
seb128does that makes sense to you?12:08
Keybuktry changing the exec line to12:08
Keybukexec >/tmp/rc2.log 2>&112:08
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ogradoes anyone know if port 1337 is used by anything ? 12:09
jdong_ogra: oh boy... why?12:09
seb128Keybuk: and then? start rc2?12:10
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pygiogra, I don't think so12:10
jdong_ogra: I've used it on occasion for the coolness factor... but nothing that I know actually uses it12:10
ografor fun... i'm looking for a funny portnumber (only for internal usage)12:10
seb128Keybuk: same log12:10
jdong_ogra: it is said to be bad luck to run your daemon on 1337 :)12:10
ograwell, its likely that many people will occasionally use it i guess12:10
ograpfft, bad luck ...12:11
Keybukseb128: ok12:11
Keybukseb128: change the exec /etc/init.d/rc 2 to exec sh -x /etc/init.d/rc 212:11
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seb128Keybuk: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2268012:13
Keybukseb128: errrrrrr12:15
Keybukcould you ls /etc/rc2.d for me12:15
seb128$ ls /etc/rc2.d12:16
_ionYou think so?12:16
seb128something nuked /etc/rcn.d12:17
Keybukseb128: all of them?12:17
jdong_quick! blame it on slomo's dbus upload!12:17
jdong_oh boy12:17
seb128rcS.d is still populated12:18
jdong_I see someone reaching for a install cd soon.... :)12:18
Keybukno postinst/rm that I can find does that12:18
_ionDoes the README say "ha ha, got you"?12:18
Kamionseb128: did you have initscripts uninstalled at any point?12:19
Kamionseb128: if so, did you perchance purge it?12:19
KeybukKamion: why would initscripts uninstall everything?12:19
Keybukeven gdm12:19
Kamionoh, true, it wouldn't nuke the lot ...12:19
seb128Kamion: I don't think so12:19
elmo/var/log/dpkg.log should tell you?12:19
seb128nothing today12:20
zyg1eh, my primary disk is starting to die according to smartctl :/12:21
ajmitchzyg1: that's why you need RAID12:21
ajmitcha chance to frantically scramble to replace the disk12:22
Keybukseb128: what have you installed since you last booted?12:22
zyg1ajmitch: not untill ubuntu installer allows me to make one without thinking (for /)12:22
seb128tonight, libssl0.9.8 liboobs-1-1 powernowd12:22
ajmitchzyg1: worked ok for me with the alternate cd (separate /boot)12:22
seb128and I was upgrading gnome-system-tools12:23
zyg1ajmitch: what I actually want is a flash disk of about 10GB that's comparable in price with 250GB of spinning metal12:23
seb128none of them looks like they are doing some weird thing12:23
zyg1ajmitch: I will try though, I'm getting sick of failing disks, that's the third one this month12:24
ograare the keymaps settings in xorg broken currently ? 12:24
Keybukseb128: when did you install upstart?12:24
jdong_zyg1: have you had any seagates fail on you yet?12:25
jdong_zyg1: it's about the only brand that's been nice to me12:25
seb128Keybuk: after that my system had issues to reboot, I figured I might have been in a middle of an upstart upgrade because I didn't have ubuntu-minimal installed12:25
seb128so I would not blame it12:25
Keybukno, I'm just trying to ascertain what you managed to uninstall by accident :p12:25
ograpitti, are you able to use setxkbmap on an up to date edgy ? 12:25
zyg1jdong_: the one failing just now is a segate 12:26
KeybukI know I definitely didn't put any "if user == seb, delete all his rc symlinks" code in there12:26
zyg1no kidding12:26
ograi only get "couldn't interpret _XKB_RULES_NAMES property"12:26
jdong_zyg1: wow... never mind then... I was gonna tell you to run away from maxtor.... ;)12:26
Keybuk(but not the README, which is quite special ... that takes extra-perverse coding)12:26
zyg1jdong_: why is flash so mp3like and not server like, eh :/12:27
jdong_zyg1: because it's so expensive-like? :)12:27
jdong_zyg1: and I honestly question if it's any more stable12:27
jdong_zyg1: I've seen CF cards die on me before12:27
zyg1jdong_: but if hard disks were shiny and came with earphones I'm sure people would buy them... oh wait!12:28
jdong_we kind of abuse them on our robotics team... IO-intensive workloads off a sandisk 128MB CF card12:28
zyg1jdong_: yeah but they don't fail being read (as my server actually does)12:28
jdong_so flash isn't the answer :-/12:28
elmoKeybuk: it's notably the only file in there (as opposed to a symlink) so not that perverse12:28
gnomefreakis there a chance of seeing mozilla-thunderbird 2.0 to match ff in edgy?12:28
jdong_I find it interesting that rcS.d was unaffected12:29
zyg1heh, I heard a story today: one of our customers was apparently sent a development device that was .... continously updating the flash (for testing purposes) for the past ..... YEAR12:29
Keybukelmo: I could understand rm /etc/rc[0-6.d/*12:29
Keybukor even rm -rf /etc/rc[0-6] .d12:29
Keybukbut deliberately iterating symlinks and removing just those ... perverse12:29
Keybukseb128: you have things in /etc/init.d still, yes12:29
zyg1jdong_: IMHO flash is more reliable than spinning disk, especially for rare writes as in this case12:29
Keybukand you didn't run any of the Debian "re-order my rc.d" crap? :p12:29
zyg1Keybuk: lol12:30
seb128Keybuk: /etc/init.d looks complete12:30
KeybukPIMP MY RC.D12:30
_ionrm /etc/rc[0-6] .d/*(@) (zsh)12:30
seb128Keybuk: ARG12:30
seb128Keybuk: thank you12:30
Keybukseb128: ARG? :p12:30
seb128Keybuk: I tried the new services-admin from g-s-t update12:30
KeybukI. See.12:30
seb128but didn't do anything with it12:30
seb128just opened and closed12:30
jdong_seb128: that could've done it...12:30
Keybukclearly it did things to you in revenge :p12:31
Keybukdid you ship it in edgy?12:31
pittiogra: yes, works fine12:31
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=== jdong_ version controls his /etc
elmoaww man12:32
elmowe can't blame this on Scott?12:32
elmodamn it12:32
Hobbseeelmo: blame him anyway :D12:32
KeybukI thought we were blaming slomo for everything this week?12:32
Hobbseeelmo: dont get caught up in minor details on whether it's his fault or not.  blame him anyway.12:32
HobbseeKeybuk: no, that was last week.12:32
Hobbseeand the weeks suddenly started on wednesdays.12:33
jdong_if upstart knew how to start the system without sysv scripts, seb128 would still be booting fine. Thus, scott is to blame.12:33
_ionpitti just went offline, so why not simply blame him?12:33
seb128Keybuk: sorry for making you loose time on that, thank you for the help figuring we should really not ship that services-admin :p12:33
=== gnomefreak havent gotten to slomo about it yet but he was right it wasnt dbus it was having more than 1 set of drivers :(
ajmitchKeybuk: might as well, he broke f-spot for me with dbus :)12:33
jdong_hmm, should I try services-admin for fun?12:33
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=== jdong_ backs up his /etc twice
Keybukthree times12:34
Keybukand don't use sbackup :p12:34
Keybukor whatever that thing was12:34
ograits broken by upstart i heard :)12:35
ograwies your system etc :P12:35
_ionI started services-admin and quit it, rc*.d are fine.12:35
Keybukseeing as I'm not to blame12:35
KeybukI'm going :)12:35
jdong_likewise, it didnt nuke my rc*.d12:36
seb128that's services-admin to blame12:38
=== seb128 is having a nice discussion with upstream
ograits probably a bit risky to ship such tools in edgy with upstart ...12:39
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jdong_well, not having a services-admin type of tool kind of sucks, too12:40
jdong_has anyone managed to reproduce this?12:40
ograright, but breaking your system because it cant cope with the new initsystem is more evil12:40
seb128jdong_: I've not uploaded the new version yet12:41
zyg1hmm, do you guys think that this is a bug in python: "".split() != "".split(',')12:41
jdong_seb128: ah, I see12:41
seb128and I'll not 12:41
jdong_weirdly the Kubuntu services program deals with upstart just fine12:42
ograso should services-admin12:42
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Kamionogra: what's the state of ltsp-dhcpd-autogeneration?12:45
Kamionit's the only Essential spec, and isn't done12:45
wasabiHas any consideration (maybe a bit odd) been given to using the ideas pioneered by upstart for the desktop itself?12:46
ograKamion, right, working on it ... let me finish login and session handling 12:46
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wasabiMaybe dbus covers it. But, imagine upstart starting per-user when you log in, and replacing gnome-session (or parts of it)12:46
zyg1wasabi: huh?12:46
shackanargh, dbus12:46
_ionwasabi: Well, upstart is going to support per-user services, but not in edgy.12:47
wasabijsut cron-like stuff.12:48
wasabinot attached to a particular X session12:48
_ionWell, i don't see anything that prevents one from implementing something like that. It hasn't really been planned AFAIK.12:49
ograKamion, ltsp-dhcpd-autogeneration will be basically done tomorrow evening ... its the last one i have left and i have the full day tomorrow for it ...12:49
_ionBut X session management seems to be a bit out of scope for upstart.12:50
Kamionogra: ok, please make sure that gets done; I am available for code review tomorrow, and indeed I'd like to see its state12:51
Kamionogra: since it's Started, how much of the code is in place?12:51
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ograKamion, i have script pieces that determine a possible free NIC and echo an entry for it to /etc/network/interfaces ... the rest is debconf template and value stuff i'll have to write tomorrow i havent looked into it this week yet since i'm nearly done with the login/session spec and want to finish it first12:56
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Kamionogra: ok, expect mdz to be asking about the status when he gets back tomorrow12:56
Kamionjust by way of incentive :)12:57
ograi do :)12:57
ograbut i have the full day for it so i'm not really worried ...12:57
KamionI'm worried about everything that's not completed yet12:58
ograand its really some trivial shell scripting only ... the bigger part for me is the debconf stuff ... i do this kind of things to rarely12:58
BurgworkKamion, I think that is part of your job12:58
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Kamionogra: hence my offer of code review, since I do debconf hacking all the time01:02
ograi know01:02
ograbut i'm not on that part yet 01:02
ograi'll get up very early i hope i can show you something around noon ...01:03
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ogra<- short break01:04
Kamionogra: thank you01:05
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KamionMithrandir: should live-cd-write-as-you-go be deferred now?01:06
KamionRiddell: is kubuntu-accessibility just blocking on me doing the cdimage/gfxboot glue, or is there more to it?01:07
RiddellKamion: it's blocking on me sending the casper changes to Mithrandir, which I plan to do in an hour or so01:08
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Kamionmvo_: is cdrom-based-dist-upgrades "beta available" (or more) now?01:10
mvo_Kamion: it is beta-available now, yes. I will update it01:11
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Kamionzul: what's the state of xen-edgy?01:12
Kamionzul: you wrote in the status whiteboard "zulcss 2006-08-16: Testing has begun on x86 amd64 still blocked on the builds" but I don't understand what blockage exactly you mean01:13
Burgworkwelshbyte, you need to talk to sivang about python-based backup software01:14
welshbyteBurgwork: yeah i'm planning to look into hubackup, it looks cool01:15
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Burgworkwelshbyte, given google has now funded 3 seperate backup projects, all written in python01:15
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welshbyteBurgwork: yeah i guess it does duplicate work and spread the skill thin01:20
Burgworkwelshbyte, you should talk with the author of system-config-backup (this years effort, being done by Fedora)01:22
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Burgworkbackpack was last years Fedora and sbackup was last years Ubuntu01:22
welshbyteBurgwork: yeah i took over last year's fedora one01:23
welshbytenot that i use fedora much...01:23
BurgworkI am forced to use it at work01:23
welshbytemy computer society uses it01:25
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welshbytedespite my best efforts to get them to switch the desktops to ubuntu 01:25
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Burgworkyou need to provide them with something that is clearly better than Fedora01:28
pygiBurgwork, crack fedora boxes :P01:29
welshbytewell i'll keep pushing for it while i still hold sway on the exec committee01:30
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BenCanyone know why a new debhelper would be breaking kernel compiles?02:46
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BenCdh_strip debug symbol extraction: using obsolete debhelper compat mode 102:46
BenCDirectory debian/tmp-headers does not exist, aborting02:46
BenCthat's how things are all of the sudden failing02:46
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KamionMithrandir: ok, I've got as far as getting "These keymaps appear to be indistinguishable" errors out of gen_keymap, so now it's just a matter of pruning keymaps from the tree until the result is sensible.03:25
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bluefoxicyYou know what would be cool?03:41
bluefoxicyHuman as a dynamic theme.  Draw the buttons using a little random data to introduce slight, organic-looking variation.  :)03:41
bluefoxicy(I have been waiting for this since the slashdot on wobbly windows and other such experimental cruft, but no dice)03:42
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theCoredoes Ctrl-Shift+[Unicode]  has been removed from GNOME?04:06
grexktheCore: dapper? nope04:20
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desrt"If you hope some day to look back on your career and feel that it has contributed to the growth of a good and free society, you need to make your software free." -- FSF05:40
infinityYeah, I take warm fuzzies in exchange for pay.05:42
infinitySure, it doesn't pay the rent, but boy do I feel good about myself.05:42
infinityAlso, I'm so very, very hungry.05:42
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desrtprograms that display the GPL when you install them and force you to "agree" are really dumb05:43
infinityVery, very dumb, since it's not an EULA, it's a distribution license.05:43
LaserJockI've noticed a lot of those on OS X apps05:43
infinityWindows stuff, too.05:44
infinityPeople who write free software for proprietary operating systems don't seem to "get" the license.05:44
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desrtEULAs are really suspicious to me05:44
infinityTo be fair, people who write free software for Linux/BSD probably don't "get it" a lot of the time too, but we have enough people willing to hunt them down and explain it to them.05:44
desrtif someone has sold you the software on the CD then you own that CD05:45
desrtyou own a copy of their work.  period.05:45
desrtyou can do with it as you like as long as you don't violate their copyright05:45
Fujitsu_Said copy of their work is /licensed/ to you.05:45
Fujitsu_Not owned by you.05:45
desrt(or any other applicable laws)05:45
desrtFujitsu_; that's BS.05:45
Fujitsu_That's what the licenses say.05:45
desrtthey might want you to think that05:45
desrtbut it's BS05:45
desrtthat's like somone adding a note to the back of a cd saying "the music on this cd is licensed to you.  the license says we can take the cd away whenever we want."05:46
desrtit's clearly batty05:46
Fujitsu_That's life.05:48
desrtyes.  companies thinking that they have rights which they actually don't is life indeed05:49
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Amaranthmjg59: Adding "nvidia" to MODULES in /etc/default/acpi-support seems to make hibernate work on my HP in edgy, thought you might like to know.06:24
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dholbachgood morning08:19
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=== hunger sighs. Somehow this upstart thing managed to sneak into my system again during the last upgrade I did.
