
ajmitchsince elmo doesn't appear to really be active12:09
=== Hobbsee thougth they had quorum with 2
Hobbseethat should now be active quroum, yay12:09
ajmitchgreat, they're here12:09
=== Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/amaranth] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LaserJockis the CC, umm happening?12:12
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ajmitchLaserJock: sure, once everyone gets settled in12:13
trappistI think we're waiting on the rest of the cc12:13
LaserJockok, cool12:13
LaserJockI thought I was late12:13
ajmitchtrappist: enough of the CC is there12:13
ajmitchLaserJock: nah, mako was just busy, elmo was trying to track him down12:13
Hobbseeonce they get off the phone, anyawy12:13
LaserJockI might be afk  here and there12:13
LaserJockok, this might be a silly question12:27
LaserJockcan you run kernel modules for a different kernel in a chroot?12:27
=== reggaemanu [n=manu@ARennes-257-1-124-226.w86-210.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
trappistthe chroot uses your running kernel, it's not a virualized environment12:27
LaserJockif I were to run Xen could I use a different kernel?12:28
LaserJockthe thing is, I really want to run Ubuntu on a particular machine, but I have one thing that needs a 2.4 kernel12:28
ajmitchLaserJock: you'd still have to run a special domU kernel for the xen guest12:29
ajmitchwhich for us is the same as the dom012:29
bddebianLater folks12:29
bddebianSomeone please push welshbyte and trappist for me at the meeting :-)12:30
bddebianSorry for bailing welshbyte12:30
welshbyteheh :)12:30
=== ajmitch can't push
ajmitchI don't know enough of what they've done :)12:31
Hobbseeajmitch: bughunter12:31
trappistajmitch: would pulling for me be more appropriate? :)12:31
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cbx33what does W: changelog-should-mention-nmu actually mean12:43
cbx33and W: source-nmu-has-incorrect-version-number 0.412:44
Hobbseecbx33: you can ignore it.  in debian, people are only allowed to upload things if they're the maintainer, on the uploaders list for that package12:44
Hobbseeor they can NMU, which means non-maintainer upload12:45
cbx33thanks Hobbsee12:45
cbx33one more Hobbsee12:45
cbx33debian-rules-missing-required-target binary-arch12:45
Hobbseecbx33: what version number is the package?12:45
Hobbseeusually they'll version with .1, hence the incorrect version number12:45
cbx33it was 0.312:45
Hobbseeer, pass?12:45
Hobbseeshould be 0.4-0ubuntu1 anyway12:45
cbx33but I just implemented a major spec12:45
=== printk [i=jvaughn@unaffiliated/printk] has joined #ubuntu-motu
cbx33the original pacakge in ubuntu was 0.312:46
Hobbseeoh.  weird12:46
=== Fujitsu_ [n=Fujitsu@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Hobbseea native package or something?12:46
Hobbsee(it usually ends in ubuntu1)12:46
cbx33I'm not sure12:46
cbx33it was written for edubuntu12:46
cbx33student-control-panel in universe12:46
Hobbseeif the last package version was 0.3, feel free to make this one 0.412:46
cbx33what about the debian-rules-missing-required-target binary-arch12:47
Hobbseei'm not sure12:47
Hobbseeit's obviously something in debian/rules12:47
Hobbseeunless you took the binary arch target out12:47
redguygot one packaging question myself12:47
Hobbseeredguy: shoot12:48
redguywhat if upstream tarball contains files with mtime 1 jan 197012:48
cbx33Hobbsee, there was never a binary-arch in there12:48
redguytar complains about it when running dh_make12:48
Hobbseecbx33: odd12:48
Hobbseecbx33: are you using build-deps-indep or something weird?12:49
=== Hobbsee is guessing.
cbx33LaserJock, any ideas?12:49
LaserJockdo you have a binary-arch rule in debian/rules?12:49
cbx33hmm....lemme check12:50
cbx33binary-indep: build install12:50
cbx33binary: binary-indep12:50
cbx33that's it12:50
cbx33should I add12:50
LaserJockjust a sec12:50
cbx33binary-arch: binary-indep ?12:50
redguyi did touch <the offending files>, and rebuilt the tarball myself. Is this what I should have done?12:51
LaserJockcbx33: no, just put an empty binary-arch:12:51
LaserJockand yes, it is required according to Debian Policy12:51
cbx33what is the current deb-helper version?12:52
Hobbsee!info debhelper edgy12:52
ubotudebhelper: helper programs for debian/rules. In component main, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 499 kB, installed size 1264 kB12:52
Hobbseecbx33: 5.0.3712:52
=== ChaosFan [i=sithjanu@faui01.informatik.uni-erlangen.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu
cbx33Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4.0.0)12:52
cbx33should I put 5.0.37 ?12:52
Hobbseeyeah.  or just >=512:52
cbx33just building my .deb :D12:54
crimsunlovely, my current meeting is ongoing12:58
Fujitsu_Ah, hi crimsun.12:59
Fujitsu_I was hoping you'd appear :)12:59
crimsunsorry, real life meeting was kicking my butt; it's better now01:00
Fujitsu_OK... I was delayed getting here by the rain causing trains to be a bit unuseful.01:02
crimsun'grats trappist01:06
trappistthanks crimsun :)01:06
Fujitsu_Yeah, congratulations trappist.01:06
gnomefreakgood luck Fujitsu_  and congrats trappist01:08
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Fujitsu_Thanks gnomefreak.01:08
Fujitsu_Thanks crimsun :)01:09
PlugHow often are CC meetings?01:09
LaserJockevery 2 weeks I think01:09
Fujitsu_Generally, although it went 5 weeks without one.01:10
=== Arrogance [n=aks@ottawa-hs-209-217-99-228.d-ip.magma.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu
crimsunsorry, need to return to the meeting. I've already posted "pro" 5 minutes ago in -meeting, so if necessary just repaste01:13
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Riddellgnome types: what's gct?01:24
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LaserJockway to go Fujitsu01:31
gnomefreakFujitsu_: congrats sorry i missed it dinner was waiting01:32
Fujitsu_No problem, gnomefreak :)01:36
Fujitsu_Thanks both of you :)01:36
LaserJockhas anybody done a Knot2 install?01:36
=== welshbyte nods
LaserJockwelshbyte: did you use the desktop cd?01:37
LaserJockand what flavor01:37
welshbytenope, alternate, and amd6401:37
gnomefreakdoesnt gksu use the su password and gksudo use the user password?01:37
LaserJockI'm trying alternate i386 Kubuntu and it keeps dying on me01:38
gnomefreakLaserJock: alternate i386 worked for me01:38
welshbyteLaserJock: "dying"?01:38
welshbytegnomefreak: from the man page "gksu is a frontend to su and gksudo is a frontend to sudo"01:39
LaserJockwelshbyte: "Processing was halted becauase there were too many erors"01:39
LaserJockso at the end of installing everything01:40
gnomefreakty thats what i though01:40
welshbytestrange.. does it give any more info on another tty?01:40
LaserJockwell, that is the tty01:40
welshbytesometimes errors/messages get dumped to a different one01:41
welshbytehey tseng01:41
tsenganyone have ideas about a new dapper 6.06.1 install rearranging interfaces01:41
LaserJockin the installer it says  it failed on step "Select and install software"01:41
tsengnetwork interfaces01:41
tsengold eth0 is now eth101:41
LaserJockI don't think I ever had that01:42
tseng*one* port from a four port pci card moved ahread of the two onboard nics01:42
LaserJockbut I lost all network on edgy01:42
=== tseng googles
LaserJockI'm really frustrated these days01:43
LaserJockI can't seem to get Ubuntu boxen up and going01:43
tsengoh nice01:44
tseng /etc/iftab01:44
tsengrename by mac01:44
tsengwho knows why the order sucks01:45
tsengi wonder if i remove this01:45
tsengit will go back to whatever linux wants01:45
=== tseng tries, back to the data center
LaserJockhmm, maybe I got a bad burn, I ran the checker thing and it failed01:47
LaserJockbut the md5sum of the .iso is good01:47
geseri'm currently looking at the unmet deps of libao-polyp01:48
redguyany hints on dealing with an upstream tarball containing some files which have their mtime set to 1 Jan 1970?01:48
welshbytei think the checks are failing as a bug... my knot2 install disc failed so i burned it again, same thing, but the MD5sum matched so i just installed and it's going fine01:48
geserone of its build-depends isn't available anymore01:48
LaserJockwelshbyte: stink01:48
geserwhat to do with it? request a remove?01:49
welshbyteLaserJock: yup :/01:49
LaserJockand installing on this stupid machine takes forever01:49
welshbytegeser: what's it build-depending on?01:52
geserpart of polypaudio which was removed on 2005-12-21 from dapper01:53
welshbytegeser: didn't it change its name to pulse audio?01:54
geserI don't know01:55
geserthere seems to be no package for pulse audio01:56
welshbytehm maybe that's irrelevant anyway..01:56
welshbytesorry my brain isn't working, been awake for far too long01:56
gesercurrently libao-polyp is uninstallable and unbuildable in edgy01:57
tsengLaserJock: the secret is /etc/iftab btw02:03
LaserJockto what?02:03
tsengLaserJock: if you remove it linux does whatever it feels like02:03
tsengas far as naming interfaces02:03
LaserJockI see02:03
LaserJockI'm not sure what happened to my machine02:03
LaserJockit looked like everything was set up and the card was working02:04
LaserJockbut nada02:04
LaserJockhmm, I think it might have been the card02:05
LaserJockI just started up the edgy installer for the 4th time today02:05
LaserJockand finally got it to see my hostname02:05
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tsengbrilliant, this box claims to have previously had 4 bonded interfaces by my records02:09
tsengit has 8 total interfaces and one is reserved for management02:09
tseng7/2 is not a whole number02:10
=== hub_ [n=hub@toronto-hs-216-138-231-194.s-ip.magma.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LaserJockbah, who needs all that math stuff? ;-p02:10
tsengits just that it appears that someone had an interface bonded02:10
tsengwith no other interface02:10
tsenga bond is > 1 interface02:11
plugwashmaybe the management interface was an afterthought?02:11
tsengno, its absolutely useless w/o it02:11
Fujitsu_4 interfaces as the product of bonding, or 4 interfaces involved in bonding?02:12
tseng4 total bondN interfaces02:12
tsengthe first one02:12
tsengits ok, my coworkers arent really linux gurus02:13
tsengi get to sort it out afterwards02:13
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welshbytegood night guys, thanks for the support :)02:25
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=== bddebian [n=bdefrees@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
bddebianHeya gang03:03
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-motu
phanaticdoes a native english speaker have time for proofreading a short article?03:11
phanatichey bddebian and Hobbsee03:11
bddebianHeya phanatic and Hobbsee :-)03:11
zulhey Hobbsee03:11
Fujitsu_phanatic, I can.03:12
Fujitsu_And hi, Hobbsee :)03:12
Toadstoolheya everybody03:12
Hobbseehey phanatic03:12
Hobbseephanatic: sure, where's the link?03:12
Hobbseehi bddebian03:12
LaserJockhi bddebian Hobbsee and everybody else03:12
Hobbseehi zul03:12
=== Hobbsee notes that her physics lecturer is useless.
