
kirby904like a tut or something12:01
redguymagnet: hmm, isn't there a destinction between NATing and masquerading? Isn't NAT broader than masq ?12:01
kirby904cause like ill know what to do if i get some steps12:01
nozorrokirby904: maybe others can, but as you can see from google's output on the topic, this method is rarely used12:01
Chaosphilippi'm trying to create the makefiles of qt4, and it's doing now nearly an hour....12:01
magnetyep it is, but most people only use masq when doing what they call NAt12:01
lupine_85SNAT is better as it uses less processing power12:02
spuddoggWhen I sudo apt-get source wine, it downloads, but does anyone know where it puts that?12:02
magnetspuddogg: in $PWD12:02
redguymagnet: It's all because of these cheap routers manufacturers and their marketing I suppose ;-)12:02
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kirby904yeah it is12:02
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magnetyep :) well it's because of them we don't have Ipv6 already12:03
kirby904cause like i normally can just google something n fix12:03
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kirby904o well...12:03
=== lupine_85 strokes his /29
j`eyanyone know how to solve: checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables12:03
kirby904yo if i download the latest version off ubuntu.com12:03
kirby904will i get the bug or no12:03
EvilGuruI am having trouble 'printing' a pdf document. Transparent (as far as I can tell) areas turn black when printed using my printer or printing to a postscript document12:03
=== lupine_85 also strokes his /30 and /32... and his IPv6 /48
magnetlupine_85: I had a /48 not so long ago (at home)12:03
kirby904does the latest version on website have the bug?12:03
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redguyj`ey: apt-get install build-essential ?12:03
nozorrokirby904: not sure, you only said the install halted12:03
magnetbut that's not because you have them that you can do much with them12:03
lupine_85great fun, isn't it? 1.2x10^24 IP addresses12:03
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j`eyredguy: ill try tha AGAIN12:04
kirby904Yes i had like a bug error thing12:04
magnetyeah, fun for vhosts on IRC, but no other use yet ;)12:04
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kirby904omg i duno im just gonna start downloading new one12:04
kirby904ill cya guys later12:04
nozorrokirby904: we don't know which one ... but you should give it a try ... or maybe it's your hardware ... it's free software after all12:04
kirby904gotta get doing12:04
j`eyredguy: the first time, it gave an error12:04
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kirby904yeah i know12:04
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ubotua FOSS email client, capable of close cooperation with Firefox, both by the Mozilla Foundation.  To make your thunderbird links open in firefox see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6042712:04
redguyj`ey: maybe it was build-essentials the first time?12:05
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j`eyredguy: *shruigs*12:05
rc55Does anyone know why I'd be getting segmentation fault using DD?12:05
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redguyj`ey: ^_^, you sure you want to compile stuff?12:05
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Toaster54Could someone tell me how to get 5.1 sound working on ubuntu?12:05
j`eyredguy: yup!12:05
redguyrc55: which program segfaults?12:05
eugmanNo real point to my question but what is the current situation for a blind user wanting to be self sufficient using just the command line? Is the technology sufficiently mature?12:05
redguyj`ey: cool, just checking ;-)12:06
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CVirusis webmin removed from the tree ? if yes .. then what is equivilent to it ?12:06
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gubuntusomeone please help me get "xserver-org" back12:06
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redguyj`ey: consider using checkinstall to install the software you are compiling. It should make a crude .deb package and make uninstaling the software much easier12:06
rc55redguy: dd, the command line I use is sudo dd if=Image.dd of=/dev/hdg bs=1M, it writes out 38166+1 records, but says Segmentation fault also... :(12:06
longwaverc55: there is a bug to do with dd segfaulting somewhere in launchpad, another user had a problem with the dd process for klogd crashing the other day12:07
gubunturunn dpkg-reconfigure on xserver-org returns "xserver-org doesnt exist12:07
redguyrc55: ah, sorry thought DD=="Dapper Drake" ;-)12:07
angasule_I'm trying to move a thunderbird account from windows to linux, but we don't remember the password, supposedly there's a .s file, but I don't see it anywhere12:07
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rc55redguy: np :)12:07
redguyrc55: try with bs=512k or less perhaps?12:07
Jack_Sparrowdpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ?12:08
rc55redguy: I'll try that.12:08
rc55longwave: thanks for the info :)12:08
j`eyredguy: from apt-get checkinstall?12:08
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longwaverc55: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/4226412:08
redguyrc55: or even, since you're outputting to a harddrive try bs=51212:08
redguyj`ey: yup,12:08
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longwaverc55: it only seems to affect certain language packs but looks like it is being difficult to pin down12:08
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redguyj`ey: read man checkinstall to learn how to use it12:08
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redguyrc55: since it is the most common block size. This should make dd'ing much faster AFAIK12:09
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genbieanyone knows how i can have the glib package thread-enabled please?12:09
rc55redguy: I'm finding it hard to find any info in launchpad, any ideas?12:10
hidden_genbie: what do you mean by thread-enabled?12:10
magnetgenbie: the default glib is thread enabled/thread safe12:10
rc55redguy: actually i got it :)12:11
hidden_genbie: definitely, I use it on a daily basis in a heavily multi-threaded environment12:11
redguyrc55: any info concerning what? dd?12:11
redguyrc55: cool ;-)12:11
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genbiethanks hidden and magnet... i am trying to run gaim with a plugin and the developer of that plugin told me that it might have to do with threads being enabled on glib12:11
magnetwell your problem is elsewhere :)12:11
hidden_genbie: that shouldn't be an issue on Ubuntu12:11
Shadowpillaroccasionally, my xvideo output gets strange colors, what's the deal with this?12:12
magnetwhat distro gives a non thread-safe glib anyway?12:12
Shadowpillarthe colors get semi-inverted12:12
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genbieok well that saved me uninstalling glib and compiling it from source!12:12
z3r0xhi there12:12
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longwavethere are problems with threaded glibc running under vmware, xen, things like that12:12
z3r0xis there any cpu benchmark tool?12:12
efferwhat command do i use to install this file : savage_linux.sh.gz12:12
magnetmhh so that's glibc12:12
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magnetglib is something else :)12:12
=== Adam_G [n=AKG@adsl-222-136-209.clt.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
magnetand both are threadsafe on ubuntu12:12
rc55redguy: fyi "Notice that the dd *did* work, that is, the output file is correct. It's just a segfault in the final message (that can create confusion in callers, yes, but dd works just ok)." - seems to be an error with the way it prints status messages12:12
longwaveoh sorry i wasnt reading closely enough :)12:12
rc55redguy: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/language-pack-fr-base/+bug/4226412:12
genbiethis is the error i am getting with the gaim plugin: plugins: /usr/lib/gaim/libpaltalk.so is unloadable: /usr/lib/gaim/libpaltalk.so: undefined symbol: g_thread_init12:13
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gubuntuone that handles all the dependencies that i removed when i accidently removed xserver?12:13
gubuntuwhats the main gnome pkg name i need to install?12:13
longwavegubuntu: ubuntu-desktop12:13
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redguyrc55: hah, good to know12:13
nozorroeffer: gunzip <filename>12:13
genbieundefined symbol: g_thread_init12:13
magnetlongwave: one char! that's one HUGE char! ;)12:13
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genbiewhere is that symbol defined?12:13
Adam_GHello all. I'm having the evil "soundcard is blocked" issue, but I can't figure out why. I've killed all applications and restarted X, but it's still there. Is there a way to tell what process is blocking the soundcard?12:13
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lupine_85fuser /dev/<sound-card-device-file>12:14
magnetgenbie: my guess is that the module looks for a version of glib too recent12:14
effernozorro, that kind of works...but the process never ends, i don't get a command prompt12:14
lupine_85fuser -m, rather12:14
longwavegenbie: libgthread12:14
Adam_Glupine, is that for me?12:14
magnetg_thread_init is indeed in glib but if ld can't find it there's a problem :)12:14
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Adam_Gah, well, it works12:14
ShadowpillarAdam_G: what program? what type of sound do you have?12:14
effernozorro, sorry, i did...guess it was just a big file  :P  thanks12:14
Adam_Gthanks lupine_8512:14
Adam_GShadowpillar, I think I got it... lemme try this out12:15
lupine_85np :)12:15
genbiei have libgthread installed12:15
nozorroeffer: you still need to set the executable bit to the unpacked file12:15
lupine_85-k to kill12:15
effernozorro, i know :)  thanks again12:15
genbielonfwave /usr/lib/libgthread-2.0.so.012:15
hidden_genbie: it's there in the include files12:15
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nozorroeffer: ok12:15
hidden_genbie: so it should be present in the shared lib as well12:15
genbieso it shouldnt cpomplain right?12:16
magnetthat's not where the problem lies12:16
magnetit's a problem with linking against glib12:16
magnet(where the function g_thread_init is)12:16
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longwavewhat is the output of "ldd /usr/lib/gaim/libpaltalk.so" ?12:16
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genbiethanks magnet12:17
genbielongwave can i past several lines??12:17
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)12:17
=== trappist backspaces
=== lukasz23 [n=lukasz23@gw-ww.telsten.com] has joined #ubuntu
genbie!pastebin linux-gate.so.1 =>  (0xffffe000)12:18
genbie        libglib-2.0.so.0 => /usr/lib/libglib-2.0.so.0 (0xb7f3c000)12:18
genbie        libnsl.so.1 => /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libnsl.so.1 (0xb7f27000)12:18
genbie        libc.so.6 => /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6 (0xb7df8000)12:18
genbie        /lib/ld-linux.so.2 (0x80000000)12:18
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genbiesorry i didnt mean to12:18
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[GuS] Au Revoir!12:18
redguygenbie: your intentions were good :-)12:18
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genbieok redguy ;-)12:18
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magnetgenbie: are you building the module or using a binary?12:19
genbiei used the .package format12:19
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magnetmh? which means a) or b) ?12:19
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FusionXN1Hi everyone12:20
magneti think the module was build with another toolchain .. so the easiest thing you can do is compile it12:20
ubuntuwho are you guys?12:20
magnet(against YOUR glib-dev)12:20
longwavemagnet: correct me if i'm wrong here but g_thread_init is in libgthread not libglib on ubuntu (according to nm anyway) so won't that .so need to be linked to libgthread as well to work?12:20
lupine_85ubuntu: we're us. Who are you? :)12:20
FusionXN1I haven't been in here in about 3 weeks :p12:20
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lupine_85doesn't ubuntu use pthreads?12:21
magnetlongwave: I don't know if you're wrong so I can't correct you ;) but libgthread IS in libglib12:21
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magnet(the package)12:21
FusionXN1If ubuntu would mount and be safe with NTFS drives, had X-Fi drivers and my games would work i would run it :(12:22
magnetFusionXN1: it does (a)12:22
longwaveyes they are in the same package that's true, it just looks like that .so is linked against the wrong thing here12:22
FusionXN1I thought it was unsafe to write to ntfs drives12:22
magnetwell anyway building it against his system should work12:22
nozorroFusionXN1: writing, yes, is still unsafe12:22
Toaster54Could someone please tell me how to get 5.1 sound working on ubuntu?12:22
magnetgenbie: get libglib2.0-dev is you don't have them already12:23
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magnetno, even writing isn't unsafe anymore12:23
FusionXN1you sure?12:23
genbieunfortunately there is no source just binary gaim-1.5.0.x86.package12:23
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nozorroFusionXN1: this is beta still12:23
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genbiemagnet i have them already12:23
FusionXN1I was on ubuntu for a week and went back to xp but i lost some files as i had to convert my linux partitions back to NTFS12:23
redguynozorro: even using captive?12:23
magnetI forgot the name but there's a FUSE userland driver for NTFS (r/w)12:23
ubotuntfs-3g is a linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Dapper installation instructions http://lunapark6.com/?p=171012:24
magnetthat's the name :)12:24
mweand libgthread is in libglib2.0-dev12:24
FusionXN1Still in beta :(12:24
=== LudwigVanHatten [n=VanerPi@ip56588a0e.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #ubuntu
magnetextensively tested12:24
FusionXN1dont wanna risk losing my stuff12:24
spuddoggman, i read a how-to on building wine for 64 bit, and this is taking FOREVER!!12:24
magnetlinux too is in beta :)12:24
redguyFusionXN1: why would ytou want to write to NTFS?12:24
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nozorroredguy: i'm always assuming newbie perspective12:24
magnetlol :)12:24
jester45can anyone help me set up an apche server on xubuntu no one on that channel can help me12:24
FusionXN1there are my download drives i want to use ubuntu only12:24
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longwavemagnet: if genbie started gaim with LD_PRELOAD set to include the libgthread that isn't linked, do you think that would work? i wonder if the plugin loading mechanism would respect that...12:25
magnetwell if that's only to GET data, it's perfectly safe to mount NTFS drives read-only12:25
mwejester45: that's no different from doing it in kde or gnome12:25
redguyFusionXN1: hmm, so, why don't you ditch NTFS and install some real filesystem?12:25
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FusionXN1ya would like to write... is it true that 6.10 of ubuntu will be safe for read and write?12:25
mwejester45: asuming you mean apache12:25
magnetlongwave: I'm not sure, but then again, he can always try :)12:26
mwejester45: did you try sudo aptitude install apache2 && sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start ?12:26
genbiecool how can i do that longwave please?12:26
jester45sorry i mean Apache and i just put being xfce just in case12:27
magnetlibgthread IS loaded, and is in the LD.so path so .. it should12:27
magnetwork already ;)12:27
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magnetif it worked with LD_PRELOAD12:27
jester45i installed it from the package manger12:27
longwavegenbie: shut down gaim then start it up again with "LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libgthread-2.0.so.0 gaim"12:27
mwejester45: good. now sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start12:27
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longwavegenbie: this is not very likely to work, but let's see :)12:27
mwejester45: then point firefox to localhost12:27
genbieOK cool! i will try it now12:28
jester45ok slo down please12:28
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mwejester45: what part should be slower ? 12:28
jester45i install Apache not apche212:28
longwavemagnet: no, the problem is that the .so isn't specifying which library to find the symbols in, so ld.so doesn't know to look in libgthread, surely...12:28
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mwejester45: same procedure12:29
magnetyep, that's what I said, no? :) that it would have found it already without LD_PRELOAD12:29
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mwejester45: sudo /etc/init.d/apache start instead though12:29
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longwaveno, it won't find it - how does it know that libgthread has that symbol in if it isn't linked from the .so ?12:29
magnetLD_PRELOAD is useful when it won't find the shared library because of a path problem12:29
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jester45ok siad starting web server ... ok12:30
iixcan some help me out?12:30
magnetlongwave: ld does it at compile time12:30
jester45so its done?12:30
genbiesome good news and bad! now the plugin is loading! but th eprogram crashes12:30
iixi wanna download ubuntu but dont know which version ?12:30
longwavemagnet: but this was compiled on a non-ubuntu box with different libs12:30
magnetwell gcc does it, and ld checks ;)12:30
mwejester45: so now go to localhost with your favorite browser12:30
genbiefor a differenr problem12:30
magnetyep longwave that's why i said earlier that it was built with the wrong toolchain and that building it again against his system should work12:30
longwavegenbie: oh no! well at least that did *something* i guess!12:31
jester45said placeholder page12:31
noway-I am following a guide onthe forums about fixing your MBR, and running into problems when I try to restore the initial MBR12:31
mwejester45: I recommend apache2 though. unless you have a good reason for using apache112:31
genbieyes thanks longwave ;-)12:31
noway-I am using grub-install /dev/sda on a chrooted ubuntu partition12:31
iixi wanna download ubuntu but dont know which version ?12:31
jester45umm not realy but all im doing is sareing some files12:31
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jester45might do a little website that i would make12:32
nozorroiix: what processor does your machine have?12:32
longwaveiix: download the desktop cd, unless you have an older computer with less than 256 mb ram12:32
mwejester45: install apache2 instead then I'd say12:32
iixx86 intel12:32
jester45whats the sudo code for it12:32
noway-When I try to use grub-install, it says that the drive is not found12:32
iixnozorro x86 intel12:32
noway-but I can see it both in fdisk, and GParted12:32
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mwejester45: sudo aptitude remove apache && sudo aptitude install apache212:33
nozorroiix: well, then it's ubuntu-6.06.1-desktop-i386.iso12:33
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iixnozorro cheers mate12:33
nozorroiix: ... unless you want to build a server right away ...12:33
jester45then run the start command but with 2 on the end12:33
mwejester45: right12:33
longwavenoway-: is this a sata drive? grub is a bit braindead with the drive labelling on certain pata + sata configurations...12:33
noway-longwave:  yes12:34
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jester45never mind12:34
sethklongwave, it's not brain dead, it's just broken.  :)12:34
constantine-xvianyone know of a good delphi-like app for linux (price not a concern)?12:34
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iixnozorro what server ?12:34
jester45thanks mwe12:34
mwejester45: yw12:34
iixnozorro i wanna use dual b00t.12:34
magnetconstantine-xvi: try kylix, it's delphi for linux (abandonned, though)12:34
don-oim using kernel 2.6.15-23-686, which the dpkg description says UP/SMP. Im running an SMP box. how do i get the SMP version of the kernel?12:34
dashriKeis a 6.06 LTS CD the same as a 6.06.1 CD?12:34
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longwavedon-o: the 2.6 kernels in ubuntu are all SMP-enabled now12:34
nozorroiix: i meant there is a server version of ubuntu, if you want to build public servers fot FTP, HTTP, and so on12:35
longwaveso you don't need to do anything, you already have it :)12:35
noway-longwave: is there anything I can do to fix the mbr?12:35
don-olongwave: ha. didnt even notice that proc/cpuinfo shows both kernels now. it didnt in the -22 version of the same kernel. thanks!12:35
nozorroiix: dual boot can be achieved with almost any linux system12:35
iixnozorro ahh k btw i cant find ubuntu-6.06.1-desktop-i386.iso on the site.12:35
noway-I installed XP after ubuntu, and it fubar'd the mbr12:35
don-olongwave: er, shows both processors.12:35
iixnozorro ahh wait i found it12:35
magnetconstantine-xvi: or maybe it's time to start using something more in the spirit of gnu/linux (ie python, ruby, ..)12:36
longwavenoway-: take a look through the bugs at https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs?field.searchtext=grub+sata and see if there's anything there that might help12:36
sethknoway-, yes, if you didn't back up the mbr, you'll need to boot a live cd and reinstall grub12:36
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sethknoway-, or a rescue cd12:36
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sethknoway-, then you'll add windows to the /boot/grub/menu.lst file12:36
lupine_85Does anyone have a link which explains the format of /proc/bus/pci/devices ?12:36
noway-sethk: I am trying to do that now, and when I run grub-install on the device, it says its not found12:36
longwavenoway-: unfortunately there seems to be no fix for grub getting the labelling wrong with certain configurations, it's a problem with the way grub detects the drive order12:36
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nozorroiix: go to http://www.ubuntu.com/download, then click on mirror, select PC (Intel x86) desktop CD12:36
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lupine_85(I know lspci uses the data, but I'd prefer to parse it myself)12:36
sethknoway-, says grub-install is not found?12:37
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noway-sethk: no, the sata drive12:37
longwavenoway-: do you have multiple drives in that box right now? if you can run on just the drive you're going to fix, that might help12:37
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sethknoway-, put your /boot/grub/device.map on the paste bot12:37
longwavenoway-: oh wait, except you need pata to boot the live cd, obviously...!12:37
j`eyanyone know how to get a dell wireless to work?12:37
sethkj`ey, I push to on/off button on mine12:37
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magnetj`ey: first, remove the battery ;)12:38
sethkj`ey, what's not working?  wireless 'net?12:38
j`eythe wireless interface is active12:38
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noway-sethk: the only line in device.map is:  (hd0)    /dev/sda12:38
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spuddoggAnyone here a wine guru?  I tried to run "wine SteamInstall.exe" and got the error "Application tries to create a window, but no driver could be loaded."  Any ideas?12:39
Khaaaanhey guys, whats the command to fire up visual boy advance from the command line??12:39
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sethknoway-, is that the only drive in your box?12:40
noway-sethk: yes.12:40
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genbie_sorry guys i was disconnected12:40
noway-Should I be using, sudo grub-install /dev/hda ? even though the device is /dev/sda ?12:40
genbie_longwave what was that command  again plz.. i lost it12:40
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spuddoggAnyone here a wine guru?  I tried to run "wine SteamInstall.exe" and got the error "Application tries to create a window, but no driver could be loaded."  Any ideas?12:40
longwavegenbie: "LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libgthread-2.0.so.0 gaim" ?12:40
=== lepirlouit [n=lepirlou@dD576BC56.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
sethknoway-, do   ls -l /dev/sda*     paste the results to the 'bot.  Or, paste the first line here12:40
mwespuddogg: fwiw getting steam to work in wine is a pain12:40
j`eysethk: in my connection properties box, I type eth1, wich is the wirless, but its says disconnected?12:40
spuddoggmve, ok thats cool...what programs are easy...i want to see something work12:41
KhaaaanThe forums are down... so...12:41
mwespuddogg: notepad12:41
sethkj`ey, a lot of things can cause that.  the network as security (keys) defined, and you haven't configured the client with the key12:41
kingdongubuntu seem to have server problem lately12:41
spuddoggmwe, lol12:41
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timsheli'm having some trouble with the sudo smbpasswd -L -a your_username command to enable my account for samba; it tells me 'Failed to initialise SAM_ACCOUNT for your user your_username.' my samba conf file is correct afaik.. anyone here saavy with samba?12:41
mwespuddogg: wine notepad.exe12:41
sethkj`ey, that's the most common but there are lots of others12:41
j`eysethk: hmm12:41
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spuddoggmwe, where do i download notepar.exe though?12:41
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mwespuddogg: it's already present12:42
noway-sethk: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2268312:42
mwespuddogg: just type wine notepad.exe12:42
spuddoggmwe, i get the same error12:42
j`eysethk: I think its setup without a key, is that possible?12:42
ciscosurferNeed a good screencast package...I've used Istanbul before....any others out there??12:42
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mwespuddogg: um odd12:42
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sethknoway-, good, that looks normal.   try running the grub utility.  (sudo grub).   It will put up a message about looking for drives, then after a bit you'll get a grub> prompt12:42
huatsdoes anybody know if there is somewhere to find mono 1.1.17 for dapper (in .deb I mean)12:42
mwespuddogg: you're not root or something, are you?12:42
=== kingwolf [n=kingwolf@c-24-21-54-126.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
sethknoway-, bring that up, then we can let grub print out what drives it thinks it sees12:43
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ciscosurferhuats: use Alien to convert the .deb if you can't find a .deb for it12:43
noway-sethk: ok12:43
kingwolfIs it mandatory to flash BIOS update from disk?12:43
spuddoggmwe, no not root...this time it did give me more output though.  think you can help me if i send you a pastebin?12:43
root_Where are Ubuntus X11 settings stored? (They're not in Etc\X11\Xorg.conf12:43
ciscosurferroot_: /etc/X1112:43
mwespuddogg: maybe. I can try12:43
kingwolfAnd/Or can I flash from term?12:43
root_No those don't do anything Cisco.12:43
root_So where are the real settings stored?12:43
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)12:44
nozorroroot_: /etc/X11/xorg.conf -- lowercase/uppercase is important12:44
noway-sethk: what is the grub command to list devices?12:44
sethkkingwolf, you have to flash in real mode, so you can't do it on a normally booted system12:44
root_That is impossible, I deleted that file and rebooted, no effect.12:44
sethknoway-, hang on, I'll check...12:44
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root_I'm asking where the real settings are.12:44
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT12:44
nozorroroot_: which 'real' settings?12:44
ciscosurfernoway-: find /boot/grub/stage112:44
root_The real ones that are forcing my refresh to be 60hz, when I can do 85hz.12:45
sethkroot_, I assume you tried /etc/X11, not what you typed (\etc\X11)12:45
kingwolfsethk Could you translate that to n00b-terminolgy for me?>12:45
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spuddoggmwe, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2268512:45
root_Yes Seth.12:45
sethkroot_, your xorg.conf is incorrect, so the X server is reverting to default modes.12:45
nozorroroot_: they are in the file y mentioned12:45
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root_That was a just a typo, but regardless that file does not override what is happening, and so there must be another file controlling it.12:45
sethkroot_, if it can't find usable configuration, it tries I think 800x600@60, but definitely something @ 6012:46
mwespuddogg: and you are in X of course?12:46
sethkroot_, no, I just explained that.  There is no other file12:46
mwespuddogg: and running wine as the logged in user?12:46
sethkroot_, you are getting a default mode because none of the modes in xorg.conf are usable12:46
spuddoggmwe, well, my GUI is running if thats what you mean12:46
nozorroroot_: not necessarily just a *file* -- maybe you tell us which exact problem you have12:46
ciscosurfernoway-: do 'sudo fdisk -l' to see your drives/partitions12:46
mwespuddogg: it is12:46
root_Then this makes absolutely no sense, I added the modelines for my monitor and it will not accept any of the settings.12:46
mwespuddogg: and you just opened a terminal as user?12:46
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sethkroot_, they are wrong.  you shouldn't be adding mode lines12:47
spuddoggmwe, yes12:47
sethkroot_, run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:47
ciscosurferroot_: perhaps you need to dpkg-reconfigure12:47
ciscosurfersethk: beat me to it!12:47
sethkroot_, take the "middle difficulty" option in the monitor settings12:47
mwespuddogg: odd. what does echo $DISPLAY say?12:47
spuddoggmwe "spuddogg@desktop:~/Desktop$ wine notepad.exe"12:47
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sethkroot_, that lets you set resolutions and vert frequencies, rather than just hor and vert12:47
noway-ciscosurfer: yeah, I can see the partitions12:47
mwespuddogg: looks ok12:47
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spuddoggmwe, how do i read $DISPLAY12:47
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mwespuddogg: just 'echo $DISPLAY' (no quotes)12:48
noway-It is booting on my NTFS parition12:48
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sethknoway-, try  geometry (hd0)12:49
spuddoggmwe, when i 'echo $DISPLAY' I get ":0.0" without quotes12:49
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killer_how to configure sound without the use of alsaconf12:49
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Fenixhello. i have big problems setting fglrx with my ati radeon 8500 card. i can't get 3D acceleration too work. i have tried everything. does someone have an ati radeon card that is working with latest ubuntu 6.06?12:49
mwespuddogg: good. you didn't do something like 'sudo wine' or anything like that at any point?12:49
kingdongmy radeon 9000 mobility works with 6.0612:49
spuddoggmwe, no...should i close my terminal and open a new one?12:49
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mjrFenix, did you try just using it without installing fglrx?12:50
mwespuddogg: hmm. try. if it doesn't work tell me something like 'glxgears works'12:50
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spuddoggmwe, glxgears?12:50
timshelquestion: I am getting a "Failed to initialise SAM_ACCOUNT for user sovin$' and it questions whether this user is in the UNIX pass database. It is my admin account however--why isn't it seeing it?12:50
mwespuddogg: it should open a window with some moving gears in it12:51
W_McLgot my mobility radeon 9000 working too. the latest ati drivers seem to work with it. the previous ones needed a workaround with an old libGL.so12:51
spuddoggmwe, yes that does work12:51
jmitchj_hey there...new to ubuntu...or linux for that matter...working off live cd....is there a way to access harddrive from here?12:51
mwespuddogg: I want to see if it's a general problem12:51
Fenixmjr: everything except 3d is working ok with and without fglrx12:51
spuddoggmwe, yes that does work12:51
johnny33i cannot seem to login to my ubuntu box as user....i can login but not startx....   /tmp directory problem?     I tried sudo chmod 1777 /tmp  but still get error that /tmp is not writeable12:51
johnny33any ideas?12:51
timshelis your disk almost full?12:51
Fenixi also have made apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade12:52
johnny33lemme see12:52
mwespuddogg: I'm about out of ideas. try rm -rf ~/.wine and retry. if that doesn't work i don't know what to do12:52
noway-sethk: no luck, it is giving me "Selected disk does not exisit"12:52
root_Guys, thanks for the help on this, but even in dkpg-reconfigure there is no listing for 1024x768@8512:52
johnny33btw ...root loggs into x just fine12:52
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Fenixand i also have tried drivers from ati's page12:52
=== ChaosFan [i=sithjanu@faui01.informatik.uni-erlangen.de] has joined #ubuntu
spuddoggmwe, is that going to uninstall wine?12:52
mwespuddogg: no12:52
timsheljohnny: if your hard drive is near full capacity, i've had trouble not being to login. you could check with df -h12:52
mwespuddogg: just the user settings12:52
mwespuddogg: for wine that is12:52
sethknoway-, hmm.  too bad.  I was hoping it would find it in the booted system even though it didn't see it at boot.12:53
sethknoway-, let me think for a moment.12:53
spuddoggmwe, you should also know i had to build wine to run in 64-bit...maybe thats why these programs wont work?12:53
johnny33shit it looks pretty full to me...hehe12:53
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mwespuddogg: oh12:53
mwespuddogg: maybe that's the problem12:53
spuddoggmwe: lol, i guess i should have told you that sooner, sorry man12:53
Fenixwhen i try glxinfo i get: Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".12:53
mwespuddogg: ok12:54
simarohi everyone....somebody have installed the CGWD Themer ? I can't find a good source for Apt12:54
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timsheljohnny33: delete some p0rn xP12:54
=== matthewburke [n=matthew@12-216-136-141.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
W_McLFenix: unfortunately the proprietary ati drivers seem not to work properly with some cards12:54
johnny33timshel:   just did  : P12:54
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johnny33no do i just reastart x and login as a user?12:54
timshelrofl, kk. you should be able to log in now12:54
W_McLFenix: had much trouble with them too12:55
mwespuddogg: don't worry. I guess something went wrong in the process though I have no idea what. I just know wine doesn't play nice with 64 bit at least to my knowledge12:55
printkFenix: i might have come in late during this conversaion, but do you have modules dri enabled in xorg.conf (assuming this is xorg)12:55
timsheljohnny: you wouldn't happen to know anything about samba would you D:?12:55
=== juliano [n=juliano@c-71-204-5-104.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
noway-sethk: should I be running grub-install on the non-chrooted drive?12:55
Fenixprintk: dri is disabled in xorg.conf12:55
spuddoggmwe, wonderful...i should have installed the regular 32bit12:55
sethknoway-, it shouldn't matter12:55
spuddoggmwe, 32 bit ubuntu that is12:55
jmitchjhey there...new to ubuntu...or linux for that matter...working off live cd....is there a way to access harddrive files from here?12:55
printkFenix: well enable that then12:55
FenixW_McL: i have also tried getting drivers over apt-get12:55
spuddoggjmitchj, places -> file system12:56
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mwespuddogg: or run it in a 32bit chroot12:56
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=== spuddogg scratches head
mwespuddogg: I'm not on 64bit but there is a wiki I think12:56
jmitchjnot there12:56
Arrickis nickrud around anymore?12:56
Fenixprintk: i read that Load "dri" should be disabled because that is open source version of acceleration and fglrx includes dri in it self12:56
jmitchjno file system under places12:56
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spuddoggjmitchj, sorry.  Places -> Home Folder12:56
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printkohhhh then follow that sorry12:57
printklike i said i might have come in late during the conversation :)12:57
W_McLFenix: which ones? the fglrx ones? they're the ati proprietary drivers. those you can get over the repositories are just usually a bit older than the newest12:57
spuddoggjmitchj, then File System is on the left12:57
jmitchjthat seems to just list the files on the CD12:57
spuddoggjmitchj, you know, that might be true...sorry man, i dont know12:57
CreativeEmbassyhey there, anyone really good with video drivers? :-D12:57
root_Alright, lets see if it works.12:57
FenixW_McL: so what should i use then to get 3d acceleration?12:58
jmitchjok thanks anyways12:58
spuddoggmwe, well sounds like a job for another day...thanks for the help man12:58
nozorrojmitchj: which partition you want to access 1st one? windows?12:58
timshelanyone here play wc3?12:58
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nozorrojmitchj: ok let's see, can you open terminal and type 'mount'12:58
UKMattHey is there a Xvid Codec for linux?12:59
j`eyfor some reason, my network connections disloag doesnt have a new connection button?12:59
CreativeEmbassyshould I just ask?12:59
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W_McLFenix: the proprietary drivers give the best 3d-accelleration, if they work. it's just difficult to get them working, if you got the wrong card :(12:59
jmitchjLOL...terminal where?...i am brand new to this12:59
iLikeSpoonsok, this might be a stupid question, but I've never played with hardware before. I just got a different videocard (geforce mx400, an old one). What do I need to change before I plug it in instead of my old radeon 7000? Or can I just plug it in and expect it to work? :P12:59
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nozorrojmitchj: first disk should be listed as /dev/hda1 if mounted12:59
CreativeEmbassyi have a fresh install, just installed nvidia drivers, and they don't want to talk to my laptop lcd12:59
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nozorrojmitchj: Alt+F2, enter 'gnome-terminal'01:00
jmitchjit says i don;t have permission when i go at it from the disk manager01:00
lupine_85iLikeSpoons: switch back to the vesa driver before you modify your hardware. Once it's changed, install the nvidia drivers01:00
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:00
=== root_ [n=chatzill@c-71-202-30-91.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
iLikeSpoonslupine,\ thanks01:01
root_Nice try guys, but that failed horribly.01:01
jmitchjok..in termnal01:01
FenixW_McL: my card is pretty old (radeon 8500) so i guess it should have good support by now. problem is that i have tried everything. i even downloaded new kernel and compiled it. i read all howtos, forums i could find.01:01
nozorrojmitchj: type 'mount'01:01
W_McLFenix: i can just recommend to try different HowTos and different versions of the driver, and keep using the version that works01:01
root_I remember doing this before on a previous install, and the only way to fix it is with a modeline.01:01
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nozorrojmitchj: is /dev/hda1 listed anywhere?01:02
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W_McLFenix: the problem seems to be that the latest drivers have some troubles with older cards01:02
CreativeEmbassyI installed the nvidia drivers right, and I know this because I plugged a CRT into the back of my computer, and it's able to display to it fine.01:02
CreativeEmbassyBut my laptop LCD just shows... crap.01:02
FenixW_McL: where could i find older versions for download?01:02
nozorrojmitchj: /dev/hda1 on ... ??? fill in rest of line, please01:03
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root_Is the Xorg log called literally that? I can obtain my pixel clock from that and generate a modeline however I do not know that logs literal filename.01:03
W_McLi'm not sure, but i think on the ati driver download page there is a possibility to download older versions01:03
jmitchj/tmp/disks-conf-hdal type ntfs (rw)01:03
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W_McLFenix: at least i can remember to have downloaded different versions of the drivers there01:04
CreativeEmbassyWhat should I do if the nvidia driver just shows crap on my lcd, but works on my crt?01:04
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nozorrojmitchj: then open file manager window and go to directory /tmp/disks-conf-hda101:04
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CreativeEmbassyWhere am I going wrong? Getting tired of reading instructions and FAQs here... :-(?01:04
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LetterRiphi I need to upload some contributed translations to be merged with the ubuntu translations01:05
j`eyhow do I connect using wireless?01:05
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kaymannHi, how do I enable an external monitor? I'm using Ubuntu 6.06 on my Toshiba laptop with an Intel GMA 950.01:05
LetterRipis there a ubuntu china channel?01:05
FenixW_McL: ok thx i'll try it. btw could you tell me what card you have and what driver version?01:05
jmitchji get "You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of "disks-conf-hda1".01:06
W_McLFenix: i got the mobility radeon 9000 and it works out of the box with fglrx version 8.28.8 (the latest version), but i got troubles with at least the 4 previous versions01:06
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nozorrojmitchj: maybe 'sudo nautilus' from the terminal will fix this -- but i don't know the password for the live CD --maybe 'ubuntu' (???)01:07
iLikeSpoonslupine_85, I only need to change the driver line in Xorg.conf, right?01:07
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TylerDurdenerwhats the default su password? and how can i change it?01:07
FenixW_McL: ok, i'll try to find oldest version there is01:07
kingdongTylerDurdener, enabling root user is not recommended01:07
CreativeEmbassyilikespoons: yup.01:07
jmitchjthat's over my head...is that a command to type in?01:08
TylerDurdeneri know.. i need it though01:08
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iLikeSpoonsyay. Hopefully, after this restart, I'll have no more nasty xorg crashes due to sucky radeon 7000 problems01:08
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W_McLFenix: on the driver download page there is a menu on the left where you can select "older drivers". you musz just find the linux entry01:08
nozorrojmitchj: yes, type 'sudo nautilus' in terminal pls and report back pls01:08
kingdongTylerDurdener, sudo passwd root01:08
mweTylerDurdener: there is no default pw01:08
TylerDurdenerwhen i type su it asks for a passowrd01:09
kingdongthere is no password01:09
kingdongtype sudo passwd root to set one01:09
TylerDurdenerhow can i set one?01:09
TylerDurdenerok thanks01:09
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mweTylerDurdener: you don't need it though01:09
Megaqwertyhas anyone gotten this error when trying to run compiz? "Couldn't load plugin 'gconf'" if so, have any of you solved it?01:09
RedRoseSomething like my laptops monitor brightness, that's something controled by ACPI, right?01:09
mweTylerDurdener: sudo -i has the same effect01:10
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Megaqwerty(using the command "thefuture")01:10
nozorronozorro: which is the default password on the live CD for sudo? anyone?01:10
kaymannDo I hvae to restart to enable an external monitor?01:10
eugmanThe output from deborphan is two columns. Is there some terminal magic to get rid of the first column from the file I ouputed it too and to also remove and excess whitespace or returns?01:10
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W_McLFenix: https://support.ati.com/ics/support/KBList.asp?folderID=61701:10
kingdongthere is no default sudo password...01:10
sethkeugman, you can remove leading white space, or the first column, with sed01:10
jmitchjthanks that alowed me in...is that something that must be done each time?01:10
eugmanI'll do some man page diving. Thanks.01:11
FenixW_McL: thnx alot01:11
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nozorrojmitchj: not on the installed system01:11
CreativeEmbassyAgain, cna anyone help with nvidia driver issues?01:11
jmitchjthat makes sense01:11
CreativeEmbassyFollowed as many FAQ's as I could find...01:11
W_McLFenix: no prob. i hope it will work01:11
Megaqwertyhas anyone gotten this error when trying to run compiz? "Couldn't load plugin 'gconf'" if so, have any of you solved it?01:11
jmitchjdoes ubuntu have an mp3 player?01:11
nozorrojmitchj: you'll only have read (no write) access to ntfs partitions atm01:11
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nozorrojmitchj: mp3, yes, many01:12
charles_Thank you guys, you did help me... I just needed to reboot.01:12
mweCreativeEmbassy: including !nvidia ?01:12
charles_Is there a way to Anti Alias screen fonts in Ubuntu?01:12
TylerDurdenerwhat is the command to tell the terminal to go to my desktop?01:12
RedRoseSomething like my laptops monitor brightness, that's something controled by ACPI, right?01:12
noway-sethk: thanks for the help... I am sure I will figure something out01:12
CreativeEmbassymwe: which one are you referring to?01:12
MegaqwertyTylerDurdener: cd Desktop01:12
Megaqwertyyou're welcome01:13
FlyingSquirrel32I've got edubuntu here at home, but when I upgraded to 6.10 my DHCP and ltsp isn't running. Any ideas?01:13
CreativeEmbassyI'm running in circles on ubuntu's sites, and the forums01:13
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W_McLcharles_: in the menu system -> preferences -> fonts (not sure about the names, because i'm not using the english version)01:13
nozorrocharles_: see System > Preferences > Font01:13
mweCreativeEmbassy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia01:13
charles_Best Contrast?01:14
magnetMWHAHAHA... it took more than 3 hours but I devised a "new"(? or unreferenced at least) way to install Ubuntu with floppies and network only ;)01:14
magnetand it works! :P01:14
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CreativeEmbassylemme check01:14
FlyingSquirrel32magnet: I'd be intrested in getting a copy!01:14
nozorrocharles_: 'Monochrome' is w/o antialiasing, the 3 others are differente aa modes01:14
charles_It doesn't actually say anywhere in there the words anti alias.01:14
magnetmaybe i'll make a tuto01:14
Megaqwertyhas anyone gotten this error when trying to run compiz? "Couldn't load plugin 'gconf'" if so, have any of you solved it?01:14
mwemagnet: write a wiki if you have the time :)01:14
magnetIt's *not* using debootstrap01:15
charles_That's what I thought as well.01:15
magnetI have xubuntu running perfectly, latest kernel, everything working01:15
magneton a 4-5 years old laptop (no cd drive)01:15
CreativeEmbassymwe: followed these already...01:15
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itrebals/buffer close01:16
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magnetit rooooooocks :) /me happy :P01:16
mweCreativeEmbassy: oh. I just thought I'd mention it in case you hadn't seen it. I don't have nvidia myself so I cant be of much help I'm afraid01:16
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z3r0xdoes anybody know a cpu benchmark tool?01:16
CreativeEmbassyi'm wondering if it's actually a driver issue, because when I plugged my CRT into the back of my laptop, i have no problem running stuff for nvidia01:16
jmitchjnozorro, is there an mp3 player on the Live CD?01:16
magnetz3r0x: we usually benchmark usages and not cpus01:16
magnetcpus are strong for some things and weak for others01:17
CreativeEmbassylike glxgears, for instance01:17
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Megaqwertyhas anyone gotten this error when trying to run compiz? "Couldn't load plugin 'gconf'" if so, have any of you solved it?01:17
CreativeEmbassyruns fine01:17
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CreativeEmbassyand it SOUNDS like it's opening xwindows fine01:17
z3r0xmagnet, which tool can I use to benchmark usages?01:17
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mwemagnet: I installed on a laptop without CD or floppy ;)01:18
nozorrojmitchj: don't think so, because mp3 software cannot be free software. there is a sound player though which will support mp3 after install with some minor tweaks -- and many others01:18
CreativeEmbassybut wbhen I have a crt plugged in, the lcd is just black and the nvidia settings only show the crt01:18
eyequeueMegaqwerty, /join #ubuntu-xgl01:18
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magnetz3r0x: depends on what you want to do01:18
CreativeEmbassywhen it's not plugged in, I just get garbage on the lcd01:18
Neo8750i updated to edgy and now x won't load on boot instead it errors out but the errors aren't fatal01:18
magnetmwe: yep I just say that I did it a *new* way :) or not said to work way01:18
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magnetif you prefer01:18
jmitchji guess nothing is really straight forward in Linux huh?01:18
magnetnot using debootstrap like advertised01:19
magnet(on the ubuntu wiki)01:19
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z3r0xmagnet, I want to test my whole system01:19
mjrjmitchj, nothing is really straightforward with proprietary formats, you mean01:19
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nozorrojmitchj: mp3 is not included by default because of stoopid patents01:19
rikohi! I was wondering what i need to dl to get ndiswrapper working on a clean ubuntu install... i can't connect ubuntu to the web w/out the wifi01:19
mwemagnet: I did it two times. once using pxe boot. the other time with a usb stick. write a wiki if you have the time 01:19
CreativeEmbassyi justn wish I didn't have to go through command line to do all this stuff01:19
CreativeEmbassynot the besst typer in the world01:20
eyequeueCreativeEmbassy, tab completion01:20
magnetmwe: yeah my laptop has pxe/netbooting but I was too lazy to set up a server, and it doesnt support booting from USB01:20
rikodoes anyone know which packages i need to dl from windoze to get ndiswrapper running on a clean ubuntu install?01:20
magnetI did it ONLY with floppies and ethernet so ;)01:20
CreativeEmbassyeyequeue: i know about it, but when I don't even know what I'm supposed to be typing in the first place...01:20
magnetand without debootstrap :)01:21
=== PavelS [n=phil@107.191.broadband4.iol.cz] has joined #ubuntu
z3r0xriko, what card do you use?01:21
mwemagnet: cool01:21
rikoz3r0x: 139001:21
CreativeEmbassyanyway, I'm about ready to ditch ubuntu and go windows for another year01:21
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magnetmwe: that's not extraordinary though, I'm just happy I didn't spend these 3hours for nothing :)01:21
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CreativeEmbassyi can't understand why my graphics card isn't working :-(01:21
z3r0xriko, 1390 of what?01:21
mwemagnet: I think it took about ten minutes to set up the pxe server on a windows machine though01:21
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=== CreativeEmbassy walks back into slavery
magnetit's a PIII 500 and Xfce runs fast so that's great01:21
rikoz3r0x: I know the windows driver i need to download, im just wondering which packages i need to download to install ndiswrapper. Dell 139001:22
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magnetmwe: I haven't had any windows machine for years01:22
rikoz3r0x: i only have wifi connection here nothing wired so i can only dl thru windows01:22
magnetand I don't know about a pxe server under GNU/linux01:22
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mwemagnet: lucky you don't have to use that crap ;)01:22
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FlyingSquirrel32riko: I guess you have centrino?01:23
CreativeEmbassyanyone else here have experience with... lcd monitors?01:23
rikoFlyingSquirrel32: yea01:23
tryggWhy does my ubuntu drain my hddspace? I have very little and it takes 1mb at a 5 second period, even if i have no program on?01:23
FlyingSquirrel32riko: a cheap wireless card isn't too exzpensive01:24
rikoFlyingSquirrel32: i have experience getting it working once i have ndiswrapper installed, but i need to install ndiswrapper first01:24
eyequeueFlyingSquirrel32, i d/l with centrino all the time01:24
z3r0xriko, http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/index.php/Ubuntu01:24
sethkFlyingSquirrel32, an expensive wireless card is more expensive than a cheap wireless card01:24
mwemagnet: it's always a victory when you spend some time doing something undocumented in linux and succeed ;)01:24
eyequeueriko, no need for ndiswrapper with centrino here, ipw220001:24
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rikoeyequeue: so how do i do it?01:24
mcphailtrygg: check the size of the logfiles under /var/log/ to see if they are growing out of hand01:25
FlyingSquirrel32eyequeue: Really!  And I thought it couldn't be done!01:25
eyequeueriko, it was utosensed here, but modprobe ipw220001:25
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ubotuFrom more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD01:25
eyequeueFlyingSquirrel32, autosensed here, both in breezy and dapper (and edgy)01:25
magnetmwe: yep :) but the it's even better because the disk is painfully slow and the 3 hours were mostly downloading packages01:26
rikoeyequeue: which model card do u have tho?01:26
Arrickwhere are all the old timers mwe?01:26
tryggmcphail: nope, 9 mb.01:26
eyequeueriko, it's not a cad, it's part of the laptop01:26
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tryggIt just keeps going,01:26
rikoeyequeue: oooh, i have a dell 640m core duo w/ a 1390 wifi card01:26
magnetand I thought it wouldn't work and I'd have to reinstall it anyway01:26
magnetand it was a pain only to think of it ;)01:26
eyequeueriko, try ipw2200 though, but google for that model number and ubuntu01:27
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rikookay so since i can't do this: sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper... how would i find out which files i need and manually download them for a local install as i can't get on the internet with this01:27
mwemagnet: heh01:27
rikough all i want to know is how do i manually download the files for ndiswrapper cos i can't go online in linux01:27
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eyequeue!depends ndiswrapper01:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about depends ndiswrapper - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:28
z3r0xriko, http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=9348201:28
rikodo i need any other packages?01:29
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:29
eyequeue$ apt-cache depends ndiswrapper01:29
eyequeueW: Unable to locate package ndiswrapper01:29
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z3r0xonly the .inf file (wlan card driver)01:29
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z3r0xriko, just a second01:29
mweArrick: most of them are probably too busy or lazy to answer questions in here ;)01:30
=== Nec [i=Nec@cpe-74-67-60-120.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
djm62Ok, I want to be able to switch to Russsian keyboard layout and type in Russian by pressing some preferably one-handed key combo01:30
z3r0xriko, output of apt-file search ndiswrapper -> ndiswrapper-utils: usr/sbin/ndiswrapper01:30
z3r0xriko, I think you can just apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils01:30
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djm62I think I've done the right thing in System->Preferences, but it does nothing.  I can switch layouts with the gnome applet, but not any keyboard combo I have specified01:31
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nozorrodjm62: under the Layout Options tab in the Keyboard config app?01:31
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Arrickmwe, I dont even see them in here, _jason, nickrud, idleone, none of them are in here now, did they go away?01:32
Daniel_GBGdoes anyone know how to create a vpn tunnel in ubuntu01:32
mwedjm62: if you know the command you can use xbindkeys I think01:32
rikoz3r0x: yea i'd totally do that if I was able to go online in linux... but since i have to manually dl from windows which files would i get?01:32
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z3r0xriko, install the package and then the driver ndiswrapper -i drivername.inf... after load the ndiswrapper module modprobe ndiswrapper01:32
CreativeEmbassyis anyone available to help me figure out a conflict between my monitor and my nvidia driver?01:32
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rikoyea yea that part i get... alright i'll give it a shot... i'll be back soon if it doesn't work01:32
Daniel_GBGHelp with VPN tunnel?01:32
mweArrick: I don't know. I saw nickrud not too long ago01:32
djm62nozorro: yeah, in that section01:33
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ciscosurferCreativeEmbassy: what's the issue?01:33
PavelSIs there anybody who know something about suspend to ram, please? I am trying to set it on my laptop almost three days without progress.01:33
djm62(I am starting to think this may be something to do with my acer travelmate 2420 laptop keyboard)01:33
z3r0xriko http://packages.debian.org/testing/misc/ndiswrapper-utils01:33
link_36pIm having problems with getting an xgl server to start with an ati card01:33
nozorrodjm62: i think you have to specify a key combo for that under Groups Shift/Lock behavior01:34
z3r0xdownload it and then install with dpkg -i xyz.deb01:34
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djm62nozorro: yes, that's where I specified it01:34
charles_Guys what is a media player that supports shoutcast streams?01:34
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djm62nozorro: I've tried a few variants01:34
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nozorrodjm62: hmm, it works for me to switch between German and Spanish ...01:34
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Arrickok thanks mwe have a good one.01:35
ciscosurferriko: use 'packages.ubuntu.com' instead01:35
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CreativeEmbassyciscosurfer: I installed the nvidia drivers exactly per the instructions.01:35
z3r0xciscosurfer, he's already gone ^^01:35
ciscosurferz3r0x: whoops01:35
nozorrodjm62: i use ' Both Alt keys together change group.01:35
mweArrick: see you dude01:35
CreativeEmbassyand my lcd screen would just show garbage.01:35
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djm62nozorro: I'm starting to think it's to do with a particular laptop keyboard01:36
CreativeEmbassyso, I didn't think I installed them right01:36
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z3r0xciscosurfer, well I didn't notice too :)01:36
=== rapha [n=rapha@dialin112180.server4you-dsl.de] has joined #ubuntu
nozorrodjm62: oh yeah, if you're on a laptop ....01:36
raphaHi all01:36
ciscosurferCreativeEmbassy: do you have a legacy card or a newer card?  which did you install: the legacy package or the glx package?01:36
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TrephineHi rage01:36
CreativeEmbassybut I plugged a spare CRT monitor lying around, and they appear to be working fine on this.01:36
CreativeEmbassyI have a nvidia fx go560001:37
raphaI've got a brand-new notebook. Is it normal for totem-gstreamer to only play a DVD at perhaps 10-15 FPS? I thought GStreamer is supposed to be as good as Xine nowadays?01:37
djm62nozorro: bizarrely, two alt keys works!01:37
CreativeEmbassyand I can get glxgears to work now :-p01:37
nozorrodjm62: so i was lucky! -- but anyway you can change using the Keyboard Indicator?01:37
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djm62nozorro: yeah01:37
charles_There is no media player capable of doing receiving shoutcast streams y/n?01:37
ciscosurferCreativeEmbassy: you might've installed the wrong package....try installing the other package and see how that goes (remove the other one first)01:37
nozorrodjm62: fine, tovarish01:38
CreativeEmbassyi could give that a shot, how do I remove the old one?01:38
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Ma|elcharles_ vlc01:38
astronutHi...what's the proper driver for 0000:01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Trident Microsystems XGI Volari XP5 (rev 02)01:38
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bedazzled_hi, anyone using rtorrent ? how can i "remove" a torrent from the list?01:39
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charles_Thanks Ma.01:39
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CreativeEmbassyare there directions somewhere to uninstalling a video driver?01:40
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ciscosurferCreativeEmbassy: to see which one you have installed you can go to your /var/cache/apt/archives direcory and search for the file you installed (probably called nvidia-legacy) and then remove it with 'sudo aptitude remove nvidia-legacy)...sorry, i'm not at my linux box right now otherwise i'd give you a better answer01:40
CreativeEmbassyor would it be better to jsut reinstall everything again?01:40
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astronutCreativeEmbassy: dpkg -l will give you a list01:40
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eyequeueastronut, dpkg --get-selections01:41
charles_Malal can it handle streams?01:41
ciscosurferCreativeEmbassy: you can also try 'sudo dpkg -s name_of_file to see if it's installed...you can try 'up-arrow'ing' to see the exact command you issued and then remove it with that name01:41
eyequeueCreativeEmbassy,  dpkg --get-selections > filename01:41
ciscosurferastronut: thanks, forgot that one01:41
ciscosurfereyequeue: thanks, forgot that one too01:41
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:41
silent_screamhi everyone!01:42
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raphaGRAAAH even with totem-xine I have to rm -rf ~/.dvdcss every 15 minutes and restart the DVD01:42
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CreativeEmbassyi'm just gonna do a fresh install01:42
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ciscosurferCreativeEmbassy: there's no reason to do that01:43
CreativeEmbassywhy not, and it'll give me a chance to try easyubuntu... or that other one, what's its name01:43
ciscosurferCreativeEmbassy: but if you must...01:43
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astronutHi...what's the proper driver for 0000:01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Trident Microsystems XGI Volari XP5 (rev 02)01:43
CreativeEmbassybut I jsut don't know enough about ubuntu, and reinstalling everything would probably take less time :-p01:43
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Harksawok, one program crashed and my mouse is now locked up. How do I reset my mouse so I can move it again? (Took me forever to get over to xchat!)01:44
silent_screamis there any programm similar to "rapget"? A download manager that is compatible with rapidshare megaupload etc..???01:44
=== iLikeSpoons [n=ilikespo@ppp-2.NS-BCL81.WLAN.panline.net] has joined #ubuntu
raphaWhat IS it with this DVD - it has NO scratches and NO NOTHING01:44
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raphaAnybody ever watch Master & Commander under Ubuntu?01:45
sethkrapha, maybe it's blank  :)01:45
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iLikeSpoonsso, I installed the binary drivers01:45
TSP_XHi people!01:45
iLikeSpoonsran sudo nvidia-glx-config enable01:45
raphasethk: I'm watching it. Only got to restart every couple minutes and seek back to where I was01:45
iLikeSpoonsrestarted the X server01:45
TSP_XI have a problem compiling Qt 4 :(01:45
ciscosurferCreativeEmbassy: ok...01:45
iLikeSpoonsbut no nvidia splash screen and I'm still stuck with vesa drivers01:45
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ciscosurferCreativeEmbassy: I'd use Automatix over EasyUbuntu01:45
silent_screamiLikeSpoons, there is nice guide in ubuntuforums01:46
TSP_Xenby is other way to install nvidia drivers01:46
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cafuegoTSP_X: No, it is not.01:46
iLikeSpoonssilent, thanks. I'll do a search01:46
nozorroastronut: it should be xserver-xorg-driver-trident. found in google, look at last line: http://pci-ids.ucw.cz/iii/?s=1:i=102301:46
cafuegoTSP_X: The nvidia drivers are prepackaged.01:46
sethkrapha, I wasn't being serious.01:46
silent_screamwait iLikeSpoons  i find it01:46
FusionXN1BBL everyone.01:47
TSP_Xi install nvidia drivers one time with that script01:47
astronutnozorro: i tried trident, it said EE no devices found01:47
astronutunless it wasn't installed01:47
astronutno, it's installed01:47
cafuegoTSP_X: 'sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx linux-restricted-mnodules-$(uname -r)'01:47
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TSP_Xyes i know,,that is nor my problem...i have problem compiling Qt 401:47
alex_Im having trouble installing the video support in easyubuntu. its telling me there are broken packages, but i dont seem to have broken packages01:47
nozorroastronut: look under /usr/share/doc for the doc for the driver, maybe you can specify the bus ID of the PCI device01:48
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cafuegoYou don't NEED to compile Qt4.01:48
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TSP_Xwhere i can get it?01:48
Paddy_EIREanyone know of any avi to dvd software thats nice and simple to use?01:48
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astronutnozorro: i did specify the bus, it's just not supported apparently01:49
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magnetPaddy_EIRE: ffmpeg ?01:49
ZambeziBackspace doesn't work in screen. Is it just for me or is it a bug?01:49
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TSP_Xi want to compile qbittorrent and i need many to have many qt libs01:49
Paddy_EIRE<magnet> can i do apt-get for it01:49
TSP_Xyes Paddy01:49
vicky_i am totally new to ubuntu and very lost, anyone want to help an idiot?01:49
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Harksawanyone know what process controls the mouse?01:49
RedRoseI want to mod my laptop brightness via /proc/acpi/video/GFX0/LCD/brightness... how do I, it says I can't write it01:49
cafuegoTSP_X: You need Qt headers and development files then, you do _not_ need to compile Qt4.01:50
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Paddy_EIRE<magnet> nice one01:50
Jack_Sparrowvicky_: Sure, I'm blind, I'll lead you..01:50
TSP_Xthe problems is that the half are not in the repos01:50
cafuegoTSP_X: They are.01:50
LRushingredrose: sudo ??01:50
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RedRosewon't let me01:50
=== cafuego doesn't know what they are called, as I don't use Qt, but they _are_ there.
silent_screamiLikeSpoons, http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Latest_Nvidia_Breezy there you are01:50
RedRoseLRushing, as root or sudo01:51
vicky_Jack_Sparrow: oo you came up yellow01:51
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nozorroastronut: yeah, i remember having problems with a trident card .01:51
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TSP_Xlibqt. headers?01:51
CyberMadhow do i migrate my email box from windows to ubuntu?01:51
iLikeSpoonsthanks, silent_scream.01:51
Jack_Sparrowvicky_: How may we help you01:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about libqt4-devel - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:51
azathothhmmm... my sound has a slight delay in games... anyone know why? how can i install different engines?01:51
TSP_Xi need qt 4 not 301:51
silent_screamiLikeSpoons, for dapper :http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=13926401:51
Morticehow do i make it show package details?01:51
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eyequeueMortice, vvv01:52
vicky_Jack_Sparrow: im trying to install skype01:52
Paddy_EIRE<Jack_Sparrow> do u know anywhere that can give me a pre-prepared Debian sarge minimal install image that i can start from 256mb flash disk01:52
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joshritgerwhat do i need to get amarok t play mp3's01:52
eyequeue!info libqt40dev01:52
ubotuPackage libqt40dev does not exist in any distro I know01:52
maple1how do I get ubuntu to run on the 0.01 version of the linux kernel?01:52
eyequeue!info libqt4-dev01:52
ubotulibqt4-dev: Qt 4 development files. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.1.2-1ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 3478 kB, installed size 17228 kB01:52
CyberMadif i use thunderbird in windows, does thunderbird in ubuntu can restore my email?01:52
vicky_Jack_Sparrow: but i dont understand the instructions01:52
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Jack_SparrowPaddy_EIRE: no01:52
cafuegovicky_: Download the skype beta 1.3 .deb and install it.01:52
Morticethat's it, eyequeue, thanks.01:52
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto01:52
eyequeueMortice, no prob01:52
Paddy_EIREno probs, been goggling all day01:52
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silent_screamis there any program similar to "rapget"? A download manager that is compatible with rapidshare megaupload etc..???01:53
Jack_Sparrowvicky_: Those instructions?01:53
MorticeTSP_X: make sure the universe repository is enabled in /etc/apt/sources.list and get libqt4-dev01:53
TSP_Xwell that's the reason why i am trying to comile Qt 401:53
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Morticethen you'll be able to build QT4 apps01:53
Morticeand you won't have to compile Qt 401:53
cafuegoIf you compile and install Qt4 by hand, you will _destroy_ your system.01:53
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vicky_i got lost at the words : Add the skype repository01:54
TSP_XI have libqt4 installed01:54
joshritgerwhat codecs or files do i need to install to get mp3 play back with amarok on ubuntu01:54
cafuegoSo rwally, don't.01:54
swizzlehow do you find which packages are broken in synaptic... i use the filter but that doesn't seem to do anything.01:54
stevlev livet til den dag du dr tag det aldrig roligt folk vil tro du er svag hvis du slapper af sl p alle01:54
Jack_Sparrow!mp3 > joshritger01:54
MorticeTSP_X: you want libqt4-devel01:54
MorticeTSP_X: there's a difference.01:54
magnetsorry Paddy i was busy01:54
magnetis it ok?01:54
cafuegovicky_: You don't need a skype repository. Go to skype.com and download the beta version for Linux, deb format. Save it somewhere (on the desktop?)01:54
Paddy_EIRE<Jack_Sparrow>im still trying to get that theme of yours to work although reluctant to format at this stage and start all over again01:54
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vicky_yes i did that cafuego but then there is no exe file to click so i got lost01:55
TSP_Xi can find that one Mortice01:55
Jack_Sparrownp  we know you have some problems with that system01:55
MorticeTSP_X: install it then :P01:55
cafuegovicky_: Cool. Now open a terminal and cd to Desktop.01:55
cafuegovicky_: Now install the package using 'sudo dpkg -i skype....deb'01:55
vicky_how do i cd cafuego01:55
cafuegovicky_: 'cd Desktop'01:55
vicky_bash: cd: desktop: No such file or directory01:56
TSP_Xi search in ubuntu packages. and libqt4-devel don't exist01:56
cafuegoCapital D.01:56
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vicky_oo ok01:56
MorticeTSP_X: is the universe repository enabled in your /etc/apt/sources.list?01:56
Jack_Sparrowvicky_: Did you add that repo to your sources?01:56
cafuegovicky_: Now that dpkg command may spit out errors about missing packages. That's ok. If it does, run 'sudo apt-get -f install'01:57
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MorticeTSP_X: does libqt4-devel show up when you do apt-cache search qt4?01:57
RedRoseI want to mod my laptop brightness via /proc/acpi/video/GFX0/LCD/brightness... how do I, it says I can't write it. I get write error: Invalid argument When I try01:57
TSP_Xnop only dev but not devel01:58
vicky_ok sorry im lost ( i apologise for being totally useless01:58
hondjedev == devel01:58
MorticeTSP_X: oh, sorry. I read it as devel01:58
TSP_Xi can't dind it here http://packages.ubuntulinux.org01:58
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TSP_Xis ok01:58
swinchenHow do I make it so that the default OS is Windows and not Linux?01:58
iLikeSpoonswell, here goes nothing01:58
MorticeTSP_X: libqt4-dev is what you want. do sudo apt-get install libqt4-dev01:58
cafuegovicky_: In the terminal (after cd-ing to Desktop), type 'sudo dpkg -i skype....deb'01:58
CyberMadwhat the difference between dev and devel?  is that development ?01:58
MorticeTSP_X: and then you'll be able to compile this program which requires Qt 401:58
cafuegovicky_: That will attempt to install the package you downloaded.01:59
TSP_Xmany should i have to set the path when i try to compile qbittorrent?01:59
hondjeCyberMad: No difference, just preference by package maintainers01:59
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TSP_Xi have that one installed,,maybe is other thing...01:59
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MorticeCyberMad: I maintain SuSE servers at work, and the naming scheme for development packages in SuSE is -devel01:59
silent_screamis there any program similar to "rapget"? A download manager that is compatible with rapidshare megaupload etc..???01:59
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MorticeCyberMad: so I forgot that it was -dev in ubuntu :)01:59
joshritgerI installed the gstreamer stuff off of the ubuntu help page about restricted formats and I still can't get mp3's to play with amarok01:59
orbinswinchen: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto#head-f8e698ed34d10de06cee1c82e6ebaf774a6aa32402:00
vicky_dpkg: error processing skype....deb (--install):02:00
vicky_ cannot access archive: No such file or directory02:00
vicky_Errors were encountered while processing:02:00
vicky_ skype....deb02:00
CyberMadthanks :)02:00
z3r0xgn8 guys02:00
swinchenorbin, thank you.02:00
magnetMortice: don't forget that DDs are lazy bitches (especially on the keyboard) ;)02:00
Morticemagnet: heh. :)02:00
sorush20I;'m runing kubuntu how do only install the gnome session and gnome desktop since I'm used to kde but want to slowly also learn my way around gnome etc.. what package?02:00
ubotugnome is a project that provides two things: The GNOME desktop environment, an intuitive and attractive desktop for end-users, users, and the GNOME development platform, an extensive framework for building applications that integrate into the rest of the desktop.02:00
cafuegovicky_: Where I say skype...deb, I mean the actual file that you downloaded. If you type skype and then hit tab, it should complete the filename for you.02:00
sorush20!pak gnome02:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pak gnome - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:00
Jack_Sparrowvicky_: You have to type the real name of the skype deb02:00
magnetsorush20: apt-get install ubuntu-desktop02:00
magnet(and sudo it)02:01
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ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto02:01
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qidmy laptop has an intel PRO/Wireless 2200BG wireless chipset, anyone know what I should enter for "driver" under the Use WPA tab in wifi-radar?02:01
Paddy_EIREi have downloaded and installed ffmpeg although i am very unsure of alot of cli stuff so can someone give me the basic usage to convert an avi to dvd with it02:02
vxd_I have a question about Rythmbox, someone can help me ?02:02
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vicky_ok ill start again, i think i messed up stuff on the desktop, pls dont go away Jack_Sparrow and cafuego02:03
sorush20how comes sudo apt-get build-dep ubuntu-desktop does not install the dependency that is needed for it?02:03
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NsOmNiActhe default install wont' let me handle over 1024x768 how can I get a higher resolution than that02:03
NsOmNiAcon Dapper Drake02:03
sorush20this is the dependency that is needed foomatic-db-hpijs02:03
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swizzlecan you re-install the 6.01 version of ubuntu with out losing all your memory02:04
silent_screamhow can i add some fonts in xine?02:04
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hondjeswizzle: make /home it's own partition02:05
slybootsI've been battering on the Ubuntu installer for.. 2 days02:05
slybootsIts.. shit02:05
raphaAye, it's shit!02:05
swizzleyeah but the reason i need to reinstall is because the new version of ubuntu i downloaded is all messed up02:05
raphaI want the old one back, too.02:05
slybootsFirst of all, it refuses to install Grub, and thinkgs my drive is formated in some freaky Filesystem I've never heard of02:05
slybootsSo, when I setup all the partitioning by hand in fdsik02:05
raphaGet the alternative CD02:05
slybootsAnd it autodetects the configurion and sets up the mountpoint02:05
slyboots"ERROR! No root file system"02:06
Sannesorush20: ubuntu-desktop is just a meta-package that depends on all the real desktop packages. It should have very few build-deps.02:06
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slybootsDespite the fact in the previous step, it seleted /dev/sdb1 to be "/"02:06
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swizzleit keeps saying "gnome-cups-manager; python-netcdf" can be fixed or something02:06
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slybootsDownload another huge ISO and waste yet another CD?02:07
emilosterholmAnyone have this problem: Have to unplug the power cord for 20 seconds on dual-boot winXP & 6.06 AMD64 install? If I don't my nic doesn't seem to work properly.02:07
printkslyboots: that or keep complaining in irc :)02:07
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slybootsWell I dont know, I guessed that this being a support channel someone might have a suggetion on how to help that does not meanm Start again and hope for the best02:08
=== iLikeSpoons [n=ilikespo@ppp-2.NS-BCL81.WLAN.panline.net] has joined #ubuntu
ladydoorhey, does anybody know anything about building ubuntu-repository source packages? i'm getting this error (http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22677), which is not a dependency error or anything. anybody got anything?02:08
iLikeSpoonsno workey. X server wouldn't start02:08
vicky_ooooo it did something :D02:08
ladydoor!patience > slyboots02:08
nozorroslyboots: which unknown file system does the install detect?02:08
iLikeSpoonssaying it doesn't see any drivers named "nvidia"02:08
Jack_Sparrow!easysource > ladydoor02:08
slybootsUm.. GTP.. something..02:08
ladydoorJack_Sparrow: not...what i meant. but thank you nonetheless02:09
slybootsI had to go into fdisk and delete it by hand02:09
ladydoorJack_Sparrow: i'm talking about a make error02:09
vicky_whoo it works :) thanks Jack_Sparrow and cafuego02:09
Jack_Sparrowladydoor: Sorry.. misread02:09
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ladydoori should specify:  it's a make error02:09
iLikeSpoonsI installed the latest restricted modules and the nvidia-glx package02:09
ladydoorJack_Sparrow: no worries02:09
slybootsI did notice something strange, the partitions show up fine in fdisk, but the graphical partition manager that ubunut uses during the install, Showed the entire drive as being unallocated space02:09
cafuegovicky_: cool :-)02:09
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nozorroslyboots: looks like a problem with the disk controller's driver02:09
slybootsBut the next step (Seleting mount-points) could see the partitions okay02:09
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slybootsThere is nothing wrong with the controller02:10
CAPTAINJackSparrJack_Sparrow: Imposter! :] 02:10
vicky_cafuego: anything else i need to know about ubuntu, i only just installed it and really dont know anything02:10
Morticeslyboots: seems Gparted is buggy on the dapper installation CD: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21564802:10
cafuegovicky_: Yup, no matter what the problem, there will be someone here who can help.02:10
Jack_SparrowCAPTAINJackSparr: NOpe it is my registered nick02:10
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CAPTAINJackSparrJack_Sparrow: I02:10
ladydoorCAPTAINJackSparr: a) zie's been here a while. b) wouldn't a real pirate say impostarrrrrrrr?02:10
CAPTAINJackSparrJack_Sparrow: I'm making fun of you02:11
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Jack_Sparrowvicky_: Just come back with questions.02:11
slybootsYes, Thats why I used cfisk to set up the partitioning myself02:11
sorush20how do I get my printer working I have hplip running and printer is configured and I have restarted cupsys but still no use?02:11
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slybootsthe error still shows up02:11
vicky_thanks :D goodnight :D :D02:11
slybootsWell, well this "Alterative" CD fit on a 650mb disc/02:12
Jack_Sparrowgood morning..02:12
=== AngryElf [n=AngryElf@ip68-100-101-98.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
slybootsThats the only size RW I have02:12
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raphaslyboots: should... I always buy 700ers, so I wouldn't really know.02:12
slybootsI've not had to buy a CD in a while.. Im a poor student ^^02:12
slyboots"Me poor, need money"02:13
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boricuasorush20:what printer?02:13
emilosterholmHELP: Anyone have this problem: Have to unplug the power cord for 20 seconds on dual-boot winXP & 6.06 AMD64 install? If I don't my nic doesn't seem to work properly.02:13
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=== slyboots sighs, Worth a shot
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maikolhow would i put this in fstab: mount -rbind /media/hdb1/site /jail/glftpd/site02:14
silent_screamis there any program similar to "rapget"? A download manager that is compatible with rapidshare megaupload etc..???02:14
=== lancetw_ [n=lancetw@203-204-189-160.adsl.static.giga.net.tw] has joined #ubuntu
orbinslyboots: doubt it.  the iso alone is 692mb02:14
slybootsDamnit, Going to have to waste another CDr02:15
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slybootsPlus there is a odds that it wont work any better than the graphical install02:15
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Jack_Sparrowemilosterholm: I have heard that before... something about XP writing into the nic...  Question, If you are in Ubuntu and go into XP do you need to unplug for 20 seconds or just from XP into Ubuntu02:15
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nozorroslyboots: try using alternate install CD02:15
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slybootsYea, but I have to waste another CDR on it.. I've only got a few left02:16
emilosterholmUmm.. Possibly. I haven't spent much time with the XP since installing ubuntu. However I was in it quickly a bit ago and browser worked but ping gave 'not a valid win32 application' error.02:16
slybootsWhats the odds of it working better02:16
Sanneslyboots: pretty good, from what I read02:17
slybootsOkay, Oh, another short question ;)02:17
slybootsIf I install the 64bit version of Ubunut02:17
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slybootswill I still be able to run the default packages, wor will I need 64bit versions of everything02:17
helpmedid the ubuntu update server go down? is there a way to change to another one02:17
slyboots(I have a ATI Card)02:17
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slybootsUh.. Nviida even02:17
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slyboots*Nvidia  Gahh!02:17
=== TylerDurdener [n=tylerdur@adsl-68-74-178-64.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
raphaslyboots: yes02:18
krazykithrm... is ther a way to remotely turn off a monitor through dpms?02:18
dashriKeremind me again of the way to set up partitions for an upgradeable Ubuntu system?02:18
Paddy_EIRE<Jack_Sparrow> do  know how to use ffmpeg02:18
slyboots... Yes to what?02:18
dashriKeFliesLikeABrick :: on an 80GB, go 70GB /, 5GB /home, 3GB /var [or something?] , and 2GB swap?02:18
slybootsThat I need 64bit versions of everything?02:18
raphaslyboots: aye02:18
=== Bullines [n=bullines@CPE0001031bf97d-CM013020005838.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
Sanneslyboots: basically you need the 64bit versions of everything. There are just a few programs that don't have a 64bit version yet. There are ways to get them working: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19120502:18
Jack_Sparrowemilosterholm: Paddy_EIREno02:18
TylerDurdenerwhere should i extract .rar files to usually? in windows its Program Files, whats the default location in ubuntu?02:18
magnet5GB /home and 70GB / ?!!!02:19
raphaslyboots: mostly probs with commercial software02:19
slybootsDAmnit, this 64bit CPU was such a waste of money02:19
=== iLikeSpoons [n=ilikespo@ppp-2.NS-BCL81.WLAN.panline.net] has joined #ubuntu
Paddy_EIRE<Jack_Sparrow> keepin busy02:19
raphaslyboots: give it some time02:19
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Sanneslyboots: I have amd64 and it works fine02:19
iLikeSpoonsthis is really annoying02:19
krazykitslyboots: not really.  it'll execute 32-bit code really fast anyway...02:19
helpmejust think of how much memory you can address!02:19
nozorroTylerDurdener: if you are new to ubuntu, pls. don't install from rar files if possible02:19
Jack_Sparrowemilosterholm: That really points to a problem, with XP, intentional or otherwise.  Not something that Ub has done..02:19
Sanneslyboots: read the link I gave, so you can make an informed decision fo what to install.02:19
slybootsI onyl have 1gb ;)02:19
iLikeSpoonswhen I try to follow any of the instructions on the ubuntu forums or help.ubuntu.com about installing the nvidia drivers, I get the following message when I restart the X server:02:20
dashriKemagnet :: I couldn't remembor, that was why i asked02:20
slybootsSo I doubt it matters, And Im reviewing it now Sanne thanks02:20
TylerDurdenerits for my logitech mouse driver, just need to know what's the best location to install it to since i don't want to cluster my desktop02:20
=== Wicked_ [n=Wicked@cpe-72-129-124-78.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
iLikeSpoonsFATAL: module nvidia not found02:20
iLikeSpoonseven though I installed all the modules I was supposed to02:20
magnetdashriKe: ok, well it depends on your usage02:20
=== ep [n=mdr@ip68-228-173-218.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Sanneslyboots: good luck, and good nicht (going to sleep now ;) )02:20
BullinesHi.  Is there any reason why Synaptic would be unable to launch?  "Starting Administrative Application" appears in the Window List briefly when I click on it, but then it disapears and Synaptic never starts.  Any suggestions?02:20
emilosterholmI'm wondering if there are kernel parameters that I can use so I don't have to reach under my desk everytime02:20
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emilosterholmpain in the ass is all02:21
nozorroTylerDurdener: what kind of file(s) are in the archive?02:21
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magneton 80, i'd say 10 /, 10 /usr, double of ram of swap, the rest /home (/some would make a /var partition too)02:21
slybootsI think I'll stick with the 32bit version02:21
TylerDurdenernozorro, http://lomoco.linux-gamers.net/02:21
=== Flyoc_ is now known as Flyoc
slybootsIm having enough problems getting hte OS to work, never mind making it worse :D02:21
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Jack_SparrowBullines: One of the ops was saying something about a bug in Synaptic.. I didnt catch the whole conversation but it was not hard to fix from what I remember. Did this start after a recent update?02:22
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NickyBI want to know if its a good comunity of french users of ubuntu?02:22
magnetdashriKe: to me reusable/upgradable means I can keep my home partition across many installs/distros, over many years, so your home is gonna be the biggest partition02:22
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BullinesJack_Sparrow: Yes.  I installed a couple of updates yesterday, but didn't notice the problem until I booted today.02:23
Jack_Sparrow!fr > NickyB02:23
dashriKemagnet :: k02:23
DBOBullines, run synaptic from a terminal and see what errors you get02:23
nozorroTylerDurdener: well, that's source code. just make a new dir in your home dir., then compile in it and 'sudo make install'.02:23
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.02:23
=== netsavy006 [n=netsavy0@pool-70-18-30-68.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
slybootsDamn frenchies!02:23
slybootsSuch nice food02:23
NickyB:) thank you02:23
slybootsAnd we hate you for it ;)02:24
netsavy006I'm having a prob02:24
NickyB(not to slyboots ;))02:24
Jack_SparrowBullines:  I honestly did not catch more than a few bits of the conversation. Sorry I cant help more02:24
netsavy006I don't seem to have glibc installed for ubuntu and I don't know where to get it.02:24
ubotuSvensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se02:24
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magnetnetsavy006: lol02:24
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!02:24
netsavy006I did apt-get install glibc but it didn't find glibc02:24
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de02:24
TylerDurdenerthank you nozorro02:24
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magnetare you running ubuntu right now? without glibc, you don't have anything02:24
slybootsnetsavy006: Use the ubuntu installedr, its in your menu under xwindows02:24
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ladydoornetsavy006: are you trying to install something from source?02:24
netsavy006not that I know of02:24
nickipeehi there, quick question: HOW do you change the run level in ubuntu for a console login?  been tearing my hair out02:25
netsavy006I'm just wondering if I can find the file manually on the web02:25
aumhi - is there any noticable advantage to switching from debian to ubuntu? I've been using debian for 5 years, am about to upgrade to an AMD64 box, and considering a switch to ubuntu as part of that process02:25
nickipeeas editing the /etc/init.d file does not seem to make a difference02:25
ladydoornetsavy006: look in synaptic or aptitude. it might be called something similar. alternatively, you could use "apt-cache search"02:25
slybootsaum, Ubuntu IS debian02:25
magnetnetsavy006:  well you can but to what end? (except for learning)02:25
slybootsJust.. more friendly02:25
nozorronickipee: 'init1|2|3 ...'02:25
aumslyboots: in what ways more friendly?02:25
netsavy006apt-get search didn't find that specifically02:25
iLikeSpoonsso, anyone have any idea about problems with nvidia drivers installation? I followed all the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia and it didn't work - the X server reports that there is no 'nvidia' module02:25
=== JuGhEaD__ [n=JuGhEaD@adsl-1-97-28.bna.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
netsavy006synaptic isn't working02:26
DBOnetsavy006, xgl user?02:26
netsavy006what's xgl?02:26
slybootsDiffernet package base, lots of buildin software (GUI mostly to make configuring and using the system simpler)02:26
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FirstStrikeObviously not02:26
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slybootsAt its core its just Debian02:26
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Jack_SparrowiLikeSpoons: Please use pastebin to post your xorg.conf02:26
iLikeSpoonsalready did: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2269102:26
Jack_Sparrowthanks, will look now02:26
BullinesJack_Sparrow:  I get the following error msg; "Not running as root.  The application will run in read-only mode.  You will not be able to change the package database."02:26
magnetaum: I am myself a debian user and I like Ubuntu's top down approach while Debian is more bottom-up02:27
aumslyboots: so ubuntu users don't have to hack config files rebuild kernels, and trawl through manpages and mailing lists for hours on end just to get 'device x' working?02:27
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nickipeenozorro: thanks02:27
nickipeei will try that02:27
krazykitBullines: you need to run it as root... use sudo or gksudo02:27
iLikeSpoonswhen I run nvidia-glx-config enable, nothing happens (I have to manually change 'vesa' to 'nvidia'), while nvidia-xconfig changes it, but the end result is the same02:27
Jack_SparrowBullines: try gksudo synaptic02:27
slybootsaum, I never had to do that with Debian either o.o02:27
magnetaum: no, in fact I barely use the shell anymore in ubuntu (and I just use what gives more productivity)02:27
slybootsSo I could not realy say, sorry02:27
nozorronickipee: this is for the console, there may be problems if you try this from a running desktop in a *terminal*02:28
aumslyboots: i've had to do that often - for example, getting my graphics tablet and video I/O devices working02:28
magnetwhat suits the job best in ubuntu is not always the shell anymore (like it is in debian)02:28
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Jack_SparrowiLikeSpoons: You installed ati drivers, and you are running in vesa mode02:28
nickipeenozorro: right.  all i want is basically to have a console login at boot every time, and for me to start X server manually02:28
=== aum lives in his shell window
netsavy006I don't really want to install it from source02:28
ladydoornickipee: here's how02:28
magnetaum: I use to live in my shell window too02:28
iLikeSpoonsJack_Sparrow  - yup. I had an ati card, changed it to a nvidia02:28
rikohow do i install downloaded ubuntu packages from a commmand line?02:28
netsavy006and I don't have a ubuntu disk w/ me02:28
slybootsaum, In that case you might be happy with Debian then02:28
ladydoornickipee: sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove02:29
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krazykiti still live in the shell, and this is a desktop machine ;-)02:29
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magnetI completly change my usage of my desktop; it's not better nor worse, but I expect things to work by themselves now :)02:29
nozorronickipee: well, to start X from the console, try 'startx'. to start gdm from the console, try 'init 2'02:29
aummy debian system is /such/ a total mess02:29
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ladydoornickipee: and if you ever want it back, run this command:  sudo update-rc.d -f gdm defaults02:29
drhcan anyone recommend a good site for downloading new ubuntu/gnome desktop themes, login manager screens etc02:29
krazykitdrh: gnome-look.org02:29
BullinesJack_Sparrow:  I tried both sudo and gksudo but get this error: "sudo: unable to lookup ubuntu via gethostbyname()02:29
iLikeSpoonsah... wait, ok, I didn't run sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg after rebooting in vesa mode02:29
silent_screamxine doesn't show me any subtitles!! what is going on?02:29
nickipeeladydoor: so you're saying remove gdm altoghether?  but then will i be able to start XFCE by typing in 'startx' as normal from CLI?02:29
ladydoornickipee: and that will allow you to boot to a console by default02:29
drhkrazykit: thanks02:29
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=== iLikeSpoons reboots and hopes for the best :P
rikohow do i install downloaded ubuntu packages from a commmand line?02:29
ladydoornickipee: ok, that won't uninstall gdm. that removes the symlinks in the rc.d directory02:30
netsavy006when I do sudo synaptic in the command as root I get:02:30
ladydoornickipee: meaning it won't run on boot02:30
magnetwell I always have a few shells open, but I don't use them as much as before .. I don't mount USB keys manually, nautilus/gnome is WAY faster (lots of improvements since 2.4) so nautilus is actually usable (and faster to move files around with drag & drop)02:30
Jack_SparrowiLikeSpoons: nvidia drivers do not appear to be installed02:30
netsavy006sudo: unable to lookup OEMCOMPUTER via gethostbyname()02:30
=== Eleaf [n=ethan@71-208-146-96.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
ladydoornickipee: so you'll boot to a terminal and type startx to have your .xinitrc read and start x02:30
magnetwell just try it out .. but don't forget it's Debian Ubuntu ;)02:30
=== c0d3h4ck [n=Hyunsik@disys18.korea.ac.kr] has joined #ubuntu
rikodoes anyone know the command to install ubuntu packages located on the hd?02:30
nickipeeladydoor you should be a nurse during wartime or something02:31
Jack_SparrowBullines:  Have you been doing anything as sudo lately?02:31
ladydoornickipee: eh? why?02:31
hondjeriko: dpkg -i package.deb02:31
nickipeeheh kidding, thanks though02:31
=== Coop [n=chatzill@d58-106-42-171.bla2.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
rikohondje: thanks02:31
ladydoornickipee: err...thanks. i think? anyway, you're welcome02:31
magnetjust don't become one of those ex debianist now ubuntu converted trolling back on debian after having trolled on ubuntu :P02:31
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ladydoormagnet: how about people just don't troll at all? that's my vote02:31
lhdswhats that best image viewer that has somuch options to workon imagefiles next to viewing them zoom rotate flytothemoon additional options and that is not big and runs in xfce?02:32
=== La_PaRCa [n=Sergio@bas12-montrealak-1167980865.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.02:32
=== PathagenX [n=pathagen@203-109-210-182.bliink.ihug.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
magnetladydoor: do such people exist? :-)02:32
ladydoorlhds: but you might check out feh. it's pretty minimal, but i think it's got features02:32
TylerDurdenernozoro, i tried doing "make" but it the command isnt found02:32
ladydoormagnet: i've heard legends02:32
BullinesJack_Sparrow: Not since I booted today.02:32
ladydoorTylerDurdener: you need to install build-essential02:32
lhdsfeh ... ill check that out02:32
lhdsis there something like picasa?02:32
ladydoorTylerDurdener: sudo aptitude install build-essential02:33
nozorroTylerDurdener: you need to install build-essential or somesuch package. not installed by default02:33
nozorrolhds: gthumb, f-spot02:33
Jack_SparrowBullines:  Have you done it since you last used synaptic successfully02:33
=== iLikeSpoons [n=ilikespo@ppp-2.NS-BCL81.WLAN.panline.net] has joined #ubuntu
TylerDurdenerill try that ladydoor02:33
magnetlhds: there's even picasa02:33
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lhdswow thanx nozorro02:33
iLikeSpoonsworking now, with nv drivers.02:33
ladydoorTylerDurdener: sweet02:33
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Jack_SparrowiLikeSpoons: please post xorg again for me02:34
iLikeSpoonsjust a sec02:34
=== tanghus [n=tol@0x50a14dcc.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakiLikeSpoons: nv or nvidia drivers02:34
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iLikeSpoonsgnomefreak - nv, for now02:34
BullinesJack_Sparrow: Even "sudo bash" gives the same error.  Has my root account been borked?02:34
=== riddlebox [n=james@24-171-10-102.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
magnetBullines: sudo -i ?02:35
Jack_SparrowBullines:  That is my fear.. yes02:35
riddleboxif I change from a sis chipset, to a via chipset will ubuntu be able to handle that?02:35
Bullinesmagnet: same error02:35
Jack_SparrowBullines: gnomefreak: may have a cure.. I am in over my head..02:35
TylerDurdenerladydoor, now it says no rule to make target 'install'. stop02:35
magnetI know your solution02:35
magnetwait :)02:35
BullinesJack_Sparrow: Thx for helping me narrow it down to the root prob.02:36
=== gnomefreak has no clue of the issue and its about bed time
ladydoorTylerDurdener: what exactly did you type?02:36
=== salkot [n=andrew@ppp-70-225-175-246.dsl.chmpil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
Bullinesmagnet: ok :)02:36
magnetcan you cat /etc/hosts02:36
TylerDurdenerladydoor, first i did make, then make isntall, gave me both the same error02:36
sorush20I'm not new to ubuntu my printer is supported by linuxprinting.org and I know that I need hplip and I have restarted cupsys .. hplip-toolkit showes that the device is detected but I I can't get the printer driver to chage..02:36
nozorroTylerDurdener: did you follow the instruction on the page from where you downloaded?02:36
magneti guess it's empty, or that you changed something recently02:36
ladydoorTylerDurdener: oh! ok. did you do ./configure first?02:36
netsavy006if I add the source(s) to my sources.list file how do I install from source automaticall02:36
magnet127.0.0.1       localhost.localdomain   locahost    ubuntu02:36
nozorroTylerDurdener: './configure' is the important command02:36
netsavy006w/o having to do the compile work02:36
magnet(that's wht you should have)02:37
=== Adam_G [n=AKG@adsl-222-136-209.clt.bellsouth.net] has left #ubuntu ["erm."]
