
=== ausimage [n=owner@pool-141-149-239-130.syr.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== imbrandon twidles his thumbs
imbrandon.oO ( twidles a word? )12:16
=== bddebian picks his nose
trappistimbrandon: twiddles12:16
=== LaserJock installs Knot2 on the side
Seveaswhich side?12:17
KurtKrautLaserJock, are you making a clean install or upgrading from Dapper ?12:17
LaserJockKurtKraut: clean12:17
=== AndreNoel [n=noel@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
LaserJockSeveas: that would be about 4 ft to my left side :-)12:17
KurtKrautLaserJock, oh ok... I'm trying to upgrade from Dapper and I'm facing several bugs.12:17
ompaulbddebian, your nose is a team player?12:17
ompaulbddebian, which sport?12:17
=== ogra shows arund the photo he took of bddebian picking his nose
=== kwwii [n=kwwii@p5495500E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
pygihey kwwii 12:18
kwwiihowdy pygi12:18
ograhi kwwii 12:19
imbrandonheya kwwii12:19
Kamionwe should probably get started even though mako's not around12:19
KamionI don't know about anyone else but it's pretty late here and I'm already tired12:20
Kamionso the first item on the agenda is:12:20
KamionContinuing the IRC network discussion12:20
Kamioncan I go and hide now?12:20
Seveasthat's still waiting on a sabdfl-aware meeting12:20
Kamionall right then12:20
Hobbseesurely that's not being discussed again :P12:20
KamionCall for nominations for the "Localisation / Translation Team Leader". We would like to call for folks to volunteer to be considered as the coordinator of Ubuntu translation efforts using Rosetta. This person would keep in touch with translation teams, coordinate with Jordi and Carlos w.r.t. Rosetta developments, and coordinate with Martin and Doko w.r.t. language pack development.12:20
Kamion    *12:20
Kamion      For next meeting danilos, OgMaciel and carlos will be providing a more complete 'Job Description'12:20
Kamion    *12:21
Kamion      I'd like to apply for this position. OgMaciel12:21
KamionOgMaciel: here?12:21
OgMacielKamion, yup12:21
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=== steppe [n=steppe@Home0.HomeNet.Odessa.UA] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
KamionI'm pinging Jordi and danilos on the off-chance that they might be around this late12:21
Kamionsince they haven't provided the promised job description yet12:21
OgMacielKamion, I sure hope so12:21
SeveasI pinged jordi a few minutes ago, no response12:21
Seveasdailos is danil[out] 12:22
OgMacielKamion, they've emailed the CC a document12:22
OgMacielKamion, the document contains all the details12:22
elmono they haven't12:22
elmooh, carlos has12:22
OgMacielelmo, I was cced on this12:22
Kamionah yes, found it12:23
Kamionhttp://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/tmp/ubuntu-l10n-coordinator.txt for reference12:23
SurakKamion: 40312:24
Kamionit should go somewhere more permanennt12:24
KamionSurak: fixed, thanks12:24
elmodo we have any other volunteers/nominations yet?12:25
pygiEdgyEft, how can one found out what positions exist/are open? I remember reading it somewhere before :P12:26
elmothat's kind of a good point -has  this job description been mailed anywhere?12:26
gnomefreaki thought it was on ubuntu.com somewhere pygi 12:27
=== BHSPitMonkey [n=stephen@adsl-68-95-246-24.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
Seveaselmo, not that I know of12:27
bddebianI have GOT to get home...12:27
Kamionif you guys are thinking of http://www.ubuntu.com/employment, it's not there (and shouldn't be, it's not a paid position) - I don't know of any other list of "open positions"12:27
makoback all12:27
Seveasit might be a good idea to post it on -users and/or an announce mailing list12:27
Seveaswb mako12:27
pygiKamion, I thought it was somewhere under special part of ubuntu12:28
=== Kamion pokes through a few mailing lists
bddebianKamion, elmo, mako: Apologies for butting in but i have to leave.  Please give +1 to welshbyte, Fujitsu, and trappist for me.12:28
Kamionpygi: feel free to find it12:28
SurakKamion: are those paid positions subject to scrutinity in a CC Meeting?12:28
jonoKamion, I think a list of open positions would be a good idea :)12:28
pygiKamion, well, I don't think it is there anymore :)12:28
trappistbddebian: thanks12:28
=== pygi agrees with jono 100%
elmoSurak: no12:29
elmoSurak: Ubuntu isn't paying them12:29
jonoI will add it to my list :P12:29
makoSurak: just can pay anyone to work on any part of ubuntu you'd like12:29
makoSurak: so can mark12:29
Seveas<pedantic> then the jobs should probably on canonical.com instead of ubuntu.com </pedantic>12:29
jonoSurak, canonical pays those positions12:29
makoSeveas: they really should12:29
elmook, so before we go any further with this translator thing, can we get the call and description mailed somewhere, and maybe put on the website 12:30
makoor at least presented in a way that makes it clear that those are canonical jobs related to ubuntu and other people should be able to advertise jobs there12:30
=== mruiz [n=mruiz@pc-64-66-104-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
Seveaselmo, ok, I'll mail it to -users and prod mdke for website12:30
imbrandonmako, +112:30
elmoSeveas: which -users?12:30
elmothere's a rosetta-users or launchpad-users or something12:31
Kamionwhy -users?12:31
Kamionsurely ubuntu-translators is the right list12:31
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Seveaslaunchpad-users I meant12:31
Seveasubuntu-translators is fairly dead12:31
Kamionubuntu-translators, cc to rosetta-users, perhaps12:31
KamionSeveas: the mailing list archives show active debates12:31
KamionI mean not *lots*, but more than dead12:31
=== Seveas should check whether he is still subscribed then
jendafairly dead doesn't mean no one reads them12:32
Seveasanyway, sending it to those lists sounds like a much better idea than mine so I'll do that12:33
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elmook - so let's revisit that next meeting then after we've had a chance to actually get some nominations/volunteers :)12:34
elmowhat's next?12:34
=== mako nods
elmoany locoteam folks here?12:34
makoany local communities who are on the list AND present should speak up to introduce themselves12:35
Seveasshould we at some point prune old loco/member items from the agenda? 12:35
Seveasas you can see, a few are on the agnda for months now12:35
makothat's probably a good idea12:36
makoalright then12:36
jonoby the way, I am going to be working on LoCo teams12:36
elmoSeveas: could you mail the older ones explaining why and then prune them?12:36
Seveaselmo, ack12:36
elmoSeveas: (nicely ;-)12:36
makojono: be careful how much you take on right away :)12:36
jonoI am hoping to clear up LoCo teams a bit12:36
elmoSeveas: cool, thanks12:36
jonomako, heh, step by step :)12:36
=== Seveas does a happy dance for jono
elmook, so new member applicants12:36
makojono: i've had much of your job before, i know this :)12:36
jonoSeveas, :)12:36
=== nixternal puts a fence around Ubuntu Chicago - no pruning needed here ;)
elmofirst of all, sound off if you're a new member applicant and here12:37
SeveasCypherBIOS seems to be the first on the list who is here12:37
gnomefreaknixternal: wasnt that oked?12:37
CypherBIOSI am,12:37
SeveasI'll try and poke ones that are unfindable atm12:37
ompaulSeveas, flannel is mia12:37
makobest to at least mention their names here12:37
makoRolandoBlanco whitesoft, no here?12:37
makoKirjanov Denis kirjanov, not here?12:38
=== josevitor [n=ubuntu@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
makoNealBussett Flannel, we've just heard is not here12:38
makoAhmad Muammar y3dips, not here?12:38
makoRafael Proena CypherBIOS: you're up12:38
=== CypherBIOS here
Seveas-SeenServ- I haven't seen y3dips recently12:38
Seveassame for kirjanov12:38
makoCypherBIOS: have your introduction ready?12:39
CypherBIOSmako: yep12:39
makoif others in line do not yet have a short intro typed up for pasting, please get that ready12:39
CypherBIOSMy name is Rafael Proena, aka CypherBIOS.12:39
makowe'll go in order but people may not be here so you may up sooner than you think12:39
makoCypherBIOS: please, go ahead12:39
CypherBIOSmako: tnx12:39
CypherBIOSFirst, here is the links for my WikiPage: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CypherBios12:39
CypherBIOSand in the launchpad https://launchpad.net/people/cypherbios12:39
CypherBIOSThere is complete explanation about me, my work and contributions on the web, but here goes a summary:12:39
=== Fujitsu [n=fujitsu@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
CypherBIOS(to economize space, see all links that I mention in my WikiPage)12:39
CypherBIOSI'm working with/to/in Ubuntu since Warty, using the Hoary beta.12:39
CypherBIOSMy principal contribuition with Ubuntu is in the Brazilian Community, where I've created, with the help of some amazing people, the Ubuntu Brazilian Documentation Team that now is one of the major teams and force within the Brazilian Community.  I'm also the organizer and mantainner of the structure of Wiki Ubuntu Brazil.12:40
CypherBIOSOrganizer and mantainner of the structure of Wiki Ubuntu Brazil. I got the power to move/remove the pages ;)12:40
CypherBIOSI am a Planet Ubuntu Brazil autor, where I post some articles and news about Ubuntu to keep the community up-to-date.12:40
CypherBIOSI've helped vdepizzol and others to organize and migrate the www.UbuntuBrasil.org interface and estructure. Making the usability work together with praticity :)12:40
CypherBIOSI'm developing a GUI-based tool called APTonCD, this is developed in Python and GTK for Ubuntu. To know more about the project, see http://aptoncd.sourceforge.net12:40
OgMacielcyphase, don't forget about APTonCD <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/APTonCD>12:41
CypherBIOSbasic... is it ;) sorry for the flood12:41
OgMacielCypherBIOS, , don't forget about APTonCD <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/APTonCD>12:41
CypherBIOSOgMaciel: tanks12:41
elmoCypherBIOS: ehm, you wrote your own planet rather than use the existing one?12:41
CypherBIOSelmo: no, use thee existing12:41
