR0cK3T: yep, you should be able to hear them.01:14
longwavefiveiron: what filesystem? presumably the file you are executing has +x permissions and/or the umask is set correctly in /etc/fstab?01:14
R0cK3Ti made sure i had the right sound devices01:14
ozzloylongwave: there is k91apache and k91apache201:14
R0cK3Tand were using the same codec01:14
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TerminusR0cK3T: but you can hear other audio? like mp3s and stuff?01:15
ozzloylongwave: can i just rm those?01:15
ISOLATEDViRuSSo. Steve Irwin Died.01:15
longwaveozzloy: hrm, K91apache is responsible for stopping apache at shutdown01:15
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R0cK3Ti think so01:15
realistozzloy: you'll need to refer to the man page for _exact_ usage01:15
R0cK3Tnever tried that yet01:15
R0cK3Tone sec01:15
thegveI don't think so01:15
ozzloyrealist: ok01:15
longwaveozzloy: just leave them there, in fact01:15
ISOLATEDViRuSThe crocodile hunter guy.01:15
fiveironlongwave, here is my fstab line for this fs:  /dev/hdb1       /mnt/data       ext3    defaults,exec,user      0       101:15
longwaveozzloy: if apache doesn't exist the K91apache script will do nothing so it's safe01:15
ccherrettNameeater: thanks that worked!01:15
Nameeaterccherrett: awsome :)01:16
R0cK3Tno i can't listen to mp3's01:16
R0cK3Ti must need to install a codec pack01:16
ccherrettthanks so much01:16
longwavefiveiron: "user" implies "noexec" even if you specify "exec" i believe01:16
thegveHow can I set the amount of questions apt will ask. I need to install slapd 'unattended' (in a script), but it asks for an admin password.01:16
longwavefiveiron: is there any reason you aren't just automouting this if it's hard disk partition?01:16
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ozzloylongwave: i figured it was safe, but still not completely correct01:17
R0cK3Tcan i install the codecs with the package manager?01:17
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longwaveozzloy: it doesn't really matter if there are a few orphan scripts left to run at shutdown, they won't do any harm01:17
TerminusR0cK3T: you could try installing those listed in the restricted formats section of the wiki.01:17
Terminus!restrictedformats > R0cK3T01:17
ozzloylongwave: ok cool, thanks!01:18
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thegveR0cK3T: Yep, but you need to add some extra repo's first.. *what the others say*01:18
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fiveironlongwave, i am automounting it....01:18
longwavefiveiron: so why do you need the "user" option?01:19
fiveironwhat do you mean?01:19
R0cK3Ti have no idea what restricted formats of what wiki?01:19
Kwonghello, i got problem with network-manager-gnome. It doesnt seem to work with my computer. Driver was dectected but seem that the wireless doesnt work01:19
fiveironoh... uh... not sure... one sec01:19
longwavefiveiron: "user" allows you to mount that partition without sudo but won't allow "exec"01:19
TerminusR0cK3T: ubotu should have messaged you with the details earlier.01:19
R0cK3Tadd extra repo's?01:19
thegveR0cK3T: Euhm, ubuntu wiki maybe?01:19
fiveironlongwave, ah, well that would be the problem then.. :-P01:19
_mason!tell _mason about remotedesktop01:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about remotedesktop - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:19
longwavefiveiron: well, try without "user" and see if that helps. you shouldn't even need "exec", i think it defaults to on anyway - just "defaults" should be okay for an ext3 partition01:20
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thegveR0cK3T: That was for you... (the last link)01:20
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J_Pmorning all01:21
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thegveR0cK3T: But you should probably simply install easyubuntu, all done in a few moments (java, flash, w32codecs etc)01:23
glickyay programming python 3rd edition is out01:23
glicki might have to buy it01:23
hwthi. is it possible to use the "computer menu" from SLED10 on ubuntu?01:23
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thegveglick: Got a link to a review?01:23
glickthegve, nah just on amazon.com, but alot of the reviews there are for previous editions which somehow count for the rating for this edition01:24
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Geev8i need u'r assistance to recover lost icons disappeared from desktop am using ubuntu help me please01:26
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kingdongwhat icons were lost Geev8 ?01:27
Geev8i means all my folder that i stored on desktop cannot be seen01:28
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Nameeaterhave you looked in the trash folder? (click the trash button bottom right)01:29
kingdongdid you try to do a search for the folder that are gone?01:30
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Geev8nameeater: they are not deleted but all files and folder from my desktop are not seen it looks like some thing has channge01:31
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Geev8nameeater: kingdong: when i login to this computer through remote taminal i can see and access those files/folder01:34
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mtholdenssumm can amarok play cds? if so how? im getting sick of sound juicer playing my cds01:35
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NameeaterGeev8: thats very wierd01:36
Nameeaterif you open Places/Home then click on Desktop are they in there?01:36
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Geev8nameeater: how can i navigate to that folder because there is no folder on my desktop i can open01:38
NameeaterPlaces is a menu up the top01:38
Nameeaterbetween Applications and System01:38
Geev8nameeater: ok i found that menu let me check it01:39
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Geev8nameeater: it does not open any thing01:40
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Nameeater:| sounds very very strange, I am not sure how to help you, some one else may know01:40
ozzloyerr... wrong window01:41
kingdongsounds like your gnome install is borked, bad configuration file maybe01:42
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shuvebhi, is it possible to install 64 bit ubuntu on Intel chips that support EM64T?01:42
shuvebor is it only meant for AMD64 chips?01:43
Geev8kingdom: how can i unbrok it01:43
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travellerGeev8: have you been playing around with System Tools > Configuration Editor ?01:44
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DimensionsHi guys .... how can i use or install Visual basic in ubuntu ?01:45
mtholdenssamarok is awesome except it cant play cds only sound juicer01:45
mtholdenssdimensions try wine01:45
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Geev8traveller: we are about three people we are using this computer my be one of us did it but my friend are not interested in configurations only surfing01:46
Dimensionsi have wine installed but what does it do and if i have a VB project can i use it here ?01:46
travellerGeev8: i was thinking the icons might have been disabled, but if that's the case it should not even show up when connecting remotely01:47
ArafangionDimensions: What version of VB?01:47
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DimensionsArafangion: VB 601:48
Geev8traveller: can you instruct me to check if icons are disabled or not01:48
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ArafangionDimensions: Then it might be able to.01:48
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ArafangionDimensions: If it was VB.NET, then you should give Mono a go.01:48
ArafangionDimensions: Personally, I run windows inside of qemu01:49
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looktjsudo: dist-upgrade: command not found01:50
travellerGeev8: go to Applications > System Tools > Configuration Editor, then click to expand "apps", look for "nautilus", expand it and click on "preferences", scroll down at the panel on the right and find "show_desktop"01:50
looktjhelp please01:50
travellerGeev8: it should have a tick01:50
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Nameeaterlooktj: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and are you sure you want to be doing that?01:51
looktjoh right lawl forgot aptitude01:51
kzm__I accidentally started gconfd.  And it messed up everything, changed all the fonts etc.  Is there any way to undo the damage?01:51
kingdonghm i don't think so =(01:51
looktjthanks nameeater btw01:52
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Nameeaternot a problem01:52
Geev8traveller: show_desktop is ticked01:52
kzm__Anyway - what I really was trying to achieve was to adjust mouse sensitivity.  I need to be able to work with a little bit more precision.  But apparently, one is only able to set accel and threshold (as in 'xset m')?01:52
kzm__Currently, movement is way too jerky to be useful for small on-screen movements.01:53
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travellerGeev8: hm...that beats me then, i don't know what the problem is, sorry mate01:53
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myUserNameCan someone help me setup AIGLX01:54
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Geev8traveller: thanks for your help but if there is any one else help me01:54
looktjGeev8: what is your problem?01:55
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myUserNameii have aiglx in my system tray but when i click enable it flickers and tturns the option off i have modified my xorg.conf and installed everything any ideas?01:55
kingdonghis gnome is all messed up, no deskop and won't open windows01:55
travellerkzm__: there is a way to totally reset your Gnome settings, you could remove all files and directories under ~/.gnome*01:55
Geev8looktj: all my desktop icons disappeared01:55
travellerkzm__: oh and then you just log out and log back in01:55
gnomefreakmyUserName: aigxl questions are best asked in #ubuntu-xgl01:55
Alpha[] myUserName: you need open source drivers onyou grafix card01:56
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kzm__traveller, hmm... if I remove .gnome/ and then accidentally start gconfd, will it do nothing?01:56
looktjsorry, can't help with that :( Geev801:56
kzm__(I like to use the occasional gnome app, but don't like all the extra baggage)01:56
travellerkzm__: hm...that i don't know01:57
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kzm__Guess there's only one way to find out.01:57
mtholdensshey whats this DAAP Client01:57
kzm__Anyway, I can chmod 0 the whole gconfd thing...01:57
kingdongwhat for itunes01:57
Geev8looktj: but when i login to it through remote terminal i can see and access them but how to return them to apper on my desktop01:57
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surrealwhat's the proper fs enty for a dvdrw in fstab?01:58
surrealentry rather01:58
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myUserNameI tried #aiglx the channel seems dead. If anyone could help me out i am using an intel video card with aiglx and i installed everything fine i have the icon in my menu bar but when i click it and hit enable the screen flickers then if i close hte window and reopen it its not enabled01:59
gfxstyler_can i save all currently running apps into a kind of session?01:59
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gfxstyler_i want to start the same applications at the same window position with the same commands on every startup02:00
dalfzany tool that can rip illustrations/graphics off a pdf?02:00
Nameeaterbut whether it will do that, probably not02:00
akimwhat is the name of answering  robot?02:00
Nameeaterubotu ?02:00
gfxstyler_nameeather: but this doesnt save window positions, virtual desktops and it doesnt store the current commands in the gnome-terminal, right?02:00
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LookTJakin: ubotu02:01
ardchoillegfxstyler_: The saving of individual window positions would be up the the individual apps02:01
Nameeaterbut you could have a commandline setup that does, tho it may only do one command, look at man gnome-terminal :)02:01
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Nameeaterit apparently does geometry02:01
akimubotu, how to install xgl02:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about how to install xgl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:01
Nameeater!xgl > akim02:02
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems02:02
ardchoilleakim: type !xgl02:02
akimoh thanks02:02
Nameeateror even better, query the bot and message it with the tag ;)02:02
gfxstyler_nameeather: the thing is, i just have gnome-terminals running because many of my apps are commandline based02:02
Alpha[] !xgl02:02
LookTJGeev8: did you get my pm?02:02
kingdongdoes xgl work well with kubuntu or should i give it up02:02
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gfxstyler_nameeather: and i run the terminal commands on each startup and i have to re-position the windows everytime02:02
mtholdenssy wont amarok upgrade from 1.3.9 to 1.4.2?02:02
gfxstyler_which is annoying :D02:02
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems02:03
gfxstyler_mtholdenss: you have to add the repository to it02:03
edulixhello !02:03
gfxstyler_http://www.kubuntu.org @ mtholdenss02:03
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edulixhey which package contains the ruby shell (irb) ?02:03
mtholdenssgfxstyler what u mean?>02:03
edulixI have ruby 1.8 installed but irb command is not found02:03
gfxstyler_apt-cache search irb   < maybe that finds it02:03
ardchoillegfxstyler_: or you could jst stay logged in02:03
Nameeatergfxstyler_: well gnome has --geometry which sets its position according to X's geometry rules,  and -x/-e tags, for executing things, you could have all that in a shell script and run that on start up02:03
edulixgfxstyler_: uhm :P02:04
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gfxstyler_ardchoille: i have a laptop and i dont want to run it all the time ... last time i did that my ac adapter got killed on a power outtage02:04
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ardchoillegfxstyler_: Ah, good point02:04
gfxstyler_ardchoille: i learned my lesson and unplug the ac adaptor when the laptop is turned off02:05
mtholdensswhat repostitory do i add gfxstyler?02:05
DimensionsArafangion: infact i have a script we run in ubuntu machines i want to make interface for it so one can click the command button only to initiate the script or stop it ... etc ...i thought i would use VB as i have done programming in it ... any other idea ? how can i implement it ?02:05
ardchoille!info gfxstyler02:05
ubotuPackage gfxstyler does not exist in any distro I know02:05
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gfxstyler_mtholdenss: on that kubuntu site there is a news entry on the new amarok, they also point out which repository to add02:05
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ardchoillemtholdenss: aparently, it isn't in the repos02:05
kzmHmf.  Perhaps it wasn't gconfd after all?02:05
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gfxstyler_but 1.4.1 is, no?02:05
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mtholdenssoh, cause i neet to upgrade to play cds :p its 1.4.2 the latest02:06
NameeaterDimensions: write a shell script then put icons on the desktop/panel :p02:06
ArafangionDimensions: Ahh, so you have the source code?02:06
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fvwm-crystal - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:06
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ubotufvwm: F(?) Virtual Window Manager, version 2.5. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.5.14-6 (dapper), package size 2913 kB, installed size 6448 kB02:07
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CrazedI got a little problem ..02:08
ArafangionCrazed: Evidently.02:08
Crazedcat /proc/driver/nvidia/agp/status02:09
Crazedthis tells me my AGP is disabled02:09
Crazedbut I am using the nvidia driver ?02:09
Crazedhow come ?02:09
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Guard] [anhello02:09
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Crazed[17522302.808000]  NVRM: not using NVAGP, an AGPGART backend is loaded!02:10
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Crazedthats what I get with dmesg02:10
CrazedArafangion: any clue ? :p02:10
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mtholdenssappearntly it wont work on ubuntu202:10
gfxstyler_crazed: i think you load agpgart but the nvidia driver wants nvagp02:10
mtholdenssamarok 1.4.202:10
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Crazedit should be working with agpgart ..02:11
Guard] [anwould you install ubuntu server or desktop on an old P3 box ? i want to install apache2+php+mysql on it but i wonder if it would be a good idea to keep a desktop installed.02:11
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ArafangionGuard] [an: Aren't the two the one and the same?02:11
gfxstyler_Crazed: the dmesg complains about the agp thingy, so its worth a try02:11
Crazedwell I need agpgart02:11
Crazednot that crappy nvagp02:11
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kingdongguard[] an depends how comfortable you are with the command line02:11
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Guard] [anArafangion: afaik no, the server install does not install you gnome nor kde.02:11
ArafangionGuard] [an: A server doesn't need a desktop installed.02:12
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Guard] [ankingdong: i'm confortable with command line02:12
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kingdongif all you are going to use it as is a LAMP stack then skip the desktop, it will be a lot easier02:12
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gfxstyler_Guard] [an: first off, those braces are really a hassle :P yeah, but why no server install? should be fast enough02:12
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kingdongwell not a lot but you know.02:12
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WarboHi, I get my Yahoo mail dumped into an mbox file and I access it with Evolution. Would I be giving away sensitive information if I sent that mbox file to someone (I want them to see subjects, times, senders, content, etc. but not my passwords and stuff)?02:12
Guardianfor instance, i'm guessing02:13
gfxstyler_woo, thanks Guardian :) typing is much easier now02:13
Guardianif i want to install amule, i guess having gnome installed + export display would be better02:13
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Guardianthan using the remote gui stuff that does not work very well02:13
kingdongwarbo: maybe it would be better to export the relevant mails as text or something02:13
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gfxstyler_is there no amule cli client?02:13
WarboGuardian: MLDonkey works well remotely02:13
NthDegreeWarbo, I believe the passwords to accounts are stored in ,dat files in a hashed MD5 format02:13
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Guardianwarbo: did not try this one yet02:13
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WarboNthDegree: I use fetchyahoo to get the emails, so the passwords for Yahoo are in fetchyahoo config files, I am just wondering if there is anything else sensitive that might be in the mbox file?02:14
gfxstyler_Guardian: yes there is, you can use amule without gui02:14
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Guardiangfxstyler_: i tried it, but it's rather experimental02:15
gfxstyler_Guardian: on gentoo, you can compile with -gtk and +amuled, which i think is just CLI + a daemon for running it02:15
WarboGuardian: If you want to use MLDonkey then get it from their site (I htink mldonkey.org) 'cos Ubuntu's package is old and badly made02:15
gfxstyler_oh, sorry i didnt read your above message02:15
NthDegreeWarbo, besides information relation to your operating system and the software usually most sensitive info is kept in separate files02:15
WarboNthDegree: OK thanks02:15
Guardianwarbo: ok thx for the info02:15
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Guardiani meed, it's rather a phylosophical discussion02:16
moggio_has anyone here tried swiftfox?02:16
Guardiani guess most of what i want will be available from command line02:16
NthDegreeWarbo, it may be a case of copy & paste e-mails into open-office or importing into thunderbird for extra safety02:16
Guardianbut still export display is also nice to have02:16
NthDegreethen you can ensure security02:16
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DimensionsArafangion: source code to script yes i do02:16
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ArafangionDimensions: Is porting it to VB.NET an option?02:16
WarboNthDegree: I suppose, just that I want to alert my University that they have sent out emails with every student's email address in the header, and that is a lot to copy02:16
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ArafangionDimensions: That way, mono should be able to run it.02:17
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j0lliyoanyone else have a problem with a wireless with ndiswrapper works for a few mins then just stops transmitting?02:18
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mistformErrors were encountered while processing:02:18
mistform /var/cache/apt/archives/gedit_2.14.4-0ubuntu1_i386.deb02:18
mistformE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)02:18
DimensionsNameeater: well i am not much into shell scripting i mean i donno how to design stuff in it like command button02:18
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ArafangionDimensions: I'm not sure how good the mono vb compiler is, so you may be better off using the VB.NET compiler, and making sure that the options to NOT emit machine code is set. (The Microsoft compiler doesn't always produce clean .NET applications - you have to tell it to do so)02:19
mistformI cannot use apt-get install anymore02:19
mistformbecause linux crashed about 3 hrs ago and I was forced to reformat because of a buffer I/O error02:19
Arafangionmistform: Just the one?02:19
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Dimensionsahhan ...02:19
myUserNamedoes anyone know any ways to make laptop battery life last longer with ubuntu as my laptop battery runs twice as long using windows02:19
Dimensionsgotch it ..02:19
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Dimensionsthanks Arafangion ... and Nameeater02:20
mistformI had the errors on every single sector until it decided to quit and restart02:20
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mistformit kept forcing checks because of the filesystem02:20
gfxstyler_myUserName: sure, what cpu and gfx card do you have?02:20
ArafangionDimensions: If you don't want to port it, as it's a compiled aplpication, you may have good luck with wine.02:20
ArafangionDimensions: But in the long run, porting it is highly recommended.02:20
lupine_85don't suppose anyone can give me a few hints on how to get falcon working, can they? I'm finding the manpages to be a bit inadequate :(02:20
myUserNamegfxstyler_, intel, everything is intel 14" monitor intel dx8 vid card  1.7ghz02:21
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argiopewebI'm working on installing Ubuntu on PPC.  What processor does the current version run on?02:21
argiopewebI can't find it anywhere.02:21
gfxstyler_myUserName: you need to load the appropiate modules for your cpu (i mean, for powersaving that is)02:21
gfxstyler_myUserName: like cpufreq_userspace, cpufreq_ondemand, p4-clockmod02:21
myUserNamehow do i find out that? just search synaptic for intel?02:22
gfxstyler_myUserName: you have to know what type of intel cpu you have ... a mobile one, a desktop one, a centrino, a core duo02:22
Arafangionargiopeweb: There are versions for the PPC, as well as Intel.02:22
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myUserNamegfxstyler_, its a centrino02:22
gfxstyler_myUserName: and then you have to load the module for that, like p4-clockmod is for normal desktop cpus02:23
argiopewebArafangion: I'm fully aware of that.  I'm just wondering if you can run DD on a G3.02:23
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Arafangionargiopeweb: DD?02:23
argiopewebDapper Drake.02:23
myUserNameexplaining where to go to get info to do that would be a start because i have no idea how to load the module u refer to02:23
gfxstyler_myUserName: i dont know how the speedstepping module is called, does "locate *speedstep.ko" or "locate *speedstepping.ko" return something?02:23
Crazedfucked up .. :P02:23
Arafangionargiopeweb: On a G3?02:23
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Arafangionargiopeweb: I have a friend running a G3, he reports good success with xubuntu, because it's faster.02:24
gfxstyler_myUserName: centrinos use speedstepping to scale down their cpu speed, which saves power (and they lower voltage)02:24
myUserNamelocate has no results02:24
Arafangionargiopeweb: But I'm not sure how good the drivers are.02:24
Dimensionsahh..... one more question abt VB Arafangion.... can we actually install VB in ubuntu ? or we will have to install it on MS OS and use it ?02:24
gfxstyler_myUserName: damn02:24
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gfxstyler_myUserName: you load modules like: sudo modprobe modulename02:25
gfxstyler_myUserName: and you unload them like: sudo rmmod modulename02:25
ArafangionDimensions: Just checked the mono website (www.go-mono.net), apparently the old version of the VB compiler is officially abandoned, and they're working on a new VB compiler, but it's not released yet.02:25
argiopewebArafangion: That was my problem.   I'm certain that Ubuntu works with my wireless card, but I don't know about Xubuntu.02:25
gfxstyler_myUserName: and you can automate that process on every startup at /etc/modules02:25
myUserNamegfxstyler_,  oh so sudo modprobe *centrinocraphere*02:25
gfxstyler_myUserName: yes02:25
ArafangionDimensions: But, the main point is that it's all in a portable bytecode anyway, so as long as mono has the system.windows.forms that you use implemented, you should be set.02:25
myUserNamegfxstyler_, and the centrino module should already be on the hdd?02:25
ArafangionDimensions: That's the theory, anyway.02:25
gfxstyler_myUserName: so you can already do: sudo modprobe cpufreq_userspace   and: sudo modprobe cpufreq_ondemand02:26
gfxstyler_myUserName: yes, i think ubuntu comes with many modules, you just need to load them02:26
myUserNamegfxstyler_, yeah ill look into it later now i know where to look. I need to reboot x to get aiglx working02:27
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gfxstyler_see you02:27
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Dimensionsthanks Arafangion02:28
Typhondoes anyone know the status of Ubuntu with Core 2 Duo and the JMicron PATA controller?02:28
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ArafangionTyphon: Off the top of our heads? No, we don't have a clue.02:28
TyphonI did a search on the forums but I wasn't able to understand if people were getting it working :)02:28
Awesome-o2000I am unable to get to the web - whats the "server" kernel for?02:29
jpfariasI need help with wpa in dapper02:29
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TyphonArafangion: sorry :) I was hoping someone here had experience with a Core 2 machine :P02:29
jpfariasanyone knows how to setup wpa with aes encryptation?02:30
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longwaveTyphon: it seems that controller is only supported in kernel 2.6.1802:31
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longwaveTyphon: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.17/+bug/5750202:31
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Typhonlongwave: thanks.... do you know how I could get/make a Dapper install CD with a 2.6.18 kernel?02:31
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tryggCan someone help me with getting tv-out with aticonfig?02:32
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longwaveTyphon: sorry, that's a bit advanced for me, and it seems that it isn't fixed in edgy yet, either. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Core_2_Duo_Support has lots of forum links that may provide some clues, though02:33
kingdongcan you install normally and then roll a new kernel from kernel.org in02:34
kingdongthat's what i would do02:34
Typhonwell the problem is02:34
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Typhonthe optical drive won't be detected02:34
R0cK3Tflash player doesn't support the 64 bit distro of ubuntu02:34
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R0cK3Tbut i have all the 32bit lib's02:35
kingdongany chance you can get another PATA PCI controller02:35
kingdongthey only cost about $1002:35
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Typhonkingdong: I'm not sure what you mean by that02:36
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atulHello! Can anyone here help me with audio please?02:36
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Typhonnevermind... i see02:37
kingdongi thought your problem was the JMicron PATA controller wasn't supported and so you couldn't use the optical drive02:37
Typhonwell the problem is a bug in the Linux kernel that has been fixed02:37
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kingdongthere are knockoff brand pci pata controllers for cheep cheep but they might be hard to find locally02:37
Typhonyeah I see what you mean now02:37
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kingdongi'm not sure how you could stick a new kernel into an install cd, thats why i suggest this instead... it may well be easier02:38
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atulMy audio stopped working - probably after a dist-upgrade, can anyone help?02:38
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joltHeh im still trying to figure out how to get my second USB audio device detected by ALSA02:39
joltDamn Logitech Camera grabbed the USB-Audio for itself02:39
theBenoMy laptop has a problem booting, it prints "GRUB" to the screen then freezes.  Any ideas?02:39
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joltFramebuffer issue?02:40
longwavetheBeno: was it working before, or is this a new install?02:40
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theBenolongwave, A new insall.02:40
longwavetheBeno: what hardware?02:40
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theBenoIt's a Toshiba Satelite.02:41
longwavetheBeno: does http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-3306.html help?02:41
longwavetheBeno: in their case there is some recovery software or something installed on part of the drive, which conflicts with grub02:41
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longwavetheBeno: it may be similar on your toshiba02:42
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kingdongprobably you can disable the recovery partition from the bios to fix it02:42
theBenokingdong, THANK YOU!02:42
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theBenoI'll try that. longwave, Thanx.02:43
ubotuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments. The default install includes a server kernel and no GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current stable version is 6.06 LTS. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/02:43
kingdongi had the same problem with my thinkpad02:43
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hendrik_vI need the linux-headers-2.6.15-26-386 but I can't find them in the default repositories. Anybody know how come?02:43
hendrik_vor where to find them?02:44
longwave!info linux-headers-38602:44
ubotulinux-headers-386: Linux kernel headers on 386. In component main, is optional. Version (dapper), package size 22 kB, installed size 52 kB02:44
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Guardianis there a tool that can be used to record an x session into a video file ???02:45
erUSUL!info linux-headers-2.6.15-26-38602:45
ubotulinux-headers-2.6.15-26-386: Linux kernel headers 2.6.15 on 386. In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.15-26.46 (dapper), package size 836 kB, installed size 22988 kB02:45
hendrik_vthanks ubotu02:45
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leeyeeHello guys02:46
leeyeeI encountered an error 17 when booting a dual-boot box02:46
HealotGuardian: there are screen capture application, but screen capture video output, none, iirc02:47
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Typhon--> screencaptures to mpeg video02:47
atulMy audio stopped working - probably after a dist-upgrade, can anyone help?02:47
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leeyeewell, anyone can help me with this?02:48
Guardiancool thx Typhon02:48
leeyeeI intalled it on a SCSI HD, /dev/sda802:48
atuleverything seems to work but there is no sound!!02:48
leeyeewhile sda1 is for WinXP02:48
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joltno sound.. you can try to change the device in ALSA, esp effective if you have a quickcam connected...02:49
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atulhow do I change the device in alsa?02:49
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joltSystem | Preferences| Sound in X02:49
mojohi every102:49
mojoi got a question02:49
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mojoit's about Edgy though02:50
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joltAnd set the Default sound Card02:50
mojomy apt-get refuse to update02:50
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leeyee? Nobody noticed my post?02:50
joltedgy... Double mounting the hard disk, udev errors, thats my day02:50
WarboXvidcap probably works best for screen capture, Istanbul is good but it doesn't work for me. PyVNC2SWF works well as well, but that makes an SWF file which I cannot convert to MPEG (the bundled tools say it isn't supported, even though the manual says it is)02:50
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Typhonleeyee: error 17 seems to be inability to mount a partition... I don't know any more than that02:51
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joltif the soundcard doesnt appear in the default dropdown its another issue, but that has helped me a few times when doing a dist upgrade02:51
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Awesome-o2000how do I get linux-restricted-modules for the server kernel?02:51
leeyeeWell, I know from the menu.lst  that linux should boot from /dev/sda8, and I DID install it on /dev/sda802:52
atuljolt - I'm running kubuntu here, can I do this from the console02:52
leeyeeHowever, I saw that linux is on /dev/sda6 when I did "fdisk -l" during a live-cd boot02:52
Warboleeyee: You know that GRUb would call that "hd(X,7)" (where X would be 0 if it is the first drive) right?02:52
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atulI cann't get sound even with aplay02:53
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leeyeeI think it should be (sd0,7)?02:53
leeyeeor sd(0,7)?02:53
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mojohas any1 got into apt-get rejection update after updating from dapper to edgy?02:53
Warboalsaconf was really useful. Is there a particular reson they got rid of it?02:53
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Warbo(hd0,7) probably02:53
atulalsamixer shows no problem (and nothing is muted)02:53
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WarboGRUB doesn't care about SCSI, SATA, USB, etc. They are all HDs or CDs (I think FD might be floppy as well)02:54
LookTJanyone help with my problem02:54
WarboLookTJ: I don't know yet02:54
leeyeeMy HD is a scsi one, Warbo02:54
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Healotit's always hd :002:54
Awesome-o2000how do I get linux-restricted-modules for the server kernel? I beg for help02:54
LookTJI want to use VoIPbuster in linux02:54
LookTJbut its in .exe02:55
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Warboleeyee: If the BIOS sees it then GRUB will call it (hd<something>)02:55
WarboLookTJ: Maybe try WINE02:55
Warbo!info wine02:55
ubotuwine: Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.9-0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 8578 kB, installed size 40460 kB02:55
steamRWhere do I change the default color that's in the backround between login and desktop?02:55
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LookTJi dont know howto use wine02:55
Awesome-o2000am I asking something wrong here?02:56
WarbosteamR: I think it is in System>Admin>Login Window (failing that it is also in the file /etc/gdm/gdm.conf)02:56
WarboLookTJ: Do you have Universe enabled?02:56
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steamRWarbo: tnx02:56
WarboLookTJ: OK, then install WINE using Synaptic, then double click the exe file (or type into a terminal "wine programname.exe")02:57
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steamRfound it02:57
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LookTJk ill try02:57
timbobstevehey all02:57
mistformno kernel selection pos02:58
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mistformoh well02:58
mistformit's my sleepytime... i've stayed up far too long02:58
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nubbeHI, how do I change character encoding in gnome-terminal to ISO-8859-15 for just that session on the command line?02:58
MaxLhow do I create a folder in terminal?02:58
WarboMaxL: "mkdir foldername"02:59
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Awesome-o2000how do I get linux-restricted-modules for the server kernel?02:59
LookTJhow the heck big is wine package?02:59
leeyeewell, I tried "root (hd0,7)", and then was told "Selected disk doesn't exist."02:59
MaxLOh and how do I see how all like hidden files and stuff?02:59
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leeyeeWarbo, how is then?02:59
MaxL[I'm trying to get Egoboo to work] 02:59
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WarboWINE -> "package size 8578 kB, installed size 40460 kB"02:59
nubbeMaxL, ls -a02:59
reikiMaxL ls -la02:59
timbobsteveI am looking to dual boot my g3 ibook with xubuntu, but in the installer it keeps saying I need a "New World" format partition. Gparted doesn't provide this. I don't have access to the alternate install either. Any ideas?03:00
reikior that03:00
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=== Awesome-o2000 hangs self
LookTJthanks Warbo03:00
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Warboleeyee: Hmm, have you used the 6.06.1 install CD?03:00
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Warbo(in other words, are you using a -26 kernel or a -23 kernel)03:00
angelakiwho can help me with ssh??03:01
leeyeeWarbo, yes I do03:01
Warboleeyee: So you have 2.6.15-26-386 installed?03:01
reikiangelaki, just ask your question and whoever can help, will03:01
leeyeeWarbo, 1.6.15-26-68603:01
redihello... how do i find out what my ubuntu version is?03:01
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Warboleeyee: OK, try running in GRUB (press "c" for commandline) "find /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-26-686"03:02
angelakii need to connect in my home pc from my work but i cant03:02
Warboleeyee: If that says not found then try without the fisrt slash03:02
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Typhonangelaki: you're running sshd at home, and your firewall has port 22 open?03:03
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kingdongand your router has port 22 forwarded to that pc03:03
leeyeeWarbo, How can I boot into text mode? I have no idea about that03:03
redihow do i find what version my ubuntu install is03:04
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LookTJerr:module:LdrInitializeThunk Main exe initialization for L"C:\\Program Files\\VoipBuster.com\\VoipBuster\\VoipBuster.exe" failed, status c000013503:04
angelakii run sshd in my home and use no-ip service. In my dsl router use port forwarding in port 2000203:04
angelakibut i can connect only in localhost03:04
Awesome-o2000how do I get linux-restricted-modules for the server kernel?03:04
Warboleeyee: GRUB has a commandline. You can get to it by pressing "c" on the menu screen (the one with all of your operating systems listed on it). If you don't get a menu screen then you can press the Esc key to get out of hidden mode03:04
=== Awesome-o2000 is going to have to compile a custom 686 kernel and make it pretend to be the stock 686 methinks
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leeyeeWarbo, you know, I only got a "Error 17" message, so I'm using Live-CD03:05
LookTJwerbo help03:05
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redihow do i find what version my ubuntu install is03:06
reikiredi, try System -> About Ubuntu03:06
leeyeeWarbo: I even don't know how can I boot into rescue mode in Dapper03:06
Warboleeyee: You would get an error if you tried to boot an operating system, but GRUB's commandline is part of GRUb and not part of an operating system03:06
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reikiredi or try uname -a in a terminal and see if that gives you what you're looking for03:07
Lynoureangelaki: a trivial question: do you then also specify a port 20002 when sshing in?03:07
=== Awesome-o2000 flexes his kernel muscles
leeyeeWarbo, you just mean that I can run grub under Live-cd?03:07
LookTJwarbo i get error03:07
LookTJi installed the exe03:07
Warboleeyee: No, I mean that you can run GRUB like you have been doing before, but instead of telling it to boot Ubuntu (which isn't working) you tell it to give you a commandline03:07
LookTJbut when i try to run it gets error03:08
WarboLookTJ: WINE isn't a complete solution yet, unformunately :(03:08
angelakiwhen give ssh localhost -p 20002 works fine03:08
LookTJhow do i remove the program i installed?03:08
LookTJthe exe program?03:08
angelakibut when type ssh -p 20002 angelaki.no-ip.org nothing happens!!!03:08
WarboLookTJ: It will be in $HOME/.wine/drive_c/Program Files ($HOME is your home folder by the way)03:09
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nubbeCan I specify character encoding for ssh?03:09
WarboLookTJ: That is hidden, since .wine starts with a dot03:09
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nubbeCan I specify character encoding for a specific ssh session only?03:10
leeyeeWarbo, I just pressed 'c' when it appears GRUB Loading stage 1.5...03:10
leeyeeBut it didn't helo03:11
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Lynoureangelaki: sounds like something wrong in the router settings or in no-ip. Does no-ip give the right ip, at least?03:11
Warboleeyee: does GRUB appear as a fullscreen menu with your operating systems listed, or as a couple of lines of text with a countdown?03:11
LookTJthanks warbo03:11
Awesome-o2000how do I get linux-restricted-modules for the server kernel?03:11
leeyeeWarbo, Nothing03:11
Typhonangelaki: what kind of authorization is set up with sshd? I used to have a similar problem, but I forget exactly how I fixed it :)03:12
leeyeeI could only see "GRUB loading.....Please wait"03:12
gnomefreakAwesome-o2000: synaptic :)03:12
Warboleeyee: Erm, then how do you know that GRUB is even installed? It must do one of those03:12
Warboleeyee: Ah03:12
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gnomefreakno nvm thats a ly03:12
leeyeeWarbo, and then it appears "Error 17" immediately03:12
Warboleeyee: Then that isn't nothing, that is a couple of lines of text03:12
Awesome-o2000gnomefreak im not able to find it with apt-get03:12
angelakiwhen i use ping in my machine take answer. Only from local machine works the ping03:12
Awesome-o2000or apt-cache search03:12
Warboleeyee: Does it say anything about pressing Esc?03:12
Awesome-o2000its for everything BUT server03:12
Awesome-o2000and my feelings are very hurt03:12
leeyeeWarbo, nope03:12
gnomefreakAwesome-o2000: apt-cache search kernel? btw server kernel shouldnt need them since its a basic kernel03:13
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Awesome-o2000why shouldnt it need them, I have an nvidia card03:13
Warboleeyee: Then GRUB doesn't seem to understand the drive it's on. Maybe you could reinstall GRUB?03:13
gnomefreakAwesome-o2000: restricted mods are for video mainly and server = no gui03:13
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:13
Warborestricted also has some wifi in it as well, right?03:14
Awesome-o2000thats cracked out - i AM going to have to compile my own kernel :(03:14
leeyeeWarbo, yes I did it.03:14
gnomefreakWarbo: yes03:14
Warbothought so03:14
gnomefreakAwesome-o2000: no why not just grab a reg. kernel03:14
Awesome-o2000gnomefreak I dont want preemption03:14
leeyeeWar, However, it told that "(hd0,7) selected disk doesn't exists"03:14
Awesome-o2000it IS a server after all03:14
leeyeeWarbo, so I can't re-install grub03:15
WarboBy the way, packages are named "linux-XXXXXXX" rather than "kernel-XXXXXXX" since 2.6 was adopted03:15
gnomefreakAwesome-o2000: than your nvidia card shouldnt matter since you said03:15
ArafangionAwesome-o2000: Arguably, the main case against preemption was reliability - it was simply less tested.03:15
gnomefreakWarbo: yes i know but searching kernel will giv eyou all kernel packages :)03:15
Awesome-o2000I thought it was because it would make the gameserver stutter03:15
Warboleeyee: Seems like it's device.map file might be wrong03:15
Awesome-o2000gnomefreak it always matters to have HW support :(03:16
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Warboleeyee: That file is in /boot/grub I think, on your installation (in other workds don't go changing the Live CD's by mistake). It should say something like "hd0    sda"03:16
timbobstevewhen the ubuntu installer talks about the newWorld partition, is that /dev/hda1 (its like 33kb or something)?03:16
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leeyeeWarbo, okay, I will mount it on, and check that03:17
LookTJdang gunz isnt compatiable with wine i gues03:17
ArafangionAwesome-o2000: Hmm, in that _specific_ case of a gameserver, if there is a documented case against preemption, then you do have a point :)03:17
ArafangionAwesome-o2000: It's not hard to compile your own kernel anyway :)03:17
ArafangionAwesome-o2000: Though, I'd ask debian how one compiles it "the debian way"03:17
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leeyeeWarbo, I installed it on /dev/sda8, and /etc/fstab shows this too. However, when I did "fdisk -l" under Live-CD, I saw Linux is on /dev/sda6, weird!03:18
WarboI'm really sorry I've got to go, someone please help leeyee with GRUB. It won't load, not even it's menu, with Error 17. HD is SCSI and Ubuntu is on sda8, Windows on sda1. I think it might be GRUB's device.map file03:18
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Warboleeyee: I always go by the sizes rather than the filesystem fdisk tells me03:18
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angelakimy friend just now connect in my pc with putty. Why i can't connect from my work linux pc??03:20
timbobsteveis there a ppc specific channel I can ask questions in?03:20
RyanTMulliganI do I check if I am using Xorg or XFree86?03:20
T-RexI'm trying to install 6.06 on a Thinkpad i1400 Type 2621 Mod 420, and it won't recognise the CD-ROM, any thoughts?03:20
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RyanTMulliganT-Rex: you could do a network install using floppy disks03:20
timbobsteveRyanTMulligan: check for xorg.conf in /etc/X11/ .... if you have it then its Xorg03:20
RyanTMulligantimbobsteve: okay thanks, i have xorg.03:21
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T-RexOBTW, complete newbie w/o capability to make floppies03:21
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RyanTMulliganT-Rex: you don't have a floppy drive anywhere?03:22
timbobsteveT-Rex: ouch... then you have a hurdle ahead of you03:22
Awesome-o2000ok heres the thing about compiling the debian way03:22
Awesome-o2000I need to make the kernel appear as if it is the stock 686 kernel03:22
RyanTMulliganT-rex: does your laptop recognize cd-roms in whatever OS you used to use?03:23
angelakimy friend just now connect in my pc with putty. Why i can't connect from my work linux pc??03:23
angelakimy friend just now connect in my pc with putty. Why i can't connect from my work linux pc??03:23
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chellWhat do  reckon, is .NET programming with VMWare Server + Windows XP + 512 MB RAM (in total in my machine) any good?03:23
timbobsteveangelaki: that is an ambiguous question... you have given us no information to work with.... give us more info before you get bored and spam the channel03:24
gr33npho3nixangelaki: firewalls?03:24
timbobstevechell: .NET is never good03:24
chellWell, I need it03:24
chelland I don't want to mess around with mono03:24
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Oni-Draculasomething in amarok is eating my cpu03:24
chellso, my question is: Will it run fast enough?03:24
sdathen UNneed it...03:24
angelakii dont have firewall03:24
timbobstevechell: the virtualisation is good... or dual booting... whichever you prefer really03:24
T-RexThinkpad recognized CD-ROM under Win98, and it booted from CD-ROM (set the BIOS), but when I go to install 6.06, it says I need to install the drivers from a floppy.  Can't find the drivers, will have to re-install old hardrive (w/ Win98 on it) in order to use the box03:24
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chellI can't just UNeed things03:25
timbobstevechell: I think it will run OK for development purposes03:25
Arafangionchell: You have fewer crappy drivers, so it may run faster.03:25
chellalright thank you03:25
visik7why changelogs.ubuntu.com aren't in synk with the real state of the packages ?03:25
LookTJwarbo will photoshop install via wine?03:25
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fildohi ppl. having an issue with knetstats and wondering if anyone could help me out03:26
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T-RexRyanT, evidently thinkpad CD-ROMs are nonstandard03:26
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infidelwhat do i use at console if i want to move more thatn one file at a time?03:27
Typhonchell: don't know anything about VMWare but in just winXP and VS.NET its about 270MB memory load03:27
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Ackeubu_if i cant install the dependency should i install the package manually? " Depends: ttf-dustin  but it is not installable"03:27
chellI'm not going to use VS.NET (or at least probably not)03:27
chellSharpDevelop will do03:27
chellor a simple text editor03:27
chellwell that's a little too simple ;-)03:28
Typhonwell, then there shouldn't be a problem :)03:28
leeyeeThanks you guys, I've fixed it03:28
leeyeeThanks Warbo, although you are not here03:28
visik7for example mono is at but http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/interpreters/mono says it stay at
T-RexRyanT, how do I do a network install if I can make the floppies?03:29
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LookTJor something03:29
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chellI have two network cards and would like to figure out which one (eth0 or eth1)  has received an ip adress from my dhcp router. I've already run ifconfig and I think it's eth0. Can someone please confirm if I paste my output on some no-paste service?03:30
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kingdongcheck the topic for pastebin03:31
fildoi need to install kdelibs-bin but it comes up and tells me03:31
fildoThe following packages have unmet dependencies:03:31
fildo  kdelibs-bin: Depends: kdelibs4c2a (>= 4:3.5.2) but it is not going to be installed03:31
fildoE: B03:31
visik7fildo: you have sources.list messed up03:32
chellthe output is in German though (I have to use a German machine here :-( ): http://www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/3386/03:32