ladydoorTylerDurdener: and when installing packages, you need to do first make and then _sudo_ make install (w/o the underlines)02:37
TylerDurdenernozorro, thats what im trying to do :D ladydoor, that command tells me no such directory exists02:37
ladydoorTylerDurdener: and only do sudo make install if make doesn't have errors. does that help?02:37
Bullinesmagnet: I have "  localhost".  How can I edit that without sudo?02:37
sorush20I keep getting this message on trying to choose a new driver in kde Unable to start the creation of the driver database. The execution of make_driver_db_cups failed.02:37
magnetdo you have activated your root account before?02:37
ladydoorTylerDurdener: what is the output of ls? please post it in paste.ubuntu-nl.org02:38
ladydoorTylerDurdener: and then send the link here02:38
magnet(ie, set a pass for root)02:38
Bullinesmagnet: You mean used sudo? Yes.02:38
magnetno :)02:38
Bullinesmagnet:  no,i've never set a pwd for root02:38
magneti mean have a real root account to which you can su when you have such a problem ;)02:38
salkotSometimes my networking tool does not show ANY wireless networks, even though I know they're there. Other times it lists them just fine. I didn't used to have this problem. Any ideas?02:38
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netsavy006there is a command I read off of debian that menitons sometihing w/ a -b in it that does it...02:38
nozorroTylerDurdener: may ask the people which provided the source code. some source code packages are not very easy to build02:39
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magnetok then the only solution is booting linux single02:39
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nozorroTylerDurdener: *maybe02:39
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows02:39
magnetie, linux in single user mode, remount / on rw, and change /etc/hosts02:39
magnetthen reboot02:39
TylerDurdenerladydoor: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2269302:39
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iLikeSpoonsJack_Sparrow: how does the xorg.conf look now? should I be safe with just commenting out dri and putting nvidia instead of nv, if I already installed all the packages?02:39
Paddy_EIREim running xgl and would like to know what the minimum requirements are for having it run smoothly02:39
magnetthere's no easy way to do this (depending on your definition of easy), so I'll look for a tutorial, gimme a sec02:40
Jack_Sparrowone sec.. had to take a call02:40
Bullinesmagnet:  I'm a bit new new this.  What's linux single?02:40
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iLikeSpoonsnp, take your time :P02:40
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magnetBullines: linux in single usermode, it doesnt go to runlevel 2 (default runlevel on debian based systems)02:40
Jack_SparrowiLikeSpoons: Just change line 93 to nvidia02:40
magnetwhen you log, you're automatically root02:41
iLikeSpoonsawesome! thanks.02:41
magnetit's like DOS ;)02:41
Macros42can I print to a printer that's physically connected to a windows box?02:41
magnetthe problem is, it will mount / as a read only partition02:41
Bullinesmagnet: ok, that makes sense.  is there something i need to do before i get to login screen?02:41
Jack_Sparrow!samba > Macros4202:41
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magnetso you have to remount it as read/write, so there's a trick (because you can't have no / partition at any given time)02:41
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT02:42
magnetyes Bullines02:42
riddleboxhow long does the memtest on the cd usually take for 512mb?02:42
ladydoorTylerDurdener: ok, you seem to be missing the configure script. did you remove anything, or was it already like that? Try reading the files INSTALL and README (read them both before doing anything, or at least skim for pertinant info). to do that, use the command less:  less FILENAME02:42
magnetI know how to do it in Lilo but not in Grub02:42
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nozorroTylerDurdener: there's a lomoco irc channel, just in case you didn't notice already02:42
raphaThis is so strange... I've never before seen watching a DVD bring up the load to over 402:42
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magnetmaybe someone knows here? How to linux single root=/dev/maindisk initrd=02:42
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magnetwith grub02:42
ladydoormagnet: you mean the recovery mode?02:43
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sc0ttAnyone here use tv cards with buntu?02:43
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magnetyou can still add the line in menu.lst02:43
riddleboxsc0tt, yeah02:43
raphame sc0tt02:43
sc0ttwhat programs do you use to view/tune?02:43
magnetladydoor: if that's how they call it, yes02:43
magnetso that's what it is :) Ok.02:43
Bullinesmagnet: would "recovery mode" be what i'm lookin for?02:43
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magnetit sure seems so ;)02:43
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raphatvtime is cool sc0tt02:44
magnetit's incredible how things evolve fast02:44
NewpZhi, i built an arcade (mame) machine... I am trying to ust have ubuntu bootup and automaticly run the frontend in X.. I do not want the gdm/kdm/xdm login screen, just want the frontend to launch.. any help?02:44
TylerDurdenerladydoor, i did not move anything around, just extracted the package and tried following the directions, whats weird is typing ./configure.ac works, but says permission denied, yet when i try sudo ./configure.ac, it says command not found. anyhow, ill look into those files, i have to go for now. nozorro, i havent noticed that, ill check the channel when i come back. thanks for helping, both of you02:44
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riddleboxsc0tt, I use mythtv02:44
s0|so I ran a live boot copy of 6.06 and I am trying to use the wireless nic on this laptop.... I can't find the option for WPA-Pre shared key -TKIP , or any WPA for that matter.... am I not looking in the right place or is this out of the question for the live boot?02:44
ladydoormagnet: here's the single-user/recovery-mode kernel line from my menu.lst:  kernel          /vmlinuz-2.6.15-26-686 root=/dev/hda3 ro single02:44
sc0ttrapha, how'd you configure tvtime? :P02:44
magnetyep that's it02:44
magnetok so Bullines02:44
raphaAs far as I know, you just start it sc0tt :)02:44
riddleboxanyone ever use memtester on the livecd?02:45
magnetyou'll just have to note (or print) how to remount / as rw, and what to put in /etc/hosts02:45
Macros42Jack_Sparrow, that's for file shared isn't it?02:45
sc0ttkdetv is nice02:45
Sarra_How do I get the 'trash' back? Or how can I access it, outside of the icon that's normally on the program bar?02:45
sc0ttjust doesn't tune right02:45
magnet(hoping that's the problem, but i'm almost certain it is)02:45
paotzuubuntu is great, I haven't seen this kind of glue between newbies and experts since slackware... not that slack is dead02:45
ladydoorpaotzu: by no means is it dead! it's blessed by bob02:45
Jack_SparrowMacros42: Did I send you samba for file sharing instead of cups?02:45
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ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows02:45
raphasc0tt: if you want something more close to the metal, get scantv and xawtv02:45
ladydoorpaotzu: or rather, by "bob"02:45
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:46
riddleboxhrmm memtest86 is telling me 43008 errors, I hope I dont have both ram chips bad02:46
paotzuladydoo: I was going to say :P02:46
orbinNewpZ: maybe just set it to auto-login the user and then add the mame program to the auto-tartup programs?02:46
Macros42Jack_Sparrow,  i'll have a read - thanks02:46
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magnetBullines: still here? :)02:46
=== iLikeSpoons [n=ilikespo@ppp-2.NS-BCL81.WLAN.panline.net] has joined #ubuntu
NewpZorbin,  where do u set autologin?02:46
Bullinesmagnet: I think I'm getting somewhere :)  Is there an editor that I can use that isn't vim?02:46
iLikeSpoonsno joy02:46
ladydoorBullines: nano02:46
magnetBullines: what you have to put in /etc/hosts is       localhost.localdomain   locahost        machine-name02:47
Jack_Sparrownvidia drivers didnt come up02:47
magnetyou find machine-name in /etc/hostname (it should match)02:47
ladydoorBullines: the command to use is sudo nano -w02:47
netsavy006I found my solution02:47
iLikeSpoonsagain, I get "FATAL: module nvidia not found" and "could not find kernel module nvidia"02:47
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ladydoorBullines: followed by the filename02:47
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magnetwell vim rocks ;) but yep pico does it for you02:47
Bullinesladydoor: thx, i'll try nano02:47
ladydoorBullines: np.02:47
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s0|ok I can't even get this to connect with WEP........ what gives, is the live boot cd's a joke or what?02:47
orbinNewpZ: sys > admin > login > security tab02:47
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines02:47
magnetso put the new hostfile somewhere in a file02:48
magnet(prepare it in advance so you only have to cp it)02:48
Jack_SparrowiLikeSpoons:  that is odd... your xorg looked fine..02:48
Bullinesladydoor: it's like pico...thank god :)02:48
Bullinesmagnet: rebooting...and crossing fingers ;)02:48
magnetBullines: it's a Free clone02:48
Jack_SparrowiLikeSpoons: Which drivers did you use?02:48
ladydoorBullines: haha...it's a clone, actually. very "user-friendly," not so powerful02:48
magnetdo you know how to remount / as read/write?02:48
Jack_SparrowI need to start dinner soon02:48
iLikeSpoonsJack_Sparrow: apt get also tells me: "nvidia-glx is already the newest version.nvidia-kernel-common is already the newest version."02:48
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Jack_SparrowiLikeSpoons: Which drivers did you use?02:49
_ianguys is there a way to have a theme like suse run in kubuntu?02:49
Bullinesmagnet: ummm...is recovery read-only?02:49
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magnetyep Bullines02:49
sorush20hi guys I keep getting this message02:49
sorush20Unable to load the requested driver:02:49
sorush20Unable to create the Foomatic driver [HP-LaserJet_5Si,gimp-print] . Either that driver does not exist, or you don't have the required permissions to perform that operation.02:49
magnetthat's the "ro" in the menu.lst ;)02:49
Bullinesmagnet: d'oh.  then 'no' :(02:49
magnetwell just do (as root)02:49
magnetmount -o remount,rw /dev/<device> /02:49
Coopwhich isp in au02:49
magnetand get the device just by typing "mount" before02:49
magnetyou'll have the device used by /02:49
iLikeSpoonsJack_Sparrow: the package I installed is nvidia-glx02:49
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NewpZorbin, where do autostart something in gnome?02:50
NewpZthis rocks02:50
magneteg, mount -o remount,rw /dev/sda /02:50
ladydoor_ian: you might look at gnome-look.org or kde-look.org02:50
orbinNewpZ: sys > prefs > sessions02:50
iLikeSpoonsand I just changed the driver line from 'nv' to 'nvidia'02:50
magnet(if you use SATA disks)02:50
ladydoor_ian: though that second one may have a different look02:50
Jack_SparrowiLikeSpoons: Where did you get that file?02:50
_iansuse is running  on kde right?02:50
iLikeSpoonsJack_Sparrow: I did sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx02:51
s0|help I am having issues with wireless on liveboot dvd..... anyone even reading this?02:51
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Coopwhich isp in australia supports linux02:51
Jack_Sparrow!ati > jack_sparrow02:51
Macros42s0|, i did too yesterday - what wireless card?02:51
Bullinesmagnet: it appears that booting recover is read/write.  all seems to work :)02:51
IRC_what is the command to execute a bin file?02:51
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magnetmhh, strange given the command launching it :)02:51
orbinCoop: define support.02:51
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Telrothhey, anyone online that can help with an xine problem ?02:52
magnetwell good luck anyway, I hope that's the prob02:52
Jack_SparrowiLikeSpoons: What video card... sorry I dont remember..02:52
IRC_what is the command to execute a bin file?02:52
s0|I was not here yesterday, it's a bulit in one on the laptop made by intel as far as I know.... don't know where to look to find the exact model in *nix02:52
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Macros42Jack_Sparrow, worked a treat. Easy even once you pointed me in the right direction :) thanks02:52
iLikeSpoonsJack_Sparrow: nvidia geForce2 mx40002:52
TelrothIRC_: ./<filename>02:52
Bullinesmagnet:  yup, all seems good.  no sudo errors.  synaptic launches.  thx for your help :)02:52
=== Harksaw [n=sharcle@adsl-4-171-187.gsp.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
magnetnp :)02:52
Jack_SparrowMacros42: well done02:52
IRC_telroth: do i need sudo?02:52
jfkfHello how can I activate all the repositores ?02:52
Coopwhich isp works with linux02:52
TelrothIRC_: if the app needs root priviledges, then yes02:52
jmanbluei have a friend that accidentally reformatted his HD w/ the ubuntu install CD and isntalled ubuntu over it, what are some good recovery programs i can use to recover atleast some of the data02:52
s0|it lists the wireless connection as eth1 and I can set ONLY a wep key (where the heck is WPA) and it won't even connect to the WEP I just setup02:53
nozorroCoop: all should. well, *should*. almost all *will* work.02:53
riddleboxman I had a brown out or something, my motherboard and a 256mb stick of ram is shot!02:53
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lupine_85jmanblue: he'll have ahard time02:53
TelrothIRC_: usually no, but if it's a system configuration editor for example, then you'd need to sudo because system files can't be edited without root priviledges02:53
bur[n] eranyone know if glade 3 has a .deb somewhere for dapper?02:53
nozorroCoop: some might give you trouble if you're on dialup02:53
Jack_SparrowiLikeSpoons: Did you install linux-restricted-modules-your kernel here02:53
magnetjmanblue: the best ones are voodoo, sorcery, and dreaming :)02:53
iLikeSpoonsJack_Sparrow: yup02:53
Coopi have optus broadband but it doesn't02:54
jmanbluecome on get serious, do any of you know any good recovery programs or not?02:54
nozorroCoop: what's the problem then?02:54
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iLikeSpoonshmmm... the help file suggest rebuilding dependencies and restarting X again... just did sudo depmod, will reboot and let you have your dinner, Jack_Sparrow :P02:54
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Telrothjmanblue: for deleted files?02:54
=== viator [n=laptop2@pool-70-109-252-134.wma.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Telrothjmanblue: try photorec02:54
magnetjmanblue: I think it's very unlikely that you'll be able to recover anything02:54
Coopoptus dsl doesn't work02:55
jmanblueTelroth: no, i have recovered b4 using getdataback but i was wondering is there anything better?02:55
iixwhy not?02:55
Macros42jmanblue, if it's installed over the required data then he's pretty much screwed02:55
iixCoop why n0t?02:55
john_12does any body know anything about xandros02:55
iixCoop i had optus dsl before and worked fine...02:55
s0|Macros42, ideas?02:55
nozorroCoop: but dsl connects up to your dsl modem/router. linux is behind it. or?02:55
magnetjohn_12: I know that it's debian based P02:55
michaelHow can I download files from the Ubuntu repository online through a web browser?02:55
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Telrothjmanblue: you may try photorec ;) it's supposed to be good at recovering files even without a partition table02:56
viatorxandros pretty much sucks02:56
iixis it usb or erthernet ?02:56
magnetmichael: go to the repository with your web browser and download the .deb files02:56
jmanblueMacros42: no i'm trying to just get as much required info out as possible, i told him not to boot or install anything02:56
Coopits ethernet02:56
viator:-$ but thats all iknow02:56
=== InnerFIRE [n=darnell@dsl254-014-076.sea1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
iixthen it should work fine02:56
Macros42s0|, mines listed as eth1 too for some reason.  but I use wep. I saw wpa earlier - trying to find it02:56
john_12I have it pure Sh_t not what it is said it is02:56
Macros42but one of the gurus here might find it quicker .... :)02:57
jfkfCan anyone tell me a good repository list??02:57
raphajmanblue: all will most likely be lost... there is a utility that might get you the odd file... let me look it up.02:57
Coopbut it doesnt work and optus doent support linux02:57
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s0|<Macros42, I don't give a %^&*( about which one it will use ATM, I just want one of them work, like 5 mins ago02:57
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iixcoop do u have a router ?02:57
nozorroCoop: they say the don't support it, maybe02:57
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iixnozorro they dont trust me i was with them 3 months ago02:57
nozorroCoop: but that doesnt say much anyway ...02:57
Coopi have a siemen speedstream modem02:58
ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi02:58
Telrothjmanblue: Knoppix has photorec if you want to try it - it doesn't touch the harddrive/partition you're recovering, just reads, so you can always try it02:58
sysdocjmanblue, was there data written to the formated disk?02:58
iixcoop didnt they give u a d-link302g modem ?02:58
nozorroiix: but what's the specific problem then with the dsl configuration?02:58
Telrothhey, anyone online that can help with an xine problem ?02:58
raphajmanblue: name is "PhotoRec", should be in the package "testdisk"02:58
iixnozorro no idea =\02:59
Coop they gave a siemen speedstream modem02:59
Telrothwhee, i'm not the only one to recommend photorec02:59
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jmanbluesysdoc: yes, only ubuntu install, nothing more...02:59
Macros42wep works fine - just install network-manager-gnome02:59
raphaTelroth: you beat me to it?02:59
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jfkfI want to install skype, but I dont find it in synaptic02:59
sysdocjmanblue, pm me02:59
=== taigeR [n=krabinov@CPE00112f0f6b5a-CM0017ee61cd02.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
iixCoop fair eunff they gave me a d-link one and i still have it. hmm did u "dhcpcd" it ?03:00
NewpZis there a way to stop gnome-panel from starting when you start gnome?03:00
taigeRhow stable is 6.10?03:00
Macros42jfkf, it's available in automatix03:00
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jfkfMacros42: I dont have automatix03:00
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raphajmanblue: you could get lucky with the sectors that haven't been overwritten by anything. I also know that professional data recoverers sometimes manage to get data from the 2nd or 3rd layer of bits03:00
Telrothrapha: yeah, i've been telling him to try it for the past 3 minutes03:00
chibiacejfkf: i'd get the beta deb from the skype site and dpkg it03:00
viatorskype is in repos03:00
viatorolder one03:00
taigeRanybody tried 6.10? is that stable in any way?03:00
viatortheres a .deb03:00
raphaTelroth: damnit! Took me too long then :-P03:00
Macros42jfkf, then just install the deb package from skype.com03:00
Mercutio150Does anyone know what extension .daa is ?03:00
viatoron their site03:00
Coopi dont know03:00
jfkfMacros42: I dont find automatix in sypnatics neither03:00
ne78Are the packages from ubuntu [universe]  supported for security fix ?03:00
viatordownload the .deb03:00
viatorits newer03:00
JosefKtaigeR: try #ubuntu+1 for Edgy questions03:01
viatorfrom their site03:01
Telrothrapha: you any good with xine?03:01
jfkfMacros42: where I can find automatix?03:01
raphaTelroth: how can one be good with xine?03:01
iixCoop can you connect to your modem via web?03:01
viatortheres a .deb for skype on their site03:01
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jfkfchibiace: cool thx03:01
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Coopi dont know.i dont think so03:01
nozorroCoop: a device connected through ethernet to your linux box is handled by the latter no matter what, basically03:01
Macros42jfkf, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=13840503:01
JosefKtaigeR: but from the topic of #ubuntu+1 "Edgy is not stable, it is for development only.  Do not use this on production machines"03:02
viatori dont recommend automatix03:02
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jfkfMacros42: thx03:02
jfkfviator: thx03:02
viatormaybe easy ubuntu03:02
=== iLikeSpoons [n=ilikespo@ppp-2.NS-BCL81.WLAN.panline.net] has joined #ubuntu
JosefKtaigeR: your milage may vary though03:02
Coopis there any isp that supports linux03:02
Macros42jfkf, yw03:02
iixCoop nozorro knows more then me on this troubleshooting i guess he can help you =] 03:02
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Telrothrapha: I meant do you think you could help me with some xine problems?03:02
Macros42s0|, did you get that about wep?03:02
jfkfviator: where I get easyubuntu?03:02
Coopdoes telstra support linux03:02
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Telrothrapha: namely the fact that i can use xmms+alsa -> /dev/dsp1 to get music, but i can't get any sound out of xine.03:03
Macros42Coop, your isp shouldn't care what your os is03:03
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Telrothrapha: and i know xine works with my cards, because elive works with them fine03:03
viatormacros42 true but they do03:03
iLikeSpoonswell, it's not like I *need* hardware acceleration. I'll stick with nv drivers for now03:03
orbinCoop: i'm on bigpod...i wouldn't suggest changing ISPs though.  i know a lot of people who use optus fine03:03
AnIhi im kinda of short on harddisk space how much space does ubuntu need?03:03
viatorthey shove ms down your throat03:03
viatorlike verizon dsl03:03
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viatorya have to set it up via a windows exe03:04
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chibiaceAnI: i installed the last version of ubuntu onto a 2gb drive03:04
viatorafter that its fine03:04
AnIso 10 gig is fine rite?03:04
AnIand does ubuntu read ntfs?03:04
JosefKviator: you can generally put those settings straight into windows if you know them03:04
raphaTelroth: oh okay, but sorry then... the only thing I can think of would be to play with the output of xine --help | grep -i audio03:04
JosefKviator: or whichever OS you happen to be using03:04
Macros42AnI, i'm on a 40gb drive atm with lots of room spare03:04
viatorjose ummm no03:04
viatorsee you connect to their servers03:04
viatorand setup your acct03:04
AnImarcros im thinking of giving ubuntu 10 gig03:05
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Macros42viator, how would they even know? IP is IP isn't it?03:05
viatorand what if you dont have windows03:05
Telrothrapha: the xine executable doesn't exist; i've tried installing all xine packages, but it can't install xine-ui which usually contains the xine program03:05
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viatorbecause the setup software is windows .exe03:05
JosefKviator: *shrugs* so you only need it to set the account up, I'm sure you could just point your browser at their site and do it03:05
Coopwhen i connect with network manager and try internet it doesnt work03:05
viatormaybe itll run in wine03:05
raphaTelroth: why not?03:05
AnIand mount a partition for sharing stuff in ubuntu03:05
viatori doubt it03:05
raphaTelroth: what's it telling you?03:05
Macros42iLikeSpoons, i had a feeling you wanted acceleration - took me three hours earlier with the help of two mates to get it working03:05
AnIbut i dont' no if ubuntu reads ntfs files03:06
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chibiaceAnI: it should read ntfs03:06
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Telrothrapha: that it's a virtual package provided by other packages03:06
lupine_85read yes, write no03:06
AnIlupine you mean ntfs rite?03:06
iLikeSpoonsMacros - it would have been nice to install the latest drivers, but, hell, when I think about it, what will I use 3d acceleration for?03:06
NewpZis there a place to get new bootsplashes?03:06
Macros42viator, but setup software only makes it easy - it can be done manually - in ireland at leastr03:06
viatorwhat im trying to say is your acct isnt activated untill AFTER you run that crap software03:06
nozorroCoop:  An Optus spokeswoman said while customers were free to use Linux, support was not provided. http://www.linux.org/news/2002/10/11/0002.html -- this is from 2002 though. Also, http://www.itee.adfa.edu.au/~gfreeman/optus-linux.html. Do some googling, Coop.03:06
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Macros42iLikeSpoons, i wanted it for WoW :D03:07
iLikeSpoonshehe. I don't want WoW. I have exams to prepare :P03:07
orbinCoop: forums.whirlpool.net.au ... try the linux or optus forums there03:07
Macros42got it working in the end03:07
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iLikeSpoonsAlso, I couldn't run WoW with such an old card... 32 megs of video ram? yeah, right... :P03:07
NewpZorbin, thanks! your suggestions work like a champ03:08
motin_Hi, if anyone has good experience with weird network dns issues, please check upon http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1461279 - it would be very kind of you!03:08
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viatoryou know what im going to try n run it in wine03:08
viatorfor fun03:08
orbinNewpZ: yw03:08
Macros42viator, that could be a problem alright. dsl here is based on your phone number - the rest is just window dressing03:08
orbinNewpZ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto .. kind of tricky though03:08
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Macros42once I can connect to the router that's all that's required03:09
NewpZcool thanks03:09
viatorwell ya you put your ppoe info into the router03:10
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Macros42it's scary that I only installed this yesterday and there's already some questions I can answer :D03:10
orbinNewpZ: http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Change_Usplash ... i just used the blue one for a while03:10
orbinNewpZ: i've turned it off altogether now though03:10
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viatorbut you dont get that ppoe info untill after youve run their software where you setup your password and account name etc03:10
NewpZi need something arcade like :)03:10
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magnetMacros42: and tomorrow, the questions you'll have answered will be answered by those who asked today ;)03:11
Macros42viator, yep - but it's the isp provided router03:11
chibiaceviator: they will have numbers for your router on their site03:11
Macros42magnet, lol03:11
raphaTelroth: funny... I03:11
danilo04how to do new acount in evolution03:11
raphaTelroth: funny... I'm on Dapper and I could install it just fine03:11
NewpZorbin, in what? grub.conf?03:11
NewpZtext would be fine03:11
viatorim not asking for any help lol03:11
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viatori was just stating that verizon forces you to use ms03:12
Macros42verizon is what country?03:12
NewpZmy dad is on verizon03:12
orbinNewpZ: yep, just remove splash from the end of the kernel line and you just get the old scrolling plain text ...03:12
NewpZand hes in ubuntu03:12
magnetMacros42: when they don't specify, it's the US ;)03:12
viatornewpz ya me too03:12
PreZLaptopI'm on Verizon right now :)03:12
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NewpZyour router is what gets you online, not your operating system03:12
PreZLaptopactually, I'm on verizon while being driven home in a car03:12
orbinNewpZ: it's /boot/grub/menu.lst btw03:12
Macros42the centRE of the world right ;)03:12
shut-i still dont got java working03:13
coincoin169can someone help with gnome-video-thumbnailer ?03:13
magnethehe :)03:13
johny5Is there anyone here that can help me get Neverwinter Nights running under dapper?03:13
coincoin169i'd like it to use mplayer instead of totem03:13
viatoryou have that verizon wireless broadband?03:13
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository03:13
iLikeSpoonsjohny5, I installed it without a hitch03:13
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NewpZorbin, now how do i make the login background black on gdm? :)03:13
viatoryou know they make a cool router for that03:13
viatorthe pcmcia card plugs into it03:13
PreZLaptopviator, yeah, I do03:13
PreZLaptopthe BroadbandAccess :)03:14
orbinNewpZ: sys > admin > login > bg colour03:14
viatorand you can share the connection03:14
PreZLaptopI got it for the train trip into and from work03:14
PreZLaptopbut tonight I'm being driven home03:14
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iLikeSpoonsjohny5, what is the problem nwn is giving you?03:14
orbinNewpZ: can you tell i tweak a lot? :)03:14
NewpZhehe you the best03:14
raphaTelroth: http://download.schattenschreiber.org/sources.list03:14
NewpZthats why im asking u :)03:14
s0|fuck this I am going back winblows03:14
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shut-how do you install java03:14
looksausanyone who has beagle working reliably on dapper?03:14
PreZLaptopviator, my card is in-built to my laptop - though I could share the connection if I wanted by just connecting via. 802.11 (eg. in AdHoc) and turning on ip forwarding03:14
coincoin169shut- download it on www.sun.com03:15
iLikeSpoonsshut- doesn't just installing it from synaptic work?03:15
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looksausI would like to do indexing for .doc documents03:15
johny5iLikeSpoons, it installs fine, I've got it uupdated to 1.68, but everytime I try to run it, the screen switches resolution, goes to a black screen, and I have to alt+ctrl+bkspace.03:15
viatorthats true too03:15
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coincoin169lookaus what's your pb ?03:15
looksausbeagle indexing03:15
viatorits to expensive for me03:15
looksauscoincoin169, it seems to crash03:15
iLikeSpoonsjohny5, don't do that03:15
iLikeSpoonsgive it time03:15
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looksauswhen indexing03:15
iLikeSpoonsit sometimes takes a couple of minutes to load03:15
coincoin169you're speaking about a modem fast 800 aren't you ?03:15
shut-where at?03:16
shut-i cant find one for linux03:16
johny5iLikeSpoons, I've let it sit for 30 minutes with no effect.03:16
Macros42shut-, sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jre03:16
Macros42for sun java anyway03:16
pathagenxThankyou Ubuntu team for making a great distro!03:16
PreZLaptopWhats nice about my BroadbandAccess is that I can have my laptop sitting on my desktop at work, and be able to go anywhere on the internet, bypassing the corporate firewall (my desktop is wired t otheir lan, of course)03:16
looksauscoincoin169, about beagle...03:16
PreZLaptopso if there is a site thats blocked, I move to my laptop and its accessable for me :)03:17
NewpZorbin, do i need to do anything after i change grub conf?03:17
looksausis there a way to make it manually index a bunch of files?03:17
iLikeSpoonsalso, shut-, you need to select sun java as the default:03:17
iLikeSpoonsdo this:  sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-1.5.0-sun03:17
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iLikeSpoonsafter installation, of course03:17
viatorfirst thing id do is find a way around the firewall03:17
viatori loathe that03:17
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shut-what do i need for my printer to work03:17
chibiaceNewpZ: grub-install?03:18
PreZLaptopviator, I did for most purposes, but its not complete03:18
coincoin169shut- comme in pv to explain me your pb03:18
viatoractually companies who allow their employees to surf are usually more productive03:18
johny5iLikeSpoons, I'm going to try it again, giving it a few minutes again.03:18
Macros42viator, idd03:18
iLikeSpoonsgood luck, johny503:18
PreZLaptopfor example, I can actually USE the firewall to ssh out, and I can bypass the firewall to download binaries (which are blocked),  but I can't access sites that are blocked entirely.03:18
iLikeSpoonsif you installed any expansions, it will take much more to start up03:18
lumgwadahi is there a simple shell command to determine  a hosts cpu arcitecture?03:18
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Macros42my company uses f**king websense03:18
PreZLaptopviator, the firewall at work is actually not very restrictive, but they DO block some things like gaming sites and social networking sites03:19
orbinNewpZ: no03:19
PreZLaptopbut most of the web unblocked, its only rarely I run into a blocked site03:19
PreZLaptopbut on those occasons ... :)03:19
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orbinlumgwada: cat /proc /cpuinfo ?03:19
shut-i got to go Bu Bye03:19
Macros42ssh ftw :)03:19
PreZLaptopBroadbandAccess to the rescue03:19
lumgwadaorbin: cheers03:19
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PreZLaptopothers create ssh tunnels and browse through those, I can't be bothered ;)03:20
slybootsWell, I downloaded the Alterative CD03:20
viatoryeah but its like $60 plus you have to have a regualr calling plan03:20
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AnIhey is there a safe way to convert ntfs to fat?03:20
slybootsAnd of course, Didnt work :P03:20
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orbinlumgwada: er, actually, i don't think that shows the architecture ... your're after whther it's 32 or 64 bit right?03:20
viatorif they waive having to have a calling plan i would maybe consider it03:20
slyboots"Installing Grub, GRUB FAILED, this is a fatal error!"03:20
clearze1how do I set dd to copy a image file in pieces?03:20
PreZLaptopviator, I bought it so I could be online for the train trip into and from work though - so the use at work is kind of a side-effect03:20
chibiaceAnI: i did it with partition magic once03:21
orbinslyboots: have you tried searching the forum...there are a few reasons why you might have the grub error03:21
AnIchibiace yeah i have a lot of file on it03:21
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AnIbut i want to share a big partition with ubuntu03:21
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slybootsI tried, most say "Oh just use the Alterantive CD" or dont match my issue03:21
AnIand all the ntfs driver are beta03:21
AnIbetter not gamble03:21
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chibiaceAnI: give up windows ;)03:21
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clearze1does anyone know how to copy a partition in  pieces? I keep getting file limit exceeded with dd.03:22
AnIt.t i can't03:22
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Lard-O-LadAnI: try captive-ntfs03:22
AnImaybe there is a help group03:22
Macros42why do an opensource forum (ubuntuforums.org) use a proprietary forum system?03:22
AnIlard 0 i heard that is unsafe03:22
slybootsAnd AGAIN03:22
slybootsIt thinks my Partion is formated in EFI GPT03:22
AnILard do u use it?03:22
Lard-O-LadAnI: used to, then i completely switched the linux!03:22
viatorim getting sick of going to work and having wondows03:23
AnIi just can't kick windows03:23
AnIitz an addiction03:23
AnIthere should be an help group03:23
viatorand fixing windows server03:23
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viatorits depressing03:23
Jack_SparrowXP is my nephews playstation03:23
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looksausis there a beagle application/msword filter that is workign on ubuntu dapper03:23
Lard-O-LadAnI: captive is pretty good, it uses original ntfs drivers from windows, i think its pretty safe03:23
orbinslyboots: what about installing grub a different way than via the installer?03:23
SurfnKidsomeone shoot me please03:23
Lard-O-LadAnI: slow as hell though03:23
slybootsTried that, Downloaded both types of CD03:23
AnIk thx lard03:24
=== Macros42 shoots SurfnKid
slybootsAnd tried installing gurb by hand03:24
slybootsIt wont work03:24
slyboots"ERROR! : Unknown Partition type, Filesystem 0xeee"03:24
chibiacei miss lilo :(03:24
slybootsI tried Lilo, it installed okay.. but then refused to boot to it03:24
slybootsIt just loaded up XP and whistled a merry tune03:24
Macros42AnI, you can use partition magic in windows to convert from ntfs to fat03:25
slybootsNo sign of lilo at all03:25
Macros42it's not risk free though03:25
AnIMarcros42 aye even partitionmagic is no good03:25
AnImaybe i need to kick windows too03:25
viatorpatrion majic?03:26
viatorwhat for?03:26
AnIlol cuz y0u said its not risk free03:26
=== SurfnKid kicks windows for AnI
AnIfor converting ntfs to fat03:26
Macros42it's not - but I've never had a problem with it tbh03:26
orbinslyboots: ok...i think grub doesn't support gpt: http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gnu.parted.bugs/396703:26
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chibiacenothing is risk free03:26
_ianhow come my windows partitions show up no files? when i open them03:26
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slybootsIm not USING GPT o.o03:26
SurfnKidchibiace, very good point03:26
slybootsIts supposed to be in EXT303:26
johny5iLikeSpoons, Thanks, it finally worked, just takes a bit as you said.03:26
Lard-O-LadAnI: if you really want to write to NTFS with nix, try Paragon's NTFS for linux.  Its comercial, but there is some say its a bit "iffy"03:26
spuddoggi keep getting the same error when trying to run 'wine notepad.exe" and that is "Application tries to create a window, but no driver could be loaded." anyone know?03:26
orbinslyboots: ah, misread your earlier post sorry03:26
iLikeSpoonscool, johny5. Enjoy the game :P03:26
slybootsI dont even know what the hell EFIGPT is supposed to be o.o03:27
AnIkk thx for all the help03:27
johny5iLikeSpoons, thanks, but I spent too much time tinkering with it...now I have to do homework ;/03:27
Jack_SparrowNone of the partitioning editing modifying tools are risk free.  They are powerful tools which sometimes end up in the hands of fools..03:27
AnIim gonna use pm03:27
Macros42I've a feeling I'll be spending a lot of time here over the next while :D03:27
AnIand if not working then captive03:27
Jack_SparrowMacros42: we will be here03:27
AnIno way im paying im cheapo03:27
slybootsSweet jesus I think my eyes are melting03:28
Macros42Jack_Sparrow, and that's the very reason :)03:28
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jtureki am having problems with mysql-server03:28
Macros42AnI is now on his way to bittorrent :D03:28
jturekStarting MySQL database server: mysqld.03:28
jturekthats all it does03:28
spuddoggi keep getting the same error when trying to run 'wine notepad.exe" and that is "Application tries to create a window, but no driver could be loaded." anyone know?03:28
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iLikeSpoonsJack_Sparrow - I have decided that, at least tonight, I don't need 3d acceleration. I'll stick with nv for the time being :P03:28
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=== Macros42 got 3d accel working with an ATI card :p
sorush20ho wdo I setup a home network ? is there a simple howto anywehre?03:29
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_azraelspuddogg: I would reccomend switching to the official wine ubuntu repos (should have budgetdedicated in the server string) and seeing if the problem persists.03:29
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=== iLikeSpoons kicks his ati card all over the room
stritarhow can I auto-detect my new monitor(s) without redoing the whole xorg.conf using "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"03:29
Jack_Sparrowsorush20: what type of network, how many computers, what os's, router?03:29
Macros42iLikeSpoons, i thought you had an nvidia card03:29
spuddogg_azrael, im on there now, no one seems to know :(03:29
iLikeSpoonsyeah, I got one today03:30
iLikeSpoonsbecause I used to have an ati radeon 7000, which is kinda messy with xorg03:30
chibiacei hate samba iv never got it working properly03:30
_azraelspuddogg: wine --version for me?03:30
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Macros42mine's a 9200 and it took a bit of work but it works now03:30
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chibiacei have intel 900 :(03:31
Macros42took a bit of messing with xorg.conf afterwards03:31
spuddogg_azrael 0.9.903:31
sorush20Jack_Sparrow: home simple wireless, two computer, ubuntu obviously to start with, wireless WRT54G linksys03:31
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viatordont steal partion majic just use one of the oss tools gparted or the conversiont ool in xp intself03:31
Macros42but it worked in the end03:31
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:31
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chibiacexorg.conf is one of the coolest files to mess with03:32
=== ColonelPanic001 [n=mike@c-68-43-85-60.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Macros42viator, I was told that too - i have PM on my windows box - but I believe it's built in in nix03:32
ColonelPanic001Has anyone ever used skype on Dapper successfully?03:32
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viatoryou can apt-get install gparted03:32
Macros42sorush20, I have that router - works fine03:32
viatoror use the gparted livecd03:32
viatorwhich comes in handy03:32
Macros42it's the card that needs to be set up properly03:33
Macros42ColonelPanic001, using it right now03:33
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Jack_SparrowColonelPanic001: yes03:33
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chibiacei need to find out how to boost my mic abit more i can hardly hear it on full volume :(03:33
ColonelPanic001I can use skype, but on 1.2 I have to restart it after virtually every call (OSS thing, I know), and the 1.3 beta very often just freezes my computer, seemingly completely. Can't even change virtual terminals.03:34
Jack_SparrowColonelPanic001: Yep.. that is normal03:34
=== AbortD [n=abortd@ip-12-195-52-66.ncwcom.com] has joined #ubuntu
amxhow does one get ugidd to work?03:34
amxI exported a directory with the options (rw,map_daemon)03:34
AbortDthanks for your help yesterday all i love ubuntu :D03:34
ColonelPanic001heh, I kind of meant "not screwing up every time" when I said "successfully". Should have clarified :\03:34
Jack_Sparrow!skype > ColonelPanic00103:34
Macros42oh k I just use it for another version of multiplayer notepad tbh03:34
sorush20Macros42: I want to be able to setup the network , do I have to setup the card right or the router or some other program?03:34
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amxand I installed ugidd on the client, but it doesn't seem to work...03:35
=== viator [n=office1@pool-70-109-252-134.wma.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Macros42sorush20, both - but you need the wireless card installed in linux - what card is it?03:35
techniqcould someone help me with a software raid (md) problem... I'm using the Raid utility on the text installer, all looks to go well but when I reboot after install, grub complains it cannot load the specified device (/dev/md0 I believe..) with an Error 1703:35
Jack_SparrowColonelPanic001: That link explains the problem03:35
Macros42sorush20, the router is most likely ready to go anyway03:35
techniqI'm currently attempting another reinstall (I actually had to change media from 6.06.1 CD to 6.06 DVD due to a corrupt file libc6 file on the CD first time around, thought maybe mixing media may have caused a problem)03:36
Macros42Jack_Sparrow, I get that problem in windows but not in ubuntu03:36
ColonelPanic001yeah, I'm aware of the OSS thing. THat was the only reason I bothered to use the 1.3 beta03:36
mineraleHi, I'm absoltely devastated, I just rebooted and all the sudden I'm having trouble with the ubuntu installation. most notably I get 'read only' errors, I think the drive is mounted bad, how can  I go about troubleshooting ? Is there a tool fckdsk or something like that to check the integrity of the partitions?03:36
ColonelPanic001but while it uses ALSA, it seems to have it's own major problems. Damn Skype.03:36
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto03:36
techniqI read where I may need to create a new initrd file with raid support, but not sure how I would go about that03:36
Jack_Sparrow!skype > jack_sparrow03:36
viatorskpe runs fine03:37
viatori have 1.3 beta03:37
viatorits a little laggy03:37
viatorbut other than that03:37
viatorits fine03:37
mineraleI have booted into single user mode, but having trouble booting in normal mode, could someone help me troubleshoot, I beg03:37
Macros42i have whatever version automatix gave me :D03:37
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viatormaybe you can use ekiga03:37
Jack_SparrowIt is a common problem and the site shows the workaround03:37
birdfishWhat would be one of the best sftp servers for use with Ubuntu Server 6.06?03:38
birdfishI know that I can sftp through SSH03:38
=== arno [n=arno@adsl-230-9-159.hsv.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Macros42oh that reminds me - if I Switch User Ubuntu dies completely - have to reboot. Any ideas without me getting the exact error :D03:38
Jack_SparrowMacros42: You are no longer my friend...   Automatix... arghhhhhh..  :)03:38
birdfishBut I'd like to be able to create virtual users03:38
viatorsoon as skpe stops offering free calls how many ppl will still use it03:38
viatorwhens the dealine isnt it soon?03:38
ColonelPanic001viator, I won't be03:38
birdfishNot me03:38
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ColonelPanic001not if I don't have to03:38
Macros42Jack_Sparrow, i don't actually like it either - 2 days using linux and I prefer Synaptic03:38
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birdfishDecember 3103:39
=== ofer [n=chatzill@CBL217-132-72-94.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
ColonelPanic001Synaptic is nice03:39
slybootsI dont know, what the heck could be wrong with this?03:39
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chibiaceapt-get is nice03:39
slybootsI mean, I downloaded the Alteritve CD, it didnt help03:39
birdfishI like apt-get03:39
Jack_SparrowMacros42: But one you use it and go outside the repos, other odd problems can sometimes follow03:39
Macros42a friend referred me to automatix and I used it to install one or two things and hated it03:39
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birdfishslyboots: what's the problem?03:39
=== slyboots cries
viatorautomatix is just a script03:39
chibiacei like emerge better then apt-get it lets me do mutilple installs at the same time03:39
=== fantasai [n=fantasai@203-167-187-121.dsl.clear.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
Macros42not a good one tho viator03:40
=== birdfish came into the conversation late
=== slyboots has said this so many bloody times, I feel like a parrot o.o
nozorroslyboots: you had other linux systems installed on it before?03:40
slybootsYes, Im ON Ubunut now, just on a different system03:40
birdfishslyboots: then don't repeat it again.  I don't care ;)03:40
Macros42it's a monkey do monkey see script03:40
fantasaiIs there a package for chinese language support that doesn't pull in translations?03:40
michaelWhat command can you use to tell you how much bandwidth is being used on incoming and outgoing traffic?03:40
slybootsOh sorry, Um.. No I never installed a linux system on the other machine before03:40
ofersorry for asking again - but still having problems with the wireless usb card - don't know how to set it up that it will be recognized by ubuntu03:40
Jack_SparrowMacros42: NOt to worry, after your next install.. dont use it, by then you will be a pro and not need it03:40
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Macros42Jack_Sparrow, lol03:40
ColonelPanic001fwiw, I don't see anything referencing the 1.3 beta on that link.03:41
slybootsInstalled Ubunut, Tried Graphical and "Alterative" CD install.. it creates the partitions, copies over the files, but when it reaches the stage to install GRUB, it just falls over witha  undefined Error03:41
Macros42Jack_Sparrow, this is my third install in two days :D03:41
birdfishSo anyone know of a good SFTP Server?03:41
=== dagrump [n=dagrump@dsl64-111-55-122.casstel.net] has joined #ubuntu
ColonelPanic001Not trying to be a jerk, just saying03:41
Jack_Sparrow!ndiswrapper > ofer03:41
Macros42on the same machine :D03:41
techniqmichael: you can look into 'nettop'03:41
keleusGot a strange question here:03:41
chibiaceanybody know where to get a deb of the latest gossip03:41
amxanyone tried to setup NFS with ugidd on dapper?03:41
keleustrying to install a .deb manually (not in repos) but i noticed that it has the same package name as a legitimate package in the repos03:41
keleushow do i change the package name used by a .deb file?03:41
ColonelPanic001birdfish, no, sorry03:41
slybootsAnother unusual item I've seen is that when I look at the partition table in fdisk, instead of showing two partitions (EXT3 and SWAP) there is only one that is EPT GMP03:41
viatoronce you get the system setup the way you like it its fine03:41
oferJack_Sparrow: already did that but when putting the usb in it does not find the hardware03:41
keleusthat way apt and/or dpkg doesnt get confused03:41
birdfishColonelPanic001: okay, thanks for replying at least03:41
biebis anyone running ubuntu on their server, loading only run level 3?03:41
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viatorthis is *nix you dont have to reinstall to fix everything03:42
oferJack_Sparrow: already installed the driver03:42
Macros42who was it had the wrt54g?03:42
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ColonelPanic001birdfish, don't take it personally. High traffic channel ettiquite usually means not flooding the channels with "not me".03:42
slybootsbirdfish: Thats my problem o.o03:42
Jack_SparrowMacros42: :)  YEa, it is so easy to install you feel free to experiment, and learn and sometimes break it.03:42
viatorif you can get to the cli you can fix it03:42
chibiacebieb: i think mine boots into x. it used to not work so well and needed t obe rebooted and since its working now i havent touched it03:42
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Macros42Jack_Sparrow, broke it earlier installing 3d accel - no reinstall - decided I had to fix it instead - learned a lot doing so03:43
oferJack_Sparrow: can you see the problem?03:43
Jack_SparrowMacros42: NExt time you get it installed and set up, do one line in cli and tar yourself a full backup03:43
Mike-X2sittin her with a total new 6.06 intall just installed nvidia-glx and all i get when i try enable the config, is that X has been Altered ???????? HEEEELP me dont know what to do03:43
biebI havent used Ubuntu, only edubuntu on my son's machine.. can I set the root password?03:43
Macros42Jack_Sparrow, and if I knew what that meant ... :D03:43
chibiacebieb: sudo passwd03:44
Jack_Sparrowofer: I am not your guy on wireless..03:44
biebit seems to accept his user password for any of the updates that need root perms03:44
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Macros42actually i did understand that03:44
Jack_Sparrow!backup > Macros4203:44
slybootsI guess that is a "No" then03:44
viatorthey are working on a cool backup for edgy i read03:44
oferjust need to know how to make the usb device recogized by ubuntu03:44
ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi03:44
Jack_SparrowMacros42:   tar -cvpzlf /backup.tgz --exclude=/lost+found --exclude=/backup.tgz /03:44
thiago22How can I install a GTK theme?03:44
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Macros42Jack_Sparrow, i even understood that - scary03:44
sorush20Macros42: broadcom bcm430603:44
biebso the way edubuntu is set up is the user is "sudo" behind the scenes when root perms are needed?03:44
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Jack_Sparrowthiago22: drag and drop the tar onto the theme manager03:45
Macros42sorush20, me too - let me get you a link03:45
Mike-X2sittin her with a total new 6.06 intall just installed nvidia-glx and all i get when i try enable the config, is that X has been Altered ???????? HEEEELP me dont know what to do03:45
chibiacebieb: you can just change the users groups to get rid of sudo i think?03:45
Flannelbieb: sudo isn't a user, it's a command03:45
oferall docs are for PCMCIA card and my is usb one :(03:45
thiago22Jack_Sparrow: but it always says "Invalid filename".03:46
=== Kragnerac [n=Kragnera@cpe-24-209-231-112.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
viatorbcm4306 will work with the bcmxx03:46
viatori used to have onw03:46
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Mike-X2NVIDIA_HEEELP needed03:46
Flannelbieb: what are you trying to accomplish?  Make him not able to use sudo? or what?03:46
Jack_Sparrowthiago22: many of the themes I found on gnome-look.org had that...03:46
biebright, but if the only user on the system's password works when root perms are needed.. how is that happening?03:46
nozorrothiago22: you may have downloaded a them *engine* actually03:46
Macros42sorush20, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20190203:46
nozorrothiago22: ... or a badly packaged theme03:47
Macros42that worked for me first time03:47
thiago22I always download on Gnome-look O.o03:47
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chibiacebieb: a sudo group03:47
Jack_Sparrowthiago22: 2 in 10 or so... it depends on your system03:47
Flannelbieb: because he is in the sudoers group, ubuntu doesn't use a root user.  Any one who has the ability to can sudo something, and use their own password to get those permissions03:47
biebchibiace.. thanks.. thats what I was trying to figure out03:47
Flannel!tell bieb about sudo03:47
thiago22I installed Sawfish and Metacity, but I don't where theses programs are installed in my PC. O.o03:47
thiago22*dont know03:47
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biebFlannel.. I know how to make a user a "sudoer"03:48
PM^i'm planning to install ubuntu 6.06 on a machine with an ati radeon x600 card. However, the installer will not properly start the graphical mode - I would need to install in text mode. Do you know of any way of adjusting the screen resolution / refresh rate from the installer cd?03:48
biebwasnt sure how edubuntu was doing it on the fly03:48
=== fuoco [n=gad@modemcable101.12-201-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
nozorrothiago22: Sawfish and Metacity are mutually exclusive, and they are not themes03:48
clearze1how do you back up a partition?03:48
Jack_Sparrowclearze1: The one ubuntu is on?03:49
jacobmp92PM^: on the boot CD, right when you boot up, theres a button on the buttom of the screen to change that. (F4)?03:49
Flannelbieb: edubuntu shouldn't be drastically different than any other *buntu when it comes to that03:49
fuocois there any open-source java that i can use for having java in my browser working ?03:49
sysdocMike-X2, http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Latest_Nvidia_Dapper >use method 203:49
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Jack_Sparrow!java > fuoco03:49
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Mike-X2sysdoc thx m803:49
biebFlannel.. what I was saying is I am new to *buntu's.. and edubuntu is the only one I have installed so far03:49
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thiago22nozorro: Hmm, and what should I download to get a GTK theme correctly? And where? I only know Gnome-Look :-(03:49
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viatormake sure you close your browser and reopen it03:50
Flannelbieb: right, read the page ubotu sent you, it explains it03:50
viatorafter installing03:50
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nozorrothiago22: art.gnome.org will give you many themes03:50
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biebsend that again please Flannel03:50
Mike-X2ill have a look at it but have tryied almost everything nothing seems to work03:50
viatoror it will seem to not work03:50
yoshiznit123thiago22, also take a look at deviantart03:50
Flannel!tell bieb about sudo03:50
thiago22nozorro: thank you03:50
=== [NP] Tangent [n=hyperdev@71-211-222-211.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
vapermonkey00hey guys and gals what r some really cool game i can get on here03:50
BotLobstahey, i was wondering if there was someway to change the things ubuntu does on startup03:51
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thiago22yoshiznit123: thanks!03:51
=== Smeggy [n=Smeggy@220-253-102-168.TAS.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Macros42what's the address of this server?03:51
sysdocMike-X2, use method 2, why suffer just because you know how?03:51
clearze1just the system files and package settings prefferably03:51
nozorrothiago22: sometimes themes require a theme engine, this should be mentioined on the corresponding page on art.gnome.org. theme engines need to be installed just like any other program03:51
fuocoJack_Sparrow: yeah, but it says there's the free java which is installed by default - and i don't have it working in the browser, all the rest are non-open source03:51
Jack_Sparrowyoshiznit123: deviant art is way cool03:51
PM^i have downloaded 6.06 live cd for ubuntu. is it worth to download the new 6.06.1 cd instead? or can i use the older one and upgrade packages?03:51
yoshiznit123yea it is :-)03:51
viatoryou can stop modules from loading at startup change the upsplash change the gdm etc03:51
biebFlannel.. my reason for looking deeper at *buntu is, I am getting ready to build an rsnapshot server, and trying to decide ubuntu, kubuntu or xbuntu03:51
chibiacedeviantart was cooler before they starting trying to make money off ppl and this latest theme change is horrible03:51
Jack_Sparrowfuoco: Sorry but I dont know much about jave.03:52
slybootsI think, I am going mad03:52
thiago22nozorro:  and which engines are? It is Sawfish? Metacity?03:52
Flannelbieb: except for the GUI, they're identical.03:52
BotLobstafor example, how do i make it not configure the network interfaces because it always fails and ends up taking 2 mins just to do nothing03:52
Wicked_hey, so I need a bit of help, i seemed to have screwed up my xserver :/03:52
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yoshiznit123thiago22, here's a link: http://browse.deviantart.com/customization/skins/linuxutil/gnome/?order=9&alltime=yes03:52
viatorfuoco i think you need a browser plugin03:52
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chibiacePM^: the old one works fine. theres like 300mb of files though03:52
Wicked_I was trying to unstal XGL, and then my xserver died too03:52
vapermonkey00okay later03:53
chibiacePM^: well maybe abit less then that03:53
Jack_Sparrowkearones icons are really great on deviantart03:53
thiago22yoshiznit123:  thanks, i'll take  a look03:53
fuocoviator: yeah, i'm looking to know if there's an open source  one03:53
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PM^chibiace: thanks03:53
biebI was sorta leaning towards xbuntu, since it doesnt use a huge GUI, and the Gui is rarely if ever needed on rsnapshot03:53
rikocan anyone help me with ndiswrapper?03:53
biebI have built rsnapshot on RH and SUSE before03:53
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PM^jacobmp92: thanks for the info03:53
Macros42right that's me joined on another box - about to crash this one to get the exact error03:53
Flannelbieb: you can also install no GUI, get the alternate ISO, and type "server" at the bootprompt, it'll install the base system, without a GUI03:53
nozorrothiago22: these are both binary programs handling the windows. as i said, they're mutually exclusive. don't install sawfish if you are new to ubuntu though, this will give you many headaches. metacity is the default03:53
NewpZhow can i set gnome to detect that power button was hit and have linux shutdown?03:53
=== amarelinho [n=amarelin@20158173024.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
Wicked_anyone willing to direct me to something that can help?03:53
biebFlannel.. cool03:54
amarelinhoi am fron brazil03:54
thiago22nozorro: Oooh, I see. Thank you03:54
amarelinhonot speak english very well03:54
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nozorrothiago22: themes for metacity are available at art.gnome.org under Window Border03:54
amarelinhomy englesh is very basic03:54
Macros_42Just pressed the red button and selected Switch User and the box has crashed03:54
amarelinhoi need help about my ubuntu03:55
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.03:55
=== bruenig [n=bruenig@adsl-69-155-90-145.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
rikoI can load ndiswrapper, when i do ndiswrapper -l it says driver loaded and hardware detected, i modprobe ndiswrapper and it doesn't do anything... then when i ifconfig wlan0 it says device not present03:55
Macros_42it's gone to a text screen - a few messages re: KDSETKEYCODE: No such device03:55
biebFlannel.. can you drop me a chat request real quick, I would like to run down my rsnapshot idea and you can give alittle guidance03:55
Macros_42last line is Running local boot scripts03:55
thiago22nozorro:  thank you again. I'm gonna take a look at.03:55
Macros_42any ideas?03:56
=== Panzer [n=dsf@S0106004005b748fa.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
BotLobstariko - what does a iwconfig list as avaliable interfaces03:56
irawanamarelinho: just ask03:56
PanzerHello :)03:56
rikoBotLobsta: eth0 l0 and sit003:56
amarelinhoamy ubuntu is 5.04 and apt-get not work03:56
irawanamarelinho: what's your problem?03:56
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viatortry j2re1.4 - Blackdown Java  and j2re1.4-mozilla-plugin03:57
Macros_42jack_sparrow - this might be up your street :)03:57
PanzerWhens edgy released?03:57
irawanamarelinho: what do you want to do?03:57
ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi03:57
BotLobstariko, did you do a depmod -a03:57
jester45does anyone have a soundblaster audigy???? does it work with out drivers03:57
viatordunno i always used the sun java03:57
amarelinhosudo apt-get update03:57
BotLobstariko, before modprobing03:57
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gnomefreakPanzer: late oct03:57
amarelinhoa try this03:57
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule03:57
ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule03:58
gnomefreakPanzer: for edgy quetions please ask in #ubuntu+103:58
=== theCore_ [n=alex@modemcable069.137-83-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
rikoBotLobsta: that's what it said after and that no wireless devices were present... i have to reboot each time so is there anything i should try b4 i reboot?03:58
viatoranyone who has flash i found a trick to make it so you can play flash 9 stuff03:58
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rikoBotLobsta: i mean like anything you recommend i should try once i reboot?03:58
bruenigchang the 7 to 9?03:58
Macros_42nobody seen this before then?03:58
AbortDis there a way i can convert my existing mp3s into ogg files?03:59
irawanamarelinho: ???03:59
ubotump32ogg: Converts MP3 file to Ogg Vorbis. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11-6 (dapper), package size 7 kB, installed size 64 kB03:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tell - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:59
viatorthere it is03:59
kadshow do I link two folders03:59
Panzerhow do you make it tell someone something?03:59
mineraleanyone got a minute: i'm pretty desperate... my system will no longer boot, gdm keeps saying 'No serving host found' ... I see random errors about read only filesystem. I can boot fine into single user mode, ran fsck several times, I have no idea how to go about diagnosing this03:59
haasteemhi, i want to install openoffice 2.0.3 in breezy and have downloaded the .tar.gz... yet all are rpm's in there... is it safe to convert those to deb-files and then install with dpkg -i?03:59
BotLobstariko, i know that for me, i had to change my /etc/modprobe/ndiswrapper to "alias eth1 ndiswrapper" because it listed it as eth1 as opposed to wlan003:59
FlannelPanzer: !tell [person]  about [thing]  or !factoid > person04:00
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gnomefreakPanzer: /msg ubotu bot04:00
bruenigI was right, just change the 7 to 9, victory for me04:00
yoshiznit123abortd, if you want to be 'l33t', do 'gst-launch filesrc location=music.mp3 ! mad ! vorbisenc ! filesink location=music.ogg ' :-)04:00
Panzer!tell JollyDrunkPirate about edgy04:00
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rikohrmm, i did ndiswrapper -m which seemed to link it to wlan004:00
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nozorrohaasteem: pls. install using the packaging system, not from the web04:00
rikobut i'll check it out04:00
Jack_Sparrowhaasteem: Looking for trouble trying to Alien Open Offoce from RPM's04:00
amarelinhoiratsu,  a try sudo apt-get update.. get de list, but not install programs04:00
gnomefreakhaasteem: you dont want to do that04:00
BotLobstariko, what chipset are you using04:00
rikowait, if it was eth1 wouldnt it show up in my networking list04:00
AbortDyoshiznit123: mp3s just wont play in these music players for me04:00
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rikoBotLobsta: dell 139004:01
Macros_42is there a way to have numlock on automatically at the login screen?04:01
nozorrohaasteem: ah, sorry, you're on breezy ...04:01
AbortDsome plugin error04:01
gnomefreakhaasteem: oo.o 2.0.3 on breezy is asking for trouble04:01
irawanamarelinho: to install program, you need apt-get install program_name04:01
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haasteemgnomefreak: why is that?04:01
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gnomefreakhaasteem: if you upgrade to dapper it is in the dapper-proposed repos04:01
amarelinhoiratsu,  yes04:01
amarelinhobut not work04:01
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gnomefreakhaasteem: it needs things you dont have on breezy04:01
haasteemgnomefreak: so it isreally still edgy stuff?04:01
amarelinhoirawan, moment04:01
gnomefreakhaasteem: you can get it in dapper04:02
irawanwhat is the error message?04:02
AbortDyoshiznit123: is there a way i can do a mass amount of mp3s?04:02
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ubotunumlockx: enable NumLock in X11 sessions. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1-3ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 10 kB, installed size 88 kB04:02
haasteemgnomefreak: right... crap, my upgrade to dapper failed a few weeks back...04:02
DarkAudit!joerg Schilling04:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about joerg Schilling - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:02
=== sorush4 [n=sorush@82-43-184-143.cable.ubr07.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
chibiaceAbortD: did you see this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats04:02
birdfishAnyone know if the PureFTP package is compiled with TLS/SSL support?04:03
AbortDwhats wiki?04:03
sorush4Macros42: where what that link again?04:03
haasteemgnomefreak: some weird kernel incompatibility thing with my sound chip, while i do have the most nortmnal chipset ever...04:03
DarkAuditWill Ubuntu follow Debian's lead and pull his cdrtools in favor of one with a better license?04:03
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chibiaceAbortD: that site tells you how to install the codec for mp3s04:03
Macros_42sorush4: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=201902&highlight=wmp54g04:03
viatordid you change gdm to login via xdmp04:03
birdfishOr how I could check04:03
AbortDchibiace:  thanks04:03
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chibiaceAbortD: and some other useful stuff.04:04
ubotucdrecord: command line CD writing tool. In component main, is optional. Version 4:2.01+01a01-4ubuntu6 (dapper), package size 547 kB, installed size 1136 kB04:04
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mineraleviator: I did not, but it's not just gdm having trouble, I don't get my regular terminals either04:05
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viatorwhat do you mean by regular terminals?04:05
CelesteQuestion:  When I want to  create a  "tar.gz"  file I act like this:  "tar zcvf archiv.tar.gz mydir/"        but  in this case, the tarball would also contain the directory "mydir"   -   I need to create a tarball which  contains the contents  (files, directories)   of  "mydir",   but not the directory  "mydir" itself as a visible directory04:05
amxwhy the hell doesn't exportfs recognize map_static as a valid option?04:05
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majhoulHi, I need to know how to copy to main of my DVD installation on the HDD, because i don't have a DVD on my server.04:05
sorush4Macros42: I have the card up and running but I need to now be able to access other computer on my network..04:07
chestyCeleste: cd mydir ; tar zcvf archiv.tar.gz *04:07
sorush4Macros42: that link I know how to do.. and its a little out of date cause not the bcm module is working for me so no need for ndiswrapper..04:07
brentcHey, I have a friend who is having a real tough time finding decent software to burn and ubuntu ISO on Windows XP.  Are there ANY open source CD Burning programs on Windows?  I have no idea since I haven't been using Windows for a while..TIA!04:07
Macros_42sorush4: that's a shares issue then04:07
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Celestechesty: this will recursivly add the contents?04:08
ubotuTo mount an .iso image: sudo mount -o loop my.iso /some/mountpoint - bin/cue can be converted to iso with bchunk  .iso images of Ubuntu CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com Always verify the .iso before burning, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows04:08
AbortDrhythm box wont open for me and i do not see totem04:08
gubuntubrentc, search sourceforge.net04:08
NickGarveyhow do I make an ISO of a cd?04:08
InnerFIREamarok doesnt detect my ipod..04:08
Jack_Sparrowbrentc: isorecorder is free for xp04:08
NickGarveydd if=/dev/cdrom of=/location.iso I thought04:08
InnerFIREis there something like gtkpod for kde?04:08
Toaster54Hello, could someone tell me why i can't have mutiple soundsources (like amarok and teamspeak) in ubuntu? when i run ts amarok refuses to play a soundfile04:08
brentcis it free as in speech?04:08
NickGarveybrentc: I don't think so04:08
gubuntueverything on sourceforge is i believe04:08
chestyCeleste: yeah, tar tzf archiv.tar.gz to check04:08
brentcthat's really sad that nobody has done that yet04:09
chibiacesorush4: you should be able to right click a folder and go share, if you've got the network setup04:09
brentcno I mean isorecorder04:09
Jack_Sparrowbrentc: NOt open source but free for all04:09
Celestethank you chesty04:09
brentcnot sourceforge stuff; I'll go look on sourceforge now04:09
chibiaceAbortD: do they just not show up after you run them?04:09
irawanamarelinho: so, it's working?04:10
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AbortDyeah but i clicked it a few more times and got it it wasnt working right for some reason yesterday i prolly asumed still after the reboot04:10
amarelinhoiratsu, sorry04:10
gubuntubrentc, not sure but you could try using a free virtual drive to mount and iso and then do a disc to disc copy with whatever lame software came with the burner04:10
brentcOK thanks guys...some opensource devs need to make an all-in-one utility that just does one thing: Burn a linux iso in XP04:10
AbortDit doesnt tell me how to install these plugins?04:10
brentcit's really really needed04:10
amarelinhoirawan,  i remove # source list04:10
gubuntutalk is cheap, pick up a programming book04:10
amarelinhothanks for help me04:10
irawanno worries04:11
Jack_Sparrowbrentc: Why reinvent the wheel..04:11
chibiaceAbortD: sudo apt-get install mpg321 ?04:11
brentcIf the wheel is open source, it seems worthy to me04:11
InnerFIREhello!!! help with amarok04:11
brentcRight now everything is closed source04:11
Jack_Sparrowbrentc: You have the tool you asked for.. free of charge, for use in windows...04:12
NickGarveyhow would I use dd to copy a cd?04:12
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brentcAnd my friend (who I can only contact through email) is a real beginner...there ought to be a good open source tools that does one thing only and walks him through it04:12
AbortDPackage gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg is not available, but is referred to by another package.04:12
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Jack_Sparrowbrentc: Why does it need to be open source..04:12
gubuntubrentc, you are confusing open source with free software04:13
chibiaceAbortD: you might need to add repositories04:13
Jack_Sparrowbrentc: It only does one thing. just like you ask, Install it, right click on an ISO and send to the burner04:13
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gubuntusomeone who needs something that dumbed down has no need for open source, if they are both free04:13
AbortDi enter this into the terminal correct?04:13
brentcJack: because, if we really care about converting people and making it as painless as possible, why not?  It's not really reinventing the wheel, it's making the whole thing a 1-2 process for beginners04:14
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chibiaceAbortD: eh?04:14
Jack_Sparrowbrentc: You are not making sense04:14
brentcSure I am04:14
AbortDfck if i know :(04:14
Jack_Sparrowbrentc: It is a 1 - 2 process...04:14
amxahhhh... looks like there are two different nfs servers....04:14
gubuntuit is...04:14
viatorthere is free software to butn an iso04:14
brentcNo it isn't04:14
viatorin xp04:14
sethkbrentc, I don't think there is any interest in converting people.04:14
viatorill get a link'04:14
brentcThat's pathetic04:15
brentcand elitist04:15
sethkbrentc, create a good o/s.  people will find it.04:15
sethkbrentc, no, it isn't either.04:15
Jack_Sparrowbrentc: It is free,  what is a novice user going to do with an open source tool for an OS he is leaving behind04:15
chibiaceAbortD: you do sudo apt-get.... in the terminal, and yyou can add universe and stuff in system > administation > software properties04:15
gubuntubrentc wants a prgram that will not only burn to iso but "know" what to burn through use of the force04:15
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brentcYou are telling me that all these people who are still on windows are on it becuase they choose to be?04:15
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sethkbrentc, of course.04:15
gubuntuits called the business world04:15
chibiacesome people dont know about linux04:16
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brentcNo gubuntu...I want an opensource program that will have one dialog: "Select linux ISO to burn..."04:16
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sethkbrentc, the way things work in the open source world, if you want something, and it doesn't exist, you write it.04:16
gubuntuhow about right-click on iso, left click on burn?04:16
brentcSeth: my point exactly04:16
chibiacesethk: or you could hire a developer :P04:16
brentcI am thinking about doing that as a next project04:17
Flannelbrentc: so... write something.  I imagine that'd take only a few minutes to write, giving a particular list of isos04:17
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sethkchibiace, sure, you have have money.04:17
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sethkbrentc, I'd be happy to help you  with that if you are serious.04:17
brentcit's simple and it's really needed04:17
Jack_Sparrowgubuntu: You have used isorecorder eh...  two clicks and you are done04:17
brentcI really would appreciate that seth04:17
sethkbrentc, not quite as simple as you might think, but certainly possible.04:17
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brentcYes, I know04:17
TylerDurdenerhey, i just installed my ATI drivers, it seems to work fine, only when i do fglrxinfo, it shows its mesa instead of the card, why is that?04:18
goofeyis enabling dri a "good" thing or "bad" thing?04:18
sethkbrent, ok, I don't know your background, so I don't know whether you know the details or not.04:18
brentcIt requires knowledge of hardware, which frankly I'm pretty ignorant of at this point04:18
Jack_SparrowWho is going to tell them WHICH linux to burn.... Oh no they would have to THINK.04:18
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sethkgoofey, neither, really.04:18
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chibiacethinking is bad :P04:18
gubuntutylerdurden, come to #ati04:18
brentcI don't at this point, but I will learn, it sounds interesting04:18
sethkbrentc, I can help you with that part.  really, though, you can read files in /sys and determine what you need to know about the hardware04:18
brentcthat's a good start, thanks04:19
brentcany info like that's good04:19
chibiacethe cat command is your friend04:19
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goofeysethk: would it effect 3d game performance, say doom3?04:19
sethkbrentc, the lower level stuff exists, you would just be wrapping it, more or less.04:19
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sethkgoofey, if the game is written to take advantage of it, yes.  I'm not a gamer; I don't know which games use which techniques04:19
Celesteis there an FTP program which shows me the status how many  % or MB already have been transfered to the server by an upload?   I need to upload a 230 MB file and I will know how long it will still take until it is on the server04:19
chibiacedri is direct rendering isnt it04:20
brentcThe problem is I don't know jack about NT04:20
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goofeysethk: ok - thanks!04:20
RunithardCeleste, do a du -h filename04:20
sethkCeleste, sftp will do that for you.04:20
Jack_Sparrowbrentc:  Install isorecorder, right click on any flavor of linux ISO and right click on burn... Tell me how much simpler you need it to be.04:20
=== drew [n=chatzill@c-24-8-93-151.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Runitharddri = direct rendering interface04:20
sethkRunithard, no, he (she?) wants the transfer speed on the network, not the file size04:20
brentcJack: You're missing the point04:20
viatoryou can get a free linux cd shipped04:20
Jack_Sparrowbrentc:  Install isorecorder, right click on any flavor of linux ISO and left click on burn... Tell me how much simpler you need it to be.04:20
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CelesteRunithard  du -csh is better ... but what should that help me?04:20
Celestesethk, thank you!04:20
viatorof your favorite distro04:20
viatorto anyone04:20
brentcJack: you're missing the point04:20
Jack_Sparrowbrentc: I think you are missing the point04:21
goofeyRunithard: which means it uses a capability on the card is the software uses it, otherwise no effect (and hence no harm?)04:21
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brentcwhy, becuase you keep repeating yourself and I still disagree with you?04:21
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sethkrather than talk about who is missing the point, why don't we talk about what the point is?04:21
Jack_Sparrowbrentc: You are complaining about a program you have never seen or used.04:21
viatordonate or contribute if you can04:21
sethkbrentc, be more specific; what problem are you talking about solving?04:21
brentcactually i *have* used it04:21
bruenigthe point must be defined before it can be missed04:21
sethkbruenig, metaphysics gives me a headache04:22
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Celestesethk, does sftp work with every host?04:22
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brentcmaking it open source, highly publicized, and a reference point for a bunch of distros to walkthrough new users with04:22
sorush20how do i access a network shared folder?04:22
KwitcherBitchenhow do I bind a specific program to a specific internet interface, such as eth104:22
Celestesethk, Host key verification failed.04:22
CelesteCouldn't read packet: Connection reset by peer04:22
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sethkCeleste, well, of course an sftp server has to be running on the other end.  but sftp servers are available for all the usual environments, including windows04:22
brentcAnd my initial questions was just a question btw, not really a complaint04:23
spyro_boyubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=79269 supposedly this page has information on the KM400 video DRI on ubuntu according to google, but I can't seem to get to that page.04:23
sethkCeleste, that might mean that the server isn't running at the other end.04:23
chibiacesorush20: places > network servers04:23
sethkCeleste, the error messages are poor, unfortunately.04:23
gubuntulets take this to #ubuntu-offtopic04:23
spyro_boyCan someone explain to me what that says on that page, or maybe screenshot the page?04:23
AbortDwith the terminal do i need to be in the same directory as the rythm jukebox is in?04:23
gubuntuits not support related04:23
KwitcherBitchenhow do I bind a specific program to a specific internet interface, such as eth104:23
Runithardsftp is the best way to measure throughput.......... since it has a layer of compressions and encryption04:23
nozorrogubuntu: indeed :-)04:24
Runithardisn't rather04:24
sethkKwitcherBitchen, there is no general answer to that question.  be more specific about what you need to do.04:24
chibiaceAbortD: no it looks in certain places for the binaries. like /usr/bin etc04:24
CelesteAre there also graphical FTP Clients which show me the actual status of the upload?04:24
KwitcherBitchensethk, I want to have two internet connections, and use eth0 for like webbrowsing04:24
sethkRunithard, no, but I think the question was how long will it take, not how quickly could it be done.04:24
KwitcherBitchensethk, and torrents etc04:24
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AbortDwell it says that what they tell me to install does not exist04:24
RunithardCeleste, try apt-get install gftp04:24
KwitcherBitchensethk, and another for other things04:24
Runithardgftp is great04:24
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chibiaceAbortD: ?04:24
Runithardit's like cuteftp04:24
sethkKwitcherBitchen, you could use iptables to route specific ports through your eth0, and the rest to eth104:25
dalanianyone? how do I set up unbutu to activate internet connect on startup?04:25
kaotKwitcherBitchen: you'd probably want to use iptables for something like that.04:25
Runithardor something like that04:25
AbortDlet me show you04:25
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gubuntudalani, what release?04:25
KwitcherBitchenkaot, okay04:25
AbortDchibiace:  i will be back in a few i gotta pull dinner out04:25
chibiaceAbortD: its all good.04:25
=== gubuntu flinches.
gubuntui was gonna say its auto in 6.0604:25
gubuntuim kinda nubuntu04:25
dalanichucks! I know it can be done on 5.0404:26
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Runitharddelani......... your internet doesn't come up?04:26
Runitharddelani, did you configure it using the gnome network applet?04:26
chibiacelol @ nubuntu04:26
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dalanino I must type in root passwrd everytime to connect04:26
Runitharddalani: do you connect via ethernet?04:26
dalaniyes I use Wvdial04:26
dalaniphone dial up04:26
Runitharddialup access?04:26
Runithardchmod u+s the executable04:27
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gubuntuwhats dialup access?04:27
Runithardthe it will run setuid root04:27
Runithardand you won't need to sudo it up04:27
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dalanihold on terminal04:27
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Runithardsetuid is dangerous, but i'm assuming your on a single user system and security isnt a major issue04:28
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=== chibiace has a terminal addiction.
dalaniwhats the chmod switch to list chmod04:28
sethkdalani, chmod --help04:29
Runithardls -l04:29
dalanisingle yuser sure but waht about guest?04:29
narcisonanung lagyu mu!04:29
Runitharderrrr ls -l to list current permissions04:29
narcisowhat is the capital of simbabwe04:29
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dalanioh yeah -l04:29
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dalanihow Wvdial is an executable04:30
Runithardchmod u+s filename04:30
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alfredalam mo ba04:30
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Runithardsuperuser setuid is chmod u+s filename, right fellas?04:30
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about setuid - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:30
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dalanichmod u+s Wvdial?04:31
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Runithardtry that out04:31
atoponcewow. i made it!04:31
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=== atoponce notices that chanserv is missing...
