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Ub3r-L33ch | bobbyd - do you have any ideas? | 12:10 |
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TeePOG | morning | 12:12 |
visik7 | is dapper-proposed safe mostly ? | 12:13 |
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grothesk_ | bobbyd: http://www.phpfi.com/148938 | 12:16 |
grothesk_ | Nothing so spectacular in it, I guess... | 12:16 |
bobbyd | Ub3r-L33ch, so you're trying to do striping with RAID? does software raid support that? | 12:16 |
bobbyd | grothesk, no, I had some errors there I had to fix for mine, it was a long time ago though :) | 12:17 |
grothesk_ | Who needs sound and touchpad anyway? *g* | 12:18 |
Ub3r-L33ch | Yes striping works with software RAID AFAIK. I'm using the RAID controller thats on my motherboard, I'm assuming thats software, I dont really know. Currently it has 2 partitions on it, 1 for windows, 1 for games, and 10gb free space I have set aside for Kubuntu | 12:18 |
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grothesk_ | The strange thing is, that ALSA is bein set up properly. amarok even playss music. But I can't hera it. | 12:19 |
bobbyd | hmm | 12:20 |
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bobbyd | are you sure the mixer settings are being set (i.e. it's unmuted...) | 12:20 |
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TeePOG | i had that in mandriva! my Kmix wasn't saving its settings, and the PCM channel was muted every time on statrtup | 12:21 |
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habeeb | I'm really not happy with kubuntu >:. I'm trying to get support for 3 days on how to install that damn Emacs with antialiasing and fancy colours that I could so easily get in GNOME from a .deb package, thats unfortunately GTK based, and I get 0 responses. I've tried the kubuntu forum, and the ubuntu forum >: and I refuse to believe that there is no such thing in KDE :/ | 12:23 |
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auTONYmous | dagnabbit...anybody know how to print to pdf under kde 3.5.4? | 12:26 |
auTONYmous | the default cups printers don't work at all | 12:26 |
h3sp4wn | auTONYmous: kpdf ? | 12:26 |
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DaSkreech | angasule: Have you looked at kde-look? | 12:26 |
grothesk_ | bobbyd: mixer ist fine. All channels up. | 12:27 |
h3sp4wn | auTONYmous: Actually I mis read the question sorry | 12:27 |
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auTONYmous | h3sp4wn: I'm trying to save some Firefox pages as pdf's...the printers (print to pdf, mail pdf, etc) all give errors when testing, and none show up as valid printers to any other programs | 12:27 |
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auTONYmous | I don't have a real printer set up yet...(no ink) | 12:28 |
habeeb | !emacs > habeeb | 12:28 |
|lostbyte| | Hi, a quick question. What do i use to Maipulate mysql database on cli ? | 12:29 |
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grothesk | How can I tell current CPU Speed in /proc? | 12:29 |
h3sp4wn | grothesk: /proc/cpuinfo | 12:29 |
grothesk | No. | 12:29 |
h3sp4wn | grothesk: That will give you the current speed | 12:30 |
grothesk | That ist maximul speed. | 12:30 |
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grothesk | .k. So how do I activate throtteling? | 12:31 |
auTONYmous | AAARG! I'm going to Suse. It's slow as frozen piss, but at least sh*t works... | 12:31 |
h3sp4wn | The only machine I have ever had with it - It just worked | 12:32 |
angasule | DaSkreech: yes, what specifically are you talking about? I haven't found a solution to the white background for the userlist | 12:32 |
DaSkreech | !emacs | 12:32 |
ubotu | Text Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), vi/vim (terminal-based), terminal based: vi/vim, emacs, nano (user-friendly). HTML/CSS editors: !html; Programming: !code | 12:32 |
DaSkreech | angasule: A theme/skin for user lists | 12:33 |
h3sp4wn | I thought people used emacs without X (basically as everything they needed) | 12:33 |
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angasule | DaSkreech: you mean I have to skin the user list, not just kdm? who came up with that idea? | 12:34 |
DaSkreech | h3sp4wn: Apparently when you have X running it just runs as an X-app otherwise it stays cli | 12:35 |
DaSkreech | !code | 12:35 |
ubotu | Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs; KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello; GNOME: gvim, gedit, eclipse, pida | 12:35 |
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DaSkreech | angasule: I thought you were saying that you couldn't find a skin with a user list | 12:36 |
h3sp4wn | DaSkreech: I thought emacs was withoutx and xemacs was with X (but I haven't even attempted to use it for a long time) | 12:36 |
bobbyd | |lostbyte|, mysql-admin | 12:36 |
angasule | DaSkreech: I found a couple, but they all show a white box containing the user list, which looks horrible (and it's not part of the theme, according to the screenshots) | 12:36 |
DaSkreech | h3sp4wn: I dunno dude I just installed emacs and it starts in X when I broke my X the other day I sarted emacs and it started without x That easy | 12:37 |
DaSkreech | angasule: ugh :) The only people I recall having User lists by default were mandrake | 12:37 |
Ub3r-L33ch | can anyone help me with installing on software RAID ? | 12:38 |
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DaSkreech | !RAID | 12:38 |
ubotu | Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO | 12:38 |
angasule | DaSkreech: well, there seems to be something wrong somewhere, the ugly white box shouldn't be there, I found a theme in which the white box didn't look so awful and edited the xml so it was at least of a decent size | 12:39 |
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DaSkreech | angasule: Which one? | 12:39 |
angasule | DaSkreech: DEEP, and... KBlueSomething (sorry, I'm on my other pc at the moment) | 12:39 |
DaSkreech | angasule: Don't forget to comment and tell them why you used thiers MIght motivate others | 12:40 |
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angasule | DaSkreech: maybe the messages complaining about the white box should get a reply first, lots of 'me too' there :P | 12:42 |
DaSkreech | Oh Yeah. Maybe dig into #kde to find out if it's an issue with the Skin spec or people are just butt lazy | 12:43 |
angasule | heh | 12:43 |
angasule | will do | 12:43 |
DaSkreech | angasule: I'll poke you in a few days if youare around to get an update | 12:44 |
angasule | ok | 12:44 |
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grothesk | bobbyd: I just found out, it is only amarok not playing sound. | 12:53 |
bobbyd | ahhh :) | 12:53 |
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bobbyd | that's weird | 12:53 |
grothesk | mplayer and xmms do sound good. | 12:53 |
zorgluuu | smells like issue in xine | 12:54 |
PixelCloud | i'm quite confused about this issue i'm kinda having.. | 12:54 |
PixelCloud | broadcom 4306 chipset for wireless | 12:54 |
PixelCloud | everything is working.. | 12:54 |
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PixelCloud | but knetworkmanger wont work, but i used it to connect to my network in the first place | 12:55 |
PixelCloud | with wpa2 | 12:55 |
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angasule_ | !diskette | 01:02 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about diskette - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:02 |
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DaSkreech | angasule_: Think I've tracked down the problem | 01:02 |
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angasule_ | DaSkreech: daemonic possession? that's my leading theory :) | 01:03 |
one-dub | kubuntu kicks arse and stuff! | 01:03 |
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DaSkreech | angasule_: For Your diskette No that's between you and your priest (well a young one and an old one) | 01:03 |
DaSkreech | The KDM issue. | 01:04 |
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angasule_ | DaSkreech: so what would it be? I prefer my doctor's handwriting over xml heh it's just as legible | 01:05 |
phred_ | how do I define a local (hard disk) repository for apt? | 01:06 |
DaSkreech | It seems the problem is KDM's and might be a issue to work around | 01:06 |
|lostbyte| | bobbyd, hi, sorry.. was away.. | 01:06 |
DaSkreech | phred_: Why bother? | 01:06 |
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|lostbyte| | bobbyd, I have no mysql-admin, but have mysqladmin | 01:06 |
phred_ | setting up a computer for my dad who has no Internet access. I could take cd's of packages I download to install on his. | 01:07 |
angasule_ | DaSkreech: well, maybe he doesn't have internet access? we had to make a repo | 01:07 |
=== angasule_ curses the retardedness of google | ||
phred_ | and to avoid re-downloading for multiple computers here with only dial up access. | 01:07 |
dein | ok guys, i got some questions for you | 01:08 |
dein | my regular computer, its power source failed and took my motherboard with it at least | 01:08 |
bobbyd | |lostbyte|, sudo apt-get install mysql-admin | 01:08 |
angasule_ | !local repo | 01:08 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about local repo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:08 |
dein | im thinking about getting a new processor, motherboard and case | 01:09 |
DaSkreech | phred_: Just drop them into /var/cache/apt/archives | 01:09 |
dein | the dual core processors, what kernel would i use, and does ubuntu support them well? | 01:09 |
DaSkreech | That's the first place that apt cheks anyway | 01:09 |
one-dub | I am trying to get conky to position in the top_right in my Kubuntu install and just can't get it to move. Anyone have a tip? | 01:09 |
angasule_ | phred_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocalAptGetRepository | 01:09 |
|lostbyte| | bobbyd, :(.. i had installed mysql-client. was that a mistake.. | 01:09 |
|lostbyte| | ? | 01:09 |
bobbyd | |lostbyte|, do as I say :) | 01:10 |
DaSkreech | dein: a SMP kernel will do | 01:10 |
|lostbyte| | bobbyd, yes, its d/l as i speek. | 01:10 |
bobbyd | I command thee | 01:10 |
angasule_ | phred_: what we did, was to install using the kubuntu CD and had a CD with 'extra' packages (like the friggin' translations!) | 01:10 |
bobbyd | it's the standard mysql admin gui... | 01:10 |
angasule_ | DaSkreech: so what was the possible workaround for the KDM issue? :? | 01:11 |
|lostbyte| | Keeping in mind, i want to simpl connect to my web hosting mysql server, and not installing the server locally. | 01:11 |
|lostbyte| | bobbyd, ^^ | 01:11 |
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DaSkreech | angasule_: It's in code and so far it doesn't seem to be workable so unless you like White Skins... | 01:12 |
dein | will that enable dual core usage in all apps? | 01:12 |
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DaSkreech | dein: as much as possible yes | 01:13 |
dein | ok thanks | 01:13 |
gatito | donde sta el canal espaol | 01:13 |
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DaSkreech | !es | 01:13 |
ubotu | Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 01:13 |
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|lostbyte| | bobbyd, how do i tell which database to enter ? | 01:15 |
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angasule_ | DaSkreech: actually, I found a light blue skin in which the white box doesn't look so terrible, I simply can't do without the userlist, my parents like it too much | 01:15 |
|lostbyte| | there is a -u and -h, but i see no -d ? | 01:15 |
bobbyd | |lostbyte|, it shows you all your databases | 01:15 |
DaSkreech | angasule_: understood | 01:15 |
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bobbyd | |lostbyte|, check ou the help on the mysql sit | 01:16 |
bobbyd | e | 01:16 |
menace_ | anyone know if guild wars can run on linux? | 01:16 |
bobbyd | menace_, check the wine database, the cedega one, and check for a native version with google :) | 01:16 |
menace_ | but, i dont even know how to install stuff on kubuntu.... | 01:16 |
menace_ | im a linux noobie | 01:16 |
angasule_ | the language installs for *buntu could REALLY use some help... by default, konversation will join this channel, instead of #kubuntu-es , in the spanish install | 01:16 |
one-dub | I am trying to get conky to position in the top_right in my Kubuntu install and just can't get it to move. Anyone have a tip? | 01:17 |
menace_ | ,,,,no clue what wine cedega one are | 01:17 |
angasule_ | menace_: look at 'Adept' | 01:17 |
menace_ | i did | 01:17 |
menace_ | but it says break install | 01:17 |
|lostbyte| | bobbyd, cannot connect, it says.. whats the defualt port for it ? | 01:17 |
menace_ | and never works | 01:17 |
gatito | what? | 01:17 |
DaSkreech | angasule_: I know | 01:17 |
DaSkreech | one-dub: conky being Konqueror? | 01:18 |
gatito | lisa a eat you all your.... | 01:18 |
menace_ | when i try to install something using adept, it says break install...and then never installs... | 01:18 |
DaSkreech | !es > gatito | 01:18 |
gatito | lisaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | 01:18 |
gatito | what? | 01:18 |
one-dub | DaSkreech: no, conky being the cool system monitor | 01:18 |
angasule_ | gatito: anda a #kubuntu-es | 01:19 |
DaSkreech | Eh? | 01:19 |
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DaSkreech | one-dub: The Ctrl+Esc one? | 01:19 |
gatito | why i,m black? | 01:19 |
one-dub | Conky - http://conky.sourceforge.net/ | 01:19 |
|lostbyte| | bobbyd, problem is i only have access to one database.. | 01:20 |
phred_ | thanks for the archives tip, and I am looking at/for info about sharing / syncing the archives on my lan | 01:20 |
|lostbyte| | thats why.. | 01:20 |
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gatito | someone has seen to lisa? | 01:20 |
DaSkreech | lisa_: Hi | 01:21 |
DaSkreech | gatito: lisa might be gone | 01:21 |
DaSkreech | Ask here in english or in #kubuntu-es en espanol | 01:21 |
gatito | no no, lisa is here becouse i,m looking her | 01:22 |
Hawkwind | gatito: Do you have a question regarding Kubuntu ? | 01:22 |
gatito | what happend with kubuntu? he is god? | 01:23 |
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Diuneimama | Hawkwind can i know how to update firefox 1.5 to 2.0 | 01:23 |
DaSkreech | Diuneimama: Update to Edgy :) | 01:23 |
menace_ | could anyone here spare a minute to help me out with a kubuntu problem? | 01:23 |
Hawkwind | Diuneimama: It's only in Edgy, which is beta and meant to be a testing version until it's released as final | 01:23 |
gatito | ok i listen you | 01:23 |
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Hawkwind | menace_: Ask your question | 01:23 |
Diuneimama | Hawkwind i had downloaded the firefox-2.0b2.tar.gz | 01:23 |
Hawkwind | Diuneimama: Not wise to do that to be honest | 01:24 |
menace_ | i dont understand how to install programs | 01:24 |
menace_ | i've tried adept but it says break install | 01:24 |
menace_ | then never installs | 01:24 |
menace_ | what am i doing wrong? | 01:24 |
Hawkwind | Diuneimama: If the distro doesn't supply it, then best to build a deb yourself and not compile things | 01:24 |
Diuneimama | Hawkwind ok | 01:24 |
Hawkwind | menace_: sudo apt-get install package | 01:24 |
h3sp4wn | Diuneimama: Just install it into /opt/firefox | 01:24 |
gatito | when you introduce the cd you pulse install, so simpy | 01:24 |
Diuneimama | Hawkwind i wont install it :) | 01:24 |
gatito | simply | 01:24 |
menace_ | i've tried that too hawk, but it says package not available | 01:24 |
gatito | sorry | 01:24 |
Diuneimama | How to get flash player | 01:24 |
Hawkwind | gatito: ?? Is there something we can help you with ? | 01:24 |
angasule_ | menace_: have you read a guide on how to install programs with adept? on linux, you don't normally download programs from any website and then install them | 01:24 |
Hawkwind | !flash | 01:24 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 01:25 |
Hawkwind | menace_: Then you need to setup all of your repos correctly | 01:25 |
Hawkwind | !repos > menace_ | 01:25 |
h3sp4wn | Diuneimama: firefox-2.0b2.tar.gz (that implies to me its a binary you have downloaded) | 01:25 |
DaSkreech | menace_: What are you installing? | 01:25 |
Diuneimama | h3sp4wn binary? | 01:25 |
menace_ | firefox...then going to try to install guild wars | 01:25 |
Diuneimama | h3sp4wn i tot was an updater | 01:25 |
DaSkreech | menace_: and Firefox won't install? | 01:26 |
menace_ | anga, where is the guide that you speak of located? | 01:26 |
menace_ | no it wont | 01:26 |
menace_ | it says break install in adept | 01:26 |
angasule_ | !adept | 01:26 |
ubotu | adept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto | 01:26 |
Hawkwind | menace_: The bot just sent you information, read it | 01:26 |
DaSkreech | Did you do a Fetch updates? | 01:26 |
angasule_ | menace_: there :) | 01:26 |
Hawkwind | menace_: The bot sent it to you in pm | 01:26 |
menace_ | alright, thanks everyone | 01:26 |
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gatito | NOT AT ALL | 01:26 |
Hawkwind | gatito: Please stop with the randomness | 01:27 |
gatito | what is randomness | 01:27 |
DaSkreech | gatito: type /join #kubuntu-offtopic | 01:27 |
gatito | ? | 01:27 |
RawSewage | whats that command to reset kmenu again | 01:27 |
DaSkreech | Please do your talking there | 01:27 |
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Hawkwind | gatito: If you have a question about Kubuntu then please ask it. If not, then please stop | 01:27 |
gatito | aaaaaaaaaaa ok ok | 01:27 |
sephzero | hello | 01:27 |
DaSkreech | sephzero: HI | 01:27 |
gatito | that this is to ask about cubuntu only? | 01:28 |
sephzero | a question: is it normal that my DVD drive is not enabled? :| | 01:28 |
RawSewage | kbuildsycoca --incremental | 01:28 |
DaSkreech | gatito: Yes | 01:28 |
sephzero | kubuntu* | 01:28 |
RawSewage | how did I ever live without Klipper | 01:28 |
gatito | ok ok | 01:28 |
DaSkreech | gatito: /join #kubuntu-offtopic | 01:29 |
gatito | ok | 01:29 |
gatito | thank you | 01:29 |
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DaSkreech | sephzero: It turns up in Kmenu -> System Settings -> Devices and Filesystems | 01:30 |
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sephzero | i've checked..and it is disabled | 01:30 |
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DaSkreech | Hmm | 01:31 |
menace_ | in adept, instead of it saying "install package" it says request install...could this create a problem? | 01:32 |
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menace_ | no? ok | 01:34 |
DaSkreech | No | 01:35 |
menace_ | it says there was a problem downloading the package | 01:35 |
menace_ | says break install | 01:36 |
menace_ | then i hit apply changes and i get an error... | 01:36 |
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menace_ | what am i doing wrong? | 01:37 |
DaSkreech | menace_: can you try i t from the command line | 01:38 |
DaSkreech | Close adept and open konsole | 01:38 |
menace_ | its open | 01:38 |
menace_ | sudo apt-get install firefox right? | 01:38 |
DaSkreech | yes | 01:38 |
menace_ | it says the following packages have unmet dependencies...then names off 3 packages and says they arent installable | 01:39 |
DaSkreech | Can You paste bin the error? | 01:39 |
DaSkreech | !pastebin | 01:39 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things) | 01:39 |
menace_ | also, it says "E: broken packages" | 01:39 |
TeePOG | can anyone tell me why apt-get works, but wget seems not to use the proxy? | 01:39 |
menace_ | ill do that skreech...hang on | 01:39 |
sephzero | uhm.. | 01:40 |
menace_ | hosted | 01:41 |
menace_ | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22570 | 01:41 |
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sephzero | so anyone knows how to help with my problem? | 01:42 |
mcscruff | lo all, i have a vt6421a pci sata card, lspci shows | 01:42 |
mcscruff | 0000:00:0a.0 RAID bus controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT6421 IDE RAID Controller (rev 50) | 01:42 |
mcscruff | 0000:00:0d.0 FireWire (IEEE 1394): VIA Technologies, Inc. IEEE 1394 Host Controller (rev 80) | 01:42 |
mcscruff | * top one | 01:42 |
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mcscruff | but i cant get it to work | 01:42 |
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menace_ | how's it look skreech? | 01:43 |
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DaSkreech | Strange | 01:44 |
menace_ | ahhhh | 01:44 |
DaSkreech | can you apt-get install libpango? | 01:44 |
menace_ | ill try it | 01:44 |
menace_ | E: couldnt find package libpango | 01:44 |
DaSkreech | Ah ha! | 01:44 |
DaSkreech | sudo apt-get update | 01:44 |
menace_ | install update? | 01:45 |
menace_ | ok | 01:46 |
menace_ | updated | 01:46 |
Diuneimama | !gnomebaker | 01:46 |
ubotu | gnomebaker: application for CD/DVD creation in the GNOME desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.1-0ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 862 kB, installed size 2640 kB | 01:46 |
Diuneimama | can i know wat is gnomebaker? | 01:47 |
Diuneimama | a plyer | 01:47 |
Diuneimama | ? | 01:47 |
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menace_ | now what skreech? | 01:47 |
DaSkreech | Not install update :) | 01:47 |
DaSkreech | just update | 01:47 |
menace_ | i did update | 01:47 |
DaSkreech | you did that? | 01:47 |
menace_ | it updated | 01:47 |
DaSkreech | Diuneimama: A burner | 01:47 |
DaSkreech | try and install libpango again | 01:47 |
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menace_ | couldnt find it.... | 01:48 |
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DaSkreech | Hmm | 01:48 |
DaSkreech | Can you pastebin your sources for me? | 01:48 |
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menace_ | whats that? | 01:48 |
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Diuneimama | !juk | 01:49 |
ubotu | juk: music organizer and player for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.2-0ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 694 kB, installed size 1716 kB | 01:49 |
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menace_ | skreech, how can i access the sources? | 01:50 |
angasule_ | uh, all users can see each other files by default | 01:50 |
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menace_ | skreech, you there? | 01:51 |
DaSkreech | Ah yes sorry | 01:51 |
DaSkreech | phones ringing like crazy in here | 01:52 |
menace_ | ah ok | 01:52 |
DaSkreech | menace_: It's the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list | 01:52 |
menace_ | ok | 01:52 |
DaSkreech | angasule_: There is a thingy to turn that off I think. :) | 01:53 |
DaSkreech | Damned if I can recall what it is now | 01:53 |
DaSkreech | Ah your Umask | 01:53 |
Diuneimama | !rmvb | 01:53 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about rmvb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:53 |
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angasule_ | DaSkreech: well, yeah, but the default shouldn't be like this! | 01:54 |
menace_ | i opened the sources list | 01:54 |
menace_ | im hosting it now | 01:54 |
DaSkreech | angasule_: Punch someone in #ubuntu-devel | 01:55 |
menace_ | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22571 | 01:55 |
menace_ | there it is brother skreech | 01:55 |
angasule_ | DaSkreech: ok, I just did ;) | 01:56 |
angasule_ | I should send a mail to the list as well, but I'm about 100 emails behind in my reading there | 01:56 |
menace_ | how's it look skreech? | 01:57 |
DaSkreech | Loading | 01:57 |
menace_ | alrighty | 01:57 |
sephzero | uhm..fucking dvd drive : | 01:58 |
menace_ | lol | 01:58 |
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Adore | Hello every body | 01:58 |
Adore | i need help please | 01:58 |
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Adore | now . i download a software for ubuntu | 01:59 |
Adore | on the desktop | 01:59 |
Adore | how can i install it? | 01:59 |
Adore | it's firfox 1.5.6 | 01:59 |
Adore | firefox | 01:59 |
menace_ | try adept | 02:00 |
h3sp4wn | Why do you need firefox 1.5.6 | 02:00 |
Adore | to can open my e-mail inbox | 02:00 |
DaSkreech | !language | 02:00 |
ubotu | Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 02:00 |
h3sp4wn | (I thought it was only windows media player functionality changes or something) | 02:00 |
menace_ | use konqueror.... | 02:00 |
DaSkreech | menace_: You have everything disabled | 02:00 |
Adore | i need to view my e-mails | 02:00 |
menace_ | WHAT?????????????????????????? | 02:00 |
menace_ | wha?? | 02:00 |
menace_ | wha that...wha huh how wha??? | 02:00 |
Adore | my e-mail on live beta | 02:00 |
Danish | whats the code for displaying time and date [HTML & XHTML] | 02:00 |
Adore | msn live beta | 02:01 |
menace_ | how can i fix it skreech? | 02:01 |
=== menace_ pee's my pants | ||
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Adore | so i need any new software can open my inbox | 02:01 |
Adore | help me please | 02:01 |
menace_ | is it an easy fix skreech? | 02:02 |
DaSkreech | menace_: Yeah :) | 02:03 |
DaSkreech | Open adept | 02:03 |
Adore | i don't know | 02:03 |
Danish | can somebody answer my question plz | 02:04 |
Danish | whats the code for displaying time and date in html and xhtml | 02:04 |
deeo | Adore: msn live only works on IE. | 02:04 |
deeo | Adore: so open adept and install IE | 02:05 |
menace_ | its open skreech | 02:05 |
Adore | Thank you very much | 02:05 |
zorgluuu | deeo: there is package ? | 02:05 |
zorgluuu | pff im tired | 02:05 |
DaSkreech | Ok under the adept menu do you see Manage repos? | 02:05 |
deeo | probably not | 02:05 |
zorgluuu | it cant be shipped due to license | 02:05 |
Adore | Thanks alot for this important information | 02:05 |
DaSkreech | deeo: It works in Firefox | 02:06 |
zorgluuu | but i heard some people are running it thru wine | 02:06 |
menace_ | yes i see that skreech | 02:06 |
Adore | Merci Deeo | 02:06 |
ravenous | does kubuntu have the moodin kdm theme engine installed by default? | 02:06 |
DaSkreech | menace_: Ok click it and you shoudl have a list of repos | 02:06 |
menace_ | yes i see that | 02:06 |
DaSkreech | tell me if they are greyed out | 02:06 |
menace_ | yes they are | 02:07 |
DaSkreech | Adore: You got firefox installed? | 02:07 |
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DaSkreech | ok click on them and click enable at the bottom | 02:07 |
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sephzero | which is the package to view encrypted dvd video? | 02:07 |
DaSkreech | !DVD | 02:08 |
ubotu | See http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html. Libdvdcss can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages | 02:08 |
Diuneimama | !helixplayer | 02:08 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about helixplayer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:08 |
Diuneimama | !helix-player | 02:08 |
ubotu | helix-player: the helix audio and video player. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.6-3 (dapper), package size 3966 kB, installed size 10184 kB (Only available for i386 powerpc sparc) | 02:08 |
menace_ | thats a bunch of freggin things to right click... | 02:08 |
Diuneimama | DaSkreech is helix player a player for audio and video? | 02:08 |
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DaSkreech | Yes | 02:08 |
DaSkreech | menace_: Yeah :-( | 02:08 |
DaSkreech | You only really need a few | 02:09 |
menace_ | i did all of them | 02:09 |
menace_ | now what? | 02:09 |
DaSkreech | # deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper universe | 02:09 |
DaSkreech | That line | 02:09 |
DaSkreech | put multiverse after universe | 02:09 |
Diuneimama | DaSkreech Any specific plugin i nid to use the player? | 02:09 |
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DaSkreech | Diuneimama: Not Sure. What are you trying to do? | 02:09 |
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Diuneimama | DaSkreech I am finding a video player that can play avi rmbv | 02:10 |
sephzero | ok..now it runs! ;) tnx daSkreech | 02:10 |
DaSkreech | !restrictedformats | 02:11 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 02:11 |
alex_ | hello everyone | 02:11 |
DaSkreech | Diuneimama: read that | 02:11 |
alex_ | does anyone know how to get glxgears to show the FPS? | 02:11 |
DaSkreech | menace_: Put Multiverse on the line below that as well | 02:11 |
DaSkreech | -iacknowledgethatthisisnotabenchmark | 02:12 |
menace_ | da skreech i dont see any multiverse | 02:12 |
menace_ | ooo i see it | 02:12 |
DaSkreech | menace_: Nooo | 02:12 |
DaSkreech | :) | 02:12 |
DaSkreech | Click where it says universe | 02:12 |
alex_ | FPS in glxgears... anyone? | 02:13 |
DaSkreech | it should allow you to edit it | 02:13 |
menace_ | theres like a lot of places | 02:13 |
Diuneimama | DaSkreech I had read them, i cant find any video player | 02:13 |
DaSkreech | add a space then type multiverse | 02:13 |
DaSkreech | On this line | 02:13 |
DaSkreech | # deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper universe | 02:13 |
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DaSkreech | Diuneimama: The First link should give you some idea on how to play Real Formats | 02:13 |
DaSkreech | Diuneimama: Or you could just install VLC | 02:13 |
menace_ | ah i see it... | 02:14 |
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Diuneimama | VLC is a? | 02:14 |
menace_ | unter the comment ## team? | 02:14 |
h3sp4wn | alex_: glxgears -iacknowledgethatthistoolisnotabenchmark | 02:14 |
Diuneimama | DaSkreech Yup, i found VLC, thanks | 02:14 |
DaSkreech | menace_: Hmm? which | 02:14 |
alex_ | lol | 02:15 |
DaSkreech | If you right click on that line and enable it that's ok | 02:15 |
alex_ | are you serious? | 02:15 |
alex_ | lmao | 02:15 |
alex_ | ok | 02:15 |
h3sp4wn | yes | 02:15 |
DaSkreech | then click on the word universe | 02:15 |
menace_ | ok | 02:15 |
alex_ | h3sp4wn: nope... that didn't show the fps | 02:15 |
DaSkreech | It shoudl allow you to edit it | 02:15 |
menace_ | yes it does | 02:15 |
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DaSkreech | ok put a space after universe and put multiverse | 02:15 |
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alex_ | ok | 02:16 |
DaSkreech | same for the line beneath it | 02:16 |
alex_ | h3sp4wn: it worked | 02:16 |
h3sp4wn | alex_: it does | 02:16 |
alex_ | h3sp4wn: my mistake | 02:16 |
menace_ | ok | 02:16 |
menace_ | mind copy and pasting the 2 line i do it on just so i know im doing it right? | 02:16 |
alex_ | h3sp4wn: well, there is something seriously wrong with my video drivers | 02:16 |
alex_ | I get about 125 fps | 02:17 |
DaSkreech | # deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper universe | 02:17 |
alex_ | most people get thousands | 02:17 |
alex_ | frames per second that is | 02:17 |
menace_ | ok good | 02:17 |
menace_ | now what? | 02:17 |
DaSkreech | Hit apply | 02:17 |
h3sp4wn | alex_: Which video card ? | 02:17 |
menace_ | ok it greyed out a lot | 02:17 |
menace_ | but not all | 02:17 |
menace_ | a lot say main restricted | 02:17 |
alex_ | h3sp4wn: X1400 | 02:18 |
alex_ | h3sp4wn: binaries installed perfectly | 02:18 |
alex_ | h3sp4wn: looks like it is a bug | 02:18 |
DaSkreech | menace_: Greyed? | 02:18 |
menace_ | some of the lines went greyed out again | 02:18 |
menace_ | but some stayed black... | 02:19 |
DaSkreech | Hmm | 02:19 |
alex_ | h3sp4wn: I am searching the forums about this, but cannot find anything | 02:19 |
DaSkreech | Can You pastebin a screenshot? | 02:19 |
menace_ | sure | 02:19 |
DaSkreech | :-) | 02:19 |
alex_ | h3sp4wn: most people either couldn't install the drivers or had perfect success | 02:20 |
h3sp4wn | alex_: What does fglrxinfo say | 02:20 |
DaSkreech | menace_: PNG :) | 02:20 |
alex_ | h3sp4wn: ATI... X1400 generic... etc | 02:20 |
h3sp4wn | alex_: glxinfo | grep direct (should be direct rendering on or yes i forget which) | 02:20 |
h3sp4wn | alex_: Mesa or SGI ? | 02:20 |
alex_ | rendering is ON | 02:20 |
alex_ | h3sp4wn: display: :0.0 screen: 0 | 02:21 |
alex_ | OpenGL vendor string: ATI Technologies Inc. | 02:21 |
alex_ | OpenGL renderer string: ATI Mobility Radeon X1400 Generic | 02:21 |
alex_ | OpenGL version string: 2.0.6011 (8.28.8) | 02:21 |
alex_ | h3sp4wn: everything looks like it should be | 02:21 |
alex_ | (or is it) | 02:21 |
h3sp4wn | what about fgl_glxgears (I think that is the name of it) | 02:21 |
Electrolyte | glxgears do you mean? | 02:22 |
menace_ | daskreech: http://img207.imageshack.us/img207/6593/snapshot1lb5.png | 02:22 |
Electrolyte | Although it doesn't show the framerate for some reason. | 02:22 |
h3sp4wn | There is another glxgears just for fglrx | 02:22 |
Electrolyte | Didn't know that :o | 02:22 |
h3sp4wn | (I forget the name of it though) | 02:22 |
alex_ | h3sp4wn: hmmm.... not sure what you just gave me, but it runs at a higher rate | 02:22 |
Electrolyte | fgl_glxgears works. | 02:22 |
alex_ | went from ~200 to 500fps | 02:23 |
menace_ | how's it look skreech? | 02:23 |
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alex_ | the thing is that off screen (let's say another window blocking it) it gives thousands of frames per second | 02:23 |
Electrolyte | Heh, I get 766 FPS. | 02:23 |
DaSkreech | menace_: Ha hYou know that you can post a screenshot at pastebin :) | 02:23 |
menace_ | oh | 02:23 |
alex_ | yes, it sounds like something is wrong | 02:23 |
menace_ | uhm...i do now | 02:23 |
menace_ | lol | 02:23 |
larson9999 | freedos hit 1.0? sweet. | 02:23 |
h3sp4wn | With my 9800 pro I used to get ~1000 | 02:24 |
h3sp4wn | and that is ancient | 02:24 |
Adore | Hey | 02:24 |
Adore | adept not working | 02:24 |
DaSkreech | menace_: do you have a ungreyed deb line for main restricted? | 02:24 |
Adore | what can i do? | 02:24 |
alex_ | h3sp4wn: I read that some people with 9600 pro could get up to 6000fps | 02:24 |
Adore | Deeo | 02:24 |
alex_ | h3sp4wn: anyway, that's not my concern | 02:24 |
Electrolyte | That's glxgears | 02:24 |
Electrolyte | Not fgl_glxgears. | 02:24 |
Electrolyte | fgl_glxgears is more demanding by the look of it. | 02:24 |
alex_ | h3sp4wn: my problem is that some websites seem to slow down the graphics | 02:25 |
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menace_ | yes i do skreech | 02:25 |
menace_ | its up a little higher | 02:25 |
DaSkreech | not from dapper-updates? | 02:25 |
h3sp4wn | 250 fps in glxgears implies something is wrong to me | 02:25 |
alex_ | can someone go to www.deviantart.com on their kubuntu | 02:25 |
DaSkreech | Just dapper? | 02:25 |
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menace_ | let me see...the stupid thing closed | 02:25 |
alex_ | h3sp4wn: what video card do you have now? | 02:25 |
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h3sp4wn | alex_: Non that is working properly | 02:26 |
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alex_ | h3sp4wn: lol | 02:26 |
menace_ | i got some for dapper and dapper updates | 02:26 |
DaSkreech | menace_: not greyed :-) | 02:26 |
menace_ | they arent | 02:26 |
Electrolyte | h3sp4wn: It was because I had a distributed computing project running. | 02:26 |
h3sp4wn | alex_: An nvidia 5900 but I have trashed it (getting an ati 9250 tommorow morning so I can use free drivers) | 02:26 |
Electrolyte | Now I get 1675 FPS. | 02:26 |
h3sp4wn | Electrolyte: That makes sense | 02:27 |
=== EV|Toshiba [n=Testing@pool-72-64-146-8.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Electrolyte | Not standard glxgears as that doesn't report the framerate. | 02:27 |
Electrolyte | fgl_glxgears that is. | 02:27 |
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h3sp4wn | Electrolyte: glxgears -iacknowledgethatthistoolisnotabenchmark | 02:27 |
Electrolyte | lol :P | 02:27 |
DaSkreech | menace_: Ok Hit apply and close then hit fetch updates :) | 02:28 |
h3sp4wn | That is the commandline switch to do what you want | 02:28 |
alex_ | h3sp4wn: I am getting exactly 124 fps with glxgears -iacknowledgethatthistoolisnotabenchmark | 02:28 |
alex_ | h3sp4wn: that can't be right | 02:28 |
menace_ | WHOA!!!!!!!!!!!1 | 02:28 |
menace_ | TONS OF UPDATES!!!! | 02:28 |
menace_ | im guessin this is gonna help eh? | 02:28 |
DaSkreech | menace_: I was about to say congrats | 02:29 |
menace_ | lol thanks a ton skreech | 02:29 |
DaSkreech | Cause you pimped out your kubuntu and didn't have any repos :) | 02:29 |
menace_ | is there a chance you could add me on msn or yahoo? | 02:29 |
DaSkreech | MSN sure :) | 02:29 |
menace_ | ok | 02:29 |
DaSkreech | I never use it but .... | 02:29 |
DaSkreech | :-D | 02:29 |
menace_ | merchant_ofmenace@hotmail.com | 02:29 |
menace_ | im a graphix designer if you need a logo or sig or something | 02:29 |
DaSkreech | Ha You may want to try a PM next time | 02:29 |
Electrolyte | 9550 FPS :) | 02:29 |
DaSkreech | menace_: That would explain the pimping :) | 02:30 |
menace_ | im not to worried about that | 02:30 |
menace_ | lol | 02:30 |
menace_ | omg!!!! | 02:30 |
menace_ | there like 50000000000000000000 packages | 02:30 |
menace_ | <3 | 02:30 |
DaSkreech | You wanna give your services in #kubuntu-devel :) | 02:30 |
Electrolyte | And I possibly have the fastest CPU/GPU here ;) | 02:30 |
menace_ | i could do that | 02:30 |
alex_ | Electrolyte: whic is? | 02:30 |
alex_ | Electrolyte: which is? | 02:30 |
menace_ | how could i help? | 02:30 |
Electrolyte | AMD FX-55 ClawHammer and an X850XT. | 02:30 |
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alex_ | I have a better video card | 02:30 |
alex_ | but you have a better CPU | 02:30 |
h3sp4wn | Electrolyte: My nvidida can get at least twice that | 02:31 |
alex_ | h3sp4wn: exactly, something is not right | 02:31 |
Electrolyte | h3sp4wn: ATI drivers aren't optimised remember. | 02:31 |
Electrolyte | I've always got around that level, which ever distro it is. | 02:31 |
alex_ | h3sp4wn: so could that be the cause of my lag? | 02:31 |
Electrolyte | It's the ATI drivers - they're crap. | 02:31 |
menace_ | wo0t wo0t i got firefox now | 02:31 |
menace_ | <3 skreech | 02:31 |
h3sp4wn | All binary drivers are bad | 02:31 |
angasule_ | Electrolyte: we can always hope AMD will turn them away from the dark side :) | 02:31 |
Electrolyte | angasule_: h3sp4wn said the same thing actually. | 02:32 |
Electrolyte | I hope they do. | 02:32 |
Electrolyte | I wish the ATI drivers had support for composite - because they don't. | 02:32 |
DaSkreech | menace_: ha ha :) Woot :) | 02:33 |
Electrolyte | Ok, my FireFox has a different icon. | 02:33 |
menace_ | where is firefox? | 02:33 |
menace_ | i cant find it.. | 02:33 |
Electrolyte | Under Internet. | 02:33 |
menace_ | installed...but cant find it | 02:33 |
DaSkreech | menace_: Hit Alt+Space | 02:33 |
Electrolyte | I had to logout then login for it to work. | 02:33 |
=== word|away is back. | ||
menace_ | katapult? | 02:34 |
DaSkreech | Type web | 02:34 |
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=== angasule_ <3 katapult | ||
Dr_Willis | or just make a launcher for it on the panel. :P | 02:34 |
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menace_ | it does nothign.... | 02:34 |
DaSkreech | Ah Doh Of course | 02:34 |
DaSkreech | Never mind :) | 02:34 |
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DaSkreech | katapult needs a dynamic backend :( | 02:35 |
Electrolyte | I prefer Konqueror any way. | 02:35 |
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menace_ | how do i find firefox? | 02:36 |
Dr_Willis | reboot :) | 02:36 |
Electrolyte | Type firefox in a console. | 02:36 |
Electrolyte | Or logout then login. | 02:36 |
DaSkreech | menace_: K Menu _> internet -> Firefox | 02:37 |
Dr_Willis | reboot 100 times | 02:37 |
flukej-walker | menace_: "firefox" in Katapult | 02:37 |
DaSkreech | Electrolyte: Or kill katapult :) | 02:37 |
menace_ | it isnt there skreech | 02:37 |
sephzero | guys..a question.. | 02:37 |
Electrolyte | lol | 02:37 |
DaSkreech | sephzero: Just ask | 02:37 |
sephzero | to remove things with apt-get | 02:37 |
menace_ | katapult cant find it | 02:37 |
sephzero | can i do apt-get unistall ? | 02:37 |
Electrolyte | menace_: Type firefox in a console. | 02:37 |
DaSkreech | menace_: Hit alt+F2 and type firefox | 02:37 |
digivore | !katapult | 02:37 |
ubotu | katapult is the new application launcher for KDE, to be used with applications, bookmarks, and Amarok playlists. Once you have installed, hit Alt+f2 -> katapult, then hit Alt+Space, and type what you want. | 02:37 |
DaSkreech | sephzero: It's called remove | 02:38 |
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Dr_Willis | alt-space porn | 02:38 |
flukej-walker | haha, doesn't work with amarok 1.4.2 | 02:38 |
sephzero | apt-get remove ? | 02:38 |
Dr_Willis | !apt-get | 02:38 |
ubotu | apt is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE) | 02:38 |
menace_ | how can i make a firefox icon or something? | 02:38 |
menace_ | instead of having to put it in konsole? | 02:38 |
DaSkreech | Yeah | 02:38 |
Dr_Willis | menace_, make a launcher for it | 02:38 |
menace_ | how? im a linux noob | 02:38 |
DaSkreech | menace_: It should be there ... not sure why it isn't | 02:38 |
menace_ | ok | 02:38 |
Dr_Willis | right cloick on thge panel. | 02:38 |
sephzero | daSkreech.. example.. apt-get remove xchat ? | 02:39 |
Dr_Willis | and look at the menus | 02:39 |
DaSkreech | Si | 02:39 |
flukej-walker | menace_: if you want it on ur desktop, right click>link to application | 02:39 |
sephzero | daSkreech..italian? | 02:39 |
menace_ | ok thanks walker | 02:39 |
flukej-walker | no prob | 02:39 |
DaSkreech | sephzero: I don't think yo uare allowed to apt-get remove the italians no | 02:39 |
DaSkreech | You could try talking it out though | 02:39 |
sephzero | daSkreech..are u italian? | 02:39 |
DaSkreech | No | 02:40 |
sephzero | Si .. No | 02:40 |
sephzero | are italian words.. | 02:40 |
sephzero | :P | 02:40 |
menace_ | theyre also spanish.... | 02:40 |
Dr_Willis | yo! | 02:40 |
sephzero | :) | 02:40 |
Dr_Willis | :) | 02:40 |
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menace_ | how do i make the upsidedown "?" mark again? | 02:41 |
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menace_ | im new to spanish :P | 02:41 |
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poseidon | maybe if you asked kubuntu-es? | 02:42 |
menace_ | ,I,, | 02:42 |
alex_ | !paste | 02:43 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things) | 02:43 |
soulrider__ | !uptime | 02:44 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about uptime - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:44 |
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menace_ | anyone know how to make the clock in kubutu not use military time? | 02:45 |
Dr_Willis | menace_ set the time/date format | 02:45 |
menace_ | i tried | 02:45 |
Dr_Willis | menace_, but the dang thing wont show the other time till the clock applet is restartd | 02:45 |
menace_ | it doesnt have central timezone | 02:45 |
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menace_ | central america | 02:45 |
Dr_Willis | which is lame. | 02:45 |
menace_ | ja | 02:45 |
flukej-walker | it would be by city, i imagine | 02:46 |
digivore | what is the linux command to view what networks are available, or who are connected to the networks? | 02:46 |
Dr_Willis | digivore, you refering to samba shares? or networks in general? | 02:46 |
menace_ | yea | 02:46 |
soulrider | how can i know for how long my computer has been up running ? | 02:46 |
soulrider | since the last restart that is | 02:46 |
digivore | networks in general, my wireless isn't working right, i want to try to troubleshoot it. | 02:46 |
menace_ | soulrider, write down when you turn it on? | 02:47 |
flukej-walker | wireless can be a royal pain | 02:47 |
digivore | has anyone installed a linksys wusb11? anyone? | 02:47 |
alex_ | h3sp4wn: so what do you make of that? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/i22578 | 02:47 |
poseidon | soulrider: "uptime" in a terminal | 02:47 |
menace_ | what are some programs i should install? | 02:47 |
alex_ | any hints there? | 02:47 |
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alex_ | or does everything look normal? | 02:47 |
DaSkreech | soulrider: Run uptime | 02:48 |
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menace_ | well guys...im out...later everyone | 02:48 |
flukej-walker | menace | 02:48 |
flukej-walker | install the easy ubuntu script | 02:48 |
flukej-walker | if you haven't | 02:48 |
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soulrider | thanks | 02:52 |
EV|Toshiba | Yesterday (im running Xubuntu) I did a apt-get update apt-get install kubuntu-desktop and now I cnat get any internet connection... how do I get rid of kubuntu? And go back to my Xubuntu settings? | 02:53 |
flukej-walker | EV|Toshiba: what did you change your repo sources to before the update? | 02:54 |
EV|Toshiba | no | 02:54 |
flukej-walker | how are you connecting? | 02:55 |
flukej-walker | to the internet? | 02:55 |
EV|Toshiba | lan >> fios | 02:55 |
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flukej-walker | !xubuntu | 02:56 |
ubotu | Xubuntu is Ubuntu with XFCE, for more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org. To install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop | 02:56 |
flukej-walker | have you logged into a XFCE session and tried it? | 02:56 |
EV|Toshiba | no | 02:56 |
flukej-walker | try that | 02:56 |
flukej-walker | just log out, and back in with XFCE | 02:56 |
flukej-walker | i bet KDE didn't keep your LAN settings and such | 02:56 |
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neddiW | kubuntu Roxxxxxxxx!!! | 02:57 |
atul | Hey I lost all audio after a dist-upgrade :( Can someone help me? | 02:57 |
atul | amarok seems to not know but there is no sound | 02:58 |
flukej-walker | atul: thats your sound server | 02:58 |
flukej-walker | either OSS or ALSA | 02:58 |
atul | alsamixer shows that sound is not muted | 02:58 |
atul | aplay pretends to play but no sound | 02:59 |
flukej-walker | go into System Settings>Sound and Multi | 02:59 |
flukej-walker | and see if it sees your sound hardware | 02:59 |
flukej-walker | are you using a card, or onboard sound? | 03:00 |
atul | onboard, its a laptop | 03:00 |
Diuneimama | !rmvb | 03:00 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about rmvb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:00 |
flukej-walker | what did you upgrade to/from? | 03:00 |
CheeseBurgerMan | !real | 03:01 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about real - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:01 |
atul | i'm at the latest- whateveer that is | 03:01 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Diuneimama: rmvb is a Real video format. | 03:01 |
flukej-walker | are you using dapper, or edgy? | 03:01 |
atul | dapper | 03:01 |
flukej-walker | hmmm | 03:01 |
CheeseBurgerMan | ubotu: tell Diuneimama about codecs | 03:01 |
flukej-walker | try alsaconf in Konsole | 03:01 |
flukej-walker | see if it gives a listing for the card | 03:02 |
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flukej-walker | or chipset, whatever it may be | 03:02 |
Diuneimama | CheeseBurgerMan erm, where can i get real player codec | 03:02 |
Diuneimama | CheeseBurgerMan im using vlc media player now | 03:02 |
atul | i dont seem to have alsaconf, what package is it in? | 03:02 |
CheeseBurgerMan | !restrictedcodecs | 03:02 |
flukej-walker | i'm not sure | 03:02 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about restrictedcodecs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:02 |
flukej-walker | try alsamixer | 03:02 |
Diuneimama | CheeseBurgerMan seems it dun have realplayer codecs | 03:02 |
flukej-walker | !VLC | 03:02 |
ubotu | Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs | 03:02 |
atul | alsamixer shows the card and all volume levels | 03:03 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Diuneimama: OK, the official Real Player is at http://real.com | 03:03 |
egarim | anyone known a good ftp client ? | 03:03 |
egarim | with gui interface | 03:03 |
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atul | none of the volumes is muted | 03:03 |
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CheeseBurgerMan | egarim: gFTP, KBear, and KFTPGrabber are what I know of. | 03:03 |
egarim | thx | 03:03 |
Diuneimama | CheeseBurgerMan that means i need realplayer to play them? | 03:03 |
jozaum | linuxbrasil | 03:04 |
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CheeseBurgerMan | Diuneimama: Unless there's codecs for them elsewhere, yes. I don't use rmvb on Linux, so I'm not too well aquainted with the details. | 03:04 |
flukej-walker | atul: google alsa setup | 03:04 |
jason__ | what packages should i download for ati support? | 03:04 |
jake1 | anyone have any ideas of what palm pilot i should buy that is compatible with Ubuntu or Kubuntu | 03:05 |
Diuneimama | CheeseBurgerMan that realplayer codec jux can last 14 days | 03:05 |
jake1 | ? | 03:05 |
Diuneimama | CheeseBurgerMan is a trail version :( | 03:05 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Diuneimama: There's a freeversion somewhere. | 03:05 |
Diuneimama | oh alright | 03:05 |
Diuneimama | i will find it :) | 03:05 |
Diuneimama | thanks alto | 03:05 |
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jozaum | tem algum brasileiro ae q pode me ajudar ? | 03:06 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Diuneimama: It seems to be on the right side of the site. | 03:06 |
Diuneimama | CheeseBurgerMan its not atrial version? | 03:06 |
jason__ | has anyone had problems with kubuntu 6.06 updating? | 03:06 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Diuneimama: No. | 03:07 |
pierreth_ | hello | 03:07 |
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pierreth_ | is it possible to script the interface in kde? | 03:07 |
Diuneimama | CheeseBurgerMan oh lol | 03:07 |
