
=== pounk_ like that: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Kubuntu-Edgy-Ideas?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=kubuntu01-arbiter.png
kwwii5a in that12:12
=== Hobbsee wonders if kwwii has seen the artwork responses.
kwwiinothing that dark12:12
kwwiiHobbsee: which ones?12:12
kwwiiI think so12:12
Hobbseekwwii: the ones at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Kubuntu-Edgy-Ideas12:12
Hobbseeseems that people either love it or hate it12:12
Hobbseeguess that's the curse of doing artwork12:12
imbrandonRiddell, ping , it rejected amarok12:13
imbrandonUnable to find amarok_1.4.3.orig.tar.gz in the distribution.12:13
imbrandonno orig.tar.gz upload12:13
kwwiiI think that the blue-purple version can make everyone happy12:14
kwwiiand yeah, sometimes it is hard12:14
kwwiithere is always someone who hates what you did, no matter what12:14
imbrandonyea a blue purple version and revert the konqui purple12:15
imbrandonback to blue12:15
imbrandoni would say imho12:15
imbrandoneven though i made the change i dont like it seeing it in action12:15
imbrandonwow the CC is getting of to a SLOW start12:15
kwwiiimbrandon: we still need to work on the about page stuff though...it is way too purple (as is amarok)12:17
imbrandonwe can do that after the meeting if you have time12:17
kwwiiwe can change it a bit, I think12:17
kwwiiwhich meeting?12:17
imbrandonCC meeting thats supose to be happening now but hasent started yet12:18
kwwiiach du scheisse12:18
imbrandoni'm there to cheer on a new member but its starting slow12:18
kwwiipounk_: which icons are used in your screenshot?12:19
Hobbseekwwii: cursing in german, now?  :P12:19
kwwiime hate meeting...meeting bad12:20
Hobbseeyou didnt have to be there12:20
=== Hobbsee should really do some work.
kwwiihehe, good point12:20
kwwiiwhew...I jump when someone says meeting12:21
kwwiifunny shit12:21
Riddellkwwii: don't worry, there's two on Thursday if you want them :)12:22
kwwiiRiddell: yeah, I just noticed that..I can meet to my hearts content12:24
kwwiiworking from home + meeting = beer12:24
=== Hobbsee doesnt want the meeting to take two hours tomorrow
Hobbseekwwii: heh.12:24
imbrandon[17:24]  <kwwii> +working from home + meeting = beer  << bash.org worthy ;)12:25
kwwiiI really wish things would be more certain with the usplas12:26
kwwiiwe are really close on everything else, except that12:27
kwwiiRiddell: we need to talk about changing the coordinates of the last icon in the ksplash...I am going to move the logo out of the kdm and ksplash "windows" so we can make them a bit wider12:36
Riddellkwwii: so no kubuntu logo at all?12:36
kwwiiRiddell: the same logo as now, only outside the box (I'll reduce the height of the box)12:38
kwwiithat was another thing that mark said12:38
kwwiiand after I made the first changes he asked me "where did you get this idea from?" (I did not tell him it was his idea)12:39
Riddellkwwii: as far as I remember that last icon is done as half way across the screen then a fixed number of pixels down from the centre, so it won't be hard to change that number12:39
kwwiiso now, we will move on in that direction and he will think I am a genius!!!! :-)12:39
Riddellkwwii: you're an artist, people will only realise you're a genius once you're dead12:40
kwwiidamn the pain of ingorance12:40
kwwiiin a hundred (or two) years they will write about me!12:41
Riddellyour great grandchildren will make a fortune from trademarking your (GPG) signature and selling the rights 12:42
=== mbiebl [n=michael@dslb-084-056-253-011.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
kwwiianyway...I think mark is right, but I was waiting for a general response to things (which seems good) to move forward12:42
kwwiithey will inherit my nick12:43
Hobbseeimbrandon: poke @ the latest amarok bug report12:43
Riddelltesters needed for  deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/amarok-143/ dapper main12:44
imbrandonRiddell, wow you did the ppc ones? you rock12:46
kwwiihehe, I kinda have to step up, eh?12:46
kwwii I can simply update, or?12:47
imbrandonkwwii, should be able to12:48
kwwiirebooting that machine, once second12:48
imbrandonRiddell, you dident add any of the needed libs to the pool ?12:48
Hobbseeimbrandon: seen https://launchpad.net/bugs/59007 ?12:48
UbugtuMalone bug 59007 in amarok "Install MP3 support not working in Ubuntu" [Untriaged,Confirmed]  12:48
imbrandonHobbsee, yea12:48
Riddellimbrandon: no, I'll tell people to use dapper-backports12:48
kwwiiyeah, I noticed that one too12:49
Hobbseeimbrandon: cool12:49
imbrandonRiddell, ahh ok , well backports is still broke atm12:49
kwwiibut sound did not work anyway12:49
Hobbseeimbrandon: figured you might like to fix that one12:49
Riddellimbrandon: broken in which way?12:49
imbrandonRiddell, e.g no new backports can be put in past 1.4.2-0ubuntu2 untill souyz suppoorts it 12:50
imbrandonshould be fixed soon12:50
imbrandonhold on lemme find rthe bug12:50
Riddellimbrandon: yeah, that's why we're doing amarok by hand, but -backports is good for libvisual12:50
imbrandonRiddell, https://launchpad.net/bugs/5814412:50
UbugtuMalone bug 58144 in soyuz "Backport is rejected if an older backport is already there" [Critical,In progress]  12:50
imbrandonahh ok12:50
imbrandonso they will need both -backports and that 12:51
imbrandonok i dident get that at first12:51
imbrandonlibvisual realy needs to depend on libvisual-plugins too , kinda pointless without them12:51
imbrandonbut i'll tackle that later12:52
=== imbrandon is listening to "Get The Party Started (Sweet Dreams Remix)" by p!nk [Amarok]
Hobbseeoh bleh.  kopete seems to not be shipping with translations.  i thought someone fixed that.12:56
Hobbseeperhaps it's not in 12:58
Hobbsee  [ Jonathan Riddell ] 12:58
Hobbsee  * Add kubuntu_01_kdepot.diff to exclude unnecessary strings in .po file12:58
Riddellthat should be .pot file12:58
RiddellHobbsee: what's the problem?  that the .debs don't have .mo files?12:58
HobbseeRiddell: https://launchpad.net/bugs/5857912:59
UbugtuMalone bug 58579 in kopete "no kopete translations in edgy" [Untriaged,Confirmed]  12:59
Hobbseeoh.  we're missing all the translation files, or something12:59
=== Hobbsee notes that it would be bad form to pass out in the library.
RiddellI'm pretty sure kopete builds a .pot, I think we might need to poke rosetta dudes to start using that and not exprect one from kdenetwork01:01
=== Hobbsee knows close to nil about such things
Hobbseecan someone remind me to mail my stat dec when i get back please?01:03
Hobbseeif i forget it, i'll be in great trouble.01:03
Riddellwhat's a stat dev?01:03
HobbseeRiddell: statutory declaration01:03
Hobbseesays i wasnt driving the car when they said i was.01:03
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu-devel:Riddell] : Hobbsee post your stat dec | Welcome to #kubuntu-devel! | http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/hwdb/ | http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/bzr/powermanager/ | TODO: Gamin fixes at: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuEdgyPackageUpdates | Merges at: http://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html | Buglist at https://launchpad.net/people/kubuntu-team/+packagebugs | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Meetings - Next Meeting: 7 September, 2100 UTC
Hobbseehaha, thanks :D01:04
=== Hobbsee hugs Riddell
HobbseeRiddell: the car wasnt drivable.  the automatic transmission failed the day before.  only way it was going anywhere was on a tow truck.  so it certainly wasnt me driving it!01:04
imbrandonRiddell, did you see amarok got rejected for no orig.tar.gz01:04
Riddellimbrandon: bah01:06
Riddellok, time to give these buildds a workout01:13
imbrandonall of kde ?01:14
=== Ubug2 [n=bugbot@ubuntu/bot/ubugtu] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== ubotu [n=ubotu@ubuntu/bot/ubotu] has joined #kubuntu-devel
imbrandoni think after that hits the archives i'll do a fresh knot install on voyager01:15
imbrandon( it will make hobbsee unhappy ) but it will be good for testing )01:15
Riddellman I love ADSL201:15
imbrandonhopefully that backport bug is fixed soonish, he said it was fixed just not on the production LP yet01:16
Riddellyeah, all launchpad code needs someone else to review it01:16
imbrandoni duuno when they publish the lp staging to production01:16
kwwiiit works01:18
Riddellkwwii: what's that?01:18
kwwiithe update fixed my amarok01:18
Riddellkwwii: amarok 1.4.3?01:20
kwwiiRiddell: yepp (I even have the funky engage menu)01:20
Riddellkwwii: excellent news01:20
kwwiiHelp--> about amarok says 1.4.301:21
ryanakcaRiddell: ping01:25
Riddellhi ryanakca 01:25
ryanakcaRiddell: QComicBook can be uploaded to the repos... "Yes, the splashscreen/about image was created exclusively for QComicBook by a friend of mine (he is a graphican) and it is GPL'ed."    reply to that e-mail I sent01:26
Riddellryanakca: excellent news01:27
Riddelllots of excellent news tonight :)01:27
ryanakcayes, it is :)01:27
kwwiitime for sleep now01:28
Riddellryanakca: it still needs one more person to review and advocate it01:28
kwwiisee you all tomorrow01:28
Riddellnight kwwii 01:28
kwwiinight Riddell01:28
ryanakcayes, except... (forget if it was you or someone else), but realistiK CANNOT be uploaded to archives/repos01:28
=== kwwii [n=kwwii@p5495500E.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Konversation]
ryanakcasee yah kwwiii01:29
Riddellryanakca: why not?01:29
ryanakcathat sweet icon set...01:29
=== pounk_ is now known as PounK
ryanakca because Everaldo has not given the author of the new icon set permission to use them.01:29
ryanakcaand it's on kde-look... I sent the creator an e-mail... I can forward it to you... he says to wait before uploading01:30
ryanakcaforward the reply that is...01:30
imbrandondoes everaldo need to give him permission if they are gpl ?01:31