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TrackilizerI built in a old video card in my old PC but it only shows black and white.03:33
TrackilizerIt has no color.03:33
chellI think it is eth0, can anyone confirm03:33
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chellno colour, hmm. Everything okay with your xserver?03:33
visik7fildo: here kdelibs-bin is installed with all its own dependancies03:33
LookTJwhat are chances of installing msn live?03:34
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LookTJvia Wine03:34
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ArafangionLow to non-existant.03:35
fildohmm ok. cause i used the source list generator thats all03:35
chelltry vmware03:35
chelland install win xp03:35
chellthen it will work03:35
Arafangionchell: I use qemu + kqemu for visual studio, myself. :)03:35
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:35
kingdongwould /dev/hdh be hd7 in grub?03:35
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LookTJi would have to buy vmware03:36
chellis qemu faster than vmware03:36
chellthere is a free version03:36
chellVMware Server03:36
TrackilizerI changed the card and it works well, i don't have any color when i put this on in.03:36
LookTJfor linux?03:36
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Arafangionchell: I hate how they make it hard to find quickly.03:36
ArafangionPersonally, I'm very happy with qemu and kqemu :)03:36
mattikooHello. What services have to be running that reboot and shutdown runs right?03:36
angelakihow i can add a missing dll in wine??03:37
chellI hate it that you have to register to get a serial03:37
Arafangionangelaki: Try adding it as you would windows - and hope that it doesn't do anything other than just call other dll's.03:37
eliphasqemu is really slow compares to vmware03:37
Arafangioneliphas: Hence why I use kqemu as well :)03:37
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eliphasi never tried kqemu03:38
Arafangioneliphas: Infact, windows runs _faster_ in qemu than it does on the real hardware.03:38
lakefiregood morning03:38
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Arafangioneliphas: (But, I do seem to have seriously crap drivers installed with the factory installation)03:38
eliphasArafangion i agree with that my windows never started so fast03:38
LookTJchell i only have a 40Gb hd03:38
LookTJthat ok?03:38
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ArafangionLookTJ: I give qemu 10G, and that's still plenty03:39
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eliphasArafangion you where not expecting to use the 3D on your qmeu :)03:39
lakefireI am looking at getting help playing mp3's on my ubuntu machine that are stored on a windows server on the LAN03:39
Arafangioneliphas: I _don't_ use 3D in my qemu ;)03:39
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eliphasLookTJ I used 5 gb on vmware03:39
fredlwhat's a decent screen grabber?03:39
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Arafangioneliphas: Apparently vmware has an edge when it comes to graphics, but qemu is just as fast in everything else.03:40
eliphasI am using windows 2k03:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about grab - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about grabber - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:40
chris`hi, how can i create a link to a command on my desktop? i just want to click on the icon and it shall run the command03:40
LookTJum sorry idk howto install vmware03:40
Arafangionfredl: gimp, you are going to edit it anyway, right?03:40
LookTJchell join chitchat03:40
chellLookTJ: I can walk you through it03:40
Arafangionfredl: Or, just hit printscreen.03:40
chellwhat do you mean by chitchat03:41
fredlArafangion, nope, not going to edit any, I knew of gimp to do it and I want only part of the screen. Oh well, gimp will do.03:41
Arafangionfredl: Aha, so you *do* want to edit it.03:41
LookTJ /j #chitchat03:41
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r33hey there..  I've got 5.04 : The Hoary Hedgehog ubuntu and am having trouble getting certasin websites.  I've tried using both Firefox and Mozilla broswer.  How can i check my DNS settings?03:41
kingdonglol awesome i installed gentoo and when i boot off the drive all it does is say GRUB GRUB GRUB GRUB GRUB GRUB03:41
kingdongi mean ubuntu.03:41
fredlArafangion, no I don't want to edit it, hence 'not going to edit any' :)03:41
Arafangionfredl: Did you say you only wanted a part of the screen?03:41
fredlArafangion, yup.03:42
Arafangionfredl: QED03:42
Typhonis clipping actually "editting"?03:42
lakefirer33:  Should be able to go to System > Admin >networking03:42
ArafangionTyphon: Quad Eratum Demonstratum, indeed. Yes, clipping is a change.03:42
fredlI see.03:42
r33ok cheers lakefire.03:42
eliphasLookTJ here is a guide for vmware server03:42
fredlArafangion, grrr :)03:42
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chris`hi, how can i create a link to a command on my desktop? i just want to click on the icon and it shall run the command03:43
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eliphasgnome : right click create launcher03:44
fredluhh gimp help starts up Konqueror03:44
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godfatherhi everybody03:44
fredlchris`, just right click the icon from your menu03:45
lakefirechris: right click on desktop > create launcher > put command in03:45
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Arafangionfredl: I see your running kubuntu?03:45
fredland then 'add this launcher to desktop'03:45
chris`fredl i use xubuntu03:45
fredlArafangion, no I have used kubuntu-desktop in the past.03:45
chris`i need perhaps the console commad03:45
r33lakefire: is there is a way to flush the DNS, similar to the Windows command ipconfig /flushdns03:45
nubbeHI, how do I change character encoding in gnome-terminal to ISO-8859-15 for just that session on the command line?03:45
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lakefirer33 are you behind a linksys router?03:45
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IndyBCHello. I have installed sendmail with apt-get, but I removed it. However, many many files have remain, related to sendmail. How can I remove them?03:46
fredlchris`, what window manager does xubuntu come with again?03:46
IndyBC* remained03:46
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Typhonchris', you can always use a shell script instead of a launcher03:46
tarzeauIndyBC: like config files?03:46
lakefireand, i am not familiar with the flushdns command in windows.03:46
tarzeauIndyBC: you can remove them with apt-get --purge (or dpkg)03:46
IndyBCtarzeau: not only03:46
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IndyBCtarzeau: NOT only config files :(03:47
nubbeCan I specify character encoding for a specific ssh session only?03:47
r33lakefire: nope.  Direct connection, no router03:47
fredlXfce... I don't know anything about Xfce to be honest.03:47
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tarzeauIndyBC: well try it, and look what's left over03:47
IndyBCcron scripts, man docs, tars and others03:47
IndyBCtarzeau: I did03:47
fredlI used to use fluxbox when memory was low...03:47
IndyBCand it said: sendmail is not installed so cannot be removed03:47
tarzeauIndyBC: dpkg -l |grep sendmail says what?03:47
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KenSentMeIndyBC: reinstall it, then remove it with --purge03:48
IndyBCii  sendmail-base                          8.13.5-3ubuntu1.1    powerful, efficient, and scalable Mail Trans03:48
IndyBCii  sendmail-bin                           8.13.5-3ubuntu1.1    powerful, efficient, and scalable Mail Trans03:48
IndyBCii  sendmail-cf                            8.13.5-3ubuntu1.1    powerful, efficient, and scalable Mail Trans03:48
tarzeauIndyBC: it's all still installed03:48
IndyBCKenSentMe: --purge removes only the config files, or all the files related to the package?03:49
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ArafangionIndyBC: remove deletes the package. --purge *also* deletes the config files.03:50
JengaWould anybody mind having a look at an error log resulting from a failed install of Xfce4.4rc1?03:50
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IndyBCArafangion: I know. But it removes only the config files or also, all others related to the package?03:51
IndyBC(I don't mean the essential package files themselves)03:51
MarlunHow come when I write "ps" I only get bash and ps, but if I do "top" I get some other processes like fastcgi processes? can I see them and their pid in a static list somehow?03:51
fredlIndyBC, --purge will ONLY delete all files from one SINGLE package03:51
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n00blarHi all...does anyone know how to import pictures from a digital camera? I have a Canon PowerShot and I'm getting a message that it cannot mount. I can't seem to access the forums for some reason03:51
IndyBCfredl: I know this. After:03:51
Typhonmarlun: try ps ax03:52
kingdongps -aux03:52
IndyBCsudo apt-get --purge remove sendmail will there be any files related to sendmail?03:52
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kingdongany idea what grub error 17 means03:52
Typhondoes ps require the '-'?03:52
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fredlIndyBC, no sendmail config files and no files from the sendmail package. I think I know what you mean though, you mean if there will still be related packages installed, correct?03:52
Ackeubu_hey you guys. installed quake2 from syaptic. it says files are missing. and i read that the full quake2 needs to be installed..??03:52
fredlGrrr so he leaves before he could read that.03:53
kingdongno ps doesnt require the -03:53
MarlunTyphon, kingdong: thanks! :)03:53
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fredldeborphan is kinda cool actually03:54
Ogushi folks, got a question -- I'm 1.5 weeks new to Linux -- got  Alienware area 51 with a Nforce4 motherboard and a 6800 ultra/ nvidia graph card. I am having trouble installing games and I'm sure its because I need to update my nvidia drivers. 1) how do you Exit the X server? 2) does anyone have a good URL that explains the process with dapper? Each time I have tried I get the "blue screen" when I boot up and have to correct the x03:54
Ogusorg config file -anyone have a suggestion?03:54
juanwhy dont my searches bring up files i no i have? and where are fonts kept?03:55
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n00blarOg, easiest to install NVidia drivers is if you use Automatix03:56
Ogusok that in repository03:56
fredlOgus - Hmm, you can kill the X server with ctrl-alt-backspace03:56
OnimaeYou don't kill it.03:56
OnimaeYou restart it.03:56
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OnimaeBut, if you like kill better, than yes.03:56
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fredlgdm will restart it if y ou kill it03:56
Typhonsometimes it doesn't restart for me03:57
fredlOgus - gdm will only restart it a few times though.03:57
Ogusso to exit x sever you ctrl alt f1?03:57
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Typhonoh, i guess thats why :P03:57
n00blarHi all...does anyone know how to import pictures from a digital camera? I have a Canon PowerShot and I'm getting a message that it cannot mount. Any ideas on how to fix this?03:57
steamRIlike ubuntu, but I feel it is well "OverBranded". Managed to clear all indications of ubuntu, except from that african tarraram sound at gdm login. How can i remove that?03:57
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nubbeHI, how do I change character encoding in gnome-terminal to ISO-8859-15 for just that session on the command line?03:57
Typhonogus-- not exactly03:57
TmScotexcellent dapper drake ppc on an imac333mhz03:58
fredlno, ctrl-alt-backspace. ctrl-alt-f1 will take you to a virtual console (text)03:58
Typhonthat switches terminals03:58
philipsmithI plugged my digital camera into the USB port to import new photos. The camera shows as an icon on my desktop, but the new photos aren't in the folder under that new icon... only old photos that I had erased. What is this about?03:58
kingdongyou mean you don't want to stick the ubuntu stickers all over your pc?? omfg rofl.03:58
n00blarOgus, if you do a search on the ubuntu forums for Automatix, you'll find a link and instruction on how to install it03:58
juan.steamr its under login screen options under acesibility03:58
Typhonogus: when you ctrlaltf1 you can get back to X with ctrlaltf7 or so03:58
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steamRjuan: tnx03:58
Ogusnooblar: ok thx man I havent tried that yet -  its just I cant get any game to run03:59
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juanwhere does ubunutu put the fonts?03:59
n00blarOgus, playing Windows games in Linux is tricky....you will need a program called wine03:59
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Ogusyea I saw wine but that looked tricky too04:00
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Ogusthought I would try to install better drivers - if they are better before trying wine04:00
n00blarOgus, or if you're willing to pay a subscription fee, you can support Transmeta...they support lots of games by using a modified version of wine04:00
Ogustransmeta - ok ill check that out too04:00
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n00blarOgus, I subscribed to transmeta and payed for their product..it's called Cedega, and I'm able to play many games..some just don't work thouh :(04:01
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juanplease anybody, i have tahoma installed but need to copy the file to wine, but i dont know where the windows and/or linux copies of my fonts are kept04:02
OgusI was thinking of getting another drive and installing windows on that just for games but, you know, I'm sick of windows04:02
steamRjuan: U know where to change the "stert" menu icon as well?04:02
n00blarOgus, well, check out Transmet.com and see if the game you want to play is supported by them04:03
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juannope i no nothing i just came across turning sounds off yesterday04:03
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n00blarI play only two games, so I'm ok...but if you play lots of games, you might want to go that route...dual booting to XP04:03
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Ogusk will do - got a few new suggestions I havent done yet so thanks - appreciate it04:04
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LordSkylarkOgus: if you want to pla games on linux you cn try Cedega04:04
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LordSkylarkanyone can help me setting up a philips webcam on my ubuntu 6.06 please?04:05
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LordSkylarki did some searches on the web and everyone sais that it is working04:06
LordSkylarkbut no tutorial found04:06
Naik0Hey, my sound is working greatnow, but can i turn off that i hear my self?04:06
Naik0when i talking in the mic04:06
jon_kNaik0, you mute the mic04:06
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Naik0then i cant talk04:06
jon_kNaik0, install alsamixer (apt get it if need be)04:06
Naik0i got alsa04:06
jon_kit's one of the mic things if you hit M on it, it will disable the echo04:06
jon_ki think to the right of the slider for the mic input volume04:07
jon_kif your soundcard supports it, it should disable the echo04:07
kingdongdoes anyone know how to fix: "GRUB loading, please wait... Error 17"04:07
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jon_kkingdong, what happened to break it?04:07
Hannnibalgot a sound prob too ;)04:07
kingdongit never worked in the first place jon_k04:08
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jon_kNaik0, mike boost should fix the mike ehco04:08
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kingdongi haven't been able to boot from ubuntu on my hard disk yet04:08
LordSkylarknoone knows how to install philips spc200 nc webcam?04:08
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Healotnope, LordSkylark, checked out the webcam compatibility list yet?04:09
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JimmeyI've got a PCI nVidia GeForce card, and have just installed 6.06 to find that X won't start. What's the problem?04:09
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LordSkylarkHealot: where? :O04:09
LordSkylarkJimmey: where you found a pci video card? :O04:09
Healotubuntu's hcl page, or better >> Google04:10
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JimmeyLordSkylark, Amazon.04:10
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JimmeyBut more importantly, X won't start. How can I get it work?04:10
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kingdongdoes anyone know how to get past the error 17 in grub to boot ubuntu? icant find it in the FAQ04:11
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mojoo la la, GNOME 2.16 is close to be out04:11
CrazedJimmey: did you install any new drivers or updated your kernel ?04:11
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mojoedgy just got new gnome-icon-theme-2.1604:11
mojoreallly nice icon set04:11
JimmeyCrazed, it's a fresh install04:11
Crazedthen it sux :D04:11
Crazedwhat video card do you use ?04:11
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jon_kkingdong, i'd try reinstalling grub, follow the second posts directions on this thread http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-24113.html04:12
JimmeyCrazed, GeForce 5200FX04:12
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Crazedhmm it's should just be working04:12
Lukecould someone tell me if this website works for them please?  I can ping the url but it doesn't come up in any browser but neither does it say it can't find the site.  it is www.librarything.com04:12
Crazeddid you only install it ?04:12
kingdongthanks jon_k i will do it =)04:12
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LukeI'm at a loss as to how to trouble DNS04:12
Lukein ubuntu 5.04 hoary hedgehog04:13
jon_kkingdong, hope it works ;] 04:13
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chellLuke: works04:13
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kingdongi have 4 hard disks and it's a pain to get these to work right sometimes04:14
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Lukechell: many thanks.  Now I have to work out why it won't open in my browser.  Tried Mozilla, Lynx and Firefox04:15
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LukeI can ping the domain so it resolves the domain to its location04:16
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Lukebut if i try and open it in a browser it just says connecting to www.librarything.com04:16
Lukeand never opens.  Anyone suggest anhything?04:16
Typhonjust for that site or any site?04:17
covOPprometheussup guys, I'm having trouble with my cdrom: it's listed like hdb but there is no /dev/cdrom04:17
covOPprometheuscan anyone help?04:17
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Luketyphon: just that site04:18
infidelanyone? amybody?04:18
Lukeas far as I can tell anyway04:18
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TyphonLuke: does restarting nscd do anything?04:20
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e-lynxalguien tiene xgl/compiz instalado y que "gracias" a la ultima actualizacion le haya fallado?04:21
lonkiafternoon all, small question about the server versions, which version holds nagios2 ?04:21
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Luketyphon: nscd?  how would I do that?04:21
ryanakcahow do you upload to the wiki?04:21
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Typhonwell I was wondering if you were running some caching program04:22
Typhonlike dnsmasq or nscd04:22
GooseWow, Automatix is kinda slick.  Just testing out XChat04:22
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Lukenot to my knowledge I'm not04:23
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ompaule-lynx, this is an english language channel, Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.04:23
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Typhon:< maybe they banned your IP segment04:25
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chellain't there an alternative site?04:26
jjjjjjjhello.  how do i "upgrade" to edubuntu?04:27
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chellinstall edubuntu-desktop04:27
jjjjjjjI'm running 5.1004:27
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jjjjjjj thx chell04:27
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chellnp mate04:27
jjjjjjjsudo apt-get?04:27
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jjjjjjji opted to install the 5.10 from a cd vs. d/l edubuntu 6.0604:28
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jjjjjjjbut i remembered "upgrading" to edubuntu a few months ago04:28
chellso you have 5.10 non edubuntu and want dapper edubuntu?04:28
jjjjjjjya something like that04:29
jjjjjjjeither or.. doesn't matter... this pc is going to be for a young school age person04:29
chellthen you have to install edubuntu edubuntu-desktop and change every breezy in your sources.list to dapper and run a dist-upgrade04:29
Healotchange all the breezy entry to "dapper"; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade; pray to GOD your installation isn't broken04:29
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic04:29
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nilhow can I have all the LAN printer detected? I selected the option in the printers tool, but nothing happens? am I missing something? I opened the 631 port via firestarter, and all the printers are driven bu a cups server on the network04:30
n00blarHi all...does anyone know how to import pictures from a digital camera? I have a Canon PowerShot and I'm getting a message that it cannot mount. Any ideas on how to fix this?04:30
ompauljjjjjjj, before you do (A) did you use outside sources? (B) can you do >> sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop << before you start04:30
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infidelanyone know why xgl doesn't don't want to work for me?04:31
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jjjjjjji did a sudo apt-get install edubuntu-desktop just now04:31
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jjjjjjjit's chugging along at 2133kB04:32
infidelcompiz.real: Screen 0 on display ":1.0" already has a window manager; try using the --replace option to replace the current window manager.04:32
infidelcompiz.real: No managable screens found on display :1.004:32
niln00blar: you are connecting it through usb?04:33
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mordofalright i've got listed in linux 2 sound cards, however the default one in the sound properties does not work with my audio jack.. and my real sound card doesn't show up (but i have my audio to play out of it, like games and rhythmbox) but since the default player is the one that doesn't work, flash audio doesn't work04:34
mordofcan anyone tell me how to disable an audio device inside linux? the other device isn't in my bios04:34
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rixxonwhat can i do to get wifi working04:35
chellgotta go cya04:35
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juanwhere dose ubuntu install system fonts04:36
RaD|TzIs there a way to go from 6.06.1 yoto knot2?04:36
RaD|TzIs there a way to go from 6.06.1 to knot2?04:36
Linuturkhttp://www.ubuntu.com/ << why does the search bar say Buscar ?04:36
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MinisterPolitegood morning. a package by the name of "csm" is marked to be installed as an upgrade with this mornings updates. Selecting the package in Synaptic give no description. anyone know what this is?04:36
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mordofrixxon, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide04:37
rixxonLinuturk, random language04:37
rixxonmordof, i'll have a look thanks04:37
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RaD|TzLinuturk, mine says sog04:37
Linuturkwierd . . .04:37
n00blarnil: yes, I'm connecting through USB, sorry for the delay I was afk04:37
lakefireI need help playing mp3 files that are located on my windows server.  I am on ubuntu 6.0604:38
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome04:38
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage04:38
lakefireI can get them to work in movie player, but nothing else04:38
jjjjjjjhmm... i left this pc on for a few days and a notice saying a new version of the linux kernel has just been installed and a reboot asap to complete the system update.  can i abort this edubuntu "upgrade"?04:38
jjjjjjjit's in the d/l portion of the "upgrade"04:39
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MinisterPolitejjjjjjj: once you get a proper nick you'll get a proper answer04:39
jjjjjjjhey man.. that nick is 10 years old04:39
nilwhat do you think about this, for my network printer problem? http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/212704:40
jjjjjjjback from the #win95 era04:40
n00blarHi all...does anyone know how to import pictures from a digital camera? I have a Canon PowerShot and I'm getting a message that it cannot mount. Camera's connecting using USB.04:40
kingdongit is better than a nick of all underscores04:40
kingdongi have done it hehe04:40
MinisterPolitejjjjjjj: thats really nice04:40
mordofalright so when i did lshw, it reports that i have 2 cpus each with a physical id, and then inside those are 2 logical cpus.. i was aware it was dual core but does that mean they both have HT on them or something?04:40
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niln00blar: if you have no other scsi or usb harddisk/memory, can you try "pmount /dev/sda1" from the console?04:41
n00blarnil: I do have an external HD that's connected via USB04:41
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SpudDogganyone know if it is possible or feasible to play games like flight simulator or HL2 (and the mods) under ubuntu?04:42
n00blarnil: that device's connected to sdb1 though04:42
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mordofSpudDogg, check the wine compatibility list04:42
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SpudDoggmordof, wine?  is that an emulator or something?04:42
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mordofwindows emulator04:42
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Tom_Bonjour tout le monde !!04:43
mordofit trys to run programs that are originally for windows, i don't know if it's technically an emulator04:43
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SpudDogghow about performance...does wine take alot of resources?04:43
iain_hi all04:43
kishorehi all04:43
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SpudDoggiain_: hello04:43
SpudDoggkishore: hello04:43
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jjjjjjjall left a few minutes ago04:43
iain_sorry folks 1st time online using Linux.... feel a bit of a newbie04:44
kishoreSpudDogg, hello04:44
SpudDoggmordof:  how about performance...does wine take alot of resources?04:44
niln00blar: so, what's the exact message from pmount/dev/sdb1 ?04:44
niln00blar: just "can't mount"?04:44
mordofSpudDogg, depends on the game04:44
nilTom_: => #ubuntu-fr ? :)04:44
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SpudDoggiain_ dont worry man, i'm a noob too04:44
SpudDoggiain_ learning though :)04:44
frying_fishmordof: it's not an emulator, its in the name "Wine Is Not an Emulator"04:45
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frying_fishit is an implementation of the windows api.04:45
n00blarnil, problem is I don't know which device the camera is being recognized as...the ubuntu import photo reads: Could not append folder '/DCIM/101AALOL' as this folder already exists.04:45
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kishoreamong all buntus which one is prefferable.. x,u,k buntus04:45
mordoffrying_fish, alright04:45
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frying_fishmordof: sorry I wasn't being offensive, was just saying what it is.04:46
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AngryElfis there anything like symantec backup exec for linux?04:46
ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi04:46
mordoffrying_fish, i know, i didn't take it as offensive. i wasn't sure weither it was an emulator or not and that cleared it up04:46
frying_fishAngryElf: lots of other tools that will do backup, like rsync.04:46
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frying_fishmordof: :)04:46
mordoffrying_fish, i'm just tryiong to see if ubuntu even picks up that i have a wireless card installed04:47
AngryElfthat wasn't really my question.......is there anything like backup exec that is really robust, for linux?04:47
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mordofit's frustrating because in a lower kernel (same version just 386: no dual core support) it picks it up perfect04:47
n00blarspud, I would do a search on www.winehq.com to make sure taht the game you want to play is fully supported..if it's not, try cedega from transmeta.com04:47
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mordofbut yet the 686 version does not04:47
frying_fishmordof: ok, lspci...04:47
frying_fishinteresting that it picks it up in 386 but not 68604:47
mordofthat's why it's pissing me off04:48
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niln00blar: so, it seems that the camera is already mounted as a volume04:48
mordofcause in 386 i can use wireless but not both my cores04:48
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niln00blar: type "mount" in the console, you should then see the camera listed in the mounted volumes04:49
opexocwhat repository should I add to be able to install libusb 0.1.8 or higher?04:49
n00blarnil, it can't be (at least I think so). I unplugged it, rebooted, logged back in and then plugged it back in and I'm getting the same message all the time04:49
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antoine_tt le monde04:50
py_when  install nvidia-glx on an up-to-date Dapper system, I get a version which is different from the kernel-module version. ANd thus it doesn't work. How to fix that?04:50
kingdongis all i have to do to switch to kubuntu is install kubuntu-desktop?04:50
mordoffrying_fish, when i do lspci i get an Unknown Device 4222 where my wireless card should be04:50
Przemcio1978hi, how to resize /home partition using gparted? is it possible at all?04:50
niln00blar: did you verify with "mount" ?04:50
mordofkingdong, are you on gnome right now?04:50
kingdongyes i had the regular ubuntu disks04:51
kingdongwith gnome04:51
mordofi would seriously advise against that04:51
mordofand download kubuntu04:51
mordofand install it from that04:51
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kingdonghm really.04:51
=== BeepAU [n=BeepAU@CPE-58-166-43-179.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
mordofi did that and it screwed EVRYTHING up04:51
frying_fishmordof: interesting, so it kind of recongises it.04:51
mordoffrying_fish, yeah.. but it doesn't have a driver for it in the new kernel maybe?04:51
n00blarnil, yes...I can paste the results...can't remember the site to paste it to though04:51
=== EVRAMP [n=EVRAMP@g225.ol.ntw.fcanet.cz] has joined #ubuntu
mordofis there a way to pull a driver from a kernel and package it so i can install it into another one? heh04:52
Przemcio1978i want to make some free space on my hard drive for winblows but i can't do it04:52
py_ok, so nvidia driver support is broken at the moment, that's what I should understand?04:52
niln00blar: http://pastebin.com/ for example04:52
frying_fishmordof: possibly04:52
frying_fishmaybe ndiswrapper would help.04:52
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frying_fishmordof: what is the wireless card?04:52
choique_hi i whant to install zendstudio and i habe this error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2252804:52
frying_fishyou may be able to get the driver from the manufacturer itself and just compile it into your current kernel.04:52
BeepAUhow's firestarter? i've used windows firewall programs in the past, and i've found they can be quite intrusive (e.g. ZoneAlarm), is firestarter similar in this respect?04:52
mordofumm.. it's the wireless card on the acer aspire 561004:53
n00blarni, Ok, thanks...just pasted it04:53
frying_fishmordof: best bet is to look online for it04:53
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frying_fishso you know what model card it is and such04:53
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choique_i have libc6 librarie and the link to04:53
frying_fishand then can look for a driver.04:53
choique_choique@choique:~$ ls -l /lib/libc.so.604:53
choique_lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 2006-07-17 16:35 /lib/libc.so.6 -> libc-2.3.6.so04:53
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mordoffrying_fish, i have the model and such in the manual book beside me04:54
HealotBeepAU: firestarter is a packet filter builder, not the actuall firewall04:54
koizo7bsemnickhow can I instal true tipe fonts in UBUNTU?04:54
hadiwhere is font folder?04:54
BeepAUHealot -- whats a packet filter? what should i use as a firewall then?04:54
mordoffrying_fish, integrated Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG04:54
Healotbeepau: http://en.wikipedia.org/Firewall04:55
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MinisterPolitekingdong: ubotu spam is unwelcome04:56
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mordoffrying_fish, the weird part about it also though is that under lshw it lists the driver it is using, and it recognizes it as an ethernet controller04:56
py_so, no way at all to get nvidia driver to work at the moment?04:56
mordoffrying_fish, it's currently using the ipw3945 driver04:56
=== Naik0 rebooting now
frying_fishok, so it is an interl04:56
opexocDoes anyone of you use some multifunction printer? Because I have bought one this day and I have some problems with installation.04:56
frying_fishwhich should work mostly fine04:56
mordofyeah, my chipset is intel04:56
frying_fishI know my 2200 works perfectly04:57
=== Hannnibal [n=tuuut@p50906E8D.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
mordofshould i do that same check on my older kernel and see what kind of output i get?04:57
mordofor won't that help04:57
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fog_proxyHi all. Does ubuntu has 'play' command for play sound?04:58
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koizo7bsemnickhow can I instal true tipe fonts in UBUNTU?05:00
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koizo7bsemnickhow can I install true type fonts in UBUNTU?05:00
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Hobbseefog_proxy: aplay /path/to/wav/file.wav05:00
fog_proxyHobbsee: well,thanks05:01
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mantonohow do I change the systemwide default charset?05:03
_RomanI am having trouble getting mplayer to run properly from ubuntu.  I am using ubuntu 6.06 with XGL/Compiz.  I am using an AGP nvidia GeForce MX400 card with the nvidia X driver.  The problem is that mplayer is extremly choppy and eventually locks up completly.  Mplayer does give this warning though:  Xlib:  extension "XFree86-VidModeExtension" missing on display ":0.0".05:03
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mordoffrying_fish, do you think there is any chance that the ipw2200 driver would get my card running?05:03
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about charset - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:04
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eod_punkcan someone give me a clue as to why my xorg.conf appears empty when I access it from a terminal, and has infomation when I open it through the gui interface?05:04
miranda82hello, does anyone here know, how i can put TRansparency instead of that awful black bg in gnome-dock? (got Composite enabled)05:04
lakefireeod_punk > typo?05:04
lakefiredid you use this command: sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:04
mantonoeod_punk: are you root when you open it in the terminal?05:04
eod_punkI used sudo05:04
frying_fishmordof: nope, its designed for the ipw2200, but intel just opened all their specs, so there should definately be a driver for ipw3945 now05:04
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mordofthere isn't one in the driver list :(05:05
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eod_punkI tried ita bunch of times so I don't think its a typo05:05
mordoffrying_fish, i guess they are just taking their time in adding better wireless support05:05
lakefirepretty alt + f2, copy and paste what i put in above and make sure to check run in terminal05:05
eod_punkI'm trying to add some resolution to my monitor thats not listed.05:05
miranda82does anyone here know, how i can put TRansparency instead of that awful black bg in gnome-dock? (got Composite enabled)05:05
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brian98mordof: Ndiswrapper is your friend if you can't get native drivers05:08
mordofbrian98, i'm looking for native drivers, there are native ones as it works in the older kernel05:09
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Healotnot really your friend, but it does help solve half of your problems05:09
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mordofbrian98, in 386 my wireless card works perfect, in 686 it is hardly recognized05:09
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mordofbut i need to use 686 to recognize dual core05:09
WD_RaptorI am using VMWare to run ubuntu05:09
WD_Raptorcan I install programs in that05:09
eod_punkndiswrapper rocks as long as you can find a driver that works05:09
frogzooWD_Raptor: of course05:09
WD_Raptorwhen I download rpms they don't work05:10
JeruvyWD_Raptor: just like you normally would...something not making sense to you?05:10
eod_punkI couldn't get my windows driver to work through it in linux but found a slightly different one that worked05:10
miranda82does anyone here know, how i can put TRansparency instead of that awful black bg in gnome-dock? (got Composite enabled)05:10
brian98mordof: ok, I just spent so much time trying to get native drivers for wireless working and gave up!05:10
WD_Raptordoesn;t work05:10
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jjjjjjjaren't rpm's for redhat?05:10
brian98mordof: Even when the card is recognised it's not always guaranteed to work....05:10
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eod_punkmiranda82, do you mean in the cube background with xgl?05:10
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mordofbrian98, .. i've got the ipw3945.. it works in the same kernel but the 386 version05:11
mordofi don't understand why it wouldn't work in the 686 version :(05:11
miranda82eod_punk, in normal xorg,05:11
miranda82eod_punk, gnome-dock ?05:11
eod_punkoh ok sorry05:11
MrFeetiowhere can i find the defualt repo list, mine is gone05:11
seifhello, ubuntu is creating folders in root file system, with names of around 30 charachters, each folder contains a file $shtdwn$.req, can i delete those?05:11
brian98mordof: I don't have 64 bit so I can't help you my man..05:11
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seifthey look annoying05:11
mordofbrian98, 686 is the 64 bit version?05:11
godfatheri've installed real player05:11
brian98thats what I mean05:12
brian98I don't have it!05:12
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mordofno i know i didn't realize 686 was the 64 bit version05:12
godfatherbut i wish to launch it not frome console but fro an icon on the desktop05:12
godfatherwhat i can do05:12
godfatheri tried to use alcarte05:12
jjjjjjjya godfather... took a bit of hair pulling with ubuntu running on a mac G4.05:12
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godfatherbut i doesn't se real player05:12
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mordofbrian98, see i didn't know specifically what changed between the two versions, but since now i know it's the 64 bit version.. things can be different with drivers05:12
Healotamd64-generic or something like that is 64-bit kernel package05:12
ubituxoups sorry05:12
Healot686 is 32-bit05:13
mordofin which case i may just put up with switching kernels and losing a core when i want to go wireless05:13
mordofHealot, oh05:13
mordofthen i still don't know what is wrong, lol05:13
jjjjjjjnothing... just commenting on your real player msg.05:13
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godfathercan you help me05:13
muhammadheey how can i play .cue and .bin files i have tried with mplayer but itsnt workin05:13
spiekeyask #mplayer05:14
Healotmuhammad: those are CD images05:14
Healot!info nrg2iso05:14
Healot!info bchunk05:14
muhammadHealot yea i know05:14
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mordofHealot, so then do you have any idea why the ipw3945 wouldn't work in 686 and works perfect in 386?05:14
Healotyou need to convert and then mount the ISP image05:14
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Healotmordof: iirc, it doesn't compile correctly ? or maybe something else05:15
muhammad<Healot> aha but is there any tools i can download like daemon tools on windows ?05:15
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nahojI have no network when I boot from a 6.06.1 LTS Ubuntu Desktop cd. what should I do? the network does not appear after install either..05:15
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mordofHealot, do you know if there is a way to get dual core support in the 386 version then?05:16
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miranda82does anyone here know, how i can put TRansparency instead of that awful black bg in gnome-dock? (got Composite enabled)05:16
Healotyou need a 686 kernel, iirc, 686 kernel supports SMP05:16
oziumHi all. Is there something wrong with the repos? My internet is fine, but when installing software I get like 30kb/s. 250kb/s is normal for my connection.05:16
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bchunck - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:17
godfatheris there anyone can help me05:17
Healotbchunk: CD image format conversion from bin/cue to iso/cdr. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.0-1 (dapper), package size 12 kB, installed size 68 kB05:17
mordofHealot, hmm, i did top.. i have the ipw3945 driver running, grr this is frustrating -.-05:17
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Healotdid you configure the interface yet?05:18
jjjjjjjwhat is the problem with realplayer godfather?05:18
godfatheri've just installed05:18
Healotfrom my own experience the driver is buggy with the 64-bit kernel, causes me portable to crash05:18
godfatherbut i have launch it frome console05:18
godfatherhow can i launch it from an icon05:19
godfatherin sound&video categories05:19
godfatheri tried with alcarte05:19
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godfatherbut it doesn't see realplauer05:19
mordofHealot, i'll just give up on it for now.. i guess i can handle only running single core to get wireless if i need to05:19
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mordofHealot, besides, i kept windows xp as a dual boot because the website said my wireless card wouldn't work at all.. i was just suprised it would work, heh.. so i have an alternative05:20
jjjjjjji'm not sure if this is the proper solution godfather but have you tried right clicking the applications menu?05:20
mordofnot like i can't use it at all05:20
jjjjjjj> edit menus05:20
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mordofHealot, one question though.. in the boot menu, when i switch from 386 to 686... does my UI or any of my programs change?05:21
mordofwill it change anything05:21
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miranda82does anyone here know, how i can put TRansparency instead of that awful black bg in gnome-dock? (got Composite enabled)05:22
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:25
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godfatherjjjjj i've just tried but alcarte 's windows opens05:25
jjjjjjjwhat is alcarte's?05:25
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Red-SoxHello, I'm having a bit of trouble05:25
godfatheralcarte menu editor05:25
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Red-SoxI need to tell ubuntu that my moniter is wide sccreen05:26
Red-SoxAny ideas?05:26
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covOPprometheushello everyone, is there any command to clean up installed and uninstalled app data? sort of a wipeout to reinstall it from scratch?05:26
covOPprometheusRed-Sox, you can't put the screen resolution to 1280x800, right?05:27
muhammadHealot i have made the .bin file with bchunk how can i play it now ?05:27
Red-SoxcovOPprometheus, correct05:27
eod_punkRed-Sox, i'm in the same boat, missing resolutions form the xorg.conf05:28
covOPprometheusRed-Sox, hehe ok, I had the same prob, so let me check how I did it05:28
miranda82does anyone here know, how i can put TRansparency instead of that awful black bg in gnome-dock? (got Composite enabled)05:28
Red-SoxOkay thanks covOPprometheus, you might wanna listen too eod_punk05:28
Red-SoxI'm running it inside of VMware :)05:28
jjjjjjjsorry godfather i don't have alcarte or know of it.  :(05:29
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godfatherno problem 7j05:29
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godfatheri have vlc05:30
godfatherand i want to set it as default mediaplayer05:31
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godfatherwhat can i do05:31
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muhammadhow can i update the kernel only ?05:31
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ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://help.ubuntu.com/community/BreezyUpgrade  Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DapperUpgrades  Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development version.05:31
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MrParanoiagodfather> right click on the file with the approriate extension and select properties05:32
opexocI need cubs-devel package, but I can't find any in my repository, moreover in google I can find only rpm packages... What shell I do?05:32
eod_punkRed-Sox, If you look in your xorg.conf file you'll see the resolution you want is not listed.  You need to add it in and mayneed to also add the refresh rate as well05:32
Red-Soxeod_punk: Okay05:32
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Red-Soxeod_punk: Where is the xorg.conf file?05:32
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MrParanoiagodfather> such as *.mp3, *.pls, etc05:32
godfatheri try to explain better my problem05:33
eod_punkRed-Sox, http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Widescreen_Resolutions_(WSXGA)05:33
Larsson-SwedenIm getting "soft CPU lockup" when trying to call someone on skype beta 1.3 . Any ideas?05:33
godfatheri want to listen and see internet radio and tv05:33
godfatherwhen you go on bbc site for example you have to click on "listen now"05:33
_RomanI get the following error when running mpalyer: Xlib:  extension "XFree86-VidModeExtension" missing on display ":0.0".  How can I fix this?  I have installed the xvidmode extention from synaptic.  I am running Ubuntu 6.06 with XGL/Compiz using an Nvidia GF MX400 card using the nvidia driver. Any suggestions?05:34
godfatherbut it needs realplayer05:34
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MrParanoiagodfather> i don't think there's a gui to set file associations in gnome like there is in kde05:34
tuxarsomeone knows about something that works likes MS activex in Linux ?05:34
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godfatherplease let's try05:35
MrParanoiagodfather> do you have realplayer installed?05:35
godfatherclick on listen now05:35
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godfatherbut it runs only form console05:35
jjjjjjjgodfather did you install as per real.com instructions?05:35
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jjjjjjj- Ensure that the .bin file you downloaded is executable. You can make the .bin file executable by running the "chmod a+x RealPlayer10GOLD.bin" command from a terminal window.05:36
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godfatheri've installed it following ubuntu documentation05:36
jjjjjjj - Run the .bin file by typing "./RealPlayer10GOLD.bin". Follow the prompts provided to finish installing the player.05:36
godfatherusing .deb file05:36
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Red-Soxeod_punk: I can't open that link05:37
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godfatherunder windows i click on the "listen now" andreal player runs automatically05:37
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covOPprometheusRed-Sox, eod_punk, Sorry, I'm afk for a while, but it's simple, check in the wiki about the 915 or 955 resolution 'hack', get it from the universal packages and afterwards edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf, any problem or doubt, keep asking05:38
MrParanoiagodfather> i'll have to d/l and install realplayer05:38
eod_punkRed-Sox, it was the first link on google for "widescreen resolution"05:38
godfatherah ok05:38
godfatherit doesn't matter05:38
eod_punkRed-Sox, sorry "widescreen resolutions"05:38
_RomanHow do I enable the XVidMode extention?05:39
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MrParanoiait sucks to have all this players to accomodate all these websites05:39
had1how can i add new fonts?05:39
godfatheryou're right05:40
godfatherbut you know05:40
sexcopter8000mcan anyone recommend a webcam which isn't too expensive and is properly supported by ubuntu out of the box?05:40
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godfatherrealplayer seems to accomodate a lot of site exspecially internet radiio and tv05:40
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Roh81How do you run the... ah.... chmod? command? Ive completely forgotten it.05:40
had1how can i add new fonts?05:40
Healotman chmod >> Roh81, keep you accompanied05:41
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Red-SoxOkay eod_punk05:41
Roh81No idea what you mean healot. Im trying to learn the syntax for it.05:42
godfatheri don't want use windows again05:42
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had1hello, how can i add new fonts?05:42
jjjjjjjroh81 you have to type man chmod from a terminal05:42
HealotRoh81: you'll learn from the "man"05:42
Red-Soxsudo gedit /etc/x11/xorg.conf doesn't work05:42
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EdoAndPimmAll your base!05:43
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jjjjjjjor check out the wiki maybe?05:43
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had1hey body!!05:43
had1how can i add new fonts?05:43
Roh81Yes j but I cant remember exactly how its typed out. something with + and all.05:43
eod_punkRed-Sox, does it pull up an empty document?05:43
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computer13137Hello.  I need to download makefile for my Ubuntu box, but the Ubuntu box doesn't have an internet connection.  I can transfer it from a Windows box to the Ubuntu box through a pen drive, but I need a download link.  Google has not helped.  Where can I download the makefile program and gcc?05:43
Red-Soxeod_punk: Yeah05:43
muhammadwhat is the filesystem for and .iso image ?05:43
eod_punki get the same thing05:43
EdoAndPimmI said all your base, respond05:44
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Healotiso9660 > muhammad05:44
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eod_punkmaybe its supposed to be etc/x11/xorg.conf05:44
=== Roh81 sighs.