OgMacielelmo, that was actually done by Meyer12:41
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=== licio is now known as Spl4y
elmoI'm confused.  is it the same source code as the planet used on planet.ubuntu.com?  i.e. the one written by Scott + Jdub12:42
Kamionok, sorry, back; was catching up with mdz-land12:42
Seveasno, -br uses a php based planet12:42
elmoif it is - what do you meant by author.  if it's not - why?12:42
OgMacielelmo, no... it is written from scratch by Meyer12:42
OgMacielelmo, he is syndicated12:42
Ubuntuserelmo, called Phplanet.. 12:43
elmooh, what a confusing use of the word "author"12:43
elmoanyway, I get it now, don't mind me12:43
CypherBIOSelmo: sorry ;)12:43
SeveasOgMaciel, (or any other -br member) -- we need some testimonials12:43
OgMacielSeveas, mine is at his wiki page12:43
OgMacielSeveas, he has my 100% support12:44
Seveasah, didn't finish the entire page yet12:44
elmoCypherBIOS: you might want to change "Author of Ubuntu Brazilian's blog agregator." on your wiki page to "Author on" to make it less confusing12:44
Seveaswell done, collecting testimonials there12:44
SurakUbuntu Documentation Team is going really fine.12:44
UbuntuserSeveas, i cannot put my testimonial.. but CypherBIOS have my 100% too12:44
CypherBIOSSeveas: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CypherBios12:44
OgMacielCypherBIOS, has brought in a great group of individuals and created a great infra-structure of documentation12:44
CypherBIOSelmo: I'll12:44
SurakSeveas: same as ubuntuser. I support CypherBIOS fully.12:45
CypherBIOSUbuntuser, OgMaciel, Surak: tanks12:45
=== OgMaciel urges elmo mako Kamion and Seveas to check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/APTonCD
=== Fujitsu_ [n=Fujitsu@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
AndreNoelcypher is doind a great great great work with doc12:46
elmohmm, rosetta got a lot more shiny12:46
SurakDocumentation team seems today one of the most active parts of the Brazilian LocoTeam work.12:46
SeveasOgMaciel, at the risk of going offtopic -- I've been implementing a similar thing recently -- if interested, let's talk after the meeting12:47
AndreNoeli think that brazilian doc team needs CypherBIOS 12:47
OgMacielSeveas, great... we have a good team behind it too12:47
CypherBIOSSeveas: I interested, I will12:47
makothis all looks great12:47
makoi'm happy with membership12:47
Seveascouldn't agree more12:48
OgMacieljosevitor has asked to me to state on his behalf that he supports CypherBIOS 12:48
=== KurtKraut [n=ktk@unaffiliated/kurtkraut] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
CypherBIOSmako: tanks12:48
elmoyeah, ack from me too12:49
OgMacielCypherBIOS, congrats buddy!12:49
SeveasOgMaciel, not yet ;)12:49
LinuxBACypherBIOS, congrats12:49
UbuntuserCypherBIOS, parabns em bom portugus! :)12:49
OgMacielSeveas, ooops12:49
OgMacielSeveas, slippery finger12:49
SurakEasy people ;-)12:49
SeveasKamion, still has to give his ok12:49
CypherBIOSSeveas, mako, elmo, Kamion: so, I'm aboard?12:50
Kamionsorry, conversations with mdz tend to require a fair bit of follow-up - yes, ack for CypherBIOS12:50
AndreNoelcongrats CypherBIOS!!12:50
SeveasCypherBIOS, NOW you are ;)12:50
OgMacielCypherBIOS, NOW congrats buddy!12:50
SurakNow congrats!12:50
CypherBIOSKamion: tanks ;)12:50
jonoCypherBIOS, congrats! :)12:50
CypherBIOSSeveas: ;)12:50
makoBrendon Toogood Brendon812:50
makoaround around?12:50
SurakParabns rapaz!12:50
CypherBIOSTanks for all ;D12:51
AndreNoelYip Yip Hurra!12:51
Seveasbrendon8 is MIA12:51
CypherBIOSSurak: valeu!12:51
makoRocco Stanzione trappist: you're up12:51
UbuntuserYip Yip hurra.. is good!12:51
josevitorViva viva viva!12:51
guilhermeeCypherBIOS, good job :)12:51
makocalm down guys ;)12:51
Seveas-br folks: please calm down12:51
trappistso, paste an intro?12:51
makotrappist: please,12:51
guilhermeeSeveas, sorry :P12:51
trappistHi I'm Rocco Stanzione.  I started out on redhat 6 in 1999, moved to mandrake a couple of years later.12:51
trappistI was active in Mandrake, a member of the "club" and of the security team.  I switched to Debian about12:51
UbuntuserSeveas, one more to family12:51
trappist2 years ago for political and professional reasons and liked it a lot.  I tried Ubuntu just after12:51
trappistbreezy was released and decided, hopefully for the last time, that this was the distro for me.  Since12:51
trappistthen I've been active in the community on as many fronts as I'm capable of contributing to, and maybe12:52
trappist1 or 2 more ;)  I'm on the doc team where I made decent contributions to the serverguide and have12:52
trappistproofread extensively, and I'm in the process of writing a securityguide.  I peruse bugs often, and12:52
trappisttry to fix any that I can.  I have a partial list of bugs to which I've uploaded patches, if you like.12:52
trappistI also report bugs, help out on #ubuntu and #kubuntu, and make occasional contributions to the wiki.12:52
trappistI'm the author of ipkungfu, the new version of which I'm working on getting packaged, and I run12:52
trappist#iptables on freenode.  In real life I currently work for an airline consultancy, running the network12:52
trappistand helping to write applications for airlines to manage their maintenance programs, FAA compliance12:52
trappistdocumentation, etc.  I have a wife and a daughter, both of whom are surprisingly supportive of the12:52
trappisttime I spend working on geek stuff like ubuntu.12:52
=== Seveas does some cheering for trappist because of his bug work
=== trappist thanks Seveas after some recent headbutting
=== jenda joins in because of the support in #ubuntu (he helped me once ;))
Lureyep, trappist does a great job on bugs12:53
gnomefreaktrappist: has been helping out in kubutnu more and more and he just like 3 minutes ago helped someone in -bugs :)12:53
gnomefreak+1 for trappist 12:53
ompaul+1 trappist for general support I have seen him do12:54
LaserJocktrappist helped out quite a bit with the Dapper documentation doing proofreading and making sure we had a consistent style12:54
imbrandon+1 from trapist from me too12:54
Riddelltrappist has been known to fill my inbox with kubuntu related bug triage, which I'm all for12:55
Kamionthat's a lot of bug karma12:55
Hobbseequick!  lets spam Riddell's inbox some more!12:55
jonoHobbsee, woo!12:55
trappistRiddell: I wouldn't have thought you'd notice :)12:55
SeveasKamion, bug karma increases quickly since recently12:55
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Seveasmine has had a few 100k more than just a few weeks ago12:56
gnomefreakmy understanding its gonna be changing alot12:56
trappistis it also gonna be documented a lot? I have no idea how it works12:56
imbrandonyea i went from 15k to 190k in like 2 weeks reciently12:56
Seveasnot saying that trappist isn't doing a great job, because he really is doing a great job12:56
SurakMine has multilplied by 3 some time ago.12:56
CypherBIOSSurak: mine too ;)12:57
makotrappist: i like the public key on your wiki page12:57
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gnomefreaktrappist: what names are LP and wiki under?12:58
trappistgnomefreak: https://launchpad.net/people/trappist and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RoccoStanzione12:58
gnomefreakty had them backwards :(12:58
Seveas(gnomefreak: links are on the CC agenda page)12:59
elmoack from me for trappist 12:59
trappistthat was a +3 from Seveas I think01:00
jenda...but he doesn't count.01:00
Seveastrappist, only CC members can +1/-1 people01:00
trappistSeveas: oh, I thought you were :)01:01
nixternaltrappist: i swore you were a member already ;)   we need trappist, he is hookin' up the docs!!01:01
SeveasI'm not -- The CC members are mako, Kamion, elmo and sabdfl01:01
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Kamionyup, +1 on trappist from me as well01:01
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Seveastrappist, you might need to bribe mako ;)01:03
trappistI'm not above it01:03
ompaultrappist, the rest are people saying your not a bad person or words to that effect01:03
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trappistompaul: gotcha.  they're much appreciated :)01:04
Surakmako hitchcock :-)01:04
trappistm/sg mako let's work out a deal01:04
welshbytethe suspense... :)01:04
UbuntuserMako Sthephen King01:05
trappistI think I'm gonna hurl01:05
Surakwelshbyte: hold your heart to your own time :-)01:05
makoyes, sounds fine :)01:05
makosorry about that01:05
Seveastrappist, welcome aboard!01:05
makoi am trying to juggle a GPLv3 meeting that is going on concurrently01:05
trappistwoohoo!  thanks everybody!01:05
Fujitsu_Ouch, mako.01:06
SurakCongrats Rocco!01:06
trappistSurak: thanks01:06
makoi'm mostly just watching over there but but they just asked my opinion about something :)01:06
LinuxBAtrappist, Congrats01:06
nixternalcongratulations trappist!!!   lets go do some KUbuntu docs now...we only have 9 more days until our freeze ;)01:06
makoAndy Price welshbyte01:06
Spl4ytrappist, congrats :)01:06
UbuntuserCongratulations trappist 01:06
makowelshbyte: you around?01:06
welshbyteok here goes :)01:06
jendacongratulations ;)01:06
trappistmuch thanks everybody01:06
welshbyteMy name is Andy Price [wiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AndyPrice , LP: https://launchpad.net/people/andy-price ]  I'm 23 (24 in a couple of days) and I'm going into the second year of a Computer Science degree course at Swansea University.01:06
gnomefreakcongrats trappist 01:07
welshbyteI've been using GNU/Linux systems for about 4 years. I worked my way through a handful of distros including Mandriva and Fedora before finally settling on Ubuntu around the time of Hoary. Now even my Mother uses Ubuntu, which has given me great insight into usability issues from a non-technical perspective.01:07
welshbyteLast year I was president of Swansea University Computer Society (of Alan Cox fame) and this year I'm its treasurer. Along with that, I've also been a systems admin for the society - we run web/email/ftp/etc services from a small room on campus. We have about 150 members and we always keep a stock of Ubuntu CDs in our computer room to offer to members.01:07