Burgundaviahunger: it is now installed by default08:58
hungerBurgundavia: I noticed:-(08:59
hungerBurgundavia: Does it actually work for somebody?08:59
Burgundaviayou must jsut have interesting software08:59
hungerBurgundavia: It does not bring up the consoles to log in which is pretty annoying.09:00
hungerBurgundavia: That it fails to mount up encrypted devices is much more annoying though.09:01
Burgundaviafile bugs09:01
hungerBurgundavia: I did.09:01
Burgundaviait is early days yet09:01
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hungerBurgundavia: The first version I tested worked better than the 0.2.x :-|09:03
BurgundaviaI am most definitely not hte person to talk to about that09:03
hungerBurgundavia: You are right, I'll stop bitching.09:03
pittiGood morning09:04
dholbachheya pitti!09:04
hungerBurgundavia: Sorry.09:04
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hungerpitti: Hi.09:04
jdubhunger: this is edgy.09:04
Burgundaviahunger: no worries09:05
jdubhunger: we have to do *something* edgy.09:05
BurgundaviaI also understand that Keybuk accepts patches09:05
Burgundaviajdub: we should have done smart09:05
hungerjdub: Yeap. Do it!09:05
Burgundaviaand why does Mark have gustavo squirrlled away right a freaking management client?09:05
hungerjdub: But of course you are evil if you do something that breaks my system:-)09:05
=== pitti hugs dholbach and hunger
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dholbachBurgundavia: ah! you volunteer to port all the stuff to smart and hack apt features into it! :)09:07
Burgundaviadholbach: no, but isn't that what mark is paying all those smart dpkg people todo?;)09:08
jdubBurgundavia: you know, that whole "making money to ensure that canonical can continue with this whole ubuntu racket"09:08
Burgundaviayes, but anybody can write a freaking managment server. AFter all, the clowns at my company did it09:08
dholbachBurgundavia: what do the dpkg people have to do with smart?09:09
Burgundaviathey write package management software09:09
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Hobbseehi pitti 09:10
pittihey Hobbsee 09:10
Hobbseepitti: my laptop is dying :(  i'm not happy09:10
jdubBurgundavia: who is the best person to put on a money earning project - "just anybody" or "fucking brilliant"?09:11
lifelessfucking awesome09:12
jdublifeless: THAT WAS NOT IN THE LIST09:13
lifelessjdub: I'm a radical man09:13
=== lifeless breaks
lifelessShe canna take it captain!09:14
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jdubelmo: ping10:08
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carlosKamion: you owe me some .po files for debian-installer ;-)10:30
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Kamioncarlos: did you do the dapper import?10:40
KamionIIRC I was leaving the files there for you deliberately10:40
carlosKamion: no, are the files in place?10:40
Kamioncarlos: yes, they were last time we talked as well10:40
carlossorry, I thought you were going to ping me...10:40
carloslet me do it10:40
Kamioncarlos: ok, I've archived them to http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/installer-po-dapper/10:40
Kamionplease use that, and I'll point /installer-po/ at edgy10:41
ograhmm, is there a way to excude my package from a dbgsym build ? 10:43
ograi surely dont need that for ltsp10:43
pittiogra: yes, there is10:43
ograpitti, how ? 10:43
pittiogra: NO_PKG_MANGLE=110:43
ograin rules ?10:44
pittiogra: does it hurt to built with debug symbols?10:44
ograwell, its wasted energy 10:44
pittiogra: yes, in debian/rules10:44
pittiogra: pah, the buildds can cope :)10:44
ograi dont have anythin in it that could have debug symbols10:44
pittiogra: oh, if there are no ELF files at all, then there won't be dbgsym packages anyway10:45
ogra(its only a bunch of scripts)10:45
pittiif there are, that's a bug I need to fix10:45
ograi just saw the attempt in the log10:45
ogradpkg-deb: building package `ltsp-client-dbgsym' in `../ltsp-client-dbgsym_0.99_amd64.ddeb'.10:45
ograthere is this 10 line c proggy that maps printers to port 9200 mdz imported from ltsp.org10:46
ograso there is an ELF file :)10:46
pittiogra: getltscfg and lp_server perhaps/10:46
ograi'll add the rules option10:46
pittias you wish10:47
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jdub"Elmo loves wasabi. That's why Elmo has no eyelids."10:49
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ograis there something wrong with the i386 buildd ? 10:53
ograi wonder why my ltsp package from 7h ago is still pending10:53
ograinfinity ^^^ ?10:53
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Fujitsuogra, KDE stuff is taking its time.10:56
FujitsuI've got 3 builds waiting, about to be 4.10:56
ograwell ...10:56
FujitsuIt's off KDE stuff now, but it'll take a while to get rid of the backlog.10:57
ogra7h is quite some delay10:57
FujitsuIt is.10:57
FujitsuWe need a seperate lot of buildds for KDE! They block everything else by many hours...10:59
infinityogra: Before KDE, both i386 buildds were stuck on OpenOffice builds for more than 10 hours.  Blame doko.11:01
ograinfinity, thanks ... i would have blamed him anyway for fun ... :)11:02
=== ogra blames doko
FujitsuWhy's i386 always doing so much?11:02
pittiFujitsu: it additionally has to build all the arch:all packages11:02
ograbecause it builds all these arch all packages probably ...11:02
FujitsuThat's very silly.11:02
FujitsuHas somebody considered fixing that behaviour?11:02
infinityFujitsu: Two reasons.  1) i386 builds the "arch:all" packages.  This isn't normally a big deal, except for openoffice.org-l10n, and 2) More stuff builds successfully on i386 than anywhere else.11:03
ograwe could also drop all arch:all packages :P11:03
FujitsuTrue, infinity.11:03
pittiinfinity: 1) langpacks :)11:03
dokoinfinity: just the dapper builds, the edgy builds are coming ...11:03
infinitypitti: langpacks aren't a big deal, since they're individually quite small, so they don't cause the 10+ hour delay that ooo-l10n does.11:03
ograas long as you let some packages through inbetween thats fine doko 11:04
dokothe buildd's are idling around now ...11:04
ograyay, it built ...11:04
infinitydoko: i386 isn't.  It's still catching up. :)11:05
infinityAnyhow, this will sort of resolve itself if and when -security builds move to soyuz, since we'll have 3 buildds of each arch again, and we rarely have a 3-package blockage.11:06
infinityWell, except on doko's uploading day.  But still.11:06
FujitsuAh, I thought there were 3 each at some point...11:06
=== Kamion sighs at the slowness of keymapper, and adds an interactive mode
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FujitsuOh great. vernadsky's back onto kdeutils...11:17
FujitsuAnd rothera's still on kdemultimedia... KDE is TOO big!11:18
ograseb128, would you mind to take a look at http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/scp-integration.patch ? its written by cbx33 and afaik ok with vuntz to add to our package11:19
ogra(its for pessulus)11:20
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seb128ogra: yeah, cbx33 already talked with me about it yesterday evening11:20
ograah, k11:20
seb128ogra: I'll do that when I'm done with GNOME 2.16.0, the g-s-t update with some patches and the a11y patches I said I would look at next11:20
seb128ogra: ie: probably this afternoon11:21
ograi'm just trying to sort his packages 11:21
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vuntzseb128, ogra: fwiw, I didn't review the patch, but what cbx33 told me looked reasonable11:28
carlospitti: btw, I removed the .pot exports from language packs11:28
seb128vuntz: ok, thank you11:28
pitticarlos: ok; I don't need them any more11:28
seb128vuntz: don't forget about the SoC review for peter11:28
carlospitti: I think you told me that you don't need them anymore now that we only use Rosetta for language packs11:28
vuntzseb128: I'm not forgetting it :-)11:28
ograwasnt the deadline yesterday ? 11:29
seb128vuntz: gut ;)11:29
seb128ogra: no, tomorrow11:29
ogradamned and i already reviewed him ... 11:29
ogranow he will slack the last two days ...11:29
pygiogra, I also thought it was yesterday :P11:30
=== ogra gets more coffee ...
seb128"September 8, 2006:11:32
seb128- All mentor and student evaluations due by 08:00 Pacific Daylight Time"11:32
seb128according to http://code.google.com/soc/mentorfaq.html#timeline11:32
seb128Mithrandir: around?11:37
seb128Mithrandir: have you planned to look at xkeyboard-config from Debian?11:38
seb128Mithrandir: Denis Barbier did almost 10 uploads in a month, probably a bunch of good changes that could be useful to have11:39
Mithrandirseb128: hiya.11:39
Mithrandirseb128: I keep meaning to merge stuff from there, yes.  ENOTIME so far..11:39
seb128just pointing it in case you didn't notice11:39
Mithrandirseb128: but yeah, I should probably look at their changes and merge in some of it.11:39
seb128cool, thank you11:39
janimodoko: hi, should all python packages have an __init__.py? It's not clear to me when reading the policy. The package I am making is a single importable .so w/o .py files upstream, is it worth using python-central?11:43
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dokojanimo: no, it's not required, but the extension should be built for all supported python versions.11:44
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cbx33ping seb128 11:45
seb128cbx33: pong11:45
cbx33seb128: you interesting in seeing that pessulus update?11:46
seb128<seb128> ogra: I'll do that when I'm done with GNOME 2.16.0, the g-s-t update with some patches and the a11y patches I said I would look at next11:46
seb128 ogra: ie: probably this afternoon11:46
seb128cbx33: that's the reply to ogra who already asked about like half an hour ago11:46
cbx33thanks ogra 11:46
seb128cbx33: please open a bug on pessulus with the patch11:47
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cbx33will do11:47
seb128thank you11:47
seb128hey Keybuk11:47
cbx33seb128: I have repackaged 11:47
cbx33and have the diff.tar.gz11:47
ogramjg59, the glowing of my consoles is gone since the last upgrade, but now i have stripes and no chars there ...11:48
janimodoko: can I just assume that only current is supported or should I make 2.3 and 2.4 packages too?11:49
cbx33anyone know why this http://progbox.co.uk/scp/non-root-scp-client won't run from a launcher....if I run on terminal it's fine...and also run from launcher "in terminal"11:50
cbx33can anyone help me out...what have I done wrong11:50
StevenKcbx33: It won't get a terminal by default.11:50
dokojanimo: pyversions --supported gives yo the answer11:50
cbx33I don;t want it to have a terminal11:50
cbx33I just want it to run in the background11:50
cbx33as a process11:50
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janimodoko: thanks11:51
ogracbx33, you should mention that you want it started from xdg/autostart11:51
cbx33ogra: it doesn't work from a normal launcher either11:51
ograbtw, why dont you start it from /etc/X11/Xsession.d ?11:52
ogra(i think the spec says that but i'm not sure)11:52
cbx33ok I'll check11:53
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ograwith a number above 75 ...11:54
ogra(since you need dbus)11:54
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ograhmm, no rodarvus ...11:54
cbx33I was hoping to speak to him too11:55
ogradoes anybody have an idea why i have stuff like 90x11-common_ssh-agent, 90xorg-common_ssh-agent, 99xorg-common_start and 99x11-common_start in that dir ? 11:55
ograthey are identical scripts11:55
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gnomefreakmjg59: are you around?11:56
ograone from xinit and the other from x11-common11:56
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Kamionold conffiles that haven't been purged, maybe?12:01
ograwell, dpkg -S shows them to belong to the packages ..12:01
ogrado we really have conffiles in .d dirs ? 12:01
Mithrandirogra: because x11-common hasn't cleaned them up.  It should, really.12:01
Mithrandirogra: they don't do any harm, though12:01
Mithrandir(apart from wasting 0.1s of your precious login time)12:02
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ograright, i was just wondering since i had to poke around in that dir a lot yesterday12:02
ograand it looked a bit weird12:02
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cbx33ogra, just fyi, the X11 didn't work either.  :S12:14
ograbut its the right place for it ...12:15
cbx33I'll move it to there12:15
cbx33and figure out why it's not working12:15
ograif you put it in autostart only desktops that use xdg will be able to use it12:15
cbx33pygi can't see a problem with it12:16
cbx33ahhh. ok thanks ogra 12:16
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janimowhen adding an ubuntu chaneg to a native debian package do I just append ubuntu1 to the current one?12:17
cbx33ogra: I found the problem12:18
cbx33working on a fix now12:18
ograjanimo, yes12:18
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janimoogra: thanks12:24
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cbx33ogra: FIXED !12:33
cbx33rebuilding package now12:33
cbx33will have to post it when I get home12:33
cbx33will finish up MIR :D12:33
ogradont forget to update the changelog entry12:33
cbx33so pleased that it's fixed, that was doing my nut - of course not12:33
