
Mangixon windows, it sounds very clearly12:10
Mangixon Kubuntu, there's a lot of jittering but you can hear the sound12:10
h3sp4wnWhich version of windows ?12:10
angasule_kenan, you can use add/remove programs12:10
kenandone that12:10
angasule_kenan: or adept12:10
ubotuadept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto12:10
kenani want to add12:10
h3sp4wnMangix: Have you tried disabling artsd ?12:10
kenanand also real player12:10
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Mangixh3sp4wn: what's that?12:10
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository12:11
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:11
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kenanthanks i will try12:11
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h3sp4wnMangix: run kcontrol (or system settings) and then go onto sound system - > disable the soundsystem (sound will still work but just not through artsd)12:11
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Mangixh3sp4wn: did that. it still sounds kinda jittery12:13
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[GuS] Au Revoir!12:18
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CzarAlexHow can i prevent kdm from starting when i boot my computer? I just want the command line interface.12:19
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lupine_85set your default runlevel to 3 ?12:19
Darkkishdo you have grub?12:19
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CzarAlexlupine_85: What that to me?12:21
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lupine_85CzarAlex: yes12:21
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CzarAlexlupine_85: Im not familiar with runlevels and what they do. How do I set it to 3, and will that effect anything else I run on my box turned server? (apache2, mysql..)12:22
lupine_85you have 6 runlevels on your machine, which specify different programs to be run, etc12:22
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lupine_856 is reboot, 0 is halt, 1 is single0user12:23
lupine_852-5 are configurable12:23
lupine_853 is usually set up as "non-graphical", IMD12:23
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CzarAlexlupine_85: Ah i see. and how do I set this? (and set it back if I dont like it)12:23
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lupine_85telinit to change the runlevel12:24
altprsonawhat is the default setting for the wheelmouse button? why does it open weird links in firefox?12:24
lupine_85if you find runlevel 3 does the trick, just edit /etc/inittab appropriately12:24
lupine_85(but carefully!)12:25
h3sp4wnMangix: What are you using to play sound ?12:25
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h3sp4wnIn ubuntu all run levels are graphical (afaik)12:25
h3sp4wninstall sysv-rc-conf and remove kdm from all runlevels except 5 then set the default to 2 would work12:26
lupine_85the default already is 2 :)12:26
usingkubuntulivehmm.. looks nice and is fast, but where are all the games??? ;)12:26
CzarAlexh3sp4wn: Hmm. I want to convert my desktop install to command line only. Is there a more proper way?12:26
jt_can you not just goto System Settings -> System Services and uncheck "Start during boot" for kdm12:26
h3sp4wnCzarAlex: What do you mean ? you don't want X at all ?12:27
CzarAlexh3sp4wn: I don't. Command line is just fine.12:27
jt_install slackware tbh12:28
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h3sp4wnCzarAlex: sudo aptitude purge kde~i xorg~i (that should get rid of quite alot of stuff)12:28
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CzarAlexMy issue is that i have my box all set up the way i like it with apache2 and all that jazz, but i wanna free up some memory, since i dont use X on this "server" anymore, I can do withouit it12:29
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:29
h3sp4wnCzarAlex: The above line would get rid of quite alot of stuff12:30
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CzarAlexh3sp4wn: stuff that would harm apache2 and mysql and stuff?12:30
TheHighChildCzarAlex: I wouldn't remove the window manager, I would just stop it from starting at boot12:30
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CzarAlexTheHighChild: That would be perfect. How do you recommend I do that?12:31
h3sp4wnCzarAlex: Nope (maybe the mysql gui would be removed)12:31
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angasule_is there a GUI tool to configure grub? I don't see anything in the system settings12:31
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h3sp4wnangasule_: just sudo grub (the cli grub manager is pretty easy to use) what do you need to do ?12:32
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angasule_h3sp4wn: basically, I want to leave only 'kubuntu' and 'windows' in the menu (and prettygying it, if possible)12:33
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Mangixis there any way to select the output device used for audio?12:34
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CzarAlexTheHighChild: I hope its not that complicated :)12:34
jt_angasule_: you need to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst12:34
jt_angasule_: eg $ sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst12:35
angasule_jt_: I know how to do it manually, I was just asking for a GUI :)12:35
angasule_I'm a vim user heh12:35
jt_dont think there is a kubuntu gui :(12:35
TheHighChildCzarAlex: You can edit your /etc/inittab to change the runlevel. I'm trying to find an easier way.12:35
CzarAlexTheHighChild: I appreciate it.12:35
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Mangixis there any way to select the output device used for audio?12:37
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about audio - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:38
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TheHighChildCzarAlex: try this 'sudo cp /etc/inittab /etc/inittab.bak' to backup the init tab. Then edit the line that looks like 'id:2:initdefault' change the 2 to 1, save the file and reboot. if that doesn't work, 'sudo cp /etc/inittab.bak /etc/inittab' to restore the file12:38
CzarAlexTheHighChild: and try a different runlevel?12:39
h3sp4wnrunlevel 1 is single user - I don't think you want that12:39
TheHighChildCzarAlex: no, then come back and we'll go from there ;)12:39
CzarAlexh3sp4wn: True.12:39
CzarAlexTheHighChild: okay. brb12:39
TheHighChildCzarAlex: There is 0-6 0 is halt, 1 is single user mode, 2-5 are multi user and 6 is reboot12:40
h3sp4wnCzarAlex: You need to remove things from starting from whatever run level you want to use12:40
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TheHighChildCzarAlex: Def listen to h3sp4wn cause he pwns the hell out of me12:40
CzarAlexTheHighChild: understood :)12:40
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danilochow to configure the kernel12:40
D3ltaCainhey everyone, I have pretty serious kubuntu problem, I tired installing it on my friends computer and after the os loads, when you should get a long in screen, the monitor goes into standby. if you press the power button, you get the console looking stuff.12:40
CzarAlexh3sp4wn: and how do I know what i need to remove prior to setting the new runlevel?12:40
h3sp4wnCzarAlex: Remove kdm is a good start12:41
danilochow to configure the kernel12:41
h3sp4wndaniloc: make menuconfig12:41
danilocroot@Daniloc:/home/daniloc# make menuconfig12:42
danilocbash: make: command not found12:42
CzarAlexh3sp4wn: sudo apt-get remove kdm ?12:42
jt_daniloc: you need automake12:42
danilocwhat i need ?12:43
jt_sudo apt-get install build-essential12:43
h3sp4wnyou don't need automake12:43
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danilocwhat i need now?12:43
h3sp4wnyou need ncurses-dev kernel-package build-essential12:43
CzarAlexh3sp4wn: thats not to me is it..12:44
Riddell** testers needed for  deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/amarok-143/ dapper main12:44
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daniloch3sp4wn: what i need, and what i must do ?12:45
h3sp4wndaniloc: How would I know what you need12:45
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danilocbut my english is bad12:45
daniloci restard my computer, and when is booted my wifi card dont work!??!12:46
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danilocand i must use other kernel (recover) and now is ok12:46
danilocif u mean me12:46
daniloci dont know what is happening12:46
danilocnow is ok, but when i start standard kernel12:47
h3sp4wnedit /etc/apt/source.list find the line that says dapper-security main - change it to be dapper-security main restricted12:47
danilocmy wifi didnt work :(12:47
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h3sp4wnsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade12:47
daniloch3sp4wn: talking to me ?12:47
daniloci do that12:47
daniloci update all12:47
danilocfew hours ago12:48
daniloci update all12:48
danilocand restart computer12:48
danilocwhen i boot the kubuntu12:48
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danilocwifi dont work12:48
danilocbut i dont know why12:48
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Darkkishis it USB?12:48
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danilocno, PCI12:49
danilocfuckin sys update12:49
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danilocanybody know what to do ?12:50
danilochow to restore or something else?!?!12:50
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andi_how can I open in the shell Kate (root modus) (/etc/apt/sources.list) ?12:51
lupine_85kdesu kate12:51
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daniloch3sp4wn: help if u know how ..12:52
h3sp4wnI have already told you how12:52
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daniloci add this repos12:58
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danilocand do dist-upgrade12:58
danilocu mean that ?12:58
danilocupdating now :)01:00
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danilocwhen is update finished, what i need to do ?01:00
gan|y|medwrong channel, sry01:02
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h3sp4wndaniloc: Reboot and select the kernel and the correct modules / firmware should be there01:03
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daniloc/say $ip01:03
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andi_I tried to install a nvidia driver for my Geforce fx 5200, but then came that !01:05
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Bud_Spencerive got the same card...01:06
andi_@Bud_Spencer jeah !01:06
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Hawkwindtrappist: Congrats man.  Just saw what was going on in the meeting channel :)01:07
Bud_Spencerone moment01:07
trappistHawkwind: thanks :)01:07
Bud_Spencerwhat did you do?01:08
Hawkwindtrappist: BTW...I hear you are working on a new version of IPKF...any release date set ?01:08
andi_I installed nvidia-glx !01:08
trappistHawkwind: soon as I can get it put together.  it just fixes one bug.  then I'm gonna try to package it for edgy.01:08
dnm_Hi people. Quick question that I haven't found an easy answer to: how do I get Kate to stop showing end-of-line/CRLF marks?01:09
Hawkwindtrappist: Very kewl.  It will be nice to have the latest in Edgy when it's released01:09
Bud_Spencerwhy didnt do that? change the driver from nv to nvividia in xorg.conf's driver section01:09
Bud_Spenceror Ill send you my xorg.conf01:10
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z22bonjour tlm01:11
Bud_Spencergood fight, good night!01:11
z22j'ai install kubuntu 6.06 et j'ai un prob de clavier...01:11
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daniloch3sp4wn: updated, what now ?01:12
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h3sp4wndaniloc: Reboot try the kernel01:14
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Darkkishnow we wait until he comes back on liveCD telling you its broke01:14
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D3ltaCainI have a friend for who I tired to install kubuntu01:22
D3ltaCainbut it failed miserably01:22
D3ltaCainas soon as kubuntu is done the loading stuff, the screen goes into standby01:22
D3ltaCainno output01:22
D3ltaCaincan anyone help?01:22
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rhiSet up latest quinns on a kubuntu box with ati, xserver fails to start, anyone know where i could look or the poblem?01:28
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daniloch3sp4wn: man, with standard kernel no working01:38
daniloch3sp4wn: man, with standard kernel no working01:39
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h3sp4wndaniloc: What driver do you use ?01:40
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daniloci dont know01:40
danilocubuntu find it alone01:40
danilocwhen i use secondary kernel image, everything do fine01:40
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h3sp4wnWell that means you don't have dapper-security restricted enabled (thats the only thing it could be)01:41
link_36pSet up latest quinns on a kubuntu box with ati, xserver fails to start, anyone know where i could look or the poblem?01:41
danilocit is enabled01:41
h3sp4wnlink_36p: #ubuntu-xgl01:41
danilocenabled 100%01:42
h3sp4wndaniloc: apt-cache policy linux-restricted-modules-
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h3sp4wn!info linux-restricted-modules-
ubotuPackage linux-restricted-modules- does not exist in any distro I know01:43
danilocW: Unable to locate package linux-restricted-modules-
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daniloch3sp4wn: any idea ?01:45
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h3sp4wndaniloc: Manually download linux-restricted-modules- from dapper-security01:45
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danilocand with that ?01:46
danilocwhat to do ?01:46
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hybridDaSkreech pm me plz01:47
daniloc<h3sp4wn> daniloc: Manually download linux-restricted-modules- from dapper-security i have that, installed01:47
daniloc:(( what to do :(((01:47
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h3sp4wndaniloc: Attempt to solve problems your self just moaning just irritates me - try finding a channel which speaks your own language01:49
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danilocdont have that channel01:49
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ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic01:50
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Sannedaniloc: search the package on packages.ubuntu.com, download it to your harddisk, and install it with 'sudo dpkg -i <packagename>'01:51
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daniloci have thah package installed01:51
soulriderdoes anyone know how i can install GNOME on kubuntu edgy? :P01:53
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Morticesoulrider: pretty sure even on edgy it's as simple as sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop01:54
soulridernope, the package doesnt seem to be there01:54
Morticesoulrider: can you pastebot your /etc/apt/sources.list please?01:55
soulrideruhm... nevermind i think i can fix it myself01:56
Morticesoulrider: OK :)01:56
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Darkkishhow do i kill artsd?01:58
soulrideryea, i think its gonna work :)01:58
soulridersudo killall artsd i guess01:58
soulriderdid theyc hange the font in edgy? :/01:59
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danilocgood night ;)02:01
daniloci must sleep :)02:01
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soulriderMortice: its working :)02:02
Morticesoulrider: it's better to do just "killall artsd" rather than "sudo killall artsd", so that you don't kill an artsd process spawned by another user.02:02
Morticesoulrider: Nice. :)02:02
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seurimashello all02:14
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deeois there any reason for PAM stating my username/password are incorrect when trying to add a printer?02:41
deeoeither via the control centre or via localhost:63102:42
deeotried root, too, even assigned a password for root02:42
deeono dice02:42
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deeoerror log says: cupsdAuthorize: pam_authenticate() returned 7 (Authentication failure)! \n CUPS-Add-Modify-Printer: Unauthorized02:42
_ianhi is there an autoscript to automount windows partitions?02:44
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ubuntuhey, anyone online that can help with an xine problem ?02:46
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killermach_I lost sound somewhere while running easyubuntu, any clues?02:48
_ianguys is there a way to have a theme like suse run in kubuntu?02:49
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Telroth_ian: yes02:51
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_ianhmmm how will my windows partitions be automounted and accessible...i can see them in media folder but when i click on them it says i donthave access02:55
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Telroth_ian: sudo umount /media/<device> && sudo mount /media/<device> -t ntfs -o rw,exec,uid=<your user name>02:57
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_ianhmmm what does that command do? i just want to know02:59
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Telrothit furst unmounts the drive02:59
Telroththen remounts it in read-write mode and gives your user read priviledges02:59
_ianhow can i get it to be accessibvle mby all users?03:00
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_ianis there a way to do that in fstab?03:00
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Darkkishhelp me install mp3 support03:01
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Telroth_ian: there's a way to do it in fstab, i can't tell you off the top of my head though03:01
_ianis automatix recommended for installing all the codecs like wht darkkish needs? i read itin the forums03:02
TelrothDarkkish: mp3 support is installed by default03:02
Darkkishno its not03:02
JondoHi, I'm trying to do some phone support for my brother trying to get his wireless to work in Kubuntu. I'm not familiar with the kcontrol network config panels.. Are these "knetworkconf", or something else? And would they conflict with manual settings done with iwconfig?03:02
DarkkishTelroth,  no its not03:02
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TelrothJondo: try start-> internet -> wireless assistant03:05
_ianTelroth now i can open the folder with the padlock icon on it without errors but twhats strange is there seems to be nothing inside while i do know there is03:06
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Darkkishsomeone please tell me how to get mp3's working03:06
Telroth_ian: is the partition formatted as ntfs (windows 2000 or windows xp systems) ?03:06
TelrothDarkkish: give me moment03:07
guest_help me.. grub problem,  grub says error 17,  and so I boot to SystemRestoreCD and /dev/hda5 reports as unknown partition type in qtparted03:08
guest_my file partition should be ext303:08
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Darkkishdid you delete any Operating systems before uninstalling grub?03:08
guest_can i use fdisk to set the partition type to ext3 without trashing the data that may still be on the partition?03:09
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Telrothguest_: hit c, then "root (hd0,0)" where the first 0 is the drive number and the second is the partition number03:09
_ianshould my hrddrive be medi/hda1 or ev/hda103:09
guest_no.. I have dual boot linux/winxp and I booted grub selected winxp and then shutdown winxp and rebooted now error 1703:09
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_ianfix the mbr i guess03:10
Telroththen "kernel /path/to/kernel" (*usually* /vmlinuz)03:10
guest_Telroth: one drive only hda03:10
Telroththen "boot"03:10
Telroth_ian: both are correct03:10
guest_Telroth:  what about the patition type being listed as unknown now?03:10
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Telroth_ian:  /dev/hda1 is the device, /media/hda1 is the mount point03:11
Telrothguest_: try it and see if it mounts it anyways03:11
_iantelroth how ocome the data in it wont show up?03:11
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guest_from SystemRestoreCD I tried " mount -t ext3 /dev/hda5 /mnt/test" and I get bad superbock or wrong fstype erro03:12
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guest_Telroth: ok I reboot and grub says error 17 I press "c" and nothing happens03:13
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guest_even tapping03:13
guest_"c" while booting does not get past error 1703:13
Telrothguest_: not while booting03:14
Telrothguest_: while it's showing a menu03:14
Telrothhit 'c'03:14
Telrothinstead of selecting linux or windows03:14
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guest_Telroth: I don't get menu03:15
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Telrothguest_: how do you choose which to boot normally then?03:15
guest_I get "GRUB Loading stage 1.5." a couple of blank lines and then "GRUB loading, please wait..." new line "Error 17"03:16
Telrothtry reinstalling grub03:16
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guest_Telroth: I normally get a boot menu with linux and winxp, until now when I get error 1703:17
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AtKaaZwhich script command asks the user to press any key to continue ?03:18
phil_AtKaaZ: you mean bash03:18
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Telrothuh... it's not one command03:19
AtKaaZAtKaaZ: yes03:19
Telrothit's several bash commands03:19
AtKaaZphil_: yes03:19
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AtKaaZTelroth: there is no one command ?03:19
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phil_AtKaaZ: Have a look at "read"03:20
AtKaaZphil_: thank you03:20
guest_hmm.. if I do fdisk -l /dev/hda .. hda5 shows type 83 Linux.. hmm03:20
=== slyboots is having serious freaking issues with installing Ubuntu
TelrothAtKaaZ: take a look at the Read command03:21
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phil_slyboots: what is your problem with install03:22
AtKaaZTelroth: thanks ;)03:22
Telrothguest_: you need to reinstall grub i think.03:22
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slybootsWell, Every time it installs.. it partitions, copies over the files, but when it reaches time to install GRUB, its all falls over03:22
slybootsAnd it seeps totaly convinced my Linux partition, ifr formated in something called "EFI GTP"03:23
=== slyboots rubs his eyes
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phil_slyboots: is this a first install03:25
slybootsThis is my.. 5th attempt at installing Ubunut on my desktop03:25
slybootsthe install went fine on my secondary PC03:25
slybootsAnd Im getting just a *tad* hacked off03:25
Adorei need help03:26
Adorei use ubuntu & i need software to can open Real files03:26
AdoreWhat can i do please03:27
Adorei need to open real songs03:27
Adorein Linux03:27
_iani think there is a real player for linux03:27
AdoreReal & wav03:27
phil_slyboots: do you have lba enable in your bios for the drive03:27
Adorewhat about Wav fies03:28
slybootsUh.. I assume so o.o03:28
slybootsI would be shocked it if was not03:28
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AdorePlease i want to open wave file03:28
Adoreit's now working at well03:29
guest_Telroth:  hmm.. would this be grub-reinstall ?03:29
Adorejust a sound03:29
phil_guys i am not irc expert how do you "redirect" ubotu msg to another user03:29
Adorewithout pic03:29
guest_oops.. make that grub-install03:29
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Adoreok ok03:30
Adorenow i too need to replace anew font03:30
Adorewhere can i put it to work03:30
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slybootsOkay, Um.. Right03:31
flakewhat's a decent webpage editor03:31
slybootsChecked the bios, there is no mention of LBA, but.. well its a 200gb SATA drive so.. heck it must be enabled03:31
phil_flake: have a look at vi03:31
phil_flake: just kdding ook at quantas03:32
Jondoflake: kate or quanta03:32
Jondophil_ type in /nick message03:32
phil_flake: kate has autocompletion03:33
flakelol.. thanks03:33
phil_Jondo: I want do redirect uboto output to another user03:33
slybootsOkay, what would cause the ubuntu install to go.. quite frankly insane03:33
Jondophil_: like from your console?03:34
phil_slyboots: often its a code 18 that makes the install go wrong03:34
slybootsWhich is..?03:34
phil_slyboots: you don't know about code 18?03:34
AdoreThanks for every thing03:34
slybootsNo, cant say I do.. Thats why I asked03:34
AdoreThanks alot03:34
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slybootsLet me guess "Crappy hardware" "Stupid user" something like that?03:35
AdoreNo body help me03:35
Adorethank you03:35
phil_slyboots: code 18 is the individaul 18 inches behind the keyboard lol!03:35
JondoAdore what was your question?03:35
Adorei need to open wav fils please03:35
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slybootsOhh phil_ Your so witty and orignal, and totaly not a jerk03:35
Adoreit's not working very well03:35
Adoresound without pic03:35
phil_slyboots: sorry03:35
JondoAdore: What do you mean "not very well"? do you get any sound?03:36
phil_slyboots: have you checked your bios for lba03:36
Adorejust a sound03:36
slybootsThere was no mention of it, I guess either it does not use it, or it cant be enabled/disabled03:36
Adorewithout vedio03:36
JondoAdore: Try Audacity03:36
slybootsIts a fairly new motherboard, and SATA controllers03:36
slybootsI dont think they need LBA..03:36
Jondoapt-get install audacity as root03:36
AdoreThanks alot Jondo03:37
AdoreThanks man03:37
Jondono problem03:37
slybootsI mean, I've tried the defautl "Graphical" install twice, and now the text based alterative CD03:38
slybootsBoth hit the same problem, grub craps out with a undefined error, And when I look at the partition table in fdisk, its just nonsence, a huge partition in something called ELP .. something03:38
slybootsELP GTP I think03:38
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slybootsInstead of two partitions of EXT3 and SWAP03:38
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Adorei get a sound03:40
Adorei am so sorry03:40
Adoreit's wmv03:40
Adorenot wav03:40
Adoreso sorry03:40
Adorei want to open wmv files03:41
geneo93win32 codecs03:41
Telrothsudo apt-get install w32codecs03:41
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AdoreThank you for helping me M.r Telroth03:42
AdoreThanks every body03:42
slybootsAnyone any idea what could be wrong..?03:42
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Telrothyw Adore03:42
guest_Telroth: hda6 was my / partition and it is where grub was,03:42
guest_I don't want to loose the hda6 data that may be there03:43
Telrothguest_: load up a livecd of some distro that uses grub03:43
Telrothinstall grub to a floppy03:43
Telrothboot to the floppy03:43
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Telroththen attempt the 'c' command when it shows the list of things to boot03:44
Telrothheya rioux60203:44
phil_guest_: have a look at !ubotu grub03:44
rioux602i need a lil help03:44
=== slyboots hates Grub o.o
phil_rioux602: just ask03:44
rioux602how can i know wich packages are installed ?03:44
Adorei need to update my Media player coz it's telling me ( You do not have a decoder installed to handle this file.You might need to install the necessary plugins.)03:45
AdoreWhat can i do to fix this problem?03:45
rioux602there are maybe other file players you can use ?03:46
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D3ltaCainhey any one here?03:47
rioux602oh i think you need to install the mp3 decoder with easyubuntu03:47
rioux602it's what i did03:47
Telrothrioux602: start->system-<adept package manager03:47
rioux602thx ! :)03:47
rioux602lol seams stupid.. i didnt explore much srry XD03:48
Telrothrioux602: uncheck everything except "installed"03:48
Telroththen wait for it to refresh03:48
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Telrothrioux602: nvm, it isn't working like i expected it to03:50
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slybootssweet jesus..03:50
rioux602ok lol thanks :p03:51
slyboots Perhaps I should not bother with Ubuntu to be honest, I mean.. I've been just trying to install it for 2 days03:51
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slybootsThats a long bloody time just to get a OS to boot o.o03:52
phil_slyboots: you have tried other distros03:54
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slybootsNo, Because Ubuntu was supposed to be "easy"03:54
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slybootsWhat a hollow laugh THAT is03:54
Telrothslyboots: easy is realative.03:54
TelrothI agree in general it is easy03:55
slybootsIf this is easy, I dont bloody want to see hard.. What the hell is it going ot do? Give me eletric shocks via the mouse?03:55
Telrothbut you might a werid configuration03:55
phil_slyboots: honestly i've tried lots of distros and it is the simplest,  have you installed grub on the MBR03:55
Telrothmandrake was also supposed to be 'easy'03:55
slybootsGrub wont install ANYWHERE03:55
slybootsEvery time I try "AGH! FATAL ERROR"03:55
Telrothbut it couldn't work with my soundcard, made me really angry03:55
Telrothslyboots: have you ever googled the error?03:55
slybootsIt thinks the partition is some weird crap "0xeee"03:55
slybootsThere is no error, just "Grub: FATAL ERROR, Can not install in hd(0,0)03:56
Telroth99.9% chance says someone else has encountered the error03:56
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slybootsI've tried Google03:56
slybootsPlenty of mentions of people having assorted issues with grub, but no actual suggestions on how to *fix* the problems03:56
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slybootsamd each partition program see's my drive just a little differently03:57
phil_slyboots: do you hve a feature in your bios thats stop writing to the MBR have a look (try to turn off bios virus detection)03:57
slybootsNo, Thats turned off03:57
Telrothslyboots: is that the actual error message, word for word?03:57
slybootsI can install it again if you like, it wont make a damn bit of difference03:58
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slybootsAnd as for the partitioning, gfdisk thinks I have two partiions.. which is right03:58
slybootsGparted thinks the disk is totaly blank03:58
slybootsfdisk thinks I have one huge partition bigger than the disc itself in some freaky format I've never heard of03:58
Telrothslyboots: I know you're irritated, but i'd feel better helping you if you weren't so angry03:58
Telrothslyboots: try 'parted' as root03:59
slybootsAnd the Ubuntu installer thinks both o.o03:59
slybootsGive me 10 while I install the system again03:59
Telrotha live cd will work03:59
phil_slyboots: partiotn table screwed up?03:59
Telrothphil_: that seems the most likely.04:00
slybootsI've blitzed the drive04:00
slybootsTwice, No sorry, 3 times04:00
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slybootsDeleted all partitions, theres not much else Ic an do to it unless you have a suggestion04:00
Telrothif you have a live cd of kubuntu, load it and pull up a command prompt04:01
Telroth'sudo parted'04:01
slybootsI do.. hold on04:01
Telroththen type print04:01
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slybootsWill the rescue disc work as wel for that?04:01
TelrothI'm not entirely sure, as i've never used it.04:01
=== slyboots has both, the Rescue just loads up faster
TelrothIt'll probably work though04:01
slybootsOkay 2 secs04:02
Telrothas long as it has the parted utility (kubuntu should be SHOT if it doesn't)04:02
slybootsI appericate you trying to help me, and I do apolagise if I am comming off as being angry04:02
Telrothnah, it's ok slyboots04:02
Telrothi know that feeling04:02
=== grothesk [n=thomas@d463d0bc.datahighways.de] has joined #kubuntu
slybootsI have been trying to get this system working for 3 days, And Im sick of getting "Oh its user error, your a idiot"04:02
Telrothhello grothesk04:02
Telrothslyboots: that is one of the things i do not like about the linux community04:03
grotheskHow do I turn off systemservices?04:03
Telrothslyboots: a lot of people had to learn to install it on their own and expect everyone else to do the same04:03
grotheskMy kubunutu keeps startin lvm, raid-stuff and so on.04:03
slybootsTelroth: I have nothing against learning how to do something but.. Have you *read* some of the man pages around..04:03
Telrothgrothesk: are they messing with yoru computer in some way that it's not functioning correctly?04:03
slybootsIts scary ;)04:03
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Telrothslyboots: not really. most of the programs that i need man pages for don't have them :P04:04
grotheskTelroth: They are not necessary on that box.04:04
Telrothgrothesk: yes, but are the hindering performance?04:04
grotheskSure they do.04:04
slybootshaha, thats quite true ;) "Read the man page noob!"04:04
grotheskThey slow up booting time.04:04
slyboots<bash> man foo | Manual page not found.04:05
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Telrothgrothesk: many modules will load but not detect anything, and thus simply remove themselves or idle using little if no resources on memory and no cpu resources.04:05
slybootsgrothesk: I think you might have to compile your own kernel to do that.. Its not hard but its not exactly straight foward04:05
Telrothactually, no04:05
Telrothgrothesk: you'd need to look into editing the module list that loads on startup04:06
grotheskBut when turning the computer off, the services will be unloaded.04:06
grotheskTelroth: I did so. I turned off those things in RL 0 to RL 5.04:06
Telrothcheck /etc/rcS.d04:07
Telroththat contains static services that load regardless of runlevel04:07
grotheskTake lvm for example: I set it to 'Not loaded on startup' for EVERY RL there is. But is still will be loaded.04:07
Telrothalso look into /etc/rc.local04:07
grotheskO.K. I'll have a look.04:07
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Telrothgrothesk: where did you make these changes, was it in a graphical editor?04:08
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grotheskTelroth: In that kubunut specific Systemsettings-thingy.04:08
slybootsOkay, Telroth I went into Parted, deleted the two offending partitions.. despite the fact the drive *should* have been blank..04:08
slybootsI dont see any "Write" or "Confirm changes" option.. is there one at all?04:09
Telrotherr, no04:10
Telrothi must be thinking of fstab04:10
=== slyboots giggles..
Telrotherr, fdisk04:10
slybootsOkay, Well is there a way to.. "Blast" a drive?04:10
Telrothoh, yes04:10
Telrothdd if=/dev/random of=/dev/hda04:10
Telrothor /dev/zero04:10
slybootsRight, something is *realy* wrong here04:10
Telrothyoru choice04:10
Telrothwhat's wrong?04:11
slybootsI ran fdisk, it is stil seeing a partition04:11
Telrothblast it with that command for a few minutes04:11
slyboots/dev/sdb1  24419757+ blocks, ID ee, System EFI GPT04:11
slybootsIts 400gb04:11
slybootsWont that take.. a while04:11
Telrothit simply copies random data to the harddrive :P04:12
Telrothnot really04:12
Telroththe partition table is at the very beginning of the drive04:12
=== Ahmuck is now known as Eeyore_Jr
slybootsOkay, Running.. There is no "output" but..04:12
Telrothso just have to get past it (it's only like 512kb for master boot record+partition table04:12
Telroththere should be no output04:12
slybootsI almost typed in /dev/sda as the target.. That would have been *bad* ;)04:12
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Telrothjust hit crtl+c to halt it after a few minutes04:12
Telrothah, that would have been bad04:13
Telroththere's no are you sure with dd04:13
Telrothit simply copies data04:13
=== slyboots puts his feet up and drinks some of this quite delicious Apple and blackcurrent fruit juice
Telroth(great way to image a drive btw)04:13
slybootsAh, Apple and Raspberry I should say04:13
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slybootsTelroth: By writing random data to it?04:13
Telrothslyboots: no04:14
=== slyboots laughs "That seemed a little wrong" By using DD you mean?