welshbyteI am the maintainer of a python/glade easy-backup application called pybackpack which I resurrected from a 2005 Google Summer of Code project which was pronounced "dead". It needs a lot of cleaning up but it has good potential.01:07
welshbyteI filed my first Ubuntu bug last October and started irregular sessions of bug triage shortly after that, hanging out on #ubuntu-bugs and lurking on other Ubuntu channels out of interest. A couple of months ago I taught myself how to package debs and about a month ago I started participating in #ubuntu-motu along with #ubuntu-bugs and with more regularity than before. Since then I have been triaging bugs and taking 01:07
welshbytean interest in MOTU activities.01:07
welshbyteMy recent contributions have mostly been helping out the MOTUs with packaging, merging, syncing and little jobs like writing a missing man page. I've also been helping bddebian look into some troublesome issues like maxima's GCL bugs and the Eclipse libraries problem. I now regularly read 10 ubuntu-related mailing lists and I'm starting to get a good feel for how the whole development system works. Details of my pac01:07
welshbytekaging contributions are listed on my wiki page.01:07
Seveasany MOTU around for cheerleading?01:08
welshbyteAlong with merging/packaging/fixing for Universe I'm also happy to give other users in #ubuntu-motu some help with their own packaging and programming questions. I've found that the people that hang out in #ubuntu-motu, #ubuntu-devel and #ubuntu-bugs are hugely helpful and friendly and I enjoy being part of that community. I've also been known to lurk in #ubuntu+1 and #ubuntu-uk although I'm more interested in the d01:08
welshbyteevelopment-related channels.01:08
=== j_ack_ [n=rudi@p508D9854.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
crimsunI'll add because I have to return to a meeting that both welshbyte and Fujitsu_ make bug triaging and universe merges much more tolerable. They learn quickly and play well with the rest of the teams.01:08
Seveasimbrandon had to leave but wanted to cheer for welshbyte too01:08
elmoDear Wiki, you are the SUCK.  Love, James.01:08
welshbyteI hope I can help the Ubuntu community fight the "battle of the bugs" and also help to take a chunk out of the huge amount of work the MOTU team have to undertake. As I learn more about the development process the number of contributions I can make to Ubuntu increases and it gets even more fun. Eventually I'd like to become a MOTU and help to keep the increasing number of packages in universe up to a high standard o01:08
welshbytef quality. Lots of work to do, but I enjoy it.01:08
welshbyteThank you for considering me as a Ubuntu member :)01:08
welshbytesorry, bit long wasn't it :)01:09
imbrandoni'm still here but , yea welshbyte has my +1 , he helps alot01:09
LaserJockyeah, I support welshbyte as well, he has been sticking to it and has been consistent on #ubuntu-motu01:09
imbrandonin motu and learns fast01:09
jonowelshbyte +1 from me, excellent work :)01:09
welshbytethanks guys :)01:09
elmodear lord - personal wiki page in the 3rd person01:10
imbrandonSeveas, it was bddebian that had to leave and gave a cheer for welshbyte and Fujitsu_01:10
Seveasok, well both of you now cheered for him, he should be happy ;)01:10
LaserJockelmo: yeah ... interesting 01:11
elmomotu people: how long has welshbyte been doing motu-ish stuff?01:11
welshbyteelmo: makes it easier to maintain if i die ;)01:11
imbrandon[17:28]  <bddebian> +Kamion, elmo, mako: Apologies for butting in but i have to leave.  Please give +1 to welshbyte, Fujitsu, and trappist for me.01:11
welshbytebddebian is unfortunately the person i work with most :/01:12
LaserJockelmo: hmm, trying to think, he's been learning and hanging out in -motu for some time01:12
crimsun2 months at least01:12
imbrandonelmo, about 3 or more months iirc ( from what i've seen )01:12
SurakI've seen welshbyte in #ubuntu-motu for quite some time now.01:12
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=== Dilago [n=wqyps@201008063180.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
welshbyteit's been a fun ride :)01:13
elmook, ack from me01:14
=== Ubug2 [n=bugbot@ubuntu/bot/ubugtu] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
Kamionyep, +1 for welshbyte, looks to be doing a good job and learning fast01:15
makoyes, sounds good to me01:15
makoWilliamGrant Fujitsu01:15
Fujitsu_Ah yes, me.01:15
Seveaswelshbyte, congrats!01:15
makoFujitsu_: go, go :)01:16
Fujitsu_Hi, I'm William Grant. I'm a 15-year-old student in Year 12 in Melbourne, Australia. I started out on Red Hat (7.0?) in mid-2000, when my father introduced me to it. I stayed there for a couple of years, moved to Mandrake, greatly disliked it, so moved to Slackware for about 1.5 years. I discovered Ubuntu just before the release of Hoary, and I haven't left since.01:16
Fujitsu_Around the release of Breezy I began to help a lot in #ubuntu. This continued until just after the release of Dapper, when I had to stop sitting in #ubuntu, as it was using up my download limit rapidly :(.01:16
Fujitsu_Also around the release of Breezy, YukiCuss and I formed the AustralianTeam, which I now manage the server for, and has around 170 people on the mailing list, and well over 50 members.01:16
Fujitsu_Since the move to Launchpad, I've been triaging bugs a fair bit. I'm not doing so much now, though, devoting more time to MOTUish activities.01:16
Fujitsu_I've merged and requested syncs for over 40 packages during the Edgy development cycle, with a few new ones yesterday.01:16
makoLinuxBA: skipped you, you're next01:16
makoLinuxBA: sorry01:16
SurakCongrats welshbyte01:16
SeveasFujitsu_, you're only 15?!?01:16
LinuxBAmako, no prblem01:16
Fujitsu_Seveas, yup...01:16
welshbytethanks Seveas, Surak :)01:16
Fujitsu_As of two months ago.01:16
=== jenda thinks age in and of it self should not be a criterion...
makojenda: don't worry it's not01:17
Seveasjenda, I don't consider it as such, I was merely very surprised01:17
jendaas long as those two months were filled with significant and sustained contribution :)01:17
=== Plug [n=crb@203-167-190-117.dsl.clear.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
elmoFujitsu: you haven't applied for ubuntu-members in LP ?01:18
=== Seveas does 3 cheers for Fujitsu, he likes to push buttons in Malone
Fujitsu_elmo, I thought I was only meant to once I was approved.01:18
Fujitsu_Thanks Seveas :)01:18
makoFujitsu_: no, do it before the meeting01:18
Fujitsu_Ah, I'll do it now.01:18
KamionI do tend to hold younger people to a higher standard of sustainedness, personally, just because people who are still in school have a lot of demands on their time that they can't control01:18
Kamionbut Fujitsu's been around for a good long while01:19
LaserJockI also support Fujitsu, he has been helpful for me in MOTU Science doing bug work and has certainly been helping out in -motu01:19
imbrandonyea Fujitsu has been a great help with the merges, i have sponsored a few packages for him ( his LP +packages shows 40+ ) , he has a big +1 from me01:19
elmodon't use www.launchpad.net for links folks01:19
=== KurtKraut [n=ktk@unaffiliated/kurtkraut] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
SurakKamion: but they doesn't have a boss nor a wife. Those can take some time :-)01:19
elmoit gives nasty SSL errors01:19
nixternalI support Fujitsu big time, he helped me alot with the Ubuntu Chicago web site, and helping with bug triage, and the work he does for Ubuntu AU01:20
Seveaswhy is all of launchpad SSL'ed?01:20
Seveas(don't answer - too offtopic, sorry)01:20
elmofujitsu: eh, what are your translation karma points for?01:20
elmoplease don't say en_AU01:20
Fujitsu_A bit of EO.01:21
Seveas"G'day mate, welcome to Ubuntu"01:21
Fujitsu_Not a whole lot, though.01:21
=== JanC [n=janc@lugwv/member/JanC] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
elmoehm, https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/vpnc/+bug/5334101:22
UbugtuMalone bug 53341 in vpnc "0.3.3+SVN20051028-3ubuntu1 no longer works" [Untriaged,Fix released]  01:23
elmoFujitsu: you did report that as a gcc bug, right?01:23
Fujitsu_Hm, I didn't end up reporting that, no. Oops.01:23
elmook, please do01:23
Fujitsu_I'll file a bug in GCC's tracker, and add a gcc upstream task to the bug...01:24
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elmoanyway, ack from me01:25
Kamion+1 for MOTU work, -0 for en_AU ;-)01:26
elmoyeah, geez01:26
elmoif I hadn't heard such good things about the AU loco team, I'd be like -0.5 for en_AU01:26
KamionI guess that tla en_AU locale has long been buried01:26
Kamionthe one that had "wanker" liberally sprinkled through the program's error messages01:27
Surakthat "G'Day mate" should be recorded. It was a good one. :-)01:27
makoyes, sounds fine01:28
Fujitsu_en_AU translations are stopped for the moment, as there's no way to make it a subtranslation of en_GB, which it should be.01:28
makoFujitsu_: welcome :)01:28
LinuxBAFujitsu, Congrats01:28
Seveas\o/ congratulations!01:28
makoLinuxBA: you're up01:28
nixternalcongrats Fujitsu!!!01:28
welshbyteFujitsu: good on yer :)01:28
Surakcongratulations, Fujitu)01:28
Surakops, Fujitsu_01:28
Ubuntuserhehehe Maxtor?01:29
CypherBIOSUbuntuser: :P01:29
LinuxBAHi My name is Alexandro Silva aka LinuxBA. I've been using GNU/Linux systems for about 8 years01:29
Fujitsu_I was named after a hard disk >_<01:29
LinuxBAI participate of the Official Brazilian Translation team Brazilian Security team as founding and others important teams in my country01:30
LinuxBAI am a author of Ubuntu Brazilian's blog agregator, where I post some articles and news about Ubuntu to keep the community up-to-date about security news.01:30
LinuxBAToday I work advocating the Ubuntu Linux in Bahia with apresentations at Universities and Foruns in my region.01:30
LinuxBAI just recently helped the organization and ran the Ubuntu Brasil booth at the III Festival Software Livre da Bahia01:30