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Diuneimama | CheeseBurgerMan i saw it :) | 03:07 |
atul | flukej-walker: I've followed all steps everything seems ok but no sound!!! | 03:07 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Diuneimama: Good. :) | 03:07 |
atul | the modules are loaded, the channels are not muted | 03:07 |
Diuneimama | CheeseBurgerMan but its a exe file | 03:08 |
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atul | the hardware is ok - i've got sound under windows | 03:08 |
flukej-walker | atul: it sees your card and everything? | 03:08 |
flukej-walker | have you rebooted since the upgrade? | 03:08 |
atul | yes the card is detected | 03:08 |
Diuneimama | CheeseBurgerMan can i use it with wine, or find another .bin file | 03:08 |
atul | yes many times | 03:08 |
flukej-walker | dang | 03:08 |
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flukej-walker | have you tried something other than amarok to play a sound file? | 03:09 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Diuneimama: Um, I'm not sure. I've never used it. However, you can just klik it if you want. http://klik.atekon.de/ | 03:09 |
atul | it worked before :( | 03:09 |
atul | yes i have tried aplay the alsa low-lever pcm player | 03:09 |
atul | low-level | 03:09 |
atul | it does not detect any error | 03:09 |
flukej-walker | did you change all of your repo sources before the upgrade? | 03:10 |
flukej-walker | somethin may have got left out | 03:10 |
neddiW | how kan i put the KDE clock in regular format, 12hr format AM,PM | 03:10 |
flukej-walker | neddiW:date/time format | 03:10 |
flukej-walker | right click the clock | 03:10 |
flukej-walker | you'll have to log out and back in for it to take affect | 03:10 |
atul | I'm using dapper since a long time now, i've been doing dist-upgrades to get the latest | 03:11 |
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garrin | hello | 03:11 |
neddiW | flukej-walker, but where in that window is the setting for time | 03:12 |
neddiW | flukej-walker, I found it | 03:12 |
flukej-walker | neddiW: cool | 03:12 |
neddiW | flukej-walker, thanx!! | 03:12 |
neddiW | ;_) | 03:12 |
garrin | I dont know if anyone can awnser this but I tried installing Kubuntu on my friends PC (i386) since his non-genuine windows xp is going haywire and it just crashed massive | 03:12 |
Diuneimama | CheeseBurgerMan ok. on the way of dling :) | 03:13 |
garrin | there seems to be no output to his screen | 03:13 |
Diuneimama | CheeseBurgerMan Thanks | 03:13 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Diuneimama: You're welcome. :) | 03:13 |
flukej-walker | garrin: you using a LCD, or CRT? | 03:13 |
garrin | CRT | 03:13 |
flukej-walker | ok, should auto-detect | 03:13 |
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garrin | when you press the powe button it goes into console mode or w/e and that shows up fine | 03:14 |
flukej-walker | does it output anything at all? | 03:14 |
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flukej-walker | your X windows is wrong then | 03:14 |
garrin | well it outputs all the startup stuff | 03:14 |
garrin | right | 03:14 |
garrin | how do you fix that | 03:14 |
flukej-walker | on the console, try running startx | 03:14 |
flukej-walker | then kdm | 03:14 |
garrin | I installed from the alternate install drapper cd | 03:14 |
flukej-walker | did you choose the lite install? | 03:14 |
garrin | no | 03:14 |
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garrin | not to my knowledge | 03:14 |
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flukej-walker | i installed old school too | 03:15 |
garrin | yea well I installed from that cd here at home | 03:15 |
garrin | no problem | 03:15 |
garrin | im using it right now | 03:15 |
garrin | but for some reason it didnt work there | 03:15 |
flukej-walker | on that system, is it older? | 03:15 |
garrin | and I just formated his hard drive and what not | 03:15 |
garrin | p4 1.4ghz | 03:15 |
garrin | but I think there is only 64mb ram | 03:15 |
garrin | does that cause a problem | 03:15 |
flukej-walker | ah | 03:15 |
flukej-walker | possibly | 03:15 |
garrin | yea ill try xubuntu tomorow | 03:16 |
garrin | do you think that will work? | 03:16 |
flukej-walker | i think X needs more ram to run? | 03:16 |
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garrin | xubuntu?? | 03:16 |
sephzero | how can i install a launchbar like gnome in my kubuntu? | 03:16 |
flukej-walker | i think it will work | 03:16 |
flukej-walker | if not, ram is fairly cheap | 03:16 |
garrin | ok ill try | 03:16 |
garrin | well if not another distrib would work right? | 03:17 |
leonrott | Ubuntu, which is an ancient African word meaning cant install Debian. | 03:17 |
garrin | like fedora or something? | 03:17 |
flukej-walker | see if you can get some busted comps from a school, library | 03:17 |
leonrott | ohh god | 03:17 |
garrin | lol | 03:17 |
FurthuR | sephzero : there is an option to add a bar | 03:17 |
garrin | or mabye ill just bust some comps | 03:17 |
flukej-walker | anything with kde, gnome won;t work | 03:17 |
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sephzero | how? | 03:17 |
FurthuR | sephzero : *in kde | 03:17 |
flukej-walker | they both need at least 128 meg | 03:17 |
flukej-walker | !KDE | 03:17 |
garrin | I see | 03:17 |
sephzero | i've added one.. another panel.. | 03:17 |
ubotu | KDE (http://kde.org) is the K Desktop Environment. To install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE for other ways to get KDE | 03:17 |
flukej-walker | but, why have a p4 in you don't have any ram? | 03:18 |
flukej-walker | lol | 03:18 |
garrin | yea well I thought he had more ram | 03:18 |
garrin | I mean he runs decent video games on it | 03:18 |
flukej-walker | !google KDE ram requirements | 03:18 |
garrin | but when I startup it said 64mb ram | 03:18 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about google KDE ram requirements - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:18 |
flukej-walker | check the bios | 03:18 |
garrin | yea | 03:18 |
garrin | will do | 03:18 |
garrin | thanks | 03:18 |
flukej-walker | no prob | 03:18 |
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Jucato | you can also check the total amount of RAM you in the command line ("free -m") or in KInfoCenter | 03:19 |
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flukej-walker | i bet with no X he would have a hard time finding the Kinfocenter | 03:20 |
flukej-walker | lol | 03:20 |
garrin | lol | 03:20 |
Jucato | ok... then free -m then | 03:20 |
garrin | is there like a safe mode boot | 03:20 |
garrin | in just console interface or something | 03:20 |
flukej-walker | on GRUB (or LILO), the Ubuntu rescue or something | 03:21 |
garrin | yea | 03:21 |
Jucato | (recovery mode) | 03:21 |
garrin | ok mb that will work | 03:21 |
flukej-walker | there you go | 03:21 |
flukej-walker | if you want, sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop | 03:23 |
flukej-walker | and see if it doesn't need as much ram | 03:23 |
RawSewage | If I install Six Thousand Seven Hundred Sixty Fonts , it says X will take a bit longer to load. but will this slow my system down after loading | 03:23 |
flukej-walker | you can do that from command line | 03:23 |
garrin | no I got someone briging me the cd tomrow | 03:23 |
flukej-walker | ok | 03:23 |
garrin | I'll do a clean install | 03:23 |
flukej-walker | that'll do | 03:23 |
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Mewshi | hi | 03:25 |
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atomic | ois, como instalar um dock igual ao mac os no ubuntu | 03:25 |
Jucato | !pt | 03:26 |
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ubotu | Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada. | 03:26 |
Mewshi | should i use the 32 or 64 install for a turion chip? I know it's 64-bit, but how is the support for 64-bit on kubuntu? | 03:26 |
fildo_ | !bind | 03:26 |
ubotu | bind: Internet Domain Name Server. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:8.4.6-1 (dapper), package size 888 kB, installed size 2092 kB | 03:26 |
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alex_ | is there an easier way to install a theme? | 03:27 |
alex_ | other than compiling it? | 03:27 |
alex_ | which doesn't seem to go too smooth for em | 03:27 |
alex_ | mr | 03:27 |
alex_ | me | 03:27 |
Jucato | alex_: that depends on what kind of theme you are trying to add? | 03:27 |
flukej-walker | Mewshi: I would go 32 | 03:27 |
flukej-walker | its more supported at this time | 03:27 |
Jucato | KDE has multiple kinds of themes (icons, widgets, dekorator window themes, etc) | 03:28 |
alex_ | Jucato: Crystal Clear theme from kde-look.org | 03:28 |
TeePOG | what does a segmentation fault mean? and how do I fix it? | 03:29 |
alex_ | Jucato: the installation instructions say that I must type ./configure... but there is no such file in that packahge | 03:29 |
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flukej-walker | Mewshi: 64 bit is pretty experimental | 03:29 |
Jucato | alex_: Crystal Clear can be downloaded from the repositories | 03:29 |
Dr_Willis | TeePOG, means the program crashed big time. | 03:29 |
FurthuR | TeePOG : Im afraid you cannot really fix it | 03:29 |
alex_ | Jucato: cool, sudo apt-get install .......? | 03:29 |
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holy_cow | and the kubuntu gui for it lol | 03:29 |
alex_ | Jucato: where exactly can I get it? | 03:29 |
Jucato | alex_: yep. or you can search in Adept for the name of the package | 03:29 |
TeePOG | apt-get gives me a segfault... nice | 03:29 |
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alex_ | Jucato: ok... I'll try now | 03:30 |
TeePOG | so FurthuR: reinstall? | 03:30 |
alex_ | Jucato: thanks | 03:30 |
draik | Jucato | 03:30 |
FurthuR | TeePOG : ?? not really normal lol | 03:30 |
draik | wassup | 03:30 |
Jucato | draik: hey! not much. updating edgy... lots of updates in 2 days :-/ | 03:30 |
digivore | my wirelesss will only work after i type "sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid any " | 03:30 |
digivore | Is there a startup script that i can add something to to change network settings ? | 03:30 |
draik | I finally fixed my IP issue | 03:30 |
Jucato | alex_: the name of the package is kde-icons-crystalclear | 03:31 |
Jucato | draik: nice | 03:31 |
Dr_Willis | !networkmanager | 03:31 |
ubotu | networkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkManager | 03:31 |
alex_ | Jucato: oh I see | 03:31 |
FurthuR | digivore : There is a file in system that you can manual edit... or you can use kcontrol | 03:31 |
alex_ | Jucato: ok, well that I installed easily, I am actually trying to install the actual theme for the system | 03:31 |
digivore | ohh ok | 03:31 |
alex_ | Jucato: windows and such | 03:31 |
jake1 | is there a way to play .wma in any media player | 03:31 |
digivore | how about a command that will tell me who is connected to my wireless router? | 03:32 |
jake1 | i want to try to play it in Amarok | 03:32 |
Dr_Willis | jake1, depends on the codec the wma is using and if it has DRM or not | 03:32 |
Jucato | alex_: Kubuntu is already using the Crystal window decoration by default | 03:32 |
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Jucato | jake1: but mostly, the w32codecs would handle it | 03:32 |
shadowr3d | #winehq | 03:32 |
alex_ | Jucato: http://linuxcult.com/node/10 | 03:33 |
alex_ | Jucato: the top one | 03:33 |
EV|Toshiba | Ok, I logged out and back in using Xfce..and still have no net. | 03:33 |
digivore_ | is there a command that will tell me who is connected to my wireless router? | 03:33 |
jake1 | Jucato is that available in Synaptic | 03:33 |
Jucato | jake1: nope. you have to download it manually | 03:33 |
Jucato | !w32codecs | 03:33 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 03:33 |
Jucato | see that link about RestrictedFormats | 03:33 |
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holy_cow | !samba | 03:34 |
ubotu | samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 03:34 |
jake1 | yea | 03:34 |
Jucato | alex_: those are all just icons, and the 3 main ones are available in the repositories: Crystal SVG, Crystal Clear, and Crystal GT (which is just plain "Crystal" in the repositories) | 03:35 |
alex_ | Jucato: ok, then I got the wrong link | 03:36 |
alex_ | Jucato: there was a screenshot of the *new* theme | 03:36 |
Jucato | alex_: hmm... ok. link please? | 03:37 |
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beemonk | Hey... | 03:37 |
alex_ | Jucato: hang on | 03:37 |
Jucato | alex_: hanging on :D | 03:37 |
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alex_ | Jucato: actuall do you know which theme this is: http://www.kde-look.org/content/preview.php?preview=1&id=25668&file1=25668-1.jpg&file2=&file3=&name=Crystal+Clear | 03:39 |
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alex_ | Jucato: this is the one from the Icon set | 03:39 |
jake1 | well this sux | 03:39 |
alex_ | Jucato: what is the actual window theme name? | 03:39 |
jake1 | i cnt use the win32codecs cuz i have an AMD64 | 03:39 |
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jake1 | that is stupid | 03:39 |
conhe | ./firefox-bin: error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory what do ? | 03:39 |
jake1 | errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.............. | 03:39 |
alex_ | Jucato: that's the one I was looking at: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=45095 | 03:40 |
jake1 | i am so frustrated | 03:40 |
alex_ | Jucato: it's not even called crystal... lol | 03:40 |
Jucato | heh the one on the screenshot is not a Crystal window decoration, that's for sure | 03:40 |
alex_ | Jucato: yeah... that's probably how I got confused | 03:41 |
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alex_ | Jucato: but do you know the name of that theme? | 03:41 |
CheeseBurgerMan | jake1: That's why I play my vids in Windows. I got my MP3s working using 'sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs', but the videos, even when I got them working (took awhile, don't remenber what I did) were slow and jerky. | 03:41 |
EV|Toshiba | Ok, I need to get Kubuntu off that machine and go back to the xubuntu configuration I had.. | 03:41 |
jake1 | CheeseBurgerMan all i want to do is play music | 03:42 |
jake1 | not videos | 03:42 |
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jake1 | and some of my music is in .wma format | 03:42 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Ah, now that's a problem. | 03:42 |
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jake1 | indeed it is | 03:42 |
conhe | ./firefox-bin: error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory what do ? | 03:42 |
Jucato | alex_: hold on... these are all different kinds of themes | 03:42 |
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alex_ | Jucato: yea yea... I got confused that's all.... forget the second one | 03:43 |
alex_ | Jucato: I am just curious if you know what the first one is | 03:43 |
flaccid | i get this when trying to ping through my vpn: ping: sendmsg: Operation not permitted | 03:43 |
jake1 | :-( | 03:43 |
Jucato | ok... which is the first one again?? (I'm also getting confused....) | 03:44 |
alex_ | Jucato: the one in the screenshot (that is supposed to demonstrate the icon theme) | 03:44 |
jake1 | flaccid: try sudo | 03:44 |
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gnulinuxman | No matter what you do, you can't play DRM-protected music on Kubuntu without using Wine somehow | 03:44 |
flaccid | jake1: same thing | 03:44 |
Jucato | alex_: ah that one I don't know. he doesn't describe what window decoration he's using | 03:44 |
jake1 | well that sux | 03:44 |
jake1 | i dumped windows | 03:44 |
alex_ | Jucato: hehe.. all cool | 03:45 |
jake1 | is there a way to convert .wma to .mp3 or some other format | 03:45 |
jake1 | that can be played | 03:45 |
alex_ | Jucato: so that's what it is called? Windows Decoration? | 03:45 |
alex_ | Jucato: Now I know ;) | 03:45 |
gnulinuxman | jake1: did you enable the PLF and install w32codecs? | 03:46 |
Jucato | alex_: nope. that theme is not a window decoration | 03:46 |
CheeseBurgerMan | jake1: Audacity can do that, although it'll take awhile. | 03:46 |
Jucato | gnulinuxman: he's using 64bit | 03:46 |
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gnulinuxman | oh | 03:46 |
shadowr3d | how could i get a different theme for konversation? | 03:46 |
gnulinuxman | Did you try a chroot jail then? | 03:47 |
jake1 | gnulinuxman: i cnt cuz w32codecs does not support my archtecture | 03:47 |
alex_ | Jucato: yea, I know, I was talking about the actual window decoration, I didn't know that that's the term | 03:47 |
jake1 | architecture | 03:47 |
jake1 | it's for x86 | 03:47 |
jake1 | i have x86_64 | 03:47 |
shadowr3d | alex: you know how | 03:47 |
jsubl2 | jake1: I have x86_64 and can watch videos from cnn.com and cbsnews.com | 03:48 |
Jucato | alex_: the "theme" in the second one actually contains a color scheme and a widget (controls) style/theme. | 03:48 |
jake1 | it's not videos | 03:48 |
jake1 | it's audio | 03:48 |
jake1 | i have video fine | 03:49 |
jake1 | i want to be able to play my music | 03:49 |
Jucato | alex_: but I think the screenshot there is using a window decoration called Alphacube. also available in our repositories | 03:49 |
jake1 | i have a bunch of pink floyd | 03:49 |
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jake1 | but it's all i .wma format | 03:49 |
FurthuR | yay pf!!! | 03:49 |
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alex_ | Jucato: cool, thanks | 03:49 |
jsubl2 | jake1: tried playing it with mplayer | 03:49 |
FurthuR | wma isint pretty with linux | 03:50 |
jake1 | no | 03:50 |
jake1 | maybe i'll try that | 03:50 |
FurthuR | jake1 : vlc? | 03:50 |
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plugs | hi, i want to make a complete copy of my hard drive into a folder on my external drive. how can i do that? | 03:50 |
jake1 | i'll try that too | 03:50 |
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Jucato | alex_: this might help you get an idea of the different kinds of themes: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=8189.msg33038#msg33038 | 03:51 |
Diuneimama | Jucato How do i run Real Player | 03:51 |
z1r0 | need help with ati support....Please! | 03:51 |
Diuneimama | Jucato I had installed it | 03:51 |
Jucato | Diuneimama: er... it doesn't appear in K Menu? | 03:51 |
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jake1 | oh sweet | 03:51 |
Diuneimama | nop | 03:52 |
jake1 | it works in VLC | 03:52 |
alex_ | Jucato: that alpha cube theme looks awesome, thanks man | 03:52 |
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Diuneimama | Jucato no it doesn;t appear | 03:52 |
conhe | ./firefox-bin: error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory what do ? | 03:52 |
FurthuR | jake1 : yea vlc does the trick | 03:52 |
Jucato | Diuneimama: try typing this in Konsole: "kbuildsycoca --incremental" | 03:52 |
Diuneimama | ok | 03:52 |
jake1 | but it doesn't have an option to search for music | 03:52 |
Jucato | Diuneimama: and ignore the error messages | 03:52 |
jake1 | it needs a playlist window | 03:52 |
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jake1 | mplayer has a playlist window right? | 03:52 |
FurthuR | jake1 : it probly installed the needed libs | 03:53 |
jsubl2 | jake1: not sure.. never used it to play wma. | 03:53 |
FurthuR | jake1 : try with mplayer or wtv app again | 03:53 |
jsubl2 | jake1: i have only played videos with it | 03:53 |
jake1 | wtv??? | 03:53 |
FurthuR | jake1 : u had it before? | 03:53 |
jake1 | had what before? | 03:53 |
FurthuR | jake1 : vlc | 03:53 |
jake1 | yea | 03:53 |
jake1 | i had that before | 03:53 |
FurthuR | ah | 03:53 |
FurthuR | then ud probably need to download something to add wma support to mplayer | 03:54 |
jake1 | maybe i wil try xmms | 03:54 |
FurthuR | xmms has an extra package for wma | 03:54 |
FurthuR | like a plugin | 03:54 |
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sephzero | i go to sleep | 03:55 |
sephzero | byebye guys!!! ^_^ | 03:55 |
TeePOG | where do I put environmental values? like export *_proxy ? | 03:55 |
sephzero | see u tomorrow ;) | 03:55 |
FurthuR | peace | 03:55 |
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FurthuR | yea i off too | 03:59 |
FurthuR | cyah | 03:59 |
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jake1 | i wonder how long it will take to get most applications over to a 64-bit platform | 04:01 |
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jake1 | the sooner the better | 04:02 |
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jake1 | off to bed | 04:04 |
jsubl2 | jake1: you cann't just rerip the albums | 04:04 |
jake1 | i dnt have the CDs | 04:04 |
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jake1 | i can probably import them to another computer and convert them that way | 04:04 |
jake1 | then burn them to DVD | 04:04 |
jake1 | that would be the easiest | 04:04 |
jake1 | i suppose | 04:05 |
jake1 | for now | 04:05 |
jake1 | a pain in the ass | 04:05 |
jsubl2 | yep | 04:05 |
jake1 | but still easiest | 04:05 |
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jake1 | i would install windows | 04:05 |
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jake1 | but seemingly i cnt figure out how again | 04:05 |
jake1 | if i put in a my recovery disks it still boots into Ubuntu | 04:06 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Heh, that's a change. | 04:06 |
CheeseBurgerMan | jake1: Go into your BIOS and make sure it's set to boot from a CD first | 04:06 |
jake1 | even if I select CD as the startup drive | 04:06 |
jake1 | i did do that | 04:06 |
CheeseBurgerMan | oh. | 04:06 |
jake1 | and seemingly it still won't boot | 04:06 |
CheeseBurgerMan | OK, that's just weird. | 04:06 |
jake1 | i accidentally installed Ubuntu to my windows partition | 04:06 |
CheeseBurgerMan | That wouldn't affect the computer booting from the CD | 04:07 |
jsubl2 | totem with the xine player does not play them | 04:07 |
jake1 | seemingly | 04:07 |
jsubl2 | xine engine rather | 04:07 |
jake1 | it boots off of linux cds fine | 04:07 |
jake1 | and in the list at start up winxp/200/nt is listed | 04:07 |
jake1 | i select it | 04:07 |
jake1 | but it just brings me to the Acer recovery manager | 04:08 |
kokoloko | sorry what can I do to install sommething like mozilla or gimp...? | 04:08 |
jake1 | synaptic | 04:08 |
jake1 | though gimp should already be installed | 04:08 |
jake1 | and firefox should be as well | 04:08 |
kokoloko | not on my kumbutu i think | 04:09 |
jsubl2 | jake1: might be an image of windows that is blown own with a ghost like tool | 04:09 |
jake1 | it should be | 04:09 |
jake1 | possibly | 04:09 |
jake1 | but then how would i restore it? | 04:09 |
jake1 | should i just buy winXP CDs | 04:09 |
jake1 | ? | 04:09 |
jake1 | and if i do that how will i get the drivers for all the hardware in my computer? | 04:10 |
jake1 | the manufacturer disks seemingly won't let me boot off of them | 04:10 |
jake1 | for some odd reason | 04:10 |
jake1 | maybe they aren't boot disks | 04:10 |
jake1 | which would be incredibly stupid | 04:10 |
jsubl2 | well that is kind of a pricey solution.. i would google some first.. check out this... http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/Applications_GUI_Multimedia/Convert_WMA_to_MP3 | 04:11 |
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garrin | if it's the windows upgrade version they are NOT boot disks | 04:11 |
jsubl2 | you might have to install 32bit till you get all the stuff converted. | 04:11 |
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=== Eeyore is now known as clbeamse | ||
shadowr3d | erase evertyhing by installing windows then install ubuntu using the resize hard drive and pick how much gb you want xp and ubuntu to have | 04:12 |
shadowr3d | work for me | 04:12 |
jsubl2 | yeah that would work i bet | 04:12 |
jake1 | woah | 04:12 |
jake1 | that might actually work | 04:12 |
jake1 | CRAZY | 04:12 |
shadowr3d | wait what would work | 04:12 |
shadowr3d | my idea | 04:12 |
jsubl2 | yes | 04:13 |
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shadowr3d | wow cool | 04:13 |
shadowr3d | thank you | 04:13 |
shadowr3d | thank you | 04:13 |
jake1 | garrin they are CDs that came with my computer | 04:13 |
kokoloko | excuse me | 04:13 |
jake1 | they are called restore cds | 04:13 |
jsubl2 | yeah it is an image then.. | 04:13 |
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jsubl2 | like a ghost image | 04:13 |
jake1 | so what would i have to do to get them onto a seperate partition | 04:14 |
jake1 | ? | 04:14 |
shadowr3d | just do what i did that is if you dont have anything important and if you do put it into a cd or a flash drive i did that too | 04:14 |
jake1 | shadowr3d that means i need to go out and buy a windows Install disk | 04:15 |
jake1 | my computer came with it preinstalled | 04:15 |
jake1 | and a bunch of recovery CDs | 04:15 |
jsubl2 | no you use the recovery cd | 04:15 |
jake1 | but i cnt start up from the recovery CDs for some reason | 04:15 |
flaccid | the recovery could remove all thats on the hard disk first | 04:15 |
shadowr3d | but its worth it | 04:15 |
jake1 | and i dnt know why | 04:16 |
jake1 | i put them i n | 04:16 |
jake1 | in* | 04:16 |
jake1 | and it doesn't do anything | 04:16 |
flaccid | why do you need windows? | 04:16 |
flaccid | jake1: did you change bios to boot the cd drive? | 04:16 |
jake1 | yes | 04:16 |
jake1 | that is what i did first | 04:16 |
flaccid | does another boot cd work? | 04:16 |
jake1 | i need windows so i can sync with clients who use outlook | 04:17 |
shadowr3d | bye bye | 04:17 |
jake1 | my linux boot cd does | 04:17 |
jake1 | if i put that in the drive it boots that | 04:17 |
shadowr3d | adios every one | 04:17 |
flaccid | maybe the cd is stuffed | 04:17 |
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jake1 | that seems stupid of them | 04:17 |
flaccid | this is a server? sync with ms outlook? | 04:17 |
jake1 | flaccid: no on outlook you can send calender events to people and sync with them | 04:18 |
kokoloko | what are the commands to install on kumbutu ??? | 04:18 |
jake1 | first off | 04:18 |
jake1 | it's kubuntu | 04:18 |
flaccid | jake1: what protocol? | 04:18 |
kokoloko | off | 04:18 |
kokoloko | ? | 04:18 |
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kokoloko | sorry | 04:18 |
kokoloko | bye bye | 04:18 |
jake1 | i think it's called Microsoft Exchange | 04:18 |
flaccid | kokoloko: apt-get | 04:18 |
jake1 | Server | 04:19 |
Jucato | kokoloko: this guide might help you | 04:19 |
Jucato | kokoloko: https://help.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/desktopguide/C/add-applications.html | 04:19 |
jake1 | apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 04:19 |
z1r0 | Is OpenGL all ready installed in kubuntu 6.06? | 04:19 |
jake1 | or kde-common | 04:19 |
jake1 | i cnt rememver | 04:19 |
kokoloko | thanx you very much | 04:19 |
jake1 | remember* | 04:19 |
=== garrin [n=garrin@CPE0004e227788d-CM000f212ff06d.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
flaccid | jake1: i'm a bit confused | 04:19 |
flaccid | jake1: you are dual booting a server? | 04:19 |
jake1 | no | 04:19 |
=== Electrolyte[V3] [n=Leky@cpc1-lich5-0-0-cust274.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jake1 | it's not serving anything | 04:19 |
jake1 | outlook is like evolution | 04:20 |
flaccid | this is a desktop? | 04:20 |
jake1 | no | 04:20 |
jake1 | laptop | 04:20 |
flaccid | right w/ desktop install to be used as a desktop? | 04:20 |
jake1 | the difference between evolution and outlook is that outlook you can invite ppl to your calandar events | 04:20 |
jake1 | that way it shows up on their calendar | 04:21 |
flaccid | but what protocol is these calendar events? | 04:21 |
=== flukej-walker [n=Mitchell@72-161-100-57.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jake1 | i think it's called Microsoft Exchange | 04:21 |
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jake1 | it's its own protocol | 04:21 |
flaccid | thats the application | 04:21 |
flaccid | proprietery m$ protocol | 04:21 |
flaccid | is this called a group calendar? | 04:22 |
jake1 | yea | 04:22 |
jake1 | something like that | 04:22 |
jake1 | not exactly | 04:22 |
flaccid | ok | 04:22 |
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flaccid | these guys did a lot of work reverse engineering that http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/6368 | 04:23 |
flaccid | just an fyi. i'm not assuming that you have access to and overhaul the exchange server | 04:24 |
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flaccid | but its possible | 04:24 |
jake1 | basically when someone puts something in their calendar and they want me to also be included in that event they click "invite" and then my e-mail address, then an invitation is sent to me, if i check my e-mail in Outlook it says "You have received an event invitation from "<name_here>" would you like to accept" | 04:24 |
jake1 | flaccid: no | 04:24 |
jake1 | it's not a server | 04:25 |
flaccid | no? | 04:25 |
jake1 | it sends it through some microsof thting | 04:25 |
flaccid | microsoft exchange is a server yes | 04:25 |
jake1 | yes but | 04:25 |
jake1 | not by us | 04:25 |
jake1 | it's done by microsoft | 04:25 |
jake1 | it's wierd | 04:25 |
flaccid | yes | 04:25 |
jake1 | i dnt know how it works | 04:25 |
flaccid | i didn't say it was.. | 04:25 |
jake1 | but there is no server | 04:25 |
jake1 | no setup | 04:25 |
flaccid | it buddies on top of IMAP | 04:26 |
jake1 | all anyone needs is the program | 04:26 |
jake1 | well depends | 04:26 |
jake1 | if your e-mail account is pop3 or smtp or something else it doesn't use IMAP | 04:26 |
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jake1 | ok...... | 04:27 |
jake1 | interesting | 04:27 |
jake1 | i put in my recovery CD | 04:27 |
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jake1 | and just viewed it using Konqueror | 04:27 |
flaccid | in that case its called DCE-RFC protocol | 04:27 |
flaccid | jake1: that doesn't mean the boot sector is bootable | 04:28 |
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holy_cow | In my smb.conf file do I need to obey pam restrictions ? | 04:28 |
jake1 | the root directory only includes a folder named images and rcd.data | 04:28 |
jake1 | i know | 04:28 |
jake1 | let me finish typing | 04:28 |
jake1 | which means my recovery CDs are not bootable' | 04:29 |
flaccid | have you tried booting the cd on another computer? | 04:29 |
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jake1 | which is the stupidest thing ever | 04:29 |
jake1 | yes | 04:29 |
jake1 | i already said that | 04:29 |
jake1 | that is how i put ubuntu on it | 04:29 |
jake1 | kubuntu* | 04:29 |
jake1 | i can boot any CD | 04:29 |
flaccid | i don't think you can view boot sectors in konqueror... | 04:29 |
jake1 | but it turns out my recovery disks don't seem to be bootable disks | 04:29 |
flaccid | it only mounts the iso9660 | 04:29 |
jake1 | so why doesn't the computer boot these CDs then | 04:30 |
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=== Lurkan [n=Lurkan@dsl-201-128-14-87.prod-infinitum.com.mx] has joined #kubuntu | ||
flaccid | have you read your manufacturer documentation on how to recover with these cds ? | 04:30 |
jake1 | the manual that came with the computer say just insert it into the drive and boot from the CD | 04:31 |
jake1 | but that does not work | 04:31 |
jake1 | i might call them and say wtf? | 04:31 |
flaccid | a lot of recovery cds or whatever will wipe the hard disk.. so if ubuntu is on there, it may be removed | 04:31 |
jake1 | well that's fine | 04:31 |
flaccid | what brand is it br0 | 04:31 |
kunjan | jake1: did u check the bios boot order ? | 04:31 |
jake1 | yes | 04:31 |
jake1 | ACER | 04:31 |
flaccid | how old? | 04:31 |
kunjan | laptop/desktop? | 04:31 |
jake1 | laptop, and a week old | 04:32 |
flaccid | from memory acer use a recovery partition | 04:32 |
kunjan | did you create the cds or it came with it? | 04:32 |
jake1 | came with them | 04:32 |
jake1 | flaccid yes that is true | 04:32 |
kunjan | yeah acers, u can do it from within windows.. eRecovery or something | 04:32 |
flaccid | have you removed the recovery partition? | 04:32 |
jake1 | yep...... but i dnt have windows | 04:32 |
jake1 | no flaccid | 04:32 |
kunjan | aah okkk | 04:32 |
jake1 | but booting from the recovery partition does nothing | 04:33 |
flaccid | when you say you didn't have windows, what you mean | 04:33 |
jake1 | it had windows | 04:33 |
flaccid | i thought you boot with the cd, it makes the recovery partition active then does its stufff | 04:33 |
jake1 | then i installed ubuntu to it instead | 04:33 |
jake1 | seemingly not | 04:33 |
jake1 | i put the CD in and tell the bios to boot from it | 04:33 |
jake1 | it does nothing | 04:33 |
flaccid | jake1: have you got a windows box handy anywhere? | 04:34 |
jake1 | nope | 04:34 |
jsubl2 | i wonder if he needs to change the recovery partition to be the boot partition | 04:34 |
jake1 | this is my first windows machine | 04:34 |
jake1 | i booted from that partition | 04:34 |
jake1 | jsubl2 | 04:34 |
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jsubl2 | ok | 04:34 |
jake1 | and it brought up a recover thing and had a restore button | 04:35 |
jake1 | i clicked it | 04:35 |
jake1 | it looked as though it were copying | 04:35 |
jake1 | then it did nothing | 04:35 |
jake1 | i restarted | 04:35 |
jake1 | and it booted the same way as before | 04:35 |
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kunjan | jake1: do you see grub screen? | 04:35 |
jake1 | yep | 04:35 |
jake1 | everytime | 04:35 |
kunjan | jake1: you need to add windows boot entries in gub | 04:35 |
kunjan | grub* | 04:35 |
jake1 | how do i do that? | 04:36 |
kunjan | my understanding was that xp setup wipes MBR with its own | 04:36 |
kunjan | guess acers recovery prog doesnt | 04:36 |
Diuneimama | anyone here using real player? | 04:36 |
flaccid | Diuneimama: your errors are due to wacom entries in xorg.conf. remove them. | 04:37 |
kunjan | jake1: can you open a termial and do "sudo fdisk -l /dev/hda" | 04:37 |
kunjan | and paste the output? | 04:37 |
flaccid | Diuneimama: if you google the error there are pages about what to remove | 04:37 |
jake1 | !pastebin | 04:37 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things) | 04:37 |
Diuneimama | where is the location of xorg.conf | 04:38 |
Jucato | Diuneimama: hm... Hawkwind has a guide for that... hold on while I search for it | 04:38 |
Diuneimama | Thanks Jucato | 04:38 |
flaccid | Diuneimama: /etc/X11/ | 04:38 |
Jucato | btw, were you able to get realplayer to show up in your K Menu? | 04:38 |
Diuneimama | nop Jucato | 04:39 |
jake1 | ok | 04:39 |
jake1 | done | 04:39 |
Jucato | Diuneimama: http://www.linuxfordummies.org/index.php?topic=579.0 | 04:39 |
Diuneimama | thanks | 04:39 |
jake1 | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22584 | 04:39 |
Jucato | Diuneimama: can you try pressing Alt+F2 then typing in "realplayer"? | 04:39 |
jake1 | wierd | 04:40 |
jake1 | it shows up as compaq diagnostics | 04:40 |
kunjan | that is the recovery partition | 04:40 |
kunjan | from acer | 04:40 |
jake1 | yes indeed | 04:40 |
jake1 | and i boot from it | 04:40 |
jake1 | brings up the recover window | 04:40 |
kunjan | can you mount /dev/hda3 and see windows files? | 04:41 |
jake1 | it acts like it's doing something | 04:41 |
flaccid | jake1: so is windows on /dev/hda3 healthy? | 04:41 |
jake1 | nope | 04:41 |
jake1 | nothing there | 04:42 |
flaccid | ah ok | 04:42 |
jake1 | empty partitio | 04:42 |
jake1 | partition | 04:42 |
Diuneimama | Jucato no i cant | 04:42 |
flaccid | i'd say the problem is that linux is on there now and the recovery progam doesn't like that | 04:42 |
jake1 | seemingly | 04:42 |
Jucato | Diuneimama: how did you install real player? | 04:42 |
flaccid | it probably looks for a fat/ntfs partition after the recovery partition | 04:42 |
jake1 | i also came to the conclusion that it doesn't like ext3 | 04:43 |
jake1 | or ext2 | 04:43 |
Jucato | Diuneimama: btw, I can play .rm and .rmvb files in Kaffeine | 04:43 |
flaccid | thats just an assumption | 04:43 |
jake1 | probably want fat/ntfs | 04:43 |
kunjan | flaccid: i think the recovery program cant handle the new partition scheme | 04:43 |
flaccid | windows can't read any linux partitions, so it probably freaks out | 04:43 |
jake1 | like what you just said | 04:43 |
kunjan | yeah lol | 04:43 |
Diuneimama | Jucato wat codec u using? | 04:43 |
flaccid | kunjan: thats what i said | 04:43 |
flaccid | lol yeah | 04:43 |
jake1 | so what can one do about that? | 04:43 |
=== flaccid dreams for the day windows suppports linux fs' | ||
kunjan | yup i read that... hit me 2 secs late | 04:43 |
Jucato | Diuneimama: w32codecs for that, IIRC | 04:43 |
flaccid | jake1: download a pirated copy of windows lol | 04:43 |
kunjan | lol | 04:43 |
kunjan | i would too | 04:44 |
jake1 | that's it? | 04:44 |
Diuneimama | Jucato i install realplayer linux from the site, i follow all the instrution n i did it | 04:44 |
Diuneimama | ok | 04:44 |
kunjan | or run it inside vmware | 04:44 |
flaccid | or tell acer that they have a bug in their recovery program | 04:44 |
Diuneimama | i try dl w32codecs | 04:44 |
jake1 | or buy a new copy | 04:44 |
flaccid | not that they will do anything | 04:44 |
kunjan | buy an oem copy | 04:44 |
jake1 | i may wait til vista comes out though | 04:44 |
kunjan | its cheaper | 04:44 |
Jucato | Diuneimama: if you're on a 64bit system, you won't be able to use the w32codecs | 04:44 |
flaccid | vista is bad | 04:44 |
jake1 | cuz i want to take full advantage of my 64-bit | 04:44 |
flaccid | jake1: how much ram on this thing | 04:45 |
jake1 | 2GB | 04:45 |
kunjan | windows/vista/xp + 64 bit.. = good luck! | 04:45 |
kunjan | driver support on linux 64 bit is better then windows | 04:45 |
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Diuneimama | Jucato how do i check my system | 04:45 |
jake1 | kunjan right now that is true | 04:45 |
Diuneimama | Jucato see whether is 64 or wat | 04:45 |
flaccid | 2gb cool for vista | 04:45 |
flaccid | but yeah | 04:45 |
Jucato | Diuneimama: what's your processor? | 04:45 |
jsubl2 | on a 64 bit system you can use the win32codecs | 04:45 |
jake1 | though it does run at 32-bit fine right now | 04:45 |
jake1 | with the 32-bit version of windows | 04:46 |
Diuneimama | Jucato Er, i dont know | 04:46 |
Diuneimama | Jucato :( | 04:46 |
Jucato | err... | 04:46 |
jake1 | they also have winxp64 | 04:46 |
jake1 | but i didn't want to do that | 04:46 |
jake1 | cuz the driver support | 04:46 |
jake1 | as you said | 04:46 |
Jucato | Diuneimama: AMD64? Pentium? | 04:46 |
jake1 | but when vista comes out i bet it will be better | 04:46 |
flaccid | jake1: does outlook run under WINE/CXoffice etc/ ? | 04:47 |
Jucato | Diuneimama: ah nvm, just install the w32codecs... if they don't work... well, then they won't :D | 04:47 |
jake1 | i wish more things were available on ubuntu under 64-bit platform | 04:47 |
Diuneimama | ok | 04:47 |
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jsubl2 | i run win2kpro using vmplayer to connect to work with 64 bit system | 04:47 |
jsubl2 | works fine. | 04:47 |
kunjan | jake1: the best thing to do is install 32bit chroot | 04:48 |
jake1 | Diuneimama: when did you buy the computer, and is it a laptop? | 04:48 |
Diuneimama | jake1 yup | 04:48 |
kunjan | and then run 32bit things from there | 04:48 |
Diuneimama | jake1 last year | 04:48 |
jsubl2 | the ubuntuforums has an article that tell you how to setup the apps and the codecs for 64 bit | 04:48 |
Diuneimama | What is the package name of w32codecs | 04:48 |
kunjan | altho except 1-2 apps i dont really miss any thing under 64 bit kubuntu | 04:49 |
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Jucato | Diuneimama: you have to manually download it | 04:49 |
Jucato | !w32codecs > Diuneimama | 04:49 |
jake1 | if it is a laptop on the palm rest there should be a sticker that says the type of processor | 04:49 |
Jucato | Diuneimama: I sent you the links. read the one on the RestrictedFormats | 04:49 |
jake1 | flaccid: haven't been able to get WINE to install | 04:50 |
jake1 | 64-bit archetitecture | 04:50 |
kunjan | jake1: for wine you have to install 32 bit chroot | 04:50 |
kunjan | and then install wine in it | 04:50 |
jake1 | figured that | 04:50 |
kunjan | runs great! | 04:50 |
jake1 | don't know how to do that though | 04:50 |
jsubl2 | the chroot does not take that long to setup.. 1 hour with a fast connection | 04:50 |
flaccid | jake1: you could remove the ubuntu part and or the windows part and then try the recovery again. then install ubuntu again | 04:50 |
jake1 | my connection is not to fast | 04:51 |
kunjan | chroot does take long .. yeah but its worth it | 04:51 |
jake1 | it's only about 15mbps down | 04:51 |
jake1 | 15mBps | 04:51 |
jsubl2 | if he removes ubuntu.. grub will still be in the mbr and the lappie won't boot | 04:51 |
kunjan | jake1: lol thts fast enought | 04:51 |
kunjan | fixmbr from the windows setup disk | 04:51 |
kunjan | that will fix the boot mbr | 04:51 |
jake1 | true that | 04:52 |
kunjan | the stupid recovery disks wont have that tho | 04:52 |
jake1 | flaccid: how do i download + setup chroot | 04:52 |
jake1 | is it available in synaptic? | 04:52 |
kunjan | jake1: there is an article on ubuntuforums abt it | 04:52 |
jsubl2 | article for 32bit codecs on 64 bit kubuntu/ubuntu -- http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=191205 | 04:53 |
jake1 | ok | 04:53 |
jake1 | well i'll deal with that tomorrow...... | 04:53 |
jake1 | i'm tired now | 04:53 |
jake1 | maybe from class i'll get that dealt with | 04:53 |
kunjan | good luck! | 04:53 |
jake1 | besides my moving picture show is about to be on | 04:53 |
Diuneimama | Jucato i dun have some line in xorg.conf | 04:54 |
Diuneimama | Jucato some line that Hawkwind shows in the forum | 04:54 |
Jucato | Diuneimama: can you pastebin your xorg.conf? | 04:54 |
Jucato | !pastebin | 04:54 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things) | 04:54 |
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Diuneimama | ok | 04:56 |
Jucato | Diuneimama: btw, when you get these error messages, does the program still run/launch? | 04:57 |
Diuneimama | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22585 | 04:57 |
Diuneimama | the program can run with console | 04:57 |
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Diuneimama | Jucato but when i close the console the realplayer shut down | 04:57 |
=== Hawkwind Peeks his head in | ||
Diuneimama | hi Hawkwind | 04:58 |
Jucato | Diuneimama: that's normal. because you used Konsole to run Real Player, so they are linked | 04:58 |
Jucato | Diuneimama: what command do you use in Konsole to run real player? | 04:58 |
Diuneimama | Jucato, should the RealPlayer show its self in k player | 04:58 |
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Diuneimama | Jucato, ./realplayer | 04:59 |
Jucato | aah | 04:59 |
Diuneimama | ? | 04:59 |
Diuneimama | wat should i do? | 04:59 |
Jucato | Diuneimama: ok.. one at a time :D | 04:59 |
Diuneimama | ok | 04:59 |
Jucato | Diuneimama: let's try to make a launcher for Real Player in K Menu | 05:00 |
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=== focker [n=focker@c-69-243-247-115.hsd1.mo.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Jucato | Diuneimama: right-click on K Menu and select Menu Editor | 05:00 |
Diuneimama | ok | 05:01 |
Diuneimama | Jucato it popsup a kde menu editor | 05:01 |
Jucato | Diuneimama: yep. now go to the Multimedia sub-menu there, right-click and select New Item | 05:01 |
Diuneimama | Jucato enter realplayer | 05:03 |
Diuneimama | ? | 05:03 |
Jucato | Diuneimama: you can name it whatever you like, Real Player or something else | 05:03 |
Diuneimama | ok done | 05:03 |
phred__ | !windows | 05:04 |
ubotu | For help with Microsoft windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. Also see http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 - !equivalents - http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm | 05:04 |
Jucato | Now you will have a K Menu entry for Real Player, now let's fill in some blanks | 05:04 |
Jucato | in the Command field, put in the command that you use to run realplayer, but without the ./ | 05:04 |
phred__ | !bill gates | 05:04 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about bill gates - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:04 |
Hawkwind | phred__: Please stop playing with the bot | 05:05 |
Jucato | hi Hawkwind! isn't it too early for you to be out of bed? | 05:05 |
Diuneimama | is it '/home/jen/RealPlayer/r | 05:05 |
Hawkwind | Jucato: LOL it's 10pm my time | 05:05 |
Jucato | Hawkwind: lol!! sorry | 05:05 |
Jucato | I'm on Edgy and haven't setup the clock to show your timezones | 05:05 |
phred__ | awww... ok. | 05:05 |
Jucato | Diuneimama: no, just "realplayer" if that's the command | 05:06 |
Diuneimama | Jucato is it the command field like this > '/home/jen/RealPlayer/realplayer' | 05:06 |
Hawkwind | Jucato: Ahhh. Yeah I just got done watching some TV shows like Prison Break and Vanished | 05:06 |
Jucato | Diuneimama: then in the work path, that's where you enter the directory where the command is located like "/home/jen/RealPlayer" | 05:06 |
Jucato | Hawkwind: aah... | 05:06 |
Diuneimama | Jucato | 05:07 |
Diuneimama | ok | 05:07 |
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Diuneimama | enter the work path now? | 05:07 |
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Jucato | Diuneimama: yep. | 05:07 |
Diuneimama | tick which boxs? | 05:07 |
Jucato | Diuneimama: so you will have "realplayer" in the Command field, and "/home/jen/RealPlayer" in the Work path field | 05:07 |
Diuneimama | yup | 05:07 |
Jucato | Diuneimama: none, except enable launch feedback (if you want those bouncing cursors/icons) | 05:08 |
Jucato | Diuneimama: done? click on the Save button | 05:08 |
Diuneimama | done | 05:09 |
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Jucato | Diuneimama: ok now you can close the menu editor and try luanching real player from K Menu | 05:09 |
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Diuneimama | Jucato XD | 05:10 |
Diuneimama | no work | 05:10 |
Jucato | hm.. strange... | 05:10 |
Jucato | Diuneimama: doesn't launch at all? | 05:10 |
Diuneimama | yup | 05:10 |
Diuneimama | no launch | 05:11 |
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Diuneimama | realplay is a shell script | 05:11 |
=== Rede [n=shawn@S010600131096809c.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Jucato | Diuneimama: ok, change the Command field to the full thing: /home/jen/RealPlayer/realplayer | 05:12 |
jsubl2 | yeah that is right and when you don't install it in the default place you have to edit it.. forgot about that.. i use mplayer32 to play real stuff | 05:12 |
Diuneimama | oh ya | 05:13 |
Diuneimama | Jucato IT WORKSSSSSSS | 05:13 |
Jucato | Diuneimama: ehehe | 05:13 |
Diuneimama | Jucato THANK YOU :-* | 05:13 |
Diuneimama | woo hho | 05:13 |
Jucato | ehehe! glad I could help | 05:13 |
Diuneimama | Jucato U ROCKS | 05:14 |
Diuneimama | :) | 05:14 |
Diuneimama | Jucato er one more problem | 05:14 |
Jucato | ?? | 05:14 |
=== kunjan_ [n=kunjan@adsl-208-190-203-235.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Diuneimama | Jucato because my movie there is 2 type of language | 05:14 |
Diuneimama | one is from left speaker n one is from right | 05:14 |
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=== flaccid is back | ||
Jucato | Diuneimama: err.. that I don't know about.. | 05:15 |
Diuneimama | Jucato how to change it to just one only sound comes out | 05:15 |
Diuneimama | XD | 05:15 |
Diuneimama | nvm its alright :) | 05:16 |
flaccid | anybody else here have issue with openvpn client? | 05:16 |
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sophie_ | irssi on xp ouch! kill me | 05:20 |
Jucato | hehe | 05:20 |
Hawkwind | Better than mIRC on XP :P | 05:20 |
Jucato | heh | 05:21 |
sophie_ | I have a confetion I have been running linux for yearsexclusively for years (4) and now tonight I have intslled xp because I could not get quake 4 running stbly on kubuntu | 05:21 |
sophie_ | I feel like such a trader | 05:21 |
flaccid | trator i think it is :) | 05:22 |
sophie_ | flaccid: sorry trator | 05:22 |
Jucato | lol | 05:22 |
Hawkwind | Traitor actually | 05:22 |
flaccid | yeah thats how you spell it | 05:22 |
Jucato | and confession... but hey, we understood it :D | 05:22 |
LeeJunFan | Not much you can do about it. It's a windows world, you have to use it for some things, I just wish you'd keep it off the internet so when you get rooted and viruses I won't get spam from your computer! :p | 05:22 |
flaccid | but i guess you are trader as well | 05:22 |
=== intelikey [n=root@0-2pool242-82.nas23.houston4.tx.us.da.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Jucato | lol | 05:23 |
flaccid | for me i need the linux equivalent of traktor dj studio | 05:23 |
LeeJunFan | I too use windows once in a while as a game console OS. | 05:23 |
flaccid | does anybody know of a program like traktor that can mix mp3s like it were two cd decks? | 05:23 |
sophie_ | LeeJunFan: well winter coming here rany wanted to play some games, now only if they could port Amarok to XP! maybe I would boot in XP more often | 05:23 |
Jucato | sophie_: we all have to wait for KDE 4 to be able to run KDE apps on Windows... :( | 05:24 |
TeePOG | wasn't it due out already? | 05:24 |
flaccid | thats pretty cool | 05:24 |
sophie_ | Jucato: Running kde apt in windows would that kill the user base | 05:24 |
Jucato | TeePOG: not by a long run... | 05:24 |
LeeJunFan | TeePOG: not even close. There is no release date even on schedule for it. | 05:25 |
flaccid | so amarok could run on windows by installing qt? | 05:25 |
LeeJunFan | TeePOG: it's not even beta yet. | 05:25 |
Jucato | sophie_: not really, coz you can only do so much | 05:25 |