=== imbrandon is begining to hate everaldo
ryanakcaoooh... good point... if I understand GPL properly... no01:32
Riddellryanakca: is realistiK based on crystal?01:32
ryanakcaRiddell: ermm.. not sure01:33
Riddellryanakca: what's the issue with everaldo?01:33
ryanakcahttp://pastebin.ca/161950 is the reply I received... I'll check on kde-look01:33
imbrandondid everaldo make realistiK ?01:34
ryanakcano, but his iconset is in it01:34
imbrandonhis as in which one? forgive me start over here01:36
imbrandoni must have missed something01:36
imbrandonhow is everaldo playing into this01:36
ryanakcaI'm confused as well01:36
imbrandonok we have realistiK 01:36
imbrandonan icon set, what does evealdo have to do with it ?01:36
imbrandonis it based on one of his works? if so what one ? e.g. crystal is gpl01:37
imbrandonso no "permission" needed01:37
Riddellimbrandon: well...01:37
Riddellthe crystal icons in KDE are LGPL, the crystal icons from everaldo.com are not licenced at all01:38
ryanakcarealistiK is based on everaldo's work (crystal)... which is LGPL... is realistiK GPL (I think so)01:38
Riddellso it depends if he got the icons from KDE or from everaldo.com01:38
imbrandonRiddell,  true01:38
ryanakcathis is messed up... I'll send him an e-mail asking that01:39
ryanakcait also looks like he took the icons off kde-look01:40
Riddellin which case they're not LGPKL01:40
ryanakcawhich would be copyright infringement?01:40
imbrandonright, as with alot of things on kde-look , you have to be carefull01:41
imbrandonunless yo have permission01:41
ryanakcaThe guy took his icons off his kde-look01:41
imbrandonRiddell, can NEW packages get put in after the 7th ?01:44
imbrandon( universe )01:44
RiddellI don't know01:45
imbrandonand whats up with ipodslave hehe pitti still hasent looked at it01:45
Riddellimbrandon: pitti's been on holiday01:45
imbrandonahhh ok01:45
Riddellhe's still processing his security backlog01:45
imbrandonah ok i dident know he was gona for a bit01:45
imbrandonmakes sense01:45
ryanakcaimbrandon: I believe univerversefreeze is on the 28th, but REVU day is the 8th01:46
ryanakcayes... according to that post on the fride01:47
imbrandonyea but that might not be before feature freeze ;)01:47
imbrandonand afaik motu's dont have to put new packages on REVU01:49
imbrandonbut i could be wrong01:49
Riddellit's good practice01:49
imbrandonits the a windeco is all, i dont even want it in main, just universe ;)01:50
imbrandon( its my royale kwin-deco ) 01:50
imbrandonalthough it woul be cool to have it installed by default as a choice ( not the default theme obviously )01:51
imbrandonbut anyhow /me finds soemthing productive to do ......01:51
imbrandonryanakca, whats the link to your comicbook thing, i'll review it, did riddell advocate it too? if so i'll upload if its all good01:52
Riddellimbrandon: I'm looking at it now01:52
imbrandonahh ok01:52
Riddellso if you look at it we can get it uploaded01:52
imbrandonyea a'll dget it now01:53
imbrandonyou dget the dsc file and it pulls the rest01:55
imbrandonworks with any repo/directory01:55
imbrandone.g dget http://revu.tauware.de/revu1-incoming/qcomicbook-0609011555/qcomicbook_0.3.2-0ubuntu1.dsc01:55
Riddellryanakca: failed  install: target `/root/qcomicbook/qcomicbook-0.3.2/debian/qcomicbook/usr/share/applications/' is not a directory: No such file or directory01:57
=== ryanakca wishes he had known about that when his sources directory had accidentaly gotten deleted.
imbrandonyup i get the same error01:58
ryanakcaRiddell: erm... are you running it as root (like it /root/ or is it a ppackageing error?)01:58
Riddellryanakca: I am yes (in a chroot)01:59
ryanakcahmmm... *kicks his ppbuilder*01:59
imbrandoninstall -D --mode=0644 /home/brandon/files/devel/qcomicbook/qcomicbook-0.3.2/fedora/qcomicbook.desktop \01:59
imbrandon        /home/brandon/files/devel/qcomicbook/qcomicbook-0.3.2/debian/qcomicbook/usr/share/applications/01:59
imbrandoninstall: target `/home/brandon/files/devel/qcomicbook/qcomicbook-0.3.2/debian/qcomicbook/usr/share/applications/' is not a directory: No such file or directory01:59
ryanakcaI'll look at it... add "/usr/share/applications/" to debian/dirs?02:00
Riddellryanakca: yep, or mkdir -p $(CURDIR)/debian/qcomicbook/usr/share/applications/ above the install line02:00
Riddellryanakca: you've moved the help directory, can the application still find those files?02:01
ryanakcaooh... good point02:02
Riddellmv -fr /root/qcomicbook/qcomicbook-0.3.2/debian/qcomicbook/usr/share/qcomicbook/help/ \02:02
ryanakcaI'll look at that too02:03
Riddell        /root/qcomicbook/qcomicbook-0.3.2/debian/qcomicbook/usr/share/doc/qcomicbook/02:03
Riddellmv: invalid option -- r02:03
Riddellanother fail?02:03
ryanakcayes... that was because of the -r02:03
ryanakcaI was probably thinking of cp instead of mv02:03
ryanakcacan't mv -fr something02:04
jdonghehe, recursive move... :)02:04
=== jdong wonders what a non-recursive move would be.....
=== jdong looks up reiser4
ryanakcabtw, What would be a "valid reason" for +u ... the ones I had yesterday didn't go threw... I get another try tonight :)02:05
=== jsgotangco [n=jsg123@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddellryanakca: who did you ask?02:06
ryanakcahmm... "grep -rin usr/share/qcomicbook/help/ *" didn't find anything in the sources...02:08
Riddellone reason could be that it's just plain annoying and is the first real reason I've seen to move ubuntu from freenode to oftc02:08
Riddellvoid ComicMainWindow::showHelp()02:09
Riddell        const QString helpdir = HelpBrowser::getLocaleHelpDir(DATADIR "/help");02:09
Riddellchange DATADIR to /usr/share/qcomicbook/doc02:10
ryanakcaplain annoying?02:11
ryanakcafirst real reason to move to oftc? meaning oftc doesn't have a chan limit?02:12
ryanakcaRiddell: kk... wheres that?02:12
ryanakcanevermind, I'll grep it :)02:12
Riddellryanakca: comicmain.cpp02:13
ryanakcayep, patching it :)02:14
imbrandonryanakca, i dunno, i just told them i need all my ubuntu chans and upstream chans like amarok / konversation , but let me give you one hint and it dont go past here .......02:14
imbrandon( wrt +u )02:14
imbrandoni got shot down by naloith 2 times before i finaly went to rob , then it was a 5 second deal ;)02:15
ryanakca( wrt +u )?02:15
imbrandonwith regards to02:15
Riddellof course with rob we can just tell him to give us +u or we won't review his packages :)02:15
=== ryanakca will try rob this time... the conversation last night was pretty tough... I was being told to "Think." "Think harder." "Do you have any REAL reasons." etc
ryanakcaI don't have anything against nalioth, and I do tend to think highly of him (given the fact he's taken over classoom while I'm on vacation), but he can be difficult...02:17
imbrandonheya mornfall02:18
ryanakcahey mornfall02:18
mornfallmake that early morning02:18
=== mornfall = stoned
imbrandonand still awake ?02:18
mornfalljust got home02:18
ryanakcaimbrandon: Riddell: I'll have a bash at fixing this source... I'll uploaded withing the hour (or next 15 minutes, if I can get cdbs-edit-patch to work)02:18
imbrandonryanakca, no worries i'lll be on for a while ( i just woke up about 2 hours ago )02:19
imbrandonjust poke me whenever02:19
ryanakcalol, I'm going to bed soon... after a long first day back to school02:19
Riddellryanakca: I need to go to bed, but I'm happy for imbrandon to upload it if those issues are fixed02:19
imbrandonkk sounds good02:20
=== mornfall notes that absinthe and weed don't mix too well
ryanakcaRiddell: kk, aren't you in the UK or something?02:20
mornfallgoodnight Riddell 02:20
ryanakcasee yah02:20
Riddellryanakca: I'm in Scotland yes02:20
ryanakcanice :)02:20
=== ryanakca wants to visit scotland... next year... World Pipeband Championships, he we come :)
imbrandonmornfall, absinthe ?02:20
ryanakcaG'night :)02:20
mornfallabsinthe, yeh02:21
mornfallagain... wondering when i learn02:21
imbrandonryanakca, (or next 15 minutes, if I can get cdbs-edit-patch to work) why not use siplepatchsys ?02:21
ryanakcaI got it running02:21
imbrandonheh ok02:22
ryanakcaI was because of an error I made when correcting an error in debian/rules02:22
ryanakcahmm... where would DATADIR be set I wonder02:24
Riddellryanakca: just change that line to a hard coded path02:25
ryanakcaRiddell: so.. " const QString helpdir = HelpBrowser::getLocaleHelpDir("/usr/share/doc/qcomicbook/help/");  "  ?02:26
ryanakcakk, ty02:27
=== ryanakca really needs to learn C++
Riddellimbrandon: remind me, have you looked at ktorrent 2.0.2?02:27
ryanakcaexcept reading e-books is a pain.. I find I can't concentrate unless it's ink and paper... 02:27
ryanakcaand I'm getting side-tracked02:27
imbrandonRiddell, yea but there wasent a changelog so the uvf dident get approved yet02:28
imbrandon( jdong filed it )02:28
imbrandoni'll add a changelog to the entry if he hasent and re-ask02:28
imbrandonand have it ready for when you wake02:28
imbrandonRiddell, bug 5813902:30
UbugtuMalone bug 58139 in ktorrent "UVF exception request ktorrent 2.0.1 -> 2.0.2" [Low,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5813902:30
imbrandoni'll email mdz and kamoin right now02:30
ryanakcaermm... memory blank...   mv $(CURDIR)/debian/qcomicbook/usr/share/qcomicbook/help/ $(CURDIR)/debian/qcomicbook/usr/share/doc/qcomicbook/help/        would move help/ to /usr/share/doc/qcomicbook/help/ and not/usr/share/doc/qcomicbook/help/help/    right?02:31
=== mbiebl [n=michael@dslb-084-056-253-011.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddellmv $(CURDIR)/debian/qcomicbook/usr/share/qcomicbook/help/ $(CURDIR)/debian/qcomicbook/usr/share/doc/qcomicbook/02:33
=== Riddell snoozes
imbrandonuvf mail sent, i'll prep the debdiff for you by morning 02:33
imbrandongnight Riddell, sleep well02:34
ryanakcaimbrandon: are you going to upload those top-right-appname.pngs?02:44