Hobbseehe also manages to make time a hell of a lot slower, too03:12
Hobbseehi Fujitsu_03:13
Hobbseehey LaserJock :)03:13
phanaticFujitsu_, Hobbsee: okay, i'll put it online then :)03:13
Fujitsu_I did something useful in my physics class this morning.03:13
Fujitsu_It was becoming a member.03:13
HobbseeFujitsu_: we get a different lecturer later in semester.  he's much better03:13
zulphysics? meh...you young'uns03:13
Fujitsu_Hey, 15 isn't /that/ young...03:14
Fujitsu_Well, maybe it is...03:14
phanaticFujitsu_, Hobbsee: http://phanatic.hu/announcement_en.txt (maybe you'll need to change charset to utf-8 to display some bits properly)03:15
Hobbseezul: indeed.  and you're old and decrepit03:15
zulhappy bday to you too03:16
=== Fujitsu_ looks
phanaticthanks :)03:16
phanaticplease send me your corrections in a /query03:16
phanaticoh my, it's already 3:15am here :/03:17
bddebianSo who got in today?03:18
LaserJockFujitsu and welshbyte made Member03:19
Fujitsu_Yup :D03:19
Hobbseephanatic: i just put it into kate, and will pastebin it?03:19
Hobbseeyay :)03:19
bddebianGreat, congrats Fujitsu_03:20
bddebiantrappist didn't get in?03:20
phanaticHobbsee: would be perfect, thanks03:20
Fujitsu_Thanks for your support, bddebian :)03:20
bddebianThanks for your efforts :-)03:20
Fujitsu_Thankyou for uploading some of my packages :)03:20
Toadstoolwow Fujitsu_ and welshbyte are members now? congrats' :)03:22
LaserJockdarn it, I can't seem to get anything done :(03:22
ToadstoolI wish I had a permanent internet connection :/03:22
=== LaserJock thinks he needs to call it a day
zulLaserJock: heh i think i can hear your wife calling you ;)03:22
LaserJockzul: she already called a few minutes ago saying it was time for dinner03:23
Fujitsu_Thanks Toadstool.03:23
zulLaserJock: funny i can hear her too :)03:23
=== Fujitsu_ hits GCC Bugzilla.
Fujitsu_It keeps telling me I'm trying to change the Assignee.03:24
Fujitsu_And then dies.03:24
Hobbseephanatic: http://pastebin.ca/162023 looks good :)03:25
=== Toadstool is struggling to find 1) a car to buy/rent/whatever 2) the closest Social Security Office 3) a bank which accepts french guys in San Diego :P
LaserJockToadstool: good luck :-)03:26
phanaticHobbsee: thanks a lot :)03:27
Hobbseephanatic: not a problem :)  did you see the suggested change bit?03:27
phanaticHobbsee: yes, i'll take your suggestion03:28
phanaticif i post it to -announce, will it be automatically dropped, or is there a chance to get through? :)03:31
Hobbseephanatic: where do you want it?  ubuntu-devel-announce?  if you're not subscribed to the list anyway, it'll bounce03:31
Hobbseephanatic: give me what you want uploaded, and i'll try to send it.  i recall being subscribed to that03:32
zulphanatic: -devel-announce is moderated as far as i can tell03:32
Hobbseeah okay03:32
phanaticubuntu-announce. this conference is intended for users, not developers...03:33
phanaticor just push it to the weekly news?03:33
=== gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Burgundaviawhat conference?03:36
Burgundaviaas I moderate -news, I might be able to help you03:36
Burgundaviaactually, the fridge is probably the best place for that03:37
phanaticBurgundavia: there will be an ubuntu conference in hungary. i just finished the announcement in english03:39
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Burgundaviaright, and I said that the fridge is probably the best place to announce it03:39
BurgundaviaI can also carry it in the UWN03:39
Burgundavianeed to add a section for  "upcoming events"03:40
gnomefreakis there a place to find out about dapper-proposed repos? or is it the same as normal repos with -proposed in it?03:40
phanaticBurgundavia: thanks. where shall i send the announcement?03:40
Burgundaviafor the fridge? fridge-devel@lists.ubuntu.com03:41
Burgundaviafor UWN, you can add it to the wiki page yourself (just a short summary, not the full thing)03:41
phanaticthanks for the useful information, i was looking for these exactly :)03:42
Burgundaviano worries03:42
phanaticBurgundavia: so i should add a new section at the end called "upcoming events"?03:46
=== hub_ is now known as hub
Burgundaviaphanatic: you done editing?03:52
phanaticBurgundavia: doing it right now03:52
Burgundaviasounds good03:52
phanaticBurgundavia: done, but i discovered a typo in the announcement i sent to fridge-devel@03:58
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Burgundaviaphanatic: sent another email03:58
phanaticBurgundavia: okay, i'll resend it03:58
Burgundaviastill needs to see a human editor to actually write the story03:59
phanaticBurgundavia: sure04:01
phanatici run now... it's already 4am... night folks04:04
Hobbseenight phanatic04:05
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lukaswayne9How can I apply a patch file?  Like the diffs that are ditributed with packages in launchpad?04:40
Hobbseelukaswayne9: in the source dir:  patch -p1 < ../patch.debdiff04:41
Hobbseelukaswayne9: often useful to run it with --dry-run first04:41
lukaswayne9where is the python distutils.core in edgy?04:43
lukaswayne9python-dev or something?04:43
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Hobbseelukaswayne9: check apt-cache search, or packages.ubuntu.com - i dont know offhand04:47
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lukaswayne9i'm not near an edgy box, but thanks04:47
Hobbseelukaswayne9: packages.ubuntu.com wont care.04:48
lukaswayne9that came out wrong, i'm really tired04:48
lukaswayne9but i'm checking now, thanks :)04:48
ajmitchamazing, someone retied the string04:52
ajmitchHobbsee: lower south island lost connectivity for ~4 hours, just came back04:54
Hobbseeajmitch: ahh.  nice04:54
sladenajmitch: you guys really only have *1* cable?04:55
ajmitchsladen: probably only 1 cable in this part of the country04:56
ajmitchthis is NZ, you know04:56
Hobbseeyes, well04:56
Hobbseesurprising you get more than dialup04:56
ajmitchso am I04:56
ajmitch& we have to fight for that, too04:56
Hobbseemove to a nicer country :P04:56
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=== Hobbsee breaks two of the library rules at once
ajmitchyes, like japan04:57