ograbest is to pull the package from universe now12:33
cbx33ogra: is this now 0.5 ?12:33
pygicbx33, it's still 0.4 I would say :)12:33
ograwill be, yes12:34
pygioh, 0.5 :)12:34
ograsince its a native package12:34
cbx33oh right12:34
cbx33ok 0.512:34
ograno need for the ubuntuX 12:34
cbx33sorry ogra thought you were agreeing with pygi12:34
ograbut base on the package from universe12:34
cbx33of course12:34
cbx33I always do12:34
ograi made two very minor changes to yours12:34
cbx33ok. I'll check them out12:34
ogra(your package still had the edgy distro, and didnt have the updated grep string for the userlist set)12:35
cbx33ah 12:35
cbx33thanks ogra 12:35
cbx33you're a start...really !12:35
ograme ? 12:35
ograwho did all the wokr ? 12:35
=== Keybuk muses over his specs
ogra*work 12:35
ograthat wasnt me :)12:36
ograyoure the awesome guy here ... dont hide your credits ;)12:36
cbx33Keybuk: too many, too little time?12:36
cbx33ogra: it's funny in other communities, I've tried to show people what I've done and been told no one cares.....but here I get told to show off more :p12:36
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cbx33thanks for the encouragement ogra 12:36
ograthaks for all the hard work :)12:37
ogra*thanks too12:37
Keybukcbx33: trying to decide whether to try and complete anything else before FF12:37
cbx33do you want me to use 0.4 or 0.4112:37
cbx33Keybuk: I know that feeling...on a much smaller scale12:37
Fadeis anybody else experience a serious crash in xemacs, and a similar non-crashing bug in emacs?12:37
KeybukI could try and port some of initscripts to upstart, but that runs the risk of dropping support for md/lvm/evms/etc.12:37
Fadeon edgy12:37
cbx330.5 or 0.41 as it's just a tiny change?12:37
Keybukthat may be considered bad12:37
ogracbx33, as you like :)12:37
ograi consider it more your package than mine already ;)12:38
MithrandirFade: can you see if you still see that problem in a couple of hours?  I just uploaded a fix for Xlib which I believe might be the cause of some emacs problems.12:38
ograso feel free to make the decidions12:38
ajmitchKeybuk: yes, I like being able to boot12:38
cbx33heh, ogra you da man !12:38
FadeMithrandir: that would be awesome.12:38
Keybukajmitch: don't suppose you could send me your /var/log/udev ?12:39
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ajmitchKeybuk: sure, one for LVM on RAID, or just LVM?12:39
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Fadethe c stack trace seems to indicate xlib12:40
MithrandirFade: once you have libx11-6 2:1.0.3-0ubuntu3 installed, try to reproduce and if you can, it was something else, if not, yay. :-)12:40
=== Fade nods
Fadethis is my report with traces on the xemacs package: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/xemacs21/+bug/5885612:40
UbugtuMalone bug 58856 in xemacs21 "xemacs segfaults on edgy powerpc system" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  12:40
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gnomefreakKeybuk: you gonna be around for a little while?12:41
KamionMithrandir: should live-cd-write-as-you-go be deferred?12:41
ajmitchKeybuk: http://ajmitch.dyndns.org/~ajmitch/udev.lvm has output from my laptop using LVM12:41
Keybukajmitch: either, both12:41
Keybukgnomefreak: umm, why?12:41
gnomefreakdoes upstart affect tty's?12:41
gnomefreakor can12:41
Keybuk"affect" ?12:41
gnomefreakblinking curser on all tty's12:42
MithrandirKamion: yes, I'll mark it so now.12:42
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FujitsuMy tty1 went missing, but my others are fine.12:42
Keybukgnomefreak: I've had a report of that12:42
gnomefreakok cool12:42
KeybukFujitsu: is it still missing?12:42
MithrandirKamion: can we have the health check reports say how oversized any images are when they are?12:42
FujitsuKeybuk, yes, I last upgraded yesterday...12:42
KeybukFujitsu: ok, what happens if you reboot without "splash" on the kernel command-line12:42
ajmitchKeybuk: http://ajmitch.dyndns.org/~ajmitch/udev.lvm_raid has output from my desktop box12:42
FujitsuI'll try that in a couple of minutes, Keybuk.12:43
Keybukajmitch: what does your laptop mount as root= ?12:43
ajmitchworks fine at the moment with upstart12:44
Keybukthat's because upstart isn't do anything special at the moment12:44
Keybukif we changed the filesystem mounting to be event-based, yours would fail, because LVM is still in the dark ages and doesn't use udev12:44
ajmitchgreat :)12:44
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Keybukwhat does your desktop mount as root=?12:45
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=== ajmitch checks
cbx33ogra: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionStudentControlPanel does that look better now?12:47
ajmitchit's been awhile since it was rebooted12:47
ajmitchah, it's using UUIDs12:47
ajmitchhowever it may not have been rebooted since that change was made :)12:48
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fabbioneajmitch: you can check with /proc/cmdline or something like that12:48
fabbioneit will tell you the options passed to the kernel12:48
fabbioneincluding root=12:48
=== fabbione vanishes again
Keybukyeah, would have the same problem then12:51
KeybukI think the right thing to do here is to make an edgy+1 goal of "ReplacementInitscripts" and have more time to spend on it12:51
Keybukand include in that spec that dev-mapper and mdadm must be made to work with udev12:51
Keybukgiven a couple of months, that's definitely possible, which it isn't in a couple of days12:52
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KamionMithrandir: good idea; done for the next check01:01
KeybukKamion: do you think that's sane?  defer that work to edgy+1 so we can spend more time on it?01:02
=== Hagbarddenstore [n=hagbardd@81-235-254-217-no24.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
peterzare you guys aware current edgy fails to build uml kernels?01:03
KamionKeybuk: boot-message-logging isn't possible without replacement-initscripts?01:03
KeybukKamion: not sure yet, evaluating that now01:03
KamionKeybuk: I agree though, there was always going to be some part that got deferred and AIUI it was always going to be serious initscript conversion01:03
Kamionit's a shame that we can't fix fstab handling in edgy, but there you go01:04
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KeybukKamion: we could fix it for the common/sensible case of people just using partitions and ordinary filesystems ... but at the cost of dropping support for the "exciting" ones01:04
KeybukI'm sure somebody would suggest that edgy is a good time to do that temporarily, while dapper is still out01:05
elmoerr, what?01:05
Keybukbut I think that it'd be better to work it out so we have a very easy, step-by-step plan for edgy+1 instead01:05
=== pygi nods
elmokeybuk: are you seriously suggesting we drop support for root sw-raid?01:05
Keybukelmo: no, I'm suggesting seriously that we be more conservative and *don't* drop support for it, at the cost of deferring part of a spec01:06
elmoKeybuk: ok, but please don't refer to root sw-raid as either uncommon, not sensible or "exciting", as I really don't think it's any of those01:07
Keybukelmo: ok, "crufty" ? :p01:07
Keybuk"poorly maintained" ?01:07
KamionMithrandir: believe it or not I'm *still* running gen_keymap01:08
madduckKeybuk: poorly maintained?01:09
elmoKeybuk: poorly maintained in ubuntu maybe, but that just reinforces my fears about ubuntu on servers :-p01:09
MithrandirKamion: sheesh, that's a bit excessive.01:09
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Keybukand poorly maintained upstream ... given none of these systems have been updated to expose their block devices correctly, despite this changing a couple of years ago in the kernel01:10
elmoyeah, because udev is such a shining beacon of good maintenance *snort*01:11
madduckKeybuk: i am trying... http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-mdadm-devel/2006-August/000859.html01:11
madduckKeybuk: as of right now, mdadm and udev/lvm work fine together, at least in Debian.01:11
Kamionhmm, gen_keymap wants me to pick one of Bosnia/Herzegovina, Croatia, and Slovenia unicode keymaps as the default for that set of branches in the decision tree. Which is least likely to get me assassinated?01:11
pygiKamion, Croatia01:12
pygiI can help you there :)01:12
madduckubuntu should really upgrade mdadm and *not* ship 2.4.1 i think.01:12
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Keybukelmo: *shrug* they're a bit prone to dropping backwards compatibility01:12
madduckKeybuk: apart, what's poor about upstream?01:12
MithrandirKamion: iirc, they're the same so it doesn't really matter.  We might want to default to the first, alphabetically.01:12
KamionMithrandir: they're sufficiently close that gen_keymap can't tell them apart, anyway01:13
Keybukmadduck: "apart" ?  that's all I've mentioned01:13
Kamionhmm, yes, they're all "include cs(latinunicode)"01:13
pygiKamion, /me really suggests Croatian :P01:13
madduckKeybuk: apart from my suggestion to upgrade01:13
Keybukmadduck: you make no sense01:14
KamionI'll pick cs:latinunicode if it lets me, since that's the structure of the X keymaps01:14
Kamionpygi: biased opinions don't count :)01:14
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pygiKamion, ergh! :P01:14
madduckKeybuk: let's not get hung up on english, okay?01:14
madduckKeybuk: what's poor about mdadm upstream?01:14
elmomadduck: we're way past UVF - what would upgrading mdadm now give us?  it certainly wouldn't fix the problem we're discussing (upstart and root sw-raid/dm)01:14
Keybukmadduck: the fact that even after two years, they've not updated their code to work properly with udev/driver-core01:15
Keybuk(ah, I believe we've reached the beginning of this conversation)01:15
pittirodarvus: is there a gitweb of x.org?01:15
madduckelmo: ok. tbh, the changelog is a couple of hundred lines.01:16
madduckelmo: i would not touch 2.4.1 with a stick anymore.01:16
madduckKeybuk: as said, i am working on it.01:17
pittirodarvus: nevermind, got it01:17
Keybukmadduck: indeed01:17
KeybukI never said you weren't :p01:17
Keybukand I even said I'd work on the other things to make sure they're all fluffy01:18
Keybukjust not in 48 hours :p01:18
KeybukPUT YOUR KNEES AWAY! :p01:18
rodarvuspitti, yes, http://gitweb.freedesktop.org/01:18
rodarvus(/me should read all backlog before typing stuff :) )01:18
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ans-torIs there any packages in debian that doesn't exist in ubuntu?01:22
Keybuk"plenty" ?01:23
Keybukit's about 15-20 iirc01:23
Kamionyes, for three reasons: (1) we're past upstream version freeze and new packages have been introduced in Debian since then, (2) we didn't quite get round to syncing in all new packages pre-UVF, (3) there are a few packages we've intentionally removed because they don't work for us01:23
ans-torubuntu/universe doesn't contain all debian packages?01:24
Kamionmost, not all01:24
Kamionthe ones we've deliberately removed wouldn't work anyway01:24
Kamionthe rest are just too new, and will come into universe for edgy+1 at the latest01:24
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segfaultmorning. :-)01:25
Kamionwouldn't work> for example, there's no point in linux-kernel-di-i386-2.6 (kernel packaging machinery for the installer), since our own linux-source-2.6.17 package does all that work itself01:25
ans-tornot work in ubuntu but work in debian?  that's so weird.01:26
Kamionthe Ubuntu kernel is packaged quite differently from the Debian kernel, for maintenance workflow reasons01:26
ans-toropps, i see.01:26
HobbseeKeybuk: oh, i thought there were more than that.01:26
HobbseeKeybuk: dont mind me01:26
Kamionalthough they do share a fair amount of common code even in the packaging, of course01:26
KamionKeybuk: that sounds like the count of deliberately-removed-and-blacklisted packages01:27
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KeybukKamion: err, yes01:31
Keybuklp_archive@drescher:~$ new-source | wc -l01:31
Keybuklp_archive@drescher:~$ new-source contrib | wc -l01:31
Keybuklp_archive@drescher:~$ new-source non-free | wc -l01:31
janimopitti, do you know if the "printer id" line at the start of foomatioc xml files should be exactly the same as the file name?01:33
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pittijanimo: no, I don't know, sorry01:34
janimothere's one exception to this in the db now and I don't know if it's a bug or it is valid (to state that the devices are compatible or something like that)01:34
pittijanimo: once till is online, you should ask him01:34
janimopitti: ok. Ia mhaving a look again at the fedore printing tools01:34
janimoturns out that the one we looked at in paris was old, they were writeing a new one for FC601:35
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pittijanimo: btw, till had the idea to port printerdrake to ubuntu01:35
janimopitti: with those nastly mandrake/perl libs?01:37
pittiI hope not :)01:37
pittilet's see01:37
janimopitti: is it ok with you if I upload python-cups (the fedora bindins library) to universe?01:38
pittijanimo: of course, if it is free software01:39
pittisounds useful in any case01:39
janimopitti, ok, I was not sure if ivoks worked on something similar or not01:39
=== bluefoxicy blinks at massive disk access and checks top.