=== imbrandon [n=imbrando@CPE-72-135-8-5.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
ryanakcaimbrandon: did you get that last message?02:48
imbrandonabout ? no02:57
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freeflyingdo we have a kde stuff like tomboy?03:02
freeflyingmorning all03:02
bddebianHowdy folks03:03
freeflyingbddebian: hi03:03
bddebianHello freeflying03:04
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
nixternaldude..we so need kdesklets03:12
nixternalhiya Hobbsee ;)03:12
Hobbseehey again all03:12
Hobbseehey nixternal :)03:12
jdongfreeflying: knotes or something like that?03:17
Hobbseeyay knotes :)03:19
=== Hobbsee likes knotes
freeflyingdose kontes like tomboy, or wiki like?03:33
=== rouzic [n=rouzic@18.Red-88-10-62.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== nixternal [n=nixterna@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
nixternalimbrandon: ping?04:30
Hobbseewhy must the last two questions of any assignment always be an absolute bitch?04:38
Hobbsee*doesnt want to do them*04:38
nixternalthose are the worst04:39
nixternali need imbrandon to wake up now04:40
nixternalactually..no i don't04:40
imbrandonnixternal, yes ?04:41
Hobbsee*thinks he's around*04:41
Hobbseethere you go04:41
imbrandoni just said yes?04:41
nixternalnever mind now04:41
imbrandonnixternal, WHAT !?!04:41
nixternali was working with bip and what not04:41
=== Jucato [i=Fenyx@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== imbrandon go's back to fiddling with the router
JucatoHobbsee, ping04:41
nixternaland i couldn't get irssi to connect 2 different networks to the same ip04:41
HobbseeJucato: heya04:41
imbrandonHobbsee is gone, leave a message at the beep, beeeeeeeeeeeeeeep04:42
=== Hobbsee is doing an assignment. supposedly
imbrandon<detached> while i put the new router online04:42
JucatoI need help, I'm not sure if it's related to the last update in Edgy...04:42
Jucato"Error 18: Selected cylinder exceeds maximum support by BIOS"04:42
imbrandonJucato, #ubuntu+1 is for general edgy support, just fyi ;)04:43
=== imbrandon is afk
Jucatowould it be related to the update?04:43
Hobbseeor just that grub has borked badly.04:43
Hobbseeer, wait.  did grub bork, or did something else?04:43
JucatoI can't boot into Dapper either... probably GRUB...04:44
Jucatobut the GRUB that's installed on hda's MBR is the one from Dapper...04:44
Jucato (I think)04:44
HobbseeGrub error 1804:44
Hobbseeinfo grub wrote:04:44
Hobbsee18 : Selected cylinder exceeds maximum supported by BIOS. This error is returned when a read is attempted at a linear block address beyond the end of the BIOS translated area. This generally happens if your disk is larger than the BIOS can handle (512MB for (E)IDE disks on older machines or larger than 8GB in general).04:44
HobbseeTry an update for your BIOS and/or move your boot partition to the front (or at least into the appropriate range). 04:44
=== Hobbsee wonders why you didnt install the grub from edgy.
Jucatoheh, I'll reinstall it...04:45
Jucatook then... off to the live CD04:45
HobbseeJucato: reinstall edgy's grub.  see !grub04:45
Hobbseeyou can do it with the install cd too, you know04:45
Jucatostrange that it only happened now04:45
Jucato!grub > Jucato04:45
Jucatook then, thanks04:46
=== Jucato panicked immediately
=== nixternal_ [n=nixterna@ubuntu/member/nixternal] has joined #kubuntu-devel
imbrandon[21:55]  <Hobbsee> 21:45:29 Jucato: reinstall edgy's grub.  see !grub04:57
imbrandon[21:55]  <Hobbsee> 21:45:35 you can do it with the install cd too, you know04:57
imbrandon^^ that wont move /boot 04:57
imbrandonto the > 1024 limit04:57
imbrandonerr < 1024 cylender04:57
imbrandonanyhow you get my point04:58
Hobbseeer, point.  i'm a little worried as to why he'd be using dapper's grub for edgy.04:58
Hobbseeor doesnt the upstart stuff change that?04:58
imbrandonumm upstart dosent have anything to do with grup04:59
imbrandonnor does the cyl limit in his bios for that matter05:00
Hobbseeoh yeah.  of course it wouldnt.  duh.05:00
=== Hobbsee notes that there have been grub updates though
imbrandonbut a boot loader is a boot loader, i use yaboot on some grub on others lilo on others and winders on some too05:00
Hobbseei think that that phys lecturer fried my brain.05:01
=== Hobbsee fell asleep after about 25 mins :P
Hobbseethat's why i tend not to go05:02
=== Hobbsee was bored silly after the first 10.
=== Hobbsee notes that imbrandon really did turn off the ssh.
Hobbseeoh wait, here it is05:04
imbrandonno i dident, i just swapped routers05:04
imbrandonso its on a new subnet but still the same, the outside world shouldent notice a diff ( e.g. you )05:05
=== ajmitch [n=ajmitch@ubuntu/member/ajmitch] has joined #kubuntu-devel
imbrandonheya ajmitch05:05
Hobbseeimbrandon: ahhh....05:05
=== nixternal_ [n=nixterna@ubuntu/member/nixternal] has joined #kubuntu-devel
nixternalso far so good..my script is kicking..now we will see if the killirssi script triggers05:06
=== Jucato [n=jucato@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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Jucatoheh, it was Edgy's GRUB that I was using, and giving me the error :)05:12
imbrandonbut its a hdd error not grub05:12
imbrandonits becouse your /boot ( or what you tried to tell it wass /boot ) was not in the < 1024 cly limit05:13
Jucatoah Edgy's /boot...05:13
imbrandonmore than likely05:14
JucatoI reinstalled Dapper's grub and now everything's back to normal. I'm in Edgy again05:14
imbrandonyou probably put it at the end of your drive ( or past 8gb )05:14
Jucatoheh, past 40GB actually :)05:14
imbrandonall /boots should be near the front of the drive on older bio's if possible05:14
imbrandonone of the things you need to know if your gonna manualy partition drives ;)05:15
=== Jucato needs lessons in partitioning 80GB HD for multi-booting different distros
Jucatoyay! now I know05:15
Jucatoit's strange, though that this only happened now...05:15
Jucatothanks imbrandon! :)05:16
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imbrandonwhen i have time i'll go over some more multi partition stuff if you want05:18
imbrandonbut i'm kinda busy atm05:18
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Jucatoyay! thanks for the offer05:19
JucatoI owe you a whole fridge of Mt.Dew :)05:19
imbrandonHobbsee, ping05:19
Hobbseeimbrandon: heya05:20
Hobbseeimbrandon: what's up?05:20
imbrandonheya i hope you have irssi going in a screen on voyager05:20
Hobbseeimbrandon: yes05:20
Hobbseeimbrandon: why?05:20
Hobbseeyou're rebooting?05:20
imbrandonbecouese it might loose internet for a few seconds ( not rebooting )05:20
imbrandonjust resetting the router(s)05:20
imbrandonso if you get disconnected just ssh back in and screen -R05:21
Hobbseeimbrandon: cool05:21
=== Hobbsee is just using it to mess with afew people's minds, anyway
ajmitchas you do05:21
ajmitchtwisted people..05:21
Hobbseeajmitch: indeed. :)05:22
Hobbseeajmitch: i'm very evil.  05:23
Jucatoas if the whip isn't enough proof of that :)05:23
=== NeoChaosX [n=nael@ppp-71-139-184-32.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
HobbseeJucato: i didnt need a whip with ajmitch - i was the driver :P05:28
=== ajmitch checks for grey hairs
nixternaljeesh...check for dead brain cells if you hang out in #ubuntu at all05:31
nixternalgnome sucks05:31
nixternalit looks clean..but it sucks05:31
nixternalHobbsee: check this05:31
nixternali want to have office icons on one workspace05:32
nixternaland internet icons on another workspace05:32
nixternalnobody knows how to do it..and one person suggested fedora05:32
Hobbseeheh..  is that possible?05:32
nixternali can do it in kubuntu05:32
nixternalok, maybe i can't05:33
nixternalwth was i thinking05:34
imbrandonone person sugested fedora ?05:36
imbrandonman i rock, ok no more services interuptions Hobbsee05:36
Hobbseeimbrandon: nice :)05:36
imbrandonback to normal now ;)05:36
=== Hobbsee will just rescue an irssi sessin now :P
Hobbseeimbrandon: amarok ftbfs.  want me to fix it, or do you?05:44
imbrandonwhy did it ftb ? i can fix it 05:46
imbrandonfskin i hate when it builds in pbuilder ( eg on mine and Riddell's box ) then ftbs05:46
Hobbseelibgpod-dev: Depends: libgpod0 (= 0.3.2-1.1) but it is not going to be installed05:47
Hobbsee       Depends: libgtk2.0-dev but it is not going to be installed05:47
imbrandonahh thats a buildd issue05:47
Hobbseeimbrandon: it's failed on amd64 and ppc, so far.05:49
Hobbseesame issue05:49
imbrandonyea it will fail on the all if that lib isnt installable05:49
imbrandonkinda given05:50
imbrandongrr ok well i'll mess with it here after bit05:50
Hobbseeimbrandon: as for why, i dont know.  they seem to install okay here.05:50
Hobbseeimbrandon: looks like it's a buildd problem05:50
ubotuping: connection timeout05:58
Hobbseeimbrandon: heh05:59
Hobbseeimbrandon: i've noticed that05:59
imbrandontap tap tap , is this thing on ......05:59
=== allee [n=ach@allee.exgal.mpe.mpg.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== alleeEdgy32 [n=edgy32@hydra.exgal.mpe.mpg.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseeimbrandon: sort of.  most of the time, yes06:00
imbrandonwow , i'm laggin bad06:00
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Hobbseeoh shit....07:22
Hobbseethis doesnt sound good...07:22
HobbseeUptime: 4 hours and 14 minutes07:22
Hobbseeeither my fan is dying, or my entire machine is dying.07:23
Hobbseeyeah.  *crap*07:24
Hobbsee*needs to backup her gpg key*07:24
Lathiatyes gpg backups usefull07:27
HobbseeLathiat: i only just recreated and got the new one signed.07:27
Hobbseei dont want ot lose anothe rmachine07:27
Hobbseeer, another key07:27
Hobbseeoh shit......07:29
imbrandonbrandon@enterprise:~$ uptime07:29
imbrandon 00:28:54 up 16 days, 17:42,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.31, 0.4707:29
imbrandonbrandon@enterprise:~$                  07:29
=== Hobbsee smells burning.