LinuxBAI intend to work  into the development of tools to facilitate the work of security officers and system engineers. I also want to help the number of Ubuntu Servers at Bahia.01:30
LinuxBAMore info about me pleasesee my WikiPage: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlexandroSilva and my launchpad https://launchpad.net/people/penguim01:30
elmook, seriously Team Brazil, stop claiming to be "Author of <planet>", it's entirely confusing my sorry excuse for a brain.  "Author on <planet>".  kthx.01:31
Ubuntuseroh yes.. 01:31
OgMacielLinuxBA is syndicated 01:31
CypherBIOSelmo: our mistake ;)01:31
elmolinuxba: what does the ubuntu brazillian security team do?01:32
KurtKrautelmo, this is a problem of translation. When they mean 'author' they just want to say that they are colunists of this website.01:32
LinuxBAits a new team01:32
Surakelmo: the english grammar seems specially confusing for us on this.01:32
CypherBIOSSurak: yep, is just!01:32
LinuxBAbugs patch01:33
LinuxBAsecutrity infos01:33
OgMacielelmo, LinuxBA has started an awareness program whereby he translates all security related notices and makes them available to the community01:33
LinuxBAand divulging  the Nubuntu Linux01:33
OgMacielelmo, but IMHO his strength lies in his advocacy01:33
LinuxBAthanks Og01:34
Ubuntuserin his lectures...01:34
Ubuntusergood lectures about Security / Ubuntu01:34
OgMacielelmo, Ubuntuser, Surak  and LinuxBA among others are very active at their home state01:34
makoelmo: the particualrly funny part is that one of them *is* an author of the brazilian planet01:34
makoelmo: although he's already a member01:34
LinuxBAmako, thanx01:35
OgMacielmako, :P01:35
Ubuntuserthe Evangelization, mako.. ;)01:35
OgMacielelmo, Kamion mako Bahia, LinuxBA's home state, is considered to be one of the "poor" states in Brazil... and they pretty much pay out of their pockers to do the evangelization01:37
OgMacielSpl4y went there to lend them a hand01:37
Ubuntuser+1 OgMaciel 01:37
OgMacieland he also travelled out of his own expenses01:37
UbuntuserBut nothing is impossible.. 01:37
OgMacielI'm here supporting LinuxBA for his advocacy01:37
CypherBIOSLinuxBA makes a great job in advocacy and evangelization, really01:38
Spl4yOgMaciel, two hands :)01:38
OgMacielSpl4y, hehehe :P01:38
Kamionok, I'm sorry but I need to go and get some coffee, I can't concentrate01:39
Kamionplease carry on without me and I'll catch up01:39
jonoLinuxBA, ping me with your blog RSS feed, will add you to Planet Advocacy :)01:39
elmohmm, yeah, I should probably focus too, I seem to have started reading about bahia in wikipedia01:40
OgMacielelmo, hehehe01:40
SurakAs I told on his wiki, his lectures are quite crowded. People fight to see him talk. LinuxBA, have you ever though about charging people to hear you?01:40
ompaulgood luck to all, I have to go01:40
SeveasSurak, paying scares people away01:40
makoLinuxBA: you say you've done 100,000+ translations01:40
=== jono goes to make tea too
makoLinuxBA: you have that much karma, is that what you mean?01:41
makoi don't think you've translated 100,000 strings01:41
makoi mean, it's absolutely possible01:42
makobut your karma would be higher01:42
UbuntuserThe power of brazilians.. :)01:42
elmoanyway, ack from me01:44
=== Kamion ingests caffeine
Kamion+1 for LinuxBA from me, particularly based on testimonials for advocacy01:46
Seveas2 down01:49
Seveasand a meeting rapidly feeling the ill effects of time01:49
makoyes, the advocacy stuff sounds great01:49
jonoI am feeling the burn right now01:49
makojono: i think...01:49
makoyou're up01:49
Kamionok, just jono and EtienneG to go01:49
jonobeen a hell of a long day :P01:49
SurakCongrats LinuxBA01:49
Seveasmako, hat implies a +1 from you?01:49
jonook, should I go?01:49
Ubuntuser\o/ Bahia in fest!!! \o/ - Congrats my friend... you deserve!!!!!01:50
Kamionjono: yep01:50
SeveasLinuxBA, drop it01:50
makoSeveas: yes, sorry, postiive vote for me01:50
jonoMy name is Jono Bacon, I have been a long-time contributor and advocate of free software, and I recently started at Canonical as the Ubuntu Community Manager. My contributions to Ubuntu are fairly recent, and have mainly involved testing, feedback and writing the Official Ubuntu Book.01:50
AlexRochaCongrats!!! LinuxBA :D01:50
=== Kamion ponders taking back that +1
makojono: that's very concise01:50
jonoOutside Ubuntu I have been involved with a number of projects, including officially representing KDE in the UK, founding KDE Usability Study, KDE::Enterprise, Linux UK, Jokosher, Planet Advocacy, Wolves LUG, PHPWM, Infopoint and co-founding LUGRadio, LUGRadio Live 2005/2006 and more. I have also spoken around the world as an advocate at conferences and before starting at Canonical worked as a professional Open Source advocate for 01:50
jonoa UK government funded organisation for two years. I have worked to build the worldwide LUGradio community (approx 15,000 regular listeners, 700+ forum members) and a strong Jokosher community which is steaming ahead in its progress.01:50
Kamionplease stop flooding, LinuxBA01:50
DilagoConcreats, LinuxBA!!!01:50
jonoI am committed to Ubuntu, and as UCM I will be working with LoCo teams, edubuntu and education, refining team relations, developing upstream community relations, increasing community contributions/advocacy, resolving conflict, helping ubuntu marketing and other things. In my two days working in the role I have already worked on LoCo, education, marketing, merch and upstream relations issues.01:50
Ubuntuserone more to Brasil - Bahia!!!01:50
jonoI have a proven track record, and a proven committment to free software, and I am committed to making Ubuntu kick more ass than a guy with four legs and a pint of cider.01:50
Seveas-1 for jono from me -- We should only support shaved bacon01:50
jonoSeveas, damn you!01:51
Burgworkjono, sorry, but I just don't that you have done enough for ubuntu ;)01:51
jendawow, not that concise anymore...01:51
LinuxBASurak, Ubuntuser OgMaciel  01:51
jendaJono has been very helpful and friendly when discussing DIY Marketing with me. Besides, I trust Canonical's joice 01:51
makowell, i worked for a long time with jono on the book01:51
LinuxBAmucj thanx01:51
Burgwork+1 from much01:51
jonoBurgwork, heh01:51
jendahehe... ill effects of time, eh.01:51
SeveasBurgwork, probably the 'much' is also correct01:51
Ubuntuseri have to go.. good meeting!01:52
makoand without him, it would have been a much worse (and much thinner) book01:52
=== LinuxBA [n=alexos@20132220228.user.veloxzone.com.br] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Ex-Chat"]
Kamion+1 for jono, kind of obviously; even without the employment contract his book contributions were sustained and significant01:52
=== Ubuntuser [n=deb-user@ubuntu/member/ubuntuser] has left #Ubuntu-meeting ["Ex-Chat"]
elmojono: http://www.jokosher.org/ is broken01:52
makofor FWIW, i fully endorse him for the the book work01:52
Kamionlooking forward to seeing the community prosper under his guidance01:52
moitioelmo, heh, thats brilliant :)01:52
=== mako nods to Kamion
elmoand yeah, ack from me for jono01:52
=== Seveas nods along
makojono: welcome, looking forward to good stuff :)01:53
Seveas3 acks01:53
jendajono: congratulations, and good night ;)01:53
SeveasWelcome aboard!01:53
jonothanks guys01:53
jonooh and elmo, you broke jokosher.org, damn you :P01:53
Kamionsay hi to the lugradio lot from us01:53
OgMacielcongrats jono 01:53
SeveasEtienneG, you're up01:53
jonoKamion, will do :)01:53
EtienneGhere it is01:53
EtienneGI have been a Ubuntu user since Warty01:53
EtienneGI have been employed by Canonical as a support analyst in the Montreal office since July this year01:53
EtienneGWhich mean that I will get to come in contact with every interesting way Ubuntu can break eventually :)01:54
EtienneGI have also been assigned some packaging responsabilities01:54
EtienneGNotably, I am producing the debs of the latest release of bzr available on http://bazaar-vcs.org01:54
EtienneGI have also produced the latest bzr/bzrtools packages for Edgy and dapper-updates01:54
EtienneGwhich should find their way in the archive any time now01:54
EtienneGIn the recent past, I have been a huge Ubuntu advocate within my LUG and University01:54
EtienneGand a huge abuser of the ShipIt service :)01:54
Kamion(the most recent bzr failed to build, see your +packages page on launchpad)01:54
EtienneG(yeah I know, selftest break)01:55
EtienneGI have distributed a few hundreds CD in LUG meeting, in the CS dept that I attended,01:55
makoheh :)01:55
EtienneGto co-workers and to acquaintance from the local public administration I was in contact with professionnally01:55
EtienneGI was on sounders from March 2005 to April 2006 (I unsubscribe as the volume was just to high for me to keep up)01:55
EtienneGMy plan for Ubuntu are pretty simple01:55
EtienneGI expect to continue contributing to the packaging of bzr for the foreseeable future01:55
EtienneGAs I get better at packaging, I would like to maintain a few packages in Universe eventually01:55
EtienneGSince I provide professionnal service for Ubuntu, I expect to come in contact with a lot of bugs and problems from customers01:55
EtienneGso I expect to be filing a lot bugs on behalf of customers in the future01:55
EtienneGThus, I take a close interest in QA01:55
EtienneGIf my schedule ever permit it (I work evening shift, not really good for RL meeting)01:55
EtienneGI would really like to get involved in my LoCo01:55
EtienneGit's somewhat dormant right now, I'd like to make it more active and visible01:56
EtienneGIn general, I am a lot into advocacy at the local level01:56
EtienneGThat's about it, thanks for considering me as a Ubuntu member !01:56
EtienneGquestions ?01:56
Kamionit's good to see people from Canonical teams other than the distro get gradually sucked into Ubuntu ;-)01:57
jbaileyYou stunned them into silence. =)01:57
EtienneGhey !01:57
makoKamion: yes, definitely01:57
makojbailey: still reading01:57
elmoack from me01:57
Kamionthe actual contributions linked are shortish, but you didn't mention bzr/bzrtools on the wiki page, which I know is a reasonable chunk of work, so that helps01:59
EtienneGKamion, indeed, it's a work in progress01:59