Telrothdd if=/dev/hda1 of=/backups/myimage.iso04:14
Telrothor to iso a cd04:14
slybootsI will have to remember that04:14
slybootsOkay, That should do it anyway04:14
Telrothdd if=/dev/cdrom of=/cds/starcraft.iso04:15
slybootsoh yea, the disc is blitzed now04:15
slybootsIts asking for a new partition to use as a base04:15
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slybootsokay, Got back to a shell04:15
Telrothuse parted to partition04:16
slyboots. . .04:16
Telrothi don't know if it's actually better than anything else04:16
slybootsFdisk is STILL showing up that partition04:16
Telrothbut it's never done me wrong04:16
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Telrothscrew fdisk04:16
Telrothi recommend parted :P04:16
slybootsOkay, But I can see this going horridly wrong again..04:16
slybootsWhat is a "Disc Lable Type"04:18
Telrothare you in parted?04:18
Telrothit's the partition table type ;)04:18
slybootsYea, But It thinks my "Disck Lable Type" is "GPT"04:18
slybootsThats the same as that bolloxed partition fdisk keeps seeing04:18
Telrothtype mklabel msdos04:18
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neddiWis there a kde app that shows a volume bar like in gnome?04:18
slybootsOkay, Its MSdos now04:18
TelrothneddiW: click the little speaker icon in your system tray04:19
Telrothjust like in windows04:19
slybootsAnd, Intrestingly fdisk is NO longer seeing the partition04:19
=== slyboots hugs Telroth *Squeese!*
=== Telroth hugs back
TelrothYou'd fit right in on my network *nods*04:19
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Telrothprobably :P04:20
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slybootshaha, What sort of network is it?04:20
Telrothanyways, how many partitions do you want on the drive?04:20
AdoreHow can i install Adept for ubuntu04:20
Telrothwell, it's a general chat server04:20
Adorei do it from add & remove04:21
Telrothbut specifically designed to be a safe haven for people who need to get away from others and be in a peaceful environment04:21
slybootsSounds good o.04:21
AdoreCould not launch menu item04:21
TelrothAdore: sudo apt-get install adept04:21
AdoreDetails: Failed to execute child process "kdesu" (No such file or directory)04:21
=== slyboots digs up a howto on Parted, this looks complicated
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TelrothAdore: do that on a command line04:21
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Telrothslyboots: how many partitions do you want?04:22
TelrothAdore: you're welcome04:22
flakehere i sit all broken-hearted,  i came to dump but only qparted04:22
Adorein treminal04:22
slybootsJust two, Im just reading the guide and Im fairly sure what commands to use04:22
Telrothslyboots: you may have better luck with qtparted or gparted now that the partition label is fixed04:22
slyboots(Im just going to go for / and SWAP, This has been stressfull enough04:22
slybootsOh no, Parted got me out of this mess .. I hope, So thats what Im sticking with04:22
neddiWTelroth, thanks but im talking about an on-screen display of the volume, like macs or gnome do04:23
Telrothslyboots: qtparted and gparted are only frontends to the parted backend04:23
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Adorebash: syntax error near unexpected token `('04:23
slyboots*nods* "Ah.."04:23
TelrothneddiW: if it's an external program (not integrated with the window manager or something) you can still run it04:24
slyboots"No implementation : Support for created ext3 file systems is not implemented yet"04:24
Telrothslyboots: ignore04:24
Telrothdon't bother about formatting04:24
Telrothjust get them sized right04:24
=== sorush20 [n=sorush20@82-43-184-143.cable.ubr07.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu
Telroththe kubuntu installer will format anyways04:24
slybootsAh okay04:24
sorush20how do I access a shared folder?04:24
Telrothsorush20: where is it located?04:25
Telrothlike, a shared folder from a windows computer?04:25
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neddiWTelroth, i am asking if there is a program or a kde app that can do such thing :)04:25
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sorush20Telroth: no its on another ubuntu computer..04:25
Adoremy Adept not working04:25
sorush20I think I have it up and running I just don't know how to access it .. I set it to port 800104:25
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:25
TelrothneddiW: i'm saying if it's an application that run separately from gnome, then it'll run in kde04:26
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TelrothneddiW: look around http://kde-apps.org04:26
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Telroththey have a lot of stuff there04:26
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Telrothhttp://kde-look.org if you need themes and stuff :P04:26
slybootsOkay, Thats working so far, Actuly.. how big should a SWAP be? Equal to your Ram or..?04:26
Telrothif ram < 512 mb04:26
Telrothswap = ram * 204:27
AdoreMy Adept says Eror Could not launch menu item04:27
Adorehelp me please04:27
Telrothelse swap = ram04:27
Telrothif ram > 1gb04:27
sorush20Telroth: well can you help please?04:27
Telrothswap = 0 *unless you are running large programs (photoshop, etc) that are memory intensive04:27
slybootsOkay, I'll stick with 1gb of SWAP then04:27
Telrothsorush20: i'll try04:27
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Telrothsorush20: do you know the ip of the computer?04:28
Telrothif so, go to konqueror and try "fish://<ip of other computer>04:28
rioux602im back :p04:28
neddiWTelroth, thanks04:28
neddiWill take a look04:28
neddiWTelroth, Im sorry the app i mensioned IS part of gnome so i cannot use it here :)04:28
neddiWTelroth, ill look @ kde-apps04:28
slybootsOkay, Thats the partitioning setup, Now to re-run the installed..04:28
slybootsThen go to bed :D04:28
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TelrothneddiW: what's the app called?04:31
slybootsTelroth: Sorry again, but.. Should I set the "/" partition as Bootable? (This is not the drive the bios will look at04:31
Telrothi'd recommend it04:31
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Telrothit may help if a problem arises04:32
slybootsHuh, I cant send private messages *chuckles*04:32
Telrothbut it's not criticle04:32
Telrothdarn :P04:32
slybootsHave to register.. I will do that in a moment :D04:32
rioux602humm someone can help me installing samba ?04:32
slybootsAh.. this name is already taken.. hmm..04:33
sorush20Telroth: the ip is the ip assigned by my dhcp client on my router..04:33
SlychocoboThere we go04:33
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Telrothsorush20: do you have access to the other computer?04:33
Telrothif so, type "ifconfig"04:34
sorush20Telroth: yes I do04:34
neddiWumm it comes bundled with gnome [Ubuntu]  maybe Volume Manager04:34
Telrothlook for a line that's like "inet addr:"04:34
Telrothin the eth0 device04:34
Telrothor whatever device it's using for internet (*not* "lo")04:34
neddiWTelroth, its a little bar that shows the volume in the middle of the screen04:35
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sorush20Telroth: okay i have the ip addrss04:35
TelrothneddiW: it's likely an external application.04:35
Telrothif you can find the executable, you can simply run it04:36
Ashexanyone else have the problem with superkaramba suddenly losing all the applets?04:36
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neddiWTelroth, oh ok04:36
Telrothif you load ubuntu, type "ps aux" and then look for a program that's likely it04:36
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TelrothAshex: i haven't used it in a while, but i can't recall it ever doing that to me. sorry i can't be of help.04:37
rioux602Telroth ?04:37
Telrothsorush20: [21:33:07]  <Telroth> if so, go to konqueror and try "fish://<ip of other computer>04:37
flaccidhow can i do an equiv of rpm --what-provides04:37
Telrothrioux602: yes?04:37
rioux602you can help me trying to install samba ?04:37
flaccidi mean rpm -ql or i think its -ql04:37
Telrothflaccid: try "apt-get install <package>"04:38
Slychocoborioux602:  You might be best fetching a Samba Howto from the Ubuntu forums04:38
=== oisacx [n=oisacx@modemcable188.113-201-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #kubuntu
Telrothit'll either install it, or list packages that provide it04:38
drizi just installed picasa from google and i dont see anywhere in the Kmenu04:38
AshexI'm trying to reinstall it with a sudo apt-get --reinstall, but it wants to remove kde and kdeutils with it04:38
SlychocoboIm sure that could help you much more with getting you started than we could04:38
Telrothdriz: look in utilities04:38
drizTelroth: nothing04:38
phil_oisacx: helloooo04:38
neddiWin one kubuntu right now so i cant tell :S04:39
neddiWTelroth, many thanks! :)04:39
flaccidTelroth: sorry i want to see a list of files that an installed package owns04:39
Ashexer, I meant to say that --reinstall doesn't work since superkaramba isn't in my repos for some reason. And when i do an apt-get remove, it tries to take out kde and kdeutils  with it04:39
sorush20Telroth: I'm not getting anything come up ..04:39
oisacxanyone knows hoe to get the two flashing computers for the network monitoring in KDE?04:39
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phil_Ashex: don't llok for superkaramba just use karamba04:39
Telrothoisacx: yes, give me a moment, i have like 5 people asking me something :P04:39
oisacxcool ok04:39
ccherrettHawkwind: you there?04:39
phil_oisacx: and and applet to the taskbar04:40
Telrothoisacx: http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=1397204:40
Telrothtry that04:40
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Telrothit's just like the windows one04:40
phil_oisacx: rigthclick on task bar and have a look at the menues04:40
ccherrettdoes kubuntu come with mplayer? How does it deal with video?04:41
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Slychocoboccherrett: Mplayer does not come pre-installed, but it is easy to add with the built-in package manager04:41
ccherrettso apt-get install mplayer?04:41
Telrothccherrett: kubuntu uses xine+kaffeine04:41
Telrothyes ccherrett04:42
ccherrettI am looking ot move someone from windows to linux and can't decide what distro to use04:42
phil_ccherrett: kubuntu!04:42
ccherretthow uptodate is kubuntu04:42
Slychocoboccherrett: Ubuntu seems to be the option of choice for linux newfolk04:42
phil_ccherrett: autoupdate?04:42
SlychocoboUm.. "Very"?04:42
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Telrothccherrett: "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade" as root04:43
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SlychocoboHi mathieu04:43
_mathieuI need help with ntfs writing04:43
Telrothccherrett: i'd start with kubuntu or knoppix04:43
Telrothkubuntu is #1 atm04:43
Telroth(on my list anyways)04:43
_mathieufor some reasons it always worked before (debian)04:43
Slychocobo_mathieu: It is my understanding that NTFS writing is still expermental..04:43
SlychocoboSo.. I wouldnt04:44
_mathieuyea but i never had problems04:44
Telroth_mathieu: apt-get install ntfstools04:44
_mathieuTelroth: yea ok and then?04:44
SlychocoboOr you.. What Telroth said04:44
ccherrettI use to delete my media cds from urpmi in Mandriva and set my mirrors so that I got up to date packages does kubuntu work simillarily04:44
Telroth_mathieu: edit your fstab file and make sure you're using "fuse-ntfs" as the fstype for the ntfs partitions04:44
_mathieuTelroth: it tells me it wasnt shut down properly04:45
Telrothccherrett: kubuntu uses debian's apt-get04:45
flaccidhow can i use dpkg to list the contents of an installed package04:45
_mathieuits a USB HD, windows isnt installed on it04:45
Telrothflaccid: is it an already-installed package or a .deb file?04:45
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Telroth_mathieu: i'd recommend finding a windows computer and booting with the drive connected so that windows fixes the problems04:45
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ccherrettTelroth: how many disks do I need to download?04:46
Slychocoboccherrett: 104:46
Telrothccherrett: to install kubuntu?04:46
Telroth1 cd or 1 dvd04:46
_mathieuTelroth: and it will wor even if windows isnt installed on the disk?04:46
SlychocoboA Live CD which includes a demo version you can play around with and install to your hard-drive04:46
Telrothafter install you don't need the cds04:46
SlychocoboOr a Text based one which just does the install04:46
ccherrettI thought that is what I saw but it seemed wrong considering fedora is 504:46
flaccidTelroth: already installed. wanting to see what it provides04:46
Telrothkubuntu doesn't use them for install programs04:46
flaccidprovided rather04:46
Telrothflaccid: give me a moment04:47
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Slychocoboccherrett: You get packages from the internet as you need them, the CD comes with everything you need to get going04:47
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flaccidthanks Telroth, i couldn't find it04:48
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_mathieuTelroth: thanks for the help. i think ill just try booting knoppix on the machine :S04:49
=== Slychocobo would suggest that you can try #Ubuntu for support issues as poor Telroth seems a bit overwhemed ;)
Telrothflaccid: have you installed it recently?04:49
_mathieu(easier than finding windows lol)04:49
Telroth(via apt-get)04:49
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ccherrettanyone know a fast donload mirror?04:49
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Telrothccherrett: the default ones are quite speedy04:50
Telrothfor the cds04:50
Slychocoboccherrett: Just select one close to your location, they are normaly quite fast04:50
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Telrothif you need real speed, use bittorrent if you know how to use it04:50
mshadei grabbed kubuntu at almost 2MB/s but i don't recall which mirror04:50
mshadei've never seen that speed from bittorrent :-D04:50
Telroththough i don't really have time right now to help you set up bittorrent if you don't already know how04:51
Telrothmshade: depends on the torrent04:51
Telrothand client04:51
Telrothazeurus pulls well over 5MB/sec04:51
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Hawkwindccherrett: I am now04:52
ccherrettHawkwind: hey man hows it going?04:52
HawkwindGood good, just relaxing and watching some tv04:52
ccherrettmistik1 told me you were here04:52
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HawkwindYep, I'm always here now :)04:53
ccherrettHawkwind: I am just going to install kubuntu for a friend04:53
Zambouliethere are no linux drivers for an audigy 2????!??!!?!?04:53
ccherrettHawkwind: are you building packages?04:53
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starhawkhi all04:53
=== ccherrett found a mirror with 230kbs
Hawkwindccherrett: Yeppers.  http://SeerOfSouls.com/ubuntu.html04:53
Hawkwindccherrett: Mainly E17 at the moment04:53
starhawkI am tring to install wine any help04:54
Hawkwindstarhawk: Have you tried in #WineHQ where the experts are ?04:54
ccherrettHawkwind: are you in mandriva anymore? I did not see you there?04:55
Zamboulieare there any 3rd party linux drivers for my audigy 2?04:55
Hawkwindccherrett: LOL nope.  I don't use the distro, nor am I an op there either04:55
Hawkwindccherrett: I stepped down June 1st when I made a complete switch to Kubuntu04:55
flaccidi require darkice to be compiled with lame. unfortunately the default package from the source is not compiled with lame. is there another package or thing i can do to avoid compiling it?04:58
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ubotuhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box04:59
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drizhey guys how do i send a file in Kopete05:00
mshadedriz - it's convoluted05:01
mshadehold on, lemme open it up05:01
mshadechat > contacts > *contact name* > send file05:02
mshadethe menu in the conversation window05:02
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drizthe send file icon is grey05:02
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drizcan't click on it05:02
mshadehmm, not sure why05:03
mshadeis the other person still online?05:03
rcmnwhat network ?05:03
mshadeit may do NAT-detection or something05:03
rcmnyuck i don'tknow then05:03
drizAIM on Kopete05:03
driz NAT-detection?05:04
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rcmni have evrything but aim sorry can't check05:04
drizoh ok05:04
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Zambouliequick question05:06
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Zambouliei downloaded teamspeak server and i want to know how do i run the server05:07
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Zambouliewhats the command for an executable05:07
rcmnattend je regarde chez moi05:08
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Zamboulieits the teamspeak server05:09
Zambouliei try to cd into it then run it and it says permission denied05:09
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Darkkishi just installed tightvnc05:09
pestilencein breezy, my touchpad would scroll when i dragged down the right side of it...in dapper it no longer does this.  how do i get this back?05:09
Eleafis it tight Darkkish ?05:09
Darkkishand i can't figure out where it installed to05:09
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skavengedpkg -L packagename will tell you where everythign went05:10
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rcmnit's teamspeak_server05:11
Darkkishno its tightvncserver05:11
mshadeDarkkish, kde has its own vnc server by the way05:11
Darkkishyeah but tightvnc rocks05:11
Darkkishi'll show you why later05:11
rcmndarkkish not talking to u05:11
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mshadeDarkkish, yeah but tightvnc won't run on your current session :)05:12
Darkkishrcmn, it was what i needed too :p05:12
Darkkishoh nvm >.<05:12
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rcmn] -|05:12
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phil_ironfroggy: speak french05:14
rcmnhey zamboulie did u make it ?05:14
Zambouliehow do i do that05:15
ironfroggysay what?05:15
Zamboulielike make ./server_linux?05:16
rcmnare u trying from local drive ?05:16
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Zambouliethe commands are different05:16
rcmntry sudo ./server_linux05:16
Zamboulieand i dont know if you have to make another account just to run it05:17
Zambouliei think i can do it on my regular user05:17
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rcmnu should05:17
rcmndon;t run at root05:17
rcmnjust for testing05:17
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rcmnyep creat the user05:18
rcmnwhere does it fail ?05:18
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rcmn./teamspeak2_server_startscript start05:19
Zambouliethats not the filename though05:19
Zambouliei accidently got the beta05:19
Zambouliei'll do this tomorrow05:19
rcmnu have to give teamspeak the right to execute it05:19
Zambouliei'm supposed to be in bed05:19
Zambouliewell i'm out for the night05:20
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oisacxThanks for the tip for knetworkled, I've tried it, but I got message about missing packages... I searched the net and found about knemo, and it seems to be working nice now.05:24
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jake1uh oh!! i need help05:25
oisacxgo for itjake05:25
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jake1i just followed all the directions on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot and i got as far asSetting up your chroot with debootstrap05:25
jake1and now i'm lost05:26
stahnmacan anyone help me configure xorg for dual monitors?05:26
stahnmaI have done it many times before, but am having problems on kubuntu05:26
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jake1sudo debootstrap --variant=buildd --arch i386 dapper /var/chroot/ http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/05:26
jake1 --arch i38605:26
jake1but it says "no such script --arch"05:27
rioux602Someone can help me configuring a network printer ?05:27
ironfroggyany suggest how i can set up hostnames on a local network with changing IPs?05:27
jake1riouz602: TCP/IP or something elese05:27
jake1i just did my first today without any problems05:28
ironfroggymy router keeps changing my boxes' IPs05:28
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Dr_Willisi alwyas just set static ips for my local lan machines.05:28
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rcmnme too05:29
jake1probably cuz you are leasing your IP05:29
oisacxcan't help you on this one05:29
rcmnjust set that on ur router05:29
rcmnwhat router do u have ?05:29
Dr_Willisactually my router also seems to rember which machine got what ip - when using dhcp. and tends to give them the same ip back05:29
begleysmMortice: Thanks for the compile... got through the instructions but still couldnt get it to work... then I remembered I had a wireless card installed too.  I disabled the wired NIC and enabled the wireless and it worked instantly hehe... guess I'll just use wireless for kubuntu :)05:29
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository. Instructions to install VMWare Server can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingVMWare05:30
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jake1anyone have any ideas what i did wrong05:33
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ironfroggy_ugh stupid router. anyway, again, how do i configure static IPs and does it require anything configured on my router?05:35
jake1has anyone going chroot working???????05:35
jake1ironfroggy_ there should be something about leasing05:36
rcmnfoggy what is ur router05:36
jake1change it to forever05:36
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Darkkishstill havn05:42
Darkkishhave not figured out how to open it05:42
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Darkkishtight vnc05:43
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sorush20can anyone help me with sharing files/folders with two kubuntu machines.. I'm assuming I need nfs , then right click non the files and the folder to share then edit the sharing..05:44
sorush20now how do I access the file and folder from the other computer aka remote location..05:44
sorush20and how do I make sure there is an nfs server now running, does there need to be one running?05:45
mshadesorush20, you can use scp, if you have ssh enabled05:45
Darkkishk i have a feeling it didn't install05:45
Darkkishat all05:45
sorush20mshade: why would I prefer that ?05:45
mshadetry konqueror... fish://username@192.168.X.X05:45
mshadesorush20, just a simple no-setup solution05:46
jake1ok can someone assist me in getting chroot to work05:46
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jake1the websites instructions suxk ass05:46
jake1they are not helping at all05:47
ubotunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.05:47
flaccidi need to force install a package w/ dpkg05:47
flaccidwhat switch should i use05:47
sorush20Hawkwind: this how to is not using the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo, gui that comes with kde to setup file sharing..05:48
Hawkwindflaccid: You could try dpkg --force-help05:48
Hawkwindsorush20: You don't need some silly GUI05:49
flaccid--ignore-depends worked05:49
Hawkwindsorush20: You edit the /etc/exports file on the box that has the stuff you want to view.  Mount it on the box you are on and then go to that directory. No GUI needed05:50
ironfroggy_my router has no "forever" setting for leases05:50
ironfroggy_it has a number of minutes05:50
ironfroggy_0 stands in for 1 day05:50
HawkwindYou don't need to set anything on your router for internal static05:50
HawkwindAtleast I don't05:50
ironfroggy_how would i set this up for a wireless interface?05:51
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ironfroggy_because i dont want to have a static IP for all networks, just mine.05:52
sorush20Hawkwind: what is the point of all this then?05:52
Hawkwindsorush20: I guess to setup NFS.  But editing one single file, restarting NFS, mounting the directory of your choice is pretty darn simple IMO.  I don't need some GUI app to do that for me when it takes less than 2 minutes05:53
rioux602How can I edit the smb.conf... it tells me i cant save the file.. like if it's being used.. but i closed samba05:54
sorush20do I really have to mount?05:54
jake1 when i am in a building that i know has wireless and i scan for the network how come it doesn't show up05:54
sorush20will konqueror mount if for me?05:54
TheHighChildrioux602: You editing as root?05:54
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jake1is there some weird network configuration thing i need to do?05:54
ironfroggy_instead of static IPs, can i just do something so that each box can lookup the IP of the others by hostname?05:54
ironfroggy_run a local DNS i guess?05:55
intropjake1: does the network require a security key to log in (it may have its broadcast disabled, and you need to key to see it)?05:55
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Hawkwindsorush20: You have to mount it to view it.  Without mounting it you can't view anything05:55
jake1introp: no it shows up on other computers when i scan though05:55
jake1the scanning does not work no matter where i am05:56
rioux602TheHighChild: yes05:56
jake1it does pick up routers though that i am connected to05:56
jake1well that i have configured in my network settings05:56
TheHighChildrioux602: Sorry man, that was my only suggestion. Just wanted to make sure. Sorry I have to go05:56
jake1if i type in 'any' as the ssid in network settings would that do it?05:56
rioux602ok thanks anyways05:56
intropjake1: I've not had that problem with the Wireless Assistant.05:57
jake1i'm using swscanner05:58
jake1wireless assistant doesn't even work for me05:58
jake1for some odd reason05:58
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jake1it always quits on me05:58
jake1when it opens up05:58
sorush20what is the syntax for mounting..05:59
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rioux602Someone can tell me how to edit SMB.CONF  ?05:59
intropjake1: I've had one machine that had trouble with the wireless assistant, but I set it up under System Settings (Network), specifying the SSID, WEP key, etc., and it worked.  I think this problem is beyond me.  Sorry.05:59
mshadejake1, what kind of wireless card?05:59
sorush20I got it..06:00
jake1Lucent Technologies06:01
jake1i tried a bunch of cards06:01
flaccidhow can i work out which /dev/device my soundcard/alsa is using?06:01
jake1and it doesn't work no matter what06:01
introprioux602: 'sudo -e smb.conf' or 'sudo vi smb.conf' .. whatever your favorite editor is.06:01
rioux602ok thx06:01
jake1i haven't changed my ssid at all in network settings...... i was thinking of changing it to 'any'06:01
jake1cuz i thought that might work06:01
sorush20that nfs wiki on ubunt is not for beginners..06:03
sorush20do I need to setup nis?06:03
rioux602humhum... my password doesn't work anymore O.o06:03
Darkkishhow do i install an RPM?06:03
ironfroggyok can anyone point me towards material about getting local hostnames resolved dynamically?06:03
intropironfroggy: do you need them to resolve everywhere, or is manually mapping them to static IPs sufficient?06:04
rioux602i changed my "user_name" for "root" and my password doesn't work anymore... what can i do ?06:05
ironfroggythe problem is that the IPs change, so i cant map them manually.06:05
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intropOne word: bind -- I've not had to set it up in ages, though.06:06
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rioux602how can i find my pass :(06:06
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mshaderioux602, what did u do exactly?06:07
rioux602i went in the user panel06:07
rioux602and i changed my username for "root"06:08
mshadeyou mean, you renamed your user to root?06:08
mshadeopen a terminal06:08
rioux602done :)06:08
mshadesu - yourusername06:09
rioux602su - root ?06:09
mshadesu - youroldusername06:10
rioux602unidentified user06:11
mshadeyou need to edit /etc/passwd and you will probably find two entries for root06:11
mshadechange the second one back to your old username06:11
mshadethen logout and log back in as your old username06:11
mshadethat should fix ya06:11
rioux602let's see06:11
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sorush20okay.. no I'm stuck sudo mount /home/nfs06:13
sorush20its dosen't work06:13
rioux602access denied06:13
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rioux602can't set me to"read and write"06:14
rioux602I can only read06:14
mshadeuse sudo06:14
mshadesudo kate /etc/passwd06:15
mshadeor sudo nano /etc/passwd etc06:15
rioux602sudo: 3 incorrect password attempts06:16
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josefhai everybody06:17
intropWould usermod let you change your own login without having to sudo?06:17
mshadeintrop, i don't know.06:17
josefdoes everbody know a program that comvert mp3 to ogg vobis06:17
introprioux602: type 'id -u'06:17
mshaderioux602, unfortunately, i'm a slackware guy -- i dont' know how ubuntu has its sudo stuff set up well enought to help much further.  what you need to do is change your name back to your username in /etc/passwd though06:18
josefdoes everbody know a program that convert mp3 to ogg vobis06:19
introprioux602: Okay.  Now try 'sudo -u 1000 kate /etc/passwd' -- it may be that two 'root' usernames are confusing it, so we're using your UID.06:19
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intropnevermind.  Smack me.06:19
mshadejosef, i would use mencoder06:19
rioux602sudo: no passwd entry for 1000!06:20
intropTime to go to sleep.  Brain not worky.06:20
josefmshade  mencoder thanks i have to try it06:20
mshadejosef, keep in mind though -- it's never good to convert between lossy formats06:20
rioux602i think i better... smash it over the wall and return on windows.. :'(06:20
ccherrettI am getting device I/O erros on hda messages when trying my first install of kubuntu. Any ideas?06:20
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sorush20could someone help please?06:21
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mshaderioux602, we might try booting you into recovery mode06:22
mshadeyou need a root shell to edit /etc/passwd06:22
rioux602ok so i reboot in recovery ?06:22
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ccherrettanyone have I/O errors on install?06:25
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mshadeccc, only when i have a bad hard drive06:26
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mshadeor cDrom06:26
mshadeor CD06:26
ccherrettmshade: I have tried multiple CDROMS06:26
mshademultiple drives or CDs?06:26
ccherrettin windows there was BSoD everywhere06:26
ccherrettmultiple CD drives06:27
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mshadecould be your hard drive controller going bad06:27
ccherrettis that internal to the drive?06:27
ccherrettanyway to test it?06:27
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neddiWdoes anyone know if this is available for Kubuntu 6.06? https://wiki.kubuntu.org/EdgyEft/Knot2/Kubuntu?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=volume.png06:27
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hivemindAnyone know how I can activate the international keyboard? I need to type accents for french.06:27
mshadeccherrett, i meant your IDE host adaptor.  controller is an ambiguous term.06:28
hivemindWith dead keys, and whatnot06:28
mshadeit's ony our motherboard06:28
HawkwindneddiW: No.  That's only in Edgy06:28
ccherrettmshade: that would suck06:28
ccherrettcould it be bad sectors on the drive?06:28
mshadeccherrett, not likely06:28
mshadedrives know how to route around those now06:28
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neddiWHawkwind, ok thanx :) let's wait for Edgy then lol06:29
neddiWHawkwind, is there something like it for Dapper? kubuntu06:31
HawkwindneddiW: AFAIK no there isn't06:32
ironfroggywhat could i look at if videos play at very low framerates at fullscreen?06:33
neddiWHawkwind, ok thanks!06:33
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Adorei need help please06:35
Adorei want to open this files   wmv06:35
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AdoreWhat program i will install?06:35
stealghow can i enter in super user in kubuntu i cant know the password06:36
ironfroggystealg: use sudo to run individual commands06:36
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jedi__how do i switch channels06:37
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HawkwindJucato: Behave yourself while I'm away.  I'm heading to bed :P06:40
Jucatoany news from abattoir?06:40
HawkwindNope not tonight06:40
Jucatoah ok...06:40
Adorei asked for help06:41
digivoreTransparency usually takes up alot of system resources right?06:41
Jucatogood night Hawkwind! :)06:41
Adorei want to poen this media files   wmv.06:41
Adorewhich program i will install?06:42
Jucatodigivore: depends, if you mean transparency using composite managers06:42
Adorehelp me please06:42
JucatoAdore: you need the w32codecs06:42
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:42
Jucatofollow the instructions in that RestrictedFormats page06:42
josefhai jucato06:42
Jucatounless you're on a 64-bit system?06:42
Jucatohi josef!06:42
CVirusAdore: for gosh's sakes ... read all this page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats06:42
josefjucato I manage to install theora thru the adep installer without installing manually06:43
Jucatoogg theora?06:44
josefjucato not ogg but the for the wmv06:44
Jucatoah you used the PLF repositories, perhaps06:44
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Adorei downloading the file06:45
josefjucato its already made i think for kubuntu.06:45
calcmandanhello folks06:45
Jucatoit's an unofficial repository, btw06:45
Adoreit's  w32codecs06:45
Adorewhen it will be on desktop06:45
AdoreWhat can i do after that?06:45
josefjucato but something else i want to convert mp3 to ogg what is the name of the program...06:45
JucatoAdore: ok, then just right-click on that .deb file then select "Kubuntu Package Menu" then "Install Package"06:45
Jucatomp32ogg, I think06:46
josefjucato its the name mp32ogg right06:46
Jucatothat's what I said... but I'm not sure :)06:47
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josefjucato ok then how about DVD to convert to mpeg is there a program too or not sorry for asking to much06:47
Jucatojosef: that I don't know. I don't have a DVD-ROM so I haven't checked that one out06:48
Telroth_Plushie|josef, there is a program, i can't think of it off the top of my head though06:48
Telroth_Plushie|check out mplayer and xine06:48
josefjucato ok thanks06:48
Telroth_Plushie|i think they have cli paramaters for converting06:48
calcmandanjust a question, i'm just really curious.  there is an antivirus suite for linux, among all other os's, called f-prot.  now, is this really necessary?  please tell me it's not.06:49
joseftelroth ok i check it out the xine and mplayer thanks06:49
Telroth_Plushie|calcmandan, that is both yes and no06:49
Telroth_Plushie|my sister can use av and a firewall and get a virus06:49
Jucatocalcmandan: not really necessary, but it wouldn't hurt having one either, but probably more for scanning e-mail attachments than for yourself06:50
calcmandantelroth thank you.  um, i'm aware that there are viruses in emails it is a good idea to scan for in case you reply to people in windows...06:50
Telroth_Plushie|i've run windows without firewalls or antivirus for two years06:50
Telroth_Plushie|in short, it depends on how you do stuff as a user06:50
JucatoTelroth_Plushie|: how ever did you survive? :)06:50
Telroth_Plushie|Jucato, i just did, never got a virus06:50
calcmandantelroth but there can't be very many viruses written for linux that is really much of a concern is there?  my thought has been that linux is safe from general worry.06:50
Telroth_Plushie|my habits online were simply clean06:50
JucatoTelroth_Plushie|: same here. until my sister used my PC....06:51
josefI didnt use AV  on my windows important is you know where the email came from...06:51
Telroth_Plushie|calcmandan, it's not viruses that you need to worry about06:51
Jucatomonths of hard work keeping my PC immaculately clean... down the drain06:51
Telroth_Plushie|there's much nastier things called rootkits06:51
Telroth_Plushie|they are for the most part more rare06:51
calcmandanright, i'm aware about rootkits.  but are there rootkits really written for linux that doesn't require a root password?06:51
Jucatojosef: but that's not 100% accurate. If someone you know forwarded you an attachment that was infected...06:52
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Telroth_Plushie|uh, the whole point of a rootkit is that it doesn't need a password06:52
ccherrettmshade: I installed a new drive and the install proceeded06:52
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calcmandani thought it did, at least for linux.06:52
calcmandanor *nix06:52
Telroth_Plushie|it gets around the root password so the hacker can access the system06:52
Telroth_Plushie|the point of a rootkit is to allow easy reentry for a hacker after he's gotten in a system06:52
Telroth_Plushie|they also wipe logs in an effort to make them undetectable06:53
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Telroth_Plushie|some even patch into the kernel and remove their files from directory listings06:53
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josefjucato yes its thru... but you can recognize on the hidden extension like file.doc.exe06:53
ccherrettthe desktop iso is also the install cd or just a live cd?06:53
josefjucato yes its true... but you can recognize on the hidden extension like file.doc.exe sorry06:54
Telroth_Plushie|for the most part, it's just knowing what you system should be doing or shouldn't be doing06:54
Jucatoccherrett: Desktop CD/ISO is a Live CD + a graphical installer06:54
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ccherrettJucato: can I use it to do a full install?06:54
calcmandani understand how the kernel is affected by rootkits, and how they are relatively impossible to detect in windows at least.  is this something to be threatened about in linux?06:54
Telroth_Plushie|calcmandan, yes.06:54
Telroth_Plushie|for example, when I started finding "find /" running from my "nobody" account, i figured it was about time to reinstall linux06:55
Jucatoccherrett: yep06:55
Telroth_Plushie|calcmandan, rootkits are actually associated more with *nix than they are windows06:55
=== Jucato reminds himself to learn how to setup firewalls soon...