imbrandonnot too bad of an uptime07:29
imbrandonheh backup now, then shut it off for a bit07:29
imbrandonand let it cool07:29
imbrandon.oO ( time to buy an apple )07:29
Hobbseei've just grabbed my gpg key - i dont have the space to backup anything else.07:30
Jucato16days..... you guys probably aren't the best people to ask about USplash at startup and shutdown... :)07:30
imbrandonJucato, thats my file/web/nfs/smb/imap server ;)07:31
Jucatoooh... :)07:32
imbrandonmy desktop has been up ummm 3 hours07:32
imbrandon 00:32:11 up  3:11,  1 user,  load average: 0.17, 0.28, 0.3207:32
Jucato13:32:25 up  2:29,  1 user,  load average: 0.36, 0.37, 0.3507:32
Jucatoimbrandon: which version of Amarok will Edgy be using? 1.4.2 or 1.4.3?07:33
Jucatoah nice :)07:33
imbrandonits on the buildd's right now still building07:33
JucatoI see that 1.4.3 is now in Dapper. great job! (do you ever sleep?)07:34
Jucatoah! I remember that Mt.Dew has some mysterious magical powers that can keep you awak for hours on end :)07:34
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_Simeimbrandon: I just put up the fixed patch on the wiki for the media popup problem.08:30
Jucatoyay! 08:31
JucatoI was wondering why inserting a CD did absolutely nothing except place an icon on my desktop...08:31
imbrandon_Sime, cool08:34
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JucatoHobbsee!! :)08:58
=== chavo [n=chavo@69-167-74-151.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseehey all08:59
Hobbseehi Jucato 08:59
Hobbseeright, time for a backup08:59
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=== Tonio_ [n=tonio@74.8.100-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseehi Tonio_ 09:17
Tonio_Hobbsee: ;)09:17
Tonio_Hobbsee: did you notice issues since sysvinit has been replaced bu upstart ?09:17
Tonio_my computer doesn't shutdown propperly09:17
HobbseeTonio_: yeah.09:17
Hobbseeoh yeah, had that too09:17
Jucatosame here...09:18
Tonio_okay so that's known issue :)09:18
Tonio_it'll be fixed09:18
HobbseeTonio_: my system is currently overheating, to the point where the fan was grinding earlier.  now either keybuk has written some really serious crack, or my machine's dying09:18
Hobbseei think i'll just blame upstart :P09:18
HobbseeTonio_: i havent filed a bug on it09:18
Tonio_it'll be fixed09:18
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Jucatoer.. question, is Amarok 1.4.3 only installable on systems using KDE 3.5.3 or 3.5.4?11:15
Jucatoon Dapper, I mean11:15
gnomefreakJucato: should be fine on dapper11:18
JucatoHobbsee: ping11:18
HobbseeJucato: boo11:18
gnomefreakHobbsee: i have to ping you too11:18
gnomefreakshes gonna kill me11:18
Jucatognomefreak: I mean on KDE 3.5.211:18
gnomefreaki wouldnt i have a feeling you will run into depends issues11:19
Jucatosomeone's getting this "Depends: kdelibs4c2a (>= 4:3.5.3-1) but 4:3.5.2-0ubuntu18.1 is to be installed"11:19
Hobbseegnomefreak: really now?11:19
Jucatorunning on KDE 3.5.211:19
gnomefreakHobbsee: kdeaddons and konqplugins dont like being upgraded11:19
Hobbseegnomefreak: got an error pastebinned?11:19
gnomefreakoh yay i got plent of those :)11:19
gnomefreakok brb11:19
Jucatothe guy has dapper-backports enabled, as instructed by the announcement on Kubuntu.org11:20
HobbseeJucato: interesting.  ask imbrandon 11:20
=== Hobbsee doesnt remember
gnomefreakits easy enough to fix on my end but i would rather have an official statment11:20
gnomefreaki can --force-overwrite and fix it im sure but you know me i hate forcing crap11:21
=== Jucato wonders if imbrandon is available for questions...
Hobbseedpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/konq-plugins_4%3a3.5.4-0ubuntu3_i386.deb (--unpack):11:23
Hobbsee trying to overwrite `/usr/share/apps/konqsidebartng/add/metabar_add.desktop', which is also in package metabar11:23
Hobbseegnomefreak: know which package it's supposed to be in?11:23
HobbseeJucato: i'm not sure if he's around.11:23
Jucatoaw shucks..11:23
gnomefreakassuming metabar11:23
gnomefreakbut they should play well together since both installable11:24
Hobbseenot really11:24
imbrandoni'm only arround for the next 3 minutes but overite it for now11:25
imbrandoni'll have riddell fix it in the morn11:25
gnomefreaki figured as much11:25
imbrandonthat was one of the files we was messing with11:25
gnomefreakJucato: was looking for you thought11:25
Jucatoimbrandon: does Amarok 1.4.3 work on KDE 3.5.2?11:25
imbrandonJucato, yes , well the ones i build do11:26
Jucatoimbrandon:  http://www.magic.net.ve/amarok.txt11:26
JucatoDepends: kdelibs4c2a (>= 4:3.5.3-1) but 4:3.5.2-0ubuntu18.1 is to be installed11:26
imbrandonQt: 3.3.611:26
imbrandonKDE: 3.5.211:26
Jucatokdelibs4c2a line?11:26
imbrandonwhere from ? riddells or mine ?11:27
imbrandonmiine are built against 3.5.211:27
Jucatothe one announced on Kubuntu.org11:27
imbrandontry those, he might have a botched chroot11:27
imbrandontry the ones on imbrandon.com , he probably built them in a 3.5.3 chroot11:27
Jucatoit's not mine, btw. someone in the IRC just ran into that problem11:27
Hobbseegnomefreak: can you file a bug on that, and assign it to me please?  i'm getting yelled at, so cant really fix it now11:27
gnomefreakok 11:28
imbrandonok i'm off to bed, i'll poke Riddell when i wake about it11:28
gnomefreaknight imbrandon 11:28
Jucatonight imbrandon!!11:28
Jucato(so you do sleep after all)11:28
imbrandonJucato, for now use the same repo i listed for 1.4.2 ( it actualy has 1.4.3 now )11:29
imbrandonand anyone else you know with problems11:29
=== imbrandon is detached
Jucatook :)11:29
gnomefreakHobbsee: what package?11:29
Hobbseegnomefreak: kdeaddons11:30
Hobbseeeverything else gets fixed when that duplicate files does11:30
imbrandonemerge app-admin/sudo11:30
gnomefreakHobbsee: assigned to you :)11:33
Hobbseegnomefreak: thanks11:33
gnomefreakill assign all bugs to you if you like :)11:34
Hobbseeno thanks11:36
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Riddellimbrandon: what happened to qcomicbook?11:52
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gnomefreakok someones been working hard over here12:00
=== Ingmar [n=ingmar@91.80-240-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddelljust like to keep the buildds working over12:06
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gnomefreakRiddell: who works on kdevelop3?12:14
gnomefreakkdevelop3-data needs to be built (atleast im leaning towards a build12:15
Riddellgnomefreak: it needs to be deleted from the archive if it's still there12:17
gnomefreakkdevelop depends on it12:18
gnomefreakwhen you try to install it it trys to bring in kdevelop3-data12:18
Riddellhmm, the dummy kdevelop3 doesn't seem to make a kdevelop3-data12:19
gnomefreakkdevelop3 installed for me but i dont remember what i did to install it :(12:20
gnomefreakbut i thought it was fixed but getting complaints on it12:20
Riddellit's just a dummy package that depends on kdevelop12:20
gnomefreakkdevelop3 is a dummy package yeah and it brought in kdevelop-data for me 12:23
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=== kwwii_ is now known as kwwii
kwwiiRiddell: did you need something?12:41
RiddellI was after the hwdb changes I guess12:42
kwwiierm, let me put that on my server, one second12:42
kwwiiRiddell: http://bootsplash.org/picsForHWDB.tar.gz12:44
kwwiithat includes the white bg for the title and a somewhat crappy icon for othe app itself12:45
sebasRiddell: If you have some time, can you package power-manager, I think it's quite stable at the moment12:48
Riddellsebas: yep, I can do that today12:48
sebasCool :)12:49
kwwiisebas: do you have the original files (pics) for the oxygen-style presentation?01:03
kwwiisebas: the white gear and such is a bit too white01:03
gnomefreakoh i like them01:04
sebaskwwii: Uhm, it's the ones I showed you in Paris, so the files are a bit old.01:05
sebasIs Oxygen-white not #FFFFFF?01:05
kwwiisebas: nope, it should be partially transparent01:07
kwwiiI am only talking about the stuff on top of the blue bar at the top01:07
sebasI had used material I got from Nuno some time ago, so it might've been updated in the meantime01:09
sebasDo you have an updated image for that, preferably also a pdf? 01:09
sebaservin wanted to prepare latex beamer templates, he asked for the pdf.01:09
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
kwwiisebas: I will ask nuno when he pops around for lunch01:10
sebasMoin Hobbsee 01:10
sebaskwwii: He's back from vacation?01:10
kwwiisebas: yepp, he returned last night (talked to him already)01:10
Hobbseehey sebas 01:11
sebasOk, thanks.01:11
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Riddell_Sime: any idea how you made the guidance.pot file?01:25
Hobbseehi Riddell 01:25
Riddellhi Hobbsee 01:26
=== Hobbsee posted her stat dec :P
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu-devel:Riddell] : Welcome to #kubuntu-devel! | http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/hwdb/ | http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/bzr/powermanager/ | TODO: Gamin fixes at: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuEdgyPackageUpdates | Merges at: http://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html | Buglist at https://launchpad.net/people/kubuntu-team/+packagebugs | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Meetings - Next Meeting: 7 September, 2100 UTC
=== MidMark [n=marco@host-84-221-197-5.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu-devel
LureRiddell: you can probably remove powermanager and hwdb link from topic...01:45
RiddellLure: go ahead01:46
sebasRiddell: Can I remove feedback that has already been addressed and obviously fixed from the Feedback wikipage?01:47
sebasIt's getting a bit messy otherwise.01:47
Riddellsebas: nicer to add a comment that it's been fixed (or ignored) and maybe move it to the bottom of the page or something01:48
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nixternalgood job on katapult, it is whicked groovy ;)02:24
JucatoRiddell: the version of Amarok 1.4.3 on Kubuntu.org requires at least KDE 3.5.3? imbrandon's build requires at least KDE 3.5.2, according to him02:25
Riddellmm, blame my chroots02:26
Jucatohe did say that02:27
Jucatodarn chroots... :)02:27
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bddebianHeya folks03:12
bddebianHello danimo03:12
Riddellsebas, el: new power manager for dapper http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/kde-guidance_0.6.7svn20060906-0ubuntu1_i386.deb03:36
=== sebas tries.