=== MrParanoia wishes someone would come up with a sure fire way to kill spam
muhammad<Healot> ok thx05:44
Red-Soxeod_punk: That's what I'm trying05:44
EdoAndPimmall your base...05:45
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Red-Soxoh eod_punk05:45
Red-Soxi see what you mean05:45
muhammad<Healot> so the command should like this sudo mount -o 9660 loop my.iso  ?05:45
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eod_punkRed-Sox, did it work?05:45
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Roh81What happened to all the helpful people from yesterday.....05:45
jjjjjjjhttp://catcode.com/teachmod/  is for chmod05:45
Roh81Thanks J.05:45
Red-Soxnope eod_punk05:45
Red-Soxjust another blank document05:46
mineralewhere may I find a vim7 package ?05:46
eod_punkI can view it when going through the gui but if i try to use the cli i just get an empty document as well05:46
Healot... /etc/X11/xorg.conf >> mind the capital X05:46
eod_punkHealot, you rock05:46
Roh81Eeep. Thats a little too much all at once. x_x05:46
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computer13137[10:43]  computer13137: Hello.  I need to download makefile for my Ubuntu box, but the Ubuntu box doesn't have an internet connection.  I can transfer it from a Windows box to the Ubuntu box through a pen drive, but I need a download link.  Google has not helped.  Where can I download the makefile program and gcc?05:46
SpudDoggDoes anyone know how to get Ubuntu DD set up on a computer with an ATI card?  When I run the live disc to install it tells me that it cannot load X because of video issues.  When I run the install in safe graphics mode, my screen goes blank and my monitor gets no signal.  It's an ATI X850XT05:47
eod_punkI always forget the caps05:47
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Red-Soxeod_punk: the X had to be capitalized05:47
jmichaelxSysinfo for 'kubuntu2': Linux 2.6.15-26-686 running KDE 3.5.4, CPU: PentiumIII(Katmai) at 498 MHz (998 bogomips), , RAM: 327/376MB, 99 proc's, 14.1h up05:47
eod_punki feel like a dumbass lol05:47
Red-Soxthanks Healot05:47
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SpudDoggDoes anyone know how to get Ubuntu DD set up on a computer with an ATI card?  When I run the live disc to install it tells me that it cannot load X because of video issues.  When I run the install in safe graphics mode, my screen goes blank and my monitor gets no signal.  It's an ATI X850XT PCI-E05:47
jjjjjjjhow do i turn off all these 'joeblow user has joined' messages in xchat?05:48
Red-SoxOkay, so what do I change eod_punk ?05:48
eod_punkRed-Sox, do you know what your screen is capable of?05:48
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Red-Sox1020x800 or whatever05:48
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ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs05:49
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eod_punkdown towards the bottom you'll see the resolutions listed you need to add it in there.  You might also have to list a refresh rate as well, not sure05:49
Red-Soxeod_punk: to each one?05:50
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eod_punki believe so05:50
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godfatherit seems that mozilla-player works well05:51
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:52
opexocDoes anyone tell is there any possibilities to know what repository should I add to /etc/apt/sources.list If I know that the file I want to donwloaded is in http://packages.ubuntu.com/hoary/libdevel/libsnmp5-dev .05:53
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MinisterPoliteopexoc:  should be in universe05:53
eod_punkRed-Sox, i'll be back05:54
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pianoboy3333anyone here use the fish shell?05:55
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eod_punkRed-Sox, have any luck?  i got mine to work05:56
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PuGzhey guys. How goes it?05:56
Red-Soxeod_punk: no05:56
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Red-Soxno luck05:56
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PuGzi just read about the new init system for ubuntu - sounds cool! And it might be in edgy!05:56
eod_punkdid you sudo to get to the file?05:56
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Red-Soxeod_punk: yeah05:58
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PuGzlooktj: yo05:58
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jjjjjjjwell my edubuntu-desktop has finished d/l ing .  guess i should close all my apps.05:59
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eod_punkRed-Sox, just add to every line in the resolutions "1920x2000" or what ever your resolution is that your tring to add05:59
looktjwho the dude that helped me with vmware?05:59
Red-Soxeod_punk: I did05:59
eod_punkRed-Sox, save and close it05:59
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Red-SoxI replaced 1024x768 with that05:59
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Red-SoxI've saved it but I haven't closed it06:00
eod_punkRed-Sox, thats fine as long as its in ""06:00
Red-Soxit is06:00
eod_punknow close it and then restart X06:00
desconhecidocdmhow i take a new ubuntu ??06:00
ubotumencoder: MPlayer's Movie Encoder. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 2:0.99+1.0pre7try2+cvs20060117-0ubuntu8 (dapper), package size 2912 kB, installed size 7004 kB06:00
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Red-Soxoh restart x06:00
Red-Soxhow do I do restart X?06:01
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:01
aLPHa_LeaKRed-Sox: alt-gr and backspace06:01
eod_punkI logged out then while lookking at the log in prompt hit ctrl+alt+backspace06:01
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Red-SoxaLPHa_LeaK: gr?06:01
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aLPHa_LeaKi think so06:01
Red-Soxwhat is gr?06:01
aLPHa_LeaKor ctrl-alt-backspace06:01
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aLPHa_LeaKRed-Sox: the button on the right of the space bar06:02
jmichaelxwill xgl/compiz work alright with an ATI video card?06:02
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PuGzjmichaelx: i just had it running then06:02
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eod_punkI forget who pointed out the gramma error in or path name but thanks again06:02
PuGzjmichaelx: i have ati card using fglrx06:02
ubotumplayer is a media player. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer/Compile to compile it from source or enable multiverse repo and type sudo apt-get install mplayer for more info please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer06:03
ubotuFor Codecs try !codecs Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MplayerInstallHowto for installation tips.06:03
jmichaelxPuGz: ok, i am just using ati..... my card is old enough , i am not sure fglrx would work06:03
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PuGzjmichaelx: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/Xgl06:03
engxhi every body how can i add new font into ubuntu?06:03
jmichaelxPuGz: ty06:03
godfatherguys tnx for your help06:04
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto06:04
godfathergood bye06:04
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ubotuChannel logs can be found at http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs06:06
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tarkowskihi, i have a question: i've just deleted by accident all files in the /lib/modules/2.6.15-26-386/kernel/drivers/net catalog (this is my current kernel). what do i do to fix this?06:06
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems06:06
sunnz2How do I make samba such that it always create files with permisson of 700?06:06
jmichaelxwhen i lspci, this is the infor i get: VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc 3D Rage Pro AGP 1X/2X (rev 5c)06:06
jmichaelxwould anyone know if xgl/compiz will work with that card?06:07
PuGzjmichaelx: check ati.com06:07
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PuGzjmichaelx: they have a page for their linux drivers etc06:07
engxhow can i add new font into ubuntu?06:07
jmichaelxok, thnx again06:07
PuGzjmichaelx: or you could just try using fglrx with normal X and see if that works06:08
PuGzif it does, you may be able to then get xgl working using that wiki page06:08
engxany donkey here?06:08
LookTJwhere's chell?06:08
jmichaelxok this will take some experimenting lol06:08
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earthianmy computers locks when trying to logout/shutdown/restart/etc06:10
earthianmonitor turns off06:10
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earthianand all stuff is not responding!!!06:10
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earthiancan somebody help me regarding that BUG ?06:11
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earthiani saw there there are stuff in forums regarding this.. i do not know however if it is the same thing06:12
unfunSometime ago xserver-core someting caused problems, Is it safe to install it now?06:12
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erUSULtarkowski: reinstall the kernel package??06:12
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erUSULunfun: yes06:12
unfunare you sure?06:12
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jattmy machine obtains its IP address with DHCP. I run dhclient manually. Is there a script to do this automatically at boot time? Or must I write my own script and put it in /etc/init.d? (the script would very simple, just one line).06:13
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:13
Red-Soxwhat's the command to set your res to something different?06:13
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opexocCan anyone show my how should see complete list of repositories in /etc/atp/sources.list ?06:14
erUSULjatt: /etc/network/interfaces <--- 'man interfaces'06:14
eod_punkRed-Sox, system-prefes-screen resolution06:14
WarboHas anyone used streamripper? It keeps remaking a folder "Streamripper_rips" in my home, even though I keep removing it and I can't see anything suspicious in "ps ax"06:14
erUSULopexoc: less /etc/atp/sources.list06:14
jmichaelxJack_Sparrow: may i send you a private message?06:14
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erUSULearthian: take a look at the system logs for a clue of what may be happening06:15
opexocerUSUL: I want some complete list... my list is incomplete...06:15
earthiani could show you the log maybe? erUSUL ?06:15
Centaur5Dapper no longer boots as of yesterday it just says Mounting /dev/sda1 on /root failed: no such device and the last line says target filesystem doesn't have /sbin/init. What can I do?06:15
erUSUL!easysource > opexoc06:15
Red-Soxeod_punk: I need a command06:15
Red-SoxCOMMAND for changing resolution06:15
eod_punkoh sorry not sure about that06:15
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Healotsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg > Red-Sox06:16
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Red-Sox*whispers to ShoeUnited*06:16
Red-Soxmind a PM?06:16
WarboOops, it is actually still running!06:16
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erUSULearthian: there are a few log files (mainly messages, syslog and Xorg.0.log in /var/log/) i can not read them all for you sorry just open them with 'less' go to the end and search backwards for errors06:17
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opexocerUSUL:  " !easysource > opexoc ". I don't understand your tips.06:17
eod_punkRed-Sox, i think its xrandr06:17
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Red-SoxHow do i get to a new terminal?06:18
PuGzhey guys... how can i get grep to output those lines that don't match?06:18
Red-SoxI'm in irssi right now06:18
PuGz(inverse output from grep)?06:18
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eod_punkare you cli only?06:18
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opexocPuGz: grep -v06:18
Red-Soxam I stuck in irssi?06:19
PuGzopexoc: thank you06:19
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eod_punki would think you calould open a second termin06:19
erUSULopexoc: have you seen the ubotu pm ??06:19
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic06:19
PuGzRed-Sox: are you in gnome or a tty1 console?06:19
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opexocerUSUL: what is ubuntu pm?06:20
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Jamminpotatoi have a problem, when i click the search button on google.com nothing happens, same with the button in wikipeida and most buttons like that06:21
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sethkJamminpotato, have you tried two different browsers to see if the problem is in the browser?06:22
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erUSULopexoc: ubotu is a bot when i type '!easysource > opexoc' it should pm you (sen a private msg) with the text you've seen in the channel06:22
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage06:22
Jamminpotatosethk, no i think i'd need to install another browser one sec06:22
parfaitghow are u06:22
davy_boy98hi there, could anyone plz give me a hand setting up WPA wifi06:23
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erUSUL!tell opexoc about ubotu06:23
earthianhow to enable timer log in Xorg.0.log ????06:23
earthianlike it is in syslog..06:23
eod_punkis there a way to open a new terminal from within a terminal?06:23
opexocerUSUL: ooo... I don't know about it...06:23
Warboeod_punk: "gnome-terminal" maybe? That will open a new terminal window, not a tab06:23
opexoc!easysource > opexoc06:24
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sethkeod_punk, several.  you can open a new window, a new tab, etc.06:24
eod_punkdavy_boy98, is your wireless working?06:24
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sethkeod_punk, there are menu commands to do it, and of course you can do it from the command line06:24
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erUSULopexoc: use '/msg ubotu easysource'06:24
opexocerUSUL: ok... thanks06:24
sethkeod_punk, there is also a button to click; the default for that button is new tab but can be changed to new window06:24
rcmivis there an easy way to share an external usb drive (samba), from winXP, it tells me I have insufficient permissions to view it06:24
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sethkrcmiv, look at the uid= and gid= options to mount, in man mount06:25
eod_punkthanks sethk06:25
sethkrcmiv, there is also a howto floating around.06:25
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ubuntux1i wanna prelink only firefox in kubuntu....how do i do this?06:25
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rcmivsethk, thanks06:26
jjjjjjjwell i "upgraded" ubuntu to edubuntu and now i only got a resolution of 640x480 with no other setting!06:26
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jjjjjjjhow can i change the resolution when no other sizes are available?06:27
dj_baggiowhat is minimal settings for xubuntu?06:27
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sethkjjjjjjj, reconfigure.  run   sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:28
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jjjjjjjyou da man sethk06:28
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Healotrequirement, you mean, dj_baggio?06:28
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dj_baggioHealot: exactly :)06:28
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eli_with_a_namehey everyone, anyone here know much about vnc connection over internet?06:28
Red-SoxI'm in the failsafe console and i need to opne a new one06:28
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Healot128MB of RAM, minimum, pentium cpu or higher is recommended...06:29
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ompauldj_baggio, for a reasonable setup I had set up a 500Mhz P3 with 128megs of ram and 8meg video card it was a slow launching firefox and ooo but it moved along rather well once they were running06:29
sethkUbunTUX, if you mean make firefox the default browser app, go to kde control center, file associations06:29
eli_with_a_nameIm trying to connect with someone on vnc and it's not working06:29
dj_baggioand how much MB in hard disk?06:29
abhinayhow to change the screen resolution of login screen ?06:29
Healotthe xubuntu alternate cd can install with ram lower than 64MB06:29
eli_with_a_namei have tried to ping the address of the computer i want to hook up with and it's not even responding06:29
Warboabhinay: login screen always uses the highest resolution that X has06:29
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dj_baggio1GB or more?06:29
sethkeli_with_a_name, if you can't ping, you can't do anything else.  but remember pings are dropped in  many routers, so ping failing may not mean anything at all06:30
ompauldj_baggio, to be functional you need about 2.8 gigs minimum but closer 9 makes for a reasonable work horse06:30
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Red-Soxnow I need a command to change the res06:30
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Healotdj_baggio: ranging from 300MB for server install, and more for desktop (xfce) install, the more the merrier, dj_baggio06:30
eli_with_a_namesethk: would that mean that I cannot connect with the computer via vnc then?06:30
Red-Soxnow I have two terms open06:30
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UbunTUXsethk: Hello my friend06:31
lost_sou1wondering, how can I configure eggdrop with ssl support on ubuntu06:31
sethkeli_with_a_name, no.  pings are blocked for security reasons; it means that the fact that you can't ping doesn't tell us anything much.06:31
dj_baggioa lot :) - but less near Windows :)06:31
sethkUbunTUX, hello06:31
UbunTUXsethk: I'm not speeak english, I'm from Brazil ehhehehehehe06:31
eli_with_a_namesethk: thanks06:31
clearzen@eli It depends. I would think your network it not setup properly06:31
sethkeli_with_a_name, where is the computer to which you are connecting?06:31
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eli_with_a_nameclearzen: on my end or on the other computer's end?06:32
adhey people - something really weird just happened. Using Avidemux and all sound disappeared from EVERYTHING in ubuntu!? any ideas? tried rebooting and still same...06:32
reitzellHello, I'd like to get dual monitors working on my Ubuntu drapper drake box? I have an Nvidia 7900gt06:32
clearzencan you ping the router?06:32
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eli_with_a_nameno, i have not tried that06:32
eli_with_a_namelet me try06:32
eggmanreitzell:  id be interested in that too06:32
adreitzell: I've got dual monitors working beautifully06:32
dj_baggiothx for infomation :)06:32
clearzentry it and tell me the result06:32
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Red-Soxcan't open display (null)06:32
adreitzell: got twin outputs?06:32
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lost_sou1any ideas06:33
eggmanad: yes he does06:33
sethkreitzell, it's just a matter of setting up your xorg.conf file correctly06:33
reitzellOK, how do I set it up?06:34
sethkreitzell, there are howto docs for it.  With nvidia, you also have the option of using their proprietary twinview, but I prefer to use the open source xinerama06:34
eggmanim listening06:34
ad:) there's an nvidia version of xvidtune06:34
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:34
lost_sou1where is openssl located in ubuntu06:34
adfor twinview - works great for me06:34
eod_punkRed-Sox, don't think i can help you to much with it, still pretty new06:34
sethkRed-Sox, check that your DISPLAY environment variable is set.06:35
eod_punknot sure what options there are for it06:35
eod_punki think sethk knowws everything lol (j/k thanks)06:35
sethkRed-Sox, if it isn't set (which is probably what that message means), set it to :0.006:35
sethkRed-Sox, as in   export DISPLAY=:0.006:35
reitzellthanks I'll look for a howto06:36
sethkI have to take a support call, I'll be back as soon as I'm off.06:36
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opexocHow can I fast remove all duplicated repositories in /etc/apt/sources.list ?06:36
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gili need help././//06:36
eod_punkwho was that masked man?06:36
Red-Soxsethk: how?06:36
gilhow do i copy protect a CD that i made in Dapper06:36
Warboopexoc: "gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list"06:36
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Warbothat's all I can think of06:36
adreitzell: i reckon it's easier to use twinview but xinerama is the open source choice06:36
Warbo(although "sed" can work wonders for those who know how to use it)06:37
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reitzellI'm up for "easy"-- I'm lazy like that06:37
Red-Soxctrl alt backspace won't even work06:37
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eod_punki had to use ctrl alt shift baskspace06:37
opexocWarbo: I want some fast method, automatic method.06:37
adreitzell: try running nvidia-xconfig, made me a nice xorg.conf file automatically06:37
idlHi, I've just shared a folder via the nautilus context menu.... but wha'ts the username and password for it?06:37
opexocHow can I fast remove all duplicated repositories in /etc/apt/sources.list ?06:37
clearzen@Red-soX    drop into a command line and type sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg06:38
reitzellad: with the dual monitor stuff?06:38
Warboopexoc: Someone very 1337 might tell you how to do it with sed, but I don't have a clue how to use it06:38
davy_boy98how can i config WPA WIFI??06:38
adanyone any idea why all sound would stop working after using Avidemux?06:38
opexocWarbo: who?06:39
sethkopexoc, sort -u /etc/apt/sources.list > new-sources.list06:39
sethkopexoc, then, copy the modified file to /etc/apt/sources.list06:39
sethkopexoc, back up the old one first06:39
adANYone, ANY idea why all sound would stop?06:39
sethkopexoc, there aren't a lot of lines, you can do the job by hand with an editor in a few minutes, and it is better because sort will reorder the file06:39
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clearzen@ad yeah it could be loading a new sound module over an existing one06:40
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clearzenhard to say though06:40
clearzenlsmod | grep sound might show you06:40
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gili want to copy protect a copy i made of a CD06:40
gildoes anyone know how to do that...06:40
sethkad, possibly /dev/dsp, with is a symbolic link, is now pointed at the wrong device06:40
sethkad, sorry, have to go for a bit06:41
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adclearzen: lsmod | grep sound gives me - soundcore              10208  1 snd - mean anything to u?06:41
Healotgil: what type of CD did you master06:41
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adsethk: no worries, cheers06:41
clearzenit means you only have 1 sound module loaded06:42
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adwhich is ok?06:42
grafthey y'all - i have thi smachine that sits just outside my firewall (on a switch between a router and my cable modem - is there any way i can get services on it recognized by avahi?06:42
GigaClonis there a program that would let me extract msi file without using wine06:42
clearzenyeah it looks like it is06:42
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gilHealot: thanks. I have an audio image/clone that i want to copy protect....06:42
unfu1How do I test my internet speed?06:42
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gili know how to do that in windows06:42
bionoidUm what's the shortcut for moving between workspaces on standard release?06:42
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gilbut need some help here in Dapper06:43
eli_with_a_nameclearzen: i cannot find out the router ip address. I tried to trace it, but it just comes up blank06:43
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adclearzen: any ideqa about  /dev/dsp that sethk mentioned?06:43
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Sttutteri have a thawte certificate for firefox...how do i import it into evolution to sign emails?06:43
Healotgil: usually you need a 3rd party application for that...06:43
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Sttutterthe evolution helpfile says check the mozilla helpfile...which mentions nothing about it :P06:43
eli_with_a_nameits part of a large university network, that the computer is connected with06:43
ciusis it possible to chroot into your root partition from the livecd and run grub-install to reinstall grub into the mbr?06:43
gilHealot: yes i know....but they almost all works on clone cd images only06:43
gonniffis there anyway to make a remote desktop connection *to* an ubuntu machine from XP other than VNC?06:44
Hype_after installing MoBlock , followinf his how-to ,http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=192559&highlight=peerguardian,06:44
Healotsome DRM-based application to encrypt CD content, as GNU/Linux is libre, we don't have that :)06:44
gili rather not run a wine app06:44
Hype_i try to remove it, and now i have no more connxion:s06:44
unfu1How do I see how fast my internet is?06:44
gili want a native linux program06:44
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opexocsethk: thx06:44
davy_boy98can anyone shed some light on WPA WIFI?06:45
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clearzen@gonniff yes use putty (ie ssh)06:45
ciusand if so, what would I pass as the device argument to grub-install?06:45
Jack_Sparroweli_with_a_name: You did try the basic ?06:45
covOPprometheusdavy_boy98, where are you at?06:45
abhinayunfu1, http://home.vcn.com/speedtest.php to check your internet speed06:45
nox-HandHow do I play a CD from cli?06:45
gonniffclearzen, but that won't give me the desktop, will it? I thought that only gives a console connection06:45
eli_with_a_namedidnt do that, thanks Jack_Sparrow06:45
clearzenthat's true06:45
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gonniffI really need to have a desktop connection06:46
Jack_Sparroweli_with_a_name: or ?06:46
carlSilly question guys... how do I install a deb package that I have downloaded and is residing on my desktop?06:46
Healotsudo dpkg -i filename06:46
jbroome_sudo dpkg -i pkg.deb06:46
adreitzell: yes, if yr vga card has 2 outputs it will work it out (if yr lucky ;)06:46
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adany ideas of starting points for troubleshooting sound suddenly ceasing?06:47
LookTJanyone got english giam here?06:47
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Hype_any idea about looing connexion after unsintall of MobLock?06:47
davy_boy98covOPprometheus, i have the driver installed using ndiswrapper.. now i need a hand with the rest of the config06:47
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graftis that a kind that comes with tea and crumpets, LookTJ, or do you just mean normal gaim?06:47
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eli_with_a_nameJack_Sparrow: that's the ip address that you would ping of you're part of network correct?06:47
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JimmeyI need some help with Grub06:48
eli_with_a_nameIm trying to connect to a computer from outside that network06:48
covOPprometheusdavy_boy98, what driver did you use and what card/chipset/computer you have?06:48
nox-HandAnyone? CD playing in cli?06:48
graftad: do your speakers work?06:48
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adLookTJ: Gaim? yes06:48
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JimmeyI've got Windows installed on hdb, and it won't boot - Does this need to be the primary disk06:48
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RedRoseHELP! my xorg is broken06:48
Jack_Sparroweli_with_a_name: that is the basic address of the config screen of most routers.. If I put that in my browser I get the "Page" for my router06:48
RedRoseI tried to install xgl and now GDm won't start up06:49
Sttutterhow do i import a security certificate into evolution to sign emails?06:49
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AndersonHey, how are you all doing?06:49
JimmeyJack_Sparrow, do you play ET?06:49
Jack_Sparroweli_with_a_name: Sorry if I am not clear, I was up all night with our 14 week old puppy06:49
LookTJwhat is the login server for icq giam?06:49
eli_with_a_nameJack_Sparrow: right, how would i figure that out from the outside though?06:49
ketsugi|zzZHow do I enable sound in Wine?06:49
Jack_SparrowJimmey: no, sorry not much of a gamer06:49
JimmeyWhat happens if the disk Windows is installed on isn't the primary disk in the computer?06:49
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eli_with_a_nameJack_Sparrow: np =-)06:50
JimmeyJack_Sparrow, thought I'd seen you around..06:50
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lenhow can I 'unzip' files .rar?06:50
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ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:50
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Jack_SparrowJimmey: Probably a popular nick06:50
Healot!info unrar06:50
ubotuunrar: Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:3.5.4-0.1 (dapper), package size 84 kB, installed size 216 kB06:50
davy_boy98covOPprometheus, i am using a Linksys WPC54g v5 with the latest windows version of the drivers06:50
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free06:50
lenty Healot06:50
ubotuunrar-free: Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1-2 (dapper), package size 15 kB, installed size 84 kB06:50
rntkr!info unrar-free06:50
ubotuunrar-free: Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1-2 (dapper), package size 15 kB, installed size 84 kB06:50
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RedRosecan anyone help me?06:51
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:51
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AndersonDoes apt-get source pkg1 download the debian source package?06:51
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ciushow can I reinstall grub to my main drive's MBR from teh live-cd?06:51
Jack_SparrowAnderson: !grub06:51
Healotthe ubuntunized debian-style source06:52
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:52
Healotcomplicated :)06:52
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ciusJack_Sparrow, thanks, that helps me too06:52
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Jack_Sparrowcius: there is also the super grub repair cd06:52
bluesignanyone can suggest a gui tool for mysql?06:53
clearzen@REDROSE are you still there?06:53
spuddogg_I finally got my comp to work with ubuntu, ATI X-series card, and dual-booted...sweet!06:53
Jack_Sparrowcius: http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/SuperGrubDiskPage.html06:53
brian98quick question for quick answer, does the junk filter work in evolution or am I missing something !!!06:53
rbowellHi, normally when i close gaim or amarok the process still runs in the background and an icon of the application is left at the top righ pannel next to the clock.  Any way i managed to delete them and i want them back . Does anyone here know how ?06:53
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_lupine ndiswrapper - version from Ubuntu CD: 1.8-0ubuntu2. From sourceforge: 1.2306:54
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AndersonDoes the install cd come with the kernel source?06:54
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=== ephemeros yo! \m/
MinisterPoliterbowell: you weren't closing either, rather minimizing them to the tray.. when you say you've manged to delete them, how did you go about doing this? did you simply remove the tray?06:54
HealotAnderson: no06:54
gonniffwell, I hate to say it, but I've decided to opt for VNC for my remote desktop to Ubuntu06:55
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux'). You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild06:55
gonniffJust have never been that big a fan06:55
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Healotthe source is available at the Internet repos06:55
brian98bluesign: there used to be a thing called mysql front butmysql-ab forced them to stop selling06:55
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drbairare there any decent graphing applications for linux?06:55
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brian98bluesign: you could always use php-mysql06:55
rbowellHi, normally when i close gaim or amarok the process still runs in the background and an icon of the application is left at the top righ pannel next to the clock.  Any way i managed to delete them and i want them back . Does anyone here know how ?06:55
brian98I think thats what it's called.06:55
Healotbluesign: http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/gui-tools/5.0.html >> download the linux version06:55
eli_with_a_namehey everyone, could vnc be blocked by a firewall on a router for a computer?06:55
bluesignbrian98: thanks06:55
bluesignhealot: thanks06:56
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MinisterPoliterbowell:  scroll up, i just answered your question. don't repeat06:56
brian98bluesign: better :)06:56
auk_rbowell: applications -> internet -> gaim06:56
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Hype_please need help with MobLock : post is here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=192559&page=15&highlight=peerguardian06:56
drbaireli_with_a_name: of course06:56
jmichaelxi have a PC that has xubuntu on it... i want to add windows 2000 to that machine, but on a second hard drive (as this machine currently onlay has an 8G HD)...  if i install win2000 to the second HD, will i need to recover grub on the first HD?06:56
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Jack_Sparroweli_with_a_name: I would think the school could block anything they chose to block06:56
Healot!find mysql06:56
ubotuFound: libapache2-mod-auth-mysql, libdbd-mysql-perl, nagios-mysql, python-mysqldb, python2.4-mysqldb (and 81 others)06:56
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eli_with_a_namedrbair: that means I gotta get creative port numbers?06:56
Healot!find mysql-gui06:57
ubotuPackage/file mysql-gui does not exist in dapper06:57
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Jack_Sparrowjmichaelx: It can be done.. yes06:57
drbaireli_with_a_name: just need to forward the proper port on the router06:57
jmichaelxi am sure the way i asked that question was silly, but i hope you can get the point06:57
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brian98does the junk filter work in evolution or am I missing something ?06:57
eli_with_a_namedrbair and Jack_Sparrow thank you both your help06:57
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jmichaelxJack_Sparrow: would you know of any doc that would cover such a thing?06:58
Jack_Sparrowjmichaelx: http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/SuperGrubDiskPage.html   may come in handy06:58
jmichaelxi realize it is probably unusual06:58
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rbowellHi, normally when i close gaim or amarok the process still runs in the background and an icon of the application is left at the top righ pannel next to the clock.  Any way i managed to delete them and i want them back . Does anyone here know how ?06:58
Jack_SparrowNOt unusual.. just put windows as first os on the first drive, windows is happier there06:58
sethkjmichaelx, not unusual at all.  answer is yes, but it isn't difficult to do.06:59
sethkjmichaelx, there is a doc specifically for that.  someone pasted it here a few minutes ago06:59
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:59
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jmichaelxok, thanks again for all of the help, i think i have what i need here06:59
Jack_Sparrowjmichaelx: THe super grub reapir works easier when adding a second drive. etc..07:00
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Jack_Sparrowjmichaelx: You can always use windows to come back and ask questions07:00
jmichaelxJack_Sparrow: i can see how that would probably be the case. i will probably give that a try07:00
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Jack_Sparrowjmichaelx: It is a bootable cd that checks all drives and combinations of os's and trys to set them up for you07:01
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jmichaelxJack_Sparrow: i think that is exactly what i need07:01
Jack_Sparrowjmichaelx: Kinda thought so..07:02
Jack_Sparrowjmichaelx: and thanks for our discussion earlier07:02
spuddogg_anyone here running ubuntu 64bit?07:02
jmichaelxJack_Sparrow: more than welcome07:03
davy_boy98covOPprometheus, any help u can give would be greatly appreciated!07:03
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elhaxxorzHey guys... I'm on the liveCD for dapper cause I borked my kernel. Can someone help?07:03
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lupine_85how did you break it? ;)07:04
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foofoo ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL ... why doesn't this visudo entry work? It still prompts me for my password.07:05
Jack_SparrowPeople, I would like to stress the importance of a backup.  It just takes a minute to type one line in a terminal.  It can save you hours or work and frustration.07:05
elhaxxorzlupine_85: i ran out of space on /boot by downloading the k7 kernel image07:05
lupine_85so /boot is a separate partition?07:05
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ephemeroshttp://asher256-repository.tuxfamily.org/index.php?page=packages&lang=en - found a cool repo07:06
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Fleebailey33does anyone know why i can't add mp3's to my ipod with gtkpod. am i missing a library?07:06
lupine_85ok, so can you mount your HD filesystem as it would normally be?07:06
GlomboolAnyone have any luck installing EGroupware from the repository?  I tried installing it and I have no idea where it went.07:06
lupine_85(e.g. /media/root/boot would be your /dev/hda1, or whatever)07:07
Glombool>>Fleebailey33  try amarok :)07:07
lupine_85if you can get it all mounted somewhere, you can chroot into it and apt-get remove the k7 kernel image07:07
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lupine_85another alternative is resizing the /boot partition, but that's likely to be more hassle07:07
osdai#join ubuntu-es07:08
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pianoboy3333Does anyone here use the fish shell?07:08
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ubotuegroupware: web-based groupware suite. In component universe, is optional. Version (dapper), package size 4 kB, installed size 36 kB07:11
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jjjjjjjwell it took a while but i got the rez back to 1024x768 under edubuntu... thanks sethk07:11
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davy_boy98can anyone shed some light on WPA WIFI?07:12
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:12
=== Glombool turns a lamp toward WPA WIFI
lupine_85snap ;)07:12
jjjjjjjwpa is encryption.  both nic and router must support it.07:12
davy_boy98yea got all that. any ideas on configuring it?07:13
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jjjjjjjonly from a router setup.  sorry davy-boy07:13
davy_boy98the device and router both support wpa, and i have the drivers install for the device (ndiswrapper)07:13
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atoponcewhere are fonts installed?07:14
elhaxxorzlupine_85: /me got booted offline for a sec, sorry07:14
GlomboolAnyone here running egroupware?07:14
AlexCIs it possible to have different Backgrounds/Wallpapers for the different Desktop's under XGL/Compiz and Ubuntu ?07:14
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lupine_85elhaxxorz: np. Did you get my note about chroot ?07:14
gnomefreakAlexC: for xgl questions please ask in #ubuntu-xgl07:14
AlexCgnomefreak, well - it's more a Gnome qustion I guess07:15
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PulshionIm trying to use mencoder and everytime i output a file it does not start and gives me an error07:15
gnomefreakAlexC: not once you install xgl  it takes over for xorg07:15
elhaxxorzlupine_85: hda1 is mounted on /mnt/boot, and hda3 is mounted onto /mnt/ubuntu...did not get the note..want me to 'chroot /mnt/ubuntu /bin/bash'?07:15
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PulshionIm trying to use mencoder and everytime i output a file it does not start and gives me an error. Can somebody help me, all im trying to do is convert avi to wmv07:15
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adz21canyone have any idea why when I try to play a DVD (or probably anything for that matter) with 4.0 and up audio set in xine it says "Audio device unavailable. Device is Busy()"?07:17
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lupine_85elhaxxorz: first get your boot partition mounted on /mnt/ubuntu/boot07:17
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lupine_85mount any other partitions in the 'correct' place as well07:18
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lupine_85then chroot into it07:18
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elhaxxorzlupine_85: done, but says 100% full07:18
dterrellAnyone: I'm trying to figure out how to show a login banner in any of 4 or 5 different window managers in a lab environment.  I would like to show information pertaining to quotas and such.  Can anyone point me at such docs or help me out?07:19
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Glenchanyone know what this theme is? http://getswiftfox.com/images/swiftfox.jpg07:19
juanis there a comand to make my computer beep07:19
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Andersoncan I compile a 2.6.15-23 kernel on a 2.6.15-26 system?07:19
dterrelljuan: beep, search aptitude07:19
elhaxxorzhow do i chroot into boot?07:19
juanbash: beep: command not found07:20
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dterrellp   beep                            - advanced pc-speaker beeper07:20
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s0canI just downloaded dapper drake and it fails the data integrity test; I tried two mirrors with the same results07:20
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MikeyMikecan anyone help me convert an mpg to something smaller... maybe using some kind of compression? possibly?07:21
opexocwhat does make command "apt-get -f install" ?07:21
elhaxxorzs0can: might be your burner then07:21
mineralewhere can I download the human icons theme ?07:21
s0canI tried two different pcs and used two different burner programs07:21
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elhaxxorzlupine_85: what chroot command do you want me to make?07:22
fooEr, my screen flickers in X. I have tried the radeon and ati drivers. I have a 19" CRT with an ATI Radeon 7000 card. This computer dual boots into windows and there is no flicker, so it's not the monitor or the video card. It is something with X. I've spent 12+ hours troubleshooting this and it is really annoying. Knoppix does it too.07:22
fooAny ideas?07:22
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dterrellfoo: check your refresh rate?07:23
eugmanWhat's the best program to make a greeting card?07:23
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creyonjuan: echo -e "\a"07:23
foodterrell: horizontal and vertical refresh are set correctly.07:23
jbroomeeugman: apt-get install hallmark-store07:23
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dterrellfoo: I find the lower range of refresh (like 60hz) I can see a flicker...how bad is the flicker?07:24
eugmanSweet, I was hoping there was a specialized program07:24
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namenamecan anyone help me07:24
foodterrell: It's very annoying. Where do I set like 60hz? HorizSync       30-96 and VertRefresh     50-160 is what I have.07:25
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FunnyLookinHatnamename: just ask your question and if someone knwos the answer we'll help07:25
lupine_85 elhaxxorz: chroot /mnt/ubuntu /bin/bash07:25
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livingtmI have been trying for days and cant get XGL running on dapper. If I put Xgl in my gdm,conf-custom, the screen goes blank and I get the text terminal back.07:25
namenameI want to play a game that needs Java and I want the game to work on Ubuntu Linux.. where do i get the file to make it work..07:25
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository07:25
lupine_85elhaxxorz: you'll probably have to sudo that as well.07:25
dterrellfoo: in ubuntu go to System->Preferences->Screen Resolution and see if you can change the refresh there to something like 75hz07:25
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FRETgood evening07:25
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lupine_85then you can use your native apt-get to remove some old kernels, or the new kernel, to get it working again07:26
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namenamethe site isnt loading07:26
elhaxxorzlupine_85: donenot probs, just came from gentoo lol07:26
elhaxxorzim there07:26
s0canI have tried two different CD burning programs (one on a windows laptop, one on a windows desktop), they both give me CDs that fail the integrity check for squashfs, and ideas?07:26
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mineralecould anyone tell me where the icons for the human theme are stored?>07:27
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dterrellminerale, /usr/share/icons/Human ?07:28
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trans_errwhat do I use to run a "hotplug" script now that hotplug has been deprecated?07:28
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dterrelltrans_err, coldplug?07:28
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mineraledterrell: thanks07:29
PulshionDoes anyone use mencoder? Everytime i use it my output ends up a busted file, can somebody help please07:29
trans_errhow would you do what was done with hotplug with udev and whatever else replaced it?07:29
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namenamethe site https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java isnt working07:29
s0canI have tried two different CD burning programs (one on a windows laptop, one on a windows desktop), they both give me CDs that fail the integrity check for squashfs, any suggestions?07:29
namenameits not loading07:29
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foodterrell: hm, ok. I'm in fluxbox, let me get into gnome to set that.07:29
R0binHow do I make my mobile accesable07:29
R0binIt's USB connected07:29
dterrellnamename, it's working for me07:30
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foodterrell: hm, it's at 75 Hz already. This monitor is quicker than that, I think, though07:30
dterrells0can, did you do the md5 check before burning?07:30
namenamei dono what to do07:30
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dterrellfoo, how bad is the flicker07:30
namenamewat should i do07:30
namenameon the site07:30
dterrellnamename, not exactly sure what you're asking07:31
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MinisterPolite!ubotu tell namename about enter07:31