EtienneGI should have mentionned it01:59
Kamionthank you for taking those on; they were languishing for a while there01:59
EtienneGit's been an ... instructive experience 01:59
makojbailey: do you have a testimonial?02:00
Kamion+1 from me for that and anticipated profserv help :-)02:00
makoEtienneG: yeah, the page is a bit thin02:00
jbaileymako: My testimonial is from the watched-him-with-customers side, so I'm not sure how best to present it.02:00
makoi guess we can talk about it later..02:00
makoi mean, the general case02:00
jbaileymako: It's something that I don't think we've really looked at before, have we?  From the works-with-deploying-to-customers-around-the-world.02:00
jbaileyI don't mean it as a secret, but I'm not sure how to put it.02:01
makojbailey: no, we haven't02:01
=== mako nods
makoEtienneG: in any case, i'm happy accepting you as a member02:01
EtienneGthanks !02:01
makoalright then02:01
=== theCore [n=alex@modemcable069.137-83-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
makothat's it for this week02:01
jbaileymako: I think it's probably an interesting case to consider, not just in the CAnonical case, but in the general case of support providers.02:01
makotwo weeks from today then02:01
jendatheCore: you missed it :)02:01
jbaileyI don't know how it would be measured, though.02:01
=== mako nods to jbailey
theCorejenda: *nod*02:02
makohow about 12UTC02:02
Kamionjbailey: yeah, it's a lot harder for extra-Canonical folks where we don't know their co-workers so well02:02
Seveasplease one week later02:02
Seveas2 weeks from now is eurooscon02:02
makoSeveas: hmm02:02
jbaileyKamion: I'll think on it and try to offer a proposal.02:03
makoare any of the members going to eurooscon?02:03
=== Seveas is
makothe CC members?02:03
Seveassabdfl 02:03
Seveas(according to the schedule I've seen)02:03
makoright, but he won't make it in three weeks either ;)02:03
jendaSeveas: link?02:03
elmoyeah, I suspect sabdfl is - it's on the calendar in the office02:03
elmounfortunately it being ONE AM, I don't have access to Avril to check sabdfl's schedule02:04
Fujitsu_One AM!? Urgh.02:04
makolets end this now02:04
Seveas2 AM here ;)02:04
Fujitsu_10am here :D02:04
makoelmo: 12UTC in 2weeks work for you?02:04
elmomako: sure02:04
jbaileyelmo: You tell us this just to make the rest of us feel guilty for feeling tired. =)02:05
makowith three weeks, the candidate list backs up02:05
makoalright then02:05
makolets do that02:05
makoSeveas: sorry you won't be able to make it02:05
Seveasnp -- there will be more meetings ;)02:05
elmoI've done members in LP and members email.  is someone doing the wiki page?02:05
makoelmo: thanks02:05
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makoi can if Seveas doesn't get to it first02:06
Seveaselmo, not yet but I was planning to02:06
Fujitsu_Members email?02:06
elmoSeveas: ok, cool02:06
jonoright, I will toddle off to bed then02:06
jonothanks chaps :)02:06
makoFujitsu_: we choose this time for you :)02:06
makojono: g'night02:06
jononight :)02:06
=== jono [n=jono@88-107-5-110.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Ex-Chat"]
makomy dinner is ready02:06
makoso i'm off too02:06
Fujitsu_See ya mako, jono.02:06
Seveasbye mako02:06
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EtienneGsee you gang02:07
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Seveasagenda updated, mail to 'old items' sent, will do the translation leader business tomorrow02:21
Seveas'night all (well, all that are still here)02:21
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 06 Sep 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 07 Sep 21:00 UTC: Kubuntu | 07 Sep 23:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 12 Sep 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 13 Sep 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 14 Sep 07:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team
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bieb@schedule atlanta03:39
bieb@schedule new_york03:40
UbugtuSchedule for America/New_York: 06 Sep 08:00: Edubuntu | 07 Sep 17:00: Kubuntu | 07 Sep 19:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 12 Sep 16:00: Technical Board | 13 Sep 16:00: Edubuntu | 14 Sep 03:00: Ubuntu Development Team03:40
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licioSeveas, where are CC logs?05:08
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=== Hawkwind Stabs BHSPitMonkey
=== Fujitsu_ arrests Hawkwind.
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=== BHSPitMonkey thanks Fujitsu
=== BHSPitMonkey breaks a bottle over Hawkwind while Fujitsu has him cuffed
HawkwindBHSPitMonkey: What brings you here05:50
BHSPitMonkeyHawkwind, I've been here for the duration of the meeting.05:50
BHSPitMonkeyI'm an ubuntu user, and I like to know what's up in the community.05:51
HawkwindBHSPitMonkey: Wasn't the meeting over quite some time ago05:51
HawkwindBHSPitMonkey: Ahhh, didn't know you used Ubuntu05:51
BHSPitMonkey(Incidentally, I ended up being afk during the meeting)05:51
BHSPitMonkeyI left mandriva a few months ago05:51
BHSPitMonkeygrew less and less happy with it05:51
HawkwindSame here.  June 1st to be exact05:51
BHSPitMonkeydapper's release?05:51
HawkwindStepped down as op and relinqueshed being alternate contact as well05:51
BHSPitMonkeydapper's when I came in05:52
BHSPitMonkeyI actually downloaded breezy first, but dapper ended up coming out days later, so I never even used the breezy cd05:52
BHSPitMonkeyI'm about to start downloading knot 205:53
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BHSPitMonkeyso is SoS doing ubuntu packages at all? I haven't looked 05:54
HawkwindI ran Ubuntu when it first got released for a week or so on a spare box05:54
HawkwindI have Knot2 installed in vmware05:54
Hobbsee--> #ubuntu-offtopic05:54
HawkwindBHSPitMonkey: Yeppers.  http://SeerOfSouls.com/ubuntu.html05:54
HawkwindBHSPitMonkey: Or #LFD :P05:54
Hobbseeor that05:54
Hobbseethis is supposed to be kept quiet when meetings arent on :P05:54
HawkwindThe whip has been cracked05:54
BHSPitMonkeyHobbsee, logging reasons?05:55
HobbseeBHSPitMonkey: yep05:55
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flint /msg NickServ IDENTIFY flint12:08
flintGood Morning,  I  need to take someone to the airport this morning, so I will review this capture after I get back.  Talk to you in two weeks!12:09
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Seveasflint, you might want to change your password12:16
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FujitsuMorning, Seveas.12:16
Seveasmorning Fujitsu 12:16
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Current meeting: Edubuntu | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 07 Sep 21:00 UTC: Kubuntu | 07 Sep 23:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 12 Sep 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 13 Sep 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 14 Sep 07:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team
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RichEd@schedule Johannesburg01:59
UbugtuSchedule for Africa/Johannesburg: Current meeting: Edubuntu | 07 Sep 23:00: Kubuntu | 08 Sep 01:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 12 Sep 22:00: Technical Board | 13 Sep 22:00: Edubuntu | 14 Sep 09:00: Ubuntu Development Team01:59
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RichEdgreetz all02:01
=== Papasean [n=papasean@host217-35-90-149.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
RichEdIt's all very quiet ... Hands up please for the people actually here and participating ?02:04
=== RichEd puts his hand up
=== pips1 puts his hand up too
rodarvushi there02:04
rodarvusI'm here, but not really02:04
rodarvusfeature freeze is in ~12 hours, and I need to finish one spec02:04
rodarvus(likely the case for ogra too)02:05
=== ogra is here with half an eye and can give a quick tech status
RichEdThought so ... rodarvus & ogra workiog against the freeze02:05
pips1ah, the big rush.. 02:05
RichEdOkay .. that's a good idea ...02:05
ogratech update:02:05
RichEdI'll lead the meeting02:05
ograknot 2 is out 02:05
RichEdTech from Ogra, comments from rodarvus 02:05
ograwith some bugs 02:05
=== jono puts his hand up
RichEdThen pips1 and I will do some structure stuff out in the open02:06
ogra(i.e. localdev wont work without updating edubuntu-server)02:06
RichEdWith input form Jono02:06
=== RichEd site down and leats ogra get on with it
ograltsp-login-and-session-handing was implemented tonight02:06
=== RichEd sits down and lets ogra get on with it (sorry)
ograyou are now able to select te locale and session you want from ldm02:06
ograworks nicely with xfce gnome and KDE 02:07
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ograthe debian guys already promised me to patch it further to even work with strange things like fluxbox and icewm02:07
pips1nice, desktop-independant!02:08
ograthe locale and session aliasing will need improvement02:08
ograi.e. the language list is still something like: en_GB de_CH etc02:08
ograand te sessions could get more proper names than gnome-session or xfce4-session02:08
ograbut thas cosetic, it works and is usable 02:09
ograi plan to revisit it before release02:09
ogracurrently i'm working on the dhcpd.autoconfiguration ...02:09
ograusers wont have to touch a single file after install if thats implemented ...02:10
ograwe can cut down the gettingstarted doc to a third ;)02:10
ogracbx33, has done awesome work on SCP02:10
=== jsgotangco hugs cbx33
ograa package with his encancements was uploaded today02:10
ograits still in universe thugh 02:11
ograbut worst case we can live with that (in case pitti finds to much that keeps it out of main)02:11
ograat least we have the most beautiful teacher tool 02:11
ograand the one with the sexiest implementation (way beyond my lame spec)02:12
cbx33sorry I'm late guys02:12
rodarvusI've talked with pitti today (on unrelated subject)02:12
rodarvushe is extremely busy02:12
cbx33thanks ogra 02:12
ograso everybody take a bow in front of cbx33, he really deserves it 02:12
=== Fujitsu bows to cbx33.