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dalanisuperuser setuid does what?04:32
Runithardmake the process run as root04:32
rikocan anyone help me get my ndiswrapper working?04:32
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Runitharddalani, it makes it always root04:32
Runithardriko, ndiswrapper is cake04:33
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dalaniwvdial does already04:33
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rikoRunithard: well my cake doesn't work04:33
britthey, I have a problem with xubuntu, grub plain wont work04:33
kaotlol riko04:33
Runithardriko: did you modprobe it in?04:33
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rikoyea i did, it gave me no errors04:33
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alfredoknights of the blessed sacrament is an organization of young men bound together for the service of God through the priest or in any of his ministration of his priestly office.04:33
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cake - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:33
rikobut when i ifconfig wlan0 it says device not present... ndiswrapper -l shows device is present04:33
brittand im in knoppix trying to use 'grub-install' and now its saying that /boot cant be found or its not a block device04:33
ChronoAUis there a program which acts like a software router in the ubuntu repos?04:33
chibiaceriko: did you check dmesg?04:34
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rikochibiace: no... what am i looking for?04:34
Runithardriko: its for broadcom?04:34
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chibiaceriko: ndiswrapper04:34
kaotriko: which chipset?04:34
gubuntuChronoAU, if u find one, let me know, sounds awesome04:34
rikoits a dell 1390, which is the broadcom04:34
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sethkChronoAU, the operating system itself routes.  there is no software needed04:34
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sethkChronoAU, it's just a matter of setting up routes and enabling packet forwarding04:34
kaotriko: yeh but which broadcom.04:34
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don_jrsay I have installed ubuntu again, in the xorg.conf it is trying to use the integrated video card, which I have shut off in the bios, how do I tell it to use the other card?04:34
sethkChronoAU, there are howto docs around that will tell you how to do it04:35
Runithardriko: did you ndiswrapper -l04:35
sethkdon_jr, run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:35
Runithardrike: whats it say04:35
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ChronoAUi know, but i'm looking for an easier option04:35
sethkdon_jr, it will pick up the one that's enabled04:35
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sethkChronoAU, makes no sense.  you have to set routes in any router, so what could be easier?04:35
rikoRunithard: says device is present and all is good04:36
Runithardriko: lsmod , is ndiswrapper in there?04:36
don_jrsethk I'll give that a shot and be back in a few.  In the 'recovery mode' I can't get to the terminal through irssi that I know of.04:36
intradedoes ubuntu not  ask to make root password on install?04:36
sethkdon_jr, probably not, you would have to use a text mode irc thing04:36
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.04:36
sethkintrade, depends on which installation options you choose04:36
Runithardriko: i'm using broadcom on my acer ferrari laptop right now :-)04:36
Jack_Sparrowintrade: no it does not.. use sudo, or gksudo for gui apps04:36
sethkintrade, people will tell you that there is something different about root in ubuntu, but it isn't true04:37
Runithardsudo passwd root04:37
sethkintrade, you can set the root password if you like04:37
brittso how can i use 'grub' to list the devices it will see, so i can fix my problem04:37
viatorif you want your linux box to just be a router thats it then theres a few distros that make that very easy04:37
Runithardsudo is combersome04:37
sethkintrade, the expert mode install sets the root password.04:37
viatorlike smoothwall and ipcop04:37
jestrzcapis anyone else having issues connecting to the forums?04:37
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Jack_SparrowRunithard: that option is depreciated here04:37
chibiaceits much easier to su and do all your work04:37
sethkjestrzcap, they seem to have been up and down some over the last couple of days04:37
rikookay i gotta reboot my pc into linux so im wondering if there's some stuff i could try04:37
jestrzcapsethk, thanks04:38
Runithardriko: modprobe ndiswrapper04:38
sethkJack_Sparrow, if that were true, the expert mode install would not set the root password.04:38
Runithardriko: then run iwconfig04:38
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ChronoAUsethk, i want someting like what clarkconnect uses04:38
rikoRunithard: i've done that... it doesn't say anything and iwconfig says nothing is detected on eth0, l0, or sit004:38
Runithardriko: if it worked, iwconfig should show a device04:38
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chibiaceriko: dmesg | grep -i ndiswrapper04:38
Runithardriko: it says driver present hardware present?04:38
brentcif anyone is interested about the windows ISO burner debate from about 5 mins ago, I just wanted to poke in here and mention that cdrtools runs on windows under cygwin04:38
sethkChronoAU, to me that makes things harder, but if you find it easier, then of course use it04:38
rikobut ndiswrapper says the driver is loaded and hardware is present04:38
kaotriko: you did blacklist the bcm43xx kernel module, yes?04:39
rikokaot: no04:39
Runithardgood point04:39
sethkbrentc, that's true, although I think there are some things that don't work terribly well in windows.04:39
kaotwell that may be an issue.04:39
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Runithardrmmod bcm4304:39
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Runithardlsmod, look for the bcm module04:39
brentchmm yeah I'll have to test it out04:39
Runithardon boot riko04:39
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Runithardthen rmmod it04:39
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rikookay imma give it a short... thanks!04:39
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brentcsee you guys later and thanks again for the suggestions04:40
Runithardriko: then do modprobe ndiswrapper04:40
intradeok and whats this line 34 missing in sources when you do apt-get update?04:40
Runithardriko: i forgot i had to do that04:40
kaotuh.  you don't actually have to reboot for this.04:40
rikookay imma give it a shot thxn04:40
intradeit says malformed line 34 source list04:40
intradehow do you renew the source list?04:40
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic04:40
viatorlook into smoothwall04:41
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dalanican internet connect be activated on ubuntu 5.04 startup?04:41
intradeok Jack_Sparrow04:41
chibiacedalani: dialup?04:42
spyro_boyI've got quite a problem here with my video chipset.04:42
chibiacespyro_boy: ?04:42
spyro_boyDoes Ubuntu Dapper come preinstalled with VIA Unichrome KM400 video DRI support?04:42
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Runithardyuck........ VIA Unichrome, does that even do 3d in linux?04:43
ChronoAUsethk, what is the procedure called for routing packets by the os?04:43
sethkspyro_boy, that's a kernel question, all distros have the same kernel behavior04:43
spyro_boyRunithard, yes.04:43
spyro_boysethk, oh.04:43
dalaniyes dial up chibi04:43
ivxhey what is a photoshop equivlent for linux.. anything free04:43
sethkChronoAU, you use sysctl -w to turn on ip forwarding.04:43
kaotivx: gimp04:43
Runithardivx: gimp04:43
sethkChronoAU, if you are using ipv6 also, you have to turn it on for both ipv4 and ipv604:43
sethkChronoAU, for a router, especially at first, I'd turn off ipv6.04:43
spyro_boyI've heard that Ubuntu has some kind of package for it though.04:43
ChronoAUsehtk, ok thanks alot04:43
=== jdsbluedevl [n=jdsblued@pool-151-201-18-131.pitt.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuAn advanced image manipulation application for Ubuntu. See http://www.gimp.org for tutorials and more information.04:44
sethkChronoAU, get everything working, and then if you want to support ipv6 turn it back on and configure for ipv6.04:44
britthow do i install grub simply to the boot sector of x device\04:44
ivxkaot, runithard: can it do all the same stuff? is it powerful?04:44
jdsbluedevlhi, I need help with playing DVDs in Ubuntu04:44
brittthats all i need to know?04:44
TigerCR1200Is there a GUI partitioner for gnome?04:44
jdsbluedevland yes, I have the required libraries installed04:44
ChronoAUsethk, ok thanks for your help04:44
Runithardivx: it's a great product04:44
jdsbluedevlproblem is, Totem (or any other program for that matter) doesn't see them04:44
sethkbritt, there are two ways.  you can use the grub utility, and specify the root partition and the boot device interactively.  or, you can use grub-install04:44
nozorrospyro_boy: http://unichrome.sf.net04:45
Runithardivx: i wouldnt say its a 1:1 , but maybe a 3039803948:84793847593487504:45
sethkbritt, grub-install takes one argument, the boot device04:45
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kaotivx: depends on who you ask.  some swear it's equal to pshop.  Others say it isn't.  But, it's free.04:45
chibiacejdsbluedevl: encription?04:45
spyro_boyhttp://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&q=via+unichrome+KM400+%2Bslackware&btnG=Search&meta= O_o?04:45
dalaniagain: can internet connect be activated on ubuntu 5.04 startup?04:45
fuocohas anyone ever tried gcjwebplugin ?04:45
spyro_boyignore that.04:45
ivxkaot, runithard: thanks free is a good price04:45
sethkivx, I use gimp extensively for photography, and I find that it works very well04:45
jdsbluedevlwhere would I find where the encryption is?04:45
spyro_boyThanks nozorro04:45
sethkivx, I only go back to windows for the printer drivers04:45
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kaotjdsbluedevl: you probably need libdvdcss04:45
brittsethk: doesnt work. gives me a error "Could not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device."04:45
jdsbluedevlI have libdvdcss204:46
sethkbritt, what argument did you use?04:46
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ivxsethk: thanks04:46
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jdsbluedevlI thought you meant on the DVD04:46
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brittsethk: /dev/hda1 (the / partition) ive also used hd(0,0)04:46
chibiacethat is on the dvd04:46
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Jack_Sparrowivx: gimp is in the repos04:46
TigerCR1200nm I found it.04:46
sethkbritt, /dev/hda1 is not a device, it's a partition04:46
don_jrsethk Okay I did that and put in what was needed and tried to 'startx' and it came up telling me there was no vesa device located.  "no screens"04:46
sethkbritt, you install grub to a device (in this case /dev/hda)04:46
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jdsbluedevlTotem, Kaffeine, and any other media player can't find the libraries, though04:46
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ivxjack_sparrow: thanks i was about to download it from gimp.org04:47
sethkdon_jr, you went all the way through the reconfigure and then it told you that when you restarted?04:47
chibiacejdsbluedevl: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats read this? it might help04:47
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brittsethk: same error when trying to put on /dev/hda04:47
sethkivx, use the one from the repos.  installing the source is difficult04:47
Awesome-o2000I installed apache2 and when I access my web server, I get a dir and not the welcome to apache page :( can anyone help me with this?04:47
brittI just need this thing on my boot sector, and its pissing me off that it wont work04:47
sethkbritt, I have no way of knowing what your devices actually are.04:47
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brittsethk: how can i solve that for you?04:47
don_jrsethk No, when I restarted it hung up again, so I went back to recovery mode and tried to startx from there so I could check the log files and that's what it told me.04:47
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sethkbritt, possibly you have a separate /boot partition.  your menu.lst file may be wrong04:48
brittsethk: /dev/hda1 is / and swap  is /dev/hda504:48
chibiaceAwesome-o2000: where does it point to? /var/www ?04:48
sethkbritt, swap we don't care about.04:48
Awesome-o2000chibiace, how do I check?04:48
sethkbritt, put your menu.lst file on the paste bot, and we'll see what's going on.04:48
brittsethk: all in one partition, i tried it first with a seperate boot partition04:48
ivxsethk: thanks almost got it installed04:48
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brittsethk: whats teh paste bot?04:48
sethkdon_jr, until you complete the reconfigure, of course it won't work.  retrying it before you successfully reconfigure is only going to add confusion.04:48
FlannelAwesome-o2000: ubuntu disables the welcome to apache page, if I remember correctly.04:48
chibiaceAwesome-o2000: its probably in the config file in /etc/apache2 but you could make some html files in /var/www and see if it reads it04:48
jdsbluedevlhold on, I just saw something about downgrading to libdvdcss from libdvdcss204:48
sethkbritt, a web site for pasting stuff.  the URL is in the channel topic04:49
jdsbluedevllet me see if that's it04:49
don_jrsethk I redid the configuration as you told me, restarted the computer and it hung up on me, so I had to shut it down and come back into recover mode.04:49
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zebedeemorning all just a quicky how do you format an ex pc floppy disk for use with ubuntu04:49
jdsbluedevlI'm hoping it is, but I'm kinda hoping it isn't, b/c that means the current versions of the media players on the repositories are behind04:49
sethkdon_jr, you have to investigate, then, why it hung.04:49
brittsethk: so it doesnt matter if grub is installed to the MBR or not, it'll still work?04:49
sethkbritt, you lost me.  what will still work?04:50
brittif everything is config'd correctly04:50
nozorrozebedee: Applications > System Tools > Floppy Formatter04:50
don_jrsethk where should I check?  What log file?04:50
drakusHello.  Looking for answer to using wireless LAN card XI-325HP+ with Dapper & AMD64...04:50
Awesome-o2000yeah it does it to /var/www and shows the dir contents instead of going into the apache-default folder and displaying the default04:50
brittsethk: grub, it doesnt load at all. Just blank, like i have *nothing* on it04:50
sorush20Telroth: I'm using two computer, but i still can't acceass04:50
sethkbritt, I always install grub to the mbr.  theoretically it will work the other way, but that introduces a variable because who knows what's on your mbr, if grub isn't?04:50
Awesome-o2000not to mention Im not sure I like having the dir access open like that04:50
FlannelAwesome-o2000: that's correct.  the redirect directive is commented out if I remember.04:50
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sethkbritt, possibly you have nothing on it.  that would explain it behaving that way  :)04:50
Awesome-o2000Flannel, nice - where can I find that comment04:50
sethkdon_jr, if you are lucky you may find messages in /var/log/messages or /var/log/syslog04:51
sethkdon_jr, that may tell you what went wrong.04:51
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don_jrsethk I'll check, thanx04:51
sethkdon_jr, but it sounds like you have a more fundamental problem than just X.  possibly.04:51
brittsethk: but what would explain me being able to use the xubuntu rescue mode to actually login to that shell on that partition04:51
sethkbritt, yes, definitely.04:51
FlannelAwesome-o2000: /etc/apache2/sites-available/default then... a few lines down, you'll see it04:51
zebedeethanks but button not there?? is it downloadable?04:51
brittone woudl think i wouldnt be near as successful if there werent anythign on it04:51
jesuistamereHEY N1 CAN HELP ME I GOT A PBLEM04:51
jesuistamereSO U HELP ME04:51
=== TylerDurdener [n=tylerdur@adsl-68-74-178-64.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
jesuistamereSO U HELP ME04:51
jesuistamereSO U HELP ME04:51
jesuistamereSO U HELP ME04:51
jesuistamereSO U HELP ME04:51
jesuistamereSO U HELP ME04:51
LoRezWarning: `jesuistamere' seems to be spamming, please discontinue or kicks/kills/klines will be issued.04:51
jesuistamereSO U HELP ME04:51
jesuistamereSO U HELP ME04:51
jesuistamereSO U HELP ME04:51
jesuistamereSO U HELP ME04:51
ubotuHelp! lilo, Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak!04:51
viatorkick that dude04:51
jesuistamereSO U HELP ME04:51
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nozorrojesuistamere: stop this04:52
sethkbritt, if you can get to the grub promp, use the CONFIGFILE grub command to load the configuration file from hda, then you'll know that the problem is in the mbr04:52
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jesuistamereSO U HELP ME04:52
jesuistamereSO U HELP ME04:52
jesuistamereSO U HELP ME04:52
alfredokagulo yooo04:52
jesuistamereSO U HELP ME04:52
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aukwhat's teh point of !ops anyway?04:52
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Awesome-o2000Flannel, thank you - now how can I turn off the dir being viewable04:52
sethkHobbsee, hey, if it weren't for people like that, you ops would be out of a job  :)04:52
rikoim back it still doesn't work!04:52
sethkauk, to let an op know that there is a problem04:52
Hobbseesethk: heh.  i still have other stuff to do :P04:52
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sethkauk, it presumably makes noises on their desktops04:53
rikodmesg says that it couldn't load the driver and to check system logs for loadndis04:53
TylerDurdenerhey, im trying to install UT2K4 but I can't launch the installer, it says I don't have permission, how can i start the install?04:53
rikoi checked it just said it couldnt load the driver04:53
Hobbseeauk: it pings us, the ops, and flashes and makes a sound.04:53
auksethk, made a pign on my desktop :)04:53
Awesome-o2000wait a min, brb04:53
brittsethk: what do i need to send you, config.lst?04:53
Awesome-o2000no need to be using a livecd now that I dont need to install gentoo04:53
rikokaot: I tried to rmmod bcm43 but it wasn't there... i lsmod | grep bcm and didn't have anytrhing loaded04:53
Awesome-o2000I still might install it though04:53
sethkbritt, /boot/grub/menu.lst (there is also often a link called /boot/grub/grub.conf; both are the same)04:53
jdsbluedevlhere's the error message I'm still getting: The source seems encrypted, and can't be read. Are you trying to play an encrypted DVD without libdvdcss?04:54
Awesome-o2000anyhow brb04:54
brittsethk: un momento04:54
jdsbluedevland yet I DO have libdvdcss04:54
sethkbritt, with that, and the grub utility, we can install grub and also validate the configuration file.04:54
FlannelAwesome-o2000: you could ask in #apache to be sure, but I believe its the "Indexes" a few lines above that.  remove Indexes from that line and you dont get directory indexes04:54
brittsethk: :) sounds good to me04:54
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rikois anyone still here that was helping me b4?04:56
sorush20Telroth: are you gone?04:56
Telrothsorush20: close to it04:56
Telrothi have homework i have to do04:57
sorush20here is what I do fish://ip address than nothing happens..04:57
sethkbritt, if I'm not here, I'll be back.  I'm doing some multitasking here.04:57
sorush20Telroth: what is your homework biology stuff cause I can help04:57
Eleafwhat's the apt-get command to download a packages development dependencies? ;p04:57
brittsethk: ok. im opening the file now04:57
Telrothphysics, calculus ab, ap us history04:57
Telrothap english III04:58
viatorjdsbluedevl using totem-xine04:58
sorush20I guess I hate those Telroth04:58
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TylerDurdenerim trying to install UT2K4 from the cd, i used sudo linux-installer.sh yet it still says i dont have permission to do that, how can i fix it?04:58
brittsethk: http://pastebot.nd.edu/42104:58
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Telrothsorush20: are you using the actual ip address like "fish://" ?04:59
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drakusLooking for answer to using wireless LAN card XI-325HP+ with Dapper & AMD6404:59
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chibiacelol thats my laptops local ip05:00
Telrothdrakus: used google yet?05:00
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Telrothchibiace: it's also the starting ip that most routers on the 192.168.* subnet start assigning ips at05:00
=== britt years for Dapper
Lazarus^how do I use cron in executing an SH command?05:00
Lazarus^SH file05:00
chibiacewe set all our computers up starting from 205:01
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chibiacedhcp sucks05:01
Telrothuse the command "./<shfile>" or "sh <shfile>"05:01
sethkbritt, if the file is correct, run   sudo grub05:01
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brittsethk: done, im at the grub prompt05:01
Telrothanyways, night all!05:01
brittit looks good man, real good05:01
=== techniq [n=smlynch@huntington-terayon2-70-35-172-69.chvlva.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
sethkbritt, ok, enter at the grub prompt:     root (hd0,0)      that's root space (hd0,0)05:02
sethkbritt, it's picky about the spaces, only one space, between the t of root and (05:02
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britti got some good stuff05:02
sethkbritt, it should print a line saying the type of the file system, probably ext305:02
brittall true05:02
sethkbritt, ok, now do:    setup (hd0)05:02
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brittmore good things :)05:03
usliis there a program to open a visio file in ubuntu?05:03
sethkbritt,  it should print a bunch of lines, and say "success" (or words to that effect) at the end05:03
sethkbritt, you are done05:03
sethkbritt, quit out of grub05:03
brittnow reboot?05:03
sethkbritt, well, let's make sure it really works.  yes, reboot05:03
brittok brb05:03
=== Some_Person [i=SomePers@dialup-207-218-204-67.ev1.net] has joined #Ubuntu
brittthanks man if i dont get to see you05:04
uslihelp please05:04
britti owe you like a cyber-beer or three05:04
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uslianyone ?05:04
Some_Personubuntu fucking rocks!!!!!!!!!05:04
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usliis there a program in ubuntu to open a visio file?05:05
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:05
DBOSome_Person, we agree, but less on the swearing please brother =)05:05
=== don_jr [n=don@adsl-75-15-72-80.dsl.tpkaks.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
Some_Personok, sorry05:05
Some_Personi just absolutely love ubuntu05:05
don_jrsethk I got it, thank you for your help.  I had input the PCI path incorrectly, I manually changed it in the xorg.conf file and I"m on gnome now!05:05
Jack_SparrowSome_Person:  But yes, we think it is very cool.05:05
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Jack_SparrowSome_Person: As a new user did you have any questions?05:06
gubuntuusil, there is Dia, very similar to visio (http://www.gnome.org/projects/dia/), but i dont think it can open a visio file,05:06
RobNyc_COSX needs a little more speed like Linux has :-p05:06
RobNyc_C<RobNyc_C> Windows needs everything Linux and OSX has05:06
Some_Personi've been using it since may05:06
RobNyc_C<RobNyc_C> Linux is for geeks or something =]  .. Hot Chicks like OSX because they are getting annoyed by Window05:06
usliJack_Sparrow: do u know a program to open a visio in ubuntu?05:06
Lazarus^cron: can't open or create /var/run/crond.pid: Permission denied   <-- I get this! What Should I do?05:06
Jack_Sparrowno sorry05:06
=== don_jr [n=don@adsl-75-15-72-80.dsl.tpkaks.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
viatori think shttleworth should pay some of the ppl in irc the free support is better than anything youd get from MS05:07
Some_Personi started with breezy, and they went to dapper05:07
EleafRobNyc_C, lol05:07
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:07
Lazarus^I ran cron05:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about visio - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:07
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gubuntuLazarus^, sudo?05:07
EleafLocke, yes05:07
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:07
usligubuntu: yap.. i've install it, but it cant open it05:07
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Lazarus^new error05:07
=== JoseStefan [i=Stealth@89sdl30m49.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu
Lazarus^cron: can't lock /var/run/crond.pid, otherpid may be 4882: Resource temporarily unavailable <--now I get this05:07
=== scunizi [n=mark@ip72-197-235-47.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Some_Personi wish ubuntu came with a decent WMP-type media player though (totem sucks)05:08
=== gubuntu shrugs.
gubuntuSome_person. vlc05:08
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs05:08
=== capgadget [n=elifino@adsl-69-149-58-41.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
viatorkill that pid05:08
scuniziHi all .. Anyone else having Tomboy issues?05:09
Some_Personokay, i'll try vlc05:09
gubuntuvlc is godly05:09
iratsudoes using a swapfile instead of a swap partition reduce linux's performance by a lot?05:09
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gubuntui havent had a media file vlc couldnt play05:09
=== SheaTara [n=shannon@cpe-069-132-052-158.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
uslihow to go to a share windows pc05:09
uslii'm using ubuntu05:09
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don_jrhow do I find out what kernel I'm running?05:10
uslibut the computer that i want to acc is using windows05:10
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT05:10
=== Lane [n=Lane@c-68-52-192-108.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Some_Personfiles i want to be able to play: mp3 wma wmv asx05:10
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viatoruname -a don05:10
gubuntuvlc can handle those05:10
Lazarus^0,10,20,30,40,50 * * * * root sh /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/dyndns_update.sh   <-- is my syntax correct?05:10
=== nixternal_ [n=nixterna@ubuntu/member/nixternal] has joined #ubuntu
usligubuntu: thanks05:10
atoponcecan ubuntu be installed on a via-chipset system? via is an x86-based os, no?05:10
Some_Personand theres a radio station i like that has a filename of reflector:somenumber, can it play that?05:11
don_jrWhat is the command to find out what version of kernel I'm running please?05:11
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JoseStefanatoponce, it can05:11
sethkatoponce, via makes a lot of chips, but by and large, that's correct05:11
viatordin_jr uname -a05:11
JoseStefandon_jr, uname -a05:11
atoponcedon_jr: uname -r05:11
=== pestilence [n=pestilen@ppp-70-225-176-205.dsl.chmpil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
gubuntumost liekly05:11
sethkdon_jr, uname -a05:11
pestilencein breezy, my touchpad would scroll when i dragged down the right side of it...in dapper it no longer does this.  how do i get this back?05:11
don_jrThank you all05:11
sethkdon_jr, or uname -r05:11
JoseStefani win05:11
gubuntuvlc is actually most used for streaming media05:11
AbortDubotu: where can i find banshee and those ones you listed?05:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about where can i find banshee and those ones you listed? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:11
=== naa [n=naa@adsl-153-62-220.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
viatoruh uh scroll up :P05:12
atoponceJoseStefan: sethk: that's what i thought, but i sure am having a heck of a time getting ubuntu-server installed... :(05:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about banchee - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about banchee - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:12
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs05:12
sethkatoponce, we'll try to help if you have specific questions05:12
Some_Personand i wish my modem had a free linux driver, but i guess i'll have to fork out $20 *sighs* not easy for 12 year olds05:12
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=== blurd [n=blurd@HSE-MTL-ppp64447.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:12
=== Ricesteam [n=pete@HSE-Sherbrooke-ppp120417.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
chibiaceAbortD: have you added the universe and multiverse repositories?05:13
viatorif they mixed amarok with like mplaye05:13
AbortDi have no clue how to do that05:13
sethkSome_Person, you can probably buy a used modem for less than that05:13
viatorthat would be like winndows media player05:13
sethkSome_Person, I've seen modems for $5, these days.05:13
=== nicaraguita [n=stagger@atw171.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
AbortDasking me that question is like asking if i can rip a tear in the space time continuum05:13
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chibiaceAbortD: system > administration > software properties05:13
sethkAbortD, can you rip a tear in the space time continuum?05:14
AbortDsethk: yes i can :D05:14
Some_Personmy modem driver (its a conexant modem) for linux costs $20, but its windows driver is free (how funny since linux is a free os and windows isn't)05:14
AbortDchibiace: i'm there now what05:14
sethkSome_Person, $20 sold by whom?05:14
Dr_WillisSome_Person,  save your $$ and go buy a new modem.05:14
=== kewagi [n=kewagi@ds80-237-209-16.dedicated.hosteurope.de] has joined #ubuntu
viatordud that driver is free05:15
Some_PersonLinux division of Conexant05:15
viatorhes talking about the driver loader05:15
sethkSome_Person, they probably took the free driver off the web, put it on a cd, and charge you $2005:15
Some_Personits free if you can bear with 14.4kbps05:15
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kewagihow can I convice dapper to start the loopback interface upon boot?05:15
chibiaceAbortD: add05:15
=== CaptainKidd [i=CaptainK@ppp11.pm3-3.nyc-pt.ny.localnet.com] has joined #ubuntu
Some_Personotherwise you have to give them $20 and you get a license key05:15
pestilencekewagi: edit /etc/network/interfaces05:15
pestilencekewagi: auto lo05:15
AbortDchibiace: ok...05:15
sethkkewagi, loopback isn't "started"05:15
kewagipestilence: thanks :)05:15
=== don_jr [n=don@adsl-75-15-72-80.dsl.tpkaks.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
viatorid het a zoom modem or somthing05:15
kewagisethk: i meant "lo up" :)05:16
AbortDthe universe and multiverse05:16
chibiaceAbortD: and tick those last two, then apt should find those things05:16
sethkkewagi, it isn't a service or a program, it's a kernel capability05:16
=== britt [n=britt@] has joined #ubuntu
don_jrGot it all up and running, thank you all for the help.  I got Ubuntu running again and have my nvidia drivers installed and working properly!05:16
=== jarrod_ [n=jarrod@c-67-171-27-91.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
kewagisethk: you're right of course.05:16
sethkkewagi, I was thinking more generically05:16
jarrod_hey what repository can I grab gmake from?05:16
brittsethk: it worked, thanks man05:16
AbortDwhat should i have in the channel tag?05:16
silent_screamhow can i creare a link to "my documents"(window)  file ???05:16
sethkbritt, np, something worked tonight  :)05:16
jarrod_silent_scream: man  ln05:17
chibiaceAbortD: ubuntu 6.06 lts ?05:17
don_jrNow, is there a way I can download 1 package and get all I need to put KDE up and running?05:17
britti appreciate it, you people are the main reason I switched to open-source OSs05:17
=== damentz [n=damentz@cpe-70-123-155-71.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
usligubuntu: the samba for sharing from ubuntu to windows05:17
brittDapper looks great BTW05:17
sethkdon_jr, there is a kde meta-package, I think it is kde-desktop05:17
pestilencedon_jr: kubuntu-desktop05:17
AbortDi hit add and nothing noticable happened05:17
silent_screamand how can i change my ip? i have dynamic ip!05:17
usliwhat i want it from my ubuntu, i want to get a file from a windows pc05:17
viatoryeah kde-Desktop05:17
Some_PersonIs the smart link driver for linux free (i got an old smart link modem that still works i salvaged from a fried computer)05:17
don_jrsethk I'll try that.  apt-get install kubuntu-desktop then?05:17
jarrod_silent_scream: google search for mac spoofing05:17
pestilencedon_jr: use aptitude05:17
chibiaceAbortD: click close now. it should ask you to refresh or something05:17
pestilencedon_jr: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop05:18
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don_jrpestilence thank you05:18
pestilenceit's a little smarter.05:18
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sethkdon_jr, easier to use one of the supervisor programs.  but   sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop is ok too05:18
chibiaceAbortD: yeh05:18
jarrod_silent_scream: then /etc/init.d/network restart05:18
silent_screamisn't there any command?05:18
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AbortDso it should just update everything i need now or?05:18
chibiaceAbortD: it runs apt-get update.05:18
RedRose/proc/acpi/video/GFX0/LCD -- I want to modify the birghtness level and It says it can't write, how do I?05:18
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jarrod_silent_scream: yes there is but telling you would not help you it would only allow you to rely on others for answers, dig and be satisfied  with your good work :)05:18
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sethksilent_scream, you can take your interface down and bring it up again, that will make it query for a new dynamic ip05:18
don_jrBah, what is the command to change the root password again?05:19
chibiaceAbortD: you should be able to install those things you said it couldnt find05:19
don_jrI have to do this every time I re-install.05:19
sethksilent_scream, that's the easiest way.05:19
jarrod_silent_scream: or maybe your lease is up and you can restart dhclient05:19
sethkdon_jr, sudo passwd05:19
jarrod_silent_scream: or yeah listen to seth05:19
don_jrI should remember that by now05:19
don_jrsethk thanx05:19
Dr_Willisdon_jr,  if you dont know.. then ya dont know enough linux to handle that POWER! :P05:19
viatorRedRose did you use sudo?05:19
sethkjarrod_, your answer is more correct but I figured he'd have more success the other way.  :)05:19
RedRosei am root05:19
sethkno, _I'm_ root05:19
silent_screamso just disconnect and connect again?05:19
RedRoseviator, I get echo: write error: Invalid argument as an error05:20
don_jrDr_Willis I'm the first to admit that! lol this is my first linux system I've ever used and I just reinstalled today to take windows off this box completely, give me the credit fo trying! :P05:20
jarrod_sethk: eh, yeah I came from a different distro so I am used to doing things the hard way hahaa05:20
sethksilent_scream, bring up your network configuration dialog, disable the interface, and then enable it again05:20
RedRoseviator, yes05:20
=== Shadowline [n=shadowli@ppp-70-226-95-103.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
AbortDthanks :D05:20
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AbortDchibiace: yer great05:20
pestilencedon_jr: the problem with setting the root password is that you will be tempted to log in as root, which you shouldn't do.05:20
sethkjarrod_, the hard way is usually easier05:20
=== las3r [n=lars@65-78-26-120.c3-0.smr-ubr1.sbo-smr.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
don_jrpestilence I won't do that.  I use sudo when/if I have to, I don't do anything as root, I know nothing about linux enough to want to try.  I appriciate and understand the warning.05:21
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don_jrI work on windows computers all day long, I'm the last one to do anything to goof up a computer, I'm the one people around here call to fix it when they do! lol05:21
silent_screamsethk,  i am not using a router, just an adsl modem! the easiest way is to unplug and replug the telephone cable, but i would like to know if there is any command for this :D05:21
sethksilent_scream, an adsl modem is a router05:22
malari can't access my sony DSC-S600 pictures directly. is there any patch or setup required?05:22
AbortDchibiace: still cant find some of it?05:22
pestilencedon_jr: ok ;)  then don't sudo passwd....just use sudo to run commands as needed.  sudo -s if you really need a shell05:22
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sethkAbortD, shouldn't be, it should look like a USB drive05:22
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AbortDsethk: usb drive?05:22
chibiaceAbortD: mpg321 should give you mp3 support anyway05:22
=== cynical [n=cynical@adsl-068-209-095-168.sip.gsp.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
don_jrpestilence the problem is I use sudo to do something and it asks for a password, when I put in the one I gave ubuntu when I installed it tells me 'sorry' and won't let me run what ever I'm trying to do.05:22
sethkdon_jr, I believe that the sudo method is actually in many ways much worse than su05:23
blurdI want to get JAVA because I want to be able to play a game.. so which file do I install??05:23
=== tomcatt [n=tomcatt@69-189-254-84.skylogicnet.it] has joined #ubuntu
sethkAbortD, like a usb memory stick.  looks like a removable disk drive05:23
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AbortDchibiace: mp3 support throughout all programs?05:23
=== i3d [n=i3dmaste@c-67-166-21-146.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
AbortDsethk: ...05:23
blurdI want to get JAVA because I want to be able to play a game.. so which file do I install??05:23
pestilencedon_jr: well, it should take that password, so something is wrong there.05:23
chibiaceAbortD: should be. install whatever codecs you can from that site though.05:23
don_jrsay I don't do much with the terminal as of yet anyways, I try and do it all thorugh the gui when I can.  I've got a couple books to help me learn zsh and python.05:23
blurdI want to get JAVA because I want to be able to play a game.. so which file do I install?? Can anyone help me??  http://www.java.com/en/download/linux_manual.jsp05:23
sethkdon_jr, when you do sudo passwd, and it asks for a password, that is _your_ password, not the root password05:24
=== SiRuS [n=srs@adsl-70-231-144-87.dsl.snfc21.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jack_Sparrow!repeat > blurd05:24
mineralecould someone help me with this: GDM has started refusing to work, it comes up and says "No serving hosts were found" - albeit I can start the x server manually myself05:24
jarrod_silent_scream: sudo /etc/init.d/network restart05:24
sethkdon_jr, after you enter your password, you'll get a prompt to enter the root password, and another to confirm the root password05:24
don_jrsethk I know, that's what I gave it and it told me 'sorry'05:24
techniqanyone with experience with setting up Raid1 via MD in Dapper05:24
=== mluser-home [n=mluser@ip68-0-79-59.tu.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
blurdwhats so hard about my question..05:24
sethkdon_jr, I hate that thing.05:24
don_jrsethk I already changed the root password and I'm installing the kubuntu-desktop now.05:24
sethkdon_jr, does visudo work?05:24
sethkdon_jr, oh, ok.05:24
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don_jrsethk havn't tried and it's busy right now05:24
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blurdCan anyone help me with Java05:24
techniqinstall goes fine, but I can't not get it to boot.. I can mount /dev/md0 from the live cd and browse the contents05:24
sethkminerale, for some reason it is trying to do an xdmcp connection to some other host05:25
don_jrsethk I'm smart enough not to do anything stupid knowing the root password on my own box, I'm not overly worried about it.05:25
uslii can't play the mp305:25
uslihow to play it?05:25
pestilenceblurd: that has to be in the ubuntu guide05:25
techniqI've tried what's outlined here (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/RAID1) to no avail, and have searched online, but nothing but dead ends05:25
sethkminerale, your /etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf file must be borked, although I have no idea how that happened.05:25
don_jrand if I do do something too stupid...I just reinstall again.  I wrote down everything I used today so I can fix it the first time without having to come in here and bug people! lol05:25
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:25
techniqI'm getting an 'Error 17: Cannot mount selected partition' from Grub05:25
=== federic [i=haifeng@nat/sun/x-de9b470388821c52] has joined #ubuntu
pestilence!tell blurd about java05:25
Rafa_brzblurd: you can find the "how to" at www.java.com05:25
sethkdon_jr, as I said, I believe that the sudo technique is actually less secure in many cases than su05:26
=== juliano [n=juliano@c-71-204-5-104.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
usliany of u know how to play mp3 in ubuntu?05:26
pestilencehmmm, is ubotu mia?05:26
sethkusli, I don't know the answer, I'm not ignoring you05:26
julianohey ... edgy is the new version of ubuntu?05:26
blurdworthless coming here05:26
don_jrsethk I've got alot to learn to get linux to do everything I want it to, but for right now It's doing great.05:26
ubotuhello: The classic greeting, and a good example. In component main, is optional. Version 2.1.1-4 (dapper), package size 47 kB, installed size 472 kB05:26
varsendaggrhey i was reading about tobaz for gnome,   it looks like a session saver   is there anything that will save a session to be loaded later,   or is there a way to make my virtual desktops different?   different icons   different programs running?05:26
tritium!mp3 > usli05:26
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sethkdon_jr, good05:26
Rafa_brzusli: you can use xmms!05:26
usliwhat's that?05:26
Rafa_brzit's a good player like winamp05:26
uslii've install the codec multimedia05:26
uslibut it still cant play05:27
tritiumblurd: that kind of attitude will not get you help05:27
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techniqI tried to copy the initrd.img-* from the boot CD and run it in grub, but same error05:27
blurdI don't know the RooT password where can i find out what it is??05:27
don_jrsethk the only thing I havn't been able to figure out how to do yet is play wmv files05:27
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nixternalhow can i have seperate icons on seperate workspaces?  is this even possible?05:27
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.05:27
AbortDchibiace: k got it :)05:27
usliRafa_brz: how to get the software05:27
techniqis it best to put /boot on a non-raid'd partition?05:27
sethkdon_jr, I'm the wrong person to help with that.  I work on kernels and device drivers.05:27
Dr_Willisnixternal,  seperate icons to do what?05:27
keithhhhIs there any programs like Media Maker, so I can take photos and an audio track and merge them together.....with many transition options for the photos??05:27
sethktechniq, probably05:27
Rafa_brzusli: menu applications... add/remove05:28
chibiaceAbortD: theres alot more software if you have universe and multiverse anyway05:28
tritiumblurd: read the wiki page you have been sent05:28
Rafa_brzusli: there you can find it!05:28
nixternalim setting up a demo box for a show tomorrow..i want a workspace with office icons, a workspace with internet icons, and so on05:28
nixternali don't want a million icons05:28
joshritgeri can get mp3's to play on vlc but not amarok, what do i need to install to get them to play05:28
don_jrsethk I'm not gonna worry about it tonight, but thank you.  The only other thing I want to learn how to do, is make this box a server of sorts, so my kids have to log into it to get online, then I can control thier time on and what not.05:28
AbortDit gives me more software choices?05:28
uslino need05:28
Rafa_brzit's too easy to install05:28
jarrod_silent_scream: read man sudo, man telinit, and learn about what the scripts stored in the /etc/init.d directory are there for then read about runlevels which are listed in /etc/inittab05:28
uslithe codec is working05:28
sethknixternal, nice to allow yourself lots of time  :)05:28
uslii can plat it05:28
uslibut with totem05:28
uslithanks a million05:28
sethknixternal, if you have such a limited amount of time I'd probably go with fedora05:28
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blurdWhat page tritium send it again05:28
tritium!enter > usli05:28
=== sethk ducks
nixternalif it takes a lot of time do the icon trick, then bah05:28
tritium!java > blurd05:29
don_jrI want to find out if there's a way they can log into thier computer, then have to log into mine before they can get online.05:29
nixternalnow i see why i love kubuntu so much ;)05:29
jarrod_anyone know of a decent mud client that is in a repository somewhere? I dont want to have to hack any configure scripts or makefiles05:29
blurdThat wasn't my question, my question was: I don't know the RooT password where can i find out what it is??05:29
jake1i need help05:29
sethkdon_jr, just install openssh_server05:29
iratsudoes using a swapfile instead of a swap partition reduce linux's performance by a lot?05:29
eyequeueblurd, no such thing05:29
jarrod_blurd: you didnt set the root password?05:29
jake1i just followed all the directions on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot and i got as far asSetting up your chroot with debootstrap05:29
sethkdon_jr, then other folks can log in to your box using ssh, and transfer files with scp and sftp05:29
AbortDnow to work on flash :D05:29
jake1and now i'm lost05:29
warbringer87How does one go about submitting a desktop background to the ubuntu project?05:30
tritium!rootsudo > blurd05:30
eyequeue!root > blurd05:30
sethkblurd, set the root password with:     sudo passwd05:30
chibiaceflash is in there too05:30
keithhhhIs there any programs like Media Maker, so I can take photos and an audio track and merge them together.....with many transition options for the photos?05:30
warbringer87free of course05:30
eyequeuesethk, bad advice05:30
jake1sudo debootstrap --variant=buildd --arch i386 dapper /var/chroot/ http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ --arch i386 is where i got to05:30
sethkblurd, people will tell you things like there is none, or something is different about ubuntu w.r.t. root, but it isn't true05:30
sethkeyequeue, I disagree05:30
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eyequeue!rootsudo > sethk05:30
blurdit asks for new unix password05:30
sethkeyequeue, in many important ways, the sudo to do everything paradigm is much worse than allowing su05:30
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jake1and the terminal output was "no such script: --arch"05:30
jake1what am i doing wrong05:30
sethkblurd, right, you are setting the password, so it asks for the password05:31
eyequeuesethk, that's ubuntu "policy" if you will05:31
Jack_Sparroweyequeue: He has been told that yet he insists on telling it to people05:31
tritiumsethk: the recommended way for ubuntu is to use sudo05:31
Dr_WillisLogical eh? :P05:31
sethkeyequeue, no, not true.  the expert install option sets the root password05:31
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don_jrsethk that wouldn't allow my kids to brows the internet though.  They get on nickjr.com and cartoonnetwork.com  I just want to be able to regulate their time online without having to look at my watch and go upstairs and tell them to get off....I"m trying to be lazy! lol05:31
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eyequeueblurd, read the official site's advice, rather than irc users please05:31
sethktritium, not true.  the expert install option sets the root password.  If they didn't want you to use it, then they wouldn't set it.05:31
julianoedgy is the new version of ubuntu?05:31
Rafa_brzusli: did you find?05:31
jake1any ideas05:31
viatori think you can add audio to picture in gimp you can also use the layer tool todo as you described05:31
eyequeueJack_Sparrow, by an !op yet?05:31
varsendaggrdon_jr, i bet you could use cron somehow05:31
tritiumsethk: that is not the standard install image, though05:31
tritiumoption, rather05:31
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don_jrvarsendaggr cron?05:31
usligoing to install it05:32
sethktritium, there is no "standard" image.  there are only various installation options05:32
viatorbut its not ez or dumbed down05:32
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tritiumsethk: no, the standard image would be the livecd with which you can install05:32
usli10 m05:32
uslithat's big05:32
sethktritium, no, there is nothing standard about it, it's just a set of options for a typical desktop05:32
varsendaggrdonis a timer and it can kill firefox05:32
tritiumusli: use punctuation, rather than enter key please05:32
stahnmacan someone help me with xorg.conf for dual monitors?  I have done it on SuSE and Red Hat but am having a problem on Ubuntu.  THe problem is something with either the device or screen sections05:32
sethktritium, but if something were meant to never be done, then none of the installation options would do it.05:32
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux'). You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild05:32
tritiumsethk: no, it is in fact the standard image05:33
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don_jrvarsendaggr I'll look into it, thank you.05:33
sethkstahnma, it's exactly the same05:33
uslisorry tritium05:33
Jack_Sparroweyequeue: NOt sure, but he refuses to use the Ub standard05:33
tritiumusli: no problem, thanks05:33
sethktritium, standard according to whom?  it's just the default installation options.05:33
jake1anyone have any idea what i did wrong05:33
viatordon the only thing is the kids can play thos shockwave games05:33
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viatorwell not inlinux05:33
eyequeueJack_Sparrow, then why is he in #ubuntu i wonder?05:33
tritiumsethk: ubuntu05:33
jarrod_don_jr: what is it that you are tring to do?05:33
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varsendaggrdon_jr, you could log them in with an account that they don't know the password to and then have a script kill gdm   at 9:45 everyday05:34
don_jrjarrod_ I'd like to be able to monitor my children while they are online from my box.05:34
sethktritium, I've been doing security in unix for many many years.  sudo is in fact much worse than su.05:34
stahnmaI would agree...maybe you can check out this xorg.0.log05:34
=== JDStone [n=JDStone@adsl-68-126-252-75.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
uslibut i still cant play a software to open a visio file in ubuntu05:34
varsendaggrdon_jr, ohhh05:34
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tritiumsethk: thanks for your opinion05:34
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sethkdon_jr, if they are as smart as you, they'll work around it.05:34
jake1sometimes i wish it were as easy as clicking a button05:34
usliane of u who has solved that kind of problem, please tell me05:34
Jack_Sparroweyequeue: HE probalby feels he is right.  HE will probably not be here when those people break their systems and come back for help05:34
jake1why most things be so complicated05:34
sethkusli, I don't believe there is any software to use visio files05:34
eyequeueJack_Sparrow, that's the sad part when people refuse to follow the standards here05:35
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don_jrsethk They are pretty young at the moment, although I don't doubt my oldest could figure it out if he watched me long enough!05:35
usliis there a way to open it in ubuntu ?05:35
sethkJack_Sparrow, that's both ignorant and condescending.  I'll be happy to discuss the merits of the issue if you like.05:35
don_jrsethk they are 6 and 9 right now so I'm not overly worried about them cracking linux just yet!05:35
jarrod_don_jr: hmm, well a time based (cron based) export of the root wm window might work, are you looking to log keystrokes or just the content of the window05:35
tritiumPlease take the root/sudo discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic05:35
Jack_Sparrowsethk: Im content to wait for you to get klined05:35
sethkdon_jr, I guess you are safe for a year or two05:35
uslisethk: is there a way to open it in ubuntu ?05:36
sethkJack_Sparrow, you can't be serious.05:36
sethkusli, no05:36
don_jrjarrod_ I'd like to be able to see what they are looking at if possible, and to kill it if needed.05:36
jake1has anyone here gotten chroot to work05:36
don_jrjarrod_ with windows I could do this with remote desktop, but not sure how to pull it off with linux yet.05:36
sethkjake1, sure.05:36
sethkjake1, what problem are you having?05:36
tritiumJack_Sparrow: sethk is entitled to his opinion, and anyone is free to do as they please with root/sudo.  It is simply our recommendation to use sudo, but that is all it is.05:37
don_jrI appriciate all the help tonight folks. I'll worry about other problems another time, it's bed time!05:37
jake1sethk: i followed the instructions on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot05:37
ubotujack: Rip and encode CDs with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.1-14 (dapper), package size 121 kB, installed size 572 kB05:37
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jarrod_don_jr: well, tunneling X over ssh/xdmcp and watching the session is one way05:37
tritiumcertainly he has no ban/kline coming to him.  He has not done anything wrong.05:37
sethkjake1, let me look.  why are you using chroot?  what are you trying to do?05:37
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dandroidwhat's the root password for the kubuntu installation?05:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about JACK - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:37
jake1run some 32-bit stuff05:37
jake1like Wine05:37
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jake1and wat not05:37
jake1i got as far as Setting up your chroot with debootstrap05:38
sethkdandroid, with the default installation options, it is not set05:38
dandroidapparently my clock is too far in the future and now i can't sudo05:38
eyequeuedandroid, there is none, root is unsafe05:38
eyequeuedandroid, see the url the bot sent you05:38
NickGarvey!root > dandroid05:38
jake1and in the terminal i typed "sudo debootstrap --variant=buildd --arch i386 dapper /var/chroot/ http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ --arch i38605:38
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sethkjake1, you are trying to have a 32 boot root and a 64 bit root at the same time?  ok.  and where does it die?05:38
=== Roh81 [n=roh@pool-141-157-21-62.balt.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
sethkjake1, or what command line is failing?05:39
eyequeuedandroid, you should be able to boot to recovery mode in grub05:39
jake1and it says "no such script: --arch"05:39
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jarrod_does anyone know of a decent mudclient that is GTK based?05:39
sethkdandroid, you may have to boot the live cd to recover from that.05:39
jake1basically i am running right now Dapper but for an AMD6405:40
chibiacejarrod, no but kmuddy is awesome05:40
sethkjake1, arch is an argument, it says --arch.  the only way you can get that message is if you typed it wrong05:40
jarrod_chibiace: is that QT based?05:40
Roh81hey folks. Im looking for help reformatting a mounted hard drive using kde.05:40
=== RedRose [n=root@c-67-174-77-132.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
viatormud heh havent done that in years ......05:40
chibiaceyes but its the best ive seen05:40
jarrod_chibiace: thanks05:40
sethkjake1, try pasting the command from the web page, eliminate the possibility of a typo05:40
RedRoseprometheus@Cerberus:/proc/acpi/video/GFX0/LCD# sudo echo current 80 > brightness05:40
RedRoseecho: write error: Invalid argument05:40
jake1that was the command from the website05:40
jarrod_chibiace: what repository is it in?05:40
jake1sudo debootstrap --variant=buildd --arch i386 breezy /var/chroot/ http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/05:40
sethkRoh81, what do you mean by reformatting?05:40
RedRosecan anyone help me?05:40
jake1is exactly how i typed it05:40
viatornot since i dailed up a 1000 dollar phone bill05:40
jake1i copied and pasted05:41
chibiacejarrod_: no idea. but its about time i start playing dunemud again05:41
jake1and changed breezy to dapper like they said05:41
sethkjake1  copy the command and the response to the paste bot.05:41
sethkjake1, possibly you are pasting a newline into the terminal05:41
jarrod_chibiace: dunemud? I will google thanks05:41
Roh81sethk, its currently ntfs. I recently changed over to linux and kept this drive to save a few gigs of pdfs and other media.05:41
dandroidonce i boot into the live cd, what path should i take to fix my delimma?05:41
sethkjake1, where in the web page it just newlines because of the screen width05:41
chibiacejarrod_: dune.servint.com:678905:41
sethkRoh81, ok, and what do you want to do now?05:41
jake1well then let me check that out05:42
jake1hld on05:42
=== sorush20 [n=sorush20@82-43-184-143.cable.ubr07.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
eyequeuesorush20, nfs here too, heh05:42
sethkjake1, changed breezy to dapper?  that doesn't make any sense, but ok...05:42
viatorpdfs work under linux'05:42
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viatorjust fine05:42
robert_to anybody who might be well-versed in chrooting- I'm trying to setup a chrooted hosting environment on a hosting server of mine, and I want to chroot various users to various domain name(/srv/www/domains/[domain] /*), and I have no idea how to do this =/05:42
sorush20eyequeue: yes..05:42
Roh81sethk reformat it into a linux file system. Im in a disk manager and logged in as an admin but both the delete and format options arent open to me.05:42
Awesome-o2000how do I recompile linux-restricted-modules for a custom kernel?05:42
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sorush20eyequeue: I#ve already been here but no use.. at yet05:42
viatorgnight folks05:43
eyequeuesorush20, this is more the support channel though, for future reference05:43
jake1sethk: what do you mean that doesn't make sense05:43
sethkRoh81, I don't use disk manager, I do it from the command line with fdisk, which I find is much easier.  try it that way, as in, sudo fdisk /dev/hda   (if it's hda, of course)  (sudo not necessary if you are already root)05:43
dandroidone thing i hate is that i can't ever seem to specifiy an exact time, linux always wants to calculate it based on my time zone. any way i can tell it for forget the timezone and just use the time i give it?05:43
jake1it says if i am using dapper then change breezy to dapper05:43
sorush20eyequeue: I do know that but I get more response in offtopic05:43
sethkjake1, nothing on that web page works in dapper but not in breezy05:43
NickGarveydandroid: man date05:43
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sethkjake1, oh, ok, I misunderstood, sorry05:43
Roh81sethk its currently mounted to hda which is kind of scary because thats my main hard drive and i do not want that formated.05:44
jake1so... i removed the spaces05:44
jake1now i got a different output05:44
Roh81Ah no its not... Hrm...05:44
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jake1err... not the spaces05:44
sethkRoh81, drives are not formatted.  IDE drives are never formatted05:44
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jake1byt the newlines05:44
Roh81Why not?05:44
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jake1jake@jake:~$ sudo debootstrap --variant=buildd --arch i386 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ --arch i38605:45
jake1E: No such script: /usr/lib/debootstrap/scripts/http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/05:45
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tritium!enter > jake105:45
sethkRoh81, because they are formatted at the factory.  file systems are created on partitions on the drive, but that's different from formatting.  low level formats shouldn't be done to ide drives05:45
brittone more question, is the 2.6.15-26-686 kernel truly a smp kernel?05:45
britti was confused by the apt-cache listing for it05:45
sethkRoh81, so you are merely creating a file system in one area of the disk05:45
eyequeuebritt, yes, run uname -a05:45
sethkRoh81, you can boot the live cd, and then you won't be operating on hda1 when hda2 (or whatever) is mounted, but you'll still be operating on the same disk.05:46
Roh81lol yea yea. Im still used to windows. Where they do regularly call it formatting. I know the difference.05:46
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britteyequeue: still setting up.... i'll double check though later. Just wanted to be sure before I installed it05:46
sethkRoh81, ok05:46
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eyequeuebritt, yes, it's what you want then, heh05:46
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robert_to anybody who might be well-versed in chrooting- I'm trying to setup a chrooted hosting environment on a hosting server of mine, and I want to chroot various users to various domain name(/srv/www/domains/[domain] /*), and I have no idea how to do this =/05:46
sethkRoh81, so, with fdisk, you would simply change the partition type from ntfs to linux05:46
uslisethk: do u know how to install a bluetooth in ubuntu?05:46
sethkRoh81, then you would do (assuming it is hda1):   fdisk -t ext3 /dev/hda105:46
Roh81sethk Wont it ask about partition size?05:46
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sethkusli, you either insmod the modules for it, or possibly rebuild the kernel if you need support for hardware that's not on in the default kernel configuration05:47
sethkRoh81, no05:47
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jake1i need to run WINE in order to run Microsoft Visual BASIC and Outlook05:47
sethkRoh81, you can change only the partition type.  nothing else will change.  start, end, etc will be unchanged.05:47
Awesome-o2000im trying to run make menuconfig and its telling me I need ncurses - I have ncurses-bin and libncurses5 installed - what else do I need?05:47
usliand how to those things?05:47
=== Kragnerac [n=Kragnera@cpe-24-209-231-112.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
sethkRoh81, to be sure, first, do this:   fdisk -l /dev/hda05:47
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Roh81sethk well in that situation this works fine.05:47
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Roh81Ill use t if that does it without chanign size.05:48
sethkRoh81, save the output to a file.  that way you can always go back to fdisk and return things to where they are now.05:48
sethkRoh81, that's the easiest and safest way.05:48
keithhhhIs there any programs like Media Maker, so I can take photos and an audio track and merge them together.....with many transition options for the photos?05:48
sethkRoh81, backing up the mbr is a good precaution:    dd if=/dev/hda of=mbr-backup-filename bs=512 count=105:48
RedRoseWhy can't I edit any of the files in /proc/acpi?05:48
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sethkRedRose, they are pseudo files.05:48
Roh81sethk You seem to know file systems and the like. What do you think of using swap partitions with linux?05:48
sethkRedRose, you should never mess with any files in /proc05:48
jake1sethk: no suggestions?05:49
Awesome-o2000can anyone tell me what ncurses package I need to develop in order to run make menuconfig?05:49
sethkRoh81, if the kernel is actually swapping, then the performance with swap partitions is much better than the performance using ordinary file space for swap.05:49
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Roh81God damn sethk can keep up with a lot. O_O05:49
sethkjake1, hold on, I have to look at what you last told me.  :)05:49
RedRosesethk, Well i'm trying to edit my screen brightness05:49
RedRoseit in /proc/acpi/video/GFX0/LCD05:49
sethkRedRose, everything in /proc that is not related to a specific process is deprecated05:49
RedRoseWell i'm trying to edit my screen brightness it in /proc/acpi/video/GFX0/LCD05:50
sethkRedRose, the correct way to do things like that is with sysctl05:50
sethkRedRose, I doubt that is going to do what you think it is going to do.05:50
andrukhow do you start JACK?05:50
sethkRoh81, I'm not sure I answered your question.05:50
jarrod_why are there so many important development libraries missing from the xubuntu repositories?>05:50
jarrod_libsvga is not there05:50
Roh81sethk What ratio to ram is best with linux? I do play games like ut2004 and only have a gig of ram.05:50
sethkRoh81, current thinking is that there is no such meaningful ration05:51
Roh81sethk You answered it well enough.05:51
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RedRosesethk, In proc/acpi/video/GFX0/LCD/brightness their is a birghtness controler which i need to modify05:51
Roh81sethk 1 times the ram. 1.5 times the ram.05:51
sethkRedRose, that's not the correct way to do it.  if it works for you, great, but I don't see it working for you.05:51
sethkRoh81, that's no longer meaningful.  RAM is too cheap, and most machines have so much ram they may never really swap05:52
RedRosesethk, Then How? because honestly I have found no other way05:52
sethkRoh81, many people find that when they monitor the swap, it is never used.05:52
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sethkRedRose, does the output of sysctl -l   show any parameters that look like they are related to the brightness?05:52
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jake1well.... i'm heading off to bed05:52
sethkRedRose, sorry, sysctl -a05:52
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NickGarveyRoh81: only a gig?05:53
jake1maybe i can figure this out tomorrow05:53
eyequeuemy swap utilization is presently 17164405:53
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jake1oh wait...... one other question05:53
NickGarveyRoh81: and.. if you have a lot of ram, 1.5x isn't always needed...05:53
RedRoseno, but that's because that read /proc/sys, not /proc/acpi05:53
sethkRoh81, on the other hand, if you have tons of disk, then you don't lose anything by setting aside a few gigs for swap05:53
jake1when i am in a building that i know has wireless and i scan for the network how come it doesn't show up05:53
NickGarveysethk: yeah, I don't have much disk heh05:53
jake1it shows up on every other computer though when i scan05:53
RedRosesethk, no, but that's because that read /proc/sys, not /proc/acpi05:54
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sethkRoh81, that 1.5 thing, which is quite old, was based on the idea that ram was sufficiently expensive that people would only buy enough to get decent performance.  when ram is nearly free, that calculation no longer applies.05:54
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sethkRedRose, no, that's not true.  sysctl was there long before /sys even existed05:54
salkotMy network configuration tool doesn't show any wireless networks anymore. Any ideas?05:54
JoseStefan1.5x is a guide not a rule05:54
RedRosewell that's all the man pages tell me and that's all it's listing is files from /proc/sys ... check the man pages05:55
sethkJoseStefan, indeed, and I'm saying that it is no longer a sensible guide.05:55
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sethkRedRose, ok, apparently you know more about this than I do, so I won't argue with you.05:55
RedRosesethk, i'm not arguing, i'm just saying05:55
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JoseStefansethk: nope, it's best to just calculate a value matching personal needs05:55
sethkJoseStefan, yes, I agree.05:55
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RedRosesethk, The parameters available are those listed under /proc/sys/ ... that's all i'm saying05:56
JoseStefansethk: i like the use the example of a 32-bit system with 4gb of physical ram05:56
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sethkJoseStefan, yes, that's quite true, I hadn't thought of it in those exact terms.  :)05:56
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jazzrockerrobert_, what was your question?05:57
robert_'m trying to setup a chrooted hosting environment on a hosting server of mine, and I want to chroot various users to various domain name(/srv/www/domains/[domain] /*), and I have no idea how to do this =/05:57
robert_I'm trying to setup a chrooted hosting environment on a hosting server of mine, and I want to chroot various users to various domain name(/srv/www/domains/[domain] /*), and I have no idea how to do this =/05:57
levanderWhat's the directory that has all the preinstall and postinstall scripts for the debs that are installed on your system?05:57
sethkrobert_, are you sure you want to do that?  That's not the way, for example, to set up virtual domains for a web server.05:58
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eyequeuelevander, /var/lib/dpkg/info/05:58
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levandereyequeue: thanks05:58
eyequeuelevander, no prob05:58
RedRosesethk, so how can I edit my screen brightness? cause i've googled just about everything and tried all the support modules, but nothing works05:58
robert_sethk: yes, I'm sure. should one of these get hijacked, I don't want whoever hijacked the account to have total access to the system at first-glance05:59
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sethkrobert_, the hijacking user could simply execute his own chroot.  that doesn't really protect you very much.05:59
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sethkrobert_, it hides some information, but that's all it accomplishes05:59
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sethkrobert_, you can certainly do it.06:00
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sethkrobert_, as to how, though, you would need to give us details about when the chroot is happening and why06:00
jarrod_is there a development repository that someone has in their sources.list? I am not finding something like that on google06:00
robert_sethk: it's mostly to guard against people trying dumb things :P06:00
eyequeuejarrod_, edgy, as in the #ubuntu+1 channel06:01
kaotrobert_: http://www.cgisecurity.com/webservers/apache/chrootapache2-howto.html06:01
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sethkjarrod_, most packages have a user piece and a dev piece, and the two pieces are on the same repository servers.  dev stuff isn't in a separate place, just a separate package06:01
jarrod_eyequeue: thanks06:01
eyequeuejarrod_, sure06:01
sethkrobert_, kaot just give you a howto for the web server case06:01
robert_eh, I'm talking about shell access for the moment06:01
jarrod_so I take is edgy is dev and breezy is stable?06:01
AnIHellow World!06:01
jazzrockerAnI, did you do that with PHP? ;)06:01
AnIdoes anyone know if ubuntu support sli06:01
sethkrobert_, you want to execute a chroot when someone connects using ssh?06:01
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jazzrockerAnI, that's a question for linux in general, but yes06:02
Rafa_brzI've got 3 computers at home, so...  1 - ubuntu and 206:02
sethkjarrod_, dapper is released, edgy is to be released, breezy is the previous release.  I still use breezy on my deployed systems.06:02
jarrod_I am new to xu/ku/ubuntu06:02
rdhrd138Hey guys... How would I configure XGL? I've heard with gconf-editor.. But I don't know where to go from there.06:02
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jazzrockerAnI, nvidia has drivers for linux and linux has drivers for nvidia06:02
jarrod_sethk:  ahh ok06:02
Rafa_brzI've got 3 computers at home, so...  1 - ubuntu and 2 - windows... can I open a mp3 file from another computer?06:02
AnIdo i need to change anythin for xorg?06:02
AnIoh ok06:02
AnIi ci c06:02
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AnInow i feel safe06:02
JoseStefan!tell about rdhrd138 xgl06:02
jazzrockerAnI, not sure about that, you *will* want to install the accelerated drivers06:02
eyequeuerdhrd138, /join #ubuntu-xgl06:03
JoseStefan!tell rdhrd138 about xgl06:03
Rafa_brzi'm using xmms, but i can't open it06:03
rdhrd138ok, thanks06:03
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Rafa_brzthe network is ok!06:03
asdxthe ubuntu installer can resize safely ntfs partitions with full of data?06:03
jazzrockerAnI, and doing so the automatic way, e.g. via synaptic should reconfigure anything that needs to be reconfigured with xorg06:03
sethkrobert_, you would have to change the default command launched by ssh.  instead of a simple login shell, you would have to launch a script that does the chroot and then launches the shell.06:03
AnIthx jazz i will look up more06:03
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sethkrobert_, start by looking at the sshd configuration files in /etc/ssh06:03
jazzrockerAnI, k, yeah check the wiki in the topic06:03
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jazzrockerAnI, i'm not sure but i think SLI is primarily a hardware thing, so afaik the kernel doesn't need to know about or care whether you're running SLI because it just sees both cards as one thing. <- don't quote me on that06:04
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techniqI forgot who replied, but FYI about my RAID issue, placing /boot outside the /dev/md0 raid corrected my grub boot trouble06:05
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sethktechniq, I said to move it, so that's good  :)06:05
sethkjazzrocker, that's my understanding also (of SLI)06:05
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jazzrockersethk, yeh thought so06:06
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techniqsethk, thanks... I guess if the drive which /boot is store goes down, I'll have to restore another partition from backup to boot06:06
JoseStefanthere is a lot of driver stuff to make SLI actually usefull, otherwise the other card wont do anything06:06
sethktechniq, of course you've lost the redundency, but /boot usually changes rarely, so it isn't a problem operationally06:06
sethktechniq, so, yes, you would have to restore, but you don't have a serious burdon as far as backing up boot06:07
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techniqsethk, true, and I can always access the mirrored data from a livecd boot, then restore06:07
orbincould someone help me mount my usb thumb drive?  all i get from messages/dmesg is this when i insert it: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2230806:07
sethktechniq, that's true too.06:07
techniqsethk, thanks again... btw, any idea why this is required, most of the tuts (include ubuntu specific) don't state this as an issue06:07
sethkorbin, that's not a problem06:08
sethkorbin, I'd expect to see a line, though, showing the sdX  assigned to the drive  (sda, sdb, etc.)06:08
asdxthe ubuntu installer can resize safely ntfs partitions with full of data?06:08
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sethkorbin, usbcore is good, and usb storage is good.  possibly scsi disk support not loaded?06:09
sethkasdx, NO06:09
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sethkasdx, it's risky to resize NTFS.  back up first.06:09
asdxok, is not for me, a friend was asking06:09
sethkasdx, gparted can do it.06:09
nirmalis there any online collabaration tool with which we can have peertopeer communication06:09
jarrod_nirmal: like sharepoint?06:09
JoseStefanasdx, always backup, defrag is usefull too06:10
jarrod_nirmal: you might consider trac06:10
sethkorbin, I can connect one to my box and tell you which modules need to be loaded, if that will help you06:10
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jarrod_nirmal: I am not sure if that is what you are looking for06:10
orbinsethk: so would that be a module i need to load?  i didn't have any sd* entries in /dev ... i made sda using mknod ... but that didn't seem to work ... i get invalid block device when using mount06:10
orbinsethk: yes please06:10
jarrod_nirmal: are you looking for vid conference?06:10
jarrod_nirmal: gnomemeeting06:10
jarrod_nirmal: or are you looking for a groupware suite06:10
nirmali just seen in the windowsnetworking website regarding online collaboration tool06:11
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nirmalyes you are right06:11
sethkorbin, ok, one moment.06:11
nirmalcan we share the files in gnomemeeting?06:11
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TylerDurdenerwhere do i install new fonts to?06:11
jarrod_nirmal: not sure06:12
orbin!fonts > TylerDurdener06:12
nirmalit says it works without a webserver06:12
jarrod_orbin: well maybe you just need an fstab entry for it06:12
MadpilotTylerDurdener, ~/.fonts06:12
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto06:12
ubotuNo fonts in flash? Install msttcorefonts, gsfonts, and gsfonts-x11 , No fonts in mplayer? see !mplayer06:12
nirmalit is a new feature of vista it says06:12
sethkorbin, I'll put the dmesg output, and the lsmod output, on the paste bin.  You'll see what should be there after the dmesg output you are seeing.06:12
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jarrod_nirmal: ok well it sounds like you might consider trac if sharepoint is what you are looking for06:12
nirmali did not see trac06:13
orbinsethk: cheers06:13
jarrod_nirmal: google trac06:13
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orbinjarrod_:  iwouldn't work AFAIK ... i mean i can't do it w/ mount so what's the point of putting it in fstab?06:14
sethkorbin   http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2269706:14
sethkorbin, I have most stuff compiled into the kernel, so lsmod didn't show anything helpful06:15
jarrod_orbin: you cannot mount things that are not in fstab afaik06:15
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jarrod_orbin: unless you are going a mount -t type etc06:15
sethkorbin, the dmesg output you can use to know how it should look once you've resolved the problem.06:15
sethkorbin, I mount that device as follows:    mount -t ext3 /dev/sda1 /media/usbdisk06:15
mad_manwhat command does one use to get info on the installed graphics card ?06:16
sethkorbin, /media/usbdisk is just an arbitrary mount point.  sda1 is assigned by usb_storage.06:16
eyequeuemad_man, perhaps lspci06:16
jarrod_I use lspci | grep nvidia, except I broke my video card >.>06:16
sethkjarrod_, it isn't necessary for something to be in /etc/fstab in order to mount it.06:17
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orbinsethk: usb_storage isn't loaded .. i guess that's the problem06:17
sethkjarrod_, /etc/fstab has two purposes, to specify what is mounted at boot time, and to allow a simpler mount command.06:17
sethkorbin, could be.  try insmod06:18
jarrod_I guess I should read man fstab06:18
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sethkjarrod_, reading never hurts.  :)06:18
gusto5can someone give me the terminal command to look up my cpu?06:19
jarrod_sethk: hehehehe06:19
jarrod_gusto5: cat /proc/cpuinfo06:19
gusto5thank you06:19
sethkgusto5, it's deprecated, so I shouldn't, but:  cat /proc/cpuinfo06:19
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sethkI forget the correct way to do it, though.06:19
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silent_screamwhat is the command to convert a picture format into another format? i.e. from .jpg to .png ?06:21
mad_maninfo:Matrox Graphics, Inc. G400/G450, googleearth can't find the gra. card or drivers not installed06:22
eyequeueconvert (1)          - convert between image formats as well as resize an image, blur, crop, despeckle, dither, draw on, flip, join, re-sample, and much more.06:22
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eyequeuesilent_scream, sudo apt-get install imagemagick06:23
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silent_screamconvert is the command?06:24
silent_screamor something like "cv"06:24
eyequeuesilent_scream, it is one of them at least, yes06:24
mad_manthinking, thinking, can you see the smoke06:24
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ChronoAUsethk: can ubuntu route port 23 to port 22 on another machine?06:24
jarrod_ChronoAU: uhh are you using telnet?06:24
orbinsethk: er, is it just "insmod - <module_name>" ?  usb_storage now shows up in lsmod and i get this from dmesg when i insert the disk now: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2269806:25
nirmali am on kanotix i have installed succesfully it is in /usr/share/trac06:25
orbinsethk: but i don't have any sd* entries in /dev06:25
=== eyequeue barfs thinking of telnetd out there
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keithhhhfor Qemu to run windows must I have write access to the drive?  (would make sense)06:25
jarrod_ChronoAU: are you running telnet?06:25
ChronoAUjarrod_: no06:25
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nirmali have done with APT-Get install06:25
jarrod_ChronoAU: why do you want port 23 forwarded to port 22?06:26
jarrod_ChronoAU: what service is using port 23 then?06:26
ChronoAUjarrod: its just an example06:26
jarrod_ChronoAU: yes you can06:26
orbinsethk: nor are there any lines regarding sd* in my dmesg output unlike yours06:26
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ChronoAUjarrod: i have 2 machines which services which both use the same port and i don't want to change the local port06:27
jarrod_ChronoAU: NAT or using load balancing techniques06:27
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jarrod_ChronoAU: what service, are you trying to load balance them?06:27
ChronoAUjarrod_: no06:28
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ChronoAUjarrod_: e.g i have two machines thta i want to ssh into06:28
tuxthepenguin64I recently had an outage with my DSL provider, and now Ubuntu cannot detect m DSL06:28
eyequeueChronoAU, i gavre multiple machines with apache on port 80, it doesn't conflict06:28
salkotMy network configuration tool doesn't show any wireless networks anymore. What could be wrong?06:28
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jarrod_ChronoAU: yeah if it is multiple machines it doesnt matter06:28
eyequeueChronoAU, typically you would have a nonstandard port or two on the router, which sends to 22 on the host you want06:29
tuxthepenguin64it happened yester day, and since then I've been in OS X06:29
jarrod_ChronoAU: are you behind a router using NAT/Port forwarding?06:29
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ChronoAUjarrod_: yes06:29
carpediemChronoAU: you can create port tunnels with ssh.06:29
tuxthepenguin64Any ideas?06:29
eyequeueChronoAU, like 22111 to send to 22 on .1, 22444 to send to 22 on .4, whatever06:29
eyequeueChronoAU, this is presuming you want to hit each machine from the outside, you may want something else06:30
jarrod_ChronoAU: eyequeue explained it best, you can set up dynamic dns entries for the hosts with different port numbers and port forward using the specific ports to the correct nodes06:30
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eyequeueChronoAU, pick a numbering scheme that makes sense to you, so you'll remember it, and try to avoid using IANA-assigned ports (/etc/services)06:31
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backzHi, I need some help, I was trying to compile scatterchat with checkinstall make install, it start compile, but I stoped with ctrl+c, when I back from terminal, my user haven`t permission to run bash, make, gdm, nothing... I restarted the system, gdm don`t run, only root login, checking the files I saw it created a /no-backup with the sources was on my home. what f.... is it? a worm?06:32
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silent_screamis there any way to mount .mds and .mdf files?06:33
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ChronoAUi want to access things like web, ssh, ftp from 2 or more machines behind one internet ip, so i'd like to redirect external ports to local ports (like my old router was capable of)06:33
CorpseFeederi keep getting "bash: make: command not found".. what's up with that?06:33
eyequeueCorpseFeeder, sudo apt-get install build-essential06:34
orbinsethk: still there? :)06:34
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CorpseFeederI am trying to follow instructions here http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/index.cfm?a=wiki&tag=rt61 to install drivers for a Dlink wifi card06:34
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tuxthepenguin64Anyone know why my ethernet wont work?06:34
LeeChangHaohello everyone06:35
tuxthepenguin64Network prefrences says it's active06:35
orbin!b-e > CorpseFeeder06:35
tuxthepenguin64it's configured righ06:35
tuxthepenguin64but when it had the outage, all the sudden, no connection06:35
CorpseFeederwhat is !b-e mean?06:35
baboMy system sounds work fine, but I can't hear anything from internet streaming ? anyone have any ideas ?06:35
mad_mani use this command "xdpyinfo | grep "X.Org version" and the shell just set's there. do i have a lazy shell ?06:36
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orbinCorpseFeeder: ubotu sent you a message06:36
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CorpseFeederI see now06:36
CorpseFeederoops.. I closed it haha06:36
eyequeueCorpseFeeder, it means, sudo apt-get install build-essential06:36
baboI don't think I've ever turned ubuntu on, and had the sound just 'work' ...06:37
CorpseFeederwhatever that ubotu sent me, I accidently closed it :)06:37
JoseStefan!b-e > CorpseFeeder06:37
tuxthepenguin64babo, you need the codecs06:37
orbinmad_man: stits there?  does it return to prompt or just sit on the new line?06:37
babotuxthepenguin64, no, I got it working last week just fine ... it's not a codecs issue ...06:38
tuxthepenguin64go on Synaptic Package Manager and look for mplayer I pelieve06:38
LeeChangHaoive got a pretty weird problem, the good news is i kind of know whats going wrong, the dns system of my dapper is acting strange. My net works perfectly but when, for example i ping www.url.com, it will stop for a while to resolve the name before each packet, wich is really strange, its like it isnt caching any ip/name pair at all06:38
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faithmansudo apt-get install build-essential06:38
LeeChangHaoi hope its clear enought06:38
tuxthepenguin64My only guess is to reinstall it..06:38
LeeChangHaoand not too long >.<06:38
mad_manorbin: just set's they on new line with a >06:38
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tuxthepenguin64babo, try to reinstall it06:39
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baboreinstall ubuntu ?06:40
orbinmad_man: er, maybe you typed in something wrong....press ctrl+c06:40
tuxthepenguin64The codecs06:40
gubluntunite all06:40
eyequeuenite gubluntu06:41
LeeChangHaono one knows whats wrong with my dns lookups?06:41
mad_manorbin: this be what i type "~$ "xdpyinfo | grep "X.Org version"06:41
tuxthepenguin64Any reason why Ubuntu wont detect my internet connection??06:41
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LeeChangHaotuxthepenguin64,  whats your setup?06:42
orbinmad_man: it's the quotation mark06:42
orbinmad_man: lose the quote at the start06:42
tuxthepenguin64Just a DSL router to this comp, no NAT or anything like that'06:42
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backzHey, I need help!!! my bin/bash is fine, my user have line on /etc/passd, but I cant log as user on ubuntu. I`m using a livecd, I chrooted HD sda1, when I run su user it returns: No shell06:43
tuxthepenguin64ethernet interface reports as active on Ubuntu06:43
mad_manorbin: i did not use quotation makes06:43
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mad_manorbin: i will try again06:43
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mad_manorbin: xdpyinfo | grep "X.Org version and same thing, just set's there in new line06:44
tuxthepenguin64But no GAIM connection or page load on FF06:44
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kewagi*cough* I accidentally deleted my /etc/init.d/postfix - is there a way to restore it?06:45
=== tuxthepenguin64 is wondering...