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ccherrettso the install icon on the desktop will do the install?06:55
Telroth_Plushie|yes ccherrett06:56
Jucatoccherrett: yes06:56
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ccherrettthis has gotten too easy06:56
Telroth_Plushie|i think mine installed in about 10 minutes06:56
ccherrettso much for redhat 7.306:56
Jucatoccherrett: word of warning: it won't give you an option where to install GRUB06:56
Telroth_Plushie|Jucato, that's one thing i found cool06:56
Telroth_Plushie|it didn't overwrite my current grub install06:56
Telroth_Plushie|it just added itself06:56
ccherrettI just need mbr06:56
ccherrettwhere does it install to06:57
Jucatoactually it just overwrites whatever is on MBR06:57
Telroth_Plushie|mine wasn't overwritten o.o06:57
Jucatobut it does a good job of detecting other OS's though06:57
Telroth_Plushie|unless it went through my old menu.lst and pulled the entries (i had customized names that it is still using)06:57
Jucatohm... it probably did.06:58
Jucatoit's not something a beginner/regular user would worry about, though. that's probably why they did it that way06:58
Telroth_Plushie|calcmandan, the answer to your question is rootkits are as much of a worry as viruses are on windows. However, good security practices (don't load ssh on start, don't have passwordless accounts, disable root, etc) will keep the hackers at bay06:59
Jucatosomething like "for more options, use the Alternate Install CD"06:59
Jucatoat least you won't have to worry about root accounts in Kubuntu :)06:59
Telroth_Plushie|why not?07:00
Telroth_Plushie|it's there07:00
Telroth_Plushie|sudo password root07:00
Jucatoit's disabled by default07:00
Telroth_Plushie|hacker does that and root is unlocked07:00
Jucatounless you do that07:00
Telroth_Plushie|then he just uses root07:00
Telroth_Plushie|because he knows you don't, you always sudo07:00
Telroth_Plushie|he knows you'll never check that it's still locked when you sudo07:00
=== Jucato prefers to use the term "cracker"
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=== Telroth_Plushie| agrees with Jucato's preference, but has a habit of using mainstream terms
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Telroth_Plushie|night all07:01
Jucatoheh night!07:01
Jucatowow, there's a GTK/GNOME app named dkop, while there's a KDE technology called dcop :)07:03
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nidalhi all ! Is there any way to restrict the cpu usage by a specific user in linux ?07:08
Adore_i need help please07:08
Telroth_Plushie|there is, but i'm not the one to ask about specifics07:08
Telroth_Plushie|yes Adore?07:08
Adore_i download the source folder07:08
Jucatosource folder for?07:09
Adore_and i don't know how can i install it07:09
Adore_there are two folders07:09
=== Jucato thought Telroth_Plushie| was going to sleep...
Adore_wiat please07:09
Telroth_Plushie|i'm trying too :/07:09
JucatoAdore_: source folder for what?07:09
Telroth_Plushie|all these people keep asking for help, and i can't say no :P07:09
JucatoAdore_: not that07:09
crimsunnidal: sure. PAM's limits.conf or bash's ulimit.07:09
Telroth_Plushie|oh, Adore apt-get install w32codecs didn't work ?07:09
crimsunand/or, rather07:09
JucatoAdore_: the instructions specifically said: w32codecs_20060611-1plf1_i386.deb07:10
Adore_i don't try yet07:10
Telroth_Plushie|try with apt-get first07:10
Adore_thanks M.r07:10
JucatoTelroth_Plushie|:  apt-get?07:10
Telroth_Plushie|it's the simplest and has the least likelyhood of breaking your system07:10
Telroth_Plushie|Jucato, the package manager07:10
Telroth_Plushie|sudo apt-get install w32codecs07:10
Telroth_Plushie|on command line07:10
JucatoTelroth_Plushie|: not unless she has extra unofficial repositories07:10
Adore_Thank you very much07:10
Jucatoheh that won't work...07:11
=== Jucato will wait for when Adore_ comes back and says apt-get didn't find w32codecs....
Adore_Package w32codecs has no installation candidate07:11
Jucatotold yah07:11
Telroth_Plushie|hey, i just got off of the official debian repos07:11
Telroth_Plushie|they had it there :P07:11
JucatoAdore_: go to this web sitte: http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf/pool/dapper/i386/non-free/w32codecs/07:12
JucatoTelroth_Plushie|: since when did we include the debian repos by default?07:12
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Telroth_Plushie|Jucato, nono07:12
JucatoAdore_: then download the file named w32codecs_20060611-1plf1_i386.deb07:12
Telroth_Plushie|the distro i was running up until 4 hours ago07:12
Telroth_Plushie|uses the official debian repos07:12
JucatoTelroth_Plushie|: we don't have that in Ubuntu07:12
Telroth_Plushie|i know that07:12
Jucatowe use the official Ubuntu repos, which does not have w32codecs07:12
Telroth_Plushie|but i don't know what the exact package differences are07:13
Telroth_Plushie|see, i didn't know it doesn't have w32codecs07:13
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Telroth_Plushie|it had kvirce and eclipse and azureus and everything else i've installed so far07:13
Jucatothat's Debian... :)07:13
Adore_i like this room and these people07:13
calcmandanthat's just a bummer man. :(07:14
Adore_when i need help they help me07:14
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Telroth_Plushie|Jucato, no, i'm saying ubuntu has had all the same packages that i've install so far07:14
Telroth_Plushie|all the ones i'm used to having on my official debian system07:15
Jucatoexcept for w32codecs, and some DVD stuff..07:15
calcmandantelroth: thanks for the replies, i had to run to the living room to eat a hot dinner.  so.  it's really a bummer that I have to be on top of it all in linux.  i mean, above setting things up securely.07:15
Telroth_Plushie|libdvdcss i'm sure07:15
Telroth_Plushie|calcmandan, it's not all that hard, just common sense07:15
Telroth_Plushie|and a lot of things are one-time things07:15
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draikHello Jucato07:16
draikGood morning07:16
Jucatodraik: ye hi!07:16
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Telroth_Plushie|like disabling startup scripts that can open security holes07:16
draiksorry, afternoon07:16
Jucatodraik: I was up until 2:30am...07:16
MrBrizziodoes anyone know about configuring IP Filters on a router?07:16
Telroth_Plushie|it's midnight here07:16
Telroth_Plushie|MrBrizzio, i can't help you there07:16
JucatoTelroth_Plushie|: CST?07:16
Telroth_Plushie|Jucato, yes07:16
draikMrBrizzio, do you mean Port Forwarding to IPs?07:17
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calcmandanwell, i don't have passwordless accounts, i do use sudo of course, i do have ssh-agent running.  i suppose i should not have that running at login07:17
MrBrizziodraik, I have a Buffalo Router, and I got Port Forwarding working on the NAT page, but I have aURL that points at my network and I can't hit that URL07:17
MrBrizzioI don't know how to allow echo or bounce back requests07:17
draiksorry, can't help07:18
MrBrizziois that something you would do in IP Filters?07:18
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obf213i dont know if it is just me but firefox has been sucking alot recently07:19
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Telroth_Plushie|obf213, how so?07:19
obf213it claims to load pages but the original page is sitll there and the links are active and everything07:19
obf213so il click on a link, the top of the page will change to the nameof the link or w/e the status bar will go to thelike 75 percent, then real quikc to finish and nothing has even changed07:20
obf213the orignial page is stilll there it was almost rediculous today07:20
obf213i kept onhavingto go to konqueror07:20
obf213which worked flawelessly for the most part07:21
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obf213can anyone explain the dynamic ram on kubuntu07:24
obf213when i log its like 200mb07:24
obf213ten like 3 hrs later its 800 m b07:24
Jucatodynamic RAM?07:24
Telroth_Plushie|obf213, i think you mean swap07:24
obf213dynamic as it it changes07:24
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obf213no i mean ram.07:25
Jucatoall ram changes...07:25
obf213all the time, like taht07:25
Telroth_Plushie|where are you getting these reports?07:25
obf213or my widget07:25
obf213they give the same report07:25
Telroth_Plushie|htop isn't installed on my machine07:25
Telroth_Plushie|what does "free -h" say ?07:25
Jucatomaybe he meant top07:25
JucatoTelroth_Plushie|: there's no -h option in free07:26
Telroth_Plushie|err, free -m07:26
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Telroth_Plushie|it's df that takes a -h option07:26
obf213987 used07:26
obf21314 free07:26
Telroth_Plushie|total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached07:26
Telroth_Plushie|Mem:           757        734         23          0         22        49407:26
Jucatoobf213: that's how Linux manages RAM/memory07:26
Telroth_Plushie|from that07:27
Telroth_Plushie|i have 757 total mb of ram07:27
Telroth_Plushie|734 is used by the system07:27
Telroth_Plushie|23 mb aren't being used07:27
obf213ok, but if you log of and log back on, the 734 should go down right?07:27
Jucatoobf213: why do you want it to go down?07:27
Telroth_Plushie|yous ee07:28
obf213jw why so much is used up07:28
Telroth_Plushie|494 mb of that 734 is disk cache07:28
Telroth_Plushie|ram is much faster than harddrives07:28
Jucatoit's how Linux handles/manages RAM07:28
Telroth_Plushie|so when you open a file07:28
Telroth_Plushie|it keeps a copy in ram07:28
Telroth_Plushie|that way if you open it again07:28
Telroth_Plushie|it can pull it from ram07:28
Telroth_Plushie|and doesn't have to use the (slow) harddrive07:28
obf213i c07:29
Telroth_Plushie|if you log out, 494 would still be used07:29
ubotuA quick FAQ on Memory Management: http://gentoo-wiki.com/FAQ_Linux_Memory_Management07:29
Telroth_Plushie|because it doesn't dump cache when you log out07:29
Telroth_Plushie|the other 300 would be freed though07:29
Jucatomight want to take a quick look at that link07:29
Jucato(it's from ubotu...)07:29
Telroth_Plushie|because it's in use by applications that would exit and stop using the memory on logout07:29
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obf213hey ill check it out thanks07:30
Telroth_Plushie|if all the memory is in use and an application requests more, linux finds the oldest cache files and removes them to make more room07:30
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Jucato(or uses swap...)07:31
Telroth_Plushie|so while that 494 is actually in use, it's also available for an application if it needs it07:31
Telroth_Plushie|swap is like virtual memory07:31
Telroth_Plushie|it uses your harddrive like a peice of ram ^^07:31
Jucatoswap is virtual memory :)07:31
Telroth_Plushie|shush you, it's 12:31 at night here, i have to get up in 6 hours07:31
Jucatobetter turn of that monitor of yours then :)07:32
=== Telroth_Plushie| hugs all goog night and leaves :P
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Jucatogoog night! :)07:32
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poseidonThat's interesting.... I crashed firefox by search for 'elgooG' in gmail.........07:42
Jucatoposeidon: reproducible? or a one time thing?07:43
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poseidonOne-time thing. Probably shouldn't have even said anything :b07:43
Jucatoaw shucks07:43
Jucatoit would be nice though :)07:44
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plugshow do i unmount a drive from the command line?07:48
Jucatosudo umount <mount point>07:48
Jucatoor  sudo umount <device>07:48
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plugsokay cool. i just got 'not mounted'. my problem is my cd drive, when i changed cds it asked me what to do, the 'open in new window, etc' box and i said cancel and it isnt appearing in storage media07:49
flakehow can i keep from having to insert my ubuntu cd every time i update or install something from the package manager07:49
plugsi tried to mount it and it says it's already mounted or busy07:49
Jucatoyou don't have to mount CD's07:50
plugsi'll try inserting a different cd07:50
Jucatoflake: edit your sources.list and remove the line that says "deb cdrom......."07:50
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Jucatoflake: need instructions on how to do that?07:51
flakemaybe where the file lies07:51
flake  /etc  would have to look07:51
Jucatoflake: /etc/apt/sources.list07:52
Jucatoor you could just do it from Adept07:52
flakethank you07:53
ccherrettI install kubuntu with user dennis and password then tried to login and it does not let me in. So I booted into the Live CD and mounted my drive and went to etc/passwd adn I don't see dennis07:53
Jared777Is there a program to merge 2 partitions in Linux? Tried QTparted and it doesn't allow it07:53
ccherrettdoes the Live CD use /dev/hda?07:54
ccherrettAm I missing something here?07:55
plugshow do i configure grub?07:56
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Jucatoplugs: what do you mean by "configure"?07:57
plugswell hmm07:57
plugsi added a second hard drive and i want grub to see it and give me the choice of booting from the too07:58
Jucatobasically you have to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst07:58
Jucatobut making the entries/options to boot from that new hard drive might be a bit complicated07:59
Jucatowhat's installed in that 2nd hard drive, btw?07:59
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plugswindows '~'08:00
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plugsis there a way i can reinstall it and have it configure itself?08:00
Admiral_Chicagoplugs, no windows sucks08:01
Admiral_Chicagoand can't write a MBR08:01
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JucatoI guess you have to add it manually? I'm not sure of a shortcut...08:01
Admiral_ChicagoJucato, note those are two different ideas, related but different08:01
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plugsallright i'll see what i can do08:02
plugsi wish there was a way to do flash in linux08:02
plugsnot counting wine08:03
Admiral_Chicagoplugs, we all do08:03
plugs=] 08:03
Admiral_Chicagowe have to wait until "early 2007"08:03
flakeany data i create, eg user data, should be saved under my /home/<user> directory?08:03
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flakekind of an obvious question i guess08:03
Admiral_Chicagoflake, yes08:03
Admiral_Chicago~ is also /home/<user>08:04
flakeunder windows, i save files everywhere08:04
Admiral_Chicagoso if you ever see something that says ~/.kde or something08:04
Admiral_Chicagothats what that means08:04
Admiral_Chicagoflake, windows saves filse everywhere to08:05
Admiral_Chicagolike temporary files... linux has /tmp08:05
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Admiral_Chicagoand thats all you need08:05
Jucatoflake: not really. by default, Windows would save your files in you user's directory/folder too08:05
Admiral_ChicagoJucato, note he said I and not windows08:06
JucatoI'm not done yet typing the follow up sentence Admiral_Chicago08:06
JucatoI'm not exactly a fast typer like you...08:06
Admiral_ChicagoJucato, haha. switch to dvorak08:07
=== Jucato is just going away...
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flaketrue - came from a dos background, found it hard to convert to windows and be happy08:13
Admiral_Chicagoflake, yea i enjoy the KDE GUI much more08:14
plugsgrub is confusing m08:14
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Admiral_Chicagoplugs, i can't help, i don't do much grub stuff08:14
ccherrettanyone ever experienced their user not being entered by the install08:16
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flakei'm glad ea finally released 1.4, now to test the pos08:20
flakegoin chink and redneck huntin08:20
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flakeand isblahisblahala huntin too08:21
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flake- counting down the days until quakewars et08:21
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plugsflake what are you freakin talking about08:25
plugsoh he's gone08:25
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto08:27
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thykois there such a thing as 'apt-get --reconfigure -a'?08:31
Jucatoer.. dpkg --configure -a08:31
Jucatoor "apt-get install -f" I think, but I'm not sure08:31
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thykodpkg-reconfigure insists it cant find strict.pm :(08:33
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thykoand its right there in its path08:33
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thykogot it from http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-7103.html08:34
Jucatowhat are you trying to do, btw?08:34
thykoi ran clearlinks and it fakt up my system08:35
thykothe automatic usb-stic detection among other things no longer works08:35
Jucatodid you upgrade to KDE 3.5.4?08:36
thykoi'm hoping by doing this i will have it working normally again08:36
JucatoI don't think that dpkg-reconfigure is the proper way to do it though. but I have no idea about clearlinks, so...08:37
thykoJucato: well just dont run it as root08:37
JucatoI'll keep that in mind...08:38
thykoi dont know why they would put a prog in there that ruins your sys without warning08:38
Jucatomaybe it's just used improperly...08:38
thykoits supposed to clear dead symbolic links, but it does other stuff too08:38
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thykoJucato: check out the man page, see whether theres a way to use it improperly08:39
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Jucatoah cleanlinks?08:40
Jucatohmm let me see08:40
Jucato"A message will be printed upon encountering each dangling symlink and empty directory."08:40
evilredhedshould i be able to dual boot between kubuntu and slax?08:40
evilredhedon the same hd partition?08:41
Jucatonot on the same partition08:41
thykoJucato: true08:41
Jucatoon the same hd, on different partitions08:41
Jucatothyko: so you were asked to confirm before removing the dangling symlink?08:41
evilredhedcool tx08:41
thyko'without warning' remember?08:42
Jucatowell, probably if you're root... but I can't see anything in the man page about "without warning"...08:43
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thykothat was my way of putting it08:43
Jucatoanyway... it might have removed something from the /media directory?08:43
thykoand about 10 entries in etc/init.d/08:44
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chris_so, I have a question. if I were to do a server install with the alternate disc and then sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop...would that be the same as a straight up kubuntu installation?08:45
AegeanLinuxchris_: somewhat08:45
chris_basically, im looking to do a very minimal kde install...08:46
Jucatochris_: if you want a very very minimal kde install, just install kde-core instead08:46
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Jucatoserver install + x-windows-system-core + kde-core08:47
chris_so just apt-get install kde-core08:47
AegeanLinuxchris_: sudo apt-get install kde-base08:47
Jucatowell, kdebase is even smaller than kde-core08:47
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AegeanLinuxthat will install nothing except for the K menu and a few basic apps08:47
AegeanLinuxdon't forget to install Adapt if you want to do admin from a GUI ;)08:47
Jucatoryanakca: hi08:47
Jucato(or Synaptic...)08:47
AegeanLinuxsynaptic == Gnome no ?08:47
Jucatobut works well on KDE as well08:48
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AegeanLinuxtrue, but doesn't 'fit in'08:48
Jucatoyou have a choice of package managers: Adept, KPackage, Synaptic08:48
Jucatoyou can easily make it "fit in" ifyou're only talking about appearances...08:48
AegeanLinuxFit in as in KDE exclusive environment :)08:49
AegeanLinuxno GTK2 or GTK installed :)08:49
Jucatook, if you mean it that way...08:49
AegeanLinuxNot that I don't like Gnome08:50
Jucatohm.. actually... Adept is dependent on app-install-data... which is a GNOME thing (AFAIK)08:50
AegeanLinuxwell, I don't08:50
AegeanLinuxbut, KDE is better :P08:50
AegeanLinuxI thought it was freedesktop.org08:50
beleHi everyone, I'm having problems with firefox: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2270408:50
AegeanLinuxGamin (a fam replacement) is also a Gnome thing08:50
chris_so, server install + "sudo apt-get install x-windows-system-core kde-base" would be the most minimal kde install?08:51
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AegeanLinuxI mean all things that depend on gtk2 / gtk gnome :P08:51
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Jucatochris_: kdebase is the most minimal, but I think kde-core is better...08:51
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chris_Jucato: better?08:51
Jucatoyou can check what kdebase installs versus what kde-core installs by typing "apt:/" in Konqueror08:51
evilredhedbele: i found a file that automated the install process, let me see if i can dig up where i found it08:52
evilredhednot to sure what all that jargon means08:52
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beleevilredhed: Thanks, but firefox kind of works08:53
bioticprohow do you auto scroll webpages in konq?08:54
beleevilredhed: It is already installed here .. it just outputs these error messages08:54
evilredhedbele: sweet. im a total noob but try to help people anyway cuz im an idiot08:54
chris_Jucato: I dont have access to konqeror. any idea on the difference?08:54
beleevilredhed: Thanks anyway :)08:54
Jucatobioticpro: it's enabled by default08:54
ryan_whats the major differences between KDE and Gnome08:54
Jucatochris_: you can try apt-cache show kde-core and apt-cache show kdebase08:54
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bioticproJucato: ok, maybe what Im thinking of is something different... how do you make the page start scrolling up or down without having to keep a button pressed?08:55
Jucatobioticpro: with the mouse?08:55
bioticproyeah, or keyboard.. whatever, just a way to start it scrolling and adjust the speed08:56
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bioticproI miss that feature from windows, where you could click the middle mouse wheel and bring up that little 4 arrow icon for scrolling08:57
Jucatobioticpro: in Konqueror, go to Settings > Configure Konqueror > Web Behavior08:57
Jucatobioticpro: then uncheck "Middle click opens URL in selecction"08:57
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chris_thanks Jucato08:58
chris_appreciate it08:58
bioticproJucato: Yowsa!08:58
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bioticproIve been using linux for 2 years and wanted to do this...08:58
bioticprothx big time08:58
Jucatoheh no problem :)08:58
bioticprothat should be the default mode... esp for windows converts08:59
evilredhedhey is it easy to get spanish installed for the openoffice.org stuff?08:59
Jucato... maybe one day :)08:59
bioticproJucato: now if only there were a way to set the middle click action for all kde programs09:00
Jucatothat autoscroll action?09:01
belebioticpro: you know you can also, with keyboard, click shift + down arrow to scroll down the web page ... several clicks to adjust speed09:03
bioticprobele: thats nice also, thx09:03
Jucatohehe but that takes a bit of getting used to... I feel like I'm driving a car in an arcade game...09:03
beleso true09:04
Jucatoyou have to remember to hold the shift key down when adjusting the speed, but to let it go and press the cursor to stop...09:04
bioticproJucato: well, also I would like to customize the action for clicking middle mouse button in all of kde/x, like to open a program with it09:04
JucatoIt also doesn't do auto-reverse :)09:04
belebut very nice when your hands are on keyboard :)09:05
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timiy does wmv look so washed out and terrible on linux09:06
timilike totem player and kaffiene09:06
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beletimi: maybe just adjust brightness and contrast?09:07
beletimi: defaults for some reason seem to be "burned"09:07
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timibele where do i adjust this09:07
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timiabbatoir any idea09:08
abattoirtimi: !!!09:09
beletimi: press button V09:09
abattoirtimi: long time no see :)09:09
beletimi:  in kaffeine09:09
diego_clwhich is the fastest distro with the best compatibility !??!?!09:09
abattoirtimi: didnt see your question09:09
beletimi: pour avoir video settings09:10
evilredhedxubuntu + packaged09:10
beletimi: sorry, to have video settings09:10
timiyeah its been a while, i think bele's got it but i was wondering why wmv looks so faded out and bright in kaffein and totem09:10
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abattoirtimi: only wmv? or any video?09:11
timii just fixed it the in kaffeine09:11
diego_clevilredhed : are you talking to me?09:11
timithanks bele im going to check the firefox plugin09:11
evilredheddiego_cl: lol, yea09:11
beletimi: no problem09:11
diego_clevilredhed thanks09:11
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timiyeah it fixed both of them thanks09:12
evilredheddiego_cl: sure man, i hope thats what you were looking for09:12
calcmandanhey yall, i screwed up.09:12
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calcmandani installed a KDM theme.  Restarted KDE and it gave me an error stating: "theme not usable with authentication method 'Username + password (classic)'  ANyone know a command line method to changing the config file to point to a good theme?09:13
diego_clevilredhed what is packaged ??09:14
calcmandanThe instruction on the theme page in kde-look.org points to a file that doesn't exist in kubuntu.09:14
Jucatocalcmandan: edit the file /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc ?09:14
evilredheddiego_cl: i misstyped, i meant packages, just download what u need for what u got09:15
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diego_clevilredhed: what is the difference between ubuntu and kubuntu ??09:16
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bioticprodiego_cl: gnome vs kde as desktop09:17
evilredheddiego_cl: as far as i know, kubuntu uses a dif. desktop and there are a couple other software differances09:17
calcmandanjucato: thank you.  i have 3 themes in the theme manager.  what line dictates the theme used?09:17
evilredheddiego_cl: but the operating sys is the same09:17
bioticproalso, ubuntu is far more polished and bugfree than kubuntu09:17
evilredhedor it might as well be anyway09:17
diego_clsorry!!!   y mean what us the difference with ubuntu and xubuntu  ! ! !09:17
Jucatocalcmandan: Theme=/usr/share/apps/kdm/themes/kubuntu <--- default theme09:17
bioticprodiego_cl: gnome vs xfce09:17
bioticproas desktop09:18
diego_clis there any inconvineance with xfce ?09:18
diego_clis there something worse  ?09:18
Jucatowell, the new Xfce file manager (Thunar) is still a bit new, and doesn't have that much features yet.09:18
Jucatofor example, it only got a very basic trash management feature only recently09:19
calcmandankucato: THANK YOU SO MUCH09:19
calcmandanjucato: sorry for the misspelling.  I was ripping my hair out.  fior some reason, my favorite distro seems to put the config files where they make sense.09:19
Jucatoheh :) no problem09:20
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leileiloli've tried to install kqemu and on the last step i've hit a snag09:20
leileilol trying to overwrite `/lib/modules/2.6.15-26-386/modules.alias', which is also i09:20
leileiloln package linux-image-2.6.15-26-38609:20
leileilolhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/KQEmu was following this09:21
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ccherretthow do you change the root password in kubuntu?09:47
ccherrettit did not prompt me to set it on install09:47
Jucatoccherrett: the root user is disabled by default in Kubuntu09:48
Jucatothe first user you create can have administrator privileges when needed09:48
ccherrettit is prompting me for a password for sudo09:48
Jucatowhen it asks for the Administrator's/root password, you give your password09:48
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.09:48
ccherrettok so the created user has root access09:49
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Jucatoonly when using sudo or kdesu09:49
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Jucatoafter the job is finished, (or after a few minutes after the job is finished) you lose that access09:49
ccherrettok that worked09:49
ccherrettwhy do they do that?09:50
Jucatoyou can read more about sudo in that link09:50
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Ant1_^what means semicolons?10:03
Ant1_^it's a character?10:03
Ant1_^yes I have found10:04
Ant1_^it's ;10:04
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ccherrettany idea how to get sshd to run as a service? rc-update?10:15
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dnm_Hi people. Quick question that I haven't found an easy answer to: how do I get Kate to stop showing end-of-line/CRLF marks?10:22
wilfreddnm_: why do you want to hide them?10:22
ccherretthow do you get a service to start automatically in kubuntu?10:23
dnm_wilfred: They're distracting when trying to edit and read files.10:23
wilfredccherrett: I use BUM (apt-get install bum)10:23
dnm_wilfred: They're also easily confused with periods, which bugs me10:24
ccherrettwilfred: is that new?10:24
wilfrednew to me :-) BUM = Boot-Up Manager10:24
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dnm_wilfred: any ideas?10:28
wilfreddnm: I'm not sure. Does it happen on all types of highlighting?10:28
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ccherrettwilfred: bum is not showing up with apt-get and the deb from the site does not install due to dependancies. Any idea how to get sshd to start without bum? /etc.ini.d/ssh start works but how to sutorun that?10:32
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ubotuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a bootfloppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto10:32
wilfreddo you have univese repositories enables jucato?10:33
Jucatoerr... why me?10:33
wilfredahem - sorry10:33
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wilfredccherrett: you'll need the universe repositories enabled to install bum10:33
ccherrettwilfred: I have never heard of that10:34
ccherrettanyidea where to look10:34
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ccherrettubotu: thanks10:34
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thanks - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:34
wilfredok. go to /etc/apt/ in konqueror, right click sources.list and hit edit as root10:34
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ccherrettwilfred: done10:36
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wilfredthen remove the # from the lines that say "deb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper universe" and "deb-src http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper universe" and save10:36
wilfredthen apt-get install bum10:36
Jucatohm... wilfred, probably best to leave the deb-src uncommented if not needed. it lessens the time of sudo apt-get update...10:37
yannuxhello :)10:37
fildo_lol @ bum10:38
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wilfredtrue. not a big deal though. For someone who's being using linux 2 weeks, I'm getting there :-)10:38
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fildo_apt-get rox10:39
ccherrettwilfred: thanks10:39
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fildo_n congrats in makin the change10:39
Jucatofildo_: E: Invalid operation. hehehe! :)10:39
fildo_one more less m$ user makes the world a better place10:39
wilfredthx fildo_. I got hold of a very cheap pc for my first install to avoid setting up a dual boot10:40
fildo_my source.lists muse be incorrect10:40
fildo_e =t10:40
fildo_wlfred. dual boot is easy as10:40
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Jucatodual boot is easy, triple boot is fun :)10:40
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wilfredjust windows for games now really.10:41
fildo_Jucato: fc5 / kubuntu / m$10:41
fildo_on one lappy ...10:41
JucatoKubuntu / Kubuntu / MS :)10:41
JucatoDapper / Edgy / MS10:42