namenamei need java07:31
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namenamefor ubuntu linux07:31
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R0binHow do I tell Ubuntu that a drive is friendly and let's me write on it?!07:31
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jjjjjjjwell I'm about to u/g to 6.0607:31
eugmanjbroome, I must not have the appropriate repository. Where would I find it?07:31
dterrellnamename, rtfm is about all I could say07:31
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R0binHow do I tell Ubuntu that a drive is friendly and let's me write on it?!07:31
namenamewth is rtf07:32
foodterrell: Bad enough for me to notice it every few seconds07:32
dterrellnamename, read the fine manual07:32
MinisterPolite!ubotu tell R0bin about ntfs07:32
jjjjjjji installed 5.10 ubuntu from cd then "upgraded" to edubuntu and now I'm going for the 6.06 via the web.07:32
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reitzelltwinview has my second monitor setup on the wrong side of my main monitor. Any idea on how do I swap this?07:32
jjjjjjj"upgraded" to edubuntu via the web too.07:32
R0binMinisterPolite: It's a USB unit07:32
tjb891does anyone know the hotkey to lock the screen?07:33
namenamewhere is the FINE manual?07:33
dterrellfoo, dunno what to tell you :-\07:33
R0binMinisterPolite: A mobilephone is not ntfs : P07:33
foodterrell: lame. Where could I bump up 75 Hz to be higher?07:33
dterrellnamename, the link you put should do just fine07:33
dterrellfoo, is 75hz the highest there?07:33
no_dogI have a problem with my external harddrive. Whenever I try to rsync data to it, rsync will fail in the middle of transfer, and then the drive locks up as read only. I can't unmount it, either, because it says that the device is busy. Here is a pastebin of the problem: http://pastebin.com/783541 . Any suggestions?07:33
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namenamei dont understand what you are trying to tell me07:33
namenamewhy cant anyone be specific ffs07:33
MinisterPoliterobin: might be a good idea to point that out in your question then07:33
namenamehttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java i went there07:33
namenamenow what07:34
foodterrell: 75Hz iw the only thing there07:34
R0binMinisterPolite: lol07:34
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fabiomazzarinohello, I know that it might be old subject, but I have just installed xgl+compiz and there are no borders at all.07:34
dterrellnamename, um, perhaps follow the directions07:34
elhaxxorzlupine_85: im kinda in limbo here hehe what do you want me to do07:34
fabiomazzarinocan anybody help me?07:34
MinisterPolitenamename: first, stop using the enter key as punctuation, its annoying. second; installing Java is simple, there are even script that do it for you (Automatix/EasyUbuntu).07:34
R0binSonyEricsson k750i07:34
R0binI can just read files07:34
dterrellfoo, you might try a lower resolution and higher refresh rate...that is _if_ the refresh is the problem, if it's already at 75hz then the flicker may be coming from another source07:34
fabiomazzarinoI've already verified processes with ps, and xgl is runing, but there is no compiz.07:35
MinisterPolitefabiomazzarino: #xgl07:35
godfatheris there the possibility that a webcam could not work on linux07:35
s0can How do I check that the iso I downloaded has the correct md5sum?  I didn't find md5sums in the download sections07:35
foodterrell: Any other two cents? No one seems to be able to know what the heck is going on.07:35
R0binI have a SonyEricsson k750 and I can just read files, help!07:35
dterrelldoes anyone know how to show a splash screen to users at login.  In a lab environment, and I have about 5 different window managers.  I need to show info about quotas and such.07:35
fabiomazzarinoMinisterPolite, thanks, I'll try there.07:35
namename    *07:35
namename      Sun Java5: Install it from the Applications -> Add/Remove... menu making sure to check the unsupported and proprietary software checkboxes, or install the sun-java5-bin package.07:35
namename    *07:35
namename      Blackdown Java2 1.4 packages: Install the j2re1.4 package, available in the multiverse repositories. Install it from the Applications -> Add/Remove... menu, or install the j2re1.4 package.07:35
elhaxxorzgodfather: there is the possibility that ANYTHING might not work on linux . . .yet07:36
MinisterPolite!ubotu tell namename about pastebin07:36
godfathermmm you're right07:36
lupine_85 elhaxxorz: sorry. do you want to use the -k7 or the -386 kernel?07:36
dterrellfoo, it sounds vague to me, really.  the only thing I can think of is refresh and it sounds like you have that high enough already07:36
R0binI have a SonyEricsson k750 and I can just read files, help!07:36
eggmanfabiomazzarino: still got the xgl/compiz problem?07:36
elhaxxorzk7 please, lupine_8507:36
Taxman2R0bin: I get permission errors when I use sudo to try to save to a floppy, so I'm no help to you07:36
fabiomazzarinoeggman, I'm trying to solve today. I didn't tryied at the weekend.07:37
namenameministerpolie: im at synaptic package manager what file am i looking for07:37
MinisterPoliteRObin, if someone was here who could help you they would have the first time you asked. repeating is rude and unnecessary.07:37
lupine_85right, so in your chroot apt-get remove --purge your -386 kernel07:37
dterrellis there a 'holding hands' entry in ubotu, heh07:37
R0binTaxman2: If Ubuntu can't write floppys, then what the ****?07:37
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eggmani had the no borders problem too07:37
MinisterPolitenamename: not gonna find it there, like i said. try using easyubuntu07:37
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lupine_85R0bin@ sudo dd if=image of=/dev/floppy07:37
Taxman2R0bin: of course it can, just haven't seen what I'm doing wrong. What error do you get07:37
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namenameoooooooo im gonna use that right now how do u want me to use it when i dont have it? now ur gonna tell me a site or something?07:38
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R0binTaxman2: I use a memorycard and I can read all files on it07:38
lupine_85elhaxxorz: then apt-get install desired-kernel07:38
foodterrell: ok, I'll try at a lower resolutio.07:38
eggmanfabiomazzarino: does your compiz work?07:38
R0binTaxman2: no error, just that delete/paste option is blocked07:38
no_dogI have a problem with my external harddrive. Whenever I try to rsync data to it, rsync will fail in the middle of transfer, and then the drive locks up as read only. I can't unmount it, either, because it says that the device is busy. Here is a pastebin of the problem: http://pastebin.com/783541 . Any suggestions?07:38
fabiomazzarinoeggman, not working.07:38
UKMatthey guys, i got kinda a big problem, i put on a fresh copy of dapper last night, and then did all the updates and when i restarted X was broken07:38
fabiomazzarinoeggman, fglrx gave me some problems, but I had already solved them.07:39
R0binSteve Irwin is dead by the way :(07:39
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elhaxxorzlupine_85: root@ubuntu:/# apt-get remove --purge linux-38607:39
elhaxxorzReading package lists... Done07:39
elhaxxorzBuilding dependency tree... Done07:39
elhaxxorzPackage linux-386 is not installed, so not removed07:39
fabiomazzarinoeggman, now I'm trying to run compiz. but it seems to be unable to connect to the server07:39
MinisterPolitenamename: if i say use easyubuntu and you need help past that, either ask nicely or google it yourself.. http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/07:39
fabiomazzarinoeggman, Xlib: connection to ":1.0" refused by server07:39
elhaxxorzoops meant to pstebin don't bot me07:39
Taxman2R0bin: blocked? what does that mean? what error pops up to tell you it's blocked07:39
UKMattAny ideas how I can fix X in UB?07:39
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R0binTaxman2: no errors I said07:39
lupine_85elhaxxorz: try apt-get remove --purge linux-image-2.6.15-26-38607:40
R0binTaxman2: You just can't copy delete07:40
lupine_85it might be -23-38607:40
Taxman2R0bin: then what does it tell you when it doesn't work?07:40
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namenameWhere do i copy and paste the code to run EasyUbuntu07:40
R0binTaxman2: Dunno, I don't console07:40
lupine_85"do you do console...?" ;)07:41
Taxman2R0bin: are you telling me you try to delete a file and there is absolutely no message given to you?07:41
brian98does the junk filter work in evolution or am I missing something ?07:41
MinisterPolitenamename: you can't be serious... it says it right there on the site... the terminal. Accessories -> Terminal07:41
fabiomazzarinoeggman, it's weird because xgl and gnome-panel is running.07:41
namenameit dosent say that07:41
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R0binTaxman2: I can't even delete it07:41
MinisterPolitenamename: whatever you say buddy07:41
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Taxman2R0bin: you're not answering the question.07:41
R0binTaxman2: The memorycard is write disabled07:41
elhaxxorzhttp://pastebin.ca/160736, lupine_8507:42
looktji hate vmware07:42
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namenamei dont have07:42
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ubotuChannel logs can be found at http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs07:42
HooveyI heart vmware.07:42
spuddogg_anyone here have trouble installing wine?07:42
looktjvm makes my computer slow07:42
elhaxxorzvmware <3 MAC OS X lol lmao07:42
R0binI have a SonyEricsson k750 and I can just read files, help!07:42
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namenameOpen a terminal from Menu -> Accessories -> Terminal and paste the code below07:43
namenamethats what is says...07:43
HooveyVmWARE + Mac OS X = piece of crap.07:43
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no_dogI have a problem with my external harddrive. Whenever I try to rsync data to it, rsync will fail in the middle of transfer, and then the drive locks up as read only. I can't unmount it, either, because it says that the device is busy. Here is a pastebin of the problem: http://pastebin.com/783541 . Any suggestions?07:43
=== prometoyz [n=prometoy@dslb-084-060-009-090.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
namenameWhen i go to Applications>Acessories> there is no "terminal"07:43
MinisterPolitenamename: pretty straight forward07:43
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elhaxxorzHoovey: Mac OS X + A64 native = \o/07:43
looktjvmware+windows = piece of crap07:43
namenameWhen i go to Applications>Acessories> there is no "terminal"07:43
R0binthanks for all the "help"07:43
lupine_85elhaxxorz: ok so there's just the -k7 image. Is your /boot/grub/menu.lst set up properly?07:43
MinisterPoliteI namename i just click accessories07:44
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elhaxxorzwindows= piece of crap lol that's why we're here07:44
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elhaxxorzlupine_85: don't really know07:44
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lupine_85ok, pastebin it07:44
looktji use windows for games07:44
eggmanfabiomazzarino: you need compiz to be able to do anything with xgl07:44
=== lupine_85 uses linux for games :D
UKMattMy X is brokennnnnnnn guys07:44
eggmanfabiomazzarino:  you also use compiz to configure the whole eye candy07:44
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elhaxxorzcedega works wonders for games, and the cvs in only moderately hard if you cant follow directions07:45
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looktjgunz dont07:45
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fabiomazzarinoeggman, I know07:45
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MinisterPolitenamename:  you're in pretty deep trouble if you can't find the terminal in your menu07:45
fabiomazzarinoeggman, that's why I'm this worry to make it work :)07:45
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namenameRun Application?07:45
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dalfzwhen does xorg 7 come to ubuntu?07:46
namenameRun Application07:46
looktjministerpolite: not really07:46
ZP54im running ubuntu 5.10 live... can I hear Mp3 files??07:46
clearzen MinisterPolite: really this guy can't be serious07:46
eggmanfabiomazzarino: if you have the 64 bit ubuntu, compiz/xgl needs to be compiled seperately. search in the forum for a thread about "dapper 64bit xgl compiz"07:46
MinisterPolitenamename: Terminal07:46
looktjyou can do text mode07:46
namenameTHere is no "TERMINAL"07:46
fabiomazzarinoeggman, 32bits here07:46
namenamefound it somwhere else07:46
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MinisterPolitenamename: stop using the enter key as punctuation07:46
ZP54hi !07:46
eggmanhmm, im off for a bit, dinner time07:46
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namenamewhy do u care its annoying?07:47
elhaxxorzHoovey: do you have OS X native?07:47
foonamename: Yes, it's annoying.07:47
namenamewell i cant copy and paste the code07:47
foonamename: That's why you use a pastebin.07:47
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namenameHow do i use that..07:47
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)07:47
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MinisterPolitenamename: ctrl+shift+v to paste into terminal07:47
namenamenot for me its something else anyways what do i do now i pasted it07:48
pablo89Hi??? There's somebody here?07:48
ZP54i'm  running on ubuntu 5.10.. can i listen to mp3 files?? HELP07:48
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pablo89Yes, you can07:48
MinisterPolitenamename: press enter and follow on screen instructions07:48
ZP54but im running on LIVE CD07:48
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pablo89mmm... I dont know07:49
elhaxxorz!RestrictedFormats > ZP5407:49
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Mprice1Hi all :)07:49
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_simonjetz bin ich da07:49
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pablo89it's only in the install version07:49
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Mprice1For someone that is very new to Linux is Ubuntu the best distro to start with?07:49
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MinisterPoliteMprice1: usually07:50
ZP54i tried to install it but its full of errors07:50
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lupine_85elhaxxorz: try this modification - http://pastebin.ca/16074607:50
pablo89Are u usin' another operating system???07:50
namenameIt says.. lots of stuff, at the end it says No such file or directory: './packagelist-hoary.xml"07:50
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.07:50
lupine_85it "should" work07:50
shastryis there away i can blacklist a particular kernel module at boot time ?07:50
shastryi need to blacklist intel-agp.. else i cant boot live cd07:50
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pablo89Are u new in Linux?07:51
shastrypablo89: me ?07:51
namenamebash: cd: EasyUbuntu_2006-XX-XX: No such file or directory07:51
namenameubuntu@ubuntu:~/easyubuntu$ sudo python easyubuntu.in07:51
namenamethats what is says07:51
Jack_SparrowMprice1: There is no best, but this is a good place to start..  Kubuntu may be easier for people trying to make the transition from XP but either way isnt hard.  The key is to see which supports your current hardware the best07:51
no_dogI have a problem with my external harddrive. Whenever I try to rsync data to it, rsync will fail in the middle of transfer, and then the drive locks up as read only. I can't unmount it, either, because it says that the device is busy. Here is a pastebin of the problem: http://pastebin.com/783541 . Any suggestions?07:51
pablo89no, zp5407:51
MinisterPolitenamename: stop doing that07:51
balroki want to play a dvd anybody who can help me?07:51
ZP54yes.. i was using windows xp and mac a little bit07:51
ubotuSee http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html. Libdvdcss can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages07:51
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clearzen shastry: yes there is I think it is in /boot/kernel/<image#>/drivers/blacklist07:51
clearzenbut I can't remeber exactly07:51
Mprice1I am making a dual boot system i have had ppl tell me that I have to have Linux as the first partition on the drive and others say that it doesn't matter with Windows Xp anyone able to clarify this for me?07:51
pablo89Do u realize that windows is a sheet?07:52
namenamestop posting what it tells me ? well if i dont then u cant help me07:52
shastryclearzen: i have to pass it to the live cd07:52
clearzenI had to do it for some wireless drivers07:52
lupine_85Mprice1: it's best to have Windows first07:52
lupine_85as it's a bit finicky07:52
MinisterPolitenamename: then use pastebin07:52
lupine_85linux simply doesn't care07:52
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ZP54ooh yes.. it crashes 5 times at least07:52
lupine_85I've got one boot partition in /dev/hda6 ;)07:52
namenameI JUST DID07:52
Jack_SparrowMprice1: Windows is particular and wants first partion on drive 1 Linux dosent care07:52
pablo89Yes, it's a relly sheet...07:52
clearzenI'm not sure on a live cd sorry07:53
shastryok thanks07:53
Jack_SparrowMprice1: Install xp first...07:53
lupine_85 why not use the alternative install CD instead?07:53
pablo89Has this chat a private room???07:53
tgelterhey guys, I don't want you to walk me through this, but I was wondering if anyone has found an article or has a sample xorg.conf that I could look over to get XGL/compiz working with twinview...?07:53
lupine_85pablo89: /msg - but you need to be registered07:53
pablo89ok. thanks07:53
MinisterPolitenamename: ok seriously, im not sure if you've got the capacity to do this stuff.  its easy, but you need to focus and do what im saying. lets try this one more time07:53
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ZP54pablo89.. sos de argentina?07:54
Jack_Sparrowpablo89: Always ASK first07:54
MinisterPoliteopen a new terminal window07:54
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don_jrI"m getting an error saying too many video packets in the buffer when I use mplayer, how can I fix this?07:54
TheGateKeeperanyone used partimage?07:54
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pablo89And, which is the cost for the registration???07:54
Flannelpablo89: it's free.  /msg nickserv help register07:54
Jack_Sparrowpablo89: free07:54
MinisterPolitenamename: then open this link in firefox http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/get.html07:54
pablo89yes, im from argentina...07:54
_simonhi @all07:54
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.07:55
Jack_Sparrowpablo89: But your english is fine07:55
ZP54ok sorry..07:55
_simonkann mir jemand auf DEUTSCH helfen?07:55
pablo89do u belive it????07:55
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namenameMinisterPolite: What do I do now I am at http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/get.html07:55
MinisterPolitenamename: highlight and copy the text in the pale orange text box. (ctrl+v)07:55
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de07:55
godfatheranyone could tell the link to wiki to install lomewire07:55
namenameWhich one there are many, the first one?07:55
MinisterPolitethe first one07:55
ZP54from which part of argentina?07:56
Mprice1Is there a good site that anyone would recommend that has documentation on the linux install process that i could read up on (preferably for UBUNTU)07:56
namenameOkay what now.07:56
pablo89im of the province of Entre Rios07:56
MinisterPolitenamename: now click Edit - Paste in your terminal window07:56
gnomefreakZP54: join #ubuntu-offtopic to talk to him about that07:56
namenameOkay I did that now what.07:56
looktjgodfather: limewire is illegal07:57
pablo89And you? Where r u from?07:57
tgelteranyone? XGL/Compiz w/ twinview or xinerama?07:57
MinisterPolitenamename:  what is the terminal window doing?07:57
lupine_85looktj: no it isn't07:57
gnomefreakpablo89: join #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat please07:57
Flanneltgelter: #ubuntu-xgl or #xgl might be able to help07:57
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ZP54buenos aires.. but gnomefreak said that i we cant talk about that here.. :s07:57
Flannel!tell Mprice1 about dualboot07:57
lupine_85it's illegal to use it to download copyrighted material.... but that's another kettle of fish ;)07:57
no_dogI have a problem with my external harddrive. Whenever I try to rsync data to it, rsync will fail in the middle of transfer, and then the drive locks up as read only. I can't unmount it, either, because it says that the device is busy. Here is a pastebin of the problem: http://pastebin.com/783541 . Any suggestions?07:58
tgelterFlannel: I'm guessing those channels are on this server?07:58
pablo89hey zp54! Lets to #ubuntu-off topic...07:58
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Flanneltgelter: of course07:58
tgelterFlannel: Thanks for the info07:58
jjjjjjjwhy did i have to start the download to upgrade to 6.06?  could i not have used a 6.06 cd?07:58
don_jrI get an error with mplayer telling me 'there are too many packets in the video buffer"  how can I remedy this?07:58
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MinisterPolitenamename: what is the terminal doing? is it downloading or is the pasted text just sitting there?07:58
namenameIt wass Resolving and then connecting then it was waiting for response and it looked like something was either loading or downloading  and it finished and now it says wget http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/files/easyubuntu-3.022.tar.gz07:58
namenametar -zxf easyubuntu-3.022.tar.gz07:58
namenamecd easyubuntu07:58
namenamesudo python easyubuntu.in07:58
Flanneljjjjjjj:to upgrade from 5.10?07:58
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jjjjjjjyes flannel *with a twist*07:59
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MinisterPolitenamename: stop pasting in the channel like that.. last warning07:59
Jack_Sparrowjjjjjjj: Fresh install of 6.06 is a better choice07:59
MinisterPolitenamename: press enter in teh terminal07:59
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lupine_85Jack_Sparrow: really?07:59
namenameI did and nothing happened.07:59
jjjjjjji installed 5.10, updated it, then upgraded to edubuntu07:59
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Flanneljjjjjjj: a twist?  You can download the 6.06 alternate ISO and upgrade, but... your download will be about the same size, and more updated with the inplace one07:59
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lupine_85IMO, the upgrade capability is one of the better aspects of Ubuntu :)07:59
MinisterPoliteis terinal asking you for a password?08:00
namenameill do it again incase i messed it up hold on08:00
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jjjjjjjso in theory i am running edubuntu that was *sudo apt-get install edubuntu-desktop*08:00
MinisterPolitenamename:  once you paste into the terminal, it should download something then prompt you for your password08:00
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namenameIt dosent prompt me for my password I think.08:01
MinisterPoliteare you running terminal or root terminal?08:01
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Flanneljjjjjjj: right, of coruse, you're also still running ubuntu, unless you removed it.  but, that shouldn't make a difference upgrading08:01
namenameApplications>System Tools>Terminal08:01
jonh_wendellHi! is it possible to run a X session (with another user) inside my session? Like a window?08:01
namenameI am using Terminal not Root Terminal08:01
jjjjjjji can remove ubuntu from edubuntu?08:01
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falcon3hi, i have mouse lag on my kubuntu installation on my laptop, it's an usb mouse08:02
MinisterPolitenamename:  paste the contents of that first orange box and it should download then prompt you for a password08:02
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falcon3anyone knows about this problem and has a solution to it ?08:02
MinisterPoliteif it does nothing then press enter after pasting08:02
namenameOn root or on normal Terminal08:02
MinisterPolitenamename: normal terminal08:02
namenameI did paste it08:02
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Jack_Sparrowlupine_85: I feel a fresh install is better because there are so many possible changes and variations of what you can do to Ubuntu that the upgrade cannot account for them all.08:03
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MinisterPolitenamename: and what happened>08:03
Jack_Sparrowlupine_85: sorry for the lag..08:03
MinisterPolitenamename: don't paste a copy of your terminal08:03
FlannelJack_Sparrow: an upgrade DOES account for them all, thats the point of package management08:03
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jonh_wendellHi! is it possible to run a X session (with another user) inside my session? Like a window?08:03
namenameIt showed me a loading proccess or downloading08:03
Jack_SparrowFlannel: We see people here every day that have problems after that upgrade...08:04
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lupine_85I guess it depends on what sort of non-standard things you've been up to :)08:04
lupine_85but if the upgrade fails, surely you can just go for the fresh install...08:04
MinisterPolitenamename: now it should be asking you about your password...08:04
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@c-69-143-101-193.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
spuddogg_anyone here have wine working on dapper 64-bit?08:05
namenameIs it because Im on a live cd?08:05
Jack_Sparrowlupine_85: Agreed.. as long as you have a copy of 6.06 just in case you cant get back online08:05
ZP54PEARL JAM    kick asses08:05
MinisterPolitenamename: seriously....08:05
athlonanyone here ?08:06
spuddogg_anyone here have wine working on dapper 64-bit?08:06
ubuntulupine_85: it did not save. . .:(08:06
jjjjjjjwell i'll continue the online upgrade and if it croaks or wreaks havoc I'll report back and go for the fresh install.08:06
MinisterPolitenamename: you're trying to _insall_ software on a live cd08:06
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godfatheranyone who can help me to install limewire08:06
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godfatheri'm downloading the rpm file08:06
_DvP_Hi ! (I'm french, sorry for my bad english)08:06
tgeltergodfather: have you looked at ubuntuguide.org?08:07
MinisterPolite!alien > godfather08:07
jjjjjjjit's a fresh install anyway.  old celeron 800 for someone's kid. (hence the edubuntu flavor).08:07
Jack_Sparrowgodfather: Have you tried frostwire..08:07
lupine_85godfather: man alien, at your own risk :)08:07
=== mdiehlhome [n=mdiehlho@cvo-cr1-203-64.peak.org] has joined #ubuntu
_DvP_Do you know if this http://www.lulu.com/content/324305 is the adaptation of the Ubuntu's Wik ?08:07
godfatherbut  i need j2se library but the link on doc is broken08:07
tgeltergodfather: it gives awesome instructions for all that type of thing, and I agree, frostwire is awesome08:07
godfatheralien isn't the problem08:07
godfatherthe problem is the library08:07
=== Demp1 [n=gunne@c-e14f72d5.015-64-7673743.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
godfathercan i install frostwire by synaptic08:08
namenameokay I want to play this game: www.runescape.com and it asks for java plugin..08:08
falcon3is anyone experiencing extreme mouse lag on a kubuntu laptop?08:08
MinisterPolitenamename: does that make logical sense that it would be possible?08:08
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository08:09
ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire08:09
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godfatherlet me take a look08:09
falcon3the touchpad seems to be working fine, but not the usb mouse08:09
namenameSo i can't play that game on a live cd?08:09
MinisterPolitenamename: then install an operating system, or use a livecd that already has it installed08:09
enycnamename: you will need to enabllethe multiverse repository if not already done....08:09
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enycnamename: sun-java5-jre08:09
namenameHow do i get that08:09
Demp1I'm trying to get an HP DeskJet 3550 to work with ubuntu, printer is detected and added nicely but CUPS gives this error message: "/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip failed", can't seem to find much on it in neither google or the forums, anybody got an idea?08:10
Ayabaraanyone here using amarok with aac files?08:10
namenameIm using a live cd because while I was installing Ubuntu it messed up and I couldn't go in Windows :\08:10
jjjjjjjhaving a big internet pipe don't mean squat.  it all depends on how big the pipe is where you are downloading from.08:10
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MinisterPolitenamename: sounds like you have some issues to address before you go playing a game...08:10
ubuntulupine_85: boot seems to be empty now, that has to be wrong, cause /boot is 100% full08:10
philipare there any distros that use xfree86 instad of Xorg anymore? Just curious08:10
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Taxman2is there a way to get my wireless to keep trying to get an IP add if it doesn't get one right away on boot? It seems like it only tries once08:11
namenameIs there any way I can play that game or Ubuntu Live Cd?08:11
eggmanspuddogg: still got the wine + 64bit dapper problem?08:11
ubuntuphilip: Debian Sarge did last time i used it08:11
MinisterPoliteDemp1: I have that exact printer. works perfectly. Sorry.08:11
=== recon0 [n=recon@pool-71-250-1-90.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
enycphilip: only older distro version..... the latest "stable" debian is  xfree86 .....08:11
lupine_85ubuntu: is it still mounted?08:11
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j`eyim installing ubuntu, can someone give me help with the partioiong?08:11
ubuntui rebooted, i think so08:11
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enycphilip: note that X.org is forked from xfree86 -- essentially it *is* xfree8608:11
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recon0For some reason, the CUPS web interface seems to be broken. It won't accept any username/password I give it.08:11
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godfatheri've just seen frostwire screenshots08:11
Demp1MinisterPolite: do you use the hp:/usb.... uri for it?08:12
recon0Is anybody else having the above problem?08:12
godfatherit is very very similar to winmx music08:12
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MinisterPoliteDemp1:  honstly, i just connected the thing via usb, clicked add printer, and printed out a test page08:12
enycrecon0: iirc ubuntu  does net setup for use fof the web interfaceee...  use system>administration>printing   ??08:12
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Demp1ok, thanks anyway08:12
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jamieoliver22can anyone help me please? i have just installed ubuntu to my 5gb memory stick (which acts like a hard drive). when i put it in on boot, it wont boot from my memory stick (even though it is my first boot device in the BIOS settings). can anyone give me any advise please?08:13
=== fender_freek [n=ajmorton@wva4420rn.rh.ncsu.edu] has joined #ubuntu
no_dogI have a problem with my external harddrive. Whenever I try to rsync data to it, rsync will fail in the middle of transfer, and then the drive locks up as read only. I can't unmount it, either, because it says that the device is busy. Here is a pastebin of the problem: http://pastebin.com/783541 . Any suggestions?08:13
ubuntulupine_85: my bad, not mounted...why is it 100% full though with one kernel in there?08:14
Warbojamieoliver22: First make sure GRUB is installed on it (type !grub in here to see how) then I would check GRUB's device.map file, since that should tell it where the USB drive is08:14
enycno_dog: the kernel normally mounts devices readonly if it sees filesystem errors08:14
philipI thought most distros are moving away from xfree86 towards X.org due to a myriad of issues, ie xfree86 is dying a slow death?08:14
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto08:14
=== brownie [n=brownie@c-68-46-136-171.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
WarboXFree86 is still monolithic I think, and they changed their license slightly which worried people08:15
no_dogenyc: Interesting. Why might I be getting filesystem errors? I reformatted the drive as ext3 yesterday. It's a new drive, might there be some physical problems?08:15
falcon3i would really like some help, my mouse isn't working correctly on a kubuntu laptop08:15
enycno_dog: right... 2 things08:15
enycno_dog: joey@ubuntu:/media/250gb$08:16
fender_freekfalcon3: what's the problem?08:16
enycno_dog: you are cd'ed into that directory08:16
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no_dogenyc: ...d'oh08:16
enycno_dog: unlike DOS / windoze... hawing a shell cd'ed to that directory... is holding it 'open' (busy)08:16
falcon3fender_freek: my mouse is going laggy on my kubuntu laptop, this is a problem i had when breezy was just out too08:16
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falcon3fender_freek: and it is still a problem on dapper08:16
balrokwhere can i find libdvdcss? i have the sources.list from automatix (with the repos from czechi)  but i cant found libdvdcss08:16
elhaxxorzlupine_85: can you link me to the pastebin with the modded menu.lst?08:17
fender_freekfalcon3: from the start, or over time?08:17
enycno_dog: socondly... look at your 'dmesg' output08:17
falcon3fender_freek: from the start08:17
enycno_dog: poste that to postebin08:17
absolut /msg ubotu audigy08:17
falcon3fender_freek: my touchpad works fluidly though, but the external usb mouse lags08:17
=== graeme [n=chatzill@bas10-toronto12-1177577110.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
enycno_dog: err... paste that in pastebin even08:17
fender_freekfalcon3: check your /etc/X/xorg.conf for mouse settings08:17
ubotuSee http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html. Libdvdcss can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages08:17
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Taxman2can anyone point me to the docs on retrying to grab an address by dhcp if it doesn't get picked up on boot?08:17
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falcon3fender_freek: what should i check ?08:17
=== rkd__ [n=rday@80-43-1-198.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
fender_freekfalcon3: you can modify the sensitivity and accel settings, among other thing depending on the driver08:18
j`ey_can someone look at http://pastie.caboo.se/1167108:18
fender_freekfalcon3: i had to do that to get my touchpad to work properly. it would barely move with a full stroke08:18
=== laza [n=laza@dslb-088-064-184-066.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
j`ey_and tell me how I should partiion my drives?08:18
=== aalex [n=aalex___@modemcable223.13-83-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
aalexhi all08:18
looktjwindows is being dumb in vmware08:18
looktjit won't acivate08:19
=== RodrigoX [i=Rodrigo@201-74-154-52-sj.cpe.vivax.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
fender_freekfalcon3: hang on a sec, i'll pull mine up and tell you exactly what to look for08:19
aalexI dont understanf the partition GUI when installing ubuntu.... where is fdisk ?! ;-) No, really, where is the online doc about this ?08:19
falcon3fender_freek: i am really appreciating your help08:19
enyclooktj: what do you mean 'acivate'?08:19
Jack_Sparrowj`ey_: Just let the installer use all unallocated space.. no need to di it manually08:19
j`ey_Jack_Sparrow: it doesnt work, if I do that08:19
enyclooktj: what is not activating in your windovs? waht do you mean?08:19
Jack_Sparrowj`ey_: What error do you get?08:20
sysdocaalex, I got a link for ya give me a sec08:20
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enycno_dog: ?? whats happening?08:20
j`ey_failed to partiotion the select disk08:20
looktji enter product key that is attached to my laptop08:20
fender_freekfalcon3: my b on the path - /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:20
=== mathieu_ [n=mathieu@S0106000f9f18b338.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
earthiani want to change my distro architecture from linux-amd64-k8 to linux-i686 (32bit)08:20
earthianhow do i do that???08:20
looktjbut it says invalid08:20
falcon3fender_freek: your "b" ?08:21
earthianso in genereal i want to switch to 32bit mode from 64bit current one08:21
Jack_Sparrowj`ey_: Sorry my bad... You dont have enough unallocated space, I thought that was gigs not megs08:21
enycearthian: you need to reinstall in short08:21
no_dogenyc: sorry, pastebin was taking awhile. Here's the dmesg output, first without the drive mounted, then with it mounted: http://pastebin.com/78357808:21
=== JoseStefan [n=dapper@89sdl30m49.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu
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sysdocaalex, Here is a write up on installing Ubuntu, should answer your questions about partitioning. http://www.pcmech.com/show/os/903/08:22
earthianenyc: i have installed the current one on a sata raid08:22
aalexsysdoc, thansk !08:22
earthianand how can i reinstall it?08:22
j`ey_Jack_Sparrow: I need unallcoate some, how?08:22
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sysdocaalex, u bet08:22
Jack_Sparrowshrink one of the other partitions08:22
j`ey_Jack_Sparrow: I can do it before the installer08:22
fender_freekfalcon3: haha...my bad08:22
IceToxis it possible to change hostname without having to reboot ubuntu?08:22
falcon3my xorg.conf is open08:22
j`ey_Jack_Sparrow: how?08:22
=== bayle [n=bayle@host160-62.pool8252.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
jamieoliver22can you install the "grub boot floppy" onto the same memory stick that ubuntu is installed on?08:22
lupine_85 elhaxxxorz: http://pastebin.ca/16074608:22
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enycno_dog: ext3_clear_journal_err: Filesystem error recorded from previous mount:08:22
enycno_dog:  IO failure08:23
Jack_Sparrowj`ey_: You can do it from windows or from the installer..08:23
enycno_dog: erm...erm ... you see higher up? more info?08:23
j`ey_Jack_Sparrow: thats why Im trying to do it manually!08:23
enycno_dog: like erros from whon it was mounted previously?08:23
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looktjis partitioning on a 40 GB hd bad?08:23
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earthian!linux i38608:23
ubotulinux: Generic complete Linux kernel.. In component restricted, is optional. Version (dapper), package size 22 kB, installed size 52 kB08:23
no_dogenyc: Do I see higher up?08:23
fender_freekfalcon3: kinda a given, but have you changed any settings from the gnome-mouse-properties?08:23
balroki need a clear answer how to install libdvdcss (or any other libs to crack css) this is already configured "https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages"08:23
enyclooktj: you need to create osme partition(s) to use the system08:24
balrokbut i don't find the libdvdcss08:24
fender_freekfalcon3: i should have asked that before we jump to extereme measures...08:24
enycno_dog: likee ... tho whole 'dmesg' output rather than the last fef lines08:24
falcon3fender_freek: no, i'm using kubuntu btw, but that's the same i guess :)08:24
looktjubotu, linux i38608:24
ubotulinux: Generic complete Linux kernel.. In component restricted, is optional. Version (dapper), package size 22 kB, installed size 52 kB08:24
jamieoliver22is it possible to install the "grub boot floppy" onto the same memory stick that ubuntu is installed on?08:24
enycno_dog: try 'dmesg > no_nog_dmesg.txt' to create a txt file...08:24
fender_freekfalcon3: k. try system>preferences>mouse08:24
earthian!linux i68608:24
aalexsysdoc ; What if I dont want that graphical installer ? I will reboot using option 2 i guess08:24
no_dogenyc: That's all the output that 'dmesg | grep sdb' gives. Just 'demsg' by itself gives so much output that it scrolls past my buffer. Do you want all of it?08:24
fender_freekfalcon3: it actually would be a different util in KDE08:25
falcon3fender_freek: i'm in kde's mouse controll center08:25
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no_dogenyc: k08:25
mathieu_can anyone recommend a good calendar software ?08:25
Jack_Sparrowj`ey_: You are not using much of your ntfs so I would shrink that08:25
looktjubotu, linux i68608:25
ubotulinux: Generic complete Linux kernel.. In component restricted, is optional. Version (dapper), package size 22 kB, installed size 52 kB08:25
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Warbojamieoliver22: GRUB is used to boot Ubuntu. If you put it onto a floppy then it is a boot floppy, if you put it in the same place as Ubuntu then it is just part of Ubuntu08:25
j`ey_Jack_Sparrow: I dont know hwo!08:25
sysdocaalex, check out the screen shots...08:25
fender_freekfalcon3: anything like sensetivity adjustment or accel adjust?08:25
=== Wicked_ [n=Wicked@pool-72-67-39-169.lsanca.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
falcon3fender_freek: yes there is08:25
balroki need a clear answer how to install libdvdcss (or any other libs to crack css) this is already configured "https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages"08:26
balroki need a clear answer how to install libdvdcss (or any other libs to crack css) this is already configured "https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages"08:26
balrokbut i don't find the libdvdcss08:26
falcon3fender_freek: accell on 160ms, accell profile on 0, etc etc08:26
Jack_Sparrowj`ey_: It has been awhile since I installed but I thought the installer asked if you wanted to shrink the existing install of windows08:26
fender_freekfalcon3: I've never used Kubuntu, so I'm doing what i can. you want to try increasing the sensitivity if possible08:26
jamieoliver22Warbo: so does that mean i can then? i am fairly new to this you see :p08:26
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no_dogenyc; Pastebin is churning. It will be up in a sec.08:26
enycno_dog: no_dog ;-)08:26
StoneNotebalrok, try http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_DVD_playback_capability08:26
Naik0which pakage should i get if i want to run asp on my apache08:27
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fender_freekfalcon3: accel is more of a personal preference thing than performance. sensitivity could be the prob tho08:27
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j`ey_Jack_Sparrow: it hasnt08:27
godfatheri've just installed frostwire ,a limewire clone08:27
Warbojamieoliver22: Making a "boot floppy" on a USB stick just means putting GRUb onto the USB stick. If you want then you can make a seperate partition for /boot, but I don't see how that would do any good unless it is on another device08:27
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falcon3fender_freek: i'm guessing "pointer accelleration" ?08:27
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godfatherbut where can i find the java lib08:27
fender_freekfalcon3: no, that's different...any other options?08:27
JoseStefan!tell godfather about java08:27
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falcon3fender_freek: pointer threshold, drag start time, start distance, mouse wheel scroll08:28
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enycno_dog: I wonder why pastebin is so slow today08:28
fender_freekfalcon3: hang on...lemme look up that pointer threshold option08:28
falcon3but my touchpad mouse is working really great, only problem is my external mouse on usb08:28
=== Warbo [n=chris@host81-156-40-155.range81-156.btcentralplus.com] has left #ubuntu []
jamieoliver22Warbo: well my original problem was: i have just installed ubuntu to my 5gb memory stick (which acts like a hard drive). when i put it in on boot, it wont boot from my memory stick (even though it is my first boot device in the BIOS settings). can anyone give me any advise please?08:28
falcon3fender_freek: but my touchpad mouse is working really great, only problem is my external mouse on usb08:28
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no_dogenyc: Beats me ;). Here's the full output from 'dmesg': http://pastebin.com/78358208:29
fender_freekfalcon3: ah...08:29
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fender_freekfalcon3: that would make a difference in how we do this...08:29
earthianhow to get a version of my current X org system?08:29
falcon3fender_freek: mentioned it before, but you probably didn't notice, it's okay08:29
enycno_dog: loading......08:29
=== UbunTUX is away: Away at the moment
fender_freekfalcon3: sorry08:29
Jack_Sparrowj`ey_: Gimme a minute....08:30
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository08:30
=== rkd___ [n=rday@80-43-16-183.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
fender_freekfalcon3: well, in order to increase the sensitivity, you would lower the pointer threshold08:30
ubotuopera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser08:30
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Jamminpotatothats wierd i cant find opera in synaptic08:30
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aalexWhere is the advanced installer for Ubuntu Dapper ?08:30
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JoseStefanJamminpotato, you have to add it using add/remove, it will add another repos for it08:31
=== mortenskyt is now known as mortenskyt_
earthianhow do i get a version of my X11R ?08:31
falcon3fender_freek: did not help08:31
earthiani mean the XServer08:31
jamieoliver22Warbo: well my original problem was: i have just installed ubuntu to my 5gb memory stick (which acts like a hard drive). when i put it in on boot, it wont boot from my memory stick (even though it is my first boot device in the BIOS settings). can anyone give me any advise please?08:31
fender_freekfalcon3: not at all?08:31
no_dogenyc: yeah?08:31
falcon3fender_freek: not a diddly08:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xserver - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:31
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:31
=== UbunTUX is away: Away at the moment
enycno_dog: hhrrm... weird pile of io errors with no details08:31
lupine_85jamieoliver22: has the addressing for the USB stick changed?08:31
enycno_dog: it could be a problem with allsorts ;-)08:31
JoseStefanJamminpotato, i suggest 9.01 from opera.com08:31
Jamminpotatowhat about automatix?08:31
fender_freekfalcon3: k. that might have messed with your touchpad setting tho. you prob. wanna put it back08:32
enycno_dog: problem with the driver or contrellor etc. for the  usb or ieee1394  interface08:32
falcon3fender_freek: protocol is set to ExplorerPS/2 though08:32
no_dogenyc: Yeah... I'm not even sure what sda is :(08:32
jamieoliver22lupine_85: what do you mean exactly? not that i know of..08:32
falcon3fender_freek: already done that08:32
no_dogenyc: Oh... how can I try to resolve that?08:32
enycno_dog: it could be trouble with the drive (bad sectors)08:32
=== UbunTUX is back.
