
LaserJockreal life has been kicking my tail lately12:14
ograkick it back :)12:15
LaserJockand for some reason my edgy box decided to not have a network anymore12:15
LaserJockso I'm installing Knot2 to see if I can get it going12:15
LaserJockI also but in a different network card12:15
Amaranthrestart didn't fix, will debug later12:16
Amaranthtime for food12:16
LaserJockmy last knot2 try with the old netowork card died on OO.o deps or something12:20
cbx33right time to kick some SCP ass12:20
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cbx33ping ogra 12:27
cbx33you already have a .desktop file in there?12:27
cbx33ah nevermind12:28
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cbx33LaserJock, got a sec for a packaging question?12:48
LaserJockcbx33: shoot12:48
cbx33debian-rules-missing-required-target binary-arch12:49
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FlyingSquirrel32I've got edubuntu here at home, but when I upgraded to 6.10 my DHCP and ltsp isn't running. Any ideas?01:13
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cbx33ogra, had some problems with module names01:46
cbx33hopefully building the final test deb now01:47
cbx33it's bloody broken it all01:50
cbx33ogra....it's gonna have to be tomorrow01:50
cbx33sorry dude01:50
cbx33it's bugger up the module names now01:50
ograwell ...01:58
cbx33ogra, done it02:05
cbx33I've fixed it02:05
cbx33I wasn't goign to goto bed till I did02:05
cbx33I have pessulus and scp ready02:05
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ograyou rock !02:06
cbx33do you want debs or the source debs02:06
cbx33ogra, there was some buggery in python02:06
Amaranthsource debs are always better :)02:06
cbx33you cannot have a module name with a - in it02:06
cbx33which I wasn't aware of02:06
=== Amaranth goes to figure out why willowng won't setup it's dbus interface
cbx33so when I built the site-pacakges dir for the plugins02:06
cbx33it was 02:06
cbx33which died02:06
cbx33but it's all fixed now02:06
cbx33I'll upload it sir02:07
ograah :)02:07
cbx33hope you like02:07
jsgotangcowha? you guys are all doing an all-nighter?02:07
cbx33in edgy+1 I recommend a complete re hash of scp02:07
cbx33and restructure02:07
cbx33well I am02:08
cbx33and I still havn't done the MIR :S02:08
ograjsgotangco, i just finished the last lines of the login/session selection stuff in ldm ... and cbx33 rocks the worls with a finished SCP and pessulus02:08
pygijsgotangco, yes :P02:09
jsgotangcoim sorry i haven't been much help develoment-wise02:09
=== ogra looks at a danish xfce atm ...
ograi havent found a sane way to translate all the locales yet ...02:10
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=== pete_ is now known as cbx333
cbx333ogra, 02:17
pyginight all02:17
=== pygi looks at clock...2:20 am, whee:-)
cbx333I havn't checked one aspect of it02:18
cbx333but it's a minor thing :p02:18
cbx333oh bugger02:19
cbx333dang it02:19
cbx333ok updated02:21
cbx333ogra, seeing as my updated version of SCP isn't in universe02:23
cbx333for availability chall I reference that link I just gave you?02:23
cbx333https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionStudentControlPanel ogra Burgwork 02:26
cbx333does that look ok?02:26
ogracbx333, it needs to be the universe package you refer to in "Availablility" 02:27
cbx333even though that's not up to date?02:27
ograNeeded to assist in the maintenance of edubuntu LTSP servers and planned addition for edgy02:27
ograpitti wont read it tonight ;)02:28
cbx333we ok to fix up tomorroe02:28
cbx333will you give me a few mins to sort it all out02:28
ograwhat about the dependencies ? 02:28
ograyou only list the build deps02:28
cbx333oh shute yeh02:28
ograthats in main02:29
cbx333dang that's not in control either02:29
ograjust drop the brackets02:29
=== cbx333 cries
cbx333there is a bug in the package02:29
cbx333the xdg autostart file isn't starting scp-client on user login02:29
ograoh, why ? 02:30
cbx333I'm not sure02:30
cbx333just restarting X02:30
cbx333to find out why02:30
cbx333the program is in the right place and runs fine :S02:31
cbx333just waiting to test again02:31
cbx333how soon can we get scp into universe...the updated pacakge I mean?02:31
jsgotangcowtf i have to run ie on this machine02:33
cbx333ogra, I still can't see why it's not loading scp-client at logon02:36
cbx333but that's not critical right now02:36
cbx333I can fix that tomorrow02:36
cbx333nn eveyone02:36
cbx3334 hours sleep here I come :D02:36
Amaranthi've almost gotten all the bugs i can find out of willowng 0.302:40
Amaranthone or two left02:40
Amaranthdid anyone ever check to see if firefox honors gconf proxy settings?02:41
rodarvusogra, do you still need help with xauth?02:48
ograrodarvus, i have no idea whats wrong with it ... but it seems i cant log in properly after i logged out (unrelated to the session handling stuff, i saw it before)02:49
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ograits a bug, fine to fix it after ff02:50
BurgundaviaAmaranth: where would I pull that code from?02:53
Burgundaviashould I remove the packaged willow-ng?02:53
Burgundaviacbx333: have you also got some code for me to test?02:53
Amaranthhold on, let me push02:54
Amaranthbzr branch http://dev.realistanew.com/willowng02:55
BurgundaviaAmaranth: error: can't copy 'build/willowng.desktop': doesn't exist or not a regular file03:01
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Burgundaviaoh, wait, I don't have build essental03:02
Burgundaviahey bddebian03:02
bddebianHeya Burgundavia03:03
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Amaranthdamn custom error pages03:51
Amaranththey don't work :P03:53
Amaranthas far as i can tell everything else works but you get some headers for output instead of an error page when you hit something that got blocked03:56
Amaranthand firefox doesn't use gconf proxy settings :/03:57
Burgundaviaogra: I would love it if you could write a five line summary of ltsp in edgy over dapper for the UWN04:03
ograBurgundavia, not before FF 04:03
jsgotangcoogra: hmm working at home is enjoyable at first..i discovered04:04
ograi'm up since 22h ... and need some sleep and have to implement one spec tomorrow04:04
ograjsgotangco, absolutely ...04:05
ograyou can mow the lawn while compiling a big package etc ...04:05
ogranight all...04:07
ograAmaranth, final review submitted btw ...04:07
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_acesuareshi all04:42
_acesuaresanyone awake ??04:42
_acesuaresI am looking for a speaker on a small conference on education in Curacao (www.curacao.com) for04:43
_acesuares4 or 5 october. How would I locate such speaker ?04:43
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LaserJockAmaranth: how'd the willowng testing go?07:15
Amaranthas far as i can see everything but error pages works07:15
Amaranthbut firefox does not honor gconf proxy settings07:16
LaserJockyeah, I'm wondering what to do on the KDE side07:16
LaserJockI don't use KDE very much so I'm not very familiar how it would work07:17