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=== bluefoxicy killall -9 updatedb
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=== bluefoxicy rm /usr/bin/updatedb since ubuntu-desktop depends directly on slocate
Kamionuse dpkg-divert01:46
Kamionor, more sensibly, edit the conffile that calls updatedb01:47
Kamionit's a conffile for a reason01:47
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bluefoxicyKamion:  there's a conffile?01:49
bluefoxicyit looks to be a crontab01:49
bluefoxicywon't that get replaced on upgrade?01:51
bluefoxicy(granted so will the binary)01:51
Kamionnot if you've modified it01:51
Kamionyou'll get a dpkg conffile prompt01:51
Kamionhow long have you been using Debian/Ubuntu systems exactly? ;)01:51
bluefoxicyI've never touched cron01:51
Kamionor anything in /etc, apparently01:51
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Kamionwell, not quite anything, but the bulk of files there are conffiles01:52
bluefoxicyon gentoo certain things in /etc/ weren't treated as config files01:52
bluefoxicyI'd assumed crontabs were more system scripts than configuration01:52
Mithrandirwell, this isn't gentoo01:52
ograKamion, just to give you an impression of the triviallity of the ltsp-dhcpd stuff : http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/netscript01:52
Kamionbluefoxicy: if they were, they would not be in /etc01:53
ograi need one debconf selection and one message now01:53
ograadding it to the ltsp-client-builder and im done ...01:53
bluefoxicyKamion:  they'd be in /etc or /var01:53
Kamionogra: you can't use awk in d-i01:53
ograhmm, it worked on on the d-i console01:53
bluefoxicyanyway interview time01:54
ograi tested it 01:54
=== ogra goes to look for an alternative then
Kamionbusybox-1.1.3/debian/config-udeb:# CONFIG_AWK is not set01:54
Kamionogra: oh, is this code running inside a chroot /target?01:54
ograthast for the server01:54
KamionI'm not sure how it worked for you, then :)01:54
ograbut i ran it on tty2 on the CD01:55
Kamionif [ ! $iface = $DEFAULTROUTE_IFACE ] ; then 01:55
Kamionthat should be:01:55
Kamionif [ "$iface" != "$DEFAULTROUTE_IFACE" ] ; then01:55
Kamionif [ $(echo ${IFACE_LIST}|wc -w) -gt 1 ] ; then 01:55
Kamionquotes around the $(...), same elsewhere01:55
ograthe condition was the other way around before ...01:55
Kamionit's more the quoting I'm commenting on - you need to be especially careful with quoting in [ arguments because it will fall over messily if you don't01:56
KamionI assume you'll be replacing that use of select with a debconf select template01:56
ograthats why it still is /bin/bash01:56
Kamionmaybe put an extra blank line after the cat <<EOF01:57
Kamionwill look neater in interfaces01:57
Kamionelif [ $(echo ${IFACE_LIST}|wc -w) -lt 1 ] ;then01:57
Kamionyou can't do [ -z "$IFACE_LIST" ]  ? :-)01:58
KamionI guess it might contain just whitespace, dunno01:58
ograit will ...01:58
ograIFACE_TMP="$IFACE_TMP $iface" adds whitespace 01:58
Kamionoh, that's easily fixed01:59
KamionIFACE_TMP="${IFACE_TMP:+$IFACE_TMP }$iface"01:59
ograscary quoting :)01:59
Kamion${var:+string} does "if var is set, then expand string, else nothing"02:00
Kamionset and non-empty actually02:00
Kamionok, otherwise looks plausible. you don't need to write to /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf from that script, just /etc/n/i?02:00
ograwe keep /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf as is ...02:01
ograi'll add a grep 192.168.0. /etc/network/interfaces at the top as well ...02:01
ograand let it exit if it finds something ...02:01
ograbut that should be about it 02:02
Kamionor pick a different subnet02:02
ograthen i'd need to touch dhcpd.conf02:02
ograwhich we dont want ...02:02
ograi'll just fall back to the echo "error: no interfaces found please configure /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf manually after install"02:02
Kamionwhat happens if there's only one interface?02:02
ograthe same 02:02
KamionI'd be inclined to pick something that's less commonly used than 192.168.0.*, if possible02:02
ograit shows that message02:02
Kamionpick a random one from one of the bigger private-use ranges02:03
ograi thought about 10.0.0 or something02:03
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Kamionit's, so you wouldn't need to start with 10.0.0., even02:03
Kamioner, /802:03
ograwell, something from the 10. range ...02:04
KamionFujitsu: /1202:04
Kamion(RFC1918 s.3)02:04
=== givre [n=flo@APuteaux-152-1-58-244.w82-120.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Keybukit's amazing how many people get that one wrong :p02:04
Keybuk10 = Class A, 172.16 = Class B, 192.168 = Class C02:05
FujitsuB = /16!02:05
Keybukof course, the Internet has "grown up" and the Class System is merely a memory02:05
Keybukno, B = /1202:05
Keybuk(top-level allocations, not sub allocations)02:06
ans-torubuntulog: hi02:06
ans-torubuntulog: ?02:06
ans-torubuntulog: help02:06
TreenaksKeybuk: 'The correct modern representation for what would have been referred to as a "Class B" prior to 1993 would be "a set of /16 addresses"'02:06
Keybukerr, maybe I'm confused there then02:06
FujitsuI thought so.02:07
FujitsuCisco teaches B = /16.02:07
TreenaksThey still TEACH it, even though the internet has been classless for 13 years now?02:07
KeybukTreenaks: most Cisco kit still IMPLEMENTS it02:07
thomKeybuk: yeah; 172.16 is 16 /16s (16 class Bs)02:08
mdeslaurrfc 791 defines a class B to be /1602:08
Keybukthom: that's what I thought02:08
Keybukand 192.168 is 256 class Cs02:09
thomso you're right to say it's a /12, but wrong to say it's a B02:09
Keybukahh, yes, I got myself confused along the way :p02:09
Keybuk172.16/12 is the "set of private Class B networks", and isn't itself class B02:09
thomKeybuk: when you stop being confused, can you make sysvinit non-Essential so apt'll stop trying to remove upstart? :_)02:10
FujitsuYes, that'd be nice...'02:11
Keybukthom: sysvinit is non-Essential02:11
Keybukupgrade sysvinit ;)02:11
Keybukand then APT will be happy02:11
Keybukthen you can file a bug on APT for failing to take into account changes in the Essential field02:11
thomoh what a pain02:11
FujitsuIs ubuntu-minimal able to be installed with upstart yet?02:11
=== thom shakes his fist at mvo :-)
thomRemoving upstart ...02:12
thomdpkg (subprocess): unable to execute post-removal script: Exec format error02:12
thomdpkg: error processing upstart (--remove):02:12
Kamionthere's an argument that it shouldn't take them into account until it's upgraded them anyway ...02:12
Keybukthom: stick a #!/bin/sh on the front of the postrm, sorry02:12
thomslacker :-)02:12
KamionKeybuk: ISTR that there's special handling in dpkg for one Essential package C/Ring another, or maybe C/R/P02:13
Kamionfor exactly this reason02:13
Kamionhowever upstart does not appear to be Essential02:13
KamionI suspect if you make it so, it'll work better ...02:13
KeybukKamion: yeah, that will happen in my next upload02:14
hungerDo ttys work whith upstart again?02:27
Keybukhunger: it appears to be a usplash bug02:27
Keybukor, at least, a bad interaction02:27
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Keybukpeople report that if they downgrade usplash, their ttys come back02:28
hungerKeybuk: I have no usplash and still no ttys.02:28
Keybukhunger: then perhaps you'd like to reply to my message on the bug report ?02:28
Keybukhunger: can you do "sudo status tty1 tty2 tty3 tty4 tty5 tty6" for me02:28
hungerKeybuk: Damn... my mailserver must be down again:-(02:28
Keybukhunger: no worries, we can debug here :p02:28
hungerKeybuk: Not really:-) I do not have upstart installed anymore.02:29
Keybukhunger: then I'm afraid I'll have to Reject your bug02:29
hungerKeybuk: One sec... I'll go and break my system again by installing upstart.02:29
hungerKeybuk: No IRC while I am in an upstarted system though.02:30
Keybukwhy no IRC?02:30
thomKeybuk: in answer to your question about cryptdisks and upslash, i've long since turned usplash off for precisely that reason02:31
hungerKeybuk: Because my homedirs are gone, so is /usr and all the other stuff that I have encrypted.02:31
Keybukthom: <g>  I did have a momentary cunning hack thought that one could just < /dev/console the script02:31
Keybukhunger: ok, there's a temporary workaround for that02:31
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Keybukinstall upstart, upstart-compat-sysv (and make sure sysv-rc and initscripts are also installed)02:31
Kamionpitti: apt-get-debug-symbols presumably isn't happening for edgy02:32
thomKeybuk: eh, evil person :-)02:32
Keybukthen edit /etc/event.d/rcS and /etc/event.d/rc2 and add "console output" to both files above the "script" line02:32
Keybukthom: evil?02:32
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thomwell, hacky anyway. but yes, that'd be a short term fix for the problem02:33
hungerKeybuk: All of those were installed.02:33
Keybukhunger: ok02:33
hungerKeybuk: One sec... I'll reboot soonish.02:34
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hungerKeybuk: Just need to backup some data first.02:34
Keybuk(also on a more general note, I've noticed that you almost consistently file bugs and then revert whatever is causing your problems ... it's useful for us, if you run the development release, to keep it broken while we debug it; otherwise we simply can't obtain any information about the bug, and assuming nobody else has the same problem, have no choice but to assume it's not a bug)02:35
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KamionRiddell: I noticed a couple of things about your accessibility patch to caper02:36
hungerKeybuk: I only have this one computer. I can not keep it broken till somebody stops by to fix it.02:36
KamionRiddell: one is that "impairment" is consistently misspelled "imparement". Is it possible to fix that?02:36
RiddellKamion: certainly02:37
hungerKeybuk: I most of the time need to revert the problem to be even able to report it in the first place.02:37
Keybukhunger: we can't fix it unless you keep it broken02:37
Keybukit's a not unreasonable assumption that it must be working for most other people, after all02:37
KamionRiddell: the other is that you've got an entry for access=m2, whereas that doesn't seem to be mentioned in bug 58836. Do you want me to leave access=m2 switched on for Kubuntu?02:37
UbugtuMalone bug 58836 in casper "F5 options need to be linked to the right casper options" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5883602:37
hungerKeybuk: I am willing to rebreak if somebody is working on the fix. But I will not keep things broken till somebody finds the time to look into the bug I had.02:38
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jdubKamion: what's richard weideman's nick?02:39
ograjdub, RichEd02:39
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ogra(he's in -meeting atm)02:39
Keybukhunger: ok, ready to reboot ?02:39
MithrandirRiddell: I've fixed casper to use impairment now.02:39
KamionRiddell: (access=m2 being on-screen keyboard)02:39
hungerkeybuk: 10min max.02:40
mojoisn't it me or my computer stuffed up? the gtkfile chooser dialog of "Save as.." of any programs missing Home and Desktop icons? am i gone mad?02:40
Keybukhunger: make sure you modify /etc/event.d/rcS and rc2, that'll give you the usual boot messages, etc.02:40
hungerKeybuk: I did.02:40
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hungerKeybuk: rebooting....02:40
RiddellKamion: the kubunut m2 has the mouse tool but no on screen keyboard02:41
KamionI can't change the text at the moment thoughh02:41
jonoDavid: By the way Jono pass on my "oh my god this rocks" message to the ubuntu team would you Edgy is awesome way better than dapper was this far into it's development.02:41
Kamionheno: perhaps I could revert "On-Screen Keyboard" to more generic text? any suggestions?02:42
RiddellKamion: or I can just have the mouse tool on in m1 and not have an m202:42
henoKamion: Virtual keyboard, alternative input ?02:42
mojoheno: On-screen input?02:42
Kamionwhat exactly is the mouse tool?02:43
RiddellKamion: it clicks the mouse if you hover over a button for some time02:43
henoUseful if you cannot click. Some people with RSI use it as well02:44
henoRiddell: does mousetool have other features than that?02:44
Riddellheno: nope02:44
RiddellI don't think it's worth having a confusing m2 text just so it fits both keyboard and mouse tools02:45
henoI seem to remember that the Windows version did, but I could be wrong02:45
RiddellKamion: so I'd say don't have m2 for kubuntu and move the sed line from m2 to m1 in casper02:46
KamionRiddell: ok02:46
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hunger_suseKeybuk: What should I run again?02:49
Keybukhunger_suse: how far did you/it get?02:50
hunger_suseKeybuk: The tty scripts all give a comment "expected 'on' or 'script'".02:50
hunger_suseKeybuk: upstart dropped me into a root shell (without needing a password!).02:50
Keybukhmm, can you mount that filesystem from where you are now?02:50
pittiKamion: it's installed on the buildds for quite a while02:51
hunger_suseKeybuk: I am online from another box.02:51
pittiKamion: infinity and I have a plan how to get them away from the buildds to people02:51
Keybukhunger_suse: ok, it sounds like you have a very old version of those config files installed02:51
hunger_suseKeybuk: I got the upstart-ubuntu box running.02:51
pittiKamion: until soyuz has proper support for them (!edgy)02:51
Keybukcat /etc/event.d/tty102:51
Kamionpitti: perhaps the spec should be updated to talk about the workaround rather than soyuz work02:51
pittiKamion: however, the cowboying should happen for edgy02:51
Keybukmake sure it has "# tty1 - getty" at the top 02:51
pittiKamion: right, I'll update the whiteboard02:51
Kamionthanks; is it beta-available now then, or not?02:52
hunger_suseKeybuk: start when rc2 is stopping stop on shutdown stop on reboot respawn /sbin/...02:52
pittiKamion: not sure about the appropriate status; ddebs are built and thrown away, so ATM it's not even 'beta'02:52
Keybukhunger_suse: right, that's an old version of the script02:52
Keybukno wonder it fails :p02:52
Keybukdid you modify them after installing originally, and then say "N" on upgrade?02:52
pittiKamion: as soon as we put them on people, it's implemented (well, in an ugly way, but still working)02:52
hunger_suseI have then newest versions of everything installed.02:52
Kamionpitti: oh. how much can happen before FF?02:52
Keybukhunger_suse: dpkg-query -W upstart upstart-compat-sysv02:53
hunger_suseKeybuk: I have not modified anything and never was asked to upgrade the files.02:53
Keybukhunger_suse: which versions do you have?02:53
pittiKamion: the buildd scripting will happen afterwards, infinity is too busy ATM02:53
pittiKamion: but it doesn't affect the archive nor release in any way02:53
Kamionpitti: ok, can we talk with mdz about that? the important factor is more going to be scheduling people's time after FF, I think02:53
pittiKamion: i. e. it's infrastructure and can happen independently from the release cycle02:53
hunger_suseKeybuk: No such command.02:53
Kamionto ensure you have enough time to fix bugs02:53
pittiKamion: sure, he will join tomorrow's distro team meeting I presume02:53
Kamionyes, I believe so02:54
kagoujenda: like zul, and also on www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/02:54
Kamionhe said he'd be around this evening having crashed for a while02:54
pittiKamion: I guess we will use that to discuss spec statuses?02:54
hunger_suseKeybuk: dpkg info is not available anyway.02:54
giftnudelhunger_suse: can't you mount your partitions?02:54
Keybukhunger_suse: why is dpkg info not available?02:54
hunger_suseBecause the partition that is on /var is not available.02:54
Keybukwhy is it not available?02:55
hunger_suseBecause upstart can not decrypt it.02:55
Keybukwhy not?02:55
Kamionyou can't mount it by hand?02:55
=== ogra didnt know upstart was supposed to be a decryption tool
=== hunger_suse shrugs. It dowes not even try.
