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bluefoxicywas gtuxnes ever in universe12:31
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bluefoxicy          perror (__FUNCTION__ ": malloc");12:40
bluefoxicyemu.c:893: error: expected ) before string constant12:40
bluefoxicyperror () __FUNCTION ": malloc"; // ? wtf no12:40
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welshbytehi Fujitsu12:46
FujitsuHi welshbyte.12:47
welshbytewhat's the difference between the light green and dark green rows in the merge list?12:48
FujitsuDark green is less important, I think.12:49
FujitsuAnd red is critical priority, I think.12:49
welshbyteah ok12:50
=== LaserJock [n=mantha@ubuntu/member/laserjock] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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phanaticany MOTUs around by chance?01:02
phanaticnew upstream version of olive packaged and uploaded: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=303301:04
phanatici'd be happy if someone could upload it for me01:04
LaserJockphanatic: are you upstream for that?01:04
ajmitchphanatic: bzr-gtk merged in yet?01:05
LaserJockhi ajmitch01:05
phanaticLaserJock: yes, i am01:05
phanaticajmitch: not yet01:05
phanaticajmitch: but the two projects will be merged soon probably01:06
LaserJockphanatic: cool, I just read about olive on the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter01:07
phanaticLaserJock: i was a bit surprised when i read that :)01:08
ajmitchhello LaserJock01:08
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LaserJockphanatic: good surprised or bad surprised?01:09
phanaticLaserJock: good of course :) i didn't expect olive to appear in uwn01:10
Fadeeurgh. I have a segfault in xemacs. :P01:15
Fadeactually, one in emacs, too.01:16
Fadethat puts a crimp in my style. ;)01:16
=== pschulz01 [n=paul@eth6067.sa.adsl.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LaserJockFade: on edgy?01:17
FadeI filed a bug on it today, but it's still untriaged.01:17
phanaticLaserJock: could you have a look at the olive package?01:17
Fadepowerpc machine.01:17
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FujitsuFade, > 7000 bugs remain Untriaged :(01:18
LaserJockphanatic: well, I'm actually in the middle of something01:18
phanaticLaserJock: okay, just do that :)01:19
Fadeyeah.. xemacs is serious, though. :) it isn't like it's somebody's GL biff.01:19
=== Fade chuckles
LaserJockFade: well, I lot my network on my edgy machine, I'd take a broken xemacs anyday01:19
FadeI actually think the package just needs to be relinked. it's a mismatched symbol in one of the fontlibs.01:20
FadeLaserJock: I'm sorry to hear that.01:20
UbugtuMalone bug 58856 in xemacs21 "xemacs segfaults on edgy powerpc system" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed] 01:20
FujitsuFade, try to rebuild it using apt, and see if it fixes it.01:21
LaserJockFade: you could see if rebuilding the source package helped01:21
=== ajmitch only lost f-spot, which is rather critical
FadeI'm actually in the middle of the build.01:21
FujitsuOh yes, absolutely critical.01:21
FujitsuGood, Fade :)01:21
ajmitchFujitsu: it is!01:21
LaserJockI've never even install f-spot01:21
FujitsuSilly mono. Bloated thing it is.01:21
ajmitchLaserJock: you don't have ubuntu-desktop installed?01:21
Fadegack. mono makes me tired.01:21
LaserJockajmitch: not on edgy, no01:21
FujitsuMono makes me vomit.01:21
ajmitchFujitsu: go sit in the corner01:21
=== Fujitsu sits in the corner and merges.
LaserJockgood boy ;-)01:22
Fadeedgy lives up to its name.01:22
FadeI thought sid was a rough ride.01:23
=== Fade chuckles
LaserJocksid? hahaha01:23
FujitsuPfft. Sid's STABLE! (even though it's unstable)01:23
FujitsuI like living on the edge, even though things regularly break >_<01:23
Fadesid is stable. :)01:23
LaserJockwell, sid is pretty incremental01:24
LaserJockwhich I think turns into a fair amount of stability01:24
FujitsuAnd Edgy is detrimental :P01:24
LaserJockwell, edgy is just fast development01:24
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FadeI followed my toolchain out here.01:24
Fujitsu2 days until FeatureFreeze... Yay.01:24
FadeI like the improvements in the kde shipped in knot2.01:25
LaserJockFujitsu: uggg, don't remind me01:25
FujitsuAt least there's 23 days to handle the 200 universe merges.01:25
Fadealthough the kernel for powerpc in edgy is a disaster. initrd is busted.01:25
=== Fujitsu thinks that using Python for this task was a Bad Idea(tm).
Fujitsu    self.data_split = struct.unpack('<3sbbHHHBHBBH7B4B4BB7BHBHHHHHHHHH4B4BbbhQlbHbBHHBBH', data)01:25
LaserJockFade: ppc, who uses that? ;-)01:25
FadeI spend most days imersed in Python.01:26
FujitsuLaserJock, haha.01:26
FujitsuFade, as do I. But this is just over the top >_<01:26
FadeLaserJock -- people with a strong sense of engineering aesthetics. :)01:26
Fadewhat are you using it for?01:26
LaserJockwell, I even bought an iMac (or rather my boss did) and I couldn't even get a ppc ;-)01:26
FadeI like the ppc architecture. the core is actually quite beautiful.01:27
Fadeplus, powerbooks have been very solid for me. they hold  up well to extended road use.01:28
LaserJockI've only experienced one mac which is this Intel iMac my boss got01:28
FadeI haven't wanted a computer that looked like voltron since I was about ten. :)01:29
FadeI hate the intel x86 stuff.. although the amd stuff has the alpha memory architecture and is indeed quite slick.01:29
Fadewe just bought five hundred amd bladeservers at werk.01:30
LaserJockhmm, does Kubuntu ship with beagle?01:30
Fadefast fast01:30
LaserJockI'd  be happy if I got anything above a 3.0GHz P401:31
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LaserJockI've got a 1.3GHz P4 and an overclocked AMD 1800+ for dev work01:32
Fadewe just build an eight core opteron node to act as an arbitration machine for those blade servers. the amd stuff scales pretty well.01:32
Fadewe haven't bought any intel for over 18 months.01:32
LaserJockwe have a couple computational clusters in my dept.01:33
LaserJock15-20 nodes01:33
LaserJocknot very big I suppose01:34
Fadethese are all systems that are heavily memory bound.01:39
Fadefor those types of load, opteron kicks all kinds of ass.01:39
FadeI wish they had maintained the alpha roadmap. alpha would have been several orders of magnitude faster than opteron at these kinds of loads by now.01:40
Fadeah well. if wishes were horses. :)01:41
FadeI sekretly still pine for a modern lispmachine.01:41
=== imbrandon [n=imbrando@CPE-72-135-8-5.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Fadewell, that's me. nite folks01:54
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LaserJockhi zul02:00
zulhey LaserJock how is it going?02:00
LaserJockit's going02:01
grexkhi zul02:01
zulhi grexk02:01
imbrandonheya zul , LaserJock and *02:02
LaserJockhi imbrandon02:02
grexkzul: I've been able to rebuild the packages but I can't create guest domain:(02:02
zuldo you have xen-tools installed?02:03
zulhey imbrandon how goes it?02:03
grexkyes, I also rebuild the edgy version02:04
imbrandonzul: good, i've found the goodness of bip ;)02:04
imbrandonbeen playing with it all afternoon02:04
zulgrexk, not sure whats wrong then02:04
imbrandonand irc {bouncer,proxie}02:04
grexkzul: brb02:05
imbrandonlike all the goodness of irssi + screen but with a graphicla clients ;)02:05
imbrandonzul:  its sits on my server and connects to irc for me and all my channells and then i connect to it with the cleint of my choice and dissconnect etc, all with the backlog kept when clients are "jumped"02:06