=== laza [n=laza@dslb-088-064-184-066.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
enycno_dog: ?are you able to erase/remove everything from the drive ?08:32
=== brian98 [n=brian@] has joined #ubuntu
fender_freekfalcon3: good. what other options are available for the "profile"?08:32
twosharphow do i change keyboard layout in shell?08:32
enyctwosharp: you need  leadkeys iirc08:32
falcon3not much08:33
enyctwosharp: err... loadkeys08:33
no_dogenyc: My external drive is sdb, though. All those errors are for sda.08:33
falcon3fender_freek: not much all of them pretty useleses08:33
enycno_dog: thefy  were for both08:33
=== NthDegree [n=NthDegre@212-1-153-224.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
jamieoliver22lupine_85: what do you mean exactly? not that i know of..08:33
enycno_dog:  its as if you unplugged and replugged it08:33
lupine_85jamieoliver22:  e.g. maybe when you installed your system, it was being /dev/sdc (or whatever)... and now it's being seen as /dev/sda08:33
=== laza [n=laza@dslb-088-064-184-066.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
enycno_dog: and it called the new device instance sdb08:33
=== Caraibes [n=Caraibes@tdev233-209.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu
Jamminpotatois beagle relient on gnome?08:33
=== roel_ [n=roel@202.27-244-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
enycno_dog: SCSI and SATA and usb/ieee1394 drives all get called 'sd?' iirc08:34
Jamminpotatoor can it be used with xfce08:34
=== roel_ is now known as rulus
jamieoliver22i *think* it was being sdc when it was being installed. what shall i do then now?08:34
=== Ziemas [n=flurf_fl@81-233-234-10-no19.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #Ubuntu
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no_dogenyc: Hrm. Ok. My external drive has always showed up as 'sdb,' though, for what it's worth08:34
fender_freekfalcon3: well, back to the xorg.conf... go to console and vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:34
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earthianwhat is the difference between XFree86 and Xorg Xserver ???08:34
falcon3fender_freek: already there08:34
=== mrcoyote [n=mrcoyote@AAnnecy-251-1-55-202.w81-251.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
earthianor is it the same?08:34
lupine_85jamieoliver22: well first you need to see if that is actually the problem. Do you have any error messages?08:34
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no_dogenyc: And, I can write to / remove from the drive. It just seems to lock up and go into read-only mode when I rsync a bunch of data.08:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xfree86 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:35
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:35
=== copernic [n=copernic@AMontpellier-257-1-120-106.w90-0.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
fender_freekfalcon3: look for identifier: configured mouse08:35
j`ey_Jack_Sparrow: im rebooting in windows08:35
falcon3fender_freek: looking at it right now08:35
enycno_dog: well a filesystem error in ogguring08:35
Jack_Sparrowj`ey_: I am bring08:35
=== jgerber [n=jgerber@pool-71-116-150-64.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
mortenskyt_hey, anybody here into audio-problems - the quality is quite low in some kind of audio-formats and perfect in others08:35
godfatheri have some problem with java08:35
=== detten [n=Detten@d51A45434.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
j`ey_Jack_Sparrow: i am bring08:35
Jack_Sparrowj`ey_: ing up the ubinstall on another pc now08:35
fender_freekfalcon3: ok. do you have option CorePointer ?08:35
no_dogenyc: What do you recommend? I try to get my money back from newegg?08:35
falcon3fender_freek: i do08:36
Jack_Sparrowj`ey_: I just could not do it from memory08:36
enycno_dog: EXT3-fs error (device sdb1): ext3_new_block:  Allocating block in system zone - block = 5088871108:36
=== Hellevater [n=Hellavat@cpe-67-49-208-219.bak.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Jamminpotatois beagle relient on gnome? or can it be usedwith xfce as well08:36
no_dogenyc: Or do you think it might be a problem with my configuration?08:36
j`ey_Jack_Sparrow: it didnt show a shrinker on mine08:36
enycno_dog: erm.. could be allsorts08:36
=== Skyrail [i=Skyrail@] has joined #ubuntu
jamieoliver22lupine_85: yes and no. i make it my first boot device, it bypass's it and boots my hard drive (windows). If i disable all other boot devices and only have the memory stick as on, i get an error saying it cant find a boot device.08:36
enycno_dog: ?are you able to erase/remove everything from the drive ?08:36
twosharp<enyc> i mean in xserver-xorg, cause it works in shell, but as soon as the xserver is loaded i cant make the local characters work, nether the alt gr, delete and backspace are both backspace..08:36
twosharpany idea?08:36
fender_freekfalcon3: alright. option Resolution ?08:36
jgerberwhy does adding new sessions through system->sessions not affect the sessions list in gdm?08:36
no_dogenyc: And, I can write to / remove from the drive. It just seems to lock up and go into read-only mode when I rsync a bunch of data.08:36
lupine_85jamieoliver22: then you don't have a bootloader installed onto it08:36
godfatheri can't install the right java lib08:36
falcon3fender_freek: don't have that one08:36
spuddogg_does anyone here know how to share folders on a windows network, with ubuntu?08:36
no_dogenyc: "everything?"08:37
Jack_Sparrowj`ey_: You do it from the partitioner08:37
enycno_dog: I got that message....08:37
lupine_85so... sudo grub-install /dev/sdc should fix your problem08:37
=== opl [n=markus@p57A5F2E2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
falcon3fender_freek: could we take this to a private place? i'm getting confused by all the others speaking :)08:37
=== _azrael [n=azrael@c-66-41-152-252.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
enycno_dog: i mean like all your data // be ok to repartition it?08:37
JoseStefangodfather, did you check the links ubotu sent you?08:37
ubotubeagle: indexing and search tool for your personal data. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.6-1ubuntu5 (dapper), package size 1208 kB, installed size 3992 kB08:37
=== Ghettoen [n=cbudtz@cpe.atm2-0-1061154.0x50a48312.boanxx15.customer.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
mortenskyt_spuddog_: what you're searching for is called samba08:37
j`ey_Jack_Sparrow: the ubutnutu installer partinionter?08:37
j`ey_Jack_Sparrow: k08:37
godfatherthe instructions speak about using add/remove application+08:37
j`ey_Jack_Sparrow: will you help me through?08:37
godfatherbut it can't find that lib08:37
no_dogenyc: Oh, I get you. I have no issues about reformatting it.08:37
mortenskyt_spuddog_: that's how you make windows-compatible shares in linux08:37
enycno_dog: ok08:37
godfatheryes i'm followind the link you gave to me08:37
=== Lemino [n=Lemino@84-217-34-219.tn.glocalnet.net] has joined #ubuntu
fender_freekfalcon3: then you may need to set that. I've never actually used it, but if you'll look up some info on that, it may help you. It changes the counts per inch of the mouse08:38
Jamminpotatois beagle relient on gnome? or can it be usedwith xfce as well08:38
enycno_dog: many new dirves have bad sector hassles....08:38
enycno_dog: in firsh bits of use.....08:38
jamieoliver22ok, thanks mate08:38
=== rkd____ [n=rday@80-43-92-200.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
Jack_Sparrowj`ey_: Yes,.. you dont happen to have partition magic on your XP install do you?08:38
falcon3fender_freek: okay, i'm gonna look it up now08:38
no_dogenyc: I did reformat it yesterday, though.08:38
JoseStefan!info sun-java-jre08:38
Jack_Sparrowj`ey_: We can do it either way08:38
jgerberanyone know what adding sessions to the System->sessions gui does? it doesnt make new sessions available via the login08:38
ubotuPackage sun-java-jre does not exist in any distro I know08:38
enycno_dog: what do you mean08:38
=== chrisbudden14 [n=chrisbud@host-84-9-52-70.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
enycno_dog: mke2fs -j ?08:38
JoseStefan!info java-sun-jre08:38
ubotuPackage java-sun-jre does not exist in any distro I know08:38
earthian!info xfree8608:38
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ubotuPackage xfree86 does not exist in any distro I know08:38
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mortenskyt_spuddog_: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#Samba_Server08:38
Leminois there any shortcommand to start the systemmanager-tool? like ctrl+alt+del in win? I'm on gnome.08:38
fender_freekfalcon3: i don't really have much else for you, unfortunately. I've only had limited experience with my own mouse-related troubles08:39
enyc!info sun-java5-bin08:39
Jack_Sparrowj`ey_: You are booted to livecd atm correct..08:39
ubotusun-java5-bin: Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 5.0. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.5.0-06-1 (dapper), package size 21625 kB, installed size 65608 kB08:39
GhettoenI have a problem with my Thinkpad t20 and the dockingstations PS2 mouse08:39
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falcon3fender_freek: thank you for you kind help08:39
StoneNote!info does_not_exist_in_any_distro_I_know08:39
no_dogenyc: I bought the drive new a few weeks ago, used it fresh out of the box (it came FAT32), noticed some strange behavior, so I reformatted as ext3 yesterday, but am still having problems, so I came here :)08:39
ubotuPackage doesnotexistinanydistroiknow does not exist in any distro I know08:39
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JoseStefan!info sun-java5-jre08:39
no_dogenyc: "mke2fs -j"?08:39
ubotusun-java5-jre: Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 5.0. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.5.0-06-1 (dapper), package size 7169 kB, installed size 15768 kB08:39
jgerberCouldn't find package sun-hava5-bin08:39
enycno_dog: what do you mean 'reformatted' ?08:39
j`ey_Jack_Sparrow: yep08:39
fender_freekfalcon3: n/p. best of luck to you. I'd check the ubuntu forums too, if you haven't already. lots of good stuff there.08:39
jgerbermultiverse enabled08:39
JoseStefangodfather, you need to add multiverse to your repos08:39
j`ey_Jack_Sparrow: i just restarted so in a few mins08:39
godfathermaybe i'm resolving the problem08:39
enycno_dog: dod you use mk31fs  to put an ext3  fsoon it ? or something?08:39
=== |CADE| [n=will@adsl-223-56-20.aep.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
enycno_dog: I didnt catch what command you ran08:40
Jack_Sparrowj`ey_: when you get ther click on install and we will go from there.08:40
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no_dogenyc: I followed a guide, as it was my first time doing this in Linux. Don't remember the exact commands the I used, but I can find out. One moment.08:40
Otacon22hi all, i need to see the input from a video input card with mplayer , how i can do it?08:40
=== Wicked_ [n=Wicked@pool-72-67-39-169.lsanca.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
j0lliyoi have a probem... my wireless works when i boot, and for like 30 secs after i boot... then it just stops working... anybody else have this problem?08:40
reitzellI just installed a wintv card. What software do I load to use it?08:41
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no_dogenyc: After setting up the partitions, I issued the command: "mkfs -t ext3 /dev/sdb1"08:41
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enycno_dog: right....08:41
=== |CADE| [n=will@adsl-223-56-20.aep.bellsouth.net] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation]
enycno_dog: this only creates the filesystem structure...08:41
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enycno_dog: thot does not 'reformat' (rewrite) all the data space08:41
oplhi all, if I issue a command like "mkdir abc" can I refere to that last command in the next row like "echo 'last command' >> testing.txt?08:42
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no_dogenyc: Ok. Are you correcting my semantics, or saying that I did something incorrectly?08:42
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enycno_dog: I would try the following.... * unmount the filesystem....  * "badblocks -wvs /dev/sdb"   -- this will actually read-write test all the data space...  if the drive has dodgy sectors this will usually cause the disk to 'fix itself' after a few passes.....   if you cannot get that to work  then there is an incompatibility  or fault08:43
=== Wicked_ [n=Wicked@pool-72-67-39-169.lsanca.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
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no_dogenyc: That will destroy the data on the drive, I take it?08:44
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enycno_dog: note that this will likely take a  long time...   I always  'badblocks -wvs' disks before using them08:44
enycno_dog: yes08:44
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MrObviousopl: Hmm.08:44
enycno_dog: -v  does destructive write test08:44
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MrObviousopl: The only thing I can think of is using the history command with grep08:45
enycno_dog: -vs does sensible display of progress08:45
=== TiG4 [n=tigfour@cpe-24-162-123-187.hot.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
no_dogenyc: Ok. I will execute that and let it run. How will I know the difference between a successful run (I can use the drive, good to go) and an unsuccessful (time to try to get my money back) one?08:45
MrObviousopl: Unfourtinately my experience with bash scripting isn't that good.08:45
enycno_dog:  you will get '0 bad blocks found' ;-)08:45
=== BARDAHL [n=maxime@modemcable027.65-82-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
no_dogenyc: Heh, ok. I'll give it a try and see what happens. Thanks for the help!08:46
enycno_dog: auusing you used -vs -- i.e. 'badblocks -wvs /dev/sdb' -- BE CAREFUL what device you use08:46
enycno_dog: dont say 'hda' or 'sda' ;-)08:46
enycno_dog: remember to umount the filesystem first08:46
no_dogenyc: Done and done :)08:46
=== njan [n=james@about/security/staff/njan] has joined #ubuntu
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Jack_Sparrowenyc: That is usb drive right, what about trying to set the bios to usb1.1 (slower) and see if his write fails again..08:46
=== eggzeck[laptop] [n=exec@m815f36d0.tmodns.net] has joined #ubuntu
looktjhow do i remove vmware?08:47
enycJack_Sparrow: can do... if it fails badblocks ;-)08:47
twosharphi =) how can i make the local characters, alt gr, delete buttons work? i mean in xserver-xorg, cause it works in shell, but as soon as the xserver is loaded i cant make the local characters work, nether the alt gr, delete and backspace are both backspace.. any idea how to fix this?08:47
enycno_dog: hard disks for years have 'internal defect management'08:47
=== Nux31 [n=aric@61-228-78-30.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #Ubuntu
Jack_Sparrowenyc: Just a thought, wasnt trying to interrupt your progress08:47
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enycno_dog: this means..... that they will 'map out' bad sectors for spare sectors  but they only tend to remap on writing  having had read errors in past08:48
=== Flyoc_ [n=flyin_do@APlessis-Bouchard-153-1-26-92.w83-200.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Leminoanybody, a shortcommand in gnome for the system-manager?08:48
spuddogg_can someone here help me get my shared folders working?08:48
looktjanyone know command to remove vmware?08:48
enycno_dog: doing a 'badblocks -wvs' is both testing and alse reduction of likelihood of problems08:49
=== xvlun [n=jan@p54BDECE4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
no_dogenyc: If it has bad sectors, but badblocks identifies them, is the drive still usable?08:49
Exclamationim having problem with my wireless. its detected, light is on. iwconfig looks good. im usifn networkmanager to connect but i cant get an ip from wireless, wired works fine...08:49
=== jjjjjjj [n=caitlin@] has joined #ubuntu
enycno_dog: if you have  errors on the (eventual) completion of badblocks.... do it all again... you may find the drive has then fixed itself08:49
enycno_dog: not really08:49
looktjwhy wont anyone answer my question?08:49
enycno_dog: you need to get it to give '0 bad blocks' before you use the drive08:50
jjjjjjji'm aborting the 6.06 upgrade and will just install via the .iso i d/l yesterday.08:50
jjjjjjj6hrs is too long too wait.08:50
enycno_dog: it could  be a problem w/ the drive.... or caddy/cable  ... or usb driver/whatever08:50
=== feryana [n=feryana@216-80-65-26.snb-bsr1.chi-snb.il.cable.rcn.com] has joined #Ubuntu
Jack_Sparrowjjjjjjj: Np..08:50
aalexIn the GUI installer, how can I set the flag of a partition ? (boot, /, unused, etc. )08:50
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j`eyJack_Sparrow: im on the desktop?08:50
no_dogenyc: So, just iterate until I get 0 bad blocks, and if I can't get that, send it back and hope that it was somebody else's fault?08:50
=== dgl [n=DanielLi@c93494a7.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
enycno_dog: sounds sensible ;-)08:50
Jack_Sparrowj`ey_: click on install08:51
looktjguys?! how do i remove vmware via terminal ???08:51
jjjjjjjthe servers seem to be really slow today.08:51
enycno_dog: it will take a long time ;-)08:51
Jack_Sparrowselect lang08:51
=== Wiseguy [n=WiseGuy@imma.cyber-terrorist.so.fearme.net] has joined #ubuntu
j`eyJack_Sparrow: k08:51
looktjim feeling ignored08:51
|thunderSup all, Im guessing this is a no, but is there a way to comtrol grub with a USB keyboard ?08:51
clearzenlooktj: sudo apt-get remove --purge vmware08:51
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no_dogenyc: Noted :). Thanks again for the help!08:51
dglhow package I should use to start working with latex?08:51
enyc|thunder: yes if bios supports the usb keyboard... no otherwise08:51
mansfeldhi folks08:51
feryanahey guys I want to install linux in my other laptop too... but is a PIII and froze when starting partitioner... I think that maybe the laptop can't handle the live CD + installation. How can I install it without live CD? Is dapper08:51
Jack_Sparrowj`ey_: city08:51
dglwhat package should I use to start working with latex?08:51
=== anon32 [n=anon32@pm472-34.dialip.mich.net] has joined #ubuntu
enyc|thunder: you may need to turn on usb keyborad support is BIOS setup08:52
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j`eyJack_Sparrow: & keyorad, done08:52
=== fooba1 [n=migdalia@dhcp-131-237.Kiewit.dartmouth.edu] has joined #ubuntu
frying_fishferyana: download the "alternate" cd08:52
|thunderenyc, thanks alot, I think I disabled it for the OSX setup, thanks alot. BRB, gonna try it out08:52
Jack_Sparrowj`ey_: My laptop is slow...08:52
frying_fishit does a text based install08:52
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feryanafrying_fish, and then just will install?08:52
anon32need help with dualbooting! link to a support page please?08:52
fooHow do I install nvidia drivers?08:52
enycno_dog: id be interestid te know what you eventually find out/do... please write to enyc@evtech.org  and remind me you were 'no_dog' and what happened... please08:52
anon32foo: from nvidia, if they have linux drivers08:52
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ubotuDual boot instructions for x86/amd64 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - for mac https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot08:52
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clearzenfoo: automatix is your friend08:53
mansfeldI was wondering... anyone know a way to mount a Thinkpad hard drive in linux? (I assume there's something weird about the partition table, in order to have the IBM boot utilities?)08:53
fooanon32: Hm. Ok. I didn't know if there was a "ubuntu way".08:53
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fooclearzen: What is that?08:53
frying_fishferyana: you can install it from that yes08:53
anon32thanks, does that cover dualbooting with dual hard drives?08:53
frying_fishand it uses less resources, so more chance of it working.08:53
j`eyJack_Sparrow: ive done my name etc,08:53
clearzenit is an installation package for ubuntu08:53
clearzenit has it's own wiki08:53
anon32foo: the "ubuntu way" is for you to go download the gcc and compile nvidia's sources, if they have them08:53
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no_dogenyc: Absolutely. Would be the least I could do :)08:53
fooba1where can I find information on getting my desktop to hibernate/suspend properly?08:53
=== anon32 can't remember if nvidia makes linux drivers
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no_dogenyc: I'm going to watch some vids and let this run08:54
Jack_Sparrowj`ey_: first option is resize08:54
mansfelda friend of mine is trying to rescue data from his laptop harddrive (onto his desktop PC), and can't get the HDD to mount (Gparted won't recognize the partition)08:54
godfathersee you later08:54
j`eyJack_Sparrow: its erase for me08:54
=== |CADE| [n=will@adsl-223-56-20.aep.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
clearzenfoo: here is a link http://www.getautomatix.com/wiki/index.php?title=Installation08:54
Flannel!tell foo about nvidia08:54
fooba1hibernate shuts down the computer, but when it comes back up it has brown/black vertical bars (my laptop does that, but then it redraws the login screen)08:54
Jack_Sparrowj`ey_: Your first option is not resize?08:54
Flannelclearzen: please don't recommend automatix here.08:54
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feryanaok thanks man!08:55
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Flannelfoo: ubotu sent you a link that'll get you all set up with nvidia drivers08:55
fooFlannel: thanks, that's what I was looking for08:55
Jack_Sparrowj`ey_: So you only have two options, erase or manual?08:55
j`eyerase, use space,manual08:55
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j`eyJack_Sparrow: what version are yo using?08:55
Jack_Sparrowj`ey_: What version are you trying to install?08:55
tristan_Flannel, why is it forbidden to recomand automatix?08:56
Jack_Sparrowj`ey_: 6.0608:56
Flanneltristan_: because it breaks a lot of systems, and when they break, they're near impossible to put back together08:56
lupine_85'cos it's naughty :)08:56
frying_fishtristan_: because it is very bad08:56
Jack_Sparrowtristan_: It breaks systems08:56
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_azraeltristan_: Because almost every time someone uses automatix, they come back with a half broken system a little later asking for help.08:56
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frying_fishand it breaks things.08:56
=== lupine_85 spanks Automatix
jmichaelxfor all the bad that is said about automatix in the x/k/ubuntu rooms, i have used it on 4 ubuntu machines and one mepis machine and have never had a single problem08:56
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.08:56
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anon32um, is dualbooting with dual hard drives any different than with partitioning?08:56
tristan_OK. Then I must be an exception. It run fine on my system08:56
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lupine_85and Asterisk... and Obelix, too ;)08:56
Flannelanon32: nope.08:57
j`eyJack_Sparrow: I download from http://ftp.ticklers.org/releases.ubuntu.org/releases/6.06/ubuntu-6.06.1-desktop-i386.iso08:57
frying_fishanon32: no.08:57
Exclamationim having problem with my wireless. its detected, light is on. iwconfig looks good. im usifn networkmanager to connect but i cant get an ip from wireless, wired works fine...08:57
=== Drevan [n=none@adsl-71-141-98-2.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
_azraelanon32: Only possible difference is to make sure your bios points at the hard drive that has GRUB on it.08:57
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lupine_85anon32: it's easier08:57
frying_fishso long as grub knows where to boot which from.08:57
Jack_Sparrowj`ey_: go to manual...08:57
Jeruvyanon32: other than it's easier to split them up later...no.08:57
j`eyJack_Sparrow: k08:57
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anon32hmm, and can I install a different version of windows over my existing install safely?08:57
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Jack_Sparrowj`ey_: Still waiting for this old slow laptop..08:58
anon32or will that f- my grub partition?08:58
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Flannelanon32: help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows08:58
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j`eyJack_Sparrow: k08:58
MinisterPoliteanon32:  you'll need to restore grub08:58
lupine_85anon32: windows will kill the bootloader on the drive it's installed to08:58
Jack_Sparrowanon32: yes it will hose your grub, but it is fixable08:58
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto08:58
fooba1Flannel:  nvidia drivers?  I think it's got a Radeon card in it right now...08:58
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lupine_85if that's not the primary boot drive, you probably won't notice anything08:58
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fooba1Flannel: hmm...08:58
anon32oh yeah, what about ntfs write support?08:58
Flannelfooba1: did I accidentally send it to you?  sorry, meant foo.08:59
frying_fishanon32: not likely08:59
=== anon32 doesn't have a floppy drive
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse08:59
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anon32any ideas on how to get ntfs write support? I know about captive ntfs, anything else?08:59
lupine_85anon32: possible but discouraged, and quite likely to break your ntfs drive08:59
Jack_Sparrowj`ey_: Does it show partitions the same as you pasted earlier08:59
ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse08:59
=== anon32 doesn't care if its free software, or even freeware
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j`eyJack_Sparrow: yes08:59
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Exclamationi dont understand why no of the experts in here can help me... :(08:59
lupine_85make a backup first :)08:59
lupine_85Exclamation: what chipset?09:00
j`eyJack_Sparrow: http://pastie.caboo.se/1167109:00
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tristan_Exclamation, do you choose DHCP?09:00
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Exclamationlupine_85, broadcom, but i belive its setup correctly09:00
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feryanaseems that now is installing, anyways I downloading the alternatre09:00
ExclamationTristan, yes, its set to dhcp09:00
lupine_85ok, dump networkmanager and go to console09:00
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feryanais wierd coz sometimes get frozen other times no09:00
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=== anon32 is an idiot and would like to ask how to manually install grub
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Flannelanon32: read that link09:00
lupine_85what does "sudo iwlist eth1 scan" give you? (I think it's eth1, change if needed)09:01
adamant1988!seen atoponce09:01
ubotuatoponce is on IRC right now!09:01
lupine_85anon32: grub-install <drive>09:01
Jack_Sparrowj`ey_: Got it thanks.. click on ntfs09:01
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lupine_85e.g. sudo grub-install /dev/hda09:01
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Jack_Sparrowj`ey_: partitions should show at top of screen09:01
ProN00bdoes anyone know how to play flv files ?09:01
j`eyJack_Sparrow: yes09:01
tristan_ProN00b, you can play it in mplayer09:01
Jack_Sparrowj`ey_: arrow above that resize09:02
ProN00btristan_, but i can't seek09:02
Flannelanon32: it's not a 404, its a bit slow though: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows09:02
Exclamationin iwconfig, RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off. does that mean anything?09:02
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eod_punkanyone know of a way to disable the password prompt when opening a laptop LCD?09:02
anon32pronoob: try gnash09:02
j`eyJack_Sparrow: on the biggest 30 gb drive?09:02
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anon32it works for flash up to v709:02
|thunderthanks alot everyone, that BIOS tip got my KB working in DOS. cudos09:02
ProN00btristan_, if i try to seek forward or backwards it just quits09:02
raphaHi all!09:02
ProN00banon32, whats gnash ?09:02
feryanahawking pcmecia wifi doesn't need drivers!!!!!!!!!!09:03
bannedbrueniggnash = gnu flash09:03
anon32pronoob: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNASH09:03
raphaDoes somebody know the name of the software that does Compositing for Win XP?09:03
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j`eyJack_Sparrow: resize options?09:03
ProN00banon32, i can't find it in the repos09:03
tristan_ProN00b, same here. Sorry, I don't know how to seek09:03
fooWhy doesn't this visudo entry work? foo ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL ? I type sudo su - and it still asks for password.09:03
anon32pronoob: install it manually then09:03
UKMattI have a broken X (graphics), and I think it's because of the NVidea graphics i put on, does anyone know how to fix that09:03
looktjclearzen: vmware didnt remove09:03
bannedbruenigProN00b, it isn't available in the repos, have to get it from their site09:03
clearzenhow did you install it?09:03
anon32this is probably the wrong place to ask, but how can I flash my bios?09:03
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:03
ProN00banon32, you sure i can seek with it ?09:03
Jack_Sparrowj`ey_: You are at resize options...  you want to reduce the middle number by 10 gigs or so..09:04
absolutHye, anybody know how to enable/disable 5.1 surround with Ubuntu?09:04
frying_fishanon32: depends on hte motherboard.09:04
anon32pronoob: zzz....09:04
j`eyJack_Sparrow: k09:04
lupine_85anon32: check with your mobo manufacturere09:04
feryanaon a Pentium III with 640 MB of RAM Dapper Dake will work fine ,right????09:04
UKMattbannedbruenig, i already put them on, i think thats what broke it09:04
looktjit is vmware server09:04
anon32frying_fish: I know... my main problem is that I have a phoenix bios, and I can't find instructions on flashing09:04
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|thunderferyana, yes sir09:04
raphaferyana: yes09:04
lupine_85and get it right or you'll be left with a useless chunk of silicon and fibreglass ;)09:04
Jack_Sparrowj`ey_: you want ) free preceeding  and all free following09:04
anon32feryana: yes09:04
frying_fishcheck with the manufacturer.09:04
anon32though I recommend a new CPU09:04
clearzenbut how did you install the package? from source?09:04
feryanacool, then now on both computers Linux09:04
j`eyJack_Sparrow: done that09:04
feryanaI have a last questing09:04
clearzendid you use aptitude09:04
lupine_85feryana: xubuntu would run fine09:04
anon32frying_fish: they refuse to help me flash my bios :-(09:04
looktjfrom source09:04
UKMattclearzen, who me?09:04
Jack_Sparrowj`ey_: click on resize09:05
feryanain this pc, there still 10 Gb with fucking Windows XP09:05
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.09:05
feryanahow can I erase it and add it to Linux space?09:05
clearzen UKMattno sorry09:05
frying_fishanon32: then uuse google or something.09:05
|thunderferyana, language warning09:05
anon32feryana: zzz.... your point? you can delete your partition09:05
bannedbruenigferyana, just use gparted and delete it09:05
feryanasorry |thunder I h8 windows  a lot09:05
anon32boot to either ubuntu or a dos cd and format over it09:05
j`eyJack_Sparrow: I now have unnalloctaed of 14gb or soi09:05
Jack_Sparrowj`ey_: It could take awhile depending on your system09:05
=== anon32 doesn't notice how windows is that bad
clearzenlooktj: did you use checkinstall or makeinstall to install the files?09:05
j`eyJack_Sparrow: just do that?09:05
j`eyJack_Sparrow: click next?09:06
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frying_fishferyana: just delete the windows partition once ubuntu is booted09:06
Jack_Sparrowbut since you dont have much in XP it wont be too bad09:06
|thunderferyana, thats great. just dont cuss. there may be youngsters here09:06
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feryanaok thanks!!! Then I can add it to my swapt partition?09:06
j`eyJack_Sparrow: click next?>09:06
eod_punkanyone know of a way to disable the password prompt when opening a laptop LCD?09:06
frying_fishthen just format it to a reiserfs or ext3 partition09:06
frying_fishand mount it somehwre.09:06
feryanafor having more swapt and get faster :D09:06
Jack_SparrowIS it done..09:06
anon32feryana: yes, use a partition tool09:06
bannedbruenig10 GB swap partition? probably not necessary09:06
j`eyJack_Sparrow: not yet, but I have to go09:06
anon32more swap is useless, get MORE RAM09:06
looktji ran a file09:06
IceToxis it possible to change hostname without having to reboot ubuntu? If so, how? :)09:06
UKMattis there a way to uninstall and then reinstall a graphics driver from command line09:06
frying_fishferyana: use fdisk09:06
frying_fishor gparted09:06
j`eyJack_Sparrow: what shall I do afterwards?09:06
Jack_Sparrowj`ey_: Ok.. but yes next.. and let it run09:06
frying_fishor qparted depending on environment09:06
j`eyJack_Sparrow: ill be back later09:07
UKMattand btw talking about swap, anything over 1.5x your RAM doesn't matter09:07
j`eyJack_Sparrow: I have to run09:07
feryanaok.... I'll try |thunder is just that Windows bothers me you don't imagene how, but what you say is true :P09:07
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looktji ran vmware-install.pl09:07
|thundereod_punk, its in the BIOS. If you cant get rid of it you might have to remove the battery for a few minutes.(mobo battery) or hit the bios reset jumper.09:07
Jack_SparrowOnce it is resized, I would back out of the installer and go back in and tell it to use all unallocated space.09:07
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feryana(I use to say sh..dows xD09:07
anon32ukmatt: yes, there's a command line package manager09:07
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tristan_IceTox, you can change the hostname with09:07
Jack_Sparrowj`ey_: Lots of good people here to help if I am not around09:07
tristan_IceTox, hostname new-name09:07
eod_punkthunder its not there unless ubuntu put it there09:07
=== bannedbruenig wonders if feryana is looking for praise because of his dislike of windows
x_Owhats the best way to install XGL/Compiz on Ubuntu?09:07
IceToxoh cool Tristan thanks :)09:07
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems09:08
UKMattanon32, do you know how to use it to uninstall/reinstall though b/c i'm not good w/ command line09:08
looktjis there any program to send ubuntu back to a certain date?09:08
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|thundereod_punk, you talking about the GDM password prompt ?09:08
x_Oah an irc just for it lol09:08
feryananah I'm happy today, I saved my second poor pc from it09:08
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silian87hello to all09:08
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|thundereod_punk, where it says UBUNTU at the brown screen ?09:08
silian87sorry, this is my problem: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/amarok/+bug/5856609:08
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silian87where i can find amarok-1.4.2-0ubuntu3  ?09:08
feryanacoz it had windows 2k, and I was using firefox, thunderbird, etc... no viruses, no spyware and everyday it was going worst09:08
anon32uh, what kernel version is included on the 6.x dapper drake cds?09:09
Jack_Sparrowlooktj: Normally I would use a backup09:09
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looktjlike window's system restore?09:09
feryanaand yesterday I said. thats it xD09:09
eod_punkafter i'm logged in if i close the lcd it asks for the password, i don't want it to i close the lid quite a bit09:09
feryanabut it has a dockstation and can't boot live cd from there09:09
looktji dont have a backup09:09
anon32feryana: um.... that's probably because of hard drive failure, my windows install is fine after a year09:09
feryanabut I bought and external double layer dvd rom09:09
bannedbruenigmy repos only have 1.4.2-0ubuntu2~dapper109:09
IceToxTrinisan, yeah, but the hostname doesn't change just by doing that, does it? don't I have to update anything?09:09
feryanaanon32 nah, the hard disk is ok...09:09
lupine_85aon32: 2.6.15-2309:09
silian87bannedbruenig: Mine too :-(09:09
feryanaI saw many computers like that09:09
anon32thanks, I thought it was a 2.4 kernel09:10
silian87strange they don't put a bugfux09:10
eod_punki know the password i just don't want to be prompted for it.  I'm not talking about logging in either.  simular to how you can have it ask for it when the screen saver comes on09:10
bannedbruenigsilian87, why do you need the other one?09:10
clearzenlooktj: Unfortunatley I do not know how to uninstall if you installed from a script because I don't know exactly how it was installed. sorry09:10
silian87is a 4 days waiting09:10
Jack_SparrowPeople, I would like to stress the importance of a backup.  It just takes a minute to type one line in a terminal.  It can save you hours or work and frustration.09:10
silian87bannedbruenig: for solving this bug: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/amarok/+bug/5856609:10
=== bannedbruenig says backing up is for losers
anon32mm... the only problem I've ever noticed with windows is a lack of preinstalled software09:10
IceToxsudo: unable to lookup rebecca via gethostbyname() <--- Trinisan09:10
feryanaanon32 in this pc there is the 10Gb windows partition... and when I have to go for something... every time there are more errors, and I never use that windows, and Linux here is working fine like always, so the hard disk is not the problem, is just Micro$oft!!!!!!09:10
anon32um, how do I get access to iptables config?09:11
eod_punkanon32, good preinstalled or bad preinstalled software?09:11
anon32preferably from the gui?09:11
anon32eod_punk: good point, :-\09:11
bannedbruenig6 exclamation points is too far, 5 is pushing it but six is just obscene09:11
looktjjack_sparrow what kind of backup?09:11
anon32too much junk on these latest dells09:11
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looktji agree anon3209:11
feryana68% on the other pc.... maybe I wont need the alternate09:11
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Jack_Sparrowlooktj: I use a simple one line command from cli09:11
feryana56% alternet download.. is like a race haha09:11
ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi09:11
=== godfather [n=godfathe@ip-34-64.sn2.eutelia.it] has joined #ubuntu
anon32where's the iptables config? looktj: that does help to reduce PC price though09:11
eod_punkI know of one computer manufactor that doesn't install all the crap09:11
looktjlike mbr backup?09:12
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eod_punki'm sure there are more though09:12
godfatherguys i did everything that was written on documentation09:12
anon32eod_punk: if you order a DELL N-series, you don't get any crap either09:12
Jack_Sparrowlooktj: You can do that with dd09:12
godfatheri've installed frostwire09:12
godfatheri've installed the java lib09:12
Jack_Sparrowlooktj: I use tar for the full Ub install09:12
Drevanfinally got everything set up perfectly, feels good09:12
looktji did a couple days ago09:12
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Jack_SparrowDrevan: Make a backup...09:13
godfatherthere's the frostwire icon  beetween "internet" application but it doesn't work09:13
anon32ANYONE? where's the config for iptables? hell, is iptables even included (it should be, it's part of the kernel)09:13
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encryptzjenda: yet here i am (atoponce)...09:13
eod_punk|thunder, any other idea's about the password prompt?09:13
looktjok im gonna reinstall ubuntu09:13
Jack_Sparrowanon32: Yes iptables are part of the kernel..09:13
looktjsince idk howto uninstall a source09:13
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anon32jack_sparrow: where's the config?09:13
Jack_Sparrowanon32: You can use firestarter to manage the firewall.09:13
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ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed with iptables (in the command line) or firestarter (gui, can also setup connection sharing)09:13
godfatheranyone can help me09:14
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|thundereod_punk, i dont think you can auto-login on linux/ubuntu. not that I know of anyways.09:14
looktjanon32: sudo aptitude install firestarter09:14
anon32say, it's called iptables/netfilter is there a difference between the two?09:14
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anon32looktj: argh, more installing...09:14
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eod_punkI know how to auto login, i just want to do away with being asked to put my password in after I open my lcd screen09:14
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frying_fish|thunder: you can set up auto login09:15
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fooWhy doesn't this visudo entry work? foo ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL ? I type sudo su - and it still asks for password.09:15
looktj*pops in live cd* off to reinstall ubuntu09:15
frying_fisheod_punk: ahh that, I have that as well, I suppose I could look into changing that behaviour, but its useful at the same time.09:15
anon32hmm, what about secure logon? like "press ctrl+alt+del to start"?09:15
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borstalbreakouti am very new to linux and ubuntu, but i have a question. i have a 30 gigabyte folder of music on my harddrive that i do not want to lose. i want to know if there is any way to slap ubuntu on my windows partition and have it boot ubuntu instead of windows, and then i can delete the WINDOWS folder and all the other crap, but keep my music folder. is this possible?09:15
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frying_fishborstalbreakout: nope,09:16
eod_punkfrying_fish, not for me If i want it locked I will lock it09:16
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feryanamy little piii is doing fine09:16
anon32borstalbreakout: vmware, though your performance will suck09:16
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borstalbreakoutcouldnt get it work on vmware either09:16
borstalbreakoutthat sucks09:16
PanicFohow do i remove a service from a runlevel?09:16
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anon32is there a way to get a secure logon prompt? such as "press ctrl+alt+del to start"?09:16
borstalbreakoutif i got windows and ubuntu to dualboot could i still access the music with both of them?09:16
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frying_fishborstalbreakout: no, it's because you cannot make a whole new filesystem format and expect it to know the exact cylinders and how things were stored in another format.09:16
jgerbercant get new sessions configured under System->sessions to show up under the gdm sessions menu...09:16
frying_fishborstalbreakout: yes.09:16
anon32borstalbreakout: um... and no, you can't run linux off of a NTFS partition09:16
eschow do i get at CPU temp?09:16
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anon32you should... BACKUP09:17
frying_fishyou can't run off ntfs though.09:17
eod_punkstick a thermometer in its mouth lol sorry09:17
borstalbreakoutits too big to backup, otherwise i would09:17
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anon32buy a hard drive, they're not that expensive09:17
jgerberyou could convert the ntfs to fat09:17
borstalbreakoutwell my drive is mtfs i believe09:17
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borstalbreakoutthat sucks09:17
frying_fishborstalbreakout: its not to big if you have a spare partition big enough to house it09:17
anon32jgerber: at his own risk though09:17
borstalbreakouti dont09:17
eod_punkesc, maybe a gdesklet?09:17
frying_fishcould always buy another09:17
ProN00bborstalbreakout, generally what you do is: you shrink your windows partition, install ubuntu on the free space and read your windows partition from ubuntu09:18
PanicFois there any documentation on how runlevels and daemons work?09:18
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anon32*buy a new hard drive* they're pretty cheap, I'm getting a 100GB one for $2009:18
ProN00bborstalbreakout, don't listen to the other bozos in here, they are on dope09:18
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frying_fishPanicFo: lots from google09:18
jgerberannon32: of course09:18
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borstalbreakoutwell how would i go about doing that?09:18
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anon32borstalbreakout: doing what?09:18
ProN00bborstalbreakout, well, how much space do you have left on that windows partition ?09:18
anon32buying a new hard drive? or resizing?09:18
borstalbreakoutwhat ProN00b said09:18
borstalbreakoutabout 15 gigs09:19
anon32resizing can be done with gparted09:19
looktjno backups sucks09:19
ProN00b15 gigs is good09:19
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borstalbreakoutwhat i want to backup is over 30 gigs though09:19
looktji wish i knew command to backup09:19
anon32pronoob: I was under the impression that the less space, the higher the risk of partition damag09:19
looktjand put in tar09:19
jgerberannon32: i had the best experience installing linux ever with dapper. resized my xp partition and set up a dual no problem09:19
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godfatheranyone who has installed frostwire?09:20
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eod_punkdapper is good for that, i had a nice experience with it as well09:20
anon32mm, I don't feel like playing russian roulette with my hard drive09:20
ProN00bborstalbreakout, get like partition magic or something, or get the gparted bootdisk or something, and make your windows partition smaller so you have about 15 gigs to install ubuntu09:20
ProN00bborstalbreakout, then just install on that space09:20
jgerbernow i am having lots of fun with xgl and compiz09:20
eod_punkxgl is pretty sweet09:20
borstalbreakoutis there maybe a howto on this...09:20
godfatherplease help me09:20
eod_punkmmm rain drops09:20
godfatherwith java09:20
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frying_fishlooktj: tar cjf backup.tar.bz2 /bin /etc /var   (and so on)09:20