LaserJockI was able to figure out where it stored the proxy settings for konqueror07:17
Burgundaviafor the menu stuff?07:17
BurgundaviaKDE uses the same menu07:18
Burgundaviathat is another thing: like the lockdown keys, that needs to be freedesktop-ed07:18
LaserJockit really would be nice to have a common place for common things07:19
Amarantheverything i can find says to use iptables to do transparent proxying07:19
LaserJockAmaranth: yeah, that's what I was going to try to look at07:19
Amaranthi was told not to do it07:19
_acesuares I am looking for a speaker on a small conference on education in Curacao (www.curacao.com) for07:20
_acesuares[22:44]  <_acesuares> 4 or 5 october. How would I locate such speaker ?07:20
BurgundaviaLaserJock: remember the guy at Ubucon who was grilling me on KDE support?07:20
LaserJockhmm, perhaps07:20
Burgundaviahe asked Chris during the final wrapup07:21
Burgundaviaafter Chris said what Canonical was doing07:21
Amaranthhttp://in-cider.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!1F17474AB1F2CE52!338.entry <--w00t07:21
Amaranthhacky but i'll take it07:22
LaserJockBurgundavia: yeah?07:22
Burgundaviayou want it to automatically change the proxy info for the browser, without having to manually change the browser?07:22
Amaranthperhaps i can get whoever takes care of firefox to setup part of that for me07:22
Amaranthso i only need to add/remove things from the prefcalls.js file07:23
AmaranthBurgundavia: yeah07:23
Amaranthbasically it looks like the plan now is to set debconf and gconf proxy settings, do that firefox hack, then use iptables to block access to port 80 for everyone but willowng07:23
Burgundaviathat is a major hack07:24
Burgundaviaapps should honour the HTTP_PROXY ENV variable07:24
Amaranthi'll set that one too, thanks07:25
LaserJockthat iptables bit is also difficult07:26
Amaranthsleep time, have to wake up in 3 hours07:26
highvoltagemorning LaserJock Amaranth and Burgundavia!07:28
Burgundaviamorning high07:28
Burgundaviahighvoltage, even07:28
Burgundaviahmm, funny at work today. My workmate comes in and we start talking about Linux and he says "Ya, my buddy is now running that sinking ship Linux"07:29
Burgundaviafun roll loops!07:29
LaserJockhi highvoltage07:30
highvoltagesinking ship Linux?07:30
LaserJockyeah, we suck ;-)07:31
Burgundaviano, Gentoo07:31
Burgundaviafor the record, that is whiprush's page07:32
Burgundaviasomething I learned at LWE07:33
LaserJockwhat? really?07:33
LaserJockah Gentoo, I miss those days sometimes07:33
Burgundavianever did that crack and thus I have never "missed" it07:34
LaserJockit really is a nice distro07:34
LaserJockbut it is different07:34
highvoltageI used to miss Gentoo, I installed it a few weeks ago (just to try the new GUI installer), and found that I wasn't really missing /that/ much.07:34
LaserJockit's how I got started on Linux07:34
highvoltageLaserJock: probably a sentimental thing then :)07:35
highvoltagei liked that i could leave my computer overnight to compile things07:35
highvoltageit gave me a feeling that my computer was working while I was sleeping07:35
highvoltagewhich made me feel more productive :)07:36
LaserJockbut debian/ubuntu is the only thing that has matched it in terms of having all the software I need07:36
Burgundaviathat is utter crack, you realize that07:37
highvoltagethat's what pulled me to debian as well. I didn't have to download and compile anything when I started using debian. and testing and unstable always had (or at least has) very new versions of all the software available.07:37
LaserJockBurgundavia: not for me anyway07:37
LaserJockor were you talking to highvoltage07:37
Burgundaviahighvoltage: 07:37
highvoltagebefore debian I used to use slackware and SuSE, it's been ages since I used them now.07:37
LaserJocki wasn't into gentoo for the source so i eventually looked for a binary gentto07:39
LaserJockthat's how I ended up with Ubuntu07:39
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Burgundaviawe have stolen a lot of users from Gentoo, I think07:40
LaserJocki can believe that07:42
LaserJockthe thing is, I  found gentoo to be very easy to install and use07:45
LaserJockand I tried to get into Debian a couple times07:45
LaserJockbut failed miserably 07:45
Burgundaviadebian is a bitch to install07:49
Burgundaviaalthough d-i makes it a bit better07:50
Burgundaviamostly I hate any distro that is more than one cd07:50
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RichEdgreetz :)08:36
LaserJockhi RichEd08:38
RichEdhello LaserJock :)08:39
highvoltagehi RichEd 08:39
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TeePOGgood morning09:19
highvoltagemorning TeePOG 09:23
TeePOGhow you doing highvoltage?09:25
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highvoltagegood thanks and you TeePOG?09:28
highvoltageTeePOG: where are you from? your IP address looks familiar.09:28
TeePOGhighvoltage: Pretoria, SA09:30
highvoltageTeePOG: Cape Town09:33
RichEdTeePOG: I'm also in Cape Town ... what's your Edubuntu interest ?09:34
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TeePOGwe've got an internet cafe09:44
TeePOGand i'm running edubuntu as a terminal server09:44
RichEdTeePOG: Great ... I'm the Education Manager, and I am currently building a view of our user categories to create community and support areas. Would you be willing to answer a few profile questions via email ?09:46
RichEdif yes, you can mail me on richard.edubuntu@gmail.com saying this is TeePOG with a 2 line intro.09:48
RichEdI'd appreciate it : As in "help us to help you better"09:48
TeePOGRichEd: i would love to, but having 1 or 2 issues with the actual LTSP logins... need to sort out the technical side, then i'd have leisure to help you09:49
highvoltageTeePOG: you can ask technical questions in this channell too :)09:50
RichEdno rush TeePOG : It will be an exercise over the next month. Pop me a hi, and you can get the questions and respond any time you are free.09:50
RichEdAn by the way, jump at the offer of help from highvoltage. He's one of the top LTSP hands-on experience resources :)09:52
TeePOGi will... ironically i have to help a customer sort out why her laptop won't get POP09:53
=== RichEd pimps for highvoltage as a side job ;)
TeePOGbrb highvoltage ok?09:53
TeePOGlol RichEd... nice job09:54
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RichEdhighvoltage: Can I ask you a quick technical question ?09:59
highvoltageRichEd: I prefer quick technical questions to questions about asking questions10:03
highvoltageRichEd: of course :10:03
=== RichEd opens a private window with highvoltage so as not to embarress himself with newbie issues
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=== RichEd hides from jono ... quick
RichEdwill speak to you now jono ... give me 510:06
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TeePOGsooo, highvoltage: still available?10:36
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pygihey ho ogra 10:36
=== ogra is disappointed ..., just upgraded to upstart and expected some sppedup of the boot at least ...