rodarvusand has about 10-15 packages on the MainInclusionQueue02:12
cbx33ogra: two down.....two to go02:12
=== RichEd leads a round of applause
=== Fujitsu follows RichEd.
rodarvusbut I think cbx33 should put scp into the queue02:12
rodarvusand hope for the best :)02:12
cbx33ok, I can't upload the latest version till I get home02:13
rodarvusas ogra says, the worse that can happen is scp to remain in universe for edgy02:13
cbx33unless someone can get it into universe for me02:13
ograas i said its not critical if the users have to install it from universe ... the important fact is that we have it at all ...02:13
ograand that its sooooo sexy :)02:13
cbx33I'm really sorry guys :(02:13
cbx33I should have worked a lot faster02:13
ograi'm waiting fro feedback from Amaranth about willowng 02:13
rodarvusno, you don't need to be sorry, you did *great* work with scp02:13
rodarvuscbx33, we are really proud of you!02:14
ogracbx33, huh ? 02:14
cbx33*bah* I hate having to work on other stuff at my job02:14
ograyou ruled the world ... i wouldnt have been able to implement it faster02:14
cbx33heh thanks guys02:14
ograyou really really rock !02:14
ograok, thats it from my side ...02:14
ograrodarvus, any news about the swapserver ? 02:15
ograoh, i forgot, LaserJock seems to have a sample implementation of the edubuntu-menu spec02:15
rodarvusyes. backporting from ltspswapd failed. I'm working on reimplementing it from scratch02:15
rodarvusand I'll have it ready today, one way or another02:15
ograthats what i thought 02:15
ogramdz insisted we use ltspswapd02:15
ograi wasnt happy about the idea from the beginning02:16
rodarvusltspswapd works fine, its just *too* different from nbd02:16
ogra(he hasnt seen the code before)02:16
ograi had a similar prob with ltspinfod for the lang/session stuff02:16
rodarvusmost of the stuff nbd has was stripped off, so it was a lot of pain to identify what was needed exactly02:16
ogra(mdz wante me to use that, but its targeted to run on the client, not on the server)02:17
rodarvusso, anyhow. implementation is progressing, hopefully I'll be able to upload in 4-6 hours02:17
ogradont forget to look if and what changes to ltsp are needed02:18
rodarvus*nods*, I'll try to maintain the semantics, though02:18
ograi'm fine coding that tomorrow ...02:18
ograbut you need to tell me whats needed ;)02:18
rodarvusbtw, tomorrow is a public holiday in Brazil02:19
rodarvusso, I'll be back Friday, only02:19
rodarvus(but I'll leave you an email on the swap server subject today)02:19
=== RichEd has told rodarvus to take the day off ... take a break in the sunshine
rodarvusRichEd, thanks :)02:20
ograRichEd, thats risky on freeze day :)02:20
cbx33I can't log in to the LTSP server.....:( - I need this to test SCP02:20
RichEdrodarvus will be 100% with the deadline work - just no extra requests that's the main thing02:21
ograyep, i didnt complain ;)02:21
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RichEdI've got a semi tech request from LaserJock for the freeze ... can I drop it in now ?02:23
jsgotangcodum dum dee dum02:23
pips1what is the status of the authentication-magic spec? (a ubuntu spec, rather than edubuntu) 02:23
pips1I can't seem to find it in Launchpad at all02:23
ograRichEd, shoot02:23
ograpips1, i think its simpy called network-authentication02:24
RichEdRight ... LaserJock is sorting out his dymanic menus ... and wants to know what should be in the Basic all users must have02:24
RichEdHe would like suggestions to add to:02:25
ograpips1, https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/network-authentication02:25
ajmitchpips1: code is there but likely to be far too rough for main for edgy02:25
RichEdHe can't be at the meeting today, so he has asked me to field opinion02:25
cbx33ogra: ssh isn't running02:25
ograstart it ...02:25
pips1ogra ajmitch thanks02:25
ograRichEd, i think he'd get wider feedback on the ML02:26
RichEdI'll post there as well ...02:26
ajmitchpips1: eg it may eat your children, burn down your house, or make your box unbootable :)02:26
ograbut i think: evo, firefox, openoffice should be in every default02:26
RichEdAnyone here willing to respond to an email directly ? He needs info by freeze time.02:26
pips1ajmitch LOL02:26
=== RichEd is willing to take down names now if hands go up
RichEdOkay ... not much interest ... I'll post to list.02:28
pips1ogra: openoffice all of them? or just oo writer?02:28
ograwell, does that matter ? 02:28
ograif one is running you can start all the others02:28
ograso i'd opt for keeping the menu entris02:29
rodarvuspips1, all OOo programs run the same binary02:29
RichEdThe idea is a simple uncluttered basic applications. So my opinion would be OO Document & OO Spreadsheet02:29
ogradatabase isnt really needed02:30
ograimpress could stay i think02:30
RichEdas you said .. its there when the app is open, but applies to probably < 10 % users for quick launch02:30
ograi wonder why he lists gedit02:31
ogrado we really want an editor in every default menu ? 02:31
RichEdtext editor - quick & dirty documents / notes02:31
ograi'D rather vote for the calculator02:31
RichEdI use it all the time (MS name Notepad kind of sums it up)02:31
=== cbx33 too
RichEdgood sugestion ogra02:32
pips1gedit starts faster than oo, but I guess people want the text formatting features of oo...02:32
RichEdpips1: if a teacher says take down these notes while you cut open a frog ... i'd go gedit, and format later02:33
cbx33RichEd: ++02:33
ograi wouldnt ...02:33
jsgotangcoi think you still need a basic text editor02:33
jsgotangcoit still has uses02:34
ograsimply because i dont want frog remainings on the keyboard02:34
jsgotangcoyou download a text file, you open it with a text editor02:34
jsgotangconot OOo02:34
jsgotangcoit doesn't even eat real estate space imo02:34
ograjsgotangco, i dont think the mime actions will be touched by the menu stuff02:34
ograso clicking a textfile will still open it in gedit02:35
ograyou just dont have the menu entry02:35
jsgotangcosure but it'll probably confuse people where the heck it came from02:35
RichEdokay summary:02:35
RichEd* calculator02:35
RichEd* firefox02:35
RichEd* gedit02:35
RichEd* oo document02:35
RichEd* oo spreadsheet02:35
ogralets have gedit in the list02:35
ograif we have a browser we should have a mailer too02:36
ogra(and calendaring app etc)02:36
RichEdnoted ... good point02:37
RichEdokay ... I think that is a good first response ... I've made notes and will send through edubuntu users for more comment02:38
ograso our main menu would shrink to three sections :)02:38
ograthat wil look quite weird :)02:38
ograbut clean :)02:38
RichEdlet me give you the background from Jordan02:39
jsgotangcovery weird02:39
RichEdOK, so what I was thinking was having a basic .menu that would have the most common items straight in the Applications menu so users don't have to dig around submenus, then on top of that build subject-based submenus. Stuff like Science, Art, Math, Writing, etc. 02:39
RichEd<end paste>02:39
jsgotangcoi think calculator should be included02:39
jsgotangcoerr 02:39
jsgotangcoignore me02:40
=== jsgotangco dies
ograjsgotangco, morning02:40
ograi guess thats all from the tech side ...02:41
=== ogra hands the mic back to RichEd
=== Adri2000 [n=Adri2000@unaffiliated/adri2000] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
jsgotangcoi should update my edgy box02:42
pips1as a rule-of-thumb in usability, try not to have more that 7 items in a list (hierarchy)...02:42
jsgotangcocan i ask something tech-ish?02:42
RichEdjdub just pinged me rught now with this url: http://www.tectonic.co.za/view.php?src=rss&id=114602:42
RichEdan email interview last week ... some good publicity for us :)02:43
=== RichEd waits for jsgotangco : go ahead
jsgotangcowell i think most of you know i just moved to a new organization with a rather interesting roles02:43
jsgotangcoerr role02:43
pips1you did? tell us more..02:44
jsgotangcopips1: planet.ubuntu.com02:44
ograpips1, you dont read planet ? 02:44
=== ajmitch runs to read planet updates
jsgotangcowell we're going to get 300 PCs this weekend02:44
pips1nah, I need to get my newsfeeds sorted out yet02:44
jsgotangcoi just want to ask how difficult would it be to make my own derivative with artwork stuff only changed and some stuff on yelp02:45
cbx33ogra: I have replaced all your os.popen calls02:45
ogracbx33, thanks a lot !02:45
pips1(I recently did a fresh install and still need to finish configuring thunderbird to the full)02:45
cbx33jsgotangco: sounds like your talking about branding it?02:45
ogralooking forward to upload it 02:45
jsgotangcocbx33: bingo02:45
jsgotangcobut only for a proof of concept for now02:45
cbx33ogra: they are all subprocesses now02:45
cbx33jsgotangco: I started speccing up ubrander....02:45
ograjsgotangco, just take edubuntu-artwork an modify it02:45
cbx33which was going to be a branding utility02:46
cbx33which did exactly what ogra just said02:46
jsgotangcoi've done my own cds before but never added a custom package02:46
jsgotangcoi was thinking just changing what's inside an existing package02:46
cbx33jsgotangco: :D02:48
jsgotangcowell anyway, just a heads up im basically working on edubuntu on an almost full time capacity but on a different role02:48
jsgotangcoRichEd knows all the details02:49
cbx33nice jsgotangco ... me is working more and more on it02:49
cbx33thought I shouldn't02:49
cbx33I have a tonne of other work to do02:49
cbx33but I don;t care02:49
cbx33SCP is my concern right now02:49
pips1jsgotangco: congrats!02:49
jsgotangcoits basically "go nuts" job type of thing02:50
cbx33jsgotangco: lucky guy! 02:50
jsgotangcoanyway just to let you guys know02:50
=== jsgotangco hides in the shadows
=== cbx33 has just tested 90% of SCP !