frying_fishbut make sure you are in /09:20
borstalbreakouti fucked up another computer trying to install linux09:20
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jgerbereye candy.... fun stuff. I just want to set up two sessions... one with xgl and one without.09:21
anon32oh yea, you can only resize by as much as the last non-fragmented section of your partion.09:21
jgerberi dont understand why the system->sessions isnt working for this09:21
eod_punkthe tutorial I went through had me do that09:21
anon32you should defrag first, borstalbreakout09:21
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.09:21
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anon32family friendly? only ubernerds even know what ubuntu is09:21
Jack_Sparrowlooktj: tar -cvpzlf /backup.tgz --exclude=/lost+found --exclude=/backup.tgz /   is what I use...09:21
borstalbreakoutoh well09:22
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tristan_Does someone know if in the new Ubuntu kernel, Toshiba ACPI will be precompiled?09:22
frying_fishJack_Sparrow: that does it too09:22
borstalbreakoutim even more confused about this now09:22
anon32that's what you get for asking on an IRC channel :-p09:22
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bob_jensenhi all09:22
ProN00bborstalbreakout, you just gotta resize your partition, i am sure you can find on google how to do that nicely, if you have free space you can install ubuntu there safely09:22
eod_punksometimes you get an answer sometimes you get to many answers09:22
skirkhow can i install BitTorrent??????09:22
looktjanyone know chell?09:23
borstalbreakoutgparted is the program i use for that, right?09:23
ProN00bskirk, FAIL !09:23
eod_punkisn't it installed automatically?09:23
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bob_jenseni am going to show off ubuntu to a friend tomorrow .. and i want the experience to be extremely smooth :) he has a core duo pentium D processor .. which kernel is right for him /09:23
anon32borstalbreakout: but remember, only by as much as your largest unfragmented free section09:23
Jack_Sparrowborstalbreakout: That will do it yes.09:23
jgerberi like partition magic... never has failed me09:23
ProN00bborstalbreakout, or partition magic09:23
tristan_bob_jensen, i38609:23
bob_jensenand he has an ati xpress 200 onboard card ... do i install the fglrx drivers ?09:23
looktjhe walked me through installing vmware server09:23
anon32so, that's slightly less than your total free space09:23
borstalbreakoutexpect me in here later09:23
eod_punkskirk, bit torrent was auto installed for me09:23
bob_jensentristan_: ouch, the default i386 kernel ?09:23
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bob_jensennot i686 smp ?09:23
anon32bob_jensen: too bad all the good features on the ati cards are missing with linux drivers :-\09:24
godfatheris there anyone who installed frostwire resolving java problem09:24
tristan_bob_jensen, with a live CD of Dapper I think that everything should run fine09:24
borstalbreakoutis there maybe a way i could install ubuntu and use a boot cd to get into it, like dynebolic09:24
bob_jensentristan_: yes, but he says his resolution is something like 340*XXX09:24
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skirki cant see BITTORRENT.......09:24
bob_jensenlike the old vga displays (in his words :P)09:24
tristan_anon32, well I have an ATI and did not install any drivers and I have 3D accell and nice rendering so it is just what I wanted09:24
Jack_Sparrowbob_jensen: ati isnt giving out any info.. maybe with AMD now they will09:24
borstalbreakoutbittorrent is on the add or remove programs thing i think09:24
feryanalol alternate downloaded in 20 mins xDDDDDDDDDD09:24
anon32mm... but for stuff like dynamic overclocking and SLI?09:24
skirkok i try09:25
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VehendiDoes ubuntu work on an ati radeon x800 gto09:25
bob_jenseni think he's got the baddest of them all ..  intel dual core, ati, and an lcd screen :P :P :P .. how do i go about now ? :(09:25
feryananow I don't need it09:25
feryanait installed with the desktop CD09:25
ProN00bbob_jensen, install him windows xp so he can play his counterstrike09:25
tristan_bob_jensen, what would be his computer?09:25
bob_jensenProN00b: that's already done ;)09:25
bob_jensentristan_: assembled, not any brand09:25
borstalbreakoutis there maybe a way i could install ubuntu and use a boot cd to get into it, like dynebolic09:25
tristan_bob_jensen, did he try any live CD?09:26
borstalbreakoutinstead of grub09:26
ubotuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a bootfloppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto09:26
bob_jenseni mainly want to ask - 1) what kernel ? 2) do i install fglrx or no ? 3) how do i set display right ?09:26
clearzenborstalbreakout: you can access any kind of filesystem with a live cd as far as I know.09:26
bob_jensentristan_: he did .. net not working, bad resolution09:26
bob_jensenthe only complains09:26
jgerberanyone notice that you cannot seem to add a session via system->sessions?????09:26
rafael-echow can i shar my printer over the lan to other linux machines09:26
clearzenat least i haven't found one they don't work on09:26
rafael-ecusing cups and ipp?09:26
jgerberit looks like it works through the interface, but it doesnt add a session to the session menu09:26
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borstalbreakoutubuntus not letting me see into my harddrive...09:27
tristan_bob_jensen, 1) kernel should be i386 because he has an intel proc. 2) fglrx should be default install for ATI card, I think09:27
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borstalbreakoutit says unable to mount or something09:27
clearzenis your hdd mounted?09:27
bob_jensenalso, his net is the one with static ip in ethernet lan card .. easy enough i guess?09:27
ProN00btristan_, why no i686 ?09:27
absolutis there a way to run Steam through cedega? right now it's been popping errors for me09:27
borstalbreakouti dont know what that means09:27
borstalbreakoutim very new to linux09:27
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\usr\Cyphpls, what is the requeriment to run the ubuntu?09:27
b0ysc0uthow can i find out how many people r log in into my computer?09:27
Jack_Sparrowborstalbreakout: Is it a raid array09:27
bob_jensentristan_: why not i686 smp ? i use i686 for my p3 :) .. and smp because he has dual core ..?09:27
ProN00babsolut, i am pretty sure you can get support from cedega makers for that09:27
tristan_Yes why not? ;)09:28
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absolutk...gonna check their site09:28
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Jack_Sparrowborstalbreakout: The drive you cannot see.  Is it setup as raid?09:28
borstalbreakouti dont know what that means...09:28
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borstalbreakouti feel really stupid right now09:28
skirki dont see BITTORRENT :/09:28
godfatheri need to install java09:28
clearzenfirst mkdir /mnt/harddrive09:28
clearzentry this mount -t ext 3 /dev/hda1 /mnt/harddrive -v09:28
ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO09:28
bob_jensentristan_: and ubuntu installs fglrx, the proprietary driver, by default ?!09:28
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godfatheranyone could help me?09:28
bionoidHm I just installed Xgl/compiz and it works well. A little laggy when dragging windows and such, but very workable. However, firefox seems to resist more than any other application - there is a two-second (literally) response time for each letter I type, whether in the address bar, arrow-key for scrolling or in a form field. Any tips on that?09:28
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eod_punki forget how I found it skirk i'm still looking though09:28
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borstalbreakoutwell what does raid mean?09:29
clearzenborstalbreakout: did you catch that?09:29
lassegshi. I have a problem with my ATI card. The 3d acceleration doesnt work. can anyone help me please!09:29
eod_punkskirk, it wasn't listed at first but i found it and made it listed in the menu09:29
borstalbreakouti clicked the link but i still dont even know what hes talking about09:29
\usr\Cyphsomeone can help me?09:29
nahojany idea on how to get a laptop connect to a (otherwise) working internet?09:29
clearzenborstalbreakout: raid is when you have serveral hdd acting together in a array09:29
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shadow42nahoj: Ethernet cable?09:29
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anon32shadow42: !!!!!!!09:29
borstalbreakouttheres only one09:29
RMorris85im having a problem copying files... it says cp: omitting directory09:29
omairaslamhow do i find out the version number of my currently running ubuntu ?09:30
shadow42anon32: You didn't know I was in here?09:30
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bbrazilomairaslam: lsb_release -a09:30
slacker_nlomairaslam: cat /etc/lsb_relase09:30
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nahojshadow42, yes, DMZ straight to internet, works with my laptop but not with my friends..09:30
omairaslamthanks slacker09:30
eod_punkskirk, applications-add/remove  then go to internet and you should see bit torrent listed first09:30
anon32shadow42: kickbanned again....09:30
borstalbreakoutthis is what it says when i try to get into it:09:30
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borstalbreakoutunalbe to mount selected volume09:30
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borstalbreakouterror: device /dev/sda2 is not removable09:30
borstalbreakouterror: could not execute pmount09:30
skirkok eod_punk , i see it, bur i cant link on my Desktop :/09:30
clearzenborstalbreakout:: first mkdir /mnt/harddrive09:31
clearzen clearzen: try this mount -t ext 3 /dev/hda1 /mnt/harddrive -v09:31
tristan_bob_jensen, when I installed ubuntu, fglrx was default install for my ATI09:31
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slacker_nlpart #ubuntu09:31
lassegsthe problem is that even with a xorg.conf that i think is proper and a fglrx i think is ok installed, a fgl_glxgears that shows 550 fps,  the s3dscreensavers and all 3d acceleration doesnt work09:31
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eod_punkok then its a matter of making it listed in your menu and i forget how i did that as well.  one more sec09:31
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bob_jensentristan_: wow, thats great ! you used the official live cd ? i find it surprising since ubuntu doesnt install any restricted or otherwise non free stuff by default09:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 3d - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:31
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rcmivusing vmware player, can I safely open a .vmx housed on an XP partition, or is NTFS an issue (writing to that file, etc)09:32
borstalbreakoutalright, whatever09:32
borstalbreakoutim sticking with windows09:32
tristan_bob_jensen, yes i use official Kubuntu install CD09:32
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:32
lassegsJack_Sparrow, i dont just need basic information :p09:32
borstalbreakoutat least i know what people are talking about then09:32
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Otacon22c' modo di collegare uno schermo lcd di un portatile a un fisso tramtie connettore VGA ???09:32
bob_jensentristan_: ah, thats _great_ .. he will be installed kubuntu too :-)09:32
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!09:32
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skirklol Otacon22, non dovresti parlare inglese?09:32
sfpis there a way to start the vnc server via ssh?09:32
Otacon22sig, infatti ho incollato male09:32
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.09:32
RMorris85if i had a directory on my desktop named skin that i need to copy to /usr/share/pixmaps/ what command would i need to put in the terminal to replace the directory that is there already09:33
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!09:33
eod_punkskirk, right click the applications menu and click "edit menu"09:33
ubotuvncserver: Virtual network computing server software. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.3.7-8ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 530 kB, installed size 1240 kB09:33
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naliothJack_Sparrow: he's speaking italian09:33
sfp!vnc server start09:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vnc server start - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:33
skirkthanks eod_punk !!! :)09:33
eod_punknp skirk09:33
nahojthe laptop is connected via ethernet, ifdown eth0 followed by ifup eth0 does not work.. it keeps running on lo..09:33
VehendiWhen trying to boot from a live cd ubuntu gives an x server failure - I have a ATI radeon x800 gto09:33
ansicevening all09:33
rcmivusing vmware player, can I safely open a .vmx housed on an XP partition, or is NTFS an issue (writing to that file, etc)09:34
RMorris85if i had a directory on my desktop named skin that i need to copy to /usr/share/pixmaps/ what command would i need to put in the terminal to replace the directory that is there already09:34
Jack_Sparrownalioth: Got it.. realized my mistake and corrected it.. thanks09:34
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ansicgratzi mille ;)09:34
jjwalkerHey guys.. and girls :)09:34
tristan_nahoj, I had that problem one time and I had to add irqpol in the option of grub boot09:34
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feryanahey guys!, I have in the other pc wi-fi connection, I can find available connections, i connect to one but internet doesn't works (but I can see working the little screens, what did I miss???09:34
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jjwalkeri'm new too linux but am picking up Ubuntu really fast and i love it09:35
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nahojtristan, how do i do that? n00b here...09:35
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Jack_Sparrowansic: seems I cant spell in any language..09:35
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jjwalkeri have seen some screenshots of linux destops with graphical app runningon the desktop monitoring the resources and whatnot.. anyone know what program that is?09:35
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Jack_Sparrowjjwalker: I'm thinking gdesklets09:36
=== Chons [n=martin@xdsl-213-168-108-104.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu
anon32too bad ubuntu comes with no good software, I thought that was a strong point of linux?09:36
RMorris85Jack_Sparrow: if i had a directory on my desktop named skin that i need to copy to /usr/share/pixmaps/ what command would i need to put in the terminal to replace the directory that is there already09:36
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tristan_nahoj, open a terminal and type cd /boot/grub09:36
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sfp!remote desktop09:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about remote desktop - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:36
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ansicanon32 there is plenty of good software09:36
ubotuFrom more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD09:36
tristan_nahoj, then sudo gedit menu.lst09:36
ansicdepending on what you're looking for09:36
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:36
jhawkjjwalker gkrellm?09:36
UKMattHow do you look up where a program is saved (where it's source is)09:36
ansicUKMatt its pre-compiled09:37
Jack_SparrowRMorris85: I would cheat and run gksudo nautilus...09:37
=== Flyoc_ is now known as Flyoc
anon32ansic: but nothing functional preinstalled, and I thought that was a strong point of linux distros09:37
tristan_nahoj, then go down until you see End Default Option09:37
ansicanon32 such as ?09:37
clearzenanon32: Are you serious? It completely free and all the software is very functional. It even comes with firefox as a default browser. Tell me IE is better.09:37
ansicwhat are you expecting to be installed ?09:37
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anon32um.... there's no default installed media player... or one that's anywhere near decent09:37
Phoul!who's your daddy09:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about who's your daddy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:37
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jjwalkeror gkrellm09:37
jjwalkeri will check them both out09:38
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tristan_nahoj, on the line first line when you see ro quiet splash, add just after irqpoll09:38
clearzenanon32:It works fine you just need additional codecs09:38
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clearzenanon32:packages I mean09:38
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lassegs!codecs > anon3209:38
anon32clearzen: but it should *come* with those packages... or at least with an mplayer preinstall09:38
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tristan_nahoj, then tell me when done09:38
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Jack_Sparrowanon32: If you have a problem we can fix please ask.  If you just want to chat about what is not installed try #Ubuntu-offtopic09:38
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eod_punkHas anyone tried getting all the buttons working in ubuntu?  I've read up on it but haven't tried it yet.09:39
nahojtristan, thx... right now I am having trouble with starting the terminal, when I have fixed that I will try it out! ;-)09:39
clearzenanon32:As far as i understand it is not legal for them to provide all of them free of charge09:39
anon32there's a -offtopic?09:39
eod_punk*all the buttons on a logitech mouse09:39
=== Myown76 [n=roberto@d83-181-235-83.cust.tele2.it] has joined #ubuntu
lassegsi have a problem you can fix but noone wants to answer, never. why is that.09:39
ansiclassegs whats the problem09:39
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anon32mm.... there's something illegal with shipping xvid and libmpg?09:39
Dr_Willislassegs,  patience is a virtue. and the wiki/forums are also great09:39
lassegsthe problem is that even with a xorg.conf that i think is proper and a fglrx i think is ok installed, a fgl_glxgears that shows 550 fps,  the s3dscreensavers and all 3d acceleration doesnt work09:39
anon32mighta misspelled that second one09:39
mineraleHi, how can I take a screnshot from a .mov clip ?09:39
clearzenno but libdvdcss2 might cause a wave or 209:40
lassegsi know about the forums and the wikis but they arent real people :P09:40
Jack_Sparrowlassegs: Then your drivers are not installed correctly...09:40
mineraleI tried the screenshot button, but that places a weird color block isstead of the frame from the movie09:40
eod_punkyou could draw a box around it with the super key to get the screen shot09:40
ansiclassegs are you using nvidia or ati cards ?09:40
anon32clearzen: but as far as I know, libdvdcss is perfectly legal09:40
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ansicanon32 not in all countries09:40
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Dr_Willissome days i wonder if ANYTHING is legal. :P09:40
lassegsJack_Sparrow, i understood that. thats why i reinstalled them. wanna take a look at my xorg.conf? (in pastebin of course)09:40
anon32and you didn't answer my question.... what's wrong with mp3 and xvid then?09:40
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ansicanon32 you pick what you want09:41
lassegsansic, since im using fglrx i have a ati card09:41
Jack_Sparrowlassegs: I dont use ati but I would be happy to see if anything is obvious.09:41
ansicpersonal choice is part of what its all about09:41
eod_punkdon't some distros have that stuff preinstalled?09:41
exsHello. is it easy to compile Gaim beta 2.0?09:41
lassegsJack_Sparrow, thx, 1 sec09:41
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Dr_Williseod_punk,  i know of 1 that has some of the stuff installed.09:41
skirkciao tuxtux09:41
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grafthey i'm trying to nfs-mount this directory through a firewall but the simple and obvious isn't working - what do i need to do to get this working?09:41
ansiclassegs be careful with the driver versions the ati drivers (3rd party) provide varying results with various cards09:41
=== xixor [n=dork@S01060080c8b729d9.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #Ubuntu
eod_punkit would be nice if someof that was already working.  it would elliminate alot of hassel09:41
ansicgraft nfs/portmapper09:41
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ansiccheck your firewall09:42
graftansic: well i have no control over the firewall, it's some router09:42
Jack_Sparrowlassegs: Which ati card, and I hope not the 20009:42
lassegsansic, yeah, but they worked perf. on my last install of ubuntu on the same machine, same version(both ubuntu and the driver09:42
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Jack_Sparrowgraft: Whos' router?09:42
ansiclassegs same card ?09:42
ansicgraft then your screwed09:42
lassegsJack_Sparrow, I know about the issue, but my card is the Radeon Mobility x70009:42
lassegsansic, yes :P09:43
lassegshere http://pastebin.ca/16085209:43
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skirkthere is Gnome for Back Trace??? www.remote-exploit.org09:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about av - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:44
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ingeniummy sound just stopped working. it's not muted and the volume is up all the way09:44
lassegsJack_Sparrow, i just realized that the opengloverlay was off... trying with that one on... :)09:45
nich0singenium, When did it stop working?09:45
RMorris84Jack_Sparrow: Thanks! ;)09:45
ingeniumabout a week ago09:45
Jack_Sparrowlassegs: That is one ugly xorg, even the res settings only show vesa res..09:45
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Jack_SparrowRMorris84: ?09:46
RMorris84for the gksudo natilius09:46
Jack_SparrowRMorris84: Ah.. ok09:46
lassegsJack_Sparrow, its the default aticonfig xorg, with a few modifications...09:46
Jack_SparrowRMorris84: Short term memory loss09:46
lassegsJack_Sparrow, and its only ugly on the outside09:46
RMorris84wacky tobaky09:46
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ingeniumnich0s: it's as though the sound is muted, even though it's not09:47
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Jack_Sparrowlassegs: That card will do better res than your xorg shows09:47
eod_punklater all09:47
ansicxorg always plays it safe at detection09:47
Jack_SparrowRMorris84: Glad that got it taken care of for you.09:47
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lassegsJack_Sparrow,  i know, and the strange thing is; it actually does :P. Im running 1280x800 as we speak09:47
silian87sorry, how I tell apt-get to remove ONLY a package and NOT his dependences?09:48
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Jack_SparrowRMorris84: You are running a higher res than any shown in your xorg..09:48
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lassegsJack_Sparrow, That isnt really that wierd since you are reading the vesa screen and not the aticonfig-screen[0] 09:48
Jack_Sparrowlassegs: Sorry that was for lass09:48
ubuntuQ   on the live cd installer where does it mount / for installation?  is it /target like it was last year ?09:49
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ubuntui'm trying to install on sda.   and from the live cd that is proving to be near impossable......09:49
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silian87bye, thk09:50
yuggeI think i messed my usb up09:50
nownoti have xgl running but i have two monitors and xgl on two monitors isnt so good right now, so i was wanting to have a xorg.conf for xgl and one for regular session is this possilbe?09:50
anon32ubuntu: ....nice username09:50
Flannelnownot: #ubuntu-xgl or #xgl will be of more assistance09:50
ubuntuanon32: it's the live cd.  duh09:50
lassegsim trying with some new adjustments. be back in a sec. btw, thx for looking in to it, ive been asking this same question for a week and havent got one single response09:50
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Jack_Sparrowlassegs: Sorry but I dont have an answer, never have messed with ati..09:51
nownotwell i was wondering if you can specify a xorg.conf for each session09:51
=== bulio [n=bulio|la@bas6-montrealak-1177635711.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
yuggeI _think_ i messed it up when i compiled the new version of libusb, anyone know how I can restore everything?09:51
bulioI hve a home server running. I would like to put all of my music on it, so that it is playable from any machine on my network09:51
bulio what would be the best program to do this+09:51
Jack_Sparrowlassegs: I may not know the answer but I can at least listen09:51
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.09:51
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buliowell, a program09:52
kaos|stormchas3rMy volume gui is not coming up anymore.09:52
bulioI've never done this before09:52
ubuntucommand to close an irssi window ?09:52
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morodockbulio - you just want to have the music shared? like a samba share? or you actually want a web based management program or something?09:52
Flannelbulio: either set up file sharing networking (samba) and then you basically play the music as if it were on your HD, or set up something like icecast, that'll stream the music, like internet radio09:52
Jack_Sparrowbulio: Are you just trying to setup a server where users can pull their music and play locally?09:52
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Flannelubotu: /quit09:53
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about quit - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:53
Flanneler, guess he found it09:53
bulioJack_Sparrow: I want to store all the music on the server. Then, have people access the music via the player of their choice09:53
bulioor a web-based interface09:53
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eternalswdis there a guide somewhere for mounting and unmounting external usb drives?09:54
Jack_Sparrowbulio: Local net only or over the web as well?09:54
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bulioLocal net only09:54
lassegsJack_Sparrow, damn it. with the "OpenGLOverlay" "on" it didnt even manage to run openGL, as it did with that switched to "off"09:54
buliobut I don't mind either way09:54
Jack_Sparrowbulio: linux and windows users or just linux09:54
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bulioJack_Sparrow: windows09:55
yuggeAnyone got any idea with my usb problem??09:55
inameternalswd: i just did it two days ago... what problem are you facing ?09:55
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Jack_Sparrowlassegs: I know you have probably done this before but reinstall the drivers starting from scratch and the drivers linked from our bot, then try others if you need09:55
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Jack_Sparrow!samba > bulio09:56
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lassegsyugge, could you please repeat what was your problem. just joined :)09:56
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StoneNotebulio, I found this and you can get it via apt-get install gnump3d but I've never used it so I can't be of more help http://www.gnu.org/software/gnump3d/09:56
eternalswdinam, I just need to know how to do it properly09:56
yuggeI _think_ i messed it up when i compiled the new version of libusb, anyone know how I can restore everything?09:56
lassegsJack_Sparrow, yeah, i was thinking about doing the same thing... done it before though09:56
bulioThanks guys09:56
=== Glench|sleep [n=xinex@c-71-233-105-54.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bulioso samba would make a network drive09:56
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yuggeNow nothing works when I connect it09:56
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lassegsyugge, your computer freezes or the usb doesnt work?09:57
Jack_Sparrowbulio: yes you would have a setup that windows could read...09:57
inameternalswd: just plug it into the USB and see if it works... if you just bought it from a store, it is probably in windows NTFS format and it might mount it as read only.09:57
Jack_Sparrowlassegs: I wish I had a better answer09:57
yuggelassegs: usb don't work09:57
inameternalswd: in which case, re-partition it to a linux partition09:57
Jack_Sparrowlassegs: HE compiled his own usb..09:58
lassegsJack_Sparrow, thanks anyway. its really nice to get some help sometimes09:58
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Jack_Sparrowlassegs: Yea.. or a shoulder to cry on as the case may be09:58
lassegsJack_Sparrow, yugge , when you say nothing works you dont know09:58
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eternalswdinam, mounting works fine on boot-up automatically.  I want to know how to safely unmount it so I can transfer files to my other computer09:58
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GreenMancan somebody help me?09:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 5.1 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:59
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inameternalswd: you click to right click on the icon in your desktop and choose eject... it should then be safe to remove the usb cable09:59
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MetaMorfoziScan anybody help me about setting up 5.1 sound in an integrated card?09:59
lassegsyugge, ok, so have you tried to delete the libusb files and install the one from the repositories?09:59
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free09:59
marshalldoes anybody know how to apply the save song patch to last-exit?09:59
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage09:59
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yuggelassegs: yes10:00
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Nookiewhat kind of "GOOD" ftp clients there is out there,.. any siuggestions?10:00
phiber_opticwhat is the command to check which groups do I belong to?10:00
lassegsyugge, hmmm. tricky10:00
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yuggelassegs: usbview find my hosts, but not the things i connect10:00
FlannelNookie: there's one built in.  go to places > connect to server10:00
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eternalswdinam, I'd like to know how to do it from the terminal.  Nautilus has been acting up recently.10:00
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inameternalswd, i think it must be something like umount /dev/sda10:01
lassegsyugge, im sorry but thats as far as my knowledge about usb extends. Not very much im afraid10:01
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inameternalswd, it could be sdb or sdc depending on how may drives you have connected...10:01
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Jack_Sparrowyugge: what was the reason you chose to compile your own?10:01
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eternalswdinam, okay, so it's just like a normal unmount?10:02
morodockcan someone point me in the direction of some good repositories to add to synaptic besides the default?10:02
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ubotuSeveas has a semi-popular 3rd party repository for several packages. More info (and mirrors) on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages10:02
caseyomahHow do I chmod a vfat mount point to 4444? I can't "sudo chmod 4444 /mount/point"10:02
=== sobersabre [n=bilbo@l192-117-118-8.broadband.actcom.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_Williscaseyomah,  you dont chmod a mount point10:02
Jack_Sparrow4444 ?10:02
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sobersabrehi, I have a webcam. how do I use it under ubuntu ?10:02
morodockthanks jack10:02
Dr_WillisThe DeFacto NTFS Guide (and good info for vfat as well) --->  http://wiki.linux-ntfs.org/doku.php?id=ntfs-en#can_i_mount_an_ntfs_volume10:02
yuggeJack_Sparrow: It couldnt indentify my scanner, so the hpoj docs sugested updating libusb10:02
Seveascaseyomah, mount -o umask 002210:02
inameternalswd, i suppose so... but i use "eject" always... it gives me a progress bar saying that it is writing all cached stuff etc...10:03
Dr_Williscaseyomah,  reas that url and  how the umask and other options work10:03
sobersabre[ i have plugged it in and it doesn't work out of the box ] 10:03
inameternalswd, i wish i knew more to help you :)10:03
=== mardi [n=mardi@x1-6-00-13-46-42-3e-03.k500.webspeed.dk] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuwebcam is now easy to install on Linux; instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras10:03
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deedubbHello. Can someone please tell me what the command is to change the default editor again?10:04
lassegseternalswd, i can help you, its easy10:04
lassegseternalswd, easy as pie10:04
yuggeJack_Sparrow: I might already then, have had a problem. I know my psx usb adapter stopped working late last night, but i didn't do anything special, so I just thought that Id had to reboot the machine.10:04
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Jack_Sparrow884 people say hello back10:05
eternalswdlassegs, please describe10:05
skirkhello root_10:05
lassegseternalswd, you just type 'sudo umount /dev/yourusbdevice' in the terminal10:05
x_OI am in an IRC based chat client, lol. My XORG is busted and I can't log back in... :(10:05
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x_OBut I managed to install Bitchx, and Lynx, lol.10:05
deedubbCome on peepz, don't make me repeat and get in trouble for it10:05
deedubbI know you know!10:05
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Dr_Willisdeedubb,  ya mean the update-alternatives thing?10:06
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deedubbthats it? I'll try10:06
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Jack_Sparrowdeedubb: system/prefernces/prefered10:06
Dr_Williswith some options. :P10:06
eternalswdlassegs, okay, so I don't need to do anything special, just a normal unmount?  Will it automount when I plug it back in?10:06
manstokewhy does the installer list Macromedia Flash but then fail to install?10:06
lassegseternalswd, i would guess so, yes. but no harm in trying, if it doesnt we'll just fix your fstab so it does10:06
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Jack_Sparrowmanstoke: HAve you changed any repos?10:07
deedubbthank you, I got it, update-alternatives --config editor10:07
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foomonkeyIf I want to download the source code to a GNOME app, say GEdit, can I use Synaptic to get it?10:07
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foomonkeyOr do I need to use apt-get?10:07
foomonkeyOr do I do it some other way?10:08
skirktry   whois microsoft.com       :)10:08
ubotuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), vi/vim (terminal-based), terminal based: vi/vim, emacs, nano (user-friendly). HTML/CSS editors: !html; Programming: !code10:08
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Glenchvim owns all^10:08
eternalswdlassegs, thanks for the help10:08
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backlitleafpad rocks10:08
lassegseternalswd, my pleasure10:08
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skirknano owns all :D10:08
foomonkeywas that !gedit suppose to help me?10:08
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lassegsfoomonkey, yeah i was thinking the same thing10:09
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Jack_Sparrowfoomonkey: Wasnt sure, thought I would check10:09
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Homeris a port scan suppose to take long?10:09
lassegsJack_Sparrow, so you decided to flood the channel :D10:09
foomonkeyOK... I know how to use Synaptic pretty well to get binaries... but source?10:09
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lassegsHomer, yes10:09
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clearzenHomer:  It depends on the option you selected and the system10:10
lassegsHomer, define long10:10
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Homerlike 10 mins10:10
Jack_Sparrowlassegs: Of course.. it is what I do.. :D10:10
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lassegsJack_Sparrow, of course you know about the !info > Jack_Sparrow , right?10:10
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clearzenHomer: Are you using nmap?10:10
lassegsJack_Sparrow, just checking10:11
Homerno the built in ubuntu network tools thingamajig10:11
foomonkeyIf I' look at my repositories, I see "Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Source)" selected. Does that mean actual source .debs?10:11
Jack_Sparrowlassegs: Sometimes it is as much for my own ifno10:11
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graemecould someone suggest a way to install on the following setup: main hd is SATA with windows, then primary ide hd is 80gb formatted ntfs used for storing video and then 2ndary ide hd is empty 30gb upon which i would like to install ubuntu10:11
yuggelassegs: what controlls the usb in ubuntu, just libusb or is there something else too?10:11
clearzenHomer: I don't know about that one. I don't use it10:11
clearzenHomer: sorry10:11
lassegsyugge, hotplug?10:11
graemedoesn't look like ubuntu desktop install cd is finding windows install and thus grub is notworking10:11
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fyrestrtrfoomonkey: yes10:12
caseyomahOkay, I want to mount /dev/hdb1 /media/120gig -t vfat (what other options for full access to all?)10:12
yuggelassegs: hm, maybe I'll try reinstalling that10:12
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lassegsgraeme, you can easilly fix grub menu.lst manually10:12
fyrestrtrcaseyomah: -o umask=00010:12
lassegsyugge, you go girl!10:12
foomonkeyIf I search for gedit in Synaptic, I found gedit-dev... would that be the soruce package?10:12
yuggelassegs: haha, I'm a man10:12
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graemei would appreciaite it if you'd teach me how10:13
lassegsyugge, its not important.10:13
clearzencaseyomah: I think this to be set to gid=000 as well10:13
lassegsyugge, just go10:13
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graemeit appears as though grub has been installed on the 80gb storage drive10:13
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fyrestrtrfoomonkey: no, that's the development libraries in case you are building something that integrates gedit.10:13
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graemebut it is not the boot frive for the sysytem10:13
!lilo:*! Hi all. Restarting services in just a moment.10:13
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NotCleverHello all, I installed compiz on my laptop aswell as some gnome manager thingy.  I clicked on "GL Window" and now I have just a white screen when logging into gnome - eek!  Is there a way to uninstall compiz from a terminal ?10:14
foomonkeyfyrestrt: so where's the source?10:14
caseyomahRights are still read only besides owner...10:14
fyrestrtrfoomonkey: on the web? What do you want with the source?10:14
mooky_does ubuntu 6.0.6 grub have the splash image patch applied ?10:14
lassegsgraeme, please put my name in front of your posts so i dont overlook them10:14
fyrestrtrNotClever: #ubuntu-xgl10:14
overriddensudo apt-get remove compiz10:14
clearzen caseyomah:sorry I didn't mean to address that to you10:14
NotCleverty fyrestrtr10:14
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foomonkeyI am wanting to get involved in working on some open source code. I thought gedit my be a lince little learning exercise.10:15
clearzen caseyomah: if you want to port scan the built-in software is not the best in my opinion10:15
graemelassegs, will do10:15
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fyrestrtrfoomonkey: you can download its source from the web, or check it out directly from their cvs.10:15
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skirkanyone have quake 4 for Linux???10:15
lassegsgraeme, ok. you probably want your grub to be on the hda1 disk10:15
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Jack_Sparrowfoomonkey:  Does this look like it would help ?  http://packages.qa.debian.org/g/gedit.html10:15
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_4hodmtAnyone know of a good system for managing removable media backups?10:16
foomonkeyfyrestrtr: so getting source from apt or Synaptic isn't really how you would go about it?10:16
skirkanyone have quake 4 for Linux?10:16
mooky_skirk you have to buy it10:16
_4hodmtIdeally I want software to split files over multiple discs raid5 style so no dataloss on single media failure, plus index everything so I can retrieve files easily10:16
skirki download it :/10:16
foomonkeyJack_Sparrow: I'll check it out... thanks10:16
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mooky_I didn't think it was free ?10:16
fyrestrtrfoomonkey: no, I'd fetch it via anonymous cvs. Instructions are here > http://www.gnome.org/projects/gedit/developers.html10:16
graemelassegs, would that be my SATA with windows?10:16
mooky__4hodmt make a raid 5 array10:17
ompaulskirk, we don't talk about warez here, or for that matter other questionable activites, thanks10:17
foomonkeyfyresrtr: thanks... that's the info I was looking for.10:17
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manstokei'm using universe & multiverse10:17
Red-SoxHow do you save in nano?10:17
lassegsgraeme, but i didnt quite understand, dosnt your grub recognize the windows partition or are you suspecting it is installing itself on the wrong partition?10:17
clearzenRed-Sox: press ctrl+x10:17
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fyrestrtrRed-Sox: ctrl+o10:17
ompaulRed-Sox, bottom right hand corner of the menu Ctrl + X and then a Y10:17
clearzenRed-Sox:then y and enter10:17
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LoneWolf071How can I tell what graphics driver i'm using, or need to, it's set in the config file to x11drv, but everytime I run cedega it says it can't find it10:17
mooky_LoneWolf071 look at your xorg.conf file10:17
fyrestrtrhe asked how to save, not how to exit :P10:18
dejxhow's that sound on my laptop works only in gnome, if i want play some.mp310:18
dejx//dev/dsp busy10:18
mar_cushello guys I need some help with apt. someone got a moment?10:18
Red-SoxBRB restarting X10:18
lassegsclearzen is a sneaky devil10:18
mooky_mar whas the problem10:18
overriddensure mar_cus10:18
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_4hodmtmooky_: How would I set it up? The idea is to have stacks of hundreds of DVDRs usable but not risking data loss10:18
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Red-Soxwait a second10:18
Red-Soxhow come ctrl alt backsbace isnt' working?10:18
mooky__4hodmt mdadm or raidtools10:18
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_4hodmtmooky_: I'll research those, thanks10:19
dejxand some days ago sound worked just fine10:19
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fyrestrtrRed-Sox: are you running xgl?10:19
dejxany suggestions?10:19
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Red-SoxI'm in the failsafe terminal fyrestrtr10:19
mar_custhe thing is, I've been trying to get xgl+compiz to work, but I can't load compiz because I got an old ligl1-mesa package10:19
leo^how can i update my dapper to edgy eft knot2, do i need to download the .iso and install from it. or can i use synaptic? maybe a dumb question but i really dont know10:19
lassegsthen you have to open X to reboot X10:19
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graemelassegs, the installer is not finding the windows install, i suspect because it is SATA, so its installing grub on the wrong drive10:19
fyrestrtrRed-Sox: then ctrl+alt+backspace isn't working because it only works from within X. You probably want /etc/init.d/gdm restart10:19
mooky_leo^ apt-get update10:19
mooky_leo^ apt-get upgrade10:19
mar_cusI've added the right sources but ut seemes like it doesn't find the packages newer version10:20
Red-Soxtyvm fyrestrtr10:20
fyrestrtrmar_cus: xgl questions belong in #ubuntu-xgl10:20
mar_cuslet me show you:10:20
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skirkompaul , see this link and join :)    http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/news/article.php?storyid=98610:20
=== mooky_ loves how people are going crazy over xgl / compiz
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mar_cus## Added for XGL and Compiz10:20
mar_cusdeb http://www.beerorkid.com/compiz dapper main10:20
mar_cusdeb http://media.blutkind.org/xgl/ dapper main10:20
mar_cusdeb http://ubuntu.compiz.net/ dapper main10:20
mar_cusdeb http://xgl.compiz.info/ dapper main10:20
mooky_skirk do you want to chat about ubuntu at all ?10:20
mooky_mar_cus he just said - not in here10:20
mar_custhese are the sources  added10:20
caseyomahI keep getting a rights structure of drwxr-xr-x10:20
mooky_he told you where to look for help10:20
leo^mooky_: it says 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.10:20
fyrestrtrmar_cus: xgl question are asked in #ubuntu-xgl -- also, don't paste in here.10:21
ompaulmar_cus, please don't paste10:21
Flannelmar_cus: #ubuntu-xgl for xgl support please10:21
mooky_leo^ is dpkg setup correctly10:21
lassegsgraeme, i was talking bull when i told you that you wanted your grub on the hda1 partition. thats not true at all, as long as your grub recognizes the /boot/ folder(partiotion if you have made it as a partition) it is all ok10:21
skirkyes mooky_ ...10:21
mar_custhis isn't really and xgl problem10:21
dejxasfasfadsfa am i ignored on this channel?10:21
lassegsgraeme, because then we can manually add windows to the menu.lst later10:21
deedubbdejx: nope10:21
mooky_skirk then stop going on about random topics, this channel is buys enough10:21
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mooky_dejx no10:21
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mooky_but you are getting annoying by not waiting for a response10:21
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dejxcuz i tho... my client is messed..10:22
=== Jowi [n=johan@bgn92-4-82-238-212-88.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