TeePOG | yes sophie_, especially since Amarok also does iPod connectivity, doesn't it? | 05:25 |
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sophie_ | flaccid: I think you can install kde in cygwin | 05:25 |
TeePOG | damn, i must be ahead of my time. or behind... i've been awake for nigh on 26 hours now | 05:25 |
sophie_ | TeePOG: Amarok works great with my ipod mini I don<t know about the rest | 05:25 |
Jucato | you can run KDE apps on XP, but you won't be able to take full advanage of those apps compared to when they run on KDE | 05:25 |
flaccid | yeah but i'm wondering about more native support | 05:25 |
LeeJunFan | yeah, but then how will arts open /dev/dsp ? | 05:25 |
sophie_ | LeeJunFan: I think kde 4 is moving away from arts thank god! | 05:26 |
LeeJunFan | sophie_: yeah, they are. | 05:26 |
LeeJunFan | sophie_: I don't know what they settled on though. | 05:26 |
sophie_ | LeeJunFan: no more /dev/dsp busy crap | 05:26 |
intelikey | alsa | 05:27 |
Jucato | they have settled for no single multimedia framework/engine | 05:27 |
sophie_ | LeeJunFan: gstream?? | 05:27 |
Jucato | no. Phonon | 05:27 |
TeePOG | aren't they doing native Cairo support in KDE4? | 05:27 |
_rince_ | mrgn | 05:27 |
flaccid | hmm | 05:27 |
LeeJunFan | sophie_: you can still get that if the program you use wants exclusive use of dev/dsp and something else is using it. | 05:27 |
sophie_ | LeeJunFan: true but people are getting smarter and using oss, alsa and others | 05:28 |
intelikey | how can an app run something as root on a nosuid system ? | 05:29 |
LeeJunFan | personally I don't understand why the kernel isn't in charge of multiple simultanious streams of audio anyway. | 05:29 |
sophie_ | LeeJunFan: I don'T get why linux community can seatle on one sound system | 05:29 |
Jucato | hm... ALSA and OSS are sound daemons/architectures, aRts, ESD, GStreamer are multimedia engines/frameworks... | 05:29 |
LeeJunFan | sophie_: arts uses oss and alsa. arts is application layer, oss and alsa are the drivers. | 05:29 |
Jucato | s/daemon/drivers | 05:29 |
intelikey | sophie_ oss ? didn't that die already ? | 05:29 |
LeeJunFan | How will linux ever have decent real/time or near real time sound if the streams are merged at the user/application layer? | 05:31 |
LeeJunFan | owell, not really a discussion for here anyway :p I'm just ranting. | 05:31 |
Jucato | lol | 05:32 |
sophie_ | LeeJunFan: agrred about what alsa is why do we need multiple application layers using different drivers, the sound issue on linux is a f&*?*?ing mess. | 05:33 |
intelikey | is there anyway for an app/or user to do something as uid=0 on a system mounted nosuid ? can it be done ? | 05:33 |
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LeeJunFan | intelikey: nope. Not unless you've got a rootkit on your machine (kernel level). | 05:33 |
intelikey | you're sure perl or something can't hack that ? | 05:34 |
LeeJunFan | intelikey: well, maybe I should clarify. Basically nosuid means it will strip anything that's been set with chmod +s | 05:34 |
LeeJunFan | intelikey: if you are root and you run an app from that drive that application will inherit root privileges. | 05:35 |
sophie_ | intelikey: guess what quake 4 is using sdl.oss or sdl.alsa so I guess its not dead | 05:35 |
intelikey | how would you become root though ? | 05:35 |
LeeJunFan | intelikey: thru sudo or su, or login | 05:35 |
intelikey | sophie_ but is anyone still developing oss ? | 05:36 |
intelikey | LeeJunFan sudo doesn't and su don't either... login requires the passwd being set... | 05:36 |
LeeJunFan | I think oss is dead in that respect, it's deprecated (ie, no longer being developed). | 05:36 |
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LeeJunFan | intelikey: right, but if you sudo [path to app on nosuid device] that application will still run as root. | 05:37 |
Ashex | when is the estimated release of Edgy? | 05:37 |
Jucato | October... | 05:38 |
intelikey | LeeJunFan sudo ? on a nosuid system ? | 05:38 |
Jucato | not date yet... | 05:38 |
LeeJunFan | nosuid is just filesystem. It simply means that the filesystem will ignore the +s flag on a file. | 05:38 |
intelikey | LeeJunFan i think you need to rethink that one. | 05:38 |
intelikey | sudo get's it's root power how ? | 05:39 |
intelikey | tty3 [greg@~] sudo bash | 05:39 |
intelikey | sudo: must be setuid root | 05:39 |
intelikey | tty3 [greg@~] | 05:39 |
LeeJunFan | ah right. | 05:39 |
LeeJunFan | I see what you mean there. | 05:39 |
LeeJunFan | So there would be no way to attain root on that system. | 05:40 |
sophie_ | intelikey: what if you do su bash | 05:40 |
LeeJunFan | su needs a root pw | 05:40 |
LeeJunFan | if it's unset - no deal anyway. | 05:40 |
sophie_ | sudo su bash | 05:40 |
sophie_ | lol | 05:40 |
intelikey | su also needs sudi | 05:40 |
intelikey | suid | 05:40 |
LeeJunFan | intelikey: even for extra security you could remove all users from /etc/sudoers (not that it would be needed). | 05:41 |
intelikey | tty3 [greg@~] sudo su - | 05:41 |
intelikey | sudo: must be setuid root | 05:41 |
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LeeJunFan | the only way to get root then would be to modify bootparams. | 05:41 |
intelikey | you could set sudoers ALL ALL = NOPASSWD it wouldn't matter sudo wont run piriod | 05:42 |
flaccid | i have bind installed and in /etc/resolv.conf i have nameserver forward lookups are ok, doing reverse lookups i get NXDOMAIN. doesn't make sense | 05:42 |
LeeJunFan | flaccid: reverse lookups on what block of IP's? Are they yours or your ISP's? | 05:42 |
LeeJunFan | flaccid: too many ISP's don't understand how to setup reverse lookup right, so don't be surprised if 25% of the IP's you try to resolve reverse don't get an answer. | 05:43 |
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flaccid | LeeJunFan: mine | 05:43 |
flaccid | just my rdns on lan network | 05:43 |
LeeJunFan | flaccid: ah okay. | 05:43 |
flaccid | sorry i get servers can't be reached | 05:44 |
flaccid | weird | 05:44 |
LeeJunFan | flaccid: do you have NS records in your zone file for your lan? | 05:44 |
flaccid | yep | 05:45 |
LeeJunFan | flaccid: try dig @localhost -x | 05:45 |
LeeJunFan | flaccid: might give you more info. | 05:45 |
flaccid | ty | 05:45 |
flaccid | LeeJunFan: i get: ; <<>> DiG 9.3.1 <<>> @localhost -x; (1 server found) ;; global options: printcmd ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached | 05:46 |
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intelikey | hmmm mount wont run in 1+ uid space so i can't even mount a loopfs without nosuid on it and cp in a file that has +s ..... | 05:47 |
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LeeJunFan | flaccid: sounds like the NS records for the zone aren't quite right - mind patebinning? I'll be back in about 3-4 mins to take a look. | 05:47 |
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flaccid | ok | 05:48 |
flaccid | ty | 05:48 |
conrad | hello | 05:48 |
flaccid | i'll try looking at the config first | 05:48 |
intelikey | is there a system hacking channel ? hehhe | 05:49 |
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conrad | im new here | 05:50 |
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begleysm | im having some trouble... i installed and started kubuntu, used Adept to install nvidia drivers and tried to set my system up to use a 2nd monitor. | 05:51 |
begleysm | it told me x-server would have to be restarted | 05:52 |
begleysm | i rebooted my system and now it locks up | 05:52 |
begleysm | although it seems to be a soft lock | 05:52 |
intelikey | EE gdzooks what kind of code will reset a hard drive when badblocks tries to read it ? | 05:52 |
begleysm | it loaded 5 or 10 things... goes black, then goes into a soft freeze at the loading splash screen (kubuntu not KDE), if i hit the power button it shuts down properly stopping services etc | 05:53 |
begleysm | any ideas? i used the recovery console to uninstall the nvidia drivers.. didnt help | 05:54 |
intelikey | [ctrl] +[alt] +[f1] login; and sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg maybe ? | 05:54 |
begleysm | i also unplugged the 2nd monitor | 05:54 |
flaccid | LeeJunFan: can i pm you the link to the pastebin as it is a little bit private? | 05:54 |
begleysm | im tryin that intel... lets see what happens :) | 05:55 |
intelikey | second monitor should have no affect | 05:55 |
LeeJunFan | flaccid: sure | 05:55 |
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LeeJunFan | or you can just paste to the pm | 05:55 |
LeeJunFan | as long as the irc server doesn't care. | 05:56 |
intelikey | nothing special about a 192.168* setup... | 05:56 |
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begleysm | what is the difference between an ImPS/2 and an ExplorerPS/2 mouse? | 05:57 |
begleysm | I happen to have a usb mouse connected... not a ps/2 too | 05:58 |
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ubuntu | Hi | 05:58 |
intelikey | protocals | 05:58 |
Slyboots | Im curious, is this the place to query if you are having insaller problems?> | 05:59 |
Slyboots | *Installer | 05:59 |
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intelikey | up kinda late on the livecd there brit :) | 05:59 |
Slyboots | Tell me about it | 06:00 |
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Slyboots | I think my eyes are melting o.o | 06:00 |
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Slyboots | .. Im irish as well actuly | 06:00 |
Slyboots | Anyhow.. | 06:00 |
Slyboots | "Installer Crashed" | 06:00 |
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begleysm | what is the command to try to start KDE from the console? | 06:01 |
Slyboots | the error is just.. jibberish to me to be quite honest | 06:01 |
intelikey | oh sorry. just key'd the ip | 06:01 |
Slyboots | something wrong with pyhon script or something | 06:01 |
Slyboots | It reaches the "Grub" install stage and it.. falls over | 06:01 |
intelikey | oooh yuch no E. lines in it ? | 06:01 |
Slyboots | Does the LiveCD do anything after it install/configured Grub? | 06:02 |
intelikey | ah i don't think there is anything else, maybe to save the install logs to the hdd... | 06:03 |
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Slyboots | Hmm.. Okay, Well I wonder why Grub is not working | 06:03 |
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Slyboots | Fuck it | 06:04 |
Slyboots | Its too late | 06:04 |
Slyboots | Going to bed | 06:04 |
Slyboots | lol | 06:04 |
Slyboots | Later | 06:04 |
=== Diuneimama [n=jen@219-89-144-242.jetstart.xtra.co.nz] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | grub setup should be the last 'important' step. several things can make grub dye actually....... oh ok. | 06:04 |
=== Mangix [n=mangix@c-67-188-160-39.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Mangix | is anyone here, i have an issue with Kubuntu | 06:06 |
Diuneimama | Mangix : tell us here | 06:07 |
Diuneimama | Mangix : someone wil help | 06:07 |
Mangix | ok | 06:07 |
Mangix | well, i'm trying to install Opera on it | 06:07 |
intelikey | detail it. | 06:07 |
Mangix | it comes in a .deb file | 06:07 |
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Mangix | i installed the debian installer | 06:07 |
Mangix | but it doesn't exactly work | 06:07 |
Mangix | i right click on it and i clicked "Install Package" and an error comes up | 06:08 |
crimsun | you should be using the Opera package in dapper-commercial | 06:08 |
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Mangix | hmmm? | 06:08 |
Mangix | dapper-commercial? | 06:09 |
intelikey | you installed the debian installer ? dpkg = the debian package manager, it's the package manager in *buntu | 06:09 |
mangz74 | mangix: if your sources.list is configure... | 06:09 |
Mangix | yes | 06:09 |
Mangix | and dpkg gives an error | 06:09 |
mangz74 | mangix: u need to use the ubuntu packages | 06:09 |
Mangix | it says "status database area is locked by another process" | 06:10 |
intelikey | what error ? | 06:10 |
mangz74 | hmm | 06:10 |
Mangix | that error comes up | 06:10 |
Mangix | when i try to install the package | 06:10 |
mangz74 | are u using apt or are you installing another package at the same time? | 06:10 |
Mangix | i believe that Ark is doing something with it, but i can't kill it | 06:10 |
Mangix | it's not in the tray icon area | 06:10 |
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intelikey | "status database area is locked by another process" <---- really hard to understand.... so close the other packagemanagerfrontend | 06:11 |
Mangix | other? | 06:11 |
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Mangix | you mean Adept? | 06:11 |
mangz74 | yes | 06:11 |
Mangix | k, it's gone | 06:11 |
mangz74 | try it again | 06:11 |
intelikey | yep | 06:11 |
Mangix | didn't work | 06:11 |
mangz74 | you can only use apt/adept/install/uninstall one at a time | 06:12 |
Mangix | it says reading database | 06:12 |
Mangix | unpacking replacement opera | 06:12 |
mangz74 | welll.. | 06:12 |
mangz74 | that is working | 06:12 |
Mangix | setting up opera | 06:12 |
mangz74 | it is installing | 06:12 |
mangz74 | :P | 06:12 |
Mangix | press enter to exit... | 06:12 |
Mangix | it didn't install anything | 06:12 |
Mangix | it gave that last line almost 2 seconds from the previous one | 06:12 |
mangz74 | try this on your command prompt | 06:12 |
intelikey | :) | 06:13 |
mangz74 | sudo apt-cache search opera | 06:13 |
Ashex | For some obscure reason, Windows doesn't boot. When I installed Edgy, it got the hd locations wrong, so i fixed it, Edgy is installed on the same disk as Windows, and I have Dapper on a seperate drive. Dapper and Edgy both boot. Here's my menu.lst: http://pastebin.ca/161218 | 06:13 |
Mangix | mangz74: what did that do? | 06:13 |
mangz74 | did it list out anything? | 06:13 |
Mangix | no | 06:13 |
mangz74 | no? | 06:13 |
Mangix | nope | 06:13 |
mangz74 | what is on your command prompt now? | 06:13 |
Mangix | nothing | 06:14 |
mangz74 | hmm | 06:14 |
Mangix | i clicked Run and then the Run Command window disappeared | 06:14 |
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mangz74 | no... | 06:14 |
mangz74 | don't do that | 06:14 |
Mangix | ? | 06:14 |
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mangz74 | go to the k menu...look for Konsole program | 06:14 |
mangz74 | Konsole == Command prompt in windows | 06:15 |
intelikey | Ashex please put up the output of sudo fdisk -l also. | 06:15 |
Mangix | ook | 06:15 |
Mangix | it listed out a lot of things | 06:15 |
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Mangix | including "opera - the web browser" | 06:15 |
mangz74 | ok...look on the list and see if you see this line | 06:15 |
dismal_ | Laptop users: What is the best CPU/HD temp monitoring program? | 06:15 |
maltaethiron | hey, so i rented dead rising for the 360, and want to 'back up' the dvd...how would i go about that? | 06:15 |
mangz74 | mangix: opera - The Opera Web Browser | 06:15 |
Mangix | yes | 06:16 |
Mangix | i see that line | 06:16 |
mangz74 | mangix: so it found it | 06:16 |
mangz74 | ok... | 06:16 |
mangz74 | type this next command | 06:16 |
sophie_ | mangz74: why not tel=l him ctrl-alt f1 f2 f3 for a quick console | 06:16 |
Ashex | intelikey, http://pastebin.ca/161223 | 06:16 |
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intelikey | sophie_ cause he'll never find his way back... | 06:16 |
intelikey | Ashex looking. | 06:16 |
sophie_ | intelikey: ctrl-alt f7 | 06:16 |
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sophie_ | if he cant do that should he be running linux ... my bad | 06:17 |
Mangix | :( | 06:18 |
intelikey | Ashex comment out the two map lines #88, 89 and try it. | 06:18 |
Mangix | now what do i do | 06:19 |
phred__ | how do I install opera on kubuntu? | 06:19 |
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intelikey | lines 88 & 89 on your pastebin Ashex | 06:19 |
Ashex | intelikey, Gotcha | 06:19 |
intelikey | Ashex just befor you reboot let me see your devices.map | 06:20 |
Ashex | where is that located? | 06:20 |
intelikey | /boot/grub/device* <-- however that ends. | 06:20 |
Ashex | ah | 06:20 |
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Ashex | (hd0) /dev/hdb #and# (hd1) /dev/sda | 06:21 |
mangz74 | Mangix:did someone finish helping u? | 06:21 |
intelikey | Ashex hold that previous order... | 06:21 |
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Ashex | okay | 06:21 |
Mangix | mangz74: no | 06:22 |
mangz74 | ok | 06:22 |
mangz74 | mangix: sorry somebody trip on my power supply and it rebooted my machine | 06:22 |
Mangix | that sucks | 06:22 |
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sophie_ | Mangix: what do you need | 06:22 |
mangz74 | mangix: ok ...still on the command prompt...just type this | 06:22 |
mangz74 | mangix: sudo apt-get install opera | 06:22 |
Mangix | ook | 06:23 |
mangz74 | thats all u need do..of course you have to type your password if it'll ask for it | 06:23 |
Ashex | intelikey, before i installed edgy, I had it booting off my other drive, but it took about 3+ minutes for grub to load, I switched boot priority after Edgy and boot was faster. hdb1 was the previous drive booting | 06:23 |
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Mangix | 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 4 not upgraded. | 06:23 |
Mangix | that's what it said | 06:23 |
nai | can i install gcompris in kubuntu? | 06:24 |
=== Generic [n=ahmed@c-24-17-220-55.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | Ashex try this insted 85. root (hd0,0) < to > root (hd1,0) | 06:24 |
intelikey | the < to > iondicates the change. | 06:24 |
mangz74 | hmm | 06:24 |
dismal_ | Every program I install to tell me my clock speed and temp does not work. What am I missing here? | 06:24 |
Ashex | intelikey, I know what you mean, don't worry :) | 06:24 |
Mangix | mangz74: does the location of the .deb file matter? | 06:24 |
=== Generic is now known as Ashex|laptop | ||
intelikey | Ashex :) so often that's not the case tho. | 06:25 |
Ashex|laptop | intelikey: true, but I've broken many a system | 06:25 |
mangz74 | mangix: the commands i was giving you was installing opera from the ubuntu repository | 06:25 |
intelikey | here here | 06:25 |
Mangix | oh | 06:25 |
Ashex | intelikey, I'll try rebooting now, hence the laptop | 06:25 |
intelikey | yeah | 06:26 |
Mangix | mangz74: wait | 06:26 |
Mangix | mangz74: it says something else | 06:26 |
mangz74 | ok? | 06:26 |
Mangix | mangz74: "opera is already the newest version.". | 06:26 |
Mangix | does that mean that it's already installed? | 06:26 |
mangz74 | that means that you already have the latest version of opera on your machine | 06:26 |
intelikey | Mangix have you finished trying to re-re-reinstall opera yet ? | 06:27 |
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Mangix | mangz74: ok, so how to i launch opera? | 06:27 |
Ashex|laptop | >.< | 06:27 |
mangz74 | you can type from the terminal >>> opera | 06:27 |
Mangix | it's not anywhere in the start menu | 06:27 |
Mangix | :( | 06:27 |
Ashex|laptop | intelikey: I forgot to remove the comments from the maps | 06:27 |
mangz74 | just type on the terminal | 06:27 |
mangz74 | opera | 06:27 |
Mangix | yay | 06:27 |
Mangix | it works | 06:27 |
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Mangix | is there any way to add Opera to the start menu? | 06:28 |
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Ashex|laptop | the start bar or the start menu? | 06:28 |
Mangix | erm | 06:28 |
Mangix | start menu | 06:28 |
Mangix | i guess | 06:28 |
intelikey | start bar ? what's that ? | 06:28 |
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Mangix | the K Menu | 06:28 |
Ashex|laptop | I call the big bar at the bottom of the screen the start bar | 06:29 |
intelikey | oh :) | 06:29 |
nicarlo | hey guys | 06:29 |
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Ashex|laptop | intelikey: that's what all the cool kids call it :P | 06:29 |
intelikey | Ashex|laptop i quit being a "cool kid" 30 years ago :) | 06:30 |
Ashex|laptop | Ha | 06:31 |
Ashex|laptop | intelikey: getting an error message. Error 13: Invalid or Unsupported Format | 06:31 |
mangz74 | mangix: right click on k menu --> menu editor | 06:31 |
Ashex|laptop | I'm going to take a closer look at my menu.lst and make sure nothing else is amiss | 06:31 |
Mangix | mangz74: ty | 06:31 |
intelikey | Ashex|laptop hmmm google grub error 13 as well. | 06:31 |
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mangz74 | mangix: on the box on the left, select internet | 06:32 |
Ashex|laptop | intelikey: will do | 06:32 |
mangz74 | mangix: on the menu on top, click the icon new item, that is the white icon | 06:32 |
mangz74 | mangix: you following me? | 06:33 |
Mangix | yeah | 06:33 |
intelikey | Ashex|laptop also sda3 is not the actual boot partition is it ? (just a thought) | 06:33 |
Ashex|laptop | intelikey: no, that's a windows "swap" partition i use for video editing | 06:34 |
intelikey | it's probably not, it looks to small | 06:34 |
intelikey | yeah swap | 06:34 |
Ashex|laptop | everything is in sda1 I believe | 06:34 |
intelikey | k | 06:34 |
intelikey | it would have to be, according to the output of fdisk you posted. | 06:35 |
intelikey | i just revisited it. | 06:35 |
Ashex|laptop | shouldn't windows be booting from hd0? since edgy is that would make the most sense to me | 06:36 |
dismal_ | I'm trying to figure out CPU info and it just sayd "This applet shows the current CPU temperature and frequency. Make sure you have enabled a supported kernel module." How do I enable said kernel modules? | 06:36 |
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intelikey | your windows is on 8. /dev/sda1 marked as # (hd1) /dev/sda in the device map so that's all i have to go on. | 06:38 |
intelikey | Ashex|laptop ^ | 06:38 |
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Ashex|laptop | hmm, that's confuzlling | 06:39 |
mangz74 | mangix: u all set? | 06:39 |
Mangix | yeah | 06:39 |
=== sdistefano [n=sdistefa@200-122-67-61.cab.prima.net.ar] has joined #kubuntu | ||
sdistefano | hey people | 06:39 |
sdistefano | anyone there? | 06:39 |
intelikey | Ashex|laptop i see what you mean. heck try my first sujestion. comment out the two map lines | 06:40 |
intelikey | with windows hd0 | 06:40 |
intelikey | err hd0,0 | 06:40 |
sdistefano | I see yes; so short question from a gentoo user: | 06:40 |
sophie_ | sdistefano: we r here | 06:40 |
sdistefano | I wanna compile a module without the full kernel source | 06:40 |
intelikey | Ashex|laptop are you playing in the correct /boot ? | 06:41 |
sdistefano | so I got the kernel headers and they're all like broken symlinks... I don't understand | 06:41 |
intelikey | you may have another /boot on the other system still being read... | 06:41 |
Ashex|laptop | Woo | 06:42 |
draik | intelikey | 06:42 |
Ashex|laptop | intelikey: commenting out the maps worked | 06:42 |
draik | I have a question for you | 06:42 |
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intelikey | draik | 06:42 |
sdistefano | the program searchs for src/include/linux/mm.h and says it can't find it | 06:42 |
sdistefano | he's absolutley right! it's a symlink to itself | 06:42 |
intelikey | Ashex|laptop even a blind hog finds an acorn every now and then. | 06:42 |
draik | if I were to change my menu.lst, to list my primary HDD partition of Kubuntu ABOVE my secondary HDD partition of Kubuntu, would it work? | 06:42 |
intelikey | draik usre | 06:43 |
intelikey | sure | 06:43 |
draik | I ask because I have it UNDER my winxp partition | 06:44 |
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Diuneimama | Anyone know how to enable RealPlayer sound? | 06:44 |
intelikey | draik you can play with order colour and displayed text just keep the whole entry togather and it shouldn't give any problem. | 06:44 |
Diuneimama | I m not sure wat i did | 06:44 |
Diuneimama | No sound coming out now | 06:44 |
draik | BTW, intelikey, I hope you know I was kidding when I said that I removed my kubuntu partitions and went to winxp because it's better or whatever other nonsense that I said | 06:45 |
draik | kew, perfect | 06:45 |
draik | will do that now | 06:45 |
intelikey | select the output to alsa in it's preferances Diuneimama maybe. | 06:45 |
=== userhar [n=userhar@80-194-6-52.cable.ubr11.haye.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | draik i don't know you well enough to know such things. and inflection is hard to hear in irc | 06:46 |
Mangix | does anyone know how i can open NTFS drives with Kubuntu? | 06:46 |
intelikey | Mangix mount them | 06:46 |
sophie_ | !ubotu ntfs | 06:46 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse | 06:46 |
Mangix | intelikey: it doesn't let me | 06:47 |
Diuneimama | intelikey : there is no output option | 06:47 |
sophie_ | Mangix: u can mount them but don't write to them not safe! | 06:47 |
Mangix | intelikey: when i try to mount it, it errors | 06:47 |
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intelikey | Mangix what error ? | 06:47 |
Mangix | mount: can't find /dev/hda2 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab | 06:48 |
Diuneimama | intelikey : how to open linux equalizer option | 06:48 |
Diuneimama | intelikey : i mean sound | 06:48 |
intelikey | Diuneimama alsamixer | 06:48 |
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intelikey | Mangix then you have to specify a mount point | 06:48 |
cbell | hello everyone. I'm an MCSE and I would just like to say that ubuntu has grabbed my attention and I am almost fully converted to linux. Granted, I am new to Linux (1 year experience), I have toyed around with a few other flavors - Mandriva, Suse, Redhat, etc.. I liked them fine, but I didn't feel "at home" with any of them, although I did like the windows authentication for windows domains feature in Suse 10.1. Either way, I'm just here to | 06:49 |
cbell | s at work, I am starting to enjoy linux more and more every day. Ubuntu rules! | 06:49 |
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josef | hai | 06:49 |
Mangix | intelikey: how would i do that? | 06:49 |
intelikey | Mangix sudo mount /dev/hda2 /media/something -o umask=0 the umask part is optional and probably dangerous | 06:49 |
josef | guys how do i install mp3 codecs | 06:49 |
=== danny500 [n=danny500@d150-220-85.home.cgocable.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
sophie_ | Mangix: have a look at !ubotu ntfs | 06:50 |
Mangix | intelikey: allright, i'll try that | 06:50 |
Mangix | sophie_: ? | 06:50 |
intelikey | Mangix sudo mount /dev/hda2 /media/something | 06:50 |
intelikey | !ntfs > Mangix | 06:50 |
cbell | I used the fluendo-mp3 for gstreamer at packages.ubuntulinux.org | 06:50 |
mkquist_ | !nonfree codecs | 06:50 |
admin_ | does anyone know where i can find a good how-to on setting up a kubuntu server | 06:50 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about nonfree codecs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:50 |
danny500 | man, you guy's are still online! | 06:50 |
intelikey | !codecs > josef | 06:51 |
danny500 | hs! | 06:51 |
cbell | !codecs | 06:51 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 06:51 |
=== cbell [n=cbell@ip68-96-114-242.lu.dl.cox.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
danny500 | you need audio codecs? | 06:51 |
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intelikey | admin_ what kind of server ? | 06:51 |
intelikey | !lamp > admin_ | 06:51 |
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danny500 | hey, what codecs do you need? | 06:52 |
admin_ | A file server. I want to save all my files to my kubuntu machine and share them out to my other computers in the house. | 06:52 |
intelikey | !ssh > admin_ | 06:52 |
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intelikey | !ftp > admin_ | 06:53 |
sophie_ | admin_: have a look at samba | 06:53 |
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admin_ | thanks sophie_ | 06:53 |
intelikey | ask more specific questions, get more specific answers. | 06:54 |
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danny500 | why don't the game companies make games for linux? | 06:54 |
intelikey | danny500 it don't pay | 06:54 |
sophie_ | danny500: low user base like 2% of the gaming population | 06:54 |
danny500 | so | 06:54 |
danny500 | mac has games | 06:54 |
danny500 | why not linux | 06:55 |
draik | danny500, check out http://www.tuxmagazine.com | 06:55 |
sophie_ | danny500: mac game pretty much equals linux games | 06:55 |
intelikey | danny500 have you looked at apt-cache search game | less | 06:55 |
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danny500 | I don't like reading | 06:55 |
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admin_ | kdesktop crashed, is there a command i can use in terminal to reset it? | 06:55 |
draik | their recent issue has a lot of insight on the issue | 06:55 |
danny500 | admin_ restart your computer | 06:55 |
flaccid | lol | 06:55 |
Jucato | admin_: try "kdesktop" or restarting KDE only | 06:55 |
intelikey | admin_ sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart | 06:56 |
sophie_ | admin_: or restart x by doing crt-alt backspace | 06:56 |
flaccid | you are using linux and you don't like reading. thats not good :p | 06:56 |
danny500 | lol | 06:56 |
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flaccid | ubuntu has shit loads of games in the sources | 06:56 |
Jucato | but admittedly there are some genres that are lacking in Linux | 06:57 |
danny500 | yeah. the stupid flash games that no one play's no more | 06:57 |
intelikey | flaccid you a gammer ? | 06:57 |
Jucato | there's a proliferation of simple games or RTS. some FPS and very few RPGs | 06:57 |
intelikey | flash games ? | 06:57 |
flaccid | not really | 06:57 |
danny500 | hey. can I get konversation on windows? | 06:57 |
flaccid | i don't think ubuntu provides flash games | 06:57 |
Jucato | danny500: no, at least not yet, or not without lots of compiling | 06:58 |
danny500 | dame! | 06:58 |
Jucato | you can try XChat, though | 06:58 |
Lynoure | danny500: at least by having kubuntu in a virtual machine (eg. vmware) | 06:58 |
danny500 | I'm switching to windows again in the near future and I really want to keep konversation | 06:58 |
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Jucato | danny500: in the near future, KDE apps will be able to run on Windows | 06:59 |
intelikey | there was a free version of xchat for windows i don't know if it still exists. | 06:59 |
danny500 | lol | 06:59 |
Jucato | intelikey: it does still exist | 06:59 |
Jucato | danny500: I'm not joking. KDE 4 | 06:59 |
Jucato | Qt 4 can now be used freely on Windows and since KDE 4 will be using Qt 4... | 06:59 |
flaccid | here is a good question. a game that is really good/you like that is in sources ? | 06:59 |
danny500 | yeah, but you got to pay a "one time fee of 40 million fricken dollars"! | 06:59 |
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danny500 | lol | 07:00 |
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Jucato | danny500: did you see the "freely"? | 07:00 |
=== Mangix [n=rosenp@c-67-188-160-39.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
flaccid | 40million dollars? | 07:00 |
danny500 | fricken | 07:00 |
Mangix | i have a small issue | 07:00 |
Mangix | nvm | 07:00 |
mangz74 | nvm? | 07:00 |
danny500 | don't mind me. I'm just a retarded canadian | 07:00 |
danny500 | lol | 07:00 |
intelikey | are fricken dollars worth more or less that americian dollars ? | 07:01 |
Jucato | hi mangz74! fancy seeing you here :D | 07:01 |
danny500 | um... | 07:01 |
mangz74 | jucato:just resting my brain | 07:01 |
mangz74 | :P | 07:01 |
Jucato | lol | 07:01 |
danny500 | I think the currency is about the same | 07:01 |
jcastro | hi everybod | 07:01 |
Mangix | i have a question | 07:01 |
danny500 | what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 07:01 |
jcastro | everybod=everybody | 07:01 |
Mangix | why is Kubuntu not able to play any music? | 07:01 |
mangz74 | ask mangix | 07:01 |
=== [skavenge] [n=skavenge@12-207-61-84.client.mchsi.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
mangz74 | mangix: are you trying to play mp3? | 07:02 |
Mangix | yes | 07:02 |
flaccid | !multimedia | 07:02 |
ubotu | For multimedia codecs, http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch03.html#sect-music-and-movies | For multimedia applications, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications | 07:02 |
Jucato | Mangix: it can play all free media formats though | 07:02 |
flaccid | !mp3 | 07:02 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 07:02 |
Mangix | what about FLAC? | 07:02 |
danny500 | get vlc media player | 07:02 |
mangz74 | download the restricted formats codecs | 07:02 |
Mangix | from Adept? | 07:02 |
Jucato | Mangix: it's an issue with Dapper's current version of Xine | 07:02 |
intelikey | Mangix cause you muted it ? or cause you crashed "arts" ? | 07:02 |
intelikey | yes vls is in the repos | 07:02 |
danny500 | do you have speakers pluged in? | 07:02 |
intelikey | vlc even | 07:03 |
Mangix | danny500: yes | 07:03 |
danny500 | lol | 07:03 |
danny500 | sorry | 07:03 |
danny500 | get vlc | 07:03 |
Mangix | flaccid: just so you know, that first link isn't valid | 07:03 |
=== eross [n=eross@6532142hfc81.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
danny500 | thats what i use | 07:03 |
Mangix | for !multimedia | 07:03 |
intelikey | !vlc | 07:03 |
ubotu | Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs | 07:03 |
mangz74 | read that webpage about restricted formats.. | 07:03 |
flaccid | Mangix: not my bot sorry | 07:03 |
mangz74 | it'll help u a lot | 07:03 |
Mangix | heh | 07:03 |
intelikey | for audio i like sox | 07:03 |
intelikey | for vidio vlc | 07:04 |
eross | hi | 07:04 |
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mangz74 | jucato:back to work :P | 07:04 |
Jucato | Mangix: there's a problem with FLAC and xine, so you might be better off trying VLC for that because Amarok uses Xine (at least by default) | 07:04 |
danny500 | I like real player 10, vlc, xxms, and last.fm | 07:04 |
Mangix | hmmm | 07:04 |
Jucato | mangz74: I'll just finish my tea, and I'll go back too | 07:04 |
Mangix | any alternative to vlc? | 07:04 |
intelikey | install sox and type play blah from anywhere. | 07:04 |
Mangix | i've heard too many bad things about it | 07:04 |
danny500 | lots to think about... | 07:04 |
flaccid | amarok rox my sox | 07:04 |
danny500 | real player 10 | 07:05 |
Jucato | lol | 07:05 |
intelikey | Mangix yeah lots of alternatives. but vlc is good. | 07:05 |
Mangix | k | 07:05 |
danny500 | realplayer 10 works very good on linux | 07:05 |
=== flaccid hates real | ||
danny500 | why? | 07:05 |
danny500 | it works good | 07:05 |
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flaccid | i'd rather play it in a dif player | 07:06 |
danny500 | it also intergrates into you web browser | 07:06 |
intelikey | i here windows works good too.... don't make me like it... | 07:06 |
Jucato | lol | 07:06 |
flaccid | ycuk | 07:06 |
danny500 | lol | 07:06 |
danny500 | lmfao | 07:06 |
flaccid | real is prop. shite | 07:06 |
Jucato | mplayer also integrates with my browser... | 07:06 |
flaccid | so does kaffeine | 07:06 |
danny500 | wanna know who I like to spam the crap out of? | 07:06 |
Jucato | but flaccid, Real might be the only way Linux will be able to legally play WMA/WMV soon... | 07:07 |
danny500 | steve@mac.com | 07:07 |
danny500 | lol | 07:07 |
=== intelikey wonders if any of those intergrate with his browser.... "links2 -g" | ||
flaccid | lol | 07:07 |
Jucato | lol | 07:07 |
flaccid | yeah exactly | 07:07 |
danny500 | I keep sending him windows advertisments | 07:07 |
flaccid | yeah i just try to avoid wma/wmv | 07:07 |
Jucato | intelikey: maybe nano would integrate with that? hehehe | 07:07 |
danny500 | lol | 07:07 |
flake | is DRM installed on linux, or will it be | 07:08 |
intelikey | Jucato lol | 07:08 |
Jucato | flaccid: so do I. but my cousins send WMV of their babies for my grandma... so no choice there | 07:08 |
danny500 | any body here live in canada? | 07:08 |
intelikey | Jucato actually links intergrates into my file browser nicely. mc | 07:08 |
flaccid | you can play it in other players | 07:08 |
Jucato | intelikey: nice :D | 07:08 |
flaccid | who cares about the legal side. m$ has been busted for using other peoples software within windows core... | 07:08 |
Jucato | flaccid: yeah, but of course, w32codecs. good thing I'm not on a 64bit system... | 07:09 |
intelikey | and so does nano. but mc has a built-in editor that i prefer. | 07:09 |
danny500 | anybody from canada here? | 07:09 |
danny500 | anybody? | 07:09 |
flaccid | we can't do much about people sending us closed/prop. formats... | 07:09 |
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Mangix | does anyone know where i can get mplayer from? | 07:09 |
Mangix | i can't seem to find a linux build on the official website | 07:10 |
flaccid | besides telling them not to and asking for a free format, but then they have no idea what to do so yeah | 07:10 |
danny500 | I want to know that to | 07:10 |
Jucato | !mplayer | 07:10 |
ubotu | mplayer is a media player. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer/Compile to compile it from source or enable multiverse repo and type sudo apt-get install mplayer for more info please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer | 07:10 |
ubotu | For Codecs try !codecs Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MplayerInstallHowto for installation tips. | 07:10 |
Mangix | ty | 07:10 |
intelikey | flaccid maybe i should leave the room now... my line of work cares about leagle issues.... | 07:10 |
danny500 | schools today. woppy! Can't wait to work my a$$ of for free | 07:11 |
flaccid | what can i do about the fact the only legal way soon to play wmv is with realplayer... | 07:11 |
flaccid | i'm also not forcing you to do anything | 07:11 |
flaccid | and i have no idea why you would leave this room | 07:11 |
[skavenge] | man ive gone through the entire color scheme and set my own but ive got like a 1 pixel border around all my windows thats blue for some reason .. | 07:11 |
danny500 | realplayer can play wmv? | 07:11 |
flaccid | apparently | 07:12 |
abattoir | [skavenge] : the win deco? | 07:12 |
[skavenge] | hm is that what it is? the rest of it is black though .. | 07:12 |
danny500 | [skavenge] > use your monitor and make the picture bigger | 07:12 |
Jucato | [skavenge] : try checking the settings for the window decoration you are using? | 07:13 |
danny500 | make the blue go off the screen | 07:13 |
=== z1r0 [n=z1r0@68-191-214-85.dhcp.dntn.tx.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | danny500 [ctrl] +[alt] ++ | 07:13 |
=== flaccid reminds people that he is not a bad guy | ||
danny500 | ? | 07:13 |
intelikey | danny500 [ctrl] +[alt] +[+] | 07:13 |
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@220-245-20-148.free.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
danny500 | whats that for? | 07:13 |
ubuntu | sup | 07:13 |
z1r0 | does anyone run america's army? | 07:13 |
intelikey | zoom in. | 07:14 |
danny500 | o | 07:14 |
ubuntu | weeeee ubuntu is cool | 07:14 |
danny500 | shut up | 07:14 |
danny500 | lol | 07:14 |
ubuntu | lol | 07:14 |
flaccid | z1r0: one would hope so | 07:14 |
flake | i did under windows, but too much lag to enjoy anything | 07:14 |
danny500 | hey ubuntu | 07:14 |
ubuntu | hi danny500 | 07:14 |
flake | bf2 runs very rough, but that's nothing new | 07:14 |
danny500 | how's you 450 some odd brothers? | 07:14 |
Jucato | hm... why doesn't Konversation use a default nick of "kubuntu" rather than "ubuntu"? | 07:14 |
ubuntu | time to install this for real | 07:14 |
z1r0 | i'e got it under windows too, but cant get it to run on kubuntu 6.06 | 07:15 |
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danny500 | windows Vista. worth getting or not? | 07:15 |
draik | not | 07:16 |
z1r0 | i say nah | 07:16 |
danny500 | if it's worth getting say "I" | 07:16 |
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[skavenge] | sure enough it was the border of the window deco, got it fixed, thanks Jucato / abattoir | 07:16 |
flaccid | its worth not getting | 07:16 |
draik | "*buntu users that say neigh" | 07:16 |
Jucato | [skavenge] : no problem :D | 07:16 |
Mangix | psst | 07:17 |
flake | say no to drugs | 07:17 |
draik | seriously | 07:17 |
Mangix | how do i quit Adept | 07:17 |
danny500 | did you know that windows xp actually works better on mac machines then apple os's do | 07:17 |
flaccid | lol woudn't be suprised | 07:17 |
draik | did you know that linux actually works better on ANY machine than other OS's do | 07:17 |
z1r0 | what macs new or old | 07:17 |
danny500 | there's another kick in the balls for steve! | 07:18 |
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danny500 | both | 07:18 |
flaccid | define works | 07:18 |
danny500 | run's faster, boot's up fast | 07:18 |
draik | works = opposite of m$ | 07:18 |
danny500 | lol | 07:18 |
flaccid | works better is kind of an oxymoron | 07:18 |
flaccid | lol | 07:18 |
danny500 | that's why 80 % of the pop use it right | 07:18 |
draik | yup | 07:18 |
flake | windows is for the people who don't want to work on cars, but instead drive them | 07:19 |
z1r0 | lol | 07:19 |
draik | It's kinda funny that bill gates is a cool guy in person, but a prick in the office | 07:19 |
flake | will never get the full performance cause they know little bout the car to mod it | 07:19 |
danny500 | what do you mean. the worlds most fastest computers run windows | 07:20 |
flaccid | good analogy | 07:20 |
flake | think i read that somewhere lol | 07:20 |
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flaccid | the worlds fastest computers are not x86 | 07:20 |
danny500 | go to a lan party and the only os you will see is windows | 07:20 |
tj | ok i need help | 07:20 |
flaccid | or the other archs that windows supports | 07:20 |
draik | ask tj | 07:20 |
flaccid | thats funny i goto linux lans | 07:21 |
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intelikey | draik "did you know that linux actually works better on ANY machine than other OS's do" perhaps you should narrow that a little. lets see it work better on C64 ... | 07:21 |
flaccid | CSS/wine | 07:21 |
=== Mangix [n=rosenp@c-67-188-160-39.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
tj | i downloaded this game called gunz its oonly for windows | 07:21 |
Mangix | !mplayer | 07:21 |
ubotu | mplayer is a media player. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer/Compile to compile it from source or enable multiverse repo and type sudo apt-get install mplayer for more info please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer | 07:21 |
ubotu | For Codecs try !codecs Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MplayerInstallHowto for installation tips. | 07:21 |
danny500 | those are just consumer products. have you ever seen bussiness compuiters? | 07:21 |
tj | however i have windows crossover | 07:21 |
draik | intelikey, I was being a smart @$$ | 07:21 |
z1r0 | Alright quick question, Has anyone had problems when adept locking up their pc when updating? | 07:21 |
=== flaccid hopes he has seen a 'business' computer | ||
flaccid | z1r0: nope | 07:22 |
draik | z1r0, closest I've come is Adept slowing it down | 07:22 |
flake | in theory it could, but c64 is not 32bit - when it came to reliability, the atari 800 rocked. my friend's c64 had better games but crashed frequently | 07:22 |
tj | it installed and extracted the file and put its icon on my deskto p however when i clik it it does not open up | 07:22 |
draik | CTRL+ALT+ESC | 07:22 |
danny500 | I saw a business computer with 32gb of ram! | 07:22 |
tj | do i have to use konsole to get to play it | 07:22 |
flaccid | i don't think business computer is a real term | 07:22 |
z1r0 | i lock up every time for some reason | 07:23 |
danny500 | only business's use them though | 07:23 |
z1r0 | and its a fresh install | 07:23 |
intelikey | danny500 all the "bussiness compuiters" i've looked at were older M$ machines... | 07:23 |
tj | can somebody plz help!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 | 07:23 |
danny500 | got to www.hewlettepackard.com and look at the workstations. | 07:23 |
Mangix | hey | 07:23 |
abattoir | tj: you might need cedega for it... | 07:23 |
Mangix | i got a question | 07:24 |
Mangix | i really fucked up the package manager | 07:24 |
Mangix | and i can't use it anymore | 07:24 |
draik | tj, type /j #cedega | 07:24 |
tj | wat is that and where do i get it | 07:24 |
draik | they might be able to help | 07:24 |
abattoir | tj: crossover is mainly for Windows Applications and Software suites, not for games | 07:24 |
tj | oh ok | 07:24 |
abattoir | tj: cedega is what is tuned for games | 07:24 |
Mangix | i blame the vlc website | 07:24 |
abattoir | !cedega | 07:24 |
ubotu | cedega is a project based on wine, aimed at running windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega | 07:24 |
abattoir | tj: ^^^ | 07:24 |
Mangix | can anyone help me? | 07:24 |
draik | !cedega > tj | 07:24 |
z1r0 | how do i find out what ver. of opengl i'am running? | 07:25 |
tj | i went there i am there | 07:25 |
intelikey | Mangix konsole command. sudo apt-get install -f ;sudo dpkg --configure -a | 07:26 |
flake | when i installed kubuntu on here with default gnome, the opengl screensavers worked file - after kde, the screensavers do not seem to work - I have the intel integrated graphics 85255 | 07:26 |
intelikey | z1r0 opengl --version maybe ? | 07:26 |
Mangix | intelikey: E: Type 'universe' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list | 07:26 |
Mangix | E: The list of sources could not be read. | 07:26 |
flake | or some number like that, how do i get opengl working again | 07:27 |
draik | intelikey, that won't work... I just tried | 07:27 |
intelikey | Mangix ok. sudo apt-get update then repete the above. | 07:27 |
Mangix | E: Type 'universe' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list | 07:28 |
intelikey | draik the opengl Q. A. was a guess. | 07:28 |
draik | I know | 07:28 |
abattoir | Mangix: could you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list file ? | 07:28 |
draik | I'm just saying | 07:28 |
abattoir | !pastebin | 07:28 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things) | 07:28 |
intelikey | hense the 'maybe' appended to it. | 07:29 |
intelikey | Mangix pastebin your sources.list | 07:29 |
Mangix | how do i open it? | 07:29 |
abattoir | Mangix: or you could 're-generate' it with source-o-matic | 07:29 |
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abattoir | !source-o-matic | 07:29 |
ubotu | source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 07:29 |
intelikey | abattoir you want this one? i'm busy anyway. | 07:29 |
flaccid | so is apt-get install kubuntu-desktop the best way to install gui for a kubuntu server install? | 07:30 |
draik | Mangix, kate /etc/apt/sources.list | 07:30 |
abattoir | intelikey: sorry, didnt know you were keen on helping him :) | 07:30 |
Jucato | draik: are you forgetting "kdesu" ? | 07:30 |
draik | nope | 07:30 |
draik | not if you just want to copy | 07:30 |
abattoir | intelikey: ok, sorry, he's all yours ;) | 07:30 |
intelikey | abattoir i'd rather bow out. | 07:30 |
Jucato | ah | 07:30 |
abattoir | intelikey: heh, ok | 07:30 |
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tj | man nobodys tallkin on cedega oh well ill have to wait a lil longer | 07:31 |
abattoir | Mangix: 'kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list' <--- that would open the file in a text editor, copy it and pastebin it(use the link above) | 07:31 |
Mangix | do i paste it in Text? | 07:32 |
abattoir | !pastebin > Mangix | 07:32 |
Mangix | i'm at that website | 07:32 |
abattoir | Mangix: paste it on that website, and give us the link | 07:32 |
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Mangix | ok sooo, what do i put in "search the pastebin"? | 07:33 |
abattoir | Mangix: yes, paste it in 'Text' and click on send | 07:33 |
abattoir | Mangix: no, you dont need to search... | 07:33 |
abattoir | you are posting a new paste... | 07:33 |
Mangix | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22591 | 07:34 |
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abattoir | Mangix: ok, you have a stray 'universe' on the first line... | 07:34 |
abattoir | remove it | 07:34 |
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Mangix | ok... | 07:35 |
Mangix | but i can't save it | 07:35 |
abattoir | or you could copy and paste the correction that i send you | 07:35 |
draik | abattoir, teach him about kdesu first... or sudo cp /your/copy /his/copy | 07:35 |
abattoir | Mangix: did you open it with 'kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list' ? | 07:35 |
Mangix | i openned it with Kate | 07:35 |
Mangix | not sure what kdesu is | 07:36 |
abattoir | Mangix: ok, the file you are trying to open requires 'Administrator's privileges' appending kdesu before a command gets you that.... | 07:36 |
flaccid | Mangix: prompts with a window for root password. for use with kde programs that require root | 07:36 |
abattoir | Mangix: so please open the file w/ 'kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list' | 07:37 |
Mangix | i tried that | 07:37 |
abattoir | Mangix: and...? | 07:37 |
flaccid | what error you get | 07:37 |
abattoir | you'd be prompted for your password, please enter it | 07:37 |
Mangix | X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 166 | 07:38 |
Mangix | Major opcode: 144 | 07:38 |
Mangix | Minor opcode: 3 | 07:38 |
Mangix | Resource id: 0x0 | 07:38 |
Mangix | Failed to open device | 07:38 |
Mangix | another message similar to that one shows up as well | 07:38 |
flaccid | Mangix: thats another issue, ignore it | 07:38 |
abattoir | Mangix: ok, that's not relevant... does a window open up | 07:38 |
intelikey | Mangix ffr about 90% of answers you get when asking how to fix something, will be CLI strings. i.e. you type them in the konsole. | 07:38 |
Mangix | abattoir: no | 07:38 |
Mangix | however | 07:39 |