highvoltagethere goes the only thing I had to look forward to this week10:37
ograwell, i guess its the fact that we still use all the sysvinit scripts ..10:38
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ograif things actually use the new system it will get faster10:39
pips1arg, I was hoping for a speedup too ;-)10:52
pips1RichEd ping10:53
RichEdpong pips1 : on my way to get a coffee ... open a window and go for it ... back in 510:53
pips1RichEd send me those profile questions too, I'm happy to participate :-)10:54
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pips1... and rather curious about your profile questions ;-)10:55
RichEdSure pygi ... it is very high-level bare bones, but we'll refine. Main criteria right now is to identify our Categories of Users / Stakeholders.11:03
pygiahm? :)11:04
RichEdWe'll then drill down into profiling each category ... from hands-on user values to softer issues ... e.g. education department officials are not users, but stakeholders, and what are their buttons that we need to press11:05
pips1RichEd: i'm slightly confused who you are currently talking to! :-) is it me? autocompletion gave you 'pygi' instead of 'pips1' ?11:07
=== RichEd clarifies ...
RichEdpips1: Sure .. it is very high-level bare bones, but we'll refine. Main criteria right now is to identify our Categories of Users / Stakeholders.11:08
RichEdpips1: We'll then drill down into profiling each category ... from hands-on user values to softer issues ... e.g. education department officials are not users, but stakeholders, and what are their buttons that we need to press11:08
RichEdpygi: hi :)11:08
pygiRichEd, lol,hi :)11:09
=== RichEd apologises for switch around
RichEd(comes from eating peanut butter toast and typing at the same time)11:09
pips1RichEd: bare-bones is fine and I'd be more than happy to provide my input to refine the profiling as we go along... 11:10
RichEdpips1: I'll ping you when sent.11:11
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cbx33ping pygi ogra 11:23
cbx33ping Amaranth 11:25
=== Papasean [n=Papasean@host217-35-90-149.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #edubuntu
ogracbx33, SCP uploaded to universe, so you can refer to the package in your MIR11:27
cbx33ogra: wow cool11:27
cbx33I need to talk to you a little11:27
ogranot today please11:27
cbx33thank you11:27
cbx33I will finish up the includsion11:28
ograi have a complete feature to implement and have two meetings today ...11:28
cbx33and poke you for a universe upload later11:28
cbx33ogra: that's fine11:28
ograits a very very tight day for me11:28
cbx33there is still a problem with scp-client11:28
ografine, poke me ... (and go for motu asap ;) )11:28
cbx33but I'm goign to pool all my resources and work till 4:00am to fix if I have to11:28
cbx33ogra: :D ok11:28
cbx33thanks !11:28
=== pygi wants someone signs his key, so he can go for MOTU :P
cbx33pygi: please do you ahve a second11:30
cbx33I really need some python assistance11:30
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cbx33who would I bug for an update to a package in main?11:45
cbx33oh actually nm11:45
pygicbx33, lol11:47
ogracbx33, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/edgy-changes/2006-September/005093.html11:49
ograplease be a bit more verbose in your next chagelog entries :)11:49
cbx33sorry ogra 11:50
ograi dont care, i know what you did ...11:50
ograbut that one sentence somehow hides the awesome work ... you deserve the credit so take it ;) ... 11:51
cbx33aww thanks ogra I'll have to repackage...maybe I'll sneak it in :D11:53
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RichEdping cbx33 12:06
TeePOGcan anyone tell me the following: is "kaffe" an adequate substitute for the JRE?12:09
TeePOGRichEd: do you know?12:12
RichEdhi TeePOG : i'm still getting up to speed with the apps ... I'd suggest wait for a wider audience response.12:13
TeePOGthanks RichEd12:13
cbx33pong RichEd 12:14
TeePOGit seems Automatix can find no installation candidate for the Sun JRE12:14
RichEdTeePOG: I'll make you a deal ... send me an email for later chat and I'll do a quick hunt for you ... and also send you some useful resources by email response12:15
TeePOGOK RichEd, sending mail now12:15
RichEdshot. will do a quick search for you on kaffe ... explain the issues in more detail in 2/3 lins and i'll go hunt for you12:16
TeePOGRichEd: what do you want in the intro?12:17
RichEdhi, it's teepog from the pta icafe12:17
RichEdthat's enuff to get a placemarker12:17
TeePOGah ok12:18
=== Papasea1 [n=papasean@host217-35-90-149.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #edubuntu
TeePOGthought you wanted a 2-sentence bio12:18
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cbx33RichEd: you wanna talk meetings?12:19
RichEdcbx33: sending an email to charles masters ... please tell me: official position, school name, school location12:19
RichEdyours ... innawindow12:20
RichEd:) thanks12:20
TeePOGjust out of interest: does anyone else use Internet Solutions as an ISP? they seem to have the whole Ubuntu main / stable / universe / multiverse mirror, but what do I put in my sources.list to make apt use IS as a repo?12:23
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rodarvusgood morning12:37
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cbx33hey rodarvus 12:40
rodarvushi cbx3312:40
highvoltageso, hands up who's doing something on Software Freedom Day this year?12:40
pyginone here wants to organise it :(12:42
pygihighvoltage, true :(12:55
=== pips1 waves at lucasvo who is involved in organising an event on software freedom day
RichEdping ogra01:01
ograRichEd, pong01:09
RichEdogra: I know you are very busy - quick comments in pvt window01:09
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pygiogra, libburn works great on remote burners over iscsi ;)01:28
ogracool !01:28
pygithrought openiscsi01:29
=== pygi does a happy dance ^_^
pygijust blanked cd, and burning data iso01:29
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pygithe clients can hold their own settings in /etc and load kernel modules as they please, dont they? so just connecting to the initiator via TCP should do I suppose?01:35
ograand we have an ssh tunnel to trigger it on the server in the users session01:38
pygioki, I thought we are thinking about rocket science, and it's simple really :P01:38
pygiright, thanks for explanation :)01:40
pygithere's also an init script coming with openiscsi01:41