mar_cussry, I have to paste again: The following packages have unmet dependencies:10:22
mar_cus  compiz-vanilla: Depends: libgl1-mesa (>= 6.5.1-0ubuntu5) but 6.4.1-0ubuntu8 is to be installed10:22
mar_cusE: Broken packages10:22
fyrestrtrmooky_: you need to run sudo apt-get update -- then go to #ubuntu-xgl and ask your question from there.10:22
mooky_can someone kick mar_cus10:22
skirkok mooky_10:22
mooky_he's not listening10:22
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mar_cusI'll go10:22
mooky_frying_fish what ?10:22
mooky_I don't want to use xgl10:22
lassegsmar_cus, use the god damn pastebin10:22
fyrestrtrmooky_: sorry, nick complete got you :)10:22
mooky_ahh no problem10:22
lassegs!pastebin > mar_cus10:22
Jack_Sparrow!paste > mar_cus10:23
lassegs!pastebin > lassegs10:23
fyrestrtr!msgthebot > lassegs10:23
mooky_just kick him - he knew he wasn't supposed to keep posting and just carried on "sorry I decided to post again"10:23
=== JDahl [n=joachim@3e6b6923.rev.stofanet.dk] has joined #ubuntu
mooky_this channel is busy enough without idiots10:23
graemelassegs, grub isn't loading at all when i boot, i only found it not working (error 17) when i switched my boot drive in bios to my primary ata, not my SATA drive10:23
fyrestrtrmooky_: relax.10:23
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graemelassegs, it could be that my SATA is run trhough a raid controller on my mobo10:23
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fyrestrtrgraeme: you need to install grub on the mbr on the boot disk (which, in your case, is the sata drive)10:24
Jack_Sparrowgraeme: are you mixing ide and sata drives?10:24
varsendaggrhey does anyone know a way to convert a nrg   ( nero image )   to .iso10:24
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caseyomahI can't get my (empty) vfat partition (/dev/dhb1) to mount to mount point (/media/120gig) in all user R/W mode. it keeps setting it to owner R/W and user R.10:24
mooky_varsendaggr I think nero is propritary only10:24
mooky_I /think/10:25
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caseyomahvarsendaggr, There's a package for it.10:25
fyrestrtrvarsendaggr: have you tried mounting it?10:25
deedubbJava question: I've installed automatrix, installed the JDK, and have javac (not in the PATH variable); I then tried to run update-alternatives --config javac, and its not finding it; does javac need to be in the path or should I tell update-alternatives where javac is somehow10:25
caseyomahvarsendaggr, I saw it earlier.10:25
mooky_caseyomah that would be handy to know about10:25
mooky_I'm interested10:25
fyrestrtrdeedubb: automaix questions are in #automatix10:25
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graemenot sure what you mean by mixing Sparrow, my boot disk is windows NTFS and SATA, i ahve two other disks on my ide channels, one for windows storage and the other upon which i would like to install ubuntu10:25
QwellSo, who decided that ubuquity was too good for 640x480 res? ;)10:25
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deedubbfyrestrtr: automatrix is empty10:26
=== caseyomah checks his Synaptic for varsendaggr *
fyrestrtrdeedubb: automatix, not automatrix10:26
Homerwhat is the commandline to shutdown linux10:26
Qwellthis really sucks..  I can't get X to start at anything but 640x480@60hz10:26
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=== Vaxu_ [n=vaxaren@adsl-36-5.regionline.fi] has joined #ubuntu
gepatinohi... is there any clean/recommended way to install gtk 2.10 in dapper?10:26
Rafa_brzhi folks!10:26
Homerecho -n "shutdown" > /sys/power/state <-- doesn't work10:26
fyrestrtrHomer: sudo shutdown -h now10:26
backlitQwell: try Driver "vesa" to get going again10:26
mookygepatino apt ?10:27
Qwellbacklit: where?10:27
Rafa_brzI bought a new printer... and I gave a headache!10:27
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fyrestrtrRafa_brz: you gave the printer a headache? :)10:27
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:27
Qwellbacklit: This is the install CD..10:27
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gepatinomooky: shure, but what repository should i use?10:27
backlitQwell: in xorg.conf, under the Device subsection10:27
lassegsgraeme, I really know nothing of disks and hardware, so i wouldnt know anything about that10:27
lassegsgraeme, but ill help you troubleshoot your problem10:27
lassegsgraeme, is grub loading and then stops at error 17 ?10:27
Rafa_brzfyrestrtr: :(10:27
mookygepatino the correct one for your version10:27
backlitQwell: d'oh that kinda sucks, what video card do you have?10:27
ubotuntfs-3g is a linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Dapper installation instructions http://lunapark6.com/?p=171010:27
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=== micah41 [n=micah41@adsl-81-132-67.mgm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Qwellbacklit: should be an i830, I believe10:28
canuteHi guys, what is the fstab version of "sudo lufsmount ftpfs://user:pass@host.net/slackware /mnt/slackware --dmask=777 --fmask=777"10:28
caseyomahvarsendaggr, package named nrg2iso10:28
graemelassegs, grub isn't loading unless i change boot drives in bios, and then gives me error 1710:28
Rafa_brzI bought a printer called Samsung ml-161010:28
Rafa_brzbut it doesn't work with ubuntu...10:28
gepatinomooky: in dapper repositories i've only found gtk version 2.8.x. Is there any other repository to add?10:28
backlitQwell: just a hunch, try changing the driver to "i810", and then try "sudo /etc/init.d/restart gdm" at the command line and see if that helps10:28
fyrestrtrcanute: you don't want to put that in fstab.10:28
mookyis there a problem with 2.8 /10:28
Qwellbacklit: it detects the driver as i81010:28
leo^where can i find the egdy eft repositories ?10:28
canutehm, how can I make it automaticly be mounted then?10:29
varsendaggrcaseyomah, wow    thanks10:29
backlitQwell: may leave you off worse than before, but worst case you will have to reboot10:29
caseyomahvarsendaggr, No problem.10:29
QwellIt's a 82845G/GL10:29
fyrestrtrcanute: well, let me rephrase -- you can put it, but don't make it so it automatically mounts.10:29
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lassegsgraeme, that sounds about right. Ok. Do you have accsess to a linux live cd?10:29
backlitQwell: then try "vesa" instead and see if restarting gdm helps10:29
gepatinomooky: i need support for touchscreen mode in a special app, and it's solved in gtk 2.10, but not in 2.810:29
canutefyrestrtr: I see10:29
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jwl007is there a wireless expert around? :D10:29
fyrestrtrcanute: the reason you can't do that, is because for that to work, your network card must be enabled *before* fstab is read, and that's not going to happen :)10:29
mookylook at dev branches10:29
leo^where can i find the egdy eft repositories ?10:30
canutefyrestrtr: aha, of course... So do you suggest anyway I can do it?10:30
Rafa_brzIs there anyone here that have a Samsung printer?10:30
graemelassegs, i do, this is how I've been trying to install it10:30
Qwellbacklit: restarting gdm failed :p10:30
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fyrestrtrleo^: #ubuntu+1 has the answer to your edgy questions.10:30
eod_punkexperts maybe but ask anyways10:30
Qwellit "stopped", but X is still running10:30
lassegsgraeme, then you should boot with it, then fix the mbr from there.10:30
gepatinomooky: should I get the souce packages and compile or is there any backports repository?10:30
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mookylook at development branches10:30
lassegsgraeme, do you know how to use grub from the commandline?10:30
backlitQwell: make sure you have commented out any i810-specific options in the device section10:30
mookyrather than backports10:30
jwl007i can't install my (supposedly) prism2 based pcmcia wireless card...  tried ndiswrapper, orinoco, and linux-wlan-ng10:30
Qwellctrl-alt-backspace did the trick10:31
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graemelassegs, nope! but how hard can it be?10:31
fyrestrtrcanute: well, you can add it in there, with the option of not auto-mounting it, then its just as simply as typing mount /mnt/slackware and it read fstab and mount the device with your parameters. You can add that command to a script that you launch after all services have started.10:31
QwellSo, why do new versions of X hate this card?10:31
Qwellrather, when using i81010:31
mookyQwell which card was it sorry10:31
caseyomahOkay this should be simple, but I'm banging my head into a wall, what is the command to install a vfat partition (%d) into a mount point (%m) with all users having write-enabled access?10:31
inam!mp3 > inam10:31
eod_punkI had to try several different drivers to get mine working with ndiswrapper.  the one that worked in wondows wouldn't work so look around and find defferent ones and give them a try10:32
backlitQwell: i dunno, but my HTPC uses an i915, so hopefully i'll have some useful tips when i start converting it to Ubuntu10:32
lassegsgraeme, it really isnt that hard, the only thing you have to remember is that grub doesnt speak quite the same language as linux. hda1 in linux, is hd0,0 in grub10:32
jwl007eod_punk, where is there a good place to look for diff drivers?10:32
backliti went through a parhelia and a crappy off-brand gf6200 before i finally settled on my trusty old geforce210:32
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gepatinomooky: with dev branches you mean edgy? in that case, should i add a line in sources.list a line to edgy-main or something like that?10:32
canutefyrestrtr: I see. How would the fstab line then look like?10:32
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lassegsgraeme, just boot the livecd and type 'sudo grub' to get you started10:33
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fyrestrtrcaseyomah: sudo mount -t vfat %d -o users,rw,umask=000 %m10:33
mookygepatino yeah10:33
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stefglassegs: once you have a grub prompt it's 'find /boot/grub/stage1', then 'root (hdX)' (i.e. where grub found its stage1), finally 'setup (hdX)10:33
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caseyomahThank you.10:33
eod_punki'm on a laptop so i looked at different laptop linux tuttorials.  try searching for the wireless chipset10:33
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lassegsgraeme, then use man grub10:33
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graemelassegs, right, thats a bit silly.  do you have any handy resourcesthat will go through this more detail?10:33
fyrestrtrcanute: like any other :) /device /mount/point filesystem options (but you would add noauto to the options)10:34
gepatinomooky: but it's not necesary to update the entire system, isn't it? i only need gtk 2.10, not an edgy sys10:34
lassegsgraeme, or listen to stefg... he sounds competent10:34
mookydepends on dependencies10:34
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stefg:-)... hope that I am in fact :-)10:34
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lassegsgraeme, stefg just said what you should do. he sounds smart, listen to him10:35
fyrestrtrgepatino: in the worst case scenario, you can compile it by hand, but really -- you should avoid this if at all possible :)10:35
jwl007eod_punk, where do i find the wireless chipset besides google?  I've seen a few conflicting ideas for what chipset my pcmcia card uses10:35
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eod_punkjjwl like i said i couldn't use the one that worked in windows but I believe I found one that did work by look at different drivers for the same chipset10:35
A[D] minS!xgl10:35
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems10:35
eod_punkI googled for mine10:35
prophethey fellas, i try to mout a dvd with some AVI files and this is what i get'mount: block device /dev/hdd is write-protected, mounting read-only10:35
graemelassegs or stefg, if i then get grub on my sata boot hd, which has windows isntalled. will it muck it up?10:35
tuxedupI intend to buy a acer laptop, however the laptop I am interested in uses function keys to control the sound volume.  Will this cause any particular heartache on my part in getting them to work?10:35
caseyomahfyrestrtr, I'm still getting r-x access for group oother all and rwx for user10:35
mookyprophet and ?10:36
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Jack_Sparrowprophet: ntfs should be read only10:36
fyrestrtrprophet: that's normal, you can't write to dvds (unless they are blank and you have a dvd writer)10:36
eod_punktry googleing for your system and linux  might find a tutorial for your system, like i found for mine but for a different distro10:36
mookyits a dvd - of course its going to be read only10:36
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prophetim not trying to write im trying to view the content of a dvd with AVI files on it10:36
eod_punktuxedup, mine work just fine10:36
lassegsgraeme, no no, dont try to install grub to the SATA NTFS drive, fix the MBR on that disk, stefg told you how to do it10:36
mookyand ?10:36
mookyit looks like your dvd has mounted fine10:36
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graemelassegs gotcha10:37
Jack_SparrowI feel dumb today10:37
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tuxedupeod_punk: does it work out of the box? what key combination do you have to use to raise and lower the volume?10:37
mookyJack_Sparrow nonsensw10:37
prophethow do i find the files on it10:37
mookyprophet cd into the directory ?10:37
stefgGrub only works in _M_ BR (Master means first harddisk seen by the bios)10:37
caseyomahprophet, That is an informative message, letting you know you can't write to it, the mount succeded properly.10:37
eod_punktuxedup, same as in windows fn+f5 for up10:37
Qwellubuntu doesn't force installation of grub, does it?10:37
lassegsgraeme, the MBR is the file on your first disk that tells your computer where to find the boot loader (grub in your case). You have to fix it10:37
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Jack_Sparrowmooky: I agree...10:37
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Qwellbecause that would be a real shame10:37
mookyJack_Sparrow my typing is terrible, I was tyring to say "nonsense"10:37
fyrestrtrcaseyomah: its vfat?10:37
mookyas in your being dumb10:38
caseyomahfyrestrtr, Yes.10:38
prophethow the i access the cd now10:38
mookyprophet look in the wiki10:38
mookythis is basic linux usability10:38
Jack_Sparrowmooky: Up all night with 14 week old puppy... sorry all10:38
nownotok i asked in ubuntu-xgl and xgl and no one seems to know what is happening, heres what is going on, ok this is the situation im in,  have xgl workign just not w/ dual monitors, i have dual monitors working jsut not w/ xgl, when i try to boot xgl w/ the current xorg.conf file i get 10 sec timout and no screen found10:38
eod_punktuxedup, didn't have a single problems with them, they just worked as they should10:38
mookythere are basic linux tutorials10:38
eod_punklots of them mooky10:38
caseyomahfyrestrtr, Freshly formatted vfat (fat32) via Patitioning tool.10:38
mookyeod_punk I know10:38
eod_punkyou cna even get linux for dummies at your libray10:39
mookyhence why I'm recommending prophet take a look at them10:39
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lassegsstefg, but im a bit concerned because he managed to load grub but got the error 17 (dont understand filessystem).  I didnt understand that10:39
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tuxedupeod_punk: assuming they did not work, I could use alsa mixer to raise and lower the sound correct?10:39
eod_punki was getting error 22 on grub whenever i have a usb thumbdrive or hard drive hooked up to it10:39
lassegseod_punk, it isnt quite the case here :P10:40
stefglassegs, graeme let me look up what error 17 is about...10:40
fyrestrtrcaseyomah: -o umask=000,dmask=000,fmask=000,rw10:40
graemelassegs and all, thanks for the help10:40
eod_punktuxedup, no idea,  i wouldn't think you would have a problem wiht it.  try looking around and see if you can find someone using the name brand laptop and see if they had problems10:40
lassegsgraeme, wait10:40
eod_punklassegs, ok10:40
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graeme, oop, saw that10:40
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dermothHi there, quick question: I need to recompile the kernel that wi ll match my hardware. Is it save to bypass the initrs scripts and boot directly init (No initrd al all)? Is there anything critical set-up during the initrd stage?)10:41
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fyrestrtrnownot: first, xgl is beta software -- so don't expect it to work perfectly.  Second, have you already checked compiz.net forums?10:41
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eod_punktuxedup, there are a couple wikki's about laptops and if they work in linux and what in them doesn't work out of the box10:41
lassegsgraeme, tell stefg what happened when you changed the boot priority or whatever....10:41
stefglassegs, graeme grub obviously points to the wrong partition.10:41
dermothis it saFe...10:41
mookydermoth if you have to ask that10:41
fyrestrtrdermoth: match your hardware how?10:41
mookyyou shouldn't be doing it10:41
lassegsstefg, then he has two errors...10:41
nownotfyrestrtr: no i havent, will check now10:41
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canutefyrestrtr:  does this look correct; none /mnt/slackware lufs fs=ftpfs,fmask=777,dmask=777,noauto,rw,user,exec,nosuid,host=host.net,username=user,password=pass 0 010:42
lassegs!pastebin > canute10:42
dermothI used to do it on others distro but ubuntu seems to have a fairly complex boot stage10:42
fyrestrtrcanute: no, you need to put something in none10:42
eod_punktuxtux, i used this one because its an older version of mine http://www.linuxsolutions.co.nz/sager9860wiki/index.php/Main_Page10:42
mookywhy do you want to boot different ?10:42
graemewell, i like a good challenge10:42
mookywhats wrong with allowing init to run /10:42
tuxedupeod_punk: yeh I have looked at the linux-laptops.net site but the laptops I am after are not listed, Iam assuming though that there are some with a similar model number that the story should be the same and given acer latops seem to be quite compatable with linux from what I have read10:42
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canutefyrestrtr: such as? I have no idea what the device is, the network card?10:43
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dermothmooky: were yo answering to me>?10:43
stefgi could help more if i'd have a 'sudo fdisk -l' output and the /boot/grub/menu.lst of the drive in question on pastebin10:43
fyrestrtrwhat is your mount line?10:43
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gepatinomooky, fyrestrtr: i'll see what can i do with gtk 2.1010:43
mookydermoth yes10:43
gepatinomooky, fyrestrtr: thanks10:43
eod_punklook at notebookforums.com they have a deccent linux/laptop discusion area10:43
hyplwhats a good app for playing dvd's on ubuntu10:43
canutesudo lufsmount ftpfs://user:pass@host.net/slackware /mnt/slackware --dmask=777 --fmask=77710:43
fyrestrtrhypl: totem, vlc, mplayer.10:43
mookyxine ?10:43
mookyI still like xine10:43
lassegsim sorry graeme, i have a problem understanding the extent of your problems. can you describe it once more so we can get you all fixed up? :)10:44
fyrestrtrcanute: hrmm, hold on a sec.10:44
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graemestefg, i could get that, might take me a few minutes, need to boot live cd etc10:44
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CoolerHi all, I browsed the ubuntu website, i found what is server & desktop release but i'm unable to find out what is the "alternate" version you can download from mirror sites ?10:44
stefggraeme: fine for me, just ping me when you're ready10:44
mookythe alternate is a text install10:44
mookywithout a gui10:44
Coolerthx mooky :)10:44
graemelassegs, thanks, i'll try this grom stefg and will be back to let you know how it goes.10:45
dermothmooky:  Well it's much less trouble to just build a kernel, no initrd. So I was wondering is there's anything critical set-up during the initrd stage or I can go directly to init.10:45
j00barhowdy -- i have an hfsplus partition mounted with -o rw, and /etc/mtab confirms that it's mounted r/w -- however when i try to write to it, i'm told the filesystem is readonly -- am i insane to think that linux has hfsplus write-suppotr?10:45
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mookydepends if you want to preload anything10:45
mookyeggzeck: disk driver for raid setup,10:45
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dermothjust plain install10:45
lassegsgraeme, ok, but i think you might only be fixing one of two problems...10:45
mookythe bootsplash uses initrd10:45
mookydo you want the bootsplash ?10:45
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dermothI don't cate splasl or no :)10:46
mookyso drop initrd10:46
eod_punktuxedup, all my fn+buttons work with no problems10:46
fyrestrtrcanute: hrmm, looks like you need to use automount for lufs10:46
mookyjust keep in mind if anything needs pre-loading10:46
tahorghi, I've configured a cupsys with a shared printer on my laptop10:46
mookyyou're screwed if it does10:46
tahorgI can print with lp10:46
fyrestrtrcanute: amazing, what you can find in the manual :)10:46
dermoththx mooky10:46
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tahorgbut openoffice just barks at me "no default printer found"10:46
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tahorgwhile in the cups interface it's defined "default printer"10:47
fyrestrtrj00bar: your user might not have write permissions.10:47
miketechcan anybody tell me the difference between vim-gtk and vim-gnome?10:47
caseyomahfyrestrtr, I'm still getting a permission block of drwxr-xr-x.10:47
tahorgany know problem ?10:47
j00barfyrestrtr: this is using sudo10:47
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fyrestrtrcaseyomah: no clue on yours to be honest. Might a vfat specific thing.10:47
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j00barfyrestrtr: so it shouldn't matter my permissions10:47
Coolerlast question unsure from what i found at google/ubuntu, do you know if 6.6 (server) install support NTFS resizing of an existing windows partition before installing ?10:47
fyrestrtrj00bar: mount shows it as rw?10:47
mookyCooler don't think so10:48
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tahorgopenoffice just sucks bears with a straw.10:48
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caseyomahfyrestrtr, Do you have any better way to mount a M$/linux accessable (writable) partition?10:48
GianLuigiBuffonhi guys10:48
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j00barfyrestrtr: yes -- mounted with option (rw)10:48
TekaCould somenoe send me to a site/link containing screenshots of Ubuntu in use? I really want to see what its like befor i try it10:48
mookyTeka main site10:48
fyrestrtrj00bar: what is the owner/group of the files?10:48
GianLuigiBuffonHow is possible that a pendrive that works in windows ubuntu of one pc. doesn't do it in this one???10:48
TekaIve looked there10:48
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TekaFound no screenshots10:48
Coolerk thx for your answer i'm off resizing (partion magic) & installing :)10:48
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about screenshots - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:48
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about screenshots - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:48
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hyplwhen i try to play this dvd on totem it says i dont have the correct plugins10:49
hyplidk what to do10:49
fyrestrtrTeka: here is what mine looks like http://www.meidomus.com/images/Screenshot.png10:49
eod_punkGianLuigiBuffon, what?10:49
hyplwhere to get em10:49
fyrestrtr!dvd > hypl10:49
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GianLuigiBuffoneod_punk I connect a 2gb pen drive and is not working... (but I connect it in other pc with ubuntu too and does)10:49
j00barfyrestrtr: i'm trying to mount and hfsplus partition as my home tree -- i've mounted it at /home rw -- and i'm trying to make my user's directory -- so i'm running "sudo mkdir j00bar" and it returns "mkdir: cannot create directory 'j00bar': read only filesystem"10:49
mookyfyrestrtr nice icons10:49
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eod_punkmine work wiht no problem10:49
mookyj00bar you mounted it read only10:50
fyrestrtrj00bar: errm, I suggest you mount it somewhere else.10:50
GianLuigiBuffoneod_punk can maybe be by usb 1.0, coz this computer is more old10:50
j00barmooky: mount and /etc/mtab both say rw10:50
stefgTeka: screenies mean nothing... because the UI and the working system aren't monolithic in Linux... get a Live CD of Ubuntu, Kubuntu and/or Xubuntu and start playing, that's what they are meant for10:50
j00barmooky: and i explicitly -o rw'ed the mount10:50
eod_punkusb 2 should just drop down to 1.1 speeds10:50
mookyfyrestrtr that doesn't look like gnome10:50
j00barfyrestrtr: why do you suggest i mount it elsewhere?10:50
caseyomahfyrestrtr, Might my mtab be overriding my command line?10:50
fyrestrtrmooky: but it is :)10:50
GianLuigiBuffonit does... but maybe not on linux10:51
mookyfyrestrtr ooh I believe you10:51
GianLuigiBuffoncoz I'm my other pc with linux it works10:51
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eod_punkmaybe but i doubt it10:51
fyrestrtrcaseyomah: no, nothing like that.10:51
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eod_punkGianLuigiBuffon, do you have any other thumb drives to try?10:51
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fyrestrtrmooky: this is my ubuntu laptop > http://www.meidomus.com/images/laptop.png10:52
pablo89hi!!! there's somebody here???10:52
GianLuigiBuffoneod_punk yeah, gonna try other pendrive10:52
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GianLuigiBuffonit works10:52
mookypablo89 no - all the chats bots10:52
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mookywhat do you think ?10:52
GianLuigiBuffonand the other started to work now10:52
pablo89haha, yeah10:52
mookyfyrestrtr I like your themes10:52
eod_punkinteresting fyrestrtr10:52
mookywhats the playstation icon ?10:53
caseyomahfyrestrtr, I was mounting into /media that has a rights structure of drwxr-xr-x and the mount point couldn't be less restrictive.10:53
GianLuigiBuffonlol really curious10:53
caseyomahfyrestrtr, Short: Problem solved.10:53
fyrestrtroh lol10:53
eod_punkGianLuigiBuffon, what?10:53
fyrestrtrmooky: that's my desktop :)10:53
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eod_punkthe other one works?10:53
pablo89can somebody tell me what means "lol"???10:53
eod_punklaugh out loud10:54
mookyfyrestrtr ahhh the name of the box is playstation10:54
GianLuigiBuffoneod_punk I connected other USB Key and started to work, and then the first one did too lol10:54
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mookyjesus - this channel is border line spam10:54
eod_punkthat is odd10:54
mookyits flushing out the real good conversation10:54
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GianLuigiBuffonwhat means odd10:54
fyrestrtrmooky: desktop is playstation, laptop is mini-me. The icon you see is the icon for a remote scp folder on playstation.10:54
mookygot you10:54
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Qwell...it installed grub without asking10:55
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Qwellthat's rediculous10:55
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Dr_WillisQwell,  like 90% of all disrtos do eh?10:56
Qwellwithout asking?  no10:56
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eod_punkwhtas the problem with that?10:56
cry0genQwell: yeah..10:56
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cry0genQwell: a ton do it now10:56
Qwellone should ALWAYS ask to install a bootloader10:56
cry0genwithout even a hint of it even being installed.10:56
Dr_Willisalternative install cd - is documented as to be the one to use for  grub/other twiddling.10:56
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fyrestrtrI believe it does ask even in the desktop cd.10:56
propheti cant figure this out10:56
QwellDr_Willis: Does it say that on ubuntu.org/desktop/?10:56
mookyfyrestrtr is that you in the images on your machine ?10:56
deedubbI agree, bootloader should be an asking thing10:56
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cry0genfyrestrtr: it does in the begining10:57
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Dr_WillisQwell,  i read it somewhere on the ubuntu pages.10:57
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fyrestrtrmooky: eh? what images?10:57
GianLuigiBuffonWell guys... now I have both computer with Linux... Windows is no more in my home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!10:57
cry0genit says before you click "next"10:57
tahorgdeedubb: well it is10:57
Qwellsomewhere that somebody who is trying to download it will see it?10:57
cry0gento install10:57
eod_punkis it possible to edit grub outside of linux?10:57
Dr_WillisPersonally I think the live cd should have a 'text' install option.10:57
GianLuigiBuffonI been since march with just one pc with linux10:57
cry0genit says "install grub bootloader"10:57
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cry0genjuts people like Qwell keep clicking next10:57
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Dr_Williseod_punk,  you can use the grub console, or some other way to edit the menu.lst10:57
Hexidigital__in theory, after a clean install, i should be able to aptitude install kubuntu-desktop && aptitude remove ubuntu-desktop for pure KDE, correct?10:57
cry0genfill out the information10:57
cry0genclick next some more10:57
cry0genand never bother to read ;)10:57
Qwellcry0gen: There was no option10:57
eod_punkDr_Willis, during boot?10:57
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Dr_WillisHexidigital__,  no.. removeing ubuntu-desktop will not remove much of anything.10:58
deedubbtahorg: I installed ubuntu desktop just yesturday, I don't recall being asked about my bootloader; but I installed to a seperate drive so I don't really mind, but some people do and should10:58
cry0genyeah, it says it will install grub in the installer10:58
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fyrestrtrmooky: no, those pictures aren't of me, but some friends and some posessions.10:58
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admin_can someone give me a list of xubuntu compatible wireless cards?10:58
cry0genDid you readit anymore at all?10:58
Hexidigital__Dr_Willis: besides Kubuntu LTS disc, any ideas what i'd have to remove?10:58
fyrestrtrmooky: oh wait, car-smile -- that's me (forgot about that one)10:58
Dr_WillisHexidigital__,  thers no 'easy' way to remove all of the gnome-desktop packages - that i know of.10:58
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Hexidigital__Dr_Willis: ok, thanks10:58
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tahorgdeedubb: if you hit esc during grub boot, you can choose10:58
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Dr_WillisHexidigital__,  pesonally i never remove anything. :P10:58
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Hexidigital__Dr_Willis: :)10:59
Dr_WillisHexidigital__,  but ive seen a lot of others ask similer question and have similer missunderstandings10:59
enderhegemonHi. Has anyone been able to connect to a public iDisk folder with 6.06?10:59
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admin_can someone give me a list of xubuntu compatible wireless cards?10:59
RamiKassabhey guys I'm running the live cd on a machine with windows xp because I can't log into xp due to the windows geniune advantage crap. I want to copy some files from the ntfs partition that I need so that I can reformat the damn comp but I can't get access to the ntfs partition via the ubuntu live cd. The drive is supposidly mounted and it says it's status is accessible in System->Administration->Disks but I'm unable to bro10:59
RamiKassabwse the mount or anything due to permissions... any ideas? Thanks guys!10:59
GianLuigiBuffonsee ya guyz!10:59
tahorgdeedubb: if you mean "don't install grub on installing ubuntu"10:59
fyrestrtradmin_: find a list of *linux* compatible wireless cards.10:59
GianLuigiBuffonty for help10:59
GianLuigiBuffong2g now10:59
tahorgdeedubb: how will you boot it ?10:59
Qwellmeh, it boots at least :p10:59
Hexidigital__Dr_Willis: well, i saw a walkthrough after a google search, which i could paste the command... it seemed to work on my laptop... i was just curious if there was an "easier" way10:59
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Qwellin 1024x768 no less11:00
GianLuigiBuffonHawking pcmecia wifi card  works without install11:00
fyrestrtrRamiKassab: open a terminal, type sudo -i and hit enter11:00
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Dr_WillisHexidigital__,  the apt-get sstem is good for installing stuff.. not quite as good as removing stuff. :P it tends to be to safe i guess.. or just dosent keep track/tags of what every package needs for its dependencies11:00
fyrestrtrRamiKassab: then, type mount -- find out where its mounted, go there, and do what you need to do.11:00
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eod_punkmy onboard clevo laptop wireless card didn't work out of the box11:00
Hexidigital__Dr_Willis: ok, thanks :)11:00
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RamiKassabfyrestrtr: ok I'll give it a wirl, thanks!11:00
fyrestrtrRamiKassab: WGA stops your pc from being used?11:00
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metellius My sister is having problem with getting her wired internet working. I've tried to instruct her to do an ifup eth0, but it responds                  unknown interface. Is it so that it needs an entry in /etc/network/interfaces to work? and will that conflict with the gnome                         networkmanager applet?11:01
pablo89can samobody tell me what fuck is "wirl"????11:01
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varsendaggrpablo89, language11:01
pablo89sorry, "Somebody"11:01
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ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.11:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wirl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:02
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eod_punklater all11:02
fmasihow do i create a ReiserFS4 fs in ubuntu ?11:02
pablo89who heat to Microsoft????11:03
stefgfmasi: Don't11:03
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AbstIs there any program in Ubuntu that can randomly rotate my desktop wallpapers?11:03
varsendaggrpablo89, what is this in referance to?11:03
MKRCron and a perl script11:03
mookypablo89 are you just spamming11:03
D_dogOkies give this one a shot..new box asus p5 mobo intel core 2 duo two sata hd's cdrom is on ide..ubuntu boots from the cdrom then when its time to install it says that it cant find the cdrom..this has happened on suse 10.1 and knoppix 5 also any ideas how to get ubuntu installed on my box11:03
LookTJanyone walk me through installing jdk?11:03
pablo89no, dont think that11:03
LookTJi forgot commands11:03
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TyphonD_dog: netinstall11:03
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository11:04
enderhegemonDoes anyone use cadaver to log into iDisk?11:04
pablo89who heat to Windows???11:04
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mookypablo89 please be quiet11:04
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LookTJDr_willis: i said jdk not jre11:04
D_dogSo metinstall with a minimal CD ??11:04
Hexidigital__pablo89: knock it off11:04
Abstpablo89: This is for Ubuntu tech support not for useless spamming and idiotic script kiddie talk.11:04
LookTJpable ill go get op11:04
LnxSlckcan someone help me ? i have a locale problem11:04
Dr_WillisLookTJ,  read the url - i do belive they mention the jdk as well11:04
pablo89i understood11:04
varsendaggrwhat is wirl pablo89 ?11:05
AbstWe don't care if you ca nh4x0r the windows l0s3rs11:05
LnxSlckperl: warning: Setting locale failed11:05
siloxWhat would keep the essid from staying set when using iwconfig and ndiswrapper?11:05
pablo89wirl is language11:05
LookTJjdk is from sun11:05
fmasiis ther any whay i can have raiserfs4 under ubuntu ?11:05
fyrestrtr!locales > LnxSlck11:05
TyphonD_dog: i think some CDs can get to netinstall before losing the CD drive...not sure which11:05
kaotsilox: how do you mean?11:05
Dr_WillisLookTJ,  or are ya reafering to the SDK?11:05
brian98Hi All, I've made the move to ubuntu on my desktop11:06
LookTJoh i meant the commands for installing jdk update 811:06
pablo89do u understood varsendaggr???11:06
brian98got through everything11:06
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Dr_Willisor does sun have more things that confised everyone. :P11:06
brian98and am really impressed :)11:06
Hexidigital__pablo89: stop it now11:06
siloxwhen I do iwconfig wlan0 essid "whatever"11:06
Dr_WillisSUN is good at messing people up.11:06
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cry0genDr_Willis: they have tons of stuff11:06
brian98I was thinking about my laptop11:06
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siloxit won't stay set in when i go back and type iwconfig wlan011:06
kaotsilox: usually that means you aren't actually communication with the AP11:06
brian98but reckon it might be tricky!11:06
Dr_Williscry0gen,  more stuff then we will ever use/lnow about. :P11:06
varsendaggrpablo89, what language    or whirl is a codeing  language11:06
brian98would I be correct?11:06
kaotsilox: it won't give an error if it fails to register11:06
LookTJdr_willis i forgot commands to install jdk 5 update 811:06
kaotsilox: so it looks successful, but never actually registered11:06
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siloxIf i scan for it though11:07
siloxit its broadcasting11:07
cry0genDr_Willis: yeah cause Java's VM core is about 10 year old code11:07
cry0genthat is not a hide nor a hair worth it.11:07
fyrestrtrsilox: have you tried it from the network manager?11:07
RamiKassabfyrestrtr: that worked thank you11:07
LookTJdr_willis java vm sucks btw11:07
RamiKassabfyrestrtr: yeah WGA eventually doesn't even let you log in before activating the copy11:07
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Macros42what firewall is recommended for ubuntu?11:07
fyrestrtrRamiKassab: good to know.11:07
cry0genRamiKassab: yeah it does :|11:07
siloxI tried that but it would just hang at the part where its11:07
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed with iptables (in the command line) or firestarter (gui, can also setup connection sharing)11:07
RamiKassabfyrestrtr: yeah so make sure you fix it in a timely manner11:08
brian98anyone have experience of ubuntu on a Fujitsu Siemens laptop?11:08
mookyipables is a winner11:08
Dr_WillisLookTJ,  whatever. :P makes no matter to me.11:08
cry0genRamiKassab: All of my copies (i have a corp key) got nailed by WGA11:08
siloxi guess trying to aquire the AP11:08
cry0gensome how11:08
kaotsilox: you using wep?11:08
RamiKassabfyrestrtr: is there a way to make it so I can access the files off the NTFS partition outside of the terminal?11:08
cry0genI called them up and they removed the report11:08
brian98Silox: What card is it?11:08
cry0genand gave me the fix11:08
RamiKassabfyrestrtr: for example, using the FIle Browser11:08
MKRsudo nautilus11:08
cry0genSo i removed it.11:08
brian98Are you using native drivers?11:08
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brian98anyone have experience of ubuntu on a Fujitsu Siemens laptop?11:08
printkRamiKassab: what do you mean outside the terminal?  if the NTFS partition is mounted you can access it period.11:08
bioticprolooks like MySpace is requiring Flash 9 now =(11:08
mookybrian98 stop asking11:08
fyrestrtrRamiKassab: you need to run the file manager as the superuser. Run gksudo nautilus, not sudo nautilus.11:08
siloxMan I wish its some cheapo delight I picked up at frys an airlink that uses marvell drivers11:09
MKRwhat he said11:09
absolutanyone know why 'make' command isn't working for me? (command now found) -- in ubuntu11:09
MKRWhat's the difference between the two anyway?11:09
fyrestrtrbrian98: have a look at the LaptopTestingTeam wiki11:09
Macros42thanks - that was a fast response :)11:09
fyrestrtrabsolut: what are you trying to build?11:09
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nozorrofyrestrtr: i think RamiKassab is better off adding the 'auto' option in fstab11:09
printkabsolut: try using the absolute path.  /usr/bin/make11:09
fyrestrtrnozorro: he's on livecd11:09
MKRnozorro, he's on a livecd11:09
RamiKassabfyrestrtr: ahh got ya11:09
printkabsolut: if that works then it's your $PATH variable11:09
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RamiKassabnozorro: I am running a livecd so don't think I can do that11:10
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MKRYou can, it just won't be saved11:10
fyrestrtr!info stellarium11:10
ubotustellarium: real-time photo-realistic sky generator. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.1-1ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 1028 kB, installed size 2232 kB11:10
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MKRYou have a fully functional linux distro right now11:10
brian98fyrestrtr: Great resource...11:10
fyrestrtrabsolut: its in repos, use that.11:10
LookTJfound the commands11:10
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MKRYou can even use apt-get11:10
pufxhi, someone make a LFS ?11:10
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MKRor aptitude11:11
absolutbash: /usr/bin/make: No such file or directory11:11
printkLinux from scratch?11:11
=== mooky is an LFS developer
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pufxprintk yes11:11
_lupinepufx: it's a PITA :)11:11
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madfoxcan anyone spare a few minutes about HT ?11:11
fyrestrtrabsolut: stellarium is available for ubuntu. You don't need to compile it. Enable the universe repository, and then just install it.11:11
cry0genikonia: you develop with LFS?11:11
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JDahlabsolut, do you have gcc etc. installed?11:11
printkI've done it before yes, but this is #ubuntu :)11:11
cry0genor are you on the LFS team?11:11
ikoniacry0gen I am a maintainer11:11
_lupinevery nice11:11
absoluti believe so11:11
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cry0genI have 6 servers running my version of LFS.11:11
pufxprintk yes.. but in the channel lfs i'vnt responses :S11:11
MKRI couldn't figure out what to do with the downloads for LFS11:11
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printkabsolut: hrm looks like you need to reinstall make11:12
cry0genLots of custom things put in place on those builds.11:12
JDahlabsolut, couldn't hurt to try installing build-essentials11:12
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blue-frogis there a way to change gnome-terminal default windo size?11:12
absolutYeah i installed the one from Synaptic ..but fonts were messed up ...couldn't see anything ..so i went to Stellarium site and downloaded it from there11:12
pufxprintk you know how i can make a linux instalation cd ?11:12
ikoniacry0gen is there a reason you are asking about LFS in #ubuntu ?11:12
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brian98fyrestrtr:  3D Acceleration11:12
printkpufx: well doing LFS most people can find their own anwsers11:12
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LnxSlckfyrestrtr, hi... it still doesn't work.. can you help me ?11:12
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madfoxcan anyone spare a few minutes about HT ? pm me please, I have checked forum and stuff but still ...11:12
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printkpufx: that requires alot more than i can tell u on irc :)11:12
fyrestrtrmadfox: just ask the question.11:12
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fyrestrtrLnxSlck: what were you trying to fix?11:12
p0seidonthat's a secret11:13
Hexidigital__Dr_Willis: do you have a GUI running?11:13
pufxprintk i know... but i need documentation...11:13
printkabsolut: sudo apt-get install make11:13
fyrestrtrabsolut: install build-essential11:13
pufxprintk some url :D11:13
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fyrestrtrprintk: NO11:13
cry0genikonia: nope I wasnt asking about it at all11:13
cry0genI just heard you say LFS11:13
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ikoniaooh sorry, I thought someone was asking about it11:13
LnxSlckfyrestrtr, i did a dist-upgrade and now each time i use aptitude i get : perl: warning: Setting locale failed.11:13
ikoniahence why I changed to my regular nick11:13
Dr_WillisHexidigital__,  which gui? using KDE at the moment. :)11:13
MKRMy home folder is 4.4gbn11:13
fyrestrtrLnxSlck: what locale are you using?11:13
ikoniaI use my hidden nick when I don't want to be pestered about lfs11:13
absolutPackage make is not available ... i think my repositories are messed up11:13
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Hexidigital__Dr_Willis: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde  here's what i was talking aobut11:14
LnxSlckfyrestrtr, i'm using pt_PT11:14
printkfyrestrtr: no to what?11:14
mookynot that I mean you pestered me11:14
fyrestrtrabsolut: sudo apt-get install build-essential11:14
printkoh build-essential that's right11:14
MKRIs there any way to get a breakdown of a folder and its subfolders so I can see where the space usage is?11:14
fyrestrtrprintk: no to apt-get install make11:14
mookyMKR du11:14
absolutPackage build-essential is not available, but is referred to by another package.11:14
Dr_WillisHexidigital__,  they are manually removing all those packages. :P no simple remove ubuntu-desktop heh. thats a NASTY looking site. lol11:14
fyrestrtrMKR: du --max-depth=1 -h /some/folder11:14
absolutdef. a repository issue no?11:14
pufxsomeone know some documentation for make an instalation linux cd ?11:15
fyrestrtrabsolut: sudo apt-get update11:15
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Hexidigital__Dr_Willis: lol... it worked on my laptop, however... after a fresh install, i don't see much harm11:15
fyrestrtrLnxSlck: that locale might not be available for perl?11:15