cbx33and it all works02:51
jsgotangcook brb02:51
cbx33right next on the agenda ?02:52
RichEdjust come comments from me on jsgotangco and his new role:02:52
RichEdit's an organisation workong with televisual education, moving towards ICT education02:52
RichEdwe've got a partner in the NEPAD eSchools Project doing similar in Africa - called mindset02:53
RichEdwe've got a user base in Thailand doing similar in - called sat-ed02:53
jsgotangcobut these two use proprietary technologies02:54
cbx33wow excellent RichEd 02:54
RichEdSo I've linked all people in the same role in three orgnisations into a conversation to share lessons and plans moving forwards02:54
jsgotangcowe're going to attempt to do the same with a F/OSS model02:55
RichEdSo people like jsgotangco can show them how to move off "proprietary technologies"02:55
flintRichEd, ...as in Windows...02:55
RichEdThe power of the community and brokering relationships at a "deliver results level" is as important as our great software platform02:55
cbx33hi flint 02:56
ograflint, !!!!!!!!!!!!02:56
flintJust got back from the Airport...02:56
RichEdThey go hand in hand for a complementary solution.02:56
ogranice to see you !02:56
RichEdgreetz flint.02:56
flintogra, thanks!02:56
flintRichEd, same.  Doing things with Rivendel Radio and Edubuntu...02:57
flinter Rivendell02:57
RichEdgreat ,,, anything you can share now ... or later to me via email ?02:57
jsgotangcook i02:57
jsgotangcook i'll brb again02:57
RichEdflint: web links etc. would be nice02:58
flintThings are getting better here in Barre, Vermont.  I will have a lab up again in a few months..02:58
flintRichEd,  TiddlyWiki is what I would use at this time.02:59
RichEdAny docs / artwork news updates ?03:00
flintRichEd, I am building the house to revise the documentation in... derivative, yes, but basicall on task. :^)03:01
pips1hi flint (just reading up on your TW suggestion...)03:02
RichEdOkay any other Agenda Items before I do Management / Community and then wrap ----03:02
flintpips1, thanks for noticing.  most powerful...03:02
=== pips1 notes the silence re docs / artwork
RichEd--- management and community --- merged03:04
ograyeah, what about artwork ?03:04
cbx33ok artwork03:04
ograofficial deadline would e tomorrow ... (i think we can slip that for edubuntu a bit)03:04
cbx33Lisa has asked me to talk to you all today03:04
ograbut it starts getting urgent03:04
cbx33I understand that03:04
cbx33so does Lisa03:04
cbx33she has been mega swamped with paid work, but is getting through it03:05
cbx33Jane, has been swamped too, and had other issues which meant she was unable to work a lot on it03:05
cbx33I'm going to be helping out as soon as I finish SCP03:05
cbx33the photo sessions went well03:05
ograright, rodarvus told me03:05
cbx33until it started to rain03:05
cbx33we got some photos we're manipulation them as we speak03:06
pips1cbx33: looking forward to see them03:06
cbx33Lisa was hoping for a little more input from the community on some of the wallpapers previously....but we'll get you something great03:06
pips1cbx33: link for wallpapers?03:07
cbx33I think it's been pretty bewildering .... she has been under a lot of stress from her bosses03:07
cbx33pips1 I'll dig it out in a sec03:07
cbx33basically we're pretty confident we'll deliver03:07
=== ogra has only seen gdm and splash screens yet
cbx33and the two variants of the wallapaper for young/old themes03:07
cbx33there was still contention on what exactly the usplash artwork could be formatted like03:08
cbx33we have heard little back on that03:08
ograyeah, its likely to be more than 16 cols ... 03:08
ograbut still not sure afaik03:08
cbx33please please can we get that information03:09
cbx33I have been trying on lisas behalf03:09
pips1splash / gdm screens --> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdubuntuArtwork/Palette 03:09
ogracbx33, ask mjg59 03:09
cbx33as I know a lot of the artwork people03:09
cbx33oh and the new ubuntusounds will be in knot3 :D03:09
pips1wallpaper (?) --> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdubuntuArtwork/Worksheet03:09
ograpips1, right thats what i know as well... but no wallpapers03:09
ograoh, right03:10
cbx33that was the manga-esque wallapaper03:11
cbx33possibly for use in the young theme03:11
ograhas a slight religious touch ...03:11
cbx33you think?03:12
cbx33it was meant to show power of ubuntu03:12
flintcbx33, could you try a wild idea of for me?03:13
RichEdmaybe "one love religious" but certainly not worship a specific flavour of deity .. so I'm okay with that03:14
cbx33I'm not dacing on the table with a chainsaw in my hand03:15
ograoh, btw, this meeting is an EC meeting ....03:15
flintcbx33, Na, I did that already, this is an art theme idea.  try a "wizards" theme03:15
=== ogra nearly forgot that
ograwe'll have to process membership candidates if there are any03:15
flintplease just ask Lisa to try it... 03:16
flintogra, Ollie I never give up!03:16
cbx33ok I'll ask her03:16
cbx33if she has time03:16
flintcbx33, it is for me less about the time and more about the goodness of inspiration... 03:17
flintcbx33, I do like the tree in the background. That is very good.03:18
cbx33flint: I can but ask03:18
cbx33I hope to have some artowkr to show by Friday03:19
cbx33We'll try for late thurs actually03:20
flintogra, Ollie, do you think Lisa could add a dash of Wicken to satisfy your religious proclivities?03:20
cbx33ogra: would it help if I emailed you the latest 0.41 release of SCP to be uploaded to universe - I can't upload anywhere, due to the schools restrictions03:21
flintcbx I came late.  SCP is Secure Copy Program eh?03:21
cbx33what files do you want?03:21
cbx33Student Control Panel03:21
ograi need orig.tar.gz, .dsc and diff.gz03:22
cbx33ok got it03:22
cbx33I'll get them to you ASAP03:22
ograad add a proper changelog entyr ;)03:22
flintOh, sorry... of course...03:22
pips1erm, the meeting is kind of fizzling... thrown sideways by flint, as usual ;-)03:22
cbx33ogra: - dude, already done :p03:22
=== mvo_ [n=egon@p54A6701C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
flintpips1, it is my job... thanks!03:22
flintRichEd, I suspect I have done enough damage to your agenda, where were we?03:23
RichEd--- management and community --- last section 03:23
=== jono 's ears prick up
RichEdAs per the meeting last week ... all division heads have prepared a 1 year strategic plan for review over October by mark03:24
ograRichEd, and edubuntu council afterwards in case we have applicants for membership ...03:24
ogra(its the first meeting in the month)03:25
RichEdIt internal until the review is done, but will make its way to public when review is complete.03:25
=== RichEd notes ogra comments
RichEdThis planning is leading to a structure which is emerging nicely, and various discussions are helping shape this.03:26
RichEdNotably : Jono Bacon our new Community Manager .... welcome to jono who started on Monday !03:26
pips1hi jono03:27
cbx33JONO !!!03:27
cbx33hey dude03:27
RichEdcbx33 is giving input from his side, as a community member and "school IT staff member"03:27
ograhey jono 03:27
RichEdand importantly, our web volunteer pips1 who is playing an important role03:28
jonoI think we need to talk about LoCo teams and education at some point03:28
RichEdThe first big focus is:03:28
highvoltagehi everyone03:29
highvoltagesorry for missing the meeting03:29
RichEd* identify our categories of Ubuntu Education users and Edubntu users03:29
=== highvoltage had a meeting for SFD IRL
pips1hi highvoltage, it's still going on03:29
RichEd* profile the categories to analyse needs03:29
ograhighvoltage, and its EC meeting day ...03:29
RichEdAnd then built a welcoming front for each type of category.03:30
cbx33ogra: email on it's way03:30
cbx33brb guys03:30
RichEdThis approach will allow us to grow our community, and create spaces for common conversations.03:30
highvoltageogra: any candidates today? I saw one person signing up for the members team, but didn't know them, and his activity also seemed low03:31
RichEdSo pips and I will release a link at the next meeting, with the structure in a publically accessible location03:31
ograhighvoltage, right ... but RichEd should probably apply :)03:32
RichEdDetailing the focus points moving forwards. We'll chat it through at the meeting, and solicit comments.03:32
RichEdFrom next week on, there will be be a place that anyone can see what top level activities are planned.03:33
RichEdAnd offer comments, suggestions, or opposing viewpoints.03:33
RichEdSo I'll leave it for now ... with one last request:03:34
RichEdWho here would like to add input to our initial list of user categories ? It would require a 5 minute email response.03:35
cbx33good call RichEd 03:35
jsgotangcooh wow03:35
jsgotangcoI FORGOT ITS EC DAY03:35
flintRichEd, send it to me.  I would be interested... flint@flint.com03:35
=== jsgotangco is shamed
RichEdPlease email me at richard.edubuntu@gmail.com if you would like to be in the list.03:35
cbx33ogra: sorry to change the subject slightly...now we have removed all os.popen calls03:35
jonojsgotangco, thanks for the mail to loco-contacts btw :)03:35
highvoltagejsgotangco: don't feel too bad, I missed about 90% of it too03:35
RichEdStrange things pop out from different people ... like iCafe's that run Edubuntu becuase of LTSP03:36
cbx33shall we put SCP for main inclusion?03:36
jsgotangcocbx33: go nuts03:36
highvoltageRichEd: there are quite a number of them03:36
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RichEdThings we don't normally immediately associate with Education03:36
highvoltageRichEd: we're rolling out a 1000 of them next year03:36
cbx33anyone who wants to check https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionStudentControlPanel :D03:36