pygiwe could add a line or two to login to the target01:41
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pygiogra: the node name doesn't change as long as the device description/MAC address of the target doesn't change! so it's really easily scriptable to log on, no need to access the initiator over ssh to do it, right?01:49
ograwell, safety probably01:50
pygiahm, I get it, so we want the ssh trigger01:50
ograif you trigger the session side at the moment where you detect an empty CD for example01:50
ograthast quite safe ...01:50
pygiright, right01:50
pygihey ho jsgotangco 01:52
TeePOGi changed the hostname, and now some of my updates don't work... keep asking for "non-local host edubuntu"01:53
TeePOGhow do I fix it??01:53
pygiogra, we also have to enable scsi-ide-emulation01:53
ograthat will get the kernel team in a rage01:54
pygiogra, perhaps, but we need it01:54
ograit will break cdrecord01:56
pygiogra, ehm :-/01:58
pygiogra, why exactly would we break cdrecord with that?01:59
ogracdrecord has a check for scsi emu02:00
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pygiogra, and it fails if we have it enabled?02:00
ograand its abandoned upstream in the kernel since 2.6.002:00
RichEd----- edubuntu meeting in #ubuntu-meeting ---- now -----02:00
cbx33ogra: just replacing your os.popen calls 02:00
ograi think it fails, yes02:00
ogracbx33, cool02:00
ograthere are a lot of them i saw :(02:00
cbx33ogra: if after that the MIR is good....can we submit to main queue?02:01
cbx33there are 402:01
cbx33I have killed off one02:01
cbx33just working on the other 302:01
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pygiogra, so it would mean there is no way we can enable it? :-/02:02
ograit will vanish from the kernel at some point02:03
pygio joy, oki, so we'll have to find a way :)02:04
pips1ogra: will you join the meeting at all?02:04
pygibut without the emulation we only have support for scsi drives :P02:04
pygithat's why we need userspace lib probably :P02:10
=== nahoj [n=johan@194-16-217-5.customer.telia.com] has joined #edubuntu
cbx33anyone know why I can't login to my ltsp02:22
cbx33i just get booted back to login scree nagain02:22
nahojserious question: how difficult is it for a "windows-only"-sys admin to install and administrate ubuntu on a school-network? there is about 16 computers for students and 10 for teachers, on top of that we are going to have a separate network for students rooms, connected to internet only. any thoughts of how hard this would be? is edubuntu the best choice for this task?02:23
ogracbx33, run ltsp-update-sshkeys ? 02:23
ograis the sshd running ? 02:23
cbx33ok will check02:23
ogralook in ~/.xsession-errors of the user if both is true02:23
jsgotangconahoj: if you're going to make use of an LTSP Server/client setup, you're just maintaining one machine02:24
cbx33sorry ogra sshd isnt running02:26
nahojjsgotangco, ok, I am not sure what LTSP Server/client setup is, but the "just maintaining on machine" part sounds interesting... =)02:26
cbx33it isn;'t even installed02:26
cbx33this is from the knot 2 cd02:26
jsgotangconahoj: basically you have one server, and all your client computers boot from the network to that LTSP server02:26
jsgotangconahoj: your client computers don't even need to have a hard drive, just make sure you take care of your server and have a fast ethernet network02:27
nahojjsgotangco, in other words, that requires a pretty strong server?02:27
ogracbx33, as i said, there is a bug with edubuntu-server02:27
nahojI don't think that's the case in our school, jsgotangco 02:27
ograbest install it from the net, then you also get some fixes ;)02:27
jsgotangcowell you could always install edubuntu as a standalone machine02:28
cbx33ok I'll install id02:28
nahojjsgotangco, as it is now we have separate windows-installations working on their own, just connected to a file server... (if I have understood the thing correctly)02:28
jsgotangcoyeah thats the usual setup02:29
nahojwould edubuntu be a good choice to replace this? or does it require a server as in the example above?02:31
jsgotangcoit can run on its own02:31
jsgotangcothe model you mentioned is a basic file server setup02:31
jsgotangcoone server has all the files02:31
jsgotangcothe computers save their files on the server02:31
jsgotangcowhat you can do even is have a linux server as your file server and have these windows machines talk to that server they wouldn't even know its a linux server02:32
nahojis the documentation written for "linux-admins" only? or could a windows-admin follow it easily?02:36
jsgotangcowhile we do have documentation for ubuntu, the other applications have their own and they can be pretty terse02:37
pyginahoj, we have the edubuntu cookbook :)02:37
nahojpygi, what? =p02:37
ogranahoj, try the installatin instructions, would a win admin be able to install with them ? https://www.edubuntu.org/gettingstarted02:37
jsgotangconahoj: i think any win admin able to install a windows server with its text only installation can easily do a linux installation nowadays02:38
nahojogra, yes ty. I am just reading them, and for me who is somewhat comfortable in linux they seem pretty easy...02:39
jsgotangcoi consider them adept enough to dig between trenches02:39
nahojthx for your help, i probably get back... ;-)02:42
pygiogra, can this be of any help:02:50
ograpygi, unlikely ... but we already include it in ltsp for network swapping, feel free to play with it ;)02:52
pygiogra, oki :)02:52
=== acesuares [n=ace@] has joined #edubuntu
acesuaresand all others02:58
acesuaresI am looking for a speaker on the subject op 'education and free software (or open source)'02:58
acesuaresTHis is 4 or 5 oktober in Curacao (www.curacao.com)02:59
acesuareshow do I find such speaker ? Is there officeal PR buro or something for edubuntu ?02:59
acesuaresCan we ask Mark himself? 02:59
pygiacesuares, you just ask someone :P02:59
acesuarespygi: I am asking02:59
=== pygi is too far from Curacao to help :P
acesuaresHowever, I wantr to know a little bit what caliber this speaker is as a speaker03:00
acesuarespygi: we will fly yo though.03:00
pygiI'm having edubuntu tak in Hungary soon, whee :)03:00
acesuarespygi: hr ? is not so far from nl and from their to an ;_003:01
pygiacesuares, Croatia, yes03:01
acesuaresWe ar elooking for some one fluent or native in english or dutch, speakgin spanish on the side is not bad either.03:01
acesuaresPula ?03:01