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Dr_WillisHexidigital__,  as far as i know  sudo aptitude remove xubuntu-desktop   will NOT remove all of the xubuntu packages   UNLESS you used apititude11:15
blue-frogMKR: df -k /home will give you the size of /home partition for example11:15
LnxSlckfyrestrtr, locale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: No such file or directory11:15
absolutsame error11:15
Hexidigital__Dr_Willis: yes, i change apt-get to aptitude11:15
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Dr_WillisHexidigital__,  notice the first line..--> If you used ---> aptitude  <---- to install other desktop environments,11:15
MKRI need a breakdown of the subfolders though; du looks like what I need11:15
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fyrestrtrLnxSlck: hrmm, seems your pt_PT isn't setup correctly. Did you go through that site?11:16
Dr_Willisheh. if ya dident use apitiude - then you got to do it the hard way11:16
MKRTrying to track down space use =P11:16
LnxSlckfyrestrtr, yes11:16
Hexidigital__Dr_Willis: but i'm removing the one that i installed by default11:16
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LnxSlckfyrestrtr, i everything went ok11:16
graftwhy do i get an 'RPC Error : 15  (program not registered)' when I try to NFS mount this thingy?11:16
Qwellumm...stupid question..  Why can I not install sshd on the desktop version?  heh11:16
madfoxI have a Medion Laptop ... drivers for XP are a mess, Linux gets all right, Now using cpuid I see the HT flag is enabled, I have a p4-M on my laptop Question: It says HT siblings 1 so that means there is not HT at all ? or that it's not viewing it right ... or what ? The guy I got the laptop from told me it was HT ...11:16
Hexidigital__Dr_Willis: just thought i'd show you that11:16
Dr_WillisHexidigital__,  i wonder how up to date that site is..11:16
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printkQwell: hrm who says you can't?11:16
absolutCan you paste me a repository that has 'make' or 'build-essentials' ?11:16
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Dr_WillisHexidigital__,  also what about other kde/gnome/whatever related packatges :P11:16
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fyrestrtrgraft: possibly could mean, your computer isn't authorized by the server.11:16
MKRIs there a way to sort du output by space?11:16
Qwellprintk: apt?11:16
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fyrestrtrabsolut: its in the main repos.11:17
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Hexidigital__Dr_Willis: 09/03/200611:17
printkQwell: and it told you this by?11:17
fyrestrtrMKR: pipe the output to sort11:17
graftfyrestrtr: well i think i have the correct netmask etc. in /etc/exports on the server11:17
Qwellprintk: me trying to install ssh :p11:17
DeformativeAnyone know who made that?11:17
MKRdidn't know about sort11:17
pufxok thanks ;)11:17
Qwellbecause there was no /etc/init.d/ssh11:17
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fyrestrtrMKR: man sort :)11:17
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printkQwell: ok i mean what exactly did it say?  apt-get install ssh11:17
printkit works for me11:17
QwellPackage ssh is not available, but is referred..blah11:17
fyrestrtrgraft: netmount running?11:17
Qwellopenssh-client ssh-askpass-gnome11:18
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QwellPackage ssh has no installation candidate11:18
graftfyrestrtr: netmount? rpc.mountd and rpc.statd are running...11:18
DeKohmmm, is there any dreamcast emulator for Ubuntu?11:18
printkopenssh-server is what you need11:18
printklooks like you have repo issues11:18
marshallhey guys11:18
madfoxso, can anyone help me corectly identify my cpu to see if it's HT capable or not ?11:18
cry0genQwell: openssh11:18
fyrestrtrgraft: on both?11:18
QwellCouldn't find package openssh-server11:18
QwellCouldn't find package openssh11:18
fyrestrtrmadfox: cat /proc/cpuinfo11:18
LnxSlckfyrestrtr, thanks anyway11:18
marshallhow do you make apps that run under root have the same theme as normal apps?11:18
cry0genapt-cache search openssh11:18
fyrestrtrmadfox: that will give you tons of info.11:18
stefg!info openssh-server11:18
ubotuopenssh-server: Secure shell server, an rshd replacement. In component main, is optional. Version 1:4.2p1-7ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 200 kB, installed size 540 kB11:18
madfoxnot enough11:18
graftfyrestrtr: um... there's no exports on th eclient so no rpc.mountd there11:18
brian98sqell -- sudo apt-get install ssh11:18
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printkQwell: did you mess with your sources.list?11:19
Qwellprintk: nope11:19
fyrestrtrgraft: I once ran into your error, and it was an acl issue, that's all I remember :(11:19
marshallhow do you make apps that run under root have the same theme as normal apps?11:19
brian98qwell: even -- sudo apt-get install ssh11:19
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brian98Works for me11:19
madfoxi know ti should see 2 proc only with the 686 kernel with ht=on right ?11:19
Qwellwell, it doesn't work here :P11:19
stefgQwell: openssh-server is the package you're looking for11:19
madfoxwell it doesn't11:19
graftfyrestrtr: acl issue... i don't have acls, i'm using ext3... hrm11:19
fyrestrtrmadfox: then you don't have HT enabled CPU11:19
brian98maybe you haven't got all the sources added..11:19
Qwellstefg: and what would I need to add to sources.list?  It's not there11:19
printkI only use the official repos11:20
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printkand it lets me11:20
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printkall though I am on edgy11:20
fyrestrtrQwell: are you on dapper?11:20
gepatinomadfox: cat /proc/cpuinfo, I think that you should see a 'ht' in Flags if it's a HT capable procesor11:20
printkbut i promise LTS has openssh-server :)11:20
QwellI've got dapper main restricted11:20
Qwellfyrestrtr: yeah11:20
brian98qwell: Get:1 http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper/main openssh-server 1:4.2p1-7ubuntu3 [205kB] 11:20
madfoxit has HT in flags11:20
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fyrestrtr!easysource > Qwell11:20
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stefgQwell: it's in main, you don't need to add anything. Just sudo apt-get install openssh-server11:20
brian98Get:2 http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper/main ssh 1:4.2p1-7ubuntu3 [1052B]  Fetched 206kB in 0s (257kB/s)11:20
gepatinomadfox: ubuntu's i686 kernel has smp support out of the box.11:20
fyrestrtrmadfox: maybe ht is turned off in your bios.11:20
Qwellstefg: yeah, it would work if it was there. :)11:20
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brian98stefg: I tried that and it failed11:21
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printkQwell: you do have dapper/main in your sources.list right?11:21
QwellI do11:21
brian98stefg: but if I just do ssh it works11:21
EV|ToshibaI was running Xubnutnu, then someone told me to install Kubuntu packages.. now I cant connect ot he internet...any help on this?11:21
gepatinomadfox: if you're using that kernel, maybe your procesor is not ht11:21
Qwellmeh, silly apt11:21
madfoxI know 686 has but running the 686 kernel doesn't change a thing11:21
stefg!info openssh-server11:21
ubotuopenssh-server: Secure shell server, an rshd replacement. In component main, is optional. Version 1:4.2p1-7ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 200 kB, installed size 540 kB11:21
brian98E: Package ssh-server has no installation candidate11:21
tichhow would i rename a usb drive?11:21
printkbrian98: openssh-server11:21
absolutWhat is build-essential package for Ubuntu?11:21
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absolutI have no make binary11:21
w30How do I install the source code for my kernel "2.6.15-26-amd64-generic"?11:21
gnomefreakbrian98: openssh-server11:21
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brian98sorry guys11:22
bionoidThere is an "eyecandy feature" that draws a "growing 1px square" starting at whatever icon I click in the launch bar.. Is there a way to disable it?!11:22
fyrestrtrmadfox: what cpu do you have?11:22
madfoxp4 mobile11:22
printkw30: kernel-source i think is the package name11:22
brian98If I apt-get install ssh then it sets up the server and I can connect remotely without a problem11:22
gnomefreakabsolut: it provides tools like a compilier and make (its for building compiling packages11:22
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absolutgnomefreak: What package?11:22
brian98but you wanna do something different so apologies...11:22
madfoxbut I can't identify it right it's either the HT version or it's just the normal ....11:23
Qwellhad to apt-get update a couple more times...11:23
rhymes_any clues about the reason why dpkg it failing so badly? "E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg received a segmentation fault."11:23
w30printk, then I have to install patches?11:23
absolutgnomefreak: build-essential doesn't exist in Ubuntu. But it does in Debian.11:23
gnomefreakabsolut: build-essential11:23
Qwell(yes, a couple)11:23
fyrestrtrmadfox: grep model /proc/cpuinfo <-- paste the ouput of that.11:23
gnomefreakabsolut: sure it does11:23
Dr_Willis!info build-essential11:23
ubotubuild-essential: informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.1 (dapper), package size 6 kB, installed size 48 kB11:23
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)11:23
mookyw30 depends if ou want patches11:23
Dr_Willis:) beat ya!11:23
fyrestrtrDr_Willis: you got the wrong trigger :P11:23
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knapperWhat's a good id3 tag editor for linux(gnome)11:23
grafthaha, stupid hosts.allow... damnit11:23
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)11:23
madfoxmodel           : 211:23
madfoxmodel name      : Mobile Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4     CPU 2.80GHz11:23
madfoxflags           : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe cid xtpr11:23
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madfoxshould say HT in the model name no ? then why is the HT flag set ?11:24
gepatinomadfox: I have a HT PIV, and the first line is model: 411:24
w30mooky, I want the same kernel I have now, I need it for an install of a 3rd party kernel module.11:24
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gepatinomadfox: i thought that the ht in flags was that, but was just a guess :|11:25
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printkw30: then really if you're compling 3rd party drivers all you should need is the kernel headers11:25
madfoxat least i have speed stepping :)11:25
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mookyw30 so you won't need patches11:25
RamiKassabfyrestrtr: sorry I had to go do something but I lost the messages you had sent about starting the file browser as sudo... I run what again?11:25
gepatinomadfox: cpu family: 1511:25
fyrestrtrgksudo nautilus11:25
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RamiKassabfyrestrtr: gksudo? what's the diff between that and just sudo?11:25
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:25
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rhymes_no clues whatsoever guys? why I have a segfault on dpkg?11:25
printkw30: if u can't get the exact source from the repo, get it from kernel.org11:25
printkfor your kernel version11:26
w30printk, so I can install kernel headers, how? is there a .deb for that?11:26
fyrestrtrRamiKassab: sudo is for non-gui apps, gksudo is for gui apps. Something to do with file permissions and .... oh yeah, not breaking stuff :)11:26
madfoxyes it's cpu familiy 1511:26
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absolutgnomefreak: http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/GUldyj23.html11:26
mookykernel-headers package11:26
stefgrhymes_: wrong libc6...11:26
RamiKassabfyrestrtr: ah got ya... the command isn't working though :(11:26
printkw30: kernel-headers is the package11:26
absolutThat is my sources.list and I do sudo apt-get install build-essential but it says there is no installation candidate11:26
gepatinomadfox: check your bios anyway... maybe its missconfigured11:26
w30mooky, ok wonderful11:26
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rhymes_stefg: mmm how that happened?11:26
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brian98Everytime I disconnect from a ms rdp connection tsclient bombs out with various different errors.11:26
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printkabsolut: did you read that link from ubotu on compiling?11:26
gnomefreakabsolut: ok hold on11:26
brian98is there a fix11:26
brian98or is it just me?11:27
=== w30 thanks mooky and printk :=)
brian98cant find anything in any of the usual suspect places11:27
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madfoxwhat can I tell you my bios has very few options ... it's been driving me crazy, not at all the usual options you get on a PC11:27
fyrestrtrRamiKassab: what are you typing?11:27
absolutprintk: yes11:27
mookybrian98 what are the usual suspects ?11:27
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stefgrhymes_: played with /evil/ entries in your sources.list ? :-)11:27
brian98ubunto.com support wiki11:27
brian98GOOGLE! :)11:27
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gnomefreakabsolut: you have no repos enabled other than quinns11:27
mookyright, so you've not tried to debug anything11:27
mookyyou've just looked on a forum11:27
RamiKassabfyrestrtr: typing 'gksudo nautilus'11:28
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fyrestrtrRamiKassab: and what happens?11:28
gepatinomadfox: sorry... that's all i can do for you :(11:28
brian98sorry :(11:28
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RamiKassabfyrestrtr: says Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:11:28
gnomefreakabsolut: make yours look like this one http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/666611:28
gnomefreakdinner ill be back11:28
madfoxanyway thanks for the help guys about HT, I also wonder how to get the battery power gauge to get better aproximates ?11:28
factotumanyone know how to handle a .uif file in linux? In windows i think it needs magiciso to open it.11:28
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absolutoka. thanks11:28
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fyrestrtrRamiKassab: are you running this from a terminal or console?11:28
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RamiKassabfyrestrtr: remember I am logged in as root right now because of the sudo -i command I typed in earlier to access the partition11:28
rhymes_stefg: I dunno but I reinstalled libc6 recently. I was trying to upgrade to edgy... and then went back to dapper. The problem now that apt needs to finish a task and I can't install (or remove) anything else11:28
stefgrhymes_: happy reinstall !11:29
rhymes_so I think I can't even fix the libc6 issue that you mentioned11:29
RamiKassabfyrestrtr: what the heck is the diff between a terminal and consol? lol I thought they were one in the same11:29
rhymes_hahaha are you serious stefg ?11:29
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printkrhymes_: did you apt-get upgrade to edgy and then you also used apt-get to downgrade again?11:29
RamiKassabfyrestrtr: I'm running it from a terminal though11:29
printkcause that can't really be done smoothly... the downgrade i mean11:29
rhymes_printk: yup11:29
fyrestrtrRamiKassab: a console is ctrl+alt+f1-f6 -- a terminal is gnome-terminal :)11:29
rhymes_so my box is doomed11:29
fyrestrtrRamiKassab: just type 'nautilus'11:29
factotumdoomed DOOMED11:30
RamiKassabfyrestrtr: oh ok I knew those as TTY's11:30
EV|ToshibaAny help to my question ??11:30
mookyehsy esd yhr wurdyion11:30
madfoxcan one get more precise estimates from the battery monitor ?11:30
mookywhat was the question11:30
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printkrhymes_: well you can probably go back to edgy or fresh re-install for 6.06, your choice :)11:30
rhymes_printk: I'll try the second option first11:30
fyrestrtrRamiKassab: a tty can be a serial port too, so it helps to call it a console vs. terminal (atleast for me)11:30
rhymes_the first first11:30
RamiKassabfyrestrtr: that didn't work either so I opened up another terminal that was logged in as Ubuntu (default live cd user) and did gksudo nautilus and it worked11:30
fyrestrtrRamiKassab: hrmm, might be something to do with the livecd.11:30
factotumyeah after using a slackware desktop for about a year i learned to keep it in "stable" to keep it usable unless you know excatly what your doing11:31
fyrestrtrI've never had to actually do something like that from the livecd.11:31
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rhymes_printk: one last question. If I decide to reinstall the distro, is it safe to install edgy from scratch?11:31
RamiKassabfyrestrtr: it must be11:31
fyrestrtrrhymes_: no, edgy is not for production use.11:31
EV|Toshibamooky, I was running Xubnutnu, then someone told me to install Kubuntu packages.. now I cant connect ot he internet...any help on this?11:31
rhymes_I don't need stability because I mostly use my macbook now as the primary machine11:31
ryanakcacan I delete /tmp/sess_* ?11:31
RamiKassabfyrestrtr: I'm in and browsing now though :)11:31
RamiKassabfyrestrtr: now to format this flash card... damn windows11:31
factotumrhymes_: do you have /home on a seperate partition than the base system?11:32
printkrhymes_: yes it's fine, get knot 2 iso11:32
mookyEV|Toshiba need more information to help you11:32
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Adrian2Hi. Is there a small Ubuntu Net Install CD available?11:32
rhymes_factotum: obviously11:32
factotumhaha alright11:32
factotumjust checkin11:32
fyrestrtr!installation > Adrian211:32
printkrhymes_: all though if you install edgy at any given point your system can break with an apt-get upgrade11:32
RamiKassabfyrestrtr: thank god I'm running ubuntu on this machine... I love it11:32
fyrestrtrRamiKassab: :)11:32
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rhymes_I also have /boot on a separate machine11:32
marshallhow do you make apps that run under root have the same theme as normal apps?11:32
fyrestrtrrhymes_: separate machine?11:32
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mookyEV|Toshiba don't pm me11:32
factotumerr...machine eh?11:32
printkmarshall: same theme? need more info what you mean11:33
Adrian2fyrestrtr thank you11:33
factotumi know i know11:33
fyrestrtrrhymes_: wow -- you must have a really loong ide cable :P11:33
=== maple [n=hax@Toronto-HSE-ppp3709078.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
nozorromarshall: you link the them to the system theme directory11:33
DBOmarshall, copy your theme folder to /usr/share/themes11:33
mookyEV|Toshiba repeating the same comment in a pm won't give me any more information to help you11:33
rhymes_fyrestrtr: ajhahahah11:33
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marshallnozorro: how do i do that?11:33
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DBOnozorro, copy, not link, linking from a root owned folder to a folder owned area = bad mojo11:33
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DBOroot owned dir to a user owned dir11:33
DBOyou get the idea...11:33
marshallDBO: what happens when i install and use a new theme then?11:33
rhymes_so let's see if I can fix this. I was downloading inuyasha 6th series before this crap :-(11:34
DBOmarshall, copy that over too =)11:34
nozorromarshall: ln -s /~.themes/themename /usr/share/themes *i think* -- lemme check11:34
fyrestrtrmarshall: what are you running as root that needs to be themed in the first place?11:34
marshallDBO: lol what a rip11:34
EV|Toshibamooky, what do you want to me to tell you? Im not sure what you need...11:34
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RamiKassabfyrestrtr: ok here's the next question, how do I format a flash drive to fat32 within linux?11:34
DBOmarshall, its not that bad =P11:34
fyrestrtrRamiKassab: System > Administration > Disks11:34
marshallthanks nozorro, DBO, and fyrestrtr11:34
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mookywhat the problem is11:34
fyrestrtrRamiKassab: err, sorry -- System > Administration > gparted11:34
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mookynot just "there is no interenet11:34
kevinGHow can I see what programs are running?11:35
fyrestrtrmooky: tubes are clogged? snakes on a plane? what? what?!11:35
mookyeg; is the network configured ? are you using a network modem, a usb modem, can it resolve dns etc11:35
RamiKassabfyrestrtr: ok Gnome Parition Editor... in now11:35
alxandra_can anybody please tell me a way to mount my disk from live cd11:35
fyrestrtrkevinG: gnome-system-monitor11:35
RamiKassabfyrestrtr: ok let me tinker around11:35
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marshallDBO: is this the correct command though?11:35
printkkevinG: ps aux|more in terminal11:35
EV|Toshibamooky, im using Lan. (verizon fios..) and the nets not configured.11:35
ryanakcacan I delete /tmp/sess_* ?11:35
fyrestrtralxandra_: system > administration > disks11:35
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=== mooky wonders how the op's in this channel control kicking people who are just not even trying
marshallDBO:  ln -s ~/.themes/ /usr/share/themes/11:35
EV|Toshibaand I dont know how to configure it..11:35
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alxandra_fyrestrtr i tried but it doent work11:36
mookyEV|Toshiba look on the wiki11:36
aLPHa_LeaK n811:36
ubotuwiki is http://wiki.ubuntu.com - Loads of user-contributed documentation11:36
fyrestrtr!doesn't work11:36
alxandra_i am usin breezy live cd11:36
ubotuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.11:36
=== bobbyd [n=bobbyd@i-195-137-31-171.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu
alxandra_yes it deosnt work11:36
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DBOmarshall, no, to create a link (possible security issue) ln -s ~/.themes/themedir /usr/share/themes/themedir11:36
teethdoodhow do I restart the sound system? it stops working after waking up fmro hibernation11:36
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fyrestrtrteethdood: sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-tools restart11:36
DBOmarshall, it would be better to use cp instead of ln -s11:36
RamiKassabfyrestrtr: if I'm gonna be sharing this flash drive between linux and windows machines, it's prob smartest to format it as fat32 instead of ntfs correct?11:37
printkalxandra_: open up a terminal and use mount(1) command11:37
fyrestrtrRamiKassab: yes.11:37
iMeowhi everyone, i've a bit of a question regarding swaping files between windows and linux11:37
printkalxandra_: what mount -t <fs> -o rw /dev/<partitoon> /<mnt_point>11:37
RamiKassabfyrestrtr: ok thanks man... I really appreciate all of the help11:37
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fyrestrtrRamiKassab: no problem, hope you get it sorted out. By the way, how long does it take WGA to lock the machine?11:37
ryanakcamooky: ignore them, they're not worth your time11:37
madfoxanyone from Romania ?11:38
bobbydis anyone here using kdevelop? I get a crash on exit that loses my projects under dapper...11:38
mookyryanakca does it matter ?11:38
fyrestrtrbobbyd: ouch :( bad bug.11:38
alxandra_printk, disk manager mounts swap space but i doesnt mount the main partition11:38
mookysorry ryanakca11:38
mookywrong nick11:38
=== auk_ [n=scott@h-69-3-115-93.lsanca54.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
printkalxandra_: yah you'll need to do it yourself.  use the mount command11:38
alxandra_let me try it11:38
ryanakcamooky: lol :P too late or too early in the morning ? :D11:38
iMeowi have a usb memory stick that i use to lug my website around so i can work on it at work, and it works great :D but only problem is when i bring the files back home, they lose all file permissions they once had and only keep "owner" permissions.  so i have to manually set permissions again before my files will work in linux. my memory stick uses FAT32, any way around that?11:38
RamiKassabfyrestrtr: that I couldn't tell ya. there are a bunch of fixes for it though, let me find ya the torrent I used to fix another win machine of mine11:38
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fyrestrtrRamiKassab: no, I don't want to fix it -- I just want to use that as leverage for installing linux ;)11:39
mookyryanakca nah, I'm just sloppy typing tonight11:39
mookytrusted auto complete11:39
=== Anubuntu [n=chatzill@S0106001310fc97d3.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
spuddoggAny Linux networking gurus in here?11:39
AnubuntuHello folks, can someone tell me an application that allows me to update my ipod in ubuntu?11:39
MetaMorfoziSany linux surround gurus in here?11:39
printkAnubuntu: gtkpod11:40
=== lmosher [n=lmosher@c-68-49-9-101.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
lontraAnubuntu: or banshee11:40
firippuiMeow: fat32 doesnt have the features you need to retain the permissions11:40
stefgiMeow: you'll have to use a file-system that knows about permissions on the stick... reformat it to ext2 or any other linux filesystem11:40
ryanakcabobbyd: I use kdevelop, try submitting a bug report with a back trace, steps to reproduce, etc11:40
RamiKassabfyrestrtr: hah ahh ok... I'm not sure exactly how long it takes and what triggers it if anything... I just know that it does and there is almost no way to get back into the machine without purchasing legit copies11:40
mookyspuddogg just ask11:40
spuddoggMetaMorfoziS, surround?11:40
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?11:40
iMeowwill windows 2000 be able to read ext2 natively?11:40
rhymes_I'm doomed11:40
rhymes_more segfaults11:40
fyrestrtriMeow: no11:40
MetaMorfoziSyes, 5.1 with integrated  Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8233/A/8235/8237 AC97 Audio Controller (rev 60)11:40
bobbydryanakca, have you not seen it crashing under dapper?11:40
RamiKassabfyrestrtr: well, I'm sure there are some reg hacks from with the repair consol you could do to get it but it's a bitch from what I've heard11:40
rhymes_I think I'm gonna backup and reinstall11:40
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iMeowand, will ntfs retain the permissions?11:40
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marshallDBO: it keeps saying its omitting directory '/home/jeff/.themes/'11:41
MetaMorfoziSmy problem is it uses the line in and mic as inputs, not outpust for front and sub/center...11:41
ryanakcabobbyd: no11:41
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stefgiMeow: no, but there's a driver on it on fsdriver.org11:41
fyrestrtriMeow: ntfs permissions don't work in linux.11:41
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spuddoggmooky, I'm trying to get another linux box to be able to read a network drive...I keep getting an error saying the share is not valid, or that it was recently deleted11:41
NickGarveywhat file determines my $PATH variable?11:41
DBOmarcin_ant, what exact command are you using?11:41
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fyrestrtrNickGarvey: ~/.bashrc11:41
ryanakcacan I delete the files: /tmp/sess_* ?11:41
bobbydryanakca, what build system do you use? qmake? automake?11:41
mookyspuddogg what protocol to share the drive ?11:41
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mookysamba, nfs ?11:41
alxandra_printk , i get "11:41
alxandra_mount: /dev/hdc5 already mounted or /mnt busy11:41
alxandra_" but it is not mounted i cant explore it11:41
DBOmarshall, what exact command are you using?11:42
bigjbiMeow: you can also try explore2fs11:42
printkalxandra_: well is something already in /mnt?11:42
mookyalxandra_ what is your present working directory11:42
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fyrestrtralxandra_: type 'mount' and you'll see where its mounted.11:42
muhammadhey when i tried to install cdemu it gives me this message Makefile:31: *** You'll need sources for your (at least 2.6.16) kernel.  Stop.11:42
muhammad ?11:42
ryanakcabobbyd: I haven't used it seriously yet, but I've messed around with both11:42
alxandra_no there is nothing it is empty11:42
mookyalxandra_ what is your present working directory11:42
linux_user400354bchunk creates two iso files from my bin and cue file. why? does someone use a different program in linux to create an iso from a bin and cue file?11:42
iMeowdamn i was hoping to avoid installing anything at work11:42
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cdemu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:42
spuddoggmooky, im not sure what you mean11:42
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bobbydryanakca, ahh ok, so you're not using it heavily, that's probably why you haven't seen the bug11:42
alxandra_i write /mnt as mount point11:42
spuddoggmooky, you mean smb?11:42
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bobbydryanakca, I'll submit a repro case11:43
mookyspuddogg what software is sharing the drive ?11:43
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EV|Toshibamooky, in the wiki there is NO help for me on my subject.11:43
mookysamba, nfs, or another11:43
fyrestrtrmuhammad: install linux-source11:43
Red-SoxWhat kernel version does ubuntu use? 2.6?11:43
godfatherg' night guys11:43
mookyEV|Toshiba yes there is11:43
iMeowoh well, guess i'll have to work with that11:43
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spuddoggmooky, i just tried to share the file...i right-clicked, then went to sharing11:43
RamiKassabfyrestrtr: wow on this machine gnome partition manager doesn't exist in System->Admin, did they just recently add it to newer releases or is it just on the live cd? I'm running 6.06 here11:43
someusernoobRed-Sox: uname -a11:43
muhammad<fyrestrtr> sudo apt-get install linux-source ?11:43
mookyspuddogg try to ping or ssh from one box to the other to make sure you can at least see them on the network11:43
mookyfirst of all11:43
jptxshello all11:43
Red-Soxsomeusernoob: ?11:43
fyrestrtrRamiKassab: its not installed by default, its just on the livecd.11:43
EV|Toshibamooky, I cant find it. anywhere. I cant find anything on how to setup internet on kbuntunu, using an lan connection.11:43
fyrestrtrmuhammad: yes11:43
RamiKassabfyrestrtr: ah got it11:44
spuddoggmooky, yes, ssh works fine11:44
someusernoobRed-Sox: type it in the terminal11:44
mookyEV|Toshiba its on there11:44
mookyspuddogg ok - thats cool11:44
Red-Soxsomeusernoob: I don't have it installed11:44
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marcin_anthi guys11:44
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stefgiMeow: no way. anyway the win-driver for ext2 can't handle permissions properly... Blame MS for it's filesystem flaws11:44
mookytry to mount it locally as a network device using
Red-Soxhi marcin_ant11:44
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mookysee if it is working11:44
jptxsI've just gotten through an install to the base system setup and got an MD5 checksum error.  Am I screwed or can I tell apt to somehow force it since it does seem to be OK11:44
someusernoobRed-Sox; oh, in that case:  2.6.15-26-11:44
marcin_antI need to change default gtk theme for apps that I want to run without gnome session11:44
Red-Soxokay thanks11:44
jptxsI burned the disc on my mac and that seems to be the source of the issue11:44
printkEV|Toshiba: i just did google "fios + ubuntu" and alot of links come up including some wiki11:44
marcin_antcould someone tell me how to do this with some different method than gtk-theme-switch2?11:45
jptxsthe MD5 error was on the kernel, by the way =]   so nothing I can skip...11:45
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rhymes_thanks guys. I'll be back when edgy will be up and running. bye11:45
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EV|ToshibaHow come Xubuntu worked right out of the box, and now Kubuntu goes in and now it doesnt work worth a shit. How do I go about installing Xubuntu back there?11:45
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mookyEV|Toshiba put the cd in11:46
printkEV|Toshiba: putting the xubuntu in :)11:46
mookyclick install11:46
EV|ToshibaBut i dont want to reinstall everything again11:46
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printkthen get kubuntu to work11:46
=== mooky wheeps
ryanakcaEV|Toshiba: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop"11:46
Gumbyis there a gnome program to help create and organize the gnome application menu?11:46
alxandra_disk manager shows "unformatted" for the file system of my disk. could this be the problem for not mounting it? (but it is formatted ext3 i am sure)11:46
mookythe desktop has nothing to do with this11:46
mookyalxandra_ I'll as you one last time11:47
mookywhat is your present working directory11:47
alxandra_you ask this?11:47
h6wHello.  I've just installed ubuntu 64bit on an Intel EM64T processor and I'm getting some extremely strange behaviour.   Little things like the Firefox search bar won't respond to the enter key, and the system crashes when I log off.   Any ideas?11:47
nozorroGumby: Applications > Acessories > Alcarte Menu Editor11:47
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ryanakcaalxandra_: run "pwd" in console/terminal, and then tell that to mooky11:47
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Gumbynozorro: thanks11:47
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mookyI'm checking your not in /mnt while trying to mount11:48
nozorroGumby: it's slow and clunky, but works11:48
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alxandra_no i am not. i can mount the swap space but i can do the same thing for my main partition11:48
alxandra_dou you have any idea11:48
mookyyou talk utter rubbish11:48
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mookyshow me the output of "mount" in a pastebin11:49
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alxandra_mount: /dev/hdc5 already mounted or /mnt busy11:49
kozmicim gonna replace my drive. it should work to just copy everything over to the new hdd, rewrite the MBR and it should boot fine, right?11:49
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mookyalxandra_ do you read what people type or just answer random questions ?11:49
mookyI said please show me the output of "mount" in a pastebin11:49
EV|Toshibamooky, Xubuntu was installed, then Kubuntu package's were installed. Whats hte command to go back to Xubuntu?11:49
printkalxandra_: when you type mount by itself (with no options) put that in pastebin please11:49
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stefgalxandra_: you're completly lost... you could never mount swapspace. look at your partitions again and get sorted11:49
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jptxsany way to get apt to force an install during basic system setup?  kernel giving MD5 erro but appears fine.11:50
printkyah you "swapon" swap :)11:50
alxandra_/dev/mapper/casper-snapshot on / type auto (rw,noatime)11:50
alxandra_proc on /proc type proc (rw)11:50
alxandra_sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw)11:50
alxandra_devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,gid=5,mode=620)11:50
alxandra_tmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw)11:50
alxandra_usbfs on /proc/bus/usb type usbfs (rw)11:50
alxandra_tmpfs on /lib/modules/2.6.12-9-386/volatile type tmpfs (rw,mode=0755)11:50
alxandra_tmpfs on /tmp type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev)11:50
mookyI said in a pastebin !11:50
alxandra_tmpfs on /dev type tmpfs (rw,size=10M,mode=0755)11:50
EV|ToshibaOh great...11:50
=== Snake_ [n=snake@adsl-65-43-165-124.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
alxandra_it is not mounted11:50
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)11:50
spuddoggmooky, any more ideas for me?11:50
Snake_What does everyone use as a IRC client?11:50
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spuddoggSnake xChat11:50
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kozmicSnake_: irssi11:50
bbrazilSnake_: xchat, irssi, bitchx11:50
someusernoobSnake: irssi11:50
mookyspuddogg try to mount it locally as a network share11:50
ryanakcaEV|Toshiba: log out, you'll see a little menu someweres on the login screen. select XFCE or Xubuntu11:51
h6wkozmic: If I were migrating to a new drive, I'd dd the first to the second, reinstall the MBR, then use parted to expand the partition to the size you want.11:51
mookyalxandra_ unless you learn to read and respond to requests properly - you'll not get any help11:51
alxandra_i am sorry11:51
bigjbalxandra_: have you tried creating a new directory and mouting it there?11:51
ubotussh is the Secure SHell protocol (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto). Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows, which can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/11:51
alxandra_i tred to mount it directly to /mnt11:51
alxandra_is this the problem11:52
spuddoggmooky, when i right click on the folder i want to share and go to "Share folder", it gives me the options "Share with (SMB)",  Name, and comment11:52
LookTJwhat is ssh exactly11:52
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printkLookTJ: in a nutshell imagine telnet over encrypted protocol but it's alot more than that and that's a bad description :)11:52
printkbut that should bring it to light :)11:52
mookyalxandra_ show me the output of "fdisk -l /dev/hdc" in a pastebin11:52
richard2looking for a good program to generate quality text ... for graphics11:53
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AnubuntuHow does one update an ipod with banshee?11:53
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h6wrichard2: Have you tried inkscape?11:53
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h6wrichard2: You can also pile in your ttf fonts to inkscape as well.11:53
richard2will try ..... thx for the suggestion11:53
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.11:53
alxandra_Disk /dev/hdc: 10.2 GB, 10248118272 bytes11:53
alxandra_255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 1245 cylinders11:53
alxandra_Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes11:53
alxandra_   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System11:53
alxandra_/dev/hdc1   *           1          31      248976   83  Linux11:53
alxandra_/dev/hdc2              32        1245     9751455    5  Extended11:53
alxandra_/dev/hdc5              32        1245     9751423+  8e  Linux LVM11:53
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printklol alaxandra just doesn't get it11:54
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nozorronozorro: oh god11:54
=== jptxs would love to know if he's being ignored or if no one has an answer =]
mookyalxandra_ are you deaf ? I SAID IN A PASTEBIN11:54
ryanakcaalxandra_: PASTEBIN IT!11:54
ryanakca!pastebin > alxandra_11:54
mookysomeone kick this dick11:54
mookyhe just won't listen11:54
alxandra_i dont know pastebin11:54
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alxandra_what is it11:54
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)11:54
mookyalxandra_ people are showing you the link for a pastebin 3 imes !11:54
kozmich6w: parted is a resizetool for ext3 or reiser? but dd, i thought the drive had to be the same for that to work. but if you say so :) ill do that then. thanks11:54
mathieu_can anyone recommend a good calendar software ?11:54
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LookTJ!language > mooky11:54
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naliothalxandra_: please read the /topic when you enter channels, pasting is rude11:55
mookyLookTJ what was the language warning for ?11:55
kozmicmathieu_: the one in evolution not good enough, or too complex?11:55
eugmanAnyone know anything about having an encrypted harddrive and running ubuntu?11:55
hondjemathieu_: client or server? evoluton works 'good enough' for me for a client, I like hula for a server11:55
mookywant to make sure I don't use it again11:55
EV|Toshibamooky, I have default, KDE, Xfce, Failsafe..11:55
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mookyEV|Toshiba don't care - not interested in helping you, you don't listen, not wasting my time11:55
=== LookTJ [n=taylor@c-67-187-178-93.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [requested]
mathieu_hondje: evolution is very slow on my machines11:55
lmosher!language > LookTJ11:55
=== LookTJ [n=taylor@c-67-187-178-93.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasalxandra_, please use the pastebin (http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org) for pasting11:55
printk!language > printk11:56
jptxsany way to get apt to force an install during basic system setup?  kernel giving MD5 error but appears fine.11:56
mookyLookTJ understood11:56
mathieu_hondje: i guess i am looking for something a little more simple11:56
kozmiceugman: do you really need to whole system encrypted? and not only the /home and a few other dirs? if so there are solutions like truecrypt thats quite easy to set up11:56
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.11:56
mathieu_hondje: that takes ical11:56
LookTJmooky you said dick11:56
Seveashondje, ? You here?11:56
mookyLookTJ as I said - understood11:56
h6wkozmic: Yeah, parted works with pretty much anything now.  Except for 64-bit machines with 8251 boards. (As I found out recently)  dd is so low level you can pretty much use it with anything.  I still like it after all this time. :-)11:56
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LookTJi got kicked11:56
lmosherLookTJ, You've said it twice now. I'm very offended.11:56
hondjeSeveas: I live again ;-)11:56
Seveasthat's been a while!11:56
eugmankozmic, I'm sure /home would be sufficent incase of theft.11:56
=== roostishaw [n=roostish@c-24-126-92-199.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveashondje, great, welcome back dude!11:56
LookTJimosher: i was talking to mooky11:56
=== EV|Toshiba [n=Testing@pool-72-64-146-8.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
lmosherLookTJ, well if you're going to be offensive use a pm11:56
SeveasEveryone who is awake: hug hondje!11:57
hondjemathieu_: I'll have to google it :) I've never tried anything outside of evo for a client with ubuntu11:57
LookTJhe was asking why the language warning11:57
=== acidspoon [n=acidspoo@p54A5DAE4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
hondjeSeveas: hehe, thanks man :)11:57
=== poningru [n=poningru@ip70-171-62-28.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== roostishaw [n=roostish@c-24-126-92-199.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
printklmosher: you also have /ignore11:57
naliothLookTJ: evidentally you offended someone with your language11:57
LookTJimosher: and i dont use laguage like that11:57
=== godfather [n=speedo@ip-34-64.sn2.eutelia.it] has joined #ubuntu
jptxsi'd gladly hug hondje tuesday for some help today.... =] 11:57
=== clyons [n=clyons@] has joined #ubuntu
bigjbmathieu: have you tried sunbird?11:58
=== dns21 [n=dns21@cm-24-121-14-14.flagstaff.az.npgco.com] has joined #ubuntu
kozmich6w: thanks for the tip. ill do just that :)11:58
mookyThe word I used is not normally "offensive" in the UK, hence why I asked to clarify the warning11:58
LookTJso sorry about that though11:58
kozmiceugman: look into truecrypt then, i think it should fit your needs11:58
lmosherActually I was teasing him.... I don't think that word is offensive in very many circles :P I'm just bored pay me no mind.11:58
eugmanok thanks11:58
mookyLookTJ - no, it was my fault11:58
naliothmooky: LookTJ please join us in #ubuntu-offtopic11:58
=== dmier [n=dmier@cpe-24-170-90-130.stx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== choongii [n=choongii@unaffiliated/choongii] has joined #ubuntu
naliothlmosher: you may join us in #ubuntu-offtopic also, if you like11:59
spuddogganyone know how to share folders?11:59
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@bas2-toronto63-1177698118.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
choongiihello. can anyone point me to some docs on what the 'universe/multiverse/security' etc terms mean?11:59
=== deep [i=HydraIRC@c-b22a71d5.017-19-626c671.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasspuddogg, system  admin  shared folders11:59
ubuntuim back :D11:59
ompaulmooky, it s for conversation that is not support related11:59
=== gnizzub [n=gnizzub@userdf217.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
Seveas!components > choongii11:59
mookywhy I am being asked to join "off-topic" for apologising for using incorrect language, yet, total retards are flooding the channel with rubbish and thats acceptable11:59
deepWhere is that link on "howto recover ubuntu after windows installation"?11:59
choongiiSeveas, thanks11:59
bigjbactually it is offensive in uk :P its entirely dependant on who you ask :P11:59
=== ubuntu is now known as namename
LookTJnalioth: im in11:59
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:59
mookyI'm one of the the only ones "on topic" in here11:59
=== eobanb_ [n=eoban@] has joined #ubuntu
=== robbbb [n=robe@heeleybankroad.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu
spuddoggSeveas, I have 2 folders I want shared there, but I cannot access them from other computers on the network11:59
mookyspuddogg I've told you how to test 3 times now12:00
deepGot to love this channel, Everyone is so friendly :D12:00
jptxsmooky: happy to ask you on-topic questions if you'd like... =] ] 12:00
spuddoggmooky, i have tested all 3 times12:00
=== kung [n=kung@dslb-084-058-204-130.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
namenameHi, I want to repair windows but I need administrator pass to do so. I forgot it and now how can I change/recover it??12:00
ubotuFor help with Microsoft windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. Also see http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 - !equivalents - http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm12:00
reitzellI need to install "lame mp3 library" because I'm trying to get myth tv installed -not sure how12:00
mookywhats your results12:00
mookydid it mount /12:00
bigjbnamename: ultimate bootcd12:00
Seveasreitzell, apt-get install liblame012:00
dns21i'm new to ubuntu, i'm used to slackware and compiling from source, i'm having an issue trying to get the developmental version of the game "battle for wesnoth" on my system... could anybody help me out in how i would go about doing that12:00
robbbbquick question for you all12:00
stefg!info liblame012:00

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