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RedRoseSomething like my laptops monitor brightness, that's something controled by ACPI, right?01:12
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RedRoseI want to modify the birghtness level and It says it can't write, how do I?01:56
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Fujitsu_Hi PavelS/.02:06
PavelSIs there anybody who know something about suspend to ram, please? I am trying to set it on my laptop almost three days without progress.02:06
Fujitsu_You might want to ask in #ubuntu, this isn't a support channel.02:07
PavelSSorry...ehm and what is this channel about?02:07
Fujitsu_Development/testing of Ubuntu with laptop.s02:08
Fujitsu_* Topic for #ubuntu-laptop is:  Ubuntu laptop development work | Not a general Ubuntu support channel, use #ubuntu02:08
PavelSUnderstand....Have a nic Day/Night =c] 02:09
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RedRose/proc/acpi/video/GFX0/LCD -- I want to modify the birghtness level and It says it can't write, how do I?05:18
=== RedRose [n=root@c-67-174-77-132.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-laptop
RedRoseprometheus@Cerberus:/proc/acpi/video/GFX0/LCD# sudo echo current 80 > brightness05:41
RedRoseecho: write error: Invalid argument05:41
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sputniklo folks07:56
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Nailorbtw, has any of you played around with opensync?10:34
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RedRosehow can I edit the ACPI to allow for lower monitor brightness? 08:28
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IcemanV9sudo su -- then edit files, when done exit (sudo su)09:42
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crimsunthis laptop has been suspending and resuming like a champ lately11:24
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