Riddellnow we can close the 50 "I have 10 power manager icons running" bugs :)03:38
sebasGo ahead :>03:39
MidMarkRiddell: but the bug #39444 will be fixed? I've seen that someone haven't really understood my comments...03:40
UbugtuMalone bug 39444 in kde-guidance "Changing an user's password can change another password for a different user" [High,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3944403:40
HobbseeRiddell: can i try too?  :P03:41
sebasMidMark: "Maybe" :-)03:41
sebasSend me some cookies and I'll have a look03:41
=== sebas didn't look into it after the last time
Hobbseehey COOL!03:42
MidMarksebas: cookies?03:42
sebasYes, cookies.03:42
MidMarksebas: no idea for what are cookies... reminder?03:43
sebasTo fix the bug in userconfig03:43
elRiddell, thanks03:43
MidMarksebas: sorry you have to be more specific for what I have to do, if I can I will do surely03:44
sebasMidMark: Put cookies in a box, write "sebas" on it, send it to me :-)03:44
MidMarkis it a joke?03:45
sebasYes, but I wouldn't mind receiving the cookies for real ;)03:45
MidMarkI hope :)03:45
MidMarksebas: anyway I want say to you that you have to look at two cases that aren't fixed and that I have written after in the bug report, if you need feedback... send me a cookie ;)03:47
sebasDoes a fix in Edgy mean "fix committed" or "fix released"?03:47
sebasMidMark: I might consider ;-)03:47
seaLnereleased afaik03:48
sebasOk, thanks.03:48
seaLnei've used commited when it does but not available in the archive, other may use different definitions03:48
HobbseeseaLne: i think that's the definition.   ie, when it's waiting to be built03:49
MidMarkanother thing: is there a little place in kubuntu.org for a link to a dapper review in italian? Real-time link translation with google can be done easily03:51
Hobbseesebas: my g-p-m is on crack, it's currently told me that i'm low on battery power 3 times.04:03
Hobbseeit's sitting on charging, 85%, on AC power04:03
=== DaSkreech [n=skreech@port0002-abm-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
sebasHobbsee: Does the popup go away, or was that only during start?04:03
Hobbseesebas: not during the start.  it's randomly happened a few times.  anyway i can debug this for you?04:04
Hobbseeah, it does at the start too04:04
Hobbsee*tries running it thru a console*04:04
sebasHobbsee: I suspect HAL04:04
=== DaSkreech rewaves at everyone
=== sebas initwaves DaSkreech
=== DaSkreech curses that Ctrl+W and Ctrl+Q are so close
=== DaSkreech upstart waves back
HobbseeDaSkreech: heh.  always fun, that04:05
kwwiihehe, I know that feeling04:05
RiddellMidMark: can you test for that bug in the new guidance .deb I posted?04:07
=== DaSkreech smells that fresh 1.4.3 in the morning
RiddellMidMark: reviews can be added to ubuntu weekly newsletter04:08
=== Jucato recalls Ctrl+W/Q fun..
DaSkreechYou know I think it's strange that we have so many complaints about network issues in Dapper04:09
DaSkreechI wonder if ubotu can be a popcon for complaints04:09
HobbseeDaSkreech: there were mroe in breezy.04:09
Hobbseemainly because we had *no* decent config tool at all04:09
MidMarkRiddell: ok now I download the deb, for the review who I have to contact?04:09
JucatoI have an idea about what people will be complaining most about Edgy :)04:10
DaSkreechHobbsee: See the problem doesn't seem to be config. Though there are a lot of those04:10
HobbseeJucato: the artowrk? :P04:10
DaSkreechIt's apps suddenly not being able to see the internet or some applications can see it and some can04:10
Jucatosssh... not with kwwii around :)04:11
DaSkreechThough they have already ripped it off and put it on kde-look :)04:11
=== hunger [n=tobias@pd95b0676.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
MidMarkRiddel: python-dbus is it available for dapper?04:13
JucatoI think I'm going to develop a craving for purple yam in due time...04:13
RiddellMidMark: should be yes04:13
Riddelloh fooey, it's called python2.4-dbus04:14
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kwwiifunny, I am currently testing a new idea for kdm :-)04:14
=== Riddell rebuilds
Hobbseekwwii: got a screenshot?04:15
kwwiiHobbsee: hehe, you tell me how to make one and I'll show it to you :-)04:15
Hobbseekwwii: you run it in xnest, imbrandon tells me.  i've never been able to make it work04:16
=== danimo gets into mediawiki hacking
DaSkreechI wouldn't mind a easy Xnest test button like in Ubuntu04:17
DaSkreechdanimo: how bad is it?04:17
danimoDaSkreech: as bad as http://developernew.kde.org04:17
danimoDaSkreech: will hopefully make contribution to kde easier when it comes to adding knowledge04:18
RiddellMidMark: ok, download again04:18
danimoDaSkreech: like it?04:18
=== eeanm [n=ian@amarok/developer/eean] has joined #kubuntu-devel
DaSkreechnice :) 04:19
Hobbseeheya eeanm 04:19
eeanmhey all, the Amarok release image this time is a CC license that requires attribution.04:19
eeanmjust want to keep our i's dotted ;)04:20
Riddelleeanm: how does amarok.kde.org attribute it?04:21
=== eeanm [n=ian@adsl-68-90-169-183.dsl.ksc2mo.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
eeanmbah, before irssi blew up04:22
Riddell15:21 < Riddell> eeanm: how does amarok.kde.org attribute it?04:22
eeanmI wanted to say that a message like at the bottom of http://amarok.kde.org/content/view/81/66/04:22
RiddellMidMark: add the review to https://wiki.kubuntu.org/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue1304:23
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=== kwwii_ is now known as kwwii
Riddelleeanm: added, thanks http://kubuntu.org/announcements/amarok-1.4.3.php04:24
kwwiihehe, I just proved that starting a new session is just as messed up on edgy ppc as on dapper04:25
=== jdong still waits for soyuz fis :(
JucatoRiddell: maybe a note to say that Amarok 1.4.3 currently needs at least KDE 3.5.3?04:25
kwwiiand the theme that I was working on for amarok no longer looks right in edgy :-(04:26
jdongJucato: isn't dapper 3.5.3?04:26
=== eeanm goes to class
jdongor 3.5.2?04:26
Jucatojdong: no. 3.5.2 by default04:26
RiddellJucato: I fixed that04:26
JucatoRiddell: yay! :)04:26
=== danimo thinks (g|s)etfacl is the most retarded tool ever
Hobbseekwwii: so you got amarok to start then04:29
kwwiiHobbsee: on dapper, yes...on my edgy box sound is not working at all04:31
Hobbseekwwii: ahhhhh.04:31
Jucatohm.. doesn't Amarok 1.4.3 fix that problem on PPC?04:32
kwwiiJucato: my sound is messed up entirely on edgy, it is not amarok specific04:33
Jucatoah... 04:33
kwwiibut something in amarok changed, as certain themes do not work quite so well04:33
Jucatonot good...04:34
kwwiiyou have heard of the karate kid? well, I am the kdm kid...login, logout, login, lgout04:35
=== Jucato lol's irl... like crazuy
Jucatocrazy, even04:36
kwwiiok, time to start testing, bbl04:40
Jucatoheh... I'm scared to restart...04:41
jdongJucato: install upstart, then tell me if you're scared to restart04:44
JucatoI should be using upstart now, since I update always, right?04:45
jdongyeah, you should be04:45
JucatoI got an Error 18 this morning (12 hours ago)... I don't know if it was indirectly caused by the update though. but definitely because Edgy's boot goes waaay beyond the first 8GB of the HD...04:47
jdongshouldn't be because of the update04:47
jdongcould just be bad luck04:47
Jucatoit's the first time I've encountered that though. and this partition where Edgy's sitting on has been home to Ubuntu, Kubuntu, and MEPIS with no problems..04:48
Jucatoand Edgy too, until this morning...04:48
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MidMarkRiddell: ok will try later thanx05:16
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abattoir /topic05:51
abattoirmust have left a space05:52
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jdong_sebas: ping06:03
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sebasjdong_: pong06:21
jdong_sebas: I'd like to rant a bit about guidance-power-manager again... :)06:21
sebasjdong_: Can you email me?06:22
sebasI'm about to have dinner06:22
jdong_sebas: k, sure06:22
jdong_enjoy your dinner06:22
sebassebas@kde.org please, thanks :)06:22
=== kwwii_ [n=kwwii@p54957B9E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== kwwii_ is now known as kwwii
Jucatohi kwwii! :)06:27
=== beligum [n=beligum@d54C49C69.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu-devel
DaSkreechJucato: Wouldn't that be a gret addition to kubuntu?06:28
Jucatoerr... possibly :)06:28
jdong_DaSkreech: well, it does have at least one k in the name where a c or q is appropriate....06:29
jdong_so I guess06:29
=== jdong_ would rather petition for mono in kubuntu
Jucatothat doesn't have a k, q, or even a c. :)06:30
DaSkreechYeah I was almost going to ask why not skreenkast :)06:30
kwwiihehe, katapult works again!06:30
Jucatoheh. yeah :)06:30
mbieblsebas: g-p-m begins to look nice, I noticed one issue though06:31
beligumHi all, I'm the creator of ScreenKast and I'm looking for someone who is willing to package it06:31
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jdong_mbiebl: sebas is at dinner. complain to sebas@kde.org06:31
beligumI've already a working debian subdir in the source (used it to package previous releases)06:32
kwwiibeligum: not that I'll package it for you, but what is ScreenKast?06:32
mbiebljdong_: Ok, thanks.06:32
kwwiiand shouldn't it be SkreenKast to be 100% compliant? :-)06:32
beligumA screen-capturing program and client to http://captorials.com06:32
kwwiiwow, looks cool06:33
DaSkreechYeah I know tell me about it06:34