zulso...uh when are we going to have debburn in universe ;)02:07
grexkzul: http://pastebin.ca/16107502:10
grexkzul: Right now I tried to install the upstream binary and it works well.02:10
zulwhich version is this?02:11
zulyou might want to try the newer version that i uploaded yesterday02:12
grexkok, I'll try to rebuild again02:13
zulbesides there could be issues with udev and xen and dapper just might want to try with edgy02:13
zulbut basically you are on on your own with dapper02:13
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imbrandonello MOTU's04:21
welshbytehey imbrandon04:27
welshbyteoops, i'm not a MOTU :)04:28
imbrandonheh s/MOTU's/MOTU's and Hopefulls ;)04:36
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zakamehi all! :D04:47
zakamewhat's up in the universe?04:47
crimsunbug count.04:47
imbrandonugh yet nother uvf , instead of a 1.4.2 patchset they are calling it 1.4.304:49
imbrandonwell i guess thats ok, but still04:49
imbrandonheya crimsun and zakame04:50
crimsunis it easily backported to Ubuntu's 1.4.2 current source package?04:50
crimsunum, crackful word order there. "...Ubuntu's current 1.4.2 source package", rather.04:50
imbrandoncrimsun, yea thats whay i'll probably do04:51
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crimsunyeah, probably saner than requesting another UVFe04:51
zakameyo crimsun and imbrandon04:55
crimsun'lo Zak, Brandon :)04:56
imbrandontar -jxvf amarok-1.4.3.tar.bz204:56
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=== welshbyte ponders writing his intro for the CC meeting
hubwho is thelinux@free.fr?05:19
crimsunFrederic Lietart <thelinux@free.fr>05:20
hubnick on IRC?05:20
crimsunno idea about irc nick [yet] 05:20
FujitsuI should probably write an intro too....05:27
=== FliesLikeABrick [n=Ryan@about/rpi/rawdor] has joined #ubuntu-motu
crimsunintros are probably best pasted during the meeting05:28
crimsunI'd use the wiki page to outline your plans as a MOTU [and eventual core-dev] 05:28
imbrandonyea a good 2 or 3 sentances with a wiki link05:28
crimsun(i.e., instead of placing an intro on your wiki page, just place your MOTU plans at the top of your wiki page)05:29
crimsunTB members already have a fairly nice overview of package contributions via LP's Packages link05:30
FujitsuWhat do you mean by plans?05:30
imbrandonare you going for MOTU or Membership ?05:31
crimsunyou will be asked the equivalent of "What do you plan to do as a MOTU [with universe & multiverse upload privileges] "05:31
FujitsuI'm going for membership...05:31
FujitsuNot MOTUship yet!05:31
crimsunah, CC05:31
FujitsuYah, CC.05:32
crimsunyour LP> Packages link should speak for itself05:32
crimsunit would be good to iterate those points regarding MOTU plans...which you have hopefully.05:32
FujitsuIt does, with a little over 40 packages, and 6 or 7 pending sync requests... And I'm working on a couple more merges at the moment.05:33
FujitsuI don't have plans as such.05:33
FujitsuI'm just merging for the moment...05:33
crimsunmy perspective as an observer is that the less time the CC [& TB]  have to spend processing you, the better. As such, you'll want to streamline all the information for them.05:33
=== Fujitsu thinks up some MOTU plans.
crimsun(as with anything, prep work before the meeting demonstrates digilence to a degree)05:34
FujitsuHow important is having supporters? I've only got one person coming to support me so far, and he's not that active in the community any more.05:35
crimsunget the MOTU who have sponsored you to speak up on your behalf.05:36
FujitsuYou've done a fair bit, crimsun... Can you please speak up on my behalf?05:37
crimsunsure. I think the time is clear05:37
crimsun(6 PM local)05:37
FujitsuOK, thanks :D05:38
imbrandonwhen is the next CC i'll come too , i've uploaded one ot two for ya that were good05:38
imbrandon( if you want heh )05:38
FujitsuIt's in about 18 hours.05:38
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FujitsuThanks, that'd be good :)05:38
imbrandon@schedule us/central05:38
ubuntu-esimbrandon: Error: "schedule" is not a valid command.05:38
Fujitsuimbrandon, won't work in here...05:39
hubwho decide what should be backported?05:39
LaserJockthe backports team I suppose05:39
hubhttps://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/exiv2/+bug/52879 <- I ask for this bug for exampe05:39
UbugtuMalone bug 52879 in exiv2 "Update to 0.10" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed] 05:39
crimsunhub: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2006-August/000179.html05:40
hubyeah so I have to get the backport team to approve it05:40
hub(I didn't file the bug)05:40
imbrandonyea , to speed things up you can attache a log of it building unchanged in a dapper-pbuilder05:41
hubimbrandon: it build as is05:41
hubI know I did it for testing :-)05:41
hubcrimsun: I just need to cc them?05:42
imbrandonsubscribe them ( although two of them you are speaking to right now hehe )05:42
imbrandonthey will check it and subscibe the archive05:42
imbrandonthus the speedup if you attach the log so we dont have to test build it in dapper pbuilder ;)05:43
hubI don't have a dapper pbuilder anymore05:45
FujitsuDo you guys think I've done enough to qualify for membership?05:46
imbrandonFujitsu, yes ( or i wouldent have volenteered to come ;P )05:46
LaserJockFujitsu: uh, yeah05:46
imbrandonbut its ultimately upto the CC , but i dont think you'll have a problem05:46
FujitsuOK, good...05:47
FujitsuLaserJock, ?05:47
LaserJockFujitsu: yes, you have done enough to qualify, IMO :-)05:47
crimsunthe raging ubuntu-aholic MOTU is just nodding his affirmation.05:47
FujitsuI hope so :)05:48
imbrandonhow go's it LaserJock05:48
printkYes, I too am planning on contributing to become a member.  I have been using ubuntu for about a day now (but linux for over 10 years).  Very much impressed and would love to help out05:48
LaserJockbah, crazy as ever imbrandon05:48
printkso I'll probably be hanging around here more often (as i've also subscribed to mailing lists)05:48
printkgona take it in slow at first see what needs to be done05:48
crimsunprintk: excellent05:48
LaserJockplanted a couple trees in the back yard this weekend05:48
imbrandonprintk, great05:48
LaserJockprintk: right on!05:49
imbrandonLaserJock, hehe i read that as "painted" the first time and i was like HUH ?05:49
LaserJockwell, we were thinking of getting some green spray paint for the grass05:49
imbrandonheh the artist / chemist / motu-aholic LaserJock ;)05:49
imbrandonheh astroturf05:50
FujitsuThanks for agreeing to come to support me crimsun, imbrandon :)05:50
LaserJockheck yeah, the real stuff is too hard to do in the desert05:50
LaserJockFujitsu: I'll probably be there as well so can talk about MOTU Science work05:50
imbrandonheh my house in nv had like a 2 foot by 2 foot "green" yard , the rest was rocks05:51
FujitsuAh, thanks LaserJock :)05:51
Fujitsu3 MOTUs is more than I expected :)05:51
ajmitchFujitsu: sorry, I don't think I can make it :)05:52
LaserJockimbrandon: I'm trying to do ~25'x60'05:52
ajmitchFujitsu: you should try & get your gpg key signed05:52
ajmitchif you haven't already :)05:52
imbrandonheya ajmitch05:52
Fujitsuajmitch, I know... I was going to see infinity or the like at some point.05:52
ajmitchhello imbrandon05:52
FujitsuAnd I think 3 should do, ajmitch :)05:52
ajmitchthere are a few DDs in melbourne05:53
imbrandonwell 2.75 , i'm still a semi new motu ;)05:53
Fujitsuajmitch, there are?05:53
LaserJockimbrandon: me too :/05:53
printkwhen you guys say get your gpg key signed... is it best to meet someone who is a member/MOTU or just a trusted key signer period?05:53