ajmitchI certainly wouldn't move to australia just for 'fast' internet access04:58
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=== LaserJock has realized that nested backups are not exactly the way to go ;-)
LaserJockI kept backing up and then just untaring in ~/05:22
LaserJockso it looks like ~/ inside of ~/ inside of ~/05:22
Hobbseei've done that too05:23
Fujitsu_Hobbsee, what's a differing upstream tarball got to do with anything?05:34
HobbseeFujitsu_: because if the debian tarball has a different md5sum to the ubuntu one, it wont overwrite, saying that it's already in the distro05:36
Hobbseeif it does, you'llhave to fake sync it05:36
Hobbseealso, i rejected teh krename merge - it's not05:36
Fujitsu_What's wrong with krename?05:37
Fujitsu_dh_iconcache is still a valid sync, isn't it?05:39
Fujitsu_Valid change, not sync.05:39
HobbseeFujitsu_: packages that are built with cdbs, that dont include a debian/cdbs/1/* dont need to have dh_iconcache, as that got adopted in the cdbs package (because i put it there)05:39
Hobbseeif it's using debhelper, or has a custom kde.mk, you need it still05:40
Fujitsu_That may want to be put somewhere so people can see it.05:40
=== Fujitsu_ files krename sync request.
HobbseeFujitsu_: done it05:40
Fujitsu_Ah, OK.05:40
Fujitsu_Thanks :(05:40
Hobbseedone about 3 of them, actually, cos i was testing out the request sync script05:40
HobbseeFujitsu_: it was assigned to me, wasnt it?05:41
Fujitsu_What was?05:41
Hobbseeseeing as i made the last change05:41
Fujitsu_Hmm... The upstream tarball for kstreamripper has a new name, so it should work, shouldn't it?05:44
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crimsunFujitsu_: yes, it's a completely different source package05:51
Fujitsu_So it is OK to sync?05:51
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Fujitsu_Care to confirm it, crimsun/Hobbsee?05:52
crimsunif I ever catch up to your flood, sure05:52
Hobbseei did some a few days ago :P05:53
Fujitsu_OK, I did create a bit of a flood :(05:53
HobbseeFujitsu_: it's okay, my list was longer :P05:53
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Fujitsu_OK, I'm off to maths methods now...05:55
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Fujitsu_Thanks for all the merges and sync acks, Hobbsee/crimsun :)06:48
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dholbachgood morning08:19
LaserJockhello dholbach08:20
dholbachhi LaserJock08:20
imbrandonheay dholbach and LaserJock08:21
dholbachhi imbrandon08:21
LaserJockhola imbrandon08:22
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=== Hobbsee waves
imbrandonno more burning laptop ?09:00
LaserJockhi Hobbsee09:00
Hobbseehey LaserJock09:00
LaserJockimbrandon: heh, we just had Burning Man here09:00
Hobbseeimbrandon: fan is still running pretty hot.  *shrugs*09:00
imbrandonhehe LaserJock i was there last year for burning man09:00
imbrandonsome strange folks09:00
=== imbrandon likes the ribfest in reno
Hobbseecurrent temp says 50C09:01
imbrandon50C nots too bad09:01
Hobbseei've only just turned hte machine on though09:01
imbrandon45 - 5509:01
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Hobbseeimbrandon: this thing has been up to 90C before.  a while to go yet09:04
imbrandonwow 90, suprised it still works09:05
Hobbseeof course, ksensors may be reporting back wrong09:05
Hobbseeit tends to freeze up and die randomly when it gets that hot.09:05
ajmitchmy old desktop ued to shutdown somewhere about 93C09:05
imbrandon90 is not good at all , actualy above 60 it should auto shutoff09:05
ajmitchthen when I was visiting .au, it shutdown permanently :)09:05
Hobbseeabove 60?  wouldnt turn on much, if that were the case :P09:05
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Hobbseeit's winterhere too - i wasnt watching it in summer09:06
Hobbseeajmitch: i'm doing a *full* backup now hehe.09:06
ajmitchso if we don't see you for awhile, we know what happened..09:06
Hobbseeajmitch: picture my laptop sounding ten or twenty times sicker than when you were here.09:06
ajmitchrun away?09:06
=== Hobbsee kicks konq
=== imbrandon wispers to konq to kick back
=== ajmitch joins in
imbrandonmount -o bind /dev /mnt/gentoo/dev09:09
=== ajmitch finds fix for RC f-spot bug
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xerxasHi everyone09:30
xerxasslomo, u there ?09:30
xerxasdoes anyone knows how to package mozilla extensions ?09:30
Hobbseexerxas: examine how the others are done?09:32
xerxasHobbsee, I had a quick look09:32
xerxasit's done differently09:32
xerxasand most are synced from debian09:32
grexk_hello xerxas09:33
=== Fujitsu_ [n=Fujitsu@c58-107-62-26.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-motu
xerxasHi grexk_09:33
xerxasI would like to package freenigma09:35
xerxasit's a gpg extension for webmails inside firefox09:35
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imbrandonxerxas, its already packaged09:43
imbrandonsudo apt-get install mozilla-thunderbird-enigmail09:44
imbrandonto use it09:44
xerxasimbrandon, not enigmail, freenigma09:44
xerxasfreenigma integrates with webmails09:44
xerxaslike gmail09:44
xerxasit adds a button to encrypt the content of the form09:44
TheMusoWhy bother integrating with gmail when gmail has POP3?09:49
xerxaswhy not ? :)09:49
xerxasI like gmail web interface09:49
xerxasmessages group by conversation ordered by date, it's really a productive environment09:50
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slomoxerxas: yes10:36
Fujitsukdegraphics is really taking its time to build...10:37
imbrandonFujitsu, ;)10:37
imbrandonkde* takes time to build , but good things come to those that wait , right ? hehe10:38
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xerxashi slomo10:41
xerxasslomo, do you know elisa ?10:41
slomoi don't think so, why? :)10:42
Arbiterhm doh10:42
Arbiterkcmpureftpd was accepted :)10:42
slomoxerxas: or do you mean that media center solution from fluendo?10:43
xerxasit's this10:43
xerxasslomo, is it worth trying to package it ?10:43
xerxasslomo: I have internet at home since yesterday evening10:44
xerxasI read your mail ...10:44
slomoit's already packaged for debian in pkg-gstreamer... but not yet ready for uploading10:44