Mangix | Konsole doesn't return to normal | 07:39 |
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abattoir | could you check if a password dialog is open somewhere(it could be minimised) | 07:39 |
Mangix | can't see it but i know it exists | 07:39 |
flaccid | Mangix: try running this from kmenu | run command: kdesu kwrite /etc/apt/sources.lst | 07:39 |
Mangix | k | 07:39 |
Mangix | flaccid: that worked | 07:40 |
Mangix | and Adept is back to normal :) | 07:40 |
Mangix | ty | 07:40 |
flaccid | np | 07:40 |
flaccid | anyone have that link handy regarding wacom devs in xorg.conf? | 07:41 |
abattoir | Hawkwind will make that a ubotu entry soon :) | 07:41 |
intelikey | you should sudo apt-get update just for safty. | 07:41 |
abattoir | let me search | 07:41 |
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deeo | so i was typing in a text box in konqueror, and i hit the spacebar twice at the end of a sentence, and it crashed. | 07:41 |
flaccid | abattoir: can you had the wacom xorg bug thing | 07:41 |
flaccid | had=add | 07:42 |
Jucato | very soon.... | 07:42 |
intelikey | flaccid removing the referances to wacom ? or do you have a wacom device ? | 07:42 |
flaccid | but maybe bug related issues should not be put there | 07:42 |
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kristina | how to install qt for kde themes & styles? | 07:42 |
flaccid | intelikey: yeah removal of wacom for Mangix | 07:42 |
misieq | !skype | 07:42 |
ubotu | To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto | 07:42 |
Mangix | !vlc | 07:43 |
ubotu | Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs | 07:43 |
Mangix | hmmmmmm | 07:43 |
Mangix | any compiled version of it? | 07:43 |
flaccid | what you trying do Mangix? | 07:43 |
abattoir | http://www.linuxfordummies.org/index.php?PHPSESSID=94a045f7057cbba9b48514dbf396d626&topic=581;prev_next=next | 07:43 |
intelikey | ah flaccid for an old linux hand you don't need a howto. but for new converts and genni-pigs i'd say "just ignore the error message, it's not hurting anything" | 07:44 |
Mangix | flaccid: trying to get either vlc on mplayer here | 07:45 |
Mangix | i need music | 07:45 |
intelikey | Mangix sudo apt-get install vlc | 07:45 |
abattoir | Mangix: give amarok a shot :) | 07:45 |
flaccid | intelikey: the howto was for Mangix, not me | 07:46 |
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Mangix | abattoir: i've been told it doesn't do mp3s | 07:46 |
kristina | can somebody tell me how to install themes & styles from kde look? | 07:46 |
Mangix | someone said that there was a bug with Xine | 07:46 |
abattoir | Mangix: that's not true... | 07:46 |
flaccid | and i say 'why try to load a device that is not on your system, xorg.conf is meant to be optimised' :) | 07:46 |
Mangix | abattoir: i tried amaroK and Kaffine | 07:46 |
brownie | how can i restart conky? | 07:46 |
Mangix | both didn't work | 07:46 |
abattoir | Mangix: for legal reasons, mp3 support is disabled... | 07:46 |
intelikey | flaccid full aware. | 07:46 |
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abattoir | Mangix: you have to install 'libxine-extracodecs' | 07:46 |
abattoir | Mangix: which is in multiverse.. | 07:47 |
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Mangix | multiverse? | 07:47 |
flaccid | i dunno intelikey, people don't like errors and they don't like to seem them over and over again :) | 07:47 |
abattoir | Mangix: yup, mulitverse, like universe | 07:48 |
abattoir | !multiverse | 07:48 |
ubotu | The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource | 07:48 |
intelikey | brownie sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart that will reset the xserver. is that what you mean ? | 07:48 |
brownie | no im tired of restarting x... i just want to restart conky | 07:48 |
intelikey | brownie or just konqueror ? | 07:48 |
abattoir | !info conky | 07:49 |
ubotu | conky: highly configurable system monitor for X based on torsmo. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.5-0ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 95 kB, installed size 316 kB | 07:49 |
abattoir | intelikey: ^^ | 07:49 |
brownie | o well thanks... ill just restart x | 07:49 |
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intelikey | flaccid yeah, but they like busted xservers even less.... | 07:50 |
flaccid | intelikey: thats why a howto has less chance of the end user breaking the file | 07:50 |
flaccid | they are learning nevertheless | 07:51 |
Mangix | ok sooo | 07:51 |
Mangix | do i edit the universe thing to "universe multiverse" | 07:51 |
Mangix | because that's confusing | 07:51 |
Mangix | the directions say to put multiverse behind universe while the screenshot says otherwise... | 07:51 |
abattoir | Mangix: yes, 'universe multiverse' is fine | 07:52 |
Mangix | k | 07:52 |
Jucato | Mangix: "behind" probably means "beside" in that context | 07:52 |
abattoir | Mangix: it doesnt make a difference which is first, as long as you have both :) | 07:52 |
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intelikey | abattoir so how would you reset it ? (conky) is it in daemon mode or can you just kill/call the app ? | 07:53 |
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plugs | hi, i can't mount my second hard drive. | 07:53 |
Mangix | abattoir: sweet | 07:54 |
abattoir | intelikey: i have no clue, never used it :) . Just told you he wasnt refering to konqui :) | 07:54 |
Mangix | it works now | 07:54 |
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intelikey | plugs what's the error ? | 07:54 |
abattoir | Mangix: cool :) | 07:54 |
plugs | i get the error "mount: can't find /dev/hdc1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab | 07:54 |
Mangix | now...how do i run vlc? | 07:54 |
Mangix | oh god | 07:55 |
Mangix | i dled vic, not vlc | 07:55 |
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intelikey | it will install a short cut in the menus | 07:55 |
Mangix | k | 07:55 |
intelikey | plugs then you will need to specify the mountpoint or add it to your fstab | 07:56 |
plugs | hmmm | 07:56 |
intelikey | plugs like this sudo mount /dev/hdc1 /media/somewhere or add /dev/hdc1 /<mountpoint> <fstype> defaults 0 0 to fstab | 07:57 |
Mangix | ... | 07:57 |
Mangix | oh god | 07:57 |
Mangix | vlc produces horrible sound | 07:57 |
plugs | okay cool | 07:58 |
plugs | i was just gonna kedit | 07:58 |
intelikey | not knowing the fs type i cant tell you much more. | 07:58 |
plugs | right | 07:58 |
Mangix | i have a small question | 07:58 |
plugs | if i need more help, i'll ask =] | 07:58 |
Mangix | Linux supports Aureal Vortex correctly, right? | 07:58 |
Mangix | because i get horrible sound here | 07:58 |
intelikey | Mangix set the output to alsa "inside vlc" | 07:59 |
Mangix | intelikey: where would that setting be? | 07:59 |
brownie | i found out how to stop conky... kill 9 6465 | 08:00 |
intelikey | Mangix google.com/linux search "aureal vortex" supported i don't know about the support. | 08:00 |
intelikey | in the preferances in vlc | 08:01 |
plugs | intelikey: i got the file system and mount point, but what about type? it's NTFS | 08:01 |
plugs | ..and options, dump, and pass? | 08:01 |
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intelikey | brownie kill -9 `pidof <blah>` and you don't have to search the proccess table... | 08:01 |
intelikey | ntfs | 08:02 |
brownie | oh thanks :D | 08:02 |
plugs | that's easy | 08:02 |
brownie | well conky gives me its pid so... | 08:02 |
Mangix | intelikey: ok... vlc says "ALSA Device Name - Default" | 08:02 |
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Mangix | nvm | 08:02 |
Mangix | vlc crashed | 08:03 |
Mangix | yay | 08:03 |
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intelikey | plugs /dev/hdc1 /<mountpoint> ntfs defaults,fmask=113,dmask=002 0 0 | 08:03 |
Mangix | intelikey: should i chose adb? | 08:03 |
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Mangix | wt or a3d? | 08:03 |
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plugs | rawk. | 08:04 |
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plugs | let's see if this works | 08:04 |
intelikey | Mangix sounds like your hardware "sound card" may need attention. if it crashed on alsa /dev/dsp | 08:04 |
Mangix | nah | 08:05 |
Mangix | it was vlc | 08:05 |
Mangix | i changed the settings while it was playing | 08:05 |
plugs | intelikey now i get "defaults,fmask=113,dmask=002 0 0" | 08:05 |
plugs | ooooops | 08:05 |
plugs | "mount: only root can mount /dev/hdc1 on /media/cdrom1" | 08:05 |
plugs | should i restart, then it'll mount while booting? | 08:05 |
intelikey | you can. or sudo mount /dev/hdc1 | 08:06 |
plugs | ah | 08:07 |
intelikey | sharing a mountpoint can cause trubble. | 08:07 |
Mangix | bah | 08:07 |
plugs | it says the mount point does not exist. | 08:07 |
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calcmandan | how does one install GDM's in kde? | 08:08 |
intelikey | plugs ls -l /dev/hdc1 /media/cdrom1 | 08:08 |
plugs | sudo? | 08:09 |
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intelikey | plugs what it say ? | 08:10 |
plugs | ugh "ls -l /dev/hdc1 /media/cdrom1" | 08:10 |
plugs | sdjlkfj | 08:10 |
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plugs | ls: /media/cdrom1: No such file or directory | 08:10 |
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flaccid | i need some help. i don't have access to display :0. i have installed kubuntu-desktop and x11vnc. 1. how can i start the xserver on :0 from a pts/0 ? | 08:10 |
intelikey | plugs that looks like the problem right there. | 08:11 |
intelikey | plugs sudo mkdir /media/cdrom1 | 08:11 |
_hybrid | noob problem>>>it seems my onboard sound card is not being detected...not getting any sound at all...kde 5.3.2...via VT8233/A/8235/8237 AC97 Audio...HELP | 08:12 |
plugs | Hurrah! | 08:12 |
plugs | Mounted! | 08:12 |
intelikey | flaccid don't you have to enable remote x connections in kdm settings ? | 08:12 |
plugs | =] | 08:12 |
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flaccid | intelikey: i have no idea yet. first i need to start the x server from pts/0. how can i do that? | 08:14 |
intelikey | startx ? | 08:14 |
=== intelikey <shrugs> | ||
intelikey | what's X ? | 08:14 |
intelikey | hehhe | 08:14 |
calcmandan | flaccid, try editing your inittab to reflect starting x on boot. | 08:14 |
calcmandan | flaccid, /etc/inittab | 08:15 |
intelikey | calcmandan eeeek no. | 08:15 |
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intelikey | calcmandan put it in an init script. | 08:15 |
calcmandan | isn't that where it is? | 08:15 |
intelikey | /etc/rc.local maybe | 08:15 |
calcmandan | or did i just give some really bad advice? | 08:15 |
flaccid | intelikey: it runs then stops at (==) Using config file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf" perhaps this is normal and i should have done it in screen? | 08:16 |
flaccid | and ctrl + c aint working on that | 08:16 |
intelikey | calcmandan well generally speaking, editing inittab is taboo unless you are a base system programer. or have linuxed for long time. | 08:16 |
intelikey | flaccid you can ^Z | 08:17 |
intelikey | background it. | 08:17 |
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flake | could someone check to see if my default webpage is displaying | 08:18 |
flaccid | =ok | 08:18 |
intelikey | or ^C kill it and start it with startx & so it will fork and come back to the command prompt | 08:18 |
intelikey | bash prompt or what ever you call it. | 08:18 |
calcmandan | intelikey: i just recall having to make a change in inittab a long time ago when my system would start up solely in multiuser mode and not in x. | 08:19 |
calcmandan | intelikey: when did it change? | 08:19 |
intelikey | calcmandan when it went to sysv init | 08:19 |
calcmandan | intelikey: as i normally say on justlinux.com or other forum, i'm a permanewb. :( | 08:20 |
intelikey | SysVinit uses scripts in /etc/init.d and symlinks in /etc/rc?.d you make general changes to the symlinks and special changes to the scripts. general changes are facilitated via the "update-rc.d" man that for more on it. | 08:21 |
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calcmandan | intelikey: thank you for that description. after i asked the question, i ran into the file to check it out. and sure enough, you can't select mode 5 for x startup like the old days. | 08:22 |
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thoreauputic | calcmandan: it's distro-specific | 08:23 |
intelikey | also ubuntu provides a special script for the "special" changes /etc/rc.local you can edit that and make any init special commands needed. | 08:23 |
thoreauputic | calcmandan: Debian distros generally use default runlevel 2 | 08:23 |
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intelikey | thoreauputic and calcmandan even on distros that have runlevel specific configurations, by default one would not advise editing the inittab to change the default runlevel. although it can be done that way. | 08:25 |
calcmandan | does anyone know where gdm themes are placed for kubuntu? | 08:25 |
Jucato | calcmandan: gdm? or kdm? | 08:25 |
Jucato | for kdm: /usr/share/apps/kdm/themes/ | 08:26 |
calcmandan | thanks. | 08:26 |
intelikey | i get griped at all the time for "giving bad advice" like "edit /etc/blah" the upity ups say use the config apps that's what we make them for. | 08:26 |
Mangix | is it possible to use Microsoft fonts on Kubuntu? | 08:26 |
Jucato | calcmandan: and /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc controls which theme is used. but you might want to install "kdmtheme" if you want a GUI to control that | 08:27 |
Mangix | i mean fonts that come from Vista | 08:27 |
calcmandan | mangix: i installed m$ truetype fonts on my system and they work just fine. but i didn't pick them from a vista package, they were from win98 days. | 08:27 |
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thoreauputic | intelikey: well, Debian and Ubuntu are not Slackware :) dpkg-foo and apt-foo exist for a reason ( just a different approach really) | 08:27 |
Mangix | calcmandan: heh. neither did i. i dled the from Microsoft Download | 08:27 |
Mangix | *them | 08:28 |
Mangix | they have some pretty sweet fonts | 08:28 |
intelikey | hehhe but editing inittab can make the the system totally unaccessable to the newbe. booting with init=/bin/bash or a live cd may be the only way back in. | 08:28 |
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intelikey | thoreauputic oh i agree. i don't mean to be down on any one <nudges calcmandan> just inittab is at the very core of the system. | 08:29 |
thoreauputic | intelikey: editing inittab is kind of like fooling with the roots of a tree, yeah :) | 08:29 |
thoreauputic | right | 08:29 |
calcmandan | jucato: once the theme is placed there, how is it selected? | 08:29 |
intelikey | :) | 08:29 |
Jucato | calcmandan: did you manually put the theme in /usr/share/apps/kdm/themes? | 08:30 |
calcmandan | not yet. | 08:30 |
calcmandan | i have circles and kubuntu in there. | 08:30 |
calcmandan | i downloaded a GDM from gnome-look.org. | 08:30 |
thoreauputic | "I am init, sire of all that comes after me, nmero uno in the process tree! Tremble before me ye weaklings!" | 08:30 |
calcmandan | i suppose i should download a KDM from kde-loog. | 08:30 |
calcmandan | look | 08:30 |
Jucato | calcmandan: GDM themes won't work if you're using KDM | 08:30 |
Jucato | calcmandan: I suggest you install a package called "kdmtheme". this adds an option in System Settings that would let you install/remove/change KDM themes | 08:31 |
calcmandan | jucato: my eyes just lit up. thank you. | 08:31 |
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intelikey | thoreauputic hehhe yeah. i'm such a power freek, sometimes running as root just isn't enough so i become init and run the system init=/bin/bash :) | 08:32 |
intelikey | you can kill root but if you kill init the whole box dies. | 08:33 |
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thoreauputic | :P init begat bash, which begatvim, which begat confusion amongs the people.... *g* | 08:34 |
Jucato | intelikey: are you sysVinit? | 08:34 |
Jucato | coz if you are, get ready to be dethroned | 08:34 |
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intelikey | calcmandan or you could use gdm if you like.. | 08:34 |
intelikey | Jucato no sysV when i'm init. it's bash-init | 08:35 |
thoreauputic | Jucato: he's have to beover30 to be sysVinit unless he was a childhood prodigy ;-) | 08:35 |
Jucato | hah | 08:35 |
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thoreauputic | meh I can't type on this iBook - my handsare tooo big! | 08:35 |
calcmandan | intelikey: we can use gdms in kde? | 08:35 |
intelikey | thoreauputic and age is irrelevent. | 08:36 |
Jucato | calcmandan: yes. you will have to replace KDM | 08:36 |
intelikey | calcmandan you can use gdm to start kde or xdm or kdm .... | 08:36 |
thoreauputic | intelikey: well I for one am glad to hear that age is irrelevant ;) | 08:36 |
flaccid | does anybody have x11vnc running on startup? | 08:36 |
intelikey | meaning over 30 was long ago. | 08:37 |
thoreauputic | intelikey: same here :) | 08:37 |
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kristina | how to install this? http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=13969 | 08:37 |
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kristina | please help me | 08:37 |
=== thoreauputic used punch cards at uni, and teletypes | ||
Jucato | kristina: that's what Kubuntu is already using by default | 08:38 |
intelikey | i remember the first hand held calculators, i thought i wish we would have had those when i was in school | 08:38 |
Mangix | are there any KDE skins which are similar to Windows Classic? | 08:38 |
kristina | ? | 08:38 |
Mangix | i need one badly because the default one is too white | 08:38 |
thoreauputic | intelikey: ah,no-one knows how to use a slide rule any more ;) | 08:38 |
intelikey | :) | 08:38 |
osiris | kio_http is now defunct, any idea how to kill it. kill -9 aint even doing it | 08:39 |
Jucato | kristina: it's a Window decoration, a.k.a. window border. it's what Kubuntu uses | 08:39 |
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intelikey | Mangix redmound maybe ? | 08:39 |
Mangix | intelikey: link? | 08:39 |
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kristina | how to install it? | 08:39 |
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intelikey | Mangix idk | 08:39 |
intelikey | Mangix i rarely start x any more | 08:40 |
Mangix | start x? | 08:40 |
Jucato | kristina: it's already installed. | 08:40 |
intelikey | !cli | 08:40 |
ubotu | The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via applications -> accessories -> terminal (gnome) or kmenu -> system -> konsole (kde). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands | 08:40 |
Mangix | Jucato: how do you change KDE's skin? | 08:41 |
kristina | how to select it? | 08:41 |
kristina | #i do not use this | 08:41 |
Jucato | kristina: go to K Menu > System Settings > Appearance > Window Decorations | 08:41 |
Jucato | Mangix: what do you mean by "skin"? | 08:41 |
Mangix | Jucato: well...isn't there a way to make the windows diffrent? | 08:42 |
intelikey | Jucato he means theem | 08:42 |
Mangix | yes | 08:42 |
Mangix | themes | 08:42 |
Jucato | Mangix: same place I told kristina. System Settings > Appearance > Window Decorations to change the window decorations/borders | 08:42 |
Mangix | k | 08:42 |
Jucato | KDE uses "themes" very loosely and may mean quite a number of things | 08:43 |
Mangix | do you know of a theme which looks like windows classic? | 08:43 |
Mangix | erm | 08:43 |
Mangix | window decoration then | 08:43 |
Jucato | Mangix: try Redmond | 08:43 |
Mangix | the default one is too white for me | 08:43 |
Mangix | Jucato: where do i find it. i google it but i got no results | 08:43 |
Jucato | "Redmond" usually means Windows | 08:43 |
Jucato | Mangix: it's already installed by default in Kubuntu | 08:43 |
abattoir | Mangix: Kcontrol/systemsettings->Appearance...->Style | 08:44 |
Mangix | aaaa | 08:44 |
Mangix | i see | 08:44 |
intelikey | Mangix and kristina you should both do your self a favour and start "kcontrol" all kinds of customizations are in there. | 08:44 |
Mangix | i'm not on Kubuntu right now | 08:44 |
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intelikey | abattoir types faster than i do. | 08:44 |
calcmandan | jucato: where is kdetheme located? i didn't find it in the repos. | 08:44 |
Mangix | the sound was buggy for me | 08:44 |
Mangix | and maybe it always be | 08:44 |
Jucato | intelikey: only thing missing in System Settings when it comes to themes it the practically useless Theme Manager | 08:44 |
Mangix | *it will | 08:44 |
abattoir | intelikey: heh :P | 08:44 |
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intelikey | Jucato yeah | 08:45 |
Jucato | calcmandan: "kdmtheme" not kdetheme | 08:45 |
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Jucato | Mangix: there's also a Redmond 95 or 2000 color scheme, and a Redmond (widget) style, a Redmond window decoration and a Redmond splash screen | 08:46 |
flaccid | how to execute x11vnc on startup? | 08:46 |
Mangix | Jucato: wow | 08:46 |
Mangix | kinda sucks that i can't use Linux for multimedia :( | 08:46 |
calcmandan | why not? | 08:47 |
Mangix | erm, Kubuntu | 08:47 |
Mangix | w/e | 08:47 |
flaccid | Mangix: why can't use multimedia? | 08:47 |
Mangix | calcmandan: buggy sound drivers | 08:47 |
Mangix | i got a shitty Aureal Vortex one :( | 08:47 |
flaccid | dang | 08:47 |
intelikey | when i install kde for my self it generally takes me about 45 minutes to go through kcontrol but about the same time to dl the added apps (dial-up) so i just count it as part of the install process. | 08:47 |
Mangix | i also have AC'97 built into the motherboard | 08:47 |
Mangix | BUT | 08:47 |
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Mangix | on windows, that only outputs sound to 1 speaker | 08:47 |
Mangix | not sure on Kubuntu though | 08:47 |
flaccid | ac97 works fine on linux | 08:48 |
Mangix | flaccid: that's not my point | 08:48 |
Mangix | i believe that the soundcard integrated into the motherboard is buggy | 08:48 |
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Mangix | and it only outputs mono | 08:48 |
RawSewage | whats the command to delete a folder | 08:48 |
intelikey | RawSewage rm -r blah | 08:49 |
RawSewage | ty | 08:49 |
flaccid | RawSewage: rmdir | 08:49 |
Jucato | err.. folder? | 08:49 |
Jucato | rmdir | 08:49 |
flaccid | rm -r would delete recursively | 08:49 |
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intelikey | can't delete folder without deleting it's content | 08:49 |
Mangix | rm and rmdir to delete a folder? | 08:50 |
Mangix | ...that's weird | 08:50 |
intelikey | rm=remove | 08:50 |
Mangix | oh | 08:50 |
intelikey | cp=copy | 08:50 |
Mangix | i thought it meant rename | 08:50 |
flaccid | question was to delete folder, not its content | 08:50 |
Jucato | rmdir = ReMove DIRectory | 08:50 |
flaccid | :p | 08:50 |
Jucato | cp = CoPy; mkdir = MaKe DIRectory. mv = MoVe | 08:51 |
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Mangix | btw, how do you install Fonts in Kubuntu? | 08:51 |
flaccid | !x11vnc | 08:51 |
Mangix | i'm tempted to try out the Vista fonts | 08:51 |
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ubotu | x11vnc: VNC server which uses your current X11 session. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.1-5 (dapper), package size 318 kB, installed size 820 kB | 08:51 |
intelikey | but i'd rather type rm -r blah than rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty blah | 08:51 |
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flaccid | is /etc/rc.local run after or before X is started? | 08:52 |
intelikey | flaccid after | 08:52 |
intelikey | usually while it's starting | 08:53 |
flaccid | so i can just add x11vnc there and its all good? | 08:53 |
raul | How to restart sound system ? | 08:53 |
intelikey | flaccid hmmmm maybe you should get a second opinion on that.... | 08:53 |
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flaccid | yeah i'm trying to find stuff on it | 08:54 |
flaccid | but there isnt much suprisingly | 08:54 |
flaccid | i thought a lot of people would want remote display :0 access... | 08:55 |
intelikey | flaccid i'll tell you where you can take that question tho. ##linux networking gurus in there most of the time. | 08:55 |
flaccid | true | 08:55 |
flaccid | i thought there were gurus in here like you but :) | 08:55 |
intelikey | flaccid when i have a networking question i allways end up in there. | 08:55 |
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intelikey | there may be kubuntu gurus in here (tongue in cheek) but the networking gurus are in ##linux ;/ | 08:57 |
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patrick | can engage run under kde?? | 09:04 |
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MuJ | yes, if you have right enlightenment libraries installed | 09:06 |
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intelikey | flaccid exit 0 means that the script has completed without errors and should report back to what ever called it that all is well. | 09:06 |
flaccid | yeah i know that | 09:07 |
Jucato | return 0; | 09:07 |
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intelikey | flaccid check the symlink in /etc/rc`runlevel`.d/S??rc.local exists. | 09:08 |
flaccid | is that a folder or file | 09:09 |
flaccid | or what | 09:09 |
flaccid | cd /etc/rc2.d/ | 09:10 |
flaccid | ? | 09:10 |
intelikey | yeah if you use default | 09:10 |
intelikey | dir | 09:10 |
intelikey | foldir | 09:10 |
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intelikey | :) | 09:10 |
flaccid | flaccid@thewax:/etc/rc2.d$ ls -l *local | 09:11 |
flaccid | lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 18 2006-08-30 01:59 S99rc.local -> ../init.d/rc.local | 09:11 |
flaccid | looks alright | 09:11 |
intelikey | yeah | 09:11 |
flaccid | like this is a bit hectic http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Use_TightVNC_W/_JPEG_Compression_to_connect_to_existing_X_Sessions#Method_1:_x11vnc_method | 09:12 |
intelikey | try executing it manually S99rc.local start | 09:12 |
Mangix | i got a question | 09:12 |
Mangix | why does Kubuntu install the new boot thingy | 09:12 |
Mangix | it started with g | 09:13 |
Mangix | g...something | 09:13 |
intelikey | grub | 09:13 |
Mangix | that's it | 09:13 |
intelikey | g rand unified bootloader | 09:13 |
flaccid | hehe i put in /etc/log/syslog and not /var/log/syslog | 09:13 |
Mangix | why does it install it? | 09:13 |
intelikey | grub for short | 09:13 |
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intelikey | flaccid lol | 09:14 |
Jucato | Mangix: because your computer needs a way to know what to boot. which is what a bootloader does | 09:14 |
Jucato | Mangix: even Windows has a bootloader, although you can't see it | 09:14 |
flaccid | um, what user is rc.local run as on startup, root? | 09:14 |
intelikey | Mangix because you have to have some way to start linux | 09:14 |
Mangix | Jucato: it does? | 09:14 |
Mangix | that's funny | 09:14 |
Jucato | why would that be funny? | 09:14 |
intelikey | yes even windows has a boot loader. | 09:14 |
Mangix | i tried clicking Escape while the bios was running. i then selected to boot the slave drive(which is what Kubuntu is installed), and nothing happened | 09:15 |
intelikey | it used to write it's boot loader into the mbr | 09:15 |
Mangix | mbr? | 09:15 |
Jucato | Master Boot Record | 09:15 |
Mangix | i see | 09:15 |
Mangix | so i guess i'm stuck with Grub | 09:15 |
Jucato | Mangix: why would you want something else? | 09:16 |
Mangix | oh well, i guess there's nothing bad about that | 09:16 |
intelikey | mbr is the first 512 bytes of the first hdd | 09:16 |
Jucato | without GRUB, you won't be able to boot anything except Wndows | 09:16 |
Mangix | i see | 09:16 |
intelikey | Mangix if you want something besides grub. may i sujest lilo | 09:16 |
Mangix | kinda sucks that windows is at the bottom of the list | 09:16 |
Mangix | intelikey: it's allright | 09:16 |
intelikey | lilo = linux loader | 09:16 |
Jucato | hm.. it's possible to place Windows higher than the other entries, right? | 09:17 |
Mangix | i want Grub to use Windows by default :\ | 09:17 |
Jucato | or must non Linux OS's be always at the bottom? | 09:17 |
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Mangix | i think that Linux ones are at the top | 09:17 |
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Jucato | Mangix: you can set GRUB to use Windows by default | 09:17 |
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Jucato | Mangix: you can also rearrange them | 09:17 |
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Mangix | sweet | 09:17 |
intelikey | Mangix you can edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and put the section about windows at the top if you want. just keep the whole section togather. the blank lines make it easy to tell where sections start/stop | 09:18 |
Jucato | GRUB lets you do that, Windows doesn't | 09:18 |
Mangix | Jucato: oh? | 09:18 |
intelikey | lilo does too :) | 09:18 |
Mangix | what about boot.ini? | 09:18 |
intelikey | what boot.ini ? | 09:18 |
intelikey | oh windows | 09:18 |
Jucato | Mangix: heh, boot.ini only starts once you get past the bootloader | 09:18 |
Mangix | ? | 09:18 |
Mangix | it does? | 09:18 |
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Jucato | booting is the very first thing that happens (after the Power On Self Test) AFAIK | 09:19 |
Mangix | weird | 09:19 |
Mangix | because one time, i could select to boot to Windows XP and the Windows Recovery Console | 09:19 |
Jucato | POST > Boot > then whatever the OS/kernel has | 09:19 |
intelikey | Jucato depends on your definition of "boot" i suppose. | 09:19 |
Mangix | also, a friend of mine can dual-boot | 09:19 |
Mangix | he can dual-boot to Windows XP, 200, and 98 | 09:20 |
Jucato | can he dual boot Windows with Linux? | 09:20 |
Mangix | and i do believe that boot.ini is used | 09:20 |
Mangix | Jucato: he doesn't have linux | 09:20 |
intelikey | dual would be two. tripple-boot would be three :) | 09:20 |
Mangix | Bulgaria has bad internet :( | 09:20 |
Mangix | meh | 09:20 |
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Healot | duel boot i guess | 09:20 |
Jucato | heh | 09:20 |
Mangix | multi-boot then | 09:20 |
Healot | you can duel with more than two | 09:20 |
intelikey | there you go :) | 09:20 |
intelikey | duel boot :) | 09:21 |
Jucato | anyway, you guys take over explaining GRUB, etc... | 09:21 |
Jucato | have to go do something :D | 09:21 |
intelikey | dual boot duels with tripple boot | 09:21 |
Mangix | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NTLDR | 09:23 |
Mangix | looks like boot.ini | 09:23 |
intelikey | actually the definition of "OS" is where the question of "boot" comes in. grub it seems qualifies as an os. so you boot the grub os which allows you to boot other os's.... | 09:23 |
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Mangix | looks like i was right | 09:23 |
Jucato | ah yes. my bad | 09:23 |
Mangix | Window's booter uses boot.ini :) | 09:23 |
Jucato | but GRUB is to NTLoader as menu.lst is to boot.ini, I suppose | 09:23 |
Mangix | menu.lst? | 09:24 |
intelikey | and the windows boot manager may also qualify as an os.... idk. | 09:24 |
Healot | the grub config file, mangix | 09:24 |
Mangix | i se | 09:24 |
Mangix | *see | 09:24 |
Jucato | "boot.ini, which contains configuration options for a boot menu" | 09:24 |
Jucato | boot.ini is not the bootloader itself | 09:24 |
Jucato | NTLoader is the bootloader, just as GRUB is the bootloader | 09:25 |
Mangix | heh | 09:25 |
Healot | grub is an OS, but not full-fledged like GNU/Linux | 09:25 |
=== Lunar_Raven [n=posthuma@71-37-11-32.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Jucato | ok.. that complicates things even more lol | 09:25 |
Healot | it does abstract hardware layer, has a shell/cli, handles files | 09:25 |
intelikey | hey given time..... | 09:25 |
Healot | but we know it as the loveliest bootloader ever : | 09:26 |
intelikey | Healot speak for your self white boy | 09:26 |
Jucato | but it doesn't manage other resources except for the hard drives, right? | 09:26 |
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intelikey | :) | 09:26 |
Healot | i am not white, hoho | 09:26 |
intelikey | oh my bad. | 09:26 |
intelikey | :) | 09:27 |
unix_infidel | $ systeminfo.exe | grep Available | 09:27 |
unix_infidel | Available Physical Memory: 131 MB | 09:27 |
unix_infidel | that's bad :P | 09:27 |
Mangix | very | 09:27 |
Jucato | not for a server :D | 09:27 |
intelikey | but the point is, i can't like grub cause it's too week to work on my system. | 09:27 |
intelikey | i have to use lilo | 09:27 |
Jucato | to week? how many days? | 09:27 |
intelikey | a | 09:27 |
Jucato | heh. ignore that.. I'm on crack :D | 09:28 |
unix_infidel | Jucato: lol. | 09:28 |
intelikey | well i gave you the 'a' to put in that weak | 09:28 |
unix_infidel | it seems they reset my server this weekend. | 09:28 |
Jucato | I thought that meant "a day"... | 09:28 |
intelikey | :) | 09:29 |
unix_infidel | RHEL 3 :( | 09:29 |
Jucato | btw, how much minimum RAM is needed for a server? planning on reviving a very old mobo which used to run on Pentium 233MHz and 258RAM... and I neither have the processor nor the RAM anymore :D | 09:29 |
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intelikey | Jucato what kind of server and what kind of load ? | 09:30 |
intelikey | lamp ? ftp ? ssh ? | 09:30 |
Jucato | probably LAMP. personal website | 09:31 |
unix_infidel | very little for all three. | 09:31 |
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Jucato | 128 would be good? | 09:31 |
unix_infidel | 258 seems like its enough. | 09:31 |
intelikey | prolly 64m would do after the install | 09:31 |
unix_infidel | depending on the number of clients. | 09:31 |
Jucato | like I said... I don't have the RAM w/ me anymore.. :( | 09:31 |
intelikey | yeah 128 should be fine. | 09:31 |
Jucato | I foolishly gave them away... only to realize that I might need them after all | 09:31 |
intelikey | Jucato common. | 09:32 |
Jucato | I'm planning to learn how to host my own site... but I can't use this one as I have to shut it down everyday (mom's orders)... | 09:32 |
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unix_infidel | Jucato: why shut it down? | 09:33 |
Jucato | so either I resurrect that old one, or I host a site that's only up for about 16hours a day, 6 days a week | 09:33 |
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Jucato | electricity bills... :D | 09:33 |
unix_infidel | Jucato: and the 300mhz box takes...less electricity | 09:33 |
unix_infidel | ? | 09:33 |
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Healot | suse won't isntall with 256mb or less, heh | 09:33 |
Jucato | only one way to find out :D | 09:33 |
Jucato | rawr! why would I install SUSE on a server? ehehe | 09:34 |
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Jucato | I mean on a server as small as that... | 09:34 |
intelikey | unix_infidel headless | 09:34 |
unix_infidel | Jucato: many people do. | 09:34 |
unix_infidel | intelikey: so? | 09:34 |
unix_infidel | a LCD is what, another 150-200 watt? | 09:34 |
Jucato | (I don't even have an LCD...) | 09:34 |
intelikey | but even 100w adds up | 09:34 |
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intelikey | and crt's are about 350w iirc | 09:35 |
unix_infidel | intelikey: most of the watt usage is coming from proc, hd, gpu, | 09:35 |
unix_infidel | assuming headless, of course. | 09:35 |
akarticle | karticle | 09:35 |
intelikey | unix_infidel no more from crt than the box. the ps in those old boxes were like 200w ps | 09:36 |
akarticle | yo pkarticle | 09:36 |
unix_infidel | so say you're running a 250w crap psu, its much less efficient than a 400W psu that's only using as much energy as the box requires. | 09:36 |
pkarticle | ok here it is: sudo mount /dev/hda1 /media/windows/ -t ntfs -o nls=utf8,umask=0222 | 09:36 |
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Jucato | oh well... then I guess it wouldn't matter if I used a separate box for a server after all.. | 09:37 |
unix_infidel | Jucato: have someone else host it :P | 09:37 |
intelikey | umask 0222 why not just mount ro ? | 09:37 |
Jucato | heh. if I had the money to, I wouldn't even be bothering trying to revive that old box | 09:37 |
unix_infidel | probably cheaper, eg: electricity for running the box, and THEN having to pay for cooling it. | 09:37 |
Jucato | heh, but I was also trying to learn how to do it. | 09:38 |
josef | hai jucato | 09:38 |
Jucato | hi josef! | 09:38 |
josef | jucato i got another question for you.. | 09:39 |
Jucato | heh | 09:39 |
Jucato | go ahead | 09:39 |
intelikey | Jucato sure setup a 16/6 website for the education and let some of us hack your box... i mean test it for you... | 09:39 |
Jucato | lol | 09:39 |
intelikey | :) | 09:39 |
pkarticle | you nut a karticle | 09:39 |
Jucato | thank you intelikey for enlightening me. I have seen the error of my ways | 09:39 |
akarticle | lol | 09:40 |
=== Jucato scraps website hosting plans | ||
josef | jucato i cant play vidoes win wmv and divX is there any codecs for | 09:40 |
akarticle | don't worry it works | 09:40 |
akarticle | :) | 09:40 |
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Jucato | josef: for wmv, you need to install w32codecs (if you are on a 32-bit system) | 09:40 |
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intelikey | http://hackslab.com <-- ever visit ? | 09:41 |
josef | ok | 09:41 |
_JuDgEn_ | what file to edit to change what kde inits at bootup? | 09:41 |
josef | jucato and for divx what do i need | 09:41 |
Jucato | josef: the w32codecs can be donwloaded from the RestrictedFormats site | 09:41 |
Jucato | josef: the libxine-extracodecs should have been enough. but in any case, try installing w32codecs too | 09:42 |
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intelikey | hmmm seems that sever is no longer operational... | 09:42 |
josef | jucato ok i install the w32codecs | 09:42 |
Jucato | hehe | 09:42 |
menace | can someone help me install the w32codecs...they arent in my adept manager... | 09:42 |
Jucato | !w32codecs | 09:43 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 09:43 |
Jucato | get the w32codecs from the RestrictedFormats site | 09:43 |
menace | ok thanks | 09:43 |
_JuDgEn_ | what file to edit to change what kde inits at bootup? | 09:43 |
intelikey | " - But please use free formats if you can" | 09:43 |
josef | Jucato last night i installed kubuntu on a my friends PC but at the last step while copying data its stops do you have any solution for it | 09:44 |
Jucato | josef: how long does it stop? | 09:44 |
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intelikey | _JuDgEn_ kcontrol should let you sellect services to run | 09:44 |
_JuDgEn_ | dont see the point in using the win32 codecs.. if youre stupid enough to code media into wmv, wma or similar. you only got yourself to blame | 09:44 |
Jucato | _JuDgEn_: what do you mean? trying to make something run after you've logged into KDE? | 09:44 |
_JuDgEn_ | intelikey: i thought so too | 09:44 |
josef | jucato its stop after 31% and wont go further | 09:45 |
_JuDgEn_ | intelikey: but some services dont show | 09:45 |
Jucato | josef: it might be that you have a badly burned CD? | 09:45 |
intelikey | _JuDgEn_ which ? | 09:45 |
_ian | guys anyone here has an idea why im getting an SU error.... i jsut installed kubuntu in this laptop and installed syanaptic plus packages like gcompris firefox games and otjer stuffs now all porograms recquiring su wont launch | 09:45 |
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__osh__ | _ian: you mean sudo? and what's the error? | 09:46 |
josef | jucato Oooh but i got is from the website launchpad the sended to me | 09:46 |
_JuDgEn_ | intelikey: cgwd and compiz | 09:46 |
_ian | SU returned with an error | 09:46 |
Jucato | josef: ah the shipit CD's? | 09:46 |
_ian | when launching programs like Kuser synaptic settings and other stuff | 09:47 |
intelikey | _ian sounds like maybe they are trying to use gtksu rather than kdesu reconfigure kdesu might fix. | 09:47 |
_JuDgEn_ | intelikey: i completley removed compiz, xgl and all related packages | 09:47 |
__osh__ | _ian: you need to be a bit more specific. Not just "something is broken". | 09:47 |
_ian | how will i be able to do that...im really sorry im really new to linux i installed edubuntu this day but net wont work sop i figured i install kubuntu then jsut instll gcompris for my baby | 09:48 |
_ian | but thats the error message that is showing up | 09:48 |
Jucato | josef: if it's from the Shipit CD's, I honestly don't know why it would stall, apart from some physical damage/scratches on the CD, or some problem with your friends hard drive.. | 09:48 |
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intelikey | _JuDgEn_ in /etc/X11/xinit* maybe ? | 09:48 |
_JuDgEn_ | intelikey: i have checked there allready | 09:49 |
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__osh__ | _ian: I'm confused. What's the error that comes up? Let's start from the beginning. What are you trying to do and how are you trying to do it. Be as specific as you can. | 09:49 |
intelikey | _JuDgEn_ if xinit is to start them that's where as far as i know. maybe someone else can take you farther | 09:50 |
josef | jucato is it possible some error from the motherboard because i changes the the harddisk 2 x | 09:50 |
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intelikey | _ian sudo echo boo in a konsole and see if it works please. | 09:50 |
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_JuDgEn_ | im doing a complete content locate on the word compiz =P search will take days.... | 09:51 |
_ian | ok, im trying to launch synaptic, thorugh the start>system>synaptic...then after that this windows pops up with a sound of broken glass and says exactly Error KDE su "su returned with an error " | 09:51 |
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_JuDgEn_ | _ian: you dont have dialof | 09:51 |
_JuDgEn_ | dialogue | 09:51 |
Jucato | josef: might be... I'm not really sure | 09:51 |
_ian | dialogue? intelikey my password was accepted | 09:52 |
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_JuDgEn_ | _ian: start a terminal just to test if this is correct. then write sudo synaptic | 09:52 |
_JuDgEn_ | it will ask for passwd | 09:52 |
intelikey | _ian did it return "boo" ? | 09:52 |
Jucato | "kdesu synaptic" | 09:52 |
Jucato | !kdesu | 09:52 |
ubotu | In KDE, use kdesu to run graphical applications with root priveleges when you have to. Do *not* do sudo {GUIAPP}; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo | 09:52 |
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intelikey | _ian that command "sudo echo boo" will test the sudo command if it says "boo" back to you then sudo is working correctly, if not then no. | 09:53 |
_ian | intel: yes it did. judgen. synaptic now launch but before it did the terminal first showed warning like synaptic 32241 gdk warning locale not supported by xlib, and gtk critical gtk_accel_label_set_accel_closure:assertion | 09:54 |
_JuDgEn_ | intelikey: lol i found it, it was in .kde/autostart ...how bloody silly | 09:55 |
_JuDgEn_ | intelikey: it was too easy =) | 09:55 |
intelikey | _ian then i sujest; sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdesu | 09:55 |
_JuDgEn_ | _ian: that is only because you run kde, just idnore the errors | 09:55 |
intelikey | _JuDgEn_ hehhe personal startup dir... :) not system wide.... | 09:56 |
_JuDgEn_ | intelikey: i know | 09:56 |
_JuDgEn_ | how silly | 09:56 |
josef | jucato thanks for the info. i have to try out the video | 09:56 |
_JuDgEn_ | josef: if your codecs dont work try the vlc its very compatible | 09:56 |
_ian | intelikey: kdesu is not installed and no info is available | 09:57 |
Jucato | _JuDgEn_: I did ask whether you wanted programs to be run after logging into KDE... | 09:57 |
josef | jucato i forget to ask should i open again the reposit manager for getting w32codecs or not | 09:57 |
Jucato | josef: no. w32codecs isn't in the repositories. you have to download it manually | 09:58 |
Jucato | !w32codecs | 09:58 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 09:58 |
Jucato | from that RestrictedFormats site | 09:58 |
josef | ok thanks | 09:58 |
intelikey | try kde-core _ian | 09:59 |
flaccid | what file does X on kubuntu use for MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE | 09:59 |
Jucato | intelikey: or kubuntu-destkop | 09:59 |
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flaccid | or kdm rather | 09:59 |
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_ian | intelikey also not installed | 09:59 |
intelikey | ??? | 10:00 |
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=== intelikey surrenders. you got me. | ||
Jucato | _ian: try installing kubuntu-desktop ? | 10:00 |
Jucato | some packages might have been removed? | 10:00 |
cox377 | Morning All | 10:01 |
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intelikey | yeah a reinstall of the meta package should cover it... </hopes> | 10:01 |
_ian | should i reinstall kubuntu desktop? | 10:01 |
_JuDgEn_ | Jucato: better to install kde-core | 10:01 |
_JuDgEn_ | i prefer a minimalist kde desktop so i stick with kde-core only | 10:02 |
Jucato | _JuDgEn_: unless you are talking about the default stuff that Kubuntu has, which would include kdesu | 10:02 |
phreakys | hello | 10:02 |
flaccid | what is the location of the xauthority file? | 10:02 |
_JuDgEn_ | Jucato: i dont use kdesu | 10:02 |
intelikey | sudo apt-get install --reinstall kde | 10:02 |
_ian | ok im installing kde cor enow.... is it possible that packages had conflicted with each other resulting to this? because this install is so fresh not more than 5 hours | 10:02 |
Jucato | _JuDgEn_: you use sudo to launch graphical apps? | 10:03 |
intelikey | _ian not just possable, even likely. | 10:03 |
Jucato | er.. kde-core might just add more packages if you already have kubuntu-desktop installed... | 10:03 |
phreakys | im trying to get ntfs support for my external hdd, but when i try: ntfs-3g /dev/sda5 /media/BACKUP , ill get an errormessage saying: Windows did not shut down properly. Try to mount volume in windows, shut down and try again. | 10:03 |
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_JuDgEn_ | Jucato: only rarely when dialogue fails | 10:03 |
phreakys | any idea please? | 10:03 |
Jucato | ah. but even then you should use kdesu to launch graphical apps | 10:04 |
_ian | anyway will you guys be here in 3 hours? i need to run for about an hour i have work... | 10:04 |
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intelikey | _ian someone will be here. | 10:05 |
Jucato | intelikey will probably still be here :D | 10:05 |
_ian | downloading kde core needs 50 minutes from my connection so i guess ill jsut go back im just out for lunch... hope you guys will be here....i relly want to get this os up and running without any problems | 10:05 |
intelikey | lol | 10:05 |
intelikey | Jucato | 10:05 |
_JuDgEn_ | Jucato: kdesu seems not to be available as a separate app, and i dont want the entire kde desktop | 10:05 |
_ian | ok guys thnks for the hasty response brb thnks again | 10:05 |
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Jucato | I don't think you need the entire desktop for that. but since you're on a customized system, it probably wouldn't affect you | 10:07 |
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_JuDgEn_ | Jucato: I use terminal for 75%of my daily linux-ing anyways =) | 10:08 |
Jucato | heh I thought so | 10:08 |
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_JuDgEn_ | the other 25% is to surf the web, where svgalib quite dont cut it for me =) | 10:08 |
intelikey | i wonder if perl not being installed is causing issues when i search the package database... i'm getting very few if any info on package searches.. | 10:09 |
flaccid | i have /usr/bin/X -br -nolisten tcp :0 vt7 -auth /var/run/xauth/A:0-25IT6X . doe sthe -nolisten mean it won't accept connections like x11vnc ? | 10:10 |
_JuDgEn_ | yes | 10:10 |
intelikey | flaccid yep that's what it means. it's ignoring remote | 10:10 |
flaccid | hmmm how can i change that | 10:11 |
intelikey | nolisten==don't pay one bit of attention to. | 10:11 |
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intelikey | flaccid like i said if kdm is starting x you config kdm | 10:11 |
flaccid | ok | 10:12 |
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flaccid | kdm config file? | 10:12 |
_JuDgEn_ | i have realized im a osnews addict =) | 10:12 |
flaccid | hmmm | 10:12 |
flaccid | how to configure kdm from command line | 10:13 |
intelikey | 1 sec. | 10:14 |
flaccid | thanks man | 10:14 |
flaccid | i have no idea where it could be | 10:14 |
=== Jucato thinks it's past 1 second... | ||
Jucato | /etc/kde3/kdm ?? | 10:15 |
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flaccid | or /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc ? | 10:15 |
intelikey | grep looking.. | 10:15 |
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intelikey | edit /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc :ServerArgsLocal=-nolisten tcp | 10:15 |
flaccid | ah that did the trick | 10:16 |
flaccid | so just ServerArgsLocal=-tcp ? | 10:16 |
intelikey | man kdm | 10:16 |
_JuDgEn_ | hmm anyone here uses superkaramba? | 10:17 |
intelikey | well maybe not. | 10:17 |
flaccid | no man entry | 10:17 |
intelikey | i think it's ServerArgsLocal=-listen tcp | 10:17 |
flaccid | ok | 10:17 |
intelikey | but i might be sleepy | 10:18 |
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unix_infidel | anyone here use aptana? | 10:18 |
Jucato | _JuDgEn_: I do.. barely... | 10:18 |
flaccid | that might have done it | 10:19 |