FujitsuI haven't looked for DDs, admittedly.05:53
ajmitchFujitsu: yeah, take a look at the debian-melb list - not very active list, but ask around for a keysigning if you can05:54
ajmitchor LUV05:54
LaserJockprintk: I'd say Ubuntu member or Debian Developer are ideal05:54
ajmitchwin 2305:54
=== ajmitch hits the /
Plug23, eh05:55
PlugI cut down on all of mine recently05:55
Plugback to 1305:55
Fujitsu23? 13?05:55
imbrandonheh i have over 3505:55
ajmitchPlug: I've got a few more than that05:55
Plug(irssi) windows05:56
ajmitch(btw hi)05:56
Plugajmitch has signed my gpg key05:56
Plug(...so has sabdfl!)05:56
ajmitchat LCA05:56
PlugAnd Bdale Garbee.05:57
PlugThat one used to take years to get. ;)05:57
ajmitchI used to have russell coker's, on my old key05:57
ajmitchwho is also in melbourne05:57
ajmitchhe's usually in the top 5 most connected05:58
PlugIn fact, I have two @ubuntu.com sigs, from the two aforementioned people.05:58
PlugYou been hired yet ajmitch? :)05:58
ajmitchPlug: hah funny05:58
PlugI assume I'm two away from him through people like Brendon O'Dea05:59
=== ajmitch is working, but not on ubuntu
FujitsuWhere can I locate a list of DDs around Melbourne?06:01
ajmitchas I said, debian-melb mailing list could be useful06:01
ajmitchiirc I'm still on that06:01
FujitsuThere is one?06:01
LaserJockI managed to get mako, dholbach, and ogra's sig in Paris06:02
FujitsuWhere's the debian-melb list?06:03
FujitsuIs it run by LA?06:04
ajmitch2nd hit06:04
FujitsuAh, OK.06:04
FujitsuThanks :)06:04
printkthere is this also Fujitsu :06:06
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ajmitchhi slomo06:15
=== Hawkwind [n=SoS@ulteo/community/leader/forum/admin/Hawkwind] has joined #Ubuntu-MOTU
PlugFujitsu: Fly me to wherever you are for a week06:18
Plugand I'll sign your GPG key for you06:18
FujitsuHeheh. Or not :P06:18
Plugyou two can be twice removed from sabdfl and ajmitch!06:18
=== Fujitsu hits python2.4-minimal.
FujitsuIt's being nasty...06:18
ajmitchPlug: why would he choose you to fly over?06:19
Plugwell, you _are_ ajmitch06:19
Plugso he wouldn't be twice-removed from you, he'd be once-removed06:19
Plugand it might interfere with his bacon number06:19
FujitsuBacon number!?06:20
Fujitsupython2.4-minimal isn't upgrading, it raises an `empty set of versions' error when `Linking and byte-compiling packages for runtime python 2.4...'06:20
Fujitsu(on Edgy)06:21
FujitsuAh... Bug 57604...06:23
UbugtuMalone bug 57604 in python2.4 "Edgy Eft : upgrade error!!!!" [Untriaged,Rejected]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5760406:23
=== Fujitsu looks.
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welshbytelifeless: ping07:06
lifelesswhat can I do for  you ?07:07
welshbytelifeless: bug #887 is yours isn't it?07:08
UbugtuMalone bug 887 in gnu-smalltalk "blox-tk was not built because of bad tkConfig.sh" [Unknown,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/88707:08
welshbytelifeless: do you think it's closeable? :)07:08
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lifelessyes, see the bug log ;)07:10
welshbytecool, thanks :)07:13
welshbytebddebian's gonna kill me for that :)07:15
imbrandon(vmplayer:31116): Gtk-WARNING **: /usr/lib/vmware/lib/libgcc_s.so.1/libgcc_s.so.1: version `GCC_4.2.0' not found (required by /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6)07:17
imbrandonwth does that mean07:17
crimsunimbrandon: Edgy?07:27
crimsunpath looks screwy.07:33
crimsunI don't see anything using /usr/lib/vmware/lib/, but I do see /usr/lib/vmware-player/lib/07:33
crimsuni.e., does creating the /usr/lib/vmware/ symlink seem to mask that error?07:35
crimsuncaveat, I'm working w/ packages.ubuntu.com, so it may be outdated07:35
imbrandonkk lemme try, one sec on the phone07:36
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imbrandonnope crimsun same thing07:45
imbrandonno biggie i'll mess with it tomarrow07:45
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Kagouhi raphink08:01
raphinkyop Kagou08:01
ajmitchhello raphink08:01
raphinkhi ajmitch :)08:02
Kagouping hub08:02
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ajmitchhey dholbach08:04
dholbachgood morning08:05
dholbachhey ajmitch08:05
Kagouhey dholbach08:05
dholbachhey Kagou08:06
imbrandonmoins dholbach08:07
dholbachhey imbrandon08:08
FujitsuEvening, dholbach.08:11
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=== welshbyte decides to sleep
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Chonsgood morning. can I see somewhere if someone already packaged radrails? (www.radrails.org)09:17
Chonsotherwise I would like to start building a package of it09:18
lionelpHi Chons09:19
lionelpCheck on packages.ubuntu.com09:19
lionelp(in Edgy)09:19
lionelpcheck on debian (packages.debian.org)09:20
lionelpcheck revu (http://revu.tauware.de/)09:20
lionelpyou can have a look on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/Candidates09:20
lionelpand on bugs.debian.org if an ITP has been made09:20
Chonsok, thanks!09:22
lionelpChons: I think nobody start packaging it09:22
lionelpbut cheks, my memory can be deficient :)09:22
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Chonsyes, it looks like it. so I will start this evening. shoudn't be too difficult09:25
lionelpnot so easy IMHO, it depends on Eclipse, on Java..09:27
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frandavid100I've noticed that there is no internet control software on the repos09:49
frandavid100internet cafe I mean09:49
frandavid100I also found this program, http://ccl.sourceforge.net/?page=download, maybe this is asking too much but could anyone compile it for universe?09:50
Hobbseefeel free to package it?09:51
frandavid100I tried to do it myself but I think I'm too dumb or something, can't get a proper package09:51
Hobbseeeek, fun09:53
frandavid100and I think this is needed on the repos, I once showed ubuntu to a cafe owner who really liked it, but the lack of a control program kept him from using it on hid computers09:53
ajmitchgah, rhythmbox is broken09:55
ajmitchmy life is ruined09:55
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xerxas_I'm a MOTU enthusiasts10:30
xerxas_how can I help ?10:30
xerxas_doing bug triage ?10:30
xerxas_packaging not packaged stuff ?10:30
xerxas_I read the packaging guide , and want to package10:30
xerxas_but don't know what to package10:30
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grexkxerxas_: package you/others want that is not included in repo10:33
xerxas_grexk, is there a list of these package somewhere ?10:34
xerxas_does anyone wish to be my MOTUMentor ?10:35
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lloydinhohi xerxas, have you read the relevant wiki pages?10:45
xerxaslloydinho, not sure, not all10:45
xerxasbut some of them, for sure10:45
lloydinhohttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/Candidates shows programs that people have requested to be packaged10:46
xerxasI have read Mentors10:46
xerxasI didn't for candidates10:46
xerxasCandidates are softwares that aren't packaged at all ?10:46
xerxasis it a good start to learn packaging ?10:47
lloydinhoshows a list of the MOTUs who are willing to be mentors, try to contact one or them who shares your interests directly.10:47
lloydinhooh. I wouldn't know, really.. :-)10:47
Hobbseexerxas: yeah, it is.10:47
Hobbseeask in here for help10:47
lloydinhooh, and be sure to read the Packaging Guide on tips on how to get started.10:48
lloydinho(available in the System Help)10:48