DaSkreechneeds mike support though06:34
JucatoDaSkreech: "wow, looks cool"06:34
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kwwiiok, back to testing06:38
kwwiiand then dinner06:38
kwwiisee you all later06:38
Jucatokwwii: would it be possible to have a kubuntu logo icon, just for an alternative icon (for K Menu, hehe!)06:38
Jucatoaw... he left :)06:38
DaSkreechel:  http://canllaith.blogspot.com/06:39
DaSkreechHmm Aren't there docs on making Ubuntu packages?06:39
HawkwindAll over the wiki06:40
Jucato!packaging > DaSkreech06:40
DaSkreechJucato: | beligum06:40
abattoirDaSkreech: it should be installed too... if you are running kubuntu ;)06:41
Jucato!packaging > beligum06:41
DaSkreechabattoir: That's what I'm thinking. Can it be thrown in before FF?06:41
abattoirDaSkreech: screenkast?06:41
beligumOk, I'm lost here06:42
DaSkreechSeems edgy enough and could use some bashing and testing 06:42
=== abattoir has no clue... but i guess universe ff is still some time away
Jucatouniverse freeze happens after main freeze, AFAIK06:42
elDaSkreech, thanks ! I mailed with her yesterday, and she'll also be at akademy. 06:42
beligumbathroom break broke a lot of things06:42
DaSkreechBut Butt?06:42
DaSkreechJucato: I was thinking main? 06:42
JucatoDaSkreech: probably not...06:43
DaSkreechBut it's Kool! 06:43
abattoirDaSkreech: well i dont think that'd be possible06:43
DaSkreechYeh me either06:43
DaSkreechmaybe edgy +106:43
Jucatonot everything that's kool makes it into main :)06:43
DaSkreechYeah :-p Like ?06:44
JucatoDaSkreech: just read the criteria for what goes into the components: http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components06:44
DaSkreechWell I think skreecnkast gives enough value ot the average end user06:44
Jucato"Software in main includes a hand-selected list of applications that the Ubuntu developers, community, and users feel are important and that the Ubuntu security and distribution team are willing to support."06:44
DaSkreechYeah I just wanted it to get banged on a bit :)06:45
abattoirDaSkreech: but how many people are going to use it everyday? the average user...06:45
DaSkreechI guess edgy can't breakk all the rules 06:45
DaSkreechabattoir: I may not hang around with the "average" but I can see it getting used a leat a few times a week06:45
DaSkreechKinda Ksnapshot ++06:46
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abattoirDaSkreech: anyways, i'm not the person you need to convince :P... so...06:47
JucatoDaSkreech: you know who to convince... :D06:47
DaSkreechabattoir: wasn't trying to convince (well maybe myself) just getting feedback06:47
DaSkreechYes I know06:47
=== DaSkreech draws a cirlce on the ground and sprinkles salt
abattoirDaSkreech: tbh, i think universe is the perfect place for it, but its just me06:47
jdong_oh boy06:47
jdong_here it goes again06:47
=== mornfall appears out of nowhere
Jucatojdong_: what does?06:48
jdong_Jucato: the Riddell summoning ceremony06:48
DaSkreechNow everyone in the office is looking at me06:48
abattoirDaSkreech: you *really* did that? ;)06:48
jdong_mornfall: you're mr. adept, right?06:48
=== DaSkreech grumbles about he should be more adept at handing out the mana potions
=== Jucato stares in awe at the presence of the mornfall...
mornfalljdong_: in a reverie, yes06:49
abattoirDaSkreech: look!!! behind you!!06:49
DaSkreech /oom /oom06:49
jdong_mornfall: any chance for changelog display on updates? please, please please please please? :)06:49
Jucatowhat a nice way to make first acquiantances :)06:49
DaSkreechbeligum: Oh btw you should probably be reading through the links ubotu gave you :)06:49
beligumlol, I figured :)06:50
DaSkreechjdong_: imbrandon kicked my butt for asking about that :)06:50
jdong_Jucato: I have my ways :)06:50
=== mornfall points jdong_ at http://blog.mornfall.net/
DaSkreechI hacked around it anyway :)06:50
beligumbtw, I'm planning to organize a 100$ prize contest for ScreenKast at captorials.com06:50
=== DaSkreech now has changelog :)
beligum(similar to ubuntuvideo)06:50
mornfallDaSkreech: what have you done?06:50
DaSkreechI installed apt-listchanges 06:51
mornfalli have that too :P06:51
DaSkreechNow anytime I install something it tells me what changed before the commit06:51
=== jdong_ reads edgy-changes religiously
DaSkreechCourse that still sucks since I won't know if I should have installed it before downloading a bloody 30 MB package but it's better than commiting in the dark then having hte machine go berserk06:51
mornfallanyone can recommend a movie?06:52
=== Jucato wonders where jdong_ got the "edgy-changes" text......
bddebianNot without violating the CoC ;-P06:52
=== DaSkreech kasts about for a good skreening
=== abattoir just saw the Wedding Crashers
jdong_mornfall: yeah. It's called watch jdong bug iwj about firefox 2.0b2 :)06:52
bddebian40 Year Old Virgin was better than Wedding Crasher's imo06:52
mornfallwhat's with coc06:53
bddebianmornfall: Have you seen Team America: World Police? :-)06:53
mornfallprobably no06:53
abattoiror, Southpartk :Bigger, Longer Uncut :P06:53
bddebianAye :-)06:53
DaSkreechmornfall: Do you know if Ubunut is going to support the diff changes in apt?06:53
mornfalli have The Virgin Suicides here... but it may not be the best idea ever, being depressed fairly heavily06:54
DaSkreechI would have thought that would be tested in edgy06:54
mornfallDaSkreech: dunno, i thought it's in place already...06:54
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DaSkreechel: tell her DaSkreech Says hello06:56
eli already have , DaSkreech :)06:57
DaSkreechel: I like you :)06:57
Jucatothat was fast.. eheheh06:57
mornfallhi el06:57
elhi mornfall :)06:57
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=== beligum is now to the supermarket
DaSkreechUNrelated topic07:00
DaSkreech Whats up with Kubuntu and klik?07:00
Jucatoklik is still alive?07:00
DaSkreechI guess so. People keep mentioning it07:01
DaSkreechPeople say the same thing about GHNS :-)07:01
JucatoI thought the "buzz" died a few months ago... 07:01
abattoirGet Hot New Stuff07:01
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DaSkreechIs there a GnuGHNS?07:02
DaSkreechI think that's it's a great way to get non coders active in OSS07:02
abattoirgnuGHNS ?07:03
=== sebas is back now.
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DaSkreechNo GHNS07:05
DaSkreechIt'd be teh aw3svm for non technical people to jump in and help07:07
rraphinkam I the only one with apt broken in edgy?07:12
jdongrraphink: apt broken?07:12
rraphinki've had it broken for a few days07:12
jdonghow so?07:12
rraphinkit segfaults 07:12
jdongapt works fine here07:13
rraphink $ apt-cache show apt07:13
rraphinkErreur de segmentation07:13
rraphinkas straight as this07:13
jdongtime for a debsums?07:13
rraphinkwell i'll reinstall it07:14
rraphinknever know ;)07:14
rraphinkdoesn't fix07:15
rraphinki'll try to downgrade it07:15
rraphinknow it works :)07:16
rraphinkexcept python is broken07:16
jdongjust bad luck all around :)07:17
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DaSkreechMy friend07:17
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rraphinkfixing python07:22
rraphinkhmm trying to, rather07:24
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_SimeRiddell: http://www.simonzone.com/software/pykdeextensions/en/i18n.html08:04
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Luresebas: ping08:12
_SimeKSS needs to be updated from SVN.08:18
sebasLure: pong08:18
Luresebas: do we intentionally use battery level as indicator of battery being present? I am currently recycling my battery (going to zero) and when capacity drops below 1% it claims removed08:19
Lurewe should use battery.present property instead08:20
sebasLure: Uhm. ...08:22
Luresebas: this will anyhow need refactoring for multi-battery, so I might want to change this08:23
sebasWe don't use battery level as that indicator, we check if that device is reported by HAL.08:24
sebasI can have a look at battery.present, though. That might be useful for the case of removal.08:24
sebasThe code is a bit dodgy there.08:24
Riddell_Sime: what's changed?08:25
Luresebas: there is code which says: if level: "x%" else: "removed"08:25
Luresebas: guidance-power-manager.py:26408:26
sebasHm, that's a "if level isn't available"08:27
_SimeRiddell: I just updated KSS here on edgy and noticed that my "hit indicator" change hasn't been picked up yet.08:27
sebasgetBatteryState() returns None there for level.08:27
Lure_Sime: btw, accessibility icon is fixed in last upload (and powermanager is not in Lost+Found) - Tonio_ fixed it08:27
=== sebas fixed another 4 or so launchpad bugs for guidance today.
_SimeLure: yeah, I noticed that. the other changes were to the cpp code.08:28
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_Simesebas: I saw that. goodonya08:29
sebasI'll commit the fix for the 'high' bug in userconfig in a minute though.08:29
Luresebas: even better - my battery does not report "battery.charge_level.percentage" property at all! And we use this for level...08:36
=== Lure is confused
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sebasLure: Hm ... 08:37
sebasAnd power-manager still works?08:38
sebasI mean, that'd surprise me :>08:38
Luresebas: wrong - this is only when battery is empty (was looking at saved log of lshal before machint shut off)08:38
=== Lure is feeling a bit better now ;-)
Luresebas: but currently (when charging) I get strange result: Battery: charging (99%), but "removed" in battery progress bar08:40
=== sebas would *much_much* rather see this resolved in HAL.