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_JuDgEn_ | i want a rss reader for superkaramba, but i seems not to be able to find onwe | 10:19 |
_JuDgEn_ | only rain crap and amarok controlls | 10:19 |
_JuDgEn_ | also two callendars... | 10:19 |
Jucato | there are Superkaramba RSS readers for /. and digg I think. | 10:19 |
Jucato | maybe you can use that to make your own? | 10:19 |
_JuDgEn_ | what are their names? are they available from kde-look.org? | 10:20 |
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Jucato | iirc, from KDE-look.. didn't really remember the names | 10:20 |
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cox377 | I've just plugged a phone into my kubuntu via usb cable | 10:21 |
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cox377 | ran lsusb and its there | 10:21 |
cox377 | is there a command i could run to see if i can access the data store on the phone | 10:21 |
cox377 | ? | 10:21 |
ubuntu | I did something stupid - deleted the host name in system settings and now I can\t use internet nor can I use kdesu command | 10:22 |
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ubuntu | can I set the host name back with sudo_ | 10:23 |
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flaccid | what x authority file does kdm use | 10:24 |
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flaccid | intelikey: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=2717.0;prev_next=prev | 10:31 |
flaccid | this dude does it a dif way | 10:32 |
madhatter_ | hey, does wireless assitant hang on anybody else using rt2500??? | 10:32 |
=== jf_ [n=jf@k15206.upc-k.chello.nl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jf_ | hello | 10:33 |
madhatter_ | hi | 10:33 |
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cima | hi | 10:33 |
jf_ | i have just instlled kubuntu | 10:34 |
cox377 | !mobile phones | 10:34 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about mobile phones - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:34 |
cox377 | !cell phone | 10:34 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about cell phone - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:34 |
jf_ | is there any way to get .exe programs to get installes in kubuntu | 10:34 |
jf_ | someone told me dat maybe with wine | 10:35 |
cox377 | !wine | 10:35 |
ubotu | wine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. | 10:35 |
aeon17x | jf_: which programs in particular do you want to install in kubuntu? | 10:35 |
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cox377 | does anyone here use a wireless card under kubuntu? | 10:35 |
jf_ | web editor bluevoda | 10:35 |
cox377 | not usb | 10:35 |
cox377 | i've heard card support is good | 10:35 |
cima | anyone has mp3 player in ubuntu? | 10:36 |
Jack12 | !flashplayer | 10:36 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 10:36 |
=== afkRush [i=nkRush@p549D8697.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
aeon17x | jf_: Well, you could try installing wine from the repositories, then run the exe file for bluevoda | 10:37 |
cima | how about codec in ubuntu? | 10:37 |
=== Mosaulp [n=Mosaulp@lak-116-32.wohnheime.ruhr-uni-bochum.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Hobbsee | !multimedia | 10:37 |
ubotu | For multimedia codecs, http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch03.html#sect-music-and-movies | For multimedia applications, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications | 10:37 |
ineedtochangehos | quick and simple way to change the host name in dhcp configuration? | 10:37 |
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Jucato | or he could also give web editors like Nvu, Quanta Plus or Bluefish a try | 10:37 |
jf_ | wine is disable to install from repossitories i have try allready | 10:37 |
Hobbsee | ineedtochangehos: in /etc/network/interfaces? check man interfaces | 10:37 |
jf_ | is it possible to install directly fron the wine website | 10:38 |
madhatter_ | who told you wireless support is good in linux?? | 10:38 |
madhatter_ | jf: no | 10:38 |
Jucato | jf_: you need to enable the "universe" repository to install wine from the repositories | 10:38 |
madhatter_ | get your repositories working | 10:38 |
ineedtochangehos | Hobbsee: I\m supposed to use system settings but I it fail to run in admin mode because host is "empty" | 10:38 |
jf_ | how do i do that | 10:39 |
madhatter_ | jf: open adept | 10:40 |
jf_ | ok | 10:40 |
aeon17x | There's a guide here - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine | 10:40 |
madhatter_ | go to the repository thing | 10:40 |
jf_ | done | 10:40 |
madhatter_ | enable universe repos, apply, and your set | 10:41 |
jf_ | i do not know where tio find repositoiries | 10:41 |
ineedtochangehos | ok here is a warning - don't set host name to emtpy even if system settings allow it | 10:42 |
=== Stormzoeker [n=ben@cc1075059-a.sneek1.fr.home.nl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== ineedtochangehos goes to reinstall | ||
Jucato | jf_: read this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu specially about the part on Adding Universe | 10:42 |
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yuri_ | go | 10:44 |
madhatter_ | does anybody here have wireless assistant working??? | 10:44 |
madhatter_ | particularly with rt2500?? | 10:45 |
madhatter_ | y/n | 10:45 |
jf_ | thanks i will give it a try | 10:46 |
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cima | does anyone know other room? | 10:51 |
cima | i want to join another room | 10:51 |
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Jucato | what other room? | 10:52 |
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cima | another room than #kubuntu | 10:54 |
cima | i'm new | 10:54 |
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cima | i'm new to this network | 10:55 |
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Jucato | you can type /list to get a list of available channels. you might lag a bit, though... | 10:55 |
madhatter_ | there are a lot of channels on this server | 10:55 |
flaccid | if you wan to set up vnc access to the main display (:0) then this thread has easy instructions, that work! http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=2717.0;prev_next=prev | 10:57 |
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noiesmo | is there a way to cat a file and pipe it thru say grep but only show lines that dont end in a particular string | 10:59 |
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the-mouse | hi all, i have kubuntu, but i want to install GNOME, so i try sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop, but i get the error " | 11:12 |
the-mouse | The following packages have unmet dependencies. | 11:12 |
the-mouse | ubuntu-desktop: Depends: openoffice.org-gnome but it is not going to be installed | 11:12 |
TehKewl1 | uhh, I have a serious problem with my display, it's fine in 640x480 but if I increase the resolution, everything is garbled, and it's set to 1024x768 | 11:12 |
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the-mouse | what's the right way to install gnome on kubuntu? | 11:13 |
TehKewl1 | I don't know, has anyone even tried that before? | 11:14 |
TehKewl1 | it seems kinda pointless to me | 11:14 |
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the-mouse | why? | 11:15 |
TehKewl1 | because ubuntu is GNOME | 11:15 |
_JuDgEn_ | what is the url to the page wich handles mounting ntfs fakeraid partitions? | 11:15 |
the-mouse | i have KUBUNTU | 11:15 |
TehKewl1 | before kubuntu it was done the other way around | 11:15 |
TehKewl1 | well... I dunno | 11:15 |
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oniryx | TehKewl1: try to install first openoffice.org-gnome | 11:16 |
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the-mouse | sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop sove the problem | 11:18 |
the-mouse | 10x | 11:18 |
D4m4ge | hello all | 11:21 |
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_JuDgEn_ | what is the url to the page wich handles mounting ntfs fakeraid partitions? | 11:23 |
_JuDgEn_ | i get two via_****** partitions im dev/mapper | 11:24 |
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_JuDgEn_ | instead of one is it should | 11:26 |
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_JuDgEn_ | but if i remove the ntfs partition i get only one via_****** device | 11:27 |
_JuDgEn_ | how annoying | 11:27 |
deeo | why do integrated peripherals always die | 11:28 |
deeo | like integrated audio, i've never had it survive for over a year before... it just always eventually stops working, or starts crackling like mad. | 11:28 |
deeo | stupid designing i suppose | 11:29 |
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=== buz needs help with twinview, it suddenly stopped working | ||
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willou | salut | 11:37 |
willou | y a une liste de channel dans le coin? | 11:38 |
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larsivi | do anyone know anything about the dependency breakage on the amarok 1.4.2 packages? | 11:45 |
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sephzero | hello :) anyone here? | 11:48 |
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Healot | just ask, someone might help :-0 | 11:49 |
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willou | y a t'il des franais svp merci | 11:50 |
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sephzero | how to create an IRDA connection between my laptop and my phone? | 11:52 |
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xanax` | hello | 11:53 |
willou | salut | 11:53 |
commandebocal | salut willou | 11:53 |
commandebocal | hello xanax | 11:54 |
willou | salut | 11:54 |
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willou | y a t'il une liste de channel qui existe? | 11:54 |
willou | car la c'est un peu mort | 11:54 |
xanax` | tapes /list | 11:55 |
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BlueDevil | anyone know how to open a pdf file using kioexec? | 11:55 |
willou | sans voulior etre desagreable bien sur | 11:55 |
BlueDevil | or any other filetype for that matter | 11:55 |
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willou | merci merci merci | 11:56 |
willou | c'est gentil | 11:56 |
commandebocal | wilfried ? | 11:57 |
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Fade | I have kernel packages that are fairly customised for a powerbook using reiserfs for the root filesystem if anybody needs them. | 12:19 |
Fade | (edgy) | 12:19 |
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host-one | hi | 12:22 |
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host-one | do you know any Dj Program for linux? | 12:22 |
host-one | look like mixxx | 12:23 |
xanax` | host-one : http://linux-sound.org/ddj.html | 12:23 |
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=== Jucato_ is now known as Jucato | ||
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ketsugi | is there a way to increase the size of desktop icons in kde? | 12:41 |
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Fade | ketsugi: System Settings -> appearance -> icons -> advanced | 12:43 |
ketsugi | ah okay thanks | 12:45 |
ketsugi | never noticed that setting before | 12:45 |
Fade | n'p | 12:45 |
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kristina | can sombody help me??? how to install this | 01:01 |
kristina | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22597 | 01:01 |
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Jucato | kristina: what are you trying to install? | 01:02 |
kutan | *SIGH* I always forget -_- but this time I'll put it in a txt | 01:02 |
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kutan | What's the command to refresh the kmenu? >_< | 01:02 |
kristina | a transparent crystal theme. | 01:02 |
Jucato | kutan: kbuildsycoca --incremental | 01:03 |
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kutan | Thanks again. :P it seems you're the one that helps me every time. | 01:03 |
Jucato | lol.. just pure coincidence | 01:03 |
Jucato | kristina: what version of Kubuntu are you using? | 01:03 |
Jucato | Breezy or Dapper? | 01:03 |
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kristina | kde 3.5 kubuntu dapper 6.06 | 01:04 |
Jucato | kristina: ok... I think I alread mentioned this: Kubuntu Dapper already has the Crystal theme (window decoration) already installed. you don't need to install or compile it | 01:04 |
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ketsugi | QtCurve for teh win | 01:05 |
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Jucato | kristina: to make the Crystal window borders transparent, launch System Settings from the K Menu. then click on Appearance, then on Window Decorations | 01:06 |
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kristina | and how to enable this? window decoration and what i have than to do?????????????? | 01:06 |
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Jucato | kristina: then you will see some tabs, one of them is the "Background" tab, click on that, then you will see an option to "Enable transparency" | 01:06 |
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=== mcscruff [n=mcscruff@cpc1-folk1-0-0-cust969.asfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
simeon | yay I had to reinstall but my wireless is working, no thanks to you guys :P | 01:07 |
mcscruff | how do i restart the samba demon | 01:07 |
Jucato | kristina: enabled (click to put an X) the Enable tranparency option, then click on Apply (near the bottom) | 01:07 |
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VincentMX | is it possible to host kubuntu on my server, using tftpd or nfs, and then boot it over the internet? it is possible in a LAN netowork | 01:08 |
h3sp4wn | VincentMX: You can't use tftpd except on the same subnet afaik | 01:09 |
VincentMX | ok | 01:09 |
VincentMX | damn | 01:09 |
h3sp4wn | VincentMX: If you setup a vpn it may be possible | 01:09 |
VincentMX | hmm | 01:09 |
VincentMX | nm then | 01:09 |
VincentMX | i need something so i can use my pc when im not @ home | 01:10 |
kristina | i have no background tab( i must install kdm theme it must be installed or no) ? | 01:10 |
Jucato | kristina: no | 01:10 |
VincentMX | there are lot's netboot floppies on the net | 01:10 |
VincentMX | but no floppies with X11 and ssh | 01:10 |
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kutan | I have a question, I heard from someone that you can create your own syntax highlights with gedit, can you and how? | 01:11 |
Jucato | kutan: you might find better answers from #ubuntu about that? | 01:12 |
kutan | ...oh okay | 01:12 |
Jucato | not that I'm shoving you off | 01:12 |
Jucato | :D | 01:12 |
kutan | of course not :P | 01:12 |
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Jucato | kristina: look at this: http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i206/jucato/screenshots/crystal.png | 01:13 |
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kristina | thank you!!! | 01:15 |
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kutan | ...:( I asked in #ubuntu but nobody answered. | 01:16 |
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pointwood | hrm...according to the latest ubuntu weekly news, konversation 1.0 was backported to dapper - why am I then not getting it when updating? | 01:19 |
pointwood | I do have backports in my sources.list | 01:19 |
pointwood | like this: deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse | 01:19 |
Hobbsee | pointwood: can you pastebin apt-cache policy konversation please? | 01:21 |
pointwood | sure | 01:21 |
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VincentMX | do i need a lot of space and banwidth to mirror kubuntu ISO's? | 01:22 |
kutan | ...Most likely | 01:22 |
VincentMX | k | 01:22 |
VincentMX | nm then | 01:22 |
zorgluuu | you can measure it by simply looking at a current mirror | 01:22 |
VincentMX | i only have 5gb left, and a normal internet connection | 01:23 |
kutan | Considering kubuntu's ISO's are around half a gig each | 01:23 |
pointwood | Hobbsee: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22602 | 01:23 |
Hobbsee | 600MB, i think | 01:23 |
VincentMX | cable 4082K/B Sec | 01:23 |
Hobbsee | pointwood: odd. that may have broken | 01:24 |
zorgluuu | VincentMX: so you can simply put the iso in a torrent | 01:24 |
=== Hobbsee pokes jdong | ||
Healot | nearly 700MB ;) | 01:24 |
zorgluuu | VincentMX: as for the space needed, it seems very small http://ftp.oleane.net/pub/ubuntu-cd/6.06/ | 01:24 |
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zorgluuu | VincentMX: the point is you dont have a 'significant bandwidth' :) | 01:25 |
VincentMX | ok | 01:25 |
pointwood | or maybe my dep cache is broken in some way | 01:25 |
VincentMX | nm then | 01:25 |
VincentMX | dammit | 01:25 |
zorgluuu | VincentMX: but you can see kubuntu, it is kinda needed | 01:25 |
zorgluuu | it download much slower than ubuntu | 01:25 |
VincentMX | i have a LAMP server and now i want to use it | 01:25 |
zorgluuu | see=seed | 01:25 |
VincentMX | i have sse and ftp too | 01:25 |
VincentMX | hmm | 01:26 |
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kutan | ...I got 1.3 megs a second on the kubuntu download... | 01:26 |
kristina | sry one question how to enable this? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22603 | 01:26 |
zorgluuu | just pur a rtorrent in a corner | 01:26 |
daniloc | hi 2 all | 01:26 |
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daniloc | anybody ? | 01:27 |
zorgluuu | i spend my whole day downloading ubuntu cd, kubuntu is much less seeded. like 250kbyte/s, with ubuntu it is 1mbyte/s | 01:27 |
lupine_85 | !ask | 01:27 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 01:27 |
=== lupine_85 used direct download | ||
lupine_85 | 600KB/sec isn' too bad | 01:28 |
daniloc | daniloc :) | 01:28 |
daniloc | hello from Serbia!!! | 01:28 |
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daniloc | hello from Serbia!!! | 01:29 |
Healot | daniloc: you can proceed by asking question instead | 01:31 |
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daniloc | okay ;) | 01:31 |
Healot | in here, we ask the questions :) | 01:32 |
daniloc | really ? | 01:33 |
Electrolyte | Is there any way to get Flash working in Konqueror? | 01:33 |
daniloc | How to activate my firefox? | 01:34 |
daniloc | where to find the firefox on my sistem | 01:34 |
daniloc | firefox is installed, but where is it ? | 01:34 |
Healot | there should be a shortcut under the KDE Menu > Internet | 01:35 |
abattoir | Electrolyte: are you running 32-bit Kubuntu? | 01:35 |
Electrolyte | Yeah. | 01:35 |
daniloc | i dont have a shortcut | 01:35 |
abattoir | Electrolyte: ok, do you have 'multiverse' repository enabled? | 01:35 |
Electrolyte | Yup. | 01:35 |
abattoir | Electrolyte: good, 'sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree' | 01:36 |
Hobbsee | Electrolyte: do you have multiverse after every universe in /etc/apt/sources.list? | 01:36 |
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Healot | btw, you can run it, by entering "firefox" in the terminal | 01:36 |
daniloc | wait a sec... | 01:36 |
Electrolyte | Just the first 2 - abattoir, I just downloaded that via Adept. | 01:36 |
abattoir | Electrolyte: that should take care of downloading and installing flash... the next step is to enable it in konqueror... | 01:36 |
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Electrolyte | Onto enabling it then :) | 01:36 |
daniloc | daniloc@Daniloc:~$ firefox | 01:36 |
daniloc | bash: firefox: command not found | 01:36 |
daniloc | daniloc@Daniloc:~$ | 01:36 |
daniloc | what i need to do ? | 01:36 |
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daniloc | to get a shortcut | 01:37 |
abattoir | Electrolyte: ok, Settings->Configure Konqueror | 01:37 |
Healot | did you install firefox properly | 01:37 |
daniloc | i dont know | 01:37 |
Electrolyte | abattoir: Yup. | 01:37 |
abattoir | Electrolyte: it might help if you close and reopen Konqueror after the installation... | 01:37 |
daniloc | apt-get install firefox ??? | 01:37 |
Electrolyte | Ok. | 01:37 |
abattoir | Electrolyte: Plugins | 01:37 |
Healot | type "whereis firefox", it should return the full path if you properly installed the package | 01:37 |
abattoir | Electrolyte: Netscape Plugins->Scan for new... | 01:37 |
daniloc | daniloc@Daniloc:~$ firefox | 01:38 |
daniloc | bash: firefox: command not found | 01:38 |
daniloc | daniloc@Daniloc:~$ | 01:38 |
daniloc | no no no | 01:38 |
daniloc | wait | 01:38 |
abattoir | Electrolyte: once that is done... click on the plugins tab... | 01:38 |
daniloc | daniloc@Daniloc:~$ whereis firefox | 01:38 |
daniloc | firefox: /usr/lib/firefox | 01:38 |
Electrolyte | I see it :) | 01:38 |
daniloc | :) | 01:38 |
abattoir | Electrolyte: good, it should work now :) | 01:38 |
daniloc | :( i want firefox ) | 01:38 |
Electrolyte | Yay \o/ | 01:39 |
Healot | ls -l /usr/lib/firefox >> daniloc? | 01:39 |
Electrolyte | Thanks abattoir :) | 01:39 |
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abattoir | Electrolyte: you're welcome :) | 01:39 |
Healot | i wonder if the firefox script is there... | 01:39 |
daniloc | daniloc@Daniloc:~$ ls -l /usr/lib/firefox | 01:39 |
daniloc | total 244 | 01:39 |
daniloc | drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 2006-05-31 03:23 extensions | 01:39 |
daniloc | -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 239688 2006-05-23 22:52 libnssckbi.so | 01:39 |
abattoir | daniloc: could you try 'sudo apt-get install --reinstall firefox' ? | 01:40 |
Healot | seems like incomplete install, maybe? | 01:40 |
daniloc | wiat | 01:41 |
daniloc | wait | 01:41 |
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abattoir | Healot: yes, i'd say so | 01:42 |
daniloc | daniloc@Daniloc:~$ sudo apt-get install --reinstall firefox | 01:42 |
daniloc | Reading package lists... Done | 01:42 |
daniloc | Building dependency tree... Done | 01:42 |
daniloc | Package firefox is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 01:42 |
daniloc | This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or | 01:42 |
daniloc | is only available from another source | 01:42 |
daniloc | However the following packages replace it: | 01:42 |
daniloc | libnss3 | 01:42 |
daniloc | E: Package firefox has no installation candidate | 01:42 |
daniloc | daniloc@Daniloc:~$ | 01:42 |
Healot | hum... oh incomplete repos list | 01:42 |
Healot | i see | 01:43 |
Healot | !repos > daniloc | 01:43 |
abattoir | daniloc: could you make sure the 'main' repository is enabled in your /etc/apt/sources.list file? | 01:43 |
daniloc | how to see that? | 01:43 |
abattoir | daniloc: you could either pastebin it, for us to look at it and help you with it, or you could regenerate your sources.list file | 01:43 |
daniloc | wait | 01:44 |
abattoir | daniloc: do you have adept open? | 01:44 |
abattoir | daniloc: ..or could you please open it? | 01:44 |
Healot | !easysource > daniloc | 01:44 |
daniloc | wait | 01:44 |
abattoir | daniloc: ok, do this first... | 01:44 |
daniloc | adept opened | 01:44 |
Healot | daniloc: i hope you see factoids sent by ubotu | 01:44 |
abattoir | daniloc: click on fetch updates in adept | 01:44 |
daniloc | ok, and ? | 01:45 |
abattoir | daniloc: now type firefox in the search bar, and see if you can find it... | 01:45 |
daniloc | ok, and ? | 01:46 |
abattoir | daniloc: is it there? | 01:46 |
daniloc | yes | 01:46 |
abattoir | daniloc: click on it and install it... | 01:46 |
daniloc | installed | 01:46 |
abattoir | daniloc: good, now try Alt+F2->firefox | 01:46 |
daniloc | coulndt run | 01:47 |
abattoir | daniloc: are you sure firefox was installed properly? | 01:47 |
daniloc | i dont know | 01:47 |
daniloc | how to know ? | 01:47 |
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abattoir | daniloc: you told me 'installed' :P | 01:48 |
abattoir | daniloc: did you mean it was already installed or you clicked on it and installed it? | 01:48 |
daniloc | iw was already installed | 01:48 |
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abattoir | daniloc: and 'Fetch updates' ran successfully? | 01:49 |
daniloc | :( | 01:49 |
_ian | anyone here who can help me out, sudo seems to be not working .... when i open programs recquiring su an error shows up saying su reteurned with an error | 01:49 |
daniloc | abattoir: yes | 01:49 |
daniloc | but dont have updates | 01:49 |
daniloc | i must do extra repos | 01:49 |
abattoir | _ian: any errors on the cli ? | 01:49 |
daniloc | but how ? | 01:49 |
abattoir | !repos | 01:50 |
ubotu | The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource | 01:50 |
daniloc | ok, wait | 01:50 |
_ian | im really sorry but im 1 day old usinglinux | 01:50 |
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abattoir | daniloc: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 01:50 |
daniloc | ok, sec | 01:50 |
abattoir | daniloc: but firefox is in main, which is enabled by default, so you wouldnt need any extra repos for it | 01:50 |
_ian | in the terminal sudo seems to be working | 01:50 |
abattoir | _ian: aah ok, so 'sudo kate' for eg. works? | 01:51 |
abattoir | daniloc: try reinstalling firefox through adept | 01:51 |
abattoir | daniloc: rt. click and reinstall | 01:51 |
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daniloc | sec | 01:52 |
daniloc | nice | 01:53 |
daniloc | fetch updates now working | 01:53 |
abattoir | daniloc: works? | 01:53 |
daniloc | :) | 01:53 |
_ian | yes sudo synaptic works | 01:53 |
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daniloc | ok, now give me the time to install the firefox ;) | 01:53 |
abattoir | _ian: ok, try 'kdesu kate' or 'kdesu kwrite' | 01:53 |
daniloc | anyway thanks a lot guys | 01:53 |
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_ian | error showed up, Locales not supported on X server....this kubuntu os i just installed early this morning and aftr that i donloaded firefox, all the games some progs that i read are good and gcompris, becuase im setting this up for my little sister and i really dont have any backround at linux at all i just tried edubuntu out of curiousity and found it fantastic i installed edubuntu but hen the net wont work so that is how i ended up using kubuntu | 01:56 |
daniloc | abattoir: man, how to install deb file ? | 01:56 |
daniloc | i downloaded a skype | 01:56 |
daniloc | how to install it ? | 01:56 |
abattoir | daniloc: 'sudo dpkg -i <path to file>' | 01:56 |
daniloc | can i use right click install deb ? | 01:57 |
daniloc | install package ? | 01:57 |
daniloc | with right click ? | 01:57 |
abattoir | _ian: could you please pastebin the error message ? | 01:57 |
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abattoir | daniloc: yup, that'd work too :) | 01:57 |
abattoir | !pastebin | 01:57 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things) | 01:57 |
abattoir | _ian: or if it is just one or two lines, you could paste it here | 01:58 |
daniloc | whanks abattoir | 01:58 |
abattoir | huh? | 01:58 |
abattoir | :P | 01:58 |
daniloc | :P | 01:58 |
_ian | Qt: Locales not supported on X server | 01:59 |
_ian | qstring_to_xtp result code -2 | 01:59 |
daniloc | you are a good man :) | 01:59 |
abattoir | daniloc: haha, thanks :) | 01:59 |
daniloc | word | 01:59 |
abattoir | _ian: i wouldnt say they are related... | 01:59 |
abattoir | ...to sudo not working | 01:59 |
abattoir | or rather kdesu not working... | 01:59 |
abattoir | _ian: and no window is launched? | 01:59 |
_ian | none | 01:59 |
_ian | but sudo synaptic works | 01:59 |
abattoir | _ian: could you try kdesu adept ? | 01:59 |
_ian | same error code | 02:00 |
abattoir | _ian: as i said, you can ignore that one.. its not relevant.. | 02:00 |
_ian | nothing happens in the terminal no windows launched only that error code.... i believe it is is with one of the packages i installed maybe incompatibility? | 02:01 |
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alexi5 | sup kubuntites | 02:02 |
daniloc | abattoir: now, installing firefox... | 02:02 |
abattoir | _ian: could you try sudo adept... i know you said sudo synaptic works... but still | 02:02 |
Mangix | does anyone know how to open .run files properly? when i try to do it from Konqueror, it opens up Kate which is not what i want | 02:02 |
_ian | yep adept launched | 02:02 |
Kurtiz | commandline works well | 02:03 |
abattoir | Mangix: it should be a shell script try 'sh ./nameof file.run' | 02:03 |
Mangix | k | 02:03 |
abattoir | _ian: you were prompted for a password right? | 02:03 |
_ian | no | 02:03 |
Mangix | btw | 02:03 |
Mangix | does KDE support drag-and-drop? | 02:03 |
Kurtiz | yes | 02:03 |
abattoir | _ian: ok, in this session, during one of the previous commands you were... correct? | 02:04 |
alexi5 | why do you guys preffer kde to gnome | 02:04 |
Kurtiz | it's pretty | 02:04 |
Kurtiz | :) | 02:04 |
_ian | yah... when i launched synaptic | 02:04 |
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Kurtiz | j/k | 02:04 |
abattoir | _ian: ok... must be a problem w/ kdesu | 02:04 |
Mangix | abattoir: thank you. Wolfenstein is installing nicely right now :) | 02:04 |
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abattoir | _ian: ok, what exactly is your problem again? :P ... why dont you run sudo instead of kdesu? | 02:05 |
_ian | yes that must be it because even Kuser wont launch | 02:05 |
alexi5 | isn't gnome pretty too? | 02:05 |
abattoir | _ian: have you tried one of those modules in Kcontrol which need admin. privs. ? ... | 02:05 |
abattoir | _ian: one sec | 02:05 |
_ian | almost all of the files needing su in the start menu resaults to a error message | 02:05 |
kristina | how to install kbfx? | 02:05 |
_ian | yeah exactly admin privileges | 02:06 |
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gnomefreak | alexi5: this is not the channel to be asking that in. also you would have to use both to figure out what one you like better | 02:06 |
abattoir | _ian: did you install a specific package/do anything which might have caused this? | 02:06 |
abattoir | kristina: its in universe | 02:07 |
abattoir | !info kbfx | 02:07 |
ubotu | kbfx: a new K-Menu for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.8+cvs20060413-0ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 193 kB, installed size 804 kB | 02:07 |
abattoir | kristina: if you have that enabled, you should find it in adept, or get it with 'sudo apt-get install kbfx' | 02:07 |
alexi5 | ok | 02:07 |
flaccid | what does this kmenu give you xtra? | 02:07 |
_ian | ok all i did was install so many packages like tux paint and other related programs and all the kde games and other games as well and even gcompris and media p;layers and kde arts and firefox...i also created additional users for my mom and sister because this laptop will be for them | 02:08 |
abattoir | _ian: did you restart after that? sometimes restarting KDE/entire system fixes these weird issues. | 02:09 |
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abattoir | flaccid: http://www.kbfx.org/ | 02:09 |
_ian | hmmmm i go restart... | 02:09 |
flaccid | i think i may of tried it before | 02:09 |
abattoir | http://www.kbfx.org/staticpages/index.php?page=20060224124413545 | 02:10 |
flaccid | i think i canned it | 02:11 |
flaccid | i tried the mac one | 02:11 |
klerfayt | .fonts.conf will in home directory overrides any settings generated by dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig? | 02:11 |
flaccid | i think i like kicker best | 02:12 |
abattoir | flaccid: you mean a dock? kxdocker? | 02:12 |
flaccid | yeah kxdocker thats it | 02:12 |
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klerfayt | what package contains /usr/share/ubuntu-artwork/home/wonderful-linux.html? | 02:14 |
abattoir | klerfayt: you can find it with 'dpkg -S /usr/share...' | 02:15 |
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klerfayt | abattoir: not found | 02:16 |
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abattoir | klerfayt: you entered the full path right? :P | 02:16 |
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klerfayt | abattoir: right | 02:17 |
abattoir | i was lazy to type it out fully | 02:17 |
abattoir | klerfayt: do you have that file? | 02:17 |
klerfayt | abattoir: this is the page that should display itself in firefox if you hit next on default opening page | 02:18 |
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abattoir | i think its in kubuntu-docs | 02:18 |
klerfayt | abattoir: ubuntu-docs then | 02:18 |
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abattoir | klerfayt: are you running ubuntu? | 02:18 |
klerfayt | abattoir: kubuntu | 02:18 |
Jucato | /usr/share/ubuntu-artwork/home/index.html | 02:18 |
abattoir | klerfayt: then why ubuntu-docs? | 02:19 |
klerfayt | abattoir: because of firefox? | 02:19 |
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abattoir | klerfayt: no firefox's home page shows 'About Kubuntu'... kubuntu specific stuff | 02:19 |
klerfayt | abattoir: but then I hit next I get page not found... | 02:20 |
abattoir | klerfayt: running dapper? | 02:20 |
klerfayt | abattoir: correct | 02:20 |
Jucato | hm.. what's up? | 02:20 |
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klerfayt | Jucato: /usr/share/ubuntu-artwork/home/wonderful-linux.html not found | 02:20 |
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abattoir | klerfayt: i think its a bug... | 02:21 |
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Jucato | hm... let me investigate hehehe | 02:21 |
_ian | hi it seems to be working now well that was weird;) thnx | 02:22 |
_ian | though i still have one last problem | 02:22 |
abattoir | _ian: as i said, rebooting always works :P | 02:22 |
abattoir | _ian: what is your problem? | 02:22 |
_ian | when logging into another accoutn the sound driver wont be loaded....it says privelege is denied | 02:22 |
Jucato | yes, indeed... that page is missing... | 02:23 |
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Healot | _ian: you need to make the other user belong to group "audio" | 02:23 |
Jucato | rawr! Healot types fast.. | 02:23 |
klerfayt | update - that page isn't in ubuntu-docs | 02:23 |
Jucato | klerfayt: you're right, it's missing | 02:23 |
Jucato | but, you can access that same document in KDE Help Center... | 02:24 |
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=== MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@53d82813.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #kubuntu | ||
abattoir | magically works w/ konqueror though | 02:24 |
_ian | how am i to do that? ok i go check | 02:24 |
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Jucato | hm.... | 02:24 |
Healot | open the users control panel, enable admin mode... | 02:24 |
abattoir | probably because it points to usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/C/kubuntu/desktopguide | 02:25 |
_ian | is that k user/ | 02:25 |
Healot | kuser | 02:25 |
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Jucato | abattoir: it's working on your box? | 02:25 |
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abattoir | Jucato: in konqueror, yes | 02:26 |
_ian | ok im here now how do i get her account to have aduio and all the other goodies | 02:26 |
Jucato | strange... not working, even using Dapper or Edgy... | 02:26 |
abattoir | but the file is in the location i pointed... | 02:26 |
Healot | select the user, add it to the group audio, and click apply | 02:27 |
=== markrian [n=markrian@cpc2-cmbg7-0-0-cust969.cmbg.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
klerfayt | ok, what for is /home/lost+found folder used? | 02:27 |
abattoir | file:///usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/C/kubuntu/about-kubuntu/wonderful-linux.html | 02:27 |
pointwood | anyone else got Konversation 1.0? | 02:27 |
mcscruff | i have written a bash script to ssh into my other pc and run a command, but my ssh needs a passowrd, is there a way to add my password into the bashscript of something | 02:27 |
Jucato | pointwood: what did Hobbsee tell you a while ago? | 02:28 |
Jucato | abattoir: I see. but by default, it doesn't point there, does it? | 02:28 |
_ian | what are the other groups that are relatively important in accessing general apps | 02:28 |
abattoir | Jucato: i'd say konqueror does, yes, not firefox | 02:28 |
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Jucato | hm... strange... it doesn't work in either on my system... and I'm using the Dapper pages... | 02:28 |
abattoir | Jucato: the place where firefox points has only the index.html file, not the other two | 02:29 |
abattoir | Jucato: help:/kubuntu/about-kubuntu/ ? | 02:29 |
Jucato | ah hold on... | 02:29 |
Jucato | when you said "in Konqueror", I thought you were referring to using the exact same path used in Firefox | 02:30 |
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abattoir | Jucato: of course not ;) | 02:30 |
Jucato | help:/ is a kio slave for accessing the help docs, which is the one used by KDE Help Center... so it's really correct | 02:30 |
Jucato | also, the "About Kubuntu" in Konqueror Introduction points to the correct/complete path, as you have explained, which I have so wrongly misinterpreted :D | 02:31 |
_ian | brb i go check if the sound is working already | 02:31 |
Jucato | abattoir: heh, my day was almost a complete waste... almost :D | 02:32 |
_ian | nice its working now... | 02:33 |
abattoir | Jucato: huh? why? | 02:33 |
_ian | and one last before i go and enjoy kubuntu..... how do i automount partitions windows partitions on startup | 02:34 |
Jucato | most of the bugs I found were actually either already reported (some confirmed, some unconfirmed) or already in progress... | 02:34 |
abattoir | anyways, the file in the ubuntu-artwork/home folder is actually a symlink which points to /etc/alternative/firefox-homepage | 02:34 |
abattoir | which in turn points to the correct path which i posted above | 02:34 |
Jucato | actually, the page in /etc/alternative/firefox-homepage doesn't... | 02:34 |
abattoir | _ian: it isnt done automatically? | 02:34 |
abattoir | !fstab | 02:34 |
ubotu | The /etc/fstab file lists all drives and partitions that are mounted on the system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !partitions | 02:34 |
_ian | no i cant access it though i can see it in the media directory | 02:35 |
abattoir | Jucato: what does it point to for you? | 02:35 |
Jucato | /etc/alternatives/wonderful-linux.html | 02:35 |
abattoir | Jucato: dapper? | 02:35 |
Jucato | both Dapper and Edgy | 02:35 |
abattoir | Jucato: weird, for me it is as i said above... | 02:36 |
pointwood | Jucato: Hobbsee didn't tell me much, asked for my apt-cache policy konversation | 02:36 |
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abattoir | _ian: is it ntfs? also does it mount when you click/rt.click on it? | 02:36 |
Jucato | pointwood: ah she wasn't able to get back to you? | 02:36 |
Hobbsee | pointwood: soyuz must have broken, i'll poke the backports guy when he's on again | 02:37 |
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pointwood | Jucato: soyuz? | 02:37 |
Jucato | ask Hobbsee :D | 02:37 |
pointwood | Hobbsee: okay, I just thought it might be my system that's something wrong with, but maybe there just haven't been any updates lately? | 02:38 |
Hobbsee | pointwood: build system | 02:38 |
Hobbsee | pointwood: yeah, i think that's the case - there havent been many updates for stuff in main | 02:38 |
pointwood | Jucato: yeah, sorry - I had typed your nick first and didn't noticed until hitting enter :) | 02:38 |
pointwood | k | 02:38 |
pointwood | would be nice if it isn't my system that's broken :) | 02:39 |
_ian | it says i do not have enough permission to read or write on it yes it is ntfs... | 02:39 |
pointwood | though of course that means something is broken for a lot of people instead... | 02:39 |
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_ian | ok guys i think i had too much linux for my first day of use....ive been reading the whole day...its fun actually lol. anyway thanks for your help guys! | 02:43 |
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Mortice | _ian: welcome to the madhouse | 02:44 |
Mortice | enjoy your stay ^^ | 02:44 |
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_ian | ehhehe yeah i think its gonna be a very steep climb why didnt i dive into linux years ago! ehehhe thnx again gtg now really tired | 02:46 |
_ian | thnx | 02:46 |
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Hobbsee | pointwood: it failed to build. | 02:52 |
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mcscruff | anyone good at bash scripts | 02:52 |
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mcscruff | i have a script that ssh's into my pc and tells me whats playing, can i add an echo command to that so it says something like "now playing - music" (music being the feedback from the ssh) | 02:54 |
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pointwood | Hobbsee: ok, guess I'll see some updates soon then :) | 02:58 |
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Hobbsee | pointwood: once they fix the bug to let the backports work again, yes | 02:59 |
pointwood | thx for the info | 03:00 |
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flaccid | i need some help on soundcard driver. i have a [ 33.060535] isapnp: Card 'Creative ViBRA16C PnP' | 03:01 |
flaccid | nice old isa | 03:01 |
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Healot | i can't recall any ISA hardware anymore | 03:02 |
Healot | hehe | 03:02 |
Jucato | I think I still have one in my old/dead box... | 03:03 |
flaccid | is it possible | 03:03 |
flaccid | this is going to be an icecast server lol | 03:03 |
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h3sp4wn | flaccid: irq 5 dma 1 io 220 (That is what they were by default) | 03:06 |
flaccid | ok | 03:06 |
flaccid | hehe now what can i do | 03:06 |
flaccid | i pasted dmesg output | 03:07 |
flaccid | i can't see anything else | 03:07 |
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flaccid | don't know how to manually do a driver | 03:07 |
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h3sp4wn | try running 'sudo modprobe sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=3' | 03:09 |
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flaccid | i didn't get an error | 03:11 |
h3sp4wn | flaccid: dmesg| tail -25 (pastebin that please) | 03:13 |
flaccid | yep i got that | 03:13 |
h3sp4wn | So what is the url for it ? | 03:13 |
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flaccid | http://pastebin.ca/161452 | 03:14 |
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zorgluuu | hmm thinking it would be good to be able to post on pastebin with a script | 03:14 |
Lynoure | When I view images in konqueror, is there some way of deleting the photo I am looking at instead of going back to the directory view? I googled for this and it did not help | 03:14 |
flaccid | indeed | 03:14 |
zorgluuu | like dmesg | tail -25 | topastebin pastebin.ubuntu.org | 03:14 |
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h3sp4wn | flaccid: Try playing something | 03:15 |
flaccid | should i restart x? | 03:15 |
flaccid | coz kmix still shows no mixer | 03:15 |
milco | uhmm i installed kubuntu on my new workstation, apt-getted the nvidia drivers | 03:15 |
flaccid | does it have to be aliased | 03:15 |
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abattoir | Lynoure: you mean through gwenview? | 03:16 |
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milco | and i can play new games in high quality (like q4/d3), but it looks like UT is always using the sdl drivers | 03:16 |
Jucato | Lynoure: when you view a picture IN Konqueror, you | 03:16 |
Jucato | gah | 03:16 |
Lynoure | abattoir: yes, within konq | 03:16 |
milco | i can give up the path of the driver to use | 03:16 |
ChuckNorris | hm | 03:16 |
milco | what is the default location of the nvidia libgl driver? | 03:16 |
h3sp4wn | flaccid: You are using X on a shoutcast server ? | 03:16 |
flaccid | no its a client actually | 03:17 |
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flaccid | sorry bad term | 03:17 |
Jucato | --- you are using just a small KPart of Gwenview, with limited features. I think one fo the limitations is that you can't delete. not 100% sure though | 03:17 |
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flaccid | mixer came up | 03:17 |
abattoir | Lynoure: dont think so | 03:17 |
flaccid | doing this through x11vnc | 03:17 |
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Lynoure | Jucuto: I was hoping I was just being stupid... it makes managing photos almost perfect and then almost hell | 03:18 |
Jucato | Lynoure: launching the full Gwenview program would probably be better | 03:19 |
milco | what is the default location of the nvidia libgl driver? | 03:19 |
Jucato | Lynoure: change the default action for images from using the embedded viewer to launching a separate viewer | 03:19 |
milco | can i check if the symlink is right? | 03:19 |
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Lynoure | Jucato: I guess I'll do that. Thanks | 03:20 |
Lynoure | abattoir: And thank you, also | 03:22 |
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abattoir | Lynoure: no problem... i havent got those Salmiakkis yet, btw. | 03:22 |
abattoir | :P | 03:22 |
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JakeJackson | I am the batman | 03:23 |
Jucato | O_O | 03:23 |
JakeJackson | I am the batman who is having problems with playing .movs in Xfmedia on xubuntu | 03:23 |
=== pointwood ponders what batman is doing here | ||
pointwood | ahh | 03:24 |
JakeJackson | when I try to play .movs and several other media file types | 03:24 |
=== Jucato even wonders more what Xfmedia on xubuntu has to do with #kubuntu... | ||
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pointwood | you should prolly ask in #xubuntu then :) | 03:24 |
JakeJackson | his is the default chat room | 03:24 |
abattoir | JakeJackson: see if you have w32codecs installed | 03:24 |
JakeJackson | thus I go to #xubuntu | 03:24 |
Jucato | heh.. this is the default chatroom that Konversation logs into.. | 03:24 |
Jucato | !xubuntu | 03:24 |
ubotu | Xubuntu is Ubuntu with XFCE, for more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org. To install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop | 03:24 |
pointwood | I expect that is the default channel for that | 03:25 |
abattoir | JakeJackson: or download the mplayer codecs from mplayerhq.hu | 03:25 |
Jucato | err.. #xubuntu :D | 03:25 |
=== JakeJackson is now known as BatMan | ||
Electrolyte | Xubuntu? O.O | 03:25 |
Jucato | haven't heard of it? | 03:25 |
BatMan | ... | 03:25 |
Electrolyte | Nope, gonna take a look now. | 03:25 |
Jucato | :D | 03:25 |
Jucato | Ubuntu using Xfce... | 03:26 |
BatMan | a version of Ubuntu for slower computers | 03:26 |
BatMan | less than 256mb of ram | 03:26 |
Jucato | or for people who want a faaaaaaast desktop | 03:26 |
BatMan | can run on 64mb but recomended on 128mb of ram | 03:26 |
Electrolyte | Ah. | 03:26 |
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Electrolyte | Could be useful for my laptop. | 03:26 |
Jucato | btw, at last Thunar has a very rudimentary trash can feature... | 03:26 |
BatMan | runs on computers pulled out of the muck | 03:26 |
Electrolyte | My system is fast enough on Kubuntu any way, so I'll skip for this machine :P | 03:27 |
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BatMan | only use it if you need to | 03:27 |
BatMan | installs are more difficult | 03:27 |
h3sp4wn | I had a laptop which ran xubuntu for a bit -> switched to kanotix and it was as fast with kde | 03:27 |
BatMan | well this is temp | 03:28 |
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BatMan | until I replace my motherboard I must run on this sack of crap HP | 03:28 |
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Electrolyte | I need a new motherboared actually. | 03:29 |
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SeanTater | gam_server is eating my cpu cycles like I eat chocolate. What do I do to stop it? | 03:30 |
h3sp4wn | flaccid: Is it working now ? That won't be persistant after a reboot | 03:30 |
ferdy_ | Salve a tutti! | 03:30 |
ferdy_ | mi serve un'aiutino... | 03:31 |
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h3sp4wn | flaccid: just add '14:28 < mwe> permissions and ownerships of a mount point are not supposed to matter once a file system is mounted on it, right? | 03:31 |
flaccid | h3sp4wn: i am just setting it up | 03:31 |
flaccid | but yeah appears so | 03:31 |
flaccid | but havnt tested yet | 03:31 |
flaccid | its remote | 03:31 |
flaccid | i have to get someone to plug in speaker | 03:32 |
h3sp4wn | flaccid: You will need to add something to /etc/modules (or else it won't survive a reboot) | 03:32 |
flaccid | h3sp4wn: ? | 03:32 |
flaccid | ok cool what should i add | 03:32 |
h3sp4wn | just what you typed before (but without the modprobe) | 03:33 |
flaccid | ok sweet thanks | 03:33 |
h3sp4wn | try running 'sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=3' | 03:33 |
h3sp4wn | *adding | 03:33 |
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flaccid | done | 03:34 |
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flaccid | its playing in amarok | 03:36 |
flaccid | he can hear it | 03:36 |
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victor____ | olaaa | 03:39 |
h3sp4wn | I think sb is the old oss-free driver (I don't how to or if alsa can work with isa cards) | 03:39 |
victor____ | alguna espaola | 03:39 |
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misieq | what's the difference between kernel and userspace nfs server and which should i use in my home network? | 03:39 |
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h3sp4wn | kernel - (userspace one is still not fully finished yet) | 03:40 |
misieq | thanks | 03:40 |
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misieq | is there any way to stop kdesu from asking for my pw all the time? | 03:40 |