xerxasok , I want to try to package Agro UML , it's in the list of candidates, it's a UML interface , it's coded in java , good to start ?10:48
xerxaslloydinho,  I read it10:49
lloydinhoxerxas, cool. Sounds like you're all ready to go, then. :-)10:49
xerxaslloydinho,  :)10:50
xerxaslloydinho,  starting with a java package, is it a good idea ?10:50
xerxasmake the work harder, no ?10:50
xerxaswhat about license ?10:50
xerxasor maybe, I can try with cocinella, a jabber client with witheboard10:51
xerxasi think it's tcl/tk10:52
xerxaslloydinho,  if I build a packge, It must be for edgy ?10:52
lloydinhoxerxas, I'm not a MOTU, so I'm not really qualified to answer all of these questions.10:53
xerxaslloydinho,  ok10:53
xerxasHobbsee,  ? any answer ?10:53
Hobbseexerxas: it must be for edgy, yes10:53
Hobbseejava stuff can be hard, it depends10:54
Hobbseeanything that you package has to be under the GPL10:54
xerxasHobbsee, ok , but tcl/tk should be simple , right ?10:54
xerxasHobbsee,  ok , no BSD10:54
xerxasHobbsee,  if a candidate has BSD license, I should change the wiki ?10:54
ajmitchHobbsee: um, say what?10:55
thomHobbsee: eh?10:55
Hobbseeajmitch: or there other licences that we can ues?10:55
ajmitchlies, all lies!10:55
thomHobbsee: one or two yes10:55
Hobbseeright.  ask thom and ajmitch all these questions10:55
thomHobbsee: much java stuff is under apache source license v210:55
=== Hobbsee is dealing with #ubuntu
thombsd is also fine10:55
ajmitchHobbsee: if you wish to start removing anything not under GPL, start with glibc & x.org10:55
Hobbseethom: ahh....10:56
Hobbseeajmitch: right.  point10:56
=== Hobbsee retracts the licence comment
ajmitchthe licenses don't even have to be gpl-compatible10:56
ajmitchas long as they're not used to link with gpl code10:57
ajmitchhence I can probably get ironpython in, which is a microsoft shared source license10:57
Hobbseeoh right10:59
xerxasso, is cocinella , a tcl/tk jabber client with whiteboard11:00
xerxasa good start for a beginner ?11:00
ajmitchreally hard to say without knowing the software11:00
ajmitchit might have a nice, simple build system & all go well11:00
xerxasajmitch, so let's start :)11:00
ajmitchor it may not11:00
xerxasajmitch, would you will to be my mentor ?11:01
ajmitchI can't guarantee I'll be around much - it's something that'll take more than just one evening11:01
xerxasso first, I need either to have an edgy system or a pbuilder with edgy ?11:01
xerxasI don't have an edgy system11:02
ajmitchright, I just grabbed the source, it doesn't look like it'll be something good to start with11:03
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xerxasajmitch,  ok11:05
xerxasso let's jump to another one11:05
xerxaspackaging diva would be hard since it seem to need gstreamer-cvs11:09
xerxasbut these informations are pretty old11:09
xerxasajmitch, Hobbsee: is dogtail a good start ?11:13
xerxaspyspi / dogtail11:13
xerxaspython-at-spi is already in dapper and edgy11:14
xerxasahh, dogtail and pyspi are already packaged , but are on Packages/Candidates11:15
ajmitchit's a page that doesn't get cleaned up often11:15
xerxasajmitch, should I clean it up ?11:21
xerxasI mean at least remove python-at-spi and dogtail ?11:21
ajmitchit would be a help11:21
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xerxasajmitch,  ok , done , what do you think about gnash ?11:25
xerxasa gnu flash player11:25
xerxasbut I think it must be cvs11:26
=== ajmitch doesn't know
xerxaswill try then11:26
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xerxasajmitch, is it a good idea to package gnash for edgy if I can't test it ?11:45
xerxasI'm doing this remotely on a dapper with an edgy pbuilder11:45
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phanatichello everyone12:13
ajmitchhi phanatic12:14
phanatichi ajmitch12:14
ajmitchxerxas: no, I wouldn't want to package something I couldn't test12:14
ajmitchsiretart: ping12:14
xerxasajmitch,  I'll soon have adsl at my home12:15
xerxasprobably this evening12:15
xerxasI'll install an edgy asap12:15
xerxasso maybe it's not vain to start now12:15
xerxasbut I wouln't upload the package yesterday ;)12:15
xerxasneither tomorrow :)12:15
ajmitchcheck that there aren't already people packaging it12:16
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ajmitchthere's a debian ITP bug open for it, so there are at least people looking at it in debian12:16
phanatici'm still looking for reviews and possibly advocates: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=3033 thanks :)12:17
ajmitchcorrection, there's a package made12:17
phanatichi welshbyte12:17
welshbyteello phanatic12:17
FadeI have kernel packages that are fairly customised for a powerbook using reiserfs for the root filesystem if anybody needs them.12:20
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xerxasajmitch,  so ?12:25
xerxasajmitch,  should I take debian's package ?12:25
xerxasand sync it with edgy ?12:25
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xerxasajmitch, should I jump to another package ? or resync the debian one within edgy ?12:28
ajmitchxerxas: yes, the best way to do that is by testing that the debian package builds & works as-is on edgy12:28
ajmitchsince we prefer to not change things when it's not needed12:28
xerxasdownload orig.tar.gz and dsc ?12:28
ajmitchand diff.gz12:29
xerxaspbuilder build gnahs.dsc ?12:29
xerxasajmitch,  will try that then12:29
xerxasajmitch,  what about packaging firefox extensions ?12:29
ajmitchif you're brave :)12:29
xerxasit's hard ?12:29
ajmitchit's probably not well documented, since there aren't many of them12:30
ajmitchand you'd mostly be looking at other extension packages to see how its done12:30
xerxasok ok12:30
xerxasajmitch,  will try gnash12:30
xerxasthen I'll see12:30
xerxasajmitch,  can I do a apt-get source gnash/sid or gnash/experimental with adding deb-src apt sources for debian ?12:31
ajmitchyes, you should be able to12:32
xerxasdo you see a problem by adding all debian apt sources ?12:33
xerxasdeb and deb src , stable, testing, unstable, experimental ?12:33
Fadethe namespaces will collide with source lines for ubuntu if you build a lot of ubuntu packages.12:33
xerxaswhich one ?12:33
ajmitchxerxas: yes, you'll quite likely break everything12:33
Fadethe behaviiour in such a case is sort of undefined because the ubuntu packages are numbered differently and out of sync with debian.12:34
xerxaswon't play with that then :)12:34
xerxasthougth I don't see where the namespace can collide12:34
thomxerxas: install devscripts and use dget with the dsc file from packages.debian.org12:34
xerxasshould I do some apt pinning to to that ?12:34
xerxasthom,  ok12:34
Fadethat would by my first guess.12:34
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siretartajmitch: pong (@work)12:39
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xerxasthom, I don't find dget in devscripts12:45
xerxasroot@dready:~# dpkg -L devscripts  |grep dget12:47
dholbachis it installed?12:51
xerxasdholbach, seems so as dpkg -L lists some files12:52
=== Hobbsee wonders what dget is
xerxasroot@dready:~# dpkg -L devscripts  |wc -l12:52
xerxasI'm currently running dapper12:53
xerxasHobbsee, dget seems to be debian wget for source packages12:53
xerxasor that's apt-get source ?12:54
Hobbseelooks like debian wget, accordign to the manual12:54
Hobbseehmmm.  you have to specify the .changes or .dsc file...12:54
xerxasdget may be a script you give a dsc url it download diff and orig12:54
xerxasyes, that's it12:54
xerxasE: Couldn't find package libgtkglext1-dev12:55
xerxasW: Unable to locate package libgtkglext1-dev12:55