Keybukhunger_suse: ok, can you please mount your /usr and /var (and any other FHS partitions) by hand at the root shell it gave you02:56
Keybukwe'll need those for debugging02:56
thomhunger_suse: /etc/init.d/cryptdisks start02:56
pittiKamion: I set it to 'deployment' and updated the whiteboard02:56
thomif they're crypted disks02:56
Kamionpitti: righto, sounds good02:56
pittithanks for the reminder02:56
Kamion 7596 cjwatson  25   0  142m 121m 1884 R 99.9 12.1  31:09.77 gen_keymap02:56
Kamionthis really doesn't look good02:56
thomum, is that for a keyboard with more keys than firefox has bugs?02:57
hunger_suseKeybuk: Both upsatrt and the compat package are at 0.2.1-502:58
Keybukhunger_suse: ok, thanks ... could you also cat /etc/event.d/rc2 for me02:58
Keybukit should begin "# rc2 - runlevel 2 compatibility", does it?02:58
Kamionthom: that's ALL keymaps02:58
hunger_suseKeybuk: That one has a script section.02:59
Keybukhunger_suse: does it have the first line I asked about?02:59
hunger_suseKeybuk: It does.02:59
Keybukhunger_suse: ls /etc/event.d ... what files are in there?03:00
hunger_susercS starts with the same line but with rcS in place of rc2.03:00
thomKamion: cripes03:00
hunger_suseKeybuk: tty[1-6]  rc-default rc0-halt rc0-poweroff rc[1-6]  rcS03:01
Kamionthom: (for the magic keymap detector in the installer)03:01
Keybukhunger_suse: ok03:01
Keybukhunger_suse: /etc/init.d/udev start ... with any luck that should bring the networking up ... then can you copy the /etc/event.d/tty1 script somewhere so you can paste it here03:02
hunger_suseKeybuk: You won't get through the firewall or I would just give you an account on that box.03:02
KeybukI don't need to get through the firewall, I just need you to paste me a copy of that file :p03:02
hunger_suseKeybuk: /etc/init.d/udev start fails.03:02
Keybuk"fails" ?03:02
Keybuktry "/etc/init.d/mountkernfs.sh start" then try again03:03
hunger_suseKeybuk: Sorry, the ubuntu init scripts suck at error reporting... it just gives "[fail] ".03:03
Keybukhunger_suse: which message fails?03:03
hunger_suseThat works, udev start still fails.03:03
Keybukhunger_suse: which message fails?03:03
hunger_suseKeybuk: "Starting kernel event manager... [fail] "03:04
Keybukok, that means it's probably already running then03:04
Keybuk"ifconfig -a" ... does that show an up interface?03:04
Keybukor, in fact, any interface?03:04
hunger_suseKeybuk: eth0 is there but unconfigured.03:04
Keybukhunger_suse: ok, ifup eth003:04
hunger_suseKeybuk: ifup does not work (thanks to networkmanager), but I configured the interface manually.03:06
Keybukok, cool, can you copy that /etc/event.d/tty1 file somewhere for me to see03:06
hunger_suseKeybuk: Which files do you need?03:06
Keybukhunger_suse: all of them would be perfect, if not, just tty103:06
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bddebianHowdy folks03:12
=== hunger_suse twiddles, waiting for pastebin.
giftnudelhunger_suse: didn't forget the route and the dns server?03:13
KamionMithrandir: so at this point I'm having so much trouble getting gen_keymap to be useful that I'm close to giving up on sane-installer-keyboard03:14
hunger_susegiftnudel: I am on another computer.03:14
hunger_susegiftnudel: It is just the net being *sllooooowwww* again:-(03:14
KamionMithrandir: I've got one more fallback plan, which is to run gen_keymap with a small list of keymaps borrowed from console-data, rather than everything-minus-exclusions03:14
giftnudelhunger_suse: oh, ok, because these are the things I always foget, when I configure a network manually03:14
hunger_susegiftnudel: So did I... but then we have onle IP adresses here anyway:-)03:15
hunger_suseKeybuk: http://pastebin.ca/16235003:15
hunger_suseThat is tty1.03:16
hunger_suseKeybuk: You want the rest as well?03:16
Kamionbut that will take a little hacking03:16
Keybukhunger_suse: no, that's fine03:16
Keybukhunger_suse: if you haven't done already, do mount -o rw,remount /03:16
Keybukhunger_suse: then dpkg --force-confnew --force-confmiss -i /var/cache/apt/archives/upstart_0.2.1-5_$ARCH.deb  (replace $ARCH)03:16
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hunger_suseKeybuk: That fails due to /usr being ro, but that is normal;-)03:18
hunger_suseKeybuk: It installed sulogin.03:19
Keybukhunger_suse: could you make /usr be rw please03:19
hunger_suseKeybuk: tty* scripts are unchanged.03:19
Keybukyou need that to be installed03:19
hunger_suseKeybuk: I did:-)03:19
Keybuknot half-corrupted03:19
Keybukunchanged ?!03:19
Keybukok, brute force time03:20
Keybukrm /etc/event.d/tty*03:20
_ionhunger: The files in your /etc/event.d are from upstart 0.1 i think.03:20
Keybukthen run that dpkg command again03:20
hunger_suseKeybuk: Yes.03:20
Keybuk_ion: right; it's somewhat wacky that they haven't been replaced by the ones from 0.203:20
hunger_suseReinstalling the sysv-compat does not change them either.03:20
Keybukdid rm'ing them and installing again work?03:21
hunger_suseKeybuk: Deleting the tty* and reinstalling them changed the files (some comments were added).03:21
Keybukhunger_suse: more pointedly, was "start when" removed ?03:22
Keybukshould be just03:22
hunger_suseKeybuk: Yes, that is gone, too.03:22
Keybukstart on startup03:22
Keybukstop on shutdown03:22
Keybukdpkg is being freaky03:22
Keybukedit /etc/event.d/rcS again, put "console output" back before the script line03:22
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Keybuklikewise for /etv/event.d/rc203:22
Keybuk(but spelled right :p)03:22
hunger_suseKeybuk: I deleted everything in /etc/event.d and reinstalled the upstart and upstart compat debs.03:23
Keybukhunger_suse: ok03:23
Keybukyou should have (sanity check) rc-default rc0-halt rc0-poweroff rc1 rc2 rc3 rc4 rc5 rc6 rcS sulogin tty1 tty2 tty3 tty4 tty5 tty603:24
=== hunger_suse nods.
hunger_suseGot all of those.03:24
Keybukyou've added console output to rcS and rc2 ?03:24
Keybukthen "reboot -f"03:24
KamionMithrandir: do you know if console-setup already has any notion of a mapping from old-style console keymap names to its names?03:25
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Kamionmaybe I have to borrow xserver-xorg.config to do the mapping03:26
fschoepdholbach: ping?03:26
hunger_suseKeybuk: I am back in the root shell.03:26
Keybukhunger_suse: *blink*03:26
hunger_suseKeybuk: Filesystem checks did not work out...03:27
hunger_suseKeybuk: They are encrypted, so that is no surprise.03:27
Keybukright, this is just a normal failure mode now, yes?03:27
Keybukthe rc scripts were being run normally?03:27
Keybukhow un-normally were they being run?03:27
hunger_suseI got a login prompt and am asked for a password now.03:28
Keybukso it's booting03:28
hunger_suseBoth programs accept input from the same place...03:28
hunger_suseREALLY confusing...03:28
Keybukalt+f2, login there, "sudo stop sulogin"03:28
Keybukthat's a known bug (sulogin is, in fact, just /bin/sh at the moment)03:29
hunger_suseKeybuk: Does not accept my root passwd:-(03:29
Keybukhunger_suse: what doesn't?03:30
Keybukthat's between you and getty03:30
fschoepKamion: do you have a minute to troubleshoot a packaging problem?03:30
hunger_suseKeybuk: Great.03:30
bddebianOMFG, why can't I win the frickin' lottery or something so I can just work on Ubuntu the rest of my life instead of this Godforsaken job... aaarrrggghh03:30
Keybukit sounds like upstart is now running things the same way that sysvinit did03:31
KeybukI don't know why your conffiles weren't updated, you may want to speak to iwj about that03:31
hunger_suseKeybuk: It does not run things the same way sysvinit did.03:31
Keybukwhat is it not running the same way?03:31
hunger_suseKeybuk: It does NOT run cryptdisks before trying to mount partitions.03:32
Keybukhunger_suse: it just runs /etc/init.d/rc03:32
Keybukif it's mounting partitions at all, then that's working right03:32
hunger_suseKeybuk: It brings up all ttys and then tries to be clever, bringing up filesystems and I have not seen a single init script being run.03:32
Keybuk"tries to be clever" ?03:32
Keybukwe haven't put any of the clever in03:33
hunger_suseIt definitly is not using the normal sysvinit boot sequence.03:33
Keybukyes, it definitely is03:33
Keybukcould you edit /etc/event.d/tty* and change "start on startup" to "start on rc2"03:34
Keybukthat might be masking the cryptsetup prompt03:34
hunger_suseKeybuk: No I can not. I can not log into my system.03:34
Keybukreboot, use init=/bin/bash then :p03:35
MithrandirKamion: I don't think it has a mapping, no.03:35
MithrandirKamion: I'd actually be more inclined to drop the cdebconf-keystep widget and go with console-setup, but I see the point why not to do it.03:36
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hunger_suseKeybuk: It is not. It never starts cryptsetup03:40
Keybukhunger_suse: tell you what, you fix it then :p  seeing as you're so sure of how it all works03:41
Keybukpersonally, I know that I wrote no code to do any clever filesystem mounting03:41
Keybukand I know that it just runs "/etc/init.d/rcS"03:41
Keybukbut if you think differently, go right ahead <g>03:41
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cbx33mjg59: ping03:43
hunger_suseKeybuk: cryptdisks is not started. I do not know what you are doing, but this is not the normal boot sequence.03:43
mjg59cbx33: Hi03:43
cbx33what's the deal with usplash artwork03:44
mjg59In what way?03:44
Keybukhunger_suse: did you try my suggestion yet?03:44
mjg59You've got 256 of them now03:44
hunger_suseKeybuk: Which suggestion?03:44
cbx33is there a page about it03:44
mjg59Dennis has been working on various aspects of the theming03:44
mjg59Best bet is to talk to him03:44
Keybukhunger_suse: modify the tty event.d files to say "start on rc2" instead of "start on startup"03:45
hunger_suseKeybuk: Sorry, I am concentrating on the other screen.03:45
hunger_suseKeybuk: Yes, I did that.03:45
hunger_suseKeybuk: Fixes the screen uglyness.03:45
cbx33mjg59: what is his nick03:45
Keybukhunger_suse: but you still don't get a cryptsetup prompt?03:46
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hunger_suseKeybuk: That script is never run.03:48
Keybukhunger_suse: can you ls /etc/rcS.d and make sure there's a symlink to it03:48
hunger_suseKeybuk: I added lots of echos right after the script starts. No output.03:48
Keybukyou see the normal boot output, with ok/fail?03:49
hunger_suseKeybuk: Yes, mostly.03:50
Keybuk"mostly" ?03:50
hunger_suseKeybuk: But that damn thing is missing03:50
Keybukjust that one script?03:50
hunger_suseKeybuk: That is the only one I noticed missing so far:-(03:51
Keybukls /etc/rc".d03:51
Keybukls /etc/rcS.d03:51
Keybukyou see S26cryptsetup-early and S28cryptsetup ?03:51
hunger_suseKeybuk: It is listed there as S28cryptdisk.03:51
Keybuk"disk" ?03:51
thomKeybuk: yeah, they're called cryptdisk{,-early}03:52
thomdisks, even03:52
Keybukhunger_suse: confirm that it's "DISKS" please :p  not "disk"03:52
hunger_suseIt is disks. The script works fine in sysvinit:-(03:53
cbx33ping Seveas 03:53
Keybukcat /etc/default/cryptdisks03:54
hunger_suseKeybuk: I'll need to do some work... I'll try again later.03:54
Keybukmake sure it's enabled03:54
Keybukthom: you use this stuff, it's working for you?03:54
hunger_suseKeybuk: You are right, the upstart seems to do the right thing... it is /etc/init.d/rc S that does not what I want from it.03:54
thomKeybuk: i've not had chance to reboot and check recently; will try and do so soon03:55
Keybukcryptdisks is a bit odd03:56
KeybukI don't see how you can use it to encrypt your /usr ... given it uses openssl :p03:56
Keybukwhich is in /usr/bin03:56
hunger_suseKeybuk: I have to admit that I am using a custom cryptdisks:-)03:56
_ionPlease define "custom".03:56
hunger_suseAnyway, Have to get some work done. I'll be back later.03:56
Keybuk_ion: "broken" :p03:57
Keybukthom: when you do, looking at this, you _may_ need to put "console owner" in /etc/event.d/rcS not "console output"03:57
Keybukit looks like cryptdisks reads from /dev/tty, which won't be set03:57
KeybukI'd be happy if someone not totally freakishly insane can prove this works <g>03:58
Kamionfschoep: sure03:58
Spadszul: ping03:59
=== _ion wonders if hunger_suse was using a "custom" dpkg as well. ;-)
zulSpads: pong03:59
Spadszul: mind a pm?03:59
thomKeybuk: oh well, rebooting03:59
zulSpads: sure03:59
Keybuk_ion: I have a vague memory of him once complaining that he always says "N" to all conffile prompts and has it set to never update them04:00
Keybukand got very broken by the hotplug->udev transition as a result04:00
_ionkeybuk: ...04:00
fschoepKamion: do you see my PM?04:01
StevenKKeybuk: Because asking any questions during an upgrade is just asking for trouble, surely.04:01
fschoepOK, just checking since I use a different IRC client.04:01
_iondpkg could use a better UI for merging new changes to conffiles. An example of a good implementation: dispatch-conf from gentoo.04:02
thomKeybuk: console owner screws the pooch quite impressively04:04
thomKeybuk: it gets horribly confused between the input for cryptdisks and the input for console login04:05
_ionthom: You'll probably need to modify tty* to "start on rcS" instead of "startup".04:05
thomah, right04:06
thomright, that works just peachily 04:09
thomand ion has fonts again, for a double win04:10
ograiwj, http://pastebin.ca/162384 <- kills my firefox 04:10
iwjHmm.  It's done something to mine too.04:11
=== hunger [n=tobias@pd95b0676.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
ograthats only a Xor.0.log ...04:12
iwjStuck spinning the cpu.04:12
iwjAh, here it is.04:12
ogranothing spectacular big or so04:12
iwjIt just took a minute or two to render.04:12
_ionthom: What fixed ion's fonts? They went broken, and i was too lazy/tired to trace the problem, so i just switched to metacity temporarily.04:12
gnomefreakiwj: you have a minute?04:12
=== hunger is in an upstart enabled system. I had to start cryptdisks manually though.