slomomaybe with next release or something :)10:44
xerxasMy internet access is kind of broken (the modem is given by the isp , it does nat, but you configure nat on the ISP website, and they upload the config on your modem )10:45
xerxasunfortunately, the website is broken so I cannot have nat ...10:45
xerxasslomo, what I should do with gnash ?10:46
xerxasfind why it seg faults ?10:46
xerxasslomo,  you wrote: The version from experimental doesn't work at all in edgy... at least10:46
xerxasfor me the firefox/mozilla plugin segfaults immediately :(10:46
slomoyes, fix it :) but it seems the bugs are known in debian too10:46
slomoso maybe try a newer cvs snapshot10:46
xerxascvs update within that tree and rename the direcotry ?10:46
slomoor talk with the debian maintainer10:46
xerxasslomo,  I'm just new to this process ...10:47
=== Hobbsee_ [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-motu
xerxasI would like to make a simple package not yet packaged10:47
slomono you do a cvs checkout and then create a tarball from this10:47
slomoif upstream is sane via "make distcheck"10:47
xerxascopying debian directory in the new tree would work ?10:47
slomoand then you go into the debian package and run uupdate /path/to/newtarball10:47
slomoshould work when the only changes in the diff.gz are the debian directory10:48
ajmitchhi slomo10:49
slomohi ajmitch10:49
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FujitsuEttercap has some issues.10:54
FujitsuWith both this upload and the last...10:54
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FujitsuCan somebody please upload a patch for me, in order to let ettercap build?10:55
xerxasslomo, or I can try to package that : http://thomer.com/icmptx/10:58
slomoxerxas: sure, do it :) sounds cool10:59
xerxasnot right now11:00
xerxasI have a meeting11:00
xerxasthen lunch11:00
=== cypher1 is away: I'm busy
xerxasthen we'll see: )11:00
=== cypher1 is back (gone 00:00:03)
=== Fujitsu is annoyed: at away scripts
=== cypher1 is away: Away from Desk
=== elmargol [n=elmargol@host4-61.pool8248.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Arbiterheh :)11:03
Hobbseecypher1: kill the script please11:05
FujitsuHobbsee, got a second to upload a two line change to ettercap? Neither of the last two uploads succeeded, as somebody added a .desktop and icon, but not the directories they're meant to reside in.11:07
HobbseeFujitsu: i noticed that, actually.  that our version ftbfs.11:07
=== Hobbsee thinks
FujitsuAs does the one before.11:08
FujitsuI've got a patch.11:08
=== Zdra [n=zdra@160.227-242-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu-motu
FujitsuI'm surprised that that FTBFS got through three people: jpatrick, myself, Hobbsee... It's very odd, because I'm /sure/ I build-tested it.11:16
FujitsuActually, the .desktop and icon should probably be installed in -gtk, not -common...11:26
=== welshbyte [n=welshbyt@cpc3-cwma2-0-0-cust276.swan.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
welshbytegood morning11:54
FujitsuMorning, welshbyte.11:54
FujitsuAnd congratulations on your membership!11:54
welshbytehey Fujitsu11:54
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welshbytesame to you :)11:54
welshbytehi gnomefreak11:54
gnomefreakhi welshbyte congrats11:55
welshbytethanks :)11:55
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FujitsuHi, Lutin.12:12
Lutinis there any policy concerning the x-session-managers packaging ?12:12
Fadewell, this xemacs bug is serious...12:20
TheMusowelshbyte: Did you get membership or something?12:21
welshbyteTheMuso: yeah :)12:21
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=== Arbiter back
FujitsuHi, Arbiter.12:27
Arbiterheya Fujitsu12:27
Arbiteri'm too busy12:28
Arbiteri've missed yesterday's CC12:28
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Lutin is there any policy concerning the x-session-managers packaging ?01:05
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-motu
welshbytehey Hobbsee01:13
Hobbseehi welshbyte01:14
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FujitsuHi Hobbsee.01:15
geserlibao-polyp is uninstallable and unbuildable in edgy because of missing libpolyp-dev (source was polypaudio). polypaudio got remove on 2005-12-21 from dapper01:18
geserwhat should happen with libao-polyp?01:18
Hobbseewhat source is libao-polyp in?01:19
geserlibao-polyp is both binary and source name01:19
Hobbseei'ts not in edgy01:19
FujitsuYeah, neither the source nor binary are.01:19
geserHobbsee: http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/sound/libao-polyp01:20
geserI see it's amd64 only. why?01:20
geserand https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/libao-polyp/ doesn't say it got removed01:21
Hobbseethe others are sitting in dep wait01:21
geseryes, because of the missing libpolyp-dev01:22
Hobbseegeser: it was never built for amd64 for edgy.01:22
Hobbseegeser: file a request asking for it to be removed from the archive.01:22
Hobbseecheck the rdepends on it first01:22
slomogeser: so get polypaudio (aka pulse) 0.9.something from unstable maybe01:23
Hobbseeslomo: if it was removed on dapper though....01:24
slomoHobbsee: because of "dead" upstream... upstream got alive again recently and polyp much better now01:25
geserthere is currently only an ITP for pulseaudio available01:28
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ArbiterHobbsee: ping? (don't worry i won't ask you for reviews)01:45
HobbseeArbiter: heya01:46
Arbiterhey :)01:46
ArbiterHobbsee: there's a small issue with konqueror on kubuntu with purple theme01:46
HobbseeArbiter: that some of it's still blue?01:47
ArbiterHobbsee: want a screenshot?01:48
HobbseeArbiter: yeah, although i think i know what you're talking about01:48
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ArbiterHobbsee: konqueror logo is still blue01:50
HobbseeArbiter: yep01:50
Hobbseei think kwwii's fixing that01:50
Arbiterwell :)01:51
geserHobbsee: could you add an ACK to bug 59168?01:53
UbugtuMalone bug 59168 in libao-polyp "[Edgy]  Please remove libao-polyp from the archive" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5916801:53
=== Arbiter needs to reboot..