mad_manLeeChangHao: have you look at your /etc/resolv.conf file ?06:46
LeeChangHaoyes mad_man06:46
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LeeChangHaomy dns lockups work fine06:46
LeeChangHaothe point is even if i access the same url within 10 seconds06:46
orbinmad_man: that exactly?  b/c you need a quotation mark at the end of that06:46
LeeChangHaoit will resolver it again06:46
LeeChangHaowont remember the ip06:46
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LeeChangHaowich kind of slows down navigation a lot06:47
LeeChangHaoeven within the same domain06:47
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sethkLeeChangHao, that's usually a problem with the DNS server06:47
dannyrhi, Can anyone advise how to remove the connection message when using ssh login to ubuntu "Ubuntu comes with ABSOLUTEL etc...." please?06:47
mad_manLeeChangHao: maybe it's your isp,06:47
sethkLeeChangHao, however, it can be caused by having the DNS servers listed in the wrong order in /etc/resolv.conf06:47
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sethkLeeChangHao, if the first one in the list always fails with a timeout, then you'll get the behavior you are describing06:48
barataI keep on doing stupid stuff06:48
baratadamned! I've just erased my 120GB files06:48
mad_manorbin: your the man06:48
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sethkLeeChangHao, as mad_man said, usually that would be a problem in your ISP's DNS servers and/or DHCP configuration info06:48
barataso dumb06:48
LeeChangHaoif this is useful, if i ssh my router wich happens to use the same servers, and uses a linux so(its a wrt) then everything is fine06:48
tuxthepenguin64I would like my ethernet on my Ubuntu....06:48
orbinmad_man: yay06:48
sethkit is always better to use   $( ... ) instead of ` ... `06:49
mad_manX.Org version: 7.0.006:49
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mad_manLeeChangHao: try use a diff dns sever06:49
orbinsethk: did you see those messages re: my usb issue?06:49
LeeChangHaoill try that06:49
dangsonhello. can anyone tell me how to get s-video output to work?06:49
sky_monkey007hey all :)  Could someone tell me if there is a way I can enlarge the icons in the Nautilus "Places" sidebar?06:49
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sethkorbin, no, sorry, I had to do some support for work.  what happened?06:50
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retephis the ubuntu kernel set to 386 by default?06:50
JoseStefanreteph, on i386 CDs it is06:50
sethkreteph, the typical install uses the 386 kernel.  it isn't really "set" to anything by default06:50
mad_manLeeChangHao: this one http://www.orsn.net/ or http://www.opendns.com/06:51
squeaksi can't find a guide that tells me about my default route configuration, i want to understand it so that i can change it to a temporary configuration, then set it back, the line I don't understand from route is:06:51
Faithmanhelp anyone for getting Xfire on GAIM? having a bit of trouble06:51
LeeChangHaothx i already found one in my country06:51
orbin<orbin> sethk: er, is it just "insmod - <module_name>" ?  usb_storage now shows up in lsmod and i get this from dmesg when i insert the disk now: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22698 ... no sd* entries were created in /dev uopn insertion nor are there any lines regarding sd* in dmesg output06:51
retephwould you recommend updating to 686 if we used a typical installation?06:51
mad_manLeeChangHao: or there are others06:51
squeaks"default         bb2-msfc-3031-0         UG    0      0        0 eth0", what is bb2-msfc ... it is supposed to be a gateway name, but where does that name come from?06:51
sethkreteph, you probably wouldn't really notice any difference06:51
ChronoAUhow can i forwad ports(packets) to another computer (e.g. router) in ubuntu ?06:52
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Faithmanhelp anyone for getting Xfire on GAIM? having a bit of trouble here06:52
azurealmaybe try #gaim06:52
sethkorbin, I was looking at what is compiled into my kernel (and so wouldn't show up in my lsmod listing) that is relevant.  You have scsi emulation of usb mass storage.  make sure you have SCSI disk support (in the kernel, or loaded as a module)06:52
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sethkorbin, because your lower level USB dmesg output looks perfectly normal to me.06:53
LeeChangHaook i changed the dns server, now if i ping www.url.com packets come back noticeably faster, but my point is still there, why does it resolve the name with every packet, and doesnt just remember the name/ip pairs?06:53
sethkLeeChangHao, well, the fundamental reason is that the protocol doesn't allow it06:53
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alex222how do i view my xsession LOGS?06:54
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orbinsethk: how would i find out which scsi module i need?  is there a list of available modules on the system?06:54
sethkLeeChangHao, you can set up your own caching dns server.  I use djbdns; there are several available.06:54
mad_manLeeChangHao: this one http://www.orsn.net/ or http://www.opendns.com/06:54
alex222I tried to boot into my XGL session I get a xsession error06:54
alex222how do i get that?06:54
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sethkorbin, if you have the kernel source installed, you can do    make xconfig   (or make kconfig, or make menuconfig, depending on what GUI software you have).  If you don't have kernel source installed, install it, if only as documentation.06:54
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LeeChangHaosethk, , but my router, wich uses a 2.4 kernel doesnt resolve the name before every single packet..06:55
LeeChangHaonor does windows06:55
sethkLeeChangHao, if you run packet traces, I don't think you will confirm that06:55
levanderAre the breezy forums gone from ubuntuforums?06:55
sethkLeeChangHao, rather you'll see that the resolution is immediate because there is no delay at the server06:55
sethkLeeChangHao, there shouldn't be caching in the client.06:56
levandernm, found them, even though they closed them for some ungodly reason06:56
sethkLeeChangHao, as I said, you can set up a local caching dns server, but it isn't the default, nor should it be.06:56
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levanderno, that's the development forum for badger, i need the user support forums06:56
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sethkLeeChangHao, any delay that you can notice will be due to delays at the server.  the time to send a request to the server and get a reply is negligable06:56
LeeChangHaookay, maybe my router is running one of those caching servers06:57
sethkLeeChangHao, quite possible.  it's logical for a router to be doing it.06:57
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sethkLeeChangHao, doing it in individual hosts can cause problems.06:57
sethkLeeChangHao, the caching server has timeouts and interacts with other servers to prevent certain types of routing loops, and such.06:57
KhanReaperHi, I am wondering how I can prevent my Gtk+ applications from assuming Qt themes while running KDE.06:57
KhanReaperI have looked at my installed packages as well as in kcontrol, and I do not see the Gtk+/Qt integration package installed or even running.06:58
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alex222I tried to boot into my XGL session I get a xsession error06:59
crimsunKhanReaper: you can either remove ~/.gtkrc-2.0 and/or remove gtk2-engines-gtk-qt06:59
alex222how do i get that?06:59
KhanReapergtk2-engines-gtk-qt is not installed; that was what I was trying to say.06:59
Telroth_Plushie|alex222, what's the error?06:59
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alex222i forgot06:59
alex222where can i get a log06:59
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Telroth_Plushie|the actual error message would be very helpful06:59
crimsunKhanReaper: have you removed the conffile, too?06:59
alex222I want to know how to get a the log file07:00
orbinalex222: /var/log/Xorg.0.log07:00
crimsunKhanReaper: is the package purged, too?07:00
sethkAlex, /var/log/X....07:00
sethkAlex, should be the only file beginning with X in /var/log07:00
sethkAlex, typical is /var/log/Xorg.0.log07:00
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sethkAlex, do ls -ltr /var/log/X*   and take the last line if there is more than one.07:00
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KhanReapercrimsun: Neither the gtk theme rc file exists, nor was this package ever installed, implying that purging will not do. The particular application in question is Mozilla Firefox.07:01
backzplease look:07:01
backzI need help =P07:01
LeeChangHaosethk, you were right, my dns server was acting weird, and i didnt notice it from the router cause it had all the urls i tried cached, pinging an unusual url confirmed the delay using my isp's server07:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu+1 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:01
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ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule07:02
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crimsunKhanReaper: is the symptom reproducible with a new user?07:02
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LeeChangHaowill dhcp override my new resolv.conf entries?07:02
sethkLeeChangHao, k, sounds like you are making progress07:02
omnid"E: /var/cache/apt/archives/gnustep-back-common_0.10.2-1ubuntu1_all.deb: files list file for package `libpam0g' is missing final newline"07:02
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alex222it doesnt show the error i got07:02
sethkLeeChangHao, usually, yes.  you can configure it to use dns from dhcp, or to not use it.07:02
sethkLeeChangHao, and on the server side you can configure it to supply dns, or not supply it.07:03
sethkLeeChangHao, usually the client is configured to use it, if supplied, and then the server supplies it, or not.07:03
LeeChangHaoi c07:03
sethkLeeChangHao, so the answer is maybe, and probably, but test it and see.07:04
LeeChangHaosudo dhcpclient eth1 right07:04
GPLGeekHowdy, I'm here doing an install for a friend and it seems with amd64 and i386 versions X wont start on his [ATI PCI-e 16x Radeon x800]  system with a [KT-890 Via chipset motherboard] .07:04
DBOLeeChangHao, sudo dhclient eth107:04
GPLGeekIs there a problem with the ATI cards and the graphical installer?07:04
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idmah ok... I remember thana mentioned another way and he said it is better than the default linux on... can't remember what's exactly the name07:05
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LeeChangHaoyeah it did override the entries07:05
LeeChangHaoso i guess ill check in the router see what i can find07:05
stritarhow can I auto-detect my new monitor(s) without redoing the whole xorg.conf using "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"?07:06
KhanReapercrimsun: I created a new user and "startx -- :2," so we'll find out in a second.07:07
Telroth_Plushie|stritar, you need to reconfigure. just backup your old file and then copy over the customizations afterwards07:07
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Killer_Onestupid question does amd 3200+ 64bit uses smp support or not07:07
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Telroth_Plushie|Killer_One, looked up on google yet?07:07
britthow does one lock the screen without waiting x minutes? i'm using xfce07:07
Killer_Oneon it07:08
stritarTelroth_Plushie| ok07:08
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NickGarveyKiller_One: whats smp again?07:08
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NickGarveyKiller_One: oh, multi processing07:08
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NickGarveyKiller_One: I am fairly sure it does07:09
brittNickGarvey: wait, do you have a brother named Chad?07:09
KhanReapercrimsun: Creating a new user doesn't fix it.07:09
NickGarveybritt: I don't have any brothers, one sister07:09
brittNickGarvey: sorry, what a coincidence07:09
Killer_Onethe reason i'm asking when i cat /proc/cpuinfo it just shows one proc and on and intel ht it shows two that throws me off07:09
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NickGarveybritt: know someone else who is nick garvey? :)07:10
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JoseStefanKiller_One, is it an X2 ?07:10
brittNickGarvey: yes i do actually...07:10
crimsunKhanReaper: is the only symptom that gtk+ themes are used? What if you remove libgtk2.0-0?07:10
mistformalright, is there anyone here who can help me with a Java problem? not programming, this is so I can get Frostwire to work07:10
Killer_Oneno nether the intel or amd is dual core07:10
salkotMy network configuration tool doesn't show any wireless networks anymore, but I can still connect manually. Any suggestions?07:11
dannyrI have had trouble installing spamassassin on - can anyone suggest a good howto please.07:11
NickGarveybritt: where do you live?07:11
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mistformsalkot: what are you using for a wireless network manager?07:11
JoseStefanKiller_One, intel's HT is like a core and a half, it needs SMP to work07:11
brittNickGarvey: KY07:11
NickGarveybritt: NY for me07:11
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mistformsalkot: I use Wifi-radar, and it's great07:12
salkotmistform, i'll try installing that07:12
nich0s_frJoseStefan, back again, i see07:12
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salkotbut i'm not optimistic07:12
JoseStefannich0s_fr, i'm here07:12
Killer_Oneand amd has the something like hyper thread but called diffrent07:12
backzHey, someone can run a ls -lad /07:12
miteshagi'm a newbie07:13
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Killer_Onejust wondering thanks for the info07:13
backzI need see what permission mode is defined to /07:13
mistformsalkot: uninstall your current network manager and then restart (with Wifi-radar) installed07:13
Killer_Onels -07:13
miteshagwant somehelp regarding upgradin ubuntu 4.1007:13
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blesshow can i delete a file  by the console?07:13
NickGarveybless: man rm07:13
nich0s_frJoseStefan, do you enjoy doing this every night??07:13
miteshagcan anybody guide me07:14
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salkotmistform, I'm not sure that my current one should be uninstalled. It's the one at System > Administration > Networking07:14
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blessNickGarvey, how?07:14
JoseStefanmiteshag, what's 4.10's nickname?07:14
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JoseStefanmiteshag, hoary?07:14
brittNickGarvey: cool man07:14
NickGarveybless: open a terminal and type "man rm"07:14
Killer_Oneand if it's a dir with file rm -rf07:14
mistformsalkot: that's your wireless network configuratoin?07:14
salkotmistform, but I previously had NetworkManager installed, and that might have screwed things up....is there anything I should check?07:14
instaHey guys ... what's the Xorg version standard for Dapper?07:14
miteshagwarty whathdog07:14
mistformsalkot: I meant your wireless network...07:14
salkotmistform, yes, my wireless07:14
iixhi i just installed ubuntu and why i type "su" and my password it wont login it sayz wrong auth ?07:14
salkotthat's what I used before I tried out NM07:14
nich0s_friix, sudo :)07:14
mistformsalkot: install wifi-radar and restart07:15
iixsudo then my password?07:15
blessi cant delete with the click options it say i dont have the allow, how can i rescate it?07:15
mistformuse Wifi radar to connect to the network and disable your other07:15
instaiix: what are you trying to do?07:15
iixcoz when i was installing it i set up my password for "iix" user07:15
Killer_One|iix> need to sudo -s07:15
instasudo apt-get ...07:15
nich0s_friix, You will type "sudo -s"07:15
iixoh hk07:15
JoseStefanmiteshag, you have to take a long route, and update to each and every one of the ubuntu releases since then07:15
iixand my password is same as "iix" user ?07:15
=== mistform is AFK... NARUTO is on :D
instaiix: it's better to just run 'sudo apt-get' ... it has better logging capabilities07:15
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iixcheers mate07:16
miteshagcan't i upgrade directly to dapper drake07:16
NickGarveymiteshag: I would'nt suggest it07:16
JoseStefanmiteshag, not that i recall07:16
freakzoid0223Im runnning xubuntu 6.06 my wireless shows up as active  eth0 in the live boot but when I installed it didnt. Looked at lsmod and lspci and it wasnt there(install ver)07:16
instawhere might i find xorg version info for dapper though?07:16
blesshow can i delete a file  by the console? what must i type07:16
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miteshagok can i install dapper over warty using iso image?07:17
blesshow can i delete a file  by the console? what must i type07:17
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Killer_Onebless type rm thanfilename07:17
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blessi t say that the file dont exist Killer_One07:17
nich0s_frbless, make sure you are using the correct case.07:18
nich0s_frif the file's name is Nich0s then you will need to type Nich0s... not nich0s07:18
instaanyone?  X -version please :(07:18
Killer_Onebless type ls and see if the file exists the the directory your in07:18
JoseStefanmiteshag, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HoaryUpgradeNotes07:18
blessTHANK S MAN07:20
Flannelmiteshag: no, you need to upgrade one at a time.  Might be easier to reinstall, if youre on dialup, etc.07:20
miteshagsir i hv done that bt during installation by synaptic it gave followin error:07:20
MrBrizziodoes anyone know how to configure a Buffalo Linux-based Router to allow traffic from my network to echo back through the net?07:20
miteshagThis installation run will require temporarily removing the essential07:21
miteshagpackage e2fsprogs due to a Conflicts/Pre-Depends loop.  This is often bad,07:21
miteshagbut if you really want to do it, activate the APT::Force-LoopBreak option.07:21
miteshagE: Internal Error, Could not early remove e2fsprogs07:21
=== jshriver [n=jshriver@cblmdm72-240-201-125.buckeyecom.net] has joined #ubuntu
jshriverwould someone help me setup my sound?07:21
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ubotuIf sound is not working, first try system -> prefrences -> multimedia system selector change it to alsa. If you still have problems then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems07:21
jshriverI just did a fresh install and dont get any sound07:21
mad_manjshriver: are the speekers turned on ?07:22
miteshagi can't get a solution for that07:22
jshriveryeah, it worked before, but did a fresh install..07:22
jshriverhrm I dont have a "Multumedia System" under Preferences07:22
sethkmiteshag, your package data is in bad shape.07:22
sethkmiteshag, you can probably get around it by uninstalling, and then installing, e2fsprogs, but that might just be one symptom of a more general problem.07:23
miteshagwhat should be done to fix that?07:23
instaI hate to be a pest ... but I really need to know if Dapper is Xorg7.0 or 7.1 before I try it ... can anyone check for me? :(07:23
sethkmiteshag, any idea what caused it?07:23
jshriverWhere is "Multimedia System Selector" located? I dont see that under System->Preferences07:23
sethkjshriver, sounds like you haven't installed that part of the system yet07:24
miteshagi havn't installed any programmes on my machine07:24
jshriverjust running the base install from the CD07:24
sethkmiteshag, will it let you uninstall e2fsprogs?07:24
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miteshagwhatever i hv installed is by synaptic07:24
LeeChangHaoin my system, i had to add it with alacarte jshriver07:24
jshriverand did a apt-get upgrade && apt-get updated07:24
sethkjshriver, sounds like a dapper glitch07:24
jshriverwhat do I add ?07:24
sethkjshriver, sounds like LeeChangHao fixed a similar problem.07:24
miteshagif that effected the system o07:24
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sethkLeeChangHao, can you tell him specifically what to install?07:25
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mad_manjshriver: have you look at the volume control in applications ?07:25
jshriveraye it's not application based.. I've already tested with mplayer/vlc/xmms07:26
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sethkmiteshag, try uninstalling, and then reinstalling, e2fsprogs.  that can't really hurt anything.  I'm not sure whether it will work, but if it doesn't, you'll get useful (hopefully) error messages.07:26
LeeChangHaowell, im my fresh dapper  i just had to add the multimedia system selector using alacarte menu editor07:26
jshriveralso tried upping the volume on everything in the Preferences of the Sound widget07:26
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miteshagto sethk: ok i'm going to do tht07:26
MrBrizziodoes anyone know how to configure a Buffalo Linux-based Router to allow traffic from my network to echo back through the net?07:26
jshriveruse to have to run alsaconf to select my sound card, but can't find that07:26
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jshrivertried apt-cache search alsaconf but it's nowhere in ubuntu.. even with multiverse/universe added07:27
miteshagto sethk: msg by synaptic: it can make system unusable07:27
jshriveror how do I tell the system which sound card to use?07:28
jshriverI selected the right card under "Volume Control Preferences"07:28
JoseStefanmiteshag, can you "reinstall" the package without removing?07:28
miteshagplz guide me fr that07:28
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LeeChangHaovolume applet wont affect the system default output07:29
JoseStefanmiteshag, i dont know if that version of synaptic has that feature07:29
jshriverwhat can I do to tell the system which card to use?07:29
LeeChangHaouse the multimedia system selector...07:29
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JoseStefanmiteshag, right click the pkg, select reinstall07:29
jshriverI have an onboard sound that's toast. but linux still picks it up as a device, but use a PCI card for actual sound07:29
jshriverwhere is the multimedia system selector?07:30
miteshagit had the feature of reinstallation bt is nt showing over that package07:30
silent_screamhey guys i'm trying to mount an iso, but i get this error message, what's going on? mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop1,07:30
silent_scream       missing codepage or other error07:30
silent_scream       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try07:30
silent_scream       dmesg | tail  or so07:30
miteshagthe fact is that i hd marked to intall the new kernel07:30
LeeChangHaoagain, type alacarte in the alt+f2 box and it will bring a menu editor where you can add multimedia system selector to the preferences menu07:30
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jshrivermount -o loop whatever.iso /media/loop07:31
miteshagbt after downloadin it the error ws shoen07:31
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jshriverwhat package do I have to install to get the multimedia system selector?07:31
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LeeChangHaoyou dont have to install any package >.<07:31
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jshriverhrm.. so my system is just screwed up? lol..07:31
jshriverdo you have to be logged in as root to get that option?07:32
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miteshagto josestephan: cn i run iso image, i don't hv cd drive, on this one to install new kernel?07:32
miteshagi hv downloaded it07:32
LeeChangHaook, just  type gstreamer-properties in a terminal07:33
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LeeChangHaothats to jshriver07:33
JoseStefanmiteshag: no, you can't safely install dapper over warty07:33
jshriverok trying07:33
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jshriverit's running07:33
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miteshagalso not by runnrin iso image of dapper desktop?07:34
jshriverdoes ubuntu use alsa by default?07:34
LeeChangHaoi think it does, at least in my setup07:34
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JoseStefanmiteshag: you have to go in steps: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes07:34
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jshriverI'm running the test, is there supposed to be sound or how long do I let this thing run?07:35
LeeChangHaoit should sound right after you click07:35
LeeChangHaomake sure you selected the pci card in  gnome-sound-properties07:35
jshriverhrm... Unable to start the settings manager 'gnome-settings-daemon' Without the GNOME settings manager running.. blah blah07:36
miteshagto josestephan: ok i wl try to fix it as u suggested07:36
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LeeChangHaothat when you try to run the sound properties?07:36
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GPLGeekDid anyone else have a problem getting the installer CD to boot into graphical mode? (ATI, X fails)07:37
jshriverhrm was trying to run from root.. ran fine from the user end07:37
jshriverOk I changed the "Default sound card"07:37
jshriverbut when I hit close, and reload it.. it seems to revert to the original one hrm07:38
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LeeChangHaoyeah it happens sometimes to me when i plug my usb speakers07:38
LeeChangHaoi cant remember how i fix it07:38
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kcOK, so I'm very impressed with ubuntu... except why is it runnin at a QUARTER of the speed of Winblows XP?07:39
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jshriverbrb going to try rebooting07:39
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kcno takers?07:40
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tonyyarussoGPLGeek: I have not, but I believe there is some sort of "Safe graphics" mode I think that might be worth trying.07:40
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GPLGeektonyyarusso, Ya that wont work either07:40
tonyyarussokc: Running, not booting?  Anything specific?07:41
GPLGeekbut thx for the info07:41
tonyyarussoGPLGeek: Better luck with someone else then.07:41
kcRunning great... better than SUSE or Fedora... Everything WORKS! HOOT!!!07:41
kc... only SLOW07:41
kcCompaq EvoN600c07:41
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kcPIII Mobile... 700/1.2 512MB 40GB07:41
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kcRadeon Mobility... the damn 3d effects in the SS work great too...07:42
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LeeChangHaoSS, IDK?07:42
kcscreen saver07:42
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LeeChangHaoah, yeah, those great screensavers that consume 100% of the cpu07:43
jshriverThanks! it works now07:43
orbinkc: specs aren't that bad. what exactly is running slow?  just the general system?07:43
kcpersonally... its the best thing to show off about linux lately... LOL... office workers and girlfrineds are really impressed by pretty spiraling colors07:43
jshriverguess it was just stale information.. prob didnt need to reboot at all.. shoudl have tried ctrl-alt-backspace and relogged in07:43
kcit even recognized 2 out of 3 WLAN cards w no config...07:43
tonyyarussokc: There are some things, like prelink, that will help programs open faster, and there are various guides scattered about the web on speeding up Ubuntu if you care to look at those.  Also, watch the system monitor to see if anything funny is going on, like beagle indexing.07:43
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jshriverLeeChangHAo thanks very much for your help07:43
LeeChangHaojshriver, im glad it works, but if the built in sound is fried disabling it in the bios will  probably avoid problems in the future07:44
kcok... "beagle indexing"... never heard of it... will look it up...07:44
kcis this a common question tony?07:44
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tonyyarussobtw, Ctrl-Alt-Backspace on my dad's machine in Kubuntu, rather than restarting X, blanked the screen and totally froze up the system.  Needed a hard restart.07:44
jshriverLeeChangHao aye, I tried that.. which is weird because linux still detects it *shrug*07:44
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tonyyarussokc: Not too much, but lots of people try to run Linux on old low-spec machines, so it comes up in that context.  (Beagle is a search program, so when it indexes it uses a fair bit of resources.)07:45
kck... like locate... only on steroids?07:45
kcDoes it run for a few hours of so and then only update periodically?07:45
jshriverby chance any of you into embedded systems?07:45
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tonyyarussokc: And with a pretty interface.07:46
tonyyarussokc: Few minutes.07:46
kcHeh heh07:46
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kcok...then just by symptom... thats not it07:46
AnubuntuI need to send some files to a mac computer on my network, from my ubuntu machine. Can someone tell me the best way to set up a filesharing network between the two computers?07:46
jshriversamba? ssh?07:46
Awesome-o2000if you're using osx Im pretty sure ssh is part of iut07:47
jshriversamba might be easier07:47
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jshriveraye I use to have an OS X box.. just setup a samba share.. on your linux box.. and mount it under OS X.. will show up as a drive07:47
Anubuntusamba=windows file sharing. ssh= ?07:47
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jshriverssh = secure shell, but can be used to tunnel anything in a secure encrypted manner07:47
orbintonyyarusso: weird.  i never noticed beagle, and my lappy's HDD is slow as.  is it a part of the default dapper install?07:48
tonyyarussoorbin: No.  Might be default in Edgy though; we'll see.07:48
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jshriverscp is nice, but not friendly to the novice.. samba is a lot easier to use, set and figure out07:49
jshriverjust my oppinion though07:49
Jared777How can I merge 2 partitions in Linux?07:49
Jared777qtparted doesn't have a merge option07:50
tonyyarussoWell, I should be getting to bed.07:50
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kcthanks t07:50
Jared777First program I tried to merge them though it did  allow me to resize the windows partition07:51
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kcAny other takers on why Ubuntu runs slower than molasses on my machine, when XP and Fedora run at a respectable speed?07:52
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Awesome-o2000buggy acpi07:52
kcdisable acpi?07:52
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kcI think I saw an article or two about that07:52
sethkkc, start by replacing the kernel with the one from kernel.org07:52
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sethkkc, keep the old one, of course07:53
kcslight kernel hiccup?07:53
sethkkc, that would be my guess, but it's only a somewhat educated guess07:53
sethkkc, run top, see what processes are using what resources07:53
kcits really weird... ubuntu works better than friggin XP...07:53
kcbut its slower than a 28607:53
sethkkc, it could be an acpi issue07:54
kcwouldnt that screw up my laptop functionality07:54
sethkkc, if it thinks the processor is running hot, it will ramp down the speed07:54
reganzihi, can anyone help me out with a NIC related issue? (sk98lin won't detect my card)07:54
kcis there a fix?07:54
sethkturning it off is a test, not a fix07:54
kckbesides disabling?07:54
sethkkc, first see if that's really the issue07:54
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sethkthere are other possibilities.07:54
JoseStefankc, it might be running at the lower of the 2 speeds07:54
kcRight... damn glad I stopped by here tonight07:55
kcJose... I run it on batteries all the time... (in XP, at half speed) and it cruises like a champ07:55
kcinstead of running like its a 700MHz...07:55
salkothow come I can only play one sound at once?07:55
kcit runs like its serioously a PII 20007:56
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sethkkc, take it systematically, gather some data.07:56
kcwhich I still have running tertiary DNS btw... hee hee07:56
sethkkc, eventually you'll figure it out.07:56
kcis there any more stripped down version of ubuntu?07:56
sethksalkot, usually that means that the sound server isn't running.  so one process grabs the sound device, and all the others fail to get it.07:56
salkotsethk, why would the sound server not run?07:57
kcmaybe one of those LFS-style... ro Pocket Linux style projects?07:57
sethkkc, there is, or you can install a minimal system in expert mode (which I would recommend)07:57
sethksalkot, not installed?  not configured?  hard to say.  check whether it is true, then worry about why.  :)07:57
reganzier, quick question - maybe easier: is there any advantage to using the server distribution of ubuntu if i still have to compile a new kernel?07:57
kchtf do I get to expert mode... didnt see it... its in the main install fine print right?07:57
sethkkc, I think for dapper you have to use the alternate install cd07:57
kcdamn...  seth... thank-you very much07:57
kcI'll go work on these bites for the night07:58
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salkotsethk, there are two instances of esd running -- does that answer the question?08:00
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sethksalkot, kill one of them08:00
salkotone is running as my user, one as root08:00
sethkreganzi, apples and oranges.08:00
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sethksalkot, that's interesting.  I use kde which uses a different sound server, though, so I'm not clear on exactly what is going on there.08:01
silent_screamis there any way to mount an .mdf / .mds file?08:01
sethkreganzi, I would use the expert mode and install the things you need.08:01
silent_screamwithout to convert it into .iso08:01
ISOLATEDViRuSwhats the word im looking for08:01
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ISOLATEDViRuSopposite of being philosophical, and means believeing ina  religion..08:02
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ISOLATEDViRuSi dont think religionistic is the word im looking for,,,08:02
ISOLATEDViRuSnot fundamental, its not a radical standing point.08:02
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davecan someone hello me08:03
kcOH... I get it ISOLATED... RTFM... hee hee08:03
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silent_screamhello dave08:03
kcnobody can read... thats why they are here08:03
reganzisethk, does expert mode just let you select what modules to load or is it something more? (because the module i want inserts fine but still doesnt work.)08:03
davehow cani config my screen resolution on my unbuntu08:03
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JoseStefan!xconfig > dave08:04
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sethkreganzi, expert mode refers to installing parts of the system, not parts of the kernel.08:04
sethkreganzi, I think perhaps the answer to your original question is no08:04
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blinddave: try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:04
kcIn other flavors of Linux its been called Selecting Individual Packages for Install08:04
blindsudo that, dave08:04
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sethkreganzi, because choosing one or another of the package lists doesn't have much impact on the kernel.  If a kernel module isn't working, it is almost certainly not because a particular package is, or isn't, installed08:05
sethkreganzi, what module are we talking about ?08:05
reganziwell, my issues is that my card should be supported by module sk98lin or skge but it won't detect it so i'm trying to include them in teh kernel directly to see if it helps.08:05
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sethkreganzi, there is a version of that driver available on the Marvell web site with many, many, many fixes.08:06
kintaro0ehi guys..i need help on ssl..how to make ssl cert for my irc.foo.com08:06
sethkreganzi, it has to be built from source, though.08:06
davemy is xserver is not installed08:06
sethkreganzi, you have to take the kernel source, and drop the newer driver source into the tree, and then build the kernel.08:06
sethkdave, it's harder to configure it when it isn't installed.  :)08:06
sethkdave, sounds like you need to install it?08:06
davecan you help me sethk08:07
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reganzialso, i tried to build the module from source but it never builds properly. (i was using pure debian but eventually i found a site claiming that i needed a kernel > 2.6.8 which is why i tried ubuntu)08:07
sethkreganzi, I happen to have been working recently with an embedded system using two different Marvell chips that use that driver, so I've gotten into the details quite a bit.08:07
sethkreganzi, use the kernel from kernel.org.  neither debian's, nor ubuntu's, is going to work with the updated marvell code.08:07
reganzion both distro's there are errors while in teh compile stage, even though the install script claims i've met every prerequisite to build the driver.08:07
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sethkreganzi, yes, I know.  I've only gotten the driver to build properly with the kernel from kernel.org.08:08
reganzioh, ok.08:08
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sethkreganzi, it's a PITA, I know, but as I said there are a lot of important bug fixes in it.08:08
sethkdave, what do you need to do, exactly?  I'm sure someone here can help you, but you have to ask a more specific question.  (Or ask it again, if I missed it.  :)  )08:09
reganzithank you.08:09
mad_man Matrox Linux Driver Install Script:ERROR: Could not find X server driver install path. where did i go wrong ?08:09
sethkreganzi, np.  I hope I actually helped, rather than just confused.08:09
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sethkmad_man, probably don't have the X development packages installed08:09
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sethkmad_man, or the X server itself, even.08:10
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sethkmad_man, where did that script come from?08:10
topa_I need to know if there are any large scale deployments of Ubuntu-server in the enterprise08:10
mad_mansethk: yes yes how ?08:10
topa_any links on the above question would be helpful08:10
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sethkmad_man, what are you installing, exactly?  Obviously a matrox driver, but from where?08:10
reganzii may need more help getting the kernel running as i've only ever built a kernel by following distro specific tutorials.08:11
mad_mansethk: my desktop08:11
Madpilottopa_, there have been; Canonical hasn't mentioned many names yet, though. There have been some large school deployments publicly discussed, though.08:11
sethktopa_, I don't know, sorry.   I have about 20 of them, but that doesn't really count.  :)08:11
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sethkmad_man, you get that during an apt-get install?  Or an install from synaptic?08:11
mad_mansethk: no, I DL to my desktop and uncommpress08:12
davewell sethk my screen resolution is 640x480 and i don't like that Res i want it 1024x780 i think08:12
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sethkdave, and what happened when you tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  ?08:13
sethkmad_man, from source?  that's not a trivial thing to do.  are you trying to install from source, rather than from packages, for some reason?08:13
daveit tells me that xserver is not installed and it is not available08:14
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topa_Madpilot: is there any page which carries info on those deployments which canonical has named ?08:14
sethkdave, if that were true, though, you wouldn't have 640x480, either, you would just have a console.08:14
mad_mansethk: from source i wood say, no packages, i'm new to linux and trying to learn08:14
Madpilottopa_, I'm not sure - check ubuntu.com or canonical.com08:15
topa_Madpilot: and.. schools != enterprise deployments :)08:15
sethkmad_man, then you'll have to get into the documentation at the xorg web site.08:15
davetrue but i don't have the console08:15
mad_manthinking, thinking, do u see the smoke08:15
sethkdave, this is a new install?08:15
davei know its my monitor08:15
miteshagto sethk: sir i think i hv filled my apt file with lot of junk upgrade while trying to upgrade from 4.10 to 6.0608:15
davethis is a new install08:16
sethkdave, no, if it were your monitor, there is no way dpkg-reconfigure would tell you the X server is not installed08:16
sethkmiteshag, that is quite possible.08:16
miteshagto sethk: can u suggest hw to clean it08:16
miteshagor manage it?08:16
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davewhat can i do then08:16
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JoseStefanmiteshag, downgrading broken packages to 4.1008:17
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sethkmiteshag, I don't know enough yet about the internal formats of the package data.  I have many years of linux experience but I still need to learn the internals of dpkg08:17
sethkmiteshag, I've not seen programs to fix up the package database, which surprises me.08:17
miteshagto josestepghan: hw cn i do that?08:17
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davesethtk do you know anything on DVB cards and TV tuners cards08:18
nailbags|worki want my laptop to hibernate when i press the 'sleep' button (currently it suspends-to-ram). hibernation works if i run /usr/shared/hal/scripts/hal-system-power/hibernate, but i can't get it to hibernate when i press the button, it always suspends-to-ram. i've dug around /etc/acpi to no avail. can anyone help?08:18
mad_mansethk: i'm doing a binary install of the driver08:18
sethkmiteshag, there are flags you can use with dpkg to tell it to ignore various errors, and there are a few flags to attempt to repair things, but I don't think they will help you, I think they are too basic.08:18
sethkmad_man, ok08:18
JoseStefanmiteshag, 1) set your sources.list to match warty08:18
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nailbags|worknailbags|work: i'm using dapper, btw08:18
mad_man<=speed reading08:18
sethkdave, not really much, no.  I haven't looked at them for several months.08:18
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davei guess i need to buy a new crt then08:19
JoseStefanmiteshag, it's kind of messy here could you join #miteshag08:19
chalcedonyhas anyone ever seen a segmentation fault on ubuntu when an irc operator opers?08:19
sethknailbags|work, there is a script burried somewhere in /etc/rc*, that you'll have to adjust.  sorry I don't remember the specifics.08:19
mad_mansethk: i have a08:19
mad_manHat Linux 9.008:19
reganziwhats the default mountpoint for a usb drive?08:20
mad_mansorry my bad08:20
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sethkreganzi, in ubuntu /media/usbdisk  I believe08:20
swubooreganzi:  I believe it depends on the USB drive.08:20
swubooMine opens in /media/CORSAIR08:20
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reganzinope, doesnt appear.08:20
sethkswuboo, reganzi, the name choice is part of the udev configuration08:20
chalcedonywhat to type to show which ubuntu distro?08:21
mad_mani have a red hat 9.0 manual, i can't seem to find a ubuntu 6.06 one08:21
swuboosethk: Hmm?08:21
sethkreganzi, if it is mounted, all you have to do is type mount (no arguments) and you'll see it.08:21
nailbags|worksethk: you mean edit an actual init script? that really doesn't seem right!08:21
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JoseStefanmiteshag, it's kind of messy here could you join channel #miteshag08:21
sethkswuboo, the udev configuration, which handles dynamic devices, is where that name is burried.08:21
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sethknailbags|work, the only way I've seen that works.08:22
swubooSo you're saying that udev maintains a list of USBdisk types and returns a name from its stockpile?08:22
sethknailbags|work, if you can find something less ugly, then by all means use it.08:22
nailbags|worksethk: /etc/rc* are symlinks to /etc/init.d, so you are talking about editing /etc/init.d/acpi* right?08:22
nailbags|worksethk: the docs on the wiki seem incorrect too08:23
sethkswuboo, not exactly.  when the device is detected, there is code that is executed, and that code is based on the vendor and device IDs.  that's why a particular brand of usb will have a different name than another brand.08:23
reganziapperently it didn't automount my usbkey, but it did write some junk about /dev/sda to console when i inserted it08:23
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cmpalmerchalcedony: you're trying to figure out which ubuntu distro a machine is running?08:23
sethknailbags|work, the wiki is questionable, I agree.  I'm not certain about the script name, it was a few months ago that I dug it up.08:23
nailbags|worksethk: do you have it working?08:23
sethknailbags|work, I do, but the machine isn't here, it's at work.  I can't get at it until tomorrow.08:24
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nailbags|workanyone else successfully have there sleep button mapped to hibernate?08:24
sethknailbags|work, I'll try to check in tomorrow night around the same time.  right now it's 2:30 am here and I'm drifting off and my brain is only slightly working.  :)08:24
daveman the res on my monitor is too big08:24
swubooDoes anyone know if it's possible to get lmsensors working with an nForce 570 chipset?08:24
nailbags|worksethk: ok, thanks ;)08:25
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jojoman02can anyone with bartpe experince help me (networking is asking for a password)08:25
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swubooThere's an i2c driver available for the nForce 4** chipsets, but I can't find anything on the 5** series.08:25
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swubooAh, well.  Guess not.08:28
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lordhelmetso does anybody else not like cups 1.2?08:30
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nalphaguys can i make keyboard shorcut for show dekstop on ubuntu?08:30
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squeaksi just apt-get install netpipe-tcp, but i can't find where it put the binary or what files it installed, how to check that?08:30
swubooI think it's Ctrl-Alt-d by default, nalpha.08:31
daveso how can i install xserver then people08:31
davei'm new to this08:31
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lordhelmetdave: apt-get install xserver-xorg?08:32
swuboonalpha: Under System, Preferences, Keyboard shortcuts.  Like I said, it's Ctrl-Alt-d by default in Dapper, but you can reassign it.08:32
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uslineed help08:34
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lordhelmetcan anybody suggest anything for me? i have cups working sort of. it prints from windows, prints from gentoo (all i had to do in gentoo was change 'localhost' to my server name in one file and it worked) but in kubuntu on my laptop, it 'prints' and the job lists as completed on both the localhost and server but all the printer does is warmup like it's going to print but does nothing08:34
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uslido u know how to configure bluetooth in ubuntu?08:34
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swuboolordhelmet: Have you set up the printer with the correct driver?08:35
swuboousli:  Sorry, not personally.08:36
nailbags|work i want my laptop to hibernate when i press the 'sleep' button (currently it suspends-to-ram). hibernation works if i run /usr/shared/hal/scripts/hal-system-power/hibernate, but i can't get it to hibernate when i press the button, it always suspends-to-ram. i've dug around /etc/acpi to no avail. can anyone help?08:36
lordhelmetswuboo: yes..brother hl2040 using the brother lpr/cupswrapper08:36
usliis there a way08:36
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uslior is it possible to have bluetooth in ubuntu ?08:36
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ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup08:37
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lordhelmetusli: yes, but i'm not sure how....look around for the bluez libs and bluetooth stuff in kcontrol08:37
swuboolordhelmet: Bugger.  I don't really know what to tell you, then.  I know I had a lot of problems printing in Breezy, until it started working by itself.  Then my HD died and I ran off a liveCD.08:37
swubooThe Dapper liveCD couldn't be made to print for love nor money, but now that I've got an HD install again, it prints absolutely perfectly and with no real tinkering.08:38
lordhelmetswuboo: really? everything worked in breezy but dapper/cups 1.2 broke printing hardcore for me08:38
lordhelmetswuboo: it almost made me switch back to breezy on my sever08:38
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swubooPrinting in Ubuntu seems to be governed by phases of the moon and ancient voudoun hexes, rather than by logic.08:39
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lordhelmetOT wow has anybody seen District 13? some sweet French gangsta rap08:39
lordhelmetgreat movie08:39
birdfishWhat is a similar command to "pw groupadd ftpgroup"?08:39
lordhelmetswuboo: lol08:39
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birdfishI need to create a password file for the group account08:39
birdfishBut it tells me that pw is an unrecognized command08:40
lordhelmetswuboo: i seem to remember having this problem before, but i don't remember if/how i solved it08:40
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birdfishOops, nevermind, that's BSD style command08:40
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swubooI'm fairly sure that when I had the liveCD, I could only print during a waxing gibbous while pouring the blood of a freshly slain chicken onto an infant.08:41
swubooBut hey, it works fine now.  It even very intelligently handles printing oddsized html documents onto letter paper.08:41
WinterWolfHello, when I try to run glxgears do i get this error messege "Error: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual" will i need to install new grafic drivers08:42
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swubooWinterWolf:  nVidia or ATI card?08:42
kcBRAVO! swuboo... BRAVO!08:42
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swubookc: Thanks.08:42
swubooWinterWolf:  The open-source nv drivers won't do glxgears.  Or much else.08:43
WinterWolfi run 64 too if needed08:43
kcheh heh... only I have that kind of flavor with words...08:43
kcG'night all... thanks for the help!08:43
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swubooWell, you just need the proprietary nvidia binaries.08:43
lordhelmetstupid printing...08:43
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swubooI think the package is called nvidia-glx08:44
WinterWolfyeah i'm thinking about installing the non GPU nvidia drivers but i don't know what driver to use :P08:44
ompaul!nvidia > WinterWolf08:44
ompaulWinterWolf, please read the message ubotu sent you08:44
Kiranahello, could i ask a ubuntu question?08:45
lordhelmetdoing the printing in gentoo was the best thing ever...i changed 'server name = localhost' to 'server name = myserver' or whatever the line was, and restarted cups, and both my printers were there and just worked08:45
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:45
FirstStrikeWell, this is the #ubuntu channel.08:45
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someonecan anyone help me, I am getting boot message: "PCI: cannot alocate resource region 7"08:45
KiranaI tried booting up my Ubuntu Live CD and it's my USB keyboard isn't working08:45
lordhelmetsomeone: does it still boot and work fine?08:45
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Kiranabut i've seen the USB drivers being loaded up08:45
Kiranaubotu: thanks08:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thanks - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:46
lordhelmetsomeone: well then who cares? i get those messages once in awhile but everything works so i don't worry about it08:46
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jshriverhi again, can't sleep08:46
jjjjjjjholy crap... i started downloading the repos yesterday and i just finished today08:46
jshriverWhen you do "apt-get source package" where does it put the source?08:46
someonelordhelmet: So, you think, I should not be worried?08:46
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ompaulsomeone, have a look at this http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-185652.html08:46
lordhelmetsomeone: nope08:47
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lordhelmetsomeone: if something is not working then you worry. if everything works, don't worry...be happy08:47
ompauljjjjjjj, well there are over 25 gigs of main and universe08:47
swubooWait, you downloaded everything the repositories?08:48
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jjjjjjj6.06 runs like a dog08:48
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someoneThanks! Maybe I am just too perfectionish! Like when everything is nice and smooth!08:48
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jjjjjjjso i reformatted and installed "server" 5.1008:48
jjjjjjjthen upgraded to edubuntu08:48
swubooI don't blame you, someone.  That kind of stuff bothers me, too.08:48
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swubooI'm finding 6.06 to be quite nice; it even distributes load between my proc cores quite nicely.08:49
usliany ofu had experience with bluetooth in ubuntu ?08:49
jjjjjjjnot on this 800mhz celeron with 256 big ones.08:49
swubooAh.  Yes.  I can see where that might be a bit problematic.08:50
swuboousli: I suspect everyone who has is probably AFK.  I certainly haven't.08:51
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uslii'll wait08:51
lordhelmet6.06 is wicked...except for cups.....i hate 1.208:51
uslimy phone can detect the bluetooth in ubuntu08:51
lordhelmetbut i'm off....first day of class tomorrow...08:51
uslibut when i'm about to send the file08:51
usliit said sending failed08:51
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gimmulfWhats the easiest way to use if i want to crypt my whole system?08:52
Hyakutarocould someone tell me how to change colours in irssi?08:52
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about crypt - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:54
yahyaHow do I check from the command line if a package is installed or not?08:54
WinterWolfif i got AMD 3400+ should i install the nvidia drivers for AMD 8k08:54
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someoneSorry! My connection is slow and bad. I was asking about the problem of: "PCI: cannot allocate resource region 7"08:55
^DownDoes anyone else have trouble with gPHPEdit?08:55
ompaulsomeone, have a look at this http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-185652.html08:55
swubooNot quite sure, Winterwolf.08:55
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swubooIt'd be either that or K7.08:55
steppegimmulf what kind of crypt?08:55
swubooTry looking up your processor model.08:55
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someoneompaul: I just have looked, but I am not sure what is relevant for me, except that there is a guy with the same problem.08:56
gimmulfsteppe:  something that is hard to crack08:56
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zptaohello, i have this problem with my raptor08:59
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zptaoever since i installed ubuntu, my drive has been making a consistent buzzing sound08:59
zptaoit happens whether or not i'm using ubuntu09:00
zptaohow can i fix this?09:00
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sethkzptao, constantly?  periodically?09:00
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WinterWolfok did see what my cpu was  :) but i don't understand the diffrence between09:01
zptaoand it makes clicking sounds when there are data accesses to the drive09:01
swubooThat's the kernel, not the driver.09:01
sethkzptao, there is a noise I call the popcorn noise.  It's an indication that the drives are dying.09:01
zptaosethk: it's brand new09:01
sethkzptao, dump out the S.M.A.R.T data09:01
swubooOne is optimized for AMD K8 processors in particular, the other is for generic 64 bit processors, including intel ones, I believe.09:02
zptaosethk: how do i get that?09:02
sethkzptao, makes no difference.  I had a set of four identical ones that did this.  brand new09:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about k8 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:02
sethkzptao, you need the program smartutil  (or smartutl, I can look it up)09:02
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zptaosethk: thanks, i'm going to sleep now09:02
sethkzptao, it will dump the drive's internal error logs.09:02
zptaoi'll try later09:02
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sethkzptao, ok, me to, I'll talk to you need time.09:03
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swubooWinterWolf:  It's a single core AMD 64 3400+?09:04
Wettendorffhow can i edit and save a file that is owned by the root???09:04
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swubooBy prepending the editing program's command with sudo, Wettendorff.09:04
swubooi.e. sudo gedit FILE09:04
Wettendorffswuboo: okay.. thanks..09:05
goodluckwhat is the term. cmd to bring up "Login Window" from the menu?09:05
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goodluckjust look in the menu someone please09:08
swubooLook where in the menu, exactly?09:09
goodluckwhat is the term. cmd to bring up "Login Window" from the menu?09:09
goodluckterminal command09:09
swubooRight, I know what you want me to look up, but I have no idea where on the menu I'd find that.09:09
swubooParticularly since my menu doesn't have a Login Window button.09:10
hondjeThat doesn't make sense, unless you're talking about like xnest or something09:10
goodluckgnome menu ubuntu09:10
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goodlucklogin window in settings09:11
=== Typhon [n=Typhon@c-24-12-184-249.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
goodluckneed to bring it up as a command09:11
hondjegoodluck: Oh, you should work on your phrasing. The command is gdmsetup09:12
goodluckthank you09:13
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WinterWolfdo anypne know a program that tracks sytem tempure for CPU or System or GPU? or where i can find it09:13
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Typhonanyone know anything about PXE boot from a windows box? I'm trying to install Ubuntu on a optical-less computer09:14
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siimohi is gnome 2.16 already in edgy eft? appearently today is the release day of gnome 2.1609:15
swubooWinterWolf: lmsensors.09:15
swubooBut I have yet to get it to work on my system.09:15
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ubotuYou might find something useful at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto09:16
Madpilotswuboo ^ WinterWolf ^^^09:16
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WinterWolfthanks, did try to search on some terms but i should have searched on senors :D09:17
swubooI already followed that, Madpilot, but I don't think there's a driver out for my i2c chip.09:17
swubooWhat the Hell though, I'll do it again.09:18
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AfiefHello everybody, i got a series of pictures which i want to string into a movie, any idea which program i should use?09:21
swubooYeah, sensors-detect provides such useful results as "# modprobe unknown adapter NVIDIA I2C Device" three times in a row.09:21
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Madpilotswuboo, what generation of NVidia chip?09:21
Typhonhmm I just set up my ethernet card to PXE net boot/install Ubuntu, but the ethernet card isn't recognized by the installer so I can't download packages.09:22
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ryan_narutohow can i install a driver for my bluetooth usb dongle "KY-BT100 Bluetooth Adapter"09:22
swuboonForce 570.09:22
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ryan_narutohow can i check if my bluetooth is working ???09:23
Madpilotswuboo, nForce 2, 3 or 4?09:23
swubooIt's an nForce 570 SLI.09:23
WinterWolfok i will install glx drivers but it tell me to install linux-image09:23
WinterWolfshould install the image first then install the glx drivers?09:23
swubooI think you're exceeding my depth of usefulness, Winterwolf.09:23
AfiefHello everybody, i got a series of pictures which i want to string into a movie, any idea which program i should use?09:24
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nalphaguys sorry how to set permission to me on my samba server? so i can open the file09:25
swubooMadpilot:  I think that's my problem.  lm-sensors doesn't appear to have drivers yet for my chipset.09:25
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ryan_narutoive bought a cheap usb bluetooth ive tried it on winxp and it automatically detects it. how can i know if ubuntu recognize my bluetooth device09:25
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WinterWolfok, sorry but i a newbie with linux :( can u give me some tip on where to search info, 'm trying the wiki but it wont give alot of help09:25
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Madpilotswuboo, yeah, nForce5 is likely too new. I didn't even know it was out yet ;)09:25
MadpilotWinterWolf, ATI drivers?09:26
fyrestrtrryan_naruto: plug it in.09:26
swubooMadpilot:  He's using nvidia.09:26
AfiefWinterwolf: wiki.ubuntu.com and the ubuntu forums mostly09:26
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YogSothothI use Rhythmbox to listen to my MP3s and I'd like to edit the title, artists, album... doesn't Rhythmbox provide a way to do this? I can open the properties of a MP3 but I can't edit anything09:26
Madpilotubotu, tell WinterWolf about nvidia09:26
MadpilotYogSothoth, EasyTag or Cowbell09:26
swubooYogSothoth, do you have write privileges to the files?09:26
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fyrestrtrYogSothoth: use banshee or some other player.09:26
ryan_naruto@fyrestrtr ive plugged it in it blinking but i cant get multysinc to connect to my cellphone09:27
fyrestrtrryan_naruto: can your phone find your computer?09:27
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ompaulWinterWolf, I had the bot send you a message please read the url attached it is a step by step process09:27
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_cerberus_does anyone know why when compiling mplayer I get a message saying "libmpdemux/libmpdemux.a: could not read symbols: File format not recognised"?09:29
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YogSothothswuboo, yes I have write privilege09:30
hondjebecause mplayer is scientifically designed to output as many warnings and errors as gcc can handle....09:30
ompaul_cerberus_, why are you compiling it?09:31
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YogSothothMadpilot, fyrestrtr, you mean Rhythmbox can't do that?09:31
Wettendorffanyone that can help me, getting my ubuntu to sign in to a win2003 domain??09:31
MadpilotYogSothoth, I've never used RB that much, but I know EasyTag can09:31
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ompaul_cerberus_, apt your friendly advanced package manager09:31
YogSothothfyrestrtr, Banshee looks ok. I found Exaile. Did you try it?09:31
ompaul!mplayer > _cerberus_09:32
ompaul_cerberus_, please read the message from the bot09:32
jurajHello everyone, I need help with hibernation. I described the issue on http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=251663 but nobody responded...09:32
vxd_Rhythmbox stop between all tracks when I listen the radio, do you know why ?09:32
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AfiefHello everybody, i got a series of pictures which i want to string into a movie, any idea which program i should use?09:33
jurajbtw, I would like to get standard hibernate working, rather than installing hibernate2...09:33
fyrestrtrno, but songbird really takes the cake for me, too bad its very experimental at this stage.09:33
damnhilcan anyone give pointers about installing and using distcc?09:33
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_cerberus_ompaul I can't use apt as the computer I'm using doesn't have an internet connection09:35
YogSothothsteppe ?09:35
_cerberus_I'd rather compile from source than download a binary if possible, besides it hels me learn09:35
damnhilanyone knows distcc?09:36
TyphonHello, can anyone point me in the right direction to install Dapper over Network/PXE without internet access?09:36
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fyrestrtrTyphon: have you looked at the wiki already?09:36
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TyphonI got as far as loading an installer but it won't recognize my ethernet card09:37
doogluswhat's a good way to turn a series of 1000 images into a single movie file?09:37
hondjedooglus: mencoder does that fairly easily09:37
Typhonand it won't let me proceed without a network interface, which is weird, because the card works enough to load the installer over the network09:37
dooglushondje: I looked at the mencoder man page, but couldn't see how.  any pointers?09:37
hondjedooglus: Ummm, I last did it like 2 years ago lol09:38
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ompaul_cerberus_, so ehh why try to install things on it until you get the internet connection working on it?09:39
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dooglushondje: are you sure it's possible?  the man page says that mencoder converts between (mplayer playable) movie formats09:39
hondjedooglus: well, it _was_, and it'd be a weird feature to drop09:39
_cerberus_because it will never have an internet connection, it's just a music box made from antique components09:39
Wettendorffanyone that can help me, getting my ubuntu to sign in to a win2003 domain??09:40
canine_koujiWettendorff: you need to read the main samba howto09:40
canine_koujiit clearly states how09:41
canine_koujialso google09:41
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jurajwettendorff: try reading this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9151009:42
dooglushondje: I get an error: "============ Sorry, this file format is not recognized/supported ================ If this file is an AVI, ASF or MPEG stream, please contact the author! ==="09:42
ompaul_cerberus_, I strongly suggest you view this document: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts it contains a howto compile on ubuntu09:43
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cow_2001i'm on a quest to find an interesting channel on freenode09:43
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cow_2001can someone point me?09:43
jurajis there a FAQ on getting hibernation to work?09:44
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Madpilotcow_2001, define 'interesting'? ;)09:44
hondje#math is fun, you can make everyone all fiesty by just asking why .9999.... = 109:44
enyccow_2001: hrrm well that depends what you find interesting ;-)09:44
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cow_2001hondje, ^_^09:44
hondjeIt's fuN!09:44
cow_2001madpilot, enyc, i don't know, i really don't know09:45
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davmor2help please.  I get a boot time error in edgy 64bit that I wish to check is reported unfortunately being dyslexic means it isn't on screen long enough for me to read where are the boot time error messages recorded please?09:46
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hondjedavmor2: Look in dmesg?09:47
davmor2hondje: is that not just for hardware09:47
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dooglushondje: let x = 0.999;  9x = 10x - x = 9.999 - 0.999 = 9.    9x=9, so x=109:48
YogSothothAnyway now I'm stuck with a package that I can't remove so I can't install EasyTag: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25189909:48
hondjedooglus: I don't need an explaination :)09:48
hondjeJust saying, it's fun to watch 'em start hopping around09:48
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dooglushondje: I found a way to make my movie, but it involves converting everything to fuzzy jpeg images first.09:48
dooglushondje: mencoder "mf://*.jpg" -o movie.mpg -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg409:49
hondjecheck transcode?09:49
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dooglus!info transcode09:50
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ubotutranscode: Utility to encode raw video/audio streams. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 2:1.0.2-0.0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 14123 kB, installed size 42172 kB09:50
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davmor2dooglus: what areyou trying to do?09:50
LookTJI tried to install jedit09:50
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LookTJbut it had errors09:50
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dooglusdavmor2: I have 1000 images.  I want to stick them together to make a movie09:51
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CorpseFeederapparently I need something called "kernel headers" package installed to make my wifi card work. I searched for "kernel header" in synaptic pack manager and got a bunch of results... i don't know which one to install09:51
dooglusdavmor2: Imagemagick's "convert" promises to do it, but it seems to want to load them all into memory first - they don't fit.09:51
jozzephhow should i install java and the right plug in for firefox?09:51
davmor2dooglus: can't you do that in pitivi09:51
dooglusdavmor2: never heard of it.09:51
dooglus!info pitivi09:51
ubotupitivi: non-linear audio/video editor using GStreamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.10.0-0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 101 kB, installed size 572 kB09:51
LookTJnow the package manager says i need to reinstall but it cant find the package09:51
WinterWolfi did get some problems after installing new drivers for grafic card09:51
WinterWolf*@*:~$ glxgears09:51
WinterWolfXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".09:51
WinterWolfError: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual09:51
WinterWolf*@*:~$ sudo nvidia-glx-config enable09:51
WinterWolfError: your X configuration has been altered.09:51
WinterWolfThis script cannot proceed automatically. If you believe that this09:51
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WinterWolfnot correct, you can update the md5sum entry executing the following09:51
WinterWolfmd5sum /etc/X11/xorg.conf | sudo tee /var/lib/x11/xorg.conf.md5sum09:51
WinterWolfotherwise edit manually /etc/X11/xorg.conf to change the Driver section09:52
WinterWolffrom nv to nvidia.09:52
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)09:52
jozzephsometimes my java works, sometimes it doesnt09:52
highvoltagethat's java for you09:52
VladDracit seems asif on dapper, since the recent xorg upgrade, my screensaver/lock doesn't work anymore09:52
jozzephwhats wrong with java and linux09:53
VladDracat least I can't trigger it using the panel button09:53
davmor2dooglus: not sure if it will work it from stills though,  also try diva another easy editor again not sure on stills but the may be worth a quick read up.09:53
hondjejava and linux? Seem to play along well if you don't mind license issues09:53
CorpseFeederwhich kernel headers package do I install? how do I find out?09:53
VladDrac.xsession-errors says: "gnome-screensaver-Message: Screensaver is not running!"09:53
LookTJjozzeph: try to install sun's java09:53
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jozzephi dis sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jre sun-java5-plugin09:54
jozzephhow to sun java?09:54
cow_2001dooglus, wow.09:54
LookTJtry config?09:54
jozzephconfig 2 possibilities09:54
jozzephi did the default09:54
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jozzephshould i try the other one?09:55
LookTJsudo update-alternatives --config java09:55
WinterWolfi got some problem getting glxgears working and also nvidia-glx-config ebale working http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2270709:55
LookTJtry other one09:55
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jozzephok ill try09:55
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LookTJubotu tell about pastebin09:56
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LookTJjozzeph hold on09:56
jozzephit doesnt work either09:56
CorpseFeederwhat does 3rd mouse button emulation do on two button mouse?.. i.e. what would a 3rd mouse button do if I had one?09:56
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highvoltageCorpseFeeder: if you press both buttons at the same time, it acts like a third button09:57
JoseStefanCorpseFeeder, depends on program09:57
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JoseStefanCorpseFeeder, on firefox middle button is a shortcur for "open in new tab" and for closing tabs09:58
LookTJjozzeph: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2270809:58
jozzephok tx09:58
LookTJfollow the instructions09:58
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CorpseFeederaha.. I see. thanks09:59
JoseStefanCorpseFeeder, with emulation on, you use the 3rd button by clicking buttons 1+2 at the same time09:59
LookTJcan someone help with my problem09:59
poningruCorpseFeeder: are you using a touchpad?09:59
poningruLookTJ: whats the prob?09:59
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CorpseFeedernow... what about kernel headers package? how do I tell which one I should install?09:59
LookTJi tried installing jedit10:00
poningruCorpseFeeder: just do sudo module-assistant prepare10:00
JoseStefanCorpseFeeder, try: uname -r10:00
poningruif it says command not find10:00
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hwthi, i'm running edgy.10:00
poningruoh true10:00
hwti get an error when trying to upgrade.10:00
JoseStefanhwt, i suggest #ubuntu+110:00
LookTJill paste the error while installing10:00
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CorpseFeederi got "sudo: module-assistant: command not found10:02
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xerxasCan I make resolv.conf point to, my machine is running a recursive dns server, but connects to the internet using dhcp, the dhcp client modifies /etc/resolv.conf10:03
LookTJanyone help with jedit?10:03
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CorpseFeederam I still connected?10:04
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mookyyes you are10:04
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LookTJso anyone know my problem?10:05
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mookyjedits not my bag10:05
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ompaulLookTJ, the file you downloaded was not for installing - the package list which is needed to install it is missing10:05
bayziderhow do i comple c programs in ubuntu10:05
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CorpseFeederok that "sudo module-assistant prepare" didn't work.10:06
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CorpseFeederwhat do I try now?10:06
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ompaulbayzider,  I strongly suggest you view this document: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts it contains a howto compile10:06
DJAdmiralhello people10:06
DRMacIve1Hm. Anyone know much about the 'entity' package? It sounds interesting, but the website for it is down and I can't seem to find any further information than what's in the man page.10:06
ompaulbayzider, before you do, do this, sudo apt-get install build-essential10:06
DRMacIve1(It's supposed to be an XML based GUI builder)10:06
LookTJompaul: i don't get it10:06
cactus_sedientohello everybody....would like to check if , as me, you have received yesterday the following updates for sql  and security stuff in ubuntu dapper.....there number versions are a litle suspect.....thanks10:06
DJAdmiral!info entity10:06
ubotuentity: XML-based GUI builder for GTK+. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-7.1ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 191 kB, installed size 888 kB10:07
cactus_sedientoCommit Log for Wed Sep  6 01:26:01 200610:07
cactus_sedientoI seguenti pacchetti sono stati aggiornati:10:07
cactus_sedientolibmysqlclient15off (5.0.22-0ubuntu6.06) to 5.0.22-0ubuntu6.06.210:07
cactus_sedientolibssl0.9.8 (0.9.8a-7build1) to 0.9.8a-7ubuntu0.110:07
cactus_sedientomysql-common (5.0.22-0ubuntu6.06) to 5.0.22-0ubuntu6.06.210:07
cactus_sedientoopenssl (0.9.8a-7build1) to 0.9.8a-7ubuntu0.110:07
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)10:07
DJAdmiralcactus_sediento: we got them10:07
LookTJompaul: do i have to reinstall ubuntu?10:07
ompaulLookTJ, what it means is this, that package you used wget to download is broken10:07
DJAdmiralcactus_sediento: np. Just don't flood the channel again :P10:08
ompaulLookTJ, use gedit or some such10:08
cactus_sedientosory, was not the intention10:08
LookTJompaul: anyway of removing it?10:08
DJAdmiralcactus_sediento: No problem, now you know there's a pastebin lol10:08
ompaulLookTJ, it did not install10:09
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LookTJthen how do i get rid of the icon on my panel saying i need to reinstall jedit?10:10
DJAdmiral!info jedit10:10
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ubotuPackage jedit does not exist in any distro I know10:10
CorpseFeederI am still no further ahead with getting "kernel headers" package installed. Any more suggestions?10:11
LookTJhmm im gonna reinstall ubuntu then cause jedit messed it up10:11
jozzephlooktj should i remove my old java first?10:12
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LookTJit don't matter10:12
swubooWhere is dmesg?10:13
DJAdmiralCorpseFeeder: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.15-26-386 doesn't help?10:13
jurajis it possible to get hibernation working in ubuntu at all?10:13
jozzephok doing it right now10:13
LookTJanyways im off to reinstall my system10:13
DJAdmiraljuraj: hibernation works on my computer10:13
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jozzephinstalling the new one10:13
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DJAdmiraljuraj: maybe your processor doesn't support hibernation.10:13
swubooFound it.10:13
jurajI'm stuck with "HAL won't hibernate". I've been googling for over 5 days and nothing10:13
jurajIt's Athlon 2500+10:14
DJAdmiraljuraj: then I think your processor doesn't support hibernation/10:14
CorpseFeederwhen I searched on synaptic for kernel headers, I got a bunch of different ones show up in the results and I don't know which to install...10:14
AlexCdoes anyone here use gPHPEdit?10:14
jurajso I need to go with hibernate2?10:14
DJAdmiralCorpseFeeder: try this command first: uname -r10:14
DJAdmiralAlexC: I use gPHPEdit10:15
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DJAdmiralCorpseFeeder: then you'll get your kernel header version.10:15
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DJAdmiralCorpseFeeder: then install linux headers as per your kernel version.10:15
jozzephhans@geen-9af81a6f6b:~/Desktop$ fakeroot make-jpkg jre-1_5_0_08-linux-i586.bin10:15
jozzephError: The file "jre-1_5_0_08-linux-i586.bin" does not exist.10:15
AlexCDJAdmiral, do your fonts display correctly in it? For example, my ( look like , and when I change the font size it's only chainging the font-spacing10:15
CorpseFeederI see.. it says "2.6.15-26-686"10:15
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jurajDJAdmiral: so I need to get hibernate2?10:15
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DJAdmiraljuraj: I don't know cause my hibernate works just find10:16
DJAdmiraljuraj: fine*10:16
ryan_narutoi type sudo hciconfig hci0 revision and at the bottom it says unsupported manufacturer... does that mean that i cant use my bluetooth device to connect with my phone..10:16
jozzephhans@geen-9af81a6f6b:~/Desktop$ fakeroot make-jpkg jre-1_5_0_08-linux-i586.bin10:16
jozzephError: The file "jre-1_5_0_08-linux-i586.bin" does not exist.10:16
DJAdmiralCorpseFeeder: then get those kernel versions10:16
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience10:16
JoseStefanCorpseFeeder: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)10:16
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DJAdmiralAlexC: let me check10:17
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DJAdmiralAlexC: My fonts are just fine.10:17
Daniel_GBGcan anyone help me with vpn tunnel?10:17
AlexCDJAdmiral, Hum, what font are you using?10:17
CorpseFeederso sudo apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.15-26-686 wil; do the trick?10:17
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DJAdmiralAlexC: system default font10:17
DJAdmiralCorpseFeeder: yep10:18
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DJAdmiralhey fyrestrtr!10:18
AlexCwhat would that be, DJAdmiral  =)10:18
Daniel_GBGI need help to setup a vpn tunnel10:18
DJAdmiralAlexC: checking.10:18
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fyrestrtrDaniel_GBG: are you using openvpn? Its quite easy to set up :)10:19
DJAdmiralAlexC: Sans10:19
Daniel_GBGwell I'm a linux newbee so I don't know what I need..10:19
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Daniel_GBGis it just to download openvpn?10:19
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yahyaHi, I did apt-get install swish-e, which proceeded to configure gforge-db-postgresql and gave an error because it expects postgres to be running on port 5432.  But I have it on 5433. How can I tell apt-get to use the new port?10:20
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fyrestrtrwhat kind of setup do you want? Do you want to setup a server or a client?10:20
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nalphaguys silly questino how to run sh?10:20
Daniel_GBGI would like to seput a vpn client10:20
AlexCDJAdmiral, Ahhh it was because I set my font size to 4 .... but the letters wont change size only the symbols hence why they were lookign funny!10:20
fyrestrtrnalpha: type 'sh'10:20
DJAdmiralnalpha: sh scriptname10:20
nalphaokey thanx10:20
DJAdmiralAlexC: lol10:20
JoseStefanwhat's the cause for "bad header lines" errors on apt?10:21
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Z310Nhow do i make opera default browser i dont want to use firefox?10:21
fyrestrtrDaniel_GBG: install kvpnc, that will help you.10:21
ompaulDaniel_GBG, you need to look at the openvpn website but it is just a matter of adding universe to your repos and install it via synaptic and then doing the key creation10:22
fyrestrtrDaniel_GBG: an of course, openvpn.10:22
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ompaul!repos > Daniel_GBG10:22
jozzephhans@geen-9af81a6f6b:~/Desktop$ fakeroot make-jpkg jre-1_5_0_08-linux-i586.bin10:22
jozzephError: The file "jre-1_5_0_08-linux-i586.bin" does not exist.10:22
opexocDoes anybody tell why when I am using synaptic and go to Settings->Respositories and I go to Add and I check for example for Ubuntu 6.06 LTS the Universe Repos then when I will came back there this repos are check out( They are not checked )?10:22
swubooZ310N: Preferred applications, under System, Preferences10:22
fyrestrtrjozzeph: sudo apt-get install sun-java5-bin10:22
jozzephand then?10:23
Daniel_GBGenglish please..10:23
ompaulDaniel_GBG, read the message from the bot10:23
Z310Nthanks swuboo:D10:23
fyrestrtrjozzeph: then you are done :)10:23
jozzephhaha nice :)10:23
jozzephgonna try10:23
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fyrestrtrjozzeph: oh, wait, you might want to also run sudo update-alternatives --config java (and choose the number for the entry that has 'sun' in its name)10:24
ompaulDaniel_GBG, a vpn is not a totally trivial thing, you _will_ need to look at the openvpn website, to install it is just a matter of adding universe to your repos and install it via synaptic package manager10:24
Daniel_GBGkvpnc what is that?10:24
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DJAdmiralfyrestrtr: he left.10:24
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fyrestrtrDaniel_GBG: its a gui way of configure a vpn client.10:24
ompaulfyrestrtr, hmm not seen this10:24
fyrestrtrDJAdmiral: thanks, I have some rigid filters on irssi :)10:24
DJAdmiralfyrestrtr: lol10:25
fyrestrtrompaul: kde app, quite nice actually.10:25
=== ompaul uses openvpn on a semi regular basis
=== apokryphos [n=apokryph@host-84-9-35-244.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== fyrestrtr runs an openvpn server with 12 clients
=== DJAdmiral is listening to the matrix trilogy soundtrack while he's solving a sudoku cube :P
=== fyrestrtr is too dumb to do sudoku. Cheats by using a calculator :P
CorpseFeederok.. now I am getting lost of "warning: DBG is not defined" errors10:26
DJAdmiralYou can't cheat with a calculator, sudoku has absolutely nothing to do with maths. It's all logic10:26
fyrestrtrhrmm, maybe that's why I can never finish it.10:26
DJAdmiralYou can replace the numbers 1 through 9 with different pictures of a hamster and still solve it :P10:27
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swubooI like to solve all my hamster related problems with a calculator, too.10:27
hondjehammers work better10:28
swuboo"Swuboo, Daisy's chewing through a wire."  "Uhhh.... E."10:28
JoseStefanWhat's the cause for "bad header line" errors on apt?10:28
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DJAdmiralswuboo: :P10:28
MadpilotFolks, #ubuntu-offtopic is somewhere over there =====>10:28
=== fyrestrtr looks over =====>
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DJAdmiralMadpilot: sorry, we were just having a little fun while we're waiting for people to ask questions10:29
DJAdmiralit's getting a little boring here.10:29
Daniel_GBGwelll i do not understand how to install openvpn?10:29
swubooJoseStefan did just ask a question, I suppose, but I have no idea how to answer it.10:29
ompaul!universe > Daniel_GBG10:29
opexocDoes anybody tell why when I am using synaptic and go to Settings->Respositories and I go to Add and I check for example for Ubuntu 6.06 LTS the Universe Repos then when I will came back there this repos are check out( They are not checked )?10:30
fyrestrtrDaniel_GBG: sudo apt-get install openvpn kvpnc -- then run kvpnc from gnome and set it up with your login details for your vpn server.10:30
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DJAdmiralJoseStefan: to the best of my knowledge it only happens when some public key is corrupt maybe. it's really nothing to worry about though10:30
Daniel_GBGvad men du mean by universe?10:30
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ompaulfyrestrtr, I doubt if he has universe set up10:30
JoseStefanDJAdmiral, how is that fixed?10:30
ompaulDaniel_GBG, please look for a message from Ubotu10:31
nrdbHi, which package has the man files for the c function like strlen etc.10:31
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DJAdmiralJoseStefan: You don't need to fix it. It's nothing to worry about10:31
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DJAdmiralJoseStefan: It'll be fixed by the developers within a few days10:31
DJAdmiralJoseStefan: There's no worry.10:31
JoseStefanDJAdmiral, it's not doing the upgrade and it's on a warty box, going from warty -> warty (updated)10:32
ompaulJoseStefan, that is unsupported software10:32
DJAdmiralJoseStefan: No wonder10:32
Daniel_GBGcould not find the pacage openvpn..10:32
DJAdmiralJoseStefan: the keys won't be fixed if it's unsupported!10:32
ompaulJoseStefan, download dapper and install it10:32
DJAdmiralJoseStefan: just get dapper.10:32
ompaulDaniel_GBG, join me in #ubuntu-classroom10:32
JoseStefanDJAdmiral, ompaul, i'm helping someone upgrde, but wanted to do a regular upgrade 1st10:32
fyrestrtr!info libstdc++6-doc10:33
DJAdmiralJoseStefan: That won't work.10:33
ubotuPackage libstdc6-doc does not exist in any distro I know10:33
MadpilotJoseStefan, warty has no more updates, AFAIK10:33
fyrestrtr!info libstdc++6-doc dapper10:33
JoseStefanDJAdmiral, ompaul, Madpilot: he had warty with "release day" packages10:33
ubotuPackage libstdc6-doc does not exist in dapper10:33
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apokryphosWarty stopped getting security updates some time ago10:33
fyrestrtr!info libstdc-doc dapper10:33
ubotuPackage libstdc-doc does not exist in dapper10:33
fyrestrtrhrmm, strange.10:34
Madpilotsupport for Warty ended 18 months after it came out - April 200610:34
fyrestrtrnrdb: its something like libstdc-doc, search for it (apt-cache search)10:34
DJAdmiralJoseStefan: What you have to do is just download and burn dapper, format the hard disk, and install.10:34
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JoseStefanyou think its better to just change repos to hoary and the do the dist-ugprade? i wanted to get his hoary udpated 1st10:34
JoseStefanDJAdmiral, the person does not have a cd drive, only net access10:35
DJAdmiralJoseStefan: ouch. that's a bummer.10:35
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JoseStefani wanted to do the following: warty -> warty (updated) -> hoary, etc10:35
MadpilotJoseStefan, dist-upgrade is going to be the only way to go, then10:35
swubooJoseStefan:  Is there really much point in that?  If you can't do a format and reinstall, why not just go directly to dapper?10:36
JoseStefanswuboo, the person has no cd drive, only net access10:36
swubooRight, I know.10:36
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://help.ubuntu.com/community/BreezyUpgrade  Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DapperUpgrades  Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development version.10:36
JoseStefanso this "bad header lines" is a server error?10:37
DJAdmiralThere you go.10:37
DJAdmiralJoseStefan: It's not really a server error10:37
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DJAdmiralJoseStefan: not in this case at least10:37
JoseStefanis it unfixable?10:37
DJAdmiralJoseStefan: it's not something that you can fix10:37
DJAdmiralJoseStefan: it's only fixable by the developers10:37
DJAdmiralJoseStefan: and they won't fix that since warty is outdated10:37
swubooShouldn't he be able to switch his Synaptic repositories to Dapper and then just update everything?10:38
JoseStefanDJAdmiral, will changing the repos to hoary at this time fix it?10:38
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swubooOr hoary, I guess.10:38
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JoseStefanDJAdmiral, followed by update/dist-upgrade10:38
DJAdmiralJoseStefan: i recommend reading the above upgrading to breezy then dapper10:38
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://help.ubuntu.com/community/BreezyUpgrade  Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DapperUpgrades  Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development version.10:38
JoseStefanDJAdmiral, i have this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes10:38
DJAdmiralJoseStefan: thse links that ubotu just said10:38
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JoseStefanit's a long route10:38
DJAdmiralJoseStefan: Upgrade to breezy, then dapper.10:39
JoseStefanit's like ubuntu history, a timeline off sorts10:39
MadpilotJoseStefan, yeah, you're going to have to update this prehistoric Ubuntu box one version at a time... long & messy...10:39
JoseStefanDJAdmiral, you cant upgrade warty to breezy, actually the person tried that at 1st and almost broke his pkgs10:40
nrdbfyrestrtr: I am downloading the libstdc++6-4.0-doc package, that looks like it. :(10:40
DJAdmiralJoseStefan: then he must have done something wrong.10:40
MadpilotWarty -> Hoary -> Breezy -> Dapper... that'll keep you busy for a week or so...10:40
JoseStefanDJAdmiral: what Madpilot said10:40
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MadpilotDJAdmiral, you can't skip versions10:40
anotherhow do i hide a window in gnome?10:41
JoseStefanhe is on 4.1010:41
DJAdmiralnever mind i misread something10:41
DJAdmiralhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/HoaryUpgradeNotes <--- this should help you10:41
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JoseStefani got those links DJAdmiral, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes10:41
JoseStefanmy concern is the "bad header line"10:41
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DJAdmiralJoseStefan: that should be of no concern10:41
JoseStefanDJAdmiral, it makes apt stop10:42
DJAdmiralJoseStefan: you don't need to update your version and then upgrade first.10:42
hondjeThey're not really bad headers, they just don't know better. I would just leave them be10:42
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JoseStefanDJAdmiral, i only wanted to do that, becuase he had both breezy and warty repos at the same time10:42
DJAdmiraljosestefan: just upgrade to hoary, then breezy, then dapper10:42
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JoseStefanDJAdmiral, luckily nothing broke10:42
DJAdmiralJoseStefan: luckily. just go ahead and just upgrade. don't worry about the broken headers10:43
JoseStefanDJAdmiral, to make sure, since he had his warty un-updated, i wanted to update it first to with warty-updates10:43
iLikeSpoonsso, I put in an old (but not legacy) nvidia card in my machine last night, but couldn't get the nvidia drivers to work. Now, it works mostly fine with the nv drivers, but, if I, for example, play a movie in mplayer, in fulscreen, after it finishes and exits the fullscreen, my entire screen is jumbled and unusable. I have to do ctrl+alt+f1 and then alt+f7 to clear it back to norma. any ideas?10:43
JoseStefanDJAdmiral will do10:43
DJAdmiralJoseStefan: they're meant to be broken since warty is unsupported.10:43
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aquasoftpacita_how do i set a startup program??10:46
hondjeaquasoftpacita_: system -> preferences -> sessions10:47
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Thunderpantssystem>prefs>session>start-up aquasoftpacita_10:47
hondjethen naturally the 'startup programs' tab10:47
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GG_AllinI can't get ubuntu to associate with my access point.  it was working earlier, but now I just get "Removed BSSID 00:00:00:00:00:00 from blacklist (clear)"   and stuff like "No keys have been configured - skip key clearing"     even though I set a key and put it into wpa_supplicant.conf10:56
thom__is this the right place to ask for help regarding edgy?10:58
fyrestrtrthom__: no, that would be #ubuntu+110:59
thom__fyrestrtr: thanks bud11:00
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Mauhi! does anyone uses prboom for classic doom?11:00
fyrestrtr!away > cypher111:00
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ompaulcypher1, please read the message from the bot Ubotu - do not use the noisey away thanks11:01
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Mauhi! does anyone uses prboom for classic doom? I compiled it here, but the game crashes and lock the X ...11:01
DJAdmiralMau: not me, sorry :\11:02
MauDJAdmiral, do you have any experience in that? like sdl...do you know any configuration for that?11:03
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JoseStefanMau, try doomsdayhq.com11:03
MauJoseStefan, i dont have open GL!11:03
Mauacceleration card11:03
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JoseStefanMau: ok11:04
dibblegoI put a D-Link wireless NIC in my machine and it FUBARred "BUG: soft lockup detected on CPU#0" -- 2.6.15-23 kernel -- upgrading it now to see if that helps, but until then, can anyone offer any tips?11:04
=== LookTJ [n=LookTJ@c-67-187-178-93.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Mauprboom works very bad here...i need to reboot the system avery time11:05
crashdis there anyway to get audacity working under ubuntu?11:07
DJAdmiralcrashd: audacity is working here.11:07
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DJAdmiralcrashd: what's your specific problem?11:08
crashdi dont mean audacity at all11:08
dibblegois there any way to get a D-Link wireless NIC working under ubuntu-server?11:08
crashdsorry, hehe, it's still early11:08
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DJAdmiralI'm off to write an article for OSIX11:10
DJAdmiralI will see you folks later11:10
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crashdi meant audaciou11:12
crashdit doesnt seem to want to build for me :\11:12
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crashdjpogjporjpor, why are you in more than one channel!11:12
LookTJdibblego: you portfoward the ports11:12
Tjoelsis it possible to use 32 bit color depht in Ubuntu 6.06?11:14
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Jobberwackycrashd, you need the proper develop packages installed11:16
yoshiznit123are all of you who have the problem using upstart?11:16
crashdsuch as what Jobberwacky ?11:16
yoshiznit123oops wrong channel sorry11:16
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crashdi've got all the usual stuff to build apps installed11:16
Tjoelsis it possible to use 32 bit color depht in Ubuntu 6.06?11:16
mjrprobably is the default, actually11:17
JoseStefanmine uses 24 bit11:17
Tjoelsnah, my default is 2411:17
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Tjoelsso, is it safe to edit it?11:18
zack__what are the best drivers i can use for the best opengl performance with my card, ati radeon 750011:18
Healot32 is actually 24bit :)11:18
dibblegoLookTJ, the device causes the kernel to go into a spin11:18