ograhmm, i left it open more than a minute before killing ff04:12
=== hunger will try to figure out why this does not work:-(
iwjEvery line in that is a separate <li><div ... !04:13
thom_ion: wish i knew04:13
thomdist-upgraded this am, and that reboot just cured it04:13
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Keybukthom: did you change the tty thing as well?04:14
iwjAnd much of the time individual fragments are <span class=...04:14
iwjgnomefreak: Possibly.  What can I do for you ?04:14
gnomefreakiwj: ff b2 fixes i would say 80% or more of the crashing issues that people are having. i compiled b2 and havent had a problem yet. not sure if you updated it04:14
iwjNo, I haven't.04:14
thomKeybuk: i changed tty1 to be start on rcS ; and rcS to be console owner04:15
iwjI was going to wait with a new ff until after feature freeze, since there's stuff I want to get in first.04:15
Keybukthom: and did that work better?04:15
thomKeybuk: worked perfectly04:15
gnomefreakand im not sure if you are maintainer of thunderbird too but is that gonna be 2.0 also?04:15
iwjogra: So I conclude it's a stupid web page.  Unfortunately firefox isn't clever enough to replace it with a box saying `this web page is too stupid, please shoot the designer'.04:16
iwjgnomefreak: thunderbird> No, sorry.04:16
ograiwj, right ... looks like you have a way faster machine there ;) after 5 mins it shows up for me as well :)04:17
Hobbseeiwj: hehe, perhaps you need to patch it?04:18
iwjIt's not a hugely new machine.  Athlon 2G.04:18
iwjHobbsee: In my CFT.04:18
thomKeybuk: now to work out why ath0 is brought up but doesn't get configured04:18
Hobbseeiwj: CFT, sorry?04:18
iwjCopious Free Time.  :-).04:18
Keybukthom: /etc/iftab, make sure you have "arp 1" ?04:18
Hobbseeiwj: ahhh...yes04:19
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thomKeybuk: don't have an entry for ath0 at all04:19
Keybukhunger: changing tty1 to "start on rcS" and rcS to "console owner" (not output) seems to fix it for thom04:19
Keybukthom: ok, so it's not a rename bug04:19
Keybukthom: don't suppose you have a bootchart there?04:19
thomKeybuk: remind me later and i'll generate you one04:20
dokopitti, Kamion, ogra: I would need some testers for OOo on powerpc (just starting ...)04:22
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ogradoko, already built ? 04:22
ogramy ppc is heavily outdated04:22
dokodeb http://people.ubuntu.com/~doko/ubuntu/ edgy/$(ARCH)/04:22
dokodeb http://people.ubuntu.com/~doko/ubuntu/ edgy/all/04:22
ograKamion, i dont have awk... before i make a mistake again, do i have sed in d-i ?04:22
Kamionogra: yes04:22
ograjust wanted to be sure :)04:23
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hungerKeybuk: I think I might know what is going wrong.04:25
hungerKeybuk: The next reboot will show.04:25
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dholbachfschoep: pong04:27
jdongstop me before doing something stupid, but is it safe to rm -rf /usr/share/doc?04:29
jdongon a system extremely limited in free space :)04:29
_ionThat depends on your definition of "safe". ;-)04:30
jdongthe only thing I think I'll be losing is the ubuntu/kubuntu start pages04:30
jdongit's 200MB of space I wouldn't mind having back04:31
iwjjdong: Delete only the files and not the directories.04:35
iwjOtherwise you'll get complaints from update-alternatives and the like.04:36
jdongiwj: k, will do04:36
iwjAlso there are possibly other problems (eg, programs that automatically read bits of docs).04:36
iwjAnd perhaps the odd maintscript will fail, so good luck.04:36
iwjWorth a try though and do let us know how you get on :-).04:36
=== jdong looks into a fuse compressed fs instead :)
jdongat least there's a partial chance in data preservation.... :)04:37
jdonganyone know of any reliable fuse compressed filesystems?04:37
jdongthere's so many to choose from04:37
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=== jdong even considers converting to reiserfs -o tail
thomi find reiserfs an excellent way to save a lot of disk space04:38
thomgenerally the whole partition after a few days04:38
Mithrandirmmm, eraserfs.04:38
zulw/in 1904:38
jdongthom: lol04:38
jdongthom: it's not that bad.... unless you run reiserfsck... then it's bad :P04:39
thomjdong: no, it _is_ that bad04:39
jdongnovell/suse has been defaulting to reiserfs for years now...04:39
jdongand personally, I've only damaged one reiserfs partition... by shrinking it04:39
mjg59The fact that reiser3 is unmaintained is a damn good reason not to default to it04:40
mjg59Suse can get away with it to some extent because they have developers who understand it04:41
iwjCan any other filesystem yet do both shrink (at all) and online grow ?04:41
jdongno, that's ext2/3 and reiserfs304:42
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iwjext3 can do online grow ?04:42
Mithrandirthere are patches for it, at least, yes.04:42
jdongyeah, at least in fedora/rhel4 it can04:42
mjg59With patches, I believe04:42
iwjWith patches.  Riiiight.04:42
jdongdoes ubuntu not have the online grow patches for ext3?04:43
jdongI could've sworn I've lvm-grown ext3 online before04:43
jdongmaybe that was in fedora04:43
iwjThere have been patches to do this for ages.  I don't know any of the details but I have to ask: why aren't they in mainline ?04:43
maswaniwj: xfs possibly jfs (neither does online shrink though)04:44
_ionAFAIK any new features will not be added to ext3, instead they're developing ext3dev (to be ext4).04:44
ajmitchiwj: iirc some at least went into mainline in 2.6.1004:44
maswanat least I think that was the case last time I looked at it, I've never had reason to shrink a filesystem myself04:44
jdongI'm not impressed with ext3 or reiserfs's shrinking capabilities04:45
jdongI've trashed both before by shrinking04:45
jdonggrow's safe enough04:45
jdongbut shrink.... no04:45
lamontpitti: ping04:46
pittilamont: pong, but busy; will read scrollback04:53
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lamontpitti: tossed it in the other window for you to read later04:54
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janimoheno: is gok staying the keyboard tool for edgy?05:13
henojanimo: no, we are moving to onBoard: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Accessibility/Projects/onBoard05:14
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cbx33LaserJock: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!05:15
janimoheno: ok, I asked since I did not see the latter in the archives and in the scrollback someone  mentioned gok05:15
jsgotangcoMr. Mantha!05:15
henojanimo: it's just uploaded to universe, still in NEW I guess05:16
Kamionthat can be rectified05:17
Kamionheno: er, it's not in NEW05:17
Kamionhttp://librarian.launchpad.net/4126254/3wpP6vZEOR10PTJ96thymFJtrOO.txt <-- weird05:18
henodholbach: any idea where onboard has wandered off to?05:18
Kamionyou need to expect a new/accept message following an upload05:18
Kamionand complain if you don't get one05:18
Kamionheno: it's (probably) not dholbach's problem - I'm investigating on the archive side05:19
dholbachheno: chris jones should have got a mail, not me05:19
Kamionno, the signer gets a mail too05:19
dholbachoh, hum - maybe I deleted it05:19
janimoheno: so for the xubuntu-at-sok metapckage I should depend on onboard at-spi and gnome-orca?05:19
dholbachit should be the virtkey and onboard source package05:19
henotortoise_: did you get such an email? ^05:20
Kamionstop flailing :)05:20
Kamionsoyuz broke, see the URL I posted above05:20
KamionI'm just going to try reprocessing the upload and see if it fails a second time05:20
KamionI love Soyuz05:20
henoah, that reading of 'wierd', ok :)05:21
Kamiongive it four minutes for the cron job to fire05:21
tortoise_heno dholbach: nope05:21
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henojanimo: actually if by 'sok' package you mean for the onscrean keyboard, you only need python-virtkey and onboard05:22
henojanimo: it doesn't need at-spi 05:22
G0SUBpitti: I have fixed a lot of bugs today ... just trivial ones remaining05:22
henojanimo: the Orca stuff on the other hand does05:22
Kamionvirtkey failed too05:22
Kamionwhat's going on05:22
henojanimo: btw, did I send you the link to this post of a guy using Xubuntu as a magnifier system? http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=23640105:23
Kamionwell, I've dumped it back into incoming too - we'll see05:23
henoIt seems to work quite well for him05:24
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janimoheno, you did not, I am looking at the link now05:26
Kamionthere, that landed in NEW now05:26
janimoheno, by sok package I mean one of the three packages (mag, speech, sok) mentyioned in the xubuntu a11y spec you drafted in paris. The other two ar e uploaded already05:27
henojanimo: right, in that case my explanation above is correct. onboard does not need at-spi (and has changed name from sok). It needs gconf from gnome though (tortoise_ will know the details of where and why)05:29
Kamionvirtkey and onboard source both accepted05:32
dholbachnice - thanks Kamion05:33
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jdong_where are my fancy charge/discharge graphs in gnome-power-manager05:36
jdong_one of my laptops shows them, the other doesn't05:36
henothanks Kamion (/me adds them to the main inclusion queue)05:36
Kamionwoo, gen_keymap ran successfully05:38
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pittiG0SUB: niced05:40
thomKamion: after how long? :)05:40
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Kamionthom: once I brutally reduced the list of keymaps it was working on, not that long05:42
Kamionit's taken me all day though05:42
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Kamionzul: around? (xen-edgy)05:52
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carlosseb128: hi, around?05:52
dokoogra: are you currently upgrading for the OOo test on powerpc?05:53
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zulKamion: yep05:53
Kamionzul: I was wondering if you could elaborate on the "still blocked on the builds" comment in the spec's status whiteboard05:53
zulKamion: its not blocked anymore i think it was when it was sitting in new05:54
Kamionzul: ok, could you update it then? is the spec basically Implemented, or is there more to do?05:54
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janimoheno, in that case does it make more sense to name the package xubuntu-at-keyboard?(onboard?)Or do you have a better suggestion?05:58
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henojanimo: xubuntu-at-keyboard sounds good05:59
zulKamion: its basically implemented i have to add some 3rd party drivers but thats what Im working on now06:00
Kamionzul: ok, thanks06:02
_ionBtw, what's the point of mounting /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/volatile as tmpfs and putting 18 megs of stuff in there?06:02
=== mjr has assumed that the binary-only modules can belinked there so that they work better across slightly different kernel vresions, or something
mjrdon't really know tho06:03
jdong__ion: to make you buy more RAM?06:04
mjrto make you create a swap partition? :] 06:04
zulKamion: done06:04
Kamionzul: great, thanks06:05
_ionSure, it can be swapped away, but that's still 18 MiB worth of RAM or swap space.06:05
bluefoxicyOOo is broken.  Horribly.06:05
_ionbluefoxicy: What else is new? ;-)06:06
bluefoxicy_ion:  I mean more than usual.  Export to PDF; Open; and Save As cause crashes06:06
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hungerKeybuk: Still around?06:08
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tortoise_janimo: At the moment onboard needs gconf and the python bindings pull in most of gnome so i'm not sure if onboard is suitable for xubuntu at this point.  I'm hoping to change that though.06:11
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bluefoxicyHow do I convert .odt to Word XP with broken OOo06:13
seb128carlos: pong06:13
carlosseb128: hi, do you know why the network monitor applet takes a huge space of my panel when monitoring a wireless device?06:14
=== carlos speaks about Edgy
kozzKamion: The DVD works on Pegasos now, nice :)06:15
seb128carlos: you want to speak to dholbach, iz artwork bog06:15
dholbachseb128: is not06:15
dholbachseb128: the artwork didn't change06:15
dholbachseb128: at least that part of it06:15
dholbachi meant to look at it, but didn't do it yet06:16
seb128dholbach: but it probably doesn't provide an icon to the required dimension06:16
seb128you can then argue if the panel should manage06:16
seb128or if we should ship the icon for it :p06:16
carlosso it's a known bug06:16
dholbachthe code in netstatus applet changed - I'll look it up06:16
dholbachthere's a bug filed already, yes06:16
seb128carlos: yep06:16
dholbachthanks carlos06:16
carlosdholbach: do you know the bug number?06:16
=== carlos wants to subscribe to it
janimotortoise_: are you planning the change before edgy?06:17
janimowhich parts of gnome besides gconf are you using?06:18
tortoise_I'm hoping to start it soon but I doubt it will be.  I only use gconf at the moment.06:18
janimoI need to fix the pygconf pulls in whole gnome issue because it affects an increasing number of apps06:18
janimotortoise_: fixing that is easy in the python-gnome binding package, it only needs the agreement of the debian maintainers of that06:19
seb128carlos: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/gnome-netstatus/+bug/5762606:19
UbugtuMalone bug 57626 in gnome-netstatus "Network Monitor Icons look stretched out on 1280x768 resolution" [Untriaged,Confirmed]  06:19
carlosseb128: thanks06:19
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Sp4rKyplease does anyone using edgy could paste me the result of apt-cache policy libxss106:20
tortoise_janimo:  True but I need to do it for Kubuntu too.  Gconf itself pulls in orbit etc.06:20
janimotortoise_: does your app use gcoinf keys which are visible/used by other apps in the desktop or just as a convenient way to store some private settings?06:20
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janimoif you need it to read system wide a11y settings I am not sure there's a better way06:21
janimoif it06:21
janimois the latter though gconf can be avoided06:21
tortoise_janimo: no I dont.  Just for storing private settings06:21
janimotortoise_: then maybe ConfigParser or what it is called could be good enough, uses INI style config files06:22
tortoise_Currently the settings and the keyboard are handled in separate apps so I would need to notify onboard of changes made by the settings app06:22
janimooh, so you use gconf notification api06:23
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tortoise_janimo: yep, it's very convenient.  Someone really needs to write a desktop neutral gconf that uses dbus.06:23
=== janimo wonders wheter there are dbus people around to jump with suggestions.