wilfredI'd like to have a play with gentoo at some point, need a bigger hd :-/10:42
fildo_im only on 80gig here10:42
wilfred15 :-P10:42
fildo_lol ..10:42
Jucatohehe 80 Gig, but XP is on a 20 GB disk of it's own.10:42
JucatoI don't want contamination :)10:42
fildo_there wouldnt be10:43
fildo_unless ur fingers do something wrong10:43
wilfredxp can mess up grub I'm told10:43
fildo_but i guess, *nix dosnt use any m$ permissions10:43
fildo_or read erm, so yes, contamination,10:43
Jucato(or my sister appliex her magical hex powers that seem to have the ability to damage any computer system)10:43
fildo_affirmatus on that one, have an older brother who dose that for me10:43
fildo_i just permission windows boxes. n limit them as users10:44
fildo_so they cant fukin touch nething unless i do it10:44
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JucatoI did that... but some programs didn't work. so I just gave her full access and told her that she's responsible for XP from that day on10:44
fildo_write permission scripts10:44
wilfredanyway, can anyone help me install kerry? I've built beagle from source but kerry keeps complaining about missing dependencies10:44
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fildo_not just the basic *limit user in control pannel10:45
fildo_neways enough gay windows talk10:45
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wilfredcan anyone tell me how to install a .deb package without its dependencies?10:54
Jucatoer.. you can't...10:55
Jucatoyou need to install it's dependencies first, one by one...10:55
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wilfredgrrr. I've built beagle from source and kerry doesn't think beagle is installed10:55
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Jucatoand if those dependencies have other dependencies, you have to install them as well..10:55
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ketsugiwilfred: use checkinstall10:56
ketsugi`sudo checkinstall` instead of `sudo make install`10:56
Healotwilfred: is there any build option to point out beagle location?10:56
ketsugithen for the package name, make sure it's "beagle" or whatever the official package name is10:56
Jucatoketsugi: <wilfred> can anyone tell me how to install a .deb package without its dependencies?10:56
ketsugithat way apt will know you've got the right package installed even if you compiled from source10:56
Jucatomy bad sorry ketsugi :)10:56
ketsugiJucato: yes, but his problem is that he installed beagle NOT through apt10:56
vmwarehow do use join?10:57
Jucatovmware:  /join #channel_name10:57
ketsugiin any case, there might be a --force option he can use10:57
Healotfff /join10:57
ketsugibut I wouldn't recommend that unless he's absolutely sure he's got all the dependencies installed already10:57
wilfredI do.10:57
wilfredI've installed an old version of beagle before, beagle is running, just kerry won't install.10:58
ketsugiwell I'd say do the checkinstall method to be safe10:58
ketsugiit also makes it easy for you to uninstall your custom package later if you need to10:58
wilfredthe problem with checkinstall is it produces packages with wrong arch type (x86_64 instead of amd64) and lintian produces loads of errors for the package10:59
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ketsugiyou can change that, can't you?11:00
ketsugiwell I dunno, I'm on 686 myself11:00
wilfredthe arch, yes. They're just two different names for the same arch. I have to change it if I want to install it though.11:00
wilfredbut lintian produced about 50 errors for the package11:01
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Healottry dh_make instead11:03
Healotthen you can customize the arch11:03
Healoti forgot the package name, but you can always find it at packages.ubuntu.com11:04
Healotit generates the debian rules thing, you know...11:04
Healotthen use checkinstall11:04
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wilfredwhat package is it in? packages.ubuntu.com doesn't give any results11:06
Healotit's a file on one specific package11:07
Healothttp://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/devel/dh-make >> fast isn;t it?11:08
Healoti hve the bookmark :)11:08
wilfredok, a dash not an underscore :-)11:08
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Healotthe package name has dash11:09
Healotthe file has _ underscore11:09
cox377does anyone hae any idea what KDE would restart on it's own?11:09
cox377its been happening for a few days when i'm away from the computer11:09
cox377then it just did it when i was sitting there11:09
cox377i thought previously it was just the computer restarting11:09
magical_trevskyhi, can anyone help me install the new amarok? i've put the error that i'm getting from apt here: www.magic.net.ve/amarok.txt11:10
Jucatomagical_trevsky: you're trying to install version 1.4.3?11:10
magical_trevskyJucato, yeah, the one on the front page of kubuntu.org11:10
Jucatodid you enable the "dapper-backports" repository, like it said?11:11
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magical_trevskyJucato, i've managed to install ktorrent and stuff- which it says are in backports, so i believe so.. and i downloaded the other version of amarok that's on kubuntu.org the other day with no problems11:12
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=== ketsugi is using KDE 3.5.4 off the Kubuntu repo
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magical_trevskyJucato, i have these lines in my sources.list:11:13
magical_trevsky deb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper-backports main restricted univ$11:13
magical_trevsky deb-src http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper-backports main restricted $11:13
Jucatomagical_trevsky: hmm...11:14
Jucatohold on, let me check something11:14
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pedrohi all I am using synaptic to install a desktop recording program called istanbul. It require som dependencies like gstreamer. Synaptic downloaded the packages and started to install and set them up. now it's just sitting there doing nothing. It seems to be stuck at "Setting up libgstreamer-gconf0.8-0 (0.8.12-1ubuntu2) ...". I'm afraid to interupt Synaptic. What should I do?11:16
Jucatopedro: you are doing this in Kubuntu?11:17
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Jucatomagical_trevsky: I'm not absolutely sure on this, but it might be that Amarok 1.4.3 needs at least KDE 3.5.3 to install.11:18
pedroJucato: well. actually I'm using mepis 6.011:18
magical_trevskyah, so i guess i need to add the new kde repo then. cool, thanks :)11:18
Jucatopedro: err... :)11:18
Jucatomagical_trevsky: I'm still checking if that's really the problem11:19
magical_trevskyheh, ok11:19
pedroJucato: same same, but different11:19
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pedroIs it safe to just kill Synaptic when it is still havent finnished its task?11:21
Jucatopedro: no repsonse from #mepis? anyway, is Synaptic waiting for you to confirm something?11:21
Jucatopedro: you probably could, the "dpkg --configure -a" in the terminal11:21
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ubuntuHello to all11:21
pedroJucato: no it just stuck on "Setting up libgstreamer-gconf0.8-0 (0.8.12-1ubuntu2) ..."11:22
Jucatopedro: I guess you have no choice then?11:22
pedroJucato:  Can I do "dpkg --configure -a" when synaptic is still running11:22
Jucatopedro: no11:22
pedroJucato: no, your right11:23
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pedroJucato: oki, thanks anyway :)11:23
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Jucatopedro: you could probably also try asking in #mepis?11:23
magical_trevskyJucato, i'm gonna install the new kde anyways, no harm in updating :D11:23
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Jucatomagical_trevsky: ok. best of luck! :)11:23
pedroJucato: yes I did, no respons so far, not many people there right now. I will try #mepislovers as well. tnx11:25
AcidBeni search after the kubuntu DVD version,and the FTP dont accept anonymous logon11:27
AcidBenand the link on kubuntu mirror (with login and pas) dont work too11:28
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Jucatomagical_trevsky: are you upgrading KDE now?11:30
magical_trevskyJucato, yep, although 80 packages were held back :o11:30
JucatoKDE 3.5.3 or 3.5.4?11:30
daniloci need a best program for wireless configuration :)11:31
Jucatoah you need to do dist-upgrade for that11:31
Jucato(and prepare for some "issues")11:31
magical_trevsky:O such as?11:31
magical_trevskyive only done upgrade so far.. will that cause any problems?11:31
daniloci have a wireless assistant but is very bad ;(11:31
Jucatothe Configuration Wizard (KPersonalizer) starting up everytime you log in (easily remedied)11:31
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Jucatomagical_trevsky: you need to continue with dist-upgrade, otherwise you'll have dependency problems11:32
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Jucatogoing afk...11:33
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magical_trevskyThe following packages will be REMOVED:11:33
magical_trevsky  kdelibs-bin11:33
magical_trevsky :o11:33
Jucatomagical_trevsky: yes that's ok11:33
JucatoI was about to tell you about it11:33
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Jucatoit's ok to remove it11:33
magical_trevskyit's downloading all its stuff now, and amarok is in the list :D11:34
Jucatocan I go  now? :)11:34
Jucatoheh nice11:34
pointwoodanyone know of an update in regards to the backports?11:34
magical_trevskythanks for all your help Jucato :)11:34
Jucatopointwood: what about it?11:34
pointwoodthere were some problems with the build system11:34
pointwood== no updates11:34
Jucatoaah.... for which package again?11:35
pointwoodamong them is konversation 1.011:35
Healotbeen thinking of installing kubuntu tonight he11:35
Jucatopointwood: let me check (again...)11:35
pointwoodI would guess the new amarok release would be there soon too :)11:35
Healotfor whatever reason, i haven't install 6.06 yet11:35
Jucatopointwood: Amarok 1.4.2 is in dapper-backports (magically...)11:35
JucatoAmarok 1.4.3 is in Kubuntu.org, but you need dapper-backports enabled11:36
pointwoodJucato: is there a place where the status is posted so I could check it myself?11:36
pointwoodI have dapper backports enabled11:36
pointwoodmy sources.list: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2261111:37
Jucatopointwood: I'm manually going through the archives, but you could "apt-cache madison konversation" to see the available versions. the one at the top is the one installed (I think)11:37
Jucatopointwood: nope. no luck...11:37
pointwoodyeah, I can see konversation 1.0 there11:38
pointwoodwith that apt-cache command above11:38
Jucatopointwood: ah11:38
Jucatothought you still didn't have it installed...11:38
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Emessanyone know of a similar project that ports osx code to nix?11:39
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pointwoodJucato: I don't, I have .19 installed11:39
pointwoodbut at the bottom it says "konversation | 1.0-0ubuntu1~dapper1 | http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper-backports/main Sources"11:39
Jucatoah there11:39
Jucatotry updating then upgrade11:39
pointwoodI just did :)11:39
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pointwoodJucato: there are no updates11:43
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pointwoodwhich is wierd imho11:43
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Jucatovery weird...11:46
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Jucatoi'm outta here!11:47
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en1gmasup all12:13
en1gmai have a kubuntu dvd laying right here and im not sure if its a 64bit version or 32bit....how can i tell12:13
en1gmai need to know for sure cause i have a spare computer system that is 32bit12:13
en1gmai thinking boutght putting it on that12:13
rdfmhi *, I'm having problems installing amarok-1.4.312:14
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magical_trevskyen1gma, is it a shipit cd (one of the free ones)?12:14
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en1gmadloaded one12:14
en1gmaits 6.0612:14
en1gmawhen it autoplays12:15
rdfmI think the problem is due to not having the kde 3.5.4 repository in sources.list12:15
magical_trevskyrdfm, i just had that problem, and the new kde fixed it :)12:15
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rdfmso I'm upgrading now but maybe it should be spelled out on the new amarok package page that it's a requirement ;)12:15
en1gmai think its the 64bit version12:16
rdfmwho should I contact and harrass for it?12:16
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bill__so, I want to upgrade to kde 354. I added the repos and the key. I also sudo apt-get update and upgrade as well as dist-upgrade. but still no 354. I have 352. any ideas?12:27
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en1gmaanyone got a quake 4 server they setup b412:29
gnomefreakbill__: apt-cache policy kdebase12:29
en1gmajust got a Q about the dedicated server12:29
FaedI ran a quake3 server years ago.12:29
en1gmado you have to install all of Q4 too besides the server file12:29
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bill__gnomefreak: thanks. now what?12:29
en1gmai got a Q3 server up (well the computer is off so it not u right now)12:30
Faedyou need the map data12:30
en1gmadamn i cant believe i have to have all that there too12:30
en1gmamy hd is only 4gig12:30
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Faedwell, how would you do it? ;)12:30
Faedthe server has to know more than the clients do to provide the game.12:30
en1gmaive seen some servers (dedicated) that do not need all that12:30
en1gmaexample is fear12:30
en1gmafear just has a server file12:31
gnomefreakbill__: what does it say12:31
en1gmasaves alot of space12:31
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en1gmagot a fear server too12:31
bill__bill@ubuntu:~$ apt-cache policy kdebase12:31
bill__  Installed: (none)12:31
bill__  Candidate: 4:3.5.4-0ubuntu1~dapper212:31
bill__  Version table:12:31
bill__     4:3.5.4-0ubuntu1~dapper2 012:31
bill__        500 http://kubuntu.org dapper/main Packages12:31
bill__     4:3.5.4-0ubuntu1~dapper1 012:31
bill__        500 http://kubuntu.org dapper/main Packages12:31
Faedit must be multicast.12:31
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bill__     4:3.5.2-0ubuntu27 012:31
bill__        500 http://security.ubuntu.com dapper-security/main Packages12:31
bill__     4:3.5.2-0ubuntu26 012:31
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bill__        500 http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper/main Packages12:31
Faeddon't do that.12:31
gnomefreakbill__: you can stop pasteing nowe12:31
Faedpastebin, pls12:31
en1gmaever here of pastebin12:32
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gnomefreakbill__: sudo apt-get update12:32
gnomefreakbill__: when its done let me know12:32
en1gmawell i guess i S.O.L with Q4 then12:32
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gnomefreakbill__: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop12:32
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bill__hmm  I'm trying to avoid that. I did a server install + kdebase...I'd like to avoid alot of the packages that come with kubuntu-desktop12:34
Faedwhy? a 200G disk would cost less than the game does.12:34
en1gmawell its a spare computer and dont really want to put anything into it12:34
Faedkde is a ratsnest of interdependencies.12:34
en1gmai do have a Q3 and a fear server on it12:34
en1gmabut would have liked to had Q4 too12:34
en1gmabut o well12:34
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Faedif you install a handful of kde applications, you'll get kubuntu-desktop in pieces anyhow.12:35
bill__ok I think I got it12:36
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bill__about kde shows 354 now12:36
gnomefreakbill__: apt-cache policy kdebase-bin should show you that12:37
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bill__yup it does12:37
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rosemaryhi just installed kubuntu for another try but can't remember how to set up the repsoitories to download other packages eg firefox12:42
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Mortice!info mozilla-firefox12:46
ubotumozilla-firefox: Transition package for firefox rename. In component main, is optional. Version 1.5.dfsg+ (dapper), package size 49 kB, installed size 104 kB12:46
rosemaryI need to reset repositories but get messgae "line commented out because installer failed to verify" - can anyone help please12:46
Morticerosemary: could you pastebot your /etc/apt/sources.list please?12:47
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rosemaryMortice, I am on another PC but it seems to be empty - I installed without network access at the time12:48
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Morticerosemary: it shouldn't be empty, even if you installed without network access. it should refer to the installation CD ROM, at least12:49
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rosemaryit says /etc/apt/sources.list.d Mort12:49
rosemarysorry Mortice12:50
Morticerosemary: what says that? what's the output of "cat /etc/apt/sources.list"?12:51
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rosemaryMortice, gives me the message "line commented out by installer because it failed to verify" and goes on to list the repositories and repeating the Line commented out bit each time12:53
rosemaryMortice, does kubuntu have midnight commander?12:53
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Morticerosemary: ah, ok. that "line commented out bit" isn't a message. it's part of the file12:53
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Morticerosemary: you need to edit /etc/apt/sources.list and remove the # symbol from the start of every line that begins with 'deb' or 'deb-src'12:54
Mortice!info mc12:54
ubotumc: midnight commander - a powerful file manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:4.6.1-1ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 2073 kB, installed size 5952 kB12:54
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Morticerosemary: it does if you enable the universe repository :)12:55
rosemaryMortice, I am a bit rusty with linux - I use it on a day to day basis but haven't had to do anything with files for ages12:55
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Morticerosemary: type "kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list" on a command line12:56
rosemarywill try to remember vi I guess and edit the # out12:56
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Morticerosemary: or you could use vi :)12:56
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rosemarykate is easier :-)12:57
Morticerosemary: once you're done uncommenting those lines, do 'sudo apt-get update'. If it doesn't give you errors, your repositories are set up.12:58
rosemarygot long error message from that command "Major opcode:144" among other things12:58
joker_do some 1 know alot about net games12:58
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joker_that u wine for12:59
Morticerosemary: huh. would it be at all possible to make your /etc/apt/sources.list available somewhere?12:59
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rosemaryMortice, give me a tick and i'll switch to toher PC - have network going now01:00
Morticethanks rosemary - it'll be much easier to help if I can see the file :)01:00
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joker_do some 1 know alot about net games01:01
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Morticejoker_: ask your question, so that someone can help you01:01
Morticejoker_: it really depends what the question is whether or not someone knows enough about net games to support you :)01:01
joker_see i'm new 2 linux01:02
rosemaryMortice: back - which command did you want output off?01:02
joker_so i'm try 2 get counter strike 2 work on linux01:03
Morticerosemary: "cat /etc/apt/sources.list"01:03
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Morticejoker_: http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/wiwimod/index.php?page=HOWTO+Steam&back=HOWTO+INDEX+Wine+Games01:04
joker_ty bro01:04
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Morticejoker_: No problem. Enjoy :)01:05
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joker_i will01:06
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rosemarycan't find the paste place01:08
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)01:08
rosemarymaybe I can try vi01:08
Morticerosemary: what for? Just do "cat /etc/apt/sources.list" in a terminal and copy-paste the output to that website.01:09
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Morticehello, nonickname :)01:10
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nonicknamewhat's up?01:10
danilocnothing, what abot u ?01:10
rosemaryMortice: did it work? :-001:10
Morticerosemary: you need to link me to the url it gave you01:11
danilocanybody here need a free sms? pvt me01:11
Morticerosemary: ok, no worries, i found it01:11
nonicknamei was just contemplating using kubuntu to slipstream a windows cd.. appears i don't know much about slipstreaming01:11
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Morticerosemary: OK. There are still # symbols at the start of the 'deb...' and 'deb-src...' lines. I thought you had removed those?01:12
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rosemaryMortice: I was trying but no mc and the kdesu kate command didn't work01:14
Morticerosemary: oh, apologies.01:15
Morticetype "sudo kate" and then open up /etc/apt/sources.list from the file open dialog01:16
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rosemaryMortice: think something bizarre has happened and the file is gone - but willl try that01:17
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vltHello. Any idea how to avoid konqueror's message: "This untrusted page links to file://...Do you want to follow the link?"?01:17
Morticerosemary: the file isn't gone, because cat /etc/apt/sources.list gave us the right output01:17
rosemaryokay I have it open now - so just go and take out the # on the deb lines?01:19
zorgluuuvlt: you make konqueror believe the page is a file:// too01:19
Morticerosemary: yea, take those out on the deb and deb-src lines, then save the file.01:19
zorgluuuvlt: you copy the html in a file and point konqueror at it01:19
rosemaryokay done thanks Mortice will try an update01:21
Morticerosemary: sudo apt-get update first, then try, for example, sudo apt-get install mc01:21
Morticerosemary: or you can use graphical package management stuff01:21
rosemaryMortice: prefer the command line thanks - it is working now01:22
Morticerosemary: cool :)01:22
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rosemaryMortice: thanks for your help :-0 much appreciated01:24
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Morticerosemary: no problem at all. keeps me from going mad while i deal with my own problem here :)01:24
rosemaryMortice: and what's that?01:25
vltzorgluuu: Mmh, maybe a language problem ... but I don't understand what to do. What do I have to copy where and how does this solve the problem?01:25
Morticerosemary: OTRS is a pain in the ass. :)01:25
rosemaryOTRS - I will have to work on that acronymn! :-)01:26
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ROBOdwhich package is used by kde when i press print-screen key? for screen kapturing01:27
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ElectrolyteKSnapshot should automatically start when you press Print Screen.01:27
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Morticerosemary: Open Ticket Request System01:28
MorticeROBOd: "kapturing", heh. :)01:30
rosemaryMortice: to do with helping people with their issue relating to computing?01:30
Morticerosemary: yea, essentially, although you could use it to track any kind of problem. not necessarily computer support01:30
ROBOdMortice: when Rome, do it like romans do :P01:30
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Morticerosemary: I'm doing a systems rebuild for this company, and I can't seem to make OTRS upgrade smoothly01:31
ROBOd*when in Rome ...01:31
rosemaryMortice: okay - teething problems - they will come right I am sure01:32
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Morticerosemary: hope so.01:32
rosemaryMortice: sure they will01:32
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spirit_i want to create the LFS ,i used the cfdisk ,but there  was no effect when i tried to partition from the hda6,now i have a kubuntu on the hda501:33
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ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource01:36
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic01:37
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shantanu__This installation doesn't support glibc-2.0 on Linux / x86_64 <--- what does this mean?01:49
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abattoirdaniloc: hi. you were looking for me?02:01
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danilocabattoir: nothing now :)02:04
abattoirdaniloc: aah, ok. was away at that time :)02:04
daniloci see :)02:05
danilocthanks anyway ;)02:05
daniloci got some problems but Mortice helps me :)02:05
abattoirdaniloc: nice :)02:05
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Morticedaniloc: i'm back now. did you fix your repository problems?02:06
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daniloccan u paste me ?02:07
daniloci have a bad repos02:07
Morticepaste you what, daniloc?02:07
daniloci want u sources.list02:07
Morticedaniloc: why don't you pastebot your /etc/apt/sources.list and i'll see what the problem is?02:07
danilocok, wait02:07
daniloccan i paste here ?02:07
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic02:07
abattoirdaniloc: ^^^ might be interested in that02:08
Morticedaniloc: vvv02:08
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)02:08
abattoirdaniloc: and please use pastebin for large posts^^^02:08
daniloc## Add comments (##) in front of any line to remove it from being checked.02:08
daniloc## Use the following sources.list at your own risk.02:08
danilocdeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper main restricted universe multiverse02:08
danilocdeb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper main restricted universe multiverse02:08
daniloc## MAJOR BUG FIX UPDATES produced after the final release02:08
danilocdeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-updates main restricted universe multiverse02:08
danilocdeb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-updates main restricted universe multiverse02:08
danilocdeb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security main restricted universe multiverse02:08
danilocdeb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security main restricted universe multiverse02:08
daniloc## BACKPORTS REPOSITORY (Unsupported.  May contain illegal packages.  Use at own risk.)02:09
danilocdeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse02:09
danilocdeb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse02:09
daniloc## PLF REPOSITORY (Unsupported.  May contain illegal packages.  Use at own risk.)02:09
danilocdeb http://packages.freecontrib.org/plf dapper free non-free02:09
danilocdeb-src http://packages.freecontrib.org/plf dapper free non-free02:09
daniloc## CANONICAL COMMERCIAL REPOSITORY (Hosted on Canonical servers, not Ubuntu02:09
daniloc## servers. RealPlayer10, Opera and more to come.)02:09
danilocdeb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu dapper-commercial main02:09
danilocabattoir: Mortice ?02:09
Morticedaniloc: why didn't you use pastebin?02:09
abattoirdaniloc: you are not supposed to paste it here :-\02:09
Morticedaniloc: don't paste the whole thing in PMs to me either >.<02:10
Morticeargh, please stop flooding my screen02:10
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)02:10
abattoirdaniloc: READ THAT ^^^^02:11
Martijn81hmmm, something i'd like to know for a long time now, the kmail systray icon, how do i enable that? This seems to be different in almost any version, and i can't find it now02:11
Morticedaniloc: please stop flooding me.02:11
danilocMortice: pasted at pvt02:11
Morticedaniloc: i asked you TWICE not to do that.02:11
Morticedaniloc: FWIW, your sources list looks fine.02:12
Martijn81or kontact icon, maybe even better02:12
MorticeMartijn81: kmail systray icon? like a mail notifier?02:13
daniloccan i see your sources list?02:13
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danilocMortice: can i see ?02:13
Morticedaniloc: it's the same as yours, without the PLF and canonical repositories.02:13
Morticedaniloc: what, exactly, do you think the problem is?02:14
Martijn81Mortice: i don't know what is was, too long ago... but it was something like the akregator icon i think02:14
daniloci dont know02:14
danilocFetched 6B in 2s (2B/s)02:14
danilocFailed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper/main/source/Source02:14
MorticeMartijn81: what did it do? open kmail, tell you when you had new mail, or what?02:14
danilocErr http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper/main Sources02:14
daniloc  Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)02:14
Martijn81Mortice: it did open kontact/kmail02:15
MorticeMartijn81: so just a shortcut to the application?02:15
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MorticeMartijn81: right-click somewhere on your panel, go to Add to Panel > Link to Application, and find Kmail or Kontact in the menus.02:16
Martijn81Mortice: from the systray yes, so the program was still there when you used the X to close the window02:16
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MorticeMartijn81: oh, ok. ignore my last message then02:16
Martijn81Mortice: yeah, i know that ;)02:16
MorticeMartijn81: apologies :)02:16
Martijn81it's weird because almost any distro has this different, some do it automaticly and launch kontact with kmail i think02:17
Telroth_Plushie|Martijn81, settings -> configure kmail -> appearence -> systray -> enable systray -> always show systray icon02:18
Martijn81anyway, i searched my ass off02:18
=== Jucato thinks KMail is launched with Kontact
=== Jucato also thinks that there's a Kontact shortcut on the panel by default...
Martijn81yesz, that's it :) thank you Telroth_Plushie|02:19
Telroth_Plushie|i think it's the other way around02:19
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Telroth_Plushie|because the kontact options for systray control the kmail options02:19
Telroth_Plushie|so it seems like kmail is more of a parent application02:19
Martijn81i know there's icon on the panel, but i want to spot mail in systray ;)02:19
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JucatoKontact is more of just a container for the kde-pim apps...02:20
Martijn81but thanks guys (obvious i should have better looked though)02:20
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JucatoKMail's systray options can be set in Kontact either from what Telroth_Plushie| said, or from Settings > Configure Kontact >Mail options02:21
Telroth_Plushie|no Jucato02:21
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Telroth_Plushie|they can be set in kontact from appearance -> systray02:22
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Telroth_Plushie|which is the exact same way as setting them in kmail02:22
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Telroth_Plushie|anyways, i'm off02:22
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felix_eriddell: amarok-stable/amarok-latest still point to amarok-142. if you have two minutes to fix that sometime - thanks.02:23
JucatoTelroth_Plushie|: yes, because contact also displays the individual component's settings02:23
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JucatoTelroth|School: but you can also set KMail's system tray option from Settings > Configure Kontact > Mail options > Appearance > System Tray02:23
Jucatocheck it if you don't believe me...02:23
Riddellfelix_e: done02:24
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=== Hawkwind Stumbles out of bed
=== Jucato wonders why Hawkwind always stumbles out of bed when he wakes up...