Jobberwackycrashd, look at the configure errors- they usually tell you11:18
dibblegoforwarding ports has little to do with anything11:18
TjoelsHealot: what u mean?11:18
JoseStefan32 is 24 with 8bits for alpha channel11:18
highvoltageaka waste of memory :)11:18
Healotif your OS support alpha channel like Windows XP or MacOS X11:18
Tjoelsso what is best, 32 or 24? xD11:19
zack__what are the best drivers i can use for the best opengl performance with my card, ati radeon 750011:19
Healotthere will be a little differences11:19
JoseStefanthey are the same 'colors'11:19
Tjoelsbut what performes best in ubuntu?11:19
JoseStefanthe RGB part will be 8 bit each11:19
HealotTjoels: either , as long as your card supports 24 bit color :)11:19
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TjoelsHealot: so theres absolutely no reason for changing it?11:20
Tjoelsoh, i see.11:21
Healotat least no in ubuntu11:21
Healotbut you always can change it if you want11:21
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chibiacei might get xgl going for the fun of it11:21
Jobberwackyonly for compatibility in whine.11:21
mjrI have the impression that the drivers actually choose nowadays whether to use 24 or 32 bits per pixel in memory layout, though I'm not sure of it11:22
Jobberwackysome win progs reject 24bit11:22
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Tjoelsah, so i mught actually just change it now i'm changing the res?11:22
frogzoozomg - 50megs of updates11:23
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Jobberwackyit might fail x11:24
chibiacecompiling firefox is less fun then 50mb of updates11:24
chibiacedoubt it11:24
JoseStefanTjoels, will you know how to change it back without gui?11:24
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TjoelsJoseStefan: Yeah, i've made a backup, and i tryed being without gui before, when i installed "nvidia" driver11:25
zack__how do i backup my xorg.conf file?11:25
dibblegorunning my D-Link NIC fails when trying to load the hardware drivers with "bug: soft lockup detected on CPU#0" -- is there anything that be done to resolve it?11:25
Tjoelscopy it to another location11:25
dibblegozack__, I use subversion11:26
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zack__dibblego isnt there a command i can use in terminal?11:26
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Healotyou can just simply copy it with another filename >> zack__11:26
Knightlustis there a bug in importing openpgp keys? the page seems to be rejecting my  gpg fingerprint11:26
JoseStefanzack__: "cp"11:26
Gumbydoes anyone know the admin username/password for cups web interface?11:27
opexocCould anyone tell me how can I check what packages are installed by source ( tar.gz ) on my system?11:27
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chibiaceGumby: on my gentoo its my root username and password11:27
opexocGumby: it is my problem too...11:27
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LynoureGumpy: as root is unabled, it does not take any11:27
Gumbychibiace: but ubuntu uses sudo :)11:27
baratahow can I get mplayer?11:28
chibiaceGumby: set a root password and try that?11:28
GumbyLynoure: you have to enter a root passwd for the cups admin11:28
LynoureGumby: but you can configure cups to accept other users11:28
dibblegozack__, cp11:28
dinamizadorhola, hola11:28
LynoureGumby: no...11:28
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chibiacecant it be configured without the webadmin11:29
opexocchibiace: I have root password set, and I can't get validation from cups.11:29
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LynoureGumby: there is no root password, so it does not accept anything there11:29
GumbyLynoure: so just admin and a blank pass?11:29
Lynourechibiace: yes it can11:29
Gumbyadmin + no pass = popup repops up11:30
LynoureGumby: nothing will work unless you change the config11:30
chibiacei might have a go at networking my printer tomorrow.11:30
agtbarata, sudo apt-get install mplayer - take a look at http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=186792 too11:30
Lynourechibiace: you can edit the cups configuration files, under /etc/cups, I think11:31
GumbyLynoure: # Administrator user group...11:31
GumbySystemGroup lpadmin11:31
Gumbyand my user IS in lpadmin group11:31
Gumbyyet, I haveno cups administration capabilities it seems11:31
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fog_proxyHi all. Is there any good tool for capture screen?11:32
dibblegoInstalling a D-Link DWL-G510 PCI wireless network card into my system causes an error during the boot sequence - "BUG: soft lockup detected on CPU#0!" immediately after "Loading hardware drivers". This problem is consistently reproducible and consistently goes away if I modify /etc/network/interfaces to not use this device. The kernel was 2.6.15-23 and I hoped an upgrade to 2.6.15-26 would help but it didn't. Any pointers?11:32
Gumbyfog_proxy: the gimp worls well11:32
fog_proxyIt will be better that the tool can edit the picture, add some comments11:32
dibblegofog_proxy, there is the Print Screen button on the keyboard11:32
crashdis there anyway to let apt/synaptic search for packages that aren't strictly for my arch?11:32
barataagt: thanks!11:32
crashdie: im on amd64, but can use x86 packages just fine11:32
fog_proxyGumby: gimp is too big, any small soft?11:33
agtbarata,  :D11:33
LynoureGumby: weird, I think I added adm group there and that worked for me..11:33
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fog_proxydibblego: Yes, but it can't capture just a rect11:33
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zack__can somone explain something from a how to to me if i give you the link?11:33
fog_proxydibblego: I mean a certian area11:33
fog_proxyI think there should be a smaller one, and enough to use11:34
frogzooGumby: you trying to admin cups through the web page?11:34
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Gumbyfrogzoo: yes I am11:34
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JoseStefancrashd, no, you have to install the packages manually11:34
muhammadis there any flash player that i can access with it .swf extensions ?11:34
ThunderpantsAlt+Print Screen takes a screenshot of the window to which the mouse points.11:34
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crashdwell that's a pain in the ass11:35
miteshagto josestefan: it took a l;ong time in loading new kernel11:35
baratahei, I need to install vmware & cannot get the kernel source for 2.6.15-26-38611:35
frogzooGumby: add cupsys to 'shadow' group & you're done11:35
zack__can somone explain something from a how to to me if i give you the link?11:35
miteshagthere ws an error also11:35
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JoseStefanmiteshag, join me at #miteshag11:35
baratahei, I need to install vmware & cannot get the kernel source for 2.6.15-26-386 --> what is the package name in synaptic?11:35
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TjoelsHow do i then change the screen refresh rate?11:35
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TjoelsMy current refresh rate is 60, and i want it to be 7511:36
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frogzoo!fixres > Tjoels11:36
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Tjoelsin terminal?11:36
hadiI have some programs on laptop and I want to package them and install on my another linux box. how?11:36
Gumbyfrogzoo: that rings a bell.  I remember that from my gf's box11:36
zack__is this a command or something? "opengl-update xorg-x11 "11:36
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discord_can anybody help me find a package, I read under the kernel I wanted to install to instead install the linux-686 meta-package, I dunno what it's talking about11:36
onkarshindebarata: did you try installing linux-headers package?11:36
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onkarshindediscord_: What are you trying to install?11:37
someoneHi! This mourning I have asked about the problem: "PCI: cannot allocate resource region 7". Can someone tell me what is it about and, if possible, how to fix it?11:37
frogzoodiscord_: 'sudo apt-get install linux-686'11:37
crashdharum, ive got a deb file for audacious, but it wont run11:37
discord_i was trying to install kernel-image-686-2.6.1711:37
crashdthis is frustrating ;\11:37
Jobberwackybarata, you're better off with a kernel that matches your cpu11:38
barata<onkarshinde> barata: did you try installing linux-headers package? --> yes, I need the specific name used by ubuntu11:38
frogzoodiscord_: edgy or dapper?11:38
barataJobberwacky> barata, you're better off with a kernel that matches your cpu --> it is 2.6.15-26-38611:38
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discord_frogzoo : edgy11:38
zack__how do you " emerge 'opengl-update' "11:38
baratadamned, I did it 6 months ago, now I forget the name :(11:38
onkarshindebarata: linux-headers-2.6.15-26-38611:39
frogzoodiscord_: well can't speak for edgy, obviously linux-686 just installs whatever's latest11:39
barata<onkarshinde> barata: linux-headers-2.6.15-26-386 --> thanks!11:39
baratalet me try11:39
zack__how do you " emerge 'opengl-update' "11:39
CorpseFeederi am having problems with "make" command while trying to get wifi card to work... way too much errors to paste here, so I have pasted them all into a post on the forums here http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25180211:39
onkarshindezack__: what is emerge?11:39
frogzoozack__: you don't - emerge is a gentoo tool11:39
discord_yeah I'll try it too bad rescue mode dont support multiple terminal's... need to figure out screen sometime11:39
Jobberwackydiscord_, linux-68611:39
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discord_thanks guys11:39
zack__frog ok what would i use for ubuntu then?11:40
Jobberwacky386 is for old pentium 111:40
Healot386 is 38611:40
frogzoozack__: probly you want synaptic, or 'sudo apt-get install pkgname'11:40
onkarshindezack__: First tell us what exactly you are trying to do11:40
Healotpentium is 586 :-11:40
Healotdamn numbers11:40
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barata<onkarshinde> barata: linux-headers-2.6.15-26-386 --> it works11:41
barataI'm now downloading it11:41
onkarshindeCorpseFeeder: you need kernel headers11:41
zack__onk im trying to edit my xorg.conf file on my laptop, it has a ati card and i get horrible performance with opengl. so i am trying to fix that11:41
someoneThis morning I have asked about the problem: "PCI: cannot allocate resource region 7". Can someone tell me what is it about and, if possible, how to fix it?11:41
onkarshindeCorpseFeeder: Wait11:41
zack__onk, im at a gentoo how to but it seems about the same except for that one thing it says to do, emerge11:41
CorpseFeederi thought I alread got kernel headers?11:41
muhammadis there any flash player that i can access with it .swf extensions ?11:41
CorpseFeederok. I wil wait11:41
onkarshindeCorpseFeeder: What drivers are you trying to install?11:42
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zack__onk this is the website i am at http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-p-2137276.html#213727611:42
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kaoltii have some questions11:42
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CorpseFeederfor a dlink DWL-G510 card11:42
kaoltii dled the ubuntu image11:42
onkarshindeCorpseFeeder: Sorry no idea about that11:42
kaoltiand i want to check the md5sums11:43
kaoltito know if its good11:43
kaoltihow do i check it?11:43
CorpseFeederany ideas as to what all those errors I am getting are caused by or what they mean?11:43
onkarshindekaolti: Which OS are you on currently11:43
kaoltiim on win11:44
zack__what would be the equivalant of he commangd emerge from gentoo to ubuntu?11:44
barataanybody knows what this means: Cannot open the disk '/mnt/wine/virtual.windows/winxp-pro-0.vmdk' or one of the snapshot disks it depends on.11:44
barataReason: Insufficient permission to access file.11:44
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onkarshindekaolti: http://www.etree.org/md5com.html11:44
baratawhat 'permission' do I need?11:44
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kaoltiif its good11:45
kaoltii burn it normally like an iso image11:45
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onkarshindekaolti: Yes11:45
kaoltior do i have to set bootable options in the cd writing prog?11:45
Jobberwackyjust burn11:46
onkarshindekaolti: There is no such thing like that11:46
Healotif the image is bootable, you dont have to set any boot flag11:46
kaoltiok thanks11:46
CorpseFeederi am stuck in a rut of "make all" hell it seems.11:46
kaoltii have such options in nero11:46
kaoltithats why im asking11:46
CorpseFeederwith no hope of escape...11:46
kaoltiand also i heard that i have to burn at 8x11:47
kaoltii burned 2 live cd images at 24x and none of them are good.i cant boot from them11:47
Jobberwacky16x works fine for me11:47
onkarshindekaolti: What error do you get while booting from CD?11:47
kaoltiat the 1cd i dont get any error it just skips booting from the cd11:48
CorpseFeedercould it be that the instructions I am following at http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/index.cfm?a=wiki&tag=rt61 are simply wrong? Or is it just me?11:48
Healotgoogle for md5sum.exe >> kaolti11:48
kaoltiat the 2nd i get "loading stage 1.5" and it stays like that.(gentoo)11:48
onkarshindekaolti: Have you set first boot device as CD in bios options?11:48
kaoltiyes sure11:48
onkarshindekaolti: Please avoid nero if possible. It is worst CD writing program ever.11:49
kaoltihave any suggestions for win?11:49
Jobberwackyit works though11:49
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kaoltihealot running the program now11:49
kaoltijobberwacky ok thanks11:49
Jobberwackynot free though11:50
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onkarshindekaolti: dvd-decryptor11:51
kaoltii'll look it up11:51
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kaoltithe md5 is good11:52
adarani've got the following line in my syslog: md: kicking non-fresh sda2 from array!  -- does that indicate a hardware failure on one of my raid disks?11:52
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copehow can i scan a directory and sub dir using grep for a keyword, ls -r | grep "asdf" doesn't work11:52
fyrestrtrcope: grep -R "foo" .11:52
kaoltii'll burn it, see if it works, then format c: /q :))11:53
onkarshindekaolti: http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/dvd_rippers/dvd_decrypter.cfm11:53
bezibaerchenis there any way to play itunes bought music in ubuntu?11:53
san|oneI installed my printer on ubuntu6.06 and it works great! But if I want to use it in the gimp it's not listed.. is there any howto / tutorial / plugin I missed?11:53
fyrestrtrbezibaerchen: find out at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats11:53
nowgonebezibaerchen: what ver ubuntu u have?11:53
copethanks fyre11:53
kaoltionkarshinde thanks11:54
bezibaerchennowgone: dapper11:54
=== InnerFIRE [n=darnell@dsl254-014-076.sea1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
onkarshindebezibaerchen: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats11:54
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nowgoneyes there u find info...11:54
InnerFIREcan someone help me with gtkpod11:55
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InnerFIREits being really weird11:55
InnerFIREand kubuntu acts differently with it than gnome11:55
onkarshindeInnerFIRE: What help?11:55
InnerFIREit wont mount properly..11:55
copefyrestrtr, what about if i'm looking for contents in a file?11:55
InnerFIREsometimes sdc111:56
InnerFIREsometimes sda111:56
=== beyond [n=beyond@201-27-220-12.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
AbortDwhats a good html editor in ubuntu?11:56
InnerFIREwhen i used gnome.. i install gtkpod and it was just fine.. everytime i plugged it in..11:56
InnerFIREwith kubuntu it doesnt work11:56
nowgoneu can run dreamwawer11:56
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nowgonei read that11:57
copeAbortD, nvu is good its like dreamweaver... but jedit is good if you just want text editor with all the bells and whistles11:57
onkarshindeInnerFIRE: I don't know. I never used kubuntu. gtkpod works fine for me in Uunutu11:57
AbortDcope: what is nvu?11:57
ubotunvu: Complete Web Authoring System. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0-0ubuntu4 (dapper), package size 8343 kB, installed size 26440 kB11:57
AbortDwhere do i get it?11:57
copeAbortD, sudo apt-get install nvu11:57
onkarshindeAbortD: In repositories11:57
copeAbortD, its like dreamweaver...11:58
AbortDk i am getting the hang of this11:58
copeAbortD, google search "ubuntu guide" its a wealth of information11:58
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onkarshindecope: Don't recommend ubuntu guide11:59
linuxd00dhey guys11:59
nalphaguys i;m installing avg antivirus but why if i running my avg that showing avg antivirus for linux is not registred, please register?? how to register?11:59
copeonkarshinde, why's that?11:59
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nowgonenalpha: crack11:59
linuxd00dnalpha: why do you want an anti virus, theres practically no virus for linux?12:00
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nowgoneor serial12:00
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ubotuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2112:00
onkarshindecope: It is unofficial resource. There are lots of more official resources like wiki, mailing list, forums12:00
Jobberwackyis xfburn buggy?12:00
copeonkarshinde, sorry champ.12:00
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san|oneis there a way to get the default printers from gnome to work on the GIMP?12:00
santa99is there a channel for open office especially ?12:00
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nalphaim use windows too and afraid the not running virus on linux run on my windows12:01
nalphanowgone: how to crack?12:01
nalphaavg say it's free? why must crack?12:01
Jobberwackygimp hates CUPS12:01
onkarshindesan|one: Install cupsys-driver-gimpprint12:01
Skyggevirus scanners are unnecessary even on windows.12:02
hockyhairwhat would be the best sound forge esqe program for linux, i need something that will let me record my vinyl to wav12:02
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nowgonenalpha: thet not easy if u are beginer12:02
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onkarshindehockyhair: audacity12:02
JoseStefanSkygge, if the user is cautious enough, agreed12:02
nowgonenalpha: that not easy if u are beginer12:02
santa99Skygge, i agree fully12:02
nalphanowgone: avg say it's free but we must crack it??12:03
Jobberwackyyou might use gthumb to print an image through CUPS12:03
san|oneonkarshinde: and than the gnome printers will be listed in the GIMP?12:03
hockyhaironkarshinde: audacity is the name of the program? it's not in the repos12:03
Skyggethe only real dangers on windows for a sensible user are worms exploiting vulnerabilities, and almsot no scanner will catch those.12:03
onkarshindehockyhair: It is in universe repos.12:03
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource12:03
onkarshindesan|one: hopefully12:03
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Jobberwackyyet nothing can stop windows vulnerabilities12:04
hockyhaironkarshinde: which repo12:04
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san|onehockyhair: audacity - A fast, cross-platform audio editor12:04
zack__what would be the terminal command to go back to the default ati driver?12:04
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onkarshindehockyhair: universe12:04
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afiefHas anybody succesfully compiled Cinelerra?12:05
nowgonecan somebody tell my, when i run the ubuntu, write error x server... my screen is black12:05
nowgonewhat to do?12:05
nalphaanother question how to compile c++ what software i must download and install??12:05
zack__i edited my xorg.conf file and now x wont start, and i replaced it with my backup but it still wont start. how do i fix this?12:06
nowgonei try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:06
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zack__nowgone , it says xserver-xrg is broken12:07
zack__xserver-xorg *12:07
nowgonecan u explain12:07
nowgoneits not broken.... only i most instal driver for ati radeon12:08
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zack__i typed "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and it said back to me "/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: xserver-xorg is broken or not fully installed12:08
icemanOk, looking for advise, and feedback, I want to set up a Video Servalance system that will record frams, but what to use to store the Video, how many cameras can i record... any input ...12:09
squareguys i was reading the section on installing the ati driver/files.. it says to read the section about adding the restricting repository12:09
squareand provides a link, but i still dont see anything about the restricted repository12:09
nowgoneaha... that for u... for me.. run some special window and then i can configure my driver (graphic,keybord...)12:10
crashdis there anyway to make the panel bars in ubuntu resize to smaller than '23'?12:10
crashdpixels, that is12:10
squarecrashd: thats a gnome thing12:10
crashdwell, clearly12:11
copenalpha, sudo apt-get install build-essentials12:11
zack__square, i believe that link should be the repository12:11
onkarshindeiceman: In v4l homepage there is a link to a program for video surveillance. I don't remember program name exactly.12:11
squareso try #gnome12:11
squarezack__: hrm?12:11
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zack__square a repository is a link12:11
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icemanonkarshinde ill google that .... any other feedback ?12:12
squareyeh great, so wheres the repository link?12:12
onkarshindesquare: which graphics card?12:12
squareRadeon Saphire X1600 PCI-E12:12
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onkarshindeiceman: That program can use upto 3 webcan IIRC12:12
zack__square can you give me a link to the page you are looking at?12:12
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onkarshindesquare: restricted repos is enabled by default. Just make sure that driver available there works with your card.12:12
HazarathNeed help networking ubuntu to Win XP12:13
squarescroll down to the 3d ati video card driver bit12:13
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squareread the first step12:13
copeHazarath, get samba12:13
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squarei go to chapter 2 like it says and i see nothing about the restricted repository12:13
icemanonkarshinde ever used any of that software, wondering about HDD space in releation to time12:13
Hazarathcope, how? Package manager?12:13
copeHazarath, yea... sudo apt-get install samba12:13
onkarshindeiceman: never used it.12:14
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copeHazarath, its easy as hell to set up from there, its very straight foward12:14
zack__square do you just want to know how to add the restricted repositories?12:14
onkarshindeHazarath: you can do it from package manager also12:14
squarezack__: yup12:14
Hazarathonkarshinde, getting via apt-get12:14
zack__square the way you do it is you have to go to update manager, do you know how to get there?12:14
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HazarathI still think ubuntu is so over winders, been using about a mounth, love it. :312:15
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squarezack__: yeah..12:15
spinz8rhi, really need help to restore broken xserver. pls assist.12:15
santa99does anybody know if there are some themes for open office available12:15
kaoltii burned the cd with imgburn fro the link u said but when testing the cd had i/o error12:15
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kaoltiso im burning it again12:15
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onkarshindesanta99: I dont' think so12:15
squarezack__: im at the update manager12:15
zack__square, ok open it up and go to preferences12:15
copeHazarath, apt-get is gold. the package manager spoon feeds, if your serious about linux, don't be afraid to open a terminal!12:16
eggzeck[laptop] spinz8r, just ask your question, you'll bever find help that way.12:16
zack__square hold on a second12:16
eggzeck[laptop] s/bever/never/12:16
icemanonkarshinde wish i could setup a "tivo" type system, need to set up between 3 and 5 cameras. but have never done much in video. also what to use for a Storage system.12:16
copeHazarath, its a steep learning curve, but within a month or so you'll wonder how you lived without it12:16
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Daniel_GBGdpes anyone know how to get an anonymes ip?12:16
Hazarathcope, I prefer aptget12:16
squarezack__: k12:16
zack__square are you at preferecnes?12:17
nowgonedaniel_gbg: with proxy12:17
onkarshindeiceman: never worked on it really.12:17
squarezack__: i think so12:17
santa99onkarshinde, what a pity12:17
onkarshindesanta99: about what?12:17
squarei have 3 tabs, installation media, internet updates, authentication12:17
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jcml_ukDaniel_GBG: just use an address in the 192.168.x.x range - no-one'll bother you then ...12:17
san|oneonkarshinde: well that ( cupsys-driver-gimpprint ) didn't help :(12:17
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jcml_uk... (ever)12:17
santa99onkarshinde, that there are no themes available for open office12:17
icemanonkarshinde same here, got a uncle that need security on a business property, but he's a Windows Slave ...12:17
san|oneit's kinda wack to have a good working printer/scanner but not beeing able to use it on the GIMP...12:18
onkarshindesan|one: is your printer working currently? Can you print from other programs?12:18
zack__square what are the names of the buttons at the bottom? (i dont have mine up to look at )12:18
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squarezack__: umm.. "help" and "close"12:18
Daniel_GBGwell I need a other ipadress to use on the net12:18
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san|oneonkarshinde: sure.. the default image viewer (Eye of GNOME 2.14.3) works12:19
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san|oneas well xsane for the scanning12:19
zack__square ok thats not the prefences of update manager thats just update manager12:19
squarezack__: oh.. :/12:19
Hazarathcope, got erros, but pastebin.com isn't loading.12:19
onkarshindesan|one: Then I don't know what the problem is.12:19
Daniel_GBGI would like to go into some sites that does check for ip adress12:19
zack__square umm i just switch to dapper so im trying to find where you get to the preferences12:19
spinz8r<eggzeck> ok, xserver down when i started installing 3D accceleration on iBookG4. (was doing it via help file). how do i get xserver alive again. tks.12:19
squarezack__:  ok12:19
zack__swuare o wait12:19
zack__square i told you wrong12:19
copeHazarath, what error?12:19
Daniel_GBGany I need another one to use12:20
HazarathA pile of 'em.12:20
nowgonedaniel_GBG: use proxy...12:20
Hazarathcope, PM ok?12:20
squarezack__: .. ok?12:20
zack__square go to system > administration > software properties12:20
Daniel_GBGoki with a proxy will my public adress be the same as it is now or diffrent?12:20
squareyeh thats where i was12:20
zack__square then click the add button to the left of the window12:21
foglightDaniel_GBG: whatismyip.com12:21
eggzeck[laptop] spinz8r, Did you backup /etc/X11/xorg.congf ?12:21
squarezack__: yup12:21
zack__check all 4 boces and press  add12:21
san|oneonkarshinde: tnx for you time anyway!12:21
Daniel_GBGwell but I need to change my current IP address..12:21
foglightDaniel_GBG: http://tor.eff.org/12:21
squarezack__: done12:21
Daniel_GBGI already know my IP address of today..12:21
opexocCould anybody tell me how can I display all packages which have been installed thanks to source ( tar.gz ) - no debian packages?12:21
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kaoltiyes i heard tor is good12:21
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kaoltibut they say its getting crappy12:21
kaoltia lot of ppl use and its slow12:22
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zack__square now in the channels window inside software properties anything that say multiverse or universe make it have a check mark12:22
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zack__square then click close adn your done12:22
squareok, thansk12:22
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Daniel_GBGwhat version do you download?12:23
icemanshoow what cameras to use ?12:23
kaoltiomg i get another i/o error at verifying. at 99%!!!!!!!!!!!1112:23
nowgone:) ... when u use proxy changer ... u mask your real ip address...couse u tuneling your data across another server12:23
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R0cK3Thi all12:23
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R0cK3Ti seem to have messed up my xorg.conf12:23
R0cK3Tbut i saved a backup12:23
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R0cK3Thow do i revert back to the origional?12:23
R0cK3Ti tried this12:24
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squareok, i needa reboot12:24
R0cK3Tcp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.original-0 /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:24
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R0cK3Tit seemed to work12:25
copeHazarath, it looks like it installed12:25
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nowgonecp ..is for copy ...it isnt?12:25
copeHazarath, try run it now, it should be in System menu someewhere12:25
Osiocan someone help me with ubuntu and lspci12:25
R0cK3Tis there another way?12:25
nowgonehmm... i dont know..realy12:25
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Osiolspci ist empty12:26
bill__#join /kubuntu12:26
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R0cK3Tshould i delete the xorg.conf and then try to rename the .original?12:26
onkarshindeOsio: What do you mean by is empty?12:26
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R0cK3Tor if i try to rename the original, will it overwrite the xorg,conf?12:26
HazarathOh, crap...12:27
=== Hazarath may have flooded cope with error lines. :-s
nowgoneu most cp from backup file... in file where is xorg.conf12:27
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afiefHas anybody succesfully compiled Cinelerra?12:27
Osioit shows nothing12:28
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Osioas if it doenst see any PCI deivce12:28
R0cK3Ti did that12:28
R0cK3Tcp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.original-0 /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:28
gnomefreakafief: isnt it n the repos?12:28
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sqdfpoiupouilmkjhi, i was wondering, how would you go about hiding software from your default ls command?12:28
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R0cK3Tit said "are you sure you want to overwrite xorg.conf"12:28
R0cK3Ti said yes12:28
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afiefgnomefreak: apt-get install cinelerra said it's not there12:29
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R0cK3Tthen i rebooted12:29
R0cK3Tbut nothin12:29
onkarshindeOsio: Where di you typr that command?12:29
gnomefreak!info cinelerra12:29
ubotuPackage cinelerra does not exist in any distro I know12:29
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Lynouresqdfpoiupouilmkj: Why do you want to?12:29
nowgonehmmm ...mayby backup its not ok..12:29
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sqdfpoiupouilmkjLynoure: i dont want to...irl...but im making a game and i would like to base everything on realistic methods12:29
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sqdfpoiupouilmkjwww.nabu.be <- this is the original game i made, im now working on nabu212:30
HazarathOk, got smba install errors.12:30
magus_xthe security repo is down?12:30
Osioin the console12:30
afiefgnomefreak: the ./configure part went quite well, but while running make i got this error: Assembler messages:12:30
afiefFATAL: can't create i686/soundtest.o: No such file or directory12:30
afiefmake[1] : *** [i686/soundtest.o]  Error 112:30
afiefmake[1] : Leaving directory `/home/afief/src/cinelerra-2.1'12:30
afiefmake: *** [all]  Error 212:30
icemananyone know anything abour the SONDVR software ?12:30
sqdfpoiupouilmkjLynoure: so you  know how you could go about it in linux?12:30
bezibaerchenwhere is gnome-meeting under dapper12:30
sqdfpoiupouilmkjwould you append something to the file or delete it from some registry or...?12:30
Tjoelsthe X config utility asks for all kinds of stuff i don't want to change, how can i skip them?12:30
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afiefbezibaerchen: it's called Ekiga now12:31
bezibaerchenafief: ah, ok, thx12:31
afiefbezibaerchen: you're welcome12:31
HazarathSamba install errors... pastebin down...12:31
raashaad2020internet didnot work in the wriless12:31
onkarshindebezibaerchen: Applications->Internet->Ekiga12:31
bezibaerchenonkarshinde: yeah found it, wasn't aware of the "namechange"12:31
bezibaerchenHazarath: use nopaste.biz12:32
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raashaad2020how speak arabic12:32
Lynouresqdfpoiupouilmkj: depends on the end goal and limitations... but prolly some cracker channel is more helpful for you in general12:32
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)12:33
raashaad2020or ubuntu arabic ahannel12:33
sqdfpoiupouilmkjLynoure: true, though i know most of what i need to know except this :P12:33
HazarathMy error12:33
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mark_Hazarath, check your pm champ12:33
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R0cK3Tcan anyone help me out with xorg.conf12:34
Hazarathmark_, eh?12:34
sqdfpoiupouilmkjLynoure: added to which, i dont know any cracker channels ;)12:34
mark_Hazarath, its cope.. netsplit killed my nick12:35
mark_Hazarath, i just sent you a pm with instructions12:35
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Hazarathmark_, I yoinked my modem/hub by accedent, didn't get it.12:35
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Daniel_GBGit does not help to use a proxy..12:36
cope_ozHazarath, check in your system --> administrator menu12:36
Daniel_GBGI still have the same IP address12:36
cope_ozHazarath, you'll find it there12:36
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Hazarathcope_oz, as?12:37
R0cK3Thelp me plz12:37
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zack__has anyone else compiled win on ubuntu who can help me?12:38
cope_ozHazarath, samba12:38
Daniel_GBGhelp me with my ip?12:38
Hazarathcope_oz, not there.12:38
blujayzack__: have you tried apt-src?12:38
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zack__blujay what is that?12:38
cope_ozHazarath, uhmm, goto terminal, type whereis samba12:38
blujayzack__: makes it easy to download sources and build and install Debian packages.  apt-get install apt-src then man apt-src12:39
Hazarathhazarath@hazarath-one:~$ whereis samba12:39
Hazarathsamba: /etc/samba /usr/lib/samba /usr/share/samba /usr/share/man/man7/samba.7.gz12:39
arvind_hi there.... i installed ubuntu LAMP with ubuntu-desktop.....installed joomla... i see the site good on my http://localhost/bvc but when i look at it from outside at the theme is skinned and i see the php running as text file can anyone help me?12:39
cope_ozHazarath, so its installed, type samba in your command line see what happens12:39
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zack__blujay are you using ubuntu 64?12:40
blujayarvind_: I'm guessing it's something in your Apache config12:40
Hazarathhazarath@hazarath-one:~$ samba12:40
Hazarathbash: samba: command not found12:40
blujayzack__: no I'm using Debian12:40
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zack__blujay i just have 1 question about this command because its not working12:40
arvind_however ..... works and works well without loss of theme12:40
Lynouresqdfpoiupouilmkj: msg me and explain how it is all benign and perhaps I can find you something12:40
blujayzack__: are you using Ubuntu 64?12:40
zack__blujay yes12:40
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blujayzack__: well, go ahead and ask, but I really have no idea how WINE running 32-bit exes will work in a 64-bit Linux...I haven't even thought about it12:41
Daniel_GBGI need help with IP address..12:41
Daniel_GBGis thereany why to change the public IP address?12:41
HazarathOh... donno.12:41
Macros42Daniel_GBG, no - your ISP sets it12:41
cope_ozHazarath, got me stuffed.. maybe remove (sudo apt-get remove samba) and try install again12:42
arvind_blujay:  where shud i look for help?12:42
Daniel_GBGoki...  so its no way to change it?12:42
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zack__blujay im at the how to to get the 32 bit libraries but when i type this command " LDFLAGS="-L/lib32 -L/usr/lib32 -Wl,-rpath,/lib32 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib32"  ./configure" i get a error saying " bash: ./configure: No such file or directory"12:42
R0cK3Tcan someone help me out with a command to revert back to my origional xorg.conf??12:42
jcml_ukDaniel_GBG: you pay your ISP.  Or use a proxy.  That's about it.  You could also google Tor ...12:42
blujayarvind_: probably a Joomla forum or FAQ for starters12:42
Macros42Daniel_GBG, you most likely have a dynamic ip from your isp. IT may change occasionally. If you have a static one you can ask them for a different one12:42
Daniel_GBGwell I trying to use tor but I do not seam to get it..12:42
blujayzack__: um...that means you're not in the directory where the configure script is12:42
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zack__blujay how do i get to that directory?12:43
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blujayzack__: use the cd command12:43
Daniel_GBGI have a dynamic and the problem is that my current IP is blocked on may sites..12:43
Daniel_GBGhow every I have tryed to get a new IP but I always get the same one..12:43
blujayzack__: as in $(cd /home/zack/wherever/you/extracted/the/files)12:43
Macros42that's cause it uses a lease - the length of that can vary12:44
midgetg0atheya guys, i've got a permissions annoyance. WHen i'm using BlueFish...my preferences dont get saved...anyone know which file i'd need to chmod?12:44
SpCombDaniel_GBG: perhaps ponder why your current IP is blocked and so something about that?12:44
blujaymidgetg0at: anything in ~/.bluefish ?12:44
Macros42SpComb, was about to say that too12:44
midgetg0atsean@AMD643500:~/.bluefish$ ls12:44
midgetg0atcustom_menu   dir_history   highlighting   rcfile_v2   session12:44
midgetg0atcustom_menu~  dir_history~  highlighting~  rcfile_v2~  session~12:44
Daniel_GBGit blocked due to abuse, however I just got this IP yesterday..12:44
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Daniel_GBGand I have not commited any abuse..12:45
blujaymidgetg0at: I'd look at the permissions of those files12:45
Macros42contact your ISP and tell them. They can exclude that address from the dhcp range12:45
midgetg0atok, how do i view attribs?12:45
blujaymidgetg0at: ls -l12:45
Macros42only other way is to keep resetting your router until you get a new one12:45
blujaymidgetg0at: don't forget about $(man ls) :)12:45
midgetg0ateverything is12:45
midgetg0athah, yes - sorry12:45
midgetg0atjust frustrated12:45
blujaymidgetg0at: are you the owner of those files?12:45
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HazarathOk... cope_oz I re-installed via package manager, still can't find.12:46
blujaymidgetg0at: what's the last-modified date and time on those files?  recent?12:46
Daniel_GBGwe if there is no other easier way then to sit in a phone que for an hourer I will have to do that..12:46
midgetg0at-rw-r--r-- 1 sean sean 17387 2006-09-06 06:36 custom_menu12:46
Osiolspci in console is empty. NEED Help12:46
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midgetg0atthey are all the same date12:46
baratahallo all, anybody uses rlocate?12:46
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blujaymidgetg0at: well I'd have to guess that you don't have a permissions problem.  maybe make sure that the app is really terminated when you close it.  if it is, then maybe it's a bug in the app.12:46
baratai wonder how i can do that in ubuntu12:46
Daniel_GBGdoes anyone know the address to the swedish chatroom for ubuntu?12:46
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blujaybarata: I use slocate...12:47
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barata<blujay> barata: I use slocate... --> is it the one with the kernel module?12:47
blujaybarata: no...sorry12:47
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midgetg0athrm....thats annoying. everytime i open it, i have to set the document base, the history steps to keep, the save properties..remove a couple annoying toolbars.12:47
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baratarlocate is the most powerful locate12:47
blujaymidgetg0at: check the bug tracker?12:47
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midgetg0atno, didnt even cross my mind..12:47
baratabut it requires a kernel module12:48
midgetg0ati've been on linux/ubuntu for 5 days.12:48
blujaybarata: I assume you've googled for "ubuntu rlocate"?12:48
blujaymidgetg0at: oh ok then12:48
cope_ozHazarath, it should just turn up in a menu, maybe restart gnome (ctrl+alt+backspace)12:48
=== mneptok used to know a Michael Barata years ago ..
baratadoesnt work, I wish to hear a first hand experience, better :)12:48
midgetg0atlots of "obvoius" things don't pop up in my brain yet.12:48
blujaymidgetg0at: well I'd go to the bug tracker for that app and see if anyone else has noticed the problem12:48
Daniel_GBGanyone good at tor?12:48
midgetg0atsounds good. thanks.12:48
Osiolspci in console is empty. NEED Help12:48
barata* mneptok used to know a Michael Barata years ago .. --> guess he was good looking too, huh? :)12:48
blujaymidgetg0at: good luck12:48
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mneptokbarata: sure, if you find 10 year old boys "good looking" >:)12:49
Daniel_GBGHelp with TOR anyone?12:49
ubotutor: anonymizing overlay network for TCP. In component universe, is optional. Version (dapper), package size 608 kB, installed size 1120 kB12:49
barata<mneptok> barata: sure, if you find 10 year old boys "good looking" >:) ---> damned ... a Karr's friend in here!12:49
Osiolspci in console is empty. NEED Help12:49
Daniel_GBGyes but how do I use it?12:50
MorticeDaniel: try the tof channel on OFTC12:50
mneptokDaniel_GBG: EFF has extensive documentation12:50
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jcml_ukDaniel_GBG: http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=tor . IRC isn't a replacement RTFSE12:50
jcml_uks/replacement/replacement for/12:51
mneptokElectronic Frontier Foundation. the people that created TOR.12:51
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Daniel_GBGI have searched on google but I still do not get it..12:51
mneptokthen maybe it's not for you.12:51
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Daniel_GBGI have installed it and just cant find the program.12:51
mneptokit's not a program12:51
jcml_ukI'd uninstall it, then.12:51
mneptokit's a suite of command line utilities that work together to re-route your traffic12:51
jcml_ukIt's not clicky-pointy-drool, I'm afraid.12:52
Daniel_GBGyes but how do I make it work after installation?12:52
mneptokit's not some shiny desktop icon that says "CLICK ME TO HIDE FROM THE NSA!"12:52
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baratahallo all, where is spadmin?12:52
jcml_uk"AND WHERE'S THE W4R3Z, dood??"12:53
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barataI use standard openoffice from ubuntu12:53
Marlunwhen downloading ubuntu theres "desktop/server/alternate" what is alternate? And also, can I burn the isos on DVDs even though it's for a CD? I'm out of CD-Rs.12:53
baratacant find spadmin though12:53
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Lilandraubuntu doesn't like my computer12:53
jcml_ukbarata: he stepped out for a moment.  back in a second.12:53
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mneptokgood rule of thumb: if you expect an app to give you a clicky icon and it doesn't, there's a high likelihood your skills and the skills necessary to successfully use said app are not compatible.12:53
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barata<jcml_uk> barata: he stepped out for a moment.  back in a second. ---> spadmin is a printer control for openoffice12:53
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Hazarathcope_oz, no good, still not there.12:54
jcml_ukbarata: 'twas a joke ...12:54
mneptokMarlun: "alternate" is the pre-Dapper "install12:54
baratanormally it's under openofice & program folder12:54
baratai c12:54
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Lilandramneptok: pre-Dapper? seriously? then why do they list it on the same page?12:55
Marlunmneptok: pre-Dapper install? old version of dapper?12:55
Marlunexactly :)12:55
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mneptokLilandra: no, the Dapper "alternate" CD is what every release pre-Dapper called the "install cd"12:55
Lilandraso why trick us into downloading it?12:55
Lilandraah! ok12:55
maswanNo, not installing pre-Dapper, installation using the old text-based install12:55
mneptoktext mode install. no live features.12:55
maswan(but updated to install Dapper)12:55
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jcml_ukis there a tangible difference between the install you end up with using the "alternate" versus the LiveCD?12:56
mneptokmaswan? as in that-network-over-there maswan? :)12:56
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maswanmneptok: indeed12:56
mneptokheya :)12:56
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mneptokmaswan: welcome to the monkeyhouse :)12:56
Lilandrai think alternate can possibly give u all versions12:56
Marlunso to be able to install both a server and a desktop i should download the desktop?12:56
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Lilandrabut ubuntu doesn't like my computer12:56
Marlunthe desktop version, that is.12:56
Lilandrathe alternate has a server option12:56
mneptokMarlun: get the desktop and server. there's no need for X on a server.12:56
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mneptok(tip: best feature of the alternate CD is the OEM target install) ;)12:57
Marlunmneptok: but can't I choose "server" installation with the desktop version cd?12:57
Marlundo I need to burn 2 cds to be able to choose?12:57
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mneptokMarlun: you can, but that can get tedious if you're deploying multiple machines.12:57
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jcml_ukMarlun: no, you need to choose, then burn 1 cd.12:57
LilandraMarlun: get the alternate12:58
maswanmneptok: thanks. I've almost always been here, just not very active. :)12:58
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HazarathOk, need help with Samba?12:58
sobersabrehi, is this possible to use ekiga for calling netmeeting users ?12:58
mneptokmaswan: at least i get *paid* for being here, so i have an excuse :P12:58
Lilandramy ubuntu freezes!!12:58
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maswanmneptok: heh. I try to remember to ask my silly questions in here other than over in mirror admin channels, etc. :)12:58
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sobersabreLilandra: this is great, this way it doesn't decompose.12:59
jcml_ukmneptok: so what's the hourly rate like on "IRC badger", then?12:59
mneptokLilandra: try disabling ACPI12:59
sobersabreLilandra how does it happen ?12:59
HazarathSamba doesn't like me, help.12:59
Lilandrai guess you mean no smells when it decomposes12:59
mneptokjcml_uk: no idea, but Canonical pays well ;)12:59
Lilandramneptok: how do i disable ACPI12:59
sobersabreLilandra, no not "no smells"12:59
afief!info libraw139412:59
ubotuPackage libraw1394 does not exist in any distro I know12:59
Lilandrasobersabre: i login to gui and next thing i know it freezes12:59
mneptokLilandra: you can turn it off at boot time with kernel options12:59
Lilandrai wasn't sure if it was the mouse/kb but the whole thing doesn't change12:59
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sobersabreLilandra do u know your graphic card name/chipset ?12:59
mneptokLilandra: ooo! that sounds like GDM woes.01:00
Lilandrait's an old nvidia01:00
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mneptoksobersabre: if it was the video, X would not display even the login screen01:00
Lilandrawhich i used with my old computer once upon a time on older ubuntus and it didn't freeze :(01:00
sobersabreLilandra and have you read the file ~/.xsession-errors ?01:00
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sobersabremneptok thank you for your assistance.01:00
mneptokLilandra: can you get into the command line?01:00
Lilandrawell not yet because i haven't rebooted into text mode yet01:00
Lilandrahold on01:00
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ndlovuanyone know of drivers for a trident cyberblade graphics card under ubuntu?01:01
sobersabrendlovu there are trident cyberblade drivers.01:01
jcml_uk"cyberblade", IIRC. it's been a while01:02
sobersabrethere are many trident cb though...01:02
Lilandramneptok: alright i'm in recovery01:02
jcml_ukor "blade3d" ...01:02
Lilandraat root command line01:02
mneptokLilandra: are you in your ~/ ?01:02
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sobersabreLilandra login as your regular user.01:02
Lilandraoh, no .xsession-errors. and i should say that i only just installed ubuntu01:02
sobersabrehm... username >your user name...01:03
mneptokLilandra: what prompt do you see right now?01:03
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Lilandrai am rebooting... root@ubuntu01:04
mneptoksobersabre: she's in recovery mode. she should have automagically been logged-in as root.01:04
baratahoi ... does the standard 6.0.6 DVD install have jre install too?01:04
barataI'm fixing my java pathes01:04
Lilandrabut i exited...so i got back the gdm01:04
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sobersabrerun.. "su - <your username>01:04
baratasobersabre: no java?01:04
sobersabrebarata ?01:04
sobersabreLilandra before you reboot run the command: su - <username>01:05
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Lilandrai will01:05
sobersabrebut you can view your user's files as root too01:05
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Lilandrabut why do i need to be regular user?01:05
Lilandrai know01:05
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sobersabreanyway, so as root you can incpect the files in /var/log01:06
Lilandrasobersabre: why do i need to be regular user?01:06
sobersabrelike: messages, debug, kern.log01:06
sobersabreLilandra you don't.01:06
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mneptokLilandra: i have something that may be an easier fix ....01:06
jgonzalezmy openoffice give an error when i try to print into a file (ps format)01:06
jgonzalezwhat could happend?01:06
ndlovusobersabre: according to google, it's supported by the 'trident' driver under x.org. how would I set x.org to use that driver?01:06
sobersabrendlovu you can edit x.org conf file01:07
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ndlovusobersabre, thanks, will look into that...01:07
sobersabrethe file is built of sections, you need to edit the Section "Device"01:08
sobersabrereplace the driver line with the driver named "trident"01:08
sobersabrendlovu yes.01:08
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STORMCHAS3RHow do I enable xgl on an IBM R51?01:10
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ndlovusobersabre,  thanks - it seems it's already using trident! Must just be too outdated to handle today's graphics demands :(01:11
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eXistenZwhat is the $IFS variable?01:13
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ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems01:13
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jcml_ukeXistenZ: man bash01:13
jcml_ukeXistenZ: /IFS01:14
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eXistenZjcml_uk, danke! :)01:14
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LookTJim thinking about reinstalling xp'01:15
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STORMCHAS3RLookTJ, dont do it01:15
LookTJbut i forgot howto reinstall grub01:15
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eXistenZLookTJ, Going back to xp?01:15
STORMCHAS3Rdont got back to the evil side01:15
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DeeTahPanLtahLookTJ: you can use windows bootloader to load linux parition ;)01:16
eXistenZLookTJ, I don't see ubuntu an alternative for windows in terms of desktop usage.01:16
eXistenZI use ubuntu for my server01:16
LookTJlook, i know xp i know howto get rid of holes they make -.-01:16
jgonzaleznobody can help me?01:16
LookTJbut i need IE01:16
jgonzalezopenoffice from ubuntu can01:16
STORMCHAS3Rjgonzalez, waht is the beef?01:16
jgonzalezcan't print to a file using "print to file"01:16
DeeTahPanLtah!ask > jgonzalez01:16
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jgonzalezi can't debug it (i don't know how to debug openoffice)01:17
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jgonzalezDeeTahPanLtah, openoffice fails when i try to print to a file, i think is a problem with ps, but other gnome utils (gedit) can do it01:17
jgonzalezDeeTahPanLtah, and i don't know how to debug openoffice01:18
DeeTahPanLtah...neither do i ;P01:18
DeeTahPanLtahwhat i'd do if its that urgent is to read documentation's reading section.01:18
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cjuilundoes anyone know which initial script will load device driver on boot?01:19
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jgonzalezi have read, looking in google, ubuntu forums ... etc01:19
jgonzalezbut i don't find a solution01:19
DeeTahPanLtahsorry then. never printed to a file ;<01:19
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domsterI'm having trouble with a network card; a Realtek 8139D. lspci seems to be showing the wrong model number: it shows 0139 instead. All google turns up is an unanswered kernel mailinglist thread, which seems to be the problem I'm having (http://www.ussg.iu.edu/hypermail/linux/kernel/0403.1/1707.html)01:19
domsterany ideas01:19
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DeeTahPanLtahdomster: okay,can't you really live with wrong netcard's id?01:20
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domsterDeeTahPanLtah: well, no, because it doesn't work01:20
DeeTahPanLtahif i was you i'd try compiling your own kernel,without old network cards' drivers. it's quite simple if you know what you're looking for01:21
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DeeTahPanLtahmaybe there's some vendor's kernel patch?01:21
DeeTahPanLtahe-mailing him could help aswell01:21
domsterDeeTahPanLtah: it's supposedly a supported card, without vendor patches01:21
domsterit's supposed to be supported by the 8139cp module01:22
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DeeTahPanLtahso see how it acts without 0139 one01:22
domsterwhich I've tried modprobe'ing - goes through01:22
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TjoelsI've edited my xorg.conf like this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22721 but in the screen resolution menu "1280x1024" still didn't show up. What have i done wrong?01:22
domsterDeeTahPanLtah: huh? you want me to compile myself a kernel, without the drivers for the network card I'm trying to get working, to see how it acts?01:23
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DeeTahPanLtahdomster: without the ones it tries to load by default01:24
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domsterDeeTahPanLtah: it doesn't load any by default?01:25
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nalphaguys if my ip address listed in cbl what this mean? how can my ip listed in cbl?01:25
DeeTahPanLtahTidus: try [ctr] +[alt] +[+] 01:26
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jcml_uknalpha: http://cbl.abuseat.org/01:26
TidusDeeTahPanLtah: 3 letters then tab... you just highlighted the wrong nick01:26
jcml_uknalpha: since it aggregates, who knows where your IP came from.01:27
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DeeTahPanLtahTidus: yeah,sorry,right ;)01:27
DeeTahPanLtahTidus: hope the beep bell didn't wake you up ;p01:27
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nalphajcml_uk: sorry my english is not good can you explain me with more easy english?01:27
nalphajcml_uk: sorry my english is not good can you explain me with more easy english? form the means of cbl01:27
nalphai mean for01:27
domsterDeeTahPanLtah: I thought Ubuntu detected your hardware, then loaded the required modules - what default NIC drivers are you talking about? yes? well, in this case, the 8139C+ (which it can deal with fine) is being detected as: 'Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd., Unknown device 0139 (rev 10)' - anyone have any idea why?01:28
DeeTahPanLtahi meant,if he'll be lacking 0139 maybe he'll try to load correct one? ;p01:28
jcml_uknalpha: CBL /appears/ to be an RBL which aggregates /other/ RBLs.01:29
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domsterI should mention I have two of the same model, so it's probably not a problem with the card itself - anything I could try with regards to my pci bus setup?01:30
domsterand is there a way to force it to associate the 8139cp module with the card (maybe with the HW address?) even though its not being detected01:30
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cute_bettongis myth tv safe to use with ubuntu? i have a radeon all in wonder and am runnning dapper but theres something in the docs that say it's not safe to use with an ext3 filesystem...is there an easy alternative?01:34
cute_bettongor a specalised ubuntu howto?01:34
yacek19 hello, I have problem with authentication in  proftpd. Yesterday I have installed proftpd with mysql authentication on Ubuntu 5.10. Then at night I did dist-upgrade to 6.10.1 dapper. Now authentication doesn't work.01:34
yacek19ubuntu proftpd[4535]  localhost (localhost[] ): USER yacek (Login failed): No such user found01:34
lupine_85cute_bettong: is it ext3 fielsystem in particular, or journaling FS in general?01:36
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elmargolHi It's interesting that no debian package proxy is in main.01:37
Subhumancute_bettong, what about ext2? since ext3 is basically an ext2 partition with journalling.01:37
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mcphailcute_bettong: i think the mythtv people recommend xfs and jfs01:39
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znull1ubuntu works on a stick ?01:40
mcphailcute_bettong: but i have never had any problems with large files on ext301:40
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Subhumanmcmillen, xfs wouldnt be a good choice, since it requires alot of ram, and in the event of a power cut you will loose data for sure.01:41
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cute_bettongmcphail, can you help me set it up on ubuntu dapper for a radeon card?01:41
MarlunWhen I try to install latest ubuntu with a desktop version it seems to get stuck on "Mounting root file system..." after I've clicked "Start or install ubuntu".01:41
cute_bettongi am over my head on this one01:41
ubotumythtv is for watching TV in Linux.  Check out http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/12/16/instructions-to-install-mythtv/01:41
Subhumancute_bettong,  ^^01:41
mcphailcute_bettong: i have never used it. I just read some of the docs when i was considering a tv card.01:41
cute_bettongoh ok01:42
Subhumancute_bettong, if you jus want to watch tv and dont need to record, try using "kdetv" , i use it and its pretty good.01:42
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arsalanhow to add more than one directories in one environment var. for e.g $CLASSPATH - is this command correct CLASSPATH=/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_1201:42
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MarlunNow I get errors like "[#####.#####]  Buffer I/O error on device hdd, logical block #####" that don't sound good?01:43
cute_bettongSubhuman, where can i get that kdetv....i would like to record at some point...but not at the risk of crushing my shiny ubuntu box :)01:44
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cute_bettongwhy the hell would a tv recording app need apache? O_o01:44
ROBOdhow to konfigure gnome to use ksnapshot instead of its own package? for skreen kapturing?01:45
mcphailcute_bettong: so you can set it to record over the internet01:45
speedydanhow should i go about installing wine?01:45
cute_bettongoh jezze thats funnie.....hmm im looking at the link that ubuotu gave but it seems to be for breezy im useing dapper O_o01:45
fyrestrtrarsalan: hrmm, seems like you need to run sudo update-alternatives --config javac :)01:46
spirit_ i want to create the LFS ,i used the cfdisk ,but there  was no effect when i tried to partition from the hda6,now i have a kubuntu on the hda501:46
cute_bettongSubhuman, where can i get kdetv from?01:46
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cute_bettongit might be easyer to use than mythtv for someone of my....um non geeky skill :P01:46
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Subhumancute_bettong, its in the repositories, so just apt-get it.01:47
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cute_bettonghmm i don't have it lol01:48
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource01:48
ROBOdsomebody? please01:48
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ROBOdhow to konfigure gnome to use ksnapshot instead of its own package? for skreen kapturing?01:49
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arsalanfyrestrtr,  I got msg that no alternatives  for javac, but actually I want to add two directories to classpath variable, I added in the way I described but it says no directory found error, even both directory paths are correct :/01:49
frandavid100hi guys01:50
frandavid100do you know any compiz specific channel?01:50
bignose_so, i can't seem to make my volume go low enough. using logitech 350 usb headset.01:50
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arsalanfyrestrtr: my main problem is when i compile using javac, i get java/lang/ no class def found error, I have installed java but still this error :(01:51
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems01:53
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jcml_ukarsalan: sudo update-alternatives --display java01:53
jcml_ukCheck you're using the version you /think/ you're using :-)01:53
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mausiwolfanybody use cinelerra here ?01:57
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fyrestrtrarsalan: how did you install java?01:57
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Diggiuff i got a problem....01:59
choongiiI've just installed shorewall and now I would like it to start at boot-time.. but the update-rc.d thing is rather confusing. I want it to start before everything else, but is there a way to like 'list' the scripts and order in which they are run for a certain runlevel?01:59
choongiiother than `cd` into the rcX.d directory?01:59
arsalanfyrestrtr: I download the .bin from sun website , make it executable , then set CLASSPATH, PATH, JAVA_HOME myself, but I think i did some mistake.. I don't know what to do now, when I type java -version it says no classdefinition found error02:00
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Diggiwhat about automatix?02:00
Crippy-BoyDiggi: which is?02:00
Diggiboth with ubuntu and xubuntu i get a error with somthing named "pbbuttonsd" :S02:00
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Crippy-BoyDiggi: You using a mac?02:01
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npsterHow do I make Terminal to be black-transparent ?02:01
Diggiyah a mac g3 350mhz oc to 40002:01
npsteras in KDE02:01
cope_oznpster, right click on the terminal window and go to properties02:01
Crippy-BoyDiggi: And whats the error02:01
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cope_oznpster, sorry, its "edit current profile"02:01
npstercope_oz: OK, continue02:02
cute_bettonghmmm kde tv dosen't seem to like my video card :(02:02
cope_oznpster, ??? its in there, look and you shall find02:02
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npsterOK. I found it02:03
arsalanjcml_uk: I hav run that command, it shows many different paths, I guess java is installed in my machine at many different locations and now I am lost :), I don't know how to delete those all paths from my profile and just stick to one java installation..02:03
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cute_bettongSubhuman, would you have any idea why kde tv dosen't seem to like my video card?02:04
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Subhumancute_bettong, because its a radeon card? ;)02:04
cute_bettongoh i thought it would work becasue it's an older radeon card02:05
Subhumancute_bettong, umm by memory you need to download a package to be able to use the tv in on a radeon card02:05
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cute_bettongSubhuman, any idea what that pacage might be02:05
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Subhumancute_bettong, umm search for "TV" in synaptic,02:06
DiggiCrippy-Boy> when ubuntu is loading the last line is "pbbuttonsd...   failed"   ........then ubuntu starts...some time i can login but also some times i can't caus its total crashing.....last i tryed to restart in the login screen and it started up without the loading screen...then i got the message: error: the file '/dev/pmu/ dosen't exist...  sorry for my bad english.. :-/02:06
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arsalanfyrestrtr: r u still there02:06
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manmadhacan any one tell how to get linux tshirts freely........i feel very greatful to ware them.......02:08
cope_ozmanmadha, print your own :)02:08
manmadhacope_oz, is there any community to supply them?02:09
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cope_ozmanmadha, not that i know of02:09
manmadhacope_oz, ok...thank u02:09
iiiearsI tried tracing a penguin on a TEE - had to stop ..  the darn bird kept squirming too much.02:09
yacek19 hello, I have problem with authentication in  proftpd. Yesterday I have installed proftpd with mysql authentication on Ubuntu 5.10. Then at night I did dist-upgrade to 6.10.1 dapper. Now authentication doesn't work.02:09
yacek19ubuntu proftpd[4535]  localhost (localhost[] ): USER yacek (Login failed): No such user found02:09
cute_bettonghmm theres nothing in synaptic for ati02:10
iiiearsfglrx ??02:10
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:10
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admin_the wireless cards found in the ubuntu wiki work for Xubuntu also?02:11
PingunZHey, Can someone take a look at this ? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2272302:11
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Adri2000admin_: yes probably02:12
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bart416Anybody happens to know how to get a onboard soundcard working02:12
bart416(nvidia nforce 4 chipset)02:12
Marlunhow can I (from the terminal) see what IP i've got?02:13
iiiearsadmin_ - I would guess that the wifi stuff is the same. only the xserver window decorations are different. in xubuntu. not at all sure about the configuration tools used in ther xubuntu gui tho02:13
ctrlbreakexternal ip?02:13
iiiearsbart416 - sudo lspci will give you some info about your card. - i wish i coould be more helpful - sry02:15
ubotuIf sound is not working, first try system -> prefrences -> multimedia system selector change it to alsa. If you still have problems then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems02:15
cute_bettonghmm dosen't seem that my ati card is supported02:16
bart416I assume its this: 0000:00:10.1 0403: nVidia Corporation MCP51 High Definition Audio (rev a2)02:16
bart416cute_bettong, what card do you have?02:16
iiiearscute_bettong - Really? - what model card is it?02:16
AstralJavaMarlun: ifconfig02:16
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cute_bettong0000:02:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon R100 QD [Radeon 7200] 02:17
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bart416the 7200 isn't supported by official drivers02:18
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bart4162D support is completed in the xserver packages02:18
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bart416but you do have 'unofficial' drivers02:18
cute_bettongso that means i have a card that isen't going to do crap huh02:18
bart416ATI does link to them :P02:18
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cute_bettongwell i want something that is safe for ubuntu02:18
foxpaulhi all. does anyone know why when i resume from suspended to ram mode, the sound quality is really bad? all sounds are jumpy/scratchy02:18
cute_bettongnot going to botch up my system02:18
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Daniel_GBGhow do i use sudo to edit a file?02:18
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Daniel_GBGthe file must be edited as root..02:19
Crippy-Boysudo nano /file02:19
Crippy-Boyor sudo gedit /file/02:19
dzoeThere's a bug in the packaging of bluez-utils package, where should I file it? (launchpad suggests the "official bug tracker" but that doesn't seem appropriate for a packaging error)02:19
Daniel_GBGthe file is in /ect/02:19
nahojserious question: how difficult is it for a "windows-only"-sys admin to install and administrate ubuntu on a school-network? there is about 16 computers for students and 10 for teachers, on top of that we are going to have a separate network for students rooms, connected to internet only. any thoughts of how hard this would be?02:19
bart416should do the trick02:19
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bart416cute_bettong, ATI links on their website to the 'unofficial' drivers02:19
bart416so you can trust it quite a bit02:19
ubotuTo mount an .iso image: sudo mount -o loop my.iso /some/mountpoint - bin/cue can be converted to iso with bchunk  .iso images of Ubuntu CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com Always verify the .iso before burning, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows02:19
Daniel_GBGbut when i type in the file name it can't open the file it opens a blank doc02:19
ctrlbreakMarlun: ifconfig from command line will give you your local machine ip adress02:20
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Crippy-BoyDaniel_GBG: Are you sure the file exists?02:20
bart416iiiears, 0000:00:10.1 0403: nVidia Corporation MCP51 High Definition Audio (rev a2)02:20
levanderWhen apt-get is downloading packages, what directory does it put them in?02:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about blowfish - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:20
Daniel_GBGyes I can se it if graphical mode02:20
Crippy-BoyWhats the file name?02:20
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about DES - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:20
Daniel_GBGis there anyway to edit the file as root in graphical mode?02:20
Crippy-Boysudo gedit /path/to/file02:21
iiiearscute_bettong - Have you tried the fglrx drivers for your ati card?  - what errors if any did you see?02:21
Crippy-BoyReplace gedit with whatever editor you wanna use.02:21
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levanderNobody knows what directory apt-get downloads debs to?02:21
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levanderI really need to know right now.02:21
candymanhi every body02:21
longwavelevander: /var/cache/apt/archives02:21
Daniel_GBGcan not open display (null)02:22
levanderlongwave: ty!02:22
Crippy-BoyDaniel_GBG: What file are you trying to open?02:22
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Daniel_GBGa config file for privoxy02:22
cope_ozbesides gftp is there any other ftp client thats any good?02:22
cute_bettongiiiears, i just used that ati drivers i was told i don't need the fglrx drivers02:22
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iiiearscope_oz - curl or wget???02:23
Crippy-BoyOk, well you said you could see it in graphical mode?02:23
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cope_oziiiears, nah i want something with a gui02:23
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bowmanheya. I'm still facing trouble with cups. both root and my own username are members of the lpadmin group, yet I cannot add a printer.02:23
Crippy-BoyOpen a terminal in 'graphical' type sudo gedit. Then open it with gedit.02:23
bart416Its starting to annoy me i have no sound :'(02:23
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Daniel_GBGis there anyother way to edit the file as root?02:24
levanderIf you stop apt-get in the middle of a download with a Ctrl-C, then restart it again at the command line, is that anything to worry about?  I'm worried my package stopped downloading in the middle, then when I restarted, it didn't download it again.02:24
Morticelevander: Nothing to worry about at all02:24
Crippy-BoyDaniel_GBG: Just either use sudo or login as root:-/ i reccomend the first option.02:24
Morticelevander: apt handles that very well02:24
ctrlbreakaptitude works better02:25
Crippy-BoyDaniel_GBG: If you're getting the file path and name right it should open fine with which ever editor you want.02:25
Daniel_GBGoki but I can edit the file..02:25
iiiearscute_bettong - Okay, I haven't used ati for awhile. - VESA mode will almost certainly work though it won't provide any hardware acceleration./02:25
levanderMortice: thanks, i'm finally doing my dist-upgrade to dapper and was going to hit that roof if i screwed that up02:25
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bart416Can somebody help me with my onboard soundcard?02:25
Morticelevander: Heh. I often ctrl-C my apt-get during downloads and then restart it later by issuing the same command02:25
levanderI started the dist-upgrade in a remote window on another machine, ssh'd in.  Decided that was really probably a bad idea because the network software or whatever might get upgraded, and stopped the process and restarted it on the machines console.02:26
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levanderThen was worried it didn't redownload the deb I Ctrl-C'd on.02:26
andreahelp me please02:26
levanderdist-upgrade is so nerve wracking02:26
iiiearsandrea - what was your question?02:27
Schalkenis it possible to install xorg 7.1 in dapper as to get stable aiglx?02:27
andreai have a problem installing my belkin usb wifi adapter02:27
andrealook paste02:27
Crippy-BoyDaniel_GBG: what's the file called, and where is it located?02:27
levanderBut, you know, dist-upgrade'ing over ssh has got to be okay, otherwise, how do people dist-upgrade their VPS's?02:27
bart416iiiears, Uhm about that soundcard: http://pastebin.ca/16232902:28
andreabut this is correct driver!02:28
Crippy-Boysudo nano /etc/privoxy/config02:28
Daniel_GBGit just opens an empty file02:28
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levanderIs dist-upgrade'ing over ssh okay? I would think it would have to be, but have never tried or read anything about it.02:28
Crippy-BoyAre you sure config isnt a directory?02:28
Crippy-Boy(never used privoxy so im not sure)02:29
Crippy-BoyAnd it normally openes an empty file if the file its trying to open doesn't exist.02:29
iiiearsandrea: - erm... um.. i am really new to linux , can i take a guess? - do you have a kernel installed that supports restricted modules. ( ya know non-free closed source propetary stuff.) - i think you need the restricted modules kernel. -p remember just guessing okay,02:29
Daniel_GBGnope its the file02:29
Morticelevander: i can't imagine that it wouldn't be. Even if it kills your connection for some reason, you can always reconnect.02:29
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Daniel_GBGis there any other way to edit it02:30
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longwavelevander: yes, it should be fine. though if openssh-server is upgraded, open a new ssh connection while the original one is still open, just to ensure you can still connect.02:30
andreathank you02:30
bart416just activate multiverse or universe and you should be capable of getting the right kernel modules, even if they are restricted02:30
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Crippy-BoyDaniel_GBG: Well i have no idea why you cant open it, I just installed it and it works fine.02:31
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_masonYou know the google search box on the right of the toolbar in firefox, has anyone made or know of an Wiki.Ubunut.com search add-on?02:31
levanderlongwave: what good does it do to leave the 'original one' open?  When openssh-server is upgraded, won't it kill sshd, and you lose that connection anyway?02:31
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levanderis there an ubuntu server channel?02:32
longwavelevander: existing ssh sessions will stay open (otherwise your dist-upgrade process would be orphaned and any output would be lost)02:32
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levanderlongwave: being orphaned is what i'm afraid of, how do you know it won't?  it's documented somewhere?02:32
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longwavelevander: i've done it before and it's fine. when you open an ssh connection, the ssh server forks off a child process that won't be killed by the upgrade. the parent gets killed off and replaced by the new version, but any children are left running.02:33
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levanderlongwave: cool, thanks02:34
levanderlongwave: i've got a vps i'm setting up next week, wanted to make sure, thanks again02:34
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longwavelevander: yeah, if it didn't work, there would be no easy way of remotely upgrading boxes - debian is so widely used that a feature like that is important when upgrading, and this has carried over to ubuntu02:35
choongiianyone know of a runlevel config editor like bum, but for cli?02:35
compengiwhat is totem?02:35
choongiisysv-rc-conf comes close, but it doesnt allow you to configure sequences02:35
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longwavechoongii: update-rc.d is the standard tool to edit the /etc/rcX.d links02:36
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iiiearscompengi - totem is the media player used. - psstt - grab vlc or gvlc videolan player - works great less fuss. - even mplayer or xmms is easier to use02:37
Daniel_GBGhow do I save the file in nano02:37
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longwaveDaniel_GBG: ctrl+O is "WriteOut", which is the same as save02:37
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choongiilongwave, thanks, but I'm looking for something that's easier to use02:37
Crippy-BoyCtrl + X itll ask you if you wanna save. or use Ctrl + O.02:37
Daniel_GBGoki and exit?02:37
Crippy-Boyuh huh02:37
choongiiit's fine for just adding something to defaults, but defining a sequence is a pain02:38
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choongiias I have to cd to all the runlevel dirs and ls the contents to see the existing sequence02:38
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compengiiiiears, then why when i want to check for updates in update manager i get something like run sudo apt-get dist-upgrade in terminal to continue and in the box i have "totem"02:38
choongiiI just wanna be able to say like: ok add 'bla' to runlevel 3, and start it after X but before Y02:38
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Daniel_GBGhow do i exit nano02:39
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Crippy-BoyCtrl + X02:39
Daniel_GBGand how do a restart a progrm02:39
longwavechoongii: hrm, i haven't seen anything like that, i just use ls and update-rc.d. how often do you need to add new services to rc.d anyway? :)02:39
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choongiiwell, that's true02:39
Daniel_GBGi have to restart privoxy02:40
Schalkenso is edgy usable on the desktop yet?02:40
longwaveDaniel_GBG: try "sudo /etc/init.d/privoxy restart"02:40
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choongiistill the dirtyhack-ish feeling kinda annoys me. well, thanks anyways02:41
choongiiI'll just ls then02:41
iiiearscompengi - hm - Is it just asking you to ensure you have the most update system? - what happenes if you just bring a terminal window and  "apt-get install <application you want> (i admit i must be missing your question)02:41
Crippy-Boychoongii: Whats wrong with dirty hacks? :P02:41
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DandreHello all,02:41
iiiearsGood Mormning Dandri02:42
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DandreI am looking for some screen capture but only on a part of the screen and not the whole screen. Is there any solution?02:42
jambrongkok sepi?02:42
choongiiCrippy-Boy, they're dirty02:43
compengiiiiears, i runned the update manager to check for updates but it told me to run the script i told you because something dealing with totem02:43
nahojhmm.. I can't boot directly from the Hard Drive. I have to use the ubuntu-cd and choose "Boot from first hard disk! what to do??02:43
ctrlbreaktrinstall imagemagick02:43
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choongiimakes maintenance annoying in the long run02:43
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iiiearsDandre - ALT+PrntScrn  - doesn't do it for you? - what app do you need screenshots of?02:44
jambrongdaes anybody knows how to install bluetooth driver on ubuntu?02:44
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arsalancan any one give me synatax of adding in profile - more than one paths in an environment variable like CLASSPATH, I have tried  CLASSPATH={first_path}:{second_path}02:44
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fyrestrtrarsalan: export CLASSPATH=/foo/some/where:/foo/some/where/else:$CLASSPATH02:45
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don_jrI have installed kubuntu-desktop, it will not change the screen resolution.  I slide the slider and it says it's changing it, but the acctual desktop never changes.  Any ideas?02:45
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arsalanfyrestrtr: thanx for replying, my previous problem is also solved now :)02:46
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pk213432don_jr: I haven't tried hard, but I haven't got that working - so I just edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and remove the resolutions I don't want.02:47
zloi_diman    ? :)02:47
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jambronghow to installing bluetooth driver?02:47
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compengizloi_diman, ya02:47
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Dandreiiiears, I will try thanks02:47
haydenhow can i use ubuntu as a gateway (router) and forward ports from an external port to a different internal port on a computer on the lan?02:47
don_jrpk213432 I'll have to try that.  gnome works just fine with it.02:47
Diggihmm update in my error... "/dev/pmu/" doesnt exist :S thats why pbbuttonsd faild in the start up...annyone that know why or what's worng? (using a mac g3)02:48
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Chippythey wrote an article about this. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proof_that_0.999..._equals_102:48
Hendrik12Hello is their someone who cna help me?02:48
pk213432don_jr: I'm sure there is a 'proper way'02:48
pk213432hayden: i do it the geeky way, using iptables -t nat02:48
Hendrik12Is their someone who can help me02:49
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haydenpk213432: do you know of a howto or something i can read about it?02:49
Crippy-BoyHendrik12: Just ask the question02:49
pk213432hayden: e.g. iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p udp --dport 41512 -j DNAT --to
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pk213432hayden: try googling for iptables howto02:49
haydenpk213432: ok thanks alot02:49
DandreI'd like draw a box instead of select an activ window02:50
pk213432hayden: i'm sure there is an easier way though02:50
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iiiearshayden - firestarter firewall or squid proxy might be worth a look. - apologies for not knowing more about them.02:50
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Chippyi'm quite curious about edgy. is there any chance to downgrade back to dapper if i upgrade to edgy?02:51
jambrongok thank you all, i'll find help else where...02:51
fyrestrtrChippy: not easy to do that.02:51
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pk213432hayden: i just tried searching in synaptic for "iptable" and there are a bunch of htings that claim to be helpful - e.g. ferm02:51
Crippy-BoyChippy: im not too sure, why not try the live-cd?02:51
pk213432hayden: do you know how to use synaptic?02:51
haydeniiiears: thanks anyway, the main thing i want is to be able to port say 80 and 8080 to two different local computers02:51
ChippyCrippy-Boy, there's a livecd?! :)02:51
pk213432chippy: downgrading is really not doable02:52
Crippy-BoyChippy: Well i hope so, if not i dont know what i was using yesterday :P02:52
haydenpk213432: yea, i can use apt-get (i've only got a terminal atm)02:52
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pk213432hayden: try apt-cache search iptables02:52
longwavehayden: custom iptables rules is the easiest way to go here if you are comfortable with using the cli. you can route packets from pretty much anywhere to pretty much anywhere else with the right rules :)02:52
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pk213432hayden: then apt-cache show <packagename>02:52
ChippyCrippy-Boy, is it different from dapper to such extent it would be interesting to try it?02:52
ctrlbreaktrDandre it is what you looking for02:52
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quietis there a way to change the lag time for autohide panels to pop up?02:52
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haydenlongwave, pk213432 ok thanks02:53
pk213432hayden: try going from my example above02:53
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ctrlbreaktrDandre install imagemagick and use the script that my friend wroted02:53
renesisroutine floodbot test NO ONE PANIC02:53
LoRezWarning: `renesis' seems to be spamming, please discontinue or kicks/kills/klines will be issued.02:53
ubotuHelp! lilo, Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak!02:53
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Crippy-BoyChippy: I didnt really spend much time in it, Most of the time was spent in terminal02:53
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kenascan anyone help me ? i cannot upgrade my APT, repositories dont work02:54
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compengiwhere can i get radeon 9000 driver for ubuntu?02:54
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource02:54
fyrestrtrcompengi: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Video02:54
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Crippy-BoyChippy: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current02:55
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic02:55
ChippyCrippy-Boy, thank you very much ^_^02:55
Crippy-BoyChippy: no probs :-)02:55
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource02:55
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RudyValenciaHow do you install Ubuntu Dapper as a basic "server" (ie without the GUI)?02:56
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Crippy-BoyChippy: Me and another person had problems booting it, If it halts with a blinking cursor half way through start up, Press Alt + F3 then Alt + F1 and it should boot ok02:56
fyrestrtrRudyValencia: from the alternate install cd, type 'server' at the boot: prompt02:56
RudyValenciaI downloaded the "standard" CD :(02:56
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fyrestrtrah, from there, you can't :)02:56
compengifyrestrtr, there is no radeon02:57
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don_jrRudyValencia get the 'alternate cd'  I had to get it to do a text based install and it worked just fine where the live cd wouldn't02:57
RudyValenciaAbout how big is the alternate CD?02:57
quietsame size02:57
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ChippyCrippy-Boy, so edgy is like the R&D lab of ubuntu?02:57
quietthere is a server only cd though, i believe02:57
infidelanyone have lotus notes running on ubuntu? second question can i apt-get wine stuff?02:57
fyrestrtrsecond question: You can apt-get wine, but not Windows programs.02:58
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don_jrWhat is the differenct between apt-get and aptitude?03:00
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fyrestrtrnothing, just different frontends.03:00
yuggeHey guys, what is the mount command for mounting .img files?03:00
MikeyMikedoes gimp have an irc channel?03:00
don_jrwould there be a reason you would choose one over another03:00
MikeyMiketotally off topic i know03:00
infidelfyrestrtr: i have the windows version of notes and i have wine install but i need wine-utils03:00
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MikeyMikebut maybe one of you will know03:00
iiiearsinfidel - aptitude is better at resolving dependency problems and keeps better records for removing apps03:00
ctrlbreaktraptitude cares for the other packages needed for that package. when u uninstall the program aptitude deletes unneeded packages but apt-get doesnt03:01
Seveasiiiears, that is no longer truein edgy03:01
fyrestrtrcompengi: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI03:01
fyrestrtrinfidel: lotes notes client, or server? (please say client)03:01
kenasi cannot update aptitude03:01
iiiearsGood Morning Seveas! - Thank you for the tip.03:01
infidelfyrestrtr: client03:02
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pipHello,how to add an icon in application-->sound&video ?03:03
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fyrestrtrinfidel: you know there is a native linux client for lotus notes, right?03:03
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infidelfyrestrtr: yeah but i can't find a download for it03:03
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kingdongdoes anyone know an easy way to log into a remote x server in a window inside my regular x session?03:04
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iiiearspip - alacarte menu editor ?   right click on your app and select a new icon.03:04
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Morticekingdong: depends on the protocol. VNC, NX, XDMCP...?03:05
AfterDeathkingdong: take a look at vnc; I'm fairly sure thats what you're looking for03:05
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kingdongi think it's probably xdmcp, my university told me to use something called x-session for windows03:05
fyrestrtrinfidel: this might help > http://www.nsftools.com/NL7/03:06
Morticekingdong: that's xdmcp, almost certainly.03:06
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jcml_ukkingdong: that sounds right.03:06
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kingdongxnest sounds like the right thng, thanks Mortice and jcml_uk =D03:06
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fyrestrtrinfidel: its called 'IBM Worspace Managed Client' -- maybe that's why you can't find it :)03:07
Morticekingdong: yea, that's the way to do it.03:07
Morticekingdong: let us know if you need any help with it03:07
phichipsihi, is there any recording softrware that can burn audio cds out of mp3 files? i mean you have a gui and drop mp3 files in there and they  are converted to wav and then burned? i tried k3b and gnomebaker. both fail.03:07
infidelfyrestrtr: ok thanks03:07
Mortice!info k3b03:07
ubotuk3b: A sophisticated KDE CD burning application. In component main, is optional. Version 0.12.14-0ubuntu7 (dapper), package size 3941 kB, installed size 8376 kB03:07
kingdongthanks a bunch mortice i will ;)03:07
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Morticeoh, sorry phichipsi. i didn't see that you said k3b failed.03:08
Morticephichipsi: how does it fail?03:08
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phichipsiMortice, it says my tracks are in a unsupported file format03:08
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Morticephichipsi: do you have mp3 support installed?03:08
iiiearscdrecord is the foundation for k3b and gnomebaker ubuntu was nice enought to include cd burning with a simple right click - cool eh?03:08
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:09
Nilvioif someone have something advice how i can Script Mouse clicking and moving plz tell me !03:09
phichipsiMortice, well there is a specifiv package for that?03:09
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sorush4hi I had kubuntu then I installed ubuntu-desktop , now I have loged into my gnome session but my desktop is not loading fully.. first there are a few flashes of the top and butoom task bars and that is it nothing else loads what can I do?03:09
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Morticephichipsi: the pages for setting up mp3 support are all there in the message I made ubotu send.03:09
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phichipsiMortice, ok i'll take a look, but its strange as i can listen to mp3 withour any problems ...03:10
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Morticephichipsi: oh. ok03:11
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Morticephichipsi: hmm. seems you do have mp3 support enabled03:11
canine_koujiewww, mp3s03:12
iiiearssorush - does sudo dpkg-reconfigure reconfigure-xorg    fix it? if it is a need to set the display manager from kdm - kubuntu  to gdm for gnome. i don't know how to do that.03:12
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santa99i have a problem with turboprint03:12
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santa99i have installed turboprint right before and added a keyfile but there is still this turboprint logo03:13
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tazzis ubuntu - the linux for human beings?03:13
sorush4iiiears: that is not the case really I think, becuase the gnome desktop is loaded halfway I don't know why kdm is working fine but I can change to gdm if i have to ..03:13
Morticephichipsi: vvv03:13
phichipsiMortice, i have it enabled and it doesn't work?03:13
tazzor ubuntu - the Gnu/Linux for human beings?03:13
Mortice!info libk3b2-mp303:13
ubotulibk3b2-mp3: The KDE cd burning application library - MP3 decoder. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.12.14-0ubuntu7 (dapper), package size 34 kB, installed size 96 kB03:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about turboprint - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:13
phichipsiMortice, on the pages you sent me there is a way to set it up for gnome-baker, i'll try03:13
Morticephichipsi: i'd imagine there's an equivalent package for gnomebaker03:14
phichipsiMortice, ahh okay!03:14
phichipsiMortice, thanks a lot, i'll give both a try03:14
Crippy-Boytazz: Its pretty pointless even discussing that.03:14
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martinthelionI'm new here03:14
Morticephichipsi: no problem. Sorry for misunderstanding you - I hadn't realised that it worked like this in ubuntu.03:15
tazzCrippy-Boy, just asking about the slogan03:15
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TheGateKeeperwhat's the easiest way to back your system, tar it then save that tar to DVD?03:15
Crippy-Boytazz: Well the slogan is 'linux for human beings'03:15
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iiiearssorush - could it be that an unsupported for gnome  kde desktop theme is being used to start gnome03:16
martinthelionAny Mac users here?03:16
phichipsiMortice, thats okay. now we both learned about this issue. thats the beauty :)03:17
jcml_ukmartinthelion: feel free just to ask the specific question you're looking for help with03:17
Crippy-Boymartinthelion: kinda, I own a mac and have ubuntu installed, dont use it much though03:17
Morticephichipsi: indeed. :)03:17
iiiearsTheGateKeeper - Mondo rescue is gre-eat!03:17
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martinthelionwell i got ubuntu installed on my ibook but it has its ends on heat problems03:18
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infidelfyrestrtr: the only thing i found was a tour of notes03:18
TheGateKeeperiiiears: is that what you use?03:18
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yuhuhuhI have a question, really simple and I didnt find any answer on the net03:19
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Crippy-Boymartinthelion: Sorry, all i can suggest is that its something to do with acpi? but i dont have an ibook so i cant say03:19
dalfztime to update kile package?03:19
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CyberLokOHOla a todos los ubuntistas03:20
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu-es - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:20
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iiiearsWe the spanish spoken nin this channel is muy peor.03:21