flaccid | or maybe not | 03:40 |
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flaccid | hes going to plug in a speaker now | 03:41 |
victor____ | hello i like foking | 03:41 |
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flaccid | is it possible to specify user name and pass for an smfs mounted entry in /etc/fstab? | 03:43 |
flaccid | user=something,pass=something | 03:43 |
flaccid | or is that wrong | 03:43 |
misieq | yes, "man fstab" | 03:44 |
flaccid | oh | 03:44 |
flaccid | username | 03:44 |
flaccid | thats what i had wrong | 03:44 |
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chell | Hello | 03:52 |
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Jucato | hi | 03:52 |
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Jucato | which KControl settings controls Konqueror's fonts (size, style, color) in Web Browser mode? | 03:53 |
abattoir | Jucato: its under Settings->Configure Konqueror | 03:54 |
Jucato | abattoir: the one in the Appearance options? | 03:54 |
abattoir | Jucato: in the fonts section | 03:54 |
Jucato | lol | 03:54 |
Jucato | excuse me while I bang my head on the wall | 03:54 |
Jucato | abattoir: thanks for that... I needed a good bashing... | 03:55 |
Jucato | like I once said, sometimes the simplest answers/solutions are the ones that escape us the most... | 03:55 |
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misieq | 03:57 | |
ubotu | pdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/gpdf, evince and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source) | 03:57 |
misieq | !adobe | 03:57 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about adobe - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:57 |
misieq | !adobereader | 03:57 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about adobereader - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:57 |
misieq | !adobe reader | 03:57 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about adobe reader - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:57 |
misieq | !reader | 03:57 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about reader - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:57 |
xunq | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22618 -help | 03:57 |
Jucato | misieq: please don't do that... | 03:57 |
Jucato | you can redirecto your queries by using !queary > misieq | 03:58 |
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misieq | ahhh... ok. | 03:58 |
misieq | sorry | 03:58 |
DaSkreech | !query actually | 03:58 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about query actually - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:58 |
Jucato | or by talking to ubotu directly in a PM :D | 03:58 |
DaSkreech | Damn! | 03:58 |
Jucato | DaSkreech: ehehe :) | 03:58 |
=== wilfred [n=wilfred@host86-133-167-63.range86-133.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
misieq | how do i install adobe reader? | 03:58 |
DaSkreech | misieq: You don't need to | 03:59 |
misieq | ah, acroread.... nevermind | 03:59 |
DaSkreech | You already have PDF support as long as it's not encrypted | 03:59 |
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misieq | i have to since kpdf doesn't produce output good enough in terms of quality | 03:59 |
misieq | ouch... 53M? why is that so large? | 04:00 |
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=== warpzone [n=warpzone@nc-65-41-172-209.sta.embarqhsd.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
[Deathmaster] | excuse me guys but do you know a site where i can search for linux compatible usb mp3 players ? | 04:00 |
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DaSkreech | !mp3player | 04:01 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about mp3player - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:01 |
=== PascalFr is now known as PascalFR_away | ||
DaSkreech | Damn :-) | 04:01 |
[Deathmaster] | :( | 04:01 |
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DaSkreech | [Deathmaster] : Most would be compatible now I think | 04:01 |
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[Deathmaster] | i think so too | 04:01 |
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[Deathmaster] | but one can never be sure :D | 04:01 |
misieq | as long as they are mass storage device then any would do i think | 04:02 |
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DaSkreech | misieq: Problem is some aren't | 04:02 |
=== DaSkreech shakes fist at iRiver | ||
misieq | DaSkreech: i own iriver | 04:02 |
DaSkreech | Yeah they play oggs :-) | 04:03 |
misieq | and i'm very happy with it (but the crappy not-so-random mode) | 04:03 |
[Deathmaster] | anyone using NEO MP-128F MCORD | 04:03 |
[Deathmaster] | ? | 04:03 |
misieq | DaSkreech: that's why i've chosen it in favour of ipod ;) | 04:03 |
=== sF|Xemanth [n=xemanth@dsl-hkigw7-fe1af900-42.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
misieq | DaSkreech: but if i had a choice now i would take an ipod and set a linux on it :) | 04:04 |
misieq | too bad i haven't known of that possibility at the time of buying :( | 04:04 |
xunq | http://pastebin.com/784157-help pleaz | 04:05 |
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thyko | how do i reverse the effects of clearlinks? | 04:06 |
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misieq | xunq: yoou don't have all the necessary packages installed | 04:07 |
misieq | !xgl | 04:07 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems | 04:07 |
misieq | and follow the tutorial | 04:07 |
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prower | Hello :> Has anyone ever had a problem with the KDE wizard popping up each time that you log in? | 04:08 |
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DaSkreech | Ahhh my system is moving like a one legged dog crawling through mollases uphill | 04:08 |
Jucato | Hobbsee: your call | 04:09 |
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Hobbsee | prower: dapper? | 04:09 |
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prower | Hobbsee: Oh, yeah...with KDE 3.5.4 :> | 04:09 |
thyko | how do i reverse the effects of 'clearlinks' | 04:10 |
milco | i get the idea that my SDL on kubuntu is not using GLX | 04:10 |
milco | is this possible? | 04:10 |
misieq | milco: the only solution that comes to my mind is that you may not have 3D drivers installed... | 04:11 |
Hobbsee | prower: sed -i s/FirstLogin=false/FirstLogin=true/ ~/.kde/share/apps/config/kpersonalizerrc | 04:11 |
DaSkreech | Yay! Kopete just Krashed!!! | 04:12 |
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prower | Hobbsee: Hmm...thanks, I'll have to give that a try :> Just need to reboot now for a kernel upgrade, BBL | 04:12 |
Jucato | DaSkreech: lol! let's have some beer! | 04:12 |
DaSkreech | Jucato: Now My system is normal again | 04:13 |
milco | misieq: i used the faq / installed them using apt-get :) | 04:13 |
DaSkreech | Lets reopen it in a minute to see if it take 45 seconds for the mouste to respond when I move it again | 04:13 |
Jucato | btw, haven't asked _Sime yet about the System Settings bug | 04:13 |
milco | quake4/doom3 all work fine... with hware accel. but UT looks like garbage | 04:13 |
milco | tried several renderers | 04:13 |
DaSkreech | Jucato: Just point me to where I'm suposed to file it | 04:13 |
DaSkreech | Last time there was some confusion (at least on my part) where that was | 04:14 |
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Jucato | DaSkreech: err.. haven't asked that one yet.. | 04:14 |
DaSkreech | I'd be happy to sit and file bugs all day :) | 04:15 |
xunq | misieq you don't have all the necessary packages installed//////how can i instal it???????????? | 04:15 |
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Jucato | DaSkreech: be my guess... I had my fill of bugs this day... | 04:15 |
LeeJunFan | OT: Anyone know the gnome equivilent to kontact? I forget the name - writing an outline on linux for a LUG and want to mention it. | 04:15 |
Jucato | not the most productive day of my life, though... | 04:15 |
Jucato | LeeJunFan: Evolution | 04:15 |
LeeJunFan | Jucato: thanks. | 04:16 |
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milco | is my kubuntu supporting XGL? ;) | 04:17 |
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flaccid | h3sp4wn: all good thanks muchly | 04:19 |
DaSkreech | milco: As much as you want it to :) | 04:20 |
milco | DaSkreech: so if i want it to spin my desktop right now | 04:21 |
milco | what keys do i have to press? ;D | 04:21 |
h3sp4wn | flaccid: No probs | 04:21 |
flaccid | just gotta do a reboot | 04:23 |
DaSkreech | milco: assuming you installed it? | 04:23 |
flaccid | but i'll test that next time he is at puter lol | 04:23 |
milco | DaSkreech: ive isntalled kubuntu yesterday with the nvidia drivers (few games) and thats about it | 04:23 |
flaccid | he plugged in a speaker and heard cypress hill | 04:23 |
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milco | can i just 'sudo apt-get install XGL' ? | 04:23 |
h3sp4wn | No | 04:23 |
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DaSkreech | !xgl | 04:24 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems | 04:24 |
DaSkreech | Read the last link | 04:24 |
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DaSkreech | milco: And you may want to join #ubuntu-xgl | 04:25 |
chell | !kde | 04:25 |
ubotu | KDE (http://kde.org) is the K Desktop Environment. To install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE for other ways to get KDE | 04:25 |
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chell | !kde -> chell | 04:25 |
chell | !kubuntu -> chell | 04:25 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about kubuntu - - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:25 |
milco | DaSkreech: does installing it have any cons? | 04:26 |
DaSkreech | milco: Slight frustration? | 04:26 |
chell | !money | 04:26 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about money - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:26 |
=== mangz74 [i=keefejoh@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ircatwork.com/x-1286ce49cacd509c] has joined #kubuntu | ||
chell | !debian | 04:26 |
ubotu | Debian is "the rock upon which Ubuntu is founded". To see more details on the relationship, see: http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship | 04:26 |
chell | !fedora | 04:27 |
ubotu | Other Linux distributions include; .deb-based: Debian, Mepis; RPM-based: RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva; Source-based: Gentoo, Slackware | 04:27 |
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ubuntu | kto mi pomoze z tym progeamem? :D | 04:29 |
chell | !Germany -> chell | 04:29 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about Germany - - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:29 |
Jucato | !de | 04:29 |
ubotu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 04:29 |
ubuntu | jest tu ktos z POLSKI? :D | 04:29 |
flaccid | how do you push to a shoutcast/icecast server with kaffeine? | 04:29 |
flaccid | someone mentioned it here? | 04:29 |
=== rpedro [n=rpedro@87-196-2-44.net.novis.pt] has joined #kubuntu | ||
DaSkreech | !pl | 04:30 |
ubotu | Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl | 04:30 |
chell | is kaffeine better than totem | 04:30 |
milco | DaSkreech: what do you mean with 'slight frustration' is it working well or is it still really alpha stuff? | 04:30 |
DaSkreech | XGL is really alpha stuff | 04:30 |
DaSkreech | It works but it's a moving target | 04:30 |
milco | moving target? | 04:31 |
zorgluuu | would be nice to demo linux tho :) | 04:31 |
zorgluuu | people loves those eyes candy | 04:31 |
DaSkreech | Yeah as soon as you have it installed it's already out of date | 04:31 |
=== Hawkwind Stumbles out of bed | ||
DaSkreech | Stumbleupon!! | 04:31 |
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milco | DaSkreech: but its easy to stop using it? | 04:31 |
daniloc | hi abattoir | 04:31 |
daniloc | :) | 04:31 |
abattoir | hello daniloc :) | 04:32 |
DaSkreech | Sure just log out and log back in | 04:32 |
enzo_ | you and me both Hawkwind | 04:32 |
daniloc | wassup bro ? | 04:32 |
milco | without using the script.. hmmm DaSkreech im gonna give it a shot ;D | 04:32 |
daniloc | abattoir: how to add themes ? | 04:32 |
Jucato | Hawkwind! | 04:32 |
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zorgluuu | who gonna write the first window manager with 3d window ala lookingglass ?:) | 04:32 |
Hawkwind | abattoir: Good morning | 04:32 |
milco | for the sake of fun | 04:32 |
Hawkwind | Jucato: Hey there! | 04:32 |
abattoir | daniloc: what sort of themes? | 04:32 |
enzo_ | just got out of bed and now I have to be in the outside world | 04:32 |
enzo_ | JUCATO!!! | 04:32 |
daniloc | wait a sec | 04:32 |
abattoir | Hawkwind: morning :) | 04:32 |
DaSkreech | milco: Read the last link and join #ubuntu-xgl | 04:32 |
Jucato | enzo_: :D | 04:32 |
DaSkreech | both are pretty helpful | 04:32 |
milco | done =), well im still reading the last link | 04:33 |
DaSkreech | zorgluuu: How about Looking glass ? :-) | 04:33 |
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enzo_ | Jucato, will you still be here in about another 3 hours? | 04:33 |
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daniloc | i found nice themes at kde-look.org and how to add it to my system / | 04:33 |
daniloc | sorry my english is bad :( | 04:33 |
Jucato | enzo_: probably | 04:33 |
Jucato | not sure though... | 04:33 |
Hawkwind | enzo_: He never sleeps....he'll be here :P | 04:33 |
enzo_ | daniloc, don't apologize for not doing something wrong | 04:33 |
milco | rb | 04:33 |
daniloc | abattoir: do u know what i mean ? | 04:33 |
abattoir | daniloc: KDE is completely themable, hence there are different themes for different aspects... which theme do you actually mean? | 04:33 |
enzo_ | Uptime: 14 hours and 5 minutes | 04:33 |
abattoir | daniloc: you could give me a link if you want | 04:33 |
DaSkreech | Do not doubt Jucato of the Beatuiful Women! | 04:34 |
daniloc | abattoir: sec | 04:34 |
abattoir | daniloc: www.kde-look.org is the place to be though | 04:34 |
Jucato | me? | 04:34 |
daniloc | abattoir: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=44349 | 04:34 |
enzo_ | if it wasn't for the reboots, I'd be somewhere around 2 weeks | 04:34 |
enzo_ | bye all | 04:34 |
enzo_ | see you all in about 3 hours | 04:34 |
Jucato | bye enzo_! | 04:34 |
=== Shadowhywind [i=user@adsl-68-76-159-32.dsl.akrnoh.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
daniloc | cya | 04:34 |
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abattoir | daniloc: 'Untar the archive somewhere and run "sh ./install.sh" as user on the command line. ' | 04:35 |
daniloc | yes i do that | 04:35 |
milco | !xgl | 04:35 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems | 04:35 |
Shadowhywind | moringin (evening) all | 04:35 |
milco | !XGL | 04:35 |
abattoir | daniloc: ^^^ that's what the page says :) | 04:35 |
Jucato | daniloc: that's one of the special themes where you need to follow special instructions for it :) | 04:35 |
daniloc | instalation is finished without problems | 04:35 |
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abattoir | daniloc: ok... i guess it was installed under your user | 04:35 |
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daniloc | yes, under my user | 04:35 |
Jucato | daniloc: so your question now is? | 04:35 |
daniloc | i must finde apereance and themes | 04:35 |
daniloc | where to change default theme with that ? | 04:36 |
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Jucato | daniloc: K Menu > System Settings > Appearance > Styles | 04:36 |
daniloc | sorry one more time ;) My english is too bad | 04:36 |
Jucato | err... sorry | 04:36 |
Jucato | hold on | 04:36 |
daniloc | :) | 04:36 |
Jucato | wrong place... | 04:36 |
Jucato | daniloc: press Alt+F2 then type in "kcontrol" | 04:37 |
Jucato | in KControl > Appearance & Themes > Theme Manager | 04:37 |
daniloc | wait | 04:37 |
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Shadowhywind | is anyone good for wireless setup(ndiswrapper) | 04:37 |
daniloc | and what is next Jucato ? | 04:38 |
Jucato | daniloc: what do the instructions say? | 04:38 |
daniloc | sec | 04:38 |
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daniloc | i am so bored :( | 04:40 |
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=== daniloc need weed :)) | ||
=== dismal_ [n=bart@London-HSE-ppp3550499.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Jucato | heh | 04:41 |
Shadowhywind | anyone good with ndiswrapper?? | 04:41 |
milco | W: Duplicate sources.list entry http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com dapper/universe Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/nl.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_dapper_universe_binary-i386_Packages) | 04:41 |
=== drbreen [n=drbreen@p54B7E7FE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
daniloc | what u need Shadowhywind ? | 04:41 |
Jucato | Hawkwind: ping | 04:42 |
milco | hmmm DaSkreech ive added multiverse yesterday, but does this look like i have something duplicate in the repository file? | 04:42 |
Shadowhywind | i can't get my ndiswrapper + drivers to work the way they should. | 04:42 |
Hawkwind | Jucato: Pong | 04:42 |
DaSkreech | Yeah. Check your sources | 04:42 |
Jucato | Hawkwind: talked to Hobbsee yet? | 04:43 |
Hawkwind | Jucato: No. We should do that I guess | 04:43 |
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Shadowhywind | i have downloaded the new ndiswrapper, and tried couple different drivers, | 04:43 |
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Hawkwind | Hobbsee: You around ? | 04:43 |
Jucato | Hawkwind: I already gave her an idea. showed her the logs | 04:43 |
Hawkwind | Jucato: Oh ok | 04:43 |
=== Jucato pokes Hobbsee (just testing) | ||
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Hawkwind | Jucato: So is it all taken care of then ? | 04:43 |
=== Hobbsee drops a large saucepan on Jucato | ||
Jucato | ouch! | 04:43 |
Shadowhywind | after doing ndiswrapper -d (random suff) it finally comes up with driver present, hardware present, but nothing loads in iwconfig | 04:44 |
Jucato | abattoir: | 04:44 |
dismal_ | vi is telling me there are two instances of the same file open in swap - how do I delete these swap versions? | 04:44 |
h3sp4wn | Hawkwind: Any idea about using bling with aiglx and xorg 7.1.1 and composite (everything is working - xfce works with composite / aiglx) bling just leaves me with a grey screen | 04:44 |
Shadowhywind | dmesg comes up with that ndiswrapper loaded, but it comes up with other errors with ndiswrapper | 04:44 |
abattoir | Jucato: yes? | 04:45 |
Jucato | meeting? | 04:45 |
h3sp4wn | Shadowhywind: Are you using the right driver | 04:45 |
Hawkwind | h3sp4wn: It did that to me once. When was the last time you udpate E and bling ? | 04:45 |
h3sp4wn | Hawkwind: yesterday | 04:45 |
milco | DaSkreech: fixed :D | 04:45 |
DaSkreech | Schweet | 04:46 |
h3sp4wn | Hawkwind: Rebuilding it also at the moment | 04:46 |
Shadowhywind | thats the thing, i don't know anymore, I have tried useing the ones i use in windows, and about 5 others that i have found online | 04:46 |
Hawkwind | h3sp4wn: Might need to delete your old config file | 04:46 |
wilfred | if I want to compile a new version of software, do I need to apt-get remove the old version first? | 04:46 |
dismal_ | vi is telling me there are two instances of the same file open in swap - how do I delete these swap versions? | 04:46 |
h3sp4wn | Hawkwind: There is no specific configuration that needs to be done other than setting up composite in xorg.conf though ? | 04:47 |
h3sp4wn | Hawkwind: from ~/.e ? | 04:47 |
Hawkwind | h3sp4wn: AFAIK that is correct. I have the lines commented out of my xorg.conf if you need them | 04:47 |
h3sp4wn | Hawkwind: I will have a look if you have the link - Maybe its aiglx that is interferring | 04:48 |
Shadowhywind | i believe the error that is the major problem is this *[ 1731.123894] PCI: No IRQ known for interrupt pin A of device 0000:03:00.0. Probably buggy MP table.* that is the first error after ndiswrapper loads | 04:48 |
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h3sp4wn | Shadowhywind: Are you using the latest ndiwrapper with the recommended driver for your chipset (from the ndiswrapper wiki) | 04:49 |
Hawkwind | h3sp4wn: You can find the info here on this page actually: http://kingrayray.wallooza.org/comp.php | 04:49 |
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Shadowhywind | i acturally went and installed the pre-release version of ndiswrapper, and yes i believe i am useing the driver they suggested, I have a broadcom, but the pciid matchs to a dell card | 04:50 |
wilfred | any compiling experts here? Do I need to apt-get remove the old version of beagle before I compile a newer version? | 04:50 |
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Shadowhywind | so any other idea? | 04:53 |
fdoving | wilfred: use checkinstall. | 04:53 |
fdoving | !checkinstall > wilfred | 04:53 |
fdoving | brb.. visiting customer. | 04:53 |
wilfred | fdoving: looks like a great utility, thanks | 04:54 |
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milco | !XGL | 04:54 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems | 04:54 |
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milco | DaSkreech: ive installed the xgl-server but the instruction manual thing says that i have to run gconf-edit | 04:55 |
milco | editor.... but i dont have it? | 04:56 |
DaSkreech | Ummm I think that's been replaced | 04:56 |
DaSkreech | milco: Ask in #ubuntu-xgl :) | 04:56 |
DaSkreech | Moving target :) | 04:56 |
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Shadowhywind | so take it no one has any other ideas about my freaky wireless? | 05:02 |
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pradeepto | !RestrictedFormats | 05:03 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 05:03 |
h3sp4wn | Shadowhywind: Are you using the correct driver and the latest ndiswrapper | 05:03 |
pradeepto | !mp3 | 05:04 |
daniloc | !mp3 | 05:04 |
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Shadowhywind | yes, or at laest i believe they are the corrrect drivers | 05:04 |
h3sp4wn | Shadowhywind: Where did you get them from ? | 05:04 |
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Shadowhywind | i got them from a) my windows partition, b) from dell's website, c) from ndiswrapeprs website | 05:05 |
h3sp4wn | Shadowhywind: only c) is worth doing | 05:05 |
h3sp4wn | Shadowhywind: what version of ndiswrapper ? - x64 or i396 ? | 05:06 |
Shadowhywind | when i ndiswrapper -i <driver> it comes with driver loaded, but never hardware present, so i have to do ndiswrapper -d <driver> and then it comes with hardware present | 05:06 |
Shadowhywind | i396, i tried it in x64 and got the same error | 05:06 |
h3sp4wn | Are you running ubuntu x64 ? | 05:07 |
Shadowhywind | no *not anymore* | 05:07 |
h3sp4wn | running ndiswrapper 1.23 ? | 05:07 |
Shadowhywind | 1.24-rc3 | 05:08 |
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h3sp4wn | What wireless card ? | 05:09 |
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Shadowhywind | broadcom bcm4311 | 05:09 |
h3sp4wn | Have you blacklisted bcm43xx | 05:10 |
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Shadowhywind | yes | 05:10 |
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Shadowhywind | i guess bcm43xx doesn't work for the bcm4311 card | 05:10 |
h3sp4wn | It does but you need the firmware | 05:11 |
Electrolyte | Is there an in_zip plugin for XMMS? | 05:11 |
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Daniloc | Uvek sa tugom u rodu :) | 05:11 |
Electrolyte | Or any plugin for Xine so it can play tracker files. | 05:12 |
Shadowhywind | to use with bcm43xx driver?? or to use with ndiswrapper? | 05:12 |
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Shadowhywind | so which one do you think would be easyer to try to use ndiswrapper or try to get the firmware with bcm43xx | 05:15 |
stewraz | is three anything i have to add to get openoffice to spell check | 05:15 |
stewraz | it dosnt pic up on a single mistake | 05:15 |
h3sp4wn | Shadowhywind: To use with bcm43xx - I think ndiswrapper apparantly works better | 05:15 |
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pcider | Shadowwynd - you having wireless issues? | 05:16 |
Shadowhywind | yes | 05:16 |
Mortice | i can't make ndiswrapper work with the version of networkmanager that's in the repositories, so if you want to use NM and you can use bcm43xx with the firmware, that might be better | 05:16 |
pcider | i did too yesterday, found some instructions that worked for me | 05:16 |
pcider | i'll see if i can find it for you | 05:16 |
Shadowhywind | *never used netowkr-manager* i used ndiswrapper with my old laptop with a broadcom and never had any issues | 05:17 |
Shadowhywind | what kind of problem did you have pcider? | 05:17 |
pcider | fresh install, trying to get it to connect wirelessly | 05:18 |
pcider | have the 4302 | 05:18 |
pcider | bcm 4302 | 05:18 |
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pcider | http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25683&highlight=4306 | 05:19 |
pcider | i followed what was in the code boxes, it worked great | 05:19 |
stewraz | no idea guys | 05:19 |
pcider | had to find the drivers bcmwl5.inf and .sys on the windows box | 05:19 |
pcider | set up as dual boot | 05:20 |
pcider | to run the for conffile.. i had to be logged in as root | 05:20 |
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milco | !xgl | 05:21 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems | 05:21 |
Shadowhywind | so pcider you recommand finding and useing the windows drivers? | 05:22 |
pcider | that worked for me | 05:22 |
pcider | didnt want to clutter my desk with computers | 05:22 |
Daniloc | :) | 05:22 |
pcider | and be hardwired into the router | 05:22 |
Shadowhywind | at the moment just the wireless is the major reason why i am not switched over for good | 05:22 |
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franck | hi | 05:23 |
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Shadowhywind | ok going to try those directions | 05:24 |
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dmoyne | hello ; any expert in ldap SSL in combination with KDE | 05:25 |
pcider | how do i get apache updates/patches - sudo apt-get update ? | 05:26 |
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h3sp4wn | pcider: If they are important they would come in dapper-security or dapper-updates | 05:28 |
pcider | so a synaptic software thing would catch it.. | 05:29 |
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pcider | package manager | 05:29 |
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pcider | i learned there is a aptitude command too | 05:29 |
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pcider | is that the same database | 05:30 |
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h3sp4wn | basically the same database but aptitude tracks what is installed more | 05:31 |
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milco | where was the xorg.log stored? | 05:33 |
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milco | var log | 05:33 |
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milco | duh.. | 05:34 |
Dr_Willis | :) | 05:34 |
Dr_Willis | logical eh | 05:34 |
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weedar | After running VMWare in fullscreen my viewport seems to have changed to 640x480, while the desktop itself still stays at 1024x768. Any way to quickly fix this without restarting KDE? | 05:36 |
milco | yes | 05:36 |
milco | 'system settings' | 05:36 |
milco | 'display' > then change it to 800x600 | 05:36 |
milco | accept it, then to 1024.. | 05:37 |
milco | !xgl ffs | 05:37 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about xgl ffs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:37 |
milco | !xgl | 05:37 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems | 05:37 |
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weedar | milco: thanks, worked like a charm ;) | 05:38 |
shadowhywind | i'm back.. | 05:38 |
pcider | when i go to install some free app for linux such as 'FreeBasic', something not listed in the database, where do i unzip/install it to if it doesnt have an install script? | 05:38 |
shadowhywind | the directions didn't work pcider, no error in dmesg this time | 05:38 |
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trappist | pcider: usually you'll untar it in your home directory or somewhere, then follow the instructions to build/install | 05:39 |
chell | Hello everyone | 05:39 |
chell | I'm having an issue with Kubuntu 6.06 dapper | 05:39 |
Mortice | chell: what's the problem? | 05:40 |
chell | I have a TFT screen. Since I've updated to the latest KDE most fonts look kinda crappy | 05:40 |
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Mortice | have your options in the fonts module of Kcontrol changed? | 05:40 |
chell | I don't know but they seem okay now | 05:40 |
Mortice | there are options in there concerning subpixel smoothing | 05:41 |
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chell | the only thing I did was hit the readjust button on my tft | 05:41 |
chell | subpixel smoothing is enabled | 05:41 |
chell | now it looks great ;-) | 05:41 |
Mortice | hmm | 05:41 |
chell | weird | 05:41 |
Mortice | odd | 05:41 |
chell | another question | 05:41 |
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chell | when I install flashplugin-nonfree, will I have flash support in Konqueror? | 05:41 |
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shadowhywind | so pcider any other suggestions? | 05:42 |
Mortice | hmm. not sure. i think so; i installed it via automatix, and i'm pretty sure i have flash support in konqi | 05:42 |
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Mortice | i'd check, but i'm not on a graphical login | 05:42 |
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chell | mmm | 05:42 |
Electrolyte | chell: If you go to Settings > Configure Konqueror > Plugins > Click on "Search for New Plugins" you will. | 05:42 |
chell | after I've installed that package, Electrolyte? | 05:42 |
Electrolyte | chell: Yes. | 05:43 |
Electrolyte | Restart Konqueror after you've installed it too, to be on the safe side. | 05:43 |
pcider | not at the moment | 05:43 |
pcider | i'm going to have leave soon to vote | 05:43 |
pcider | i hate politics | 05:43 |
chell | which country do you live in? | 05:43 |
pcider | where did it fail at | 05:43 |
pcider | shadowhywind | 05:43 |
Electrolyte | I hate politics too :( | 05:43 |
chell | I think politics are quite exciting ;-) | 05:43 |
chell | too many people hate politics | 05:44 |
Electrolyte | :] | 05:44 |
chell | everybody should vote | 05:44 |
chell | to preserve democracy and freedom | 05:44 |
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chell | lol | 05:44 |
shadowhywind | there is no error now | 05:44 |
chell | I've just restarted Konqueror... now the fonts are crappy again | 05:44 |
trappist | politics are great. in #kubuntu-offtopic. | 05:44 |
uft | oie | 05:45 |
Electrolyte | chell: TrueType fonts or the standard ones? | 05:45 |
chell | how do I find out? | 05:45 |
chell | in konversation the fonts are fine | 05:45 |
pcider | i have to run for now shadow, keep researching it | 05:45 |
Electrolyte | Hmm :S | 05:45 |
chell | and in konqueror it's mainly the menu bar fonts that look really bad | 05:45 |
shadowhywind | i have | 05:45 |
shadowhywind | [ 714.937094] ndiswrapper version 1.24rc3 loaded (preempt=yes,smp=no) | 05:45 |
shadowhywind | [ 714.969318] usbcore: registered new driver ndiswrapper | 05:45 |
shadowhywind | k, talk later hopefully | 05:46 |
pcider | i did upgrade to kde | 05:46 |
pcider | and got all my updates | 05:46 |
pcider | before trying the network thingy | 05:46 |
pcider | later | 05:46 |
Electrolyte | No idea I'm afraid chell, I've only just got Linux installed so I'm quite new my self :( | 05:46 |
chell | maybe a reboot will help | 05:46 |
h3sp4wn | chell: sudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig-config (install it if you don't already have it) | 05:46 |
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skavenge__ | konqueror absolutely -crawls- for me, especially trying to resolve a site, so bad in fact I get unknown hosts errors on webpages and stuff like that, I don't have this problem in any other browser, is there any fix for this? | 05:47 |
Daniloc | try to ping it | 05:47 |
chell | the package fontconfig-config doesn't exisst | 05:47 |
chell | but I've got fontconfig installed | 05:47 |
h3sp4wn | try dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig then | 05:48 |
chell | now it's cleaning up stuff | 05:48 |
chell | and now I'm presented with a question | 05:48 |
chell | How should fonts be tunes for the screen | 05:48 |
chell | Native | 05:48 |
skavenge__ | the sites there, it always is, a click on 'refresh' always brings it up but the initial try gives me unknown host errors or connection errors, ping fine | 05:48 |
chell | Autohinter | 05:48 |
chell | and None | 05:48 |
h3sp4wn | chell: Native | 05:48 |
chell | okay+ | 05:48 |
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chell | Enable subpixel rendering of text? Automatic, always or never | 05:49 |
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Dr_Willis | I recall seeing this discussed in that hacking ubuntu book. :P | 05:49 |
chell | ? | 05:49 |
Dr_Willis | latest Linux journel magazine had this stuff discussed as well as a big review of the book. | 05:49 |
Dr_Willis | I would go with automatic | 05:50 |
Dr_Willis | :P | 05:50 |
h3sp4wn | I use always (because I have an LCD) | 05:50 |
chell | I've got a TFT | 05:50 |
chell | so always? | 05:50 |
Dr_Willis | i need to order that 'hacking ubuntu' book. | 05:50 |
h3sp4wn | chell: Yep | 05:50 |
Dr_Willis | You can always change it back later chell. so use what you want. :P | 05:50 |
chell | Should it use bitmap fonts? | 05:50 |
h3sp4wn | chell: I use no (I think they look bad) | 05:51 |
chell | okay | 05:51 |
Dr_Willis | i use yes :P because of the emulators I use. LOL. | 05:51 |
chell | I don't use any emulators and stuff | 05:51 |
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h3sp4wn | It has not affected any emulators I use (but I run them fullscreen) | 05:54 |
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chell | gotta go for now | 05:55 |
chell | thank you guys | 05:55 |
chell | I'll see ya around | 05:55 |
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stef__ | http://www.domeinen-online.nl | 05:55 |
tommymann | I'm having a problem getting my monitor at the right resolution | 05:55 |
tommymann | and I'm new to kubuntu and IRC | 05:56 |
Dr_Willis | !fixres | 05:56 |
ubotu | x is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 05:56 |
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tommymann | well the other thing is that my computer says that there is no such file as xorg.conf | 05:57 |
skavenge__ | under /etc/X11/? the X -must- be capitalized | 05:58 |
tommymann | I just copied and pasted into terminal from the screen fix link | 05:58 |
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skavenge__ | try navigating into the directory from terminal and seeing for yourself, cd /etc/X11 | 05:59 |
Dr_Willis | ls -l /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 05:59 |
skavenge__ | or that ;) | 05:59 |
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tommymann | so just put "ls -l /etc/X11/xorg.conf" in terminal | 06:00 |
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skavenge__ | yes | 06:01 |
tommymann | -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5070 2006-09-04 12:59 /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 06:01 |
beligum | hi all, I'm looking for some fellow open-source developers who are interested in porting the ScreenKast screen-capturing program to Windows | 06:01 |
tommymann | is what I got | 06:01 |
skavenge__ | so its there all right | 06:02 |
Dr_Willis | Linux 101 - think/learn/apply :P | 06:02 |
dimsuz | Hi all! How?! How can I found the reason why amarok+amarok-xine are "kept back" during upgrade??? :) | 06:02 |
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h3sp4wn | beligum: I thought qt was non free on windows ? | 06:02 |
skavenge__ | so you need to 'kdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf' to edit it, and type in your user password | 06:02 |
dimsuz | h3sp4wn: beginning with qt4 it's free | 06:02 |
tommymann | last time I did the autodetect it flipped out and sent me back to the login | 06:03 |
dimsuz | h3sp4wn: that's why kde4 will be ported to windows too | 06:03 |
beligum | Not for non-commercial programs | 06:03 |
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=== Dr_Willis wonders what comercial programs one would make.. | ||
dimsuz | beligum: of cource | 06:04 |
Dr_Willis | of course im trying to think of any comercial programs I use for linux as well. :P | 06:04 |
Hawkwind | h3sp4wn: Any luck getting the bling module to work ? | 06:04 |
Dr_Willis | games and cedega - are all i can think of. lol. | 06:04 |
beligum | where should I go to find some open-source windows developers? | 06:04 |
dimsuz | Dr_Willis: skype? | 06:04 |
Dr_Willis | dimsuz, i got it.. but really dont use it. :P | 06:05 |
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h3sp4wn | Hawkwind: Still the same - I set some more stuff in xorg.conf - I think its aiglx that must be interferring with it (I am on radeon 9250 with free drivers) | 06:05 |
dimsuz | beligum: there was kde-windows ML, there was a webpage and wiki also... google about "kde windows" and you'll find them ;) | 06:05 |
Dr_Willis | the wife uses it :) on her xp box. | 06:05 |
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Hawkwind | h3sp4wn: Yeah could be. That's about the only thing I can think of is that AIGLX is interfering | 06:05 |
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beligum | lol, just asked the same question on #win32, first remark: "do you pay?" | 06:06 |
h3sp4wn | Hawkwind: The allowglxwithcomposite option for nvidia binary drivers I can't find the equivalent option for the mesa dri drivers I am using | 06:06 |
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dimsuz | beligum: :-D | 06:07 |
dimsuz | Anyone... How can I found the reason why amarok+amarok-xine are "kept back" during upgrade??? :) | 06:07 |
beligum | actually, I bet this is very interesting from a humanism point of view | 06:07 |
dimsuz | s/found/find/ | 06:07 |
beligum | or better a humanistic, or something like that | 06:07 |
h3sp4wn | dimsuz: use dist-upgrade not upgrade | 06:07 |
dimsuz | h3sp4wn: nope. that doesn't help. same thing - they're still kept back | 06:08 |
h3sp4wn | dimsuz: Which repositories are you using for amarok ? | 06:08 |
Jucato | Amarok 1.4.2 is now available in dapper-backports as well... | 06:09 |
h3sp4wn | Jucato: Is libvisual 0.4 also backported ? | 06:09 |
dimsuz | h3sp4wn: deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/amarok-142 dapper main | 06:09 |
Jucato | h3sp4wn: hold on let me check | 06:09 |
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dimsuz | h3sp4wn: and dapper-backports are also in sources.list. | 06:10 |
Jucato | h3sp4wn: err... I just remembered I'm on dapper now. you could apt-cache madison libvisual0.4 if you want | 06:10 |
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h3sp4wn | Jucato: I am not on dapper | 06:10 |
Jucato | lol | 06:11 |
Jucato | hold on | 06:11 |
dimsuz | h3sp4wn: so you haven't any guess? :) I'm stuck :). | 06:12 |
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Jucato | h3sp4wn: yes. libvisual-0.4.-0 is there | 06:12 |
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h3sp4wn | dimsuz: Have you tried sudo apt-get install amarok amarok-xine | 06:13 |
beligum | whow, just installed MingW and Dev-C++, pretty impressive | 06:13 |
dimsuz | h3sp4wn: hmm. strange, but... no :). one moment | 06:14 |
h3sp4wn | dimsuz: If that complains about dependancies then you may not have some repos enabled | 06:14 |
dimsuz | h3sp4wn: it says: amarok: Depends: libpq4 (>= 8.1.4) but 8.1.3-4 is to be installed | 06:15 |
dimsuz | that's postgres I guess? | 06:15 |
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vikke | hello, im trying to compile wine, but when I ./configure i get this: configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables | 06:16 |
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Electrolyte | Can anyone tell me how to format a SATA NTFS drive in Kubuntu to the Linux file system? | 06:16 |
aseigo | dimsuz: python bindings to pgsql yes | 06:16 |
LeeJunFan | wow, look at all the ubuntu merchandise on the webpage. I've gotta get someone to come into our LUG meetings in one of those thongs!:) Prefereably someone who won't cause insomnia. | 06:16 |
Electrolyte | It's automounted at start-up as /media/sda1 for read-only access | 06:17 |
h3sp4wn | dimsuz: make sure dapper-updates main restricted multiverse universe dapper-security main restricted multiverse universe | 06:17 |
Jucato | whoa! aseigo's here! :) | 06:17 |
=== Jucato bows down to the awesome cow powers of aseigo | ||
h3sp4wn | !info libpq4 dapper-updates | 06:17 |
dimsuz | h3sp4wn: thanks! I'll try it! | 06:17 |
ubotu | libpq4: PostgreSQL C client library. In component main, is optional. Version 8.1.4-0ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 194 kB, installed size 728 kB | 06:17 |
h3sp4wn | That looks like it will be it | 06:17 |
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aseigo | Electrolyte: use qtparted? | 06:17 |
Electrolyte | I don't know where to start. | 06:17 |
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aseigo | oops, yeah, pq.. i inserted a 'y' in there somehow | 06:18 |
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Electrolyte | I've got the Disk & Filesystems panel open in System Settings. | 06:19 |
Electrolyte | It's a Windows drive that I want to use for Linux (getting away from MS) - just backed up the things I need off of it. | 06:19 |
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beligum | ok, here's a stupid question (no, not a noob here): If I port a Linux app to windows (using ported GPL'd libraries), may I close the source? | 06:19 |
Jucato | aseigo: you have been mentioned as one of the cutest guys of KDE :P | 06:19 |
trappist | beligum: not if you distribute it | 06:20 |
beligum | at least in the beginnen, perhaps opening it later, after I made some money out of it (finally) | 06:20 |
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h3sp4wn | beligum: Totally against the license | 06:20 |
beligum | trappist (lol ;-)), what do you mean? | 06:20 |
beligum | thought so | 06:20 |
DaSkreech | I have an issue | 06:20 |
octan | beligum you habe to include it.. | 06:20 |
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octan | *have | 06:20 |
DaSkreech | The Adept Notifier is on my desktop and won't move | 06:21 |
beligum | octan, include what? I'm not following | 06:21 |
octan | beligum, the source | 06:21 |
trappist | beligum: if you modify the code, you don't have to release the source if you're just using it for yourself. but if you distribute the software, you have to make the source available under the gpl. | 06:21 |
trappist | octan: you don't have to include it. you have to make it available. | 06:21 |
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octan | trappist, yea. i know.. but basicly the same.. | 06:22 |
octan | make a link to website with code :P | 06:22 |
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beligum | ok, now that's out of the way, how can I make some $$ out of the windows-port, but leaving the Linux-original untouched? | 06:22 |
trappist | octan: you don't even have to do that. | 06:22 |
Dr_Willis | engrave it in stone tablets - so future generations can read it. | 06:22 |
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trappist | beligum: sell the windows build. the binary. | 06:23 |
Dr_Willis | like that Xchat guy does | 06:23 |
Dr_Willis | well tries to.. | 06:23 |
trappist | beligum: most windows users don't have compilers installed | 06:23 |
octan | trappist no.. but you have to use some kid of medium that makes the code avaleble | 06:23 |
aseigo | Electrolyte: i believe the panel in system settings only allows you to manage already created partitions | 06:23 |
Electrolyte | Ah, ok. | 06:23 |
beligum | yeah, but how do I 'prevent' a free port/fork? | 06:23 |
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octan | trappist, you can shipt it on paper if you like to... | 06:23 |
aseigo | Electrolyte: do an `apt-get install qtparted` and you'll get a partition manager | 06:23 |
trappist | beligum: you don't. not if it's gpl. | 06:24 |
Dr_Willis | beligum, you cant. :) | 06:24 |
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dismal_ | Is anyone here knowledgable on suspend/stand by on laptops? I've been struggling for a few days and I can't figure it out. | 06:24 |
beligum | lol | 06:24 |
Dr_Willis | but you can sell support. | 06:24 |
aseigo | Electrolyte: then you can run that and it'll give you nice little gui where you can create, delete, format, etc partitions | 06:24 |
Electrolyte | Ok. | 06:24 |
aseigo | Jucato: haha.. yeah, i saw that =P | 06:24 |
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beligum | lol, include the code in a book | 06:24 |
beligum | now that's interesting | 06:24 |
octan | beligum, you can do that | 06:24 |
h3sp4wn | beligum: You can provide the source on DAT tape or something but that will probably make people even more determined to start a free fork | 06:25 |
beligum | (I'm only kidding you guys) | 06:25 |
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vikke | hello, im trying to compile wine, but when I ./configure i get this: "configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables" | 06:25 |
trappist | vikke: sudo apt-get install build-essential && sudo apt-get build-dep wine | 06:25 |
apokryphos | vikke: please check the FAQ | 06:25 |
beligum | but I can do this, right? : release a GPL'd DLL, but a closed-source gui that uses it? | 06:26 |
beligum | like the nomachine guys did (for those who know of them) | 06:26 |
octan | beligum, yes if the dll is just a backend.. the code that uses the backen you can do what ever with | 06:27 |
octan | but not the dll it self | 06:27 |
Dr_Willis | i see that done all the time.. and worse violations of the GPL | 06:27 |
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trappist | beligum: please read up on the gpl (the answer is no, you can't link non-gpl-compatible code to gpl libraries) | 06:27 |
Pensacola | how can I disable the referrer in konqueror? | 06:27 |
Dr_Willis | so you got a yes and no anwser beligum :) | 06:28 |
begleysm | hi guys... what linux kernel version is DapperDrake built on? | 06:28 |
beligum | while I'm at it, perhaps you could help me with the underlying problem: I wrote the ScreenKast program (screen-recording and client to captorials.com), but I run into too little users, so I've been thinking to make a wintel port to enlarge the user-base | 06:28 |
vikke | trappist: i cant find the package build-dep, you know what repo i require? | 06:28 |
Dr_Willis | Linux amd64 2.6.15-26-686 #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Aug 3 03:13:28 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux | 06:28 |
trappist | vikke: don't apt-get install build-dep, just apt-get build-dep wine | 06:28 |
begleysm | is the x86 version 2.6 as well? | 06:29 |
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octan | beligum, nice... c++? | 06:29 |
Dr_Willis | begleysm, i would guess yes. | 06:29 |
beligum | yes | 06:29 |
h3sp4wn | begleysm: yes | 06:29 |
begleysm | thanks | 06:29 |
beligum | hmm, but can I link non-GPL code to a LGPL library? | 06:30 |
vikke | trappist: ah yes, sorry, thanks | 06:30 |
Pensacola | how can I see wich kde version I'm running? | 06:30 |
trappist | beligum: please read the licenses. this is getting pretty far off topic. #kubuntu-offtopic would be more appropriate. | 06:31 |
beligum | perhaps I should catch up on my OSS licenses | 06:31 |
beligum | sorry trappist | 06:31 |
trappist | lgpl *is* a lot more liberal, btw | 06:31 |
beligum | (to my defence, running Kubuntu dapper now ;-)) | 06:31 |
beligum | btw, trappist, you don't happen to live in Belgium? | 06:32 |
beligum | or Westmalle or something like that? | 06:32 |
trappist | beligum: no, but I get a lot of that :) I just really like belgian beer. | 06:32 |
octan | beligum, that a verry nice app.. :) ppl should use that to show noobs how linux|kubuntu works.. like a presentation. | 06:33 |
beligum | lol, me too :) | 06:33 |
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=== octan wounders why noone has done it before :P | ||
LeeJunFan | beligum: well, I think you may have just picked up one more user here. I've never heard about it - but it would come in handy for the LUG I'm thinking about starting here. | 06:33 |
Electrolyte | Anyone know how to set read/write access to a device in console? | 06:33 |
LeeJunFan | never heard of it util now that is :) Looks nice. | 06:33 |
beligum | octan, that was my initial intention (and look for a little funding through adsense), but something is preventing Linux-users from using it (can't figure out what) | 06:34 |
trappist | beligum: if you're looking for users, pimp it on #kde-docs and #ubuntu-doc | 06:34 |
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octan | beligum, ppl should also add that to wiki's :P hehe that would be nice tho :P | 06:34 |
trappist | beligum: or get a popular blogger to pimp it for you :) | 06:35 |
beligum | well, I'm working of a html-snipped that can be used to copy-paste into blogs, etc | 06:35 |
beligum | had some nice reviews though, check the "press-section" at captorials.com | 06:35 |
beligum | *snippet | 06:35 |