Hobbseegeser: wasnt that going to be fixed, with a new polyaudio thing?  get slomo or someone who knows something about it to ack it01:56
geserpulseaudio isn't packaged yet01:56
=== neutrinomass [n=pandis@ppp196-156.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
neutrinomasscan somebody please ACK bug 59171 ?02:20
UbugtuMalone bug 59171 in deal "Please sync deal 3.0.8-4 from Debian unstable" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5917102:20
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xerxasWhere do I find 822-date ?02:49
xerxasI have it02:49
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kagoucan a motu have a look at my 2 packages on revu ?02:51
jendaHello - does anyone have a link handy for a .deb packaging guide or something of the sort?02:52
kagoujenda: in system/help/documentations02:53
jendasystem or online documentation, kagou?02:53
kagoujenda: like zul, and also on www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/02:54
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jendaok, good 'nuff. laters.02:55
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=== Fujitsu runs off to bed.
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Hobbsee!packagingguide > jen03:03
Hobbsee!packagingguide > jenda03:03
ArbiterHobbsee: perhaps you know how to disable AIGLX in edgy?03:06
Arbitersince i get something like this http://phpfi.com/14957403:07
Arbiterin edgy03:07
Arbitercomposite is not enabled in my xorg.conf... but AIGLX seems to enable it automatically03:08
Hobbseethat was eay :P03:08
=== Hobbsee doesnt deal in compiz, aiglx, etc
ArbiterHobbsee: me too but03:08
Arbiteri've installed Knot2 this morning03:08
Arbiterand this is the result :P03:09
Arbiter(i don't have xgl nor compiz installed)03:09
Arbiterand AIGLX seems to be included in xserver-xorg03:09
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bddebianHeya gang03:12
Arbiterhey bddebian03:12
bddebianHello Arbiter03:12
ArbiterHobbsee: composite extensions seems to enabled also when they're not explicitly enabled via xorg.conf03:13
Arbiterthis breaks ATI 3d support by default03:14
=== Hobbsee has an X that "just works" (tm)
Arbiter(i think that nvidia users shouldn't have problems)03:14
Arbiterbddebian: i've read your comment about ktagebuch03:14
Arbiterwhat were the problems in detail?03:14
bddebianArbiter: You'll have to refresh my memory :-)03:15
Arbiter"Overall the packaging looks good but run linda/lintian on your resulting debs, there are several issues. Thanks."03:15
Arbiter(sorry, i've been busy for a while)03:15
=== Arbiter missed yesterday's CC too :/
bddebianDid you run linda and/or lintian on your .deb files?03:16
Arbiterhm wait03:16
Hobbseeseeing as i can harrass the maintainer when it crashes.  isnt that right, StevenK?  :P03:16
Arbiteri'm from a fresh ubuntu installation :P03:17
Arbiteri need to rebuild the .debs :P03:17
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Arbiteri'm (re)building the package03:36
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geserslomo: about the libao-polyp package: should it be removed as pulseaudio isn't in debian yet (only ITP'ed)?03:42
slomogeser: probably... i thought pulse was already in debian03:43
slomogeser: but if that's not the case yet... remove :)03:43
gesercould you then add an ACK to bug 59168?03:43
UbugtuMalone bug 59168 in libao-polyp "[Edgy]  Please remove libao-polyp from the archive" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5916803:43
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Arbiterbddebian: ping?03:49
bddebianArbiter: Yo03:51
ArbiterW: ktagebuch; The library libfilesystem is not in a shlibs file.03:52
ArbiterW: ktagebuch; The library libktagebuch is not in a shlibs file.03:52
Arbiterthese errors/warnings?03:52
ArbiterE: ktagebuch: postinst-must-call-ldconfig usr/lib/libktagebuch.so.1.0.003:54
=== Arbiter fixes
bddebianArbiter: Good man! :-)03:58
ajmitchusing dh_makeshlibs?03:58
Arbiteryup, and calling ldconfig in postinst03:59
Arbiterajmitch: ah, i need your help03:59
Arbiterhm nope :P03:59
ajmitchyou shouldn't need to put ldconfig in postinst manually, if debhelper is being used throughout04:01
Arbitermh ok :)04:02
=== welshbyte takes a break from cleaning the kitchen
welshbyteho hum, back to work04:08
Arbiterbddebian: http://phpfi.com/14960204:10
bddebianHeya welshbyte, congrats! :-)04:11
bddebianArbiter: Those come from the package itself right?04:12
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Adri2000hello :)04:13
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Arbiterhello Adri200004:14
bddebianArbiter: Sorry I'm at work so I'm a little in and out04:14
ArbiterHobbsee: ping?04:15
Adri2000does someone know what is that (in debian/rules) :04:15
Adri2000ifneq "$(wildcard /usr/share/misc/config.sub)" ""04:15
Adri2000        cp -f /usr/share/misc/config.sub config.sub04:15
Adri2000there is the same with config/guess04:15
=== Hobbsee sneaks in and waves to Arbiter
Adri2000config.guess sorry04:15
ArbiterHobbsee: i've got no answers from upstreams authors of *-servicemenu04:16
bddebianArbiter: I'm not sure I know the answer to that one :-(04:16
Arbiter(attach-to-email-servicemenu and debian-servicemenu)04:16
HobbseeArbiter: what over?   a debian/ ir or something?04:16
ArbiterHobbsee: the licensing issue (website says GPL but no copyright or GPL comments in source files)04:16
broonieAdri2000: It means "update to a current copy of config.{sub,guess} if there is one on the system"04:17
Hobbseeoh, yes, right04:17
Arbiteri sent the email about 1 month ago04:17
Arbiteri don't know if nuke and remove them from PackageCandidates or not :/04:17
Adri2000broonie: should i let this as it is ? because then i have a 2877 lines diff.gz :-/04:18