Luresebas: but hal is reporting ok - will put in pastebin08:43
Luresebas: lshal with flat battery - just before shutdown: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2275308:45
Luresebas: lshal when charging - almost fully charged: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2275408:46
sebasHm, I could compute the level.percentage from the other values, if it's not there.08:46
Luresebas: in both cases it claimed "removed" in progress bar08:46
Luresebas: battery.charge_level.percentage = 100; but it still claims "Charging (99%)"08:49
sebasLet me try to resolve the other one first :>08:49
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Riddellkwwii: I remembered another bit of artwork we'll need, the website release announcement image08:57
Riddellanything feelgood and somewhat kubuntu related08:57
kwwiiRiddell: right, and I guess the website pics themse4lves (the header part)?08:57
sebasLure: Can you try this? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2275708:57
sebasThat should give you the percentage08:57
Riddellkwwii: yeah, since we're going with that new logo variant08:58
Luresebas: I just got notification that "new battery inserted" ;-) and battery is now fully charged08:58
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sebasLure: Uhm, the patch is wrong, wait.08:59
Luresebas: I see08:59
Luresebas: elif has empty strings and you will always get 108:59
Luresebas: I think we should still first check for "battery.present" == yes09:01
sebasLure: That's another case, first this one.09:01
sebasI'm getting confused otherwise.09:01
Luresebas: I still have another entry for battery (travel) it just claims present = no09:01
Luresebas: ok ;-)09:01
sebasThis one should help with the level.09:02
Luresebas: will try, I just need to discharge it for 1-2% first ;-)09:02
sebasNo, this should resolve percentage not being reported.09:03
sebasYou said it didn't have that one at all, now we emulate it.09:04
sebasHm, you have percentage when it's nearly full obviously ... 09:04
Luresebas: it has percentage, only when flat this one is not there (see my second paste)09:05
sebasIt seems to disappear once it's 0.09:05
sebasI'm adding battery.present then09:05
Luresebas: I need to go down to 0 again to test this, so it will take some time (1 hour)09:05
sebasI'll have battery.present supported by then, I guess :>09:06
=== jdong_ is now known as jdong
Riddellabattoir: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuSupportTeam is interesting09:09
abattoirRiddell: you saw it? :P09:10
abattoirit was supposed to be raised in the meeting tomorrow09:10
abattoirRiddell: the aim is to get more people to coordinate this stuff. Many are willing to contribute.. but do not know how to code/ package09:11
abattoirthis is an avenue for them09:12
kwwiidude, what have they done to vi?09:12
kwwiiedgy vi SUCKS09:12
kwwiiit is like going back 10 years 09:12
Lurekwwii: install vim package - only vim-tiny is included by default09:13
Lurekwwii: this was done due to size issue09:13
Lurekwwii: no space on CD :-(09:13
kwwiihehe, and emacs? is it still included?09:13
kwwiiman, oh man...I could learn nano09:14
sebasLure: I've just committed a fix that works for me for the remove battery from bay and reinsert it case.09:14
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
sebasCan you svn up, g-p-m restart and unplug / replug your battery to see if that breaks.09:14
sebasvim7 rocks, btw.09:14
kwwiisorry to ask this, but I have to know...are you a Lee June fan? or are you Lee Jun Fan?09:15
Luresebas: has to merge conflict09:15
sebasLure: Revert my previous patch09:15
sebasor rm powermanage.py and svn up if you don't have local changes.09:16
sebasThe level thing is also in there.09:16
sebasBut indented an extra level, that's why it won't merge.09:16
Luresebas: it works, I just got "battery is on low power" notification before "battery removed" notification09:19
sebasThat one should help with those "but I didn't insert my battery just now cases!"09:20
abattoirkwwii: i think that's his full name :P09:20
Luresebas: battery is now removed, but tooltip still claims "Charging (61%)", even though battery is not present09:20
sebasLure: if you retrigger the tooltip?09:20
Luresebas: progress bar is ok ("removed"), just the label09:20
=== sebas tries.
Luresebas: after several tries09:21
sebasOw, ok.09:21
Luresebas: lshal is correct (two baterries, both not present)09:21
Luresebas: and I would suggest to use "not present" instead of "removed"09:22
sebasCommitted (but I'll make it "not present" indeed).09:24
sebasThe label there just wasn't updated.09:24
Riddellabattoir: very cool idea09:26
abattoirRiddell: thanks :) glad that you like it09:26
Luresebas: why do we have label at all - it just duplicates what we have in progress bar anyhow09:26
sebasNope, that label shows the state (charging, discharging, not present, full), the progressbar shows percentages / minutes depending on the state.09:28
Luresebas: it may make sense with multi-battery - we could have one bar for each battery and label to show cummulative state09:28
sebasIt makes sense right now :-)09:29
Luresebas: agreed, but having "has been removed" in label and "removed" in bar is duplication, isn't it09:29
sebasOw, that way, that's right. I can remove it then.09:29
sebasDone, I'll commit it with the next fixes.09:30
Luresebas: can we discuss how we can integrate multi battery support? I plan to start coding tonight and then test on friday when I get my battery back.09:30
sebasLure: Sure.09:31
=== apachelogger is now known as sitter
LureI think we need to go similar approach as cpus: widget is dynamically added instead of fixed one progress bar09:31
Lurewhat I am not sure if we want to have additional bar for total (like powersave)09:31
Luremost laptops only have one, so additional bar is confusion; the others may haw two (but not more) and from two bar it is also pretty clear the total % left09:32
Lureso, if we would add total % to the label, we would have enough info w/o cluttering tooltip with addiitonal bar09:33
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=== Lure rests his case;-)
sebasI'd want the cumulative value displayed anyway09:33
Luresebas: yes, but each bar should present individual % (or time remaining)09:33
Riddellimbrandon: what conclusion did we come to on QtNX?09:34
sebas% when charging, minutes remaining when discharging09:34
sebasThat's what we do now, and what Ellen said makes sense.09:34
Luresebas: exactly - the only question is what to display for battery that is not discharging yet - 100% or 1:34h09:35
sebasminutes is only interesting as cumulative value though, charge rate can be written on the battery progressbars09:35
Luresebas: on my HP, travel bettery is discharged first and charged last09:35
sebasTime remaining if unplugged09:35
sebasWait, we display a cumulative value in minutes, and percentages for each battery and for cumulative only while charging09:36
kwwiiabattoir: how do you know it is a man? :p09:36
Luresebas: true, so bar should be always % charged, and label should be: "Fully charged", "Charging (X%), "xx:yy remaining"?09:36
sebasSo we need cumulative states, such as hasBattery09:37
abattoirkwwii: well, i'm assuming 'Lee' is *his* surname, i'd say Jun is a common male chinese first name :P09:37
sebasgetBatteryState() should return the cumulative value (that's where things would break otherwise.09:37
sebasWe could check for multiple batteries and add a getBatteryState(battery_no)09:38
abattoirkwwii: just a wild educated guess though :)09:38
sebasSo you can do the displaying with that method09:38
Luresebas: yes, or have table like for cpu's09:38
sebasThat's a hboxthingie09:38
Luresebas: like self.CpuProgress[cpu] 09:39
sebasYup, it makes sense to use a dict there.09:39
Luresebas: yes, and that is all we need: % and what label to write in bar for each battery09:39
sebasBut there would need to be a cumulative field09:39
kwwiiabattoir: :-)09:39
Lureyes, cumulative still has to be there.09:39
sebasbatteryUnplugged[battery] 09:40
sebasSo you know which one is there, and which one's unplugged.09:40
LurebatteryPresent[battery] 09:40
Lurecurrently HAL reports two batteries, even though I did not have travel battery attached for more than a week - not sure where hal gets this info09:41
Riddellfrom linux09:41
Luregood thing is that I can start implementing multi-battery even though I do not have second battery ;-)09:41
RiddellHAL just reads /sys mostly09:41
LureRiddell: yes, but I had several reboots inbetween - it seems that ACPI has some nvram09:42
Lureand is aware that there was second battery attached09:42
Riddellkwwii: ping ping09:42
sebasI've two bays, but only one battery reported.09:43
sebasNever had a second one plugged  in09:43
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Luresebas: so tooltip.ui has to be changed to not include bar at all and all battery/cpu bars will be added dynamically, right?09:47
Luresebas: like cpu is already done09:48
abattoirkwwii: i was apparently wrong, that's not his real name :( , he is a Bruce Lee fan :D 09:49
kwwiihaha! I knew it!09:49
kwwiisee, now my question does not sound sooo stupid :-)09:49
=== Lure thinks kwwii is ignoring Riddell ;-)
abattoirkwwii: i never said it was stupid, anyways, my mistake, get back to Riddell, or he might kick me :)09:50
kwwiierm, why is vim on the CDs? and since it is there, why is it not installed?09:50
Lureor double ping cancel each other ;-)09:50
Riddellwe removed most of vim recently09:51
Riddellkwwii: able to join us in #akademy ?09:51
kwwiiRiddell: yepp09:51
Luresebas: still claims it is removed on flat battery09:57
=== Lure will loose power soon
=== Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #kubuntu-devel
sebasLure: Hm, I'll have another look in a bit.09:59
Luresebas: hal state http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2276409:59
Luresebas: battery.charge_level.current does not exist either...10:00
=== DaSkreech [n=skreech@port0002-abm-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Luresebas: maybe we should use "battery.reporting.current" instead10:01
Luresebas: no, that is different unit... :-(10:01
Luresebas: I think we should just check if percentage is not there, we should set level to 0 (and not try to calculate)10:02
=== poningru [n=poningru@ip70-171-62-28.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Lure is suprised how much is still left after battery claims it is empty
ryanakcahmm.. is that the stupid laptop batery thing that doesn't want to stop popping up each time I log in despite the fact that I close it every time and I don't own a laptop?10:05
Lureryanakca: probably ;-)10:05
Luresebas: ^^^ powermanager should probably go down if no battery (or something)10:06
DaSkreechSilly power cuts10:06
DaSkreechDid Riddell awake?10:06
ryanakcaduring install there should be the question " Will this be a laptop installation? " during the install of the OS... to determine if it is needed10:06
Lureryanakca: power-manager should shutdown if not laptop10:07
Lureryanakca: Kubuntu policy is no questions (like kpersonalizer)10:07
sebasI think the idea was to not only do battery stuff with power-manager.10:08