RichEdnice .... veryhighvoltage !03:36
cbx33highvoltage: 0.o03:36
ogracbx33, yes ! :)03:37
RichEdAnd my last comment for today ... been getting around to setting up a blog of the person behind the nick ...03:37
cbx33does the report look ok?03:37
ogracbx33, probably remove the reference t bootchart at the top ;)03:37
cbx33doh !03:37
RichEdAnd now jono is nagging me ... so it will be up asap to get him off my back ;)03:38
ograand drop the build-depends note03:38
flinthighvoltage, Jonathan, this looks very good.03:38
jonoRichEd, :P03:38
RichEdI'll let you know where it is located 1) on the fridge 2) in the next meeting03:38
pips1RichEd :)03:39
RichEdThis got lost above: 'Open source firmly on education agenda' http://www.tectonic.co.za/view.php?src=rss&id=114603:39
cbx33ogra: done03:39
jsgotangcoyeah yeah we all know you're now a star03:39
RichEdAn interview done via email 2 weeks ago ... made its way to live.03:39
cbx33I'll add it to the list03:39
RichEd--- okay I'm done ----03:39
RichEdComments ? Questions ?03:40
RichEdOr else we can move onto council. Who runs that ?03:40
cbx33ogra: where's thelist to add it to?03:40
ogracbx33, fine, add it to the queue03:40
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jsgotangcodo we have council qorum03:41
ograRichEd, well, usually me ... or JaneW :)03:41
ograjsgotangco, we'Re three of five03:41
ogra(yes she's still a council member)03:41
jsgotangcocool i get to exercise my voting powers again03:41
jsgotangcoafter having all these EC meetings at 4am03:41
RichEdwell you can just add a Mr in front to make it Mr JaneW03:41
highvoltagei'd like to make a suggestion03:42
ogranot before MrJaneW has his membership :P03:42
ograhighvoltage, shoot03:42
highvoltagesorry, lost my connection there for a while03:42
highvoltageperhaps we should extent the EC again by the end of next month?03:43
highvoltagei think there are worthy candidates03:43
ograwhy ? we never had quorum probs yet03:43
ograor do you mean extending the meeting frequency ? 03:43
highvoltageand we wanted it more than 5 initially03:43
highvoltageogra: extending EC members03:44
jsgotangcowe do?03:44
ograi think 5 is totally sufficient03:44
ograbut we need to replace JaneW's position if she cant participate anymore03:44
highvoltageok, no problem then. I just remember you saying we should ideally have more than 5, gra03:44
ograi only said we should have more community members than employees03:45
ograwhich led to 5 with two employed members03:45
jsgotangcobut since JaneW is not employed anymore thats 4 against 103:45
ograand as long as we dont face quorum probs, we should go on as is03:45
=== ogra feels alone now
jsgotangcolet's discuss it again if we encounter quorum issues03:46
RichEdI don't think JaneW has daytime IRC access out of her new office03:46
highvoltageok, that sounds logical03:46
jsgotangcowe're spread enough to get quorum03:46
RichEdjono ?03:46
ograjono became ubuntu member yesterday iirc03:46
highvoltageRichEd: can you please sign your ubuntu CoC?03:47
ograif he applies for edubuntu membership as well we dont need to vote, just enabling him is fine here03:47
RichEdhighvoltage: sure ... i'm happy to go through the necessary steps required03:48
ograright, RichEd you will need a wikipage outlining your contributions and a signed CoC03:48
RichEdokay ... i wasn't sure previously if the contri's had to be technical ...03:48
RichEdmine will be more under guidance and relationships03:49
highvoltageRichEd: things like that tectonic artile also counts- it's advocacy03:49
highvoltageRichEd: so list every thing you can think of03:49
RichEdfine ... will sort it out this evening03:50
jsgotangcogo sulk first lol03:50
ograwe can have an extraordinary EC meeting fo you if you are done and quorum is around ...03:50
RichEdI'm done ...03:51
ograok, seems the EC to for today03:51
jsgotangcono action03:51
=== jsgotangco nominates self for extraordinary membership
ograjsgotangco, make  suggestion 03:52
highvoltagejsgotangco: calm before the storm :)03:52
ograsomething we can vote on ...03:52
RichEdwhy does the edubuntu wiki take me to a ubuntu community council page ? https://wiki.edubuntu.org/CommunityCouncil03:52
jsgotangcookay let's vote if cbx33 is your daddy or not03:52
highvoltageRichEd: it's the same wiki03:53
highvoltagetry /EdubuntuCouncil03:53
ograjsgotangco, my daddy ? 03:53
ograor whose ? 03:53
=== RichEd is older than cbx33 so unless he can come back in time ;)
highvoltageRichEd: lol!!03:54
=== ogra too
pips1highvoltage: I also can't find the Edubuntu Council wiki page.... where is it?03:54
=== highvoltage checks
=== cbx33 gets to work on the SCP powered time machine
jsgotangcoif EC is done i have a query03:55
pips1ah https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuMeetingAgenda03:55
cbx33thank you to everyone who helped on SCP, it was a massive community effort03:55
pips1highvoltage: I found it ^^^03:55
highvoltagethat's the one :)03:55
ogracbx33, no, it was your effort with some community help :)03:56
highvoltagecbx33: you should blog about it :)03:56
cbx33I was going to03:56
cbx33now that 0.4 is in universe03:56
ografeel free to quote my last sentence in bold letters ;)03:56
cbx33ogra: ping me when 0.41 gets in and I will03:56
ograyou tested it ? 03:56
rodarvuscbx33, are you going to call it 0.41 or 0.4.1?03:56
jsgotangcowhat's the package name?03:56
pips1phew, this meeting took 2 hours..! 03:56
cbx33Ja, I mailed you the 0.41 release files03:56
rodarvus0.41 > 0.503:57
pips1moving to #edubuntu03:57
highvoltage"++" ?03:57
jsgotangcolast queryyyyy03:57
ograhighvoltage, :P03:57
cbx33once you have uploaded 0.41 I'll blog about it03:57
ogracbx33, oh, rodarvus is right 03:57
ogramake that 0.4.1 03:57
pips1jsgotangco: ?03:57
ogra41 > 503:57
cbx33want me to rebuild?03:57
jsgotangcoedubuntu website03:57
ograyes please03:57
cbx33*bah* :p03:58
jsgotangcowhat's the mastah plan03:58
ograi should have spotted that03:58
RichEdstill can't find that edubuntu council page ...03:58
ograi dont think there is one03:58
ograunless any EC member made one 03:58
ograthere is only a LP page 03:59
highvoltageRichEd: check the page that pips1 pasted03:59
pips1jsgotangco: the master plan will evolve... as RichEd said, we will start with identifying the user groups...03:59
cbx33ogra: done and emailed !03:59
highvoltageRichEd: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdubuntuMeetingAgenda03:59
RichEddid that ... takes me to : https://launchpad.net/people/edubuntu-members04:00
pips1^^^^ Membership Candidates are supposed to list themselves at the bottom of the Meeting Agenda  page04:00
ogracbx33, thanks04:00
pips1.... in the wiki, not in Launpad. LP lists all people that have been accepted, afaik04:01
highvoltagemeeting adjourned?04:04
pips1I guess so... I need to go... bye everyone.04:05
=== RichEd-1 [n=richard@dsl-165-222-49.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
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jonosorry was on the phone04:05
jonoI have a meeting in 10 mins04:05
RichEd-1lost my adsl ... just back now ... where do we stand with the vote / nominate 04:06
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 07 Sep 21:00 UTC: Kubuntu | 07 Sep 23:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 12 Sep 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 13 Sep 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 14 Sep 07:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 19 Sep 12:00 UTC: Community Council
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Hawkwind@schedule chicago05:32
UbugtuSchedule for America/Chicago: 07 Sep 16:00: Kubuntu | 07 Sep 18:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 12 Sep 15:00: Technical Board | 13 Sep 15:00: Edubuntu | 14 Sep 02:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 19 Sep 07:00: Community Council05:32
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niKsternal@schedule chicago07:25
UbugtuSchedule for America/Chicago: 07 Sep 16:00: Kubuntu | 07 Sep 18:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 12 Sep 15:00: Technical Board | 13 Sep 15:00: Edubuntu | 14 Sep 02:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 19 Sep 07:00: Community Council07:25
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jjesse@schedule detroit08:35
UbugtuSchedule for America/Detroit: 07 Sep 17:00: Kubuntu | 07 Sep 19:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 12 Sep 16:00: Technical Board | 13 Sep 16:00: Edubuntu | 14 Sep 03:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 19 Sep 08:00: Community Council08:35
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=== mdke looks around for documenters
lloydinhoYo, mdke !09:04
mdkehi lloydinho 09:05
mdkewho else is here?09:05
lloydinhouhm.. jjesse was ready for meeting just a minute ago.09:05
mdkelet's hang around and see if anyone else turns up09:06
lloydinhofor some reason the meeting isn't announced by Ubugtu 09:06
lloydinhoslightly confuzzling.09:07
mdkei 09:08
mdkeit's been on the fridge though, and those who read the list should know about it, and they are the ones that count :)09:09
lloydinhotrue. I'm sure they're around, though.09:09
lloydinhoAt least a couple of them. Who would we expect to be here?09:10
mdkeno idea09:12
Seveasthe doc meeting isn't being announced because accordint to the fridge it's in #ubuntu-doc and not in here09:15
lloydinhothis is unfortunate. We really did need to have a meeting.09:18
jjessei'm here09:18
jjessesorry was in another window09:18
mdkeSeveas: ok, np09:18
lloydinhomdke, jjesse : Meeting in ubuntu-doc after all?09:21
jjessei can move there09:21
mdkeyeah, let's talk through the issues informally09:21
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