=== Jucato snickers
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HawkwindJucato: Hah.  Too dang early.  Gotta get up to the oldest off to school :(02:31
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HawkwindJucato: Any news from abattoir ?02:33
abattoirHawkwind: working on it... will wikify it soon02:33
HawkwindJucato: Thanks!02:33
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Hawkwindabattoir: Very kewl.  Good morning by the way :P02:34
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abattoirHawkwind: a very good morning to you too :)02:34
JucatoHobbsee's there too. though very quiet. I suspect busy backing up stuff :)02:34
HobbseeJucato: i finished backing up long ago02:34
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Jucatoprobably 4 hours ago? :)02:35
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flaccidi need a chess game02:41
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flaccidGUI, that you can play against people on network02:41
flaccidand is free and is not crap02:42
flaccidany ideas team?02:42
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Morticeflaccid: vvv02:46
Mortice!info knights02:46
ubotuknights: A chess interface for the K Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6-6ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 773 kB, installed size 1744 kB02:46
flaccidthanks Mortice02:46
flaccidi shall try02:46
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ubunturouzic: hermano como ests?02:53
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matthiasdoes anybody have an amarok changelog?02:54
matthiasi got the 1.4.3 update today and i'd like to know about new features. but amarok.kde.org is down02:55
=== ubuntu is now known as Scream_Ve
=== matthias is now known as Trollinator
rouzicubuntu: quien eres? xDDDDDD02:55
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Scream_VeScream ^_^02:55
Morticematthias: if you got it with apt, the changelog is in /usr/share/doc/amarok02:56
Trollinatoroh, cool02:56
rouzicah xD02:57
rouzichttp://digital.revistasprofesionales.com:8080/View_Ctrl/ml/archivo/92/portada.jpg look this02:57
rouzica image xD02:57
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Scream_VeEs ke ando desde live cd xD02:58
rouzicoks Scream, conectate a kubuntu-es ;)02:58
Scream_VeYa ando alla bro, ya dejaste hotmail?02:59
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:00
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TheGateKeeper!backup > TheGateKeeper03:05
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Jucato! backaway > Jucato :)03:06
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abattoirJucato: around?03:13
Jucatodidn't actually get the chance to go away...03:13
abattoirJucato: did you get the invite?03:14
abattoirJucato: sent it to you twice... anyway join k-m03:14
Jucatojust now :)03:14
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TheGateKeeperwhat's the easiest way to back your system, tar it then save that tar to DVD?03:16
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lupine_85TheGateKeeper: I wouldn't even bother with tar03:30
lupine_85just build an iso with your / (excluding /proc, etc ;) ) and write that to CD03:31
lupine_85 /DVD03:31
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holy_cowI installed gnome and now I have quite a few extra menu items, isn't there a program that keeps the items seperate?03:35
TheGateKeeperlupine_85: I am going to mondo thanx :-)03:36
Emessright click your kmenu and go to kmenu preferences, tehn edit the menu03:36
TheGateKeeperback in a bit03:36
joschau can't make an iso of /, because you can't store the chmod-flags03:37
joschaso your system will likely messed up after restore03:38
holy_cowEmess, yeah, but i thought there was a program that kept things seperate03:38
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beligumIs it general practice to include the ./configure command in the autogen.sh bootstrapper (for SVN/CVS checkouts)??03:40
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sorush20hi guys how do I change kdm to gdm?03:45
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:45
Jucatononickname: still no nick name?03:46
Morticebeligum: I haven't noticed any greater frequency one way or the other. As long as your provide an INSTALL file which is correct, I don't think it matters03:46
nonicknameJucato: yep03:46
nonicknameit's the new me03:46
Jucatosorush20: you installed kubuntu from ubuntu?03:46
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beligumthx Mortice03:46
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WoodwardAvehey - question for you all - where can i find info on installing KDE 3.54 in dapper?03:46
WoodwardAveare there repos or just deb files03:46
Morticesorush20: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm": select gdm in the dialog and select OK03:47
Jucatosorush20: you installed kubuntu from ubuntu?03:47
sorush20Jucato: I installed ubuntu from kubuntu now I can't log into gnome ubuntu and the desktop will no load03:47
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sorush20I just can not load the gnome desktop that is the case..03:48
Jucatosorush20: even if you choose the proper "GNOME" session in KDM?03:48
sorush20Jucato: yes..03:48
Jucatotry what Mortice said03:48
ubotuThe latest version of KDE is 3.5.3, and Kubuntu packages are available at: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-353.php03:48
JucatoWoodwardAve: there's a 3.5.4 also available in Kubuntu.org03:49
Jucatoinstructions are there03:49
JucatoI'd recommend staying with KDe 3.5.4 for a while though03:49
ubotulatestkde is <alias> latest kde - added by apokryphos on 2006-06-18 16:46:1503:50
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Hobbsee!-latest kde03:50
ubotulatest kde aliases: latestkde, kde3.5.3 - added by apokryphos on 2006-06-18 16:46:0403:50
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DaSkreechHi Hobbsee03:50
Hobbsee!no latest kde is <reply>The latest version of KDE is 3.5.4, and Kubuntu packages are available at: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-354.php03:50
ubotuI'll remember that, Hobbsee03:50
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ubotuThe latest version of KDE is 3.5.4, and Kubuntu packages are available at: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-354.php03:50
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about backaway - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:51
Tired_I have a weird situation, and I'm wondering if a Kubuntu Live CD has the tools I need to fix it.03:51
Jucatoprobably ubotu thinks that KDE 3.5.3 is the latest "stable" :)03:51
WoodwardAvealright, so should i go with kde 3.53 or 3.5403:52
Tired_I need to copy a directory and all it's subsirectories from a FAT32 partition to an NTFS one.03:52
WoodwardAvedoes 3.54 have any major issues03:52
JucatoWoodwardAve: my personal recommendation would be 3.5.3, for now03:52
WoodwardAvealright thanks Jucato03:52
JucatoWoodwardAve: nothing major, some are just annoying03:52
Tired_But I need to do it outside of Windows. WIll Kubuntu write NTFS off the Live CD?03:53
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Wolfpaws'lo. A question: Where can I find a repository of KDE for Edgy?03:53
JucatoTired_: writing to NTFS isn't recommended in Kubuntu, for now03:53
Tired_Or can I use FTP to move the files across partitions?03:54
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WolfpawsTired_: o.O03:54
abattoirWolfpaws: there is no separate repo. its part of main03:54
Tired_Can you use FTP to send file to your own box (
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scott_good morning all...I am needing a bit of help on the instruction command to install the KDE desktop environment03:55
Jucatoscott_: trying to install KDE on Ubuntu?03:55
Wolfpawsabattoir: but where it is? I can't find it in kubuntu.org/packages/kde35/.03:56
abattoirWolfpaws: are you on edgy?03:56
JucatoWolfpaws: are you using edgy?03:56
abattoirWolfpaws: or dapper?03:56
Jucatoheh abattoir beat me03:56
abattoirscott_: 'sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop'03:56
Jucatoscott_: try this link: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/kde.html03:56
abattoirscott_: ^^ that'd get you KDE03:56
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Jucatoabattoir: I would recommend aptitude, but that's just me :)03:56
TheGateKeeperjust installed mondo found it doesn't work so want to remove it, synaptic is only showing mondo for removal not all the dependencies it dragged in, how can I get rid of them too?03:57
Wolfpawsabattoir: I'm beginning the update to edgy03:57
scott_I believe KDE...is already installed...I need the terminal command?03:57
JucatoWolfpaws: if you upgrade to edgy, you will be upgrade to KDE 3.5.403:57
abattoirWolfpaws: aah, ok... so you modified the sources.list file?03:57
greataukTheGateKeeper, first, find mondo in adept03:57
Wolfpawsabattoir: yup03:57
abattoirWolfpaws: if you replaced all instances of dapper w/ edgy, then do 'sudo apt-get update'03:58
greataukTheGateKeeper, then click on the details button for a list of dependencies, and uninstall unwanted ones from there03:58
abattoirWolfpaws: and then 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'03:58
abattoirWolfpaws: that should get you up to date03:58
JucatoWolfpaws: hopefully not on your main system...03:58
HawkwindWolfpaws: Curious...why upgrading to Edgy ?  You do realize it's beta and meant to be broken for the most part.  Not really suitable for everyday desktop use03:59
scott_Jucato...what is the "sudo?" command I need to type to install KDE?03:59
Hawkwindscott_: sudo apt-get upgrade if you have the right sources added03:59
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the K Desktop Environment. To install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE for other ways to get KDE03:59
Jucatoscott_: "sudo" gives you temporary administrator/root privileges03:59
Wolfpawsabattoir: so now KDE is in Ubuntu core?03:59
darkspiritHi how do I change port numbers on xchat please?04:00
scott_thank you Ubotu...that is what I needed04:00
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WolfpawsHawkwind: 1) I'm developer, 2, I had Dapper insalled at 2nd flight, 3) I like bleeding edge.04:00
abattoirWolfpaws: its always been in the main repository... ever since Kubuntu was launched04:00
greataukscott_, I thought sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop should do the trick...04:00
Hawkwinddarkspirit: When trying to connect to a server you mean ?04:01
cox377does anyone know of a good freeware PDF editor?04:01
HawkwindWolfpaws: Ah ok.  Then carry on :P04:01
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Hawkwindcox377: kpdf ?04:01
greataukcox377, if you're creating one from scratch: latex04:01
cox377Hawkwind: does that edit them as well?04:01
Wolfpawsabattoir: Then why the need for deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde35 dapper main for Dapper?04:01
darkspirityes Hawkwind04:01
cox377Hawkwind: nah just need to edit04:02
abattoirWolfpaws: those are for people who need kde 3.5.4 in dapper04:02
Hawkwinddarkspirit: irc.freenode.net 7000   Replace 7000 with what you want04:02
cox377normally used open o to create04:02
Hawkwindcox377: Oh I don't know about editing them04:02
abattoirWolfpaws: dapper ships w/ 3.5.204:02
cox377Hawkwind: koolio04:02
HawkwindI thought OOo could edit them though04:02
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jottkoffice can open pdf.. but not with all features ;)04:02
darkspiritOkay many thanks Hawkwind04:02
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JucatoWolfpaws: when KDE 3.5 was releases, Dapper was still in development. that's why it was there04:02
Hawkwinddarkspirit: No problem04:02
TheGateKeeperwhat's the easiest way to back your system up to dvd?04:03
HawkwindTheGateKeeper: I use a bash script that does nothing but use tar then burns to a DVD04:03
jottpstoedit can convert pdf to various edit-able formats...04:03
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TheGateKeeperHawkwind: any chance you can pastebin it please?04:04
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HawkwindTheGateKeeper: I just use a one line tar command.  Then I burn it to DVD myself.  The script doesn't do that since I don't have RW DVD's currently04:05
joschaTheFuzzball: tar everything and burn it to dvd04:05
rich_Hi Guys I am having difficulties connecting to the net. Can I join the conversation to see if it is possible to fix please?04:05
TheGateKeeperHawkwind: ok if the file is over 2Gb ?04:05
joschaTheGateKeeper: a dvd fits 4,2 gig04:06
HawkwindTheGateKeeper: No difference.  I still burn it to DVD without problems04:06
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=== Wolfpaws figured out what he needed
joschawhen its bigger you can split the tar file04:06
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TheGateKeeperHawkwind: joscha thanx guys :-) stuff it that is what I am going to do. Back to plan A :-)04:07
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WolfpawsThankies, people :)04:07
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HawkwindTheGateKeeper: I've tried many other methods and always fall back on the good ole tar stuff.  It just....works04:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about backaway - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:08
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rich_Basically the problem is that I can surf the net via Konquerer and collect email but cannot use Firefox. Friday I could, now I can't. Apt-get cannot be found either.04:08
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TheGateKeeperHawkwind: do for me :-) just tried mondo, didn't get past first base04:08
HawkwindTheGateKeeper: Ahhh, mondo works for me and is quite good.  It's just overkill for what I need.  Though I know the developer of backup-kungfu which uses mondo/mindi and have done a bit of work on it04:09
Mortice!info mondo04:09
ubotumondo: powerful disaster recovery suite. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.06-1 (dapper), package size 462 kB, installed size 1352 kB04:09
dhqjust installed compiz and mysystem display and mouse movement is not proper04:10
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems04:10
TheGateKeeperHawkwind: I just get fatal error, not really sure what it's bitching at & log file didn't seem to be too informative either04:11
scott_how do I download and install mplayer?04:12
ubotumplayer is a media player. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer/Compile to compile it from source or enable multiverse repo and type sudo apt-get install mplayer for more info please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer04:12
ubotuFor Codecs try !codecs Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MplayerInstallHowto for installation tips.04:12
DaSkreechscott_: Apt-get install mplayer04:12
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scott_daskreech...I got a bash...with that04:13
DaSkreechscott_: Ummm I'll pretned to understand that :)04:14
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scott_I am such a neebie...I would not even begin to say I understand Linux04:15
DaSkreechscott_: Ah ok what do you use to install?04:15
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DaSkreechOk under the adept menu you will see Manage Repositores04:16
DaSkreechcan you click on that?04:16
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scott_I am actually using Syaptic04:17
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scott_Synaptic..sorry about the miss communication04:17
DaSkreechAh ok Let me think about that :)04:17
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scott_I would also like to install java...if you know how/04:18
rich_Anybody have any ideas why I can connect to the net with Konquerer but not with Firefox please?04:18
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository04:18
DaSkreechscott_: read that :)04:18
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joscharich_: do you have set a proxy?04:19
DaSkreechscott_: actually that should take care of all your problems04:19
rich_How do you set a proxy please? Is that through etc/resolv.conf04:19
Mr0bviousscott_: Welcome to Linux :).04:19
DaSkreechscott_: after you set up the multiverse Doh!!04:20
TheGateKeeperback in a bit04:20
Mr0bviousDaSkreech: D'oh! Aww nuts. Mmm donuts.04:20
joscharich_: enter "export | grep proxy" in the konsole. What does it give you?04:20
joschadid you make changes in /etc/resolv.conf ?04:21
rich_No I made no changes in etc/resolv.conf and nothing happens when I do export | grep proxy!04:22
DaSkreechdoh Doh Doh DOH ,,, Wait I mean Woohoo!04:22
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rich_When I try export as sudo it says command not recognised.04:23
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Martijn81ehhh, openssl issue-> http://www.openssl.org/news/secadv_20060905.txt04:23
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DaSkreechrich_: export is a bash buitin Sudo can't run it04:24
rich_Oops thanks - should I expect something to happen then?04:24
rich_I should say I ran it first without sudo but when nothing happened I tried sudo as well.04:25
joscharich_: no its good that nothing happend04:25
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DaSkreechaseigo: ping04:28
rich_Any ideas what to do next then. Somebody suggested that it might be a router/switch problem!04:28
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JucatoJucato: ping04:28
=== DaSkreech stares harshly at Jucato
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DaSkreechhi scott_04:29
JucatoDaSkreech: I was trying to test what ping does :)04:29
scott_thanks DaSkreech04:29
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Martijn81ping <-> pong thing afaik04:29
scott_ok...I got KDE installed ok...now I am going to try Java...from KDE...do I first need to download it?04:30
DaSkreechscott_: Yep04:30
nonicknamehmm.. sorry for laziness, but is there a particular program anyone would suggest for making an iso backup of a cdrom?04:30
scott_install it on my desktop?04:30
DaSkreechscott_: You read the link I gave you?04:30
scott_can you resend it to me04:31
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scott_I was trying to switch environments..and lost it?04:31
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DaSkreech!java > scott_04:32
Martijn81hi there tk_04:32
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abattoirscott_: if you have it 'installed under gnome' then you dont need to do it again, fyi04:34
tk_i have a problem with amarok  - it doesnt play anything ... but under kde the alsa output works fine with other progs like vlc or others ... i have installed amarok-engines too and trying the OSS output module too ... but it dont works...can anone help me ?04:34
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Emesstk_: all music or jsut mp3?04:35
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initdri just installed kubuntu and i cant get my display to change to anything but 640*480.  I dont think my voodo3 driver is working for it, can someone help04:36
tk_will try with ogg04:36
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Emessmake sure you have the xin libs for mp3 installed04:37
Emesssee http;//wiki.ubuntu.com/restricted_formats04:37
Emessi thinkt hats teh right site...04:37
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:37
tk_ok ogg does playing fine04:37
Emessyeah you jsut dont ahve the mp3 libs04:38
vltHello. Any idea how to avoid konqueror's message: "This untrusted page links to file://...Do you want to follow the link?"?04:38
Jucatotk_: you need the codecs to play mp3, and another one to play WMA/WMV04:38
tk_many thanx ..will see04:38
magical_trevskyhi, does anyone know where the AGPSize parameter should go within xorg.conf?04:38
vltSomeone pointed me to README.kisok but I can't find a solution there ...04:38
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Jucatomagical_trevsky: how did your upgrade go? Amarok 1.4.3 was just recently fixed to work on KDE 3.5.2 also04:39
magical_trevskyJucato, it went good, except fonts in xchat, gaim (and perhaps other gnome applications that i have installed) have gone really ugly, like there is no hinting :(04:40
Emessmagical_trevsky: under screen i would guess04:40
magical_trevskyEmess, i guess i can just put it in random places and see if x starts or not, hehe04:40
Jucatomagical_trevsky:  I'm not sure about that, but I think resetting some of the font settings helped... I'm not really a "font" type of guy..04:40
Emessnah find the input section screen andit should ahvea  bunch of resolutions04:40
stealghola alguien sabe como peudo instalar el ultimo x.org o de donde lo puedo conseguir gracias04:41
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ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.04:41
ubotuHvis du vil diskutere Ubuntu paa norsk, venligst gaa til #ubuntu-no. Takk!04:41
stealghi enyone knows where i can found the last driver of x.org04:41
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hpoter74hola a todos04:42
danilochola amigo :)04:42
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stealgdaniloc how  i register in the irc frenode?04:44
dennisharrison_Akubuntu have some strange dns magic?04:45
Emessstealg: /msg nickserv register password email04:45
stealgtnks Emess04:45
dennisharrison_AI keep having to change my hosts file04:45
dennisharrison_Athe windows machine over here doesn't have issues like that04:46
dennisharrison_Aand both are using the same dns servers04:46
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dennisharrison_Ais there some sort of caching bind on here?04:46
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magical_trevskyhmm, that didn't work :(04:50
Mr0bviousstealg: What do you mean X driver?04:51
Mr0bviousstealg: Do you mean for your GFX card.04:51
iamtheoneDoes anyone know howto mount ntfs in    kubuntu live04:52
dennisharrison_Ayou can just mount it im pretty sure?04:52
dennisharrison_Abut it is read only04:53
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dennisharrison_Athere is ... another program out there to mount it with write but thats considered unsafe still?04:53
iamtheoneno i can't because i don't have root permission04:53
DaSkreechiamtheone: try Sudo04:53
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.04:53
dennisharrison_Asudo su -04:53
dennisharrison_Athen thats root04:54
DaSkreechdennisharrison_A: Shhhhhhhh04:54
dennisharrison_Amake sure you are in sudoers04:54
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dennisharrison_Auhmm .. anyone in here know if kubuntu has some sort of caching dns server built in?04:54
Jucatoiamtheone: you don't need to be root. you just need to use sudo to gain administrator privileges. you don't even need a password in the Live CD04:54
dennisharrison_Abecause I am having some weird dns issues I don't get on any of the other machines04:54
megaserghello, i've a problem: i04:54
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dennisharrison_Amy /etc/hosts file is in constant flux because of this weird error ;p04:55
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DaSkreechdennisharrison_A: It has no servers built in. install bind04:55
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dennisharrison_AI don't want to install bind ;p04:55
dennisharrison_Ajust wondering because04:55
iamtheonehow do i now what the root password is?04:55
dennisharrison_Ait seems to be caching old dns info somewhere04:56
Jucatoiamtheone: in the Live CD, there's no root password04:56
DaSkreechiamtheone: There is no password04:56
dennisharrison_Ait normally wouldn't be a problem but I don't want to edit my hosts file or restart network everytime my isp finally gets wind of a dns change04:56
Jucatoiamtheone: when you install Kubuntu, the administrator's password is the password of the first user created04:56
DaSkreechJucato: technically on all Cds there is no root password04:56
DaSkreechWell *buntu Cds04:57
Jucatowell, no "root" password :)04:57
iamtheonei have tried : sudo su - (what should happen? i am a linux newbie)04:57
Mr0bviousiamtheone: Just use sudo (root command)04:57
Jucatoiamtheone: you don't use "sudo su"04:57
DaSkreechiamtheone: You are now root04:57
Jucatoiamtheone: please read the link that was given for more information04:57
DaSkreechJucato: He has already work with it04:57
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.04:57
DaSkreechJucato: explain why he shoudln't do that later :)04:57
DaSkreechJust help him get the job done04:58
Jucatoand get the job done right... sudo -i if he wants...04:58
Mr0bviousWhats -i do?04:58
iamtheonewhere can i see am root?04:58
Jucatoanyway, you're call... /me is going away04:58
Emessssh root@
Emessscrew sudo04:58
megaserghello, i've a problem: i'm trying to install Kubuntu 6.06 from live cd... after copying files, Kubuntu trying to check mirrors archives, get 1% and... just stops. What to do?04:59
dennisharrison_Aall the love for sudo? ;p04:59
Mr0bviousiamtheone: Why do you want root? Just using sudo (command) will allow you to run root commands fine.04:59
Emessi ahve no love for sudo04:59
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Emessso doe susing slackware instead of ubuntu :p04:59
dennisharrison_Alol why ?04:59
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Emessi jsut dont like it, feels wierd04:59
Emessalthough apt-get is a ncie improvement to teh tgz and ports thing from slack and bsd05:00
vltHello. Any idea how to avoid konqueror's message: "This untrusted page links to file://...Do you want to follow the link?"?05:00
Mr0bviousvlt: Use firefox? *ducks*05:00
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dennisharrison_Ayou don't like sudo because it feels weird05:01
dennisharrison_Ayou can aquire root with sudo05:01
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Morticesudo -s05:01
Mr0bviousI suppose you can use sudo passwd root, but I just use sudo because it's easier.05:01
jakesudo -s -H gives full root access05:01
dennisharrison_Asudo su -05:01
jakecan anybody help with superkaramba?05:02
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:02
Jucatobefore discussing about the benefits/disadvantages  of sudo, I hope someone has helped iamtheone simply mount the ntfs partition...05:02
Morticeah, the -H is pretty important, yes.05:02
Mr0bviousJucato: Lol.05:02
iamtheoneso i am root now? how to mount the ntfs disk?05:02
Mr0bvioussudo mount something05:03
dennisharrison_Awhat disk is it?05:03
Mr0bviousI need to google it05:03
mighty-dhi, how can i share a printer using two linux machines?05:03
jakemy downloaded themes in superkaramba seem to be missing, where do I look to open them?05:03
iamtheoneso sudo mount hda5?05:03
dennisharrison_Ayou need to tell it to mount as ntfs05:03
abattoirjake: you got it through the "Get new stuff" ?05:03
dennisharrison_Aand read only and so on and so on05:03
dennisharrison_AI dont use ntfs so im not sure if the params05:03
Mr0bvious    mkdir /mnt/windows05:04
Mr0bvious    mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows -t ntfs -r05:04
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iamtheonethanx, going to try now05:04
megaserghello, i'm Linux newbie and got a problem, can you help me?05:04
Mr0bviousOr use /media I ugess05:04
Mr0bviousmegaserg: Just say it, don't spray it.05:04
Emesssuperkaramba doesnt work for me :(05:04
abattoirEmess: what happened?05:04
=== Emess tries to port konfabulator to wine...