xerxasit's not in edgy ?12:55
HobbseeFilename: pool/universe/g/gtkglext/libgtkglext1-dev_1.0.6-2.1ubuntu1_i386.deb12:56
Hobbseeit is12:56
xerxasso why does pbuilder complains ?12:56
Hobbseexerxas: got universe enabled in your pbuilder?12:56
Hobbseehey cool, there's a checkbashisms script here12:56
xerxasHobbsee, maybe not12:57
TheMusoHobbsee: Where12:58
HobbseeTheMuso: see devscripts -L12:58
StevenKcheckbashisms is a waste of time12:58
Hobbseeer, dpkg -L devscripts12:58
xerxasHobbsee, how do I add universe in a pbuilder chroot ?12:58
xerxasfound it12:58
ubotupbuilder is a system to easily build packages in a clean chroot environment. To get started with PBuilder, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto12:58
xerxasHobbsee, I don't need to rebuild my chroot , right ?12:59
Hobbseexerxas: you need to sudo pbuilder update --override-config12:59
Hobbseenot rebuild, no.  just update12:59
xerxasHobbsee, and then , I should remove it  ?12:59
xerxasto make clean packages next time12:59
Hobbseexerxas: well, most of the packages you'll be modifying are in universe anyway, so can depend on other universe things01:00
Hobbseeyou'll need to take out any unnoficial, etc, repositories though01:00
xerxasHobbsee,  ok01:01
TheMusoStevenK: Why so?01:02
Fadehrmn. if you have a package that builds fine but then fails in the debhelper package assembly stage, how do you correct the problem and then generate the package without actually recompiling the whole thing?01:02
Fadewell, assuming you know how to correct the problem. :)01:02
Fadeneed coffee.01:02
Hobbseeusing ccache, somehow, i think01:02
TheMusoFade: How are you building the package?01:03
Fadewell, apt-build failed kind of strangely, but dpkg-buildpackage -b ran the compile fine, and then failed like this:01:04
Fadedpkg-deb: control directory has bad permissions 2755 (must be >=0755 and <=0775)01:04
Fadedh_builddeb: command returned error code 51201:04
Fademake[1] : *** [xemacs21]  Error 101:04
thomxerxas: guess it's new in edgy then:01:05
thom: 13:03 ~ % dpkg -L devscripts G dget01:05
HobbseeFade: s/2/7/01:05
Hobbseeer, change 2 to 001:05
=== Hobbsee wonders which the "control directory" is
Fadeyeah, I got that much, but xemacs takes fourtyfive minutes to build on my powerbook, and I'd rather reuse all that work.01:05
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HobbseeFade: i believe you can use ccache somehow, with pbuilder.01:06
welshbytecount yourself lucky.. took my pc 16 hours to build openvrml01:08
ajmitchwelshbyte: don't try building OO.o then01:08
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welshbyteajmitch: very wise advise, i suspect01:08
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Fadewhere does pbuilder create the chroot, and how much space does it take up?01:15
welshbyteFade: somewhere under /var/cache/pbuilder/ i expect, maybe .../build/01:18
welshbyteno idea how much space it takes up but at a guess about as much as a base ubuntu install + package deps01:19
Hobbsee /var/cache/pbuilder/base.tgz is the usual place01:19
Fadehrmn. I doubt I have the space to build packages like this.01:20
Fadeis anybody else here on powerpc?01:20
HobbseeFade: perhaps build in your home dir or something.  or make more space01:20
=== ajmitch removes KDE to make room
=== Hobbsee removes ajmitch to make room
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StevenKwelshbyte: My amd64 edgy chroot is a 75Mb tarball01:22
welshbyteStevenK: i stand corrected :)01:23
StevenKWhereas my i386 edgy chroot is 80Mb01:23
StevenKsteven@liquified:~% du -ch /var/cache/pbuilder/base-* | tail -n 101:24
StevenK412M    total01:24
StevenKThat's with six base tarballs.01:24
Fadedoes pbuilder just use the sources in /etc/apt/sources.list?01:26
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welshbyteFade: have a look in /etc/pbuilderrc for APTCONFDIR01:31
Fadewelshbyte: thanks01:32
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cbx33hi guys01:38
cbx33need a little help....with some packaging01:38
Fadewell, I set APTCONFDIR to /etc/apt (it was an empty string), but the build dsc for xemacs21 doesn't run because it can't satisfy the libcanna1g-dev dep, which is available.01:38
cbx33I have a sourcedir for apt-get source01:38
cbx33and I have my source that I have edited01:38
cbx33I have edited multiple files, but would like to issue a single patch in the patches direcotry01:39
cbx33what is the best way to achieve this?01:39
=== Hobbsee wonders why you'd set /etc/apt/ to the conf dir.
Hobbseecbx33: have you incremented the changelog as well?01:39
cbx33I will do01:39
cbx33should I change the name of the source folder too01:40
ogracbx33, if its a cdbs package, use cdbs-edit-patch01:40
cbx33to increment the version01:40
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ogracopy the changed files into the patching session and hit ctrl-d01:40
cbx33it does it all for you?01:41
ogrado the changelog entry with dch -i then and ping me01:41
Fadewell, it doesn't set it to anything by default according to dumpconf and the installation notes for pbuilder on the wiki indicate that it should be ready to go.01:41
cbx33thanks ogra01:41
Fadewhat should it be set to?01:42
Fadeshould I follow the apt.config step outlined for warty/breezy?01:43
infinitois there anyway to remove a package from revu??01:43
infinitoi mean, from revu.tauware.de01:43
Hobbseeinfinito: poke a MOTU to archive it, yes01:43
infinitoummm, any MOTU here to archive laptoptemp?01:44
=== Hobbsee looks
Hobbseeinfinito: why do you want it removed, out of curiousity?01:45
infinitoHobbsee: no longer maintained, now upstream is computertemp, not laptoptemp01:46
Fadeshouldn't you build computertemp with a conflicts/replaces tag?01:46
Hobbsee!info laptoptemp01:46
ubotuPackage laptoptemp does not exist in any distro I know01:46
Hobbsee!info laptoptemp edgy01:46
ubotuPackage laptoptemp does not exist in edgy01:46
HobbseeFade: not if it never made it into the archives01:47
Fadewell, that was my one assumption. :)01:47
infinitoit is in revu since january, but never got uploaded01:47
=== Hobbsee hits the magic archive button
Hobbseei cant see the page upstream, either...01:50
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infinitoHobbsee: upstream is now http://computertemp.berlios.de/ but berlios seems down now...01:51
Hobbseeyes, that's what i saw01:51
Fadelol. who upgrades a production system in the middle of day in your operational timezone?01:53
cbx33ping ogra01:53
cbx33done dch...sorry ported whole thing across to my preferred build machine01:53
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ograput it online so i can have a look01:56
infinitoHobbsee: mirror in here http://infinito.mine.nu/~fito/computertemp/    a bit slow anyway...01:56
cbx33ogra: that's a little difficult I'm at the school, I can't ftp/ssh/sftp/anything01:58
ograso we'll have to wait until you get home then ...01:59
cbx33ogra: ok....I have to go out this evening to a family gathering...and then again on wednesday....01:59
cbx33I'm not best pleased01:59
cbx33which only leaves me Thurs01:59
cbx33if I miss the deadline for FF can we still get this stuff in?01:59
Fadewhy can't you get out?02:00
Fadebounce your traffic out a different port.02:00
cbx33Fade: is against our TOS02:00
Hobbseecbx33: unless it's into main, yes02:00
ograSCP needs to go to main, yes02:01
cbx33Hobbsee: then I'm screwed.....I'll pull a midnight session02:01
Hobbseeinfinito: looks good02:01
Hobbseeogra: does it need to be done by FF?  or get an exception?02:01
cbx33ogra: if we get everything in bar VNC, as I havn't spoken to rodarvus yet02:01