janimotortoise_: there is such a gconf but was not in kainline I think nokia uses it06:24
jdubtortoise_: gconf will eventually hit gtk+/glib anyway, most likely the d-bus version06:25
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jdubtortoise_: so all this effort going in to avoiding it is pretty wasteful06:25
janimotortoise_: anyway if it's convenient use it, I need to fix the gnome-python bindings anyway, can't expect all pygconf users to find other APIs06:25
jdubtortoise_: particularly when you benefit from notification, etc.06:25
tortoise_jdub: In the long time, yes06:25
seb128Kamion, Mithrandir, mvo: what is the recommended way to change the default language on a ubuntu installe, changing /etc/environment by hand?06:26
jdubmight not be as long term as you think :-)06:26
janimojdub: you think it could be 2.12?06:26
jdubprobably not 2.1206:26
janimothen that is long-term :). two gtk release cycles at least, and those are open source years ;)06:27
tortoise_I was hoping to make onboard toolkit neutral too.  I do all the rendering in cairo so I was hoping to have the event handling pluggable qt/gtk.06:28
janimotortoise_: kde guys will probably not want cairo but you'd have to use qt/arthur06:28
tortoise_doesn't kpdf use cairo?06:28
janimoI don;t know06:28
Kamionkozz: woo, glad to hear it06:28
janimokpdf uses poppler, so whatever poppler uses06:29
Kamionseb128: language-selector, I thought; it ought to change /etc/environment and /etc/default/locale (if not, it's a bug)06:29
janimoI think it has both cairo and arthur (at least experimental) in it06:29
seb128Kamion: ok, thank you06:29
Riddelltortoise_: no06:30
tortoise_Riddell: Ok, scratch that then06:30
tortoise_does Kubuntu ship gtk?06:31
jdubtortoise_: you are entering a world of pain... :-)06:31
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janimotortoise_: it doesn't, it has the 'k' in the wrong position06:31
Riddelltortoise_: no06:32
Riddelltrappist: .ini style config files should be easy enough to read from both gnome and kde apps06:35
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trappistRiddell: that makes sense - this relates to a bug I commented on a long time ago?  I have a very vague recollection.06:43
zulafternoon mdz06:45
mvohello mdz06:45
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pittihey mdz06:46
=== jdong_ waves to mdz
pygiho pitti :)06:46
mdzthe inbox hits!  the inbox hits!  you feel hemmed in.06:46
pygipitti, we've got first released app using libburn, whee :)06:46
pittipygi: \y/06:47
pygiBrasero (aka old Bonfire)06:47
_ionYou die. Do you want your possessions identified?06:47
pygi_ion, ahm? :)06:47
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pygipitti, we need libburn package soon so we could make brasero package libburn-enabled06:49
pygiand libisofs while we're at that :)06:50
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Kamionmdz: evening06:55
tsengbreezy had gtk+ with cairo right?06:57
jdubtseng: yeah06:58
jdubtseng: 2.8.606:59
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keescookpitti: you seen this? http://www.suse.de/~krahmer/no-nx.pdf remote code execution even with nx bit.  :P06:59
tsengjdub: cool07:00
pittikeescook: ouch07:00
tsengjdub: i just updated to dapper and xming windows clients are running slower07:00
pittikeescook: hello, nice to see you again07:00
tsengjdub: trying to think of why07:00
keescookhiya!  :)07:00
janimopitti: what is till's nick?07:01
pittijanimo: till07:01
pittijanimo: he's not online ATM07:01
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KamionMithrandir: http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/tmp/console-setup-keymapper.diff07:16
KamionMithrandir: first cut at gluing keymapper/cdebconf-keystep into console-setup; installer integration totally untested; review welcome07:17
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Kamion(this is for sane-installer-keyboard, for those playing along at home)07:17
Kamionyou'll need to wait for buildds to get around to keymapper 0.5.3-5 in order to build it07:18
HiddenWolfKamion: will that improve user experience or just reduce maintainer headaches? 07:19
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KamionHiddenWolf: hopefully a bit of both07:22
MithrandirKamion: it looks good to me, but I've read it, not tested it.07:22
KamionHiddenWolf: no more skew between console and X keymaps07:22
Kamionthere will likely be a certain amount of teething trouble of course - it's a big change07:24
Kamionand it's still possible it won't make edgy - we're kind of close to the wire07:24
henoKamion: heh, looks like I need to do some fresh Live CD a11y testing :)  I can't remember how that works now07:26
henoI swear I've tested ubiquity with at-poke in the past and that most stuff shows up though07:26
henoBut my memory is not always to be trusted ...07:27
Kamionheno: I can't figure out how, that's all :)07:27
KamionI thought this was why you'd made livecd-access depend on sudo-admin-atspi07:28
janimoheno, thinking more about it, I think the two keyboard apps could be installed by default in xubuntu w/o any metapackage for them07:28
janimoas soon as I fix their python-gnome dep07:28
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henoKamion: yep, and people have reported problems using it. (anyway I'll check later to make sure)07:29
henoThe good news is that people are happily using the Knot 2 CDs to test Ubuntu as a platform with screen reading, which is great in itself07:30
henojanimo: that would be very cool!07:30
henojanimo: I remember tortoise_ was looking into that as well07:32
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henotortoise_: which part was it that pulled in most of gnome?07:32
KamionMithrandir: any chance you could fix the way that xkeyboard-config is listed as a transitional package but yet contains all the data that should be in xkb-data? I think that's what's breaking the console-setup build.07:32
Kamionbug 5922007:33
UbugtuMalone bug 59220 in xkeyboard-config "Falsely claims it can be safely removed" [High,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5922007:33
MithrandirKamion: oh, true dat, I need to fix it.07:33
janimoheno: I talked to tortoise about it an hour ago07:34
janimoit's only gconf but the rest of gnome libs come in via the python-gnome bindins07:35
janimoI know how to fix this07:35
henojanimo: ah ok, all in good hands then :)  Thanks for looking at this07:35
henoCool, that will help us for other DEs too07:35
henojanimo: I guess removing gnome deps from gtk apps is one of your specialities :)07:36
KamionMithrandir: should we be putting console-setup-fonts-udeb in the d-i initrd? I notice that console-setup-udeb doesn't depend on it07:36
janimoheno, yeah :). The hard poart is talking to gnome people about it not the technical bits ;)07:37
Kamionit doesn't seem necessarily required, since we have unifont for the installer UI07:37
=== Kamion -> dinner
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MithrandirKamion: unsure, I think we might want it?07:40
diemanben collins rocks for getting custom kernel builds so easy now07:42
jdongdieman: how easy is it?07:43
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janimodieman: what changed besides dropping the various architecture flavours?07:46
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diemanthe KernelCustomBuild wiki page has deets07:48
diemantook me about 15 minutes to pull down his git archive, roll in a patch, and start compiling07:48
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janimodieman: thanks for the link, indeed looks easier than it used to be07:56
jdongyeah, looks promising for those blessed with the task of modifying edgy's kernel :)07:56
diemanyeah, i need the web100 patch for a set of machines07:56
diemanand netem, but netem was already there07:57
=== jdong wonders if reiser4 patches cleanly into edgy's kernel
jdong(probably not)07:57
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G0SUBpitti: I got two people to test the app and they found no bugs08:03
G0SUBpitti: in fact they are still testing it as we speak08:06
Seveasmjg59, (irl got in the way today -- final theming patches, including example theme will arrive in a few hours)08:07
mjg59Seveas: No problem08:07
mjg59Seveas: I uploaded a package with a 256 colour image, just to see if anyone would notice08:08
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janimomvo: ping08:15
mvohello janimo08:16
janimomvo: hello08:16
janimoat one point update-manager was using gamin directly?08:16
mvojanimo: update-notifier? sort of, it used the fam interface. but I switched to gnome-vfs because gamin was not very reliable08:17
mvognome-vfs uses inotify directly and I haven't had trouble since08:17
janimohmm ok. wasn't sure whether gvfs used gamin or inorify. thanks08:17
mvojanimo: gnome-vfs is not ok for xubuntu?08:18
janimomvo, we tried avoiding it so far08:18
janimoeven though now it is somewhat leaner w/o bonobo08:18
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mvojanimo: I use basicly only gnome_vfs_monitor_add()08:19
janimomvo, right I rememebr checking out the code and wondering what was going wrong with gamin08:19
mvoI had all sort of problem of it not detecting changes08:19
janimoas thunar and xfce desktop use gamin directly we are porbbaly exposed already to whatever nastiness it holds :)08:19
janimoI wonder how evil it would be to use inotify directlty. That would mean linux only though08:21
mdzslomo: I saw a bunch of scrollkeeper errors from the current tomboy; do you know what the cause is?08:22
mvojanimo: I looked into this for update-notifier, its not terrible bad, but a bit cumbersome08:22
mvojanimo: while I have you here, do you know why "xubuntu-desktop" is in section: misc?08:22
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mvokamion, mdz: what do you think about adding a "metapackage" section for the various "ubuntu-base,minimal," etc? this way we could enable --install-recommends by default for this section only and dodge the big "cleanup-recommends" work for now08:24
janimomvo: hmm I think there is no section for xfec like ther is for gnome and kde IIRC08:25
mdzmvo: I like that idea08:27
zygadid anyonce notice udev libsane problem at boot?08:28
mvomdz: the apt patch is ready, now I need to look into germinate08:28
jdongzyga: yes, there is an error about it on bootup08:28
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crimsunjdong: it's a comment anyway, so it doesn't matter ultimately.08:30
ogragrmbl ... db_subst doesnt like me :/08:30
crimsunthere's a bug reported on it08:30
jdongcrimsun: ok, that makes me feel better :)08:31
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slomomdz: will  look at it later... but afaik they were there from the first version with scrollkeeper docs,i.e. 0.3.9 or something08:35
HiddenWolfmjg59: and, did they notice? :)08:36
=== bluefoxicy [n=bluefox@c-68-33-112-13.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
G0SUBpitti: it'd be great if you do a review again tonight08:37
bluefoxicyall that just to get UID 1000 on the LiveCD08:37
pittiG0SUB: I'll try to manage08:37
G0SUBpitti: if you tell me I will be there when you are free08:37
G0SUBpitti: any way I am going to mail you in a while mentioning the changes made today08:39
mdzslomo: I guess they're only visible because of the way that tomboy is running scrollkeeper in postinst08:39
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janimoheno: which are the main differences from an a11y user pov between a gnome and a gtk only app? For instance do gaim and abiword lack something because they do not use gome libs?08:51
jdong_janimo: less ram usage? :)08:52
jdong_maybe less integration with gnome08:52
janimojdong_: I am intersted in the psecifics, especially if there is some drawback with gtk only08:53
henojanimo: I don't think there is much in it. Certainly gaim is known to work well with Orca08:53
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henoI have no idea if it relies on using any Gnome libs in doing that. I would think not08:54
janimoheno, because one of the reasons some maintainers seem to stick to gnome deps is that gnome_program_init sets up some extra a11y stuff08:54
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janimobut I think I'll check out the source as this may not be as serious as it is said to be08:55
janimothere is a libgail-gnome module which is only used in gnome apps08:55
janimoand I think bonobo using apps rely on this initializations too. but most gnome apps are thankfully no longer using bonobo08:56
ograKamion, http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/netscript.templates and http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/netscript, any hint why the interface selection doesnt work ?08:56
SurakHi guys08:57
janimoheno, it seems that if apps use widgets defined in gnome libs as opposed to proper gtk ones they need that gnome_program_init otherwise not08:57
janimoI am gathering ammo for fighting gnome_program_init you know ;)08:58
henojanimo: I think bonobo is somehow part of the a11y chain though08:58
henoheh, right08:58
henoI just tested Abiword with Orca and it seems to work well08:58
janimoheno: yes,  it is used by at-spi08:59
janimobonob that is08:59
SurakI've noticed that sl-modem-daemon is not being shipped for amd64 both in ubuntu and debian. Anyone knows why? I've seen people at linmodems patching it for amd64...08:59
henojanimo: so how do you get around that?08:59
janimothe idea is if a11y can take advantage of these gnome bits _runtime_ there is no need for hard depending on them09:00
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henoI see09:00
janimoheno: gtk_init() does all of program initialization which is needed by a gtk app09:00
janimomost gnome apps still; use gnome_app_init though, because of historical reasons I guess09:00
janimoit has the convenience of seting up bug buddy in case of crashes09:01
janimosoem of the a11y stuff for apps that use custom gnome widgets and maybe some more09:01
janimoinstead of relying on bug buddy I'd rather keep the code leaner and hence less buggier :)09:02
henoFrom a a11y perspective, simple non-custom widgets are preferred to ensure that the AT apps know how to read them09:03
janimoexactly, that is what most apps use anyway, so no extra a11y setup is needed besides having the environment set up09:04
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Kamionogra: debconf choices need to be separated by comma-space, not just space09:11
Kamionogra: so:09:11
Kamiondb_subst ltsp-client-builder/dhcp-interface choices "$(echo "$IFACE_LIST" | sed 's/ /, /g')"09:12
ograyep 09:12
ograthats somethig i figured since i asked, but the choice still isnt presented09:12
Kamionif that still doesn't work, I suggest capturing a trace with DEBCONF_DEBUG=5 set as a boot parameter09:12
jdongany idea what would cause a usb mass storage device to give me " reset high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address" errors?09:13
jdongit happens only in linux on this laptop09:13
jdongnot in windows09:13
jdongdoes not happen in linux on my desktop09:14
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mdkewho has access to changing the html on cdimage.u.c?09:14
Kamionogra: 'set -x' wouldn't hurt either - you'd get most of the information from that, and you don't need to reboot to do that09:14
Kamionmdke: me09:14
mdkeKamion: can you take bug 59161 pls?09:14
UbugtuMalone bug 59161 in ubuntu-website "knot 2 page empty" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5916109:14
ograKamion, thanks a lot ... ! works :)09:15
Kamionmdke: send it over to the ubuntu-cdimage product09:15