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xwolf-imbrandon add "-o ro,umask=0222" to the end of that mount command if you're doing it as root and want to access it with every other non-superuser05:05
megasergi'm trying to install Kubuntu 6.06 from live cd... after copying files, Kubuntu trying to check mirrors archives, get 1% and... just stops. What to do?05:05
vltMrObvious: I surely would use firefox. But can firefox open a file browser window behind a file:// link?05:05
Mr0bviousiamtheone: So do sudo mount /dev/hda5 /media/windows (after making the directory) -t ntfs -r05:05
ubuntuhi i'm italian05:05
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jakeyes I grabbed several themes through get new stuff and they all worked but when I rebooted they were gone and open local theme doesn't reveal any obvious locations.  I used slocate superkaramba and .theme and followed the results but still can't locate my themes05:06
MorticeMr0bvious: putting in the options xwolf- suggested is a good idea.05:06
Mr0bviousvlt: It might be an option. I don't use konqueror for anything much anymore.05:06
Mr0bviousiamtheone: So do sudo mount /dev/hda5 /media/windows (after making the directory) -t ntfs -r -o ro,umask=022205:06
Mr0bviousMortice: Didn't see that. Thanks!05:06
s-how i can install Mozilla Firefox with kubuntu?05:06
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!05:06
xwolf-s- you can download the tarball in getfirefox.com05:06
xwolf-the instructions are pretty straightforward05:07
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s-ok xwolf thx05:07
Mr0bviousvlt: I know you can use firefox and konqueror simeltaneously.05:07
iamtheonehow to copy and paste?05:07
ubotumozilla-firefox: Transition package for firefox rename. In component main, is optional. Version 1.5.dfsg+ (dapper), package size 49 kB, installed size 104 kB05:07
Mr0bviousxwolf-: It's on the repos too.05:07
iamtheoneI mean tekst.05:07
abattoirjake: see if they are in ~/.kde/share/apps/superkaramba05:07
Mr0bviousiamtheone: Highlight what you want to copy and middle cilck. BUT.... wait a second05:07
xwolf-i'm not sure about the version in the package, so i didnt give him that option05:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about psatebin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:07
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)05:08
vlts-: There's an apt package. BTW all ubuntu packages run on kubuntu, too.05:08
Mr0bviousiamtheone: Use pastebin.05:08
xwolf-it's great to knoww that firefox has an up-to-date package.05:08
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xwolf-s- you might want to install it with adept or some other package manager05:08
xwolf-it's... safer05:08
vltMrObvious: So if I use FF how can FF open a konqueror window?05:08
Mr0bvioussudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox05:08
abattoirjake: tell me if it was there... long time since i worked w/ sk05:08
Mr0bviousvlt: It's something to do with download options or something I think.05:09
jakeyes thank you05:09
abattoirjake: ok, cool05:09
Mr0bviousvlt: I don't use Konqueror as much because I need more RAM. 512MB isn't enough. I'm already swapping 200MB.05:09
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abattoirhm Liquid weather has gone to 13.xx :P05:10
Emesslynx is a real mans browser!05:10
Mr0bviousI'm gonna try to get a gig once I get paid.05:10
xwolf-512mb isn't enough?05:10
ninHer_hi all05:10
xwolf-i have 512mb and konq works peachy05:10
Emessi run konqueror fine with 192....05:10
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Mr0bviousWhen you run what I run...05:10
vltMr0bvious: So can you reccommend any file browser (GUI) I can open from a file:// link in FF?05:10
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Mr0bvious             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached05:11
Mr0bviousMem:        515816     507728       8088          0     110908     10046405:11
Mr0bviousSwap:      1020088     248692     77139605:11
xwolf-vlt i guess it's about configuring firefox itself, not a plugin-compliant gui browser05:11
Mr0bviousvlt: Why do you need a file:// link?05:11
xwolf-but i don't know how you can manipulate protocol://, so i won't comment it anymore.05:11
Mr0bviousActually I'm gonna move to another computer. I'll be back after a bit.05:12
iamtheoneThanx, got to go now, bye05:12
vltMr0bvious: I want to open a file browser window from a web pased intranet application ...05:12
vltMrObvious: ... which is no problem with $different_OS ...05:13
Emessso you want to tell firefox if it finsds file:// to open a different app?05:13
xwolf-yeah, i think that's his idea, Emess05:14
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vltEmess, xwolf-: No. The app is web based and runs in FF or Konqueror. I want to open a file browser. It works with IE on another OS and works nearly with Konqueror. I only want to kill that f***ing warning05:16
Emesswhat warning? id otng et any warning...05:17
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Morticevlt: the warning refers to it being an untrusted site. why don't you add it to the list of trusted sites?05:17
Morticevlt: it's all to do with your konqi security settings05:17
vltMortice: That was my initial question (O_O)05:17
Morticevlt: well, the options to change the security settings and add sites to the trusted list are all there in konqueror05:18
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vltMortice: That sounds like a perfect answer to "Any idea how to avoid konqueror's message: 'This untrusted page links to file://...Do you want to follow the link?'?"05:19
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vltMortice: Where can I set that?05:19
vltMortice: I don't find any security settings in konqueror options.05:19
Morticevlt: konqueror's options. I don't know exactly where, since I'm not a heavy konqueror user05:19
Ayabarain what file do I put commands I want to be ran at startup?05:20
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Mr0bviousSorry to leave like that.05:20
vltAyabara: /etc/rc*.d/05:20
Mr0bviousI had to change computers because I'm at college.05:21
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xwolf-Ayabara there is a command... update-rc.d05:21
Mr0bviousvlt: Get it figured out?05:21
vltMr0bvious: Just set lang=en and opened new Konqueror ... wait ...05:23
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l_rwhat's the iptables script in init.d in kubuntu?05:23
vltSettings -> Configure Konqueror. There's a section "Crypto" ... Mmh, "SSL", no, "Your Certificates", no, "Authentication" ... ???05:25
SeanTaterl_r: I don't think there is one05:25
vltl_r: Where you create it ;-)05:25
l_rthere's no script for iptables?05:25
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SeanTaterl_r: nope05:25
vltl_r: You can craete one.05:25
l_ri know i can  create one :)05:25
SeanTaterl_r: the ports don't respond anyway -- it;s not necessary05:25
Morticevlt: i've just opened konqueror, looking for it now05:26
l_rseaLne, what do you mean?05:26
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l_rseaLne, what ports?05:26
SeanTaterl_r: if you want to start a service (like http), install it , (like apache)05:26
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SeanTaterl_r: you don;t need to open any internet ports05:26
SeanTaterl_r: as in, IP ports05:26
Ayabaravlt: thanks05:26
l_rseaLne, why not?05:26
l_rSeanTater, why not05:26
SeanTaterl_r: why no iptables script?05:27
vltl_r: You need iptables for instance for blocking ports. If you don't open them you only ight need iptables for MASQUERADING stuff ...05:27
Ash-FoxI feel like hitting whoever designed kppp. Apparently there is this lovely feature whereby I can specify accounting and well, grab the latest updates or something. Now, the stupid thing is... I can only do this when I'm not connected via kppp, because that's the only time I can access the settings... Does this make any sense?05:27
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l_rvlt, of course05:28
l_rvlt, i have a ssh server here and some other servers and i want to block  the ports by using both the app conf and a firewall05:28
SeanTaterl_r: then use firestarter05:29
l_ri am surprised there's no script under init.d05:29
SeanTaterl_r: it's easier anyway05:29
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l_ror it's just that i used to use fedora05:29
SeanTaterl_r: I used linspire, it did the same thing05:29
l_rSeanTater, i do not need a gui or whatever to make the rules. i usually do it manually. i need a script or service placed in init.d by default05:30
SeanTaterl_r: firestarter (as in the firewall, not the GUI) is started by init by deafult AFAIK05:30
DaSkreech!away > peterpan22205:30
SeanTaterl_r: if you want a script in init.d, create one05:30
vltl_r: Why should one place an empty iptables script in init.d?05:30
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l_rvlt, why empty?05:31
l_rvlt, a "script" is one thing, "rules" is another thing05:31
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echo1Can anyone tell me why a program I keep installing (make install) keeps disapearing?05:32
l_ri think you are confusing05:32
SeanTaterl_r: I believe launchpad has a bug report concerning this05:32
v3ctormost iptables *scripts* contain rules05:32
SeanTaterl_r: but last time i checked, it was for the most part abandoned05:32
l_rv3ctor, again, rules is not the point05:33
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Mr0bviousecho1: You generally don't need to compile.05:33
Mr0bviousecho1: What are you trying to compile?05:33
SeanTaterl_r: a iptables script is just a set of rules, so a script without rules is empty. (where am I missing something)05:33
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echo1yakuake, not in the repository05:34
v3ctorSeanTater: i am with you05:34
vltMortice: Maybe the settings to add a site to trusted ones is sourced out to some more global KDE settings?05:34
Mr0bviousecho1: Which program?05:34
echo1ive compiled it a good 2 or 3 times now and it works fine but ill turn off my comp (lappy) and it wont be there!05:34
SeanTaterl_r: do you have an example of something else a iptables script might contain05:34
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AyabaraI'm running utorrent under wine. the session manager doesn't reopen this when I restart the computer. How can I add utorrent to the programs loaded at startup and let the session manager handle the rest?05:34
l_rbeing the script in init.d, a script would start the iptables service , take care of loading the rules, saving them on exit, etcc....05:34
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l_rit's not so difficult to understand05:34
echo1MrObvious: yakuake (pop down terminal)05:34
SeanTaterl_r: iptables is part of the kernel, AFAIK05:34
l_ri think05:34
Morticevlt: i guess it must be. Having no luck finding it, either in konqi or on the web05:34
Mr0bviousAyabara: You do know there are native ilnux torrent clients? err linux05:35
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v3ctorsystems and setups differe vastly between computer, there is no way they could/should generate a generic iptables setup by defualt05:35
l_rSeanTater, ok, just do not forget to say AFAIK :)05:35
Mr0bviouspaul@upstairs:~$ apt-cache search yakuake05:35
Mr0bviousyakuake - Yet Another Kuake, KDE terminal emulator05:35
vltl_r: The only advantage of "loading" iptables at staurtup I can imagine is the initialising of byte and packet counters ...05:35
Mr0bviousecho1: Do you have multiverse and universe installed? I have it here.05:36
=== echo1 checks
l_rSeanTater, man iptables05:36
AyabaraMrObvius: I know :-). Don't like azureus, don't like clients withouth a GUI, and I'm not able to get the same dl speeds from ktorrent that I do from utorrent. Open for new suggestions though :-)05:37
Mr0bviousAyabara: Try bittorrent or bittornado?05:37
AyabaraMrObvious, I meant05:37
DaSkreech!info yakuake > echo105:37
Ash-FoxAyabara, use the original bittorent.05:37
ubotuyakuake: Yet Another Kuake, KDE terminal emulator. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.7.5-0ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 67 kB, installed size 488 kB05:37
JucatoAyabara: have you tried the latest KTorrent available in dapper-backports ?05:37
Mr0bviousI've used one of them (can't remember) and it does ok.05:37
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AyabaraJucato, not if it was released the last couple of days05:38
AyabaraAsh-Fox, is there a gui for that one?05:38
JucatoKTorrent 2.0.1 is now available in dapper-backports. (The default Kubuntu install has KTorrent 1.2)05:38
Ash-FoxAyabara, yes.05:38
echo1Ok, I'm new to kubuntu/linux (been yeeaaaars since ive used it) and adept won't start, it jsut crashed.  How do I find its process number so i can kill it?05:39
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Hawkwindecho1: ps aux | grep adept05:39
AyabaraAsh-Fox, Jucato, Mr0bvious : thanks for the input. I don't really like having to run wine myself, so I'll try out your tips05:39
Ash-Foxecho1, I'd just use killall, a lot easier.05:39
Hawkwindecho1: Or run 'top'05:39
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v3ctorps -e| grep adept05:39
Jucatoecho1: press Ctrl+Esc and see if "adept" is really still running...05:40
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Mr0bviousAyabara: You're welcome.05:40
echo1it's running a whooole bunch of instances05:40
Ash-FoxJucato, wouldn't he have a problem killing a root application? :P05:40
JucatoAyabara: no problem05:40
Ash-Foxecho1, killall.05:40
vltAny idea where to add websites/domains to "trusted sites" in konqueror?05:40
JucatoAsh-Fox: well, it would be good if he checked first if it was left running at all :)05:40
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Jucatoecho1: "sudo killall adept"05:41
echo1thank you05:41
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echo1Now how do I add the multiverse and universe repositories05:42
MenZa!multiverse > echo105:42
MenZa(If that bot is even in here)05:43
Jucatoecho1: or this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu05:43
echo1it is05:43
DaSkreechJucato: Seriously?05:43
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MenZaRight, I was wondering how I'd set my default login manager as KDM rather than GDM? dpkg reconfiguring gdm and setting kdm as my default one doesn't seem to work05:43
Mr0bviousMenZa: You did install kdm right?05:43
Mr0bviousSorry gotta ask the obvious :p05:44
MenZaMr0bvious: I assume it comes with kubuntu-desktop?05:44
MenZaIf not, I didn't.05:44
=== MenZa checks
Mr0bvioussudo apt-get install kdm05:44
Mr0bviousThat'll tell you right away05:44
MenZaExactly :)05:44
MenZaIt is installed.05:44
=== MenZa grumbles
AyabaraJucato, is the 2.0.2 version of ktorrent in the repos yet?05:45
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JucatoAyabara: not yet, AFAIK05:45
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echo1Anyone have recommendations for the best wireless manager?  Wireless Assistant seems very...simple05:47
MenZaMr0bvious: So... any idea what the problem is?05:48
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Mr0bviousMenZa: Uhh. I'd need to do some googing05:51
Mr0bviousGood grief I can't type this morning.05:51
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h3sp4wnecho1: Just raw wpa_supplicant is fine for me05:53
h3sp4wnecho1: Maybe wpagui05:53
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vltAny idea where to add websites/domains to "trusted sites" in konqueror?05:54
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MenZaMr0bvious: alright :)05:55
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Jucatovlt: I'm not entirely sure, but maybe in Settings > Configure Konqueror > Crypto ?05:55
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Mr0bviousMenZa: Found it05:56
Mr0bviouspaul@upstairs:~$ cat /etc/X11/default-display-manager05:56
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vltJucato: already looked there but can't find it.05:56
JucatoMenZa: have you tried editing /etc/X11/default-display-manager05:57
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Mr0bviousEdit that with the path to kdm05:57
MenZaJucato: I haven't05:57
MenZaI could do that05:57
JucatoMr0bvious beat me to it :)05:57
ElectrolyteDoes anyone know how to set more buttons via mice?05:57
Mr0bviousI win!05:57
MenZaand where's the path to km? /etc/init.d/kdm ?05:57
ElectrolyteI have a mouse with 7 buttons, but only 3 of them work.05:57
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ElectrolyteI want the 4th one to work so I can use it with TeamSpeak.05:57
JucatoMenZa: kdm is /usr/bin/kdm05:57
HawkwindJucato: On my screen you won though :P05:57
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MenZaJucato: it's set to that already05:58
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JucatoMenZa: I thought you were trying to change it to GDM?05:58
MenZaI don't understand though; killing x should be enough05:58
JucatoHawkwind: eheh :)05:58
MenZaNope, to KDE05:58
echo1_Can anyone think of a good reason knetworkmanager wont connect to the wifi network but "Network Manager" will?  It seems knet[...]  hangs on "configure device"05:58
JucatoMenZa: that should work. no need to reboot though05:58
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Mr0bviousPlay with runlevels?05:58
Mr0bviousOh I know.05:59
Mr0bviousps aux | grep gdm05:59
JucatoMenZa: just restart X05:59
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Mr0bviousI think gdm likes to stay running unless you kill it05:59
Jucato(sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop)05:59
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MenZaJucato: that hasn't worked so far06:00
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Jucatodid you try stopping gdm as Mr0bvious suggested?06:01
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MenZaJucato: I didn't actually06:01
MenZabut it works now06:01
MenZaAfter a reboot06:01
MenZanow I'm off to get a better login screen06:01
MenZatoo candy-ish.06:01
HawkwindMenZa: If you have the default set to kdm instead of gdm if you reboot it will start kdm instead06:01
Mr0bviousHawkwind: Way to be late there buddy :p06:01
MenZawhich is exactly what I wanted, Hawkwind :)06:01
HawkwindMr0bvious: I told him to kill gdm, that won't work06:02
Mr0bviousHawkwind: No, he already rebooted. lol06:02
MenZaThere we go; sweet blue candy.06:02
=== Jucato continues to read feeds..
MenZaI started with KDE, went onto Gnome later, used that for a long time, now I'm back with KDE06:02
JucatoWelcome home :)06:03
DaSkreechMenZa: E :-)06:03
Mr0bviousMenZa: Try E1706:03
MenZaJucato: :D06:03
MenZaMr0bvious: too beta-esque, still I think06:03
Mr0bviousEh, buggy sometimes yes. But it's very pretty and usable.06:03
Jucatorawr! Hawkwind did you hear that?06:03
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HawkwindIf you call that beta!06:04
Mr0bviousRaster does a good job keeping things bug free, and so do the other devs.06:04
ubotuPlease don't use public away messages or change your nick to 'someone|away'.  We know you're away when you don't respond to messages. Also see !guidelines06:04
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HawkwindLOL @ away06:04
MenZaHawkwind: your x-chat looks horrid, but otherwise nice06:04
JucatoHawkwind: ok... deep breaths, deep breaths....06:04
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HawkwindIf ya'll would ignore all away messages you'd never see them06:04
HawkwindMenZa: Personal opinion :P06:04
monec qualke italiano?06:05
JucatoHawkwind: I don't like the xchat colors either. :P06:05
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!06:05
HawkwindJucato: It's just a GTK2 theme is all it is06:05
MenZaany keyboard shortcut to show desktop--like the Windows key and D on Windows+06:05
HawkwindJucato: I'm thinking of making my own actually06:05
JucatoMenZa: Ctrl+Alt+D06:05
DaSkreech!it > mone06:05
=== Ash-Fox uses mIRC on linux, which seems to drive people mad.
HawkwindDaSkreech: A bit late06:05
DaSkreech:-P That's cause I was starting at your stupid screenshot06:06
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Mr0bviousIRSSI FTW!06:06
HawkwindStupid ?  You're just jealous that you can't make E17 look like that :P06:06
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Pensacolais there a batch-image convertor available for kubuntu?06:07
HawkwindPensacola: ImageMagick ?06:07
Mortice!info image-magick06:07
ubotuPackage image-magick does not exist in any distro I know06:07
Mortice!info imagemagick06:08
ubotuimagemagick: Image manipulation programs. In component main, is optional. Version 6: (dapper), package size 1576 kB, installed size 4068 kB06:08
MorticePensacola: that should do all you need and more.06:08
MenZaOoo, Hawkwind06:08
MenZaGood man.06:08
h3sp4wnHawkwind: Have you messed with the GL rendering core of e17 ? (enlightenment_remote -default-engine-set GL - after you reenable it)06:08
=== MenZa strokes his Flockstar t-shirt
HawkwindMenZa: I don't use it though :P06:08
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Hawkwindh3sp4wn: Nope not at all06:08
MenZaAnyway, how do I install KDM themes?06:08
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ubotukdm: X display manager for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.2-0ubuntu27 (dapper), package size 600 kB, installed size 1468 kB06:09
JucatoMenZa: I suggest downloading "kdmtheme" to make that easier06:09
HawkwindReal helpful ubotu06:09
MenZaJucato: thanks06:09
=== Ash-Fox needs to find some QT/KDE equilivant to mIRC, that has some decent capability (in other words, the equilivant of say '/window -p @blah', not over 700 lines in tcl, which I tried todo in xchat to accomplish the same thing)
JucatoHawkwind: actually...06:09
ubotukdmtheme: Theme switcher for Kdm. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-1 (dapper), package size 70 kB, installed size 212 kB06:09
holy_cowanyone use Kdevelop for C06:10
DaSkreechHawkwind: Now that I'm back from your stupid screenshot that's a prefectly good reason to justify it being being stupid06:10
MenZaJucato: any shortcut to run konsole?06:11
MenZaKeyboard shortcut, that is06:11
MenZaI'm lazy06:11
JucatoMenZa: nope, but you can make your own :)06:11
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MenZa(And it's a touchpad)06:11
MenZaJucato: :D06:11
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JucatoMenZa: right-click on the Konsole entry in K Menu and select Edit Item06:11
MenZaAnd I would do that how, Jucato?06:11
h3sp4wnuse katapult06:11
JucatoMenZa: darn I forgot about Katapult :)06:11
Jucatolol thanks h3sp4wn!06:12
MenZaJucato: Katapult is too slow for me though; I'd like a direct one06:12
JucatoMenZa: ok then proceed as instructed :)06:12
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MenZaGot it, Jucato. Thanks :)06:12
h3sp4wn0.5 seconds I would say to press the keys to start konsole from katapult06:12
Jucatoh3sp4wn: but then you'd have to type some letters..06:13
mariuxif i have 6.06 on a dvd, should i download 6.06.1 or is it available through apt-get update?06:13
MenZaCTRL+K is nicer for me.06:13
Jucatoand pray that there's nothing that precedes "Kons" alphabetically in K Menu...06:13
h3sp4wnJucato: I am lazy in some respects but that doesn't bother me06:13
Hawkwindmariux: If you install 6.06 and update it completely then you have 6.06.106:14
MenZaArgh, I forgot the shortcut to Katapult. Someone enlighten me?06:14
Hawkwindalt-space ?06:14
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DaSkreechMenZa: or if you have Konqueror open a lot just Press F406:14
h3sp4wnWhat ever you set it as (I use control escape - but alt space is default)06:14
MenZaRight, DaSkreech06:15
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MenZaand Hawkwind06:15
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h3sp4wnWhat is the kde terminal that opens when you press F12 called06:15
massyhello everybody06:15
h3sp4wn(Useless to me in e17 but its pretty good)06:15
MenZaHow would i run kdmtheme, jaaroo?06:15
h3sp4wnstarts with a y06:15
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JucatoMenZa: System Settings > KDM Theme Manager06:16
DaSkreechh3sp4wn: yakuake06:16
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MenZaJucato: right.06:16
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Mr0bviousWhoever named yakuake must be asian.06:16
beligumHi all, I'm looking for packagers to packages the ScreenKast program06:17
h3sp4wnIt sounds japanese to me06:17
Jucatojapanese probably...06:17
DaSkreechMr0bvious: WHy?06:17
h3sp4wnbeligum: libinstrudeo has to be fixed first06:17
v3ctorit is based on the quake consle06:17
ironfroggyim having some weird trouble. i changed my server to a static IP instead of using DHCP, and now i cant access my samba shares on it from one box but i can from the other.06:17
DaSkreechYet Another Kuake06:17
Jucatoaaah ok...06:17
Jucatobut still sounds japanese :)06:17
DaSkreechYou can also install Kuake :)06:17
ironfroggyweirder still, i can access them from that box using the kioslave, but not the cifs mount.06:17
Mr0bviousDaSkreech: It sounds like that.06:17
MenZaKeyboard shortcuts is great.06:17
v3ctor(ya)kuake is 'yet another' kuake06:18
MenZaare, even06:18
beligumh3sp4wn, I updated it, together with screenkast to version 0.1.306:18
Mr0bviousironfroggy: Firewalls anywhere?06:18
Mr0bviousThat's what I'd check.06:18
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ironfroggyMr0bvious: not within my own network, no06:18
h3sp4wnbeligum: Does it have the parts of ffmpeg it needs included in it now ?06:18
Mr0bviousironfroggy: I changed from DHCP -> static and I had to update my router to make sure it pointed to .200 instead of .10x06:18
ubotufwbuilder: Firewall administration tool GUI. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.9-1 (dapper), package size 1172 kB, installed size 3600 kB06:19
Mr0bvious(on my IP)06:19
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DaSkreechbeligum: screenkast?06:19
ironfroggyMr0bvious: now, i can ping the server from this box, and i can ssh into it, but any samba operations give me a "Host is down" error06:19
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beligumh3sp4wn, I removed libflv, libsc1394, libgsm and libdts dependencies06:20
beligumDaSkreech: screenkast and libinstrudeo06:20
Mr0bviousironfroggy: The only thing I can think of is that your samba configuration needs to be updated with the new IP.06:20
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ironfroggyMr0bvious: done that :-/06:21
Mr0bviousNo clue.06:21
MenZaHow do I choose where applications are located in Kicker?06:22
JucatoMenZa: what do you mean?06:22
ironfroggyi think its because it was still mounted with the old settings06:22
DaSkreechWhat does screenkast do?06:22
ironfroggybut it wont let me unmount it. says its mounted multiple times.06:23
MenZaJucato: Flock is located in Lost&Found atm06:23
beligumscreen capturing program06:23
CVirusDaSkreech: RTFM06:23
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DaSkreech!info screenkast06:23
ubotuPackage screenkast does not exist in any distro I know06:23
MenZaFreudian slip, Jucato06:23
JucatoMenZa: aaah. Right-click on it, Edit Item, then in the menu editor, drag it to where you want it to be...06:23
DaSkreechCVirus: Where is it? :)06:23
CVirusDaSkreech: sudo apt-cache show screenkast06:23
ElectrolyteWhat's the command to change the nice on a process?06:23
CVirusits not in the tree06:23
ElectrolyteI need to lower one to Lowest/Idle.06:23
beligumno, screenkast isn't in any repo yet, that's why I'm here06:23
MenZaJucato: :D--thanks :D06:24
CVirusbeligum: who are you ?06:24
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danilocanybody knows Spain ?06:24
beligumCreator of ScreenKast, libinstrudeo and http://captorials.com06:24
CVirusdaniloc: never heard about it ... whats your technical question ?06:24
CVirusbeligum: pleased to meet you06:24
beligumlikewise :)06:25
CVirusbeligum: have you got a .deb ready ?06:25
darkywhere do i get real cool kde-icon-themes, except for kde-look.org?06:25
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beligumno, not yet, but I have a fully functional debian dir in the source06:25
Jucatohm.... kde-look.org? heh...06:25
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danilocSpanish lanugage ?06:25
zorgluuubeligum: does it support recording the mic ?06:25
beligum(I have a .deb for 0.1.2, but I'd like to get in the 'official' repo)06:25
MenZa!es > daniloc06:25
beligumzorgluuu, no, not yet06:25
darkyJucato: to less icon-themes06:26
h3sp4wnbeligum: If its already ready then ask in #kubuntu-devel and someone will probably do it for you06:26
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DaSkreechbeligum: Dood!! We so need this06:26
Jucatodarky: some of the icons are not categorized under icon themes, but just plain icons... I don't know why...06:26
zorgluuubeligum: so it is planned.. nice. important feature06:26
beligumDaSkreech, mic support, or the ScreenKast program?06:26
CVirusDaSkreech: Dood ?06:26
Mr0bviousErr crap.06:26
Mr0bviousDon't click that.06:26
ironfroggyhow can i have something mounted multiple times?06:26
HawkwindMr0bvious: Stop pasting that here06:26
Mr0bviousSorry folks.06:26
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zorgluuubeligum: im aware of time limitation for the dev tho :)06:26
Jucatoironfroggy: hmm.. no? once it's mounted, it's mounted06:27
DaSkreechbeligum: The screenkast06:27
beligumDaSkreech, I know, that's why I wrote it (took me a year)06:27
DaSkreechironfroggy: Explain?06:27
ironfroggyMrObvious: no, i mean im getting an error that its mounted multiple times and it wont let me umount.06:27
beligumI'll try #kubuntu-devel06:28
ironfroggylooks like its mounted both as a normal cifs mount and with automount (which i dont want to use)06:28
Hawkwindbeligum: You have debs built of it already you said ?06:28
beligumHawkind, yes, but not for 0.1.306:29
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beligumI'd like to get in 'some official repo' as from 0.1.306:29
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Hawkwindbeligum: Yeah I can understand that.  Kubuntu-devel is definitely a good place to ask06:31
ironfroggyhow do i unmount automounted shares?06:31
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ironfroggyim getting device busy errors, but im not using it.06:31
ubotuHvis du vil diskutere Ubuntu paa norsk, venligst gaa til #ubuntu-no. Takk!06:31
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CVirusironfroggy: make sure you arent cd'ed into any of the shares06:32
CVirusironfroggy: and make sure no fle manager is accessing the filesystem you want to unmount06:32
ironfroggychecked all that. does automount keep hold of them for any reason?06:32
CVirusironfroggy: no idea .. try this ... umount -f /dev/xxx06:33
ironfroggyits not a device. its a samba share.06:33
CVirusironfroggy: no idea really06:33
ironfroggyand i tried it with that, and it still didnt work06:33
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v3ctordoes it give error?06:37
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Pensacolahow to batch convert with imagemagick?06:41
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mighty-dhi, where can i find local superkaramba theme files?06:42
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:42
h3sp4wnMugh: Please turn off the annoying away messages06:43
Mughok, sorry06:43
ubotuPlease don't use public away messages or change your nick to 'someone|away'.  We know you're away when you don't respond to messages. Also see !guidelines06:43
v3ctorPensacola: http://www.murga.org/~puppy/viewtopic.php?t=389406:44
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richardh_Hi, Kubuntu won't shut down anymore, only a blank black screen when trying to. Any ideas?06:46
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MenZaHow do you change the splash skin?06:49
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BadWolfhi... i have a problem....  amarok can't play mp3's, mpg123, xmms and vlc too, but mplayer can.... i've just installed easyubuntu but it still doesn't work06:54
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Ayabarais gimp the choice for image editing, or is there a more novice-friendly program out there?06:54
DaSkreech!mp3 > BadWolf06:54
Admiral_ChicagoAyabara, krita myabe06:54
JucatoBadWolf: for amarok, you would need libxine-extracodecs for mp3's06:55
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BadWolfJucato: don't have such a package... can you give me some useful entries for my sources.list?06:58
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JucatoBadWolf: you would need to enable/add the "multiverse" repository: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu06:59
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shocktrooper1I'm using sudo to sh autogen files and make, make install but get 'permission denied' when running the commands07:02
shocktrooper1I tried chmod +x07:02
shocktrooper1but no help07:02
ironfroggyhow can i get one box on my network to find another box on my network by hostname?07:03
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h3sp4wnironfroggy: Have you setup dns for your internal network ?07:04
shocktrooper1do I need another command to obtain permission?07:05
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ironfroggyh3sp4wn: i have not. i wasnt sure how to do that, in that how does any box find the dns server?07:05
ironfroggyif it needs it to lookup its own hostname?07:05
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mariuxhi the installer crashed on installing the bootloader, but i managed to boot using my old one (though im using my gentoo kernel because of it right now), how do i make it install the bootloader again?07:06
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h3sp4wnironfroggy: setup dns server / dhcp server (with static assignment by mac address)07:06
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abattoir mariux: was your root file system xfs ?07:06
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abattoirmariux: grub and xfs are known to have issues07:06
Blissexmariux: which bootloader? Anyhow there is somewhere on the wiki how to reinstall the bootloader, e.g. after windows install.07:06
mariuxthen i want lilo07:06
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abattoirmariux: the solution would be to choose a non-xfs root system...07:07
mariuxgentoo had no problem booting my xfs partition07:07
mariuxusing lilo07:07
abattoirmariux: or you must create a separate /boot partition(which is non xfs of course)07:07
abattoirmariux: yes, lilo works fine with xfs07:07
ironfroggyh3sp4wn: so what is the easiest dns server in apt?07:07
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h3sp4wnironfroggy: dnsmasq07:07
mariuxahh, all the work07:08
ubotulilo is an alternative [Li] nux Boot[Lo] ader. Note: it is recommended that you use GRUB on Ubuntu instead.07:08
mariuxbtw, is the dnotify thing fixed in kubuntu now?07:08
abattoirmariux: ^^^^07:08
D4rklyive upgraded to the latest compiz now i have no frames on my windows ?07:08
h3sp4wnOr just compile a working version of grub (It is supposed to be able to boot xfs)07:08
mariuxlast time i tried kubuntu dnotify kept hogging the cpu and causing my laptop battery to run out07:09
mariuxis that still a problem?07:09
abattoirh3sp4wn: technically the version that ships w/ dapper should support xfs, but for some reason doesnt work07:09
abattoirmariux: which version was that? Breezy?07:09
mariuxit was dapper07:09
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h3sp4wnabattoir: I know but I am betting it is possible to get it to work07:10
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abattoirh3sp4wn: dont know, the installer gets spooked and crashes( the Graphical one, i.e)07:10
abattoirh3sp4wn: havent explored deeper into it :P07:10
mariuxok, ill reinstall using a non-xfs fs then07:11
abattoirmariux: i'm not exactly sure( i though inotify was being used)...07:11
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mariuxno, dont think so07:11
abattoiroh, ok, because i didnt face anything like that.07:11
ironfroggyh3sp4wn: ok, one more question, where do i map the hostnames to IPs for the dns server? does it get them from /etc/hosts?07:12
h3sp4wnmariux: If you have /boot on ext3 it will be fine07:12
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h3sp4wnmariux: rest can be xfs07:12
h3sp4wnironfroggy: Yes it does yes (machinename for example - leave the domain name out07:12
h3sp4wnironfroggy:        machinename (sorry) - its not something I use alot so don't remember it07:13
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dhqhow do i reconfigure my xserver no displaydevice found07:15
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richardhd_Hi, Kubuntu doesn't shut down properly anymore...any ideas why?07:18
ironfroggyadding a nameserver entry in /etc/resolve.conf should use that as a dns server to lookup hosts, right?07:20