sebasNot that it's there, HAL does not report mouse and keyboard battery here, for example.10:08
Luresebas: true, but currently it does not do much more (cpu freq reporting)10:08
sebasYes, for cpufreq reporting it might be useful on !laptops.10:09
sebasI doubt that this is use case enough though.10:09
Luresebas: also some machines support hibernate10:09
Luresebas: but battery icon is not right one and any battery notification should be disabled10:10
sebasLure: Yeah, but didn't you change ksmserver to supply that?10:10
kwwiiRiddell: which version do you think we should print? I think the 3d logo would be the best10:10
DaSkreechCan't you detect if it's a laptop?10:10
=== Lure still has some juice from empty battery... ;-)
sebasAnd frankly, hibernate and suspend could just as well go into kmenu, a systrayicon only for that sounds like overkill to me.10:11
Luresebas: yes, it is there and I think it is enough - power-manager has it too only for convinience10:11
sebasYup, and p-m does need that funcionality anyway, for traditional reasons: people expect it to be there.10:11
sebasAnd for autosuspend stuff.10:11
sebasSo someone tell me what to do with !laptops.10:12
Luresebas: problem is that HAL's system.formfactor = 'laptop' may not be enough  - but we may start with this check10:12
sebasbattery *may* well be enough, for sure combined with form factor.10:12
Luresebas: I would exit immediatelly if system.formfactor != 'laptop'10:12
Lure(for now, in future we may have better check)10:13
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sebasI can do that and wait for complaints.10:15
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=== Lure_ [n=lure@clj46-234.dial-up.arnes.si] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Lure_ is now known as Lure
ryanakcacan you make patches of images? like I'm trying to package an icon set, but I'm trying to get rid of their klogo (which is a flying monster) and change it to a normal klogo.10:26
Riddellryanakca: yes10:27
Riddellryanakca: diff --text -u10:27
Riddellryanakca: then  uuencode foo.diff foo.diff > foo.diff.uu10:27
ryanakcaso manual patch?10:27
Riddellthen in rules build-dep no sharutils and have   uudecode foo.diff.uu10:27
Riddelloh, no idea about these fancy cdbs-patch thingys 10:28
ryanakcalol, cdbs-edit-patch is being a pain, and the dscr-new-patch doesn't work with images, so I guess it's either manual or some other system10:29
haggaiquilt is pretty cool10:30
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Luresebas: another interesting bug - when charging it reports you are on low battery power - probably when getting from critical -> warning level ;-)10:33
DaSkreechRiddell:  :-)10:34
DaSkreechDid you see the discussion above with beligum ?10:35
RiddellDaSkreech: no10:35
DaSkreechbeligum has written that and is looking to get it into the repos. I was wondering if it could be a edgy candidate10:37
Riddellpackage it up10:38
LureDaSkreech: why not - just put on revu and get two MOTUs to review10:38
LureDaSkreech: I would like to see it in Edgy10:38
DaSkreechWell beligum doesn't seem to be here now. He was asking someone to be responsible for packaging it. He already has debian debs10:39
DaSkreechHe was given the packagaing docs and was reading them. Just wanted to get some info for the next time he pops up10:40
DaSkreechWhen is universe FF?10:40
LureDaSkreech: if he has debian packages, just upload to revu10:41
DaSkreechLure: Ok done :)10:41
DaSkreechI'll mail him10:41
LureDaSkreech: universe freezes on Sep 28 ;-) - see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule10:42
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DaSkreechOh plenty of stretch time10:42
DaSkreechI was putting this forward as a candidate for main 10:44
DaSkreechthe Well tested requirement gave me pause though10:44
LureDaSkreech: I would preffer digiKam to main first... ;-)10:46
DaSkreechWhts the standing for digikam now?10:46
LureDaSkreech: nothing10:48
DaSkreechThat's not good10:48
Riddellbut digikam has a bunch of depeds that need main inclusion reports too10:48
DaSkreechWell If we can get digiKam in and get a writeup on screenKast for Fridge I'd be ok10:49
DaSkreechgwenView does Camera imports?10:49
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Riddellno, we have camera:/ for that, which isn't great10:51
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RiddellSime: I've uploaded a new system settings, working well for me10:58
SimeRiddell: and when you type something into the search box?10:58
RiddellSime: I get a funky little label saying how many results are in each section11:00
SimeRiddell: good11:00
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=== sebas hates the DBus Python API.
sebasWhy does it cost me half an hour to find out how to read some specific value? :/11:04
Riddellsebas: presumably when pyqt4.2 is out we can use the qt API11:04
RiddellI hope11:04
sebasRiddell: I hope so (and the Qt mainloop)11:04
sebasBut PyKDE 4 will not be there this year, so that's kind of late...11:05
Riddellwe don't need pykde4, qt 4.2 is good enough (dbus, systray support)11:05
sebasNo KDE widgets, no KDialog, no KCM ... 11:07
beligumok, back11:07
sebasNo KGlobals, that means problems with iconloading and finding them ... 11:07
sebasStill, the dbus is far too complex to be usable right now.11:07
yuriysebas: i just got a laptop and installing edgy now. any thing in particular to test for with p-m?11:07
sebasIt's not that this is the first time I struggle with it11:07
sebasyuriy: If it works :>11:08
DaSkreechbeligum: Scroll up a bit. If you have a good Debian deb already you just need to upload it to revu11:08
DaSkreechas well as dependencies :)11:08
beligumno package yet, just everything in place to do it11:08
beligumok, if I package on Dapper?11:08
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Lurebeligum: probably ok, you can create edgy pbuilder to test build11:10
yuriysebas: i should get the latest from svn?11:11
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beligumI'll have to do some stuff first, but I guess the packages (libinstrudeo and screenkast) will be ready in two hours or so11:15
beligumWhat do I do when done?11:15
Riddellbeligum: if you want to do the work yourself, ask on #ubuntu-motu for an account on REVU (you'll need a GPG key), upload and poke us to review it11:16
beligumhmmm, well, since this would be my first official packages, I'd appreciate some help11:17
Riddellmore REVU info at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/MOTU/Packages/REVU11:17
yuriysebas: should the brightness setting be working independently of the buttons on the keyboard?11:17
DaSkreechWhat happened to ubuntu-calendar?11:18
beligumok, thx11:18
RiddellDaSkreech: it stopped ages ago11:19
DaSkreechYes I know that. is it ever intended to resume?11:19
yuriyoops. *stupid question* what's the password for the live-cd?11:19
RiddellDaSkreech: no11:19
DaSkreechdamn :-(11:19
Riddellyuriy: there isn't one11:19
DaSkreechyuriy: There isn't one11:20
DaSkreechsudo passwd to setone11:20
yuriythat's what i thought, but it won't unlock the screen (good news is it did lock it when i told p-m to)11:20
DaSkreechare there any plans for a rekonstruktor?11:21
=== yuriy ctrl+alt+backspace
Riddellyuriy: ah yes, that's a bug, although I don't the best way to solve it11:22
yuriyRiddell: but logging in works... shouldn't it be the same?11:22
Riddellyuriy: how did you log in?11:23
yuriyin kdm, user name ubuntu, no password11:23
yuriybut that didn't work to unlock the screen11:23
Riddellclever kdm, guess kdesktop lock needs fixed to accept no password then11:24
yuriybug #1349711:25
UbugtuMalone bug 13497 in kdeartwork "Locked password on live CD interferes with screen lock" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/1349711:25
yuriyis kdeartwork correct??11:25
Riddellnope, kdebase11:25
yuriyit's fixed in ubuntu according to the bug btw11:26
sebasyuriy: Yes.11:29
sebasyuriy: You can try http://vizzzion.org/downloads/kde-guidance_0.6.7svn20060906-0ubuntu1_i386.deb first11:30
yuriysebas: so the max setting will always be whatever the hardware is set to? so if you use fn to set it to something really dim, that will be the max in p-m and down from there?11:31
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yuriysebas: ^ thought you were saying yes to the last question11:31
sebasyes -> brightness should work independant from the buttons11:31
sebasmax in p-m is the max hal reports11:32
yuriysebas: seems a little unintuitive to me. is it possible to get them to work together, or why have the setting at all on laptops that can handle it themselves? (assuming there is a way to detect)11:32
sebasThe setting is there so you can configure what brightness will be set if you unplug the button.11:33
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yuriysebas: oh nvm i thought my laptop was doing that on it's own as well but it's not (still getting familiar with it)11:35
sebasNo problem.11:35
sebasWhat model is it?11:35
yuriysebas: asus v6j11:36
Luresebas: This is not a laptop, quitting ... ;-)11:48
sebasOW, fuck.11:49
sebasI reverted the bool to test and committed it.11:49
Luresebas: ;-)11:49
sebassvn up11:50
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gnomefreakanyone know what kdes version of gdebiis called?11:50
Luresebas: NameError: global name 'parent' is not defined11:50
Luresebas: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2277611:51
sebasGot it, svn up.11:52
Luresebas: works - thanks11:53
yuriy*yawn* ubuquity crashed11:53
ryanakcaRiddell: ping12:01
ryanakcaRiddell: can you clarify "[16:22]  <Riddell> then in rules build-dep no sharutils and have   uudecode foo.diff.uu"12:02
jdong_gnomefreak: kde doesn't have a gdebi12:03
jdong_gnomefreak: I use gdebi inside kde when I get lazy12:03
Luresebas: I have commited small fix (two notifications when on warning battery level)12:05
imbrandonjdong sure use deb:/ kio-slave12:05
yuriyso many "installer crashed" bugs...12:05
gnomefreakk ty jdong_  i thought i saw one once12:07
=== jdong_ tries out the deb kioslave
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sebasLure: This only removes the notification 15 minutes before battery is empty?12:07
Luresebas: yes, because one more is 20 lines lower (after critical check)12:08
sebasLure: Did you commit that aswell?12:08
jdong_imbrandon: it seems to just search packages.ubuntu.com12:08
Luresebas: I have also found the typo that prevented your fix for flat battery to not work12:08
=== Lure considers bed in order not to start introducing typos myself ;-)
sebasYeah, same here.12:09
jdong_gnomefreak: there's the kubuntu package menu, which is nothing more than launching dpkg -i in a xterm12:09
jdong_gnomefreak: it doesn't do the dependency resolution that gdebi does12:09
sebasI only see the removal in the diff, btw.12:09
sebasNot the typo fix, not the notify elsewhere12:10
Riddellryanakca: in debian/control add sharutils to the build-depends, and to get the patch back you have to run  uudecode foo.diff.uu in debian/rules12:10
sebasAh, there's the typo12:10
Luresebas: still not enough for my laptop - charge_level.current does not exist12:12

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