Kamionogra: what was wrong?09:16
mdkeKamion: ok. Ditto for bug 58800?09:16
UbugtuMalone bug 58800 in ubuntu-website "Release page should link to other derivatives" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5880009:16
Kamionmdke: yeah09:16
Kamionthat one's harder to fix quickly, it needs to be scripted in order to stay fixed09:16
ograi had the interfaces hardcoded with comma at the top *and* substituted the commas at the same time ...09:16
ograhmm, now the output is wrong ... but i'm getting there :)09:17
Kamionogra: ah, right09:17
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jdonghmm, after the usplash upgrade, my screen turns off during the Loading Hardware Drivers stage10:15
jdongnever to turn on again10:15
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jdongturning off splash makes everything work again10:16
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KeybukMithrandir: ping?10:26
MithrandirKeybuk: hi10:26
KeybukMithrandir: odd mailman problem, you might know the answer10:26
Keybukit's base64-encoding someone's e-mails in the archive10:26
Mithrandiryou're using pipermail?10:26
Keybukdapper packages10:27
Mithrandiroh, special10:27
Mithrandirwhat does it look like in the mbox?10:27
Keybukwhere do I look?10:27
_ionThe common things in the emails: they contain a character not representable by ISO-8859-1, and they are signed with PGP.10:27
Mithrandir/var/lib/mailman/archives/private/upstart-devel.mbox, iir10:28
Keybukthey look normal in the mbox10:29
KeybukContent-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-810:29
KeybukContent-Disposition: inline10:29
KeybukContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable10:29
AmaranthIt's not just that guy's emails10:31
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MithrandirKeybuk: hmm, weird.  Looking10:32
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KeybukI could try updating it to the edgy packages, and see if that works better?10:35
Mithrandirthey're the same, iirc10:36
Keybuk2.1.5 vs 2.1.810:36
rodarvusKeybuk, I tried to subscribe to upstart-devel a few days ago (using my @ubuntu.com mail address), but got no response from mailman10:36
Keybukrodarvus: try again10:36
rodarvus*nods*, will do10:36
Keybukyou're not in the list10:37
rodarvusyes, I haven't even received the confirmation message from mailman10:37
Keybukrodarvus: how did you subscribe?10:37
rodarvusvia the web interface10:38
rodarvuson lists.ubuntu.com10:38
rodarvusI just retried so again, just for the sake of it10:38
_ionDo you mean lists.netsplit.com?10:38
KeybukSep 06 21:37:07 2006 (28772) upstart-devel: pending Rodrigo Novo <rodavus@ubuntu.com>
KeybukSep 06 21:37:27 2006 (28810:39
=== Keybuk hands you a new 'r' key
Keybukyou made the same mistake on Friday too10:40
MithrandirKeybuk: sorry, I can't find any mention of it doing base64 encoding in the archiver at all10:40
KeybukMithrandir: kooooky10:40
KeybukMithrandir: md5 perhaps?10:40
rodarvusKeybuk, I used autocompletion to fill the form today10:41
Keybukno, it's definitely base64 ... has the silly ==s10:41
Keybuknot rot13, doesn't look like Welsh10:41
_ionkeybuk: It is base64. When decoded, it outputs the message plus some pipermail content.10:41
rodarvusKeybuk, thanks10:41
MithrandirKeybuk: it decodes to:10:42
MithrandirWhere (or by whom) is the process of migrating stuff from Ubuntu edgy10:42
MithrandirrcS to upstart jobs planned or coordinated?  I'd like to help where i10:42
Mithrandircan, but i don't want to step on anyone's shoes.10:42
Keybuk_ion: yeah, so it does10:42
Mithrandirso it's certainly decodable and base64.10:42
mjg59elmo: Are you guys doing Linuxworldexpolala this year?10:42
MithrandirKeybuk: can you put the list archive mbox somewhere I can get at it?10:42
KeybukMithrandir: I can give you temporary root on the box, if you want :p10:42
elmomjg59: in the UK?10:43
MithrandirKeybuk: I'd rather just have the mbox, if I can't get anything useful out of that (and maybe getting the message bounced to me), I can't really get anything useful out of it.10:43
mjg59elmo: Yeah10:43
KeybukMithrandir: ok10:43
elmomjg59: I'm not sure, sorry - I can ask tomorrow10:45
mjg59elmo: Ok, no problem10:45
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slomomdz: right... but this should only happen when updating from 0.3.9+dfsg-0ubuntu1 or 0.3.9+dfsg-0ubuntu2. and iirc most of those errors were in scrollkeeper stuff not from tomboy. what shall i do about it? normally nobody would ever see this unless he had one of the two broken versions installed10:48
mdzslomo: no worries10:48
ge_ubuntuis upstart already in Dapper updates?10:49
Burgworkge_ubuntu, no10:49
ge_ubuntuit will be first in Edgy?10:49
ogra_Kamion, http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/netscript and http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/netscript.templates ... i think i'm done and will add it to the postinst if you dont find any blockers10:49
Burgworkge_ubuntu, yes10:49
ge_ubuntumay I be little off topic?10:49
Burgworknot really10:50
ge_ubuntuthis is about ubuntu still :)10:50
ge_ubuntuI just don't know where to post, where Ubuntu team will hear10:50
ge_ubuntuWhat will be your filling, if10:51
ge_ubuntuUbuntu will be chosen to be the OS in all the schools in the whole country?10:51
ge_ubuntuthe country is Georgia, a small country though. about 4 mln10:52
ge_ubuntuwith about 3000 schools10:53
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MithrandirKeybuk: it doesn't really make any kind of sense.. :-/11:00
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KeybukMithrandir: to me neither :p11:01
Keybukdoes it do the same to you then?11:01
MithrandirKeybuk: I'm just trying to understand the code paths; it's been a while since I poked at mailman11:02
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Kamionogra: yes, looks mostly ok. you should change Description to _Description in the .templates file; assuming you're just going to add that to ltsp-client-builder.templates (are you?), then run debconf-updatepo after you've done so to update the .pot and .po files11:04
ograits just for running it locally11:05
Kamionogra: "please select the interface you want to to use for the Thin Client Network." -> "Please select the interface you want to use for the thin client network", IMHO11:05
ograif i run it in terminal with the underscore debconf complains11:05
mjg59Kamion: The new gparted stuff is much nicer, BTW11:05
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Kamionmjg59: 0.3?11:05
ogracorrected locally11:05
Kamionmjg59: and how so? I haven't played with it yet11:05
mjg59Kamion: Uh, no, whatever's happening in the installer now11:05
mjg59Rather than in dapper11:06
Kamionogra: right, debconf needs Description without underscore - po-debconf does the translation11:06
Kamionmjg59: oh, right, good11:06
Kamionit's not as good as I'd like (I'd like to kill gparted, but that's edgy+1 now), but it's a bit less rough11:06
ogramjg59, did you get my ping this morning ?11:07
Kamionsince ubiquity-advanced-partitioner is deferred, I'm going to have to add reiserfs support without libreiserfs to qtparted11:07
mjg59ogra: Nope11:07
Kamionhow much fun11:07
ograthe glowing consoles on my laptop are gone ... they are "no-chars and stripes" now 11:07
mjg59ogra: I'm looking into that11:08
ograok, so you know about it ... fine then :)11:08
mjg59Kamion: So I've just booted an amd64 daily, and in the live environment I'm certainly not on sub-pixel11:08
Kamionmjg59: ok, must be a fontconfig bug11:08
ogramjg59, start firefox .. thats even worse11:08
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mjg59Oh, hurrah11:09
mjg59Latest HP bios fixes the "My nx6125 runs REALLY REALLY SLOWLY" problem11:09
mvomdz: I just talked to cprov about the new metapackages section and he said it would be very easy to add this section to the database. we just need your ok :)11:10
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mdzmvo: "ok"11:14
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mdkehehe, with two simple letters, mdz sets wheels in motion11:15
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mjg59Kamion: Hmm. ubiquity crashed.11:22
mjg59Filing a bug now.11:22
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Seveasmjg59, changes pushed to lp but will probably take some time to appear (LP builtin delay)11:25
Seveasmjg59, to sum up: add a -v flag and suppress text by default, 'verbose' on the kernel command line will enable text. Split off a -dev package for out-of-tree theme building and added bling bling example theme with instructions on how to create a theme11:27
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SeveasI also changed INPUT to make sure text was displayed if usplash is runnign without -v :) 11:27
mjg59Seveas: Rocking11:27
Seveasis usplash_down actually used? If so, I'll fix that one up too11:27
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mjg59It's meant to be, isn't it?11:28
mjg59I'm not sure offhand, though11:28
Seveasbecause a) it doesn't yet use /etc/usplash so resolution on shutdown != resolution on startup and b_ it doesn't know about -v11:28
Seveasmjg59, also, INPUT needs a bit more bling bling love, but that won't make feature freeze11:29
mjg59Kamion: Looks like it's unhappy if the attempt to get security updates fails11:29
mjg59Seveas: Yeah, no worries11:29
Seveasanyway, artwork people will be happy11:29
pittimjg59: did you see my ftbfs fix patch? I hope it doesn't break on i38611:31
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mjg59pitti: Getting to that11:31
Kamionmjg59: hmm, ok, I'll look later - buried in console-setup and friends right now11:32
mjg59Sure, no problem11:33
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KeybukSeveas: why "verbose", why not "remove quiet" ?11:50
SeveasKeybuk, point11:50
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Seveasmjg59, I'll change it to Keybuks suggestion when fixing usplash_down (next on my list after grabbing something to drink)11:51
KeybukSeveas: which bzr archive is this in?11:52
mjg59Seveas: Sure11:52
Seveasbazaar.launchpad.net/~dennis/usplash/theming iirc11:52
Seveas(bzr remembers push urls, so I don't have to :))11:52
Keybukok, just wanted a look11:53
Keybukneed to work out how to harmonise this with the usual boot messages11:53
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Seveasthis probably isn't visible via lp yet11:53
Seveasit has a dela11:53
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KeybukSeveas: what are the main changes?11:55
Keybukmjg59: your branch still exhibits the "nukes the console" bug :p11:56
SeveasKeybuk, since the current edgy package or everything I did in the past few days? (current edgy package already has the bling bling)11:56
KeybukSeveas: what's the bling bling?11:56
Seveasmainly support for 256 colors in the code and themes being able to override drawing functions for text and progress bar11:57
Keybukwhat are the text changes ?11:57
Seveasno text by default, usplash can handle text input (not my work), no other changes11:58
slomoSeveas: as you're working on usplash... do you know if someone is working on fixing it for ppc? i still get bogl saying that it doesn't like my framebuffer (if you want the real output i'll write it down tomorrow)11:58
Keybukmjg59: meh, is there any particular reason you added "Edgy Eft Edition" to the usplash testcard?  The intent was that the testcard be completely neutral so that other distributions didn't need to fork the usplash package11:58
KeybukSeveas: what happens when it gets the TEXT message?11:59
Seveasit scrolls existing text up and displays new text11:59
Seveas(only if running as usplash -v)11:59
Keybukright, what happens if the TEXT is "Press ENTER to reboot." or "fsck failed", etc.?11:59
Seveasyou would want to change TEXT to INPUT 12:00
Seveasor rather the still hypthetical INPUT_ENTER which doesn't echo anything12:00
mjg59Keybuk: To provide evidence that something was actually happening in the development12:00
mjg59Keybuk: Sorry, you never mentioned that feature12:01
mjg59Keybuk: "My branch"?12:01
mjg59I work on trunk...12:01
Keybukmjg59: the one you last committed to :p12:01
Keybuksladen and I did talk about making a new hi-res "C" testcard12:01
TraeKeybuk, https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/acpi-support/+bug/22336/comments/55 see my comment re: fixed for Edgy?12:02
UbugtuMalone bug 22336 in acpi-support "laptop overheats when performing CPU intensive tasks." [High,Confirmed]  12:02
Keybukwe'd need a blackboard, some chalk, a fluffy tux, a digital camera, and you for that though :p12:02
sladenmjg59: testcard=unbranded and means that usplash never gets revved, only artwork12:02
KeybukTrae: still "Confirmed", so no, not fixed for edgy yet12:02
sladenmjg59: mind if I roll it back?12:02
sladenmjg59: (possibly replacing it with some overridden artwork?12:02
Traeahh ok...  My question is whether or not we should expect it to be fixed for Dapper or Edgy.  12:02
mjg59sladen: Sure, no problem, but it would be nice to leave more than 16 colours in it12:02
KeybukTrae: and unless there's a patch that fixes it on that bug, there's no known way to fix it12:02
mjg59Trae: Quite possibly fixed in edgy12:03
Traemjg59, k12:03
Keybukmjg59: what did you change?12:03
mjg59But depends on what the failure is in your case12:03
mjg59Keybuk: powernowd bails and uses ondemand where possible12:03
Keybukmjg59: yeah, that hasn't fully fixed it for Trae12:03
mjg59Ok, then no, it's not fixed12:03
Traemjg59, my failure is a problem where the laptop shuts off when viewing a video.  I thought it was fixed one time.... but it came back later.12:04
TraeKeybuk, did you ever see what I posted on the bug ?  about my /etc/rc.local 12:04
TraeKeybuk, perhaps I put something in wrong.12:04
Traecause it only came back after the reboot12:04
KeybukTrae: oh12:04
Keybuksh -c 'echo -n ondemand > sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor'12:04
Keybukshould be just12:04
Keybukecho -n ondemand > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor12:05
TraeKeybuk, heh, if that's the case then perhaps it _IS_ fixed.12:05
Keybuknote the extra "/" :p12:05
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Traeeye am sofa king we todd did12:05
Keybuk(and you don't need the sh -c ' ' bit)12:05
TraeKeybuk, let me try that again for grins12:05
mjg59Keybuk: I think I've got a handle on the console restoration12:05
mjg59At least, one that works here for me12:05
KeybukI'm guessing by the sudden requirement of an INPUT option that usplash somehow displays on something *other* than /dev/console ?12:06
TraeKeybuk, should I need the path to echo ?12:06
Seveasmjg59, when is usplash.conf created?12:06
mjg59Seveas: On installation12:06
KeybukTrae: no, that's a builtin :p12:06
TraeKeybuk, ok.. hehe12:06
mjg59bzr: ERROR: Unsupported protocol for url "sftp://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Eubuntu-core-dev/usplash/ubuntu/": Unable to import paramiko (required for sftp support): No module named paramiko12:06
=== mjg59 cries
Kamioninstall python-paramiko?12:07
Kamionwell, paramiko isn't needed for e.g. bzr get http://12:07
TraeKeybuk, http://www.shorttext.com/3a6i712:08
KamionI'm not sure, it's one of those difficult edge cases12:08
mjg59Now, where was I...12:08
sladenneeds a Really-Recommends:12:08
Kamionlike syslinux and mtools12:08
TraeKeybuk, can you triple check that for me please.12:08
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Keybuksladen: Recommends is intended to be "really"12:08
KeybukSuggests is the "if you want"12:08

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