HobbseeAdri2000: that seems like a lot.04:19
Adri2000i agree :)04:19
broonieYes, unfortunately some people seem to think that's a good way to do things.04:24
broonieYou can avoid the enormous diff be removing the package that provides config.{sub,guess} (autotools-dev IIRC) during the build.04:24
Arbiteror delete the ifneq "$(" stuff04:24
Adri2000broonie: who are "some people" ? dh_make itself adds theses lines when creating debian/rules, i think because it detects config.{sub,guess} in the directory.04:27
welshbytebddebian: thanks :)04:33
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bddebianwelshbyte: Noo, THANK YOU :-)04:34
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Arbiterbug 5811204:43
UbugtuMalone bug 58112 in xorg "Add a debconf option to disable composite extention" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5811204:43
Arbiterhaha! found the xorg bug04:44
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Quinn_Stormhey guys, quick question about pbuilder...is it possible & safe to pbuilder for a different arch than you run on? (like build amd64 packages on an i386 system?)05:08
Hobbseeand yes05:08
Hobbseeas for how, you'll likely have to check man pbuilder, as i dont remember, btu i've seen it done05:09
Quinn_Stormok, because people are getting upset that my amd64 packages are out of date.  this will be nice for them05:09
Quinn_Stormok...strange...not mentioned in man pbuilder...05:12
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zulhey laserjock05:18
LaserJockhi zul05:18
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dholbachI'd prefer if quinn_storm would get his packages into ubuntu05:36
dholbachit's his packages that we get bug reports for05:37
bddebianI thought Quinn_Storm was a she?05:37
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gnomefreakshe is a she05:49
gnomefreakdholbach: shes thought about it05:51
dholbachgnomefreak: ah ok05:52
dholbachgnomefreak: I think I'm going to write her and invite her to work with the desktop team on it05:52
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Sp4rKydoes anyone over edgy ?06:19
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=== tuxmaniac surprised at arm-elf-gcc not packaged on Ubuntu
Quinn_Stormhey, anyone got any more info on building amd64 binaries/packages on an i386 system?06:32
habeebSince a guy asked in the wiki, are there logs from the sessions about packaging?06:32
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LaserJockhabeeb: wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/School/06:38
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habeebI think I did something retarded ^_^07:01
habeebFollowing this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/School/PackagingBasics07:01
habeebI used the command on step 3.07:01
habeebWhich says something about edgy,and I have dapper <:07:01
geserAre you trying to backport packages?07:04
thomdid you see step 1?07:04
habeebthom: yes, I obviously saw step 1.07:04
habeebthom: but it didnt say "If you use dapper, bypass step 2"07:04
habeebIt should have been waaayyy more clear..07:04
habeebSo, what did I do? ^_^07:05
habeeband what should I expect?07:05
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thomhabeeb: why would you skip step 2?07:06
thomhabeeb: the point i was referring to was "If you are running Dapper download Edgy's debootstrap from [WWW]  packages.ubuntu.com and install it with dpkg -i"07:06
habeebBecause I'm using Dapper. And the command it gives, says something about edgy07:06
habeebsudo pbuilder create --distribution edgy \ --othermirror "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu edgy universe multiverse"07:06
thomwell, if you want to create a dapper pbuilder, just change all the instances of edgy to dapper07:07
thombut to make packages to be uploaded to the archive, you'll need an edgy pbuilder07:07
habeebSo, what should I do? :/07:07
habeebI dont really know what a pbuilder is.. So should I chose the edgy or the dapper one?07:08
gesera pbuilder is a clean environment to build packages07:08
habeebI see07:08
thomwhat do you want to do? if you're just making packages for yourself, make a dapper one. if you're wanting to make packages for ubuntu itself, make an edgy one07:09
habeebAnd what would happen if I used the edgy one on dapper?07:09
habeebthom: I want to learn the packaging basics, following the school irc logs :/07:09
geseryou would create debs for edgy07:09
habeebI see.07:09
thomright, so follow the instructions then. it doesn't affect your install; it creates a secondary environment07:09
habeebGreat thanks.07:10
trappistcould somebody have a look at bug 55790 - there's been a patch sitting for about a month, hoping somebody could test and maybe upload it07:11
UbugtuMalone bug 55790 in oidentd "Init script always leaves defunct netstat process" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5579007:11
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matidHi, do we have a group like ubuntu-universe-sponsors, but for multiverse?07:38
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matidI'm sorry. In fact, I need a group like MOTU Reviewers. Should debdiffs to multiverse be assigned to them or do we have a different group for maintaining the multiverse?07:42
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crimsunmatid: same group.07:51
matidcrimsun: Thanks, that what I did07:52
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mxpxpodhas anyone taken a look at vmware-player's kernel modules for edgy?08:14
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AnAntdemon@poleboy.de here ?08:57
hubmxpxpod: non free stuff?08:57
hubmxpxpod: that would violate the kernel license?08:58