pygiOsijek :)03:01
pygiI neither know spanish or dutch :P03:01
acesuaresnah, never heard of... or it might be in the paper some 10 years ago..03:02
pygiahm? never heard of what? :)03:02
ograacesuares, i'd love to, but as usual you have unfortunate timing ...03:02
acesuaresWe need someone with the broader picture, what is the status not only of edubuntu but the  whole filed...03:02
ograwe reelase mid/end of oct ...03:02
acesuaresfiled =field03:03
ograso there is no free dates in the two/three weeks before03:03
acesuaresogra: the dates are fixed on 4 and 5, and I probably can fill the 5th witrh open source and education.03:04
=== Papasean [n=papasean@host217-35-90-149.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #edubuntu
acesuaresI am looking at LTSP and Linux on the Desktop, but much more 03:04
acesuareslike moodle  and all the educational efforts like edubuntu and gcompris etc.03:04
acesuaresrelease dates... yeah. I can understand.03:05
=== pygi would like to help, but too far really, and I'm burning stuff :P
acesuaresBut altoough I would like to meet you very much :-) Is there no kind of PR man/woman that does these things?03:05
acesuaresA visionaire who not codes ?03:06
acesuaresYou can partcipate in #ubuntu-meeting from here too... we have some form of internet :-)03:06
acesuaresMaybe not even from the edubuntu stables ?03:06
acesuaresTheres must be someone who is *the* expert on edusoftware...03:07
pygiacesuares, lol :)03:07
pygibrb soon, lunch03:07
acesuaresbye pygi, have fun in Hungary !!!!!03:07
ograacesuares, thats RichEd 03:08
ograhe's our educational manager 03:09
RichEdacesuares: I'm the first line contact for Education ... richard.edubuntu@gmail.com03:09
acesuaresaha... 03:09
acesuareshi RIchEd, nice to mee you, shall we continue by mail ?03:09
acesuaresYou have a webpage about you/edubuntu ?03:10
RichEdI might not be able to answer all of your issues, but I can get answers for you :) 03:10
RichEdyes, email is best.03:10
acesuaresahh... riched, the google in person! That would be really good.03:10
RichEdacesuares: web page is coming in a day or two ... a new structure is now emerging for Education Programme.03:10
ograRichEd, no need to anwer, just fly to curacao and hold a talk P03:10
=== bddebian [n=bdefrees@mail.ottens.com] has joined #edubuntu
acesuaresogra, i like your practical approach :-)03:11
RichEdacesuares: curaco ... south america ?03:11
ogranetherlands ....03:12
ograthe far south of netherlands ... 03:12
acesuareswell technically it is part off the Kingdom of the Netherlands, but The Netherlands is a seprate country03:12
acesuaresWe are 1 islad of 5 in the 'Netherlands Antilles' and just put your finger on Dakar (in Africa) and go west for couple of 1000 miles03:13
acesuaresaverage tempaatue 31 degfrees C...03:13
pygiacesuares, I'm back, and thanks :P03:13
acesuaresquick lunch !03:13
acesuareswhere you from Richard ?03:14
TeePOGanyone here [besides highvoltage]  who knows the ltsp side of edubuntu?03:14
ograTeePOG, that'd be me but i'm very busy working towards a deadline (tomorrow) with the ltsp features for edgy03:17
acesuaresogra: local devs ??03:17
acesuaresyou rock !!!!!!!!!!!03:17
ograsince a week :)03:18
TeePOGah ok ogra, shout if you have a moment... i just need to know one thing03:18
acesuaresyou rock longer then that !03:18
ogralanguage and session selection wnet in yesterday03:18
acesuarescool! session selection.... hmmm... might look at that for the win4lin sessions03:18
ogradhcpd.conf autogeneration from the installe is supposed to be done today03:18
acesuareslater of course. I am not top notch with the development :-(03:18
ograTeePOG, shoot, i'll see if i can answer quickly ...03:19
TeePOGok ogra... the terminal login works fine... but only for my username. all others, it accepts the login, goes black, and returns to the ltsp login screen03:19
TeePOGhow do i make other usernames work over ltsp?03:20
acesuaresno shell ?03:20
ogradid you install sabayon ? 03:20
ograit requires a profile for every user, else it wont allow ltsp logins03:20
TeePOGsabayon? nope...03:20
TeePOGis that a manager for ltsp?03:20
ograa profile manager for gnome03:21
ogracan the users log in locally on the server ? 03:21
TeePOGwell, we use kde... it's been requested03:21
acesuaresI made the mistake to make all users have shell /bin/false, for safety... that didn't work :_)03:22
TeePOGwill it not work if i have gtk and libgnome installed?03:22
acesuaresTeePOG: can the users log in locally on the server ?? I use kde too.03:22
ograright, /bin/false wouldnt work03:22
ograTeePOG, test if the users can log in on the server directly03:23
acesuaresogra: but now they can ssh into the server... bad.... need to find something for that !?03:23
ograi suspect there is rather somethig wrong with te accounts not with ltsp03:23
acesuaresesepcially if teepog made the accounts with kuser03:23
acesuaresthey won't get a lot of proper groups03:23
ograas long as they get a homedir it should be fine ...03:24
acesuareslike hey don't get any groups execpet themselves (no 'video', 'dip' etc etc03:24
ograi have no clue about KDE tools03:24
acesuaresgood for you :-)03:24
TeePOGdamn, it's not a happy username... the session died... so it's the way the user was created?03:24
acesuaresdo 'id username' and see what groups it is in03:25
acesuaresin a terminal of course.03:25
ograand check that a dir for hi in /home exists03:25
acesuaresor her03:25
TeePOGuid=1001(cellshop) gid=500(cellshop) groups=500(cellshop),4(adm),24(cdrom),30(dip),60(games)03:25
TeePOGyes, there is a dir in /home03:26
acesuareslooks reasonable03:26
ogra500 doesnt ? 03:26
ograubuntu user groups usually start at 100003:26
acesuaresin a terminal, try 'login' and user the username and password see if you can get a prompt.03:26
ogradunno if kubuntu handles that differently03:26
ograalso look in the users .xsession-errors file in his homedir03:27
ograit should sho session errors03:27
TeePOGfor 'login', i get: No utmp entry.  You must exec "login" from the lowest level "sh"03:27
acesuaressecond user gets 1001, groups should in kde alos start with 1000 or so03:28
ogra1000 is the admin user ... 03:28
ogranew users should get higher ids03:28
ograbut it wont break through the 500 i think ...03:28
acesuaresyou can't login with that user03:28
ograits just a bit strange03:28
acesuaresyeah the 500 is strange but shouldn't break.03:29
acesuaresDid you try 'adduser' to create a user from a terminal ?03:29
