
nixternalwow trappist i truthfully swore you were a member already01:02
nixternalthis is in the bag...congrats!01:02
trappisthehe I thought so too for a while01:02
trappistthanks :)01:02
trappistjust need mako I think01:02
nixternalhe will +1 ya no problem01:02
LaserJock\o/ rather01:07
trappistnow to get into -qa01:07
nixternali have been waiting myself trappist01:09
trappistare you on the list?01:09
trappistI don't see you01:09
nixternalRichard Johnson01:09
nixternali mean -aq01:10
trappistoh :)01:10
trappistwell I stayed late at work for the cc meeting, I'm gonna head home.  Thanks much for the kind words, nixternal and LaserJock 01:11
=== trappist &
nixternalno prob..see ya in a bit01:11
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topa_bhuvan: ping07:27
bhuvantopa_: pong07:36
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jonohey jjesse 03:04
jjessehiya jono :)03:05
jjessehey back :)03:42
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jjessewhat's the address for the kubuntu release notes for edgy again/07:03
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Burgworkjjesse, wiki or the short ones?07:07
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niKsternalwhat time is the meeting?07:25
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jjessefound it thanks thouh08:04
lloydinhohuh? Meeting, anyone?08:06
lloydinhoeh. Stupid summertime.08:09
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jjessei'm ready08:20
niKsternalim not08:27
niKsternalat i am presenting ubuntu and linux right now ;)08:27
jjesseso no mtg?08:35
jjesseor is my time off?08:35
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mdkeevening. meeting time, isn't it?08:59
lloydinhoyes! Now it is meeting time!09:03
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mdkeso let's talk over some meeting issues in here09:21
mdkewe don't have enough for a full meeting09:21
mdkebut we can talk things through09:22
mdkeagenda is here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/MeetingAgenda09:22
mdkefirst agenda item is license policy, does anyone have any views on that?09:22
mdkeI don't think the current license policy is doing us any favours, and I would like to move to a single cc-by-sa license09:23
lloydinhofair enough. 09:23
mdkejjesse: any views on this one?09:24
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lloydinhowill that require the approval of all the contributors so far?09:24
jjessei don't have any issues w/ that09:24
mdkelloydinho: yes, in theory. In practice, it means asking for permission, and moving on if people don't complain09:24
mdkejeff made the great point on that thread that in future we should get people to agree that the doc team can change the license in the future by consensus09:25
lloydinhomdke, that would be a wise thing to do in the long run.09:26
mdkethe choice of license is the key thing to talk about, but on the ML cc-by-sa was the one each person mentioned09:26
mdkebut the thread wasn't widely responded to :/09:27
mdkethe forum uses that license, as does the official book, and potentially the wiki might use it, so it would make sense to take that09:27
mdkethe next issue is whether to cite licenses in full in the guides or just to link to them. jjesse, lloydinho: any views on this one?09:29
lloydinhowith a CC license, there wouldn't be a need to cite them in full.09:30
lloydinhoor would there? Seriously, IANAL..09:30
mdkethere isn't a need in any event09:31
jjessemdke: i gues i'm not really a laywer or really concenered about the license to be honest...  09:31
mdkefair enough09:31
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jjessei guess whatever works best, CC lienses is fine w/ me09:31
lloydinhohey LaserJock, just in time! (or a little late, but no matter..)09:32
LaserJockdoc meeting?09:32
mdkeas long as the file with the license text is shipped, and linked to in the info section of the guides, then there is no problem from a legal point of view. And those licenses are really cumbersome as appendices09:32
mdkeLaserJock: hiya, we are just chatting through some issues on the agenda09:32
LaserJockI just got to work from being at the dentist for  2 hrs09:32
LaserJockyeah, no fun09:33
lloydinhomdke, that sounds like a very decent solution.09:33
mdkeouch indeed. LaserJock, got any views on the first two agenda items? (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/MeetingAgenda)09:33
LaserJocklicensing is a big pain in the butt! ;-)09:34
mdkethat's true. Any more specific ones?09:35
LaserJock1) I'm sort of feeling like the dual licensing thing isn't really working for us to well. It is great for downstream derivatives09:35
LaserJockbut it sucks for us09:35
jjesseis the dual licenses causing the problem integrating w/ gnome or is there some other?09:35
jjessei don't have that converstation in front of me09:35
mdkeno, that's another09:35
mdkemore fundamental ;)09:36
LaserJockwell, grabing material from Wikipedia for instance09:36
mdkewikipedia grabbing is unlikely in any event though, because it's on gfdl09:36
mdkebut ubuntu forums, ubuntu book grabbing would be good09:37
jjesseis the CC license easier to use in downstream/upstream?09:37
LaserJockwell, but the point remains that it looks to me anyway, that any source we take from (including the wiki) needs to also be dual licensed09:37