cbx33could we add VNC after FF?02:01
ogranot sure02:01
cbx33I'll try to catch rodrigo when I can02:01
cbx33he said he wthought we could make it02:02
cbx33I'm trying my best to get it all in in time02:03
cbx33essentially, the VNC stuff is already in SCP02:03
cbx33so it's not a new feature02:03
cbx33all that's needed is a patch to x11vnc right ?02:03
cbx33I'm sure you can swing us that one oh great ogra :D02:03
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Fadewell, pbuilder is hella neat.02:08
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xerxasFYI: root@dready:/home/xerxas# apt-file search /usr/bin/dget02:12
xerxason a dapper02:12
Fadeapt-file appears broken.02:13
Fadebecause it returns nothing on my system (edgy) when the package is there.02:13
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welshbyteFade: did you build apt-file's database before using it for queries?02:14
FadeI just installed it.02:14
=== Fade generates the db
Fadeperhaps that should be filed as a bug against apt-file. ;)02:16
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HobbseeFade: not really02:17
Hobbseeit should return with an error though, if it finds nothing02:17
Fadeit would probably be a good move to generate the db in postinst.02:18
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HobbseeFade: perhaps.  if the same line of logic were for pbuilder....02:20
HobbseeFade: also, depends how big it is - if it took a while, you'd get bugs about the system locking up02:20
Fadewell, it'd depend on the network, because it seems to grap the package files from the upstream apt pool.02:21
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Fadepbuilder might be one of the most impressive shell scripts I've seen.02:21
Fadedefinitely in the top five.02:22
FadeJunichi Uekawa is a ninja.02:22
Fadethis must have been a bitch to debug.02:22
cbx33what's the option is debuild to build without the archives?02:23
cbx33something like02:23
cbx33debuild -Sa02:23
cbx33I can't remember it02:23
Hobbseedebuild -S -sa02:23
Hobbseei suspect02:23
welshbytethat makes it include the full sources02:23
cbx33thats what I wanted02:23
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cbx33ogra: I think I have figured cdbs-edit-patch out02:27
cbx33I have my source pacakge02:27
cbx33just pbuilding it02:27
cbx33rodarvus said there is no gaurantee on VNC02:28
cbx33I'#m suggesting....though I really don't want to....we defer to edgy + 102:28
cbx33how do I update my pbuilder chroot?02:28
Hobbseecbx33: sudo pbuilder update02:28
cbx33it's package lists etc?02:28
cbx33i did that, but.....oh hang on.....I'll try again02:29
Fadeit seems to want --override-config02:29
Fadewhen you're building on edgy.02:29
HobbseeFade: only if you've changed the config02:29
Hobbseeor distro, etc02:29
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=== cbx33 has run out of space on /
Fadei know that feeling.02:42
cbx33i have some partitions at the beginning of the disk02:43
cbx33is it possible to delete them and extend my ext3 partition?02:43
Fade<-- laptop is only computer local to him02:43
Fadeis it managed by LVM?02:43
KagouMay be is there a busy motu (i don't know if they exist ;) ) to review my http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=303502:43
cbx33no I don;t think so02:43
Fadeyou can try to extend the partition with parted, but I don't know if that preserves data.02:44
cbx33it's not fair02:44
cbx33I'm goign to have to get rid of OO.org02:44
Hobbseecbx33: you can build in your /home if you prefer02:44
cbx33but then I only have 2 Gb in there02:44
Hobbseeor anywhere else02:45
Fadeso I guess theoretically it's possible to build ubuntu packages using a debian host with pbuilder, huh?02:45
Hobbseejust set it in pbuilderrc02:45
HobbseeFade: uh, yeah.  or vice versa.02:45
Fadecbx33 -- well, I have a shell machine with a lot of disk that you could use.02:45
Fadebut you'd have to do everything in your home dir.02:46
cbx33Fade: not here :p02:46
cbx33I can't get ssh access02:46
cbx33but thank you for the offer02:46
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cbx33Fade: I may need to call you up on that offer02:47
cbx33but not yet02:47
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cbx33Why when I try to remove pessulus does it try to remove edubuntu-desktop too ogra ?02:54
cbx33i want to remove it so I can try my new pacakge02:54
cbx33any ideas?02:55
cbx33can i just force the removal of the package?02:55
ograjust remove it ...02:56
ograand install edubuntu-desktop later again02:56
Fadewell, xemacs is really fusked.03:00
Faderelinking it didn't help03:00
cbx33ogra: just installed pessulus.....and........IT WORKSS !!!!03:02
cbx33with support for per user mandatory keys too03:03
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ogracool !03:03
cbx33now I can work on the SCP integration which should take all of 2 minutes03:04
cbx33and SCP will be done03:04
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cypher1hi dholbach!03:13
cbx33hey dholbach03:13
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welshbytehey bddebian03:53
bddebianHeya gang03:54
bddebianHi welshbyte03:54
cbx33hey bddebian03:54
bddebianHello cbx3303:54
bddebianwelshbyte: Did you play any more with azureus?03:56
welshbytebddebian: not much, i got as far as figuring out that it needs libraries that are provided by the next version of eclipse (yay, depend on a 30MB package) or by swt-gtk which isn't in ubuntu because it has been blacklisted03:58
bddebianNice :-)03:58
bddebianGah, freakin' meetings already :-(03:59
welshbyteswt-gtk basically provides the libraries that eclipse provides in a smaller package but it also conflicts with eclipse, which is why it's been blacklisted, apparently... but i did some more digging and it has FTBFS bugs too04:00
Hobbseebddebian: what meeting?  oh, work meeting?04:00
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welshbyte8 hours til the CC meeting *gulp*04:03
xerxasajmitch,  you there ? or Hobbsee  ?04:04
xerxasI built gnash from debian's sources04:04
Hobbseewelshbyte: you're going for membership?04:04
Hobbseexerxas: i'm around, yes.  doesnt mean i know anything though04:05
xerxasbut without adding ubuntu1 to the version04:05
welshbyteHobbsee: yeah, thought i'd give it a shot :)04:05
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 58856 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:05
Hobbseewelshbyte: nice :)04:05
HobbseeFade: you want bug 5885604:05
UbugtuMalone bug 58856 in xemacs21 "xemacs segfaults on edgy powerpc system" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5885604:05
StevenKOh nice.04:05
xerxasHobbsee, to sum up , I wanted to package gnash , it is in debian experimental , i have done a pbuilder build gnash.dsc , it creates debs for edgy04:05
xerxaswhat next ?04:06
=== Fade makes muffled crying sounds
welshbyteHobbsee: not sure i have much of a fan club at the moment though, i need more work to do04:06
Hobbseexerxas: does it install in edgy too?04:06
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xerxasHobbsee,  I have built it in a pbuilder, I don't have an edgy installed yet04:06
xerxasI'll have internet access tomorrow at my home04:06
Hobbseexerxas: you can check if it installs with a pbuilder04:06
Hobbseexerxas: sudo pbuilder login04:06
plugwashwelshbyte isn't the correct way to handle the SWT issue to change the eclipse source package to generate seperate packages for swt and eclipse?04:07
tepsipakkihey, how deep are we in the freeze process? I'm the maintainer of the infamous gtkpod-aac-package, and there is a new version (0.99.4 vs. 0.99.2) which is a bug-fix release04:07