Electrolyte | Can someone tell me how to create a directory in a console? | 06:37 |
trappist | Electrolyte: mkdir dirname | 06:37 |
Electrolyte | Ty. | 06:37 |
DaSkreech | beligum: Fridge? | 06:37 |
begleysm | so im a big Linux newb and im trying to get kubuntu to work... i have some weird integrated NIC made by ICPlay and I've got the kernel 2.6 drivers for it along with a little readme telling me how to install it | 06:39 |
Electrolyte | Now - can someone tell me how to give /sata read/write permissions to my username? | 06:39 |
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begleysm | Im in Konsole and im in the folder where the drivers are and it tells me to type "make all" i do so and linux tells me "bash: make: command not found" | 06:39 |
beligum | DaSkreech, tried to post at ubuntuforums, but got my ass kicked for spam | 06:39 |
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beligum | oeh, the irony | 06:40 |
Mortice | begleysm: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 06:40 |
chell | hi | 06:40 |
chell | I am having a problem with Kubuntu | 06:41 |
DaSkreech | beligum: I'ml ost btw what are talking about | 06:41 |
Mortice | hello again chell :) | 06:41 |
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DaSkreech | chell: Ask | 06:41 |
chell | how can I add a user that can do everything on the machine (like scanning ec.) except for sudoing | 06:41 |
chell | I'm already in the KControl panel for users | 06:41 |
Electrolyte | No one? :( | 06:41 |
chell | and I've already entered my password | 06:41 |
chell | I'm in the new user dialogue | 06:41 |
dimsuz | hmm... I still get: amarok: Depends: libpq4 (>= 8.1.4) but 8.1.3-4 is to be installed. How to cope with this? | 06:42 |
beligum | DaSkreech: I thought you meant the Fridge forum at ubuntuforums ? | 06:42 |
chell | but I don't know which groups I have to add the new user to except for his own | 06:42 |
DaSkreech | beligum: Yeah. But I'm also at a loss to what the convo is about :-) | 06:42 |
begleysm | its installing the build essentials Mortice... ill tell you how it goes in a few mins :) thx | 06:42 |
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DaSkreech | chell: Most of them are obvious. Audio CDrom etc | 06:42 |
Electrolyte | Woops - any know where the main file is for mounting drives? I need to remove an entry in it. | 06:42 |
DaSkreech | Electrolyte: try /etc/fstab | 06:43 |
Mortice | begleysm: make is a tool very often used in compiling from source. if you don't have that installed, chances are you don't have other things like a compiler installed. The build-essential package points to packages which will provide all of that and allow you to build your drivers. | 06:43 |
Electrolyte | Thanks - just what I needed :) | 06:43 |
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beligum | DaScreech: lol, ScreenKast, captorials, videohelpdesking ;) | 06:44 |
Electrolyte | Can someone tell me if this following line will work to mount an ext3 SATA drive: /dev/sda1 /sata ext3 defaults 0 0 | 06:45 |
Electrolyte | For the fstab file that is. | 06:45 |
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h3sp4wn | yep | 06:46 |
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Electrolyte | :D | 06:46 |
h3sp4wn | sudo mount -a will reread fstab | 06:46 |
Electrolyte | Ok. | 06:46 |
Electrolyte | No errors. | 06:47 |
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Electrolyte | Now I need to set permissions - how can I set my normal username to read/write access? | 06:47 |
begleysm | im trying to install these drivers and the instructions look like this... | 06:47 |
begleysm | #make all => generate sundance.ko | 06:47 |
begleysm | #insmod ./sundance.ko (or sundance.o) | 06:47 |
begleysm | #ifconfig eth0 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx netmask yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy | 06:47 |
begleysm | eth0 is your network adapter,use "dmesg" to check it, ex: eth0, eth1... | 06:47 |
begleysm | xxx is your ip address, ex: | 06:47 |
begleysm | yyy is your netmask address, ex: | 06:47 |
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h3sp4wn | Electrolyte: make a folder underneath it i.e sudo mkdir -p /sata/files | 06:47 |
Mortice | begleysm: could you use pastebot for large pastes, please? | 06:48 |
h3sp4wn | Electrolyte: sudo chown yourusername:yourusername /sata/files | 06:48 |
lars | thought they had fixed it but now i noticed i was wrong, i need to disable and re-enable my network card to get internet access, any hints | 06:48 |
lars | chmod 700 to give you all access and all others none | 06:48 |
begleysm | i installed the build-essentials now when i type "make all => generate sundance.ko" and I got the msg "make: *** empty variable name. Stop." and an empty file "generate" was created | 06:48 |
begleysm | Mortice: yes, sorry | 06:48 |
Electrolyte | Thanks h3sp4wn :D | 06:48 |
lars | chmod XYZ X= user, y =group, Z =others | 06:49 |
DaSkreech | Electrolyte: You can also try man fstab :) | 06:49 |
Mortice | begleysm: I think the instructions are telling you to type just "make all", and telling you that that will generate sundance.ko. | 06:49 |
Mortice | try typing make all. | 06:49 |
Electrolyte | Well, it's all done now - Windows lost an 80GB SATA drive, Linux gained one ^.^ | 06:49 |
DaSkreech | There should be an easier way to browse man pages in Kubuntu | 06:50 |
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lars | use konquror | 06:50 |
Dr_Willis | man:/ osent easy? :P | 06:50 |
lars | man:\\ to | 06:50 |
Mortice | or the kde help center | 06:50 |
Dr_Willis | or is it man:\\ or \ or \\\\\\\\\ | 06:50 |
v3ctor | man:/ | 06:50 |
Electrolyte | Wow, copying from one ext3 filesystem to another is far faster than ntfs to ext3 :O | 06:50 |
begleysm | hehe sorry, im a linux newb... take some things too literally hehe. I do that and get | 06:50 |
lars | need help | 06:50 |
lars | i need to disable and re-enable my network card to get internet access, any hints | 06:50 |
begleysm | "make: *** /lib/module/2.6.15-26-386/build: no such file or directory. Stop." | 06:51 |
octan | lars, dhcp? | 06:51 |
begleysm | "make: *** [all] Error 2" | 06:51 |
lars | yep | 06:51 |
Mortice | ok begley. What it's doing now is trying to build it against your kernel headers, which aren't installed | 06:51 |
begleysm | I currently have the files on a USB flash drive... do I need to relocate them to that path? | 06:51 |
Mortice | hold on one second while i double-check the command you need to issue | 06:51 |
begleysm | ok, thank you | 06:51 |
octan | lars, dhclient ethX | 06:52 |
milco | !xgl | 06:52 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems | 06:52 |
octan | X is probealy 0 | 06:52 |
milco | DaSkreech: omg.. xgl is a bitch | 06:52 |
DaSkreech | milco: I'm confused. Is that in a good way or a bad way? | 06:52 |
Mortice | begley: type "sudo apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.15-26-386" | 06:53 |
lars | how do i check that? | 06:53 |
octan | lars, ifdown eth0 ; ifup eth0 ; dhclient eth0 | 06:53 |
lars | and fix it | 06:53 |
begleysm | alright it is installing those headers... thx Mort | 06:53 |
milco | DaSkreech: a guid to install it for kubuntu of 3 months olds looks totally different then a guid of a one month old......... | 06:54 |
milco | guide | 06:54 |
milco | sorry | 06:54 |
DaSkreech | octan: Ah man You don't even want to know how I just read that | 06:54 |
DaSkreech | milco: Moving target | 06:54 |
lars | in the config menu for the network card or where?, eth0 and protocol dhcp at the moment, didnt really check before | 06:54 |
Daniloc[away] | try to ping this site i cant, i dont know why ..... www.bia.sr.gov.yu | 06:54 |
DaSkreech | If you saw a guide for today it would a new thing | 06:54 |
octan | DaSkreech, ? | 06:54 |
Mortice | begleysm: sorry you have to go through this as a linux newbie. | 06:54 |
Daniloc[away] | try to ping this site i cant, i dont know why ..... www.bia.sr.gov.yu | 06:55 |
milco | DaSkreech: yeah.. i cant even get it to work properly | 06:55 |
milco | (to start!) | 06:55 |
DaSkreech | octan: I say ifup ifup ifdown ifdown if left then I blinked | 06:55 |
begleysm | bleh... im getting "make[1] : *** No rule to make target `for'. Stop." | 06:55 |
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DaSkreech | milco: As I said #ubuntu-xgl :) | 06:55 |
octan | DaSkreech LOL | 06:55 |
milco | DaSkreech: im there for a long time already.. :P | 06:56 |
Daniloc[away] | anybody ? | 06:56 |
lars | in the config menu for the network card or where?, eth0 and protocol dhcp at the moment, didnt really check before | 06:56 |
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Daniloc[away] | try to ping this site i cant, i dont know why ..... www.bia.sr.gov.yu | 06:56 |
chell | can someone please mention my nickname in a message, I'm trying to setup konversation properly | 06:56 |
lars | but it still doesnt say anything about how to fix it | 06:56 |
begleysm | hello chell | 06:56 |
chell | cheers | 06:57 |
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stefan | hello, how can I start konqueror in fullscreenmode? | 06:57 |
chell | works much better than in xchat | 06:57 |
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Mortice | Daniloc[away] : i can access it over http, but not ping it. They've probably got ping traffic blocked | 06:57 |
octan | lars fixing? type that @ the cli | 06:57 |
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PasNox | hi | 06:58 |
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PasNox | someone know if it exists a qt/jkde client for proftpd ? | 06:58 |
lars | something happened, didnt know what to do though | 06:58 |
Mortice | pasnox: konqueror? | 06:58 |
Dr_Willis | any FTP client should be ablt to connect to a proftpd ftp server | 06:58 |
_rince_ | mrgn | 06:58 |
Daniloc[away] | try to ping this site i cant, i dont know why ..... www.bia.sr.gov.yu | 06:58 |
lars | what exacly is it that i did | 06:58 |
Dr_Willis | you mean a GUI to configure the server? | 06:58 |
Mortice | Daniloc[away] : did you read my message? | 06:59 |
octan | lars, that disables eth0 .. then re-enables eth0 again,, dhclient eth0 tryed to get a ip from a dhcp server.. | 06:59 |
Mortice | 17:57 < Mortice> Daniloc[away] : i can access it over http, but not ping it. They've probably got ping traffic blocked | 06:59 |
PasNox | Dr_Willis: yes | 06:59 |
octan | *tryes | 06:59 |
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lars | will it do it every time i restart or? | 06:59 |
Mortice | oh, sorry PasNox. I thought you meant a client GUI. | 06:59 |
PasNox | np | 06:59 |
PasNox | i need cleint to configure the server | 06:59 |
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Daniloc[away] | Mortice: ddosed ;)) | 07:00 |
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Dr_Willis | reading and editing the config file is too hard eh? :P | 07:00 |
PasNox | by the way, how i can share ntfs with proftpd ?! | 07:00 |
octan | lars hopefylly not | 07:00 |
Mortice | Daniloc: well, it's hardly a good DoS attack if the webserver is still serving webpages, is it? | 07:00 |
PasNox | Dr_Willis: not too hard, but take time | 07:00 |
PasNox | :p | 07:00 |
Dr_Willis | best would be to use some alternative to ftp totally. | 07:00 |
lars | then it must have changed something, like a config file since i am already on the internet, after i disabled and re-enabled it | 07:00 |
octan | lars if you start dhclent eth0 on each bootup it fill give you a ip on eth0 | 07:01 |
milco | is it possible to logout from KDE to get back onto the shell......? | 07:01 |
PasNox | i can drop gui need, my first need is to allow ntfs share, how i can do ? | 07:01 |
milco | (not ctrl+alt+backspace) but really closing the kde session? | 07:01 |
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lars | and this started dhclent service? | 07:01 |
octan | lars, ther is probealy already a dhcp init script on your system. | 07:01 |
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Mortice | milco: do ctrl-alt-f1, then login and type sudo init 3 | 07:02 |
octan | lars, just make it executeble if its not. | 07:02 |
Mortice | that should close kde, iirc | 07:02 |
h3sp4wn | man /etc/network/interfaces you shouldn't need to launch dhclient directly (probably you don't have auto eth0 in there) | 07:02 |
PasNox | cya++ | 07:03 |
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Mortice | pasnox: if you've got the ntfs volume mounted on your local filesystem, sharing it over FTP shouldn't be a problem, should it? | 07:04 |
begleysm | sorry Im such a nub but when I type "make all" I now get "make[1] : Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.15-26-386' make[1] : *** No rule to make target `for'. Stop. make[1] : Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux=headers-2.6.15-26-386' make: *** [all] Error 2 | 07:04 |
Mortice | just point proftpd to the correct directory | 07:04 |
octan | Mortice thats no problem.. i do it | 07:04 |
Dr_Willis | a simple read only mount. :P | 07:04 |
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Mortice | begleysm: are there any errors before those? | 07:04 |
begleysm | nope | 07:04 |
lars | shall look into the manual and see if i find something | 07:05 |
lars | didnt had the auto file at least | 07:05 |
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begleysm | there is 1 line before that but it isnt an error | 07:05 |
begleysm | just the expanded make command | 07:05 |
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Mortice | begleysm: is there a web page for these drivers you're installing? | 07:05 |
octan | begleysm, make all? why not just make ;make install? | 07:05 |
begleysm | octan: im just following a readme... im a linux newb | 07:06 |
octan | ok | 07:06 |
begleysm | mortice: http://www.icplus.com.tw/driver-pp-IP100A.html is where i got them from | 07:06 |
octan | your doing it right tho.. always read the README file :P | 07:06 |
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begleysm | it was linked from a forum post at http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-186861.html | 07:06 |
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chell | is kubuntu edgy more polished than dapper? because kubuntu dapper looks like it's great but they don't seem to have focused on it really | 07:07 |
begleysm | octane: hehe... im just trying to get my head around all these commands and the install procedure hehe... im having to install these NIC drivers manually so that I can use Adept and stuff | 07:07 |
Pensacola | how can I disable the referrer in konqueror? | 07:07 |
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dismal_ | Does anyone know how to get a laptop to properly hibernate/suspend/stand by? | 07:07 |
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milco | !xgl | 07:08 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems | 07:08 |
_ian | guys is it safe to use automatix | 07:09 |
octan | begleysm, is the driver in a newer kernel pherhaps? did you see if 2.6.17 has it? | 07:09 |
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begleysm | the driver says it is for 2.6.x and 2.4.x and give slightly different install procedures for each | 07:10 |
begleysm | im following the 2.6.x procedures | 07:10 |
begleysm | it was updated aug 23rd and is the only Linux drive on the company download page | 07:10 |
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Mortice | hmm, begley, it works for me... | 07:11 |
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begleysm | lol | 07:12 |
octan | begleysm, sudo make all? | 07:12 |
begleysm | gives me the same error as "make all" | 07:12 |
Mortice | i assume your /lib/modules/2.6.15-26-386/build and /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.15-26-386 directories exist? | 07:13 |
begleysm | the line that looks most relevant to me is "make[1] : *** No rule to make target `for'. Stop." | 07:13 |
lars | h3spa4n in which of the if- should i add auto eth0? | 07:13 |
begleysm | i just installed the headers and it says it was successful... im gonna go double check those directories | 07:13 |
=== MetaMorfoziS atcsuszik a taknyan a boltba aztanre | ||
lars | h3spa4n, my guess would be if-preup.d | 07:14 |
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giuSerpe | . | 07:14 |
h3sp4wn | lars: /etc/network/interfaces | 07:14 |
begleysm | the /lib/modules/2.6.15-26-386/build is actually a Link to /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.15-26-386 | 07:14 |
lars | h3spa4n: there, which of the files, if-pre-up? | 07:15 |
Mortice | begleysm: yea, that's fine, as long as there is stuff in the latter directory :) | 07:15 |
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begleysm | and the /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.15-26-386 exists | 07:15 |
h3sp4wn | lars: that is a file name | 07:15 |
begleysm | yup.. its full of.. stuff ;P | 07:15 |
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octan | did you run configure? | 07:16 |
lars | h3spa4n: yes but isnt those file the config files it reads during the diffrent stages? | 07:16 |
begleysm | the error appears, to me, to say that I am missing some rules for how make deals with different symbols | 07:16 |
begleysm | i dont even know what configure is o.0 | 07:16 |
Mortice | begleysm: ok. and the expanded make command it shows you is "make -C /lib/modules/2.6.15-26-386/build SUBDIRS=/somedirectory modules"? | 07:16 |
begleysm | is there any C defs that I need? | 07:16 |
Mortice | octan: there is no configure script | 07:16 |
octan | Mortice, ok. | 07:16 |
begleysm | yes | 07:16 |
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octan | Mortice, just checking :P | 07:16 |
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begleysm | and the somedirectory is where i have the files and where im running make all from | 07:17 |
Mortice | yea | 07:17 |
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Mortice | where you unzipped the zip archive to | 07:17 |
octan | begleysm, does this do anything? make distclean ? | 07:17 |
obf213 | whata is swap | 07:17 |
Mortice | octan: that target isn't in the makefile | 07:17 |
h3sp4wn | lars: You shouldn't need to change those /etc/network/interfaces is the only one you change | 07:17 |
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octan | Mortice, ok.. | 07:17 |
Mortice | it's only 44k for the zip, you could download it and see for yourself :P | 07:17 |
begleysm | the error says it enters the linux-headers dir then cant find the rule for `for' then leaves the linux-headers dir and errors out | 07:17 |
octan | Mortice, yea i should :P | 07:17 |
obf213 | !swap | 07:18 |
ubotu | swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info | 07:18 |
begleysm | so is there any C make definitions I need to install or anything? | 07:18 |
lars | h3spa4n: ok, there is auto eth0 but not auto dhcpup or what it said in the manual | 07:18 |
Mortice | no, begley, you have everything installed that you should. There seems to be a bug in the makefile. I'll have a look through it. | 07:18 |
lars | h3spa4n: should one add that then | 07:18 |
octan | Mortice, && begleysm ls -la /usr/src/linux ? | 07:18 |
obf213 | is it mad e if my comp maks that rumbling sound w/e its processing | 07:19 |
obf213 | and tis under two months old | 07:19 |
h3sp4wn | lars: iface eth0 inet dhcp | 07:19 |
begleysm | umm i dont know what that means octan hehe | 07:19 |
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octan | Mortice do you got the source and he not? | 07:19 |
lars | h3spa4n: there already | 07:19 |
h3sp4wn | lars: sudo ifup eth0 - does that fail ? | 07:20 |
Mortice | octan: no, i only have the headers installed. i'm building on k7 though. | 07:20 |
lars | h3spa4n: already configured | 07:20 |
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h3sp4wn | lars: sudo ifdown eth0 && sudo ifup eth0 | 07:21 |
lars | h3spa4n: did as he said, "ifdown eth0 ; ifup eth0 ; dhclient eth0" but that sound more like a temp solution | 07:21 |
octan | Mortice ok,, just had a thought,, that pherhaps the Makefiles looks in the /usr/src/linux dir and not the header dir | 07:21 |
h3sp4wn | ifup should be calling dhclient | 07:21 |
milco | DaSkreech: took me 1,5hour to get it right... | 07:21 |
milco | but its working fine now :) | 07:21 |
Mortice | octan: no, that's not the case, i've just checked it | 07:21 |
h3sp4wn | making the last step completely unecesary | 07:21 |
milco | !xgl | 07:21 |
Mortice | seriously. download the archive instead of guessing. | 07:21 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems | 07:21 |
lars | h3spa4n: both work, got no problem with internet now, just after reboot | 07:22 |
lars | h3spa4n: use dual-boot but i dont really think win should interfere with this (sry for my bad spelling) | 07:22 |
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Galathalion | LARS | 07:23 |
h3sp4wn | lars: so put a sleep in pre-up or something (maybe it takes a while to settle) | 07:23 |
Mortice | begley_sm: could you try going into /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.15-26-386 and typing "sudo make modules_prepare", then running make all from the driver build directory again? | 07:23 |
begleysm | sure, 1 sec | 07:23 |
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Shafrir | Hi! | 07:24 |
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Shafrir | I have a little question! | 07:24 |
Mortice | go ahead and ask, Shafrir | 07:24 |
Shafrir | Is there anybody who used Gnocky with Kubuntu? | 07:24 |
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h3sp4wn | gnokii ? | 07:24 |
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Shafrir | Yep! With GUI | 07:24 |
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begleysm | just FYI: under /usr/src I have 2 dirs... linux-headers-2.6.15-25 AND linux-headers-2.6.15-26-386 | 07:25 |
timi | k | 07:25 |
stewraz | can i get some help instaling an rpm package | 07:25 |
Mortice | yea begley, that's as it should be. | 07:25 |
h3sp4wn | Shafrir: I have only used the cli version | 07:25 |
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timi | my computer started making processing noises a few days a going, you know that kind fo rumbling sound, now its gotten louder wht does this mean | 07:26 |
begleysm | Mortice: I did that... seems to have no effect | 07:26 |
Mortice | begleysm: hmm. that's odd | 07:26 |
Shafrir | cli version??? | 07:26 |
begleysm | same error "No rule to make target `for'. Stop." | 07:26 |
stewraz | when i run the rpm command it says the comand cannot be found | 07:27 |
_ian | timi: it might be your fan or hd? | 07:27 |
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_ian | those are the most common of the noise makers since they are motorized | 07:27 |
Sanne | stewraz: kubuntu uses the deb package format, not rpm. If possible, use software from the repositories.. Which package is that? | 07:27 |
h3sp4wn | Shafrir: command line interface | 07:28 |
stewraz | limewire | 07:28 |
Mortice | begleysm: could you use pastebot and paste the contents of the Makefile in the directory where you type 'make all', please? | 07:28 |
timi | i hear the fan it just makes a fan noise, this sound is a lke a rumbling sound that seems to come on simulataneously with the processing light, but is it a bad sign normall i didnt hear this until my computer was a lot over, this one in is stil under 2 months | 07:28 |
begleysm | sure... umm... how do i use pastebot? ;P | 07:28 |
Shafrir | Clear.... :( | 07:28 |
Mortice | !pasteboy | 07:29 |
h3sp4wn | !paste | 07:29 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pasteboy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:29 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things) | 07:29 |
stewraz | so which sofware do i use | 07:29 |
Mortice | heh | 07:29 |
_ian | well better have it checked itll be bad if the fan stops | 07:29 |
Mortice | I fail | 07:29 |
Sanne | stewraz: ok, no package limewire is the repositories. What does it do? | 07:29 |
begleysm | ;P | 07:29 |
stewraz | oh hold on, i havent checked the reps yet, 1 sec | 07:29 |
Mortice | stewraz: frostwire is in the repositories. It's a GPL version of limewire | 07:29 |
timi | the fans are wroking fine, im guessing this is the hdd then, could the processor be making a noise? | 07:30 |
begleysm | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22640 | 07:30 |
stewraz | Mortice, i cannot find frostwire either | 07:30 |
Mortice | huh. we appear to have different files, begley. I downloaded IP1000A Linux driver v2.09f.zip. What is your zip file called? | 07:31 |
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stewraz | mortice, do i have to add some repos | 07:31 |
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Sanne | Mortice: packages.ubuntu.com doesn't list frostwire. | 07:31 |
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Sanne | stewraz: I'd still like to know what kind of software that is ;) | 07:31 |
begleysm | hehe good thinking ;P mine is called "IP100A for Linux driver v1.22.zip" | 07:31 |
Mortice | oh, it must be in some other repository. i have it installed | 07:31 |
lars | Thanks people i assume my network card - DHCP works now since it worked this time (even though it had 10 % success rate before) =) | 07:32 |
skavenge | !info frostwire | 07:32 |
ubotu | Package frostwire does not exist in any distro I know | 07:32 |
Mortice | begleysm: ah. :) What was the link to the download page again? | 07:32 |
lars | else i will be back | 07:32 |
begleysm | http://www.icplus.com.tw/driver-pp-IP100A.html | 07:32 |
skavenge | frostwire isnt in the repos you need to get it off thier website | 07:32 |
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begleysm | mortice: im not particularly attached to these drivers... where did you find yours? | 07:33 |
Sanne | Mortice: can you run: apt-cache policy frostwire , then you could tell stewraz which repository to add. | 07:33 |
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Mortice | begley: yea, that works for me too. Hmm. | 07:34 |
PasNox | Mortice: no partition is already mount in RO, and i cant share it | 07:34 |
PasNox | if i do, user can t login | 07:34 |
begleysm | gah! | 07:34 |
Mortice | begleysm: i'll be back in 45, and i'll check the makefile. Will you be around? | 07:35 |
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begleysm | i have class in 30 mins | 07:35 |
begleysm | ill be back in about 2 hours from now | 07:35 |
Mortice | begleysm: Ah. Ok, I'll let you know then if I find anything | 07:35 |
begleysm | thanks mort | 07:35 |
begleysm | i appreciate the help | 07:35 |
Mortice | no worries :) | 07:36 |
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DaSkreech | milco: Great :-) If you want to help with a new guide .... | 07:36 |
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milco | DaSkreech: the old guide is worthless | 07:37 |
milco | it should be takes offline right away, is that possible? | 07:37 |
PasNox | anyone can help me sharing a ntfs partition with proftpd ?! please | 07:37 |
stewraz | i read tat u use alien -i (rpm file) | 07:37 |
DaSkreech | milco: Still more helpful than the old guid | 07:37 |
stewraz | but that is not recognised either | 07:37 |
DaSkreech | milco: Wanna mail the person? | 07:38 |
=== MetaMorfoziS re | ||
milco | DaSkreech: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager | 07:38 |
milco | if people use this, then it all goes well.. | 07:38 |
ghyns | hello, how can I access an irc server from port tcp/udp 80 ? :) | 07:38 |
DaSkreech | Alright :) | 07:38 |
milco | point is, you dont wanne install the packages from the repository seperately | 07:38 |
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ghyns | my campus-lan blocks outcoming connections | 07:39 |
Sanne | stewraz: Better try to find that ubuntu *.deb package of frostwire. Unfortunately, Mortice didn't tell what repository he got it from, so you would have to search for it. | 07:39 |
skavenge | there is no repo, its on frostwire's website | 07:39 |
milco | DaSkreech: 'All you have to do is install the xserver-xgl package, it will take care of all the dependencies.' << from the ubuntu xgl page | 07:39 |
stewraz | thanks all | 07:40 |
Sanne | stewraz: maybe this one: http://easylinux.info/wiki/Ubuntu_dapper#How_to_install_P2P_Gnutella_Client_.28FrostWire.29 | 07:40 |
DaSkreech | Yeah but then you get compiz etc with it? | 07:40 |
skavenge | the frostwire .deb for ubuntu is right on the first page of frostwire.com | 07:40 |
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DaSkreech | !frostwire | 07:40 |
ubotu | frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire. For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire | 07:40 |
milco | sorry DaSkreech, took me a sec to realize that ubuntu is using gnome........ | 07:41 |
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milco | i never used ubuntu.. (stupid me) | 07:41 |
DaSkreech | milco: Yah :) | 07:41 |
Sanne | DaSkreech: thanks for the frostwire info... I should have searched the official docs first. | 07:41 |
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=== DaSkreech bows | ||
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Sanne | :) | 07:42 |
kai | hallo! | 07:42 |
kai | ich hab ein problem mit meinem kubuntu nvidia treiber! | 07:42 |
Daniloc | english please : | 07:42 |
kai | er sagt "no screens found" | 07:42 |
Sanne | kai: #kubuntu-de | 07:42 |
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kai | ah ok | 07:42 |
kai | hey guys | 07:42 |
kai | ive got some problems with the nvidia driver | 07:43 |
Kurtiz_AFK | problem with nvidia driver he said I think | 07:43 |
Daniloc | :) | 07:43 |
kai | ^^ | 07:43 |
Daniloc | yes, it is | 07:43 |
Daniloc | but, what problem... | 07:43 |
kai | it says no screens found | 07:43 |
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kai | i installed XGL compiz and the driver through this howto | 07:43 |
kai | http://wiki.xglusers.de/index.php/Xgl_mit_Kde | 07:43 |
ryanr | I compiled the 2.6.17 kernel for whatever reason the modem is not detected. If I boot into the kernel that comes by default it works. | 07:44 |
kai | with the nv driver it works | 07:44 |
kai | maybe u know help? | 07:44 |
skavenge | ryanr: so you compiled your kernel without support for your modem | 07:44 |
DaSkreech | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager | 07:44 |
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h3sp4wn | It might need non free firmware or anything | 07:44 |
ryanr | I guess so | 07:45 |
_ian | whats a good media player that can stream thorugh shoutcast/ | 07:45 |
h3sp4wn | moc | 07:46 |
Sanne | kai: you might also want to try asking in #ubuntu-xgl | 07:46 |
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_ian | is it possible to play ro games here in kubuntu like rom emulators? | 07:49 |
DaSkreech | ro ? | 07:49 |
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Jucato | _ian: I think there are emulators available in the repository for SNES and GBA. I'm sure about GBA it's called VisualBoy Advance and it's frontend, VBA Express | 07:50 |
skavenge | snes has zsnes and snes9x, pretty sure on the genesis one as well | 07:51 |
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skavenge | they're free format though! woo | 07:51 |
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skavenge | erm | 07:52 |
Jucato | no PS emulator in the repos though | 07:52 |
sege | how can i get kubuntu to not show graphical boot but instead old fashion boot? my screen doesn't seem to handle that, i see nothing before X appears. | 07:52 |
skavenge | nope, epsxe isnt too hard to install though, ive got it running on my desktop | 07:52 |
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skavenge | not enough ram though alot of games choke | 07:52 |
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sasser | hi alla kde users | 07:53 |
sasser | *all | 07:53 |
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DaSkreech | Jucato: are there any period? | 07:54 |
Jucato | DaSkreech: huh? | 07:54 |
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DaSkreech | A PS2 Emulator | 07:54 |
stephan__ | grothesk bist du da ? | 07:54 |
Jucato | um.. I just said PS... not PS2... | 07:55 |
stephan__ | sag mir mal vorteile von linux zu windwos ? | 07:55 |
Jucato | there are PS 2 emulators, I think. but I don't know if they will run in Linux | 07:55 |
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skavenge | yeah, 'ubuntu' is a registered trademark so you've got to get permission | 07:56 |
skavenge | gah too many windows | 07:56 |
DaSkreech | Jucato: Cool - linux comment | 07:56 |
lupine_85 | ePSXe | 07:56 |
Sanne | stephan__: you're in the english channel ;) | 07:56 |
stephan__ | oh sorry | 07:56 |
Kurtiz | So, I updated my system via adept to a new kernel now my PCMCIA wireless card is not working. It shows up under lspci but what is the next step in trouble shooting? | 07:57 |
stephan__ | wrong channel | 07:57 |
Sanne | stephan__: no worries :) | 07:57 |
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Kurtiz | Is this some sort of kernel config issue that is going to require me to build a kernel? If so why does Adept even have kernels listed. .. . | 07:58 |
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ubuntux1 | can anyone plzzzzzzzzz tell me when Ubuntu 6.06.2 is scheduled to release? | 08:01 |
DaSkreech | Though PS3 is a PS2 emulator and it runs on LInux :) | 08:01 |
Jucato | ubuntux1: why? | 08:01 |
Sanne | Kurtiz: if it worked before, chances are good that it will work again. Maybe you just have to install additional kernel modules (aka drivers) for the new kernel? | 08:01 |
DaSkreech | ubuntux1: I don't think there is one scheduled | 08:01 |
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Jucato | 6.06.2, if ever there will be one, will just be a maintenance release | 08:02 |
Jucato | it is not the next major release ofKubuntu | 08:02 |
lupine_85 | Kurtiz: presumably you no longer have a kernel module for it | 08:02 |
Electrolyte | Can anyone help with launch an install script from a CD? It just keeps saying Permission Denied when I do sudo ./linux-installer.sh | 08:02 |
skavenge | you need to build the kernel modules ofr your specific kernel now ... | 08:02 |
ubuntux1 | DaSkreech: :( | 08:02 |
DaSkreech | ubuntux1: Why is it so important? | 08:03 |
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Jucato | ubuntux1: 6.06.2, if ever there will be one, will just be a maintenance release. it is not the next major release, which will happen in October | 08:03 |
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Mortice | begleysm: you still there? | 08:03 |
Kurtiz | Ah thanks for the info. What are the basic steps to build the modules? | 08:04 |
lupine_85 | make | 08:04 |
lupine_85 | make install | 08:04 |
lupine_85 | :D | 08:04 |
lupine_85 | you need the source first | 08:04 |
Sanne | Kurtiz: did it work with your old kernel? | 08:04 |
ubuntux1 | DaSkreech: if it were releasing sooner...i could have downloaded that at my university instead of 6.06.1... | 08:04 |
[GuS] | or checkinstall in the place of make install ;) | 08:05 |
lupine_85 | you could always just go back to your previous kernel | 08:05 |
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skavenge | whats wrong with 6.06.1? | 08:05 |
[GuS] | for better package maintenance.. | 08:05 |
[GuS] | skavenge, with what? | 08:05 |
Jucato | checkinstall would be better | 08:05 |
lupine_85 | [GuS] : possibly. For one .ko, it doesn't really matter TBH | 08:05 |
[GuS] | lupine_85, but yes for benginner or a better packages setups | 08:06 |
[GuS] | and easy to uninstall... | 08:06 |
[GuS] | no all packages sources have make unistall... | 08:06 |
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Kurtiz | Yes | 08:06 |
lupine_85 | My only checkinstall package for a .ko deleted all my modules.dep files | 08:07 |
Daniloc | :-) | 08:07 |
Daniloc | :-p | 08:07 |
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Sanne | Kurtiz: was this for me? | 08:07 |
Kurtiz | It worked with my old kernel | 08:07 |
lupine_85 | Not exactly best practice, IMO | 08:07 |
Sanne | Kurtiz: please type my name, then I will get alertet | 08:07 |
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Kurtiz | K | 08:07 |
[GuS] | of course not lupine_85 | 08:07 |
lupine_85 | Kurtiz: do you need a specific feature of the new kernel? I fnot, it might be better to just downgrade | 08:07 |
Sanne | Kurtiz: do you remember doing anything special to make it work previously, like, building the modules from source? | 08:07 |
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[GuS] | but is a nice way to have the system very clean... | 08:07 |
lupine_85 | heh, lol | 08:08 |
lupine_85 | too clean, maybe | 08:08 |
[GuS] | so... not every user want to learn very good how to build packages from sources... | 08:08 |
Kurtiz | Sanne> No I just installed from CD, did some updates from Adept and it worked. | 08:08 |
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escola | how can I install my SQL package? | 08:09 |
skavenge | the modules for the stock kernel would have already been built most likely | 08:09 |
ubuntu_ | hi | 08:09 |
Sanne | Kurtiz: what kernel was this, and what device do you want supported? | 08:09 |
Sanne | Kurtiz: and which kernel did you newly install? | 08:09 |
Kurtiz | <lupine_85> My gripe is why have Kernels in Adept if the install of the Kernel is not going to also rebuild the modules you need and break everything. Seems dumb | 08:09 |
_ian | whewre can i get cool themes? | 08:09 |
lupine_85 | Kurtiz: diferent kernel versions include different modules. The devs can't really keep track of the modules you, personally, need | 08:10 |
skavenge | whats the point of installing modules somebody might not need? | 08:10 |
lupine_85 | Although I agree that WLAN drivers in Ubuntu are a bit of a mess | 08:10 |
Kurtiz | <Sanne>Uh, it was whatever was the latest kernel under Adept about a week ago from the standard repositories. It's a Netgear card which should be the Athoes chip | 08:10 |
lupine_85 | skavenge: they're built with the kernel... Ubuntu devs don't want to expose anything like that to the average user | 08:10 |
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lupine_85 | so they just install a broad spectrum of stuff | 08:11 |
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wilfred | dpkg just gave me this bizarre error "package architecture (x86_64) does not match system (amd64)", any idea how I can fix it? | 08:12 |
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Sanne | Kurtiz: can you paste the output of: uname -a , and also the relevant lines of your device of: lspci -v to paste.ubuntu-nl.org? | 08:12 |
lupine_85 | wilfred: whoever build the package was a numpty | 08:12 |
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wilfred | lol - it was me :-) | 08:12 |
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lupine_85 | change your control file to read amd64 instead of x86_64 | 08:12 |
escola | alguem sabe instalar o my sql | 08:13 |
Kurtiz | <lupine_85>Ubuntu still sees my onboard chip but I havbe had little luck getting to connect to APs. Even though the same onboard chip works like a charm under Windoze. The chip sees the APs and seems to connect but no data flows | 08:13 |
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wilfred | I was using checkinstall to build it, does that matter? | 08:13 |
lupine_85 | Kurtiz: in that case the kernel module is still there | 08:13 |
lupine_85 | it's probably just been "upgraded" | 08:13 |
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lupine_85 | wilfred: remake it and manually change the architecture to amd64 | 08:14 |
lupine_85 | checkinstall is crap | 08:14 |
Kurtiz | <Sanne>I would but my laptop is in Windows right now, and it's how I connect my desktop (Running Gentoo) to the internet. . . I think I can browse the /boot directory and get the info from grub.conf | 08:14 |
wilfred | ok, but then what's the best way to compile things in a way that lets me remove them cleanly later? | 08:14 |
lupine_85 | wilfred: checkinstall is currently the best way :( | 08:15 |
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Sanne | Kurtiz: ok, for the kernels, that would help. But what we really would need is the name of the kernel module for your device. So if we can't have lspci, can you tell again what device this is, as exact as you can? | 08:15 |
wilfred | lol. so what do proper (k)ubuntu packagers use? | 08:15 |
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lupine_85 | wilfred: they build their own, I'd imagine | 08:16 |
lupine_85 | it's not exactly hard | 08:16 |
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Kurtiz | <Sanne>:Gurr my Windows driver to let me read ext2 partitions is acting wonky. The PCMCIA card is a Netgear WG511T with the Atheros chipset. It's supposed to be well supported and I have seen few complaints on the message boards about it. | 08:19 |
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lavi_ | libbluetooth1-dev | 08:19 |
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lavi_ | Ouch......... | 08:19 |
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wilfred | lupine_85: it's all new to me... | 08:20 |
lavi_ | What do U think about Zinf? | 08:20 |
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wilfred | lupine_85: can't I force dpkg to open it? | 08:20 |
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lupine_85 | wilfred: --force-architecture might do the trick | 08:20 |
Haz | hey, i was wondering, is there a decent program that allows you to execute scheduled commands? | 08:20 |
lupine_85 | not recommended though, even if you "know" it's safe | 08:20 |
lupine_85 | it's not much effort to re-un checkinstall and change the architecture | 08:20 |
Sanne | Kurtiz: ok, I will investigate. But first, I just saw that the package "linux-restricted-modules-<your-kernel-version>" also provides some pcmcia modules. Might be worth checking if you had this package installed for your old kernel, but nor for your new. | 08:21 |
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soulrider_ | hi everyone | 08:21 |
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Kurtiz | <Sanne>I will check it out | 08:21 |
dhq | hey all | 08:22 |
soulrider | hi | 08:22 |
dhq | where can i get the full source list of adept i scr**** mine | 08:22 |
Sanne | Kurtiz: seems my guess might be viable, look here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=71939 | 08:22 |
dhq | ubotu: !sourcelist | 08:23 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sourcelist - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:23 |
skavenge | !easysource | 08:23 |
ubotu | source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 08:23 |
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wilfred | lupine_85: ok, how do I change the arch? where do I find the control file? | 08:25 |
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lavi_ | HEY! Who can tell me is Zinf better than XMMS? | 08:25 |
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Kurtiz | <Sanne>Looks like this might do the trick. Would downloading the newest version of the install CD provide me with the .debs I would need to update? As I can't access the internet now in Kubuntu and only in Windoze I am not sure if I am smart enough to figure out which .debs I would need. | 08:26 |
lupine_85 | wilfred: just re-run checkinstall | 08:26 |
lupine_85 | I think it's option 4 or something | 08:26 |
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AtKaaZ | is there a command that swaps two ttys ? ie. tty2 <-> tty24 | 08:27 |
dhq | ubotu: !source | 08:28 |
ubotu | The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource | 08:28 |
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lupine_85 | wilfred: the alternative is to ar -x the .deb file, tr -xzvf control.tar.gz, modify the control file, then put it all back together with dpkg -b | 08:28 |
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Sanne | Kurtiz: I don't know if they are on the cd... lets try to find out which kernel version the new one is, somehow, and then you could just get the module package now and install it with 'dpkg -i packagename' later | 08:28 |
user_ | hi | 08:29 |
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Przemcio1978 | hi, do you know some cool software for webcams? | 08:33 |
dhq | any otherplaces i can get more sources to update | 08:33 |
DaSkreech | Kopete? | 08:33 |
DaSkreech | !easysource | 08:34 |
ubotu | source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 08:34 |
Przemcio1978 | like camorama or camstream but more cool | 08:34 |
dhq | DaSkreech: anyother place | 08:34 |
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Przemcio1978 | i mean 'cooler' | 08:34 |
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dhq | Przemcio1978: you can run uleads photo studio or uleads video studio over wine its good | 08:37 |
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Przemcio1978 | nothing cool for linux? :( | 08:38 |
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DaSkreech | Przemcio1978: Well we are working on getting all webcams to work then we can bling out the cool :) | 08:38 |
dhq | Przemcio1978: not that i know of | 08:39 |
DaSkreech | Though I recall Gaim having a plugin that was supposed to take your webcam picture and tehn create a caricature of you for your icon | 08:39 |
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amadeus | X :1 -query does not work - what can i do? | 08:39 |
dhq | DaSkreech: i cant run opengl screensaver and google earth i need to configure my opengl do you have any idea how | 08:39 |
DaSkreech | dhq: check in #ubuntu-xgl | 08:40 |
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Przemcio1978 | camorama is cool actually but it doesn't work well with my new webcam | 08:40 |
dhq | DaSkreech: i tried xgl and my full system grafx got scr^^^^ | 08:41 |
cbo | hello all. does someone know how to configure kdm greeter? | 08:41 |
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dhq | in adept when i type gnome why do i get broken packages | 08:43 |
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michael | hi @ all | 08:44 |
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DaSkreech | dhq: No not XGL just openGL | 08:44 |
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DaSkreech | You have to have openGL setup to use XGL so they would be able to help you at least that far :0 | 08:44 |
Przemcio1978 | Qt is not multithreaded (or its name is wrong). You MUST have a multithreaded | 08:44 |
Przemcio1978 | version of the Qt library installed or CamStream will simply not compile. | 08:44 |
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Przemcio1978 | what the hell??? | 08:45 |
DaSkreech | Przemcio1978: try in #kde? | 08:45 |
zorgluu1 | q. i would like a text editor in "tty" non gui, but something with the usual keys, not the particular taste of its dev :) any suggestion ? | 08:45 |
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ironfroggy | how could i diagnose why flash and video players are so laggy on my desktop, but responsive on my laptop? they are similar in hardware. | 08:45 |
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Sanne | Przemcio1978: I have libqt3-mt installed by default, and there's also a libqt3-mt-dev package you would need for compiling. | 08:47 |
Przemcio1978 | Sanne: i've got libqt3-mt and libqt3-mt-dev | 08:48 |
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Sanne | Przemcio1978: chances are you don't have the dev package installed yet, and/or Qt is in a location that isn't found by your configure script. Type './configure --help' and check for options to tell about the location of Qt. # | 08:49 |
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slow-motion | hallo | 08:49 |
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Sanne | Przemcio1978: I *think* the location should be given as: /usr/share/qt3 | 08:50 |
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Przemcio1978 | i've got dev packages, i've laready compiled some of qt software like amarok, kaffeine | 08:50 |
Frankenstein | is there a wiki page for the sys requirements? the wiki search isnt working for me | 08:51 |
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Sanne | Przemcio1978: please check if you can give the program the location of Qt. It really depends how the developers set their configure script up. | 08:51 |
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Dannilion | !xgl | 08:53 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems | 08:53 |
cbo | please someone to give some hint on how to install new kdm themes? | 08:54 |
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ketsugi|zzZ | cbo: you need to run `sudo aptitude install kcontrol-kdmtheme` | 08:55 |
ketsugi|zzZ | then you can use kcontrol to install and select new themes | 08:55 |
DaSkreech | !seen noisemo | 08:55 |
ubotu | I haven't seen noisemo recently | 08:55 |
xunq | i need help pleaz http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22649 | 08:55 |
Przemcio1978 | Sanne: giving location doesn't help | 08:56 |
cbo | ketsugi: thanks a lot, i would never guess it.... | 08:56 |
Przemcio1978 | i tried --with-qt=/usr/shate/qt3 and /usr/lib/qt3 | 08:56 |
Przemcio1978 | share* | 08:57 |
Sanne | Przemcio1978: try also --with-qt-dir | 08:57 |
Sanne | Przemcio1978: or --with-qtdir | 08:57 |
DaSkreech | xunq: What's the problem? | 08:57 |
xunq | xgl+compiz | 08:58 |
Przemcio1978 | configure --help plainly says it should be "--with-qt" | 08:58 |
Sanne | Przemcio1978: ok, then try also /usr/include/qt3 | 08:59 |
trappist | xunq: take all the wacom junk out of your xorg.conf | 08:59 |
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DaSkreech | xunq: try #ubuntu-xgl | 09:00 |
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DaSkreech | They can help you a lot better :) | 09:00 |
Kurtiz | <Sanne>kernel 2.6.15-26-686 | 09:00 |
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DaSkreech | xunq: Looks like your $DISPLAY isn't set properly | 09:01 |