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ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.03:22
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TheGateKeeperiiiears: use it from the cli? sudo mondo ??03:23
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iiiearsThere are a bunch of switches. - you can make it jump through hoops03:24
RogerRabbhey.. is there a way to exclude a file when trying to mirror a site in wget? eg I want everything on www.blah.com but www.blah.com/blah.php and www.blah.com/blah/ I can use --exclude-directories to ignore /blah.. but how about blah.php ?03:24
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Jack_SparrowI would think you would need to individually exclude  blah.php or at least pull a list of  blah.php from a file and script it.03:26
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RogerRabbindividually exclude?03:26
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Jack_SparrowIf there were multiple's03:29
fenderfreekAnyone know how Ubuntu handles changing screen brightness on a laptop? It changes properly per my settings when I switch from battery to AC, but I want to manually change it somehow.03:29
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RogerRabbI'm just not sure even how to exclude a file from a recursive wget03:29
RogerRabblooking over the help it mentions --exclude-directories..03:30
iiiearsRogerRabbit - exclude it by file extension? -A.php?   wget -r -l1 -H -t1 -nd -N -np -A.mp3,.ogg -erobots=off http://webjay.org/by/tomwsmf/boingboingfoundsounds -P boingboing/    http://webjay.org/by/tomwsmf/boingboingfoundsounds03:30
RogerRabbthat would be very helpful actually03:30
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RogerRabbthanks that'll do for now I guess03:31
iiiearsRogerRabbit - Cool..03:31
TheGateKeeperiiiears: how do you start mondo I have just installed it using synaptic type mondo or mondoacrchieve give me 'command not found'??03:31
STORMCHAS3Rwhat is better to use, smart or synaptic pm?03:31
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RogerRabbthanks iiiears, I appreciate it :)03:32
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cope_ozTheGateKeeper, it should be in your menu (applications --> programming)03:32
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TheGateKeepercope_oz: it isn't I am using KDE, does that make a difference, do I have log out then log back in?03:33
RogerRabboh umm iiiears -A.php in this case downloads the file then removes it..03:33
fenderfreekOnce more, in case anyone who just joined has anything: Anyone who one know how Ubuntu handles changing screen brightness on a laptop? It changes properly per my settings when I switch from battery to AC, but I want to manually change it somehow.03:33
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RogerRabboh it's -R to exclude by file extension03:36
TheGateKeepercope_oz: got it going from the cli :-)03:36
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orionHey all.03:37
ubotusmart is another meta-package manager available for Ubuntu. It's quite stable, uses APT's repositories, can handle mirrors/multiple-connections, and is supposed to make Ubuntu BiArch-compatible for Edgy. See http://labix.org/smart and https://wiki.kubuntu.org/SmartPackageManager03:37
opexocWhy the CUPS system can't accept root login and root password? Who login and who password I should write?03:37
orionI am trying to install ubuntu remotely. I've debootstrapped and installed openssh, but when I try to login to root (via terminal), it won't let me in.03:38
quietopexoc, your own.03:38
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orionOne thing that I noticed is that the password is hashed in /etc/passwd, rather than /etc/shadow.03:38
quietopexoc, just make sure you are a member of the cups group03:38
orionWould anyone know why this is happening?03:38
ChaosFanorion: maybe ssh is configured to not allow remote login as root03:38
opexocquiet: How can I do that?03:39
orionChaosFan, No. Like I said, I am trying to login via a terminal, not SSH.03:39
quietopexoc, look at /etc/group??03:39
ChaosFanorion: oh, sorry misunderstood you03:39
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orionYup. No problem.03:39
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orionSo does anyone know what's wrong?03:41
ChaosFanorion: then... sure you have set the root password?03:41
orionChaosFan, Yup. I booted to the "normal" Ubuntu partition, mounted, chrooted, and changed it with passwd.03:42
ChaosFanand that your tty's are stated in /etc/securetty?03:42
opexocquiet: There is not such group.03:42
rdhrd138I've mounted my WIndows Partition in Ubuntu with 'sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/windows/ -t ntfs -o nls=utf8,umask=0222 ' but I have to do it everyime I boot my computer, anyone know a way for it to do it automatically?03:43
ChaosFanrdhrd138: write it to /etc/fstab03:43
ChaosFanthere are enough lines you can easily adopt one03:43
rdhrd138Even though it's a sudo command, it will still work?03:43
rdhrd138Okay, thanks.03:43
ChaosFanit will be mounted with the rest of your partitions, e.g. /03:44
orion# Standard consoles03:44
orion[...] 03:44
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ChaosFanhm, ok, they seem to be there...03:44
ChaosFanthen i've got no idea...03:44
iiiearsChaosFan - How to you force ubuntu to reread fstab?03:44
rdhrd138Does it matter where I put that line in /etc/fstab?03:44
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Morticeiiiears: sudo mount -a03:44
ChaosFaniiiears: mount -a mounts everything thats stated in fstab and not already mounted03:44
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ChaosFanrdhrd138: not really.. i always append it to the end if i add something, but i don't think it matters03:45
opexocquiet: So what should I do now? Do add this group?03:45
piphow to add an icon to application memu when I have istalled a programme03:46
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QmQhi everyone. I have this odd problem with 6.06 *buntus - after downloading and burning the cd I can't install the system due to a VERY slow cd reading bug or something03:50
kenashi i am trying to do this -------> sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`     but    it gives me this error  -----> E: No se pudo encontrar el paquete linux-headers-2.6.15-26-38603:50
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QmQThe CD's read, it would seem, in 'bits' and it takes about 45 minutes to even run the gui03:50
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orionChaosFan, I got it to work. eth0 won't come up though.03:50
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ChaosFanorion: what caused it?03:51
WeaZeLb0yDoes anyone here use Eclipse on Ubuntu? I'm having a problem with not being able to scroll on the auto-complete menu...anyone else experiencing the same?03:52
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TheGateKeeperhat to say it but mondo is rubbish won't work, just get some fatal erro03:52
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tourachuse vim :)03:52
orionChaosFan, Was my fault. I was chrooted to the environment in my /home folder, not the one on /dev/sda403:53
ChaosFanhm, ok, that for sure does explain it ;)03:53
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kenashi i am trying to do this -------> sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`     but    it gives me this error  -----> E: No se pudo encontrar el paquete linux-headers-2.6.15-26-38603:54
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orionChaosFan, So now when I boot, eth0 doesn't come up automatically.03:55
orionI need to ifconfig it manually. But when I run dhclient, it gets the correct IP address, but the IP address doesn't show up in ifconfig.03:56
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TheGateKeeperjust installed mondo found it doesn't work so want to remove it, synaptic is only showing mondo for removal not all the dependencies it dragged in, how can I get rid of them too?03:57
GomezDenThe command for listing the contants of a tar file is 'tar -t <file>'03:57
Nookie^Hi! i have reinstalled ubuntu and installed also alot of apps with automatix.. but now when trying to watch movie all movies are messed up. i mean the picture is looking aweful... Any who can help out?03:57
kOpterHello, I've got the strangest problem. Sometimes (usually on cold boot) my system boots without chipset drivers.03:57
GomezDenBut it just sits there and doesnt do anything any ideas?03:57
yuggeI'm installing ubuntu on my gf's laptop, but right after x sets up in the installer, it turns black with two white dots03:58
opexocWhat shell I do if the CUPS system can't accept my login and password... ? In /etc/group I don't see any group called CUPS.03:58
kOpterOn a good boot agpgart, pci_hotplug and de chipset drivers get started.. on a bad boot just some ACPI stuff03:58
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yuggein alternate *03:58
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ChaosFanorion: /etc/network/interfaces03:59
orionChaosFan, Yup. auto eth0 and all that other jazz.04:00
ChaosFanhm, then it _should_ come up...04:00
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ChaosFanperhaps no corresponding init-script?04:00
Jack_SparrowNookie^: Please ask in Automatix.. there is a reason we dont recommend it in here04:00
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Nookie^Jack_Sparrow: okej m8... sorry and thanx04:01
RudyValenciaWhile installing Ubuntu 5.10 "Breezy" on my server I'm getting "The debootstrap program exited with an error (return value 1). Check /target/var/log/debootstrap.log for details." What's going on?04:01
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Nookie^Mortice: no  i didnt... just new reinstalled version04:01
Jack_SparrowNookie^: np we like to help people04:01
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Nookie^Jack_Sparrow: hehe yeah i know =)04:02
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sorush20my gnome session will not load fully what can I do..04:02
Jack_SparrowNookie^:   We would be happy to help you install those things manually any time04:02
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orionChaosFan, Perhaps. /dev/sda4 == hd0,3 to grub right?04:02
RudyValenciaI'm installing Ubuntu 5.10 from a ShipIt CD.04:02
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TheGateKeeperwhat's the easiest way to back your system up to dvd?04:03
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Nookie^Jack_Sparrow: thanx dude... Nice to hear that04:04
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sorush20my gnome session will not load fully what can I do..04:04
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bartmonHowdy. Can anyone tell me where I can place scripts I want to execute at boot?04:04
Jack_SparrowTheGateKeeper:  I stuff it into a tar and burn one file...04:04
Morticesorush20: have you checked .Xsession-errors in your home directory?04:04
TheGateKeeperJack_Sparrow: it is ok if that file is over 2Gb ?04:04
sorush20Mortice: where is that?04:05
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Jack_SparrowTheGateKeeper: Should be ok up to 4 I thought,.. let me read that page again04:05
sorush20Mortice: got it04:06
Jack_Sparrow!backup > jack_sparrow04:06
ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi04:06
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snpzhi everybody04:06
kaoltiis there a way to share internet connection on ubuntu with windows xp?04:07
sorush20Mortice: what am I looking for04:07
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snpzdoes anyone has any experiance with Broadcast 4311 wifi card?04:07
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erUSUL!firestarter > kaolti04:07
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TheGateKeeperJack_Sparrow: you are telling me the same as everyone else so that's what I am going to do :-)04:07
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lucienj'ai un probleme avec la touche alt gr04:08
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lucienelle ne fonctionne plus04:08
Morticesorush20: any errors that relate to gnome.ear in mind that that file only shows errors from the current Xsession, so you want to check it while your user is trying to log into a gnome session.04:08
lucienmais ce n'est pas mecanique04:08
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.04:08
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ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed with iptables (in the command line) or firestarter (gui, can also setup connection sharing)04:08
kaoltierusul thanks04:08
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Jack_SparrowTheGateKeeper: Start with a tar...  then split it down to below 2 gigs04:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about scripting - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:08
erUSULkaolti: no problem04:08
=== sorush20 [n=sorush20@82-43-184-143.cable.ubr07.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #ubuntu []
Morticesorush20: you can do that by attempting to log into gnome, then hitting Ctrl+Alt+F1, logging in as that user at the terminal and opening the .Xsession-errors file.04:09
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pk213432bartmon: /etc/init.d04:09
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pk213432bartmon: then run update-rc.d04:09
bartmonpk213432: I just create a symlink in there to my script? been there, don that.04:09
bartmonAha, that might do it. Thanks!04:09
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TheGateKeeperJack_Sparrow: how do you split it?04:09
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pk213432bartmon: typically put the script in /etc/init.d04:10
pk213432bartmon: then use update-rc.d to create symlinks04:10
sorush20Mortice: how can I get access to this file when I can't even log into gnome/04:10
Jack_SparrowOne sec, I think I found a script that tars and splits04:10
MarlunIs it possible to download a file from a server you've connected to through ssh (putty)?04:10
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Morticesorush20: you can do "cat .Xsession-errors" from the console04:10
pk213432marlun: there is a program called pscp you can download from the putty webpage04:10
fulat2khi folks, i've just replaced my geforce ti4200 with a gf2mx.  and things are really blurry.  anyone knows if i need to do any reconfig?04:11
Marlunpk213432: thanks!04:11
Jack_SparrowTheGateKeeper: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=174713 is what I think you are looking for..04:11
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bartmonpk213432: All these scripts execute on boot?04:11
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Jack_Sparrowfulat2k: Reconfigure for new hardware or if X fails run. In terminal : dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:12
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fulat2kJack_Sparrow: it's running fine.  in fact i'm postign from it right now.  it's just that the text seems rather blurry.04:12
pk213432bartmon: the scripts that are symlinked from /etc/rcX.d/ execute at boot, where X is your runlevel.  You are probably at runlevel 2.04:12
sorush20Mortice: so I should just log into gnome as normal , then since the desktop doesn't show anything at all how do load a console /04:12
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bartmonOK, thanks04:13
Jack_Sparrowfulat2k: Are both cards the same chipset?04:13
pk213432bartmon: creating those symlinks is the job of the update-rc.d script04:13
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Morticesorush20: i told you a second ago, but you probably missed it. Try to log in to gnome as normal. While it's failing to load, hit Ctrl+Alt+F1 which will take you to a terminal, where you can log in and view the file.04:13
bartmonpk213432: So how do I tell on which runlevel i want my script to start?04:13
RudyValenciaSo Ubuntu is basically Linux for those who are new to Linux?04:14
BicchiWhat is the: "proposed repository" in my sources.list file. Like what kind of packages does it pulls?04:14
fulat2kfulat2k: not the same.  the old one is a geforce4 and the current one is a geforce2.04:14
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pk213432bartmon: i suggest not worrying - just run update-rc.d <ScriptName> defaults04:14
Jack_SparrowRudyValencia: YEs the heart of Ubuntu is Linux04:14
pk213432bartmn: it'll do the righ tthing04:14
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fulat2kJack_Sparrow: oops... that was for u04:14
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sorush20Mortice: thanks04:14
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bartmonpk213432: I need to run my script before X starts.04:15
pk213432rudyvalencia: i've been using linux for a long time, and i use ubuntu.  Ubuntu is just the best Linux for the desktop available right now.04:15
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Jack_Sparrowfulat2k: Did you read the page on nvidia drivers?04:15
RudyValenciaWhat would you consider the "target audience" of Ubuntu?04:15
Morticepk213432: seconded.04:15
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pk213432bartmon: type "man update-rc.d" for details on how to do that04:15
bartmonI'm reading it just now, thanks again04:16
CRoachnot really a linux question but does 566mhz ddr2 work in and mob that supports 800mhz ddr2?04:16
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Jack_SparrowRudyValencia: anyone that wants a soild stable os that is far safer than XP04:16
pk213432bartmon: first find the name of your display manager link - it'll have a two digit number - make your script have a lower number.04:16
TheGateKeeperJack_Sparrow: thanx :-)04:16
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pk213432croach: i'd bet so04:16
Jack_SparrowTheGateKeeper: that what you needed?04:16
RudyValenciaCRoach, depends on the speed of your processor.04:16
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fulat2kJack_Sparrow: which page r u referring to?  i did refer to the forum post to install the nvidia drivers04:16
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:16
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alxandra_tha packags i m trying to install with apt-get tries to remove linux, linux-image and restricted modules. why does this happen? is it normal?04:17
sholdenHas anyone else experienced problems with their amarok music collection after applying the latest upgrade to 1.4.2?  I keep getting error messages about my taglibs.04:17
TheGateKeeperJack_Sparrow: think so thanx :-)04:17
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Jack_SparrowTheGateKeeper: np04:17
CRoachhmm 4400 x2 would be the cpu .... would a 667mhzddr2 then work cause the 800 is just way too expensive04:17
Marlunpk213432: hmmm can't figure out how to use pscp. =/04:17
pk213432alxandra_: does it want to install a newer version of those things?04:17
pk213432marlun: there is a friendly pscp client out there somewhere... i'll just google for you...04:17
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alxandra_no i doesnt pk213432. it seem that i will have a problem if i continue installing them04:18
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nikincan anyone suggest a good c++ IDE for Linux?04:18
Riddellnikin: kdevelop04:19
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silvestrehelp for kernel.04:19
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silvestrehelp me04:19
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nikinsnpz: anjuta does not seem any good to me... but its mybe my foult04:19
snpzsilvestre, tell us the problem04:19
Jack_Sparrow!patience > silvestre04:20
TheGateKeeperback in a bit04:20
snpznikin, then try here sugested kdevelop04:20
Dimensionshey guys is there any built-in software or utility in ubuntu that i can use to monitor system memory consumption04:20
nikinapt-get install kdevelop does not seem to work04:20
Jack_SparrowDimensions: there might be something in the gdesklets collection04:21
erUSULDimensions: free, top04:21
snpzapt-cache search kdevelope04:21
DimensionserUSUL:  free top ?04:21
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pk213432marlun: try linuxmafia.com/ssh/win32.html04:21
pk213432marlun: i haven't used it myself04:21
erUSULDimensions: to caommands to monitor ram usage04:21
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Jack_Sparrowsilvestre: Please ask your question in as much detail as possible04:21
snpzDimensions, top04:21
Marlunpk213432: I found a great doc which explained it, thanks anyway :)04:21
bartmonSystem Monitor in gnome as a window and as a gdesklet04:21
snpztype top in console04:21
erUSULDimensions: also vmstat and others04:21
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nikinsnpz: nothing found04:22
Dimensionsisn't there any graphical tool for it ?04:22
Dimensionsthat i can check memory status and cpu consumption with04:22
silvestremy ubuntu do not starter i see erro-- panic kenrnel04:22
snpznikin, hmm, probably there is some repositories missing04:22
nikini have about 35 repos04:23
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silvestrenot suncing:VFS: unable to nount root fs UNK04:23
pk213432silvestre, what does it say a few lines above that?04:23
bartmonDimension: In Gnome open up System>Administration>System Monitor and go to the resources tab04:23
[jb] how do i check the DISPLAY environment variable?04:23
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pk213432silvestre, and above that?04:23
pk213432[jb] , in a console type export04:23
erUSULDimensions: there a few. conky, gtkrmll, gdesklets...... system monitor for the panels etc04:24
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snpznikin, try kdevelop304:24
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LeminoI need a tip for digital video editing software. is KINO the primary choice or are there any other?04:24
Jack_Sparrowsilvestre: What is your native language...?04:24
silvestrei not04:24
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silvestrei am speakr portugues04:24
ubuntuhow do i fix grub or any boot loader for that matter?04:25
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pk213432ubuntu, what is wrong with it?04:25
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RudyValenciaI've installed ubuntu on my server and I can't find where to put my vhosts info for apache04:25
RudyValencia(version 6.10)04:25
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nikinsnpz: i have found it, in the add/remove programs ... stuff :D04:25
silvestreJack_ Sparrow do you espeker portugues?04:26
pk213432ubuntu, e.g. does the menu appear?04:26
ubuntui have a primary hd with xp and ubuntu (worked fine) then i installed win98 on a 2nd hd (unpluging my 1st so nothing could go wrong) but now i can only boot to win9804:26
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PetarisI have installed linneighborhood using apt-get but no binary was installed, is this a known issue?04:26
nikinsnpz: what widgetsets are supported?04:26
Jack_Sparrowubuntu: there is the super grub repair disk04:26
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DimensionserUSUL: which one of those can let me monitor for hours what i want is to have a graphical one which i can monitor for lets say two hours or more and less ...04:27
Jack_Sparrowsilvestre: no sorry, but there is a portuguese channel04:27
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juanwhere can i get that? <formally know as ubuntu04:27
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Jack_Sparrowsilvestre: Do you speak spanish ?04:27
silvestrei not see help it04:27
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ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.04:28
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silvestrei am report erro and your me help04:28
Jack_SparrowAnyone know the two letter abbreviation for portugues04:29
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.04:29
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juanwhere can i get a super grub repair disk?04:29
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sorush20my xsession file just gives me warnings about not being able send to buffer04:30
sorush20any ideas?04:30
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Macros42what's the syntax to run a file on a different drive?04:30
erUSULDimensions: i do not Know but i found this http://www.howtoforge.com/server_monitoring_monit_munin04:30
Jack_Sparrowjuan: http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/SuperGrubDiskPage.html  but many of the grub problems can be fixed with our help..04:30
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juanwell its completly gone i think04:30
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:31
=== Craigo [n=Wizball@brentpurpleimac.bio.uea.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Tjoelswhat does the "i2c" module in xorg.conf do?04:31
tbaurI'll think about it04:31
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Jack_Sparrowlucien: Hello04:31
Nookie^Jack_Sparrow: dude can u help me out... when trying to watch movies everything is mixxed with blue color for some reason04:32
DethKlokAnyone know how to use Microsoft mmc's in Linux? Would like to switch my work pc over to Linux but need to administer a windows environment.04:32
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Nookie^Jack_Sparrow: i have reinstalled totem and totem-xine but same thing still04:32
juancan ubuntu v5.10 burn disks of the live cd04:32
Jack_SparrowNookie^:  I would not know where to start... other than have you start reloading mm drivers04:33
CraigoHello everyone. I just installed ubuntu on a new machine and sorted out SSH for X11 Forwarding. However, the box is taking a very long time to load up a remote terminal (ssh -X or ssh -Y) :/ Any help?04:33
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Nookie^Jack_Sparrow: no i have not... how do i do that ... how do i reload them04:33
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ubotuSee http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html. Libdvdcss can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages04:34
TjoelsDoes a guide which describes all of the modules of xorg.conf exist?04:34
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finalbetaTo play video, Ubuntu comes with Totem Movie Player which looks and functions similar to Windows Media Player << lols, yeah right04:34
sorush20who was helping me with the gnome loging in problem please help cause I don't know what to do now.. I managed to view the file xseessions.error and there were buffer warnings about gnome panel..04:35
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kaoltido i need dhcp to assgin ips when i set up internet connection sharing with firestarter04:36
Jack_SparrowNookie^: I should have asked, what type of movies, dvd's or online video stuff04:36
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sorush20anyone please?04:37
Guest7468hey can anyone help me out? cant get my ehternet adaptor to work under ubuntu04:37
rich_Hi I am having connecting to the net. I can connect using Konquerer and collect mail, unable to connect with Firefox and ap-get04:37
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Jack_SparrowGuest7468: Please identify the hardware you are trying to install/get working.  CHipset is always helpful04:38
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Guest7468give one sec04:38
luuhow can it possibly be so difficult to get gcc to work.. :/ ubuntu fails me04:39
CraigoHrm.. nobody knows about SSH X11 then? :-/04:39
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chellhey guys04:39
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)04:39
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chellI am looking for a maths program which should have a nice gtk gui04:40
chellit should also be capable of solving equations04:40
chellor simplifiying them04:40
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juanif i have 2 HDs they both have seperate MBR right? so i can install grub onto 1 HD and completly ignore the other, then it would go down to bios settings which hd is used?04:40
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Guest7468sorry about that its a realtek RTL8139, on a pentium 304:41
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rtf - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:41
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bhrobinsonI was wanting to see if anyone knows when the official install of Evolution 2.8.0 will be available for Ubuntu?04:42
kaoltianybody know if i need dhcp to set up ICS with firestarter?04:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about HELPMEWITHBLUESCREEN!!!!! - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mate - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wtf - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about myself - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:42
juancan we grow up abit and stop spaming the bot04:42
ubotuSee http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html. Libdvdcss can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages04:42
chellwe can04:42
ubotussh is the Secure SHell protocol (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto). Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows, which can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/04:42
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chellbut that's pretty unlikely04:43
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raj No library found for -ldpstk04:43
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Nookie^this adress is no longer existing: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html.04:43
bhrobinsonI was wanting to see if anyone knows when the official install of Evolution 2.8.0 will be available for Ubuntu?04:43
rajwhen try to compile Image::Magick perl module04:43
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Jack_SparrowGuest7468: THis might help get you started http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3192604:44
=== TexasTaz [n=TT@ip67-153-7-194.z7-153-67.customer.algx.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubifuthx man04:44
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knitt1hello @all04:44
chellhi mate04:44
Jack_Sparrow890 people say hello back04:44
knitt1can anyone help me with ntfs?04:44
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse04:44
vltHello. I have installed ubuntu Dapper 6.06. Does anybody know the config file and format where to tell KDE's Konqueror not to show this message: "This untrusted page links to file://...Do you want to follow the link?"?04:44
Fawzibhello, I'm having a weird LAN problem. I'm installing a new server (have one already) when I boot the server I can do apt-get, ping but as soon as I try to ping a non-existing site the LAN stops working. I try to do /etc/init.d/networking restart (is this ok?) and I get eth0: link not ready and tulip_stop_rxtx() errors in kern.log. If I reboot things go back to normal again until I go to an...04:45
SmokeyDhi all, is it possible to install a package from source (so compile yourself and install without using apt) and then manually tell apt that some dependencies are installed?04:45
Fawzib...unavailable site.04:45
Jack_Sparrowchell: what is the problem04:45
knitt1but i can view it04:45
chellThere is no problem04:45
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sholdencan I use the kubuntu amarok 1.4.3 package w/ normal ubuntu?04:45
knitt1but i'd like to edit/create files on this partition04:45
knitt1is there a way?04:45
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SmokeyDI am installing a package from source (need a bleeding edge version) but want to install an app through apt that depends on the manually installed package04:45
chellsomebody asked:"Can you help me with ntfs" and I used the bot to display some information about ntfs04:45
chell!fuse -> knitt104:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fuse - - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:45
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ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse04:46
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chellthat's what I meant ;-)04:46
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SmokeyDsholden, yes you can04:46
TexasTazMorning everyone04:46
bhrobinsonanyone on Evolution?04:46
Jack_Sparrowknitt1:  I dont suggest that04:46
Jack_Sparrowknitt1: SOme people have been lucky and had it work.. I did not04:47
kaoltihow do i run perl scripts?04:47
sholdenSmokeyD: I was having issues with my music collection after upgrading to 1.4.2.  It would tell me to check my TagLib.  Do you know anything about this error or if 1.4.3 would fix it?04:47
DethKlokHas anyone got M$ MMC04:47
knitt1but i don't want to ruin data04:47
DethKlokto work under linux?04:47
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knitt1'coz i almost lost my win partition when installing dapper (hehe)04:48
Jack_Sparrowknitt1: fat32 can be read/write by both os with no addl drivers or problems04:48
Nopichow to make an iso image from psx game disk?04:48
SmokeyDsholden, no sorry. I don't use amarok (if you want to you cold check "listen" music player it's nice)04:48
Nopicdd doesn't work04:48
TexasTazHas anyone had problems install freeradius from source on Ubuntu 6.06.1 Server?04:48
TexasTazoops install* installing04:48
knitt1i know, but it's already ntfs-ed04:49
Jack_Sparrowknitt1: But you could shrink it and create a fat 32 to share04:49
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knitt1i only have 1gib left04:49
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knitt1that's not enough04:49
jjjjjjjhow do i get rid of irc messages telling me when someone enters or leaves the room?04:49
Jack_Sparrowjjjjjjj: what irc client04:50
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Jack_Sparrowknitt1: you could change your ntfs to fat32... but that can also have problems04:51
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kaoltii get this error when running firestarter :Internal network device eth0 is not ready. Aborting..04:51
haydeni am ssh'd into a ubuntu machine and a program is runnign (a game server) is there a way to exit the ssh client without exiting the program i started while i was ssh'd into the machine?04:51
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nahojwhen I boot my friends laptop the computer says that there is no operatingsystem on the Hard Disk, but when I boot with the ubuntu-cd using the option "boot from first hard disk" everything goes fine. what's wrong? how do I fix it?04:52
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quiethayden, use screen04:52
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quiethayden, otherwise, no.04:52
kaoltianybody know how to fix the error04:52
knitt1@nahoj: try testdisk04:52
nahojknitt1, testdisk?04:52
knitt1and check partition flags and/or boot sectors04:53
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haydenquiet: how do i use screen?04:53
Subhumannahoj, looks like grub didnt install to the MBR04:53
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nahojSubhuman, that's what i thought as well, but how do I fix it?04:54
quiethayden, apt-get install screen    then, when you connect via SSH... just enter the command 'screen'04:54
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quietyou can start your stuff, then you can use ctrl+d to detach from the screen.04:54
Subhumannahoj, umm boot up with the cd, then in ubuntu run "sudo grub-install /dev/hda04:55
haydenok thanks04:55
=== azathoth <3 screen
quietto reconnect where you left off (from ANY OTHER COMPUTER) just 'screen -x'   here... there's an excellent screen introduction...04:55
quiethayden, http://gentoo-wiki.com/TIP_Using_screen04:55
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azathothscreen is fantastic04:55
quietscreen is not gentoo specific... and that's a great tutorial04:55
nahojSubhuman, , should I do that in a live-session?04:55
Morticequiet: it's not Ctrl+d. It's Ctrl+A and then D04:56
nahojor should I boot into my installed system?04:56
quietMortice, correct... i typoed.04:56
azathothscreen -r, to re-attach04:56
Subhumannahoj, you "can", but its just as easy in the normal OS04:56
quietscreen -x does the same.04:56
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Morticescreen -rd is safer04:56
quietand then you can screen -x <screen_id> if you have multiple sessions.04:56
Mortice-d detaches it first, if it needs to04:56
quiethow is it 'safer'?04:56
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nahojSubhuman, I have already tried just that, sudo grub-install /dev/hda, but it does not work...04:57
haydenthanks guys04:57
Morticesafer in that it will get you attached to the screen even if it's attached somewhere else04:57
quietscreen -x does the same thing..04:58
Morticeand you won't have two attachments to it at once04:58
nahojSubhuman, I should not write /dev/hda1 ??04:58
quietsometimes multiple attachments are a good thing.04:58
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Morticequiet: yea, true04:58
Morticesometimes they're not :)04:58
quieti use screen for giving my best friend in VA tutorials on all kinds of FreeBSD stuff.... and i live near Chicago.04:58
haydenquiet: so if i run screen, then i exit the ssh client the programs are still running?04:59
Subhumannahoj, no, because that will jus install it to the partition, not the actual harddrive, if you do it to hda1 the bios will not see the bootloader04:59
quietI also always use screen -ls to see what it running though..04:59
quiethayden, yes.04:59
haydenquiet: sweet, just what i wanted04:59
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nahojSubhuman, maybe i should post my output from grub-install in pastebin?04:59
Morticescreen is really cool.04:59
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jakecan anybody help with superkaramba05:00
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arvind_.join #php05:00
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Morticejake: #kubuntu is a better channel for that05:00
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knowledgEngii have problem with mplayer05:00
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knowledgEngii cannot see video05:01
knowledgEngiogg, mpg. ,,,,,,05:01
knowledgEngi6 mount that i do not see a video05:01
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knowledgEngii think that is better i reinstall the last version of ubuntu05:02
knowledgEngiubuntu 5.1905:02
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nahojSubhuman, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2273505:02
knowledgEngiubuntu 5.1005:02
knowledgEngior slackware05:02
joshritgerwhat are my alternatives to the media players that come with ubuntu, I am looking for somethign to play mp3's, I have vlc and i can't get amarok to play mp3's.05:02
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:02
quietjoshritger, did you install codecs, goofball?05:02
=== Tjoels [n=Tjoels@0x57367797.virnxx9.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
TjoelsHey folks05:02
quietjoshritger, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats05:02
=== Guyver [n=guyver@du-005-0139.claranet.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
knowledgEngino, i do not look document about video05:03
pojkeHi, ive got a "Agere Systems ET-1301 PCI-E Fast Ethernet Controller" but its not working under ubuntu (its not found) but it works on Windows -- anyone know how i can get it to work under linux?05:03
whazillawhat is a good c++ environment debugger bash compiler /editor and on ?05:03
joshritgerquiet, no is it in the repositories?05:03
whazillafor Ubuntu ?05:03
knowledgEngione year to read read read05:03
knowledgEngiand result nothink05:03
DarkAuditsince Debian is replacing cdrtools with cdrkit, will Ubuntu do likewise?05:03
quietjoshritger, look at that link.. it will get everything from mp3's to DVD's, to Java working for you.05:03
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knowledgEnginow i'm sure that reading do not solve de problem05:03
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knowledgEngii have readed all document about ubuntu and video05:04
gnaffDarkAudit, you'd think so, since they would change for the same reasons05:04
Subhumannahoj, that instaled fine, reboot and see if it will work now05:04
knowledgEngifrom 6 mount05:04
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joshritgerquiet, I have installed all the mp3 codecs off that page05:04
gnaffDarkAudit, issues of 'free'05:04
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joshritgerStill not working05:04
Jack_SparrowknowledgEngi:  A channel speaking your native language may help you..  What is your native language?05:04
DarkAuditgnaff: and a developer whi is a regular horse's behind when anyone disagrees with him05:05
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gnaffDarkAudit, yeah so better off without him05:05
knowledgEngiin italian channel nobody can help you05:05
gnaffhopefully the fork will be even better05:05
vltHello. I have installed ubuntu Dapper 6.06. Does anybody know the config file and format where to tell KDE's Konqueror not to show this message: "This untrusted page links to file://...Do you want to follow the link?"?05:05
nahojSubhuman, this is what I see when I reboot: Hard disk boot sector invalid, Press "H" to retry Hard Disk, any other key for floppy05:05
Subhumannahoj, you say this is a laptop?05:06
nahojSubhuman, yes05:06
Subhumanit could be something that the vendor installed on the laptop, google the model number and linux to see if there are any issues with it.05:06
Hoxzer_can I somehow make flash player to use alsa?05:06
quietinstall alsa-oss05:06
nahojSubhuman, ok, thx for now...05:06
quietHoxzer_, ^^05:06
pojkeHi, ive got a "Agere Systems ET-1301 PCI-E Fast Ethernet Controller" but its not working under ubuntu (its not found) but it works on Windows -- anyone know how i can get it to work under linux?..05:07
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quietHoxzer_, and set your /etc/firefox/firefoxrc to use "aoss"05:07
quietpojke, do they have a linux driver?05:07
Subhumanquiet, what about if you use opera?05:07
quietSubhuman, i don't use opera.. so i don't know.05:07
pojkequiet: i dont really know, i cant find any :(05:07
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quietpojke, lspci doesn't show it?05:08
pojkeNo, im in windows now but it shows something like 'Unsupported' or something05:08
pojkeOther words, unknown card.05:08
Hoxzer_quiet: dood, you rock05:09
quietHoxzer_, ;)05:09
quietpojke, http://pcburn.com/article.php?sid=156005:09
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hippysome1 help a newb with a networking problem? ubuntu detects my NIC "The interface eth0 is active" i have given it my routers ip as a dns server (same setting as the working windows box next to nix box) but still no internet...no pings...no nothin05:09
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pojkequiet: What did you search for?05:09
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quiet"Agere PCI-E gigabit linux"05:09
JosefKhippy: generally you should use DHCP, instead of setting the IP manually, if you have a router05:10
pojkequiet: i dont have ET-131005:10
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muhammadheey is there any flash programs that i can access with it .swf extensions ?05:10
pojkequiet: ive got ET-130105:10
quietpojke, chances are, the driver is compatible.05:10
hippyrouter and linux are set to dhcp05:10
baskewhippy: why not use dhcp05:10
JosefKhippy: but you just said you manually gave it a DNS IP, thus, not DHCP05:10
quietmuhammad, umm.. like.. flashplayer???05:10
baskewtakse the gusswork out05:10
hippynetwork settings asked 4 1...this the prob?05:10
whyameyejust upgraded to Dapper on my Dell D600 Latitude and now the CPU scales speeds on demand even when plugged in. I'd like it to just be at %100 when plugged in. How can I change this?05:11
MorticeJosefK: You can be using DHCP and not have the server give out DNS information05:11
muhammad<quiet> yea i have tried to open them with mplayer but error message appeared :S05:11
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JosefKMortice: true, but highly unlikely05:11
iiiearsyour router's ip should very possibly be listed as a "gateway" you isp owns the dns servers you need to translate ip numbers to ip domain names05:11
MorticeJosefK: fair enough :)05:11
=== Kungfuzius [n=kung@p213.54.173.106.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #ubuntu
quietmuhammad, wtf would you open it with mplayer?05:11
kwilsonI have the strangest problem05:11
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quietmuhammad, open it with flashplayer05:11
raphaHi all!05:11
kwilsonI have been posting to mailing list to no avail05:11
raphaI'm having problems extending my Xinerama setup by one more screen... can somebody help me?05:12
kwilsonserver is powering off when installing software05:12
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hippyok, so what to do?05:12
muhammad<quiet>  lol thats my Q where i can download a flashplayer except flashplugin-nonfree05:12
kwilsonusing apt-get05:12
quietmuhammad, adobe.com?05:12
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kwilsonanyone had this problem?05:12
riddleboxhello, I did adduser to create a new user, but that user cannot do sudo anything?05:12
muhammad<quiet>  tried it the same porbe >>>>05:12
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quietmuhammad, you could open it inside of firefox or something, too.05:12
JosefKhippy: probably best to 'gksudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces'05:12
VisualStationriddlebox you must add this user at the group well05:13
hippythanks..i'll try it05:13
riddleboxhow do I do that from cli?05:13
iiiearshippy - alas i am not a guru so.. install firestarter firewall and let it do the heavy lifting.05:13
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muhammad<quiet> tried but no sounds ! the movie open correctly but no sounds05:13
VisualStationwith the console or the gui ?05:13
quietmuhammad, use alsa-oss05:13
JosefKhippy: make sure you have a line that says 'iface eth0 inet dhcp'05:13
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quietmuhammad, install alsa-oss and set /etc/firefox/firefoxrc to use "aoss"05:13
muhammad<quiet> i will try now05:13
JosefKhippy: and not 'iface eth0 static' (if it's static, the information could be spread across multiple lines)05:13
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muhammad<quiet> thx alooot05:14
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JosefKhippy: also make sure there's a line that says 'auto eth0' (this brings the interface up at boot)05:14
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riddleboxVisualStation, how would I do that from command line?05:14
Jack_SparrowJosefK: what does gksudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces'   do?05:14
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pipHello,what's the different betweet file.i386 and file.i686 ?05:14
`m0alsa-oss works great?05:14
Morticeriddlebox: you probably have to edit /etc/sudoers with the "sudo visudo" command, actually.05:15
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`m0quiet: does alsa-oss work great ? no crashes?05:15
JosefKJack_Sparrow: that brings up a root gedit, editing the file "/etc/network/interfaces" - it's better to use gksudo than sudo for xwindow things05:15
muhammad<quiet> thx aloooooooooooooooot its workin now :D05:15
pipI am look for a file but there are l lot of versions of it ,which one to choose?05:15
`m0muhammad: does the sound work?05:15
quietmuhammad, good :)    `m0 it works fine for me..05:15
muhammad<`m0> yup after installin alsa-soss05:15
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VisualStationsudo adduser the_group and user05:15
hippyyes i have those entries...auto eth0   iface eth0 inet dhcp05:15
Jack_SparrowJosefK: I understand gksudo... but when I do that I just get a blank prompt05:15
VisualStationsudo adduser the_group user05:16
JosefKJack_Sparrow: so you should05:16
`m0quiet: hmm, many flashplayers have incombability with sound :x iguess I will install alsa-oss then05:16
JosefKJack_Sparrow: stick an & after it if you want the terminal05:16
Jack_SparrowJosefK: Sorry for th enoob questions, just trying to learn05:16
fiXXXerMetHi everyone.  I'm using apache2-ssl-certificate, but I host multiple domains, etc (www.domain.tld, this.example.net) - can I simply rename the apache.pem file that it creates, and tell my virtual host to use the renamed file?05:16
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JosefKJack_Sparrow: np's :) & would background the command, so you can still use the terminal05:16
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JosefKhippy: unusual :/ I guess we should make sure the interface is up, try 'sudo ifdown eth0 && sleep 3 && sudo ifup eth0'  (just recycles the interface)05:17
VisualStationriddlebox : sudo adduser username the_groups05:17
ToHellWithGAi need to find and/or file a bug related to the ice1712 sound chipset.  when i move my mouse across the desktop with an input routed directly to output, whether it is analog or digital, the output cuts out05:17
juanim using a live cd 5.1 to try and fix my grub as per guides but i cant access my original config files because the disk manager isnt working, is there anything i can do?05:17
pipHello,what's the different betweet file.i386 and file.i686 ?05:17
alex323Does anyone know why when I try to `ifup eth0`, it says, "Network is down"?05:18
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hippysudo ifdown eth005:18
raphaWill Xorg not at all allow one Matrox and one NVidia card in the system?05:18
pipanything serious if I chose the wrong one ?05:18
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Jack_SparrowJosefK: Just to show you how dumb I was I accidentally left the ` on the end and was getting nothing... I see now said the blind man.. :)05:19
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JosefKJack_Sparrow: ah :P05:19
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PingunZHow can I totally remove Openoffice ?05:19
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mikeconceptswhen I run sudo-apt-get update I see the following error Failed to fetch http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper-commercial/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2  Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)05:19
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mikeconceptsI'm on dapper05:20
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iiiearspip - Not if you bought your machine in the last 5 years. - really haven't noticed any practical performance difference running I386 kernel even on a newer amd k7 chip.05:21
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Neo8750what excatly should be in the /etc/usplash.conf file?05:21
Neo8750because since i'm booting off an older kernel (for wifi) my usplash errors saying that it can't open /etc/usplash.conf05:21
Jack_Sparrowmikeconcepts: Would you mind posting your sources list to the pastebin05:21
hippythose comands returned no output...  sudo ifdown eth0 ... sleep 3 ... sudo ifup eth0  ...did i input them wrong?05:21
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JosefKhippy: did you leave the quotes around it? :/05:22
hippyi am new to linux05:22
mikeconceptsas soon as I learn that, np05:22
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hippyno ""05:22
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alxandra_when i try to install "libdbus1-2" or upgrade "dbus" with apt-get, it tries to remove lots of thing from the computer including linux-restricted-modules headers, linux-image.05:22
icemanMericle, no one has converted Linux to a "Tivo" descrambler.05:22
alxandra_should i continue removing them05:22
Neo8750should the usplash.conf file only have 2 lines in it?05:22
Jack_Sparrowmikeconcepts: gedit  /etc/apt/sources.list05:22
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Jack_Sparrow!paste > mikeconcepts05:23
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JosefKhippy: odd, try to copy & paste exactly (removing the quotes) "sudo ifdown eth0 && sleep 3 && sudo ifup eth0"05:23
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riddleboxVisualStation, addgroup name admin is the command in case you wanted to know05:23
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hippyno...3 seperate lines...lemmie try all together05:24
Max_Steelanybody know where I found a ubuntu 64 bits repositori?05:24
icemanWonder, Anyone know how many hour of video you can revord to a 40 or 80 Gig harddrive, from a Security camera ?05:24
WineOhello all.  Quick question: how can I see synaptic/aptitude install/update history?05:24
fotanghow do I stop a process created as follows (ctrl-c* doesnt seem to work)? bash$ while true;do ping -c somehost;done05:24
Jack_SparrowJosefK: Is the sleep3 a pause to let the nic settle?05:24
hippycan't copy/paste...2 different machines05:24
monteiroanyone has a hda-intel sound from with codec:  Generic 14f1 ID 5047 ?05:24
JosefKhippy: keep the '&&' too, it's important05:24
=== Cornelius [n=mugwump@24.31.97-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic05:24
JosefKJack_Sparrow: yes, it's probably not needed, but 'feels right'05:24
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Jack_SparrowJosefK: Dosent hurt... and I learned something05:25
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Max_Steelubotu, but this repositori is dont good05:25
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mikeconceptsJack-Sparrow: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2273705:26
iiiearsMax_Steel - ?? - uh-oh! - Why is that?05:26
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Jack_Sparrowmikeconcepts: Like I thought, you have been using the automatix script..05:27
mikeconceptsfirst time using pastebin - very handy tool05:27
MrZaiuswhy do the permissions to /var/www and /var/www/*/ get reset when I restart apache?05:27
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hippyok...typed 1 line no "" 2 && still no output05:27
hippyi think i typed it right this time05:27
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ChrisCoxI need help installing a wireless card, does anyone have expeirience with SparkLAN WL-311F's?05:28
Jack_Sparrowmikeconcepts: You can repair your sources using easysource... But we try to discourage people from using automatix...05:28
Jack_Sparrow!easysource > mikeconcepts05:28
=== Runithard [n=matt@70-33-195-130.agstme.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
JosefKhippy: that definitely shouldn't happen :/05:28
WineOhello all.  Quick question: how can I see synaptic/aptitude install/update history?05:29
snowflakehey, Im having troubles installing linux on a zepto 6214w... everything is running smoothly until I reach the partitioning part.... Then I get an error05:29
snowflake"Error while creating /dev/sda105:29
snowflakeBe aware that the failure to apply this operation could affect other operations on the list."05:29
snowflakewhat can I do?05:29
JosefKhippy: not even a password prompt for 'sudo'?05:29
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Runithardsnowflake: manual partition edit05:29
ChrisCoxDoes anyone know where Ubuntu installs it's Linux Sorucetree in?05:29
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snowflakedoesn't work05:29
hippyi input  sudo ifdown eth0 && sleep3 && sudo ifup eth005:29
JosefKChrisCox: if you mean the kernel, when you install the package it leaves it compressed in /usr/src05:30
hippygave me a prompt the first time i put sudo in...05:30
snowflakehave tried both cfdisk, gparted and the installer...05:30
mikeconceptsJack-Sparrow: I did it to be able to view video on cnn, bad thing I guess - opens me up for trouble05:30
hippynot since...should i close the gedit window?05:30
Jack_Sparrowmikeconcepts: Even if it works 95% of the time that is 1 in 20 that come here for us to try and fix a broken system05:30
ChrisCoxJosefK: I've tried usr/src but it says the pate is incomplete/missing05:30
JosefKhippy: oh, yes :/05:30
JosefKChrisCox: the source isn't installed by default05:30
iiiearsChrisCox - Packages cached locally after installation?   /var/cache/apt/archives05:30
NineliveZCan anyone help me with Ubuntu install? I want to switch from Windows 2003 Server (due too activiation) but can't format the disks/delete all files.05:30
hippy...i am a newb...sry...lemmie try again05:31
snowflakeIm actually not even able to open cfdisk...05:31
JosefKhippy: np's, gl :)05:31
mikeconceptsJack-Sparrow: I did it to be able to view video on cnn, bad thing I guess - opens me up for trouble05:31
Jack_Sparrowmikeconcepts: save a copy of your sources if you must, rebuild from that page and try again05:31
ChrisCoxJosefk, i want the main Linux SourceTree05:31
ChrisCoxiiiears: i don't want a package05:31
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mikeconceptsJack-Sparrow: I will do that05:31
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alxandra_why does installing libdbus-1-2 with apt-get removes lots of thing including linux-headers and restricted files05:31
Jack_Sparrowmikeconcepts: We are happy to help people learn how to do what that script trys to automate05:31
magus_xi got problems to mount my mp3 player05:32
magus_xno idea of what sould i do05:32
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JosefKChrisCox: 'sudo aptitude install linux-source'05:32
MrZaiuswhy do the permissions to /var/www and /var/www/*/ get reset when I restart apache?05:32
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MrZaiusI had 'em set to 755, but they magically go to 644 when apache gets restarted05:32
ChrisCoxJosefK: does it need to be installed?05:32
MrZaiusand then nothin' works05:32
mikeconceptsJack-Sparrow: thanks - off to do that task05:32
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Jack_Sparrowmikeconcepts: gksudo gedit  /etc/apt/sources.list   will give you the permissions you need to do that05:32
WineOMrZaius: have you asked the apache forum?05:32
magus_x"Cannot mount : UDI given is not a montable volume"05:32
JosefKChrisCox: well, if you want the source tree, you'll have to install the source tree :)05:32
arvind_where are the files downloaded using xchat are stored on ubuntu ?05:32
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ChrisCoxJosefK: I would have thought it would have been already installed05:32
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JosefKChrisCox: nope, there was an executive decision not to include developer tools by default in a 'user-centric' environment like Ubuntu05:33
WineOrody: hi05:33
rodysomo help me05:33
magus_xi got problems to mount my mp3 player05:33
MrZaiusWineO: I haven't ever had this problem on gentoo or any other distro05:33
rodyaiglx dont work05:33
snowflakestill unable to do the partitioning ...05:33
JosefKChrisCox: you'll probably want to install 'build-essential' when you get the kernel source too05:33
iiiearsjosefK - How do you use the uname thing d/l ing source?05:33
MenZaHow do I set my default login manager as kdm instead of gdm?05:33
MrZaiusWineO: assumed it was ubuntu-specific05:33
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JosefKiiiears: for the source, the arch doesn't matter05:34
arvind_where are the files downloaded using xchat are stored on ubuntu ?05:34
ChrisCoxJosefK: I have an error here05:34
WineOQuick question: how can I see synaptic/aptitude install/update histor05:34
magus_xi got problems to mount my mp3 player, what command should i type? i cant mount it!, when i click on it i get the error05:34
magus_x"Cannot mount : UDI given is not a montable volume",05:34
hippyok...now it prompted 4 pwd and output Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Client V3.03   copyright line   Listing on Lpf/eth0/... sending on Lpf/eth0/...05:34
kOpterYello.. on cold boot my Ubuntu fails to recognize my chipset, causing all sorts of problems. Rebooting fixes this. Anyone got any ideas why?05:34
Jack_SparrowMenZa: Did you try options on the page where you enter your user name and pass05:34
JosefKhippy: that's good, all it's done has brought the interface down and back up again05:34
=== Mugh is away: go to #ubuntu-lat
hippystill no net, tho...now what?05:35
=== NineliveZ needs help upgrading from Windows 2003 Server without losing files...
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JosefKhippy: see if 'ifconfig' lists an IP address05:35
JosefKChrisCox: what errors?05:35
MenZaHow do I set my default login manager as kdm instead of gdm?05:35
MenZaI forgot how.05:35
ChrisCoxJosefK: It says "Err http://security.ubuntu.com dapper-security/main linux-source-2.6.15 2.6.15-2.6.4605:35
kOpterMenZa : dkpg-reconfigure gdm05:36
ChrisCoxJosefK: Temporary failure resolving 'security.ubuntu.com'05:36
kOpterMenZa : dpkg-reconfigure gdm05:36
MenZakOpter: cheers05:36
JosefKChrisCox: more DNS :( you do have net access on the machine?05:36
hippylo inet addr
hippyno eth005:36
ChrisCoxJosefK: No, that is why i'm trying to install 'wireless'05:36
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ChrisCoxJosefK: Do i need net access?05:37
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JosefKChrisCox: ah :/ this is the main reason I think it _is_ a good idea to have kernel-source and developer tools on the install CD05:37
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JosefKChrisCox: if you can get wired net, it's a lot easier05:37
kaoltii cant change my resolution in ubuntu05:37
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kaoltiits 1280x102405:37
kaoltiand i cant change it05:37
kOpterYello.. on cold boot my Ubuntu fails to recognize my chipset, causing all sorts of problems. Rebooting fixes this. Anyone got any ideas why?05:38
JosefKhippy: try just running 'sudo ifup eth0'.  if ifconfig doesn't list it after that, it may be a driver problem05:38
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ChrisCoxJosefK: If i get wired net a machine already on the network would have to be disconnected, but if i use wireless i can access the router without unplugging a current computer05:38
kedarhello guys05:38
JosefKChrisCox: that's unfortunate, but neccessary05:38
kaoltianybody has this problem?05:38
kedarcan anyone help me in installin my repo05:39
kaoltithe refresh rate is at 60hz my eyes hurt :(05:39
JosefKChrisCox: you need the kernel source and build-essential before you can make the wireless driver, and you need them from the net05:39
kaoltiwhen i try to change it it just logs me out05:39
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ChrisCoxJosefK: I can get net for a bit until my wireless is up05:39
kaoltibut the res is the same05:39
ChrisCoxJosefK: I already have build-essential05:39
rodykaolti, you have to puty in xorg.conf the resolutions if you want05:39
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Jack_Sparrowkaolti: Did you install video drivers for your card... HOw did you install them.. What video card/chipset?05:40
JosefKChrisCox: well, the download'll be quicker then.  you could always download http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/devel/linux-source-2.6.15 and transfer it on Cd/DVD05:40
WineOQuick question: how can I see synaptic/aptitude install/update history?05:40
MrZaiusNineliveZ: what services do you run in windows?05:40
hippyDHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval #       ...   No DHCPOFFERS recieved   ...   No working leases in persestant database - sleeping05:40
kaoltijack_sparrow: i didnt install anything except ubuntu.i have onboard video card05:40
kedarhello plz help me guys05:40
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kedari m new to linux05:40
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MrZaiuskedar: ask your question05:41
ChrisCoxJosefK: I'm getting wired net for a while on my laptop so i can download this source, so i'll talk to you on my laptop in a min k?05:41
Jack_Sparrowkaolti: Please post your  gedit  /etc/X11/xorg.conf   file to the pastebin05:41
JosefKChrisCox: yeah, np's05:41
magus_xi got problems to mount my mp3 player, what command should i type? i cant mount it!, when i click on it i get the error05:41
magus_x"Cannot mount : UDI given is not a montable volume",05:41
magus_xmy ubuntu is breezy05:41
JosefKChrisCox: there may need to be some 'hacky' things we'll have to do to make your wireless module build, hopefully not though05:41
Jack_Sparrow!paste > kaolti05:41
MenZakOpter: It's not really working even thoughI enabled it; I restart X but it just starts GDM05:41
kedarMrZaius: i wanna install my repo wht shall i do05:41
rodykaolti, go to /etc/X11/xorg.conf puty there the resolution you want05:42
MrZaiusyou mean add a repo to your apt sources.list?05:42
kedarno the exist system repo05:42
MrZaiusedit /etc/apt/sources.list, and add it there05:42
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kedarcoz i can't play my application on linux like music or other stuck05:43
l_rthere doesn't seem to be any iptables script which saves and restores the rules on startup and shutdown05:43
kedari wann enable my repo05:43
l_ris this true?05:43
=== juan [n=juan@cpc3-gran1-0-0-cust636.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
MrZaiuswhich application can't you run?05:43
juan!grub] 05:43
kedarMrZaius: r u gettin wht i mean05:43
ubotugrub: GRand Unified Bootloader. In component main, is optional. Version 0.97-1ubuntu9 (dapper), package size 353 kB, installed size 748 kB05:43
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:43
MrZaiuswhich application can't you run?05:43
l_ri am surprised ubuntu lacks such an important thing like scripts for managing iptables on boot/shutdwon05:43
=== jeff__ [n=jeff@adsl-71-135-107-42.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
MrZaiusand what type of files can't you open?05:44
kedartottem movie player n xmms05:44
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed with iptables (in the command line) or firestarter (gui, can also setup connection sharing)05:44
kaoltithe conf file05:44
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via applications -> accessories -> terminal (gnome) or kmenu -> system -> konsole (kde). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands05:44
=== Exposure [n=exposure@cc569857-a.ensch1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
kedarMrZaius: u see i m new to linux yesterday only i installed ubuntu05:44
kedarMrZaius: one of my friend suggested me05:45
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kaoltiif i change the res in the conf file manually isnt that the same when i change it from gui?05:45
Runithardkedar: get mplayer05:45
MrZaiusokay.  what kind of problems are you having with totem and xmms?05:45
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MrZaiusRunithard: wouldn't help if the root problem here is that he doesn't have certain codecs installed.  bet that's what he's getting at05:45
Jack_Sparrowkaolti: You are still running under the vesa driver... Do you know the make and model of your video card?05:45
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hippyDHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval #       ...   No DHCPOFFERS recieved   ...   No working leases in persestant database - sleeping05:45
iiiearsWelcome kedar! :)   A lot of new people here. - Ubuntu is great.05:45
RunithardMrZaius, mplayer plays everything, who needs to use totem when you've got mplayer, the most illegal awesome movie player ever :-)05:46
hippyhow to change sleeping to active?05:46
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JosefKhippy: :/ erk, your DHCP server isn't responding.  the first thing I'd check in that case was the network cable05:46
kaoltijack_sparrow: i do05:46
MrZaiusRunithard: mplayer, totem, and practically everything else use the same libs to decode media05:46
kaoltijack_sparrow: the only place to get the linux drivers is their homepage?05:46
hippycable fine...light on router is on05:47
kaoltiits a chipset actually05:47
MrZaiuswin32codecs, libxvid, libmad, etc05:47
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RunithardMrZaius, mplayer uses it's own internal codecs, i just compiled it and installed it05:47
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Jack_Sparrowkaolti: Please tell us what video you are using05:47
iiiearsffmpeg  -   mplayer is good but vlc videolan will stream files. - nice05:47
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JosefKhippy: coudl you paste 'cat /var/log/messages | tail -50' to:05:48
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)05:48
rodykaolti, mother fuck... just go in xorg.conf edit him and puty you resolution05:48
MrZaiusRunithard: no it doesn't.  you either already had the libs there or pulled them down at the same time.  look at the deps in gentoo's ebuild for mplayer, and see how other distros handle it05:48
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:48
MrZaiusit plainly depends on the others05:49
kaoltibut i dont know the format05:49
kaoltiim new05:49
MrZaiusJack_Sparrow: gentoo is not a curse word!05:49
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JosefKhippy: also, could you please run 'lspci -v' and 'lsmod' and paste them there too05:49
Jack_SparrowMrZ see rody above05:49
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Jack_Sparrowkaolti: What chipset is in your computer05:50
MrZaiusJack_Sparrow: buy a sense of humor :)  that and iiiears had already called him on it05:50
JosefKhippy: well, if the cables definitely in, and by the sound of it active, but you're not getting a DHCP response, it could be something more subtle05:50
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kaoltijack_sparrow: sry i had to look it up its VIA P4M80005:50
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adiddylots off ppl here today!05:50
JosefKhippy: I'm assuming you've got the cable in the LAN, not the WAN side of the router btw ;)05:50
adiddyjust got ubuntu 605:51
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hippyyes in NIC 405:51
adiddywhy are some things broken in it?05:51
JosefKhippy: ah, you can't paste, because you have not net *slaps foreheard*05:51
hippythat is alot of output...what are u looking 4...i can't copy/paste it...there is far 2 much...and i am on another machine05:52
adiddyany one know?05:52
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adiddythe progmas that were in 5.10 aren't avail for 605:52
adiddyi find this really odd05:52
JosefKhippy: yes, that just occured to me too :/ the best thing to do would be to get the name of the NIC from lspci (look for something to do with network) and try googling for problems with Linux05:52
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adiddyand even mor ethat work in 4 are diffrent05:53
adiddyand the screen saver in 6 is way to basic all of a sudden05:53
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redbluefishWhat is the best way to determine what version of ubuntu is running via the command line?05:54
vltHello. I have installed ubuntu Dapper 6.06. Does anybody know the config file and format where to tell KDE's Konqueror not to show this message: "This untrusted page links to file://...Do you want to follow the link?"?05:54
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ChrisCoxJosefK: I'm back, and installing the linux-source05:54
signalvsnoiseanyone know why there doesn't seem to be a k8-smp kernel in the repository?05:54
iiiearsredbluefish - uname -help05:54
gnomefreakredbluefish: lsb_release -a05:54
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adiddyspeaking kde can run that live in ubuntu?05:54
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kaoltijack_sparrow: i checked and there is no drvier at viaarena.com for ubuntu, nor debian.what now?05:54
Jack_Sparrowkaolti:  Sorry for the lag. there seems to be a workaround for that card...05:54
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ChrisCoxJosefK: Where is the linux-source going to be installed into?05:55
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gubuntuhow do i stop gdm on a particular display?05:55
xopherChrisCox, /usr/src05:56
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ChrisCoxxopher: Thanks05:56
adiddyso know know why the "dumbed down the screen saver ?05:56
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adiddyseems i can't tweak it any more05:56
JosefKChrisCox: sorry chris, was afk.  it'll be archived in /usr/src, I _think_ it's a bzip2, so 'sudo tar -xjvf *.bz2' should sort it05:56
adiddyubuntu is getting ti simplistic05:56
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adiddythey need to give the user more options05:57
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Jack_Sparrowkaolti:   http://forums.viaarena.com/messageview.aspx?catid=28&threadid=71408&STARTPAGE=1  has the closest info I could find..  Sorry I could not be more help05:57
ChrisCoxJosefK: I just want it to be installed, i dont want to run it, it's so i can install my wireless card, i just needed to know where it was for part of the install05:57
SpecHow do I get cron to run something the first sunday of every month?05:57
adiddyreverted back to 5 becasue 6 is too baisc05:57
ubotucron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. There is a decent howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm05:57
JosefKChrisCox: you'd need to run that command to unarchive it, otherwise your driver installer won't know what to do05:57
garryFI think its a consequence of the dumbed down gnome2. Nice modular design, but some things seem to be a side grade instead of an upgrade overall.05:57
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ubotuanacron: a cron-like program that doesn't go by time. In component main, is optional. Version 2.3-11ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 29 kB, installed size 196 kB05:58
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ChrisCoxJosefK: I see05:58
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kaoltijack_sparrow: np. u helped a lot. thanks05:58
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via applications -> accessories -> terminal (gnome) or kmenu -> system -> konsole (kde). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands05:58
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adiddypowerful maybe hard to use? yup05:58
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kedarhey thnxs guys for helpin me05:59
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kedari'll be back if i have any pb again05:59
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kedarbye n TC everyone05:59
iiiearskedar - Hurry back and share what you know with the next new user. :)  take care05:59
ChrisCoxJosefK: I think it already unpacked it06:00
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Jack_SparrowArrgh, I have to go to work today for the first time in three years... I dont want to leave anyone hanging..06:00
segasanyone knows why I can't use sudo gdm restart? my gfx didn't work properly, so i had to install it manually, after this, I can't start the installation again....it says it's already running... :(06:00
adiddywill the new human theme work on an older ubuntu?06:00
JosefKChrisCox: that would be unusual, is there a directory in there, or a just a file .tar.bz2?06:00
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segasadiddy: graphiccard..06:01
JosefKsegas: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart06:01
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gubuntuhow do i stop gdm on a particular display?06:01
adiddyjus call it gpu then06:01
opexocCould anybody help me get my prinet working... I installed HPLIP 1.6.7... My  System->Administration->Printing System even detect ( I think so ) this  printer and even I installed it, but I can't use it. When I want to print something then near the printer icon I see that is written: 2 jobs or something, but printer does not print.06:01
garryFSometimes ctrl-alt-backspace will restart the gui06:01
kaoltijack_sparrow: can i change the resolution and refresh rate in the X11 conf file?06:01
segasJosefK: yeah, i know..but I entered /etc/init.d instead of typing the whole catalog... :)06:01
Jack_Sparrowkaolti: What do you want to change them to..?06:01
adiddylol of course you can06:01
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JosefKsegas: in that case, sudo ./gdm restart06:02
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adiddydon't goto config though06:02
segasJosefK: it says it's already running.06:02
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adiddyuse prefernces in ubuntu06:02
JosefKsegas: if it says that, you're not adding the ./06:02
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segasJosefK: so, it's exactly like this: sudo ./gdm restart?06:02
JosefKsegas: really, you should use the absolute path, there's no need to cd there.  'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart'06:03
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adiddyus ethe precne06:03
JosefKsegas: what you're doing when you type 'sudo gdm restart' is either "sudo [first GDM on $PATH]  restart"06:03
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kaoltijack_sparrow: well my monitor is whack so 1280x1024 at 75Hz wouldnt work.i thought 1024x768 85hz06:03
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segasJosefK: still says it's already running. :(06:04
flohi ,is it possible to suppress any output when untaring an archive06:04
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Jack_Sparrowgo to system preferences screen res06:04
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adiddyknow as the kid who rev dogg06:05
JosefKsegas: that's obscure, what does 'ls -ld /tmp' for permissions?06:05
segasJosefK: isn't there a way to kill the process? i'm new to the whole linux-thingy, so you'll have to excuse if any of my comments or replies sounds stupid.06:05
Jack_Sparrowkaolti: What was your pastebin #... not sure if you will be able to get 85 without checking06:05
adiddyhell no answers me ethioer06:05
adiddyi ask about 6 lts no love there06:05
JosefKsegas if 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart' fails, that probably means the process has been killed already, but either a) you don't have permissions on /tmp to create a lock file, or b) a lock file already exists somewhere for it06:05
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ChrisCoxJosefK: What command do i run to unpack this .bz2 file?06:06
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segasJosefK: isn't there any way to run the installation in a fail-safe mode?06:06
JosefKChrisCox: just pasted it in chat, it's "tar -xjvf [file to unpack] "06:06
kaoltijack_sparrow: i cant change it in the gui because the screen goes black and then it logs me out but the res and everything stays the same06:06
adiddyseems thing things are broken under 606:06
JosefKsegas: you could use the alternate install CD, but you'll end up with the same problems when it tries to bring GDM up after reboot06:06
adiddyadd apps is lower and unstable any one else seeing this?06:07
WineOQuick question: how can I see synaptic/aptitude install/update history?06:07
segasJosefK: funny thing is, it worked last night, then my other hdd crashed.06:07
segasJosefK: oh well, i'll try again later...now i have to get something to eat.06:07
segasJosefK: thanks for helping.06:07
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JosefKsegas: np's - if that was the case, try the alternate install (it's text only)06:08
ChrisCoxJosefK: How do i navi06:08
segas|afkJosefK: on the very same cd?06:08
adiddydon't under stand why thins were fine in 5.10 but not 6 lts!06:08
JosefKsegas|afk: unfortunately, it's another CD :(06:08
ChrisCoxJosefK: Sorry, how do i navigate to a certain folder?06:08
JosefKChrisCox: cd06:08
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segas|afkJosefK: np...i'll get it then.....thanks again!06:08
JosefKChrisCox: so, in this case, cd /usr/src06:08
adiddythe home folder06:08
ChrisCoxJosefK: Thanks06:08
adiddythe gui i way06:08
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Jack_Sparrowkaolti: Did you used automatix or easyubuntu by chance?06:09
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ChrisCoxJosefK: It's saying there is no such file or directory, but it seems to be reading the file names in the zip (It's found the zip)06:10
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kaoltijack_sparrow: :| i dunno i dld a desktop release from the site burned,installed and now im here06:10
JosefKJosefK: Ctl+C it06:10
JosefKgrr, ChrisCox: Ctl+C it06:10
mariuxis the 6.06.1 stuff available if i install 6.06 (through apt-update?)?06:10
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JosefKChrisCox: sudo tar -xjvf [file to decompress] 06:10
ChrisCoxJosefK: What does Ctrl+C do?06:10
JosefKChrisCox: my fault, forgot we were working in /usr/src for a minute - it breaks the current process06:11
Jack_Sparrowkaolti: I did an edit to your xorg removing the higher res...  Save a copy of your old xorg before making the changes...   you could also do   dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg from a terminal/...06:11
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JosefKChrisCox: it's generally not a pretty break, but doesn't matter in this case since we aren't writing to any files atm anyway (no permission to)06:11
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rslDoes anyone know anything about changing the way Firefox in Linux/Ubuntu handles certain key combinations? Specifically shift + back/forwards arrows.06:12
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gubuntucan someone please tell me why i get two x sessions when my computer starts?06:12
kaoltijack_sparrow: lets do the conf change06:12
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Jack_Sparrowkaolti: gksudo gedit  /etc/X11/xorg.conf  save a backup06:13
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ChrisCoxJosefK: My gosh thats alot of files O.o06:13
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kaoltijack_sparrow: ok06:13
Jack_Sparrowkaolti: reload the original file.. so you are not working on the backup by mistake.. and make those changes..06:13
JosefKChrisCox: yes :P06:13
ChrisCoxJosefK: Those emoticons are rubbish XD06:14
JosefKChrisCox: bzip2's very efficient at compressing plaintext06:14
JosefKChrisCox: sorry, I'm keeping up with the latest emoti-fashions ^^06:14
kaoltijack_sparrow: u changed the pastebin?06:14
ChrisCoxJosefK: lol06:14
Jack_Sparrowkaolti: yes, I just removed the res you didnt want06:15
kaoltijack_sparrow: ok thanks i'll see if it works06:15
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iiiearsJack_Sparrow - Do you know the command to change the display color depth from the command line?06:16
ChrisCoxJosefK: Finally done! :P06:16
Jack_SparrowSorry no..06:16
rolsethI'm using edubuntu 6.06.. the thin client boots perfectly using the "vesa" video driver... however, as soon as X starts it kicks back to tty1.  If I do a alt+f7 Xwindows works fine but how can I get the client to start X and stay there?06:16
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Jack_Sparrowkaolti: Using the editor just remove the occurances of "1280x1024"  including the quotes.06:17
ChrisCoxJosefK: How do i run a file?06:17
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JosefKChrisCox: okay :) hopefully that's all you need to do, and the module installer should work okay now06:17
iiiearsJack_Sparrow -me either,  - tho i am certain it isn't Xrandr - getting some really arcane error messages. - lol06:18
JosefKChrisCox: cd to it, and then "chmod 755 *filename*; ./*filename*"06:18
ChrisCoxJosefK: I Just want to run a file...06:18
kaoltijack_sparrow: ok i changed it when i restart it should take effect right?or logout/login is enough?06:18
JosefKChrisCox: that's all that does06:18
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Jack_Sparrowactually I am trying to focus on working today..   kaolti log out and in should do it06:18
JosefKChrisCox: you can't run it if it doesn't have the correct permissions though, so the chmod makes sure it's read+write+execute for you06:19
ChrisCoxJosefK: I'm in the folder, it isnt actually a file, its a command type thing, it's make config06:19
JosefKChrisCox: if you're in the kernel path then stop!06:19
signalvsnoiseDoes anyone know how I can get the linux-image-amd64-k8 package to be available in synaptic?  I enabled all of the libraries, and I don't see it anywhere, but its listed at packages.ubuntu.com.06:19
ChrisCoxI'm not in the kernal path!!!06:19
ChrisCoxJosefK: I'm not in the kernal path!06:19
JosefKChrisCox: phew - why are you trying to run this command?06:20
ChrisCoxJosefK: I just want to run a file called "make config"06:20
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ChrisCoxJosefK: To install a wireless driver06:20
iiiearssignalsvnoise - !easysource  ?06:20
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JosefKChrisCox: ah, you'll need to CD to wherever you decompressed it first06:20
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ChrisCoxJosefK: Ive done that...06:21
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JosefKChrisCox: then just 'sudo make config' (we're using sudo because it may install the module from this step, and that needs to be done as root)06:21
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kaoltijack_sparrow the res is now 1024x768 and it says its at 85Hz but the screen is still flickering06:22
kaoltii dunno06:22
Jack_SparrowJosefK: Nice work... thanks for the lesson...06:22
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JosefKJack_Sparrow: ^^06:22
kaoltii'll see if my eyes still hurt :P06:23
Jack_SparrowSee if JosefK can give you a command to lover that refresh rate..06:23
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kaoltijosefk is there such a command?06:23
magnetJosefK: actually, make modules_install will install the module06:23
JosefKkaolti: there shouldn't be a command to do it, but it's definitely in your xorg.conf06:23
magnetmake config won't so it shouldn't be sudoed06:23
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JosefKmagnet: it sounds like a third party driver, I'm not sure we can guarauntee what it can/can't do06:23
JosefKmagnet: my guess was that a README file he had up said run 'make config'06:24
Stroganoffwhich gui suite supports me in making policy conform ubuntu packages?06:24
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magnetwell, third party or not, I guess it respects the kernel guidelines06:24
kaoltiJosefK i cant see anywhere in the conf 85 or 75 anything like that'06:25
ChrisCoxJosefK: 2.5.0 and later kernels require that PCMCIA be configured in the06:25
ChrisCox    kernel source tree.  To fix, reconfigure and rebuild your06:25
ChrisCox    kernel with PCMCIA enabled.06:25
ChrisCoxConfiguration failed.06:25
ChrisCoxmake: *** [config]  Error 106:25
ChrisCoxMake any sense too you?06:25
gubuntuhow do i exit on tty8?06:25
magnetChrisCox: make menuconfig, activate PCMCIA, build again :)06:25
JosefKChrisCox: yes, we need to copy the config file from /boot to /usr/src/*kernel-version* and then run 'make oldconfig'06:25
twosharpwhats the lightest and fastest login manager? wdm, xdm, gdm or what? =)06:26
ChrisCoxJosefK: So, what are the commands?06:26
JosefKtwosharp: login ;)06:26
JosefKChrisCox: cd to /usr/src/*kernel directory*06:26
kaoltiJosefK i cant see anywhere in the conf 85 or 75 anything like that'06:26
twosharpJosefK, ok sorry, graphical login manager then?06:27
ChrisCoxJosefK: Done06:27
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JosefKkaolti: sorry, if it isn't in there, you may need to add a line for it, I've been using TFTs for a while and can't really help though :(06:27
kaoltiok thanks06:27
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JosefKChrisCox: okay, run 'uname -a' and then 'ls /boot/config-*'06:28
kaoltibut u know where can i take a look at a CRT conf file?06:28
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nebiruSo, I had sound working beautifully, rebooted my machine, and now I only have sound in Flash, any ideas how to get sound back?06:28
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JosefKkaolti: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=83973 looks promising06:28
ChrisCoxJosefK: What do i replace the * with?06:28
ubotuIf sound is not working, first try system -> prefrences -> multimedia system selector change it to alsa. If you still have problems then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems06:28
Stroganoffis there a gui that helps me in creating good .deb packages?06:28
JosefKChrisCox: just leave it as a * sorry, we'll let ls worry about the pattern matching06:29
ChrisCoxJosefK: Okay, it's done06:29
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JosefKChrisCox: okay, one of those files should have the same version as showed up in 'uname -a', run "sudo cp /boot/*that files full name* ./.config"06:30
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scampbelis there a guaranteed way to remove a package? Trying to dpkg -r a package and dpkg says "Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should reinstall it before attempting a removal"06:31
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scampbelusing --force-all doesn't help =/06:31
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ChrisCoxJosefK: chris@Laptop-Main:/usr/src/linux-source-2.6.15$ sudo cp /boot/config-2.6.15-26-386/config06:32
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ChrisCoxcp: missing destination file operand after `/boot/config-2.6.15-26-386/config'06:32
ChrisCoxTry `cp --help' for more information.06:32
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riddleboxhehe, I was working remotely on my system and needed to reboot, but forgot06:32
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riddleboxI had it set to dhcp and my ssh forwarded only to one ip06:33
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JosefKChrisCox: no need for the /config, just "sudo cp /boot/config-2.6.15-26-386 ./.config"06:33
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ChrisCoxJosefK: Wont work, it just starts a new line06:34
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twosharpwhats the lightest and fastest graphical login manager? wdm, xdm, gdm or what? =)06:34
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JosefKChrisCox: that means it's worked :)06:35
JosefKChrisCox: "ls -l .config" to verify it06:35
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ChrisCoxJosefK: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 69903 2006-09-06 17:33 .config06:35
JosefKChrisCox: :) the next bit's kind of hackish, and not generally recommended, but you need some of the scripts it makes06:36
JosefKChrisCox: run 'sudo make oldconfig'06:36
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JosefKChrisCox: if it asks any questions, just press return to use the default answer06:36
b0ysc0utis it possible to add a message when u open the terminal?06:37
xstFor quite some time now, totem has been shown as "upgradeable" in the upgrade manager but with "no change" request. Why is totem not beeing upgraded? (Running dapper)06:37
ChrisCoxJosefK: It finished, it answered the questions itself lol06:37
JosefKb0ysc0ut: yes, add an 'echo' to the end of your .bashrc06:37
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remakehey guys06:37
b0ysc0utJosefK can u tell me how to add the echo?06:37
remakehow do i make my hd's writable?06:38
JosefKChrisCox: that's good then :) now, run 'sudo make' - and the minute it starts printing regularly formed lines with CC, or LD, hit Ctl+C06:38
remakeone is ntfs06:38
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JosefKb0ysc0ut: probably running 'echo echo *your message here* >> ~/.bashrc' will be enough06:38
remakeand the other the linux file system whatever it is called06:38
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b0ysc0utill try thank u06:38
flois it possible to suppress any error output when untaring an archive?06:39
ChrisCoxJosefK: I did Ctrl+C when CC started forming06:39
JosefKChrisCox: good :) now 'cd' to where you decompressed the driver module, and try the 'sudo make config' again06:39
ChrisCoxJosefK: Although 3 managed to get through06:39
JosefKChrisCox: that doesn't really matter, we only wanted the scripts it makes at the start anyway06:40
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ChrisCoxJosefK: It didn't work, gave me same error as last time06:42
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kighsome happy gdesklets user reading who can tell me how to group desklets? (so that they share one window/box on the desktop)06:42
JosefKChrisCox: :/ PCMCIA's definitely enabled06:42
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ChrisCoxJosefK: Lemme try it with a different option06:43
JosefKChrisCox: try 'sudo make modules_install' like magnet suggested06:43
remakei cannot seem to save anything on my harddisk. when i click on write in permissions it says the permission could not be changed...06:44
remakecan anyone help?06:44
Runithardremake: are you on the livecd?06:44
ChrisCoxJosefK: Where should i install lib modules to?06:44
JosefKChrisCox: /usr/local/lib06:44
JosefKChrisCox: and binary files to /usr/local/bin06:45
JosefKChrisCox: I'm just going for some food, ping me in 30 mins if it isn't working yet ^^06:45
remakeno i just installed ubuntu 2 days ago06:45
remakei can save stuff on my desktop though06:45
remakewhich is weird06:46
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ChrisCoxJosefK: You gone yet?06:46
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etucexeanyone wanna recommend a good samba config utility?06:47
ProN00bcan i set hotkeys to switch between workspaces ?06:47
iiiearsremake - Hi! Is the place you tried to save the file part of the ubuntu install or on another disk? (windows disk?)06:47
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ChrisCoxCan anyone override the warning 'make dep is unnessesery' and it is nessecery cos an install told me to run it!06:48
iiiearsremake - wondering if the area you want to save the file to is the same disk format.06:48
remakei have a disk where i installed ubuntu which uses the linux file system, and one where i used as a back up for music and such which is in ntfs format and i cant seem to save on any of them06:49
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Blissexremake: less vague...06:49
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remakehaha i'm sorry i'm not very technical06:49
iiiearsremake - so starting with the linux formated partition. where have you tried to save a file and seen an error message?06:50
remakeon the same partition i installed linux.06:50
remakebut i have also tried to save a file on my old ntfs partition which didnt work either06:51
remakeand the file was just a simple jpg06:51
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iiiearsremake - Ok. - the ntfs partition ntfsprogs to be installed so that it is writeable. (Microsoft anti-competition patent on the ntfs format.)06:53
MustangMatthey guys, I'm running apache 2.0.55 under ubuntu and I'm getting this weird pcfg_openfile: unable to check htaccess file, ensure it is readable error but I have no .htaccess and apache is not configured to look for one. Is this a common ubuntu problem?06:53
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MustangMattPermissions and ownership are also correct.06:54
iiiearsremake - you can find ntfsprogs in the package manager "Synaptic" do a quick search06:54
ubotuntfsprogs: tools for doing neat things in NTFS partitions from Linux. In component main, is optional. Version 1.12.1-1 (dapper), package size 205 kB, installed size 532 kB06:54
MustangMattI have a nearly identical setup on debian sarge with no problems.06:54
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse06:54
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remakealright guys thank you very much06:55
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remakei'll try that program06:55
remakegotta go now06:55
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ChrisCox!make deb06:55
ubotumake: The GNU version of the "make" utility.. In component main, is optional. Version 3.80+3.81.b4-1 (dapper), package size 279 kB, installed size 1312 kB06:55
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iiiearsremake - Cool06:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about makedeb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:55
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ChrisCoxiiiears: Do you know anything about 'make deb'?06:55
kaur_what will i need to make ubuntu take full advantage of the intel's dual core?06:56
MustangMattthe right kernel06:56
MustangMattwhich is possibly default.06:56
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iiiearsan smp kernel no?06:56
WineOQuick question: how can I see synaptic/aptitude install/update history?06:56
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kaur_it is for amd's06:57
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JosefKkaur_: there's a 686-smp kernel06:57
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iiiearsI got to get rid of this creaky ol' 3400 single core. - would love to have a dual or quad core machine.06:57
kaur_JosefK: i thought it only works for amd06:57
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ChrisCoxJosefK: HEEEELLLPPPPP!06:58
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JosefKkaur_: nah, we run various linuxes on multi-core/CPU sparc, G5 boxes too, AMD don't have a monopoly on SMP06:58
NetcadBus 005 Device 002: ID 04e6:0325 SCM Microsystems, Inc. eUSB ORCA Quad Reader <--- what /dev/ could this be?06:58