Hobbseeand in a new console window, type sudo cp /path/of/debs/created/*.deb /path/listed/at/the/end/of/pbuilder/login04:07
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Hobbseexerxas: then sudo dpkg -i *.deb04:07
Hobbseexerxas: it'll likely complain about the dependancies, so run apt-get -f install.  if that all works without a problem, you can request a sync.04:08
StevenKYou should also try and run the thing.04:08
welshbyteplugwash: iirc it does, but a) i'm not sure if all of the libraries have been broken out of it in this context and b) the libraries in the eclipse source package are older than in debian's swt-gtk at the moment04:09
HobbseeStevenK: that requires great evil, with no edgy system though.04:09
StevenKTesting Python modules is simple. :-)04:09
xerxasStevenK, gnash is a flash player04:09
Fadewho maintains the xemacs package in ubuntu?04:09
StevenKFade: I'm to blame for the last merge.04:10
welshbyteplugwash: and the context is trying to get azureus to build, which requires the newer versions of the libraries04:10
xerxasHobbsee, I'm logged in in my chroot04:10
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FadeStevenK: sweet. :) could you look at my bugreport?04:10
xerxashow do I copy packages within it ?04:10
plugwashwelshbyte update the eclipse package?04:10
Hobbseexerxas: you have to copy packages outside the chroot04:10
StevenKFade: I just did. I have no idea. :-)04:10
plugwashor is that in main and untouchable or something04:10
FadeI relinked and got rid of the symbol complaint. I build vanila source which fails the same way.04:10
Fadeone of the dependencies is all fuscked. possibly libxaw3d04:11
StevenKSurely it's libxaw3d's problem?04:11
FadeGNUEmacs is also bjorked.04:11
Fadewhich I only just found out.04:11
FadeI'm wondering if maybe it's a locale issue, but this is the only machine I have atm, and I don't have much leeway for trying to debug the package.04:12
welshbyteplugwash: yeah that's one solution to look into, but it looks scary04:12
StevenKFade: Dapper or Edgy?04:12
xerxasHobbsee,  ok04:13
xerxasHobbsee, not sure I got it, isn't the chroot the base.tgz ?04:13
xerxasit's extracted when I do a pbuilder login04:14
xerxasso I should tar cvf my-debs base.tgz ?04:14
Hobbseejust copy the deb into the folder at the top, and then run dpkg -i *.deb04:14
Fadexemacs-gnome-nomule runs04:19
Fadeunless you try to edit the faces, then it dies.04:19
StevenKFade: So you're running a development release and you don't have much leeway for debugging?04:22
=== StevenK is confused.
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Fadewell, in the sense that I don't have a lot of time to do it.04:24
Fadeas long as ssh works, I'm good to go.04:24
Fadebut I installed edgy to help as much as I can. :)04:25
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Fadeis there any more info I should give?04:27
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Toadstoolheya everybody04:32
Hobbseehey Toadstool!04:32
Toadstoolhey Hobbsee04:34
Toadstoolhow are you?04:34
HobbseeToadstool: i'm okay :)  one of my assignments got delayed by 4 days, so i'm being utterly entirely lazy04:35
Hobbseepity there's one due on thurs night, which i havent started yet04:35
Toadstoolgo work, you lazy girl! :p04:35
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Fadeoi. it appears to originate in xlibs04:43
HobbseeToadstool: :P04:43
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xerxasHobbsee, my packages are installing correctly within my pbuilder chroot of edgy05:06
Hobbseexerxas: cool05:06
xerxasHobbsee, but if I run gnash, it seg fault, probably due to the chroot env05:07
xerxas(no user, running as root )05:07
Hobbseexerxas: ahhhh....05:07
xerxasHobbsee,  I obviously need a running edgy ...05:07
xerxaswill soon have that , but I'm not at that point05:08
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Hobbseeor someone here who's running edgy to try it out05:08
xerxasHobbsee,  would you mind testing my packages ?05:08
xerxasHobbsee,  you're not running edgy ?05:08
=== Hobbsee doesnt want gnome stuff installed on her nice clean system
HobbseeSysinfo for 'sarah': Linux 2.6.17-6-686 running KDE 3.5.4, CPU: MobileIntel(R)Celeron(R)CPU2.40GHz at 2394 MHz (4793 bogomips), , RAM: 785/994MB, 107 proc's, 6.38h up05:08
Hobbseei'm running edgy.05:08
xerxasHobbsee,  I have several packages05:09
xerxassome for gnome, some for mozilla , some for konqueror05:09
xerxascan I paste 6 lines ?05:09
xerxasor should I use a paste bin ?05:09
Toadstoolxerxas: you can use dchroot if you want to run apps as a normal user in you chroot05:09
xerxasToadstool, dchroot on a pbuilder environment ?05:09
Toadstoolno :)05:10
xerxasI have these packages:05:10
slomoxerxas: from debian? sounds like candidates to sync :)05:10
Hobbseeslomo: yes.  assuming it works05:10
Hobbseeslomo: tell him how to request syncs from debian experimental please :P05:11
Hobbseeslomo: i want to go to sleep05:11
xerxasHobbsee, go sleep05:11
xerxasI won't bother you anymore05:11
xerxasslomo,  ?05:12
slomohere :) ok, could you please upload them somewhere? the binaries that is05:12
Hobbseexerxas: you werent bothering before, it's okay.  and those packages will depend on each other.  or some will depend on the others05:12
slomotoo lazy to build them myself ;)05:12
xerxasslomo,  I have some builds in a pbuilder05:12
Hobbseeslomo: heh05:13
xerxasslomo,  but don't know where to upload05:13
xerxasdo you have somewhere to ?05:13
slomoxerxas: nothing public, no :( try dcc to me05:13
xerxasslomo,  I have 6 packages05:13
Hobbseeor email05:13
xerxasslow upload05:13
xerxasbut this packages are rather small05:14
slomoxerxas: i only want the ones without k at the beginning ;) how large are they?05:14
xerxas slomo  mail ?05:14
xerxasthe lib is 1,3 mo05:14
xerxasothers are around 100 K05:14
xerxasthe lib-dev is 1,3 Mb05:14
xerxasthe lib is 800 k05:14
xerxasyou don't need the dev, right ?05:14
xerxasIt's not on my local computer05:16
xerxasit's remote05:16
slomohow long does it take to build it? maybe that's faster =)05:16
xerxasslomo,  no it took more than 1 hour on my p II 40005:19
Hobbseeyeah, well....05:19
slomoso 10-15 minutes for me ;)05:19
xerxasP II 400 :)05:19
xerxasit's on my parents home gateway05:19
xerxasI hope I'll have adsl at my home this evening or tomorrow05:20
slomoxerxas: anyway, need to get food now :) i'll look at it afterwards and help you with filing a sync request from experimental05:20
slomobtw, gn8 Hobbsee :)05:21
xerxasslomo,  tommorow05:21
xerxasI'm in france05:21
xerxasit's 5:20 PM05:21
xerxasneed to leave work05:21
xerxasslomo,  I'll get back to you tomorrow05:21
xerxasI'm sending the debs right now05:21
slomoxerxas: i'm probably not online tomorrow :/05:21
xerxaslater then ...05:22
xerxasor just write me a mail05:22
xerxasmy name is samuel maftoul05:22
xerxasI have all files here ...05:22
xerxassent in 2 minutes05:22
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slomook :) for the sync request... just file a bug with the package name, debian version and part from debian where this should be synced from05:23
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slomoif you do it now i'll ack it later and we probably have it tomorrow already ;)05:23
xerxasslomo,  I didn't tested my builds05:25
xerxasplease test it , and tell me by mail if it seems to work05:25
slomoxerxas: ok, and give me the bugnumber please :) i'll fix everything missing there and ack it if everything works, ok?05:26