Sanne | Kurtiz: ok, now let's both go to package.ubuntu.com and search for linux-restricted-modules. In the results page, we search for the modules that match your lernel version. | 09:01 |
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Kurtiz | <Sanne>I also have the 386 version but that has the restricted modules downloaded so the PCMCIA card comes up. But now I am unable to connect to the internet. I can connect to the AP with the Atheros card but I don't seem to be able to ping the gateway. I get an operation not permitted error | 09:01 |
xunq | ok i check it | 09:02 |
echo1 | "configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH" I just installed kubuntu and im starting to make things right. What do I need to install for this error msg to go away | 09:02 |
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Kurtiz | <Sanne>I saw the version I need but until i can connect to the internet I am out of luck. I did the ping via sudo also with no luck and I flushed the iptables | 09:02 |
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Przemcio1978 | Sanne: i think i'll try an earlier version of camstream | 09:03 |
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Sanne | Kurtiz: what about booting with your old kernel, dwonload the new linux-restricted-modules for your new kernel through adept/synaptic/apt, then reboot into your new kernel and hope for the best? | 09:04 |
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echo1 | "configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH" I just installed kubuntu and im starting to make things right. What do I need to install for this error msg to go away? | 09:04 |
xst | After my last dapper upgrade cups printing over ipp stopped working. Now all printing over ipp just results in a garbage page containing a series of "@PJL-SET" commands. Any ideas on how to fix it? | 09:04 |
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Sanne | Przemcio1978: ok, good luck. A last tip: there's should be also a config.log that may tell you details about what it can't find, may help debugging. | 09:05 |
Kurtiz | Sanne:That is the problem. Now even with the old kernel, even though it sees the wireless caard and associates it with the AP I am unable to ping the gateway and DNS is not working | 09:05 |
Sanne | Kurtiz: oh | 09:05 |
Sanne | Kurtiz: then let's get the module now, download it to a partition you can access from your ubuntu, and install it later with dpkg -i | 09:06 |
Kurtiz | Sanne: I must have nerfed my network config somehow. I was messing around getting a firewall running and for it to do NAAT for my Gentoo/Windows desktop. | 09:06 |
Kurtiz | Sanne: Ok | 09:06 |
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skavenge__ | echo1: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 09:06 |
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echo1 | thx | 09:07 |
Sanne | Kurtiz: ah, so it may not work at all anymore... you should definitely fix your network before installing, or you would tear out your hair, not knowing where the problem lies. But get the package now anyway. On to packages.ubuntu.com. | 09:07 |
Przemcio1978 | the same error, it says my qt isn't multithreaded, if so what does this mt in the package name mean? | 09:07 |
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Sanne | Kurtiz: this one should be it, yes? http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/misc/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-26-686 | 09:08 |
echo1 | "Can't find X includes." What does this mean? | 09:09 |
Kurtiz | Sanne:Yah I think I have teh layout of what needs to be done now. Just getting the whole NAT/DHCP/IPTABLES to work the way you want is such a PIA for something that should be simple. The wireless side seems to add some complexity that make what seems easy on paper a nightmare | 09:09 |
Kurtiz | Sanne:Yah that looks to be the one | 09:09 |
skavenge | you dont have the x sources, if you follow the link !compile gives you if you tyoe it in channel the web link shows the names of what packages you need | 09:09 |
skavenge | (echo1) | 09:09 |
Sanne | Kurtiz: do you know how to get the package from this page? | 09:09 |
echo1 | so thats what people have been doing | 09:10 |
Kurtiz | Sanne:Yes, I can get it and scp it over | 09:10 |
echo1 | ok | 09:10 |
skavenge | !compile | 09:10 |
ubotu | Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!) | 09:10 |
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Sanne | Kurtiz: ok, then all is left for me is to wish you luck, eh? Because I know nothing whatsoever about NAT/DHCP/IPTABLES unfortunately ;) | 09:11 |
echo1 | !repositories | 09:11 |
ubotu | The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource | 09:11 |
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Kurtiz | Sanne:My best guess is IPTABLES has some how along with dhcpd messed up my routing | 09:11 |
Kurtiz | Sanne:Thanks for the help. It has given me the direction I need | 09:12 |
Sanne | Kurtiz: your guess is much more informed than mine ever could be... ;) | 09:12 |
Sanne | Kurtiz: you're welcome :) | 09:12 |
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ruksen | hi | 09:15 |
ruksen | newbie here | 09:15 |
groo | ruksen: hi ruksen :) | 09:16 |
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ruksen | thanks for hi :D | 09:16 |
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ruksen | does not anybody talk in this channel about kubuntu problems | 09:17 |
ruksen | i came to listen | 09:17 |
adz21c | maybe its a sign of now problems, how it should be :-P | 09:17 |
adz21c | no* | 09:17 |
ruksen | how can i have help about installing amule to my ubuntu | 09:17 |
Sanne | ruksen: just wait a while, we're just recovering from the last wave pf problems ;) | 09:18 |
ruksen | :) | 09:18 |
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ruksen | do you know any deb packages of amule | 09:18 |
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ruksen | i mean repository | 09:19 |
fyyrest0rm | can someone please help me figure out my screen res problem? All of a sudden it's defaulted to 640x480 and I can't change it..again! | 09:19 |
fyyrest0rm | its worked fine for about a week @ 1280x1024..now I reboot and its changed | 09:19 |
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skavenge | !info amule | 09:20 |
ubotu | amule: aNOTHER eMule P2P Client. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.0-1ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 1173 kB, installed size 3212 kB | 09:20 |
we6jbo_ | The Internet makes me happy :) | 09:20 |
skavenge | ruksen: its in the universe repository, so you need to enabled that | 09:20 |
skavenge | !universe | 09:20 |
ubotu | The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource | 09:20 |
skavenge | see the repositories link ubotu posted | 09:21 |
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ruksen | ok i see | 09:21 |
ruksen | i will try now | 09:21 |
ruksen | skavenge: how can i enable the universe repository | 09:21 |
skavenge | follow https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories | 09:22 |
hybrid | SCREEEECH | 09:22 |
hybrid | DASKREECH | 09:22 |
DaSkreech | Hi :- | 09:22 |
hybrid | INEED SOME HELP | 09:22 |
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ruksen | ok thanks | 09:22 |
hybrid | this is miss chin | 09:22 |
hybrid | ;) | 09:22 |
DaSkreech | hybrid: Stop shouting and we shall see | 09:22 |
hybrid | lol | 09:22 |
DaSkreech | Yeah cool :) | 09:23 |
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DaSkreech | so what sup? | 09:23 |
hybrid | im not gettin anything from sound card | 09:23 |
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DaSkreech | !sound | 09:23 |
ubotu | If sound is not working, first try system -> prefrences -> multimedia system selector change it to alsa. If you still have problems then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems | 09:23 |
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fyyrest0rm | can someone please help me figure out my screen res problem? All of a sudden it's defaulted to 640x480 and I can't change it..again! | 09:23 |
Sanne | fyyrest0rm: some of the solutions mentioned here might help you, hopefully already the first one: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 09:23 |
DaSkreech | Which sound engine are you using? | 09:23 |
fyyrest0rm | Sanne: I'll check it out..thanks | 09:24 |
Sanne | fyyrest0rm: you_re welcome | 09:24 |
hybrid | no preferences in the list | 09:24 |
hybrid | xine | 09:24 |
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ironfroggy | what would affect the performance of video and flash playback? i have direct rendering enabled, if that is applicable | 09:24 |
Sanne | gotta go, bye all | 09:25 |
hybrid | gstreamer was installed b4 i upgraded 2 dapper but i cant change it to it | 09:25 |
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alpha | anyone know a good guild to settng up a vpn server? | 09:26 |
DaSkreech | What happened | 09:26 |
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hybrid | ok | 09:27 |
hybrid | changed 2 also | 09:27 |
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hybrid | alsa...still no sound | 09:27 |
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milco | COULD anyone be so kind to pastebin he's/her /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc file? :-)) | 09:28 |
fyyrest0rm | ok..dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg did the trick..but does anyone have any ideas about WHY it keeps changing? | 09:28 |
DaSkreech | hybrid: Alsa? | 09:29 |
hybrid | o yea...wat hapns if ur pcmcia failed on startup | 09:29 |
DaSkreech | Is it a laptop? | 09:29 |
hybrid | changing 2 alsa didnt do it | 09:29 |
hybrid | nope | 09:29 |
hybrid | onboard sound | 09:30 |
milco | COULD anyone please be so kind to pastebin he's/her /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc file? | 09:30 |
DaSkreech | have you read !sound ? | 09:30 |
DaSkreech | !sound > hybrid | 09:30 |
hybrid | ok | 09:30 |
hybrid | !sound | 09:30 |
ubotu | If sound is not working, first try system -> prefrences -> multimedia system selector change it to alsa. If you still have problems then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems | 09:30 |
hybrid | o | 09:30 |
hybrid | reading it now | 09:30 |
alpha | anyone know a good guild to settng up a vpn server? | 09:31 |
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ninHer | hi all | 09:32 |
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ironfroggy | how can i use a USB camera? | 09:34 |
ironfroggy | is it possible to be autodetected? | 09:34 |
Hawkwind | I prefer to mount things like that manually | 09:36 |
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Hawkwind | Mine is always /dev/sda1 when I plug mine into the computer | 09:36 |
ironfroggy | i dont get it. thats a device for storage. | 09:37 |
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DaSkreech | hybrid: Ping if you still have issues | 09:37 |
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Hawkwind | ironfroggy: That's exactly what a camera is, a storage device | 09:38 |
ironfroggy | no it isnt. its a camera. it takes pictures. | 09:38 |
Hawkwind | ironfroggy: As is a cardreader. It's reading the memory of your pictures. They have to be 'stored' somewhere | 09:38 |
ironfroggy | im not using it as a cardreader. thats why i have a cardreader sitting beside it. | 09:39 |
Hawkwind | ironfroggy: It's a mass media storage device to be exact | 09:39 |
Hawkwind | ironfroggy: They are all the same is what I'm saying. Cardreader, camera, they are mass media storage devices. You can't get around that | 09:39 |
hybrid | ahhhhhhhh...finally... | 09:39 |
hybrid | daskreech: it finally works | 09:39 |
DaSkreech | Excellent | 09:40 |
hybrid | daskreech: so wats new on the proj | 09:40 |
DaSkreech | You plugged in the speakers? | 09:40 |
hybrid | lol | 09:40 |
ironfroggy | Hawkwind: im trying to access my camera as a camera device, not a storage device. they are different. it operates as both. | 09:40 |
DaSkreech | We are supposed to be setting it up this week. The problem is that there is no .NET in the labs | 09:40 |
ironfroggy | Hawkwind: as in, i want to get the video feed from the camera. | 09:40 |
hybrid | very funny...the volume mixer had the speakrs down | 09:40 |
hybrid | sux | 09:40 |
Hawkwind | ironfroggy: Then it's still a mass media storage device. Regardless of what you are trying to do | 09:41 |
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Hawkwind | ironfroggy: Unplug the camera, in a terminal type: sudo tail -f /var/log/messages then plug the camera in | 09:41 |
ironfroggy | have you ever used a camera as a video device, and not a storage device? | 09:41 |
Hawkwind | ironfroggy: That will give you some useful information, as well as tell you it's a storage device | 09:41 |
Hawkwind | ironfroggy: Yes. My camera does video | 09:41 |
Hawkwind | ironfroggy: You aren't understanding what I'm saying | 09:42 |
milco | !xgl | 09:42 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems | 09:42 |
Hawkwind | ironfroggy: When you plug in a camera, regardless of where or how, it's recognized in linux as a mass media storage device. Same in Windows and every other OS in the world | 09:42 |
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ironfroggy | Hawkwind: so how do i access it to acquire video feeds? | 09:43 |
Hawkwind | A camera takes pictures, yes.....but it has to store them in some way. Be it internally or externally | 09:43 |
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Hawkwind | ironfroggy: I access mine the same way. /dev/sda1 is what my camera always is. | 09:43 |
ironfroggy | im not trying to get pictures off the camera that i have taken | 09:43 |
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Hawkwind | ironfroggy: I plug it in to the pc, turn it on, mount it, and then do whatever I want | 09:43 |
ironfroggy | i am trying to take pictures with the camera from the pc | 09:44 |
Hawkwind | ironfroggy: Ughhhhhhhh. I know what you're doing man. I do this nearly everyday | 09:44 |
ironfroggy | cant do that with a storage device interface | 09:44 |
Hawkwind | ironfroggy: Ok. Say what you want. That's exactly how I do mine | 09:44 |
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proog | i have a weird problem, sometimes there is constant activity on the harddisk - at the same time, everything slows down so the system becomes unusable. any ideas what this is? | 09:44 |
ironfroggy | Hawkwind: so you take pictures, connect the camera, and grab the files? | 09:44 |
Hawkwind | ironfroggy: Sometimes | 09:45 |
ruksen | hi, i try to install amule, i have enabled the universe repositories as you said before, now what should i do ? | 09:45 |
Hawkwind | ironfroggy: Other times I plug it in, mount it and take pictures with the camera via the PC | 09:45 |
ironfroggy | Hawkwind: do you connect the camera and then use it as a webcam or a camera controlled from the computer? i dont understand how that is done through a mass storage device interface. | 09:46 |
ironfroggy | both technically and interface wise. | 09:46 |
ironfroggy | its just presented as a file system. | 09:46 |
Hawkwind | ironfroggy: I've never personally used it as a webcam, no. But it has the capabilities | 09:46 |
ironfroggy | any idea how you utilize those capabilities? thats what i cant figure out. | 09:46 |
Hawkwind | ironfroggy: I don't understand it either. I'm just telling you how it's done with my camera | 09:46 |
ironfroggy | you just said you've never done that with your camera. | 09:47 |
lordkamau | Hie folks! i am trying to play a dvd with 'totem movie player' but get an error telling me that i dont have the appropriate plugins to handle it. Any suggestions? | 09:47 |
pcdeal | Hi does anyone has experience with postfix? | 09:47 |
Hawkwind | ironfroggy: I've never used it as a webcam per say. Meaning as in putting myself onto a feed | 09:47 |
proog | no one else has the problem i have? | 09:47 |
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ironfroggy | Hawkwind: have you ever used it in such a way that your PC instructs your camera to take a picture, or to acquire a live feed from the camera for preview? | 09:48 |
Hawkwind | proog: Have you run 'top' when it happens to see what is taking up the CPU ? | 09:48 |
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Hawkwind | ironfroggy: Yes | 09:48 |
ruksen | proog, did you try to look what programs are working at background when that activity happens? | 09:48 |
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lordkamau | Hie folks! i am trying to play a dvd with 'totem movie player' but get an error telling me that i dont have the appropriate plugins to handle it. Any suggestions? | 09:49 |
proog | that is pretty hard to do since no programs will really start or react properly | 09:49 |
ironfroggy | Hawkwind: what can be used to do that? | 09:49 |
Hawkwind | proog: So run top until it happens | 09:49 |
ruksen | proog: did your computer freeze at that times? | 09:49 |
Hawkwind | ironfroggy: I think gphoto can but I'm not sure. I use something for E17 specifically | 09:49 |
proog | ruksen: yes | 09:49 |
ruksen | i had that two times | 09:49 |
ruksen | i had to restart my computer | 09:50 |
proog | same here | 09:50 |
ruksen | but i dont think it was because of hdd | 09:50 |
ruksen | but i was really surprised because of that | 09:50 |
proog | the hdd light is constantly on when this happens | 09:50 |
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DaSkreech | proog: Check your memory usage | 09:51 |
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DaSkreech | !dvd > pcdeal | 09:51 |
ironfroggy | Hawkwind: hmm anything not from gnome-land? | 09:51 |
Hawkwind | ironfroggy: I really don't know since I don't use KDE at all. I would certainly imagine there is though | 09:52 |
proog | ok, thanks all | 09:52 |
ruksen | proog: i dont think it happens because of my pc, because i have just switched to kubuntu from xp | 09:52 |
DaSkreech | Ack! pcdeal mistell | 09:52 |
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ironfroggy | Hawkwind: then what are you doing using kubuntu? | 09:52 |
ruksen | i liked it | 09:52 |
Hawkwind | ironfroggy: I like a few KDE apps and prefer KDE over Gnome | 09:52 |
Hawkwind | ironfroggy: Besides, linux is about choice :) | 09:52 |
ironfroggy | well, thanks for all the help | 09:53 |
Hawkwind | ironfroggy: I just don't use KDE as my window manager of choice | 09:53 |
DaSkreech | !dvd > lordkamau | 09:53 |
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serishema | solaris absolutely refuses to work on my computer :-( | 09:56 |
serishema | so i'm trying kubuntu | 09:56 |
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Bonaldo2000 | Hi! Anyone know how I can make the songs placed under "Various Artists" in Amarok to just display under the artist name instead? | 09:57 |
hybrid | daskreech: im havin issue wid xgl > im on help.ubuntu site, but this line doesnt work > gksudo gedit /usr/bin/startxgl.sh | 09:57 |
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hybrid | i replaced gedit wid kate since im on kubuntu dapper | 09:57 |
magical_trevsky | hi, can anyone tell me how to list all the logged in users on my system from the terminal? | 09:59 |
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ironfroggy | magical_trevsky: its an archaic and mystically named command: users | 10:00 |
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magical_trevsky | ironfroggy, i swear there was a program which used to list where they were logged on from and stuff though | 10:01 |
=== Darkkish [n=nick@c-67-171-16-255.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ironfroggy | who | 10:01 |
Darkkish | hey guys | 10:01 |
Darkkish | i know i havn't been around for a while | 10:01 |
magical_trevsky | ironfroggy, that's the one, thanks :) | 10:01 |
Darkkish | i'll be out and idk when i | 10:01 |
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Darkkish | will be back >.< | 10:01 |
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trappist | magical_trevsky: also try 'who' | 10:04 |
lordkamau | thanks ubotu | 10:04 |
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Darkkish | mk well i' | 10:06 |
Darkkish | will bbl | 10:06 |
Darkkish | see you | 10:06 |
Ingmar^ | my kde settings all reverted to the KDE defaults, how do i get the ubuntu defaults back ? | 10:06 |
Ingmar^ | is there some package to (re)install ? | 10:06 |
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trappist | Ingmar^: mv ~/.kde ~/.kdeold | 10:07 |
Ingmar^ | and reboot ? | 10:08 |
trappist | just log out and back in | 10:08 |
Kr4t05 | bah | 10:08 |
Ingmar^ | alright | 10:08 |
Kr4t05 | this is nuts | 10:08 |
=== Kr4t05 is upgrading to Edgy | ||
Kr4t05 | !edgy | 10:08 |
ubotu | edgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule | 10:08 |
Ingmar^ | thanks trappist | 10:08 |
trappist | np | 10:09 |
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ruksen | hi there, what does "sudo sh GoogleEarthLinux.bin" means | 10:12 |
ruksen | what is sh? | 10:12 |
checho | alguien que me pueda ayudar a configurar mi amarok ? | 10:12 |
checho | es que acabo de instalar mi kubuntu | 10:12 |
trappist | !es | 10:13 |
ubotu | Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 10:13 |
checho | jaja si creo gracias n_n | 10:13 |
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trappist | ruksen: sh is a shell. on dapper it's a link to /bin/bash. you would use it to execute stuff that's not executable. | 10:13 |
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admin___ | no cose] [[erfiki9/[ | 10:13 |
admin___ | i'do | 10:14 |
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ruksen | trappist: how can i execute a stuff that is not executable? | 10:14 |
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trappist | ruksen: by running it with sh | 10:14 |
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trappist | ruksen: the alternative to using sh is to make it executable | 10:15 |
ruksen | trappist: :) i mean what is the aim to do that | 10:15 |
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ruksen | trappist: is sh something like bash? | 10:15 |
milco | !xgl | 10:15 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems | 10:15 |
milco | zzz | 10:15 |
trappist | ruksen: so you don't have to say chmod +x GoogleEarthLinux.bin. it makes writing docs simpler. | 10:15 |
trappist | ruksen: on dapper, sh *is* bash. | 10:15 |
lupine_85 | bash is almost equivalent to sh | 10:15 |
Darkkish | lol crap | 10:15 |
Darkkish | i forgot my password | 10:15 |
lupine_85 | non-POSIX scripts should be run using sh, IIRC | 10:15 |
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lupine_85 | whereas POSIX scripts should use bash | 10:16 |
ruksen | trappist : thanks | 10:16 |
lupine_85 | (might be the other way round, though) | 10:16 |
james_xxx | lupine_85: is it safe to install the updated ralink drivers? :-D | 10:16 |
lupine_85 | james_xxx: yes :) | 10:16 |
trappist | lupine_85: I disagree. dash is POSIX compatible, and a lot of non-POSIX-compatible stuff breaks in dash, because the scripts are really just bash-compatible | 10:16 |
james_xxx | sweet | 10:16 |
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trappist | lupine_85: oh, and in edgy, sh is dash. | 10:17 |
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lupine_85 | trappist: bash-compatible scripts aren't necessarily POSIX-compatible... | 10:17 |
lupine_85 | ...the principle still stands | 10:17 |
holy_cow | How do I disable bluetooth and other things that are loaded when kubuntu boots? | 10:17 |
lupine_85 | sh if your script is POSIX-compliant. bash (or, I suppose, other interpretor) for non-posix-compliant | 10:18 |
trappist | lupine_85: the example is a non-posix script that uses sh, and breaks because sh is dash. so, should be the other way around imo. | 10:18 |
james_xxx | lupine_85: one more question.... have people have much luck getting linksys wusb54gs v.2 working with ubuntu? | 10:18 |
james_xxx | had* | 10:18 |
lupine_85 | trappist: I see what you mean now :). Yes, it is the other way round | 10:18 |
lupine_85 | d'oh | 10:18 |
trappist | :) | 10:18 |
lupine_85 | james_xxx: I think that's an ndiswrapper jobbie | 10:19 |
lupine_85 | not really sure | 10:19 |
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james_xxx | lupine_85: ok, just wondered | 10:19 |
lupine_85 | Only v4 is ralink | 10:19 |
lupine_85 | incidentally, I now have amd64 drivers :) | 10:19 |
lupine_85 | spread the word! :D | 10:20 |
james_xxx | will do | 10:20 |
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Kr4t05 | blarg... | 10:20 |
Darkkish | yeah i have no idea what my nickserv pass is >.< | 10:20 |
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james_xxx | well, i thibnk wusb54g v.4 is ralink.... but with wusb54gs v.2... i am halfway thinking that may be ralink , too. not sure at the momnt | 10:21 |
Darkkish | my mouse feels really different than in windows | 10:22 |
Darkkish | its really jerky and i can't configure it to feel smooth | 10:22 |
Darkkish | it feels like mouse acceleration | 10:22 |
Darkkish | where at first its slow and then it goes realyl fast | 10:22 |
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lupine_85 | v4 is defo. ralink | 10:23 |
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james_xxx | defo? | 10:24 |
james_xxx | definitely?? | 10:24 |
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Darkkish | anyone know why my USB harddrive won't mount? | 10:26 |
Darkkish | wasn't having any problems when it when i left my computer | 10:26 |
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DaSkreech | how do you use yes? | 10:27 |
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Darkkish | nvm | 10:28 |
Darkkish | aperently the USB in the front of my computer doesn't work today | 10:28 |
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Dannilion | um, anyone know if it | 10:30 |
Dannilion | it's possible to download kubuntu-desktop 3.5.3? | 10:30 |
gnomefreak | Dannilion: yes the repo is on kubuntu.org | 10:31 |
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Dannilion | thanks gnomefreak :) I might be able to save my Kubuntu after all :) | 10:31 |
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alpha | anyone know a good guild to settng up a vpn server? | 10:31 |
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trappist | like mage's guild, fighter's guild, ipsec guild? | 10:33 |
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Darkkish | yay | 10:34 |
Darkkish | wine updated and now WoW doesn't work | 10:34 |
zorgluu1 | "dont update a working computer!" :) | 10:35 |
zorgluu1 | my moto :) | 10:35 |
Darkkish | yeah no kidding | 10:35 |
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Darkkish | it didn't work right tho | 10:35 |
Darkkish | i thought maybe that would fix it | 10:35 |
Darkkish | it worked but... | 10:36 |
Darkkish | not perfectly | 10:36 |
zorgluu1 | ah ok, it is another thing then | 10:36 |
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Darkkish | lolol wtf | 10:36 |
trappist | zorgluu1: mine is "if it ain't broke, tweak it" | 10:36 |
Darkkish | i'm in directx instead of opengl | 10:36 |
Darkkish | and all of the outside textures are SCREWED UP | 10:36 |
Darkkish | its actually funny | 10:37 |
zorgluu1 | trappist: :) | 10:37 |
=== Dannilion reminds herself not to try and install XGL/compiz on her working computer without testing it on her other pc first | ||
Darkkish | heh | 10:37 |
Blissex | Darkkish: Dannilion: ever heard of ''begging for trouble'' or ''the bleeding edge''? :-) | 10:39 |
Dannilion | Yup :P | 10:39 |
Darkkish | lol | 10:39 |
Darkkish | i'm going to play with the wine settings maybe get something working >.< | 10:40 |
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Darkkish | its like the textures are all screwed up in wow even in opengl | 10:40 |
Electrolyte | WoW is Dx, what do you expect? ;) | 10:40 |
Darkkish | it worked last time i tried it | 10:40 |
Electrolyte | And I can't believe you're playing that awful game :P | 10:40 |
Darkkish | its not awful | 10:41 |
Electrolyte | I wasted 35 on it :( | 10:41 |
Electrolyte | Played it for a couple of hours, then didn't bother with it :( | 10:42 |
Darkkish | anyways guys | 10:42 |
Darkkish | its a popular game and a big reason people don't switch over to linux | 10:42 |
Darkkish | and if we get wow running well on wine without cedega | 10:42 |
Darkkish | more people will use linux | 10:42 |
Electrolyte | I'm not counting on that. | 10:42 |
Darkkish | its true | 10:42 |
Electrolyte | Most people won't bother to hassle with Linux. | 10:42 |
Darkkish | why do you think i havn't been her so long lol | 10:42 |
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Electrolyte | I've only been here since yesterday :P | 10:44 |
Electrolyte | Already got my main game running, being UT2004. | 10:44 |
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Darkkish | its a problem with the WoW 1.12 patch | 10:44 |
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trappist | Electrolyte: 3> ut2004. but you're a real man when you've got it working 64bit, with sound | 10:45 |
Darkkish | LMAO | 10:45 |
Darkkish | <3 * | 10:45 |
Electrolyte | It's not 64-bit actually :P | 10:45 |
Darkkish | true | 10:45 |
Electrolyte | 32-bit, but sound works. | 10:45 |
trappist | yeah, 32bit is easy | 10:45 |
trappist | works out of the box | 10:45 |
Electrolyte | No point in going for 64-bit | 10:45 |
Electrolyte | No speed increase, just more hassle. | 10:45 |
Darkkish | trappist, are you saying you have 64bit wine? | 10:45 |
Darkkish | yeah | 10:45 |
Electrolyte | UT2004 doesn't use Wine. | 10:45 |
trappist | Darkkish: sort of, but ut2004 is native linux | 10:46 |
Darkkish | oh | 10:46 |
Darkkish | wow i should install it | 10:46 |
Darkkish | lol | 10:46 |
trappist | Darkkish: I run wine in a 32bit chroot on an amd64 system | 10:46 |
Electrolyte | Yeah - UT2004 has an OpenGL graphics engine. | 10:46 |
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Darkkish | yeah | 10:46 |
Electrolyte | Which, actually runs better under Linux than Windows. | 10:46 |
we6jbo | I have a question | 10:46 |
Darkkish | shoot | 10:46 |
we6jbo | Is there an easy shortcut key that i can press to logout and turn off the computer? | 10:46 |
Darkkish | ctrl alt bckspace | 10:46 |
trappist | Darkkish: that won't do it | 10:47 |
Darkkish | that logs off | 10:47 |
we6jbo | instead of going to k and then logout | 10:47 |
Darkkish | ctrl alt backspace so does log you off lol | 10:47 |
Darkkish | why are you afraid of people seeing you run linux :p | 10:47 |
=== Dannilion is fixing kubuntu | ||
we6jbo | cause I want to turn my computer off but I don't want to click on k and then log out and then turn off | 10:48 |
=== Dannilion is very happy | ||
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trappist | oh I had half an answer for him, but he's gone | 10:48 |
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Darkkish | lol | 10:49 |
Darkkish | he probably tried what i siad :p | 10:49 |
Darkkish | he'll probably be back | 10:49 |
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Kr4t05 | gar | 10:50 |
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gnuton | kdelibs4-doc 3.5.4-0ubuntu2~dapper1 is EMPTY! :( | 10:52 |
Kr4t05 | Man, dist-upgrading takes awhile. | 10:53 |
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trappist | gnuton: no it's not, it installs a copyright file, a changelog and lots of directories :) | 10:54 |
Darkkish | this is the WoW error i get | 10:54 |
Darkkish | fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x34e550,0x00000000), stub! | 10:54 |
Darkkish | err:wgl:wglGetPixelFormatAttribivARB Unable to convert iPixelFormat 0 to a GLX one, expect problems! | 10:54 |
gnuton | trappist: :P | 10:54 |
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Darkkish | someone must know what that means | 10:55 |
judibet | Bonjour tout le monde ! | 10:55 |
judibet | Hi everybody ! | 10:56 |
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Darkkish | how do i um... install the last version of wine? | 10:57 |
Darkkish | as in the one before this one | 10:58 |
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lupine_85 | apt-get install wine=version | 10:58 |
Darkkish | uninstall this one first? | 10:58 |
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thompa | what does this mean? .. Received CTCP-PING request | 11:01 |
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Darkkish | nothing | 11:02 |
Darkkish | its just an IRC thing | 11:02 |
Darkkish | ctcp = client to client protocol | 11:02 |
thompa | ok | 11:02 |
Darkkish | its just another form of /notice and things like that | 11:02 |
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DaSkreech | aseigo: ping | 11:03 |
Darkkish | any idea what the last version of wine is? | 11:03 |
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thedcm | yeah | 11:04 |
thedcm | it's CVS | 11:04 |
Darkkish | the number | 11:04 |
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judibet | I'm tired, i'll left ! | 11:04 |
SeanTater | Pinger! | 11:04 |
judibet | See U all ! | 11:04 |
SeanTater | thedcm was just removed from #debian for ctcp pinging | 11:04 |
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SeanTater | thedcm is also here | 11:04 |
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Darkkish | yeah i'm getting ping spam from thedcm | 11:05 |
SeanTater | same here | 11:05 |
alessandro_ | hallo | 11:05 |
Dannilion | me too | 11:05 |
Electrolyte | thedcm - why do you keep sending me CTCP-PING? | 11:05 |
mindspin | yup? | 11:05 |
thedcm | I want to give you CTCP-PING | 11:05 |
Dannilion | don't! | 11:05 |
Electrolyte | Don't please, it's rather annoying. | 11:05 |
thedcm | sorries | 11:05 |
Dannilion | It's annoying | 11:05 |
alessandro_ | why kaffeine doesn't play my mp3? | 11:06 |
Darkkish | hehe | 11:06 |
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lupine_85 | yeah, me too | 11:06 |
Darkkish | there is no mp3 support by default | 11:06 |
Darkkish | don't ask me how to install it though | 11:06 |
alessandro_ | what I have to do? | 11:06 |
alessandro_ | sorry | 11:06 |
trappist | gnuton: please confirm this bug: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kdelibs/+bug/59088 | 11:06 |
Darkkish | lol | 11:07 |
alessandro_ | how I can fix it? | 11:07 |
DaSkreech | !mp3 > alessandro_ | 11:07 |
Tokeiito | labas vakaras (good evening) | 11:07 |
bobbin | I just upgraded to edgy. Does anyone know why kmail (works outside kontact) doesn't appear in kontact anymore? | 11:07 |
lupine_85 | #ubuntu+1 | 11:08 |
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Darkkish | arwg;we3kj5g;laekrjjkjg | 11:08 |
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zorgluu1 | i got Darkkish password !!! :) | 11:08 |
bobbin | lupine_85:cheers | 11:08 |
Darkkish | really | 11:08 |
Darkkish | seriously? | 11:08 |
Darkkish | can you give it to me >.< | 11:09 |
zorgluu1 | arwg;we3kj5g;laekrjjkjg | 11:09 |
Darkkish | oh | 11:09 |
zorgluu1 | see ? :) | 11:09 |
Darkkish | yeah oops | 11:09 |
Darkkish | accedentally entered that into chat didn't io | 11:09 |
Darkkish | silly me now i have to change it | 11:09 |
Darkkish | anyone have any idea what the version number of the last version of wine is? | 11:09 |
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Ducco | the install freezez after all the pre install thing..all checks ok... | 11:11 |
Darkkish | so no one knows? | 11:11 |
Ducco | dunno | 11:12 |
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angasule_ | Darkkish: the last version available in kubuntu or the last version available from winehq.com ? | 11:13 |
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Darkkish | kubuntu | 11:13 |
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Darkkish | as in the one before this current version | 11:13 |
kirikou | hey, how can I upgrade some files i need to install a program | 11:13 |
trappist | Darkkish: head /usr/share/doc/wine/changelog.Debian.gz | 11:13 |
kirikou | like libc6 2.3.6-0 to 2.3.6-6 | 11:14 |
angasule_ | !adept | 11:14 |
trappist | kirikou: you don't, not without upgrading your whole distro | 11:14 |
ubotu | adept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto | 11:14 |
kirikou | if it isn't possible in adapt | 11:14 |
trappist | kirikou: pretty much everything on your system is built against your version of libc6. if you just try to upgrade it, you will be sad. | 11:14 |
kirikou | i need it to install yafray | 11:14 |
kirikou | i want to install the latest yafray | 11:15 |
kirikou | i mean | 11:15 |
trappist | kirikou: that sounds unlikely. how are you trying to build it. | 11:15 |
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lupine_85 | use a chroot? | 11:15 |
lupine_85 | that'd be your safest bet | 11:15 |
kirikou | don't know, it gives me some erros | 11:15 |
kirikou | errors like that one | 11:15 |
kirikou | so i have to use an older version of that program | 11:15 |
trappist | kirikou: how are you trying to build it. | 11:16 |
kirikou | don't know | 11:16 |
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kirikou | i only use apt-get or install it from src | 11:16 |
kirikou | so this was with a deb-file | 11:16 |
kirikou | is | 11:17 |
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kirikou | maybe it works with the src of yafray | 11:17 |
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kirikou | i'll give that a try | 11:17 |
Darkkish | damnit >.< | 11:17 |
Darkkish | i wish i knew which version of wine i had | 11:17 |
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Dannilion | my kubuntu is back to normal :) | 11:18 |
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GillesM | hello I have problems to boot with live cd 6.06 on geforce 6000 ... | 11:20 |
DaSkreech | wine -v ? | 11:20 |
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Darkkish | yay i got wine working | 11:21 |
Darkkish | lol | 11:21 |
Darkkish | i installed the latest version and turned the Vsync on | 11:21 |
Darkkish | now everything looks fine | 11:21 |
Kr4t05 | Someone want to clue me into the best method of killing X? | 11:21 |
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Darkkish | but damn | 11:21 |
Darkkish | ctrl alt backspace? | 11:22 |
Darkkish | getting the vsync on was a problem with the video errors i was having | 11:22 |
FurthuR | id say ctrl alt bkpc yea | 11:22 |
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Darkkish | ok now | 11:24 |
Darkkish | someone needs to teach me how to get sound working in wine | 11:24 |
=== redhand ouvindo: Dream Theater - In The Name Of God.ogg |Kubuntu + amaroK| | ||
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redhand | why didn't kubuntu comes with update-manager ?? | 11:26 |
redhand | i have to install manualy | 11:26 |
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arepie | redhand: adept is an update manager?? :s | 11:28 |
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Darkkish | damn ok i figured out some of the wine issue | 11:28 |
FurthuR | yep | 11:28 |
Darkkish | it seems to be when i enter a building | 11:28 |
redhand | arepie, oh! i didn't know about it... but i prefer update-manager from ubuntu | 11:29 |
GillesM | any idea about my graphic problem when I install kubuntu with a geforce card? | 11:29 |
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Hagbarddenstore | What's the name of that interface you can use to control amarok and some other stuf? | 11:31 |
Hagbarddenstore | dcop or something... | 11:31 |
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trappist | Hagbarddenstore: yeah there's dcop | 11:32 |
trappist | Hagbarddenstore: you can run kdcop to get kind of a gui interface to it | 11:32 |
Hagbarddenstore | trappist: That one.. thanks | 11:32 |
GillesM | I have a graphic problem when I boot Livecd | 11:32 |
GillesM | because I have a geforce | 11:32 |
GillesM | is there a way ? | 11:33 |
Darkkish | what model? | 11:33 |
Hagbarddenstore | Problems with Live cause of Geforce? :S | 11:33 |
Darkkish | no way | 11:33 |
redhand | Geforce is always a solution, not a problem :p | 11:33 |
Darkkish | i have a GeForce 6600GT | 11:33 |
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GillesM | Hagbarddenstore: yes | 11:33 |
Darkkish | no problem with live CD | 11:33 |
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redhand | video[nVidia Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5200] @ Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 741/741GX/M741 Host] | 11:34 |
redhand | perfect here | 11:34 |
Hagbarddenstore | I have no trouble with my Geforce nor the girls Intel | 11:34 |
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GillesM | when X is launched the screen is splitted | 11:34 |
Darkkish | lol do you have an LCD moniter? | 11:34 |
GillesM | I am on AMD64 | 11:34 |
Darkkish | gilles | 11:34 |
Darkkish | do you have an LCD moniter? | 11:34 |
GillesM | yes an LCD monitor | 11:34 |
Darkkish | does it have an auto button? | 11:34 |
GillesM | what is an AUTO button ? | 11:35 |
Darkkish | like... | 11:35 |
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redguy | howdy, can anyone tell me what are *.new files in my ~/.kde/share/config/ for? | 11:35 |
Darkkish | brb | 11:35 |
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Darkkish | GillesM, Auto config button | 11:35 |
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Darkkish | that should solve your problem | 11:36 |
GillesM | yes I have an auto button on the monitor | 11:36 |
Darkkish | it seems to be an issue with some LCDs when linux loads | 11:36 |
Darkkish | wait for the picture to fully load and then use that button and it should fix it | 11:36 |
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Darkkish | but | 11:36 |
GillesM | when do I need to press it ? | 11:36 |
Darkkish | when you say split | 11:36 |
Darkkish | you just mean like the picture is oppisite and there is black down the middle right? | 11:36 |
GillesM | a middle of screen is blue like kubuntu and the other is black when X is launched | 11:37 |
Darkkish | hmm | 11:38 |
Darkkish | well try that, not positive that will fix it | 11:38 |
Darkkish | but it sounds to me like that could easily be the problem | 11:38 |
=== Hagbarddenstore is listening to My Chemical Romance - I Never Told You What I Do For A Living in Amarok | ||
Darkkish | lol | 11:38 |
Hagbarddenstore | Neat | 11:38 |
GillesM | before I installed kubuntu I needed to install gforce driver by aptget | 11:38 |
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Darkkish | GillesM, i don' | 11:39 |
Darkkish | i don;t know | 11:39 |
Darkkish | i have a geforce and no problems with it | 11:39 |
Darkkish | sorry i can't be of any more help :( | 11:39 |
GillesM | the auto button doesn't have any effect | 11:39 |
GillesM | thanks | 11:39 |
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GillesM | is there a way to install kubuntu without livecd ? | 11:40 |
trappist | GillesM: yes, there's an "alternate" installer, I recently learned | 11:41 |
trappist | has to be downloaded separately | 11:41 |
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GillesM | ok and the installation is simple ? | 11:41 |
Darkkish | hahahhha | 11:41 |
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GillesM | other question : on AMD64 can I install a 386 kubuntu ? | 11:42 |
Darkkish | i tried installing kubuntu before it had live CD and it took me about 4 try's to get it right :( | 11:42 |
Darkkish | yeah | 11:42 |
Darkkish | infact | 11:42 |
Darkkish | you should | 11:42 |
Darkkish | you'll have troubles with X64 kubuntu | 11:42 |
Darkkish | not alot of support for it | 11:42 |
GillesM | ok | 11:42 |
Darkkish | i run 32bit on my AMD64 | 11:42 |
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GillesM | ok | 11:43 |
Sanne | GillesM: alternate installer is pretty straightforward. If you want/need to partition your drive you would have to concentrate a bit in that section, but that's all. | 11:43 |
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GillesM | ok | 11:43 |
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kirikou | stupid, why use other programs library's that doesn't yet are used in the latest version of kubuntu? | 11:44 |
Sanne | as for amd64, well, I run it and don't have many problems | 11:44 |
lupine_85 | I run x86 because I can't be bothered with the chroot/mixed environment faffing :) | 11:45 |
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kirikou | i have it about this for example : libc6 2.3.6-6 | 11:45 |
lupine_85 | if you don't want flash and various other 3rd-party binaries only available on 32-bit, then you might as well go amd64 | 11:46 |
Sanne | lupine_85: it's mostly a matter of taste and priorities, I guess. | 11:46 |
lupine_85 | true :) | 11:46 |
lupine_85 | no great advantage right now to running amd64, unless you're doing computationally-intensive stuff, or have many GB of RAM | 11:46 |
Darkkish | yeah the limit of ram you can have with a 64bit processer is 16TB | 11:47 |
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lupine_85 | corr :) | 11:47 |
lupine_85 | hmm. I think I need some more SDRAM slots... | 11:48 |
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trappist | lupine_85: also, you don't have to say goodbye to stuff like flash when you go amd64 | 11:49 |
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Sanne | trappist: no need to do that with 64bit either. You would need to be willing to do some manual tinkering, though. | 11:49 |
trappist | Sanne: yeah I think that's what I said :) | 11:50 |
lupine_85 | I know, but it's a pain to get running | 11:50 |
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lupine_85 | more effort than I'm willing to put in just to get YouTube running :) | 11:50 |
Sanne | trappist: not exactly "goodbye" ;) | 11:50 |
trappist | lupine_85: that's true. but in my experience it's worth it. a lot of stuff is a lot snappier on amd64. | 11:50 |
lupine_85 | my experience is "not much difference" :) | 11:50 |
trappist | I think we should have a 32bit chroot package, which installs ready-to-go | 11:51 |
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Sanne | One reason is there, though, that I find important: to get stuff supported on 64bit, we have to actually use 64bit. So, the more the merrier :) | 11:51 |
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trappist | Sanne: we're lucky to get stuff supported on 32bit. I'm not holding my breath for 64bit flash :) | 11:52 |
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Sanne | trappist: it will come (someday...). In the meantime, I'll just use 32bit firefox with 32bit flash. | 11:52 |
trappist | me too. | 11:52 |
Sanne | heh | 11:52 |
aseigo | DaSkreech: pong | 11:52 |
trappist | in a chroot on amd64 :) | 11:53 |
Darkkish | yay i narrowed down the WoW problem | 11:53 |
Darkkish | it's a UI issue | 11:53 |
trappist | Sanne: word on the street is it's possible to use flash with a 64bit firefox, but I haven't looked into it. | 11:53 |
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Darkkish | when you press alt-z to disable the UI in wow and then attempt to recreate the problem nothing happens | 11:53 |
Sanne | trappist: I didn't set up a chroot, I installed the 32bit compatibility libs. | 11:53 |
trappist | Darkkish: have you asked anyone on #winehq? | 11:53 |
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Sanne | trappist: oh, do you happen to have a link to flash on 64bit firefox, by any chance? | 11:54 |
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Darkkish | no lol good idea | 11:54 |
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Darkkish | er | 11:54 |
Darkkish | that chan is empty? | 11:54 |
altprsona | how do i configure my 5 button mouse? , im on the latest stable release | 11:54 |
trappist | Sanne: no, I just kinda heard about it. haven't checked it out at all. | 11:54 |
Darkkish | trappist, that chan is empty lol | 11:55 |
trappist | Darkkish: oh, maybe it's just #wine | 11:55 |
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Sanne | trappist: thanks anyway for mentioning it (giving me ideas) :) | 11:55 |
trappist | Sanne: anytime | 11:55 |
h3sp4wn | Darkkish: #winehq it is | 11:55 |
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Sanne | Darkkish: there's even #linux-gamers.net (only 19 people there, though) | 11:57 |
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Darkkish | trappist, oops when you typed it and i joined it i just realised the channel is '#winehq?' XD | 11:58 |
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trappist | Darkkish: haha | 11:59 |
Darkkish | man no one is talking in #winehq | 12:00 |
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h3sp4wn | Darkkish: Most channels are slower than this one (especially ones development channels) | 12:02 |
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Mangix | anyone here? | 12:07 |
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Mangix | got a small question | 12:07 |
apokryphos | !ask | 12:07 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 12:07 |
Mangix | allright then | 12:07 |
Mangix | right now, my motherboard has integrated audio(which was extremely buggy on windows) | 12:08 |
Mangix | if i reenable it, would it work in Kubuntu? | 12:08 |
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lupine_85 | Mangix: might do. worth a try | 12:08 |
kenan | hi everyone | 12:08 |
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Mangix | because my current soundcard sounds nasty on Kubuntu | 12:08 |
kenan | my problem is installing software | 12:08 |
h3sp4wn | Mangix: What is your current soundcard ? | 12:09 |
kenan | can anyone help me | 12:09 |
kenan | i am new to linux | 12:09 |
kenan | i am now coming off of windows | 12:09 |
Mangix | h3sp4wn: a Diamond Multimedia MX300 Aureal Vortex2 one | 12:09 |
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