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sdathe WindowsDualBoot-chapter in the wiki doesn't quite cover my question, so - I ask it here :) I have installed ubuntu, and left an empty partition of 10gb for a windows-installation. now, I want to install windows and be able to dualboot. the guide only describes this when ubuntu is installed later06:58
iiiearsHi ChrisCox - stay calm - aspririn stat! - we are here to help06:58
JosefKkaur_: sudo aptitude install linux-686-smp06:58
JosefKChrisCox: what's that infernal non-standard installer doing now? :P06:58
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iiiearsChrisCox what is wrong?06:59
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Jonesysda: you're going to have to install windows to that partition and then come back and fix ubuntu's bootloader06:59
kaur_JosefK: thanks06:59
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Jonesysda; windows overwrites the boot sector without asking any questions, of course, so does ubuntu in the new edgy install cd too06:59
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swinchenalright, how might I disable pcmci during boot?  I hardly need it.  Bum won't allow me.06:59
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HBKhow do I setup wine? someone pls help06:59
sdaokay. the latter - how do I fix the bootloader? any conventional methods?07:00
HBKI downloaded it what do I run?07:00
MustangMattif anyone is interested. It was my root directory that didn't have enough permissions. My problem is solved.07:00
R3Dk guys had a raid0 set for 2 hdd everything was fine restarted sys and the hdd are not mounted anymore nor can i find them anywhere on the sys to remount07:00
JonesyHBK: wine <file-to-execute>07:00
BlissexHBK: plenty of online tutorials, pointers in #Wine07:00
iiiearsjonesy - oh no - that means my my cd game copy protection will be nuked too.07:00
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sdacan the ubuntu livecd be used for fixing the bootloader without crashing my ubuntusystem?07:00
JosefKsda: yes07:00
ChrisCoxJosefK: Btw, i'm using Terminal to install this... Anyway, it says i need to run make dep in the linux source tree folder, but when i try to run it, i get a message say: *** Warning: make dep is unnecessary now.07:01
HBKmy file to execute is in my Home Folder what command do I give for it?07:01
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Jonesysda: yes07:01
iiiearssda - yes, - rescue mode07:01
JosefKsda: just mount the drives somewhere in /mnt then chroot to it and do as you would normally07:01
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Jonesyiiiears: sorry?07:01
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:01
=== cynical [n=cynical@adsl-068-209-095-168.sip.gsp.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
HBKhow to execute file from the CD ROM. I want to install Max Payne07:01
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HBKit is in the cd rom drive07:01
JosefKChrisCox: that's because we cancelled the 'make' before - do 'sudo make clean && sudo make dep'07:01
iiiearsjeez - every app wants a piece of the mbr record. - why can't they all just get along.07:02
=== grout_ [n=grout58@69-173-179-194.sbtnvt.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
JosefKiiiears: EFI here we come!07:02
sdaso I do this: install windows on the empty partition. put livecd into tray (:P). choose rescue mode. have installer fix bootloader. right :)?07:02
JonesyHBK: go to /media/cdrom (or wherever the cd is mounted) and try typing "wine setup.exe" or whatever the name of the install file with a .EXE extension is07:02
grout_why wont this work  rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty07:02
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sda(sorry, I have to be quite certain. I'm glad about my system as it is!)07:03
grout_it says it removes the dir but it dosnt07:03
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JosefKsda: yes, you can do it from rescue mode if that's easier, or it can be done when you're in the Live CD desktop too07:03
Jonesysda: yes, and you'll have to add a boot entry for windows07:03
HBKok I dragged and dropped the windows live messenger file in the terminal window it didnt do it07:03
ChrisCoxJosefK: After the clean it still says make dep is unnessecery07:03
mariuxhi the installer crashed on installing the bootloader, but i managed to boot using my old one (though im using my gentoo kernel because of it right now), how do i make it install the bootloader again?07:03
JosefKChrisCox: if it's a warning, it should carry on processing after?07:03
toreI just upgraded to edgy, and in X dead keys and international characters no longer work.  Is there a known workaround for this problem?07:04
HBKit says wine cannot find the folder?07:04
ChrisCoxJosefK: Nope, done it 4 times now, returns to chris@laptop-main etc. etc.07:04
Jonesytore: for me, the arrow keys are acting funny while editing in VI07:04
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sdaI think I can manage it now. Thanks for the help!07:04
iiiearspsst. - Windows needs frequent reinstalls. so what i sometimes do is to use the bios option to designate what drive is primary and secondary - the drive that is seen as primary is loaded./07:04
JonesyHBK: run winecfg and make sure the cd drives are set up correctly07:05
JosefKChrisCox: heh, that's because "make dep" really is unneccesary with newer kernels, it doesn't need to do anything07:05
toreJonesy: hm, those work for me - in vim at least.07:05
TonrenHow reliable is the System -> Administration -> BootUp Manager applet?  There are apps with "Activate" checked, but they're not running, and vice versa.  How do I access and change this information from the command line?07:05
iiiearslinux on one drive/partiton windows on the other drive/partiion07:05
Jonesytore: hmm, go figure07:05
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ChrisCoxJosefK: The install says it doesnt have a certain file in the sourcetree, it says to fix the problem to run make dep07:06
toreJonesy: hjlk is better anyway.  ;-)07:06
fiXXXerMetHi everyone.  I'm trying to compile dspam on ubuntu and I'm getting a bunch of errors ( http://paste.fixertec.net/47 ) any ideas?07:06
Jonesyis there a way to tell the installer for edgy on the live cd to do something special with the boot loader installation?07:06
JosefKChrisCox: your installer isn't just for 2.4.* kernels is it? :/07:06
TonrenJonesy: I think you can download a special "Alternate Installation" live Cd07:06
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ChrisCoxJosefK: Dunno07:06
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Adrian2Hi :-) On Debian 3.1 I like the expert install becaus I can do the rest of the installation over ssh remotely... is there such thing on Dapper and how would it be called?07:07
JonesyTonren: ok, so that's the only way, that's all i wanted to know07:07
JosefKChrisCox: what's the name of the device you're building a driver for? (Model Number, if possible)07:07
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JonesyfiXXXerMet: are you supposed to run autogen.sh?  usually for building you type "./configure && make"07:07
ChrisCoxJosefK: SparkLAN's WL-311F Wireless PCMCIA card07:07
fiXXXerMetJonesy:  Yes, it's CVS.07:07
HBKwhich game can I play with wine07:08
HBKMax Payne?07:08
JonesyfiXXXerMet: ah, then i have no idea, sorry buddy07:08
JonesyHBK: you'll have to check wine's application compatibility database on their website07:08
ChrisCoxJosefK: www.sparklan.com if you want to check it out07:08
JonesyHBK: www.winehq.com07:08
JosefKChrisCox: thanks, I've just found a thread on the ubuntu forums about that card, checking it out now07:08
ChrisCoxJosefK: It doesnt have an answer07:09
=== jeff_ [n=jeff@adsl-71-135-107-42.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
HBKJonesy where is the compatibilty chart I don't see it07:09
JonesyHBK:  applications  database in the third paragraph at the top07:10
JonesyHBK: http://appdb.winehq.org/07:10
twosharpanyone know whats the fastest and lightest graphical login manager? or do i have to use one at all? i have installed fluxbox on my server but it won't "startx" without wdm, xdm, gdm or another login manager..07:10
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JonesyHBK:  specifically for you, http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iAppId=66107:10
manmadhamy default sound settings are changing(Mic sound is turning off)can any one help me??07:10
=== FurryNemesis [n=laurent@81-179-107-174.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
HBKthank u very much!07:11
JonesyHBK: np07:11
Afzali wanna kno abt ubuntu07:11
Afzaland how similar its to windows07:11
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ChrisCoxJosefK: Gotta go eat, i'll be about 30 mins07:11
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segashey again, everyone.07:11
segasJosefK: are you still there?07:11
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DummyplugCan anyone help me?07:12
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manmadhamy default sound settings are changing(Mic sound is turning off)can any one help me??07:12
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JosefKChrisCox: okay - it looks like that card uses a PRISM 2.5 core07:12
JosefKsegas: yes, what's up?07:12
segasJosefK: hey again. :)07:12
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segasJosefK: it still doesnt work07:12
rejdenanyone using XGL?07:12
AfzalDummyplug : thats my question07:12
HBKdamn it my cd-rom won't read crap arghh!07:12
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DummyplugI can't install Ubuntu (trying to use Instlux), and I can't find the boot.ini file07:13
JosefKsegas: what doesn't, my memory's like a goldfish :/07:13
segasJosefK: after a series of installing the graphiccard successfully, I can't restart GDM. Now it says: "Starting Gnome Desktop Module ................ [fail] .07:13
manmadhamy default sound settings are changing(Mic sound is turning off)can any one help me??07:13
JonesyHBK: it's important that you make sure the path is setup in your wine config file using winecfg07:13
JonesyhBK: go to the drives configuration page and let it autoconfigure your paths07:13
JosefKsegas: ah, is this still from the LiveCD, or from an installed system?07:13
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segasJosefK: liveCD i guess.07:14
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manmadhamy default sound settings are changing(Mic sound is turning off)can any one help me??07:14
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JosefKsegas: if you've rebooted, whatever fix you had for the graphics driver will have gone07:14
manmadhaany one solve the prob??07:14
segasJosefK: yeah, I know..07:14
HBKwow soo many games playable wooohooo07:14
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segasJosefK: so now i'm stuck in the the console, not able to do anything.07:14
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HBKthank u very very much for the link jonsesy!!! :D07:15
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JosefKsegas: well, you have a console - you'd need to fix the graphics driver again before you can start gdm by using 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart'07:15
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overriddenmanmadha after configuring sound, did you try savind your session ?07:15
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segasJosefK: but it is installed....or, so I think it is. I followed a link before how to activate it with the right drivers.07:15
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segasJosefK: ...since x server couldn't be started as it was.07:16
JosefKsegas: yes, but if you've rebooted it won't be there anymore07:16
DummyplugI can't install Ubuntu (trying to use Instlux), and I can't find the boot.ini file. Can anyone help me?07:16
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segasJosefK: nope, so it's a dead end. :P07:16
JosefKsegas: you'll have to follow the same link again07:16
JonesyHBK: you're welcome buddy07:16
segasJosefK: ...about 15 times... :S07:16
manmadhaoverridden, no how to save(I am editing the sound displaying at the date & time corner there is no save option).....07:16
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JosefKyes, every time you reboot, until you have an installed system (where the changes would be saved)07:17
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segasJosefK: funny thing is...I had it installed before, but this error didn't occured until the system was installed, and booted up for the first time.07:17
segasJosefK: ...just before the login-thingy.07:17
JosefKsegas: if you used the text-only installer, it wouldn't have been a problem07:18
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overriddenmanmadha: System -> Preferences -> Sessions =>Automatically save changes to session07:18
segasJosefK: oh yeah....but isn't that a bit harded to install....? i mean, for a newbie like myself.07:19
DummyplugI can't install Ubuntu (trying to use Instlux), and I can't find the boot.ini file. Can anyone help me?07:19
JosefKsegas: yeah :( you'll just have to fix the graphics again and then do 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart'07:19
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segasJosefK: so, this is the file I must download now? ubuntu-6.06.1-alternate-i386.iso07:19
JosefKsegas: only if you want to do the text-mode install07:20
segasJosefK: i can't install it the "normal" way anyways....so i guess I have no other alternatives. *sob* :(07:20
WineOQuick question: how can I see synaptic/aptitude install/update history?07:20
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JosefKsegas: you _can_ install it the normal way, by fixing the graphics like you did before and then restarting GDM07:20
atoponceBlack_Chaos: must be my client...07:21
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atoponceirssi just join here, but weechat will? seems silly to me07:21
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atoponces/just join/just won't join/07:22
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HBKhow do I mount my game cd in wine?07:22
toxic_Is there a nice tool / any need to defrag an ext3 partition?07:22
hippyhey, guys...it was the NIC switched it out and works fine, thanks 4 the help :)07:22
manmadhaoverridden, can u plz tell me how to edit sound07:22
segasJosefK: i have fixed the problem, but the GDM (Gnome Desktop Manager) fails to start when I use "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart'".07:22
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HBKIm trying to install nfs - high stakes - http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iVersionId=410107:22
HBKhow do I mount my cd-rom?07:23
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atoponceBlack_Chaos: nope. has to be the client. i don't know anything else that it could be07:23
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HBKI changed settings to Win98 by winecfg command how do I mount the cd?07:23
JosefKsegas: if you haven't rebooted since you last fixed the problem, try doing 'ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep gdm'07:23
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JosefKsegas: any output?07:23
RunithardHBK /mount /cdrom07:23
Arcad3mount /media/cdrom007:23
AbstDoes anyone here have sauerbraten installe07:24
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RunithardHBK, mount /cdrom07:24
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jacquesdupontdim trying to make a make load on startup as root07:24
jacquesdupontdwithout having to do anything07:24
segasJosefK: i was getting my notes so I can write it down. :P07:25
jacquesdupontdand it seems nobody have an answer07:25
JosefKsegas: ah :P07:25
jacquesdupontdsome1 could be a chief by helping me ?07:25
JosefKsegas: I don't need the output written down though :P07:25
segasJosefK: i can imagine..... ;) i'm currently at a linux system specialist course....trying to learn. :D need to get this baby working until tomorrow... :(07:26
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redloffdoes ubuntu instalator have any problems with resizing partitions?07:26
JosefKsegas: ack, it's probably a simple problem like a rogue GDM in the background (and you definitely haven't rebooted since last fixing the graphics problem?)07:26
redloffI've been waiting quite a while already, and the progress bar still bounces left and right07:27
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redloffno progress noticed07:27
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jacquesdupontdso ? my probleme isnt interesting ? yeah i know w.... ;(07:27
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DummyplugWhen I try to install Ubuntu using Instlux, my laptop keeps booting up windows after I reboot. Can anyone help me?07:28
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jacquesdupontd1 hour im searching this simple thing07:28
segasJosefK: i havent, i promise.07:28
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JosefKsegas: just checking :P07:28
JosefKjacquesdupontd: you can place scripts in /etc/rc*.d07:28
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HBKohh yess it's installing now wooohooo...can I get a hal-ay-luyah lol07:29
segasJosefK: here's the output: "root   5746    1 0  17:04?    00:00:00 /usr/sbin/gdm"07:29
JosefKjacquesdupontd: where * is replaced by the default runlevel (5 I think, but it should be in /etc/rc.conf I think...)07:29
jacquesdupontdwhich ?07:29
jacquesdupontdim nebie07:29
mbsanyone debootstrap'd dapper remotely lately?07:29
dimitrihi all07:29
HBKwoohoo thx lol07:29
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JosefKjacquesdupontd: that's for you to find out :)07:29
DummyplugWhen I try to install Ubuntu using Instlux, my laptop keeps booting up windows after I reboot. Can anyone help me?07:29
jacquesdupontdhehe but tht's very cool anyway07:29
dimitriim getting a strange message when i try run gnomebaker07:29
jacquesdupontdand it will execute it as root ?07:30
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JosefKsegas: okay, try running 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop'07:30
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jacquesdupontdi can but cd somthing07:30
jacquesdupontdmake load07:30
jacquesdupontdlike that ?07:30
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JosefKsegas: and see if the output of that ps command is changed07:30
MonsieurBondoes anybody use gaim-latex and could answer a question to me?07:30
JosefKjacquesdupontd: kinda, it'll run as root - not sure if you should be doing that yet though :/07:30
segasJosefK: no problem with stopping it.07:30
JosefKsegas: okay.... so 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start'07:30
jacquesdupontdhm :(07:30
DummyplugWhen I try to install Ubuntu using Instlux, my laptop keeps booting up windows after I reboot. Can anyone help me?07:31
Jonesydummyplug: i'm not familiar with Instlux07:31
segasJosefK: "Starting Gnome Display Manager        [fail] ".07:31
jacquesdupontdbut rcSOMTHING07:31
jacquesdupontdis a dir07:31
jacquesdupontdnot a file07:31
jacquesdupontdhow can i put it in it ?07:31
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jacquesdupontdi juste have the commads07:31
Jonesydummyplug: but whatever it is, if it's dependent off installing something from a CD then you need to make sure your computer's bios is set to boot from CD before booting from the internal hard drive07:31
bhrobinsondoes anyone know when Ubuntu package for Evolution 2.8.0 will be avail?07:31
jacquesdupontdi dont have a file07:31
JosefKsegas: hmm, 'tail /var/log/messages' - see if GDM is whining about anything07:32
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Jonesydummyplug: some computers, like Dell and ASUS motherboards will let you press a button a boot to select which drive you want to boot from, for dell's it's F12 and for ASUS MB's it's F807:32
jacquesdupontdits a folder07:32
jacquesdupontdthe rc*07:32
Jonesydummyplug: then you just select to boot from CD and you're off07:32
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jacquesdupontdnot a file07:32
jacquesdupontdso i cant edit it and put my commands07:33
JosefKjacquesdupontd: yes, any executable files in that folder will be executed at boot07:33
JosefKjacquesdupontd: just make a new file and edit it - I suspect you're going to break your system though, so be it on your own head ^^07:33
jacquesdupontdi really dont know how to make executable file07:33
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JosefKjacquesdupontd: make it like any other text file, then 'sudo chmod 755 *filename*'07:33
HumanPrototypehi again07:33
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jacquesdupontdi will break it ?07:33
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jacquesdupontdwhy you think so ?07:33
TonrenHow reliable is the System -> Administration -> BootUp Manager applet?  There are apps with "Activate" checked, but they're not running, and vice versa.  How do I access and change this information from the command line?07:34
perigallaola a todos07:34
jacquesdupontdthere is no way to do it when i booted07:34
jacquesdupontdjust for me to do it with hands ?07:34
JosefKjacquesdupontd: what are you trying to do at boot?07:34
jacquesdupontda make load07:34
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perigallaaialgioen es espaol07:34
jacquesdupontdthat's is launching modules and other thing07:34
JosefKjacquesdupontd: a "make load" what?07:34
segasJosefK: Gconf Server not in use, shutting down", 'else but that is only 4-5 bluetooth things listed, nothing about GDM (and I don't even have bluetooth on that machine)...07:34
jacquesdupontdfor my wifi dongle to work07:34
jacquesdupontdeach time i boot i need to do this make load and then my dongle drivers are ok07:34
HBKwhere did it install the file it says C: Program Files where is it?07:35
jacquesdupontdi would just like to have somthink that do it for me on the startup tht's all07:35
JosefKjacquesdupontd: oh, just put it into a file in /etc/rc5.d/ (can somebody confirm this is the right default RC?) and 'sudo chmod 755 *filename*'07:35
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JosefKjacquesdupontd: yes, that's entirely correct07:35
HBKwhere did the game install it says C:/Program Files... where is that path?07:35
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xenthralhello all07:35
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JosefKsegas: hmm, how does running 'startx' go07:36
jacquesdupontdok THANK YOU very much07:36
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JosefKjacquesdupontd: np's, come back if you have any problems07:36
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baskewHBK; ~.wine maybe?07:36
jacquesdupontdit can be a txt the file it will work07:36
HBKwhere is the C:?07:36
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jacquesdupontdyoure very cool07:36
HBKhow can I browse it in the file browser?07:36
segasJosefK: just "startx"?07:36
jacquesdupontdhm no need to put sudo make load ?07:36
jacquesdupontdi juste put make load07:36
JosefKsegas: yeah, just start an X session without GDM07:36
jacquesdupontdwill execute it as root07:36
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JosefKjacquesdupontd: yes, you'll need to put the correct command into the file07:37
baskewHBK; you would have to type the '.wine' in after ur homedir07:37
jacquesdupontdcd blabla07:37
jacquesdupontdmake load07:37
baskewassuming thats where it is07:37
JosefKjacquesdupontd: exactly :) everything you'd type into the terminal to make it work, goes into that file07:37
jacquesdupontdhehe ok07:37
jacquesdupontdthank you07:37
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jacquesdupontdi test07:37
jacquesdupontdright now07:37
ChrisCoxJosefK: Back07:37
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JosefKChrisCox: hoi - I think you're best bet with that card might be reading up on NDiswrapper, and using the windows drivers instead07:38
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Neo8750is there a way to make edgy not use the firefox beta?07:38
segasJosefK: well, it started....got into the desktop screen, but i can't move my mouse or use the keyboard.....on the desktop there's two icons which are named "Examples" (with a lock on it), and another one called "Install".07:39
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JosefKsegas: well, I guess it's a start, but it sounds like it may have locked up07:39
ChrisCoxJosefK: I don't want windows, and whats the link to ndiswrapper?07:39
JosefKsegas: try pressing Ctl+Alt+Backspace07:39
segasJosefK: ok.07:39
alxandra_when installing "libdbus-1-2" with apt-get it tries to remove lots of files including the kernel. why can this be, do you have any idea?07:39
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mbsanyone debootstrap'd anything lately?07:39
JosefKChrisCox: you don't need windows to use it, ndiswrapper is just a way of using windows wireless drivers in Linux07:40
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raphaHi all!07:40
segasJosefK: it shut down.07:40
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trappistmbs: I use it on new amd64 systems to make a 32bit chroot07:40
JosefKsegas: it should have gone straight to the console again, try pressing Alt+107:40
ChrisCoxJosefK: how do i use ndiswrapper?07:40
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mbstrappist: i'm running debootstrap dapper /mnt/newos http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/07:40
JosefKChrisCox: I'm just looking for an up to date guide on the ubuntu wiki07:40
Neo8750ChrisCox: http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/index.php07:40
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jacquesdupontdok lets restart07:41
mbstrappist: with limited results ... i've specified arch, and at one point it validated files, but then failed on the download of them07:41
segasJosefK: (arg: 1)07:41
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alxandra_please help!! when installing "libdbus-1-2" with apt-get it tries to remove lots of files including the kernel. why can this be, do you have any idea?07:41
mbstrappist: now it's saying it can't even get the Release file07:41
JosefKsegas: ah, so it was already at the console :P well, at least we know it didn't lock up07:41
JosefKsegas: I think Ctl+C should get you out of that07:41
eXistenZany good guide on shell programming?07:41
trappistmbs: what did you specify for the arch?07:41
JosefKChrisCox: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper07:41
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raphaHow can I configure Samba so that I can share files with a Windows computer?07:42
WineOQuick question: how can I see synaptic/aptitude install/update history?07:42
erUSULeXistenZ: 'bash advanced scripting guide' search in google07:42
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JosefKsegas: are you back to a command prompt?07:42
segasJosefK: it did.07:42
segasJosefK: yeah07:42
mabusHow do I install a bittorrent client that will confirm to strict tracker's requirements? That is, I need an up to date client, and in the repos, they are not.07:42
trappistWineO: check /var/log/aptitude, for example07:43
JosefKsegas: gd :) we need to find where your mouse is - is it a PS/2 mouse, laptop pad, USB or ..?07:43
segasJosefK: USB (Logitech MX500, to be exact).07:43
mbstrappist: yeah now I can't seem to get the Release file, even though it most definitely exists at the url it says it can't get it at07:43
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JosefKsegas: okay, try running 'sudo cat /dev/input/mice' and move the mouse around07:43
reganziis there a way to tell if hardware is functioning when ubuntu won't detect it?07:43
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JosefKsegas: you should see random stuff on the screen when you move it, press Ctl+C to exit that07:44
baskewmabus: have you looked at azureus?07:44
trappistmbs: try copying your resolv.conf to the chroot's /etc directory07:44
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mabusbaskew: azureus in the repos is not up to date enough, nor is bittorrent07:44
segasJosefK: hang on :P07:44
Weasel__alguno de ustedes sabe o tiene idea de cuanto se necesita en memoria de video para lograr que el XGL+COMPIZ corra decentemente en un kubuntu?07:44
mabusbitme.org has strict requirements07:44
JosefKsegas: okay :P if the text looks awry after that, type in 'reset' to fix the console07:44
fuocoanyone knows if gcjwebplugin works ?07:44
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Weasel__anybody talk's spanish there?07:45
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.07:45
mbstrappist: no go07:45
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Weasel__ok, thanks!07:45
HubuntuCreo que necesitas una nvidia o ati y al menios 32 mb de memoria de video DEDICADA07:45
Weasel__bueno, tengo una ATI07:45
segasJosefK: nothing happened...i noticed the optical "light" from underneath the mouse isn't on (the red light).07:45
Weasel__es ATI RAGE XL07:46
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MystaMaxhey, does sound work in Firefox when using flash player 9 w/ wine?07:46
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JosefKsegas: ah :/ this could explain why GDM refuses to start (no input devices).  you're not using a USB Hub or anything?07:46
segasJosefK: no, not at all.07:46
Weasel__la cosa es que no se de cuanto es la mem de esa video y le monte el XGL+COMPIZ y el video es demasiado fraccionado07:46
segasJosefK: i think I have one of these converters from usb to ps2.07:46
JosefKsegas: :/ and the keyboard's USB too?07:46
cherubielguys, any idea about the OS on a WRT54G wireless router?07:46
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jacquesdupontdit does nothing07:46
JosefKsegas: ah07:46
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cherubieli am unable to telnet/ssh to the router07:46
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mbstrappist: it doesn't want to see it even though the release file clearly exists :/07:47
HubuntuCuanto de memoria tienes?07:47
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trappistmbs: what's the error?  404? can't connect to the server?07:47
ChrisCoxJosefK: I'm confused...07:47
JosefKjacquesdupontd: that was probably the wrong runlevel, I can't remember the way to find the correct runlevel :/07:47
JosefKsegas: if you have a USB->PS/2 converter, try unplugging it and sticking it in a USB port07:47
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JosefKsegas: they're notorious for not working in Linux07:48
Weasel__no lo se07:48
Weasel__el sistema no me dice07:48
jacquesdupontdlike that ?07:48
mbsE: Failed getting release file http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper/Release07:48
Weasel__esa maquina es un server07:48
jacquesdupontdcan you tel me which one is the good for booting07:48
jacquesdupontdcuz i dont kow07:48
Weasel__es una HP proliant ml370 g407:48
JosefKjacquesdupontd: unfortunately not, you'll need a Ubuntu specific one, different distributions have different standards07:48
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JosefKjacquesdupontd: which is why I can never remember it :)07:48
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mabushow do I install a new version of a bittorrent client, that is newer than the ones in the repos?07:48
mbstrappist: it seems to e very trailing / sensitive07:48
HubuntuTe entiendo... Tu rpocesador talves sea medio lento el xgl/compiz usa mucha memoria/procesador. Bajate de un repositorio/archivo07:49
segasJosefK: well, i didnt have any (my mistake), but i unplugged it, and put it back in another port......didn't work, and i got a error message.07:49
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mbstrappist: i've gotten it downloading on some level using debootstrap --arch i386 dapper /mnt/xenwebserver/ ftp://ftp.ubuntu.com/ubuntu, although if it's like previous attempts it will fail to dl some of the libs07:49
trappistmbs: that would be a server problem (unless you're saying you have an extra trailing /)07:49
JosefKsegas: hmm, it's unusual for it to not like a mouse - what was the error?07:49
segasJosefK: "device not accepting address"07:49
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segasJosefK: 10, 11, 10, 11....07:49
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baskewmabus: just download azureus or some other client, and install it azureus requires jaav07:49
jacquesdupontdnobody know ?07:49
JosefKsegas: :( my old USB hub had that problem - do you have another USB mouse handy?07:49
jacquesdupontdthe ra level ?07:49
jacquesdupontdfor boot ?07:49
jacquesdupontdon ubuntu  ?07:49
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JosefKjacquesdupontd: the multi-user runlevel07:50
JosefKjacquesdupontd: which I suspect is 507:50
lupine_85default is 207:50
jacquesdupontdthat wher07:50
ChrisCoxJosefK: I need help with this, I cannot understand it at all07:50
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JosefKthere we go then :) move your script to /etc/rc2.d07:50
jacquesdupontdi make mousepad test07:50
Adrian2Hi.. is it possible to use the dapper drake installer remotely via ssh (after the first parts have been done locally) ?07:50
HubuntuLas ati no corren tan bien en linux... Prueba otras fuentes de xgl y ve como te va... Talves si instalas otro driver de restricted funcione07:50
jacquesdupontdi wrote my commands07:50
segasJosefK: but i want this one... *sob*07:50
jacquesdupontdthen i make sudo chmod 755 test07:50
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jacquesdupontdthat's ok no ?07:50
segasJosefK: let me check...07:50
JohnFluxHey all07:50
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JohnFluxI just updated to edgy ;-)07:50
JosefKsegas: :/ I doubt I can debug a USB mouse problem, hopefully once you have the system installed a kernel update will fix it07:50
Dummyplughi JohnFlux07:51
JohnFluxbut I can't get X to work07:51
Weasel__ok, quiero probar07:51
JohnFluxMy monitor is saying it's trying to work at 30hz07:51
jeldanyone knows why some fonts are not antialiased in Edgy and how to deal with it?07:51
segasJosefK: i had a ps2 mouse lying around...07:51
Weasel__dame los repositorios o el driver restricted07:51
DummyplugI can't boot up Ubuntu even with the Live CD. Cany anyone help?07:51
ChrisCoxJosefK: I can't find where ndiswrapper is07:51
Weasel__bueno, dame referencia07:51
JosefKsegas: you'd need to reboot to use a PS/2, so fixing the graphics :(07:51
jacquesdupontdcould you tpe jacquesdupontd07:51
trappistjeld: try in #ubuntu+1 for edgy help07:51
JosefKChrisCox: it won't be installed by default07:51
segasJosefK: damn...07:51
Weasel__ya estoy que le vuelo el kubuntu07:51
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jacquesdupontdwhen you found it cuz i have some problems to folow text07:51
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ChrisCoxJosefK: It says it was on the disk07:51
segasJosefK: oh well, i'll try this later.....now my gf need this computer. thank you for helping mate! i really appreciated it!07:52
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository07:52
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DummyplugI can't boot up Ubuntu even with the Live CD. Can anyone help?07:52
JosefKsegas: np's :P maybe the text mode installer would be easier really07:52
Weasel__ademas, como hago para configurar los modos porque a pesar de seguir los pasos de un how-to completos, no veo nada que me permita controlar07:52
HubuntuEntra a synaptic y activa restricted o sino ve a www.ubuntuguide.org eso es lo maximo07:52
segasJosefK: yeah...07:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fre - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jre - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:52
Weasel__y se me bloquearon ciertas teclas del numerico07:52
ChrisCoxsegas: wait a sec07:52
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ChrisCoxsegas: You still there?07:52
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raphaHELP! Can't connect Ubuntu <> Windows with SMB!07:53
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A_Man_Among_MenOk, I have a tough question07:53
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docgnomeIs firestarter based on iptables?07:53
Weasel__si, creo que es usual que se bloqueen las de / y -07:53
mabusdocgnome: firestarter is a gui frontend for iptables07:53
JosefKChrisCox: to install it, do 'sudo aptitude install ndiswrapper ndisgtk' (2.1 in the FAQ I linked)07:53
ChrisCoxJosefK: I'm totally confused07:53
DummyplugI can't boot up Ubuntu even with the Live CD. Can anyone help?07:53
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Weasel__lei algo que me decia que a veces sucedia con el kubuntu,07:53
docgnomemabus: thats what i thought. thanks.07:53
Weasel__y me paso a mi07:53
jacquesdupontdhow can i find it alone ?07:54
Weasel__bueno, regreso ahorita07:54
jacquesdupontdor u sure that it should run it goog ?07:54
JosefKjacquesdupontd: yes?  it's /etc/rc2.d apparantly07:54
bthorntonI just installed ndiswrapper on my system, installed drivers, added the necessary alias to /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper, and blacklisted my old drivers--yet ndiswrapper still does not load on boot.  Any ideas?07:54
ChrisCoxJosefK: I'm a newb to Linux07:54
Weasel__debo subir a resolver un asunto de trabajo07:54
A_Man_Among_MenI took an old computer (with a brand new hard drive), installed Dapper server, installed and set up Mediawiki. It was all good. I gave it to an idiot sysadmin, and she broke it07:54
JosefKjacquesdupontd: so move your script into /etc/rc2.d :)07:54
jacquesdupontdi have a rs local07:54
A_Man_Among_MenShe just sent me this email:07:54
jacquesdupontdit could be it ?07:54
A_Man_Among_Men"The wiki pc died at some point yesterday; sys board issue.  I put the drive in another pc and start it up but it wont get into the login; it stops at cant access tty job control turned off.  Any ideas?"07:54
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JosefKjacquesdupontd: it would say in there, but it's /etc/rc2.d07:54
HubuntuYo uso ubuntu... Pero ve ke tal te va con kubuntu :) suerte07:54
sanitywhat package do i need to install to get the "mail" comment?07:54
jacquesdupontdok the 207:54
A_Man_Among_MenDoes anyone have any idea what might have happened?07:54
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sanitywhat package do i need to install to get the "mail" command?07:55
bthorntonubotu hi07:55
ubotuHi! Welcome to $chan!07:55
trappistsanity: sendmail, postfix, exim, any of those should provide mail07:55
bthorntonubotu ndiswrapper07:55
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:55
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sanitytrappist: thanks07:55
JosefKChrisCox: I really couldn't walk you through it better than the guide (I haven't even got a PCMCIA card here), it looks to be pretty complete, but if you have any problems with a step just ask everyone here :)07:55
ChrisCoxJosefK: "chris@Laptop-Main:~$ sudo aptitude install ndiswrapper ndisgtk07:55
ChrisCoxReading package lists... Done07:55
ChrisCoxBuilding dependency tree... Done07:55
DummyplugI can't boot up Ubuntu even with the Live CD. Can anyone help?07:55
ChrisCoxReading extended state information07:55
ChrisCoxInitializing package states... Done07:55
ChrisCoxBuilding tag database... Done07:55
JosefKChrisCox: don't paste all that in here :(07:55
ChrisCoxCouldn't find package "ndiswrapper".  However, the following07:55
ChrisCoxpackages contain "ndiswrapper" in their name:07:55
ChrisCox  ndiswrapper-utils ndiswrapper-modules-1.807:55
ChrisCoxCouldn't find any package whose name or description matched "ndisgtk"07:55
ChrisCoxNo packages will be installed, upgraded, or removed.07:55
ChrisCox0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.07:56
ChrisCoxNeed to get 0B of archives. After unpacking 0B will be used.07:56
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ChrisCoxDummyplug: What happens when you try to boot it up?07:56
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Dummyplugit starts windows07:56
HubuntuGive the sys admin a ubuntu server cd and some wiki where she can read how to set up media wiki in the brand new hd07:56
JosefKChrisCox: paste to a paste-bin :(07:56
ChrisCoxJosefK: Sorry07:56
A_Man_Among_MenI took an old computer (with a brand new hard drive), installed Dapper server, installed and set up Mediawiki. All was good. Then I gave it to an idiot sysadmin, and she broke it. She just sent me this email: "The wiki pc died at some point yesterday; sys board issue.  I put the drive in another pc and start it up but it wont get into the login; it stops at cant access tty job control turned off.  Any ideas?" Does anyone have any idea what migh07:56
JosefKChrisCox: follow the 'Adding Repositories Howto' link07:56
ChrisCoxDummyplug: Do you want windows AND ubuntu on the same computer?07:56
Roh81Anyone think they can give me a hand remounting a hard drive?07:56
DummyplugChrisCox: yes07:56
JosefKChrisCox: really, everything you need is linked from that guide :/07:56
ChrisCoxDummyPlug: Is your CD clean?07:57
DummyplugChrisCox: I read that I should make some changes to a boot.ini file, but I searched for it, and it's not on my laptop07:57
cvt|expertRoh81,  on my external hd i just had to turn off and on the hd07:57
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DummyplugChrisCox: yes, freshly burned07:57
ChrisCoxDummyPlug: Which file did you burn on the CD?07:57
jacquesdupontdok rezboot07:57
HubuntuYou will have to google ndisgtk and get a repository... i think I got in universe. Activate universe under synaptic07:57
Roh81Its not external. Its an internal I had to unmount to change the file system on.07:58
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DummyplugChrisCox: I burned an iso file. When I insert the CD, an Ubuntu browser auto-runs07:58
DummyplugChrisCox: I'm on a Dell laptop, if that helps any.07:58
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ChrisCoxDummyplug: Does a Ubuntu menu come up or does it boot straight into Windows?07:58
blessHi , AnyOne Can Help Me Please , I Try To run NIcotine (soulseek client) And I Cant , Yesterday All Was Ok , But Now  I Cant , Please I Need Help , Here Is The Error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22746   , THANKS!07:59
covOPprometheushello everyone, I'm expieriencing a problem closing the lid of my laptop, although i defined the OS (ubuntu dapper) not to do anything, the screen appears pitchblack on reopening and the system is stuck07:59
DummyplugChrisCox: it boots straight to windows, there aren't any boot options07:59
docgnomeI'm doing internet sharing with firestarter and I'd like to set up dansguardian. I've set it up so that if the firewall is off, dans guardian works just fine on the box connected to the internet. When the firewall is on however, it doesn't work at all. I _think_ I need to set firestarter up as a transparent proxy, but I don't know how to do that. Does anyone know of a tutorial for such a thing?07:59
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ChrisCoxDummyplug: Have you tried an install burn? Om08:00
blessAnyone know something about my error?08:00
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DummyplugChrisCox: No, but I've tried to install it using Instlux08:00
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DummyplugChrisCox: that didn't work either.08:01
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ChrisCoxDummyplug: I don't think that would work08:01
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DummyplugChrisCox: My brother used Instlux to install Ubuntu on his laptop08:01
Marluncan I somehow install all the dependencies that a package has without installing the package?08:01
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ChrisCoxDummyplug: I would suggest, getting rid of windows (Ofcourse saving your files on a cd/floppy), installing ubuntu on the freshly cleaned pc, then installing windows from the cd08:02
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A_Man_Among_MenDoes anyone have any idea why moving a hard drive from one computer to another would cause this error ->"/bin/sh can-t access tty; job control turned off"08:02
trappistMarlun: you could apt-cache depends the package and install the packages from that list.  or write a script that does it.08:02
blessHi , AnyOne Can Help Me Please , I Try To run NIcotine (soulseek client) And I Cant , Yesterday All Was Ok , But Now  I Cant , Please I Need Help , Here Is The Error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22746   , THANKS!08:02
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lupine_85Marlun: just apt-get install then package then apt-get remove --purge it?08:02
trappistlupine_85: there's an idea08:03
trappistA_Man_Among_Men: you get that when you do what08:03
lupine_85since apt-get is generally stupid :)08:03
Marluntrappist: yeah I could do that but I thought i remembered there was a way to do what I wanted automaticlly.08:03
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ChrisCoxDummyplug: I'm a newb to Ubuntu aswell, so i wouldn't take my advice lol, find somone else, maybe post on the forums (www.ubuntuforums.org)08:03
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HubuntuDummyplug maybe do it the other way. Install ubuntu from the live cd making a new partition and just use grub to choose os aty the start. I always do it that way (15 machines or so) and it has worked this far08:03
lupine_85build-dep on the source package?08:04
DummyplugChrisCox: All right, thanks a lot for the help!08:04
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ChrisCoxDummyplug: Don't mention it08:04
A_Man_Among_Mentrappist - I am not sure. I am getting this error message by email from somoene who is inompcentent08:04
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A_Man_Among_MenTrappist - the machine I set up died. She transferred the hard drive to a new machine08:04
cvt|expertwhy isn't pastebin working for me--i have broadband?08:04
A_Man_Among_MenWhen she boots it, she gets that error - "cant access tty job control turned off"08:04
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trappistA_Man_Among_Men: kind of need to know what the error is in response to08:05
covOPprometheushello everyone, I'm expieriencing a problem closing the lid of my laptop, although i configured the OS (ubuntu dapper) not to do anything, the screen appears pitchblack on reopening and the system is stuck. does anyone have any idea?08:05
A_Man_Among_Menit occurs at boot time08:05
A_Man_Among_Menprior to a login08:05
A_Man_Among_Menoh, you mean what is the message immediately prior to that?08:05
trappistA_Man_Among_Men: is it the only hard drive on the system?08:05
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A_Man_Among_MenIt should be08:05
abhinayi got the fallowing error : Unable to start the settings manager 'gnome-settings-daemon'. when i do "gksudo gnome-theme-manager" ...08:05
abhinayWithout the GNOME settings manager running, some preferences may not take effect. This could indicate a problem with Bonobo, or a non-GNOME (e.g. KDE) settings manager may already be active and conflicting with the GNOME settings manager.08:05
A_Man_Among_MenI honestly don't know - the woman doing it is an idiot08:06
abhinayAny Suggestions ?08:06
jacquesdupontddidnt made anything08:06
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jacquesdupontdbut then i opened test08:06
A_Man_Among_MenTrappist - why? What does that error indicate?08:06
jacquesdupontdand saw that i did a bad cd08:06
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jacquesdupontdso the make couldnt be executed08:06
trappistA_Man_Among_Men: I usually see that if I su to somebody, then try to start something like screen.  I don't think I've seen it anywhere else.08:06
jacquesdupontdso i putted it back the run 508:06
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Hubuntuwe should really make linux a embeded paradise like the symbian os im writing from...08:06
ozzloywhat gateway address should i use for my computer?  the address of the router?08:06
jacquesdupontdlets hope08:07
jacquesdupontdfor me it's like it is impossible08:07
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covOPprometheusozzloy, try defining it as any08:07
jacquesdupontdnothing of all what everybody told me worked08:07
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trappistozzloy: yes08:07
bthorntonLogging into Ubuntu Dapper as a normal user (GNOME session) causes the following message to be printed to a terminal infinitely "bash: /dev/null: Permission denied".  Anybody else having this problem?08:07
trappistozzloy: unless you're using dhcp08:07
covOPprometheusozzloy, are you using wep?08:07
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jacquesdupontdbut this wat seems cool08:07
ozzloyright now i'm using dhcp, but i want the computer to have the same ip when i reboot it08:07
bthorntonI have "sudo chmod 666 /dev/null"'ed already, but the perms reset on each reboot.08:07
trappistbthornton: ls -l /dev/null08:07
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bthorntontrappist: Currently, they are -rw-rw-rw .08:08
ckoehlercan I somehow use a edgy xen kernel on dapper?08:08
trappistbthornton: and you're still getting the error?08:08
bthorntontrappist: but on reboot, they are -rw-------08:08
bthorntontrappist: no08:08
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pornstar_does anyone have experience with installing kildclient on dapper?08:08
trappistbthornton: is /dev/null a regular file?08:08
toxic_Is there a nice tool / any need to defrag an ext3 partition?08:08
bthorntontrappist: but only because I manually reset the perms on each reboot08:08
trappistbthornton: file /dev/null08:08
covOPprometheusozzloy, can you type in iwconfig in terminal and PM me the output?08:08
bthorntontrappist: /dev/null: character special (1/3)08:09
blessHi , AnyOne Can Help Me Please , I Try To run NIcotine (soulseek client) And I Cant , Yesterday All Was Ok , But Now  I Cant , Please I Need Help , Here Is The Error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22746   , THANKS!08:09
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lupine_85toxic_: no08:09
bthorntontrappist: so no08:09
covOPprometheusI'm expieriencing a problem closing the lid of my laptop, although i configured the OS (ubuntu dapper) not to do anything, the screen appears pitchblack on reopening and the system is stuck. does anyone have any idea?08:09
jacquesdupontdare you here ?08:09
lupine_85text2 is smart :)08:09
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lupine_85erm, ext208:09
toxic_lupine_85: no to there is none, or no to that there's no need for one ?08:09
trappistbthornton: well that's good - I ask because there was recently a bug where some app killed /dev/null and recreated it as a regular file08:09
raphaHow do you have to configure Windows and Ubuntu so that you don't have to enter a password (doesn't work) when accessing a Windows share from Ubuntu?08:09
lupine_85toxic_: both08:09
JohnFluxIs there an edgy channel?08:09
toxic_ah ok :)08:09
trappistbthornton: unfortunately I'm not sure what's in charge of /dev/null's permissions08:09
ozzloycovOPprometheus: i'm not using wireless08:09
bthorntonincidently, I have experienced this same issue on another Ubuntu box and my only guess is that a system update caused it.08:09
lupine_85crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1, 3 2006-05-22 15:25 /dev/null08:10
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bthorntontrappist: do you have any info on this bug?08:10
jacquesdupontdthis rc* file doesnt work at all08:10
covOPprometheusozzloy, sorry, my fault, ifconfig then08:10
jacquesdupontdit doesnt not run files i put in it08:10
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trappistrapha: in your /etc/fstab put credentials=/path/to/some/file in the options section, and create that file, owned by root and mode 0600, with your username and password08:10
lupine_85jacquesdupontd: are they in the right format?08:10
trappistbthornton: no, I don't remember the app08:10
lupine_85e.g. with start, stop, sections08:10
jacquesdupontdno format08:10
jacquesdupontdits test08:10
jacquesdupontdchmod 75508:10
raphatrappist: Huh? What has that to do with file sharing?08:10
bthorntonhmm, let's see what linuxquestions sez...08:10
jacquesdupontdim so sad08:11
Rennendoes anyone know any issues with getting ubuntu up on a sata1 (/dev/sda) - I have tried a couple times now - thinkingn it was a bad drive - but I did a low level format on the drive and re-installed -08:11
jacquesdupontdi so need it to do it08:11
lupine_85should work. Try copying any random script in /etc/init.d and modifying it to your needs, then symlinking it to the appropriate rc?.d folder08:11
trappistrapha: that way the share gets mounted automatically when you boot, without having to enter a username/password - or, are you in windows trying to mount an ubuntu share?08:11
raphatrappist: I also don't HAVE any credentials. Windows is not configured to require a password for the share -- it's public08:11
jacquesdupontdi made a test without extension named test08:11
jacquesdupontdthen i chmod 75508:11
jacquesdupontdthen i tried booting with it in rc208:11
lupine_85don't forget to give it a priority number - e.g. filename S66bobsyouruncle08:11
jacquesdupontdand another time in rc508:11
ChrisCoxJosefK: I'm totally and utterly confused08:11
lupine_85(in rc?.d)08:12
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jacquesdupontdme ?08:12
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jacquesdupontdand rc508:12
Dr-DDhi there08:12
jacquesdupontdand nothing worked08:12
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RennenI am just getting a flashing cursor when booting past post - before I recieved grub error 15 - which I why i did a low-level format08:12
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raphatrappist: Either way would be fine. Right now both boxes can see themselves but when you try to connect to the other it asks for username and password - which I don't have set anywhere.08:12
jacquesdupontdi have the feeling that it will never work this time08:12
lupine_85jacquesdupontd: it does work08:12
lupine_85exactly what are you trying to get done?08:12
jacquesdupontdfirst thing that is see so hard and t'hats so easy in windows08:12
jacquesdupontdtu do08:13
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jacquesdupontdcd /blabla08:13
jacquesdupontdmake load08:13
jacquesdupontdand it has to be as root08:13
lupine_85more flexible than windows ;)08:13
trappistrapha: that I don't know - I've never set up a wide open share like that08:13
jacquesdupontdcuz i cant make sudo make load08:13
lupine_85rc*.d are run as root anyway, so no problem there08:13
jacquesdupontdcuz i cant type pass08:13
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trappistrapha: if no one else here knows, maybe try in #samba08:13
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jacquesdupontdso i dont know08:13
docgnomeHow do I save rules for iptables that I have set?08:13
jacquesdupontdmaybe chmod08:13
lupine_85do you want it to run at startup, or when the GUI comes up?08:13
jacquesdupontdcuz when i do a ls08:13
Rennendoes anyone know any issues with getting ubuntu up on a sata1 (/dev/sda) - I have tried a couple times now - thinkingn it was a bad drive - but I did a low level format on the drive and re-installed -08:13
RennenI am just getting a flashing cursor when booting past post - before I recieved grub error 15 - which I why i did a low-level format08:13
jacquesdupontdat startp08:14
cynikalWasnt someone here trying to use instlux?08:14
jacquesdupontdi dont care in fact08:14
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jacquesdupontdi just have to not type it08:14
jacquesdupontdand neither the pass08:14
jacquesdupontdto to be in root08:14
jacquesdupontdits for my gf08:14
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Dr-DDppl if i want (for example) ktorrent to start when my desktop starts what do i do?08:14
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.08:14
jacquesdupontdshe gonna use it and she dont know anything and i dont want here to load a shell and type things08:14
jacquesdupontdits boring08:14
jacquesdupontdu understand ?08:14
trappistdocgnome: iptables-save > somefile08:14
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jacquesdupontdbut i thought i would be so easy08:15
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trappistjacquesdupontd: you want to be able to sudo without a password? I'm not sure I understand the question08:15
jacquesdupontdwhen i ls08:15
jacquesdupontdthe rc08:15
jacquesdupontdi want to make load08:15
jacquesdupontdwithout pass08:15
jacquesdupontdnot sudo08:15
jacquesdupontdi want to be inr root08:15
angel_I have problem with my dvd , only i can use the first time when I turn on the computer and the dvd disk  is inside but when i change that dvd disk for other dvd the computer  can't read it08:15
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.08:15
HubuntuRennen i had a problem on a server once. I think you have to make a change in the way the BIOS treats the SATA disk. i made a little chance and everything went fine.08:15
Dr-DDppl if i want (for example) ktorrent to start when my desktop starts what do i do?08:15
jacquesdupontdyou've understood ?08:15
raphatrappist: okay, thanks08:16
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jacquesdupontdi dont want to type pass08:16
jacquesdupontdbut it has to be executed as root08:16
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jacquesdupontdthat's all08:16
trappistjacquesdupontd: you will have to use sudo, but you can do it without having to enter a password.  is that what you want?08:16
lupine_85jacquesdupontd: /etc/rc?.d are run as root anyway08:16
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jacquesdupontdi want that my girl friend dont to anything08:16
darnellis there any other proggy that will access my ipod instead of gtkpod?08:16
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lupine_85so that's not a problem - you've just got something set up wrongly somewhere08:16
RennenHubuntu: It is a brande new board.  BIOS knows it is the first disk to boot to - it just won't boot ....08:16
jacquesdupontdhm ok08:16
darnellwhen i plug in my ipod it doesnt show up on my desktop08:16
jacquesdupontdis it normla08:16
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Dr-DDppl if i want (for example) ktorrent to start when my desktop starts what do i do?08:16
darnelland gtkpod doesnt see it08:16
jacquesdupontdthat when i ls in a rc*.d file08:16
raphatrappist: you know, what wonders me most is that normally, a friend comes to my place, I just enter the name of his share, and it works. No probs at all. Now I set up my own Windows box and it doesn't work :(08:17
docgnomedoes anyone know what file firestarter looks at for iptables rules when it starts up?08:17
jacquesdupontdmy file is in a different cokir08:17
jacquesdupontdcolor dont depend of the chmod ?08:17
trappistjacquesdupontd: sudo visudo - in there, change your line to look like this: username ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL08:17
lupine_85so... first, make sure that your script follows convention. Secondly, make sure that it's in /etc/init.d and thirdly: make sure that the symlink in /etc/rc2.d/ is of the form SnnNAME and chmod 75508:17
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jacquesdupontdwow i dont underand08:17
Dr-DDanser me08:17
Dr-DDppl if i want (for example) ktorrent to start when my desktop starts what do i do?08:17
lupine_85trappist: not needed08:17
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kaoltiwhat is the command to reconfigure the x window system08:17
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jacquesdupontdin init ?08:17
jariep1_Dr-DD, I have noticed that when you leave an app open when you shutdown KDE, it remembers it and restarts it on bootup, though this doesn't really answer your in the best way08:18
lupine_85also not recommended ;)08:18
trappistDr-DD: make a script or .desktop file in ~/.kde/Autostart08:18
trappistjacquesdupontd: run 'sudo visudo' in a console08:18
ChrisCoxJosefK: You there?08:18
jacquesdupontdi have to put it in init.d ?08:18
darnellalternative to gtkpod?08:18
A_Man_Among_MenTrappist - aha08:18
Dr-DDtnx trappist08:18
A_Man_Among_Men"alert! /dev/hdc/doesn't exist - dropping08:18
A_Man_Among_Mento shell.08:18
trappistA_Man_Among_Men: whatcha got08:18
jariep1_Dr-DD trappist makes a good suggestion08:18
trappistA_Man_Among_Men: ha08:18
jacquesdupontdand ?08:18
A_Man_Among_MenSo what does that indicate exactly?08:18
trappistjacquesdupontd: then do the other thing I said08:18
A_Man_Among_MenWhat changed?08:18
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jacquesdupontdbu whyt i had08:19
trappistA_Man_Among_Men: the way the drive was connected.  it's probably like /dev/hdd now.08:19
jacquesdupontdto run sudo08:19
A_Man_Among_Mentrappist - What do you mean?08:19
jacquesdupontdcuz now i cant move08:19
blessHi , AnyOne Can Help Me Please , I Try To run NIcotine (soulseek client) And I Cant , Yesterday All Was Ok , But Now  I Cant , Please I Need Help , Here Is The Error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22746   , THANKS!08:19
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trappistjacquesdupontd: you will always have to run sudo.  I'm helping you to be able to do it without entering a password.08:19
jacquesdupontdand do what uve said08:19
trappistA_Man_Among_Men: I mean that drive is no longer hdc, apparently08:19
A_Man_Among_Menit's being mounted under a differnet name now - why?08:19
jacquesdupontdu mean for the next reboot ?08:19
jacquesdupontdi hope08:19
lupine_85 trappist: not for scripts run by /sbin/init you don't08:19
jacquesdupontdok so now i ve run exactly sudo visudo08:20
trappistA_Man_Among_Men: hdc isn't where it's mounted, it's the device name - hdc is secondary master08:20
kaoltianybody know how to reconfigure x11?08:20
A_Man_Among_MenOH, so it's a jumper setting issue?08:20
jacquesdupontdlupine_85 ?08:20
trappistlupine_85: eh?08:20
jacquesdupontdi put it in init ?08:20
erUSULkaolti: try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'08:20
Dr-DDtrappist: ~/.kde/Autostart08:20
trappistjacquesdupontd: you don't have to reboot08:20
lupine_85he's trying to get a script in /etc/init.d working08:20
jacquesdupontdi dont know what to follow now08:20
jacquesdupontdit goes to fast08:20
lupine_85you don't need sudo for that08:20
Dr-DDtrappist: ~/.kde/Autostart this folder does not exist, i creatit right?08:20
jacquesdupontdcan some1 pv me ?08:20
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jacquesdupontdjust for a sec08:20
jacquesdupontdthen it will be ok08:21
trappistDr-DD: it should exist.  but if it doesn't, yes.08:21
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A_Man_Among_MenTrappist - so what's the easy fix here?08:21
jacquesdupontdso what i do08:21
kaoltihey nobody can help?08:21
jariep1_kaolti, /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 , at least that's the configuration file in my debian system08:21
trappistA_Man_Among_Men: the only easy fix is for that drive to be connected the same way it used to be08:22
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kaoltiyes but there is reconfigure command08:22
kaoltii just cant remember it08:22
kaoltisomething like dpkg08:22
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A_Man_Among_MenTrappist - I don't follow - what do you mean when you say "the same way"?08:22
lupine_85dpkg-reconfigure xseserver-xorg-core ?08:22
lupine_85xserver, rather08:22
kaoltiyes i think08:22
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kaoltii'll try it thanks08:22
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angel_i try to mount my dvd but "The system reported: mount: No medium found"08:22
trappistA_Man_Among_Men: if it used to be primary master, it needs to be that way on this machine too08:22
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A_Man_Among_MenAh, ok08:22
A_Man_Among_MenAnd hdc is primary master?08:22
lupine_85secondary master08:23
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HubuntuKaolti to reconfigure X is a serious thing to do use08:23
Hubuntudpkg xserver-xorg --reconfigure08:23
Hubunturemember that you better be careful with the answers you give it, ok?08:23
Dr-DDtrappist: how do i know the path for my program? how to see "details" on a shortcut of the "start" menu?08:23
jariep1_kaolti, I think you're right08:23
jariep1_give me a sec08:23
ozzloycovOPprometheus: i got it working08:23
ozzloycovOPprometheus: thanks!08:24
jariep1_yes that's it what Hubuntu recommends08:24
trappistDr-DD: I don't know, in gnome08:24
Dr-DDtrappist: tnx anyway08:24
angel_i only can use the dvd for the first time i turn on the computer08:24
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angel_after that "The system reported: mount: No medium found"08:25
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kaoltiroot@kaolti-desktop:~# dpkg xserver-xorg --reconfigure08:25
kaoltidpkg: need an action option08:25
lupine_85angel_: for whatever reason it's not seeing the second and subsequent DVDs08:25
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lupine_85use dpkg-reconfigure08:25
A_Man_Among_MenTrappist - Thanks a bunch08:26
kaoltilike "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" ?08:26
lupine_85eg. dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:26
HubuntuTru sudo dpkg...08:26
lupine_85that's it08:26
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jonassI use a linux box with iptables to SNAT my local network to the internet, but can't get it to forward ports from the internet to an local machine like: iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING --dst $INET_IP -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT \08:26
jonass--to-destination $HTTP_IP08:26
=== ephemeros excuse me everybody, this is important: http://cioby.lnx.ro/shots/sandwich.png
jonassideas ?08:26
angel_how to fix that problem08:26
=== ephemeros hello! \m/
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lupine_85angel_: sounds like a hardware fault to me08:27
antoxzjonass you don't need to do that08:27
winstonI got a weird bug since yesterday... you're probably gonna laugh but here goes... the shortcut to AisleRiot Solitaire now launches Freecell Solitaire. Anyone know how this could happen or how to fix the link in the menu08:27
kaoltiit says that my video hardware is not supported. should i choose the vesa driver?08:27
Skyrailcna anyone help me with this thing in the installation of ubuntu?08:27
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jonassantoxz, not ?? how do I do port forwarding then ??08:27
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kaoltithe video chipset manufacturer does not have ubuntu drivers08:27
RedRosehow can I edit the ACPI to allow for lower monitor brightness?08:27
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rofl0rRedRose, you could use the gamma settings, that darkens te screen aswell08:28
Dr-DDtrappist: sory to ask again but the .kde/Autoexec folder isnt only for kde? since i have gnome will it autostart my program?08:28
RedRoserofl0r, what's the command, and will it save power?08:29
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trappistDr-DD: oh, sorry, you're right - I thought I was in #kubuntu :)  I don't know how it's done in gnome08:29
Dr-DDtrappist: tnx anyway :)08:29
rofl0rredrose, its in settings/display, but i dont think it saves power08:29
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SkyrailI have a query about the installation of ubuntu...08:29
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:30
RedRoserofl0r, yeah, that's my problem is that in ubuntu, i lost about an hour power because of the monitor08:30
darnellHELP with ipod please08:30
darnelldoesnt anyone here have one?08:30
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lupine_85darnell: put it on eBay and get an iRiver instead?08:30
kaotjonass: that rule looks like it should work.08:30
Dr-DD<--- need autostart programs in gnome desktop.08:30
Dr-DD<--- need autostart programs in gnome desktop. any one can help?08:30
kaotjonass: is there anything else in your PREROUTING chain?08:30
darnellfuck iriver08:30
antoxzjonass, I'm sorry, I had misunderstood you :/ is your FORWARD chain ok? maybe it is blocking smth?08:31
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.08:31
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darnellits kubuntu thats the problem08:31
darnellit worked fine with gnome08:31
Skyrailmkay sorry, its just that I started the installation, and I asked it to wipe the harddrive, I clicked on next and the waiting curser came up and its been like that for the past half hour...is this normal?08:31
lupine_85Skyrail: it can take a while... but half an hour could be excessive08:31
blessHi , AnyOne Can Help Me Please , I Try To run NIcotine (soulseek client) And I Cant , Yesterday All Was Ok , But Now  I Cant , Please I Need Help , Here Is The Error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22746   , THANKS!08:31
rofl0rRedRose, one hour per month ?08:31
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piet_howto install java for ubuntu Dapper Drake08:31
Dr-DD<--- need autostart programs in gnome desktop. any one can help?08:31
Skyraillupine_85 ok, I'll guess I'll cancel it and restart the installation :(08:32
DrColossusDr-DD: system -> preferences -> sessions ?08:32
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT08:32
RedRoserofl0r, No, sorry, i'm running on my laptop and I lost an hour battery life because of the monitor brightness08:32
Max_Steelwe need java 64 bits :/08:32
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rofl0rRedRose, mmh k ;)08:32
lupine_85if it fails again, you might be best wiping the hard drive manually (fdisk in terminal) and trying again08:32
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Dr-DDDrColossus: tnx alot08:33
roh_I really need some help remounting my ide hard drive08:33
jonassantoxz, hmmm my forward chain is default to DROP.. do I have to open the port in the forwarding chain then ??08:33
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DrColossusDr-DD: np08:33
Dr-DDDrColossus: how do i see the shortcut url of an item in the menu?08:33
lupine_85roh: "sudo umount <devicefile>; sudo mount <devicefile>"? (assuming it's in your fstab and isn't your /)08:33
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Dr-DDyou know?08:33
jonassantoxz, tested to open the port in the forward chain.. it worked, thx =)08:34
roh_lupine_85 I think we tried that last night but it wouldnt remove it properly.08:34
roh_let me try again08:34
antoxzjonass, you're welcome :)08:34
DrColossusDr-DD: i don't understand what you mean08:34
lupine_85make sure you don't have any files open on it or anything before you umount08:34
covOPprometheusI'm expieriencing a problem closing the lid of my laptop, although i configured the OS (ubuntu dapper) not to do anything, the screen appears pitchblack on reopening and the system is stuck. does anyone have any idea? please PM me08:34
roh_Its kinda mounted inside of my main drive.08:35
lupine_85that includes sitting in /path/to/mount/point while running umount :)08:35
roh_but the only thing i have open is kde and xchat now.08:35
Skyraillupine_85 must of been an error, It worked quickly this time, loaded the next screen quickly and let me continue08:35
lupine_85skyrail: cool08:35
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roh_Wait so I unmount the name or the actual hard drive?08:35
lupine_85roh_: should unmount fine then... and if it doesn't, it'll tell you why08:35
Dr-DDDrColossus: i have internet >> ktorrent shotcut in my menu. i want to put it on autostart. how do i find the path of the bin?08:35
lupine_85roh_: if it's in your fstab it doesn't really matter08:35
roh_lemme try then08:36
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roh_so if it was hda i would just replace drivefile with hda?\08:36
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Dr-DDDrColossus: never mind that :)08:37
Dr-DDfound the anser08:37
roh_damnit... said its not found...08:37
DrColossusDr-DD: ok :)08:37
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knittlany german speaking users online??08:37
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EnsignRedshirtHello, world.08:37
lupine_85roh_: yes - the name of the device file for the partition you're trying to mount. e.g. /dev/hda108:37
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de08:38
=== Arutha [n=arutha@dsl-220-235-104-8.nsw.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
roh_Well as I mounted it I named it storagedrive08:38
knittldanke, thanks08:38
Dr-DDknittl: try #ubunto-<your contry tld>08:38
EnsignRedshirtI'm not up-to-date on CD/DVD burners.  Can Linux work with a "Lightscribe" CD/DVD burner?08:38
lupine_85program Hello; Uses System; begin Writeln('Hello World');end.08:38
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lupine_85EnsignRedshirt: it'll work with any semi-modern burner08:39
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roh_lupine_85 Can I just manually unmount it from fstab? Or does that not fully unmount it?08:39
EnsignRedshirtlupine_85: Does that include writing the graphics onto the CD?08:39
heeehowwdoes anyone here use Serpentine?08:39
moparfan90hello. on the new release on ubuntu do they include the newest ATI drivers?08:39
=== MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@53d82813.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #ubuntu
rofl0rmoparfan90, you can use easyubuntu for that08:40
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=== roh_ sighs
moparfan90whats easy ubuntu08:40
Homerapt-get install easyubuntu?08:40
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moparfan90im not in linux right now08:40
rofl0rmoparfan90, http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/08:40
DethKlokHow would I change my TTY1 shell to have a different resolution?08:41
lupine_85EnsignRedshirt: not sure what you mean by that. as in printing?08:41
HubuntuEasyubuntu can bring you trouble... Try www.ubuntuguide.org for step-by-step explanations08:41
redloff I try to print from an old dos program on my cups laserjet printer. how can I check if does sees this printer correctly? It doesn't print and I don't know if it's the dosemu.conf fault or the emulated program itself08:41
lupine_85roh_: if you want to use the short form, it needs to be present in your fstab08:41
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Homereasy ubuntu is illegal :D08:41
rofl0reh eh08:41
lupine_85if it isn't, then umount will work fine, but you'll need to expand the mount command ot include type and mountpoint08:41
mbstrappist: my nameservers were set up on the base machine :)08:41
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moparfan90does anyone here run cs 1.6 on ubuntu?08:41
lupine_85Homer: yes - microsoft will sulk at you if you're not careful ;)08:41
EnsignRedshirtlupine_85: Yes.  Sorry, I've never used a lightscribe dvd burner.  I mean printing on the surface of the dvd.08:41
lupine_85That depends on your printer driver, I gues :)08:42
roh_lupine_85 I need to get this drive properly mounted again so I can save files before formating. I unmounted it lastnight so I could format it but... I dont think I did it properly.08:42
lupine_85check www.linuxprinting.org08:42
Homerthere isn't a package for easyubuntu?08:42
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lupine_85roh_: does it show up when you run mount -l ?08:42
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EnsignRedshirtlupine_85: Was that for me?08:42
Tokyoter has left the channel ("Read error: Connection reset by peter")08:42
Tokyo<Tokyo> hey there ! if you need a little tip how to legaly and for free get mailserver+webmail+mc'afee  that coasts 300$ , just ask :)08:42
rofl0rHomer, no, floow the instructions on the site08:42
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roh_lupine_85 I dont know. Im a very new linux user.08:43
santa99mna ?08:43
lupine_85EnsignRedshirt: this was... "[19:42]  <lupine_85> That depends on your printer driver, I gues :)"08:43
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JohnFluxis there a channel for edgy users?08:43
lupine_85roh_: pastebin the output of the command and we can take a look08:43
lupine_85JohnFlux: #ubuntu+1#08:43
ubotuFor multimedia codecs, http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch03.html#sect-music-and-movies | For multimedia applications, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications08:43
lupine_85erm, - the #08:43
TokyoDisclamer : To help ppls to not couse any troubles (soory for my english) :08:43
TokyoOK , there's a tip , how you can avoid a big troubles , never do the things like that08:43
Tokyoeven if you want good mailserver for mac with free MC'afee avp and webmail :08:43
Tokyodo NOT  download kerio mailserver 6.0.3 from http://download.kerio.com/archive/08:43
Tokyothen dont turn your system date few years forward and dont install it08:43
Tokyothen dont create  user accounts and do not set all settings08:43
Tokyoand then NEVER , I repeat NEVER turn back date in a real time !!!08:43
TokyoJust buy kerio ! it's cool those 300 $08:43
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roh_lupine_85 Im very new to linux. What is the exact command you want to see?08:43
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EnsignRedshirtlupine_85: Ah, but I'm talking about a DVD burner that can also burn an image into the disk, not a printer.08:44
RudyValenciaI'm having nothing but trouble with samba under ubuntu dapper. :(08:44
DethKlokAnyone know how to change shell resolution?08:44
Homerdoes easyubuntu work with all ubuntu distros?08:44
santa99bist du da ?08:44
EnsignRedshirtquiet:  Right08:44
santa99are you in here ?08:44
quietwhat about it?08:44
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Arutha"EasyUbuntu works on (X/K)ubuntu and on all the three architectures (x86, AMD64 and PPC)."08:44
EnsignRedshirtquiet: Does it work with Linux/Ubuntu? Does it require special software?08:45
lupine_85EnsignRedshirt: in that case I have no idea if it'll work08:45
HubuntuBaning tokyo maybe?08:45
quieti'm not positive.. but i'll check.. my best friend has one... i'm not sure if he uses it under linux or windows..08:45
santa99raphael, lets write in here08:45
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moparfan90is there a channel for linux gaming?08:45
santa99!multimedia > raphael08:46
Homerx86 is background competable with x86-64 right?08:46
roh_/dev/hda1 on / type ext3 (rw,errors=remount-ro)08:46
roh_proc on /proc type proc (rw)08:46
roh_varrun on /var/run type tmpfs (rw)08:46
roh_varlock on /var/lock type tmpfs (rw)08:46
roh_procbususb on /proc/bus/usb type usbfs (rw)08:46
roh_udev on /dev type tmpfs (rw)08:46
roh_devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,gid=5,mode=620)08:46
roh_devshm on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw)08:46
raphaelhas anybody mp3 and video codecs for dapper drake 6.06?08:46
roh_lrm on /lib/modules/2.6.15-26-386/volatile type tmpfs (rw)08:46
roh_lupine_85 there it is08:46
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lupine_85!pastebin > roh_08:46
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HubuntuRaphael try www.ubuntuguide.org08:46
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lupine_85roh_: looks like just / is mounted so your HD partition isn't08:47
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etamcan You tell me why when my script is in runlevels 2, 3, 4, 5 it can not read files from disk? can I run it later than runlevel 2, 3, 4, 5?08:47
Homerx86 is background compatable with x86-64 right?08:47
roh_But this darn gui disk manager is showing it as having a path. Doesnt that mean its mounted lupine_85?08:47
lupine_85roh_: probably not... it means the GUI disc manager doesn't have a clue, I'd imagine08:48
RunithardHomer:sort of08:48
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roh_lol big surprise08:48
RunithardHomer: not kernel level stuff08:48
roh_lupine_85 Any chance you can help me remount it then?08:48
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lupine_85just "sudo mount /dev/<devicefile> -t <type> /path/to/mountpoint"08:49
lupine_85should work fine08:49
roh_Lets see if I cant manage it.08:49
covOPprometheusI'm expieriencing a problem closing the lid of my laptop, although i configured the OS (ubuntu dapper) not to do anything, the screen appears pitchblack on reopening and the system is stuck. does anyone have any idea? please PM me08:49
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etamcan I run script after runlevel 2, 3, 4, 5?08:49
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roh_lupine_85 Is <type> supposed to be the file system or just as it is?08:50
lupine_85whatever the type is08:50
lupine_85<> means mandatory parameter08:50
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=== frenetik [n=tomas@84-74-194-101.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu
roh_No idea what that means.08:50
lupine_85([]  = optional parameter)08:50
HomerRunithard, so a x86 driver wouldn't work in a x86-64 desktop?08:50
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lupine_85means you have to replace it with the right value :)08:50
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roh_lol I have no idea what that is. Define "type"08:51
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lupine_85ext2, vfat, ext3, reiserfs...08:51
segasJosefK: Hey! It worked! :)08:51
ckoehlerhow much difference is there between debian and ubuntu with just CLI?08:51
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roh_thats what I call a file system. cool. Do I need the <>08:51
lupine_85Homer: almost definitely not08:51
lupine_85roh_: no08:51
lupine_85ckoehler: "some"08:51
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ckoehlerapt repos mainly?08:52
lupine_85debian seems to have a greater variety of packages ;)08:52
lupine_85but then, ubuntu seems easier to keep ticking over08:52
ckoehleryeah I have that impression08:52
ckoehlertrying to find more info on how to use ubuntu as guest OS on Xen08:52
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ckoehlermy ignorance scares me :)08:53
roh_It seems to have mounted. I hope I can actually copy files to it now.08:53
lupine_85isn't that meant to be as easy as pie in Edgy?08:53
lupine_85(would be good if it is!)08:53
lupine_85mostly just a custom kernel though, AIUI08:54
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ckoehleryeah, Edgy08:54
ckoehlerstill running Dapper though08:54
krazykitnow then, is it just me, or are the ubuntu builds of amarok 1.4.1+ rather prone to crashing?08:55
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ckoehlerlupine_85, you're right though, custom kernel should do it08:55
lupine_85krazykit: running 1.4.2 here and not a single crash08:55
ckoehlerhave just never done that before08:55
roh_lupine_85 It appears in mount -l now but i cant seem to right to it. :.(...08:55
quietEnsignRedshirt, he said that he uses his ligtscribe burner under windows, hasn't even tried it under linux, so doesn't know how compatible it is.08:55
krazykitlupine_85: using the xine engine?08:55
lupine_85roh_: you will probably need to write as root08:55
lupine_85krazykit: that's the only one left now08:55
EnsignRedshirtquiet: Thanks for checking.  I'll do some googling.08:55
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joachim-nis there a way to find terminal commands in the history starting with a particular letter?08:56
lupine_85it plays constantly - up for 72 hours right now - and like I say, not a single crash08:56
roh_lupine_85 I honestly dont know the term command to copy files.08:56
krazykitlupine_85: interesting.  mine sometimes freezes after playing a file, or freezes while paused.  i can't figure out what triggers it.  it happens on 2 different machines running pretty much the same stuff08:56
krazykitroh_: cp08:56
hubuntu_______cp is copy :)08:56
muhammadheey  i have mounted an iso file and its workin fine but every time i do restarting i must remount again the iso file how can i save the mount into fstab ?08:56
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roh_x_x thanks fellas. I hate being a newb.08:56
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RudyValenciaI'm having problems with samba in ubuntu dapper - my Windows XP Professional machine can't connect to it, even though I edited smb.conf to have "workgroup = WORKGROUP".08:57
roh_Thats what I get for waisting years getting good with windows.....08:57
lupine_85joachim-n: cat ~/.bash_history |<some clever console wizardry>08:57
raphaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH that cannot be possible that I'm the only person wanting to connect Windows and Ubuntu???08:57
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hubuntu_______rudy is it a server you have installed or a samba share on a desktop?08:57
joachim-nlupine_85: ah. I though there was some way I could start typing a command and then find previous ones that matched08:57
RudyValenciaI am setting up the Ubuntu computer to be the server.08:57
hubuntu_______rapha server or desktop /(ubuntu)08:58
raphahubuntu_______: Desktop08:58
lupine_85joachim-n: never heard of a way to do that. would be handy though, I agree08:58
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hubuntu_______you made a share for windows on ubuntu, right?08:58
krazykitjoachim-n: i think you'll want some combination of sed and grep, and i'm not familiar enough with sed to tell you how08:58
quietEnsignRedshirt, looks like they are tryig to get the functionality built into k3b... but it'll probably be a while.08:58
moparfan90is there a change log for 6.06.108:58
moparfan90or what ever it is08:58
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raphahubuntu_______: actually, I'm trying it both ways. I have a share on each box. Both require a password when trying to connect from the other box, but I've not set a password anywhere.08:58
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NordicThorhow do i connect as a super user?08:58
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EnsignRedshirtquiet: Yup... I found a thread in the forums about it.  Looks like I won't bother buying one.08:59
RudyValenciaI'm trying to set up the Ubuntu box to provide a share for the Windows box to access.08:59
NordicThorhow do i connect as a super user?08:59
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Hubuntuok... set up samba and the go to www.ubuntuguide.org if it's  a server you want09:00
hsunda3Is there anyway I can find out what are the volume labels, or what partition has been mounted under what label using the command line?09:00
GaiaX11Which is the best laptop to install ubuntu with wireless? I mean the best brand09:00
RudyValenciaI see the server but I double-click it and I get a message saying "access denied".09:00
Hubuntuif it is just a share wel.. That I have not tried, but I guess you will have to add users and give access on the samba config file09:00
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krazykitGaiaX11: it's hard to know what kind of wireless card a laptop will have... one dell model alone has 4 different cards that it could be09:01
Hubuntufrom windows?09:01
Hubuntuyouo see the server from windows?09:01
RudyValenciaHubuntu: Ye09:01
roh_I still cant manage to copy the directories I want....09:01
Hubuntuok... then, on windows, try to mount the share as a network driver using the user name and apssword you have in ubuntu09:01
Set_Killerhey, i`m using ubuntu amd64 and the sound is VARY bad. why ? and how can i fix that problem ?09:01
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RudyValenciaBut when I double click it I get "\\Server is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to fiind out if you have access permissions. Access is denied."09:02
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Hubuntugiven, of course, that you have given samba the network user access... I managed to figure it out with www.ubuntuguide.org, it may look like im advertisingm but im not, I just think it is a good resource for newbies :)09:03
=== rofl0r [n=rofl0r@85-124-120-1.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #UBUNTU
GaiaX11krazykit: If i buy one of them, how do I know if the card is compatible with ubuntu beforehand? This could avoid buying one that has a non-compatible ubunto wireless card.09:03
kishorei hav just turned on to swiftfox..09:03
Hubuntulog in as another user, is an option under windows...09:03
kishorefrom fire fox09:03
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kishoreDetails: Failed to execute child process "/usr/share/pixmaps/swiftfox.png" (Permission denied)09:04
Hubuntuansd try again09:04
Set_Killerhey, i`m using ubuntu amd64 and the sound is VARY bad. why ? and how can i fix that problem ?09:04
skipp_OSXhow do turn off shadow passwd in Ubuntu... need to do it for nis09:04
raphaelhas anybody made packet injection with ipw2200?09:04
Hubunturapha... have you gotten an answer yet?09:04
raphaelyes, thx09:04
krazykitGaiaX11: the problem is, you really can't.  it's a matter of brand.  you can check out the ubuntu wiki for the laptop, but i don't know how else to find out, short of calling the company...09:04
kishoregettign error like this whn tried to open applications->internet->swiftfox09:04
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raphaHubuntu: about samba stuff? nope...09:04
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krazykitGaiaX11: though i'm considering buying a better-supported mini-pci card.  they're like 20 bucks09:04
kishoreDetails: Failed to execute child process "/usr/share/pixmaps/swiftfox.png" (Permission denied) this was the error message09:04
Set_Killermay someone help me?09:05
Hubuntuwhat is the problem? you manage to see the share from windows?09:05
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RudyValenciaAgain: I see the icon representing \\Server but when I double click it I get "\\Server is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to fiind out if you have access permissions. Access is denied."09:05
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kishorehelp needed09:06
raphaHubuntu: I'm not seeing it, but I can try to map it. But it doesn't accept the username/password I have under Ubuntu.09:06
HubuntuI think you need to make some changes at the samba.config09:06
Hubuntubut, you see the share when maping?09:06
raphaHubuntu: what shall I enter into it?09:06
krazykitkishore: it's a hack, but you can change the permissions.  777 would probably fix it, but it's not really a good idea to chmod stuff 777...09:07
raphaHubuntu: No, I don't see my Ubuntu computer in Windows.09:07
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Hubuntuyou should be able to see it09:07
raphaWhat's wrong then?09:07
Hubuntutry: sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart09:07
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GaiaX11krazykit: I've never opened a laptop to check if it has slots for a new wireless card. But, is it possible to buy the card and install on the motherboard as it is possible in a PC?09:07
Hubuntuon the ubuntu machine09:07
linuchsanHubuntu:smb.conf, not samba.config09:08
Hubuntusorry smb.config09:08
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raphaHubuntu: did that09:08
Hubuntulong time not changing it you know... ponce set up it just runs ;-)09:08
raphaeldo you know a tool to find and connect to w-lans?09:08
krazykitGaiaX11: depending on the model, yeah.  my laptop has a really easy access to the mini-pci slot.  some you might have to totally open the case.  dells are like that, i think.  hp and compaq seem to be easy to get to.  they use the crappy broadcom wireless card though09:08
krazykitGaiaX11: dell tends to use broadcom, too09:09
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Kjohnviewhey i can have tow distros in mi DD09:09
Kjohnviewin my Harddisks09:09
krazykitKhamael: yeah09:09
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krazykitKjohnview: yeah.09:10
rapharaphael: network-manager-gnome09:10
krazykitsorry Khamael09:10
raphaelthx rapha09:10
krazykitKjohnview: but it takes a touch more work09:10
Kjohnviewi wanna have devuian and mandriva09:10
raphaHubuntu: I can do smbclient -L localhost and that works09:10
krazykitKjohnview: debian, you mean?09:10
raphaHubuntu: I can also do smbclient -L windows-machine and that also shows me its shares09:10
Kjohnviewso so09:10
twosharphi, i just installed the xfce4-screenshooter-plugin but i cant find how to launch it, no similar commands or anything :s09:10
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Hubunturapha maybe you should try setting up a samba server... I remember reading that the Shared folders under ubuntu can give trouble... Maybe it is just a matter of setting up the option for access on thos folders...09:11
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raphaHubuntu: meanwhile I09:11
Kjohnviewdeivan ok,,,09:11
RudyValenciaI give up.09:11
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raphaHubuntu: meanwhile I've anyways edited the smb.conf anyways... but it looks fine09:11
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KjohnviewRudy speaks Spanish???09:12
Kjohnviewrudy fron valencia venezuela??09:12
raphaHubuntu: so how would I know what options to change?09:12
Kjohnviewor SPAIN09:12
Hubuntuhablas espaol?09:12
RudyValenciaKjohnview, I am from america but family ancestors are from spain09:12
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Hubuntunot sure rapha... I have a clean samba server09:12
krazykitKjohnview: there are spanish channels.  ubuntu-es and probably debian-es09:12
KjohnviewOK cool...09:12
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RudyValenciaKjohnview, yes my name is "Rudy Valencia"09:13
Kjohnviewdo you know these chanel Devian-es??09:13
KjohnviewOk ja jaajaa09:13
Kjohnviewwell ruddy your last name is valencia09:13
Kjohnviewfine!!! Im forn valencia09:14
ToHellWithGAhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Netboot about 1/4 of the way down says "sudo cp -av /media/cdrom0/install/netboot/* /var/lib/tftpboot/" yet i don't see a directory /install/netboot/ on the dapper installation disc.  is it on there?09:14
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hsunda3How do you change your hostname so that it remains after reboot? I tried 'hostname newname' and sudo started giving me errors that it couldn't succeeed in getnamebyhost() or something.09:14
RudyValenciaHubuntu, I don't want to install GNOME on my server09:14
HubuntuDO read both all steps09:14
Hubuntuok... I thought you had a desktop... then09:14
raphaHubuntu: clean = standard ubuntu version of smb.conf?09:14
Hubuntu(gnome has nothing to do on a servere ;)09:14
Kjohnviewwhata do you want??09:14
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RudyValenciaI have /dev/hda3 as /web and I want to share that with windows users09:15
Hubuntuthere you go...09:15
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Kjohnviewhubuntu what up?09:16
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ubotunetworkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkManager09:17
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HubuntuWhat i meant is that a server, in my point of view, should not have X at all.09:17
Hubuntubut that's me09:17
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shut-how u set a root pass09:17
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rixxonHubuntu: i agree. although i think a server shouldn't be linux either ;)09:17
magnetshut-: sudo passwd root09:17
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SkyrailAnyone here managed to get a ZyXEL 630-C modem working with Ubtuntu?09:18
raphaelhow can i connect to a microsoft-network?09:18
Hubuntuwell... depending on what kind of server.. I like linux on the server :)09:18
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rixxonraphael: you mean a network share? try smb://hostname09:18
rixxonraphael: (in nautilus)09:18
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Skyrailtsuki ??09:18
rixxonHubuntu: i prefer openbsd09:18
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raphaelmy friend said something about samba, samba-common, nfs, nfs-common09:19
hondjeI like my servers to run dog slow, too!09:19
Hubunturixxon where you thinking of a *nix flavor or something else?09:19
rixxonraphael: "smb" = samba09:19
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shut-E: Couldn't find package sun-java5-jre09:19
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Skyrailtsuki ?09:19
shut-how come it wasnt found09:19
rixxonHubuntu: don't you know openbsd?09:19
gnomefreakshut-: enable multiverse repo09:19
tsukiWHAT sKYRAIL09:19
rixxonHubuntu: it's a unix flavor, yes09:19
raphaeland what's nfs09:19
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tsukiWHAT SKYRAIL09:19
gnomefreak!repos > shut-09:19
gnomefreakshut-: read your pm09:19
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Ricardohi guys, i am having a hell of a time getting my BCM4306 802.11g built in inside my laptop to work09:20
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rixxontsuki: could you please calm down?09:20
krazykitRicardo: you're not the only one.  at this point, ndiswrapper, in my opinion, is a better option09:20
Hubuntunice, secure but you know.... I like lamp to be up and running in 30 minutes... I guess an experienced BSD user manages to do that on OpenBSD, but I just don't have the time to learn that... So... If I had, maybe I would considering it. One whole on the default since 199X is as  secure as it gets :)09:20
Ricardohrm ok09:21
=== Braintix [n=braintix@0x3e42d033.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
ckoehlerso anyone here who uses dapper as guest OS on Xen?09:21
rixxonHubuntu: imho, it's worth the extra work09:21
krazykittsuki: if you're going to insult people, just leave.09:21
SkyrailDoes anyone know how I can get my USB modem working with Ubuntu?09:21