mdkeLaserJock: yes, that's right09:37
mdkejjesse: it would make it possible for us to use other cc-by-sa material in our docs09:37
LaserJockright now I would say that we legally can't use any of our own wiki material, which is very odd09:37
mdkewell, that's because the wiki has no license right now, but that's another question :)09:38
LaserJockwhat about the forums, they are cc-by-sa?09:38
mdkeyes, I believe so09:39
LaserJockwell, of course IANAL, but I kinda feel like just sticking to cc-by-sa (or cc-by even) would be a good idea09:40
mdkeme too.09:40
LaserJockok, that's number 109:40
mdkeany view on 2)?09:40
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LaserJock2)  I say links, it is totally dumb looking to have 10 pages of License on a 80 doc 09:41
jjesseis it approriate leggally?09:41
jjessecause if it is i'm fine w/ it09:41
LaserJockI know with cc-by-sa a link is fine09:41
mdkeyes, including a link is fine09:41
mdkewe can ship an xml version and link to it locally09:42
LaserJockI didn't read through GFDL enough to say positively but I think it might be ok too09:42
mdkehow about 3?09:42
LaserJockas long as you can get the reader to the License material then I think you are fine09:42
LaserJockright, I'm all for it09:43
jjessethe only entities i usually refer to a doc #s09:43
jjesseversion numbers sorry09:43
LaserJockbut can we use entities within the .xml files themselves (like at the top) for translatable stuff?09:44
LaserJockok, so how would we do &ubuntu; ?09:44
mdkeby writing "Ubuntu"09:45
mdkeand not using an entity09:45
mdkeit's fewer letters, tbh ;)09:45
LaserJockI think that's a hit, but I think it is probably worth it09:45
lloydinhowouldn't that make it more tricky for derivatives wanting to use our documentation?09:45
LaserJockmdke: well, it isn't when you have to replace like 100 of them ;-)09:45
mdkefind and replace...09:46
LaserJocklloydinho: I'm guessing that's what sed or replace is for09:46
lloydinhoYeh, I suppose so.09:46
LaserJockyeah, what mdke said ;-)09:46
lloydinhoso agreed then?09:47
LaserJockhonestly, with Python and shell scripting, etc. these kinds of things are pretty easily done09:47
jjesse+1 for me09:47
LaserJockI think the best use of entities are for number's an URLs09:48
LaserJockwill URLs be translatable at all?09:48
trappistperl -pi -e 's/this/that/g' find . -name '*.xml'09:48
trappistperl -pi -e 's/this/that/g' `find . -name '*.xml'`09:48
lloydinhoLaserJock, should URLs be translable?09:48
LaserJockI kinda wondered if some of the teams (for instance the brazil team) might put in localized urls09:48
claudeyes, localized urls are important09:49
LaserJockis that a common practice?09:49
lloydinhohm. Well, most URLs point to the Ubuntu website which isn't translated at all.09:49
mdkeclaude: I'm not convinced they are frequently used, to be honest09:49
mdke(for translation)09:49
LaserJockfor the Packaging Guide it isn't a big deal because non of the URLs have translated equivalents09:50
claudefor example java download09:50
LaserJockstuff like LP and wiki.ubuntu.com09:50
claudeen : http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp09:50
claudefr: http://java.com/fr/download/manual.jsp09:50
mdkeclaude: java is shipped with Ubuntu, we don't use that url09:50
claudeit's in the desktop guide now09:50
mdkeobviously, it's possible to localise urls, but I'm not sure it is actually done much with the urls we use09:50
LaserJockwell, I think we maybe could add a point for authors to think about if an entity is translatable before they put it in09:51
mdkeclaude: erm, no it isn't09:51
LaserJockwas it in the dapper desktop guide?09:51
claudei should maybe update my svn :-P09:52
mdkeLaserJock: no09:52
LaserJockanyway, I think you are totally right about the entity thing09:52
mdkematt@kalliope:~/ubuntu/ubuntu-doc/trunk$ grep -r "java.com" *09:52
LaserJockthe most common thing is the version number09:52
LaserJockand we shouldn't need to redo translations for that09:53
mdkegah, wrong search09:53
mdkeif we need to localise urls, we can work around that easily09:53
LaserJockwe need to keep the translation load to things that really count09:53
lloydinhoI think in any case it may still be too early to begin localizing urls.09:55
mdkehow about issue 4?09:56
lloydinhoThere aren't very many complete translations of the documentation, much less the urls they contain.09:56
lloydinhoI put that in there. 09:57
jjesse#4 working on the kubuntu docs side of things :)09:57
jjesseso just need to keep pushing09:57
lloydinhojjesse, good work!09:57
mdkeI'm going on holiday on saturday09:57
mdkeprobably will be out of it for much of the rest of september09:57
jjessei gotta get my key issue figured out so i stop sending patches and can start committing directly09:58
jjesseenjoy your holiday09:58
mdkebefore I go I'll try and tidy up anything I can think of that I haven't done yet. And if anyone needs me to do anything, lemme know asap09:58
lloydinhomdke: are you going to revert the desktop guide merge with the Gnome docs?09:58
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lloydinhohow does the desktop guide look apart from that?09:59
lloydinhoAre there any major gaps that we need to address?09:59