acesuaresor kuser from the graphical interface ?03:29
TeePOGi used kuser... let me try the console way and get back03:29
TeePOGi see this is not a happy login03:30
acesuaresunhappy logins tend to fail in ubuntu :-)03:30
TeePOGok, now 'id cellshop' gives me: uid=1001(cellshop) gid=1001(cellshop) groups=1001(cellshop)03:33
ogracan you log in ? 03:33
acesuaresthat's better but the many other groups are missing, like audio etc etc03:33
TeePOGon the way to try that03:33
acesuaresbut try to login through the terminal first, then X, then LTSP03:33
TeePOGdoesn't work on the terminal... the login command sends an error: No utmp entry.  You must exec "login" from the lowest level "sh"03:34
TeePOGin X, does the same03:35
TeePOGin LTSP, the same03:35
=== pygi [n=pygi@89-172-196-68.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has left #edubuntu ["Leaving"]
acesuaresI am baffled.03:35
TeePOGis there a specific usergroup the user needs to belong to?03:35
ograthe above is fine03:35
TeePOGthis needs to work by tomorrow morning03:36
astecpby "can you log in" you're not referring to running /bin/login from a terminal, right?03:36
TeePOGi am, why?03:37
=== astecp no ubuntu expert but this error from /bin/login is to be expected on any linux systems I've dealt with
acesuaresastecp: right, you are right. my bad.03:38
astecpTeePOG: I'm not sure that's what ogra is referring to. Ogra's the expert though03:38
astecpmore "can you log in to {a tty/xdm-whatever/ltsp}03:38
acesuaresI assumed he was running as root (with sudo -s)03:38
acesuaresthe login command works.03:39
acesuaresHowever, TeePog also syas he can't log in locally in the server with the graphical user interface03:39
acesuarestrue, TeePOG ?03:39
ograjust log in on the server either at (K)GDM or that the console ...03:39
acesuaresTeePOG is gone... :-(03:39
acesuaresI am off before I make things worse...03:40
acesuaresthx ogra for the links with RichEd03:40
RichEdacesuares: got the mail ... will respond03:40
RichEdbye ... from Cape Town03:41
acesuaresCape Town is good... you will probably understand some of the issues here...03:41
RichEdscanned your email briefly ... sounds familiar :)03:42
=== sbalneav [n=sbalneav@mail.legalaid.mb.ca] has joined #edubuntu
sbalneavMorning edubuntuites03:42
astecphmm. Any particular arguments nfs vs smb for a file server?03:43
sbalneavDepends.  Are you serving windows boxes or Unix/Linux boxes?03:43
astecplinux only03:43
astecpfor now, at least03:43
astecpotherwise there wouldn't be a question :)03:44
=== TeePOG [n=1234@] has joined #edubuntu
sbalneavThen NFS03:44
TeePOGok, that's just weird03:44
astecpsbalneav: particular reasons? Performance/reliability?03:44
astecpthat's a very good point :)03:45
TeePOGi logged in with the new username using ctrl-alt-f2... it worked... then I went back to ctrl-alt-f1, and realised i had no idea how to get back into X03:45
astecpctrl-alt-f<your last console + 1>03:45
sbalneavTeePOG: Usually, it's F703:46
TeePOGrebooted from command line, and when i got the the login screen, my username now did the same as the new one: just goes back to login screen03:46
TeePOGit's weird03:47
astecpcheck syslogs03:48
TeePOGarno@smith:~$ cat .xsession-errors03:49
TeePOGXsession: X session started for arno at Wed Sep  6 15:40:34 SAST 200603:49
ogracheck the users .xsession-errors from the console03:49
astecpor the user's .xsession-errors as I think was mentioned before03:49
TeePOGdid, see?03:49
ograthats all ? 03:49
TeePOGthat's the whole file03:49
ogralooks like its not starting the session 03:49
astecpcan any users log in to X?03:49
TeePOGnot afaik, i tried all of the usernames, same error in .xsession-errors03:50
ograthere should be at least some info about the starting apps of the session manager (startkde or whatever that is in KDE)03:50
TeePOGwell, this all worked [at least for my own username]  until i just rebooted03:50
TeePOGnow even mine is b0rked03:50
sbalneavMorning ogra03:51
ograTeePOG, even from console ?03:51
ograhey sbalneav 03:51
TeePOGogra: i can login to console, nothing else03:52
ogratry: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop03:52
ograthen run startx and check what happens03:53
TeePOGit craps itself and exits03:54
TeePOGerm, sorry, language03:54
ograno error messages ? 03:57
TeePOGmany... how do i copy & paste from that machine to here? i hijacked a Doze machine to get here03:57
TeePOGis there an error file for X that I can SCP to this PC?03:59
ograwell, .xsession-errors and the Xorg.*.log from /var/log03:59
ograbut the latter wont have anything useful if Xsession already writes to .xsession-errors04:00
ograhow did you install KDE ?04:00
ograusing the kubuntu-desktop package ? 04:00
TeePOGyes ogra, that package04:01
TeePOGwill give pastebin link just now04:01
ograhm, then it should work ...04:01
ograwhat does: update-alternatives --list x-session-manager04:02
ograreturn ?04:02
TeePOGbrb, checking04:02
highvoltageRichEd: my phone stopped ringing just as i got to it04:05
TeePOGthe salient points are at the end04:05
=== RichEd-1 [n=richard@dsl-165-222-49.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #edubuntu
highvoltageRichEd-1: my phone stopped ringing just as i got to it04:05
RichEd-1lost my adsl ... just back now ...04:05
=== hald [n=hald@CPE-65-26-21-40.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #edubuntu
haldHow do I get synaptic to install the source code .deb's?04:07
ograwow, that pastebin is evil ... 04:08
ogracrashes firefox04:08
highvoltagei don't think that's something that hald is supposed to do04:08
highvoltageogra: firefox beta?04:08
ograhighvoltage, ?04:08
ograhighvoltage, yep04:08
haldhighvoltage: Eh?04:08
cbx33I had a site do that earlier04:08
highvoltagesorry, it was a joke :)04:08
astecp| error opening security policy file /etc/X11/xserver/SecurityPolicy04:08
astecp^^ looks relevant04:08
highvoltagehal as in hardware abstraction layer isn't supposed to install source debs :)04:09
TeePOGi have no clue; older and wiser minds than I will need to help04:09
haldI've checked the "Source Code" checkbox in the dialog box.04:09
haldBut I don't see what the next step is.04:09
ograhmm, seems i cant opne that pastebin page04:09
RichEdhave to go out  ... back in 30 ... was there a EC decision ? someone msg me please04:10
TeePOGwhat is the ubuntu pastebin? there is a .nl one iirc04:10
RichEdthanks ... lost my adsl at the end of the meeting04:10
ograRichEd, no EC decision 04:11
