
mindspinI was thinking about standing as "fun candidate" but I won't ruin my social life and reality has overtaken any satirical approach12:05
mindspinI will argue in a more Open source in general attitude12:05
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sladenhmmm, the gobby story sucked, seems nobody else checked it over01:29
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dotwaffleHmmm... This Ubuntu book is very wordy about the creation of Ubuntu... Interesting to geeks, yes, but is it the intended market?02:24
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poningrudotwaffle: which book is it?02:30
poningruthere are many that were published02:30
dotwaffleThe latest one. The "comes with a DVD, and written by Mako, Jono et al@02:30
poningruBurgundavia here is corey burger02:30
dotwaffleit's a good book, mark my words, very interesting to those interested in the history... It just seems to be that the first 30 or 40 pages contain far too much waffleage about where Ubuntu comes from.02:31
poningruwell that stuff is important02:33
poningrubecause ubuntu isnt just a gnu/linux based os, its also an idea02:34
dotwaffleimportant, yes, but does it suit the purpose of the book?02:34
poningruanyway I cannot justify the book any more than a random guy.... talk to one of the authors through email etc.02:35
dotwaffleI have...02:35
dotwaffleI think it's a good book, well written, and perfect for someone who is new to Ubuntu with that geek bent.02:36
dotwaffleI'm just saying, if it were trimmed down to say... 100 pages, with only 2 or 3 pages on the history, maybe it would be more applicable.02:37
dotwaffleEither way, it should sell well02:43
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grasshopperhi Madpilot03:05
Madpilothi grasshopper03:05
grasshopperMadpilot: got that leaflet ^^03:06
grasshopperwanna print and laminate it03:06
Madpilothaven't done the customization for you yet, but give me 10min and I'll have it done.03:06
grasshopperMadpilot: kewl...03:07
Madpilotdo you want an SVG, or a big PNG?03:07
grasshoppererrr...not sure03:07
grasshoppersvg maybe?03:08
grasshopperis that printable?03:08
Madpilotusually, from Inkscape03:12
grasshopperand png?03:13
grasshopperas long as it fits on A403:13
MadpilotIt's designed to fit on North American 8.5x11, which is close to A4 but slightly different.03:15
MadpilotSVG, with your info under Local Contacts at the very bottom03:16
grasshopperthx, Madpilot03:18
MadpilotGigantic PNG: http://ubuntu-ca.org/Ubuntu_Pamphletv2.png03:18
Madpilotit really is big - 1.6Mb03:18
grasshopperis this a poster?03:19
Madpilotno, it's a 300dpi image, for high quality printing03:20
Madpilotso it's massive03:20
Madpilotand Inkscape outputs high quality but non-optimized PNGs, so they're always big03:21
grasshopperis the png also A4?03:26
Madpilotneither of them is, they're both 8.5x1103:27
grasshoppergot two back copies printed03:33
grasshoppermust be doin something wrong03:33
Madpilotback copies?03:33
Madpilotfrom the SVG or the png?03:37
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grasshoppercouldn'tg print from inkspace03:37
grasshopperepson stylus  photo rx425 should work03:38
Madpilotodd. it's a standard PNG, it should work03:38
grasshopperbut havent really printed in color much so don't know03:38
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grasshopper Madpilot look slike i'll need to copy it to disk and take it somewhere to print . Does png translate to whatever people use out there, do  you know?04:47
Madpilotthat depends on the shop you go to.04:47
Madpilotyou might want to convert it to jpg in the GIMP, everyone knows what a jpg is.04:47
grasshoppermost shops dont use Ubuntu as far as i know :)04:47
MadpilotPNG isn't a Ubuntu-only thing04:48
Madpilotphone around, someone might be able to grok PNG04:48
grasshopperMadpilot: joking, but is in'tit a linux thing only04:48
Madpilotthen you won't risk loosing quality when you convert the PNG to jpg04:48
Madpilotno, Windows apps can create png04:49
grasshopperok, well, in that case04:49
grasshopperdarn printer04:49
grasshopperanother wast of money04:49
grasshopperdamn expensie cartridges, on top of that i don't get my print04:51
Madpilotin Inkscape, go File->Print, make sure it says "| lp" in the Print Destination box, then try to print the SVG again04:51
grasshopperMadpilot: does the size in png matter (zoomin in and out) or is the print fixed no matter what the apparent size04:53
Madpilotprint it so it fills an 8.5x11 (or a4) sheet, and it'll be right04:53
grasshopper print as bitmap?04:55
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grasshopperor print using postscript operators04:56
Madpilottry that, move dpi up to 300 and it should print properly04:56
MadpilotInkscape's printing is a bit of a black art, try several things and see what works.04:56
grasshopperinkscape still not printin04:59
Madpilotdoes your printer work in other Linux apps?05:00
grasshopper has done, for printing the printed word :(05:00
grasshopper openoffice05:00
Madpilotprinting in LInux is a f'ing mess, to be honest05:04
grasshopperwell, that is a shame05:05
grasshopperits kinda a big part of the home desktop experience these days, with photos and all05:05
grasshopperIts printing now as a jpg!!!05:05
Madpilotfrom which app?05:05
grasshopperi sved it as jpg from gimp to /home/user_name opened it with default viewer, (same as for the png) and printed05:06