mxpxpodhub: no, the free stuff08:58
hubare you sure it is Free Software?08:58
mxpxpodwell, ok, it's probably not "free", but it's in multiverse08:58
hubAFAIR, they "taint" the kernel08:58
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mxpxpodhub: ok... but you could apt-get install vmware-player and the kernel modules in dapper and it worked nicely... there are reports and a launchpad bug on some issues in edgy09:00
mxpxpodhub: so I was just wondering if multiverse is kind of on the backburner for edgy right now09:00
hubit is community maintained09:00
hubfeel fre to fix the package09:00
mxpxpodhub: alright, thanks09:02
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zulactually the vmware-player kernel modules is going to be in linux-restricted for edgy09:20
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ausimageHello in regards to bug#58682. The update today for edgy did not help my situation.10:23
crimsunbug 5868210:25
UbugtuMalone bug 58682 in galeon "Consistent Crash on Specific Pages in Edgy" [Untriaged,Needs info]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5868210:25
ausimageHey crimsun. I am just looking to get this universe package bug addressed so that Galeon will be useable when it comes out in October.10:26
crimsunI'll attempt to reproduce it w/ galeon, hold.10:31
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crimsunerr, maybe not, since routing seems to be screwed10:34
ausimageTnx for trying crimsun... I will try and keep on this bug over the next few days. I am usually connected to IRC though not in chat. I would appreciate any revelations.10:37
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mxpxpodzul: really?10:51
mxpxpodzul: when is that happening (the vmware modules in linux-restricted)10:51
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trappistwhat's the proper way to build a package with a specific compiler flag, if the configure script respects, say, CXXFLAGS10:55
trappistas an env var, not an argument10:56
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bddebiantrappist: Inside of debian/rules?10:57
trappistbddebian: yeah10:58
bddebianYou can set CFLAGS or I believe there is something like DEB_CONFIG_OPTS or something like that10:59
trappistok thanks10:59
crimsunCFLAGS="" CXXFLAGS="" ./configure --blah10:59
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trappistcrimsun: yeah that I can do, I was wondering how to say that in debian/rules11:00
crimsunabove verbatim11:00
crimsun(well, not verbatim, I suppose, since you probably want to enumerate CFLAGS and/or CXXFLAGS)11:00
trappistok I just said CXXFLAGS="-myflag" in debian rules and I got the result I was looking for11:02
bddebiancrimsun: Always have to show me up eh? :)11:05
crimsunbddebian: it's the same thing you said11:08
trappistbug 19124 <-- this has been a bug since hoary and is still in edgy, and I think there is no solution - can we drop the amd64 package?11:09
UbugtuMalone bug 19124 in partimage "partimage 0.6.4-10 on Ubuntu Hoary Hedgehog 5.04 fails at runtime" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/1912411:09
trappistdebian has dropped it11:10
crimsunif they've already dropped it, it will be autosynced out next go-round [or you can ask for its explicit removal now] 11:11
trappistcrimsun: they've dropped the amd64 version, because that's where the bug is - does the same thing apply?11:11
crimsunyes, dropping arch-specific bins11:12
trappisthow often are go-rounds?11:14
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crimsunfrequent at the beginning of the dev cycle, all but nonexistent now11:15
crimsunyou can still file a bug against the source package11:15
trappistI think that's what that bug is11:16
LaserJockcrimsun: can you change permissions on files in debian/rules?11:16
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LaserJockcrimsun: just chmod?11:18
crimsun(is this in reference to #edubuntu?)11:18
LaserJockcrimsun: heh, yeah, sorry11:18
crimsunI haven't read all the backscroll, sec11:18
LaserJockfor the spec I'm doing I need to install files o-r11:19
crimsunso they need to ship o-r before dh_builddeb(1) is invoked11:20
trappistcrimsun: according the changelog, debian dropped the amd64 version of this package 2 years ago this last monday11:20
LaserJockcrimsun: I did: chmod 640 $(CURDIR)/debian/edubuntu-menus/usr/share/edubuntu-menus/groups/*.menu11:20
LaserJockbut it didn't look like it worked11:21
crimsunyou can use dh_fixperms -X11:22
crimsunalthough I don't see why it wouldn't have worked11:22
LaserJockwell, maybe I messed something up11:23
crimsunpastebin debian/rules?11:23
bddebianDamn I hate when my job gets in the way of MOTUness :-(11:24
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LaserJock-rw-r----- would be 640, right?11:27
=== LaserJock is still trying to get those numbers down
LaserJockdarn, I just get -rw-r--r--11:28
bddebianEven my dumb ass gets those.. ;-P11:28
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bddebianUntil, of course, you throw in setuid and setgid :-)11:28
LaserJockyeah, chemist here, smarter you are the dumber you get11:28
bddebiandamnit, now I have no excuse.. :-)11:29
cbx33Hey peeps11:30
welshbytei'm a student and i have no drug or alcohol problem to fall back on :/11:30
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=== bddebian hands welshbyte the crack pipe
welshbyteheh :)11:33
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bddebianOK heading home.  Later gang11:35
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crimsunah, debhelper11:43
crimsunjust work around that by using postinst as ogra suggested11:44
mxpxpodzul: ping?11:44
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