mdkeit needs to be reviewed and checked for edgy. Also there is some modem bits missing and the printing chapter is incredibly thin09:59
mdke"there is some", uggghn10:00
lloydinhohm. Modems and printers are not exactly my strong point.10:00
LaserJockwell, tbh docs have been on the back-burner for edgy for me, I hope to get some work done on the Packaging Guide though before the freeze10:00
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lloydinhohow about the front page - did we reach any conclusion about how it should look?10:00
mdkelloydinho: there are modem pages on the wiki if you want to dive into that10:01
mdkelloydinho: front page - no: we need to figure out what to call the desktop guide and the Gnome desktop guide so that they don't look confusing on the Front page10:01
lloydinhohm. I'd like to have a look at that, but I won't have time for it before monday.10:02
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lloydinhomdke: How have you gone about editing the front page so far?10:03
mdkelloydinho: happy to leave you in charge of that :)10:03
mdkebasically yelp creates its front page from scrollkeeper omf files, shipped with each document (see for example desktopguide.omf)10:04
lloydinhomdke, heh - thanks :-)10:04
mdkechanging those files changes how they appear in the yelp table of contents10:04
mdkethe order is controlled by some yelp magic, contributed by Don Scorgie, who you should grab for any technical help10:05
lloydinhocool. I've talked to Don a bit before, I'm sure he wouldn't mind lending a hand.10:05
mdkeI'm sure he won't10:06
mdkecool, I ought to go now10:06
mdkeI'll send a few mails chasing up these agenda items10:06
lloydinhocool. I hope everybody's psyched about getting these last things in place.10:06
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mdkeit's been a pretty lazy cycle10:07
jjesseagreed, hasn't been as hectic as dapper was for some reason10:07
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LaserJockwell, psycho busy for me but not in the doc department10:07
lloydinhoyeh. Maybe we can get a bit of a last-minute-rush-mode going now... ;-) 10:07
mdkewe'll have to concentrate on the next one :)10:08
mdkeand try and rush everything into place for edgy10:08
LaserJockwell, I really think the 4 month release cycle made a difference10:08
LaserJockthat, and in dapper we had a  lot of new stuff10:08
=== lloydinho nods
mdkeok, good night, thanks guys10:08
LaserJockcya mdke, thanks10:08
lloydinhohave a nice holiday, mdke.10:09
lloydinhogood whatever-time-of-day to the rest of you. :-)10:09
nixternaljjesse: speaking of Kubuntu docs, have you heard anything from robotgeek on the KDG?10:15
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trappistguys I'm going to shift my focus from bugs to docs to get as much proofreading done as possible.  what do you think is the ideal window for me to get as much new/modified content as possible without conflicting with freezes?10:25
nixternaltomorrow ;)10:27
nixternalwe freeze around the 14th10:27
nixternalso...i have the about kubuntu and release notes rocking if you want to play with those10:27
trappistnixternal: and you don't expect a whole lot of activity between tomorrow and the 14th?10:27
nixternalthey need some more work...especially the support parts10:27
trappistnixternal: I can start with those10:28
nixternalthere is going to be a bunch of activity between now and the 14th, i was just having some fun with the "tomorrow" ;)10:28
trappistoh ok :)10:29
nixternalrobotgeek was working on the KDG, but I see jjesse posted a patch to it recently...i know robotgeek wanted to split it up...but i dont' know now10:29
jjessei didn't see any work so i just started :)10:30
trappistI guess what I'm looking for is the time where stuff is somewhat stable, but not yet frozen10:30
nixternali should have done the same, but im not "in in" like that..so i didn't want to step on anyones toes10:30
jjessenixternal: don't feel afraid to step on toes  "its easier to ask forgiveness then permission " 10:31
nixternaltrue..but at the same time, i don't want to chap someones ass. forgiving and forgetting is easier said then done ;)10:32
LaserJocknixternal: we're all friends here ;-)10:33
LaserJocktrappist: I'm not sure we are exactly to the "stable but not frozen" state, we are more like a slushy10:33
nixternalya, the "ice is to thin to walk on" stage10:34
nixternala snow cone is more frozen10:34
nixternaljjesse: tomorrow, 4pm my time, 5pm your time, Kubuntu devel meeting10:36
nixternalonly thing I have to offer is a proposed "Kubuntu on the Web" page like the "KDE on the Web" page currently in the KHC10:36
nixternalwho..actually it is 5pm my time and 6pm your time10:37
jjesseyeah i know10:37
nixternalno i was the right the first time10:37
nixternalim a little e.tarded right now10:37
nixternalyou will be driving home during the initial start...anything you think we should add to the agenda?10:38
nixternali should be getting home by the time it starts10:38
jjessewell i'm trying to rescheudle around the mtg tomorrow10:42
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mdkenixternal: erm, that ubuntu-website bug you closed is still present11:42
nixternalis it?12:12
nixternali thought it got fixed?12:12

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