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Blissexironfroggy: for newly started processes yes.07:23
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javaaansei have a problem with installing kubuntu07:30
javaaansethe partition-tool will not work07:30
richardhd_Anyone know why Kubuntu won't shut down?07:30
foewhat does it says?07:30
foemay X problems richardhd_07:31
foecurrently i have the same problem07:31
richardhd_foe: and can I remedy this?07:31
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foedunno im trying to fix it too... did u change something on ur xorg.conf file?07:32
richardhd_yes, I installed the ATI driver07:32
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dhqhow do i get the default setting of xorg.conf07:33
Hawkwinddhq: You can run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and check the defaults and it should give you pretty much a basic xorg.conf file07:33
Hawkwinddhq: I'd make backups of your current one first though07:33
abattoirdhq: or 'sudo dexconf' would give you a 'default' xorg.conf07:33
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foei installed the ati driver too07:34
abattoirjavaaanse: could you explain a bit more?07:34
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foeand then everything begins to *** up07:34
foemaybe looking at the xorg.conf file we could fix it07:34
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D4rklywhere can i find this ?07:36
D4rklygo to system -> prefs -> sessions -> startup programs07:36
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abattoirD4rkly: where did you see it?07:36
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D4rklyon compiz forums07:37
D4rklygo to system -> prefs -> sessions -> startup programs and put in "/usr/bin/compiz-start"07:37
whizz-how do i change a vfat filesystem into ext3 ?07:37
abattoiri think it might be gnome-specific07:37
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abattoirD4rkly: ^^07:37
trappistwhizz-: you delete the partition and recreate it07:37
Morticewhizz: sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/whateveritis"07:37
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Morticewhizz-: bear in mind that doing this will cause all your data on that partition to go poof.07:38
D4rklyis there no app to edit the sessions startup ?07:38
D4rklyin kde07:38
whizz-Mortice: i am aware of that :)07:38
Morticewhizz-: Just making sure. Would hate to tell someone how to do something like that if they didn't know. O.o07:39
trappistD4rkly: the only thing I know to do is to drop scripts or .desktop files into ~/.kde/Autostart07:39
D4rklyok :)07:39
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ironfroggyi have added "nameserver <IP>" to /etc/resolve.conf and the entries on that machines /etc/hosts dont seem to be resolved from this box. am i missing a step?07:40
lupine_85surely it's /etc/resolv.conf ?07:40
ironfroggyyeah thats what i meant07:41
lupine_85but the /etc/hosts is machine-specific anyway, IIRC07:41
trappistironfroggy: that machine needs to be running a nameserver.  and yeah, you need to spell resolv.conf right :)07:41
ironfroggyi installed a dns server07:41
lupine_85BIND won't pull data from /etc/hosts, I think07:41
ironfroggywhat is BIND?07:41
lupine_85a DNS server :)07:41
abattoirD4rkly: Kcontrol->Kde components->Session manager ?07:41
lupine_85can't comment on what other DNS servers might or might not do, but I doubt any would be broken enough to use /etc/hosts07:42
ironfroggyi installed dnsmasq, which says it reads /etc/hosts07:42
abattoirD4rkly: dont know what you want to do exactly though07:42
ironfroggywhats wrong with using /etc/hosts? thats what the file exists for07:42
lupine_85it's machine-specific07:42
ironfroggyyes and i want to keep the same names available on all my machines07:43
lupine_85what's the point in using it? by default /etc/hosts is pretty identical07:43
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ironfroggystill, dnsmasq says it reads that but it doesnt seem to be working.07:43
lupine_85except, of course, mapping "hostname" to ...07:43
ironfroggylupine_85: identical to what?07:43
lupine_85...each other07:43
ironfroggyive added hostnames on that server, obviously, which i want available elsewhere07:43
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lupine_85I'd suggest that you install a real DNS ;)07:44
lupine_85but that's just me07:44
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lupine_85do you really want all your machines to be mapping "dns-master-server.my.domain" to ?07:44
joe___I'm trying to schedule some really simple scripts that use dcop with cron. If I invoke the script from a shell, it works fine, but it doesn't work when scheduled with cron. Any ideas?07:44
lupine_85(that should be in your /etc/hosts)07:45
trappistjoe___: try putting the full path to dcop07:45
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ironfroggylupine_85: i dont know what that is meant to be07:45
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abattoir!pastebin > daniloc07:46
lupine_85ok... every machine has a hostname, which is mapped to in /etc/hosts07:46
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lupine_85localhost is one; my pc is also called "nick"07:46
trappistjoe___: also, are you putting it in *your* crontab?07:46
lupine_85so your PC running dnsmasq will map "dnsmasq-server" (or whatever it's caled) to
lupine_85if it then starts distributing that via DNS....07:46
trappistthat would rip a hole in time and space07:47
lupine_85(I don't *know* that this will happen, but it sounds overwhelmingly likely)07:47
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lupine_85just install BIND and be done with it - zone files are not scary :)07:47
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lupine_85also means you won't have to rely on your upstream for name resolution07:47
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joe___trappist: thanks. I thought it was probably something like that (me not using cron correctly) but I put a dummy job in that would just touch a cron_works file in my home directory, and that works. So I'm pretty sure I'm using cron correctly07:48
lupine_85vixie-cron is a PITA07:48
trappistjoe___: did you see my question07:48
lupine_85I've been trying to get it to run logwatch for me and it won't07:48
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abattoir!X > daniloc07:49
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joe___trappist: yes, its my crontab. I do "crontab -u joe -e" where joe is my username07:49
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lupine_85I've tried exec and quotes... no luck07:50
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trappistjoe___: and have you tried giving the full path to dcop in the cron job07:50
whizz-i want to have /home on a different partition than the main install is on, how do i do that?07:50
claudiuhi everybody07:50
lupine_85whizz-: cp -a your current /home contents to / on the new partition, then set up fstab accordingly07:51
joe___trappist: yes.07:51
lupine_85e.g. /dev/hd?? /home ext3 defaults 0 107:51
lupine_85then bite the bullet, remove your current /home contents, and mount -a07:52
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claudiuwhy does every download from www.kde-look.org use kate or kwrite instead of kget ? is there a misconfiguration on the server ?07:52
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trappistjoe___: try this: make a script with a #!/bin/bash in, say, /usr/local/bin and call that script from the cron job07:52
whizz-thx lupine_8507:52
lupine_85(probably best to also cp -a /home /home-backup just in case)07:52
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abattoirclaudiu: i think so, try save link as07:53
joe___trappist: I've already done that too. No luck.07:53
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joe___trappist: but, the script works fine if I just invoke it from the command line07:53
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trappistjoe___: I'm thinking there's an env var or something that's not available to cron, but I can't imagine what it would be07:53
claudiuabattoir: i thougth so. "Save as" looses the name of the file , making it download.php instead07:54
joe___trappist: yeah07:54
abattoirclaudiu: could you give me the link please?07:54
trappistjoe___: you could have that script dump env info to a file07:54
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JohnFluxHey all07:55
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joe___trappist: thats an idea07:55
JohnFluxI just updated to edgy07:55
lupine_85any good?07:55
JohnFluxit broke X :(07:55
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JohnFluxI can't get X working.. it's trying to run it at the wrong frequency07:56
JohnFluxI can't see why07:56
claudiuabattoir: thats it http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=2301307:56
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claudiuabattoir: the DOWNLOAD link on this page has this problem. But I have seen so many on www.kde-look.org and in www.kde-apps.org also07:57
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abattoirclaudiu: i'm not sure if its a server-side issuer or a problem w/ konqueror...07:57
claudiuabattoir: especially with the deb files. I really can't download any deb file from this sites using konqueror07:58
claudiuabattoir: can you test it with konqueror ?07:58
abattoirclaudiu: i am07:58
abattoirit brings up kate... as you said07:58
claudiuabattoir: maybe its related to misconfig of apache, i guess i'll throw an email to this site admins07:59
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abattoirclaudiu: hmm, i think it was raised sometime ago, they said it was a bug w/ konq. havent noticed it after that... you might as well do that :)08:00
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MalkavHey can someone give me a hand? I'm a bit stuck on installing the linux-headers package o.O08:04
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abattoirMalkav: sure08:05
abattoirwhat do you need help with?08:05
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leuxhey guys, it seemsthat kubuntu can't handle mp3s... can this be right?08:05
thomasthat is wrong :)08:06
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:06
h3sp4wnMalkav: install kernel-headers-`uname -a | cut -f 3 -d' '`08:06
MalkavI did sudo dpkg -i linux-headers-2.6.15-26-386.deb but it says it has a dependency problem and needs linux-headers-2.6.15-2608:06
abattoirleux: yes, out of the box... read those links...08:06
h3sp4wnMalkav:sudo apt-get install kernel-headers-`uname -a | cut -f 3 -d' '`08:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about libxine-extraplugins - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:06
leuxi know its a stupid question, but playing them with ANY player doesn't work :)08:06
abattoirleux: read those links :)08:07
Morticeh3sp4wn: better just to install the linux-headers-386 meta-package, which will grab the right version for Malkav.08:07
MorticeMalkav: "sudo apt-get install linux-headers-386"08:07
claudiuabattoir: well if that is a bug in konqueror, how come ubuntu team didn't fix it ?08:07
ubotulibxine-extracodecs: the xine video/media player library, binary files. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.1+ubuntu1-2 (dapper), package size 1148 kB, installed size 2976 kB08:07
lupine_85that's the one :)08:07
h3sp4wnMortice: I doubt it (I suspect he does not have dapper-security main restricted)08:07
abattoirclaudiu: well, its probably upstream, so the konq. devs would have to fix it i guess.08:07
lupine_85that + amarok is lovely08:07
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leuxthx, ok08:07
Morticeh3sp4wn: well that ought to be enabled too, then :)08:08
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BadWolf_i want to listen to a webradio stream with amarok... but it's buffering and buffering... and no music to hear08:09
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h3sp4wnMortice: The question is whether linux-headers-386 has been updated in dapper-security to still point to the correct version (I run edgy so I don't know)08:09
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MalkavNone of those things seem to work. Me = newb.08:10
Morticeh3sp4wn: it appears that it has.08:10
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cvt|expert                         is pastebin down?08:10
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stefantag zusammen...08:13
stefankann mir jemand im bezug auf xgl helfen?08:13
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de08:14
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claudiuok abattoir, I send a message to the admins of this site anyway. Good night08:14
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abattoirclaudiu: cool :) good night08:15
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dhqhow do i install gnome from cd08:20
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Electrolytedhq: Kubuntu doesn't come with gnome.08:20
octandhq, use apt instead08:20
octanerm.. some ubuntu repo..08:21
dhqoctan: i have a dvd08:21
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octandhq i have many :P08:21
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dhqi have kubuntu dvd so its not availible it it08:22
octandhq, why are you asking about gnome in kubuntu08:22
recon0Is anybody else having a problem with links not being clickable in PDF documents?08:22
edward_I am wondering what command I could download or use to display my graphics card stats in my console. I have an ATI card. With Nvidia, the command is called nvclock08:22
octanrecon0 install adobe08:22
dhqoctan: u see i was runnig kde havevin problems wanna try gdm08:23
Electrolyteedward_: fglrxinfo in a console - does that give what you want?08:23
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recon0octan: I am already using acroread.08:23
h3sp4wnMalkav: sudo apt-get install kernel-headers-`uname -a | cut -f 3 -d' '` linux-headers-386 (if one of those fails you need to edit /etc/apt/sources.list - change dapper-security main to read dapper-security main restricted)08:23
octandhq,  gdm? thats just a login manager08:23
edward_Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual!08:23
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dhqwell wanna try a gnome desktop with xgl08:24
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edward_that sounded like a solid guess electrolyte... i am running the fglrx driver08:24
octandhq you can run xgl with kde too!08:24
Electrolyteedward_: I don't know any more commands to show the status I'm afraid.08:24
octandhq xgl & compiz & kde is nice08:25
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octandhq, http://nuxil.dynserv.net:81/screenshot/livebackgound.png08:25
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dhqoctan: i have display problems goinon i just installed xgl now half mu monitor cannot be seen the startbar is below the screen and no mouse ie the mouse is there but no cursor so help me08:25
octandhq, thats xgl compiz kde and xwinwrapper,,, using an animi movie as background08:26
cvt|expertshipit.kubuntu.org not working?08:26
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octandhq did you follow the directions for installing xgl=08:26
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dhqoctan: you see my problem08:26
recon0I am trying to click on a link in a PDF. Is anybody else not being able to click on link?08:27
dhqoctan: yes excatly second time i face this problem08:27
tsdgeosrecon0: if you can't click on a link it's because it is not a link08:27
tsdgeosthe fact that is blue and underlined has nothing to do with the fact it is a link or not08:27
octandhq, read this http://noiesmo.dnsalias.net/article.php?story=20060602173658632,08:27
octandhq, read this http://noiesmo.dnsalias.net/article.php?story=2006060217365863208:27
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recon0tsdgeos: even though it says "click here"?08:28
tsdgeosthe pdf has to give extra information08:28
tsdgeosmentioning it's a link08:28
tsdgeosalso kpdf can be buggy08:28
tsdgeosbut that's impossible as i'm a perfect programmer08:28
tsdgeoscan i see the pdf?08:29
tsdgeosor is it private?08:29
recon0tsdgeos: CDROM ebook. I'll dcc it.08:29
tsdgeosnot sure i have dcc working08:29
tsdgeosbut let's try08:29
recon0tsdgeos: offered.08:30
tsdgeosclicked accept08:30
tsdgeosbut i bet the router will interfere08:30
tsdgeosis it big?08:30
tsdgeos400K :D08:30
tsdgeoscan you mail it to aacid@kde.org?08:30
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recon0tsdgeos: ok.08:31
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dhqoctan: i am using intel vga not navida08:33
thomasdoes anyone know how to deisntall nvidia graphics card drivers?08:33
thomasi am switching to ATI card...my newer nvidia is dead08:34
h3sp4wnthomas: downloaded from nvidia.com or ?08:34
h3sp4wnfrom apt ?08:34
thomasstandard apt08:34
octandhq then aixgl is the stuff you need08:34
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h3sp4wnthomas: sudo aptitude purge nvidia~i08:34
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tom__i am not getting multiverse packages in adept can anyone help ?08:35
thomasaptitude? hmmm i don't think that is installed?08:35
dhqoctan: how do i get that running08:35
recon0tsdgeos: OK, I've just finished sending it. Another example is the Celestia handbook. Offers "Click here" links but won't do it.08:35
h3sp4wnthomas: I think it is by default08:35
thomash3sp4wn: o yes it is08:35
thomasi was wrong08:35
thomasjuist never heard of it08:35
thomasand i am in recovery mode atm, so no suds needed i guess08:36
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h3sp4wnno - not needed - (I just find the regular expressions easier to use - saves remembering exact package names)_08:36
tk_hello again, i have a problem with my amarok : i have follow the instructions on the page : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats to install the libs which required to play mp3 ..the problem : i cant find the package libakode2-mpeg  ... can anyone tell where i can find them ?08:36
h3sp4wn!info libakode2-mpeg08:37
ubotulibakode2-mpeg: mpeg plugins for akode. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0-0ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 8 kB, installed size 52 kB08:37
dhqoctan: how do i get that aixgl08:37
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[GuS] tk_, you need libxine-extracodecs08:37
[GuS] and to enable Multiverse08:37
h3sp4wndhq: Install xorg 7.1 or use xserver-xorg-air08:37
recon0tsdgeos: Can you contact me when you recive the file?08:37
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tsdgeosjust received it08:38
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heinkel_111h3sp4wn: i get the message that several linux-restricted-modules packages depends on nvidia-kernel-common but it is not installable08:38
dhqoctan: i have the xserver-xorg-air core and dev already installed08:39
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h3sp4wnheinkel_111: sudo apt-get remove --purge nvidia-glx08:39
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tsdgeosrecon0: let me have a look08:39
tk_i have found the libxine-extracodecs but the libkode2-mpeg is missing08:39
recon0tsdgeos: OK. pls message when done.08:39
hasenkamphello everybody... does anyone have and ati mobility x1300 and have installed kubuntu and xgl/compiz?08:39
recon0sorta a school assignment.08:39
h3sp4wnheinkel_111: will you be using the free ati drivers or fglrx ?08:40
heinkel_111h3sp4wn:  should i keep the inux-resdtricted-mopdules?08:40
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h3sp4wnheinkel_111: It is probably easier to keep them (if you have not used aptitude upto this point - its package database will be non existant)(08:40
dhqoctan: i have the xserver-xorg-air core and dev already installed08:40
heinkel_111h3sp4wn: whatever is easier. the machine won't need the dsiplay since i discovered joys of x-forwarding and remote desktop08:41
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heinkel_111i just needed the gfx card to be able to reconfigure it08:41
octandhq, google.. look in the wikis.08:41
octandhq i use xgl08:41
h3sp4wnheinkel_111: sudo apt-get remove --purge nvidia-glx will get rid of nvidia binary drivers08:41
h3sp4wnheinkel_111: Just using the free ati driver will be fine if you are just going to be using X forwarding08:42
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heinkel_111and remote desktop&08:42
heinkel_111and remote desktop ?08:42
tsdgeosrecon0: it's a bug08:43
tsdgeoscan you please report it to bugs.kde.org?08:43
tsdgeoswell, only do if you think you can attach the file publicly08:43
tsdgeosif you feel it's going to be bad don't08:44
recon0tsdgeos: one word: copyright suits. I'm compiling a new version of kdegraphics, though, and it might just be an outdated package.08:44
tsdgeosrecon0: it's not, i ensure you08:44
oisacxI've got a little bug... when I insert a CD, the cd appears on the desktop unmounted and a window appear to ask me what to do (nothing or explore) but when the window appear, the cd on the desktop disappears and the cd is still unmounted. Is there any way to keep the cd on desktop? or to make it auto-mount himself?08:44
recon0tsdgeos: I'll just enroll the bug with the celestia handbook.08:45
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tom__help help help ! not getting multiverse packages in adept08:45
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tsdgeostom__: add it to the sources :D08:46
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mal_I have a long list of files returned by slocate. How can I easily delete them all?08:47
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etamcan You tell me why when my script is in runlevels 2, 3, 4, 5 it can not read files from disk? can I run it later than runlevel 2, 3, 4, 5?08:48
oisacxtom : did you highlight the source in adept config?08:48
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tommyi need help, im trying to download the linux version of real plater from www.real.com/linux and i accomplished that but now it wont let me install it, can someone help me?08:49
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dhqoctan: gnome-compiz-manager requires gnome08:51
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esbenIs there a way to see which package a specific file originates from?08:53
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dhqgnome-compiz-manager requires gnome08:54
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hasenkampXGL/COMPIZ -> i have installed the ati driver... its working but when i try to run the xgl/compiz  no window borders appear... there is some configuration i should do? i tryed the gconf but i get everything empty there no variables on the plugins etc... somebody has experimented the same problem?08:56
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mal_I have a long list of files returned by slocate. How can I easily delete them all?08:58
tommyif anyone here is fairly good with linux please pm me08:58
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lupine_85mal_ pipe them to rm08:58
lupine_85but carefully :)08:58
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lupine_85erm, not pipe08:59
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lupine_85rm `slocate blah` would work08:59
geronimohow to run gui progs as root?08:59
mal_I'll try it08:59
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lupine_85geronimo: kdesu <program>08:59
tommyIm trying to install real player for linux, how do i install it?08:59
lupine_85or use the Big K->run command dialogue box08:59
h3sp4wntommy: its in the dapper-commercial canocial repository09:00
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geronimolupine_85: kdesu: cannot connect to X server :0.009:00
tommyh3sp4wn: erm ok how do i get/find that09:00
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h3sp4wntommy: Try coancials website (I don't know exactly where it is)09:01
tommyh3sp4wn: Well i found the file and downloaded it already i just dont know how to install it09:01
h3sp4wntommy: Is it a .deb ?09:02
tommyno binary09:02
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heinkel_111_h3sp4wn: i think we are done :) thank you very much for assistance. i did go with the fglrx after all09:02
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h3sp4wnYou should install debs if possible which in this situation is possible09:02
heinkel_111 h3sp4wn: i think we are done :) thank you ;)09:02
h3sp4wnheinkel_111_: No probs09:02
tommywell i cant find it on the real website, so the only place i can find it is at the place you spoke of?09:03
h3sp4wntommy: canocial the people who pay for ubuntu have a repository for dapper of commercial software09:04
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tommyh3sp4wn: where exactly can i find/use it?09:04
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geronimohow can I give the root user Xauthority?09:06
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h3sp4wntommy: I don't know - and am not willing to look - I would expect 10 seconds on google would enable you to find it (I won't help lazy people sorry)09:06
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Where|hereI try to "apt-get install shared-mime-info", but I get a segfault as shown at http://pastebin.ca/162667. Is there anything I can do to fix it? (I googled to no avail)09:06
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tommyh3sp4wn: since you mentioned it about 2 minutes ago i've been on yahoo and google and no results were found for coancial, coancials repository or anything of the such09:07
mindspintommy: add this to your /etc/apt/sourcs.list :http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu dapper-commercial main09:07
tommymindspin: Thank you09:07
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mindspinthen do an sudo apt-get update and you'll find it in adept09:08
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geronimohello :)09:17
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geronimomy resolution wont be over 1024x768, I've had this issue before, how can I make it 1280x1024?09:18
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h3sp4wn!fixres > geronimo09:19
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rioux602Hello !09:20
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rioux602hello ?09:20
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geronimoh3sp4wn: so I have to restart X?09:21
Where|herehi rioux60209:21
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h3sp4wngeronimo: You have to follow that guide its quite comprehensive and easy to understand09:21
h3sp4wngeronimo: or sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg (may or not work)09:21
rioux602can someone help me .. i can't be "admin mode" in the system param.09:22
geronimoh3sp4wn: okay, thanks09:22
rioux602the red square appears and disappear without asking me my pass or anything09:22
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masehi all09:23
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geronimoh3sp4wn: Connection was to help.ubuntu.com at port 44309:23
rioux602hello mase09:23
masei want good repos list for kubuntu09:23
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto09:23
MenZaWhy is amaroK saying it's attempting to insert no files into my playlist when I double click an artist in my Collection browser?09:23
rioux602dunno i hate amarok :p09:24
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masei want good repos list for kubuntu please09:25
rioux602repos ?09:25
Where|heremase: did you enable the universe repo?09:25
mindspinmase :http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic09:25
mikkidoes anyone know what wireless card its in hp pavilion dv6005ea?09:25
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mindspinmase: there you can set up a sources.list which suites you09:26
masethanks for your help09:26
edward_MenZa:rescan your colelctiojn09:27
MenZaedward_: I just did!09:27
MenZaBut alright09:27
edward_MenZa: what format are the songs?09:27
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MenZaedward_: mp3.09:27
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rioux602how can i remove a group i'm part of from the console ?09:27
edward_MenZa: do you have mp3 playback enabled?09:28
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arepiedoes anyone here, would like to help me with some c++ problems? i've created a simple search file/dir programs, and countered a bug, it's infinity loop, but i coudn't find what are the problems, could anyone?09:28
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MenZaedward_: of course.09:28
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edward_MenZa: hmm09:29
MenZaedward_: I just rescanned it though09:29
MenZalet's see09:29
edward_did that work?09:29
milcokdm_greet[7090] : Internal error: memory corruption detected :(09:30
MenZawell, the problem was09:30
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edward_i thought the dynamic link was broken09:30
rioux602how can i remove a group i'm part of from the console ?09:30
MenZathat I just double clicked them in the tree rather than the playlist09:30
milcois there a way to test if my mem is broken (fast way?)09:30
fritschmilco: it does not have to be your memory, looks like gcc4 problem09:30
fritschmilco: sudo apt-get install memtest09:30
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fritschmilco: sorry: sudo apt-get install memtest86+09:30
fritschmilco: but should be installed default09:31
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MenZashould be in the grub menu yeah09:31
milcofritsch: indeed it is :)09:31
fritschmilco: have a nic time testing *G*09:31
milcohow can i start this baby.. do i need to start it before the linux kernel loads?09:31
fritschmilco: this will last about 10 hours ....09:31
milcofritsch: im not going to test for hours..09:31
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milcojust do a few quick rounds09:31
fritschmilco: yes, just select it in grub09:31
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:33
larson9999linux rocks!09:34
milcothanks fritsch, testing time..09:34
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rioux602Someone can help me ?09:38
fritschrioux602: depends09:38
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edward_rioux602: whats the problem09:38
Hawkwindrioux602: Ask your question and we might09:38
rioux602I can't log in "admin mode" in the system param.09:38
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fritschrioux602: kde 3.5.4?09:39
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rioux602the red square appears and disapear without asking my pass09:39
rioux602how can i know the version ?09:39
fritschrioux602: here in konversation click on help -> about kde09:39
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource09:40
fritschrioux602: mmmh, k - i know this problem09:40
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic09:40
rioux602how can i fix it ?09:40
fritschrioux602: a tempory workarround is09:40
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fritschrioux602: this is definitively not!! a good idea though09:40
fritschrioux602: open a terminal09:40
fritschrioux602: xhost +
fritschrioux602: sudo su09:40
fritschrioux602: systemsettings09:41
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fritschrioux602: now change your stuff and after tthis09:41
fritschrioux602: xhost09:41
fritschrioux602: logout09:41
equinoxeBhy there...09:41
equinoxeBI have a problem...09:41
=== clams [n=clams@c-68-34-241-146.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
equinoxeBi can't insta;; themes09:42
equinoxeBI have Kubuntu Dapper...09:42
equinoxeBKDE themes...09:42
clamsHow do I change my clock on Kubuntu's desktop to non-military?09:42
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clamsnon-military time09:43
LeeJunFannon 24 hr format.09:43
clamsas in, not a 24 hour clock09:43
clamsbut rather an AM/PM09:43
edward_12 hour...09:43
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heinkel_11124 hour is not military lol09:44
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Clamsi know i know09:44
heinkel_11124 hour is modern time :P09:44
Clamsyeah it is, i'm just a bum :(09:44
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Clamswe're pretty disconnected from the world around here09:44
LeeJunFanClams: right click it - date & time format, choose something other than default C for time.09:44
heinkel_111no, the entire english speaking world is rather oldfashioned :P09:44
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dnm_Hi people. Quick question that I haven't found an easy answer to: how do I get Kate to stop showing end-of-line/CRLF marks?09:46
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LeeJunFanheinkel_111: I resent that remark, get yee sword and prepare to duel!09:46
Clamsthanks for the help LeejunFan!09:46
LeeJunFanClams: you get it?09:46
abattoirLeeJunFan: hi, can i pm you?09:46
MenZalmao LeeJunFan09:46
ClamsYep, very simple. Can't believe it took me so long to figure out.09:46
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LeeJunFanabattoir: why?09:47
=== heinkel_111 rides out to battle on a 24-legged hourse ....
abattoirLeeJunFan: err... i need to ask you something...09:47
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heinkel_111prepare, LeeJunFan09:47
abattoirLeeJunFan: and maybe embarass myself :P09:47
LeeJunFanabattoir: heh, yeah, go ahead.09:47
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edward_Clams: thats kinda how easy ubuntu is to use09:48
Clamsso far I like kubuntu more than ubuntu09:48
Clamsalthough ubuntu held your hand for a lot of things, which I sort of need09:48
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draikQuestion for everyone...09:50
HawkwindAnswer for you09:50
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LeeJunFanI like KDE more - I like options and features, Gnome takes more of a stance that less features == less confusion.09:50
draikAnyone seen/read the book that came out...09:50
Hawkwinddraik: The official Ubuntu book ?09:51
LeeJunFanI'm waiting for the movie.09:51
draikThat one09:51
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HawkwindLOL LeeJunFan09:51
draikand the other one09:51
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Hawkwinddraik: I have it and have looked through it.  Haven't really 'read' it perse09:51
ubotuwebcam is now easy to install on Linux; instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras09:51
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draikBeginning Ubuntu Linux: From Novice to Professional09:51
MenZaanyway, me be off09:51
jason__sorry for not messaging it09:52
LeeJunFanHeard they got Samuel Jackson to star in it. Ubuntu on a mother!@#!@ computer or something like that.09:52
MenZaGoodnight everyone09:52
MenZarofl LeeJunFan09:52
draikLOL LeeJunFan09:52
mariux_hi, i keep telling konq that it should open .avi files in mplayer09:52
mariux_but it insists on kaffeine09:52
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LeeJunFanAlways glad to provide comic relief, but alas (there I go getting old-english again) I have to part and rid the world of another Windows machine. later...09:53
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jeeklmariux_: Have you tried editing the file bindings in kcontrol? KDE Components -> File bindings09:53
draikHawkwind, nothing on the other book?09:53
angasuledoes anyone know of a replacement for MS Project 2002?09:53
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dnm_No one?09:54
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dnm_Does anyone *use* Kate?09:54
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angasulednm_: what did you ask?09:54
jeekldnm_: Sure, pretty much every day09:54
draikI use Kate09:54
dnm_How do I get Kate to stop showing end-of-line/CRLF marks?09:54
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Hawkwinddraik: I don't have the other book.  Just the one09:55
draikI am trying to figure out if its worth the purchase09:55
mariux_jeekl: yes09:55
ClamsHmm, I put 2 gigs worth of music onto a DVD (on a windows PC) and just copied those files into my /home/ directory on linux09:55
Clamstheyre taking up space, but they are not playing right09:55
draikHawkwind, from what you've seen, how is the Official Ubuntu book?09:55
dnm_Am I missing something obvious? Because I haven't found anything obvious.09:55
Clamsboth amarok and kaffeine are recognizing them09:55
Clamsand idenityfing their albums/artists09:55
Clamsbut when i play them, it doesn't play, it just acts like each song is one second long09:56
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Hawkwinddraik: Very good.  It's got a lot of basic stuff in it, but it has some more advanced stuff too.  I got mine free though :)09:56
draikClams, do you have the w32codecs?09:56
angasulehmm, CRLF is the *DOS* end of line, so usually you'll see a ^M when opening it as a unix file09:56
=== Clams goes to check.