xerxasslomo,  so you want me to fill the bug now ?05:26
xerxasand give you the bug number ?05:27
xerxasslomo,  do you wish to be my mentor05:27
slomoyes... i'll care for everything else after you filed the bug ;)05:27
slomobut i won't have too much free time until monday :/05:27
xerxasno problem05:27
xerxasslomo,  you're in united states ?05:27
xerxaswe have pretty much in the same timezone05:28
xerxasnot pretty much05:28
xerxasjust we are !05:28
xerxasso let's go fill a bug05:28
xerxas-> launchpad ?05:28
xerxasin the summary ?05:29
xerxaswhat I should put ?05:29
slomolook at https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/service-discovery-applet/+bug/58230 for an example of a sync request :)05:29
UbugtuMalone bug 58230 in service-discovery-applet "Please sync service-discovery-applet from debian/unstable" [Untriaged,Fix released] 05:30
slomobut don't subscribe ubuntu-archive yet... i'll do it after verifying that it really works :)05:32
xerxasslomo,  bug report very minimal05:32
xerxasgnash" does not exist in Ubuntu. Please choose a different package. If you're unsure, please select "I don't know"05:32
xerxasshould I fill it under I don't know ?05:33
xerxas(did you get the mail ? )05:33
Hobbseefile it under i dont konw, yes05:33
slomoxerxas: just leave "package" on "don't know"05:33
slomoand yes, i got the mail... i'll test after getting something to eat :P05:33
UbugtuMalone bug 59041 in Ubuntu "gnash sync from debian" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed] 05:34
xerxasis it ok ?05:34
xerxascan I go home ?05:35
xerxascan you go eat ? ;)05:35
slomoyep :) thanks05:35
Hobbseexerxas: s/with/from, and you want to include the version number that you want to sync in there05:35
Hobbseethey may also want the component05:35
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xerxasHobbsee, theres only one version , cvs , it's in experimental repo05:36
slomoHobbsee: planned to add that later when ack'ing the report :P05:36
xerxasslomo,  I'll look attentively at the bug ...05:36
xerxasso I can see your updates and learn from that !05:36
Hobbseeslomo: ah okay05:36
xerxasbye !05:38
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bdk-pcfhi folks, quick question...  is it possible to get new packages added to dapper universe?06:07
welshbytequick answer is yes06:08
bdk-pcfawesome, how would i go about doing it?  I already build them, I just need to get them in the repository06:09
welshbytelong answer is you need to package it and upload it to REVU or find someone who is willing to do it for you06:09
ubotuREVU is a web-based tool to give people who have worked on Ubuntu packages a chance to "put their packages out there" for other people to look at and comment on in a structured manner. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU06:09
slomobdk-pcf, welshbyte: not to dapper universe... only to edgy universe06:11
welshbyteoh. yes. sorry... missed that06:11
welshbyteneed more sleep06:12
bdk-pcfohh, that's different.  the package is in debian right now, so it'll make it to edgy06:12
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bdk-pcfsupposing edgy is the current distro, and the package is in there.  Is there a way to get it updated when new versions come out?06:15
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kagouhub, around ?06:26
hubsort of06:26
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kagouhub, i'v answered at http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=3035 if you want we can talk about ( i prefer in french in private) but as you want06:31
zulwhere is the wiki page for importing stuff into bazaar in launchpad?06:33
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AnAntone of my uploads has dissappeared from REVU, where has it gone ? kchmviewer is the package06:57
AnAntping lionelp06:58
AnAntping siretart06:59
AnAntping crimsun07:00
AnAntping ajmitch07:00
hubAnAnt: it has been archived?07:00
AnAnthub: how do I know, it was advocated by one reviewer until yesterday07:01
hublook in the archives07:01
AnAnthub: wheres that ?07:01
hubthere is a link07:02
hub"show archived uploads"07:02
AnAntok, following it07:02
AnAntCOOL, it is marked Ready for Upload :)07:03
AnAntbddebian: thanks !07:03
AnAntping bddebian07:03
AnAnthub: thanks for the info07:03
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Gloubiboulgaheya phanatic08:24
phanaticheya Gloubiboulga, could you check the new olive package?08:24
phanaticGloubiboulga: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=303308:26
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Gloubiboulgaphanatic, Now running lintian...08:34
GloubiboulgaE: olive source: missing-dh_python-build-dependency python | python-dev | python-all-dev08:34
Gloubiboulgaeverything seems to work fine though08:34
phanaticthere wasn't an error like that last time if i remember well08:34
GloubiboulgaI think you're right08:36
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Gloubiboulgaphanatic, python-central depends on python anyway08:44
ivoksphanatic: hi08:45
Gloubiboulgaso python is installed, and dh_python happy08:45
Gloubiboulgahi ivoks08:45
phanatichi ivoks08:45
phanaticGloubiboulga: so it is fine then?08:45
Gloubiboulgaphanatic, fine for me08:45
Gloubiboulga(i.e. uploading)08:46
phanaticthanks, Gloubiboulga08:47
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AnAntping bddebian09:18
bddebianAnAnt: Yo09:19
AnAntbddebian: finished your meetings ?09:20
AnAntbddebian: about acon09:20
AnAntbddebian: it should be set with +s to work09:20
bddebianAnAnt: Yeah, I saw your msg, thx09:21
bddebianI've just been swamped again :-(09:21
AnAntbddebian: btw, kchmviewer is archived for upload now09:21
bddebianSweet, congrats!09:22
AnAntanyone knows about the wxgtk package ?09:26
AnAntis wxgtk-2.7 going to be in Edgy ?09:26
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slomoAnAnt: crimsun probably09:27
AnAntcrimsun: is wxgtk-2.7 going to be in Edgy ?09:27
LaserJockAnAnt: the first question probably is most often to look at what Debian unstable has09:27
AnAntI need to understand something about wxgtk09:28
AnAntwhy does it follow the rules, that there should be an orig & diff ?09:28
AnAntit only has a tarball that is modified09:28
AnAntLaserJock: Debian unstable is 2.609:30
LaserJockwell, that happens sometimes when there are a lot of changes that need to be made09:31
LaserJockso much so that it really isn't the same source anymore09:31
LaserJockI'm not sure if that is exactly the case with wx09:31
AnAntbddebian: please dont forget acon when you become free09:32
LaserJockIf Debian unstable is at 2.6 then I'm guessing Edgy will have 2.6 unless somebody decides to package 2.7 up09:32
AnAntLaserJock: will Ubuntu  accept 2.7 without the changes they've done ?09:32
LaserJockI'm guessing not09:33
AnAntI thought so09:34
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AnAntwell, gotta go09:35
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welshbytehey ajmitch10:05
lucashas a backport of ekiga and related libs been considered ?10:05
ajmitchno idea, check with the backports people10:06
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bddebianHeya ajmitch10:32
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welshbytebddebian: meeting's starting soon if you're interested11:59
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bddebianUhm, ain't much happening :-)12:05
ajmitchCC has yet to appear12:06
Hobbseedont they have elmo and kamion in there?12:08
ajmitchyes, they need 1 or 2 more, probably12:08

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