ogra(there was nothing to decide)04:11
ograTeePOG, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/04:11
cbx33RichEd: 04:12
cbx33you still here04:12
cbx33we'll have to postpone meeting04:12
TeePOGthanks ogra, found it already04:12
TeePOGwhat? that pastebin says "No text given and no image uploaded" three times now04:14
=== TeePOG is starting to wonder if this is worth tinkering with, or to just reinstall the box
ograi got it open now04:15
ograbut as i said the Xorg log isnt really relevant 04:16
cbx33ogra: blog prepared, and primed04:17
ograTeePOG, you can try if its a KDE prob with setting the default: 04:18
ograsudo update-alternatives --config x-session-manager04:18
ograthen select gnome ( you can revert it later)04:18
ograand try again ...04:18
TeePOGyes, will do04:18
ograthere is an Xsession etry in your .xsession-errors, so i doubt its X itself that has probs04:19
ograsbalneav, how good is your awk-fu ? 04:19
ograor better do you know about awk replacements ? 04:20
sbalneavMy awk-fu is primo04:20
=== ogra needs to replace all awk calls in that script http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/netscript
ograthe installer doesnt have awk :(04:20
sbalneavWhat do you want it replaced with?04:21
ograsomething the installer has :P04:21
ogrased should be there04:21
astecpI'm good at eliminating awk from scripts, lemme have a look :)04:21
sbalneavUmmm... And what does the installed have? :):):)04:21
sbalneavIs it dash, or bash?04:21
ograsbalneav, if i only knew :)04:21
ograor even ash04:21
ograits the tiniest shell we have ...04:22
TeePOGit still does the same, the login screen goes black, then returns to login screen04:23
ograhmm. weird04:23
ograsbalneav, sed is there04:23
TeePOGi think i should just reinstall and try again04:23
astecpDEFAULT_IFACE=$(route -n|grep ^0|sed -e 's/.* //')04:23
astecp^ nice 'n' easy for the first one04:23
TeePOGno sleep for the weakened ^.^04:24
ograastecp, looks fine :)04:24
ograthanks !04:24
ograTeePOG, well, a reinstall shuld take you less than 2h even with installing KDE afterwards 04:26
astecpIFACE_LIST=$(cat /proc/net/dev|sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/:.*//'|grep -Ev '(\||lo|sit)')04:26
ogradepends how much you want to tweak 04:26
ograastecp, sexy !04:26
ogratanks a lot !04:26
TeePOGyes ogra, i think that's the path of least resistance04:26
astecpogra: awk is one of my pet hates. There's almost *always* a neater way :-)04:27
ograright ...04:27
ograawk is what i know without reading much docs :)04:27
cbx33ogra: heheh04:27
ograso i'm quicker with it than trying out sed strings :)04:27
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astecpogra: not a vim user then? ;-)04:28
ograastecp, vim only user :)04:33
astecpogra: I guess you learned the cleverer tricks that don't require regex quicker than I did then :)04:36
=== Papasean [n=Papasean@host217-35-90-149.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #edubuntu
jsgotangcohmm is ff in edgy using cairo?04:42
lucasvo!seen p1ps04:42
ubotuI haven't seen p1ps recently04:42
jsgotangcoit looks like even gnome terminal does04:42
ogralucasvo, itym pips104:49
ogra!seen pips104:49
ubotuI last saw pips1 (n=philipp@ 43m 25s ago, quiting: "Ex-Chat"04:49
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cbx33ogra: did you say I should apply for MOTU?05:07
jsgotangcoyou should05:08
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cbx33Good afternoon LaserJock 05:16
jsgotangcoLaserJock: i will need your help soon05:16
LaserJockI see05:17
cbx33right guys I'm off05:19
cbx33have a good one I'll be back later05:19
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jsgotangcoi got to split too05:20
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jsgotangcogotta sleep ciao05:27
LaserJockwhen is feature freeze?05:29
LaserJockI guess 23:00 tommorow05:30
gnomefreaktoday i thought05:34
RichEdLaserJock: did you check your email ?05:35
LaserJockthanks RichEd05:35
RichEdschweet ... 05:36
LaserJockogra: ping?05:39
ograLaserJock, half pong05:39
LaserJockogra: ok, so I'm working on my postinst script to create the menu groups05:40
LaserJockogra: should they be system groups or user groups?05:40
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LaserJockyou scared me06:23
cbx33hi LaserJock06:24
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pygijono, :)07:10
=== pygi announces first app using libburn :)
pygiok, second :P07:15
ograwow, thats fast ... when do we get the third ? at :30 ?07:20
pygiogra, lol :)07:21
pygiI forgot to count cdrskin as app07:21
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=== Solaris444 [n=chatzill@] has joined #edubuntu
YagisanG'day Solaris444 08:33
Solaris444hello again!08:33
Solaris444Hi all, is anyone here interested in a lab/workshop ticketing system for universities/technical colleges/high schools?08:34
YagisanSolaris444, you might want to chat to someone like highvoltage or ogra about your project08:34
Yagisanbye for now08:34
Solaris444alright I shall do that and see what they have to say.08:34
=== Yagisan -> bed
Solaris444thanks for the bump08:34
Solaris444yep cya08:34
BurgworkSolaris444, gtk or qt?08:38
Solaris444java actually.08:38
Burgworkhmm, icky08:39
Burgworkrun on gcj?08:39
Solaris444nono not at all08:39
Solaris444requires sun 1.5.0+08:39
Solaris444uses some of the features only found in that.08:39
Solaris444relies on RMI08:39
Solaris444It was required to be multiplatform so we went for a widget approach using java.08:40
pygisbalneav, I used libburn over iscsi today :)08:51
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pygimhz, hey ho09:30
=== LaserJock [n=LaserJoc@ubuntu/member/laserjock] has joined #edubuntu
mhzpygi: hi there09:32
mhzjust sent a reply to Susan's09:32
pygisaw it09:32
mhzread it?09:33
mhzso, I got my laptop HD back and running BUT...now the 'desktop HD' is failing :(09:37
mhzcrapy days so far09:37
mhzohhh, BTW...09:37
mhzI could only rescue my HD by using it as a USB HD plugged to the desktop09:38
mhzso, when I re-installed Edubuntu server, the system considers the NICs from desktop, and when I use the HD in the laptop, it then uses eth2 and ath1, instead of real eth0 and ath0. Any ideas how I can fix that?09:39
=== Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/amaranth] has joined #edubuntu
=== mhz realized. only too late, that it would have been easier and faster to just proceed netinstalling instead of the 'external USB HD way'.