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draikHawkwind, Would you recommend it as a source of reference of just to learn from?09:56
Clamsi don't think i do, can i get them through synaptic or anything?09:56
dnm_angasule: Sorry, I misspoke.09:57
draikCommand 'gksu /usr/sbin/synaptic ' not found.09:57
Hawkwinddraik: Both in a lot of ways.  Depends on the amount of experience the user reading it has09:57
draikI get that error when I run synaptic09:57
dnm_Here. I'll take a screenshot. It seems like other people haven't seen this, or something.09:57
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jeekldraik: replace gksu with kdesu09:58
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draikjeekl, how?09:58
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jeekldraik: Are you starting it from the Kmenu?09:58
jeeklThen right click the nmenu entry and choose edit this entry09:58
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jeeklIn the "command" field, replace gksu with kdesu09:59
draikHawkwind, I've been using Kubuntu 6.06 since the beginning (June 1, 2006). This is my 2nd install after I messed up something on my 1st try. Now I have it on 2 HDDs09:59
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angasulednm_: go to Settings->End of Line and choose Unix/windows/mac end of line type09:59
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draikjeekl, both K Menu and Run Command (ALT+F2)09:59
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems09:59
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jeekldraik: Try entering "kdesu synaptic" in run command. Thats what I always do10:00
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dnm_angasule: That's in "Configure Kate", right?10:00
angasulednm_: sorry, I meant Tools->End of line (in the menu)10:01
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dnm_angasule: It'10:01
dnm_angasule: It's currently set to Unix, but setting it to the others doesn't change anything10:01
dnm_One sec10:02
draikIf I try kdesu synaptic, I get     Command 'synaptic' not found.10:02
rioux602im back :p10:02
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fritschrioux602: working?10:03
jeekldraik: Do you know that you have synaptic installed? The binary file should be in the path. You could try entering "kdesu /usr/sbin/synaptic" in run command.10:03
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rioux602yeah great but i have other thngs :p10:03
dnm_angasule: http://ofb.net/~dnm/snapshot1.png10:03
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fritschrioux602: lets see10:03
draikjeekl, says that the command is not found10:03
mindspindraik: maybe you mean kynaptic10:03
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draiknope, it's synaptic10:03
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rioux602how can i change my pass here ?10:03
draikI can see it in System10:04
fritschrioux602: just open a terminal and type: passwd10:04
rioux602i mean.. on IRC10:04
jeekldraik: fire up a console.10:04
jeekldraik: run "whereis synaptic"10:04
mindspinsynaptic comes with gnome, not kde btw are you sure you installed it?10:04
alex_yohow to install the old cursor in kdm. i have a big quadrat as a cursor. he is black how to change it?10:04
fritschrioux602: hehe ask the NICKSERV10:04
angasulednm_: the dots?10:04
fritschrioux602:  /msg NickServ help10:04
draiksynaptic: /usr/sbin/synaptic /usr/share/synaptic /usr/share/man/man8/synaptic.8.gz10:04
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)10:04
fritschrioux602: perhaps this works10:05
dnm_angasule: Yeah, at the end of each line.10:05
rioux602oki :P10:05
mariux_why doesnt speedstep work?10:05
jeekldraik: What happens if you type "sudo /usr/sbin/synaptic" in the console?10:05
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draikThis error:         /usr/sbin/synaptic: error while loading shared libraries: libvte.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory10:06
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EdProgressivejeekl: you begin messing up your system10:06
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jeeklEdProgressive: :-)10:07
jeekldraik: I don't know what that error means, unfortunately. Hopefully someone else does.10:08
draikThanks for your help jeekl10:08
h3sp4wndraik: apt-cache policy libvte4 (is it installed)10:08
EdProgressivedraik: run synaptic from the run command10:08
EdProgressivein your K menu10:08
EdProgressiveas kdesu synaptic10:09
fritschdraik: sudo apt-get install libvte410:09
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draik  Installed: 1:0.13.5-0ubuntu210:09
draik  Candidate: 1:0.13.5-0ubuntu210:09
draik  Version table:10:09
draik *** 1:0.13.5-0ubuntu2 010:09
draik        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status10:09
draik     1:0.12.2-0ubuntu1 010:09
draik        500 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com dapper-updates/main Packages10:09
draik     1:0.12.1-0ubuntu1 010:09
draik        500 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com dapper/main Packages10:09
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)10:10
draikEdProgressive, it won't run10:10
fritschDrado not paste10:10
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h3sp4wnWhere did you get 0.13.5-0ubuntu2 from ?10:10
draikpossibly an update... dunno10:10
EdProgressivedraik: kdesu synaptic?10:10
draikIf I try kdesu synaptic, I get     Command 'synaptic' not found.10:10
h3sp4wn!info libvte4 edgy10:11
ubotuPackage libvte4 does not exist in edgy10:11
h3sp4wn!info libvte410:11
ubotulibvte4: Terminal emulator widget for GTK+ 2.0 - runtime files. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.12.2-0ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 661 kB, installed size 1416 kB10:11
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angasulednm_: go to configure kate, then Editor->Editing and uncheck 'Show tabulators'10:11
abattoirdraik: do you have synaptic installed?10:11
EdProgressivedraik: stop using the terminal then10:11
abattoirdraik: sudo synaptic works?10:12
EdProgressiveuse it from the "run command" in the "K menu"10:12
draikEdProgressive, terminal, K Menu, Run command... they all fail10:12
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angasulednm_: that option displays a '.' where a tab is, and also where there are trailing spaces, if you uncheck it, dots go away10:12
EdProgressivedraik: ah10:12
draiknope, won't work10:12
abattoirdraik: you might need to use 'gksudo synaptic' as its a gtk app10:12
dnm_angasule: ah, thanks!10:12
fritsch!restrictedformats > rioux60210:12
dnm_angasule: I thought that only showed tab character whitespace10:12
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dnm_angasule: Thanks again!10:13
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:13
angasulednm_: you're welcome :)10:13
draikabattoir, gksudo synaptic won't work either10:13
abattoirdraik: won't work or doesn't work?10:13
dnm_Here's a second question, where should I look for better fixed-width fonts for Kate?10:13
draikdoesn't work10:13
Clamsi think adept is a lame package manager10:13
Clamsand that synaptic rocks its world10:13
EdProgressivecan someone here help with an XGL issue?10:14
abattoirClams:  this is not the right place for that discussion... might want to take it to #kubuntu-offtopic10:14
EdProgressivei'm in the xgl channel...10:14
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abattoirdraik: does sudo/kdesu work otherwise?10:14
draiktried both10:14
abattoirdraik: so its a problem w/ sudo ?10:14
draikseems that way10:15
Clamsokay, sorry! :) no ill-will meant.10:15
draikor maybe synaptic itself10:15
=== Clams steps out
abattoirdraik: you get any errors?10:15
h3sp4wndraik: apt-get install libvte4=0.12.2-0ubuntu110:15
abattoirwow, i didnt say he should leave... :P10:15
draikE: Version '0.12.2-0ubuntu1' for 'libvte4' was not found10:15
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milcoanyone installed xgl?10:16
h3sp4wndraik: apt-get install libvte4=1:0.12.2-0ubuntu1 (I can't remember the exact syntax)10:16
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draikE: Broken packages10:16
angasuledoes anyone know of a replacement for MS Project?10:16
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h3sp4wndraik: I don't know where you got the experimental version of libvte4 from but I expect that is the reason its not working10:17
draikhow do I remove it and install a working version?10:17
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draikapt-get remove libvte4    and then          apt-get install libvte4=1:0.12.2-0ubuntu110:18
h3sp4wndraik: What will that do in terms of dependancies though)10:18
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draikno clue10:19
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h3sp4wndraik: try it I suppose ?10:19
draikapt-get remove synaptic            ?10:19
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draikCan't install libvte4=1:0.12.2-0ubuntu1        broken package10:20
h3sp4wnYou must of upgraded loads of stuff from somewhere else10:21
draiklibvte4: Depends: libvte-common (= 1:0.12.2-0ubuntu1) but 1:0.13.5-0ubuntu2 is to be installed10:21
h3sp4wndraik: remove libvte-common and install 1:0.12.2-0ubuntu1 (same way as before)10:22
mariuxwhy doesnt speedstep work on my pentium m?10:22
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draikI did     apt-get remove libvte-common10:23
draikand then10:23
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draikapt-get install libvte4=1:0.12.2-0ubuntu110:23
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draikdoing the install reinstalled libvte-common10:24
h3sp4wnBut did it install the right version #?10:24
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draikSetting up libvte-common (0.12.2-0ubuntu1) ...10:24
draikSetting up libvte4 (0.12.2-0ubuntu1) ...10:24
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h3sp4wndraik: So does synaptic run now ?10:28
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EdProgressivewow ubuntu has over 900 people10:29
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draikyup... but only with sudo10:29
h3sp4wndraik: use kdesu instead of sudi10:30
h3sp4wndraik: use kdesu instead of sudo10:30
draikwon't work10:30
draikDoesn't work10:30
fritschh3sp4wn: there seems to be a problem with kdesu10:30
draikok... seriously... WTF???10:30
draikNow it works10:30
fritschdraik: really looks like a problem ;-)10:31
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draikdarn you all and your "magic touch"10:31
draikThank you h2sp4wn, abattoir, much appreciated10:31
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about directx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:33
danilocanybody know for directx on linu ?10:33
danilocanybody know for directx on linux ?10:33
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tooki need to compile something on my new kubuntu. But there is no "make"... what package do i have to install?10:34
lupine_85daniloc: under wine yes10:34
DaSkreechHawkwind: damn you!10:34
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daniloclupine_85: ok ;)10:35
EdProgressivetook: what are you trying to install10:35
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newcomera todos!10:36
newcomerTengo un problema10:36
EdProgressivenever heard of it10:36
newcomercuando quiero instalar por apt..10:36
EdProgressivewere you sudo?10:36
magical_trevskynewcomer, #kubuntu-es10:36
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.10:36
newcomeri am sorry!10:36
EdProgressivenewcomer: use the spanish channel please10:36
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.10:36
lupine_85took: build-essential will give you all the development tools. You'll also need the relavant lib*-dev packages10:37
lupine_85then follow whatever readme they provide to get it built10:37
EdProgressiveHawkwind: that looks awesome10:38
EdProgressiveEnlighten? whati s that Xubuntu?10:38
h3sp4wnEdProgressive: e1710:39
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EdProgressiveh3sp4wn: err10:39
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EdProgressivewhat does that mean10:39
ubotuEnlightenment (or "E") is a window manager for X, providing a useful, and good looking graphical shell in which to work. E17 is the current development version.10:40
EdProgressiveah, thanks a lot10:40
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starhawkI am running mepis which uses dapper repositories and I am tring to load wine the latest version10:41
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starhawkI down loaded the latest version but I dont know how to load it10:42
starhawkcan any one help me10:42
DaSkreechbeligum: PIng!10:42
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gnomefreakstarhawk: once installed running "wine file.exe"   file=whatever the name of the .exe file is10:43
gnomefreakwithout the "10:43
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starhawkyes but how do I install it10:43
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jmichaelxcan anyone tell me if there is an ubuntu repo that contains libvisual-0.4-plugins ?10:44
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h3sp4wnjmichaelx: imbrandon.com (his edgy or dapper repositories)10:45
starhawkwine-0.9.20 in pictures10:45
jmichaelxh3sp4wn: ty10:45
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wmk0207linux es lo mejor...10:46
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starhawk<gnomefreak>when I downloaded the file it went into ark and this is the file from that10:46
gnomefreakstarhawk: did you download it or open it with ark?10:47
gnomefreakstarhawk: do you see the file on desktop or in /home/?10:47
starhawkit automatically went into ark10:47
starhawkit is in pictures10:47
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gnomefreakstarhawk: what kind of .exe are you downloading into pictures folder?10:48
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starhawkwine-0.9.20 in pictures10:48
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jmichaelxh3sp4wn: i wonder which of imbrandon's repos would contain that lib?10:49
darnelli'm having problems with my ipod and kubuntu.. can someone help? no instance of my ipod is even seen on my computer10:49
gnomefreakstarhawk: what was wrong with apt-get install wine?10:49
Adorei need help please10:49
h3sp4wnjmichaelx: I would say probably the amarok one10:49
jmichaelxh3sp4wn: ok, thanks again10:49
starhawk<gnomefreak>it wont go to the right repositories10:50
Adorei want to open this files Wmv.10:50
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DaSkreech!w23codecs > Adore10:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about w23codecs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:50
Adorei do it10:50
DaSkreechlnxkde: Yo10:50
darnelli'm having problems with my ipod and kubuntu.. can someone help? no instance of my ipod is even seen on my computer10:50
DaSkreech!w32codecs > Adore10:50
gnomefreakstarhawk: dappers repos has wine in them.10:50
Adoreand nothing open10:50
starhawkthe ubunta repositorie dosent have the latest version10:50
Adorebelieve me i do it10:50
Adorebut it's not working10:51
gnomefreakstarhawk: is wine in a tar form?10:51
Adorethe wmv. files10:51
starhawknot now10:51
DaSkreechAdore: Where did You get the WMV?10:51
Adorenot working with vedio10:51
Adorefrom sites10:51
gnomefreakstarhawk: what is the full name of file?10:51
Adoreit's some dancer show10:51
Adoreit was playing on windows10:51
newcomercedega rlz!10:51
gnomefreakstarhawk: starhawk FULL NAME10:51
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gnomefreakwine-0.9.20. what?10:52
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starhawkthat all that I have left after ark is done with it10:52
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larson9999the wine repo i have is deb http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt dapper main10:52
starhawkI will look it up again10:52
Adorei need help please10:52
gnomefreakstarhawk: if it is an .exe get rid of it10:53
Adorehow can i open these files Wmv.10:53
ironfroggyanyone have an idea why i can ssh into my box from my network, but not from outside the network? i have my router forwarding the port.10:53
larson9999it gets updated quickly10:53
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gnomefreakAdore: read the pm ubotu sent you10:53
draikAdore, get the w32codecs10:53
DaSkreechAdore: Which site?10:53
Adorei will reinstall it10:53
gnomefreak!wine > starhawk10:53
Adoredon't worry10:53
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AdoreWMV video10:53
gnomefreakstarhawk: read the pm you jsut got for site adn instructions10:53
DaSkreechAdore: Which site? Maybe it will gove some hints10:53
starhawkit is gone10:53
gnomefreakAdore: read the pm10:54
lnxkdeDaSkreech: sup!????10:54
ironfroggyon the local network, i am authenticated by my key. connecting from outside (by domain) i get a password prompt but it wont even accept my own password.10:54
gnomefreakAdore: wget -c http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf/pool/dapper/i386/non-free/w32codecs/w32codecs_20060611-1plf1_i386.deb10:54
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Adorecode : WMA Version 810:54
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gnomefreakwhen that is done do   sudo dpkg -i w32codecs_20060611-1plf1_i386.deb10:55
gnomefreakAdore: i gave you commands word for word run tham as i typed them and you will have them10:55
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gnomefreakAdore: that command is on the site in your pm too10:56
DaSkreechlnxkde: Nothing much :) How's KDE-darwin?10:56
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starhawkI have read it and it wantsto use synaptic which is fine but when I try to add it it wont stay in synaptic10:56
DaSkreechWhat are they doing there?10:56
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west-eni need help with one thing!10:56
gnomefreakstarhawk: define stay in synaptic10:56
gnomefreakdaniloc: ask in the channel10:56
west-eni am using "sudo ntfs-3g /dev/hda2 /media/hda2" to load my ntfspartition in Linux10:57
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west-enbut how do i fix so this is done when i start my system?10:57
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west-enin fstab? how?10:57
lnxkdeDaSkreech: nice :)10:57
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file lists all drives and partitions that are mounted on the system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !partitions10:57
AdoreThank you10:57
=== Rede [n=shawn@S010600131096809c.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu
DaSkreechAdore: Works now?10:57
starhawkwhen you add a repositorie it is listed after your done but for some reason the address that wine gives out wont list10:57
edward_just malesire tp set your options to ro,umask=022210:57
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Adorei download it10:58
starhawkdeb http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt dapper main10:58
Adoreand when it finish10:58
lnxkdeDaSkreech: but I am going to update my blog right now ( going update the media center thing and update the sources.list I puted on the site10:58
Adorei will type it in commander line10:58
Adoresudo dpkg -i w32codecs_20060611-1plf1_i386.deb10:58
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AdoreThanks for your help10:58
AdoreThank you very much10:58
gnomefreakdaniloc: dont do it10:58
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DaSkreechAdore: Thank us after it works10:58
starhawkgnomefreak>did you get that10:59
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gnomefreakdarich: why did you pm me?10:59
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draikHello intelikey11:00
intelikeysay.   never set up a joy stick before,  thought i'd give it a whack.11:00
intelikeyanything special i need to know.11:01
draik@ intelikey11:01
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draikDon't whack the joystick... might break11:01
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intelikeysmall whack.11:01
edward_darnell: careful with caps11:01
edward_what do you want to do?11:01
starhawkgnomefreak>are you still there11:02
gnomefreakkind of11:02
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darnellthanx for giving me some kind of attention11:02
edward_sure, now what do you need to do?11:02
darnellkubuntu isnt detecting any instance of my ipd11:02
darnellgnome use to do it auto11:02
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darnelli plug it in and it just sits there11:02
edward_do you see it on the desktop at all?11:02
h3sp4wnintelikey: I have a usb one (that takes a super nintendo controller) that works with no configuration at all11:02
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edward_check /media is there anything in there?11:03
intelikeyh3sp4wn this one plugs into the 15D port11:03
intelikeyerr i think 1511:03
darnellcdrom  cdrom0  cdrom1  floppy  floppy0  usb  usb011:03
starhawkhow can I down load the file so it wont go into ark11:03
h3sp4wnintelikey: used to be referred to as gameport ?11:03
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edward_okay, hmm11:04
edward_how long has it been plugged in?11:04
darnelllol, i just unplugged it an plugged it back in..11:05
darnelllast night..11:05
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darnelli was detecting..11:05
darnelland some box came up and i told it to do nothing11:05
edward_darnell: sometimes taht happened with my brother's ipod11:05
darnelland it hasnt every since11:05
edward_but it would work ig i unplugged it and plugged it back in11:05
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DaSkreechdarnell: Eh?11:06
intelikeyh3sp4wn any idea where i should look for info?    (if he says google, i sware i'll put him on ignore)11:06
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darnelli've been recycling since last night11:06
darnellits not going to change..11:06
beligumwhat's up?11:06
edward_darnell: i have very limited ipod experience11:06
DaSkreechbeligum: Peek in #kubuntu-devel we were talking about you11:07
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edward_i used GTKpod and Amarok11:07
edward_so i can't really be of much help past that11:07
DaSkreechdarnell: What are you trying to do?11:07
h3sp4wnintelikey: /usr/share/doc - xserver-xorg-input-joystick or joystick (joystick might be easiest - aptitude show joystick11:07
darnelli'm trying to get kubuntu to recognize the existance of my ipod11:07
darnelli plug it in and it sits there11:08
darnelldoing nothing11:08
darnelllast night there was sda in my /media11:08
darnellbut it doesnt show up anymore11:08
darnelli've rebooted  and still nothing..11:08
darnellif i log into gnome its there11:08
darnellthis only started when i went to kubuntu11:08
h3sp4wndarnell: is sda in /dev ?11:08
lupine_85darnell: mount it yourself?11:09
intelikeyh3sp4wn ty looking.11:09
lupine_85kde isn't as good as gnome when it comes to automounting11:09
darnelltried that.. I cant mount it if the computer doesnt see it11:09
lupine_85 /dev/sda1 ?11:09
HawkwindDaSkreech: ??11:09
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darnelli see sdb and sdb111:10
lupine_85that's it then11:10
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DaSkreechHawkwind: Jjust got into a screenshot comparion of pretty OSes and ended up using yours11:10
lupine_85sudo mount /dev/sdb1 -t vfat /mnt (or wherever)11:10
HawkwindDaSkreech: And of course mine won I'm sure :P11:10
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DaSkreechHawkwind: Well it was *nix vs * so *Nix won11:11
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pimurihi folks11:12
pimuriis there anybody who has time & nerves to help me with a ndiswrapper problem? :O)11:13
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darnellok that worked but...11:14
darnelli dont want to have to do this everytime..11:14
darnellwill it change?11:14
darnellsdb1 to sda or something?11:14
edward_darnell: no idea.11:14
edward_oh no11:14
edward_that won't change11:15
ubotucedega is a project based on wine, aimed at running windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega11:15
edward_you can configre Amarok to look for it at the location all the time11:15
Adoredpkg: error processing w32codecs_20060611-1plf1_i386.deb (--install):11:15
Adore cannot access archive: No such file or directory11:15
AdoreErrors were encountered while processing:11:15
Adore w32codecs_20060611-1plf1_i386.deb11:15
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ubotuwpasupplicant: Client support for WPA and WPA2 (IEEE 802.11i). In component main, is important. Version 0.4.8-3ubuntu1.1 (dapper), package size 195 kB, installed size 532 kB11:15
darnellhow so?11:15
Adorethat after i reinstall11:15
Adoreand after typed the commander11:15
edward_Adore: try sudo dpkg - i package.deb11:16
edward_Adore:  actually try sudo dpkg -i package.deb11:16
Adoreype dpkg --help for help about installing and deinstalling packages [*] ;11:16
AdoreUse `dselect' or `aptitude' for user-friendly package management;11:16
AdoreType dpkg -Dhelp for a list of dpkg debug flag values;11:16
AdoreType dpkg --force-help for a list of forcing options;11:16
AdoreType dpkg-deb --help for help about manipulating *.deb files;11:16
AdoreType dpkg --licence for copyright licence and lack of warranty (GNU GPL) [*] .11:16
AdoreOptions marked [*]  produce a lot of output - pipe it through `less' or `more' !11:16
Adoredpkg: error processing package.deb (--install):11:17
Adore cannot access archive: No such file or directory11:17
AdoreErrors were encountered while processing:11:17
Adore package.deb11:17
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)11:17
DaSkreechAdore: What's the name of the .deb?11:17
edward_no no, substitute the whole w32codec for the "package" part"11:17
ge_ubuntuI have a problem with Language/Regional settings11:18
osh_Is there some way to make the wireless nic automatically connect during bootup. Currently I have to start the wlan-assistant every time I login. Not a big problem but slightly annoying.11:18
edward_Adore: where is the .deb/11:18
lupine_85osh_: edit /etc/network/interfaces11:18
Adorei don't know really11:18
edward_osh_: ~/.kde/Autostart11:18
edward_Adore: is it on your desktop?11:18
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Adoreno ti's not11:19
edward_what folder is it in?11:19
DaSkreechCan you see it in Konqueror?11:19
ge_ubuntuAs I know there should be a support for Georgian language11:19
ge_ubuntubut i cant switch to Georgian11:19
ge_ubuntuSystem Settings ->Regional and Language Settings11:19
TheHighChildDoes anyone know how to set it up so my screensaver starts when I put the cursor into a hotspot?11:19
Adorei cave this file on my desktop11:20
TheHighChildIs there a config I can edit?11:20
osh_lupine_85: No gui to make it happen? The wlan-assistant already have all info so I really shouldn't need to edit that file, although I agree that it would solve the problem.11:20
intelikeyok h3sp4wn would you care to give me a look at the input device section of your xorg.conf that describs the js ?   i have no clue what it should look like but a working example should help???11:20
gnomefreakDaSkreech: what version of konq do you have?11:20
edward_Adore: type cd /home/user/Desktop11:20
edward_repalace that with your user namd11:20
intelikeyh3sp4wn you can just msg me if you like.11:20
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gnomefreakedward_: cd Desktop will work11:20
DaSkreechedward_: Please use ~ instead of /home/user :011:20
Adorebash: cd: /home/user/Desktop: No such file or directory11:20
edward_gnomefreak: yes i always forger that11:20
DaSkreechAdore: try cd ~/Desktop11:21
gnomefreakAdore: type cd Desktop11:21
edward_DaSkreech: most people get confused on that11:21
edward_i know i was confused11:21
gnomefreakmake sure the D is a cap D11:21
pimuriI'm trying to get my USR 5416 WLAN card to get running under kubuntu. On some page I saw that you can use the netgear w311v2 INF file to install it .. I did it .. it seems to work  (at least when checking with ndiswrapper -l)11:21
gnomefreakwho has kde 3.4.2?11:21
gnomefreakand 3.4.311:21
edward_gnomefreak: not I11:22
edward_gnomefreak: this is really Admiral_Chicago11:22
gnomefreakme neither but im working on a bug11:22
ge_ubuntuno answer on my question?11:22
pimuriand I want to use wpa-psk ... so I made a key with wpa_passphrase ... ssid , etc and made a config file11:22
h3sp4wnintelikey:I don't have that when I plug it in its all handled by udev11:22
Adorewhat then11:22
pimurinow I try to start the daemon with sudo wpa_supplicant start -Dndiswrapper -iwlan0 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant2.conf    .. it get's me an error  "ioctl[SIOCSIWENCODEEXT] : Operation not supported"   does anybody know what this could mean?11:22
AdoreThen what?11:23
intelikeyh3sp4wn nothing in xorg.conf ?11:23
edward_then type sudo dpkg -i W32codec.deb11:23
lupine_85osh_: there's probably one somewhere, but by the time you've found it and worked out how to use it, you might as well have edited the file directly11:23
h3sp4wnintelikey: Let me just check for certain but I have not manually added anything11:23
edward_or whatever its called11:23
darnellis this correct to add to fstab                 /dev/sda1       /mnt/ipod       vfat rw,user,noauto,noatime,errors=remount 0 011:23
darnell    so that i dont have to manually mount all the time?11:23
Adorei do it11:23
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intelikeyok.   maybe i still missing something.11:23
Adorebut notinh done11:23
edward_what is teh last line?11:24
DaSkreechAdore: sudo dpkg -i w32codecs_20060611-1plf1_i386.deb11:24
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darnellnot sure.. something i saw online11:24
gnomefreakAdore: sudo dpkg -i w32codecs_20060611-1plf1_i386.deb11:24
DaSkreechI swear it's 100 times easier to tell them to right click and install package but you guys love the dpkg -i11:25
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Adorereasing date .....11:25
AdoreVery good11:25
DaSkreechdarnell: do you have a /mnt/ipod?11:25
Adorei will go to try now the file11:25
lupine_85dpkg -i is desktop-independent :)11:25
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DaSkreechlupine_85: You can do that in ubuntu as well11:26
osh_lupine_85: So, a feature-request on launchpad.net on wlan-assistant then... ;-) It should really be there already. Shouldn't it?11:26
DaSkreechSort of :)11:26
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Adoreoh , nothing done11:26
gnomefreakdpkg is debian any debian release or based release11:27
lupine_85osh_: probably11:27
Adorethe vedio not playing11:27
Adorejust the sound11:27
lupine_85desktop = gnome, kde, xfce, fluxbox...11:27
gnomefreakAdore: did you restart your browser what video player are you using?11:27
Adorei will do11:27
gnomefreakAdore: is it opening in kaffine?11:28
Adorei open media player11:29
Adoreand but the file in it11:29
Adorejust the sound working11:29
Adorethe vedio not working11:29
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DaSkreechlupine_85: We are in A Kubuntu Support Chan the only likely people we are to get in here are Ubuntu support seekers11:29
gnomefreakAdore: what media player?11:29
Adoretha last11:30
lupine_85DaSkreech: I try to avoid assumptions - even reasonable ones11:30
AdoreMovie Player using GStreamer 0.10.611:30
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DaSkreechlupine_85: Yeah but if yo uwere helping someone to install something then suddenly realised that he had just emerged kmplayer what would your reaction be?11:30
gnomefreakAdore: what is the name of the player you used to open the file with11:30
starhawkwhy cant I add wine repositories11:31
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gnomefreakstarhawk: try in #mepis since your using it11:31
AdoreMovie player11:31
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gnomefreakAdore: do you have ubuntu or kubuntu?11:31
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lupine_85DaSkreech: I don't see the relevence of the query11:31
starhawkthank you I will11:31
tyler_dI am looking for a descent codec pack for avi... .the one I have currently stutters, and the audio is all off???11:31
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lupine_85I said "desktop", not "distro"11:31
gnomefreakAdore: restart totem (movie player)11:31
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gnomefreakAdore: close it and than open it again?11:32
Adorei do it11:32
Adorebelieve me11:32
Adorei will restart my pc11:32
Adoreis that good?11:32
gnomefreaki brb going for smoke11:32
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gnomefreaknot gonna help11:32
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DaSkreechlupine_85: Well are all desktops equipped by default to deal with particular packages?11:33
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KomiaPoikaanyone knows how to enter bios of toshiba tecra laptpo?11:33
DaSkreechlupine_85: Ok since this is obviously going offtopic how come kubuntu ships with ark as the default manager for .deb?11:34
lupine_85DaSkreech: I don't know11:34
lupine_85hence why I recommend dpkg -i11:34
Adorethere is no sound too11:34
h3sp4wnark supports ar archives does it not ?11:34
DaSkreechlupine_85: :)11:34
h3sp4wnthats all a deb is - doesn't seem too unreasonable11:34
lupine_85h3sp4wn: as long as you have binutils installed, I guess11:35
verbosei've made a real mess of kde...how can i completely remove it and all config files and reinstall it?11:35
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DaSkreechYeah but the vast majority of people who downloada deb andclick on it would expect it to do what?11:35
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h3sp4wnverbose: sudo aptitude purge kde~i11:35
h3sp4wnverbose: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop11:35
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DaSkreechh3sp4wn: Openoffice documents are .zips So should we have them open in ,ark as well?11:35
Adorei lost11:35
verboseh3sp4wn: thanks11:35
sorush20hi guys what does fifo mean?11:35
lupine_85first in first out11:36
DaSkreechFirst in First out11:36
h3sp4wnDaSkreech: Wouldn't affect me in the slightest11:36
sorush20fifo buffer isn't getting full and its sttuck at about 1- 2 percent and there is not info on device buffer..11:36
sorush20I don't know how to fix this11:36
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intelikeysorush20 fifo=file in file out  ?11:39
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flakei have a question, i just downloaded the bluefish editor - trying to edit and save a test webpage to view in the usual /var/www/... folder, but it wont let me save due to security i imagine11:40
flakedo i need to set permissions on the folder11:40
flakeor somehow run bluefish in root11:40
gnomefreakDaSkreech: as of dapper you can click a .deb and it will install it and any depends it finds11:41
angasuledoes anyone know of a replacement for MS Project?11:41
flakeand like when i code with c++ and create folders/apps,  i need to create maybe a base folder with the adequate permissions?11:41
gnomefreakflake: you use apt to install bluefish?11:41
DaSkreechgnomefreak: I just clicked One and it opened in ark11:42
flakei had to download it manually, the universe repositories aren't enabled on my install for some reason11:42
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gnomefreakgdebi = gnome and it does what i said im sure there should ne a kdebi iirc11:42
gnomefreakflake: enable them and install it. but was it a deb you downloaded?11:43
lupine_85flake: save it elsewhere and copy it over with sudo11:43
flakei used gdebi to extract/install11:43
lupine_85then change th owner and group to www-data11:43
larsbjarI am trying to share a folder with some windows computers on my LAN. But what about the samba password. Do I have to create a samba account with password? Why cant I share so that anyone can access my shared folder directly? Aaaah....11:43
verboseh3sp4wn: that didn't do it...kde is still just as messed up as it was before11:43
flakegood idea lupine, for when it's exposed to the real world11:44
verbosei have no menu or anything other than 2 buttons that i put on the taskbar when it was working11:44
h3sp4wnverbose: try mv .kde .kdeold (restart kde - reintegrate any changes you made)11:44
verboseh3sp4wn: k, will do11:44
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gnomefreakits not called kdebi but im almost positive i saw a kde version of it11:45
verboseh3sp4wn: thank you thank you...i didn't even think that it could be my settings, i just thought stuff was missing11:46
h3sp4wnverbose: If kubuntu-desktop is installed chances are nothing is missing (unless you are using unofficial repositories011:47
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verboseh3sp4wn: good to know11:48
coreymon77my sound isnt working11:49
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coreymon77ii cant get it to work11:50
h3sp4wncoreymon77: Since when ?11:50
coreymon77just noticed11:50
coreymon77but i think for a while11:50
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verboseanyone know how to detach a screen session running within another screen session?11:50
jmichaelxwould it be possible to add the xfce weather panel applet to the KDE panel? the xfce4 applet is so much better than kweather....11:51
gnomefreakjmichaelx: im assuming not without alot of crap/hacking/so on11:52
jmichaelxgnomefreak: ok i was just curious11:53
coreymon77i cant get it to work11:53
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jmichaelxi have xfce installed on this box, but have not tried to add that applet11:53
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ChuckHey guys, does anybody know how to rip dvds?11:54
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ChuckI used acidrip, but wont work at all.11:55
DaSkreechk3b :-)11:55
ChuckIs it possible to encode them?11:55
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DaSkreechNever tired though I should11:56
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coreymon77can someone help me get my sound working?11:57
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Chuckwhats wrong?11:58
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sorush20my dvd play back is a bit fuzzy how can I increase the quality please?12:00
sorush20I'm using a real dvd and xine engine with kaffine12:00
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micmacsorush20, what video out driver are you using?12:01
micmacIs the source interlaced? Try hitting 'i' during playback in case it is.12:02
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sorush20I put it on auto12:03
AtKaaZdoes anyone know what causes console blanking in console text only mode? (not in X)12:03
micmacAtKaaZ, you want it to blank?12:04
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coreymon77chuck: i dont really know what is wrong my sound just isnt working12:04
sorush20micmac: should I do interlace12:04
AtKaaZmicmac: i want it to stop blanking :)12:04
micmacsorush20, if it's interlaced you need to deinterlace12:04
micmacAtKaaZ, try 'setterm -powersave off'12:05
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AtKaaZmicmac: all right! thanks so much12:05
micmacnp, hope it works12:05
AtKaaZme too12:05
sorush20it seems like I can see the frames and its not fast enough..12:05
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micmacsorush20, is it better when you set the video out driver to 'xv' instead of 'auto'12:06
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sorush20it is still fuzzy and I can see the edges of the pics and fuzzy..12:06
micmacsorush20, try another player. mplayer for instance.12:07
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sorush20micmac: don't know how to describe it.12:07
clamsfor nvidia cards, you need a driver for kubuntu, correct?12:07
micmacsorush20, I thought so :)12:07
DaSkreechWhere can I find the Rich text option in kopete?12:08
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rioux602can someone help me with samba ?12:09
rioux602i don't know how to configure it..12:10
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rioux602I already tried some tutos.12:10
micmacrioux602, take a look at the sample smb.conf12:10
rioux602yes but I can't edit it12:10
micmacrioux602, you need to sudo12:10
rioux602i did12:10
rioux602sudo -e smb.conf ?12:11
echo1anyone know the link for the forum post "$80 router to $800 router" (its baout hacked router firmware, for MORE than jsut the linksys wrtg54)12:11
echo1i searched but cant seem to find it12:11

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