hsunda3Ricardo: I think I have a bcm4306 as well, and I have it working using ndiswrapper only09:22
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tsuki 09:22
Ricardodoes it work?09:22
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rixxonHubuntu: vulnerabilities are often fixed in openbsd before they're even discovered ;p09:22
Hubuntuif you are hosting a "real" server yeah... but we use dyndns and just 3 people use it... so LAMP Dapper is fine :) (SugarCRM, Joomla, Samba, SSH, iFolder... and that is it basically)09:22
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bean-ohHubuntu, 30 minutes if you're installing from a clone. "secure out of the box" is not secure enough in most cases. if it were me i'd spend a lot more than 30 minutes on a new install.09:22
hsunda3Ricardo: yes, it works using ndiswrapper for me (it worked even back in Breezy)09:22
krazykitRicardo: it's actually pretty simple.  if you're somewhat versed with the commandline, you can use the ndiswrapper wiki for all the steps09:22
Ricardowhat about power usage09:23
Ricardoand like bandwidth09:23
tsukiESTO APESTA09:23
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Hubuntuwell... 30 minutes and then apt-get update / upgrade automatically09:23
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twosharphi, i just installed the xfce4-screenshooter-plugin but i cant find how to launch it, no similar commands or anything :s anyone know the command?09:23
rixxonHubuntu: see, they use a different stdlib. you run much lower chance of getting a buffer overflowed and shellcode injected on obsd...09:23
mikeconceptsare logs of this channel available anywhere?09:24
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krazykitRicardo: ndiswrapper works well enough with it.  i've never had issues09:24
TurtleBootshas anyone here successfully installed the Java Runtime Environment plugin for FireFox??09:24
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krazykitubotu: tell mikeconcepts about logs09:24
bean-ohHubuntu, thats not what i meant. locking down services, apache, ssh, etc.09:24
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hondjeOBSD has super wonderful smp support, too.09:24
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Ricardoi just wonder if you can set the card to lowp ower mode09:24
Ricardolow power mode09:24
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rixxonHubuntu: "lamp" (rather bamp? heh) is probably pretty easy to set up in openbsd aswell, it does have a repository you know09:24
Hubuntuyou mean like selinux?09:24
krazykitRicardo: eh... i dunno.  unlikely :-/09:24
hondjeIt's a performance king! :D09:25
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mikeconceptskrazykit, thanks09:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about plugin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:25
Hubuntubut it is just one click on the dapper-server cd and you go :)09:25
bean-ohrixxon, openbsd is real nice.09:25
Ricardoi just wonder because my battery life already sucks balls in this dell laptop09:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about JavaRuntimeEnvironment - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:25
Hubuntubackup the smb.config and network_users file sources.list09:25
rixxonbean-oh: yes. every server in the world should run it ;)09:25
shut-thag didnt help me09:25
Hubuntuand you are done.. Im a sales man, not a sysadmin ;)09:25
bean-ohrixxon, yes, in a perfect world.  but in big business, gotta go with whats supported..09:26
trakieso i have 2 monitors connected, 2 video cards, it all works - but I cant drag windows from one to the other.  I can start apps in either, just cant drag them to the other.  is there a way to drag them across??09:26
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rixxonbean-oh: well, they should make obsd supported...! *cry*09:26
HubuntuI did try it once, ut found it rather difficult (that is like several years ago) maybe i'll give it a try soon09:26
rixxonopenbsd was the first *nix i ever installed and used09:26
Hubuntuis it good for clusters? I mean softwarewise...09:26
algabonehi everybody09:27
Ricardofreebsd was my first posix os09:27
rixxonwas a total windows junkie back then.09:27
ThunderMTurtleBoots : sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jre sun-java5-plugin09:27
rixxonso nah, not that complex ;)09:27
algabonedoes anyone know an repository for gnome 2.16 ?09:27
Ricardoback then linux had shit for package management though09:27
TurtleBootsThunderM: whatta guy!09:27
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rixxonRicardo: fbsd was my second, switching from obsd. than i switched back heh09:27
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ThunderMTurtleBoots:  and then sudo update-alternatives --config java09:27
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hondjeHubuntu: No, it's not09:27
Ricardoopenbsd was secure for a server but too slow for a desktop09:27
aLPHa_LeaK brb09:27
Hubuntuso why did you end up here, with ubuntu?09:27
Hubuntui mean just curios, not offensive :)09:27
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Ricardobut if i had to put a server out in the real world09:28
Ricardoit would be openbsd given my choice09:28
TurtleBootsThunderM: whats the second one do??09:28
Ricardoopenbsd is rock solid09:28
ThunderMTurtleBoot : and you choose  the option that corresponds to J2SE (option 3 usually)09:28
rixxonHubuntu: well, as i said. server. i use ubuntu on my laptop09:28
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shut-anyone know why it says E: Couldn't find package sun-java5-jre09:28
Hubuntuwhat you think of debian as a server?09:28
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hondjerock solid and rock slow09:28
ThunderMTurtleBoot : it tells the system what java instalation to use09:28
TurtleBootsThunderM: ahh ok... I'll give it a go. Thanks09:29
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rixxonHubuntu: if i was to run a linux on a server, i'd probably go with debian09:30
rixxonalthough i have no experiance with linux as server09:30
Hubuntubut ubuntu is based on debian09:30
=== hondje runs lots of production stuff on debian
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shut-so do u guys know where i get E: Couldn't find package sun-java5-jre09:30
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HubuntuI would go as far as saying theat ubuntu on the server is debian09:30
Hubuntu(tried netcraft wand guess what? it was recognized as debian.. )09:30
hivearmyCan anyone help me with my wireless problem?09:30
Hubuntubut you know.. I've been wrong before09:31
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hondjeNot quite the same, though similar09:31
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Hubuntuhopefully as secure as...09:31
m1sh-L_my networkmanager-applet doesn't show wireless networks! but i'm now connected by wireless! what can i do?09:32
TurtleBootsThunderM: Sweetness!! Thanks mate!! :oD09:32
hondjeDebian is nice, but RH et al have a lot better support09:32
HubuntuA key lesson from the Debian heritage is that of security by default. The Ubuntu Server has no open ports after the installation and contains only the essential software needed to build a secure server.09:32
=== krazykit is not a redhat/fedora fan
shut-what do u use for printer09:33
rixxonm1sh-L_: i think you need to edit /etc/network/interfaces09:33
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ThunderMshut- : http://easylinux.info/wiki/Ubuntu_dapper#How_to_add_extra_repositories to add repositories and then http://easylinux.info/wiki/Ubuntu_dapper#How_to_install_J2SE_Runtime_Environment_.28JRE.29_with_Plug-in_for_Mozilla_Firefox09:33
ThunderMTurtleBoots : you're welcome :)09:33
hondje'security by default'? Then why, for example, is /dev/shm mounted rw? :-D09:33
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brittneyhow do i set an universal path for the system? I want to set /opt/bin for all the users to exec09:34
m1sh-L_<rixxon>: why edit this file? shoud i remove wireless-essid and key?09:34
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Hubuntusymlink /opt/bin to /usr/bin09:34
brittneyi have a /usr/bin to09:34
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brittneyor how do u mean?09:35
hsunda3brittney you can modify the corresponding file in /etc/skel so that from now on new users will have that in their path. For the current users you can symlink /opt/bin to an existing path directory.09:35
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GpFhi! my locales seem to be broken, as I cannot reconfigure it. anyone with an idea why? (ubuntu server 6.06lts, patched 5 mins ago)09:35
hivearmyI installed the windows wireless driver for my card. but it still won't work...?09:36
GpFdpkg-reconfigure locales doesn't display the configuration dialog, just regenerates the existing en_US locale :(09:37
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darnellwhen i logged into gnome the gtkpod icon is on the desktop.. and when i open it it works fine..09:38
kozmicwhy are so many gnome applets removed from the default install.. or how do i get most gnome applets? (do i have to get them one by one?)09:38
darnellwhy doesnt it do that with kubuntu09:38
kitchedarnell: well does it spit out any errors?09:38
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hondjekozmic: apt-cache search applet | grep gnome maybe :)09:38
gubluntuDoes anyone know how i can capture screen on a specific workspace, via remote ssh?09:39
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darnellwhen i unplug and plug my ipod into my usb port.. it does nothing09:39
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MajoR_bgWhere are you from people09:39
JonfI installed easy ubuntu, how can I create a shortcut to it?09:39
kitchedarnell: try this open up an xterm and type in gtkpod09:39
hondjegubluntu: I'd install imagemagik (IIRC) and use the import command that comes with it, or maybe log in with X forwarding and do it locally09:40
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GpFanyone with an idea on my locales problem?09:40
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darnellit opens gtkpod..09:40
darnellthe problem is it doesnt see the songs i have on it09:40
darnellit says disconnected at the bottom09:41
raptor31anyone know how to install the java plugin for firefox PM me09:41
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Ricardoi installed network manager but where does it show up?09:41
gubluntuhondje, dont think x forwarding is a good idea, my home machine is running xgl/compiz09:41
gubluntuthanks though09:41
gubluntuill check it out09:41
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Ricardoit's always these small setup problems that make me go back to xp... so annoying09:42
hondjeyep, import comes iwth imagemagik09:42
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trakieI have 2 monitors working, except I cant drag windows from one to the other, is there anyway to do that?09:43
=== ChrisCox [n=chatzill@user-54424811.l5.c2.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Guitarhero11anyone know why i would only be getting playback out of the left speaker?  Ive tested them and its not the speakers.  They used to work with everything but then only one works now and wolfenstein doesnt anymore with sound09:43
shut-thanks alot09:43
shut-it worked09:43
ChrisCoxJosefK: Do you know how to install Flash player for FireFox?09:43
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kitcheGuitarhero11: check your mixer settings they might be set up to only play out of the left speaker09:44
swinchenI have a really strange issue.  I am using the i810 video driver, and when I am using a 3D application...  randomly the screen goes black, and the icon flickers a few times between a pointer and the spinning wait symbol.   Then it goes away completely.   The system becomes entirely unreponsive.   Any ideas?09:44
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ThunderMChrisCox : sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree09:45
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ChrisCoxThunderM: Thanks09:45
ThunderMChrisCox: and then sudo update-flashplugin09:45
GpFanyone with an idea on my locales problem?09:45
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Hubuntupeace out09:45
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ChrisCoxThunderM: It couldnt find that package09:45
DethKlokHow do I change the default resolution for my TTY consoles?09:46
swinchenMaybe this isn't even the right place to ask.09:46
ThunderMChrisCox : then you need to enable the extra repositories09:46
ChrisCoxThunderM: I have...09:46
GpFis there anyone who knows why is dpkg-reconfigure locales is broken?09:46
Guitarhero11kitche: nope just checked its centered09:46
DethKlokChriscox: sudo apt-get update , did you run that command after you updated the repositories09:47
ChrisCoxDethKlok: Nope09:47
ThunderMChrisCox : i guess it doesn't hurt to double check .. so do this: http://easylinux.info/wiki/Ubuntu_dapper#How_to_add_extra_repositories09:47
choronzonhi, hope someone could help me out. I just installed ubuntu on my second hard drive. the 1st hard drive is running winXP. I think Im missing something, but I cant get into ubuntu. any ideas?09:47
kitcheGuitarhero11: is your sound card a soundblaster or another one that can have many channels of output or is the speakers seperate09:47
Guitarhero11soundblaster audigy 2 of some sort09:48
redbluefishHow do you check from the command line to see what distribution is running on the computer.  I tried to upgrade from breezy to dapper, and I want to prove to myself that I am running 6.06 .09:48
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redbluefishI tried uname, but that only seems to give kernal information.09:48
ChrisCoxDethKlok: I'm running that now09:48
Guitarhero11kitche: my speakers both plug into the woofer, then the woofer plugs into the card09:48
Ricardoi can't seem to make ndiswrapper work, it still sees the old driver09:48
DethKlokchriscox: after you do that then try doing what you were doing.09:48
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gnomefreakredbluefish: lsb_release -a09:48
ChrisCoxDethKlok: Thank you09:48
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CelesteCan ndiswrapper use every driver from windows?  I have got a UMTS Connect card....09:48
gnomefreakredbluefish: or uname -a09:49
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kitcheGuitarhero11: hmm your card might not be set up right, but then again I never set up sound that uses a woofer then speakers09:49
kitcheCeleste: no it can only use certain chipset drivers09:49
Guitarhero11kitche: im reinstalling ubuntu on a new hard drive soon, maybe it will properly install the card that way.09:49
ChrisCoxDethKlok: Still didnt work09:50
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DethKlokChriscox: What are you trying to do?09:50
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ChrisCoxDethKlok: Install Flash Player for Mozilla FireFox09:50
choronzonafter installing ubuntu on a second hard drive, do I have to do something extra so I can dual boot it with my current win XP installation?09:50
redbluefishuname -a yields: Linux ubuntu 2.6.15-23-686 #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue May 23 14:03:07 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux09:50
Guitarhero11choronzon: you'll have to include windows in your grub.menu file09:51
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DethKlokChriscox: and you updated the sources.list file with the one on ubuntuguide.org ?09:51
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kitcheredbluefish: it's in /etc probably called ubuntu-version09:51
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crocdcan anybody suggest a good application to create thumbnails for html pages?09:51
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ChrisCoxDethKlok: Don't get all technical on me, i only installed Ubuntu a few days ago...09:52
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DethKlokChriscox: lol alright, goto ubuntuguide.org and click adding extra repositories09:52
choronzonI dont even have a grub menu or anything. it just boots XP normally. and when I tell the bios to boot from the hard drive where ubuntu is installed, it just says "missing OS"09:52
davvshow do i see info about how much space i have left on the harddrive?09:52
aikiein which folder should you place deb's to be found by the package manager09:52
crocdChrisCox: have you just used x86 or is it a 64 bit installation09:52
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DethKlokChriscox: And follow what it says.  That page should be your Bible for awhile09:53
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fh|killylo - I want to burn an ogm file to a dvd... my cheap dvd player won't play it, how can I convert the ogm to avi? (dapper)09:53
crocddavvs: enter df it will diplay usage of hd partitions09:53
redbluefishlsb_release -a gives me everything I was looking for.09:53
DethKlokAnyone know how to change defualt resolution for the TTY consoles?09:54
jvaihey all..09:54
davvsthanks crocd09:54
swinchenit is amazing how different each flavor of linux is.09:54
jvai<-- grabs pen & paper09:54
swinchenI am coming from Arch linux, and am having a difficult time getting adjusted.09:54
kitcheswinchen: their not that different all you ave to learn is the defaults but then again I used pretty much all of the distros that are main stream09:55
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DethKlokswinchen: I think it comes down to which one makes it easier to to install programs.09:55
crocddavvs: np09:56
crocddavvs: do a man df and it will give you more instructions on usage.09:56
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jvaiyep.. what i find similar are the basics... file systems/ commands... it's mostly all similar09:56
jvaijust the innerfaces r.. different09:56
DethKlokThen one day you come across Debian and use apt-get for the first time and fall in love.09:57
swinchenIndeed.   I have no idea how Ubuntu mounts CD's automatically and little things like that.09:57
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jvailol.. soo09:57
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shut-how do u upgrad java09:57
kitcheswinchen: it's hal and dbus every distro can do that if you have it set up right09:57
ThunderMDethKlok : i've already pointed him there09:57
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jvai:( @ java.. it's in my home folder.. but for nuthin.. it wont work09:58
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swinchenArch's pacman is pretty awesome, although slower than apt-get.   And there are a few things I still don't know how to do in apt.   Such as listing all the files of a package installed and things like that.09:58
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DethKlokThunderM: My bad I sorta just jumped in on you helping him :(09:58
linopilneed to repair ext3FS09:58
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fyrestrtrswinchen: list all files of a package installed : dpkg -L packagename09:58
linopilwhere is the journal ?09:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about journal - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:59
fyrestrtrswinchen: dpkg is the dark side of apt get ;)09:59
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shut-i am wondering if i can upgrade my java09:59
shut-how can i do it09:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ext3fs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:59
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fyrestrtrshut-: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade will fetch all updates (including Java) if you have installed Java from the repositories09:59
aumhi - ub is not coping with my mustek bearpaw 1200CU scanner - says "failed to open device 'gt68xx:libusb:001:002': invalid argument" - any suggestions?10:00
=== alex_ [n=alex@Ottawa-HSE-ppp3649755.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
swinchenahhh ok.  fyrestrtr, thanks.   Interesting, I am also trying to figure out the relationship between apt-get, apt-cache and dpkg.10:00
hondjeapt-file is nice to use, too10:00
HotDrivehi. need a architect programa for linux, any sugestion?10:00
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jazzrockerHotDrive, you mean CAD?10:00
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HotDriveyes, something like it10:01
fyrestrtrapt-* are just higher level abstractions of the dpkg tool. In fact, apt-* and even aptitude and synaptic just pass commands to dpkg (afaik).10:01
erUSULHotDrive: qcad (only 2D)10:01
DethKlokAnyone know how to change terminal resolutions?10:01
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swinchenfyrestrtr, it sounds more convient to just learn dpkg then?10:01
fyrestrtrDethKlok: you need to enable framebuffer console. There is a wiki entry for it :)10:01
HotDriveis it on the repositories?10:01
jvaiwill totem-xine open shoutcast streams automatically? i had all the non free codecs thus far10:01
hondjedpkg won't grab packages from repos10:02
jvaii couldnt do it from work.. i think on the strength of the frirewall10:02
DethKlokfyrestrtr: search for framebuffer console?10:02
fyrestrtrswinchen: not really -- since apt and friends protect you from seriously messing up your system. If your packaging backend is corrupted -- no matter what distro, you are in for some serious headaches.10:02
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fyrestrtrDethKlok: yes :)10:02
kaothah DethKlok, best nick ever10:02
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TheProphet[S] hi10:03
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fyrestrtrjvai: sudo aptitude -r install streamtuner <-- best online radio app :)10:03
TheProphet[S] how do i change permissions for files and devices from console?10:03
hondjeTheProphet[S] : chmod command10:03
fyrestrtrTheProphet[S] : for files, use the 'chmod' command.10:03
DethKloktheprophet[s] : man chmod10:03
jvaiooo, is that it own app, or does it work thru anothr app @ fyrestrtr10:04
erUSULHotDrive: vericad10:04
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TheProphet[S] oki thank you10:04
Basher___i'm in on trillian10:04
segasanyone here who might be able to help me how to install a game?10:04
codyzappwhere can i download cups for ubuntu?10:04
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fyrestrtrjvai: its it own app. It allows you to browse various streams, play them (via xmms) and even record streams.10:04
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swinchenmuahaha, I have installed the power to play encrypted DVD's!10:04
TheProphet[S] what about that ntfs partition? how do i let my user read it?10:04
jvaiooo i need xmms!!!!!10:04
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fyrestrtrcodyzapp: cups is already part of ubuntu. To add printers, go to system > administration > printing10:04
segasanyone know what this means? "checking for C++ compiler default output file name... configure: error: C++ compiler cannot create executables"10:04
raphaelhi, i've got a problem: i want to play an avi-video in amarok, but i can only hear the sound10:05
shut-is there a pacage manger10:05
codyzappfyrestrtr, kk thx10:05
fyrestrtrjvai: that command I gave you will fetch all the things you need.10:05
segasthis was during a ./configure10:05
swinchenWhat do people think of xubuntu vs. ubuntu?10:05
asdfjkli am connecting to a windows box with vnc and the scroll bars only scroll once down and then i can't scroll up anyone know how to fix this?10:05
codyzappshut-, did u read what he said..10:05
Boglizk_Xfce > Gnome10:05
jvaiok.. thanks ( scrolls up)10:05
fyrestrtrsegas: means you need to install a proper build system and a compiler. What are you trying to compile?10:05
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fyrestrtrswinchen: that kind of talk is for #ubuntu-offtopic :)10:05
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magnetswinchen: use xubuntu on slower machines (I use both)10:06
raphaelwhat can i do, if amarok only plays the sound of a video but i can't see anything10:06
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swinchenSorry, I didnt realize it is off topic10:06
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HotDriveerUSUL-> I can't find it on the repositories, is there any site that gives info on such progrms?10:06
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erUSULHotDrive: qcad is on the repos vericad is comercial product though10:07
fyrestrtrswinchen: we like to keep this channel for support issues :)10:07
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erUSUL!info qcad10:07
ubotuqcad: A professional CAD System. In component universe, is optional. Version (dapper), package size 2872 kB, installed size 12564 kB10:07
=== Gwaihir [n=Gwaihir@ppp-52-105.25-151.libero.it] has joined #ubuntu
jvaii thought that xubnutu would have the *exact* apps as gnome, but thats not the case10:07
shut-my printer isnt in there10:07
Mr0bviousI want to have a CGI script run in /var/www/irc (irc cgi script I found). How do I enable it to run?10:07
swinchenok, here is my support question:10:07
fyrestrtrshut-: did you install it?10:07
erUSULHotDrive: as you can see qcad is on the universe repo10:07
shut-its a cana pixma ip 160010:07
swinchenI have a really strange issue.  I am using the i810 video driver, and when I am using a 3D application...  randomly the screen goes black, and the icon flickers a few times between a pointer and the spinning wait symbol.   Then it goes away completely.   The system becomes entirely unreponsive.   Any ideas?10:07
shut-i don know how10:07
crocdMr0bvious: cgi scripts by default should be in cgi-bin folder10:07
fyrestrtrshut-: first, find out how well its support by browsing linuxprinting.org10:07
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Mr0bviouscrocd: Ok yeah, do I need to create a cgi-bin folder?10:08
Mr0bviouscrocd: Or can I edit my apache httpd.conf file?10:08
crocdit should be under /var/www/cgi-bin10:09
jvaiyaho movies suk.... they require ie or netscape to view the trailers10:09
fyrestrtrswinchen: the system is normal otherwise?10:09
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crocdMr0bvious: use gedit to edit the httpd.conf file or vim10:09
fyrestrtrswinchen: other apps work fine, and you have direct rendering enabled (ie, accelerated graphics)10:09
HotDriveok, thanks! see ya10:09
Mr0bviouscrocd: Yeah I know. I'm good with CLI10:09
swinchenfyrestrtr, yes and yes.  It seems fine10:09
Mr0bviousI prefer vi :)10:09
swinchenswinchen@strongbad:/var/log$ glxinfo | grep dire10:10
swinchendirect rendering: Yes10:10
kitcheI prefer vim myself10:10
=== hondje doesn't care, as long as it isn't emacs :D
crocdMr0bvious: OK use vim then, check to see if you have a cgi-bin folder though10:10
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Mr0bviousI don't think I do.10:10
=== ChrisCox [n=chatzill@user-54424811.l5.c2.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
fyrestrtrswinchen: this happens on *every* 3D app, or just a specific app?10:10
Mr0bviouscrocd: Nope.10:10
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crocdto make a script usable you need to chmod 755 scriptname. then it should work10:11
swinchenfyrestrtr, It has happened on a screen saver, scorched3d and flightgear10:11
crocdMr0bvious: does httpd.conf have a cgi-bin refence?10:11
fyrestrtrswinchen: seems like bad opengl support for your card, not much you can do about that, unfortunately.10:11
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fyrestrtrcrocd: on ubuntu, httpd.conf is blank :)10:11
shut-how come frostwire dont see java installed10:11
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ChrisCoxJosefK: You there mate?10:12
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fyrestrtr!java > shut-10:12
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swinchenfyrestrtr, that is what I suspected.  Thanks for backing up my theory.10:12
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moparfan90i am trying to install steam on ubuntu and after i do the command $ wine Steaminstall.exe everything seems fine unilt it trys and updates steam then it just goes away with this error:    Unknown device ID 554F, please report. Assuming plain R300.10:12
crocdMr0bvious: hang on10:12
shut-i did10:12
moparfan90any ideas?10:12
ChrisCoxI need help with my sound10:12
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Mr0bviouscrocd: Would it be a good idea to copy/paste my entire httpd.conf to a pastebin somewhere?10:12
fyrestrtrswinchen: for extra bonus points, try running the apps from a console and note any errors. This is the first step. If there aren't any errors, you know for sure its a driver issue :)10:12
shut-i did sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jre10:12
ChrisCoxI have just installed Flash, but not getting any sound, yet sound works normally for other things, any ideas?10:13
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fyrestrtrmoparfan90: do you have accelerated drivers installed?10:13
swinchenfyrestrtr, Errors when it crashes?   I can't because the computer freezes10:13
moparfan90for video?10:13
kitcheChrisCox: that is a bug with Flash10:13
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thetictacaddictI have a question that seems like it should be basic but I don't know how to search for an answer10:14
moparfan90i dont have video yet that is next on my thing to do. but it should work.. ill go install and try again10:14
ChrisCoxkitche: How does it fix?10:14
jvaihay all.. thank u so much. bbac latr on... dont forget to eat ppl, it's what your body needs10:14
lupine_85ChrisCox: in FireFox?10:14
ChrisCoxthetictacaddict: Shoot.10:14
crocdMr0bvious: sorry i was working on a re hat system last week and it had cgi-bin under var10:14
ChrisCoxlupine_85: Yep10:14
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McNutellais there anyone here that may be able to help me change an imap account settings to use pop, on Thunderbird? please.10:14
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fyrestrtrChrisCox: read the sound troubleshooting section in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats10:15
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thetictacaddictwhat does it mean when: I'm using an application (usually firefox), and my mouse cursor turns into an x, firefox doesn't respond, and I can't move the mouse outside the window10:15
MystaMaxis there a howto on setting up evolution with MS Exchange servers?10:15
crocdon ubuntu it is under /usr/lib/cgi-bin10:15
lupine_85I used the plugin in konqueror, and it worked fine; then firefox automagically fixed itself as well! So maybe try using it in nautilus or something10:15
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fyrestrtrMcNutella: just create a new account in thunderbird, and set it as pop?10:15
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crocdMr0bvious: that was according to my httpd.conf file10:15
tuxedupI was messing around with the desktop icons and now the trash can in kde wont change when its empty or full, it is stuck on one or the other depending on what I set.  How dow I retun it so it changes the icon if its full or empty?10:15
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McNutellafyrestrtr, that would be the easy route, but in this account I have alot of filters that I need to use, and there is no way to export/import these.10:16
ChrisCoxthetictacaddict: (It would help if you put my name in a sentance, that way it goes bold and i can see it more clear) It means your computer is trying to do too many things at once and has overloaded, may i ask when you installed Ubuntu?10:16
=== broken [n=ragingwe@pool-71-114-90-14.washdc.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
fyrestrtrMystaMax: make sure evolution-exchange is installed, then create a new account, and choose 'Exchange' from the server type.10:16
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brokenhello, does anyone know how to fix the error http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper/Release.gpg: Connection failed [IP: 80] 10:16
fyrestrtrMcNutella: server-side filters?10:16
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Mr0bviouscrocd: I think it's pointed to /var/www/cgi-bin now10:16
brokenin synaptic i cannot download any package10:16
Mr0bviouscrocd: And I have my script and made the directory there.10:17
McNutellafyrestrtr, local10:17
Mr0bviousIt should work I'd think.10:17
fyrestrtrbroken: means the repo server is down.10:17
fatbrainHello, what app is good for unpacking archives, such as rar / zip ?10:17
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lyyhere's a question for you guys: i want to take a day off from work for no reason, what kind of excuse should I give her?10:17
Mr0bviousfatbrain: the cli command unrar or unzip10:17
lupine_85Ivy: "the cat ate my car keys"10:17
brokentell them you fell off a bridge and it hurts really bad ;(10:17
thetictacaddictChrisCox, I installed it about a month ago.  it seemed especially weird to me though because my cpu monitor wasn't particularly high10:17
fatbrainMr0bvious: thanks10:17
fyrestrtrMcNutella: there might be a way to tranfer just the rules, I did something like that (with settings) when moving from Windows to Linux a year or so ago. Google around.10:17
Mr0bviousfatbrain: You're welcome10:17
fatbrainwhat's the name of the popular? two-pane file-manager?10:17
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Agravainlyy: you need to work from home to focus on a difficult task (use much technical jargon when explaining the task)10:18
ChrisCoxthetictacaddict: Do you have alot of stuff on your system?10:18
McNutellafyrestrtr, you any idea there the settings or ini file for thunderbird is, I could look there first10:18
fyrestrtrfatbrain: norton commander?10:18
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fatbrainno, something else10:18
Agravainlyy: and choose something simple :P10:18
Mr0bviouscrocd: Do you think looking at it you could figure it out better?10:18
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angasulecan anyone recommend me a replacement for MS Project 2002? I tried Planner, but it apparently can't load Project files, so it's useless10:18
hondjefatbrain: thunar?10:18
lyyAgravain: only thing is she knows what's going on too :(10:18
crocdMrObvious: i will have alook at my system10:18
Mr0bviouscrocd: Ok.10:18
lyyAgravain: i can't feed her BS.10:18
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fyrestrtrMcNutella: ~/.mozilla-thunderbird10:19
Zibbyany known issues with the e1000 driver in the latest dapper kernel?10:19
brokendoes anyone know how to fix the bug where you can't download anything from synaptic10:19
McNutellafyrestrtr, got it, thanks :D10:19
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ChrisCoxthetictacaddict: Have you got alot of stuff on your computer?10:19
fatbrainhm... /me ponders10:19
lyyAgravain: what's a good 3 hour excuse then?10:19
fyrestrtrbroken: change your repository servers to a mirror.10:19
fyrestrtrlyy: #ubuntu-offtopic10:19
Mr0bviouscrocd: The requested URL /cgi-bin/irc.cgi was not found on this server10:19
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Agravainlyy: okay, maybe you have an appointment with some doctor or something in the middle of the day close to where you live and want to work from home to save time on commute that day - making for a shorter break from work10:20
martiimsterhow to can i conect to ubuntu-es10:20
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thetictacaddictChrisCox: well, I'm not sure what constitutes a lot.  I usually have two mail checkers, gnome panel with a system monitor thingy, and e16 as a window manager10:20
crocdMrObvious: it looks like this httpd.conf is more forgiving on ubuntu and you can chage the directory to /var/www/cgi-bin but you need to edit the httpd.conf to reflect it10:20
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fyrestrtrAgravain: lyy take it to #ubuntu-offtopic10:20
thetictacaddictchriscox: running at any given time, I mean10:20
crocdMrObvious: what are the permissions on the file?10:20
AlexCthetictacaddict, have you tried using XFCE instead of Gnome?10:20
shut-why is cannon pixma ip1600 not in printing10:20
ChrisCoxthetictacaddict: Sorry, i didn't explain my question right; what i meant was Do you have alot of files on your computer?10:21
crocdMr0bvious:  do a ls -l  check the user and group references10:21
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ChrisCoxAlexC: You smell XD10:21
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AlexYou smell too10:21
Mr0bviouscrocd: K 1 second I'll check10:21
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lolmgis there a program available to convert an xvid to mp3... or rip the audio from an xvid file ?10:21
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hondjelolmg: transcode10:21
Powerbook`I ordered cds,10:21
Agravainfyrestrtr, guys: ok, sorry, didn't knw about that channel10:21
lolmgthanks, ill check it out10:22
Powerbook`they shipped already, how long should i expect for the us?10:22
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AlexCthetictacaddict, sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop10:22
thetictacaddictAlexC, I actually started with an Xubuntu install, so yes.  gnome seems faster most of the time, actually10:22
MystaMaxfyrestrtr, its asking for my OWA URL, and i entered it, but it wont except, is there a special format for the OWA URL?10:22
AlexCthetictacaddict, I see - did it do this on XFCE?10:22
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MystaMaxfyrestrtr, oh i got it10:22
janbananI have no sound when playing flash with firefox10:22
Mr0bviouscrocd: http://pastebin.ca/16274110:23
hondjethetictacaddict: stupid question, you have swap right?10:23
thetictacaddictChrisCox, I have about 17G out of 49G used on my root partition (36% use)10:23
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JohnFluxhey all10:23
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modplughow do i shut down my x server?10:23
hondjeNo JohnFlux, no!10:23
brokenfyrestrtr, thanks it worked10:23
cacimodplug: Ctrl+Alt+Backspace10:24
hondjemodplug: ctrl-alt-f1, and log in .. then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop10:24
thetictacaddicthondje, yes I have a swap partition active.  it doesn't get used too much, though; I have a gig of ram10:24
ChrisCoxthetictacaddict: Do you have alot of processing power on your pc?10:24
brokeni have no replacement for security.ubuntu.com though10:24
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cacianyone tried that edgy knot-2 installer?10:24
VHockey86modplug: shutdown or just restart?10:24
Mr0bviouscrocd: Here's the URL for my server: http://binary.no-ip.org (it's a script that allows IRC).10:24
hondjeshutdown turns off the box, not just the xserver10:24
crocdMrObvious: you need to change the permision of the cgi-irc script to both be either the apache user or the user assigned to that app.10:25
thetictacaddictchriscox, I have an AMD Athlon 64 2800+ (1.8Ghz)10:25
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ChrisCoxthetictacaddict: Are there any particular sites it crashes on?10:25
fyrestrtrcaci: you'll get better answers in #ubuntu+110:25
crocdMr0bvious:  let me just check a howto i wrote hang on10:25
cacifyrestrtr: thank you10:25
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Mr0bviouscrocd: Yeah that might be it.10:26
moparfan90does anyone have steam installed though wine?10:26
thetictacaddictChrisCox: I don't think so.  just from time to time, it will freeze up, then after a few seconds it will be fine.10:26
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Mr0bviouscrocd: I can do a chown, but cat /etc/passwd doesn't show any users matching http or apache10:26
azathothmoparfan90: i do... there's a guide here btw: http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/wiwimod/index.php?page=HOWTO+Steam&back=HOWTO+INDEX+Wine+Games10:26
ChrisCoxthetictacaddict: Do you click alot?10:26
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Mr0bviouscrocd: Oh duh, it's www-data lol.10:27
crocdMr0bvious:  you must have a user that apache runs under, it is either apache or nobody.10:27
thetictacaddictchriscox: yeah, I guess I do.  I usually notice it when I'm scrolling up or down a page with the wheel10:27
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woody_sudhello, anyone with movility radeon x1400 with 3d, I need some help10:27
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moparfan90<azathoth>, i do that but when i do wine steaminstall.exe it starts the install and then goes to the updating steam screen and get to like 20% and just goes away10:28
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ChrisCoxthetictacaddict: I get lag when i use the wheel to scroll, i just say; wait, let the computer sort itself out and continue surfing ;)10:28
moparfan90i have video drivers installed and that font10:28
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PseudoPlaceboHow do I set up dual-screen in Ubuntu?10:28
azathothmoparfan90: read he troubleshooting at the bottom10:28
Mr0bviouscrocd: http://pastebin.ca/162746 <-my /etc/passwd file10:28
crocdMr0bvious:  ok first chown cgi-irc to the user then chgrp cgi-irc to the user, it is a bit cak-handed but it worked for me10:28
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crocdMr0bvious: that wasnt wise10:28
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=== azathoth hax0r's Mr0bvious
Mr0bviousBrain fart.10:29
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crocdMr0bvious: you have just given somebody a list of user to your system.10:29
fyrestrtrMr0bvious: ermm ... don't post you passwd file on the freakin intraweb!!!10:29
woody_sudhelp with ati radeon x1400 and hardward accel10:29
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thetictacaddictchriscox: okey doke10:29
ZambeziAnyone know why Links says permission denied when I'm trying to download a file?10:29
fyrestrtrwoody_sud: what's not working?10:30
ChrisCoxthetictacaddict: Come back and talk to me if you have anymore problems, i'm usually on here quite often10:30
fyrestrtrZambezi: maybe because you aren't authorized to download it?10:30
Mr0bviousNow I deleted my posting on the pastebin10:30
McNutellafyrestrtr, there is a thunderbird extension that does filter export/import for you :)10:30
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fyrestrtrMcNutella: :)10:31
thetictacaddictChrisCox: cool, thanks10:31
ChrisCoxWell guys: I gotta go, se y'all tommorrow10:31
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PseudoPlaceboHow do I set up dual-screen in Ubuntu? And also how do I change the screen resolutions allowed?10:31
djm62Can anyone tell me how to get my centrino wireless stuff to work properly after a soft suspend.  It doesn't always fail, but it doesn't always work....10:31
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crocdMrObvious: i am basing what i am telling you on a bigbrother install i did. it created a bb user and all my scripts ran as that user10:31
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djm62I imagine something needs to be altered in /etc/acpi but I don't know what or where10:32
hondjePseudoPlacebo: Depends on the card, etc ... but usually jsut set up two device, monitor, screen sctions in xorg.conf10:32
crocdMrObvious: it looks like www-data is the one you use but you have to be sure that it is going to run as a restricted user account for security purposes10:32
stinkballHi, i was wondering if there is a way to share files/folders of a windows machine to a ubuntu machine?10:32
PseudoPlacebohondje: Where is that?10:32
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Zambezifyrestrtr, I am, so that's not the problem. I can't save anything with Links.10:32
hondje /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:33
bhrobinsonPseudoPlacebo, what video cards are you using? I am currently running 4 monitors10:33
PseudoPlaceboRadeon and on-board.10:33
fyrestrtrZambezi: where are you running it from?10:33
Mr0bviouscrocd: How do I do that?10:33
bhrobinsonPseudoPlacebo, what is the chipset of the onboard?10:33
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PseudoPlaceboI don't remember offhand.10:33
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Mr0bviousI chown & chgrp -R /var/www with the www-data account10:33
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PseudoPlaceboProbably a radeon as well.10:34
bhrobinsonvery important.. there are strange things to each card10:34
crocdMr0bvious: What run as a restricted user?10:34
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Zambezifyrestrtr, From the terminal.10:34
fyrestrtrZambezi: sorry, I meant, what directory?10:34
Mr0bviouscrocd: Yeah, or something.10:34
bhrobinsonPseudoPlacebo, run a lspci and it should tell you10:34
stinkballhow do i access shared files on a windows pc with ubuntu?10:34
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Zambezifyrestrtr, A folder in my homedirectory.10:35
Mr0bvious!samba > stinkball10:35
woody_sudfyrestrtr: I installed ATI driver "ati-driver-installer-8.28.8.run" but can not enable 3D hardware accel10:35
PseudoPlaceboRadepm RV1--/10:35
PseudoPlaceboRadeon RV100.10:35
bhrobinsonPseudoPlacebo, look at the numbers that are next to both video cards10:36
woody_suddell inspiron 9400 with ati mov radeon x140010:36
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bhrobinsonPseudoPlacebo, this will tell the driver where to look for the hardware10:36
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fyrestrtrwoody_sud: did you change xorg.conf as directed?10:36
PseudoPlacebobhrobinson: Which numbers?10:36
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bhrobinsonPseudoPlacebo, 0000:01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Matrox Graphics, Inc. G400/G450 (rev 82)10:36
crocdMrObvious: you can always run it as nobody or apache user/group let me check some stuff.10:37
PseudoPlaceboAnd I want the 0000:01:00.0 ?10:37
bhrobinsonPseudoPlacebo, no, that is your pci...10:37
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covOPprometheusI'm expieriencing a problem closing the lid of my laptop, although i configured the OS (ubuntu dapper) not to do anything, the screen appears pitchblack on reopening and the system is stuck. does anyone have any idea? please PM me10:37
woody_sudfyrestrtr: and install linux-686-smp to support dual core10:37
bhrobinsonPseudoPlacebo, chat me off of here I will walk you through it all10:37
PseudoPlaceboAlright thanks.10:37
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Mr0bviouscrocd: Great.10:38
fyrestrtrwoody_sud: you probably need to install the new kernel headers and then re-install the driver. Everytime you change the kernel, you have to re-download the new headers and build the driver again.10:38
crocdMr0bvious: it looks like my first geuss was correct, the www-data user is the best one to use.10:38
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darnellwhy wouldnt the ipod program even detected any instances of my ipod connected to my computer?10:39
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woody_sudfyrestrtr: working on it....10:42
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darnellall of you hardcore linux folks and nobody can help me with an Ipod?10:43
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Wipsterhey anyone know, when I set mbmon to run as a daemon I can throw it the -I command aswell because its reading from the wrong sensor10:43
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kaoltianybody knows how to set up internet connection sharing in ubuntu?10:44
alxandra_when i try to install "libdbus-1-2" by apt-get, it tries to remove lots of things includin kernel. what should i do. please help ... ::::(10:44
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fyrestrtrkaolti: use firestarter10:44
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kaoltiyes i have it10:44
crocdMr0bvious: take a look at the link http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/howto/cgi.html with regards to making the file executable to get  the script to run, is your www-data user just a generic normal user?10:44
gnomefreakalxandra_: dont remove that lib its needed by the kernel. why are you even trying to remove it?10:44
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kaoltiwhen i run it it says could not start firewall eth0 device not ready10:45
kaoltiInternal network device eth0 is not ready. Aborting..10:45
kaoltifyrestrtr: what do u think?10:45
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moparfan90hello again.10:46
alxandra_gnomefreak. i am not trying to remove it i am trying to install vlc and it depends libdbud-1-2 and it wants to remove the kernel when being installed10:46
kaoltifyrestrtr: i need internet on a winxp machine10:46
gnomefreakalxandra_: what package exactly is it wanting to remove?10:46
moparfan90i fixed one error when trying to get steam to work though wine. but now i get another error thats not on that site10:46
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moparfan90anyone have steam working?10:47
alxandra_gnomefreak, lots of files containing dbus, linux-386 .linux-restricted modules.... and so on10:48
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covOPprometheusI'm expieriencing a problem closing the lid of my laptop, although i configured the OS (ubuntu dapper) not to do anything, the screen appears pitchblack on reopening and the system is stuck. does anyone have any idea? please PM me10:48
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trefferhi, I've managed to kill apt-get/-cache, it segfaults all the time (tries to read the package list and dies at 0%)10:48
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kaoltifyrestrtr: u there?10:48
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gnomefreakalxandra_: paste the full message to pastebin10:48
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trefferany advice? I've already tried to delete everything in /var/lib/apt/lists/ - I'm using edgy...10:49
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moparfan90im trying to get steam to work though wine and i get this error.... goto http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22772 to see it10:51
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alxandra_gnomefreak, 22771 here its number in pastebin (am i supposed to give the full url? :)10:52
alxandra_excuse me i am a beginner10:52
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hondjemoparfan90: I would guess an unimplemented function means they don't have that particular .dll in wine10:52
don_jrHow can I make my IP a static IP within ubuntu?10:53
moparfan90but many people have steam installed no problem10:53
Wipsterwhyone know a decent cpu temp, fan rpm, page file / memory usage program?10:53
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brokenworks great wipster10:53
trefferdon_jr: edit /etc/network/interfaces10:53
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don_jrtreffer thank you!10:53
Wipsteryeh I'v tryed gkrellm its good but the mbmon doesn't work, the daemon reads the wrong probe10:54
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Wipsterit says I have a cpu temp of 127C10:54
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don_jrtreffer it doesn't have any Ip address' listed here, how would i put one in?10:54
lupine_85wow :)10:54
trefferdon_jr: have a look at http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect_setup_ubuntu_5.10_p310:55
lupine_85don_jr if it's DHCP you don't need to10:55
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hsstaf1having problems connecting to windows shared printer10:55
linuchsandon_jr:man interfaces10:56
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JonfCan anyone tell me how I can add more repositories to the synaptics?10:56
don_jrlupine_85 I knwo I shouldn't but I can't access my wireless range expander without changing it, because it's IP range is different than my network is, I have to change my computer to access the range expander to change the RE's IP to one my network will recognize.10:56
trefferhas anyone ever seen "Fetched 4819kB in 10s (467kB/s)" // "Segmentation faultsts... 0%" as a result of apt-get update?10:57
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lupine_85nothing wrong with using static IPs10:57
JonfCan anyone tell me how I can add more repositories to the synaptics?10:57
KirbyAHHHHHHHHH, yesterday i got a cd in the mail for ubuntu 6.06, and the installer didnt work so i downloaded 6.06.110:57
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Kirbyand it still doesnt work10:57
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lupine_85change the iface ine to read "iface <interface> inet static"10:57
krazykitubotu: tell Jonf about repos10:57
lupine_85then add the various options to following lines - e.g. "address <blah>" "netmask <blah>", etc10:58
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Jonfthx krazykit10:58
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Kirbycan anyone help me10:58
Wipsteranyone know how to set the mbmon daemon to use the ISA_IO method, I try running mbmon -I it out puts the corrent values but the daemon doesnt use that switch10:58
don_jrthank youy10:59
covOPprometheusJonf, edit xorg.con, like 'sudo vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf'10:59
Kirbywhen i install ubuntu, can the partition be NFTS?10:59
trefferkirby: what doesn't work?10:59
krazykitKirby: no10:59
lupine_85covOPprometheus: nano probably better for simple use :)10:59
Kirbywhat does it have to be then?10:59
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krazykitKirby: ext3 is the typical fs.10:59
Kirbyoh ok10:59
Kirbycause my installer keeps going a little then just closing11:00
Kirbyill try11:00
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Kirby=] 11:00
Kirbyoh and11:00
Kirbymy swap11:00
Kirbydoes it have to be swap-linux?11:00
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lupine_85kirby: yes11:00
krazykitKirby: yup.11:00
m4rk ooobooontoooo11:01
Mr0bviouscrocd: Sorry lol.11:01
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Kirbywhen i mount on my hda1 will it erase my stuff on windows?11:01
Mr0bviouscrocd: I think it is. It's home dir is /var/www11:01
gnomefreakalxandra_: give me the link now11:01
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lupine_85kirby: depends on how you set it up11:01
krazykitKirby: yeah, unless you resize your windows partition11:01
gnomefreakalxandra_: sorry was working on something else11:01
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Kirbyi made a partition11:01
Kirby10 gigs11:01
alxandra_o.k here it it11:01
Kirbyfor the /11:01
Kirbyand i set hda1 to /media/hda111:01
aluno_alguem do brasil11:01
Kirbyso will it?11:01
alxandra_gnomefreak. saw it ?11:02
JonfcovOPprometheus, what do I edit to the xorg.con?11:02
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.11:02
woody_sudfyrestrtr: Generating package: Ubuntu/6.0611:02
woody_sud./packages/Ubuntu/ati-packager.sh: line 56: dpkg-architecture: command not found11:02
woody_sudError: unsupported architecture:11:02
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lupine_85kirby: that should be fine11:02
KirbyOk, cool11:02
lupine_85you won't be able to write to it though11:02
Kirbythen no point in mounting11:02
gnomefreakalxandra_: yes give me a min11:02
Kirbyi wont mount it then11:02
krazykitKirby: unless you want to read it >_>11:02
Kirbyoh yea11:02
Kirbyi do11:02
Kirbyyeah ill mount rofl11:02
misI am having a problem every about 2 hours I drop out of KDE to a login prompt any idea why that might be happening11:02
fyrestrtr!ati > woody_sud11:02
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gnomefreakalxandra_: what is the output of uname -r11:03
Kirbyoh when i read from my hda1, i wont be able to write, but ill be able to copy right?11:03
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Flannelmis: you might try asking in #kubuntu11:03
hondjecopy from, yes11:03
Kirbycool =] , this will actually work out11:04
Kirbyeven if its NFTS?11:04
hondjeyeah, read support for NTFS is stable11:04
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Kirbyoh ok cool11:04
hondjewrite is another story :)11:04
gnomefreakKirby: copy from ntfs to another is fine11:04
gnomefreakcopy to ntfs is unsafe11:04
alxandra_gnomefreak . 2.6.12-9-38611:04
eod_punkanyone know how to make gdesklet applets remember their possition on the desktop?11:04
Kirbyyeah awesome, thanks this is way better support than windows11:04
gnomefreakalxandra_: dont install that package11:05
alxandra_it is breezy badger11:05
gnomefreakalxandra_: what are you trying to install again?11:05
misHey just happened again right now while i was typing here I drop to the Ubuntu login screen for no reason11:05
alxandra_so how will i install vlc11:05
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs11:05
alxandra_i wanted to install vlc player11:05
gnomefreakalxandra_: sudo apt-get install vlc?11:05
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alxandra_yes it depends on this library11:05
gnomefreak!info vlc11:05
ubotuvlc: multimedia player for all audio and video formats. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.4.debian-1ubuntu6 (dapper), package size 7620 kB, installed size 18808 kB11:05
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alxandra_sorry libdbus-1-211:06
gnomefreakalxandra_: than its not likely it will play well with breezy why not upgrade to dapper?11:06
aSt3raL_im having trouble getting xmms-shell to work it was working before and now it wont it says xmms is not running under session identifier 011:06
gnomefreak!info libdbus-1-2 breezy11:06
ubotuPackage libdbus-1-2 does not exist in breezy11:06
gnomefreakalxandra_: ^^^ thats why11:06
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alxandra_i have a breezy installer cd and i ve just installed th o,s11:06
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gnomefreakalxandra_: i recommend upgrading to dapper11:07
Fenixhello. i am running xgl with compiz-vanilla. everything is more or less ok but window resizing is very slow and unusable. could someone help me with this?11:07
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alxandra_hmm the problem is breezy h?11:07
KirbyqAHHHHHHH wow so close almost format my hda1 LOL11:07
gnomefreakFenix: ask in #ubuntu-xgl please11:07
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moparfan90  Depends: libartsc0 (>=1.5.2-0) but 1.3.2-3 is to be installed11:07
moparfan90how do i get this?11:07
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gnomefreakmoparfan90: what version of ubuntu?11:07
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Fenixgnomefreak: ok tnx11:08
gnomefreakFenix: yw11:08
gnomefreak!info libartsc011:08
ubotulibartsc0: aRts sound system C support library. In component main, is optional. Version 1.5.2-0ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 14 kB, installed size 68 kB11:08
nozorrohi all11:08
gnomefreakmoparfan90: you need to do your updates11:08
gnomefreakmoparfan90: 1.5.2-0ubuntu1 is the dapper version11:08
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aSt3raL_anyone know about xmms sessions?11:09
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covOPprometheusI'm expieriencing a problem closing the lid of my laptop, although i configured the OS (ubuntu dapper) not to do anything, the screen appears pitchblack on reopening and the system is stuck. does anyone have any idea? please PM me11:09
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Otacon22how can i make possibile to see a avi video from shell with characters?11:09
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moparfan90forgot to open the backport and all that stuff11:10
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mcphailOtacon22: with mplayer11:10
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Wipsterplease does anyone know how I can start the mbmon daemon at start with a parameter?11:12
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_azraelWipster: Look into /etc/rc.local11:13
lupine_85Wipster: add it to your crontab?11:13
lupine_85@reboot <command>11:13
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Wipster<------ is totaly new to linux11:13
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_azraelWipster: Commands added to the /etc/rc.local script are run at boot time immediately after all other bootscripts.11:14
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blurdim trying to install java but i got an error11:15
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Wipsterah right, so disable the default start as daemon in the config file and whack it in there then?11:15
gusto5blurd, what error?11:15
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blurdsorry if i do this wrong11:16
blurdThe filename "jre-1_5_0_06-linux-i586.bin" indicates that this file is of type "unknown". The contents of the file indicate that the file is of type "shell script". If you open this file, the file might present a security risk to your system.11:16
blurdDo not open the file unless you created the file yourself, or received the file from a trusted source. To open the file, rename the file to the correct extension for "shell script", then open the file normally. Alternatively, use the Open With menu to choose a specific application for the file.11:16
blurdwoops sorry11:16
blurdwrong one xD11:16
blurdchmod: cannot access `jre-1_5_0-linux-i586.bin': No such file or directory11:16
blurd> root@ubuntu:/usr/java #11:16
gusto5you can get java from the repos...11:16
blurdthats the one11:16
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gusto5blurd, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_J2SE_Runtime_Environment_.28JRE.29_with_Plug-in_for_Mozilla_Firefox11:17
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gusto5or are you upgrading it?11:17
JanHammerIssue: The default ubuntu config for X causes it to lock up on starting up X. And since you need to actually START X anymore to install ubuntu I need to know how to edit it (in windows) and fix it.11:17
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JanHammerneed to rephrase11:18
jrattner1QUESTION: What is the estimated release date of dapper11:18
meanjeandoes anyone know if Ubuntu comes with gcc?  I'm trying to install Emacs and I keep getting the following error:configure: error: no acceptable cc found in $PATH11:18
_azraelJanHammer: Alternate install does not require X to install.11:18
nozorromeanjean: install build-essential11:19
JanHammerIssue: The default ubuntu config for X causes it to lock up on starting up X. And since you need to actually START X anymore to install ubuntu I need to know how to edit it (in windows) and fix it. It's not installed so I need to unpack the iso and then change all of that and burn it.11:19
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blurdit says E: The package jre needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive fot it.11:19
JanHammer_azrael, is this an apparent option on the disc? I've never actually /used/ it11:19
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fatbrainWhat is a good TV-Viewing application for ubuntu?11:19
fatbrainI have a saa713x card11:19
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tamhey, does anyone know the correct syntax in rar to add directores, rar a file.rar directory/ doesn't work properly (i also have sub directories under that)11:20
_azraelJanHammer: It's a different disc.11:20
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DJGummikuhis a sshd automatically installed?11:20
_azraelJanHammer: It's usually available for download right alongside the standard ubuntu disc.11:20
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JanHammer_azrael, ubuntu LTS?11:21
trefferI've a gdb/bt of the apt crash - looks VERY bad: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2277411:21
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shut-what is the usb one for              Model/Driver for canonpixip1600    Model:11:21
gusto5blurd, one sec. let me give it a shot.11:21
JanHammer_azrael, ubuntu server?11:22
phaedrus44what is the command to see how much disk space i have left?11:22
shut-its a usb11:22
hondjephaedrus44: df -h11:22
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phaedrus44thanks a nmillion11:22
hondjeYep yep :)11:22
shut-can i paste the list of modles11:22
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)11:22
trefferany ideas how I should repair that? dpkg to reinstall apt?11:23
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Masqyhi, in the ubuntu I've upgraded from breezey, the auto-completion does not change ~ to /home/username , in 6.06 clear installationm, it does. How can I control this feature?11:23
Kirbypermission to ask question pls11:24
_azraelJanHammer: No. There's Ubuntu Desktop, Ubuntu Alternate, Ubuntu server, all right next to each other on the download page.11:24
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Mr0bviouscrocd: I think I found the problem.11:24
Mr0bviouscrocd: Always check the error logs.11:24
_azrael!ask > Kirby11:24
Mr0bvious[Wed Sep 06 14:27:23 2006]  [error]  (2)No such file or directory: Couldn't bind unix domain socket /var/run/apache2/cgisock11:24
Mr0bvious[Wed Sep 06 14:27:23 2006]  [error]  cgid daemon process died, restarting11:24
Kirbywhen done installing, and i take out the cd, will i have the choice to pick win and linux, or will i have to tap F811:24
Kirbylike when i reboot11:24
Kirbywhen i open comp11:24
trefferno f811:24
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shut-what modle is a usb11:25
Kirbyok so does win start as default?11:25
trefferkirby: a menu will showup at startup11:25
KirbyOh ok11:25
KirbyMenu =]  good11:25
Kirbyloving that11:25
Kirbyok let me think what my other ques was i forgot11:25
kaoltii have to share internet connection on ubuntu with a winxp machine can anybody help pls?11:25
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DJGummikuhhow do you start sshd under ubuntu? a friend of mine fails at that point because no keys were generated11:26
crocdMr0bvious: always good, good nite and good luck11:26
trefferkaolti: do you want to be a router?11:26
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lupine_85kaolti: enable IP forwarding and you're good to go11:26
shut-anyone gonna help me11:26
hondjeDJGummikuh: If it's installed, /etc/init.d/ssh start should do it11:26
DJGummikuhhondje: it complains about missing keys11:26
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Kirbyhm i frogt my other ques lol11:26
kaoltiwell...i connect directly to the internet on eth1 and im connected to a winxp box with eth011:26
hondjemaybe he needs to run ssh-keygen11:27
kaoltii tried firestarter but it says device not ready eth011:27
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trefferkaolti: you will need ip forwarding and you should check your iptables config - you'll propably like dnsmasq (a dhcp/dns server)11:27
kaoltii dunno how to do ip forwarding11:27
VeeperHello everyone, I'm looking for the 4.1 g++ package, under Dapper Drake11:27
shut-no one is helping me :(11:27
nozorrokaolti: best/easiest way is to install firestarter (includes fvirewall) and use that11:27
KirbyDoes linux have any virus and firewall and adware/spyware protection available?11:27
VeeperI found nothing on packages.ubuntu.com11:27
JanHammer_azrael, got it, thanks11:27
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Kirbylike what do i basically need to protect my ubuntu11:28
trefferkaolti: echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward11:28
kaoltinozorro i just mentioned before that firestarter gives me the error device is not ready eth011:28
lupine_85Kirby: not that you really need it, but AVG has a linux version IIRC11:28
mwekaolti: firestarter can do ip forwarding for you11:28
lupine_85 ip_forwarding !11:28
DJGummikuhhow do I fix it if it says 'could not load host keys rsa and dsa blah blah blubb'11:28
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Kirbywhy do i not need it?11:28
nozorrokaolti: oh sorry, overlooked11:28
mwekaolti: you need to bring up eth0 if it isn't though11:28
kaoltii have it active11:28
Mr0bviouscrocd: Thanks and all, but any ideas on how to fix that problem?11:28
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kaoltiit says active at the network connections11:28
trefferkaolit: iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o <eth_internet> -j MASQUERADE11:28
shut-ok does anyone one here know how to add a printer11:28
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Kirbyoh well =o ill cya guys linux is awesome as f by the way11:29
mwekaolti: but firestarter doesn't see it?11:29
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lupine_85treffer: no real point NATing a NATed address11:29
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kaoltiInternal network device eth0 is not ready. Aborting..11:29
lupine_85stick the windows PC into a different IP range, and stick a static route on the router11:29
DJGummikuhhelp please :(11:29
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trefferlupin_85: ? what's the problem - work's flawless for my home router11:29
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mwekaolti: if you type ifconfig in a terminal does it show eth0?11:29
robbbbanyone ever looked at onesixtyone snmp scanner?11:30
robbbbi cant work out how to use it!11:30
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kaoltimwe: yes11:30
blurdgusto5 it takes that long?11:30
Mr0bviouscrocd: Nevermind.11:30
mwekaolti: and you can ping the windows machine?11:30
lupine_85double NAT is not generally a good idea11:31
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sharperguyping? I say whack it with a mallot11:31
hondjeBut it's twice as nat-tastic11:31
kitchekaolti: make sure that the linux machine and the windows machine is int eh same subnet11:31
sharperguywhacking things useually makes them work anyway11:31
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mwekaolti: eth0 is probably not configured then unless windows is firewalled11:31
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bhrobinsonhey does anyone know when ubuntu will release the update to Evolution?11:32
trefferk, so I should simply add -i <in_device> to fix that, right?11:32
lupine_85kaolti: give eth0 a static address on a different range to your current Internet interface11:32
blurdOkay when i try to update my ubuntu it says this: E: The package jre needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.11:33
blurdE: Internal error opening cache (1). Please report.11:33
bhrobinsonor has anyone compiled 2.8.0 on 6.06?11:33
shut-who here knows the modle for a usb11:33
hondjebhrobinson: IIRC once a release is made, the only updates are security patches11:33
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tuxtuxnotte @all11:33
lupine_85give the windows PC a static address in that range as well, and set it's default gateway to be the linux machine11:33
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KomiaPoikaanyone knows how to enter bios of toshiba tecra laptpo?11:33
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blurdOkay when i try to update my ubuntu it says this: E: The package jre needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it. E: Internal error opening cache (1). Please report. ~ What do i do ???11:33
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kaoltiall: its getting complicated :|11:33
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lupine_85then add a static route on the router to forward packets destined to the windows PC's IP range to the linux machine11:33
lupine_85and you're done11:34
kaoltii'll explain the whole setup11:34
bhrobinsonhondje, too bad... have you seen the new version?11:34
DJGummikuhI need help because a friend's sshd won't generate the keys by himself11:34
hondjebhrobinson: No, not yet11:34
shut-i got a problem11:34
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shut-i dont know what one is the usb11:34
kaoltii have a winxp box with a local area connection and manually set ip
kaoltisubnet mask
bhrobinsonhondje, very nice. closer to the Outlook stuff11:34
fooI installed imagemagick9 .. but import isn't in there. What package do I need for that? It will allow me to take screen shots11:34
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robbbbhas anyone ever used onesixtyone? it's an snmp scanner. i cant seem to work out how to use it?11:35
johnstaris there a way to install windows after installing ubutnu without destroying it?11:35
nozorrokaolti: and eth0 on the ubuntu machine has which address/netmask?11:36
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mwejohnstar: indeed11:36
blurdjohnstar: before u do anything always format ur stuff incase u loose it if u mess up11:36
kaoltihonestly i dont know.how do i check it?11:36
DShepherdblurd: format? or backup?11:36
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mwejohnlittle: asuming you have a partition for windows to use it's straight forward. install windows then reinstall grub11:37
nozorrokaolti: ifconfig again ...11:37
mwejohnstar: ^^11:37
blurdback it up11:37
blurdon cd11:37
nozorrokaolti: or the Networking config. app on the desktop11:37
blurdthen format winxp11:37
blurd(safest way)11:37
robbbbanyone got an snmp dictionary file?11:37
kaoltieth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:02:44:93:9B:AD11:37
kaolti          inet6 addr: fe80::202:44ff:fe93:9bad/64 Scope:Link11:37
kaolti          UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:111:37
kaolti          RX packets:17 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:011:37
kaolti          TX packets:24 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:011:37
johnstarwhat is the command to reinstall grub?11:37
kaolti          collisions:0 txqueuelen:100011:37
kaolti          RX bytes:3167 (3.0 KiB)  TX bytes:6624 (6.4 KiB)11:37
kaolti          Interrupt:185 Base address:0xc40011:37
mwekaolti: don't paste here11:37
kaoltiyea sry11:37
kaoltii forgot11:37
mwejohnstar: you need to boot a live cd to do it11:38
trefferok, apt-get- does not segfault - i'll reinstall 0.6.45 and give it a try - where should I fill a bugreport if this package is broken in edgy?11:38
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DShepherdjohnstar: reinstal the package grub?11:38
erUSUL!paste > kaolti11:38
brian98Hello all.... Problem running firefox on ubuntu with dual head config. It will only let me run on one monitor at a time.. If i try to run on second monitor I get an error 'Firefox is already running but is not responding. to open a new windows, you must first close the existing firefox process, or restart your system'11:38
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treffernow it works :(11:38
hondjefoo: dpkg -L imagemagick | grep import on this dapper install says it's with imagemagick11:38
mwejohnstar: just after installing windows linux will not be visible11:38
brian98just an annoyance more than anything11:38
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brian98but I'd like to try and sort it!11:38
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nozorrokaolti: well it has an ipv6 address, unreadable to me :-)11:39
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johnstarcan a backup grub to a usb thumb? that would seem to be easyest11:39
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foohondje: er, thanks. I tried that11:39
blurdw.e someone help me im trying to install java this was an error on terminal said: Okay when i try to update my ubuntu it says this: E: The package jre needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it. E: Internal error opening cache (1). Please report. ~ What do i do ???11:39
trefferthanks for you hints, upgrade is running, good night!11:39
bhrobinsonbrian98, you need to add Option "xinerama" "on" to the xorg.conf11:39
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository11:39
mwejohnstar: don't do that.11:39
mwejohnstar: read !grub11:40
brian98bhrobinson: your a star11:40
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brian98This has been doing my brain in!11:40
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mwejohnstar: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows11:40
brian98and I coulnd't find the answer anywhere!!11:40
bhrobinsonbrian98, lol... no biggie... add it to the Serverlayout section11:40
blurdw.e someone help me im trying to install java this was an error on terminal said: Okay when i try to update my ubuntu it says this: E: The package jre needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it. E: Internal error opening cache (1). Please report. ~ What do i do ???11:40
james296so is there anyone here that uses Ubuntu for games?11:40
mwejohnstar: it's not hard11:40
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DShepherd!java > blurd11:41
kaoltinozorro: ifound where to set the ip of eth0. is ok?11:41
blurdi dont need java instructions11:41
bhrobinsonbrian98, I just helped another guy... here is his xorg.conf    http://pastebin.ca/16281711:41
mwejames296: well I play lmarbles and frozen bubbles11:41
nozorrokaolti: yep, should be ok, netmaks the same as on win machine11:41
brian98bh: Can I ask you another q11:41
moustafaHelp me please11:41
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angasulecan anyone recommend me a replacement for MS Project 2002? I tried Planner, but it apparently can't load Project files, so it's useless11:41
kaoltinozorro what gateway?11:41
brokenanyone know how to start xephyr? there is nothing that looks like a binary in slocate11:41
moustafai want to open the Wmv. files11:41
bhrobinsonbrian98, that is why I am here... ask away11:41
mwejames296: but I asume you mean windows games?11:41
james296lol I mean games like Halflife 2 Doom 3 and World of Warcraft11:41
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johnstar:) thanks 4 link11:42
moustafaand i download w32codecs_20060611-1plf1_i386.deb11:42
ladydoorjames296: check out winex/cedega11:42
moustafaand installed it11:42
mcphailjames296: Doom 3 is easy enough. As is quake411:42
shut-how come when i hit print it dont print11:42
moustafawhat can i do eles to open the Wmv. files11:42
mcphailjames296: there are native linux versions11:42
brokenworld of warcraft works in wine11:42
moustafaplease help me11:42
kaoltinozorro: still here?11:42
james296yeah but dont you have to pay for Cedenga?11:42
brian98bhrobinson: On my old windoze box I used to have a 'dual head' setup... Now, I have two seperate desktops on my nix box now and thats great but on the windows machine I used to be able to drag an app from one screen to the other. I'm just wondering is that possible. It's no biggie but it's dead handy..11:42
moustafaDo you heard me?11:43
nozorrokaolti no gateway should be ok11:43
moustafado anyone hear me?11:43
brian__angasule - i don't think there is a linux package that will open project files11:43
mcphailjames296: doom3 and quake4 do not need cedega, wine or anything else11:43
mwejames296: My life is too short to spend a week or a day just to get a game to run in linux. doom3 and quake/unreal is easy enough though11:43
kaoltinozorro: i think i got it.now firestarter starts ok11:43
moustafabye bye11:43
bhrobinsonbrian98, that is what that line will do for you... put it in to your xorg.conf, and then press ctrl alt backspace... this will restart the GUI11:43
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nozorrokaolti: some patience pls. when waiting for answers :-)11:43
angasulebrian__: :( thanks for the answer, though11:43
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bhrobinsonbrian98, and all will be as it was11:43
moustafano body helped me11:44
james296is it easy to get WoW running smoothly on Ubuntu?11:44
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moustafathat's very good11:44
kaoltinozorry :D ok sorry11:44
CorpseFeedercan anyone help me with installing a wireless card? I am trying to follow instructions at http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/index.cfm?a=wiki&tag=rt61 for a Dlink DWL-G510, but I am just getting a screen full of warnings and errors.11:44
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines11:44
brian98Ok.. BRB! And many thanks!!!!! :)11:44
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brian__moustafa - wmv files ?11:44
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mwejames296: I think not unfortunately. If you're persistant you might get it to work eventually though11:44
nozorrokaolti: nozorry <--- lol11:44
brian98corpsefeeder: I have got that card going if you have a few mins I will be back and I'll dig out the instructions.11:44
moustafaHello Brain11:44
dmembranejava support....plz11:44
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brian__!restricted formats11:44
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:44
kaoltinozorro: omg sry11:44
lupine_85 CorpseFeeder: are you having trouble building the module?11:44
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brian__those links should help you moustafa11:45
moustafathank you very much11:45
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nozorrokaolti: can you now ping from win to eth0 on ubuntu?11:45
james296well I have a custom made PC with a AMD Athlon 64 bit processor thats dual cored11:45
cynikalmoustafa: if you have w32codecs installed, you can play wmv files just fine. You cant play drm'd files though11:45
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CorpseFeederyes i get all the errors when I do make all11:45
matty-dhello ubuntu11:45
james2961 gig of RAM11:45
moustafavery good11:45
james296and a Geforce FX 5500 graphics card11:45
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mwejames296: even worse11:45
lupine_85ok; and what kernel are you using? (uname -r if you're not sure)11:45
moustafawhat can i do to open these files11:45
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cynikalmoustafa: you can open them with totem or mplayer11:45
james296what do you mean even worse?11:45
LysitHigh everyone, just installed ubuntu (5.04 I believe, thats the only disc I had lying around) everything is fine expect the wired network, it had no problems reaching internal address (Eg Remote desktop to this computer/web interface of router) but won't load up any webpages or ping them. Any ideas?11:46
xbehave2are there any good dos emulators for ubuntu or am i best of using my 2nd hard drive to install freedos or some permenant dos install11:46
moustafai have mplayer11:46
kaoltinozorro: yes ping works11:46
matty-dI'm having a real problem getting my dual headed nvidia card working under ubuntu with my montiros. I've followed the guide in the wiki and get the dirver installed and working, the modules loaded and glx enabled11:46
mwejames296: unless you install ubuntu 32 bit or a 32 bit chroot WoW is out of the question on 64 bit AFAIK11:46
moustafabut not working very well11:46
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moustafahow can i  install totem?11:46
matty-dhowever getting the monitors to work at the correct resolutions is being a pain11:46
cynikalmoustafa: sudo apt-get install totem-xine11:46
evi|oneHello. I have a problem. I have two NICs. The first one is always eth0. For some reason, the second one is sometimes eth1, sometimes eth2. Is there any way I can force it to be eth1?11:46
matty-dI was wondering if someone could offer some advice please11:46
nozorrokaolti: and ping from win to google.com?11:46
cynikalmoustafa: sudo apt-get install totem11:46
moustafathank you11:46
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ladydoorxbehave2: try dosbox, maybe11:46
cynikalmoustafa: np11:46
mcphailjames296: if you want games, don't install 64bit11:46
mwejames296: not the kernel. the ubuntu version11:46
kaoltinozorry: 1 sec i'll check but i dont think so :)11:46
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shut-i guess i am not gonna be helped :(11:47
bhrobinsonshut-, what is your issue?11:47
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james296so I cant play WoW on this???11:47
mwejames296: run the 32bit ubuntu version or a 32bit chroot to run WoW I think. then spend a few days getting the game to run11:47
shut-cant get my printer setup11:47
james296how do I do that?11:47
ladydoor!patience > shut-11:47
lupine_85james296: it's supported under Cedega11:47
ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.11:47
brian__what printer do you have shut?11:48
james296which I have to pay for, right?11:48
mwejames296: I'm not on 64bit there is a wiki I think11:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about spelling - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:48
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lupine_85~9 for 3 months, then you can cancel and keep using your current version11:48
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kaoltinozorro: it doesnt work11:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mods - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:48
lupine_85MASTER-PIGEON: plonk11:48
ubotuHelp! lilo, Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak!11:48
evi|oneAny help for me?11:48
MASTER-PIGEON_/\*/\_ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (================@@11:48
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naliothgnomefreak: got it11:49
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ladydoorevi|one: what's the problem?11:49
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gnomefreaki see11:49
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lolmgdo any of you guys know how to copy something to the clipboard from a shell script ?11:49
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shut-so can u please help me get my printer to work11:49
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bhrobinsonshut-, what printer are you using?11:49
nozorrokaolti: have you closed Network SEttings config app on ubuntu with OK after changing? do you have set gateway for eth1?11:49
shut-its a canon pixma ip 160011:49
dmembranedifficult time installing flash...help anyone?11:49
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bhrobinsonshut-, you have CUPS functionong?11:50
evi|oneladydoor: I have two NICs. The first one is always eth0. For some reason, the second one is sometimes identified as eth1, sometimes as eth2. Is there any way I can force it to be eth1?11:50
eod_punkdmembrane, i can't get it working either11:50
james296how can I get Cedega for free?11:50
shut-i have cups11:50
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mcphailjames296: you don't11:50
shut-but dont know how to use it11:50
ladydoorevi|one: i don't know, sorry. you might ask this one "out loud"11:50
gubluntuxserver-org is missing, anyone know how i get it back?11:50
mwemcphail: well the cvs version is free isn't it?11:50
matty-dgubluntu: re-install11:50
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evi|oneladydoor: I did ask it out loud. Twice.11:50
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james296well I dont have a credit card for it...11:51
edgyHi, rdiff-backup --include lists --exclude lists/mail --exclude '*' / bar should mean this command should mean bacup the lists directory but not the mail directory inside it and nothing else and put it on a folder bar but it backs up the folder mail too, any hint?11:51
gublunture-install what11:51
mcphailmwe: is it? Don't you still have to subscribe?11:51
gubluntuwhats the pkg name?11:51
bhrobinsongubluntu, xorg.conf is missing?11:51
kaoltinozorro: i did but no gateway is set on the eth0 (ubuntu)11:51
mwemcphail: AFAIK no11:51
ladydoorevi|one: ah. then probably nobody knows. i'm sorry. you might try posting on the forums (ubuntuforums.org), which have a large readership/postership11:51
brian__shut - according to www.linuxprinting.org printer database, you are outta luck11:51
mcphailjames296: cedega is a nasty piece of software, anyway11:51
evi|oneladydoor: ok, thanks11:51
brian__sorry, i just went through the same thing11:51
Crippy-BoyIs it possible to apply the ubuntu kernel patches t11:51
ladydoorevi|one: np...sorry i couldn't help more11:51
brian__HP is good stuff, overall, IMO11:51
james296then what should I use to play WoW?11:51
Crippy-Boyto a vanilla kernel *11:51
brian__i would recommend snagging one of those11:52
nozorrokaolti: and i assume you can connect from ubuntu machine?11:52
hondjejames296: Your windows partition?11:52
nozorrokaolti: to internet i mean11:52
james296I reformatted the HD completely to this11:52
brian__i found one brand new for sale locally for $4011:52
bhrobinsongubluntu, I would boot off the cd and copy the file over11:52
mwejames296: I don't wanna promote windows but personally I still keep it on another machine for games11:52
kaoltinozorro: yes im using it right now11:52
CorpseFeederwhere's that brian98 gone?...11:52
mcphailjames296: some people use wine11:52
gubluntuwhat file?11:52
kaoltinozorro: i also set sharing with firestarter11:52
shut-i think thats it11:52
CarlFKcan everything in the main repo (like MySQL) be used for commercial use for free?11:52
nozorrokaolti: hmm running out of ideas but you are sure all firestarter settings are correct?11:52
bhrobinsonCorpseFeeder, he is rebooting... we changed his xorg.conf11:53
mwejames296: most games don't work even in cedega11:53
mcphailjames296: directx support in wine is beginning to exceed that in cedega11:53
xbehave2is there a global shortcut that will force a window to give up focus in ubuntu?11:53
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hondjeCarlFK: Sure, the GPL doesn't care what you do with it, just what you do to the cod11:53
bean-ohanyone get ubuntu running on a IBM hs20 blade?11:53
dmembranedifficulty installing flash....help?11:53
mcphailjames296: cedega is a very, very poor piece of software11:53
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zoidberghey guys11:53
CarlFKhondje: thats what I thought.  thanks11:53
gubluntubhrobinson, what file?11:53
moustafaThanks brain for helping me11:53
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zoidbergis there anyway to make STEAM work with ubuntu?11:53
hondjeNo problem11:53
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xbehave2acording to guides you can use wine, but i failed11:54
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kaoltinozorro: well...internet connected devide eth1, local network connected device eth0, ICS enabled, DHCP for local network disabled11:54
bhrobinsongubluntu, what file does it say is missing?11:54
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mwezoidberg: It's a pain11:54
brokenwarning, steam my be hot11:54
brian__shut - you might have luck then...i saw the regular 1600 model in the 'paperweight' column11:54
adiddywhy doe sit say 807 total?11:54
james296yeah is there a way to make STEAM work in Ubuntu so I can play HL 2?11:54
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zoidbergmwe: how much of a pain?11:54
nozorrokaolti: one idea: firestart might block ping packets, can be changed though11:54
mwezoidberg: too much for me to bother11:54
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gubluntuwhen trying to run dpkg-xserver -reconfig, it says xserver-org is missing11:54
kaoltinozorro: but on the win box do i have to set gateways or somethin else then ip?11:54
gubluntubut xserver-org is not a pkg11:54
LysitHi everyone, just installed ubuntu (5.04 I believe, thats the only disc I had lying around) everything is fine expect the wired network, it had no problems reaching internal address (Eg Remote desktop to this computer/web interface of router) but won't load up any webpages or ping them. Any ideas?11:54
xbehave2steam != hl211:55
adiddyget an xbox11:55
hondjeRun sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:55
erUSULgubluntu: try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'11:55
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james296I have one HL 2 sucks for xbox11:55
gubluntuone sec11:55
brian__lysit - some of the older ubuntu versions did NOT set the default gateway correctly11:55
CorpseFeederok, while he's gone maybe someone else can help me with installing the Dlink DWL-G510 card... all the errors/warnings I am getting I have posted here on the forum http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25180211:55
mwezoidberg: I got it to work a year ago or so. then steam updated and it broke and I gave up fixing it11:55
xopherzoidberg, I wouldnt say it was a pain at all, using cedega atm and it works fineish11:55
nozorrokaolti: yes of course, on the win box the gateway is the (firewalling/routing) ubuntu box, that is eth011:55
_DvP_Can I have some help with REVU plz ? (password problem) ?11:55
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adiddyubuntu 6 lts is broken11:55
xbehave2adiddy as a hl2 player im going to pretend u didnt say that the xbox version is a joke even the guy in the game store told me not to get it11:55
Powerbook`My Shipit cds already shiped, how long about do they take to the US?11:56
adiddyi didn't say it was ajoke11:56
LysitBrian, I tried changing it manually in the GUI, is that the best way to set default gateway?11:56
mwezoidberg: well maybe with cedega I don't know11:56
shut-thats what i need11:56
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kaoltinozorro: so on the win box ip: gateway
adiddyxbox is very nice hardware11:56
shut-but how do i install it11:56
Powerbook`My Shipit cds already shipped, how long about do they take to the US?11:56
brokenadiddy: i have the same problem11:56
gubluntuerUSUL, pacage 'xserver-org' is not installed and no information is available11:56
adiddyamrox won't work in live mode11:56
xe||the ubuntu stickers in the shipit packages rock :-)11:56
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brokenanyone know how to start up xserver-xephyr11:56
adiddyits freezes my box11:56
adiddyi got mine11:57
mcphailgubluntu: which version of ubuntu are you using?11:57
Powerbook`xe||: how long did it take to get there after they shipped?11:57
nozorrokaolti: on the win box gateway must be set to internal network address fo your ubuntu box, eth0 afair11:57
adiddy6 weeks11:57
adiddymaybe less11:57
hondjegubluntu: Again, 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' , not xserver-org11:57
bhrobinsonbrian98, did it work?11:57
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xe||Powerbook`: about two or three weeks, don't remember exactly - but i live in austria...11:57
erUSULgubluntu: is xerver-xorg you are typing it wrong at least in irc11:57
kaoltinozorro: ok thanks a lot i got it now11:57
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xbehave2is there shortcut like alt-ctrl-del or even just the win key in windows that overrides everything and grabs focus or atlease changes it11:58
nozorrokaolti: reaching the internet from win?11:58
erUSULgubluntu: try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' <-- copy paste this11:58
brian98bhrobinson: It worked perfect but my 3d support seems to have gone down the shoot :(11:58
brian98hrm I mean11:58
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bhrobinsonbrian98, yeah, that happens11:58
xe||is there already a nice .deb package for xgl?11:58
dmembranedifficulty installing flash...help plz?11:58
adiddyi love the new look of 6 but the screen save r thing need sto be more "tweaked"11:58
james296what makes Ubuntu 6.06LTS better than Windows XP besides security11:58
xe||or is it still rather difficult?11:58
shut-can anyone help me install my printer11:58
CromagDKsi there a netinstall image somewhere wich will autodetect hw ?11:58
adiddybetter gui11:58
kaoltinozorro: well something came up and i cant check it right now but it has to work.11:58
CromagDKubuntu ofc11:58
adiddyeasier to use11:59
CorpseFeederwelcome back brian9811:59
adiddyvery mac os 9.1 like to me11:59
xbehave2for me it uses less resources allowing programs to run better11:59
xe||james296: open source, free both as in beer and as in speach :-)11:59
blurdw.e someone help me im trying to install java this was an error on terminal said: Okay when i try to update my ubuntu it says this: E: The package jre needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it. E: Internal error opening cache (1). Please report. ~ What do i do ???11:59
xbehave2a legal copy is free11:59
james296but its not easier to play Windows games....lol11:59
brian98hola corpsefeeder11:59
adiddyi have issue with pogo.com in 611:59
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brian__lysit - try setting a static IP address - edit /etc/network/interfaces with gedit or nano11:59
brian98bhrobinson: Do you know anything about xandr?11:59
xbehave2no but i can duel boot to a striped down xp when i want to play games11:59
brian98it it similar?11:59
nozorrokaolti: also set dns server addresses as usual on your win box. if it doesn't work, we could re-start the network on ubuntu with a simple command...11:59
erUSULCorpseFeeder: i have had a look at the forums and everythin seems right (there are a lot of warnings but no errors). Do a sudo make install and try the module (sudo modprobe rt61 )11:59
adiddywhy play windows game if you use ubuntu all the time?11:59
mad_manhow do i unhide file extensions ?12:00
Linuturkwhat version should my kernel be at?12:00
bhrobinsonbrian98, xandr? not a clue12:00
xbehave2or i could till windows 98 killed the bootloader but thats a diferent story12:00
LysitWill that require a restart brian?12:00
ladydoormad_man: you might just be looking at files that don't have extensions12:00
brian__lysit - no, just restart networking services12:00
adiddyuse ubuntu as your sole os don't pation with windows or any thing like that12:00
Lysithow do I do that?12:00
Linuturk2.6.15-26-386 << is that the most recent kernel for Dapper ?12:00
kaoltinozorro: what do you mean as usual?12:00
brian__you can find the syntax for the interfaces file on the web12:01
brian98bhrobinson: nah, it's something completely different12:01
CromagDKanyone knows if theres a ubuntu netinstall wich autodetects Hardware ?12:01

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