=== mhz is now known as mhz_off
LaserJockhas anybody installed edgy Edubuntu from a Knot or daily .iso?09:55
=== ogra_ [n=ogra@p548AD12B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #edubuntu
=== rodarvus [n=rodarvus@ubuntu/member/rodarvus] has joined #edubuntu
AmaranthLaserJock: robert day sent me new patches09:58
=== Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #edubuntu
LaserJockAmaranth: yeah, he told me he was going to. Do they look ok?09:58
Amaranthi'm probably going to ditch the generated code and use the .ui files just like i do with glade09:59
Amaranthotherwise it looks alright, yeah09:59
=== Petaris [n=Petaris@] has left #edubuntu ["Out"]
=== swhalen [n=swhalen@adsl-68-77-186-70.dsl.wotnoh.ameritech.net] has joined #edubuntu
swhalenHello, I'm new here and I have ssome questions. Any help?10:47
Burgworkswhalen, what do you need?10:48
swhalenwell id like to use Diskless Thin Client Booting but I dont have a powerful enough computer to use as a server10:50
swhalenis there any other way to distribute packages/updates10:51
ogra_you dont need a powerful computer for booting ... the amount of power the server needs depends completely on the desktop environment you use10:51
LaserJockogra_: did you see my question hrs ago about wether to create system or user groups for the menus?10:52
ogra_what do we gain by having them as system groups ?10:53
swhalen"Install to hard disk", will install a terminal server. Use this option if you'd like to boot from diskless thin clients into this machine. Note that a terminal server requires at least 150MB RAM per client that will be logging into this server. The server will also need a powerful CPU, such as an Intel Xeon processor. To install a terminal server, simply press ENTER here.10:54
swhalenits in the geting started docs10:54
ogra_and its true for a default edubuntu10:55
ogra_but you can tweak it ... i.e. use xfce instead of gnome10:55
ogra_xfce as desktop will be fine with < 100MB10:56
LaserJockogra_: well, I didn't know if there was a policy that packages needed to do system groups10:57
LaserJockogra_: so that the user groups are just created by the user/admin10:57
ogra_how would you create usergroups without users ` 10:57
ogra_just make them system groups 10:58
LaserJockthe only reason I thought about not doing system groups is I think they aren't viewable by default in the GUI user interface10:59
ogra_there is an xml config but i have no idea how to add stuff dynamically10:59
swhalenhow much space does a workspace install use?10:59
LaserJockogra_: I'll just go for system for now10:59
ogra_(i patched gnome-system-tools for the ltsp localdev group)11:00
ogra_swhalen, ~2.5Gb iirc11:00
swhalenand where are sudo attempts logged?11:01
ograin auth.log11:03
swhalenthats all i needed. thank you11:03
swhalenyou guys have the the most helpful *ubuntu channel11:04
ograheh, thanks :)11:04
=== rodarvus [n=rodarvus@ubuntu/member/rodarvus] has joined #edubuntu
LaserJockogra: ok, another odd question, I'm really not sure what to do for debian/copyright11:09
ograyour package, your copyright i'd say11:09
=== rkd [n=rday@80-41-116-50.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #edubuntu
ograi mean yu created all the content11:10
ograso why shouldnt you hole the copyright11:10
LaserJockwell, it seems kinda silly to license it, but I suppose I could just GPL it11:10
ograit needs a license to pass NEW11:11
LaserJockright, that's why I asked11:11
LaserJockhmm, I can't seem to change permissions in debian/rules11:14
LaserJockdo you have to do that postinst?11:14
ograeh ? 11:16
ograi first read : I can't seem to change permissions of debian/rules11:16
LaserJockfor this to work we need 640 I think11:16
=== cbx33 [n=pete@ubuntu/member/cbx33] has joined #edubuntu
cbx33hey peeps11:18
cbx33thanks ogra 11:18
cbx33I saw the upload11:18
pygicbx33, ;)11:18
cbx33will send out my blog post11:18
cbx33in a little hile11:18
cbx33when is the official FF time11:19
cbx3312 midnight tomorrow?11:19
=== ogra is done with the last spec ...
ogra23:00 UTC11:19
cbx33ogra, so we're all done?11:19
pyginice ogra :)11:19
cbx33ogra, congrats man11:19
cbx33I know you had a lot to do11:19
ograi need to merge the code into the ltsp package11:19
pygiwe could discuss iscsi userspace lib then :)11:19
cbx33and I kept taking tonnes of your tim11:19
ograbut then we're all done ...11:19
cbx33LaserJock, what#s up?11:19
ograthere are still a ton of patches from debian i'll review and merge tomorrow11:19
LaserJockmy spec isn't done :/11:20
LaserJockstupid real  life11:20
LaserJockI spent the morning at the dentist11:20
LaserJockand my Edubuntu machine has been down for almost 3 days11:20
ograyou have still 25h11:20
cbx33LaserJock, that sux11:21
LaserJockwell, I had most of it done a while ago11:21
LaserJockand then everything got in the way11:21
=== jinty [n=jinty@132.Red-83-55-196.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #edubuntu
LaserJockhmm, I need to remove the groups in prerm not postrm11:33
=== nixternal [n=nixterna@ubuntu/member/nixternal] has joined #edubuntu
LaserJockhmm, I'm not entirely sure what to make this thing dep on11:54
LaserJockI would assume menu-xdg11:55
ogramenu-xdg breaks the gnome menu11:56
ogradont depend on that package11:56
LaserJockso would gnome-menus work?11:57
ograi think so11:58
LaserJockDescription: group-driven menus for Edubuntu12:01
LaserJock This package installs various menus that are mapped to user groups so that12:01
LaserJock when a user is added to one of these groups their menu correspondingly changes.12:01
LaserJockyuck, that sounds terrible :(12:01
Burgworkinstalls different menus for different use cases. These menus are mapped to specific user gruops12:10
ograLaserJock, Kamion speaks very good english, he's always my first choice for formulations :)12:13

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