grasshopperok, the colors don't look as true as on the computer. Much less orange but if you don't  know then you don't know the diference or the original. And its printed fine05:08
Madpilotbut the png didn't work that way?05:08
grasshopperMadpilot: no, thats right, png didn't work that way05:09
grasshoppergot two sheets filled with precious black ink to prove it05:09
grasshopperMadpilot: the personal details at the bottom are too small actually05:09
grasshopperMadpilot: do you not use A4 paper in the US?05:10
MadpilotNorth America uses 8.5inches by 11inches as standard (Letter size)05:11
grasshopperi've got margins left on all sides, which i'll need to cut05:11
Madpilotmost printers can't actually do edge-to-edge printing05:11
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grasshopperMadpilot: its just if it was stretched out to A4 it would be perfect in terms of the size of the script05:12
Madpilotif you load the SVG in Inkscape, you can bump the size of the text05:13
grasshopperits ok, just about, but especially the local contact section is a bit small. Looks like a legal disclaimer one is not supposed to notice05:13
grasshopperMadpilot: k05:14
grasshopperits very pleasing to see it on print though05:14
grasshopperMadpilot: hey, you didn't change the grammatical error in the Evolution paragraph :D05:15
Madpilotwhich one was that?05:15
grasshopperEvlolution 'can also' not 'also can'05:16
Madpilotfixed - want the updated SVG, or did you edit your copy already?05:20
grasshopperMadpilot: yes, give me the update, please05:21
Madpilotjust a mo05:21
Madpilotfixed. http://ubuntu-ca.org/Ubuntu_Pamphletv2.svg05:23
grasshopperMadpilot ave you printed one off yet?05:25
Madpilotmy printer is currently out of ink, haven't bought new cartridges yet05:25
grasshopperwhat printer do you have?05:26
Madpilotan HP 5740, which does work from Inkscape, usually05:30
grasshopperDon't know that model, but HP do nice quality pics, although those cartridges are pricey05:30
grasshopperMadpilot: its definitely come out much more pink and red than orange and apricot as it does on my computer05:32
Madpilotcolour management is fun05:32
grasshopperwell, i expect the computer to just reproduce what is being printed off the screen05:32
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Madpilotgrasshopper, you're an optimist ;)06:00
grasshopperMadpilot: true! :p06:08
Madpilotslightly more seriously, colour management is even more arcane than printers on Linux...06:09
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grasshopperMadpilot: sounds like an area that really needs catching up then06:12
Madpilotcolour management on Windows and in full-blown commercial printing is arcane too, this isn't just a Linux problem06:13
grasshopperoh, well, in that case then ^^06:13
grasshopperby the way gimp doesn't open .svg here06:19
grasshopperMadpilot: if yoiu could send me teh editeed version in png06:19
MadpilotGIMP can't open SVG for anyone. That's what Inkscape is for.06:19
grasshopperwant to convert to jpg06:20
Madpilotin inkscape, File->Export Bitmap06:20
grasshopperthx Madpilot, i've done it through inksapce now anyways but good to have nonetheless06:25
poningruMadpilot: speaking of which any experience in converting a png to a vector?06:29
poningruerr svg06:29
Madpilotconverting SVG to vector? SVG is a vector format already06:29
MadpilotPng->SVG is possible thru Inkscape, but hard to do well06:29
poningruthe latter06:31
poningruyeah I have tried experimenting but it came out like crap everytime06:32
poningrutoo blurry, no outline etc.06:32
grasshopperMadpilot: this time it didn't print. came out all black again. Just grateful one did come out, even if does have that dodgy sentence06:32
Madpilotcrap... I hate printers :|06:33
grasshopperMadpilot: its worked now, weird  :|06:44
MadpilotI really hate printers. Have I mentioned that already?06:45
grasshopperMadpilot: i have a button on my printer 'fit to Page' but it hasn't done it06:45
grasshopperyea, you did  :)06:45
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grasshopperMadpilot: well, that is two copies printed and laminated ready to go07:02
grasshopperMadpilot: thx, amigo07:02
Madpilotno problem07:02
Madpilotaren't printers fun?07:02
grasshopperno, i hate them  8-)07:02
grasshopperready to hit the sack, 6 am here07:03
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jendasladen: ping09:38
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sladenjenda: pong12:46
jendasladen: wanted to ask if it would be possible to have a fridge entry in about a month from now about Ubuntu posters being shipped out worldwide.01:25
jendaI will lose big money if I sell less than 200 :( (won't gain any money till about 350 posters)01:26
jendaelkbuntu: check your inbox :) kudos from silbs01:27
elkbuntui personally doubt you'll be stuck with that few.. there's so many lugs and enthusiasts who are going to want this sort of stuff01:29
sladenjenda: absolutely no problem.01:42
sladenjenda: Canonical and ubuntu are separate;  remember that if you, as a community person want something then other people will to01:42
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jendasladen: thx01:56
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MitchM_asleep elkbuntu?09:39
=== jenda listens in
ompaulMitchM_, I think she is even wondering if she can make the meeting given it is 8am her time ;-)10:09
MitchM_so your saying.... she might be asleep?10:10
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